IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071225

00:00.15Saint-Nyou can beg all you want, but remember if you beg now you can't choose later
00:01.25Saint-Npolarina: so wait.. to counter spam messages, you have it scroll a "reported" message?
00:01.34Saint-Nthat seems silly
00:06.21PolarinaSaint-N: Huh?
00:07.31PolarinaSaint-N: What do you mean?
00:09.12Industrialthat you still see a message
00:10.20PolarinaI was told that people like to see the addon "working".
00:11.57NightHawkTheSane... but to have an addon whose sole purpose is to reduce the amount of chat added to your window to.. add lines to your chat window when it does that..
00:12.19PolarinaIt says "Complaint registered."
00:13.51PolarinaIt does reduce the amount of spam and it removes the "annoying" work to report the gold spammers manually.
00:18.00Saint-Nyou should send it to the scrolling combat frame ;P
00:18.08Saint-Nthat would be way less irritating ;P
00:18.21*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (n=rumors@
00:19.49NightHawkTheSanei dunno, that seems more annoying
00:20.32PolarinaWhat seems more annoying?
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00:23.42NightHawkTheSanenot being able to follow a conversation.
00:31.58Industrial< Polarina> I was told that people like to see the addon "working".
00:32.01Industrialpeople are stupid
00:32.09Industrialthats like those "addon x has loaded lol!" messages
00:32.21CidePolarina: golden reply, thanks for the laugh
00:36.33PolarinaIndustrial: *sigh*
00:36.38PolarinaIndustrial: Not such messages.
00:36.41PolarinaCide: ?
00:37.20IndustrialPolarina: its probably better to make something like a "report" that prints hwmany messages it has stopped
00:37.27Industrialif they want feedback
00:37.38PolarinaWhat do you mean?
00:37.46Industrialhow not seeing any spam isnt feedback enough.. I dunno :P
00:38.16Industrial< Saint-N> polarina: so wait.. to counter spam messages, you have it scroll a "reported" message?
00:38.31PolarinaI didn't understand that.
00:38.34Industrialsigh, never mind.
00:40.40Cide<NightHawkTheSane> i dunno, that seems more annoying <Polarina> What seems more annoying? <NightHawkTheSane> not being able to follow a conversation. <Polarina> Huh?
00:42.02NightHawkTheSaneCide: yeah, i lol'd ;)
00:42.06*** join/#wowi-lounge mattswell (
00:43.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Osstia|home (
00:43.40Osstia|homeanyone know of an example of a basic addon that has slash commands and a draggable frame that is all done in lua?
00:52.23*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (
00:52.28sag_ich_nichtjoin #wowace
00:52.39sag_ich_nicht/ lagged.
00:53.07sag_ich_nichtokay question, is the ressurection button protected(the release button isn't, i know that much)?
00:54.10CideI don't think so
00:54.23Cidebut don't know for sure
00:56.18mattswellis there an issue right now with acecomm encoding?
00:56.27mattswelli get encoding errors every so often, not sure what is setting it off
00:57.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
01:04.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandok1 (
01:04.17sag_ich_nicht[01:54] <+Cide> I don't think so <--okay i need an addon that instantly accepts ressurection asap
01:06.14Cideor whatever the function is
01:06.28mikmathere ain't addons for that?
01:07.06sag_ich_nichti don't think so. actually i need one that only does it when i'm in an instance
01:07.16sag_ich_nichti just had such a massive lagspike that i could rez inside of strath
01:07.21sag_ich_nichtand stay there for ~20 seconds
01:07.26sag_ich_nichtbefore being ported to the graveyard
01:08.27mikmalocal lol = CreateFrame("Frame"); lol:RegisterEvent("RESURRECT_REQUEST"); lol:SetScript("OnEvent", RepopMe)
01:12.59sag_ich_nichtyou sure that will work? :P
01:13.32mikmanot sure at all :)
01:13.40sag_ich_nichtlemme guess the 0/0 coords means you're in an instance?
