IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071222

00:01.39*** join/#wowi-lounge fridg (n=Fridgid@
00:03.46cogwheelyay! all of my visual elements are complete...  Now I just need to make them actually DO things...
00:04.15CideI always do that first :P
00:04.25cogwheelWell, I have the fundamental behavior already
00:04.34cogwheelI just need to link the engine with the GUI
00:05.04cogwheelBut the GUI itself does everything it's supposed to... showing/hiding scroll bars, etc.
00:05.56cogwheelIt's amazing how much you can automate just with clever anchoring...
00:06.42Finnice one
00:10.33*** join/#wowi-lounge FoxMcLeod (n=E11@
00:10.59art3mis <-- neato
00:12.52*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
00:14.50Polarina!ap 1367
00:14.50ThraeBotPolarina: Arena points from a rating of 1367 is, 2v2: 239, 3v3: 276, 5v5: 314
00:15.01Cide1367 is pretty terrible
00:15.09Cideyou'd be better of recreating the team every week!
00:15.30Polarina9 loses and 1 win. Hunter and Warlock.
00:15.39foxlitlua> 1500 - 10*13.5
00:15.40lua_botfoxlit: 1365
00:17.29Temis it really possible to be that bad?
00:17.51PolarinaWe got mostly people with full Arena Season 3 set.
00:18.19ShirikHunter warlock is an easy team to beat
00:18.33Shirikespecially when the warlock decides to dot both targets
00:18.38Shirikwhich most do
00:18.59CidePolarina: no you didn't; full arena season 3 requires 1) a shitton of points collected, 2) >1850 rated teams
00:19.26Cidethere are of course reasons why they'd be ~1500 in 2v2, but it can't be very common
00:19.29PolarinaCide: Or enemies did.
00:19.49foxlit"Mages silence is off GCD, why can't ours?"
00:19.58Cidethat's what I referred to
00:20.10foxlit(shoulders, mind you)
00:20.18foxlit1850 is the weapon slot, no?
00:20.19Cidefor weapons and shitz
00:20.28PolarinaGood night.
00:20.32Cidebut yeah, I guess full season 3 would be 2k, you're right
00:20.56PolarinaArena Season 2 or whatsoever. Just a lot better gear than ours.
00:21.15Cideyeah yeah, blame the gear
00:22.39foxlitHeh, do blame the gear
00:23.02foxlitBut ever so carefully; being on the other end of that is also boring :)
00:24.19TemI like the free win from fighting an undergeared team
00:24.25Tembut I don't get the epeen boost
00:31.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Kadrahil (
00:44.04FoxMcLeodWell WoW developed into a two way game, either you go raiding, T5, T6, Black Temple and Sunwell and stuff or you go PvP, Season-Sets and arena fights every day (reminds me of GuildWars).
00:44.15FoxMcLeodPersonally I prefer raiding
00:45.46FoxMcLeodWhat I start realizing more and more is that both ways are totally different, mods, specs, prefered classes sometimes I think even the community is splitting
00:45.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
00:48.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
01:01.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
01:03.06*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
01:04.56Corrodiaswow, shopping on the last friday night before christmas. that was fun.
01:05.17Corrodiasmissing an exit on the way back and trying to find a way to get on the other side of the highway was adventurous
01:06.00FoxMcLeoderr taking the highway in this time of the year?
01:06.21Corrodiasit's the quickest way to get to the opposite corner of the city, even now
01:06.30FoxMcLeodno country roads?
01:06.34Corrodiastraffic was busy, but nothing was really bad
01:06.35FoxMcLeodor streets?
01:06.43FoxMcLeodumm ok
01:06.43Corrodiasi said it's the quickest way, not the only way
01:07.22Corrodiasthe east/west road has a speed limit of 50-55 and the south/north goes 70. can't match that on streets.
01:08.01Thunder_Childyou know 9 times out of 10 the credits music of a movie doesnt's like they went out of their way to make it not work
01:08.55Thunder_Childi just finished i am legend and the music during the credits totally destroyed the mood
01:09.05Mr_Rabies2yeah, laffo
01:09.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Galka (
01:09.48Mr_Rabies2the whole last 20 minutes or so just cut the plot off and left so many threads they were building up the whole movie just hanging
01:10.03Thunder_Childeh? i didnt see that
01:10.25Thunder_Childthough i did notice mopst of the movie happend in the last 20-30 or so
01:10.34Mr_Rabies2the alternate ending makes more sense
01:10.38Thunder_Childslow slow slow fast end|
01:10.48Mr_Rabies2it involves butterflies, her looking at him like a monster, etc etc
01:11.02Mr_Rabies2they kept building up the butterfly plot and didn't use it at all in the ending
01:11.24Thunder_Childyou really shouldnt be saying anything to thoes that have not watched it
01:12.01Mr_Rabies2it's an alternate ending that they ended up not using D:
01:12.23Mr_Rabies2woulda been better off imo, and making it closer to the book woulda been preferable :(
01:12.40Thunder_Childdidnt know it was based off of a book
01:12.49Thunder_Childwhich will always be better
01:12.51Mr_Rabies2it was still pretty damn good from beginning to almost end, though
01:13.02Mr_Rabies2it doesn't have to be, it just almost always is
01:13.11Mr_Rabies2planet of the apes' movie ending was better, in my opinion
01:14.01Mr_Rabies2it helped my total lack of respect for will smith though
01:14.05Mr_Rabies2he wasn't half bad
01:14.26FoxMcLeodhmm I like most of what he is doing
01:14.55Thunder_Childreally? i like him more in a smart ass role
01:15.01Thunder_Childbut then hey...thats me
01:15.17Mr_Rabies2i don't like anything else he's been in
01:15.24Thunder_Childi rather liked independace day
01:15.25Mr_Rabies2all his other stuff has been really really bad
01:15.28Mr_Rabies2i didn't
01:15.32Thunder_Childwell you fail
01:15.36Mr_Rabies2not as a serious movie at least
01:15.38Mr_Rabies2it's good for a laugh
01:15.46AnduinLotharit wasn't a serious movie....
01:15.50FoxMcLeodhmm that one where he played the golf caddy?
01:15.52AnduinLotharit was about aliens
01:15.54Thunder_Childno, it wasnt
01:16.13Thunder_Childi robot was good
01:16.23Thunder_Childshark tale, though that was all voice acting
01:16.32Thunder_ChildMiB I and II
01:16.41Thunder_ChildBad Boys I and II
01:16.45Thunder_Childmost were entertaining
01:17.18Mr_Rabies2bad boys i and ii are good movies because the acting and script are so bad and the action is so over the top
01:17.32Mr_Rabies2they're entertaining because that combination makes for a really entertaining movie
01:17.50FoxMcLeodGood films with Will Smith: I robot MIB 1, Bad Boys, Ali, The Legend of Bagger Vance and The Pursuit of Happiness
01:17.59Mr_Rabies2i robot was a travesty
01:18.07*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
01:18.13Mr_Rabies2asimov is rolling in his grave
01:18.21Thunder_Childi also rather like Wild Wild west, was quite funny
01:18.40FoxMcLeodThey had to adapt it to modern times
01:18.42AnduinLotharoh god wild wild west was horrible for someone that loved the tv series
01:18.43Mr_Rabies2i liked it when i was like 10
01:18.52Mr_Rabies2then i rewatched it recently
01:18.57Thunder_Childi never saw the tv series
01:19.04Mr_Rabies2i laughed at the terrible cg, the terrible dialog, and the terrible acting
01:19.12AnduinLotharthe tv series is epic and almost completely serious
01:19.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim|ubuntu (
01:19.51FoxMcLeodWell wild wild west strikes me as being bad on purpose, something like Planet Terror, that movie was sooo funny
01:19.57Thunder_Childfor me, bad anything does not make it a bad movie per say
01:20.21Thunder_Childthey are still usually enjoyable
01:20.53FoxMcLeodWild Wild West is fun to watch
01:20.59Mr_Rabies2hi homies
01:21.08Mr_Rabies2Thunder_Child: there's movies i love to watch because they're terrible
01:21.22Mr_Rabies2bad boys i and ii and independence day fall into that category for me
01:21.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
01:21.42*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
01:21.49Thunder_Childfor example, i really like pluto nash, but know few others that enjoy it
01:21.49FoxMcLeodIndependence Day definatly
01:22.03art3misbad movie == mafia vs ninja, redneck zombies, ANYTHING made by troma
01:22.13Mr_Rabies2troma movies are awesome
01:22.14art3misbut bad in such a good way
01:22.18Mr_Rabies2pluto nash is just so bad i can't watch it
01:22.20art3misToxic Avenger!
01:22.28Mr_Rabies2same with battlefield earth
01:22.34Mr_Rabies2it was painful to watch even with rifftrax
01:23.52Thunder_Childis that a spoof on MSS 3000?
01:24.22FoxMcLeodI LOVE MST 3000
01:24.36FoxMcLeodI'm building a tunnel to earth
01:25.03Mr_Rabies2Thunder_Child: it's mike nelson and crew from mst3k
01:25.12FoxMcLeodWhats the problem? My plans show that I will create a leak and we will all die a horrible death
01:25.42Mr_Rabies2it's comedy commentary for movies, similarly to mst3k, only you just buy the commentary :o
01:26.30Shirik* Mistylady has joined #conspiracy
01:26.30Shirik<Cidan> And that's how I'll kill my parents.
01:26.30Shirik<Cidan> Cool huh?
01:26.30Shirik* Mistylady has quit IRC
01:26.44Thunder_ChildCidan fte
01:27.09Shirikthat's almost bash-able
01:27.25FoxMcLeod"Caution: Bad join/part timing can cause serious misunderstanding and major confusion."
01:28.12Mr_Rabies2do not ask for career advice from john travolta
01:30.26*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (n=rtharper@
01:32.50*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht_ (
01:34.18*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (n=rumors@
01:41.22art3misman i hate that they replaced M brai with that of a goldfish
01:41.50art3misi moved my hand to the mouse and somehow totally fergot WHY i was doing it
01:45.03*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
01:49.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
01:51.25foxlitHm, I sense a profit to be made
01:51.37foxlitWealth: 9g 51s
01:52.18Mr_Rabies2private server data
02:05.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
02:14.58foxlitlua> t = {42, 23, 20, 120, 39}; table.sort(t, function(a, b) return a < b; end); print(t);
02:14.59lua_botfoxlit: { 20, 23, 39, 42, 120 } (#1)
02:24.09FoxMcLeodwhat does #1 stand for?
02:24.37Cideit means it's the first table
02:24.59FoxMcLeodok thanks
02:25.16Cidelua> foo = { bar = { } }; = foo; = bar; print(foo)
02:25.16lua_botCide: { ["bar"] = { ["foo"] = <table: #1> } (#2) } (#1)
02:32.24*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
02:44.58FoxMcLeodOne year ago I would have said "Something this dumb and blatant would never work in my country" but then theafternoon talksshows got popular, absolutely untalented and unskilled actors perform court-shows and at night there are quizshows on every channel wanting you to call to solve ridiculous riddles...
