IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080112

00:00.00art3mis"there are people in nag not helping me get the pvp target"
00:00.21Industrial"there are people profiting from doing nothing, mostly automated"
00:00.41art3mistehn they should change the honour divy
00:00.43Industrialand ad the same time ruining it for the rest
00:00.58art3misand make it absed solely offa hks and being within proximity of the captures/towers
00:00.59ScytheBlade1art3mis: I'm what I would consider by your definition one of those "whiny people." That said, if you're in a battleground, you should be playing... not jumping in circles and chain ressing as you're killed, doing effectively nothing but pad the opposing team's stats.
00:01.08Industrialart3mis: I agree on that
00:01.13Arrowmastermaybe blizzard should change the honor system so that you know you actually get honor from killing people instead of 90% of it being bonus honor
00:01.21Industrialart3mis: but thats hard when defending
00:01.26Industrialart3mis: which really is needed
00:01.30art3misbut offering up bans because of it or even punishing anyone thats afking there big deal
00:01.38art3misnot really
00:01.49art3misif its proximity based you gt honour from retaking soemthing
00:01.55art3misyou also get honour from hks
00:02.00Industrialdefending can also mean obstructing
00:02.08Industrialmaking them take longer so your team can do it faster
00:02.19art3misyeah its not like a line of horde are just gonna interfer with the alliance progression ;P
00:02.21Industrialwhatever you do to obstruct them = defense. it doesnt have to involve taking pvp points
00:02.25art3misyou'd sorta have to kill them to do that
00:02.28art3misthus hks ;P
00:02.33Industrial.. no?
00:02.55Industrialstop them, ice trap etc
00:03.01art3misokay name one way you could hinder the alliance progression that DIDNT involve killing them or retaking something
00:03.19art3misice trap == tagging them so you get hks for thier inevitable death
00:03.43art3misalthough the entire force all trapped in ice would be hilarious
00:03.53Industrialim just saying
00:03.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
00:03.59[dRaCo]create a BE and dance naked upon the path
00:04.04art3misi think i wanna see that now
00:04.13*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Joshua@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
00:04.17art3mis25 hunters trapping the offence
00:04.26art3misthat would be great
00:04.27Industrialor mages
00:04.34Industrialjump in, ice aoe jump out
00:04.36Industrialvalid defense
00:04.39Industrialvery anoying
00:04.50art3misyeah but they can still cast
00:04.57art3misthus the iceblock trap would be funnier
00:04.57Industrialbut but but
00:05.10art3misand mass dispel makes it all go away
00:06.08ScytheBlade1Oh man. Small IRC networks ftw.
00:10.06ShirikScytheBlade1: Zaleiria?
00:11.02ScytheBlade1Shirik: ?
00:11.08ShirikIs that you?
00:11.22ScytheBlade1I have no clue what you're talking about
00:12.02ScytheBlade1I'm Sbo on the forums
00:12.19Shirikwell someone else seemed to be finding out the same stuff you were :P
00:12.29ScytheBlade1Yeah, I think it was... erm
00:12.32ScytheBlade1I'm forgotten ;P
00:12.56ScytheBlade1But no that was not me
00:13.59*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
00:15.42art3mishrm neat
00:15.55art3misappearantly thers a dancing troll village in moonglade
00:16.14art3misthat you can get to via walljumping
00:17.05Esamynn|Workart3mis: it's down the mountain between Darkshore and Moonglade: I've never manged to get there myself, but I've flown over it many times
00:18.07art3misimma go see if its fun and exciting
00:18.15art3misthe airport is pretty boring
00:18.21Gnarfozart3mis: you can *still* get there? man they're sloppy
00:18.38Esamynn|WorkI know they fixed getting into Hyjal
00:18.42KalrothYou could go there by mount once
00:18.44art3misif yer good at wall jumping you can get anywhere ;P
00:18.55art3misheh yeah they cheated with that though esa
00:18.57Gnarfozwall jumping is far more limited than wallwalking ever was
00:18.58Esamynn|Workart3mis: nah, not anywhere
00:19.00art3misgo go invisible barriers
00:19.31Gnarfozgetting into hyjal was never fixed completely, but I guess you can not anymore, since you can't get on top of the stuff outside the portal
00:19.41Gnarfozyou could still get around the invisible barriers
00:20.14Esamynn|Workyou can't get into Hyjal anymore because they prevented you from being able to stand on a critical ledge in the path to get you over the mountain
00:20.31art3misthey did that to that palce in silith too
00:20.52Esamynn|Workgraphically the ledge is there, but there is not an invisible wall preventing you from actually getting onto it
00:21.24ScytheBlade1Wrong, all of you!
00:21.26ScytheBlade1I've still gotten in
00:21.33Esamynn|WorkScytheBlade1: now recently?
00:21.34ScytheBlade1It's now marked as No Man's Land.
00:21.59ScytheBlade1Recently as of when I first heard that they actually prevented you from getting in
00:22.03ScytheBlade1It was a while ago
00:22.06GnarfozI didn't to any exploring after 1.09 anymore, it wasn't that much fun anymore :<
00:22.18Esamynn|WorkScytheBlade1: as in well over a year, right?
00:22.25ScytheBlade1Esamynn|Work: no, less
00:22.38ScytheBlade1And I got around the barriers
00:22.40ScytheBlade1But, as I said
00:22.44Esamynn|Workthey've been "fixing" people getting in there since release
00:22.45ScytheBlade1They zoned it as No Man's Land
00:22.56JoshBorkeso your zone text = "No Man's Land"?
00:22.59ScytheBlade1Which is a zone-wide debuff which sits there for three seconds and then teleports you out
00:23.15Esamynn|Workoh, lol
00:23.23JoshBorkethat's awesome
00:23.23Esamynn|Workthey used that during the BC alpha
00:23.26ScytheBlade1They used it a lot back in TBC beta
00:23.27Gnarfozthat is news to me, and I've literally seen every edge of the maps in my time
00:23.35ScytheBlade1SMV before it was finish?
00:23.38Gnarfozbut only on live
00:23.48ScytheBlade1Bam, teleported out.
00:23.52Gnarfozheh neato
00:24.04Gnarfoznever had any beta/alpha/whatever keys
00:24.28Cidegamma keys are the best
00:24.41ScytheBlade1Well, they gave up keeping people out of Hyjal by changing the terrain, and simply fixed it for good
00:25.02Gnarfoztook them long enough, lol
00:25.08Esamynn|Workno kidding
00:25.10Cideif all you want to see is the terrain, just open it up in a model viewer
00:25.35Esamynn|Workyou can STILL get under Karazhan ;)
00:25.39ScytheBlade1That's true
00:25.48ScytheBlade1And you can still get in the Crypts
00:26.00ScytheBlade1... heh
00:26.15Esamynn|Workas in, which crypts are you refering to?
00:26.17ScytheBlade1Not below Kara exactly, but close
00:26.35ScytheBlade1Right next to the Kara graveyard is a gate that goes somewhat deep down
00:26.37Gnarfozthe only interesting crypts, I guess, the ones that were once besides karazhan
00:26.54ScytheBlade1And they're still there
00:26.56Gnarfozdoesn't it have a "hard" portcullis by now? not a doodad that you could get around?
00:26.57ScytheBlade1And you can still get in to it
00:27.10ScytheBlade1It's vulnerable to the "polymorph method"
00:27.27Gnarfozsince when is normal map geometry vulnerable to that oO
00:27.54ScytheBlade1It's not normal map geometry
00:27.59ScytheBlade1It's still a somewhat transparent gate
00:28.12*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (n=chris@
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00:41.39ShirikIf you lost your voice, please don't try to sing, even if there's nobody around
00:41.45ShirikYou'll hate yourself forever
00:42.13ShirikI got a bit into "oh danny boy" but then that ended up in me almost shooting myself in the face
00:42.56art3misso yeah just as an update you can totally get here again wall jumping ;P
00:43.10art3misthe dancig trolls on moonglade/darkshore
00:53.03art3missadly they're all green to me and i cant fight em
00:53.12art3miscant even tick "at war"
00:57.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
01:02.22art3misand the fishing sucks since its techncially darkshore
01:04.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Phorbie (
01:06.38Mr_Rabies2they're green for horde?
01:06.45Mr_Rabies2or are they just altogether green now
01:07.09Mr_Rabies2because they were yellow for a good 3 years
01:09.44*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
01:10.50art3misIf you pop spell reflect and type /sit (or make a macro) you will keep the spell reflect buff for full duration, even if you are getting hit with several spells. Very useful vs 2nuker classes in 2v2 arena.
01:10.50art3misCombustion bug is similar. Pop combustion, get a few non crits, the higher the better. Cast fireball or pyroblast, and when the fireball is in the air, use the /sit macro. When the fireball lands, and crits, you will not lose a combustion charge! Only downside is that you wont get ignite proc either
01:10.55art3misdunno i only have horde
01:11.05art3misthey're shatterspear trolls
01:11.13art3misim guessing its green for horde and yellow for alliance
01:15.02*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Joshua@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
01:22.13NechcknQuick question for anyone who has experienced both-  used to use SCT but have been using the defaults for a bit and want to go back to a text mod- so, SCT or MikSBT?
01:23.35JoshBorke<3 miksbt, but i don't understand the question
01:24.49*** join/#wowi-lounge |pez| (
01:24.55Dumanman that hunter autoshot bug is crazy
01:25.08art3mismsbt > sct
01:25.22art3misif you dont dislike librock you can go with parrot too
01:25.27NechcknAppreciate the input guys... yeah, that came out all wrong
01:25.53Mr_Rabies2i love ckknight's stuff but prefer sct to msbt or parrot
01:26.09Mr_Rabies2i use pretty much all his ither addons :p
01:26.19|pez|uuugh, so full.
01:26.33art3misi loved ckk's wowace stuff
01:26.43art3miserr ace2
01:26.56Mr_Rabies2i dont have a problem with rock, either
01:27.06Mr_Rabies2i dont give a damn what libs something uses
01:27.39Nechcknhahaha  Yeah, I don't care about the libs, per se, so that is something I'll look into as well.  Thanks again!
01:28.00art3misheh i do ;)
01:28.11art3misparticularly when they take over the function of other thigns ;P
01:28.36art3mislike oce librock took over the remote
01:28.44art3misand i had to watch desperate housewives
01:29.02Mr_Rabies2i loved the whole librock/that other addon drama
01:29.18art3misi started most of that
01:29.40Mr_Rabies2i still side with ckknight on that one
01:29.55Mr_Rabies2sure it might have been a dick move but it wasn't unprovoked
01:29.56art3misthats because you are a copmmunist and hate freedom
01:30.31Mr_Rabies2i'm about the biggest opposer to communism there is
01:30.32art3misthe only major issue i have with it is that it changed from a "community" to a single person doing things the way they wanted
01:30.35NechcknI figure it this way... someone else is taking their own time to code the suckers, so I don't have to-  For the most part, they can do what they will.  Though if my remote starts acting up, I'll know where to look now!
01:30.51Mr_Rabies2not in the witch-hunt manner, but in the purely economic matter
01:30.53art3misthe community aspect is what drew me to ace2 in the first place and then that went away
01:31.14Mr_Rabies2art3mis: the community is what makes acetards in my opinion
01:31.18Mr_Rabies2"hay can u ace this"
01:31.20Mr_Rabies2"ace runs better"
01:31.22art3misand ckk does things in a way that makes me vomit a little in my mouth most of the time ;P
01:31.50Mr_Rabies2haven't tried an addon of his that i didn't like
01:31.51art3mislibrockconfig being one of those ways
01:31.53Mr_Rabies2i've tried em all
01:31.56Mr_Rabies2that i know of
01:31.59art3misi just REALLY dont like how it lays out things
01:32.18art3misits a personal prefernce which is why i say i dont use it for moral reasons ;P
01:32.49Mr_Rabies2it sounds more like personal bias than personal preference
01:33.01art3missame diff really
01:33.01Mr_Rabies2which is just as valid, just differen't
01:33.10Mr_Rabies2minus the apostrophe
01:33.14Mr_Rabies2i dunno where the hell that came from
01:33.20art3misdifferen not ?
01:33.37art3misokay i need to make a new ui
01:33.49art3mishkui's fot are starting to hurt my eyes
01:33.52Shirikdon't you make a new UI like every week?
01:33.57Mr_Rabies2make one with korn.jpg as the background
01:34.04Mr_Rabies2for every texture
01:34.09Shirikwell you used to :P
01:34.18art3misi used to make themes alot ;P
01:34.18Mr_Rabies2use it
01:34.29art3misbut then some whorebags refused to make me a profile swapper ;P
01:34.48Mr_Rabies2i've been trying to get these whorebags to write me a script for years now
01:35.29art3misbut i did create a ton of cycircled skins
01:35.34art3miswhich made others create more
01:35.38art3misso that makes me happy
01:36.14Mr_Rabies2juicy trucker farts
01:37.25Dumansigh, the mental retardation of reposting the hunter exploit everywhere begins!
01:37.45|pez|hunter exploit?
01:37.52Mr_Rabies2the more well known it is the faster it'll get fixed
01:37.57art3misyou should correct  it with a /quit inbetween the autoshots ;P
01:38.06Dumanit's not going to get fixed any faster or slower
01:38.11Dumanit will get fixed as soona s teh devs can fix it
01:38.34Mr_Rabies2the best ways to get exploits fixed are 1) videos of it 2) forum posts detailing how to do it
01:38.39Mr_Rabies2i've seen it happen countless times
01:39.19DumanMost of the Bug Report ones were deleted
01:39.28Dumansomeone reposted it, of course :)
01:40.00DumanI love teh "ZOMG NO BLUE COMMENTED... IT MUST BE WORKING AS INTENDED!@!@!!11eleventeen"
01:40.09DumanI mean, come on...
