IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080109

00:00.48|pez|I'm becoming pretty sure I have some sort of weird electrical current in my body most of the time. :P
00:00.49Endchortle chortle it's a portal!
00:01.51Shirik|pez|: It's probably the EMF that I've directed at your house
00:01.54MentalPower|pez|: have you tried grounding yourself before trying to kiss him?
00:01.57Shiriksorry, EM Field, not EMF
00:02.22|pez|MentalPower: not really.
00:02.25MentalPowerie, touch a doorknob or pc case?
00:02.37MentalPowertry it, cause in all reality it could be either of you
00:02.40Shirik"be right back honey I'm going to go touch a pc case"
00:02.46MentalPower~lart Shirik
00:02.46purlsays "boot to the head" and knocks Shirik over
00:02.57|pez|touching my laptop also makes me electrecuted. :p
00:03.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (
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00:03.11Shirik|pez|: Actually it shouldn't
00:03.24|pez|Shirik: very aware of that
00:03.35Shirikfirstly there's only 5V except in the power supply, which in most laptops is actually in the adapter itself. Secondly you're supposed to touch the grounded portion not the live board ><
00:03.36MentalPowerthat might be the cause actually...
00:03.44Lunessa|pez|: I used to have the same problem, especially when the weather turned colder.
00:03.58TC-Holding~lart Shirik
00:03.58purlcrushes Shirik with a full height scsi disk
00:04.10bleeterI'd be looking at the fabrics of your clothes, vs the fabrics of his
00:04.18bleeteryes, in combination with humidity
00:04.28|pez|I touch the screen when I get electrecuted. :P
00:04.39ShirikBut Lunessa's right, turn up the heat :)
00:04.44Shirikin more ways than one
00:04.48MentalPowerall this bf talk makes me think of mine... brb...
00:04.51|pez|if we turn up the heat, I'd die of it XD
00:05.06LunessaI solved it by wearing more cotton, fewer synthetics and keeping the temp in the house a few degrees warmer.
00:05.09|pez|But really, the showercurtains are weirdly attracted to me as well.
00:05.47ShirikMaybe you should wear an antistatic wristband for the rest of your life
00:06.01|pez|the thought has crossed my mind, honestly.
00:06.35ShirikYou just need a really long extension cord
00:06.39Shirikand you can connect it directly to the ground wire
00:07.04|pez|Mostly for the reason that I don't want me being the reason a computer I'm trying to fix at some point, will just die because I electrecuted it.
00:08.12|pez|the showercurtain thing is really scary though, I go into the shower, and the damned things cling to me like want me, badly.
00:08.25Endthey're just attracted to you!
00:08.30End...or your charge
00:08.33Endone or the other
00:10.11|pez|I bet it's the charge ;__;
00:10.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
00:10.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
00:11.08LunessaPez - seriously, you just need to discharge.  And get a better shower curtain
00:11.20Shirikelectrify yourself!
00:11.27ShirikBe bold!
00:13.05sag_ich_nicht~lart Shirik
00:13.05purlDoSes Shirik
00:13.15|pez|freaking annoying having to discharge myself whenever I feel like kissing my boyfriend. :P
00:13.17Shirikwtf do you guys hate me today
00:13.25JoshBorkeShirik: today is the same as every day
00:13.35ShirikI have never been lart-ed 3 times in 10 minutes
00:13.39Elessdywhat we gonna do tonight, pinky?
00:13.46Elessdygood god
00:13.55Elessdythe same thing we do every night, pinky: hate Shirik
00:14.02sag_ich_nichtShirik no conspiracy release and no bug free raidframes make sag_ich_nicht a something something
00:14.10ShirikI know
00:14.14ShirikI wish I knew what happened to Cidan
00:14.19Shirikhe fell off the face of the earth
00:14.27sag_ich_nicht~seen Cidan
00:14.30purlcidan is currently on #wowi-lounge (12d 15h 56m 46s) #wowace (12d 15h 56m 46s), last said: 'Idiots'.
00:14.31Corrodiasthat name sounds familiar
00:14.39sag_ich_nichtwell what the hell.
00:15.18Shirikyes but he doesn't talk :P
00:16.09batrick~seen batrick
00:16.10purlbatrick is currently on #botpark (8d 11h 21m 30s) #wowi-lounge (8d 11h 21m 30s). Has said a total of 134 messages. Is idling for 1s, last said: '~seen batrick'.
00:16.12MentalPowersuggestions for MacOS SVN clients please?
00:16.28sag_ich_nichtShirik: i can see that
00:16.41batrickMentalPower do u play halo 3?
00:16.44sag_ich_nichtShirik: don't you have his phonenumber or something?
00:16.55MentalPowerbatrick: a bit, why?
00:16.59ShirikYes but it's difficult to use it without a phone
00:17.13batricki think i saw u the other day, maybe
00:17.33MentalPowermy gamertag is MentalPower, but I haven't played H3 in a while
00:17.52MentalPowerand actually, never on that gamertag
00:18.26Lunessaciao tutti
00:18.26MentalPowerso, MacOSX SVN clients anyone?
00:18.35MentalPowerciao lunessa
00:18.38MentalPowerbah, too late
00:18.42sag_ich_nichtShirik uh use Gizmo then?
00:18.48sag_ich_nichtor do you lack a headset as well?
00:18.54Shiriktoo hard ><
00:18.59ShirikBesides I'll have phone service tomorrow
00:20.20sag_ich_nichtShirik, could you, for once, LIVE IN A PLACE WHERE ALL YOUR STUFF IS WORKING? D:
00:21.46Thunder_Childsag_ich_nicht, that would be to easy
00:23.42Thunder_Child"A Mac Pro with two intel 45nm Quad-Core Xeons at up to 3.2GHz each. The front side bus is humming along at 1600MHz now, and RAM at 800MHZ. The computer also comes standard with ATI HD 2600 XT graphics with 256MB of video memory, but can be upgraded to support NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT with 512MB of video RAM or a Quadro FX 5600 with 1.5GB of memory."
00:23.52Thunder_Childis not bad for $2799
00:24.26Thunder_Childthough it would be a bit more to fit all of the rest of the other 3 cards in it
00:24.39sag_ich_nichtthe video cards all suck
00:25.04sag_ich_nichtthe 2600 XT is too weak, the 8800 doesn't have enough texture memory and the quadro can't be used for gaming period
00:25.19|pez|awww XD
00:25.28|pez|I'd love my laptop... if only it didn't overheat.
00:26.26wereHamstersag_ich_nicht, why can't the quadro be used for gaming?
00:26.40MentalPowersag_ich_nicht: macs use standard PCI-express cards, so if you can find drivers for one, just plug it in
00:26.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
00:27.41Thunder_ChildwereHamster, it's not built for it
00:27.47AntiarcThe quadro is designed to process massive amounts of geometry for the purposes of 3D modeling
00:27.49Thunder_Childit's a workstation card
00:27.49AntiarcNot for gaming
00:27.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
00:28.27wereHamsterI know that, but that doesn't mean it can't be used for gaming, it's still a good card
00:28.43MentalPowerI've used a quadro for gaming...
00:29.57sag_ich_nichtyou CAN use it
00:30.03sag_ich_nichtbut it'll suck.
00:30.06AntiarcYou can use a Quadro for gaming, but you can also use a hammer as a screwdriver
00:30.08AntiarcIt just won't work as well.
00:30.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
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00:30.39wereHamsterdoes it really 'suck' or is the performance just a bit worse?
00:30.40MentalPoweryou guys make it sound like you'll get a massive performance drop
00:30.47MentalPowerits not that bad
00:30.51Mike-N-Go"/cast will toggle spells again unless the name is prefixed with an exclamation mark, e.g. /castsequence Steady Shot, !Auto Shot" what does that mean?
00:31.08MentalPowermaybe 10%-25% drop
00:31.21LukianMike-N-Go, it only affects hunters and wand use :p
00:31.42Mike-N-GoIn what regards?
00:31.59sag_ich_nichtMike-N-Go in that hunters can have their 1 button max dps macro again.
00:32.10LukianIt will allow the 'cast' to complete, rather than toggling it off
00:33.03batrickMike-N-Go: it means ! only turns it on, never off
00:33.16AntiarcThe quadros have a severely lower fillrate than the geforces.
00:33.27Mike-N-GoAnd how does it benefit a hunter?
00:33.29AntiarcWhich means that if you're doing anything with lots of alpha, you're boned
00:34.11Thunder_Childok, so the spec'd out Mac Pro comes to $18,049
00:34.19Thunder_Childa tad high
00:34.38LukianMike-N-Go, it means they can spam a single button and maximise their dps
00:34.52malrethMike-N-Go: doing a /castsequence Steady Shot, Auto Shot means every other time the button is pressed, it *toggles* auto shot... so every 4th time the button is pressed, auto shot turns *off*
00:35.08malrethwith the !, auto shot always stays on
00:35.23malrethit turns the toggle into an always-on
00:35.27Lukianand before steady shot fires again (as a castsequence loops), the auto shot completes.
00:35.30Mike-N-GoAhh, so that is why my 'ol macro halts sometimes.
00:36.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
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00:40.45Dumanwhy do so many people have issues with haste calcuation
00:40.59hastebecause math is hard
00:41.31Duman"Math is hard.... let's go shopping!"
00:41.32malrethoh wait... that's not right
00:41.46Wobworkis haste hard? =)
00:45.38sag_ich_nichtLukian my hair is longer.
00:46.01Lukianprove it!
00:46.03Lukian(pic plz)
00:46.26malrethcam pix plz
00:47.35Mike-N-GoI just love how many people believe 100% additional haste is, like, all too much.
00:47.52Mike-N-Go100% additional haste, that only means twice as much as what you had..
00:48.29Lukianwhat adds 100% additional haste?
00:48.38Industrialwtb additional haste
00:48.39AntiarcUnholy Frenzy?
00:48.47AntiarcUnholy Frenzy is love
00:49.03Industriallulz my speed is already 1.0 :P
00:51.14Industrialhm question, you need about 1.5 speed to rotate steady/auto right? what if your speed is 3.0? (eg s3 arena) cant you just do two steady's?
00:51.20Industrialoh wait its a 1.5 casting time init
00:51.42Industrialany reason not to get it as hunter? (not that I can anyway)
00:52.29Mike-N-GoLukian, I only read someone who added multiple items together.
00:52.49gnorlishwhat spec are you industrial
00:52.59LukianMike-N-Go, lol at addition, people need to learn to read patch notes :)
00:53.22gnorlishwell then your attacks are 20% faster due to serpent's swiftness
00:53.45gnorlishyou cannot fit 2x steady in even without iaoth procs
00:53.52Industrialmeh right
00:53.59Mike-N-GoYah, yah, I know that multiple applications of haste are multiplictive, as in multiplied together.
00:54.07gnorlishyou'll end up having to squeeze in an instant after the steady
00:54.12gnorlishand will go oom really fast
00:54.34gnorlishaim for 2.7 or 2.8
00:54.55Industrial!c eu grim batol seryan
00:55.03Industrial!c eu boulderfist seryan
00:55.56ThraeBotIndustrial: seryan is not the character you are looking for!
00:56.02*** join/#wowi-lounge frid (n=Fridgid@
00:56.18Industrialgnorlish: yeah I have 2.5 now
00:56.43Industrialbut I dont have iAotH
00:56.58ThraeBotIndustrial: seryan is not the character you are looking for!
00:57.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
00:58.04ScytheBlade1 <-- good times with the auction house!
00:59.50MentalPowerwb Cairenn-san
00:59.52AntiarcOpenAuth is an interesting proposal
00:59.56AntiarcAnd OpenID
00:59.57Cairennthanks MentalPower :)
01:00.05AntiarcBut man, the current spec for login names really sucks ass. :/
01:00.13AntiarcIt's not something that the general populace will get.
01:02.48*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
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01:04.42foxlit"Should you receive such a letter with what appears to be a missing attachment (again, from one of our Auction Houses), we encourage you to complete a reset of your user interface, as such a process has repeatedly proved to restore visibility. "
01:04.57foxlit"Evil addons are hiding your itemz!"
01:05.34ScytheBlade1A good person to blame
01:05.43bleeterI've just posted about how my [Swift Magic Broom] experienced the same kinda issue, but when mailed from a bank alt and not from the AH :/
01:06.03bleeterScytheBlade1: not only good, the only ;)
01:07.20ScytheBlade1bleeter: haha
01:11.52bleeter"You can find Urda the Hammerfall Wind Rider Master currently hiding out from the rain beneath the platform that she normally stands upon. We're working on coaxing her out from under there and she should be returning to her normal position in an upcoming patch."
01:14.22MentalPowerbleeter == mathinna?
01:15.06bleeteryar... maybe sometime this year you'll remember me telling you this :P
01:15.43MentalPowerits good to ask averytime :P
01:29.58*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
01:35.08bleetersomeone in my guild is reporting boats are missing NPCs still... that happening for anyone else?
01:35.23bleeterdidn't mean to press enter yet, was gunna check patch notes first.. so pretend you didn't see me post that
01:35.34AnduinLotharknown bug
01:35.59bleeterwish the patcher would download a 'known bug' list :/
01:36.02bleeterand tools
01:37.22MentalPoweradd source code while you're at it :P
01:38.15bleeteronly if the abandoned *nix source comes down the pipe, too ;)
01:39.13MentalPowersure, they'll include the entire revision control database in a .tar.bz2 file
01:39.19MentalPowerso you can look at the diffs and all
01:39.24MentalPowerquite nice actually :P
01:40.21MentalPowerthey won't give out read access to the internal repo cause that would be too much BW (take a look at WoWAce's issue), but they want full disclosure :P
01:41.19MentalPowerand they also don't want you to see whats down the pipe :P
01:41.33bleeterI'd be suprised if they don't use some kinda DSCCS, in which case BW wouldn't be as much of an issue :P
01:51.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim|ubuntu (
02:08.01sylvanaarmaybe ppl here are smarter
02:08.04sylvanaarcan someone explain to me what the hell string:match(something, "%f[0-9]") does
02:08.30sylvanaarwhat is %f - a frontier? whats that
02:09.03sylvanaaroh i found it
02:11.18sag_ich_nichtbleeter url for the patchfilething for EU?
02:14.53kd3what addons need to be updated for 2.3.2? the only thing I'm aware of that end-users need to deal with is using ! and the various and sundry /castsequence bugs
02:16.09bleetersag_ich_nicht: how the hell would I know? I'm not EU??!!!
02:16.21bleeterkd3: prolly auctioneer at some stage ;)
02:16.40sag_ich_nichtkd3: SetMaxMin is now more strict
02:16.43bleeterand definately stubby, once we catch this memory error now that the game doesn't crash on us
02:17.06sag_ich_nichtbleeter: you had them before :P
02:17.18sag_ich_nichti think they're hosted in as well
02:17.41sag_ich_nichtmaybe even same file as for US, like with the login server being actually
02:18.53sag_ich_nichtthen just gimme the url for the US one it'll probably be similiar to the EU one :>
02:18.56sag_ich_nichtplease :O
02:19.00bleeterswearing at me ain't gunna get me to hand over a file I don't have
02:19.13sag_ich_nichtthe ffs! was directed at my typo
02:19.14sag_ich_nichtnot you.
02:19.36bleetergiven your tendency towards an abrasive nature, it's hard to tell
02:19.52AnduinLothardamnit. i hate Naj'entus...
02:20.03AnduinLotharhe's the one and only reason i keep having to spec back to holy
02:20.07sag_ich_nichti'm reffering to the file WoW uses to determine if it should push a patch to the client or not
02:20.14*** join/#wowi-lounge _art3mis (
02:20.15sag_ich_nichtAnduinLothar why is that?
02:20.26AnduinLotharcause our guild doesn't have quite enough healers
02:20.32AnduinLotharand Naj needs 8 or 9
02:20.38sag_ich_nichtbtw. in what kind of melee group setup are you in?
02:20.53AnduinLothara crappy one
02:20.54sag_ich_nicht(normally, that is)
02:21.31AnduinLotharwe have 1 dps war, 4 rogues, a new enhancement shammy, 0 feral droods, and me
02:21.37bleetersag_ich_nicht: if I previously had the *URL* (note, not file), it would've been from a report, and not something I keep around as I'm *not EU*
02:21.48AnduinLotharso the best i can get is war, hunter, me, shammy, rogue
02:21.49sag_ich_nichtyeah so am i, and our shaman is too dumb to get that windfury > agi, if there are 2 people in the group wielding a 2h, ESPECIALLY on trash
02:22.27sag_ich_nichtbleeter: well, do you happen to have the URL for the US one? maybe i'm remembering it wrong and you didn't link it, in which case i'm sorry i bothered you
02:25.39kd3huh. weird. they've got a 7752 build out too.
02:26.15sag_ich_nichtthat's kinda weird
02:26.57sag_ich_nichthttp:// EU \o/
02:27.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
02:27.57Mike-N-GoYay, volly is fixed!
02:28.10sag_ich_nichtwhat was broken about it?
02:28.21bleeterit's not fixed
02:28.34bleeterit's reverted to the old animation until performance issues with the new animation are fixed
02:28.43bleeteror so says hortus in the bug forum
02:29.15bleeterMike-N-Go: I always had a problem with the old animation... I'm using a gun, so why are arrows falling from the sky? ;)
02:29.42Mike-N-GoI was talking about what was broke in 2.3
02:29.54Mike-N-GoNo projectiles, just a bunch of fuzz.
02:30.31bleeterwas meant to be the volley anim as used in BT
02:30.47bleeterI guess, fuzz, would be correct, as it's not meant to be bullets or arrows
02:30.55bleeter(not having seen the BT anim)
02:40.16*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (
02:42.33*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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02:45.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
03:04.07sag_ich_nichtkd3 found out what that build 7752 is about yet? :>
03:04.14kd3not a clue
03:05.11sag_ich_nichtfound it
03:05.14sag_ich_nichtit's the trial client
03:05.32kd3the hell? using a newer build than the full client?
