IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071219

00:00.08Shirik|Ecolehm, apparently Conspiracy has its own status bar texture
00:00.08Eve(Bob was taken :( )
00:00.12Shirik|Ecoleso I guess I can't use that to help you
00:00.15godzirrasetting a texture you're not going to use seems silly... but ok.
00:00.24Shirik|Ecolewell you do use it
00:00.40Shirik|Ecolereturn; -- error here one day.
00:00.42Shirik|EcoleI love Cidan's comments
00:00.57godzirraWell, I guess.
00:01.08FoxMcLeodyou take that texture (those are b/w usually) and paint it the color you like
00:01.19godzirrabrb.. gonna try rebooting my linux bos.
00:01.45NightHawkTheSaneShirik|Ecole: heh, my code has a bunch of: ' todo: throw an error, eventually..
00:01.49FoxMcLeodreboot fixes a lot but not wrong coding... I tried that
00:01.50foxlitYou just want to change the color of a status bar?
00:02.03Shirik|EcoleNightHawkTheSane: I still like my 100 line comment with ASCII art
00:02.04foxlitKeeping the same texture as health/mana bars in the default UI?
00:02.41foxlitBar:SetStatusBarColor(r, g, b[, alpha]);
00:02.55foxlitwhich functions like SetVertexColor on a texture
00:04.05Shirik|EcoleGonna go get something to eat
00:04.07Shirik|Ecoletake care guys
00:04.08*** join/#wowi-lounge godzirra (
00:04.11godzirraWow.. much better.
00:04.31godzirraOk.. so like I was saying...
00:04.35godzirraThere's no way to avoid using a texture?  
00:04.42foxlitTo do what?
00:04.47godzirraMake a colored status bar
00:05.16laindiro.O I could've sworn status bars received a default texture
00:05.48foxlitYou'd be wrong, then, godzirra.
00:06.01godzirraI'm not wrong...  Since I'm asking a question. :)
00:06.17foxlit... I was saying
00:06.21godzirralaindir: I thought they would, but my status bars don't show up unless I set a texture.
00:06.36godzirrafoxlit: But I'd be happy for enlightenment.  Very happy, in fact.
00:07.05foxlitSolid color?
00:08.12FoxMcLeodI good at working around little flaws so I would just set a texture that is plain white :)
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00:10.07FoxMcLeodeventually my "work arounds" create little memory leaks... well but thats the price I have to pay or rather my users ;)
00:10.19godzirrafoxlit: So how do I do that?
00:10.38foxlitYou don't, unfortunately :)
00:10.51foxlitI was thinking you just wanted to recolor a status bar :)
00:11.28FoxMcLeodStatusBar:SetStatusBarTexture("some plain white thingy here");
00:11.29godzirraWell how do I load the texture and then promptly ignore it?  Can I create a blank texture on the fly and color it?
00:11.40foxlitAnd yeah, status bar vanishes if you try to set it to something non-texture-like
00:12.00godzirralike if I have a texture created, I can do this:  StatusBar1BG:SetTexture(123, 66, 99);
00:12.01foxlitYou can't create textures, not really.
00:12.12foxlitSee, I tested that. No, you can't.
00:12.13*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
00:12.17foxlitIt only takes a file name
00:12.20godzirraYes you can.
00:12.21godzirraits in the spec =p
00:12.28godzirrastatusbar1bg is a texture object.
00:12.31godzirranot a status bar object :)
00:12.33godzirrato clarify
00:12.41godzirraStatusBar1 is a statusbar object.  
00:12.48godzirrafoxlit: but that answers my question =p
00:13.00FoxMcLeodI beg to differ: Frame:CreateTexture() ^^
00:13.02godzirrais there a way to make the status bar's texture invisible then use a color afterwards?
00:13.16foxlitFox: texture widget, not an actual texture
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00:13.38FoxMcLeodwell CreateTexture does not create a texture like you need there but it still creates a texture ;)
00:13.42godzirrahow do I make the texture invisible? :p
00:14.02godzirrathats not quite what I maen i don't think.
00:14.05FoxMcLeodby setting its alpha to 0?
00:14.21godzirrathats what i needed.  I thought SetStatusBarTexture only allows for 1 arg though?
00:15.59*** join/#wowi-lounge drc|away (
00:16.03godzirraHuh... that works?
00:16.15FoxMcLeodactually it allows 2 :)
00:16.29MentalPowerFoxMcLeod: 3 :)
00:16.44MentalPoweroh, nm
00:16.54MentalPowerthought you were refering to CreateTexture
00:17.01FoxMcLeodheeh nope
00:17.21MentalPowergodzirra: StatusBar:GetStatusBarTexture():SetAlpha(0)
00:17.38Lukian!c US Jubei'Thos Debilton
00:17.41ThraeBotLukian: Debilton, Level 60 Night Elf Druid (46/0/1). 2493 HP; 3874 Mana; 151 mana regen; 15 mp5; 4.21% melee crit; 14 spell crit; 85 +spell dmg/heal; 27 nature dmg (112); 7.40% dodge; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 462 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Dec 18 19:20:25 2007 EST ]]
00:17.57MentalPower!c us alleria kyro
00:18.00ThraeBotMentalPower: Kyro, Level 67 Night Elf Druid (0/0/58). 6792 HP; 3702 Mana; 118 mana regen; 35 mp5; 650 AP; 125.100 Melee DPS; 10.04% melee crit; 53 melee hit; 18.03% dodge; 21 resilience; 3 arcane resist; 10 nature resist (+10); +39 all resists (+10 nature);[[ TBR: 669 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Dec 18 19:20:44 2007 EST ]]
00:18.01MentalPower!c us alleria mentak
00:18.03ThraeBotMentalPower: Mentak, Level 60 Human Priest (10/0/41). 3387 HP; 6321 Mana; 249 mana regen; 23 mp5; 39 spell crit; 148 +spell dmg; 321 +heal; 5.00% dodge; 14 shadow resist; 34 fire resist;[[ TBR: 755 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Dec 18 19:20:48 2007 EST ]]
00:18.04godzirraMentalPower: yeah, that doesnt work. ;)
00:18.04FoxMcLeodcool bot
00:18.13godzirraOoh.  thats neat.
00:18.18godzirra!c us lothar zepia
00:18.19MentalPowergodzirra: what doesn't work?
00:18.25godzirraDamn. :/
00:18.29godzirrai'm not cool enough.
00:18.37MentalPowerlvl 10 min
00:18.39godzirraMentalPower:  StatusBar:SetStatusBarTexture(StatusBar:CreateTexture())
00:18.44godzirraMentalPower: zepia's level 70 =p
00:19.37FoxMcLeodthere are spaces in my servers name :/
00:19.42MentalPowergodzirra: well, its just a texture object, it doesn't have any properties
00:21.32Lukian!c US Jubei'Thos Merlock
00:22.03FoxMcLeodhmm flood protection ?
00:22.26foxlitI'd bet more on armory HTTP lookup freezing
00:22.31godzirrafoxlit: thats what I did already, but I'm getting errors.
00:22.45godzirrafunction arguments expected near :
00:22.46godzirraoh. duh.
00:23.20godzirrano... that still isnt working.
00:24.05MentalPowerany errors?
00:24.33godzirraJust a white bar.
00:24.37godzirraWhich is my background texture.
00:26.01godzirrathats my code.
00:28.32FoxMcLeodnot even one return in that... my computer sciences teacher would roll in his grave if he'D be finally dead
00:29.01godzirrai'm a perl guy.  We don't usually need to return.
00:29.14godzirraregardless, that shouldn't keep it from working
00:29.18godzirraWhat am I actually doing wrong?
00:30.07FoxMcLeodHmm, is the StatusBar Shown() by deafult?
00:30.08foxlitvoid functions, tbh
00:30.19foxliteverything is shown by default
00:30.26foxlitunless its hidden
00:30.36FoxMcLeodanother 5 lines I can cut my code
00:31.11godzirraIts not hidden.
00:31.12foxlitYou probably don't need PlayerHealthBar:SetStatusBarTexture(PlayerHealthBar:CreateTexture());
00:31.23foxlitso lines 23 and 16
00:31.32laindirfoxlit, that's what we've been trying to determine
00:31.43godzirraok... but the problem is my health WILL show up if the commented out line is uncommented
00:31.45laindirwhether the bar can be show without explicitly setting a texture
00:31.47godzirrathey dnot show up any other time.
00:32.21foxlitlaindir: Is a texture _object_ a valid parameter there?
00:32.31godzirraProbably not
00:32.33godzirrasince its not working.
00:32.36MentalPowerit is
00:32.40godzirrathen why isn't it working? :)
00:32.56godzirraI believe you.  Pretty much everyone knows more about ui coding than me...  
00:33.00godzirrajust tell me what I'm doing wrong ;)
00:33.03MentalPowergodzirra: try setting the texture's color before applying it to the status bar
00:33.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
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00:33.27godzirraCan I do playerTexture = Frame:CreateTexture()?
00:33.28laindirI haven't done anything with status bars in almost a year, but I don't remember anything about setting a texture... color yes, texture no
00:33.38godzirralaindir: thats what i'm trying to do.
00:33.41godzirraI dont -want- a texture.
00:33.49foxlitlain: you likely inherited from somewhere that gave you a texture to work with?
00:33.54MentalPowerlocal tex = StatusBar:CreateTexture() tex:SetTexture(1,1,1,1) StatusBar:SetFrigginTexture(tex)
00:34.01laindirfoxlit, that was my understanding
00:34.09TextureI feel unwanted and neglected.
00:34.26MentalPower~lart FoxMcLeod
00:34.26purlslaps a compatible dib on FoxMcLeod's head
00:35.14Shirik|Ecole" Hi looking for the /script command that makes it look like you have tons of gold, but all it's doing is changing how much silver=1gold, etc you get what I mean. Thanks!"
00:35.45MentalPowerShirik|Ecole: err... huh?
00:35.46*** join/#wowi-lounge FoxMcLeod (
00:35.53Shirik|Ecolewow forums
00:36.06foxlitif (getDate() == "April 1st") then GetPlayerMoney = function() return 0; end GetContainerItem = function() return nil; end ... end
00:36.31godzirraMentalPower: still no love.
00:36.37*** join/#wowi-lounge [Liquidor] (n=denras19@
00:36.37Shirik|Ecoleit's just GetMoney() :)
00:37.40MentalPowerif (getDate() == "April 1st") then for k in pairs(_G) do _G[k] = nil end end
00:37.50godzirraMentalPower: so yeah....  I don't know what to do here.
00:37.51MentalPowermuch better :P
00:38.18MentalPowergodzirra: does it have a texture afterwards?
00:38.29godzirraWhat do you mean?
00:38.36foxlitMP: just hide the world frame, np
00:38.38MentalPowerie, can you do a /dump StatusBar:GetFrigginTexture()
00:38.42godzirraOh.. ok.  
00:38.45godzirralet me try that.
00:38.50foxlitReplace with hello kitty texture
00:40.10Shirik|EcoleI seriously wish they wouldn't change avatars so drastically during events
00:40.15Shirik|EcoleI can understand resknning and all
00:40.20Shirik|Ecolebut I can't see who's who by avatar anymore
00:40.45art3missure you can
00:40.50laindirshirik|ecole, Your skill in Reading has increased by 1.
00:40.55art3misjelly is the candy cane with the bitter taste ;P
00:40.55godzirraMentalPower: When I do /dump StatusBar1:GetStatusBarTexture() it says "(table: 0EC4950)"
00:41.47Shirik|Ecolegodzirra: um
00:41.50Shirik|Ecoledo you have devtools?
00:42.02godzirrawhere do I get them?
00:42.05Shirik|Ecoleok, get it and try again :P
00:42.07purlIriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
00:42.53godzirrainstalling it now.
00:42.55Shirik|EcoleDevtools will expand a /dump so that you don't just know it's a table
00:42.57godzirrawell, restarting wow =p
00:42.59Shirik|Ecolebut you can see everything inside it
00:43.14FoxMcLeodw00t neat
00:43.21FoxMcLeodI need those devtools
00:43.26Shirik|Ecoledevtools does a lot more than this
00:43.30Shirik|Ecolebut that is one of the things it does
00:43.41Shirik|Ecoledtframestack is my <3 right now
00:43.43FoxMcLeodBut then again, when the tools get to comfortable the programmers gets sloppy and lazy
00:44.05Shirik|Ecoleyou mean like visual studio?
00:44.13FoxMcLeodhehe yeah
00:44.15Shirik|Ecoleand the fact that practically every Windows program violates best practices?
00:44.34Shirik|Ecoleimpossible, something like that would NEVER happen
00:44.40Shirik|Ecoleand then cause an entire OS to have trouble running software
00:44.41godzirraShirik|Ecole: ok, it now says DevTools: StatusBar1:GetStatusBarTexture()
00:44.55Shirik|Ecolethere should be more :P
00:44.59Shirik|Ecolethe rest of the table
00:45.02Shirik|Ecoleoh ha
00:45.05*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
00:45.05godzirraI was still typing :)
00:45.10godzirraon my laptop,  so I'm slow.
00:45.12Shirik|Ecoleso all it has is userdata inside
00:45.33Shirik|Ecolebut that's the texture
00:45.33MentalPowerwhich is normal
00:45.40Shirik|Ecoleis it? I don't usually work with these things directly
00:45.42Shirik|EcoleCidan does all the GUI stuff
00:46.09godzirradoes that mean there's a texture or that there isn't?
00:46.22MentalPowerthere is
00:46.38MentalPowerat any rate, I'm out of ideas
00:48.22godzirraso back to, how do I show the statusbar, but make the status bar's texture invisible so I can color the bar?
00:48.47godzirraand why is my freaking texture always white, no matter what I set the RGB to? :/
00:49.08*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
00:49.10FoxMcLeodHere I go again use a plain white texture and color it with Texture:SetVertexColor();
00:49.12Shirik|EcoleShirik > kamdis
00:49.23Shirik|Ecole> |Jelly|work
00:49.24Shirik|Ecole> You
00:49.49godzirraFoxMcLeod: i'd rather use status bars and figure out what i'm doing wrong then do it a different way and not learn what I was doing wrong to begin with.
00:50.18FoxMcLeodI know
00:50.45sag_ich_nichtboth parts of Sul'thraze just dropped in one run. and we predicted that they will drop.
00:50.52Shirik|Ecolemaybe show us your code?
00:50.55FoxMcLeodbut if you have to set a texture create one yourself, color it and then put it on your statusbar
00:51.01godzirraI did, but I'll show it again :)  one sec.
00:51.46godzirra is the most recent.
00:51.53FoxMcLeodoh ok
00:52.05Shirik|Ecoleespecially at MyFirstAddon_Frame1_OnEvent()
00:52.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Lonny (
00:52.24godzirraShirik|Ecole: i'm trying to get it working since i'm a noob, and I'll clean it up afterwards.
00:52.32godzirraAnd yes, I actually will go back and clean it up...
00:52.34godzirraonce I know what I'm doing.
00:52.38Shirik|EcoleI don't see you changing colors
00:52.59FoxMcLeodI think he tries to do that in line 17
00:53.12FoxMcLeodand 24
00:53.16godzirraIts commented out currently.
00:53.25Shirik|EcoleYou should be using StatusBar1:SetStatusBarColor()
00:54.07FoxMcLeoderr and by the way the values for R, G and B go from 0 to 1 I think
00:54.12godzirraYeah, I tried that too, and I can't see any difference in my screen shots.  
00:54.16godzirra0 to 1?  How odd.
00:54.32Shirik|EcoleI find 255 to be odd :)
00:54.43FoxMcLeodyeah FF ftw
00:54.57FoxMcLeodFinal Fantasy
00:55.05FoxMcLeoderr no Hexadecimal :)
00:55.14Shirik|EcoleEven in the APIs I wrote for this board I'm working on, where I know that internally it really is a 255
00:55.20Shirik|EcoleI made a wrapper that accepts 0 to 1
00:55.27Shirik|Ecolebecause there's no guarantee it might be 0-255 in the future
00:55.38Shirik|Ecoleand the same thing is true here -- how do you know they're working on that bit depth?
00:55.51Shirik|Ecole0 to 1 will appropriately accomdodate for htis :)
00:55.55laindirgodzirra and shirik|ecole, they're semantically equivalent, one is expressed as a floating point over a continuous range whereas the other is expressed as the numerator of an equivalent fraction
00:56.03Shirik|Ecolesemantically, yes
00:56.09Shirik|Ecoleas far as the function is concerned, they're not
00:56.14Shirik|Ecolehere it only works 0 to 1
00:56.28Shirik|Ecoleand laindir, that is only true if you're working with 8-bit numbers
00:56.38Shirik|EcoleThat's my point
00:56.48laindirshirik|ecole, you could translate instantly by dividing by 256
00:56.56Shirik|Ecolebut what if the depth changed
00:57.03Shirik|Ecoleand we aren't working with 8-bit numbers anymore
00:57.11godzirrawell, that works.
00:57.13Shirik|Ecole0 to 1 would still be perfect, whereas 255 wouldn't.
00:57.24godzirraI'd still rather do it without a texture loading, but oh well.
00:57.31laindirexactly, the 0 to 1 is implemented over a continuous range rather than a set of discrete values
00:57.35Shirik|Ecolegodzirra: So SetStatusBarColor worked?
00:57.43godzirraYes, if I load a texture.
00:57.43Shirik|Ecolelaindir: exactly....
00:57.47Shirik|Ecolewhat are you trying to argue here?
00:57.47FoxMcLeodSo by using 0 to 1 we're ready for any new depth coming in the next centuries
00:57.57Shirik|Ecolegodzirra: good good :)
00:57.58godzirraone sec, trying it without.
00:58.03Shirik|Ecoleiirc you have to have a texture
00:58.07Shirik|Ecoleotherwise it doesn't know what to paint
00:58.20godzirranope, definitely need both.
00:58.40Shirik|EcoleFoxMcLeod: I like being safe :)
00:58.48Shirik|EcoleI dislike that in the year 2038 we're going to have another Y2K
00:59.06Shirik|Ecolehaha btw I read something in QNX documentation while on the plane today
00:59.07laindirFoxMcLeod, theoretically yes... but it depends on implementation... the function might very well simply multiply by the field length and truncate
00:59.08Shirik|Ecoleit amused me
00:59.21FoxMcLeodWorldTexture:SetVertexColor(0.5, 0, 0.2, 0.3); Yay
00:59.30FoxMcLeodhmm yeah *nodnod*
00:59.55Shirik|Ecolehere it is
01:00.07godzirraShirik|Ecole: so what is a better way to handle the variables than to make the globals the way I have?
01:00.27FoxMcLeodmake them local :)
01:00.44Shirik|Ecole"The internal date and time representation reaches its maximum value in 2554. If your system must operate past 2554 and there's no way for the system to be upgraded or modified in the field, you'll have to take special care with system dates (contact us for help with this)."
01:01.08godzirramaking them local makes them local to the function?  Or to the plugin?
01:01.10LonnyAnyone knows a good GDI/GDI+ channel ?
01:01.18FoxMcLeodto the lua file
01:01.24FoxMcLeodwell to the block
01:01.25Shirik|Ecole(Preceeded by "Valid dates on a QNX Neutrino system range from January 1970 to January 2554, but note that POSIX-compliant code may be limited to the year 2038.")
01:01.42FoxMcLeodbut since they are on the lowest lvl they would be local to tthe whole file
01:01.49Shirik|Ecolegodzirra: To the file
01:01.53Shirik|Ecolebut yes to the block
01:02.00Shirik|EcoleWrote an article on this a while ago
01:02.01Shirik|Ecolewhere is it
01:02.12godzirrathat wold be helpful.
