IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080122

00:00.10Serachtis putbull still the best unitframes around?
00:00.14CidanI also have no idea what UI's those are
00:00.22CidanThat's a matter of choice
00:00.28CidanI use aguf my self.
00:00.32ShirikI would never have said pitbull was the best
00:00.38ShirikBut there are others that swear by it
00:00.42ShirikIt's a matter of opinion
00:00.55Serachtactually AGUF will do
00:01.02Serachthas good ones built right in :P
00:01.11Serachtany recommendations on bars?
00:01.18Seracht(as you can tell I just resubscribed)
00:01.59CidanAnd if you really want a unit frame that lets you do almost anything, look at nerfed
00:02.07CidanAs for Bars, I prefer Bongos2
00:02.16Serachtis bongos now ace?
00:02.23CidanI don't know.
00:02.26CidanI don't think so.
00:02.33CidanThank the lord for that, I guess.
00:02.50Serachtace is bad?
00:02.57CidanSome swear by it.
00:03.00CidanI hate it.
00:03.11Serachthmm what others to get
00:03.25Serachtcasting bar?
00:03.38SerachtI geuss that's all I need for pvp
00:04.08Serachtooo clearfont :P
00:06.14CidanThis is my UI right now
00:06.18CidanA bit messy, but eh
00:06.39Thunder_Childthe eyes BURN!
00:08.03Cidanautobar on the right, bongos2 for the buttons, AGUF, Squeenix for the map
00:08.30CidanWhich reminds me, as you can see in the screenshot, EBB (top right) is broken
00:08.34CidanI should fix it.
00:09.52Serachtnew char Cidan?
00:10.15CidanOh no, that's my Day 3 Paladin from release.
00:10.18CidanStill level 66.
00:11.15SerachtI keep trying to make new chars
00:11.17Serachtget bored though
00:11.18Serachtdunno why
00:11.41Serachtok so I need: Castbar, buffs
00:11.44Serachtany recommendatinos on those?
00:12.08CidanI use eCastingBar
00:12.11Cidanand buffs, depends
00:12.26Cidanfor now I use BuffWatch++; it's by far the best.
00:12.30CidanIn particular for Paladins
00:14.20kergothi like dotimer myself
00:20.26*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Dinesh)
00:22.50ShirikDNS request timed out.
00:22.51Shiriktimeout was 2 seconds.
00:22.51Shirik*** Request to timed-out
00:22.52Shirikdie die die
00:23.04NightHawkTheSaneman, fuck tampa.
00:23.06ShirikBrighthouse should be sued for false advertisement or something, they do not provide the service they say they do
00:26.27Thunder_ChildCidan, one thing, clean up your minimap buttons
00:30.52ShirikCidan, one more thing
00:31.06Shirikmake it so changing themes doesn't break popups!
00:33.30*** join/#wowi-lounge spathi (
00:37.14Serachtany shamans here
00:37.40NechcknSeracht  In theory, yes.. what's up?
00:39.15Serachtdebating between that or druid
00:39.28NechcknI have both, and like 'em both
00:41.13NechcknTried going as an Elemental shaman up until 50 but sort of stalled, doing single PVE for the most part, changed to Enhancement and the levels began going by quite fast
00:41.38NechcknFor the Druid, he's Feral, and was before they became "en vogue"
00:43.19CidanShirik: It doesn't.
00:43.20ShirikPlease, dear god, someone help me. kd3
00:44.04*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz_ (
00:44.58Esamynn|WorkShirik: why would you keep trying?
00:45.02NechcknDepending on how you play/like to play, of the two... it's a close race, but would think that theDruid is able to move between PVE, PVP, etc.. just a bit easier.
00:45.46ShirikApparently he's going to change the WoW protocol
00:45.52ShirikI give up, I need food
00:49.44*** join/#wowi-lounge soufron (
00:52.58ShirikDamn, CSF moves fast
00:53.02ShirikI might have to spend more tiem over there
00:54.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
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00:58.05kd3anyone hear whether we're getting 2.3.3 tomorrow or not?
00:59.44Thunder_Childwhats the ptr on?
01:01.08kd3sweet, guess so. 3-11 maint according to alert
01:01.14kd3ptr's still 2.3.3
01:01.20kd3er, 0.3.3
01:01.34Thunder_Childok, ya, maint then prolly
01:03.47*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
01:04.31NightHawkTheSaneyou know, i could put that page on my desktop with geektool pretty easily
01:04.54*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
01:07.18Shirik|AFK" I have just tried out your trial version of your game, liked it, and bought the game at a Target store locally. I use to the play this game years ago and am just now returning. I think it is ridiculous that I am having to pay subscription service beyond my purchase of a $20.00 game. I request a refund and truly think you need to rethink this money making strategy. I have many other games where I don't have to pay for such a service
01:07.29Shirik|AFKThese people are gems, kd3
01:07.33Shirik|AFKYou should have shown me them earlier!
01:07.55kd3ya, CS is a lot of fun
01:07.58kd3I just responded to that very post, actually
01:08.35ScytheBlade1Everyone who is anyone reads the CS forums, and has for a while ;)
01:08.48Shirik|AFKI was so close to responding, and then I just couldn't bear it
01:08.50Shirik|AFKI was laughing too hard
01:12.54Esamynn|WorkI don't laugh at that kind of stuff, I just think its sad
01:15.16ScytheBlade1Honest question. Why is it "sad"?
01:15.23ScytheBlade1Or rather, what aspect of it is sad?
01:16.06kd3I'd assume the "I weep for humanity" aspect. That's how I'd feel if I wasn't so damn jaded
01:16.12Esamynn|Work"I request a refund and truly think you need to rethink this money making strategy. "
01:19.28Shirik|AFKBecause Blizzard is totally not making enough money
01:19.35Shirik|AFKThey're losing customers left and right due to this $15/mo!
01:20.37Shirik|AFKso both and wow go down tonight
01:20.39Shirik|AFKit's depressing
01:20.44Shirik|AFKWhat am I to do?!
01:21.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
01:21.15ScytheBlade1I've been in here for well over a yearr, and have four posts?
01:21.35Mr_Rabies2i've been in here for probably close to 2 and i've yet to read or post on wowi :p
01:21.49Mr_Rabies2i just like the irc crew :P
01:22.13Mr_Rabies2i mean i post comments to addons sometimes
01:22.34ScytheBlade1Five posts
01:23.00ScytheBlade1Hmm, where is my registration date?
01:24.02ScytheBlade1Jan 06
01:25.19Shirik|AFKyou average 2 posts a year
01:25.19ScytheBlade1I could be worse off ;P
01:25.29batrickno u
01:25.35Shirik|AFKNO U
01:25.35ScytheBlade1I never thought about it that way, haha
01:26.18Shirik|AFKThe CSF is preventing me from getting dinner
01:26.19Shirik|AFKdamn it!
01:26.52ScytheBlade1The "using emotes is a bannable offense?" thread is pretty good
01:27.22Thunder_ChildShirik|AFK, CSF?
01:27.36Shirik|AFKcustomer service forums
01:27.47Thunder_Childoh...not the Cock Sucking Fuckers then
01:28.45batricksuck shit
01:29.07batrickshirik u fidn the bug yet
01:29.34Shirik|AFKYes, but I am going to let you suffer
01:29.45Shirik|AFKYou will have to find it for yourself
01:30.00Shirik|AFKThat, or I might just be hiding the fact that I never found it but don't want you to know
01:30.37batricki did find a bug
01:30.43batrickdon't know if it's _the_ bug
01:30.49Shirik|AFKDid it have anything to do with __tostring ?
01:32.07Shirik|AFKMight have been then
01:32.10batricki had my code set up to expect tostring() to always return a string
01:32.23batrickwhen you changed the metamethod to not return anything, it broke the thread
01:32.43Shirik|AFKbut that didn't cause the crash that I wanted
01:32.52Shirik|AFKonly a lockup which was then killed by the timer
01:35.14batrick--> function batbot(i) print("purl, say --> batbot("..(i+1)..")") end
01:35.19batrickthat what u need btw
01:35.29batrickpurl: say --> batbot(1)
01:35.29purl--> batbot(1)
01:35.30batbotpurl: purl, say --> batbot(2)
01:35.42batrick--> function batbot(i) print("say --> batbot("..(i+1)..")") end
01:35.48batrickpurl: say --> batbot(1)
01:35.49purl--> batbot(1)
01:35.49batbotpurl: say --> batbot(2)
01:35.50purl--> batbot(2)
01:35.50batbotpurl: say --> batbot(3)
01:35.51purl--> batbot(3)
01:35.51batbotpurl: say --> batbot(4)
01:35.52purl--> batbot(4)
01:35.52batbotpurl: say --> batbot(5)
01:35.53purl--> batbot(5)
01:36.31Shirik|AFKOkay really
01:36.33Shirik|AFKI need food
01:37.59Cidanno food
01:38.15CidanOh hey, I have this huge plate of food in front of me though
01:38.17Cidanlike no joke
01:38.19Cidanso brb, eating
01:39.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
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01:39.59kd3ahahahaah! the "kd3 for mvp" cause has returned on the PTR forum
01:43.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (n=skullsho@2002:44cc:9fc2:0:0:0:44cc:9fc2)
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01:43.48kd3oh wow. via el reg: "Brazil bans the evil sold in 'EverQuest' and 'Counter-Strike'"
01:50.04Shirikheh, batrick, I think I killed the thread again
01:50.52kd3heh, the GMs are having fun tonight too.
01:51.38Shirikoh wow I REALLY killed it that time
01:52.06Shirikbatbot doesn't like me, it refuses to respond to my script =(
01:57.46batrickif u send it to many messages it will ignore you for 45 seconds
01:57.56kd3slouken's back/posting from home again
02:00.47*** join/#wowi-lounge NightHawkTheSane (
02:02.18ShirikThat's a new error message
02:02.27Shirik"chunk has too many syntax levels"
02:02.54ShirikI ran assert(loadstring(("return coroutine.wrap(function()"):rep(200).." return 1"..(" end)()"):rep(200)))()
02:02.56Esamynn|Workshow us the chunk!
02:03.13Esamynn|Work~lart Shirik
02:03.13purltakes a large goose feather pillow and swings it wildly in Shirik's direction, hitting Shirik and sending Shirik flying into the closet
02:03.22ShirikI'm depressed really, that took me a very long time to figure out how to piece together
02:03.27Shirikand Lua just spat it back at me like "stfu"
02:04.41Shirikclad|sleep, please don't kill me if this breaks your bot, I have to try it
02:04.43Shiriklua> assert(loadstring(("return coroutine.wrap(function()"):rep(200).." return 1"..(" end)()"):rep(200)))()
02:04.43lua_botShirik: [string "assert(loadstring(("return coroutine.wrap(f..."]:1: [string "return coroutine.wrap(function()return coroutine.wrap(function(..."]:1: '<eof>' expected near 'end'
02:04.59ShirikOh right, clad|sleep's bot chops off strings
02:05.24*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
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02:05.52cogwheelping anyone with apache2 xp
02:06.01Esamynn|Work> assert(loadstring(("return coroutine.wrap(function()"):rep(200).." return 1"..(" end)()"):rep(200)))()
02:06.02Esamynn|Workstdin:1: [string "return coroutine.wrap(function()return coroutine.wrap(function(..."]:1: chunk has too many syntax levels
02:06.04Esamynn|Workstack traceback:
02:06.33ScytheBlade1cogwheel: pong
02:06.40Shirikfor reals this time, food time
02:06.44batrickcogwheel: sup
02:07.17ScytheBlade1Also, cogwheel, PM
02:08.21Esamynn|WorkShirik: looks like the max is 65
02:09.38cogwheelScytheBlade1 / batrick: How do I get Options -Indexes to work? I tried putting it in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and in a .htaccess file in the root but neither of them seem to be working (i restarted httpd after making the changes)
02:09.58kd3needs to be in a <Directory> container iirc
02:10.21ScytheBlade1Also of note, for .htaccess to work, you need to have them enabled
02:10.32kd3<Directory "/"> Options -Indexes </Directory> should kill it for the entire webserver
02:10.38kd3something close to that, at least
02:10.56ScytheBlade1Also of note #2, iirc apache defines indexes by default somewhere. Might want to considering searching your existing config file(s) for it first.
02:10.57Duman(you can override a global w/ a more specific, if need be, too)
02:17.10ScytheBlade1I crack myself up some times.
02:17.19ScytheBlade1In my defense though, it's only so often I get to say that.
02:18.00Esamynn|Workthe Options directive can also go in the server config
02:18.00cogwheelScytheBlade1: kd3: batrick:       the end of apache2.conf looks like       <Directory "/"> Options -Indexes </Directory>     yet it's still showing indexes... :|
02:18.13ScytheBlade1cogwheel: restart it :)
02:18.27ScytheBlade1pastebin your .conf?
02:18.31cogwheelwith intentional syntax errors that failed as expected to make sure it was picking up the correct file
02:18.55cogwheeland then fixed it, restarted, and still no go
02:18.56kd3look to see if you've got another <Directory "/"> container somewhere in the middle?
02:19.02Esamynn|Workthe <Directory> section can't go outside a sever cofig, so it is ignoring it
02:19.04kd3the default httpd.conf should have one somewhere
02:19.47cogwheelworking on it...
02:20.04Esamynn|Workkd3: I don't think it does, it's just the built in default
02:20.09ScytheBlade1If there's one thing I've found about apache, you can configure it until it configures YOU to death
02:21.06cogwheelthe only other <Directory> is commented out
02:21.18cogwheeland it's hard to pastey because i'm administering my server via ssh
02:21.42ScytheBlade1cp /etc/apache2/httpd.conf /var/whatever/wwwroot
02:21.58cogwheeljust did
02:22.11Esamynn|Workok, I take it back
02:22.39Esamynn|Workit IS valid to have the Options directive outside of any directory or host section
02:22.51cogwheelScytheBlade1: you actually made me think i had accedentally typed that here for a moment :P
02:23.01ScytheBlade1cogwheel: lol, sorry
02:23.03cogwheelEsamynn|Work: yeah... that's what i read
02:23.23cogwheelwhich is why i didn't have it inside a Directory
02:23.31Esamynn|Workbut that didn't work?
02:23.43kd3some files in the /etc/apache2/conf.d/ directory overwriting?
02:24.15Esamynn|Workcogwheel: might be because it's AFTER your sites includes line
02:24.39ScytheBlade1cogwheel: yeah, paste (copy) those too if you can.
02:25.32cogwheelln -s /etc/apache2 /var/www/apache2 imo
02:26.05cogwheelSince the indexing is working anyway...
02:26.26Esamynn|Workcogwheel: yah, try moving the Options line up
02:26.27ScytheBlade1<Directory /var/www/>
02:26.27ScytheBlade1Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
02:26.35ScytheBlade1There's your problem
02:26.39Esamynn|Workto before Include /etc/apache2/conf.d/
02:26.55cogwheelScytheBlade1: thanks
02:27.03ScytheBlade1cogwheel: no problem.
02:29.03Esamynn|Workhey cogwheel, you need to install/enable ntpd on that server ;)
02:29.05ScytheBlade1Bye bye go the indexes!
02:30.32Shirikyey. I have food
02:30.36Shiriknow I can go back to CSF
02:30.50Shiriknot really though because I need to log into wow
02:30.51cogwheelEsamynn|Work: how come?
02:31.17cogwheelor more to the point, wtf's that?
02:31.46kd3the network time protocol daemon
02:31.53kd3keeps your time synched to the atomic clocks
02:32.44cogwheel<3 apt-get
02:32.50ScytheBlade1Keeps it more than synched. It'll also fix clock drift.
02:34.03Esamynn|WorkI setup my own linux box at home to sync to the web clocks, and then I have the other comps in my house sync off of it
02:34.21ScytheBlade1I did the same
02:34.42Wobworkcogwheel: /signed re:apt-get
02:35.15Shirik"The program apt-get is currently not installed. You can install it by typing apt-get install apt"
02:36.19batrickthought u were getting dinner shirik
02:36.24ShirikI have it!
02:41.38*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck_ (
02:43.09TemGarona is Full?
02:43.18Temwhat is this dialog that I've never seen before
02:43.27ScytheBlade1Welcome to my world
02:43.29cogwheelTem: i'm getting that on my other realm too
02:43.39Temsince when?
02:43.41cogwheelpost-christmas rush?
02:43.45Temdid they lower the population cap or something?
02:43.54kd3there's been a good half-dozen threads in CS bitching about queues tonight. it's just the christmas zerg on a 3-day weekend. give it a few weeks
02:44.03TemGarona, in 3+ years, has NEVER had a queue
02:44.09Tem3 day weekend or not
02:44.09cogwheelah... forgot no kids in school today...
02:44.14ScytheBlade1kd3: yeah, I'm on Doomhammer. Not surprised that thread popped up.
02:44.16cogwheelbut parents still working...
02:44.17kd3nah, one of the blues said they're having higher concurrency numbers now than they did at BC release
02:44.22cogwheelmakes sense, really
02:44.53Temwhatever, I'm just logging my coding alt to mess around
02:45.48batrickmy old server has really bad queue's now
02:45.56batrickfor some reason everyone wants to go to destromath
02:46.23Temthat makes sense imo
02:46.31Temit's one of the stronger servers in the battlegroup
02:46.40ScytheBlade1Try Doomhammer. We've grown over 2000 within the past month.
02:46.57TemDestromath, Cho'gall and Illidan
02:47.03ScytheBlade1Make taht 6000
02:47.05Temin terms of pvp, anyway
02:48.01*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
02:57.00*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
03:04.09kd3wow. they've already got the 2.3.3 patch out
03:04.17Shirikheh, I said to my guild
03:04.36Shiriksetmetatable(manatap, {__lt = function(t, v) if v == 3 then return true; end});
03:04.39Shirikand someone understood me
03:06.17cogwheelthem friggin whiners better be greatful
03:07.06*** join/#wowi-lounge |pez| (
03:07.10ScytheBlade1kd3: like, live patch data gogo download now?
03:09.14cogwheeland probably has the hard drive space to try it ;)
03:10.18ScytheBlade1Unable to validate game version
03:10.43kd3figured. the patchSequenceFile doesn't have the new build in it yet
03:13.35cogwheelwow... could anyone be denser?
03:13.43ScytheBlade1cogwheel: yes
03:15.14ScytheBlade1Heh. Gonna go with the "yes" still.
03:15.41cogwheelyeah... they put a good try though :P
03:16.31ScytheBlade1If I was Hortus, I'd be taking some time on leave before 2.4 hit the PTRs (ie, now)
03:20.40cogwheelTrevion is a pally, right?
03:27.10cogwheelScytheBlade1: refresh :P
03:33.48cogwheelkd3: do i remember you saying you'd turn down an mvp invite?
03:34.18kd3I'd have to resort to the same thing you're doing if I wished to continue trolling the way I am now
03:37.47cogwheelkd3: refresh
03:39.52ScytheBlade1Have you been asked before?
03:40.20kd3random forum trolls have brought it up. hortus responded once during 2.2 if memory serces
03:41.08*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
03:41.41ScytheBlade1Funny how word "travels."
03:43.59ScytheBlade1I kind of fear the day that a large portion of this channel starts posting on alts.
03:46.04ScytheBlade1The forums will be a spetcale of level two ownage.
03:46.36CairennI would never resort to such a tact ...errr, ummm, yeah, nm
03:46.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
03:47.09Cairennhey Seerah :)
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03:56.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Slackwise (
04:02.21*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck (
04:03.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
04:08.48AntiarcOoh, the extreme-gaming guy replied
04:09.11Shirik<3 ubuntu
04:09.17ScytheBlade1Not on a low-end system
04:09.21CairennAntiarc: oh?!
04:09.31Cairennwhat did you send to him?
04:09.39Cairennand what's his response?
04:09.42ShirikTrust me, I have ubuntu on a far lower end system than you ScytheBlade1
04:09.47AntiarcLemme see, sec
04:09.49ScytheBlade1Full GUI? ;)
04:09.53JoshBorke~emulate JoshBorke
04:09.54purlACTION hugs Cairenn
04:09.54Tem|AFKScytheBlade1, tried xbuntu?
04:10.04ShirikNot really ><
04:10.04kd3xfce <3
04:10.10ShirikWe kinda just leave it in text mode :P
04:10.16ScytheBlade1Tem|AFK: no, but my problem isn't really with the GUI... it's with the fifty billion background services running
04:10.21ScytheBlade1Shirik: yeah minor detail ;)
04:10.24*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
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04:10.27Shirikembedded systems ftw
04:10.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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04:11.40ScytheBlade1Shirik: specs on your embedded device?
04:12.00Shirikpentium 3 equivalent, AT power supply, 128MB ram on the main device
04:12.23Shirikmost of the work is done on a 16MHz AtMega chip, 14K ram
04:12.37Shirik2 of them, to be exact
04:13.02ShirikThis thingy:
04:13.08Shiriktwo of those
04:13.22ShirikThough we actually formed our own PCB to make it a little smaller
04:13.29batricki <3 ubuntu
04:13.35ScytheBlade1So it's an actual embedded device, nice
04:13.48ScytheBlade1I cheated and went with
04:14.11ShirikThose littel things are so capable it's amazing
04:14.20ShirikAnd the best part is it's all open source, so if you need to do anything you can
04:14.41ShirikWe almost skipped the PC/104 and just used a network of those things
04:14.50Shirikbut instead we decided a RTOS would make life simpler
04:14.54ScytheBlade1PC/104 ftw :P
04:15.35ShirikWe might drop Ubuntu though
04:15.46ShirikI'm trying to convince them that QNX is better (and it is)
04:16.51Shirik<3 Antiarc
04:17.03*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
04:17.06AntiarcI was trying to be a little harsh without outright flaming
04:17.42Cidanwait what
04:17.46Cidandrop Ubuntu what?