01:42.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
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01:47.53art3mistrinity bars sure has come a long way
01:48.23DumanMaul is hard at work
01:49.32*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
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02:01.33kd3huzzah! they're finally taking a harder line on AFKers
02:01.35*** join/#wowi-lounge smallbrain (
02:04.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Galka (
02:05.31*** join/#wowi-lounge tedr0ck (
02:13.12art3misholy chriast was he EVER busy
02:13.26art3misits gonna tkae me like 5 hours just to setupthe button layout
02:20.18art3misi just finded my new fav addon
02:20.25art3mistrinity buttons
03:07.21*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
03:16.03*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (n=Joshua@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
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04:32.21*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (
04:32.56Corrodiashmm, i wonder what all these "transport<number>" maps are in the map viewer
04:34.04*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (
04:35.53kd3whee for modern technology
04:36.04kd3RMAing 2-month-old drives is fun
05:02.28*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
05:04.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem__ (
05:04.18Tem__okay, so
05:04.20Tem__who has a wii?
05:05.13Tem__can you tell me how to get to the option screen where I set the location and size of the sensor bar?
05:05.47Tem__(and it also allows me to adjust where it puts the pointer)
05:05.47kd3wii menu --> lower right corner --> settings (right button). think it's on page 2 or 3. "sensor bar"
05:05.59Tem__Sensor bar only has 2 options for me
05:06.07Tem__position and sensitivity
05:06.18Tem__if I click on position, it only lets me set "top" or "bottom"
05:06.26kd3that's relative to the TV
05:06.48kd3is your sensor bar above or below the TV?
05:06.59dylanmThat's really all it lets you change.
05:07.24Tem__it's below
05:07.29kd3then set bottom
05:07.38Tem__it is
05:07.43Tem__however, it's too low
05:07.51Tem__er, too hight
05:07.58Tem__when I point at the middle of the screen, it puts it at the top
05:08.17Tem__When I last set this up, I got to a screen where I adjusted a bar for how wide the sensor bar was
05:08.22Tem__(relative to the screen)
05:08.36Tem__and then it let me adjust the vertical placement of the pointer
05:08.41Tem__I can't find that setting this time
05:08.44kd3huh? I don't remember that
05:09.38Tem__I'm not crazy
05:09.45Tem__I _did_ have this setting
05:09.58kd3it get taken out in a system update or something?
05:10.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Rayne|Poker (
05:10.54Tem__afaik, it hasn't been connected to the internet this whole time
05:10.59Rayne|PokerLeotheras is harder than I thought...
05:11.04Tem__(it's not my wii)
05:11.12Tem__(I've been borrowing it since last friday)
05:11.38Tem__I didn't set it up for the wireless in my apartment, however, when I got home today, the CD hole was bright blue
05:11.42Tem__doesn't that mean there was an update?
05:11.50kd3think so
05:12.00kd3I turned it off. it's too bright for me to sleep
05:12.32Tem__well, I'm on a different TV, and I must adjust the vertical position of them pointer
05:12.41Tem__it hurts my rist to hit the middle of the screen
05:12.45Tem__there's no way I can play that way
05:12.57kd3try putting the sensor bar up top?
05:13.28Tem__because of the way I'm trying to sit, it doesn't catch the signal very well on top
05:13.43*** join/#wowi-lounge anko (
05:19.45Tem__kd3, also, if it was taken out by an update, it would have had to happen in the last week
05:19.51Tem__that seems kind of unlikely to me
05:20.02Tem__especially since it was a really useful feature
05:37.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
05:44.35dolby-wowiHappy Birthday Cairenn!!!!!
05:44.55Cairennhehehe, too late, that was yesterday (it's after midnight here ;) )
05:45.14Cairennthanks dolby-wowi :)
05:45.28dolby-wowiits 11:45pm cst
05:45.39Cairennbut I'm est, so .... ;)
05:45.57dolby-wowiso? its still your birthday here!
05:47.29kd3good grief, what's with the January birthdays? a lot of my extended family (incl. me) are celebrating this month too
05:48.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Corv (
05:49.45kd3better yet, what's up with may?
05:50.37CairennI know so many people whose birthdays are in Jan, it's bizarre
06:12.52Thunder_ChildCairenn's Bday? well now...
06:13.10Thunder_Childtoday for me
06:13.20batrickhappy birthday Cairenn
06:13.26Cairennthanks guys :)
06:13.28Thunder_Childah ha
06:13.47Thunder_Childthat way i wont forget
06:14.30Thunder_Childwhat? it's not like your not in there already wouldnt be willing to tell me the year would you?
06:15.23Cairennnot a chance
06:15.32Thunder_Child*sigh* didnt think so
06:16.12Thunder_Childthat means it's going to predict your bday as 1 years old this time next year
06:20.00CorvSigh. I suppose it's time to speak up and risk making a fool of myself. I'm trying to assemble what I'd hoped would be a simple chat addon, and well... it ain't going.
06:21.55CorvI want to create a keybinding for tabbing between ChatFrames, but I can't find anything for determining the Left-to-Right order of the Frames, or even how to show a given Frame.
06:23.15batrickCairenn: your Mod Author resources thread points to the 5.0 lua manual!
06:23.32purlLua is a powerful light-weight programming language designed for extending applications. It is often used as a configuration language. See Note: Lua is not an acronym its a word in Portuguese that means "moon".
06:23.41purlProgramming in Lua, a book written by the authors of the Lua programming language. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in print from most online bookstores, and covers Lua 5.1.
06:23.54batrickjust change the 5.0 in the link to 5.1 :P
06:24.08Thunder_ChildCorv, have you checked ?
06:25.00batricki'm shocked gvim isn't in the Lua Editors list either
06:25.19CorvI've looked over it a bit, yes.
06:26.10Cairennbatrick: the thread is always evolving, as people point out things that need to be added/deleted/changed/revised
06:26.43batrickthat was 4 monthes ago!
06:28.37Thunder_Childwould anyone happen to know about 5.1 wireless speaker systems?
06:29.22CorvSetChatWindowShown doesn't seem to do... anything, and I'd been hoping that was my route to showing a different ChatFrame. And as far as the indices for the frames go, those are assigned in the order of the frames' creation and have no bearing on their positioning- I can't find anything that *does* have a bearing on positioning, for that matter.
06:30.05Fisker-doesn't matter
06:30.09Fisker-i'm still in wifi range
06:30.35Fisker-power over ethernet bitch
06:30.43Thunder_Childnot on wi-fi
06:31.13*** join/#wowi-lounge fridgid (n=Fridgid@
06:31.15Fisker-power over teslanet then :P
06:33.28Fisker-if i don't know what it is it can't hurt me
06:33.46Thunder_Childit doesnt hurt, it just shuts you down
06:35.52Thunder_Childhmm..rather odd to be typing in 'creative' and have 'creampie' start showing up
06:41.15*** join/#wowi-lounge fridg (n=Fridgid@
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07:04.09*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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07:12.19art3misdamn you maul!
07:13.11purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
07:13.26art3misplaying with trinity buttons is too much fun
07:20.24*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Dinesh)
07:25.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
07:33.49Endwabble dobble doo!
07:34.02End-sleepI always say that before going to bed
07:34.14End-sleepactually, no I'm a dirty liar, I made that up
07:41.56art3miswhats a nice compact unitframe addon that doesnt have anythign other than party, buffs, and player/pet
07:42.18*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
07:42.18art3misand i can move it around and its not the default ones
07:42.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Slackwise (
07:50.30Fisker-you gotta be kidding me :D
07:50.35Fisker-uicentral compromised again
07:51.58CorvGrr. Any ideas where to look for the menu that pops up when you right-click a chat window tab? I swear it ain't in ChatFrame.lua.
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08:58.44cncfanaticshello everyone
09:00.44cncfanaticsmmmmm, bbq'd squirrel
09:01.13art3misheh at my old place in calgary we ueed to ahve tons of squirrels out front and part of my wanted to make little squirrel landmines
09:01.33art3misjust cuz it would be funny to stun/shock a squirrel with one and see it scamper away all confused
09:01.42cncfanaticsLooking for a premier BLOGGING service ? typepad has the tools you need ! start with a 14-day trial !
09:01.49cncfanaticscome on, blogging services exist already ?
09:01.53cncfanaticsshould go shoot their owners
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10:08.22Corv*sigh* Alright, why won't SetChatWindowShown(2,1) show the combat log?
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10:24.36Xinhuaniriel around?
10:24.47Irielonly partially
10:25.15Xinhuani think i need to request permission to copy the drawline code from libgraph so i can remove the dependency Cartographer_Routes has on it
10:25.49Xinhuanwill you grant it? :)
10:26.38Irielif its the line drawing code that also appears in the TaxiFrame.lua file of WoW then sure, you have my permission
10:27.15Xinhuanhmm i'll check if its the same
10:27.31Irielif the code in libgraph has my name credited then i'm pretty sure it will be
10:28.11Xinhuanyeah its almost the same, other than the fact that the library code has a bit more stuff in it to store the texture in a table to recycle line textures
10:29.10Xinhuani've ported LibGraph-1.0 (ace2) to LibGraph-2.0 (libstubbed) with cryect allowing that, but i'm not sure if that requires you to say yes too
10:29.42IrielWell, you have my permission for the bits I wrote 8-)
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10:31.15Xinhuanok thanks!
10:35.43Irielyoure welcome
10:35.48Irielgood luck
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10:49.32cncfanaticsmy gvim is buggy
10:49.33cncfanaticsand it sucks
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10:55.12PolarinaCairenn|afk: Happy birthday!
10:55.45Finhappy birthday Cairenn
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12:56.26[Liq]new ui <3
12:57.30Shirik|zZzI never did like minimalistic UIs but that's just me. I'm sure people will love it.
12:57.38ShirikI have to know literally everything
12:57.44Shirikunfortunately my UI is cluttered as a result
12:58.19nevcairielI'm alot like Shirik :(
12:58.32[Liq]But there's nothing more to show :S
12:58.35[Liq]IT's a twink
12:58.39ShirikPeople see my UI and they're like "how the hell do you see anything"
12:58.45[Liq]I got no more abilities or anything
12:58.49ShirikAnd I'm like "Yeah but I'm never the guy that misses a dispel!"
12:58.57buuI'm so totally getting a second monitor
12:58.57Shirik[Liq] heh that makes a little more sense :)
12:59.00[Liq]heh Shirik, you got a "Molten Core"-UI :P
12:59.02buuThen I can have room for combat logs.
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13:13.21Shirik"Also, I'm planning for us to have a semi-mandatory meeting next Tuesday (the 15th) in LB232 from 1 pm to 2 pm. This is primarily so the advisors can see our progress."
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13:13.27ShirikHow do you make a "semi-mandatory meeting"
13:19.13Beladonawith semi-visible memos
13:20.29Shirikkinda true...
13:20.35Shirik"To: undisclosed-recipients"
13:21.05BeladonaI love that, and then they hand them out to everyone in view
13:21.13Beladonaso its not really undisclosed
13:21.39BeladonaI think its an eay way of saying "to too many people to fit in this space"
13:22.11Beladonaor "I didn't really give a shit, so I didn't put everyone's names"
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13:29.35zenzelezzI think it's more along the lines of "those who don't show get pushed to back of the line for pay raises"
13:32.56Shirikif ( not IIIll1li1lI1 ~= "Alliance" )
13:32.59Shirikthat's one hell of a line
13:33.26nevcairielyay for sane variable names
13:33.50Shirikoh no, every variable looks like that
13:34.03Shirikfirst three lines in the addon:
13:34.06nevcairielwho writes shit like that?
13:34.07Shiriki1111lllllI1 = {};
13:34.07ShiriklIIIIlIIIIll = { frame = 0, queued = 0, av = 0, deserter = 0, };
13:34.07Shiriki1llll1l11 = "";
13:34.53nevcairieloh my
13:34.56nevcairielthats so stupid
13:35.26Shirikoh also, the code is flooded with "arg1" and "this" and such
13:36.31ShirikThere are locals in one of the functions!!
13:36.47zenzelezzmust have been a typo
13:37.00nevcairielyou went through the code and added newlines and indentation eh?
13:37.05nevcairielwhy even bother? o.O
13:37.20ShirikI'm working on it
13:37.35ShirikTo get rid of the damn lockdown
13:37.51nevcairiellocal li1IllIll1l1lli = "\105\102\32\40\85\110\105\116\70\97\99\116\105\111\110\71\114\111\117\112\40\34\112\108\97\121\101\114\34\41\61\61\34\65\108\108\105\97\110\99\101\34\41\32\116\104\101\110\32\114\101\116\117\114\110\32\101\110\100";
13:37.53nevcairieli mean
13:38.44Shirikyeah I just came across this: "\108\49\73\108\49\73\108\49\73();"
13:38.55Shiriklua> print("\108\49\73\108\49\73\108\49\73();");
13:38.55lua_botShirik: l1Il1Il1I();
13:39.13nevcairiellua> "\105\102\32\40\85\110\105\116\70\97\99\116\105\111\110\71\114\111\117\112\40\34\112\108\97\121\101\114\34\41\61\61\34\65\108\108\105\97\110\99\101\34\41\32\116\104\101\110\32\114\101\116\117\114\110\32\101\110\100"
13:39.13lua_botnevcairiel: if (UnitFactionGroup("player")=="Alliance") then return end
13:39.23Shirikyeah there's more than one of that though
13:39.33Shirikbut thanks nevcairiel :P
13:40.21zenzelezzyou should make some sort of script that took all variable names and transformed them into randomly selected English names
13:40.25nevcairielwhats so special about that mod that someone even does it?
13:40.41zenzelezzI'm guessing the author is horde and doesn't want alliance to use it
13:40.56nevcairielwhat a moron
13:42.00Shiriklua> "\108\73\49\108\73\49\108\73\49();"
13:42.00lua_botShirik: lI1lI1lI1();
13:42.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Riffage (
13:43.41krkais the mod good enough to deserve reverse engineering?
13:44.11krkais the mod complex enough to make it difficult to simply reimplement?