03:06.05sag_ich_nichti googled for what the the files are patching from
03:06.14sag_ich_nichtwhich is a new build than the 2.3.0 current build too
03:06.37*** join/#wowi-lounge ccox (n=ccox@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/CCox)
03:06.38sag_ich_nichtall posts involving it are users of the trial client
03:07.47sag_ich_nichtmy guess is blizz adds some "extras" for the trial client
03:07.50sag_ich_nichtif you catch my drift
03:09.04sag_ich_nichtyou could, you know, go ask Hortus or Slouken(or zootlsomethingican'trememberhowtospellhisnameforthelifeofit) ;P
03:09.33kd3something tells me slouken's not going anywhere near work for a little while
03:09.48laindirindeed, paternity leave ftw
03:09.57sag_ich_nichthm, true
03:10.03sag_ich_nichti'd post congrats
03:10.09sag_ich_nichtno US acc.
03:10.24ccoxgive him a week, he'll be begging for work :-)
03:10.58ccox(mostly for the peace and quiet :-)
03:11.30bleetersag_ich_nicht: you could email him, it's not that hard to find :P
03:13.57Shirikso not fair
03:14.09ShirikI got hit by all the birds, electric bolt, and then got tossed into the air
03:14.14Shirikall at once on the eagle boss
03:15.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
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03:21.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
03:22.36*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
03:22.36*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v cogwheel] by ChanServ
03:23.06cogwheelanyone know of a command line program in windows that can change a registry entry?
03:23.59ccoxanyone else having problems downloading the 2.3.2 patch?
03:24.06sag_ich_nicht~lart Shirik
03:24.06purlteaches Shirik that M$ Access is a database. No, really, a database. A real live multi-user... well, ok, not multi-user, but a database. Yeah, that sounds right.
03:24.15ccoxafter 25 minutes and zero bytes, I'm not happy
03:24.21sag_ich_nichtlife's a bitch. now deal with it.
03:25.04cogwheelpurl: don't remind me :(
03:25.06sag_ich_nicht[04:23] <+cogwheel> anyone know of a command line program in windows that can change a registry entry? <--yeah, kind of.
03:25.24cogwheel~lart sag_ich_nicht for preemption
03:25.24purlsqueezes sag_ich_nicht till sag_ich_nicht turns blue like papa smurf for preemption
03:25.35sag_ich_nichtyou have to creat the .reg file with the key you want first
03:25.41sag_ich_nichtthen apply it silently with uh
03:26.04sag_ich_nichtgod damn it what was it called? the same thing that's called when you doubleclick a .reg file in windows can be called silently
03:26.11Gnarfozregedit /s ?
03:26.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
03:26.22sag_ich_nichti think that might be it, i dunno
03:27.00cogwheelhmm... maybe regedit has a bunch of command line options i don't know about :P
03:27.40ccoxkd3 - so far, only 2 actually have the Windows patch (most say "coming soon"), and I need the Macintosh patch
03:28.40Gnarfozcogwheel: for XP, there's also just 'reg'
03:29.00cogwheelGnarfoz wins
03:29.09cogwheelexactly what i was looking for :)
03:34.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
03:41.20art3mishey cog
03:41.20art3mishow to you feel about john mccain winning ;P
03:42.15art3mistahts how dlls get appointed
03:42.38cogwheelart3mis: disappointed... but i'm not the ron paul nut you seem to think I am ;)
03:42.47art3miscladhaire is a lifless fuck?
03:42.56art3mispoor guy
03:43.00art3miseveryone should have a lif
03:43.02cogwheelaren't we all?
03:43.26art3misheh actually it had nothing to do with ron paul
03:43.38art3misim just making that statement to all rep's ;P
03:43.42art3miscuz i love mccain
03:44.01art3misi can see him sitting on the whitehouse porch with a dog lemonade and a shotgun telling protesters to get off his lawn
03:44.12*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
03:44.26art3misthere are a few rabid paul fans here though
03:44.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
03:44.52art3miskisinich needs to win
03:44.57art3mishis wifes just too damn hot
03:45.16art3misat least i think its kisinich
03:45.29laindirkucinich, I think
03:45.41art3misi meant hat more as in the hot wife part
03:45.47art3misnot how to spell his name ;P
03:45.53laindirand yeah... young, hot wife
03:46.01laindir...tongue piercing
03:48.02kd3oh sweet. Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" is back on the Science Channel
03:48.35art3mislong live carl!
03:48.49art3misthe greatest public figure for science EVER
03:49.18art3mis<-- is part of the planetary society
03:49.41art3misthier VP right now i believe is Bill Nye
03:49.50art3misthe other awesome figure of science
03:51.15Endman, I haven't run that in years
03:53.24*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
03:54.44kd3good god. have I really been a member for nearly 8 years?
03:55.25ccoxafter setiathome told me they didn't want to go any faster (despite running at 20% the speed they could be), I gave up on them -- they just want publicity, not to do any science
03:55.26MentalPoweryou joined a few months before I did
03:55.54MentalPowerccox: what do you mean?
03:56.13ccoxMP - I found problems in their code, and volunteered to help fix them - they didn't care
03:56.16EndI probably started about 8 years ago too, but I didn't stay with it :P
03:56.28ccoxMP - same thing when Apple and Intel offered to help them with their code
03:56.33art3misi started back then around 98/99
03:56.47art3misthen i switched to the folding@home
03:57.07art3misnow i run XP to use up my free cycles ;)
03:57.08ccox<-- folding@home
03:57.09MentalPowerccox: interesting, was this with the old software or the new boinc-based one?
03:57.26ccoxMP - that was the old software, but the crew and attitudes haven't changed
03:58.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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04:03.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
04:06.12ccox(if you really want to use up spare cycles, you could always install Vista)
04:16.13batrickthat uses up spare memory tho too
04:18.37AnduinLothari got 66% of my 4 cpu's idling with wow raiding...
04:18.46AnduinLothari should turn on seti
04:20.34Mr_Rabies2i ran prime95 on fullblast on a server we were using in my networking class
04:20.47Mr_Rabies2and it wouldn't go over 50% on each core :(
04:20.53Mr_Rabies2this was a good 5 years ago
04:21.18Mr_Rabies2i ran 4 instances, each one with an affinity to each processor
04:21.28Mr_Rabies2well, logical processor
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04:28.29AnduinLotharwow, i jut got supremus tank shoulders
04:28.35AnduinLotharnone of the tanks wanted
04:28.41AnduinLotharall 4 thing t5 is better
04:29.51*** join/#wowi-lounge ecstasia (n=ecs@unaffiliated/ecstasia)
04:39.36MentalPowergnight all
04:40.00IrielAnduinLothar: Finally there's going to be decent video cards for the Mac Pro!
04:40.10IrielAnduinLothar: I just wish the 8800 would show p on the US store
04:40.14AnduinLotharu can sli them
04:40.15IrielAnduinLothar: It's available in other countries 8-(
04:40.51AnduinLotharyou didn't liek the old selection of cards?
04:41.25IrielNo.. Medocre, Overpriced and Noisy, Excessive
04:41.33Irielthe 3 old levels
04:41.51IrielI dont /dislike/ my nvidia card, but it's a bit long in the tooth and sorta weak
04:42.02Irieland I heard lots of ATI horror stories
04:42.26AnduinLothari like my X1900 XT, but it has overheating issues due to crappy drivers
04:42.39AnduinLothari just installed new drivers today that are pre-release
04:43.36AnduinLotharit seems to have fixed my graphical issues, but i still have the recent graphical flickers introduced by 10.5
04:44.05IrielI just need something with a bit more horsepower that's not noisy and wont overheat
04:44.06AnduinLotharat least i know it's not my ram
04:44.16AnduinLotharof course
04:44.17Irieldriving 2 monitors seems to be a bit much for the standard card
04:44.33AnduinLotharthis is fixable i'm sure, just software issues. but for some reason they're drgging their feet
04:44.48IrielToo busy getting the new machine out and prepping for mac world I suppose
04:44.58Irielhere's hoping for a january update for aperture too
04:45.58Thunder_ChildI HAS RETURNED, much like Cairenn but not as grand
04:46.05AnduinLotharthey're working on a new iphone, btu that's a diff dept
04:47.34AnduinLotharATI's mac drivers have been lagging behind now that it's owned by amd
04:55.00Endoh, that's a lovely error!
04:55.32EndMessage: [string "*:OnLoad"] line 1: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
04:55.44End<PROTECTED> thinks that frame should be given a name...
04:56.12Endof course, I wouldn't have this problem if it had a name :P
04:57.48Wobworkdunno if that can be seen without logging in
04:58.00purlwell, imagehosting is by the courtesy of cladhaire
04:58.02EndI can see it
05:00.36*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
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05:13.26*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | Cladhaire is a lifless fsck
05:19.42*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
05:23.28batrickhi Cairenn
05:23.42Cairennhi batrick
05:29.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (n=Arrow@unaffiliated/arrowmaster)
05:45.57|Jelly|Shirik: Ping?
05:48.53Mr_Rabies2Comcast says it will take just four minutes to download "Batman Begins" in high definition.
05:48.57Mr_Rabies2why does this make me laugh
05:49.37Thunder_Childbecause you didnt know comcast was in the torrent buisness
05:50.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
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05:54.45art3misRoberts is expected to demonstrate a technology that delivers up to 160 megabits of data per second: It will allow him to download a high-definition copy of "Batman Begins" in four minutes. The technology, DOCSIS 3.0, will start rolling out this year.
05:54.50art3misthats amusing
05:55.15art3misthe line down a bit sayng taht cable only does 10mbit is funny too
05:55.18Mr_Rabies2plus it's a plug for a movie
05:55.23art3miscompared to the 50mbit from FiOS
05:55.24Mr_Rabies2at the same time
05:55.25Mr_Rabies2it's like
05:55.26Thunder_Childiirc thats cables answer for FiOs
05:55.40Mr_Rabies2layers upon layers of hilarity from comcast
05:55.43art3miscable has 20for home and 30for business standard as is
05:55.49Mr_Rabies2i absolutely cannot support comcast
05:55.55art3misfios is only 50 if you're willing to pay the 249/mn for it
05:56.02Mr_Rabies2comcast's max line is 10 if i recall
05:56.08Mr_Rabies2it may have a 20 since i last checked
05:56.09Mr_Rabies2i dunno
05:56.15art3mishrm guess timewarner and optimum are better
05:56.25art3misthe latest commercial is hilarious
05:56.37Mr_Rabies2my options for internet are
05:56.55art3mishas the verizon fiber light guy coming to the door and the cable customer saying "cable has bueen fibre for the last decade welcome to the party"
05:57.23Mr_Rabies21) at&t (bellsouth) 2) earthlink (uses at&t lines, pricing, and speeds) 3) some local one that does the same 4) satellite 5) dialup
05:58.48Mr_Rabies2i may have comcast now, but considering their recent policies and overall dislike for them i'd never use them
05:59.00Mr_Rabies2at&t is basically old bellsouth which has been nothing but good for me
05:59.19Mr_Rabies2earthlink's pretty nice but their support sucks majorly if something goes wrong
06:02.50Corrodiasi'm just a love machine
06:02.53Corrodiasand i won't work for nobody but you
06:03.39Corrodiasmy AT&T service is actually quite decent
06:04.49Mr_Rabies2yeah, the service is pretty nice
06:04.54Mr_Rabies2the customer support is hit or miss
06:05.05Mr_Rabies2but luckily i don't need it often
06:05.56Corrodiasi have fortunately had 100% constant connectivity and good performance on my DSL connection through AT&T/Yahoo for the last 8 months except ONE case where it went out for a couple of hours
06:06.22Corrodiasactually, i don't remember how long it was. wasn't too long.
06:07.19Mr_Rabies2you're old at&t, right?
06:07.30Mr_Rabies2i.e. worldnet, or whatever?
06:07.34Corrodiasi'm... Corr. :o
06:07.43Thunder_Childwoo hoo, finally finished my 119GB torrent
06:07.44Mr_Rabies2i mean
06:07.52Mr_Rabies2you're not a grandfathered in bellsouth user
06:07.59Mr_Rabies2you were at&t before the bellsouth merger?
06:08.06Corrodiasi moved here 8 months ago and bought service from AT&T/Yahoo
06:08.17Corrodiasnever heard of bellsouth, i'm afraid
06:08.45Mr_Rabies2at&t/yahoo and at&t fastaccess are different at the moment
06:08.48Mr_Rabies2as far as i know
06:08.52Mr_Rabies2how much you paying a month?
06:09.16Corrodias$35, for 6mbit down and something, probably 768 up
06:11.00Mr_Rabies2i'm paying $43 for 6mbit/512
06:11.11Mr_Rabies2so yeah
06:11.18Mr_Rabies2different service for now
06:11.39Thunder_Childi pay $50 (including tax) for mb down and 3XX up
06:11.54Thunder_Childi fail
06:12.03Mr_Rabies2mines USD, btw
06:12.11Corrodiasmine's pesos
06:12.38Corrodiasnah, i'm kidding!
06:13.18Mr_Rabies2i'm tracking you down!
06:13.40Mr_Rabies2i have you within 8 states, probably, maybe
06:13.51Corrodiasso, my current name for my female orc warrior is Taikasa.
06:13.56Corrodiasi don't think i can improve it further
06:14.05Mr_Rabies2i have a female rogue named tampola
06:14.12Mr_Rabies2for a one-man worst name contest
06:14.24Mr_Rabies2i won.
06:14.29Corrodiasit's like... tampon + crapola
06:14.42Thunder_Childi have a female shammy names totempheliac
06:15.36CorrodiasTaikasa sounds more like a troll name, really
06:16.14Corrodiasbut i'm hoping it'll withstand my attempts to feel comfortable with it in an orc
06:16.19Mr_Rabies2i have a tauren shaman named beefshock
06:16.33reqolso, to those of you who suggested vim; could you suggest some good tutorials to go with it? currently it seems fairly bland and I'd like to change that
06:22.10Wobwork<insert Monty Python Vorpal Bunny skit here>
06:22.11malrethdon't use vim.. real programmers use ed
06:22.37batrickthis may help you
06:22.49batrickgtfo malreth
06:22.55purlnever take malreth seriously
06:23.08malrethrats... they're on to me!
06:24.04malreththat used to be my favorite thing to do to trainees at the Help Desk when i started teaching them how to use Unix
06:24.21malreth"how do i edit a file?" "oh... the command for that is 'ed'"
06:24.53malrethafter 15 minutes, i'd tell them about another editor... 'vi' and that it stood for "visual editor"
06:25.01malrethafter that... they loved vi
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06:25.38batrickpoor kids
06:26.14Wobworkmalreth: Sneaky
06:26.38*** join/#wowi-lounge TecnoBrat (
06:34.00Thunder_Childi like vi
06:40.04Mike-N-GoWhat is the minium level one may one of the lesser BC instances?
06:41.06malrethi think you can enter some of the hellfire ramparts at 58... but don't take that as gospel...
06:41.50malreths/some of //
06:46.15WobworkI think 57
06:46.20Wobworkfor ramparts
06:46.34*** part/#wowi-lounge TecnoBrat (
06:46.55Thunder_Childhmm..i wonder if the 11 points are worth it for icy veins
06:47.02a^i`SmaNwell, you have to be 58 at least to enter outlands
06:47.03Thunder_Childfor a fire mage
06:47.24Thunder_Childa^i`SmaN, you can get ported in at 1
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06:47.55ScytheBlade1a^i`SmaN: you can be summoned or portd there at any level, only the gate requires level 58
06:47.57a^i`SmaNoh that's true, didn't think about that :x
06:48.03a^i`SmaNsilly me :s
07:00.51Wobworkwhat is the longest length of time one can use a song before needing to pay royalties?
07:00.58Wobworkeg for a short advertisement
07:05.39Thunder_Childyou mean lenght of a song?
07:05.48ScytheBlade1I think 30 seconds
07:05.58ScytheBlade1But uh, don't come whining to me if you get sued becuase I'm wrong
07:06.14Thunder_Child30 is most of a comercial as it is
07:06.27WobworkWhere could I find more info about it?
07:06.38Thunder_Childa royalt laywer
07:07.34Thunder_ChildWobwork, i doubt it has it though
07:08.16Thunder_ChildWobwork, this btw i found to be a fun A Cappella
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07:21.11Wobworkhehe I remember that
07:22.18WobworkDaft Hands is much cooler though
07:25.13Thunder_Childi dunno, i prefer daft bodies in particular
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07:27.07Wobworkonly cause it has chicks in it =)
07:29.06Thunder_Childwell, not JUST
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07:29.20WobworkI guess though daft hands was first
07:29.40Thunder_Childi think so
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07:30.47Wobworkoh look
07:30.50Wobworkone without boxes
07:31.38Thunder_Childya, but the other is better
07:35.02purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
07:38.55cogwheeldidn't grasp a single thing i mentioned...
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07:42.27batricku know cog u can just add #10 to the end of the url and it points to that post rite?
07:42.47cogwheelI just failed
07:42.58cogwheelwrite error ;)
07:46.39cogwheelbatrick: u can also take off the &sid=1 to shave off a few chars
07:48.33|Jelly|I'd just like to announce that despite Kamdis wanting me to give Nitelily a 'second chance,' I still fucking hate him.
07:49.35Mr_Rabies2whatd i miss
07:49.43Mr_Rabies2delicious drama
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07:56.35cogwheeli'm trying to find a thread with a post by zootfizzle that doesn't have a post by me right near the end ><
07:57.06cogwheeland that has his new sig
07:57.10cogwheel"I never met a sprocket I didn't like!"
07:57.29cogwheel'cause that means war imo
08:00.22batrick that is the most epic picture of hillary
08:01.42cogwheeldoesn't come close to the howard dean scream though
08:01.50cogwheelsilly democrats :P
08:03.32cogwheel^ stay in school, kids
08:04.00cogwheelfirst reaction should never be ghost
08:05.30reqolthanks for the cheatsheet batrick, but how do I use these hotkeys? they are all characters. just from looking at vim i can tell it is an unconventional editor, which isn't necessarily bad, but I'm guessing it has a learning curve
08:07.37reqolit's somewhat intimidating ;_;
08:08.06cogwheellike most aspects of the unix world :P
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08:13.52batrickreqol: it's unconvential, but u get to love it
08:14.29Fisker-you better watch out cogwheel
08:14.30reqolso why are there character hotkeys? I'm guessing there's some way to change modes or something
08:14.39cogwheelYou know which will get my vote in emacs vs vim?
