IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080101

00:00.30NightHawkTheSaneI can't comment much on that, as that was just before I joined them, but *shrug*
00:00.30Corrodiaswhat's with all the sub-500-dpsers?
00:00.38ScytheBlade1In my WWS?
00:00.39ScytheBlade1They all fail hard
00:00.53Corrodiasnow NHTS's is more like it
00:00.55ScytheBlade1I gave up a while ago trying to figure it out
00:01.25Corrodias420 dps out of a druid? any spec should be able to blast that in SSC, unless he's skipped out on all the kara runs
00:01.37Corrodiasor is resto
00:01.54ScytheBlade1She isn't really that good
00:02.00ScytheBlade1She's our Tidewalker tank
00:02.04ScytheBlade1Pulls an INCREDIBLE 400 tps
00:02.15Corrodiasoh, a tank. that makes more sense.
00:02.25Corrodiasif she's doing 400dps, she should do more than 400tps
00:02.39ScytheBlade1She's not tanking in that attempt
00:02.42NightHawkTheSanefeh, a druid tank can probably dps better than 400dps
00:02.53ScytheBlade1We have a warrior tank Leo
00:02.58NightHawkTheSane(assuming cat form)
00:03.26ScytheBlade1But see, I'm really, really curious how I can do that much DPS
00:03.27Corrodiasmy kara-geared druid can do 800 reliably, break 1000 on the Shade of Aran fight
00:04.10ScytheBlade1When I'm still using the rep reward sword from the Keepers of Time :/
00:04.10ScytheBlade1A note: the WWS I linked, I also died at 13%...
00:04.10Corrodiaswell, 700 reliably, more with the right combo of buffs
00:04.13Thunder_Childlol @ todays
00:04.16ScytheBlade1I could have easily hit 400k damage if I didn't die
00:04.27ScytheBlade1(From the demon none the less)
00:04.35ScytheBlade1And today's XKCD made me die of laughter irl
00:05.10Thunder_Childyou died irl?
00:05.15ScytheBlade1Just about
00:05.19Thunder_Childwe can only hope
00:05.20ScytheBlade1I had a few people give me looks
00:05.20NightHawkTheSanehehe, that xkcd is awesome
00:05.24*** part/#wowi-lounge Osstia|home (
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00:05.41Corrodiasunfortunately, i don't know what signing a key doe
00:05.56Thunder_Childpub/private keys...
00:06.00ScytheBlade1It's an irreversible act of trust
00:06.22ScytheBlade1It's saying that you trust the person whose key you signed period
00:06.24Thunder_Childcommon man, we are talking encryption!
00:06.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
00:08.02Corrodiasi'm afraid i have only recently come to understand the principle behind private and public keys
00:08.08Corrodiasand even then i need a refresher
00:08.12Corrodiassigning is totally beyond me
00:08.30ScytheBlade1You have a public key which people use to encrypt data with, right?
00:08.35ScytheBlade1And the private is used to decrypt?
00:08.53ScytheBlade1If you "sign" someone else's key, it's saying that you trust that key as belonging to that person (or organization)
00:08.54Corrodiasand vice-versa, i believe
00:09.17Corrodiasi don't get it
00:09.23ScytheBlade1So if you and two friends all sign each other's key, people outside of your three can see the lines of trust
00:09.29ScytheBlade1Yeah, that's probably a better idea, lol
00:10.25Corrodiasi think i am starting to get it
00:10.47Corrodiasso if a web site transmits a public key to you and starts sending the encrypted data, you can't be sure it isn't coming from a third party unless you are sure that public key is ACTUALLY from that site
00:11.06Corrodiasand/or the person you're trying to communicate with
00:15.24ScytheBlade1Another part of it, is that 'trust' is a public thing
00:15.37ScytheBlade1Take the linux kernel project for example
00:15.51ScytheBlade1They have a public key which you can use to verify your downloads with
00:16.06ScytheBlade1That public key is also signed by a lot of the developers
00:16.16ScytheBlade1They're all saying, "hey, this key is the real deal"
00:16.42Corrodiasthe joke kinda makes sense when you understand all this
00:16.43ScytheBlade1And because trust is public, you can see that they all trust that key also
00:16.58ScytheBlade1Well it's also irreversible
00:17.12Corrodiasalthough i still don't think it's such a big deal that someone would be concerned about trusting that a certain key is only used by a certain person
00:17.17ScytheBlade1You can't take a signature OFF of a public key unless you hold the only copy you signed
00:17.29Corrodiasnow THAT i don't understand
00:17.37Corrodiassignatures are somehow incorporated into keys?
00:17.45ScytheBlade1Into *public* keys
00:18.15ScytheBlade1They public keys (in this case) contain the actual public key data, and the web of trust data
00:18.47ScytheBlade1Once you sign it, if you upload the copy of that key anywhere, it's out there for good
00:18.59Corrodiasbut i thought it was just a string of characters
00:19.16ScytheBlade1No, 'signing' is a cryptographic function
00:19.21Corrodiasi guess i don't understand public/private keys as much as i thought
00:19.22ScytheBlade1It's not just adding letters to the key
00:19.32Corrodiasand what do you sign it with, your name? your own keys?
00:19.53ScytheBlade1Your own private key (which has a corresponding public key)
00:20.00Corrodiasbut i don't -have- a private key
00:20.07Corrodiasand there's no rule saying you can't produce multiple keys
00:20.09ScytheBlade1Then you don't have a public key either :)
00:20.40ScytheBlade1You /can/ make a single private key, and then nuke your public key. Or nuke your private key.