02:45.43Thunder_Childit has nothing to do with "your country", it's humanity
02:46.01FoxMcLeodNowadays, I think, half of the people I meet every day would believe that crap, and I'm a student
02:47.09FoxMcLeodyeah well, it's strange, it seems the wealthier the people get the less they care what happens around them
02:47.58Thunder_Childi'm not weathly and i dont care
02:50.51Thunder_Childdidnt want to hear that huh?
02:51.10TaeriI... don't like the new rupture design. :\
02:51.19FoxMcLeodI don't mean you shouldgo around collecting money from some 3rd world country or telling people not to use wood from the rainforest, but just look at who governs the western countries... wth
02:52.52Thunder_Childthe people!
02:53.07FoxMcLeodone politician tries to pass a law that every computer should have a trojan for the government for investigating purposes...
02:54.13FoxMcLeodah, anyway, it's way to late and most likely the wrong channel for that kind of conversation
02:56.39Thunder_Childeh, there really is no "right" conversation for this channel
02:57.24FoxMcLeodwell talking about coding , lua, wow and interface design is what I would expect
02:58.36FoxMcLeodanyway... gn8
02:59.08FoxMcLeod4 am... need to change my biorythm
03:02.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
03:20.30CorrodiasWorld Server is Down!
03:21.13Thunder_Childmy server is still runing
03:41.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (
03:41.42*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kody-] by ChanServ
03:46.51Finwhale penis of sarcasm
03:50.23Thunder_Childyou rang?
03:52.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Viserion (
03:58.36TaeriHm, the GuildVault bug thing where people were able to withdraw stuff they weren't supposed to be able to... is that fixed?
03:59.41*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (n=josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
04:10.03art3misso i watched i am legend
04:10.06art3misit's not bad
04:10.11art3misseemed kinna short though
04:10.17Thunder_Childnope, the end could use some work though
04:10.29art3misthe end was a tad cheesy
04:10.39art3misbut to justify that it IS a legend ;P
04:10.43Thunder_Childit's not that short it's just |nothing nothing nothing excitement end|
04:10.45art3misand legends are always heroic
04:10.59art3miswifey cried when the dog died
04:11.20art3misand didnt understand how i could spend 3 years killing everything living thing on manhattan without getting bored
04:11.21Thunder_Childwas quite sad
04:11.33Thunder_Childbored wasnt the problem
04:11.55Thunder_Childa solitary existance is, but seriously some people havent seen it
04:12.05art3misoh yeah sorry
04:12.12art3misgo see it, it's quite well done
04:12.27art3misand as afar as i could tell only minor deviations from the book
04:12.27Thunder_Childi did, finished it about an hour ago
04:12.31Thunder_Childi wasnt talking about me
04:12.42art3misim saying in general assclown ;P
04:14.54Thunder_Childthen say it like you mean it
04:24.29*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (
04:28.27*** join/#wowi-lounge kadrahil (
04:36.39Thunder_Childi wonder if anyone actually liked "The Fountian"
04:37.26*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
05:00.04*** join/#wowi-lounge seebs (n=seebs@
05:00.51seebsI may be doing something really dumb, but...  If I have an <OnLoad> script in an XML widget, during the execution of that script, "this" refers to the object whose onload script it was.  How would I do this if I'm not using XML?
05:01.10seebsDo I just write "this = foo"?  That seems foolhardy.
05:01.50JoshBork1seebs: there is no OnLoad for lua generated frames unless you inherit from a template
05:02.00JoshBork1not exactly sure what you're asking
05:02.12JoshBork1seebs: if you want to replicate it then just run the function when you create the frame
05:02.39seebsOkay, imagine a UIDropDownMenu.  It has <OnLoad>UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(...)</OnLoad>
05:03.10seebsI am getting mysterious null value messages calling UIDropDownMenu_Initialize on my object directly -- which might make sense if it wanted "this" to be set to the enclosing menu.  Or that might be a red herring.
05:03.48JoshBork1i don't do DropDown menus so i can't help
05:03.57JoshBork1but it sounds like you'll need to set this to the frame
05:04.21seebsYeah.  But is it even legit to just assign to "this" in Lua?
05:04.42seebsAhh!  I could try it then.
05:05.34JoshBork1this is just set to the frame that generated the event and is set before every script handler
05:06.11seebsOh, okay.
05:06.28seebsHey, is there any way for me to get at the source of things like UIDropDownMenu.lua?  I really want to see what the code that's complaining is DOING.
05:06.51Industrialanime recommendations anyone?
05:06.54purlWorld of Warcraft Developer Network, a website where you can see the changes made to WoW's interface files between versions and also where you can download said versions.
05:07.10JoshBork1~wdn UIDropDown
05:07.22Industrial~fail JoshBork1
05:07.23purlJoshBork1: Fail.
05:08.29ShirikIndustrial: Things in that list or out of the list?
05:08.44Industrialout fo
05:09.01ShirikI loved fate/stay night
05:09.26Industrialhow can it not be in there
05:09.27Shirikyumeria is good too
05:09.29Industrialseen it >_>
05:10.08Shirikwhat is "dropped" ?
05:10.15Industrialstopped watching
05:10.21Industrialeg sucked
05:10.22Shirikdidn't like basically?
05:10.26Shirikwhat about yumeria?
05:10.57Industrialhavent seen it
05:11.30Shirikyumeria is good
05:11.34Shirika bit short but good
05:11.38seebsThe frame must have a name, because they explicitly hide any globals with names like "FooLeft", "FooRight", etc.
05:14.00Shirikyou only gave fsn a 7?
05:14.35ShirikMidori no hibi is pretty neat too
05:14.39Shirikbut I liked it
05:14.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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05:14.43IndustrialI didnt
05:14.45Shirikyou might not though, I have strange tastes
05:14.52Industrialgirlhand right?
05:15.04Industrialthat was weeiiiird like
05:15.12ShirikI thought it was cute ^^
05:15.21Industrialthe guy(s?) that wrote that were weirdly perverse >_>
05:15.26*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (
05:15.27Cidanam I going nuts
05:15.40Cidanor didn't Hakkar at one point call your party pussies?
05:15.57CidanI know I've seen it like 20 times
05:16.02ShirikI don't think so ><
05:16.23CidanI'm positive he did, gargrgrgr, I'm losing my mind.
05:16.38Shirik"Pride heralds the end of your world"
05:16.40kd3MnH was ok. couldn't really stand the anime though. manga was a lot better
05:28.48MentalPower[01:11:16]<seebs>The frame must have a name, because they explicitly hide any globals with names like "FooLeft", "FooRight", etc. <--- Huh?
05:34.57CidanSuddenly, I feel as if I have been graced by the presence of someone with untold beauty.
05:35.07CidanWelcome back, Cairenn, :D
05:35.18Cairennthanks Cidan :)
05:35.29Cairennnight JoshBork1
05:36.13CairennWhat do Microsoft and a halter top have in common?
05:36.20CidanNot a clue
05:37.23IrielI heard a great story from a friend about how at one of his former jobs Microsoft refunded their incident fee rather than fixing a particularly annoying bug (with paid support)
05:38.05CidanThat's pretty bad.
05:39.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
05:40.07*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
05:40.58*** part/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
05:41.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
05:57.06art3misiriel there's actually an sbs2k3 patch thats required but for some rason you need to call ms paid support and get them to refund after they send it to you
05:57.28art3misdont quite understand that
05:57.43Irielbut at  least they fix the bug with the patch then, unless I dont understand your statenment
05:57.50seebsMentalPower:  I was doing a dropdownmenu.
05:58.10seebsWhen you call the UIDropDownMenu_Initialize on a frame, f, if f:GetName() yields nil, the UI code barfs.
05:58.31art3misiriel: its a very specific, it might fix it may not
05:58.40MentalPowerseebs: ah yes, the dropdown code is dumb like that
05:58.48art3misi just thought it was funny they would require a call for it and then refund you instantly
05:58.53MentalPowerart3mis: a hotfix?
05:58.56art3misit relates sorta of
05:58.58MentalPowerdo you know the number?
05:58.59art3miskind of
05:59.00seebsAnyway, I have my dropdowns working.  And, in my new code, I have a single drop-down menu which moves to whichever button you press it from.
05:59.15art3misi dont remember it now... it's on the sbs2k3 home page though
05:59.18seebsAnd correctly updates that button's text when you select something.  Woo!
05:59.24seebsAnnoyRP had one instance of that menu for each button.
05:59.58*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
06:13.37seebsThis may be a dumb question.  Can I stash additional variables in a frame?
06:13.57seebsLike, after I've done "f = CreateFrame(...)", can I do sneaky stuff like "f.ChatterboxInternal = 3"?
06:13.58Irielthey're just tables
06:14.02Irieljust leave index [0] alone
06:14.04Irieland you're set
06:14.14Irielthat's a pretty common idiom in the wow UI
06:14.20Irielkeeping data in the frame
06:14.31IrielI like it for keeping references to deeply nested children (text strings, etc)
06:14.36Xinhuanwhat's [0] used for
06:14.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody (
06:15.09seebsHmm.  Okay, sanity check:  I was about to have each textbox have a field foo.CBox_TabTo, so OnTabPressed could just be this.CBox_TabTo:SetFocus()
06:15.17seebsIs that ridiculous, or is that reasonable?
06:15.43seebsIt feels sort of duplicative, in that I'll be storing the same set of 5 or 6 "TabTo" values for each of 15 items.
06:17.04seebsBut it means that I only have one OnTabPressed that I can use generically in every edit box!
06:18.03*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
06:18.23Xinhuanits reasonable.
06:18.38Xinhuanjust store a frame reference to the next frame to be tabbed to
06:18.54Xinhuanso you can do self.CBox_TabTo:SetFocus()
06:21.03seebsI'm starting to get faster at this again.
06:21.25sag_ich_nichtokay i have a theory
06:21.34sag_ich_nichtif i stop eating apples
06:21.44sag_ich_nichtwill the TARDIS appear Y/N
06:22.16Thunder_Childoh wait...i forgot your in EU
06:22.25seebsI came up with a sort of neat hack, which I am not yet sure I like.
06:22.29Thunder_Childthen maybe
06:23.14seebsI am doing edit boxes in GameFontNormal, and I create a FontString at layer "BACKGROUND" of the editbox frame, centered and SetAllPoints to it, with a label.  The label is easy to see if you have nothing in the box, and inobtrusive when you start typing.
06:26.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (
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06:32.43seebsI so wish WoW had a "debugging" flag, like afk, that prevented people from talking to you.   :p
06:34.45Xinhuanthere is... its called /afk i'm busy
06:36.47Lukianaside from that you can filter out all whispers
06:37.03Lukianand there may be addons to silently catch them and display them when you want to see them
06:38.41seebsWoot!  I now have my two pop-ups working, tabbing among the various fields working, enter tabbing among fields except that it saves in the last one... WOO!
