IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080121

00:00.57estethMaybe a bit off-topic, but how would you guys reccomend trying to cheer up our raid leader? He's raid leading most nights, but never seems to get anything, and seems to be getting burned out over it :(
00:01.20Cidedon't suck and kill bosses is how my raiders cheer me up
00:01.51Cidein other words, don't count on cheering him up
00:02.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
00:02.57estethAh, okies. We'll just have to work on lifting this curse of no loot :(
00:03.17foxlitHm, this bugs me
00:03.18[dRaCo]progress is the best cure for bad mood ;)
00:03.37foxlit(And #java is having a rather silly discussion at the moment, so they're unresponsive)
00:03.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
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00:03.59Cidedoes dropping mana tide generate a combat log message?
00:04.07Cide(I need to catch when an enemy shaman drops mana tide)
00:04.13foxlitPeople gain the aura, I think?
00:04.18Cideis it an aura?
00:04.22Cidewasn't sure if it was
00:04.25foxlit(Mana stream is)
00:04.41[dRaCo]don't think the dropping generates a message, but yeah, they should get the aura
00:04.49Thunder_Childesteth, just tell him/her that you are willing to raid untill he/she gets his/her (wow that is iritating) stuff
00:04.51foxlit ?
00:05.05Cideah yep
00:16.09*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
00:17.57foxlit (Java warning)
00:30.53Mr_Rabies2MentalPower, it was like a nsfw warnign :p
00:33.06foxlitI've made things very evil by using Class instead of Class<Type>
00:33.22Temfoxlit, I'm not 100% because it's been a while since I've used java
00:33.44bleeteris anyone aware of a 'simple' way to find the highest itemID from the armory?
00:34.10foxlitbleeter: are you aware of a simple way to find the highest integer?
00:34.32foxlit(you're better off looking in the modelviewer item list)
00:34.39Temfoxlit, try Class<? extends InterfaceA>
00:34.52Kasothe model viewer itemlist is manually created though isnt it?
00:35.21bleeterand while i'm on about it, armory needs a 'recently discovered' page
00:35.22foxlitTem: possibly implements rather than extends? (inheritance vs interfaces)
00:35.24Kasobasically set up a wget script to request xml files till it gets 404's for a few thousand then you know you've hit top.
00:35.43bleeterKaso: yeah, had been trying to think of a nicer way to do that
00:35.56Temfoxlit, possibly.  For some reason I'm remembering the use of extends for interfaces as well
00:36.05KasoNot sure if there is a nice way :<
00:36.22*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
00:36.24foxlitTem: implements gives a compiler warning, extends doesn't
00:36.36Temwell there you go
00:36.48Shirikyou just need to do an explicit cast
00:37.07Tembut Shirik, we leared from C that casts are bad, right?
00:37.16ShirikWho told you that casting was bad?
00:37.30foxlitAnd it works
00:38.00TemShirik, I have the habit of avoiding a cast when possible
00:38.02foxlitShirik: Tem's syntax is more or less a cast
00:38.31ShirikNot really, it's chaning the type, but ok
00:38.33foxlitThe problem was that I was previously trying to cast to
00:38.41foxlitClass<InterfaceA>, which isn't possible
00:38.54Shirikit should be possible
00:39.24foxlitI am but a simple message of my errors pane :)
00:40.03TemI'm not sure, Shirik.  I never did "master" java
00:40.10Temthough, I imagine I will this semester ><
00:40.16ShirikI'm testing it now
00:40.22Temgogo writing a scheme compiler in java
00:41.07Dumanhmm,what's the preferred "vendor sell price" addon these days
00:41.48foxlit(okay, I'm trolling there)
00:41.57[dRaCo]I use sellfish
00:42.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim|ubuntu (
00:42.51Dumanhmm, k
00:43.14DumanI use a bunch of other Tuller mods, so that works :)
00:43.27Shirikfoxlit, I don't know what you did
00:43.34Shirikbut I don't even have to do an explicit cast
00:43.39ShirikIt just takes it
00:44.07foxlitPastey the code, I'll tell you if there's a difference?
00:46.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
00:47.54Shirikok it is a bit of a difference nm
00:55.14Shirikthat actually does look kinda good...
00:55.35foxlitThe quality of java documentation is actually rather amazing.
00:59.23Shirikthat's because it's automatic
00:59.38Shirikassuming you're intelligent to put a little header on each of your functions
01:00.05foxlitI was actually thinking more about than the javadoc pages for all classes
01:00.12foxlitThough those are helpful as well
01:00.47ShirikI can't believe they're telling you to do Collection<?>
01:01.11Shirikwhy don't we just put void* into Java...
01:04.27foxlitWhat's the objection, actually?
01:05.47Shirikuh, they're unsafe
01:06.21ShirikGranted they have their uses, but in many cases they're just plain unsafe and are used because a programmer's being lazy
01:06.50KazieAnyone here whom happens to know about making wow addons?
01:07.10ShirikI'd estimate at least 50% knows about that, hopefully more
01:07.22Shiriks/knows/of the channel knows/
01:08.00KazieWell i need some help .. maybe you can help me then? :) .. this code is kinda.. ehm.. very fucked up i think
01:09.32KazieI don't have any errors or anything.. but i have no idea how to use it in-game.. i had help on that one and was told it should work.. but i can't seem to locate anything :S
01:10.37foxlitThe obvious issue would be that x, y are strings rather than numbers
01:10.56foxlitAnd there is no declared slash command
01:11.22foxlit(a) What is it you're trying to do (b) Is this supposed to be plugged into anything?
01:11.56KazieAll it has to do is move the default Buff frame at the minimap.. and remember the location so it does not move back when i buff or relog
01:12.22KazieI was told that would do it and i just had to make a .toc file
01:13.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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01:15.05KazieCan you help me? :) I'm quite new at this.
01:17.24foxlitIt's not really as simple as you've been led to believe
01:17.59foxlitit won't quite work even with a .toc; though you do need a .toc to make it work.
01:18.45KazieI have the .toc file .. and it's in my Addons window on my character screen.. i just can't rly figure out how to add the slash commands and stuff :o
01:18.58MentalPowerread the above links
01:19.18foxlitPrimarily the last one
01:19.27KazieI have.. several times.. but it seems that i'm doing more damage than good on this :s
01:19.35foxlitYou're missing the line that declares a slash command alias in that code
01:19.51foxlitSo while you create the SlashCmdList table entry, there's no corresponding SLASH_ global value
01:20.44KazieThat OnLoad stuff or?
01:23.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
01:23.38foxlitYou don't really need to run it on OnLoad; any time is good
01:24.34KazieI'm really confused :o
01:25.59Wobinthere needs to be a aural indicator that you've passed the login queue
01:26.10KazieA what?
01:26.15Wobina ding!
01:26.18Wobinor something
01:26.26Wobinso if it's minimised, you know
01:27.19Kaziehmm :s
01:31.31*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Dinesh)
01:38.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
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02:16.17bleeterWobin: do you reckon we could write a mod that detects senior Telstra management, and stab them in the face?
02:16.47sysrageyay for tanks fucking up a pull then gquitting and logging in the middle of a raid when you call them on it
02:16.56Wobinbleeter: Why make it so specific?
02:17.03Wobinmake it able to stab anyone in the face
02:17.08Wobinand sell it on the internet
02:17.37bleeterWobin: some targets are more deserving than others
02:17.48bleeterand honestly, I can't think of a more deserving target than those guys
02:17.52Wobintrue, but you can't lose sight of the bigger picture
02:19.47Enddammit, everytime I make a philly cheese steak, I eat it faster than I intend to
02:42.37*** join/#wowi-lounge anko (
02:46.42*** join/#wowi-lounge sdouble (n=sdouble@
02:46.51Corrodiasi'm sick of this Prince fight
02:59.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
02:59.37TemI like prince
02:59.48Temexcept for the stupid randomness of it...
03:09.17*** join/#wowi-lounge tedr0ck (
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03:36.28MentalPower!api GetMapInfo
03:36.29ThraeBotMentalPower: mapFileName, textureHeight, textureWidth = GetMapInfo();  --
03:38.32MentalPowerthats odd..
03:39.57TemAntiarc, 2girlsonecup reference?
03:40.08AntiarcTem: That's what I'm afraid of :(
03:40.19Temthat'd be pretty hillarious
03:40.28Temif someone got it past marketing because they didn't know
03:40.54TemAntiarc, what story is it connected to?
03:41.08MentalPower"In fact, after seeing a demand in the Latino market for a beer mixed with clam sauce and tomato juice, the franchisor partnered with Anheuser-Busch to develop Chelada brand beer." <---Eww!!! I would not drink that even if you payed me! (I'm Latino)
03:41.34*** join/#wowi-lounge krka_ (
03:43.28Thunder_ChildMentalPower, yes you would
03:43.33Gngskhaha, owned
03:43.40MentalPowerhell no
03:43.44Thunder_Childa mill per would drink it
03:43.47MentalPoweryou'd have to pay me a lot!
03:43.54Thunder_Childah HAH!
03:44.01Thunder_Childso you did lie
03:44.05Thunder_Child~lie MentalPower
03:44.15Thunder_Childcommon purl....
03:44.23Thunder_Child~liar MentalPower
03:44.35Thunder_Child~cookie Tem
03:44.52MentalPoweryou broke purl!
03:45.01MentalPoweryou get to keep both pieces
03:47.08*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:52.53*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
04:02.01*** join/#wowi-lounge anko (
04:04.29*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
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04:18.39*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
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04:31.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Galka (
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04:32.42Thunder_Child~staple cogwheel
04:32.42purlACTION attaches a staple gun to a pneumatic nail gun via duct tape, staples cogwheel quite well, and hands cogwheel to thunder_child
04:33.23cogwheel1 (intentional) disconnect isn't enough for a staple imo
04:33.57Thunder_Childi was bored
04:35.27Shirik30 minutes left in my birthday, and Cairenn didn't even so much as say "hi" to me today =(
04:35.53*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | Happy Birthday Shirik!
04:36.08ShirikIt's too late now
04:36.32cogwheelstill have > 3 hrs from my pov
04:36.53*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck (
04:40.36Thunder_Child~happy Bday Shirik
04:40.39Thunder_Child~happy Birthday Shirik
04:40.40purlACTION sings the 'Happy Birthday' song horribly out of tune for Shirik
04:40.55Shirikbut thanks Thunder_Child :) Now I shall go get food
04:41.06Thunder_Childpfft, food
04:41.17Shirik|AFKwell in theory now I can go get beer
04:41.23Shirik|AFKbut I have no intent to do that
04:42.11Thunder_Childyou may not have the intentions.....
04:43.33Corrodiasman, i am laggy out here in hillsbrad
04:51.05Thunder_Childyou know...i just found it interesting that Cairenn changed the MotD for Shirik|AFK's birthday but still didnt say hi...
04:52.24Thunder_Childstill not....
04:55.20Fisker-i came to teach you things Thunder_Child
04:55.49Thunder_ChildFisker-, the odds of you teaching me something i dont know are low
04:57.29Fisker-i am better than you
04:57.32Fisker-you didn't know that lolol
04:58.45Thunder_Childi dont know that because it isnt true
04:59.35art3miswikipedia said it was true TC
04:59.43art3misand we know how accurate wikipedia is
04:59.48Thunder_Child"The smallest feline is a masterpiece." -Leonardo da Vinci
04:59.53Fisker-i would never post that information on wikipedia
05:00.03Fisker-also i need to take a shit :D
05:00.10Fisker-so i will
05:00.13art3misbecareful fisker
05:00.15Fisker-and take shots of it
05:00.18Fisker-and send it to Thunder_Child
05:00.29art3misconsidering the shit content of your body you're liable to vanish ;P
05:00.40Thunder_Childquite so
05:00.59Fisker-your mother :(
05:02.58Shirik<3 Wendy's triple cheeseburger
05:03.18Thunder_Child"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshiped as Gods. Cats have never forgotten this" -Anonymous
05:03.32NightHawkTheSaneShirik: lol, aka wendy's triple heart attack :P
05:03.54ShirikI'm hyperthyroid, my incorrect metabolism will keep me both skinny and safe
05:04.14ShirikThough actually being hyperthyroid should increase the risk of a heart attack
05:04.15Shirikoh well
05:04.16NightHawkTheSaneoh, same here, but you can't deny that may be the most unhealthy thing ever sold through a take out window :P
05:04.42art3misshirik: get a grandslam!
05:04.50art3misits a secret item on wendy's menu
05:05.06NightHawkTheSaneI like having the triple cheeseburger combo meal, replacing fries with chili.
05:05.06art3mis4 patties 4 slives of cheese and 2 levels of bacon
05:05.14ShirikIs it a real item?