01:02.16godzirraFoxMcLeod: so to the funciton?
01:02.19godzirrai'll read.
01:03.02FoxMcLeodif you define a var inside a function and make it local it can only be used in the function (I think I read you article :) )
01:03.28godzirraSo its the same as in pretty much every other language. ;)
01:04.25Thunder_Childwow, i have just been informed that i have been entered inthe UK national Lottery
01:04.29FoxMcLeodWell not every other language, because when I tell my girlfriend something within a specified frame, she usually is able to use it against me any other time...
01:05.10FoxMcLeodhaven't found out to tell here that's it's only local information -.-
01:05.17Shirik|EcoleThunder_Child: Quickly, give them your bank account
01:05.21Shirik|Ecoleso that you can win your earnings
01:05.30Thunder_ChildShirik|Ecole, surprisingly they dont want it....yet
01:05.34Shirik|Ecolethey probably need your social security number too
01:05.38Shirik|Ecolefor the UK lottery
01:05.38Thunder_ChildTo file for your claim, please contact our
01:05.39Thunder_Childfiduciaragent with your
01:05.40Thunder_Childcomplete details:
01:05.42Thunder_Child(1)COMPLETE LEGAL NAMES:
01:05.43Thunder_Child(2)CURRENT CONTACT
01:05.53Thunder_Childstupid paster
01:05.55Shirik|Ecoleno SSN?
01:06.01Thunder_Childnot yet at any rate
01:06.02Shirik|EcoleI would have thought the UK lottery needed it
01:06.26LonnyAny good C#/C++ (Winodws API) channels I can use, need to ask some questions :P
01:06.31Shirik|EcoleYou can ask here
01:06.38Shirik|EcoleI think I know too much about C++ including winapi
01:06.39Thunder_Childyou just wont get a good answer :p
01:06.45LonnyAh great! :P
01:06.54Shirik|EcoleAs for C#
01:07.01Shirik|EcoleI will probably recommend you shoot yourself
01:07.11Thunder_Child~shoot Shirik|Ecole
01:07.11purlACTION shoots Shirik|Ecole in the foot with a cork gun!
01:07.13Shirik|Ecoleor your hard drive
01:07.17Shirik|Ecolethat way the C# is gone
01:08.55Shirik|Ecoleanyway what was your question?
01:09.09LonnyWell I want to change the default behaviour of the CheckedListBox OnDrawItem function so I can use my own custom CheckBox control instead
01:10.18Shirik|Ecolehm, what are you using to create your GUI?
01:10.25Shirik|EcoleThat's not MFC for sure
01:10.31Shirik|Ecolebut it's not raw API either
01:10.58LonnyYeah it's not
01:10.59*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
01:11.35LonnyIt's C# however C++ would be good enough if you can explain
01:12.09Shirik|Ecoleunlikely, because that's not even remotely how we do it in C++ :/
01:12.34Shirik|Ecolewe would respond to the WM_PAINT message
01:13.07Shirik|EcoleSo sorry I can't be much help there :/
01:13.55LonnyI know I can use MFC but I don't want to create everything from scarch :
01:14.09Shirik|EcoleDon't do it
01:14.13*** join/#wowi-lounge [1]Adys (
01:14.19Shirik|EcoleMFC is nice and all but it can really limit you too
01:14.30Shirik|Ecoleif you can do everything else without MFC, then you shouldn't be using it
01:14.34Shirik|Ecoleit's geared towards beginners imo
01:15.07Shirik|EcoleI wasn't saying you should use MFC, just commenting that it doesn't look like Win API to me nor does it look like MFC
01:15.20Shirik|Ecoleunless microsoft did something really strange in C#
01:17.37LonnyWell yeah it's nothing similar to MFC anyway, though you can still use it
01:18.45LonnyWell I guess I'll disassemble the framework and see what MS done there, it's absurd :
01:19.04AnduinLotharDamageMeters v5.8.0
01:19.04AnduinLothar*"Only Monitor Group Members" now includes group pets.
01:19.04AnduinLothar*"Treat Pet Data As Your Data" now also works for group member's pets. (See the Players section of the read me for more information: Known Group Pet Exception Cases)
01:20.08Shirik|Ecolesec Lonny I'm checking this out right now
01:20.31Shirik|Ecoleheh, trying to add this converted my project to CLR
01:20.36LonnyAg great mate, that would be helpful :P
01:22.36Shirik|Ecoleyeah unfortunately I haven't the slightest clue what I'm looking at right now
01:22.51Shirik|Ecoledo you still have a message loop?
01:23.07Shirik|Ecolesomething like this?
01:23.36Shirik|Ecolewhile (GetMessage(...)) { TranslateMessage(...) DispatchMessage(...) }
01:24.17Shirik|Ecoleyeah the way I would do it is just catch the WM_PAINT message and then override the default handler for the control
01:24.28Shirik|Ecoleunfortunately I'm not sure if you can do that
01:24.54LonnyI can
01:25.10Shirik|Ecoleyou have something like this, right?
01:25.11Shirik|Ecoleprivate: System::Windows::Forms::CheckedListBox^ checkedListBox1;
01:25.45Shirik|Ecolewtf is the ^ ?
01:26.09laindirshirik|ecole, I assume it denotes instantiation of a class
01:26.21buuI'm sort of hoping it was a typo.
01:26.31Shirik|Ecoleit was definitely generated by a wizard
01:26.34Shirik|EcoleI hope wizards don't make typos
01:26.58Shirik|Ecolelaindir: Unless it somehow converted my project to C#, it shouldn't
01:26.59buuWhat.. language?
01:26.59LonnyIn C# that would be private System.Windows.Forms.CheckedListBox clb = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckedListBox
01:27.02Shirik|Ecolethis is C++
01:27.10buuThat's not valid..
01:27.22Shirik|Ecolethat's why I'm confused!
01:27.28Shirik|Ecolebut it definitely compiles
01:27.32buuWhat you get for using windows/c++/mfc, etc.
01:27.42Shirik|Ecolemeh, I was just trying to test out what he's trying to do
01:27.47Shirik|EcoleI don't usually use this designer
01:27.47LonnyShirik how did you conver it ?
01:27.54Shirik|EcoleI just told it to create a new windows form
01:27.56Shirik|Ecoleand added that in
01:28.09Shirik|EcoleIt popped up a message saying that I'm not currently configured to use CLR and that the project will be changed
01:28.11Shirik|Ecoleand I hit OK
01:28.38LonnyWell that's not C++ but Managed C++ it's slightly different
01:28.43Shirik|Ecolebut even intellisense is confused right now
01:28.52Shirik|EcoleI try to access that variable and intellisense gets pissed
01:29.07FoxMcLeodParser:"I have a ^ here." Compiler:"A WHAT ?!?" Parser:" A ^, you like a small arrow." Compiler:"What the hell, I'll just ignore it."
01:29.27Shirik|EcoleIntellisense: Could not understand expression to the left of '.' or '->'
01:29.49Shirik|EcoleFoxMcLeod: lol
01:30.11Shirik|EcoleActually ^ is a valid operator in C++
01:30.14godzirraok, thanks for all the help.  Time to go kill some Alliance members.
01:30.15Shirik|Ecoleit's just like... almost never used
01:30.22Shirik|Ecoleand definitely not valid used there :P
01:30.51Shirik|Ecolewtf is this
01:30.52Shirik|Ecolethis->checkedListBox1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::CheckedListBox());
01:30.55Shirik|Ecoleok this language confuses me
01:31.33Shirik|EcoleI like C++
01:31.35Shirik|EcoleI'll stay there :P
01:31.54Shirik|EcoleI hated C# and this Microsoft managed crap already, and now I hate it even more ><
01:32.04Shirik|Ecolethe C apis are more than adequate for me :)
01:32.24LonnyI'm with you :P
01:32.34LonnyThough it's my work ><
01:32.50Shirik|EcoleWell fortunately for me, we aren't allowed to use C#
01:32.54Shirik|Ecoleand C++ only got recently approved
01:32.57Shirik|Ecoleand that took forever
01:33.08Shirik|EcoleI doubt any new languages will be approved anytime soon
01:33.24Shirik|EcoleI'm ok with Java being approved if they do that, but it's highly unlikely for at least a few years.
01:33.50LonnyThe thing is that there are no documentation for GDI+ at least not as much as you see for MFC :
01:34.01Shirik|EcoleI <3 the MSDN
01:34.10Shirik|EcoleC APIs are heavily documented
01:34.53FoxMcLeodIf I make a var global, other AddOns would be able to call it too, right?
01:34.58Shirik|EcoleFoxMcLeod: yes
01:34.59LonnyBut for C# haha I have to disassemble and reinvent which drive me crazy :|
01:35.03Shirik|EcoleAll addons share the same execution environment
01:35.14FoxMcLeodOk, so I better name them carefully -.-
01:35.31Shirik|Ecoleor make them local if you don't want them to be callable :)
01:35.57FoxMcLeodsomehow if make may function local, other functions can't call them
01:36.08Shirik|EcoleI think I know what your problem is
01:36.11Shirik|Ecoleare you trying to do something like this?
01:36.27LonnyNot to mention that HLA sucks it's weird :|
01:36.28Shirik|Ecolelua> local function foo() return bar() end; local function bar() return 1; end; print(foo())
01:36.29lua_botShirik|Ecole: [string "local function foo() return bar() end; loca..."]:1: attempt to call global 'bar' (a nil value)
01:36.57buuThat's hilarious.
01:37.05Shirik|Ecoleok take note that the error message says "attempt to call GLOBAL 'bar'"
01:37.10Shirik|Ecolethat's important
01:37.17Shirik|EcoleProblem is when foo() was compiled, there was no local bar()
01:37.23Shirik|Ecoleso it assumed it was global
01:37.28Shirik|Ecolebar() wasn't created until after foo()
01:37.36Shirik|Ecoleyou have two solutions: Either put bar before foo() like this:
01:37.40FoxMcLeodok so I have to change the order of my function?
01:37.50Shirik|Ecolelua> local function bar() return 1; end; local function foo() return bar() end; print(foo())
01:37.51lua_botShirik|Ecole: 1
01:37.56Shirik|Ecoleor... pre-declare the local
01:38.11laindiras much fun as a global bar would be, I'll take a local one any day... micro-brew ftw
01:38.15Shirik|Ecolelua> local bar; local function foo() return bar() end; bar = function() return 1; end; print(foo())
01:38.15lua_botShirik|Ecole: 1
01:38.19FoxMcLeodna, I have like 20 functions in there to much work :)
01:38.41FoxMcLeodI cut&Paste them into the right order
01:38.52Shirik|Ecolebut yeah the easiest thing to do is change your order
01:38.54Shirik|Ecoleand generally that's recommended
01:38.59Shirik|Ecolejust sometimes that's not an option
01:39.29FoxMcLeodk but if I creat one var in a function which I need in another it's ok to make it global, right?
01:39.52Shirik|Ecole"is it ok" is up to debate
01:39.56Shirik|Ecolehow global do you need it?
01:40.06Shirik|Ecolewhy couldn't it just be a local variable to the file?
01:40.12FoxMcLeodhmm I could pre-declare it alright
01:40.25FoxMcLeodok I'll do that
01:40.26Shirik|Ecoleit could also become an upvalue
01:40.28Shirik|Ecolefor example
01:41.09Shirik|Ecolefunction makeMyFrame(n) local f = CreateFrame"FRAME"; local p = n * 100; f:SetScript("OnEvent", function() DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(p) end); end
01:41.12Shirik|Ecolethat's legal
01:41.25Shirik|Ecolejust because p isn't in the function doesn't necessarily mean it's inaccessible
01:42.00FoxMcLeodi see
01:42.23Shirik|Ecolecladhaire uses this technique, for example
01:42.30Shirik|Ecolein the lua bot
01:43.02Shirik|Ecolewe get upvalues, not globals
01:43.11Shirik|Ecolelua> print = nil;
01:43.20Shirik|Ecolelua> print = nil; return 4;
01:43.20lua_botShirik|Ecole: 4
01:43.23Thunder_Child~fail Shirik|Ecole
01:43.24purlShirik|Ecole: Fail.
01:43.35Shirik|Ecolenaturally if I had changed print, it shouldn't have been able to output 4 :)
01:44.06Shirik|Ecolebut obviously print wasn't declared in my chunk either
01:44.21Shirik|Ecoleinstead it was created in a chunk above it, but below the global namespace
01:44.30Alestane|wowlua> print = nil; print(4)
01:44.31lua_botAlestane|wow: 4
01:44.40Shirik|Ecoleheh, I'm surprised it let you do that
01:44.59Shirik|Ecoleok so maybe the bot works a bit differently than I thought, but the idea is the same
01:45.07Shirik|EcoleI'm sure there's upvalues somewhere in it :P
01:45.16FoxMcLeoda rearranging the function is a pita
01:45.27Shirik|EcoleFoxMcLeod: Other languages have the same problems :)
01:45.31Shirik|EcoleC, for example
01:45.41Shirik|Ecolelua> return getmetatable(getfenv(0))
01:45.41lua_botShirik|Ecole: nil
01:45.44Alestane|wowMust be something like setfenv(0, setmetatable({}, {__index=getfenv(0)})
01:46.24Shirik|Ecoleapparently not :P
01:46.24FoxMcLeodyeah I I should know that, I learned the basics of C++
01:46.24Alestane|wowOnly apparently not.
01:46.24Shirik|Ecolebut at least we were thinking along the same lines :)
01:46.24Alestane|wowUnless it also has a __metatable method.
01:46.24Shirik|Ecoleyou can't make __metatable equal to nil though
01:46.33Alestane|wowBut won't it block getmetatable?
01:46.40Shirik|Ecoleno, you would get whatever it's set to
01:46.43Shirik|Ecoleit only blocks setmetatable
01:46.59Shirik|Ecolelua> return getmetatable(setmetatable({}, {__metatable = 4}))
01:46.59lua_botShirik|Ecole: 4
01:48.07Alestane|wowlua> return getmetatable(setmetatable({}, (__metatable = function() return nil end})
01:48.08lua_botAlestane|wow: sandbox.lua:298: Compilation failed: [string "return getmetatable(setmetatable({}, (__metatable = function() ..."]:1: ')' expected near '='
01:48.11Thunder_Childnvm, thought you messes up
01:48.20Thunder_Childnow i have to learn it just to insult you
01:48.33Alestane|wowlua> return getmetatable(setmetatable({}, {__metatable = function() return nil end})
01:48.33lua_botAlestane|wow: sandbox.lua:298: Compilation failed: [string "return getmetatable(setmetatable({}, {__metatable = function() ..."]:1: ')' expected near '<eof>'
01:48.44Lonnyhaha :D
01:48.48Alestane|wowlua> return getmetatable(setmetatable({}, {__metatable = function() return nil end}))
01:48.48lua_botAlestane|wow: function: 0x8083e78
01:48.50ScytheBlade1Hydross wearing a Riding Crop, not a DPS trinket
01:50.18Alestane|wowI coulda sworn that there was a way to hide your metatable if you wanted really private classes.
01:51.19Alestane|wowBut apparently not.
01:52.01Shirik|EcoleAlestane|wow: You could just do what I do
01:52.08Shirik|EcoleI set __metatable to an empty table
01:52.49Shirik|Ecoleor you could make a proxy table
01:52.55Shirik|Ecolebut that's kinda ugly
01:53.53Shirik|Ecoletoo much beer?
01:53.53art3misRPCoverHTTP is finally working on my exchange box!
01:54.03Shirik|Ecoleyeah that's kinda the geek beer
01:54.08art3mis5 days of cablevisiobn not knowing that 135 was perm blocked
01:54.21art3misand 2 days of trying to figure out what i was missing for the clients
01:54.49art3mishad someone check and it was all cofiged right then found an obscure post about installing the root CA
01:54.53art3misand poof working!
01:54.57Alestane|wowI think part of what cladhaire does is save a table and copy it to the environment for each call or something. I know the indivdual calls are sandboxed from each other.
01:55.49FoxMcLeodThere you go, the only global are my OnEvent function, my StartUp function and the vars I want to safe between sessions
01:55.50Alestane|wowCould always ask him.
01:56.10Alestane|wowThose last ones HAVE to be global.
01:56.46FoxMcLeodI know, thats why I left them global, the rest is local now, hooray for clean code
01:57.35Alestane|wowEnvironments and local upvalues make lua very good at sandboxing.
01:57.38Shirik|Ecolethe OnEvent function shouldn't need to be global unless you're using XML :)
01:57.51FoxMcLeodI am
01:57.58Shirik|Ecolenow, what about the variables in the OnEvent function
01:58.03Shirik|Ecoleare you using the global event/arg1/etc?
01:58.28FoxMcLeodeeh, yeah I think, let me check
01:58.35Shirik|Ecolethey're slooooowww
01:58.48Alestane|wowAnd they might break, and they can be prone to taint.
01:58.51Shirik|Ecoleyour OnEvent function should accept (self, evt, arg1, arg2, arg3, etc)
01:58.59Shirik|Ecolereally the best way to write it imo is (self, evt, ...)
01:59.00Shirik|Ecolethat's how I do it
01:59.16Alestane|wowAnd start with local arg1, arg2, arg3 = ...
01:59.27Alestane|wowOr use descriptive names better yet.
02:00.19FoxMcLeodhow can I make an event local, it'S created by this:RegisterEvent(...) isn't it?
02:00.22Shirik|Ecolethe workings behind Conspiracy's signal handler:
02:00.28Shirik|Ecole"this" is bad too :P
02:00.40Alestane|wowI like constructions like if event == "UNIT_SPELLCAST_SENT" then local spell, rank, target = select(2, ...) etc.
02:00.45FoxMcLeodthis should be the name of my mainframe?
02:00.57Alestane|wowself:RegisterEvent(), but yeah.
02:01.27Alestane|wowAny script called from an XML handler has an implicit self parameter.
02:01.50FoxMcLeodusually I just accpet what experienced people tell ma but whats the difference between this:.. and self:...
02:02.16Alestane|wowthis is a global variable.
02:02.22FoxMcLeodoh ok
02:02.44Alestane|wowself is a parameter to the function, i.e. an externally defined local variable.
02:02.55art3misi think it shuld be a rule that at elast one varibale in every addon should be "cheese"
02:03.11Shirik|Ecolenote that my OnEvent handler accepts a "self" parameter
02:03.26Shirik|Ecolewhile I don't use it, thats what I /would/ use in place of 'this
02:04.06Alestane|wowart3mis: I know I submitted a C++ project in college that contained "// Congratulations! You've found the mystery comment!" but it doesn't actually contribute to code readability.
02:04.25Shirik|Ecoleactually, I know someone that did that in my class
02:04.27LonnyHmm say I have a global table "Foo" that I use as the addon namespace, would it be good to use local Foo = Foo, what impact will it have ?
02:04.34Shirik|Ecolehe wrote // You know, nobody ever reads these comments
02:04.46Shirik|Ecoleit was like on page 15 of 20 pages
02:04.57Shirik|Ecoleand on the grade sheet he got "by the way, I read that comment"
02:05.20FoxMcLeodHmm I think every AddOn should have cheese = thisAddOn as global var, so every AddOn could fight for it
02:05.46Alestane|wowFoxMcLeod: Inside "<OnEvent> blah blah </OnEvent", "self", "event", and the vararg ... are defined exactly as if you had written it as "function (self, event, ...) blah blah end".
02:06.21FoxMcLeodoh ok
02:06.40Alestane|wow<OnLoad>...</OnLoad> just defines self though.
02:06.41godzirraHrm.  What event is it when you gain xp?
