IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080120

00:05.46malrethGeoduck males can ejaculate constantly for 10 to 15 minutes
00:06.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (n=shirik@
00:09.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|AFK (n=skullsho@2002:44cc:9fc2:0:0:0:44cc:9fc2)
00:11.40malrethso is purl... o_o
00:13.31*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
00:24.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|zZz (n=skullsho@2002:44cc:9fc2:0:0:0:44cc:9fc2)
00:24.27malrethShirik has trouble keeping it up
00:40.49*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
00:42.08*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Shirik|Ecole] by ChanServ
00:42.09*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+b *!*@2002 44cc:9fc2:0:0:0:44cc:9fc2 ] by Shirik|Ecole
00:42.16Shirik|Ecolethere, shouldn't keep disconnecting/reconnecting
00:42.21Shirik|Ecolestupid computer at home >.>
00:42.52Shirik|Ecoleit's only temporary :P Just so I don't flood the channel
00:45.05Shirik|Ecolesince you said I have "trouble keeping it up" :P
00:51.09*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Joshua@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
00:51.51NightHawkTheSaneso.. you're solution for having trouble keeping it up is to keep it down permanently?
00:54.00Shirik|EcoleNightHawkTheSane: Exactly.
00:54.42JoshBorkethat is AWESOME
00:57.29Shirik|Ecolemalreth Does that work for any item?
00:57.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (n=elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
00:57.52malrethanything in wowhead's db
00:58.08Shirik|EcoleHow do you get to it?
00:59.52malreththere's a View 3D model link on every item page
01:01.35malrethi've got house guests now
01:01.38Shirik|EcoleDoesn't work for clothing it seems =()
01:01.47malrethoh yeah... only for weapons for now
01:01.56malrethbut they'll be adding player models for armor soon
01:02.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
01:05.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
01:05.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandok1 (
01:06.26GuillotineEvery time I'm reading through wowbash and see someone using TTN I revel. Is there something wrong with me?
01:10.35KasoIts nice to see people using your stuff
01:54.03*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo_ (
01:55.08bleetercan anyone explain to me the 'bonus honor' column in the AV table. Rogue buddy of mine, same server, we're sitting next to each other, enter BG same time, pretty much do everything together. At the end of the battle, for everyone in the BG he's showing a different 'bonus honor' awarded to every team member total comapred to me. What gives?
01:56.14Guillotineone of you has an addon that attempts to calculate "more accurate" honor would be my guess
01:56.21kd3did you both enter mid-battle?
01:56.38kd3bonus honor doesn't change
01:56.48bleeterboth entered at start of battle
01:57.01kd3not in the BG score display
01:57.02bleeteras far as I know, neither have such an addon Guillotine (ie, not by intent)
01:57.04kd3huh, weird. get tagged afk at an inopportune time?
01:57.15bleeterneither have had AFK debuff
01:57.55GuillotineI had the same problem where my gf and I showed different amounts of honor. Turned out some random addon that I thought just tracked arena stats also affected the end frames
01:58.33bleeterScytheBlade1: huh? no, that makes no send. for each and every player on his screen, say it's showing 500 bonus honor, on my screen it's showing they receive 450 honor
01:58.41bleeterer s/send/sense/
01:58.54bleeteror, on my screen it's showing 500 bonus, and on his it's 450.
01:59.20ScytheBlade1bleeter: I just read the first 1/4 of your "can you explain" and then linked you, haha.
01:59.24Beladonamaybe he isn't good at math
02:02.38bleeterGuillotine: well, thanks for the tip... will investigate the mods
02:03.24Shirik|Ecole~dict bent
02:03.43Shirik|Ecole~dict 1 bent
02:04.59*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
02:11.47bleeterwtb: US Forum Administrator...
02:11.52Guillotinewow, the general forums have really gone to the dogshe
02:12.12Guillotinedamn you cgi IRC :( I would have beaten bleeter
02:12.46bleeterN-i__g_g__e.r Jokes ...Hitler - Was he really a bad guy?  .... The Jews Started all the Wars ...
02:12.59bleeterlol Guillotine irssi ftw! :P
02:14.09Guillotineplus all those ones that aren't as offensive, but are still against forum rules like "Should we leave IRAQ?" and such
02:14.43bleeteryar, the other religious posts.. etc. etc., all OT or deletable
02:15.03Guillotineoh, heres another very offensive one. "God hates F @ G S"
02:15.08bleeterI honestly don't recall recently it being this bad, maybe one of the CM Noobs is by themselves this weekend, and is a little snowed under
02:15.18Guillotinedamn, where are the moderators? :(
02:15.30bleeter*No offence to the new CM folks, we do love you really! :D
02:15.49bleeterGuillotine: maybe they're storing up bansticks
02:16.46bleeterhaha:  Capping towers= 100 honor , Turning in blood= 25 honor, Killing the general= 100 honor, Pissing Alliance off.... priceless
02:18.03ScytheBlade1Looks like an offtopic raid.
02:19.29Guillotinebleeter: lol
02:21.47Beladonayou know whats amazing
02:22.05bleeterBeladona: my genius?
02:22.37Beladonaperforming a merge of data from another network into yours after a corporate merge. And finding all of the idiotic duplicate data
02:23.02BeladonaI found 6 copies of the same directory that was apparently accidentally mis-clicked and dragged
02:23.21Beladonaand every time, they just restored it from a backup
02:24.18BeladonaMonday people are going to wonder how we halved our storage usage
02:25.23ScytheBlade1l o l
02:27.34Beladonais that a repost by the same guy?
02:27.49BeladonaI swear I replied to one with the same topic
02:27.54GngskI used to be worried about my account getting banned becuase of addons until I got myself a tin foil hat
02:29.45bleeterI'm still wild that [Tin Foil Hat] was Apr 1st joke, and not a real engi item
02:31.05Guillotinewtf. They locked "N-i__g_g__e.r Jokes" instead of deleting it
02:31.09*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
02:31.33bleetermaybe they're good jokes?
02:34.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Rayne (
02:34.49RayneThis has probably been asked alot, but how do I make my bartender bars autohide when im not in combat, and unhide when I am. O_o
02:36.21[dRaCo]not possible with bt3 alone
02:36.37[dRaCo]there's some addon out there for hiding frames, though
02:36.53Guillotinetheres an easy way around it though. Just log out every time you leave combat and disable the addon
02:37.03Guillotine(really, I have no idea)
02:37.14RayneI miss Alphablending. :(
02:40.42Thrae <-- hmmm, what UI is that?
02:41.34Guillotinedunno, but its pretty nice
02:42.00Guillotinesomebody needs to write an algorithm that compares a part of a screenshot to screenshots of known addons for a similar one
02:42.11Guillotineactually, the system load would be way too much :(
02:42.20Raynethink I might of found what I needed
02:44.55Raynelets see
02:46.09RayneNope! That didnt work.
02:48.01Rayne Miss it :(
02:49.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Godzmack (
02:51.13Raynegd it
02:52.25*** join/#wowi-lounge |pez| (
02:52.38Rayne|Jelly|: Any idea?
02:54.04JoshBorkethrae: specifically the buttons at the bottom?
02:59.21kd3gah, the StinkyQueue QQing is getting annoying
03:08.32*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (n=Joshua@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
03:09.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
03:13.54NightHawkTheSanegod this group moves so slowly
03:14.31Rayneoh wow, Alphablending still works O_o
03:17.38MentalPowerwhy would it not work
03:17.41RayneJust hasnt been updated for almost a year
03:22.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
03:22.25*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Lopeppeppy] by ChanServ
03:24.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
03:33.05MentalPowerlove the songs, hate the movie
03:33.29LopeppeppyWhat did you not like, MentalPower?
03:33.46MentalPowertoo much blood for my linking
03:34.16LopeppeppyThat was't blood, it was cherry-orange jello.  It was entirely over the top, I do agree... but it just made me laugh.
03:34.59MentalPowermy BF and I left... in shock
03:35.19MentalPowerwe were expecting a much... how should I say this... friendly film
03:36.05LopeppeppyIt's Tim Burton and a famous mass murderer....  that's just not a potentially friendly combo.
03:37.10MentalPowerneither did my bf
03:39.19MentalPowerwe just saw: musical + tim burton + johnny depp
03:39.19LopeppeppyOoooh.... "Demon Barber of Fleet Street" is a strong tag line.  But yeah, if you're not of a morbid mind like mine, you wouldn't necessariy know abut meat pies.
03:39.19MentalPowerand the tagline was suppressed over here
03:39.19MentalPowerwe didn't see it till the movie started
03:39.19MentalPowerat any rate, we learned
03:39.39LopeppeppyYeah... it's not a subtle movie by any stretch of the imagination.
03:40.50LopeppeppyI watched it before dinner... .now I'm watching "Finding Nemo" for balance.
03:42.55MentalPoweryou have kids?
03:43.03MentalPoweror did you just buy it for yourself
03:43.03LopeppeppyNope.  Me and my kitty and my male.
03:43.33LopeppeppyMeow, End.  She has a northeastern accent, adds letters to her words.  :)
03:43.51LopeppeppyI just like some of the kids' movies, MentalPower.  Shrek, Disney, Pixar, all good.
03:44.01MentalPoweryup me too
03:44.14LopeppeppyThe dialog is easier to play drinking games to.
03:44.14MentalPowerI'm a music buff, so I have all the soundtracks
03:44.21LopeppeppyOoops, was that out loud?  *winks*
03:44.55Lopeppeppy"The Fountain" is deep and dark, and "Pan's Labyrinth" is exceptionally disturbing... but Nemo always delivers, without bad dreams.
03:46.01Lopeppeppy"Hi, I'm Dory!"
03:54.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
03:55.13LopeppeppyWhy we can't know 12 hours ahead of time whether we're raiding or not, I just cannot fathom.
03:59.37[dRaCo]why don't you know?
04:01.08MentalPowerattendance issues?
04:01.09LopeppeppyRaid leader procrastinates making the roster until about 6 hours prior.  There are 32 people signed up, it shouldn't be rocket science.
04:01.36Lopeppeppy"Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming...."
04:01.58LopeppeppyJust vexes me that signup cutoff is 48 hours in advance, roster isn't posted until about 6 hours prior.
04:04.14LopeppeppyI've backed out at 3 hours prior, "I guess we must not be raiding, there's no roster".  Peeves them to no end.   :)
04:09.20WobinGerman is great. I mean, any language that has the words "Ubeltater" and "Kreuzige" can't be too bad =)
04:11.18MentalPower~tr gb en Kreuzige
04:11.35*** join/#wowi-lounge drc|away (
04:11.35End~x gb en Kreuzige
04:11.43EndE INDEED
04:11.49MentalPowerthanks End
04:11.59MentalPower~x gb en Ubeltater
04:12.00Endwait, gb?
04:12.06Enddon't you want de?