04:18.57ScytheBlade1Antiarc: nice all around
04:19.00ScytheBlade1Cidan: ubuntu sucks :(
04:19.13CidanI disagree, I <3 Ubuntu
04:19.20CidanReally I <3 Debian
04:19.32ScytheBlade1Go install it on a 700MHz with 320BM of RAM and say the same thing with a straight face ;)
04:19.54Cidanbut if you're using some sort of hardware that is the same every time, ie: embedded systems
04:19.58*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
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04:19.58CairennAntiarc: ROFL! nicely done
04:20.00Cidanyou shouldn't be using it
04:20.27ScytheBlade1This is actually my laptop :/
04:20.58cogwheelCairenn: c/p plx ;)
04:21.01cogwheeloh nm...
04:21.08cogwheelthought i missed something during my d/c
04:21.22kd3ahaha, awesome
04:21.26CidanScytheBlade1: just use a debian base install then, use xfce? :P
04:22.39ScytheBlade1Cidan: that's really tempting me lately.
04:26.11CidanYa, it's what I do with my servers
04:26.27Cidanbbl, I need to pass out for ~7 hours
04:30.12Wobwork<3 Antiarc =P
04:30.54AntiarcI'm normally much more understanding, but when someone comes right out and does that a) without spending 10 seconds checking it out first, and b) threatens me by saying he's trying to get me kicked offline, I get mean.
04:31.30ScytheBlade1I'd be laughing like a madman if that was the case
04:31.48AntiarcAnd c) the fact that he emailed his host requesting that they terminate his own account for copyright infringement was beyond rich.
04:32.34ScytheBlade1And there were lulz to be had, all around!
04:34.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
04:39.16ScytheBlade1Be gone, foul demon!
04:39.24Tem|AFKAntiarc, I think it's even funnier that he saw your forum post
04:39.50AntiarcIf I'd wanted to keep it secret, I wouldn't have posted it in a logged IRC channel and public forum
04:40.02AntiarcHe acts like it's a big OH HO I FOUND YOU thing
04:40.14AntiarcExcept. Uh, I actually know about referrer logs and left the links intact!
04:40.25Antiarc*shock* | *awe*
04:40.36AntiarcAlso, restarting my network connection, brb
04:41.05ScytheBlade1Now for the real test
04:41.16ScytheBlade1To see if it detects my CD-ROM device from the get-go
04:41.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
04:43.00Antiar1Yay back.
04:43.53ScytheBlade1Who needs sleep?!
04:45.01ScytheBlade1... aaannnddd ubuntu is gone for good
04:45.04ScytheBlade1Never again I tell you!
04:47.39Thunder_Child~cheer Cairenn
04:47.40purlThree cheers for Cairenn!  Hip hip Hurray! Hip hip Hurray! Hip hip Hurray!
04:48.24IndustrialScytheBlade1: yay go archlinux
04:49.17Wobworkoh man
04:49.21Wobworknext -few- hours?
04:49.32WobworkI have to leave in about 1.5 =\
04:49.47Industrialleave for?
04:49.54Wobworkwell... dinner
04:49.58Wobworkand then movie
04:50.00ScytheBlade1Thunder_Child: giving debian a whirl on it
04:50.05Wobworksocial stuff, y'know
04:50.13sdouble/agree Industrial
04:50.18Thunder_ChildScytheBlade1, huh?
04:50.32ScytheBlade1Thunder_Child: whoa! Talk about reading the wrong line. Sorry, didn't mean you.
04:50.40sdoubledebian?  you may as well not have stopped using ubuntu
04:51.24*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | Im in ur bitez overflowin ur stax - Bleeter
04:51.36ScytheBlade1I'm pretty much judging distros by how well they detect all of my hardware in this laptop
04:51.45*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter_ (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
04:51.49ScytheBlade1So far the only distro which has actually passed is gentoo, and uh, that doesn't really count
04:54.20ScytheBlade1I just might go back, I dunno, we'll see
04:54.24Thunder_ChildScytheBlade1, np, just thought it was a little odd
04:54.36ScytheBlade1Thunder_Child: heh yeah, sorry lol
04:55.56ScytheBlade1I will admit though... debian is painless to install...
04:56.51Industrialanyone play wow on linux? im updating with the patcher and it has downloaded 2.2.3 to 2.3.0 but I dont see the -patch.exe. after the download the installer window opens and all it sais is "waiting for files to close" :| any idea?
04:59.14Wobworkno idea
04:59.17WobworkI had no problem
04:59.25Wobworkoh wait, I haven't patched
04:59.37*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck_ (
05:00.45Wobworkhang on, we haven't had maintenence yet
05:01.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
05:02.33ScytheBlade1Auth servers aren't letting you on with 2.3.3
05:02.38ScytheBlade1... oh, you're patching TO 2.3.0
05:03.00Wobworkwait wait, was the last patch 2.3.0?
05:03.03Wobworkor todays?
05:03.12ScytheBlade1Last major patch was 2.3.0
05:03.21WobworkI had no problem with that patch, Indy
05:03.26ScytheBlade1We're on 2.3.2, 2.3.3 is tomorrow (or today depending on your timezone)
05:03.42Wobworkso confused
05:04.04Industrial.. I had the numbers correct
05:04.15Industrialthis install is 2.2.3 im updating to 2.3.0
05:04.34Wobworklatest wine?
05:06.42WobworkWine 0.9.53 was released today, with the following main changes:   RunOnce and Run entries now executed on startup.
05:06.49Wobworkno wonder Steam was updating
05:07.11WobworkThat so confused me =P I was like "But I started WoW.....not Portal..."
05:07.13Cairennwowi locked for the server move
05:08.18Cairennwe can rebuild him, we have the technology
05:08.37ScytheBlade1I approve of the gnome!
05:08.49Thunder_ChildWobwork -harder
05:09.13WobworkIndustrial: DaftPunk it up
05:09.32*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
05:11.35sdoublemy wow fails on linux.  I have an ATI card and the game works, but most of the graphics aren't there.
05:12.37kd3you install the proprietary drivers?
05:13.48sdoubleit loads and I get good fps (probably because most of the graphics aren't there) but I can't see NPCs, myself, trees
05:14.05sdoubleI can see the ground and buildings and such
05:14.52sdoubleI can see my footprints in the snow too.  heh
05:14.53*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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05:15.44WobworkJust in case you couldn't figure it out
05:19.39ScytheBlade1Cairenn... I'd like to file a bug report... your site isn't working and I can't understand what it's telling me :/
05:19.58Fisker-your mother
05:20.00Fisker-also Wobwork
05:20.16Fisker-it's forgetting the delays in the song
05:20.22Fisker-A-round the wooorld
05:20.24Fisker-and so forth
05:21.42WobworkFisker-: I heard the sample, and I could swear it's from another song, but I can't place it
05:21.49*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter_ (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
05:22.19*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck (
05:26.24Thunder_ChildWobwork, it is, they use other stuff as far as i can tell
05:27.19*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck__ (
05:37.16WobworkThunder_Child: Yeah, but -finding- where it's from is a problem =P
05:37.41Thunder_ChildWobwork, it's the net, someone has already done your work for you
05:38.25Tierrieillidan down
05:38.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
05:39.02kd3so glad I'm getting the hell off of this ISP later today
05:40.56Wobworkactually, I think it's the original
05:41.00Wobworkit's just so long ago
05:41.17Wobworkit seems like a different song =)
05:42.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Galka (
05:42.56Thunder_Childart3mis, you were right
05:50.02AnduinLotharanyone got a good archimonde strat? we've been wiping all week
05:50.14AntiarcReduce his HP to 10% before he reduces yours to 0%
05:50.31AntiarcBut really, it's just about everyone staying alive
05:51.01Thunder_Childit's about wining damit!!
05:51.57AnduinLotharhow do you stay alive
05:52.41Cairennai ai ai ai staying alive staying alive
05:54.36ScytheBlade1Er @
05:58.25Cairennwowi's back up
05:58.43kd3ooh, new UI
05:59.01kd3I like
05:59.39ShadowedConfiguration: includes/config.php exists, but is not in the 3.6 format. Please convert your config file via the new
05:59.48Shadowedwhen trying to edit an addon
05:59.58ScytheBlade1That was fast
06:00.18ShadowedTrying to see what I have to change to make the uploader use the changelog :p
06:01.59Cairennglad to hear it, I've been a wreck of nerves the last few days, so worried whether people will like it or not
06:02.08Cairennwe've been working on this for months now
06:02.23Fisker-surprise buttsechs
06:03.32Fisker-would i be mean if i told you your gnomish inventors suck?
06:03.33ScytheBlade1Oh hey look it's Mor'ladim
06:03.38ScytheBlade1Oh hey look he's raping me
06:04.07kd3didn't he get nerfed in 2.3?
06:04.15ScytheBlade1Nerfed is relative
06:04.18ScytheBlade1He's still a 30E
06:04.31Fisker-your mother is 30DD
06:04.42Fisker-work tiem
06:05.05Shadowedsubmitting and editing is broken :(
06:12.29Cairennguys, for feedback, bug reports, etc - so it's all in one place for dolby-wowi to find
06:13.36SeerahShadowed: I was able to edit my SS description to move changelogs from the description to the new changelog tab
06:14.15Seerahmy ui
06:14.32Seerahdon't you keep up with it? I thought you were a loyal fan ;)
06:14.53Seerahnot screenshot - Seerah's Suitcase
06:15.10ShadowedCould be it got fixed, dunno
06:15.14Shadowedand no i don't :p
06:16.32ScytheBlade1Okay, I'm so not sold on debian
06:16.40ScytheBlade1Mouse sensitivity is broken :/
06:17.49Shadowedstupid forums
06:17.52Shadowedstop saying it doesn't work
06:18.17ShadowedCairenn: Did you guys disable uploading attachments?
06:18.40CairennShadowed: don't think so ...
06:18.46ScytheBlade1Ha, I've got CentOS 5 ISOs here
06:19.08ShirikShadowed: btw, looking into the problem with uploading addons right now
06:19.23ShadowedShirik: Get to work!
06:19.28ShadowedKeeps saying invalid image on this jpg but it's 158KB and 1568x1151 so should be fine
06:20.34*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck (
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06:20.38*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower] by ChanServ
06:21.40Cairennone of the things we didn't mention in the post is that not only did we add MD5 hashes, but we've added SHA1 as well
06:22.08Cairennwe just aren't showing the SHA1 id to the public, but it's there
06:22.55ShirikShadowed: Uploads should be fixed
06:23.01ScytheBlade1What are you doing with the SHA1/MD5?
06:23.12ShadowedSo you can't sneak viruses in i'd imagine
06:23.15Shadoweds/can't/harder to/
06:23.19ShirikWell the MD5 is displayed to the public. Feel free to verify it if you want.
06:23.20Shadowederr, remove the you too
06:23.35ScytheBlade1Right. But there's no point to storing a SHA1 unless you do something with it :)
06:23.41ScytheBlade1Be it show it or somerthing else :)
06:23.57ShirikWell... it has a purpose :)
06:24.07ScytheBlade1Hence my question ;)
06:24.26Shadowedaw damnit
06:24.31Shadowednow I have to reinstall Java SDK
06:24.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
06:24.44Tem|AFKso if people modify the files like what's been happening to wow.incgamers, they'll know
06:24.50Tem|AFKand wowi won't get any bad press from it
06:25.30ScytheBlade1Okay fine I'll just ask my question straight :P
06:25.33Tem|AFKdisplaying the md5s is for the paranoid among us to check when you download
06:25.41ScytheBlade1Any automated compairsons being done on a timed basis?
06:25.43SeerahI thought you were going to sleep, Tem|AFK? :)
06:25.49purlsleep is, like, overrated, and a poor substitute for caffeine.
06:25.52Tem|AFKI'm attempting sleep
06:25.58Seerahoh... different
06:26.05kd3woo, my third post ever on wowi
06:26.14ScytheBlade1kd3: I'm two up on you!
06:26.15SeerahShadowed: I tested uploading, and it doesn't work for me either- it will be looked into :)
06:26.15Cairennkd3: lol
06:26.22ShadowedSeerah: Updating works fine now
06:26.36Seerahsorry, I meant attachments
06:28.11ScytheBlade1kd3: you use FC, right?
06:28.20Cairennattachments should be fixed now
06:28.25kd3ya. hacked up version of xfce with compiz
06:28.46ScytheBlade1Thoughts on using it (in general) on very low end systems?
06:28.56Tem|AFKScytheBlade1, I would imagine so, but they probably aren't telling
06:29.02kd3that's what xfce's designed for
06:29.07ScytheBlade1Tem|AFK: still asking ;)
06:29.23kd3even though I'm using it on a core 2 quad Q6600
06:29.37SeerahCairenn: and they are :)
06:29.41ScytheBlade1kd3: my problem with Ubuntu was actually the *massive* amount of background services. :/
06:29.48Shadowedwellll thats a pain in the ass
06:29.53kd3system-config-services, disable as you like
06:30.05kd3in f8, that is
06:30.30ScytheBlade1Eh, that's what chkconfig is for ;)
06:30.37ShadowedSeerah or Cairenn or whoever i'm supposed to bug, you guys upgraded vB right?
06:30.44Shirikoh sure
06:30.48ShirikI'm not important enough
06:30.59SeerahShirik would know better than I ;)
06:31.02ShirikI helped find the problem with uploading addons but no
06:31.11ScytheBlade1Shirik: no you're not important, at all
06:31.23ShadowedSeerah came up first when I hit tab!
06:31.28*** mode/#wowi-lounge [-o Shirik] by Shirik
06:31.57Shirikbleh, CS you suck
06:31.58ShadowedShirik: Do you know if something changed in how it handles non-cookie season ids? Uploader broke and it looks like it no longer passes the season ID through the cookie anyway
06:32.02*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Shirik] by ChanServ
06:32.39Tem|AFKDoes anyone know of a media player that runs in windows that will allow you advance or go back by ~10 seconds by hitting a keybind?
06:32.41ShirikI don't know the old way of how it was handled, so unfortunately I can't answer that question
06:33.15ShirikHowever I see a bbsessionhash cookie
06:33.21Shirikbbsessionhash cookie which seems relevant
06:33.41ShadowedOld way was, in the HTTP Set-Cookie header it'd pass "bbsessionhash=([a-z0-9]+);" as one of the things which we then checked for authentication
06:33.57CairennI'm still waiting for someone, anyone, to laugh at my news post about it :p
06:34.04ShirikWell I still have a bbsessionhash cookie, though it may be out of date
06:34.15ShadowedMost likely
06:34.25ShadowedCookie: bblastactivity=0; expires=Wed, 21-Jan-2009 06:29:36 GMT; path=/; domain=
06:34.29ArrowmasterTem|AFK: MediaPlayerClassic seems to have a few keybindings for stuff like that but i dont know the amount of time they jump
06:34.48Tem|AFKamount is more or less irrelevant
06:34.53Tem|AFKso long as it's not very long
06:35.10Tem|AFKI just need to be able to back up easily in the event that I missed something
06:35.25Tem|AFKwithout resorting to trying to drag the little "you are here" slider
06:36.31Arrowmasterwell i see a Framestep, Framestep back, Jump Forward (small), Jump Backward (small), Jump Forward (medium), Jump Backward (medium), Jump Forward (large), Jump Backward (large), Jump Forward (keyframe), Jump Backward (keyframe)
06:37.33Arrowmasteroh hey and under tweaks in the options theres a place to set jump small medium and large in ms
06:37.47ShirikAnyway, ScytheBlade1, to answer your question as much as I am allowed to... as far as I am aware, you are wrong. But be advised that it is actually something more secure than you described.
06:37.53Tem|AFKArrowmaster, that's exactly what I want
06:37.57Tem|AFKthanks very much
06:38.21Arrowmasterand now i get to ask why the hell you werent using MPC before
06:38.36ScytheBlade1Shirik: boo wtb details because I'm curious ;P
06:39.04ShirikEven if it were a honey pot I wouldn't give out details :)
06:39.07Shadowedbad Shirik, Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 77
06:39.09ShirikThere's no fun in that
06:39.41Shirikwhere did you get that?
06:40.03ScytheBlade1Actually there's a lot of fun in it, especially when the only thing "more secure" than automated comparisons are things entirely different, and that made me curious ;)
06:40.11ShirikI... don't
06:40.11Shadowedsomeone fixed it already!
06:40.17ShirikI think you made it up
06:40.23ShadowedNot my fault you're a slacker
06:40.27ScytheBlade1You have him a minor heart attack, congrats
06:40.44ShirikI feel the need to point out that I don't design the site, dolby-wowi does
06:40.46ScytheBlade1Have? wtf?
06:40.55Shirikhe deserves the credit.... and the complaints :P
06:40.56ShadowedHow many minor heart attacks do I have to give him before he dies?
06:41.07ShadowedShirik: But you're here, dolby-wowi isn't!
06:41.16ScytheBlade1Shirik: yeah I know, just giving you a hard time for indirectly taunting me.. ;)
06:41.17Tem|AFKArrowmaster, I wasn't using it before because the last time I tried it, I didn't have the proper codec installed
06:41.20ShirikWhat makes you think dolby-wowi isn't listening to every word you say
06:41.23Tem|AFKso it failed miserably
06:41.32Tem|AFKbut I do now so everthing works nicely
06:41.36ShadowedIt's dolby-wowi
06:41.37Shadowedthats why
06:41.42Shirikmuch like Cairenn when she "says" she's afk
06:41.46ShadowedWell thats a pain in the ass
06:42.00ShadowedThey renamed the cookie value from bbsessionhash to bbsessionid
06:42.22AntiarcCairenn: I like the new layout.
06:42.25AntiarcFeels a lot sleeker.
06:43.08Cairenndefinitely going to take some getting used to though
06:43.12ScytheBlade1To be honest, I really do too. It removed the "lawl I'm running vBulletin like every other web portal in the world" feel and that really helps a ton.
06:43.34ShadowedLooks like it's not going to die horribly come patch day either
06:43.37ScytheBlade1It's got a unique look to it, so, yay
06:44.00*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (i=kd3@gateway/tor/x-e945f02529a6c0cd)
06:44.53ShadowedYou guys should design Sun's website to be less confusing
06:45.13*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
06:46.00ShirikShadowed: Are you able to delete those archive files again?
06:47.32ShadowedShirik: I didn't delete them all since I want to keep them, but I was able to delete one
06:47.54ShirikI thought you wanted them to be deleted ><
06:48.11ShirikOk though :) Thanks
06:48.13ShadowedI used to, not anymore :p
06:48.21ShadowedBut they popped back up, which seems a bit odd
06:50.45Shirikholy crap
06:50.53Shirikgmail detects firebug running and warns you to turn it off?
06:51.07Irielwhy would it do that?
06:51.15ShadowedWonder how it would manage to detect it anyway
06:51.17ShirikSupposedly it makes it slow (and I did feel it)
06:51.20Shirikbut how does it detect that...
06:52.20Irielmaybe firebug mentions itself in the HTTP header
06:53.42IrielHm, nope.. maybe a javascript probe then?
06:53.43AntiarcIt might check load times or run some function or something
06:53.56AntiarcWhich would give different results if Firebug is installed or not
06:55.01Shirikgmail does indeed check run times
06:55.02Irielif (!cookie_exists && "console" in window && "firebug" in window.console && window.console.firebug.indexOf("1.0") > -1)
06:55.05Shirikbut I don't think it assumes firebug
06:55.16Shirikbecause I've seen it say before "gmail is taking a long time to load"
06:56.37*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
06:57.14Thunder_Childwhy isnt Do While IBR != ""
06:57.24Thunder_Childin VB
06:57.51ShirikBecause VB is inherently flawed
06:58.04NightHawkTheSanealso, i think you want <> instead of !=?
06:58.05ShirikDoesn't VB retain variable name suffixing?
06:58.22Thunder_Childhuh it likes <>
06:58.26Thunder_ChildShirik, i dont know
06:58.26ShirikIn BASIC you used suffixes to indicate your variable types
06:58.44ShirikI% is an integer, I$ is a string, I# is a float, I! is a boolean
06:58.44Thunder_ChildNightHawkTheSane, my book on the other hand shows !=
06:58.54NightHawkTheSaneyour book is wrong.
06:59.16ShirikEven functions retained this property
06:59.34Thunder_Childactually NightHawkTheSane <> is returning as Boolean
06:59.38ShirikCHR$() returns a string (well actually a character, but no difference)
06:59.50ShirikAh, how I remember using CHR$(36)
06:59.53NightHawkTheSaneer,  yea?
07:00.53Tem|AFKlanguages created for the purpose of teaching programming should NOT EVER be used for a real program
07:02.32ShirikLike sheme?
07:09.10Thunder_ChildNightHawkTheSane, that crashes the program :/
07:11.22ShirikVB can crash?
07:11.30Thunder_Childso it seems
07:12.03NightHawkTheSaneare you using vb, or
07:13.47Thunder_Childit's the edition after but they change names so much.....
