IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080111

00:00.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
00:04.48*** part/#wowi-lounge kandoko (
00:05.37cogwheel~fail shirik
00:05.38purlshirik: Fail.
00:06.03cogwheel~fail cogwheel for not hitting tab
00:06.03purlcogwheel for not hitting tab: Fail.
00:06.15Shirik|AFKwhat did I do
00:06.28Shirik|AFKFurthermore what happened to the UI/Macros forum
00:06.34Shirik|AFKit seems like everyone is intelligent today
00:06.42cogwheelexcept you!!!!
00:06.54Shirik|AFKyeah yeah
00:06.55Shirik|AFKoh well
00:07.45Shirik|AFKYes yes, once again you are correct oh great one
00:07.46Shirik|AFKI give up
00:11.48*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Dinesh)
00:16.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
00:20.05*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm_ (
00:23.43Shirik~lart cogwheel
00:23.43purlinstalls PocketPC on cogwheel's PDA
00:23.51cogwheelShirik: i edited
00:23.54ShirikWho taught you your boolean operators :P
00:24.10Shirik"The first command will stop your macro whenever [nodead] is true. As you can (hopefully) see from the table, [nodead] is true when you have a living pet AND when you don't have any pet. "
00:24.35cogwheeloh heh
00:24.36Shiriksorry I'm nitpicking
00:24.45cogwheelexcept you're still wrong :P
00:24.54cogwheelI was speaking English, not Logic
00:25.22AntiarcFor anyone on Reliquary of Souls, I just wrote a new addon that will suppress Deadened cast bars in a number of addons, and it's modular so it can be extended to other addons
00:25.32AntiarcIf there's anyone that does RoS, I'd love feedback on it
00:25.43AntiarcIt currently does suppression in Quartz, PitBull, and Antagonist.
00:27.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
00:28.49*** part/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
00:38.19*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
00:38.19*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower] by ChanServ
00:43.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
00:43.19*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Lopeppeppy] by ChanServ
00:46.40[Liquidor]Just read the transcription of the first BlizzCast and I saw ths: "We’re doing other small things like raising the daily quest limit. Right now it’s at ten quests per day."
00:47.06Shirikyeah they said that earlier actually
00:47.51LopeppeppyYup.  I don't actually DO more than 6, but hey, raising it sounds neat.
00:52.41Shirikso I learned today that my professor's name is Salamah Salamah
00:52.44ShirikI feel bad for him ><
00:53.00LopeppeppyWhat does he teach?
00:53.16*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
00:53.26Shiriksoftware engineering
00:54.29LopeppeppyWell, I can't find any obvious puns, so at least his chosen field isn't totally a disaster.
00:55.46Shirikhis first name is his last name though ><
00:56.10ShirikHe opened the class with "Hello, I'm professor Salamah Salamah. Yes that's funny."
00:56.15LopeppeppyYeah, like Kelly Kelly... I've seen it before, usually done by parents who thought it would be "cute".
00:56.25Shirikwhy are parents so mean like that ><
00:56.33LopeppeppyI thank the stars every birthday that my aunt over-ruled my mother's "cute" choice.
00:56.38sag_ich_nicht~seen AnduinLothar
00:56.40purlanduinlothar is currently on #wowi-lounge (1d 23h 53m 51s) #wowace (1d 23h 53m 51s). Has said a total of 54 messages. Is idling for 19h 27m 1s, last said: 'easily addicted?'.
00:56.50LopeppeppyMy brother is Simon.  Mom wanted me to be "Simone"
00:57.22LopeppeppyMy aunt sent the nurse away until she could talk sense into my mother.  I love that woman with all my heart and soul.
01:12.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim|ubuntu (
01:13.29LopeppeppyMy cat came to obstruct my computing, and studiously ignore me in the process.  She's hilarious.
01:14.49kd3eesh. it's january... why the hell is it thundering outside?
01:15.01LopeppeppyTo frighten me under the bed?
01:24.38LopeppeppyKiss Kiss, I have to go rescue the albatross now.
01:24.43*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
01:27.14Mr_Rabies2that's a mis-paste, it's not work safe, btw
01:27.38Mr_Rabies2i meant to paste this: <kd3> eesh. it's january... why the hell is it thundering outside?
01:27.49Mr_Rabies2and respond "that's how georgia rolls"
01:28.06kd3no joke. we're about to get pounded any minute now
01:28.11sag_ich_nichtjesus christ
01:28.17sag_ich_nichti just saw a random retribution paladin in IF
01:28.41sag_ich_nicht6/11/44, NO Seal of Command, NO sancticity aura and none of the imp. seals talents
01:29.06sag_ich_nichti mean seriously WHAT THE FUCK
01:29.48sag_ich_nichtand he has S1 shoulders and weapon... and T1 gloves.
01:30.01sag_ich_nichtwhat the hell is wrong with the brain of a person like that o_O
01:30.30Mr_Rabies2welcome to the wow community
01:30.50Mr_Rabies2where stupidity is king
01:31.23|pez|Hello, I R TAERI, and I have no clue what the horribleness in S1 shoulders + weapons, but T1 gloves is.
01:32.21Mr_Rabies2it's how he could have gotten S1 shoulders
01:32.24Mr_Rabies2being that stupid
01:33.37*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
01:33.37*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v cogwheel] by ChanServ
01:39.03wereHamsterisn't t1 blue?
01:39.42Mr_Rabies2no, it's epic, just really terrible
01:39.51Mr_Rabies2i have some pieces of t2 in my healing set
01:39.51kd3t1 is Molten Core gear
01:40.21art3misi think cidan had a mental fit and assploded
01:40.25art3mis~seen cidan
01:40.28purlcidan is currently on #wowi-lounge (14d 17h 22m 44s) #wowace (14d 17h 22m 44s), last said: 'Idiots'.
01:41.00Mr_Rabies2well that confirms
01:45.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
01:46.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim|ubuntu (
01:48.30*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
01:52.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Recluse (
01:56.13cogwheelyes... it really, really does...
02:00.53*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
02:10.53*** join/#wowi-lounge _Chloe (
02:14.45cogwheelanyone know a quick kb shortcut in FF to open a new tab with the current page?
02:15.28Dumanyou mean how IE does it?  I think FF always opens a new tab w/ your 'home' page, no?  (mine is blank, so I dunno)
02:15.52Dumanchange your options
02:16.14Dumantools -> options -> Main ...  Startup section "Use Current Page"
02:16.25Dumanand then just use ^N
02:16.38Dumanerr ^T for tab
02:17.05Dumanwait, neverind
02:17.09Dumantaht doesn't do what I expected
02:17.12Dumanignore me
02:17.20cogwheeli don't want it all the time either
02:18.45Dumanfound the addon you want:
02:19.05cogwheelthanks :) was just about to look
02:19.31Dumanaltho it's unclear if it allows "normal" new tabs as well as "open new tab at current page" or not
02:19.39Dumanbut that should become quickly obvious once installed ;)
02:20.55cogwheelbrb... restarting to find out :)
02:21.03cogwheel(firefox that is)
02:21.06Dumanon you're using chatzilla
02:22.18*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
02:22.18*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v cogwheel] by ChanServ
02:22.46cogwheelcool... it adds both ctrl-shift-T and ctrl-shift-N
02:23.14cogwheelthanks again :)
02:23.22cogwheelsweet! even carries the history
02:23.38DumanI may install that, myself :)
02:24.40Xinhuanhey cogwheel, read the reply i made about querying unsafe itemlinks on the server?
02:25.07cogwheelyep. good info :)
02:29.11*** join/#wowi-lounge kadrahil (
02:40.07cogwheelthanks, dolby-wowi or Cairenn
02:40.17Cairennyou're welcome cogwheel
02:44.36cogwheelforum whores: cross your fingers with me... I asked my MVP contact to lower the post timer on the UI & Macros forum like they did in Bug Reports :O
02:44.47Dumannow the secret is out!
02:45.06cogwheeli foiled your evil planz!
02:45.11Dumandamn you!!
02:45.26cogwheelthat would be a cool name for a machinima
02:45.36cogwheel(i didn't spell that right, did I?)
02:45.42Dumannot sure
02:55.03cogwheel??? Author: I’m assuming that by chapter 17, the reader understands the difference between “addon” code and “secure” code. On the other hand, if it hasn’t been clearly explained elsewhere, I suggest you explain the differ-ence here. Thx. –Gus/DE ???
02:55.05cogwheelBy paragraph 2, anyway ;) I rearranged it to draw attention to the term. - MO
02:58.03Dumananyone else listen to that "Blizzcast"?
03:01.55Xinhuan[1/11 10:44:19] <+cogwheel> forum whores: cross your fingers with me... I asked my MVP contact to lower the post timer on the UI & Macros forum like they did in Bug Reports :O
03:01.57Xinhuani loled
03:06.15cogwheelEach time I listen to that BNL CD paying attention to the words, it seems more and more depressing...
03:06.59cogwheelOne of the songs that's totally odd and doesn't make any sense makes me think they're talking about suicide
03:08.32*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
03:12.47Legorolart3mis: it says this video is unavailable right now
03:19.29art3miskkep trying
03:19.33art3misyou'll be happy ;P
03:21.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (
03:21.20*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kody-] by ChanServ
03:30.47Corrodiasi want an addon that will let me link any recipe
03:30.56Corrodiassearch & link, like lootlink for crafting
03:31.11Corrodiasnot something that shows what i do or do not have on each character
03:31.31*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
03:32.29*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlKFI (
03:33.57art3misguess what i just found out
03:34.05art3mismy wife had never heard the tragically hip
03:34.12art3misthe pursuit of happiness
03:34.30art3misor the northern pikes
03:36.45*** join/#wowi-lounge tedr0ck (
03:45.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
03:45.07*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
03:55.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
04:03.25Wobworkthey know all the words =)
04:06.05Endhmm, I think my omen is buggy, maybe I should update
04:06.22Endthe numbers on my screen apparently are -completely- different from what other people see me with o_O
04:06.28art3misyes we do wob
04:06.31End(which I don't understand)
04:06.32AntiarcThere's a bug at the moment
04:06.34AntiarcIn threat clears
04:06.44art3misimpressive no?
04:07.06art3misand its still clear enough that you can hear each and every word
04:07.18art3misi miss my country
04:08.15EndAntiarc: so..are the numbers on my screen correct? and it's not broadcasting correctly..or what?
04:08.40AntiarcI'm not sure what the effect would be, just that it'd be broken
04:09.15EndI seem to be generating more aggro than usual though...since I actually pulled aggro when I normally don't
04:09.32Endmaybe my threat really -is- through the roof
04:11.01cogwheelhow is it that I can restart sshd remotely without getting disconnected? O.o
04:11.18Irielbecause the ssh subprocess owns your connection
04:11.19Endyou aren't restarting your sshd process?
04:11.21Endand just the listener?
04:11.25Irielsshd only owns the open socket
04:11.56Iriel(the sshd client subprocess I guess, technically)
04:12.07Irielobviously your current connection is still the old version
04:12.23cogwheelyeah thata makes sense
04:12.36cogwheelthree tries at taht sentence and i still got  it worng
04:13.18IrielHave you been drinking ? 8-)
04:13.52EndAntiarc: another question... is this across all versions, or just a recent version?
04:14.08AntiarcJust recent
04:14.10AntiarcPast day or two
04:14.20EndI'll have to get an older version
04:14.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
04:16.31Dumanyeah sshd forks off a child for each connection... so that you CAN restart that main daemon w/o dumping all the children (currently-connected people)
04:19.18AntiarcEnd: I just committed a fix
04:19.26*** join/#wowi-lounge zZzTempete (
04:19.32Dumanman, I thought it was supposed to actually rain today
04:19.37EndAntiarc: thanks!
04:19.38DumanI don't think it did more than just drizzle
04:20.56*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
04:27.30Dumanre-doing something, or something new? :)
04:27.31cogwheelJust a repost of my guide in green (with 2.3.2 changes)
04:27.34Dumanahh :-)
04:27.42Dumanfigured ;)
04:27.49cogwheeland so that it's more likely the link in the book will be current
04:28.04ScytheBlade1Urge to post "C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!" rising
04:28.14ScytheBlade1Don't mention these threads, I do bad things :(
04:28.41cogwheeli have connections now :P
04:28.46cogwheelu no mess with me
04:29.03Xinhuanwtb clues on what your reserved thread is about
04:29.11ScytheBlade123:27 <+cogwheel> Just a repost of my guide in green (with 2.3.2 changes)
04:29.14ScytheBlade1Have a clue
04:29.15cogwheelwts access to the chat log
04:29.20Xinhuanlol i see
04:29.33Xinhuanyour guide needs a BIG UPGRADE on the FAQ section
04:29.57Xinhuanlike how throw the "is there a mod that can target mobs by their raid symbol?" question in it
04:30.21cogwheelThe macro faq needs an update
04:30.24Dumannah, that's never asked!   ever!
04:30.35ScytheBlade1cogwheel, minor request... when you go back through and edit the posts, uncheck your signature. Leave it on for the first post, but not the subsequent posts.
04:30.53cogwheeli'll try to remember...
04:30.56cogwheelthat's a good idea
04:31.01Dumanhmm yah
04:31.11ScytheBlade1Or just double back now
04:31.22ScytheBlade1They'll all have the edit tag anyways, no harm in it
04:31.23cogwheeli don't think editing changes it...
04:31.27ScytheBlade1It does
04:31.30ScytheBlade1Trust me, it does, lol
04:31.37cogwheelcool. didn't used to
04:31.44ScytheBlade1I can't count the number of times I've left my sig enabled while trolling on alts ;P
04:31.47cogwheel(and i know that for sure... i've tested a few times)
04:31.55ScytheBlade1If it didn't I'd have a lot more then three trolling toons ;)
04:32.35cogwheelgoddamn post timer
04:32.41*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Dinesh)
04:32.42cogwheelkicks in after a certain number of edits
04:32.51ScytheBlade1Yeah, I've noticed that too. :/
04:33.01ScytheBlade1Go back through when you post it and uncheck em'
04:33.28Duman<08:32PM cogwheel> kicks in after a certain number of edits
04:33.31cogwheelnow i forgot to uncheck it again
04:33.31Dumanyes, I dunno why
04:33.33Dumanit's annoying
04:33.53Dumantell them to hurry up and lower the UI forum report timer ;)
04:34.06ScytheBlade1They should REALLY set a cookie (just with javascript) for the signature enabled box
04:34.23ScytheBlade1You got a C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER anyways
04:34.38cogwheelyou know, i don't like her enough to not report her >:(
04:34.59ScytheBlade1Give her a bit, ask that she deletes it
04:35.21ScytheBlade1(Just edit the post below it)
04:35.30cogwheelNO EDITS
04:35.40ScytheBlade1Once you're done. ;P
04:35.44cogwheeljust gonna put it in the next one
04:36.30ScytheBlade1You know cog, ever since your became an MVP, your profanity here has at least doubled ;)
04:36.40cogwheelI warned you guys
04:36.57purlfrom memory, logs is apt/ibot/infobot/jbot/purl all log daily to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz
04:39.11cogwheel20080108 20:45.27cogwheelBTW: now that I can't get on peoples cases you'll see me ranting in here a lot more :P
04:39.26ScytheBlade1Yup, I remember that.
04:40.02cogwheelyou know what sucks? if two more people interrupt i WILL have to start over :(
04:40.34ScytheBlade1I *was* going to post... and say, "Do you like me enough not to report me? ;)"
04:40.38ScytheBlade1But now I won't :(
04:40.40batrickcogwheel is up to no good
04:41.16IrielI ignore the interrupts and get someone to remove them afterwards if they dont remove them themselves, but it screws up the indexing in posts like yours whihc is annoying..
04:41.43ScytheBlade1They should really remove the post timers for MVPs
04:42.07ScytheBlade1I mean, they've got a signed piece of paper and clearly trusted you enough to set you apart from the rest of the the forum population
04:42.09DumanScytheBlade1: that would make too much sense
04:42.13ScytheBlade1Duman: exactly
04:42.36cogwheel"piece of paper" being used loosely ;)
04:42.45Dumancog: oh, were you trying to keep them all on the first page or whatever?
04:42.47ScytheBlade1Thought you had to sign something?
04:42.57cogwheelDuman: yeah, it's a continuous guide
04:43.24cogwheelScytheBlade1: e-sig worked fine (initials here there, write your name, bday, yadda yadda)
04:44.43Dumanhmm, $2700 to replace my fence that blew over last week
04:44.55cogwheelyou in CA?
04:45.01Dumanyeah, south bay
04:45.07cogwheelnorth bay here :)
04:45.07Dumansan jose area
04:45.18Irielfun, and we did get rain today.
04:45.20Dumanwell, you guys always get rain
04:45.21IrielWell, up north we did
04:45.27Iriel(SF/ East Bay)
04:45.29Dumanit rained a little here... not much tho
04:45.40cogwheelit was mostly drizzly all day here
04:45.45Dumanyeah, that
04:46.01Dumanthe rain-x was plenty to keep the windshield clear on 280 ;)
04:46.05cogwheelintermittent wipers the whole time
04:46.15cogwheel(at non-freeway speeds :P )
04:46.27cogwheel(not that you actually /go/ freeway speeds around here)
04:46.40Dumandepends where and when :)
04:46.49Duman280 down here is usually empty during my "commute" hours
04:46.57Dumanbut I don't go in until 9:30/10
04:47.09Dumanassuming I even go in
04:47.29DumanI drive too fast, anyway
04:47.50Dumanahh yes
04:48.01Dumandon't have to deal with those ;)
04:48.08cogwheelIriel: I think of you every time I watch the traffic on the news ...
04:48.18cogwheelyou have my condolences
04:48.35IrielOddly enough yesterday was nice, all the other days have sucked
04:48.56Dumanrain + bay area traffic = WTF
04:49.02ScytheBlade1A haha
04:49.06Dumanrecipe for headache
04:49.09IrielDuman: Exactly
04:49.23IrielDuman: Usually a very bad WTF but it's quite random
04:49.26Dumanpeopel here just lose their minds when it rains
04:49.34Dumanheh yeah
04:50.01Wobwork'extreme mooning' =P
04:50.10Dumangoatse, perhaps? :)
04:50.27WobworkIt's a very polite way of describing it =P
04:50.33Dumanthat image was forever burned into my retinas the first time i saw it, like 10 years ago or whatever
04:50.51WobworkMistake number 1: using someone else's photo
04:51.01Wobworkmistake number 2: hotlinking the damn thing =P
04:51.30Dumangrr, I think I broke my DNS server
04:51.34ScytheBlade1Which blog was this?
