IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080118

00:02.42LopeppeppyMy last desktop had serious overheating issues... so I went very overboard with cooling in this one.  Not all freon-xenon-scary, but 4 fans plus the main cooling fan.
00:04.02WobworkDoes your CPU hover off the desk? =)
00:04.11WobworkThat would be cool
00:04.29AnduinLotharwell, the Mac Pro is virtually silent, thanks to like 5 independently controlled fans, one being the huge ass one in the back.  the loudest parts are the GPU fan and the hard drives.
00:05.46sag_ich_nichtyou'd be scared of my cooling solution, all i need to do is change the damn GPU and heatsink for it and i can probably push the case temp to 30 degrees under load
00:06.48art3misi lurv my zalman reservatorcpu+gpu cooler
00:07.17LopeppeppyWobwork... it should soon!
00:07.18art3mismy cpu and gpu hover about 30ish and ambient case temp with the radiators heating the house is about 38-39ish
00:08.00sag_ich_nicht*30 degrees celsius, that is
00:08.03art3misbest part is it's got no fans
00:08.18art3misso its uber quiet
00:08.24art3misand yeah i mean celcius ;P
00:08.36art3misjust above O would be pretty awesome though
00:08.41art3miserr 0
00:08.55AnduinLotharno fans at all? is it liquid cooled?
00:09.04AnduinLotharah reservatorcpu
00:09.14art3misjust regular spring water cooled
00:09.22art3miszalman reservator1
00:09.27sag_ich_nicht<--all air cooled
00:09.28art3misits pretty awesome
00:09.31AnduinLothareh, how much maintinence is that and can you easily travel with it?
00:09.40sag_ich_nichtworks fine, i just shouldn't have saved on the GPU cooler
00:09.43art3mistravel not really full of water it's about 10lbs
00:09.50art3misits a huge blue metal cylinder
00:10.04AnduinLotharhow often do you have to check/fill it?
00:10.24art3mismaint is simple though when the water evaporates down about 30% get some water conditioner and refill it
00:10.38Thunder_Childi run about 32C on average but my case sounds like a vacum
00:10.39art3misi had it running for over a year with only  10-15% water loss
00:10.51Thunder_Childwhich dosent really bother me
00:11.04art3misthunder yeah a single computer doing it isnt bad
00:11.13art3mis3-4 computrs doing it is a headache though
00:11.17Thunder_Child54C for the GPU
00:11.35art3misi dont have it connected since i ot my new machine yet though
00:11.46art3misso right now im 48-49/63 for cpu/gpu
00:11.48*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (i=kd3@gateway/tor/x-036e09579972a718)
00:12.23Thunder_Childi never did want liquid cooled since water and electricity dont mix
00:12.37AnduinLotharok so maintenance aint that bad.  I don't think i'll try water cooled anytime soon tho. i tend to move my computer every 5-6 months, either to a lan party or new apt or home for vacation.
00:12.38Thunder_Childer..actaully they mix very well...thats rather the problem
00:12.54AnduinLothari even have case straps
00:13.01art3misAnduinLothar: its not that bad if you're talking full mvoement
00:13.03AnduinLotharand it's heavy enough..
00:13.11art3misempty its about 2lbs maybe
00:13.15kd3gah. the hard drive gods must've been toying me
00:13.19Thunder_Childthough i heard there is a midiling option, one that uses gel. it doesnt keep it as cool as water but also wont fry your system
00:13.19art3misand you REALLY wanna drain it when you move that far
00:13.32art3misthere is a rather nice travel gamers cooling system though
00:13.46art3misit sits on top of your case about the same normal sized case dimensions
00:13.59art3miscant remember if its arctic or coolermaster though
00:14.07kd3just as I finished playing musical HDDs to replace my 500 with the 750 that got shipped to me one of the heretofore-working drives in the raid started tossing read errors
00:14.08AnduinLothari've seen something similar
00:14.33AnduinLotharone of the nice things about air cooling is that it acts as a space heater too!
00:14.33wereHamsterThunder_Child, if you use destillated water it won't fry you system either..
00:14.34art3misThunder_Child: if you get distilled water there is no shorting issue
00:14.47art3mispure h2o doesnt conduct
00:14.59art3misfrom the tap however is not pure
00:15.05Thunder_Childno kidding
00:15.17art3misdistilled water doesnt conduct it can be submerged?
00:15.41art3misyou could have the tubing blow in your case
00:15.42wereHamsterinto oil as well ;)
00:15.56art3misjust let it dry out so it doesnt warp/peel the pcb and yer fine
00:16.19art3miswereHamster: it works in engines ;P
00:16.31Thunder_Childhmm...submerging it in water then freezeing it.....
00:16.47art3misthe major downside is the pcd in these cases though
00:16.56wereHamsterwith destilled water you need a closed circuit though, otherwise the water will get contained and becomes conductive
00:16.58art3miswater and oil have a tendancy to peel it if its cheap pcb
00:17.12art3misyup the reservator is closed ;)
00:17.23WobworkThe truth is water DOES conduct electricity,even PURE DISTILLED water. The fact is electrically speaking there is 3 categories of materials: Conductors, insulators, and semi-conductors. Even insulators will conduct electricity is sufficient voltage is applied to them to overcome there huge resistance.
00:17.23WobworkWhile developing a precipitation sensor I personally conducted multiple experiments on conduction thru water and especially distilled water as rain water is mostly mineral free. I tried various brands of distilled water and even some I distilled myself thru a vat system. The results were all the same. At 12v and using the same distance apart on the electrodes I observered a current of about 70 micro amps passing thru the water. And y
00:17.49Thunder_Childand cut off at the end ilicious
00:17.59Wobworkat what point?
00:18.03Thunder_Child. and y
00:18.17Wobworkyes, your right thats a horrible conductor but it was NOT zero it did conduct and using higher voltages would even further overcome the resistance and the results would most likely NOT be linear as you increase the voltage the resistance would break down and you would see a curved results line.
00:21.29art3misalright fine
00:21.52art3miswith the amp draw of a normal computer distilled water doesnt suffer the same fear factor as it were of a hairdryer in a bathtub
00:22.40art3misyou also have to wonder about what containers he used for the test ;P
00:22.48art3misglass metal or plastic ;P
00:22.53Shirik|EcoleIn a correctly wired house, a hairdryer in the bathtub shouldn't cause any real harm
00:22.55art3misand whether the plastuic had imperfec tions
00:23.13art3misShirik|Ecole: that doesnt exist in the us ;P
00:23.23Shirik|EcoleWhat doesn't exist?
00:23.26art3miscorrectly == more time which == less money ;P
00:23.44Shirik|EcoleI actually have yet to see a house that is not appropriately wired in the bathroom :P
00:23.46Thunder_ChildShirik|AFK, your talking about GFI?
00:23.51art3mishehe i finished up my accounting for 2007 and my business
00:23.59Shirik|EcoleAll bathroom plugs should have one built in
00:24.09Thunder_Childthe hous i am living in was built in the 40's, no GFI anywhere
00:24.10art3misif i factor in M pay and fixed asset pricing i lost about 8000$ ;)
00:24.19Shirik|Ecoleno test/reset on the switch? o_O
00:24.30Shirik|Ecoleyou should go shoot your electrician
00:24.32Esamynn|Workok, pastey is going to be down for a couple minutes, no more, I promise
00:24.38Shirik|Ecole~lart Esamynn|Work
00:24.38purlblasts Esamynn|Work with a huge firehose then strangles Esamynn|Work with it
00:24.42Thunder_Childagain, it was built in the 1940's
00:24.50Thunder_Childthe electrician is DEAD
00:25.07art3misThunder_Child: prolly an on the job accident ;P
00:25.18Thunder_Childi hate you all
00:27.40Esamynn|Workok, it's back
00:27.40Thunder_Childi wash my hands of you people
00:27.59AnduinLotharSo, I'm futzing with DamageMeters, trying to make it require less maintenance. I changed a bunch of default settings to make it more accurate, because people seamed to be confused how to configure it for raids.    So I'm wondering...
00:27.59art3mislike we'd come off with just soap
00:28.19art3misAnduinLothar: yes the average person IS a retard
00:28.26AnduinLotharHow should i set up auto-resetting and auto-syncing
00:28.48AnduinLotharthe auto-sync currently just syncs when you leave combat once every 4 min.
00:29.09AnduinLotharand there's a reset option to reset when you join a group
00:29.24AnduinLotharbut the reset doesn't change the session name
00:29.34art3misdoesnt it store sessions?
00:29.34Gnarfoz<@Shirik|Ecole> All bathroom plugs should have one built in <-- you do things weirdly :<
00:29.41art3misie, solo aprty raid?
00:29.44art3miserr party
00:29.56Shirik|EcoleGnarfoz: ?
00:29.58AnduinLotharDM doesn't store a session. after you start a new one or clear the data is gone
00:30.11AnduinLotharunlike say SWStats
00:30.21art3misor violation i think
00:30.22AnduinLotharwhich stores everythign and makes you dump it
00:30.41AnduinLotharso i'm not gonna change that functionality atm
00:30.44GnarfozShirik|Ecole: unless I'm mistaking what GFI stands for, it seems you're (not you personally :P) doing it exactly the other way around than it's done here
00:30.45art3misi'd say sync opn join and end of combat?
00:31.00art3misor when the RL/RA requests a resync
00:31.18AnduinLotharwell it has those. however i want to make the auto syncing more smart
00:31.41AnduinLothari don't want to restrict it to RL/RA... mostly because my RL/RA don't use DM
00:31.57Shirik|EcoleGnarfoz: Ground fault interrupt
00:32.17AnduinLotharand it should be a viable solution even if only you are using it, or any subset of your group
00:32.41art3misif it's auto on join and end of combat should be fine
00:33.03GnarfozShirik|Ecole: so you're saying every plug (of a device? or did you mean socket/outlet by that?) has its own, but the rest of a house wouldn't?
00:33.14AnduinLotharwell, the way it impliments sessions atm is a bit more complicated
00:33.18art3misor a force reset on zone?
00:33.26AnduinLotharno, that's bad
00:33.28Gnarfozmaybe my questions sound insane, but you never know how things are done 12.000km away ;D
00:33.46Finhow nasty is that
00:34.00Finthey've even registered a descriptive domain
00:34.30AnduinLotharso, the way it is sposed to be done now is that someone in your group manually starts a new session and then everyone's session name/id are synced to the same thing and all data is cleared
00:34.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=0ctavius@
00:34.39*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
00:35.04AnduinLotharatm, if someone syncs with a session name that you don't have it clears yours and takes their data... which isn't always the best idea
00:36.01AnduinLotharif i leave it that way then everyone will auto-reset on party join, but their sessions names will all probably be different
00:36.16AnduinLotharso the first persion to sync will erase everyone else's data
00:36.50AnduinLotharbut after that everything would be ok
00:38.01Shirik|AFK(19:32:24) (Gnarfoz) Shirik|Ecole: so you're saying every plug (of a device? or did you mean socket/outlet by that?) has its own, but the rest of a house wouldn't?
00:38.15AnduinLothari have implemented a feature that pings everyone and requests their sessins id, picks the most popular one, assumes it and then syncs, getting the data from everyone with that session and resetting everyone elses
00:38.16Shirik|AFKNo, really every outlet in a bathroom should
00:38.18Shirik|AFKat the very minimum
00:38.29Gnarfozits own GFI?
00:38.37Gnarfozwhat for
00:38.47AnduinLotharbut it's a little slow, cause it has to wait for all the ping responses
00:38.50Gnarfozone is enough for the entire place oO
00:39.04AnduinLotharand can fail if everyone has different id's and there's no majority
00:39.06Shirikonly if you have the ground wire connected
00:39.20Gnarfozhuh oO
00:39.37ShirikWhy would you want your entire house to shut down when one thing goes haywire?
00:39.48Gnarfozit sums up currents and kills the power if they don't add up, ground is not involved
00:39.55ShirikYes I'm aware of that
00:39.57Gnarfozok that's a drawback I guess
00:40.02Shirikwell that's not entirely right, but I'll roll with you
00:40.22AnduinLotharart3mis: that make sense? (since you're the only listening i think)
00:40.27art3misaunduin: could you take the time they joined the aprty/raid and uyse that as the seed?
00:40.37Gnarfozhm, guess I'm just used to have it centrally right at the point where the power comes into the place
00:40.51Gnarfozrather than separately for each outlet
00:40.53art3mislike say no moving takes place and person in slot one of the raid has DM he is the new sync target
00:41.05art3misand everyone that joins after assumes his data as law
00:41.08ShirikIn the US, we put a GFI at every dangerous outlet, and then generally the circuit breaker panel has one for each circuit as well
00:41.28Gnarfozwhich is, like I said the only reason I asked ^^ ----> <Gnarfoz> maybe my questions sound insane, but you never know how things are done 12.000km away ;D
00:41.49AnduinLotharart3mis: So, make up a session with a time index and announce it as soon as you join the group?
00:41.51ShirikIn general any "dangerous device" also connects to the third ground wire and then protects itself as well
00:42.01art3misaunduin: yeah
00:42.09*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
00:42.21art3misand then if someone leaves assume the next person in timeline but keep the opriginal sessionid
00:42.32Gnarfozdevices *not* using the ground wire seem to be the in the minority here
00:42.36art3misor rathwer if the original person leaves
00:42.50AnduinLotharwell, there's no need to assign a leader. just need to agree on a session id
00:42.59art3misbrb fud time!
00:43.14art3miswell yeah but the person whos in the raid sooner has the most accurate data i'd assume
00:43.26ShirikOh, I'd estimate about 80% of devices here don't use the ground wire
00:43.32Shirikhair dryers are includede in that
00:43.48AnduinLotharnot necessarily. if they sync they should all have the same data
00:44.00AnduinLotharthe only time it's important is for the first sync
00:44.25Gnarfozyeah, figures, when I was in the U.S., at some places I had to go looking for outlets that could actually take 3 connectors, that was weird for me :>
00:44.51AnduinLotharand another thing to consider it AV, when 40 people join at once i dont want it to try and sync 40 times in a minute
00:45.04*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
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00:45.19Gnarfozthe only place where I'd find a non-grounded outlet here would be on a extension cord that has several 3-pin ones and some 2-pin ones. I don't think I've ever seen one as a wall socket
00:45.44Gnarfozhm. what's a extension cord with several sockets called? :>
00:45.49Gnarfoz~x de en Steckdosenleiste
00:45.58Gnarfozsounds good
00:46.01AnduinLotharmy parents old house had a bunch of 2 pin wall sockets till they got it rewired
00:46.03MentalPowerpower strip
00:46.13Shirikpower strip
00:46.23AnduinLotharpower squid!
00:46.43AnduinLothardamn it. don't distract me..
00:46.47Gnarfozhm, if they're called power strips, then I wonder what "Tesa Power Strips" are marketed as in english speaking regions ^^
00:46.56Shiriktesa power strip?
00:47.03Gnarfozhm. the same
00:47.11Shirikwhat's that?
00:47.37ShirikWhat is this addon from Shadowed here... I don't trust this guy
00:47.38Gnarfoz :)
00:48.34*** join/#wowi-lounge spathi (
00:53.12GnarfozShirik: heh, which one of his creations?
00:53.44Shirikdunno, whatever I just approved :P
00:54.56*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
00:55.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
00:55.35Gnarfozhm, sounds like something I already got covered by another addon
00:55.36*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
00:58.29*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (i=kd3@gateway/tor/x-586577a84674148b)
00:59.34*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
01:02.43cogwheelmalreth: <3 u for trevion anticipation
01:02.59LopeppeppyMalreth is pretty good at baiting Trevion.
01:03.23cogwheelslipp read my mind... XD
01:08.04kd3oh, what's he bitching at now?
01:08.54cogwheelkd3: in zoots new sticky
01:09.31LopeppeppyHe's just whining more as usual.  "You'll never fix it."  Kiddie.
01:11.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox__ (
01:11.25LopeppeppySuch a sheeple.
01:12.30Cairennoh god ... is he serious, or tongue-in-cheek?
01:13.23*** join/#wowi-lounge |pez| (
01:13.28LopeppeppyPriceless, Cairenn.  Priceless.
01:14.34alestaneI don't quite grasp kd3's response...did he headdesk his keyboard too hard or something?
01:14.52cogwheelmy guess
01:15.02cogwheelor that keyboard smashing kid video
01:15.07kd3coke on the keyboard. for an entirely different reason than that thread, though
01:15.10Cairennspit drink all over ...
01:15.15cogwheelah that too
01:16.20Cairennread the file description and the comments on it as well, if you've not seen it before
01:17.04Esamynn|Work <-- lol
01:17.53Esamynn|Worknice to know they are doing something about that problem actually
01:21.06ShadowedShirik: eh?
01:21.15ShirikI'm watching you
01:21.24Shadowedwhat are you going on about now
01:21.45Shadoweddo i have to put a virus into a mod to get you hacked
01:21.59ShirikOr did you already!
01:22.00ShirikThat is the question
01:22.24Shirikthe world may never know o.o
01:22.46*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
01:22.54Shadowedyou'll know if you get hacked!
01:22.58ShirikYou know, some day I'm going to make a virus that does nothing more than report back to me telling me how many people have it. No malicious actions or anything
01:23.05ShirikJust tells me how many people have it
01:23.56batrickshirik there's no such thing as a harmless virus :P
01:24.09alestaneHad a friend in high school who made a virus that did two things: 1) spread and 2) turn the monitor overscan neon pink.