05:05.32art3misat least it was at all ewst coast wendys
05:05.45art3misit's not on the menu cuz its REALLY bad for you ;)
05:06.01art3misbut its there
05:06.06art3misand its soooooooooo good
05:06.12ShirikI might have to check this out
05:06.18art3misused to order it on Daves Death Day every year
05:06.30art3misto celebrate the best burger guy ever
05:06.35Fisker-i'm still alive
05:07.02Fisker-haha you got poo on your hands
05:07.07Shirikhm, google confirms this hidden item that art3mis speaks of
05:07.20Fisker-what item?
05:07.28art3mislast time i got it was like 4$ too
05:07.31art3misa total deal
05:07.32Thunder_ChildL2Read Fisker-
05:08.10ShirikThe "grand slam" burger is indeed on the register LCD screens, as well as a "super grand slam" burger
05:08.31art3misIn a natural progression from their Single, Double, and Triple hamburger deals, Wendy's offers a Grand Slam which is, you guessed it, four big slabs of beef on a bun, with full fixin's (and quarter pound patties*, no less)!
05:08.31art3misThis full pound of meat doesn't appear on the menu, probably because it violates a whole bunch of health regulations. The end result is more filling than a Double Big Mac, and has to be wrapped in double the foil due to the sheer volume of grease it exudes. Mmmm, I can feel my arteries hardening just thinking about it.
05:08.50art3misits uber yummy
05:08.59Fisker-massive fail
05:09.01art3misooo a super grandslam!
05:09.01Fisker-i hope you all die
05:09.52MentalPoweroh god...
05:10.20Fisker-MentalPower btw
05:10.36Fisker-you think it would be possible to cancel auctions by addon? :P
05:10.48*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
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05:10.53MentalPoweryou can make a macro for that
05:11.00Fisker-you got one handy?
05:11.08Fisker-pretty annoying having to cancel 80 auctions to relist
05:11.08MentalPowernot really
05:11.18CorrodiasWOW i'm laggy here in hillsbrad
05:11.22MentalPowerthere should be one on the norganna forums tho
05:11.32Shirikeven wikipedia confirms "grand slam" as being a wendy's menu choice o.
05:11.41TemFisker-, why do you need to cancel auctions?
05:12.05Fisker-to sell my shards
05:12.21Fisker-i'm impatient
05:13.47MentalPowerI even made on that only cancels auctions with no bids
05:19.54*** join/#wowi-lounge anko (
05:22.53purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
05:23.43purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
05:25.13ShirikI'm so confused by that statement that I don't even know what to say
05:25.48art3misyou know those mini helicopters?
05:25.49AntiarcSo, anyone want a dose of hilarity?
05:25.54AntiarcLike, mega hilarity?
05:25.59art3misthey're dropping erasers on you
05:26.13Antiarcas in "I'm pretty sure I found Rushster's replacement" hilarity?
05:26.15art3misi do i do!
05:26.32AntiarcI just received this:
05:26.47AntiarcNow, take 15 seconds and run an nslookup on the domain I apparently hijacked
05:27.05AntiarcNote that it's an alias for the root domain.
05:27.17AntiarcNote that I apparently stole the subdomain while the root domain remains intact.
05:27.40AntiarcNote that he contacted the people hosting "" and requested that they cancel "my" hosting account for breach of copyright.
05:27.50AntiarcNote that "my" account is "his" account since uh, they're the same IP.
05:27.59AntiarcNote that he just shot himself in the ass with a cannon.
05:28.12ShirikI am so confused
05:28.17Shirikbut I think I'm supposed to be cracking up so I will
05:28.19purlACTION rolls around on the floor laughing
05:28.25AntiarcOkay, I have those open source tools
05:28.31AntiarcSomeone installed a copy at
05:28.42AntiarcSo this guy that owns the domain gets pissed and emails me since my email is on the page
05:28.53AntiarcAnd threatens me telling me to take them down.
05:29.01Shirikthreatens to take down his own site
05:29.11AntiarcAnd says he contacted the people hosting "" and told them to shut down the account for copyright breach.
05:29.19AntiarcWhich it's his OWN DAMN SITE.
05:29.22ShirikIt will be hilarious if they do
05:29.30AntiarcI will laugh longer than I have laughed in a long time if they do.
05:29.57*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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05:30.25AntiarcTO TOP IT OFF
05:30.30Fisker-oh lol
05:30.32Fisker-i get it now
05:30.35Fisker-he's a fucking retard
05:30.36AntiarcIt was sent from ""
05:30.40AntiarcI sent a reply to it.
05:30.42AntiarcIt bounced.
05:33.15Thunder_Childjust like he did...when he was a baby
05:33.35Fisker-ooooooh snap
05:33.47AntiarcThis has some absolutely stellar drama potential
05:34.10AntiarcHalf of me hopes he's an utter retard and gets pissed that I'm not complying and taking down my tools from the domain on a box that I don't have access to
05:34.15AntiarcJust for the hi-larity potential.
05:35.08Fisker-well atleast his host is probably laughing as well
05:36.38Fisker-bed tiems though
05:38.23Thunder_ChildAntiarc, your a college dropout?
05:38.30AntiarcThunder_Child: Hehe, yeah
05:38.46AntiarcI was going to school and working for a company as a programmer making what I'd be making with a degree
05:38.53Antiarcnot learning anything at school, was really frustrated with it
05:39.00Thunder_Childare you yhr cheif executive geek then?
05:39.18AntiarcHeh...where'd you hear that title?
05:39.20AntiarcBut yes :)
05:39.27AntiarcYup, that's me.
05:39.36AntiarcCompany I'm starting up.
05:39.41*** part/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
05:40.07Thunder_Child"Of course, if there's something broken, that stuff is probably his fault, too." woo hoo, more people to blame things on
05:40.25AntiarcGonna be launching blippr - our first real potential for income - in closed beta this week :D
05:40.26AntiarcI'm stoked.
05:41.27Thunder_Childi dont have a social network
05:41.31AntiarcSure you do
05:41.33AntiarcYou know me, right?
05:41.37AntiarcSo I'm a part of your network
05:41.47AntiarcSocial networks extend outside of the "social networking sites"
05:41.53AntiarcThey're composed of anyone you know.
05:41.58AntiarcAnyone you're connected to relationally
05:42.01AntiarcOnline and off
05:42.02Thunder_Childdefine know
05:42.29AntiarcAnyone you interact with and have a relationship beyond name recognition with.
05:42.48Antiarcyou know I'm a geek, programmer, wow player, college dropout, and geek now :D
05:43.01AntiarcSo you know more about me than "Jimmy Two-tones" that you might read about or whatever
05:43.02Thunder_Childand someone who repeats things
05:43.02MentalPowerAntiarc: whats your website?
05:43.16Thunder_Childmp ^^
05:43.19MentalPowerAntiarc: for your wow mods
05:43.22Antiarc is our company site
05:43.31AntiarcMentalPower: I just use wowace and the occassional curse release
05:43.34AntiarcBecause I am le lazy
05:43.39AntiarcI think I have them on wowi too
05:43.44AntiarcBut I am le lazy and don't like maintaining them
05:43.58AntiarcMentalPower: I know, that's a mirror someone put up
05:44.06AntiarcSee the discussion a few pages up
05:44.42MentalPowerI must've missed that part
05:44.51MentalPowerthats what he's fuzzing about
05:45.06AntiarcExcept he's a tard and failed to realize they're on his own machine
05:45.16AntiarcWhich probably means his buddy installed them on the box after school or something.
05:45.36Thunder_Childhe has friends??
05:45.50AntiarcI'd assume so, or he has a really bad short-term memory
05:46.18MentalPowerwheres the original to that page?
05:46.20Thunder_Childi hope it's #2
05:46.34Antiarc is the authoritative install
05:46.56AntiarcThey used to be at but I deprecated that in favor of mmo-champ, because the traffic was saturating my upload bandwidth
05:47.06AntiarcI run tachyonsix off of a whitebox under my desk at home :D
05:47.12AntiarcOff a cable modem connection
05:48.21MentalPowerAntiarc: is the source to that website publicly available?
05:48.44ThraeMentalPower: Scroll down?
05:49.21MentalPoweroh, duh!
05:49.54MentalPowerhehe, so someone downloaded the source and installed it on this guy's machine
05:49.57AntiarcMentalPower: Yes.
05:50.12MentalPowerand he blames you
05:50.34AntiarcBecause he's too much of a tard to check IPs and DNS and fun things like that.
05:50.46AntiarcOr to understand how the internet works.
05:50.55Antiarc$10 on "13 year-old with a phpBB install"
05:51.09MentalPowerthat sounds like the people who upgraded to CentOS and then sent hate mail to the CentOS devs because their websites were now replaced with the CentOS "You've installed CentOS correctly" page
05:51.11ThraeNow if your source was porn.php, he would understand it quite well.
05:52.13MentalPowerie, this:
05:52.48MentalPowerback then the Note: section at the bottom was not there
05:53.26AntiarcMan, you really have to love retards like this.
05:53.33AntiarcPeople dangerous enough to install with a wizard
05:53.45MentalPowerthats the story
05:53.49AntiarcBut incompetent enough to smack themselves in the ass with their eyebrows.
05:54.11ThraeOh yeah, I remember that one from Snopes, MentalPower.
05:56.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Rayne (
05:57.07RayneSorry in advanced, ill be making another 'make me hate my UI' thread shortly
05:58.33Shirikbleeter: Fireworks really did come out of my head!!!
06:06.34bleeterShirik: woot
06:06.40bleeterShirik: and are you happy?
06:06.55Shirikof course!
06:07.13bleeterAntiarc: that's quite a good fail. If it's in the US, wait for the DCMA takedown notice, then tell the press ;)
06:07.25MentalPower~praise Shirik
06:07.26purlAll hail Shirik!
06:07.32Antiarcbleeter: He's in Queensland, Aus
06:07.38ShirikMentalPower: o.o?
06:07.42MentalPower~praise batrick
06:07.42purlAll hail batrick!
06:07.43AntiarcBut I'm in the US so I eagerly await the DMCA notice
06:07.52MentalPower#Lua conversation
06:08.01ShirikI'm getting annoyed at this guy
06:08.20MentalPowerme too
06:08.21ThraeMentalPower: Reading down a little further since I'm bored, I found that good 'ol manager of Tuttle used software from to make his websites, of which Tuttle Times says he's made multiple ones.
06:09.14batrickthe guys a fucking idiot
06:10.01batrick--> for i = 1, 10 do print(math.random(0,1)) end
06:10.01batbotbatrick: 0   1   1   1   0   1   1   0   0   0
06:10.07batricknot random enough guys hur hur
06:10.23MentalPowerno! He has 22 years in computer systems engineering and operation.
06:10.40ThraeMentalPower: He owns a Computer Service store in Tuttle.
06:10.40Antiarc0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 <-- perfect distribution! this must mean it's perfectly random, rite?
06:11.08Thrae--> for i = 1,10 do print(math.random(9,9)) end
06:11.08batbotThrae: 9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9
06:11.16ThraePerfectly random!
06:11.37ThraeThat piece of code is part of Blizzard's drop rate percentages.
06:12.02ShirikHeh, batrick took over
06:12.11ShirikI couldn't even think of what to say there
06:12.21ShirikI think my brain cells are dying
06:12.45Neebler!ap 2127
06:12.45ThraeBotNeebler: Arena points from a rating of 2127 is, 2v2: 914, 3v3: 1058, 5v5: 1202
06:12.46*** part/#wowi-lounge Rayne (
06:13.20batricki'm tired of seeing him flood the channel with queries to a lua_bot
06:13.39batricklook @ m3 gaiz i'm doin codez lul
06:14.00MentalPowerbatrick: that be partly my fault
06:14.12bleeterin ur bitez overflowin ur stax
06:14.35*** join/#wowi-lounge anko (
06:14.48MentalPoweroh god.. I can't believe this guys just pulled that one
06:15.00bleeterMentalPower: thanks for that, had forgotten the story... makes me chuckle reading it agagin
06:15.13bleeterMentalPower: hmm? pulled what?
06:15.48bleeterI already idle in too many #'s hehe
06:16.39bleeterI get kicked from #winehq every now and then for idling too much hehe
06:17.23batrickstop humoring moose
06:20.40bleeterAntiarc: about all I can do in response to your recent experience, is quote hortus at you "Unfortunately, people being jerks is not a bug" (and I read jerks = fuckwits)
06:20.54kd3whee for being friendly with the GMs on the customer service forum and getting quest text that doesn't appear to be anywhere else on the net
06:21.09bleeterkd3: u sexor
06:21.44bleeterkd3: I'm curious as to why you'd need that.. I guess some hard to get quest or something, that you abandoned?