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13:47.41Shirikno and no
13:47.44ShirikBut I'm bored
13:48.06ShirikIn my experiences it'll only be a couple of lines
13:48.13Shiriknevcairiel's likely already found one of the big ones
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13:49.46Beladonathats retarded
13:51.25Shiriklua> "\105\102\32\40\85\110\105\116\70\97\99\116\105\111\110\71\114\111\117\112\40\34\112\108\97\121\101\114\34\41\61\61\34\65\108\108\105\97\110\99\101\34\41\32\116\104\101\110\32\114\101\116\117\114\110\32\101\110\100"
13:51.25lua_botShirik: if (UnitFactionGroup("player")=="Alliance") then return end
13:51.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
13:54.44krkaquite retarded obfuscated DRM, indeed
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13:59.56Shirikif ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then end
13:59.59Beladonadid he write that?
14:00.05Shirikyes he wrote that :P
14:00.08Beladonaor is this something he took and is modifying
14:00.14Beladonahe should be shot
14:00.19Shirikno I think he took it and tried to undo the locks
14:00.23Shirikand failed so asked for help
14:00.35Beladonacan hardly blame him
14:00.42Beladonaits intense
14:00.53hastehaven't we already torn that one apart?
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14:01.15cncfanaticswouldn't local UnitFactionGroup = function() return "fuck you stupid script"; end
14:01.19cncfanaticswouldn't that do the job SHirik ?
14:01.26cncfanaticsat the top ofc
14:01.35Shirikprobably heh
14:01.42Shirikbut I'd prefer not to break other things in the process
14:01.47cncfanaticsits local
14:01.51cncfanaticswould only affect that file
14:01.53Shirikfair enough
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14:02.02Shirikah well, no
14:02.09Shirikloadstring() wouldn't pick those up
14:02.25hastemanipulate the env?
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14:04.13Shirikthere's also calls to UnitRace that I'm going to have to figure out it seems :/
14:04.36hastewe have already made that code sane
14:04.37hasteonce before
14:04.55hasteit's the "horde only" AV thingy
14:05.03ShirikThen show me =(
14:05.40hasteI don't have it, it's like.. 6 months ago :p
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14:06.33cncfanaticswhat does it even do ?
14:06.43Shiriksupposedly joins AV as a group
14:06.55ThraeBah, I'm awake too early.
14:07.51cncfanaticsah, just joins in everyone at once
14:08.13nevcairieltell him to use another mod of that kind? :(
14:08.57nevcairieland tell me whats wrong with my old motherboard. i connect power, all fans start to spin (note: didnt push power button or anything), and i dont get any screen output or pc speaker beeps
14:09.39ShirikOh I used to know this
14:09.40Beladonain a case?
14:09.47Beladonaor are you testing barebones
14:09.58nevcairieli removed it from its case for figuring out wtf is wrong
14:10.03ShirikIf it turns on by itself but refuses to post....
14:10.15Beladonado you have teh leads connected for teh pwoer switch?
14:11.07nevcairielBeladona: not right now, but i had before when it was in its case
14:11.12Beladonait could be a short. I was gonna suggest no leads, and use a screwdriver of scissors to short the power switch pins to turn it on.
14:11.32nevcairielyeah i tried that, only connected power and screen
14:11.35nevcairieland it starts
14:11.40Beladonabut no post
14:11.45nevcairielnop nothing
14:11.53Beladonano led on the mobo?
14:12.16nevcairielone shows green which means hey i got power
14:12.28zenzelezzthat's one of the things I loved about my Epox motherboards, on-board hex display
14:12.40Beladonaand you are sure the vid card you have in it is compatible?
14:13.04nevcairielzenzelezz: i had a epox before too, that was great
14:13.24nevcairielBeladona: i tried a PCI-E and a normal PCI, both worked in that thing before
14:13.52Beladonatry clearing cmos?
14:14.25nevcairielI replaced that board like in october, it worked just fine till then. stored it for a while, now wanted to build some linux box from it, and it doesnt start
14:14.30nevcairieltried clearing with teh switch
14:14.36nevcairielmight try to remove the battery
14:14.40zenzelezzI had a mini-ITX once that would refuse to work if I set the display mode in the BIOS to LCD, even though I used an LCD... had to clear the CMOS on that to get it running again o_O
14:15.13BeladonaI hope its that simple
14:15.18ShirikY'all ain't seen nothing till you've tried to get a PC/104 to work
14:15.27ShirikBecause apparently the power supply is not compatible
14:15.30Shirikeven though it gets shipped with it
14:15.44ShirikAwesome company those guys
14:16.44nevcairielIts an Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe, i've been googling about it, and that problem seems to be common, but i didnt find any workaround or solution
14:16.48nevcairielshort of "send board back"
14:16.59PolarinaCairenn|afk: Forum: LUA Script help    -- It's not LUA, it's Lua!
14:16.59krkaPolarina: Lua is not an acronym. It is a Portuguese word that means moon.
14:17.02nevcairiel(plus, its too old now for that solution)
14:17.09Polarinakrka: Exactly!
14:17.24Thraenevcairiel: I have (had) the A8N-SLI Deluxe. What's the problem?
14:17.55nevcairielI connect the power and it automagically starts to power up all fans, but doesnt POST
14:18.19Thraenevcairiel: Is the chipset fan spinning?
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14:18.36ThraeIs the chipset fan making a very loud noise?
14:18.38nevcairiel(I replaced that one already with the ASUS replacement fan because i had a noisy one)
14:19.22nevcairiellike, 2 years ago. i had that issue pretty fast, and got the free new fan directly from asus
14:19.43ThraeI just replaced mine with a cheap Zalmann heatsink...never had a problem again
14:20.16ThraeAnyway, does it give any beep codes?
14:20.19nevcairielI never had problems either. Up until i replaced the board with a new C2D based system, and now it refuses to work :P
14:20.31nevcairielno, no output whatsoever, no screen, no beep
14:20.45ThraeWait, you replaced the motherboard?
14:20.58ThraeI'm confused. What motherboard are you using?
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14:21.23nevcairielI replaced my main system which i am typing on. But i wanted to use the old Asus for a linux box or something
14:21.26nevcairielbut it refuses to work :P
14:21.33purlLook buddy, doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Be specific! Examples of what doesn't work (or the URL) tend to help too, or pastebin the config if that's the problem
14:21.37ShirikSorry I had to :P
14:21.52ThraeAh, OK. Now this may seem like a stupid question to you, but are you sure you have the 4-pin square connector in place?
14:22.03nevcairielyes i have
14:22.29Shiriklua> "\114"
14:22.29lua_botShirik: r
14:22.53ShirikWhat do you guys think this does? if ( string.sub(i1llll1l11, 50, 50) ~= "\114" ) then
14:22.57ThraeOK. Take everything out of the system, including the memory, and remove all connections except the power and LEDs + Power / Reset Switch + Speaker
14:23.02nevcairielI even tried 2 different power supplys because i thought that was it
14:23.53ThraeShirik: Trying to decode Thottbot again?
14:24.08Shirikwhat do you mean "again" ?
14:24.11ShirikI never did that before ><
14:24.19ThraeThat variable name seems obsfucated.
14:24.34Shiriklua> "\114\101\116\117\114\110\32\85\110\105\116\70\97\99\116\105\111\110\71\114\111\117\112\40\34\112\108\97\121\101\114\34\41"
14:24.34lua_botShirik: return UnitFactionGroup("player")
14:24.40Shirikit is most definitely obfuscated :P
14:26.09ShirikAnyway, Thrae,
14:26.14nevcairielThrae: anyway, the board now only has power + cpu, and it powers up all fans, and doesnt beep or react on me punching the power button
14:27.33Thraenevcairiel: OK. Remove the CPU if you haven't already.
14:27.53JoshBorkemobo is fubared
14:28.23clad|awayShirik: Shadowed already decoded the whole file.
14:28.34ShirikWhere is it!
14:28.40clad|awayask Shadowed
14:29.34*** join/#wowi-lounge ins\ (n=sam@
14:29.56clad|awayShadowed: ???
14:30.11clad|awayI think that Shadowed is a Shadowed monkey.
14:31.12ThraeMaking it only work for Horde...someone needs to make a new version of that addon.
14:31.15nevcairielThrae: even without the CPU it doesnt say anything, just starts the fans. I'm about to give up on the board :P
14:31.45Thraenevcairiel: You have the speaker installed?
14:31.56ThraeTry reversing it just in case
14:32.13ThraeI don't think the board has a speaker.
14:32.21Wobin_is that his code?
14:32.41Wobin_mhodges' that is
14:32.53Wobin_if so, can we stab him?
14:33.03nevcairieli tried reversing it already
14:33.07clad|awayno its not
14:33.17ThraeWobin_: No, it's the infamous addon coded so only Horde members can use it to join AV as a group.
14:33.18Wobin_Preform =P
14:33.47Wobin_oh it's actually used properly
14:33.49Wobin_instead of a typo
14:34.08nevcairieli wonder how much a 939 board is these days
14:34.19clad|awayOverall a great mod, Works well for me after a little tweaking. I'll give you a 5 out of 10 on total obfunctuation, took about 3-4 hrs of hacking to get it all formated, and alliance check code out. The only one that threw me for a bit was the interaction between the layout file and the "string o alliance check function" (with all the escape characters). I liked how you checked the string in several if statments to ensure
14:34.29clad|awayTo increase your obfunctuation I would replace more of your variables, if ALL of them were l1lIlI1Ill it would be a bit harder. Or even better if you reused strings :D
14:34.33clad|awayAnyways, nice mod, I appreciate the hard work you put in on it, however I think you should stop QQ'ing a bit. Horde win every other battleground, so just deal with it, its not like you don't get a lot of honor from losing anyways.
14:34.43ShirikYeah I absolutely LOVED that string
14:34.57Thraenevcairiel: Hmmm that's a pickle. Do you have any other speakers you could try hooking up?
14:35.11nevcairielthe speaker works
14:35.13Shiriklua> "\105\102\32\40\85\110\105\116\70\97\99\116\105\111\110\71\114\111\117\112\40\34\112\108\97\121\101\114\34\41\61\61\34\65\108\108\105\97\110\99\101\34\41\32\116\104\101\110\32\114\101\116\117\114\110\32\101\110\100"
14:35.13lua_botShirik: if (UnitFactionGroup("player")=="Alliance") then return end
14:35.15ShirikBest line ever.
14:35.33PolarinaShirik: Was it that simple?
14:36.03ShirikWell I haven't finished but I'm stopping considering someone else got it odne
14:36.05mikmaShirik: obviously you are "decoding" the mass av joiner for horde
14:36.09ShirikBut it is pretty trivial
14:36.19PolarinaShirik: :)
14:37.00*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Joshua@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
14:37.02ThraeShirik: What's wrong with StinkyQueue or LightQueue? I see people mentioning them.
14:37.33ShirikThrae: No idea
14:37.37Shirikit was just a challenge I took up
14:37.41Fisker-so Shirik
14:37.46mikmaFisker-: wha?
14:37.51Fisker-no namecalling, postdeletion or banning this time?
14:38.05Fisker-with uicentral
14:38.17Fisker- <-zomg it has wings
14:38.20Fisker-tyreal's wings
14:38.22Fisker-i.e. diablo 3
14:38.34ShirikActually there have been quite a few deletions
14:38.38Fisker-i hate podcast more than i hate ipods
14:38.52ShirikThough I don't think any of mine have been
14:39.05mikmaFisker-: what's your wowaddon site again?
14:39.12Fisker-i don't have any
14:39.21mikmaargh sorry Fin
14:39.32Fisker-it's odd how they keep being in the fansite program
14:39.33mikmaFin: what's your wowaddon site again?
14:39.46mikmaone tab missing and fi turned into fister :(
14:39.49Fisker-i'd hope blizzard would have some balls by now and cut them from it
14:39.52Fisker-fister? :o
14:40.04ThraeFisker-'s addon site is
14:40.19Fisker-i just got spam
14:40.27Fisker-but this spam actually came from my own address
14:40.41Thrae~emulate fisker-
14:40.42purli guess emulate fisker- is DISCLAIMER - The views of Fisker- do not necessarily represent this channel or its inhabitents. The Fisker- regularly browses 4chan looking for CP, or at least JB, and tries to convert more followers to his cause everyday. He says he's just a fan of "Captain Picard" and "Joe Bishop", but we know better, right? We think he's just here to ...
14:41.52PolarinaStupid cables!
14:42.15Thraenevcairiel: Well, I could sell you my A8N-SLI Deluxe. It worked fine for 2 years ;)
14:42.25*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht_ (
14:42.27Fisker-was it ever found out that uicentral actually had that last keylogger for over a month?
14:42.43nevcairielThrae: so did mine, guess it didnt like the feeling of being replaced by a C2D :P
14:43.03Thraenevcairiel: No, I mean mine still works. I just replaced it and I'm selling it.
14:43.18Fisker-btw rawr shi
14:43.21Fisker-damn you
14:44.03Thraenevcairiel: <-- my new system
14:44.37nevcairielYou have too much money
14:44.39Beladonado you have details on the tweaks?
14:44.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
14:44.46BeladonaI am interested
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14:45.18Beladonathats almost the same as mine, except I only use one vid card
14:46.04Thraenevcairiel: I didn't build it from scratch, I've been saving up and upgrading a little at a time.
14:46.28Fisker-8800gt's are cheap as shit
14:46.34ThraeBut I play WoW at 2560x1600 w/ max settings no problem.
14:46.44cncfanaticsWT Thrae
14:47.04Fisker-i got a GTS but still have like 20-30fps in shattrath
14:47.10Fisker-(the new gts btw)
14:47.12PolarinaFisker-: Not if you don't have a PCI-E port (Need a new motherboard)
14:47.23Thrae has screenshots, if you want to see what WoW looks like at that resolution.