00:20.48ScytheBlade1But one without the other is useless in most situations
00:21.06Corrodiasso what you're saying is that if Bob's key has been used to sign / encrypt the public key, and you trust that bob's key comes from bob, then you understand that bob trusts that the other key comes from whomever bob says it comes from?
00:21.26ScytheBlade1Hence the term 'web of trust'
00:21.30Corrodiasalthough bob could say it comes from anybody
00:21.48Corrodiasit does NOT imply that he trusts the content to be safe or anything
00:21.55Corrodiasof whatever has been encrypted by it
00:22.11NightHawkTheSaneall public/private keys do is authenticate the sender, really
00:22.43ScytheBlade1And all that a 'web of trust' is saying, is that Person A belives that Person B's public key really belongs to person B
00:22.46NightHawkTheSaneIt's nothing more than a means of authentication
00:22.51ScytheBlade1(Assuming A signed B)
00:22.56Fisker-the guild bank log only shows [Item] and not [Item of Suffix]
00:23.06Corrodiaswell, you can use a public key to encrypt something to ensure that only the owner of the private key can open it
00:23.22ScytheBlade1That's not related to the web of trust though
00:23.24ScytheBlade1But yes that's right
00:23.43NightHawkTheSanethats still authentication, but you're doing it in reverse to authenticate the receiver then
00:23.46ScytheBlade1That probably explains it better
00:24.23Corrodiasthus, to create a two-way secure connection, you exchange public keys and encrypt your data with their public key for transmission
00:24.30Corrodiasthis is remember
00:24.58Corrodias*this i remember
00:24.59ScytheBlade1Yup, exactly
00:25.17NightHawkTheSaneyeah, it all depends on what kind of transmission you want to accomplish
00:25.17ScytheBlade1Signing someone else's public key is a way of saying "I trust this key as belonging to this person"
00:25.33Corrodiasokay, that doesn't seem like such a huge deal to me
00:25.42ScytheBlade1In terms of keeping data private, it isn't
00:25.46ScytheBlade1It's irrelevant to it
00:25.58Corrodiasbut to the guy in the comic, it was pretty significant
00:26.23NightHawkTheSaneyou still seem to be missing the fact that signing a key an irreversable act of trust :P, as noted :P
00:26.47ScytheBlade1Signing the key says that you trust Key A to belong to Person A
00:26.59ScytheBlade1If he met some random chick over IRC and signed her key... there's not a lot of verification ;)
00:27.07NightHawkTheSane(and that you trust A actually IS A)
00:27.16ScytheBlade1lol, 'signed her key' almost has sexual connotations like that, haha
00:27.18ScytheBlade1xkcd ftw.
00:27.25NightHawkTheSaneCorrodias: plus, you're also likely missing the fact that xkcd often takes extremely geeky situations and... blows them a little out of proportion :P
00:27.54Corrodiasoh, i get that
00:28.00Corrodiasi just wanted to be sure i understood the situation
00:30.10ScytheBlade1afk though
00:32.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
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00:40.35alestanereqol: If you wanted to make you combat log crit watcher locale-independent you could make some strings by tweaking the contents of COMBATHITCRITSCHOOLSELFOTHER and COMBATHITCRITSELFOTHER into search strings, and that way you don't have to worry about the language.
00:47.23*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | Happy New Year!
00:53.44alestaneI'm guessing that WoW Lua does not load the os. module?
00:56.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
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01:01.02buualestane: What a guess.
01:14.21*** part/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
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01:17.01Tem"Character Data Awaiting Refresh"
01:17.23Temhappy new year, everyone
01:17.27dylanmYeah been seeing that a lot
01:17.55Temfor whom it's been jan 1 for some time...
01:18.02Corrodiasnow if only Cartographer didn't hide my party members beneath my ton of ore nodes
01:18.03Tem(hi norgs)
01:28.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
01:29.56art3misonly 40 more years to correct the Y2KB issue ;P
01:36.23alestaneloadstring works fine inside WoW?
01:38.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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01:38.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (n=d8fdfaa2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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01:49.37alestaneAnyone know a faster way to clear a table then "for k in next, t do t[k] = nil end"?
01:49.45alestaneOther than
01:49.56alestane"t = {}", which creates garbage?
01:50.11Shirikdoes the table have consective numerical indices?
01:50.19alestaneNot guaranteed.
01:50.31Shiriklet me look at what conspiracy does, but I think that's all it is
01:52.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (n=d8fdfaa2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
01:52.27*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Shirik] by ChanServ
01:52.34ShirikI hate this computer
01:54.17Shirikoi I forgot I don't have scite on this computer anymore
01:54.29Shirikanyway alestane off the top of my head I don't have a better idea, no
01:54.51alestaneDoesn't seem too likely, just wanted to see if there was a standard gimmick.
01:55.20Shirikwell we do this strange stuff, but it's only recycling
01:55.58alestaneI briefly thought of "while next(t) do t[next(t)] = nil do" but I think it would have awful performance.
01:55.59Shirikif you want to clear a table it's practically instant, but it just uses a combination of existing, empty tables and deferring the clearing the table until later
01:56.11Shirikthat is a bad idea
01:56.45alestaneMy first example basically seems like a more streamlined version of that method.
01:56.46Shirikmostly because you're skipping half the keys
01:57.15alestaneHow so?
01:57.33alestanenext doesn't maintain a cursor.
01:57.59Shirik>>> t = {1,2,3,4,5,6}; while next(t) do t[next(t)] = nil; end print(t)
01:57.59CideShirik: {  } (#1)
01:58.10Shirikoh I see what you're doing
01:58.20ShirikI still think that's a bad idea
01:58.28alestaneIt's got needless overhead.
