IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071231

00:02.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Rayne (
00:03.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Karen@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
00:03.30*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
00:03.46Irielhi cair
00:03.50*** join/#wowi-lounge kadrahil (
00:04.24cladhaireugt Cairenn
00:06.20IrielAnduinLothar: Your video (which eventually downloaded after what felt like a week) looks similar to the kind of stuff I got from my graphics card when it was playing up (It was a combination of updating nvidia's drivers and wiaitng for a wow patch that fixed it) - This was on a PC, however.
00:07.27cladhaireScrew Gnarline Shaman
00:07.38AnduinLotharmy gcard has known overheating issues oem in the mac pro
00:07.54AnduinLothari have a modified fan util that keeps it bellow 90 degrees f, tho
00:08.44zenzelezzI had overheating issues on my 9800 when the fan died. Was the only time I've seen graphical corruption in the POST/BIOS screens
00:09.51AnduinLotharunfortunetly i'm out of warentee
00:10.13AnduinLotharhowever one part is easy to clean, apparently the heatsink in front of the fan collects dust that clogs it
00:10.16AnduinLotharjust a pain
00:15.51*** join/#wowi-lounge pprovost_ (n=pprovost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
00:23.00RayneIm beginning to remember why I fucking hate STV so much
00:23.37cladhairei like stv
00:23.40zenzelezzit's the smell... if there is such a thing
00:23.44cladhaireyou just have to knoe when its time to leave, and then come back
00:27.39Cidego there at about level 12, leave at 59, come back at 63 to finish it up and get those last levels before you hit 70
00:27.55Shirikbleeter: yes it is
00:27.57Shirikit always is
00:35.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
00:35.30*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
00:44.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Osstia|mac (
00:45.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
00:46.38LopeppeppyHeya, zenzelezz.  Thanks, warm fuzzies are always appreciated.  *hugs*
01:00.43mikmacladhaire: stv is great, in pve ^^
01:02.11mikmaLopeppeppy: i like you
01:02.38LopeppeppyEven when I call you certifiable?
01:03.18mikmayes please
01:03.32mikmawould you like fries with that?
01:04.35LopeppeppyNo, I have a pint of Phish Food though, and I'm not afraid to use it.
01:06.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
01:10.13LopeppeppySnot-r... um, doesn't make me want to see it!
01:15.09mikmaLopeppeppy: don'y worry, eventho i'm insane i won't paste horrible urls. much
01:15.40mikmaexcept the url where 3 elder gay men were rubbing each other in shower and the browser was jumping all over the screen
01:16.40Mr_Rabies2that's hot
01:22.27*** join/#wowi-lounge soufron (
01:23.25*** join/#wowi-lounge soufron (
01:23.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
01:24.00*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
01:36.04Raynetheres something about my UI I hate and I cant figure out what
01:36.58zenzelezzI'm guessing it's the look or the functionality
01:37.29RayneThe funtion is perfectly fine
01:37.33Rayneits the look
01:37.52RayneI think its the Minimap though
01:38.09ScytheBlade1I hate my minimap too
01:38.19Rayne iunno what do you guys think
01:38.20ScytheBlade1But that's largely because I created the addon for it :(
01:39.09foxlitnon-interlaced pngs make baby jesus cry
01:39.20ScytheBlade1Your minimap is out of the normal aspect ratio...
01:41.05ScytheBlade1Even while the default is circular, it's still square
01:41.10ScytheBlade1You've got a nice rectangle going on
01:41.25ScytheBlade1If you want it smaller, cool, just shrink it equally
01:42.26Mr_Rabies2it's the font i think
01:42.37Mr_Rabies2that font makes baby l.ron cry
01:43.25ScytheBlade1Heh, no, I really do think it's the minimap... it throws the left/right sides of the screen 'out of balance'
01:43.34ScytheBlade1Needs more 'weight' on the minimap side to match the buff side
01:44.15foxlitDid you know... "...that since haste makes waste, and slow and steady wins the race, it follows that everybody who loses a race must therefore be charged with littering?"
01:45.09mikmathis is cool:
01:45.56AntiarcWhich physics engine does Crysis use? Havok?
01:47.35mikmalet's google!
01:47.36AntiarcLordy that game is pretty.
01:48.09foxlitIt's not on the box, anyway
01:48.31Antiarcsolid body stacking is a pretty rigorous feat for a physics engine
01:48.40foxlit"Instead, Crytek have developed their own proprietary physics system, called CryPhysics."
01:48.46AntiarcThey're using some pretty top-notch stuff there to be able to handle those sorts of situations
01:49.08foxlitI don't really like the video, though
01:49.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
01:49.42foxlitsome of those collapses appear unnatural, caused by nothing the player did
01:49.42*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
01:50.07Mr_Rabies2it's also not a very fun game
01:50.17foxlitThe game isn't bad :)
01:50.23Mr_Rabies2the best part was destructive buildings and that's easily doable in half-life 2
01:50.30Mr_Rabies2oh and exploiting how buggy it was
01:50.35Mr_Rabies2i love throwing kiwi birds into the water
01:50.42Mr_Rabies2and watching them hover about 6 inches above it
01:50.46Mr_Rabies2doing the run animation
01:50.51Mr_Rabies2facing the sky
01:52.07foxlitHm, actually prefer crysis to ep2
01:52.21ScytheBlade1That was in reference to destructible bridges
01:52.54ScytheBlade1Game start --> bridge collapses
01:53.13foxlitAlthough the helicopter AI cheated
01:53.30foxlitAnd some of those crashes were downright uncomfortable
01:54.37ScytheBlade1How did the helicopter AI cheat?
01:54.51foxlitIt follows you rather relentlessly
01:54.58ScytheBlade1Well, yes
01:55.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
01:55.47ScytheBlade1But considering who you are and what you stand for, and who is commanding that helicoper, the reason should be obvious ;P
01:56.37foxlitErm, I mean it tracks you through being miles away, cloaked and out of sight
01:57.06foxlitThink you can hide in that forest over there? No, sir!