04:12.17MentalPower~x de en Ubeltater
04:12.33MentalPower~x de en Kreuzige
04:12.43MentalPowerpurl you suck
04:12.44purland very well I might add
04:13.06MentalPower~literal you suck
04:13.07purl"you suck" is "<reply> and very well I might add"
04:13.14MentalPower~literal sucks
04:13.16purl"sucks" is "<reply> only if you ask nicely and pay well."
04:13.47LopeppeppyI LOVE purl.
04:23.32*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
04:29.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
04:29.13*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
04:44.05kd3oh wow. any atlantans active
04:44.28|Jelly|11 hour work day. *sigh*
04:45.32kd3wow... my jaw's still on the floor
04:45.33kd3the AJC just endorsed obama
04:46.05kd3the atlanta-journal constitution
04:47.05bleetermm, I think I'm missing something... something that 'journal' might give away at some later stage.. hmm
04:48.31LopeppeppyWork sucks, weekend work sucks more, and more than 8 hours sucks harder.
04:48.47|Jelly|Waiting tables. :(
04:49.00|Jelly|So that means Jelly has to be nice. lol
04:49.11LopeppeppyFor 11 hours straight?  F that.
04:49.25kd3agh, I could never stand waiting tables. working retail was about as far as I was willing to go in the service industry
04:50.33|Jelly|I actually like my job. It's just stressful [for me] over extended periods
04:50.47LopeppeppyWhat happened to 8 hour work shifts?
04:51.09|Jelly|I don't know. I usually work like 3-5 hour shifts.
04:51.45LopeppeppyYou got scrod.  Take a very long shower.
04:51.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
04:51.57*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
04:52.01jscinozhey guys
04:52.22jscinozim working on a very short perl script to convert wowhead maps to cartographer databases.
04:52.30jscinozone thing i need to know is.
04:52.59jscinozheres an excerpt from my database "[78804005] = "Windy Cloud"," how does cartographer store these coordinates, i cant seem to figure it out
04:53.18jscinozie its not 78.80,40.05 from that, its something else and i dont know >_<
04:54.23bleeterjscinoz: you'd prolly be better off asking the carto author, prolly found in #wowace
04:54.44bleeterif not, prolly likely, given it's a  wowace mod, you'll find someone in that channel who can help
05:02.19Wobinhm, anyone know why the 'mod' in macros might not work?
05:02.56RayneLeo to 8% >_<
05:03.01kd3if your macro's at z, you're using [mod:shift] and you've got something else bound to shift+z, the shift+z binding wins
05:03.21LopeppeppyRayne, Leo's a tough bastich in that last 10%
05:03.42Wobinkd3: I'm shiftclicking
05:03.50Wobinor altclicking
05:03.54Wobinor ctrlclicking
05:03.59RayneLopeppeppy: He really is...
05:04.08RayneWe have it like the first few whirlwinds
05:04.13Raynethen it goes downhill
05:04.22kd3which action bar mod are you using?
05:05.13Wobinhm, bt3
05:05.29kd3got the most recent version?
05:05.36LopeppeppyRayne, it came down to duck and cover for my raid group.  DPS ducks and bobs, most of the melee die, and the ranged take him out.  If we're lucky.  :)
05:05.41WobinI imagine so?
05:06.01kd3I know bt's been broken before wrt modded clicks
05:06.51kd3I wouldn't know if it's newest, I use bongos. may want to ask in wowace. is it working if you just use the keyboard?
05:09.47RayneI might change BBCs layout for V10, and get rid of Grid and go back to PitBulls raid interface.
05:10.26LopeppeppyI cannot grok Grid no matter how hard I try.
05:10.38RayneIts great, dont get me wrong
05:10.49Raynebut in a raid it takes up soooo much real estate for a tank. :/
05:10.54kd3I <3 grid
05:11.28Endgrid is okay I think
05:11.35LopeppeppyI can't wrap my head around the colors and the shape and the little dots.
05:11.47EndI like perfect raid better, except grid is more compact
05:12.06LopeppeppyPerfectRaid is my choice as well.
05:12.15*** mode/#wowi-lounge [-b *!*@2002 44cc:9fc2:0:0:0:44cc:9fc2 ] by Shirik|Ecole
05:12.16*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Shirik|Ecole -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | "Wanting to kill someone and hide her whorish body? Yes. Of course." - Lopeppeppy
05:12.28Shirik|Ecoledid I change the topic? o.o
05:12.40Endyou touched it
05:12.44Enddidn't actually changed it :P
05:12.50Shirik|Ecolestupid client ...
05:13.58LopeppeppyYou just cuddled it, my enigmatic quote remains.  :)
05:14.32TecnoBratLopeppeppy, you want to kill my ex?
05:15.28LopeppeppyNope, the chick distracting my husband and ruining my marriage.
05:15.53TecnoBratyou sure its not my ex?
05:16.03LopeppeppyYou live in CT?
05:16.30Thunder_Childsay yes say yes
05:17.02TecnoBratlol no, I live in BC, Canada .. but that didn't stop her from getting involved with a guy 20 years older than her in texas :P
05:17.19TecnoBratso it still could be!
05:17.55LopeppeppyI doubt she's your sloppy seconds then.  Everyone else's but not yours.
05:17.56TecnoBratAnd I don't know what this is ...
05:18.01TecnoBratBut it works
05:18.36EndI'm getting retarded lag spikes in WoW
05:18.51LopeppeppyWelcome to a holiday weekend, End?
05:19.03Endnormally it isn't an issue for me
05:19.14LopeppeppyLooks like a seal attacking a penguin, TecnoBrat.  Pretty common.
05:19.15Thunder_ChildTecnoBrat, tis for us americans
05:19.18TecnoBratwtf holiday is it?
05:19.30Raynehow the fuck does a feral druid NOT kill his inner demon.
05:19.34LopeppeppyMartin Luther King day in the states is Monday.
05:19.43TecnoBratahhhh a penguin ...
05:19.55LopeppeppyRayne -- is he/she moving from bear to cat?
05:20.00Raynein cat
05:20.02Raynewhole time
05:20.40LopeppeppyThat's.... not so very right.  Targeting issues perhaps?  Or a few VERY unlucky misses/parries?
05:20.40kd3I've gotten distracted and missed my demon before as a mage
05:20.40TecnoBratlol .. I could kill mine in my healing gear, pre-healing +dmg changes
05:20.40TecnoBraton my paladin
05:20.41TecnoBratwithout switching weapons
05:20.52LopeppeppyWhen I die to mine, it's because I can't target it.  It winds up behind me, or I accidentally clicked someone else's... ugly.
05:20.55LopeppeppyAlways targeting for me.
05:20.57TecnoBratwith 2-3 secs to spare
05:20.57RayneIf I can kill mine as prot no problem, anyone can kill it.
05:21.00Endthere's something wrong with my lan
05:21.01TecnoBratso yea ...
05:21.04TecnoBratthey suck
05:21.15Endor my computer
05:21.43Rayne heres how I look idle atm.
05:21.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:22.27Rayne<3 Alphablending
05:22.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
05:23.40EndI can ping my router from my desktop, yet only my wireless on my laptop can get to the outside world
05:23.49kd3forums just go splat for anyone else?
05:24.11Raynelost 2 healers and a DPS in the middle of Leo
05:24.12Endwell, I can't reach them either
05:24.14LopeppeppyMy refresh seems normal, kd3.
05:24.16TecnoBrat<krag0th|Mac> I can't connect to anything blizzard
05:24.23EndRayne: wait, just now?
05:24.25TecnoBratsounds like blizzard might be having issues?
05:24.31Endthat's interesting
05:24.38EndI only tried connecting to vent and WoW from desktop
05:25.01Endnot just Blizzard is my feeling
05:25.14Endmy desktop works
05:25.18Endjust can't connect to WoW
05:25.46TecnoBratso it is just blizzard? :P
05:25.55Endvent fails too
05:25.58sysragezul'jin just took a shit
05:26.04sysragei can't connect. was just playing a min ago
05:26.08Enduh, wtf
05:26.17LopeppeppyThe forums just crapped for me too.
05:26.18EndI can't even do a dns lookup to do a traceroute :P
05:26.18kd3wonder if the LA datacenter just lost sync
05:26.26Endkd3: yeah, probably a router died
05:26.45kd3ya, I can't get in either. stuck at connecting
05:26.48kd3auth must be hosed
05:27.03EndI'm glad I'm not the only one with problems
05:27.05Endwait, no I'm not
05:27.09kd3s/auth/the LA datacenter/
05:27.10Endif I was the only one, I could fix it
05:27.38Endbeing not the only one means it isn't my fault, and thus I'm stuck :P
05:27.40Dumanmy battlegroup just died
05:27.49EndDuman: welcome to our world
05:27.50Dumanor at least, Gilneas died
05:27.52*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
05:28.02Corrodiasi'm logging into wow extremely slowly
05:28.04TecnoBratWarsong Realm
05:28.04TecnoBratA whole bunch of servers just crashed.
05:28.04WobinArgent Dawn just stopped =P
05:28.09TecnoBrat= forums
05:28.12Corrodiasmine's down
05:28.22TecnoBratthe top 10 posts are realm down posts :P
05:28.24Endnot only that
05:28.33DumanI was just pwning faces, too
05:28.35Endbut my connection to this computer is a bit laggier now
05:28.41Corrodiasdo people actually post on the wow forums just to say "hay my realm is down wut"
05:28.54TecnoBratlol yes
05:29.04LopeppeppyAll the damn time.
05:29.07Endit's good to report that sometimes, if it's an isp problem
05:29.20CorrodiasWoW General: You will never find a more wretched hive of trolls and noobery.
05:29.25kd3I still can't get to the forums
05:29.26Endsometimes it's hard to tell where the problem is at first :P
05:29.36Endand I can't traceroute the problem anyways
05:29.38TecnoBrattech forum is worse
05:29.42Endunless someone give me an ip :P
05:29.44TecnoBratat least 20 posts
05:29.46TecnoBratAT LEAST
05:30.07TecnoBrat"Terrorist BOMBED BLIZZARD HQ"
05:30.21*** join/#wowi-lounge sdubble (n=sdouble@
05:30.35Corrodiasmy first reaction is to check this channel to ensure it's not just me, then wait for a little while. :/
05:30.55Bela|afkEnd -- check that last link
05:31.03Bela|afkto get stuff to tracert
05:31.09kd3damn it. wonder if I can ssh to work and see if I can get to the forums from there
05:31.13bleeterwow big crash
05:31.16Dumanactually, hmm
05:31.17EndBela|afk: I can't get an address via dns
05:31.29EndI could ping my realm
05:31.30EndI guess
05:31.44Bela|afkits an at&t router
05:31.46Bela|afkfor me
05:31.51EndI was trying the forums
05:31.55TecnoBratwhat realm?
05:31.58*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick_ (
05:32.00Endbut my dns is borked
05:32.14Dumanwhat was their syntax for DNS entries for a given realm?
05:32.22Dumanlike ?