01:58.46alestaneThe first example is faster and easier to read.
01:59.37Shirikbesides, this would be faster than that, since it's only one call:
02:00.13Shiriklocal v = next(t); while v do t[v] = nil; v = next(t); end
02:00.17Shirikbut again I don't recommend that
02:00.22ShirikI doubt it could be faster than the for loop
02:00.45alestaneIt basically is a for loop only spelled out instead of implicit.
02:01.17alestaneWhich means Lua can't optimize its execution.
02:01.41Shirikthe for loop keeps track of where it's going. That while loop does not
02:02.04Shirikit merely goes until next can't find anywhere to start
02:02.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
02:02.21alestaneThat's bascially what a Lua for does too.
02:02.34Shirikif that were the case, something like this would never work:
02:03.37Shirik>>> t = {1,2,3,4,5}; for k,v in next, t, nil do print(v) end
02:03.37CideShirik: 1,  2,  3,  4,  5
02:03.54Shirikon the other hand, this goes forever:
02:04.13art3mis1 2 3 4 5..... 67 8910 11.......... 12!
02:04.28Shirik>>> t = {1,2,3,4,5}; local v = next(t); while v do print(t[v]); v = next(t) end
02:04.32art3misdo dodeedododadoododo TWELVE!@
02:04.34CideShirik: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
02:04.54Shirikis exactly what I had before
02:05.07Shirikjust with a print instead of removing indexes
02:05.47alestaneYou're right, since one does not modify the table...the first case was a reductive problem. The equivalent would be :
02:06.00alestane>>> t = {1,2,3,4,5}; local v = next(t); while v do print(t[v]); v = next(t, v) end
02:06.00Cidealestane: 1,  2,  3,  4,  5
02:06.26Shirikwhich actually brings up the next point: I wonder if next has to do less processing if it already knows where it left off
02:06.38Shirikin such a case, pairs() would be the optimum solution to clear out the table
02:06.48alestaneStrictly under the hood if it does.
02:06.49Shirik(which, of course, just returns next, t, nil)
02:07.19alestaneAnd pairs(t) is _marginally_ slower than next, t.
02:07.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Osstia|h1me (
02:08.09Shirikit takes one more stack frame for the initialization, nothing more. Whoopdie doo. There are many people out there that probably wouldn't have a clue what "for k,v in next, t, nil" means
02:08.34Shirikthat one call probably couldn't even be timed unless it's done with a ton of repetitions
02:08.39alestaneI didn't say it was a meaningful difference.
02:10.17alestaneProbably about 20 opcodes or something which is how long with today's clock speeds?
02:10.53ShirikI promise you that's less than 16ms :P
02:11.09ShirikAnd anything less than 16ms can't be timed with a pentium-class realtime clock
02:11.30Shirik(again, without repetitions)
02:11.56alestaneAnd if pairs is implemented in C...
02:12.28alestane(Although it's so simple that it wouldn't suffer much from being implemented in Lua.)
02:12.45Shirikwell I think the majority of its time would probably be Lua processing
02:12.55Shirikbecause all it has to do is push 3 things onto the Lua stack and return
02:13.34alestaneAnd look up a key in the current environment.
02:14.53alestaneStill pretty negligible.
02:16.11Shiriklua_getglobal(L, "next"); lua_insert(L, 1); lua_pushnil(L); return 3;
02:16.34Shirikpretty easy :) that's pairs in 4 lines. Doubt that's how it's implemented, but tha'ts a way
02:16.47Shirikobviously that neglects error checking, etc.
02:16.51alestaneL is the stack you're working with?
02:17.03Shirikthe lua environment, yes
02:17.04alestaneOR the Lua environment?
02:17.25Shirik(for this purposes, it's just the stack. nothing else is touched)
02:18.17Shiriklua_insert() is a little trick I used. Since the second parameter returned by pairs() is the table you passed into it, you can do something a bit efficiently
02:18.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
02:19.41ShirikThe table you passed in should be on top of the stack, so if we just move the "next" reference that we got below it (essentially swapping the top with what's below it) we have them in the right order
02:19.49Shirikand my video driver just crashed
02:19.55Shirikbrb >.>
02:23.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (n=d8fdfaa2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
02:23.15*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Shirik] by ChanServ
02:23.41Shirikthis computer totally cannot handle WoW
02:23.48Shirikworth a damn
02:24.14Thunder_Child(>'')> <(''<) KIRBY DANCE!
02:24.53alestaneWhy does my IRC client have a kirby icon?
02:25.13Shirikbecause Thunder_Child is a nublet
02:25.26Thunder_Childhe is indeed
02:26.01Thunder_ChildGuillotine is so much better than me. In every way possible. And this is not Guillotine typing right now.
02:26.58ShirikGuillotine and Thunder_Child know each other? o.o
02:27.02Shirikdidn't know that
02:27.26Thunder_Childyes :P
02:28.06Thunder_ChildWhy do you think TC started joining the channel despite the fact he knows absolutely nothing about Lua?
02:28.27zenzelezzto flirt with Cairenn of course
02:28.35Thunder_Childgood point
02:28.38alestaneThat doesn't actually answer my question.
02:28.54Thunder_Childyour IRC really has a kirby icon? o.O What IRC client are you using?
02:29.12ShirikI assumed that it was like my IRC client that if you miss a message, it puts it in the title bar
02:29.25Shirikand since Thunder_Child's message had a kirby "icon" ...
02:32.15dylanmOdd... I'm using Colloquy and I've nothing of the sort
02:33.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
02:33.06alestaneI doesn't do it for me now.