01:22.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
01:25.03seebsWOO!  Chatterbox is now in an actual sort of beta-beta, not the pre-alpha beta it was in previously.
01:26.32Olisonwuts chatterbox?
01:31.37sag_ich_nichtthanks mikma
01:31.46sag_ich_nichtwe'll see next time i die :X
01:36.17Finwhat the fuck does that mean exactly
01:36.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
01:36.44seebsChatterbox is a mod to chatter when events happen.  Anything from "/gloat any time I get a critical for over 1k" to "say a little script while I resurrect"
01:36.50Finobviously there has been an improvement of some sort, but, what is beta-beta compared to pre-alpha beta?
01:37.19Finsorry I didn't mean to sound rude
01:37.46Finit's good though, right? in which case grats
01:39.15Finoh well
01:46.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Bibi (
01:51.52seebsSorry, was debugging something.
01:52.09seebspre-alpha beta means it's in the beta section at WoWI, but there are major known missing features, etc.
01:52.22seebsbeta beta means that the major functionality is in place and it works well enough that I can use it.
01:55.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
02:03.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
02:03.32Finoh, OK, thanks
02:03.34sag_ich_nichtso seebs
02:03.36sag_ich_nichtwhat you are saying
02:03.43sag_ich_nichtis that it went from alpha to beta
02:03.51sag_ich_nichtbut you are too retarded to use these terms properly
02:04.14Findefine *too* retarded
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02:04.46Finwhat %age of your overall IQ would you need to lose before you were too retarded
02:05.10sag_ich_nichtenough to say it that way, duh
02:05.11Finapparently listening to classical music raises your IQ by 15
02:05.54Finjust statistics!
02:06.10foxlitYeah, but correlation isn't causation
02:06.30Findepends on what's happening
02:06.58foxlitOr, rather, correlation does not imply causation
02:07.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
02:08.15FinI would accept that given the caveat that it's difficult to prove
02:09.16Finwhy am I being deliberately obnoxious about this? I hate myself
02:11.39Finso, my girlfriend just told me about this thing called schengen, which is something like the EU but not, and actually responsible for more practical international cooperation than the EU
02:12.05Finsounds like lot of bollocks to me because I've never heard of it until today
02:12.16Finawesome, but bollocks
02:12.26foxlitYes and no
02:12.39foxlitIt exists; it has a purpose, it's not the EU
02:12.42mikmaFin: chop chop
02:12.50Finooh I forgot about that
02:13.36FinI can't believe how French you are, Adys
02:13.43Finit's really blown my mind
02:13.51Finer, fuck, "tu"?
02:13.59Fincan't be toi
02:14.00Adysmasits "toi" yes
02:14.08Finin that case
02:14.20Adysmas"Toi" is "You", and "Vous" is "You" in the plural way
02:14.41FinI have to say that the ToiToi guys who make the portable toilets you see and avoid until you really need to go, at concerts and festivals and things, thye didn't choose such a great name
02:14.48Finthey're not a French company are they?
02:14.58Finand the formal way, non?
02:15.16AdysmasVous can also be "You" in the singular way, in the case you show the guy in front of you alot of respect and he/she's not a close relation
02:15.31Finusing the correct type of, er, what is it called, the level of formality? anyway, that, it's very important in the Czech Republic
02:15.34Adysmasit's something called "Vouvoiement" and you english fuckers don't have that problem
02:16.09mikmaFin: btw you can see his previous prize at the background too ^^ he won that with gfx-contest too
02:16.18Finis the suit BoE or something? or are you on hisaccount?
02:16.43mikmaBoP, and no I'm not on his account
02:16.46Finhe's not sleeping with Rush, is he?
02:17.07mikmawhy's that?
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02:17.33Finhang on, I must've misread the original postcard you showed me earlier
02:17.35mikmahmm, good point there ;)
02:18.19Finbut first! my name is earl. I must meditate for 40 minutes.