05:33.11Endyay traceroute
05:33.28*** join/#wowi-lounge ccox (n=ccox@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/CCox)
05:33.35Bela|afkdefinitely looks like an internet problem, not a blizz specific problem
05:33.38Dumanlft > traceroute ;)
05:33.42End192.205.35.53 for me
05:33.46Endyeah, it's an internet problem
05:33.50Endit barely leaves qwest
05:33.50ccoxmajor internet problem
05:33.51Endand then fails
05:34.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Furl (
05:34.01TecnoBratwhat server end?
05:34.05TecnoBraterr realm
05:34.05Lopeppeppytoo bad it won't dump AD.
05:34.10ccoxHalf of my sourceforge links are failing
05:34.13EndLA datacenter
05:34.17sysragepretty massive downage... never seen everything go down at the same time before
05:34.29ccoxMost likely network equip
05:34.33FurlSomeone nuked LA?
05:34.36Bela|afkthats a lot of different paths
05:34.38Dumandatacenter power outage, perhaps ;-)
05:34.42Dumanthose are always fun
05:34.45EndDuman: no
05:34.45Bela|afkmine is in geirgie
05:34.50ccoxor a major router upstream
05:34.52Bela|afkwhere it fails
05:35.04EndI have 3 or 4 hops -at least- before I reach bonechewer's border router
05:35.09Dumanwell, they *are* single-homed to AT&T, perhaps AT&T is sucking wind
05:35.35Dumanwhat's bonechewer's IP?
05:35.37Bela|afkmy vent works though
05:35.38bleetertheir single AT&T home is teh fail
05:35.40Bela|afkand its in Dallas
05:35.43Bela|afksame as my realm
05:35.56Endthat's bonechewer
05:36.10Dumanoh, hi.. heh
05:36.38Endanyways, yeah, not Blizzard's fault specifically
05:36.40Duman13 206.6ms
05:36.40Duman14 ( 21.0ms
05:36.40Duman**  [3624/tcp failed]  Try alternate options or use -V to see packets.
05:36.41EndAT&T probably
05:36.59Corrodiasi feel an urge to play a Zelda game
05:37.05EndDuman: works for you it looks like
05:37.10*** join/#wowi-lounge kadrahil (
05:37.13EndI can't traceroute that far
05:37.33EndWhen doing a traceroute to servers in Los Angeles, the last hop should be one of the following:
05:37.36End* *
05:37.41Endso, you are hitting blizzard
05:37.54Endor the nearest edge to blizzard we cna hit
05:37.58ccoxI can't even get to some of the sourceforge mirrors, darnit
05:38.42Lopeppeppystill hasn't dumped AD.  More's the pity.
05:38.49TecnoBratI can hit from my server in teaxs
05:38.57bleeteryou know who I blame??!!!
05:38.59TecnoBratbut thats where it dies :P
05:39.01bleeterCIDE!!! BASTARD!!!
05:39.20sysragestuff seems to be back
05:39.31Corrodiasnot for me
05:39.32sysragenow you just hafta deal with the 50000 ppl trying to connect at the same time
05:39.35Corrodiasyou insensitive marm
05:39.49Dumanyeah I can get to
05:39.50Dumanbut that's a router
05:40.00Endbut I can't get that far
05:40.31Corrodiasaw, my realm was an old one, but it never got above medium population. only around the release of BC did it ever have queues, and very short ones at that
05:40.37Corrodiasand now it's down to Low on the list
05:40.44Dumanyes, AT&T died
05:40.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
05:41.06*** join/#wowi-lounge [KzM]Fatalis (
05:41.39TecnoBratTHE TUBES R KLOGGED
05:41.41EndBlizzard might shit some bricks over this one :P
05:41.53TecnoBratIts not specific to blizzard dude
05:41.57Endyes I know
05:41.59TecnoBratcheck the links I just posted
05:42.11TecnoBratthere is MAJOR backbone issues atm
05:42.20Dumanyeah AT&T blew up
05:42.21Endbut they won't be happy with certain ...people
05:42.33TecnoBratBlizzard can't control the whole internet .. lol
05:42.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|zZz (n=skullsho@2002:44cc:9fc2:0:0:0:44cc:9fc2)
05:42.46Dumanthey can be NOT STUPID
05:42.47EndI'm betting Blizzard..knows people
05:42.48ccoxjust the net that MATTERS! :-)
05:42.50Dumanand get more than 1 provider
05:42.57*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Shirik|zZz] by ChanServ
05:43.01Dumanbeing single-homed is just plain dumb
05:43.07TecnoBratDuman, its not just AT&T
05:43.24ScytheBlade1It's not blizzard
05:43.27Bela|afkhow is that not at&t
05:43.27Dumanlooks like AT&T to me
05:43.31ScytheBlade1Some core router is getting a nice DDoS
05:43.32EndI'm hoping, someone at blizzard is on the phone trying to figure out what's going on :P
05:43.38ScytheBlade1I'm on my cell phone internsts atm :(
05:43.54TecnoBratDo you see the other providers, that aren't AT&T on that page?
05:43.56Bela|afkif its not at&t, its every pipe that connects to at&t, which is a huge coincidence
05:44.10TecnoBratLike the NTT / Global Crossing link
05:44.12Corrodiasyes TecnoBrat, we see them
05:44.13Dumando you see how EVERYTHING to/from AT&T is red?
05:44.18Corrodiaswhy are they almost entirely grey?
05:44.21TecnoBratSprint / SBC
05:44.23Shirik|zZzyeah at&t's definitely having issues
05:44.26Dumanyes, SBC == AT&T now
05:44.30ccoxVerizon is also hit hard, along with sprint
05:44.42EndGlobal Crossing sucks
05:44.42ccoxSBC hasn't integrated their routing equip yet
05:44.49Dumansome is
05:44.52ScytheBlade1My cell phone internet is working fine, and that's Verizon
05:44.55Dumantrue, peering is seperate
05:44.56Shirik|zZzSo much for 5 nines
05:45.22ScytheBlade1Heh yeah, five nines is gone right now
05:45.57bleeter99.999% uptime
05:46.05Dumanmore like nine fives right now
05:46.14ScytheBlade1Wow, AT&T just *died*
05:46.18bleeter0.555555555% ?
05:46.33FurlTeh U.S. internet got fucked.
05:46.35FurlI blame the druid
05:46.42*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
05:46.42*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v cogwheel] by ChanServ
05:46.44Corrodiasit hasn't completely died
05:46.50ccoxit doesn't look like just AT&T from here, other links seem to be hosed as well (but could be a cascade)
05:46.56Corrodiasi'm connected to the internet through SBC/AT&T as my ISP
05:46.59ScytheBlade1But it's dead to the point where everything is being rerouted
05:47.11TecnoBratccox, probably overloading from the rerouting
05:47.12Corrodiasi guess it's just SBC's equipment
05:47.28Endthat wouldn't surprise me
05:47.56Corrodiashow exciting!
05:47.57*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
05:48.00TecnoBratccox, but you are correct, its not just at&t that is being effected, I'm seeing issues with numerous other links (my monitoring for work is going fucking nuts)
05:48.01EndI tried doing a traceroute from a school cs machine
05:48.13Endlast hop is the same exact ip :P
05:48.24Endmy server in dallas fails on a different ip though
05:48.30ccoxTecno - yeah, I'm trying private lines from my company (non ATT) and all sorts of things are hosed right now
05:48.32Endat rather
05:48.40ccoxTecno - but I can't figure out a primary cause
05:48.48Endso yeah
05:48.49ScytheBlade1This is so classy
05:48.57ScytheBlade1The internet JUST DIED
05:49.00EndI don't have any other way to reach that part of the world :P
05:49.01ShirikWell, it is likely that AT&T is used as a router between two nodes, even if those two nodes are not related to AT&T
05:49.01Dumanman AT&T is in SEV0 right now
05:49.11Shirikfor various connections
05:49.16EndShirik: well, it's a backbone issue :P
05:49.17ccoxAw, crap -= my company's email just went down
05:49.18Corrodiasthe internet is down! i'm talking to you via telepathy ;)
05:49.19ShirikTherefore a link between two nodes can die even if neither is on AT&T
05:49.26bleeterShirik: what I find more 'amusing', is that given the lack of forum moderation today, I suspect the CM Newbs are on, they'll love this haha ;)
05:49.32ScytheBlade1lol yeah
05:49.36DumanAgain, I reiterate:  Blizzard needs more than one freaking transit provider
05:49.47Dumanrelying COMPLETELY on one provider (AT&T) is just asking for trouble
05:49.54ScytheBlade1Duman: that's not just the problem. My home box can't SSH.
05:50.01Endthat's an issue with their datacenter I think? although..
05:50.09Endmy guild's vent is hosed too :P
05:50.12ScytheBlade1It's much bigger than them "just" relying on AT&T
05:50.18Bela|afkthis is hardly something you can blame Blizz on
05:50.21Dumanthat's fine, if they had another upstream, aside from AT&T, they'd be fine :P
05:50.28Corrodiasi blame blizzard anyway
05:50.34Bela|afkdon't jump on them for that
05:50.34ScytheBlade1No, because with AT&T essentially down
05:50.38sysragei blame your mom
05:50.39bleeterI still blame Cide
05:50.42ScytheBlade1The strain on all of the other backbones spikes
05:50.42Dumanhaving only 1 upstream (read: no redundancy) is Blizzard faul ;-)
05:50.57Bela|afkyou don't know what you are talking about
05:50.58sysrageno, i blame shirik's mom
05:51.00ShirikThe celebrated "five nines" more than justifies a single provider
05:51.05DumanI don't know what I'm talking about?
05:51.09bleeteris Cide Shirik's mom?
05:51.10Shirik5 minutes downtime per year
05:51.18sysragebleeter: could be
05:51.28bleetersysrage: would explain a heck of a lot ;)
05:51.31ScytheBlade1It's just fun to watch. The internet is DYING I TELL YOU!
05:51.47Corrodiasactually, it should be recovering, no?
05:51.52ccox(am I still connected?)
05:51.53FurlIt is sorta.
05:51.55ScytheBlade1In theory
05:51.56ccox(ah, good)
05:51.58ShirikNo, actually, this was a plot by several geniuses of the internet
05:52.01bleeterccox: no
05:52.01Corrodiasthough a bit crippled until AT&T gets shit back online?
05:52.06ShirikThey are killing the IPv4 internet
05:52.15Shirikso that everyone has to finally switch over to IPv6
05:52.15sysragewoot. good. ipv6 rocks
05:52.15ScytheBlade1If AT&T absolutely died, all of the other backbones are automatically rerouting how they pass data
05:52.17FurlAT&T seems to be doing it now.
05:52.18ScytheBlade1lol yes
05:52.18ccoxbleeter - trying to tunnel this while running VPN into the office
05:52.20ScytheBlade1IPv6 ftw!
