IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080107

00:11.16Fincladhaire: ping?
00:13.56Thunder_Child"I had to shoot you, or otherwise they would have murderd you"
00:16.58Corrodiasthe thing about mailboxes is that you need to l2p
00:18.54Corrodiasand i ran, i ran so far away
00:20.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Hjalte (
00:51.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
00:53.37kd3bah, damn it. timestamps
00:58.02Thunder_Childkd3, i at least wont need a locksmith
01:18.59IrielWell, making the bit. functions upvalues and making a couple of other minor adjustments shaves 25% off the execution time of Polarina's code
01:34.45*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
01:34.45*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v alestane] by ChanServ
01:46.07alestaneAnyone have any suspicions/assertions about whether we'll finally get 2.3.2 live this week?
01:46.55batricklol that still isn't live?
01:48.44alestaneNo, no it's not. I'm not entirely sure but I think it's stability rather than new features that's holding it up.
01:49.20Beladonathat and holidays
01:49.25alestaneA lot of people were going on about an "issue with the GCD" for a lot of development.
01:49.26Beladonaeven Blizz peeps need days off
01:49.36alestaneAnd yes, the last two tuesdays were US holidays.
01:49.57alestaneI would have been rather surprised if the patch had gone live on Christmas morning.
01:50.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim|ubuntu (
01:51.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Bibi (
01:54.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
01:55.29*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvaan (n=sylvanaa@
01:59.43*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
02:00.00*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (n=rumors@
02:03.28cogwheelalestane: :( @ your sig not fitting all the way
02:03.50alestaneI'd better look.
02:05.52alestaneHmm yes. Does anyone understand the response I got in the taint log thread?
02:06.20cogwheelThank you. Thank you very much. Your hamburger is vrey big
02:06.41cogwheel(intentional typo on "vrey" to match ;)
02:07.39Irielalestane: Which thread?
02:08.23alestaneIriel: Cogwheel got it. cogwheel: I mistyped. I understand what he wrote. That doesn't mean it makes any sense to me.
02:08.51cogwheeli know... i was just beeing a smart ass :P
02:09.45alestaneApparently I was flying pretty close to the max sig length. I got the critical part back in.
02:12.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
02:12.28alestaneSo I figure one of three things will happen to this "Lud" fellow: 1) He'll get suspended/banned; 2) he'll get bored and leave, or; 3) he'll have some kind of Damascus experience and become useful. Any bets?
02:12.45*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Seerah] by ChanServ
02:13.21Shirikwhich one of you newfangled MVPs deleted my thread >.> I know it was you cogwheel
02:13.38Seerahwhat thread?
02:13.41Shirikhey there it is
02:13.44IrielWe can't delete threads Shirik
02:13.52ShirikI know I was just looking for someone to blame
02:13.53Irielthough if we could I'd be sure to find some of yours
02:13.59Irieljust so you could complain legitimately
02:14.00Seerahhe was testing you :P
02:15.15batrickIriel he's finding the extent of your powers...
02:15.24IrielAt least the extent of my admitted powers
02:18.06cogwheel~fail Shirik
02:18.07purlShirik: Fail.
02:18.32ShirikIriel could run me into the ground so quickly I'd still be staring at my screen going "... wait, what?"
02:19.03cogwheelcan't separate officer & guild in default ui
02:19.17ShirikIt's right there, the little check boxes
02:19.36cogwheelguild has a checkbox that includes both guild and officer
02:20.07Seerahyou need a mod if you want to separate them
02:21.38IrielWTF: Draka is full!
02:22.09Shirikoh wow
02:22.13ShirikDrenden put me in a queue too
02:22.21Shiriksomething's wrong, Drenden has nobody on it
02:22.31ShirikGranted I was in queue for all of about 2 seconds
02:22.37ShirikBut I saw it
02:23.42SeerahAlexstrasza had a queue of 253.  Since I transferred last week, highest I'd ever seen was 80
02:23.54IrielIn theory you'd just have to take officer out of ChatTypeGroup["GUILD"] and make a new group, then add it to ChatMenuChatTypeGroups
02:24.30Shirikno you don't understand
02:24.31batrickI found this amazing posix threading book at the library, anybody read "Programming with POSIX Threads" by David Butenhof?
02:24.37ShirikI'm talking about a server where if you do /who Shattrath
02:24.41Shirikyou get something like "20 people found"
02:25.06alestaneBloodhoof used to get 450-person queues before the hardware upgrades.
02:25.12Seerahperhaps there is something up with the servers
02:25.21Seerahso did my orig server, Whisperwind
02:25.30Shirikbatrick: No, but in all honesty I am absolutely amazed by the QNX documentation
02:25.36*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
02:25.46Shirikyou may be interested in reading it as QNX is fully POSIX compliant and they have a good discussion of pthreads
02:25.46Seerahupgrades, a freetransfer to a pvp server, and realm split threats changed that
02:25.56alestaneEight operators on channel at once, this is a first for me.
02:26.23Seerahwoot! I'm in the game!  (of course, right before dinner is finished -.- )
02:26.23Finqueue of what, please?
02:26.25Shirikyeah well if they would kick that noob dolby-wowi out
02:26.45FinI remember queues!
02:26.51Seerahlol Fin
02:27.04Finwow, that sucks, bad luck
02:27.04Seerahneither had I until I transferred
02:27.06ShirikI actually have never seen a queue... ever.
02:27.13Seerahuntil today :P
02:27.18Finwe used to get queues of like 2-300 at one time
02:27.28Finthen they did the transferring thing on our server and since then it's been OK
02:27.37Finwe're actually listed as a Low population server now, which is nice
02:28.48Seerahyep.  dinner.  figures - I wait and can't play :)
02:34.03*** join/#wowi-lounge NightHawkTheSan1 (
02:35.16bleeterd3, eh?
02:36.12bleeterif it's true, can't say I'm not suprised. however, companies have been known before to reserve domain names of non existant 'future' products to protect TM of the original.
02:39.04Shirik~weather kdab
02:44.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Osstia|m1c (
02:44.38*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (n=sylvanaa@
02:45.03*** join/#wowi-lounge NightHawkTheSane (
02:51.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Galka (
02:54.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
02:57.10bleeter~weather ymhb
02:57.33bleeterchew on that, Shirik :P
02:58.00ShirikActually I was just looking for the current altimeter
02:58.06bleeterfair nuff
03:00.57Iriel~weather kccr
03:02.36ShirikSo yeah, the post I put up on wowbash
03:02.42ShirikHas a 4.4 rating o.o
03:03.37Cidewhich one?
03:04.36bleeterhaha sucker Iriel! :P
03:04.54bleeterima go to the beach, and IRC from there, just to make you all jealous ;)
03:06.34ShirikCide: Look at the front page
03:06.42Shirikfor the one with "Kimina" and "Gooddeedz" in it
03:07.03ShirikI believe I posted it in this channel though
03:07.16Cidethat's awesome
03:10.35Shirikanyone here have unlimited long distance or otherwise willing to send a call to my cell phone so I can find it?
03:12.06Shiriknm found it
03:12.12Shirikmust have been looking in the wrong pants earlier
03:21.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Tinyboom (
03:23.23*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
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03:26.05Thunder_Childhah, i was in tears reading this
03:26.12Thunder_Childi am such a sicko
03:27.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Osstia|mac (
03:39.57Thunder_Child"/who cares"
03:40.01Thunder_Child"0 players found"
03:41.26Finjust so I could do this in guild chat:
03:41.31Fin<-- cares
03:42.09Finit wasn't funny enough for even my low standadrs
03:42.58Fin(which are actually rather refined at the same time as being low!)
03:43.29Finthat's what I tell myself, anyway
03:43.39FinYes, Fin, I say
03:43.50FinYes, your standards of humour *are* rather refined
03:44.29Finit can be a burden
03:46.50*** join/#wowi-lounge kadrahil (
03:50.56Thunder_Childmine isnt
03:51.02Thunder_Childmine is way low
03:52.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
03:52.41*** join/#wowi-lounge NightHawkTheSane (
04:01.42*** join/#wowi-lounge duaiwe (
04:13.45*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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04:15.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (
04:15.00*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kody-] by ChanServ
04:18.29JoshBorkegd, why am i out of button on my warrior :-(
04:22.29Cairennbtw guys, the rumour is that 2.3.2 will be going live this week, unless something comes up - or so the birdies are telling me
04:23.30Thunder_ChildCairenn, thats what we figured since they are taking the ptr down for three days starting monday
04:23.54CairennI know, just saying that that is what I'm hearing as well :)
04:23.56Thunder_Childbut thanks for the up
04:24.05CairennI always tell you guys when I hear anything :)
04:24.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Heliwr (
04:24.26Thunder_Child*Sigh* my typing skills are as good as ever i see
04:25.05Thunder_Childi would say go poke your source for 2.4 info but i doubt they would know yet
04:30.32Thunder_Child~weather KCQT
04:48.50art3misif i have a switch ${blah} { case1: case2: case3} can i embed a while loop in each case?
04:49.22Iriel(assuming you're in C/C++/Java)
04:49.38art3misand pretend it's lua?
04:49.45Iriellua doesn' have switch
04:49.54art3miswell bah
04:50.02Irieljust use if/elseif/end
04:50.08art3miscan nested if's contatin while loops?
04:50.22Irielsure, a block can contain any valid sequence of statements
04:50.25art3misin normal language like say perl/lua/python
04:50.38art3mishrm wonder why this is locking then
04:50.49Irielpaste the code?
04:51.48art3misit's not really suited for this channel
04:52.03art3mishence the nebulous questions
04:52.21art3misim just double checking more than anything that im not going insane with my logic
05:00.56Thunder_Childyou know, i rather miss the elite quests
05:04.29*** join/#wowi-lounge norgs (
05:04.31*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v norgs] by ChanServ
05:10.33MentalPowerFYI is down, we're working on it
05:13.51Thunder_Child~fail MentalPower
05:13.51purlMentalPower: Fail.
05:30.09Shirik|zZzMentalPower: Works fine for me?
05:30.11Shirik|zZzBut anyway, night
05:30.18Thunder_Childnight Shirik|zZz
05:30.41MentalPowerits working now
05:30.48MentalPowerwe just got it working again
05:30.50Thunder_Child~win MentalPower
05:30.50purlCongratulations, MentalPower! You have won the time-life collection of vintage AOL cd's, a set of 120!
05:36.28Mr_Rabies2you can finally build that car you've always wanted, mp
05:39.24JoshBorkei only have 460 def in my NR gear :_( ;P
05:42.09art3misi still have no ideas, what would you do with the domain
05:43.23Mr_Rabies2run a gothporn site
05:43.33Thunder_Childatm....for webcomix
05:44.31Thunder_Childheh, i wonder if is taken
05:45.52Mr_Rabies2has anyone seen the movie "holy mountain?"
05:46.17art3mis <--- cog
05:46.24Thunder_Childi am sure someone had Mr_Rabies2
05:46.37Mr_Rabies2my brain is still trying to process it
05:46.39Mr_Rabies2and it hurts
05:47.01art3misi think im gonna make a myspace+dating+porn thingy
05:47.41art3missomething dumb like 5$ a month  $15/mn for the adult access or something
05:47.46purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
05:48.12art3misalthough a webcomic mocking goths would be pretty funny ;)
05:48.17*** join/#wowi-lounge reqol (
05:51.25Mr_Rabies2this movie was done so well but my brain's been trying to process it for about 2 days still
05:54.14Thunder_Childi know art3mis, start your own torrent tracker
05:55.48Mr_Rabies2that's a good way to stay on the good side of the recording and movie industry
05:55.58Thunder_Childthey have a good side?
05:59.45Mr_Rabies2that was sarcasm :p
05:59.57Thunder_Childyou think?
06:00.33Thunder_Child(more sarcsim if you didnt catch that)
06:00.38Mr_Rabies2it's a way to leave the "stealing your money from you" side of the recording industry to enter the "want to destroy everything you have ever owned and make it impossible for you to cope with the debt" side
06:03.28*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
06:05.28*** join/#wowi-lounge _Chloe (
06:07.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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06:10.34reqolwith XML do changes save if I just reload or do I have to restart wow
06:11.32Guillotine(I know this isn't WoW based, but...) iirc, in VB, constants actually take up extra memory, and aren't gotten rid of, unlike in C. Anybody know for sure if this is true?
06:11.59_Chloereqol you just /reloadui
06:12.25reqolokay, thanks
06:12.27_Chloeonly time you should have to restart wow is toc and image changes
06:12.57Guillotineimage changes? I thought it was just toc or adding/renaming ANY file
06:13.15Guillotinethen again, I rarely use images, much less change them
06:13.40_Chloeie: you add an image file to your folder and call it without it being present the first time WoW was loaded
06:15.16_ChloeAlso about your q, i'm pretty sure you are right, but it's been ages since I've done anything in VBN
06:17.40reqolif my frame has the attribute hidden, it will be hidden everytime it's loaded, correct? this is, of course, unless I have an OnLoad call to show it
06:19.24_Chloeyep, unless you show it ie: myFrame:Show();
06:20.22reqolone more question: if absdimensions are set this is the absolutely (heh) biggest it will get under any circumstances?
06:36.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
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06:48.23Irielreqol: abs just means 'absolute', i.e. you give size values in units, rather than 'relative'
06:51.27Thunder_Childgrrr...sungrass has to be the most dificult herb to see
06:52.15IrielEven with the magic sparklies?
06:52.16_ChloeNah, blindweed in SoS before they changed the model...
06:52.32Thunder_ChildIriel, sparkels dont always show up
06:53.07IrielThunder_Child: really? how annoying
06:53.27Thunder_Childthough i remeber a post on that from a dev
06:53.41Thunder_Childsomething about how the sparkles are aplied to them
06:53.51Thunder_Childand that they start below the ground
07:00.39clad|sleepits 7am
07:00.47clad|sleepnow the construction workers show up, and I can't possibly go back to sleep =(
07:00.55Irielsuckage 8-(
07:01.03IrielTime for a caffeine fuelled day of unrest
07:01.03cladhairebeen up for 5 hours
07:01.03Thunder_Child8 am is the min here
07:01.21cladhaireI'm scared of the course I'm taking this term
07:01.47Thunder_Childthat much fun eh
07:02.03IrielOoh, I love that kind of stuff
07:02.30cladhaireI've had no experience with it so far
07:02.45cladhairethe required prior knowledge I'm not so sure I fit
07:02.59cladhaireits three lectures a week, plus a class, plus a practical
07:03.07Irielthis sounds like the formal background which I /dont/ have
07:03.23IrielIf you get cool interesting coursework notes, send them my way!
07:03.31cladhaireI certainly will
07:03.41cladhairelibraries don't open until 9
07:03.43cladhairelike all of Oxford
07:03.49cladhaireand I have to be on the river at 10
07:03.54IrielI was actually thinking about what it'd take to do a potential taint static analysis on wow code
07:04.03cladhairewhat the hell am I going to do for the next 2 hours.
07:04.12IrielA long breakfast? wow..
07:04.21IrielRelaxing bath?
07:04.29Thunder_Childhit yourself over the head and pass out
07:04.47cladhaireno bath tub
07:04.50cladhairetho that would be amazing.
07:04.55cladhaireI have chapters to edit, so I think I'll work on that
07:05.12cladhaireonly 14 chapters to edit
07:10.12Olisonfuq, no more necb :(
07:11.34reqolIriel: then how can I make sure my frame will grow no more than my specified size?
07:13.23Iriel<ResizeBounds><MaxResize><Dimension><AbsDimension x="..." y="..."/></Dimension></MaxResize></ResizeBounds>
07:14.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
07:14.51Thunder_ChildIriel "Casio's new EXILIM Pro EX-F1 is a new shooter than can take up to 60 full-resolution still photos in one second"
07:17.00IrielBasically a camcorder with a very large sensor
07:17.11Irieland a nice high speed top end, that's pretty spiffy
07:17.21Thunder_Childbut if it can take good stills it's quite nice
07:17.29Thunder_Childsince thats usually the problem
07:19.34IrielNot to mention sharpness of focus
07:20.05Thunder_Childtrue, though a little leway is given for the highspeed capture..and not having to spend 6K to get it
07:22.04Thunder_Child3 ft. wide curved monintor
07:25.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Bibi (
07:30.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
07:34.08IrielNight all
07:37.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Pandya (
07:42.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Bibi_Laptop (
07:46.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
08:00.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
08:00.39*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
08:05.58Corrodiashmm, looks like making a twink takes quite a bit of work
08:07.05Corrodiaswhatever. i don't like pvp, so i guess i won't. ugh, time to sleep >_< 'ni
08:16.27reqolI should use self: instead of this: when using script inside of a frame, right? because this is inherently evil and will consume small children otherwise.