06:39.19seebsOf course, "saving" consists of printing out the row number and adjusted slot number in the table I'm scrolling through, and I don't populate the entries with anything.  But that's a Simple Matter of Programming.
06:45.27art3mishrm anyone know sbs2k3 decently?
06:46.11art3misif i have a client computer that connects remotely via vpn(outside of the network) the inet access drops. which of course times out the vpn connection
06:46.24art3misdo i need two adapters to able to "bridge" as it were?
06:48.46seebsWhat's an "sbs2k3"?
06:48.54seebs<-- probably doesn't know it
06:50.49Cidanart3mis: No, your VPN client is misconfigured.
06:51.29Thunder_Childsmall buisness server 2003
06:55.59FinIndustrial: idQuestautomation seems like it misses a lot of quests (mostly juts for one side of either handing in or picking up,  it feels like)
07:32.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Fisker- (
07:39.55art3miscidan: oh okay, ill check that when im back at work
07:40.07art3misdidnt bother before ;P
07:41.07Cidanit's not setting the route to the VPN as a static route; and then it's likely trying to route all internet traffic over the VPN
07:41.08*** part/#wowi-lounge Rayne (
07:41.40Cidanso it connects, then tries to send data over the VPN, but to do that it needs to send data over the internet, which defaults to the VPN, and loops onward.
07:42.12Cidansolution is to make sure your client is setting a static route to the VPN IP
07:42.30Cidanor disable routing of all inet traffic through VPN
07:42.43art3misyeah tis good for about 5mins then stops
07:42.51sag_ich_nichtoooh VPNs?
07:43.09art3misill fix that when i get to work tomorrow
07:43.21CidanOh, you didn't mention that
07:43.26Cidanif it works for "5 min" then stops
07:43.33CidanThat's not the issue then.
07:44.27sag_ich_nicht[07:50] <Cidan> art3mis: No, your VPN client is misconfigured. <--that shouldn't drop the servers internet tho
07:45.20sag_ich_nichtunless art3mis fails at forming sentences
07:45.35Cidanor I failed at reading
07:45.45Cidanwhich side drops the inet connection?
07:46.34Cidanif it's the server, well then, the server is misconfigured.  I run a VPN and I don't bridge, etc.
07:46.38art3misokay so i click connect to remote vpn, it works fine, if i close firefox or IE internet stops until i dc then rc
07:46.56Cidanso it's a client side issue then
07:46.56art3misive got sbs2k3 at home and the client is remote at my office
07:47.28art3misit drops the inet connection which of course drops the vpn conection ;P
07:47.36art3misive got timeout set to 24h
07:47.50art3misim guessing its just something gimpy i fergot about
07:48.01sag_ich_nichtpossibly wrong timeout on the server, and probably still a routing issue
07:48.19CidanIndeed, could be a firewall kicking in
07:48.23CidanCheck the logs, IMO
07:48.38Cidannot sure about sbs2k3, but in all the VPN software I use, logs help a lot.
07:48.45CidanThey pretty much tell you what the issue is.
07:49.47sag_ich_nichtwhy are you even bothering with a VPN tho art3mis
07:50.00sag_ich_nichtjust ssh tunnel and abuse the ssh tunnel as a routing path :P
07:50.16Cidansad, lol
07:50.25sag_ich_nichtfaster tho :P
07:50.47Cidanyou may as well use OpenVPN at that point
07:50.59sag_ich_nichtyeah, except openvpn is a dick.
07:51.05CidanI hated it
07:51.09Cidangave up, used poptop
07:51.42sag_ich_nicht+ssh tunneling breaks 9/10 company firewalls clean
07:52.13sag_ich_nichtthe ones that don't, block port 443 completely except for whitelisted sites
07:52.30Cidansad but true
07:54.47sag_ich_nichti've broken out of so many sites it's not even funny anymore, admins are complete slackpacks nearly everywhere
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07:57.56sag_ich_nichtsome sites, i could have smuggled out company secrets by the boatload if i wanted to, it's so sad, each time i discovered it i promptly went to the admin, explained the situation to him/her, they played the issue down but said they will do something about it, 2 months later, hole is still there
07:58.17CidanThat's the way it works
07:58.37sag_ich_nichtsame stupid admins of course have no spf record and wonder why their users are complaining that their outgoing emails are getting lost
07:58.59sag_ich_nichtwell of FUCKING COURSE THEY GET LOST if you don't have one, spamd will just mark it and the users will trash it
07:59.26sag_ich_nichtthen you explain it to them
07:59.28sag_ich_nichtand they are like
07:59.45sag_ich_nicht"no our DNS is managed externally we can't do that we'd have to call them, i'll do it next month"
08:00.00sag_ich_nicht6 months later you check the DNS record, still no spf entry.
08:04.45art3missag_ich_nicht: i dont need it , im just setting it up to muck with for no real reason ;P
08:06.50art3misive got actionpack sub so may as well get used to all the programs ig et for freeish ;P
08:07.11art3misive learned shitloads about exchange and server in the last week or so cuz my rpcoverhttp wasnt right
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08:24.56Thunder_Childart3mis, and you would have been screwed without the net prolly
08:25.39art3misheh funny enough
08:26.10art3misi had someone go through it and it was all setup right EXCEPT that the step about going to teh https site with IE and importing the cert perm was missing
08:26.18art3misit doesnt apply it correctly with firefox
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09:50.36cncfanaticshello all
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12:45.05|FF|Im2good4udoes anyone know a fuction to go over all the frames in the ui ?
12:46.07Corrodiaspairs(_G)? i totally forget the syntax
12:46.23Corrodiasbut that would only get those accessible by global variables
12:50.27JoshBorke|FF|Im2good4u: GetRegions on WorldFrame
12:50.33JoshBorkeor uiparent
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12:54.47haste|FF|Im2good4u: enumerateframes?
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13:21.27|FF|Im2good4ui was thikin of enumchildframes or something like that but i got no idea how to use it actual;y
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14:00.43matt1sWhere is that webpage that has a listing of all equipment for a warrior at a certain level?
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14:03.13Cairenn|afkwowhead? allakhazam? thottbott?
14:04.04Finoh no, sorry, it's
14:04.22matt1sah yes, that's the one I was thinking of
14:04.24matt1sthanks :-)
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14:41.42PolarinaAnyone knows if Slouken or Zootfizzle are here around?
14:46.36Wobin_"A bear in his natural habitat!"
14:46.39Wobin_"A Studebaker!"
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14:54.58cladhairePolarina: what do you mean
14:55.04cladhaireand what do you need?
14:55.51PolarinaThere's a side-efect on Lua code doing addition on unsigned 32-bit numbers because World of Warcraft is compiled with -ffast-math
14:56.14cladhaireokay.. what are the details and problem with it?
14:56.49Polarinacladhaire: This code is returning incorrect results (All numbers are unsigned 32-bit):
14:57.03PolarinaAnd I'm unable to make a workaround, no matter what I try.
14:57.25cladhairecan you give me a specific example taht I can pass on
14:57.32cladhairenot something containing four variables you haven't given me :P
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15:03.21Polarinacladhaire: Is that enough information?
15:04.05cladhairelua> = 0x00205000 +  0x00000000 + 0x66001800 + 0xa06805c6
15:04.06lua_botcladhaire: sandbox.lua:298: Compilation failed:  0x00205000 +  0x00000000 + 0x66001800 + 0xa06805c6:1: unexpected symbol near '='
15:04.11cladhairelua> return 0x00205000 +  0x00000000 + 0x66001800 + 0xa06805c6
15:04.12lua_botcladhaire: 4404571590
15:04.26cladhairelua> return (0x00205000 +  0x00000000 + 0x66001800 + 0xa06805c6)%
15:04.27lua_botcladhaire: sandbox.lua:298: Compilation failed: [string "return (0x00205000 +  0x00000000 + 0x66001800 + 0xa06805c6)% "]:1: unexpected symbol near '<eof>'
15:04.30cladhairelua> return (0x00205000 +  0x00000000 + 0x66001800 + 0xa06805c6) % 0x100000000
15:04.30lua_botcladhaire: 109604294
15:04.37cladhairethat's the response you expect?
15:04.56cladhairei need somethign that's a single command so someone can verify
15:05.11cladhairean arithmetic expression that gives an unexpected result.
15:06.01cladhairein game it returns the exact same result I got here.
15:06.27Polarinalua> ("%08x"):format((0x0020500 + 0x00000000 + 0x66001800 + 0xa06805c6) % 0x100000000)
15:06.27cladhairelua> print(string.format("%x", 0x00205000 +  0x00000000 + 0x66001800 + 0xa06805c6) % 0x100000000))
15:06.31lua_botPolarina: 066a22c6,
15:06.31lua_botcladhaire: sandbox.lua:298: Compilation failed: [string "print(string.format("%x", 0x00205000 +  0x00000000 + 0x66001800..."]:1: unexpected symbol near ')'
15:06.36cladhairelua> print(string.format("%x", 0x00205000 +  0x00000000 + 0x66001800 + 0xa06805c6) % 0x100000000)
15:06.36lua_botcladhaire: [string "print(string.format("%x", 0x00205000 +  0x0..."]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a string value
15:06.54PolarinaI wrote it wrong, wait.
15:06.57cladhairelua> print(string.format("%x", (0x00205000 +  0x00000000 + 0x66001800 + 0xa06805c6) % 0x100000000))
15:06.58lua_botcladhaire: 6886dc6
15:07.14Polarinalua> ("%08x"):format((0x00205000 + 0x00000000 + 0x66001800 + 0xa06805c6) % 0x100000000)
15:07.15lua_botPolarina: 06886dc6,
15:07.16cladhaireyou need to give me a commandline like that, that varies in-game
15:07.37Polarinalua_bot returns the correct result. But in-game it's different.
15:08.04cladhaireits not
15:08.05Polarinacladhaire: /run DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(("%08x"):format((0x00205000 + 0x00000000 + 0x66001800 + 0xa06805c6) % 0x100000000))
15:08.07cladhairei'm verifying this, in game.
15:08.08cladhairei am
15:08.11cladhairei'm not retarded :P
15:08.12cladhairei promise.
15:08.32PolarinaIt returns the wrong result in-game.
15:08.47cladhaireit does not.
15:09.04cladhaireits identical.
15:09.08cladhaireunless i'm blind
15:09.11PolarinaThis might be a issue with the EU client then.
15:09.32Gngskwhat's your say Polarina?
15:09.32cladhairei would consider that extremely odd.
15:09.47PolarinaIt really does!
15:10.02cladhairei believe you
15:10.09cladhairebut that doesn't help us without confirmation
15:10.09PolarinaI tried that exact command I just wrote, and it returns wrong results.