01:24.17ShirikI needed your help for signals and systems again and you're all like "no I'm going to ignore him"
01:24.26batricki was afk : /
01:24.26ShirikBut I figured it out anyway!
01:25.07batrick!g welchia wiki
01:25.08batbotbatrick: Welchia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia <>
01:25.12batrickproof :P
01:26.11batrickya i love that comic
01:26.28ShirikThat's an awesome worm
01:26.46batrickwhat were u doin in signals and systems shirik
01:26.49alestaneI just love that "you, now, normal people just have aquariums."
01:26.58ShirikSome crap about adding complex exponentials, I don't even remember anymore
01:27.03ShirikIt just hurt my head
01:27.14batrickadding them is the easy part :O
01:27.21Shiriknot when they won't factor out =(
01:27.40Shirikwait let me go get my book
01:29.27Shirikhere we are
01:30.23ShirikStarted with 5cos(wt)+5cos(wt+120deg)+5cos(wt-120deg), which I translated into 5e^(jwt)+5e^j(wt+2pi/3)+5e^j(wt-2pi/3)
01:31.01ShirikWhich then ended in 5e^jwt[1+[e^(2pi/3)](1-e)]
01:31.06Shirikwhich is definitely not right :P
01:31.25batrickwhy is your book using degrees
01:31.37Shirikthey go back and forth
01:31.42Shirikarguing that you have to become familiar with both
01:32.18batrickthat is the dumbest idea i've ever heard, people wonder why we have rockets blow up because we use things like us metric system
01:35.17batrickwell for starters your initial conversion is incorrect
01:35.33Mr_Rabies2i like turtles
01:35.33batrick5cos(wt) ~= 5e^(jwt)
01:35.45ShirikI told Danielle that and she didn't listen!!
01:36.02batrick5cos(wt) == 5e^(jwt) - j*sin(wt)
01:37.06batrickyou need to use the identity e^(jw) = cos(w) + j * sin(w)
01:37.12batrickone sec
01:37.44batrickya that's right
01:38.51Finturtles can blow me
01:41.08ShirikWhy do I have a note here saiyng that x(t) = Ae^(j * -phi)
01:41.46ShirikI need to go back to the real notes >.>
01:41.54ShirikEr, here
01:42.05Shirikz(t) = Ae^(j(wt+phi))
01:42.09batrickso what your teacher wants is those sinusoids represented as exponentials?
01:42.11ShirikThat's from the book
01:42.32ShirikWell actually just to add those sinusoids, but the recommended way is to convert into exponentials and add them
01:42.58batrickthey don't add, that's the problem
01:43.27batrickthey have different phases, which is why they can't add
01:43.44ShirikP2.10: Define x(t) as x(t) = 5cos(wt) + 5cos(wt+120deg)+5cos(wt-120deg)
01:43.50*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-ca1 (
01:44.07ShirikSimplify x(t) into the standard sinusoidal form: x(t) = Acos(wt+phi). Use phasors to do the algebra, but also provide a plot of the vectors representing each of the three phasors.
01:44.11ShirikThat's straight from the book >.>
01:44.21Esamynn|Workyay math!
01:44.31GnarfozI hate math.
01:45.47Shirikbatrick: You totally weren't kidding about this class...
01:48.29batrickuse that
01:48.48FinI think I've gone blind
01:49.53batrickdunno y i never looked for that before, i hate my old signals and systems teacher
01:50.05batrickshe was completely useless
01:51.10batrickhave you taken a circuits class yet shirik?
01:51.24batrickwhat book did you use
01:51.29*** join/#wowi-lounge MilkMaid (
01:51.49Shirikit's like dark blue with a very colorful picture on the front
01:51.54Shirikcan't say I remember the name off the top of my head
01:52.03batrickNilsson and Riedel?
01:52.05batrickring a bell?
01:52.10Shiriklet me go look it up onlien
01:52.26MilkMaidHello, is anyone interested or planning on rolling a character or starting a guild from scratch soon?
01:53.11ShirikRoland E. Thomas and Albert J. Rosa, The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits, 5th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
01:53.20batrickeh not it
01:53.27batricki had a really good book that went over phasors
01:53.50batrickusually the notation is: A<degree
01:54.00batrickthe < would look like an angle in a geometry book
01:54.05batrickangle symbol*
01:55.00Xinhuanwow forums are serious business.
01:56.22JoshBorkeinterwebs are serious business
01:56.36batrick^ shirik, and the reference at the bottom is my book
01:56.43Shirikthanks :)
01:57.51*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Shirik!n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn] by Cairenn (Cairenn)
01:57.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (n=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
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01:58.09ShirikWait how did you kick me from two channels at once
01:58.25Shirikoh wait
01:58.32CairennI didn't, I only kicked you in here
01:58.38Shirikmy client tells me I was kicked even if I have another channel active
01:58.41Cairennnow go read it!
01:58.49Cairennbefore I get out my whip
01:58.57Shirikgo read? o.o
01:59.17sdouble<3 amature
02:00.34batrickShirik: i was wrong about them not adding it makes sense if you try to visually add the two, that they become a single sinusoid
02:00.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
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02:16.01Kaso"Windows 7 scheduled for a H2 2009 release"
02:16.13Kaso1000:1 that happens
02:16.23ShirikWindows 7?
02:16.43Kaso"the one after vista"
02:16.54ShirikThey aren't going to pursue vista any further? That's... odd
02:17.12Mr_Rabies2it's like Windows Me
02:17.31KasoI think theyve always planned for vista to be around for four years
02:17.49Kasoit jsut doesnt feel as ifi ts been around that long cos noone uses it
02:17.52ShirikHas it already been 4?
02:18.05Mr_Rabies2just beat it and hide it under the cushions and release the equivalent of 2k while we're all paying out the ass
02:18.15Kasoits not four yet
02:18.18MentalPowerthey're trying to shrink down the release cycles
02:18.23alestaneVista was a 2k7 release, right?
02:18.26ShirikIf they go back on the changes that Vista brought, Microsoft will have made a huge mistake
02:18.32KasoIt'll be four in 2010
02:18.40Kasovista was late 06
02:20.49*** join/#wowi-lounge DuTempete (
02:21.20Kasoi wonder if we'll finally see the new file system in the next one
02:22.06Mr_Rabies2that's why i was looking forward to longhorn
02:22.25*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | "The "gender confused" guy concedes defeat!" - Lunessa
02:23.17Mr_Rabies2i am sexually attracted to pandas
02:23.45hastepanda bears in bondage comes to mind...
02:23.48Mr_Rabies2that's why i like to be impossible to take out of context
02:24.03Mr_Rabies2or rather
02:24.12Mr_Rabies2impossible to achieve any context on
02:28.44NightHawkTheSaneSo. I have this sealed package of deli meat
02:29.04NightHawkTheSaneIt says on the top "Use By 21 DEC 2007"
02:29.08NightHawkTheSane... think it's still good?
02:29.46Endyup, I have 4 copies of my warlock on the PTR now :P
02:30.01Finyes, NightHawkTheSane
02:30.12Endthey don't seem to be removing old chars anymore...
02:30.15NightHawkTheSane... how do I know you're not just trying to give me salmonella?
02:30.15Finalthough I wouldn't eat it
02:30.30Fintwo reasons I wouldn't eat it:
02:30.43Fin1) "use by" instead of "best before" generally is used for a purpose
02:31.25Fin2) I dunno how much it cost, but I wouldn't bet that against food poisoning
02:31.31Finfood poisoning is horrible
02:31.55NightHawkTheSaneYour ideas are intriguing and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
02:31.59Mr_Rabies2the human body can take a lot more abuse than we give it credit for these days
02:32.07Mr_Rabies2but i still wouldn't eat possibly expired deli meat
02:32.19Finoh yeah, no, I still think it's fine and you'd probably have no problem
02:32.25Finbut I've had food poisoning and it's fucking awful
02:32.27NightHawkTheSanebut you still wouldn't eat it. :P
02:32.43Mr_Rabies2not unless i was pretty much literally starving
02:32.57Finwell no, basically because it's cheap and easy to not eat it and achieve the same level of quality of life while removing the risk of death
02:33.20NightHawkTheSane... you make very good points. :(
02:33.28NightHawkTheSaneI was really looking forward to a sandwich, too.
02:35.23alestaneI work on the basis that I am not so poor or so hungry that I need to risk making myself violently ill for the same of one meal.
02:35.28Mr_Rabies2eat a ketchup sandwich
02:35.36Mr_Rabies2you have to go out of your way to make ketchup spoil
02:35.49alestaneHoney basically can't.
02:35.59Mr_Rabies2not easily
02:36.15alestaneIt's almost impossible.
02:36.33Mr_Rabies2there's some spoiling microorganisms that can get to it, but chances are quite low
02:36.44alestaneThere's something like two species of yeasts that can even survive in the stuff, let alone ferment it.
02:36.57Mr_Rabies2also peanut butter honey sandwiches are awesome
02:37.05alestaneAnd you still usually have to water it down first.
02:37.13sdoublehoney is the only condiment that does not go bad
02:37.19sdoubleso i've heard
02:37.38Mr_Rabies2in normal conditions, it's incredibly unlikely
02:38.01alestaneIt's got so little water in it that most microorganisms shrivel up like raisins.
02:38.29sdoubleI would be terribly upset to find raisins in my honey one day when I go to use it.
02:38.33alestaneBut Mr_Rabies2 is correct in that it's not actually impossible.
02:39.28NightHawkTheSaneMr_Rabies: peanut butter and honey sandwiches -are- awesome. I think i'll have one.
02:39.31sdoublewell, I suppose if you submerge a chunk of rotting flesh in it, it would be "bad" but would the actualy honey be bad?  Or just the rotting flesh
02:39.44sdoubleI enjoy putting bananas on those too
02:40.00Mr_Rabies2i'm a fan of peanut butter, banana, and mayonnaise sandwiches
02:40.04Mr_Rabies2though  it sounds disgusting
02:40.07Mr_Rabies2it's amazingly good
02:40.17NightHawkTheSanei'd try that if i had bananas
02:40.18sdoublehmmmm, mayonaise and peanut butter doesn't sound like I could even attempt it
02:40.22kd3ick, mayo
02:41.32sdoublemy father said he enjoys peanut butter and bologna
02:41.39Mr_Rabies2the mayo almost tastes like marshmallow creme without the ubersweetness and a bit of tartness
02:42.01Mr_Rabies2it's very strange but awesome
02:42.13sdoublethe problem right now is that I have all of these ingredients and I'm tempted to try them.  peanut butter, bananas, mayonaise, honey, and bologna.  But I dare not.
02:42.28Mr_Rabies2honey's good on about anything
02:42.38Mr_Rabies2i love it for dipping chicken
02:42.42sdoubleexcept the chunk of rotting flesh
02:42.43NightHawkTheSaneindeed it is
02:42.49NightHawkTheSaneoh, i bet it would be great on that too
02:43.33Mr_Rabies2it would probably preserve the flesh pretty well, actually
02:43.43Mr_Rabies2if it wasn't rotting at time of dipping
02:44.00Mr_Rabies2probably be damned good roasted over a fire too
02:44.46Mr_Rabies2give me a lifetime supply of peanuts and potatoes and i'll live like a king for the rest of my life
02:53.12NightHawkTheSanewhich will probably be abnormaly short
02:53.58Nechcknyeah... your hdl/ldl thinger would be really messed up with that diet
03:03.55Wobworkthe scariest sandwich is a vegimite banana sandwich
03:04.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
03:04.45NightHawkTheSaneanything with vegemite is pretty scary
03:04.55WobworkThat's true
03:05.03Wobworkthere's only two ways to eat vegimite
03:05.19Wobworkone is on hot toast with a lot of butter and the thinnest layer of vegemite possible
03:05.28Wobworkor on vitawheats with butter
03:05.44*** part/#wowi-lounge a-stray-ca1 (
03:05.54Wobworkalthough there's a nice vegemite chip you can make from lebanese bread with vegemite and toasted in an oven
03:06.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
03:16.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
03:16.56*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
03:19.06*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlKFI (
03:19.39Nechcknmalreth  is that a joke?
03:20.01malrethdoes it look like a joke
03:20.08malreththe guy wants extra shit in westfall
03:20.17malrethfor one thing... who wants to go to westfall
03:20.20malrethdepressing place
03:21.21NechcknI just can't think of anything that modifies the graphics other than maxing out the settings is all.
03:21.53TecnoBratholy god, why does that font look so crappy on a mac
03:22.03TecnoBrat(The font on the wow forums)
03:22.14malrethlooks fine on my computer
03:22.19malrethboth windows and mac
03:22.20IrielLooks fine on mine
03:22.39TecnoBratHmmm maybe its just me
03:22.47TecnoBratbut the font on the post is like .. fat
03:22.57malrethTecnoBrat: do you like using the Mac OS X?
03:23.26TecnoBratJust getting used to it :P
03:23.34malrethit can sense your hostility
03:24.00TecnoBratIts like all of the things I like about using my linux install .. except better
03:24.13IrielOddly that's how I felt about OSX when i started
03:24.22malrethkeep saying things like that... it likes to hear it
03:24.23Irielminus a couple of quirks (one of which Leopard addressed)
03:25.47TecnoBratIts more complete than linux, obviously, but I have the power of the linux shell at the same time.
03:30.48malrethah... memories...
03:31.16malrethit's a younger Lopeppeppy writing an emergency monitor macro
03:31.46cogwheelcute lil gnome
03:35.49malrethLua 5.1 announcement thread:
03:36.00malrethlook at all those faces... Tekkub, Tem...
03:38.21malrethfiancee is doing heroic SV but didn't check to see if there was room for two...
03:38.25malrethso i all alone
03:38.42malrethimma gonna go read a book
03:38.46Mr_Rabies2watch this to pass the time
03:39.00IrielActualy, I was going to try and code tonight
03:39.04Irielso i'll do that instead
03:39.05cogwheelholy crap... wow forum post timer kills ie7
03:39.47cogwheel(which i only use for my stealth alt so i can have two sessions ;) )
03:40.00Irielwhy not 2 firefox profiles/
03:40.16cogwheelmore of a hassle
03:40.27Irielbut, but.. IE
03:40.31art3misim scared of iriel now
03:40.51cogwheelmeh... it's only for a single purpose :P
03:41.57cogwheelrawr imo
03:42.10malreththey have a very nice house... i wonder if they bought it with the money from modding 1500 xboxes... along with the cameras
03:42.41Irielart3mis: What did I do that's scary?
03:42.51MentalPowerMr_Rabies2: who the hell has 1500 HDDs standing around?
03:43.00Mr_Rabies2people that mod xboxes for a living
03:43.26Mr_Rabies2you can make a pretty penny doing so
03:43.46Mr_Rabies2i'm tempted to, as i have two xboxes, and have one softmodded already
03:44.22MentalPowerthose are the old HDD from XBoxs?
03:44.22Mr_Rabies2i'm tempted to softmod #2 then go in and install an HDD
03:44.22Mr_Rabies2yes, MentalPower
03:44.22art3misiriel: yer avatar is a devilsaur
03:44.26art3miswhich is close to a raptor
03:44.30art3miswhich frighten me
03:44.40MentalPowerart3mis: news flash, so is cogwheel's :P
03:44.46Mr_Rabies2and then sell xbox #2 and use the money to buy a hard drive
03:44.57art3misit's not safe in ehre anymore!
03:45.01Mr_Rabies2and then some
03:45.22art3mishey rabies softmod hdloader?
03:45.30MentalPowercogwheel: don't forget the "rawr imo" part :)
03:45.35Mr_Rabies2no, what's that?
03:45.42art3mishow did you softmod it?
03:45.59Mr_Rabies2i just used a splintercell exploit and installed an older version of uhh
03:46.06Mr_Rabies2that one dashboard
03:46.10cogwheelart3mis: watch out... there's a couple more lurking around here too
03:46.19art3mishdloader is asically a boot dvd that allows you to load games onto a hdd
03:46.34Mr_Rabies2ah, i use dvd2xbox for that, art3mis
03:46.51art3misyeah i was hoping you'd have the disc i could borrow ;P
03:47.08cogwheelIriel: you need a new sig
03:47.20Mr_Rabies2no, but i do have a memory card with the exploited splinter cell savegame on it
03:47.21cogwheeli vote for the signature bunny
03:47.23Irielcogwheel: I'm imagination challenged lately
03:47.35cogwheelor the signature virus
03:47.47IrielBudget season at work, spending half the day looking at spreadsheets will numb the mind
03:48.09Irielthus my need to write some lua or something
03:48.11Mr_Rabies2i support a poorly drawn ascii cat followed by a PUT THIS IN UR SIG IF U DOWN
03:48.11cogwheelyeah... we've got some financial/legal stuff going on right now
03:48.25Irielthough so far i've spent my time idling in shattrath, reading this, and the intarweb
03:48.33Mr_Rabies2iriel: i live in excel and word on a daily basis and it's driving me batty
03:48.48cogwheelkd3: lala
03:49.00kd3fix yourself damn it! 1k ping does not make "the relic's emanations" easy
03:49.19Mr_Rabies24 sec ping return
03:49.27kd3I'm on tor
03:49.30Mr_Rabies2your mother
03:49.34kd3for irc, at least
03:49.35IrielMr_Rabies2: You have my sympathy
03:49.50cogwheelThe corporation (only owned by one person currently) and a new investor are starting up a new LLC (of the same name) and so we're all being fired by one, hired by the other, and I have to sit by the bookkeeper all day XD
03:49.53Mr_Rabies2i do only work 5 hours a day
03:50.02Mr_Rabies2however i have to actually work pretty much nonstop during that 5 hours
03:50.05Mr_Rabies2for measly pay
03:50.20Mr_Rabies2i'd quit if my parents weren't my bosses :[
03:52.57cogwheelkd3: i got ur bak
03:53.24art3misi gots me an interview for a sysadmin job at a brooklyn law school tomorrow
03:53.31art3misthat should be oodles of fun
03:53.37cogwheelguess who slipp is ... ;)
03:53.53kd3ah, lol
03:54.18kd3meh, it's amazing after disappearing from the PTR forum for a few months I can still pretty instantly get people yelling at me for trolling
03:54.46art3misist the nose and the acne
03:54.48cogwheeltook me a few hours to start getting reported
03:56.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Kazie (
03:56.57*** join/#wowi-lounge reqol (
04:01.51cogwheelWhat is it about the ptr forums that seems to attract the crap de la crap of the forums?