01:57.08ScytheBlade1I never saw that as cheating
01:57.18ScytheBlade1The combine are, you know, networked
01:57.32foxlitCrysis chopper, not HL2 chopper
01:57.36ScytheBlade1Oh ha
01:57.37ScytheBlade1Ignore me!
01:58.01foxlitHL2 choppers are more or less all scripted, you can't really get yourself in the same mess as you could in Crysis
01:58.28ScytheBlade1Yeah, scripted is a nice way to put it
01:58.34foxlit(scripted in the sense that you can't really move on without killing the chopper, and you're always given an unlimited supply of ammunition to do that.
01:58.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
01:59.40Tinyboommikma: I hate you, that game is gonna haunt me......
01:59.42foxlitWhereas if a crysis chopper starts tracking you, you'd better hope you brought your own missiles, or the next half hour spent looking for them is going to be very entertaining
02:00.03mikmaTinyboom: :(
02:03.22foxlitHm, there's a C&C shooter in the works as well :/
02:03.54Thunder_Childanother one? the first didnt go over so well
02:04.04Thunder_Childthough i rather enjoyed it
02:04.21foxlitOh, the feeling of wondering pointlessly through nod buildings
02:04.53Tinyboommikma: yay, first level done, now i can sleep:p
02:06.10mikmathis is also funny :D
02:06.59mikmaalso, time to learn some engrish!
02:14.01Tinyboomgod i love watching americans on icy roads:p ;)
02:17.33*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Joshua@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
02:18.19mikmaTinyboom: lol yeah
02:22.00Tinyboomdamn that's a bad copy:p
02:22.09Mr_Rabies2no it's not, it's amazing
02:22.18Mr_Rabies2for bollywood, that's incredibly high budget
02:22.32Mr_Rabies2it's like a shot-by-shot, angle-by-angle recreation
02:22.37Mr_Rabies2including some photoshoppery
02:25.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (n=d8fdfaa2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
02:25.27*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Shirik] by ChanServ
02:26.54*** join/#wowi-lounge fgsfds (n=rumors@
02:27.01mikmai found a new way to play wow..
02:31.44*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (n=Joshua@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
02:33.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah_ (
02:35.39*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork2 (
02:57.08mikmafunny stuff, really :D
02:57.31mikmaseems to have almost 10 rating or so :D
03:18.39*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh__ (
03:31.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (n=d8fdfaa2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
03:31.35*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Shirik] by ChanServ
03:31.36ShirikCide: ping
04:03.11Fisker-OMG WET T-SHIRT MIKMA
04:03.25mikmaFisker-: k
04:08.19mikmaPING PONG!
04:45.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
04:53.45Corrodiashello everybody!
04:54.03Thunder_Child~blame Corrodias
04:54.04purlACTION blames Corrodias (and Canada) for all the evil in the world
04:56.27Corrodiasokay, i don't think i ever got around to reporting that window size bug, but i thought other people had
04:56.57Corrodiaswhere it isn't full size horizontally when that would exceed your desktop width
05:01.44FurlEnchantLinks with /script -- halp.
05:02.13Furlhalp the nub week
05:03.19FurlOh nm
05:03.22FurlNow I get it
05:03.26FurlStupid blizzard.
05:07.49Shirikwow, that's a new error
05:07.53Shirikwowarmory is more broked than before
05:07.57ShirikI wonder what thraebot will do now
05:08.04Shirik!c us drenden kimina
05:08.06ThraeBotShirik: Kimina, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest: armory cache miss. Play more, nubstick! (Incomplete data. Character may be awaiting refresh on Armoury.) [[ TBR: ? ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Mon Dec 31 00:12:42 2007 EST ]]
05:08.36Shirikhuh. Over here it just says "access denied"
05:16.03Endmy character is awaiting refresh!
05:16.22End!c us bonechewer Zaleiria
05:16.24ThraeBotEnd: Zaleiria, Level 70 Blood Elf Warlock: armory cache miss. Play more, nubstick! (Incomplete data. Character may be awaiting refresh on Armoury.) [[ TBR: ? ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Mon Dec 31 00:21:00 2007 EST ]]
05:17.17End(and I just got off 20 minutes ago, heh)
05:19.58Thunder_Childyou all fail
05:32.32*** join/#wowi-lounge pprovost_ (n=pprovost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
05:41.01*** part/#wowi-lounge Furl (
05:41.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
05:41.51*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem] by ChanServ
05:42.52*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (
05:44.40Shirikmaking a rogue. How to spec for leveling? Seems like assasination at a first glance
05:46.11Mr_Rabies2i like combat
05:46.38Shirikcombat seemed more like survivability for leveling
05:46.40EndI think I put my first few points in combat for my rogue..but..ah...he's only level 16, and has been that way for the last..well...long time
05:46.44Shirikwhereas assasination would allow me to kill stuff faster
05:47.11Thunder_Child"Perfect solution for a problem of a small pen!s! - who have lost their lives," said Admiral Sir James supported by the Embassy of the United …"
05:47.51EndI can see more easily where to put points with assassination though
05:48.18Endwell, I did for a little bit at leasrt
05:50.55Thunder_ChildMr_Rabies2, very creative
05:51.02Fisker-so they weren't arsed to actually complete the others?
05:51.12Mr_Rabies2i guess not
05:51.22Fisker-The gates are open
05:51.25Fisker-Gate 1 - Bliss
05:52.26Mr_Rabies24chan officially scares the shit out of me
05:53.25Fisker-probably fake
05:53.27Fisker-as usual
05:53.38Mr_Rabies2i guess it could be
05:53.45Mr_Rabies2we can only hope
05:53.58Fisker-why the fuck would he have a picture of her with a tag like it was from a newspaper_
05:54.17Fisker-Kansas News & Weather Channel
05:54.18Mr_Rabies2she was reported lost
05:54.58Mr_Rabies2there's a way to check the post number against the timestamp
05:55.01Mr_Rabies2but i'm not sure how
05:56.34Fisker-It could just be someone working with the police
05:56.57Fisker-I vote fake though
05:57.07Fisker-Same with v-tech and fintech
05:57.21Mr_Rabies2the fintech one was fake?