02:06.46Corrodiaswell, i get my t4 legs now
02:06.59Corrodiasthe further loss of stamina over the clefthoof ones is kinda disturbing, though
02:07.14Alestane|wowwhat parameters are defined depends on what <On> you're writing.
02:07.18Shirik|Ecoledevtools can tell you this, godzirra
02:07.21Shirik|Ecoletype /dtchatevent
02:07.23godzirraOoh nice.
02:07.30Shirik|Ecolethen click the [#] next to the message that tells you you gained XP
02:07.46godzirraI have to go get xp then :/
02:07.52Shirik|Ecoleit will tell you the event along with all args
02:07.55godzirraI'm sitting in the crossroads ignoring the world :)
02:08.01FoxMcLeodattempt to index global 'self' (a nil value)
02:08.32Alestane|wowIn what code?
02:08.53FoxMcLeodarg, I have to pass it to the function in XML, right?
02:08.57LonnyI think you have to send it
02:09.14Alestane|wow<OnEvent> MyEventHandler(self, event, ...) </OnEvent>
02:09.47Thunder_Child"This photo, taken at the new 14th Street Apple Store, shows that the Genius Bar can solve computer malfunctions, but not wardrobe ones."
02:09.51godzirraShirik|Ecole: that didnt actually tell me anything.
02:09.57Shirik|Ecolewhy not?
02:09.59Shirik|Ecoleit should tell you the event
02:10.04Alestane|wowAssuming that MyEventHandler = function (self, event, ...) blah blah end
02:10.17FoxMcLeoddamn it, stupid visual studio is always editing my xml -.-
02:10.45godzirraIt didnt.
02:10.54Shirik|Ecoleyou clicked the [#] next to the message?
02:11.08Shirik|Ecolethat says "You gained 938242349823094 experience"
02:11.09godzirraIt said "Chat Event Monitoring Enabled" and I killed something and got xp, then clicked the #
02:11.12godzirraoh... wait.
02:11.14godzirraI'm not looking at the c ombat log.
02:11.18godzirrasorry.. user stupidity.
02:11.22Shirik|Ecoleit should be in a popup
02:11.49LonnyI think so
02:11.54godzirraBut I'm guessing that doesnt trigger when I complete a quest?
02:12.00Shirik|Ecolehm, good point
02:12.07godzirrathanks for your help btw.
02:12.15godzirraand I -did- try to find it in the API docs first before asking
02:12.21*** join/#wowi-lounge pprovost (n=pprovost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
02:12.30Shirik|Ecolenope, it is fired
02:12.39Shirik|EcoleCategory: Player
02:12.40Shirik|EcoleFired when you gain xp from killing a creature or finishing a quest. Does not fire if you gain no xp from killing a creature.
02:12.50godzirraerr ok
02:13.12godzirraahh thats what i wanted
02:13.33Shirik|Ecoleif you didn't know where to look
02:13.56alestaneI might shy away from "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_XP_GAIN" just because the upcoming combat log changes might affect it.
02:14.05Shirik|Ecolea valid point
02:14.13FoxMcLeodall done, even event is now not a global but an upvalue
02:14.33godzirrawell, I wanted all xp changes regardless.
02:14.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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02:14.36Shirik|Ecoleeh, it should be local really but ok :)
02:15.03Shirik|EcoleHi Iriel
02:15.10Shirik|Ecolequestion: Did you recommend Canon or Nikon lenses to me
02:15.13Shirik|EcoleI forgot ><
02:15.16IrielEvening all...
02:15.53IrielShirik|Ecole: I didn't recommend either, 8-) I said I use Nikon but I hear Canon are just as good, you just find the one with the balance of prices and ranges you like the best.
02:16.09Shirik|Ecoleok :) That's why I couldn't remember
02:16.20IrielI also may have mentioned that I have a couple of Tamron lenses i'm fairly happy with
02:16.29Shirik|EcoleI still need a new camera
02:18.13IrielI'm still waiting for my D300 to arrive.. My wife got a D80 for christmas, it's pretty spiffy
02:19.10Shirik|Ecoleah so you got one?
02:19.34Shirik|Ecoleok my flight is boarding now, I gotta go
02:19.36Shirik|Ecolehave fun everyone
02:19.43godzirraHow do i specify what layer something is on?
02:19.52godzirraI've got 2 status bars for xp, rested and then a texture for the background
02:20.53Iriel:SetDrawLayer in lua, IIRC
02:21.19LonnyIs it worth referencing the global table to a local variable or it's useless (local Foo = Foo) ?
02:21.41IrielLonny: Depends how often you use Foo, and if it's going to change
02:22.16LonnyWhat do you mean by "going to change" ?
02:22.58IrielWell,  if it's a variable whose value changes (say it's a counter for something) then you'd want to keep using the global version
02:24.04alestaneIriel: Did you ever get to look over that code I sent you a while back?
02:24.11LonnyHmm nop it's a table that I use similar to a namespace which holds all the addon methods and stuff
02:24.51alestaneThen you probably wanted to declare it local anyway,
02:24.52Irielalestane: I did, I keep meaning to reply then find I have more work to do. I like the direction you're headed in.
02:25.00FoxMcLeodShirik|Ecole: Ha, that's what you get for helping me, now your in my acknowledgements :)
02:25.06godzirraIriel: where 1 is the top?  And further down is loewr numbers?
02:25.11LonnyAh ok, thank you :)
02:25.13FoxMcLeodyour -> you're
02:25.35IrielLonny: In that case, I'd say that yes, you should make it local.
02:26.05Irielgodzirra: I dont recall offhand
02:26.12godzirraI'll find out.  Thanks. :)
02:26.18Irielgodzirra: Actually, they're strings
02:26.34Irielgodzirra: "ARTWORK" "HIGHLIGHT" etc.. see Ui.xsd for the possible values
02:26.52IrielFrameLevel is the only numeric one
02:27.10IrielWhich MAY be what you're looking for anyway, it depends what the things you're ordering are
02:27.12godzirraAh.  Hrm.
02:27.27IrielDrawLayer alters the order of layers (Textures, FontStrings) within a single frame
02:27.29godzirraWell, its two status bars and a texture.  Just trying to get my xp/rested/background setup.
02:27.38alestaneOne weird alternative is to declare your table, set myTable._G = getfenv(0), and then setfenv(1, myTable) early in your Lua.
02:27.40IrielFrameLevel alters the order of Frames (includes StatusBars)
02:28.12Irielalestane: Dont you need a meta __index there too for that to be non-irritating
02:29.04godzirrabut my status bars are on the asme frame...
02:29.27Irielgodzirra: Are they not StatusBar objects, but instead just Textures ?
02:29.39godzirra1 is a texture (the background) and the other 2 are status bars
02:29.56alestaneDepends how you want your code to run...using _G requires that you make global references explicit, or you can setfenv(1, setmetatable(mytable, {__index = myTable._G}))  to sandbox yourself from the globals while still being able to read them AS globals.
02:30.25alestaneBut without the metatable, _G[] still contains the old global list.
02:31.23Irielalestane: That was what I meant by 'irritating' (Having to _G everything), but I susppose it teaches you to pull anything you care about into scope
02:31.48alestaneDepends how much of it you need to do and whether you want to catch yourself doing it.
02:33.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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02:33.40GuillotineI owned my CS final today. It was a 2 hour final, I finished it in 9 minutes and got an A. w00t!
02:34.19LonnyNice :)
02:34.37FoxMcLeodyay, I just found SizeUp Gizmo, it's updated to WoW 2.0, I loved that little buddy when I lvld my first char
02:35.09godzirrawhat is it?
02:35.56IrielGuillotine: I can't even begin to imagine a meaningful test that could be completed in 9 minutes
02:36.08GuillotineIriel: It wasn't by any means
02:36.14Guillotineall multiple choice and true and false questions :(
02:36.14FoxMcLeodbasically a unitframe of you and your target plus an emoticon and moving bar which show the most likely outcome of the fight
02:36.17Guillotineand stupid ones at that
02:36.30Lonnyhaha :P
02:36.44GuillotineFoxMcLeod: link?
02:36.53art3misso guill made a lua script that simply bases it's TF responses off of the inputted question
02:36.55IrielGuillotine: Ah.. like: RAM stands for [A] Random Access memory [B] Central Processing Unit [C] Disk Operating System [D] None of the above ?
02:36.59art3misand he ocr scanned the test
02:37.06art3misand poof out popped the answers
02:37.14GuillotineIriel: sadly, that was our first midterm. But yes, that bad :P
02:37.19Lonnylol ... :|
02:37.29FoxMcLeodits not very usefull for raiding imo, but still funny
02:37.45*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
02:38.28Guillotineseriously, when colleges won't do anything about prereqs, it really sucks :( I knew more than my prof
02:38.45alestaneIriel: was DoubleWide you or cladhaire?
02:38.55LonnyI'll ask again anyone know a good GDI/GDI+ channel to free me out of my misery :)
02:39.48FoxMcLeodI'm more the NOD-type *nodnod*
02:39.55Lonnysomething like that :D
02:40.01Irielalestane: I believe I commented on the taint thread, though i've not checked back for colorful discourse
02:40.27art3miscolourful discource and taint thread should never be used together
02:40.45LonnyI just don't want to make something someone already done and I cannot find it on the net :P
02:41.18alestaneYou did, and I didn't see any colorful discourse. But when someone said they thought it was you, I couldn't remember whether it was you or Jim who actually wrote the thing, and I don't believe that your comment actually acknowledged you as the author. Just setting my mind at rest.
02:42.13art3mislonny: you want to make an addon that will target the nearest person ask if they "would like some toast", open trade put in mulgore bread click trade and then start a campfire?
02:42.27Fin50 dollar
02:42.31alestaneI did like the guy's statement that "Just an FYI, using a hook for GetQuestLogTitle is very bad practice and should be avoided"
02:42.45Fin45 dollar
02:42.47Finfriend price
02:42.59alestaneIstead, apparently, I should go through every font string in the quest log and update them afterward.
02:43.00Adysmake it 40
02:43.18art3misalestane: for the next day anytime someone mentions the word "hook" in coding you should post a response about this being a programming thread and not one for fishing!
02:43.28Finhey you want buy??!!??
02:43.33alestaneWhat do the odds look like at this point that 2.3.2 will drop Christmas morning?
02:43.36Fin40 dollar! 40 dollar!
02:43.37Lonnyart3mis that was funny, really.
02:43.51Finyou buy?
02:43.51art3misi know!
02:44.12LonnyYou might want to do such a thing yourself, might help you advanced in life.
02:44.24Finyou buy!
02:44.28art3mismaybe but unlikely
02:44.39art3misonce you're acreddited with making HKUI everything is downhill
02:44.42LonnyYou never know :)
02:44.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Taeri (
02:44.55FoxMcLeodSome said to my today, that as long as an AddOn can make food, it's a good AddOn.
02:45.11FoxMcLeodThat idea gets pretty close
02:45.34art3mislonny:  incase you're confused as to what HKUI is ;P
02:45.39TaeriI think I told you I wanted your addon to make me food
02:46.08Thunder_ChildLazy people
02:46.11alestaneI love it when people ask questions I already have the answer to:
02:46.54TaeriWooow, the forums have gone all icy in the background
02:47.55Thunder_Childhello Taeri, and welcome to winter
02:47.56FoxMcLeodhmm is it because of the winter festival or did they secretly already release WotLK
02:48.06Lonnyart3mis ... lol
02:48.34FoxMcLeodthat HKUI is awesome... no wait aweful is the word I was looking for
02:48.46Thunder_Childindeed FoxMcLeod
02:49.19Thunder_Childsadly we cant insult him any more due to the resistance he has built up
02:49.25LonnyYeah it's colorful.
02:49.26alestaneI've always maintained that it's both, actually.
02:50.52Finat least he deserves it
02:50.59FoxMcLeodI think with this shock I will be off to bed...
02:51.25FoxMcLeodand remember every caster that is seriously raiding needs a KaratinaBar
02:53.05Taeriwhy "Karatina"?
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02:53.22FoxMcLeodIts the name of my main character, lvl 70 priest
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02:54.55FoxMcLeodThis way I hope some ally mage might spare my holy ass when they recognize my name :)
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03:03.06art3misexploiters love my ui too ;P
03:03.40Guillotinebad art3mis. stop visiting bad sites
03:04.18TaeriHello Kitty ui? >__>
03:04.23Guillotinedon't ask
03:04.44TaeriI do believe I just did.
03:05.14Guillotinedon't ask again
03:05.25TaeriBut I wanna know!
03:05.46NightHawkTheSaneeven script kiddies have feelings.
03:05.51art3misthe single greatest ui ever created ;P
03:06.20art3misheh and i got it linked on a wired blog and blog and ;)
03:06.22Thunder_ChildTaeri, ...
03:06.29art3mismy evil is spreading!
03:06.42Guillotineart3mis: hellkitty? sounds kinky
03:07.20Thunder_Childi dunno, the leather is kinda tastefull
03:07.31art3miserrr kittyhell
03:07.50Taeriright... 0.o
03:07.58Lonnyart3mis I wish I had your inspiration :P
03:07.58Thunder_Childnot much of a better name....
03:08.10Thunder_ChildLonny, you are dead to us
03:09.24LonnyI rather be dead
03:11.31GuillotineSo what do you guys use for smooth scaling without a change in position? Just have it anchored to a frame that doesn't scale or dividing by old scale and multiplying by new one to change the position?
03:11.54IrielGuillotine: For StatRings I did dynamic recalculation
03:12.09IrielGuillotine: Internally it used its own reference coordinate system and mapped that to whatever the frames were up to
03:14.01Guillotineits really just a minimap button so it might not be worth it to have all those calculations. I might be better off just attaching it
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04:07.09godzirraSo how do I find out what order the layers are laid out in?
04:16.57godzirraHrm...  ok.  I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.  I have 2 status bars and a background.
04:17.03godzirraI see the background, and one status bar, but not the second.
04:18.22godzirraShould I not set it up to be XPStatusBar, XPRestedStatusBar, and then XPBackgroundBar?
04:22.41Corrodiasbah. under our current guild rules, though my druid needs nothing from kara, i can't take my hunter because he's my alt
04:24.02ScytheBlade1It could be worse...
04:24.13ScytheBlade1Your guild could have been out-progressed by the rest of the server...
04:24.22EsamynnCorrodias: that seems....silly
04:24.22laindircorrodias, take him to a pug
04:24.33Corrodiasnot much chance of that, but i'm trying
04:27.03Thunder_ChildCorrodias, is your dru a healer or tank?
04:29.22laindirhow many kara groups does your guild run?
04:30.17laindirand do you usually have a waitlist?
04:30.51Corrodiasthe current rules were set up in such a way as to encourage people to get their mains as well-geared as they can while bringing characters powerful enough to make it smooth sailing instead of noob alts all over the place
04:31.12Corrodiasi.. think so, yes. there are several subs available to take spots
04:31.47laindirmy guild went through something similar, I think as long as there're mains who need gear, they should get priority for a raid spot
04:32.47Corrodiaswell, it's not just that; for the sake of consistency, even if nobody wanted the spot, it's my druid or nothing. i understand and somewhat agree with it, so i won't be complaining, but it does leave me short of options for what to do with my hunter
04:33.05laindirpugs and heroics
04:33.38Corrodiasspeaking of which, i think our realm must be getting unpopular or something. hardly any pugs are going. for anything.
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04:53.44Thunder_Childlol, (takes a huge ton of time to load though)
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05:07.49Thunder_Childyou people are boring
05:09.53batrickno youa re
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05:10.14Thunder_Childi know, thats why i am not entertaining others...just waiting to be entertained
05:17.53Thunder_Childalthough i am watching "David Hasselhoff - Hooked on a Feeling" atm
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05:27.21Thunder_Childgah, lightroom and firefox take up 65% of my ram
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05:56.44*** topic/#wowi-lounge is #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | "2012 so the zombies can eat us." - Lopeppeppy
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06:00.39Thunder_ChildTierrie, isnt really comparable to PS beacuse this is more of an orginazational program with light editing than and editing program with no orginization
06:02.54Thunder_Childunless you have a CS version previous to 3, because lightroom is an evelution from one of them
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06:09.12Endinteresting, apparently removing certain fonts from the global enviroment causes bad things
06:10.11End(where bad things is a crash)
06:10.50Esamynnsounds like you need to narrow it down and make a "slouken: I crash WoW" thread
06:10.50EndProgram:C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoWTest\Wow.exe
06:10.50EndExpr:fontName && *fontName
06:11.09Endyeah, I suppose
06:11.26Endalthough, depending on where the error might be, it might not be a big deal :P
06:11.27Thunder_ChildEnd, we have had that around here beofre
06:11.38Thunder_Childcant remember who had it though
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06:11.49Endwell, I'm doing bad things in the first place 8-)
06:11.58Esamynnbottom line is though, you shouldn't be able to hard crash the game
06:12.15Esamynnerrors up the ying yang is one thing
06:12.16Thunder_ChildWoW crashes for me quite often
06:12.38Thunder_Childi send the reports in and relaunch
06:13.19EndWoW crashes on my desktop sometimes, but I think I have either bad memory or a bad motherboard
06:13.27Esamynnok, let me re-phrase, if you can reproduce a crash that involes mucking with the UI, slouken generally wants to know about it
06:13.43Endthis font one definitely involves mucking with the UI :P
06:13.45Esamynn~lart Thunder_Child
06:13.45purlcats /dev/urandom into Thunder_Child's ear
06:13.59Endmy other ones, not so much :(
06:14.00EsamynnThunder_Child: just being premtive :p
06:14.02Thunder_Childwell as i say all problems are caused by PEBKAC, though i usually cant reproducethem
06:14.18Thunder_Childindeed Esamynn, indeed
06:14.22Thunder_Childi will get you later
06:14.59Esamynnwell, good night
06:15.54Thunder_Child~coward Esamynn|Away
06:16.05Thunder_Child...damit purl_
06:18.51Endermph, no, I'm hiding a frame I think
06:19.55Endthis is gonna take a while to track down :o
06:24.01AnduinLotharshould i get spellsurge or 30int for my hijal healing mace that happens to be better than my tanking mace as well...
06:24.55AnduinLotharprolly int
06:32.23NightHawkTheSanedoes spellsurge proc on seals/judgement/consecration?
06:38.29Corrodiasyou know what's weird? druids get a stamina buff for bear form, but the gear stamina just doesn't reach the levels a warrior's plate can, at kara/gruul level anyway
06:39.07Corrodiasour MT had 20k health while buffed today, and i'm sitting here barely at 18000
06:39.42Corrodiasalthough he might have stacked food and elixirs for health. hmm.
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06:57.24GuillotineCorrodias In general, in tanking gear, I have slightly more health than our main tanks
06:57.29NightHawkTheSaneyay! cupcakes!
06:57.37Guillotinebut remember, pallies essentially have 15% extra since they take 50% damage below 30%
06:58.09NightHawkTheSaneit's 30% less under 35% health
06:58.42Guillotineso its only like 10% extra
06:58.53NightHawkTheSanesomething like that, yeah
06:59.05Guillotinebut they have insane +stam talents
06:59.17NightHawkTheSaneyeah 16% sta from talents
06:59.42NightHawkTheSane(and you -know- that'll get patched in the expansion when it outscales everyone else :P)
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07:11.35Guillotinestop linking keyloggers TC
07:12.47Thunder_ChildGuillotine, why? if you click it you diserve it
07:13.57Thunder_ChildGuillotine, and because you said that, this first one will be devoted to you
07:14.15Guillotinefirst what?