08:14.52reqolsince you're stating so, I'm guessing emacs
08:15.24cogwheelWhichever one has a customized dvorak layout with a rewritten tutorial :P
08:15.29Fisker-fuck you automatic updates, i hit enter while it popped up for restart
08:16.02batrickreqol: there are three modes: insert, command, and visual
08:16.20reqol...three? ;_;
08:16.23batrickcommand is typically where all those "hotkeys" are used
08:16.25MaldiviaI so hate that auto update restart dialog
08:16.29batrickyou'll usually be in insert :P
08:16.38reqolhow do I change modes
08:16.58batrickwell usually you use "i" to go into insert mode so you can type
08:17.06*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (n=leethal@
08:17.12batrickthere are a couple ways, as you can see in the cheatsheet
08:17.27batrickcommand mode lets you manipulate the document among other things
08:17.41batricke.g. deleting/copying lines
08:18.02batrickESC let's you leave insert mode
08:18.06batrickback into command
08:19.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Fisker- (
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08:19.41cogwheelwb Fisker-
08:19.46cogwheelhave a good time?
08:20.06batrickreqol: looks decent
08:20.32Fisker-think i'll disabled automatic updates soon
08:20.43Fisker-they've also begun to just restart rather than just nag you
08:28.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
08:40.45Thunder_Childtrue, unlike windows i dont bug him ALL the time
08:41.08reqolwould it be better to make a table every OnLoad of a frame for the cities (appropriate for factions) or just have it done once and make it a saved variable per char?
08:45.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Juido (
08:52.09cogwheelit is...
08:53.43batricksleep is for the weak and unmotivated
08:53.44Juidomay someone help with a api command ? how can i destroy a item from my inventory without to drag and drop?
09:02.46batricki just accidently installed a media player on my server /sigh
09:03.46bleetermust be something from the Win32 or OSX mentality that makes you assume that's failure ;)
09:03.58Juidois there something like "PickUpByName" ? i try to destroy a manastone by key without to use it
09:04.35batrickJuido: dont' think so, you have to itterate through all of the items and find it by name using ContainerItemInfo() or somesuch
09:04.42batrickunless you know where it always is :P
09:05.06Juidoso i need to do a loop first to finde the bag slot that contain the manastone ?
09:05.22batrickbleeter: it wouldn't be failure if i could actually listen to music on it
09:05.42batrickit's graphical, so i can't do anything really clever anyway
09:07.47bleeterbatrick: oh, a GUI driven media player on a server, yes, that's failure I hate to say :P
09:09.39reqolhow can I change the scaling of a fontstring object?
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10:11.41reqolsoo....I take it inheriting SecureActionButtonTemplate and OptionsButtonTemplate does not work?
10:12.07*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
10:14.43bleeterclad|sleep: could you get praid to show afk debuff? kthx
10:15.47bleeterclad|sleep: 'coz the map UI is such failure to see if someone's been reported afk
10:15.58*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (n=rumors@
10:19.27reqolI have a frame that inherits a virtual frame that inherits OptionsButtonTemplate and SecureActionButtonTemplate, in it's on load it calls a function which calls SetAttribute("type", "spell") SetAttribute("spell", "Portal: Shattrath City"). when clicked it does nothing
10:19.55reqoldoes optionsbuttontemplate conflict with secureactionbuttontemplate in any way?
10:27.24reqolno, it does in fact NOT conflict.
10:33.41mikmaFin: what was your site again? (the wow-addon list)
10:35.01batrickreqol what r u making
10:41.34reqolI am making myself a portal menu
10:41.49reqolI've got it working...mostly
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10:41.56reqolthe buttons work, it's just the setup doesn't exactly work
10:42.26reqolwould you mind taking a look at my files? the lua is only like 60 lines and the xml 160. it's probably something that i'm doing with the XML
10:42.44reqolin the past I've only set up things through lua, including frames to handle events, etc
10:42.50reqolso maybe the setup is whacky
10:43.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
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10:49.57sag_ich_nichtsomeone tell me what's going wrong here please:
10:52.18bleeteromg a taint! and yer not screaming at iriel and flisher?
11:03.43*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
11:09.06sag_ich_nichtbleeter your sarcasm tag is broken
11:10.11sag_ich_nichtand no i'm not screaming at anyone because the intial flood of brokenness is gone, i would have asked Iriel why DoubleWide is showing up there, but Iriel isn't here :P
11:12.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
11:19.41bleetermy sarcasm tag isn't broken, it was uneeded therefore unused :P
11:23.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
11:25.12reqolmy frame(which houses several secureactionbuttontemplate) will not show up in combat if prompted to. is this because it is not possible to do this, or is it tainting?
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11:32.32sag_ich_nicht btw., looks like castsequence is breaking when the target is out of range
11:32.57sag_ich_nichtreqol: you can't show/hide secure frames in combat
11:33.12sag_ich_nichtor buttons for that matter
11:33.21foxlit"protected frames"
11:33.27sag_ich_nichtbite me
11:33.36foxlitWhether or not they are actually secure at that point doesn't matter :)
11:34.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
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11:40.03reqolhow do you registerfordrag a shift right hold click?
11:40.10reqolerr shift left hold click
11:40.23Juidohi all, is it possible to put a /script loop into a macro ?
11:40.54reqolyes, so long as you don't use a protected function
11:40.57reqoli.e. castspellbyname
11:42.16Juidoi need to find a item of my inventory to destory it then
11:42.33Juidobut i wont write an extra addon for it
11:42.49Juidoall i need is to destroy a manstone if it exist
11:43.33reqolI'll write you a macro, just a moment
11:45.27Juidooh thank you a lot
11:45.53reqolwhat item are you looking for, exactly?
11:45.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
11:46.27clad|sleepbleeter: the map UI is really easy to see who is afk.. btu either way
11:46.33clad|sleepsure it can show afk.. if you code it and submit a diff
11:49.48Juido@ reqol im looking for " Manasmaragd "
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11:50.48reqolwhat the hell is that?
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11:51.49bleeterdamn, clad logged before I could debate the point
11:52.37Juidoits the highest manastone a mage can conjure
11:52.38reqolbleeter: do you know how to registerfordrag a shift left hold click?
11:52.54Juidogerman client
11:52.58reqolthat is so awesome.
11:53.05reqolhold on
11:53.09reqolit's done I just need to fix the /script parts
11:53.34*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
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11:57.13Juidosince 2.3.2 the manasmaragd has a stack of 3
11:57.17reqolhow can you delete an item?
11:57.22reqolyeah, it's wonderful
11:57.25bleeterreqol: absolutely nothing
11:57.37bleetercladhaire: can I debate the map UI point with you?
11:57.45Juidobut if you used 2, you need to destroy it first before you can conjure a new one
11:57.52reqolbleeter: was that to delete an item, or to the drag
11:57.57cladhairenot really, no
11:58.04cladhaireunless we're talking about absurd special cases
11:58.11bleeter< reqol> bleeter: do you know how to registerfordrag a shift left hold click? << absolutely nothing
11:58.17cladhairehowever, why don't you just alter perfectraid to show the afk debuff
11:58.23cladhairethen you can see who has the debuff applied.
11:58.27JuidoDeleteCursorItem @ reqol
11:58.35cladhaireif they were <AFK>
11:58.43cladhairethey wouldn't be in the battleground
11:59.05Juido@reqol : first PickupInventoryItem(slotId)  then DeleteCursorItem()
12:00.25reqoljuido: yeah, I figured that out
12:00.33reqolI was using pickupbagslot like a moron
12:01.02cladhaireyou register for drag on left-click
12:01.08cladhaireand then in your handler, only act on shift-click
12:01.25reqolgonna use it myself, too
12:01.36reqolthanks cladhaire :D
12:02.00Juidothx reqol, will give it a try
12:02.23reqolI verified it worked for me, but it's possible the Manas... is wrong
12:02.23cladhaireyou may want to look into modified clicks too
12:02.24cladhairethey're nifty
12:02.28cladhairei don't fully understand them
12:02.29cladhairebut they do this too
12:03.52reqolso, I check if shift is held down? or is there API to check for a shift click
12:04.16cladhaireModified click allows you to check if your "modifier is down"
12:04.26cladhairebasically, you register shift-left click as a modified action called "MyClickDrag" or whatever
12:04.38cladhaireand then you can use IsModifiedClick("MyClickDrag") to check if your modifiers are currently held down
12:04.41cladhairerather than hardcoding them
12:09.41Juido@reqol : works perfect. thank you very much
12:09.44reqolwhere do <Layers> have to be in a frame? I'm getting some serious validation errors ;_;
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12:09.48reqolno problem, glad it works
12:10.34cladhairereqol: you can check the schema.. do you know how to do that?
12:11.21reqolyes. my question was a bit rhetorical since I think my placement is fine.
12:11.25reqolerror is somewhere else I'm guessing
12:11.52cladhairerelevant schema portion
12:12.23cladhaireit comes after <Size> and <Anchors>
12:12.32reqolthanks, that helps quite a bit
12:12.39reqolnot just for the layers problem but as a quick reference guide
12:15.22reqolthe <Layers> tag is after everything BUT the scripts
12:15.25reqoland it still gives me an error
12:15.53reqolthere are no child frames, i'll check for attributes, but I don't think I have any, they are all defined in the <Button > tag
12:19.59reqolall better.
12:20.17reqolif you'd like to laugh at my misfortune and lack of sleep, I could tell you the problem, though it might aggravate you that I wasted your time.
12:20.34reqolI'll just go ahead and say it :normaltexturefile in wrong place
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12:25.05reqolIsShiftClickDown doesn't work for me
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12:33.37reqolno problem, just a check ctrl+f on the wow api
12:35.21reqolugh, the secure frame overview is not a help with multiple clicks. I j ust want a left click spell and a right click spell.
12:35.59nevcairiel*spell1 is left, *spell2 is right
12:36.06nevcairieliirc :P
12:36.37reqolat the bottom there is a more in depth review, I only looked at the bottom of the bottom. bad to assume ;/
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12:49.19reqolso if I'm registering for two spells, one on left click, one on right, I do SetAttribute("action-1", "*spell1") SetAttribute("*spell1", "myspellhere") ?
12:49.27reqolthen repeat but action2 and *spell2
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12:53.53nevcairielreqol: no, you do :SetAttribute("type", "spell"); :SetAttribute("*spell1", "SpellName (Rank)")
12:53.55nevcairieland repeat for 2
12:54.52nevcairielwell, the type=spell you dont have to repeat :P
12:55.31reqolit doesn't work
12:55.44nevcairielpastey your code?
12:55.55reqolit's probably something I'm doing with the frame
12:55.57reqolit's a minimap button
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12:57.47reqolsmall addon i'm writing for myself
12:59.08reqol100% certain the spells are correct
12:59.14reqolunless something really strange is happening and jarbling them
12:59.41reqolthey're fine
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13:10.18cladhairereqol: you can't override the OnClick of a SAB
13:10.25cladhaireif you do, the original SAB code is never called
13:10.30cladhaireso your spell never gets cast.
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13:10.54cladhairewill you ever use this button in combat?>
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13:11.30nevcairielyou could attach a custom function to the shift click
13:11.33nevcairielusing the secure button
13:11.36cladhaireprobably the easiest way to do it.
13:11.43reqolso wait...what am I doing? sorry ;_;
13:11.54reqolwhat's overriding it? the <OnClick> handlers?
13:12.05cladhaireYOu can't have an <OnClick> for a secure action button
13:13.12reqolso how could I circumvent this? rather, how would I go about hooking a function to the shift clicks?
13:13.28cladhairenevcairiel: just told you one way you can do it
13:13.31cladhairewithout hooking or being nasty
13:13.37nevcairielyou can do :SetAttribute("shift-type", "mycustomhandler"); and create a function button:mycustomhandler() do stuff here end
13:14.28reqolokay, thanks!
13:14.31nevcairielno one really knows that you can create your own types there
13:15.03cladhaireits a sekret
13:15.14nevcairieli think its documented nowhere
13:15.19nevcairieli found it in the source one day
13:16.24reqolso I can define this object handler in my lua file? Button:Myhandler essentially makes it so that it can be used with any button?
13:16.50nevcairielyou have to create the function on the object of the button
13:17.26nevcairiellike, "function MiniPort_MiniButton:MyHandler() -- code here -- end"
13:17.29nevcairielsomewhere in your code
13:18.10cladhaireI'm getting Unable to Validate Game Version on both EU and US.
13:18.14cladhairehas the EU patch gone out?
13:18.20nevcairieli logged in too
13:18.28cladhaireno issues?
13:18.34nevcairielnot yet, no
13:18.44nevcairielworks fine on EU
13:19.20nevcairielstart the launcer
13:19.28nevcairielit'll apply the patch
13:19.31cladhairei dont know which host my launcher connects to
13:19.49nevcairielget the patch from :P
13:20.04nevcairielor i could dump that info with wireshark
13:20.13cladhairenah i've got it now
13:20.16cladhairejust hoping it works :P
13:20.45cladhairesoon i won't need this bullshit =(
13:20.49cladhairessh tunneling to play wow
13:21.13cladhaireI need a way to run two versions of wow alongside each other
13:21.18cladhairewithout ALL of the data files being repeated
13:21.48wereHamsterwhy do you need ssh tunnels for that?
13:22.15nevcairielcladhaire: hard-links? :)
13:22.29cladhaire3724 outgoing is blocked
13:22.35cladhairewow is not allowed at my college
13:22.45nevcairieli guess common.mpq, expansion.mpq and all are the same for all languages
13:23.02nevcairielyou only need to have a seperate enGB and enUS directory
13:23.17nevcairielhm, only patching will fail
13:23.34reqolhow can I set this up and dump the function into a table? I can't index the MiniPort_MiniButton because it hasn't loaded yet, I want to set an onload function that creates the function in a table, but then how do I call it with setattribute? same way?
13:24.11cladhairenevcairiel: yeah, I'd like to devise a way to share as much between two installs, but have the rest of them be distinct
13:24.14cladhaireso I can patch independently
13:24.44nevcairieli guess common.mpq and expansion.mpq dont change on patches, but patch and patch-2 do, which are pretty big too already
13:24.47nevcairielso .. good luck :P
13:25.09cladhairecommon.MPQ and expansion.MPQ being linked saves me 5 gigs
13:25.12cladhairewonder if I could just do that
13:25.16cladhaireand have the two exist independently
13:25.25cladhaireso install the enGB client
13:25.31cladhairelink those two files
13:26.04cladhairethe big one to the left of the highlighted one is common.mpq
13:26.10cladhaireso that'd be a good chunk of change :P
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13:31.44LopeppeppyI am in heaven.... my building lobby is full of earnest young men in uniforms all wanting to reassure me that the security exercises being conducted today are perfectly safe, although noisy....
13:35.39LopeppeppyYummy, yummy, yummy.  About time some karma swung my way.
13:36.51reqolhow can you define an object method in a variable? normally I do it like thevariable = function() stuff end
13:36.59reqolrather, a normal function
13:37.38nevcairielobject.variable = function() ? :)
13:38.37reqolso for the previous example: MiniPort_MiniButton.ShiftHandler = function() stuff here end would then would with SetAttribute(_,"ShiftHandler")?
13:39.00reqols/would then would/would then work/
13:39.12reqoli'm getting sleep right after this...
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13:39.39LopeppeppySleep is for the weak.  The sane, well-adjusted weak, but the weak nevertheless.  :P
13:39.43nevcairielif SetAttribute("type" is what you mean and not _ :P
13:40.03nevcairielthats the theory at least
13:41.39reqolthanks for all the help! I'll have to try it in a few hours, gotta get some sleep. appreciate it :D
13:42.47cladhairei need to re-scan the api for 2.3.2
13:43.21LopeppeppyOh, that doesn't sound like a lot of fun, cladhaire!
13:43.49cladhaireit depends
13:43.55cladhairei just can't afford to get behind with the boko
13:43.59cladhairebut that process isn't fully automated yet
13:44.24cladhairecan I download the WoW clients from mmo-champion?
13:44.36nevcairieldont think so
13:44.41nevcairielonly the latest patches
13:45.11cladhairemeh i'm not gonna eff wiht it now
13:45.13cladhairetoo much else to do
13:46.06Shirikyou can download it from
13:46.59LopeppeppyI seem to remember links on the right side of the WoW home page, and/or on the Account Management page.
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13:47.53cladhairemy net connection is shit at the moment
13:47.57cladhairenot sure if i wanna eff with it
13:48.02cladhaireespecially considering i can't torrent it.
13:48.42cladhairei have CD's I coul use
13:48.45cladhaireall 5 of them =(
13:48.57cladhairemaybe i'll borrow Tom's DVDs :P
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13:49.13cladhairehe got WOW/BC for only £17.00
13:49.19cladhaireoh well
13:49.22cladhaireshower than back to editing.
13:49.48cladhairebut what?
13:50.05nevcairielwhats wrong with the CDs?
13:50.12cladhairei have to change them
13:50.15cladhaireand they take a long time :p
13:50.23cladhairehe has the battle chest
13:50.26cladhaireso the DVD is easier imo
13:50.37cladhairei have teh enUS client
13:50.42cladhaireI just want the europe client :P
13:50.48nevcairieli created a DVD once
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13:51.04nevcairielnot that i reinstall it that often
13:51.33nevcairieli created a WoW+BC DVD once .. :P
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13:55.10cladhairehrm this'll be interesting
13:55.17cladhairewonder how much is different between WoW and TBC
13:55.21cladhaireas far as the mpqs go :P
13:55.31cladhairein theory common.mpq should be the same
13:55.35nevcairielTBC totally rearranged the mpq layout
13:55.42cladhaireTBC or 2.0?
13:55.43LopeppeppyTheory is....  fun.