05:57.28Mr_Rabies2that makes me sad
05:57.39Mr_Rabies2i want 4chan to be involved in something messed up like that :(
05:57.41Fisker-it's funny that newspapers report them :D
05:58.00Mr_Rabies2it's less interesting if you realize /b/ is mostly just normal people
05:58.04Mr_Rabies2there need to be some psychopaths
05:58.38Fisker-I'd say people browsing /b/ would probably be more intelligent than normal people
05:59.08Mr_Rabies2there's plenty of crazy smart people
05:59.22Mr_Rabies2i ran into a guy who called himself "pope hentai" at a convention once
05:59.27Mr_Rabies2i refused to shake his hand
06:02.22Mr_Rabies2i have an odd relationship with my friends
06:02.42Mr_Rabies2i stood by a table and watched the two of them pick out which of the hentai on said table they had seen in its entirety
06:02.50Mr_Rabies2and it was a good 90% of the table, with about 50 dvds on it
06:05.49Fisker- <-i see where this is going
06:06.44Mr_Rabies2what about it?
06:06.56Mr_Rabies2oh, linking it in trade and watching it explode?
06:17.40Endoh wow, that was pretty dumb
06:17.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
06:17.46*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
06:18.02EndApparently GetPlayerMapPosition() returns floating point numbers
06:18.06EndI -know- that
06:18.44Endyet for some reason, I couldn't figure out why my debugging code was failing...but I was using string.format
06:18.47Endwith %d
06:25.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Galka (
06:50.55*** join/#wowi-lounge pprovost_ (n=pprovost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
06:55.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
07:11.07Osstia|maci am trying to create text at the top of a frame, but Settext() is failing because a font is not set, am I doing something wrong?
07:11.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
07:13.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
07:15.31IrielYou're not setting a font?
07:16.07Osstia|macdid you see the pastey, I think I am
07:16.15Osstia|macoptionsFrameHeaderText:SetFont("FRIZQT__.TTF",11, "OUTLINE")
07:16.44Osstia|macI am creating it, setting a point, setting the font, the color then the text
07:24.17TemOsstia|mac, that font probably doesn't exist at that path
07:24.29Temyou need a "Fonts\\" in front of it
07:26.48Thunder_ChildTem, the example at wowwiki doesnt show that
07:31.45TemThunder_Child, wowwiki has been wrong from time to time
07:33.06Corrodiasthere. i got my tailoring priest over to ironforge to buy the red winter clothes recipe. took some corpse hopping, but it worked.
07:33.26Corrodiashowever, the fact that i have little intention of ever playing him very far makes me think i should get it on my mage and/or warlock too, lowbies though they be
07:33.50Corrodiasor maybe i'll just feed him mageweave until he has tailoring high enough to make it and let him leech up a character slot unto eternity
07:35.51IrielYou've still got to deal with the level/skill cap
07:39.38NightHawkTheSaneRandom question time.. anyone have a good way to convert microwave times based on differentials in wattage?
07:44.47Corrodiasyeah, i have no intention of deleting my little priest, so just having the pattern on him will do
08:51.55*** join/#wowi-lounge _art3mis (
09:01.17*** join/#wowi-lounge daemoncollector (
09:04.39daemoncollectorso, i have a question
09:04.44daemoncollectori can't find an answer...
09:04.49Cairennso ask it
09:04.56daemoncollectoris it possible in any way to talk to an external program?
09:05.09Cairennnot in real time, no
09:05.31daemoncollectorso the WoW itunes stuff isn't done using their normal script?
09:05.34Cairennyou have to log out to save to the saved variables file and then export/upload that to the program
09:05.41Cairennthat's sandboxed
09:06.13daemoncollectorcauasei  know a long time ago...there used to be a WinAMP control addon
09:06.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Riffage (
09:06.20daemoncollectorthey killed that?
09:07.07Cairennyeah, pretty sure they shut the hole that had been allowing that
09:07.20daemoncollectorthat is uppseting
09:07.48Cairennjust make sure you are upset at the correct people
09:08.00Saint-Nlinked directories
09:08.14Cairennanytime they have to shut the door on something, it's because someone uses it to cheat/exploit
09:08.32Saint-Nif yer in osx playing on a mac there is a super easy way around it
09:08.44*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
09:08.45*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
09:08.49daemoncollectoralright, I AM on osx
09:08.58daemoncollectorhow does linked dirs help me interface in real time?
09:09.14Saint-Nokay go to the interface/addons/<addonname> folder
09:09.23Saint-Nyou can use the addon to read the dir
09:09.33Saint-Nln -s <target> <newhome>
09:09.44Saint-Nitll behave as though thats actually  real dir
09:09.48Saint-Nor "should"
09:09.53daemoncollectorsymblic links ftw
09:10.10daemoncollectorbut can i have it read data files out of that dir?
09:10.27Saint-Nthis is purely for music
09:10.42Saint-Nthe reason the addon fails in most cases is that it cant read outside the interface folder
09:10.45daemoncollectori was just using that as an example
09:10.52Saint-Nthus you cant just have the library anywhere
09:11.03daemoncollectori need to be able to read in from a text file
09:11.13Saint-Nsymbolic's though behave that way and it can read the content during load
09:11.14daemoncollectoror listening on a socket
09:11.17Irieldaemoncollector: You can't in real time, period.
09:11.24Saint-Noh in real time nope
09:11.41Saint-Nyou'd need to /rl each time it changed
09:11.45daemoncollectoralrighty then...there goes that idea
09:11.58Saint-Nso "technicalyl if you had a file that was a systemlog for instance
09:12.19Saint-Nyou could /rl every so often and see the new contents IF it was there in the first place, purely text based
09:12.36Saint-Nbut that would only take it to the pioint of the /rl
09:12.56Saint-Nsee ;P
09:12.59daemoncollectorwell...let me see if you even think this is a real idea
09:13.03Saint-Nso while it IS possible
09:13.08Saint-Nit's insanely retarded
09:13.14daemoncollectorthat may be plausable for this to work though :P
09:13.27daemoncollectori want to allow Growl to send updates to WoW
09:13.38daemoncollectoryou mentioned OSX, so i assume you know Growl?