04:02.35cogwheelthere may be a lot of idiots on General, but imo most of them don't come near the stupidity of these people...
04:02.49kd3because there's rarely any moderation and the promise of free epics brings the rest of them out of the woodwork
04:04.42reqolcan you use threads in WoW?
04:05.13cogwheelthe coroutine library is available, yes
04:05.56Lukianc US Jubei'THos rocckstarr
04:06.10Lukian@chare US Jubei'Thos rocckstarr
04:06.17Lukianwrong channel
04:07.07reqolcogwheel: thanks
04:07.13MentalPower!c US Jubei'THos rocckstarr
04:07.15ThraeBotMentalPower: Rocckstarr, Level 70 Human Paladin (44/17/0). 9937 HP; 9678 Mana; 171 mana regen; 85 mp5; 15265 Armour; 73.000 Melee DPS; 3.73% melee crit; 184 spell crit; 615 +spell dmg; 1507 +heal; 3.73% dodge; 5.00% block; 325 resilience;[[ TBR: 1034 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Thu Jan 17 23:14:35 2008 EST ]]
04:10.00cogwheelkd3: us: 1 him 0
04:11.18*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
04:13.29cogwheelhmm... i wonder if that went too far...
04:16.17kd3wha, the breath-holding?
04:16.53kd3lol, fersinji's whispering me in-game
04:18.02Industrialim bored
04:18.18Industrialwhat do i do, #wowi-lounge?
04:18.21hastewatch dennou foil
04:18.27cogwheeltroll something
04:18.50hasteso no looking at what I write on IRC D:
04:19.10Industrialis that with the weird electric guys and the QQ-my-mom-makes-me-go-to-school guy?
04:19.20*** join/#wowi-lounge DuTempete (
04:19.21IndustrialI dropped it :<
04:19.27hasteyou failed
04:19.50hasteI've watched like e14 to 24 now
04:20.02hasteactually, I'm watching 23 now
04:20.14Industrialim working on azumanga daioh, but I generally dislike 'slice of life' animes
04:20.28kd3azumanga <3
04:20.32Industriali LOVED the episode with the penguin tho
04:20.36hasteread the yotsubato manga
04:20.36Industrialvery funny
04:20.37hasteit's awesome
04:20.46hasteit's like... so much better than azumanga
04:21.05Industrialwatching 17 now
04:21.46Industrialand btw sakaki is my fav character :3
04:21.52hastekd3: fetch the yotsubato manga!
04:22.12cogwheelkd3: you like candy canes?
04:22.36kd3cog; lmao. "Btw man how did you maked that MVP to post on the topic? when he posted i was like Damn ! he got me"
04:22.46*** part/#wowi-lounge alestane (
04:23.23kd3and lol @ the candycane poster
04:23.24kd3not me
04:23.49Fisker-dey see me trollin', pa-trollin' hoho
04:24.53kd3ahaha. parting words from the forum troll. "keep posting on the forums tho . u do it    with style"
04:26.30IndustrialI hate forums for the fact that they are hard to index in your mind. I like to be on top of everything. Forums that grow too big *cough wowace cough* become less fun :(
04:26.35Industriali dont even post on the wow forums
04:27.04Industriallike i post something and the next day its on zomgpage3
04:27.14kd3it gives me something to do when I don't want to be in game
04:27.16Industrialhow am I going to read 2/5 pages and then continue where I was?
04:27.27Industrialincluding replying to threads int hat 2.5 pages.
04:27.38IndustrialThis includes *chan's. I hate that.
04:27.46Industrial(that its so fast)
04:28.22MentalPowerI think
04:28.24MentalPowerthink that
04:28.28MentalPowerthat Industrial
04:28.34MentalPowerIndustrial needs
04:28.38MentalPowerneeds to
04:28.41MentalPowerto lay
04:28.43Industrialto what
04:28.44MentalPowerlay off
04:28.51MentalPoweroff the
04:28.56MentalPowerthe koolaid
04:29.00Fisker-OH YEAH
04:29.02hasteFREE CANDY!
04:29.20hasteoh shi-! v&
04:31.23Industrialand still I am bored.
04:31.40MentalPowergo surf 4chan :)
04:31.44kd3come have fun with me on the PTR forum...
04:31.47MentalPoweror something
04:32.17Industrialcant kd3 im eu
04:33.02Industrialyou forgot a 'l2p
04:36.13hasteIndustrial: I have a great idea!
04:36.50hastewatch tekkon kinkreet
04:38.38hasteIndustrial: also, update your µTorrent :p
04:40.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
04:51.40hasteonly two episodes left of dennou coil >:(
04:52.27kd3I still need to get that downloaded
04:52.45kd348.5% done...
04:54.27Mr_Rabies2hey kd3-chan hey kd3-chan
04:54.39kd3nani yo?
04:59.15cogwheeli'm mean
04:59.56kd3I bit down my "that you need to find a friend that knows how to use computers" response to that question of his
05:03.16hasteazureus :(
05:03.53kd3what else can I use on linux? nothing's got the flexible queuing that azu has
05:05.41hastewith some fancy scripting over xmlrpc :3
05:06.11hasteI don't really see the need for queuing however
05:08.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwor1 (
05:08.52MentalPowerlua> string.format("%06d", 6)
05:08.53lua_botMentalPower: 000006,
05:11.55purlLook buddy, doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Be specific! Examples of what doesn't work (or the URL) tend to help too, or pastebin the config if that's the problem
05:13.44ShirikLike that?
05:21.08cogwheelScytheBlade1: you troll a lot right?
05:21.25cogwheel(on anonymous alts?)
05:21.32ScytheBlade1Why? ;P
05:21.32kd3geez. you're really on form tonight
05:21.49cogwheelScytheBlade1: look up slipp in the ptr forum and critique plx
05:21.59ScytheBlade1I have a good three random alts that I use to troll with
05:22.13ScytheBlade1Two are for generic trolling, one is for actual posts where I want to remain anon
05:22.56cogwheelkd3: wine + caffeine = win :P
05:22.57ScytheBlade1Now I'm going to have to make another heh
05:23.11ScytheBlade1cogwheel: oh, haha, NOW it clicked
05:23.12cogwheelScytheBlade1: woot! come join in the fun!
05:23.14ScytheBlade1So reading
05:25.01ScytheBlade1cogwheel: same account?
05:25.12kd3nope, it'd be green too
05:25.19ScytheBlade1That's what I was wondering
05:25.36cogwheelyeah... it's account-wide
05:25.47cogwheelwife was kind enough to donate her auction mule ;)
05:26.21ScytheBlade1Thread title: "I'm confused"
05:26.23ScytheBlade1Reply: "yes"
05:26.30ScytheBlade1Can't see the thread, but that alone is awesome
05:27.13ScytheBlade1You're being too constructive
05:27.36ScytheBlade1"trolling troll is trolling" I approve of that however, haha
05:28.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
05:34.53cogwheeloh as in helpful?
05:35.14|Jelly|~hug cogwheel
05:35.14purlACTION hugs cogwheel tightly until cogwheel turns slightly blue
05:35.19ScytheBlade1Stop that
05:37.02Corrodiasdo [conditions] work on #showtooltip now?
05:37.28NightHawkTheSane"hyperbole makes the world go round."
05:37.41Corrodiasi rather think it's inertia
05:38.00NightHawkTheSane... i think you may have missed something
05:43.36Corrodiasthey do, by the way
05:47.41TemMe want Gug fix armor.  Maybe me buy someting.
05:48.34kd3lua> 52665/1024
05:48.35lua_botkd3: 51.4306640625
05:48.58MentalPower!api strsplit
05:48.58ThraeBotMentalPower: s1, s2, s3 ... sn = strsplit("delimiter", "subject")  --
06:03.44NightHawkTheSaneis there a cli command to change your language?
06:04.02NightHawkTheSanealso, is there any mod that moves the language menu into the menu you get when right-clicking on a chat tab? food goes both ways
06:16.06Temyour food is bisexual?
06:16.36Thunder_Childif by sex you mean spoon or fork, then yes
06:17.24cogwheelkd3: he seems to be getting the hang of it ;)
06:17.30cogwheelyou must've had a productive chat
06:19.32kd3lol. I barely said anything other than slightly-annoyed responses to his rambling
06:25.02ScytheBlade1Know what I'm wondering? What happened to Hortus.
06:26.01kd3search indicates his last post was on the 11th in the bug report forum
06:26.16ScytheBlade1Probably just vacation or sick leave
06:26.25ScytheBlade1But seeing stickes in the PTR not from him is weird
06:29.55*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
06:29.55*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v AnduinLothar] by ChanServ
06:30.46TemDoes anyone know any addons besides NECB that track DR?
06:31.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
06:40.35MentalPowerlua> string.split("a b c d e f g", " ")
06:40.35lua_botMentalPower: , ,
06:40.49MentalPowerthats... interesting
06:41.02MentalPowerlua> string.split(" ", "a b c d e f g")
06:41.02lua_botMentalPower: a, b, c, d, e, f, g,
06:41.12MentalPowerlua> string.split(" ", "a b c d e f g", 3)
06:41.12lua_botMentalPower: a, b, c d e f g,
06:42.42kd3ugh, I give up. tired of fighting my ISP for the night
06:44.17ScytheBlade1kd3: kill em'!
06:44.49cogwheelkd3: would you want to fight mine instead?
06:45.06ScytheBlade1Heh, lol:
06:46.18MentalPower!api strjoin
06:46.19ThraeBotMentalPower: local joinedString = strjoin(delimiter, string, string,...)  --
06:49.16TemDoes anyone know any addons besides NECB that track DR?
06:49.49cogwheelNO STOP SPAMMING GOSH
06:50.01MentalPoweroh yeah and
06:50.06MentalPower~lart Tem
06:50.06purlsays "boot to the head" and knocks Tem over
06:50.08ScytheBlade1People need to click my youtube link.
06:50.22TemNECB is an addon
06:50.26TemDR is diminishing returns
06:50.42cogwheelScytheBlade1: no sound atm
06:50.53ScytheBlade1cogwheel: you really need to fix that and watch.
06:51.04ScytheBlade1It's a Quagmire parody of the WoW commercials.
06:51.07cogwheelcomputer and sleeping wife in same room
06:51.32cogwheeland too lazy to find headphones :P
06:51.42ScytheBlade1Heh, I can't blame you for being lazy!
06:56.13*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
06:56.13*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
06:58.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
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07:23.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
07:28.16Thunder_Childwhat happened to movies where the char's that people portrey arent retarded?
07:28.19*** join/#wowi-lounge [KzM]Fatalis (
07:29.58Thunder_Childnight cogwheel
07:30.13Cairennnight cogwheel
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09:26.39Thraestart /affinity 3 /realtime program.exe <-- awesome in Vista. It'll let single-core programs only start on your 3rd core for Quad, and give it exclusive access to that core. Vista compensates fine by using the other cores. For dual core, use 1 instead of 3.
09:27.36Elkanoyou can also do that after programm start via the task manager
09:28.34ThraeElkano: Yes, but you can't do that in a batch file.
09:28.45ThraeJust put that as your first line in a batch file, say progranname.bat, and there you go.
09:29.22Wobin_stupid wine crashing WoW =(
09:29.36ThraeWobin_: Wine crashes your computer?!
09:29.47Wobin_just freezes WoW
09:29.52ThraeWas wondering about the _
09:29.52Wobin_and I have to kill the process
09:30.23ThraeI sent a message to "Wobin" -- is that a ghost?
09:30.38Wobinit's someone in finland
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09:30.46Wobinor something
09:30.54ThraeDidn't you register your nick?
09:31.08Wobinbut if I log in with him already using it, I have to ghost the nick
09:31.44ThraeAnyway, was there anything you wanted from PerfectTargets? I saw you fooling around with Tekkub's git repo with it a while back.
09:32.32Wobinhm, I wasn't doing any fooling about
09:32.36Wobin(to my knowledge)
09:34.05ElkanoI've the ghosting in my perform on connect ^^
09:34.56ThraeWobin: 20:40 < Wobin:#dongle> git clone
09:35.11ThraeI didn't know if you were going to branch it or something, or just fooling around with git
09:35.12WobinI was just getting it
09:35.21Wobinand had no clue on how to use git =)
09:35.42ThraeOh, well the version on Tekkub's site isn't the latest version
09:35.50Elkanobtw: what is that git about and how do I check that stuff out using svn?
09:36.04ThraeUnless Tekkub cloned from my svn
09:36.55ThraeWobin: You can use WAU to update PerfectTargets to v3.0, or checkout
09:37.28Wobinhm, thankee =)
09:37.38ThraeWobin: PerfectTargets is my most recently updated addon, it's an official continuation of the project with Tekkub's approval
09:37.54ThraeAlthough it'll get its name changed to "DRADIS" at some point, with Tekkub's insistance ;)
09:38.54Wobinsome play on Tardis?
09:39.09ThraeNo, it's from Battlestar Galactica -- Tekkie's a fan
09:40.52ThraeDirection, RAnge, DIStance, a futuristic radar-like tracking system
09:42.17Thunder_Childand as usual a total falure of proper science use
09:47.48hasteElkano: you don't use SVN to check it out
09:48.08*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
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10:09.28reqolwhat did they change with the new auctioneer release? it scans so much faster
10:12.43Elkanomaybe Blizzard reactivated the new AH API
10:18.38Finyou can reassign affinities with Process Explorer
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11:39.13|pez|lots of gold
11:41.45Kasowhat does the german text say?
11:44.12wereHamsterhi filed a ticket that he can't accept any more money from the mailbox
11:45.26wereHamsterand was wondering that the limit is at such strange number (~215000)
11:46.41wereHamsterthe gm sais that the number probably comes from the way now wow saves money amounts
11:46.58wereHamsterlua> 2^31
11:46.58lua_botwereHamster: 2147483648
11:47.08wereHamsterlua> 2^31 / 100 / 100
11:47.08lua_botwereHamster: 214748.3648
11:47.42Kasonow thats interesting
11:47.55wereHamsterwhy doesn't blizzard use unsigned numbers?
11:48.03wereHamstercan I be in debt?
11:48.25reqolthey probably never thought anyone would reach the limit does seem a little ridiculous
11:48.34reqol214K gold?...
11:48.46wereHamsterlol, they are like MS, 640k oughta be enough for everyone
11:48.57Kasoits nice that they protect against overflow rather than suddenly flipping you down to -whatever
11:49.10reqolthat would...
11:49.16reqolcrush someone, to say the least
11:51.36wereHamsterwith 32bit unsighend numbers the maximum wuld be ~429496, I'd say blizz should move to uint64 .. :)
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11:52.46wereHamsterin WotLK gold farming will be faster again I'd guess, so people will have more gold then ever..
11:53.01reqolhow can you get a variable to print in full form, not notation? (lua)
11:53.52wereHamsterwhat's full form?
11:54.03Kasoyou mean like scientfitic notation? 10e-5 ?
11:54.12reqolyes, scientific notation, I don't want that
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12:38.11Wobinyeah, I asked that
12:38.18WobinWhy signed?
12:38.28Wobinwere we going to get a Steamwheedle Express card?
12:39.44hastewonder how much it would cost to "buy" the AH
12:39.57hastehi2u endless relogs due to internal mail error
12:41.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
12:44.27KasoWobin i recon just lazyness ints are signed by default in c are they not?
12:45.08WobinI wonder if they're going to change it
12:45.44wereHamsterhowever, if I write something that is supposed to be portable, I never use C types, I always use stdint types (uint32_t etc)
12:46.34PolarinawereHamster: The stdint.h header is not portable.
12:53.00wereHamstermaybe not portable, but standartized ;)
12:54.36art3misnetwork support is kind of a groovy program
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13:28.09PolarinawereHamster: If I recall correctly, it is standardised in C99 and not in C89.  Lot of compilers don't yet support C99 fully, including gcc.
