IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080116

00:00.09cogwheelShirik: nah... i just changed the version to something else and then changed it back when i actually uploaded the file
00:00.19Shirikthat works :P
00:00.31Wobworkskarycat is skary
00:00.54Wobworkalso has TOO MANY TOES
00:01.01Wobwork<3 PolydactylCat
00:03.26*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
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00:03.33cogwheelohai cladhaire
00:05.24cladhairenot that I ever want bug reports from her on irc
00:05.28cladhaireor anyone really :P
00:05.39cladhaireOh, and whoever said BT sucked, they were right
00:05.52cladhaireI can't maintain a connection for very long
00:06.27cladhaireperhaps i should set up a bouncer on my office machine, and ssh into it
00:06.31Finare you talking about British Telecom?
00:06.31bleeteranyone know if the guild vault permission issue still pending a fix in a future patch?
00:06.34cladhaireFin: yes.
00:06.36bleeteror whether it's fixed now
00:06.44FinBT sucking is a physical constant of the universe
00:07.00Finthey must suck, or the world folds in on itself
00:07.10bleeterAustralia's Telstra sucks more! :P
00:07.19Finnow, we fight
00:07.27cogwheelcladhaire: btw: there's a bug in lightheaded... for some reason it can't tell the difference between quests with the same name
00:08.00Saint-Nhappy birthday now you're one year older
00:08.02Finactually I had a question about LH - does it ignore class specific quests deliberately? they never seem to have any comments. just curious.
00:08.06Saint-Nhappy birthdayyour life still isnt over
00:08.13cladhaireFin: class specific quests are given at the level you accept them now
00:08.20cladhairethis causes a problem, since title/level are used as the key for the quest
00:08.23cladhairesince the levels vary, BAM
00:08.41FinI get it, you don't know which set of data to load
00:08.42cladhairehence my begging for queryable quest ids
00:08.44cladhairewe'll see if i get em
00:08.52Fingood luck!
00:20.02sdoublebleeter, is this the previous guild leader to new guild bug you speak of?
00:20.17bleeterWobwork: basically, if you plan on going anywhere in tasmania outside of hobart or launceston, and want to use a mobile... buy a Telstra branded phone.
00:20.55bleetersdouble: the bug where permissions for GV access in a former guild would carry over to a new guild
00:21.56bleeterWobwork: so this chap almost bled to death 'coz his phone wouldn't work like he had been lead to believe, and all Telstra do is blame him for not buying the corerct product. What stuns me is that Telstra's marketers aren't out there working out who's using the 'wrong' phones and trying to sell them 'right' ones
00:22.01sdoubleoh, it was any access?
00:22.15sdoubleI thought it was just the guild master that was bugged
00:22.38bleetersdouble: if the previous guild had granted complete access, they'd have compelte access on joining a new guild until the guildmaster forcefully set permissions
00:23.14bleetersdouble: that's to say, a new guild member won't inherit the default permissions for the rank as set in the new guild, they keep the permissions from their old guild
00:23.43*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Dinesh)
00:24.07kd3woowoo, free 20-slot bags
00:24.23bleeterkd3: where? gief! :P
00:25.01kd3get to the first boss in ZA
00:25.14bleeteroh, that
00:25.57bleeterdid they change it where you can change raid members and still loot the whatsit? I kinda expected that to change in 2.3.2
00:26.02FinI thought that was fixed, bleeter?
00:26.14kd3I zoned into a mostly clear instance and got it
00:26.37bleeterFin: Put it this way, I'm suprised it's still in the ingame KB, hence I'm curious if it was fixed or not
00:27.05ScytheBlade1Er. Random fact.
00:27.15ScytheBlade1Apple stock dropped $9.74 today.
00:27.18bleetertheir stock price went down
00:27.25ScytheBlade1... how?
00:27.30bleeteryeah, 'coz Jobs didn't say anything the rumour mill hadn't been saying for two months
00:27.52Thunder_Childbecause of air
00:27.58Thunder_Childand the lack of a 13in. MBP
00:28.14ScytheBlade1I'll be honest, putting a hard drive in a white plastic shell and giving it wifi screams "GIVE US YOUR MONEY"
00:28.27ScytheBlade1But I would have though that people liked the MBA...
00:28.33Thunder_Childthin white plastic shell
00:28.46Thunder_Childvery thin...
00:29.19bleeterI'm looking forward to the 'ways to break your air' videos
00:29.24bleeterWILL IT BLEND?!?!?!?!?!?
00:29.32ScytheBlade1Oh, just see the /. tag?
00:29.33Thunder_Childno, it's to big to fit in
00:29.41ScytheBlade1Pfft, it is NOT too big to fit!
00:29.56bleeterThunder_Child: they make the blenders, maybe he can make a bigger blender ;)
00:30.18LunessaI'm thinking a large disk and/or disk array in a case with wifi for small networks would probably be a very very popular item.
00:30.25sdoublethere's been an awful lot of talk about the macbook air, did it just come out today or something?
00:30.35bleeterand once again, of course, the english get screwed over in the Apple pricing
00:30.40ScytheBlade1Lunessa: yeah, it's called a SAN with a wifi card. :)
00:30.51bleetersdouble: annoucned at macworld, or whatever, by jobs.. yeah
00:31.26Thunder_ChildLunessa, if thats not a low power/range on the wifi it's not going to work for a secure envirnment
00:31.49bleeter"The 1.8GHz, 64GB SSD model will cost £2028/$3098. ... That $3098 equates to £1571 at today's exchange rate. Even allowing for UK sales tax, that's a rum deal for Brits."
00:31.49Thunder_Childlegal wifi signal interception ftw
00:32.07LunessaYeah, true - but still I can imagine it as having many uses in the home.
00:32.40LunessaStore videos, music, etc...
00:33.01Finbleeter: ingame KB?
00:33.05LunessaSo you can listen to them on your MP3 enabled blender and washing machines.
00:33.06Finenlighten me
00:33.10Thunder_Childhome ya, buisness, not so sure
00:34.50bleeterFin: ingame knowledge base, press the red question mark, type 'vault' and then search. issue #1
00:35.30FinI have not explored that at all
00:35.45FinI feel like I should have, now
00:38.21cladhaireCompatable with Curse Client
00:38.21cladhairedo you think you could make this compatable with the curse client for easy updating or move your uploading to there site this is really good mod just sucks havng to come here every few days to update it.
00:38.35cladhaireMy response:
00:38.35cladhaireThere is no need to update an addon that hasn't been updated.
00:38.47cladhairethere's an "I" at the start of that response.
00:40.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Bela|work (n=sluster@
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00:42.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Galka (
00:43.21sdoublecladhaire, can you make that compatable with the wowace updater?
00:43.28Shirikcladhaire, you're talking in a different channel, you're not in the shower
00:43.33Shirikat least I hope not, otherwise you'll probably kill yourself
00:43.41cladhairehow do you know?
00:43.45cladhairefucking nub
00:43.46ScytheBlade1He's going to die :(
00:45.31LunessaZOMG - cladhaire wears baggies.
00:46.22Wobworkbleeter: jesus =\
00:47.16WobworkI can irc from my iTouch
00:47.32Wobworkalthough it'd be next to impossible to actually say anything really =P
00:53.50*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (i=kd3@gateway/tor/x-3550455ce46a8876)
00:56.24Beladonayou running 1.1.3 Wobwork?
00:57.20Thrae|WorkWobwork: I PuTTY from my PPC6800 all the time, sometimes using irssi through screen
00:57.40Thrae|WorkOf course, the PPC6800 has a slide-out QWERTY keyboard
00:59.08clad|sleepwonder how long it'll take me to get d/c
00:59.12clad|sleepoh well
00:59.14clad|sleepnight all
01:09.03*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
01:14.52batrickirssi + screen is the only way to irc :)
01:16.58WobworkBeladona: No, 1.1.2
01:17.05Wobwork1.1.3 hasn't been jailbroken yet
01:18.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
01:18.47*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
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01:19.10Beladonanah, thats why I asked
01:19.20Beladonawas hoping you knew something I didn't
01:20.06clad|sleepwish me luck on the whole sleeping thing
01:20.11WobworkGood luck!
01:20.20clad|sleepnew house, stuff strewn about
01:20.31clad|sleepnight all
01:22.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
01:24.25*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
01:28.44*** join/#wowi-lounge spathi (
01:34.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
01:43.07AnduinLotharwow, apple got intel to custom build a processor that's half the size for it's latest laptop, thats like cheating
01:43.43MentalPowerthey did the same for the AppleTV
01:45.28Lunessathat's called marketing.
01:46.47Thrae|WorkIt's cheating to reduce Microsoft's strangehold on Intel? :D
01:47.02Thrae|Works#strangehold#stranglehold#, though both work
01:49.52Lunessa"I love correcting people, especially myself, so I have to be wrong sometimes lest I never satisfy that urge. ;)" ~cogwheel
01:49.52AnduinLotharhmm, from the pic it looks liek they just changed the size of the board, not the chip, so i guess that's not quite as cheating
01:51.35AnduinLotharwait a sec... that thing doesn't have a cd/dvd drive
01:52.02AnduinLotharbluetooth cdrom sharing >.<
01:52.07Thrae|WorkWho needs an internal DVD drive, everything's external
01:52.22AnduinLothari spose.
01:52.34Thrae|WorkMake the LCD external! The keyboard external! The motherboard external! You just carry around the processor and assemble it as-needed.
01:52.37art3misexternal on a notebook is retarded and annoying
01:52.48art3misparticularly since "ripping" dvds is illegal
01:59.57AnduinLotharhmm, apple stock doubled last yr
02:00.07bleeterI still wanna see the Air blended
02:00.28bleeterand yes, I've filed a request @
02:03.03Mr_Rabies2ripping dvd's isn't illegal
02:03.19Mr_Rabies2selling/distributing the ripped versions sure is, though
02:03.31art3misMr_Rabies2: not if the riaa and mpaa have thier way
02:03.37kd3breaking CSS in order to rip DVDs is still illegal
02:03.53art3misthey're actually trying to claim that making mp3 copies of songs is illegal because it's NOT the form it was orginally distributed in
02:04.20art3miskeep in mind this is of cd's taht you already purchased and own
02:04.32Thrae|WorkThe DCMA is the only document that really covers this, and it's very vague, so it can be interpreted to mean what art3mis is talking about.
02:04.36art3misnot signed out from the usenet library
02:05.10Mr_Rabies2thrae: but there's plenty of other legal precedent setting it in the opposite direction
02:05.22art3misThrae|Work: there was an article a little bit ago(about a week) about a girl being sued by the riaa for that exact reason
02:05.40Thrae|WorkMr_Rabies2: None of that is federal yet
02:06.20MentalPowerMr_Rabies2: the DMCA is above the HRA
02:06.26MentalPowersince it came after
02:06.41art3misthe HRA still applies in .ca though
02:06.51art3miswhere fairuse still reigns king
02:06.52Mr_Rabies2so nero's illegal?
02:06.58art3mistechnically no
02:07.00art3misand technically yes
02:07.01MentalPowerdoes .ca not have a DMCA equivalent?
02:07.05art3misMentalPower: nope
02:07.09art3misfairuse baby
02:07.14MentalPowerart3mis: lucky bastard
02:07.22art3misthats why most torrent sites are in .ca waters
02:07.28art3misif not euro
02:07.40kd3funny how they keep trying to drop a $70 tax on iPods, though
02:07.50art3misnero is illegal IF you rip things that you dont own the rights to
02:07.54MentalPowerSweden is also popular for torrent sites
02:08.03art3misits not illegal if you use it to author things you've created
02:08.13Mr_Rabies2the CRIA is why demonoid shut down
02:08.27art3misthey pulled a sneaky
02:08.37art3misthey empty threatened the provider
02:08.42art3misand the provider caved
02:09.07Thrae|WorkDid I flood out?
02:09.16art3misyou didnt DC
02:09.22art3misbut you didnt say anything either
02:09.44Thrae|Work"A CD-R recorder included as part of a personal computer would not be a digital audio recording device under the Act, since the personal computer was not marketed primarily for making copies of music."
02:09.45Wobworkart3mis: yowhut?
02:09.48Thrae|Work"The same recorder, sold as a peripheral and marketed for the express purpose of making digital audio recordings, would fall under the Act's definition of a recording device."
02:09.51*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
02:10.28art3misWobwork: i poked youz in da faces with a squirrel
02:10.42Thrae|Work"For digital audio recording devices, manufacturers and importers pay a 2% royalty on the device's transfer price, with a minimum royalty of $1 and a maximum of $8 ($12 for dual recorders) per device."
02:10.51Thrae|Work"For digital audio recording media, manufacturers and importers pay a 3% royalty."
02:10.57Thrae|WorkThis AHRA doesn'
02:11.06Thrae|Workdoesn't have anything to do with MP3s.
02:11.29Thrae|WorkIt's pretty specific.
02:11.48Mr_Rabies2not that it matters to me, i'm never buying another cd again
02:11.59art3misyou'll still pay
02:12.01Mr_Rabies2the RIAA has lost a customer for life until something major changes
02:12.05art3misfor every blank you buy ;P
02:12.22Thrae|WorkI pay for my Internet connection -- that's enough expense for me!
02:12.22Mr_Rabies2that's in canada i thought
02:12.30Wobworkart3mis: so you did
02:12.39Mr_Rabies2plus i rarely burn mine anyway
02:12.43Mr_Rabies2it stays in digital format
02:12.44art3mis^^ what i was talking about earlier
02:13.16Mr_Rabies2that's roughly 90% of the us with computers i'd say
02:13.19Thrae|WorkDemonoid should be re-opened in, like, Denmark and just ban Canada.
02:13.35art3misthrae: ca WAS banned from demonid
02:14.10Thrae|WorkBut the Demonoid server was located in Canada, right?
02:14.32Thrae|WorkOr I should say, the owner/maintainer of the server at least.
02:14.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox__ (
02:18.57*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
02:20.27art3misyeah i believe so
02:22.16tecnobratwhy ban Canada?
02:22.31Thrae|Work"Ban Canada, Ban Canada...."
02:23.12art3misif you ban the country you're in you can subvert any laws about it in grey area
02:23.18art3misakin to the sat rules
02:23.33art3misbellvu you can "hack" in the us ecause it doesnt have jusidiction here
02:23.41art3misditto for dtv and dish in .ca
02:23.45ShirikThat's a very complicated statement
02:23.48art3misthee is NOTHING they can do about it
02:23.50TecnoBratThere is a presidence in Canada that its not illegal to share files
02:23.53ShirikDon't say "nothing"
02:23.59ShirikBecause that doesn't tell the full story
02:24.03TecnoBratSo I'm confused why you would ban Canada
02:24.16art3misshirik: it's been talked and discussed with law enforcement
02:24.20ShirikYes it has
02:24.22art3misthe only legallity is on the dealers
02:24.28art3misim talking end user
02:24.40TecnoBrat"Sharing copyrighted works on peer-to-peer networks is legal in Canada, a federal judge ruled on Wednesday, handing the record industry a sharp setback in its international fight against file swappers."
02:24.47TecnoBratThats what I'm talking about btw
02:25.03art3misand thats a very iffy thing seeing as how it has to be proven that the hardware being sold "can hack" the local country
02:25.34art3misdish == bev for all intent and purpose
02:25.47Thrae|WorkWait, Canada doesn't have federal judges, they're a democracy with a central government
02:26.05art3mishowever dtv is different enough to not suffer(despite the fact that they almost successfully shutdown the dtv hacked market with thier p4 encryption
02:26.37art3misi dont know why someone would want dish of dtv if they've got bev though
02:26.41art3misbev porn > *
02:26.42Thrae|WorkCanada's provinces are federated? I thought you had to be a republic for that.
02:27.38TecnoBratThrae|Work, what?
02:27.51TecnoBratAre you being serious? or what
02:28.10TecnoBratbecause, yes, we have a federal court.
02:28.44Thrae|WorkWell I didn't know Canada's provinces were federated. I thought everything was run by the central government.
02:29.02TecnoBratWe have provincial governments
02:29.06Thrae|WorkSo the provinces can pass their own laws?
02:29.09TecnoBratAnd provincial courts
02:29.16TecnoBratSome, yes
02:29.33Thrae|WorkCanada should be the United Provinces of America.
02:30.05Thrae|WorkThat's what the USA will rename them when we take them over in 2050 for their oil.
02:30.39Thrae|WorkAnyway, that's not exactly a democracy...need to look up what it is.
02:31.28Mr_Rabies22050, that's pretty optimistic
02:31.41Mr_Rabies2the way things are going i see that happening by november
02:31.54bleeterThrae|Work: to prolly confuse you more, Australia is a Federation, a Commonwealth, a Democracy as well as having a Monarchy ;)
02:32.38Thrae|WorkAustralia is a Commonwealth of whom?
02:32.55bleeterthe States
02:33.19TecnoBratWe elect provincial premiers of each province
02:33.25bleeterin 1901, the states federates and became a commonwealth
02:33.51bleeterprolyl more correctly, the states became a federation, forming the commonwealth
02:34.11bleeterTecnoBrat: sounds similar to our state/federal system
02:34.20TecnoBratit is ...
02:34.57Thrae|WorkAh, Canada is a democracy, it's just federated as well, along with a constitutional monarchy. I got confused because I thought federation required a republic, but that's not the case.
02:35.48TecnoBratMonarchy? haha
02:36.25Thrae|WorkCanada has a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth the Second as Head of State.
02:36.46TecnoBratWith no offical power at all.
02:36.51bleeterI'll give the Commonwealth's Monarchy system one thing, at least the loonies in charge of us (a) have stuff all power (b) can be seen coming from about 20-30 years off
02:37.01Thrae|WorkNo, I think she has the power to declare war, same in England.
02:37.06TecnoBratNo, she doesn't
02:37.18Mr_Rabies2with what?
02:37.19bleeterNot in .au either
02:37.26Thrae|WorkWell, it's still a constitutional monarchy, even without official power.
02:37.33MentalPowerengland's queen can declare war?
02:37.45bleeterMentalPower: most heads of state can
02:37.51Thrae|WorkYes, England's Queen can declare war.
02:37.54MentalPowerwith what army?
02:38.03Mr_Rabies2soccer hooligans
02:38.31MentalPowerI declare myself king of my desk, and I declare war against bleeter's desk!
02:38.38bleeterfrom memory, she could declare war, but the formal executive could over-ride her
02:38.44Thrae|WorkMr_Rabies2: Can the Queen appoint a temporary Prime Minister if there's a deadlock in the Parliament, like Belgium did?
02:38.55bleeterie, the governer-general, prime minister and a couple of other ministers
02:38.58Mr_Rabies2hell if i know
02:39.06Thrae|WorkI bet she can
02:39.21bleeterThrae|Work: typically that'd be done by the Governor General, in consultation with all major parties
02:39.38bleeterie, the Queen herself would stay out of it, her representitive would handle it
02:39.46MentalPowerbleeter: this website is so friggin nuts
02:39.51Mr_Rabies2i'm not a huge fan of the whole "appointed prime minister" concept personally, on a tangent
02:40.10Thrae|WorkMr_Rabies2: It sure saved Belgium's ass
02:40.21Thrae|WorkThey were close to civil war
02:40.42Mr_Rabies2i'd prefer an election to an appointment for a position like that, but i don't give a damn since i don't live there
02:41.29Thrae|WorkThe problem is, if the parliament is split, wouldn't the election also be split? Since the parliament represents the votes of the people. Supposedly.
02:41.37Mr_Rabies2not at all
02:41.46Mr_Rabies2just like the electoral college represents the votes of the people
02:41.49Mr_Rabies2(not at all)
02:42.27Thrae|WorkYeah, forgot about Canadian's nefarious Shadow Government run by the French Canadians.
02:42.34kd3but it's our only safeguard from a direct democracy, which scared the living hell out of the founding fathers
02:43.02ShirikI don't remember the last time the electoral college went against the votes of the people
02:43.06Thrae|Workkd3: A constitutional republic wasn't that bad of an idea
02:43.13ShirikThey really should just get rid of that idea
02:43.16Shirikit's kinda pointless
02:43.56Thrae|WorkShirik: 2001, Al Gore vs Bush -- Al Gore won the Popular Vote but lost the election from the Electoral College's tabulation
02:43.58TecnoBratThe only difference is we vote for a local running candidate, who gets a seat in the Provincial govt, which at the same time votes for the Premier
02:44.00_sysragedid showing of buffs in a raid get screwed up globally or is it just SRF? like if another mage gives people int, i can't see it anymore in SRF
02:44.04TecnoBratSame thing with our federal govt
02:44.13Shirikthat's not the same thing
02:44.25Mr_Rabies2it's still not representing the votes of the people
02:44.36Mr_Rabies2not accurately at least
02:44.37TecnoBratvoting for the local MP gives a vote to his party and also the leader
02:44.45Thrae|WorkThe popular vote is closer to the "vote of the people" then the electoral college
02:45.08TecnoBratyea, I'm just saying how its done thats all
02:45.12_sysrageanybody? beuller?
02:45.28ShirikI'm talking about literally the electoral college going against the votes of the people, which is possible, it just doesn't happen
02:45.38Thrae|Work_sysrage: The only raid frames I would ever use are PerfectRaid or Grid
02:45.41kd3do /you/ trust the "vote of the people" the average intelligence of the majority of the population scare me
02:45.52_sysragefine, does praid show you buffs?
02:45.58Shirikkd3, it doesn't matter
02:45.59kd3_sysrage, there've been several reports of buff filtering getting screwed up in 2.3.2, but I haven't heard any more than that
02:46.01ShirikBush still got elected
02:46.11_sysragekd3: ty
02:46.21Thrae|Workkd3: Go see the movie Idiocracy
02:47.15Thrae|WorkOr I should say, rent it
02:48.04KirkburnQuestion - was this change in 2.3.2?