09:13.41Saint-Nlike come back you're afk?
09:13.57Temwhat's Growl?
09:14.01daemoncollectorthat, and recieve notifies IN game
09:14.05Saint-Nno outside program can effect wow in that sense
09:14.18Saint-Na sound notified/popup wider thingy
09:14.18daemoncollectorif i can read a text file in the retarted way we said earlier
09:14.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
09:14.36daemoncollectori can use that
09:14.49daemoncollectorand /rl every couple min
09:15.00daemoncollectorand collect notifications
09:15.05Saint-Nif you did that you'd be umm "special"
09:15.22Saint-Nit would be possible provided the notification is text based
09:15.32daemoncollectorthats easy enough to do
09:15.38Saint-Nthe file that's "changing" needs to be in that dir already
09:15.41daemoncollectorsimple addition to the growl source code
09:15.50Saint-Nbut even then you wouldnt need to ln -0s
09:16.07Saint-Nyou could just write directly to it from outside
09:16.16Saint-Nthe reload would would load the new/changed contents
09:16.35daemoncollectorand then i can show the notify in game
09:16.41daemoncollectorand everyone is hapy
09:16.56Saint-Nyou wouldnt be happy
09:17.01daemoncollectori wouldn't?
09:17.06Saint-Nthe reload would remove blocks of "time"
09:17.16daemoncollectorwhat is this "time"
09:17.23Saint-Nwell in game
09:17.31Saint-Nload wow right now and type /reload
09:17.36daemoncollectorhaha, i know
09:17.40NightHawkTheSaneas in, it takes time to reload
09:17.41Saint-NTHAT time you wouldnt be there ;P
09:17.55Saint-Nso you'd be better served playing in windowed mode
09:18.01daemoncollectori do...
09:18.04daemoncollectorbut i want FS!
09:18.05Saint-Nand letting growl show the notifys normally
09:18.25daemoncollector*shakes fist*
09:18.48Saint-Nya know of that teamspeak program?
09:19.49NightHawkTheSanedaemoncollector: what, precisely, are you trying to accomplish?
09:19.51Saint-Nerr ventrillo sorry
09:20.01Saint-Nit uses dx to show the stuff on screen
09:20.25Saint-Nyou could "haxxor" it to do the same thing for growl notifies
09:20.40daemoncollectoryou got a link?
09:20.50NightHawkTheSaneSaint-N: you mean that vent overlay thing?
09:20.52Saint-Nnot handy
09:20.59NightHawkTheSaneyeah, thats windows only
09:21.09Saint-Nsource is avilable though
09:21.12daemoncollectori can still see how it works :)
09:21.12NightHawkTheSaneas, like you said, i uses dx to talk directly to the card or whatever
09:21.24Saint-Nyou can accimplish the same thing with ogl
09:21.31daemoncollectori can writes something simular in ogl
09:21.47daemoncollectorprofessional developer -<
09:22.05daemoncollectorwho is on sleeping pills Atm, so please excuse the lack of english
09:22.35Saint-Nthat would really be the only way to accomp[lish it
09:22.41Saint-Nand that would be for display only
09:22.55Saint-Nany interaction oter than showing you something would result in warden shutting you down
09:23.12daemoncollectorwhich would be very bad
09:24.32daemoncollectori erally wish tehre was a LUA way
09:24.32krkadaemoncollector: Lua is not an acronym. It is a Portuguese word that means moon.
09:27.04Saint-Nis there qa way in UE of scite to make it auto indent properly?
09:27.15Saint-Nlike uif i just mark a block of code and tell it to indent properly?
09:36.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Norsken (
09:47.15daemoncollectori guess i should give up on my dream?
09:48.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
10:01.13*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
10:13.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
10:32.17*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (
10:39.54sag_ich_nichti think i can trick castsequence with it and make a three button press macro into a two button press macro with it :X
10:45.02sag_ich_nichtif this works i have simplified my damage dealing abilities to a single to presses every six seconds macro.
10:45.13sag_ich_nicht*two presses
10:56.24Corrodiastwo presses every 6 seconds? what class is this, paladin?
10:59.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (n=elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
11:01.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Laric (
11:01.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
11:05.58Corrodiasi hate trying to solo mennu the betrayer
11:06.11Corrodiasbut trying to get a group together for anything on my realm is torturous
11:06.20Corrodiasat least, it has been for the past week
11:06.23Corrodiasor two
11:07.04Corrodiasalso, i haven't had a heroic steamvault go off in... i can't remember the last time
11:07.22Corrodiaseven on the day it was the daily heroic, i couldn't get in
11:07.49sag_ich_nicht[11:56] <Corrodias> two presses every 6 seconds? what class is this, paladin? <--yupp
11:08.26sag_ich_nichtnormaly it takes 3
11:08.29sag_ich_nichti took it down to 2.
11:08.33sag_ich_nichton the same button.
11:08.53sag_ich_nichti made a normal ingame macro
11:09.07sag_ich_nicht/cast Judgement /stopcasting /cast Seal of Command
11:09.16*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo (
11:09.22sag_ich_nichtthen made a MacroSequence macro that is bascially /click Macro /cast Crusader Strike
11:10.10*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
11:10.59sag_ich_nichtnow i need some way for it to show the current spell it's on like with a normal castsequence
11:16.57Corrodiasi wanted to do something like that recently, but i did it another way
11:34.18Saint-Nyou can't trigger spell casts on events can ya?
11:34.45Saint-Nor is the auto stuff souly the realm of /1 /s /r etc
11:35.42Corrodias/r ?
11:35.58Corrodiasyou can't trigger spellcasts on the receipt of messages either, as far as i know
11:35.58art3misbasically any chat related
11:36.04art3misahh yeah
11:36.09Corrodiaswhy not send yourself messages?