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13:35.17Wobinthe macbookair looks... shiny
13:35.52wereHamstergcc has a rather good support for c99, ms is much more behind
13:36.05Wobinalthough the complete and utter lack of -any- media drives would drive me insane
13:37.04PolarinawereHamster: Good, but not complete. For example, there are problems with the Variable Length Arrays (VLA) feature introduced with C99.
13:37.32Wobinheight: 0.76 inches
13:37.42Wobinweight: 3 lbs
13:39.10WobinI would so get that =P
13:39.12WobinFor the novelty
13:39.24Wobineven if it is a mac
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13:46.35Industrialcan anyone help me with that?
13:46.53Industriallua: print_table.lua:14: attempt to index a string value
13:47.25Industrialim doing this with/for commandline lua btw, though it'd work fine in wow too I guess.. WHEN it works
13:49.16Industrialthe print is for debugging, it does make the functions right
13:49.45Josh_Borkeline 14 is the assertion
13:50.05Josh_Borkeso does it happen because of line 22 or line 23?
13:50.47Industrialthe point is to test for value type with those line
13:50.58Josh_Borkei know
13:50.59Industrialbut I'm not getting my own assertion error
13:51.09Josh_Borkeinstead you're getting attempt to index a string value
13:51.20Industrialyes, and I have no idea why
13:51.42Industriallua> print(('foo%s'):format('bar'))
13:51.42lua_botIndustrial: foobar
13:51.51Industrialso it cant be v
13:52.05Industrialand type(mixed) always returns a string
13:52.20Josh_Borkelua> local v = "number"; t = function(x) assert(type(x) == v, ('Type mismatch (%s expected, got %s)'):format(v, type(x))) end; t(1)
13:52.29Josh_Borkelua> local v = "number"; t = function(x) assert(type(x) == v, ('Type mismatch (%s expected, got %s)'):format(v, type(x))) end; t('bob')
13:52.29lua_botJosh_Borke: [string "local v = "number"; t = function(x) assert(..."]:1: Type mismatch (number expected, got string)
13:53.03Josh_Borkelua> local v = "string"; t = function(x) assert(type(x) == v, ('Type mismatch (%s expected, got %s)'):format(v, type(x))) end; t('bob')
13:53.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
13:53.06Josh_Borkelua> local v = "string"; t = function(x) assert(type(x) == v, ('Type mismatch (%s expected, got %s)'):format(v, type(x))) end; t(1)
13:53.06lua_botJosh_Borke: [string "local v = "string"; t = function(x) assert(..."]:1: Type mismatch (string expected, got number)
13:54.30Josh_Borkelua> local _G = {}; local types = { 'boolean', 'number', 'string' }; for i, v in pairs(types) do _G['assert_'..v] = function (x) assert(type(x) == v, ('Type mismatch (%s expected, got %s)'):format(v, type(x))) end end assert_number(1)
13:54.30lua_botJosh_Borke: [string "local _G = {}; local types = { 'boolean', '..."]:1: attempt to call global 'assert_number' (a nil value)
13:54.41Josh_Borkelua> local _G = {}; local types = { 'boolean', 'number', 'string' }; for i, v in pairs(types) do _G['assert_'..v] = function (x) assert(type(x) == v, ('Type mismatch (%s expected, got %s)'):format(v, type(x))) end end _G['assert_number'](1)
13:54.49Josh_Borkelua> local _G = {}; local types = { 'boolean', 'number', 'string' }; for i, v in pairs(types) do _G['assert_'..v] = function (x) assert(type(x) == v, ('Type mismatch (%s expected, got %s)'):format(v, type(x))) end end _G['assert_string'](1)
13:54.49lua_botJosh_Borke: [string "local _G = {}; local types = { 'boolean', '..."]:1: Type mismatch (string expected, got number)
13:54.53Josh_Borkeworks for me
13:55.08PolarinaJosh_Borke: You can also send lua_bot a private message if you'd like to. :)
13:55.24Josh_Borkeoh, sorry, didn't realize this was wowi
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14:02.48Industriallua> local types = {'boolean','function','nil','number','string','table','thread','userdata'} for i,v in ipairs(types) do print(('%s %s (%s)'):format(i, v, type(v))) end
14:02.49lua_botIndustrial: 1 boolean (string), 2 function (string), 3 nil (string), 4 number (string), 5 string (string), 6 table (string), 7 thread (string), 8 userdata (string)
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14:03.47Industrialsigh, lua 5.0.2 on this host
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14:32.42LopeppeppyQ:  Anyone know a mod to remind my doofus pally tank to put on Righteous Fury?   *facepalm*
14:34.01Shirikironically I wrote one of those a long time ago
14:34.06Shirikbecause my guild has the same problem
14:34.10Shirikunfortunately it also requires RDX
14:34.25ShirikAnd it seems like a bit overkill to install that just for righteous fury
14:34.46LopeppeppyI'm trying for a standalone for him, he doesn't use much for mods.  It's his total weakness.
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14:39.57[dRaCo]should be possible with a macro
14:40.30LopeppeppyA macro can remind him to do something?  Not if he forgets to press the button to have it check....
14:40.43[dRaCo]something like: create a frame, check buffs, output warning
14:40.50[dRaCo]but yeah, he'd have to click it once
14:41.31LopeppeppyThat's the thing.  If he can't remember to click on the buff, he's not going to remember to click the macro to check for the buff.  *grin*
14:41.50PolarinaOn Leaving World Of Warcraft, Then...   -
14:42.02[dRaCo]avion can do that, but that'd be overkill
14:44.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
14:45.20LopeppeppyI found something called Righetous Reminder, I think that should set him up.  Hopefully.  :P
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15:03.30Bela|workthis is why non-technical people should not be verifying asset details on computer equipment:
15:03.47Bela|workQuery: Do you know what a dell optiplex 160L is?
15:04.20Bela|workquery: I don't know what you are talking about...
15:04.28Bela|workreply: its a computer? ...
15:04.35Bela|workquery: OH! ok
15:05.55Lopeppeppyreply:  Duh.  Have your computer checked for the PEBKAC virus, okay?
15:07.46Bela|workthis is why I can never get done with serious projects. I get interrupted with stupid crap like that all day
15:09.43LopeppeppyThat's been pretty much my last 2 weeks with the sheeple.  Ugh, ugh, lambchop.
15:09.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Berre_0041 (
15:10.17Berre_0041Anyone know how to update from auctioneer basic to advanced so i dont loose the database file?
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15:10.35ralfWORKBerre_0041: the database isn't in your Interfaces folder
15:10.39ralfWORKso just install the new addon
15:10.41ralfWORKyou'll be fine
15:10.45cogwheelBerre_0041: #norganna might have more direct/helpful responses for that question
15:11.07Berre_0041well no one in that channel answer
15:11.15cogwheelwell, i didn't say timely ;)
15:11.19Berre_0041well i installed advanced but it doesent pick up my old database file
15:11.30cogwheeli'd take a late correct answer over a guess any day though :P
15:11.43cogwheels/a guess/an immediate guess/
15:11.56malrethtrying to move from auctioneer classic to auctioneer advanced?
15:12.13malrethi'm joining mid conversation here...
15:12.17Berre_0041the thing i want is to convert my classic database to advanced =)
15:12.24malrethdon't try
15:12.24LopeppeppyYes, malreth.
15:12.39Berre_0041so i shouldent convert?
15:12.50Berre_0041i mean i have 2 years of AH scanning on my classic
15:13.03malrethand those 2 years aren't gonna matter
15:13.11cogwheelBerre_0041: well nothing before last January will really matter
15:13.16cogwheelBC changed the entire economy
15:13.26malrethauc_adv will build a new db in about a week that is usable enough for most use
15:13.31Berre_0041well it still months of database
15:13.39malrethin 2 weeks, you'll have forgotten all about auctioneer classic
15:13.39Endhell, every new arena season drasticly changes the economy :P
15:13.45LopeppeppySometimes a fresh start isn't a bad thing.  *shrug*
15:14.02Berre_0041so i should just drop the old one? =(
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15:14.22malrethfor the first week, just scan twice a day and sell only high volume consumables like cloth
15:14.39malrethyou'll have an accurate price for netherweave pretty much right off the bat
15:15.00ralfWORKor just DE greens off the AH and sell the mats
15:15.06ralfWORKdon't need auctioneer for  that :P
15:15.17malreththe price of runecloth from a year ago ain't gonna matter at all when you're trying to sell it at the current price
15:15.35ralfWORK*sniffle* same with mooncloth
15:15.42ralfWORKI stacked mooncloth
15:15.45malrethme too
15:15.48ralfWORKand then BC came out :(
15:16.12malrethafter BC, i sold it all at 8-10g a piece a day
15:16.34ralfWORKMC bags are like 8g now
15:16.36EndI don't remember, pre-BC how well did mooncloth sell?
15:16.52ralfWORKpre-BC, mooncloth  was like 40-50g iirc
15:17.25Endprimal mooncloth sells for less than that I think :P
15:17.36ralfWORKit's about that on my server
15:17.37malrethbut the 10 ace of warlords that i banked back when DM was getting teleport farmed payed off after BC
15:17.50EndI think primal mooncloth is about 30g on my server
15:17.58Endbut I don't pay attention to that
15:18.14ralfWORKI have 2 stacks of PMC now
15:18.18ralfWORKjust sitting on them
15:18.41EndI should probably make more cloth on my mage, although I don't even know what specialty my mage is currently
15:18.50Endoriginally I was making primal mooncloth to make bags with though
15:18.57Endbut I think I changed him
15:18.58malrethi just finished crafting my frozen shadoweave and spellstrike sets so now i can finally start stockpiling cloth
15:19.02ralfWORKI should probably sell them and buy shadow cloth for my gear
15:19.17ralfWORKmade my PMC stuff ages ago
15:19.21ralfWORKand screw whitemend
15:19.57ralfWORKso either I sell my stacks of PMC or I make bags
15:20.13KasoWhat the fuck
15:20.20malrethfuck is a funny word
15:20.27Kasoi can install MSN messenger on xp64 ?!
15:20.47Kasowhats wrong with xp64?
15:20.54Kasocept msn messenger and itunes dont work
15:20.58ralfWORK<-- mac user
15:21.36KasoI enjoy playing "computer games" occationally, maybe you've heard of those (yes i know you can play wow, hush)
15:21.41LopeppeppyLowbie babydin has no mount.  *laugh*
15:21.53ralfWORKif you play WoW, there is no time for other game
15:21.58malrethi agree
15:22.04ralfWORKany other games I'll play on console, if needed
15:22.11Kasothats true, theres also no time for life either :<
15:22.13malrethbetween WoW and the Wii... my free time is taken care of
15:22.23ralfWORKguitare hero :(
15:22.30malrethWii Tennis!
15:22.32LopeppeppyWoW and quilting.
15:22.35malrethi need no other game
15:22.43ralfWORKLopeppeppy: is that on Wii now?
15:23.54LopeppeppySilly males.  Sewing by hand, the old fashioned way, to make blankets.  No euphamism.  Just fun.
15:24.07ralfWORKon the wii, right?
15:24.31EndIt's definitely an euphemism for something
15:25.01LopeppeppyNope.  On my couch, unplugged.
15:25.01ralfWORKI might even give it a shot
15:25.05LopeppeppyAlone, even.  *grin*
15:25.09ralfWORKwait lol what
15:25.22ralfWORKyea of course it's unplugged; Wii controllers are wireless, nub!
15:27.52malrethoh gods... people are complaining that we are no longer supporting Eudora
15:28.17malrethfor fracks sake... we told them we were discontinuing support in 2006
15:29.49ralfWORKI haven't heard of Eudora in AGES
15:30.08ralfWORKI'm surprised they still exist
15:30.09LopeppeppyWow.  Eudora is so..... 90's that it hurts.
15:30.22malrethEudora doesn't exist anymore... that's the point
15:30.37malrethQualcomm dropped the product in 2007
15:30.48Endisn't there a new version of Eudora or something?
15:31.06EndI thought they released the source or something
15:31.12Endand it was being continued in some fashion or another
15:31.14malrethEnd: there's the open source variant called Penelope but it's trash
15:31.15ralfWORKgod let it die
15:31.30ralfWORKthere are onle 3 mail applications in the world
15:31.31malrethyou're better off using Thunderbird
15:31.32Endah, yeah, I see now
15:31.37ralfWORKoutlook,, thunderbird
15:32.56malrethmost students don't even use a standalone client anymore. it's all gmail, yahoo! mail, or hotmail
15:33.13ralfWORKI don't even use email anymore! omg!
15:33.19ralfWORKmm. wait. yes I do
15:33.27malrethfor those that do use our mail service, there's even a webmail app for that
15:33.39ralfWORKmalreth: what school do you work for?
15:33.50Kasothe only place i have a mail client is on my iTouch and thats imap'ed into my gmail
15:34.17malrethralfWORK: a very large major public university located in Austin, TX
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15:34.54malrethi don't do end-user support anymore... i do internal contracts now
15:34.55rikaii jsut use gmail for mail... :|
15:35.22rikaiSeparate app just for email seems mostly useless to me. :|
15:35.28malrethbut i used to be a senior support consultant at the help desk on campus
15:36.32malrethi mostly spent all day cleaning viruses and worms and spyware from people's computers while keeping all their data intact
15:36.42malretha mostly painful and arduous task
15:36.44ralfWORKI'm sure you hate life
15:37.16malrethbut a skill that was very useful when servers got hacked into and they wanted the bad stuff cleaned out without having to reboot
15:37.27malrethlive production servers
15:37.52ralfWORKlast virus/worm/whatever I had to deal with was uhm
15:37.56ralfWORKSQL slammer
15:37.57malrethso i got learned out and promoted up pretty quickly once they realized that was a really useful skill
15:38.23malrethralfWORK: yeah... i don't get called out to remediate servers very often now. security is a lot tighter now on servers
15:38.34malrethbut i did have a 100% success rate
15:38.54ralfWORKit was MS ISA server's fault
15:39.05malrethso it's all well and good... if they kept me at it, it was likely that sooner or later i'd fail and lose my streak
15:39.31ralfWORKwe rebooted the ISA server, and in the process of coming back up
15:39.50ralfWORKthe 5 seconds win2k was alive on the internet before ISA services started
15:39.52ralfWORKit got infected
15:40.08ralfWORKand then proceeded to infect the internal environment
15:40.17ralfWORKthis was the day before my vacation
15:40.18malrethi know the feeling
15:40.26malrethoh... suck
15:40.30ralfWORKwas 18 hours of cleanup
15:40.37malrethi know that feeling too
15:41.00ralfWORKon an environment that hosted Coca-Cola's webstore, among other things
15:41.04malreththat's why i have a policy of not performing any system changes on a friday or a day before a vacation
15:41.26ralfWORKneedless to say, that was one of my worst days
15:41.36ralfWORKesp. because I came back from vacation to find myself out of a job
15:42.02malrethdid you get cancer after that 'cuz that's really the only way it could get worse
15:42.28ralfWORKyea, I don't do anything crazy on Fridays now, or then for that matter; rebooting this server was a weekly regular thing
15:42.46ralfWORKseriously, I'm lucky I didn't get cancer
15:42.51ralfWORKor some dumb crap like that
15:43.09ralfWORKit wasn't till months later that I was vindicated
15:43.18ralfWORKI replayed logs and all that crap
15:43.20malrethonce, i was reinstalling Win XP SP1 on my work desktop computer
15:43.35ralfWORKand came up with the theory that ISA services probably come up after Networking services
15:43.40malrethi left the ethernet cable plugged in while it was in the textmode setup phase
15:44.16malreththe computer got infected and started trying to infect the local network before graphical setup got started in full swing
15:44.25malrethi was amazed at that
15:44.26ralfWORKholy jesus
15:44.29Endmy roommate had something like that happen :P
15:44.35ralfWORKthat stuff is so crazy
15:44.35malreththe security office wasn't so impressed
15:44.41ralfWORKpiece of shit OS
15:45.16Endin his case though, we were on the dorm network, which is public and not firewalled, so um, yea... :P
15:45.49Endso he had to reinstall again but with the network cable unplugged
15:46.31EndI guess SP2 probably wouldn't be quite as vulnerable
15:47.03malrethi don't risk it anymore, tho
15:47.22EndI wouldn't risk it either
15:47.33malrethsince i have the sneaking suspicion that there is a brief period of time between the network components getting installed and the FW getting enabled
15:48.06*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo (
15:48.20Endit's not that big of a deal to disconnect it
15:49.22malrethyeah... after that incident, i started making slipstreamed XP install CDs for our help desk
15:49.49malretheven included all the licensed software that our univ. distributes to students for free
15:50.22malrethit made our help desk operations faster and more efficient since i made them all unattended installs
15:51.08malrethso we'd just line up computers as they came in, verify that the user was ok with a format/reinstall, have them sign a release form, and bash them out as fast as possible
15:51.55malreththat's the system that was in place until just recently... now they use WDS
15:52.44Endheh, someone reached the gold limit
15:52.58malrethwith a custom script that i helped out with... it backs up known user data locations, reformats, then blasts down a selected OS image, and then restores data with one button press
15:53.10malrethso easy a trained monkey could do it
15:53.21ralfWORKbut what about a help desk tech?
15:53.21malrethgotta go... later
15:53.25ralfWORKlol k
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16:09.45Bela|workwindows 2008 terminal services finally got smart and started doing remote apps, like citrix has done for years... just wow
16:10.10phetipsin what MPQ archive can i find the standard bgFiles and edgeFiles?