02:49.29Lunessa*shrug*  Direct democracy - 1 person, one direct vote all all things - doesn't work with out an amazing communications system and factual reporting of all information available to all parties who are equally capable of rational thought.  Thus, representational republics will be the major for of "democracy" that we see for a while.
02:49.51Kirkburn("Fixed function calls in Bindings.xml." being the direct quote)
02:51.15TecnoBratlol, check this out
02:51.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
02:51.33TecnoBratlook at the popular vote vs number of seats
02:52.11TecnoBrat^^ Popular vote lost
03:00.34KirkburnTecnoBrat, er, are you sure?
03:01.15TecnoBratKirkburn, am I sure what?
03:01.21TecnoBratAm I sure thats correct?
03:01.24KirkburnOh, different link
03:02.06KirkburnYeah, that could happen in the UK too
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03:02.27TecnoBratyea, its happened in Canada a few times I am pretty sure
03:02.44KirkburnI guess such is always the effect of different populations in voting areas
03:03.23KirkburnHmm, in fact, even if that weren't true, it could still happen
03:03.26KirkburnYay democracy :P
03:04.00TecnoBrateven if the areas had an identical population
03:04.37KirkburnYou'd need quite a weird system to fix it (so the overall govt and local govt are both representative), but it'd be confusing and probably still wouldn't work
03:04.58TecnoBratsay there is 3 areas, one is a landslide 99% vote to party A, and the other two are 51% vs 49% for party B, party B wins 2 seats, party A wins 1
03:05.06TecnoBratBut party A has a lot more votes
03:05.27TecnoBratHeh yea.
03:05.32TecnoBratI don't know about the UK govt
03:05.49TecnoBratbut the CA govt really focuses on the HoC, and not the prime minister
03:05.57TecnoBratat least as far as making decisions go
03:06.03KirkburnI mean, you just have to look at Italy to see how proportional representation gets on (50 govts since WW2 last I recall)
03:07.47bleeterKirkburn: meh, we do fine here with proportional voting, only had one thing approaching a crisis since WW2
03:08.05bleeterKirkburn: mind you were use Hare-Clake proportional, rather than the other systems which all seem whack to me
03:08.52bleeter(prolly 'best' known as STV, although strictly not what we have here, tho we were the first to use it iirc)
03:09.25bleetera variant's also used for our senate
03:09.34TecnoBrata what?
03:09.49bleeterHare-Clark/STV voting system
03:09.59TecnoBratis that like DKP? :PP
03:10.05TecnoBratDKP in STV
03:10.06bleeterthis was as rebuttal to Kirkburn's comments about proportional voting
03:10.08TecnoBratthat sounds strange
03:10.14Finnormal people do not know this much detail about voting systems
03:10.18bleeterbah :P
03:10.19Finthat is all.
03:10.26bleeterSingle Transferrable Vote
03:10.30TecnoBratbleeter, I'll have to go read about it
03:10.35Kirkburnme too :)
03:10.41bleeterjust wiki for Hare-Clark
03:10.49bleeterwill redirect you
03:11.36bleeter"Tasmanian House of Assembly to be the first parliament in the world elected by what became known as the Hare-Clark system" ;)
03:11.56TecnoBratOh interesting
03:12.08TecnoBratIn STV, each voter ranks the list of candidates in order of preference. In other words (under the most common ballot design), they place a '1' beside their most preferred candidate, a '2' beside their second most preferred, and so on.
03:12.13bleeterthink we were also amongst the first parliaments to allow women to vote for it
03:12.46TecnoBrathow do you weight those?
03:13.33bleeterif no-one has 50%+1 of primary votes, then the person with lowest primary votes has their votes recounted, and the 2nd preference is given
03:14.05bleeterie, the vote gets transferred from whoever was the primary preference, but got the least total primaries, to whomever is indicated as the 2nd preference on the vote
03:14.12bleeterso on and so forth until 50%+1 is reached
03:14.57ShirikThat's somewhat like what's going on in the US dem primaries this year
03:15.17bleeterI think it's roxor. if the guy I prefer misses out, then I still can kinda have a say
03:16.41Thrae|WorkHuckabee / Colbert '08
03:16.54bleeterShirik: oddly enough, what was implemented in Tasmania was, to some degree, a reaction to what Clark saw as the failings of the US democratic system
03:17.18bleeterHogger '08
03:17.56Thrae|WorkI thought they attempted a democracy in Tasmania.
03:18.01TecnoBratdude, that makes no sense to me
03:18.09TecnoBratyou end up giving votes to random people?
03:18.17bleeternot random
03:18.35bleeterthere's say, 8 candidates.. I mark in order of my preference 1 through to 8
03:18.47TecnoBratAll of his votes have Carter as the next-place choice, and are reallocated to Carter. This gives Carter 20 votes and he is elected, filling the second seat.
03:19.22Thrae|WorkThe US -- the leader in spreading democracy around the World, despite the fact we're not a democracy.
03:19.35_sysrageWWS doesn't tell you how many growths gruul goes through?
03:19.58Thrae|WorkIraq would work much better at least federated, but the US won't hear of it.
03:20.28bleeterIraq would be a lot better off if FDR had listened to Churchill during WW2 instead of sucking up to Stalin
03:20.33*** join/#wowi-lounge art3mis_ (n=art3mis@
03:21.18Lunessathe world would have been a better place bleeter.
03:21.20TecnoBratMy question is this.  If you asked the UN where the terrorists were, what would they say?
03:21.34TecnoBratWould they have said Iraq?
03:21.45TecnoBratWould they of said Iraq had WMD?
03:21.57TecnoBratactually, infact they said they didn't have either
03:22.22bleeterTecnoBrat: they were asked, they said Afghanistan. Further, they said that if the US invaded Iraq, it'd bring the terrorists to Iraq and more than likely put Iraq's bioweapons experts into the hands of the terrorists
03:22.45TecnoBratbleeter, heh, exactly.
03:23.04Thrae|WorkThe excuse used by the administration for going into Iraq was the word of a taxi cab driver in Germany.
03:23.22TecnoBratThrae|Work, oh I gotta hear this one.
03:23.23bleeterThrae|Work: but but but... HE DROVE A MERC!!!
03:23.53TecnoBratbleeter, the UN still says they are in Afganistan :P
03:23.53Thrae|WorkWhom the German Intelligence (?!) Agency told the CIA that he wasn't credible, and the CIA told the administration what the Germans told them.
03:24.00bleeter(well, I'm guessing that... based on my personal experience that every taxi in .de seemed to be a merc)
03:24.24Thrae|WorkTechnoBrat: Some guy made a book on the guy.
03:24.25bleeterThrae|Work: not to forget the UK bioweapons expert who (may have) taken his own life
03:24.48TecnoBratThrae|Work, haha
03:25.20Thrae|WorkWorse yet, no one knows who the guy really is. I don't think the German Intelligence Agency was able to find out his real name. He just kinda disappeared after saying that Iraq has bioweapons.
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03:26.17Thrae|WorkI first heard it on the Daily Show.
03:26.36Thrae|WorkThey interviewed the guy who wrote the book about the wait. It was the Colbert Report.
03:26.44TecnoBratWhat boggles my mind is that the US is going to probably end up attacking Iran, already attacked Iraq, yet the UN still claims without a doubt that the terrorists are in Afganistan
03:27.10TecnoBratWar on terror my ass
03:27.11Thrae|WorkThe US is still engaged in Afganistan
03:27.13bleeterThrae|Work: from memory, and I dunno if I'm referring to the same guy, one of the people offering 'evidence' was someone from the 'iraq opposition', who allegedly had been funded by the US
03:27.30bleeterie, self interest in spreading FUD
03:27.33kd3I'm just worried that we're 'accidentally' going to glass that whole part of the continent and set off WWIII
03:28.10Thrae|Workkd3: Uh, if we killed off everyone in the Middle East, there wouldn't be anyone with the guts to attack the US
03:28.52Thrae|WorkWho would attack us then? France?
03:28.55bleeterkd3: far as I can tell, 'the war on terror' IS ww3
03:29.02bleeterThrae|Work: Hugo Chavez.. doh! :P
03:29.20Thrae|WorkHugo Chavez is losing power
03:29.40bleeterthere's be a buncha folks in Asia, South America, Africa... etc.
03:29.52bleeterjust like there are right now
03:30.12Thrae|WorkOK, I could see China, and only China, starting WW3
03:30.43bleeterwhy would they need to? they won the cold war, after all (along with india)
03:31.04Thrae|WorkThey could do real damage, even just to the US's economy
03:31.23bleeterthey don't need to fire a weapon, they've got buckets of $USD in their own banks
03:31.31Thrae|WorkChina wasn't part of the Cold War, it wasn't the "Cold World War"
03:32.43bleeterum, China was part of the cold war
03:32.58bleeterUS/Europe and allies on one side, Russia/China and their allies on the other
03:33.06bleeterChina wasn't behind the Iron Curtain, though
03:33.18bleeterin the definition that Churchill/Goebbels meant
03:34.09Thrae|WorkThe Cold War was mainly between the United States and the Soviet Union -- the goal of the war was to make the Soviet Union fall.
03:35.23bleeterd/mainly/, s/Soviet Union/'those places called communist countries'/
03:35.31Thrae|WorkIn the American Revolution, German mercenaries were on the side of England, yet beating Germany was not a requirement for the Revolutionaries
03:35.50bleeteroops, scratch that.. nm
03:35.59bleetertrying to do 6 things at once ftl!
03:36.33Thrae|WorkThat's not the Codl War, that was the War on Communism. They had different goals and different timelines, which did intersect.
03:37.08ckknightThrae|Work: someone can start WW3 and not be a big player, imo
03:37.43ckknightif, for instance, some country fires a nuke on someone else, China picks sides, Russia picks sides, America picks sides, assorted others pick or stay out of it
03:37.57ckknightbam, WW3 between the supernations
03:38.06Thrae|Workckknight: Well by Chaos Theory that's certainly true, but for a World War to really get started, you need major players.
03:38.08ckknightwith the original contender having little involvement
03:38.08Finhey don't forget that great stuff with the US secretary of defence holding up obviously fake reports and little vials
03:38.19ckknightThrae|Work: not so with WW1
03:38.34Thrae|WorkWW1 didn't have major countries fighting each other? News to me.
03:38.45ckknightnot to initialize it
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03:38.54TecnoBratI know I keep coming back to this, but what I can't believe is that there is 150k+ US troops in Iraq, and 26k US troops in Afghanistan, yet the Taliban are constantly attacking, and the Afganistan govt is embracing help to remove the terrorists from their country .. boggles my mind.  has nothing to do with 9/11 or terrorism
03:39.36Thrae|WorkI didn't say a cause of a World War couldn't be attributed to something else, I said for a World War to really be a World War, it needs major players.
03:39.39ckknightit arguably has to do with terrorism, granted, I'm appalled at the first 5 years of the Iraq war. I think it was a tragedy
03:40.33Thrae|WorkWe can't leave Iraq until it's stable, and Iraq won't be stable until we leave.
03:40.44ckknightI disagree with that statement
03:40.51ckknightparticularly the latter part
03:41.01bleeterThrae|Work: name me one major country atm that isn't involved in 'the war on terrorism' to some degree
03:41.07ckknightit'll have issues when we leave, but eventually become stable, it'll just take a while
03:41.16ckknighttake a while whether we stay or leave
03:41.35Thrae|Workbleeter: You can't have a world war on various sectarian groups.
03:41.49ckknightoh, there won't be a world war if we leave
03:41.54ckknighta middle east war, yes
03:42.13Thrae|Workckknight: bleeter was saying the "War on Terror" is "World War III"
03:42.14ckknighton a lighter note, Romney won Michigan
03:42.23bleeterThrae|Work: that's a far more accurate statement, even if 'various sectarians' get lumped together as 'those pesky terrorists' ;)
03:42.41bleeterckknight: mid-east war's been going on for centuries before the US became a republic ;)
03:43.00ckknightbleeter: since around 650 AD, if I have my numbers straight
03:44.08Thrae|Workckknight: Well, "stability" is a relative term. As long as the US Soldiers are in Iraq, part of Iraq's stability will depend, at least in some tiny part, on the soldiers.
03:44.10bleeterhah, according to Wikipedia, 'Cold War' was first used to describe the existance of Islam and Christianity in Spain in 13th century
03:44.22ckknightThrae|Work: absolutely no rebuttal to that statement
03:44.25bleeteras in, the phrase was used in the 13th century
03:44.39ckknightbleeter: hehe, yea, lousy Moors.
03:45.29Thrae|Workckknight: But the soldiers also cause instability due to the hatred of the American occupation by groups that would rather see their country without ties to the US.
03:45.54Thrae|Workckknight: The scope of both of those statements is not my department.
03:46.01TecnoBratThats interesting btw
03:46.05ckknightwell, obviously. so if we kill everyone in those groups, we'll be okay, right?
03:46.37Thrae|Workckknight: Except that violence begets violence...we'd probably end up killing 70% of the people left in Iraq ;)
03:46.52ckknightthis is an issue?
03:47.10bleeterthe thing that really gets me, is that one of Bin-Laden's stated aims was to get US forces out of holy lands... hence the logical reaction to 9/11 was to invade other holy lands *boggle*
03:47.12ckknightalthough I disagree with the number, honestly
03:47.28Thrae|WorkI never said the number was factual
03:47.33ckknightbleeter: and Bin Laden's yet to strike American soil since that date
03:47.42ckknightokay, looks like it's dinnertime
03:47.59TecnoBrat <= also interesting
03:48.33TecnoBratEspecially reading the paragraph containing Moderates within the Taliban allegedly met with American embassy officials in Pakistan in mid-October to work out a way to convince Mullah Muhammed Omar to turn bin Laden over to the U.S. and avoid its impending retaliation. President Bush rejected these offers made by the Taliban as insincere.
03:49.25bleeterckknight: I doubt the US secret services would allow publication of information if he'd been successful. it's not as if the US hasn't suppressed info in the past to spread FUD amongst it's enemies (eg, the Japanese bombing of continental US in WW2)
03:50.20kd3ok, shifting gears for a second. any wine users know of a way of bind()ing wine to a specific IP address were I to have multiple NICs?
03:50.39Thrae|WorkI'd say keeping the Taliban out of Afganistan is a higher priority then finding some old, dying Muslim radical. Bin Laden is just a trophy compared to the force of the Taliban on the Middle East and Asia.
03:51.25bleeterthe concept of Taliban as an organised group spreading around amongst various countries is largely a western media invention
03:51.54MentalPowerbleeter: but they did bomb continental US
03:52.00MentalPowerwith incendiary bombs IIRC
03:52.06bleeterit's more like a buncha crazies who share a bunch of similar crazy ideals, but are so crazy they don't want to join forces
03:52.09Thrae|WorkI never said they were an organized group. Neither is Al'Queda.
03:52.28bleeterMentalPower: the Japanese? yeah, they did. but news reports of it were banned for a time.
03:53.04MentalPoweroh, gotcha
03:53.50Thrae|WorkA bunch of crazies that can take over a country is worse then a bunch of crazies that can bomb places every now and then.
03:54.28TecnoBrat"bunch of crazies" you make it sound like they are stupid
03:54.30bleeterhence, a lot of world hatred towards the US and desire to get rid of your leaders :P
03:54.32Thrae|WorkHence why the Taliban can be a higher priority then Al'Queda.
03:54.38TecnoBratThey aren't stupid, or crazy.  At least in their eyes
03:54.44TecnoBratand thats what makes them so dangerous
03:55.05TecnoBratThey completely know what they are doing.
03:55.10bleeterThrae|Work: very very very few crazy people realise their crazy... terrorist or otherwise
03:55.16Thrae|WorkTecnoBrat: I'd say they are stupid and crazy. I'd say some of the leaders in the US are stupid and crazy.
03:55.23bleeterbah, was meant for TecnoBrat
03:55.31bleeterkd3: thinking, haven't forgotten your question ;)
03:55.44TecnoBratThrae|Work, ahh well, that might be true if you are classifying it that way
03:56.06Thrae|WorkTecnoBrat: Most people who are crazy don't think they are crazy. That's part of what makes them crazy, as circular as that sounds.
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03:56.22Thrae|WorkTecnoBrat: It's called delusion.
03:57.15TecnoBratThrae|Work, while I would agree with that statement, I don't think they are crazy.  Their means and their motives might be.  But we are not talking about people who need to be put into institutions here.  We are talking about dangerous people who have the wrong motives and beliefs.
03:57.27Thrae|WorkOf course, not all terrorists are crazy. Some are just unfortunate, brought up in a secluded world where suicide bombing is proper.
03:58.30Thrae|WorkTecnoBrat: The terrorists that are brainwashed by people or the limitations of their society are not crazy. The leaders of the terrorists, who have access to much wider information, are both crazy and stupid.
03:58.34bleeterkd3: sorry, drawing a blank here
03:58.38kd3all hail the power of subverted religion
03:58.43TecnoBratThey believe that they are correct, and that they will do whatever it takes to prove it.
03:58.47kd3bleeter, no worries
03:59.13Thrae|WorkTecnoBrat: That doesn't mean the leaders aren't crazy. Most crazy people are pretty darn determined.
03:59.23Thrae|WorkAnd stupid people can also be pretty darn stubborn.
04:00.01TecnoBratLOL I just remembered something
04:00.09TecnoBratremember the cards of iraq?
04:00.31TecnoBratwhere the media .. or the US .. or whoever did it .. named each of the leaders of iraq as playing cards?
04:00.42MentalPowerUS Military
04:00.56MentalPowerthe US Military distributed those cards to its troops
04:01.21MentalPowerso that they would recognize the people in them if they ever encountered them in combat
04:01.23TecnoBratreally? I didn't know that it was anything more than a media stunt
04:01.26art3misi wouldnt say they're stupid
04:01.39art3misthe leaders of such sects are insanely charismatic and brilliant
04:01.42Findidn't the FBI do something similar before them, with the top 10 most wanted?
04:01.54art3misbut the downside is that in some cases they're also incredible zealots
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04:02.12TecnoBratart3mis I would have to agree with you
04:02.23MentalPowerthe Media just used the deck as a way to report on the progress of the war
04:02.32MentalPowerwb Cairenn
04:02.34bleetercogwheel: why does Zootfizzle hate on you so much? a great deal of objects tend to be where I have the problem. I do
04:02.38Cairennthanks MentalPower
04:02.43bleeterbah, bad paste.... hang on
04:02.58MentalPowerbleeter: I was about to question your sanity...
04:03.01cogwheelbleeter: rofl
04:03.01kd3heh, was about to ask where that came from
04:03.05cogwheelhe's on the sprocket's side
04:03.06Thrae|Workart3mis: Cleverness, wit, and charisma can be augmented by intelligence, but are not parts of it.
04:03.12cogwheelMr. Cogswell was my great uncle
04:03.14bleetercogwheel: why does Zootfizzle hate on you? << 2nd half of last sentence
04:03.31Thrae|WorkThere are plenty of Charismatic stupid people. Take a look at my country's president.
04:03.40art3mistrae: to a degree yes, take charlie for instance, he was all things and quite brilliant in the workings of the mind, however.. it's totally insnae
04:03.45FinI'd rather not
04:03.54Finand personally I don't classify him as charismatic
04:04.27cogwheel(google the jetsons if you don't know wtf i'm talking about :P )
04:04.32art3misalso take hilter himmler and goerbels,, alll quite zealoty and insane bynormal standards, but also incredibly brilliant
04:04.43Thrae|WorkFin: You're not American. And he was a hell of a lot more charismatic back around 9/11.
04:04.46art3mischarlie is quite charismatic
04:05.13art3misanyone that can convince a bunch of people that he's the messiah and to kill in his name.....
04:05.14Finhey I might leave the channel for a bit until this conversation's over, I really really fucking hate politics down to my core and the subject does nothing but frustrate me and make me angry
04:05.32Finit's all just so fucked
04:05.44art3misit's not really politics fin
04:05.49Thrae|WorkProblem was, while Bush didn't have much Charisma, his opponents had NONE. And the Presidency had long since been determined greatly by charisma, ever since the invention of television.
04:05.53art3misit's the murkiness of religion in that same field
04:06.16cogwheelbleeter: see zoot's sig on the forums
04:06.23Thrae|WorkAlthough I am glad for the invention of television to give us JFK instead of Nixon right off the bat.
04:06.28art3misbut to be fair you get that from any goup thats willig to blindly acept things as they are told to them
04:06.43Finreligion is more interesting because you come across people actually trying to do good things more often, despite it all coming down to power and control etc. like politics
04:06.44art3misya know i like nixon
04:06.57art3misi blame futurama for that though
04:07.39Finit's just... life shouldn't *be* this way, people shouldn't be killed in wars, they're just so POINTLESS I mean jesus arg!
04:07.48purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
04:07.50cogwheel(don't know why... just seemed appropriate)
04:08.16Finright, so
04:08.24art3misdoes my voice really sound like that? i always thought it had more of a clark gable tone
04:08.36Finwhat's your favourite ice cream flavour
04:08.49Finmine, I'd have to say either chocolate or strawberry, plain
04:08.53Thrae|WorkDogma said it best -- "Belief and faith are good. People took a good idea and turned it into a belief system."
04:08.58art3misso you like neopolitan?
04:09.01Finpistachio used to be my favourite, but I've developed an annoying allergy to nuts
04:09.18FinI *don't* like mixed ice creams
04:09.21Finthey always disappoint
04:09.36kd3straight chocolate <3
04:09.48Finyou can't blend the flavours together properly without it melting a bit, which defeats the point of the ice cream to me
04:10.05Finit's got to be good quality plain strawberry or chocolate, though
04:10.09Finlike, some italian stuff
04:10.45art3misyou know how to make ice cream soup?!
04:11.02TainCan anyone suggest any good PVP guides?  BGs and arena type stuff for someone who's never set foot in a BG, ever?
04:11.32Thrae|WorkAlso, looking at your class's forums is always a good idea.
04:11.35Finice cream... soup?
04:11.53TainClass forums are a bit too much to wade through for any class.