08:17.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
08:17.29cladhairereqol: yes
08:17.36cladhairewhich script are you using?
08:19.50cladhaireso we're talking OnDragStart and OnDragStop?
08:19.59cladhairethen yeah, those functions take two arguments
08:20.17cladhairefirst is the frame, second is the button
08:20.21cladhaireyou can name them whatever you'd like
08:20.45cladhairethere's very few places you need to use this :P
08:21.02reqolso the difference is that self is loca, and this is global. why would this matter? could you give me an example? I'm curious :D
08:21.21cladhairewell "this" can be altered
08:21.27cladhairethis is also deprecated, and may be removed at some point
08:21.36cladhaireplus access to the local version is faster, and cannot be changed
08:21.41cladhaireits your own private copy
08:25.46*** join/#wowi-lounge fridgid (n=Fridgid@
08:25.51reqolcladhaire: that explains it precisely:D thanks.
08:26.21Thunder_Childthats what cladhaire is for when he has had few hours of sleep and cant get any more
08:28.38reqolis it necessary to set the enableMouse attribute of a button?
08:29.56*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (n=leethal@
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08:38.04wereHamsterwhat's the difference between self:RegisterForDrag() and calling StartMoving on OnClick?
08:38.27CideDrag has a 'snap threshold'
08:38.42wereHamstersnap to other frames?
08:38.53Cideno, as in you have to drag it a bit before it goes off
08:39.08Cide(see action buttons)
08:39.26wereHamsterah, that's what I always hated.. that on movable frames :)
08:39.47Cideaye, it's pretty annoying on movable frames, but makes sense for other stuff
08:39.59Thunder_Childbut to many people use it for moveable frames
08:40.16Cidemost people do lots of stupid shit.
08:41.12reqolI take it the XML example on the wowwiki site was incorrect then? it has not only registerfordrag but startmoving on OnClick as well
08:41.14reqolI only need one, no?
08:41.33Cideyou only need one
08:43.49cladhairethe big problem with doing it on OnMouseDown is that'll trigger a click
08:43.54cladhaireso if your frames do somethign on click
08:43.56cladhaireyou want to avoid that :P
08:48.15Cidethere's no API to return soulboundness right?
08:48.22Cideof a given item or inventory slot
08:49.31cladhairegood question
08:49.41cladhairenot that I recall seeing while documenting
08:50.24Cidesame.. bleh
08:50.43Cidetooltip scanning sucks because crafted items contain "Soulbound" in the tooltip
08:51.20Thunder_Childsame diff right?
08:51.24cladhaireyeah but not in the second line
08:51.36Cideis it always on the second line though?
08:51.48Cideit might be but I don't know for sure
08:51.57cladhaireits worth looking into
08:55.25reqoladjusting a frames insets seems to be somewhat of a trial and error procedure, huh?
08:55.46reqolthere should be a pixel ruler
08:56.19Cidemake one :)
08:56.27Cideyou get the feeling for it after a while, but yeah
09:02.44reqolso I have a button that inherits OptionsButtonTemplate. I changed it's dimensions to make it smaller, but the text did not follow suit. there is a button in this addon's XML I'm looking at for a bit of guidance (magetaxi) and he inherits the same button, and does not change (from what I can see) the buttons dimensions, yet it's smaller all around (including the button's text).
09:02.48reqolhow can I fix this?
09:10.01clad|awayhe probably changed the scale of the button
09:10.04clad|awayrather than the dimensions
09:10.06clad|awaythat would scale the fonrt
09:11.20reqolthat would be in the <Button> tags, right? I guess he could do it through lua
09:12.02reqoli'll look a bit more intently
09:12.07clad|awayyou can't do it in XML, actually
09:12.18clad|awayi could be wrong, but Im' not sur ethere's a tag for scale
09:12.25clad|awayit would be a :SetScale()
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09:14.46reqolthere is no SetScale in either the lua or the XML file, and there is nothing in between the button tags to suggest anything besides setting the insets
09:15.06clad|awaycan you view the button in game?
09:15.11clad|awaythe original you're trying to emulate
09:15.16clad|awaydo you have a /dump command
09:15.20clad|awayeither from ace2 or devtools?
09:15.24reqoli have both of those i believe
09:15.27clad|awayif so, /dump GetMouseFocus():GetScale()
09:15.31clad|awayif so, /dump GetMouseFocus():GetWidth()
09:15.34clad|awayif so, /dump GetMouseFocus():GetHeight()
09:15.38clad|awaywhile mousing over it
09:15.45clad|awayto get the scale/width/height
09:15.49clad|awaythat's a start :P
09:16.05clad|away(alternatively, you could pastey HIS relevant code here, so we can tell you how he changed the font size :P)
09:16.50reqoleverything looks normal. 1 scale, 89.9~ width, 21 height. i'll pastey his code...
09:17.13reqolwell first let me double check to make sure I haven't overlooked something obvious
09:18.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano_ (
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09:25.53reqolit's not THAT much smaller, but it is still noticeable. especially the text.
09:27.10clad|awaywhich button is this?
09:28.04reqol$parent_Spam would be an example
09:28.07reqolthere are several buttons
09:28.32clad|awayhrm, unfortuantely i'm heading out the door
09:28.34clad|awaycould you post screenshots
09:28.39clad|awayi think that would help us see the difference :P
09:29.40reqol2 seconds
09:31.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
09:34.06reqol the top is the two compared side by side (sorta) and the bottom is the smaller one overlapping the larger one so you can see how much larger it is
09:34.07Cide~seen Tuller
09:34.10purltuller <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 1d 15h 4m 29s ago, saying: 'the big thing is just figuring out what I want to do'.
09:44.33*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
09:48.50Cidesweet. my soulbound filter works
09:49.55reqolhow'd you set it up?
09:50.25CideI modified combuctor and scan the tooltips
09:50.55Cideoh, I guess I should've asked for permission before doing that
09:52.18reqolif I have an OnLoad script in a virtual frame, will it do that for all inherited frames as well? or do I need to do it individually
09:52.48Cideit'll be inherited unless you override it with something else in the child
09:52.54Cideor in the instances of it, rather
09:53.30reqolso if I have ANY OnLoad script in the instance of it, all will be overridden?
09:53.31Thunder_Childi wish combuctor would get updated already
09:53.58CideThunder_Child: what problems are there? :P
09:54.02Cidereqol: yes
09:54.19Thunder_ChildCide, no options really
09:54.34Cideoptions aren't always necessary
09:54.43Cidewhat options would you want? :P
09:54.52Thunder_Childto change the filters
09:55.14Thunder_Childand to have the bank/trade on the same tab
09:55.22Thunder_Childthe filters for each tab
09:55.25Cidewhat's the trade tab? I haven't had it
09:55.33Thunder_Childfor profession bags
09:55.54Thunder_Childit puts it in it's own tab so you cant see all of the bank at once, very iritating
09:56.01CideI added a bank tab to the inventory frame a bit ago
09:56.10Cideopening it separately was annoying
09:56.55*** join/#wowi-lounge socaltrojans (
09:57.28socaltrojansguys, i am a bit of a newb, but was trying to make a macro script like: /run num = GetNumPartyMembers(), if num > 2 then CastSpellByName("Ritual of Souls"), else CastSpellByName("Create Healthstone") end
09:57.40socaltrojansbut it doesn't work
09:58.18reqolcastspellbyname is protected
09:58.38socaltrojanskk, so how do i cast a spell
09:58.43Thunder_Childi dont think he is doing that in combat..
09:58.53socaltrojansyeah, non-comabt
09:59.09CideThunder_Child: fixing that was a one-line change, btw
09:59.22reqolThunder_Child: doesn't let me use castspellbyname in a macro whether i'm in combat or not. i'm probably wrong, though >_>
09:59.36socaltrojansis so that is i am in a party of 3+ members, i cast ritual of souls, otherwise i just make 1 HS
09:59.38Thunder_ChildCide, be that as it may, we shouldnt have to hack it
09:59.47Thunder_Childreqol, i dunno then
10:00.05reqolyeah, I just tested it. macro script blocked ;_;
10:01.44reqolhere is what I Would do socaltrojans: if you mouse click it do : /cast [button:1] Ritual of Souls; [button:2] Create Healthstone
10:02.04reqolif you hotkey do something like /cast [mod:alt] Ritual of Souls; [mod:shift] Create Healthstone
10:02.11reqolsomeone correct me if I got something wrong in there, please.
10:02.18socaltrojansyeah, i had that already, i was just trying to find a eaiser way
10:02.55reqolI'm fairly certain there is absolutely no way to cast based on conditionals now, combat or not, secure frames or not. then again, I've been proven wrong before many many times, so someone please step up to the plate, if you will :D
10:03.37socaltrojansi got it as: /use [button:1] Master Healthstone /cast [button:2] Create Healthstone; [button:3] Ritual of Souls
10:04.11socaltrojanskk, well, thanks for trying
10:04.24socaltrojansand helping a newb, lol
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10:21.29reqolwhat should UIParent:GetScale() return?
10:28.03Cideyour UI scale
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10:55.10IndustrialI read books on the subway (ride it for an hour twice every day)
10:55.26Industrialnow working on The Algebraist by Ian M. Banks, in english
10:55.31Industrialreally hard o_O but fun
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11:21.06sioraiochtIndustrial: why hard?
11:21.18sioraiochthard as in slow?
11:21.24sioraiochtor hard as in the english is hard?
11:21.33sioraiochterr, which one? heh
11:21.38Industrialuh, yes the english is hard
11:21.41sioraiochtoh, hehe
11:21.58sioraiochtyeah, i read a few books in spanish, i had to sit with a dictionary most of the time
11:27.48sioraiochtyou can't torrent through a proxy, right?
11:28.20Industrialmaybe if the proxy has all those ports open
11:28.34Industrialcause you usually cant predict which port someone else is going to use
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11:28.57IndustrialI put mine on random anyway
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11:54.34ShirikRandom question: I need a very-easy-to-drink high-protein "food." So far I'm going to buy some boost milkshakes, any other suggestions?
11:54.54Shirik(or eat)
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12:09.17IndustrialShirik: pasta?
12:09.26Shiriknot easily eaten
12:09.31KalrothI got a suggestion too, but it's only for females. :P
12:09.38Shirikok no
12:09.58IndustrialKalroth: go
12:10.12KalrothNuh uh, people will just hate me!
12:10.19Industrialsay it :D
12:11.20ShirikI already know it
12:11.22Shirikand no
12:11.36KalrothSee, Shirik hates me now.
12:11.57KalrothIndustrial: it's called semenogelin.
12:12.29KalrothAccording to
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12:30.42clad|awaySO COLD
12:30.56clad|awayIndustrial: pasta has no protein
12:30.59clad|awayShirik: tuna fish
12:31.01clad|awayis the super food
12:31.04clad|awaythat and peanut butter
12:31.08clad|awaybut you said drink
12:31.25clad|awaydoes it need to be a food? :P
12:31.41IndustrialI eat food to stay alive
12:31.45Industrialand cuz it tastes good
12:32.39cladhaireyet you're still incredibly fit
12:32.55krkaegg white has protein
12:33.21art3mismmm tunafish+peanut butter smoothies
12:33.31Shirikno cladhaire it can be a drink I guess
12:33.50Shirikpeanut butter would be good but like I said I'm having trouble eating right now ><
12:34.04Shirikoh I guess I didn't say that
12:34.28Shirikanyway, bread or grains in general will likely be bad
12:34.45cladhairepb shakes
12:34.53cladhaireegg whites are also great, as krka said
12:34.58cladhaireand absurdly low in calories
12:35.35art3misyou could get one of those GM mega(something) shake things
12:35.37cladhairehonestly, there are senior/infant supplements that you can do quite well on
12:35.51art3miserr GN
12:36.17cladhairenot kidding, a lot of mexicans around the border, and athletes use Pedialyte
12:36.24art3miscladhaire: but those are made of people!
12:36.34ShirikI can just see me walking into Publix now. I pick up infant supplements and people think "crazy kids having sex way too early these days" or senior supplements and people think "kids need to get out of their parents' houses"
12:37.06cladhairei thought you were worried about being healthly, not what D-BAG #14 at the chemist thinks.
12:37.07art3misinstead of "my god that kid should eat more he's like almost see thru"
12:37.22art3mishehe chemist
12:37.33art3misthe uk is fitting you nciely clad ;)
12:37.39cladhaireart3mis: lol, sorry
12:37.46Shirikwhat's "chemist" though?
12:37.58Kalrotheducated drug dealer
12:38.00Shirikyou have scientists at your supermarkets o.o
12:38.27cladhairetho to be honest., my friend (when she visited) asked for the apothecary.. and when I re-told that story, I said alchemist
12:38.30cladhaireso its a running joke
12:39.02Shirikapothecary always brings a negative connotation to my mind
12:39.16art3misam i wierd to likeing the taste of the gel of vitamins?
12:39.29art3mislike my B complex vitamin has the best atasting gel coating
12:39.44ShirikI dunno but these tylenol cold tablets have a great flavor
12:39.50Shirikunfortunately you have to swallow them so :P
12:40.11art3misthats because acidominiphen tastes nasty ;P
12:40.34art3misalthough if you like that sorta flavour youcan always just drink thereflu ;
12:40.58ShirikI had something once when I had flu like 6 years ago
12:41.01Shiriksupposed to be lemon
12:41.03cladhairethey don't call it Acidominiphen here
12:41.07cladhaireits Paracetamol
12:41.08Shirikdear god that stuff was horrible
12:41.34Shirikcladhaire: For the record, art3mis is a nublet and it's Acetaminophen
12:41.42cladhaireI know
12:41.45cladhairei tried trwo spellings
12:41.50cladhaireneither showed up as not red
12:41.52cladhaireso i went with it :P
12:42.13Shirikjust the "acid" stands out at me ><
12:42.51cladhairezesty orange Airborne
12:42.53cladhairetastes okay!
12:45.06wereHamster>>> 2^32
12:45.48cladhairelua> 2^32
12:45.48lua_botcladhaire: 4294967296
12:46.37Shirikcmon this should be a number you have memorized!
12:46.43wereHamsterlua> 2^32/120
12:46.43lua_botwereHamster: 35791394.133333
12:47.12art3mislua> evil^0.5
12:47.12lua_botart3mis: [string "return evil^0.5"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'evil' (a nil value)
12:47.20art3misthe square root of all evil
12:47.49wereHamsteris there a __tonumber() metatable function?
12:48.11cladhairei dunno actually
12:48.24Shirikeasy way to find out
12:48.50Shiriklua> t = setmetatable({}, {__tonumber = function() return 4; end}); print(tonumber(t))
12:48.50lua_botShirik: nil
12:48.55Shirikit would appear not
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12:52.37ShirikHey, did Blizzard ever "expressly authorize" us to modify the WoW UI?
12:53.32[dRaCo]there were times when the official position was "everything that can be done with lua is allowed"
12:53.34art3misthey didnt exprsesly not authorize us though
12:53.49[dRaCo]though that's more implicit, yeah
12:54.54art3misi think it falls into the category of "if you can do it in lua and it still requires someone to be at the keys, it's not a bad thing but dont get too pissed if we break it for you"
12:55.43Shirikfrom the tos: an "unauthorized third party program" as used herein shall be defined as any third party software, including without limitation any "addon" or "mod," that in blizzard's sole determination ... (ii) allows users to modify or hack the world of w
12:56.02Shirikorld of warcraft interface environment and/or experience in any way not expressly authorized by blizzard
12:56.13ShirikOkay that was a pain in the neck since I didn't want to copy/paste all that stuff in caps
12:58.55Shirikoh how nice
12:59.08ShirikBlizzard does say in the ToS, though "if we sue you and lose, we'll pay for your court costs" (paraphrased of course)
12:59.25Shirik(and legal fees and "other expenses")
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13:14.17bleeterand, while I'm here, if there's any Blizz employees reading, there's a toon spreading keylogging URL's, I believe
13:14.45bleeteryes, they've been reported, but maybe a Blizz person, if reading here, might be able to act earlier than the regular official channels ;)
13:15.16ShirikI still don't understand how you can get such strong winds
13:15.20Shirikwithout a hurricane
13:15.47Shirikbleeter... that just makes me want to click it more
13:16.30|Pixel|aack, US forums
13:16.35bleeterShirik: that's just the list of his posts... and if you're sensible like me and not looking at it as the same user as your game, and playing your game in Wine... :P
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13:17.15ShirikI'm convinced I know what I'm doing
13:17.21Shirikand if I don't, then I deserve the punishment
13:17.27bleeter~lart Shirik
13:17.27purlslaps Shirik upside the head with a wet fish
13:17.33Shirikhowever I don't see anything particularly "bad" I just think it's free advertisement
13:17.35bleeterthat's not punishment!! that's fun!