07:14.09NightHawkTheSanewell, hell if i know, <> is the inequality operator :P
07:15.44NightHawkTheSanecourse, you could always use string.isnullorempty
07:16.28Shirikif the string is null and you try to compare it, that should crash your program
07:16.48NightHawkTheSaneoh, yeah, that too
07:16.59Thunder_Childactually i get "Warning1Access of shared member, constant member, enum member or nested type through an instance; qualifying expression will not be evaluated."
07:17.10NightHawkTheSanewhich, really, is why you use IsNullorEmpty, because var isnot nothing andalso var <> "" is far too verbose
07:18.22ShirikBut this gets back to my feeling that a language should mimic how computers work
07:18.29ShirikAnd many people don't agree with me :)
07:19.04NightHawkTheSanei really don't care about the basics of string comparisons. :P
07:19.18ShirikThis is the same reason I dislike Lua's ^ operator
07:19.30NightHawkTheSanewhat does ^ do in lua?
07:19.38Shirik2^3 = 8
07:19.50kd3isn't that fairly standard?
07:19.54ShirikNot really
07:20.05NightHawkTheSanewell, most languages use a library function
07:20.08NightHawkTheSanepow() or somesuch
07:20.14Corrodiasjava included
07:20.20ShirikJava doesn't have it, C doesn't have it, and sure as hell assembly opcodes don't exist on most processors for it
07:20.35Corrodiasbut why do you dislike it?
07:20.36Shirikimho it should be a function, which is odd because there IS a function in Lua to do it for you
07:20.44Corrodiasit is used on calculators, and feels natural
07:20.52Shirikit may feel natural to you, not me
07:21.07NightHawkTheSanei dont want to program like im  on a calculator, though
07:21.10ShirikMy argument is that a language should mimic the way a computer works, and computers do not compute powers
07:21.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
07:21.41IrielThat's a somewhat silly argument
07:21.47ShirikYeah that's what I keep being told
07:21.49Shirikbut I'm sticking to it
07:21.55Corrodiaswrite a class in C++ that overloads the '=' operator to crash the program after overwriting the main drive's boot sector with the repeating string, "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!"
07:22.02Iriela language should express the desires of the programmer, the compiler should worry about how the computer works
07:22.18ShirikAnd this is the difference in thinking between a software engineer and a computer engineer
07:22.25Shirikand I'll stick to C
07:22.29Thunder_Childwoot got it!
07:22.32Thunder_Childmy bas
07:22.43Corrodiasthe problem with having the language work how a computer works is that languages are increasinly designed to get us AWAY from how the computer works and make it easier to write things
07:22.59IrielIt just depends what you're trying to do.. i'll still write my device drivers in C and C++
07:23.05ShirikAnd this, unfortunately, is a major cause of problems in today's programs as well
07:23.15ShirikHow many programmers today don't even know how a computer works
07:23.18Irielbut that doesn't make me dislike java, or perl, or lua, any more or less
07:23.25Irielwell, there is that.. that does sadden me
07:23.26EndCairenn: to be honest, I kinda like the new look a little better
07:23.32Corrodiasi have only an approximate idea
07:23.39Endless...cluttery looking
07:23.53ShirikAt the very minimum programmers should at least know what's going on behind the scenes
07:23.54IrielI think everyone should have had at least one computer where they understood what every wire was for
07:23.56Cairennyou aren't hurting our feelings any guys, we've been working on this for months
07:24.04Cairennwe *want* people to like it :)
07:24.10Shirikso when I say that I need a "unsigned char**" I don't get someone going up to me saying "wtf is this double star thingy"
07:24.11Endbecause I do like it :P
07:24.18CairennI'm glad :)
07:24.22ShirikThen I say "It's a pointer to a pointer" and then they say "why the hell would you need that"
07:24.35ShirikAnd then I try to spend the next 30 minutes explaining why and then they think I'm stupid
07:24.46Irielthen you fire them?
07:24.50Corrodiasi can't offhand think of a reason to have pointers to pointers, but i'm sure there -are- very good reasons. an array of strings is basically that.
07:24.50Shirik(true story, 2 days ago btw)
07:25.00Irielthere are lots of very very good reasons
07:25.05ShirikI had one :)
07:25.12Irielpointers to functions returning pointers of pointers to functions are even useful, sometimes
07:25.21ShirikThe function allocated memory and needed to supply back the address of that newly allocated memory
07:25.21Irieland a bitch to specify if you're not awake
07:25.28*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
07:25.40ShirikSo you do something like unsigned char *foo; bar(&foo); and then you have your array.
07:26.03IrielDamn, I dont have cdecl installed on this computer
07:27.15Corrodiascudeckel? nice name. :(
07:27.50Thunder_Childi dont get it. i had 'Foo = InputBox(foo,bar) Do While Foo <> ""' but it crashed when i did it that way :(
07:28.00Thunder_ChildFoo being a string
07:28.16IrielWas it null?
07:28.30Thunder_Childcancel on an InputBox comes back as ""
07:28.33Corrodiasi have had no reason to program pointers to look at memory outside a process's own memory, so i've never worked up the motivation to learn. i really ought to some time.
07:28.42Iriellvalue <> rvalue probably resolves into something like lvalue.compareLessOrGreater(rvalue)
07:28.43ShirikPointers are magical
07:28.56Thunder_Childbut != didnt work at all
07:28.57IrielThey're full of bits and stuff
07:28.58ShirikThey let you do so many fun things
07:29.13Shirikeven though fun isn't an adjective, that's how amazing they are
07:29.15IrielI love pointers
07:29.19Shirikthey let you do fun things, even though that's imposisble
07:29.30IrielI also love languages where I dont have to worry about them too, depends what I'm doing.
07:29.36Endwhen I first started learning C, I didn't understand what the hell you'd use them for
07:29.47ShirikLet me show you some of my code some time
07:29.48Enda year later, I didn't understand how I lived without them
07:29.54ShirikI'll show you practically every use for them
07:30.10Corrodiasi still don't have a whole lot of use for them in my work, but i do very specific things
07:30.10ShirikObviously the most basic use in C is a string. C has no concept of a "string"
07:30.24Shirikinstead you create an array of characters, and point to the first character in the array
07:30.47Endyou don't need to tell me about pointers now ;-P
07:31.03IrielI dunno,. i think data types like linked lists and trees are easier uses for pointers
07:31.44Endprobably easier to understand why you need them
07:31.59Endbut simple arrays are easier to learn how to use them, I think
07:32.23ShirikI could show you some scary linked lists
07:32.26Shiriklinked lists of pointers
07:32.32Shiriktemplate linked lists of pointers
07:32.53Shiriktemplate<class T> class CMemory;
07:32.55ShirikOh that was a fun one I wrote
07:34.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
07:35.01IrielOn that note, sleep time for me, night all
07:35.09Shirikme too, night
07:35.20Cairennnight Iriel, Shirik
07:36.04IrielGood luck with the 'aftermath' cairenn 8-)
07:36.15Cairennheh, thanks Iriel :)
07:36.33Thunder_Childnight Shirik
07:36.35ShadowedAnd WoWI updater thing works again for those who were using the old one
07:36.43MentalPowernight all
07:36.52Cairennnight MentalPower, Shadowed
07:38.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
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07:45.53Arrowmasterboo wtf compilations are showing up on the latest 100 submissions page
07:48.35*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck_ (
07:48.52CairennArrowmaster: :)
07:49.11*** join/#wowi-lounge reqol (
07:49.38Arrowmasteror i can just bitch about it here and dolby can change it
07:50.09Cairennheh,just pointing it out since he may miss it in here
07:52.10Thunder_Childposting is better
07:53.36*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck__ (
07:53.41Thunder_Childoh ya, Cairenn, update the comic
07:53.56Thunder_Childand why does it look like .COMic
07:53.58Cairenn? even
07:54.04Industrialunacceptable! >:|
07:54.07Industrialanyone else get this
07:54.12Thunder_Childon the front page Cairenn
07:54.20Thunder_Childabove disclamer
07:54.21IndustrialI'm getting REEALLY ANOYED by it and I cant fix it
07:54.23CairennThunder_Child: it's a joke ... WoWInterface.COMic
07:54.37Thunder_ChildCairenn, huh?
07:55.04Thunder_Childah, still though, isnt there any others you can rotate through? ... wowinterface.comic
07:55.28Cairennnope, it's the only one we have ... and what needs to be "fixed" about it?
07:55.50Thunder_Childthe fact that, there is a reason you made a new layout, things get stale
08:03.25*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (n=leethal@
08:08.45Thunder_ChildCairenn, if one (or more) gets made regarding wowi and meets your aproval would you cycle comics?
08:09.08Cairennvery possibly :) to find someone to make some
08:10.18Tem|AFKShirik|zZz, C++'s templates are evil
08:10.26Tem|AFKI much prefer Java's Generics
08:13.03reqolif I wish to make a message frame whose message does not expire, would I be better off just creating a frame with text? currently trying to set up a warning that does not go away until I gain a specific buff
08:15.51Cairenn|afknight guys
08:18.31Thunder_Childnight Cairenn|afk
08:18.36Thunder_Childsleep damit
08:23.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
08:26.07Thunder_Child"Somebody help, i have been kidnaped by someone trying to relate to me"
08:26.30*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck (
08:38.17reqolcan i just create a fontstring or do I need a housing frame?
08:38.46*** join/#wowi-lounge [Liquidor] (n=denras19@
08:38.59[Liquidor]Morning all ...
08:39.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
08:39.12reqolmorning :o
08:39.29[Liquidor]heh it's 9:36am here :)
08:44.12purlfrom memory, ugt is Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
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08:58.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Nefarion (
08:59.49Nefarionanyone here good with ui design and not busy? i need somebody to bounce ideas off of.  =/
08:59.58Nefarionand help me come up with a design
09:01.03reqolwhat needs to be true in order for a frame to be able to be clicked on? toplevel and enableMouse?
09:01.27Thunder_ChildNefarion, just dont accept art3mis's help
09:01.49reqolhow about toplevel?
09:01.51Thunder_Childor you will end up with a Hello Kitty UI
09:01.55reqolis that required as well?
09:01.59Nefarionnot as far as i know
09:02.05Nefarionubless another clickable frame is on top of it
09:02.27NefarionThunder_Child: lol
09:02.34cladhairetoplevel is just to raise the frame level of the frame, when its clcked
09:02.34Nefarionthanks for the advice
09:02.35cladhairethats all it does
09:02.52cladhaireso when you click a frame, its promoted to the highest frame level on that strata
09:04.35reqolmakes sense, thanks you two :D
09:04.44Nefariona credit card is required for us trial accounts, right?
09:05.31IndustrialIs there any addon that can keep my soul shards to a certain number? its flooding my bags
09:05.53Nefarionusing drain soul for a mana boost?
09:06.07Industrial(I am leveling)
09:06.12Nefarionyou can use a macro like this
09:06.39cladhaireIndustrial: ding 28, btw
09:06.59Nefariondunno if that's the right api
09:07.12Industrialcladhaire: xD
09:07.14Nefarionwith a /cast Drain Soul(Rank 1) underneath the script
09:08.00Nefarionit what i used while leveling
09:08.23Nefarionyou occasionally lose a soul shard here and there, but if you keep up spamming it all the time that should be a problem
09:12.56reqolIf I want to set a fontstring's text to a variable defined within my addon's localization file, how can I use a variable using text="" ? or do I need to set an onload handler?
09:14.27cladhaireif the localization file is loaded beforehand, and you're using GLOBAL_CONSTANTS then yes, you can do it using text
09:14.48IndustrialI see Toggle Channel Pullout in the keybinds
09:14.50Industrialwhats that do
09:15.02cladhairetoggles the channel pullout
09:15.04*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (i=spam@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
09:15.08cladhairefor channel administration
09:15.40reqolcladhaire: GLOBAL_CONSTANTS?
09:15.49cladhairea global variablke
09:16.14reqolaye, indeed I am. do I refer to it with or without the quotations? guessing without
09:16.25cladhairewithout would be ill-formed XML
09:16.35reqolthat seems somewhat restrictive
09:16.40cladhaireits the XML format
09:16.47cladhaireattributes must be given as quoted strings
09:16.52reqolthough, so long as you use decent variable names, it shouldn't matter
09:17.53reqolanyway, thanks :D
09:17.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
09:17.54Nefarionif you use a non-existant global name, you'll see the global name as your text
09:18.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
09:18.35reqolNefarion: that's what I was getting at. what if I wanted the text to be the variable name itself? I guess I could create another variable referring to it...
09:21.05clad|awaythat's confusing.
09:21.13clad|awayyou want the text displayed, to be the name of the variable itself?
09:21.24reqolnot in this case, but what if I had reason to
09:21.30clad|awaythen you set it elsewhere
09:21.36clad|awaythe text attribute is for simple cases
09:21.43Nefarioncould always do it in lua
09:21.44reqolaye, I see. thanks
09:23.11Nefarionanyone know of a good working dot and cc timer that'll allow you to show icon and ime text only, that'll (preferably) remove the ugly default border on the spell icons?
09:24.41Corrodiasi used to use chronometer, but these day i use classtimers
09:24.54Nefarionthat doesn't handle multi-targets, does it?
09:25.13Corrodiasit shows things on 1) your pet, 2) your character, 3) your target, and 4) your focus
09:25.25Corrodiasit does not continue to show the bar of something if you're not targetting/focusing it
09:25.25Nefarionyeah it handles valid units only. =/
09:25.54Corrodiasone thing i like about chronometer is that i can see when things are about to run out on OTHER targets
09:26.12Corrodiasbut i appreciate the pet and self buffs portion of classtimer
09:26.20Corrodiasi kinda want to use both
09:26.41Nefarionwith chronometer, you can hide the bars?
09:26.57Corrodiasmanually, or automatically by ability name?
09:27.06Corrodiasthe former yes, the latter maybe, never tried
09:47.58reqolactually, nevermind. I'm just asking if I'll be able to utilize PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD properly on login, or if I should just use PLAYER_LOGIN
09:48.00[Ammo]addon_loaded will also fire when an LoD addon is loaded
09:48.18[Ammo]you'd need PLAYER_LOGIN PEW also fires when using a boat for instance
09:49.27reqol[Ammo]: I thought I wanted PEW but I realized I only need it for login anyway, thanks.
09:50.03NefarionPLAYER_LOGIN fires for a reload too
09:50.11Nefarionessentially a one-time PEW
09:50.13[Ammo]Nefarion: as it should
09:51.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
09:55.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
09:57.51PolarinaA new look? Let us see how long it takes me to find my addons there. :P
09:57.59*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep` (i=nuoHep@
09:58.56Nefarionthe new look feels too flat  =/
09:59.33PolarinaI found one, now I have to find the other..
10:00.01PolarinaWhy is the MD5 sum in a edit box? It's so ugly there...
10:00.21Nefarionthe new find tab is a real nice touch tho
10:01.08PolarinaWTF is wrong with the formatting box? I can't colour my comments anymore... :'(
10:01.31PolarinaAnd what is wrong with that dancing banana? It's annoying to see it there...
10:02.39PolarinaAnd where are the MD5 sums for the archived files?...
10:03.56PolarinaWTF?!? some of the most recent comments were deleted!
10:04.15PolarinaNo, wait. That wasw just me, sorry.
10:06.17PolarinaBut the other things I mentioned should be taken a look at... :P
10:06.19reqolvariables are loaded before the addon, right?
10:06.28Polarinareqol: Not the saved variables.
10:06.44Polarinareqol: The event VARIABLES_LOADED is fired as soon as the saved variables are loaded.
10:07.43Polarinao.O -> What is that ChangeLog box when I click "Edit & Update" on my addons?
10:07.50Nefarionimo they should be loaded before the addon  =/
10:08.15PolarinaNefarion: Why?
10:08.40Nefarionyou'd have data to handle immediately, and you can setup your SV structure immediately
10:09.02Nefarioni don't see how it would cause any issues. would save having to listen for an event to do a lot of stuff.
10:09.09PolarinaNefarion: It isn't a complicated work to register for one event, is it?
10:09.39Nefarionwell no, not at all. but it's more complicated to deal with than simply dealing with during load.
10:10.13PolarinaNefarion: The SavedVariables file is processed immedieatly as soon as all your files in the TOC have been processed.
10:16.06PolarinaAnyway, the new site looks great. :)
10:16.40art3misheh except that annoying zimmy or whatever epileptic google ad ;)
10:18.03reqolif I'm calling an OnLoad handler, do I need to explicitly argue self or is it implied?
10:19.02Tem|AFKWhy would you call an OnLoad?
10:19.06Tem|AFKthe game calls it for you
10:19.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
10:19.24reqolI mean, if I have an onload handler
10:21.21Nefarioni believe it's 'this', not 'self'
10:21.56Nefarionthis should be implied as a global
10:22.00Nefarioni thinlk
10:22.28Tem|AFKoh the blind leading the blind, this should end well
10:22.45Tem|AFKreqol, I'm 80% sure you're just doing something you shouldn't
10:23.05Tem|AFKNefarion, 'this' should never be used.  It's deprecated and may go away sometime.
10:23.21Nefarionah it is?
10:23.50reqoltem: I have an onload handler in my frame which calls a function. I'm trying to use 'self' in this function, but it's returning undefined. I'm asking if I need to explicitly argue it or if it's implied when called from a frame
10:23.51Tem|AFKevery place where you have the global 'this' a local 'self' is passed to the handler
10:24.14Tem|AFKwhat do you mean by "I need to explicitly argue it" ?
10:24.19Tem|AFKthat doesn't make any sense to me
10:24.20Nefarionreqol: if you're registering your handlers in Lua, the first arg passed is the frame by the way, so you can use it
10:24.20reqolas in myfunction(self)
10:24.31Tem|AFKoh, declare it as an arugment
10:24.43Tem|AFKyou must have 'self' in the argument list
10:24.56Tem|AFK(unless you're defining the function with the : operator)
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10:25.06Tem|AFK(but you probably aren't)
10:25.08Nefarionthis will be available lua-side though
10:25.21Nefarionso if you're passing it to the function, then calling self, why not avoid passing it and call this?
10:25.47Nefarionbut I guess this is deprecated? so you may want to rework what you're doing.
10:26.15Tem|AFKNefarion, I have _no_idea_ what you just said
10:26.32Nefarioni was talking to reqol
10:26.34Tem|AFKwhy would you 'call' a table vale?
10:26.49Nefarionhe wants to call a function from the onload handler, and pass this into the function as arg1, then access it as self
10:27.02reqolno, I just want to use self: :o
10:27.02Nefarionit's easier to just call the function, then access this from lua-side
10:27.20Tem|AFKit's also slower
10:27.31Nefariona little yeah
10:27.55Nefarionreqol, why do you need an xml-side onload handler?
10:28.14Tem|AFKgood lord
10:28.20Tem|AFKRead PiL
10:28.44Tem|AFKI suck at teaching because I don't have patience for people who don't prepare for class.
10:29.11reqolNefarion: I don't, before I started xml I used lua frames to handle all onevent and onload crap, now that I deal with XML, I figure I might as well use XML handlers
10:33.32purlProgramming in Lua, a book written by the authors of the Lua programming language. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in print from most online bookstores, and covers Lua 5.1.
10:33.33Tem|AFKread it
10:33.41Tem|AFKall your questions will be answered
10:35.16KalrothTem|AFK: I got 5-9 questions about Lua, but I'm too lazy to read any book or google for it. Will you help me?!
10:36.42Tem|AFKKalroth, not likely
10:37.06Tem|AFKrefer to the "asking smart questions" faq somewhere
10:37.10KalrothNot even with pictures of my nipples?
10:38.09*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
10:38.26Tem|AFKappealing to the tits/gtfo side of me?
10:38.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
10:38.37art3mishe said nipples
10:38.41art3misnot tits ;P
10:39.01Tem|AFKah well then the answer is easy
10:39.19KalrothWell I'm male, so I can't offer tits. Hence I was hoping nipples would be enough.
10:39.32Tem|AFKs/no/hell no/
10:40.25KalrothAw :(
10:40.46KalrothHad it been any other in this room, then they'd have said yes.
10:43.20buuI'M SAYING YES
10:43.21buuIN MY MIND.
10:43.26buuOr possibly outloud
10:44.24art3misman hdloader is so fun to play with
10:44.45art3misi wish it was more like an actual modchip and capable of playing pal games though
10:44.58art3misstupid pal discs
10:45.05art3misdamn euros and thier different systems
10:45.19art3misgo for the eyes buu!
10:46.32KalrothOi, it's the damn americans that's dumb enough to use their body parts as a measuring system
10:46.45Kalroth"The house is 4 hands, 8 feet and 3 cocks from here!"
10:46.47art3mispal actually nothig to do with body parts ;P
10:47.04KalrothWell you had to fuck with your power too
10:47.21art3misyes because having 220volts was a GREAT idea
10:47.43KalrothWhat's the downside of having 220 volts?!
10:47.51art3miswell its 100volts too much
10:48.00Kalroth110*? :)
10:48.18art3misgive or take ;P i always think of wall oultlets as 120
10:48.59KalrothYeah, seems like it
10:49.20KalrothSee how many 220-230V countries there are!
10:49.37art3misyou'll notice that most of them are 3rd and old world ;P
10:49.40KalrothEven Botswana got 231 volts, while the US is stuck with 120 volts.