11:36.12art3misthats kind of what i was refering to
11:36.28art3mislike i know some mods have auto replys
11:36.41art3misso wouldnt it be just as easy to /cast Spellname
11:37.02Corrodiasyou can't use slash commands in an on-event script, especially not /cast
11:37.08art3miswait doesnt autobuffing still work?
11:37.14Corrodiasyou'd have to hit CastSpellByName which is protected now
11:37.21art3mislike /m person AI
11:37.36Corrodiasmy paladin friend tells me his whispercast queues spells to be cast and requires him to perform some action
11:37.50art3mismakes sense
11:38.16Corrodiasi need to get to bed. maybe tomorrow i can find a group for something.
11:38.22art3mishehe if you could "queue" spells that way you could technically make a one hit wonder button
11:38.52Corrodiasmy hunter needs a decent bow. he tagged along for his first partial kara run last week, but the prince was stingy on bows. too bad, too, because it would have been a 16dps weapon upgrade.
11:39.53Corrodiasheroic steamvault mocks me with its COMPLETE lack of tank interest
11:40.50Corrodiassorry. i'm very frustrated with my inability to get into a group for any of approximately ten different activities my hunter is interested in for two weeks. i need sleep.
11:40.56Corrodiashave a nice night, or day
11:41.11art3misthats why i stopped caring ;)
11:41.32art3misive got good enough shit for most of the stuff i wanna do solo so meh no need to endgame
11:42.14Corrodiasraiding is what interests me the most. this vacation has been relaxing, but overall unsatisfying in WoW because nobody's doing jack
11:42.46art3miswelp  im gonna hit the sack too, wow keeps locking up for no reason and its driving me crazy
11:55.56*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
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12:09.45Fisker-i hate you art3mis
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12:54.43sag_ich_nichtlol splits.
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13:33.46LopeppeppyIf anyone needs it, I have about a foot of snow going spare here in New York....
13:35.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
13:35.15nevcairielsend it over here
13:35.29LopeppeppyI'll box up what I shoveled off my car, and UPS it off.
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14:01.03art3mishehe tell the clouds to head south ;P
14:01.16art3miswe havent had snowfall that qwas decent in about 4 years
14:03.07LopeppeppyA whole foot, all for me.  *covets*
14:13.40LopeppeppyYou can have Nitelily.
14:13.47LopeppeppyI R so Jenn-erous.
14:14.10art3misthat snow gud!
14:14.31art3misi am wantering snew's now!
14:14.35art3miswhat's snew?
14:14.37LopeppeppyDon't eat yellow snow, dear.
14:14.40art3misnothing what's snew with you?
14:15.29art3misno gnews is good gnews with gary gnu!
14:15.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Galka (
14:15.59Lopeppeppyart3mis, you shouldn't put crack on your cornflakes.
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15:20.20Endwtf o_O
15:21.07cladhairelogging off now, headed back to England
15:21.41cladhairecatch you all back on GMT
15:27.17foxlitlocal maj, min, rev = version:match("(%d+)%.(%d+)%.?(%d*)");
15:28.11foxlitworks as expected, I think :P
15:28.13cladhairesee you all in 17 hours, if I'm awake.
15:34.31Intangirwhats up
15:48.07LopeppeppyMore snow is up in the sky, I expect it to come down again very soon.  *le sigh*
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15:49.43zenzelezzmuch snow is a good excuse to get close and comfortable with someone
15:53.27Lopeppeppyzenzelezz, don't be cruel on New Year's Eve, kk?
15:54.12LopeppeppyRemember, a bit on the chilly side Chez Peppy?  I'll be lucky to get a Happy New Year tomorrow, forget the cuddles.
15:58.00zenzelezzI wasn't doing anything naughty
15:58.04zenzelezz(at the moment)
15:58.14LopeppeppyBe kinda funny to just... slide an extra wire into the computer, so when it boots up it goes FRKTTTZZZzzzzzz.
16:10.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
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16:10.23LopeppeppyMorning, |Jelly|
16:11.00cogwheelMorning, eberbuddy
16:11.58|Jelly|How are you?
16:12.02Finthe Filled Festive Mugs you can get today say Unique in the tooltip, but you can pick up more than one
16:12.21LopeppeppyWhy am I not surprised, Fin.
16:12.34Finbecause you have a hat on
16:12.36Finno wait
16:12.40Finbecause you're german
16:12.45Finwait, no, it's something else
16:12.50Finyou're real name is barbara
16:12.56LopeppeppyNo, wait.
16:12.59Finam I close?
16:13.08LopeppeppyBecause I'm a pessimist, duh.
16:13.22LopeppeppyKnew you'd get it eventually?
16:13.43Finsad business, pessimism
16:15.52LopeppeppyYes, yes it is.
16:27.08|Jelly|The newest hacks and keyloggers thread delivers...
16:28.09|pez|Happy new year a few hours in advance folks. :P
16:29.30LopeppeppyDoesn't it just, Jelly?
16:29.38LopeppeppyAnd Happy New Year to you too, pez.
16:29.45LopeppeppyWTB gnome to clean showers for me.  Ugh.
16:30.05|Jelly|I always love when people are all "QQ be nice to the nubs" but never answer the questions themselves.
16:30.45LopeppeppyEveryone play nice!
16:30.50Lopeppeppy... no, I'm not playing, sorry.
16:30.53zenzelezzthey don't have to know the answer to feel you shouldn't be an ass
16:31.08LopeppeppyI was totally not an ass, zenzelezz.
16:31.10|Jelly|So it's ok to be a hypocrite but not an ass?
16:31.22zenzelezzI wasn't talking about you (for once) peppy
16:31.32|Jelly|And for the record, I didn't even post
16:31.39zenzelezz|Jelly|: if I had to choose one, then yes
16:31.55*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
16:32.09|Jelly|I'll keep that in mind: endless berating for no real reason but to hear myself bitch about someone bitching.