04:52.04WobworkI don't think it's specifically named
04:53.42NightHawkTheSaneIn the same vein.. you seen the one about myspace getting goatse'd?
04:56.08WobworkIt's so very very true
05:00.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Rayne (
05:01.08Raynecogwheel: I was going to put something like 'Buy this spot for 100$' but I didnt. :P
05:02.40Raynesorry about that lol
05:05.10ScytheBlade1cogwheel: the lack of signatures helps a LOT
05:05.24WobworkDo you realise, that sometime soon, there will be a large fraction of the internet community that have never encountered Goatse?
05:05.35cogwheeli hated the sigs in my old one but... /me points at earlier convo
05:05.47ScytheBlade1Just saying, it really helps
05:08.04cogwheeljust agreeing
05:08.24Dumanhaving m.root-servers listed first in my root hint was causing my headache, weird
05:12.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Darlok (
05:17.34ScytheBlade1wow, just when I thought people couldn't get any more lazy
05:17.36ScytheBlade1"looking fot armorsmith and jew crafter"
05:17.53cogwheelWould you guys remind reporting my threads to be switched? (use the sticky request option)
05:18.02ScytheBlade1Not at all
05:18.21ScytheBlade1But what happened to you having "connections"? ;)
05:18.42Irielhe's on paternity leave
05:18.53ScytheBlade1That would make sense!
05:19.30ScytheBlade1cogwheel: done
05:19.34cogwheelthanks :)
05:19.35*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
05:20.05ScytheBlade1Consider it repentance for 'past sins' ;P (I've posted "C-C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER" in one of your threads before.. ;))
05:20.44Rayne|InRaidcogwheel: done. :)
05:22.11cogwheelthat was fast :)
05:23.11ScytheBlade1Ha, wow
05:23.14ScytheBlade1Record timing
05:23.22cogwheelthey even put it in the right spot =)
05:25.00Dumanhow long is Slouken out for?
05:25.57IrielI dunno, we'll see how long until he misses us
05:26.23ScytheBlade1They should really segment the PTR servers (when they're up). Four total servers, one character copy PvE, one character copy PvP, one premade PvE, and one premade PvP. It would make things so much easier.
05:26.44ScytheBlade1Just looking at the PTR forums now, and wow, what a mess
05:30.27Darlokdoes anyone know a good website to order Gold from for WOW?
05:30.53Dumanscythe: no kidding
05:30.58Dumanthey need seperate forums, too :P
05:31.08AntiarcYou can email with your account name, Duman
05:31.14AntiarcThey'll send you a list of good sites for gold and hacks
05:31.15Dumanit's pretty hard to find some of the actual bug reports in all the shit
05:31.22AntiarcErrl, Darlok
05:31.31Dumanoh, haha
05:33.09ScytheBlade1If it gets to be a serious problem, I'd suggest they clone their beta setup for the PTR ( --> and do just that, limit what characters can post on what boards
05:34.25cogwheelDarlok: unless you honestly have no idea that that's completely against the rules and shunned by anyone who has respect for this game, i wouldn't be upset if you got booted just for asking...
05:35.27cogwheelYou'd do better for yourself in the long run by leaps and bounds spending your money on a guide
05:35.36cogwheel(though you can find most of the info from free sources)
05:35.52cogwheel(gold making guide, that is)
05:35.57Antiarclern2dailies, IMO
05:36.22AntiarcI started the Netherwing dailies and made just under 2k gold in a week. <3
05:36.25Rayne|InRaidoh snap, Burnt Black Cherrys almost at 3K downloads...
05:54.53*** join/#wowi-lounge _Chloe_ (
05:57.50|Jelly|!c us burning legion shinjiro
05:57.53ThraeBot|Jelly|: Shinjiro, Level 70 Tauren Warrior (8/7/46). 18925 HP; 19385 Armour; 590 AP; 141.000 Melee DPS; 11.81% melee crit; 101 melee hit; 30 +spell dmg/heal; 352 defense; 28.55% dodge; 33.46% block; 10 nature resist (+10); +25 all resists (+10 nature);[[ TBR: 1350 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Fri Jan 11 01:04:09 2008 EST ]]
05:58.47*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
05:59.44|Jelly|what's the command to see his shield?
06:02.04Rayne|InRaid18.9? jesus
06:10.40cogwheel~seen cowgra
06:10.43purlcowgra <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 45d 8h 5m 11s ago, saying: 'i've been trying to figure out the same thing bleeter'.
06:13.33malrethcogwheel: i'll be out of the state sometime in feb...
06:16.29malrethi'll be out from the 14th to the 20th... maybe... i think staying a week in new orleans is a bit too long at around $100 a night
06:16.55malrethi'll probably be back sooner
06:19.17malrethwhat city are you gonna be in?
06:20.26cogwheelnot sure if we'll really be available though... we're travelling with my mom-in-law
06:20.37cogwheeland meeting other family there
06:21.10malrethi needs me beer
06:21.12cogwheelspring, tx
06:21.20cogwheel(north of houston)
06:21.21malrethwell... i don't *neeed* beer
06:21.32malrethah... i know that place
06:21.46malrethmy parent's house is close to cypress
06:22.45Rayne|InRaid!c us kil'jaeden absolutrayne
06:22.49ThraeBotRayne|InRaid: Absolutrayne, Level 70 Night Elf Warrior (8/7/46). 16224 HP; 17109 Armour; 652 AP; 158.500 Melee DPS; 15.93% melee crit; 33 melee hit; 320 defense; 25.14% dodge; 25.20% block; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1258 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Fri Jan 11 01:29:04 2008 EST ]]
06:22.58Rayne|InRaidthats wrong, still got me with raid buffs
06:23.36malreth!vs us kil'jaeden absolutrayne us silver hand kyleigh
06:23.39ThraeBotmalreth: Absolutrayne vs Kyleigh! A L70 warrior and a L70 mage square off!; 8/7/46 vs 5/0/56; Absolutrayne wins by 516 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
06:24.16batrickwait wut
06:24.28malrethlike... monica lewinsky/bill clinton relation?
06:24.28cogwheelmaybe if there's four of us it'll be more motivating ;)
06:24.30batrickeither kyleigh is terrible or thraebot is bad
06:24.40|Jelly|35w & 820n
06:24.50malrethkyleigh has no raid gear
06:24.51cogwheelmalreth: no like One leaving chicago at 5 mph going south
06:25.24malrethcogwheel: and the other escaping north from Mexico as fast as possible?
06:25.59cogwheelsounds about right
06:26.05malrethalso, kyleigh has like... 5500 hp or something
06:26.08malrethsomething pitiful
06:26.18Antiarcwtb pvp vs people with 5500 HP
06:26.20malreth!c us silver hand kyleigh
06:26.21ThraeBotmalreth: Kyleigh, Level 70 Human Mage (5/0/56). 5783 HP; 7541 Mana; 176 mana regen; 6 mp5; 151 spell crit; 100 spell hit; 520 +spell dmg/heal; 225 frost dmg (745); 179 shadow dmg (699); 4.98% dodge;[[ TBR: 708 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Fri Jan 11 01:29:55 2008 EST ]]
06:26.27AntiarcThose are my favorite mages ever
06:26.33AntiarcI look at them and they evaporate
06:26.48Endspell damage is low too :P
06:27.09Endactually, I misread
06:27.10malrethwell... frost spell dmg is 745
06:27.37malrethshe's only ever been to kara once
06:27.40Endstill not that great, but better than what I thouht it was
06:27.53malrethtomorrow will be the second time
06:29.07malrethi burned out on raiding last year... haven't done anything since
06:29.47EndI burned out too, but for me it was more of a need to play a new class than anything else
06:30.41malreththat said, she probably won't try to go beyond kara... maybe gruul's lair maybe
06:48.09batrick!vs us kil'jaeden absolutrayne us destromath batrick
06:48.12ThraeBotbatrick: Absolutrayne vs Batrick! A L70 warrior and a L70 mage square off!; 8/7/46 vs 17/0/44; Absolutrayne wins by 402 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
06:48.17batrickbull shit :(
06:52.53malreth!c us destromath batrick
06:52.54ThraeBotmalreth: Batrick, Level 70 Undead Mage (17/0/44). 9753 HP; 8741 Mana; 134 mana regen; 245 spell crit; 538 +spell dmg/heal; 4.94% dodge; 262 resilience;[[ TBR: 822 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Fri Jan 11 01:54:28 2008 EST ]]
06:53.48batrickhow does a prot warrior beat a frost mage
06:53.56malrethvery slowly
06:53.56batrickbot is broken i tell u!
06:54.04Rayne|InRaidits all my parry
06:54.15malrethyou can't parry bolts of ice!
06:54.34Rayne|InRaidI can
06:54.37Rayne|InRaidwith my breasticles!
06:54.39batrickhell i can blink from your charge and not worry ;)
06:54.46batrickhe might crit me for 400!
06:54.48batrickwatch out
06:55.13Rayne|InRaidActually I could shield slam crit you for about 1900
06:56.02malreththen i'd ice barrier and bandage up while you stand there swinging at me. :D
06:56.25Rayne|InRaidId concussion blow you
06:57.25malreth16k hp is a lot to chew through, tho
06:59.14*** join/#wowi-lounge frid (n=Fridgid@
06:59.28Rayne|InRaidits 15.1 actually
07:01.01batrickis iriel 70 yet?
07:01.18batrickless time coding more time questin!
07:01.20Irielmy warlock is 54 now tho
07:01.27batricko i hate u :(
07:01.38malrethyou don't play as iriel that much...
07:01.48malrethor at least not whenever i usually play
07:01.55malrethalso, i don't stalk you
07:02.03IrielI only have one guild mate who plays on SH  much, so i'm not there as often
07:02.03Enddo you level your warlock a lot?
07:02.14End(relatively speaking)
07:02.41IrielNot really, I play her when my guild is around, which isn't all that often either
07:02.45Irielbut more than SH at the moment
07:05.20Irielwork, rock band, and mass effect have taken recent tolls on my levelling
07:05.44|Jelly|Anyone having login issues?
07:05.53Rayne|InRaid|Jelly|: I was earlier
07:06.15batricki have a hard time seeing iriel in a rock band
07:06.33|Jelly|Pshaw. I bet he rocks out with his cock out.
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07:07.14Rayne|PokerI should go bump my post in the UI forums one more time tonight
07:07.37Endfor some reason, when I think of Iriel the old night elf avatar from the old forums still comes to mind :P
07:08.46End(It's not that I don't have some idea what Iriel actually looks like though...)
07:08.47batricki only see a dinosaur now
07:08.58batricki think t-rex is fitting for iriel on ui boards
07:09.06IrielThere's always the armory
07:09.09EndI don't post/browse forums nearly as much as I used to
07:10.26malrethI wonder if the UI devs could grace us with a pickle() function for serialization?
07:11.34malrethfeed it a table, it gives you a string that you can send over a comm channel
07:12.26Irielsounds like a user library to me!
07:12.33Endwell, it's not like other people haven't written their own
07:13.01Darlokwhich directory do i install TITAN PANEL to ?
07:13.01malrethyeah... but they're often library dependent
07:13.19malrethWorld of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns
07:13.24Darlokk thanks
07:13.37Darlokdo i need to make a TITANPANEL dir in addons?
07:13.48malrethfollow installation instructions that came with the addon
07:14.14Darlokthere is no instructions with it
07:14.26malrethwhatever site you downloaded it from also probably has instructions on how to install addons
07:15.55malrethXinhuan: ping
07:15.58EndTypically you just drop all the folders in the zip directly into the AddOns folder
07:16.34malreth"Currently, floating point numbers beyond a certain accuracy (I think 10 digits) will fail to be deserialized back to the original value"
07:16.47Xinhuanwhat about it?
07:17.05malrethpretend i don't understand Lua
07:17.07Xinhuanbecause in aceserializer-3.0, it does a tostring() on it
07:17.09malrethbecause i don't
07:17.21Xinhuanthen on the deserializing end, it does a tonumber() back on it
07:17.26Xinhuanso accuracy is limited to 10 digits or so
07:17.36Xinhuanthis is different from ace2's acecomm approach
07:17.42Xinhuanwhich did a math.frexp() on it
07:17.52Xinhuanand then multiplied the return values by 2^53
07:17.54Irielbut tostring/tonumberi is supposed to preserve sufficient detail to retain the original number
07:17.55Xinhuanto do a leftshift
07:18.04Xinhuanand then do some funky stuff to serialize both numbers
07:18.12Xinhuanthen on the receiving end reverse the process
07:18.19malreththat makes sense
07:18.33Xinhuansince in a 64-bit double number, the first 52 bits is used for the number, 11(?) bits for the exponent
07:18.41Xinhuanforgot details anyway
07:19.03malrethwhich is not a good name for your daughter
07:19.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
07:19.30Xinhuanlua> assert(math.pi == tonumber(tostring(math.pi)))
07:19.30lua_botXinhuan: [string "assert(math.pi == tonumber(tostring(math.pi..."]:1: assertion failed!
07:19.40Xinhuanlua> assert(1/3 == tonumber(tostring(1/3)))
07:19.40lua_botXinhuan: [string "assert(1/3 == tonumber(tostring(1/3)))"]:1: assertion failed!
07:19.45Xinhuanneed more proof? :)
07:20.16malrethso i wonder if the UI crew could add a pickle() function
07:20.25Endcould? yes.
07:20.26malreththey can call it serialize()/unserialize()
07:20.29Endwould? probably not.
07:21.41Xinhuanthe acecomm method is very excessive, but proven to work and asserts pass
07:21.47malrethmantissa... spelled it wrong... also used wrong... also i'm sleepy and full of alcohol
07:22.12Endoh, that explains cogwheel's comment?
07:22.15End00:18 <+cogwheel> i
07:22.22Endthe spelling did look wrong
07:22.27Endbut I had no idea what it was :P
07:22.27malrethcogwheel doesn't drink
07:22.36Endcogwheel just grinds gears
07:22.36malrethwhich makes him smarter than i
07:22.48Xinhuanwheels jams when something gets stuck in it
07:23.12malrethfunny thing... mantessa was caught by the spell checker... but i chose to ignore it
07:23.43malrethi started using sippy cups for my heavy drinking
07:23.50cogwheelthat sounds way more wrong than it really is...
07:23.55cogwheeli just don't clean up often :P
07:24.04malrethit's oddly soothing and prevents messy spills
07:24.30malreth"Oh shi-- Oh hey! It didn't spill!"
07:26.47batricki used dixie cups for my heavy drinking
07:27.53IrielOr is it packing the digits into some binary format too?
07:29.56malrethwell, you smarty smart pants can talk and discuss... i'm gonna go to bed
07:34.48EndI think I should probably go to bed too, or at least pretend that's what I'm doing so that it -might- happen.
07:41.03Thunder_Childanyone know what "System.OverflowException" represents in VB?
07:42.37Irielprobably a stack overflow
07:42.58Thunder_Childhmm...doesnt happen with smaller #'s just larger ones
07:43.41batrickinteger overflow??
07:44.07Thunder_Childwell it's just simple multiplication so i dunno why it would be foing it
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07:47.53IrielDid you overflow a numeric value? mean did i have a limit on the value?
07:51.34Irielno, i mean if it's say an int, did you put more than 2^31-1 in it?
07:52.42Thunder_Childmaybe, it was about 7 digits times 7 digits
07:52.51Thunder_Childtimes 1.08XXX
07:52.56Thunder_Childi forget the rest
07:53.24Thunder_Childand yes it was set to int
07:55.17Thunder_Childhuh...i just got invited over to EA for a playtest
07:57.42IrielMake sure they dont lock the doors behind you and force you to playtest for 80 hours in a row
07:58.05Thunder_Childsince it looks like i get to playtest the C&C3 expansion i wont mind
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08:22.10wereHamsterThunder_Child, how do you get these invetations?
08:22.40Thunder_ChildwereHamster, no idea, although one reason is that i live not to far away from EA's headquarters
08:23.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
08:24.10wereHamsterdid you ask them whether you could playtest games?
08:24.16Keltsetdoes anyone know off hand what this means: attempt to concatenate a nil valueattempt to concatenate a nil value      (specifically what concatenate is)
08:25.09wereHamsterlua> a="a"; b="b"; a..b
08:25.09lua_botwereHamster: sandbox.lua:298: Compilation failed: [string "a="a"; b="b"; a..b"]:1: '=' expected near '..'
08:25.18wereHamsterlua> a="a"; b="b"; return a..b
08:25.19lua_botwereHamster: ab
08:25.27wereHamsterlua> a="a"; b=nil; return a..b
08:25.27lua_botwereHamster: [string "a="a"; b=nil; return a..b"]:1: attempt to concatenate global 'b' (a nil value)
08:25.42Thunder_ChildwereHamster, i can only imagine at some point i did, or i signed up for a beta and my address matched their filters
08:25.58Keltsetahh I see thank you
08:27.38wereHamsterKeltset, if you are unsure whether a variable is nil or not, you can use:
08:27.53wereHamsterlua> a="a"; b=nil; return a..(b or "b is nil")
08:27.53lua_botwereHamster: ab is nil
08:29.57Keltsetyeah going to have to find out why this is coming back this way :P
08:29.59Keltsethehe thanks
08:33.03*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (n=leethal@
08:34.58KeltsetThanks I seem to have solved that issue appreciate the help in my   (still.... trying to learn this stuff haha stupid stuff seems to get me alot)
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08:54.58Thunder_Child*sigh* i want someone to PL me
08:56.30Darlokhey my Titan Panel doesnt' work with WOW.. does anyone know why?
08:56.32Darlokcan someone help me out?