16:10.23phetipsfor frames
16:10.30Bela|workits in several
16:10.39Bela|workeasiest thing to do it get the extractor
16:10.46Bela|workand extract art files
16:10.46phetipsi have MyWarCraftStudio
16:10.54Endthe localization one probably?
16:11.15Bela|workwyh would art files be in localization?
16:11.24Endbecause that's where all the ui stuff is :P
16:11.38Bela|workthe xml and lua sure
16:11.43Bela|workNOT the art
16:11.48Enddon't ask me
16:11.54EndI didn't put them there!
16:12.01Bela|workart doesn't need to be localized
16:12.06art3misyes i do
16:12.26phetipsend seems to be right
16:12.30phetipsall the frame artwork is in
16:12.49Bela|workone sec, and I will get you the locations
16:12.51Bela|workthe problem is
16:12.51Endit'll be either that, or patch (if there's been changes)
16:13.12Bela|worktyo get the latest up to date graphics, you ahve to extract by precedence
16:13.34Bela|workthats why I suggested the official extractor
16:13.35Endfortunately art usually doesn't change much though
16:13.39Bela|workit will get the latest
16:14.00art3misokay stop talking about that
16:14.17art3misor at elast call it graphics ;P
16:14.23Bela|workyour ping going crazy?
16:14.35Endwell, I'd rather call it art3mis
16:14.38art3misnah it's set for art3
16:14.47art3misbut i keep having this urge to respond ;P
16:14.52Endnuts :P
16:15.12Graphicscan't call it graphics either now!
16:16.50Bela|workI still don't understand why they would store the graphic files in the locale mpq
16:17.08Bela|workseems inefficient
16:17.10Endbecause that's where the UI stuff goes in general
16:17.34Endmost of the UI stuff doesn't have locale-specific stuff it in anyways :P
16:17.34phetipshmm i have a blp file now: Interface\MoneyFrame\UI-MoneyIcons.blp
16:17.41Endit's just things like GlobalStrings.lua and whatn ot
16:17.46phetipsgold icon, silver icon, copper icon, next to eachother
16:17.50phetipshow do i use them seperately?
16:18.01Endwhat are you using them for?
16:18.16Enddo you need to cut them into pieces out of game?
16:18.18Bela|workyou will need texture coordinates
16:18.35Endyeah, if you use them in game you can do that
16:18.36phetipsdisplaying prices like this: [gold icon] amount of gold [silver icon] amount of silver
16:18.49phetipstexture coordinates, allright
16:19.27End(you probably just want to see how blizzard uses it)
16:19.35End~fail Bela|work
16:19.35purlBela|work: Fail.
16:19.44phetipsthanks guys :)
16:21.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (n=elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
16:26.41Wraangerquestion to the people ..have anyone here modified looks of SSArenaFrames ?
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16:40.26ScytheBlade1bleeter: ping
16:43.20*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
16:43.30malrethmy customer is late to the meeting that she scheduled
16:43.35malrethbut at least she has an excuse
16:43.46ScytheBlade1Too much WoW?
16:44.03malrethshe just called to say that she just got rear-ended while driving to campus
16:44.42malrethit's wet and cold today... lotsa accidents since apparently in Austin, people ZOMGFERGETHOW2DRIVE whenever there's a little bit of moisture on the road
16:44.54ScytheBlade1Where are you?
16:45.04ScytheBlade1Oh, texas
16:45.07art3misthats believable if she has a nice ass
16:45.12art3miscollege kids love milfs
16:45.12ScytheBlade1Should have just looked at your hostmask, heh
16:45.32malrethScytheBlade1: that's Texas with a capital T like God intended
16:45.47ralfWORKlike gawwwwd intended
16:45.48ScytheBlade1Crazy southern yank!
16:46.09cogwheelmalreth: you say that (wet roads) like it's unique
16:46.14cogwheelsame thing happens around here
16:46.30ScytheBlade1Seeing as our licence plates (until very recently) said "Greatest snow on earth"
16:46.33malrethit probably happens everywhere
16:46.37cogwheeldaylight saving changes too
16:46.43ScytheBlade1I can honestly say that whenever it snows and we have a California driver heading up I-15
16:46.46ScytheBlade1PAIN WILL ENSUE
16:47.00art3miswhere are you scythe?
16:47.19art3misthe ass end of God's horse
16:47.28ScytheBlade1Intersting name
16:47.41art3misit's the only way to explain mormons ;P
16:47.50ScytheBlade1Can honestly say I've never heard it explaind that way :P
16:48.14art3misthats cuz i just made it up ;P
16:48.18ScytheBlade1I see
16:48.52malrethwell, the mystery of the admin password is solved...
16:49.04malrethi think she was logging into the wrong domain
16:49.43malrethbut i won't know for sure until she gets here and i have her recreate the problem from yesterday
16:51.00art3mis"well ma'am you see the "(This Computer)" next to the domain? yeah that's wrong"
16:51.29malrethactually... i believe she was trying to use a local account to log into a domain account...
16:51.40ScytheBlade1I can see that
16:51.42malrethso she should have actually tried the (this computer) one
16:51.52malrethshe probably forgot
16:52.03malrethi have to come in here every semester and re-remind her
16:52.17art3misyessir Network Support is a groovy little program
16:52.45art3misits essentially just a console for remote terminals
16:54.52*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
16:55.00cncfanaticsyo all
16:56.54art3misyo sup G?
16:57.14ralfWORKyo yo yo
16:57.14kamdisanyone know who the Slipp person is posting on the UI & Macros forum?
16:57.20ScytheBlade1kamdis: why?
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16:57.33kamdisJust curious.  Seems a little overly hostile.
16:57.52kamdisNot that I can't understand it.
16:57.59ralfWORKI'm about to become overly hostile
16:58.05ralfWORKbecause mod_rewrite is a son of a whore
16:58.44cogwheelkamdis: (s)he has read my mind on numerous occasions ...
16:58.45ScytheBlade1kamdis: all I *can* say is "logs for you!"
16:59.52kamdisI had a feeling it was someone here.
17:00.22ScytheBlade1Stupid focus follow mouse
17:00.26ScytheBlade1Nearly died because of that
17:00.30cogwheeli see that
17:02.42art3misdamn missed my cc payment date by like 1 day
17:02.58cogwheelart3mis: and now your interest rate is 25% yes?
17:03.04art3misgot i love late and over limit feeds!
17:03.09art3misfirst time in a year
17:03.42art3mislate fee was 39$ which threw me over my limit so that got a bonus 36$ fee
17:03.51art3misso my 150 payment was only worth 80$
17:04.10cogwheelmy credit card will activate my default rate if i ever go over the limit
17:04.30art3misluckily ive got a bit of history built
17:04.41cogwheelesp. since it's 0% until next september and 9.9 fixed after that
17:04.47art3misi think my fico score right now is 683
17:04.53kamdis needs more Slipp imo ;-)
17:04.55cogwheelmines like 740
17:05.06art3misive been an american for 2 years ;P
17:05.34cogwheelChatzilla made 9 . 9 % into a smiley looking off innocently
17:05.40art3misthats odd kamdis iw as just thinking about you and a slip ;P
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17:07.06kamdisSlipp is my new hero
17:10.15cogwheelhehe... her post history is full of win
17:11.46ScytheBlade1He replied
17:11.47|Jelly|my god the fucking horde suck at av
17:13.49art3misonly during the day and early morning hours
17:13.59art3misin the evening we always dominate
17:16.19|Jelly|lol. they're all bitching about not having fort ... it took me three avs to get a table put down. :\
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17:17.22ralfWORKgive them rank 1 fort and be on your way
17:18.18|Jelly|I hardly buff myself in pvp. it's pretty pointless thanks to the number of hunters.
17:18.33Cideonly.. it's free
17:18.39ralfWORKI'd spend the mana for the joy of sarcasm
17:18.41ralfWORKnothing else
17:19.14ralfWORKit's sure not because I want to help a huntard, of all people :)
17:19.23|Jelly|Cide: I rarely get asked for fort when it's free. It's usually when I'm drinking somewhere.
17:19.34Cide<|Jelly|> I hardly buff myself
17:19.41Cidefuck others
17:20.02Cidebut there's no reason not to buff oneself :P
17:20.05EndI buff myself, but it hardly seems worth it
17:20.05art3mis"hey man gimme fort" "hey i glow black you honestly thing i care about the rest of you?"
17:20.22Industrial/cast !Auto Shot, does this trigger GCD?
17:20.28|Jelly|I'm actually fucking raid holy atm. :(
17:20.42art3misyou must like anal sex a lot
17:20.51ralfWORKI'd never enter AV holy
17:20.53|Jelly|or I must be broke.
17:21.03Industrialif so is there any difference between /castsequence Steady Shot,!Auto Shot and /castsequence Steady Shot,Auto Shot ?
17:21.26EndI believe one toggles auto shot, and the other just tries to force it to be used once
17:21.28Endor something like that
17:21.38Endwhich is which, I have no idea :P
17:21.46Industrial! is once
17:21.53art3mis! toggles
17:22.01Industrial.. ok :P
17:22.17Endanyways, I doubt either up a gcd?
17:22.21art3misso it gets by the gcd since it's just being switched on
17:22.32Industrialoh, there should eb a reset=3 in there ofc
17:22.33EndI dunno that much about autoshot though :P
17:23.09kamdisauto shot = toggle, !auto shot = turn on if off
17:23.30kamdisno gcd afaik
17:25.21Industrialok so it would be best if I set that reset to whatever is my unbuffed speed (with serpents swiftness and pouch)
17:25.30Industrialwhich is 2.08 atm
17:26.27EndI'm suddenly curious how the wand gcd works, since there are wands that are -faster- than the gcd
17:26.31Industrialso im saving a second on my shots o_O
17:27.08Endthat's interesting, wowhead claims wanding is a channeled ability
17:27.23ralfWORKI guess that makes sense?
17:27.44kergothcan someone in windows remind me what env var holds the user's temp dir in docs & settings? is it just $TEMP?
17:27.45EndI hate how wands are implemented though
17:27.58ralfWORKI do hate  them too
17:28.29IndustrialI should check out how the hunter autoshot works, cause there is a period in the shot just before the shot where you "put the arrow on the bow" where you cant move
17:28.36EndI only use them against spell reflecting mobs or zul'jin's eagle phase
17:28.37Industrialyou can mvoe in between shots and that
17:28.57End(hell, I don't use them against grounding totems anymore, since a dot on the shaman will kill the totem)
17:29.23Endkergoth: for what it is worth, I have TMP -and- TEMP set o_O
17:29.40kergothokay, thanks
17:29.57kergothrealized i never set my backupdir/directory vars in vim correctly for win32, they still point at /tmp and /var/tmp :P
17:29.58art3misdots on shaman kill totems?
17:29.59Endthey're both set to the same place too
17:30.02Industrialrun to the hilllls
17:30.06Industrialrun for your liiiiiife
17:30.15Endbut, I'm not sure which is the "correct" one
17:30.20kergothIndustrial: what song is that again?
17:30.29kergothdrawing a blank
17:30.30batrickwands set the gcd to their attack speed, and then trigger it every attack
17:30.33Endart3mis: not really
17:30.36batrickthat's really all there is to it
17:30.43Enda dot will break the grounding totem buff though
17:30.48Endwhich kills the totem (I think)
17:30.59Endtotems themselves are still immune
17:31.14art3miskergoth: i believe that was Uptown Girl by Billy Joel
17:32.19kergothah, iron maiden
17:32.24kergothrun to the hills
17:32.29kergothi love you, google
17:32.50art3misoh you were being seriouws
17:35.48Industrialkergoth: iron maiden - run to the hills
17:36.06Industrialone of my fav's along with the nuber of the beast :>
17:36.25Industrialah too late
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17:36.48kergothyeah, i like that song too
17:38.53Industrialsigh why did they ever name willy willy? its so easy to make jokes about
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17:39.10Industrial"my willy randomly attacks people"
17:39.14LopeppeppyOne eyed willy?
17:39.17ralfWORKgod knows mine does
17:39.18Industrial"aww thats a cute little willy"
17:40.30EndI'm pretty sure they knew what they were doing when they named it :P
17:41.28Lopeppeppy"Can I pet it?"
17:41.32Industrialhm those gg comics are fun
17:41.37Industrialhaha Lopeppeppy
17:42.28ralfWORKwhich is what makes me laugh when they ban guild names like <Come on her chest> or whatever it is that people create euphemisms for
17:43.00ralfWORKCome Honor Chest, that's the one
17:43.09LopeppeppyIt does seem a bit hypocritical, but.... who am I to disparage the dumb jock jokes?
17:43.37Industriallol ralfWORK
17:44.07kamdisOn Uther the banned the bank alt guild <I club baby seals>.  :-(
17:44.13ralfWORKI'm all about jock jokes and toilet humor; I just wish blizz discriminated player's language/names/whatever with the same laws they do their developers
17:44.20Industrialtheres Sick my Duck on my server
17:44.39LopeppeppyHow about trying to convince a GM that Dirty Sanchez is not a good thing?
17:44.40kamdisor was it <clubs baby seals> ? hmm
17:45.10|Jelly|Does Judgement of Justice do anything pvp?
17:45.23Industrialdoubt it
17:45.29Industrialwould be funny if it made you /follow
17:45.34LopeppeppyNot that I've ever found, |Jelly|
17:45.44LopeppeppyThe Seal is okay if it procs, but the judgement.... meh.
17:45.47Industrialcuz it refreshes and all :3
17:46.00|Jelly|the ret paladin just judged it on me
17:46.04*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
17:46.20LopeppeppyOooh.  Look the hell out.  You're Judged now, baby.
17:46.31|Jelly|i love ret paladins. even as holy 99% of the time I can heal through their onslaught. it's pathetic.
17:46.33ralfWORKif I ever make a ret pally
17:46.39ralfWORKI'm gonna call him JudgeDredd
17:46.48Industrialhmm theres one thing I envy about (alliance) pallies
17:46.51Industrialat least at 60
17:47.02Industrialthey got to walk around as judge dredd
17:47.16IndustrialI THOUGHT YOUD SAY THAT
17:49.03ralfWORKkamdis: ok, I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop
17:49.55ScytheBlade1kamdis: read up several lines ;)
17:50.14Industrialhmm, <And Two Stealthed Rogues> might be the best name for a guild ever
17:50.23ScytheBlade1Oh, ha
17:50.24Industrialanyone know a good forum thread with names?
17:50.28ScytheBlade1I C WUT U DID THARE
17:50.37kamdisoh, on the UI forum, I meant.
17:50.45ralfWORK|Jelly|: btw, when did ret pallies have an onslaught?
17:50.51ScytheBlade1I thought you were "channeling" him trying to make him go post :P
17:50.56ScytheBlade1Then it clicked ;)
17:51.05ScytheBlade1heh np
17:51.21kamdisI think I need my own Slipp
17:51.24ScytheBlade1afk food
17:51.32ScytheBlade1I might have four trolling toons :P
17:51.52ScytheBlade1Although, their post histories combine are still smaller than Slipp's, heh
17:52.00ScytheBlade1I really think he slipped and went off the deep end :P
17:52.14ScytheBlade1Er, that was a pretty horrible pun
17:52.16ScytheBlade1afk food!
17:52.21Industrialyes it was :p
17:52.23LopeppeppySlipp looks like a lot of fun.
17:53.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
17:54.04malrethhello, Comrade Lunessa
17:54.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Riffage- (
17:54.31LunessaCommissar malreth: Now is the time for all good me to come to the aid of the party.
17:55.14LunessaThe MotD, out of context, make it sound like I surrendered.
17:58.15kamdisAnd that you're gender confused.
17:59.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
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17:59.36LunessaWhich, based on the fact that I'm wearing a dress might be true...?
17:59.38|Jelly|7k more honor. /facepalm
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18:05.34malrethok... i just bit off part of this plastic fork
18:05.54malrethsomewhere in my mouth is a tiny plastic piece of gastronomic death
18:06.18zenzelezzthis proves that eating is bad for you
18:06.28malrethjust my luck that this is how I would die
18:06.53ralfWORKrofl damn dude
18:06.58ralfWORKcould be it
18:07.04ralfWORKfill out a will, quickly
18:07.19malreththis is embarassing
18:08.50malrethcogwheel gets my cynicism... iriel gets my gold... cairenn gets my stuff...
18:09.09malrethLunessa can have my bike
18:09.11Cairennno die!
18:09.28malrethmy fate is sealed
18:09.35ralfWORKguess I could say something stupid like
18:09.44ralfWORK"someone had better soulstone you quickly!"
18:10.02malreth|Jelly| can have my condoms... i have 2 left. top drawer of my nightstand.
18:10.06Lunessamalreth: Can I have that sweet camera and all your lenses?
18:10.27malrethLunessa: NO U GET MY BIKE
18:10.43malreththe camera i take to the GRAAAAAAVE
18:10.45LunessaNight Elf took you bike?
18:10.50malrethalong with a bowl of udon noodles
18:10.58IndustrialI LOLD IRL
18:10.58LunessaMmmmm.... udon
18:11.18zenzelezzI recall the guild "NAGA STOLE MY BIKE" on my first realm
18:11.32ralfWORKgod forbid we allow guild names like thisss!