05:52.29FurlHell, I just got the D.C. router to work
05:52.34Dumanhah IPv6
05:52.37ccoxScythe - if that were the only issue, it would have rerouted already
05:52.42ShirikConnection-specific DNS Suffix . :
05:52.42ShirikLink-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::5dc7:b057:6254:de3c%9
05:52.42ShirikIPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
05:52.48Endit's getting better now
05:52.54EndI can get past that one router now
05:52.57ScytheBlade1ccox: with one detail: now all of the other backbones are taking a LOT more traffic than the would normally
05:53.13FurlThe percenage went down
05:53.15FurlOH NOES
05:53.24Endin fact
05:53.31Corrodiasalso, it takes time to update other routers on your router's traffic
05:53.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Tinyboom (
05:53.46bleeterfwiw, a guildie of mine is claiming the kill of teh interwebz.. but I don't beleive him ... told him 'SS of Killing Blow or didn't happen'
05:53.47ScytheBlade1Their poor BGP routers are probably still dying
05:53.47Endin fact, I might be able to connect now
05:53.55ScytheBlade1lol win @ bleeter
05:54.12ScytheBlade1lol I know what it was
05:54.13Antiarc <-- NTT with 4.17% packet loss
05:54.18LopeppeppyI said I wanted to kill someone and hide the body... I just picked the wrong routing station to interrupt the affair.
05:54.32ScytheBlade1It was AT&T's secret room that only the NSA can access! TERRORISM MUST BE RELATED!
05:54.52cogwheelanyone have, know where i can find, or know how to extract the minimap textures? (the actual maps themselves, not the border textures)
05:54.54ShirikWe should go invade iran
05:54.59Shirikit's obviously them killing the internet
05:55.00ScytheBlade1Okay, now I'm just being stupid, but seriously, I don't have WoW
05:55.01AntiarcAT&T is at 79.72% network availability
05:55.04ScytheBlade1So don't look at me like that
05:55.16Corrodiasmy connection attempt is still getting lost in the tubes. time to wait more.
05:55.18bleeterwell, given the non-moderated (therefore approved?) thread on General Forums, it's prolly a Jewish Plot
05:55.21EndBlizzard is actively investigating the issue apparently :P
05:55.27Endthey put a news status thing up
05:55.30Endon the login screen
05:55.38Corrodiasnow if only we could receive that message
05:55.40bleeterah sweet, an /alert
05:55.43ccoxevery company on the @#$%@#$% net is investigating the issue right now
05:55.46bleeterCorrodias: you can, just not ingame
05:55.47Endlol yea
05:55.58Endwell, every company worth a damn that's having an issue :P
05:55.59Dumanyeah, my buddies at AT&T say shit blowed up
05:55.59Corrodiasi have to restart the game to see it, then. :/
05:56.03Duman<- network engineer
05:56.06ccox(including more than a few white hats looking at the routers and going "WTF"?)
05:56.12Corrodiasblowed up, eh?
05:56.14bleeterCorrodias: bookmark
05:56.19AntiarcIt goned boom.
05:56.44EndI'm stuck on authenticating
05:56.44ccox(routers are confused, some connections are intermittent)
05:56.45bleetertho I suspect that IP may change
05:57.00bleeterdo a packet capture at game startup to get the DNS entry so the IP don't get stale
05:57.02EndI'm guessing the authentication server might be bogged though
05:57.10ScytheBlade1That's the domain they use
05:57.14Dumanstill can't get to my realm on port 3724
05:57.59Bela|afkgive it time
05:58.03Bela|afkit will be back
05:58.15Corrodiasbut i have nothing to DO
05:58.20Corrodiasi already went through my porn for the night
05:58.23Bela|afkmake me some waffles
05:58.23Endgonna see if vent works now
05:58.27Dumansaw soem mention of a fire
05:58.35Dumanin houston
05:58.45Dumanthat is like 4th-hand info
05:58.45ccoxBack to WOW development: does anyone know of a good drawing package other than RDX_Quill ?
05:59.57EndI can reach vent now
06:00.34ccox(why did the internet crash:   Alliance won an AV game.)
06:00.46Dumanwe win AV all the time
06:00.49Dumanin our BG
06:00.57Corrodiason my realm, they're winning 3/4 of the games at the moment
06:00.59Corrodiasor were last i checked
06:01.14bleeteryeah, alliance do OK in my BG, prolly 60%
06:01.25sysrageit's about 50/50 unless we use preform in our BG
06:01.25bleeterDuman: oO
06:01.33ccoxalliance are boycotting ours because they think they lose all the time
06:01.36bleeterDuman: oh, nm, Vengeance here.. got excited by that V
06:01.45Dumanbleet: yeah, I mix them up sometimes, too :)
06:01.59End<-- Reckoning
06:02.06Endno idea how AV is though :P
06:02.27Endhorde were winning a lot for a while, but I think it reversed itself
06:02.29DumanGilneas is where I am..   Llane, Eonar, Kargath, Lightning's Blade, Eredar, Burnign Blade, Shadowmoon, Earthen Ring, Aggramar, Thunderhorn, Malygos, Laughing Skull, Thunderlord, Burning Legion
06:02.39bleeterours is good, but sucks real hard monkey nuts between about 2pm and 10pm server time
06:02.40Bela|afkhow does boycotting AV prove anything about them losing it all the time?
06:02.47Bela|afkdoesn't that just make them lose more?
06:03.12bleeterBela|afk: 'boycott' is what horde use instead of 'we qq' when alliance realise they can get honor faster elsewhere than in AV ;)
06:03.24LopeppeppyI so do not want to go to bed.  But 'night guys!
06:03.26*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
06:03.40cogwheelhas anyone found an mpq opener that can open common.mpq?
06:04.17Corrodiaswhy, can't most?
06:04.27cogwheelnot that i've found
06:04.40Corrodiaswhoops, now i just get "unable to connect". it died deader. :(
06:04.57Corrodiasinteresting. i've never tried, cog. i should check.
06:05.08EndI think mywarcraftstudio can -if- you have a recent version
06:05.20ScytheBlade1cogwheel: I've tried to convince ShadowFlare to update WinMPQ to handle the larger MPQs, and she even knows where the bug is
06:05.24ScytheBlade1But for whatever reason, she doesn't
06:05.30EndI've mentioned it too
06:05.44Endalthough I cared because I was using the library
06:05.50MentalPowerinterestingly enough, still works
06:05.53Corrodiasmywarcraftstudio can open it, looks like. yeah.
06:06.39bleeterMentalPower: you'll be pleased to know I resisted the 'ur mom still works' stupidity ;)
06:06.54cogwheelEnd: thanks
06:07.52Endbe careful though, it can't handle some of the model files anymore though (I can get it to crash sometimes)
06:07.53Bela|afkbed - a daily quest you can't avoid
06:07.56Bela|afkgnight all
06:08.01Endsure you can
06:08.05Thunder_Childhardly a quest...
06:08.06Endyou'll just wish you had done it :P
06:08.17bleetergnight Bela|afk, rest well
06:08.30Thunder_Childhas anyone seen juno?
06:08.55TecnoBrat"Could this have anything to do with a 50 man raid on Iron Forge or perhaps the 200+ man raid on Undercity in retal, seems like that'd be a lot of packets flying around the net.."
06:09.08TecnoBratyes, those 250 people took down a major internet hub
06:09.11ScytheBlade1lol, I wonder if anything is on Digg yet
06:09.21ScytheBlade1Aww, there isn't
06:09.24Dumanthe whole AT&T backbone is toast
06:09.31EndTecnoBrat: yeah, if they managed to do it, the router was fucked to start with :P
06:09.37TecnoBratyea, "hub" wasn't even the right word
06:09.38bleeterTecnoBrat: w... t... f?
06:09.38Dumanoh shit
06:09.39Duman<10:09PM dr_g0sp> holy shit there's a fucking fire at the houston AT&T building
06:09.42Corrodiasit's the nagle algorithm
06:09.46TecnoBratits the WHOLE backbone
06:09.48Corrodiasthat was all that kept us from being in CHAOS
06:09.51Thunder_Childthey should have a redundant line with a diff compant
06:09.58TecnoBratDuman, source?
06:10.20Corrodiasi don't know
06:10.25Corrodiasbut i'm going to spread that rumor
06:10.29Corrodiasit is my duty.
06:10.31Duman(North America Network Operators Group)
06:10.34Duman<- network engineer
06:11.02Thunder_Childi feel for you
06:11.06EndDuman: wow
06:11.17AntiarcSomeone is going to have a really crappy saturday night
06:11.23Endno kidding!
06:11.53TecnoBratso I bet that means sprinklers
06:11.59TecnoBratwhcih .... means dead hardware
06:11.59Dumanand ... evern better
06:12.01DumanMELTED FIBER
06:12.11TecnoBratthat too
06:12.13Endyeah, that's gonna be expensive :P
06:12.22TecnoBratwell, most of that is pretty protected
06:12.23Endgotta clean up, replace everything...
06:12.25Thunder_ChildTecnoBrat, no, not water
06:12.36Endfigured as much
06:12.38AntiarcData centers use fire-retardent foam
06:12.40Thunder_Childwell a particular type of foam
06:12.41AntiarcWhich doesn't harm hardware
06:12.54Thunder_Childmy HVAC class was a while ago
06:12.55Corrodiasuntil the computers suffocate
06:12.59Corrodiasand overheat! oh noes!
06:13.12Thunder_ChildCorrodias foam is heat supression
06:13.19ScytheBlade1If they have any computers still running now I'd be shocked
06:13.23Thunder_Childmore oxy i guess
06:13.26End^^ wanders off to the movies
06:13.50Dumanaltho now someone is saying it's a Chicago-sourced issue
06:14.21Antiarc looks like Washington.
06:15.02Corrodiasinternet2 is not our internet
06:15.08DumanDallas, St. Louis, and Chicaco
06:15.08bleeterreading some opening paras of a google search on AT&T and fire, seems they have a problem with exploding batteries
06:15.18ScytheBlade1Duman: what about them?
06:15.29ScytheBlade1bleeter: those are out on the streets, not in the datacenters
06:15.31bleeteroh, seems these are streetside boxes
06:15.32Endbleeter: that's not new afaik
06:15.37Dumanthat's what my AT&T guy is saying
06:15.40AntiarcCorrodias: Hahaha, I completely missed that
06:15.41Dumanbut not much detail
06:15.42bleeterwell it's 'new' if yer not in the US :P
06:15.47MentalPowerbleeter: that not be it
06:15.49Endand that was where they were replacing 17k batteries I think :P
06:15.56End(yes, that's 17 thousand)
06:15.59ScytheBlade1Duman: all of those places are having issues?
06:17.07Dumanaltho they are refuting the claim of a fire
06:17.19Duman(which actualyl came from someone NOT at AT&T)
06:17.24EndAT&T is currently experiencing an issue within their networking environment.  Our engineers are in contact with AT&T and are awaiting further information as to an ETA for a resolution.  We apologize for the inconvenience and will provide another update within 30 minutes.