13:18.39bleeterif it's not a keylogger, looks to me like a hacked account then ;) :P
13:18.49Shirikand it has a chinese stuffs on it too
13:18.52Shirikwtf is this site
13:19.15Shirikseems like a half-developed WoW news site
13:19.35Shirikin chinese (simp and trad) and english
13:19.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
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13:20.57Shiriklol and another one of his links goes to a similar, but different site
13:21.03Shirikwtf is this?
13:21.39Shirikawwww lookie!
13:21.45ShirikIt brought me to that
13:22.08LopeppeppyI want to be a Spirit Healer in my next life.
13:22.30Shirikaren't spirit healers inherently dead?
13:23.21ShirikThis girl is pretty good at making these figures
13:23.25LopeppeppyJust because you can't see them when you're alive doesn't necessarily mean that they are dead...
13:24.02Shirikeverything else that's alive I can see when it's alive...
13:24.23Shirikwell except those damn pulls in Karazhan
13:24.33Shirikthough actually I think those are spirits too now that I think about it
13:24.59LopeppeppyCan't see InvisiTigers!
13:25.12LopeppeppyBut yeah, usually invisible = undeadling
13:25.31Shirikstealth != can't see
13:25.39Shirikjust really good at blending in
13:30.27Shirikwhere did Lopeppeppy
13:30.38ShirikI hope she brings me back some cookies
13:30.54LopeppeppyI wasn't in the mood to do my own baking,  but I have cravings.
13:34.41Shirikoh god
13:34.50Shirikthere's complaints that priests should get a "trainable divine spirit"
13:35.09Shirikbecause innervate, imp sap, and iceblock are trainable ><
13:35.15ShirikLike I'm a priest and all but seriously
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13:37.37LopeppeppySurprise, both threads dealing with AV queue addons have been deleted.
13:47.00Shirikwait, BE's get bigger mana pools?
13:47.16Shirikotherwise someone in this thread is being very stupid
13:49.27KalrothIs it a WoW thread?
13:49.43KalrothThen odds are against you.
13:49.48LopeppeppyThen both possibilities are equally likely.
13:51.05EndBE's probably have a higher base intellect
13:51.22EndI'm almost certain they have a higher base intellect
13:51.32ShirikI mean, I always knew I had a lot more mana than most
13:51.42KalrothYou cheater!
13:51.42Shiriksomeone was complaining just yesterday like "wow you really have 11k mana?!"
13:51.56Shirik(in pvp gear)
13:52.08Shirikbut I thought that was just itemization
13:52.20KalrothUh, our paladins got almost 15k in pve gear, why is 11k much? Even in PvP gear.
13:52.52Endgear is gonna mean a lot more than racial stat differences
13:53.21Shirikbecause pallies stack intellect?
13:53.26ShirikPriests don't tend to do that?
13:53.38Shirikpallies' primary stat is intellect for the crit
13:53.42KalrothPriests wants uhhh, spirit and uhmm, stamina :p
13:54.50art3mispreists are *pew pew* or *gheal gheal* we dont need stats ;P
13:55.06LopeppeppyPaladins don't need stats, we have maces.
13:55.09art3miscuz either of those things will a) get you killed in pvp or b) get you killed in pve
13:55.26art3misso ocne you go through your mana pool you should be dead or very near
13:55.34art3misand thus will end up at full again shortly
13:55.48LopeppeppyReduce, recycle, reuse.
13:56.25art3misactually that happened to me his weekend in av, somehow i blew through my 9k mana and i was stil alive wanding people
13:56.37art3misi was confused as to how that happeed
13:57.47art3misi wish i was artisticly inclined
13:58.01art3misalthough autisticly inclined would be neat too
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14:00.15LopeppeppyWith your spelling this morning, are you sure you're not?  :P
14:01.12art3misnot 100% no
14:01.17EndI don't think creative spelling is the same hing :P
14:01.38LopeppeppyI think it's contagious, no?
14:01.45EndI hope it isn't!
14:01.55art3misever have one of those days where you wish you were mentally retarded so that like would be "simpler" ?
14:02.08art3misoh speaking of
14:02.14Endnot usually, but I can't say it hasn't happened
14:02.21art3misBrawndo is now for sale
14:02.29LopeppeppyIs this a good thing?
14:02.34art3misfrom Idiocracy
14:02.50art3misand if you havent seen that movie so what it ;P
14:03.10art3misi think i need a new keyboard
14:03.14art3misthis one hates me
14:03.33LopeppeppyOr smaller hands?
14:03.41art3misthat should read "and if you havent seen that go watch it"
14:03.51art3misyeah me and my sausage fingers
14:03.58art3miswanna come over and play peppy? ;)
14:05.48LopeppeppyThe temptation is strong, but I'm still a married spud.
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14:07.26EndYou're a potato?
14:07.50LopeppeppyI rather think so, I'm not showing many signs of human intelligence lately.
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14:33.02art3missgood god i have a horrible headache
14:39.05LopeppeppyTylenol, caffeine and a dark room?
14:43.18art3misnope my neck is out
14:43.20art3misslept wierd
14:44.08LopeppeppyYeah, that's gonna mess you up.
14:45.42art3misso is this being up at 8am stuff
14:45.58art3misusually i dont get up til around 10
14:46.16art3misbut its a new year and i need new clients
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15:01.18LopeppeppyI'm sort of previewing a bunch of what I have to accomplish this next two months, and the Hideous Factor of some of these website conversions is staggering.
15:06.07art3misive been trying to find something that i like to exploit my domain to  make me gobs of cash
15:06.17art3missadly my better ideas require custom art
15:06.22LopeppeppyGood luck with that.
15:06.26art3missomething im horrible with ;P
15:07.34art3miswanna make me some art ;)
15:08.45LopeppeppyI'm not an artist, I'm a baker.  I'll bake a pretty cookie in your honor.
15:08.55Lopeppeppyalthough I ruined the hamburger helper yesterday, and I don't know how.
15:09.03art3miswow that takes talent
15:09.06art3misor lack there of
15:10.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
15:11.57zenzelezz<art3mis> ive been trying to find something that i like to exploit my domain to  make me gobs of cash <--- goth porn
15:17.24malrethgoth hamster porn
15:18.07MoonWolfwait would that be goth hamsters or goths WITH hamsters ?
15:18.10MoonWolfbe specific.
15:18.27zenzelezzwhy not both?
15:18.27LopeppeppyEither is mind-numbingly weird.
15:18.31malrethgoths with hamsters would be goth/hamster porn
15:18.39malreththe slash would be necessary
15:18.45art3mishah goth hamsters
15:19.28art3missomehow that would prolly do fairly well for hits and posts n stuff
15:19.30Lopeppeppygothic hamsters having sex does not seem any more interesting than goths having sex with hamsters
15:19.38art3mishamsters dressed like goths
15:20.50LopeppeppyGoths dressed as hamsters?
15:21.01art3misthose are called furries ;P
15:21.50zenzelezzwho said anything about having sex with hamsters? They could just be decoration
15:22.19art3misdude check out my nipple rings with hamsters on them!
15:23.02LopeppeppyDude, check out my hamsters with nipple rings?
15:23.34wereHamsteriih, you all get away from me
15:23.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
15:24.02Lunessa... station
15:24.55LopeppeppyMorning, Lunessa.
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15:25.41LopeppeppyI hear that, Lunessa.
15:25.45wereHamsterI really need that, considering what's going on with wowace, where it is heading :-/
15:26.07LopeppeppyOh dear, more of trunks and splits and newfangled stuff?
15:27.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
15:27.27wereHamster'trunk' is part of issue, is that so obvious?
15:28.36LonnyHave anyone read the book "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software" and know if it's restricted to one language or it's pure philosphical ?
15:28.47malrethwith a name like that
15:28.55malrethit certainly sounds philosophical
15:29.01malrethand not language restricted
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15:29.07LunessaI've skimmed it.
15:29.19LunessaMostly philosophy of design
15:35.20Industrialonly applicable to object oriented languages ie not LUA
15:35.21krkaIndustrial: Lua is not an acronym. It is a Portuguese word that means moon.
15:35.25Industrialhehe, krka :>
15:35.50LopeppeppyAh, a programming language forever presenting a bare bottom to the world.  My kind of language.
15:35.58Josh_BorkeLUA can be object oriented
15:36.02LonnyThe thing is that in some languages the actual design process is pretty different and the author(s) can restrict it to one nature of design process such as C++/Smalltalk and well in the .Net Framework such as C# the concept of design is pretty different so I wonder if someone read it and can tell me that it's pure philosphical :)
15:36.53malrethregardless of the actual implementation, the design principle stays the same
15:37.15LonnyYeah true.
15:38.29LonnyWell I guess I'll order it, it seems good and the reviews seems to be awesome, so why not. :)
15:38.30malrethyou could do things like model-view-controller-observer stuff in Lua. OO is a better way to implement it, but it could be done in a procedural language too
15:38.32LopeppeppyOh... dear oh dear, Lunessa.
15:40.08*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh___ (n=chatzill@
15:40.14LunessaI'm not linking today's Penny Arcade... but... DAMN
15:40.35LopeppeppySuppose I should go look for it.
15:41.40LopeppeppyYou did miss the hamster discussion, it's very tragic.
15:41.51malrethagreed... tragic
15:42.22malrethgive me a bit... i'll gladly open yet another dark corner of your mind with something else that is equally tragic
15:44.21LopeppeppyBring extra chocolate.
15:45.04LonnyThe reason I asked is due to my knowledge in the .Net (C#, Managed C++,HLA) which is slightly better than the knowldge in C++ and I have no idea what's going there, most of the reviews I read were about the authors and the way they deliver the concept haha :P
15:45.57malrethwell... you'd certainly want to be well versed in whatever language the book is presented in
15:47.19LonnyYeah but well I already ordered it, haha the worst thing can happen is that it will turn out it's purely trash though it's one of the best writers haha so nah :P
15:48.17LunessaThe thing about design books is that they either do a great job of explaining design as it's own beast, or they fail completely to be useful.
15:48.22LopeppeppyMight give you more reason to explore the language, if the book is interesting but a little above you.
15:48.52malrethno... C++ is trash
15:48.58malrethnot worth learning
15:49.01malrethwaste of time
15:49.10malrethlearn Java instead. It's superior.
15:49.17LonnyOH NO! :|
15:49.36LopeppeppyIt's all trash, dear.
15:50.04*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
15:50.20Lunessa~lart malreth
15:50.20purlfrags malreth with his BFG9000
15:50.58LonnyI rather go back to Smalltalk, Assembly then ? :D
15:52.19krkaagreed, c++ is crap
15:52.40malrethObj-C: It's like an alcoholic version of Smalltalk
15:53.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|AFK (
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15:54.57*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v cogwheel] by ChanServ
15:58.05LonnyIronically, I read a book about "Design Patterns in C#" which well the author actually made a fundamental mistake and now I wonder how many programmers using assessors methods instead of properties haha..
15:58.05*** part/#wowi-lounge Bela|work (n=sluster@
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15:59.16malrethah ha ha ha!!!
15:59.24malrethi don't know what you're talking about
15:59.29LonnyWell the author actually created the book "Design Patterns in Java" I think he copy/paste more than half of that book
16:00.11LonnyAh well :P
16:10.27*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (
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16:11.24LunessaIt is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion - It is from the juice of the sacred beans of Java that the thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire a shaking. The shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
16:12.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Bibi_Laptop (
16:14.03LunessaThe slow blade penetrates the shield.
16:16.11LukianLunessa, this is sensual, please continue :)
16:16.27LunessaFreudian much?
16:16.28zenzelezzno, it's Dune
16:16.48LopeppeppyI think it's hot, you can write poetical at me anytime, baby.  *wink*
16:17.03LukianAgreed :D
16:17.24zenzelezzdon't give him the credit ffs, Herbert wrote it long ago
16:18.13*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
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16:18.21*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
16:18.28LopeppeppyLunessa... I'm sure you can be more imaginative than that.
16:19.30Lunessacookies was supposed to have quotes and a *wink* on it, but the phone rang...
16:20.26LopeppeppyI see... I'm cheated of my fulfillment because the phone rang?
16:20.51LunessaShall I compare the to an elegant function?  How sleek and memory efficient thou art, like itterations on a small table...
16:21.08LopeppeppyOooh, that sounds like Hitchhiker's Guide erotica....
16:22.33LunessaI bet you /really/ know where your 'towel' is at....
16:23.21*** join/#wowi-lounge fridg (n=Fridgid@
16:24.47LunessaDid you sas that hoopy Lopeppeppy ?  There's a frood who really knows where her towel's at.
16:25.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
16:26.47LopeppeppyHoopy Peppy, reporting for duty.
16:26.52LopeppeppyMy towel is in the dryer right now.
16:27.00LunessaI'm only 6oz into my first cola, I can be forgiven a small typo?
16:28.34malrethfor Lopeppeppy:
16:28.56LunessaMy entire invasion fleet is swallowed by a small dog.
16:29.59LunessaOh no. Not again!
16:30.32LopeppeppyIf I drank coffee, malreth, that would be good.  Instead, I eat peanuts and look for pints of bitter.
16:30.53malrethcoffee helps you move mountains, tho
16:31.07LopeppeppyCoffee smells bad.  Diet coke this morning.
16:31.09LunessaOr swim to Tahitit
16:31.16LunessaTahitti even
16:31.18LopeppeppyDiet Mountain Dew when it's in season.
16:31.26LopeppeppyI'd settle for swimming anywhere, Lunessa.
16:31.43Lunessagoing to be 80 degrees F here today...
16:31.48LunessaI'm just saying.
16:35.11LopeppeppyUgh.  Vile demon, get thee behind me.
16:36.24LunessaTemptation. I has it.
16:36.38zenzelezzstop speaking dirty peppy
16:37.25LunessaI try to keep things mostly PG-13 with only the slight foray into R in public channels.
16:37.49LopeppeppyI'm innocent as the driven snow.
16:38.41LopeppeppyStop driving over the innocent snowbanks then!  :P
16:39.53malrethwe don't have snow here in Texas... Innocent or otherwise
16:40.47LunessaThe only snow we have is .. imported from south of the border.
16:41.05LopeppeppySnow.  I has it.
16:41.20Lopeppeppyalthough... it's supposed to be 60 here tomorrow.
16:41.52Saint-Ninnocent isnt the word to concentrate on "driven" is the part shes more interested in being ;P
16:41.55LopeppeppyAbove 45 and rainy all week.  There won't be snow left soon.
16:42.07LopeppeppySaint-N!  I beg to differ!
16:42.23Saint-Nyou can beg all ya want dearie, but the restraints aint coming off this time
16:42.43Saint-Nthey needto rename java
16:42.50Saint-Ni keep reading it as Jawa
16:42.57LopeppeppyEewoks are cuter.
16:43.24Saint-Neewoks serve one purpose
16:43.32Saint-Ncheap renewable glove liner
16:43.33LopeppeppyMy cat is so drunk she can't groom herself without falling off the chair.  Priceless.
16:44.16Cidedid you add some vodka to the water again?
16:47.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Coldfury (
16:47.58Intangirhey folks
16:49.14Intangirimaging your a complete PvP junky, thats all you do, you have pretty damn good gear, and your doing AB with this guild doing premades for 3 nights, you get #1 score every game but 2. then the 4th night, a new guy running the premade tells you you have guard duty. what do you do ;)
16:49.26Intangirimagine rather..
16:49.41Cideyou guard?
16:50.11Cideif it makes your epeen larger, go for the rambo, I guess
16:50.21IntangirEXACTLY :)
16:50.29LopeppeppyCide: Worse, I refreshed the catnip in the destructo-toy.
16:51.20malrethyou follow orders, soldier
16:51.23malrethget in line
16:51.34malrethor it's peeling potatoes for you
16:51.37*** part/#wowi-lounge Bela|work (n=sluster@
16:51.49LopeppeppyHmm... I do need something for dinner tonight.
16:52.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladon1 (n=0ctavius@
16:53.01Lunessa i lawled
16:54.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Hjalte (
16:54.30malrethas a psych major, i applaud the movie "Teeth"
16:55.12malrethoh... i didn't know it was filmed here in Austin...
16:55.39LunessaI smell a road trip for a movie weekend...