18:13.06Polarinazenzelezz: Scarshield Legion?
18:13.29Polarinazenzelezz: Ok.
18:15.40*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
18:16.12ralfWORKmalreth: lol! I know which college you work at now!
18:16.27malrethwas it really that hard?
18:16.32ralfWORKno :(
18:16.46zenzelezzI was in "Rogues take zero skill" for a little bit on that realm... made me a prime target for all alliance rogues since it was a PvP realm
18:16.49malrethmy hostname should have given it away
18:17.23zenzelezzI'm appalled that none of you came up with a sexual remark in response to "<malreth> was it really that hard?"
18:20.12LopeppeppySorry zenzelezz, I never mix innuendo with lunch.
18:20.29zenzelezzI'll find a way to change that
18:20.41LopeppeppyGo to town, dear, lunch is over.
18:20.48malrethinnuendo... wasn't that a hispanic boy band?
18:21.21LopeppeppyI think they were lip synchers too.
18:22.01malrethlips... heh... heh heh...
18:22.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Riffage- (
18:24.47zenzelezzvolleyball isn't really my sport, but half of these girls on the Polish team could be models o_O
18:31.17ralfWORKzenzelezz: ss or it didn't happen
18:33.28malrethhmm... office 2008 installs the MS cleartype fonts...
18:35.55LopeppeppyDead or Alive Beach Volleyball.
18:37.01LopeppeppyWhen electronic women are all ya got, Beach Volleyball can look good, I hear.
18:37.22zenzelezzyou heard wrong; at least in my opinion
18:37.53kamdismalreth you realize that saying "udon noodles" is redundant, right?  :-P
18:38.16malrethuuuuuudooooooonn nooooooooooooodles
18:38.55LopeppeppyI'm a chick, what do I know of what electronic women look good and which don't?
18:39.47ralfWORKall chicks are bi, duh
18:40.01LopeppeppyOh.  I'll get right on getting that into my resume.
18:40.02LopeppeppyAs if.
18:46.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Riffage- (
18:47.44LunessaA friend of mine in college used to say "All women are a bottle of tequila away from a lesbian moment."
18:48.06LunessaHe was wrong, but it's a funny saying anyway.
18:48.53LopeppeppyWrong, but funny.
18:49.07TecnoBratI dunno
18:49.10TecnoBrata whole bottle?
18:49.11krkaok, i'll fix it.
18:49.15TecnoBrat... it might be true
18:49.17LunessaAnd 'sides women are the harshest critics about what makes a woman attractive.
18:49.44krkaall women are N bottles of tequila away from a lesbian moment
18:49.56LunessaSolve for N
18:50.02zenzelezzthat's easy Lunessa, the rule is "close to, but not quite, me"
18:50.10krkaN is obviously different for each woman
18:50.20Endthe problem is if N is too high
18:50.26ralfWORKI was gonna say, in my extensive testing, your friends statement is true
18:50.44LunessaralfWORK: I've done extensive field research.
18:51.25krkagot pix of that?
18:51.34zenzelezzI keep meeting lesbians online who turn straight after a couple of months of talking :-/
18:52.05ralfWORKoh right
18:52.11*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (n=dylanm@
18:52.54LunessaTo be honest, a lot of people thing sexual identity is something with which they can be 'trendy' or 'cool.'  It takes a little knocking around in life to figure out that's not true.
18:53.17ralfWORKuhm... ok
18:53.20ralfWORKwell my wife is bi
18:53.24ralfWORKand that's all that matters to me
18:53.26ralfWORKso there
18:53.39zenzelezzyou're not enough for her?
18:54.17Josh_Borkezenzelezz: ouch
18:54.25ralfWORKlol waait wut?
18:54.26LunessaGood on you. :)  I know a lot of people who are pretty clear on their status/identity.  I just don't believe all claims of 'bi' especially from people who have very short life experience.
18:54.44ralfWORKLunessa: with short life experience, sure
18:54.58ralfWORKI don't believe anyone is "bi" until they have actually erm... tried it
18:55.01zenzelezzthe women I was talking about were all late 20s/early 30s
18:55.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=shirik@
18:55.33ralfWORKwithout a doubt, hearing a woman say "yea I'm bi" but never have been with another woman... I ain't gonna believe it
18:55.49ralfWORK(yes, I know someone like that actually)
18:56.43|Jelly|Anyone know of an addon that will keep track of things like hk, deaths, kb, honor, etc per BG you're in so I can go back and say for instance that I for 3 deaths and 700 honor from that bg two rounds ago?
18:56.59malreththere's no such thing as bisexuals... just peoplesexuals
18:58.07LopeppeppyNot offhand, |Jelly|-dear, although I'm sure there's such a thing out there....
18:58.41*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Shirik|Ecole] by ChanServ
18:58.56malrethhey, i may be stupid but at least i'm politically correct
18:59.11LopeppeppyI'm neither.  o.O
18:59.21zenzelezzpolitical correctness is just another way of saying you're afraid of being honest
18:59.22malreththat's why we love you, Lopeppeppy
18:59.43Lunessamalreth: Coupling quotes FTW
19:00.22LopeppeppyWell... I'm still sometimes afraid to be honest, zenzelezz... it's not easy.
19:00.27Lopeppeppy<3 for malreth
19:00.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Slackwise (
19:00.58Lunessa|Jelly|: Sorry - I don't.
19:08.15Shirik|Ecoleholy crap, netbeans 6 is awesome
19:08.43Shirik|EcoleIf you type /** before a function (typical java documentation style) it automatically fills in @param, @exception, etc for you
19:08.59batrickyou should try eclipse shirik
19:09.14batrickthat's been a feature of eclipse for centuries
19:09.25ralfWORKeons, even
19:09.43Shirik|Ecoleeclipse is crap
19:09.45Shirik|EcoleLike beyond crap
19:09.56Shirik|EcoleIt annoys me to hell
19:10.12Shirik|EcoleThe #1 thing I can't stand is that it doesn't even have a compile button on the toolbar by default
19:10.19Shirik|Ecole(I know, I'm picky)
19:11.20Shirik|EcoleUnfortunately I have to use Eclipse for QNX
19:11.31Shirik|EcoleHowever I have been slightly more impressed by Eclipse's C++ features than I have its Java features
19:12.18batrickuh shirik, it dynamically compiles your code... a compile button would be senseless
19:12.42Shirik|EcoleWell it's supposed to
19:12.47batrickthere is a run button :D
19:12.49Shirik|Ecolebut sometimes it gets drunk
19:15.10Shirik|Ecolebatbot, is Shirik|Ecole drunk?
19:15.10batbotShirik|Ecole, My reply is no.
19:15.18Shirik|EcoleSee I don't drink
19:15.26batrickbatbot: is shirik insane?
19:15.26batbotbatrick, Probably.
19:15.35Shirik|EcoleWell I won't deny that
19:15.54malrethbatbot: am i rich?
19:15.54batbotmalreth, Yes... Definitely.
19:17.16malrethbatbot: is Lopeppeppy really a girl?
19:17.16batbotmalreth, Cannot predict now.
19:17.31malrethenigmatic as always, Pep
19:17.53krka#1: there are no girls on the internet
19:18.04purl"Welcome to IRC: where the men are men, the women are men, and the little girls are FBI agents."
19:18.47Lopeppeppymalreth, if you really want to know make a date with your Vent server.
19:19.20malrethi prefer the mystery
19:19.40LopeppeppyThen enjoy batbot's predictions.
19:20.16Lopeppeppymalreth, that's not fair.  I'm already a redhead, they're faint as it is.
19:20.20*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
19:20.21malrethdon't worry.. they'll grow back
19:20.28malrethbut they'll be really itchy when they do
19:20.28LopeppeppySays you.
19:22.00kamdisredheads unite!  ;-)
19:22.28LopeppeppyWhy would I want to do that, kamdis?  *wink*
19:22.32*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
19:22.39kamdisfor fun?
19:22.50Shirik|EcoleI'm so lost
19:22.57kamdisinsert your own definition of fun.
19:23.01ralfWORKredheads untie!
19:23.04|Jelly|2 redheads, 1 cup? ewww.
19:25.11Shirik|Ecolelua> 47+26
19:25.11lua_botShirik|Ecole: 73
19:25.35Lopeppeppy|Jelly|.  No.
19:25.46LunessaWait.. TWO red heads?  TWO? Better make that THREE.
19:26.05LopeppeppyStill very no.
19:26.17LunessaNo, in channel.  Not the other thing.
19:26.35LunessaCairenn, Lopeppeppy, kamdis ... hrm....
19:26.55LunessaAnd before I went bald, I was occasionally a red head.
19:27.05batrick that's awesome
19:27.18LunessaDepending on how much sun I got.
19:27.19ralfWORKhe worked as Ronald McDonald
19:27.31LunessaI was red/brown and bleached to red.
19:28.05LunessaNow I'm brown/gray when I fail to shave the fringe.
19:28.06|Jelly|my beard is red ... which I can't for the life of me understand.
19:28.25LunessaJelly - mine was too.  People used to ask me if i dyed it.
19:28.40ralfWORKmine has like 5 red hairs in it
19:28.43ralfWORKno clue why
19:28.49Shirik|Ecolebatrick: That's actually really cool
19:28.52LopeppeppyI have grey hair, can't figure out why.
19:29.10|Jelly|You play WoW.
19:29.22LopeppeppyOh, I thought it was the Other Woman Syndrome.
19:29.31kd3I <3 my apartment
19:29.32|Jelly|*shrug* I was just trying to be polite.
19:29.36kergothaging ftl
19:29.48kd3first it's a leak in the water pipe between the meter and the main distribution panel, now there's a leak in the roof
19:30.05ralfWORKkd3: could be like my apartment
19:30.24ralfWORKmy old apartment rather, where there was a plumbing leak upstairs
19:30.36ralfWORKthat leaked through the cieling into my kitchen
19:30.46ralfWORKfor like a week
19:30.51ralfWORKuntil they could get a plumber out there
19:31.09ralfWORKthen it was another 2 weeks before they did a halfass job of drywalling it back up
19:31.17Thunder_Childthere is a guild on my server called "the grey hair down there"
19:31.24ralfWORKThunder_Child: rofl
19:34.27Endaol is supporting xmpp
19:34.33Cairenn <== site downtime on WoWI
19:35.01EndCairenn: how shiney?
19:35.08CairennEnd: very shiny
19:35.09Endblindinly so?
19:35.18Cairennwe certainly hope so :)
19:35.19Endwow I can't spell
19:35.53zenzelezzbut how am I going to get my addons that night!?
19:36.11zenzelezzat your hands?
19:36.17Thunder_Child~mean Cairenn
19:36.18purlACTION thinks Cairenn is mean :(
19:36.54*** join/#wowi-lounge kamdis (n=405f8902@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
19:37.05Thunder_Childand yes, it was kamdis's fault
19:37.12|Jelly|well duh
19:37.13art3misi wouldnt ask the gnomes for help
19:37.15kamdishar har
19:37.25art3misive seen gnomish technology
19:37.43kamdisAs a person with two 70 Priests, I'm used to being blamed for jsut about anything.
19:37.48art3misshiny could mean sparkely
19:37.58|Jelly|You need a tank too.
19:38.03art3misadn since most burnished steel "sparkles" when on fire......
19:38.17art3misyou have 2 priests?
19:38.23art3mis1 on each side?
19:38.25LunessaI balme kamdis
19:38.31art3misi balm her too
19:38.32Thunder_Childi only have one, but i manage to blame everyone else
19:38.35|Jelly|I balme Lunessa
19:38.40LunessaI do too
19:38.42TecnoBratCairenn, how does the new box compare to the one wowhead got a little while ago?
19:38.52LopeppeppyAnd all this time, I'm totally at fault.  *winks*
19:38.52kamdisYes, my launch day char (who's now shadow but wasn't till after BC) and Kamdis
19:38.53LunessaThat stuffy night elf is a pain in my ass. got porn movie funding ;P
19:39.00Cairennyou'll have to ask dolby-wowi about that stuff
19:39.07|Jelly|Two priests is the only way to go. Masochistic priests unit!
19:39.09art3misthey keep hoping it'll devolve
19:39.17malreth2 priests 1 cup?
19:39.42LunessaI'm actually working on my third priest now.
19:39.53|Jelly|So you really do cut yourself at night?
19:40.05art3mis<cheese> cairenn: is the new box as shiny and sparkely as your eyes? </cheese>
19:40.15Cairennart3mis: lol
19:40.20Lunessa|Jelly|: You're one to talk.
19:40.22*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
19:40.28|Jelly|Wait. What?
19:40.30art3misjelly doesnt cut himself
19:40.34art3misjelly rolls
19:40.44LunessaHe cuts other people.
19:40.49LunessaAnd he rolls as a priest.
19:40.55|Jelly|I did almost lose my job last night. rofl
19:40.59art3misonly cuz he's covered in shards of broken glass most days
19:41.35Shirik|EcoleOkay, please guys, if you're going to be a developer and you're going to release documentation
19:41.36art3misi wish my lawn qwas as emo as jelly.....
19:41.45Shirik|EcoleAnd you need to say something like "Set the SerialPort parameters 1.5 stop bits requires 5 databits "
19:41.51Lopeppeppy*hugs for Jelly*
19:41.56Shirik|EcolePlease use punctuation so people like me don't spend 5 minutes looking at that trying to figure out what it says.
19:42.12|Jelly|Who's emo? I almost beat a guy's ass for throwing shit in my face.
19:42.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Tinyboom (
19:42.38Cairennactual feces? that's gross!
19:42.39art3misshirik: if you're going to read documentation instead of just playing with things until you guess right adn you've been on irc and can't read something without puncuation you need to go kill yourself
19:43.08batrickanybody got any recommendations for a good headset? (not necessarily with a mic)
19:43.19art3misanything altec lansing ;P
19:43.24|Jelly|A wireless one with a built in ptt.
19:43.32art3misusb wireless ;P
19:43.40art3misthose are the goodest
19:43.45Lopeppeppybatrick, I successfully use Plantronics.  Must have a volume and a mute for me.
19:43.47ralfWORKoh? built in PTT really?
19:43.49Shirik|Ecoleart3mis: I do need to kill myself
19:44.03art3misShirik|Ecole: thats what you get for eeprom programming
19:44.06|Jelly|as in on the wireless part, jackass.
19:44.18Shirik|EcoleActually I'm working with flash not eeprom
19:44.20|Jelly|I wanna be able to get a drink while people are ranting on vent about how they're noobs
19:44.27Shirik|Ecolethough some argue that flash is a form of eeprom
19:44.32batricki had a really good plantronics one, but the cord got wrapped around my chair and when i stood up i wripped the cabling out of the socket
19:44.33art3mistechnically it is
19:44.35batrick: /
19:44.43art3miscept flash is more volatile aint it?
19:44.46Fisker-? :O
19:44.48TecnoBrat|Jelly|, I bought a wireless headset
19:44.50TecnoBratomg shit
19:45.32Shirik|EcoleI don't like people saying flash is eeprom since it's not really rom...
19:45.32TecnoBratit was nice .. but it sounded like crap
19:45.32art3misshirik in a lot of cases and usage it is though
19:45.32batrickTecnoBrat: who made it?
19:45.32cncfanaticsanyone know of an addon conflict of visor with something ?.
19:45.33LunessaI like the XBox 360 wireless one from Microsoft.  It's... very nice.
19:45.35cncfanaticsone of my addons is conflicting with visor, would be helpful if someone already tracked this issue
19:45.38TecnoBratbatbot, it was a MS one
19:45.42TecnoBratLunessa, thats the one
19:45.45TecnoBratand it sounds like shit
19:45.46art3misthe only major difference is that you can randomly change the contents of flash
19:45.54*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
19:46.04art3miseepproms you can as well cept it takes much mroe work
19:46.15malretha lot of scatological talk on the channel today...
19:46.25LunessaTecnoBrat: Really?  Mine sounds GREAT!
19:46.26LopeppeppyWe do seem to be "in a mood"
19:46.38TecnoBratLunessa, maybe you have a new model?
19:46.45Shirik|Ecoleshoop de boo wap?
19:46.49Shirik|EcoleIs that scatological?
19:47.31TecnoBratthats what I bought
19:47.36LunessaTecnoBrat: I bought it in September.  I had to replace it once under warranty cause it just quit working. But it has served me very well and is really comfortable and sounds great.
19:47.52TecnoBratthe mic sounds like crap for me
19:48.01Shirik|EcoleI love this guy
19:48.03bleeterScytheBlade1: pong
19:48.05Shirik|Ecoleprivate void waitForTheNativeCodeSilly()Give the native code a chance to start listening to the hardware or should we say give the native code control of the issue. This is important for applications that flicker the Monitor thread while keeping the port open. In worst case test cases this loops once or twice every time.
19:48.10Shirik|EcoleGreat function name.
19:48.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin_ (n=igor@
19:48.53LopeppeppyI like the concept of the wireless headsets, but my ear is usually too small for the earpiece and it's more annoying than anything else
19:49.00cncfanaticsShirik|Ecole: who did that ?
19:49.12Shirik|EcoleIt's part of the RXTX Java library (
19:52.19cncfanaticsnearly finished tracking down this addon conflict
19:53.11art3misi think i wanna live in Canadian, Oklahoma
19:54.40LopeppeppyI'd like to live in Canada itself.