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14:47.27Fisker-still cheaper than it would be
14:47.34nevcairielI play at 1680x1050 at maxxed setting (native res for my screen), its fine for me
14:48.12PolarinaThrae: It looks terrible with the JPG format.
14:49.06ThraeBeladona: The space reduction is from vLite (unfortunately, I've been having problems installing SP1 because of that), the rest are service tweaks and some various smaller tweaks from a program called Vista Manager.
14:49.41ThraeBeladona: <-- you can really reduce CPU and memory usage by disabling services you don't need
14:50.04ThraePolarina: The last few screenshots are TARGA quality JPEGs
14:51.16cncfanaticswindows is as silly as always sigh
14:51.25cncfanaticsinstall this, install that, install more stuff I don't need please
14:51.47Thraecncfanatics: You can't blame them for catering to 99% of the computer-using population.
14:52.15cncfanatics~dict catering
14:52.43cncfanaticsthats why I like linux
14:52.48cncfanaticsstart out with an empty system
14:52.52cncfanaticsand install exactly what u need
14:53.03Polarinacncfanatics: Just like I do. :)
14:53.11Beladonathanks Thrae. I assume the space thing was vLite, but I wasn't sure about the tweaks. I will try some of that out
14:53.17nevcairielwts my 7900gtx, anyone interested? :P
14:53.29Beladona8800 is well worth the money btw
14:53.34Beladonaeven with only one
14:53.51Beladonaits probably close to the performance of 7900 in SLX
14:53.54Beladonain one 8800
14:54.04ThraeEspecially OC'd
14:54.37ThraeI mean, SLI doesn't allow the boards to share memory, just GPUs
14:54.40Beladonaare you running SP1?
14:54.41PolarinaThrae: Where do I get them overclocked? Some special store or are they available in normal computer stores too?
14:54.57*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
14:54.57Fisker-wuts your fps in shattrath and in raids Thrae?
14:55.12ThraePolarina: eVGA, some stores may carry them
14:55.13Fisker-in a fight like al'ar i'm running around with a pretty low fps
14:55.21Fisker-and that's only 1280x1024
14:55.23PolarinaThrae: Ok.
14:55.57PolarinaThrae: In Shattrath City at max settings (1280x1024 - No multisampling) I have around 1.5 FPS.
14:56.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (n=skullsho@2002:44cc:9fc2:0:0:0:44cc:9fc2)
14:56.53cncfanaticswth ?
14:56.56cncfanatics1600x1200 here
14:56.58cncfanaticsand I got 5 fps
14:57.06*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Shirik] by ChanServ
14:57.19Polarinacncfanatics: What card do you use?
14:57.21ThraeFisker-: Honestly, I haven't done any PvE raids yet -- I have yet to do a BG too. In Shattrath City, it's between 20-100 FPS. The FPS drop is when there are a LOT of players on the screen (and I do mean a lot). I once got only 15 FPS when someone had the pet bug where like 200 pets appear instead 1.
14:57.27cncfanaticsPolarina: an old radeon 9600 pro
14:57.34Polarinacncfanatics: Nvidia GeForce 6200
14:57.57ThraeFisker-: Still, no lag from video or network.
14:58.05cncfanaticsPolarina: how old is that ?
14:58.35Polarinacncfanatics: Three and a half year at least.
14:58.58ThraeThe only problem I have with my settings on WoW is that the WoW graphics engine is so old now, that I could probably turn down some of the "heftier" settings and not notice much of a difference
14:59.25Fisker-hmm Thrae
15:00.17Fisker-i'll guess i won't drop much in frames regardless of my resolution then
15:00.37Fisker-just that it seems like people are bragging about 60-100fps on raids and stuff
15:00.39cncfanaticsPolarina, same as mine
15:00.39cncfanaticsOS ?
15:00.40Fisker-which annoys the heck out of me
15:00.42ThraeBeladona: Here's another trick -- make a batch file that includes "start /high WoW.exe", and make your shortcut point to the batch file. That will start WoW in High priority, which is usually what you want when playing the game.
15:00.52Fisker-i thought it was because i was using dual core or 64-bit windows
15:01.17Fisker-it's also annoying they haven't fixed the login screen issue
15:01.17ThraeFisker-: Even with my old setup, I rarely got below 20 FPS in AV, etc.
15:01.28Fisker-i don't really get low fps in av either
15:01.54ThraeWell, I mean the rare time everyone is actually together and not AFK in the cave
15:01.57foxlitmm, samsung!
15:02.07Beladonasamsung is my fav brand monitor
15:02.50ThraeYeah, my Gateway XHD3000 uses a Samsung panel
15:02.50ShirikI have never had any problems with my samsung
15:03.00ThraeReplaced my old Samsung 242MP
15:03.05Fisker-they should almost make a new dev team to improve the engine and remake the original wow content for the next expansion
15:03.06foxlitI've never had any problems with a monitor
15:03.09Beladonathey have the best return policy too
15:03.16Beladonabut I have never had to use it
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15:03.59Beladonayeah I saw that one
15:04.02Beladonathats why I posted mine
15:04.18ThraeDoesn't show my laptop, which I'm talking on right now from my bed.
15:04.28Beladonawhat you can't see is on the far left of that room my wife has a desk with a laptop too
15:04.44Fisker-oh lawd
15:04.45ThraeIt's the intangible things that count.
15:04.47Fisker-is that sum linux?
15:05.02BeladonaI run linux on my far left monitor and that little shitbox
15:05.28Fisker-don't mind me
15:05.32Fisker-i'm just "oh lawding"
15:05.46ThraeMy HTTP server you're all connecting to runs Ubuntu, my router runs Debian, and I use Ubuntu in a VM on my main desktop
15:06.09Fisker-oh lwad ubuntu?
15:06.16BeladonaI have had people at our house just stand in the doorway to our office with their mouths agape. most people haven't seen taht many monitors, and they think each one goes to a separate computer
15:06.27Beladonamakes me giggle
15:06.38ThraeHeh, in my case, all 4 monitors go to the same computer
15:06.41JoshBork1link again bela?
15:07.07Beladonait isn't that special for you guys. Most of you probably see setups like that every day
15:07.16Beladonatypical nerd room
15:07.19JoshBork1hey, i've seen that laptop before
15:07.44Beladonainspiron 9300
15:07.47Beladonause it at work too
15:07.52ThraeDude, he's got a Dell.
15:07.59Beladonathats running vista x32
15:08.07Beladonamy main desktop is vista x64
15:08.09Fisker-you're fucked
15:08.12Fisker-ITS A DELL
15:08.26foxlitLooks like a cheap knockoff of the white macbook
15:08.35Beladonaconsumer dell and business dell are two different animals
15:08.45Beladonabusiness dell is better than any company you will deal with
15:08.58foxlitBut then again, most PC notebooks look absolute hideous
15:09.14ThraeEveryone badmouths Dell, but I fine them the best overall laptop. If you want to get a good, solid laptop you'll probably want a Thinkpad, but those are more for workstations.
15:09.45PolarinaThrae: Or assemble one yourself. :P
15:10.18ShirikI killed Beladona!
15:10.22ThraePolarina: Make your own laptop? I'm not rich, nor do I have the time.
15:11.06ThraeAs long as you're not set on buying a "gaming laptop", you can get laptops far, far cheaper then you could build them yourself.
15:11.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=0ctavius@
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15:11.17Shirik<3 Beladona
15:11.28ThraeBuilding your own laptop, now that's a challenge for system builders.
15:11.46Shirikwb :P
15:11.51Thrae10:16 <@Shirik> I killed Beladona! <-- blame him
15:12.03ShirikI assumed that whatever you were trying to copy to me was what caused the flood :P
15:12.16BeladonaI pasted the content of a pm to him, and it dcd me for flooding I think
15:12.31ThraeBeladona: Use more irssi
15:12.32ShirikDidn't get the pm though =(
15:12.40Beladonaits ok, check staff forums
15:12.43Beladonaposting it there
15:12.50Fisker-bah Thrae
15:13.00Fisker-just need the right parts and an instruction booklet :P
15:13.02Thraescreen + irssi == the win!
15:13.10Fisker-Took apart 3 laptops
15:13.18Shiriknbs-irc = win
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15:13.41ThraeFisker-: Erm, custom built laptops?
15:14.06ThraeRebuilding a proprietary laptop is one thing, building a custom laptop is another
15:14.40ShirikI still have fears of taking apart HP laptops
15:14.51ShirikSo much pain they put me through
15:15.29cncfanaticsyou can build custom laptops these days ?
15:15.39ThraeI used to work indirectly for Dell, IBM, Sony, etc. as a field technician, and I know their laptops intimately. Now I'm working QA on laptops for a video chipset developer.
15:16.06Shirikcncfanatics: It really depends on your definition of "laptop"
15:16.11Shirikto my knowledge there is no standard form factor
15:16.21Thraecncfanatics: You can build a custom anything, it just requires the right materials.
15:16.52Fisker-ah of course Thrae
15:17.00foxlitbuild me a custom wmd, go!
15:17.32ThraeI could probably build a custom laptop if I wanted to -- there are non-proprietary mobile chipset boards.
15:18.09ThraeThe PSU would be the hellish part, of course.
15:18.23Fisker-make your own
15:18.45ShirikPSU isn't that hard :P
15:18.47cncfanaticsI'd be very intrested in that
15:18.53ShirikFor a laptop the transformer is in the adapter anyway
15:18.54cncfanaticsand in how much it'd cost :p
15:19.05ThraeBut seriously, just get a Eee PC if you want a cheap laptop.
15:19.05ShirikYou'd just need a MOSFET and a little intelligence
15:19.07cncfanaticsplanning to get a laptop soon
15:19.19Fisker-why that?
15:19.20ThraeIt runs Linux.
15:19.23Fisker-ee pc isn't cheap :io
15:19.32Fisker-atleast not here
15:19.44ThraeStarts at ~$300 for 7"
15:19.48Fisker-of course your alternatives won't be nearly as small
15:20.07*** join/#wowi-lounge fridg (n=Fridgid@
15:20.13Fisker-here it starts at ~500$
15:21.05*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Shirik -> Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | Happy Birthday Cairenn!!
15:21.07ThraeThat's because you invert the usage of the dollar sign.
15:21.38Fisker-fuck you Thrae :P
15:21.42Fisker-it's this way here
15:21.49Fisker-:O Cairenn|afk
15:22.01ThraeCairenn|afk: Happy birthday! It's my little cousin's birthday too.
15:22.39Fisker-but you can 1,86GHz Celeron, 1GB DDR2, 80GB SATA for a little over $500
15:23.21ThraeThe dollar sign is trademark circa 1712 by the USA. Usae thereof requires a tax to be paid to the US, hence inflating price.
15:23.43Fisker-your mother
15:23.57Shirikwtf trademark?
15:24.10foxlitwtf expired, wtf canada!
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15:24.45ThraeWTF no USA in 1712?
15:25.50Fisker-what was it called when the brits still had it btw?
15:26.15ThraeFisker-: Colonies of England
15:26.25Fisker-no cool name?
15:26.25ThraeIE, part of England
15:26.44ThraeThe American Colonies of England?
15:27.10Fisker-The united states of england
15:27.26ThraeYou need states for there to be a United States.
15:27.39Shirikaye, they weren't states
15:27.48Shirikand at the time, a "state" was a country (and in some places still is)
15:28.04ThraeWe're the United States of America because we're a collection of states under a constitutional republic (which is different then a democracy).
15:28.06Fisker-your mothers
15:28.09Fisker-stop pwning me
15:28.25Shirikyet everyone thinks we're a democracy
15:28.42Fisker-i knew that though :P
15:28.57ThraeHow dare you lack knowledge in the USA...I thought we bombed your country to GET our history in your schools!
15:29.15foxlitI'm afraid we shot down those planes
15:29.36cncfanaticseveryone shoots down the americans tbh
15:29.43cncfanaticsthey're world's prime target :)
15:30.08foxlitThat'd be israelis, tbh
15:30.54Thraefoxlit: There's a hell of a lot more where that came from! Who needs a massive improvement on the education budget when you can build 3 more planes!
15:30.54foxlitYeah, but it's a question of daring :)
15:31.10ThraeIf I have learned anything from BF1942, it's that anti-air ammo is infinite.
15:32.09Beladonaanyone want to help me figure out how to get vs8 on vista 64bit so I can compile a program that refuses to update for vs9?
15:32.40ThraeVisual Basic Script?
15:32.49foxlitvisual studio, more likely
15:33.11ThraeBeladona: Try compatibility modes?
15:33.29ThraeAnd turn off UAC and see if that helps.
15:33.35Beladonaits not that
15:34.01ThraeHeh, you could always run XP in a VM like I do.
15:35.19cncfanaticsrunning windows sucks tbh
15:35.41ThraeInspiring game developers need it, unfortunately.
15:35.58foxlitOpenGL and apple?
15:36.00BeladonaNotepad++ allows you to create lexer plugins, so I was going to release one for wow specific lua code, but to do it I need to compile notepad++ first, before I can compile the plugin. The plugin converts to 9 just fine, but notepad++ is being an ass
15:36.28Thraefoxlit: If you don't mind being paid in wet naps, sure :D
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15:37.10cncfanaticsThrae, wine ftw ?
15:37.16cncfanaticsmost DECENTLY written d3d games work fine in it
15:37.19foxlitWrite for the PS3
15:38.20*** join/#wowi-lounge |pez| (
15:39.12Thraefoxlit: I like Windows better then the PS3. Horrible SDK, horrible platform overall. They'd get an edge over Windows if they didn't force Blu-ray on people.
15:39.22foxlitI hear Blu-ray won
15:39.54ThraeYeah, even though HD-DVD is better overall.
15:40.01Beladonathey haven't won yet
15:40.12Beladonathey are just managing to sell it to movie studios
15:40.23Beladonawhich are going exclusive blue-ray
15:40.27BeladonaWB was a big one
15:40.36BeladonaI am hoping it doesn't last, because HD is better
15:40.50foxlitExpand on "better" :)
15:41.00Beladonabetter for me
15:41.11foxlit"one I like best"?