16:32.28LopeppeppySometimes... stupid has to hurt, if they are to learn.  I'm rarely, rarely snarky in a post, but "ZOMG my addons hacked my computer" really annoys the bejeesus out of me.
16:32.29zenzelezzsee, now you're talking my language
16:34.11IndustrialI'd have locked the thread
16:34.16Industrialif I were mod
16:34.41Industrial"you sir, do not know how to operate a computer. I suggest seeking help"
16:34.45Industriallocky done
16:36.07|Jelly|And unless I'm mistaken, the most recent post says that an addon can execute a keylogger...if the addon was recoded. ...
16:42.54cogwheel~lart art3
16:42.54purlchops art3 in half with a free Solaris 7 CD
16:42.55cogwheel~lart art3mis
16:42.56purlexecutes killall -TERM art3mis
16:43.20art3misthat always makes me think of kill -9 ;P
16:43.23cogwheel~lart my finger for not hitting TAB
16:43.23purlhereby declares my finger a troll for not hitting TAB
16:43.35cogwheelwoah... it understands "for"
16:43.50art3mis~lart for for for for
16:43.50purlblames for for for all the evil in the world for for
16:44.09art3mismaybe you just got lucky
16:44.17cogwheelart3mis: no that was correct
16:44.24art3mis~lart cog for something or other
16:44.24purltakes a big bite out of cog's jugular vein for something or other
16:44.25cogwheel(for for) for (for)
16:44.45cogwheelpurl blames (for for) for all the evil in the world for (for)
16:45.06art3mis~lart cog for stuff
16:45.06purlwhips out his power stapler and staples cog's foot to the floor for stuff
16:45.23purlgo. to. sleep.
16:45.44art3misgood idea!
16:46.22art3misnigh nigh
16:46.29cogwheel~lart art3mis for fail
16:46.30purlbeats the living hamstercrap out of art3mis for fail
16:46.52art3misgood thing i have no hamstercrap in me and it was all of 1 punch ;P
16:47.00*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
16:47.37cogwheelWhy did pokemon diamond/pearl have to be really good? Should I not be admiting that I play?
16:48.12|pez|I have red and silver ;P
16:48.17|pez|not played in a freaking age though.
16:48.50LopeppeppyIf you enjoy PokeyPeople, then it's good to play.
16:48.52cogwheelDiamond/pearl have the same feel as red/blue but they're DS-ified
16:49.18|pez|I like DS-ified.
16:49.23|pez|I think
16:49.45cogwheelthe world is 3d rendered but it's from a top-down POV just like the original
16:50.25|pez|Oh, I don't mind that.
16:50.57sag_ich_nichtcogwheel i know it's not going to happen, but i have to ask anyway, question mark icon behaviour with macrosequence? :P
16:51.39cogwheelwell maybe...
16:51.52cogwheelbut i'd have to write an API so that other bar mods could register themselves with it
16:52.54sag_ich_nichtbetter do it now cogwheel so BT4 can include support for it >:)
16:53.07cogwheelor not :P
16:53.49sag_ich_nichtalso i managed to work around a bit of a limitation of the macro system with macrosquence, maybe you can tell me if it could be done without making a macro in blizzards system
16:53.59sag_ich_nicht(it should be doable)
16:54.27sag_ich_nichti created a macro ingame that consists of /cast Judgement /stopcasting /cast Seal of Command
16:54.41cogwheelSetBindingClick("NameOfSequence", "KEY") SaveBindings(GetCurrentBindingSet())
16:54.58sag_ich_nichtthen made a new macrosequence of /click ThatMacro /cast Crusader Strike
16:55.45cogwheelsag_ich_nicht: how is that any different than       /cast Judgement    /stopcasting  /cast Seal of Command    /cast Crusader Strike
16:56.14sag_ich_nichtmore keypresses.
16:56.24sag_ich_nichtSoC causes GCD
16:56.28sag_ich_nichtJudgement does not
16:56.39cogwheelwhich means it shouldn't work either way...
16:56.49cogwheelif it does, it's an exploit that should be reported
16:57.28cogwheelif SoC causes the GCD, /casting crusader strike after it is supposed to fail
16:57.37sag_ich_nichtit does fail
16:57.47sag_ich_nichtyou missed the point
16:58.30cogwheelIs there a /functional/ difference between your arrangement and what I suggested?
16:58.39cogwheeland that would be...
16:58.44sag_ich_nichtmore keypresses.
16:58.50cogwheelwhat do you mean by that?
16:59.07sag_ich_nichtmacrosequence advances one command per keypress, last time i checked
16:59.25cogwheel[08:54]i created a macro ingame that consists of /cast Judgement /stopcasting /cast Seal of Command
16:59.38sag_ich_nichtthat is one keypress.
17:00.03sag_ich_nichtafter that keypress, GCD is fired
17:00.10cogwheelwhy didn't you just program the whole macro into the first sequence item?
17:00.27sag_ich_nichthm? i missed some functionality there, didn't i? :P
17:00.33sag_ich_nichtthat's why i asked you :P
17:00.48cogwheel~whalenuke sag_ich_nicht for not RTFMing
17:00.49purlACTION dons her radiation cloak and tinted glasses while a highly intelligent whale named Ray precipitates critical mass for uncontrolled nuclear fission around sag_ich_nicht for not RTFMing with his mind powers.
17:00.55sag_ich_nichti did, geez
17:01.18cogwheel"Have you ever wanted to sequence arbitrary macro commands instead of just spells and items? Now's your chance! MacroSequence reproduces most of /castsequence's functionality but instead of individual spells or items, each element in the sequence can be an entire macro."
17:01.50cogwheeland the docs in the file give an example
17:02.20cogwheeland a hunter posted a couple samples on the download page
17:02.36sag_ich_nichtwaaait a minute, the long string syntax multiline entry counts as a single entry?