08:56.45Thunder_Childhmm...$80 for 2 X 2GB PC2 6400 Ram seems quite good
08:57.05Thunder_Childi seem to remeber 2gb sticks for more than that
08:58.40Thunder_ChildDarlok, how exactly is it not working?
09:00.40Darlokits' not showing up ingame
09:00.49Darloki do /console reloadui and it's not showing up ingame
09:01.21Thunder_Childdoes it show up when you first start the game?
09:01.55wereHamsteris it enabled? in the character selection screen, bottom left corner, the 'addons' button?
09:01.56Thunder_Childdo you have the newest version?
09:02.07Darloki exctracted to interface/addons and it created a directory called TITAN in there
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09:02.47Darlokyeah 3.1
09:03.01Thunder_Childwell as wereHamster pointed out, if you can see it in the addsons section when in the game it was installed correctly
09:03.19Darloki dont see anything with addons
09:03.33Thunder_Childchar select screen, bottom left...
09:03.39Thunder_Childlittle buttons that says addons
09:04.07Thunder_Childbottom left
09:04.07Dumanif you just installed it, exit the game and re-run
09:04.22wereHamster - click on 'install guide', they have quite well described how to install addons
09:04.27Darlokit says out of date
09:04.36Dumanso check 'load out of date addons'
09:04.36Thunder_Childcheck the out of date button
09:04.51Thunder_Childthat button really pisses me off....
09:04.58Dumanor use FuBar ;)
09:05.22wereHamsterFuBar won't solve the 'out of date' issue!
09:06.05Thunder_Childbut it will solve the FuBar > Titan problem
09:07.32Thunder_Childthough one must give props to titan for coming up with the idea
09:29.21Thunder_Childyou know i wish diff classes wouldnt reuse icons...when i switch between my mage and hunter the blink icon is the same as the distracting shot's really iritating
09:31.35Duman"Ahh, shit I just popped Retaliation... oh, wait.. that's Riposte..."
09:31.43Dumanwell, the other way is worse
09:32.03Duman"Oh, Riposte is up..   CRAP that wasn't Riposte"
09:32.31Duman..not that Retaliation is even on my main bar, but you get the idea
09:33.04Thunder_Childmine are on the same bar...if in diff spots
09:36.20wereHamsterI would be surprised if the were on the same bar and the same spot..
09:38.53Thunder_Childsame bar, 4 spot diff
09:39.05Thunder_Childhell i could put it there, not much of a diff
09:40.12Dumanyou could put them on your main bar an dhave it change to the appropriate one based on stance ;)
09:40.39Thunder_Childneither my hunter not mage have stances
09:41.01Thunder_Childunless you mean fighting/runing to be stances
09:41.03Dumanoh by "mine" you meant blink and dstracting shot
09:41.04Duman<- slow
09:41.08Duman<- tired
09:41.11Dumanon that note
09:41.13Dumannight :)
09:41.18Thunder_Childnight Duman
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12:10.26Darlokwhats the best dungeon for a lvl 34 to goto and still gain xp?
12:15.14Darloku there?
12:15.36nevcairielDarlok: sm?
12:15.37Darlokwhich dungeon is the best for a lvl 34 priest?
12:15.46Darloki dont know is that a good dungeon?
12:16.33SroshSince the recent patch any dungeon in your level range is good, I guess.
12:17.13Darlokk thnx
12:18.02phetipsDarlok: what makes you say that?
12:18.10phetipswhen i was lvl 48 BRD was in my LFM list
12:18.38phetips* Darlok = Srosh
12:19.02SroshWas that before or after patch 2.3?
12:21.08phetipsi'm only lvl 55 now :)
12:21.28SroshWell, then Blizz sucks.
12:29.37|pez|Woo, boyfriend is all happy now, he's gotten his epic land mount XD
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12:38.01phetipsi'm lvl 55 now on my main
12:38.10phetipsand i'm worth -300g ;P
12:38.13phetipsnote the -
12:38.23phetipsnever gonna get that epic mount before 70 ;p
12:38.46|pez|I did battlegrounding and Org rep grinding (in AV) for my mount.
12:38.58phetipshow much you need for that?
12:39.01phetipsi like AV
12:39.26phetipsi spent all the money i earned from lvl 10 on JC =.=
12:39.33phetipsi got 340 now though :)
12:39.45phetips*from lvl 10 till lvl 55
12:39.56|pez|Well, you deliver armor scraps and blood for reputation, and ou need 30 AV, AB and WSG marks to get a PvP epic mount.
12:40.09|pez|I have JC, never spent that much. :o
12:41.03|pez|aanyway, I'll be going to go get some more of my medication, drive the boyfriend to the buss, and talk to people about some moneys.
12:41.14phetipsyeah this is my highest lvl char, so i have to buy all the mats that are too high for me to farm
12:41.21phetips340 is pretty high for a lvl 55 i reckon
12:41.23phetipsor isn't it?
12:41.29|pez|Oh, it is.
12:41.39|pez|I have like 280ish on mine, and I'm lvl 61
12:41.50phetips290-300 is a bitch
12:42.31phetipsg'day :)
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14:08.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
14:10.31LunessaMorning Peppy-dear.
14:12.13LunessaI got your note, and /friend-ed you.
14:13.25*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
14:13.27LopeppeppyIt's always more fun to stalk people when they know about it, and are ascair't!
14:17.53Lunessaoooo... stalker-ific!
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14:18.39Endhmm, my friend is getting terran, tauren and tarren mixed up :P
14:18.39KalrothWait, it's not a proper stalk if I say I'm doing it, right?
14:18.55KalrothEnd: Tauren Mill?
14:19.03Endhe said that at first
14:19.04LopeppeppyEnd, add in the proper name Taryn for kicks.
14:19.11EndLopeppeppy: good plan!
14:19.20KalrothEnd: Do /me yourself!
14:19.23LopeppeppyKalroth, it's your stalking, you decide how would be most "proper" to accompish it.
14:19.32EndKalroth: No!
14:19.46KalrothLopeppeppy: Well I'm not a very good stalker, I don't even know where to begin.
14:19.57Endhis response was "Karren Mill, son of General Mills"
14:20.13LunessaLopeppeppy: Instead of waiting in the bushes, let yourself in the front door, make some coco and wait. Turn the lights down and play some soft music...
14:20.20LopeppeppyKaren Will what the general?
14:20.30End"hmm. I want to hop on [Defense] and yell about how General Mills is under attack"
14:20.35LopeppeppyLunessa, you show deeply-rooted promise.  :)
14:21.18LunessaLike the sign says, "We aim to please... "
14:21.35LopeppeppyI'll be sure to stand still and be a "good" target.
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14:23.43purlmeetings are the practical alternative to work
14:24.02LopeppeppyI second that, malreth.
14:24.53LunessaMeetings are the work of Satan.
14:26.02LopeppeppyWith my sheeple this week, I totally agree!
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14:39.07LunessaI've had that exact moment.
14:43.37LopeppeppyNever done the walk-in, but surely done the whole rest.
14:44.55LunessaI walked in on one of my ex-girlfriends (fiancee actually) doing the deed with  someone that I thought was my friend.
14:45.36LopeppeppyAm I the only one who thinks that self-restraint is NOT about handcuffs?  *hug*
14:45.51Lunessa*hug*  Self-restraint, I has it.
14:46.13LopeppeppySelf-Restraint, WTB in a convenient package to give away to others.
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14:47.04Lunessathose /are/ called hand-cuffs.
14:47.27LopeppeppyOh.  Woops.
14:49.20Wobin_I have to admit
14:49.32Wobin_the lolcat builder has revolutionised the lolcat generation process
14:49.46Wobin_no longer do you need basic photoshop skills to add to the wonder that is lolcat
14:51.07Wobin_plus, the 'random lolcat' link is a brilliant thing
14:51.11Wobin_I can click that forever
14:53.15Wobin_although the comments are an abomination against man
14:54.52LopeppeppyThey usually are.
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14:58.04*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
15:00.06IndustrialIs there an addon that lets me save or look at certain item sets?
15:00.20Industrialeg "what would my char screen look like with t6"
15:00.29Industrialor pvp armor etc
15:00.59LopeppeppyWoWEquip does some awesomesauce things.
15:01.21Xinhuanhello :)
15:01.42|pez|sometimes, I'm reaaaally glad my car has had a beating before. Let's me annoy less when it gets another small bump. :P
15:02.39LopeppeppyI like a car with character... If I buy something I'm going to frazzle about a dent, I feel like I've done something wrong.
15:03.14LopeppeppyParking lot dings don't make one a bad driver, just a bad parker.  :)
15:03.27LunessaTrue that.
15:03.56|pez|this is more a case of stupid people cramping me up in a small space when I'm about to enter my own driveway, which is extremly small and tedious to get trough in the first place.
15:04.22Lunessamalreth: you lazy bum, have you flicker'ed the pictures of the meetup?
15:04.34LopeppeppyI had that a lot in Springfield and Boston.  I will drive soooo far out of my way for a parking space that I don't have to shoe-horn.
15:05.49LopeppeppyOops.  Scared him right away, I did.
15:05.58LopeppeppyMorning, Legorol.
15:06.54Legorolexcuse my ignorance please, but can someone explain to me what does putting an "!" in front of a spell name in a macro do?
15:07.11Legoroli trawled the stickies on UI forum and don't see a good explanation :(
15:07.12LunessaIf the spell is a toggle, the ! tells the macro only to turn it on.
15:09.10Lunessafor example, the new Ice Block is a toggle.
15:09.40Lunessado if my macro says #showtooltip /stopcasting /cast !Ice Block
15:09.52LunessaI'll only turn Ice Block on, not off.
15:10.40Legoroli'm a bit confused about the following simple hunter macro i see in many places:
15:10.41Legorol/castsequence Steady Shot, !Auto Shot
15:10.51Legorolapparently it's for hunter shot-rotation
15:11.03Legorolbut if all that !Auto Shot does is turn it on, why bother with a castsequence?
15:11.21LunessaHell if I know.
15:11.23Legorolauto shot fires all the time by itself anyway, so you just turn it on once, and leave it for the rest of the fight, no?
15:11.26LopeppeppySo you can spam Steady Shot without accidentally canceling Auto Sot.
15:11.27LunessaI don't use one on my hunter.
15:11.44LegorolLopeppeppy: why don't you just simply spam your steady shot ability then?
15:11.52Legorolwhy do you have to have the !Auto Shot with it in a castsequence?
15:12.04Legorolauto shots will happen regardles..
15:12.16LopeppeppyIf you're not super careful with timing in shot rotations (latency, etc) you can get off-center and accidentally wind up missing an Auto Shot.  Or so I understand from reading the hunter forums.
15:12.39Legorolthat doesn't make sense, sorry
15:12.39LopeppeppySo therefore, this macro will make sure you don't somehow accidentally miss an Auto Shot in your rotation.  *shrug*
15:12.42LunessaIf you /castsequence, it'll turn off... /cast Auto Shot, Steady Shot
15:13.14Legorolonce you turn autoshot on, it stays on... there is no way to "miss" one, only to delay one if you time your steady shot wrong
15:13.47Legoroli fully understand why /castsequence Steady Shot, Auto Shot (without the !) is undesirable
15:14.01Legorolbut i don't understand why you need to have Auto Shot present in a macro in the first place
15:14.02LunessaAuto Shot is a toggle, and a sequence resets to the beginning when it gets to the end.
15:14.06LopeppeppyAnd they just wanted the bang so that they could use it safely, I guess.
15:14.10LegorolLunessa: that's not the issue at hand
15:14.30Legorollet's take a 10 minute fight: i turn on auto shot at the start, it stays on, it will always fire
15:14.37Legorolit's a turn-on-and-forget thing
15:14.43Legorolwhy would i want it to appear in any macro, whatsoever?
15:15.32Legorolnot to mention that firing a Steady Shot automatically turns on your auto shot in the first place
15:15.37Legorol(if it's not already on)
15:15.47LopeppeppyI never try to figure out why someone else wants something.... it's too complex.  Hunters wanted it, they've got the ability now.
15:16.04nevcairielyou want to place it in a macro so you can spam that macro, and use it to pass time
15:16.15Legorolok i'll trawl the hunter forum, maybe i'll a) understand what they want b) figure out that they are wrong
15:16.23Legorolone of those two possibilities ;-)
15:16.35Legorolnevcairiel: i don't understand
15:16.42nevcairielgo read forums :)
15:16.47LopeppeppyOr both.  I never choose A versus B.
15:16.56Legoroli will, but please elaborate on the "to pass time" statement
15:17.02Legoroli know how shot cycles work, i have a hunter
15:17.14Legoroli don't understand why you want a macro to "pass time"
15:17.19krkaLegorol: i read a document on that before, and it seems logical
15:17.42LopeppeppyMindless farming for the win?
15:17.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh_ (
15:18.06LegorolLopeppeppy: i'm sure it's related to synchronizing auto-shot cycle with steady shot, not as in passing real life time
15:18.41LopeppeppyCould be both.  *grin*
15:19.17Lunessa*shrug* If my hunter ever gets past 40, maybe I'll care.
15:20.10|pez|I hate my luck. Today I need to get a hold of a friend, who is usually always online. But obviously not when I need him.>_>
15:20.33LopeppeppyMy huntar is at 42, it's been hard to pick her back up.
15:20.42Legorol*sigh* hunter forum is like everything else always in life:
15:21.02Legorolpeople talk about "current" and "changed" stuff, but they always forget to mention the basics, or how it was like before that they are comparing to
15:21.09LunessaRemember the ancient Chinese wisdom "And this too shall pass."
15:22.03Legorolok i think i will ask a more relevant question than that you guys probably do know the answer to ;-)
15:22.03LopeppeppyOr the ancient Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times."
15:22.26Legorolas far as i understand it, a /castsequence doesn't advance until the spell is successfully cast, right?
15:22.33Legorolso for example /castsequence Fireball, Scorch
15:22.53Legorolif i keep mashing it every 0.2 seconds, it will do one Fireball, and move on to Scorch when it's finished with the Fireball, then back etc.
15:22.56Legorolis that correct?
15:23.34LunessaWell, mostly
15:23.40Legorolplease elaborate :)
15:23.53LunessaA sequence will not advance if one spell /fails/ to cast.
15:23.54Legorolor if you like, consider /castsequence Fireball, Frostbolt
15:24.06Legorolah ok
15:24.31Legorolso the first time i press it, it starts casting Fireball, and sequence moves on to Scorch, and as i keep mashing it, since fireball is still casting, scorch keeps failing, so it stays on Scorch
15:24.34Legorolis that a better description?
15:24.51LunessaThat more-or-less accurately matches reality
15:25.03Legorolso as soon as fireball succeeds, Scorch is cast, the sequence moves back to start
15:25.20Legoroland subsequent mashing will attempt to cast fireball
15:25.33Legorol(which will initially fail due to GCD triggered by Scorch presumably)
15:25.53Legorolall right, now that's clarified, i'd like to move on to the next question related to castsequence:
15:26.10Legorolwhat about toggle-able actions such as auto shot and auto attack
15:26.24Legorolif they appear in the sequence, when are they considered to have succeeded?
15:26.35Legorolwhen you successfully toggle it on, or when the action actually happens
15:26.38Legorolexample for mage:
15:26.57Legorol/castsequence Fireball, !Attack (or whatever the name of the melee attack is)
15:27.35Legorolwhen the sequence is on !Attack, will it toggle it on and immediately move to Fireball, or will it stay on !Attack until your character actually swings and hits
15:28.09sysragelol @ melee attack as a mage
15:28.30Legorolsysrage: i'm discussing macro theory, i don't care about the actualities of its usefulness
15:28.34sysrageheh i know
15:28.36sysragejust funny
15:28.49sysrageand i don't know the answer, so i had to lol
15:28.52Legorolit's a good example though ;-) because it will help me get to understand what hunters are doing
15:30.00Lunessalegrol - for attack, I'm not positive.  I prefer not to use it in a macro, I use /startattack instead.
15:30.39*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
15:30.42LegorolLunessa: sure that's the smart and practical thing to do, but that's not what my question was.
15:30.47LunessaFor Auto Shot, i believe you're correct.
15:30.48krkayou'll find that legorols discussions rarely involve anything about practicality or usefulness :)
15:31.08Legorolit's about complete understanding and coverage
15:31.09malrethLunessa: no i haven't posted pictures of the meetup
15:31.27Lunessa~lart malreth
15:31.27purlbeats malreth into protomatter with the andromeda galaxy
15:32.18LopeppeppyYay, it's a game!
15:32.38malrethyes it is...
15:32.58malreththis is fun!
15:33.13LopeppeppyEr....  Ever read The Yellow Wallpaper?  I'll totally creep out and get you.
15:35.43Lunessanever heard of it.
15:37.03LopeppeppyIt's a short story... let me find reference.
15:39.13LunessaThat sounds creepy.
15:40.32LopeppeppyIt's incredibly well written, and very gothic-creepy.  I recommend it, it's a fast read if you find it in a lit compilation at a bookstore.
15:41.54krkayou shouldn't eat yellow wallpaper
15:42.20LunessaI once wrote a short piece about the sensations of a rapist/killer at the moment of his crime - and while it was, to me, a well written piece, the professor didn't like it.
15:42.56krkamaybe it needed more cowbell
15:43.09LunessaYeah, it should have had more cowbell.
15:43.12LopeppeppyIt can be hard for professors to accept a well-written piece if the subject matter violates taboos.  I've seen some very well crafted extreme-topic items.
15:44.58LunessaWe were supposed to be writing "for effect"  and I wrote a 500-word piece.  She just didn't think it was a "valid use of class time/effort."
15:45.21malrethtask 1 - create new user account done
15:45.31malrethtask 2 - generate new TA station passwords done
15:45.36LunessaI dropped.  I took the honors English class instead next semester.
15:45.37*** join/#wowi-lounge kadrahil (
15:45.45malrethtask 3 - replace desktop wallpaper on every machine in this building...
15:45.59LunessaSMS and GHOST for the win?
15:46.22malrethcan't ghost... these machines are all lab computers and we're in production
15:46.49LunessaGroup Policy?
15:47.14malrethalso, it's a mix of Macs and PCs... none are bound to an AD
15:47.28malrethalso, none of the PCs have the SMS client installed
15:47.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (n=jk275@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
15:47.42malrethmake it happen, malreth... be snappy!