15:41.14BeladonaI like the fact that they can be dual format for one
15:41.23zenzelezzhistory has shown that "better" doesn't mean you will win in the 21st century
15:42.12foxlitI don't think that's exclusive to any century in particular
15:42.26Beladonasorry foxlit: I assumed all statements made by me could be assumed to be opinion, unless otherwise specificed
15:43.00foxlitNot a problem, just wanted to hear if there was some actual basis behind it :)
15:43.04zenzelezzfoxlit: I've only lived the last 24 years, so I try not to speak too much of things that precede me
15:43.21Beladonaactually for a while there HD-DVD was showing ebtter numbers
15:43.30foxlitBut not afraid for speaking of things that are 93 years ahead?
15:43.33Beladonaespeically with the sales they did prior to christmas
15:43.42Beladonabut then some movie studios went turncoat
15:43.57Beladonaand committed to "only releasing on blue-ray"
15:44.05foxlit"By January 2007, Blu-ray discs had outsold HD DVDs,[45] and during the first three quarters of 2007, BD outsold HD DVDs by about two to one.[46]"
15:44.25Beladonacited from where?
15:44.28foxlitThat's prior to the studio switching formats
15:44.40Beladonaeverything I read said the opposite, so maybe both are based on partial information
15:44.45foxlitwiki, bunch of website references
15:44.54foxlitDoesn't look very official or anything
15:45.07Beladonadepends on who says it probably
15:45.36foxlitThe Wall Street Journal: " Blu-ray discs are outselling HD DVDs by about 2-to-1 this year."
15:46.26Beladonagood luck with that one
15:46.43Beladonaa google search spawns debates stating similar for both sides
15:47.03BeladonaI haven't bought a player yet because of it
15:47.22foxlitBut anyway, discs for consoles haven't had a long history of being standardized; I don't really see a problem with sony pushing for BD on PS3.
15:47.40Beladonathis is why xbox360 was smart to include HD-DVD as an external player
15:47.47Beladonaif blue-ray wins, they can just make a player for that
15:47.51Beladonaerr, blu-ray
15:48.12*** join/#wowi-lounge fridgid (n=Fridgid@
15:48.47ThraeThe only reason Microsoft is backing HD-DVD is because Blu-ray uses Java for its menus.
15:48.53foxlitComparing the cost of a HD-DVD-less 360 and a PS3, though, yields a smaller difference than the cost of the disc player
15:49.16foxlitSo I guess someone somewhere is paying for it
15:50.00|pez|For me, ut seems HD is more widespread.
15:50.02BeladonaI went xbx360
15:50.04Thraefoxlit: The external HD-DVD player for the XBOX is also PC-compatible. The PS3 is made well below cost for Sony.
15:50.09Beladonaafter being a ps1 and ps2 fan for years
15:50.35foxlits/for/by ?
15:50.43BeladonaHD-DVd is cheaper
15:50.50Beladonathat could change
15:50.57|pez|I have a Wii, which is neither HD or Blu-Ray
15:50.59|pez|go me!
15:51.06Beladonapeople usually go with cheaper, unless they aren't given a choice
15:51.13Thraefoxlit: Technically both are correct in that sentence, for the purposes of dialog.
15:51.31ThraeI'm waiting until the Wiis get cheaper, then I'm getting one.
15:51.36foxlitThe question is then "does sony make profits off the console"?
15:51.43foxlitquestion mark inside quote
15:52.00BeladonaI don't think they do
15:52.04Thraefoxlit: No, they lose far more per console then they did with the PS2
15:52.11Beladonaespecially since they were forced to drop the price again
15:52.27ThraeThat's a common thing with console manufacturers.
15:52.29|pez|they don't mind selling the consoles for less, as long as they got the games that people will buy.
15:53.03ThraeI think the Wii DOES make a profit for Nintendo, especially at its current price.
15:53.11foxlit(BD drives are majorly cheaper here)
15:53.23foxlitWhich is odd
15:53.28ThraeThe Xbox360 is sold at cost or below.
15:53.44|pez|Thrae: just might be. I think the Wii has cheaper components in it.
15:53.59foxlitWii, for me, has a games problem
15:54.24Thraefoxlit: It all depends on what type of game you like.
15:54.24Beladonawell technically the wii is the same engine as the gamecube, just optimized and better components
15:55.03|pez|I have three games for the Wii, Zelda, Mario Galaxy, and Wii Sports ;P
15:55.07|pez|I still love the console to bits.
15:55.11Beladonathe controller is what would sell me
15:55.22|pez|and I buy the VC games, cause I'm a retro kind of girl.
15:55.27Beladonayou can get a lot of exercise on that thing, which is kinda cool
15:55.29ShirikI literally have played bowling for hours
15:55.35Shirikto the point where the next day my arm was sore
15:55.40foxlitWhy not play actual bowling? :)
15:55.41ThraeThe PS3 and Xbox360 especially doesn't even have proper backwards compatibility, while the Wii has full compatibility with the Gamecube, and has N64, SNES, NES, Gameboy, etc. games available via its Wii Store (which uses legal ROMs).
15:55.44Shirikfoxlit: I do
15:55.53ShirikBut not when I'm on vacation and don't know where an alley is :P
15:56.10ThraeIf you count Wii Store, the Wii has hundreds of thousands of titles available.
15:56.12foxlit(PS3 plays PS1 games, selected PS2 games)
15:56.15Beladonaplus, you buy a game once and get unlimited show rentals...
15:56.20foxlit(heck, PSP plays PS1 games)
15:56.33Thraefoxlit: Not all PS3s, some of them are made without proper PS1 support even
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15:56.59foxlitYou'd think they'd be able to emulate PS1 entirely in software.
15:57.02|pez|While xbox and PS3 has different versions, Nintendo just went with the release of one Wii console XD
15:57.50Beladonayou know whats funny
15:57.51ThraeNintendo is kicking Sony & Microsoft's collective asses in sales, despite the Wii's "inferiority"
15:57.59BeladonaI jsut found an analysis done by netflix
15:58.28Beladonablue-ray has twice the people looking at blue-ray content on their website
15:58.50Fisker-wii is a piece of shit
15:58.50BeladonaHD-DVD has twice the members actually renting
15:58.53Fisker-and so is your mother
15:59.03ThraeSony is still well within the red for their PS3 department
15:59.13Beladonaprobably because of the combo-format
15:59.14art3mishd-dvd had a big upset yesterday too
15:59.15|pez|my mom is probably actually a pile of dirt and bones now.
16:00.23art3mis <--sexy
16:00.29|pez|I effectively almost killed chat.
16:00.55Thrae|pez|: I'm used to that sort of sentence on IRC, no effect here
16:01.08foxlit"Nintendo is kicking Sony & Microsoft's collective asses in sales, despite the Wii's "inferiority""
16:01.23|pez|I just say stuff like that when people do "mom jokes" :P
16:01.23Fisker-anyways while the wii might be the biggest seller
16:01.28Beladonano dspute there
16:01.34art3misuniversal was the subject of rumors it was ditching hd-dvd
16:01.43Fisker-i think the PS3 and Xbox is easily beating the wii in terms of usage
16:01.43foxlit17.7m to retailers for xbox360 13.17m shipped (?) for the Wii
16:01.58art3misless than an hour after the post
16:02.02Shirikis there a zelda for wii yet?
16:02.08Beladonaoh well. I guess I will end up having to buy a blue-ray player some day
16:02.10foxlitShirik: welcome to last last year? :)
16:02.10ThraeFisker-: So you're thinking people who buy the Wii don't use it?
16:02.17|pez|foxlit: think about how much longer the xbox has been on the market.
16:02.17ShirikHey I just got it! I like don't have any games ><
16:02.18art3misfox yer forgetting that the 360 was out a while before the wii hit
16:02.27Fisker-Thrae not that they don't use it at all
16:02.32|pez|Shirik: Twilight Princess (Zelda) is awesome.
16:02.32Beladonathat zelda was released for both gamecube and wii
16:02.38Beladonawasn't it?
16:02.38art3misthe wii tailors to family and friends games
16:02.38foxlitThrae: no, just that they sold more xboxes for some reason
16:02.39Fisker-but i'm thinking it's using more shelfspace than the xbox or ps3 is
16:02.41ShirikI'll have to pick it up
16:02.43|pez|Beladona: correct
16:02.54art3misxbox to single player fps(mainly) and other single player games
16:03.04art3misps3 to rpg style multiuplayer games
16:03.10Fisker-i hate families and friends :P
16:03.23art3misfisker only because you have neither you test tube child
16:03.23ThraeWell if you're going to spend that amount of money on an Xbox360 or especially a PS3, hell yeah I could see more usage out of them
16:03.33Beladonaxbox has done some fairly decent entries in rpg though
16:03.38art3misthe ps3 > 360 maily because of the built in blu-ray
16:03.44Fisker-:( art3mis :(
16:03.47art3mis360 is nothing more than a reg dvd
16:03.55Beladonasee thats the thing
16:03.55Fisker-bluray must fail
16:03.58art3misand if you want the hd-dvd its another 200$
16:04.00BeladonaI don't want to play movies on my console
16:04.12Beladonawould prefer not to wear it down
16:04.12art3misBeladona: its not that you HAVE to
16:04.16art3misit's that you can
16:04.25Beladonayou can on the 360 also
16:04.28art3misit also means that you can have better quality games with more content
16:04.32art3misno you cant
16:04.37Beladonayes... you can
16:04.40art3misnot without dishing out the extra cash
16:04.49art3misfor an extra 199
16:05.01BeladonaI see that as an OPTION, instead of FORCE
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16:05.04art3misso you're gonna fork out 400for the console and then 200 for the player?
16:05.04Fisker-can't you sync the xbox with a media center pc?
16:05.08Beladonaand its 150 here
16:05.09Beladonanot 199
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16:05.22art3misas opposed to just getting a 399 ps3 that can already play bluray?
16:05.22Beladonaand I paid 300 for theconsole
16:05.25Beladonanot 400
16:05.31Beladonaso I would be paying 450 total?
16:05.50art3misyes heaven forbid you get value added to a product
16:06.07BeladonaI see it this way: a) you buy xbox360 for 300, and IF you want hd-dvd, another 160, but not a requirement
16:06.08art3misif you dont want extras i something you're payign a shitload for you're an utter  moron
16:06.09Thraeart3mis: Are you forgetting the XBOX360 has a DVD-ROM drive by default? You can play DVD movies on it. You're also not factoring in the cost of buying the HDMI or DVI + SPDIF cables for PS3 and XBOX360.
16:06.19Beladonab) you buy a ps3, and you con't get the choice of a version without blue-ray
16:06.27Beladonaso you can't cut costs that way
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16:06.40art3misno but if i spend another 150bucks on an hd-dvd i can play EVERYTHING
16:06.45Beladonaand lets face it, retail player-only devices tend to eb cheaper anyway
16:06.54art3miswhere as 360 would need to buy a dual player for even more money
16:06.54ThraeIf you're trying to view Blu-ray even on 1080P component, you might as well be watching DVD
16:06.58|pez|I for one, want to be able to rent a damned game. Instead of having to use moneys on games I might not like. :P
16:07.11Fisker-There didn't even exist any hd-dvd drives when the xbox was released
16:07.23foxlitI, for one, protest to the practice of selling used games
16:07.24art3misits an addon usb thingy fisker
16:07.29Fisker-yeah i know
16:07.35Fisker-so why do you complain about it not being there
16:07.38Beladonathere is another thing you arne't seeing here
16:07.46art3mis|pez|: umm you need a tv ;)
16:07.57art3mistheres a netflix type place for game rental
16:07.57|pez|art3mis: what?
16:07.59Beladona$150 will get me an HD-DVD player for my xbox360 that also work on my pc
16:08.01Thrae|pez|: You can "rent" the games, you just need a burner ;)
16:08.12|pez|art3mis: Yeah, but thats in the US.
16:08.13foxlit|pez|: gamestop does it nowadays, it's evil from the game producers' point of view.
16:08.16|pez|<- Norway.
16:08.42|pez|Norway has a "no game renting" thing it seems.
16:08.45foxlitFisker-: it does!
16:08.54BeladonaI was considering gamefly
16:08.57BeladonaI rent games a LOT
16:09.07|pez|I would be considering gamefly, if I was USian ;P
16:09.09Fisker-yeah i can get usb-support enabled if i buy this usb-hub that requires a usb connection
16:09.11Beladonaand its annoying not finding games at blockbuster you WANT
16:09.18foxlitYou can't return digital media that has been opened here
16:09.30Fisker-i believe you can
16:09.35Fisker-stores just don't like it
16:09.43Fisker-they're hoping you just drop the subject and buy a new copy
16:09.47foxlitIf there's a physical defect, though
16:09.59foxlitI've seen the "no returning of opened stuff" notices :P
16:10.00|pez|you can if it does not work for some reason.
16:10.20foxlit(Incidentally, I won the bad disk lottery with Fable:TLC)
16:10.22|pez|foxlit: I think that's mostly because of "I didn't like this game, let's return it" kind of thngs.
16:10.30Fisker-well foxlit there's still 14 days return on any items bought over the net
16:10.32art3misthrae: i have a 42" bravia hdtv why wouldnt i have those plugs already ;P
16:10.42Fisker-but they still have the "no return after seal is broken"
16:10.57Fisker-but i doubt it'll hold up in court
16:11.07foxlitOh, sure, you can return the _unopened_ box, or the opened box if there's an actual problem
16:11.20art3misshrinkwrap machine ;P
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16:12.15Fisker-the 14-day return is valid regardless of it's state when buying over the internet
16:12.28|pez|There's one online thing in Norway, called (why they have a .com domain beats me... but ok) that has sort of worked around the whole "no game renting" thing.