06:22.03kd3none of the database sites had any information at all
06:22.16bleeteryes, hard to get lol
06:22.33Endit probably exists in screenshots in several places :P
06:22.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Lonny (
06:22.58kd3I got screenshots for some of the earlier quests (e.g. "The Might of Kalimdor"), but I couldn't find that one anywhere
06:22.59bleeterbut but but
06:23.04bleeterthat's pixels, not text! :P
06:23.08Endif I was in that position, either I'd be taking a billion screenshots, or I wold have been so excited I'd forget :P
06:23.26Endtext can be rendered as pixels ;-P
06:23.52Endtherefore, pixels > text
06:25.06EndI'm sorry, but shakespear is not located in these pixels
06:25.21EndLIKE A SPEAR
06:25.22Thunder_Childblast and damnation
06:25.34Tierrieis 3 jacks too much
06:25.35MentalPowerShirik: he's right its 1920bytes Base64 encoded
06:25.36Tierrieor should i have more
06:25.39MentalPowerI just decoded it
06:25.50ShirikYeah actually I believe him now
06:25.54Shirikit doesn't change the fact that he's crazy
06:26.00Thunder_ChildTierrie, jacks?
06:26.05Thunder_Childas in daniels?
06:26.52Thunder_Childthen no
06:27.04Thunder_Childnothing is to much till you die from it
06:27.15Tierriegood advice
06:29.36*** join/#wowi-lounge a59 (
06:32.24batricki think moose is crying
06:34.53Tierrieyou know the best thing about tonight is the most important decision i have to make is "should i have one more drink" and there's no wrong answer
06:35.05MentalPowerbatrick: good!
06:41.24*** join/#wowi-lounge art3mis (n=art3mis@WoWUIDev/WoWI/HKUI/art3mis)
06:44.30MentalPower|ZZzzgnight all
06:45.26batricknight friend
06:47.29Thunder_Childnight MentalPower|ZZzz
06:49.11Thunder_ChildTierrie, George Burns said it best "Actually, it only takes one drink to get me loaded. Trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or fourteenth. "
06:53.32Shirikpurl, thrae hates you
06:54.25Shirikpurl, Thrae hates you
06:54.26batrick~hate thrae
06:54.32Shirikpurl, Thrae hates \you
06:54.48*** join/#wowi-lounge tedr0ck (
06:54.48batrickpurl: hate is <reply> ,,|,
06:54.49purl...but hate is already something else...
06:54.59batrickpurl: no, hate is <reply> ,,|,
06:55.00purlbatrick: okay
06:55.23Shirikpurl, Thrae hates you
06:55.28Shirikgrr, why can't I get this to work
06:55.37Shirik(01:54:04)  -› [msg: purl]: $nick hates \you is <reply> I hate $nick too!
06:56.23Thraepurl: I hate you.
06:56.23purlYou hate you.?
06:56.38ShirikStarting something with "I" triggers a very strange repsonse :P
06:56.40Thraepurl: I hate purl.
06:56.41purlYou hate purl.?
06:58.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Lonny (
06:58.35Thraepurl: die if hate 'you';
06:58.36purlACTION murders if hate 'you';, takes two shots to the head then crumples to the ground, lifeless...
06:59.03ThraeThere. I got purl to kill itself.
06:59.12Thraekrag0th|Mac: By the way, how comes the armoury cache?
06:59.24ThraeI got you confused with kergoth, and he was also confused.
06:59.40krag0th|MacThrae: I've not had a chance to get much done.  Work got demanding the last several weeks
06:59.43ScytheBlade1Let's not go around killing purl
06:59.45ScytheBlade1That's not a good thing :/
06:59.57Thraepurl: die ScytheBlade1
06:59.58purlACTION murders ScytheBlade1, takes two shots to the head then crumples to the ground, lifeless...
07:00.00krag0th|Macpurl: die himself
07:00.00purlACTION murders himself, takes two shots to the head then crumples to the ground, lifeless...
07:00.20purlACTION watches scytheblade1 pull the trigger:  Click!
07:00.23Shirikpurl is a female I thought
07:00.31purl[wget] an excellent file retrieval utility (HTTP and FTP) with many options, or the command `apt-get install wget wget-ssl`, or virtual bacon
07:00.32ScytheBlade1Who's next? ^^
07:00.38purlACTION watches shirik pull the trigger:  Click!
07:01.02Shirikvirtual bacon?
07:01.27purlACTION watches batrick pull the trigger:  Click!
07:01.34krag0th|MacThrae: Once the "v2.0" of our shiney new billing system is done (in 2wks) I'll have a lot more time to put into the cacher.  I need to fix a few things that I know about.  I really need to get trac started on my box for ticketing
07:01.37ScytheBlade1I think it's Thrae's turn.
07:01.57batrickccccombo breaker
07:02.03purlACTION watches thrae pull the trigger:  Click!
07:02.14purlACTION watches krag0th|mac pull the trigger:  Click!
07:02.20batrickpurl is slow
07:02.25ScytheBlade1Oh lol
07:02.33krag0th|Macpurl == infobot?
07:02.35ThraeHe's using a 50-chamber gun.
07:02.36ShirikScytheBlade1's turn!
07:02.42ScytheBlade1purl == blootbot
07:02.48purlthrae, I love abuse, feed me!
07:02.56purlblootbot is probably an IRC bot written in perl descended from infobot. Hosted on SF. Patches welcome, submit on SF or, or , I am a blootbot
07:03.01purlACTION cooks <target> a succulent, tender, slightly moist steak
07:03.02ThraeThere's also another instance of purl called "infobot"
07:03.22ScytheBlade1Oh screw it
07:03.23ScytheBlade1Night all
07:03.25purlACTION watches scytheblade1 pull the trigger:  BANG!
07:03.28batrick--> function roulette() if math.random(1,6) == 6 print "bang" else print"click" end end roulette()
07:03.28batbotbatrick: > [string "0"]:1: 'then' expected near 'print'
07:03.32krag0th|MacCause that bacon stuff added is from wh's infobotness :)
07:03.44batrick--> function roulette() if math.random(1,6) == 6 then print "bang" else print"click" end end roulette()
07:03.44batbotbatrick: click
07:03.53Shirik--> roulette()
07:03.53batbotShirik: click
07:04.40krag0th|Mac--> function moo() print "Moo!" end moo()
07:04.40batbotkrag0th|Mac: Moo!
07:04.48nevcairiel--> roulette()
07:04.48batbotnevcairiel: click
07:04.52krag0th|Mac--> moo()
07:04.52batbotkrag0th|Mac: Moo!
07:05.18krag0th|MacI wonder if there's fun things I can do
07:05.29batricki got purl and batbot to have a nice conversation once
07:05.32batrickgo try it
07:05.42nevcairielbetter dont
07:05.43Lonnyhaha :D
07:06.11Thunder_Childbatrick, wth is ~hate supposed to be?
07:06.32batricki thought it was pretty obvious!
07:06.38Thunder_Childpeople have 5 fingers if thats what your tikning
07:06.46Thunder_Childnot 4
07:06.55krag0th|MacHe's one of those 4-fingered cartoon characters
07:06.55batrickpurl has no thumbs silly
07:06.57Thrae--> for i = 1,math.random(1000,100000) do getglobal("foo" .. i) = function() print(i) end end
07:06.57batbotThrae: > [string "0"]:1: unexpected symbol near '='
07:07.12krag0th|MacHow are you suppose to unroll loops without thumbs?
07:08.04krag0th|MacOh Oh!  Can I while true print "I'm true!"?
07:08.23Thrae--> for i = 1,math.random(1000,100000) do _G["foo" .. i] = function() print(i) end end
07:08.34krag0th|MacI figured you'd have recursion traps
07:08.43ThraeShouldn't the sandbox give an error?
07:09.00krag0th|Mac--> print "I'm a little teapot short an stout"
07:09.00batbotkrag0th|Mac: I'm a little teapot short an stout
07:09.05batrick--> collectgarbage"count"
07:09.08batbotbatrick: > 11161.127929688
07:09.26krag0th|Mac--> moo
07:09.30batbotkrag0th|Mac: > function: 0x81d9cd0
07:09.30Shirik--> collectgarbage"collect"
07:09.30batbotShirik: > 0
07:09.33Shirik--> collectgarbage"count"
07:09.37batbotShirik: > 10263.615234375
07:09.42Shirikwtf do you have loaded in there..
07:09.45krag0th|MacA minor improvement
07:10.04batrick--> it's probably lua task's fault
07:10.07batbotbatrick: > [string "0"]:1: '=' expected near 'fault'
07:10.29krag0th|Mac--> function nub() print "D'Oh!" end nub()
07:10.30batbotkrag0th|Mac: D'Oh!
07:10.30batrickactually it's Thrae's fault
07:10.37batrick--> newenv()
07:10.37batbotbatrick: > creating new environment
07:10.44batrick--> collectgarbage"count"
07:10.45batbotbatrick: > 10280.008789062
07:11.07krag0th|MacThis is quite a handy little tool :D
07:11.13krag0th|MacI will have to find uses for it
07:11.15Shirik10MB is pretty huge for something that isn't entirely complex
07:12.01Thrae--> local bar; foo = function() bar() newenv() end; bar = function() newenv() foo() end; bar()
07:12.03batbotThrae: > [string "0"]:1: creating new environment
07:12.03krag0th|MacBut for now~  It's time to sleep(60 * 60 * 6);
07:12.35Thrae--> local bar; foo = function() bar() collectgarbage("count") end; bar = function() collectgarbage("collect") foo() end; bar()
07:12.38batbotThrae: > ./sandbox.lua:119: stack overflow
07:12.40batrickShirik: luatask may modified some stuff
07:12.56batrickthe irc client itself does have a lot of information stored
07:12.59Thrae--> local bar; foo = function() bar() end; bar = function() foo() end; bar(); print "Done!"
07:12.59batbotThrae: > [string "0"]:1: stack overflow
07:13.09batricke.g. 150 last messages from everyone
07:14.13batrick!quote shirik grand
07:14.33ShirikI need to remember that one
07:16.25ThraeShirik: I told you that you shouldn't be playing with it
07:16.56Shirikholy crap
07:17.02ShirikCIA-32 just reported a commit to conspiracy
07:17.04Shirikfrom Cidan
07:17.14ShirikEither it's like 5 years behind or he came out of hiding
07:17.24ShirikThe former of which I wouldn't be entirely surprised by
07:17.49ThraeShirik: Odd, not in any channels I saw
07:17.59ShirikThat's because he only reports it to #conspiracy :P
07:18.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
07:18.15nevcairielShirik: cant you check the revision id and see from when it was ? :P
07:18.18ThraeMaybe it's a the
07:19.03ShirikError: Your .svn/tmp directory may be missing or corrupt; run 'svn cleanup' and try again
07:19.03ShirikError: Can't open file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Interface\Addons\.svn\tmp\entries': The system cannot find the path specified.
07:19.36ShirikOh I like this error!
07:19.39ShirikI did an svn cleanup
07:19.51Shirikand it says "An error occurred while performing cleanup. Run 'svn cleanup' and try again."
07:20.32nevcairielfresh checkout time!
07:20.38ShirikI think I have changes to commit though...
07:20.59batricki think i found a bug in lua
07:21.01Shirikoh lol
07:21.19ThraeShirik: Sounds like apt-get logic to me. "> apt-get" "You do not have apt-get installed. Run apt-get apt to fix this problem." "> apt-get update" "There are some broken or missing dependencies. Run apt-get update to resolve this problem."
07:21.21Shirikthe only change is -- ## Interface: 20100 ++ ## Interface: 20300
07:21.34ShirikThrae: lol, I got that a while ago
07:22.11batrickapparently the string library recognizes \0 as the end of a string
07:22.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
07:22.23nevcairielShirik: you has ops, you can validate my uploadz? :P
07:22.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Olison_ (
07:22.35batrickreturn string.lower("hi\0UR")
07:22.42batrickthat returns "hi"
07:22.57nevcairielthats probably because it uses C strings
07:23.00ShirikI refuse to approve it
07:23.00batrickanybody know if that's intended?
07:23.11Shirikbatrick: Not necessarily what they want, but it is mentioned, yes
07:23.26batrickwhere is it mentioned?
07:23.32Shiriknevcairiel: done
07:23.40batricki don't see it in the documentation
07:23.42Shirikbatrick: It's hidden away :P
07:23.54ThraeShirik: Of course, TortoiseSVN has the best error messages. I had Windows accidentially trying to cache the entire contents of my server (stupid XP Pro defaults), so my hard drive was full without me knowing. TortoiseSVN attempted to update a folder and gave the error dialog -- Title: "Error" Message: "No error."
07:23.59batrickuse %z instead
07:24.09batrickbut that still doesn't explain string.lower
07:24.48ShirikYou could probably do this
07:25.04*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
07:25.12batrick!quote batrick
07:25.17batrickdamn it
07:25.30Shiriklua> return loadstring("return " .. string.lower(string.format("%q", "hi\0UR")))()
07:25.33lua_botShirik: hi
07:25.35Shirikdamn it!