15:47.52malrethStrategic Communications wants this done by last week!
15:47.56LunessaWow.  Someone in your department /hates/ you.
15:48.03malrethwe get this all the time
15:48.27malrethstratcom thinks that displaying propaganda on the lab desktop wallpaper is the best way to get a message across
15:48.58malrethoh... and isn't that such an Orwellian sounding name for a department? Strategic Communications.
15:49.17malrethi love how this organization works!
15:50.04Lunessamalreth: We sync screen-savers for lab machines to our campus PPT display.
15:50.30malrethi've got a trick with Radmind that i use to push wallpaper out
15:50.38LopeppeppyMy parent office is now Office of Communications, we USED to be Strategic Communications....
15:50.56malrethmy cow-orker has a similar method with PCRdist that he'll do for the PC side of things
15:51.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
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15:53.35malreththe annoying thing is that i pushed out updates for this building on monday
15:53.50malrethand even though stratcom wanted the wallpaper up on monday
15:53.57malreththey only just today sent me the graphic
15:54.12malrethnow i gotta push another update just for one file
15:55.36Lopeppeppy"Do it yesterday" is just too much fun for some people.
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16:06.19malrethi always love task 4
16:07.03cogwheelNO U!
16:07.29cogwheelDRAW 4!!!! MUAHAHAHA
16:07.42cogwheelumm... shit... i have all the colors :(
16:08.00LopeppeppyI have an ace of spades.  That's not useful here.
16:08.06malrethgreen 5
16:08.15cogwheelred 5
16:08.23malrethred 2
16:08.41cogwheelu had uno
16:08.52malrethno i didn't that's a lie
16:09.00cogwheelyou lied about uno
16:09.02cogwheel2 cards!
16:09.21malrethi call it NUCLEAR UNO
16:12.45LunessaWhen I was a club DJ, I used to say, "Guys, get your hands out from under the table. That's not /gum./
16:16.10cogwheeli can't believe how whiny people are being about the /castsequence bug... they' act like it's been around for months with absolutely no response from blizz one way or another
16:16.53LunessaLots of people still want the game to play itself for them.
16:17.39LopeppeppyAnd they *hate* when they have to pay attention.
16:17.51LunessaAnd oddly, I farmed with a /castsequence for /hours/ yesterday (curse you Primal Air, CuRse you!) and I didn't see it at ALL.
16:18.20malrethi hate farming for primal air
16:18.42LopeppeppyI think part of it is in PEBKAC and latency, honestly, which makes it uber hard to pin down and kill.
16:22.48malrethhowever, i do agree with what one whiner said... why didn't this get caught either through QA or on the PTR?
16:23.31LopeppeppyA bug that is not consistent and easily reproduced is the one MOST likely not to get caught and/or fixed.
16:24.27Endhow many people actually use macros on the ptr?
16:25.02cogwheelno one gives a shit about the ptr unless they have ZOMGPREMADEZZ!!!!
16:25.18LopeppeppyAnd then they only want to get into the ZOMG NEW GEAR DUNGEON!
16:25.33LunessaI never go there /hangs head in shame/ because I'm too busy playing to go test.
16:25.36EndThere was premades, but most people don't make macros for new characters initially :P
16:26.01Endanyways, my point is, macros don't get much exposure on ptr
16:26.12LopeppeppyI usually test, but very lightly... enough to see if the addons I'm using work, report any errors to the authors, poke a bit at the new stuff.  I never bother to copy my macros.
16:26.22EndI test my addons
16:26.29Endbut that's about it
16:26.40Lunessa<-- doesn't release anything that usually needs testing.
16:27.00LukianLunessa, are you referring to castsequence getting stuck?
16:27.24Lukianhappens to me all the time on my paladin
16:27.32LunessaIt never got stuck for me.  In 5 hours of farming the plateau.
16:27.41Lukiansimpliest macro ever. /castsequence reset=10 Holy Shield, Judgement
16:27.47Endit only seems to get stuck if you are out of range
16:27.51Endor something similar
16:28.13LopeppeppyAs I understand it, there's been a bug with Judgement for a while now.
16:28.38LukianIf I manually press judgement it advances :?
16:29.34LopeppeppyThat's pretty much what I've heard around, Lukian.  Manually executing whatever spell a /castsequence gets stuck on will often clear the "stuck".
16:29.47LopeppeppyKnowing which spell to manually clear on a complex cast sequence... priceless.
16:30.22Endmy macro with the castsequence actually already specificly has a condition where it resets itself :P
16:30.35Lukianhaha, #showtooltip ftw, assuming the macro isn't convoluted enough to break that ;)
16:30.50LopeppeppyOr End's solution, of course.
16:31.04LukianEnd, yeah?
16:31.06EndI added it to combat my spell getting resist, but hey, whatever :P
16:31.21Endit's just modifier or right click casting
16:31.31Endit's not automagic, but it's easy for me to use
16:31.40Lukianyeah I'm thinking about adding a modifer override
16:33.20malrethwell, i bet that internal QA has now added an out-of-range test to their manifest of things to check before vetting a release
16:34.36Endyeah, it's likely their macro tests are entirely within range
16:34.53End(until now)
16:35.05Lukianmy stuck particularly seems to happen when I shield, enter combat, then try to judge.
16:35.54LopeppeppyThe paladin-stuck-mode made me trash my macros and go back to clicking buttons for combat.  *sadpanda*
16:35.59Lukianso yeah, there's a range change in there, but whether that's the issue, I don't know
16:37.08LukianLopeppeppy, It's particularly annoying because being freshly geared as a heroic tank I need to keep holy shield up for uncrushability :)
16:37.12EndI seem to be able to reproduce it by trying to use my macro out of range, the problem is probably bigger than that
16:37.46LopeppeppyYup, that's gonna be a very sucky thing without the extra /castsequence fun, Lukian.
16:37.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (n=elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
16:41.05*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
16:42.06LopeppeppyMorning, |Jelly| !
16:43.51|Jelly|no reason to hide
16:44.06|Jelly|I just woke up to a power outage and then I have a lot of crap on my mind. :P
16:46.37ScytheBlade1I kinda like the Netherwing dailys. Lets me hit tab, spam scorch/fireball, and read the news in the morning.
16:46.43ScytheBlade1Boring dailys ftw?
17:01.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
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17:04.47Lunessacogwheel: What part of the Lone Star State will you be in, during Feb?
17:05.46LopeppeppyUgh.  February.  Forgot about that.
17:05.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
17:06.06malrethok... task 3 took a lot longer than it should have...
17:06.19malrethbut that's okay... i get paid all the same regardless
17:06.22|Jelly|I might have to make another trip down south. :P
17:06.25malrethtask 4! finally!
17:06.34malrethi get to spend half a million dollars
17:06.40Lunessacogwheel: Sweet.  Spring is "just across town" - beer!
17:07.23malrethi love speccing new hardware!
17:07.56cogwheelLunessa: not sure how available i'll be... The Mrs. and I are travelling with her mom to meet other family so i don't know if we'll have an opportunity to escape...
17:08.09LunessaGAH!  IN-LAWS
17:08.11cogwheelbut... 5 days...
17:08.17cogwheelyou never know :)
17:08.17LopeppeppyDo not provoke in-law aggro!
17:08.32cogwheelOh, I have great in-law rep...
17:08.33|Jelly|IMO find out ... and let me know.
17:08.36cogwheelI'm the "Good Son"
17:08.39LopeppeppyBut you might be able to say, "Hey, I have a chance to hang with some friends on Friday, if there's something you'd like to do for parent-bonding without me."
17:08.50|Jelly|You could go from exalted to hated PDQ though, Cog. :P
17:09.19LopeppeppyI'm tanking my own in-law rep daily... it's fun in a dangerously slippery slope way.
17:09.31Lunessacog, I promise - nothing that will get you in legal, ethical, or moral trouble.
17:09.42|pez|my mother in law loves me to bits.
17:09.57|pez|mother in law being the mother of the boyfriend, who I am not actually married to..
17:10.05LunessaSo.. the boyfriend is actually the husband |pez| ?
17:10.12LopeppeppyMy in laws used to love me....
17:10.23|pez|Nuh, but motherin law is easier to say than "mother of the boyfriend" or something.
17:10.29cogwheelThe more ppl the easier it will be to justify, imo :)
17:11.09|pez|She loves me to bits though, cause I make him treat his diabetes better than he used to.
17:11.21|Jelly|Hmm. Houston Trip Round Two: THIS TEIM, IT'S PERSONAL! lol
17:11.23Lopeppeppycogwheel, it's a bit far for me to fly, or I'd add to the pile.
17:11.50Lunessacogwheel: Well, we could make malreth drive down.
17:12.03LunessaTHen you could say someone is driving 2 hours to visit you.
17:12.28malrethi'll be driving back from LA, tho
17:12.37malrethwe could stop by on the way
17:13.05Lopeppeppy...on the way ....
17:13.20LopeppeppyVaguely on the way then, ya.
17:13.25LunessaLopeppeppy: It's on the way
17:13.39LunessaHe has to take I-10
17:13.43LopeppeppyWhen your road trip numbers in the days, everything is on the way in the end.
17:13.54cogwheelLA = Los Angeles to me...
17:13.58|Jelly|Peppy should come too imo.
17:14.05malrethactually, that might not be a bad idea since it'd divide the trip across two days
17:14.16malrethi could visit my parents
17:14.23LopeppeppyI'm too far away for easy commute, Jelly, and going to visit boys when I'm having problems with my own boy = not wise.
17:14.32malrethyes... unwise
17:14.33LopeppeppyI'm not paying for marriage counseling just to tank it all to hell!  :)
17:14.38|Jelly|So bring your boy. lol
17:14.50LopeppeppyFrell on toast, that would be fun |Jelly|.  Not.
17:15.02purlgo. to. sleep.
17:15.08|Jelly|wait. no
17:15.32malrethrats... i've only spent $66,120. i'm underbudget.
17:16.09LopeppeppyThat's not good, malreth.  Always ride your budget right to the edge, or they cut you next year.
17:16.14malrethi know
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17:16.46Lunessamalreth: pad your budget with my sonstlancy fees.
17:17.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn|Work (n=chatzill@
17:17.42|Jelly|Then consult with (and pay) meh!
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17:21.32malrethforgot to add a new server to the quote...
17:22.53malrethit's interesting that apple only provides two SATA drive size options for their XServe... 80GB x3 (too small) or 1TB x3 (this chair is too big)
17:23.08|Jelly|My spoon is too big.
17:23.13malrethguess it's terabyte drives then
17:23.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
17:23.33LopeppeppyMy apartment is too small.
17:23.54|Jelly|I always have room for a gnome, Peppy. ;)
17:24.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
17:25.00cogwheel|Jelly|: no spoon
17:25.05art3mismalreth: 3tb isnt too big
17:25.07malreth2 TB of raid 5 storage...
17:25.09|Jelly|MY SPOON IS TOO BIG!
17:25.20malrethit's only a lab file server
17:25.45art3misand a media server and newsgroup storage and redundant ghost image storage server
17:25.49Esamynn|WorkI find it a little strange that there is nothing between those 2 extemes
17:25.52art3misthink man!
17:25.58malrethit'll hold maybe... 500 gb throughout it's lifespan
17:25.58art3misyou can justify 3tb!
17:26.17malrethi can easily justify more than 160gb of storage
17:26.26art3mis3tb isnt enough for pr0n ;)
17:26.38malreth2 tb... it's raid 5
17:26.48art3mis2tb isnt enough for pr0n
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17:27.27malrethoh well... not my problem.
17:27.50malrethgief me sum tarabite drivez
17:27.56malrethi has them
17:27.57|Jelly|Wait. You're trying to spend money but you can't justify 1tb? :P
17:28.04|Jelly|or rather 2
17:28.14malrethwell, no... it's not really a problem
17:28.38malrethi just think it's odd that there are no other choices than 80 gb which is way too small for any kind of server use
17:28.48malrethunless the server does like... nothing
17:28.55malrethor 1 tb
17:29.00malreththere's nothing in between
17:29.16malrethlike a 250 gb... or a 320 gb... or a 500 gb
17:29.29malrethi know apple prefers to keep the number of choices down
17:29.44art3misless choice the stabler the system ;)
17:29.46malrethso why even have 80gb as an option
17:30.05art3misif you dont need to support 100 hardware options you can claim it's uber stable ;P
17:30.15art3mismalreth: small business mainly
17:30.30malrethit's not like they're video cards or chipsets or anything like that, art3mis... they're hard drives
17:30.40art3mismost businesses that use mac either need uber storage or can get by with a single external drive
17:31.10art3misfor those single externals(that dont share correctly without effort in osx) they offer the 80gb's ;)
17:31.39art3mismalreth: yeah but it's the apple way
17:31.55art3misapple removes most of the personal choice thing to avoid having to support more ;P
17:32.03art3misdrives or not
17:32.24art3misi'd still say go for the 2tb raid
17:32.26malrethart3mis: well then why not just make the minimum drive size 320 gb and make more money on the low end.
17:32.32malrethoh, i'm going with the tb drives
17:32.42art3misyou may not need it now but if tis available you can fidn all sorts of great things to use it for
17:32.48malrethquote's already drawn and submitted
17:33.03art3misa centralized media server being the best
17:33.17art3mishave people store thier itunes downloads there ;P
17:33.19malrethi'm not trying to justify 3 TBs...
17:33.30malreththe server's just for me
17:33.37malrethno one else gets to use it
17:33.40art3misbut yeah thats why though
17:33.52art3misthe differences between needs
17:33.54malrethwe already have a file server for general lab use with 2 TB of storage
17:34.13malrethand a WDS server for image maint with some evil amount of storage
17:34.19art3misthe small one is just for basic backup of random stuff, the large is for graphics companies
17:34.24art3misas near as i can see anyways
17:35.46malrethi still think thaht 80gb drives is strangely small for a server config
17:41.47|Jelly|Is it possible to be in two vents at once?
17:41.51LunessaHaha... people who think "Being in the game before Cross-Server BGs were implemented" is "a long time" - LOL
17:41.57|Jelly|I think I've asked but don't recall the answer.
17:42.35LopeppeppyI... don't think so, Jelly, but I know it's possible to be in Vent and the in-game voice at the same time, if you hate your ears enough?
17:43.08art3miscross server BG's was the bestest thing
17:43.25LopeppeppyIt was fun, at the very least.
17:43.27|Jelly|No. I just want to be in my guild's vent ... as well as my own vent.
17:43.39zenzelezz|Jelly|: should be easy to try, open Vent twice
17:43.54art3mis|Jelly|: i "think" you can get away with it if you use different in/outs
17:44.03|Jelly|"Another copy of ventrilo is already running"
17:44.25art3misie vent1 users linein lineout  and vent2 usese speakers/mic
17:44.34art3misjust change the name of ventrilo.exe ;P
17:44.43art3misthatll let ya run 2 ;P
17:44.56malreththen you'll need two mics
17:45.19|Jelly|or two 1/8" y-adapters.
17:45.19LunessaI was able to use Vent and TS and In-Game VOIP all at once.
17:45.19zenzelezzart3mis: did you verify this yourself or just assume?
17:45.23art3mishe wants to run two vents, so may as well go out for full retarded ;P
17:45.32art3miszenzelezz: im guessing based on how it functions
17:45.58zenzelezzthere are a number of ways to see if a program is running =)
17:46.10art3miswell yes but thats the simplest
17:46.34art3misand it works for quite a few windows based programs
17:47.10LopeppeppyLunessa, your ears must have bled from that.
17:47.13zenzelezzI think any decent program would check for instances of the program's window class, or use a mutex or something if they were very paranoid... but you are right that many just do the easy thing
17:47.24|Jelly|didn't work. :P
17:47.32art3misthen yer sol
17:47.46LunessaLopeppeppy: It was an experience in synthesia.
17:47.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
17:47.56|Jelly|imo, it should be built in to be able to connect to more than one server!
17:48.15art3misthat would be more complicated jelly heh
17:48.16LopeppeppyLunessa, you want to get some counseling to get off that crack.  *wink*
17:48.26art3misand we know that programmers are lazy bastards
17:48.33|Jelly|Yeah. Assholes.
17:48.33Lunessa... I <3 the crack?
17:48.46art3mislunessa: only the plumbers type ;P
17:48.50|Jelly|"Now /that's/ how you get pink eye."
17:49.39art3misoh btw The Ten is a pretty funny movie
17:49.42Lunessa~lart art3mis
17:49.42purlresizes art3mis's terminal to 40x24
17:49.52purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
17:49.59art3misit'll save you hassle
17:52.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
17:53.39|Jelly|OH WAIT! It's Friday! That means PA!
17:53.45LopeppeppyMy raccoon left me!
17:53.55malrethfunny thing is i'll probably have to redo these system quotes after next tuesday
17:54.16malrethbut since the meeting is on monday i have to go with what they have now
17:54.51LopeppeppyRevision is the spice of life.  *rolls eyes*
17:54.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Aiyee (
17:57.39malrethmanaged to get over $70k on the quote... whatever's left in the budget will be spent on software.
17:58.29malrethsince we're still running Adobe CS2 (*cough*) and Final Cut Pro 5 (*choke*), that should be easy
17:58.43malrethnothing's too good for this lab... *snort*
17:58.57LopeppeppyI *wish* I could get some software.  *sad sigh*
17:59.04malrethme too
17:59.28malrethstupid management fukc up last year meant they bought all of the WRONG software
17:59.45malrethseriously... they bought outdated software
18:00.20art3mis <-- neat game
18:00.20malrethand... they bought single-user licenses of FCP5 to make it even more fun for me
18:00.46LunessaLopeppeppy: I thought the whole issue was a critical /hardware/ failure.  It isn't delivering the needed throughput.
18:01.36art3mis<omegadark> but sometimes i like to pretend that i am a tree and that the elves like to make cookies inside of me
18:01.37LopeppeppyHardware, software.... all crap!
18:02.33art3misthe entire internet should be powered by dreamcast machines
18:02.46art3misand if it cant fit on a cdr then its not worth the effort ;P
18:02.58LopeppeppyAt least something more powerful than aenemic hamsters with bipolar disorder.