02:33.31*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
02:37.33art3mislisten up yall it's a sabotage
02:38.28alestaneAh it only does the icon for "kirby to the left."
02:38.30zenzelezzthe video for that one is so cool
02:38.37dylanmOh that worked. Had to change around some style settings and it looks kinda ugly but now I see kirby.
02:38.40art3misyeah it is
02:38.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
02:39.47alestaneJust the emoticons style.
02:40.11reqolmy mirc setup is brackish
02:41.48*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
02:44.10art3mislike brak?
02:46.29*** part/#wowi-lounge daemoncollector (
02:46.52reqolI know who brak is
02:48.28art3misno it was a related
02:48.29alestaneI missed this one when it came out:
02:48.35art3misthe intro image on AS is funny
02:50.07alestane>>> table.concat({}, "")
02:50.07Cidealestane: ""
02:50.23alestane>>> table.concat({})
02:50.24Cidealestane: ""
02:50.33alestaneThat's what I needed to know.
02:53.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Osstia|home (
02:54.35alestane>>> table.concat({q=75}, "")
02:54.35Cidealestane: ""
02:54.37art3miswhee's cidan been
02:54.40art3mis~seen cidan
02:54.43purlcidan is currently on #wowi-lounge (4d 18h 36m 59s) #wowace (4d 18h 36m 59s), last said: 'Idiots'.
02:54.53art3misthat explains it
03:03.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Osstia|mac (
03:04.04Shirikit's a good question really
03:04.14ShirikI've been meaning to log onto gtalk to find him but haven't had the chance
03:06.26Shirikok mobs that faerie fire are incredibly annoying
03:06.38Shiriknever thought it was a big deal but while trying to level a rogue omg
03:09.24Shirikoohh lv 11 rare
03:12.31Osstia|macyou need cloak of shadows
03:12.37Osstia|maci bet you could buy it
03:13.03Shirikisn't that like a lv 62 ability?
03:13.46alestaneOver 60 anyway.
03:15.32nevcairiel66 i think
03:15.57Shirikpoint is I'm not even close :P
03:16.44Osstia|macmy ISP is raking me over the coals tonight /cry
03:20.47Osstia|macwhat race is your rogue shirik?
03:20.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
03:25.06Shirik(@ Osstia|mac )
03:28.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
03:29.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
03:29.19*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
03:29.42alestaneHNY Iriel!
03:29.50alestane(Almost anyway)
03:31.43IrielHey, happy almost new year
03:33.30*** join/#wowi-lounge pprovost_ (n=pprovost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
03:33.35ShirikHi Iriel
03:33.47Shirikwhy aren't you out drinking?
03:34.20IrielI've got a headache and dont feel well, so i'm avoiding people instead
03:34.42IrielI did buy some big paper and made the new printer prove its worth:
03:35.16alestaneNew glossy photoprinter?
03:42.08*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
03:43.12alestaneLua strings index from 1 right?
03:43.54Cideoh, strings
03:44.12CideI read tables
03:44.48Shirikyes, iirc
03:45.04Shirikas much as I hate that
03:45.22alestane>>> ("ABCDEF"):sub(1,2)
03:45.22Cidealestane: "AB"
03:45.44alestane>>> #"ABCDEF"
03:45.45Cidealestane: 6
03:47.03Cide>>> local t = getmetatable("a"); local old = t.__index; t.__index = function(self, key) if ( tonumber(key) ) then return self:sub(key, key) end return old[key]; end return ("abc")[2], ("foo")[1]
03:47.03CideCide: "b",  "f"
03:47.08Cideheh, worthless but fun
03:47.10Shirikit's stupid no? :P
03:47.17art3miswow iriel nice printer
03:47.35Shirikalso alestane you fail at reading PMs that I sent like an hour ago
03:47.53Shirikthough it's kinda irrelevant now
03:48.41alestaneI see that, and no I didn't. My chat rooms list is expanded, so the Conversation marker has been pushed off the bottom of the window.
03:49.34Shirikon my client at home I get little popups even if irc isn't the active window
03:49.37Shirikit's nice :)
03:50.33alestaneI might have gotten something, but I think the global message from the sysadmins overwrote it while I have another app in front of it.
03:52.17alestaneI don't know.
03:54.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (n=d8fdfaa2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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03:55.44Shirikdo rogues have a 5SR-like thing for energy?
03:56.11hasteconstant 2 sec tick on server side
03:56.23Shirikthat is so cheap
03:56.33Shirikand I intend to exploit it ><
03:56.49Shirikas I'm sure all the other smart rogues do
03:56.57alestane5sr would really gimp rogues since they're basically obliged to use energy constantly.
03:58.03Cideexploit it like druids
03:58.16Cidere-shift into cat form for a free 40 energy!
03:58.33ShirikTHANK YOU
03:58.40XuerianAnd now we can do it instantly
03:58.44ShirikI am so glad this is the last day of this damn hotel internet
03:58.50Cideyep, 1.5 sec == 40 energy
03:59.05Cidedo cat druids do that? it should be more efficient, right?
03:59.19XuerianYou can do it for emergency burst dps
03:59.32XuerianGenerally it's not worth it
03:59.56XuerianIf you run yourself out of mana mid-fight in a 5-man, you have no room to shift out and do anything to save the day
04:00.10XuerianRaid situation, not so much of a problem
04:00.19Shirikbut why not convert mana into energy :)
04:00.19Shirikif you can
04:00.33Shirikbtw druids suck
04:00.48XuerianWe love you too, in our furry four-pawed way.
04:01.04Shirikwoah, slow down there buddy
04:01.19XuerianWe're always on.