04:12.02Finthey generally have good stickies, though
04:12.15Thrae|WorkYeah I'm thinking of the stickies.
04:12.16art3mistain: shoot kill and don't die
04:12.30TainOk let's get more basic.
04:12.36TainI wouldn't know how to set foot in a BG.
04:12.52Finmore basic than that is, the manual on
04:13.04NightHawkTheSaneTain: ... go to a guard. ask for the battle master. go to the battle master. talk to him
04:13.13TainI don't know where to join the Arena, how to join as a group, etc.
04:13.39Finthat'll give you an overview of the basics
04:14.03TainI'll look there, thanks.
04:21.32kd3the hell?
04:23.31bleeterTain: yeah, generally what other folks have said here... WoWWiki's pages on the various BG's and Arenas, Class Forum stickies and the general PvP/BG/Arena pages. There's not much more to know than those combined. You'll be busy enough getting your bearings for the first day or so, so don't worry too much on being an expert on strategy to start with.
04:23.53Finmais ouis, c'est les francais, ils sont crazy non
04:24.35bleeterTu as déjà une petite tête, pourquoi veux-tu du riz?
04:25.18FinI have a small head?
04:25.24bleeterand.. erm.. j'appraise francaise.. erm.. ah.. il y a longtemps.
04:25.51Finmy head is perfectly normal in size and shape, I'll have you know
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04:25.52MentalPowerje ne parle français
04:26.01Finperhaps a teensy bit smaller than average
04:26.05Finbut nothing to make a fuss about!
04:26.20FinPWEI rule
04:26.28Cairennje ne parlez pas en francais :p
04:26.35bleeterI still kick myself everytime I remember I had to ring up the French speaker in our Dublin office when I wanted to explain to the waiter I'd already paid for my coffee 'I can say "I have", and "pay" but I have nfi about 'already'"
04:26.35Finbunch of girls
04:26.45bleeterhe teased me endlessly saying 'cmon.. you know it!!"
04:27.46bleeterafter about five minutes of me abusing him, he gave in 'it's 'deja' you idiot, as in 'deja-vu -> already seen'"... big time "DOH" from bleeter
04:28.05art3miscairenn: tu parlez francias, comme ci comme ca ;P
04:28.05Finoh hey
04:28.07Finthat's nice to know
04:28.16NightHawkTheSanewhats a simple mod that lets me add notes to guild members/friends?
04:28.34Cairennart3mis: en tres petite peu
04:28.39bleeterNightHawkTheSane: it's not simple, but I like it...'s NotesUNeed
04:28.56Finthat is the polar opposite of simple
04:29.22bleeterwell, depends what kind of simple NightHawkTheSane meant
04:29.36bleetersimple as in 'easy to use' or simple as in 'very few lines of code'
04:29.37Thrae|WorkWhat's an insanely complex, bloated, probably unstable Unit Frame that I can use?
04:29.55Thrae|WorkKnowing NightHawkTheSane, he meant a little of both.
04:29.57NightHawkTheSanei meant "does what i said in clean, straightforward way, thats easy to use, and doesn't do any thing else"
04:30.16NightHawkTheSaneand yeah, Thrae|Work's right :P
04:30.22art3mispourquoi est cela que vous avez <-- fav french phrase
04:30.38art3misit just rollsoff the tongue and has no real meaning ;P
04:30.47Finmagnifique! <-- my favourite french phrase
04:31.02bleeterNightHawkTheSane: I'm using NotesUNeed to record guild member's details including gear. Now, whether you consider a note recording folk's gear as part of simple, or complex, I cannot say.
04:31.03art3mis <-- neat btw even has a voice option
04:31.04Cairennvoulez vous couchez avec moi ce soir
04:31.13Thrae|Workpourquoi est cela que vous hugo chavez <-- hugo chavez's fav. french phrase
04:31.15Finfollowed a close second by fantastique! then alors! then possibly mon dieu
04:31.53art3miscairenn: sûr je serai juste là
04:31.53Cairennsacre bleu! monge le merde!
04:32.02Finbleeter: Examiner can cache inspected players for you, btw
04:32.06art3mismange la merde '{
04:32.08Cairenn(et mort)
04:32.09bleeterI think my most frequently spoken sentence in french was "mon dieu, je ne American... je ne Anglaise... je suis Tasmanie!!!"
04:32.19art3misfu toi
04:32.49Cairennje suis Canadienne
04:32.53bleeterif there's one thing in Europe you don't want to be, it's an English or American tourist ;)
04:33.05Thrae|WorkYou Tasmanian Devil.
04:33.14Cairennmy french is so old and rusty, it's just sad
04:33.19bleeterThrae|Work: just call me Errol
04:33.23FinI am... 'ow you say eet... a leetle lost? <-- that's what the cute french girl says in my fantasy I'm just making up
04:33.29CairennI can speak it better than I can spell it though, thank god
04:33.40kd3fin; lmao
04:33.49Thrae|Workbleeter: I was refering to the widely popular Looney Tunes character ;)
04:34.06MentalPowerFin: sounds like 'Arry Potter
04:34.21Thrae|WorkCairenn: Odd, I can write languages better then I can speak -- English included.
04:34.44CairennI just stopped trying to speak french when I moved up here to ontario
04:34.53art3mis  <-- i tend to hum this on the subway lately
04:35.05Cairennsince the french I speak is Acadienne, not Quebeqouis
04:35.09bleeterwoot, I think I just 'fixed' my problem with Combuctor from Tuller... /me gives three cheers for throwing out layout-cache.txt ;)
04:35.10FinI was in a food fight once at a party with a bunch of french canadians, it started because I was drunkenly pretending to be parisian and was mocking their stupeed bastardisation of blah blah...
04:35.11Thrae|WorkJa'zookz! It's me freind 'arry Pottayh!
04:35.20Finonly food fight I've been in that was stopped by the police
04:36.29bleeterWe almost started a food fight on the border of Northern Ireland and the Republic. I was at a bucks party for a work colleague, and he had a bunch of his friends over from the continent. They were calling us Aussies 'Skippy', and the local youfs were of the opinion they were insulting us.
04:36.33Finbut! back to the cute french girl - yeah! if it wasn't harry potter, and that wasn't desperately sad, I would say that the description of the alluring sultry beauties with the french accents sounds like a goer
04:36.56bleeterwe found out the following morning one of the kids who were threatening us got arrested later for attempted murder :/
04:37.02Finhow do you almost have a food fight? :) did someone throw some rice but noone retaliated?
04:37.21Finthe irish are always doing that
04:37.42Fin(not almost starting food fights, I meant getting arrested for attempted murder)
04:38.03Finit's true! I read about it on the internet
04:38.59bleeterFin: it was a burger, but yes. We didn't retaliate, just calmly said 'no no, we're all friends up here for a bucks night, we don't want trouble'... and left
04:40.57FinThrae|Work: pending moderation?
04:40.58MentalPowerQuote #838069 is pending moderation.
04:41.06Finno! you did NOT just do that
04:41.12Thrae|WorkI know. I quit Fin.
04:41.53Finright! my gf is gone so I'm going to make myself that massive fryup she won't let me make because it "smells"
04:42.06Finau revoir!
04:42.16Cairennlater Fin
04:42.32Thrae|WorkFin: Did you actually make the connection yourself that most Irish are Catholic, and it's customary to throw rice at weddings, or was that unintentional?
04:44.18art3misim gonna guess unintentional
04:44.23art3misit was Fin after all
04:44.57art3misWhat's the difference between a protestant and a catholic in ireland?
04:45.05art3misThe Calibre
04:46.41Thrae|WorkCalibre is also a correct spelling, albiet arcane
04:47.15art3misits a double meaning ;P
04:47.42art3misbtw thrae
04:47.46art3misCake or Death?
04:48.07kd3I'll choose "or death" please
04:48.10TainThe cake is a lie.
04:48.11Thrae|WorkThe way you bake, that's not much of a choice.
04:49.22Irielart3mis: Do you have a flag?
04:51.26art3misi do!
04:54.44art3misiriel: have you seen the tudors?
04:55.16art3misand if so does "church of england church of england" poop into your head every now and again?
04:55.53ckknightart3mis: I'll take the chicken
04:55.56IrielI have not
04:56.04Finart3mis: you are wrong to doubt me of being capable of subtle references like that! quite wrong!
04:56.23FinThrae: however art3mis was right, it was entirely unintentional
04:56.55art3misckknight: we dont ahve chicken and we didnt expect such a rush on the cake
04:58.20FinOK, maybe I'm the only one who doesn't see the disadvantages in the cake option
04:59.27ShirikAnduinLothar: ping
04:59.36AnduinLotharlil busy
04:59.41Shirikuh, I'll find you later then
04:59.47kd3uber-power bill, MP?
05:01.47MentalPowerno, uber power outages
05:02.51Shirikone thing I gotta give to FPL, their stability is amazing
05:02.59Shiriktheir bills are also amazing
05:03.02Shirikamazingly expensive -_-
05:03.31kd3ugh. next tuesday can't come quickly enough
05:04.33Finpayment issues, kd3?
05:05.07kd3the ISP that my apartment complex is using has botched the filters something fierce
05:05.14kd3HTTP works, HTTPS is spotty
05:05.16Finoh, nasty
05:05.53kd3I'm on IRC via tor because there's a complex-wide cap of 1mbit for IRC, resulting in queues averaging 10 minutes or so if I can't connect via ssl
05:06.09Finye gods
05:06.13Finwho are these people?
05:06.13kd3wow's reasonable at times, 150ms ping, can spike over a few seconds on occasion
05:06.14Shirikwho makes a complex-wide cap
05:06.19Finand why are they living in 1995?
05:06.48kd3I've been yelling at them (with most of the other CS students living here) but they're worried about "p2p"
05:07.05FinI don't want to even guess what they've done to lock down BitTorrent etc... ah yeah
05:07.08Mr_Rabies2i was wondering why you were using tor
05:07.29kd3what's funny is that when they first brought the filters online they didn't even touch DCC, just irc chat itself...
05:07.47FinI was going to say, how can these people even be intelligent enough to implement the filters in the first place
05:07.48Mr_Rabies2but i thought you might be a part of the chinese resistance forming on tor
05:08.13Finmy god, you'r chinese, Mr_Rabies?
05:08.19kd3I dunno, I'm assuming they're using sandvine or something similar
05:08.23Mr_Rabies2no, i just check out tor
05:08.27art3miskd3: does it block all irc ports or just 6667?
05:08.29MentalPowerkd3: do they not know that most (all?) P2P does not work over HTTP/S
05:08.33Mr_Rabies2it has some funny paranoid hidden services
05:08.36art3miserr not block but you know
05:08.40Finyou're not just a bit Chinese then
05:08.42Mr_Rabies2but some really cool ones, like chinese resistance
05:09.00Mr_Rabies2trying to overthrow communism by letting information flow freely
05:09.03kd3all ports. some private networks I'm on use non-standard ports too and they're filtered just the same
05:09.03Mr_Rabies2or whatever
05:09.07Mr_Rabies2their dictatorship
05:09.22Mr_Rabies2getting past the great firewall
05:09.23MentalPowerso they do packet shaping, nice
05:10.30Finyou need a decent unix box outside that network that can act as a generic proxy
05:11.56Finset up ssh tunnels to a server that has listens on port 8080, configure local setups for different services, and it's just like the real internet
05:12.20Finor on port 80 I guess for you, 8080 seems a bit - woo - nonstandard
05:13.25CodayusA sufficiently paranoid IT department (or whatever) can monitor and track encrypted ssh tunnels, even over port 80.
05:13.57kd3meh, the ISP's not that good. IRC over SSL's just fine. 0.1s lag on a few networks says xchat
05:14.11CodayusSince a ssh tunnel doesn't "look" like normal http traffic, if you bother to look at it.  Few do.
05:14.30Finthey can't tell what you're doing though, and they'd find it difficult to stop without specific measures against you personally or implementing a network wide proxy
05:14.39Fin+that has Connect disabled
05:14.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:14.54Finwell no
05:14.57Mr_Rabies2or just hope you luck out with tor
05:15.02Mr_Rabies2and get a decent line of proxies
05:15.28Finso anyway, what's happening on Tuesday?
05:15.39Finare you ridding yourself of this blight upon the good name of sysadmins everywhere?
05:15.58CodayusFin: Some banks, for example, will have IT departments which will look for people tunneling encrypted traffic across the firewall, and take specific firing you.
05:16.10kd3that's when the cableco has graciously decided to free up enough time to make sure that my apartment has been wired properly for cable net access
05:16.19FinCodayus: a bank is one place I would take network security seriously :)
05:16.46*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
05:16.56Finthere, and my home network, are the only two places that come to mind
05:17.13Finanyway! enough geekery
05:17.17Mr_Rabies2i'm drinking ginger ale from a jar that once contained apples.
05:17.29CodayusAlthough once you go down that road, you start needing to worry about cell phones, 3G modems, bluetooth, etc.  Or hell, flash drives.  Security is a PAIN if you really care.
05:17.37FinI'm off to watch some explosions and hot chicks
05:17.37Thunder_Childthere is never enough geekery Fin
05:17.43MentalPowerMr_Rabies2: thats... random...
05:17.58Mr_Rabies2it's true though
05:17.59Mr_Rabies2i am
05:18.19Finexplosions! chicks! beer!
05:18.33CodayusExploding chickens?  That's not hot...
05:18.50MentalPowergnight all
05:18.55Finwell I imagine they would be quite hot having just exploded
05:19.04Shirik"The female vocal box emits a tone that is phase shifted 180 degrees from the male ear drum's natural resonance frequency, so males simply can't listen to females. It's in their genes."
05:19.08Shirik<3 my guild chat
05:19.11Fingranted they would cool quite rapidly
05:19.37CodayusWell, depends on the environmental temperature...explode one inside a blast furnace?
05:19.39Finnow that they have a greater surface area through which to dissipate the heat
05:20.09FinI was thinking like, a mortar fired directly into a chicken coop
05:20.29CodayusCould fire the chicken from the mortar...
05:20.31Fin+that had some chickens in it
05:20.42Finwould that necessarily cause them to explode, though?
05:20.47Mr_Rabies2reminds me of the chicken cannon from mythbusters you suppose a chicken would have more or less wind resistence after its been plucked?
05:21.18CodayusSeems plausible.
05:21.23Finthat's what feathers are *for*
05:21.26Mr_Rabies2brb calling adam and jamie
05:21.40CodayusPft, explain bats.
05:21.45Mr_Rabies2it'll be on mythbusters within the month
05:21.46FinOK! I am going to watch I Am Legend now
05:21.58Mr_Rabies2Fin: Will Smith is a Scientologist now
05:22.03Finoh FUCK
05:22.06FinI wish you hadn't told me that
05:22.23Mr_Rabies2still a good movie
05:22.30Finnot *as* good anymore :(
05:22.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
05:22.46Finoh well, I'll focus on the explosions, and any chicks I see
05:22.51Finauf wiedersen!
05:22.51CodayusCould be worse, wasisname, the guy who started in Blade is on trial for not paying taxes.  I believe his claim is that there is no income tax in the US.
05:22.54Mr_Rabies2my opinion was worse of him before the movie
05:23.02Mr_Rabies2because i had no respect for him as an actor prior to the movie
05:23.02CodayusWesley...Snipe?  Something like that...
05:23.12Mr_Rabies2he did a pretty damn good job in i am legend :o
05:28.02Mr_Rabies2speaking of scientology
05:28.06Mr_Rabies2this kinda creeps me out
05:28.17Mr_Rabies2i searched for scientology on cnn
05:28.19Mr_Rabies2and got that
05:28.42Mr_Rabies2it looks like an article was cut down by scientology's legal department or something worse :O
05:35.08Thunder_Childwho the fuck cares what belief system has
05:35.16Thunder_Childs/has/someone has/
05:35.28Thunder_Childbesides Fin it seems
05:35.42ckknightI'm not fond of the Church of Scientology
05:35.48ckknightbut I don't care if someone believes in it
05:36.16Finthey're fucking psychopathic nutjobs on a mission to assimilate humanity, not a belief system
05:36.17Thunder_Childi hope Fin's thought isnt the majority
05:36.26Thunder_Childthat would be sadening
05:36.40Finhah, dude, you're not actually trolling now, are you?
05:37.17Thunder_Childi actually think that a person belief does not make them a bad person
05:37.24Finso do I
05:37.42Thunder_Childso you were joking with your comment before>
05:37.43Finbut you're choosing to at least appear to convince yourself of something else
05:38.03Thunder_Childthen your contradicting yourself
05:38.07Finno, I'm not
05:38.34Thunder_Childwill smith is not bad because of his belief but the movie is beacause he is in it
05:38.46Thunder_Childbecause of scientology
05:38.53cogwheelso, using expose armor on a turtle... that's like ripping its shell off, yes?
05:39.06Shirikno, just showing the weak spot on its shell
05:39.34Finno, Thunder_Child, that is also incorrect
05:39.47Finkeep going if you like?
05:40.08Finwe could talk about ice cream again
05:40.09Shirikno you didn't
05:40.20Finlet's talk about ice cream
05:40.22Thunder_Childdont need to keep going, one of those 2 are incorrect
05:40.25Finyou know what I think would be great? vodka ice cream
05:40.38Shirikexcept I couldn't eat it
05:40.43FinI'll let you figure it out mate. what's your favourite flavour of ice cream?
05:40.48Shirikfor another.... 5 days
05:40.58Finit might not be ice cream by then
05:41.03kd3oh sweet. ep2 of aria season 3's finally done downloading. wtb subs
05:41.05cogwheelice cream is fricking awesome with liquor... it's like built-in pepto bismol :P
05:41.08Shirik4 actually, omg it's wednesday ><
05:41.17ShirikI need to go to sleep, night :)
05:41.22Finexcellent description cogwheel
05:42.06Finso, Thunder_Child, don't keep us waiting!
05:42.10FinI bet you're a mint choc chip man
05:42.17Thunder_Childactaully i am
05:42.22Finbam! nailed it
05:42.23Thunder_Childbut thats 1 or 2
05:42.33Finaw, I think that can be considered a flavour
05:42.41Thunder_Childdepends, otherwise it's choc chip cookie dough
05:42.43cogwheelcookie dough here
05:42.59cogwheeland white chocolate > vanilla imo
05:43.06Fincookie dough... I can't say that's something I see very often, I don't know what it tastes like
05:43.13Thunder_ChildFin, i meant it's either #1 or #2 on my list
05:43.24cogwheelit's vanilla with chunks of cookie dough
05:43.39Finwell that's OK, you're allowed to have multiple favourite flavours of ice cream
05:43.39cogwheelchocolate chip usually
05:43.47Finice cream is special
05:43.50FinI can't imagine that, cogwheel
05:44.03Finlike, crumbly cookies?
05:44.15cogwheelthey're usually little balls of raw dough
05:44.21Finmaybe I'll buy some and freeze them to see what it's like
05:44.24cogwheelnot sure if they're allowed to put eggs in or not
05:44.26Finohhhh... like tiramisu sort of
05:45.19cogwheelevery tiramisu i have has been completely different from the one before it so i can't verify that :P
05:45.30FinI think I'd like to explore the world of alcohol + ice cream, though
05:45.34cogwheel+any missing words that make it make more sense
05:45.44FinI just made it up as a way to change the subject earlier, but it's growing on me
05:45.57cogwheelreally any sort of creaminess and cold makes it go down smooth
05:46.14cogwheelegg nog & brandy
05:46.16Finoh lordy lummy loo, baileys I do love you so
05:46.27Finegg nog is like, a really cheap liquor here, it's seen as sort of tacky
05:46.40Finbut I secretly buy bottles of it for myself because I love it
05:46.42cogwheelit's sort of a traditional holiday drink here
05:47.28cogwheelWe missed out this year :(
05:47.32Finone sweet alcohol I *don't* really like, anything menthol really
05:47.37Finaw no, that's a shame
05:47.49Wobwork<3 Tiramisu
05:47.52Wobworkit's so easy to make
05:48.10Wobworkalso <3 Sticky Date Pudding
05:48.17Wobworkditto on the easy to make
05:48.19Finthat's not really one sweet alcohol, but there's enough meaning in the sentence to extrapolate what it would've been like coherent
05:48.51Finalso! I don't understand the smarties ice cream that mcdonalds do
05:49.12Finthat's just odd to me
05:49.28Finthey're completely seperate sweets in the hierarchy, really
05:49.53Finhmm, I'm assuming smarties are smarties everywhere
05:49.59WobworkIt's true
05:50.16Wobworkthen again, McDonalds soft serve ice cream is an abomination unto man anyway
05:50.23Finsmarties are little pellets of chocolate coated in a layer of coloured sugar
05:50.53Finthey're actually called "lentilky" in the Czech Republic
05:50.56Finwhich I find amusing
05:51.05Wobworkwhat does that translate to?