07:25.38Shirikdie die die
07:25.53nevcairiellua> "hi\0UR"
07:25.55lua_botnevcairiel: hi
07:26.02nevcairielthats problaby not a function thing
07:26.04nevcairielbut a general string thing
07:26.27nevcairieloooor, IRC ends at \0 too
07:26.49Shiriklua> return string.lower(string.format("%q", "hi\0UR"))
07:26.51lua_botShirik: "hi\000ur"
07:26.59Shirikthe problem comes when printing it out :P
07:27.22Shiriklua> string.format("%q", string.lower("hi\0UR"))
07:27.25lua_botShirik: "hi\000ur",
07:27.25*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
07:27.27Shirikthere you go batrick
07:27.30ShirikIt's not string.lower having the problem
07:27.33Corrodiaslua> return "hi\\0UR"
07:27.33lua_botCorrodias: hi\0UR
07:27.45Shirikas you can see, string.lower is handling it fine :)
07:27.57Corrodiasthe string.lower looks like the bug to me
07:28.04Shirikas you can see above, it's not
07:28.06Corrodiasbut i work with languages that consider null the end of a string :(
07:28.14Corrodiasapparently you don't expect the same for Lua
07:28.18Shirikoh, you mean it shouldn't keep going after the \0?
07:28.26ShirikNo Lua accepts nulls in a string
07:28.36nevcairielI dont know if it should, but i wouldnt use \0 in a string myself
07:28.36Corrodiasbut how can it be a string?
07:28.39ShirikThey have functions explicitly designed to handle them
07:28.39batrick!quote shirik bat
07:28.39batbotbatrick, shirik said: "there you go batrick".
07:28.53Shirik!quote shirik fi9ouwaofeiua
07:28.55batbotShirik, shirik has not said anything with your given pattern.
07:28.57batrick--> collectgarbage"count"
07:28.57batbotbatrick: > 85.8916015625
07:28.57Corrodiashaving a null in the middle of a string is like having a socket connection in the middle of a string
07:29.00Corrodiasit doesn't make any sense
07:29.03batricksee shiirk now it's small :D
07:29.13ShirikCorrodias: It's just an array of characters
07:29.23Shirikand a character is just 8 bits
07:29.37ShirikIt may not mean much to a human, but to a computer it's just another character
07:29.38Corrodiasi'm talking about a more abstract view of what a string is
07:29.45Corrodiasthere is no "null" letter
07:29.53Shirikaccording to the ASCII table there is :)
07:30.16batrick--> string.find("hi\0u", "u")
07:30.17batbotbatrick: > 4, 4
07:30.19Corrodiasi don't know if you are unable to understand me or if you are refusing to understand me
07:30.23Shirik!quote shirik (
07:30.26ShirikI win
07:30.27nevcairielthere is no "bell" character either, or did you see a char that causes you to do a small sound?
07:30.30ShirikI thought that would happen
07:31.04ThraeHmmm, Doom 3 is from 2004....OK, I can stop wondering why John Carmack is so keen about Doom 3 not needing a 64-bit binary, considering its engine has a 64-bit version. Still, you think he'd do it just to sell it more.
07:31.22ShirikCorrodias: Perhaps we're just seeing it from two different angles
07:31.27nevcairielis it really that old already?
07:31.32ShirikI'm used to working very low-level, so I see things at the bit level
07:31.40ShirikMost software engineers are more accustomed to seeing things at a very high level
07:31.42Thraenevcairiel: Just google'd "Doom 3 release date", yep
07:31.44Corrodiasi fully understand that an array of characters can have a null in the middle
07:32.00Corrodiasbut i doesn't make functional sense to try to work with a sentence including non-letter data
07:32.11Thraenevcairiel: All it has going for it is dual core optimization right now
07:32.18Corrodiasonce it gets to that point, why is it a string any more, rather than a character array?
07:32.29nevcairielits not, thats the point :D
07:32.40*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
07:32.47ShirikMany languages actually do not have a concept of a "string", C included
07:32.50Thraenevcairiel: Didn't one of the patches add it in? Lemme check
07:33.13ShirikIn C you don't make a string, you make an array of characters. The "string" is actually just the address of the first character in the array.
07:34.08nevcairielThrae: wasnt responding to you, i never liked Doom3 in multi player, and single player i finished it a long time ago .. so *shrug :D
07:34.08ShirikIn C++ they actually made a "string" class, but it's shit. So I still use char*s
07:34.08Thraenevcairiel: I just got introduced to the game from work :D
07:34.12batrick64 bit ints remove the need for null terminated strings imo
07:34.16Corrodiasyeah, at work, we use these Borland classes. included is AnsiString, which is actually a decent string class
07:34.34ThraeAnd it seems Q4 has a suped-up Doom 3 engine, but they won't retro-fit
07:34.38ShirikSomeone got mad at me the other day actually
07:34.42Shirikbecause I used an unsigned char**
07:34.51ShirikAnd they looked at me like "what the hell is this double star thingy"
07:34.58ShirikAnd I was like "go back to Java"
07:35.17ShirikI tried to justify to him why I needed a pointer to a pointer
07:35.21Shirikhe didn't believe me
07:35.22nevcairieldouble or tripple chars confuse the hell out of non-C devs
07:35.54nevcairieler *stars not chars
07:36.23ShirikThis is why I love C++. It provides all the OOP that I need while letting me be very low level :)
07:36.46ShirikYes, I said it
07:36.53ShirikC++ is good. It is decent. It has purpose!
07:37.08ShirikIt's also the only OOP language I'm allowed to use :P
07:37.08batrickc++ is an abortion
07:37.34Thraeunsigned char** a; unsigned long** b; a = b; <-- this is what people fear about C/C++
07:38.25ShirikThat's illegal in C++
07:38.34ShirikThough I think it's valid in C
07:38.35LonnyWell most people actually don't understand it ask the VB guys they will tell you
07:38.50ThraeShouldn't be unless you turn on -Wall
07:39.03ShirikShouldn't be legal or illegal?
07:39.10nevcairielif you care about your programm, you do turn on -Wall :P
07:39.13batricki don't think it's illegal in c++
07:39.17ShirikIt should be
07:39.20ShirikI'll go double check
07:39.24ThraeThey're both just pointers
07:39.31ShirikBut they're not pointers to the same type
07:39.37Shirikthat's one of the more-strict things about C++
07:39.56Shirik~wtf sif
07:40.01ThraeThrow in a new statement for a
07:40.08batrick!g sif urban
07:40.09batbotbatrick: Urban Dictionary: sif <>
07:40.50*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
07:41.10Shirik1>c:\users\mpdelbuono\documents\code\vocal\server\src\vocalserver.cpp(38) : error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'unsigned long **' to 'unsigned char **'
07:41.11Shirik1> Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast
07:41.14LonnyI almost sure it's not valid
07:42.01Shiriknow let's see extern "C" :P
07:42.48batrickno that's stupid
07:43.11ShirikOh wait that just changes the linker setup :
07:43.12*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:43.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
07:43.27Shirikwell linking specification
07:43.40batrickfor fucks sake.
07:43.44batrickmoose is at it again
07:43.54ShirikOkay, I moved it to a C file
07:43.55Shirikgot this
07:43.57Shirik1>c:\users\mpdelbuono\documents\code\vocal\server\src\lua\lapi.c(52) : warning C4133: '=' : incompatible types - from 'unsigned long **' to 'unsigned char **'
07:44.10ShirikSo it's legal in C but illegal in C++ like I thought
07:44.14LonnyNow move to ASM
07:44.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Rayne (
07:44.40Shirikbatrick: Where?
07:44.48ShirikOh now he's complaining about the lua bot
07:45.00Corrodiasbatrick called shirik a fattie?
07:45.01RayneHey guys, quick question with Pitbull.
07:45.17batricksee the second definition Corrodias
07:45.19Corrodiasthat's only a warning, man
07:45.25Corrodiasit should compile just fine
07:45.28ShirikCorrodias: Yeah that second one is in C
07:45.34ShirikScroll up for the C++ one, that was an error
07:45.39Corrodiasoh, i see
07:45.49batricksif = "as if"
07:46.22batricki don't care what the pedophiles on myspace use it for
07:46.22RayneIs it possible to change the PitBull leader and Master Looter markings to text, so it would show up like (L) and (ML) ?
07:46.22Corrodiaswhy abbreviate it that way? that's a bad one.
07:46.35ShirikAnyway Corrodias, it's just that C++ cares more about what you're talking about. Even if they were the same size, if they aren't the same thing it won't let you do it without an explicit cast
07:46.44Corrodiasit's like some valley girl was going to crank up her attitude and say "puh, as IF"
07:46.50ShirikI CAN legally do something like a = (unsigned char**)b;
07:46.54Corrodiasbut got stuck and only got out the second half
07:46.55ShirikIt's unsafe, but I can do it.
07:47.17Corrodiasas her throat bends forward like a donkey, choking on the words: "..grrgrh..SIF"
07:47.28ShirikC++ even requires you to be explicit when casting from and to void*s
07:47.58Corrodiasoh, cool, at least it still allows it, then. :o
07:47.58batricki'm usually always explicity casting shit in C, save myself headache later
07:48.18ShirikAnd when worse comes to worse, reinterpret_cast lets you do anything
07:48.29ShirikI'll probably shoot anyone that uses it, but it lets you do anything
07:48.40Corrodiasnot familiar with that flag
07:48.54Shirikfoo = reinterpret_cast<int>(bar)
07:48.57Shirikwhere foo is an int
07:49.01Shirikand bar is not an int
07:49.14Shirikbar can be any type and it will let you do it. It's a horrible idea in 99% of cases, but legal.
07:49.17Lonnygenerics I believe
07:49.32nevcairielwonder how my struct would look as a int
07:49.45Shirikit would take the first sizeof(int) bytes and use it :P
07:49.59ShirikThat's literally why they called it reinterpret_cast, because it reinterprets the bytes
07:50.24LonnyIt's useful fo collections and such avoiding the hassle of boxing and overheads
07:50.28Corrodiasi'm going to totally start using that all over the place
07:50.49Corrodiaswell, would, if i really understood the point
07:50.51ShirikEvery time I see it in code, I will kill a kitten
07:51.17Corrodiasdo you work on veterinary practive management software in wisconsin? >_>
07:51.30Corrodiasif not, the kittens will be safe :D
07:51.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
07:52.00ShirikThe lady below me has tons of kittens I can kill
07:52.16Corrodiasman, they should totally let us make our trolls stand up straight in WotLK
07:52.27batrickreal men write their oos in C
07:52.53ShirikIt's like oop, but 3 steps above
07:53.32ShirikSee, there's a valid use for reinterpret_cast! .... actually I guess it would work with static cast
07:54.22Shirikfoo = new char[5]; strcpy(foo, " oop"); ++*(reinterpret_cast<long*>(foo));
07:54.33ShirikI think this should output "oos"
07:54.54Shirikbut I meant +3, not +1
07:56.18*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (n=leethal@
07:56.49LonnyWhat language would you use as an hostable for an application to your engine, Python, Lua or Ruby ? in my case execute IL instructions directly for debugging
07:56.55Shirikoh, grr, it didn't work because I forgot about big-endianness
07:57.07Shirikstupid intel!
07:57.21ShirikAnd this is why interpret_cast is evil btw
07:57.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
07:58.19ShirikLonny: I'm not sure I understand your question
07:59.13Shirik"Welcome to our newest member, asdfasdfasdfasdf"
07:59.15LonnyIn short if you asked to build a program that you need an hostable language what would you use ?
07:59.31Lonnya hostable*
07:59.56nevcairielPersonally, Lua
08:00.08LonnyWhy not Python ?
08:00.08ShirikI guess I don't know what a "hostable language" is :/
08:00.27LonnyLUA, Python, Ruby are a hostable languages
08:00.28krka_Lonny: Lua is not an acronym. It is a Portuguese word that means moon.
08:00.30nevcairielIts just personal preference, i dont like Lua
08:00.38nevcairieli dont like Python
08:00.40LonnyI know mate
08:00.41ShirikWell you told me that :P
08:00.47ShirikWhat MAKES it a hostable language?
08:00.55ShirikIt runs inside another application?
08:01.11nevcairielHe probably means that
08:01.17LonnyYeah pretty much much but you can also define them as VHLL
08:01.25ShirikOkay, then I like Lua because Lua is a piece of cake to embed
08:01.42ShirikLike literally I remember trying to figure it out for a program I was working on that we decided we wanted to incorporate Lua into
08:01.45*** join/#wowi-lounge anko (n=root@
08:01.53Shirikit took me 10 minutes of reading a manual to get a simple "hello world" Lua script running in it
08:02.07ShirikIt wasn't very safe at the time, but it worked
08:02.08LonnyAh nice
08:02.24ShirikThere aren't very many operations in the Lua backend, it's a fairly simple concept
08:02.44ShirikIf you know how to push and pull from a stack you can use Lua
08:02.57ShirikAnd yes, I call it pull, and you all can kill me for not saying "pop"
08:03.13ShirikBlame Motorola
08:03.15Shirikit's their opcodes
08:03.25Lonnymore english less instructions haha
08:04.25LonnyI don't know Ruby much but I'll pass and read more about Lua and Python though I used Lua for few years now myself :P
08:05.23ShirikI don't know much Python, but everything I have been told is that Lua provides its functionality while remaining small and simple, and much more easy to embed
08:06.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Eleazaros (
08:07.18ShirikI think there's a lua-users wiki article on this
08:07.56batrick!g lua vs python
08:07.57batbotbatrick: lua-users wiki: Lua Versus Python <>
08:08.25LonnyYeah it runs fasters and easy to embed, with python is a bit "tedious" but nothing that can't be resolved, the question is how common and documented these two ?