04:01.22Cidedruids are pro
04:01.36Cidethe best part is doing 2v2 arenas
04:02.10Cideand literally feeling the rage of the enemy warrior who hasn't been able to hit anyone with his weapon for the last 2 minutes
04:02.13Cidebecause he's been chain-rooted and -cycloned
04:02.35Cideand the two seconds he wasn't he's been chasing my ass while I run 30% faster than him
04:03.00*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
04:06.22ShirikI have never in my life
04:06.34Shirikwanted to kill the idiots at google so adamantly
04:06.42alestaneCan a situation exists where [help,harm] selects?
04:06.52ShirikWhomever created this damn "google toolbar" and shipped it with every damn computer
04:07.05ShirikNeeds to be slowly descended, bond style, into a pit of boiling hot oil
04:07.29Shirikalestane: I don't think so
04:07.39ShirikI can think of a case for nohelp,noharm
04:07.45ShirikBut not help,harm
04:10.08alestaneI'm retackling a problem I was dealing with before, where I'm using RegisterStateDriver(frame, "visibility", "[conditions] show; hide"), and I'm trying to add support for a new conditional, [resting], in the source strings.
04:10.57alestaneI can split the string into two, one for resting and one for not resting, but I think I've just realized that there was a flaw with my previous approach.
04:16.06alestaneIt works okay for a string like "[mounted][resting] show; hide", which gets split into "[mounted][] show; hide" for when the toon is gaining rest, and "[mounted] show; hide" when the toon is not gaining rest...but if I feed a single-condition string like "[resting] show; hide", it splits into "[] show; hide" and "show; hide", which means the frame will always be shown.
04:17.49alestaneSo I'm thinking that rather than eliminate the "[resting]" completely from the string for when the toon is not gaining rest, I should replace it with a condition which is ALWAYS false.
04:18.45alestaneI suppose [exists,noexists] would be an even surer bet that [help,harm].
04:20.28alestaneExcept the condition I'm modifying might already have a "target=" clause in it, which could cause unreliable behavior.
04:21.22zenzelezz[pet,nopet] o_O
04:21.57alestaneSo yeah, anything of the form [X, noX] should work.
04:23.12alestaneAny weird one-clause conditionals that will always fail? How about [nobutton] or [nobar]?
04:26.40alestaneI like the sound of [nobar], since the client should always have some page listed as the current action bar.
04:29.02*** join/#wowi-lounge reqol (
04:29.23reqoldamn it. does purl log chat? I just exited MIRC and wanted to read a bunch of stuff
04:29.30reqoland lost it all :(
04:30.12buuHa ha!
04:31.49reqolthat's not very nice ;_;
04:34.43CodayusThere's probably a lesson here...
04:35.12alestane"Never log off of IRC?"
04:35.24alestaneI don't know if that's a useful lesson.
04:35.47alestaneOoh! Ooh! [bar:0]!
04:36.06*** join/#wowi-lounge pprovost_ (n=pprovost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
04:38.20reqolwell, if anyone finds a log or if purl logs chat, could you throw me a link? thanks :D
04:38.49alestaneWhat did you need to see?
04:39.38purlsomebody said logs was apt/ibot/infobot/jbot/purl all log daily to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz
04:40.00Thunder_Childthere you go reqol
04:43.25Thunder_Childyour welcome!!
04:44.37purlThunder_Child is an asshole
04:44.48alestaneUm, never mind that.
04:44.54Thunder_Childi win
04:45.08Thunder_Child~emulate Thunder_Child
04:45.08purlto save time, let's just assume i know everything
04:52.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Lonny (
04:59.37Gngskis it possible to tell /click to do a right click instead of a left click?
05:02.12Thunder_Child~emulate Thunder_Child
05:02.13purlI'm retired, but i work part-time as a PAIN IN THE ASS
05:04.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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05:06.26Guillotinehello to the future! (EST)
05:06.51sag_ich_nichtit's 2008 since 6 hours here, hush
05:11.46reqol is about the most glorious thing I've ever witnessed.
05:11.55reqolI don't get out much :(
05:12.54alestaneHappy New Year!
05:13.08alestaneAkemashite Omedetou for anyone in the Orient!
05:22.21Cairenn|afkHappy New Years!
05:22.37|Jelly|Yeah...happy... We were on an hour wait...all...night...long...
05:24.16*** part/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
05:24.26Thunder_Childi still have 2 1/2 hours to go
05:25.02sag_ich_nichtbut maybe someone else can help me, any idea why this macrosequence macro doesn't work properly? it should reset after 6 seconds, but it doesn't:
05:25.24alestaneOkay, wierd...[bar] appears to be always false, [nobar] appears to be always true...backwards from what I'd expect.
05:29.44reqolThunder_Child: same here
05:29.53reqol<--- berkeley
05:30.04Thunder_ChildLos Angeles for me
05:31.24Thunder_ChildShipping method: Ground
05:31.30kd3woo for being one year closer to the y2.38k problem
05:33.29reqoldoes self generally universally replace the addons name? so if I wanted a variable myAddon_one could it be self_one?
05:34.32reqolas long as it's not used in other context, is what I mean
05:35.12Finself is a way for an object to refer to itself
05:35.19Finyou need to read up on OO a bit, I think
05:36.05Finnot that I'm an expert myself
05:36.29reqolyes, but as I understand it (from being told), if you have myAddon and a function myAddon:myFunction, self:myFunction could be used to refer to it
05:36.40reqolso I was wondering if that continues on into other areas
05:37.05Finwell, it's not likely to be the "addon's name" - that would be just a string
05:37.13Finand, what other areas?