13:55.47nevcairielwell, 2.0
13:55.49Endnevcairiel: he doesn't mean from 1.0 to 2.0
13:55.57cladhairethere's a big difference between 2.0 and TBC
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14:06.27malrethdon't do it! superpoke is a trap!
14:07.24Lopeppeppymalreth, you're weirder than I am.
14:08.29LopeppeppyI'm sure.  *laugh*
14:08.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
14:09.05Lunessa... lifless!
14:10.49LopeppeppyOh.... I see....  I should read upward more often!
14:10.54LunessaGood morning sunshine.
14:11.40Cidethat's awesome
14:11.41LunessaBill Gates... 'illest' mother-f'er in a cardigan sweater?
14:12.35malreth"I got a cock like a donkey hard as a rock and a trigger finger itchier than chicken pox..."
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14:12.59malrethoh snap! pg-13!
14:13.15malrethCairenn is going to have me drawn and quartered
14:13.38LopeppeppyYou'd think you'd get tired of that, masochist.
14:13.57LunessaHe doesn't.
14:14.11malrethLunessa's right...
14:14.45LopeppeppyMy boss was a hostage, my boss was a hostage!!
14:14.51Lopeppeppy... why didn't they keep him?  *sigh*
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14:18.17Lunessamalreth: someone here actually just used the word "dude" in serious conversation.
14:18.41malrethis his car, like, missing?
14:18.48LunessaShe said to me, "Dude. That TOTALLY wasn't there when I looked before."
14:19.30LopeppeppyLike, fer sher?
14:20.09Lunessa*shrug* She's liike, totally, yaknaow?
14:20.28LopeppeppyGag me with a spoon, and get OUT of here!!
14:21.01Lunessafer shure, fer shure.
14:23.08Lunessa... I highly recommend picking one up up if you have the means.  It's so choice.
14:24.20malrethi bought rez for the PS2
14:24.26malrethnever got the trance vibrator
14:24.36malrethawesome game
14:25.22Lunessathat games is the shiz.
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14:27.02LunessaI never cared about wining.  Only the cool noises and music it made.
14:27.28malrethi played the crap outta that game
14:27.34malrethunlocked almost everything
14:30.50Lunessanow I get the macarena reference.
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14:54.00mikmadidn't bela say he's about to take over NECB?
14:54.15LopeppeppyI believe I saw that on the NECB page, yes.
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15:23.34Lunessa"We're just that good. No really. We are. :)" ~malreth
15:23.56malrethyeah... that guy is smoking crack
15:24.11malreth"how can anyone write code without documentation?"
15:24.22malrethand then it turns out he's not even writing lua
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15:26.10LunessaYeah.  Seriously.  You extract the UI kit and read the code.  It's not that hard.
15:29.13LunessaI guess I'm just too white and nerdy.  I mean, one of my guildees asked a question and I explained the code changes.  Which prompted the question, "WTF?  Do you just read the code when a new patch comes out?"  -- doesn't /everyone/ ?
15:29.23ScytheBlade1Haha. Win.
15:32.33LunessaImagine there's no macros.  It isn't hard to do.  No lua code, no AddOns too.  Imagine all the players, playing with the default ui.  You might say I'm evil, but I'm not the only one.  ...
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15:35.53Matrix110I wouldve already quitted i think without Addons :P
15:36.02Matrix110Alone because the default UI is so damn ugly
15:36.57malrethi love apple remote desktop
15:37.19malrethmakes my job as a lab technician so much more convenient
15:37.39malrethi can update my sites from a couch in a coffee shop
15:38.15Lunessamal if you're at Epoch having coffee I'm going to drive up and poor sugar in your gas tank.
15:38.38malrethi'm not at epoch
15:38.56malrethmany of our servers here are filtered at the border
15:39.05malrethand the vpn is teh sux
15:39.12malrethslow... so sloow
15:39.17mikmaplay poker instead
15:40.04malrethnever really got into poker
15:40.09malrethi like Go, however
15:40.21malrethi suck at it... but i really like the game
15:40.49LunessaI want to learn to play that.
15:40.52mikmawell open source poker is a good way to train it heh
15:40.57malrethi'm rated at something pitiful like 18k on KGS...
15:41.09mikmaand, that one supports local games (adds 6 computerplayers in the table)
15:41.53LunessaI know how to play poker.  I meant GO
15:43.12malrethprobably the best site i've found for learning Go
15:43.22malrethit teaches you the three basic rules
15:43.41malreththen drops in the other two rules but only when they're necessary
15:44.18malreththen gradually leads you through the infinite complexity brought about by all of that
15:47.28sag_ich_nichtbrb reboot
15:48.00LunessaI like positional strategy games.  Chess, Go, Reversi, etc.
15:48.13LunessaI'm not good at them, but I love them.
15:48.51krkawhat's your favorite strategy game then?
15:49.24malrethkrka, do you know what vore is?
15:49.40krkanot really no
15:49.55malreth~wiki vorarephilia
15:51.24krkathat's some weird shit... why did you bring it up?
15:52.36Lunessakrka ... I have a favorite, but I'm not mentioning it in a public channel.  *wink*  And I think your plumbing is all wrong for me anyway. *wink-wink*nudge-nudge*
15:53.20malrethkrka: because of this...
15:55.24krkayou already mentioned go, chess, reversi, just say which one is your favorite!
15:55.30krkamalreth: sfw?
15:55.37malrethit is
15:55.46malreththis i swear
15:56.00Lunessachess - even though I'm terrible.
15:56.35krkaweird comic
15:56.43art3mismy wife is so special when shes asleep
15:57.10art3mismy phone was sitting on the night table and she wakes up and walks into the living room to tell me my phone is ringing instead of just bringing it to me  on her way out
15:58.12krkawhy is that special when she's _asleep_
15:58.41art3mispartially asleep
15:59.26art3misoddly enough she does that when shes wide awake too.. if i forget my phone out here and go lay down shell come in and wake me up to tell me my phone was rining
15:59.48krkaso basically you just meant: "my wife is so special" :)
16:01.51art3misheh yeah
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16:04.02malrethtoo cute!
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16:31.48ScytheBlade1 <-- just saw that... a haha
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16:45.04malrethhas anyone had a problem with Ventrilo not picking up the PTT key when it's no longer the front-most application? i spent an entire raid last night not being able to speak or use the G-keys on my G15.
16:45.32Bela|workmalreth: Vista?
16:45.43Bela|workrun as admin
16:45.47malrethi do
16:45.49Bela|workI have the same problem otherwise
16:45.59Bela|workmine works if I run as admin
16:46.00malrethrun vent as admin?
16:46.22malrethodd thing is it worked fine the day before
16:46.28Bela|workits spotty
16:46.41Lunessamalreth: Vista makes me beat my head against the table.
16:46.48malrethsee... i don't like that term, "spotty"
16:47.03malretheither privs are elevated or not
16:47.05Cidevista is awesome
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16:47.12malreththey should be very deterministic
16:47.15malrethand not spotty
16:47.16LunessaI have to reinstall AVG almost every other day because "the update process could not be initialized"
16:47.16Cidemalreth: and they are
16:47.25CideLunessa: blame AVG, not vista.
16:47.26Bela|workthats just it
16:47.29Bela|workyou can't blame Vista
16:47.46Bela|workmy avg works great in vista
16:47.53Cidefor the first time, windows has a decent security model
16:47.58Cideand people blame it for not working
16:48.01Bela|worknot perfect
16:48.03Bela|workbut better
16:48.13Cidenothing is perfect, but it's a huge step forward
16:48.25Bela|workthats why I get kind of annoyed at all these sites out there that say "TURN OFF UAC! It fixes ALL your problem!"
16:48.25Intangirvista is gay
16:48.32Cidebut the problem lies with the software vendors who can't put out code that works with it
16:48.35Intangirventrilo ptt buttons work fine for me ON LINUX
16:48.37CideIntangir: sigh. why?
16:48.39Bela|workI personally like UAC
16:48.40Intangirbut it wont work for people on vista ;)
16:48.45LunessaIt works solidly for 2-3 days, then dies.  IE decided at some point that it couldn't run until I made it Administrator
16:48.45Intangiri laugh at that
16:49.01Cidemaybe ventrilo should fix it
16:49.13kergothUAC isnt a bad idea, i just dislike the implementation
16:49.17Intangirventrilo should fix vista?
16:49.24CideLunessa: IE is shit, I give you that
16:49.25Bela|workits vent's fault for not utilizing the privilege elevation model correctly
16:49.28kergothcomodo firewall has the same sort of features, but give you more flexibility
16:49.39CideIntangir: ventrilo should fix its own code - why blame vista because ventrilo doesn't code properly?
16:49.43malrethwell then.. in that respect, i wonder what ventrilo did differently last night that cause it to not work anymore
16:49.44Bela|workkergoth: sp1 should fix that
16:49.52Fisker-OH U Cide
16:49.53Bela|workthey are streamlining it a lot
16:50.03Bela|workless prompts, same security
16:50.05Fisker-atleast i'm not using Firefox
16:50.07kergothah, nice
16:50.15Intangirso everytime windows trys to reinvent itself with new reqs, all hardware and software should update themselves so that it can be used on an OS that offers nothing functionally new?
16:50.27Intangirwhile they do NOTHING to work on linux and it just works cause the developers of the OS/apps accomadate for it
16:50.30Bela|workI think so yes
16:50.34Intangirwith tons of new features/functionality
16:50.37Bela|worksoftware has ALWAYS driven hardware
16:50.39Bela|workthat is nothing new
16:50.40Intangiryou seem to be missing the point of an operating system
16:50.42Cideit's the first time windows has ever invented new reqs
16:50.44Fisker-there's new functionality in Vista
16:50.55Cidevista is the only operating system that has tried to maintain backwards functionality for third party vendors more or less
16:51.00Cidelinux? hell no
16:51.02Intangirwindows has invented new reqs EVERY VERSION
16:51.06Cideno they haven't
16:51.14Intangiryes, they have
16:51.14Bela|workand you can hardly fault MS for vista
16:51.15Cidename one
16:51.18Bela|workit was needed
16:51.24Endlast I tried, the old ass loki installer still worked at least :P
16:51.30Bela|workAND they gave dompanies LOTS of notice and plenty of docs about it
16:51.39End(granted, it's probably statically built)
16:51.41Bela|workso they could update beforehand
16:51.52Intangirvista doesnt maintain backward compatibility for shit
16:51.57End(but I hear glibc is silly due to all the backwards compatibility it has in it)
16:51.58Fisker-Companies even went so far to halt a lot of the progress
16:52.00Cideevery other windows version has
16:52.02Intangirmy old dos games run better on linux than any version of windows past 98
16:52.03Cidewhat's your point?
16:52.05Bela|workI don't want backwards compatibility
16:52.12Bela|workif I wanted that, I would dual box xp
16:52.17Cidelinux doesn't have backwards compat worth a shit
16:52.20Fisker-Windows were actually to be more like linux
16:52.27Endanyways, I think third party -is- a big problem here...everyone is used to being administrator on windows
16:52.29Bela|workthey hired a linux developer
16:52.30Fisker-in terms of the filesystem
16:52.33Cideif they want to rewrite the kernal, so what if tons of software breaks?
16:52.33Bela|workto help on vista
16:52.43Intangirvista sucks, period, if offers nothing new other than headaches, linux GIVES overthing for free, and it works better for me
16:52.50Intangirless arbitrary hassle
16:52.51|pez|waha, Freezing trap is no longer limited to one target at a time :D
16:52.52Bela|workcorrection: it sucks for YOU
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16:52.56Bela|worknot period
16:52.59CideIntangir: I like your argument. it sucks period.
16:53.03kergothvista has all sorts of nifty new features over xp
16:53.04Intangirit does
16:53.07Intangirwhy do you argue it
16:53.08kergoththe start menu wipes the floor with xp's
16:53.11Cideno; in your opinion it does
16:53.11Intangirits common knowledge
16:53.15CideI offer arguments, you offer stupidity
16:53.17kergoththe sound mixer allows per app volume control, which is excellent
16:53.22Cidejust shut up before you make yourself into an even bigger fool
16:53.27Bela|workbecause I use 32bit vista at work, and 64bit at home, and I love both
16:53.30Fisker-"Common knowledge"#
16:53.32Bela|workI have had NO issues adapting
16:53.35malrethpeople who use linux are just fooling themselves. they all really want to use Mac OS X... A UNIX actually done right
16:53.38Fisker-at the moment there's atleast 3 vs. 1
16:53.43Intangiryour the one making personal insults, those arent arguments, thats being an asshole
16:53.44Bela|workand to say it sucks is just close-minded
16:53.50CideIntangir: what personal insults? quotes
16:53.50Fisker-so as you can see 25% is not common knowledge
16:53.52Fisker-sorry :(
16:54.01Intangirare you serious?
16:54.06Intangir+Cide> just shut up before you make yourself into an even bigger fool
16:54.17Intangirthe last 2 things you said
16:54.39Cidethat was because you failed to offer any reasonable arguments, while I had offered you a handful
16:54.40Bela|workI can see vista being hard to use for Grandma, and your average joe that has to be reminded how to use a mouse 3 times a week
16:54.49Cideand yet you argued that you're right "just because."
16:54.51Bela|workbut that hardly describes anyone in this channel
16:54.53Bela|workI hope
16:55.14Endactually, one complaint I have with each new version of windows is they keep moving things around (like the control panel) :P
16:55.15cogwheelCairenn|afk: or dolby-wowi: could you please move to outdated mods? I'm making the sourceforge page its primary outlet...
16:55.24Fisker-ONe might say in terms of what Vista was supposed to be it was a failure
16:55.25Cide<Intangir> vista sucks, period, if offers nothing new other than headaches
16:55.33Cide<Intangir> windows has invented new reqs EVERY VERSION
16:55.34Intangiroh i forgot pretty colors
16:55.35Intangirmy bad
16:55.35Cide^ name one?
16:55.59Intangirvista changed alot of the protections stuff, so did XP, so did 2k
16:56.00Cide<Intangir> vista is gay
16:56.03Intangirso did NT4
16:56.05cogwheelvista's fine
16:56.16EndYour face is gay!
16:56.19Endoh burn
16:56.21Intangirvista is gay, who here actually ran out and bought it? or did it come on a PC
16:56.23cogwheelnearly all the problems are due to developers not following best practices in XP
16:56.44wereHamsterI partly agree with intangir. I had bought a brand new lenovo laptop, preinstalled vista. Vista was slow as hell. after each click I literally had to wait a second until the OS actually performed the action. That on a brand new laptop. for me, vista failed big time
16:56.46malrethi bought it
16:56.51kergothi'd buy it if i could afford it, i'm low on cash lately
16:57.01CideIntangir: specify the 'protections stuff', given that nothing changed for any application. chanting "vista is gay" doesn't make it gay
16:57.06Bela|workthats because OEM are morons
16:57.07Endmy university provides it :P
16:57.14nevcairielwereHamster: thats not vista, thats "pre-installed", install a clean vista, and you will be happy.
16:57.15Endbut ...I'm not using it
16:57.23Bela|workthey sell you the low budget vista machine that can barely run vista
16:57.27IntangirwereHamster: careful dont make a fool ofyourself ;) cide is lord you will agree with him or be flamed
16:57.29Bela|workbut it hardly gives you a good experience
16:57.33End(then again, I wouldn't want to run it until I get a new machine)
16:57.34kergothnaturally my wow fps is a little lower on vista, but i'm sure thats due to the vista drivers not being optimized yet, just a matter of time
16:58.01malrethIntangir: as opposed to you... if we don't all agree with you, you'll just keep flooding the channel with your drivel
16:58.08malrethnow go on
16:58.10malrethkeep talking
16:58.11Bela|workIntangir: we are all stating opinion here. Cide will tell you that himself. Please refrain from insults if you can
16:58.12malrethi know you will
16:58.17Intangiri stated an opinion, which im entitled to have
16:58.18Cidehe gives reasons for his opinion, he doesn't say "vista sucks, period." - he says "vista sucks *FOR ME*, because __.", which is perfectly valid
16:58.21Intangirthen i was personally attacked
16:58.23Bela|workyes you are
16:58.26Intangirthen i defended against the personal attack
16:58.28Intangirthis isnt drivel
16:58.29Bela|workand we are entitiled to counterpoint
16:58.33Fisker-You stated an opinion as a fact
16:58.34Bela|workdon't get bent out of shape about it
16:58.38Intangirif you dont want to hear it, disaaree dont insult ME cause i insulted your precious OS
16:58.46CideI insulted you, yes.
16:58.48Fisker-<Intangir> windows has invented new reqs EVERY VERSION <-NOT opinion, but fact
16:58.56Bela|workso far I haven't seen any insults pointed towards you
16:58.56Fisker-i.e. it's not nessecarily a fact
16:59.00Fisker-but you present it as such
16:59.04Intangirfuck this your all hypocrits
16:59.05Bela|workunless you consider us disagreeing an insult
16:59.06Cidebecause your failure to bring up arguments for your opinion is laughable at best
16:59.08Intangirit has new reqs
16:59.11Fisker-2+2 = 5 is wrong regardless of what my opinion is
16:59.17malrethBela|work: oh no... i'll point some insults at him
16:59.17Cidevista has new reqs, yes indeed
16:59.19Fisker-unless i can actually prove new math
16:59.21Intangirit would take a day or 2 to document them all and im not going to do that AGAIN to satisfy some piece of shit on IRC
16:59.25CideI've never argued that point
16:59.26kergothIntangir: laughing at your inability to form a logical argument isn't hypocracy, sorry
16:59.28LunessaIntangir: Same rant, different topic.  How's your presidential candidate doing?
16:59.28Intangirim a programmer, and every new version screws you around
16:59.35Intangiradds a ton of new shit to certain parts of the APIs
16:59.41nevcairielFisker-: not necessarily if you twist some rules around :P
16:59.44Cidebut no other versions have had many new reqs at all
16:59.46malrethyou're not a programmer... programmers have balls
16:59.47Intangirlike directX arbitrarily requireing vista 10 even though it runs fine on XP
16:59.54EndIntangir: I wouldn't call them could make an argument that they're a result of Windows not being able to function on lesser hardware however
16:59.55malrethexcept for Lopeppeppy
17:00.02Intangirfuck all of you
17:00.03CideIntangir: that's a directx issue, not a vista one
17:00.05zenzelezzVista 10?