15:10.41cladhaireanyone run a non-enUS client that can verify for us
15:10.48cladhairethis has nothing to do with the server
15:10.52cladhaireit never gets to the server :P
15:11.19FinI have killed many innocent bystanders with my stabs in the dark
15:11.32PolarinaFin: Could you tell us what happens when you do this command in-game?:
15:11.38cladhairewould you test for us please?
15:11.40zenzelezzI get ...c6 on EU clinet
15:11.55FinI'm logging in now
15:12.02Polarinazenzelezz: You are using a enUS client.
15:12.20zenzelezzthat's a bold statement
15:12.21GngskI get c7 on my enUS client
15:12.32cladhairePolarina: hwo in the hell do you know what client he's running
15:12.39Polarinacladhaire: No idea.
15:12.44cladhairethen why claim it?
15:12.52cladhairethat seems silly
15:12.54PolarinaMy mistake.. :(
15:13.09PolarinaFin: And the last character?
15:13.27cladhairePolarina: what client, SPECIFICALLY are you using?
15:13.32cladhairei'll download it
15:13.45Polarinacladhaire: enGB.
15:14.08Finis there a variable I can print that shows what version of the client you're using?
15:14.34FinI'm fairly sure I'm using enGB, but I'd like to check
15:14.34FinI know a lot of strings are not enGB like color and shit
15:14.44Finalways thought that's just Blizzard being crap as usual
15:14.49cladhaireits a cvar, afaik
15:14.54cladhaireenus versus engb
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15:15.23cladhaireyes, you can't distinguish between the clients
15:15.26zenzelezzcouldn't be some sort of CPU thing or something?
15:15.28cladhairesince they are the same other than language pack
15:15.39Finwhy the hell don't they make that sort of thing a bit more bloody obvious, "honor" has been pissing me off for the last three years
15:16.02cladhaireif you get honor
15:16.04cladhairethen you're using enUS
15:16.06cladhaireno doubt about it
15:16.17Polarinacladhaire: The enGB client also shows like that.
15:16.20Finthere is some doubt
15:16.31cladhaireenGB doesn't do honour and colour?
15:16.32Polarinacladhaire: Trust me.
15:16.39Polarinacladhaire: Nope, it doesn't.
15:16.41Finbecause I believe it entirely possible that Blizzard might just be shit about this
15:16.44cladhaireso who here got the right result
15:16.47cladhaireand who got the wrong result.
15:16.57Finplease clarify what the right result is
15:17.09cladhairelua> print(string.format("%x", (0x00205000 +  0x00000000 + 0x66001800 + 0xa06805c6) % 0x100000000))
15:17.10lua_botcladhaire: 6886dc6
15:17.12cladhairethis is the correct result.
15:17.16Polarinacladhaire: GetCVar("locale")
15:17.24IndustrialFin: really? it works fine here :S
15:17.27FinI am using enGB
15:17.28Polarinacladhaire: That returns enUS and enGB corectly.
15:17.46Finat least, when I extract the game's data files, they get saved to Blizzard Interface Data (enGB)
15:17.48cladhairemaybe its just the enGB client
15:17.54IndustrialFin: (on idQA)
15:17.54FinI got c7
15:18.03Polarinacladhaire: Most likely.
15:18.03zenzelezzI got c6, on enGB
15:18.16cladhaireand now we're back to potential CPU issues :P
15:18.36Polarinazenzelezz: What does GetCVar("locale") return?
15:18.56Polarinacladhaire: My lua intepretor (not in-game) returns c6.
15:19.42cladhaireit should return c6
15:19.48cladhairethat's consistent
15:19.53Fin/dump GetCVar*(mine returns "enGB" as well, also, and I get c7
15:20.02cladhairelua> print(string.format("%x", (0x00205000 +  0x00000000 + 0x66001800 + 0xa06805c6)))
15:20.03lua_botcladhaire: 6886dc6
15:20.04Polarinacladhaire: Yes, but in-game it returns c7.
15:20.06cladhaireremove the modulus
15:20.10Finthis is no longer fun, I want cookies or tits
15:20.13cladhairesee if that makes a different.
15:20.19Polarinacladhaire: Ok, wait.
15:20.59Polarinacladhaire: Without the modulus, it returns c6.
15:21.07cladhairethen the issue is with math.fmod
15:21.26PolarinaIt should be fixed, in my opinion.
15:21.33cladhairein short, you can work around it
15:21.35cladhairewell, duh
15:21.46cladhairebut we don't have a consistent test case to give anyone.
15:22.06Finit must be working as intended, then
15:22.11cladhaireQA needs to have a reproducable test case to do much of anything
15:22.16PolarinaNo, it isn't working as intended.
15:22.24Finreally? no!
15:22.32Polarinacladhaire: I can let them have my entire code.
15:22.41cladhairethat obviously doesn't help
15:22.48cladhaireas I've already stated.
15:22.56cladhairebecause other people can't reproduce it
15:23.09Finbut, you can show that there's something wrong, no?
15:23.16Polarinacladhaire: Can I ask the people here one little question?
15:24.00PolarinaThose who get c7, what CPU brand are you using (AMD, Intel, etc.) and those who get c6, the same question?
15:24.00PolarinaI get c7 and I have AMD Sempron 2600+
15:24.11FinIntel Core2Duo
15:24.18Fin(c7 all the way baby!)
15:24.19cladhaireFin: we can show that for two people, they have an issue
15:24.28zenzelezzc6, Core 2 Duo
15:24.33cladhaireif they can't reproduce it, then there's not much that will be done
15:24.39cladhaireim' c6 on a c2d
15:24.59FinI don't care enough about this to explain
15:25.04Fin+what I think
15:25.13FinI want tits or beer!
15:25.18zenzelezzthat's ok, no-one wants to listen to you anyway!
15:25.35PolarinaBut still, how the hell could that modulus fail so bad?
15:25.40cladhaireit would be useful if we can find someone who is enUS to reproduce the c7 result
15:25.55cladhaireit fails by 1 bit (in this case)
15:26.01cladhairethe fact is, it fails, but its not "so bad"
15:26.15PolarinaIt actually is..
15:26.47FinDIE BEER! DIE TITS!
15:26.57Wobin_what hit rating do rogues need?
15:27.04Fintits or beer
15:27.38[dRaCo]fin: was that supposed to be german? :þ
15:28.41Fin[dRaCo]: I'm terribly sorty if you're German
15:28.56cladhairePolarina: if you want to write a comprehensive test suite that checks to verify a number of results, so they can "identify" the issue.  Then I could pass that on
15:29.14Polarinacladhaire: What do you mean?
15:29.26FinI embarrass myself horribly doing awful French and German accents, and it's not as if deserve it a tall
15:29.57Fins/deserve/it's deserved/
15:30.07Finoh cock whatever
15:30.10FinI have my beer now
15:30.21cladhairePolarina: you clearly have multiple sets of these numbers that you run through
15:30.29cladhaireyou can use the lua interpreter to create a set of valid results
15:30.35Finoh, and HOORAY for my darling sweet fiancee
15:30.38cladhaireand then a test suite addon that shows when any of them fail.
15:30.48[dRaCo]because she's got tits?
15:30.49Polarinacladhaire: Ok, will do.
15:30.49cladhairewould be easier to test, and more comprehensive than a simple example
15:30.52Finjust enough tit to keep me going
15:36.02Polarinacladhaire: Should I do some random numbers?
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15:36.28cladhaireanything that fails on your machine, really we just need multiple test cases
15:36.38cladhairemake it
15:36.39Polarinacladhaire: No problem.
15:36.41cladhaireso we can test it here
15:36.45cladhaireinstead of needing to make a full-addon
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16:11.30Xinhuani'm on enUS
16:11.37Xinhuanyou wanted someone to test something?
16:11.52PolarinaXinhuan: Yes.
16:11.57Xinhuanwhat is it
16:12.30PolarinaXinhuan: What is the output of (In-game)?:
16:12.52Polarinacladhaire: Is that usefull?
16:12.57cladhaireits good to know
16:13.00cladhairedunno how useful it isl
16:13.17Xinhuani'm using a c2d 6600 if that is helpful to you
16:13.21purli heard werehamster is not scary, but Shaggy
16:13.31cladhaireah, see i'm c2d enus
16:13.32cladhairehow odd
16:13.33PolarinaI'm about to finish my testcase.
16:13.56cladhairelua> 0x00205000
16:13.56lua_botcladhaire: 2117632
16:14.04cladhairelua> 0x66001800
16:14.05lua_botcladhaire: 1711282176
16:14.12cladhairelua> 0xa06805c6
16:14.13lua_botcladhaire: 2691171782
16:14.30IrielWhy does it need to be additions and not a straight constant?
16:14.45cladhaireit doesn't
16:14.49cladhairei was just reducing it
16:14.51PolarinaIriel: These numbers were replaced with variables.
16:14.59cladhairehe originally gave me a set of variables :P
16:15.13Xinhuanis there an issue?
16:15.21Xinhuanis 06886dc7 correct or wrong?
16:15.29cladhairelua> 0x00205000 + 0x66001800 + 0xa06805c6
16:15.30lua_botcladhaire: 4404571590
16:15.37IrielWhat CPU do you guys run on?
16:15.40IrielIntel? AMD?
16:15.40PolarinaXinhuan: Wrong one.
16:15.50cladhairelua> math.fmod(4404571590, 0x100000000)
16:15.50lua_botcladhaire: 109604294,
16:15.59PolarinaIriel: It actually doesn't matter, Intel users get eather wrong or correct, same for AMD.
16:16.03Xinhuanlua> 0x100000000
16:16.03lua_botXinhuan: 4294967296
16:16.08Irielok, enUS Mac Pro -- 'correct' value
16:16.13cladhairelua> string.format("%x", 109604294)
16:16.13lua_botcladhaire: 6886dc6,
16:16.24cladhaireIriel: enUS Macbook Pro -- 'correct' value
16:16.27PolarinaIriel: And the locale of the client doesn't seem to matter eather.
16:17.35IrielAll testing in live not PTR?
16:20.18Xinhuanthe raeson
16:20.20Xinhuanis because
16:20.23Xinhuan/print 0x100000000
16:20.28Xinhuanprints 4294967295
16:20.32Xinhuanand not ...96
16:20.41Xinhuanhex numbers are limited to ffffffff
16:20.49Xinhuanyou can't go beyond that
16:21.04Xinhuanadding extra 0s such as
16:21.04PolarinaBut if you do 2 ^ 32 instead of that hex.
16:21.08Xinhuan/print 0x10000000000000
16:21.14Xinhuanwill still print ...95
16:21.23Xinhuanit only affects hex numbers apparently
16:21.29Polarinalua> 0x100000000
16:21.29lua_botPolarina: 4294967296
16:21.34PolarinaThat's 96
16:21.51Xinhuanyrs, but do it in game, the hex number engine can only read up to a max of ffffffff
16:22.08Xinhuanno matter how large you try, it can't parse a number larger than FFFFFFFF
16:22.16PolarinaThat's the most weird thing I have ever came across to.