06:17.44ScytheBlade1Yeah I just saw that
06:17.47ScytheBlade1That is lol worthy
06:19.57bleeterScytheBlade1: better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick
06:20.00TecnoBratThat is LOL worthy
06:20.03Dumanturns out they lost some large network gear
06:20.10Dumanin st. louis louis?
06:20.28CorrodiasTecnoBrat: what am i looking for, here?
06:20.47bleeterDuman: so no fire?
06:20.47TecnoBratthe fact that EVERYTHING is green
06:20.49TecnoBratthey lie
06:20.54TecnoBratatt = liars
06:21.14TecnoBratmajor network outage in their network .. and their current conditions page shows nothing, lol
06:21.21ScytheBlade1Or their data just isn't quite that quick to update ;P
06:21.27Corrodiasupdated every 15 minutes... yeah, should be showing it
06:21.40TecnoBratNOTE: Please refresh this page every 15 minutes to ensure that the most current data is displayed.
06:21.47*** join/#wowi-lounge willg (
06:21.48ccoxthat ATT graph is pure bullshit
06:21.49ScytheBlade1Maybe the script that updates it didn't run due to this ;)
06:22.29AntiarcThat graph shows latency
06:22.34AntiarcWhich is fine, where you can actually connect
06:22.40EndScytheBlade1: actually, that seems possible I guess
06:22.45AntiarcThe problem is that parts of the network are actually -gone-
06:23.01ScytheBlade1Yup... fun times
06:23.06Dumanno fire
06:23.08Dumansorry about that
06:23.17Dumansome jacktard posting shit
06:23.20TecnoBratand that?
06:23.21bleeterDuman: ah, that's good to know... 'coz fire = potential injury to peoples
06:23.27Dumanbut yes, AT&T lost some big network gear in at. louis
06:24.05TecnoBratDuman, ETA?
06:24.19TecnoBratand when do they expect to at least reroute st louis...
06:24.45bleeterDuman: they lost it?? well, if they'd made a sticky note for themselves about where they put it last time they had it... ;)
06:24.48Endmy question is, why am I going through st. louis? :P
06:24.59ScytheBlade1"some" big network gear
06:25.24Corrodiasapparently WoW lives in st. louis? despite not actually being there
06:25.26Endalthouh, I did a traceroute from LA to texas once, and it went to the easy coast first o_O
06:25.48TecnoBratEnd, where do you live?
06:26.33EndI was using a site to do a traceroute for my in that particular instance
06:26.41Endfor me*
06:27.17Dumanit was sort of a cascade effect
06:27.24Dumanone hub blew up, and it affected other hubs
06:27.30TecnoBratoverloaded everything
06:27.35Endthat's definitely not unheard of :P
06:27.39TecnoBratprobably should of been handled better
06:27.50TecnoBratneedless to say, their entire network died
06:27.53TecnoBratcoast to coast
06:27.53Dumangiven the sheer volume of traffic AT&T deals with, yeah.. not too unexpected ;)
06:28.12Corrodiasthe east coast power outage was caused by automatic rerouting of power load blowing out stations in a cascade
06:28.20Corrodiasa couple of years ago
06:28.23*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (n=cladhair@
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06:28.26End(considering the amount of router spam)
06:28.27Corrodiasfortunately, packets don't make things blow up
06:28.44TecnoBratit really only takes it killing 1 other datacenter
06:28.51TecnoBratand then you have 2 down
06:28.57TecnoBratand then its just bam, bam, bam
06:29.10ccoxMaybe THIS time people will learn from the outage and improve the backbone
06:29.17ccox(but I'm not holding my breath)
06:29.19TecnoBratmaybe not
06:29.28Corrodiasit's pretty good. i'm still able to talk to you and visit any web site i've tried to, so far
06:29.41Corrodiasliterally, WoW and full tilt poker were the only things giving my friend and myself any trouble so far
06:29.44MentalPowerDuman: is it only the st. louis site that had hardware issues, or is it propagating down the att network
06:30.18TecnoBratWe are currently experiencing a problem with our POP3 mail service that is causing slow responses and delays in delivering mail.
06:30.21TecnoBratOH NOES
06:30.37*** join/#wowi-lounge NM|Xinhuan|Guru (
06:30.42TecnoBratTHATS the problem
06:30.57TecnoBratAT&T routes network traffic using POP3 mail servers!
06:31.09TecnoBrat(I'm aware how retarded that sounds)
06:31.30*** join/#wowi-lounge krag0th|Mac (n=krag0th@unaffiliated/krag0th)
06:32.30Endhey, I can reach the forums at least now
06:32.33TecnoBratthings are coming back to life
06:32.45TecnoBratwe have yellow
06:32.47TecnoBratand some blue
06:32.50ScytheBlade1I can login to the game again
06:32.53TecnoBratthats up from totally red
06:33.04CorrodiasWE HAVE YELLOW
06:33.07Corrodias*weeps with joy*
06:33.39bleeterseems auth servers...
06:33.47bleeteryeah, what ScytheBlade1 and TecnoBrat said
06:37.17MentalPowerinternetpulse is not being kind to me
06:48.22*** join/#wowi-lounge dolby-wowi (n=Dolby-wo@MMOI/Administrator/Dolby)
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06:54.36*** join/#wowi-lounge mattbnr (n=0cd7569c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
06:54.46mattbnrhello all
06:54.46ccoxwelcome matt
06:55.42mattbnrso anyone know if i need to run wow under wine in ubuntu 7.10
06:56.05mattbnrsince .wine is a hidden folder it makes it hard to update and run programs such as wowecon
06:56.13NightHawkTheSanehow else do you plan on running wow in linux?
06:56.20mattbnrim new to linux
06:56.34kd3"cd ~/.wine"
06:56.39TecnoBratDuman, any more info besides "big network gear"?
06:57.44Endmattbnr: create a symlink? :-p
06:59.30mattbnrok i guess a better question is how do i go about updating files such as auctioneer, do i need a special program i have been trying the archive manager and it dont seem to be over writing files
06:59.48Corrodiasi just saw a tauren in a guild named "tit for tat", so i offered to trade her some tat
07:02.00Shiriknight all
07:02.07Endnight Shirik
07:02.09Corrodiaswell, i thought it was funnyt
07:02.23EndCorrodias: slightly amusing
07:03.48kd3so, I was offline for about an hour. anyone know what happened other than "something in LA went splat"?
07:04.00Endkd3: something in St.
07:04.13Endkd3: something in St. Louis went splat
07:04.29Endand everything cascaded after that
07:04.56End(according to Duman)
07:05.14kd3oh wow. scary. NANOG saying anything special?
07:05.24Endthat's where Duman is getting his info
07:05.31ScytheBlade1There were a few posts on the mailing list
07:05.36Endjust that AT&T lost some major network gear in St. Loius
07:06.22EndDuman has some NANOG irc channel or something :P
07:06.34End(I saw the mailing list too, but it wasn't that helpful)
07:07.06mattbnrdo i need a special program to update ? or can i use archive manager
07:07.29EndI don't even know what archive manager is
07:08.02Endit's just fileroller
07:08.03kd3archive manager should work
07:08.04kd3just tell it to overwrite
07:08.16Endreal linux users use tar or unzip
07:08.18mattbnri have that marked but it dont seem to be overwriting
07:08.19Endget off my lawn!
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07:09.27mattbnrim new to linux have no idea what im doing
07:10.16Endthat's ok, I'm just an elitist asshole :-P
07:11.11End(well maybe not really, ...but I'm not a good judge of that)
07:11.47mattbnrwell im just trying to update my auctioneer files and i cannot get it to work
07:12.17EndI merely can't really help you since I've never used "archive manager" aka fileroller
07:12.32EndI'm only aware of its existance
07:14.44mattbnrok how about this then. what program do you reccomend that i use
07:14.48*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
07:15.19kd3end uses a text-mode command, I'd assume. as do I.
07:15.28kd3there should be some way to get the GUI frontend to overwrite files
07:15.43kd3or you could just delete the Auctioneer folders and reunzip the zip
07:17.02mattbnrcoudl i suppose hmm linux is a pain so far
07:21.44*** join/#wowi-lounge dolby-wowi (n=Dolby-wo@MMOI/Administrator/Dolby)
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07:23.41mattbnrwell i must say you gusy are way less then helpful
07:24.34EndI don't actually run WoW on Linux, and most of my tar/zips contain source I need to compile before installing first :P
07:24.43*** part/#wowi-lounge mattbnr (n=0cd7569c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
07:26.09Cairennwell, he was far from pleasant
07:26.22Cairennbut you guys seemed to be handling it okay, so I left you to it
07:33.42Endzomg nethack
07:35.02Endlet's see how long it takes before I die :P
07:37.14EndI died. :(
07:38.07kd32 minutes and 9 seconds according to my timestamps. did you intentionally throw yourself at some high-level mobs?
07:39.10Endno, I got caught between some jackals and a hobbit
07:49.26*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter_ (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
07:52.04bleeterhmm, so blizz are offering (or were) a free transfer from my locked/overpopulated realm (queued atm) to a highpop realm. wonder how many folks actually took them up on the offer.
07:52.24bleeterpersonally, seems to me that there's next to bugger all point of moving, just gunna create queues on the other server
07:53.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
07:53.29bleeterif he were here, I'd give him a nice big mug of 'Told You So'
07:53.59bleeterwith a smile, of course
07:54.02bleeterand prolly a timtam
07:54.52bleeteroh, the transfers are closed now, anyways
07:59.47*** join/#wowi-lounge [KzM]Fatalis (
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08:52.11kd3whee for bitching on the CS forum. random /popcorn material for those watching...
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09:54.46cncfanaticshello peeps
09:56.34Corrodiasi'm having trouble deciding on which character, of my mage, priest, and warlock, to concentrate on
09:59.22Corrodiasi have been playing the warlock lately, but i'm starting to wonder if it's really right for me
10:01.00Corrodiaswell, i'll mess with the others for a bit tomorrow afternoon and see if one strikes me as more fitting. have a nice day/night
10:01.14Corrodiasgotte be up for alts day in karazhan
10:03.05Elkanolevel a druid, more flexible ;)
10:09.12art3misthats so sad that corr's sleep schedule is dictated by raids
10:14.44bleetercorr should just bite the bullet, and level all 3
10:20.06sdoubleI'm leveling 3 right now
10:20.21sdoubleseems a bit ridiculous when you do the same quest 3 times in a couple days
10:20.53sdoubleand in a couple more days, I'll be leveling 4 at once
10:25.07art3misGiTS SSS is on
10:25.15art3misi love this entire series
10:27.46*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
10:28.46wereHamsterwhat's gits?
10:30.31Temget in the shitter?
10:33.06art3misghost in the shell
10:33.17art3missolid state society
10:33.34Temis that season 3?
10:33.39art3mislaugh that forum post linked above is kind of funny
10:34.00art3misand the fact that a blizzard poster went into the gm ticket logs to find something to belittle the poster makes it much funnier
10:34.06Temstandalone complex
10:34.09art3misits a movie
10:34.10Temsecond gig
10:34.19TemI haven't seen sss
10:34.23art3misby series i meant all the shows and movies
10:34.27Temstandalone complex is not a movie
10:34.31art3misend of it is on encore wright now
10:34.35art3misit was
10:34.40Temum, no?