18:03.18art3misthe dreamcast was thinking!
18:04.56art3misooo we might get snow this weekend
18:05.11LopeppeppyGood.  YOU keep the snow.  Do not want!
18:05.32art3misoh do you watch craig ferguson?
18:05.44art3mishe had the best US map the other day
18:06.22art3miscalifornia and new york were on the edges, texas was the rest of the country except the florida penninsula, that was Narnia
18:06.30LopeppeppyNice.  *laugh*
18:06.38LopeppeppyNeeds more Narnia, in my opinion.
18:07.03LunessaOK, AFK for foodz.  I think I'll say something witty into the drive through speakers...
18:09.29ScytheBlade1Got 29 crystals in the NW mine
18:09.49ScytheBlade1Been farming flayers up top now for a good 30 minutes and I've only gotten 2 more :/
18:10.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
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18:10.37phetips(p)hear mah musix:
18:11.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
18:13.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
18:14.00malrethcogwheel: nice plug for MacroSequence!
18:14.20cogwheelnow to fix the bug so i can finish this chapter...
18:14.39malrethNO PITY FROM US!
18:14.44malrethBack to work, whore!
18:15.54malrethi hear new york is good for that
18:16.38LopeppeppyI'm a few hours north of NYC, so there's less need for streetcorner posts here.
18:16.52malrethless? or more?
18:17.12LopeppeppyLess need for the streetcorner people, because there are fewer corners.
18:17.25art3mispeppy just has massage parlours
18:17.26Lopeppeppybusiness tends to run more out of bars around here, it's too cold outside.
18:17.58art3misat least thats what craigslist has taught me about most of the highways north of here
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18:18.41LopeppeppyCraigslist is.... interesting but not be confused with a real resource.  *wink*
18:18.44art3misand we dont use street corners here
18:18.50art3miswe use timesquare ;P
18:18.53art3misit's easier
18:19.09LopeppeppyCentrally located I guess.  but cold.
18:19.23art3mismost of the bronx people hang out in timesquare4
18:19.35art3misi think its the Moth Effect
18:19.39LopeppeppyI hang out in... libraries.
18:19.40art3misall the bright shiny lights
18:19.50art3misand old churches peppy
18:19.53art3misyou fergot that
18:20.00art3misif caves arent available
18:20.08art3mismaybe the odd Belfry ;P
18:20.40LopeppeppyNo old churches, but an old graveyard and a cave, for sure.
18:20.53LopeppeppyThe bats were frozen into little popsicles, it was... odd.
18:21.00art3mismmm batcicles!
18:21.14LopeppeppyTastes like chikken?
18:21.24art3mistastes like ice and bat ;P
18:21.37art3misas ive never eatten raw chicken for comparisson
18:21.43Endcogwheel: why, has that changed?
18:22.07malrethairport TSA security tip: take an empty water bottle with you in your carry on. it'll make it through the security checkpoint with no problems. once you're past security, fill it up from a nearby water fountain.
18:22.07cogwheelEnd: apparently... broke macrosequence because I do the death reset on PLAYER_DEAD
18:22.28LopeppeppyFrozen does not equal raw, IMO
18:23.24malrethalso, while they limit bottle sizes to 2 oz, there's no restriction on the number of bottles. bring 50 tiny bottles of shampoo and mouthwash.
18:23.53LopeppeppyI thought it was 3oz, and there was a total limit of "as much as fits into one quart ziplock bag"
18:24.13malrethpack 'em in tight
18:24.26LopeppeppyThat's... very tight.  :)
18:24.32malrethaw yeah!
18:25.31*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
18:29.06art3misheh get thsoe single use flat packets
18:29.16art3mislike the soy sauce packets
18:29.50LopeppeppyThose work well for travel, I find.  No caps to come open accidentally.
18:30.01LopeppeppyMost people just buy samples once they get to where they're going, and abandon them when they leave again.
18:35.20Dumanohhh, fite
18:39.29malrethsingle use packets are no good for my fiancee
18:39.45malrethshe has hair down past her waist
18:39.49LopeppeppyCogwheel is so flame proof I don't even have to share the magic dinosaur flame proof suit with him.
18:39.57LopeppeppyI hear that, malreth, and mine is just to my shoulders.
18:39.59*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
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18:42.30Dumanthe whole liquid/gel restriction is utterly stupid, btw
18:45.27LopeppeppyAnd lithium batteries too now, don't forget.
18:46.47cogwheelut oh
18:46.56cogwheelkamdis pulled the "but he's an MVP" card
18:47.02LopeppeppySo I seed.
18:47.46*** part/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
18:48.35art3miscog owns a licence plate thats taken from a video game
18:48.51LopeppeppyDinosaur pants!
18:48.55art3mispretty much nothing past that point can be said about him being a nerd and have it taken offensivly
18:49.22LopeppeppyShould have heard me trying to explain the difference between "geek' and "nerd" yesterday....
18:49.31art3misexcept that hes a big smelly diaper face with poo breath
18:49.46LopeppeppyHis breath smells fine!
18:51.00DumanI've seen a 300z or maybe a g35 with "EPIC MNT" plates
18:51.06Dumanwhich made me chuckle
18:51.15cogwheelthat was my second choice but it was taken
18:51.18LopeppeppyI hope to one day have my Peppy Plates too.
18:51.24Dumannot that my plates are any better in the least
18:51.37art3misi used to ahve custom plates for my black cavalier
18:51.40cogwheelI'm 4 GNMRGN right now
18:51.53ScytheBlade1I still love that license plate
18:52.00Dumanat least yours are game-nerdy... mine are just nerdy-nerdy
18:52.08DumanNULLPTR and SIGSEGV
18:52.18ScytheBlade1I approve!
18:52.24cogwheeli'm desperately awaiting the registration docs for my new car so I can transfer it
18:52.44art3mishehe i saw a vwvan that had a bumpersticker that read "My other box is your server"
18:52.58art3mislicenceplate time sh
18:53.12art3misthought that was funny
18:53.24art3misthats my fav root shell backdoor
18:53.33art3mischmod 4755 /usr/bin/time
18:53.36LunessaOMG ... I totally missed a chance to use a "pack 'em in tight" innuendo.
18:53.59art3misnothing is "tight" about you luney
18:54.06art3mislike a hotdog down a hallway
18:55.12ScytheBlade1Boo, it seems that he isn't posting in that thread anymore.
18:55.14ScytheBlade1Anywho afk
18:55.19cncfanaticsart3mis, you can get root with time ? how ?
18:55.20LunessaArt, I have a tattoo above that reading "Warning: Exit only - Severe Damage"
18:55.39art3miscnc well once you have root through whatever patchable way you 4755 time
18:55.51art3misthen whenever you need a root shell you time bash/sh/csh whatever
18:55.54cncfanaticsand how can you get back root with a 4755'd time ?
18:56.05cncfanaticslol, seriously ?
18:56.08art3mis'time sh'
18:56.18art3mistime has a shell esc
18:56.25cncfanaticsand why does it ?
18:56.30art3misif you specify it after time it drops you toa #
18:56.41art3misim not entirely sure it just always has
18:56.42cncfanaticswhyyyyy ?
18:56.46cncfanaticsthats like a totaly obvious exploit
18:56.49cogwheelScytheBlade1: no, he prob just put you and kamdis on ignore ;)
18:56.57cncfanaticsso, everyone knowing that can just get root on my box ?
18:57.01art3misyou need root for 4755 it
18:57.07cncfanaticschmod 0755 time
18:57.10art3misits normally 755
18:57.25cncfanaticsI was able to time sh just fine
18:57.27cncfanaticsas normal user
18:57.30cncfanaticswithout 4755'ing it
18:57.32art3misnods but not as root
18:57.42art3miswithout the 4 there it's not sui
18:57.53cncfanaticsI was able to cd /root
18:57.55art3misyou need to suid root it
18:58.24cncfanaticswhy can I dir /root fine then ?
18:58.31art3misnew linux desktop homeuser accounts dont count
18:58.51cncfanaticsheh, my normal acc can access it too
18:58.54art3misdid you start with a $ or a # ?
18:59.25art3misheh cuz thats pretty funny if it gives root read access ;P
18:59.25cncfanaticsweird, why ain't /root 700 ?
18:59.44cncfanaticsall got read
18:59.59Dumanit should be 700 or 750 or something, at least
19:00.04Dumannothing more permissive
19:00.04cncfanaticssince when is /root not 700 by default ?
19:00.09cncfanaticswas 755
19:00.22Duman751 at the absolute worst
19:00.24Dumanwell, taht's not good
19:00.34Dumanchange it? :)
19:00.46art3mispossibly because it uses something in there for normal desktop operation?
19:00.58cncfanaticsit shouldn't
19:01.03art3misare you runing a pure or a hybrid?
19:01.15art3misokay thats odd then
19:01.28cncfanaticsjust chmod'd it, problem fixed
19:01.31cncfanaticsoh btw
19:01.32art3misoddly most people dotn know about time sh ;)
19:01.41cncfanaticsart3mis, getting root access to most boxes is easy
19:01.46cncfanaticsif they don't lock grub its hell easy even
19:01.50art3misthats why its my fav backdoor ;P
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19:02.00cncfanaticsjust get physical access to the pc once, then you can just use time
19:02.08art3misocne you set that in 99% of all cases you can get it backwhernever you need it
19:02.20cncfanaticsneed remote access set up someway too
19:02.24cncfanaticsthis box has no remote access for example
19:02.27art3misthe 1% is admins that actually read security change logs
19:02.49cncfanaticsso you'd always need physical access, in which case you could as well as grub (mine is pw'd though)
19:02.49malrethby observing the results, he has altered them
19:02.52art3missince the 4755 totally shows up
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19:03.08malrethi suspect the number of deaths due to blogging accidents will increase sharply
19:03.24art3miscncfanatics: yeah thats always the case though
19:03.33art3misbut we're assumig you've already got shell access
19:04.00cncfanaticstime is made to drop you in a shell, thats sure
19:04.03art3misin the early days of sudo i was too lazy to setup the allows list so i used to backdoor my own systems
19:04.04cncfanaticswell, if you want to
19:04.19cncfanaticsmodern sudo is pretty secure :)
19:04.20art3miswas easier that way ;)
19:04.27cncfanaticsI'm the only one in my allow list anyway
19:04.28malrethi was right... the count is up to 2420 now
19:04.33malrethso much needless death
19:04.42art3misneedful deaths
19:04.45art3misbloggers need to die
19:04.51art3misthe more horrible the better
19:05.03cncfanaticsart3mis, you're a blogger right ?
19:05.14malrethcurrently, zero
19:05.16Dumanjeez art... someone said the same thing on another channel I'm on
19:05.23Duman<11:01AM shane_> bloggers are morons
19:05.25art3misnothi9ng i have to say needs to be saved for posterity
19:05.38art3misthats why i talk in irc ;P
19:05.42cncfanaticsDuman, thats probably because bloggers ARE morons
19:05.49DumanI'm not disagreeing :)
19:06.11LopeppeppyThey won't LET me post in the Web Dev group blog at work.  :)
19:06.12cncfanaticsdattebayo is releasing subs again
19:06.19art3mispeople are treating bloggig now-a-days as though tis some new media format
19:06.23art3misfor news and insight
19:06.29cncfanaticswhy lopeppeppy ? and why would you want it anyway
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19:06.39art3miswhen really if these people didnt have blogs they'd be on street corners with cardboard signs
19:06.58Lopeppeppycncfanatics, my first entry would be why it's good that we're not allowed to use the c word at work.
19:07.07LopeppeppySecond would be a scathing analysis of the Skidmore Sheeple.
19:07.20art3misyou cant use "code" at work?
19:07.21LopeppeppyThird would be comparing my office superiors to characters in Office Space.
19:07.30LopeppeppyFourth would be my goodbye post.  *grin*
19:07.41art3miswhens the post with boobie pics?
19:08.39Dumanthe "c" word?
19:08.44art3miscourage ;P
19:08.47LopeppeppyI actually stay away from blogging in general, I have issues with privacy sometimes.
19:08.59malrethi think trev erased his posts from that thread
19:09.04LopeppeppyDuman, there's a very bad c word out there.  Just think hard about hedges and you'll figure it out.
19:09.09Dumanoh that
19:09.21LopeppeppyCan't use at work, no way, no how.
19:09.21art3misits a great word though
19:09.25cncfanaticswhat c word ?
19:09.29Dumanmy mind wasnt' far enough into the gutter
19:09.36art3miscut with an N
19:09.50Lopeppeppycncfanatics, I know you can do it.  Just come down to the gutter of hating your female coworkers, you'll figure it.
19:09.54malrethchristmas is a 4 lettered word
19:10.07art3misyou must be using some archaic form od xmas
19:10.18art3miskind of like when you say ask instead of ax
19:10.20cncfanaticsLopeppeppy, my dictionary of english offences is quite poor
19:10.32LopeppeppyWhat am disctionery?
19:10.40malrethlater folks
19:10.49art3misits just a tionary peppy
19:10.58art3misthe womens libers took the dick out of it ;P
19:11.01LopeppeppyI prefer Twister.
19:11.10cncfanaticsLopeppeppy, Duman, art3mis: I hate you all
19:11.16cncfanaticsmalreth: I hate you the most
19:11.35cncfanaticsanyway, now I'll go get dinner
19:11.37Dumancharlie uniform november tango
19:13.22cogwheelDone! You’re matched up with the Bug Report forum. Of course if spamming gets out of control we’ll have to set it back, but I don’t see that being an issue.
19:13.38cogwheel30 sec post timer on ui & macros 4tw!
19:14.02Lopeppeppy*loves Cogwheel*
19:14.11LunessaTwister, Yellow Right Foot, Red Left Hand, Baby Oil Everywhere.
19:14.11Dumancog: you're welcome :)
19:14.23cogwheel/cheer Duman
19:14.43LopeppeppyLunessa, I didn't know you cared!  :)
19:15.12LunessaOh, I loves me some Twister.  The more /twsited/ the better.
19:15.26DumanI haven't played twister since college
19:15.31art3misluney has been playing solo for the last 3 days
19:15.31DumanI might pull something if I tried now
19:15.38art3mishe's gotten quite flexible
19:17.16Lunessaart3mis: Your fascination with my flexibility is slightly concerning.
19:21.00*** join/#wowi-lounge spathi (n=spathi@
19:23.29cncfanaticsback, had a lovely dinner: )
19:26.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
19:31.06PolarinaCairenn: Should I add a topic for Relegation in Released Interfaces/Scripts?
19:31.15Cairennif you wish to
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19:31.46PolarinaOk. :)
19:35.35ShirikAnyone have a good recommendation on an addon that stores specs and allows you to easily switch between them?
19:35.45AntiarcTalented does it
19:35.57AntiarcIt also lets you prototype specs in WoW and then apply them
19:36.00AntiarcWhich is nice
19:36.48Shirikthanks I'll check it out
19:41.00*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
19:41.17sag_ich_nicht~seen AnduinLothar
19:41.18purlanduinlothar <n=AnduinLo@WoWUIDev/Cosmos/AnduinLothar> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 1d 14h 11m 39s ago, saying: 'easily addicted?'.
19:41.20sag_ich_nicht~seen KarlKFI
19:41.21purlkarlkfi is currently on #wowi-lounge (16h 8m 51s) #wowace (16h 8m 51s), last said: 'i like the way pets don't take aoe, but it's liek cheating in arenas'.
19:41.56sag_ich_nichtAL you there? :P
19:44.21*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar_work (n=sylvanaa@
19:47.23sag_ich_nichtShirik: the point is known if he is physically present at his computer
19:47.29sag_ich_nichtnot if his damn IRC client is connected
19:47.31sag_ich_nicht~fail Shirik
19:47.31purlShirik: Fail.
19:47.52Shirikbecause asking in an IRC channel would be totally effective when he's not in the IRC channel in the first place?
19:48.01ScytheBlade1Well, I just broke.
19:48.04ScytheBlade1Bam, two accounts.
19:48.11Shirik~fail ScytheBlade1
19:48.11purlScytheBlade1: Fail.
19:48.31ScytheBlade1I don't want to solo level a resto druid to 80 when I have a perfectly good fire mage sitting next to it.
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19:52.13ScytheBlade1However, in my defense
19:52.27ScytheBlade1I did *also* buy the complete C&C collection for $50
19:52.34ScytheBlade1I'll get a lot of playtime out of that
19:53.02LopeppeppyI've considered a second account.... *ponders happily*
19:53.19LunessaThings that make you go Hrmm....
19:53.41*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
19:53.44ScytheBlade1I just really, really don't want to level a resto druid. And it'll be a sad day if I went and respecced it to feral, only to equip some level 65 feral greens in place of level 70 healing epics.
19:54.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Xion (n=Xion@
19:55.58Thunder_ChildScytheBlade1, your talking 70 to 80?
19:56.11ScytheBlade1Thunder_Child: yeah, down the line. Weak reasoning, I know.
19:56.30Thunder_ChildScytheBlade1, odds are you will be able to instance lvl to 80
19:56.44Thunder_Childso you can do it as resto
19:56.50ScytheBlade1The thing is, I'd have to find four others to do that with me.
19:57.03Thunder_Childit's called finding pug's
19:57.08Thunder_Childjust like normal
19:57.32Thunder_Childit's like going from 60-70
19:57.35ScytheBlade1I leveled from 1-60, and then to 70, twice, without ever touching a pug
19:57.56Thunder_Childthen your lucky, but you CAN do it
19:58.03Thunder_Childor get guildies
19:58.18ScytheBlade1I'm not touching a pug, I don't care what you say
19:58.21ShirikI love how my department chair just sends me [no subject] emails with "Do you want to do this?" as its only message
19:58.22Dumanpugs make babyjesus cry
19:58.23ScytheBlade1Not happening! Noooo! Not even!
19:58.26Dumanat least, most of them
19:58.30ShirikHe seems to think I can do anything ><
19:58.40Thunder_Childpugs make me want to drown kittens, thats not the point
19:58.54ScytheBlade1That IS the point
19:58.56ScytheBlade1I'm not touching pugs
19:59.07Thunder_Childfine, then go instance with various guild memebers
19:59.29ScytheBlade1Go and duo-quest.