17:02.45sag_ich_nicht~lart sag_ich_nicht
17:02.45purloffers sag_ich_nicht some herring
17:02.58sag_ich_nichtfu purl
17:04.19sag_ich_nichtsorry for bothering you cogwheel, i've been a bit on the dumb side all day long anyway :/
17:05.21cogwheel~unlart sag_ich_nicht
17:05.21purlACTION whallops cogwheel for thinking of the idea
17:07.53sag_ich_nichtcogwheel so theoretically this should look about like this: ?
17:09.16cogwheel"(be sure to align it with the left column or they will not be seen as slash commands)"
17:09.45sag_ich_nichti can't really make sense of the sentence.
17:10.07sag_ich_nichtremove the tabstop? if so, lua is dumb.
17:10.17cogwheelwhy is lua dumb?
17:10.18sag_ich_nichtoh jesus christ
17:10.24sag_ich_nichtbecause that is just
17:10.30cogwheelit's nothing
17:10.33cogwheelyou're dumb
17:10.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
17:10.34sag_ich_nichtwhy would it make a difference it's just a whitespace
17:10.42cogwheelbecause it's a string...
17:10.45sag_ich_nichtoooh right
17:11.29sag_ich_nichtthank you cogwheel
17:11.39sag_ich_nichtyou just helped reduce retribution paladin DPS to one button.
17:11.57sag_ich_nichtthatt is worse than holy paladins.
17:12.03cogwheelI've helped a lot of people reduce to one button... I feel a bit dirty...
17:12.51sag_ich_nichtnow add the API we just talked about and you will not only feel dirty, but you will feel GOOD about it.
17:13.10cogwheelgui's better imo
17:13.17sag_ich_nichtyeah that too.
17:14.43*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
17:32.09foxlitWhy is there a /stopcasting there anyway?
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17:37.00sag_ich_nichtfoxlit because of penis.
17:38.37sag_ich_nichtcogwheel could it be possible to add a reset ONLY after the timer is up, but not when the sequence ends? or is that not doable or already integerated and i'm missing something :X
17:39.08foxlitIt's not
17:39.36sag_ich_nichto rly!
17:40.07foxlitOr maybe I misread that as "only when spell cooldown finishes"
17:40.33sag_ich_nichtyou did.
17:48.58cogwheelregardless, it's correct
17:49.15cogwheeltimers are cancelled whenever the state changes
17:49.55foxlitMy revised estimate of what sag wanted was "last macro in sequence should not advance stateheader state"
17:53.09cogwheelMy interpretation was that the first click of the sequence starts the timer and it doesn't matter what you do after that, it should reset after the time
17:53.23cogwheelwhich is just a fancy way of saying "when the cooldown is over"
17:53.30cogwheeland therefore unacceptable
17:55.57foxlitIs, nevertheless possible.
18:03.31sag_ich_nicht[18:49] <foxlit> My revised estimate of what sag wanted was "last macro in sequence should not advance stateheader state" <--correct
18:04.05cogwheelsag_ich_nicht: that feature was added in the most recent update
18:04.22cogwheellern2cycle :P
18:08.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Bejitt (
18:09.33sag_ich_nichtcogwheel: o rly
18:09.55cogwheela cycle of 1 will repeat the last ability
18:10.11cogwheels/ability/macro in the sequence/
18:10.25cogwheeluntil some other condition resets it
18:13.52sag_ich_nichtthat is... quite epic.
18:14.27sag_ich_nichtso in my case it would have to be a cycle of 2, to repeat the second one until the timer reset resets the sequence, correct?
18:14.28*** join/#wowi-lounge pprovost_ (n=pprovost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
18:17.13sag_ich_nichtno wait
18:17.17sag_ich_nichtoh it's going backwards
18:17.18sag_ich_nichtso 1
18:17.21sag_ich_nichtooooh okay
18:17.26sag_ich_nichtthat's awesome, cogwheel
18:17.58cogwheelit's simply the number to repeat at the end
18:18.08cogwheelso it doesn't matter how long the sequence is
18:18.17sag_ich_nichtyeah i got it already
18:18.28sag_ich_nichtdoes seconds take decimals?
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19:25.58bleetahhappy new year folks *hic*
19:28.37Industrialdolby-wowi: lol cute
19:33.12Fisker-no u bleetah
19:37.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (n=elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
19:58.18IndustrialAnyone use the addon LootFilter?
19:58.25IndustrialIt has a confusing interface :(
20:03.15Industrialmeh screw that addon >:(
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20:31.01|Jelly|!c us burning legion
20:31.01ThraeBot|Jelly|: legion is not the character you are looking for!
20:31.03|Jelly|wow fial
20:31.10|Jelly|!c us burning legion jelly
20:31.12ThraeBot|Jelly|: Jelly, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest: armory cache miss. Play more, nubstick! (Incomplete data. Character may be awaiting refresh on Armoury.) [[ TBR: ? ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Mon Dec 31 15:35:54 2007 EST ]]
20:31.55Industrialluckily, 1 more level
20:51.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
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21:19.52Finsomething weird has happened to my LightHeaded frame :*(
21:19.55Finit's gone all thin
21:20.13Endis it on a diet?
21:21.03hastethin :p ?
21:23.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Pandya_ (
21:27.55dylanmResize handle doesn't work?
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21:43.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
22:01.40|pez|.. the cow is... wearing another cow -
22:02.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
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22:22.12Thunder_Childanyone know of a book riser?
22:24.25*** join/#wowi-lounge reqol (
22:27.55reqolwhat's the fastest/most efficient way to store and then iterate/check against a fairly large amount of data? a table and then ipairs?
22:29.30alestaneIs there any organization to the data?
22:29.46reqolnot really. I just want to check a combat log message against quite a few lines
22:31.28alestaneSo you have several different things against which you need to check a single input?
22:32.49alestaneWhat's the input going to look like? An event name?
22:35.18alestaneOr an actual combat log message?
22:35.32reqolno, just possible outcomes of CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_SELF_HITS
22:35.38reqolyes, actual combat log messages
22:36.42alestaneWhat are you specifically trying to do?
22:37.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Slackwise (
22:38.05reqolcheck if there is a crit. however, now that I think about it, can't I just check for the word 'crit' or 'critical' in the message?