16:55.51Intangirwhats teeth?
16:57.03Intangiris it safe for work?
16:57.09Fisker-hai cockwheel
16:57.11Fisker-grats with mvp
16:57.26malrethit's work safe
16:57.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Bela|work (n=sluster@
16:57.40malreththere's screaming in the trailer
16:57.46cogwheelwork safe to look at... probably shouldn't go doing speech-to-text though :P
16:57.50LopeppeppyOMG, that's funny.  So many vampire short stories are on this theme.
16:58.28*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
16:58.49Intangirwtf is that!
16:59.19LopeppeppyFunny, that's what that is.
16:59.21Intangiromg that is the most bizzare movie description i have ever seen
16:59.22malreth~wiki sigmund freud
16:59.52LunessaAny one else read Julienne May's Paleocene Exile series?
16:59.53Intangir!c us mug'thol intangir
16:59.56ThraeBotIntangir: Intangir, Level 70 Undead Rogue: armory cache miss. Play more, nubstick! (Incomplete data. Character may be awaiting refresh on Armoury.) [[ TBR: ? ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Mon Jan  7 12:05:40 2008 EST ]]
17:00.38Saint-Nab and av would be so much more fun if you could "defect
17:01.03Saint-Njust start killing those lippy "generals"
17:01.18Intangiri really want an FFA BG
17:01.22Saint-Nhell if it gave honour i'd sit in the cave and kill afkers ;P
17:01.23Intangiror like last man standing
17:01.26Intangiror something unique
17:01.49Intangiror a 4 way BG
17:02.19Saint-Nwasnt hyjal supposed to be some big ol crossfaction raid thing?
17:02.52LopeppeppyJulienne May sounds like a familiar author, but so many books are packed in boxes that I can't swear to it.
17:03.08Saint-NDear Blizzard: For WoTLK think you could add in some way for me to leagally hunt down and kill memebrs of my own faction? Thanks!
17:03.25foxlit"Inactive" should mark you as PvP-FFA
17:03.38Saint-NDistracting shot is fun and all, but it gets boring
17:04.25LopeppeppyDear Saint-N.  We'd be happy to include a way for you to gank your friends as freely as your enemies!  We've introduced a new faction, TKFT.  You may /join TKFT at any time to flag yourself as a Free For All PvP target.  Spread the word to your friends, and when they join, gank to your heart's content!  Sincerely, Blizzard
17:05.00LunessaLopeppeppy: The Non-Born King, etc.
17:05.14Saint-Nshouldnt it be TKYFF ?
17:05.22*** join/#wowi-lounge soufron (
17:05.26Saint-NThe Kill Your Faction Faction ?
17:05.54LopeppeppyStill not ringing a bell, Luness, although the author does.  Too many books, too little time in my world.
17:06.08LopeppeppyTeam Killing F**ktards, Saint-N.
17:08.11*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work_ (n=chatzill@
17:11.22LopeppeppyCould not load, Saint-N.
17:11.55LopeppeppyNo, one of my faults is telling the truth.
17:12.25*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (
17:12.27Saint-Ntry that one
17:12.30Saint-Nsame thing
17:13.36LopeppeppyI would do that, Saint-N.
17:13.48LopeppeppyI'm a heartbeat from doing something like it, even.  *grin*
17:15.13*** join/#wowi-lounge frid (n=Fridgid@
17:21.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
17:24.21Lunessa*chuckles at Lopeppeppy*  I'm sure you'd have plenty of offers.
17:27.04Saint-Nyeah but most of those are of the ltr sort ;P
17:28.55Saint-Nlong term
17:29.07Saint-Ni missed the NT on are
17:31.03LopeppeppyAh, yes.  I'm a settled kind of gnome, I'm not looking to move into the pound or foster care.  :P
17:33.57Lunessahaha... "Puppy dog eyes"  Won't you adopt a Lopeppeppy today?
17:34.43LopeppeppyI'm even housebroken!
17:36.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
17:36.32LunessaSuch a deal.  Had her shots and everything.
17:41.06LopeppeppyUm... ascairt of needles?
17:41.16LopeppeppyHow about, "will not bite, so you shoudn't get rabies".
17:41.46Saint-Nand i read that nice typo as ascariot ;P
17:42.00Saint-Npeppy is a Judas of needles!
17:42.09LopeppeppyUm.... okie dokie weirdling.
17:42.15zenzelezzI remain unconvinced that peppy doesn't bite
17:42.24zenzelezzmaybe not with bad intentions
17:42.59Saint-Nor without special request ;P
17:43.36Lunessano biting reduces the number of willing adoptors.
17:44.08zenzelezzwhy is it that everything I say is interpreted as bad?
17:44.34LopeppeppyOh... um, how about training classes after adoption then?   A lot people need to do that with their pound-puppies.
17:45.25Shirik|AFKWhat is "arena netherdrake" ?
17:45.39*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Shirik] by ChanServ
17:45.40zenzelezzPvP reward
17:45.53zenzelezzx% best rated people
17:45.59zenzelezz(I think)
17:46.05Shirikat the end of the season?
17:46.09LopeppeppyShows that you're totally uber in a flying-mount sorta way.
17:46.21zenzelezzthink the model is an armored netherdrake
17:46.28Shirikx% best on the battlegroup or all servers?
17:46.43zenzelezznot sure. Realm or battlegroup I think
17:46.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
17:46.51*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
17:46.55Shirikdoubt it's the realm
17:46.58Shirikmine's tiny I would have seen one
17:47.06ShirikI know 90% of the people
17:47.07Endit's battlegroup
17:49.01Endand it's only 0.5% I believe
17:49.07zenzelezzyou should've been on EU as season one ended
17:49.20zenzelezzhuge mess up with the drakes, tons of people who shouldn't have them got one
17:49.53Endthere was a mess up on US too, but not -quite- as bad, and in the opposite direction
17:50.06Endwhich is less messy to fix, since at least you are removing them :P
17:50.13LopeppeppyI do remember that, ugh was General horrible for a while.
17:50.30Ender, since you aren't I mean
17:51.05Endah yes, found the percentages
17:51.06End1. Gladiator (Top 0.5%)
17:51.06End2. Duelist (Top 0.5% - 3%)
17:51.06End3. Rival (Top 3% - 10%)
17:51.06End4. Challenger (Top 10 - 35%)
17:51.58*** join/#wowi-lounge fridgid (n=Fridgid@
17:52.16LunessaGeneral is always horrible.
17:52.30ScytheBlade1Not always
17:53.13ScytheBlade1You occasionally get gems like this:
17:53.39LunessaWell, it does occasionally afford me the opportunity to land a zinger...
17:54.37ScytheBlade1PTRs are down for good
17:54.49ScytheBlade1And bam, first four threads on the PTR forums contain "PTR"
17:54.53Enddown foreeever?!
17:54.57Endand evvverrrr!
17:55.02LopeppeppyI tune out of General channels completely, to conserve sanity points in the great Lovecraftian game of life.
17:55.49cogwheelGeneral amuses me less now that I can't be an asshat...
17:56.04Industrialwhy cant you be an asshat
17:56.17LopeppeppyGreen dinosaur ++
17:56.18EndYour asshattiness was probably within acceptable levels :P
17:56.32ScytheBlade1I look at it this way
17:56.34Endunless they said "you can be green, but be less asshat, kthx"
17:56.41ScytheBlade1They liked your trolling enough to make you green
17:56.46cogwheelEnd: in a sense they did...
17:56.51ScytheBlade1Why disappoint by lowering the frequency of your trolling?!
17:56.58LunessaI don't think they would ever make me green.  I'm a major asshat.
17:57.04cogwheeli had to "sign" an agreement that including posting guidelines :P
17:57.14Endok then :P
17:57.20ScytheBlade1Not that I'm surprised, but, still
17:57.39LopeppeppyI even promised not to be an asshat, it was a world record day.
17:58.00Industrialhow long did you last?
17:58.06Industrialone day?
17:58.13ScytheBlade1cogwheel: this just means you need a second account
17:58.20LunessaActually, not only am I an asshat, but I'm wrong about 20% of the time and my code isn't elegant.
17:58.21Endhmm, tomorrow is tuesday?
17:58.29EndI guess we'll probably see 2.3.2 tomorrow
17:58.34ScytheBlade1I sure hope
17:58.37ScytheBlade1WTB ICEBLOCK.
17:58.47Endthat's going to be interesting, at least
17:59.01LopeppeppyWhee-fun.  I look forward to everyone having panic attacks.
17:59.05ScytheBlade1I might be 57 points deep into fire ("standard" is 48)
17:59.12ScytheBlade1I might really want a free Ice Block
17:59.19LopeppeppyAnd trying to download the patch if I'm blocked.  Hmm.
18:00.16LopeppeppyIt seems that only one of the computers in the network can download successfully from Bliz, the other gets all blocked by firewall issues.  I usually just go all FilePlanet and be done.
18:00.41ScytheBlade1Eh I'll mirror the patch on my webserver, if you care
18:00.46LunessaPort Forwarding FTW
18:01.01ScytheBlade1I will regardless, but just fyi
18:01.25LopeppeppyAll my ports are properly forwarded, I think it's from the IP, honestly.  Packet dropping tricks.
18:01.46Lunessapacket shaping since it's a torrent.
18:02.23LopeppeppyThey shapes, they drops, they puts them in a bukkit where I can't have 'em.  *le sigh*
18:02.36Lunessamy packets, you haz them
18:02.58LopeppeppyGifs dem bak.
18:03.04*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
18:04.28cogwheel--> print(strsplit)
18:04.28batbotcogwheel: nil
18:04.33LunessaSo cog, I think I've finally discovered a real use (for me) of MacroSequence.  I'm going to make up "use the right potion/stone/food/drink" macros for my hotkeys.
18:04.49cogwheelbatrick: batbot uses standard Lua distro?
18:04.53LunessaBah... You need a str to split
18:05.08cogwheelLunessa: sure, if i was interested in a result ;)
18:05.25sysragethe right potion as in like the TK only pots if you're in TK?
18:06.08Lunessasys, like do I have those, do I have certain foods, etc.
18:06.27LunessaI like autobar for that, but it got to be too much really.
18:06.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (
18:06.51sysragei didn't think it was possible with a macro. i'd love that. tired of swappin up my potion hotbars
18:06.59cogwheel--> print(wow)
18:07.00batbotcogwheel: nil
18:07.35cogwheelCide: clad|away: I updated lua511wow this morning with a couple fixes to the trig functions
18:08.20Lunessasys, Cog wrote an AddOn that might let me make what I'm looking for.
18:08.55cogwheelwouldn't autobar work for that?
18:08.57*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
18:10.08*** join/#wowi-lounge malikeye|work (n=malikeye@
18:10.10*** join/#wowi-lounge roppin (
18:11.05LopeppeppyI'm still pretty deeply in love with Autobar myself.
18:12.20kd3hm... odds just jumped that we're finally getting 2.3.2 tomorrow
18:12.29ScytheBlade1wtb iceblock
18:12.47LopeppeppyMight be time to dust off the mageling.
18:12.50sysragewtb muh free personal bloodlust
18:12.51ScytheBlade1I'm 57 points fire... it'll be fun. :)
18:13.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
18:13.02*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
18:13.04kd3heh. I'm still 10/48/3
18:13.07LunessaAutobar does.  But I'm looking to have a keybound button and not load autobar.
18:13.29ScytheBlade1Honestly? Clearcasting, while nice, won't solve your mana issues... only a shadow priest can (in PvE raids)
18:13.34LunessaI dumped Autobar because it was actually slowing me down in terms of reaction time.
18:13.35LopeppeppyButton, button, who's got the button....
18:13.40ScytheBlade1So I just ditched it, invested the points in fire, and now I love my mage
18:13.51ScytheBlade1(Stunlocking a rogue from range? Yes please)
18:13.54ScytheBlade1(He was pissed)
18:14.11Shirikclad|away: When you get back, this is what I was talking about earlier (the paper on 2ROT13)
18:14.17cogwheelLunessa: oh... you want one key that does a sequence of fallthrough macros?
18:14.32LunessaActually, I want three.
18:14.44ShirikScytheBlade1: You don't give clearcasting enough credit
18:14.56EndBecause rot13 twice is twice the security!
18:15.06ShirikIt can get you a lot of mana back, don't just look at the mana you didn't spend
18:15.20ShirikIf you use it correctly you can get a ton of mana back due to the 5SR
18:15.30ScytheBlade1Shirik: do too... on a Leotheras run, if I had clearcasting, it would have restored ~2.4k mana
18:15.38Lunessaso yes cogwheel it's like using a bazooka to kill a flea, but it's a use I'm willing to make of it.
18:15.49ScytheBlade1I actually did a LOT of the math on this for a guildie who called me on it
18:16.11Shirikthat's... not good?
18:16.27ScytheBlade1Considering I spent over 40k mana, no, it isn't
18:16.41ScytheBlade1It's roughly equal to a single mana gem
18:17.10kd3wtb 3x mana emerald
18:17.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (n=jk275@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
18:17.13LopeppeppyKilling fleas is very important.
18:17.18Shirikwait wait hold up
18:17.26Shirikwhat class are we talking about here
18:17.37Shiriknever mind
18:17.44ShirikI'm thinking priests
18:17.51ScytheBlade1Wouldn't know
18:17.57LunessaI <3 the 'clearcasting' talent for priests.
18:18.02Shirikit's awesome
18:18.29ScytheBlade1I ran the math on a mage... I'm going to have mana problems in PvE with or without clearcasting. I'm not going to have mana problems in PvE given a shadow priest, again, with or without clearcasting.
18:18.30*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop (
18:18.36ScytheBlade1So why am I spending 10 talents points... exactly?
18:18.49|Jelly|LaptopCause you want to.
18:18.53ScytheBlade1I agree
18:19.31ShirikWe actually do tend to give the mages a shadow priest
18:19.37LopeppeppyEmo weekends suck, darlin'.  Take an extra.  *hug*
18:19.46Shiriknot the healers
18:19.52ScytheBlade1If you don't, they'll be sucking mana for the last 40% of the fight
18:20.07ScytheBlade1Healers have regen, mages largely don'e
18:20.08cogwheel|Jelly|Laptop: were you without electricity for 36 hours?
18:20.22ScytheBlade1We have the most out of the other DPS casters, but, it still pales in comparison
18:20.23|Jelly|LaptopNo, I took a trip
18:20.34|Jelly|LaptopWhich, you know, ended up with me driving home, alone.
18:20.43LopeppeppyAwww.  Dum wimmins.
18:21.25Endwho needs mana regen anyways!? *life tap*
18:21.25Shirik~glomp |Jelly|Laptop
18:21.26purlACTION becomes fully animated as her eyes squint in an upside-down-U formation, gets a running start and tackle-glomps |Jelly|Laptop
18:21.31ScytheBlade1End: die die die die die
18:21.42Shirikuh |Jelly|Laptop is this the trip I'm thinking of?
18:21.43Endsiphon life more than takes care of it :P
18:21.49roppinCould anyone recomend a minimap skin? with nice looks toit
18:21.55|Jelly|LaptopProbably not
18:22.03Shirikhm ok
18:22.04Endalthough, it doesn't get to, since I get healed really quickly :o
18:22.07LunessaSorry |Jelly|Laptop - I should have gone to drink beer with you.
18:22.14|Jelly|LaptopI needed it.
18:22.32|Jelly|LaptopLets just say it was SUPER JEALOUSY MODE all weekend, if you know what I mean (which only Lunessa does). lol
18:22.38laindirEnd: yeah, the math on full affl is /crazy/ :)
18:23.03Endnot to mention I have dark pact before I even life tap :P
18:23.13LunessaYou should have grabbed my cell number of facebook.
18:23.24ShirikEnd: Most healers aren't watching close enough to know the difference between a life tap and actual damage
18:23.24|Jelly|LaptopYeah. I should have. :(
18:23.29LunessaHell, you could have crashed at my place, drank beer and shots and played wow.
18:23.30|Jelly|LaptopI didn't even think of that.
18:23.50LopeppeppyShots with a friend makes things look better.  Grab phone number now, for future reference!
18:24.03|Jelly|LaptopWell, it seems I'll be going back sometime.
18:24.11laindirShirik: and there're some who just don't care, some fights where it's handy though, like gruul
18:24.15|Jelly|LaptopSo I'll definitely have it then. lol
18:24.23Endsome fights I think our healers are just bored
18:24.34Shiriklike gruul?
18:24.40Endwe don't do gruul anymore
18:24.42ScytheBlade1End: lol - "let's heal the warlock!" "okay!"