10:49.42art3misthus behind the times
10:50.05KalrothI thought you americans was for more, not less
10:50.16buuWe stole it from the britws
10:50.18buuDon't blame us.
10:50.26PolarinaAnyone knows how the new ChangeLog field works? :)
10:50.30art3miswell firstly im not american ;P
10:50.31KalrothThe brits upgrades ages ago though
10:50.45Kalrothart3mis: Canuck then?!
10:50.49buuIt's worked fo rthe last 2,000 years, why change now?
10:50.52art3missecondly im a nerd so more is less if the more is wasted ;P
10:51.17Kalrothart3mis: You're just another state in the US then!
10:51.25KalrothHell, your dollars are equal to the US now.
10:51.41art3misno more so than you're just another scot ;P
10:51.53KalrothOi, it's the other way around
10:51.58art3misand its more than a us dollar thank you very much ;P
10:52.14KalrothI was invading Scotland when you were still a white spot on the map!
10:52.28Kalroth(no, not those kinds of white spots)
10:52.28art3misand still getting your ass handed to you
10:52.37art3misby a bunch of backwater hicks ;P
10:53.02KalrothI'm Danish, not English! Hence it was me that did the owning :p
10:53.12art3misahh the danes
10:53.20art3mismadness and lack of sense
10:53.29art3misthe hallmarks of any declining nation ;P
10:53.44buuI almost choked.
10:53.52Kalrothbuu: Sorry.
10:54.07art3misexploring is grand but having everything you took when you were superior back because you couldnt adapt and advance doent say much
10:54.43Kalrothart3mis: Why would we advance? Other countries suck ass! I mean, just look at germany. Or Sweden.
10:54.52art3misnow you're othing more than an ice penninsula ;P
10:54.54buuKalroth: See?
10:55.12KalrothLike hell I'd want to run a country full of sauerkrauts
10:55.42Kalrothart3mis: That's kinda ironic, considering 50% of canadians live in igloos!
10:55.54art3miscloser to 10% but yeah
10:56.05art3misthats the hazard of being the largest nation on the planet ;P
10:56.29art3miscant have the square KMs without some ice ;P
10:56.30Kalrothsecond. :)
10:56.41art3misnot as long as russian is still fragmented ;P
10:56.51art3misif they unite we'll give back the title ;)
10:57.03KalrothNuh uh, Russia still counts!
10:58.16art3misyeah you cant claim most of the eastern and southern blocs as russian since thier thier own seperate countries
10:58.38KalrothWikipedia is always right, there's no argument here!
10:58.48art3misoh yeah
10:58.52art3misfergot about that
10:59.19KalrothBesides that, you speak french in Canada, so you automatically lose.
10:59.29art3misonly quebec speaks french
10:59.47KalrothSure, that's still one place too much.
10:59.51art3miswell quebec and bew brunswick
11:00.11Kalroth"Canada's two official languages are English and French."
11:00.27Kalroth"Official Bilingualism in Canada is law, defined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Official Languages Act, and Official Language Regulations; it is applied by the Commissioner of Official Languages. English and French have equal status in federal courts, Parliament, and in all federal institutions."
11:00.35KalrothSo you HAVE to speak frog!
11:00.45art3misbetter than viking ;P
11:00.57art3misat least the french give us good wine and food
11:00.58KalrothFuck no, we're the mother language.
11:01.03Fintrivia: South Africa has 13 official languages
11:01.05KalrothSpeaking of which, lunch time!
11:01.10art3misthe danes give us backup support for a "realuistic" macbeth ;)
11:02.26art3misfin: 11 of which are a series of clicks and whistles ;P
11:02.38art3mis1 is spanish and one is egyptian
11:02.41bleeter2.3.3 tonight?
11:02.58Finart3mis: ITYM nick clock ock flock
11:04.24Finseriously though, I tried to learn some words in... I forget which language, but it was one of those, from the cleaners in the hostel I was staying at, and there is NO WAY I could ever get my tongue around even one word
11:04.36Finit just didn't compute
11:04.51*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (i=kd3@gateway/tor/x-68bf533f1c61ca21)
11:05.11FinEnglish, French,
11:05.31FinOK, I was wrong, there's only 11
11:05.37Finmaybe there was 13 when I was there
11:05.47Finand they are: Afrikaans (Afrikaans), English, Ndebele (isiNdebele), Northern Sotho (Sesotho sa Leboa), Sotho (Sesotho), Swati (siSwati), Tsonga (Xitsonga), Tswana (Setswana), Venda (Tshivenda), Xhosa (isiXhosa), Zulu (isiZulu).
11:06.41Finwow, Zulu is the most common
11:06.51FinI bet that was the one I failed at
11:08.11bleeterhmm, guess not
11:09.29MoonWolfAfrikaans is funny.
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11:13.48bleeterMoonWolf: what I found funny, was when I was working in Europe and we had a South African, an Indonesian and a Nederlandse guy all trying to speak their native dialects of Nederlandse, and understand each other
11:13.58bleeterif we hadn't been all pissed, I'm sure it wouldn't have been as funny
11:14.08bleeterer s/pissed/drunk/ (.au expression)
11:14.09MoonWolfit should be.
11:14.25bleeterthey could kinda 1/3 understand each other
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11:50.47nevcairielmm new WoWI page is .. different
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11:56.02nevcairielthat was yesterday
11:56.15KalrothI was sick there
12:05.32fridgid"remember, ask first!!!"
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13:33.58laurlyis there a macro command that i came make to destroy a specific item.
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14:41.31art3mis9:33 and the dow is down 5% already (438)
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14:59.14malrethWoo! Karazhan is so much fun. I don't think I'll ever get tired of it ever no matter how many times I go!
14:59.59Polarinamalreth: Just don't come back crying.
15:00.26Josh_Borkemalreth: glad you like it :-)
15:00.36malrethbecause i waited so long to actually start raiding, i'm actually at an advantage
15:00.48malrethour guild has a loot policy that mains have priority over alts
15:01.07malrethso even if i'm 1 out of three mages (!) i still get all the loot
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15:02.19Gngskso what does all everyone thing about the new wowi look?
15:02.20LopeppeppyWe do mains before alts as well.  Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not.
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15:02.36malreththe new wowi look is different
15:02.53Polarinamalreth: Yeah, I like it. Although a but buggy at some places.
15:02.56malrethstill seems a bit too Web Portal-like to me
15:03.30malrethmore addon sites should be like and a barebones front page with a search field
15:03.47malrethmaybe in the case of wowi, a list of recently updated mods
15:04.12Cideor just a search box :P
15:04.32Cidelike google and wowhead, like you said
15:04.33malrethbut i'm not dolby and i don't know if he's done any metrics on which links get clicked on the most on their site
15:04.56malrethmaybe all the community stuff is what people go there for the most
15:05.11Cidethe new site is awesome
15:05.22malrethonce i figure out how to set the find tab to be my default page....
15:05.30malrethit's better than the old site at least
15:05.41malrethi mostly used the search field before
15:05.47PolarinaIt would be freaking awesome of the bugs in it were fixed. But now, it's awesome! :P
15:06.20malrethand having to click on the search link on the bar, watch the frame open, click on the search field, type, then press enter was waaaaay too many steps to perform for such a common task
15:08.21malrethi think there should be a link to My User Control Panel somewhere in the Logged In box...
15:09.01malrethor something more obvious than knowing that you can just click on Private Messages to then access the CP
15:09.09PolarinaBut I wouldn't want to have the MD5 sum there since nowdays it is possibly to generate two unique files with the same MD5 sum without too much effort.
15:10.07Josh_Borkei should have stayed with dark
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15:10.53invasion66hey guys i see a lot of people have very different interface then the one that i have , how come?
15:11.04Gngskmalreth, site options->user cp ... lemme knokw if you find the option to set default tab
15:11.15malrethi found it just now
15:11.19malrethbut thanks. :)
15:11.20Josh_Borkeinvasion66: they use different mods
15:11.20[dRaCo]they use mods to change the UI's look, invasion66
15:11.37Lopeppeppyinvasion66:  UI is infinitely customizable.  Visit the UI/Macros forum and read the stickies for how-to and sites and pointers and all that.
15:11.45invasion66like addon ? like map coordinates ?
15:11.50LopeppeppyAnd more.
15:11.52Polarinainvasion66: For example.
15:11.58Gngskcide, how come I couldn't find that?!
15:12.18Gngskoh, there's no default set. so the dropdown was blank
15:12.28invasion66polarina what were u saying?
15:13.10Polarinainvasion66: Nothing in particular.
15:13.30invasion66thanks +Lopeppeppy
15:14.15art3misim not a big fan of the new layout
15:14.26LopeppeppyI think it will grow on me, art3mis.
15:14.26Josh_Borkeme neither art3mis
15:14.32Josh_Borkebut i don't care enough to care
15:14.38art3misyeah more or elss
15:14.48PolarinaAnyone here knows how the new ChangeLog field does?
15:15.02art3misthe only things that really irritate me are the huge ads on the right corner and top that always seem to be some sort of flashy binky annoying thing
15:15.10Gngskright, I didn't like it at first either but after using it for a while it's not so bad
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15:15.37art3misof course for the other parts of the layout i prefer seeing everything at ocne i knid of dislike having to click tabs to view things that normally i could just glance at
15:15.46art3mispol bad
15:15.59art3misjusing adremovers on wowi is sacrelidge
15:16.03art3miserr using
15:16.13Polarinaart3mis: That feature comes with Firefox.
15:16.23art3misits still an adremover
15:16.30invasion66how come i never heard about this channel ? u guys are great
15:16.33art3misand that pays for the site
15:16.57art3misthus your hosting addons there isnt being covered if you refuse to at least the meager revenue attached to loading the page
15:17.15art3misi just want differnt non flashy ads
15:17.19art3misi cant stand em
15:17.45Polarinaart3mis: I'm aware that the advertisements pays the fund for the site. But the ads have white background (And are often ANIMATED!!!) and it really hurts my eyes.
15:17.56art3misso dont block em ;P
15:18.00art3misjust bitch at cairenn
15:18.07Josh_Borkei think cairenn lies
15:18.09art3misshes rather good at getting ads that dont suck crap ;P
15:18.11Polarinaart3mis: Like I haven't done that before...
15:18.13Josh_Borkei loaded wowi this morning and it looked normal
15:18.18Josh_Borkethen i loaded it at work and it looks like this
15:18.31Josh_Borkei know :-P
15:18.35invasion66arent te server closed since 2am ?
15:19.00invasion66the servers closed since 2 am right?
15:19.07malrethhmm... just noticed that you have to click on the actual text of the tab instead of just on the tab graphic itself
15:19.09Lopeppeppyinvasion66, some come up earlier than others.
15:19.16LopeppeppyBut yes, Tuesday is maintenance.
15:19.24malrethfor example, the hit box for clicking on the Find tab is very small for me
15:19.26art3mismalreth: yeah the addon tabs seem to be counter productive too
15:19.27invasion66really?? why is everything offline for me ???
15:19.45Lopeppeppyinvasion66:  Because they are still offline?  It's maintenance day.
15:19.54PolarinaI can still play on them. :P
15:19.55zenzelezz"You'll notice that the gnomes blew up almost all of our old site graphics, but we were able to recover a charred and blackened map of Azeroth, so we are using that as our header background now." o_O
15:20.15art3misi warned her ;)
15:20.18art3misgnomes can't be trusted
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15:20.46invasion66i dont like gnomes
15:20.54LopeppeppyYou guys are just horrible.
15:21.11art3misLopeppeppy: think about it you and cog are gnomes
15:21.15art3misergo you cant be trusted
15:21.18malrethyeah... i very much like the look of the find page
15:21.27Polarinaart3mis: Dolby made a backup of the old site if something screwed up, however, the gnomes blew up the backup too...
15:21.27Funkeh`animal abuse?
15:21.28art3mishow's ace3 coming?
15:21.41Polarinaart3mis: Ace3 is in beta.
15:21.45Funkeh`its, still coming :D
15:21.46art3misall ace is in beta
15:21.59art3misi meant more along the lines of if it was getting clsoe to useable ;P
15:22.03Funkeh`just a few bits and bobws
15:22.17Polarinaart3mis: It is usable.
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15:22.37art3mishow's migration coming?
15:22.44art3misi guess thats more or less what i meant ;P
15:22.56Funkeh`Not really planned that area
15:23.02Funkeh`All in due time, really
15:23.26art3misPolarina: heh backups are only useful if you do them right ;P
15:23.29Funkeh`I guess the exitement of a higher digit alone should do the trick
15:23.39art3misit's 3!!!
15:23.46Polarinaart3mis: Dolby did it right, the gnomes blew it up!
15:23.59art3misAce Trilateral!
15:24.03LopeppeppyGnomes did it right, Dolby just doesn't speak gnomish!
15:24.14art3miswell i suppose thats a good thing ;P
15:24.18PolarinaLopeppeppy: o.O
15:24.20art3mishe'd just go crazy
15:24.28art3misi don't know how dave does it
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15:41.42Polarina"* Fixed: An item whose ID is the highest in the database couldn't be fetched should that ID be an even number."    Is it well written?
15:42.40zenzelezzI'd have to agree, it's a bit confusing
15:43.05zenzelezzif I read it right, maybe something like "If the highest ID in the database was an even number if could not be fetched"
15:43.21Polarinazenzelezz: Thanks.
15:43.55malrethFixed an issue where an item could not be fetched if the ID was both an even number and the highest number in the database.
15:44.08malreththat's even clearer
15:44.25Polarinamalreth: Thanks.
15:44.36malrethbut it's still in passive voice... meh
15:45.27PolarinaThat is?
15:45.40malreth~wiki Passive Voice
15:45.59malrethas opposed to...
15:46.03malreth~wiki Active Voice
15:46.28malreththe summary isn't enough... you'll have to click-through
15:46.51malrethit's the difference between "The boy kicked the ball." and "The ball was kicked by the boy."
15:47.00ralfWORKmalreth: and which is preferred?
15:47.03malreththe former is active, the latter is passive
15:47.16ralfWORKfor documentation crap, I use passive
15:47.24ralfWORKbut I may fail :P
15:47.31malrethactive is usually better (depending) because it's more succinct.
15:47.38Polarinamalreth: How do I make your suggestion active voice?
15:47.44zenzelezzmatter of opinion
15:47.57malrethbut it really does depend on context... both are really valid
15:48.12malrethi have a preference for active
15:48.52Polarinamalreth: Could you help me make that active?
15:49.19malrethFixed an issue when fetching the ID of an item if it was both an even number and the highest index in the database.
15:49.53malrethjust gotta swap the verb and direct object around
15:49.58PolarinaIt was fetching the sell value, not the ID...
15:50.28malrethFixed an issue when fetching the sell value of an item if the ID was both even and the highest index in the database.
15:50.47Polarinamalreth: Thanks a lot. :)
15:50.51malrethFixed an issue when fetching an item's sell value if the ID was both even and the highest index in the database.
15:51.11malrethbrevity is the soul of wit
15:51.19malrethwhich does not apply when writing tech docs
15:52.02LopeppeppyOr valentine's cards.
15:52.51malreth"luv u happy val day lol"
15:53.29malrethi'm gonna make lolcat greeting cards
15:53.30zenzelezz<3 u thx
15:53.39ralfWORKbrevity is for text messages
15:53.43ralfWORKmalreth: I'll buy some
15:54.09malreth"u has a xmas card now"
15:54.22ralfWORK"I maed u a valentien" on the outside and "but I eated it" on the inside
15:54.50LopeppeppyI maed y a valintyne... but i peed on it.
15:55.15zenzelezzI'm not sure that would carry the right message
15:56.21ralfWORK"hai! i luvs u"
15:56.23LopeppeppyI rather think it would for me, zenzelezz.  And I might just actually do it, for more effect.
15:56.42zenzelezzis the councelling not going the right way?
15:56.46ralfWORK"hallo, wil u b meh valentein"
15:57.27malrethi've got a projector to hang on the ceiling now... wish me luck and pray that i don't fall off the ladder
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16:37.44cogwheeldolby-wowi: My custom title isn't rendering the same way it used to...  Should be <Fishing Trainer> but it shows up as &lt;Fishing Trainer&gt; (even after trying to change it again)
16:39.17zenzelezzwhat HTML does it use... "&amp;lt;"?
16:40.27LopeppeppyIt's worse than an orc trying to speak gnomish.
16:41.17Cidezenzelezz: most likely
16:41.47cogwheelzenzelezz: aye
16:42.02Cideactually I don't think you can express it in any other way :P
16:42.07zenzelezztoo aggressive 'escaping' then
16:42.18Cideor sensible escaping
16:42.23Cidedepending on how you look at it
16:42.24cogwheelwell i knew /what/ was happening... that's not the point :P
16:42.31zenzelezzyeah, it depends
16:42.56Cidepls halp, my program is stuck in an infinite loop!
16:43.01zenzelezzbut if he input '<' and it was converted to '&lt;', and then again to '&amp;lt;', it's too aggressive
16:43.03zenzelezzin my interpretation
16:43.07cogwheelit looks like it's being run through the htmlifier twice or it doesn't do &amp; as the first step
16:43.27Cideit has to be run twice
16:43.37cogwheeloh yeah...
16:43.49Cideor separate runs for each entity
16:43.54cogwheelwell, maybe it's run once when it's saved and then once on display
16:44.09Cideyeah, that's a possibility
16:44.27Cidethat's a pain in the butt
16:44.36cogwheelCide: actually if the logic is wrong it could be converting the < to &lt; first and then converting & to &amp;
16:44.47Cidewhich is twice :P
16:44.56cogwheelwell, it's not doing the whole process twice
16:44.59Cideit escapes stuff twice instead of in one pass
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16:45.13Cideyeah, I guess >1 pass is the best way to look at it
16:45.38Cidebut really, we both know what it does so it's just semantics :P
16:45.54zenzelezzcould be order of substitution
16:46.00Cidenow to figure out my infinite loop!
16:46.03cogwheelzenzelezz: way to repeat me :P
16:46.14zenzelezzyou've done the same with what I said also
16:46.21LopeppeppyCopy cats.
16:46.23Cideyou've done the same with what I said also
16:46.31LopeppeppyIt could be the substitution of the order.  :P
16:46.40zenzelezzof course Cide, I have to steal my info somewhere
16:46.41Cidewell played, Lopeppeppy
16:46.49cogwheelzenzelezz: i was differentiating substitution order from multiple executions of the whole substitution process
16:46.57cogwheelwhich no one seems to have understood :P
16:47.06zenzelezzcogwheel: I never concluded it was the full pass running multiple times
16:48.02cogwheelzenzelezz: your "too aggressive" seemed to imply so... I wouldn't classify messed up order as too aggressive ;)
16:48.31TecnoBratCairenn, dolby-wowi <3 the new site
16:48.40CairennTecnoBrat: thanks
16:48.49zenzelezzcogwheel: that was just poor wording, happens a lot when I get stuck on a word I'm unsure of
16:52.09zenzelezzseen some funny order-of-substitutions before... particularly a recursive one, where "&" became "&amp;" and got into an infinite loop
16:58.59PolarinaCairenn: There are issues with the new site though. :(
16:59.06CairennI know
16:59.25Cairennpost, so we see them and can get to them
17:00.31PolarinaCairenn: The issues I found aren't listed there.
17:00.41Finegads! NeWI!
17:00.43zenzelezzI believe that's why she said "post"
17:00.46Cairennwhich is why I said "post"
17:00.49zenzelezzindicating you shoudl bring it up
17:00.52Finthat's why post
17:03.39LopeppeppyWould do you no good, the Elusive Redhead Club will keep you away!
17:04.01zenzelezzwell we have already seen pictures of her, we just want more
17:05.38LopeppeppyBah.  Sharks!
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17:09.39FinITYM moar, HTH
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17:17.32[Liquidor]"18:12:09 [G] [22:Buffa]: Because i got JC as a profession and it's easier to go to exodar if you have Hearthstone in shattrath ok?"
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17:18.43ScytheBlade1wtb realms :/
17:19.03cogwheel[Liquidor]: it boggles the mind how long it takes for ppl to understand that
17:19.34nevcairieli dont really get whats so special about that sentence
17:19.54cogwheeltook me about an hour spamming stormwind general to get a mage to port me ... they all responded with some smart ass "why the hell do you want to go there"
17:20.35nevcairiel"let me worry about that, i even pay you for that portal, now shush"
17:21.03cogwheelyeah... i was offering 2g a pop (aren't the runes like 70s?)
17:21.09[Liquidor]nevcairiel, "18:12:59 [G] [22:Buffa]: YES IT IS FASTER TO HS SHATTRAH AND GO EXODAR FOR JC"
17:21.49nevcairieli hearthed like all alts in shatt
17:21.50Josh_Borkeisn't it technically faster to hearthstone to exodar?
17:21.56nevcairieljuts to be able to travel to all major citys
17:22.03cogwheelScytheBlade1: want to watch something more tedious and boring than the realm status page? ;)
17:22.08Josh_Borkesame nev
17:22.21ScytheBlade1cogwheel: depends on what I'm watching ;)
17:22.22cogwheelJosh_Borke: of course it is
17:22.38cogwheelJosh_Borke: but then you're totally screwed if you actually want to go somewhere useful
17:22.41ScytheBlade1F@H ftw
17:22.44[Liquidor]"18:18:37 [G] [63:Stimbe]: does my horses agility rise when i get more agility bonus?"