05:51.29Wobworkmost bizarre lentils ever
05:51.57Finalthough actually now I come to think about it, I'm not 100% sure of that! they might've just taken the English word for lentils and used it for something that resembles lentils, sort of, or something
05:52.14FinI never thought of that possibility before
05:52.25FinCzechs go out of their way to be awkward sometimes, I swear it
05:52.44FinI mean, the Czech keyboard layout is mostly the same for letters - except the z and the y are swapped rond
05:53.00Finwhy? why just swap those letters? you're just being awkward now
05:53.09Mr_Rabies2<Thunder_Child> i actually think that a person belief does not make them a bad person
05:53.29Thunder_Childyes, infact i did type that
05:53.35Mr_Rabies2i have little or no issue with people who believe in scientology,
05:53.47FinI don't think he was challenging your typing that, Thunder_Child
05:53.53Mr_Rabies2however, i do have several issues with the actual "Church" of scientology
05:54.13Thunder_Childi hope not Fin, people typing that badly around here hsould be few and far between
05:54.25Thunder_ChildMr_Rabies2, thats fine, i wasnt talking about that
05:54.30Mr_Rabies2leaving vulnerable people in crippling debt, huge legal team that quells any opposition to them, etc etc
05:54.45Thunder_ChildMr_Rabies2, i was not debating belief systems
05:54.59Thunder_Childif you want to flame them (as i can see you want to) go ahead
05:55.00Finplus they're annoying as almighty fuck with those bloody personality tests
05:55.06Thunder_Childbut i have nothing to do with it
05:55.18Finthat's a big fat lie
05:55.23Thunder_Childand dont use me as an excuse to flame them
05:55.28Finyour pants are currently combusting
05:55.36Mr_Rabies2i'm not flaming you at all, i'm just stating why i (and many people) dislike scientology
05:55.54Thunder_ChildMr_Rabies2, not me, i didnt say you were flaming me
05:56.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
05:56.30Mr_Rabies2it's not about the beliefs, it's the shady things the church does, that rival those of catholicism around the time indulgences and the crusades were popular :o
05:57.05Mr_Rabies2the fact that they leave all but the very very wealthy with no money with promises of bettering their lives
05:57.17FinOK, as you seem to be being reasonable now, can I say: I have an issue with scientology; I don't have an issue with belief systems in general; I don't consider scientology a belief system; my enjoyment of a film is partly linked to my respect for the people involved in it, and my respect for Wil Smith is now a lot lower
05:57.28Mr_Rabies2and they use the local police force to their HQ as their own personal police force
05:57.35Mr_Rabies2mine was very low before i am legend, fin
05:57.45Mr_Rabies2after i had a renewed respect for him
05:58.04Finso, that's why all the things you said weren't correct
05:58.14Mr_Rabies2his acting is quite believable and well done
05:58.31Finactually I never thought he was that bad, Mr_Rabies, perhaps I just have lower standards than you
05:58.39Mr_Rabies2i like him as a person, he's a great guy
05:58.39Finin fact I almost certainly have lower standards than you
05:58.46Finalthough they are very refined low standards
05:58.55Mr_Rabies2it was hard for me to get past fresh prince of bel air
05:59.06Finah, I was fortunate to skip that
05:59.08Finalmost completely
05:59.09Mr_Rabies2and it doesn't help most of the movies he's been in since have been awful
05:59.26Mr_Rabies2fresh prince is enjoyable, but not for the fantastic acting
05:59.32Finyep, I definitely have lower standards - I only think some of his movies are awful, not most
06:00.04Finseriously though, you didn't like Wild Wild West? and Men In Black?
06:00.17Mr_Rabies2i robot was terrible, independence day is good for laughing at a nice campy movie, hitch was terrible
06:00.28FinI liked Hitch
06:00.35Mr_Rabies2wild wild west was okay, but only because it was hollywood steampunk, otherwise the acting was laughable
06:00.38Finthe name was a great play on words, I liked that
06:00.47Mr_Rabies2men in black was okay when i was like 10
06:00.52FinI think you're being unreasonably harsh
06:00.55Mr_Rabies2i can't watch it now, it's too cheesy
06:01.10Mr_Rabies2bad boys ii is a pinnacle of action movies, though
06:01.19Finhmm... you're not one of those people that watches Marcel Rousseau type movies, are ou?
06:01.22Mr_Rabies2again, not because of the acting, though
06:01.33Mr_Rabies2nah, not a big arthouse guy, if that's what Marcel Rousseau is
06:01.40Finaction movies are rarely good because of the acting
06:01.53Finarty would be a good word
06:02.03FinOK then, tell me what you *do* like, forget about Mr. Smith
06:02.34Finand - btw - I'm not saying any of his films are *great* - just OK, watchable
06:02.34Mr_Rabies2yeah, i didn't expect good acting from bad boys 2, and i got what i expected, plus michael bay making it hilariously awesome
06:02.38Finnot bad
06:02.57Mr_Rabies2well, men in black i and ii were seen a lot when i was a kid, so there's a good chance i just kinda got burned out on them
06:03.16Mr_Rabies2i feel he was probably typecast pretty heavily
06:03.28Mr_Rabies2i mean even in i am legend he has to have a bit of a comedy side to him
06:03.36Finso forget about him, go on tell me what's in your DVD library
06:03.44Mr_Rabies2lots of bad movies i love
06:03.47Mr_Rabies2like the running man
06:03.53Mr_Rabies2terrible movie, but it's awesome
06:04.16Finwhat was the last movie you bought?
06:04.20Mr_Rabies2my dvd library is admittedly miniscule, i mostly watch stuff in theaters
06:04.25Finno, what were the last three movies you bought?
06:04.39Mr_Rabies2Shoot Em Up, 3:10 to Yuma and Tenacious D
06:04.50Mr_Rabies2shoot em up is another pinnacle of modern action movies
06:05.10Mr_Rabies23:10 to yuma i haven't seen yet as i accidentally got the fullscreen version and i'm waiting to take it back
06:05.10Finnot sure I agree, but I haven't formed a proper opinion yet
06:05.21Finnever heard of it
06:05.25Finsounds japanese and arty
06:05.30Mr_Rabies2it's a western
06:05.34Mr_Rabies2a remake, actually
06:05.52Mr_Rabies2and not an "el topo" western
06:06.00Mr_Rabies2el topo isn't a western
06:06.11Mr_Rabies2it's a western-coated mindfuck
06:06.29Mr_Rabies2there ya go, fin
06:06.47Finjust a good old classic fight against evil with a few good men eventually coming through for the common man, whose daughter is incidentally a hot but innocent and willing wife
06:07.13Finyes! I was spot on!
06:07.16Mr_Rabies23:10 to yuma?
06:07.29Mr_Rabies2i haven't seen it yet, i missed it in theaters and was angry at myself for doing so
06:07.39Mr_Rabies2i try to hit all the good movies up in theaters
06:07.45Findon't be angry at yourself for that
06:07.55Finthe cool thing about things like that is, you can let yourself off lightly
06:08.04Mr_Rabies2there's just nothing that compares to the theater sound and visual
06:08.06Finjust give yourself a stern warning and we'll let that one slide
06:08.22Finsure, but no need for anger, that's just making it worse for no reason
06:08.25Finwar starts out like that!
06:08.36Mr_Rabies2i'm really pissed off that i haven't seen the final cut of blade runner in theaters when it was reshowing
06:08.45Mr_Rabies2because i haven't seen blade runner at all
06:08.47Mr_Rabies2at all
06:08.55Finthat's a great film, but man, is it overused
06:09.02Mr_Rabies2i don't know how i haven't seen it
06:09.06Finit's like lord of the rings
06:09.18Mr_Rabies2my friend got the ubercollectors edition
06:09.23Mr_Rabies2about 5 different cuts of the movie
06:09.26Mr_Rabies2he's a film nerd
06:09.28Fin(the book)
06:09.41Mr_Rabies2he got like
06:09.43Mr_Rabies2let's see
06:09.47bleeterI love how Jeter managed to get the book of Androids to work with the movie Bladerunner
06:09.57Mr_Rabies2an arthouse collection
06:10.04Mr_Rabies2Janus 50 year collection
06:10.11Mr_Rabies250 discs, like a grand
06:10.52Finbleeter, was that an unsubtle way of pointing out that you've read the book, and before seeing the movie, thus making you less of a loser than us types?
06:11.36Finit was, wasn't it, tut
06:11.46Finand yes I am a loser, I only read it after
06:11.51Finand actually I preferred the film!
06:11.55bleeterFin: nah, just an observation that post.. whenever it was 1996 or so.. the book don't make much sense without seeing the movie, the movie don't make much sense without reading the book
06:12.06Mr_Rabies2i mean
06:12.12bleeterand neither make much sense as a whole without reading the other three books written by KW Jeter
06:12.18Mr_Rabies2i like some arthouse stuff, but it's usually pretentious and boring
06:12.22Mr_Rabies2not my thing
06:12.25Mr_Rabies2i like to be entertained
06:12.32Finyeah, me too
06:12.39Mr_Rabies2i care less about the art of filmmaking and more about the entertainment aspect of filmmaking
06:12.48bleeterso, kinda like The Abyss and 2001, neither of which makes much sense without reading the story in another medium
06:12.51Finsome of the french arthousey type stuff is good :)
06:13.08Finlike Delicatessen and that hot french chick, what's her name, Miss Mischief
06:13.09Mr_Rabies2one of the few arthouse movies i like so far is "the holy mountain"
06:13.17Mr_Rabies2i want to see delicatessen
06:13.18*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
06:13.26Finit's a *great* movie
06:13.41Mr_Rabies2my film nerd friend gets all these awesome foreign films
06:13.44Finor, the fabulous world of amelie d'estaux
06:13.48Mr_Rabies2lots of the classic exploitation films
06:13.59Mr_Rabies2we sat down and tried to watch cannibal holocaust like 3 times now
06:14.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Tinyboom (
06:14.03Mr_Rabies2and we haven't worked up the courage
06:14.24Finpoints gained for trying, taken away for continuing to try :)
06:14.45FinI really have to go to the shop now
06:14.59Finmy pills are wearing off
06:15.09Fintak, cau!
06:25.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
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06:39.42*** part/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
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07:19.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
07:24.49|Jelly|~lart cogwheel
07:24.49purldrops a truckload of VAXen on cogwheel
07:25.09bleeterthat's gotta hurt
07:27.24*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (i=kd3@gateway/tor/x-3fa9dece1e1b23bb)
07:37.03bleeterdoes everyone else's realm's /trade turn into /SexistReligistHomophobicRants after 1AM?
07:43.25clad|sleepbleeter: I don't think they're sexist
07:43.26|Jelly|Stop pretending like it's any different any other time of the day. lol
07:43.33clad|sleepwomen aren't really people, so they deserve it.
07:44.11*** part/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
07:45.44bleeteroh well, I'll just report the person impersonating a GM in /trade calling people cockfaces.
07:50.38Temcladhaire, why don't women have big feet?
07:50.52cladhaireuhh dunno
08:05.52Elkanoart3mis, today's xkcd is great ^^
08:06.58Thunder_Childcan anyone understand why one flashlight can do 80 lumens for 9.42 hours with 3 batteries whereas another can do 80 lumens for 11 hours with 2 batteries....and the second one is the more expensive one
08:07.14Thunder_Childerr..less expensive
08:08.14Thunder_Childlet me rephrase that....
08:08.14art3misdifferent bulbs or better "parts"
08:08.15bleeterdepends on the glimmer rating... or in some cases blean rating
08:08.26Thunder_Childthey are both surefire
08:08.29Thunder_Childsame setup
08:08.54bleeterThunder_Child: how many bleans?
08:08.56ScytheBlade1Today's xkcd alt text is *incredible*
08:09.13Thunder_Childbleeter, no bleans
08:09.25bleeterThunder_Child: impossible.
08:09.38Thunder_Childbleeter, i mean nothing talks about bleens
08:09.46bleeterBLEAN (n) Scientific measure of luminosity : 1 glimmer = 100,000 bleans. Usherettes’
08:09.50bleetertorches are designed to produce between 2.5 and 4 bleans, enabling them to assist you
08:09.53bleeterin falling down stairs,treading on people or putting your hand into a Neapolitan
08:09.56bleetertub when reaching for change.
08:10.07Thunder_Childi hate you people
08:10.10art3missame batteries?
08:10.34art3misso say 9.42 on 3 AA's or 11 on 2 AAs?
08:10.46Thunder_ChildMax Output: 80 lumens
08:10.47Thunder_ChildRuntime: 9.42 hours (5.8 hrs tactical-level light)
08:10.47Thunder_ChildLength: 6.50 inches
08:10.47Thunder_ChildWeight: 5.50 ounces
08:10.47Thunder_ChildBattery: Three 123A Lithium
08:10.55Thunder_ChildMax Output: 80 lumens
08:10.55Thunder_ChildRuntime: 11 hours
08:10.55Thunder_ChildLength: 5.09 inches
08:10.57Thunder_ChildWeight: 5.20 ounces
08:10.59Thunder_ChildBattery: Two 123A lithiums
08:11.34art3miswell it's shorter and im gonna assume different bulbs
08:11.39Thunder_Childboth LED
08:11.51art3miswhich could mean taht to produce the same lumens it's basically focusing better
08:12.15art3misand that would cause less draw making it gooder
08:12.21bleeterI'm gunna assume different methods of focussing the light to achieve the 80 lumes, thus one's more efficient than the other
08:12.31art3misfocal distance qwould be the difference
08:12.35ScytheBlade1I don't suppose there's a way to get me banned from the forums on a temporary basis?
08:12.44art3mison purpsoe?
08:13.04ScytheBlade1Well, kinda
08:13.10ScytheBlade1I don't mean things like start linking porn
08:13.15art3misjust reply to like 40 posts with "christ stop being a dick"
08:13.21art3misregardless of topic ;P
08:13.34ScytheBlade1That'd probably be more on topic than off though
08:13.41ScytheBlade1For at least half the threads
08:13.45art3misand then make an alt named Heyzeus
08:13.52TemI just CSed a pom pyro mage
08:13.56art3misand have him post "alright geez sorry"
08:13.57Temand stole AP and PoM
08:14.01ScytheBlade1Tem: you win
08:14.17Temthen I hit him with a 4k instant frostbolt
08:14.18Temand he died
08:14.54ScytheBlade1But seriously, I need a way to temp ban myself from the forums :/
08:15.09Temmake a post that looks like a keylogger post
08:15.16Teman overzealous mod will ban you
08:15.17art3misThunder_Child: focal point would be the big thing, if the second has a focal of say 2 feet and the first has one of 8 feet
08:15.20Temthen you can appeal
08:15.29ScytheBlade1That might work
08:15.48art3misThunder_Child: the more expensive 1 is gonna be less efficient since it would need to draw more power to achieve the same lumens at that distance
08:15.58bleeterTem: that kinda stuff's awesome when it comes off, makes me rofl on my mage
08:16.06Thunder_Childart3mis, why?
08:16.16art3miscuz technically it's brighter
08:16.27art3misif you were to copare both at the same focal
08:16.33Thunder_Childah, ok i see what you mean
08:16.38Thunder_Childi had them backwards
08:16.53art3misa focal of 15 is gonne be at least 4 times as bright as a focal of 3 if both are measured at 3
08:16.56Thunder_Childwell there isnt any focal point
08:16.58bleeterScytheBlade1: hah, well, thanks for saying the words that were hidden behind my post ;)
08:17.03Thunder_Childbut distance can be
08:17.05art3misthats more than likely the difference
08:17.13ScytheBlade1bleeter: any time...
08:17.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Rayne (
08:17.27ScytheBlade1bleeter: that's what happens when I'm up late at night and reading forums
08:17.29art3misoh scythe!
08:17.30bleeterI'm assuming that was you replying to my post trying to find a way to be kind
08:17.40bleeteras in, I was trying to find a way of being kind
08:17.42art3mismake an entire post of filgetted words
08:17.43ScytheBlade1bleeter: bad things involving some of my many forum trolls
08:17.50ScytheBlade1lol @ art3mis
08:17.51art3mislike grape and scrape
08:17.53ScytheBlade1Could also work
08:18.17bleeterart3mis: an EU Blue the other day had 'skyscraper' jumbled ;)
08:18.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
08:18.54Rayneevening everyone
08:18.59bleeterI wonder if the blue posters have a mini-thesaurus next to their workstations so they can avoid getting words jumbled on the forums
08:20.19art3misevery reply shoul,d have contained "child#$%@#" as a replacement for whatever he typed ;P
08:23.27art3misScytheBlade1: or start posting the lolcat bible ;P
08:24.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
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08:28.26Rayneneed some quick oppinions if you guys dont mind
08:28.34KalrothWe mind!
08:28.46RayneWell too bad!
08:28.52purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
08:28.55bleeterYES! << my opinion
08:28.59Rayne|Jelly|: shush
08:29.56Raynemy god photobucket is being a tard tonight
08:30.17Rayneoh its down for maintenence. dur rayne.
08:31.59Rayneexcuse the crushed size
08:32.08Rayne Raid Frames, yes / no
08:32.30Thunder_Childnot for anyone that needs to use them
08:32.36Thunder_Childboth other than that they look fine
08:33.31RayneI got tired of them on the right side of the screen
08:33.51art3miswonder if i should sell my ipaq rx3715 with 2gb SD
08:33.52Rayneand my Omen Mover macro is aparently broke now since 2.3, cause everytime I touch it, I get an error
08:34.01purlQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
08:34.01art3misappearantly they still go for about 250-300ish
08:34.06|Jelly|Do they fill L>R, T>B ot T>B, L>R ? Because that would make or break that with me.
08:34.23art3misonly downside is that it's still mobile 2003
08:34.41FinI have a networking issue I could do with some help on, if anyone has a minute - I know it's not the right place exactly but I've helped out other people with their sysadmin problems so I hope noone minds too much
08:34.58art3misask away poo face
08:35.50|Jelly|RAYNE: [02:34]<|Jelly|>Do they fill L>R, T>B ot T>B, L>R ? Because that would make or break that with me.
08:36.19Raynesorry I got a headache
08:36.23FinI have a network at home. it is    [PUBLIC 1 (FreeBSD)]===[INTERNET]===[PUBLIC 2 (Windows XP)]----[PRIVATE2 (Windows XP)]
08:36.28Finif that makes sense
08:36.48Finie, two machines connected to the internet publically, and one sharing the connection off the public XP machine
08:37.01art3missort of retarded but okay
08:37.24Finin the end I want to have the FreeBSD machine as the router (that's how I had it before) but when I moved flats it all fucked up
08:37.41FinI've got samba on the bsd box
08:38.02Finand everybody can see everybody, *except* the private xp machine can't see the public xp machine's shared folders
08:38.14art3misshare the drive from xp2 as a mounted drive on xp1 then mount that on the fbsd box
08:38.16Finactually I haven't checked to see if the bsd machine can see the public xp machine's shared folders
08:39.20Finthe private xp machine can *see* the public xp machine, but when I try and browse it says "Access denied (you may not have sufficient privileges to access this network)" or something
08:39.46FinI've been fiddling with Windows Firewall on both machines to see if I can fix it
08:40.02art3misenabled netbios overtcp
08:40.06art3mison public1
08:40.14art3misfile and printer sharing enabled?
08:40.23Finexplicitly, not auto on both machines
08:40.30Finon both machines
08:40.33art3misexception in the firewall for it? 135-139
08:40.43ScytheBlade1And 445
08:40.47art3misand 445
08:40.50Finit's there, set to local network only
08:40.52Finyup on all 3 machines?
08:41.09Finthere's a predefined entry for file and printer sharing
08:41.39Finno, it's 192.168.100.x on all 3 machines, but I don't need DHCP and Internet access works fine from the private machine
08:41.46Finie it can use the public XP machine as a gateway OK
08:42.26art3misso priv and bsd have no issues talkig and sharing?
08:42.35art3misbut neither can talk and share with pubxp?
08:42.38FinI set it up as a shared connection, then changed the (internal) IP on the public machine, and the default gateway on the private machine
08:43.05Finthat's been the only way I can get anything over to the private machine so far - copy it to the bsd machine and then copy it over to the private from the bsd share
08:43.21FinI have now managed to get it so that I can see the private machine from the public machine and copy files, now
08:43.24RayneI need to finish wrapping up Cherry Healer one of these days
08:43.26Finthat is a recent development
08:43.32Finit's just the other way round that's broken
08:43.42art3misoh btw
08:43.54art3misyou DO need to reboot when you enabled the netbios over tcp ;P
08:44.09Fin(thanks for this btw, I hate networks and they hate me)
08:44.22FinI've had it enabled since forever, but just in case I will reboot both machines now
08:44.34ScytheBlade1Oh well, time to sleep
08:44.47art3misreboot the priv machine after enableding the netbios and opening the port and as retarded as it sounds make sure it's the same workgroup ;P
08:45.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth_ (
08:45.55Finyup, I have, I've even double checked the cases for the workgroup name (not that it should matter in the slightest under windows, but, whatever)
08:46.27FinI can ping the public xp machine fine from the private one
08:46.41FinI'm just going to go and see if I can VNC to the public from private, back in a sefc
08:48.33Finso it's not a networking issue
08:48.46Finit's some fucking windows permissions cock
08:49.33Finoh, and, when I reboot the private xp machine, and browse the local network -> windows network -> click on my workgroup: it complains that I don't have permission
08:49.48Fin*but* the shared drive mounted off the BSD box I can get to fine
08:50.56Finoh, I know how to fix that now - I just do \\bsd box\, then it shows that it's in the workgroup I was just trying to browse and couldn't, and now the workgroup is browseable
08:51.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
08:51.39Finthat's got to be that the private xp machine isn't trying to send the username and password at first
08:51.56art3mis^^ rad
08:52.12art3misare you lo0gged in as the same person?
08:52.20art3mislike both user1 on pub and priv?
08:52.48art3misif you've got permissions enabled a lot of the time it doesnt even ask for login perms and assumes you're the same user on both sides
08:54.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Riffage (
08:58.28art3misi guess ill install linux on my ipaq out of boredom
08:58.59art3misfollowing the rule of "because i can"
09:00.13Finoh well, thanks for listening, you all suck except for art who sucks less
09:00.24Finlast time I try and help anyone else out, hmph!
09:00.27Thunder_ChildFin, i got out of networking for a reason
09:00.40Thunder_Childso i didnt have to help people like you
09:01.09art3misstill not working?
09:01.20Finit hasn't been working since we moved in 6 months ago
09:01.22art3miscan you access back and forth in any way?
09:01.36art3misturn off the firewalls on both machines and check again
09:02.50Finthe only thing that's not working, basically, is the private XP machine's ability to see or accesss the shares on the public xp machine
09:04.20Thunder_Childand you said it has access?
09:04.26Thunder_Childnetworking access*
09:04.51Thunder_Childare you using workgroup or domain?
09:05.07Thunder_Child~poke Fin
09:05.08purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Fin, pokes Fin repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
09:09.52Finsorry, I was just in the other room
09:10.30Thunder_Childmultiple workgroups?