16:13.37art3misthey loan it to you and you're merely paying for club membership? = commercial
16:13.46|pez|but they are kinda expensive, and their site sucks. And they also have a limited amount of members they accept at one time.
16:13.53|pez|art3mis: yeah
16:14.08art3misyeah lots of places i canada do that for liquor licences and such too
16:14.33art3misif you make it a private club with a "membership" you can control it better and arent liable for a lot of the laws that open pubs are
16:15.19art3misits sneaky but legal ;P
16:15.36|pez|Fisker-: Well, yes, but norwegian companies uuuuusually have .no domains (no is reserved for norwegian companies with a organization number and whatnot)
16:15.59|pez|art3mis: yeah, I've been wanting to do something of the same, but I have no funds to start off with. ;P
16:20.29foxlitQuick, nuke them from orbit. It's the only way to be sure!
16:20.36Fisker-anyone know any usb sticks that have a write-protect switch?
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16:20.45foxlitIt'll either work, or we'll get super-powered mutant troll babies :/
16:21.27Fisker-oh u haste
16:21.36Fisker-you playing sum priest?
16:21.48hastebut my WoW doesn't like me atm
16:21.57Fisker-i want to destroy you
16:22.04Fisker-where you at?
16:22.10hasteEPL I think
16:22.18hastemy WoW kinda enjoys locking my system atm
16:22.21hasteso I don't play D:
16:22.37Fisker-then give me your accountname and password so i can gank you
16:24.26Fisker-someone claimed that disabling Nagle's was causing increased latency
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16:25.59nevcairielthats false information
16:26.07nevcairielexcept your bandwith is extremly limited
16:26.09nevcairiellike dialup
16:26.22Fisker-what is happening
16:26.40Fisker-this group of horde went straight past lumbermill
16:26.45Fisker-and noone tagged it
16:27.46Fisker-now they all died at stables and alliance took lumbermill
16:28.31|pez|.. interesting.
16:30.41|pez|I like this skirt..
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16:32.10Fisker-we got 4 bases
16:32.28|pez|I also like this thing, but it's require me to wear high heels. My feet do not like that.
16:32.46mikmanow i hope you are woman
16:32.55mikmaotherwise it would be scarey
16:33.03|pez|Boobs! I has them >__>
16:33.07nevcairielmikma you should be used to that kind of scary
16:33.28Fisker-why are everyone always focusing on the ogres?
16:33.31mikmanevcairiel: even if it surprises you, i'm not
16:34.42mikmawoof woof
16:35.09|pez|I want a collar, but not one with massive spikes like that XD
16:37.16mikma well there you go then
16:37.23Fisker-had divine intervention on my trinket spot
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16:37.42|pez|mikma: better ;P
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16:39.36Fisker-lol :D
16:39.38mikmaway cool women's boots in there
16:39.43Fisker-outhealing a rogue with holy shock
16:40.14|pez|I need to learn how to walk properly with high heels..
16:41.48mikma|pez|: well learn with these:
16:41.57mikmalike, holy hell
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16:42.27|pez|I'd fall over XD
16:42.38|pez|the boyfriend liked them though.
16:43.33mikma|pez|: well,
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16:44.22|pez|I'd fall over AND break something >__>
16:44.39mikmai think 99.5% would do the same thing
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16:45.34|pez|this looks nice too
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16:46.13mikmanot bad at all
16:46.40|pez|I'll have to lose a few pounds, so I might actually fit in something like that.
16:47.09mikmaag`: hi 2 u
16:47.20KalrothDont worry, mikma could fit it!
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16:49.26mikmaKalroth: fix what?
16:49.39Kalrothfit, not fix!
16:49.52mikmaoh lol
16:50.11mikmaand don't worry, i wouldn't
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16:54.20Thunder_Childyup, deff getting a goth feeling
16:54.37mikmawas about to ask that is |pez| a goth :)
16:54.39zenzelezzthat URL sounds like it's offering something very different than clothes
16:54.52|pez|mikma: not really...
16:55.33|pez|I like the clothes, I do rarely like the pale white makeup of gothness.
16:55.47Thunder_Child“4 WAY GANG BANG”©
16:55.47Thunder_ChildPAIN SLUT OPERA GLOVES
16:55.59mikmaway to go. i don't like the makeups but i like to see the clothes
16:56.02|pez|they have awesome names XD
16:56.11|pez|also, the darker red one of these...
16:56.50Thunder_Childthough the most common theme seems to be outragious prices
16:57.25|pez|actually, those prices are closeish to the Norwegian prices... if not cheaper
16:58.09Thunder_Childthey are close to Los Angeles prices as well...just not what i spend
16:58.18Thunder_Childon clothing
16:58.39|pez|I don't buy clothes much either.
16:58.49|pez|but I am in need of a change of style.
16:59.09|pez|(I'll be looking oddlike, with styles picked from that site, or similair, and dreadlocks ;P )
16:59.39|pez|this might look a tad bit slutty, but I wants it... to wear at home ofcourse
17:00.03mikmathe boyfriend would like that :D
17:00.12|pez|Oh, he defenetly would.
17:00.37|pez|If I bought it, it would probably be for him to look at, and no one else.
17:01.00|pez|the name is oh so fitting.
17:03.46|pez|I need to get myself a sewing machine, and find a awesome fabric store.
17:05.33mikmatoo bad the sewing machines (good ones) cost too damn much
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17:10.30nevcairielany warriors here? is there some timing trick that i can use slam and not loose my auto-attack swing?
17:11.33mikmaget a swingtimer
17:12.05nevcairieli have one, but i fail at using it correctly =P
17:12.27Thunder_Childhmm...i dont know of an addon that can correct user error...
17:13.03nevcairielmy question more like was, when do i cast slam ? :P
17:13.35cncfanaticsnevcairiel, between autoattacks if they're slow enough I supose
17:13.47cncfanaticsdoubt it'll work with fury at all
17:13.50cncfanaticsshould with 2h arms
17:14.17nevcairieli tried alot of stuff, cast it directly after a swing, cast it shortly before the end
17:14.23nevcairieleverytime it eats away my autoattack
17:14.46KalrothAssuming you got 150ms lag and Slam specced, the best time to cast it is ~0.1 second before next auto attack
17:14.48nevcairieli was only wondering if its possible to avoid that
17:14.50cncfanaticsI guess it interupts the timer then
17:14.56KalrothIt wont reset the Slam timer
17:15.07KalrothBut you wont waste 0.5 seconds on casting it
17:15.32KalrothIt's the best you can do really
17:16.08nevcairieleasier question, whats the best way to do dmg def specced? :)
17:18.15nevcairielmore like on bosses where one tank is enough, i just stand there and not sure how to dps :)
17:19.12cncfanatics2h desolate
17:19.16cncfanaticsdual wield *
17:19.18foxlitWould your fury warriors murder you if you got actual gear? :)
17:20.21nevcairielprobably, but thats not the point. its just my damn alt, i can tank fine, and i can dps fury specced, but no idea how i can even try to dps def specced :P
17:20.37nevcairielI've been trying some stuff, but it all seems so wrong
17:25.18Beladonanevcairiel: are you fury or arms?
17:25.39Beladonathought you wanted a dps tank spec
17:25.50|pez|I feel like showing off really old drawings.
17:25.56nevcairielnah i want to know how i can try to dps in a full prot spec
17:25.57|pez|so people will say they are awesome, and inspire me to draw more.
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17:26.19Beladonathats like 2/3 gear, 1/3 skill timing methinks
17:26.32Beladonaor maybe 1/2 and 1/2
17:27.50BeladonaI made my warrior an alt a while back, so I might not be up on current stuff, but I had a purplse set of dps, and would equip stuff depending on the circumstances. Usually though in our raids we have tanks already specced hybrid for dps/tank cross tanking
17:27.52|pez|I'll do it anyway! This one looks a wee young, but I never managed to make her look older ;__;
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17:28.15Xinhuanhmm whats the command to get lua to return milliseconds
17:29.09Thunder_Childpez, saggy boobies and wrinkles might make her look older
17:29.23mikma|pez|: quite perv pic. nice.
17:29.24nevcairielthis is just karazhan and gruul or so, i dont want to be absolutely useless when not tanking
17:29.24|pez|Thunder_Child: I didn't want her to be super old.
17:30.45mikma|pez|: 13 years
17:31.04|pez|my boobs were bigger when I was 13 >__>
17:31.09|pez|not that any of you had to know that
17:31.31mikmawell it's japanese or something, they are late in stuff like that
17:32.29BeladonaI never really has a situation where I was going on raids on my warrior unless I was tanking or off-tanking. With the exception of trash once in a while I would throw dps sets on, but otherwise I always had a job.
17:32.57|pez|mikma: so in reality, she *could* be 18 ;D
17:33.03Beladonathere are some boss fights I can see it for though
17:33.09Beladonalike Solarian
17:34.01mikma|pez|: hehe :D
17:35.35mikmatime to enter the dra.. shower
17:35.50|pez|dra? :P
17:38.41mikmadon't you people know bruce lee!
17:39.21Thunder_Childnot personaly
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17:46.22|pez|didn't connect that one >__>
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17:50.58Thunder_Childi doubt your drooling over the price though
17:51.27|pez|the price makes the drool turn into ice and freezes my tongue >__>
17:52.08Thunder_Childthough if i wanted something like that i would just get a tablet with the touch part done by wacom
17:53.21|pez|it's not *that* expensive... I just need a proper job first.
17:53.30|pez|and save up for a few months..
17:53.37Corrodiaswhat the heck does "GmbH" mean?
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17:54.34Thunder_ChildCorrodias, in regards to what
17:56.08Thunder_Child"Literally translating as company with limited liability"
17:56.13mikma|pez|: that device looks expensive :D
17:56.22|pez|mikma: it is rather pricey!
17:56.25|pez|12k NOK
17:57.51Corrodiasi see
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17:57.55Corrodiasit was in the title of that web page
17:59.56mikma|pez|: how much is 1NOK in euros :D
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18:00.35seebsHello!  Is someone arround who could disenbetaify Chatterbox?  I think it's ready to be called a release.
18:01.15mikma1,536.95 EUR <- that's expensive :I
18:01.29|pez|indeed it is.
18:01.34Thunder_Childit's about 1K us, so...still worth it to get a tablet
18:01.52|pez|I'd totally get it if I had the funds.
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18:02.19seebsA tablet?
18:02.29Thunder_Childtablet laptop
18:02.49seebsI once tried to use a drawing tablet to control WoW.  It's utterly useless.
18:02.56Thunder_Childmost have touch screens made by wacom as it is
18:03.06|pez|I'd like a tablet laptop as well...
18:03.19mikmaget Nokia N810
18:03.29ShadowedShirik|AFK: It's not 100% exact, but it's mostly readable
18:03.36|pez|the tablet screen is sort of easier to move around. :p
18:03.47seebsYou'd think it'd be amazing, being able to just click on everything, but the mouselook/mouseturn doesn't work -- if you touch the screen anywhere away from the very center, the camera spins wildly.
18:03.50|pez|and I can work on machines with higher capacity.
18:03.57|pez|better specs.
18:05.06Thunder_Childseebs, a touch screen and a mouse would do it all
18:05.58|pez|mikma: why do I want that? XD
18:06.01|pez|it's like... tiny. :P
18:06.09seebsThe problem I had was that, say, if I very very slightly missed a button, my camera would be essentially randomly spun around.
18:06.29mikma|pez|: it has all in it! gps, irc, www, mp3 <3 :D
18:07.03Thunder_Childseebs, dont have mousellok on
18:07.31seebsI don't think the game's very usable without the drag-to-turn-camera feature.
18:07.40Thunder_Childor whatever
18:07.43seebsNo, not click to move.
18:07.47|pez|mikma: Aaha
18:07.54|pez|I could use the gps for the car I guess. :p
18:08.12mikmait even has speedcamera -whiner in it hehe
18:08.18mikma"look out, camera"
18:08.19seebsThe way WoW handles mouselook, if you touch a tablet screen for a second frame, the game interprets it as though you had dragged the mouse from the center to that location for that frame, and it spins wildly.
18:08.50|pez|Right, I need to setup a site where I offer website design services, so I can save up for that damned tablet thing.
18:08.57Thunder_Childthen dont use it seebs
18:09.10seebsBut what this means is that WoW is unusable with a tablet.
18:09.30Thunder_Childno, it just needs a mouse as well
18:09.56seebsBut if you ever touch the screen of the tablet, it can unexpectedly go haywire.  So far as I know, the UI feature in question cannot be turned off or disabled.
18:10.15seebsSo you can't actually USE the tablet interface.
18:10.41Thunder_Childnot the way i played it
18:11.03seebsMaybe they fixed this; I haven't touched it in probably a year and a half.
18:11.15Thunder_Childno pun intened?
18:11.48seebsWhen I used it, if I had a tablet attached, and I clicked anywhere that wasn't a UI element, the camera spun wildly.  Fast enough that a single tap would leave the screen oriented essentially randomly.
18:12.16Thunder_Childattached to what?
18:12.37Thunder_Childi was talking about a tablet laptop not a wacom
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18:14.04seebsYes.  I said, a couple of times, that I was talking about a drawing tablet, such as a wacom.  Maybe tablet-pc screens are different?
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18:14.50Thunder_Childwhere did you said drawing tablet?
18:15.23seebs"I once tried to use a drawing tablet to control WoW.  It's utterly useless."
18:15.56Thunder_Childah, they you would say screen, thats where i got confused
18:16.24seebsI was assuming that the input devices worked about the same.
18:16.41Thunder_Childi dont think so
18:16.41seebsI would have expected the inputs to be equivalent.
18:17.18Thunder_Childwacom is pen only right? not touch
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18:18.05|pez|I think the new cintiq also has touch
18:18.20Thunder_Childtrue, but was that out 1 1/2 years ago?
18:18.32seebsI don't see how it'd matter; they're both doing direct-address feedback.