19:54.49Lunessaart3mis: No, you don't.  Trust me on this.
19:54.56cncfanaticsaddon conflict found, yay
19:55.01cncfanaticspitbull & visor conflict, or their libraries do
19:55.26cncfanaticswondering if I can do shit about it
19:55.39cncfanaticshaving both enabled at once causes the screen to flicker
19:55.41cncfanaticsany ideas why ?
19:55.51cncfanatics(the ui disappears and reappears a split second late)r
19:55.58cncfanaticsrandomly, and also when exiting a building or enteirng it
19:56.04*** join/#wowi-lounge malikeye|work (
19:56.15art3mislunessa: but i could run around with a spoon and pa shouting OKLAHOMA OKLAHOMA OKLAHOMA
19:56.49Lunessaart3mis: Like anyone else who's moved away I can tell you.. Oklahoma is a place from which you ESCAPE.
19:58.46art3miswhat if i wanna take up moonshine runnin'?
19:59.18|Jelly|Go to Kentucky?
19:59.23LopeppeppyYou're making me thirsty
19:59.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Drool (
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20:00.02LopeppeppyI can't drink that.
20:00.02Lunessafor the making of the shine
20:00.15art3mishazard county ;P
20:00.17kamdisWest Virginia for moonshine, imo
20:00.37kamdisor anywhere in Appalachia
20:00.45art3mis|Jelly|: you're thinking of Ol' Kentucky Shark
20:01.31LopeppeppyDandelion wine has a bite.
20:02.03TecnoBratlooks promising as a full wireless gaming headset
20:02.36*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
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20:03.14Cairennwelcome back
20:03.23Cairennerrr, wrong channel
20:03.23zenzelezzthank you
20:03.34Cairennart3mis: ;)
20:03.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin_ (n=igor@
20:04.58Endmalreth: lol
20:05.01kamdismalreth, you always crack me up
20:05.21*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatic1 (
20:05.31art3misyou fergot the *pling*
20:05.40malreth~fail me
20:05.41purlmalreth: Fail.
20:05.47art3misYO JOE!
20:06.00cncfanatic1how is the addon called again that takes all your minimap buttons and puts them somewhere ?
20:06.10malrethbutton bag
20:06.12malrethbag button
20:06.14malrethsomething like that
20:06.20ralfWORKwhat does it do now?
20:06.31nevcairielbuttons a bag
20:06.33nevcairielor bags the buttons
20:06.42art3mismini button bag!
20:06.46malrethBox! Box! Bag! Bag!
20:06.48ralfWORKhow does it work? does it consolidate them into 1 minimap button?
20:06.50LopeppeppyMinimap BagButton, or something similar.  I get mine off
20:07.00art3misralk: minibuttonbag does
20:07.06LopeppeppyOne single button, you click and it expands to show the rest.  You choose if you put things into the bag or not.
20:07.11Cairenn or
20:07.22art3misdetached is evil ;P
20:07.26Cairennthere's a third, but I don't recall it off the top of my head
20:07.33art3mistehrs the minibutton menu
20:07.40art3misthat makes a frame for them to live in
20:08.00art3misi wish someone would update maff and moveanything!
20:08.22art3misit borked at 2.0 i think
20:08.27kamdislol my guild bank has [Three of Storms]x13 in it
20:08.38ralfWORKI bet they don't stack
20:08.50art3misof course they dont
20:08.52art3misthey're cards
20:09.00art3misand far to big to fit in 1 spot
20:09.07ralfWORKell oh ell nub
20:09.22art3miswhy 2 card tacked is enough to fill an olympic sized swimming pool
20:09.23kamdisthey show as stacked
20:09.39art3misi wish they'd get rid of bad slots and bring in encumberance ;P
20:09.43art3misthat would rule
20:09.59kd3huh, I really don't get that... we can carry onyxia or nef's head in a single bag slot but a playing card also takes just as much space?
20:10.00zenzelezzbase it on stamina and I'm game
20:10.05LopeppeppyHells, my paladin would never be able to move again, he has so much backup armor.  And the druids... ugh.
20:10.11malrethyes... give each object in the game both a mass and a volume
20:10.25zenzelezzkd3: didn't you ever play Monkey Island 3? It showed that pants have infinite capacity
20:10.28malreththen give bags a max amount of volume that they can carry
20:10.35Endmy only problem is when you try to switch gear :P
20:10.37art3misthats why tailor made bags of holding would rule ;P
20:10.43art3misthey alter mass adn volume!
20:10.47End"I have to raid in pvp gear, my bags are too full!"
20:11.13art3mismalreth: and dont forget to add the donkey+cart spell ;P
20:11.42art3miscompelte with a little mexican to steer the donkey
20:11.51art3miserr radiated gnome
20:11.56LopeppeppyLeper gnome.
20:11.59kamdisrolf and, apparently, [Farmer's Broom]x25 all with Firey
20:12.07kamdisthose do not stack
20:12.10bleeterkd3: there's still a shitload of stacking things like that. It's early morning, can't think of any off the top of my head. But something along the lines of '20 light feathers' vs '200 [argent dawn] bone pieces' springs to mind
20:12.29kamdisthose were from some photo op for our site banner a while back
20:12.47zenzelezzbleeter: they may be light feathers, but pack too many together and they get crushed. Bones are stronger
20:13.08art3misbleeter: it doesnt say how big the piece is ;P
20:13.10bleeteron the subject of brooms, my mage's swift flying broom expired a day or so ago, not in her bags. but as I logged out whilst flying it, she's still using it. just if I dismount, it'll vanish.
20:13.24art3misrealistically you should get at elast 300 bone fragments per skeleton if you hit it right
20:13.28bleeter*so now it's not in bags or her bank
20:13.39ralfWORKbleeter: hope you don't ever need to dismount!
20:13.40LopeppeppyYou've found a unique state, bleeter.
20:13.50ralfWORKmine went away this week I think :(
20:14.10LopeppeppyI think I've lost all of mine as well, they did "fix" the duration so they would expire.  Sadness.
20:14.11bleeterLopeppeppy: I'm assuming it's some form of 'protection' to stop people falling out of the sky
20:14.12*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (
20:14.21sag_ich_nicht excuse me blizzardf
20:14.26ralfWORKhow was it initially broken?
20:14.27sag_ich_nichtbut wtf are you doing?
20:14.33ralfWORKwas it like... game play days?
20:14.38ralfWORK(seemed like it maybe)
20:14.44zenzelezzin-game time, yes
20:14.48ralfWORKahh sweet
20:14.51LopeppeppyYes, ralfWORK.  They changed it to RealTime instead.
20:14.52zenzelezzwas supposed to be, and was fixed to, real-time
20:14.59bleeteryeah, I had a few stashed away on bank alts
20:17.14ralfWORKI have some christmas crap hanging around
20:17.20ralfWORKI do love my bot :(
20:18.35bleeterralfWORK: I want greatfather winter to turn up for a promotional visit so I can slap him for giving us broken bots as presents
20:18.48Endone of my guildie has the new valentines day stuff already :P
20:18.51Endyeah, he's a packrat :P
20:19.01Endhe had some of the unopened packages
20:19.05bleeterhey, I'm on an RP realm... can't help it if I wanna RP... nothing to do with slapping blizz coders ;)
20:19.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Bela|wor1 (n=sluster@
20:20.12bleetertho, I do seem to recall not the christmas just gone, but the one before, I bitched at Blizz for being cheap bastards and not giving everyone a throwaway blue item as a present... so maybe I've only got myself to blame ;)
20:20.41art3misi wish that they wouldnt give you the same gifts as you got last year
20:20.48art3misive got 2 snowman kits
20:20.48ralfWORKwhy not
20:20.53ralfWORKthat's what santaclaus does
20:20.55art3misthey're unique ;P
20:20.55ralfWORKcheap bastard
20:21.04bleeteryeah, snowman kits not being unique is... odd
20:21.11art3misalthough i did make a nice 150g from wint'er bite
20:21.14art3miswinter's bite
20:21.23bleeteroh, they are? but they sent you a second?
20:21.31art3misits still in my mailbox too
20:21.35bleetermaybe father winter's got alzheimers or something
20:21.48art3missicne i got it even though it expired
20:21.56art3misi need to get that mod that fowards mail ;P
20:22.06art3misjust to see if i can do that without it soulbinding
20:22.22|Jelly|Haven't seen this one before.
20:22.24|Jelly|[S] <Nadineai>: Want the best hack for WoW?
20:22.24LopeppeppyI got two copies as well, it's a hoot to have one.
20:22.26|Jelly|[S] <Nadineai>: $24.99, undetectable. Comes with 30-day Money Back Guarantee
20:22.28|Jelly|[S] <Nadineai>:
20:22.28bleeterart3mis: doubtful
20:22.29|Jelly|[S] <Nadineai>: Want to do 20,000 per hit? Solo Elite mobs in one hit!
20:22.31|Jelly|[S] <Nadineai>: Go to now! Download Today!
20:22.33ralfWORK|Jelly|: I saw that the other day
20:22.40ralfWORKI'm a good person
20:22.44ralfWORKbut I was tempted :(
20:22.47LopeppeppyWow, that sounds like a sweet deal!  I should go get me some right now!
20:22.59bleeterart3mis: as from what I understand, forward picks up a mail item, puts it in your bag, then constructs a new mail your you. thus, BoP items prolly won't forward.
20:23.00ralfWORKI'm getting lazy with my 42 warrior
20:23.17ralfWORKand 1,000,000 hp could really help
20:23.17bleeter|Jelly|: the gold seller bots on my realm have been advertising that for around a week
20:23.33LopeppeppyNo one ever offers to make Peppy All Powerful.
20:23.34kamdisundetectable lol
20:23.47kamdisPeppy already is all powerful!
20:23.55art3misbleeter: yeah im kind of going on the maybe itll work if tis done fast enough ;P
20:24.19Shirik|Ecole|Jelly|: I've been getting that for months actually
20:24.26Shirik|EcoleIt's annoying
20:24.48bleeterwhat are folks' 'recommended' healbot type mods?
20:25.02|Jelly|I'll make Peppy all powerful!
20:25.03art3mis|Jelly|: they forget to mention that it doesnt work on live servers and only functions sorta on emus ;P
20:25.07bleetermy priest recently converted from shadow to holy/disc to go from 61 - 70, so am interested
20:25.09ralfWORKbleeter: grid+clique
20:25.22art3misyou wanna grind 61-70 a holy?
20:25.29ralfWORKwow how's that for backwards
20:25.31art3misare you mad?!
20:25.32|Jelly|POWER INFUSION! ... even though you're a rogue
20:25.33|Jelly|Clique + UF
20:25.46art3misactually holy/disc isnt tooo bad for grinding
20:25.51art3misits slow but consistent
20:25.52bleeterart3mis: only doing it inside instances
20:25.56art3misrarely out of hps or mana
20:26.04art3misbut it takes a bit longer to make the mobs go away
20:26.05ralfWORKmy priest instanced for his career
20:26.06bleeterart3mis: grinding the rep out in sinstances before doing quests
20:26.08ralfWORKhe was holy
20:26.10Shirik|Ecoleshadow = never out of mana
20:26.13ralfWORKworked just fine
20:26.15kamdisholy/disc grinding = dot dot bubble wand forever
20:26.16LopeppeppyPhenomenal Cosmic Power Infusion!  ....itty bitty rogue blows up!
20:26.23ralfWORKuhm actually
20:26.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
20:26.27art3misshadow == always out of mana
20:26.31ralfWORKI run out of mana grinding more as shadow than as holy :P
20:26.43kamdisme too
20:26.49*** join/#wowi-lounge ag`_ (n=ag`
20:26.52ralfWORKfaster killing, but more frequent drinking
20:26.53|Jelly|:-\ I didn't. I loved being shadow grinding freaking spiders for silk.
20:26.53art3misif you dont run out of mana as a shadow you're killing things with dots and yer wand and should be shadow anwyas
20:27.09ralfWORKI didn't get spirit tap either
20:27.20purlit has been said that oom is read
20:27.24|Jelly|You could Spirit Tap smite cannon!
20:27.25ralfWORKby the time I went shadow, I was halfway through Kara
20:27.37Shirik|Ecolespirit tap holy nova aoe grind
20:27.48art3misoom is also Out of Monsters, as signaled by the healer and mage in the group.
20:27.50|Jelly|just make sure you have 28k mana
20:28.04Shirik|EcoleI actually know a priest that did this
20:28.09art3misthe best thing about the old holy nova was the 0 threat
20:28.13ralfWORKShirik|Ecole: I trolled about it
20:28.24ralfWORKShirik|Ecole: glad someone took it seriously
20:28.43art3misi used to get bored and aoe scholo all the time when i was holy.disc for about 3 days
20:30.53ralfWORKmy troll was that with the 2.3 changes to make +heal also +dmg
20:31.08ralfWORKthat holy nova spam was the true priest signature move
20:31.20ralfWORKheals everyone and kills all the mobs
20:31.35ralfWORKthat plus the Meditation changes, means you won't ever run out of mana
20:32.17ralfWORKbut oh well :P
20:32.46ralfWORKit wasn't as good as mind vision crits
20:32.49ralfWORKbut I thought it was ok
20:33.00art3mismind vision crits?
20:33.11ralfWORKdude you've never heard of them?
20:33.15art3misheh yah know what was kind of funny prior to tbc?
20:33.42art3misthey changed the range of mind soothe by 1 or 2 for a patch so running dm you couldnt get close enough to cast it without aggroing
20:33.47ralfWORKart3mis: yea I think about that time frame
20:34.00Lopeppeppymalreth, I didn't know your interests ran to hentai.
20:34.18ralfWORKso I guess my mind is in the gutter
20:34.22art3misive gotten twisting nether procs offa shadowform crits and food crits and wand crits and mount crits ;P
20:34.26ralfWORKI saw that as "Testicle Arm"
20:34.27malrethLopeppeppy: is today like the only day you've ever known me?
20:34.33ralfWORKand almost closed the window cause I'm at work :P
20:34.59LopeppeppyI guess I hadn't registered that particular facet yet, dearling.  I'll start taking notes.
20:35.28art3misLopeppeppy: mal has the entire Dragon Pink series ;)
20:35.52LopeppeppyI do not know pink dragons.  I have very limited La Blue Girl exposure.
20:36.06LopeppeppyI've said before, I'm such an innocent nooblet!  :)
20:36.38kamdisyet somehow still all powerful
20:37.32malrethart3mis: it's funny... but i actually *do* own Dragon Pink... on VHS even!
20:37.58malrethi also have Plastic Little on DVD with the Jiggle Counter feature
20:38.49art3mismalreth: i love that show
20:39.04Lunessamalreth: You're a sickly twisted, disturbing freak.  I'm please to know you.
20:39.13malrethhowever none of them hold a candle to the genius that is Bible Black
20:39.17art3misive got black book and la blue girl somwhere's
20:39.34art3mismy anime pride and joy though is Excel Saga ;P
20:39.44art3miswords cannot express how awesome that series is
20:40.07art3misit makes Through the Looking Glass seem sane
20:40.15art3mismalreth: wife owns that on dvd
20:40.23art3misand some other fetish one
20:40.29malrethNSN is the only show that has truly driven me to drink
20:40.44art3misnot sure why but meh, i used to manage a porn store so ive got a drawer of porn ive never watched
20:40.52malrethi literally could not go on watching until i had some whiskey
20:41.23*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (i=kd3@gateway/tor/x-589349715c207f91)
20:41.25ralfWORKwait excel
20:41.41ralfWORKI love her [<----------------------------------->] much
20:42.16LopeppeppySuch an innocent nooblet
20:42.37LunessaNooblet maybe, innocent never.
20:42.59zenzelezzinnocent like a fox
20:44.24art3misi am so smart SMRT err smArt
20:44.39zenzelezzSimpsons; I see what you did there
20:45.34art3misyou are beomcing that which youa re truely deep down inside Dib.. Wait deep down inside im bologna? Yes. That's just stupid. Stupid like a moose DIB STUPID LIKE A MOOSE!
20:48.22malrethBanky points to pictures in the book.  The kid looks on.
20:48.22malrethBANKY: ...And then Black Beauty couldn't take it any longer, and he finally did some of his own mounting.
20:49.02zenzelezzwhy do people feel the need to spam trade chat when one of their guild members get a warglaive?
20:49.12*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
20:49.30ralfWORKI dunno. I don't think i would
20:49.42kamdisbecause they are 12 and think it's funny?
20:49.45ralfWORKI'd spam it if I got it though
20:50.17kamdisthough, i've been known to parttake in trade chat item spam for fun.
20:50.28ralfWORKKrol Blade
20:50.46kamdisNothing like the good old "WTS [Anathema] PST
20:51.08ralfWORKactually, I found out recently that Krol Blade isn't universally accepted on all realms
20:51.19ralfWORKco-worker's server it's Skullflame Shield
20:52.50kamdisYou'd be right at home on Uther, ralf.  It's Krol Blade central in /2.