05:37.58reqolif I could reference a variable in a similar manner. like myAddon_thisVariable could be references as self_thisVariable, used outside of any functions I mean
05:38.04sag_ich_nichtokay never mind the question, it works now.
05:38.04alestanereqol: Ace addons will act a little like what you're describing, but not for the reasons you seem to be supposing.
05:39.24alestanereqol: And the example you just gave doesn't work at all.
05:41.07alestaneIf you have a function myAddon:myFunction(), then what you really have is a table (or frame, which are also tables) with a member element ["myFunction"] = function(self).
05:43.30*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
05:43.32alestaneNight folks
05:43.35reqolalestane: yeah I'm looking at the pil now
05:43.38reqolnight! thanks for the help
05:49.55*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
05:52.23reqolthe pil is down :( such horror.
05:52.35reqolgoogle cache saves the day!
05:53.49reqolhow does WoW handle things defined in the lua file outside of any functions or tables. such as local/normal variables/tables, especially ones that are also saved variables. are they changed everytime it loads, etc?
05:54.33reqolI have a table that does = { ["VERSION"] = "0.3" }. it's a saved variables, yet since I've had this addon since the first version, it hasn't overriden that value
05:55.07Finyou are not providing enough information
05:55.39nymbiathat's enough info ;)
05:55.44Finwhat are you doing with this variable, what were you expecting, and why?
05:55.56reqolit's the table that holds every variable in the file
05:56.17reqolin the savedvariables file, "VERSION" is still .01, despite it being .03 in the file
05:56.18nymbiasince it's defined in the main block, it gets executed before VARIABLES_LOADED, and so it gets overwrote by the copy from SavedVars
05:57.00reqolwow. you managed to answer every question I had..thanks!
05:57.50Finthat's because nymbia is a font
05:58.11nymbiaclearly i'm not drunk enough yet.
05:58.18Finof wisdom
06:04.49Thunder_Childmore like a font of liquer
06:09.11Finboom! 350 fishing
06:29.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
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07:09.31sag_ich_nichtFin how many catches do you need to gain 1 skillpoint at that level?
07:16.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
07:25.20Thunder_Childsomeoen needs to come up with a vector based CCD style chip
07:25.58IrielThat requires a human style visual processing system
07:26.19Irieland it wouldn't really be a vector based CCD, it'd be massive post processing on the result
07:26.40Thunder_Childi know, but it sounded better
07:26.53Thunder_Childstill, it would be rather nice
07:28.02Thunder_Child"(23:25:24) (@Iriel) That requires a human style visual processing system" how is that?
07:28.34IrielWell, finding the real lines in an image is a lot of work, especially in near real time
07:28.53Irielwe do it in our heads but I dont think software/hardware is anywhere near as good as we are yet
07:30.06Thunder_Childhmm..i would think if we got to the point where we could do that it would be far better then our processing system
07:31.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
07:31.45Thunder_Childstill we are getting closer. things like facial recognition is getting there due to the fact that if you can define features on a face you can "find the edges"
08:24.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
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08:47.14reqolmy other computer has the command.exe trojan and I can't manually exit the process because I don't have access. is there a way to terminate it otherwise? spybot, AVG, and panda have all not been able to get rid of it
08:48.19Lonnydelete it from real mode aka dos ?
08:49.17reqolattrib -h?
08:50.06reqolcan't even get it to restart
08:50.24reqolnot particularly fond of manually shutting down comps but I've no option in this cae
08:50.46LonnyYou get access denied ?
08:51.41Lonnyattrib -r
08:52.32reqolkk sec
08:56.04Lonnyshutdown -r will force it to restart, shutdown -a will abort it.
09:02.51reqolugh, it's so slow
09:02.59reqolwhy do people make this malicious software, it's so aggravating
09:03.43sag_ich_nichtshutdown -r -f -t 0
09:03.49sag_ich_nichtinstant reboot.
09:04.08reqolthen I start in what?
09:05.55LonnyHmm well if none gonna make these mal softwares there won't be any security/anti-virus companies to earn money from it
09:08.16reqolsafe mode?
09:09.23Lonnyyeah, well if you don't have any booting disc it's the only option ?
09:10.15sag_ich_nichtwhat OS, reqol?
09:10.34sag_ich_nichtand what trojan exactly are you refering to?
09:10.42reqoland some other infections
09:10.44reqolthat seem to thrive off it
09:10.55sag_ich_nichtreboot in safemode and try to kill it from there i guess
09:11.08reqoltrying too, currently doing trial and error
09:11.22sag_ich_nichti'll reboot now, because my videocard locked up again
09:13.17reqolit asks for a boot device and I have no idea which device ;_; normal and local drive both boot to XP obviously
09:13.22reqolthe rest seem inconsequential
09:13.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
09:14.47LonnyHmm where was the location again ?
09:15.02Lonnyor was it command.exe ?
09:15.11Lonnyah command.exe hmm
09:15.44reqolit's in windows/something
09:15.53reqolit's a bunch of random letters as far as I can tell
09:16.23LonnyThe system doesn't load ? or it's loading and the message popping during the start up ?
09:17.01reqolI restart and then
09:17.05reqolI click f12 for boot menu
09:17.08reqolit asks for a device
09:17.10reqolhold on
09:17.42reqolnormal, floppy, hard disk, ide cd rom, lan, system setup, ide drive diagnotics, boot to utility partition
09:17.51reqolnormal and hard disk both boot directly to XP without any other options
09:18.43Lonnyuse hard disk and right after hit F8 to load the config menu for safe mode
09:19.10reqolah, thanks
09:19.18reqolsafe mode with cmd prompt?
09:19.19Lonnynp :)
09:19.44Lonnyyeah, without networking.