08:08.36Lonnyrun faster*
08:09.38LonnyBesides the program is used for developers anyway so the language itself isn't an issue
08:10.53LonnyI think I'll go with Lua but I don't know why I have doubts haha I'll just read :P
08:11.49Shirikwarning C4996: 'getch': The POSIX name for this item is deprecated. Instead, use the ISO C++ conformant name: _getch. See online help for details.
08:11.56ShirikAre they serious? The correct name is _getch() ?
08:13.48ShirikThe _ preceding the name would imply it shouldn't be used, right? That's my naming convention, at least. If it starts with a _, it's for internal use
08:14.22nevcairielyou might think that, but i guess the ISO is thinking different
08:14.24LonnyYeah it should be
08:14.33nevcairielor, they just dont want you to use it at all
08:16.16ShirikI dunno, I tend to ignore C4996
08:16.21Shirikthey're usually stupid things
08:16.43Shirikit's usually Microsoft thinking they're smarter than me
08:17.25ShirikLike 1>c:\users\mpdelbuono\documents\code\vocal\server\src\tcpio.cpp(20) : warning C4996: 'sprintf': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using sprintf_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.
08:17.43ShirikI know how to check my damn bounds
08:18.12LonnyMS usually break their own naming convention and patterns they tell the developers to follow
08:18.28batrickShirik: i think they're referring to thread safety not security
08:18.38ShirikOh no, the MSDN makes it quite clear they're referring to security
08:19.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
08:19.25Shirik"Using sprintf, there is no way to limit the number of characters written, which means that code using sprintf is susceptible to buffer overruns. Consider using the related function _snprintf, which specifies a maximum number of characters to be written to buffer, or use _scprintf to determine how large a buffer is required. Also, ensure that format is not a user-defined string."
08:21.35ShirikScytheBlade1: ping
08:27.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
08:31.23ShirikHave you guys seen these screenshots of wotlk on wow's site?
08:31.39ShirikThat's some good quality if that's really a screenshot
08:32.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
08:33.53Raynetickle pickel.
08:35.27kd3I wanna say photoshopped
08:35.32kd3pretty strenuously
08:35.38ShirikHold up, a 777 crash landed a few days ago?
08:35.42ShirikI need to watch the news more
08:36.00kd3"crash". both engines failed on final
08:36.21ShirikHm, that's not what I'm reading
08:36.46ShirikIt says they failed to respond to an increase thrust demand
08:36.52Shiriknot that they all-out failed
08:36.57RayneIm so happy Northrend is going to be mostly snow areas.
08:37.19RayneSeeing as Dun M. and Winterspring are the only cold areas in the game. :/
08:37.20ShirikWhich is actually very odd. It shouldn't happen.
08:37.51kd3I'm just waiting before the official report before I start looking into it. it's not like the media ever gets the details right
08:37.58ShirikProbably correct
08:38.09ShirikBut even so, both engines shouldn't fail at the same time if that were to happen either
08:38.25ShirikThe only thing that makes sense in my mind right now is a software glitch, really
08:39.02ShirikTriple redundancy should take care of a hardware problem that would cause the engines not to thrust up, and both engines just outright failing just doesn't make sense
08:39.21ShirikOh well, my school will surely be talking about this for the next few days
08:39.23ShirikI'll catch up on it
08:50.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=0ctavius@
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08:56.21WobinI have to say that screen shot looks more like concept art than an ingame image
08:56.56ShirikThat's what I think
08:56.58Shirikbut it does say "screenshot"
08:57.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Riffage (
08:57.39kd3unless they're using pixar's render farm I'd be beyond shocked if that wasn't a photoshop job
09:00.31ShirikWikipedia is an absolutely wonderful wealth of knowledge :D
09:00.49ShirikI love how you can just get caught up forever clicking on links, even on things you thought you knew everything about
09:01.09clad|awaytabbed browsing + wikipedia == the devil
09:01.31ShirikLike I knew about BA2932, but I didn't know TCAS II would have prevented the collision... kinda sucks
09:04.38ShirikHm I think Wikipedia's wrong actually. Now that I do some research, TCAS II should have been in existence at the time of that collision... but it was the CAUSE of the collision. TCAS III would have avoided it.
09:04.42ShirikMaybe I should fix that
09:05.00kd3heh. the internet lawyers are out in force in the CS forum tonight
09:07.09Shirikcustomer service :P
09:08.39ShirikYes you are so right about this. however one loop hole to this statement is on the TOA. that even those in China agree too when excepting them they are then held liable by US standards. this is where it comes into play.
09:08.48ShirikSomeone who can't write english I won't trust to do my legal work
09:09.06ShirikWhy is it so hard to understand the difference between words that have no relation to each other except that they sound alike
09:09.31AntiarcShirik: Their's were your wrong.
09:09.50Corrodiasmy deer, you are cleanly obfuscated. you should cheque the fax.
09:10.05ShirikDo people actually call it "cheque" ?
09:10.12AntiarcThe brits do
09:10.13ShirikI call them checks
09:10.41kd3I only spell it cheque when I'm talking about a cashier's cheque. my checkbook is full of regular checks, though
09:10.44Corrodiasi've never tried to type a word referring to a restaurant bill, nor one referring to a bank note like that
09:11.04Corrodiasi imagine i'd type cheque in the former and check in the latter
09:12.25ShirikLooking at my checkbook atm
09:12.27Shirikit says
09:12.44Shirik"Padlock design is a certification mark of Check Payment Systems Association"
09:12.59ShirikSo I hereby declare the correct spelling "check"
09:13.10ShirikAnd since the US is always right (or we'll bomb you), I'm right.
09:14.04Corrodiasthat makes sense. i agree.
09:17.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
09:23.32batrickno that's stupid
09:24.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
09:30.29Shirikbatrick: It is the way Bush taught us
09:30.32Shirikisn't he a genius?
09:30.39batrickno that's stupi
09:30.40ShirikI do hope you're catching my sarcasm right now
09:31.11Shirikpurl, say ~hate
09:31.20Shirikhm, purl doesn't respond to herself
09:31.39batrick~hate shirik
09:31.48Shirikpurl, literal hate
09:31.49purl"hate" is "<reply> ,,|,"
09:31.57batrickpurl needs 2 learn to ignore args imo
09:31.58kd3probably not. the ircd doesn't echo her own responses back to her
09:32.20Shirikpurl, hate $nick is <reply> Hey $nick, ,,|,
09:32.20purlShirik: okay
09:32.33ShirikDoes purl have like, backwards hands or something?
09:32.42ShirikOr does she point her palm outwards when showing the bird?
09:32.56batrickshe uses her left hand shirik come on
09:32.59kd3oh, here's your random "crudely drawn diagram of ony bugging out" for the night:
09:33.34Shirik~hate batrick
09:33.35purlHey shirik, ,,|,
09:33.42batrickgj shirik
09:35.56Shirikpurl, no, hate $who is <reply> Hey $who, ,,|,
09:35.57purlShirik: okay
09:36.02Shirik~hate batrick
09:36.02purlHey shirik, ,,|,
09:36.08Shirikyeah, screw ypu purl
09:36.14Shirikpurl, forget hate $who
09:36.14purli didn't have anything called 'hate $who' to forget, Shirik
09:36.18ShirikYES YOU DO
09:36.19Finpending moderation, kd3
09:36.27Shirikpurl, forget hate $nic
09:36.27purlShirik: i didn't have anything called 'hate $nic' to forget
09:36.28Corrodiasalright, good day/night
09:36.30Shirikpurl, forget hate $nick
09:36.30purlShirik: i didn't have anything called 'hate $nick' to forget
09:36.30kd3ya, that's just for future reference
09:36.31Corrodiastime to finally get to bed
09:36.34ShirikI give up
09:36.48ShirikMy factoid is stuck in blootbot for eternity
09:36.56Finkd3: it takes aaaages for moderation
09:37.19Finlike, weeks
09:38.45kd336 more hours til non-broken net access, hopefully
09:38.52kd3c'mon Tuesday, get here faster
09:41.39batrickpurl: no, hate is <reply> ,,|,
09:41.39purli already had it that way, batrick
09:42.06kd3~hate foo
09:42.07purlHey kd3, ,,|,
09:42.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
09:44.45purl"If I had to sum up my life, I'd have to say, the one thing I hate doing is nothing." --Shirik
09:44.56Shirikoh god that's old
09:45.12ShirikWhat is that from? A year ago
09:45.15Shirik~literal shirik
09:45.16purl"shirik" is "<reply> "If I had to sum up my life, I'd have to say, the one thing I hate doing is nothing." --Shirik"
09:45.19Shirik~factinfo shirik
09:45.19purlshirik -- created by Mike-N-Go <n=MikeNGoS@> at Mon Apr  9 06:13:18 2007 (287 days); it has been requested 8 times, last by batrick, 34s ago.
09:45.53purlnever take malreth seriously
09:46.05purlFacts are the things you should use when you add informational factoids.
09:46.10purlAn automated system for managing small snippets of information.. URL:
09:46.35batrickwonder how much work adding that to abtbot would be
09:47.07Shirikif you didn't want it to crash when someone goes
09:47.11Shirik!quote shirik (
09:47.11batbotShirik, shirik said: "And since the US is always right (or we'll bomb you), I'm right.".
09:47.26ShirikHey you fixed it
09:47.40Shirik!quote shirik %
09:47.41batbotShirik, shirik said: "bar can be any type and it will let you do it. It's a horrible idea in 99% of cases, but legal.".
09:47.45ShirikHrm, ok
09:47.48ShirikI submit
09:48.14Fisker-!quote Fisker- %
09:48.14batbotFisker-, fisker- has not said anything with your given pattern.
09:48.20Fisker-!quote Fisker-
09:48.20batbotFisker-, fisker- said: "fail".
09:48.24Fisker-!quote Fisker-
09:48.27Fisker-!quote Fisker-
09:48.28Fisker-DO IT
09:49.26Shirik!quote Shirik
09:49.26batbotShirik, shirik said: "I submit".
09:49.32Shirikyour bot lies in tells
09:49.38Shirik(04:49:06) (batbot) Shirik, shirik has not said anything.
09:49.53batrickya i don't really like how i eneded up doing it
09:50.49batricki haven't thought of a better way, until i do i won't bother changing it
09:52.28IndustrialHow do I move the mouse in windows without a mouse :P
09:52.50batricku don't
09:52.50Industriallike, with the keyboard.. it was possible but I cant remember how
09:53.02Shirik(04:52:43) (batbot) Shirik: > leave this alone
09:53.08kd3should be somewhere in the accessibility tools menu
09:54.01Industrialnarrator magnifier and on screen keyboard
09:55.02Shirikthat was odd
09:55.09*** join/#wowi-lounge osmodiar (i=sacarasc@xmms2/bitch/sacarasc)
09:56.11ShirikI think I see a bug in batrick's sandbox... I just need to find it
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09:59.58kd3ah, what the hell, it's nearly 0500.
10:00.08ShirikI should go to bed too
10:00.30Cairennshit, it is, isn't it?
10:00.58Shirik|zZzI will find that bug batrick, it is there, I know it is!
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10:30.11batrickok shirik
10:30.21batricki don't know wtf is going on but it sure as hell isn't my fault
10:30.28batricki blame luatask :)
10:30.37batrick--> return setmetatable({}, {})
10:30.37batbotbatrick: > table: 0x8109378
10:30.52batrick--> return setmetatable({}, {__tostring = function() end})
10:30.56batrickalways fucks up
10:30.57batbotbatrick: > maximum execution time/memory exceeded
10:31.02batrickdoesn't make any sense
10:31.55batrick--> return string.sub("", 1, 250)
10:31.55batbotbatrick: >
10:31.59nevcairiel--> return setmetatable({}, {__tostring = function() return "mytable" end})
10:31.59batbotnevcairiel: > mytable
10:32.04batrick--> return #string.sub("", 1, 250)
10:32.04batbotbatrick: > 0
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10:33.00batrickah, wonderful
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10:35.43batrick--> setmetatable({}, {__tostring = function() end})
10:35.43batbotbatrick: >
10:37.55batrickthe problem was, i relied on tostring() always returning a string (which it should)
10:38.22batrickbut when the __tostring metamethod doesn't put a string down, string.sub would error
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11:06.15batrickshirik it worked
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12:03.26IndustrialHI FIN
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13:14.26*** topic/#wowi-lounge is #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | Happy Birthday Shirik!