17:00.06Bela|workI think I can sum this up for you: you don't like vista for requiring people to conform to a new standard. We like vista for the exact reason you don't. End-point
17:00.09malrethyes... fuck us
17:00.15Intangirfuck you malreth cide, and everyone else who wants to personally attack and shit on me for having an opinion
17:00.17Fisker-it appears the "programmer" doesn't really know anything after all
17:00.25LonnyIntangir you're funny.
17:00.25malrethyou must love this abuse... you keep coming here for it
17:00.26Intangirit would be impossible to waste my time trying to counter all the SHIT your flinging at me
17:00.27cogwheelIntangir: so present it as opinion
17:00.29Fisker-It's possible to get similar effects to DX10 on DX9
17:00.29CideIntangir: you're entitled to have an opinion
17:00.32cogwheelinstead of saying it's gay
17:00.37cogwheelor bad
17:00.40*** part/#wowi-lounge Intangir (
17:00.41LunessaAnyway, to get back to my point.  my Vista Home Premium clean install does some things I don't understand yet,. But the whole point of installing it was to learn.  The process is just more frustrating that I expected.
17:00.42CideIntangir: but if you want to state it as facts, at least back them up with sources or arguments
17:00.47malrethHA HA HA!!!
17:00.48zenzelezzdo we ever have three weeks without Intangir blowing up?
17:00.49Lonnylol ...
17:00.51Cidehasn't that happened before?
17:00.52malrethi LOVE that guy!
17:00.53Fisker-oh yeah!
17:00.54nevcairielsomeone should ban him for good, its always the same when Instangir talks
17:00.56Endyou know what's funny...normally I'd be inclined to agree with Intangir :P
17:00.58wereHamsterbela, wait.. you like vista because it requires you to buy new hardware?
17:01.05nevcairielCide: not only once =P
17:01.20LonnyI think someone had a bad day ?
17:01.22zenzelezzand Windows rarely changes the API in a way that breaks programs; it just adds new calls
17:01.22Endbut, he really was spouting uselessness
17:01.30malrethi bet he's kicking something right now
17:01.33zenzelezzLonny: no, Int has issues... this happens regularly
17:01.43Fisker-I'd think if you were a programmer you would know the reason why DX10 is not ported to Windows XP is because it would require a significant rewrite of the kernel
17:01.43nevcairielits not a bad day, its everytime the same when he has some opionion
17:01.54LopeppeppyAt least it wasn't me this time.
17:02.03nevcairieli remember when i tried to tell us about that sugar replacement thing, i fogot the english name again .. but anyway :P
17:02.16LopeppeppyNoooo, nevcairiel, noooooo!
17:02.18LunessaI tossed the politics comment in there looking to push him over the dge.
17:03.03*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Dinesh)
17:03.26cogwheelnevcairiel: splenda? nutrasweet?
17:04.11nevcairielaspartame or so
17:04.26malrethmmm... tastiest of the sugar substitutes
17:04.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Esteth (
17:04.40Bela|workwereHamster: not the buying persay, the push for change
17:04.51malrethquestion... do you pronounce it as-part-a-me or asp-ar-tame?
17:05.09Endass party
17:05.14*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (
17:05.15Endass party me?
17:05.18Bela|workI usually stay up on hardware anyway
17:05.26Bela|workmy home machine is pretty well built
17:05.28Bela|workand current
17:05.31malrethEnd: i like how you roll
17:05.35Lunessamal - I pronounce it hot suffocating death.
17:05.44End<-- A silly person
17:05.50nevcairielI am still waiting for Creative to create a half-working driver for my Audigy4 before i try vista again
17:05.52nevcairielwell and SP1
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17:06.50Bela|workI gave up creative a while ago
17:07.00Bela|workthey have had trouble with driver support for a couple years
17:07.17Bela|worknvidia scared me for a while there too
17:07.30Fisker-creative don't want to support Vista because they're mad Microsoft pulled hardware support in DirectSound :D
17:07.30Bela|worktheir early vista drivers left a lot to be desired
17:07.45cogwheelunless you're an audiophile or are really cheap and can't get a decent mobo, onboard sound cards are just fine for most purposes these days
17:07.58Bela|workmine has HD audio onboard anyway
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17:08.19foxlitrealtek = bliss
17:08.54Lunessahah, the first thing i updated for vista was the nvidia memory controller chipset drivers...
17:08.57malreththank god for the taiwanese!
17:09.18cogwheelLunessa: I had to install a patch before I even finished installing or else it would blue screen
17:09.50cogwheel(or i could've taken one of my memory sticks out to finish the installation and then install the patch)
17:10.00cogwheel(but the other way sounds more dramatic ;) )
17:10.17malrethhonestly, vista is crap. i regret ever buying it. i believe we are all in agreement about that.
17:10.39Cidevista is gay
17:11.08malrethyeah... Liberace gay
17:11.51wereHamstersee, I don't get it why an average person, who does a bit office, and inet browsing, should need a new, more powerful computer every couple years. For games, ok, but why does MS push vista into business computers? They try to make windows the universal cow for every electronic device.
17:12.16cogwheelbecause they can?
17:12.18Endvista -does- attempt to improve security
17:12.23cogwheelbecause people bend over and take it?
17:12.27malrethbecause if they didn't push it into business computers, the vast majority of the PC market share.. MS wouldn't make any money
17:12.44malrethoccam's razorburn, as i call it
17:12.46cogwheeland actually, yes, vista *is* more secure which is definitely a plus for businesses
17:13.07Endof course, it wouldn't surprise me if most business defeat the security measures anyways :P
17:13.22cogwheeland again, thats usually the application developers' faults
17:13.37malrethEnd: no... they probably bind them to AD and lock the machines down even tighter
17:13.47malrethi know i would
17:14.03Endapplications often prevent that from being an option
17:14.17Lunessawe bind things with AD and lock stuff down pretty hard.
17:14.21ScytheBlade1cogwheel: "
17:14.23ScytheBlade1You know this means war, yes?"
17:14.25ScytheBlade1I lol'd
17:14.34Endif all you run is office, it'd probably work perfectly though :P
17:14.50ScytheBlade1Nah. That's what guest rights are for.
17:15.58LunessaI just can't figure out why somethings don't work yet.  I basically gave up WAU ever working for me under vista
17:16.03EndI do vaguely remember running NT 4, and some -microsoft- application required administrator access :(
17:16.06Endof course
17:16.15Endit probably wasn't written by microsoft
17:16.18ScytheBlade1Yeah, that's what they all say.
17:16.22ScytheBlade1Very, very few actually mean it.
17:16.48End(I wish I remember what it was)
17:18.06ScytheBlade1I quit recently, but I was the lone sysadmin for a three building MS/Active Directory shop (that I built largely from the ground up)
17:18.37ScytheBlade1Pretty sure after the sixth app that wanted "administrator rights"  - that I made run without them - I stopped believing that they all needed it
17:19.02cogwheelLunessa: that's also blizzard's fault. Move WoW out of program files and you won't have that problem
17:19.08Endyou mean they basically just say they need it to cover their asses or something? :P
17:19.16EndI believe t
17:19.27ScytheBlade1No, app developers have no clue how to code. ;)
17:19.30End"Hmm, this might not work outside of Administrator, better make it require it"
17:19.30ScytheBlade1(If you're talking to me)
17:19.40ScytheBlade1Or at least advertise that it needs it, yes
17:19.42*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
17:19.50Endand yeah, WoW writing to it's directory is kinda silly
17:20.03ScytheBlade1In 90% of the cases, it was programs writing to their own directory
17:20.11ScytheBlade1In 9% it was registry permissions
17:20.13cncfanaticshello peeps
17:20.14cogwheelwhile I absolutely love WoW's self-containedness, using its program files folder as a data store and addon location goes directly against windows best practices
17:20.17ScytheBlade11% actually needed it
17:20.17Endyou wouldn't be able to avoid it completely even if they moved WTF out, since you have to patch a lot too :-/
17:20.38cncfanaticswindows' best practices ?
17:20.42cncfanaticsyou mean it actualy has any ?
17:20.47ScytheBlade1Yes, surprisingly ;)
17:20.49cogwheelEnd: the patchers can run in admin mode now
17:21.00cogwheelso they're not as much of an issue
17:21.19cncfanaticsI love how wow actualy only uses his own directory
17:21.31cncfanaticsand doesn't store his addons, config in registery
17:21.53ScytheBlade1Registry config is really optional
17:21.54malrethcncfanatics: actually, it goes against a lot of OS's best practices
17:22.29cncfanaticsmost linux stuff would write their config in /home/.name
17:22.30cncfanaticsthats true
17:22.43ScytheBlade1But not /usr/bin ;P
17:22.53malrethcncfanatics: or in a common directory
17:23.12cogwheelcncfanatics: that's exactly what vista is forcing people to do
17:23.21cncfanaticscogwheel, forcing sucks
17:23.26Endone thing I don't like is apps storing stuff to my "My Documents", even though that's best practice...what I'd really like is another directory called "My Application Data" or something for user-touchable stuff.  (WoW addons would go there for example)
17:23.27ScytheBlade1cncfanatics: disagree
17:23.29cogwheelthe equivalent folder is Users\UserName\AppData or whatever
17:23.30cncfanaticsthats why I hate windows :) it forces stuff :)
17:23.32malrethin Mac OS X, it should be in /Library/Application Support/Blizzard/World of Warcraft
17:23.33ScytheBlade1cncfanatics: they had their time to do it
17:23.54ScytheBlade1Vista was in open beta for no small period of time, in closed beta (but you could get in if you really wanted to) for years
17:24.04cogwheelcncfanatics: huh?
17:24.04ScytheBlade1And the underlying foundations have been in place since NT
17:24.17cncfanaticsI can't stand an OS forcing stuff onto apps/people
17:24.25Endthere's a lot of foundation in windows that windows doesn't take advantage of
17:24.30cogwheelcncfanatics: every os forces stuff on to people...
17:24.38cogwheelthat's the whole point of security systems...
17:24.40malrethcncfanatics: it's a matter of security
17:24.40LopeppeppyMeh.  I tend to feel I'm smart enough to do whatever I want no matter what a program thinks I should do.
17:24.41cncfanaticsnot as much as windows does, cogwheel
17:24.50cogwheeli think you're confusing issues
17:25.00cncfanaticswell, I hate OS's forcing silly stuff, my mistake
17:25.04ScytheBlade1cncfanatics: disagree, I can write to the boot sector as admin just as easily as I can under linux
17:25.06cncfanaticsFORCING a directory where to save stuff is silly
17:25.14ScytheBlade1Anything that windows is "forcing" you to do is easily sidestepped
17:25.19cogwheelthey're forcing where NOT to save stuff
17:25.25cogwheeland you can bypass that by runing as admin
17:25.45cogwheelwhich is exactly analogous to apps not being able to write to /bin
17:25.54cogwheeland having to use sudo to do so
17:25.56cncfanaticswell, its different
17:26.02malrethcncfanatics: it's really no different from a Unix security model
17:26.06sysragewhat's up with wowace wiki?
17:26.15cncfanaticsProgram Files contains a little more then binaries
17:26.15Endok, /usr then :P
17:26.26End(you got /usr/bin, /usr/lib, /usr/share, etc)
17:26.31ScytheBlade1The Vista security model is largely identical to the one in place under any *nix nowadays
17:26.34cogwheelcncfanatics: you're arguing semantics, not making a point
17:26.44cncfanaticsI'm not really trying to make a point though -.-
17:26.53cncfanaticsI jsut think windows sucks, and that oppinion won't change anymore :p
17:27.07cogwheelyou're saying it sucks for a specific reason though :P
17:27.11cogwheeland that reason is flat out wrong
17:27.13malrethah... well i guess that's the end of that conversation then
17:27.33cncfanaticsI think windows sucks for various reasons, cogwheel , that one was just an anoyance, not really a reason
17:27.37cogwheel(or more to the point, it's correct, but it's also true about other things you ostensibly don't hate)
17:28.08sysragesraidframes wasn't showing buffs correctly last night. is that a LUA change that hasn't been fixed in sraidframes yet or a wow api bug?
17:28.09krkasysrage: Lua is not an acronym. It is a Portuguese word that means moon.
17:28.24cncfanaticsluna is the portuguese word
17:28.26cncfanaticsnot lua
17:28.30cncfanaticslua is derived from luna :)
17:28.34sysrageit's a bot.. and i screw it up every time
17:28.35cncfanaticsget it right at least krka :p
17:28.45Lopeppeppysysrage, my SO saw that as well.  I'm assuming it's something sraidframes will need to update.
17:28.58cogwheelcncfanatics: or not...
17:29.15Endcogwheel: POST!
17:29.20cogwheelmoo @ search site not creating a useful URL
17:29.26malreth~x pt en lua
17:29.33malrethha ha!
17:29.33End~x pt en luna
17:29.44Endluna apparently isn't even a word :P
17:29.53cogwheel~fail cncfanatics
17:29.54purlcncfanatics: Fail.
17:29.55Endcncfanatics: owned?
17:29.57cncfanatics:o, wait
17:29.59cncfanaticsluna is spanish :p
17:30.05cncfanaticsdamn confusing, I know both -.-
17:30.07zenzelezzluna also sounds latin
17:30.10cncfanaticsand they kinda look alike
17:30.25cncfanaticsEnglish     Spanish            moon     luna
17:30.29cogwheelyou silly euros and your knowing more than one language on average
17:30.44cncfanaticsenglish; french ; dutch; portuguese; spanish :p
17:31.02zenzelezzI'd be happy if Americans on average even knew one language
17:31.08sysrageanybody know what's up with wowace?
17:31.09*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
17:31.15EndI shouldn't laugh
17:31.21malrethyou should be more like us americans and specialize in just one language so as to better master it gooder
17:31.24ScytheBlade1It's funny because it's true ;P
17:31.38cncfanaticsmalreth, you realize what you just said is bullshit right ? :p
17:31.46cncfanaticsits not cuz you know more then one language you can't master any
17:31.47purlnever take malreth seriously
17:31.52malreththat's right!
17:31.55Endbecause malreth was totally N
17:32.02Endbecause malreth was totally NOT being sarcastic
17:32.19cncfanaticssarcasm doesn't communicate well on irc :)
17:32.31sysrageit does if you aren't a moron
17:32.38Endthat's why you give emphasis via caps or funny symbols :P
17:32.51cncfanaticssysrage, are you implying I'm a moron ? :(
17:32.57malretheverything i say is sarcasm
17:33.04sysrageif you thought 'better master it gooder' was serious, yes
17:33.07malretheven what i just wrote
17:33.09malrethand that
17:33.14malrethoh... and that last one too
17:33.47Endanyways, I thought it was obvious sarcasm :P
17:33.59Endbut whatever
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17:35.19cncfanaticsomg, I'm actualy using blizz downloader
17:35.29*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
17:35.53malrethJesus be praised!
17:36.06LopeppeppyI got to use it for the patch too, I was.... floored.
17:37.09malrethhmm... these system updates aren't being applied correctly through Radmind...
17:38.41LopeppeppyMaybe he needs lunch?
17:39.18malrethRadmind is my bitch... It don't get lunch until I say it does.
17:40.02malrethMaybe Radmind needs another disciplining?
17:40.31malrethWell, that's what Radmind would want... And I won't give it that.
17:41.55cncfanaticsanyone know how to optimize framerate decently under linux ? having a few issues
17:42.49LunessaI have a fever ... and the only prescription is ... more Warcraft.
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17:45.31LopeppeppyNo, Lunessa, you mustn't!
17:45.32LopeppeppyYou couldn't!
17:45.44LunessaI ... MUST!
17:46.41zenzelezzfever! the lumber mill, fever all through the mine
17:47.29cncfanaticsgreat, no more graphics under wine
17:47.31LopeppeppyThere's a nice Jill Sobule song about all that.
17:47.36cncfanaticsand I'd LOVE to know why, someone can help me ? :p
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17:51.16purlACTION SKONK JONKED malreth's HONK!!! ZONK!!
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17:56.45Lopeppeppyer.... okay....
17:57.39malrethI must totally fascinate you, Pep
17:58.13malrethI'll assure you that I only act like this here on this channel
17:58.26malrethwell... also on other irc channels and networks
17:58.28LunessaHe's much more ... republican ... in person.
17:58.31malrethand at parties
17:58.41malrethLunessa: RACIST!
17:58.50*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
17:58.51malrethsorry... REpublican
17:59.17LunessaYou don't own an inn/tavern/eatery.... you can't be a "publican"
17:59.28malrethI'm actually quite socialist, really
18:00.24LunessaBut you conduct yourself very conservatively in public.
18:00.40cogwheeli blame texas :P
18:00.51malreththe opportunity didn't present itself last time
18:01.06malrethi've made people *leave* restaurants before
18:01.30malrethlike... they didn't even say anything... they just got up, stared... and left
18:01.53LunessaYou skipped showering, didn't yoy?
18:02.08cogwheelthat's 'cause socialists are stupid and they didn't want to be exposed to your filth
18:02.09LunessaAnd like T is a calming influence in any social gathering.
18:02.31malrethit didn't help that I used to wear a trenchcoat even in the summer
18:04.07LopeppeppyAnd this is supposed to be fascinating?  Like a bug crawling through fire, maybe....  *wink*
18:04.13malreththe incident happened in Houston... bit different social climate there than in Austin
18:04.33malrethi was talking about the most excellent story i had just read
18:04.50malretha Japanese H-manga titled "Super Taboo"
18:05.02malretha story about a family that has sex with each other
18:05.10malrethwell... just the mom, sister, and brother
18:05.29LopeppeppyOh, JUST.