20:55.40bleeterThorium Brotherhood (US) has [Skull Flame Shield] central for about 6 weeks
20:55.45bleeter*has been
20:55.50ralfWORKthat's awesome
20:56.36ralfWORKI don't know why it irritates people so much
20:56.42ralfWORKeveryone should lighten up a little bit
20:56.46ralfWORKthe only people I feel fore
20:57.07ralfWORKare the ones who are actually trying to sell a Krol Blade or Skullflame Shield
21:07.35bleetercp /dev/null batrick
21:08.32bleeterhey, I could've been real nasty and ln'd you ;)
21:10.40Lunessanah rd -r batrick
21:11.02kd3well... leak below ground... leak in the attic. now all we need is a leak in the kitchen... maybe the dishwasher breaking?
21:12.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
21:19.21bleeterkd3: leak in the bathroom?
21:19.42bleetermost people use the bathroom to leak
21:19.47bleeteryou just likebeing different don't you
21:20.00kd3you bet
21:20.22bleeterkd3: srsly, tho, any way you can involved you net connection with the leak?
21:20.26bleeter*your net
21:21.07kd3alas no
21:21.19kd3I know full well it's the filters the ISP's running
21:21.42sag_ich_nichthey kd3 bleeter you seen this bug yet: ?
21:22.15kd3ya, saw a clone of it in the PTR forum
21:22.17bleetersag_ich_nicht: I saw you (or someone else) post earlier. my highest level rogue is 12, so my care factor is somewhere between 0 and negative infinity
21:24.24kamdisI officially hate this guy, in case anyoen wanted to know.
21:26.31*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
21:27.13LunessaI hate him too.  Happy now?
21:28.42kamdisNo, but thank you for your support.
21:29.03sag_ich_nicht[22:22] <bleeter> sag_ich_nicht: I saw you (or someone else) post earlier. my highest level rogue is 12, so my care factor is somewhere between 0 and negative infinity <--well, ASSUMING this is caused by the server sending events that it SHOULDN'T send, this probably affects more than just stealth :P
21:29.44ScytheBlade1Bump for great justic if you agree:
21:29.53ScytheBlade1Oh hey, bleeter is here now
21:31.48purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
21:32.04ScytheBlade1Not asking :)
21:32.19kd3oh god. I hated that quest
21:32.35ScytheBlade1I'm (still) doing it now
21:34.11ralfWORKScytheBlade1: wow! that post is nutty
21:34.15Cairennif any of you play DDO (ha ha, yeah right) - DDOInterface is now live on LotROI:
21:34.35ScytheBlade1ralfWORK: nutty?
21:34.41ralfWORKScytheBlade1: yea. that must suck bad
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21:34.55ScytheBlade1ralfWORK: Seeing people wait politely in line kind of tripped me out, I won't lie
21:35.18ralfWORKScytheBlade1: correct me if I'm wrong, but I recall when BC came out, everyone was doing the first quests in outlands
21:35.26ralfWORKyou had to kill some mobs
21:35.29ralfWORKand then some named dudes
21:35.36ralfWORKand at that time, they upped the respawn rate
21:35.55ScytheBlade1Yup, they said that the respawn timers would vary depending upon the kill rates.
21:35.56ralfWORKsomeone said to me that it was directly based upon how fast players were killing them
21:35.58kd3mob respawn rate is dependent on kill rate
21:36.03ralfWORKyea, that's what I  thought
21:36.06ScytheBlade1The Flayers in the mine respawn accordingly
21:36.10ScytheBlade1The Ravagers are on set timers
21:36.12ralfWORKit was so bad on our server
21:36.19*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
21:36.19kd3and there's all of 6 ravagers
21:36.27ralfWORKthat the named guy would appear as soon as he died
21:36.28ScytheBlade1Five spawns
21:36.30ralfWORKit was pretty funny actually
21:36.32ralfWORKahh I see
21:36.47ScytheBlade1I really think that if you looked at the average lifespan of the ravagers on my server
21:36.51ScytheBlade1It'd be under 10 seconds
21:37.00ralfWORKprobably that way so that people can't just like power-level reputation as a guild
21:37.20ScytheBlade1Well, it's a once-daily quest.
21:37.20zenzelezzScytheBlade1: reminds me of Every Mob In Hellfire(tm) on BC release day =D
21:37.27ScytheBlade1Kinda hard to power level that as a guild. ;)
21:37.32ralfWORKScytheBlade1: ahh ok
21:37.39ralfWORKI've never done the Netherwing stuff so I don't know
21:37.40ScytheBlade1zenzelezz: we had WELL over 1000 people in there within an hour
21:37.47ScytheBlade1Looting took in excess of 30 seconds
21:37.49zenzelezzthat's my point
21:38.45ScytheBlade1It's... painful
21:39.14ScytheBlade1I just had a hunter run up and lay a trap on my spawn point
21:39.28ScytheBlade1It's too bad I'm a mage. He lost. :(
21:39.38ScytheBlade1I'm standint two feet away from the spawn
21:39.42ScytheBlade1He walks up and stands there
21:39.50ralfWORKI was fighting for mines in Arathi last night :P
21:40.09ralfWORKblood elf was fighting a mob near oe
21:40.20ralfWORKI was so tempted to just go mine it while she killed the mob
21:40.48ralfWORKit was a Gold mine too. I was good though :(
21:42.22ScytheBlade14/5 Ravagers...
21:48.57LunessaTruesilver Champion
21:49.46ralfWORKsounds like a weapon. can I hit things with it?
21:50.50ralfWORKwhen do I pick a blacksmithing specialty btw?
21:51.50LunessaThere's a quest.  Get it in either Org (Horde) or Ironforge (Alliance)
21:52.06ralfWORKohh thees Of The Dawn pieces look good
21:52.20ScytheBlade1Netherwing Exalted
21:52.30ScytheBlade1I don't even want the drake though :/
21:52.31LunessaTakes a while, but SO worthit.
21:52.56ScytheBlade1I'm a gnome. I have my Nether Ray.
21:53.01ScytheBlade1I just want the money out of the quests. ;)
21:53.40ralfWORKso what's the next 2h axe for me to get after my warrior Whirlwind Axe?
21:55.17LunessaFor the first time my draenei male doesn't look too large on a flying mount. :)
22:01.46batrickShirik: ping
22:02.57TecnoBratfilters ftw!
22:04.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
22:04.56kamdisI *love* wowhead's filters
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22:10.42bleeterScytheBlade1: that's such total fail ;)
22:10.55cog|awaybleeter: no u
22:11.14bleeterwow, their IRC server is also their TS server
22:11.21bleeterand ... wiki? wtf?!
22:11.44bleetergmorn cog|away, good to see you're feeling well :)
22:11.59*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
22:12.28cogwheelbeen feeling fine for a while now... :P just got swamped with work and this channel is FAR too distracting ;)
22:13.20foxlit"I've revolutionized the world by reading documentation"
22:13.39bleeter~fail foxlit
22:13.40purlfoxlit: Fail.
22:13.44bleeteroh, you're quoting someone else.. nm
22:13.54foxlitSomething irks me about that phrase
22:15.51Shirik|Ecolebatrick: ping
22:16.14Shirik|Ecoleer, well I guess; does anyone else use eclipse here?
22:16.28EndI've...used it
22:16.30foxlitSome definition of use
22:16.43ScytheBlade1bleeter: hehe, yeah, it was entertaining to learn
22:16.51Shirik|EcoleAny idea how I turn on line numbers?
22:17.33foxlit"Show Line Numbers"
22:17.34Endunder prefs, General->Editors->Text Editors
22:17.40foxlit(there's a nifty searchbox, too!)
22:18.03Shirik|Ecolethank you
22:18.09Shirik|Ecoleevil, evil eclipse
22:18.13EndI tried using the searchbox, and it can't find it :P
22:18.18Endeven though I know where it is
22:18.55Endnumbers gives the right results, and line gives it as well
22:18.58Endjust not line numbers :P
22:19.16Shirik|EcoleI used "line"
22:19.20Shirik|Ecoleafter "line numbers" didn't work
22:20.36foxlitI used "number" :)
22:20.55Shirik|Ecolehm, maybe this is causing the 300 errors in my project
22:21.13zenzelezzyes, "this" is evil
22:21.24Cairennrofl, I love Gazmik!
22:21.31Shirik|Ecolefor some reason one of my files has become all \1
22:21.36Shirik|Ecolerepeated over and over and over again
22:31.49bleetercogwheel: goblin mount?
22:32.22cogwheelbleeter: i assume they get around on the same kinds of vehicles... rocket cars and such...
22:32.28*** part/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
22:32.34Endchance to explode
22:33.08kd3I still want engi flying mounts to respect the standard chance of failure% rate
22:33.38bleeterI agree, although I want pewpew lazors first
22:34.25*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
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22:34.28cogwheelbleeter: before they put in raid icons i had this idea for a Gnomish Laser Pointer that would function much like hunter's mark
22:34.54cogwheelchance to blind your party and everything...
22:35.12bleetercogwheel: ooh, that sounds like a decent WotLK tool!
22:35.36cogwheelbut between raid icons and smoke flares, it's somewhat moot now
22:36.54bleetercogwheel: can't use raid icons when soloing, so I think it'd be useful from time to time
22:37.26cogwheelor they could just enable raid icons while soloing ;)
22:37.32Dumanthat would be nice
22:37.49cogwheelof course, then they'd have to rename them...
22:37.59bleetercogwheel: and, another thing, there's a shitload of engineering stuff that's fun to use but 99.99% of the time completely pointles
22:38.04Dumantarget icons :P
22:38.07LunessaAm I the only one who still has the elder lightstones?
22:38.10cogwheelbleeter: true
22:38.14Dumanheh, I have some
22:38.16Dumanlike 2-3 left
22:38.21alestaneLunessa: I have a few of those from last February.
22:38.24bleetercogwheel: and that's 1/2 the fun of being an engi ;)
22:38.44LunessaThey're AWESOME for marking up spots in a tricky positioning fight.
22:38.45bleeterLunessa: I think I've got some from about a week after I started playing
22:39.05alestaneWe used to use them for the Baron Geddon fight.
22:39.09cogwheelbleeter: my trinkets used to be gnomish shrink ray and net o matic projector
22:39.15alestane"Run here if you're the bomb.
22:39.27cogwheelLunessa: smoke flares ;)
22:39.29foxlitI have a lantern
22:39.36foxlitUnlimited supply of stones, really
22:39.44LunessaYeah, I carry two different colors and the light stones.
22:40.13foxlit(but the best part about those stones is that they stack visually, making it possible to create some really bright areas :P)
22:40.31bleetercogwheel: friend of mine and I have a small 'competition' at the moment, try and get the transporter's 'last person thru' debuff, to either be say a dwarf mage, or a race from the opposite faction. we then go into BG's and mess around trying to confuse the opposition. We kinda hope folks have reported us for hax ;)
22:41.15*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
22:41.22bleeterwhat really pisses me off, is if I get turned into the last person thru, opposite faction, guards don't get fooled.
22:41.59cogwheeli've never seen that debuff... does it happen when two people try to transport at the same time?
22:42.20bleetercogwheel: nah, it's just one of the random dimension ripper debuffs
22:42.43cogwheeloh... goblin then?
22:42.51cogwheelor am i just confused
22:42.58bleetercogwheel: funny thing about it, when you get 'last person thru' is when you zone, you don't necessarily keep the race you were assigned
22:43.12bleeterso, get the debuff and yer (say) a belf, go into Kara and yer a Dwarf
22:43.27Lunessacogwheel: We have a paladin who uses his ripper every time hoping to get that buff.  He loves being a troll paladin or a tauren paladin
22:43.31cogwheeli think it calls it switched patters or something
22:43.39cogwheelfor the toshley station transporter
22:43.45nevcairielcan warriors still change stance and change their last-person ?
22:43.46bleeteryeah, and area 52
22:44.15bleeterthe area 52 one is cool, it can put you on a rock in the sky aobut 200 yards away from A52. Gotta use parachute or flying mount to get down.
22:44.23cogwheelyeah... that one's fun... freaks the hell out of my wife 'cause she never knows who she's supposed to be travelling with :P
22:44.34cogwheelit happens occasionally when I change stances or enter/leave combat too
22:45.08bleeterlet's see if I can recall all the possible debuffs
22:45.13TecnoBrat^^ Skosiris is falling off
22:46.08bleetershort/tall, good/bad, soul split, on fire, murloc, trogg, far away, last person... think there's 2 or 3 more
22:46.18bleeterthe unable to summons one's the real annoying one
22:47.07cogwheelthree minutes as a chicken sucks
22:47.14cogwheelcan't mount... can't fly...
22:47.17bleeter5 seconds as a murloc sucks harder
22:47.23bleetercan't do shit
22:47.32bleetercan't go and impress/terrorise folks
22:47.45cogwheelmurloc costume 4tw
22:48.26bleeterI do appreciate tauren on a mechanostrider tho
22:49.41TecnoBratdude, I want the wowhead rocket mount!
22:53.12TecnoBratI can't believe they are actually making one :P
22:54.05bleeterTecnoBrat: ? cite?
22:54.24bleeterif it's not an engi only mount, I'll prolly quit ;)
22:54.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Bodhi (
22:55.01TecnoBratsorry bout that blank line :P
22:56.11EndI like the sound of the weather machine too
23:00.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
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23:03.06bleetergod some people are dumb 'I put an item on the neutral AH for 1c so I could transfer it between Horde and Alliance, and someone got to it before I did therefore they're cheating'
23:03.36zenzelezzwell his logic is obviously flawless you heathen
23:03.48WobinYou're interfering with his LIFE
23:03.57bleeterEnd: yeah, weather machine reminds me of Dirk Gently
23:03.57WobinHis LIFE I say!
23:04.09WobinPS, I <3 BigRedKitty
23:04.17Wobinhis posts are ever so amusing
23:04.29Wobinespecially his non WoW related ones
23:05.45LunessaCiao - it's Friday night, I'm going for food and social activity not related to my computer.
23:06.45kd3buying BC just to open up the possibility of getting premades?
23:08.11foxlitI've got a new business model!
23:08.16foxlitCharge people for premades on PTR.
23:09.05*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
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23:11.30bleeterfoxlit: minimum purchase 5, $10 per char ;)
23:11.52bleeter'no refunds' etc. etc. ;)
23:15.38bleeterlol kd3 reported!
23:16.07kd3so not surprised
23:16.25kd3all 3 or just #6?
23:18.01bleeterjust post #2
23:18.28bleetermind you, the person apparently reporting you in #10 has been reported too
23:18.41bleeterprolly for threatening a permaban
23:19.04kd3ahaha, didn't even see that post
23:20.21Wobinomg THE POWER
23:20.32wereHamsterFD change? what did change?
23:20.44bleeterFD doesn't take you outta combat during big boss fights
23:20.51bleeterso you can't FD/drink
23:20.53Wobinno longer
23:21.14bleeterthankfully, they buffed aspect of .. viper.. or whatever, for better mana regen to offset
23:21.52Wobinand one of the side effects is that you can't FD/feed pet
23:21.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
23:22.01wereHamsterFD took you out of combat since the first versions of wow, right?
23:22.10Wobinif your pet goes unhappy due to the amount of pet rending death
23:22.17WobinwereHamster: yes
23:22.20Wobinit still does
23:22.26Wobinjust not on long boss fights
23:22.38Wobinsince the combat pulse pulls you back in, perhaps
23:22.51wereHamster"The Feign Death change was intentional. The patch note in fact called it a bug fix" - bug fix? a bug that went unnoticed for three years?
23:22.53Wobinnot sure on the exact mechanic
23:22.54Hey-WTFactually no, on boss fights you can't get ooc at all even with FD
23:23.18kd3wereHamster, mages said the same thing with non-GCD counterspell
23:23.25bleeterHey-WTF: welcome to the first half of the conversation that you weren't here for
23:23.38kd3I'm still harboring a grudge for that kalgan's response to that thread
23:26.18*** join/#wowi-lounge kaelten_ (
23:26.49Shirik|Ecolemkifs boarduino.bld boarduino.ifs
23:26.54Shirik|Ecolefail IRc
23:27.54Josh_Borke~fail shirik|ecole
23:27.54purlshirik|ecole: Fail.
23:36.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Riffage- (
23:43.35kamdiskd3:  <3
23:44.18kamdisI just got back to my desk - was just reading the "reported" thread
23:47.04TecnoBratkd3, how did you get suspended before?
23:47.20kd3I've never gotten suspended
23:47.32kd3I'm pretty careful about toeing the line
23:47.45kd3took a month off in december, but that was me removing the CC info from my account
23:47.59TecnoBrat"remember the 48 hour ban let see if i can get it to permaband, keep posting and i assure you will be baned again"
23:48.28kd3random threat from a nobody. I laughed pretty hard at that
23:48.44TecnoBratyea, figured :)
23:50.29malrethmore stinkyqueue humor... i can't get tired of this:
23:50.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
23:54.02kd3the QQers are out in force. that thread got moved from CS. another CS thread's in the PVP forum
23:54.35malrethcan we report the thread and have it moved back to CS?
23:56.58kd3I've got a half-written plea in the CS forum right now... trying to decide how to word it without sounding like an ass
23:57.28cogwheelsounding like an ass is fun
23:58.11TecnoBrat$100 says those people were banned for idling in AV
23:58.13TecnoBratnot for using SQ
23:58.14kd3yes, but not when I'm directing my plea to the GMs to stop moving StinkyQueue threads off to UI
23:58.31TecnoBratthey are going back to when they implemented the report feature
23:58.34TecnoBratand suspending accounts

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