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13:40.48art3misits the most advanced piece of technology you'll ever pee on
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13:56.37Wobinart3mis: You get knocked up, did you?
13:57.06art3misits a new commercial
13:57.13art3misi swear its straight from idiocracy
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14:07.02art3misisnt that awesome?
14:08.25Kalroth<3 Asterix
14:08.45Fisker-btw Wobin
14:09.03Fisker-you must know some kind of addon that can track raid stats like who joined at what time and who didn't and etc.
14:09.21KalrothCT RaidTracker does it, I believe
14:09.46Fisker-does not want
14:15.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
14:15.56WobinFisker-: I've never found one that was worth it
14:15.59Wobinbut I haven't looked that hard
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14:21.59sysragelol art3mis.. i sat there saying 'wtf' for like 10 min the first time i saw that on tv
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14:25.09art3missysrage yeah
14:25.32art3misi keep waiting for my first brawndo commercial
14:27.02Wobin... it has a 51% chance of detecting pregnancy 5 days in advance?
14:27.03sysragerofl are they seriously making brawndo now?
14:27.06Wobin... so does a coin =P
14:27.13sysragelol wobin
14:28.03art3missysrage: yeah its already on shelves
14:28.09art3misit's got electrolytes!
14:28.18art3misand thas what plants crave
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15:06.14ralfWORKquestion on netherspite
15:06.22ralfWORKanyone around who's done him?
15:07.06ralfWORKI'm just wondering if the portal phase is effectively threatless, due to the way the red beam works
15:07.18nevcairielyes it is, just go full out
15:08.19ralfWORKhmm... I don't see an aggro dump at the end of the phase
15:08.48ralfWORKthat won't be a problem though?
15:09.02[dRaCo]no problem
15:09.16ralfWORKi.e. when he banishes and the portals are down, it's standard aggro table right? so couldn't that not be a tank?
15:09.19[dRaCo]when banished, he just attacks random players
15:09.37ralfWORKwith the Netherbreath or whatever, right?
15:09.39ralfWORKhmm ok
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15:19.38ralfWORKbut uhm
15:20.04ralfWORKok so you're saying during banish phase, there is no aggro either?
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15:21.30Wobinif you don't get your tank in the red beam fast
15:21.37Wobinnetherspite will go munch on others
15:21.48Wobinthere -is- aggro
15:21.55Wobinnetherspite is just immobile during that phase
15:22.20Wobingenerally it's safest not to dps during the banish phase
15:25.30ralfWORKah I see
15:25.40ralfWORKcan you simply outrange banish phase?
15:26.18Wobinif you keep him (her?) near the door, you can head to the far wall
15:26.21Wobinor vice versa
15:26.34WobinWe tend to just run for the wall during banish
15:26.47Wobinit makes picking up aggro again easier for the tank
15:27.13Wobinalso make sure that your raid knows what each of the beams do
15:27.27Wobincause shifts in position may leave blockers out of place
15:27.29ralfWORKyea, I'll be screaming at people about beams, I'm sure
15:27.39Wobinand you'll need to know what beams you can act as a stand in as
15:27.50ralfWORKso during banish, you just out range the dragon
15:28.01ralfWORKand sit on your thumbs for 30 seconds or whatever
15:28.20Wobinjust tell each kind of class what colour beam they should look out for, so you can say "omg, warlock 1 is down, can someone block it"
15:28.20ralfWORKno tanking, no DPSing, no healing
15:28.28Wobinoh you can heal
15:28.51ralfWORKwell right, but I'm saying there's nothing to heal because you're out of range of all his attacks, correct?
15:28.55Polarinadolby-wowi: Could you rename the forum "LUA Script Help" to "Lua Script Help"?
15:28.58Wobintechnically yeah =)
15:29.10ralfWORKWobin: is that wise?
15:29.16Wobinthere's still people running through consumption etc though
15:29.30Wobinyeah, healing aggro shouldn't outweigh the tank at any point
15:29.39ralfWORKnaw I don't mean from aggro
15:29.40ralfWORKI mean uhmb
15:30.07ralfWORKonce you top people off from end of portal phase, if you're out of range of netherspite in banish phase
15:30.12ralfWORKthen... no one is doing anything
15:30.20Wobinnothing to heal =)
15:30.29ralfWORKjust trying to make sure I understand :D
15:30.37Wobinanyway everyone is fairly spread out, so I suggest you mention bandages if they need it =)
15:30.48ralfWORKya, no doubt
15:31.03WobinIt's a fairly straightforward fight, once the mechanic is down
15:31.25ralfWORKI did it once six months ago in a pug
15:31.26Wobinas there aren't many sort of random factors, like Prince and the infernals
15:31.28ralfWORKwe won
15:31.37WobinThe most random thing is the portal placement
15:31.45Wobinand that's usually fairly easy to keep ahead of
15:31.45ralfWORKbut that was too long ago to remember crap about it :P
15:32.01ralfWORKyea, looks like there's 10s to grab the portals
15:33.12Wobinanyway, night all =)
15:33.26Wobingood luck on Netherspite, Ralf =)
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15:44.10Industrialhm I made a D:/bin and a D:/bin/shell.bat . all this does is start rxvt (which is in my path) with some flags.
15:44.31Industrialif I start a cmd from start->run>cmd and enter rxvt I get a rxvt
15:44.44Industrialbut the .bat doesnt recognize the command rxvt
15:45.54Industrialdoes if I just use teh absolute path BUT
15:46.07Industrialfor a split second I see the CMD window, I dont like that :P
15:46.14Industrialcan I hide it somehow? :\
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15:53.45ralfWORKI hae no idea
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16:35.20Saint-Nooo it's brisk out baby!
16:35.27Saint-Na whole -7 in nyc today
16:40.48DumanIndustrial - check the options for the batch file - you can likely start the window minimized
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16:42.30Saint-Ni found THPS 1 for psx
16:42.51Saint-Nand got an action replay max with 16mb memory card for ps2 rather cheap like 20$
16:43.05Saint-Ntime to softmod and put in an 80gig drive for "backups" ;P
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16:44.48ShirikAnyone have a good idea of a way to take a screenshot of the UAC popup?
16:45.10Cidesnipping tool?
16:45.17CideI guess it's intercepted when it's up?
16:45.42Cideno idea then
16:45.48ShirikYou go to the secure desktop so you can't use any insecure programs when it's up :/ And printscreen doesn't work
16:46.37Shiriklol, there's entire articles on this
16:46.39Shirik"Technical writers creating manuals for their products on Windows Vista will have to contend with the User Account Control (UAC) consent dialog. The default setting is to display the dialog over a secure desktop to keep malicious code from spoofing it. However, this also prevents us from taking a screenshot of the dialog."
16:46.58Shirikoh I can turn off the secure desktop, yey
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16:48.41Shirik<3 google
16:50.30Saint-Nis it a funny popup?
16:50.54Saint-Nlike "AUC has intercepted this action because your parents said that 11pm was to late to be on the computer, time for bed young man"
16:52.42ShirikNo it's actually a pretty boring popup =(
16:52.56ShirikExcept when the digital signature doesn't match
16:52.59Shirikthen it screams murder
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16:59.55CideShirik: don't think I've ever seen that popup :P
17:00.19ShirikIt's the dark, evil red popup
17:00.52Cidedon't think I've seen it!
17:02.01ralfWORKscreen shot or it didn't happen
17:02.24Saint-Nand ralf points out the crux of the conversation ;P
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17:26.02Saint-Nfound a place on ebay that has a warehouse in brooklyn
17:26.10ralfWORKoh ok
17:26.26Saint-Nso i can get an adapter for my sx270 optiplex for 25$ instead of ordering it online for 90+
17:26.53ralfWORKjust found out one of our rogues is at about 7fps in kara :(
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17:27.20ralfWORKyea. no wonder he sucks
17:29.09Saint-Ndude spam sinsiter!
17:29.12Saint-Ni am!
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17:33.45Shirik* In 2.4, you'll be able to pass a coroutine as a first (optional) parameter to debugstack()
17:33.46cogwheelargh winmodems piss me off... why does it have to clear all interrupts (hence ptting gps in my typing?)
17:33.52ShirikI wonder what that parameter is supposed to actually do
17:33.57cogwheelputting gaps*
17:34.29zenzelezzShirik: it won't do anything, it'll just allow you to pass it!
17:34.33ShirikOh ok
17:34.41cogwheelthere is absolutely no reasn my keyoard and serial port cant comunicte at the same time
17:35.16zenzelezzwhat sort of modem is a winmodem?
17:35.23Shirikactually, one of them has to have priority over the other, cogwheel
17:35.40ShirikAn interrupt can only preempt an interrupt if its mask is higher
17:36.04ShirikHowever they should be going so fast that it shouldn't matter :P
17:36.21cogwheelShirik: exactly
17:36.33cogwheelthat should'vebeen taken for granted imo
17:36.36ralfWORKwho has those anymore?
17:36.44cogwheelralfWORK: this is for faxes :P
17:36.59ShirikA modem is that thing you use to connect to the internet over a cable line, right?
17:37.19ralfWORKfaxes lol
17:37.22Saint-Nyer problem is yer using a modem
17:37.30Saint-Ncomputers werent meant to use phone lines ;P
17:37.41ShirikWhat's wrong with faxes?
17:37.59Saint-Nfaxes are stand alone machines OR things that send faxed pages to your email ;P
17:38.18ralfWORKI loathe faxes
17:38.32Saint-Nzen: winmodems are jumperless and use pnp to assign irq and stuff
17:38.42Saint-Nin short complete and utter crap
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17:38.46cogwheelShirik: my point was that it clears interrupts for > 1/2 sec at a time which eliminates keyboard/mouse input. I don't see any reason it would need to do that
17:39.09cogwheelzenzelezz: basically they're a phone line on a card and nearly everything is controlled by software
17:39.19ShirikHaha I think I know what they're doing
17:39.23Shiriklazy programmers
17:39.25cogwheelit's like the modem equivalent of integrated graphiic
17:39.30LopeppeppyWhat's a.... phone... line?
17:39.51zenzelezzand as far as computers using phone lines go, some countries (like Norway) have way greater phone line coverage than cable, so ADSL is the norm
17:39.52ralfWORKLopeppeppy: that's when people get on their cell phones and stand in line together
17:39.57ShirikI'm willing to be they lock out interrupts while they try to handle the serial communication, instead of performing a calculation based on the time of the interrupts
17:40.16ShirikI did that once
17:40.17LopeppeppyOh, I get it now, ralfWORK
17:40.21ShirikIt killed the rest of my system
17:40.27ralfWORKlike at a grocery store
17:41.15cogwheelShirik: the thing is, it's only when it's initializing the modem ... once the fax is in progress it goes quite smoothly
17:41.40Saint-Ncog it does that cuz its never qutie sure what irq it's actually using ;P
17:41.52*** join/#wowi-lounge malikeye|work (n=malikeye@
17:41.54ralfWORKit doesn't have an IRQ lol
17:42.20ralfWORKI forgot all about IRQ confilcts
17:42.29ralfWORKthose were teh suck
17:44.48cogwheeli think you're putting too much faith in old tech, Saint-N
17:45.11cogwheelthe pnp stuff is only relevant to initial config...
17:45.29cogwheelwhat really differentiates a winmodem is how much of the processing actually goes on in the card itself
17:45.30ralfWORKwhat about ISA PNP
17:45.35ralfWORKthat stuff rocked
17:46.21Saint-Ncog: old tech i know really well though ;)
17:46.33hasteralfWORK: yes, plug and pray!
17:48.01*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
17:48.10DumanI had some retarded IRQ issues when I attempted to update my BIOS
17:48.43Dumanfreaking ASUS listed one of their BETA BIOSes as "production"...  well... let's jsut say it wasn't
17:49.00Dumanand downgrading your BIOS was a bitch, since they (on purpose) make it hard to downgrage
17:49.28Dumancaused me much anger
17:49.53Dumanended up booting off of my USB key (yay for that, at least) and running some old version of their BIOS flash program
17:55.02Shirik~dict qvint
17:55.14ShirikThese people are making these words up
17:55.47LopeppeppyGood morning, |Jelly|-dear.
17:57.33|Jelly|Morning Peppy!
18:00.31*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
18:01.58zenzelezz|Jelly| scared peppy away :(
18:09.40ShirikHa, I haven't heard this one before
18:09.40Shirik"There are a million threads about this on this forum. No, you are not special. As for the chat filter, it still does not permit you to swear. Just because they give police officers bulletproof vests does not give you permission to shoot them."
18:09.43ShirikPretty good analogy.