18:05.29malreththere's no father figure in the story which i believe is the root of the entire problem
18:06.01malrethanywaaaaays... i retold the story in the restaurant but i spoke of it like they were real people when explaining events
18:06.12malrethcogwheel: i'm getting to that part
18:06.55malrethyadda yadda, end of the story after an incident with his sister (it was anal related), his mom has sex with him so he'd understand "feelings" or some thing like that
18:07.15malrethand he gains some additional awareness or something
18:08.19ScytheBlade1Wait, what?
18:08.27ScytheBlade1Actually never mind
18:08.30ScytheBlade1That wasn't a question
18:09.07malreththe key difference is it ends in a 'nakadashi' as opposed to a 'chuu dashi'
18:09.13malrethor do i have that backwards?
18:09.37malrethmy friend asked, "so he stopped having sex with his sister?"
18:10.00malrethand i said, "oh no he *@W#R$@ @#*#$ @*$#$ still but he @#@$# as well"
18:10.23malrethlady behind us in the booth just gets up and leaves like how i described earlier
18:10.28malrethkinda like how End just did
18:10.31ScytheBlade1... a haha
18:10.56cncfanaticssigh, anyone here to help me with some wine issues ?
18:10.58malrethLopeppeppy: yeah, the story is bull
18:11.04ScytheBlade1cncfanatics: ?
18:11.15malrethactually... the art wasn't all that great either
18:11.34cncfanaticsScyteBlade1, I can't run the game in opengl mode, and d3d is uberslow
18:11.39malrethand i really don't know what any of this has with socialism, either
18:11.54ScytheBlade1cncfanatics: still using the binary from the site? And what distro again?
18:11.54LopeppeppyWeirdo.  *rolls eyes fondly*
18:12.07Cairenn|afkKaelten: ping?
18:12.20Kaeltenyes dear?
18:12.27cncfanaticsScyteBlade1, yes, debian unstable
18:12.37cncfanaticsoh, and d3d mode spits out errors all the time
18:12.41Cairenn|afkforwarded a PM to you on WoWI
18:12.45ScytheBlade1cncfanatics: build it by source or grab the debian version?
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18:12.57ScytheBlade1That'd be step one
18:13.19cncfanaticsI grabbed the debvian version
18:13.29ScytheBlade1From the debian repo?
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18:14.09cncfanaticsfrom the wine repo
18:14.12cncfanaticsfrom winehq :)
18:14.26ScytheBlade1Either apt-get it or build it from source
18:15.05cncfanaticsI apt-get'd it from winehq
18:15.28ScytheBlade1What video card/driver?
18:15.31cncfanaticsati :(
18:15.35cncfanaticsati radeon 9600 , flgrx driver
18:15.52cogwheelL O L Y O Y O U L O S E !
18:16.00ScytheBlade1Normally at this point I'd throw my arms up in the air and laugh at you for a few hours
18:16.04ScytheBlade1Or Cog can do that for me
18:16.23cncfanaticsold computer, can't change gfx card
18:16.27cncfanaticsWTB nvidia :p
18:16.29ScytheBlade1But I had a 9700PRO, so, I know the radeon crap
18:16.30cncfanaticsstill need to fix this though
18:16.32ScytheBlade1It sucked
18:16.37ScytheBlade1~karma cogwheel
18:16.37purlcogwheel has neutral karma
18:16.37cncfanatics5fps in WoW sucks
18:16.37Saint-Nya know what song puts me in the spring/summer fun time mood?
18:16.42cncfanaticsand unable to run opengl mode sucks harder
18:17.12ScytheBlade1glxgears... go or no go?
18:17.14*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
18:18.03cncfanatics1k fps in glxgears
18:18.04kergothwhats the best event to use to check when the player enters or leaves a party?
18:18.05cncfanaticswith WoW running too
18:18.38Kaeltenthanks :)
18:18.42ScytheBlade1Well that's not great but at least it works
18:18.43cncfanatics2 fps in aldor bank in WoW, this is silly
18:18.57ScytheBlade1I'm thinkign 2FPS in aldor might be your cap considering your glxgears "performance"
18:19.02cncfanatics11036 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2206.022 FPS
18:19.06cncfanaticsgetting that now
18:19.10cncfanaticsseems it needed to warmup :p
18:19.31Saint-Nand bankers came and took my land and told me fair is fair,
18:19.32ScytheBlade120108 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4021.590 FPS
18:19.35ScytheBlade1And that's with WoW running
18:19.43Saint-Nbut ive got too much pride to end up just another buuuuuuuummmmm
18:19.49Cairenn|afkKaelten: so is he right? or is the problem on his end?
18:19.49cncfanaticssitting at around 2k-2.2k fps atm with WoW running
18:19.55Saint-Nand i thought who gives a damn if all the jobs are gooooonnnnnnneeeee
18:20.00cncfanaticsScyteBlade1, nvidia ?
18:20.06Kaeltenhe was right, but I've fixed it already
18:20.08Saint-Nim gonna be a PIRATE on the river saskatchewaaaaaaaan!!!!!!!!!
18:20.10Cairenn|afkah, okay
18:20.23cncfanaticsany way to tweak ati's shit though ?
18:20.30ScytheBlade1cncfanatics: write a new driver?
18:20.36ScytheBlade1Really, it's ATi under linux
18:20.39cncfanaticsthere are some people that do that :)
18:20.40ScytheBlade1You're kinda boned regardless
18:20.50cncfanaticsdo the OS drivers support 3d yet ?
18:21.05ScytheBlade1It'll be a while before they're remotely stable/mature enough to do so
18:21.24cncfanaticsgot any idea why I'm unable to run in opengl mode ?
18:21.27cncfanaticsonly d3d mode works
18:21.33cncfanaticsopengl gives me weird graphic artifacts
18:21.34kergothLunessa: is that fired for a party too?
18:21.48ScytheBlade140386 frames in 5.0 seconds = 8077.103 FPS
18:21.56ScytheBlade1I would really say build it from source and try
18:22.04cncfanaticsdid that before, didn't fix shit
18:22.13cncfanaticsI'm suspecting its just fglrx, but I'd like to know why regardless
18:22.25ScytheBlade1To answer that question, you'd have to have their source code
18:23.05cncfanaticsthis is linux
18:23.08cncfanaticsI don't know why sourcecode
18:23.14cncfanaticsbut I'd guess that wine d3d is rendered with opengl
18:23.19cncfanaticsor am I wrong there ?
18:23.19ScytheBlade1It is
18:23.30cncfanaticsthen why does d3d thats rendered with ogl work but not plain ogl ?
18:23.32ScytheBlade1Nope, you're correct
18:23.38ScytheBlade1That's why I would suggest building from source
18:23.52ScytheBlade1And failing that, it's a driver install/general driver/distro problem
18:24.01cncfanaticsdriver problem most probably
18:24.08cncfanaticsnoone with debian + nvidia has problems
18:24.15cncfanaticsonly anything + fglrx people have
18:24.22cncfanaticsgonna tweak my xorg.conf some also
18:25.35krkaubuntu + nvidia at home worked out of the box, ubuntu + radeon at work is failure :/
18:26.02ScytheBlade1radeon in general is a failure
18:26.16Saint-Ncome back proud canadians to before you had TV
18:26.24Saint-Nno hockey night in canada, there was no CBC
18:26.36Saint-Nin 1812, madison was mad, he was the president you know
18:26.58cncfanaticslets see
18:27.27krkaeverything just got completely white when i tried fglrx and compiz
18:27.33krkafairly annoying
18:27.41Saint-Nkrka thats actually a fixable bug
18:28.05Saint-Ngoogle that specific thing and you'll find the fix
18:28.30krkai did but didn't find anything
18:28.36krka(that worked)
18:28.41cncfanaticsSaint-N, I actualy even have to reboot
18:28.48Saint-Nive got it bookmarked at home
18:28.57Saint-Nhah nice!
18:28.58cncfanaticsfglrx will crash if I try to reboot X
18:29.04cncfanaticsnice eh ?
18:29.48Lunessayay! my Leopard install discs are here!
18:30.33Saint-Ncnc: and then you ctrl-alt-f1 and login as root and kill gdm ;P
18:30.35LopeppeppyOoops, I mean RAWR!
18:31.47cncfanaticsin console
18:31.56cncfanaticswill result in gdm restarting
18:31.59cncfanaticsand in fglrx locking up my kernel
18:32.18Saint-Noh kernel lock?
18:32.22Saint-Nthats pretty awesome
18:32.35cncfanaticsI have a reliable way to lockup my kernel
18:34.19Saint-Ngood god it's 18degrees out
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18:35.45cncfanaticsrebooting ..
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18:39.36cncfanatics3k fps in glxgears now
18:39.37cncfanaticsthats an upgrade
18:40.25cncfanaticsFisker-, yea, I love your mother too
18:40.25Lopeppeppy3000 fps?
18:40.28wereHamstercncfanatics, you know that glxgears is no benchmark.. ?
18:40.50|pez|I really want blizz to implement hirable NPCs where I can sell my stuff.
18:40.58cncfanaticswereHamster, I do
18:40.58|pez|so I can.. open a store in WoW!
18:41.03cncfanaticsbut it was at 2k fps earlyer
18:41.09cncfanaticsgetting 1k higher is an upgrade :p
18:42.25ScytheBlade1And then you realize that glxgears has three colors total :)
18:42.26sioraiochtoh hai
18:43.03Cairennokay, I knew you two were close and all, but actually becoming each other?
18:43.19LopeppeppyVery Siamese.
18:43.37zenzelezzJekyll and Hyde
18:43.44zenzelezzJeckyl? Something
18:44.12sioraiochthe had to leave to do some rowing stuff
18:44.16sioraiochtso I just took over his computer for a bit
18:44.23sioraiochtmostly to listen to music while I read
18:44.48sioraiochtAnd neither of us is Thai, tyvm
18:45.19cncfanaticsnow firefox doesn't start, wth is happening to this computer ?
18:45.46|pez|it's due for a reinstall
18:46.14cncfanaticsmight be
18:46.23sioraiochtcncfanatics: what OS is running
18:46.54sioraiochthow's it going in North American, Cairenn
18:47.07|pez|I'll guess Linux ( Debian ) because of the iceweasel thing. :P
18:47.12Cairenndoing good in my area :)
18:47.23cncfanaticsyep, debian
18:47.31cncfanaticswhy don't they call it firefox anyway ?
18:47.36cncfanaticsnaming conflict with another program ?
18:47.38mikmalicense problems or something
18:47.55sioraiochtCairenn: the primaries in the US are starting to scare me
18:48.04Cairennhow's rainy England?
18:48.08cncfanaticsstill same issue after reinstall, sigh
18:48.12cncfanaticsissues are irritating me
18:48.14zenzelezzthe binary is firefox-bin, but the folder has a firefox script that starts it anyway
18:48.22Cairennlol, like I pay attention to US politics?
18:48.33sioraiochtand cold
18:48.37sioraiochtbut not as cold as Canada
18:48.43|pez|this article will probably tell you
18:48.58Cairennactually, we've had a major melt over the last couple days, was up to +10C yesterday
18:49.55Cairennit has been so foggy the last couple days, I felt like I was back at home in NS
18:49.56sioraiochtw00t, clinton won the newhampshire primary
18:52.05*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
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18:58.01malrethfunny thing at the bank
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18:58.25malretha while ago, i nicknamed my accounts "Mostly Harmless" and "Completely Useless"
18:58.33malrethfor the checking and savings accounts
18:58.50malrethapparently, those nicknames show up on the teller's monitors
18:59.10malrethi got a funny look from the nice bank lady
19:00.05Thunder_Childsomeone was readong to much hitchhikers guide
19:01.00sioraiochtmy friends "secret answer" was once Admiral Piett, and she ended having to call the company and they asked her for it, the guy on the phone totally got thereference
19:01.25sioraiochtalso, that was a name of a series of her goldfish...
19:01.26malrethnot so secret now
19:01.50*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
19:01.55Thunder_Childhe said "once"
19:02.54sioraiochtwell, if you can guess her identity, and what it was for...
19:03.05ScytheBlade1Heh, so, I was about to respond to the "IF-THEN macros" thread, but then I saw the author
19:03.32foxlitHm I don't get why I get a segmentation fault :(
19:03.46sioraiochtdo you want help, foxlit ?
19:03.50ScytheBlade1The author of that thread would eviscerate me on sight... he might be a semi-'famous' mage forum troll
19:04.28ScytheBlade1Good for you, really
19:04.31ScytheBlade1Me? I have no life
19:04.33ScytheBlade1So I read forums
19:04.50sioraiochtwhat have i done all day
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19:05.05sioraiochtread terry pratchett, work on a theorem prover, and goto the gym
19:05.08sioraiochti['m not very interesting either
19:06.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
19:06.11sioraiochtfoxlit: is blpfile a valid pointer?
19:06.17sioraiochtyou aren't checking if its null
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19:06.25foxlitIn this case, yes, it is
19:06.32foxlitheader gets filled with valid values, too
19:06.44*** part/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
19:06.48foxlit[pool drain]; and actual segfault happens at [pool drain];
19:07.01LunessaSo ScytheBlade1, he's an asshat everywhere he goes then?
19:07.05sioraiochtoh, hrm
19:07.39foxlitIf I had to guess, osmething deallocates blpfile
19:07.39malrethScytheBlade1: there's more than one way to play that game
19:07.40cncfanaticsI think everything is about working
19:08.48sioraiochtfoxlit: I wouldn'tknow that much, i don'tknow the os x APIs
19:10.11*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
19:10.11ScytheBlade1Yeah, he's an epic moron
19:10.23ScytheBlade1I've got several of his threads deleted, and he recognizes me on sight
19:10.42malrethScytheBlade1: that's why we have to combat him with MORE MORONITY
19:11.05ScytheBlade1He's the "brains" behind the whole "insultibliaty", "insulatability is like wearing a brown paper bag over your head", and "icy vericose veins"
19:11.28ScytheBlade1He's essentially a giant mage troll who doesn't KNOW WHEN TO not use CAPITAL LETTERS and I'm really surprised he hasn't been permabanned yet
19:12.24LopeppeppyMaybe he has.  *wink*
19:12.47ScytheBlade1I'm pretty sure he's been forum suspened at least once
19:12.58ScytheBlade1Unfortunately, that's not enough :/
19:13.09Thunder_Childwell that doesnt seem hard, half the people in here have
19:13.27LunessaActually, I'm shocked I've never been given a forums vacation.
19:13.51malrethi've never been suspended
19:14.00malrethbut i never really try to cross any lines
19:14.32ScytheBlade1If anyone took a close look at my account, they would come across a generally happy poster with no small number of trolling alts that are commonly used
19:14.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (n=jk275@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
19:15.04Lunessa~lart malreth
19:15.04purlchops malreth in half with a free AOL CD
19:16.41zenzelezzthe new standard UI ready check is sweet :-o
19:18.58Lunessa - go buy a fucking mouse for $10 fuckwit.
19:21.56malrethi should report the bug that prevents you from casting ground targeted aoe spells if you swap the bindings for left and right click
19:22.45malrethso i actually bought a Bamboo tablet for trying to play WoW
19:23.08Thunder_Childheh, when i get my convertable laptop i will be playing wow on it
19:23.11malrethafter a day of retraining myself, i got moderately ok with moving around
19:23.36malrethbut i found it was much easier to play if i swapped the left and right click bindings like i just mentioned
19:23.37Thunder_Childi want the dell one...just not for 3K :(
19:23.49malrethand that's when i discovered the bug
19:23.58Endyour uncle that smells like bark!
19:24.23malrethit wouldn't have been so bad if i hadn't already started an AoE farming pull
19:25.19malrethoddly enough, Wacom's software doesn't allow you to remap a pad-touch as button-2... it's always button-1
19:25.36malrethbut you can remap the pen button to be anything else
19:25.51malrethand the hardware buttons on the pad can be anything except mouse button clicks
19:26.01malrethwhich is really annoying
19:26.02Thunder_Childare you sure malreth, i think i have
19:26.46malrethi didn't see an option for mouse button clicks
19:27.49malrethregardless, that isn't a big problem
19:28.53malrethit's the swap-bindings-then-no-casty-aoe-spells thing that dropped the poo in my bowl of cheerios
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19:37.08LunessaI may never eat cheerios again.
19:37.47Saint-Nhas anyone every used cafepress to make/sell stuff?
19:37.52cncfanaticsupdate on wine issues, got some more time
19:38.21malrethLunessa: i never will either. this cereal tastes like crap.
19:38.38cncfanaticsScyteBlade1, in opengl mode
19:38.44cncfanaticsmost textures are black
19:38.50cncfanaticsunless I add GL_ARB_vertex_program to DisabledExtensions
19:38.53LopeppeppyI won't eat Corn Pops.....
19:38.58cncfanaticsand then WoW runs at an ever slower pace then d3d
19:39.01cncfanaticsany ideas ?
19:39.20ScytheBlade1Did you try to build it from source?
19:39.34cncfanaticsnot yet
19:39.40cncfanaticswould it matter at all for that kind of stuff ?
19:40.08ScytheBlade1I would really, really suggest giving it a shot
19:40.32ScytheBlade1It may take a while to grab all of the -devel packages that you need, but I have never had luck with binaries like that, especially ones as complex as wine
19:41.15malrethsounds like someone would be happier using windows
19:41.16cncfanaticswhats gonna take most time tbh is compiling :p
19:41.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Galka (
19:41.23cncfanaticsmalreth, I threw away windows 2 days ago
19:41.28cncfanaticsits running slower then linux, WAY slower
19:41.39malrethyou'll come back...
19:41.43malreththey always come back
19:41.52malrethyou neeeeeeed us, cncfanatics
19:42.01cncfanatics~shoo malreth
19:42.05cncfanatics~shoo bill gates
19:42.15malrethdon't worry... windows doesn't judge you... we'll welcome you back into the fold...