10:34.43art3misthers a movie attached to it
10:34.54art3misand then the series branched
10:34.56Temthat's the one I didn't understand at all
10:34.59Temat _all_
10:35.03Temsecond movie, right?
10:35.17art3misgits was the start
10:35.26Temnot a /clue/ what went on in there
10:35.27art3misthen first year then sac then series
10:35.36art3misnot sure where sss fits in though
10:35.52TemI haven't seen it yet
10:37.36*** part/#wowi-lounge Rayne (
10:43.58purl:), testleK
10:44.28testleKgood purl...
10:48.34purlACTION whimpers
10:52.05art3misappearantly my ps2 xbox and 360 all have softmods
10:52.11art3misdidnt realize it was that simple ;)
10:52.30art3misithink im gonna softmod my ps2 tomorrow and see how that goes ;P
10:53.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
10:54.48Industrialwasnt the second gits movie Innocense?
10:55.13Industrialgits:stand alone complex was the second season TV right?
10:58.36art3misbottom of the page and yea yer right my mistake
11:01.19art3misThe series was first adapted into a theatrical anime film adaptation in 1995, entitled Ghost in the Shell, directed by Mamoru Oshii. The film was followed by another theatrical movie sequel, Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence, produced in 2004, which was also directed by Oshii and places the character of Batou in the lead role. A third film, Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. Solid State Society, was created after the TV series
11:01.49art3misbetween 2 and 3 was SAC and SAC 2nd GiG
11:02.02Industrialseason 2 TV was very weird
11:02.03*** join/#wowi-lounge ecs (n=ecs@unaffiliated/ecstasia)
11:02.09art3misi liked it
11:02.15art3misthe tachicomas rule
11:03.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
11:04.33art3misoh hey i meant to ask something
11:04.49art3misdoes aloft change its display for something you're targeting?
11:05.22art3misie if you're in a mess of 15 people pvping for example, and you've got one person targeted does it change the boldness of the name?
11:06.00SroshMh, wasn't Innocence between SAC and SAC2?
11:09.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
11:17.41Industrialim bored :<
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11:49.58nevcairieldoes :SetParent or any other call implicitly change a frames strata?
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12:57.50Saint-Ndoo doo doodoo lookin' out my backdoor
13:03.31Saint-Nbrooklyn bronx queens and staten, from the battery to the top of manhatten
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13:52.03Saint-Nanyone have a decent alliance lock that would be comparable eqwise to an almost full s3(minus blade and pants) they'd wanna trade for a UD lock?
13:52.13Saint-Nor should i not bring up stuff like that here ;P
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14:01.06Buskohey all
14:01.44Buskowas wondering dose anyone know if the scope that you make that drops from attuman in kara dose the crit work for melee to ?
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15:48.52PolarinaWinMPQ at wowinterface doesn't work under Wine, it says there's a missing file called MSVBVM60.DLL
15:49.22zenzelezzMicrosoft Visual Basic Virtual Machine version 6.0
15:49.49Polarinazenzelezz: Could you DCC it to me? :P
15:49.57zenzelezznope, don't have it
15:50.24zenzelezzshould be available somewhere on the net, might even be on the MS website. Pretty common to have to download it for programs
15:51.01zenzelezzsearch for "VB6 runtime" or something like that
15:51.03Polarinazenzelezz: I found it at a website, but it requires a paybal account and some money.
15:51.53zenzelezz <-- think this is what you're looking for
15:54.31*** join/#wowi-lounge kadrahil (
15:57.18EndPolarina: I don't think it can handle the extra-large TBC mpqs though (like common.mpq)
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16:00.14malrethBela|afk: ping
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16:04.09Polarinazenzelezz: Now I get:  Component 'MSCOMCTL.OCX or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid
16:04.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
16:05.19zenzelezzPolarina: probably
16:05.31LopeppeppyMy cat is... just  wee bit psychotic this morning.
16:05.39zenzelezzlike owner, like...
16:06.08Polarinazenzelezz: It works now, thanks a lot. :D
16:06.30zenzelezzI'm getting such mixed signals here
16:07.13LopeppeppyPoor baby.  /comfort
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16:43.18Endapparently cloverfield isn't just a cpu...
16:43.55WobinIt's a nice place to visit?
16:44.05Endapparently it's a movie!
16:44.53malrethi just saw it last night
16:45.05Endthe cpu or the movie?
16:45.08malreththe movie
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16:57.48Thunder_Childi saw juno last night
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17:02.51malrethclad: i swear i don't try to find these things on purpose... but
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17:06.47Thunder_Child~lie malreth
17:07.16malreththis i swear...
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17:47.22art3misman this awake 24 hours alseep 12 hours has got to stop
17:49.30art3misit has a wierd overlap point
17:49.40art3misand past 16 hours i tend to smoke too much
17:50.37art3mislike 1st 16 its every 1.5-2 hours then past 16 it's like 1 everytime i realize im not smoking and dont feel like ive had one recently which means it's 2 or 3 an hour
17:56.34*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck (
17:56.56dieckhi there. Does anyone know of a php importer for lua arrays? (like the Saved Variable files?)
18:04.18sdoubleSpeaking of SAvedVariables, can you load/save/unload them at any time or only when the UI is reloaded?
18:04.45Endsdouble: only when reloaded and whatnot
18:04.55Endyou can set the variable whenever
18:05.06Endbut it only gets saved to disk on unload/reload
18:05.54sdoubleThat's what I thought.
18:06.52sdoubleSo let's say I have a huge table of information that I don't want loaded at all times but would like to use it at certain times, would that cause problems?
18:07.21Endyou could put the data in an loadondemand addon if you really want to
18:07.21KasoWhat's "huge" ?
18:07.38Endyou can't unload it, but you can choose when to load it
18:08.24sdoubleHmm, that sucks.  It'd be nice to be able to load and unload at will.
18:09.04KasoWell you could dump the table to free the memory, if you dont care about saving changes
18:09.14KasoHow big is this table you're talking about though?
18:09.30sdoublecurrently around 20 megs
18:09.43Endthat's..pretty large
18:10.10sdoubleit's just a personal data collection thing I've been messing around with
18:10.18Endis that on disk, or in memory I'm curious?
18:10.24sdoubleon disk
18:10.43Endah, it'd probably be less in memory
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19:25.54ShirikServer is busy, please try again
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19:49.03ScytheBlade1Is wowwiki unusually slow for anyone else today?
19:49.19Endit seems slow to me as well
19:50.37kd3ya. we're yelling at wikia ops right now
19:50.43kd3it's been slow for a few hours
19:50.47ScytheBlade1I'm poking through it, reading up on Gul'dan, and it's not helping me do so :/
19:50.51ScytheBlade1Ah, kk
19:50.57ScytheBlade1Just as long as it isn't my problem ;)
19:51.12ScytheBlade1And what does "sbtalol" stand for exactly?
19:51.33kd3server is busy, try again. lol. it's a customer service forum expression
19:51.37ScytheBlade1I've seen that guild left and right on the CS forums, no clue as to any significance in the name
20:00.10ScytheBlade1Every time I see Gul'dan in SMV I still kinda get a little scared that I'm standing next to "him"
20:00.29ScytheBlade1Gul'dan the Warlock, Master of the Inner Circle of the Shadow Council and Destroyer of Dreams, was the de facto leader of the Horde in its early years, and believed to be the most powerful mortal warlock ever to exist. He is known for describing himself as "darkness incarnate" and "the Destroyer of Dreams."
20:03.25kd3ya, I'm looking forward to running into Arthas all over outland. was kinda neat seeing Illidan a few times outside of BT, though
20:04.13ScytheBlade1Yeah it was
20:04.50ScytheBlade1If they're going to kill off countless War1/2/3 heroes, so be it. But I want to fight along side existing heroes while that happens
20:05.08EndI thought it was neat with Kael'thas's minion showing up everywhere
20:05.25Endit annoyed me when it turned how he was a minor minion in Mechanar though
20:06.06Endthe calculator guy
20:06.12Endlast boss of mechanar
20:06.19Endhe shows up 3 times I think?
20:06.23kd3last boss of mech
20:06.32Endonce in hellfire, once in terrokar, and I think one other place
20:06.36Endmaybe smv?
20:06.55NightHawkTheSanePaletheon the Calculator
20:07.03Endthat's him
20:07.03NightHawkTheSanehe shows up in terrokar?
20:07.14NightHawkTheSanewhere? I don't remember that..
20:07.17Endtop of the blood elf place
20:07.27Endthe non-scryer blood elves that is
20:07.29kd3during the CE bit, trying to figure out who blew up the camp
20:07.30Endfirewing or whatever
20:07.41NightHawkTheSaneooh, y eah
20:07.59Endthat was a cool quest chain, but it wasn't a surprise
20:08.25Endalthough, at that point we didn't know exactly what kael'thas's minions were up to
20:08.57Endthen, of course, we go to netherstorm, and whatja know, another bomb
20:09.13ScytheBlade1I really wish that they would take the 25 man content and scale it down to 5-man, even if it dropps no loot at all
20:09.15Endbut this time aimed at the kirin tor humans
20:09.36EndScytheBlade1: that'd be really cool, but I think that'd be a good post-xpac thing
20:10.12ScytheBlade1I'm a raider, but seriously, it'd be nice to hit those places up with 4 others
20:10.16kd3how the hell do you do fights like maulgar, then?
20:10.18ScytheBlade1No stress, no whoring consumables
20:10.22kd3or c'thun for that matter
20:10.23zenzelezzthe trouble with down-scaling raid content is that it's meant to be epic in the lore senser
20:10.25EndI have no idea
20:10.37zenzelezz"yeah, so me and my four friends went in and whooped Illidan"
20:10.53Endzenzelezz: the problem is most people never get to -see- Illidan
20:11.09ScytheBlade1From a lore standpoint, having 25 others come in and whoop Illidan makes about as much sense
20:11.09Endthey're admitting regret by putting Kael'thas in sunwell 5man though
20:11.13zenzelezzthat's not a "problem", it doesn't prevent you from going on
20:11.13Endthey want more exposure :P
20:11.27zenzelezzScytheBlade1: it makes five times more sense
20:11.48ScytheBlade1Traditionally large lore heroes had their own armies, and died in battle
20:11.52EndI think not reach content is a problem, but that's just me :P
20:11.55ScytheBlade1Or were assassinated by other large lore heroes
20:12.24Endwell, it's not just me I suppose, since Blizzard seems to be trying to avoid the issues that were had with Naxx
20:12.30ScytheBlade1"Raiding" as far as lore is concerned makes very little sense :)
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20:13.08EndI think in terms of lore, our raids are replaced with unnamed heroes
20:13.13Endwho might die there, or might not
20:13.22EndI'm pretty sure the lore will say Onyxia was killed for example
20:13.27ScytheBlade1Yeah. Exactly. So what's the difference between 25 and 5 in the end?