19:59.51ScytheBlade1Too bad
20:00.48Lunessais there anything that doesn't make babyjesus cry?
20:02.11ScytheBlade1 <-- I like that post more than I should
20:02.18*** join/#wowi-lounge soufron (
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20:03.17malrethtask 5: meet with customer at the athletics lab
20:03.23malrethi love coming over here
20:03.30Thunder_ChildLunessa, i assume babyjesus doesnt make babyjesus cry
20:03.40LunessaI bet he does.
20:03.42malrethcuz i can  take a late lunch and eat something better than fast food
20:03.55malreththe alumni center has a nice cafe
20:04.51malrethand the chicks here are cute and love to talk
20:05.46malrethi think they hire attractive outgoing people on purpose since a lot of old rich men eat here
20:06.00malrethand it probably inclines them to donate more money to the school
20:06.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
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20:08.15Josh_Borkemalreth: sounds like a good idea to me
20:08.52LunessaGet a triple expresso and a salad.
20:09.10malreththe place is actually called Texas Expresso
20:09.28malrethsince it's run by the Texas Ex-Student Association
20:10.32ShirikAnyone here know the wowui/incgamers staff at all?
20:11.36LunessaI swear.. I've had my chain of thought for this involved document/manual destroyed by constant interruptions.  I'm never going to get it finished.
20:11.36Matrix110why would you even want to know them? :P
20:12.09Matrix110think i didnt visit wowui after 2005 anymore :P
20:12.19Matrix110ui.worldofwar still at that time
20:13.41CairennShirik: I do
20:14.27ShirikMatrix110: Long story
20:16.04Matrix110hmm ScytheBlade1 now i know why my Iceblock, Coldsnap castsequence doesnt work:P
20:16.31Matrix110Glad that we didnt do arena this week
20:17.03Matrix110@High Warlod Najentus i wanted to use my 2nd Iceblock
20:17.09Matrix110and my macro didnt work so i died:P
20:18.19EndCairenn knows everybody ;-P
20:18.21ScytheBlade1MacroSequencer for you!
20:19.22Matrix110only using 2 Combat affecting macros
20:19.54Matrix110Ice block, cold snap and that my pet attacks my target i shoot with FB
20:21.58CairennEnd: :)
20:22.23Thunder_Child"The bug causing people to stand up in Blade's Edge Mountains and interrupting their eating/drinking was fixed but has been reintroduced with the 2.3.2 patch, devs are re-investigating the cause." got to love the small shit
20:22.43malrethi hate that bug
20:23.15Esamynn|Worklol, that is a strange bug
20:23.17malrethcuz it always happens 7 seconds after i start eating stat buff food
20:24.45ScytheBlade1Hate that so much
20:24.48ScytheBlade1And I'm a mage!
20:26.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
20:28.39sysrageappears they only fixed half the casting bug too.. at least they got the more annoying half
20:29.51malreth"I would like to take a moment and thank Blizzard for this Macro snafu, for those like myself who have not found the joys of using macros for everything it has been a pleasure in BG's and Arena to battle players who just stand there and let u burn them down with low tech button mashing"
20:30.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
20:31.50Esamynn|Worksysrage: which casting bug?
20:33.13sysragepre-2.3.2, it would keep casting after your target died and if you switched to target B before target A died and started casting, that cast would be interrupted when target A died
20:33.24sysragethey fixed first half thankfully, but i'm still getting interrupted when first target dies
20:37.45*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
20:39.43sag_ich_nichtdo hunters get any benefits from +melee hit?
20:39.57sag_ich_nicht(besides actual melee combat, that is)
20:40.18sag_ich_nichtEsamynn|Work details?
20:40.24sag_ich_nichtbecause i just heard differently in another channel
20:40.25Esamynn|Workthere is a separate +hit for ranged iirc
20:40.25malrethdon't let that stop you rolling on other people's loot, tho
20:40.44malrethremember: every loot is hunter loot
20:40.45Esamynn|Workand as I recall a lot of items with +hit give both
20:41.04ShirikI love reading strange comments in assembly
20:41.07Shirik772FD2B2 > 68 34592C77 PUSH ntdll.772C5934 ; ASCII "SXS: It is resolved!!!, GOOD"
20:41.13sag_ich_nichtmalreth: no, my problem is that our hunters seem to think tsunami talisman is AWESOME for them and they should get loot rights on it before all of the melees have it
20:41.26malrethit is. you should give it to them
20:41.40malrethhunters always know best
20:42.12Saint-Nthats one of my fav comments ;P
20:42.29Saint-Nthe other is rabbit's // Fucking blizzard!!!
20:42.32Esamynn|Worksag_ich_nicht: I'm pretty sure that unless it specifies melee or ranged, +hit works for both
20:42.43sysragetooltip for that says absolutely nothing about melee
20:42.59malrethha ha! i was actually right!
20:43.03purlmalreth is always right
20:43.07malrethdamn right!
20:43.24Esamynn|Work~factinfo malreth
20:43.24purlmalreth -- last modified at Wed Nov 21 20:14:43 2007 by malreth!; it has been requested 32 times, last by malreth, 21s ago.
20:43.30Saint-Nim sure we'll find that malreth added that all on his own too ;P
20:43.44malreth~literal malreth
20:43.44purl"malreth" is "<reply>(malreth is always right|never take malreth seriously)"
20:43.45Saint-Nwhich goes against irc rules
20:43.54Saint-Nthus needs to be removed
20:44.01Saint-Nyou can't calc something about yourself
20:44.06malreththere are rules in irc?
20:44.25malrethirc is serious business
20:44.26sysragepurl, saint-n is <reply>Saint-N is always wrong
20:44.27purlokay, sysrage
20:44.40Saint-N"hi im 13" means "do not message me about the size of your penis, chris mathews may be watching"
20:44.57Esamynn|Workpurl, no, malreth is (<reply>malreth is always wrong|<reply>never take malreth seriously|an annoying person who hangs out in #wowi-lounge)
20:44.58purlEsamynn|Work: okay
20:45.07Saint-Nim not always wrong
20:45.16Saint-Nmostly because i flip flop ;)
20:45.16Thunder_Childor "hi i'm 13" could mean "hi, i'm 13"
20:45.37Saint-Ntc: it's irc the above is definitely a better common sense rule ;)
20:45.48Saint-Nthats what the "to catch a predator" marathon taught me
20:46.04Saint-Nthe only 13yo's on irc are feds anyways
20:46.08malrethactually, it's just never a good idea to message anyone about the size of your penis
20:46.14Thunder_Childit's only better comon sense if you were going to do something...inapropriate with said 13yo
20:46.37Saint-Nthus making my statement more accurate ;P
20:46.46Saint-Ncuz they caught a lot of predators that day
20:46.52Saint-Neven a doctor
20:46.59Saint-Nwho i REALLY hope is a pediatrician
20:47.05Saint-Ncuz that would be extra funny
20:47.29Saint-Ndont you sigh at me mister
20:47.44Esamynn|Work~lart Saint-N
20:47.45purlgrabs a large, mis-shapened log, with squirrels, and beats Saint-N until only the nuts remain ... which the squirrels run off with
20:48.02purlEsamynn|Work: thanks
20:48.04Saint-Noh and incase you're part of the slow class that rides the shortbus... art3mis == Saint-N
20:48.05Thunder_Childway apt
20:49.28sysragepoor squirrel
20:49.30Saint-Ngod im bored
20:53.12Thunder_Childyes my child, we are all bored from time to time
20:53.29malrethcursor*10 is a fun game...
20:53.51malrethbut i can only get a hi score of 124
20:53.59Cairennthose of you who are bored and want to have fun decompiling stuff again (/looks at Antiarc and ScytheBlade1) ... looks like UICentral is infected again - Shirik is already playing with it
20:54.08malrethhaving a real mouse instead of a touchpad would make it easier, prolly
20:54.11AntiarcAnd I'd love to
20:54.15AntiarcBut I have to go install a rack server
20:56.13Saint-Ngood thing uicentral has security tightly locked up ;P
20:57.34cogwheelSaint-N: link?
20:57.42Saint-Ni cant wait
20:57.48Saint-Nmeaning i havent read any yet ;P
20:57.58Cairenn(8:55:58 AM) Shirik: so there's discussion that the incgamers UI is once again infested with a virus
20:57.58Cairenn(8:56:26 AM) cladhaire: wow.. where is it?
20:57.58Cairenn(8:56:41 AM) Shirik: actually on the wowi forums
20:57.58Cairenn(8:56:48 AM) cladhaire: link?
20:57.58Cairenn(8:57:05 AM) Shirik: let me see if I can find it, I have way too many tabs open right now ><
20:57.59Cairenn(8:57:23 AM) Shirik:
20:58.01Cairenn(8:59:39 AM) Shirik: and here:
20:58.02Saint-Nthe last two times was incredibly amusing
20:58.18CairennRushster says that they are clean, but Shirik just downloaded today and is finding it
20:58.21cogwheel<3 Cairenn
20:59.12Esamynn|Workwoot! drama!
21:01.33Saint-Ngod i hate sites that require login to read forums
21:02.13Esamynn|Workok, since when is a minor patch grounds to disable non-authenticated access to your forums?  (is trying to read the inc gamers forums)
21:02.15PolarinaI totally agree there.
21:02.34Thunder_Child"call me a sniffy games or arts fagsmasextual..."
21:02.57Thunder_ChildYahtzee ftw
21:03.13Esamynn|Workof course, this channel is TOTALLY unbiased ;)
21:03.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
21:03.50Polarina"As time passes, more idiots keep appearing and existing idiots become even more stupid."  :)
21:05.20Thunder_Childi need to buy a new keyboard, someone give me some ideas
21:05.42Thunder_Childhave it
21:05.52Esamynn|Workthen why do you need a new keyboard?
21:05.57Thunder_Childit's breaking
21:06.07Thunder_Childand i dont use most of the stuff one it
21:06.34Thunder_Childi dont use the G keys, the LCD, the usb, etc.
21:07.29Saint-Nsaitek gamers keyboard
21:07.40Saint-Nonly real neat thing about it is the 9 button keypad
21:08.28Saint-Nrush is funny
21:08.56Saint-Nhis immediate and first response is "it's clean not us!" without at least saying "we'll be analyzing it a bit further"
21:09.14Saint-Nrunning it through a couple of antivirus programs != making sure its 100% clean
21:09.20malrethget one of these:
21:10.13Saint-Nfor when gay just isn't apple enough?
21:10.33Esamynn|Work~fail Rushster
21:10.34purlRushster: Fail.
21:10.58purlNo, YOU'RE gay.
21:11.10Thunder_Child~lart malreth
21:11.10purlstuffs malreth into a shiny new tin can and vacuum seals it
21:11.24Saint-Nooo shiny
21:11.28malrethi'll stay edible forever
21:11.45Saint-Nya got the shinning boy! You mean the shining? quiet you want to get sued?!
21:12.34malrethbut don't be reading my mind between four and five. that's willy's time!
21:12.58Thunder_Childwell....i readthat as something else
21:13.03Thunder_Childread that*
21:13.38Cairenn(4:07:58 PM) Shirik: So here's the deal. UI Central is packaged with a program "patcher.exe" which has code in it to go download an "update.exe" from a non-incgamers site
21:13.38Cairenn(4:08:05 PM) Shirik: update.exe is then immediately run
21:13.38Cairenn(4:08:51 PM) Shirik: update.exe proceeds to install itself as wzcsvbc.dll
21:13.38Cairenn(4:10:01 PM) Shirik: It installs that from a remote site if possible, and if that fails it will instead use its own copy
21:13.38Cairenn(4:10:26 PM) Shirik: It then registers itself with lsass.exe so that it can be resident at every startup while remaining hidden
21:13.41Cairenn(4:10:43 PM) Shirik: After all that's complete, update.exe attempts to delete itself and shut down
21:14.10malrethlet it wash over me like an ocean wave
21:14.14Saint-Nrush is right!
21:14.22Saint-Nthat sounds clean to me ;)
21:15.31malrethdo you think anyone will ever download an install UI Central again?
21:15.45nevcairielalot of people never noticed
21:15.47Cairennthey did this time
21:15.47malrethoh.. right
21:15.50Saint-Nalthough if i were him i'd be WAY more concerned with how they keep replacing his binary ;)
21:16.05Shirikme too
21:16.16Cairenn"it comes in from another site on the network, it isn't their site, their site is secure"
21:16.27ShirikI downloaded ui central from their site
21:16.29Arrowmasteraka they have a shitty host
21:16.31Cairennthat's what he said last time
21:16.34nevcairielthen they better close their network :P
21:16.48Cairennthat they got into his files through one of the other sites having an opening
21:16.52Arrowmasterif some other server on your hosts network gets you hacked you need to fucking switch hosts
21:16.54Saint-N"someone on the server has a shell account and we screwed up our public_html permissions"
21:17.14Saint-Nyeah that swounds like a huge load of crap
21:17.23Thunder_Childhmm...actually i might try when it comes out
21:17.48Saint-Nthunder: the saiteks are actually pretty nice, low profile keys quiet but not silenent clicky
21:17.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (n=skullsho@2002:44cc:9fc2:0:0:0:44cc:9fc2)
21:18.04Thunder_Childeh, dont really care about the noise
21:18.22*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Shirik] by ChanServ
21:19.09Saint-N*ChanServ gives voice to The_People
21:19.23Thunder_ChildShirik is not a person
21:19.32Saint-Nno he's mulitple people
21:19.34malrethshame the keyboard doesn't come in an ESDF variant
21:19.52Saint-Nmal all keyboards can be made variant ;P
21:20.00Saint-Nwith just a screw driver ;)
21:20.30Thunder_Childwhy would you want esdf over wasd anyway?
21:20.35*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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21:20.47malrethi bind spells all around the movement keys
21:20.53Josh_Borkeall keyboards DO come with ESDF...
21:21.09Thunder_ChildJosh_Borke, not metal clad like the keyboard i inked
21:21.14malrethJosh_Borke: i'm talking about the metal-capped keys on that keyboard
21:21.19Josh_Borkei see
21:21.23Josh_Borkei hadn't looked at the link :-D
21:21.26nevcairielfor wow, i need that for 1-5 too :P
21:23.04*** part/#wowi-lounge Xion (n=Xion@
21:24.37Saint-N <-- ky keyboard
21:25.00Saint-Nthe keypad thingy is where my movement and 6 spells reside
21:25.13nevcairielthat looks weird o.O
21:25.26Saint-Nit has 2 buttons for "shift" shifta and shiftb to change the values of all the keys
21:25.40Saint-Nso 123 and shiftb123 are the spells
21:25.49Saint-Nand best of all it supports timed macros ;P
21:26.25malrethi'd use timed macros...
21:26.32malrethto automate cyb0r
21:26.41malreththen i can afk in goldshire
21:26.52LunessaThose 'keypad' buttons are fully programmable?
21:27.07cncfanaticsand also fully illegal
21:27.38Esamynn|Workfor WoW anyways
21:27.40LunessaAll I want is to remap them to arrows or odd key-combos.
21:27.47Saint-Nthats what i do
21:28.07Lunessatoo bad the fucking keyboard is not a split/ergo design
21:28.12Saint-Ncept that button 1 is pain*delay*ve
21:28.36Saint-Nthats actually why i picked it
21:28.43Saint-Ni cant stand those types
21:28.43Arrowmasterdamn that keyboard linked is old
21:28.53Saint-Nyup it is
21:29.00Saint-Ngot it like 1.5 years ago or so
21:29.01Arrowmasterive got a saitek eclipse
21:29.14Arrowmasterwhich is newer than the 'gamers keyboard'
21:29.23Arrowmasterand theres a saitek eclipse 2 out now
21:29.27LunessaI need that split.
21:29.31Saint-Nthe only major downside toit is that the gamepad isnt supported in nix
21:29.49Saint-Nor through ANY belkin kvm
21:30.00Saint-Nor macos ;P
21:30.05Saint-Nits purely winders only
21:30.18Lunessascrew it.  I use Windows or Mac OS, but generally play WoW on Windows.
21:31.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
21:31.53cncfanaticsSaint-N, how does the gamepad work ?
21:32.29Arrowmasterit plugs into the keyboard
21:32.39Arrowmastermuch better off getting a seperate one
21:32.51*** join/#wowi-lounge art3mis_ (n=art3mis@
21:33.21cncfanaticsplugs into the keyboard
21:33.24cncfanaticsso it sends keyb signals ?
21:33.27cncfanaticssupported in linux
21:33.40cncfanaticsthey're just regular keyboard keys -.-
21:33.47Arrowmasterno theyre not
21:34.08Arrowmasterhe said it wont work through kvms
21:34.14cncfanaticshmmm, why is that ?
21:34.23Arrowmasterbecause theyre somehow special
21:34.35cncfanaticsthey did something weird to they keyb then tbh
21:35.14Arrowmasterlike i said get a newer keyboard (the saitek gamer is much older than 1-2 years) and a seperate programable pad
21:35.42Arrowmasteri was looking at to replace my belkin n52
21:36.01Arrowmasterdamn n52 has so few buttons that i can only use it for fps games
21:37.51Cairenn and
21:38.42cncfanaticsmy regular keyboard has enough keys tbh
21:39.24Esamynn|Work~hail Cairenn
21:39.24purlACTION bows down to Cairenn and chants, "I'M NOT WORTHY!!"
21:39.28cncfanaticsOMG, Shirik got voiced ! :p
21:39.40ShirikShirik was voiced like... 2 months ago
21:39.45cncfanaticsnever noticed :p
21:39.53End~lart cncfanatics
21:39.53purlfarts in cncfanatics's general direction
21:39.55ScytheBlade1Wow, it just never stops for them
21:40.13ScytheBlade1Is it still infected on their site?
21:40.19ScytheBlade1Or has it been takedn down already?
21:40.35ShirikScytheBlade1: Do you have the program "reflector" ?
21:40.37Cairenndunno, may have, if Rushster has already responded
21:40.41LunessaAnd those posts are the reason why the world <3's Cairenn.