19:42.20malreththe warm nurturing fold
19:42.22ScytheBlade1To be honest? Your performance will be nothing short of incredible if you'd ditch wine for windows
19:42.23LopeppeppyCompiling is just an excuse to go play video games
19:42.33cncfanatics15 fps on windows
19:42.36cncfanaticsand windows itself is SLOW
19:42.43cncfanaticsI hate having a slow OS
19:42.45malrethand black textures on wine
19:42.46Saint-Nlope: compiling is an excuse for everything
19:42.51malrethyou take your pick
19:42.57ScytheBlade11440x900 gets me ~10-15FPS in wine, same hardware on windows I get 1680x1050 and >40FPS
19:42.58cncfanaticswmp takes 10 secs to start
19:43.11cncfanaticsScyteBlade1: weird
19:43.17bleetersilly slouken, taking time off from his paternity leave to post on the 'congratulations' thread
19:43.20malrethi accidentally dropped my windows xp install disk... oh... but i have another copy
19:43.26malrethyou can keep it, cncfanatics
19:43.33malrethi. wont. mind.
19:43.51cncfanaticsI have about 5 windows xp instlal disks
19:43.53cncfanaticsno thanks
19:43.57cncfanaticscan't stand windows any longer
19:44.28ScytheBlade1I've got a CD binder of ~20, and six Server 2003 CDs
19:44.34Saint-Nyou just didnt make the step away from explorer shell ;P
19:44.36ScytheBlade1Plus MSSQL Enterprise, CPU licensed
19:44.41bleetercncfanatics: yeah, try compiling from source. I suspect some mismatch somewhere, that source build may 'fix'. And yeah, I suggested yesterday as a wine build can take some time, do it while yer AFK
19:44.53malrethwindows is good... windows is good
19:45.10Saint-Nwindows is good for games
19:45.17Saint-Nthats about it
19:45.22malrethyes.. windows *is* good
19:45.26cncfanaticssegfaulting again
19:45.32ScytheBlade1Source build for you!
19:45.34cncfanaticsWHY is wine segfaulting ?
19:45.37bleetercncfanatics: you should remove the pre-built wine before building from source, and if you're mildly competent with source, use Wine Git rather than their tarballs
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19:45.52cncfanaticsbleeter, can I build dep packages from git easely ?
19:45.53cncfanaticsI'm lazy
19:46.02bleeterWINEDEBUG, gdb and bt's are your friends
19:46.04ScytheBlade1cncfanatics: ./configure; make depend && make
19:46.08malrethlinux is not for the lazy, cncfanatics
19:46.13bleeterScytheBlade1: no.... tools/wineinstall
19:46.15cncfanaticsthat won't build a dep pkg ScyteBlade1
19:46.20malrethall seriousness
19:46.22ScytheBlade1bleeter: ;P
19:46.31Saint-Nlinux is totally for the lazy
19:46.41LopeppeppyI should have some of that then.
19:46.49Saint-Ncron a buncha stuff and go nap ;P
19:47.08malrethjust say when
19:47.09bleetercncfanatics: create a /usr/local/winegit directory, and build into that. Don't worry about dpkg's and stuff until you've got a non-crashy wine. you're introducing (potentially) an additional level of bugginess for no reason.
19:47.17LopeppeppyBeing fed is totally lazyfun.
19:47.47Saint-Nyou wouldnt say that if you udnerstood that "linux" was a petname for an appendage
19:48.09Lunessashe might
19:48.15Lopeppeppymalreth, you're a dangerous beast.
19:48.26Lunessahe's housebroken
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19:49.04LopeppeppyOh, gods..... heaven for only a few short words, but heaven nevertheless.
19:49.19Saint-Nluney: yeah i suppose
19:49.21malrethanother daiquiri?
19:49.33Saint-Ni heard that peppy was a intergalactic space hussy
19:49.43LopeppeppyI'm totally from earth.
19:49.44Saint-Nor was that a trollop
19:49.50Saint-Ni get the two confused
19:49.59purlI'm a ventrol-lol-iquist-er-izer. -- Lopeppeppy
19:50.46Saint-Nbaby with eyes and a body like that theres no way you were created on THIS planet </cheese>
19:50.56Lunessa - some people refuse to be reasonable.
19:50.58Saint-Nbtw nice shoes........
19:52.24Saint-Nhrm home time for me before i pass out from sleepiness
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19:52.36malrethLunessa: he probably doesn't keep 7 extra mice around the house like any self-respecting geek would
19:52.51Endonly 7?
19:52.55LopeppeppyEven I have multi-mouse capability.
19:52.57LunessaHell, they come free with gorram cereal
19:53.05Endor are you only including working mice?
19:53.15malrethEnd: working or non-working
19:53.15LopeppeppyAnd that doesn't include the ones that I dropped in the bath tub that don't work well anymore.
19:53.22|pez|I really need to get past the whole "I can't watch embarresing scenes in TV series" thing I have.
19:53.36malrethLopeppeppy: uh... those things don't have a vibrate setting... quit doing that
19:54.09LopeppeppyThose don't go into the bath, malreth. I thought you were housebroken enough to know that.
19:54.31Lopeppeppy|pez|, I change the channel too, it's not just you
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19:55.29|pez|Lopeppeppy: problem is it's a downloaded TV series, so I just use ages watching one episode XD
19:55.38Saint-N|pez|, to sum it up Mistress Peppy has a new toy ;P
19:55.59malrethand the toy's name is malreth!
19:56.10Saint-Nno the toy's name is "toy"
19:56.44Saint-Nif not peppy you could always just put the leahters on and get the crop ;)
19:57.34malreththat's just too much for me to handle. i can't deal with this. i was raised catholic, after all.
19:57.51|pez|I was raised a cute and innocent girl. Didn't last too long really.
19:57.54LopeppeppyHe was referring to the old toy, malreth.
19:58.00Saint-Nmal: you should be uysed to women beating you then ;P
19:58.19LopeppeppyI was wondering that too, |Jelly|.  Apparently something to do with being dropped into the bath tub and rendered non-functional.
20:00.34LopeppeppyY'all are just cruel.  Cruel.
20:00.56Thunder_Childuh huh, and who has the leather and whips?
20:01.07Lunessa... No, cruel is much much worse.
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20:03.34cncfanaticsmanaged to get my hands on a good file
20:03.38cncfanaticsFPS boost x 2
20:04.14Industrialheh I just noticed
20:04.29Industrialwhen there is a patch you dont need to log in with a correct password to go to the update screen
20:05.03Industrialkind of useless to put the login screen before that then is it :|
20:06.22malreththey should make the launcher download the patches... it already does for some of them
20:06.48malrethi don't know why they make you go past the login screen to update either...
20:07.02bleetercncfanatics: yeah, framerate's a delicate balance between the settings, and the xorg.conf settings for your driver. There's so many potential combinations, it can be a right pain to hit upon the perfect combination.
20:07.25bleeterfor the record, I got to about 25-30 FPS (as opposed to 45 in Win32) and figured 'stuffit, good enough for me'
20:08.27cncfanaticswget http:///dev/unrandom/
20:09.00|pez|auuugh, it's gonna take ages until I finish this damned episode! >__>
20:09.00LunessaOk, fooding.  back soonish
20:09.44cncfanaticsnow I can't enable hardware moue though, that sucks
20:09.47cncfanaticsbut who cares
20:09.51cncfanatics20 FPS WELCOME BACK
20:10.03*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
20:11.06cncfanaticsdamn this makes me happy
20:11.13cncfanaticsnow I'm gonna check this file and see what makes it so special
20:11.59bleeterat a guess, I'd be looking at the PixelShaders stuff
20:13.39cncfanaticsI am
20:13.42cncfanaticsguess its there, something
20:13.46cncfanaticsI'll just keep this one preciously
20:13.50cncfanaticsit actualy works in opengl
20:13.51kergothwhat are the attributes (agi, str, wahtever) i should care about for my enh shammy? he's 66, just need to level him to 68 so i can get alchemys pecialization, but i havent played him since tbc came out
20:14.19cncfanaticseh, if you just need him 68 don't care about anything :p
20:14.36kergothhe was my main ages ago, now he's jsut my alchemist and lw
20:14.43kergothchurning out earthstorms every day
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20:18.12foxlitHm, generic C stuff
20:18.18foxlitIf I declare a pointer to a t
20:18.29foxlit(struct SomeName * varName)
20:18.40foxlitNothing except the pointer is actually allocated, right?
20:18.55cncfanaticsmalreth: owned
20:19.00cncfanaticsWoW is running smoother then it did on windows
20:19.02malrethLunessa: HAHA!!! I got called a racist and you're an idiot!
20:19.17malrethcncfanatics: good for you. windows sucks. i run Mac OS X
20:20.05foxlithence getting a pointer then attempting to write data to it would work, but overwrite some very interesting memory adresses
20:21.42bleeteryay for Hortus quotes! "<Hortus> Unfortunately people being jerks is not a bug either. :( "
20:22.05bleetermatter of interest, anyone here got OSX running on x86 hardwre, and tried playing WoW on it?
20:22.18cncfanaticsI used to, very very long ago
20:23.09foxlitWhy would anyone want to? :)
20:23.15foxlitDX performance > OGL performance
20:24.36malrethbleeter: my fiancee runs WoW on her first gen macbook
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20:26.57malreth<3 alestane
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20:38.40Lunessajust got back from fooding.
20:39.01LunessaI'm apparently an idiot because you know software IS the answer to a hardware problem.
20:39.10malrethand i'm a racist!
20:39.36LunessaAn I run WoW from time to time on my g4 Titanium iBook
20:40.09malrethi loved the titanium ibook
20:40.37LunessaI still have one.  I just don't take it everywhere.
20:42.09ScytheBlade1Ha, slouken's answer is pretty good.
20:44.25malreth~wiki Prolog
20:45.53bleetercept I do believe there's no SDL<>Prolog framework. Tho it's bending my mind to even think of one ;)
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20:55.56Shirikbatrick: ping
20:58.35Industrialuh i dont get it
20:58.37Industrialmy pets xp bar is full
20:58.39Industrialmax points
20:58.46Industrialhes level 61 im 70
20:58.52IndustrialI want him leveled but he doesnt level?
20:59.33mikmakill mobs that are green for your pet / for you
21:00.08Lunessakergoth: For an enhancement shaman, dual-weilding +Hit, +Crit, Attack Power, Str, Agility, Stamina
21:00.10Thunder_Childi had a problem leving my pet at one point as well, cant remember how i fixed it though
21:00.18Industrialah for me right
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21:03.12bleeterWiners: is showing as Fixed in 0.51 or newer. Can folks test this (the infinite loop D3D bug)
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21:03.45ScytheBlade1bleeter: I've never had D3D work acceptably for me in the first place... ;)
21:03.47kd3heh. zootfizzle just signed up on wowwiki
21:04.16bleeterooh, why hadn't I seen previously (err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x60d69cc "?" wait timed out in
21:04.19bleeterthread 0029, blocked by 001f, retrying (60 sec)
21:04.27ScytheBlade1... that's relevant to me
21:04.30bleeterI mean to say, I've seen the error while playing the game, not the bug report
21:05.07ShirikWhy is that a bug?
21:05.30bleeterShirik: see post #5
21:06.33ShirikI still don't see why it's a bug
21:06.37Bela|workI found one thing that I absolutely despise about vista
21:06.54Thunder_Childjust one?
21:06.55ShirikDoes it fail to provide mutually exclusive access?
21:06.56bleeterShirik: things shouldn't infinite loop?
21:06.59Bela|workthey really should never have axed the ability to edit file type associations
21:07.05ShirikOh I understood that as a "it's supposed to"
21:07.10Thunder_ChildBela|work, they didnt
21:07.16Bela|workyes they did
21:07.17Shirik~lart Bela|work
21:07.17purlaccelerates a free AOL cd to 50,000 rpm and lets Bela|work feel it
21:07.22Thunder_ChildBela|work, no
21:07.22ShirikI change them all the time....
21:07.26Bela|workyou can change associations
21:07.27art3misnerd shirt!
21:07.29Bela|workbut I am talking granular
21:07.38Bela|workicons, specific DDE instructions
21:07.39ShirikBela|work, you're crazy ><
21:07.48Thunder_Childicons yes
21:07.55Thunder_Childthe second part i dont know
21:08.04bleeterShirik: sorry, my bad... lemme try again. The program in post #5 forces an infinite loop to demonstrate the issue.
21:08.11Bela|workok how do I do icons without using regedit?
21:08.11bleeterat least, that's how I understand it.
21:10.03Thunder_ChildBela|work, nvm i was thinking about something else
21:13.36Shirikand I missed the last word Bela|work said, kinda important
21:13.51Shirikhowever, Bela|work, I should point out that DDE does not exist in Vista.
21:14.12ShirikThus the ability to change "specific DDE instructions" is kinda irrelevant
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21:15.18Thunder_ChildShirik, what last word?
21:15.39Shirikwhether or not the removal of that was useful is, however, still under question.
21:15.43ShirikThunder_Child: "Associations"
21:17.36Shirikoh well I'm going to go get some sleep
21:17.59Bela|workthats strange, since there are default vista programs in the registry right now that are using DDE
21:18.38art3misits ficticious
21:18.38EndI can confirm that they removed NetDDE
21:18.48Bela|workits probably a stub
21:18.48Endbut I don't see anything about DDE being removed
21:18.50art3mislike the "windows security module"
21:18.52Bela|workfor backwards compat
21:19.24art3misis mmx still sued in a completely semi related note?
21:24.13Industrialquestion; does Scorpid poison get modified by any palyer stats?
21:25.00Industrialim gatting a scorpid for pvp but i wonder about pve dps
21:25.01laindirit used to scale significantly with RAP, not sure if that's still the case
21:25.02zenzelezzthink it's somewhat affected by AP
21:25.10zenzelezzit scales, but not as much
21:25.20zenzelezzcould be only RAP, not AP, can't recall
21:26.58ScytheBlade1'The question is, at which point in time did blz invest so heavily in "Anti-Fun Advocacy"? '  Mmm, Noixi.
21:27.34ScytheBlade1Good(?) to know he still hasn't changed yet.
21:28.07LunessaI "nicely" called him an idiot.
21:28.21ScytheBlade1I should pull up some of his posts in the past
21:29.00ScytheBlade1That didn't take long
21:29.40ScytheBlade1Oh, and have some fear-mongering:
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21:31.07ScytheBlade1I'll leave it at this:
21:31.18Lunessa"But before I get started, I want to CHASTISE the sour-puss blue's for ruining a really good thread yesterday that celebrated and heralded the release of this patch. Frankly, I think they owe Crepe and I an apology. "  That's going to win him some friends.
21:31.33ScytheBlade1And suggest if you want to spend a few hours of your life shaking your head and wondering what he's on, look at his post history.
21:32.07ScytheBlade1Okay, I lied. Last link.
21:32.29ScytheBlade1Troll troll troll your boat
21:32.59ScytheBlade1Urge to post rising
21:34.39LunessaSo he's an idiot.  He's the kind of idiot that would show up to play D&D at your house and then argue with your for 3 hours about how you're "doing it wrong" and eventually you'd have to get a restraining order against.
21:35.09ScytheBlade1He's the annoying one who won't shut up, yeah
21:35.26ScytheBlade1Seriously, just look at his post history.
21:36.41LunessaI've seen enough.
21:36.45bleeterLunessa: that's so quotable
21:37.00LunessaFeel free to add it to purl
21:37.06ScytheBlade1If he posts something stupid in that thread again, I'll pop in
21:37.13ScytheBlade1Fun time will ensue
21:37.16bleeterI was just gunna reword it and pop it into the thread
21:38.44bleeteroh, yeah.. I've retired Mathinna from the forums for a while. Using Rugen now.
21:38.46LunessaFeel free. Sans attribution.
21:39.04bleeterLunessa: yeah, that was the rewording.
21:40.04bleeterLunessa: given the new sig I picked up this morning, I think it's even more appropriate ;)
21:40.26ScytheBlade1lol, was he in here some time ago? Or is that you just spoofing stuff?
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21:42.27Bela|workI couldn't resist adding a reply to thast IF-THEN thread
21:42.28bleeterzenzelezz: |pez|'s b/f might light getting poked
21:42.52Bela|workI think I was very pragmatic
21:43.25ScytheBlade1I really want him to just slightly overstep his bounds
21:43.27|pez|bleeter: he's more of a poker really. ;P
21:43.32ScytheBlade1Second he does, I'll post, and he'll detonate
21:43.39|pez|and, on another note, do I leave myself open for attacks, because of the words I use? XD
21:44.16bleeter|pez|: yes, but that's nothing unusual. by that I mean, this is IRC, and folks will look for double and triple entendres in anything
21:44.35art3mis|pez|: i think its more for the implied boobies than anything
21:44.56|pez|I did not even mention boobies in any way! XD
21:45.13art3misthus the "implied" state of you having them
21:45.20Lunessa|pez| Not so much attacks, as good-natured geek flirtery
21:45.37|pez|Lunessa: there's a difference? :o
21:46.02LunessaYes.  When geeks attack, they do so to DESTROY MAIN KILL BURN AND SALT THE EARTH
21:46.37|pez|Lunessa: Ahaa
21:46.41Lunessaart3mis: error - access denied /dev/pez
21:47.44|pez|I'll go poke my boyfriend with my boobies now, and see if promises of boobs will actually make him go make me food. >__>
21:48.23|pez|I could ofcourse just strip, but then it wouldn't be much food makin going on. :P
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21:50.40Thunder_Childdepends on how hungry you are
21:50.47bleeterI was AFK... and I missed the boobies! :(
21:54.13art3mislunessa: damn i knew i sued the wrong switch ;P
21:54.18art3miserr "switch"
21:54.28LunessaShould have logged in as Root
21:54.36purlba-dum CHH
21:54.59LunessaThank you. Thank you.  I'm here all week.
21:55.21art3misvacation;look;find;talk;grep;touch;finger;find;flex;unzip;mount;workbone;fsck;yes;gasp;fsck;yes;eject;umount;make clean;zip;split;done;exit
21:55.27art3mistry the fish?
21:55.47zenzelezzI never found that funny actually :-/ I'm a bad geek
21:57.08art3misdo you run unix?
21:57.27art3mishave you ever done a floppy disc install of slackware?
21:57.45art3misdo you remember which sets you needed to download?