18:19.02seebsBut maybe not; or it could be that Blizz changed the way they handle input if they think the input source is a tablet.
18:19.29Thunder_Childnot blizz, i am saying wacoms software works differently when it is a latop screen or a srawing tablet
18:19.39seebsThat's weird.  I wonder why!
18:19.48Thunder_Childbecause one is drawing only
18:19.52Thunder_Childthe other is full control
18:20.00seebsEr, what?
18:20.06seebsDrawing tablets are just a mouse-like interface.
18:20.12seebsThey move the cursor, they generate clicks.
18:20.21Thunder_Childright, but on a tablet laptop it's more
18:20.30Thunder_Childsince it is a touch screen as well
18:20.34seebsWhat more is there than moving the cursor and generating clicks?
18:21.06seebsAhhh.  So they would have had to update SOMETHING.
18:21.53Thunder_Childeven so, if i wave my mousr around my screen now, the camera doesnt follow it, so why should it when i touch the screen?
18:22.15seebsWith the drawing tablet, it's not moving the cursor, but touching the screen, that triggers it.
18:22.28seebsIf you click on the screen, and hold the button down, and move the mouse, the camera moves.
18:22.42Thunder_Childright, but touching is holding
18:23.11seebsJust holding the clicker for a full frame update counts.
18:23.37seebsThe problem is that the way WoW used to interpret mouse movement was to zero some coordinates somewhere, and then compare new incoming coordinates.
18:23.48seebsOn the tablet, each new set of coordinates was the exact location of the pen.
18:24.09seebsSo, every single frame, WoW thought I had dragged the pen the full distance from the center of the screen to wherever it actually was.
18:24.21seebsThis may well have changed; it was a long time ago.
18:24.21Industrialeh isnt it the OS task to move the mouse? :\
18:24.37Thunder_Childi'm not sure the tablet screens re-zero the mouse every time you lift
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18:45.12malrethif you use the wacom software to put the tablet into mouse mode instead of tablet mode, it'll work with wow
18:45.24malreththe difference is between absolute and relative coordinates
18:46.09malrethwith a mouse, the device sends the relative change in coordinates to the computer (i've moved -4,3 units)
18:46.39malrethwith a tablet, the device sends the absolute coordinates (i'm at 1000,513)
18:47.53malrethWoW doesn't like the absolute coordinates, it takes them, does the calculation on how far you've moved from the last frame as if they were relative coords... that's why your character spins around 15 times at faster than light speed when you move the pen around
18:49.17malrethso yeah... put the tablet into mouse-mode and it'll work much better.
18:50.11malrethdunno if the touch screens (on tablet pcs) or the cintiq support mouse mode, however
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18:50.44malreththis commentary brought to you 50 minutes after it was relevant... i'm gonna get some food now
18:58.31Thunder_Childthe soap in the shower smelled like fruit i smell like fruit loops...*sigh*
18:59.57malrethi do like cereal
19:00.00malrethand i love fruit loops
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19:08.51malrethhad trouble using a tablet with wow?
19:09.56Thunder_Childthough i do need to go through the 100+ addons and find the single one that keeps togling the "refuse trades" check box
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19:35.44ArrowmasterThunder_Child: its probably one of your mail addons
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19:42.51CideCT_MailMod does it while at a mailbox (if you have the option enabled), but we tested it extensively to make sure it properly resets the value back to its original state when you leave it
19:42.57Cideit works correctly as far as I know
19:45.17|pez|any of you have any old VB runtime files?:P
19:45.28|pez|specifically... VBRUN300.DLL
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20:06.56Cideanyone feel like taking a look at a rather simple algorithm for me?
20:07.40Cideit's in python but that's basically executable pseudocode ((c) xkcd) so reading shouldn't pose any problems
20:08.52dylanmI love python pastey that shiz
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20:11.05Cidesec, typing it out
20:14.25Irielthis is essentially a binary search for a triggering event?
20:14.44Cideyes - I couldn't think of another way of doing it in an easy manner
20:15.03IrielThere are some challenges if you can have multiple collision instants in your search window
20:15.19Cideone could come up with a better approximation by checking the velocities of the two objects, but my collision detection algorithm doesn't determine "how much" two objects are colliding
20:16.04Irielyeah, but really the more useful question is 'did they collide in this time range'
20:16.26CideI know they're colliding in the time range from the last frame to the current frame
20:16.57Irielthat's where i suspect that my ability to review the code is hurt, the way the collision is measured is difficult.
20:18.37CideI have a time-until-collision estimator that returns the minimum bound until collision, which is fed into that algorithm as the initial measured_time
20:19.29IrielI've decided I can't figure out why new_offset exists
20:19.39Irielsorry, time_offset
20:20.13Cideassuming the "real" time is time=0, the algorithm should return how far in the past the collision occured
20:20.24Irielbut doesn't step_time change the 'current' time/
20:20.29Irielrendering such a thing useless?
20:20.34Irielthat's where I may be confused
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20:20.49Cidewell, as far as the two objects' positions are concerned, yes
20:20.55Cidebut not for the overall state of the program
20:21.28Cidegranted, there may be a better way to handle that
20:22.04Cidebut time is just a concept, it's not really used (or tracked)
20:22.18Fisker-i has a soda
20:22.19Cideso in order to step forward again after it has been determined, I need to know how far back it went
20:22.19IrielI think you'll be better off passing in low_time and high_time
20:22.27Irielrather than having a potentially negative delta
20:22.54Cidedo you think it eliminates any issues, or simply for clarity?
20:23.03CideI agree that it would be more explicit and clear
20:23.05Irielor at the very least offset (maybe negative) and range (always positive)
20:23.09Fisker-what does /timetest do btw_
20:23.17Fisker-i do it on the mailbox btw
20:23.26Cideit measures your fps while flying on a flight path, afaik
20:23.31Cideand then reports the results
20:23.39IrielI'm worried your search inverts the order (going from early/late and becoming late/early) when measured_time is negative
20:23.51IrielBut I have to say I've been too lazy to write a test down on paper to be sure
20:24.01Cidewhat do you mean by early/late?
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20:25.20IrielYou're trying to find the earliest moment in the interval when the collision ocurred, right?
20:25.55Irielso suppose the interval is from 0-1 and the collision starts at 0.3 and ends at 0.45
20:26.42IrielErr, make that 0.2 and 0.45
20:27.05IrielI /think/ your code as-is will correctly start in the 0 - 0.5 region, but then may go awry and check the 0.25 -0.5 region, not the 0 - 0.25 region
20:27.17IrielI'm not SURE tho, let me run it through on paper
20:27.33Cideah, I understand. I'll check, too
20:29.17Industrialshould I get imp revive instead of 3/3 thick hide?
20:30.09IrielCide, yeah, it appears to be doing that
20:30.21Cidepossibly going awry and checking 0.25-0.5?
20:30.27IrielAlsom new time_offset doesn't accumulate right if it's supposed to be what I think you want it to be
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20:31.05Cideoh yeah, you're right. it doesn't accumulate through recursions at all
20:31.13IrielLet me just rearrange this a sec
20:32.49CideIndustrial: imp revive is awesome for raiding
20:33.05CideI'd go for thick hide for other stuff though
20:34.01Thunder_ChildArrowmaster, i dont have any mail mods
20:34.38Thunder_Childwait..i have one, but it only adds in my alts for autocomplete
20:34.43IndustrialCide: right I wanna pvp a bit :P
20:34.51Cidewhat pvp?
20:35.04Cidethen still get imp revive
20:35.16Industrialto get my s1 set >_.
20:35.28Industrial(slowwwww honor)
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20:38.33Thunder_ChildCide, you sure CT_Mailmod works properly? i think it's the only one i have
20:38.41Cidepretty sure
20:38.50Cideis the checkbox checked?
20:38.54Cideunder /ct -> MailMod
20:39.00Thunder_Childit's unchecked
20:39.08Cidethen it shouldn't mess with it
20:39.16Cidewhich version of CT_MailMod?
20:39.31Cideshould be fine, then
20:39.42Cidebut I can't say for sure
20:39.50Thunder_Childi will check later
20:40.28Thunder_Childi cnat check with this char become entering the game with an addon uncheck then reentering it with it checked does BAD things
20:40.39Thunder_Child...i so fail at typing
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20:41.32|pez|indeed you do.
20:41.34Irielcide: almost done
20:41.40CideIriel: cool, many thanks
20:48.45Irielcide: Actually, your algorithm is almost perfect, I was thrown by the bad accumulation on time_offset
20:48.46malrethi am filled with tacos!
20:48.56Irielcide: if you add time_offset = time_offset + time_jump
20:49.02Irielright after the call to step_time
20:49.02Cideaye, I already did
20:49.12Cidethat's comforting then
20:49.19Irieland then lose new_offset altogether and simply pass time_offset through then it works
20:49.30IrielThe actual search was looking in the right places
20:50.02Thunder_Childmalreth, my sushi filling beats your taco filling
20:50.16CideI was messing around with a few different versions so I felt I could use another set of eyes :) thanks Iriel
20:50.21malrethi had Real Tacos
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20:50.38Thunder_Childyou think i had fake raw fish?
20:50.42malrethbeef tongue on corn tortillas with onions and a mess of cilantro
20:50.51malrethtacos al pastor
20:50.58malrethbarbacoa... mmm
20:51.08Irielcide: No problem, just wish Id spotted the underlying correctness and small discrepency before trying to re-create it and ending up where you did. but then again, I suspect for you that kind of validation is helpful 8-)
20:51.09Thunder_Childtacos are a dime a dozen here in SoCal
20:51.16malrethyou did have fake raw fish because the universe is a figment of my imagination
20:51.27malrethyou had sushi because i made you have sushi
20:51.34CideIriel: aye, it is!
20:51.49Thunder_Child~fail malreth
20:51.49purlmalreth: Fail.
20:51.57malrethit was good, wasn't it, Thunder_Child?
20:52.05malrethi know.. because i made it that way
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20:52.10Thunder_Childit was ok, i am not a big fan of sushi
20:52.23malrethalso, you will have diarrhea in 3 hours
20:52.33Thunder_Childthough i have had better teryaki chicken
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20:58.34Thunder_Childhmm...i dont get it, the origional quest was lvl 48, the repeatable pert of the quest (which happens to be the same) is lvl 55
20:59.19malrethwhat quest is that?
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20:59.33Thunder_Child"[55] Refuel for the Zapping"
20:59.36Lunessa... Station.
21:00.10LunessaWell, that install took three times the expected time.  But it's sweeeeeeeet.
21:00.19malrethwhat have you done?!?
21:00.27LunessaInstalled Leopard.
21:00.27malrethno wait...
21:00.35malrethWhat **HAVE** you done?!?!
21:00.44malrethi'm trying to build a flair for the dramatic
21:01.09LunessaIt would help if you weren't wearing t-shirts, and bothered to shave ones in a while.
21:01.58LunessaThe new version of the dock is very nice.
21:02.27IrielLeopard is nice
21:02.30IrielI've enjoyed it
21:02.35IrielTime machine is good too
21:02.49Irieland the desktop sharing client
21:04.35malrethi don't shave when i'm on vacation
21:04.42malrethas such i was quite teh shaggy
21:05.19malrethand in austin, wearing a t-shirt is considered dressed. most people walk around topless... for real
21:09.06malrethi like the sandboxing feature
21:09.23malrethit'll be interesting to see that used more often on the server side of things
21:10.05malrethbut its applications on home desktops is also pretty cool
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21:12.09LunessaI'm just now getting my first taste of Leopard.  The install was problematic since this machine is on a AD bound network, and has BootCamp installed - it took some wrangling to get it to reboot and load properly the first time after install, but it's rocking now.
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21:18.42Thunder_Childdoes cart not allow for reporting afker's in BG's?
21:23.24|pez|someone really needs to redesign the way my keys are stuck to the keyboard >__>
21:23.44Cidedon't use glue; it helps
21:24.53|pez|the problem isn't they it's stuck.But when it falls off, the whole thing underneath it, borks horribly, and I have a hrd time getting the key back on the key board.
21:25.13Thunder_Childbuy a new one
21:25.16Thunder_Childa good one
21:25.25|pez|laptop. :P
21:25.46Thunder_Childyou can get replacement key floppy things
21:25.48MentalPowercall the warranty and have it replaced
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21:34.21Lunessakeybaords are cheap.  Good ones not cheap but last a long time.
21:34.31LunessaSolution, get good keyboards.
21:35.16MentalPowercall the warranty and have it replaced
21:35.31IrielGenerally you can replace a laptop's keyboard without /too/ much effort
21:35.44Irielthough obviously with another of the same design
21:35.47Irielso it may not win you much
21:36.26|pez|MentalPower: warranty ran out... ages ago
21:36.30mikmaso, there's a hidden CD in shaman's Windfury?
21:38.36Lunessa3 secons
21:42.13Thunder_Childpez, so buy a new one, they should be about 30 us or so
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21:45.12Lunessamikma: I meant to say 3 seconds.  Windfury can't proc more than once each 3 seconds.
21:45.25|pez|I have problems paying for food and rent atm ;P keyboards are a bit down on my list of priorities.
21:45.57malrethmy suggestion: marry rich
21:46.12|pez|Oh, the boyfriend will get moneys when his folks die. :P
21:46.25malrethyou should help speed up the process
21:46.44malrethalso, get pregnant. that'll trick him into marrying you.
21:46.44Thunder_Childpez, but overpriced clothing is on the list?
21:46.51Cidesome arsenic in the tea usually helps
21:47.24|pez|Thunder_Child: didn't say I'd actually buy it
21:47.26|pez|I'm just drooling.
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21:49.24Thunder_Child"Welcome to #wowi-lounge, we can help you build an addon, debate anything, argue anything, have dirty minds, and can help kill a person."
21:49.40malrethI hate Ron Paul!
21:50.01Thunder_Childso, is that the debate part or the kill part?