16:22.58cladhairewell good, i'm more comfortable with that answer
16:23.02cladhaireit did seem weird to me
16:23.03Xinhuanso if you write any lua code that takes modulus of 0x100000000, you have to add 1 to the result
16:23.11Xinhuanto get the correct answer
16:23.14PolarinaXinhuan: But how come some clients do parse larger hex numbers?
16:23.22Xinhuanno idea on that one
16:23.29Xinhuandoes yours parse correctly?
16:23.36PolarinaNo, I got c7.
16:23.53Xinhuanadd a check then
16:23.57Xinhuanat the beginning of your code
16:23.59Xinhuanthrow in a check
16:24.18PolarinaOr just do  somenumber % 2 ^ 32
16:24.27Xinhuanif (4294967296 ~= 0x100000000) then must_add_one = true end
16:24.34PolarinaBut why the hell does it parse larger hexadecimal numbers for some and others not?
16:24.41cladhairethis is the stupidest AV group I've been with today.
16:24.55cladhaireor don't use hex numbers
16:24.57cladhairesince there's no need
16:25.05Xinhuan/print 4294967296 == 0x100000000 evaluates to false on my wow
16:25.18cladhaireit returns true on mine
16:25.19Xinhuanwhat clad said
16:25.21IrielI get 7 in game on my AMD windows XP machine
16:25.30Polarinacladhaire: Of course, we got that solved. But the mistery of the hexadecimal numbers remains unsolved.
16:25.30Xinhuanconvert those hex to base 10
16:25.52cladhaireits not really a mystery
16:26.01cladhairesome clients parse large hex values, others don't.
16:26.15Xinhuanmaybe some people run 64-bit machines or something
16:26.17cladhairethere's likely a good reason fo rit
16:26.19Polarinacladhaire: Just how exactly does that makes sense?
16:26.42IrielAh, i know your problem
16:26.47PolarinaXinhuan: In-game I get c7, but in my lua intepretor on the same machine, I get c6.
16:26.50Irielit's the 0x100000000 constant
16:26.54Irielit has nothing to do with math.fmod
16:27.01cladhaire(scroll up) :P
16:27.09cladhaireand that only happens on some clients and not others
16:27.12Xinhuani already deduced that
16:27.19IrielNow to figure out why... off to the lua source
16:27.25Xinhuani said the hex engine was unable to parse any hex number larger than 0xFFFFFFFF
16:27.42Xinhuanand will return 2^32-1 as the result
16:28.11PolarinaIriel: Could be a bug in 5.1.1 that was fixed with 5.1.2?
16:28.54cladhaireyou can check the buglist yourself.
16:29.34Polarinacladhaire: I don't see that bug listed, but one of the other fixes there could have fixed it..
16:30.13cladhaireand no one here would magically know that without first looking at the source to understand whats done.
16:30.44Polarinacladhaire: It was a guess..
16:30.57*** part/#wowi-lounge Xinhuan (i=xinhuan@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/xinhuan)
16:31.18zenzelezzyou formulated it as a question :)
16:32.09cladhairemy point is, you asked iriel if that was the case.. and iriel doesn't have magical powers that let him answer that unconditionally without research :P
16:32.28IrielWTB magical powers! PST!
16:32.31cladhairebut none of this matters, you should look at the source like we are, and get a better idea of whats going on
16:32.37cladhaireIriel: you do have magical powers, just not that one
16:35.38PolarinaI should at least be happy that my 3 days of brainstorming weren't for nothing.
16:35.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Xinhuan (i=xinhuan@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/xinhuan)
16:36.06Xinhuanhmm how did i leave this channel.
16:36.15cladhairei hax0red you
16:36.17IrielI'm not even sure HOW the lexical analyzer parses 0x constants, it's a bit too terse
16:36.30XinhuanOH, i typed "/p 6 gold" in the wrong window rofl
16:36.35Xinhuanand /p is /part
16:36.48cladhaireIriel: yeah the custom parser makes it hard to see
16:37.26Xinhuani doubt its a error on wow's part, since any 0x constant that is too large just returns 2^32-1
16:37.46IrielXinhuan: That'd do it.. but why does it work for some folks not others?
16:37.49PolarinaThis is weird. If the same source code generate different results for different people...
16:38.06Xinhuani can't explain that one Iriel
16:38.41Xinhuanbut i can assert that 0x1000000001 == 1000000F0B6 and it'll pass
16:38.51cladhaireits not handled in read_numeral
16:38.56*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=stl-lapt@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
16:39.02Xinhuanbut i can assert that 0x1000000001 == 0x1000000F0B6 and it'll pass
16:39.07Xinhuanmissed the second 0x
16:39.10IrielIt uses the system strtoul library
16:39.44IrielAre the folks for whom it works running a 64 bit OS?
16:39.54Xinhuanmaybe this is something for slouken to figure out
16:39.58cladhairewas trying to see if it was using isxdigit but taht doesn't make sense.
16:40.02zenzelezzIriel: not me at least
16:40.22zenzelezz(assuming "works" is still the same as "right" was when this discussion started)
16:40.37Irielcladhaire: It's not, there's a funky isalnum bit at the end of the number reading parse function
16:40.56Xinhuanmy only suggestion to Polarina is not to use 0x constants, and use straight base 10 numbers
16:41.02Irielcladhaire: then the result is passed to lua0_str2d and then that calls strtoul
16:41.16*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (
16:41.40PolarinaThis could eather be a but in Lua or a bug in the C library implementation.
16:41.51IrielIt's certainly not a bug in anyones implementation
16:42.06Irielit's an inconsistency in the value of ULONG_MAX available to the client
16:42.13JoshBorkeo.O what's going on?
16:42.29Xinhuanlol JoshBorke
16:42.44JoshBorkesounds like polarina is breaking stuff
16:42.50IrielYou can make your code 'unbreakable' by using a bitlib and against 0xffffffff
16:42.57PolarinaJoshBorke: By an accident.
16:43.08Xinhuanwe found a curious bug where if you type /print 0x100000000 or any hex number larger than that, it prints 2^32 - 1 as the result, but only on some people's wow
16:43.11PolarinaIriel: Or do % 2 ^ 32
16:43.26JoshBorkethat's odd
16:43.33IrielSure, though in 'real' code you'd stick that in a local
16:44.01Xinhuanso Polarina's code was trying to do SHA with % that number, so it gave wrong results on different people's wow
16:44.16IrielDid you find out what intel processor class those folks who got c7 versus c6 where on?
16:44.25JoshBorkethat's interesting
16:44.42zenzelezzIriel: we had two c6 on Core 2 Duo, one c7 on Core 2 Duo
16:44.47PolarinaIriel: There are people who get eather c6 or c7 on the same CPU.
16:45.02IrielSame CPU and OS  too?
16:45.12JoshBorkei want to help test...
16:45.16JoshBorkebut can't :(
16:45.29zenzelezzdon't think we went deeper than "Core 2 Duo"
16:45.34PolarinaIriel: Didn't check for the OS.
16:45.45Xinhuanjust post on UI forums for people to check
16:45.59Xinhuanslouken will figure it out with enough infomation
16:46.16IrielI'm not sure it's worth bothering him beyond 'hey look at this inconsistency, isn't it fun'
16:46.53Irieldoes the lua manual say 0x constants are inherently limited to 32 bits on some systems?
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16:47.22PolarinaIriel: Lua is portable, the developers wouldn't even dare to do such thing.
16:47.32cladhaireyou and the bold statements today
16:47.46cladhairei don't understand why you never exercise restraint.
16:47.52cladhairesometimes its borderline offensive
16:48.12IrielActually, while I come to think of it, ULONG_MAX shouldn't be 2^32-1, it should be 2^64-l for all but the wierdest systems
16:48.30IrielSo maybe we've got a broken (or compatibility) strtoul implementation
16:49.20JoshBorkewhat does strtoul mean again? something to unsigned long?
16:49.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Viserion (
16:49.40IrielOh sorry, I'm forgetting my C / Java differences
16:49.52IrielC long only has to be >= int
16:50.12IrielSTRing TO Unsigned Long
16:50.32JoshBorkethat's what i thought
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16:53.59IrielDo you have anyone not on a mac who gets the 'right' value?
16:54.08IrielMy guess is they're running on a 64 bit aware OS
16:54.27PolarinaIriel: Yes, we have.
16:54.30zenzelezz<- WinXP 32-bit version, c6, Core 2 Duo
16:54.43zenzelezzdon't know if it's 64-bit aware on some other level
16:54.51Polarina<- Debian GNU/Linux x86
16:55.41Xinhuan<- win xp sp2 32-bit, c7, c2d
16:55.42Irielzenzelezz: And you get c6, in wow?
16:57.21IrielSadly I know none of the windows toolset for determining library linkages and versions
17:00.02Iriel#ifdef WIN32
17:00.02Iriel# ifdef _MSC_VER
17:00.02Iriel#  define PORTABLE_STRTOULL(str, end, base) _strtoui64 (str, end, base)
17:00.03Iriel# else
17:00.03Iriel#  define PORTABLE_STRTOULL(str, end, base) strtoul (str, end, base)
17:00.03Iriel# endif
17:00.07Iriel# define PORTABLE_STRTOULL(str, end, base) strtoull (str, end, base)
17:01.00zenzelezzso for some of us it actually uses the 64-bit function?
17:01.29Xinhuanwhats _MSC_VER
17:02.03zenzelezzprobably some MS VC++ specific thing
17:02.24Xinhuanwho would compile this thing under msvc ~_~
17:03.01IrielWhat I took away from that (perhaps incorrectly) is that there are some universes in which strotul on win32 does work in 64 bits,and some where it doesnt
17:03.50zenzelezzwouldn't surprise me though
17:04.27Xinhuanhave you changed your implementation Polarina? ;p
17:04.52PolarinaXinhuan: In the C library? No.
17:05.00Xinhuani mean your wow lua implementation
17:05.20PolarinaXinhuan: I'm still removing all that debugging code.
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17:07.42Irielhm, I guess since my package left the sort facility (about 20 miles away, or more) only 10 minutes ago I should be less impatient
17:07.51PolarinaThe debugging code is about 3 times larger than the "actual" code.
17:10.46wereHamsterIriel, long is 32bit on win32 and even win64, so ULONG_MAX=2^32-1
17:11.12zenzelezzdepends what you're talking about
17:11.28zenzelezz"long" is very ambiguous among languages and platforms
17:11.42wereHamsterC long type
17:13.12wereHamsterof course that even depends on the compiler, but MS compiler behave like that
17:13.44[Liquidor]my penis is long
17:14.19Industrialwhy does my UnitXPMax('player') return 814700 ?