09:10.33Finwhat were the ports needed for windows file sharing again?
09:10.39Finno, just one, the same across all machines
09:10.39Kalroth_Fin vs Windows, part deux
09:10.47Finthe private xp machine can see the workgroup OK now
09:10.58Finand it can access itself and the bsd shares OK
09:11.07Finit just can't even see what shares the public xp machine has
09:11.20Finpart deux cent more like
09:12.05Finso, what are the XP UDP + TCP ports that need to have exceptions, again? I just want to double check
09:12.41Finit's set up as TCP 139 + 445 & UDP 137 + 138
09:14.02Finthat's the system defined settings for "File and Print Sharing"
09:14.10art3mis445 udp as well
09:14.12FinI can't even add a port, can't change it at all
09:14.16art3misbut other than that its right
09:14.25Finit's not listed
09:14.43Finbut, I can see the private xp machine's shares and access them fine from the public xp machine
09:14.45art3miscan you access it with firewall disabled on both machines?
09:14.46Finand they're set up identically
09:15.08FinI'll give it a go
09:15.18art3misthat will help narrow down the issue
09:16.14Finwell, see you in a minute then, I'm not leaving the public XP machine connected to the net and that's where I've got my pietty session to my screen session to my irssi session
09:17.01art3misumm why?
09:17.13art3misits not like in that 5 mins of testing smoeone is gonna haxxor you
09:19.11Thunder_Childwe would
09:21.35art3misshush penfold
09:28.38Finwhy is because I truly do not trust windows machines, is all
09:29.12FinI've been on a machine that was hacked while I was installing the XP updates
09:29.46Finand when I look at the logs on my BSD machine, the number of random login attempts is amazing! it's not like I advertise that machine at all, it's crazy
09:30.12art3misso does it work?
09:30.18Finthe answer is, btw: disabling both firewalls doesn't affect the problem
09:30.50art3misdid you reboot both machines?
09:30.54FinI'm going to buy some cigarettes
09:31.14Finno, I didn't, but I'm pretty sure the firewall was disabled because the log files stopped getting updated
09:34.38*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (i=kd3@gateway/tor/x-a0e4ec356aa771af)
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09:58.06art3missilly aussie
10:08.51art3misSkills/Certifications:HP, Xerox, multivendor printers, HP Dell, Lenovo laptop and desktop certifications desired.
10:08.57art3misfor a 15$/hr job
10:09.18Thunder_Childif thats all they ask for.....
10:10.08Thunder_Childit's hard to find netowrking jobs based on experiance nowadays
10:10.17Thunder_Childcerts fill in for that
10:10.25Finwho cares, they're going to break whatever you do
10:11.05art3misno i mean they wanna bay barely above a starbucks and reuire certs that cost oodles to get
10:13.50Thunder_Childthough 20 min to DL a
10:20.25Thunder_Child" BlizzCon doesn't have a time set in stone when it will happen. We have had a great time doing them in the past, but we have no details on when or if it another one will occur." and yet people would pay out their asses to go..for a company that likes money they seem to miss some rather obvious things
10:49.43bleeteranyone (US side) else's BG queue's broken?
10:54.32Industrialbroken how
10:55.21IndustrialI find it funny that people report the other faction as "boycotting av". Isn't it possible they just dont wanna play it causae it sucks? :P
11:00.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
11:02.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
11:03.43reqolhmm, before (not sure when this was broken) I was able to use this macro /cast [nostealth,nocombat,nomounted] Stealth /dismount [mounted] if you spammed it, you would not be taken out of stealth
11:04.02reqolhowever, now the macro has a very small window of crapportunity in which it will take you out of stealth, this seems to occur invariably right as stealth is cast
11:04.10reqolso if you spam it to cast stealth, it will take you out of it
11:04.18reqolruining the entire point of the macro, essentially.
11:10.16Industrialtry putting the dismount before the stealth cast
11:11.33Temor just use the auto dismount stuff
11:11.47Temand then there's no need for the macro at all
11:12.30Temalso, this may be a side-effect of the recent stuff with certain spells toggling or something
11:12.36Tembasically, blame hunters
11:12.41Temand try putting !
11:14.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Fisker- (
11:19.59reqolwhy would there be no point for the macro if I use auto dismount?
11:20.02reqolI still want a spammable stealth button
11:20.28reqolremoved the dismount portion and it still does not work
11:20.58reqolhowever, that exclamation mark worked quite nicely, thank you, Tem.
11:30.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
11:35.10Fisker- <-isn't that bullshit?
11:35.56Fisker-Hey, Just a quick note to say the Incgamers UI problem, which happened last Thursday/Friday (10th/11th Jan), was resolved in a matter of hours. Only people who downloaded a new version of UI Central during the period of time the hacked version was on the server would have been infected.
11:44.25*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick_ (
11:44.59AntiarcFisker-: "But stay tuned for your regularly scheduled hacking next week, when we'll systematically deny any problems for an extended period of time while we attempt to pop our heads out of our asses!"
11:46.20*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
11:54.49Fisker-hehe Antiarc
11:55.03Fisker-it's funny how an issue spanning 2 days was resolved "in a matter of hours"
11:55.18Fisker-infact according to user reports it even happened prior to the 10th january
11:57.40*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
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11:59.23*** join/#wowi-lounge testleK (n=chatzill@
11:59.58testleKFYI: fisheye seems to be down
12:00.31testleKoops lol wrong channel
12:01.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano_ (
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12:28.19Wobin48 hours is a 'matter of hours'
12:28.25Wobinit's just how large a matter it is
12:28.41|pez|jeeez, I need to do something about my need for sleep.
12:28.47WobinIn fact, 1000 hours is a 'matter of hours'
12:30.21Fisker-nahuh Wobin :(
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12:46.01art3mismatter of hours == "when we finally decided to do something about it after i had some supper and checked my emails to see if there were any enw penis enlargement mails i could respond to, oh and then i had to play pogo for a bit and i had a scheduled raid"
12:48.22bleeterIndustrial: sorry for delay responding.. broken as in 'first available' being the only option, taking forever to join indicating only one instance of each BG is currently active
12:48.29bleetertho I haven't re-checked in about an hour, now
12:51.28bleeterFisker-: yeah, I think it seems like bullshit @ mmo-champ, but it's late and I'm not in the right mood to recheck timelines.
12:52.03bleeterFisker-: reads to me like mmo-champ's swallowed incgamer's bullshit hook line and sinker without fact checking
13:08.14Industrial~seen cogwheel
13:08.17purlcogwheel <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 7h 20m 49s ago, saying: 'We missed out this year :('.
13:25.01bleeterme: "I'm curious at Maticus' claim that only installs from 10/11 Jan were effected, as the first reports on incgamer's own forum suggests the issue went back to December 31st last year."
13:25.15bleeterplus a few other bits of ramblings
13:29.41IndustrialI am listing all my BM hunter abilities that I need to operate with the actionbar (so I can try to lay it out logically, and condense them into macros)
13:29.58Industrialdid I miss anything?
13:31.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (n=jk275@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
13:32.07mikmai find it quite amazing that uicentral is infected again
13:32.16mikmathey still allow people to submit .exe's ?
13:32.51bleeternah, still talking about the one that got cleaned up on the weekend
13:33.41bleetermikma: it was something like this. their own mod manager app was clean, but the file it got to perform update checks on the app was infected
13:34.11bleetermikma: from my udnerstanding, they don't accept .exe mods. but the attack vector was from the update of their own .exe application.
13:34.34mikmaouch xD
13:34.59bleeterapparently they've 'stopped' the chance of infection of the update file by moving it to the server that hosts their ICD daemon
13:35.44mikmaupdaters.. don't you just love them?
13:36.30bleeteralmost as much as I love hosting mission critical files on the same machine as an irc daemon
13:39.11mikma .. /cry
13:41.04mikmaahahahah, AV afkers banned <3 (old news yeah but i just read it)
13:41.36EndI'm not sure how "moving it to a seperate server" will prevent it from occuring again
13:41.50Fisker-not on EU servers mikma :(
13:41.51Endthe updater was downloading from the wrong goddamn server in the first place
13:42.23WobinI so wanted the ghostwolf =(
13:42.24Fisker-End they probably gave up fixing it
13:42.27Polarinamikma: " LOL! GG Blizzard... you have officially drove the prices up on Hunters who ebay =p" :P
13:42.52Fisker-so they're just busy trying to cover it up with excuses
13:42.53Endunless they mean they're not hosting the UICentral download -in general- there
13:43.13Endin which case they are just avoid the fact that their site has really bad problems with security
13:43.15Industrialdamnit, isnt there any decent actionbar addon besides bongos and bartender?
13:43.16Fisker-they probably have something like a rootkit or something silly
13:43.38mikmaPolarina: rofl, epic combatpet, get one now, 200$!
13:44.08Endthat doesn't stop the attacker from infected legitimate addon zips, it just means its harder to hide
13:45.13Endwhat the hell? sun bought mysql?
13:45.19Fisker-what do you mean? :O
13:46.05Fisker-not that
13:46.08Fisker-[14:44:07] <End> that doesn't stop the attacker from infected legitimate addon zips, it just means its harder to hide
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13:47.02Endput your executable in an actual zip and hope the user runs it, or change the zip to an executable or something else wanky
13:47.53Fisker-yeah but i mean what do you mean it doesn't stop the attacker? :o
13:47.57Fisker-what doesn't stop the attacker? :O
13:48.01Fisker-getting a new server?
13:48.25Endapparently they aren't hosting the uicentral executables on the main incgamer's server now
13:48.38Endwe know that server is vulnerable
13:49.25LopeppeppyI can adapt a health-worker rule to this situation... "If it's an .exe and it's not yours, don't touch it."
13:49.28bleeterEnd: sun buying mysql is interesting... they'd been pushing postgres for quite some time
13:49.43Endbleeter: yea
13:50.25mikma"Urda the Hammerfall Wind Rider Master is bugged and currently hiding out from the rain beneath the platform that she normally stands upon. She should be returning to her normal position in an upcoming patch."
13:50.36mikmathat might have been funny :D
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13:51.29bleeterEnd: could've been worse... two years ago Oracle was allegedly looking to purchase MySQL
13:52.01EndI like one of the comments on slashdot
13:52.07End"Interesting surprise! I wonder if Sun will streamline the licensing madness that MySQL has become..."
13:52.14End"I'm sure that's part of the plan. Streamlined madness is what I've come to expect from Sun."
13:52.42LopeppeppyMy husband used to work for them, their insanity was anything but streamlined.
13:52.55Bela|workwait what?
13:53.01Bela|workSun took MySQL?
13:53.17Bela|workI hope they are keeping the community version
13:53.31EndI'd be surprised if they didn't
13:53.40bleeterGiven Solaris' moves towards full Open Source... ;)
13:54.11Endanother linky:
13:54.26Bela|workI wonder if they plan to emrge in their existing db technology
13:54.33Bela|workor keep it separate
13:54.33bleeterno doubt they will
13:55.02mikmaSnakes from a Hunter's Snake Trap can Daze players. <- go my children and abuse in BG :D
13:57.00bleeterBela|work: not that SUn have much DB tech. From my experiences with Sun .au, they've always been pissed that Ellison got the better end of the deal on a big install
13:57.36Bela|workmore likely they want to capitalize on the success that MySQL has and make it their db solution
13:57.48Bela|workwithout chainging it too drastically
13:57.59cncfanaticsis there an addon that lists the patterns you miss and tells you where to get em ?
13:58.32bleetercncfanatics: I tried using one called RecipeBook, but it always seemed to infinite loop on me and crash out (or similar). your milage may vary.
13:58.32Endcncfanatics, I've heard of many
13:59.12Endsome of them have stupid names though, I saw one that looked really nice, but I wouldn't have found it if I hadn't been browsing :P
13:59.15bleetercncfanatics: what I do, is use Fizzwidget's AdSpace. Every now and then I'll go check the AH, see which recipes I don't know and if they're limited supply, who sells them. Then I go and camp the NPC's ass
13:59.18Bela|workooh, new irc client released for iPhone
13:59.47bleetercncfanatics: AdSpace puts a tooltip in the limited supply recipes saying who/where and price
14:00.08Lopeppeppycnfanatics, I was using Fizzwidgets something-or-another for that same purpose, esp. grazing the auction house.
14:00.20bleeterLopeppeppy: sounds like adspace
14:00.35bleetergeneral question: has fizzwidget ever done a mod that actually sucked?
14:00.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
14:00.55LopeppeppyNope, not that I can tell bleeter!  And yes, it was adspace.
14:01.32bleeter<3 gazmik
14:02.20LopeppeppyI think one of his was my first addon ever.
14:02.34bleeterooh, he broke your virginity?
14:07.41ralfWORKanyone aware of an addon that tells you how far away you are from your target?
14:08.40LopeppeppyNope.  I'm aware of some that can guess in a rough range, but nothing can be exact.
14:08.49LopeppeppyLook for "range" on any of the popular mod sites.
14:09.03ralfWORKmm k
14:09.15ralfWORKwonder why it would have to be guessed
14:09.22cladhairerange information isn't available, beyond the range of your spells, and interaction distances.
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14:09.39ralfWORKseems like that's something blizzard would make available
14:09.52LopeppeppyNope.  Seems like they don't want you to know exact distances, so they don't make it available.
14:10.08cladhairewhat he said
14:10.27ralfWORKwell obviously the blizzard gods have determined we are on a need to know basis, as with all things
14:10.31ralfWORKjust seems odd to me
14:10.31cladhairewhy would they want to give you distance in some fictional measurement system.
14:10.37cladhairewhat would it give you
14:10.56ralfWORKthe ability of knowing when I'm too close for certain effects
14:11.00LopeppeppyAll we really need to know is that a spell is or is not in range.  And they let us scan the spellbook to find that out, so we're set.
14:11.01cladhaireyou have that
14:11.10cladhairehence my question
14:11.27bleeteroO on the subject of Sun doing weird stuff... how did I miss them opening up the UltraSPARC T2 to GPL? Free 8 core 64bit processor? R.O.F.L.Z.
14:11.54ralfWORKI wonder how deadly boss mods does it then
14:12.09cladhaireusing the things we've told you about
14:12.13cladhairespell ranges, and interaction distances
14:12.24cladhairebut listening isn't cool
14:12.30ralfWORKwhat do you mean by interaction distances?
14:14.40ralfWORKhuh. interesting.
14:15.04ralfWORKI guess I just wonder on stuff like Prince
14:15.06cladhairelike i said, spell distances do what you want them to do
14:15.22ralfWORKwhere wowwiki says the shadow nova is 25-28 yards, iirc
14:15.46[Ammo]25-28 sounds like a good guestimate :)
14:15.54cladhairethey use spell ranges
14:16.08ralfWORKobviously that doesn't fall under any of these interactive distances
14:16.11Fisker-you has 100 stacks of netherweave cloth?
14:16.24cladhaireralfWORK: yes it does
14:16.34[Ammo]you can also use some guessing
14:16.42cladhaireif you have a 20 yard spell
14:16.44cladhaireand a 40 yard spell
14:16.46cladhaire(you do)
14:16.52cladhaireyou know where the 30 yard spell is.
14:16.55ralfWORKI see 30 yards, 11.11 yards, 9.9 yards
14:16.59cladhairejesus christs
14:17.01cladhaireSPELL RANGES
14:17.06cladhairelike i've said 10,000 times
14:17.20cladhaireferal charge is 8-25 yars
14:17.25cladhairewhen i get OUT of range,m
14:17.28ralfWORKmm ok
14:17.30cladhairei'm 26 yards from the mob
14:17.46cladhairerepeat ad nauseum
14:18.02cladhaireim' out of range.
14:18.10ralfWORKhow do you know? :)
14:18.12bleeters/range/your mind/ :P
14:18.36LopeppeppyLook at your spellbook and query it, ralfWORK
14:18.49ralfWORKI understand what you're saying now
14:19.25Fisker-i am going to rape and kill you all
14:19.28Fisker-but not in that order
14:19.41ralfWORKjust seems funny to me that the information isn't something blizzard wants you to know
14:19.56LopeppeppyIt's their code, their game, house rules.
14:19.56ralfWORKalso seems like it's a royal pain in the ass to document ranges of such things
14:20.02ralfWORKno shit sherlock
14:20.25ralfWORKI've figured that part out quite a while ago. doesn't change the fact that I can have an opinion of those house rules :)
14:20.39bleeteris inspect still 30 yards? I seem to recall they said the increased range recently
14:20.46bleeter*said they
14:20.53LopeppeppyRage against The Man is pretty "yesterday"
14:21.01ralfWORKnot raging
14:21.42ralfWORKjust trying to imagine the massive exploit they are concerned with people using
14:22.23cladhaireralfWORK: Again, how in the hell does a magical fictional number matter to you?
14:22.28Fisker-i know how to circumvent blizzard's game and rules
14:22.31Fisker-just shout hard enough
14:22.33cladhaireits useless, unless you're concerned about your own spells, and you have full informatino about those.
14:22.43Fisker-let your QQ blot out the sun
14:23.23ralfWORKcladhaire: I understand the mechanics of deriving distances within the current construct.
14:23.33cladhaireand you still haven't answered my question
14:23.39cladhairehow does knowing you are X yards from a mob do anything for you
14:23.49ralfWORKwhy the hell would anyone want to know anything about the game at all?
14:23.49cladhaireconsidering the yard is an imaginary distance that only has relevance wrt spells
14:24.01ralfWORKhow about we all just have spells light up when in range
14:24.08ralfWORKand remove "yards" from all descriptions
14:24.22ralfWORKremove any distance description
14:24.30[Ammo]yards gives a pretty good idea on where you need to be
14:24.44[Ammo]just silly that the only country in europe that uses it is the uk
14:24.45cladhairebecause people use those distances as reference points
14:25.08ralfWORKwhy would there be a way to say, have coordinates on a map, yet not determine a measurable distance from a mob
14:25.24cladhairethe coorindates are derived
14:25.25cladhairenot given
14:25.28cladhairefirst off
14:25.32*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
14:25.33cladhaireand we have no way to get the coordinates of the target
14:25.45ralfWORKright, I've figured that
14:25.54ralfWORK(the latter, not the former. didn't know that)
14:26.02bleeterwell, you can
14:26.07bleeterbut you need to be in range
14:26.41cladhairethere are addons that already approximate this as best as the API allows
14:26.47cladhairejust download one of them, as we suggested
14:27.08[Ammo]there has been some discussion about caculcating coordinates based on the coordinates of other players in your party and the spell ranges
14:27.16[Ammo]but that's not going to be perfect and almost impossible in instances :)
14:27.35[Ammo]not to mention doing it often -> nice slowdown
14:27.35ralfWORKSorry. I didn't realize theorizing why blizzard created a limitation for us would be so frustrating
14:27.43cladhairethat's not whats frustrating
14:27.47cladhaireyou not listening is what's frustrating
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14:27.59cladhairethey don't create limitations, they reveal information if they see a good reason for it
14:28.14cladhairethat's why there isn't an API function to get the type of hairstyle that my character has, even tho they could easily add it.
14:28.34cladhaireThey have chosen not to give us an API function for range, and I can't see much of a reason why we'd need it, so I was sharing my perspective on the matter.
14:28.52cladhairewhile giving you full informatino about how the range can be derived
14:28.54cladhaireand being ignored, mind you.
14:28.58ralfWORKnot at all
14:29.03ralfWORKread what I am saying
14:29.14ralfWORKI understand the ways of deriving it now
14:29.22ralfWORKI was aware of deduction via spell ranges
14:29.34ralfWORKI am now aware of interaction distances, which I was not before
14:29.36cladhaireit took you 9 minutes to figure that out, even tho I told you
14:29.44cladhairetalking all the time, hence why I feel ignored
14:29.47cladhairebut that's neither here nor there
14:29.50cladhairewhats the current question?
14:29.56ralfWORKno current question
14:29.58ralfWORKthank you
14:30.02bleeterwhy am I still awake and reading IRC?
14:30.24ralfWORKbleeter: because everyone loves to see ops kick people out of channels
14:30.28*** join/#wowi-lounge kadrahil (
14:30.39Endcladhaire: that's your cue, kick him!
14:30.43Endhe's asking for it!
14:30.52bleeterI never asked! LIEZ!
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14:45.54malreththe version uploaded by the actual author is rated lower...
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14:53.55cladhaireFin: please dont' upload other author's work
14:54.06cladhaireI'm not sure why it was approved, but it should not have been.
14:54.35cladhaireI know this is an old admonishment
14:54.38cladhairebut it just came to my attention
14:54.42Bela|workand mine
14:54.54Bela|workand we can't find the originating curse version, if you are here and could help
14:55.41Bela|workfyi, it is not proper to post an addon you did not write unless the author of said addon asks you to (in which caseu it would be easier if they did it anyway)
14:56.21Shirik|zZzUnless it's Lightheaded and you're posting it on Curse
14:56.22Shirik|zZzthen it's ok
14:57.00mikmaShirik: or, PerfectRaid
14:57.10mikmaoh let's see can i found either one of those in curse
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14:58.29mikmaclad is safe, for now...
14:59.41Matrix110omg this Addon
14:59.44*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (
14:59.56Matrix110If it can route loot rolls to another window i will love it
15:00.11sag_ich_nicht~seen AnduinLothar
15:00.14purlanduinlothar is currently on #wowi-lounge (2d 39m 5s) #wowace (2d 39m 5s). Has said a total of 21 messages. Is idling for 10h 38s, last said: 'lil busy'.
15:00.17sag_ich_nicht~seen KarlKFI
15:00.18purlkarlkfi <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 4d 15h 45m 30s ago, saying: 'sag_ich_nicht:  what?'.
15:01.25Matrix110it fubars my whole chat
15:02.12sag_ich_nichtAnduinLothar: care to take a look at this: ?
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15:13.50Matrix110hmm auc still not using full scan still crashing when you try it?