22:38.43alestaneif msg:find("crit", 1, true) then ... end
22:39.14alestaneOr maybe look up the appropriate value from GlobalStrings.lua.
22:39.14reqoldoes that event fire on PvP damage as well?
22:39.24*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
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22:39.45reqolit says 'creature' so I'm guessing there's a different event altogether
22:40.44alestaneNot sure I would count on that.
22:40.57daemoncollectorIs there any way to get updates from an external program in realtime?
22:42.02alestaneIn a WoW addon? Not really, no.
22:42.18reqolalestane: count on what? there being another event or that the event would fire in a PvP situation?
22:42.32alestaneThe UI thread is pretty well 'sandboxed' from any externals.
22:42.51daemoncollectorthats upsetting
22:42.56daemoncollectoroh well
22:43.05alestanereqol: A separate event. I'm guessing that event fires whether you hit a mob or another player.
22:43.38alestanedaemoncollector: Not really, there are very important reasons for it (mostly it closes up botting opportunities).
22:44.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Osstia (
22:44.21daemoncollectoryea, i understand why its there, just trashes the idea that i had
22:44.41reqolcould you not input data to the saved variables through a program and then reload? not that it's very practical but I'm merely curious
22:45.34Thunder_Childhas no one created a staircase bookshelf?
22:45.56alestaneYou can do that, but the only way to feed that data to the UI is a reload as you say.
22:46.26alestanereqol: The only other applicable message I can see might be CHAT_MSG_SPELL_HOSTILEPLAYER_DAMAGE but I think that does something else.
22:48.06reqoldid cidan and shirik ever release that framework?
22:48.21Thunder_Childalestane, heh, thanks for trying bot not exactl what i was thinking of
22:50.33alestaneIf you mean a bookshelf that goes on a staircase I think it would have to be custom built for each staircase.
22:51.13Thunder_Childno, i mean more of a bookshelf for the top of my dresser than goes back and up in a staircase design
22:51.28alestane ?
22:51.29*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (n=rumors@
22:51.50Thunder_Childi have a deep dresser and i want to put more than one row of books on the top
22:51.54alestaneOh, I get it.
22:52.56alestaneLike an ampitheatre for your books.
22:53.30Thunder_Childi cant imagine that it has not been done, but i cant seem to find it
22:55.04NightHawkTheSaneThunder_Child: er, i dont see whats so hard about that, that you need help?
22:55.21Thunder_ChildNightHawkTheSane, i cant find one is the problem
22:55.32NightHawkTheSaneah, well, make one :P
22:55.49Thunder_Childcould, but i would rather buy it if i can
23:02.53NightHawkTheSaneoh dear god
23:03.25nevcairielthats scary
23:03.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim|ubuntu (
23:04.03Thunder_Childgoes along with the hello kitty rifle
23:04.41Thunder_ChildHK mens clothing;_ylt=Av3zh88qNcJWT9Ijuu9FMoas0NUE
23:05.04NightHawkTheSaneI'm pretty sure HK is planning to take over the world.
23:05.09Thunder_Childit gets so worse
23:05.34Finhappy new year
23:05.34Thunder_Childi'm going to blame art3mis for all of this
23:05.44Thunder_Childit didnt start till he did hid thing
23:06.01Thunder_Childhappy new year Fin
23:08.15*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire_ (
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23:25.15reqoldoes anyone know if cidan/shirik released that framework
23:27.09cladhaire_which_ framework
23:28.38cladhaireif you're referring to Conspiracy
23:32.48reqoli'll take a look at that; they were talking about a framework for psuedo-inheritance in lua frame creation
23:33.54cladhairewhy not use XML inheritance?
23:33.58cladhairewhich is built for that?
23:34.29nevcairielbecause some people hate xml for some weird reasons
23:34.43cladhairethen i hate them for weird reasons.
23:35.28cladhaireXML needs to be Aced, clearly
23:35.46Thunder_Childindeed cladhaire
23:35.51cladhaireokay I'm gonna go try to get some work done on my exams.. flight's been delayed for another two hours or so.. that's gonna make this trip painful.
23:35.51reqolI don't hate it
23:36.00Thunder_Childon the forfront of change as usual i see
23:36.01reqolI was curious about the framework, though
23:36.24cladhaireHappy New Years to CEST (belated) and GMT (in 34 minutes)
23:36.25Thunder_Childcladhaire, didnt you have a break?
23:36.30cladhaireI'll see you all on the flip side!
23:36.33cladhaireThunder_Child: whatdya mean?
23:36.38Thunder_Childyou said exams
23:36.43Thunder_Childwerent you on break?
23:36.53nevcairielits CET not CEST
23:36.55nevcairielsummer is over
23:37.03cladhairenevcairiel: ah true, my bad.
23:37.14cladhaireThunder_Child: we get exams at the beginning of Dec, they are due Jan 3rd
23:37.17cladhairehence :P
23:37.42Thunder_Childfor class?
23:37.49cladhaireThunder_Child: yes.. my exams for class
23:38.02cladhairewe have a month to complete them
23:38.28Thunder_Childduring break?
23:38.34cladhaireyes :P
23:38.34Thunder_Childthats evil
23:38.39cladhaireTerm ends at the end of November
23:38.44cladhairewe have 4 weeks to complete the exams
23:38.52cladhaireAnyway, later folks :P
23:42.18IndustrialHappy new year AMIRITE!
23:50.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Rayne (
23:56.44Corrodiasa swarm of B's!
23:56.55Industrial~lart Corrodias
23:56.56purlwhips out a shotgun, trudges over to Corrodias, and goes postal
23:57.36Corrodiasi have great respect for postal service
23:57.48ScytheBlade1Does anyone here have a WWS report of their guild killing Leo, where their mages aren't incompetent?
23:58.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Karen@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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23:58.45Corrodiassorry, we haven't killed anything in SSC yet, and it appears we're focusing more on mag & Void Reaver first
23:59.12ScytheBlade1I just need to know if I fail or not, compared to others

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