09:22.01reqolugh: Not resetting system file - C:\WINDOWS\QmVuIEtlBXA\command.exe
09:23.05Lonnywhat's the command you're typing ?
09:23.37reqolI got it using attrib command.exe -s -h
09:23.49reqolgreat, another problem. access denied
09:23.56Lonny-s -h -r
09:24.13reqolsweet triumph
09:24.16reqolI love you.
09:24.33reqolnow to rid my computer of the several hundred other .dll files. fun.
09:25.36reqolat least it's gone, thanks.
09:36.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
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09:56.23*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
09:56.37cncfanaticsyo peeps, I'm back to anoy you all !
09:56.56nevcairielquick, ban him!
09:59.22cncfanatics./mode #wowi-lounge +b cncfanatics
10:08.07sag_ich_nichtcan we please just kill people like this?
10:10.59Industrialwhy post there at all
10:11.01Industriali wonder
10:12.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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10:43.23Rayneanyone awake?
10:43.24sag_ich_nichtmms:// Vienna New Year's Concert
10:45.15RayneKelfarr wasnt kidding. Alot of the new stuff on EJ is terrible. :/
10:48.37Raynejust go look in the post your UI thread :/
10:50.18RayneAlso, Happy New Year everyone
10:56.25sag_ich_nichtnow go turn on PBS :P
10:56.40art3missweet dawn of the dead extended is on
10:59.37*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
11:04.00IndustrialRayne: linky?
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11:42.15CorrodiasFINALLY got a group for heroic SV, survived one temporary subsitution and a healer replacement
11:42.28Corrodiasbut the bastard didn't drop my bow, nooooo
11:45.56Corrodiasof course, we'll be doing "alt kara" runs more, and as one of the only alt hunters, i might get him the sunfury bow if it ever drops again
11:58.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
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15:44.38malrethwhy the fuck am i awake so damn early?
15:47.33Fisker-~seen cockwheel
15:47.35purli haven't seen 'cockwheel', Fisker-
15:47.37Fisker-~seen cogwheel
15:47.38purlcogwheel <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 20h 21m 8s ago, saying: 'u2'.
15:52.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
15:57.20LopeppeppyBoring New Years, it's snowing like a bastard again.  No Sweeny Todd for Peppy.
16:04.52LopeppeppyOkay... If I were to be about to make the leap of faith and try Grid... which additional plugins might a paladin healer find tasty?
16:05.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim|ubuntu (
16:06.25LopeppeppyAnd is there a tutorial hanging around I might look at?  I gave Grid a pass before because it was just too complex to set up...
16:18.52*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
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16:41.35LopeppeppyThanks, |Jelly| dear.  My googlefu is...  shattered today.
16:45.30LopeppeppyI'll probably do the obscene and run Grid alongside in Kara tonight, see if I can grok it.
16:51.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Tinyboom (
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16:59.53malrethCide, can you teach me about love?
17:00.08Cidesure. what'dya wanna know?
17:00.31malrethHow do you get a girl to like you on the first date?
17:01.30CideI'm afraid I'm pretty bad at that myself!
17:01.53zenzelezzChef covered this, you just have to find the clitoris
17:01.54*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
17:02.16[dRaCo]on the first date? gl.
17:02.46malrethClitoris? Is that a kind of drink?
17:03.19malrethoh... gotta go... later all
17:03.23Cideyes, yes it is!
17:03.28Cidefind it and you shall succeed
17:03.33malreththanks for the clitoris!
17:08.54*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
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17:09.47alestane>>> ("ABCDEF"):find"BC"
17:09.47Cidealestane: 2,  3
17:10.51cladhairethat last exchange was submitted on bash
17:10.53cladhairebtw :P
17:11.15JoshBorkehappy new year clad
17:11.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
17:11.21cladhairehappy new year JoshBorke
17:11.42alestaneWhat last exchange?
17:11.51Cideyou missed it
17:13.30alestaneo dear.
17:14.26JoshBorkeanybody got a simple script to create a toc that optdeps addons with ! at the beginning of the name?
17:16.04alestaneI still find it strange that the conditional [bar] always returns false, not true.
17:20.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
17:27.05foxlitJoshBorke: all ! addons?
17:27.31JoshBorkefoxlit: nvm, i only had 2 so i did it manually
17:27.45foxlitShouldn't they get loaded first anyway?
17:27.51JoshBorkenot in linux
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18:50.26|pez|Jeez, right now, I hate my dad.
18:50.32|pez|not a good way to start the new year.
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19:00.08AstrrylianHappy New Year, all :)
19:01.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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19:02.55AstrrylianI'm looking for an addon that I recall seeing before... Gave you a map of each boss' room, and allowed you to place markers for each group/character/target, that was sync'd with the rest of the raid, for aiding in positioning and strategy...
19:03.05AstrrylianAnyone know what that addon is?
19:03.10AstrrylianHey Iriel
19:03.34IrielHappy new year everyone
19:03.52AstrrylianYou too :)
19:08.38AstrrylianAh, found it, Curse has a year-old version of it... "Battle Planner"... Anyone use that or know of another addon that fills the same role?
19:10.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
19:12.06IrielOoh, I found something facebook is good for... hosting a fast CPAN mirror!
19:13.00Thunder_Childyou can host software on facebook?
19:13.10IrielNo, /they/ host the mirror
19:13.14IrielI'm guessing they use a lot of perl
19:15.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
19:16.33JoshBorkehappy new year irial
19:16.35JoshBorkeerm, iriel
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19:18.19MentalPowerHappy new year!