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15:40.11IndustrialI have 2/2 Rapid Killing
15:40.40Industrialthis supposed to reduce my Rapid Fire cooldown BY 2 min
15:40.48Industrialits 3 normally so it should be a 1min cd
15:40.54Industrialstill its a 3min cd when I cast it
15:40.57Industrial... ???
15:41.18zenzelezzthought it was 5 minutes normally?
15:42.20zenzelezzwiki says so anyway
15:42.40zenzelezzthe reduction on the talent is passive
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15:45.42_sysragemy auctioneer scans just fine..
15:45.51_sysragebut i guess i'm using the classic one or whatever. not the new one
15:46.26*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
15:46.42malrethanyone here read the comic "Joy of Tech?"
15:48.32IndustrialI did some time, had some funny stuff in it but I didnt really like most of it
15:49.06sag_ich_nichtgod damn it Industrial, you're such a noob
15:49.31Industrialsorry for not knowing if talents change ability tooltips
15:55.35Industrialhm, but my ap trinket cd is 2 mins :| so ill have to use it either with bestial/intimidate or rapid/berserking :P
15:55.45Industrialhm bestial is 2min cd, intimidate 1min so hmm
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16:10.40LopeppeppyNot having a good 2 weeks as a tech support person.  The sheeple are totally over-running me at this point, and I'm aggressively thinking of lamb chops for lunch.
16:11.51ralfWORKyou work tech support?
16:12.54LopeppeppyI create/transfer websites and support the users in the new product, do training, all that.  But we got an upgrade last week that the sheeple just are NOT understanding.   Their incessant baaaaaaaing is driving me crazy.
16:13.36ralfWORKa thankless job. I'm sorry
16:13.56LopeppeppySheeple.  It's what's for lunch.
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16:15.01LopeppeppyI'm close, kd3.  I'm aggressively shopping for mint jelly.
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16:20.15Fincladhaire: you talking about the copy of SMCT?
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16:27.30malrethFin: i believe he was, yes
16:27.49Finis there a copy of the site policy on this somewhere handy?
16:29.09mikmaBela|work: ping, Fin needs your tender attention
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16:32.04mikmaso you're ok in the fact that people submit other people work in sites basicly?
16:32.30Industrialdo I have to escape literal |'s in fontstrings?
16:32.38FinI was talking to the author at a bit before I uploaded it (uhhhh June last year I think?), he implied he wasn't going to be developing it anymore; actually the reason I was contacting him was to ask if I could use some of his code
16:32.57Finwhy do people jump to the worst conclusion all the time, really
16:33.22Industrialif you upload someone elses addont hat means he is out of control, mostly feedback
16:34.43Finthat's why I asked whether there was a copy of the policy somewhere
16:35.33Finbecause I wasn't sure if it applied after the author has given permission to upload it elsewhere, or if the author can't be contacted, or if the author has explicitly stopped development / disowned it, etc.
16:36.34Bela|workI am back
16:37.10Bela|workno one is treating you like an idiot
16:37.14Bela|workare they?
16:37.58Bela|workits completely possible that the author stopped development, or gave you permission, at the time you psoted it
16:38.01Bela|workit WAS a while ago
16:38.12Bela|workbut since he has posted it ON wowi, with a newer version
16:38.17Bela|workwe are just trying to stay on top of things
16:38.39Finit does feel like it a bit, with mikma's assumptions and Industrial pointing out the obvious
16:39.07Endclearly you are just a bad person!
16:39.15FinOK, so, doesn't matter: just delete the version I uploaded if that's OK
16:39.18Finor can I do that myself?
16:40.16Finand, *is* there a copy of WoWI's policy somewhere?
16:40.36FinI'm not sure I was even aware there was a policy at all when I uploaded it, to be honest
16:41.08Bela|workI am finding it one second
16:41.25Bela|workif I don't respond right away its because I am at work, so I tend to get pulled a few different directions
16:42.53Bela|workspecifically number 6
16:43.01Bela|workalthough it doesn't go into much detail
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16:45.00Endnot to mention, an author could give you explicit permission :P
16:45.20FinI've got the emails from him and stuff if you need them, but, what's the procedure, in cases like someone taking over an addon, or permission being given, or responsibility disowned, and stuff? I know you just need to cover your backs (and be the good guys too!) is it just ad hoc every time?
16:46.06Bela|workthe rules probably need to be updated tbh. In my experience what actually happens is. If the author has given you permission (and this can be confirmed) we are ok with it. But the author has full rights to pull the plug at any time. In this case he has already psoted a newer version that was updated as recently as november.
16:46.32Bela|workits the only reason we flagged it
16:46.42Bela|workno one should be coming down on your about it
16:46.58Finand I'm sure you've thought of this already and will at some point if you want to, etc., but, maybe you could add a link to this post from the addon upload area? I miss shit like this all the time :/
16:47.07Bela|workI agree
16:47.12Bela|workand will recommend it
16:48.14Finhe didn't give me explicit permission, to be clear, but he did give me permission to use his code and sounded very much like he wasn't going to be doing anything on it again. probably the best thing to do would be to delete it, if that's not easy then I could upload a blank file and change the description to point to his proper version?
16:49.00Bela|workthat or if he gave you permission to use his code, just rename yours so that it can be identified accurately as a fork
16:49.08Bela|workif thats what you want to do
16:49.09EndI was covering the "you have the right to distribute legally" portion :P
16:49.55Endwhen it comes to addons, most people play things a bit loosely
16:50.05Finhmm, well it was never intended as a fork - I wanted to use his code in a Prat module I never wrote
16:50.33End(and that includes my own far as I'm concerned people can fork my addons if they really want, but I haven't actually given permission)
16:50.56FinI'll mail him and let him know, that's a good idea, he'll probably be happy to explicitly state that it was OK for me to upload it :)
16:50.58cladhaireFin: No one jumped to any conclusions, just wanted to let you know we'd be looking at it, because it shouldn't have slipped past us
16:51.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=shirik@
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16:52.26Fincladhaire: I think mikma might've jumped a little bit (but he's not WoWI proper, right?) :P and, I'm glad to hear it :) sorry for getting grumpy myself
16:53.15Bela|workwould people be interested in a sticky that basically outlines author etiquette? It wouldn't so much be a "this is what you MUST do or else" kind of thing. More an outline of things that throw red flags for people. There may be some things in it that ARE enforced though, like the reposting of code that isn't yours (and not given permission by the original author) or code that violates Blizzard TOS
16:53.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
16:53.36EndThat might be a good idea
16:54.15Bela|workbarring some topics that could be argued mind you
16:54.35Lopeppeppy"The pirate code is more a set of guidelines."
16:54.42Endlol, Lopeppeppy
16:54.58Bela|workand it would probably be something that could be commented on, and updated as valid concerns are submitted
16:55.59LopeppeppyI need to get me some rum and really watch those movies tonight, get pleasantly drunk with Jack for a while.
16:56.55cogwheelI think our next book should be "Learning to Program with Lua: A Biased and Dogmatic Introduction to the World of Computer Science." It would be a semi-humorous book filled with shoulds, and have tos in place of mays and want tos.
16:57.16cogwheelOur way is best. don't listen to anyone else
16:57.40Fincan someone chuck me a link to Viper's upload, please?
16:57.56Finoh, got it
16:58.17Finis it my connection that's slow, or WoWI?
16:58.28Shirik|Ecolewowi is fine for me atm
16:58.40Finprobably :)
16:59.02cogwheelok... so i've determined it's not entirely cumcast's fault...
16:59.10Shirik|Ecoleyes it is
16:59.11cogwheeli'm on a dedicated T1 right now and still getting 1s ping
16:59.25cogwheel(in IRC)
16:59.30Shirik|EcoleEverything is comcast's fault
16:59.30Shirik|Ecoleand canada's
16:59.41cogwheelComcast should move to canada
16:59.46cogwheelit would make it so much simpler
16:59.47Shirik|Ecole(11:59:33)  -› [CTCP PING reply from NickServ]: reply took 0.344s
16:59.49LopeppeppyBlame canada.
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17:00.13cogwheelso... it's on with zootfizzle now
17:01.31Lopeppeppylast bullet?
17:01.32malrethhilarious video about the downfall of HD-DVD
17:01.42Endcogwheel: you should link to your "it's war" post on there :P
17:01.50cogwheelEnd: i would if i could find it :(
17:01.53cogwheelgoogle doesn't have it yet
17:02.00Endthat's why I wanted you to link to it :P
17:02.03EndI can't find it either!
17:02.08cogwheelguess i could just look up zoot's post history
17:02.13LopeppeppyI don't see any bullets, cogwheel.  I think I'm defective?
17:02.14Endfound it
17:02.19cogwheelLopeppeppy: refresh?
17:02.30cogwheelEnd: ty
17:02.44Fin"The file extension .txt you have uploaded is not allowed. Please contact an Admin if you believe it should be allowed." - aiee!
17:02.55Shirik|Ecolewhy do you want to upload a .txt o.o
17:03.02EndFin eats babies.
17:03.04Endthat's why
17:03.06cogwheelend linked
17:03.11Finto make some text available?
17:03.14LopeppeppyOh... yeah, refreshing a few times is good.  Sometimes the first one doesn't get through the college, and I forget.
17:03.21Finwhy ELSE would I want to upload a .txt file?
17:03.43LopeppeppyAnd Cogwheel...  Lopeppeppy Sprocket is my toon's full name, so I find that last bullet to be hilarious!
17:03.48Shirik|Ecoleto show the incompatibilities of newlines between OSes?
17:03.51cogwheelUt oh
17:03.56cogwheelyou must side with Zoot then :P
17:04.37LopeppeppyThat you're laying waste to me is not hilarious?  *chuckle*
17:04.42Finwhy on earth are .txt files not allowed? I could upload the same thing as a .lua file assumedly, and right now I'm just going to zip it and upload it, all I'm doing is making it harder for the user to find the file
17:04.42Endcogwheel: stop laying waste to Lopeppeppy!
17:04.57Shirik|EcoleFin: As far as I'm aware it's just a whitelist
17:05.25Shirik|EcoleSurely it's just that nobody ever anticipated a txt file to be uploaded, so it was never marked as permitted. You could always ask dolby-wowi
17:05.30cogwheelLopeppeppy: well, i was trying to lay waste to zoot... you're just collateral damage
17:05.40LopeppeppyI'll take what I can get, Cogwheel.
17:06.30Finthat would make sense. maybe .txt files should be added then. I don't have the energy to find out where to suggest it other than the forum area that I have no confidence in :)
17:06.53cogwheelLopeppeppy: are you feeling suicidal? you seem aweful eager to be laid to waste ;)
17:07.21malreths/ to waste//
17:07.31Fin(+End eats RAW babies)
17:07.31malrethoh... nm... :D
17:08.17cogwheelsorry... my mind doesn't get very dirty in the morning :P
17:08.38cogwheelI've been fired
17:08.40cogwheeltrue story
17:08.47cogwheeland re-hired by the new LLC they're forming
17:08.51Fin"You are not authorized to modify files in this category."
17:08.57Finnot sure which category it's talking about there
17:09.19Industrial<3 how wow armory locks up my ff on LOAD
17:09.32Finthat is a neat trick
17:09.52malrethcogwheel: that's messed up
17:09.57Finoh! it's been deleterised
17:10.02kd3heh, PTR forum's getting purged. guess it's time for 2.3.3
17:10.03FinBela|work: cheers
17:10.24Endkd3: I hopefully
17:10.41FinBela|work: I've mailed Viper, I'll let you know what he says
17:10.51cogwheelmalreth: we have a new investor but instead of selling shares of our S-corp, they are forming a new LLC that will be majority owned by the corp and minority owned by the new investor...
17:10.54Endif it's 2.4 I'll have to give in and use cogwheel's addon (unless they'll do the castsequence fix + other fixes without ptr testing)
17:10.58cogwheeli don't quite understand why
17:11.17kd3it's not, it'll be 2.3.3. there's a lot of bugs in the current build that can't wait til 2.4 and can't get hotfixed
17:11.27kd3neth's already all-but confirmed it
17:11.33cogwheeland all of the operations, assets, and employees are moving to the LLC
17:11.55Industrialwhy o why does work but lock up my ff
17:12.43Fincogwheel, what does your company do?
17:12.58Endthey have 2.3.3 patch notes?
17:13.06LukianIndustrial, easily solved, use Opera
17:13.39Finworld of vineyards
17:14.04kd3I'll be fixing the wiki in a sec
17:14.14Endkd3: thanks!
17:14.18Fin"YOU ARE NOT PREPARED for the delights you will experience sampling our range of vintage wines"
17:14.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
17:15.26LukianOh thank god "Using a castsequence macro on a target moving out of range will no longer cause it to stop working."
17:15.39Endgiven how few changes there, hopefully it won't take as long as 2.3.2 did
17:15.46End2.3.2 was on ptr during holidays
17:15.59Endthat does slow things down a little
17:17.04Shirik|EcoleSo Cairenn
17:17.09Shirik|Ecoleyou never told us what you got for your birthday
17:17.53Bela|workits a smaller patch too
17:17.59Bela|workso it shouldn't take long at all
17:18.18kd3next tuesday/wednesday, hopefully
17:18.24Bela|workI am sure they want to move on to 2.4 testing as soon as they can
17:18.37Cairennearly prezzie from hubby (before he went back to the US) was additional ram & hd for my computer, daughter gave me a book I'd been asking for, sister took me out for brunch & then yarn shopping, parents got me season one of law & order (the original series) on dvd
17:18.55_sysragelol @ yarn shopping
17:18.55Bela|workso the notes are up, but not the ptr right?
17:19.01Shirik|Ecoleyarn shopping?
17:19.06Bela|worknor the download =(
17:19.17kd3us has no info. eu's got the patch notes up
17:19.24kd3they're on the wiki now
17:19.44Cairennyeah - remember, I crochet - yarn shopping is fun, got some really nice stuff to make myself a scarf with
17:19.49Bela|workI wonder what they did to improve loading times for new characters
17:19.59Bela|workand I assume new characters mean (no cache)
17:20.05_sysrageyou should crochet me a scarf with the horde logo on it
17:20.27Bela|workooh, a horde scarf would be neat
17:20.50Shirik|EcoleI want a horde scarf
17:21.21Bela|workI see a business opportunity for you Cairenn. Too bad the logo is copyrighted
17:21.40malrethBela|work: since it says "characters newly entering" and not "new characters entering" i would wager it's an improvement on performance when you have an empty cache such as after a major patch or something
17:21.45_sysragei'll pay under the table and say it was a gift
17:22.14Bela|workaye thats what I figured too
17:22.17CairennI could make them with our own logo on them ;)
17:22.35malrethCairenn: knit one of these... but instead of a frog, make it a murloc:
17:22.36Endyeah, does sound like something dealing with the cache
17:22.38Bela|workso probably an enhancement in caching, or less being cached
17:22.41Bela|workor both
17:22.44_sysragei interpreted it as when you first log in. either way it says 'slight' improvement which probably means you won't notice it but if you use a stopwatch you might see a half second improvement
17:22.55Endor retrieving cachable items
17:23.09Endit could be
17:23.22EndI dunno, we'll have to see I guess
17:23.50malrethCairenn: the X-ed out eyes would be a nice added touch
17:32.37*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
17:32.46cogwheelgeneral forum dead for anyone else?
17:33.05cogwheel(not a complaint i suppose :P )
17:33.10Shirik|Ecoleall the forums are pretty much dead to me
17:33.17Shirik|Ecole~emulate cogwheel
17:33.17purlACTION shakes its fist at the forums...
17:33.19cogwheelui is working fine for me...
17:33.34Shirik|Ecolefor me it's really really slow
17:33.40KalrothStop leeching porn
17:33.47cogwheelon general
17:33.51cogwheelbut every other one works fine
17:33.53Shirik|Ecoleobviously cogwheel gets preferential treatment on the forums
17:34.22Shirik|Ecolethat's what I get on general too cogwheel
17:34.30cogwheelyes... my connections get shunted to a private server just for blizzies and mvps
17:34.44KalrothThat's because cogwheel is a patriot and you're not, Shirik
17:36.39LopeppeppyIf they did that, Cogwheel, our connection would be worse.  :P
17:36.40malrethKalroth: you mean to say "Comrade"
17:37.05cogwheelmalreth: NO U!
17:37.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (n=jk275@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
17:37.49Kalrothmalreth: No, cogwheel checked the box saying "Bush is doin' a damn fine job!" when signing up for WoW
17:38.04cogwheelsupporting bush =/= patriotism
17:38.15cogwheels/bush/the president/
17:38.52*** join/#wowi-lounge kamdis (n=405f8902@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
17:39.19cogwheelhai kamdis
17:39.26Kalrothcogwheel: That's communist talk, son. Communists live on Cuba, not in the US of A!
17:39.46LopeppeppyWe all float down here.
17:39.55cogwheelKalroth: it doesn't go left and right... there's up too... lern2libertarian imo :P
17:40.33Kalrothcogwheel: We're still talking about politics and not pinkos, right?
17:40.33kamdishi cog
17:40.36KalrothI'm just checking.
17:41.01cogwheelthis country was built on skepticism of government... imo, disagreeing with the powers that be is as patriotic as you can get :P
17:41.47Kalrothcogwheel: There's that communist talk again! If you ain't with Bush, you should move out of Texas, err I mean America!
17:42.23cogwheelumm... communists are in love with the government...
17:42.37cogwheelthe government is their greatest tool
17:42.54cogwheelcommies & neocons are a lot closer than either are willing to admit
17:42.56KalrothI know, I'm a poor political troll :(
17:43.15KalrothI'm just a bored European that's tired of the American election in our news
17:43.26cogwheelyou have to deal with our election news?
17:43.42cogwheel(really... you have my condolences)
17:44.04KalrothTodays headlines.
17:44.28LopeppeppySweet.  I'd vote for the slut, more avenues of negotiation.
17:44.48Finuntil they're all filled!
17:45.09Finsee what I did there
17:45.11Findid you
17:45.26Findid you see what I did
17:45.33nevcairielstupid quiz, i'm a centrist, how helpful was that .P
17:45.40LopeppeppyFin... no such thing.
17:47.15KalrothMan, the only good thing in the news is the daily naked chick
17:47.26kamdisHeh.  that quiz says I'm Libertarian, which in fact I am.
17:47.31Finare you reading The Sun?
17:47.43KalrothFin: Nope, danish local newspaper
17:47.55Finhey you know, they got rid of the naked weathergirl off of TV Nova in CZ!
17:48.05KalrothApparently some american got cancer after eating 2 bags of microwave popcorn every day for 10 years
17:48.20Finno way! he died?
17:48.28Finthere should've been a warning on the packet
17:48.41Finthat's just irresponsible, I hope they get sued by his family
17:48.46KalrothNot yet, his ambulance lawyers wont let him die yet.
17:49.00ScytheBlade1 <-- a masterpiece on the CS forums
17:49.32Matrix110Polarina btw a improvement for RelegationW dunno if thats possible but: Only record messages from Players you reported that would ease it quite a bit :P
17:49.35Finah, well, good to see things are being put to rights
17:50.48Shirik|Ecole"I Got a picture and video tape of this and any means of me knowing that you r trying to cover this or delete this i will put this on myspace and so dont press my luck(you guys r acting like the government)i let no disrepect me and i let no one tell me how to play my game if im paying 14.95"
17:50.50*** join/#wowi-lounge ralfWORK (
17:50.57ScytheBlade1He is such a classy poser
17:51.10ScytheBlade1But I assume poser might work there too
17:51.29PolarinaMatrix110: Not really, since people usually report one of the, let's say 7 lines, and the rest wouldn't then become recorded.
17:51.45malreth"you thinks for insults but im a ufc fighter i get angrey very quick"
17:51.52Finmay I introduce you to an ex-member of our guild, Jahnee:
17:52.04Matrix110cant you record like the last 20lines and check what messages came from the Reported player?
17:52.10Finhe was never in my guild! never not once
17:52.29PolarinaMatrix110: Why is that a issue?
17:52.53Matrix110Uhm because deleting 4000 lines is quite annoying? :P
17:53.08PolarinaMatrix110: I used to do it that way, but I do it the opposite way now. ;)
17:53.13cogwheelis CDN still > USD?
17:53.31Matrix110yes cogwheel atleast some days ago it was
17:53.44Matrix110or our news stations tell bullshit:P
17:53.55FinScytheBlade1: jahnee and your fella must know each other I think
17:54.13ScytheBlade1Fin: I lack flash on this computer, so that link is kinda worthless to me :)
17:54.20PolarinaMatrix110: I open the file, and create a empty one, Ctrl+X (Cut) and Ctrl+V (Paste) all gold spamming messages I see to the new empty file and then after I'm done, remove all the "good" lines from the original file and cut and paste the lines in the new file to the original. :)
17:54.20LopeppeppyEveryone says my lunch is so unhealthy!
17:54.22Finuse .avi then
17:54.25LopeppeppyBut then they want a french fry.
17:54.35Matrix110hmm good idea aswell :P
17:54.38cogwheelI keep seeing places with higher CDN sticker prices than USD
17:54.42ScytheBlade1eesh, that's a big file
17:54.43ScytheBlade1But downloading
17:55.42|Jelly|oh noes! A ram is chasing me!
17:56.17Finthe guy is seriously a genius! he's also the supreme overlord of our server apparently! it's very exciting!
17:56.40FinI have so much to learn from his teachings
17:56.43ScytheBlade1Fin: what the crap
17:57.01Finit was his goodbye message to our server
17:57.06malreththe quiz scored me as a liberal libertarian...
17:57.12malrethwhich i find highly offensive
17:57.17ralfWORKoh I wanna do the quiz
17:57.37malrethbut i can see why
17:57.47Finit might be highly offensive, but at least you recognise it's right to be so
17:57.50ScytheBlade1Fin: the crap
17:58.04ralfWORKI think I rank between anarchist and survivalist
17:58.23FinScytheBlade1: que
17:58.38ScytheBlade1That's kinda what I'm wondering
17:58.55Finbut, you feel inspired, right?