17:22.47[Liquidor]even better :P
17:22.53Josh_Borkecogwheel: yep ;-)
17:23.08nevcairielhorses have agility?
17:23.19Josh_Borkegotta get over the fences some how
17:23.49LopeppeppyNo... I rather think they don't, Josh_Borke.   :P
17:23.51[Liquidor]"18:20:49 [G] [63:Stimbe]: i have played like 2 months, silence please"
17:24.02ScytheBlade1cogwheel: I used to do that... then I stopped caring :/
17:24.05cogwheelaww... ScytheBlade1 you actually missed it... it just hit 38% a minute ago
17:24.15zenzelezzin Anarchy Online, how high you could jump was determined by your base ability values and run speed... meant that high-level players could jump to places lowbies couldn't reach \o/
17:24.43cogwheelScytheBlade1: yeah... i just felt guilty having my home server sitting there idle 24 hrs a day waiting for me to ftp/ssh/svn something
17:25.07ScytheBlade1cogwheel: I did too. Then I configured a LOT of power saving options, and then felt less bad about it. ;P
17:25.08cogwheeland seti@home is just too useless :P even if they find something, what does that really mean for "us"?
17:25.16LopeppeppyMy cat loves the heat and the soft whirring vibrations of my computer.
17:25.22zenzelezzcogwheel: extinction
17:25.23cogwheelScytheBlade1: well yeah... it's actually a VERY low power computer... but still
17:25.38cogwheelzenzelezz: aye... all the religious whack-jobs will nuke the planet, huh?
17:25.53ScytheBlade1cogwheel: hehe. I just configured my computers to actually save power and then moved my servers off of my desktop. No reason to keep them on overnight anymore.
17:25.54zenzelezznah, I'm more thinking of the aliens
17:26.23ScytheBlade1Date of last
17:26.24Saint-Ncog: it means that a little alien pops up in your data graph and winks at you
17:26.24ScytheBlade1work unit 2005-01-29 14:14:05
17:26.27ScytheBlade1I'm so awesome
17:26.32Saint-Nif yer not there to see it it doesnt get caught ;P
17:27.42cogwheelzenzelezz: in that case, it still doesn't matter... our discovery of their existence should in no way affect their intent or ability to destroy us :P
17:28.11zenzelezzsure it would. They'd know we'd be trying to reach them, and I can't see why they'd want us to come there
17:28.12LopeppeppyWe would just die in terror instead of ignorance.
17:28.20ScytheBlade1This (conversational) thread is going places.
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17:29.05LopeppeppyI'm not keen on dying either way, just for the record.
17:29.17cogwheeldoes CTMod even have a friends notes feature? (never looked)
17:29.32ralfWORKyea it does
17:29.34ralfWORKand I ove it
17:29.36Cidepretty sure we invented it, more or less :P
17:29.45Cidebut it's a pretty generic feature so /shrug
17:30.49PolarinaWho the hell is rating my addons as terrible? :'(
17:31.03Cidesomeone who doesn't like it?
17:31.16LopeppeppySomeone says they're getting errors, without posting their error message.
17:31.28Josh_BorkePolarina: me :-D
17:31.29Cidestab a kitten?
17:31.32Cideit's what I do
17:31.35[Liquidor]That's not new Lopeppeppy :)
17:31.44[Liquidor]Josh_Borke, I was first.
17:32.31PolarinaJosh_Borke: Why?
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17:34.38Polarina[Liquidor]: Why?
17:35.19[Liquidor]That's a secret.
17:35.48ScytheBlade1Haha, looks like they're updating the PTR servers as we speak. Conversely, no one can login to them, and the forums are flooded in crap.
17:35.57Polarina[Liquidor]: Honestly, I would really like to know.
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17:36.46Tierrieholy crap
17:36.50Tierriefeds cut rates by .75%
17:37.09Tierriethat's really really bad
17:37.13Tierriegood bye wold
17:37.32Saint-Nthts kind of a crazy amount
17:37.34Tierriemy monies :( its worthless
17:37.46TierrieI didn't!
17:37.49TierrieGood thing I spent all my money
17:37.58Polarina[Liquidor]: Please. I would really like to know.
17:38.04Esamynn|Workhell, this disaster has been in the making for years now
17:38.29LopeppeppyIt gets worse before it gets better, sad but true.
17:38.51TierrieBen's such a moron :P
17:39.03Josh_Borkei don't even know what addons you've written polarina
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17:39.37Saint-Nesa: yeah, it was bound to happen at some point
17:40.12Saint-Nbut hey its what republicans do... make the market perform well by screwing everything up for stability so that when dems take over they're in a ressession ;P
17:40.36ralfWORKI blame Bush
17:41.49PolarinaralfWORK: Shut up!
17:41.59ralfWORKit's a joke
17:42.30Esamynn|Workis was?
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17:44.04zenzelezzI don't see how Americans can vote for any candidate when they can't even get along with the people on their own side (à la Clinton/Obama)
17:44.22Josh_Borkezenzelezz: i agree
17:46.17cogwheelSaint-N: didn't it happen exactly the other way around last time
17:46.46Saint-Ncog: you'll notice the word stable in there
17:46.56Saint-Nwhen clinton had control it was a mostly stable growing environment
17:47.03Saint-Nsince that time it HAS grown
17:47.14Saint-Nbut it's far from stable as the cut will attest to
17:47.32cogwheelwell, really it was a bubble and it was in no small part due to the gov
17:48.01Saint-Nzen: thats something ive always wondered about too, i mean if you're on the same team why in gods name would you put forth a defmation type add making your opponent(whos on the same team) look bad to the public
17:48.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Slackwise (
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17:50.51[Liquidor]ralfWORK, Bush is a joke
17:54.09Endyeah, the politics in this country are stupid
17:54.35Endpoliticians get elected based on -marketing-
17:57.24dylanmDon't forget crying.
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17:59.31[Liquidor]and war
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18:04.00cogwheeldamnit malreth...
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18:04.15cogwheeleverything I can think to say in response shouldn't be said...
18:05.49cogwheelat least not by someone in green :P
18:05.58Cide looks like CT_BuffMod imo
18:06.20ralfWORKbush sure is a joke
18:06.21Josh_Borkewtb option to change texture
18:06.22ralfWORKhe's an idiot
18:06.38ralfWORKI'll take him over who he beat last election though :)
18:06.45CideJosh_Borke: I suck at graphics though
18:06.54Dumangod damn fucking rogues spamming the fuck out of the bug forum
18:06.56cogwheelralfWORK: the fact that one can say that without it truly being a political statement saddens me greatly
18:06.58Josh_Borkethat's why they made SharedMedia :-D
18:06.59Dumani wish peopel would grow up
18:07.04LopeppeppyTell us how you really feel, Duman.
18:07.13DumanI did :)
18:07.26ralfWORKcogwheel: what I said?
18:07.30ralfWORKhow do you mean?
18:07.49cogwheelIt's an indisputable fact that bush is an idiot... that has no bearing on his presidency :P
18:07.57ScytheBlade1You know, when 2.4 comes out, I vote we all character copy and run Kara as a channel
18:08.03ScytheBlade1Just so that we can get a screenshot like that :P
18:08.18Josh_Borkehell, we could probably run gruul or TK
18:08.25Saint-Ncog: it does to the degree that he had very little ability to NOT go along with bad choices ;P
18:08.27ralfWORKcogwheel: the fact that an idiot is president makes me sad
18:08.55ralfWORKthe fact that an idiot was better than the alternative makes me even sadder
18:09.16cogwheelSaint-N: i meant in the sense that saying he's an idiot does not say how you feel about the job he's doing...
18:09.33cogwheelsome people think he's doing a fine job, but they'll have a hard time arguing that he's a few cans short
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18:09.47Dumanhmm, did the forums eat it?
18:09.51Saint-Na few?
18:10.00Saint-Nhell the vending machine didnt even give his dollar back ;P
18:10.30ScytheBlade1A channel-wide Gruul's could be entertaining.
18:10.40LopeppeppyI'd love to have fun.
18:10.50ralfWORKhey, I'd do that
18:10.53ScytheBlade1Mostly because I can see half the raid in greens, and the other half of the raid in T5+
18:10.55Saint-Nwell come down to nyc peppy ;P
18:11.07ralfWORKI'm actually about ready to do gruul
18:11.11Saint-Nscythe: assuming that everyone is 70 ;P
18:11.16ScytheBlade1Hehe, that too
18:11.17ralfWORKjust killed netherspite last night btw
18:11.22cogwheelThe forum says... Moooooooooooooooooooo
18:11.25ScytheBlade1Grats, he's a fun fight
18:11.29cogwheel~emulate cogwheel
18:11.29purlACTION shakes her fist at the forums
18:11.36ralfWORKwas our first attempt at him
18:11.39purlthanks, cogwheel
18:11.40Dumanhmm yeah, forums exploded
18:11.41ralfWORKdowned him in 3 or 4 tries
18:11.44ralfWORKand wewt, win
18:11.55cogwheel~literal emulate cogwheel
18:11.55purl"emulate cogwheel" is "(<action>shakes her fist at the forums | <reply>~lart3mis | <reply>sag_ich_nicht: l2________)"
18:11.55ralfWORKhe's got crap for HP :P
18:12.07LopeppeppySaint-N, not while I'm still married, kthx.  :)
18:12.21Thunder_Childoh purl...
18:12.26ScytheBlade1Yeah, it could be fun. It might also be an excercise in futility and frustration. ;)
18:12.27LopeppeppyPurl is a girl!
18:12.34Thunder_Childpurl is an it
18:12.44cogwheelpurl no emulate cogwheel is (<action>shakes her fist at the forums | <reply>~lart3mis | <reply>sag_ich_nicht: l2________)
18:12.45purlokay, cogwheel
18:12.45Josh_Borkepurl, what are you?
18:12.46purlACTION are you to understand recursion, you must first understand recursion
18:12.53ralfWORKmy raid is... pretty bad at coordination. I'm surprised we pulled it off
18:12.56ScytheBlade1haha yes
18:13.15Saint-Npeppy: alright i'll wait then ;P
18:13.33LopeppeppyThanks for the support in my efforts, Saint-N.  *rolls eyes*
18:13.50ralfWORKbut to be honest, I believe Netherspite is the first boss we killed the same night we had our first encounter
18:14.15cogwheelScytheBlade1: woot! 40% :)
18:14.50ScytheBlade1cogwheel: lol
18:14.58ScytheBlade1F@H ftw?
18:15.07CideralfWORK: attumen must've been difficult
18:15.17Saint-Npeppy: im here for ya!
18:15.24ScytheBlade1lol... fond memories of my first runs at attumen...
18:15.25ralfWORKI'm sure that was sarcasm
18:15.28ralfWORKbut yes, it was
18:15.35ScytheBlade1We spent two hours working on him + his trash :/
18:15.46ralfWORKit was really hard when we had zero gear requirements
18:16.05ralfWORKand half the raid was blues/epics, half was green
18:16.10LopeppeppySome gear minimums do make higher level raiding easier.
18:16.21cogwheelSo, in case anyone in here hasn't yet made the connection, I'm batman
18:16.41ralfWORKactually, moroes and Curator were huge issues for us
18:16.49ralfWORKI remember starting kara with 3 healers
18:16.50kamdisSo, I guess I don't have a new forum hero after all.
18:17.01LopeppeppyBut I guessed that, Cogwheel.   :)  You did say you were setting up a hatemail account.
18:17.02ralfWORKand not havin enough healers
18:17.14ralfWORKnow we have 1 healer and 1 off healer, pretty much :P
18:17.16cogwheelthat being said, I was only using slipp while I waited for a new toon to appear in the selection list ;)
18:17.17ScytheBlade1It was pretty easy to guess... he said it in channel... ;)
18:17.32cogwheelScytheBlade1: only mentioned it once when it wasn't really busy in here :P
18:17.54ScytheBlade1It's still in the logs for time and all eternity!
18:18.09ralfWORK(resto druid is over 1700, priest is under 1500 and is mostly disc )
18:18.20ralfWORKkilled nightbane, prince and netherspite with them though
18:18.28ScytheBlade1nice @ resto druid over 1700
18:18.31ScytheBlade1What is his regen?
18:18.44ralfWORKher... pretty good, let me see
18:19.11ralfWORKnone of our healers have any of the Kara healing maces yet
18:19.17ralfWORKwish them shits would drop already
18:19.24cncfanaticscan anyone help me ? I'm looking for an addon that would automail anything I craft (after enabling it ofc) to a certain person
18:19.28kamdisS2 healing mace > kara ones imo
18:19.34ralfWORKwe had 1 drop months back
18:19.37ralfWORKwhen we had a pug healer
18:19.43ralfWORKand they won the maiden mace
18:19.44ScytheBlade1... ouch
18:19.48ralfWORKhaven't seen one since :(
18:20.13ScytheBlade1I run my healer next to a resto shaman and a priest. The shaman never saw the mace drop in a good four months
18:20.17ScytheBlade1Then it drops three weeks in a row
18:20.18ralfWORKit almost hurt me to let them win that mace, as a raid leader
18:20.35ralfWORKwe've killed prince 3x
18:20.45ScytheBlade1Okay, but don't mention prince
18:20.47ralfWORKand EVERY time it's been the rogue/pally/whatever
18:20.56ScytheBlade1My mage has been killing him for well over 6 months, no freaking dagger :P
18:21.01ralfWORKso the prot pally, the 2nd rogue and the 3rd rogue have wone it
18:21.10ScytheBlade1Gruul? Over 5 months, and no sword!
18:21.14ralfWORKthe 1st rogue hasn't won it yet
18:21.32ralfWORKmakes me wish we don't basically /roll
18:21.49ralfWORKbut I'll be damned if I do DKP on kara, or a loot council
18:21.56cogwheel~seen kirov
18:22.00purlkirov <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 87d 16m 29s ago, saying: 'Anyone know if the downloaded version of BC is any more up to date than the original store bought version?'.
18:22.01ScytheBlade1Rolls ftw
18:22.11LopeppeppyTotally do not do DKP for Kara or ZA.  Ugh.
18:22.17ScytheBlade1I remember him asking that question
18:22.19ralfWORKyea, I know Lopeppeppy
18:22.38LopeppeppyWe did, and it's borked our economy something fierce.
18:22.40ralfWORKbut at the same time, it leads to some interesting loot distribution
18:22.45LopeppeppyWe'll be fresh-starting with Black Temple.
18:22.50Dumanwe just do "who needs this?" :-)
18:23.00ralfWORKwe do 1 up per raid evening
18:23.08LopeppeppyWe should have, we totally should have.
18:23.13Dumanbut we all know each other for the most part... or have at least been playing the game together for the last 3 years
18:23.16LopeppeppyWe do the "one per, unless no one else wants it" rule.
18:23.17ralfWORKif no one needs it, a secondary roll is permited for off-spec gear
18:23.30ralfWORKi.e. shadowpriest rolling on healy gear
18:23.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (
18:24.11ralfWORKbut we don't make recruits wait on gear either
18:24.17ralfWORKwhich maybe we should, but w/e
18:24.28Lunessa... station
18:24.35ralfWORKyou're there, you killed the boss, you get a spot at the loot
18:24.35LopeppeppyMorning, Lunessa.
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18:25.35ralfWORKwe're about to start the infamous 2nd kara group. I'm not looking forward to it :(
18:26.20LunessaActually, my guild just started with a second group.  And it's working well for us.  We're not able to come up with a a third group though, not enough tanks/healers.
18:26.53LopeppeppyIt's hard, ralfWORK, but not impossible.  Try to avoid "competition" unless it's friendly, and maybe consider rotating people in and out through teams so that things stay level.
18:26.53ralfWORKresto druid, raid buffed, has 1884 heal, 180/377 regen, to whoever was asking
18:27.28ralfWORKthinking about starting with sharing 1 raid id actually
18:27.34ralfWORKuntil we can safely man 2 full groups
18:28.11LopeppeppyThe big problems we had was that Group 1 would NOT run with group 2, or share advice, or anything else.  They were all competitive "we're the best", and it really brought out some bad group karma for a while.
18:28.29ralfWORKI know someone else who does 1 raid id for the guild, and it works for them
18:28.31Saint-Nthats because group 1 IS ebtter than group 2 ;P
18:28.34LunessaThat can work too, but you invariably have someone who wants to go more than one night and that means you bump someone else who should get a chance to go.
18:28.56ralfWORKwe are casual, obviously, and that makes it even more complicated
18:29.08ralfWORKasking for signups is lol
18:29.18ralfWORKso I send invites at raid time, whoever is on is in
18:29.30ralfWORKso far I've only had to bench 1 person
18:29.42ralfWORKbut if we start building a 2nd group, I'm sure I'll have to bench more
18:30.01LunessaYes, what's working well for my casual guild on an RP server is static rosters and consistent scheduling.
18:30.12LopeppeppyI second that, Lunessa.
18:30.17ralfWORKI wish we did have a static roster
18:30.29ralfWORKwe'd probably be done with kara 2 months ago if we had that :P
18:30.41LunessaThey key is consistent scheduling.  Everyone knows it's X time on Y day every week.
18:30.53LunessaThey start planing around it.
18:30.57ralfWORKyea, we have that
18:31.00ralfWORKthey plan for it
18:31.04ralfWORKthey just don't sign up
18:31.32ralfWORKI'm much more serious about it than they are, mostly
18:31.43LunessaMy raid team knows that Sat and Sun is Kara, and they know they've got a spot.   We sub in an alternate for anyone who is more than 10 mins late.
18:32.00ralfWORKI sub in alternates at raid time
18:32.04ralfWORKon the dot
18:32.06LunessaAnd I push the pace.
18:32.37LopeppeppyWe do our subs 10 minutes before the raid starts, and our tank really pushes us forward, even when he's on his mage and not his warrior.  :)
18:32.37LunessaOnce we start I keep it moving as fast as we can handle - as little down time and waiting as is humanly possible.
18:32.44LunessaIt makes things much more fun.
18:33.00ralfWORKyes, I'm being encourage to do that
18:33.04ralfWORKbut uhm... lol
18:33.07ralfWORKwe have some pretty bad players
18:33.11ralfWORKone being the tank
18:33.13LopeppeppyFor gods sake, always include a potty break though!
18:33.25ralfWORKyea, our raids are 3 hours. I do one in the middle
18:33.43LunessaOurs are 4 hours.
18:33.59LunessaWe break after a boss so people can pee/get a drink etc.
18:34.00ralfWORKI try to make strat discussion as quick as possible, esp. on old content
18:34.06ShirikPolarina what are you on about
18:34.10LopeppeppyWe do Kara 7 - midnight.  Ish.
18:34.15ShirikDifferent parts of the world use different formats for time
18:34.22ralfWORKI wish we had more time
18:34.26ralfWORK3 hours is barely enough
18:34.31ralfWORKwhen you got slackers
18:35.01ralfWORKthe "get there on time" stick is only so big when they know there is no replacement
18:35.09LunessaAnd strat discussion for content we've done before is a 1 min reminder - for a new boss, I go over it for 2 mins and then we /do/ it so people can see/understand what I was talking about.
18:35.45Lunessa3 hours will get you Attumen, Moroes and either Opera/Maiden if you're going slow.
18:35.50ralfWORKdo you have people in your raid who constantly say "I don't understand"
18:35.52LopeppeppyWe try to use the class channels to give strats to new people during trash, we've done it long enough that there are too few new people to waste all the raid time.
18:36.06kamdisstrat discussion?  wtf is that?  (there's a reason my guild is called Improvise, hehe)
18:36.10LunessaNo.  People who see it a time or two will get it.
18:36.10ralfWORKyes, day 1 we do Moroes, Opera, Curator and can do it in 3 hours
18:36.32Lunessakamdis: I want to have my philosophy be "fuck it, just pull."
18:36.33ralfWORKusually we have 30m left over
18:36.45ralfWORKso we might do maiden or attumen at the end
18:36.51LopeppeppyLunessa.... er, let me reconsider that server swap!  :)
18:37.07LunessaLopeppeppy: Come to the Dark Side...
18:37.12ralfWORKtook me 10 minutes last night to explain to the tank to jump in and out of the red beam
18:37.18PolarinaShirik: ?
18:37.34ShirikYour comment about dates being like "2008-01-22"
18:37.45PolarinaShirik: It's a ISO standard.
18:37.56ShirikProgrammers follow ISO standards
18:38.00Shirikhumans follow country standards
18:38.04Lunessaralf - I'm willing to teach.  But if someone won't learn, they don't get invited back.
18:38.08*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
18:38.08ralfWORKhumans shouldn't be on the interweb
18:38.14kd3ya, I actually got laughed at when I signed in to vote using the iso-standard date
18:38.15Dumanyeah I always do YYYY MM DD
18:38.21Dumanplus, it sorts better that way
18:38.23ralfWORKLunessa: what class do you run?
18:38.28PolarinaShirik: I want to be at least able to configure the format...
18:38.36LunessaI'm playing a Priest.
18:38.40ShirikThat's a valid argument
18:38.41ralfWORKholy or shadow?
18:38.43LunessaAnd I'm the guild leader
18:38.48ralfWORKand you run the raids?
18:38.48LunessaAnd I'm deep holy.
18:38.49ShirikHowever saying that "mm-dd-yyyy" is wrong is... well... wrong.
18:39.06PolarinaShirik: It's confusing.
18:39.09LunessaI run my set team
18:39.24ralfWORKI fail at leading raids while holy
18:39.34ShirikThen ask for the option
18:39.36ralfWORKI'm gl as well
18:39.38LunessaAnd I set guild policy/direction with a core of officers where I am "first amoung equals."