18:12.13ralfWORKI don't know why they even try to censor that stuff
18:12.15ralfWORKbut you know
18:12.23ralfWORKto each his own
18:13.57ralfWORKI do not haz :(
18:14.22Shirik"Mrs. Fields Original Cookies, inc 4 LBS 1 of 1"
18:14.29ShirikShip To: Me!
18:14.42ShirikUPS Ground FL 320 2-03 Daytona Beach FL 32114
18:15.26Shirikoh wow that's a lot of cookies
18:15.36Thunder_Child4 lbs? not really
18:15.47Thunder_Childdepending on the cookie
18:15.51ShirikThey're all tiny though
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18:18.15Shirikomg there's even more cookies underneath
18:18.18Shirikmy aunt wants me to get fat
18:19.59Thunder_Childheh "Encounters need randomness, as small as miraculously dodging that one hit, all the way up to a fight randomly dropping green meteors on your face"
18:20.28ralfWORKno, they really don't need more randomness
18:20.38Thunder_Childdidnt say more
18:20.48ralfWORKoh... right my bad
18:21.04ShirikEvery boss fight should have a point in it where the boss will hit the MT for 50k
18:21.05Thunder_Childmore people bitching about prince
18:21.15ralfWORKlol use safezones nub
18:21.18ShirikHowever it is fully dodgeable
18:21.22ShirikI refuse to use safezones
18:21.26ShirikI prefer not to cheat the game
18:21.28ralfWORKgood for you
18:21.35ralfWORKit's not cheating. it's winning.
18:21.49ShirikThat's a good line for Barry Bonds
18:22.02ralfWORKwhen blizz removes the safe zones, then it would be cheating
18:22.37ralfWORKand they could easily do it too
18:22.38ralfWORKso what
18:22.45Thunder_Childsafe zones?
18:23.23Thunder_Childwhere are they?
18:23.32Thunder_Childi always simply dodged them
18:23.39ralfWORKhopefully I won't get kicked by "cheating" ;)
18:23.44ralfWORKrange stands at door
18:23.55ralfWORKMT follows the wall on the right out
18:24.01ralfWORKstands just past the notch in the wall
18:25.33Thunder_Childmeh, dodging was more fun
18:25.39ralfWORKnow, sometimes an infernal will land *on* the tank
18:25.48ralfWORKthen the melee just throws daggers or something
18:25.53ralfWORKand you heal through it
18:31.33Cidenot dodging != not winning
18:31.34zenzelezz<Shirik> Every boss fight should have a point in it where the boss will hit the MT for 50k <--- this reminds me too much of OMG SHOCK BARRIER!!!!
18:31.46Cidenot using safezone != not winning
18:32.10Cidewhen we did do kara, we one shot prince every week without safezone bullshit
18:32.38Thunder_ChildCide, dodging works fine, plus it's more fun
18:33.18zenzelezzthe thrill of moving from infernals as the tank... "move to your left" *move* "THE OTHER WAY" "I *was* moving to *my* left"...
18:34.21zenzelezzI had to tell the guy to start using north/south because he could never get the left/right correct
18:35.19GngskSomeone once asked me which way was north. I pointed to the ceiling.
18:36.17ralfWORKhey whatever you say
18:36.40ralfWORKthat's like saying "we don't group up on attumen to avoid his charges. that's cheating"
18:38.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin (n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity)
18:41.41ralfWORKthat said, without a doubt, it takes more skill as a raid to do the dodging method
18:41.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (
18:41.51ralfWORKso congrats
18:41.51CodayusThere's a pretty obvious line between intelligently dealing with boss abilities by outranging them, stacking up, LoSing them, etc., and exploiting geometry, IMHO.
18:42.13ralfWORKlike I said, if it's there, you can use it
18:42.36ralfWORKwant people to not use it? make it so infernals land there
18:42.41CodayusBliz is obviously fine with people doing that on Prince though, so meh.  :-/
18:43.04ralfWORKtheir inaction to change it makes it pretty obvious to me
18:43.49ralfWORKthey did that with nightbane didn't they?
18:43.59ralfWORKmade it so if you run to far away, you get blasted to hell
18:44.33CodayusI believe that was always part of the fight.  Netherspite might be a better example - they added a door to stop people running into the hallway.
18:44.36CidanWhat's jiggy, etc?  Or whatever it is you cool kids say.
18:45.00ralfWORKCodayus: ok, cool
18:45.19ralfWORKand that's fine
18:45.39CideI'm positive infernals were *meant* to be dealt with, not avoided completely
18:45.47*** join/#wowi-lounge soufron (n=soufron@
18:45.49ralfWORKapparently not
18:45.50Cidethat said, I don't doubt that they're fine with that strategy
18:45.59Cidethere's a big difference which you seem to not understand
18:45.59ralfWORKor they would make sure you *had* to deal with them
18:46.06Cideno, they don't
18:46.10Cidethey *could*
18:46.19Cidebut it's not certain that they *would*
18:46.46Cidanyes, but *should* they?
18:46.49Cidegenerally, if it falls within "creative use of game mechanics" they rarely change it
18:46.51CidanSorry, I had to add that.
18:47.35CideCidan: I would, but could you?
18:47.47CidanCide: I'm not sure I should.
18:48.25Cideif you shouldn't I surely wouldn't
18:48.54Cidanperhaps not, but it doesn't mean I couldn't.
18:49.22Thunder_Child~lart Cide & Cidan
18:49.22purlblames Cide & Cidan for all the evil in the world
18:49.44zenzelezzCide's split personality is talking to himself again :-|
18:49.56CidanConspiracy alpha 1 is released for those of you who want to see EXTREEEMEEE HELLO KITTY WINDOW ACTION; though there isn't much in terms of content.  It's almost all API.
18:50.18Cideshould I download it?
18:50.30CidanI think so; I would.
18:50.37Cidewell, I guess I could.
18:51.17CodayusralfWORK: The fact that you don't HAVE to deal with them doesn't mean you wearn't MEANT to deal with them.  Given the error, and that it involves old content, it appears Bliz isn't interested in fixing it.  Which is fine.  But my guild just dodges them.  *shrug*
18:51.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Myth024 (
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18:52.06Shirik(13:41:35)  -› Join: Cidan (
18:52.37CodayusSpeaking of weird glitches, some guildies were running an impromptu pug Kara, and got 2 to Aran, and they were saying that you should aggro Aran while standing outside the door - he'll run out every couple minutes, then back in.  No abilities hit you, fight takes about 15 minutes, but you can't die.
18:52.51CodayusNow there's an ugly exploit.  oO
18:53.23nevcairielnow who needs that exploit to beat aran o.O
18:53.30CodayusThe 2 pugs were saying that it was a common tactic among pug Kara groups.  /facepalm
18:53.34Thunder_Childno one, he isnt that hard
18:53.48CideI should go solo him
18:54.19zenzelezznevcairiel: the first time my guild beat Aran one of the tanks were using frost res to tank the water dudes :-p
18:54.29zenzelezzback when they still hurt
18:54.38|Jelly|o.O But Aran is so easy.
18:54.44nevcairielyeah now you just kill the water elementals
18:54.50nevcairielthey have like no hp
18:54.54CodayusActually, if our hydross tank is along, he wears his FrR gear.  Why not?
18:55.07CodayusOr some of it, anyhow.
18:55.19nevcairieli ask you .. why? not why not.. :P
18:55.22zenzelezzCodayus: if you have it, sure; but when you haven't even done Maulgar or Magtheridon... why would you have FrR?
18:55.23Cidebecause it's trivializing a trivial encounter :P
18:55.38CodayusThat's what min/maxing is all about!
18:56.17CidanSo, is there a way to disable those fscking ! and ? minimap icons?
18:56.27zenzelezzclose the minimap
18:56.29CidanWithout hacking textures.
18:56.34CodayusDuct tape.
18:56.37CodayusOn your monitor.
18:58.08CidanSo I just updated all my ace2 mods since last I did it in Oct
18:58.16CidanThis new config window blows, D:
18:58.31CodayusWelcome to like, last year.
18:58.35zenzelezzI thought you didn't play?
18:58.44nevcairielyou probably accidently updated one addon to rock *shrug
18:59.26CidanWell I've come to the conclusion that if I don't start playing more, I will likely die of bordom.  Yeah.
18:59.45CidanNot that I'm seriously playing (Still level 66, this is a day 3 WoW original character here)
19:00.09CidanHell, I still have banana shoulders
19:00.19Endlol banana
19:00.26CodayusBananananannanana shoulders!
19:00.40nevcairielbanana? like t0?
19:00.46CidanT1, D:
19:00.47zenzelezzCidan: that's nothing, Industrial's highest is like what, 15?
19:00.48cogwheelCodayus: amanda show?
19:01.03CidanSo this is Rock eh?
19:01.25cogwheelCodayus: batman?
19:01.48hastezenzelezz: he has a L70 :p
19:02.05CodayusHm, not sure.
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19:06.06Thunder_Childlighting shield works against ranged?
19:07.47hasteThunder_Child: believe so
19:08.04Thunder_Childi would love to know how they figured that one
19:08.13Endon windows, you can take screenshots in rapid succession (basically every OnUpdate?), but apparently you need to wait longer than that on OS X
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19:08.31Endhrm, or maybe it's framerate related
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19:12.20ralfWORKrofl that's a good idea
19:12.28ralfWORKFrost res on aran!
19:17.01nevcairielif you need that to beat aran, you should seriously reconsider running 5 mans again
19:17.35kd3or listening to the shade of aran chant...
19:19.08ralfWORKit's ok, I used to wear AR on curator :P
19:19.55Thunder_Childdo you have to "full" rep bars regardless of rep?
19:20.41ralfWORKwhat are you asking?
19:20.49Thunder_Childare you alway incrementing the bars?
19:21.30ralfWORKwhen... doing what?
19:21.42Thunder_Childgaining positive rep
19:21.57ralfWORKuntil it's 999/999, yes
19:21.57Thunder_Child1 sec i'll be more clear
19:22.06ralfWORKok cause I'm lost lol
19:22.57Thunder_Childif i am going from hated to neutral am i incrementing the bar or deincrementing it?
19:23.07ralfWORKoh uhm
19:23.18ralfWORKI think
19:23.28EndI think it's incrementing too
19:23.38Thunder_Childmeh, personally i think it should count down but ok
19:24.46ralfWORKcount down to 0
19:24.51ralfWORKat neutral
19:24.53ralfWORKthen count up?
19:25.05ralfWORKahh I see what you're saying, don't think it works that way though
19:25.18Thunder_Childso it seems
19:25.44Thunder_Childwould be eaiser to count as well
19:26.03EndI'm at 0/36000 hated with aldor, so yeah :P
19:26.38Endthey couldn't hate me any more if they tried!
19:27.29ralfWORKI think shatt would be much more interesting if there were random aldor/scryer NPCs roaming around
19:27.40ralfWORKthat would attack you if you were exalted with the opposite faction
19:27.57ralfWORKalso, they would rumble in the streets
19:28.17Thunder_Childshats neutral
19:28.30ralfWORKwell make it not neutral!
19:29.13ralfWORKrewrite the lore!
19:29.39Endby rewriting the lore you remove shatt entirely :P
19:29.47Endand then the scryers can't exist!
19:30.05Endif the naruu can't keep shat neutral, then the scryers couldn't defect!
19:30.07ralfWORKor the horde! oh noes!
19:30.21EndI was meaning the naruu never returned
19:30.33Endand shatt was destroyed by illidan/kael'thas
19:30.48EndI'm pretty sure the horde would exist :P
19:30.58ralfWORKand then they'd make the lolwell
19:31.20Endthat'd have interesting ramifications though
19:31.30Endif the naruu didn't return shattrath
19:31.32ralfWORKso the QQage would be heard throughout the ages by all priests
19:34.28Thunder_Childis past 300 for any prof outlands only?
19:34.50Dumanyou'll have to train it in outlands
19:35.02Dumanbut you can get things like first aid up to 375 and still be like level 40 ;)
19:35.03Thunder_Childbah..maxed out at 50
19:35.22Endyeah, can only get the books from outlands though, or someone who went to outlands for you
19:35.34Endthe main profs are in person trained though
19:35.34Duman(or the AH or whatever)
19:35.44Endwell, someone went to outlands :P
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19:47.02kd3oh, lucky. ~1100 ping and I still didn't die when I dismounted from 500 yards in the air
19:47.56kd3<3 praying that the blink would go off at the right time
19:48.22Shirikdon't you have to pray that blink goes off, period?
19:48.34kd3only in specific areas
19:48.37kd3like most of WSG
19:51.50ralfWORKI got my little 40-ish druid up past 300 skinning
19:51.54ralfWORKit was good times
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20:18.47art3missoftmod works perfect
20:18.52art3misfinally i can play .hack again
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20:41.34cncfanatic1anyone know of an addon that can parse beancounter data and show me AH profit / loss ?
20:42.31MentalPowercncfanatics: no parsing necessary, there are API functions for that
20:42.32*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
20:42.41cncfanaticsMentalPower: why ain't it displayed by default ? -.-
20:42.43cncfanaticsand whats the api call ?