07:14.29Thunder_Childi found a motavator generator
07:14.49NightHawkTheSanemotivator? i hardly know her
07:15.09Thunder_Child~groan NightHawkTheSane
07:15.22Thunder_Childpurl_ you fail yet again
07:16.05NightHawkTheSane~lart purl
07:16.05purldoes a little 'dpkg -P nighthawkthesane' action
07:16.11NightHawkTheSane... dammit!
07:24.52Corrodiaswell, don't i feel silly now
07:25.03Thunder_Childi dunno, do you?
07:25.31Corrodiasi just pasted a link to some porn on megaupload into the LFG channel because i forgot i had copied it into my clipboard, overwriting my LFG call
07:25.53Corrodiasi knew that was going to happen some day
07:27.00NightHawkTheSanethe empty bowl of teriyaki is making me hungry again
07:27.21Corrodiasbut teriyaki is a flavor, isn't it?
07:28.03NightHawkTheSanewell,if you refer to teriyaki as a dish, it's usually meat and/or vegetables over rice, with teriyaki sauce :P
07:28.40NightHawkTheSanewell, i guess to be pricise
07:28.55NightHawkTheSaneteriyaki is the cooking style, the sauce being a distinctive part of it
07:29.40NightHawkTheSanebut now i'm rambling. the point is, i had a bowl of vegetable & rice teriyaki, and it was really good. the empty bowl still smells good and now I'm hungry again
07:29.41Thunder_ChildCorrodias, i would only be worried if you got takers after pasting it
07:30.05MentalPower|DVDCorrodias: pray that no one was looking
07:30.24MentalPower|DVDCorrodias: otherwise you're prolly looking at a 3day suspension
07:31.17Corrodiasnobody sounded very interested
07:36.51NightHawkTheSanemmm. blackberry wine.
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08:08.36MentalPower|DVDlua> table.insert({}, "foo")
08:08.52MentalPower|DVDlua> return table.insert({}, "foo")
08:09.14MentalPower|DVDlua> local t = {} table.insert(t, "foo") return t
08:09.15lua_botMentalPower|DVD: { "foo" } (#1)
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08:13.27NightHawkTheSane"It's history, it's already been done! All we have to do now is make sure that we do it then!"
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08:30.39NightHawkTheSane"Very damaged. Zathras can never have anything nice."
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08:36.55Nargiddleystop making me want to watch it!
08:37.10NightHawkTheSane"Why do you're people always ask if one is ready before doing something massively unwise." ;)
08:37.17NightHawkTheSaneNargiddley: you know you want to.
08:37.30Nargiddleyi'm already watching dr who
08:37.42NightHawkTheSaneooh, new who, or classic?
08:37.49NightHawkTheSanenice, which?
08:38.28Nargiddleywait its 6, Dalek
08:40.00NightHawkTheSaneI'm eagerly awaiting this year's christmas special. ><
08:40.25NargiddleyI missed alot of s3, so bought dvds and working my way through
08:41.22NightHawkTheSanegood deal.
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13:35.12testleKanyone else unable to connect to the auth servers?
13:35.36KalrothSeems like a lot of americans got problems atm
13:36.20testleKahh thatsa me lol
13:36.52testleKjust makin's sure its not -just- me whom can't login
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13:46.32testleKwahoo its workin again
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14:23.06Mr_Rabies2feralas is the absolute most painful place for me to level
14:23.33TaeriI'm just doing it for leather. :P
14:24.54Taerimy alt is the only char in my guild with leatherworking atm, so I'm kinda trying to up the skill a bit.
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14:46.21|Jelly|So we were thinking of the most asinine things to order last night. I was thinking about a 22oz Jack and Coke.
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14:50.15LunessaThat would be enough liquor to get you cut off in any responsible bar. lol
14:50.39|Jelly| would be pretty fun, no?
14:51.09zenzelezzdepends on your alcohol tolerance
14:51.16zenzelezzI tend to like to know how I got home
14:51.16nevcairielthere are responsible bars?
14:51.30nevcairieland i thought we live in the capitalism now :P
14:51.49malrethPaul Anka sings "Smells like Teen Spirit" -- so wrong on so many levels --
14:52.48LunessaMost bars will cut a patron off pretty fast if they look really drunk, liability for the patron's later actions has been established in many US jurisdictions.   But I'd order a 22oz jack & coke too
14:53.02LunessaHell, I'd chucg it.
14:53.12|Jelly|Chug it, then order another before it kicks in!
14:53.30|Jelly|Then...well, I don't think you have to worry about what happens after that- you wont remember it anyway.
14:56.32art3misnevcairiel: that may be but we're also a society of 0 personal responsibility.. if said drunkard were to leave adn drive around and kill someone he could sucessfully claim the bar was at fault and he'd be off the hook
14:56.37LunessaYeah,  but the consequences could be dire.
14:56.48|Jelly|Lunessa: /shrug
14:57.09LunessaI mean, I might have to chew my arm off to escape...
14:57.09|Jelly|malreth: I don't know who I want to hurt more- you or him
14:57.15nevcairielart3mis: i guess in US thats possible *shrug
14:57.34malrethit's like a virus that infects your brain
14:57.46art3misit's true for a few places.. but yeah, its sort of an unspoken liability thingy
14:58.04art3misand it's also been used as a defence a few times
14:58.11art3misso it's got precedence
14:58.21art3misor however it's spelt in that context
14:59.21|Jelly|Man. I had forgotten how hard Dave Grohl plays.
14:59.31nevcairieli mean, if i see someone going out totally drunk and going to his car, i would stop him. but if i only see someone in my bar, without knowing any context, i would still sell him stuff
15:00.54Lunessaart3mis: In Texas, where Jelly, malreth, and I all live - it's law.  A bar owner is legally liable should a patron he served do something after leaving, such as kill others in a drunken driving incident.
15:01.08*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
15:01.17art3mismost bars  here will boot you if you puke on premises or puke outside and come back in
15:02.05LunessaAll bar-tenders, wait-staff and owners have to take a class to recognize the signs and know when to cut someone off. every two years you have to get recertified.
15:02.07malrethif there's a chain restaurant that has bars, they'll even communicate with each other to keep a particular bar hopping patron from drinking too much
15:02.08art3misLunessa: im not entirely sure it's law here, but there's been a few times in the past years it's been used as a defence so it may very well be
15:02.10|Jelly|Where I work, we're supposed to alert a manager at three drinks. (Read: This is not a limit. lol)
15:02.53malrethi don't know if they all do that, but Trudy's here in Austin will
15:03.18Lunessammm... Trudy's.  Good place for over-priced drinks.
15:04.39LunessaHey Mal ... busy on the 27th?
15:04.59malrethdunno yet... that's in the future
15:05.19LunessaHah.  I'll be in Austin that day
15:05.19malrethanything more than a week is like science fiction to me
15:06.15malrethokeh... wanna go out and get a hooker?
15:07.44malrethwas it something I said?
15:08.04Lunessalol - just beers.
15:08.24malrethoh. sure. that works too and is likely to be less illegal.
15:09.05LunessaUnless we leave drunk.
15:09.05malrethbut i have to be home by 10 so that i can get all the daily quests done before bedtime.
15:09.17LunessaHaha!  ok.  
15:09.36LunessaI'll come up early in the day and we can do beers and lunch
15:09.46malrethi'll call my partner in crime and bring him along
15:10.06malrethlunch time you say?
15:10.49LunessaSomething like that.
15:11.02LunessaSomewhere between like.. 1 and oh 4.
15:11.09malrethDog and Duck pub then... overpriced bangers and mash and fish and chips
15:11.34*** part/#wowi-lounge Gnancy (
15:11.45malreth4 would be perfect... i'd just skip my normal lunch hour and check out early
15:12.05malrethoh wait..
15:12.12krkawho is austin? < Lunessa> Hah.  I'll be in Austin that day
15:12.24malrethforgot UT is frikkin closed that week
15:12.31Lunessa~lart krka
15:12.31purldumps 42 tons of dirt, manure, and fish heads on krka
15:12.33malrethso whenever during the day
15:12.40art3misi need to leech some Bare Naked Ladies
15:12.42krkamm... fish heads
15:12.44krkathe best part of fish
15:12.52art3misive  got "It's been" in my head
15:12.54malrethroly poly
15:13.00art3mislaugh mal
15:13.09malrethwoot... we'll have a wowi austin meetup
15:13.15Lunessamalreth: woooo
15:13.27krkaa meetup for people called austin?
15:13.40malreth~/o I took a fish head out to see a movie... didn't have to pay to GET IT IN o/~
15:17.04Lunessafish heads, fish heads; roly-poly fish heads?
15:23.46Xinhuan <-- appears that OnTooltipSetItem event gets fired twice on recipes. any suggestions on workaround short of hooking every single GTT:SetBlah()
15:26.13malrethdo want
15:26.27Xinhuani actually have more in my own bank
15:26.29Xinhuanthan the guild bank
15:26.30foxlitGE is where it's at!
15:27.09foxlitYeah, suggestion, sure.
15:27.14Xinhuanbut back to my question, i didn't expect OnTooltipSetItem event to get fired twice on recipes
15:27.22Xinhuanany suggestions on workaround
15:27.26foxlitProvide feedback for both the item being made and the recipe itself
15:27.42LunessaHaha... I have 28 stacks of [Arcane Dust] and 24 stacks of [Greater Planar Essence] on my enchanter.  
15:27.53Xinhuanthe arguments passed to arg1 are identical in both events
15:28.13Xinhuani can't tell which event is for the "item" and which event is for the recipe itself
15:28.15LunessaXinhuan: Wasn't this addressed in one of the API changes threads?
15:28.24Xinhuannot sure?
15:28.43LunessaI don't fiddle with tooltips often, I just recall reading something about it.  
15:28.56malrethchalk it up to yet another odd idiosyncrasy of the wow UI perhaps?
15:29.15Xinhuani don't see anything in the 2.4 upcoming stuff
15:29.28LunessaI would cheat, and look at what Tuller does in SellFish
15:29.51Lunessabecause I'm lazy, and he's already done all that work...
15:29.55*** part/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
15:29.58malrethcheating is noble if it causes you to win
15:30.02*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
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15:30.04Xinhuansellfish probably hooks every single GTT:SetBlah(), all 20 of them
15:30.08*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
15:30.11Xinhuaninstead of a single event
15:30.19foxlitThat was weird :/
15:30.28Xinhuanin fact, hooking SetBlah() is the only way of telling how many items is in the stack
15:30.39Xinhuanhence sellfish needs to know that data
15:30.45Xinhuanto multiply the price
15:30.48LunessaXinhuan: Probably.  But if it's fast, who cares?  
15:31.59malrethyep... he hooks everything in sellfish
15:32.36malrethhe creates a table of hook functions for every SetFooItem()
15:33.02Xinhuanthought so, its a fairly standard method until the on tooltipsetitem event came
15:35.11*** join/#wowi-lounge FoxMcLeod (
15:35.24godzirragood morning.
15:35.28FoxMcLeodHi there
15:35.53godzirraWow.  This is my new favorite channel.. what service!
15:36.24malreththe eggs are half developed chicken embryos... eyes and a half formed beak are visible
15:36.34godzirraBut are they tasty?
15:36.52godzirraGreat! too.
15:37.50godzirraSo I don't know what I'm doing wrong... I still can't get my xp bar to display right. :/
15:37.56FoxMcLeodWhy does every user wnat the AddOns "Ace'd" ...
15:38.29FoxMcLeodif you send my your addon I will look into it, got some free time right now
15:38.31godzirraIt displays the xp, but not the rested.
15:38.34godzirraSure... one sec.
15:38.50godzirradcc, or email?
15:39.00FoxMcLeodI'd prefer dcc
15:42.38godzirraOk, sent via email.. sorry. :/  dcc wasn't working for me.
15:42.44FoxMcLeodk np
15:43.26FoxMcLeodseriously you need to rename it ;)
15:43.32godzirraYeah, I know. ;)
15:45.38FoxMcLeoderr, yeah, well I wonder how you see anything at all since the folder in the zip-file is empty.. :)
15:46.03malrethno wonder your addon doesn't work!
15:46.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
15:46.18godzirraTHATS what I was doing wrong.
15:46.41malrethreminds me of a story
15:47.35malreththere was this grad student that literally kept all her important e-mail in the Trash folder in Eudora
15:50.34FoxMcLeodyeah well...
15:50.34FoxMcLeodone more thing though
15:50.37FoxMcLeodall files start with 403 Forbidden - You don't have permission...
15:51.12godzirraTry now. ;)
15:51.23FoxMcLeodbad karma somehow ;)
15:51.51Lunessamalreth: /boggle
15:52.40godzirraLunessa: I know. I was trying to ignore the statement because it hurts my brain.
15:53.51malrethshe got quite upset when she brought her computer in to be cleaned of spyware and the consultant helpfully decided to clear up some hard drive space
15:54.05LunessaHere, we told users we we're going to up the size of their mailboxes on the server - they should save e-mail to their local drives if they wanted to keep large volumes.  We discovered that over 2 dozen professors where keeping mail in the "deleted items" folder on the server for future reference.
15:54.28malrethserious! i don't know what people are thinking!
15:54.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Dreagar (
15:55.16LunessaThe kerfluffle got so bad, the Director had to send a campus-wide e-mail out saying that is was monumentally stupid.
15:55.23malreththese aren't dump people! they're learned scholars with a better grasp of the english lagnu-- langa-- speaking thing than me... and I KNOW what "DELETED" and "TRASH" means.
15:55.36art3misluny: went though the exchange boxes for 7 clients the other day.. appearantly outlook is a desktop and filing system ;P
15:55.50art3mis23gigs of mail
15:55.53art3misfor 6 users
15:56.06art3mis18 gigs of attachmenst that dont eed to be in there ;P
15:56.13LunessaSome people here never ever delete anything, and never use their $4K computers for anything but Outlook.
15:56.30art3misfor the first year of this company before i showed up one guy used to cc himself on EVERYTHING he sent
15:56.37foxlitToday's "don't need to be there" is tomorrow's "Oh shit where did this thing go?!"
15:56.45godzirraThe happiest day of my life was formatting my new laptop and putting linux on it.
15:56.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
15:56.55godzirraVista is the antichrist.
15:57.05foxlit(you should have bought a mac)
15:57.24art3misFoxMcLeod: if you're confused as to how saveas works...........
15:57.30LunessaI had no say in what my employer choses to run as standard.  But I'll happily collect my checks for supporting it.
15:57.34godzirraExcept that I can do everything I want on my linux laptop that cost me $600.  As opposed to an equivalent mac which would have cost me $2k.
15:57.37Lunessabrb... going to get more food.  
15:57.37malrethfoxlit: not me... i'm sticking with my BeBox.
15:57.53art3misgodzirra: you should quad boot ;P  xpmedia, ubuntu, tiger, leopard ;P
15:57.54FoxMcLeoderr right now your rested bar is commented out
15:58.06malreth~wiki BeBox
15:58.17godzirraFoxMcLeod: Oh...  uncomment it, and it shows up overwriting everything.
15:58.35art3misi kind of wanna track down a Sun Shark
15:58.37malrethi lied... i never owned a BeBox... they're collectors items now
15:58.49godzirraart3mis: I tried to get leopard running on my laptop with osx86 and had truobles.
15:58.58malrethbut i do own a BeOS t-shirt and my developer number was #9806
15:58.58art3misgodzirra: you == suck ;P
15:59.06art3misamd or intel?
15:59.28godzirralaptop is intel... mostly because they gave me a free upgrade when my last laptop died.  Had an AMD 3200+, they upgraded to a dual core intel
15:59.37godzirradesktop and pretty much every other machine in the house is adm.
16:00.05art3misoh, just leech bcgirls installer(havent checked in the last few months since 10.5.1 came out might be other/newer ones)
16:00.10art3misfor amd
16:00.16godzirrabcgirls?  I'll check it out.
16:00.23art3misinstall tiger from uphucks and then follow prawkers guide
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16:00.51art3mismake 3 partitions 11g for tiger 8g for installer and the rest for leopard
16:01.13art3misthe istaller part just saves on dvds ;P
16:01.15godzirrawhy would I boot tiger and leopard?
16:01.31art3mistiger is needed to partch the orginal disc to support amd boot
16:01.36art3miserr patch
16:01.37godzirraalthough to be honest at this point, I'm pretty happy with compiz fusion on my linux box.
16:01.57malreth"The Mage is heavily shielded with Ice Block and carries a firepower greater than half the arena team. It's defenses are designed around a direct, large-scale assault." lulz
16:02.18art3misyeah but its soooo much funnier to take yer laptop pc running osx to geek squad or firedog techs and ask them what happened to windows ;)
16:02.30art3mis"i upgrade quicktime and itunes and my os is gone"
16:03.11godzirraThat reminds me...
16:03.18godzirraI need to dump a glass of water on my desktop after backing everything up.
16:03.20art3misprawker actually did that btw
16:03.36*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
16:03.39art3misand called apple tech support
16:03.51godzirraFoxMcLeod: so do you see what I'm seeing?
16:03.57art3mis"what kind of macbook is it" "it's a compaq laptop"
16:04.03art3mis*long silence*
16:04.11FoxMcLeodyapp, just a sec gonna try something
16:04.19FoxMcLeod(its alle purple, the XPBar)
16:04.38godzirraFoxMcLeod: right.  It shouldnt be.
16:04.48godzirraFoxMcLeod: the xp bar is yellow (I think, cant remember) the rested bar is purple
16:04.53godzirrathe rested bar should be under the xp bar.
16:05.52foxlitOh wow
16:06.16foxlitSo I got a reply to my "please stop serving outdated versions of my addon" email
16:06.27foxlitbla bla bla, "can't be arsed", bla bla bla.
16:06.39foxlit(liberal use of quotes there)
16:06.55malrethdamn liberals...
16:06.58cogwheelThey need to make a new type of quotes
16:07.11art3misfoxlit: from who?
16:07.15godzirraNot to be confused with parakeets.
16:07.25malrethor paraquats
16:07.31cogwheel~seen cowgra
16:08.51purlcowgra <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 22d 18h 3m 19s ago, saying: 'i've been trying to figure out the same thing bleeter'.
16:08.52godzirra!c US Lothar Zepia
16:08.52godzirraYeah... it still just hates me.
16:08.52ThraeBotgodzirra: Zepia, Level 70 Draenei Shaman (43/5/13). 8409 HP; 8860 Mana; 175 mana regen; 51 mp5; 8843 Armour; 4.11% melee crit; 334 spell crit; 26 spell hit; 773 +spell dmg/heal; 4.11% dodge; 5.00% block; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 910 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Dec 19 11:10:37 2007 EST ]]
16:08.52art3misjust tell them that you're the author and you would request they remove the addons from filefront ;P
16:08.52godzirraOh yay.
16:08.52art3misor just get a bunch of people to tag it as illegal ;P
16:08.52art3misand make them waste resources checking ;P
16:08.52foxlitI did
16:08.52foxlitThe response was "You do know that file was uploaded back in year 2006? That was the time I wasn't in control of World of Warcraft Files or the staff , and I will not go through the logs in 2006 just to remove the file, don't think people are so stupid they will download a file which haven't been updated since that one. Please CHECK the date added before E-Mailing me the next time, because checking stuff like that wastes my time,
16:08.52godzirraWow.  Sounds like an ass.
16:08.57foxlitThundgot - World of Warcraft Files Site Manager"
16:10.10art3mis"dear thundergot: as the new manager it is your job to make sure that things are running as they are, *I* am the author and YOU are not authorized to host this file, s such I request that it is removed. Perhaps you should check your law books or common sense to understand what im requesting here as you're obviously breaking the law" ;)
16:10.18art3miswhats the addon
16:10.39foxlitNothing too famous :)
16:10.49art3misim gonna go report it as illegal ;P
16:11.11foxlit;69052 , have fun
16:11.12godzirrawhats the url?  i'll do it too.