21:40.44ScytheBlade1Shirik: I do not
21:40.54ShirikI would go grab it, it would make pointing out the problem parts much easier
21:41.06Shirikreflector is a .NET disassembler that can pretty much give you source
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21:41.17Shirikand the intial program in question is .NET
21:41.20ScytheBlade1That would be much easier
21:41.22Shirikand it's very evident what it's trying to do
21:41.23Cairennafk, back shortly
21:41.33Esamynn|WorkCairenn: so you caught another helper huh? 8)
21:41.36cncfanaticsI got a wine sandbox here, if you need help just call
21:41.51ShirikOh I've long since shut down my toolboxes, I've done all the analysis I can think of :P
21:41.53ShirikBut next time :)
21:42.03ScytheBlade1I've got a windows box here. Much more motivation to actually clean it.
21:42.10cncfanaticswine ftw
21:42.19ScytheBlade1I would agree
21:42.23ScytheBlade1But I still test it on the windows box
21:42.29cncfanaticsbtw, Shirik, out of curiosity, how old are you ?
21:42.37ShirikI'll be 21 on the 20th
21:42.38*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
21:42.49cncfanaticsin university I supose ? :)
21:42.51*** join/#wowi-lounge [Liquidor] (n=denras19@
21:43.01cncfanaticswhat major ?
21:43.05Endman, incgamers have had so many issues with malicious code :-/
21:43.05cncfanatics& what minor ? :)
21:43.05Shirikcomputer engineering
21:43.10malrethyou shouldn't be telling people what to do... you're just a kid
21:43.21Shirikminor is actually technically an "AOC," avionics
21:43.44cncfanaticsheh, I'm currently in the process of choosing an university, and a direction, any suggestions ? /)
21:43.54Shirikdepends on what you want to do
21:44.00cogwheeltraditional academia is overrated imo
21:44.05ShirikI was debating between going into aerospace engineering and computer engineering
21:44.05ScytheBlade1Ruster is an idiot
21:44.13malrethcncfanatics: you should be a gigolo
21:44.14ShirikSo I combined the two and ended up at embry-riddle aeronautical
21:44.17ShirikI'm very satisfied
21:44.27cncfanaticsmainly hesitating between physics & informatics atm
21:44.27cogwheeli think the whole university system needs to be destroyed... it's as much of a relic as telegraphs
21:44.39Endthe first two years of college were somewhat worthless, but the least year and a half have been useful
21:44.52Shirikcogwheel: I just absolutely love the stuff I'm working on here
21:44.53Endwell, maybe not useful, but interesting at least :P
21:44.56Shiriktwo robot projects right now
21:45.01Shirikso much fun
21:45.04cncfanaticscogwheel, aren't you teaching in one ?
21:45.06cogwheelShirik: how much General ed did you have to take to get there?
21:45.08ShirikI wouldn't have gotten into them if I weren't at the university
21:45.13Shiriknone :/
21:45.16ShirikAside from HS of course
21:45.17cogwheelcncfanatics: no
21:45.26cncfanaticsoh wait, it was cladhaire who was
21:45.29cncfanaticsconfusing you both :(
21:45.31cogwheelShirik: well /win then :P
21:46.07cogwheelcncfanatics: understandable... nick starts with c, both working on wowprogramming
21:46.19cncfanaticsboth writing on the same book too ?
21:46.22Esamynn|WorkScytheBlade1: what?!?! you mean virus scanners are the magic cure-all solution??
21:46.24cncfanaticsor is that only clad ?
21:46.27cogwheelShirik: high school being another story entirely though :P
21:46.37purl[wowprogramming] World of Warcraft Programming: A Guide and Reference for Creating WoW Addons, a book written by Cladhaire, Kaelten and Cogwheel.  It serves as a technical reference for the WoW API and customization system (Due out Early 2008).
21:46.47cncfanaticsthought so
21:47.07ScytheBlade1Esamynn|Work: He's so stupid it makes me want to... sdhgiaugawgiuwahfiawhfjkfhz.
21:47.18Endheh, nice, you got the LFG guy to do your cover :P
21:47.23Esamynn|Work~calm ScytheBlade1
21:47.23purlACTION sooths ScytheBlade1, offers a backrub, tea, a jacuzzi and anything else that might help calm ScytheBlade1 down.
21:47.37cncfanaticswhat is the aprox release date these days ? cogwheel
21:47.53ScytheBlade1Any time someone says "But I have a virus scanner!" it makes me want to spend four seconds looking at their computer and pull trojan after trojan off of it.
21:47.53cncfanaticscan't find any date :(
21:47.56cncfanaticsmaybe I'm blind
21:47.59cogwheelscroll down :P
21:48.28Esamynn|WorkScytheBlade1: But I have a virus scanner!
21:48.33cncfanaticswhere are thou , release date ?
21:48.37malrethScytheBlade1: that's why i *don't* have a virus scanner
21:48.41ScytheBlade1malreth: same
21:48.57art3mis_i have avg
21:49.01Esamynn|WorkScytheBlade1: but my home boxes are also all behind 3 fire walls so.... ;)
21:49.06art3mis_it lets me know where my keygens for certain programs are ;P
21:49.08cncfanaticsI don't have a virus scanner either, debian ftw
21:49.17ScytheBlade1Esamynn|Work: since firewalls protect you from apps you downloaded ;)
21:49.25art3mis_since 99% of all keygens get falsely read as keyloggers/trojans
21:49.35ScytheBlade1Esamynn|Work: sorry if that came across wrong, but this... just... wow, stupidity
21:49.44Esamynn|WorkScytheBlade1: nah, I understand
21:49.52malrethSaint-N: yeah... why is that?
21:49.57cncfanaticsart3mis_, why do they anyway ?
21:50.01cncfanatics<--- curious as always
21:50.02Esamynn|WorkScytheBlade1: I'm lucky, no stupid people in my house 8)
21:50.15malrethoh hey... look... some new files got installed on my computer for me
21:50.18malrethhow handy
21:50.25ScytheBlade1Esamynn|Work: I'm not, a while ago my sister caught an IM worm that installed no less than seven backdoors and two spambots
21:50.25Saint-Nim not entirely sure, near as i can tell if it directly modifies programs(ie patching and stuff) it gets tagged like that
21:50.40ScytheBlade1Esamynn|Work: I watched my connection DIE under her computer trying to send a literal 1000 e-mails/sec
21:50.55Saint-Nis she cute?
21:50.56Esamynn|WorkScytheBlade1: one of my brothers always whined at me for not allowing him to have MSN installed
21:51.03MentalPowercncfanatics: they get tagged like that because the game and app devs want them to be
21:51.05ScytheBlade1Saint-N: die
21:51.14cncfanaticsMentalPower, silly :p ah well
21:51.25ScytheBlade1Esamynn|Work: to be fair, she's the only one who has her own computer... all of the other siblings have one computer, with no admin rights to it
21:51.31cncfanaticsif people can write a keygen for your serials, get a better algorithm tbh
21:51.46MentalPowercncfanatics: no algo is unbreakable
21:51.48Arrowmasteryou can write keygens for every serial
21:51.53malrethcncfanatics: the application is in the hands of the enemy
21:51.58ScytheBlade1That computer is fine (though I do see SmileyCentral.exe, SmileyCentral(1).exe, SmileyCentral(2).exe, all the way up to 7 at times, from them trying to install it...)
21:52.00cncfanaticstrue, but some do take more time then others
21:52.10Saint-Nit's not worth the effort tbh
21:52.11malrethcan't stop the serials from being discovered
21:52.12Arrowmasterif you have access to the program that validates the serials you can make a keygen for it
21:52.20cncfanaticsScyteBlade1, ain't smileyshit widely known as containing spam shit ?
21:52.27Saint-Nyou can take some steps but when you're outnumbered at least 1000:1
21:52.36MentalPowerserials are fundamentally flawed
21:52.37ScytheBlade1That's why they don't have any admin rights :)
21:52.38malrethonline activation helps... to some degree
21:52.43cncfanaticsok, then, online activation
21:52.54cncfanaticsalso hackable using proxies, but thats a huge bother
21:52.54Arrowmasterbut you can write cracks for that
21:52.56Saint-Nmal: only until someone makes a fake proxy to self validate and then patches itto never check again
21:53.14malrethSaint-N: hence... to some degree
21:53.26Saint-Nyou're talking about cracking people that in most cases have been doing it longer than the people who made the algo have been on a computer
21:53.37cncfanaticsSaint-N, true :p
21:53.47cncfanaticswouldn't encrypting the program with a private key work to some degree ?
21:53.54Saint-Nthats also mostly why nix stands up better to security bugs
21:53.58malreththe program is in the hands of the enemy
21:54.14Endcncfanatics: you have to decrypt it somehow on the user's machine
21:54.23malreththey'd have the program and any keys necessary to reverse engineer the algorithm
21:54.29Saint-Nif its popular NOTHING will stop a patch or keygen from coming out
21:54.31Esamynn|Workperhaps cncfanatics meant signing?
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21:54.42Saint-Nmost of the time the only good way to protect it is a hardware dongle
21:54.48Saint-Nbut even so those are still flawed
21:54.52MentalPowereven then
21:54.56EndI'm not sure how signing would help here
21:55.03MentalPowerif you have one, you can emulate it
21:55.23malrethand if you can emulate it, you can send copies to others
21:55.23Esamynn|Worksigning the binary would be another obstacle to 3rd party patches
21:55.29*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatic1 (
21:55.33Saint-Nbut as far as it goes having a hardware dongle reuiqre multi validation as the program runs creates overhead for the program, and while it offers extra security you're gonna get it at the cost of legit users
21:55.42Endthat'd prevent modification, not decompilation
21:56.05Saint-Nits a game at this point
21:56.09Saint-Nno-one is gonna win
21:56.11Endwhich, I guess can be helpful, but you really can't win :P
21:56.18Esamynn|Workit's an  on going war, that no one will ever "win"
21:56.19cncfanatic1checking the md5 of the program with an internaly stocked md5 is pointless to I supose, as the stocked md5 could be altered anyway
21:56.21Arrowmasterthose that write keygens and cracks are usually the ones that probably learned to code directly in assembly, they can rip your program inside out and and do whatever they want with it probably, those that wrote it probably never even learned that kinda stuff
21:56.23|Jelly|I love when people tell you to get on vent. You tell them that you're listening to loud music. They QQ until you join. They say hi. You say hi. They bitch about your music. I DIDN'T WANT TO JOIN IN THE FIRST FUCKING PLACE!
21:56.32malrethwhich is why companies would be better of focusing on making their product better than trying to prevent piracy
21:56.49cncfanatic1Arrowmaster, don't some places still learn assembly ?
21:56.53Saint-Narrow: nods i knew beowulf from razor1911 back in the day
21:56.58Saint-Nthat boy was a freak of nature
21:57.04Saint-Nhe ONLY knew assem
21:57.21Saint-Nand i never saw anything he gave up on making a keygen or patch for
21:57.27Arrowmastersome places still teach it, not many
21:57.45cncfanatic1I don't understand why you wouldn't want to learn it, its like, damn handy
21:57.52cncfanatic1in some situations, true, but still handy
21:57.55Saint-Nto be fair though, warez are essentially like a library
21:58.01Esamynn|WorkI did a little assembly in my first year at Uni, I haven't looked at it since
21:58.06Saint-Nif you cant get a feel from ademo you get the full version
21:58.11Saint-Nif you like it you buy it
21:58.19malrethi learned MIPS assembly in college
21:58.22Saint-Nand under no circumstances has anyone i've know sold it
21:58.43cncfanatic1I rarely buy software tbh
21:58.50Saint-Nif you sell a warez version the company loses potential funds and you essentially drive the company over and a good program goes away
21:59.21Saint-Nbut if you borrow it... you get a feel for it and purchase when you can afford it
21:59.27Saint-Nplus you tell others about it
21:59.30Saint-Nand they buy it
21:59.35cncfanaticsSaint-N: most people don't buy it though
21:59.35Saint-Nkind of like AVG
21:59.47Saint-Na good portion of the people that use stuff DO end up getting it
21:59.53Saint-Nor the company that hires them does
22:00.04Saint-Nspeaking of photoshop and the like
22:00.17Saint-Navg is free to all home users
22:00.17cncfanaticshmmm, true
22:00.23Saint-Nbecause most techs will install it
22:00.28Saint-Nget famailiar with it
22:00.37Saint-Nand when asked in a business environment they will reccomend it
22:00.47Saint-Nthus gaining the business sector purchase of it
22:00.58cncfanaticstrue true
22:01.11Saint-Nand iuts worked very well for them
22:01.25Saint-Nto the point that all the techs i know will remove mcafee and norton and put in avg
22:01.33Saint-Nbecause its not as intrusive and annoying
22:01.45LunessaI'm now removing AVG and getting something else.
22:01.55Arrowmasteryeah i found AVG annoying
22:02.06LunessaI find it self-corrupting.
22:02.10cncfanaticsI removed norton from my ex windows box long ago
22:02.23Arrowmasterstupid thing only updates when an admin logs in, wont update for normal users
22:02.36Saint-Nthats because you fail at installation ;P
22:02.37cncfanaticscan't you configure that Arrowmaster ?
22:02.56Arrowmasteri uninstalled it and put avast4home on my dads comp
22:03.02Saint-Nmy main gripe is that it does an auto update and scan if the machine's been off
22:03.08Saint-Navast is hideous
22:03.18Saint-Nand not very well ranked on "getting the bugs"
22:03.27Arrowmasterneither is avg
22:03.42malrethnext week's announcement is going to be the Apple Blimp
22:03.45Saint-Ni do like nod32 though
22:03.47malrethyou heard it here first
22:03.48cogwheelCan someone remind me whether binary search is O(log n) and quick sort is O(n log n)
22:03.50ScytheBlade1That keylogger?
22:04.16Esamynn|Workcogwheel: yes, that's right
22:04.26Esamynn|Workoh no wait
22:04.26krkaquicksort is O(n^2)
22:04.33krkabut nlogn on average
22:04.46cogwheelthat's what it was...
22:04.51krkamergesort is O(nlogn)
22:05.01krkaand heapsort, and a couple more
22:05.01cncfanaticsomg, I have no idea what you're talking about :(
22:05.14malrethcncfanatics: you don't want to know
22:05.18cogwheelit's been ~5 years since my data structures and algorithms class :P
22:05.23malrethstay far far away from computer science
22:05.25cncfanaticsI probably will in a few years anyway, univ next year malreth
22:05.29malrethit'll fuck your brain up
22:05.30cogwheelO.o 6 now i suppose
22:05.31Esamynn|Workmergesort is about 2n log n compared to the quicksort average though
22:05.35cncfanaticsI'm most probably doing computer science xD
22:05.43krkaquicksort is generally faster in practice though
22:05.52Esamynn|Workthus the name :)
22:06.54Saint-Npolarina: whats that addon you made with the built in price DB?
22:07.21malrethyou'll take data structures and algorithms and classes like that... you'll learn about mergesorts and red-black trees and all sorts of cool things
22:07.34malrethand then you end up being a worse programmer
22:07.51malrethso you forget it all and go back to coding by the seat of your pants
22:08.00Esamynn|Work~poke malreth
22:08.01purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind malreth, pokes malreth repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
22:08.04malrethand then it'll all make sense to you
22:09.20cncfanaticsmalreth: that was , eh, cryptic at best
22:09.46Josh_Borkecncfanatics: just ignore him, prison made him wacko
22:09.56malrethi recommend that you study something that will actually make a difference in the world... like hotel management
22:10.09Esamynn|Work~gag malreth
22:10.10purlACTION takes away the voice of malreth and, as an additional precaution, sews malreth's mouth shut permanently...
22:10.17Josh_Borkethere's nothing you can study that wouldn't make a difference
22:10.33cncfanaticsmalreth: I suggest you to go to the hospital right away and tell the docters they need to help you with your "problems"
22:10.57Esamynn|Workcncfanatics: what makes you think they haven't tried?
22:10.58malrethcncfanatics: they already told me that the testicular swelling will subside in 3-4 days
22:11.11malrethdamn... this shit hurts!
22:11.18Saint-Nmy first problem is : if a train leaves washington at 63 mph and is travelling east during a show storm........
22:11.40Esamynn|Worka show storm?
22:11.45Saint-Nthats whatchya get for too much humpa humpa
22:11.52Saint-Ncomplete with jazz hands
22:12.05malrethexcellent advice, Saint-N...
22:12.07cncfanaticszzz, think I'm going to bed
22:12.12purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
22:12.17cncfanaticsg'night peeps
22:12.21malrethlater cncfanatics
22:12.33cncfanaticsmalreth: I hope they take you to a place where you can get phychiatric help
22:12.41Shirik!ap 1600
22:12.41ThraeBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1600 is, 2v2: 353, 3v3: 409, 5v5: 465
22:12.53malrethi self diagnose... i have a BA in Psychology
22:13.07*** part/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
22:13.22malrethwhich qualifies me for high school counselor
22:13.44Esamynn|Worknow that's scary
22:14.31ScytheBlade1Cairenn: I posted the Last-Modified bit in the post right above your last... in theory that's when the file in question was modified, so everyone past that point in time is infected
22:14.32malrethi specialized in cognitive therapy and perception
22:14.44ScytheBlade1Might want to consider editing your OP with big letters + that datestamp
22:15.16CairennScytheBlade1: aye
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22:19.18CairennScytheBlade1: have you started playing with it yet?
22:20.02ScytheBlade1Cairenn: nah but I can, if Shirik says it's the same I'd believe that
22:20.04Cairennhaving additional independant confirmation of it would be good, so we don't get accused of "just trying to ruin their rep"
22:20.20ScytheBlade1I'm still busy laughing like a maniac over Rush in general..
22:20.42ScytheBlade1Site affiliation removed, this... "We scan them! I scanned it! It's clean! I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!"
22:20.45ScytheBlade1Sorry, I'm done
22:21.09Esamynn|Work~lart ScytheBlade1
22:21.09purljudo chops ScytheBlade1
22:21.10Cairennsite affiliation removed?