02:18.22mikmasag_ich_nicht: umh!
02:18.32mikmasag_ich_nicht: change the RepopMe() to AcceptResurrect()
02:22.26Finmikma: please tell me you do the murloc dance properly
02:23.04mikmaFin: not in real life xD
02:23.06Fineven if it's not true
02:23.23Finbut in-game? you dance like there's no tomorrow and it's 1955?
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02:33.45mattswellis there a way to determine the owner of a pet?
02:33.50mattswellnot someone in party
02:37.17dylanmUh well there's the guild-tag-like thing under the name in the tooltip
02:38.07mattswelli mean programmatically
02:38.13mikmaoh boy, tooltip scanning
02:38.20dylanmI doubt you have to tooltip-scan.
02:38.54dylanmI meant programattically. If it's in the tooltip there's a way to get at it. My suspicion (from looks) is that you could use guild information stuff to do it.
02:39.36mattswelli've checked the pet functions
02:39.41mattswellthey're all for if you have a pet
02:39.59mattswelli'm trying to find the unitid of the pet owner, for enemy pets
02:41.33IrielYou cant
02:41.40Irielit doesn't necessarily HAVE a unit id
02:41.58Irielyou can scan the pet's tooltip, then iterate over a bunch of unit ids looking for a name match to the owner
02:42.17Irielbut there's no guarantees
02:42.43mattswellhow constant is a unitid
02:44.07mattswellso basically
02:44.18mattswellif i am attacked by an enemies' pet
02:44.22mattswelland i never target the petowner
02:44.30mattswellthere's no way to get the owner's name
02:44.30Endplayer is pretty constant, but raid/party is fairly constant, and mouseover isn't constant at all
02:44.50End(pretty, as in really :P)
02:45.23IrielYou can get the owner's name (from the tooltip)
02:45.35dylanmIriel: Is that information only accessible through the tooltip? How about for <General Goods Vendor> and the like?
02:45.48mattswelli know nothing about tooltip scanning
02:45.54Irielunitid's are essentially relationships, the fluidity of the relationship determines the volatility of the unit
02:46.04IrielMuch of that is only available from the tooltip.
02:46.23mattswellany scanning libraries?
02:46.39IrielAlmost certainly, and if not just find an AddOn that does it and borrow their code 8-)
02:46.53dylanmYou don't want to use any of the ones I've seen. It's really not that hard.
02:46.55IrielMy TargetCensus addon does it, though I'm not sure if it works great with 2.3, it should.
02:47.40dylanmGameTooltip:SetScript("OnTooltipSetUnit", function (self) end)
02:47.46dylanmwoops pressed enter too soon
02:49.42mattswellno docs for ontooltipsetunit
02:49.44dylanmPretty much just go over i=1,self:NumLines() and GameTooltipTextLeft .. i
02:49.46mattswellin wowwiki
02:50.14dylanmYou just get the tooltip as self. The only thing you really care about is numlines.
02:52.13dylanmOnly problem is going to be targeting this dude based on that information. In-combat I don't think it's doable.
02:52.40mattswellif i can get the guy's name
02:52.42mattswellthat's enough
02:53.22mattswellmaking a KoS list that isn't garbage :)
02:54.11mattswellis there a way to check if the unit attacking is a pet at all?
02:55.43Osstia|homeI am trying to track how many of a specific item I have.  I want to be able to set that item, and then everty time I loot have it update this frame with the count of this specific item.
02:55.48Osstia|homeI am thinking to set the item I will do a /slashcommand item [item name]
02:55.53Osstia|homethen I am thinking I will take the item name, and check the count of that item each time  a bagUpdate is done
02:55.56dylanm"the unit attacking"? That's not much of a definition wrt. the api
02:56.01Osstia|homeis there a better way to accomplish this?