16:12.03Mr_Rabies2don't think people are so stupid they will download a file which haven't been updated since that one
16:12.10Mr_Rabies2this guy is either lazy or overestimates people
16:12.22foxlitI'm betting on lazy and incompetent
16:12.29Mr_Rabies2also, filefront's side-sites are really bad still
16:12.35Mr_Rabies2it's mainpage is nice as hell
16:12.44Mr_Rabies2but the subdomain ones are terrible
16:15.16Dreagar!c us skywall dreagar
16:15.22malrethis my wow addiction so bad that i've started to make to-do lists in for in-game activities
16:15.22art3mislaugh there isnt an illegal or report file button
16:15.40godzirraart3mis: ok, glad it wasnt just me.
16:15.43godzirraI cuoldnt find one.
16:15.44malrethi've got due dates for certain reputation milestones...
16:16.24malrethand i've prioritized things like Tempest Keep above other tasks like "feed the dog"
16:16.33art3mistell him that you want it removed as its author or youll have to report him to the admins for knowingly allowing files that are illegal ;P
16:16.39art3misraise a huge stink about it
16:16.50art3misand constantly post his repsponse ;P
16:16.55art3misi would just to be a dick
16:17.01godzirraYeah me too.
16:17.31godzirraMy god I love my linux box.  I just run wow from my windows partition and it just works.
16:17.32Dreagarseems fine to me Maltreth
16:21.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
16:23.41sag_ich_nichtLF1M to fix CooldownTimers2 Ace2 options table PST
16:24.06sag_ich_nichtlevel not high enough
16:24.17zenzelezzthen you don't need the quest anyway
16:24.31sag_ich_nichtyes i do, quest reward is awesome
16:24.43sag_ich_nichtand i can use it already :(
16:25.00hastego level!
16:25.20sag_ich_nichtno, this is a twink
16:26.05malrethuse hourglass instead
16:26.26foxlitJust Kite and dps!
16:26.30foxlitKite and dps!
16:26.36*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar_ (
16:28.07Wobin_There's no keylogger issue on wowi, is there?
16:28.37malrethnot recently, no... why?
16:29.19Wobin_Someone mentioned it.
16:29.20malrethand even with that issue, it was handled quickly. it's all explained on the news page.
16:36.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
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16:36.46Lunessahaha... malreth I just saw that .sig you were on about earlier.  pretty funny.
16:49.25art3miswobin: just a ui.exe that was uploaded
16:49.33art3missame thingy as the ui one
16:49.40art3miscairenn took care of that right away
16:53.26art3mismy wife started playing phantasystart online on the 360
16:53.41art3misand appearantly the chat and video server embedded into it is a hotbed for porn ;P
16:53.45art3misand cam shows
16:53.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
16:54.11malrethi likes cam shows
16:54.34*** join/#wowi-lounge somma86 (
16:55.23somma86hi, can someone please help me? i'd like to have a command for an addon which checks if a player on my realm is online or not
16:55.40FoxMcLeodI need some opinions here, I would like to make a GUI for configuring my AddOn, it's not "Ace'd" but I like Waterfall, would it be clever to embedd it?
16:56.05malrethsomma86: soo... like a /who?
16:56.33art3misheh he means automagically ;P
16:56.35godzirraWhats Waterfall?
16:56.45art3mislike that /who person_who_invited_you thing
16:56.50art3mison party invites
16:57.09godzirraI like that thing that just ignores party invites.
16:57.18FoxMcLeodhmm waterfall is a predesign gui for configuring Ace2-AddOns like pitbull
16:57.25godzirraAhh cool.
16:57.31dylanmDon't do it don't do it ugly ugly ugly
16:57.36FoxMcLeodif you type /pitbull you get it
16:57.42FoxMcLeodok :)
16:57.43godzirraWhere -are- the pitbull textures?
16:57.53dylanmIs SharedMedia.
16:59.01godzirraI don't seem to have a SharedMedia folder.
16:59.09godzirraJust LibSharedMedia-2.0
16:59.20dylanmDoes it have built-in ones now? I've no clue.
16:59.24FoxMcLeodarg wait
16:59.29godzirraI have no textures in Layouts. :/
16:59.45somma86yes like a /who
17:00.09dylanmAppears to have Cilo at least.
17:00.26somma86it should test if a player is online and if this is the case the addon has to send a textmessage
17:00.40FoxMcLeodah I got some textures off quartz
17:03.36godzirraCilo is much better looking than UI-StatusBar
17:03.43malrethsomma86: not trivial but it's doable
17:03.52FoxMcLeodbut I like Frost the best, atleast for mana
17:04.04malrethsomma86: and
17:04.45malrethsomma86: basically, you send a who query and catch the event (CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM)
17:05.46godzirraHmm... how do I change the borders of the frame?
17:06.09Beladonadoes it have a backdrop?
17:06.37art3mishey look new gladiators
17:06.41art3mishow awesome!
17:06.47godzirraI don't think so.  It was originally setup using the new Addon Studio thingie.
17:06.57malrethsomma86: alternatively, you can use the friends list as well... add the person as a friend, see if he shows up in the list as logged in, and take appropriate action
17:07.21godzirraAnd I didnt specify a backdrop, so probably not.
17:07.37malrethart3mis: that smacks of writers strike desperation
17:08.53Beladonathere are different ways to change the border depending on how the borders were created. Backdrops are preferred because they can expand with the frame, and are easy to change with default api. But it could be a static image as a background.
17:08.58Beladonaneed to find that out first
17:09.25FoxMcLeodit does have
17:09.29Beladonathis is why I don't like "AddOn Studio" type programs. It promotes ignorance of the original code
17:09.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
17:10.19godzirraBeladona: True, but I've already dropped AddonStudio.  Its just gotten me interested enough to actually really start looking into it.
17:10.33FoxMcLeodgodzirra: try
17:11.17FoxMcLeodi like the way it colors my code, put it usually screws up my XML :/
17:12.43FoxMcLeodor just set the alpha to 0 to get rid of it :)
17:13.19BeladonaI didn't like how it didn't color api
17:13.26godzirraSet the alpha of what to 0?
17:13.27Beladonaso I went back to my custom notepad++
17:13.50FoxMcLeodor there any other good and comfortable lua-editors
17:14.01BeladonaNotepad++ is my favorite
17:14.13Beladonahas lua built in
17:14.23BeladonaI customized it though to add the global and widget api
17:14.30FoxMcLeodalso intelliSense for WoW Apis?
17:14.35FoxMcLeodah cool
17:15.06Beladonadoesn't have auto-completion, but it has keyword links (same as intellisense) and you can customize where it points to
17:15.56Beladona1 sec, gonna take a screenshot of an active lua file
17:16.12godzirraI use vim :)
17:16.13FoxMcLeodwell i heard about B:lue but apparently it was discontinued in 2005
17:16.26FoxMcLeodB:lua even
17:16.30godzirraIt doesnt do autocomplete which i never use anyways, but it does do syntax highlighting.
17:16.48godzirraanyways, I'm going to run and grab food for my kidlet.
17:16.56godzirraBe back soon.
17:16.59godzirraFoxMcLeod: thanks for all your help :)
17:17.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
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17:18.38Beladonasyntax colors are customizable, thats just the colors I preferred
17:19.41FoxMcLeodhmm k looks nice
17:20.05Beladonaif you decide to try it let me know. I can send you my customized lang file with the lua api
17:21.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
17:22.24FoxMcLeodI'll check some different Editors, like B:Lua, SciTe or luaedit
17:23.21MaldiviaBeladona: let me guess, you've worked with Pascal ?
17:24.09art3misbela invented pascal!
17:24.22*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
17:25.05Beladonalol no
17:25.27Maldiviahmm... the green strings could have fooled me :)
17:25.36BeladonaI have worked with pascal
17:25.44BeladonaI was more referring to art3mis
17:25.49Maldiviaahh, ok :)
17:25.58Maldiviaso the green strings are from Borland's pascal editors?
17:26.20Beladonadefault Notepad++ colors comments green and strings orange I believe
17:26.28Maldiviahehe, that's where I have my green strings from aswell... and my co-workers hate me for it, they have comments as green
17:26.43BeladonaI like my comments light gray
17:26.46Beladonaalmost invisible
17:26.52Beladonabut still there when looking for them
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17:27.17Maldiviahave comments as grey aswell, but doubt as light as yours :)
17:28.04Fincan you use Powerful Anti-Venom bandages in Arenas?
17:31.07*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
17:35.26deltronFin: never tried
17:35.29deltronanyone use a dkp tracking page? is eqdkp still the one to use?
17:37.00Fink, thanks deltron
17:37.01sag_ich_nichtdkp is evil, if you have to use one, use EPGP, which means you don't need a DKP tracking page, no hush hush, go away
17:37.08Finnoone seems to know for sure whether it works or not
17:37.24LopeppeppySo far as I hear, deltron, but we keep our own for our raid group, the techno-babble was too much for us to want to bother with.
17:37.32FinI just tested it, and both Powerful Anti-Venom and Potion of Curing remove level 70 rogue poisons
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17:37.54Finthe potion wouldn't work in an arena, but the powerful anti-venom is first aid
17:38.11sag_ich_nichthmmmm... interesting fin.
17:38.19Finoh well, guess I'll find out when my mate gets back to me
17:38.25FinI don't actually do much arena myself
17:38.34sag_ich_nichti think i should farm that stuff right now because it's going to become worth a lot more in the near future
17:38.47Finit may not work
17:38.57Finmost people I asked said it didn't, then when pressed admitted they didn't know for sure
17:39.00BeladonaI second the use of epgp. Best dkp I have experienced, and can be tracked completely in-game
17:39.09Beladonausing an addon
17:39.12Finalso it doesn't share the same cooldown as standard bandages
17:39.28deltronyeah I like epgp also
17:39.34deltronI'm not in the guild anymore though :P
17:39.49Finthe pattern, recipe, whatever requires honored with Argent Dawn, but anyone can use one I've made as long as they've got 300 First Aid
17:39.49Beladonaits as close to being fair as I think any dkp can get
17:40.51Finsag_ich_nicht: if you try it out, let me know if you actually can use them in arenas, please?
17:41.25Finor if you can't
17:42.21sag_ich_nichtIF i try it out.
17:42.44somma86does anyone have an idea how to check if someone on my realm is online? i need it for an addon. there i will have the check in and if the player is not online the addon shoudnt sent the player an wisper
17:43.19Finjust send it anyway
17:43.26Finand handle the error
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17:43.55Finthere's going to be a check regardless once you send the whisper, might as well use its results
17:45.08FoxMcLeodI like the idea of decaying EP/GP
17:45.38FoxMcLeodwith that we don't need different DKP systems for a new dungeon
17:47.17LopeppeppyFoxMcLeod... think ahead about inflation, and periodic adjustments (although I think the decay would help with that).
17:47.53LopeppeppyOur group will likely be wiping DKP and starting fresh very soon, inflation over 3 years has just gotten wild.
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17:48.28nevcairielmm EPGP looks great, gonna have to remember that for the next expansion when we revamp the dkp again
17:48.40FoxMcLeodYeah ok, at the moment the biggest problem is that in our guild people have a lot DKP left from Karazhan and SSC, so when we started BT we had to make a new DKP Systems or the new poeple won't have a chance of ever getting decent drops :)
17:50.03LopeppeppyExactly, Fox.  That's when we're going to do it, start fresh with BT.
17:51.36sag_ich_nichtgo and spread EPGP then :P
17:51.55sag_ich_nichti hate dkp in general, but if you have to use one, either use rDKP or EPGP
17:52.21sag_ich_nichtbecause both are more reliable than the rest, EPGP more so than rDKP, but EPGP is more complex
17:52.31zenzelezzI actually preferred my old guild's system; separate DKP for each raid instance, fixed-price bids
17:53.35LopeppeppyWe really *should* have gone with separate by instance, but that's soooo much work we couldn't embrace it.
17:53.58zenzelezzif you don't do it from the start, it is tough
17:55.53LopeppeppyYeah... so we are going next-best and giving it a wipe.  We should have wiped to zero coming into TBC, but we were not progressive-thinking enough.
17:56.30art3misi like the "link me whatcha got" and the person who benefits most gets it"
17:56.31zenzelezzmost people are progressive-thinking in retrospect
17:56.35LunessaWork, the primary failing of most DKP systems
17:56.42art3misthats my prefered looting system ;)
17:57.03Finprogressive is the new retro!
17:57.10art3miswith the obvious catchall of GM, officer, raider havign precedent over newbies
17:57.16Beladonaoops sorry caps
17:57.31LopeppeppyOur class officers sorta do that, art3mis, we keep tabs on which member needs an upgrade the most, and do some jockeying amongst our class to see that they get it.
17:57.39Lunessa -- our "looting policies" are at the bottom of the page.  
17:57.52Beladonarecruits earn half ep until they become members
17:58.00LunessaThey mostly boil down to "don't be a jerk"
17:58.42LopeppeppyYeah... "don't be a jerk" works for some groups, but sadly not for others.
17:59.21Beladonaregardless, when you grow to the point where you could potentially consider running two 25 mans, relying on everyone to "not be a jerk" is a dangerous prospect
17:59.28LunessaAgreed, but if those rules don't work for the person in question, they won't be a good fit for us. :)
18:00.09LunessaActually, our system has worked really well for us.  People who want to be jerks about loot show up quickly and are gone just as fast. :D
18:00.26LopeppeppyIt's one of the ways we use to find out if people are a good fit for our group, actually.  Loot whores need not apply.
18:00.31art3misLopeppeppy: yeah i find it's the best way.. it does lead to biased cheating though so it's really a case of trusting the gm/rl
18:00.56LopeppeppyWhen my class members don't trust me to lead them, I need to step down and give them someone they trust.  *nod*
18:01.56Beladonamy guild is extremely generous about dkp
18:02.05Beladonano one has any excuse to complain about it
18:02.10Beladonaunless they just aren't trying
18:02.40Beladonalike, if you have to sit out on a boss, and we kill that boss, you get full ep as if you were there, as long as you are sitting outside the instance
18:03.51*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
18:04.38LopeppeppyAs in, they were there for the rest of the raid but got subbed out for that one boss?  Makes sense they would share the DKP for getting you to the boss.  *nod*
18:04.50Beladonaand we have a veteran rank that you have to earn by attending 75% of the raids in a month. Veterans get access to a bank tab with consumables for raids, and priority on raid invites
18:04.54LopeppeppyWe give a small award to our alts who wait as fill ins, as well.
18:05.11Thunder_Child"Over the holidays, on December 25th and January 1st, we will be performing a series of rolling restarts for all realms starting at 5:00 AM PDT, in lieu of weekly maintenance. Each realm is anticipated to be down for no more than 15 minutes, and should additional maintenance be necessary, we will notify our players in advance. Have a happy holiday!" E.G. no one is around so we have the egg timer set for restarts
18:05.13Beladonaalthough the requirements might change, because we now have over 30 people who earned Veteran (which is good AND bad)
18:05.34Beladonaour alts don't earn separate points
18:05.39Beladonawe shar ewith the main
18:05.59LopeppeppyI meant alt to be "those who are not in the raid, but stand around to fill in".  We call those alts.
18:06.27LopeppeppyWe also share points from main to alternate characters, the way that you were saying.
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18:07.15Beladona~seen Cairenn
18:07.18purlcairenn <n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 19h 56m 23s ago, saying: ':)'.
18:07.39sag_ich_nichtis there some addon to show me which tradeskill items i can't craft yet but could with my skill if i had the plans for it?
18:08.03BeladonaRecipe Radar
18:08.06FinMobMap would do that
18:08.24FinI'm almost completely certain you won't find that an acceptable solution, though
18:09.13sag_ich_nichtit is not in WAU, i must update manually
18:09.36FinLinksList, or one of its modules, looked like it would do what you wanted from what I saw of it... dunno for sure tho
18:10.17Dreagarcan't be too hard to make somethin like that.
18:10.42sag_ich_nichtsomeone fix the bug on wowi that causes specialists to be censored
18:10.47Dreagarjust make a dropdown off fubar or somethin, that shows all the items for each tradeskil u have.
18:10.47Finthere is one that I can't remember the name of right now... if you were on an alt and saw a recipe that another character could use, it would say somthing like "Needed by: Main, Alt2" etc. or "Can use:", or something like that
18:11.02sag_ich_nichtthanks Beladona
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18:12.02*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Shirik] by ChanServ
18:12.18ShirikAnyone familiar with the USPS tracking system can give me information about what this means?
18:12.24ShirikStatus: Arrival at Unit
18:12.29ShirikYour item arrived at 6:24 AM on December 19, 2007 in CLIFTON, VA 20124. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.
18:12.41Finah! that's the one I think, thanks!
18:12.50Dreagarthat means that it arrived at the distribution point in Clifton shirik
18:12.51malrethShirik: that's what my fiancee says when she's being extra geeky in bed
18:12.53Fin5 points!
18:12.56sag_ich_nichtit means it's at a packing station or routing station in clifton
18:13.02Shirikthanks Dreagar / sag_ich_nicht
18:13.23Dreagarat least there's SOMETHIn i can help with in here
18:13.36Shirikit better get here today
18:13.40ShirikI'm annoyed at how long it's taking :/
18:13.52malrethShirik: i say the same thing too in bed!
18:15.01LunessaI'm totally unmotivated to be productive at work.
18:15.26Shirikyou're like the rest of the world
18:15.30Lopeppeppymalreth, you're just on a roll today.  Browse more porn.
18:15.39kamdisugh, meetings.  worst idea the industrialized world ever came up with.
18:15.47ShirikI like meetings
18:15.51malrethpurl, meetings
18:16.06malrethpurl, meetings are the practical alternative to work
18:16.07purlmalreth: okay
18:16.13purlmalreth: :)
18:16.21Thunder_Child$5 says malreth's fiancee kills him less than a year after getting married
18:16.39Dreagari give it 6 months
18:16.57malrethwould it help to know we've been together for 7 years?
18:17.10Thunder_Childbut your not married so she wouldnt get anything
18:17.10Dreagarwow, she's resilient!
18:17.24malrethThunder_Child: oh snap! you're right!
18:18.01malrethwell, we live in texas so the argument could be made that we've been common-law married all this time
18:18.05ShirikDreagar: malreth just doesn't have enough +crit
18:18.32Shiriklol @ the pac man wheels, I want these:
18:18.34Dreagarthere's outfits for that
18:19.12Dreagarthat's awesome shirik. i want one too
18:19.35ShirikI'm just looking at some sample projects for these microcontrollers that I'm still waiting to come in :/
18:19.44Shirikthat's tempting enough to get me to buy another two just for that
18:20.12godzirraShirik: those are awesome.
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18:21.06Shirik"Great for safe riding at night, provides excellite side visibility"
18:21.07ShirikYeah um
18:21.17ShirikI think if I saw that my car would probably crash into you as I'm distracted
18:21.45godzirraSo I'm still trying to figure out how to put a border around my addon....
18:22.12Shirikcreate a frame
18:22.20godzirraI've got a frame.
18:22.27godzirraThats what everythings laid out on now
18:24.36FoxMcLeodyou could use the backdrop functions or create a new texture as background
18:25.00godzirraI want to avoid creating a new texture if possible, since I won't be using anything except a line around the background.
18:25.07godzirraI'll try and find the backdrop functions
18:25.30godzirrawait.. doesnt the backdrop require a texture as well?
18:25.30Shirikeh, you don't want that
18:25.40godzirraShirik: ok.  I don't want that.  how come?
18:25.54Shirikbecause that's the wrong way to do it :P
18:26.01godzirraOh.  Good reason.  Whats the right way to do it then?