17:59.00ralfWORKmalreth: which quiz is this?
17:59.03ScytheBlade1I feel violated
17:59.10ScytheBlade1As does the english language
18:00.29malreththe problem is i would rather have federal standards controlling the quality of drugs.. essentially expand the FDA scope a bit... i wanna make sure that if i'm buying smack that it's quality smack
18:01.09ralfWORKnice, almost dead center libertarian
18:01.23ralfWORKquestions are far too vague though
18:01.39cogwheelralfWORK: yeah... I think they should make a more in-depth one
18:01.54ralfWORKI often score libertarion on these things
18:02.01ScytheBlade1A HAHA
18:02.02ralfWORKso I'm not saying it's wrong
18:02.03ScytheBlade1THAT EXPLAINS SO MUCH
18:02.05cogwheelbut for proving the point of the false dichotomy of left-right, it serves its purpose well
18:02.36ScytheBlade1"I'm going to be playing a REAL game! CS:S!"
18:02.37ScytheBlade1I lol'd
18:02.48ralfWORKhere is the dichotomy between left and right false?
18:02.50Fingreat words from a great man
18:03.39Finan appropriate response to something that touched you so deeply
18:03.42LopeppeppyI'm a little bit liberal.  *shrug*
18:03.44*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
18:03.49ralfWORKewwww groooooosss
18:04.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarin1 (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
18:05.26cogwheelralfWORK: the false dichotomy is apparent when you consider how people classify fascists vs. communists. For all intents and purposes, they are essentially the same: everybody's labor is in service of the people. The differences are in the minutiae. Yet people classify communism as far left, and fascism as far right. Also, on a left-right scale I score right in the middle, but i am very much...
18:05.27cogwheel...NOT a middle of the road voter
18:06.02ralfWORKhmm. ok.
18:06.15cogwheelI have extremely strong feelings about most issues, and it's somewhat offensive that I physically cannot be represented on the left-right spectrum while preserving the nature of my beliefs
18:06.23Fincogwheel gives me faith in humanity again
18:06.45Josh_Borkehow can you be physically represented in something with a physical representation?
18:06.48ralfWORKyou're taking 'centerist' to mean 'a wet blanket that doesn't know what they want'
18:07.16cogwheelJosh_Borke: but it does... people draw political spectrums on paper all the time :P
18:07.27cogwheeldrawing = physical representation ;)
18:10.06FinI hate that
18:10.23Finyou start wondering if it's really deleting something more than you intended
18:10.32LopeppeppyTrying to reproduce a bug is... infuriating.  *sigh*
18:10.53ralfWORKthere is no such thing as bad software
18:10.55ralfWORKonly bad users
18:11.06ralfWORK(ok I made that up just now, but it sounded good)
18:12.19LopeppeppyI'm not sure if this bug is indeed bad software, software conflict or a bad computer without the RAM to do the work.
18:12.35Endcheck yer damn pointers!?
18:12.52LopeppeppyNot my pointers to check... but working on it from lots of angles.
18:13.31*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
18:16.25kamdiscogwheel, now I'm wracking my brain for the right Dino "rawr" descriptor.
18:16.52LopeppeppyA mighty barbarian dinosaur YAWP!
18:17.29kamdishee hee
18:17.55kamdisrofl.  that's perfect.
18:17.57malreth "Lua language support is now built-in." WOOT!
18:18.00kamdisand quite punny too.
18:18.35LopeppeppyWhatcha editing, kamdis?
18:18.46LopeppeppyAnd/or Cogwheel?
18:19.03kamdiscogwheel's edited this
18:19.05kd3whee, the katamari damacy soundtrack just popped in my playlist
18:19.14kamdisHe originally used "chutzpah"
18:25.50*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
18:26.53ralfWORKsee I hate questions like this
18:26.53ralfWORKIs outsourcing of American jobs justified if it allows for cheaper goods?
18:27.32LopeppeppyTake out the "if" statement.  Decide on the basic issue, not the impulsive qualifier statement.
18:31.15Lopeppeppy*shrug*  Basic debate logic.
18:34.24malrethoutsource american jobs -> people in other countries get more jobs -> they make more money -> standard of living increases -> cost of living increases -> they want to make more money to keep up -> they get paid more, raising costs
18:34.33malrethmeanwhile, standard of living drops here
18:34.45malreththen it all evens out and it becomes cheaper to do the labor here
18:34.50malrethand the whole cycle repeats again
18:37.59LopeppeppyWhen I want a cycle I'll buy a Harley?
18:42.05ScytheBlade1There we go, shred complete.
18:45.04|Jelly|You only get arena points from one team, right?
18:45.18|Jelly|Oh. ArenaFu is stupid then. lol
18:45.28malrethinteresting phone tip over on to speed through a voice menu tree and get to a real human, start swearing. some voice activated systems are configured to detect frustration and route you to a CSR posthaste.
18:45.39ScytheBlade1That's awesome
18:50.49_sysragethat's never worked for me.. i almost always end up saying "give me a representative god fucking damnit" and it still doesn't know
18:51.25_sysragepeople should be shot for designing those where you can't always just hit 0
18:51.28|Jelly|I let my dogs bark into mine.
18:57.09*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
19:02.15Thunder_Child"Sun Microsystems will plunk down $1 billion to buy MySQL, the maker of a popular open-source database." hmmm...i'm not sure if thats good or bad
19:04.26_sysrageya. i'm leary too.. they'd really have to try hard to screw up mysql's foundation, but it's possible
19:05.41sdoublesun and oracle are "partners"  Not sure if that means one owns the other or not
19:06.06sdoublebut seeing as mysql would be a competitor of oracle, may not mean good things
19:09.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
19:10.19Industrialcogwheel: ping
19:10.44Industrial< Lukian> Industrial, easily solved, use Opera
19:11.37IndustrialLukian: I know opera is faster with javascript but it doesn't allow for the extendability firefox does. It has these little applet things but I'd like to change the way how tabbing works, etc :>
19:13.31cogwheelIndustrial: pong
19:14.06hasteOpera also uses QT >:(
19:14.14hastethe GUI feels so slugish
19:15.00|Jelly|Our first 6 games 5v5 were against a team ... 450 rating higher than us.
19:15.25Thunder_Childso you won them all...right?
19:15.50|Jelly|The power of christ compelled me ... to die first every time.
19:16.42Thunder_Childi know that one
19:23.31LunessaWhat also floats?  "very small rocks"
19:23.44|Jelly|A duck!
19:25.17cogwheelwe have an entire church built out of a single redwood tree... I bet it would float
19:28.18ralfWORKdead babies?
19:28.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110| (
19:29.17cogwheelanyone know of a dummy guide to setting up an irssi proxy?
19:29.30cogwheel(had less than fruitful googling last night)
19:31.49ralfWORKI don't sorry
19:32.00ralfWORKI just SSH to my box outside the firewall
19:32.05ralfWORKand irc from there :P
19:32.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
19:32.59ralfWORKor do you have some other reason for needing it?
19:33.06|Jelly|Are they bringing back group queue av?
19:33.21kd3it'd be nice
19:34.10_sysragethey should. i don't get why people cry over premades
19:34.21_sysrageand no i'm not part of one
19:34.29_sysragebut when i do pvp i wanna pvp with my friends
19:34.38Esamynn|Workbecause they fail at group making or they just suck in general?
19:34.39Lunessabecause they want to play against other people who suc k?
19:34.53*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (n=dylanm@
19:36.06LunessaImagine for a moment that you play cards with your brother.  And he beats you.  Every. Single. Game.
19:36.06LunessaHow long before you start lobbying for someone else to play cards with?
19:36.06|Jelly|I kick him in the buts while he sleeps.
19:36.06|Jelly|nuts too
19:36.20_sysrageyou don't get teamed up against pre-mades every. single. game.
19:36.31LunessaThat's the reason people whie about pre-mades.
19:37.14*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (n=cladhair@
19:37.14*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
19:37.55LunessaI should just give up hitting the enter button before checking for typos.
19:39.24_sysragethat's what purl's for
19:39.44_sysrageaww. purl doesn't like me
19:39.53_sysrageor i did it wrong
19:39.58ralfWORKyou're doing it wrong
19:40.05MentalPowerthat's what purl's for
19:40.06Fisker-lol bleeter
19:40.57_sysrageoh. bah. purl's so strict
19:41.10purlthanks, _sysrage
19:43.18MentalPowergrr... confound this script
19:43.57MentalPowercan anyone tell me why something in lines 73-90 in this script causes an out of memory error?
19:44.00Esamynn|Workwhatcha doing?
19:44.15kd3damn it, UPS guy. get here faster. I need to swap HDDs so I can un-degrade my RAID5
19:44.59MentalPowerEsamynn|Work: I'm hashing about 100K files to find duplicates
19:45.17cladhairewhat shall I have from dinner?
19:45.19MentalPowerwell, 100K in one drive and 30K in another
19:45.20Industrialcogwheel: sorry I went afk lol :P
19:45.33cogwheelZOMG Industrial PING
19:45.45Thunder_Childcladhaire, you shall have full from dinner
19:45.47Industrialcogwheel: Have you seen my bugreport on CogsBar-1.10.1 ? the bindings arent working for me
19:45.56MentalPowercladhaire: usually some carbs, some proteins and some fats
19:46.01cogwheelIndustrial: oddly, no...
19:46.05cladhaireI just got back from an intense workout
19:46.06cladhairebut i have no food
19:46.09cladhairei have ramen
19:46.13cladhairea can of tuna
19:46.15cladhaireand peanut butter.
19:46.23cogwheelchocolate = antioxidants
19:46.28cogwheeltuna = omega 3 fatty acids
19:46.32cogwheelpeanut butter = protein
19:46.38cogwheelramen = carbs
19:46.39MentalPoweroh dear...
19:46.40Thunder_Childchoclate ramen tuna with a side of peanut butter?
19:46.40cladhaireMentalPower: what kind of memory error
19:46.42cogwheelsounds like you're doing ok to me
19:46.48cladhairecogwheel: lol.. the tuna has 3 x the protein of the PB
19:46.51MentalPowercladhaire: out of memory
19:46.59cladhaireMentalPower: odd =/
19:47.00malrethomg... a screw just fell out of my laptop
19:47.10malrethnothing good can come of this
19:47.12MentalPowerI've tried it about 4 times now
19:47.19cladhairemalreth: CATCH IT!
19:47.20Thunder_Childmalreth, at least it's in good company
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19:47.35cladhaireokay, i'm off to shower, then gonna go scour the city for food
19:47.53MentalPowerand since it takes a good 5hrs to crash, I'd rather find the cause before trying again
19:48.12Industrialcogwheel: when I try to bind a key the message window tells me that the key combo has been bount to button 0, whichever button I am hovering over. It also does it if I'm not hovering over anything. It also likes to bind SHIFT-LSHIFT when I just press that (not that its a functional problem because after that ill press eg shift-6 and it will bind to that..)
19:48.18kd3ahaha, fark: [PSA] Atlanta to get snow today. EVERYBODY PANIC"
19:48.23kd3how true that is...
19:48.28cladhaireMentalPower: first, flush your output after each write
19:48.45cogwheelIndustrial: O.o
19:48.50MentalPowerfair nuf
19:48.52ralfWORKkd3: you in Atlanta too?
19:48.58cladhaireMentalPower: that way when you crash, output.lua is up-to-date
19:49.05Industrialcogwheel: and then when I leave keybinds mode nothing is bound :P
19:49.08kd3nope. I'm in south jawga
19:49.11cladhaireand code in a way to skip to a specific file
19:49.12cogwheeldolby-wowi: wtb e-mail alerts when people submit bug reports
19:49.16Industrial*tries again to make sure*
19:49.17kd3but I lived there for ~10 years, so the hysteria is real
19:49.19cladhaireas a way around it
19:49.27cladhairecogwheel: there's an rss feed.
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19:49.43cogwheeli care for RSS about as much as I care for wikis
19:49.47|Jelly|ap are based off team rating, right?
19:50.13Thunder_Childcogwheel doesnt care :(
19:50.15ralfWORKkd3: I'm in ATL, been here for about 10 years
19:50.20ralfWORKI've seen when snow hits here
19:50.24ralfWORKit's mass hysteria
19:50.57MentalPowercladhaire: WTB Blizzard SV serializer, PST :)
19:50.57kd3oh I know. I've been there when it happened. I was working in target when the news got out that we were getting snow that night... have never seen the grocery side that empty
19:51.11cladhaireMentalPower: i have a recursive table dumper, if that's what you're asking for
19:51.17ralfWORK<-- used to live 10 minutes from Jay Peak, Vermont. About 5 miles from Canada.
19:51.18kd3s/that night/some random night/
19:51.19cladhairebut they're trivial to write
19:51.57MentalPowercladhaire: well, thats what I'm trying to do
19:52.07cladhaireserialize.lua on the api repo
19:52.22ralfWORKI remember on the news
19:52.35ralfWORKthey had big dump trucks on the highways going 5MPH
19:52.36cladhaireMentalPower: utils/serialize.lua
19:52.47ralfWORKwith 2 guys in the back of each one, shoveling sand onto the road
19:52.49cladhaireit needs a bit of love, but it works
19:53.09kd3ah, memories of snow in the south
19:53.28kd3that and the inevitable news shots of SUV drivers thinking that 4 wheel drive meant 4 wheel stop
19:53.55ralfWORKthere's 2 types of drivers in GA snow
19:54.00Industrialcogwheel: inc pics :p
19:54.12ralfWORK1) those who COMPLETELY IGNORE the snow and keep hauling ass at 75 mph
19:54.40cogwheelIndustrial: you have to click the button to bind a key to it
19:54.41ralfWORK2) those who have never ever, EVER seen snow, and think the sky is falling. Thusly, they drive about 10 MPH on the shoulder of the road
19:54.50cogwheelnot just hover
19:55.02cogwheelleft-click to set the binding, right-click to clear it
19:55.10Josh_BorkeralfWORK: sounds about right
19:55.19IndustrialI am
19:55.22Industrialan idiot
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19:56.08cogwheelIndustrial: though it would probably be a good idea to disable its keyboard grabbingness until you do click a button
19:56.45kd3woot, the PTR forum's been purged
19:56.48kd3wtb new build
19:56.59cogwheelIndustrial: tooltip sorta ruined it for ya, huh?
20:01.32cogwheels/my/his/ i suppose
20:01.39Industrialwhy is there a smiley on the floor in orgrimmar?
20:01.55ralfWORKthere's one under Kara too
20:02.21cogwheelthere's also smiley particles in various bodies of water
20:02.41Industrialyeah the bubbles that rise in water
20:02.55Industrialif you zoom in to them some are really small question marks or smileys
20:02.59Fisker-i like the "Help me" texture in stonetalon
20:03.05Fisker-or something like that
20:03.21Industrialhi2u smiley
20:03.44Industrialmy gfx card is broken :P
20:11.43Fisker-i hope it's 2.4 ptr we're getting though
20:11.45Fisker-and not 2.3.3
20:11.53kd3fat chance
20:12.03Fisker-no u
20:13.29Fisker-2.3.3 then
20:22.40*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
20:24.57MentalPowerclad|away: ping!
20:25.28MentalPowerwhat is this line supposed to do? file:write(string.sub(indent,1,-3) .. (recurse and "}" or "}\n"))
20:26.01MentalPower(from serialize.lua)
20:26.02cladhaireit closes the current table, imo
20:26.15cladhaireat one level down from the current indent level
20:26.34MentalPowerI'm especially interested in the string.sub() part
20:26.44MentalPoweroh... hmm....
20:26.48cladhairethat unindents one level
20:27.29*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
20:27.29MentalPowerso if I replace the indent from the current double spaces to a single tab I need to change the string.sub() to string.sub(indent, 1, -2)
20:27.42cladhaireyes, that should work
20:28.18cladhaireanyone have experience with:
20:29.44MentalPowerI have experience with the WRT54G and WRT54GL, tho the WRT54GS is extremely similar
20:30.04MentalPowerthey are the best wireless routers in my opinion
20:30.14cladhairecause thats pretty cheap by UK standards
20:30.14cladhaireand i'll need one
20:30.18cladhaireand I dont have time or $$ to get the time capsule =(
20:30.21MentalPowereither with the stock firmware or with DD-WRT
20:30.40MentalPower(I have DD-WRT on the ones I have)
20:32.11cladhairePolarina: that quest is happily in the data files
20:32.17cladhaireI suspect there's an extra space in the API return
20:32.20cladhairehence why it doesn't come up
20:32.31MentalPowerI've had two
20:32.53cladhaireI had a WRTG54 at home
20:32.55cladhaireand I liked it
20:33.18MentalPowerfirst was a WRT54GL that was with me for a few years, before I cooked its wireless chip (by increasing its power output *way* above specs)
20:33.35MentalPowerthe router part still worked tho
20:33.49MentalPowerthe second was a WRT54G thats still with me
20:34.47MentalPowermoral of the story, if you want more wireless range, buy better antennas before increasing the power output above 100mw (standard is 84mw, I jacked mine up to 250mw)
20:34.57MentalPowerit worked for about a week before the chip was fried
20:35.08cladhairerange isn't a concern of mine
20:35.55malrethif you plan on using a third party firmware on it, check to make sure it'll work before purchasing
20:36.15MentalPowerah yes, good point malreth
20:36.39malrethsome of the newer versions of the linksys routers do not run linux anymore nor do they have enough flash ram to take a non-standard firmware
20:36.54malrethor they run with a different processor chip
20:36.55MentalPowerWRT54Gs v1-6 and v8 will work, v7 does not, and v1-v4 work best
20:37.18malrethalso, Tomato is better than DD-WRT. :D
20:37.19cladhairemeh, i'm not too worried about running the linux firmware
20:37.47MentalPowerv5 v6 and v8 will work, but they have less RAM so you need a micro distro and DD-WRT is the only viable option there
20:39.07MentalPowermalreth: that might be true, but DD-WRT is the only one that runs on my router (v6)
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20:40.14Lunessamalreth: Quoting Sun Tzu earns you 5 honor.
20:40.31malrethi'm amazed at that guy
20:41.21malreth"dur... rouge keps runign arund me n i kant kast spelz lol i need markroz"
20:41.43ralfWORKThough we have heard of stupid haste in war, cleverness has never been seen associated with long delays.
20:42.28malrethand i'm like, "dude... what'd you expect him to do?"
20:42.55ralfWORKthis is better: To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.
20:43.08ralfWORKk, I did my job
20:44.09LunessaAs a keyboard turner and and caster, I hates 'teh pvp' 'cuz I suckz0r.
20:44.49Thunder_Childi prefer murphys laws of war vs. Sun Tzu's
20:45.32LunessaMurphy was an optimist.
20:46.18Thunder_Childno, Murphy was a realist
20:46.32malrethIf those who are sent to draw water begin by drinking themselves, the army is suffering from thirst.
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20:49.30LunessaAnd on the pedestal these words appear: `My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!' Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,  The lone and level sands stretch far away.
20:51.46ralfWORKI think Sun Tzu would object to that
20:52.02ralfWORKlol std
21:01.37Thunder_ChildLunessa, i always think of nimoy and civ when i read that
21:01.58LunessaHe did read it well for that.  But I'm a fan of the poem.
21:03.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
21:09.07kamdisI hate people.
21:09.18ScytheBlade1Me too
21:09.19|Jelly|Me too
21:09.59kamdisGlad to see I'm not the only misanthrope around.  /hate
21:10.13kamdisOr maybe I'm just hungry.
21:10.17kamdisI don't know.
21:10.21|Jelly|Go eat. lol
21:11.01ScytheBlade1Mmmmm, they were epic pork ribs
21:11.34ScytheBlade1$13 a plate, and you get more food than any one person cat usually eat in a sitting.
21:11.50|Jelly|Stab someone's face off imo. Start with the mouth-breathers on the forums.
21:11.52ScytheBlade19" ribs, 2"x2"
21:12.29Lunessastabitty, stabitty
21:13.49ScytheBlade1Actually, lol, I have a picture (!) from the first time I had them
21:14.10Josh_Borkethey look pretty good
21:14.41ScytheBlade1I grabbed a friend today because I wanted some more today, and it's been months
21:15.00ScytheBlade1He took one bite, looked up with this look of awe on his face, and said, "These are rediculiously good" (only spelled right)
21:15.32Josh_Borkeridiculously ;-)
21:15.41cogwheelyou can keep your ribs :P
21:15.49ScytheBlade1Trust me, I will
21:15.53Josh_Borketypically, you can do better than restaurants :-D
21:16.13cogwheelJosh_Borke: not good restaurants...
21:16.18ralfWORKI know that spelling ridiculously can be hard, but I never understood why people start it 'red'... that part is spelled like it sounds :(
21:16.21cogwheel(at least not typically)
21:16.36ScytheBlade1Bah you're right, ralfWORK
21:16.49ScytheBlade1Now with you having said that I'll probably get it right as a result, though
21:16.55ralfWORKsorry, just giving you a hard time
21:17.03ralfWORKbut I see that alot and always think... how?
21:17.04ScytheBlade1Heh, not a problem
21:17.19ScytheBlade1"alot" I'm guilty of some times
21:17.22ScytheBlade1But I generally get it right
21:17.35ralfWORKand when I see it that way, I say it in my head the way it's spelled and it sounds funny
21:21.12ralfWORKwhat is druid def cap? 430?
21:22.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
21:25.54nevcairiel2.6%, no idea if thats 430 :P
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21:28.58ralfWORKahh 415 my bad
21:29.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Slackwise (
21:30.32Lunessapork ribs are the devil's work.
21:32.28kd3sweet! I RMA'd a 500GB drive and they shipped a 750
21:32.38cogwheelso, my wife and i never really understood the appeal of they never seemed to have anything we wanted for a good deal like everyone seems to hype... untill we got an $800 GPS for <$200
21:32.43cogwheelkd3: wit
21:34.11Lunessacogwheel: FTW.