18:24.45ShirikI'm bored in gruul :P
18:24.54|Jelly|Laptopme too but i still like the fight
18:24.56Beladonagotta give up raids as you progress
18:25.00EndScytheBlade1: that's when they wanna spam huge heals 8-)
18:25.05Beladonawe gave up gruul, kara, and mag
18:25.11ScytheBlade1End: I know, it makes mages (me) jealous :(
18:25.18ShirikI used to use like 3 mana pots per attempt on gruul
18:25.21Shiriknow I don't use any
18:25.30laindirI honestly don't know what my guild's raiding any more... I haven't really been on in weeks
18:25.31ScytheBlade1Heh, same
18:25.34Lunessa|Jelly|Laptop: It's only an hour across town to the place.  *bonk*  I could have made it out there fast.
18:25.35Beladonabut playing as a healer, I can speak for it. It does get boring sometimes
18:25.43EndI -used- to play a healer
18:25.44Beladonajust feels so easy
18:25.54EndI found it fun when we were progressing
18:25.59|Jelly|LaptopMight have been nice considering I spent the night with her boyfriend and all his friends. Quite awkward.
18:26.06Endbut as soon as it becomes "on farm", it bored me to tears
18:26.08Beladonawell, minus some encounters where things can get messy
18:26.15laindirShirikm: shaman have it made on gruul because hateful strike procs water shield
18:26.25laindir*shirik >.<
18:26.32Shirikwhy the hell are your shamans getting hit by hateful strike
18:26.39Endgood question o_O
18:26.42Endor do you mean shatter?
18:26.48laindirwe're not... but it procs the shield on everyone in the raid no matter who it hits
18:26.56Beladonait might be a bug
18:27.02Beladonabut I am not reporting it....
18:27.19Endhateful strike was always been a goofy ability
18:27.23Beladonathere are other encoutners too like that
18:27.34Beladonawhere you take almost no dmg, but an aura still procs your shield
18:27.37laindirit will also break furbolg form on people using dartol's rod of transformation, that's how I first figured it out
18:27.38kd3gruul's just a buggy fight
18:27.46Lunessamalreth: BRILLIANT
18:27.55Endyeah, it is
18:29.28ScytheBlade1Heh. I'm sure everyone here has seen "How Juggernaut Learned Naxxramas" (picture)
18:29.44ScytheBlade1That guild is currently raiding Black Temple (cleared it months ago) and... Gruul
18:30.10ScytheBlade1No Hyjal, no T5 instances, no T4 instances... except for Gruul.
18:30.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Godzmack (
18:31.08ScytheBlade1 <-- it's just funny to read that they raid only BT and Gruul..
18:31.18malrethmy link is better
18:31.25malrethit'll make you sick
18:31.55ScytheBlade1Except that it's "must see videos" which means flash videos
18:32.06ScytheBlade1And I lack a flash player, so, I don't even click those links anymore
18:33.03malrethWhat's Gruul?
18:33.13malrethIs that like a Ghostbusters thing?
18:33.44foxlitMaulgar > Gruul, tbh
18:33.48foxlitI get to tank something!
18:33.55kd3magetank <3
18:34.02purlmalreth is always right
18:34.06LopeppeppyGruul wasn't so bad once people learned to frellin' duck and bandage
18:34.09ScytheBlade1I liked tanking it, then it got old
18:34.10laindirfoxlit: indeed... Maulgar's Lair ftw
18:34.23foxlitDruid tanking, np!
18:34.50Endnormal druid tank? or moonkin tanking shaman? :P
18:34.57foxlitMoonkin tanking shaman :P
18:35.09foxlitI tank all sorts of crap, but not for very long :)
18:35.09Endwe used to have a druid do that, but then he had to go resto :(
18:35.22EndI made fun of him for being a fatty chicken
18:35.29Endbut now he's a ...barky tree
18:35.31foxlit[Doomfried turkey]
18:35.39zenzelezzGruul is annoying when you're in T5... have to stand in the cave in to get enough rage to stay second on threat
18:35.53EndI'd imagine
18:35.57foxlitMan up and don't wear any pants
18:36.09zenzelezzI never wear pants while raiding
18:36.12zenzelezztoo much excitement
18:36.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Pandya (
18:36.24Shirik|AFKLopeppeppy: Kinda like lurker
18:36.38Shirik|AFKlike seriously I don't know what's so hard about ducking down when blue beam of death comes towards you
18:36.47EndI like lurker, if merely if it's because I don't have to worry about threat :P
18:36.49foxlitWe had our first post-holiday raid yesterday
18:36.57foxlitPAIN and AGONY
18:37.11LopeppeppyI'm not looking forward to my first post-holiday raid either.
18:37.11laindirend: reminds me of the days of MC :)
18:37.28foxlitThat's how sad it was
18:37.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
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18:38.00Shirik|AFKa druid beat out the warlocks
18:38.21ScytheBlade1I can show you something borderline worse
18:38.24ScytheBlade1(Once I find the pic)
18:38.24zenzelezzferal tank?
18:38.32foxlitAl'ar actually enraged
18:38.44zenzelezzI didn't know that was possible
18:38.45foxlitWe killed him anyway, but, dammit, we didn't trip the 10m timer even on the first clear
18:38.57ScytheBlade1#2 = feral druid, note the fight
18:39.00foxlitNo, moonkin
18:39.23Shirik|AFKthose dps numbers are barely high enough for gruul :P
18:39.53foxlitShirik: there aren't really any special dps buffs involved
18:39.59EndScytheBlade1: o_O
18:40.05foxlitAnd dps is probably low simply because people ran out of mana :)
18:40.07ScytheBlade1End: I wasn't in on that fight ;P
18:40.09LukianScytheBlade1, please check the 'colour by class' box.
18:40.10Shirik|AFKah fair enough
18:40.16foxlitScytheBlade1: are groups horizontal or vertical on that grid?
18:40.42LopeppeppyI really need to bite the bullet and try grid one of these days.  *sigh*
18:40.48kd3grid <3
18:40.50Saint-Ndont do it peppy!
18:40.59ScytheBlade1Even on my *mage* I have grid
18:41.01Saint-Nits a trap set by "tha man!"
18:41.02ScytheBlade1It's nice to have
18:41.04foxlitScythe: wow, groups smell of fail, then :)
18:41.10Saint-Nperfectraid is all you need
18:41.15ScytheBlade1foxlit: horrible fail
18:41.24foxlitIt's qq-where's-my-caster-support fail
18:41.33LopeppeppyI use PerfectRaid right now, but I want to be able to understand Grid and advise my pallies who use it.
18:41.42ScytheBlade1foxlit: and a FERAL DRUID on LURKER pulled #2 DPS
18:41.43Shirik|AFKLopeppeppy: Don't do it!
18:41.46kd3hm... wine doesn't like having wow data on XFS... flew in to shat from SMV and wow just ground to a halt waiting for textures to load
18:41.57Shirik|AFKTell your pallies to stop being nubs
18:42.34Endyeah, lurker is so bad for melee
18:42.39foxlitScytheBlade1: feral druids are competitive, tbh
18:42.39LopeppeppyI do, Shirik, all the time.  But if I can't have intelligent conversations with them, I'm the nub.  :)
18:42.41ScytheBlade1AND A FERAL DRUID DID #2
18:42.42Endgg whirl or whatever it's alled
18:42.48foxlitEspecially on some of the more caster-hating fights
18:42.59Endand ranged can't pull aggro
18:43.06foxlitFor comparison,
18:43.08Endunless there is noone in melee like ragnaros :P
18:43.14foxlitThat's on a reasonable day with consumables
18:44.05LopeppeppyI'm sure my raid group would also make people ROFL.
18:44.29Shirik|AFKoh man
18:44.35Shirik|AFKI need to go get something to eat bad, I keep misreading words
18:44.41Shirik|AFKthat's not a good sign. I'll be back.
18:44.47ScytheBlade1That sounds good
18:44.50ScytheBlade1mmm food
18:45.55Endhmm, my guild isn't embarrassing I guess, although we do have the few people we tend to have who suck but we have raid slots to fill
18:47.30Saint-Ni just cant bring myself to raid
18:47.41Saint-Ni cant stand the mentality of guild applications
18:47.55Saint-Nand the normal "non fun" associated with it
18:48.04LopeppeppyI'm finding it hard to stand the mentality of my raiding group as well.  Non-fun is starting to happen a lot more often lately.
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18:48.44Endwe have our fair share of bad raids, but enough of them are fun for me to keep going
18:48.53Saint-Ni mean ive dopne pug runs in kara that were insanely fun
18:48.58*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
18:49.02LopeppeppyIt's not the raids that are notfun, it's the people, honestly.
18:49.16Saint-Nand guilded runs that were so horribly strict and whyiny it made me hearth
18:49.16Endthat makes a world of difference I think
18:49.31*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop_ (
18:49.31Lopeppeppy"I didn't get a spot", "why don't I get to go", "why don't I get loot"... whiners.
18:49.50Endwe don't have many whiners thankfully :)
18:49.57Endand the ones we have, take it to tells
18:50.19LopeppeppyOurs take it to the forums.  And sadly, it's the officers who are the whiners at this point.
18:50.20foxlitWe had the opposite problem. People don't really want to do TK :P
18:50.21LunessaLopeppeppy: Come raid with me. :)   I need rogues and you can be an indian instead of a chief. :P
18:50.23Saint-Ni mean when you wipe the reaction should be "hahahah that was awesome" or "oops" not "holy fuck you guys pay attention" blah blah blah
18:50.30Endoh, that's bad, Lopeppeppy
18:51.05Endand yeah, incompetent morons are our only problem :-/
18:51.10LopeppeppySometimes we giggle at wipes, sometimes it's a "get your heads out of your butts, we know this fight".. a good mix.  But when officers are all whiny about who gets vortexes in what order, and whether they get to attend every single raid or not... ugh.
18:51.20Endthey're great people, as people, but they just have no idea what they're doing :(
18:51.31ScytheBlade1Our feral tank can pull a whopping 400TPS on Tidewalker.
18:51.45*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop_ (
18:51.46ScytheBlade1Our healers have been known to go for 5, 10 seconds without healing the tank.
18:52.33LopeppeppyWe've only taken Tidewalker a couple of times, I don't think our druids can stand up that long just yet.
18:52.43Saint-N"hey art we need you to swap outta shadow and offheal" "hey raidleader see the glow? i didnt practice gheal, if my ve isnt good enough perhaps you're confused as to what shadow priests do" ;)
18:53.23ScytheBlade1I'm pretty sure that exactly two people in my guild know how threat actually works
18:53.36ScytheBlade1Mostly because I'm whined at the second I hit 100% of the tank's threat
18:53.38Saint-Ni have a macro thats /r Sorry no can do I glow black
18:53.54LunessaLopeppeppy: You're further advanced than my lowly guild, but... you know, we'd take you. :)
18:54.00ScytheBlade1Even the tanks don't know how threat works exactly :/
18:54.05Saint-Nactually i got really good at watching my threat
18:54.21Saint-Nbased mainly on mc runs and the game of "leggo my aggro" ;)
18:54.38LopeppeppyAwww.... Lunessa, if I have to transfer servers because of the dipstick, I'll give you first dibs, how's that?
18:54.54LopeppeppyUm... where would I be going?  *laugh*
18:55.01LunessaKirin Tor, Us.
18:55.07malrethyou can raid with us, too...
18:55.21malrethyou can just switch servers every few months
18:55.43EndI don't think you can raid with my guild, since I'm pretty sure you're a gnome :P
18:55.47LopeppeppyI think I even have characters already on Kirin Tor.  Neat.
18:55.55ScytheBlade1 <-- cookies to anyone who reads that in full.
18:56.08LunessaYou should hit me up for an invite.
18:56.48EndScytheBlade1: are there any periods in that last paragraph?
18:56.53ScytheBlade1End: I doubt it
18:56.55Endoh, I see one!
18:56.58Endat the ver end
18:56.59kd3ahaha, op. my router resets itself and I'm fighting a mob with 3k hp left, fireball's queued up to go off in a second. log back in and it's dead and I've still got >50% HP
18:57.06foxlitSafari = <3
18:57.07ScytheBlade1That's one up on his normal
18:57.29foxlitkd3: fire armor?
18:57.41Endthere's 3 periods in that last paragraph
18:58.12Endyea, I'm not reading that, but I can analyze it!
18:59.39Saint-Ni read up to "2"
19:00.24ScytheBlade1Anyone who reads that... free points
19:01.52ScytheBlade1He talks like that too
19:01.54kd3egah. 20-slot bags still haven't come down in price. 400g
19:02.53Endthat's what my mage alt was for :P
19:03.11Endtook me a while, but it was cheap that way :P
19:03.50Endwhen ZA came out, and I got the "free" 20 slot bag, all I could do was replace an 18 slot bag in my bag :P
19:04.40LopeppeppyYeah... I still don't know what to do with my soulbound "extra" 18.
19:04.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
19:05.15kd3meh, I had all 18s on me at 60. my bank's finally got all 18s now. still haven't run ZA to get the free 20 yet
19:05.35Endmy druid had all 18 slotters at 60, ..and he really needed it
19:05.38LopeppeppyI did it on somone's cleared lockout.  *blush*
19:08.08ScytheBlade1bleeter: ping, random question... how would you run two copies of WoW with wine? (same user account...)
19:08.44kd3you could probably run them in two different virt desktops... I've never really tried
19:09.02ScytheBlade1Whenever I pop up another wine app, it appears behind my WoW.
19:09.12*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work_ (n=chatzill@
19:09.20ScytheBlade1ie, if I start winecfg, I can't access it until I close WoW
19:11.13kd3I don't think it can be done. I've got 2 different wow instances running in different vdesktops and they both keep writing over each other's buffer
19:11.35ScytheBlade1That makes it painful
19:12.04kd3yes. epilepsy comes to mind just looking at this
19:12.08kd3wineserver -k
19:12.56ScytheBlade1Well my other option is a second user, and hardlink WoW into that user's home
19:13.01ScytheBlade1su to the user and run wine there
19:13.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
19:13.47kd3I <3 wine's virtual desktop trickery
19:13.48ScytheBlade1I see
19:13.55ScytheBlade1I didn't know of the /desktop switch
19:14.05ScytheBlade1I thought you meant, say, KDE's "virtual desktops"
19:14.18ScytheBlade1Hence the confusion
19:14.22kd3I could probably try that too, but it'd most likely be the same result
19:14.25ScytheBlade1What video card do you have?
19:14.29ScytheBlade1Yeah that really wouldn't matter
19:14.42ScytheBlade1Bah, I'd probably have less luck then
19:15.13kd3wonder if I could do it in dx mode instead of opengl...
19:15.13Saint-Nbecause you suck?
19:15.22ScytheBlade1(7600GT, dual widescreen monitors)
19:15.59kd3ya, d3d mode is even worse. no 3D rendering at all
19:17.30ScytheBlade1Looking like a second computer then
19:21.23kergothis there an event when the user changes whether a pet spell is autocasting?
19:27.46*** join/#wowi-lounge NightHawkTheSane (
19:32.34laindirkergoth: if you have a mod to catch events, I'd try watching START_AUTOREPEAT_SPELL and STOP_AUTOREPEAT_SPELL, wowwiki doesn't have information on the arguments, but they're my best guess
19:33.30kergothah, sounds promising
19:43.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
19:46.43Saint-Nneato, ordered a turky bacon cheese sammich and got a tuna melt
19:47.03Saint-Nwhich oddly enough i was actually in the mood for instead
19:47.43LunessaRemind me not to order from that place.  'cause like, I want them to make what I order not what they think my mood is..
19:48.06Saint-Nchances are i got someone elses order by mistake
19:48.16Saint-Nwhich is a habit from this particular cosi
19:49.01LunessaI wonder if he's on IRC relating the story of getting the wrong/right sammich
19:49.42malrethWTF! I ordered a frakkin tuna melt!!! what is this shit?!
19:50.37Thunder_Childwhat exactly is a frakkin tuna melt?
19:50.46malrethtake tuna
19:50.49malrethput it on bread
19:50.51Thunder_Childuh huh
19:50.53malrethadd cheese
19:51.01malrethadd more bread
19:51.11Thunder_Childok...but where does the frakkin come in?
19:51.20malreth~wiki frak
19:51.46malrethit's like...
19:51.50malreth~wiki frell
19:51.58Thunder_Childheh, frell
19:52.05*** join/#wowi-lounge phetips (n=phetips@Tokra.Hackers.NL)
19:52.05Thunder_Childfarscape ftw
19:52.14LopeppeppyFrell is for fun.  *grin*
19:52.39malrethsorry... i only watch *real* sci-fi so it's "frak" for me
19:52.49LopeppeppyFrell!  Frak!  Shizzle!