18:26.16Shiriktrying to remember
18:26.24godzirraYou've forgotten more than I know.
18:26.41ShirikI don't do GUI much :P
18:26.44ShirikI let Cidan do this
18:26.50ShirikI do the internal stuff
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18:29.02Thunder_Childsleep helps much
18:29.29NightHawkTheSane"Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border" ?
18:29.47ShirikI meant the Conspiracy one
18:30.00Shirikso I could grep for it
18:30.19foxlitgodzirra: I want to avoid creating a new texture if possible, since I won't be using anything except a line around the background.
18:30.24FoxMcLeodplease elaborate
18:30.28foxlitThe penalty for doing that is insignificant
18:30.58foxlitThe problem is more that you'll need more than one to create an actual border
18:31.10godzirraell, I went with this:  bgFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Background", edgeFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Border",
18:31.14godzirrato begin with.
18:31.16godzirrabut its grey.
18:31.16Shirikah, I'm sorry, it /is/ SetBackdrop()
18:31.23Shirikyeah that's what you should do
18:31.26foxlitBut you do actually want a backdrop
18:31.37foxlitIt's easier to manage and so on
18:31.42godzirraSure, makes sense.
18:31.45ShirikbgFile="Interface/DialogFrame/UI-DialogBox-Background", tile = true, tileSize = 16,
18:31.46ShirikedgeFile="Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Border", edgeSize = 16,
18:31.46Shirikinsets = { left = 3, right = 3, top = 2, bottom = 2 }
18:31.47foxlitI believe there's also SetBackdropColor
18:31.51godzirraAh, thank you.
18:32.04Shirikand yes, there is SetBackdropColor() too
18:32.23foxlit(you won't be able to control the transparency - that's hardcoded into the texture)
18:32.30foxlitWhich is more or less the only complaint against backdrops
18:33.04FoxMcLeodhmm I made my backdrop invisible by setting it's alpha to 0
18:33.05godzirrafoxlit: there is.  Though its telling me I'm doing something wrong.
18:33.21BeladonaSetBackdropColor only works on certain textures. Many backdrops in wow are black with a 1.0 alpha, which means changing to any color will always result in black
18:33.52foxlitI only really worked with tooltip/chatframe backdrops, you can easily vertex those
18:33.58ShirikI'm going to assume this line Cidan put in is worthless: w:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,1);
18:33.59godzirraBeladona: thats my problem, is I want it to be black, and its not. ;)  Its grey.
18:34.01foxlitBut they have their own alpha channel which you can't control
18:34.29foxlitRun the example code
18:34.37Beladonaif its gray, then try what Shirik just put
18:34.45godzirraI did... But I had SetBackDrop
18:34.55Shirikdo you not have Lua errors turned on?
18:35.13godzirraNo, it threw an error... I was trying to figure out what it was when you pasted that.
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18:35.37BeladonaI have done a lot of playing with backdrops
18:35.50FoxMcLeodDoes anyone here now Rayman Raving RAbbits?
18:35.54godzirraHmmm...  I tried to move my text over the status bar, but the status bar hides it.
18:36.07godzirrafoxlit: I just returned it to blockbuster.
18:36.08Beladonawhat layer is the text in?
18:36.14godzirrathat was to FoxMcLeod
18:36.19FoxMcLeodso set the Layerlvl of the FontStrin to 4
18:36.22godzirraBeladona: probably the default one.
18:37.23Beladonawhy would you set the frame level when you can just as easily adjust your code so that text is above the status bar
18:37.42FoxMcLeodI'd like to think the reaction of one of the experienced coders is comparable to the usual behaviour of those rabbits
18:37.50FoxMcLeod+to my code
18:38.03BeladonaI put my text as a layer IN the status bar
18:38.04Beladonafor one
18:38.12godzirraOh.  how do you do that?
18:38.12sag_ich_nicht[19:35] <FoxMcLeod> Does anyone here now Rayman Raving RAbbits? <--it's KNOW, god damn it
18:38.15Beladonaif it is to be on it, but above it
18:38.20Beladonahang on
18:38.24FoxMcLeodIm sorry
18:38.26Beladonaare you doing this all in lua?
18:38.28godzirraThats exactly what I want it.
18:38.29Beladonaor xml?
18:38.35FoxMcLeodtypos and stuff ^^^
18:38.39godzirraLua.  My XML is just for layout.
18:38.44godzirramostly because I understand the lua better than the xml ;)
18:38.57Shirikwhy is earthshock rank 1 so useful against healers?
18:38.58Beladonahow are you creating your fontstring?
18:39.08godzirraShirik: because it still interrupts them =p
18:39.11godzirrafor 30 mana.
18:39.14Shirikso just because of the mana?
18:39.23BeladonaShirik: yes
18:39.25godzirraNo damage, but a 30 mana every 5-6 seconds interrupt.
18:39.29Beladonasame as when we use it on bosses
18:39.31godzirrawell, almost no damage.
18:39.46godzirraBeladona: I create the fontstring in the XML, then I set it in the lua.
18:39.54Shirikrank 1 should be more resistable imo
18:39.55FoxMcLeodOn bosses it'S also nice because the generated threat is rather low
18:40.03godzirraYeah, its almost non existent.
18:40.08godzirraShirik: probably.
18:40.14Beladonacan you pastey something? its hard to infer what you are doing without seeing
18:40.21godzirraYes, one second.
18:40.27ShirikIt's hard to infer when you do see too
18:40.31Shirikbecause you're not inferring anymore :)
18:40.44Beladona~lart Shirik
18:40.44purlduct-tapes Shirik to the floor and drools on him
18:41.29godzirraIt walks through walls.
18:41.39art3misprove it ;P
18:41.48godzirraProve it doesnt.
18:41.58Fingodzirra: are you using that addon studio thingamy?
18:42.05godzirraFin: I started with that, and then stopped.
18:42.11Finno good?
18:42.18godzirraEh, mostly I do most of my stuff in linux.
18:42.20godzirraMore than anything else.
18:42.34godzirraI dislike how difficulti t is to adjust the location of something graphically though.
18:42.40godzirraits like 5 clicks to adjust the location of an object.
18:42.45Beladonaok, think of a StatusBar as another Frame
18:42.46godzirraBut it doesnt seem horrible.
18:42.49Beladonafor starters
18:43.17Beladonatake your fontstrings and put them in each appropriate status bar
18:43.23Beladonaat the level you need them
18:43.24Shirikok heading off to Radio Shack
18:43.31ShirikBeladona seems to be helping you just fine :)
18:43.31Beladonathat will ensure they will be above the status bar
18:44.19godzirraOk, let me try that in one sec... work calling. ;p
18:44.32BeladonaI had to do the same thing with my status bar addon
18:44.38Beladonaonly I did it all via lua, no xml
18:44.53godzirraOoh.  I didnt even know you could do that.
18:45.19*** join/#wowi-lounge duaiwe (
18:46.26Beladonaone sec, throwing an example together
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18:51.49FoxMcLeodI'd like to point out that Bunnies can't stand christmas, just like me :
18:52.32godzirraBeladona: no rush.. still trying to figure out this problem for work real quick.
18:54.21Pandyalol @ fedora website
18:55.08godzirraBeladona: Ok... so do i just move the FontString xml into StatusBar?
18:58.10Beladonayeah, with the layers
18:58.28godzirraSo I create another Layer inside the Statusbar XML?
18:58.39godzirraSorry, I really am a noob when it comes to this.  
18:59.20FoxMcLeoderr, the opposite of OnLoad is OnLeave, right?
18:59.31Josh_Borkethere is no opposite of OnLeave
18:59.39Josh_BorkeOnLoad is on the creation of the UI element
19:00.05FoxMcLeodWhat is triggered when WoW shuts down
19:00.16FoxMcLeodlike Unload
19:00.17godzirraOnset of productivity. ;)
19:01.43FoxMcLeodWell I thought I need to Unregister some events eventually :/
19:01.43Josh_BorkeFoxMcLeod: PLAYER_LOGOUT is fired when the player logs out of the game (which inclueds going to the character selection screen)
19:01.53FoxMcLeodk thanks
19:05.20*** part/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (n=jk275@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
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19:07.50Thunder_Childit would help if she was more attractive
19:11.18dylanmThe line wrapping made me think that oPussy is a great name for a new haste addon.
19:11.37hasteoh rly?
19:11.41dylanmYA RLY
19:11.49godzirraI wouldn't kick her out of bed.
19:11.49seebsIs there a good tutorial or document up explaining how to use template frames and create frames at runtime?  I'm redoing AnnoyRP, and it has WAY too many frames with hardcoded names, etcetera; I'd rather use a more coherent structure, but the pages I read on the topic a year ago were not easy for me.
19:12.10laindirdylanm, O'Pussy imo
19:12.22dylanmlaindir: Well you have to go by his naming conventions.
19:12.22Thunder_Childshe would not have been in mine in the first place
19:12.32dylanmI think it's a bad angle.
19:12.46dylanmOr just... bad every-condition-possible-for-a-photo.
19:13.37godzirraBeladona: still there? :)
19:13.59Josh_Borkeseebs: i don't know of any tutorials, sorry
19:14.03dylanmIf one were all about chests it would hardly matter in this case.
19:14.43godzirraCan anyone help me figure out how to make a fontstring a layer inside my statusbar?
19:15.17FoxMcLeodkaratinaBar_Anchor = {"TOPLEFT", "UIParent", "TOPLEFT", 580, -245}
19:15.28FoxMcLeodCan I use a variable like that?
19:15.44dylanmFoxMcLeod: Sure.
19:16.00FoxMcLeodwasn't sure
19:16.05dylanmWhether you really want to is a different story.
19:16.46FoxMcLeodI want the position to be saved between sessions, so I need a variable for the AnchorPoint, and this is the default values
19:17.02FoxMcLeod*are the default values
19:17.43dylanmAh. Sounds fine really.
19:17.48foxlitThe position of user-movable widgets is saved across sessions anyway
19:17.56FoxMcLeodOh ok
19:18.02FoxMcLeodso no need for that :/
19:18.11foxlitNot unless you run into problems :)
19:18.19Josh_Borkefoxlit: only if defined in XML correct?
19:18.41foxlitOnly if defined before PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD, iirc
19:19.05Josh_Borkeand named?
19:19.20foxlitYou really don't want anonymous user-movable frames :P
19:20.42Beladonaping godzirra
19:21.05Josh_Borkei move my anonymous frames all the time ;-)
19:21.25godzirraBeladona: sorry, work people keep bugging me. ;)
19:21.38FoxMcLeoddamn those, I hate them
19:21.46FoxMcLeodkeep me from reading forums and stuff
19:22.20godzirraI know...
19:22.22godzirraand playing lbreakout2.
19:23.52foxlitgrr, I need a sensible form manager in PHP :(
19:24.15foxlitKeep redoing the whole fetch-display-edit-display-update pattern for different forms, takes too much effort
19:25.21godzirraPHP ftl.
19:26.15testleKCan anyone tell me which event is fired when you change areas within a zone and not just on full zone switches?
19:26.18foxlitI wouldn't say that, you can't escape that no matter what you write in.
19:26.28sag_ich_nichtfishing(!) and cooking 300 \o/
19:26.38zenzelezzonly 75 to go!
19:26.44foxlit can
19:26.45godzirraI would say that, and my statement had nothing to do with your problem. };)
19:27.00sag_ich_nichtzenzelezz you get fishing to 300
19:27.03sag_ich_nichtthen say that again :P
19:27.07zenzelezzI'm 375
19:27.11TaeriI won the epic battle! ... of getting the boyfriend out of bed. :P
19:27.12Josh_Borkesag_ich_nicht: only 75 more to go
19:27.23Josh_BorkeTaeri: you got nekkid and teased him from far away?
19:27.36TaeriJosh_Borke: Actually, no.
19:27.46Josh_Borkeoh, ok
19:27.51sag_ich_nichtthen tell us your method
19:27.52Josh_Borkethat doesn't work for my fiancee
19:27.55sag_ich_nichtand we shall decide
19:28.05sag_ich_nichtif it was a good
19:28.06Josh_Borkebut it works when she does it to me...
19:28.07sag_ich_nichtor a bad method
19:28.24Josh_Borkethat didn't make much sense
19:28.33Josh_Borkeit doesn't work when i try it on my fiancee, but when she does it to me it works
19:28.39Dreagarthat cause guys are icky
19:28.46TaeriI just went to the bedrom, snuck in next to him, and started talking! Then when I had done that for a while, and knew he was awake, I went and turned on the lights. :P
19:28.49Dreagarand wiminz are like works of art. :D
19:29.08Josh_BorkeDreagar: that's what my friend and my fiancee both say
19:29.14Josh_Borkei have to agree with them
19:29.25Taericause are awesome! *drools in guys*
19:29.39godzirraWow. Thats evil.
19:29.48Josh_Borkethe talking is a nice touch
19:29.51sag_ich_nichtTaeri fail method
19:29.55Dreagarsorry i just can't look at a naked man and do anything but say. ewww. but a naked woman? wowzers.
19:30.21Taerisag_ich_nicht: pff, I succeeded, therfore, I win!
19:30.36Dreagarok, back to readin about strings. :D yay pil!
19:30.37FoxMcLeodHe let you win!
19:30.55TaeriFoxMcLeod: I guess... he's falling asleep on the sofa now. :P
19:30.58testleKI checked out that wiki page before on it and was unsure of how it worked with the sub areas and the zone itself, does "ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA" fire at the same time as "ZONE_CHANGED_INDOORS" and "ZONE_CHANGED" (I would thing "ZONE_CHANGED" and "ZONE_CHANGED"_NEW_AREA" fire at the same time) but do I need to call the indoors even as well as the area changed even to get this function to fire on every type of zone change, or is that going to cause this fu
19:31.03Taeribut he is going to make me food today!
19:31.27Shirik|AFKs that going to cause this fu
19:31.31Shirik|AFKyou got cut off
19:31.58foxlitYour best bet would be to go and test this yourself :)
19:32.00Finwhose guild is The Round Table, please?
19:32.15Shirik|AFKWe're the knights of the round table
19:32.17FinI mean, who on this channel mentioned them recently?
19:32.18Josh_BorketestleK: i recommend testing :-D
19:32.21purlIriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
19:32.21Shirik|AFKWe dance when e'er we're able
19:32.30*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
19:32.33Shirik|AFKWe do routines and chorus scenes and footwork impeccable
19:32.45godzirralastlog round
19:33.03testleKhrm oh i guess I could make it print text that would work for checking :P
19:33.20Finsing the philosopher's song! that's one of my favourites
19:33.23Finthat and the penis song
19:34.03godzirraI like boobtacular spectacular
19:34.31malrethboobular tubular?
19:34.36Finhooray for your one eyed trouser snake!
19:34.37godzirraYeah, thats it.
19:39.47Dreagarok. i have a string ##-## zone
19:40.03testleKhey thanks for that link to devtools I actually had it but didn't notice /dtevent untill I just looked at it again from your msg this will do exactly what I need to figure this out thanks
19:40.19Josh_BorketestleK: glad i could help
19:40.34Dreagari want to check to make sure it's in the proper format. soi  can do a gsub to get rid of the numbers, and make sure there is a actual zone name there.
19:40.58Dreagarbut i'm unsure as to how to make sure the numbers are in fact numbers...
19:41.28Dreagarif i do a gsub to get rid of the numbers. and it's an actual zone, then they have to have been numbers.
19:42.10TaeriI need lots of lots of runecloth. :p
19:42.36Dreagari got like 1000 in my bank Taeri, but i'm savin up for pants.
19:42.43Dreagarso u can't ahve em
19:43.25seebsIs there a reasonably simple way to make a scrolling text window -- or possibly even a scrolling HTML text window -- in an addon?
19:43.59Josh_Borkeseebs: look up the ScrollingMessageFrame or is it MessageScrollingFrame?
19:44.06seebsOkay, cool.
19:44.13Josh_BorkeHTML text would be a bit harder
19:44.15seebsSee, AnnoyRP was my very first addon, and it's a horrific mess.
19:44.21foxlitSimpleHTML works
19:44.36seebsThere's an HTML-renderer element the game provides, but it doesn't scroll... Or at least, if it does, I didn't know how when I wrote this.
19:44.39Josh_Borkesimplehtml does work, but it doesn't scroll
19:44.44Dreagari looked at lightheaded to get an idea of how to do html and scrolling frame
19:44.52foxlitYou can make it scroll, it's not exactly a problem :)
19:45.01foxlit(that's what ScrollFrame is for, really)
19:45.06Josh_Borkeyes, but it's a lot harder than a scrollingmessageframe
19:45.12foxlitNo way :0
19:45.24seebsBut then, I had a 40k XML file full of dozens of things like <frame name=AnnoyRP_ScrollListItem1> (lots of stuff), <frame name=AnnoyRP_ScrollListItem2> (same stuff), etc.
19:45.46foxlitvirtual frames are a friend :)
19:46.03seebsYes.  But I don't know how to use them.
19:46.25foxlitStill, or just then?
19:46.26seebsToday's project is going to be learning how to use virtual frames enough to make the beginnings of my interface again, and sort of sketching out the rough framework for the event handling.
19:46.49seebsI'm also switching to using my GetOpt library for command parsing, because SO MUCH LESS WORK.
19:47.13Dreagarhave u checked out Wow UI desigener Seebs?
19:47.28seebsFoxlit:  Woah.  That easy?
19:47.35foxlitAnd you're about done as far as making SimpleHTML scroll
19:47.49seebsAnnoyRP desperately needs a lot more documentation than I could fit in a reasonable-sized frame.
19:47.51Dreagari dunno if there's scrollin frames, but it really helped me to be able to visually setup the frame and then look at the xml to figure out how to do it on my own
19:47.52foxlitYou position ScrollFrame as you would a normal frame
19:47.53seebsThis will help a lot.
19:48.35foxlitYou can probably steal an example from my config/changenotes dialog in
19:49.50malrethafter all these years, i'm still happy when i reboot a production server and it successfully comes back up... o_o
19:50.05Dreagarit's the little things
19:50.28testleKmalreth: LOL
19:50.30Finseebs: make it a scrolling frame
19:50.39seebsThanks much.  :)
19:50.54seebsI'm going to have to go out someplace with coffee and sammiches, I think, to work on this for a few hours.
19:51.12Dreagardon't get crumbs in the keyboard
19:51.47seebsI wonder whether I can even load WoW enough to run simple chatter and event tests over cell phone.  Probably not.  Better go someplace with wireless.
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19:54.56foxlitI'm begining to hate my column-naming style in databases
19:55.16Dreagarif i have 12-13 Westfall, and i wanna gsub the 12-13 out. would the pattern %d%d-%d%d%s work for that?
19:55.21foxlit$article['article_id'], $article['article_title'] isn't pretty :(
19:55.36Dreagarkinda redundant too fox
19:56.05foxlitIt's not when you start doing natural joins, but it's horrible within php
19:56.26foxlitEr, your pattern is kind of off
19:56.43foxlit[digit][one or more digits, lazy][digit][digit][space]
19:56.47Dreagarso i'm gonna do newString = oldstring.gsub("%d%d-%d%d%s", "")
19:56.58MentalPowerDreagar: %%d+%%-%%d+%s
19:57.02Dreagarwell i was wonderin if i'd have a problem with the -.
19:57.13Dreagarsince it's a magic character
19:57.19sag_ich_nichtthere is a bug with the spamfilter on wowi
19:57.31sag_ich_nichtspecialist gets caught
19:57.42foxlitas in oldstring:gsub("^%d*%-%d*%s", "");
19:57.52Dreagarooo that's a good idea fox, wouldn't that also ensure that it will pick up any number of digits? with the *?