21:34.33kd3bah. now I get to play musical HDDs to transfer data off my non-raid disk to the 750 so I can put that one in the raid and format my 750
21:34.39ralfWORKkd3:  that rocks man
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21:40.02Thunder_Child*snicker @ cdog*
21:40.24ralfWORKanyone know if +armor enchants get bear form bonus?
21:41.53EndralfWORK: iirc, they don't
21:42.03ralfWORKthat's kinda what I'm thinking too
21:42.16ralfWORKbut I don't really track filthy droods much
21:42.41EndI vaguely remember putting an armor enchant on -way- back when I still played my druid, and I just got the normal value from adding it
21:43.23art3missun is gonna buy mysql for 1 billion
21:43.44ralfWORKso like, what about Agility enchants... say 12agi to back. that's 24 ac, does that 24 get the bear multiplier?
21:43.50ralfWORK*scratches head*
21:45.54ralfWORKI'll have to get on my little druid tonight and mess around
21:46.36EndI think those might get multiplied
21:46.42Thunder_Childyou have a small druid?
21:46.45ralfWORKI do :(
21:46.49ralfWORKhe's a gnome druid
21:47.13Endhmm, actually, I dunno
21:47.20Lunessagnome druid!  They have "Winnie the Pooh" form instead of Bear/Dire bear
21:47.22Endmaybe it was just the gear armor value itself
21:47.44ralfWORKEnd: wowwiki indicates "natural armor". which means what I dunno
21:47.45EndWhat's cat form? tigger??
21:47.50Esamynn|WorkralfWORK: Bear Form doesn't multiply armour from agil
21:48.04Esamynn|Workonly the base armor of items
21:48.07Bela|workmight be some details there, I am looking for specifics on agility conversions though
21:48.09Endit's the mmmmeggathread!
21:48.22ralfWORKit also says "only white armor" which means that certain items that have Green armor stats wouldn't get multiplied
21:48.31Esamynn|Workyes they well
21:48.44art3mislunessa: it comes without an abilities, it does sit down randomly in combat to ponder and al food becomes huney ;P
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21:48.53Esamynn|Workthose used to be white, they just made them green to indicate that part of the item's "value" went towards armor
21:49.00Bela|workif it is excluding anything in green armor values, it would be the bonus armor portion, not the base armor
21:49.00ralfWORKahhh ok
21:49.03ralfWORKthat makes sense
21:49.09Esamynn|Workany Equip: bonuses that give armor aren't included though
21:49.12Thunder_ChildEnd, ralfWORK, "The armor bonus is only applied to natural armor (received from white effects), and not item modifiers (enchantments, armor kits, etc)."
21:49.32cladhaireyes, but armor is now green
21:49.33LunessaAnd all your chat output becomes "think, think think!"
21:49.36cladhaireits still the same old armor tho
21:49.41ralfWORKThunder_Child: mmkay... Agility isn't mentioned there and armor can be Green now
21:49.47cladhaireon those special items :P
21:49.54art3misheh thats what i was typing
21:50.04Bela|workit PROBABLY applies to green armor points
21:50.07Thunder_Childbut the "green" armor is still in the armor slot
21:50.10Thunder_Childnot seperate
21:50.17cladhaireBela|work: it applies to green
21:50.17art3misall your non combat pets become a little pig in a striped shirt that runs around and stutters
21:50.20ralfWORKso then in otherwords
21:50.22Esamynn|Workwould all you non-druids shut it and let the druids who KNOW speak! :P
21:50.23cladhairethe coloring has nothing to do with the item, other than the item budget
21:50.25cladhaireplain and simple
21:50.36Esamynn|Work~lart Thunder_Child
21:50.36purlshoots Thunder_Child in his sleep
21:50.41Josh_Borke~lart cladhaire
21:50.41purlthrows cladhaire's poor little doggy off a cliff
21:50.42Esamynn|Work~lart Bela|work
21:50.42purlslaps a compatible dib on Bela|work's head
21:50.48Thunder_Child~lart Esamynn|Work
21:50.48purlcuts off Esamynn|Work's head with a halberd that could have been a little bit sharper
21:50.49Esamynn|Work~lart Josh_Borke
21:50.49purlbeats the living hamstercrap out of Josh_Borke
21:50.52ralfWORK"natural armor" would mean "the damn armor number on the item you got when it dropped and you picked it up"
21:51.04Bela|workI didn't say I know
21:51.05ralfWORKno agi, no armor kit, no nuthin
21:51.07Thunder_ChildralfWORK, right, and green or not it's in the same place
21:51.08Bela|workI said probably
21:51.10Bela|workso you shut it
21:51.13ralfWORKThunder_Child: ok, I gotcha
21:51.25Josh_Borke~lart Bela|work
21:51.25purlstrangles Bela|work with a 9-pole serial cable
21:51.57Esamynn|Workoh god
21:52.13art3mislook mommy a nutball!
21:52.36Bela|workI helped with the link at least
21:52.40Bela|workso meh
21:52.41ralfWORKthanks for the info guys
21:52.43|Jelly|Mods geared for pvp aside from Proximo. GO!
21:52.55Lunessa~seen Lopeppeppy
21:52.58purllopeppeppy <n=Lopeppep@> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 3h 14m 59s ago, saying: 'When I want a cycle I'll buy a Harley?'.
21:53.30Thunder_Childno, no you will not buy a harley
21:54.07cogwheelgod this building sucks
21:54.13cogwheelmy gps is only receiving 2 signals
21:55.06cladhaire"I have opponents in this race who do not want to change the Constitution. But I believe it's a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God. And thats what we need to do is amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than trying to change God's standards so it lines up with some contemporary view of how we treat each other and how we treat the family."
21:55.36Josh_Borkewhoa rather, who said that?
21:55.37|Jelly|Wait. What?
21:55.54Thunder_Childsaid that...did i spell that right?
21:56.01Bela|workdoes it matter?
21:56.02LunessaKeep your motherfucking hands off my Constitution.
21:56.17|Jelly|~agree Lunessa
21:56.18purlACTION forces Lunessa to agree with |jelly|.  "Its no matter, |jelly| is always right Lunessa"
21:56.25|Jelly|well, you get the idea
21:56.40LunessaI do.
21:57.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
21:57.40LunessaThe amendment process exists for a reason.  Use it if you want changes to the core tenants of US society.
21:58.04ralfWORKI could be wrong
21:58.19Thunder_Childwe can all be wrong
21:58.20LunessaBut don't f'ing demand we change the core document.
21:58.24ralfWORKbut I thought only states could amend the constitution
21:58.40cogwheelralfWORK: states have to ratify amendments
21:58.57cogwheelthey don't have to propose them though
21:59.04ralfWORKahh ok
21:59.13Josh_Borkecongress proposes, no?
21:59.15ralfWORKthe fact that they let people like me vote is scary :P
21:59.16cogwheelthough they can
21:59.32cogwheelstates or congress iirc
22:00.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
22:01.34Fisker-if anyone asks it was Josh_Borke
22:02.06Fisker-i'm wondering
22:02.12Fisker-where's all the CP in "User CP"
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22:02.55Fisker-better not give rushter any ideas
22:03.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
22:03.12Fisker-"I now have irrefutable proof of WoWI spreading child pornography"
22:03.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=shirik@
22:03.21Fisker-"see it says User CP"
22:03.22*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Shirik|Ecole] by ChanServ
22:03.32Esamynn|Work~gag Fisker-
22:03.33purlACTION takes away the voice of Fisker- and, as an additional precaution, sews Fisker-'s mouth shut permanently...
22:03.36ralfWORKI'm sorry, I have no idea what CP is
22:03.40Esamynn|Work~whalenuke Fisker-
22:03.40purlACTION dons her radiation cloak and tinted glasses while a highly intelligent whale named Ray precipitates critical mass for uncontrolled nuclear fission around Fisker- with his mind powers.
22:03.43Shirik|Ecolejust because
22:03.45cladhairecontrol panel
22:03.48Fisker-rhrmp rhrmpr hrhrmp hrhmp
22:04.01Fisker-NOM NOM NOM
22:04.04Fisker-don't gag me please :(
22:04.07ralfWORKnom nom nom :D
22:04.26Esamynn|WorkFisker-: give us one good reason why we shouldn't?
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22:04.45ralfWORKhow about I left a jar of pasta sauce open last night
22:04.52ralfWORKand our white cat was nom nom noming it
22:04.58ralfWORKhead was all the way in the jar
22:05.23Fisker-i once woke up to nom nom crackle pop nom nom
22:05.28Fisker-and our cat was eating a mouse
22:05.33ralfWORKoh snap
22:05.35Fisker-with a disturbing cracking noise
22:05.43ralfWORKyea that's not what I'd like to wake up to
22:05.52ralfWORKbut uhm
22:05.54Fisker-and it catched 3 mice that night, all with that same crunchy noise :(
22:06.05Fisker-woke up all 3 times
22:06.13ralfWORKoh jesus
22:06.28ralfWORKwe drained tuna in teh sink once
22:07.14ralfWORKcame home later and the same cat had her head all the way in the garbage disposal
22:07.43ralfWORKI almost reached for the switch...
22:07.53ralfWORKbut that might be a mean way to teach her a lesson :P
22:08.11ralfWORKshe's really hard headed
22:13.38cogwheel|Jelly|: you gender confused man, you
22:13.46|Jelly|wait. what?
22:14.00|Jelly|Did I call myself a she?
22:14.11cogwheelyou'll see soon enough
22:14.21cogwheel(assuming you're still trolling)
22:14.37|Jelly|I haven't been ... but I am now. lol
22:14.45sysragewhen your cat catched 3 mice in your house in 1 night it might be time to call the exterminator
22:15.31Fisker-sysrage no u
22:17.26sysragedid i really just type 'catched' ?
22:18.26Fisker-i live in the country btw :o
22:18.41Fisker-lot of mice/rats there :O
22:20.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
22:23.28cogwheelclad|sleep: how to think... has pi wrong
22:24.05cogwheelsohuld be ...932 not ...931 ;)
22:24.22Thunder_Childi think fisker has some serious issues
22:24.46Thunder_Childincluding putting a - at the end of his handle
22:24.54mrscogwheelFisker was taking
22:25.01mrscogwheeland you QQ'ed about all caps nicks
22:25.08mrscogwheeltaking = taken duh
22:25.27Thunder_Childfreenode ignores cases
22:25.39Fisker-i know
22:25.50LunessaWow.  Cogwheel and the Mrs!
22:25.52Fisker-was some users QQ'ing
22:25.53TecnoBrat"when your cat catched 3 mice in your house in 1 night you call the cat the exterminator"
22:26.12LunessaIt's like, two scoops of ice cream instead of one!
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22:27.12Thunder_Childthats a good question, cogwheel, why doesnt your wife get on here, she would prolly get a kick out of it
22:27.43cogwheelThunder_Child: she gets enough of me as is...
22:27.46alestaneAnyone familiar with how the Cartographer database determines its indices? Are they concatenations or something?
22:28.43Thunder_Childcogwheel, so tell her to /ignore cogwheel
22:29.11sdoublecogwheel, does your wife play wow?
22:29.35cogwheelsdouble: SURE DOES
22:29.37cogwheelsry caps
22:29.39sdoubleDAMN IT
22:29.55sdoubleHow am I the only one that does not have a significant other that doesn't play?
22:30.02sdoubleshe just complains
22:30.12Thunder_Childyou fail at picking significant others?
22:30.12kamdispoor choice of spouse?
22:30.17cogwheelshe's arguably more obsessed with it than i am (considering I've hardly PLAYED the game itself)
22:30.18Thunder_Childhah, i win
22:30.45Thunder_Childpout all you want, i still win
22:30.49alestanecogwheel: In fact I notice you somehow became level 1 again.
22:30.52Lunessahey, I don't even have an s/o.
22:31.19Shirik|Ecolebatrick: ping
22:31.22sdoubleyeah, talking about his "rawr" and his dinosaur.  My level 14 warrior can take his level 1 dinosaur
22:31.46LunessaThe "gender confused" guy concedes defeat!
22:32.54sdouble"gender confused" eh?
22:33.23alestaneSo the 70 gnome you had before wasn't active? Cause I thought that was the server and guild you used to post under.
22:33.35*** join/#wowi-lounge esteth (
22:33.54*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
22:34.12Lunessa - scroll down.
22:34.14Fisker-cogwheel wanna be a gear in my transmission?
22:34.34Shirik|Ecolenot recommended
22:34.56Shirik|Ecolecogwheel lays waste to sprockets
22:35.03Shirik|Ecolethe entirety of the rest of your transmission will be destroyed
22:39.08kamdisThe "gender confused" guy is really nice
22:39.15Thunder_Childyou know since blizz has issues with only having blizzcon when they have somthing big, maybe we should start a wowcon or somesuch
22:39.18kamdishe's trying to get up to date on the macro system
22:40.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
22:42.34|Jelly|Wait. What?
22:46.26LunessaHe's nice, but took a cheap shot because some guys play female toons? Cheap shot !=nice
22:47.03kamdisalright, he's well-intentioned but lacking in social skills?
22:47.10LunessaHe's polite.  I'll give him that.
22:47.15kamdisi think he was just trying to be funny
22:47.36kamdisbut maybe not
22:47.37Lunessayes, but he failed.
22:48.47LunessaSo cog and I both just pointed out that his assumption was stupid and insulting, and we did it with dry wit and sarcasm.
22:49.21LunessaI really want to start a guild called that now... <Dry Wit & Sarcasm >
22:49.55sdoubleI play females when I want a certain class but don't like the males.  ie: gnomes, blood elves, trolls
22:50.09sdoublesorry, certain race, not class
22:50.43TemI play females when their animations look better
22:50.45Temie undead
22:51.14|pez|ah, great, I feel horrible right now, cause I didn't call my dad and told him I loved him on monday...
22:51.15EndI create female characters as a joke and then make them my main
22:51.46Thunder_ChildLunessa, i would be in there in a heartbeat
22:51.50|Jelly|Well, truth be told, that's how Jelly started. :|
22:51.58Enda joke?
22:52.26|Jelly|I had no intention of playing Peanutbudder and Jelly but I kind of started to like it and dropped the other account to play Jelly full time.
22:52.43Lunessa*chuckle*  I could see it now, "How the Prince. How droll.  Perhaps he should off his father to become King finally."
22:52.52kamdisOverall, it's just naive to assume anyone in WoW is a particular gender irl
22:53.03bleeters/WoW/on the intarwebz/
22:53.11kamdisthat too
22:53.25|Jelly|Or to think that because someone plays a certain gender that it has anything to do with rl. :-\
22:53.35bleeter'cept it should've been s/in WoW/on the intarwebz/
22:53.45kamdisDude, this person... :(
22:53.55EndI've known a few chicks who played male characters
22:54.07LunessaOr to  assume that anyone is the gender they present.  ( not to get too PC, but I /do/ work on a college campus and have to deal with this daily. )
22:54.17bleeterindeed... their logic is flaed. I play a female mage. therefore in real life I'm female... what gets me is that they never get to thinking that I'm also a mage IRL
22:54.28EndI'm a mage in real life
22:54.32|Jelly|Kamdis: I actually had a rant written out that I didn't think you'd approve of so I didn't post it. rofl
22:54.34Endbut I dont play a mage in WoW
22:54.52|Jelly|I'm a fire mage iRL! *grabs the gasoline*
22:54.53bleeterIma troll IRL ;)
22:54.53LunessaI'm not a night elf mohawk - but I play one on TV
22:55.59|pez|I forgot the 7th anniversary of my mothers death... where the hell is my brain? >__>
22:56.15Thunder_Childwow, random channel killer
22:56.17kamdis|Jelly|, today I approve.
22:56.30|pez|Thunder_Child: I do that sometimes!
22:56.32|pez|ignore me.
22:57.53kamdisLunessa, you forgot a comma in your Devour Magic macro
22:58.16LunessaEspecially if it's old.
22:59.16kamdislol i didn't check the date
22:59.19kamdisit's from september
22:59.33kamdissomeone necro-posted in the thread.  forget it.
23:00.51|pez|atleast you admit to it!
23:01.11Fisker-btw bleeter
23:01.13Fisker-shame on you
23:01.32Fisker-They've been very open about the issue !1
23:01.53Fisker-To wolivere54. UICentral is clean, no virsuses or trojans. Checked with latest download on the site, NoD32 and Kaspersky. All files 100% perfect. Also on new install from the file hosted here no such file trojan inserted into Windows directory. I suggest you look elsewhere for the issue :(
23:01.57Fisker-very open
23:03.33Shirik|Ecolewowinterface down for anyone else?
23:04.28Endit's fine to me
23:05.45alestane>>> (do return {"a", "b"} end)[1]
23:05.57alestaneThat answers that.
23:07.43Shirik|Ecolealestane: stdin:1: unexpected symbol near 'do'
23:07.57alestaneThat's what the bot told me.
23:08.08Shirik|Ecoleoh did it, I forgot it doesn't error to the channel anymore :p
23:08.10Cideyep, it just does it with /notice
23:08.20Shirik|EcoleI dunno maybe only syntax errors should do that
23:08.21Cidebecause it's too spammy because we suck at fixing errors
23:08.24alestaneWanted to see if an inline block could be an expression or just a statement.
23:08.33alestaneLooks like just a statement.
23:08.34CideShirik|Ecole: isn't that a syntax error? :P
23:08.40Shirik|Ecoleyeah -_-
23:08.59Cideanyway, it'd be useful to print to chat for stuff like that
23:09.12Cidebut it sucks for lines approaching 255 chars
23:09.17bleeter"The DNS issue is due to the hosts having to remove a set of IPs from their servers," << wtf does that mean and how does it relate to cache pollution?
23:09.35bleeterd/wtf does that mean and/
23:10.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
23:17.35kamdisokay creepy
23:17.47kamdissomeone on my realm forum posted something weird
23:17.53kamdisi don't know who it is either
23:18.03LunessaI haz block IP addresses mapped to cheezeburgers not computers.  I push new DNS records.  Oh noes, mai bad.
23:18.55LunessaI pushes new DNS entries.  Dey takes time to propagate.  Oh noes.
23:19.19LunessaIs that what you're on about Bleeter?
23:27.32sag_ich_nichtso Shirik does your phone work yet?
23:29.43Lunessableeter As usual, Rushter is talking out his arse.
23:30.57bleeter'oh hai, I was specifically targetted by chinese hackers, i sent all the info off to AV folks then sat on my arse waiting until I got attacked again then I denied it all'
23:31.12bleeterbah, I need moar coffee
23:32.08bleetersomeone should put a gentle word in Blizz's ear, see if they can get Launcher to detect this thing in 2.3.3
23:32.15bleeter'coz clearly someone's falling down on the job here
23:34.46EndI'm curious how he knows it's chinese hackers, specifically
23:35.08*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
23:36.04bleeterEnd: part of the trojan involves a fake domain name,, which is a .cn registrant
23:36.18LunessaThe domain from which the secondary evil logging file comes is chinese
23:36.18bleeterEnd: so, erm, yeah, it's likely to be .cn hackers, but... still.. prolly not
23:36.36LunessaEr, the rgistrant has a chinese name
23:36.43bleetercould just be certain .cn hosts are hosed, and (say) the russian mafia are using that
23:37.59Endbleeter: I'm well aware
23:38.13Endbut ah,, mmm
23:38.29Endactually, my original thought was that he said "chinese gold sellers" or something to that effect
23:38.39End-that's- what confused me
23:39.18Endactually, he said "gold sellers", he didn't even mention chinese
23:40.03bleeterI don't recall much of how the thing actually worked, but from memory, shouldn't it have been easy for the app to self-detect (at least) the original infection?
23:40.03cogwheelalestane: level 70 cogwheel has been on garona for months now. Since Blizz thanked me as Cogwheel of Shadowsong on their macro guide (which they released shortly after my move) I decided to make my MVP posting alt back there
23:40.13End"he file was not infected through the upload process (all files are scanned), it was ammended on the server by what is obviously a gold selling concern."
23:41.04EndI dunno
23:41.10EndI'm just gonna stop worrying about it
23:41.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
23:41.45cogwheelalestane: and I still have some active alts in that guild so they didn't mind having "me" back ;)
23:42.04alestanecogwheel: I guess I missed that. I'm just so used to seeing "Temple of Light, Shadowsong" that I stopped looking at it I guess.
23:43.01LunessaI don't bother to check the poster until I decide to respond or not.
23:43.59bleeteranyone know much about healing stats in BG's, specifically AV? Spent most of the game in heal mode, yet according to the stats I did only about 5k of heals total
23:44.48Endthat doesn't seem like very much
23:44.54Endand it probably doesn't
23:45.13Endit certaintly doesn't count the large tail of lifebloom
23:45.35End(apparently it -really- is the player healing themselfO)
23:46.30|pez|Do any of you use backuping software? :p
23:47.05bleeteryes... dd ftw!
23:47.09LunessaKamdis, I saw your "grid" screenie - do you really like decursive over say  Clique ?
23:47.24kamdisI actually use both.
23:48.04kamdisMostly for the Decursive "Ding" sound when someone's afflicted.
23:48.20kamdisand habit
23:48.21|pez|I hate having to backup everything I want / need right before a system reinstall, so I want a program that does automagic backuping for me, specified by a folder I specify.
23:49.27Lunessa*nod*  I mostly just target, then use keybind now.
23:49.39kamdisLunessa, I have a feeling I might move away from it if one of my 70 Priests ever gets to do 25mans, but I don't know.
23:50.21LunessaOf course, in healbot mode, I just lol spam the hales and curse lawl
23:50.46Lunessamisspellings added for humor.
23:53.55*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
23:54.04kamdishehe, indeed
23:54.44LunessaI lead one of my guild's Kara teams as my priest, since we're short healers, despit my Shaman being my main.
23:56.42batrickShirik: pong

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