22:21.14Josh_Borkethe world would be a better place if people could accept advice and help
22:21.22ScytheBlade1I'm sitting here in #WoWI-Lounge, not #IncGamers-Lounge
22:21.31EndJosh_Borke: there is such a thing as bad advice :P
22:21.48ScytheBlade1Just saying "me as me, this is funny, ignore the fact that I'm sitting here in this specific channel"
22:21.59Endhowever, with this, it's worth checking these things :P
22:22.13Cairennthe channel may be hosted by WoWI (in the form of me), but it's never been site specific, we've got staff from other sites in here
22:22.26Josh_Borkeyea, like wowace *boo hiss*
22:22.36Josh_Borkeand ct mod *boo hiss*
22:22.38Cairennand curse, and wiki, and ...
22:22.40ScytheBlade1I know, but it's logged, and I'm not about to spread bad karma to sites unrelated to this (yours, others)
22:22.54Josh_Borkei have no karma
22:23.00ScytheBlade1~karma Josh_Borke
22:23.00purljosh_borke has karma of 1
22:23.29Josh_Borkehm, today was possibly a bad day to wear contacts
22:23.40Endyeah, well, I have no karma
22:23.47Josh_Borke~karma end
22:23.47purlend has neutral karma
22:23.51Josh_Borkeit's true
22:24.10malreth~karma malreth
22:24.10purlmalreth has neutral karma
22:24.35ScytheBlade1~karma malreth
22:24.35purlmalreth has neutral karma
22:24.42ScytheBlade1Hmm, I forgot the syntax
22:24.44malrethi should be so far negative that i stand a risk of spontaneously turning into a cricket
22:24.51Josh_Borkepurl, help karma
22:24.58ScytheBlade1~karma malreth
22:24.58purlmalreth has neutral karma
22:25.02Josh_Borkekarmar for malreth?
22:25.04ScytheBlade1Boo, I did forget it
22:25.07Josh_Borkekarma for malreth?
22:25.12Josh_Borkemalreth --
22:25.18Josh_Borke~literal karma
22:25.19purl"karma" is "$1 has power karma"
22:25.28malreththis is funny!
22:25.28Josh_Borke~karma malreth
22:25.28purlmalreth has karma of -1
22:25.40Josh_Borkesee!  i have no karma!
22:25.41Endyou have to direct it at purl I guess
22:25.46End~karma josh_borke
22:25.46purljosh_borke has karma of 1
22:25.47Josh_Borke(05:25:37 PM) purl: please don't karma yourself <-- drat
22:25.52LunessaWhat's the square root of negative karma?
22:26.08malrethLunessa: i can imagine what it would be
22:26.11ScytheBlade1Hmm, that's fun
22:26.12Shirik!ap 1569
22:26.12ThraeBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1569 is, 2v2: 323, 3v3: 374, 5v5: 425
22:26.13ScytheBlade1I'm not infected
22:26.33CairennScytheBlade1: it's clean for you?
22:26.42ScytheBlade1Cairenn: looking like it. Let me keep poking.
22:26.53kd3gah. who got infected this time?
22:27.28ScytheBlade1Yeah, so far, I'm clean
22:27.35ShirikScytheBlade1: Do you have reflector?
22:27.38ShirikAnd what program are you looking at?
22:27.44ScytheBlade1Shirik: nope, and the files on my hard drive
22:27.49ScytheBlade1Shirik: I just outright installed it
22:27.56ShirikI wouldn't use that as a basis
22:28.06ShirikThere are billions of trojans that wait before installing themselves
22:28.17ShirikBesides my understanding is that it won't happen until UI Central tries to update itself
22:28.40ShirikInstead look at the quite obvious code
22:28.41ScytheBlade1Shirik: any way to force that?
22:28.55ShirikUh, if you really want to try killing yourself you could try running patcher.exe I guess
22:29.01ScytheBlade1I did
22:29.05ScytheBlade1Nothing happened
22:29.18ScytheBlade1It popped up UI Central, no bad files appeared
22:29.20ShirikDon't know what to tell you then. I'm looking at the code directly.
22:29.37ScytheBlade1How do I work Reflector?
22:29.55ShirikDo you have it?
22:29.59ScytheBlade1I do now
22:30.08Shirikok file->open
22:30.15ShirikYou should see an object "Patcher" appear
22:30.16ScytheBlade1Got that far
22:30.20ScytheBlade1Where in the tree is this code?
22:30.46ScytheBlade1Okay, yup
22:30.52ScytheBlade1That's the problematic files
22:30.59Cairennso it IS there?
22:31.02Shirikit's like
22:31.04ScytheBlade1In the source
22:31.04ShirikCairenn you can't missi t
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22:31.07Shirikthat's how evident it is
22:31.07Cairennyou can see them as well?
22:31.23ScytheBlade1Let me keep poking a sec
22:31.52ScytheBlade1Okay, weird how that didn't trojan me
22:32.04ScytheBlade1Shirik's right, it's right there in the binary
22:32.32ScytheBlade1Shirik: where would it download that to? %TEMP%?
22:32.58ScytheBlade1Ran Patcher.exe again and still nothing happened :/
22:33.50ShirikI'm not familiar with .NET so I can't say for sure
22:34.00ScytheBlade1Me either, that's why I asked
22:34.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphon (n=gryphon@
22:34.20ScytheBlade1Look through that for a reference to a POST, to /xiaojj/Get.asp
22:34.23Cairennmaybe because you haven't logged in to wow? (NOT suggesting that you do!!!)
22:34.34ScytheBlade1A good idea!
22:34.43ScytheBlade1Brand new second account, too.
22:34.44Cairennbut might it be looking for that, before it triggers?
22:34.48ShirikScytheBlade1: I've already found a reference to that actually
22:35.01ScytheBlade1Shirik: k, I'm seeing that in the wireshark dump
22:35.07CairennI'm not so think as you dumb I am!
22:35.16Shirikit's in getStauts() (sic)
22:35.20ScytheBlade1Pfft, when did I say you were dumb?
22:35.32ScytheBlade1Yup, it sure is
22:35.37Shiriker, sorry, getStuats()
22:35.46ShirikSee how beautiful reflector is now :D
22:35.49ScytheBlade1I assume that Reflector displays the code in a linear order?
22:35.58ScytheBlade1Because I'm *not* seeing it getting the file in wireshark
22:36.03ScytheBlade1But I am seeing that POST
22:36.17Shirikno reflector just displays it however it appears
22:36.26ShirikI believe in alphabetical order
22:36.27ScytheBlade1Hmm, k
22:36.32Shirikthe SOURCE of course is in order
22:36.39Shirikbut individual functions may not be
22:37.03ScytheBlade1Cairenn: in any case, the file I grabbed off of incgamers contains bad code indeed
22:37.11CairennScytheBlade1: thank you
22:37.13ScytheBlade1The question, is if that code is actually working as expected
22:37.59Cairennthat I really don't care about, to be honest - we know it has it, the warning to the community is not incorrect, and we know how to clean it
22:38.27Cairennthat sounds awful, I know, but
22:38.37ScytheBlade1Not your site, not your program
22:39.00Cairennif it doesn't work (the malicious code), that's great - but if it does work, we've got the warning out and how to fix it
22:39.26Cairennmake any more sense when worded that way?
22:39.41ScytheBlade1Heh, it made sense before ;)
22:40.04ScytheBlade1You forget that I'm technically an admin of a (now mostly dead) SC/War3/War2/D1/D2/D3 modding site
22:40.19ScytheBlade1Shirik: looks like it's a timed event actually?
22:40.26ShirikI can't really tell
22:40.45ScytheBlade1getFile() -> Right-click -> Analyze
22:40.55ScytheBlade1"Used By" -> "timer1_Tick"
22:41.35ScytheBlade1That it?
22:41.49Shirikcould be
22:41.56ShirikI don't have a ton of experience with .NET unfortunately
22:42.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Fin (
22:43.32Endwait, so it only infects you if you run the program long enough?
22:43.46ScytheBlade1this.timer1.Interval = 0x124f80;
22:43.48ShirikThat's not uncommon
22:43.51Endyeah, I see that
22:43.53ScytheBlade1Seconds I would assume
22:44.02Endif it is, that's a lot of seconds
22:44.06EndI'm betting it is milliseconds
22:44.12Shiriklua> foo = tonumber("124f80", 16); print(foo)
22:44.12lua_botShirik: 1200000
22:44.26Endyeah, that's not seconds me thinks
22:44.32Shiriklua> 1200000 / 1000 / 60 / 60
22:44.32lua_botShirik: 0.33333333333333
22:44.43Shirikif that's milliseconds it would take 20 minutes
22:45.05Endso, if you run the program for less than 20 minutes, you are fine
22:45.10Shiriklet me go look up that class
22:45.38EndThe time, in milliseconds, between raisings of the Elapsed event. The default is 100 milliseconds.
22:45.42Endfrom msdn
22:45.53Shirik.NET Timer class?
22:46.00Shirikthen that makes sense
22:46.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
22:46.18Cairennmy PM to Rushster:
22:46.18MentalPowerCairenn: huh?
22:46.27CairennI hate malicious coders:
22:46.29CairennAnd unfortunately, you've been hit again. Shirik downloaded UICentral from you guys today and decompiled it. You are infected again. He's got all the details. He posted in the thread on here. Please get in touch with him so he can tell you the info. Also, the program that ScytheBlade wrote last time should get rid of it again this time, since it's the same one.
22:46.38Cairennhis response:
22:46.39CairennThanks. I was watching this last night and did a file check and it checked out OK following a report. I then checked the file just now after getting in from work anbd the date timestamp has changed as of 2:15 this afternoon, AFTER the reports which seems really suspicious. The file is not online for anyone to grab and will not be going back up on this server in the forseeable future.
22:46.40CairennIf Shirik has any useful info then he can drop me a mail over on, as I can check that mail from either the office or home.
22:46.43CairennThanks again
22:46.53Cairenn***The file is not online for anyone to grab and will not be going back up on this server in the forseeable future.***
22:47.04Shirikoh that's good new
22:47.06Cairennthat's what inspired the "finally!"
22:47.21EndCairenn: yay! acknowledgement!
22:47.25ScytheBlade1It's online now..
22:47.42ScytheBlade1Yup, a pair of caches
22:47.44FinShirik: grats and stuff~!
22:48.32ScytheBlade1Ha, yup
22:48.37ScytheBlade1It ran
22:48.44ScytheBlade1~180 seconds into program execution
22:48.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
22:49.01Endonly 180 seconds?
22:49.28ScytheBlade1... lol
22:49.30ScytheBlade1It didn't run
22:50.51ScytheBlade115:50:46 ERROR 404: Object Not Found.
22:51.02ScytheBlade1These "evil people" are quick to the draw
22:51.11Shirikis it really not there anymore?
22:51.27Shirikit's gone
22:51.28ScytheBlade1You tell me
22:51.29EndI'm getting a 404 too
22:51.35ShirikYeah they removed it
22:51.40ShirikI know it was there before I downloaded it :)
22:52.37ScytheBlade1Yeah, my windows desktop is still clean
22:52.46Matrix110wowui fails again?! :D
22:52.49ShirikI can't believe they already removed the file
22:52.51Matrix110so funny this page
22:52.53ScytheBlade1I can't either
22:52.54Shirikthat's some quick work
22:53.00ScytheBlade1In all honesty, I can see it going back up in a bit
22:54.05MentalPowerthey *still* don't have VS2008 up
22:55.06Endhow interesting.
22:55.23Endso, there's a method called getStuats()
22:55.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Xion (n=Xion@
22:55.40ShirikI especially like tianchong()
22:55.45Endit makes a request, which determines whether to download the program or not
22:55.56Endprogram=fake updater
22:56.15ScytheBlade1lol yeah
22:56.19ScytheBlade1tianchong() is epic
22:58.34ScytheBlade1Shirik: md5sum of your update.exe?
22:59.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
22:59.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
23:02.38ScytheBlade1Huh, the POST is good times.
23:02.48ScytheBlade1They're sending in your computer name and your Hard Drive serial.
23:03.19EndI saw that too
23:04.23Cairennthe thread on incgamers is gone
23:04.38Shirikthat deserves a "wow!" ?
23:04.53CairennI just didn't see him doing that this time
23:04.56Cairennit was harmless
23:04.57EndI'm not surprised really
23:05.01KalrothShirik: well it was a pretty hash you just pasted
23:05.02Cairennunlike last time
23:05.11ShirikIt was pretty
23:05.40ScytheBlade1Hmm. Looks like they changed the filename and the file a bit from the last infection, too
23:05.52Kalrothincgamers is spreading "love" again? :)
23:05.58Endunfortunately, I'm not sure how they are really gonna stop this crap from happening again :-/
23:05.59ScytheBlade1Before it was updata.exe and b933e305dee38a68b2f36ebea27e1c8e
23:06.34Shirikyeah it was a bit more difficult to disassemble this time
23:06.35Endtheir site gets stupid crap uploaded on it again and again, there's something very wrong there.
23:06.44Shirikit had polymorphic code
23:06.46Cairenninteresting ... you guys read the comments on the uicentral download page itself?
23:06.50KalrothDont. Accept. Executeables.
23:07.12Cairenn10 days ago it was reported as still having it, 6 days ago, 3 days ago, yesterday ....
23:07.28KalrothWhy would any site offer downloads of executeables uploaded by anonymous people.
23:07.32EndKalroth: in this case, there's either an excutable or nothing
23:07.42Endand this is a tool provided by incgamers themselves I believe
23:07.50End"UIC will not go back online in the forseeable future."
23:07.56EndI found that interesting
23:14.08ScytheBlade1Holy crap
23:14.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
23:14.11*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
23:14.12ScytheBlade1100% unrelated news
23:14.25ScytheBlade1Pretty close!
23:14.38ScytheBlade1"Starting immediately, we will be issuing warnings and penalties, including suspensions and the removal of Honor points and Honor rewards, for non-participation in Battleground games. "
23:14.48KarlKFIsag_ich_nicht:  what?
23:16.09FinScytheBlade1: nice!
23:19.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
23:19.16Dumanthat's rad
23:19.22Dumanwe'll see if it works
23:19.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
23:20.14ScytheBlade1Poor GM services
23:20.22ScytheBlade1I'll be abusing this new "feature"
23:20.38Dumanyeah :-/
23:22.24*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Shirik] by ChanServ
23:22.43*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
23:27.12ShirikNow that the whole trojan fiasco is over
23:27.14ShirikTime to go get some good food
23:34.49*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
23:42.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
23:44.21art3miswhat a load of crap
23:44.44art3misyer machine locks up you appear afk since you alt-f4'd you dont respond to tells and get a 3day ban cuz it happened in bgs?
23:44.50art3misbloody whiners
23:47.04Dumanyou'll have to be afk a lot worse than that
23:47.07ScytheBlade1art3mis: once? I doubt they'd action you for that
23:47.12Dumanlike, repeatedly in multiple BGs
23:47.14ScytheBlade1art3mis: but for multiple games on end?
23:47.15art3misdepends on who reports it
23:47.22art3misi constantly lock up in bgas
23:47.27art3misstill not sure why
23:47.33Dumanmight want to fix that? :-)
23:47.37ScytheBlade1No, it depends on what their investigation comes back with.
23:47.53art3misits a retarded section of the game
23:48.04art3miswith the speed of bgs who gives a rats ass if someone afks
23:48.09art3misor if 39 people afk
23:48.15Dumanthey need to make AV "epic" again
23:48.20art3misyou simply wait for it to end and move on to the next one
23:48.27PolarinaSaint-N: The addon with the built in item database is Valuation.
23:48.50art3misthanks pola i just checked conspiracy in the interm since cidan or shirik posted it there
23:49.01Polarinaart3mis: ?
23:49.12art3missaint-n == me
23:49.31Dumanwe had a 2-day one once before... it was truly epic
23:49.35art3misits in the news as a neat little addon
23:49.48art3misduman: when i was on silvermoon we had a maint to maint one
23:49.52art3misit was awesome
23:49.53DumanI mean how often are Ivus and lokholar (or whatever) summoned?
23:50.02ScytheBlade1"Back then" I actually wound up with 2,000 honor kills in a single match (mage + AoE = ???)
23:50.17art3misive seen lok sumoned once since xrealms
23:50.26Dumanwhen was the last time someone ACTUALLY completed the mine collection...
23:50.33Dumanor ram taming/etc
23:50.36art3miswhat would be awesome is putting in time limits
23:50.55ScytheBlade1These battleground problems make me wish they put the honor grind back in
23:50.57ScytheBlade1Or the ranks, rather
23:50.58DumanScythe yeah
23:51.02art3mislike frostwolf guards will remain at full if its been less than 15mins from the start of the bg
23:51.04ScytheBlade1That'd make a LOT of people suddenly stop afking
23:51.06Dumanpre HK-nerfing
23:51.07Dumanthen again
23:51.24Dumanthat was when (as a warrior) you could have 30 people on you and pop Intimidating Shout and they all scattered
23:51.25PolarinaGood night.
23:53.55*** join/#wowi-lounge smallbrain (
23:57.24Shirikart3mis, I wouldn't complain about it until we actually see how strong they're being in enforcing these new rules
23:57.51ShirikI'm sure Blizzard's not stupid enough to go banhappy on anyone whom appears to be afk, they'll go for the big guns
23:58.51art3mis1. Make macro
23:58.51art3mis/cast !Auto shot
23:58.51art3mis/cast Aimed Shot(Rank 7)
23:58.51art3mis/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
23:58.51art3mis2. Pick a desired target.
23:58.52art3mis3. Start casting Steady Shot ( simple spell without use of any macros )
23:58.54art3mis4. Now when the Steady Shot has been cast you need to clip the incomming Auto Shot with the use of that macro. Meaning after the Steady Shot is done you need to press the macro around 0.1 sec - 0.4 sec after the succesful cast.
23:58.58art3mis5. Profit
23:59.00art3misshirik: rtue nuff i suppose
23:59.14art3misbut its retarded that they have to enforce it at all because of whiney babies
23:59.28Industrialart3mis: what? @ macro ?
23:59.30art3misi mean honestly could i complain that my server sucks and we never get control of halaa?
23:59.42art3misno i couldnt
23:59.49art3misbut the same example is being used for bgs

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