02:56.14mattswelldylanm: alright, the unit doing damage to player
02:58.48mattswellright now i do a UnitIsPlayer()
02:58.57mattswellnot sure if that fires true or false for pets
02:59.12mattswelldebugging and testing this is a pain :)
03:04.09IrielThere is no 'unit doing damage to player'
03:04.23IrielYou can find the NAME of the thing doing damage to the player
03:04.34Irielmatching that to a unit is somewhat but not entirely reliable
03:04.47Iriel(Consider a roomful of kobolds, or three pets called 'Bob')
03:14.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
03:16.19mattswelli see
03:19.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Galka (
03:32.32*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (n=rumors@
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03:46.35Thunder_Child"The Queen of England created her own YouTube channel. I can't wait to see her reaction video to 2 Girls 1 Cup."
03:56.01Thunder_Childdamit, where is art3mis when i want to poke fun at him
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05:19.26LukianIt's 4pm here :p
05:19.30LukianMerry Tuesday ^_^
05:23.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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06:37.10*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
06:38.05sag_ich_nicht[03:18] <mikma> sag_ich_nicht: change the RepopMe() to AcceptResurrect() <--yeah thanks i already noticed :D
07:13.30XuerianIs anyone aware of a mod that will give you a resurrect pulse in battlegrounds? IE, X seconds to next resurrect?
07:13.54Cairennnope, but I bet it'd be popular
07:17.12IrielRandom picture of the day
07:17.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknigh1 (
07:27.42Thunder_ChildXuerian, text, visual, what kind of pulse?
07:28.26XuerianThunder_Child: The AOE rez is on a repeating 30 second timer, right? That's what I mean, the next rez "pulse"
07:28.35XuerianSo I know when I can suicide and not wait 30 seconds.
07:29.07Thunder_Childi dont think anything keeps a record of it while your alive afaik
07:29.17XuerianThunder_Child: That's the point of a mod...
07:29.34Thunder_Childyou mean 'the' mod right?
07:29.41XuerianMy theoretical mod
07:29.48Thunder_Childand i would assume you would have to die at least once
07:30.09XuerianReally not that bad though, die once and theoretically you have it through the rest of the match
07:30.09Thunder_Childunless it triggers a pulse as soon as it starts
07:30.40Thunder_Childwould seem to be a fairly simple timer with a few conditionals
07:31.08Thunder_Childand if you can get multiple people to use it you can have it broadcast it, so the first person to die would start the timers for everyone else
07:31.12XuerianYeah, I started to work on it while getting flattened as a 60 in a 69 wsg
07:31.21XuerianMm, nice idea
07:33.40Thunder_ChildCairenn could see it more often if she coded
07:34.17Cairennnaw, I'll leave it to you guys
07:37.09XinhuanXuerian, not accurate
07:37.24XuerianXinhuan: Elaborate
07:37.51Thunder_Childfor a second i thought you were talking to yourself
07:37.54Xinhuanmeaning, there is a plus minus 2 secs of the enxt rez
07:38.09Xinhuani've tried timing this before
07:38.13Xinhuanits inconsistent
07:38.21XuerianXinhuan: +/- 2sec is a fine margin of error for me
07:38.25Xinhuanit isn't
07:38.37XuerianXinhuan: You're arguing opinion now..
07:38.40Xinhuanbecause after 5 minutes of gameplay that 2 secs baloons into 15-30 secs off
07:38.44Xinhuanand its's useless
07:39.10Xinhuanthe time between each rez can be 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, or even 35 secs
07:39.23XuerianWell dammit
07:39.31Xinhuanit could be 35 secs for 10 rezzes, then 31 secs for a different Gy
07:39.53Xinhuanand also the time only starts counting a few secs after the spirit guy spawns after a GY cap
07:40.18XuerianHmm, though...