17:14.21Industrialat level 70
17:14.43kaidenbecause just like at 60 even though you couldn't get new xp there was a cap
17:14.48kaidensince you could get xp into the level
17:15.26zenzelezz[Liquidor]: careful or we'll cast it to a short
17:15.30PolarinaIndustrial: I don't know, but once (At level 70) the XP bar popped misteriously up and showed 364 / 814700
17:15.33IrielHey zenzelezz Can you sun sysinfo and lookup what version of msvcrt and msvcr80 you have installed?
17:15.42Irielzenzelezz: : iot's on the Software Enviroment : Loaded Modules tab
17:15.54[Liquidor]Industrial, what kaiden said
17:16.23zenzelezzIriel: where do I find sysinfo, it doesn't seem to be in my PATH
17:16.37Irielzenzelezz: I ran 'dxdiag' and then ran it from the last tab
17:16.40Irielzenzelezz: 8-)
17:17.12*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
17:17.13zenzelezzah, msinfo
17:17.36Irieloh of course, a command called 'System Information' would have msinfo as its name.
17:19.06zenzelezzIriel: msvcrt 7.0.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158), msvcr80 8.00.50727.762
17:20.44IrielHm, I have the same msvcrt and 8.00.50727.1433 for my msvcr80
17:21.08cladhairedo you guys get the same value?
17:21.28cladhairedidn't xpsp2 add some support for 64 bit applications.. or change something in that regard?
17:22.11IrielThe difference is apparently the .NET 2.0 SP1
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17:25.52IrielI'm just guessing thats the right library, it's the standard runtime dynamic link binding for the libraries in question
17:26.00Irielfor all I know wow has its own set of libs
17:27.24Xinhuani have msvcrt 7.0.2600.2180
17:28.06Xinhuanand i got c7
17:28.19IrielYeah, Iwe have the same msvcrt, so that's not it
17:28.53Xinhuani have msvc80 and msvcp80 as well, same as you heh
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17:30.42Tierriegoddamn it artmis i am in town
17:30.46Tierrieand i am calling your ass
17:30.50Tierrieand you are not picking up
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17:33.55zenzelezzTierrie got stood up by art3mis?
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18:51.41kd3curse you, caffeine withdrawl
18:52.11art3misi was sleeping
18:52.36art3misgood god ;) it's the weekend
18:53.06Thunder_Childyes, thats why it;s dead in here
18:57.44Shirik"Patch 2.4 will raise the limit of daily quests from 10 to 25, to encourage more players to visit them regularly"
18:57.53ShirikI have enough trouble hitting the 10 cap...
18:58.14Thunder_Childthey will be introducion more dails
18:58.14nevcairieli never hit the 10 cap either
18:58.23nevcairielbut with the new 2.4 dailys for opening the gate
18:58.39nevcairieler, unlocking the bosses =P
19:01.26Thunder_Child"Concerning there being some leveling bumps for mining nearing the end of pre-BC, it's planned to be smoothed out along with other professions. Some professions have already seen changes in this regard, and we're certainly planning to continue them so that there's no need to stop leveling, go back and a zone, and do circuits until you're caught up. That really shouldn't be necessary, and yes, isn't fun."
19:01.54foxlitYou can hit 10 if you want
19:02.29foxlitBut that takes too much effort :P
19:08.27kaidenThunder_Child, poor blood elf :( he's about to get .. yeah ;P
19:08.30kd3hitting the 10-cap isn't all that tough if you've done the nw questline
19:11.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
19:16.20Raynethis is driving me nuts
19:16.26Raynemy MSN Messenger wont work
19:18.15*** part/#wowi-lounge kaiden (n=kaiden@
19:19.44NightHawkTheSanethis is a neat picture..
19:26.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
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19:33.44PolarinaHow does the Report Spam API work?
19:46.30PolarinaWhat are these "lineID"?
19:46.53Industrialin AddMessage?
19:46.58Industrialhardly used afaik
19:47.08Industrialdunno what its for >_>
19:47.43PolarinaIndustrial: No. I'm talking about the arguments to the functions for "Report Spam".
19:51.59*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
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19:55.05PolarinaWhat does it mean with player link?
19:56.05PolarinaDoes it means a Addon can't report a player for spam if that addons removes that chat line from the chat frame?
19:56.07hastethey are in the player link
19:56.41Polarinahaste: A player link is |Hplayer:Polarina|h[Polarina]|h
19:56.52hastethat too
19:56.53hasteyou have two kinds
19:57.14Industrialo? :p
19:57.35hasteI think that was the format at least
19:57.51hastejust hook .AddMessage on ChatFrame1 and dump the string readable
19:58.10PolarinaIs that lineID passed as an argument from events, such as CHAT_MSG_SAY?
19:58.43IndustrialI'd hook addmessage :p
19:59.20PolarinaI'm still waiting for an answer?
19:59.45hastePolarina: arg11
20:00.01hasteDevTools doesn't show it btw
20:00.06hasteit confused the hell out of me at first :p
20:00.23hasteDT only shows up to 9 or so
20:01.08PolarinaAccording to wowwiki, CHAT_MSG_SAY only gives three arguments, how could that one be 11?
20:03.09AnduinLothar wow not found gg
20:06.51IndustrialPolarina: register for it with a fucntion
20:07.16IndustrialPolarina: function (...) foo end
20:07.20Industrialand dump {...}
20:07.33Polarinadump exists in-game?
20:08.07Industrialthe addon DevTools can dump things nicely
20:08.22IndustrialDevTools_Dump(mixed) or /dump
20:09.57hastePolarina: local f = CreateFrame"Frame" f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) ChatFrame1:AddMessage(select("#", ...)) end) f:RegisterEvent"CHAT_MSG_SAY" -- gives 11
20:10.09hastedon't always trust wowwiki
20:10.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Dreagar (
20:10.28DreagarHey ya'll
20:11.16Dreagarwhat could cause map browsein to not work? right cick and buttons no longer work after i load this code.
20:14.03hastePolarina: arg1, arg2, arg3, arg7, arg8, arg10 and arg11 are set on CHAT_MSG_SAY
20:15.09PolarinaYes, I noticed. But what are these arg4, ..., arg10 for?
20:15.32hasteused for other CHAT_MSG types I believe
20:16.21*** join/#wowi-lounge seebs (i=proxyuse@
20:16.58seebsIt's time, once again, for stupid WoW newbie questions!  Is there any *reasonable* way to scroll an edit box to the left, instead of having it scrolled all the way to the right?
20:18.00Dreagarthere's a howto in the wiki to do that Seebs
20:18.21seebsIs it still the horrible workaround with highlighting the first character, editing it out, and so on?
20:18.48Dreagarno idea, haven't read it. just know it's there.
20:19.47seebsDamn.  It's still the same one.
20:20.08seebsThe thing is, I really really don't want to do that, but I really don't want all my widgets to be scrolled all the way right.
20:20.29seebsI remember that I had multiple chained on-update scripts in AnnoyRP to work around the secondary bugs of that.  Eww!
20:33.29Dreagarwow i'm completely lost. :(
20:34.16Dreagarfor some reason every time i load this addon, the right click, and drop downs on the map no longer work. :(
20:34.21Thunder_Childseebs, find an addon that does what you want and take a gander?
20:34.26zenzelezzyou're not lost, you're just neutrally reconsidering your position
20:34.54Dreagarlol. yeah, that sounds bout right zenze
20:35.39Dreagarthinkin about throwin it all out and startinover. lol
20:43.15Thunder_Childlooks like UPs is increasing their rates Dec. 31
20:44.58zenzelezzmonster resolution; nice picture
20:45.27Thunder_Childthe only way to take a pic is with monster res
20:45.44zenzelezzas long as it's a good camera, high resolution rocks
20:45.53Thunder_Childis that why you bought a new one, you last one broke?
20:45.58zenzelezzif you've got a poor camera, higher resolution just means more room for imperfections
20:46.11IrielI bought a new one because my last one was old, but then the old one started to misbehave
20:46.23IrielI suspect it just needs a trip to nikon for some maintainence, it's 6 years old
20:46.29Irieland hasn't been in during that time
20:46.46Thunder_Childit's woth it to send it on it's trip
20:47.05Irielyeah, i figured i'd get past the christmas package rush then send it in for some love
20:57.21seebsI've not been able to find any addons that scroll text left without doing something very similar to The Ugly Hack.
20:57.54seebsWell, off erranding!
20:58.44NechcknIriel that is one "Nermal" kitten, that all the other felines must surely dislike  =)
21:14.46wereHamsterhow does this mirror work?
21:15.46zenzelezzlag, if they had a better computer then the mirror image would have been updated
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21:33.15LonnyAnyonw know a good text algorithm ?
21:33.37zenzelezz"text algorithm"?
21:33.44Lonnyto compress and decompress
21:34.04Lonnytext compression algorithm
21:34.59Gnarfoz7-zip, rar, ace, uharc, bzip2, gzip, lzh, lzw, zoo, arc, whatever :D
21:35.38Lonnynot for files, for forum posts and such I need to decompress it out of the DB and compress it back, I need it to be fast :)
21:36.11Gnarfozwouldn't you rather compress the db files on the backend?
21:36.21Cideyou realize
21:36.24Cidethat files == data
21:36.58LonnyYeah I do relaize it
21:37.15IrielYou might be able to do some mass analysis of existing posts and find an 'optimal' encoding for the resulting lump, but i'm not sure you'll be significantly better off there than if you'd used something like bzip2
21:37.34PolarinaFor every CHAT_MSG_* Event (Except for addon), arg11 is the lineID for the Report Spam API.
21:37.45PolarinaLet's hope I'm right on that.
21:38.04Irielthe tradeoff is you're able to 'share' an encoding initialization block, rather than it being in each file, but that's not necessarily going to be  aworthwhile saving.
21:38.15Cideoh, you can report CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_SELF_BUFFS lines? cool.
21:38.42PolarinaCide: Doh.. You know what I mean.
21:38.58PolarinaCide: ;)
21:39.05Cidewell, if you're adding that to the wiki, it's not true
21:39.18GnarfozI don't see the point, anyway, you could as well gzip the entire page beforehand and let the client's browser uncompress it (can all major ones do that by now?)
21:39.19Cidein any case, what you said wasn't right
21:39.21PolarinaI'm not adding it to the Wiki.
21:40.12LonnyThe backend compression is not the bext you can have for large text, which is the reason I'm checking for a better possibilities, I do Shrink them but still
21:41.25Cide -- what am I missing? the header returned by createHeader("foo") doesn't create any children when in a raid
21:41.54LonnyThere are few algorithms that compress text better which is what I'm looking for, I'll try bzip2, thank you anyway
21:46.00Cideany ideas?
21:46.05zenzelezztext is generally very easily compressed, most common algorithms should suffice unless you need the real ultimate one
21:47.15LonnyYeah I know but dunno which is better, so I thought to ask :P
21:56.03Industrialanyone here good with macros?