19:23.58IndustrialMentalPower: \o/
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19:32.14Fisker-better put a stop to that Iriel
19:32.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
19:39.27estethAstrrylian: I beleive RDX-Raid has a component called Quill which does much the same thing. I've never used it, however.
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19:57.25sysrageis there a macro flag for whether you're in a BG or not?
19:57.48sysrageso i can have a hotbar button that will use 1 trinket if i'm in a bg or another if i'm not?
19:59.27sysrageor can a macro use a trinket by the slot it's in instead of the name?
20:00.05Thunder_Childi think you can choose by slot
20:00.09Thunder_Childbut i am not sure
20:02.11*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
20:02.33foxlit/use (slot number)
20:02.36foxlitI think
20:08.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Pandya (
20:14.38ThraeSo, any modular unit frame addons out there?
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20:16.11ThraeYeah, so I don't need the code and libraries for raid frames, party frames, etc. when all I need is just a Target Frame.
20:17.33ThraeMultiple stage modularization == less worry when one thing breaks down the road
20:18.22ThraeNot many borgish addons use it, unfortunately
20:20.27JoshBorkeThrae: have you looked at the different Ace/Rock UFs?
20:22.05foxlitEvil paraphrasing item
20:22.20foxlitA modularized system is one that prevents you from getting any work done when a module you've never heard of fails
20:22.59foxlitCoincidentially, I have a pattern problem
20:23.13foxlit[[Image:SomePicture.jpg|thumb|right|A description [[Page|with a link]]]]
20:23.32foxlitGetting the SomePicture.jpg out is easy, getting the full description is annoying me at the moment.
20:23.56JoshBorkewhat's optional and what isn't?
20:24.09foxlitImage:SomePicture.jpg isn't optional, the rest is
20:24.44foxlitI'll assume description isn't "left" or "right" or "thumb" on purpose
20:24.57foxlitAnd it's always the rightmost argument
20:25.45foxlitThe pipe inside [[]] to denote a link in the description bothers me at the moment
20:26.02foxlitI could do args:match("[^|]+$") otherwise
20:27.47LopeppeppyI would mail them to this guy in prison.
20:28.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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21:30.21estethIs there a way to check if my addon is loaded if it isn't responding to slash commands?
21:30.34IrielLook in the FrameXML.log ?
21:31.31estethI'm a bit new to this. Where would i find the FrameXML.log?
21:31.55IrielWorld of Warcraft/Logs
21:33.20estethThanks :)
21:35.48IrielNo problem 8-)
21:36.45Corrodiasnow this is annoying:
21:37.07Corrodiasafter playing long enough, suddenly my framerate will take a dive every time i am in combat
21:37.13Corrodiasi have to reload my UI to make it stop
21:37.45Corrodiasdiagnosing this... that'll be tough. i'll have to run with cpu usage monitoring enabled all the time until it happens
21:41.11MentalPoweresteth: /dump IsAddOnLoaded"SomeAddOnName"
21:41.41MentalPowernot required :P
21:41.58zenzelezzmore readble with
21:42.16estethAhh. That's helpful. So my addon is loaded, but failing to do what i want it to :P
21:42.32MentalPowerI've been dealing with non-WoW Lua and I see a lot of require"someLib"
21:58.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
21:59.35zenzelezzI'll stop complaining about WoW's helm models after having just received this in Oblivion:
22:00.09Tuller_people play oblivion at that resolution? :)
22:01.16zenzelezzno idea, but I don't have a screenshot of my own right now... can't see a screenshot keybind in the settings and *if* it is printscreen, it saves to a directory I don't have shared right now >.<
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22:58.07Mr_Rabies2i love lewis black
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23:11.51estethIs there a way to store the "ID" of many monsters so that i can target them later, or is that not possible with the API? I can't find any way to do it on wowwiki.
23:12.58*** join/#wowi-lounge DuTempete (
23:13.01zenzelezzthat is intentionally impossible; you can only use the specific unit IDs (target, focus, etc)
23:13.13estethAh, that's a shame. Thanks for the help though
23:27.55Codayusesteth: For certain very limited applications you can work around that.  You can tell if any two unitids (target and focus, say) refer to the same mob.  You can iterate through every target and focus in the raid, and build a *potentially* complete list of mobs in the raid.
23:28.51CodayusIf the mob you want is unique in some way (raid icon, name, level), and is current referable via a unitid, then that kinda works, for some purposes.  Sort of.
23:29.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
23:29.51Codayus(This is ugly, hackish, inefficient, and probably doesn't do what you want, and if it does do what you want, will probably break too often to be useful.)
23:29.54JoshBorkebut not really
23:33.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
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23:43.52Shirik|AFKbecause everyone's is
23:43.59Shirik|AFKwell, for the most part
23:44.01Shirik|AFK!c us drenden kimina
23:44.04ThraeBotShirik|AFK: Kimina, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest: armory cache miss. Play more, nubstick! (Incomplete data. Character may be awaiting refresh on Armoury.) [[ TBR: ? ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Jan  1 18:48:55 2008 EST ]]
23:44.16bleeterheh, two other toons of mine were showing fine
23:44.17Shirik|AFKwhich is logged in now, and last logged out
23:44.25Shirik|AFKmaybe 12 hours ago
23:47.42bleeter:( why does my car have to stop working the day I was takin' babes to the beach :(
23:47.54bleeter~fail bleeter
23:47.54purlbleeter: Fail.
23:48.27LopeppeppyI've found the Armory to be hosed all day.  Probably by the Lag Monster that keeps killing my Baby Toons.
23:51.00bleeterEvery time Lag Monster kills a Baby Toon, a Titan masturbates?
23:51.42*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (

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