07:40.23Xinhuantrust me, i tried to write a mod for this
07:40.42Xinhuanto time Gy rezzes so i can tell when to click "release" at Blacksmith or to wait for BS to cap
07:41.04XuerianXinhuan: In your testing, did you notice if all the rezzes are on the same timer, even if it's impossible to predict?
07:41.11Xinhuanit is impossible to predict
07:41.28Xinhuanbecause in the first couple of rezzes, it is accurate within 1-5 secs
07:41.31Xinhuanbut after a few minutes
07:41.35Xinhuanit was so way off
07:41.41Xinhuanthat it is pointless
07:41.42XuerianXinhuan: Stick with me.
07:41.42Thunder_ChildXinhuan, if you had multiple people using this (say a team) couldnt anyone who is dead pass the current rez timer to anyone/everyone else?
07:41.52XuerianWell, I was going to say that..
07:42.12Xinhuanthen yes, that would work, but requiring everyone to run an addon to transmit even more stuff, is against my coding policy
07:42.36Thunder_Childno threat meters for you then
07:42.37XuerianXinhuan: Glad it's not against mine :)
07:43.10Xinhuanalso when i tried to write this mod, the addon channel didn't exist
07:43.22XuerianDetails, huh? :P
07:43.41Xinhuani tried to have a 30 sec bar, kinda like rogue energy tick pulses
07:43.59Xinhuanit became so off after 1-2 minutes, i gave up, even after tweaking around
07:44.16Xinhuanits like energy rogue ticks, if it becomes off by a little, it is as good as useless
07:45.24XuerianXinhuan: Yeah, I see your point
07:49.40XuerianXinhuan: Did you notice though, while times can vary from pulse to pulse, irrelevant of gap time... Do all GYs in a bg rez at the same given time?
07:49.53Xinhuanthey all have a different rez timer
07:50.02Xinhuanthe 30 secs starts counting from the time of a graveyard capture
07:50.13Xinhuanplus a few secs give or take for the spirit resser to spawn
07:50.19Xinhuanits quite random
07:50.45Xinhuanin other words, each spirit rezzer keeps its own countdown
07:50.53Xinhuandoes an aoe rezz, then counts again
07:50.56XuerianThat's what I was asking.
07:51.02Xinhuanwhen in Arathi basin, consider flag capping
07:51.14Xinhuanwhen you see the text message ABC has contested blah blah GY
07:51.21Xinhuanwhen it actually captures
07:51.33Xinhuanthe time it takes between the 2 messages is between 59-64 seconds
07:51.40XuerianI wouldn't be doing anything that complicated
07:51.58Xinhuanapparantly, the BGs have a 5 second pulse where it checks for the status of all GYs every 5 seconds
07:52.02Thunder_ChildXinhuan, what about WSG, is it syncronized there?
07:52.14XuerianIt would only keep track of any given graveyard for three cycles at a time, starting on the player seeing the timer, or someone else with the mod sending a update through the addon channel
07:52.17Xinhuanand if it is supposed to change hands, it then switches the Gy control
07:52.31Xinhuanso even a mod like capping is only accurate to at most 5 seconds
07:52.53Xinhuani don't know Thunder_Child
07:53.01Xinhuanmost of my testing was done in AV/AB
07:53.14Xinhuanyou only have 1 GY in WSG, so keeping a rez timer on it is irrelevant/useless
07:53.45Thunder_Childnot really, the same idea applies
07:53.50XuerianNot really, that's actually the bg I wanted one for
07:53.55Thunder_Childwhen does the 'pulse' happeb
07:54.07XuerianSame exact reason I use it in ETQW, knowing when I can die without waiting ages to respawn
07:54.35XuerianIf I can see that time for some of the time, it's better than none of the time :)
07:55.16Xinhuani can't really tell you much about wsg rez pulses, sorry
07:55.39Xinhuanyou can attempt to time them though, just die and stand at the Graveyard
07:55.53Xinhuanand click cancel and record the events received
07:56.47XuerianXinhuan: I believe you, and the fact that you've done all this research saves me a lot of time. A timer indicating absolute on the first cycle, min and max on both following cycles, that's pretty much my goal
07:57.25Xinhuando it then :)
07:57.45Xinhuani hope this channel has also hopelessly gotten confused with our names in the last 50 lines of text
07:57.56Thunder_Childi hate you both :p
07:58.19Thunder_Childactually for wsg i think it will work rather well since every time you die you can have it 'fix' the variations
07:59.50*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (
08:00.22XuerianFor now though, I'm going to dink around on my mage alt... Before I strangle someone from wsg stress
08:02.20Thunder_Childlol @ mondays so so true
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12:36.04sag_ich_nichtwho here is momro. i know you stole my idea.