21:56.12Industrialim having trouble with null in a castsequence
21:56.36Industrialeg /castsequence reset=15 Mend Pet,null
21:56.40Industrialit hangs on the null
21:57.04Irielwhy would you expect it not to?
21:57.14Industrialbecause it resets after 15 sec?
21:57.43Irielif you dont try executing it for 15 seconds it should...
21:58.04Industrialyeah but then I could just use the spell
21:58.18IndustrialI wanna be able to spam the button and not use extra mana
21:58.28IrielThat's exactly what they DONT want you doing
21:58.51Cideyou could out of combat, but that's pretty worthless :P
21:59.13CidePreClick -> SetAttribute
21:59.17foxlitYou can code around that anyway, but it'd be a bit more complex than a macro
21:59.29Cidein combat? how?
22:00.50foxlitStateHeaders allow for delays before switching states
22:01.05Cideah, you might be right
22:01.15IndustrialI can keep cycling the last with this
22:01.16foxlitYou do get a different problem, of course
22:01.36foxlitIf the first cast fails, that set up does not try again for whatever the timeout is
22:02.07Cidecould use a modifier for that
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22:07.26Industrialcan I do #showtooltip reset=15 Mend Pet,null ?
22:07.34Industrialnm ill just try
22:08.24Lukianno :p
22:08.40Lukianif that works, wow :p
22:09.31GnarfozI'm just gonna say "welcome to 2.0" here
22:10.28IndustrialGnarfoz: hey it wasnt my idea to implement a safe api with nitty gritty rules for everything and STILL not have complete official api docs
22:11.07Gnarfozpay them 150$ a monthin instead of 15$, maybe they'll listen to your demands then
22:11.07PolarinaWell, you can just make a frame and add it over the secure button with higher strata and make it disappear after 15 sec.
22:11.39IndustrialGnarfoz: as if $15 isnt enough.
22:11.50Gnarfozif they don't want to, nothing is enough
22:13.26Gnarfozit's not like you're in a position to demand anything from them. it may not be an ideal situation, but I don't think it's our or your place to complain. also, all I was trying to say was that what you were trying to do was exactly what prompted them to implement that stuff. and judging by how long you've been around, I guess you know that anyway
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22:14.34Gngskjust be thankful you don't have to channel mend pet anymore like warlocks
22:14.58IndustrialI'm not in a position to demand anything? I pay them 15 a month.. for 3 years now. thats position enough imo.
22:15.42Lonny$15 is enough for what ? :P
22:15.51Gnarfozyou suffer from misjudged importantness syndrome then *rolleyes*
22:15.53Industrialdemanding official API docs from blizzard
22:16.06Nargiddleyyou want to be able to spam mend pet and only recast after it finishes ?
22:16.25IndustrialGnarfoz: I'm sure hiring one guy to write those docs is way cheaper then even the support costs them for users with broken third party addons
22:16.36PolarinaHehe.. :P
22:17.07LukianIndustrial, dunno about that I think they automated it all into "delete your wtf and interface folders"
22:17.17Gnarfozhiring that guy wouldn't reduce the support for players who have problems actually caused by bad addons
22:17.22Gngskand cosmos
22:17.41Industrialim just saying they should just do it :|
22:17.57IndustrialI'm kind of tired of always having to nose around in other code for a few hours and THEN getting it
22:18.03Industrialas opposed to eg the manual
22:18.05Industrialfor php
22:18.16Gnarfozthat may be true but wouldn't give us back intelligent macros ;)
22:18.17Industrialits just anoying
22:18.30Industrialoh, this is not about the macors - im just playing with themk
22:18.45LonnyI doubt that's the problem for them, maybe there's another problem in realising an official API documentation ?
22:18.47PolarinaI would at least expect the function names and arguments, events and their arguments at minimum, without explanation.
22:19.12IndustrialLonny: maybe there is much under the hood that they dont want us to know about
22:19.16Industrialor something
22:19.44LonnyAfter all you never know :D
22:19.51Industrialanyway, Nargiddley, yeah. so I dont reapply it over a running one - so I save mana
22:19.58Gnarfozperhaps they're suffering from "oops, didn't document right from the start" problem... would be a PITA to do it now and do it right
22:20.16Lonnyhaha :D
22:20.25NargiddleyI haddnt noticed it changed from a channeled spell, that would have been possible
22:21.19Industrial(best buff to a class ever)
22:21.53LonnyAt least Slouken takes the time to inform us :D
22:25.09ThraeShattarah City looks amazing on 2560x1600 + max video settings.
22:25.28LonnyThat's huge :P
22:25.54PolarinaWhat's your FPS? 0.75?
22:25.54Thrae30" Gateway "Extreme HD" monitor. It goes up to 1600p.
22:26.13Thrae30-40, even while looking around
22:26.17LonnyNice :)
22:26.48LonnyWorking on SLI or Crossfire ?
22:26.58Lonnyah :P
22:27.07Thrae8800 GT + Q6600 + 4GB DDR2 1026MHz
22:27.39Thrae8800 GT 512MB on true PCI-Express 2.0, factory OC'd to 650MHz
22:27.52PolarinaWhy did you overclock it?
22:27.55LonnyQ6600 is intel model
22:27.57PolarinaWhat's the original clock?
22:28.05zenzelezz"factory OCed" - he didn't I assume
22:28.16ThraeQ6600 = Kensington Intel Quad Core 2.4GHz
22:28.58ThraeNo, it was overclocked, confirmed stable, and warranty includes the OC because it was done by eVGA themselves
22:29.19ThraeThe memory is also overclocked -- 1026 instead of 800 (max for DDR2)
22:29.24ThraeThe system memory that is
22:29.43LonnyI have Asus 8800GTX + Q6700 + 2G Corsair :P
22:29.59ThraeI'm also running on Vista x64
22:30.06ThraePremium, of course
22:30.07LonnyNice :D
22:30.29LonnyI use XP x64, how is Vista ? :)
22:31.14LonnyI know the x32 edition fails
22:31.33Thraex64 is excellent as long as you have relatively new hardware for the drivers
22:31.53seebsI've never run WoW above 1920x1200.
22:31.58ThraeAnd, 4GB doesn't hurt...with 2GB you should get away with it
22:32.13Thraeseebs: You can't run it above 1920x1200 unless you have a monitor that supports it
22:32.36LonnyI should try it sometime in the future, I wonder how it performs on 2G
22:32.58LonnyIt's more like a GPU bound system isn't ?
22:32.59ThraeBut this "Extreme HD" 1600p monitor also has the ability to upconvert resolutions like 1920x1200 to 2560x1600 (native) using a built-in video processor
22:33.10ThraeOne of its sales pitches
22:33.16seebsI would love a 1600p monitor, but I can hardly afford one.  :)
22:33.37ThraeSo if you're viewing 1080p, it'll upscale to 1600p (Quad HD)
22:34.21Gnarfozwhich will look horrible ^^
22:34.25PolarinaAnd the pixels don't look blurry?
22:34.27ThraeLonny: I've tested games like Crysis on 2GB on SLI systems w/ both Vista x32 and x64 at work...did pretty well
22:34.39ThraeGnarfoz: No, it actually looks better since 1600p is the native resolution
22:34.52LonnyAh great to hear :)
22:34.54Gnarfozyou upscale the material
22:35.04Gnarfozit will look worse than at ITS native resolution
22:35.24ThraeGnarfoz: Actually, it's an upconvert, not upscale
22:35.44ThraeThe material is converted to 1600p by the video processor, not just stretched
22:35.49Gnarfozare we playing bullshit bingo?
22:36.21Gnarfoz"just stretched"? pixels are pixels, there's only so much you can do
22:37.38Gnarfozand pray tell, what "conversion" besides stretching do you think that video processor is doing? (btw, since you are talking about it doing it rather than your playback source: you are talking about feeding a 1920x1080p signal into a device with a native resolution of 2560*1600?)
22:39.54ThraeGnarfoz: This is the chip used for the upconversion --
22:41.05seebsWell, there's more than one way to upconvert.
22:41.28seebsOne of my early laptops upconverted by doubling every third scan line or so.  A later one did it by smoothly scaling -- blurrier, actually, but it looked much better.
22:41.51Gnarfozsmooth scaling meaning having found a way do divide pixels?
22:42.00Gnarfoz(ok, there's subpixels, but still...)
22:42.38Gnarfozanyway, the other part of the question still stands: are you feeding a 1920*1080p signal into a 2560*1600 screen instead of just feeding it a 2560*1600 signal? :)
22:42.41seebsCould be it's using subpixels, but mostly "smooth scaling" meaning "some pixels averaged out instead of just one or another of the values".
22:43.43ThraeGnarfoz: My old monitor was the Samsung 242MP, which did up to 1920x1200 (PC) and also 1920x1080p. I can tell you, stuff like DVDs, which can't go up to 1080p anyway, looks far more amazing on this monitor. And the Samsung 242MP was a premium HDTV for its time.
22:44.05Thrae <-- here's a review with some benchmarks of the HQV processor
22:44.07Gnarfozyeah, but re-defining 'stretching' is a bit much. the picture has to cover more space than before, in some way it *has* to be scaled up or "stretched", interpolated or whatever
22:44.27GnarfozThrae: ... you're talking advertising to me, yay
22:44.58ThraeGnarfoz: I'm not advertising, I'm giving you my personal experience and observations.
22:44.59Gnarfozwhat has "my old monitor" and "let me tell you it looks awesome" to do with anything?
22:45.15Thunder_Childi give it no more than 5 years before we have a smart enough program to recreate pixels of an image to any size
22:45.18*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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22:45.19Gnarfozthat's great, appreciated and stuff, of course :)
22:45.29Gnarfozbut care to answer my question? ^^
22:45.47ThraeGnarfoz: <-- here's information on the technology
22:45.58GnarfozI don't need information on the techonolgy, you already linked that
22:46.13PolarinaGnarfoz: Fractals?
22:46.29GnarfozPolarina: Apple pie?
22:46.34Gnarfozwhat? :>
22:46.40PolarinaGnarfoz: No, I mean it.
22:46.47GnarfozPolarina: NO U
22:47.17PolarinaGnarfoz: That chip scans the outlines of the graphics and reproduces a higher-resolution image.
22:47.23Gnarfozalso, why does there have to be a worn out motherboard standoff thingy in each damn case
22:47.23Thrae"HQV processing represents the most advanced de-interlacing technique available: a true pixel-based motion-adaptive approach. With HQV processing, motion is identified at the pixel level rather than the frame level. While it is mathematically impossible to avoid discarding pixels in motion during de-interlacing, HQV processing is careful to discard only the pixels that would cause combing artifacts. Everything else is ...
22:47.29Thrae... displayed with full resolution."