20:13.48zenzelezzI can't convince you so I won't try, but my point is the same
20:13.57zenzelezzit just doesn't feel right, even if you "zomg get to see" them
20:13.58Endwell, I suppose there people 3manning MC
20:14.00ScytheBlade1The epic feel yes I know
20:14.02Endso what does that mean? :P
20:14.04ScytheBlade1Again I do raid
20:14.43EndI raid too, but I barely got to see naxx
20:15.00Endfortunately, they're opening that up with lotk
20:16.53Endanyways, currently, it's likely my only chance to see illidan before the next xpac is if I server transfer :P
20:18.05ScytheBlade1My server has 11 guild in BT currently
20:18.17ScytheBlade1It's to the point where the majority of the raiding guilds are in BT, heh
20:18.20Endmy server probably has about the same, but nearly all are alliance
20:18.37Endand of course, I'm not alliance
20:18.44ScytheBlade1The downside is, if you're not attuned, you're not going to get in to those guilds period
20:19.57Endon horde, we have guilds working on kael'thas, but they are so absurdly full
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20:22.29Endwe have less alliance than I thought we had
20:22.38Endoh yeah, two of their guilds broke up
20:22.56Endbut one of them is still there
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20:47.36kd3eesh. wikia ops is thinking that it's a ddos
20:47.54kd3squid's getting crushed under the load
20:48.07Mr_Rabies2do what now?
20:49.14kd3re wowwiki's slowness. we're owned by wikia. content that you see is served by a caching proxy that can't keep up with the DDoS
20:50.33ScytheBlade1And it just died
20:52.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Drool (
20:57.25Shirik!ap 1500
20:57.25ThraeBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1500 is, 2v2: 261, 3v3: 302, 5v5: 344
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21:08.56bleetergah, the BG daily, on any given BG weekend, should be guaranteed at least ONCE to match the BG weekend
21:09.09*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
21:09.21bleeteranyone think that's an unreasonable suggestion?
21:09.24kd3was for Medivh yesterday. double AV
21:09.46bleeterkd3: EoTS, WSG, WSG here it would seem
21:09.47Mr_Rabies2bleeter, it was designed not to be as far as i know
21:10.01Mr_Rabies2so that people run the other ones, also
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21:10.32Mr_Rabies2but i guess it's just random
21:10.49bleeterMr_Rabies2: yeah, I can understand that, but on a BG weekend, it'll just mean folks *might* run the daily BG once, and then go back to the weekend BG
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21:11.15Mr_Rabies2but that does keep the games going
21:11.16bleetertypically, I avoid WSG like the plague, so this weekend I've 'skipped' that BG twice, I know of others who've done the same
21:11.37Mr_Rabies2i like wsg the most out of the current bg's
21:11.43Mr_Rabies2i don't like new av and hate ab
21:11.52Mr_Rabies2and eots can be fun but it's not fun to pug at all
21:12.02bleeterI ain't played WSG since... ugh, almost two years
21:12.27bleetermy feel for the BG's prolly tainted by the morons on my original realm before Xrealm BGs
21:13.41ScytheBlade1In all honesty, I enjoy WSG the most out of all of the BGs
21:13.51sysrageWSG blows chunks
21:14.02ScytheBlade1For one reason: you can only have so many conflicting opinions, compared to AV, AB, or EotS
21:14.30ScytheBlade1You either grab the flag, or you don't
21:14.54ScytheBlade1This is compared to whining and bickering over defending X or not defending Y or "just hold these" or "morons rush RH already"
21:18.24sysrageunless it's a premade, you're not going to get intelligent players considering the majority of the playerbase is complete smacktards.. i'd rather have a clusterfuck like AV where I can still get a ton of kills in while people run around like idiots
21:18.48ScytheBlade1Eh, I'm a fire mage who now has Iceblock. ;P
21:19.11Mr_Rabies2i miss old av
21:19.16ScytheBlade1Me too
21:19.18Mr_Rabies2back when it took days to win if anyone won
21:19.30Mr_Rabies2often the server would go down before the av instance
21:19.40ScytheBlade1Right up until the premier guild on your server group queued for AV
21:19.53ScytheBlade1And steamrolled the other half of your server in minutes flat
21:19.57ScytheBlade1Mmmm, Juggernaut.
21:20.13Shirik!ap 1583
21:20.13ThraeBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1583 is, 2v2: 336, 3v3: 389, 5v5: 443
21:20.18Shirik!ap 1483
21:20.18ThraeBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1483 is, 2v2: 258, 3v3: 299, 5v5: 340
21:21.00sysrageoh i agree. i miss old AV bigtime. that's why i can't wait for warhammer online.. mythic knows how to make epic battlegrounds
21:21.21ScytheBlade1Meh. Here's to hoping that Wintergrasp is a larger version of Halaa.
21:21.27ScytheBlade1I'd be happy with that.
21:21.39kd3and better. wtb continent-wide ramifications
21:21.58ScytheBlade1I don't much care about continent-wide changes
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21:22.09kd3+bonus damage/xp?
21:22.11ScytheBlade1But it was sheer fun going one on one with a rogue for hours on end
21:22.16IrielI'd like large scale changes which take continued effort to maximize
21:22.18sysragelol @ halaa.. nobody ever does jack there on my server.. i want 100 tokens for the resil gem but i can't ever get them
21:22.29Irielnot that I really do much PvP, but the idea appeals to me
21:22.35kd3organize a raid on the forums
21:22.36ScytheBlade1Iriel: that'd be interesting too
21:22.50IrielI like the idea of slowly altering dynamic NPC levels to counteract realm population bias too
21:23.05Irielobviously with a correlated increase/decrease in rewards
21:23.12kd3I want to get my hopes up for steam tanks and destructible buildings but I can't. maybe if we get more information
21:23.25ScytheBlade1In all honesty I hope they don't play that much of a role
21:23.43ScytheBlade1Otherwise I can totally see them as a straight objective based gimmick
21:25.54bleeterScytheBlade1: hah, I just had a 'everyone rush RH' abuse in AV... I replied with 'ah, so your instructions are really 'hai guyz don't defend shit ftw'
21:26.45ScytheBlade1bleeter: haha. I so wish they'd stick the NPCs back in, and buff them to pre-nerf status.
21:26.50ScytheBlade1BOOM GO THE NOOBS.
21:27.05ScytheBlade1"I'm gonna rush RH need a healer"
21:27.21ScytheBlade1"WOW NERF AV"
21:27.23ScytheBlade1That would be a glorius day
21:27.42DumanI want the old AV
21:27.44Dumanlike, pre-1.6
21:27.48bleeterthe number of times recently I've been tempted to roll a toon on another realm simply to smack down the nub who takes FWGY minutes before FWRH.... ;)
21:28.06Dumanbut they'd need to lower NPC-death dura loss to like 5% or 2%, or remove it
21:28.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
21:28.12Duman(while in AV)
21:28.25ScytheBlade1That's fine with me
21:28.28bleeterDuman: up the loot drop from NPCs
21:29.01ScytheBlade1I just want the mass NPCs back, and I want them two-shotting clothies
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21:29.01ScytheBlade1It might encourage actual teamwork
21:29.01bleeterScytheBlade1: that too
21:29.01bleeterwell, one shot preferred ;)
21:29.04ScytheBlade1Well I'm a clothie, I can only suggest so much ;)
21:29.12bleeterlast night, people were screaming 'u nubs go RH'
21:29.31zenzelezzso for someone who's not been in AV, what does "RH" mean?
21:29.32bleeterI was 'hey, I'm a mage, I've ridding thru IB, into keep, and made it to RH... solo... twice... what's your problem??'
21:29.38ScytheBlade1Relief Hut
21:29.41bleeterzenzelezz: Relief Hut, graveyard in Horde base
21:29.41Dumanyeah, none of this one-person-can-ninja-a-GY crap
21:29.44ScytheBlade1It's a graveyard in the horde's base
21:29.44kd3relief hut. the graveyard closest to the end boss
21:30.33ScytheBlade1zenzelezz: people who "rush the RH" bypass two graveyards and at least two towers to get there.. it can work, but it can also lose you the game if no one caps the towers, or the horde put up an even marginal defense
21:30.39Duman(Aid Station for alliance, but same thing)
21:31.39bleeterhorde kinda expect the rush now
21:32.11ScytheBlade1I won't lie... as a mage, it's all sorts of fun to time invis to get around the two towers, appear next to the RH, sheep the elite and nuke normal mobs
21:32.13bleeterso unless you also hit IB hard, and can take FWGY (the one before the RH) at the same time as the RH, it generally goes cluster-fuck real fast
21:32.19ScytheBlade1But uh... I still want the old AV back :(
21:32.20kd3they're getting pretty smart in ruin. there's a pretty hefty blockade right before the IBGY
21:32.21bleeterScytheBlade1: oh yeah ;)
21:32.21Dumanas much as it's nice to have QUICK honor from ~30m AV games...  I honestly had MORE FUN in the long, epic games that lasted all day
21:32.43bleeterkd3: Vengeance Horde have recently discovered the bottleneck in their base between the two towers
21:32.43ScytheBlade1Screw honor. It's a game. If you don't enjoy it, don't play.
21:32.50Dumanthey'd just need to tweak some stuff... like..   eliminate Honor Decay from killing the same people over and over...
21:33.05bleeterafter hearing Horde cry about their base for ... ever... I'm really suprised some have woekn up ;)
21:33.06Dumanand remove or drastically lower the durability loss from NPC-deaths while in AV
21:33.55Dumanand grant extra honor for other events, etc
21:34.21DumanAltho they are supposed to be introducing a couple new BGs ..  I assume in WotLK.. maybe before?  who knows
21:34.52bleeterI want that one in Azshara
21:35.03bleeterseem to recall it's on hold tho :(
21:35.48Dumanthey should add some "special" mining and herbalism nodes in AV that can be gathered for resources
21:35.53Dumanand certain animal skins
21:35.55kd3they stopped working on it when AV turned out to be the disaster it was
21:36.19ScytheBlade1They simply need to make AV a *long* battleground, or cut the honor gain in half. Remove the reason why the tards play it, and maybe the people who enjoy it would appear
21:36.19bleeterDuman: gathering in BGs = 'legitimate' afk
21:36.39Dumanif the games are like they used to be - 12h+ - no one will "afk"
21:36.44Dumanas there is no honor in doing nothing
21:36.45bleetermake AV Epic available to those exalted with the faction. end of story.
21:36.52ScytheBlade1WIN @ BLEETER
21:36.56Dumanoh damn yes
21:36.59Dumanthat would be hot
21:37.17ScytheBlade1People see me on my AV ram and go "lol you blew the marks on that?"
21:37.22ScytheBlade1I reply, "I paid gold for that."
21:37.26ScytheBlade1".... tf?"