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14:04.40Industrialis it me or is wowi reel slow
14:05.09Industrialmight be me, clogging my connection with por..mp3's
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17:08.15FlAWDmerry christmas
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18:02.55foxlitNagrand > wow engine
18:03.40foxlitThe zone is awesome, but the renderer clips it and inserts pink fog. PINK fog.
18:07.19PolarinaAnd I can't see the mountains at the other end!
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18:20.58cladhaireMerry Christmas all!
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20:08.54Tem|Gonequiet in here
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20:16.44NightHawkTheSanei hear it has something to do with a holiday
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20:24.49Tem|GoneI'm currently on some random wireless that happens to be near my grandparents' house
20:25.05Tem|Gone... I wonder if my laptop's wow is patched...
20:25.46mikmatime to find out
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20:35.29Tem|Gonegah, their network doesn't reach a comfortable chair
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21:02.08[Liquidor]Not bad:
21:08.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotoff (
21:10.54|pezdamnit, I think I need to stop playing WoW actively for a bit, and just concenctrate on doing some addon coding instead while I save up for a new computer.
21:12.57zenzelezzhow come?
21:13.30|pezcause I get a average of 22.2 fps, and sometimes, when I just move my char, I get a fps of... less than 1. :P
21:20.03zenzelezz|pez: what's your computer's spec at the moment?
21:22.52|pezzenzelezz: 2.13 Ghz Pentium Mobile, 1gb ram, some radeon mobility card (x800 I think)
21:23.05|pezit's a laptop, min you.
21:23.29|pezit's... having some problems generally.
21:23.34|pezneed to send it in to service.
21:23.44Industrialmeh i used to play on a 1.4ghz with a geforce 5200 go
21:23.52Industrial1gb ram
21:24.09|pezthe specs are fine really, for normal play, but it's the computer failing horribly.
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21:54.15[Liquidor]what is the lua function to set clampedToScreen true ?
21:55.00zenzelezzFrame:SetClampedToScreen(clamped) - Set whether the frame is prohibited from being dragged off screen - New in 1.11.
21:55.12[Liquidor]couldn't find it on the wiki
21:57.01zenzelezzbookmark it, always the first place to look for frame/widget functions =)
21:57.20[Liquidor]it's bookmarked already :)
21:57.49[Liquidor]had a typo on my search, that's why
22:04.19zenzelezzlol... "Anti-Virus Bug Briefly Identified Windows Explorer as Malware"
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22:15.59|pezAahahaha.. I'm a lazy nerd... XD I wanna make a thing so I can ave my laptop comfertably on my lap when I sit in the sofa.
22:16.28zenzelezzwhat's lazy about that?
22:16.38CideI sure as hell wouldn't want to sit uncomfortably with a laptop
22:18.05*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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22:19.23|pezBut, I want like a cup/glass holder and a poweroutlet and USB hub... all integrated in the thing XD
22:20.08|pezand a extendable part for the a normal mouse (not everyone uses a normal mouse for their laptop!)
22:20.20|pez(Yes, I play WoW with my mousepad normally, go me)
22:54.19NightHawkTheSane"I'm talking about the future. So what if I'm not up on recent history! I'm prophetic, not infallible."
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