22:47.44Gnarfozde-interlacing is not the issue at hand here
22:48.39Thrae"Converting standard-definition video to high-definition video involves resizing an image to contain as much as six times the number of pixels it had originally.  How this is done determines the quality of the resized image."
22:48.54Thrae"The most basic video processors perform their scaling calculations by analyzing no more than four pixels in the source image to create one pixel in the final image. This represents what is called a 4-tap scaler. (Without getting too technical, the number of 'taps' determines the number of pixels that are analyzed.) With all other things being equal, a larger number of taps will result in better scaling quality. The ...
22:48.56Gnarfozare you TRYING to avoid reading what I write?
22:49.01Thrae... average scaler uses no more than 16 taps. However, even this level of scaling can still produce blurry images."
22:49.17ThraeGnarfoz: You basically said "scaling is scaling"
22:49.25GnarfozI basically ASKED
22:49.33Gnarfozif you are feeding it its native resolution
22:49.34Gnarfozor not
22:49.40ThraeYes I am for my computer
22:49.55ThraeIt's impossible for DVDs of course
22:49.58*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar_ (
22:49.59Gnarfozand what are you feeding it 1080p material from?
22:50.08IrielReally scaling *IS* scaling, the best you can ever get to is an image that doesn't have any artifacts (and possibly if you've done some fancy scene analysis, you can synthesize detail that wasn't there originally to make the eye think if has more detail)
22:50.18IrielBut that has nothing to do with deinterlacing, as was noted earler
22:50.31Irieldeinterlacing is a rather different problem (which I wish we could just get rid of)
22:51.00PolarinaThat chip scans the outlines of the original image and scales these lines position!
22:51.14PolarinaTo produce the higher-resolution image.
22:51.34Gnarfozyeah, and you're gullible enough to believe that layman's terms crap? Oo
22:52.02Irielbut it still can't retrieve information that wasn't there.. A scaled image may look better (typically things like lines render much more nicely without aliasing)  but it's not magic
22:52.02Gnarfozvideo material is not vector graphics
22:52.19PolarinaI didn't read what the authors of that chip say.
22:52.56PolarinaGnarfoz: Exactly! That chip converts video materials into vector graphics.
22:54.06GnarfozHQV processing uses a scaler with an unprecedented 1024 taps. This level of quality reflects the fact that HQV processing has its roots in Teranex algorithms, which were developed for defense and military image analysis.
22:54.26Gnarfozit's a scaler. no vector graphics (but sure a lot of big words) involved
22:56.03*** join/#wowi-lounge [Liquidor] (n=denras19@
22:57.31Industrial~seen cogwheel
22:57.34purlcogwheel <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 22h 51m 38s ago, saying: 'It's amazing how much you can automate just with clever anchoring...'.
22:57.36Shirik|AFK~seen Industrial
22:57.37purlindustrial is currently on #wowi-lounge #wowace. Has said a total of 117 messages. Is idling for 6s, last said: '~seen cogwheel'.
22:58.04Polarina~seen purl
22:58.05purlpurl is currently on #casualti (2d 3h 41m 21s) #botpark (2d 3h 41m 21s) #linuxfund (2d 3h 41m 21s) #wowi-lounge (2d 3h 41m 21s) #edev (2d 3h 41m 21s) #fossfund (2d 3h 41m 21s) #hosernet (2d 3h 41m 21s) #norganna (2d 3h 41m 21s) #ud (2d 3h 41m 21s) #dub (2d 3h 41m 21s) #teleconf (2d ...
22:58.29Gnarfozjust saying. if you believe that the orange box in this image: can be scaled to the size of the turqouise (whoa, spelling ^^) box and look good, I pronounce you insane :D
23:02.46FinIndustrial: ping
23:03.17IndustrialFin: pong
23:04.22FinIndustrial: about idQA, yeah, I've seen the same behaviour for a while, but I use a couple of different addons that are supposed to have the autoquestclick feature, I thought perhaps they were interacting badly or something
23:04.38Finbut I looked at the code, I don't see how that could be happening
23:05.18Finbasically it just doesn't autoclick a lot of quests for me, can you think of anything that it might be, or what I could do to figure out what's wrong?
23:07.13Finthe only thing I can think is that the button.type is something other than Active or Available
23:08.55Industrialafter line 52 add lib:Print(button.type)
23:09.00Industrialand try opening the panel
23:09.03Finor huh, maybe it's a different event or something
23:10.29FinI have one other question, general populace of #wowi-lounge! is there a function that like CanPutItemInContainer(ItemID, BagID)?
23:10.31*** join/#wowi-lounge NightHawkTheSane (
23:10.56PolarinaThere will be one in 2.4
23:11.33Finright now to do the same you have to check the bag name to see if it matches "quiver" or "herb bag" or something?
23:12.17Shirik|AFKor try and watch for an error :P
23:12.30Shirik|AFKwhich, as simple as it sounds
23:12.32Shirik|AFKis a pain in the neck
23:12.35Finkk, I'll wait for patch 2.4 then and just live with the error :)
23:12.48Finit doesn't actually sound that simple to me :)
23:13.12FinI mean, is there a specific error type for "item does not fit in container type"?
23:13.35Finotherwise it'd be the same sort of arseache I guess, parsing errors for "only arrows fit in that" or something :)
23:14.12Finuhm, is there any sort of bag type ID?
23:14.20Finoh, wait, I guess I just asked that in a way
23:14.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Bibi (
23:14.36Finor, is there a flag for "special bag"?
23:14.46Fin+"of any type"
23:15.17Nargiddleythe item type of the bag will tell you that
23:15.21Finbooyah! both my runic spellthread and golden spellthread sold
23:15.38Finhellooo 600g
23:15.41Shirik|AFKwtb golden spellthread
23:16.38Finaha, thanks Nargiddley!
23:17.09Finso at least I can work around this problem for now, I'll just add an option to skip special bags altogether
23:19.27Finguild banks are so awesome
23:19.43Finespecially if you're the gm of a guild you made with some mates for alts
23:20.31Fin100g used to be the price of an extra bank slot
23:21.04Finnow it's another 112 item slots :)
23:22.19*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
23:27.19NightHawkTheSaneMy tv is telling me.. "no signal". Which is strange, because I'm currently watching B5 on it.
23:28.32Finhaha, I didn't realise they'd misspelled it Super Rejuvination potion originally :)
23:40.33Finwhenever I've finished putting a bunch of stuff up, I sort by time left, but longest first so I see the most recently added auctions
23:41.10Finsometimes there's stuff up that's crazy cheap that noone's seen yet cos it's only just been put up
23:42.26FinI'm not sure what that boggle meant
23:42.33NightHawkTheSaneinteresting fin
23:42.59NightHawkTheSanehmm. 100gb a fair size for a windows partition?
23:43.32TaeriI llike 15-20GB for my windows partitions.
23:43.36Finfairly large, I would say
23:44.05FinI normally just buy a cheap 80GB drive for my system disk
23:44.07NightHawkTheSanewell it's a 500gb drive *shrug* maybe less
23:44.22Finso 80GB is my average :) that's why it seems "fairly large" to me :)
23:44.41*** join/#wowi-lounge DuTempete-gf (
23:45.09NightHawkTheSaneI just don't know how much i'll use it.
23:45.40FinI'd make it much smaller then
23:46.02Finif you're not going to use it much, 20-40GB should be fine
23:46.33Fin(actually 15-20GB *should* be fine but I'd stick another 20GB on just to be on the safe side, since it's a 500GB disk :)
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23:46.42NightHawkTheSaneHehe, yeah
23:47.14NightHawkTheSaneSpace isn't exactly a huge concern, between both comps I've got something like 1400gb of space >.>
23:47.26FinI think I have something like 1TB
23:47.36FinI have no idea how I'll ever fill it all up
23:47.41foxlitC is home to program files anyway
23:48.02foxlitBetter to over-allocate than have to extend it at a later point
23:48.02Finit's definitely gone beyond the point where I can imagine all the data in my head at the same time, if you know what I mean
23:48.17NightHawkTheSaneto be sure, this is on my new mac pro, so the only things that will go on the windows partition are stuff i actually need/want to run in windows. :P
23:48.19Thunder_ChildFin, i have filled up 4TB twice over now
23:48.48NightHawkTheSaneFin: if oink were still around, i could so fill up all my space :(
23:48.53Finit's just numbers now, they've ceased being "big" to me, sort of
23:48.54NightHawkTheSanethat alone has really curbed how much i download
23:49.02FinThunder_Child: OK that's "big" again :)
23:49.22FinNightHawkTheSane: RIP Oink
23:49.31NightHawkTheSaneseriously. :(
23:49.36Finif you run out of space?
23:49.38Finbuy another drive
23:49.42Thunder_Childneve did use Oink
23:49.50foxlitUse windows partition for itunes storage
23:49.53NightHawkTheSaneIts not like drives are expensive
23:49.55Thunder_Childnever heard aobut it till it was shut down
23:50.08foxlitBesides, you can only format it to 32GB with bootcamp?
23:50.09NightHawkTheSanefoxlit: actually, itunes storage is on my second drive in my g5
23:50.18TaeriI had a oink, then I accidentaly downloaded 13g over... a couple of hours. >__>
23:50.24NightHawkTheSanefoxlit: really? I havn't done much research into bootcamp >.>
23:50.41foxlitIirc, OSX doesn't read NTFS natively
23:50.44NightHawkTheSaneThunder_Child: that's a shame. oink was amazing.
23:50.45foxlitSo you want a FAT32 partition
23:50.50NightHawkTheSaneno, it doesn't. and yeah i know
23:50.52foxlitWhich has a 32GB limit
23:51.11foxlitThat last part sounds suspicious
23:51.12TaeriFAT32 also does not like file with a size above 4GB.
23:51.30Finnothing likes NTFS natively except Windows
23:51.41foxlitiirc linux has a decent driver now
23:52.03Shiriklinux does
23:52.10FinI've been hearing that for years, but, if you say so
23:52.27ShirikI use it on a regular basis
23:52.30Shirikrw capability, etc
23:52.32NightHawkTheSanethere's 3rd party drivers for osx, but i havn't used them
23:52.38Finbet it's still nowhere near as reliable as ext2 or some other native filesystem
23:52.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
23:52.47Shirikhow do you define "reliable"
23:52.53FinI wouldn't call ready only capability "decent", Shirik :P
23:53.07Finare you talking about the fuse driver?
23:53.17ShirikI don't consider ext2 reliable
23:53.27Shirikthat's why they made ext3
23:53.31Finext3, sorry
23:54.01Finbut even so, would you consider an ext2 partition more "reliable" than an ntfs partition on your linux machines?
23:54.31ShirikI don't have problems with ntfs
23:54.32Shirikand no, not fuse
23:54.41ShirikI forget what it's called, I think it starts with an M
23:54.46ShirikI don't have the board with me right now so I can't check
23:59.44*** join/#wowi-lounge IRCMonkey (

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