19:53.06Thunder_ChildBattlestar Galactica sucks ass
19:53.11Thunder_Childwell the new one anyway
19:53.47malrethNO U!
19:55.58cogwheel/agree malreth
19:56.56Lunessa90210 in space with guns
19:57.08Thunder_Childdrama ftl
19:57.36malrethfor me, it's the newtonian physics space battles
19:57.51LunessaI mean, I really don't care who is schtupping whom.  I want space ships, turbo lasers, and cyclons that look like felling cylons.
19:58.12malrethfinally... not since B5 do i get to watch ships soaring around in space that don't look like they're flying in an atmosphere
19:58.16*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
19:58.56malrethalthough, they still seem to have the "constant acceleration = constant velocity" thing with the engines always firing
19:59.07malrethbut i guess you have to overcome space friction somehow
20:00.00Lunessahardly anyone ever gets that right.  And you don't "dodge" lightspped weapons.
20:00.01malrethbut still... the battles with vipers slewing sideways and flipping in 6-degrees of freedom is a refreshing change
20:00.59malreththat and the atmospheric FTL jump in Exodus Pt. 2 was a total geekgasm
20:01.31malreththe only good thing to happen in that season, i suppose...
20:02.17phetipswhen did i join #geektopia
20:02.32Saint-Nthe second you clicked "save" on an irc client
20:02.35kd3when you typed "/join #wowi-lounge"
20:02.37phetipsi use irssi =.=
20:02.54Saint-Noh then for you it was a much longer time ago
20:03.02Lunessayou're on the inter tubes.  that makes it geektopia
20:03.11phetipsdon't get me wrong
20:03.13Saint-Nim gonna bet it started with "no way the vic-20 had way more games than the commadore 64"
20:03.15phetipsi'm a geek myself
20:03.18malreth...said in a channel dedicated to addon developers for a video game
20:03.29Esamynn|Worknuf said
20:03.46Saint-Nthunder doesnt hang out here to develop addons
20:03.52Saint-Nhe's here to provide boobs
20:03.56phetipsi'm a coder/hacker looking to get into addon dev.
20:04.04phetipsyes calling yourself a hacker is cocky
20:04.12malrethLopeppeppy provides us with those, Saint-N
20:04.24Saint-Nshe actually signs off at night though
20:04.32Saint-Nwhich is just wierd if you ask me
20:04.35Lunessatc has moobs?
20:04.47Saint-Nnerds come in 2 styles
20:04.49Saint-Nuber thin
20:04.59Saint-Nand pushing maximum density
20:04.59phetipssshd + screen ftw :)
20:05.07ScytheBlade1Saint-N: I'm neither :(
20:05.15Saint-Nyou're fooling yourself then
20:05.31phetips> uptime 9:05PM  up 49 days, 10:21, 5 users, load averages: 0.00, 0.05, 0.05
20:05.34Lunessamalreth: you're not tubby.
20:05.44*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work__ (n=chatzill@
20:05.51malrethsorry... same as ScytheBlade1
20:05.58Saint-Nis malreth one of the 2 dimensional?
20:06.16malrethand i'm marrying an asian gamer chick
20:06.22phetipsso who in here actually writes addons?
20:06.34*** join/#wowi-lounge kamdis (n=405f8902@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
20:06.38Saint-Nmalreth: you married asia carrera?
20:06.40malrethphetips: i wrote like... one... maybe two
20:06.42ScytheBlade1Almost every single person in the channel.
20:06.51malrethoh wait... no... three!
20:07.03malrethmost of them even still work
20:07.11ScytheBlade1I should update mine
20:07.13ScytheBlade1... for 2.2
20:07.13phetipsanyone interested in fuzzing for vulnerabilities in the provided API functions :)?
20:07.29ScytheBlade1Interested? Always. But good luck with that.
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20:07.37malrethphetips: you should talk to Tem
20:07.37LunessaNo, I like getting to play Warry-C
20:08.12phetipsScytheBlade1: how's that?
20:08.13Saint-Nyou're fooling yourself we live in a dictatorship. i thought this was an autonomous collective, we take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week...
20:08.14phetipsmalreth: oh yeah?
20:08.50malrethoh yeah!
20:08.58Saint-Noh no!
20:09.11Saint-N"wow that is really annoying from the other side of the wall"
20:09.12malrethi'm glad cogwheel is gone
20:09.14malrethoh snap!
20:09.30Saint-Ncog hasd an xkcd devoted just to him
20:09.34ScytheBlade1phetips: If your goal is to crash WoW, that's trivial. If your goal is to do things like arbitrarily make people trade you their gold, while I won't go as far as saying that's impossible, your chances of doing so are essentially zero
20:09.48phetipsno more like
20:09.54malrethScytheBlade1: isn't that what the /split command is for?
20:09.57phetipsarbitrary code execution on a local host
20:10.09phetipsdifferent story
20:10.12phetipslike, someone loading your addon
20:10.14malretharbitrary code...
20:10.17cogwheelSaint-N: /chuckle
20:10.22phetipsand getting pwned
20:10.28Thunder_ChildLunessa, inter PIPES inter PIPES
20:10.36Saint-Ntubes TC
20:10.40Saint-Nintra tubes
20:11.10ScytheBlade1phetips: we kinda follow a simple idea here... if you install it, you trust it. If you want to keylog people, or wipe their MBR, if they're installing your addon you can do that without touching WoW.
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20:11.14Saint-Nits too bad there's so many balls on the intratubes
20:11.18Saint-Nthats why its always clogged
20:11.21Thunder_Childpipes, you say you have a fat pipe, not a fat tube
20:11.24phetipsScytheBlade1: i feel pretty confident saying that there are more than 1 buffer overflow that could be triggered through the addon API's
20:11.52Saint-Ntc, yeah but im not talking about the intranets when i talk about my "fat pipe"
20:12.14Thunder_Childthats because your not talking about a ral thing
20:12.19ScytheBlade1Bold statememnt. Also not my area of expertise. That said, again, if you want to break things via addons, you're forgetting that people already installed your addon
20:12.41Saint-Nand speaking of "pink velvet sausage wallet" is still the best name for the hoohoo
20:12.52phetipsScytheBlade1: that's not completely true. If I find a buffer overflow in a function provided by API
20:12.57Thunder_Childwe were not speaking of tha
20:13.03Thunder_Childin any shape or form
20:13.07phetipsand say, the WIM addon uses that function
20:13.16Saint-Nsorry did i gross you out? should we go back to the cock you love so dear?
20:13.20Lunessatc the size of my pipe has nothing to do with my tube.
20:13.22phetipsto parse whisper data or something like that
20:13.28phetipsi could remotely trigger that, in-game
20:13.33ScytheBlade1Then you're passing your exploit code in 255 byte packets to a sandboxed enviroment
20:13.35phetipsto execute arbitrary code on the target
20:13.36ScytheBlade1That'd be a heck of an exploit
20:13.40Esamynn|Workphetips: I'd date that wager
20:13.43Thunder_ChildLunessa, then your doing something wrong
20:13.50phetipsScytheBlade1: i love breaking out of sandboxes :)
20:14.00ScytheBlade1It's been done before in WoW, I won't lie
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20:14.26ScytheBlade1But (to my knowledge), a remotely exploitable hole in the API like the one you described has never been found
20:14.27phetipsEsamynn|Work: you'd date that wager?
20:14.34phetipsScytheBlade1: well
20:14.37Esamynn|WorkI correctd myself, but purl is being slow
20:14.37phetipsi take that as a challenge
20:15.21kd3the only hole in the sandbox I'm aware of is playing mp3s from a shoutcast stream
20:15.22phetipsi have exploited "unexploitable" vulnerabilities before
20:15.24kd3did they ever close that?
20:15.33malrethpurl won't correct it because you said "err" before the correction
20:15.39Esamynn|Workahh yes
20:15.42Esamynn|Workgood point
20:15.43ScytheBlade1kd3: that's the one I'm talking of.. and I thought they did
20:15.44phetipstakes some creativity, but that's just how i like it
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20:15.57sag_ich_nichtcould someone please file a bugreport for me on the Bugs forum?
20:16.00sag_ich_nichtfear moves you with normal run speed instead of swimspeed under water. that breaks underwater pvp mechanics.
20:16.23kd3got it, one sec
20:16.37sag_ich_nichtthis is probably a long standing bug
20:16.42sag_ich_nichtprobably since FOREVER
20:16.43ScytheBlade1I wish they would bring back sheep not breathing underwater
20:16.50ScytheBlade1That was incredible
20:17.26ScytheBlade1Hey look! A hordie hiding underwater!
20:17.44Intangirwhat do you mean
20:17.49Intangiroh... sheeping ;)
20:18.01Esamynn|Workwouldn't the dmg break the sheep before they drowned?
20:18.26ScytheBlade1This was back when sheep was 45s on players
20:18.32ScytheBlade1Sheep them underwater, keep them sheeped
20:20.02ScytheBlade1Bah, I was too slow in making a comment about the "forums 'going down'"
20:20.16kd3ScytheBlade1, ahahaha
20:20.24kd3that's going to be horrible if they actually pull that stunt
20:20.36ScytheBlade1kd3: chances are... somewhat decent!
20:21.09phetipshave any of the wow realms actually been hacked?
20:21.11phetipsi mean the servers
20:21.22Esamynn|Worknot to my knowledge
20:21.29ScytheBlade1The closest that has happened was a logic bug in the servers, related to arena teams
20:21.30phetipsthat'd be pretty phat loot to those gold sellers
20:21.37ScytheBlade1Which simply caused them to crash and instantly be rebooted
20:21.44phetipsi see
20:21.53phetipsbut yeah that's in-game
20:22.00phetipsare they running on *nix?
20:22.06ScytheBlade1That's the closest that I know of.
20:22.10ScytheBlade1To our knowledge, yes
20:22.11malreththey're running on Jesus Boxes
20:22.16malreththey run Jesus OS
20:22.16ScytheBlade1With Oracle RAC behind them
20:22.23malrethand if you try to hack them, you go to Hell
20:23.13sag_ich_nichtkd3: thanks
20:23.23Esamynn|Work~cheeseslap malreth
20:23.24purlACTION slaps malreth around with a piece of swiss
20:25.19Saint-Njesus was a prophet not an oracle
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20:26.03Saint-Nand all i wanna do its ding-a-ding-dong-my-dang-along-a-ling-long
20:26.19phetipsi'd love to give those tables a firm n sexy distributed rainbowtable crack :)
20:26.24Esamynn|Work~lart Saint-N
20:26.24purlpours gasoline all over Saint-N, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze
20:26.33purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
20:26.54Saint-Ni have my own action ;P
20:27.01malrethphetips: better get crackin... let us know what you find out
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20:28.01Saint-Nzen should go reg
20:28.26phetipsmalreth: hehe i don't actually have the tables yet ;)
20:28.40phetipsi was talking about the oracle DB connected to the WOW realms
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20:28.51phetipsScytheBlade1 mentioned them
20:28.54malrethyeah... have fun and let us know when you're done
20:28.58kd3wtf @ /.
20:29.06kd3"832 GB flash drive"
20:29.20Esamynn|Workphetips: we don't actually know for sure what DB system is behind wow (at least not to my knowledge)
20:29.36kd3though they've advertised oracle at
20:29.44ScytheBlade1They've advertised a LOT of Oracle
20:29.45phetipsallright well i'm gonna do some sniffing
20:29.48Esamynn|Workhave they?
20:30.00Esamynn|Workwell, I guess it's probably the one then ;)
20:30.06ScytheBlade1phetips: I would say good luck, but I can only put so much emphasis behind that
20:30.41[Liquidor]Hahaha watch this sane Experiment:
20:30.46LunessaI think he'll let us know when all his WoW accounts go poof.
20:30.54ScytheBlade1I can see that happening, yeah
20:30.56Esamynn|Workphetips: are you doing this with the intention of reporting any holes you find?
20:31.06phetipsi understand that mate :), but i'm not just some random player who's decided to "hack wow"
20:31.15phetipsLunessa: my account will be left out of it
20:31.26malrethless talk, more hack
20:31.32phetipsi agree
20:31.33ScytheBlade1phetips: no offense, but none of the other thousands who have invariably tried are "some random player who decided to 'hack wow'" either
20:31.59LunessaI am phetips and this is my NIGHT ELF MOHAWK!
20:32.06ScytheBlade1... buhahahahahaha
20:32.17phetipsi never claimed i am going to pull it off, i said i'm convinced that it's doable and that i'm giving it a try
20:32.38phetipsnight elf mohawk?
20:32.56Saint-Njust remember at your trial mention this chatroom and lunessa and scytheblade1 by name ;P
20:33.12kd3TV commercial with Mr. T. it's airing all over the place. saw it last night when I was eating out with my parents
20:33.20ScytheBlade1Saint-N: die
20:33.37LunessaMy Mr. T hacked the game and created a mohawk class.
20:33.41Saint-Ndie die die my darling, dont utter a single word
20:34.00ScytheBlade1What I would give for the ability to +q you about now. That'd be *perfect.*
20:34.13Saint-Nkd3: i missed the "with" when i skimmed yer message
20:34.24kd3joy! the first ep of season3 of one of my favorite anime series just showed up on share. /maxes out his pipe
20:34.35ScytheBlade1kd3: all 4kB/sec of it? :)
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20:34.51Saint-Nwhat series?
20:34.52kd3nah. about 3MB/s atm
20:34.59ScytheBlade1Okay, suddenly I hate you
20:35.16ScytheBlade1But apparently I hate a lot of people in this channel, so, I guess that's the norm?
20:35.33Saint-Nyou dont hate me
20:35.36Saint-Nyou love me!
20:35.38ScytheBlade1Saint-N: die
20:35.40Saint-Neveryone loves me!
20:35.41phetipskd3: you seen .hack sign?
20:35.42LunessaAww, you hate me.
20:36.07kd3I only liked the music. the plot was. "ooh. something happened. let's talk about it for 3 eps before something else happens and we can talk about it for another 3 eps"
20:36.20malrethkd3: so true!
20:36.27Saint-Nkd3: so its a perfect mimicry of a mmo?
20:36.32kd3more or less
20:36.46malrethyou are denied tickle fun
20:36.59kamdisI like the Verne Troyer WoW commercial much more than the Mr. T one.  (Sorry, I'm behind in chat.)
20:37.08Saint-Nhehe yeah
20:37.15ScytheBlade1kamdis: gnome mages FTW
20:37.18Saint-Nonly because he looks EXACTLY like his mage
20:37.27Cairennthe Mr T one is the best! Verne is second - the shanter one is just bleh
20:37.29kd3kamdis, so do I, to be honest, but I've rarely seen it on TV
20:37.35Saint-Ncept i bet his mage is taller ;)
20:37.39ScytheBlade1I actually really liked the Shatner one
20:37.43kamdiskd3, I've seen it a lot lately
20:37.44kd3it's been mainly Mr. T. saw the toyota ad earlier that night
20:37.50kamdismaybe you watch the "wrong" shows
20:37.51Lopeppeppy.... fool!
20:37.55kamdisOh yeah, that
20:37.57zenzelezzI found the Van Damme witty
20:38.01Saint-Nshatners would have been funnier if he said frostshock more ;P
20:38.04kamdisis it me or was that Onyxia in Azshara?
20:38.13kd3and she was non-elite too
20:38.20Esamynn|Workit was Azuregos
20:38.22sag_ich_nichtwhy hasn't Cairenn kickbanned phetips yet?
20:38.23kamdisWell it wasn't Azuregos
20:38.28kamdisbecause it wasn't blue
20:38.29kd3azuregos was black?
20:38.30Esamynn|Workyes it was, it was a blue dragon
20:38.35Esamynn|Worklook again
20:38.42kamdisHuh, not on my screen
20:38.44Cairennsag_ich_nicht: I wasn't aware that I needed to
20:38.52Saint-Nkd3: yeah protests about inequality hit azeroth about 4 yewars ago
20:38.52phetipssag_ich_nicht: ehm, is there a problem?
20:39.01Saint-Nall thee nagas up in a tizzy
20:39.39malrethgo to sleep... we'll be at grandma's soon
20:39.43Saint-Npeople people we are the same, no we're not the same cuz we dont know the game.
20:40.24Saint-Noh my and wifey watched american gladiators last night
20:40.41malrethyou're married to an amateur porn star?