20:42.57MentalPowera) cause its still in development
20:43.05MentalPowerb) look in the .lua
20:43.10Thunder_Child~fail MentalPower
20:43.10purlMentalPower: Fail.
20:43.23MentalPower~lart Thunder_Child
20:43.23purloffers Thunder_Child some herring
20:43.31Thunder_Child~bzfrag MentalPower
20:43.31purlACTION fries MentalPower with a laser
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20:44.21cncfanaticsmind at least telling me the lua func ? :p
20:50.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
20:52.08Thunder_Childrandom wow comment
20:52.10Thunder_Child12:47:30 [1] <Murliin>: OMG ANOTHER FLYING MOOSE!
20:52.10Thunder_Child12:47:46 [1] <Murliin>: NOOOOOO! NOT MY COTTON CANDY!
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20:55.10art3misralfWORK: yeah corrupt savefile allows me to run hdloader
20:55.23Thunder_Childhmm..where is the FF for my life, i want to jump ahead 10 years to see what tech will be out
20:55.49Thunder_Childfolding screen product that isnt vaporware
20:56.39kd3huh, weird. I've never seen this before... netherwing ledge is broken. like all the spawns/crystals have shifted by 50 yards or so
20:56.59kd3orcs mining air, nethervine crystals out in the open, etc...
20:57.10MentalPowercncfanatics: my apologies, it seems the API functions are not there yet
20:57.53cncfanaticsMentalPower: indeed , just checked too :)
20:57.55MentalPowercncfanatics: what kind of functions would you like to see added, I can forward the list to the developer
20:58.12cncfanaticsGetAHProfit(); -- returns the total profit from the AH
20:58.20cncfanaticswhich would be sold - bought
20:58.35cncfanaticspretty easy to write, just a simple loop through the saved vars
20:58.35MentalPowerfor the entire historical record?
20:58.38cncfanaticsactualy, I'm gonna write it myself
20:59.10MentalPowerif you make a patch, I can add it myself
20:59.30cncfanaticsMentalPower: I can make the func, but not add it to the UI anywhere
20:59.34cncfanaticsmind adding it somewhere in the UI of bean ?
20:59.53MentalPowerwhy can't you add it to the UI?
20:59.53Thunder_Childa little stats button
21:00.22cncfanaticsbecause I suck at anything that has to do with UI
21:04.55cncfanaticsbah, the savedvars format is a HUGE pain in the ass
21:07.25Esamynn|Workoh, why is that?
21:08.31cncfanaticscheck BeanCounter's saved vars
21:08.33cncfanaticsu'll see why
21:08.37ShirikWhat is this big movement to git?
21:08.41ShirikWhat's so great about it?
21:08.48Esamynn|Workoh, the format of BeanCounter specifically
21:09.03kd3it's new and shiny
21:09.06Esamynn|WorkShirik: it's DISTRIBUTED! it must be good!
21:09.25ShirikIsn't that mercurial's selling point?
21:10.43Esamynn|WorkThe distributed version control model has some interesting features, but I'm not convinced that 100% distributed is the way to go
21:12.21ShirikI think it's a bit odd
21:12.22MentalPowercncfanatics: BeanCounter.lua:171-195 <-- SV Definition
21:12.27Shirikhow do you ensure everyone has the same version?
21:12.35MentalPoweryou don't
21:12.39Esamynn|WorkShirik: heh, indeed
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21:12.52ShirikIsn't that somewhat bad? Unless you were intentionally creating a branch?
21:13.59Esamynn|Worksomeone linked me that a while back when I was asking similar questions
21:13.59cncfanaticsMentalPower: still a pain :s
21:13.59kergothEsamynn|Work, distributed still lets you operate in a client/server model if you choose to.  there's nothing stopping you from hosting a bare repo in an upstream location like and pushing/pulling to/from it for all your clones
21:14.19Esamynn|Workthis, I know
21:16.59kandokocncfanatics: The wiki may help a bit,   But yeah the SV is a bit odd :P
21:17.00Shirik"In the early days of the kernel, we used tarballs and patches, which was a much superior source control management system than CVS"
21:17.43Esamynn|Workhowever, I still sort of feel like more support is needed for some sort of optional centralized method for managing the various working copies of your developers
21:18.42kergothsome distributed version control systems allow multiple working copies per local copy of the repository.  monotone does, i know.  don't think git does, but it's easy enough to do a clone using hard links or using alternates
21:19.18Shirik"If there are any Subversion users in the audience, you might want to leave."
21:19.46kergothi should try mercurial more, only played with it for like 10 minutes
21:19.46Esamynn|Workhe bascially discounts svn, even though he's never even looked at it, because of it's roots
21:19.47kergothsame with bzr
21:20.41Esamynn|WorkShirik: he labels himself as an asshole, and he's not kidding
21:22.20kergothi'm pretty happy with svn, only a few things i don't like.  i prefer distributed, i hate the fact that branches/tags aren't stored in a way thats easily accessed no matter what repo you're in, since layouts vary, and tags arent immutable.  and externals are one of the worst hacks i've seen in a long time
21:22.34MentalPowercncfanatics: kandoko is the BeanCounter dev, bug him about the missing API :)
21:23.37Esamynn|Workkergoth: I'm actually satisfied with the way tags are done in svn, the accessibility issue is a UI issue in my view
21:23.56Esamynn|Workexternals, though yah, they're a badly done hack
21:25.26kergothconverting an svn repo to any other system, or writing scripts, is a pain, since you have to ask the user about the layout of each project in the svn.  look at wowace, there are at least 3-4 tag/branch layouts.  at least if you use hooks to enforce consistency, the script only needs to ask about the layout once per repo, though
21:28.44kandoko~lart MentalPower
21:28.44purlpours gasoline all over MentalPower, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze
21:32.19ralfWORKboo to svn externals
21:32.58kergothplay with a good commercial scm like clearcase, with its proper 'views', and externals just look like a joke :(
21:33.23ralfWORKvendor branches wewt
21:33.35ralfWORKsadly I'm the only one in the office who understands vendor branches
21:33.39ralfWORK(or any branch for that matter)
21:33.55ralfWORKyes, it makes me sad face too :(
21:34.00Esamynn|Workthere is something to be said for the simplicity of subversion though
21:34.07kergothat least you use an scm, i've been in too many jobs where people just zip up the code, in the past
21:34.11kergothcould always be worse
21:34.17ralfWORKkergoth: that's how it was when I got here
21:34.37ralfWORKa common drive with clientname/html/archives/2007/january/1 folders
21:34.40ralfWORKit was fucking retarded
21:34.57ralfWORK"what changed between these 2?"
21:35.03ralfWORK"oh I don't know. just upload the entire site"
21:35.44*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
21:36.08ralfWORKI cried so many times :(
21:42.25art3misand if it was gonna come back i doubt that you'd be it's harbinger
21:42.40Esamynn|Workheh, burn
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21:56.09Thunder_Childthere we go
21:56.48art3misthere's no brown
21:56.53art3misshes very clean ;P
21:58.24Thunder_Childwow...that was very disturbing
21:59.36zenzelezzoh quit pretending you're so pure
21:59.58ralfWORKwell... ok just give me her pic
22:01.02art3mis how about a video instead?
22:01.40Thunder_Childzenzelezz i am hardly pure, didnt need mean i needed the mental image of the inside of Cairenn's ass
22:02.25Cairennummmm ....
22:02.42art3misi didnt say it was a video of cairenn
22:02.49Thunder_Childwhat video?
22:02.49art3misi just offered a video instead ;P
22:02.56art3mis<Apoc> Know what would be awesome?
22:02.56art3mis<Apoc> If Bush gave a state of the union address.
22:02.56art3mis<Apoc> And just randomly Rickrolled the entire nation.
22:02.56art3mis<Apoc> That would win so hard.
22:04.36kd3I uh...
22:05.03art3misjust luved me?
22:05.14Thunder_Childkd3 should never have tab here in the first place
22:05.21Thunder_Childnot that the forums are any better mind you
22:05.26cogwheelthat would be so terribly awesome
22:05.35art3misit could have been an accidental tabbing
22:05.47cogwheelthey might finally kick his ass out for being su..... /me stops
22:05.49art3mislike missed the one he wanted
22:06.27art3missuch a waste of oxygen, skin and general genetic material?
22:06.47art3misoh cog
22:06.55art3misdid you see that pregnancy test video?
22:06.58Thunder_Childor not able to speel stupid?
22:07.00art3misthe commercial?
22:07.18cogwheelart3mis: probably
22:07.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim|ubuntu (
22:07.41art3misthe "this is the most advanced technology you've ever had to pee on" one?
22:10.25art3mis nsfw for the word niggas but best boondocks ever
22:11.15Thunder_Childthe best boondocks is the comic strip
22:11.25art3misthe show is pretty awesome though
22:11.37Thunder_Childi personally dont acre for it
22:11.46art3misthats the martin luther king jr speach btw
22:14.36kd3ok. wth. </3. reason why my net access is broken. direct quote. "The cable flux is malfunctioning."
22:14.47kd3instantly responded: "is the flux capacitor busted too?"
22:14.52kd3"we'll have to check"
22:15.11*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
22:16.53kd3I'm still having a hard time breathing, laughing so hard. the apartment complex manager's going to have to stop lying to us at some point... maybe he'll realize it when he realizes what a "flux capacitor" is
22:19.25art3misjust refer to him as mcfly for the next couple of days
22:19.39art3misor constantly call him amrty like the professor did ;P
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22:39.54NightHawkTheSanekd3: i'm not sure what's worse there, that he used such a bad lie, or that he completely missed the reference :P
22:40.01cncfanaticsMentalPower: mind contacting the beancounter devs about adding that ?
22:40.16MentalPowercncfanatics: kandoko is the beancounter dev
22:40.40MentalPower~seen kandoko
22:40.44purlkandoko is currently on #wowi-lounge #norganna. Has said a total of 2 messages. Is idling for 1h 12m, last said: '~lart MentalPower'.
22:40.45cncfanaticsmind telling him when he's not afk ? my bed is calling me :)
22:40.53MentalPowerhe's here now (if hiding)
22:41.00cncfanaticswell, he read it then :)
22:47.25*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
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22:58.48ShirikEsamynn|Work: That video is actually pretty good
22:59.03Esamynn|Workyes, I thought so as well
22:59.18ShirikI can actually see his reasoning behind it. I'm not entirely sure I agree with it for all projects, but it makes sense now, at least.
22:59.40Esamynn|WorkI had a few other links for stuff written people who aren't "hooked", but I haven't looked for them yet
23:03.00cogwheelart3mis: actually, i think i first saw that on TV
23:05.01ScytheBlade1Who remember that website that was linked here the first time "the" keylogger came around... specifically the website where you can upload files and it scans them with multiple AV products?
23:14.17ShirikI like how we now call it "the" keylogger
23:15.24cladhaireduh there's only one :P
23:22.42Shirikhm indeed
23:22.52ShirikThe question becomes wendy's, burger king, or mcdonalds
23:22.56Shirikor maybe subway, they're still open
23:23.15NightHawkTheSaneor subway
23:23.20ShirikI had wendy's last night
23:23.35NightHawkTheSanemcdonald's food is considered a form of torture by the geneva convention
23:24.30batrickbatbot: do u hate purl?
23:24.31batbotbatrick, \(o_O)/
23:26.09Shirikpurl, say batbot, do you hate me?
23:26.09purlbatbot, do you hate me
23:26.19Shirikbatbot, stop ignoring purl
23:27.03batrickpurl: say !8ball do u hate me?
23:27.04purl!8ball do u hate me
23:27.04batbotpurl, Most likely.
23:27.31Shirikhmm, that could have gotten ugly
23:27.43Shirikpurl, most likely
23:29.45Shirik--> batbot();
23:29.46batbotShirik: > batbot
23:29.49Shirikpurl, batbot
23:29.50purl--> batbot();
23:30.11ShirikI'll stop playing around and go get some food
23:37.11CairennShirik, ScytheBlade1, Antiarc: got another one for you guys :)
23:37.26ShirikI'm actually already all over that :P
23:37.35CairennI love you guys so much!
23:39.28ShirikHowever the md5 of UI Central matches that which I had downloaded last week and verified as acceptable
23:39.32Shirikso that's not the source
23:48.12*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
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23:50.55clad|sleepnight all
23:54.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Seracht (
23:55.30Serachtcan you guys help me with something if you have a couple mins
23:55.46clad|sleepqueue 3 ~ask2ask
23:56.03Seracht can you tell me which UI this is
23:56.13Serachtand what addons you see
23:59.20CidanOnly if you send my good friend Shirik some mcdonnalds
23:59.24CidanHe's quite hungry you see
23:59.36Serachtsure what's his address
23:59.45Shiriksorry clad|sleep, I wasn't watching
23:59.47purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.

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