18:39.44Shiriknot for the rest of the non-programming world to conform to ISO standards
18:39.49ShirikHell the US can't even get on the metric system
18:40.02LunessaHaha.. true Shirik !
18:40.48kamdisAm I correct in my understanding that "equipped:" only takes item types and not specific item names?
18:40.56kd3oh wow. press release... wow's at 10m now
18:40.58kd3kamdis; yup
18:41.03kamdisthank you
18:41.10|Jelly|Ahh yes. Staying up until the servers die and for all intents and purposes, sleeping through the server down time.
18:41.12LunessaDepending on who I work with I'll use either date format dd-mm-yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy - because I want to make it easier for those who will use my documents.
18:41.17ShirikThat's kinda insane
18:41.32PolarinaLunessa: Both are confusing to me.
18:41.46ShirikLunessa: Would you believe I write my dates in a different form?
18:41.53Josh_Borkewow, 0.1% of the world's population plays wow!
18:41.56Shirikoh wait, no, you said dd-mm-yyyy
18:42.03Esamynn|WorkralfWORK: n00b, it's called the inter-tubes! :P
18:42.06ShirikI do 01-Jan-2008
18:42.11ShirikThat way everyone can understand
18:42.12nevcairielif we ever get to 1%, i will be scared
18:42.13Esamynn|Workdamnit, nm
18:42.14ralfWORKEsamynn|Work: :)
18:42.17Esamynn|WorkI was scrolled back
18:42.21kamdisShirik: that's what I do also
18:42.23Josh_Borkenevcairiel: me too
18:42.25Esamynn|Work~lart me
18:42.25purlblasts esamynn|work with a huge firehose then strangles esamynn|work with it
18:42.27ralfWORKwe have 0.1% of the worlds idiots too
18:42.28LunessaI'll do that for documents where any ambiguity is problematic.
18:42.37nevcairielnah, must be more
18:43.28Shirikbatrick, just reading the opening PARAGRAPH I already love this article
18:43.30Shirikit's so true
18:44.09Shirik"Students found it hard to write programs that did not have a graphic interface, had no feeling for the relationship between the source program and what the hardware would actually do, and (most damaging) did not understand the semantics of pointers at all, which made the use of C in systems programming very challenging."
18:44.15ShirikWasn't I talking about this last night? :P
18:44.21LunessaPoint one is true.
18:44.42ralfWORKLunessa: so 2m even on new stuff eh? do your people read about encounters beforehand?
18:44.52ShirikYou know what, I'm going to show this to my boss :P
18:45.01ralfWORKShirik: most people are idiots
18:45.03ShirikI've been trying to get him to convert one of the courses to C forever
18:45.56ralfWORKthey find it hard to write programs without GUIs because they don't use OSes that don't have GUIs
18:46.01LunessaMy first programming language was basic.  Followed by C and C++
18:46.02ralfWORKthanks microsoft
18:46.08ShirikThey do bring a valid point to teach Java: Teaching concurrent programming with Java is so easy
18:46.17zenzelezzI went VB -> C++, and stayed.
18:46.17Shirikand it provides a great base to learn it
18:46.26Dumanwhere's a CM when you need one
18:47.28ShirikLunessa: I went BASIC->C++ too :D
18:47.39DumanBASIC -> Pascal -> C
18:47.44ShirikAnd that's not like BASIC is some pointer to a struct that has a value C that I incremented
18:47.52LunessaWell, in '80 all I could get for public consumption was BASIC
18:48.11DumanI learned BASIC by reading ENTER magazine :-P
18:48.13Esamynn|Workand then Java
18:48.23ShirikI learned BASIC by reading some mystery book
18:48.26Lunessammmm... C64 and the TRS-80
18:48.31Shirikin 3rd grade
18:48.43ShirikAnd you know what, I often wonder what would have happened if I never checked out that book :P
18:48.53malrethI was BASIC -> Pascal -> C/C++ -> Java -> quickly back to C/C++
18:49.26ShirikI REALLY need to learn Ada.
18:49.50ShirikIt's used heavily in the fields I'm trying to go into. Only 3 languages are authorized, C, C++, and Ada
18:49.51batrick"It [Texas A&M] did [teach Java as the first language]. Then I started teaching C++ to the electrical engineers and when the EE students started to out-program the CS students, the CS department switched to C++."
18:50.14Esamynn|WorkShirik: ahh, well, here's some warning, Ada = VERY VERY VERY VERBOSE!
18:50.24ShirikAda is also extremely strict, I hear
18:50.32Esamynn|Workin some things
18:50.34ShirikAnd that's why the FAA loves it.
18:50.36Esamynn|Worksome things are optional
18:50.45Esamynn|Worklike naming the args you pass to a function
18:51.03malrethwell, Ada is named after a woman so it's understandable that it would be both verbose and strict.
18:51.04Esamynn|Workor rather, matching the args to the function's parameter names
18:51.14Esamynn|Work~lart malreth
18:51.14purlcats /dev/urandom into malreth's ear
18:51.19ShirikSupposedly it's a great concurrent language
18:51.27Esamynn|Workjust for the record, I larted you for the shouting :P
18:51.27Shirikhaha I did something like that one
18:51.40Shirikcat /dev/hda1 /dev/audio
18:51.43Shirikthat was fun
18:51.51Shirikcat /dev/hda1 > /dev/audio
18:51.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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18:52.06kd3whee for a free white noise generator
18:52.16Cairennhi hi, again :)
18:52.36Esamynn|WorkShirik: I will say this, it's really quite easy to read, even if you know nothing about it, some things need defining, but it does make code maintenence much easier
18:52.55ShirikI've seen the code, it looks pretty simple, I just wouldn't know how to write it.
18:53.04zenzelezz<malreth> well, Ada is named after a woman so it's understandable that it would be both verbose and strict. <-- and hard to make it do what you want it to
18:53.07kamdisokay how do i turn off that auto-away crap?
18:53.18Lopeppeppyzenzelezz... impossible.
18:53.22|Jelly|Stop being away imo.
18:53.23Shirikyou don't :P
18:54.03kd3oh wow at the bug report forum
18:54.10kd3all of the rogues are in a concerted effort to bitch about vanish
18:54.24ShirikThere is an addon I am aware of that prevents you from logging out
18:54.30Shirikbut you still go /afk I believe
18:56.07Thunder_ChildShirik, ya
18:56.12Thunder_Childbut not in a major city
18:56.18Thunder_Childe.g. no sleep area
18:58.21Lunessakamdis: Are you using a calendaring AddOn (not Group Calendar, but the other popular one who's name escapes me)?
18:58.34ralfWORKthey all suck :P
18:58.55LunessaGEM - yes, that one.
18:59.10ralfWORKI like group calendar better than gem, but they both generally suck
18:59.19Dumankd3 missed my bitching earlier
18:59.26DumanWTB cleanup, Bug Forum
18:59.46kamdisLunessa, no
18:59.51LunessaGC is a very handy tool for a single guild, but use it across a shared channel and it's not so happy.
18:59.51kamdisGroup Calendar
18:59.58ralfWORKbig problem is
19:00.15ralfWORKas you'd imagine, signups only work if the person who created the event is online
19:00.19*** join/#wowi-lounge soufron (
19:00.19ralfWORKdoesn't even work on my alt
19:00.21ralfWORKwhich is irritating
19:00.23kamdisI refuse to use it though
19:01.11|Jelly|kd3: Downloading 2.3.3 :)
19:01.50Duman2.3.3.7799 woot
19:02.45ShirikERROR #132 CRITICAL ERROR
19:03.22ShirikI changed my sound volume because I couldn't hear crap
19:03.25Shirikand then it crashed
19:03.37zenzelezz"You want sound? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE SOUND"
19:03.55Shirikand actually
19:04.03ShirikI can hear stuff now, but according to my UI, my sound volume was never changed
19:04.59kd3whee for random good news about humanity
19:05.04kd3"Japanese to launch paper plane from ISS"
19:07.04malrethhey... there's real science behind that paper plane
19:07.26ralfWORKfrom ISS?
19:07.38zenzelezzI fear it will burn upon reentry into the atmosphere
19:08.02malrethzenzelezz: it's designed to not burn up
19:08.06Thunder_ChildInternational Space Station
19:08.20zenzelezzmalreth: ah, brilliant!
19:08.20malrethzenzelezz: but that's what they're trying to test
19:08.23ralfWORKit's made of ricepaper, duh
19:08.32kd3ya, but still. I'm looking for good news today considering how bad my stocks are tanking
19:08.55malrethkd3: that's why i never look at my investments
19:08.59Shirikholy crap
19:09.02Shirikthey upgraded the lua engine
19:09.08zenzelezzin WoW?
19:09.08malrethShirik: ?!
19:09.14nevcairielShirik: to what?
19:09.16ralfWORKso ToC files change?
19:09.17Shirikwell, at least /dump -nil doesn't crash anymore
19:09.21zenzelezzto which version?
19:09.31malrethThey upgraded it to have an orange scent.
19:09.31zenzelezzralfWORK: no, that's UI version
19:09.42ralfWORKzenzelezz: erm ok
19:09.44Shirik[string "return -nil"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value
19:09.49Shirikinstead of horrible crash and burn
19:09.51Thunder_Childthats why i never invest!
19:10.37Esamynn|WorkShirik: lol
19:10.53zenzelezzwhile it is sad to lose your life savings, I can't feel pity for people who put it into stock/funds and expect it to be perfectly safe
19:11.11ShirikThe exception unknown software exception (0xc00000fd) occurred in the application at location 0x0072260f
19:11.19ShirikThey didn't fix the coroutine bug yet :D
19:11.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Osstia (n=ryant@
19:12.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
19:13.01PolarinaShirik: Hardcode that "crashing" into one of your addons like the one who made that Horde-only addon.
19:13.11ShirikI considered it once
19:17.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Lukian (n=wizard@
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19:20.08Dumanjesus christ the bug forum is a mess
19:20.16Dumanoh well, time for lunch or something, anyway
19:24.59kamdisi love when people tell me that using a /tar focus + /targetlasttarget macro is better than a [target=focus] macro.
19:25.01ScytheBlade1Something tells me that they broke vanish
19:25.34LopeppeppyVanish has had some issues for quite a long time, ScytheBlade1.  Every new PTR it gets an explosion.
19:25.51ScytheBlade1Like that?
19:26.38LopeppeppyMostly, but perhaps this one is more severe than the last one.
19:27.07ralfWORKquite a list of people bitching about vanish!
19:27.25LopeppeppyIt's a legitimate issue of chronic standing.  *shrug*
19:27.26Esamynn|Workjeez, WoW has hit 10 million players
19:27.29cogwheelwhen did they make combo points stay on a mob even when you switch targets? :O
19:27.43ralfWORKcogwheel: I hear a nerf coming
19:28.00malrethcogwheel: ruh-roh!
19:28.12cogwheelralfWORK: only if it's a bug...
19:28.15nevcairielcogwheel: long time ago, they stay unless you create a cp on the new target
19:28.18cogwheelit may very well be intentional
19:28.23cogwheelnevcairiel: thanks
19:28.29kd3whee, cableco's finally here
19:28.29ralfWORKnevcairiel: cp?
19:28.34cogwheelcombo point
19:28.34nevcairielcombo point :P
19:28.37LopeppeppyOnce you hit a new target with CP, the ones on the old go away.
19:28.46ralfWORKsorry, I don't play a rogue
19:28.53ralfWORKI'm just married to one :P
19:29.46Rayneim freaking tired
19:29.49cogwheelit used to be that as soon as you lost your target, its CP would drop. That was actually the only pressing reason that [target=focus] was "better" (in effectiveness, not necessarily efficiency)
19:29.57Raynesomeone wrap up BBC10 so I can go back to bed pelase.
19:30.10ShirikLopeppeppy: I believe it's "gain a CP"
19:30.12Shiriknot "hit"
19:30.26LopeppeppyGain, hit... tomato/tomahto.
19:30.36ShirikYou can hit without gaining a CP :P
19:30.43cogwheelShirik: lern2plainenglish imo
19:30.45ShirikIn fact, if you didn't, that would be kinda OP
19:31.00cogwheel"hit a new target with CP" made perfect sense to me :P
19:31.01Shirikreading the whole sentence helps
19:31.56Raynekamdis: *puppydogeyes*
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19:34.23Lunessaok folks... have to drive to the office for a meeting.  back in like 2 hours.
19:34.30Shirikhave fun!
19:34.35cogwheelyou have my condolence
19:34.35ShirikI always had fun in meetings
19:34.48LunessaFeel free to talk about me while I'm gone. *wink*
19:35.14*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
19:35.44*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
19:36.29Esamynn|WorkKarlThePagan: BEGONE, you Pagan FIEND!
19:41.38kamdisRayne: huh wut?
19:41.43kamdisI've been distracted
19:44.26KarlThePaganstill no free transfers to kick the noobs off kil'jaeden
19:45.21Saint-Nyou obviously need to just purchase 1000 more accounts and log them all in ;P
19:45.39*** join/#wowi-lounge ecstasia (n=ecs@unaffiliated/ecstasia)
19:45.58ShirikDoes anyone know the calculations for skinning level requirements based on mob level?
19:46.34zenzelezzisn't it 5*level or something?
19:46.43Cidethink so
19:46.48Shirikit's definitely not 50 at lv 10
19:46.50nevcairielbelow skinning 100 its different
19:47.21ShirikI was there, it was just hidden
19:47.37Esamynn|Workhaste: heh, I was just about to paste that exact link ;)
19:47.40zenzelezz"Up to skinning 100, you can find out the highest level mob you can skin by: ((Skinning skill)/10)+10."
19:47.48malrethholy crap... my stocks are tanking... damn it i knew i shouldn't have checked
19:48.10Shirikso I need to grind to about lvl 150 to get myself up to speed
19:48.11Shirikdamn it
19:48.15kamdisthey all are; the international markets took a dive last night so we're fucked
19:48.51malrethit's a good thing i just saved a lot of money on car insurance by switching to Geico
19:48.53KarlThePagani should invest
19:49.02kamdismalreth: rofl
19:49.10zenzelezzShirik: that low skill is easy to level anyway
19:49.19Shirikbut I have to do it :P
19:49.34nevcairielat skill 100 or so start to farm raptors in wetlands .. ^^
19:49.59malrethoh... my funds are doing ok tho... one of them is even up by a hundredth of a point. i guess that counts for something
19:52.08kamdisRayne: go back to sleep, releasing a UI is not more important than sleeping in
19:52.49kamdiscogwheel:  grr velen's on that list
19:52.49Thunder_Childkamdis, LIES!!!
19:53.13kamdishey hey hey, if I could actually sleep in, a UI release would NOT get in my way
19:54.16Shiriklol, leveling this is so easy since I can kill everything in two hits
19:54.36ralfWORKAOE leveling on my warrior > *
19:55.00RayneIts not getting in my way
19:55.07Raynethe damn wind outside howling at 60mph is
19:58.33malrethkamdis|afk: that patriarch guy is determined to keep rewriting your macros in the worst, most inefficient way possible
20:02.40ralfWORKI need to find mithril to farm
20:02.47ralfWORKjust hit 225 mining
20:03.03ralfWORKso need moar mith and probably some other crap
20:09.15*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3|hate`net (
20:09.35kd3whee, new ISP
20:10.39Thunder_Childnow i know why the loading seems to have increased, they moved functions to loging out. now that takes longer.
20:11.35Esamynn|Worklike what?
20:11.48Thunder_Childi dunno, but i know it takes longer now
20:16.50*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
20:16.50*** topic/#wowi-lounge is #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | Im in ur bitez overflowin ur stax - Bleeter
20:18.43*** join/#wowi-lounge soufron (
20:24.54*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
20:24.54*** topic/#wowi-lounge is #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | Im in ur bitez overflowin ur stax - Bleeter
20:25.20purl:), Esamynn|Work
20:28.50Esamynn|Work"At New York University, a course in numerical methods and floating-point computing used to be required, but this requirement was dropped many years ago, and now very few students take this course." the fact that institutions have actually dropped such requirements is really very scary
20:31.44KarlThePagannumerical computing is something I would keep, but perhaps not compilers
20:32.01MentalPowerbatrick: what was the script kiddie doing?
20:32.34KarlThePaganperhaps that's just my preference tho
20:32.57batrickMentalPower: he was trying to "kill" bots with his "super bot"
20:33.25Thunder_Childwtb 7 levels
20:33.29batricki thought i was pretty clear?
20:33.59batrick:32 ::: signoff/#wowi-lounge purl (Excess Flood)
20:34.01batrickthat type of shit
20:34.15MentalPowerright, but how was he making purl flood itself out?
20:34.23batrickmalformed packets i guess
20:34.34MentalPowerand how did you defeat it?
20:34.41batrickhe has a lua interpretter :)
20:34.51batricks/lua/unpatched lua/
20:35.24osmodiara bot without flood protection is just asking for trouble
20:35.41ShirikIt has flood protection
20:35.44MentalPowerah, the coroutine foo
20:36.28ShirikWho's the script kiddie batrick?
20:36.29batrickapparently he isn't even logging messages cuz he begged me to reveal what i did
20:36.43batrickhe speant 5 minutes bragging about its capabilities
20:36.56batrickShirik: Kragoth = bot, Insane = script kiddie
20:37.00Shirikbatrick, tell me the trigger, I want to have some fun!
20:37.09Shirikthe script kiddie has a bot?
20:37.11batricki had to ask for execution privledges
20:37.31batricki promised i wouldn't use a while loop :)
20:38.40batrick::: signoff/#botpark Kragoth (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
20:38.40batrick13:22:32 < Insane> lol
20:38.40batrick13:22:33 < batrick> smashT
20:38.40batrick13:22:35 < Insane> you killed lua.dll
20:38.40batrick13:22:39 < batrick> damn right i did
20:38.48Shirikdon't tell him
20:38.53batricki don't plan to
20:39.26Shirikyou know, I have a hunch that you should be able to inject code through that exploint
20:39.30ShirikI just never figured out quite how
20:40.04Esamynn|WorkKarlThePagan: compilers wasn't required at my school, but I took it, and I found it to be VERY valuable
20:40.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
20:41.03batrickmy favorite part was "i even had a try catch around it"
20:41.05batrickcry more!
20:41.18Shiriktry catch
20:41.24Shirikbecause you know, that totally catches segfault
20:41.29KarlThePaganEsamynn|Work, compilers was just ok for me, I suppose it depends on your field
20:41.30cogwheeldolby-wowi: thanks for fixing my fishing trainer tag =)
20:41.33Saint-Nbattrick smashes the stack!
20:41.37KarlThePaganI regret not taking the databases elective
20:41.47ShirikUbuntu has some nice stack smashing protections
20:41.54Shirikit was pissing me off the other day I was trying to break into my own computer
20:42.04Esamynn|WorkKarlThePagan: was the elective where they teach you how DBs work on the back end?
20:43.36Esamynn|Workmy main regret from school was not taking Numerical Computation earlier, I left it til late, long after I had finished all my other Maths, and I hated it because of that
20:44.04*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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20:48.46Shirikbatrick, there's an annoying bug in your bot
20:48.53Shirikloadstrings don't run in the same environment :/
20:49.46Shirikmalicious example ><
20:49.59Shirik(15:47:58) (Shirik) --> s = "return "; for x = 1, 196 do s = s..x..","; end s = s .. 197; foo = assert(loadstring(s)); print(foo) assert(loadstring("local a; "..("a,"):rep(196).."a="..("foo(),"):rep(196).."foo()"))() return 1;
20:49.59Shirik(15:47:59) (batbot) Shirik: > [string "local a; a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,..."]:1: attempt to call global 'foo' (a nil value)
20:51.45batrick--> getfenv(loadstring("a = function() end")), getfenv(_G)
20:51.45batbotbatrick: > ./sandbox.lua:138: bad argument #1 to 'getfenv' (number expected, got table)
20:51.49batrick--> getfenv(loadstring("a = function() end")), getfenv(getfenv)
20:51.49batbotbatrick: > table: 0x80b87e8, table: 0x81245b8
20:51.58Saint-Nzomg you cored wob!
20:51.59batrick--> getfenv(loadstring("a = function() end")).task, getfenv(getfenv)
20:51.59batbotbatrick: > table: 0x81251e0, table: 0x81245b8
20:52.03batricko that's bad
20:52.19Shirikis that luatask having fun again?
20:53.10batrickthe function is given the global environment, not the sandbox environment
20:54.05ShirikI could have had some real fun with that
20:54.41batrickyes you could have :)
20:55.02ShirikI found a bug though, I consider my statement two days ago fuffilled
20:57.13Shirikhey batrick, that script kiddie's bot
20:57.19Shirikdid you ever look at the os library?
20:57.40*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
20:57.45batrickit's empty
20:57.52batrickhe moved date to _G and that's it
20:57.55batrickno io either
20:58.03Shirikwhat about getmetatable(_G) ?