21:37.27kd3ah, that was fun. getting exalted in one weekend back in the old days
21:37.33Dumanahh, the old honor grind
21:37.45kd3heh. that's how I got my epic mount on the cheap too
21:37.46kadrahilheh it only took me a couple fo weekends to get exalted with AV
21:37.51kadrahila few months ago
21:38.03Dumanyeah exalted w/ AV isn't a hard task
21:38.07ScytheBlade1kd3: day before they changed it to the skill system, I got enough gold for it. Saved the cash.
21:38.07kadrahilback before the 2 hour long queues :(
21:38.22Dumanqueues on Vindication are like 2m right now
21:38.24bleeteryeah, they may need to wind back the rep gain in AV, to make AV Epic avail for only those who are truly experienced
21:38.27Duman(but it's AV weekend)
21:38.33ThraeUpdated my system description --
21:38.33Dumanthey are normally like 7m or so
21:38.38kadrahili'm rerolling on korgath alliance side
21:38.43kadrahiltired of my battlegroup and server
21:38.45kd3ruin was around 5 minutes yesterday
21:38.54ScytheBlade1Queues on Nightfall are under 10 seconds for pretty much everything but EotS, always.
21:39.01kadrahilrampage was 45 minutes the other night
21:39.05ScytheBlade1(whoo overpopulation)
21:39.07Dumanscythe: damn
21:39.19ScytheBlade1That's in all brackets too
21:39.25ScytheBlade1I've got a 19 "twink" and a 24 "twink"
21:39.31Dumanis nightfall your realm or BG name?
21:39.35Shirik!ar 350
21:39.35ThraeBotShirik: Arena rating from 350 points is, 2v2: 1597, 3v3: 1547, 5v5: 1506
21:39.36ScytheBlade1WSG in there is about 1m-2m wait
21:39.38bleetergotta be exalted with faction, and hand in 250 marks to get the 'key' for AV epic
21:39.53bleeter250 picked as a number to indicate 'experience', mind you
21:40.23Dumanoh that's the other thing.. make marks stack to 250 or something :P
21:40.31Dumanor at least, unique(250)
21:40.53Duman3 pages of "overflow" AV marks in my mail = fail
21:41.06ScytheBlade1Right now it's AV weekend... and we hae 65 instances of AV up
21:41.07bleeterDuman: 200, like other rep items
21:41.17ScytheBlade118 WSG
21:41.20bleeter(bone frags etc.)
21:41.28ScytheBlade117 AB
21:41.28Dumanbleeter: ahh, yeah
21:41.32zenzelezzepic AV should require 100 marks, but marks which don't stack, so you'd have to sacrifice lots of bank space + bag space to reach it :-o
21:41.37ScytheBlade1And 13 EotS, haha
21:41.57ScytheBlade1But yeah, 65 instances of AV up, 2:40 PM on a Sunday.
21:42.12bleetermaybe a new mark, specifically for 'win' which is only awarded when exalted
21:42.33bleeterso, say, gotta have 50 wins after being exalted to get the key to Epic AV
21:42.59bleetereg, you really want in, not just 'something else' to get EZMode
21:43.20zenzelezzthey should also monitor your chat while in AV, so if you spoke like a nub it deleted any exalted win marks you had
21:43.46zenzelezzI'd take sick pleasure implementing such a feature
21:43.47ScytheBlade1lol I agree
21:44.24ScytheBlade1If they don't bring back old AV in some form, they should still cut the honor gains in half or more. Remove the crap from the zone, and maybe I'd enjoy it more!
21:47.24ScytheBlade1They should also just re-enable group queue on select battlegroups already.
21:47.58ScytheBlade1If it'd break the queues, then don't. But it wouldn't break mine, and I want to take four others and hold an alliance graveyard for the entire match ;P
21:48.56bleeterI can understand removing 'join as raid' but yeah the lack of a 5man being able to join is a right PITA
21:49.14bleeter*easily join
21:49.44ScytheBlade1I can too, to a degree.
21:49.57ScytheBlade1But it was really fun getting absolutely steamrolled by the high end guild on my server
21:50.05ScytheBlade1Back before they nerfed it
21:50.38ScytheBlade1I take it most everyone here has seen the "How Juggernaut Learned Naxxramas" picture?
21:50.41ScytheBlade1Yeah, that guild.
21:50.55bleeterbefore Xrealm BG's, I recall having two 15man groups from the competing 'leet' guilds on my former realm. They'd compete to win, but also to grief each other (thus, everyone else in the BG)
21:52.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
21:53.31bleeterwhile I'm bitching about BG's
21:53.41bleeterI love the new mana-less buffs... but
21:54.12bleeterI hate that I can join with 0 mana, and it takes forever to fill up. BG prep should just max out health and mana, rather than cost of casts be free.
21:54.20cladhaireit does health
21:54.28cladhaireyou get healed when you enter an arena, at least
21:54.37cladhairebut i agree, about the mana
21:54.40bleeterah, well, rarely being low on health on joining, and concentrating on buffing, I've not noticed ;)
21:54.56cladhaireyou when you join arena, you get healed for some stupid amount, like 3 times your max health
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22:08.08Dumanhmm, guess I should AV some more
22:12.29Shirik!ap 1586
22:12.29ThraeBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1586 is, 2v2: 339, 3v3: 393, 5v5: 446
22:13.01bleeterDuman: my suggestion re: AV, is that best games take place between 3 and 5AM realm time
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22:13.10bleeterthat's when the hard core folks are awake, and the kids are asleep
22:13.38bleeterwell, maybe not awake, but you get more hardcore folks at that time ;)
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22:20.29bleeteranyone noticed an increase recently in folks getting feared outta the AV world?
22:20.51bleetergot two in current BG, can't unstuck, can't /afk, can't trinket
22:21.09ScytheBlade1Can't /afk?
22:21.15bleeterso they say
22:21.30bleeterI suspect because they're not inside the BG world... /shrug
22:22.02ScytheBlade1Random question. Does anyone have a poster on their realm forums who just makes incredible post after incredible post?
22:23.41ScytheBlade1If anyone can top that guy, I'm all ears
22:24.27|Jelly| (not competing ... just sighing)
22:24.59ScytheBlade1People are morons
22:25.21bleetergah, and how come I'm leaving AV with debuffs (SW:P and VE) still operating??
22:25.30bleeterI thought debuffs were meant to be removed on BG exit?
22:25.31ScytheBlade1bleeter: it's always been that way
22:25.43|Jelly|I don't know but I almost died last week cause of it. :(
22:25.59bleeterScytheBlade1: there were like... 6.. debuffs on me at end of BG, on exit 4 disappeared
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22:27.00ScytheBlade1bleeter: on exit, four finished ticking I'd wager. Really, it's not uncommon to zone out with debuffs still ticking
22:28.20ScytheBlade1The crap
22:29.13ScytheBlade1You know, the one thing I do like about TBC, is that for some reason, more people are in Stormwind.
22:30.47ScytheBlade1I could read this guy's posts all day long, seriously
22:30.51zenzelezz<ScytheBlade1> Random question. Does anyone have a poster on their realm forums who just makes incredible post after incredible post? <--- depends what you consider incredible. We have a guy on my realm forum, Hoofit, who keeps posting as if he was RPing; refers to himself as "the hoof"; people who got owned are "hoofed"... his posts are generally pwn
22:31.02bleeterScytheBlade1: 'coz idle chitchat in Shatt is fail, no lowbies to annoy ;)
22:31.15ScytheBlade1zenzelezz: link?
22:31.32zenzelezzdon't have any offhand, not sure he's posted recently... let me check
22:31.44ShirikScytheBlade1: That guy is very ... interesting
22:31.58ScytheBlade1Shirik: he's an incredible poster... read his post history, seriously
22:32.07ShirikI won't deny that
22:32.36bleeterhah, so I filed a GM ticket about a toon named 'disney', under 'real life reference' and 'advertisign', on my RP realm
22:32.54bleeterit'd appear as tho this isn't something on an RP realm that would enforce a name change
22:34.41NightHawkTheSane"If there's anything more important than my ego on this ship, I want it caught and shot right now!""
22:34.48ScytheBlade1Shirik: and post #4
22:35.50ScytheBlade1See what I mean?
22:35.56ScytheBlade1His posts are pure win
22:36.41mikmaand here:
22:36.44zenzelezzseems the guy I was talking about has cut down a bit on his posting :-/
22:36.50ScytheBlade1zenzelezz: :/
22:37.04ScytheBlade1Here's a standard "ur realm sucks at pvp lol" thread:
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22:55.46zenzelezz o_O
22:57.16bleeterhaha, nice loss of DoF
22:57.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kazie (
22:59.02zenzelezzthat reminds me of my favorite perk back in Anarchy Online, the "imba evasion skills for X seconds", Dance of Fools
23:00.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (
23:02.33bleeterzenzelezz: depth of field. from looking at it, the light is a good foot or two in front of the cat (check the shading on the cables on the wall). The intensity of the light, though, messes with DoF and makes it appear a foot further back than what it is (from my limited understanding, tho I'm sure some camera nut like Iriel would correct me)
23:03.11zenzelezzah, I should've recognized that one... guess it's been too long since I did any 3D
23:03.46zenzelezz(I always sucked at it, but at least I knew the abbreviation)
23:16.06kd3gah. damn it, Tuesday. get here faster
23:17.33MentalPowerkd3: course you can, you just have to predict your things 1.5secs in advance
23:21.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
23:23.43Shirik"Use: If you spend at least 5 seconds eating you will become Very Happy for 1 hour."
23:24.46bleeterShirik: fireworks come outta your head after 5 seconds
23:25.03bleeterShirik: not too sure what else happens during the remaining 59 mins and 55 seconds
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23:34.42Thunder_ChildShirik, it's food with a "happy ending"
23:35.11Thunder_Childbesides, thats how it usually is for men...5 sec -> 1 hr happy
23:35.27Thunder_Child~lart kd3
23:35.27purlacting on orders from an unspecified client drags kd3 into court suing for $200 million
23:35.47kd3heh, purl's got some new larts
23:36.22Thunder_Childyes, apt since i live in cali
23:45.36foxlit(Class<InterfaceName>) ClassImplementingInterfaceName.class
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23:45.51bleeterkd3: did you ever work out, to 99.999% surety, why the two different 2.3.2 versions in PatchSequenceFile.txt?
23:46.15kd3sag thinks that the trial client uses the higher patch numbers
23:46.18kd3I'm inclined to agree
23:46.25bleeterMentalPower: ^^
23:46.44MentalPowerwhy would it tho?
23:46.46bleeterkd3: MP's inclined to disagree with that, is why I mention it and pinged him ;)
23:47.15kd3dunno, the "additions" that the trial account has to deal with, perhaps?
23:47.19MentalPowera trial acct can play on my PC
23:47.47MentalPowerI can't play on a PC that has been used for a trial acct, only because that PC would not have the BC stuff my acct needs
23:55.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim|ubuntu (

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