21:58.08art3misif you answered no to any of these you were never a good geek ;)
21:58.46Lunessaart3mis > dev/null
22:00.04zenzelezzart3mis: I understand it, I just don't find it funny
22:00.07art3misQUOTE OF THE WEEK
22:00.07art3misIt takes only one drink to get me drunk. The trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth.
22:00.07art3mis-George Burns
22:01.39LunessaGeorge Burns was a god among men.
22:01.43art3mis  <--- some not bad movies on there
22:01.49art3misyes he was
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22:02.04art3misit was a punishment though that he lived as long as he did
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22:02.19art3misall he ever wanted was to be with Gracie
22:02.33art3misoh and on a similar note
22:02.40LunessaShe was a pretty amazing woman in her own right.
22:02.50art3misi think im offended that someone would make a rip off comedy movie about Johnny Cash
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22:03.11art3mistere are some things you just don't do
22:03.24Thunder_Childart3mis, we offend you daily
22:03.24art3mismocking the man in black is one of them
22:03.32Thunder_Childno one cares
22:03.38art3misThunder_Child: you've got that backwards ;P
22:03.45Thunder_Childno, no i dont
22:03.55art3mishow do you offend me?
22:04.03art3misi mean aside from existing
22:04.57Thunder_Childwell, that 1
22:05.25Thunder_Childi could offend you by saying that no one cares about cash
22:07.07LunessaI'm offended.
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22:11.38art3misi'd know you were lying though
22:12.09art3misand know in a purely semantical sense that you were wrong as *I* care for Cash ;P
22:13.04LunessaI fell into a burning ring of fire.
22:15.29art3mishehe thats whats in my head too
22:15.42art3misand i mean really
22:16.00art3miswhat other "country" star could take a cover of a nine inch nails song and make it better
22:16.08bleeterSlim Dusty
22:16.33ScytheBlade1Okay, wow
22:16.44ScytheBlade1Turning on sound with wine DESTROYS my framerate
22:17.11bleeter'cept (a) Slim's dead (b) never recorded a NIN song
22:17.45art3misoh and Craig Daniels is gonna stick with being bond
22:17.51art3misthats kinna rad
22:17.57art3misi think he did a GREAT job
22:18.12art3misall sean connery style Bond
22:18.35bleeterwhilst on random entertainment topics, I'm shocked that (a) Reg Hollis got sacked and (b) the actor who played him tried to take his own life
22:18.56bleeterprolly only UK and Oceanics understand me
22:19.51TainYou kids have no culture.  Trying to bag on Johnny Cash.
22:20.04bleeterwhere did I do that?
22:20.17art3misyuo need some new glasses gramps
22:20.23TainGet off my lawn!
22:20.48art3mishey can't you kids read! it says keep off the dog!
22:20.55LunessaWho is Reg Hollis?
22:21.16TainCan anyone point me in the direction of some decent Rogue PVP guides?  (lvl 70)
22:21.26bleeterLunessa: geek/nerd character in a UK TV cop show
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22:21.49bleeterhe'd been on the show for... 20+ years
22:21.51art3mistain go stealth, stun lock your opponent avoid shaman with totems down and dot waste vanishing dust when dotted ;P
22:22.17art3misother than that its the same as any video game
22:22.22art3misshoot. kill. don't die
22:22.40art3misthat strat holds true for every video game ever made EXCEPT tetris
22:23.08bleeterpong doesn't have kills
22:23.14art3misyes it does
22:23.44art3misyou "shoot" the ball, and score points to "kill" your opponent, and hope he doesnt score enough to make you "die"
22:24.17art3misfuny enough i actually had to think about pong before i typed only tetris and hit enter ;)
22:24.30bleeterthat's certainly an interesting take on how tennis is played :P
22:24.45art3misyou've never watched mcenroe play ;P
22:24.59bleeterhe was trying to kill the refs, not the players doh
22:25.21art3miskill == eliminate
22:25.37art3miseliminate == death
22:25.42art3missee it all works out ;P
22:26.11art3misi managed an arcade for 1.5 years
22:26.29art3miswe had this slightly autistic guy in the arcade 90% of it's open hours
22:26.44art3mishe'd say things like "dot get hit by that or you'll die"
22:26.55art3misit was mostly amusing
22:27.08bleeteryou've got dots on the brain
22:27.14art3misi think so
22:27.21art3misive been up for about 27 hours
22:27.25|pez|woo, food is in teh oven!
22:27.26art3misit's excusable
22:27.39art3misat least it's not a bun in the oven ;P
22:27.48bleeterart3mis: bun might be food
22:28.06Lunessa30 minutes.  Not bad for a quickie
22:28.13bleetergot an RPer in our guild who swears he eats babies
22:28.14art3misnot when she was talking about poking her BF with boobs it wouldnt be ;P
22:28.52bleeterart3mis: they could be *very* strong swimmers
22:29.36Lunessa|pez|: I just checked time-stamps on your posts.  *wink* all in good fun.
22:29.39|pez|I'll go sit in the corner and pretend that you're all same.
22:29.47art3miswe are all the same
22:29.59|pez|not same
22:30.04art3misyou typed same
22:30.09|pez|I meant sane!
22:30.27bleeter|pez|: you're insane! :P
22:30.37|pez|I know!
22:30.45|pez|But don't tell anyone about it please
22:31.02art3mistere's a fine line between insanity and a man sitting on the beach fishing
22:31.30art3miswould it be a popup book?
22:31.43bleeterand scratch and sniff?
22:31.59art3misthat would depend o time of day im guessing ;P
22:32.36|pez|perverted nerd attaaack!
22:33.11*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
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22:33.46Lunessanerds/geeks are usually perverts.  Perverts are not usually nerds/geeks
22:34.11art3misnerds/geeks find painting Free candy on the side of a beat up white van funny
22:34.14bleeterLunessa: speaking from experience? or first hand knowledge? and no, the 5th don't apply in IRC :P
22:34.23art3misperverts over think and find it far to obvious
22:35.13Lunessableeter: I'm an alpha geek and I KNOW I'm a pervert.
22:36.09Lunessaso much QQ over NECB author quitting.
22:36.35bleeterdidn't you know authors of free software aren't allowed to have their own lives?
22:36.47bleeterit's rule #1 of free software
22:36.56LunessaOf course not!  They're chained to something FOREVER
22:37.17LunessaThis is reason #236 why Lunessa doesn't release AddOns.
22:37.19bleeteryeah, witness me still being 'tied' to gaim/pidgin ;)
22:37.46LunessaYou know I'm one of the original AIM team?
22:38.45reqolhow can I set a right click to a spell with SetAttribute? *spell2 doesn't work
22:39.21alestanereqol: what's the 'type'?
22:39.37Thunder_Childis there a console command to leave a party?
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22:41.28art3misor something close to that
22:41.33AntiarcI like telling people that to leave a group, you type /gquit
22:42.08bleeterhave folks seen the 'remove the afk debuff' scam in BG's?
22:42.10alestaneOkay, random question: I have strong across-the-board computer skills, including programming knowledge and hardware skills, I like to help other people and work collaberatively, I have visual design experience as well. What career should I be pursuing and how, because I keep running up against this "but what do I actually want to do?" bump. I have lots of experience but it's all sort of diffuse rather than deep and specialized, and
22:42.21bleeter'to remove the afk debuff, type /afk remove' or similar
22:42.21Thunder_Childok, thanks art3mis
22:42.44Thunder_Childalestane, whatever you like doing best
22:42.58alestaneThunder_Child: Still trying to work that out.
22:43.09Lunessaalestane: And that's how I ended up at a university.
22:43.19bleeteralestane: if you're up to it, advertise your skills as sysadmin, as inevitably that touches on every area of IT in an organisation, and you can use that to find where you want to 'go' with your career.
22:43.22Antiarcalestane: That's what you go to university to find out, usually :)
22:43.29batrickreqol: i have a portal menu in Spellcraft you're welcome to use/modify/destroy etc.
22:43.32Antiarcalestane: I'd advise you to join an open source project that interests you
22:43.34alestaneGame programming seems like a natural but it seems like you have to work in it at a hobby level before anyone considers hiring you.
22:43.41AntiarcThat'll tell you if you really love programming, or project management, or whatever
22:44.05alestaneAntiarc: I was thinking along those lines, any suggestions for finding some? Just browse sourceforge?
22:44.11bleeteralestane: yes, and what Antiarc suggested is good, too... find an open source project or two that either (a) sounds interesting to you (b) you currently use but has some itches you think need scratching
22:44.26Antiarcalestane: Sourceforge, or heck, even a WoW addon project
22:44.39Thunder_Childpersonally i found that i perfer to play a game than make it
22:44.46Thunder_Childthough i would love to design one
22:44.48alestaneI mean, that's how I got started writing mods, trying to fix the things that bugged me about WoW.
22:45.08BeladonaI went the sysadmin route, while hobbying in programming and graphics. But that is probably not a good model to follow because I still can't decide which I like best
22:45.34alestaneI think I'm a decent programmer if I can work with someone else who can take part of the project. I usually get bogged down in seeing how much of a project I still have left.
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22:46.48alestaneMy biggest issue with projects right now is that the one that attracts me the most is cleaning up the stock blizzard UI under the hood, and getting my changes accepted runs into a whole other can of worms.
22:48.34cladhairewell they have people that are hired to (and do) this on a regular basis
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22:48.45cladhaireand they have enough difficulty getting theirs accepted into the QA cycle :P
22:49.31alestaneMy main issue right now is that I keep getting random jobs to pay the bills, getting bored of them, and having to change jobs again. I'm trying to pin down what I actually want to do.
22:50.01cladhaireaye, that's always a difficult thing to deal with
22:50.47reqolbatrick: I would take you up on that offer if this wasn't finished save for the minimap button's right click spell :(
22:51.14batrickwhat's the code i'll take a look
22:51.17reqolcurrently it's set as SetAttribute("type", "spell") SetAttribute("*spell2", "Portal: Shattrath")
22:51.27|pez|we will now eat the food we made, and watch a movie!
22:51.45bleeteralestane: if it's any comfort, I'm prolly one of the older folks in this #, and I still have nfi what I 'want to do'
22:51.49bleetercya |pez|
22:52.01alestaneOf course, on one level I feel like I have a pretty good notion of what I'd ideally like to do, but it's not really an entry level field: I have affinities for several aspects of game development, including programming, design, modeiling, art direction and music direction. I have some training in management and a little small business experience. Add it al up and it seems to equal 'producer', but that doesn't seem to be a job you j
22:52.26bleeteralestane: chopped at 'to be a job you j'
22:52.37alestane...jsut walk up and ask for.
22:52.48bleeterproducer is something you create yourself
22:53.05bleetermaybe you should look at picking up some business skills, and get into production that way?
22:53.22alestaneI have a friend who's actually in an online degree in game design, I keep thinking we should sit down and prototype something.
22:53.22Thunder_Childodd, 2 keys on my keyboard just stoped working
22:53.54alestaneBut in the mean time I have bills to pay, so whatever path I'm building I still need something semi-regular.
22:53.58Beladonawas it w and t? with f soon to give out? Beladona
22:54.13bleeterlol Beladona
22:54.31Thunder_Childthe 2 to the right of [ just died
22:54.38Thunder_Childkinda odd that
22:54.49alestaneLocal computer and electronics consulting maybe. My years at RadioShack suggest that any number of people need someone to come set up their home theater system.
22:54.59reqol here is the XML, let me put up the lua
22:55.13alestaneI just shudder at the thought of the promotional work required.
22:55.16Thunder_Childalestane, yout years at radioshak suggest that most people are stupid
22:55.26Thunder_Childs/yout/i bet/
22:55.29bleeteralestane: that's so true, more so recently now that media centers and like are becoming popular
22:55.49reqol is the lua
22:56.17bleetertho, on the other hand, these days kids grow up kinda learning this stuff instinctively, so if the market's there I'd suggest it for the 35+ y/o, even more so for the 55+ y/o's
22:56.22alestaneI find that freelancing helps stop me from getting bored, since your job changes a little every time.
22:56.46batrickthink i'm losing my mind i can't pastey stuff on wowi.pastey
22:56.52alestaneThunder_Child: It did often suggest that, yes. That's why they can't set up their own damn home theater.
22:56.56batrickisnt' there supposed to be a submit button lol
22:57.34Thunder_Childalestane, somehow i feel that it is more that just not being able to setup a home theater system
22:58.02alestaneBut months of searching job postings on monster have discouraged me about conventional job searches.
22:58.45batrickreqol: you're probably getting a silly error from something loading before something else
22:58.52reqolill check the xml log
22:59.59alestaneWell, thanks for listening/suggestions.
23:00.19reqolno errors there
23:00.26BeladonaI never got anywhere with those searches
23:00.29reqolthe left click works fine, just not the right click
23:00.33batrickfirefox isn't putting that button up correctly
23:00.37Beladonain fact my current job was stumbled upon by accident
23:00.37batrickno wonder i couldn't find it
23:00.43Beladonathey actually fired their sysadmin to hire me
23:01.05batrickreqol: you might need to do SetAttribute("type2", "spell")
23:03.19Thunder_Childalestane, i can guaranty we will always listen, i just cant guaranty that our suggestions will be good....or helpfull...or even on the topic in any way....
23:03.19reqolbatrick: didn't work
23:03.39alestaneBeladona: I actually recently almost got a job at a NOC through a friend. Then their hiring manager postponed my interview and then emailed me that they pursuing another candidate rather than rescheduling the interview. My friend says she's a bit of a flake and probably looking for other work herself, and to hang in there, he's keeping my resume.
23:04.18batrickreqol: what you did looks ok, check spelling?
23:04.38Thunder_Childmeh i was a NOC....not any fun at all, cant use any of the knowledge that you have really
23:04.51batrickalthough, you have the right button set for RegisterForDrag? is that intended?
23:05.11reqolshift right click drags
23:05.14reqolright click portals
23:05.28reqolalso, my shift handler doesn't work. it doesn't recognize it as an object method apparently
23:05.40nevcairielis there a { } pair around your function?
23:05.42nevcairielremove that :P
23:05.52batrickyou can't move it in combat, not even through blizzard's system
23:06.49reqolnev: it gives me an error when there isn't one
23:07.12nevcairiel ?
23:07.14nevcairielthat should work
23:07.16reqolhold on
23:07.25batrickreqol: try ShiftRightClick instead of RightClick in RegisterForDrag
23:10.07batrickanyway this is why i don't use xml for my addons :)
23:10.35reqolnev: I don't think it's even calling the function on shift click, I added some debug text that is not showing
23:10.41reqolbatrick: ShiftRightButton doesn't work
23:11.08batricktry removing register for drag for now and see if you can right click your spell
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23:12.22reqolbatrick: nothing ;_;
23:12.33clad|sleepanyone have wow +devtools to test something for me?
23:12.56clad|sleepwhen you aggro a mob and get attacked.. what fires first, UNIT_COMBAT or PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED
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23:14.39reqolclad: i'll do it, how can I set it up
23:14.48reqolI only use it for /rl and /dump
23:14.48clad|sleepjust run /dtevents
23:14.57clad|sleepand then aggro something and watch :P
23:16.46batrickclad is subtly trying to kill you reqol, don't doit
23:17.31foxlitKilling in his sleep, is he?
23:19.38reqolUNIT_COMBAT only fires on my attacks as far as this shows
23:19.59clad|sleepnah, it definitely fires when you're hit
23:20.12clad|sleepI got what I needed (my bf responded)
23:20.14clad|sleepthanks tho :P
23:21.00reqolthere were so many events, it was tantalizing
23:21.31reqolso, any update on why you guys think my shifthandler and right click spell don't work?
23:21.58reqolI don't think the shifthandler is getting called at all
23:23.03batrickno idea
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23:26.44bleeterdoes /dtevents have filters?
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23:28.38clad|sleepi don't think so, no
23:28.40clad|sleepits just a full dump
23:28.53clad|sleepbut you can scroll up and filter through :P
23:29.21bleeterI think I'd just hack it to use norg's nlog ;)
23:30.23Thunder_Childhmmm...i wonder if the 11 points is worth the icy veins for a fire mage
23:30.34AnduinLothar2s fireball
23:30.45AnduinLotharmy guildies were cheering for it
23:30.51Thunder_Childonly 20s every 3m though
23:31.04bleeterAnduinLothar: be aware the tooltip's wrong, it's haste increase not speed
23:31.38AnduinLotharnot a mage, just going by what they were saying
23:32.17bleeteryeah, I'm in two minds about it... I won't get a chance for a week or two to try it in a raid
23:32.29bleeterpersonally I'm more excited about the three charges on the mana gem
23:32.37reqolbleeter: me too
23:33.39LunessaMostly all I can be excited about right now is an asprin.
23:34.20Thunder_Childso...2 asprins?
23:37.33Lunessafuck... maybe a heavy-duty pain drug.
23:39.17TemAnduinLothar, it's not a 2s fireball
23:39.44Temit's a 20% haste not 20% casting time reduction
23:40.24Temso 3.5 second fireballs become 2.92s
23:40.31Tema 3s fireball becomes 2.5 sec
23:42.10foxlit20% haste decreases casting time by...?
23:45.34reqolis there a better secure frames overview than the one on wowwiki?
23:47.18Temie, instead of multiplying by .8 to get the new casting time, you divide by 1.2
23:49.33PolarinaPatch 2.3.2 broke my addon horribly and they didn't even change the interface number!
23:49.53Cideaddons are unsupported, sucks to be you
23:50.28cogwheelPolarina: did you test it on the ptr that has been live for the past month and a half?
23:50.36Polarinacogwheel: Yes.
23:52.40reqolI don't think spell2 works; I just tried it on an entirely different button that is also a secure action button and it didn't work either
23:54.49LunessaSo you think you can tell Heaven from Hell? Damned straight.  Heaven is when this headache stops.  Hell is living iwth it now.
23:56.01Mr_Rabies2HEAVEN OR HELL?
23:56.05Mr_Rabies2DUEL 1, LET'S ROCK
23:57.58LunessaI'm out. going home to advil and a dark room.  See you guys later.

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