20:58.06batrick--> getfenv(
20:58.07batbotbatrick: > [string "0"]:1: unexpected symbol near '<eof>'
20:58.27batrick--> getfenv(loadstring("function a() end")),getfenv(getfenv)
20:58.38batbotbatrick: > table: 0x80abb18, table: 0x80abb18
20:58.50batrickwell that's better
20:59.09Shirik--> local foo=4;; loadstring("print(foo)")()
20:59.09batbotShirik: > [string "0"]:1: unexpected symbol near ';'
20:59.13Shirik--> local foo=4; loadstring("print(foo)")()
20:59.13batbotShirik: nil
20:59.17Shiriklooks right
20:59.40batrickanyway bbl
21:02.05kamdisok macro gurus, please help:
21:05.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
21:05.45ShirikI have no issues with the macro
21:05.50Shiriktested now
21:06.59MentalPower--> getfenv(0)
21:07.00batbotMentalPower: > table: 0x80abb18
21:07.39kamdisthanks shirik
21:07.47kamdisit did sound really odd to me
21:09.52*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep` (i=nuoHep@
21:10.05ShirikI love this response
21:10.11Shirik--> return getfenv(0)
21:10.11batbotShirik: > table: 0x80abb18
21:10.20Shirik--> return getmetatable(getfenv(0))
21:10.20batbotShirik: > leave this alone
21:10.54Tem|AFKlol nice
21:11.30nevcairiel--> return getmetatable(getfenv(0)).__tostring
21:11.30batbotnevcairiel: > nil
21:11.46nevcairiel--> return type(getmetatable(getfenv(0)))
21:11.46batbotnevcairiel: > string
21:11.50nevcairielinteresting :D
21:12.15Shiriknot hard to do
21:12.25nevcairieli know
21:12.34MentalPower--> for k in pairs(getmetatable(getfenv(0)).__index) do print(k) end
21:12.34batbotMentalPower: > ./sandbox.lua:187: bad argument #1 to 'next' (table expected, got nil)
21:12.53Shirikit's a string you aren't getting much out of it :P
21:13.18MentalPower--> for k in pairs(getmetatable(getmetatable(getfenv(0))(.__index) do print(k) end
21:13.18batbotMentalPower: > [string "0"]:1: unexpected symbol near '.'
21:13.25malrethour bionic future is now just a little bit closer:
21:13.30MentalPower--> for k in pairs(getmetatable(getmetatable(getfenv(0))).__index) do print(k) end
21:13.30batbotMentalPower: > ./sandbox.lua:187: bad argument #1 to 'next' (table expected, got nil)
21:13.32malrethi'll be *second* in line to buy those
21:13.41Shirik--> getmetatable(getmetatable(getfenv(0))) == getmetatable(getfenv(0))
21:13.41batbotShirik: > true
21:13.47ShirikSo you aren't getting very far :P
21:14.07Tem|AFK--> for k,v in pairs(getfenv(0)) if type(v) == "table" then print(v.__index) end end
21:14.08batbotTem|AFK: > [string "0"]:1: 'do' expected near 'if'
21:14.15Tem|AFK--> for k,v in pairs(getfenv(0)) do if type(v) == "table" then print(v.__index) end end
21:14.16batbotTem|AFK: nil   nil   nil   nil   nil   nil
21:14.27Tem|AFK--> for k,v in pairs(getfenv(0)) do if type(v) == "table" then print(v.__newindex) end end
21:14.27batbotTem|AFK: nil   nil   nil   nil   nil   nil
21:14.41Tem|AFK--> for k,v in pairs(getfenv(0)) do if type(v) == "table" then print(v.__tostring) end end
21:14.42batbotTem|AFK: nil   nil   nil   nil   nil   nil
21:14.52MentalPower-->return ("").sub
21:14.53batbotMentalPower: > function: 0x80abc20
21:15.09MentalPower-->return getmetatable("")
21:15.09batbotMentalPower: > leave this alone
21:15.12Polarina--> bak_math = math; --[[ Backup ]]     math = nil; setmetatable(_G, { ["__index"] = function() return ":P" end, ["__newindex"] = function() end, })
21:15.12batbotPolarina: > [string "0"]:1: cannot modify secure global variables
21:15.18Polarina--> math
21:15.19batbotPolarina: > table: 0x80b43d8
21:15.23MentalPowerso you protected the string metatable too :)
21:15.30Polarina--> math.floor = nil
21:15.31batbotPolarina: > [string "0"]:1: cannot modify math table
21:15.49MentalPower--> = function(...) return print(...) end
21:15.50batbotMentalPower: > [string "0"]:1: cannot modify string table
21:16.06nevcairieluse query :P
21:16.29Tem|AFK--> rawset(string,"foo","bar")
21:16.30batbotTem|AFK: > cannot perform rawset on protected variables
21:16.46Polarina--> rawset(math, "floor", nil)
21:16.46batbotPolarina: > cannot perform rawset on protected variables
21:17.23Tem|AFK--> debug.getregistry()
21:17.23batbotTem|AFK: > [string "return  debug.getregistry()"]:1: attempt to index global 'debug' (a nil value)
21:17.28Polarina--> loadstring("math.floor = nil")()
21:17.29batbotPolarina: > [string "math.floor = nil"]:1: cannot modify math table
21:17.35Tem|AFKno debug table?
21:18.08Polarina--> local s = "a,"; for i=1,18 do s = s..s end print(loadstring("local a;"..s.."a=nil", "")) -- :P
21:18.09batbotPolarina: nil  [string ""]:1: main function has more than 197 variables in assignment
21:18.17PolarinaSTUPID PATCHES!!
21:18.36Polarina--> a = function(a) coroutine.wrap(a)(a) end  a(a)
21:18.36batbotPolarina: > [string "0"]:1: [string "0"]:1: [string "0"]:1: [string "0"]:1: [string "0"]:1: [string "0"]:1: [string "0"]:1: [string "0"]:1: [string "0"]:1: [string "0"]:1: [string "0"]:1: [string "0"]:1: [string "0"]:1: [string "0"]:1: [string "0"]:1...(tldr)
21:20.42Tem|AFK--> local p,s= "a?","a" return string.match(p:rep(30)..s:rep(30),s:rep(30))
21:20.43batbotTem|AFK: > aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
21:20.57Tem|AFK--> local p,s= "a?","a" return string.match(p:rep(30),s:rep(30))
21:20.58batbotTem|AFK: > nil
21:21.19Tem|AFKprops to lua's regex
21:21.24Tem|AFKit doesn't fail where perl does
21:22.31Tem|AFKthat patter would have taken perl longer than a minute to complete
21:23.41krka--> s='a';for i=1,20 do s=s..s;end;s:match('a*b')
21:23.46batbotkrka: > maximum execution time/memory exceeded
21:24.17krka--> s='a';for i=1,10 do s=s..s;end;s:match('a*b')
21:25.53MentalPower--> return ""
21:25.53krka--> return "hello world"
21:25.53batbotMentalPower: >
21:25.54batbotkrka: > hello world
21:26.05MentalPower--> s='a';for i=1,10 do s=s..s;end;s:match('a*b')
21:26.12krkait just ignored me i suppose
21:26.24MentalPower--> return "hello"
21:26.24batbotMentalPower: > hello
21:26.33MentalPowernop, its just ignoring that one
21:26.36krka--> s='a';for i=1,10 do s=s..s;end;return s:match('a*b')
21:26.37batbotkrka: > nil
21:26.38*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
21:26.43krka--> s='a';for i=1,15 do s=s..s;end;return s:match('a*b')
21:26.49batbotkrka: > maximum execution time/memory exceeded
21:27.02krka--> s='a';for i=1,15 do s=s..s;end;return 1--s:match('a*b')
21:27.03batbotkrka: > 1
21:27.18krkaso it uses an os interupt
21:27.21Polarina--> collectgarbage("collect") collectgarbage("stop")
21:27.51krka--> "\n"
21:27.51batbotkrka: > \n
21:28.39krka--> "\\n"
21:28.40batbotkrka: > \n
21:29.17Polarina--> local a = "a"; while true do a = a .. a; end
21:29.23batbotPolarina: > maximum execution time/memory exceeded
21:29.40Polarina--> print(("a"):rep(4096))
21:29.41batbotPolarina: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...(tldr)
21:30.04krka--> return #("."):rep(1e7)
21:30.05batbotkrka: > 10000000
21:30.09krka--> return #("."):rep(1e9)
21:30.15batbotkrka: > maximum execution time/memory exceeded
21:30.37krka--> ...
21:30.41Thunder_Child~lart Cairenn
21:30.41purlsmacks Cairenn up side the head with a clue-by-4
21:33.06cogwheelpurl, apologize to Cairenn
21:33.06purlACTION jbot says he's very very sorry for everything and that cogwheel made him do it and it wasn't his fault.
21:33.32ShirikInsane is a strange man
21:33.40DumanWTB CM to mass-ban all the retards in the Bug Report forum
21:33.40MentalPowerhe is indeed
21:33.41Shirikwhy would you run a bot that you know nothing about?
21:33.49ShirikThat's a good way toget your computer destroyed
21:33.51MentalPower~literal apologize
21:33.51purl"apologize" is "<action> apologizes to $nick"
21:33.58Josh_Borkeshirik:  i run scripts that i know nothing about all the time!
21:34.00Josh_Borkeand exe's too!
21:34.04kamdisHow come sometimes purl is a "she" and sometimes it's a "he"?  rofl
21:34.15MentalPowerits "gender confused"
21:34.15kamdisyou people need to standardize!
21:34.17Dumanbecause it's an it ;-)
21:34.27Shirikpurl, are you a female?
21:34.40malreth <- really interesting engine design but it looks like some sort of sexual humping beast
21:34.46Polarinapurl, are you gender confused?
21:35.11Josh_Borkepurl, are you male?
21:35.13Shirikmalreth: Interesting design
21:37.01malrethShirik: the interesting thing is you can either make a 4-cylinder engine that's nearly flat... or you can stack those next to each other to make 8-, 12-, or 16-cylinder variants... and so on.
21:37.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
21:37.55malrethbut yeah... the mechanical gyration and pelvic thrusts is mesmerizing
21:42.43Thunder_Childsmall minds are fixated on small things
21:45.19Shirikzomg, autounstuck actually worked for once
21:46.06purlI'm sexless
21:46.12Thunder_Child~lart malreth
21:46.12purlwhacks malreth with a giant beaver's tail
21:46.25purlupdatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep, or super extractor,
21:46.27purlI'm pregnant
21:46.35Endthat's not a gender!
21:46.39Endalthough it implies gender...
21:46.44purlI'm sexless
21:46.57*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck_ (
21:46.59purlI'm not sure
21:47.05End~literal gender
21:47.05purl"gender" is "<reply> I'm (gay|lesbian|female|sexless|male|hermaphroditic|pregnant|not sure)"
21:48.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Shizen (
21:49.03Shizenwow it's really here :o
21:49.35Cairennwhat is, Shizen?
21:49.42Shizenthis channel :3
21:49.52malrethwhat channel?
21:49.53ShirikAll the cool people are on this channel
21:49.57Cairenneverywhere it's listed, I say that it's on freenode :)
21:49.59Shirik~lart malreth
21:49.59purlruns at malreth with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut
21:50.02Thunder_Childnot reallt Shirik
21:50.08ShirikWell I'm here
21:50.10Shirikthat's all that matters
21:50.15Shizenso *ahem*
21:50.36Thunder_ChildCairenn, please kick Shirik
21:50.45ShirikIt would be pointless
21:50.57Shizenconsidering I lost my friend's homemade addons that I've been continuously hacking over the years and I don't think I can get him to make it again.....
21:51.00Cairennno it wouldn't
21:51.07malrethShirik would have to beg for it nicely before Cairenn would do that.
21:51.10Shizenany idea how I can get all the events related to how a player can gain/lose money ?
21:51.39malrethwatch... Cairenn, pretty pretty please kick me. I love you forever. <3 <3
21:51.40ShizenI know you got a PLAYER_MONEY event for each time you gain/lose money
21:51.51*** kick/#wowi-lounge [malreth!n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn] by Cairenn (Cairenn)
21:52.00*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
21:52.02*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (
21:52.08Shizeneugh edu connection
21:52.18EndCairenn: you better hold him to that
21:52.20Shizenmalreth : gimme some of that edu pipe you have >_>
21:52.22kd3whee, finally
21:52.24Endhe better love you forever!
21:52.29ShirikShizen: So, that's all you need?
21:52.34*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck__ (
21:52.36malrethShizen: you have to get a job here first :p
21:52.37ShizenShirik : yes
21:52.47ShirikI'm still confused
21:52.48ShizenI'm remaking my friend's "Accountant" addon
21:52.51ShirikPLAYER_MONEY is all you need
21:53.00ShizenI need to track where it comes from
21:53.10Shizenor where it goes off to
21:53.12Esamynn|Workoh, lol
21:53.20ShirikDid he never upload it anywhere?
21:53.24Shizennow if I can call that within one PLAYER_MONEY event I'd be a happy man
21:53.30Shizenno Shirik he made it especially for me :3
21:53.42Shizen(wasn't even a WoW player)
21:53.51CairennShizen: <== take a look at that one
21:54.07ShizenI've tried that, and I've tried CT_mod's too
21:54.09Josh_Borkethere's also Accountant
21:54.15Shizenstill doesn't satisfy me :|
21:54.18Josh_Borkeand AccountantFu
21:54.18Shizenoh there is ?
21:54.19*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
21:54.26Josh_Borkeboth on wowinterface
21:54.30*** join/#wowi-lounge soufron_ (
21:54.44ShizenI'd take a look at those
21:55.04Shizenbut being able to exert your own prowess on this kind of problem is more satisfying, no ?
21:55.23Josh_Borkei considered it then decided it would be too big of a pain in the behind to do it properly :-D
21:55.39Josh_Borketrades, mail, AH, guild bank, repair, merchant
21:55.53Josh_Borkesooo many events
21:55.56Shizensoo.... I suppose you can catch any PLAYER_MONEY event in the space of a MERCHANT window event
21:56.00Josh_Borkeauditorfu, thanks malreth
21:56.06Shizenby toggling a 'merchant_open' variable, or something
21:56.07Josh_BorkeShizen: yes
21:56.19Cairennbleeter: without the second part of that, you'd probably be fine
21:56.19Josh_BorkeShizen: you can listen for when the merchant window event fires
21:56.30Josh_Borkeand enable the PLAYER_MONEY event then
21:57.03bleeterCairenn: yeah, thought as much. My opinion of Drysc has practically vanished.
21:57.08Shizenso... does PLAYER_MONEY trigger on EVERY money-related events ?
21:57.13malrethand then hope that the user doesn't have an addon enabled that allows the trade window to appear at the same time as a merchant window and that they don't trade some money away
21:57.15bleeterin fact, I suspect it's done a full 180
21:57.16Cairennwhy? he posted that?
21:57.27bleeterno, it was a racist slur on Irish folks
21:57.34bleeterhe contributed to the thread
21:58.14Josh_Borkeshizen:  yes
21:58.18bleeteri'm irish, I have red hair and am pasty, are other players like me?'
21:58.48malrethbleeter: that's because it's socially acceptable to make fun of the Irish
21:59.37bleetermalreth: and that's why I've called him on the racism, and told the CM complaints email that he needs to go look at Jane Elliot's 'Blue Eyes' racism education program ;)
22:01.15bleeterHeath Ledger's dead
22:01.32malreth~wiki Heath Ledger
22:01.54bleeteractor dude, his family were neighbours of my mother before she married
22:02.00malrethwas he irish?
22:02.21bleeter~fail malreth
22:02.22purlmalreth: Fail.
22:02.33malrethyou failed my joke :p
22:02.50purlmalreth is always right
22:03.08malrethnot quite the answer i wanted... but i'll accept it
22:03.37bleeterexcept when he's wrong
22:03.45Tem|AFKbleeter, it seems to me like you're overreacting
22:04.00Tem|AFKlots of people can't get a tan
22:04.04Tem|AFKmyself included
22:04.09Tem|AFKI just get more freckles
22:04.26*** join/#wowi-lounge _art3mis (
22:04.28Tem|AFKmaybe one day I'll get enough that they'll join into a giant, super-freckle and it'll look like a tan
22:05.39Tem|AFKooh, 2.3.3 today
22:06.23malrethooh... another rate cut today
22:07.14Tem|AFKwell I should hope so..
22:07.20Tem|AFKhalf the markets in the world crashed
22:07.34malrethit won't/hasn't helped
22:08.11cogwheelCairenn: can you move to outdated please?
22:08.43Cairennwill do
22:08.48cogwheeltx muchly
22:09.28cogwheelspeaking of which... malreth what day are you driving back from LA?
22:09.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|AFK (n=skullsho@2002:44cc:9fc2:0:0:0:44cc:9fc2)
22:09.47malrethright now i'm not sure we're even going
22:10.08malrethapparently something is going on in new orleans that weekend that is jacking up all the hotel rates to like double what they should be
22:10.16*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Shirik] by ChanServ
22:10.32Shirikcalkins appears to be dying
22:10.39malrethpaying over $150 a night for a hotel that's out side of the city isn't my cup of tea
22:10.40Shirik.mode Shirik +w
22:10.54Shirikthe freenode server I'm connected to
22:11.07art3misits just you
22:11.13art3misyou've got the beastman aids
22:11.26cogwheelmalreth: well, if you have any excuse to be in the Houston area the week of the 18th, we'll be there...
22:11.36malrethcog: kk
22:11.54Lunessadrinks and debauchry!
22:12.32cogwheelwell, not TOO much debauchry ... my mother-in-law will probably be with us ;)
22:13.01Lunessavodka tonics all around!
22:13.44malrethcosmopolitans... that's a respectable drink
22:13.56bleeterTem|AFK: there was a cute cartoon I saw recently, bunch of traders jumping out the window due to 'bush's economic recovery plan', can't seem to find it. Oddly enough, from memory it was published early on the weekend - before the current crash
22:14.05bleetercan't seem to find it atm tho
22:14.24Shirikbatrick did some very strange stuff to _G
22:14.34Shirik--> rawset(_G, print, function() end); print(print, rawget(_G, print))
22:14.34batbotShirik: function: 0x80dd7e0  function: 0x8174830
22:14.41Shirikhow he managed that I want to know
22:15.38ShirikI'm an imbicile
22:16.06Cidesetfenv(1, { print = foo, _G = getfenv(0) }) ? :P
22:16.19Shirikno, I meant rawset(_G, "print")
22:16.23Shirikprint != "print"
22:16.27Cidebut still!
22:16.47Cidewhy does _G have a print key though?
22:16.57Cideyou set it
22:17.07Tem|AFKmalreth, what weekend?
22:17.13*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire_ (
22:17.20*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck (
22:17.46malrethTem: Feb 15-18
22:18.02Tem|AFKthat's the week after
22:18.06Tem|AFKI'm aboggle
22:18.20malrethyeah... it's after the 5th
22:18.31Tem|AFKMardi Gras is in 2 weeks
22:18.45malrethand from what i understand, there isn't a game that weekend, either
22:19.03malrethyeah... mardi gras is early this year
22:21.12ShirikI win
22:21.50Shiriksorry batrick!
22:22.17kd3oh what a beautiful sight to see... 70ms ping in wow
22:22.43Dumanzomg Hortus lives
22:23.10ShirikCide, can I break you now? :D
22:23.26Cideas long as it's a new exploit
22:23.34Shirikas far as I'm aware it is
22:23.50Cideas long as it doesn't reformat my computer
22:24.07Cidebut getting around that in vista would be a job well done
22:24.24Shirikhm, you win Cide
22:24.28Shirikmust have been something batrick did
22:24.28CideShirik: of course I do
22:24.34Cidetype what you did in pm
22:24.46Cidewithout >>> (my bot intercepts it so I don't get spammed)
22:25.23kergothany hunters here that use an owl?
22:25.51Cide--> string.dump(pcall)
22:26.02Shirikhe's not here anymore
22:26.05Shirikfor obvious reasons :P
22:26.06Cideoh, right
22:29.08Shirikwtf did I just do
22:29.27CideI dunno?
22:29.36ShirikLua's locked up but I don't know how
22:29.38Cidedid you set your cat on fire?
22:29.53Shirikall I did was add an assert()
22:30.40Shirikoh I think I know what's going on
22:30.49Shirikit's one hell of a stack unwinding proceedure
22:31.01Shirikit's stuck overflowing the stack and then fixing it again
22:31.13Shirikthat's awesome
22:31.26MentalPowerShirik: how the hell did you manage that?
22:31.47Xinhuanit seems like making bots due is an art :D
22:31.49ShirikMy error function overflows the C stack, so it unwinds that and passes the error back to the function that called it, which then calls the error function, overflowing the C stack again
22:32.24Shirikit's actually kinda beautiful
22:32.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=0ctavius@
22:32.30*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
22:32.38MentalPowerI think Xinhuan means "it seems like making bots die is an art :D"
22:32.53Xinhuanyes, :)
22:33.15Cidemy bot doesn't die
22:33.38Xinhuanthat doesn't stop people from trying though!
22:34.40Shirik(17:34:11)  -› [notice from Cide]: C stack overflow
22:35.03Cideis that what happens if you pcall your function? :P
22:35.08Cidein your lua environment
22:35.11Shiriknah, that was something else I tried :P
22:35.16CideI can't see :P
22:35.26*** join/#wowi-lounge soufron_ (
22:35.30ShirikIt seems you don't use tostring() on tables
22:35.40CideI serialize them myself
22:35.41Cide>>> { }
22:35.42CideCide: {  } (#1)
22:35.46Cide>>> tostring({ })
22:35.46CideCide: "table: 00313CD8"
22:35.54Cideit *is* called though
22:35.59Cideto get its addr
22:38.08ShirikI hope I didn't lock up Cide
22:38.21Shirikyou're ignoring me? :(
22:38.22CideI'm invincible
22:38.26Cideno? :P
22:38.40ShirikYour bot refuses to respond to this line of code
22:38.42Shirikoh there it goes
22:38.54Cidewas that >5s?