20:40.41Saint-Nat the start she was like man this is going to be horrible rolling her eyes that we HAD to watch it
20:41.06Saint-Nhalf way through shes screaming at the tv for the one guy being a jerk
20:41.44*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
20:41.57Saint-Nmal: technically yes
20:42.31Thunder_Childi bet the star part is up for discussion
20:42.48Saint-Nwell she is the feature of the movie  so....
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20:43.14zenzelezzthey only call it "star" because there's not enough acting to call them "actors"
20:43.34Thunder_Childit's all acting on the womans side
20:43.50Saint-Nyer mom acts pretty good
20:43.50malrethhey... it's a lot of work to keep saying "aah" "aah" and "ooh" and "yeaaaaaaaaahh!"
20:43.54zenzelezznot the proper kind of acting
20:44.05Saint-Nand NOT scream out "owww my cervix!"
20:44.12kd3sure doesn't look blue to me
20:44.20malrethwho was it that was talking about #geektopia?
20:44.29phetipsmalreth: hi
20:44.35malrethoh yeah!
20:46.00Esamynn|Workkd3: ahh, I was thinking something else, nm
20:46.23kd3I can't think of any commercials with azuregos in it
20:46.29phetips[random self promotion] [/random self promotion]
20:47.01Esamynn|Workkd3: I don't know what I was thinking of, so just forget it :P
20:47.09malrethphetips: do you live in California?
20:47.14phetipsmalreth: nope
20:47.28phetipsmalreth: why?
20:47.33malrethhmm... had you all pegged out as a Californian
20:47.38malrethoh well
20:47.39Saint-Nwow thats a name i ahvent heard in a long time
20:47.52Saint-NAleph 1
20:48.22Saint-Nwonder if hes still at secfoc
20:48.24Lunessakamdis I worry about anything called an "explosive powered tool"
20:48.28malrethwhat  is an eax? is that a new macro conditional?
20:48.56malrethalso... none of that stuff will work... pretty sure it'll cause taint
20:49.13phetipsmalreth: you're talking about that paper?
20:49.37phetipsoh you're talking to lunessa
20:49.39malrethand  you can't use perl... too ugly and inelegant
20:50.18phetipsit's just a PoC
20:50.23phetipsand it does work
20:50.35malrethyeah... but what relevance does it have for me?
20:50.48phetipsnothing, that's why i marked it as
20:50.51phetipsrandom self promotion
20:51.01malreththen why did you tell me about it?
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20:51.22phetipsi wasn't targetting you specifically
20:51.44malrethwell now you're just not making any sense
20:52.17phetipshow's that
20:52.19kamdisLunessa, you and me both
20:57.17Saint-Ni <3 foamy
20:58.44Shirik|AFKmalreth: eax is an IA32 extended register
20:58.55purlnever take malreth seriously
20:59.12malrethit's ok
20:59.14ShirikI'm sick leave me alone ><
20:59.36Shirikanything hot I can't eat right now, has to be cold
20:59.39Shirikmilkshakes are good though
21:00.33Shirikyeah I don't drink ><
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21:01.17Shirikyou're not going to get very far hun
21:01.23Shirikbut thanks for trying
21:01.44phetipsShirik:  you into x86 assembly?
21:01.44sag_ich_nichtShirik malreth was just looking for an excuse to get drunk anyway
21:01.50Shirikmost likely
21:02.02kd3we need excuses to get drunk?
21:02.03Shirikphetips: I don't do much x86 but I can get my way around. I do a lot more motorola and atmega assembly
21:02.38Saint-Nshirik makes dishnet autorollers ;P
21:02.41malrethweres Jelly so i can hit on him shome more and make him think that i don't know he'sh not a girl...
21:02.57Saint-Nmal: you can do that to alestane too ;P
21:03.06Shirikand kimina
21:03.13Kiminathere you go
21:03.15malrethSaint-N: who she?
21:03.33malrethhey... you're lookin pretty nice there
21:03.47Saint-Nkimina: nice shoes.........
21:04.07ScytheBlade1Saint-N: the periods go before the word "shoes" not after
21:04.23Saint-Nnah the whole thing is nice shoes.......wanna fuck?
21:04.33kd3ding ding ding, we have a winner
21:04.55Saint-Ni was attempting to keep it clean before under the assumption that people would get the nice shoes reference
21:05.18Saint-Nbut noooOOOOOOoooo
21:05.21kamdismalreth :-(
21:05.28kamdisMy Jelly
21:05.54malrethyou can have him... he's crazy anyways
21:05.57Saint-Njust pray he's contraceptive Jelly ;P
21:06.06Saint-Ndon't need more
21:06.07kamdislol Saint-N
21:07.36Saint-Nwelp im bored of being here to today.... bi bi
21:07.42malrethi want a mousepad named Ziggy
21:08.13malrethit also has the ever-useful pickle key
21:08.31malrethand three keys for lowercase i
21:08.38malrethjust in case one breaks
21:09.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Jinxster (
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21:16.04Intangirhey guys
21:16.20Intangiri need an addon or macro to only tab target players
21:16.28IntangirNOT pets, or .. snake trap snakes
21:16.29Intangiror minions
21:16.31Intangiror totems..
21:16.34malrethcan't be done
21:16.34kamdisI don't think that's possible
21:16.39Intangirit should be
21:16.40ScytheBlade1Yeah, can't be done
21:16.54Intangirisnt there a way to test what you have tab targetted to make sure its a player?
21:17.04ScytheBlade1.. then you've already targeted it
21:17.11malreths/done/done, sexist/
21:17.15zenzelezzyou can test, but not re/de-target programatically
21:17.19Intangirwell as long as it changes it again right away without another tab
21:17.32malrethtargeting functions are protected
21:17.33ScytheBlade1Can't be done
21:17.43Intangirnot even from a macro?
21:17.50ScytheBlade1Especially from a macro, lol
21:17.54Intangirdamn it
21:17.55malrethprotected... can't be called from non-blizzard code
21:17.56Intangirthats retarded
21:17.59ScytheBlade1You'd have more luck with the API and that's all protected
21:18.02[Liquidor]Imo, just L2PvP and it wont be needed.
21:18.09zenzelezzyou can target from a macro, but not test. You can test from a script, but not macro
21:18.17Intangiri know how to pvp, and its needed
21:18.35kamdisSomeone's been facing the GD snake trap?
21:18.39malrethIntangir: be happy knowing that your enemies are equally restricted... sexist
21:18.59Intangirmalreth: sorry i forgot to mention transgenders ;)
21:19.56ScytheBlade1Whenever I step on a snake trap, all of the snakes instantly die. *shrug*
21:20.00ScytheBlade1Molten Armor ftw?
21:20.07bleeterScytheBlade1: different winepath's
21:20.13phetipsIntangir: just try to /who the target
21:20.21ScytheBlade1bleeter: ?
21:20.30ScytheBlade1bleeter: okay let's make this easy, lol... any docs to read?
21:20.50phetipspets, totems etc can't be who'd
21:21.08kd3ah, didn't even think about that. you could probably run two different instances of wine, say system-wide and git-local
21:21.17bleeterkd3: yes
21:21.33kd3though I dunno if that'd still run into the buffer overwriting problem I ran into using the same wineserver for 2 copies of wow...
21:21.36bleetervendor supplied, wine release, and wine git
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21:21.51ScytheBlade1Or in my case, two copies of wine git
21:21.51bleeterthough personally I wouldn't want to try
21:22.11ScytheBlade1Why not? Performance issues?
21:22.26Intangirwhats up with wine now?
21:22.46ScytheBlade1Intangir: nothing that needs fixing, I want to run two copies of WoW side by side with wine
21:23.05Intangiryou cant do it without having two wines? i thought i did it before
21:23.08Intangirbut it was just slow as hell
21:23.33Industrialwhats the xml tag again to load another xml file? theres Script for lua but ..
21:23.35kd3I tried it earlier today. it worked when the two different instances were fighting for the vid buffer
21:23.58malrethIndustrial: Include... i think
21:24.04malrethoff the top of my head
21:24.14Industrialits not in
21:24.14malrethlemme check for you
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21:24.49Industrialseems you are right (did a search)
21:24.59purlnever take malreth seriously
21:25.07*** part/#wowi-lounge Gnancy (
21:26.09bleeterScytheBlade1: on the docs for wine thing... hahaha... ha... man their stuff is pretty bad ;)
21:26.32ScytheBlade1bleeter: :(
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21:26.43Intangirwhats a good audio recording app for recording wow
21:26.51ScytheBlade1bleeter: if you've got any one-liners for me, have at it. I've gotta afk for the next hour or so though.
21:26.54ScytheBlade1But thanks for the info
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21:27.08ShirikIntangir: fraps does pretty well :)
21:27.11Shirikcourse it does more than that
21:27.17Intangiri mean on linux
21:27.26ShirikI haven't had issues with fraps in Linux tbh
21:27.28malrethi'd recommend AudioHijack for Mac OS X
21:27.42IntangirShirik: you got fraps working on linux?
21:27.42malrethbut that'd be useless for you
21:27.56Intangirin wine?
21:27.59PolarinaIntangir: You meant GNU/Linux.
21:28.11IntangirShirik: thats awesome
21:28.34wereHamsterIntangir, yukon can record audio :)
21:28.35Shirikcringe at what?
21:28.41IntangirwereHamster: it can?
21:28.45Intangiris this new?
21:29.02bleeteroverkill, sure... ;)
21:29.13*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
21:29.17wereHamsternot really  new, it's in the branch
21:29.26Intangirwhich branch?
21:29.29wereHamsterbeen there for like a year now
21:29.37Shirikbleeter: That thing hurts my eyes
21:29.37wereHamsterthe only branch ;)
21:29.41Intangirdoes it put it into the same seom thing?
21:29.46*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
21:30.04bleeterShirik: in what way?
21:30.05cncfanaticsyo all
21:30.06Lunessarawr green poster flood
21:30.12Shirikit's all like "information overload"
21:30.19cncfanaticsI feel soo good, just threw windows to the trashcan, again
21:30.34Intangircncfanatics: grats
21:30.34wereHamsterIntangir, you need the seom branch and the yukon branch
21:30.41bleeterShirik: I've been involved in digital audio production since around the time of the release of the Fairlight CMI... that thing looks fairly standard to me ;)
21:30.55ShirikI used Sony ACID for a while
21:31.00ShirikEventually I got used to that
21:31.05Shirikbut this thing seems like so much more
21:31.07bleeter(which is a polite way to say 'That's pretty standard, nub' :P
21:31.17Intangirugg.. i am still a bit fuzzy with svn, so its not in the trunk? but in a branch? or do you mean the main branch as in the trunk? hehe
21:31.40Industrialacid pro
21:31.53Shiriknormally you'll have an address like svn://address/repo/trunk
21:32.02Shirikinstead you'll want svn://address/repo/branches/somebranch
21:32.10Industrialthere was also this thingy with pictures that represented loops and you could link htem, it was fun playing with that
21:32.18Industrialforgot the name :(
21:32.56Intangirthe only digital audio thing ive used to MAKE audio was fasttracker2
21:33.02Polarinacladhaire: The updated version is ready. Would you like me to send it to you so you can check over it before I release it?
21:33.16bleeterabout the only reason I'd use Win32 or OSX these days is for Ableton Live
21:33.16Intangirit made mods
21:33.17wereHamsterIntangir, svn:// svn://
21:33.26bleeter'coz that thing is serious roxoring
21:33.27cladhaireas long as you're not using a hash that increases the chance of collisions or false positives, then Im' okay with it :P
21:33.34Polarinacladhaire: Nope.
21:33.47Polarinacladhaire: I'll zip it and send it you for verification. :)
21:33.53cladhaireif you must
21:33.54Lunessa"Teaching n00bs to fish since 2005" ~ Cogwheel for President.
21:34.12wereHamsterIntangir, /j #yukon ;)
21:34.15IntangirwereHamster: what happened to the neopsis site. it seems gone
21:34.47*** join/#wowi-lounge fridgid (n=Fridgid@
21:34.58hastewereHamster: how does yukon performe compared to GLC?
21:36.23wereHamsterhaste, based on yukin, but uses different technique to hook the functions and caupture sound
21:36.47hastethat's about what I know
21:37.36cncfanaticsdoes beryl work decently these days on debian ? thinking about trying it
21:38.06hastecompiz works decent regardless of distro
21:38.21cladhairePolarina: looks good to me.
21:38.27cladhaireand i can't believe the DCC worked
21:39.02cncfanaticsberyl = compyz these days haste ?
21:39.09cncfanaticsheard some vague stuff about merges & stuff
21:39.18hasteI thought beryl was just plugins to compiz now (in the form of compiz-fusion)
21:39.19Polarinacladhaire: Does it works in-game?
21:39.28cladhairei havent tested
21:39.30cladhairei assumed you did
21:39.50cladhairei'm not in wow at the moment
21:40.11batrickpolarina did u end up using the rot13
21:40.12Polarinacladhaire: The changes required were too trivial for me to bother to test. I don't think it should break.
21:40.17Polarinabatrick: Yes.
21:40.32cladhairewell i assumed you use your own addon :P
21:40.33batricklookup table!? i must know
21:40.44bleeterbah, why do blizz email me from an address that 550's (no such user)
21:40.56Polarinacladhaire: I just did the change right now.
21:41.01cncfanaticshow does WoW work in compiz/beryl, haste ?
21:41.12cladhairelol ok
21:41.15hastecncfanatics: no idea, I run wmii as a WM :p
21:41.26cncfanaticscan't hurt trying I supose
21:41.37hastecncfanatics: it worked fine when I tested it ages ago
21:41.44bleeterthere's a bunch of videos on youtube showing how well it works ;)
21:41.59hastecncfanatics: around when they fixed the whole "X dies when you start games"-issue
21:43.23bleeterand on a side note, it's good to see Blizz Accounts still getting hit with the lart stick due to the game audio's attenuation distortion on the phone lines
21:44.10*** part/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
21:44.36bleeterprolly some beancounter somewhere saving a buck... 'we're not a radio station, therefore we don't need that preset in our phone system'
21:44.39bleetergnight clad|sleep
21:44.45clad|sleepnight all
21:47.16batrickbleeter: attenutation doesn't cause distortion?
21:48.21*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
21:48.23Shirik!ar 300
21:48.24ThraeBotShirik: Arena rating from 300 points is, 2v2: 1545, 3v3: 1487, 5v5: 1302
21:48.39sag_ich_nichtquick, how much RAP is 1 agi for a hunter?
21:48.51sag_ich_nichtand how much crit
21:50.00sag_ich_nichtnvm found it
21:50.44*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
21:50.45Polarinaclad|sleep: It works in-game at least.
21:50.53*** join/#wowi-lounge [Liquidor] (n=denras19@
21:51.04cncfanaticsI'm kinda not seeing any differences between compyz & not compyz :o
21:51.20Industriallua> print('foo')
21:51.21lua_botIndustrial: foo
21:51.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
21:51.47Industriallua> a={} print(tostring(table.insert(a, 'foo')))
21:51.47lua_botIndustrial: [string "a={} print(tostring(table.insert(a, 'foo'))..."]:1: bad argument #1 to 'tostring' (value expected)
21:53.01Industrialhmm, frame recycling - is it worth it?
21:53.08clad|sleepIndustrial: not really
21:53.08Industrialany  examples?
21:53.14Industrialthought so
21:53.18clad|sleepunless you're doing something like making graphs
21:53.46Shirik<3 getting in arenas against people from my own guild
21:54.29Shirikthey got annihilated too
21:54.31Shiriklike 30 seconds
21:54.39clad|sleepwhat makeup are you, versus what?
21:54.54*** part/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
21:55.04ShirikHAHAHA we got them again
21:55.16Shirikdisc priest, ele shammy, bm hunter
21:55.17bleeterShirik: u r 2 leet
21:55.38bleeterNERF ALL SHIRIKS! R 2 OP!
21:56.01bleeterwhile yer at it
21:56.10bleeterNERF ALL CLADS... 2 OP AND TALK IN SLEEP!
21:56.33Shirikclad addons are op
21:56.41clad|sleepso i'm a nub druid apparently
21:56.43Shirikback in my day we had to discover quests
21:56.46clad|sleepthis mage was asking for a soulstone
21:56.48bleeterclad|sleep: proof?
21:56.49clad|sleepthe warlock ignored him naturally
21:56.55cogwheelclad|sleep: you got my note re: lua511wow?
21:56.57clad|sleepcause we did deadmines with two warlocks, two mages, and me druid healing.
21:56.59clad|sleepcogwheel: yes, thanks.