19:58.11foxlitYou really don't want it to break in expansion #17
19:58.47DreagarI don't understand the + Mental wait, that just accounts for 1 extra digit?
19:59.07Dreagarwhere * accounts for any # of digits?
19:59.21MentalPowernm me, its * not +
19:59.45Dreagaroh ok. it's realy confusing in pil. + is 1 or more, and * is 0 or more??
19:59.47malreth+ matches 1 or more repetitions of the class greedily
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20:00.08foxlitYeah, it makes sense in some circumstances
20:00.09Dreagardon't make sense why they'd need both.?
20:00.36Dreagarooo I See!! i do want +.
20:00.57Dreagarbecause if there's no digits, the string is invalid for my uses
20:01.27Dreagarbecause * will match xero occurances?
20:01.39malrethlua> string.match("12-18 Belgium", "%d+%-%d+%s")
20:01.39lua_botmalreth: 12-18 ,
20:01.43Josh_BorkeDreagar: * matches 0 or more
20:02.02malrethlua> string.match("12-18 Belgium", "(%d+%-%d+)%s")
20:02.03lua_botmalreth: 12-18,
20:02.34foxlitYeah, you could use + :)
20:02.55Dreagarlua> string.match ("1-10 Tucson", "%d*%-%d*%s")
20:02.55lua_botDreagar: 1-10 ,
20:03.01foxlitIf you don't want to match say "70- SMV" or "-5 Westfall");
20:03.36Dreagarlua> string.match(1- Tucson", %d+%-%d+%s")
20:03.36lua_botDreagar: [string "string.match(1- Tucson", %d+%-%d+%s")"]:1: attempt to call global 'Tucson' (a nil value)
20:03.47Dreagarlua> string.match("1- Tucson", %d+%-%d+%s")
20:03.48lua_botDreagar: sandbox.lua:298: Compilation failed: [string "string.match("1- Tucson", %d+%-%d+%s")"]:1: unexpected symbol near '%'
20:03.55Dreagarlua> string.match("1- Tucson", "%d+%-%d+%s")
20:03.55lua_botDreagar: nil,
20:03.57malrethcan't win!
20:04.02Dreagarthat'll do
20:04.16DreagarThanks guys. i think i have a good grasp of the string matching now
20:07.02Dreagarnow i just gotta learn gsub. lol
20:08.14malrethlua> string.gsub("string to find/replace on", "find", "replace")
20:08.14lua_botmalreth: string to replace/replace on, 1,
20:08.47Dreagarthe string u feed in does not actually get changed correct?
20:08.59malrethstrings are immutable in lua
20:09.08malrethso gsub() returns a new string
20:09.50Dreagarlua> a="hi there" string.gsub(a, "hi", "bye") print(a)
20:09.51lua_botDreagar: hi there
20:10.38malreththe real strength of gsub comes when you use patterns for the "find" and tables or functions for the "replace"
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20:13.46malrethlua> t={name="malreth", class="Rogue", level="noob"}; print(string.gsub("That $class, $name, is a $level.", "%$(%w+)", t))
20:13.46lua_botmalreth: That Rogue, malreth, is a noob., 3
20:16.16LopeppeppyOkie dokie everypeople, see ya tomorrow.
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20:22.49testleKSo I have been searching wowwiki trying to find some reference to how I would pass on a slash command to wow via lua. example, addon A uses /A DO THIS as a slash command I want to have a function in my addon do the same as typing /A DO THIS in the chat window, how on earth is this done?
20:24.23cladhaireyou call teh slash command handler
20:24.29cladhairefor example, you have SLASH_SOMETEXT1 = "/A"
20:24.40cladhairethen you have SlashCmdList["SLASH"] = <some function>
20:24.51cladhaireyou can then call SlashCmdList["SLASH"]("DO THIS")
20:24.53cladhaireto accomplish that
20:25.12testleKfor calling someone elses slash command? doesnt that just set it in your own script?
20:25.39cladhairethey had to have done the same thing
20:25.52cladhaireand you can access it using the same method
20:26.32malrethtestleK: clad isn't telling you to create a slash handler in your script... he means for you to use the other addon's slash handler directly
20:26.48testleKahh I see
20:27.28testleKso the only way to do it is to open up the lua of the other addon and use its function directly as opposed to actually having your script just do the slash command
20:27.44cladhaireyou could run a macro via api
20:28.02cladhairebut thats the cleanest way
20:28.16cladhaireare you trying to do this with multiple addons in different places?
20:29.35testleKWhat I'm trying to do is have my addon on a single slash command from me automagically set up devtools to load certain / commands. This kind of usage would be done in for multiple addons
20:30.45testleKthe idea being one / command would change the basic layout of things for what I'm doing example: /myaddon devmode or /myaddon playmode
20:31.26Lunessa - totally off topic.
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20:32.04cladhairetestleK: if nothing is a /cast or /target like command
20:32.22cladhairethen you can use RunMacroText("/dtframestack\n/say "I'm in devtools mode")
20:33.10FoxMcLeodIs there a way to delay calling a function?
20:33.13Cairennthat's an interesting version of it, Lunessa
20:33.32cladhaireFoxMcLeod: not directly, but you can do it via some libraries
20:33.43FoxMcLeodhm mok
20:33.43cladhaireor write a "timer" yourself with an OnUpdate
20:33.46LunessaI like it.  I'm a jazz fan and that woman's voice?  HAWT
20:34.04cladhairelocal frame = CreateFrame("
20:35.18cladhairelocal frame = CreateFrame("Frame"); local total = 0; local function OnUpdate(self, elapsed) total = total + elapsed; if (total > 3.0) then ChatFrame1:AddMessage("Three seconds later..."); total = 0; self:Hide() end end
20:35.34cladhaireerr then you have to frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", OnUpdate)
20:35.37cladhairein the same block
20:35.44cladhairebut that would in theory make a timer that does somethign after 3 seconds
20:35.56FoxMcLeodproblem is I want tosall a function to set vars on event "VARIABLES_LOADED" problem is this function includes getting some information from the spellbook, which obviously is not yet loaded
20:36.08cladhaireFoxMcLeod: use PLAYER_LOGIN
20:36.22FoxMcLeodoh right, thanks
20:36.22cladhairethat's when the spellbook is available.
20:37.22testleKI tried to do this: RunMacroText("/dtevents") and its blizz blocked (even though its not a cast or target?)
20:38.16cladhaireoh, that's right that is protected =/
20:38.29cladhaireMy mistake, sorry to lead you down the wrong direction
20:38.39cladhaireI could probably write you a simple function that will "run" a slash command for you
20:38.41testleKlol no problem hehe
20:38.41cladhaireif you'll wait a moment.
20:38.54testleKthat would rock and I'd owe you bigtime :P
20:39.24cladhaireyou have to post it on wowwiki tho :P
20:39.27cladhaireunder user-defined functions
20:40.28testleKAlright I'll do that and of course your credit
20:41.04Josh_Borkelocal function runSlash(slashCmd) local func; for cmd, f in pairs(SlashCmdList) if cmd == slashCmd then func = f end end; if func and type(func) == "function" then func() end
20:41.05Josh_Borkeis my idea
20:41.11Josh_Borkebut no wow to test
20:41.36Dreagarhow many ands can u do in an if statement? can i do if true and true and true then?
20:41.53Josh_BorkeDreagar: infinite
20:41.59Josh_Borkeor at least, some really large number
20:42.02Dreagarawesome tx
20:44.16Josh_Borkesomeone test my runslash command!
20:44.46Xinhuancladhaire, do you think this is a bug?
20:44.53testleKtrying to get it to work heh
20:45.44foxliterm, Josh
20:45.50cladhaireXinhuan: probably intended.
20:45.57Josh_Borkedid i get my table wrong?
20:45.59cladhairesince I believe that involved a query
20:46.09foxlitYou want someone to give you the cmd directly?
20:46.18Xinhuanwell if both items exist in my local cache
20:46.19foxlitIt's not the slash command key
20:46.24Xinhuanthere is 0 query
20:46.33testleKcan't seem to get it to do anything
20:46.51Josh_Borkehuh, guess i had it wrong
20:47.17Josh_BorkeXinhuan: did you check the time between calls?
20:47.25Josh_Borkeoh wait
20:47.29Xinhuanits 0 ms heh
20:47.29Josh_Borkethe problem is it got added too soon
20:47.31foxlitthe global SLASH_[cmd]1, SLASH_[cmd]2 contain the actual slash commands
20:47.41Josh_Borkefoxlit: ah, right, thanks
20:47.45Josh_Borkeforgot about that
20:47.50foxlit(there may be a heckload of those)
20:48.03foxlitBut if I were you, I'd look up to how entered chat text is handled by the chatframe :)
20:48.08Xinhuanthe first time the event fires, cladhaire, is right after the first internal item, before the mats of the recipe is displayed
20:48.21Xinhuanthe 2nd time it fires is after the whole item
20:48.34cladhairei'd cache it on your side of things
20:48.57cladhairefoxlit: setting text in the chateditbox is okay.. but *meh*
20:49.09foxlitThere isn't a function? :)
20:49.49testleKI can't possibly be the first person wanting to do this lol
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20:51.01Josh_Borkegonna have to pastey...
20:52.09cladhairei lost my code
20:52.11cladhairenow jb is gonna win
20:54.10Josh_Borkemeh, just copy ChatFrame.lua lines 3100-3116
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20:54.58cladhairebut correct
20:55.17Josh_Borke i think
20:55.26Josh_Borkethere's a large possibility it doesn't work
20:56.09testleKill go test
20:56.15cladhairethat screams out for a repeat until
20:56.21cladhaireand it didn't wokr, that's the same thing i did :P
20:56.24cladhairetrying to figure out what didn't work :P
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20:57.26Josh_Borkelol clad
20:58.08testleKcouldnt get it to work either hehe
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20:59.00Josh_Borke updated to use repeat until :-D
20:59.12Josh_Borkebut i'm sure it still won't work
20:59.36Josh_Borkeit's just fun to use repeat until
20:59.50cladhaire works fine
20:59.56cladhaireas long as you dont' use secure slash commands
21:00.24cladhaireusage is RunSlashCmd("/whatever args here do whatever you want")
21:00.28cladhaireas if you typed it into the chatbox.
21:00.48cladhairetested with a bunch of different cases, as you can see
21:00.54Josh_Borkegief new wowlua
21:01.01Josh_Borkeor i'll eat your brains
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21:01.32cladhaire has been updated
21:01.40cladhaireit returns true if a commadn was run, false if no matching command was found.
21:01.56Josh_Borkeyou should return true, SlashCmdList[name](rest)
21:02.11cladhaireslash commadns don't return anything
21:02.12cladhairebut yes :P
21:02.34cladhaireXinhuan: you should be able to cache what you've just displayed, to ensure you don't add the lines twice, right?
21:02.40Shirik|AFKwell they /can/
21:02.45Shirik|AFKthough it isn't exactly useful to do that
21:02.57Shirik|AFKsemantics :P
21:02.58Xinhuanyes, but the added data just gets added at the "first event" point
21:03.00cladhairefine bitchez
21:03.08Xinhuanwhich is between the "mats list" and "item"
21:03.11cladhaireXinhuan: Any events fire in between?
21:03.15Xinhuankinda counter intuitive
21:03.21Xinhuannot that i can see/detect
21:03.24cladhaireyeah that is rather odd =//
21:03.30cladhaireany way i can test this easily?
21:03.34cladhairedid you already paste something?
21:03.40Xinhuanyeah, the link earlier
21:03.44Xinhuanhas a simple test command
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21:04.09Josh_BorkeXinhuan: only happens with recipes?
21:04.09cladhairescrolling back
21:04.15testleKsweet lemme test it out
21:04.34Josh_BorkeXinhuan: why not check for that and then wait for second call to add the info?
21:05.16Xinhuanif it isn't a recipe, it won't fire twice
21:05.28testleKVery nice this functions perfectly cladhaire!!
21:05.38Xinhuanand i would then only be able to tell if its a recipe by scanning the item name for "Schematic:" prefixes
21:05.47Xinhuanand then have to deal with localization
21:05.54cladhairetestleK: great!
21:06.02cladhaireXinhuan: hrm.. that is rather odd
21:06.05cladhairei'll see what i can dig up
21:06.13Josh_BorkeXinhuan: false
21:06.37Josh_BorkeXinhuan: local itemName, itemLink = self:GetItem()
21:07.16Josh_Borkelocal name, link, rarity, level, minlevel, type, subType = GetItemInfo(itemLink)
21:07.27cladhaireyeah you can determine if its a recipe
21:07.30cladhairebut that seems rather nasty
21:07.38Xinhuanhmmm check type/subtype?
21:07.45Xinhuanthat again requires localization
21:07.46Josh_Borkeif type == "Recipe" then
21:08.01Xinhuanbecause GetItemInfo's Type and subtype returns are localized
21:08.04Xinhuanits just fucked
21:08.05foxlitSome of those are probably tokens
21:08.10Josh_Borkethat's why i said to go fuck yourself
21:08.14foxlitAnd you can probably find that localization in globalstring
21:08.32foxlitBut anyway
21:08.32Xinhuandefinitely not tokens, every addon i checked localizaed those returns manually
21:08.40foxlitWhy not detect that you have two item names in the tooltip?
21:08.54Xinhuanbecause the default GTT refreshes itself every 0.2 secs
21:09.08Xinhuanan in the case of the mailbox item tooltip, every frame
21:09.10foxlitSo it's not current when your event triggers?
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21:09.15Xinhuan(blizz is dumb)
21:09.24foxlitYou're not making that point very clear.
21:09.42Josh_Borkecladhaire: do we have to wait for ze book for new wowlua?
21:09.51Xinhuanthe GTT has an onupdate that refreshes the item every 0.2 secs
21:10.00cladhaireJosh_Borke: no, you just have to wait for exams/editing to be over
21:10.02cladhaireand for me to have time
21:10.26Xinhuanso if i were to just check that the function is called twice directly with the same itemname
21:10.30Xinhuanit won't really work
21:10.42cladhaireJosh_Borke: i can post it for you, if you'd like in the meantime
21:10.46cladhairebut it doesn't save anything
21:10.47cladhaireat the moment
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21:10.51Josh_Borkecladhaire: ok, i'll take it
21:10.54cladhairejust lets you type, run, and use the interpreter
21:11.02Josh_Borkeand then i'll give you a diff when i add saving to it
21:11.08Josh_Borkeso you can say "this is crap" and do it yourself
21:11.19foxlitNow I have to log in to actually test it :/
21:11.33Josh_Borkek, i'm ready to go home now :-/
21:12.30NightHawkTheSanehah, John Gruber's awesome, "New feature release of Perl, the world’s best programming language. Oh, yeah, that’s what I said, bitch."
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21:16.35Josh_Borkeyou find a shiny penny?
21:16.58Josh_Borkei am apparently going on a trip in the 2nd week of january
21:18.17NightHawkTheSanesb.Append("""") that makes me /cry
21:19.19malrethlua> t=os.time()+2;while os.time()<t do end
21:19.20foxlitYou can work around the tooltip thing without localization
21:19.33malrethlua> t=os.time()+2;while os.time()>t do end
21:19.43Josh_Borkelua> t=os.time()+2;while os.time()<t do a=a+1 end print(a)
21:19.43lua_botJosh_Borke: [string "t=os.time()+2;while os.time()<t do a=a+1 en..."]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'a' (a nil value)
21:19.51Josh_Borkelua> t=os.time()+2;while os.time()<t do a=a or 0 +1 end print(a)
21:19.53lua_botJosh_Borke: 1
21:19.56foxlitCheck that the tooltip is currently showing a pattern by checking the presence of a line starting with a newline - that'd contain the child item name
21:20.25malrethlua> t=os.time()+2;while os.time()>t do a=a or 0 +1 end print(a)
21:20.26lua_botmalreth: nil
21:20.43Josh_Borkelua> os.time()
21:20.44lua_botJosh_Borke: 1198099243,
21:21.02malrethlua> t=os.time()+6;while os.time()>t do end
21:21.08foxlitlua> math.random();
21:21.08malrethlua> t=os.time()+6;while os.time()<t do end
21:21.08lua_botfoxlit: 0.39438292681909,
21:21.14lua_botmalreth: sandbox.lua:166: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
21:21.14foxlitlua> math.random();
21:21.15lua_botfoxlit: 0.79844003347607,
21:21.20foxlithm, persistant
21:22.40testleKThanks cladhaire & Josh_Borke for all the effort, I will post this up on the wiki aswell for others that have use for this--    (Posted)
21:23.11Xinhuan[12/20 05:21:59] <foxlit> Check that the tooltip is currently showing a pattern by checking the presence of a line starting with a newline - that'd contain the child item name <-- i believe set items also have newlines? unsure
21:23.32*** join/#wowi-lounge seebs (n=seebs@
21:23.56foxlitWell, if that had to be narrowed down
21:23.57seebsCany anyone recommend a tool to me that would help me narrow down "Couldn
21:24.04seebs"Couldn't parse XML in ..."?
21:24.10foxlitOpen firefox
21:24.12Xinhuanopen in ff
21:24.14seebsFirefox thinks it's fine.
21:24.23foxlitErm, pastey it
21:24.25Xinhuanpaste code
21:24.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
21:24.31foxlitcheck that line's text against the first line in the tooltip
21:24.40foxlitYou should match the right side on all localizations
21:25.07seebs'k, just a sec while I sanity-check
21:25.52malrethwait... don't sanity check it... you're doing your work for yourself instead of letting us do it for you!
21:26.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Norsken (
21:26.21Xinhuantsk tsk
21:26.25foxlitAnother instance of good foresight foiled by malreth! :P
21:26.37seebsActually, I found an obvious problem:  <OnEvent>...</OnLoad>
21:27.18cladhairexml validation ftw
21:28.24seebsI have no idea.
21:28.45malrethmaybe you have a broken version of Firefox
21:28.54Xinhuanmaybe i should modify one of my xml files and see what ff says
21:28.54seebsI think I may have had bitrot.  Now I still can't figure out ... I get no messages at all, but it doesn't look like the addon's loaded.  Hmm.
21:29.10seebsNo, it's loaded.
21:29.22Xinhuanit wil l fail to load if you misspell your dependencies
21:29.34Xinhuanso today, i wrote in one of my addons Dependencies: Fubar
21:29.39Xinhuaninstead of FuBar
21:29.46Josh_Borkelocal t={}; local function RunSlash(slash) t['GetText'] = function() return slash end; ChatEdit_ParseText(t) end
21:29.49Xinhuanand that took 1 hour to find
21:29.54Josh_Borkesomeone try that
21:29.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
21:29.55*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
21:30.26Xinhuanbut the login screen will happily detect "Fubar" and count it properly disabled/enabled if FuBar is enabled/disabled
21:30.26malrethwb, Cairenn
21:30.34Josh_Borke~lart Cairenn
21:30.34purlreadies the nuke launcher and fires some rounds at Cairenn
21:30.36Josh_Borke~hug Cairenn
21:30.37purlACTION jumps into Cairenn's lap and huggles and *hugs* Cairenn
21:30.37Xinhuanblizz can be silly
21:30.53zenzelezzJosh's true colors finally shine
21:31.26*** join/#wowi-lounge End (
21:31.30godzirraOk...  wtf.  White wolf really needs to add in a simple freaking check to see if a name it suggests is already taken on a server.  Stupid randomize pos.  
21:31.33Josh_Borkelua> local t={}; local function RunSlash(slash) t['GetText'] = function() return slash end; ChatEdit_ParseText(t) end
21:31.51seebsNow it's loading -- it's just not doing anything.  Hmmmmmm.