22:38.56Shirik(17:37:27) (Shirik) >>>
22:39.03Shirik(17:38:14) (Cide) Shirik: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
22:39.12*** join/#wowi-lounge zootfizzle (i=c64a263b@gateway/web/ajax/
22:39.12*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o zootfizzle] by ChanServ
22:39.13Endblarg portal error!
22:39.21ShirikI'm not entirely sure but I don't think that's 5s cide
22:39.33Cideyou just had a very slow statement executed
22:39.41Enddolby-wowi: on "Fatal error: Cannot use object of type vB_Datastore_Memcached as array in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 716"
22:39.44MentalPowerit be a zootfizzle!
22:40.02Cideit only checks the time everytime a statement is executed so...
22:40.12Cairennhi zootfizzle
22:40.14Shirikhi zootfizzle
22:40.19Endhey zootfizzle!
22:40.22cogwheelzoot! ca va mal!
22:40.22Cidehi zootfizzle
22:40.24zootfizzleJust wanted to pop in and say thanks to everyone who helped by investigating and reporting the macro issues in 2.3.2 =)
22:40.28Cide(I had to, sorry)
22:41.00Shirik"I refuse to help test because of all the issues I have had in the past hohoho"
22:41.14ShirikSorry, that guy on the forums annoyed me, I had to say that :)
22:41.16zootfizzleShirik makes gnome babies cry.
22:41.25*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
22:41.26zootfizzle~whalestab Shirik
22:41.27purlACTION stabs Shirik with a rather narrow and pointy whale named Montgomery
22:41.27Cidehe makes all babies cry
22:41.28ShirikGnomes are spawn of satan
22:41.36*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
22:41.44ShirikOoh, cladhaire's back, can I break your bot cladhaire?
22:41.52kd3hey, I resemble that remark
22:41.54ShirikI didn't want to do it with you not here
22:42.15Endcogwheel: top processes? ;-P
22:42.28cladhairemy internet is fucked, i won't be here for long.
22:42.30cladhaireShirik: PM me with what you plan
22:42.31Shirikhah ok
22:43.45Shiriklua> "test"
22:43.45lua_botShirik: test
22:44.03cladhaireaww tanks!
22:44.23cladhaireanyone wanna log into Ravencrest EU so I can invite to a group?
22:44.30cogwheelhmm... i should just delete top... i use htop now anyway
22:44.45cladhaireso.. why do level 70s think its "cool" to go to redridge, for example, and kill everything.
22:44.49EndI doubt anything depends on top existing
22:44.56Endunless top has a support library maybe
22:45.00End(which I doubt)
22:45.05cogwheelEnd: exactly my thinking
22:45.38Lunessacladhaire: I don't.
22:45.51*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck_ (
22:46.11cogwheelhmm... probably shouldn't make top a symlink to head...
22:46.30Endhmm, in my case, top is part of procps
22:47.10cogwheelEnd: ubuntu? :)
22:47.37cogwheelsudo mv /usr/bin/top /usr/bin/top~ imo
22:47.50*** part/#wowi-lounge zootfizzle (i=c64a263b@gateway/web/ajax/
22:47.57EndI actually use top though, but I think I'll try out htop
22:47.58cladhaireI just made some changed to praid, if anyone feels like testing them out
22:48.00cladhairesince I can't =/
22:48.13cogwheelEnd: it's purdy
22:48.14Endcladhaire: how big of changes?
22:48.23Lunessai'll grab it later if you like
22:48.33cladhaireadded a strictness filter to buffs, changed the highlight module pretty drastically
22:48.44cladhairehighlight/mouseover/unit tooltips are the easiest to test right now :P
22:48.48Endcogwheel: it is purty
22:48.52EndI agree
22:49.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
22:50.12cladhaireah well, email me with any issues
22:50.14cladhaireheading to bed
22:50.16cladhairelong day tomorrow =/
22:52.42MentalPoweris there currently any benefit to running vs
22:53.02ShirikI use 3g, it works, that's about all I can say
22:55.28ShirikCide is evil
22:55.31ShirikI think he planted a honeypot for me
22:55.44CideI did?
22:55.49CideI mean, yes I did
22:56.26*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck__ (
22:57.38*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
22:58.47bleeterMentalPower: afaik, linux-ntfs = ntfs1g or 2g
22:58.59bleeterMentalPower: 3g is a userspace filesystem driver, iirc
22:59.14MentalPowerso 3g has no kernel component?
22:59.22bleeteralso, I think 3g supoprts safe writing to ntfs, whereas the others it's known as unsafe
22:59.41MentalPowerwell, the linux-ntfs page says otherwise
22:59.41JoshBorke3g still has a kernel component afaik
22:59.50CidanHeath Ledger just commited suicide
23:00.06CidanNo, not bs
23:00.09bleeterCidan: unsure yet if suicide, or accidental OD
23:00.16bleeterand that's from a friend of the family
23:00.17CidanI'm going to go with the latter, :P
23:00.34Cidanstill grogy, just woke up from nap
23:00.52Shirikoh holy hell
23:01.06ShirikI'm sitting here trying to figure out for the last 30 minute why computer's going so slow
23:01.12Shirikthat bad Lua script is still running in the background
23:01.22CidanShizen, Shirik, Cide, Cidan
23:01.28*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck___ (
23:01.29CidanMan Shirik, they're just coming for our names.
23:01.40Shizenwhat ?
23:02.14Shirik › 320: Shizen is identified to services
23:02.19ShirikI guess we have to let him have it :)
23:02.24EndI think Cide is more well known than Cidan though :-P
23:02.24Shizen>_> yeh
23:02.33CidanCidan > Cide, D:
23:02.38ShizenI talked an oper since the original owner of this nick no longer uses it
23:02.43Shirikbatbot, is Cidan > Cide?
23:02.45Shizenbut nickserv won't release leash on it
23:02.52ShirikOh wait, that's right, Shirik > batbot ><
23:02.54art3misthat explains all those police cars and ambulances today
23:03.17Cide>>> "Cidan" > "Cide"
23:03.17CideCide: false
23:03.29Shirikwait wait
23:03.33JoshBorkehe was apparently found in mary-kate olsen's apartment
23:03.44clad|sleeplua> "cladhaire" < "Cide"
23:03.44lua_botclad|sleep: false
23:03.59Cidanlua> "Cidan" > "Cide"
23:03.59lua_botCidan: false
23:04.16bleeterJoshBorke: *owned* by, doesn't say she was living there
23:04.19End>>> "CIdan" > "Cide"
23:04.20CideEnd: false
23:04.21Shizenlua> "Shizen" > "Cidan"
23:04.21lua_botShizen: true
23:04.38CidanI'm so going to go cook.
23:04.40JoshBorkebleeter: i never said anything about her living there :-)
23:04.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Heliwr (
23:05.03Endalthough, I guess you could modify Cide ;-P
23:05.13bleeterJoshBorke: sorry, I just had to tell my guild off for saying some pretty nasty stuff about him being 'just an actor who played a fag'
23:05.15End>>> "Cidan" > "CIDE"
23:05.15CideEnd: true
23:05.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
23:05.20*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem] by ChanServ
23:05.23bleeterby informing them he was a friend of the family
23:05.27Cidemy ide says this line of code contains a syntax error
23:05.30Cidefor id, point in enumerate(points):
23:05.35CideI can't see where
23:05.39bleeterI can see this ain't gunna be a 'fun' day on the intarwebs for me
23:05.41Shirikthe semicolon?
23:05.42Endmust be python
23:05.46Cideit is
23:05.49Endthat's a colon!
23:05.53End~lart Shirik
23:05.53purlfrags Shirik with his BFG9000
23:05.55JoshBorkebleeter: meh, i've only known him as an actor
23:05.56Shirikcan't see
23:06.12JoshBorkebleeter:  so i can't say anything about him.  though i did like to poke fun at the way he had to hold his mouth for brokeback mountain
23:06.20JoshBorkemy fiancee gets pissed every time i do it
23:06.42bleeterso yeah, I retaliated by speaking Palaw Kani at my guild
23:06.43Thunder_ChildJoshBorke, do it, do it, do it
23:06.52Thunder_Childwhat are you supposed to be doing?
23:06.52bleeterconfused the hell outta them
23:06.57JoshBorkei think it's hilarious
23:07.34JoshBorkepoor guy, he seemed to be a really good actor to me
23:07.52ShirikYou see, Cide's bot has an inherent flaw... but it's not actually a flaw due to the way he outputs data
23:07.52bleeterhe shat all over crowe
23:07.56*** join/#wowi-lounge |pez| (
23:07.59JoshBorkeoh well, time to play some wow
23:08.00CideShirik: ha.
23:08.01*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck (
23:08.07CideI'm invincible
23:08.21Shirikit sucks because it's glaring right back at me like "haha look at me" and then I'm like "I will eat you!" and then it's all like "no you can't I'm not really here hahaha"
23:08.22Endlike some sort of invincable tank man?
23:10.03*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
23:10.15*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v alestane] by ChanServ
23:12.55CidanWhat the hell are you on mate?
23:13.20alestaneI presume you're not talking to me.
23:13.28Shirikno I think he's talking to me
23:14.24*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
23:14.53alestaneSorry, I just got here.
23:16.02CidanDidn't we all just... get here?  I mean really we must examine what it is we're here for anyways.  Why were we placed on this earth?  Who did it?
23:16.10*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
23:16.14Shirikmy parents did it
23:16.18Shirikthey said it was an accident
23:16.26ShirikI'm kidding :P
23:16.27*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck_ (
23:16.29Shizenhmm this is odd
23:16.45cogwheelI liked Heath Ledger
23:16.50CidanAs did I
23:17.06Cidansad to see him bick the kucket
23:18.19*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
23:19.59reqoldoes anyone know the name of that quest addon that shows you a path that takes the least amount of time to do all quests in your quest log for that specific area
23:20.04bleeteroO ?
23:20.13estethQuestHelper perhaps reqol
23:20.32bleeter^^ UnitBuff broken?
23:20.42cogwheelbleeter: supposedly...
23:21.43bleeterheh, the quest icon cursor broken on some ATI cards is.. amusing
23:21.49bleetercogwheel: odd, though
23:21.55*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck__ (
23:22.54*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick_ (
23:22.58bleeterif, in fact, it's select ATI cards that are 'broken'
23:23.05batrick_that fucking script kiddie
23:23.13batrick_i bet he's fucking with my server
23:23.16reqolesteth: thanks
23:24.06*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
23:24.25|pez|I wonder if WoW will ever give guilds the possability of renaming.
23:25.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
23:25.12art3mis  <-- boobies yay \o/ sorta sfw if lingere and no nudity is allowed
23:25.23art3misPS. this is the ONLY reason to see hitman
23:26.07Thunder_Childi am....aquiring hitman as we speak
23:26.16Thunder_Childbut not for her
23:26.22bleeter|pez|: post a suggestion, that... eg, given a char rename = $10, guild rename should = $100. Nice business case for earning loadsa cash. All those idiots who can't spell and get laughed at, etc. etc.
23:27.14Cidanis it true the movie has some sort of love between 47 and her?
23:27.28|pez|I mean, atleast now with the whole guildbank thing costing a bunch of money.
23:27.45art3misThunder_Child: its not a very good movie ;P
23:27.52art3misshe is the reason you should continue to get it
23:28.08Thunder_Childmost people thought pluto nash was a bad movie but i enjoyed it
23:28.12bleeterart3mis: does she get around in the movie clothed like that?
23:28.12art3misalthough timothy olyphant does a decent enough job making the character akin to the video game
23:28.17End|pez|: yeah, we're facing that issue with a guild merger we're working on
23:28.19Thunder_Childwhat other people think is imaterial
23:28.20art3misbleeter: magic
23:28.29Endboth sides want to keep their names, so we'll probably end up with a new name
23:28.35art3misoh and shes naked/topless multiple times in the movie
23:29.14art3miscidan: kind of, it develops as the movie goes
23:30.07Shirikbash: vi: command not found
23:30.29kd3the hell?
23:30.47Cidanart3mis: well that's crap.
23:30.56Cidanart3mis: He should get to know her, and then kill her.
23:31.01CidanJust because.
23:31.06Cidan47 is just that bad ass.
23:31.10art3misThe couple, who live on benefits in a council house and plan to start a family, have been friends for years.
23:31.35art3mishes still a badass for the shooting and killing but he stops treeting her badly as the movie progesses
23:31.50cogwheelScytheBlade1: woot! > 50%
23:31.51art3misshirik: thats because nano > 6
23:34.04kergothis there a way to check for NAN on a lua number?
23:34.08Shirik$ nano
23:34.08Shirikbash: nano: command not found
23:34.23nevcairieljoe? :p
23:34.36Shirikyes cat and echo work -_-
23:34.44Cidanwell there you go then
23:34.44kergothah. math.huge
23:34.47Cidanhave fun.
23:35.21Shirikmath.huge will only work for 1.#INF
23:35.23Cidekergoth: NaN ~= NaN
23:35.27Cide>>> 0/0 == 0/0
23:35.27CideCide: false
23:35.31nevcairielkergoth: there are -1/0, 1/0, 0/0 .. three different forms of NaN .. well actually only 0/0 is NaN, 1/0 is INF, and -1/0 is -INF
23:35.41Cide>>> 0/0
23:35.41CideCide: -1.#IND
23:35.47Cidethat's "true" NaN
23:35.49Shiriklua> tostring(0/0)
23:35.49lua_botShirik: nan,
23:35.49kergothsomeday i'll try to learn about floating point. some day.
23:35.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
23:35.54ShirikI think that's the best way to find out
23:36.00Shiriklua> tostring(0/0)=="nan"
23:36.00lua_botShirik: true
23:36.05CideShirik: NaN ~= NaN is faster :P
23:36.14Shirikoh, I guess that would work
23:36.20Cideor rather if ( num ~= num ) then -- nan
23:36.26ShizenTHAT is why the DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME doesn't trigger..
23:36.36Shizenthere's an 'if' there that definitely doesn't ring true >_>
23:36.45|Jelly|How long would it take to level a hunter pet from 19 to 70? lol
23:36.58nevcairieli confused one of the assistants in C class with that comparison to check for NaNs
23:37.03nevcairielhe didnt really know why it worked
23:37.07nevcairieli tried to explain it
23:37.08nevcairielbut meh :P
23:37.36Shizen1/0 doesn't computer to NaN ? interesting
23:37.40Shizennever tried that :o
23:38.04batrick_1/0 is infitiy :)
23:38.17Shizenit would just usually drive a compiler insane ;P
23:38.29Shizenthat, or stack/buffer overflow if you hack it to work somehow
23:38.38Shizenbeen there tried that...
23:39.18Shizenor the program you're trying it one would just say 'Goodbye world' instead of 'Hello world'
23:39.26ShizenI can't type this morning >_>
23:39.31Cidanwell it actually depends on the CPU and the OS
23:39.48Cidanie: some older P2's had a flaw where /0 would cause the entire PC to crash
23:40.04Shizenisn't that the register overflow one ?
23:40.08CidanI believe so
23:40.19Shirikregister overflow
23:40.26ShizenI crashed my lecturer's PC
23:40.44ShirikI like the TLB flaw right now :)
23:41.13Shizenwell... the processor would still try to perform the computation by doing near-approximates
23:41.24Shizenand assigning more and more numbers into its internal registers
23:41.27Shizenuntil it goes BOOM
23:41.36*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
23:41.43ShirikIt shouldn't go boom...
23:41.52Shizenwell... not literally rofl
23:41.57ShirikI know, but still
23:42.04ShizenI know
23:42.06Shizenit shouldn't
23:42.07Shizenbut it did
23:42.30Shizenthe interesting thing about that flawed architecture was...
23:42.35ShizenCyrix copied it over XD
23:42.50lua_botCidan: nan,
23:42.53art3miswhats the name of the rboken mana forge with the prince?
23:42.59Shizenomg lies...
23:43.04Cidanthat's awesome.
23:43.10Shizensqrt(-2) = 2i !
23:43.12Shizenor 2j
23:43.16Shirikdamn it
23:43.17Shizenhowever you play with your notations
23:43.19Shirikthere is no i
23:43.29Shizenwe stars using Js too nowaday
23:43.40Shizenit used to be i, you know that don't you Shirik :3
23:43.41CidanWell, most computers can't do negative sqrt's
23:43.42art3mislua> sqrt(3v1l)
23:43.42lua_botart3mis: sandbox.lua:298: Compilation failed: [string "sqrt(3v1l)"]:1: malformed number near '3v1l'
23:43.47Cidanmost FPU's rather
23:43.49ShirikShizen: It's still i
23:43.55ShirikJust not to computer/electrical engineers
23:44.05Shizen<-- electronic engineer
23:44.11ShirikBecause we like to screw with mathmaticians' heads
23:44.11JoshBorkei is current you idiots
23:44.15Shirik<-- computer engineer
23:44.15Shizenbut most of my old math books list it as 'i'
23:44.23Shizencurrent is I
23:44.25Shizenget it right
23:44.28ShirikMy math books still list it as i
23:44.28Cidan<-- Nerd D:
23:44.29|Jelly|<-- Kimina beater
23:44.38ShirikBut I know better
23:44.56Shizenwon't want to get confused with tons of "Is" in the mids of a kirchoff, we don't
23:44.58Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
23:45.05Shizenand I suppose yous guys have legitimate reason as well
23:45.11ThraeBotShirik: Kimina vs Jelly! Two 70 priests square off!; 20/41/0 vs 23/38/0; Jelly wins by 449 TBRs!
23:45.17ShirikAre you serious?
23:45.38Cidan!vs us drenden kimina us eredar cidan
23:45.41ThraeBotCidan: Kimina vs Cidan! Kimina has +4 lvls on Cidan (70 vs 66); A L70 priest and a L66 paladin square off!; 20/41/0 vs 43/13/0; Cidan wins by 275 TBRs!
23:45.42Shirik!co us drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
23:45.42ThraeBotShirik: Kimina vs Jelly! Two 70 priests compare their stat differences; 20/41/0 vs 23/38/0; Jelly ++1340 HP; Kimina ++421 +healing; Kimina ++0.84% dodge; Kimina ++108 +spelldmg; Jelly ++148 Armour; Jelly ++405 Mana; Kimina ++133 mana regen; Jelly ++111 resilience; Kimina ++67 mp5; Jelly has 2% more stats then Kimina.
23:46.04Shizendoes that take stats from armory ? or just...
23:46.08Shirik!c us drenden kimina
23:46.08Cidan!co us drenden kimina us eredar cidan
23:46.08ThraeBotShirik: Kimina, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (20/41/0). 7011 HP; 9915 Mana; 399 mana regen; 182 mp5; 640 +spell dmg; 1706 +heal; 5.90% dodge; 23 resilience;[[ TBR: 731 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Jan 22 18:53:03 2008 EST ]]
23:46.08ThraeBotCidan: Kimina vs Cidan! Kimina has +4 lvls on Cidan (70 vs 66); A L70 priest and a L66 paladin compare their stat differences; 20/41/0 vs 43/13/0; Kimina ++1435 HP; Cidan ++4 defense; Kimina ++1107 +healing; Kimina ++1.41% dodge; Cidan ++3 fire resist; Cidan ++3 melee hit; Kimina ++2733 Mana; Cidan ++87.400 Melee DPS; Cidan ++4.09% melee crit; Kimina ++331 +spelldmg; Cidan ++7901 Armour; Cidan ++6
23:46.08ThraeBot44 AP; Kimina ++236 mana regen; Kimina ++20 resilience; Cidan ++5.08% block; Kimina ++131 mp5; Cidan has 34% more stats then Kimina.
23:46.26Shirikhow the hell did you come up with that 34%
23:46.37Shirikthe armor?
23:47.07Cidancould be
23:47.15CidanI really should make him 70 already
23:47.48art3misokay name yer best place to farm cash drops
23:48.18*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm_ (
23:48.28art3mis!vs us echo isles rozalyn us eredar cidan
23:48.32ThraeBotart3mis: Rozalyn vs Cidan! Rozalyn has +4 lvls on Cidan (70 vs 66); A L70 priest and a L66 paladin square off!; 23/0/38 vs 43/13/0; Rozalyn wins by 395 TBRs!
23:48.59art3mis!vs us echo isles rozalyn us drenden kimina
23:49.02ThraeBotart3mis: Rozalyn vs Kimina! Two 70 priests square off!; 23/0/38 vs 20/41/0; Rozalyn wins by 36 TBRs!
23:52.04bleeterkd3: being a mage, ?
23:52.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
23:53.15bleeter(frost nova doesn't land freeze, only dmg; evocation returning previous patch mana amount and not the recent buffed amount)
23:56.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Drool (
23:56.15Shirikso GCC locked up compiling Lua
23:56.17Shirikis this a bad thing?
23:56.34kd3bleeter; that thread's from october
23:58.15bleeterkd3: bah
23:58.18bleeterkd3: apologies
23:59.07End~fail bleeter
23:59.07purlbleeter: Fail.
23:59.27Dumanwow, the cheat death reducing damage by 99% was NOT intended, but is currently unavoidable...

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