21:57.13clad|sleepone of the two mages ran BACK to get the patrol, whiel the rest of the party went forward
21:57.20clad|sleepi can't be in two places at once, mage died
21:57.21clad|sleeplike they do
21:57.26clad|sleephe asks for a res
21:57.31*** join/#wowi-lounge NightHawkTheSane (
21:57.41batrickclearly u need to l2heal
21:57.57clad|sleep"No, walk your lazy ass back here.  There is no way in hell a druid would waste their Rebirth cooldown on a suicidal mage."
21:58.55clad|sleepneedless to say he wasn't very happy with me
21:58.58clad|sleepbut we were in the first deadmines room
21:59.05clad|sleephow retarded can you be!
21:59.24bleeter... nelf hunter?
21:59.34clad|sleep"i can heal better with my draenai mage using gift of the naaru, than u nub drood"
21:59.40bleeter(that's my RP side coming out there ;)
22:00.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
22:03.33Shirikis there a maximum amount your arena rating can go up in a week?
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22:04.44Shirik!ar 500
22:04.44ThraeBotShirik: Arena rating from 500 points is, 2v2: 1734, 3v3: 1674, 5v5: 1626
22:05.52Endomg, java has a printf on its PrintStream!
22:07.13ShirikIt also has String.format...
22:07.25Endit's news to me!
22:08.02Shirik!ap 1554
22:08.02ThraeBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1554 is, 2v2: 309, 3v3: 357, 5v5: 406
22:08.39Polarinaclad|sleep: - Fixed an extremely rare bug that could cause the wrong player to be reported.   -- Good enough for the change log?
22:10.07clad|sleepyou should fix it, for certain
22:10.19Polarinaclad|sleep: Huh?
22:10.30clad|sleepi said fix the issue
22:10.37clad|sleepdoesn't matter what you put in the changelog
22:10.51Polarinaclad|sleep: The "extremely rare bug" thing is for hash collisions.
22:11.53Shirikit's not really "the wrong player to be reported"
22:12.01Shirikbut rather "innocent players to be reported"
22:12.12Polarinaart3mis: No, that's not the case.
22:12.20PolarinaShirik: Thanks.
22:12.30art3misi dunno im moraley opposed to a script auto reporting
22:12.44art3mismorally even
22:12.53Polarinaart3mis: That one is pretty accurate. :)
22:13.07*** join/#wowi-lounge duaiwe (
22:13.17art3misif it bugs you ignore it, if it still bugs you take the effort
22:13.32ShirikWell Polarina, I wouldn't say it's "pretty accurate"
22:13.33art3misor its not worth the effort then its not an issue and you should get on with your life
22:13.42ShirikI would say that the chances of getting a type II error are much higher than a type I error
22:14.00bleeterreporting doesn't require a hardware event?
22:14.01Polarinaart3mis: The time it takes you to farm 1.000 epic items is a lot shorter than the time it takes you to reproduce that bug.
22:14.11Polarinableeter: No.
22:14.22Polarinableeter: Well, it will if the API is abused.
22:14.26art3misbleeter: nupe kind of like the auto replies from dbm and such
22:14.51art3mis"sorry X is fighting a boss right now, he'll be notified at the end of the fight"
22:15.32bleetermaybe I'm misunderstanding, I was thinking of the ingame 'report spammer/afk in bg' function
22:15.49Polarinableeter: Yes, these don't require a hardware event.
22:15.51batricksomething like that needs to be added for pvp
22:16.04bleeterbatrick: agreed
22:16.28Polarinableeter: You are not misunderstanding.
22:16.35art3misnah what needs to be added to bg pvps is an auto tissue dispenser
22:16.47art3misfor the whiners that actually think it matters enough
22:16.57bleeterart3mis: l2loot 'broken i.w.i.n. button's
22:17.16bleeterthink they drop tear stained hankies, too
22:18.03art3misanyone that takes bgs as more than a meaningless grind needs to get out more
22:18.16art3misits not like you get ranks or anything anymore so whats the big deal
22:18.36art3misoh noes! we lost!
22:18.45art3misthat means i have to farm another one!
22:18.53bleeters/farm/afk in/
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22:19.20art3misthats almost as bad as the old mudders who'd get all pissy about people afking in thier grind area so the repop was slower
22:19.54art3misif it bugs you that much you rally need to get out more or play a nice relaxing game of tetris ;P
22:20.11bleeterscrew tetris... Maelstrom or Death! :P
22:20.39cogwheel--> print"test"
22:20.39batbotcogwheel: test
22:20.51cogwheelbatrick: did you program --> to work only in wowi-lounge or something?
22:21.47batrickthat's how it works elsewhere too, only in #lua does it only respond when querried by name
22:21.56batrickbecause rici asked me to
22:22.59mewzyIs there an add on that can figure out mobs armor?
22:25.18*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo (
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22:30.16Valaron|Workmob armor?
22:30.31Valaron|WorkI think mobinfo2 can calculate it ... unreliably.
22:30.46mewzyyou sure? i have it for sometime but dont see it there
22:31.18mewzyi am blind, unreliably k
22:32.36Valaron|WorkI haven't played in a while, but I think MI2 can show it on the tooltip.. but you have to enable that setting.
22:34.19mewzyi ll check it again
22:35.39Valaron|WorkMaybe not.. perhaps only immunites and resistances.
22:35.43Valaron|WorkI forget.
22:42.07bleeterso.. 2.3.2 PTR shut down... patch tonight or next week? taking bets! :)
22:42.20*** join/#wowi-lounge kaelten_ (
22:44.04cogwheel"tonight or next week" :P
22:46.29TecnoBratI bet next thursday.
22:47.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
22:47.02*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
22:47.07cogwheel~hug Cairenn
22:47.07purlACTION hugs Cairenn
22:47.11ShirikOkay, patch notes
22:47.13ShirikEffects triggered from being critically hit: Many abilities and talents were changed in 2.3.0 to allow them to trigger from critical strikes that occurred while the player benefitting from them was sitting.
22:47.18Shirikwtf does that mean?
22:47.53Shirik(i.e., what does it have to do with 2.3.2?)
22:47.56Intangirif you sit and i crit you your abilities/talents trigger
22:47.58bleeterI've been wondering for some time, too
22:48.11ShirikIntangir: It says they did that was done in 2.3.0
22:48.19Intangiroh i dont know man
22:48.26Intangirjust sit down it will all be fine dont mind the rogue
22:48.26bleeterseems to me they're missing a second sentence.
22:48.45bleeteror typod the version number
22:50.21*** join/#wowi-lounge danielsweden24 (
22:52.11art3misshirik: think of the twisting nether trinket
22:52.18art3misand how it would proc off eating food
22:52.42art3mislet's say you've got something that triggers good regen if you're hit with a crit spell
22:52.56art3missomeone casts lesser heal on you over and over til it crits and triggers the proc
22:53.04art3miswhile your'e eatting and stuff
22:53.18bleeterart3mis: what Shirik is saying, is that the note for the 2.3.2 patch says that stuff was changed in 2.3.0, and does not mention any relevance to 2.3.2
22:53.38art3misi think they fergot the "were changed back"
22:53.47art3misit sorta seems like it was implied
22:53.58Shirikor it could be a version typo
22:53.59ShirikI don't know
22:54.22bleeteror maybe 'this will now work while drinking/eating as well'
22:54.32bleeteror something similar, there's quite a few possibilities
22:54.42bleeterit's definately a broken statement, tho
22:54.56art3misand doesnt really matter that much ;)
22:55.17art3mislike "your characters shoes will now show properly if you're not wearing a dress"
22:56.12art3misor "Female Blood Elf Paladins will still look like hussys in all thier gear until about level 58 when they get pants instwead of "hot pants"
22:56.31Intangirhot pants
22:56.34Intangiri love the hotpants
22:56.57Intangirsome of the blood elf outfits really are sexy ;)
22:57.22Shirikrogue tops all
22:57.27art3mislaugh i ran around in metal thigh highs and silver hotpants and a silver corset for about 25 levels
22:57.40Intangirlol ;) ya my friend is a paladin
22:57.46art3misi carried a staff just to have a pole to dance around
22:58.05Intangirhe has gear that looks like string langerei or however you spell it
22:58.09Intangirbut its like plate ;)
22:58.48art3mismy fav part of tbc was the new laoding screens
22:59.04art3mishow they have female BE gnome, undead and human and a lone dwarf male
22:59.14Shiriklol yeah
22:59.16art3misi call it the "pussy screenie"
22:59.22kd3ya, that was rather amusing when it first got out
22:59.28Intangirya that guy is gonna get some
22:59.41art3misall drwaves are gay though
23:00.01Intangiri still think night elves are hottest
23:00.02art3mismaybe thats how he got in the screenshot ;P
23:00.04Endeven the kalimdor screen has more chicks than guys on it
23:00.20Intangirblood elves have hotter outfits but nightelves have a better figure
23:00.34art3misbe's and drainos have that sorta vacant super model who hasnt eatten in weeks look
23:00.50kd3damn it azureus! go faster
23:11.46LunessaI could really use a scrunchy.  Yeah, you heard me.
23:12.30cogwheelscrunchies are great
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23:15.07art3misfor some reason i picture cog as sorta mathew lalard in hackers
23:15.29Thunder_Childget shorter hair and you wont need a scrunchy
23:15.34ShirikThat's really amusing art3mis
23:16.29Thunder_Childgratz indeed
23:16.36*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | Congrats Slouken on new baby!
23:16.45art3misim impressed he found someone to procreate with
23:16.53art3misthere's hope for you yet TV
23:16.53Cairennthat's their second
23:17.17art3misyes dear?
23:17.33Thunder_Childoh..nvm i didnt see the other part
23:17.38art3miseveryone needs to watch Idiocracy
23:17.41Thunder_Childi thought you just wrote TC
23:18.12Thunder_Childart3mis, thats bad, you just make slouken to be as bad as me
23:18.16Thunder_Childyou fial
23:18.27art3misthey had 3 children and they were the 3 smartest children on the panet. his lawyer took 8 wives and had 32 of the dumbest kids you've ever seen.
23:19.27art3misnah im merely im plying if slouken can then your 0% chance went up a little bit by proxy
23:19.46art3miswhere's cidan been
23:19.59art3misspeaking of bi-proxies
23:20.29ShirikAnyone want to look at my new raid spec?
23:20.35ShirikI need to reconfirm it before I go out of pvp
23:20.39ShirikI forgot to write down my old spec =(
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23:21.59Intangirart3mis: you sound like a fag
23:22.15Shirikart3mis: I don't really know
23:22.20Shirikhe's been missing
23:22.21Intangirfuck off im eating ;)
23:22.30AntiarcShirik: Install Scrub!
23:22.38Intangiri love that movie
23:22.48Intangir'put this one in your ear, this one in your mouth and this one in your butt'
23:22.55Intangir'oh wait.. this one goes in your mouth'
23:22.56IntangirHAHAHAHA ;)
23:22.58ShirikAntiarc: I will sometime :P
23:25.18art3misintangir: nah, if i was a fag i wouldnt be online id be in a camp away from the population because gayness is contagious
23:25.27art3misat elast mr.huckabee says so
23:25.58art3misgo away! baitin!
23:26.40LunessaShirik: for your priest?
23:26.49hasteFINISH HIM!
23:26.58cogwheelFisker-: It's super effective.
23:27.10cogwheelFisker-: The wild COGWHEEL dies
23:27.14LunessaShirik: linkee?
23:27.21Fisker-i wanted to capture it :(
23:28.05Fisker-now i'm going to get some sleep :(
23:28.21ShirikThis is what I'm looking at atm:
23:28.24art3misit's the biggest monster truck we've ever made!!!!! *crowd cheers* *truck slams into the doorway its obviously too big for, backs up does it again, backs up and brings fdown the concrete arch on it breaking it*
23:28.28cogwheelFisker-: i hate it when that happens :P
23:28.55Fisker-good planning art3mis :O
23:28.59Fisker-SLEEP TIEM
23:29.16wereHamsterdoes next() iterate over all keys of a table or only non-nil ones?
23:29.31ShirikLunessa: Take one point out of silent resolve, add it to mental agility
23:29.37LunessaIf you're going to take Spiritual Healing, why not get Divine Spirit?
23:29.44MentalPowerstop pinging me! :P
23:29.47ShirikAssuming someone else has it
23:30.05LunessaIt looks fine to me then.
23:30.13cogwheelwereHamster: non-nil
23:30.19cogwheel(which is only relevant for arrays)
23:30.36art3mis^^ the scene i was talking about
23:30.41art3misone of the best in the movie btw
23:30.41cogwheel(since there's no such thing as a hash key with a nil value)
23:31.33art3misgo watch now!
23:34.43ShirikLunessa: <3
23:35.02*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
23:35.15LunessaYou're going deeper into the holy tree than I am, but it looks good.
23:36.59art3misbecause it's got electrolytes, it's what plants crave.. what are electrolytes do you even know? uhh it's what plants crave and it's in brawndo!
23:40.30wereHamsterso will next iterate over all values of { nil, I, nil } ?
23:41.37cogwheelwereHamster: i don't think so
23:41.44cogwheelor it may
23:41.45Lunessaeven when I don't put them in there.
23:41.55cogwheelwereHamster: you should never use nil as actual values for table entries
23:42.08cogwheelthe whole point of nil is to signify that something doesn't exist
23:42.46Thunder_ChildLunessa, then your not trying hard enough
23:43.00bleeterheh, guildie's saying he's just had 2 games of 2v3 in a row
23:43.19*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
23:43.24cogwheeleven ipairs isn't guaranteed to iterate over the nils in { nil, I, nil }, though it may depending on how the array is internally structured
23:45.24Endipairs() stops on first nil
23:46.59wereHamsterisn't { nil, I, nil } the same as {[2]=C} ?
23:47.15EndI dunno
23:47.23Endit might turn it into a hash table like you say
23:47.50Endbut {1,2,3,nil,5,6} is different than {[1] = 1, [2] = 2, ...}
23:47.56EndI think
23:48.03JoshBorkelua> for k, v in ipairs({nil, 'I', nil}) do print(k) end
23:48.06Endsomeone correct or confirm what I said :P
23:48.06JoshBorkeEnd: correct
23:48.29JoshBorkethat's a 5.1 change
23:48.47EndI remember there being a problem with the way saved vars being saved :P
23:48.58Endonly reason I have any idea at all :P
23:49.36wereHamsterthis is my code:
23:49.50hasteanyone experienced that CHAT_MSG_LOOT starts lacking behind?
23:50.26wereHamsterbasically, I want C/I/S be called only once each frame, even if an event is fired several times
23:50.27hasteit dumps the item I looted three lots before the one I currently did
23:51.08hastelots -> loots
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23:51.57cogwheelwereHamster: why not just loop from 1-3?
23:52.03cogwheelor give them named values?
23:53.42wereHamsterfor k, v in pairs({nil, 'I', nil}) do print(v) end works though..
23:53.52cogwheelit's not guaranteed to
23:53.59JoshBorkelua> for k, v in ipairs({nil, 'I', nil}) do print(v) end
23:54.01cogwheelit's bad lua
23:54.11JoshBorkelua> for k, v in pairs({nil, 'I', nil}) do print(v) end
23:54.11lua_botJoshBorke: I
23:54.20JoshBorkepairs will work because it iterates over all key/values
23:54.22JoshBorkeipairs won't
23:55.01cogwheelJoshBorke: that's not "working" by wereHamster's reckoning... he wants it to iterate over the nils as well
23:55.14batrickproblem with pairs is some expect [2] to be included, even though it's value is nil
23:55.28JoshBorkeyou mean 3?
23:55.38wereHamsternot necessarily, I don't care about the nils
23:55.46Endif you know it's an actual array with hash table bits you could go from 1 to #array
23:55.51batrickthe only real solution is to assign (as done in examples in pil) "n" to the number of elements in the table
23:55.55Endif you know it's an actual array with NO hash table bits you could go from 1 to #array
23:55.55cogwheelwereHamster: so what are you asking then? :P
23:56.05cogwheelgiven your code, those nils serve no purpose
23:56.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
23:56.42EndI always forget choice words like NOT or NO or I add them when they don't belong... :-/
23:56.51wereHamstersure they do, they make sure that Callbacks[1] is either nil or S
23:57.28batrickall unset table values are nil wereHamster...
23:57.49cogwheelwereHamster: I suspect your assigning more meaning to the position than you should...
23:59.02cogwheelif you're always going to assign the same value to each position, then there should be a much cleaner way to represent the data
23:59.48cogwheelis it only the order that matters? or are you actually indexing them by number directly in other places?
23:59.56wereHamsterI have three functions, each event should make the code call one or more of those functions once each OnUpdate

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