21:31.56foxlityeah, taint the chatframe!
21:32.00foxlitdo eeeet! :)
21:32.17foxlitOr not, I should read things more carefully.
21:32.29Josh_Borkelua> ChatEdit_ParseText = function(editBox, send) local text = editBox:GetText(); print(text) end; local t={}; local function RunSlash(slash) t['GetText'] = function() return slash end; ChatEdit_ParseText(t) end RunSlash("/dump fred")
21:32.30lua_botJosh_Borke: /dump fred
21:32.49Josh_Borkebut generates trash
21:33.17foxlitrejuse t
21:33.22Josh_Borkei reuse t
21:33.27Josh_Borkebut i can't reuse the function
21:33.28Josh_Borkeoh, i know
21:33.31foxlitYes, you can
21:33.44seebsOkay, making a slash command... Set SlashCmdList["FOO"] = function, then set SLASH_FOO1 = "/cmd", right?
21:34.00Josh_Borkelocal t={GetText = function() return t.text end }; local function RunSlash(slash) t.text = slash; ChatEdit_ParseText(t) end
21:34.32Josh_Borkelua> ChatEdit_ParseText = function(editBox, send) local text = editBox:GetText(); print(text) end; local t={GetText = function() return t.text end }; local function RunSlash(slash) t.text = slash; ChatEdit_ParseText(t) end; RunSlash("/dump fred")
21:34.33lua_botJosh_Borke: [string "ChatEdit_ParseText = function(editBox, send..."]:1: attempt to index global 't' (a nil value)
21:34.58Josh_Borkelua> ChatEdit_ParseText = function(editBox, send) local text = editBox:GetText(); print(text) end; local t={}; t.GetText = function(self) return self.text end; local function RunSlash(slash) t.text = slash; ChatEdit_ParseText(t) end; RunSlash("/dump fred")
21:34.59lua_botJosh_Borke: /dump fred
21:35.15*** join/#wowi-lounge NightHawkTheSane (
21:35.30Josh_Borkei win
21:35.45Josh_Borkeme > clad
21:36.26malrethyou are now!
21:37.46seebsAhh!  It appears that my attempt to assign to SlashCmdList["PESTERRP"] is failing.
21:39.39testleKJosh_Borke: local t={}; local function RunSlash(slash) t['GetText'] = function() return slash end; ChatEdit_ParseText(t) end
21:40.37testleKlol apearently I didn't scroll down before I posted lol u got it tested
21:41.16seebsWhat's the magic to allow UI errors to be displayed, instead of having them disappear silently?
21:41.24foxlitinterface options
21:42.28somma86does anyone have an idea how to check if someone on my realm is online? i need it for an addon. there i will have the check in and if the player is not online the addon shoudnt sent the player an wisper
21:42.30FoxMcLeodfinally 1.3Beta can now save between sessions
21:43.03Xinhuanthe only way to check is either by doing a /who on him, or to attempt to whisper him
21:43.22seebsThanks.  Doh!
21:43.29Xinhuanand checking the reply
21:44.10testleKSo which slash sending code is more efficient to use? Or does it even matter? :P
21:44.30Xinhuana more creative way is to add him to your friends list, wait for an update to friends list,check if he is online, then remove him
21:44.54Xinhuanbut that would also cause "abc added to friends list" system message
21:45.02somma86is it possible to to check it with /who without seeing it in the chat?
21:45.27Xinhuannot possible, without great pains to hook into a lotof things to surpress it
21:45.43Xinhuanbecause you don't want to surpress legitimate real /whos
21:45.51foxlitsuppressing default chat is relatively easy
21:46.22dylanmYeah that's not hard. SendWhoToUI or something like that.
21:46.25somma86k and do you have an idea how the if function has to be coded?
21:46.30Xinhuannot that easy when you consider 8 different locales
21:47.00Xinhuani have an idea, but it will involve a lot of lines i don't really care to help with ;p
21:47.56foxlitIt doesn't even have to go to chat :)
21:48.06foxlitThere's a flag that redirects it to UI, that should be easier to supress.
21:48.20somma86ony the function that with the chat is not so important
21:48.34foxlitBut your best is probably to add the guy as a temporary friend
21:49.23dylanmBecause you then don't have to deal with the weirdness of the /who system?
21:49.51foxlitNo, because it's harder to interfere with the person playing the game that way
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21:57.47seebsHmm.  Well, now I just can't SEE my frame.  But I think I have a frame!
21:57.53seebsI hate the GUI side of this program so much.
22:00.04Xuerianseebs: Gotta give your frame a backdrop
22:00.11seebsI think I did.
22:00.37Xuerianmake sure it's shown, make sure it's on screen, make sure it's more than 0px wide/tall
22:00.53FurlHalo, 24hr backlog.
22:00.59Furl~seen Furl
22:01.01purlfurl is currently on #wowi-lounge #wowhead #wowwiki. Has said a total of 2 messages. Is idling for 2s, last said: '~seen Furl'.
22:01.04*** join/#wowi-lounge End___ (
22:01.38Thunder_ChildThe Rolling Stone MAgazines top 50 songs. #of songs listed 485
22:02.14XuerianSomeone fails at life
22:02.25FurlI can't inger myself.
22:02.32seebs <-- any reason why PesterRP_GuiFrame:Show() would not result in something becoming visible?
22:02.38Thunder_ChildFurl, practace
22:03.35Thunder_Childalthough i can seem to finger myself
22:04.03Xinhuanyour frame doesn't have an anchor point
22:04.04seebsEr, GUIFrame.
22:04.24Xinhuana frame must have a width/height/anchor point at minimum before it will display
22:04.27seebsAhh, no anchor!  I was stripping everything I didn't know that I needed, because I'm remaking this from a much larger addon.
22:04.46Xuerianeasier to do this in lua....
22:04.58seebsIs it?
22:05.08seebsI wouldn't at all mind writing my frame initialization all in Lua.
22:05.15Furl~lart XML in certain situations
22:05.15purlwhacks XML in certain situations with the cluebat
22:05.35seebsI just didn't see how to set frame attributes like size and such from lua.
22:06.03Xinhuanseebs: read last post
22:06.22Xinhuanand 2nd last post
22:06.46XuerianCreateFrame("Frame", "PesterFrame") PesterFrame:SetWidth(800) PesterFrame:SetHeight(650) PesterFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER"), etc
22:06.53Furl. . .The file ...php_error.log is too big for notepad. . . .
22:07.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
22:07.18seebsOh-hoh!  Thank you.
22:07.22seebsThat is SO much nicer.
22:07.32Xinhuanread the link still ;p
22:08.15seebsAm skimming it for a first pass.  Looks VERY much better than touching XML for anything other than the non-visible frame that will be used to call my OnLoad.
22:08.47Xinhuanbasically, i suggested using purl lua instead of his xml
22:08.49RayneSad but bright days are upon us.
22:08.53Xinhuanand gave reasons why
22:09.16XuerianIt's a lie, Rayne, IT'S A LIE
22:09.53zenzelezzRayne: that proves nothing. We've had screenshots before, now a video... I'll believe it when I see the game
22:11.10Shirik|AFKthe cake is a lie
22:11.35zenzelezzthere's no use crying over every mistake, you just keep on trying until you run out of cake
22:12.14godzirraHm... whats a good shaman totem bar?  
22:12.56Furl[Forgot an o]
22:13.20Xueriangodzirra: Autobar works decently if you use the "Druid" bar
22:13.29Xueriansince someone <cough> hasn't <cough> made <COUGH> a multiclass bar
22:14.35Thunder_Childyes, autobar
22:14.39XuerianBut there's dedicated totem mods too
22:14.44XuerianNot to mention you can setup flexbar for it
22:14.55XuerianAnd mods like klappa
22:15.15XuerianAutobar works just fine till 50 or so
22:15.24godzirraI know there's a ton of em...
22:15.30godzirraI wa just curious if anyone could recommend one. ;p
22:15.42Xuerianfigure out how to use flexbar
22:15.49NightHawkTheSanegodzirra: imo, a 4x6 block of action buttons.
22:16.00Xuerianblocks of actionbuttons for fail
22:16.05FurlShamans top warlocks in spells. It's rather nice.
22:16.08NightHawkTheSaneit works perfectly for me.
22:16.57NightHawkTheSanewhy? I have every (useful) totem in an easy to access place, organized by element, and a set of keybinds to access a most-used one for each element. i need nothing more. :P
22:17.35FurlNighthawk: That's what I have set up for my shaman, [similar atleast. For now, leveling, I've merged my air & healing bars]
22:18.23NightHawkTheSanethis is how it looks on my current UI, to be sure:
22:18.29godzirraI'll just search curse for totem bars. ;p
22:18.47FurlNight: Weird.
22:19.03FurlI bind everything.
22:19.08FurlAbsolutely everything
22:19.12Raynezenzelezz: You just reminded me
22:19.13Lunessagodzirra: I use YATA from wowace for mine.
22:19.15NightHawkTheSanefeh, too many totems to bind them all ;)
22:19.17RayneLast night in trade chat
22:19.25RayneI got like 4 people singing that song
22:19.32RayneI think I have it screenshotted too
22:19.33NightHawkTheSaneand its not like you need fast-hot-key-access to stoneskin or nature resistence totem :P
22:19.40FurlI never like to click.
22:19.55FurlStoneskin can be useful... sometimes... mainly with gnomes.
22:20.02LunessaMost of my totems are macroed into sets.  
22:20.18godzirraNightHawkTheSane: I am envious of your clean UI.
22:20.23godzirraalthough I guess mines not bad...
22:20.31NightHawkTheSaneNeither do I, which is why i have the left-most button in each row of that block bound. i move the totem i want to use there for easy access :)
22:20.57FurlI don't understand how people can leave stuff unbound, lol.
22:21.09FurlApart from uselessness
22:21.13godzirramouse ftl.
22:21.13FurlMind you
22:21.18godzirraI wish there was a way to loot withotu the mouse.
22:21.20godzirraThen I'd be set.
22:21.27TemPvP Opinion time!
22:21.31Furl[Bartender ftl]
22:21.37TemI have 1200 arena points
22:21.41godzirraLunessa: I'm looking it up.
22:21.43Temthis is my gear
22:21.52Temdo I buy S3 gloves or S3 wand?
22:22.00XuerianI'd have my totems in macroed sets if I wasn't lazy
22:22.04LunessaFor example, I have Strength of Earth and Grace of Air in one button, while in another I have Windfury Totem, Strength of Earth, and Healing Stream.  I have 4 macros to cover most of my needs, and then click buttons from YATA for the rest.
22:22.05foxlitslooow armory!
22:22.08NightHawkTheSaneFurl: because I don't care to remember binds for things that have extremely situational or out-of-combat-use only
22:22.22godzirraLunessa: that looks like exactyl what I want... thanks. ;)
22:22.26NightHawkTheSanehm, that sentence sucked. but you get the gist
22:22.43*** join/#wowi-lounge End (
22:22.43Temwhy gloves?
22:22.50Temthe wand is a huge statistical upgrade
22:23.01foxlityou already have arena gloves, tbh
22:23.08Tembut the S3 gloves have a new bonus
22:23.17Tem50% spell pushback resist to sheep
22:23.20Temwhich is pretty big
22:24.29Josh_Borketem:  because G comes before W
22:24.35Josh_Borkefirst in line is the best
22:24.46kamdisLOL my coworkers gave me this for my birthday
22:24.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
22:25.18kamdisor this link:
22:25.49LunessaSo you work with WoW Geeks?
22:25.54kamdisno, not at all
22:26.04kamdisthey just know I am and one has a son who plays
22:26.14kamdissaid son picked it out
22:27.01foxlitlua> 3600*6;
22:27.02lua_botfoxlit: 21600
22:27.57Xuerianfoxlit: Get Launchy and stop doing your math here.
22:27.59Temkamdis, my coworker got me because he saw it in the store and couldn't resist
22:28.16foxlitNot running windows
22:28.26foxlitTechnically, it was trivial to type it into spotlight
22:28.31foxlitbut this textbox was closer
22:28.33Xuerianfoxlit: Then use the gnome launcher or kicker or quicksilver
22:28.46Josh_Borkewelp, time to go home
22:28.47Josh_Borkenight all
22:28.50Xuerian'night jb
22:29.14foxlit(hint: spotlight is there by default)
22:29.24Xueriancan you bind it to a key?
22:29.30Dreagaris there a function that returns the current continent?
22:29.32Temso, I weighing +14 int, -1 stam, +2 spell damage, +14 resilience against  +4 stam, -2 int, +0 resil, +2 crit rating and the new bonus
22:29.45TemHOWEVER, in gaining that bonus, I lose my old bonus
22:29.50Temwhich I <3
22:30.03foxlitmaybe, but why would you? :)
22:30.25Temtrue, it's no where near as badass as the rogue bonus
22:30.37Xuerianfoxlit: Well, is spotlight the launcher or is quicksilver? (Along with being so many other things, apparently)
22:30.44Tembut having a 31yard fireblast is quite nice
22:31.09foxlitXuerian: spotlight is the indexing service.
22:31.23Xuerianfoxlit: Well, bind whatever launches programs/does math to say, option-space
22:31.24foxlitTem: personally, I dislike partial pushback resistance
22:31.38XuerianInstant launching/searching/maths/win
22:32.03Temfoxlit, I'm not 100% sold on it either, but having a sheep not go off when it's real important because the fucking pet is in your face makes me angry
22:32.19*** part/#wowi-lounge somma86 (
22:32.22foxlitLeaves a bad taste when wrath, supposingly 75% not subject to interruptions, gets pushed back for more than twice its cast time
22:33.08foxlitMeh, option space is the keyboard layout switch
22:33.24foxlitAnyway, it's trivial now, just reach for whatever is closer :P
22:33.48foxlitdashboard calculator is also a hotkey away
22:34.20Temanyway, I bought the wand
22:34.28TemI couldn't resist being like 6 resil short of 400
22:34.48kamdisTem: that calendar is awesome :)
22:35.07TemI'm a little disappointed that they used mostly wow classic items
22:35.14Temthere are very few BC items posted
22:38.37foxlitPaladins are annoying
22:38.50foxlitProbably the only class I can't mitigate easily :(
22:38.51seebsIs there a Plain Flat White (or plain flat black) texture I can use if I don't want a texture, but want something to be opaque?
22:39.49Shirik|AFKcan't you just make one? :)
22:40.01Shirik|AFKthere probably is but it should take you all of like 5 seconds to make one
22:40.25seebsYeah, but I don't want to include a graphics file with an addon that has no graphics.  It just seems wrong!
22:41.01*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
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22:44.46Shirik|AFKlol so I'm talking to somebody whose flight was cancelled
22:44.50Shirik|AFKthey booked him for another flight
22:45.03Shirik|AFKthen they announced that they lost that plane
22:45.07Shirik|AFKyes, "lost"
22:45.10Xinhuanlost a plane??
22:45.11Shirik|AFKNot quite sure what that means
22:45.14Shirik|AFKbut they lost it
22:45.25Shirik|AFKand yes, it was on the ground supposedly
22:45.28Thunder_Childi think they meant the use of
22:46.56Lunessa... Hey, I'm not sure I want to get on a plane if the airline loses them.  I mean, what if they run out of lemon-scented wet napkins?
22:47.13LunessaHow will we survive?
22:47.37seebsI have an old line in my previous gui that inserted my frame into a table called "UISpecialFrames".  What does that do?
22:47.57Thunder_ChildLunessa, no need for em any more, you dont get any food
22:48.07Xinhuanit makes that frame close on pressing ESC
22:50.45Xinhuanmore specifically, pressing ESC makes the default UI HideUIPanel() all the frames in "UISpecialFrames"
22:50.51Xinhuanwhich calls :Hide() anyway
22:54.06*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work_ (
22:55.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Daede (
22:55.06Daedesup pl
22:55.16Daede~emulate daede
22:55.17purlACTION farted..
22:55.23Daedepurl say excuse me
22:55.24purlexcuse me
22:55.28purlaw, gee, Daede
22:55.45*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (
22:58.05Daedesomeone push me through queue please
23:00.16purlACTION punches rayne in the throat.
23:00.32Daedepurl sucks
23:00.32purlonly if you ask nicely and pay well.
23:00.34*** join/#wowi-lounge End (
23:03.13DaedeLadies & Gents, DaedeUI v2.0.0
23:04.38dylanmThis file is currently awaiting approval from a file admin.
23:04.51Daedehmm? funy i can see it
23:04.58Daedeprolly cuz its mine
23:05.02seebsIf I have a frame, G, and a new frame, f, should f:SetAllPoints(G) change the size of G?
23:05.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Xinhuan (
23:06.21seebsOh!  . vs :
23:06.31seebsI'm so out of practice.
23:06.44Daedeim hungry
23:07.54XuerianAgh so many buttons
23:09.15Cidewhy? to each their own
23:09.41Raynekamdis: poke!
23:09.57JoshBorkecladhaire: the buttons don't do anything...
23:10.12cladhaireJoshBorke: .. as i said.
23:10.15cladhairethe run script button does.
23:10.17kamdisRayne: what's up?
23:11.06XuerianCide: lol. Because <I> don't like that many buttons. Would I joke like that if you didn't like them, but I did? That's exactly what I'm doing, expressing my opinion
23:11.21Cideyeah, well your opinion sucks
23:11.32seebsHey, can I do the Blizzard tab UI magic with created frames?
23:12.11XuerianCide: Right back at ya, buddy
23:12.29Cidethat was my opinion
23:12.46XuerianYou seem to grasp my point quite well. :)
23:13.11Cideif it was a joke, sure, but it was a pretty stupid remark :P
23:13.20Xinhuanyou would need to inherit from blizzard templates
23:13.25LunessaOpinions are like assholes.  Everyone has one.  And they all stink.
23:13.32Cidebut I'm a boring, synical bastard
23:13.36Xinhuanand study the default UI a few hours ;p
23:13.49Xuerianlol Lunessa
23:18.24Temholes in button rows annoy me
23:18.29Temit's messy looking
23:18.44Temalso, fubar is information overload
23:18.51Temno one needs that much info all the time
23:19.08XuerianWould be ok on auto-hide
23:19.46seebsHmm.  CreateFrame("FontString", ...) doesn't work.  What kind of frame do I specify to make a fontstring?
23:21.32seebsAhh!  CreateFontString.
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23:24.55FurlI am making perhaps
23:25.02FurlSome of the dirtiet code ever
23:25.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
23:26.11Dreagaris there a function that will return the loc of a click on the worldmap?
23:26.18LunessaFurl: It dresses up in lingerie and asks to be punished?  
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23:46.06Intangiri need a BLP converter again
23:46.09Intangiri seem to have lost the one i had..
23:46.10Lunessa  oy, Van Damme as a troll..
23:47.07purlsomebody said blp was the abbreviation for Blizzard Map, a graphical file format created and used by blizzard for nearly all of WoW's textures. It's very similar to png.
23:47.20foxlitIt is not very similar to PNG.
23:47.29testleKanyone else have issues witht the auction hall closed event firing twice when leaving the AH in wow?
23:47.34foxlituse that :)
23:48.35foxlitpurl, no, blp is the abbreviation for Blizzard Picture, a graphical file format created and used by blizzard for nearly all of WC3 and WoW textures.
23:48.36purlfoxlit: okay
23:49.58Thunder_Childyou know that link didnt look as long in my browser,,,
23:51.05foxlitwhat browser is that?
23:51.24Thunder_Childit simply didnt show it all
23:51.29Thunder_Childi was making a joke
23:56.03seebsIs there a list somewhere of what the edgefiles are for the various built-in interfaces?

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