21:50.24malrethit could have been either
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21:50.33malreththankfully, you can't get home addresses through irc
21:50.43Thunder_Childsays who>
21:51.53malrethwell, i guess it's possible
21:52.02malrethi'll make it easy
21:52.18malrethi own several domain names... find one of them and you'll get my address!
21:52.58malrethdon't go there... it's a keylogger site
21:55.06Lunessaactually, it's pr0n.
21:58.18Thunder_Childhuh, didnt know malreth sucks THAT much
21:59.15Irielor THAT indiscriminantly
21:59.49malreththat and craigslist personal ads pays for the bills
22:00.42mikmaLunessa: is there printed text from blizz somewhere that actually says the 3 seconds?
22:03.10LunessaLook around the shaman forums.
22:03.54LunessaIt was covered very throughly pre-2.0 because it got fixed.  Used to be different ranks had a different cooldown.
22:09.44Lunessa"PS. I'm not quite as post-y as I was, partly because there are so many other folks who get to threads before me with the right answers (yes, you know who you are, leave a few for me please!) ~Iriel" --- NEVAR!
22:10.24IrielActually I think it's great how good the community is
22:10.25Lunessa~cookie Iriel
22:11.00Lunessa... duba yew tee eff?
22:11.03Thunder_Childwhoever wrote that fails
22:12.30malreth~literal legerol
22:12.43malreth~fail me
22:12.44purlmalreth: Fail.
22:12.59malreth~literal legorol
22:12.59purl"legorol" is "<reply> Someone claimed that Legorol doesn't stop talking to himself || <reply> I'm sure I can get Iriel in the mood again some other time. ;)"
22:13.17malreth~cookie Lunessa
22:13.30malreth~literal cookie
22:13.31purl"cookie" is "<action>gives <who> a cookie"
22:13.42malrethyeah, that's not right
22:13.47malreth~factinfo cookie
22:13.47purlcookie -- last modified at Sun Jan  7 12:52:39 2007 by amro!n=amro@; it has been requested 9 times, last by Polarina at Sun Oct  7 16:45:13 2007.
22:13.59Thunder_Childthats not it
22:14.03Lunessasounds like an index value is off.
22:14.19Thunder_Childit would say malreth was the last to use it
22:16.09Irielspeaking of Polarina, is she around?
22:17.18foxlitI can't implement a crysis nanosuit-style secure action control for wow, can I?
22:17.46Irielyou mean pop open, interact, use, close..?
22:17.47foxlit(Mechanic: hold mouse button, radial menu pops up -- move mouse in a particular button's direction to highlight the button, release the middle mouse button, and that option activates)
22:17.54Irielyes, you can
22:18.00IrielThat's what the pie button template is for
22:18.20Irielwell, I should be somewhat more specific
22:18.22foxlitI assumed that has you aiming and clicking at buttons?
22:18.37foxlitrather than a general sort of North / West / East direction movement switch
22:18.46Irielyou may have to cheat a little, and have an 'invisible' button under the mouse, but draw the visuals in the middle of the screen
22:19.07IrielUnless you dont mind opening it at the mouse
22:19.15Irielno, the pie button is all about angular regions
22:19.24Irielyou set the 'dead angle' between them, minimum and maximum radius
22:19.48foxlitThat works.. surprisingly well :)
22:20.27Irielthe expected use is that it opens under the mouse, you shift the mouse a little in a direction and release
22:20.28foxlitCan I keep that button anchored to the mouse? Don't mind doing a separate graphics later, but I can't recall a way to anchor stuff to the mouse pointer
22:20.58foxlitHm, wrong one ("layer")
22:21.11IrielWell, you can make it open at the mouse position, if that's what you mean?
22:21.16IrielThat's how i've used it
22:21.35Fisker-~factinfo fisker-
22:21.35purlFisker-: there's no such factoid as fisker-
22:21.41Fisker-fuck you Punkie`afk
22:21.45Fisker-and you too purl
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22:22.36foxlitHm, alright, think I should look at the template code before I ask more questions :)
22:22.43LunessaWeren't pie-buttons implemented specifically to do radial menus?  I mean like... "Holy crap, we want these, Iriel to the rescue"?
22:23.19IrielYes, they were designed for that
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22:23.26foxlitI've seen several people confused by the name, I'm afraid :(
22:24.39Irielwhat's so hard about slices of pie?
22:24.42Iriel(mmm, pie)
22:24.54foxlitIs pie like cake?
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22:25.13NightHawkTheSanepie > cake. besides, the cake is a lie.
22:25.19Lunessaat least you didn't call them pizza-uttons
22:25.32LunessaThe Cake is Out There.
22:27.21PolarinaIriel: Yes.
22:27.42IrielPolarina: I made your hash function 20-25% faster by making the bit functions local
22:27.50IrielPolarina: Your mistake was to think that local bit = bit; would help much
22:27.59PolarinaIriel: It actually got faster?
22:28.01IrielPolarina: You need to do local = bit_band; etc
22:28.12malrethother way around?
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22:28.19IrielSorry, yes other way around
22:28.22malrethlocal bit_band =
22:28.23Iriellocal bit_band =;
22:28.33PolarinaIriel: Thanks.
22:28.45malrethdoing so removes a table lookup
22:28.46Irielanyway, that's an easily measurable improvement, I got it up to 25% more hashes per second
22:29.10malrethfor those following in our studio audience
22:29.15IrielI couldn't make any other significant improvements (though interesting a couple of things I tried actually made it slower)
22:29.20cogwheelanyone know if they intentionally made plants and things interfere with mousing over stuff in the world?
22:29.33Xinhuancogwheel, no?
22:29.48malrethnope... testing it right now
22:30.10IrielTrees and walls, yes.. I think. But just general flora, no.
22:30.13cogwheelit's not 100% of the time, but lots of trees have been getting in the way of targeted AOE, for instance
22:30.26cogwheelthe leaves, not just the trunk
22:30.28Xinhuanoh, its been an issue since forever
22:30.30malrethah... targeted aoe, yah
22:30.37cogwheeland looting too
22:30.39malrethcan't stand that when doing skettis bombing runs
22:30.41Xinhuandidn't detect any change regarding that one
22:30.43cogwheelwell everything really
22:30.50cogwheeland i never had a problem doing skettis :|
22:31.45kd3if you can line up properly skettis isn't that bad. just takes practice
22:32.11kd3and damn it all. gotta yell at my apartment complex's ISP on monday... they still haven't lifted the IRC filter
22:33.37cladhairewhat IRC filter?
22:35.27Thunder_Childcogwheel, all solid objects are supposed to have a clickable block afaik
22:35.38cogwheelthey're not solid though
22:35.45cogwheelyou can go through tree leaves just fine
22:35.59Thunder_Childi didnt say solid to your char
22:36.21cogwheelwell what other kind of solid is there? :P
22:36.25Thunder_Childi have casted aoe's on the celing because the vines blocked bmy cast
22:36.39cogwheelyeah... the vines aren't solid...
22:36.41kd3I'm connected via tor right now. they've got non-SSL irc traffic filtered to next to nothing. pings on average of 5 minutes or so
22:37.24Lunessa"packet shaping" for the lose?
22:37.24malreththat's good... only terrorists use irc
22:38.07kd3thankfully they've eased up on the gaming filters. wow's playable... ~150ms ping on average
22:40.21Lunessasomeone at your ISP must really have a thing about UDP packets..
22:40.59End-sleepwell that's fun
22:41.27EndI was bored, so I decided to see if I could solo strat
22:41.37Endthere's a disease that does 9k damage over 10 minutes
22:41.44Endmakes it so you can't regen health
22:41.50Endeating food doesn't help either
22:42.01kd3oh ick. hate that debuff
22:42.32EndI guess strat was built with the expectation you have a priest :P
22:42.53malrethor ice block
22:43.24Endwell, my voidwalker was about to die from it too
22:43.27Endso I sac'd him
22:43.30foxlitOr paladin
22:43.32foxlitOr a healer :P
22:43.52Endwell, I say priest since priests can shackle ;p
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22:43.59EndI used to hate doing this instance on my druid
22:44.13Endactually, I hated 5mans in general, raiding I was ok with though
22:47.16NightHawkTheSane.. or shaman, who can also cure disease. :P
22:47.51zenzelezzEnd: the disease is easy as long as you have bandages!
22:48.07zenzelezzyou can use a full one between each tick
22:49.26foxlitbtw, Iriel
22:49.36zenzelezzthe only part of human Stratholme my 70 prot warrior has trouble with is the cannonneer wing... two or more healers at a time is a pain
22:49.38foxlitSecureTemplates.lua:425 "used in conjunction with a SecureStaetHeader"
22:49.51foxlitminor, really :)
22:53.05Endzenzelezz: oh, cool
22:53.16Endzenzelezz: I was just using shadowward, so I don't actually take any damage
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22:59.02cogwheelHow much time does it take to recover from getting the pirate hat? (w.r.t. goblin rep?) <.<    >.>
22:59.57Fisker-if you think you are so 1337
23:00.17Fisker-then you would know where to get usb sticks with pretty good storage and a write protect switch
23:00.26Fisker-well you're cogwheel
23:00.31Fisker-but that's 1337 for cockwheel
23:00.40Fisker-if you know what i mean
23:01.33cogwheeli'm not really into pop tech... never use my ipod or pda, don't carry a usb drive or anything...
23:01.36[Liquidor]cogwheel, 2 weeks
23:01.46cladhaireanyone have any idea what he's saying
23:01.47cladhaire"Is there anyway to set this to look like the BC setup you had? Since you have changed the look I have switched to grid but I'm really getting tired of the information display for grid.
23:01.47cladhaireI really enjoyed the old layout but find your new one too clunky.
23:02.10cogwheeli think he meant pre-bc
23:02.13[Liquidor]cladhaire, what is he talking about?
23:02.22cogwheeli figured that :P
23:02.24cladhairebut basically nothing changed in perfectraid
23:02.28cladhairehence my confusion
23:02.33Fisker-you has an ipod?
23:02.38cladhairesure, it can't do magical sorting now
23:02.43Fisker-me no liek u nymoar
23:02.47[Liquidor][00:00:00] × Day changed to [Sunday, January 13th 2008].
23:02.48cogwheelwell, it's dead now... wife ran hers into the ground
23:02.50cladhaireoh well
23:02.52cogwheelso she's using mine ;)
23:03.39foxlitHm, problematic :(
23:04.10foxlitSeems you have to keep mouse over the original button in order for it to capture the click
23:04.49*** join/#wowi-lounge [KzM]Fatalis (
23:10.40foxlitIriel: everything works, as long as the mouse stays within the constrains of the original button
23:11.22Irielso you make the original button HUGE
23:11.31IrielHow are you triggering the open? a keypress or a click?
23:11.49Irielthat may be the issue
23:12.07foxlitAt the moment, I have the button visible so I can see where I'm aiming while not doing any actual graphics
23:12.24*** join/#wowi-lounge NightHawkTheSane (
23:12.24foxlitI can't keep a visible HUGE button around since it would block clicks on the world map :(
23:13.00Irielyou'd have to use a state header and make it change size when clicked
23:14.56foxlitThe ideal activation mechanism would be a middle-mouse click anywhere on the world frame
23:16.17IrielWhen I've done it I've bound the activation to open and show the pie, then the release completes the action
23:17.54foxlitNot sure what you mean by activation in this context
23:18.54IrielLet me level and then i'll find my example code
23:19.03foxlitOkay, thank you.
23:22.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn|Away (n=nnchatzi@
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23:46.10IrielInstall that, it steals 'Z' as its triggering key
23:48.57wereHamsteris wow at version 3.2 ??
23:49.26Maldiviahehe, I was about to point that out aswell :)
23:49.39Maldiviacould be wotlk is further along than we thought!
23:49.57wereHamsteris says you need to install it into WoWTest, but still, I thought we were at 2.4 ..
23:50.36wereHamstermaybe iriel is in the beta testing team.. as I'm sure he is :)
23:51.33Cidethey've stated the beta hasn't begun
23:51.45nevcairielinternal alpha then
23:51.48wereHamsterthen it's alpha ;)
23:51.57Cidecould be
23:54.00Irielno, I just can't type
23:54.14Maldiviashh... spoiling the consp. theories :)
23:54.20IrielThe code was at 2.2 and I changed the wrong 2 to a 3
23:54.21KalrothAww, that could have started some nice rumours!
23:55.07IrielAnyway, any kind of beta would be 0.x
23:55.17Irielwouldn't it/
23:55.36KalrothI'm pretty sure TBC used 2.x
23:55.39Maldiviawell, the interfae version would still be 30000
23:55.41Kalrotheven in the beta
23:55.59Irielgood point
23:56.03IrielAnyway, fixed now
23:56.26Kalroth&msg Iriel Nice coverup, it was actually plausible
23:57.00Cidenot only have they covered up 3.0; they've patched it twice without us noticing as well!
23:57.16KalrothCide: I'm sure they make patches internally :)
23:57.17Maldiviaperhaps they're heading for 4.0 ?
23:57.49IrielOr microsoft style year versions
23:57.51IrielWoW 2009
23:58.02Cideyeah, they're playing 4.0 internally, where mages have been removed, warlocks are tanks and warriors sit in the corner, giving the healers +healing shout
23:58.06Maldiviawell, I'm hoping it'll be WoW 2008 :)
23:58.21KalrothWoW Ultra Extreme Business Server Mainframe Edition 2009
23:58.28KalrothTo be released in 2008.
23:58.37Irielthough hunters and warlocks will need to buy Wow 2009 ultimate edition, if they want to use their pets
23:58.53KalrothWoW Home Edition 2009 will be available for personal usage.
23:59.05IrielKalroth: No online play, and no mobs?
23:59.22IrielKalroth: and one character slot
23:59.26KalrothIriel: No, you can play online. There's just not any backpacks.
23:59.34IrielKalroth: cruel, i like it
23:59.39KalrothIf you can equip it, you can loot it!

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