IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071218

00:00.00XuerianPS: if anyone knows where "Tamarindo" lives, I can buy a shotgun and jack a car.
00:00.01*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Dinesh)
00:00.24RayneYoure using a widescreen monitor right kamdis?
00:01.02malrethnow now... he may be a scum-licking lawyer, but he was civil and went home politely after we shooed him out
00:02.00Xuerianmalreth: Checked the thread again?
00:02.27XuerianAnyway, since he IS a lawyer: Disclaimer: None of the threats of bodily or any other types of harm I have mentioned are in any way serious.
00:02.29ckknightmalreth: his arguments are compelling, I think I should patent all my mods
00:02.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Kelfarr (
00:02.51alestaneYou couldn't patent "A threat meter" but you could patent "A method for presenting to a World of Warcraft player the likelihood of their representative game object ("character") of attracting aggressive actions from automated game objects ("monsters") by gauging the relative damage dealt to that game object or other nearby objects, or healing done to the game objects representative of other players, considered according to the game
00:03.01wereHamsterlink to the thread pretty pls?
00:03.01RayneKelfarr: u bad
00:03.13WobWorkalestane: win =)
00:03.16malrethckknight: his ideas intrigue me and I'd like to subscribe to his newsletter
00:03.19art3miswere you akling about me or my ame?
00:03.25Raynekamdis: You ok with using Rapidshare?
00:03.34art3miscuz iw as talking about patenting kamdis the person
00:03.38ckknightart3mis: I patented you, you'd better not do anything without a license
00:03.57art3misno i believe that people better not do anything to me without a licence ;P
00:04.04malrethNO I PATENT U
00:04.14art3misbesides that would be a bad chocie for a patent as i dont ingretrate with others well ;P
00:04.19ckknightart3mis: yea, I suppose that's more correct
00:04.29art3misim proprietary ;P
00:04.36WobWorkalestane: You do that too well, I fear
00:04.56kamdisRayne: sure
00:05.04kamdisthat work thing :\
00:05.04foxlitWhy do troll threads refuse to simply die?
00:05.12art3mistrolls regen
00:05.16NightHawkTheSanefoxlit: troll regeneration
00:05.17alestaneI told you, I spent several weeks disassembling and scanning patent files for Polaroid, who are probably one of the most patent-obsessed companies in the country.
00:05.17KelfarrI bad? what
00:05.19NightHawkTheSaneart3mis: dammit! :D
00:05.34WobWork"I wouldn't be so sure. You might be surprised what the United States Patent and Trade Office considers new, nonobvious, and userful."
00:05.40WobWorkUnfortunately true =P
00:05.43Rayneno problem :)
00:05.49Rayneshould I link you now or later? :P
00:05.54alestaneAnd look what it's gotten them.
00:05.57malrethpatent-obsessed... and then the world changed (digital) and all their work for naught
00:06.04art3misrayne say that again only put link in quotes ;P
00:06.05kamdisnow is cool
00:06.12Raynekk, almost done uploading
00:06.15malreth"look on my works ye mighty and despair"
00:06.23foxlitMeh, and it doesn't even work in europe :(
00:06.25wereHamster'You might be surprised what the United States Patent and Trade Office considers new, nonobvious, and userful.' - after years of reading slashdot, I'm not...
00:06.30ckknightmalreth: you have to say the Ozymandias part
00:06.31Raynemalreth: :| Thanks now I want to go play Civ 4
00:06.57XuerianGood lord, looking at that list of patent apps at the uspto makes me see what they're loosing employees left and right
00:07.01XuerianwereHamster: Agreed
00:07.12malrethi love that poem... if only because it reminds me of the impermanence of everything
00:07.17kamdisoh and yes, Rayne, i run 1650x1080
00:07.32malrethit's rough being both daoist *and* nihilistic
00:07.33alestaneAnd where does it go? "Nothing beside remains....the long and lonely sand stretches far away."
00:07.49malrethi'm always living in the moment... but for what?
00:08.00LunessaMy name is Ozzymandius, King of Kings! Look on my works ye mighty and despair!
00:08.01kamdisfor NOW of course
00:08.02ckknightmalreth: Taoist
00:08.09ckknightLunessa: Ozymandias
00:08.18malrethckknight: RACIST!
00:08.27ckknightmalreth: I prefer "racialist"
00:08.37LunessaYeah, yeah. I am fluent in typonese.
00:08.51alestanemy bad, misquotes FTL.
00:08.58dylanm"Difference finder?"
00:09.08RayneIf anyone wants to give my new UI a try, heres the Rapidshare link:
00:09.10alestane"lone and level sands"
00:09.15RayneBe warned, its got a few bugs still
00:09.22Rayneand its widescreen setup.
00:09.41*** join/#wowi-lounge kaelten_ (
00:09.57Furllua> 3.5 * 10413
00:09.58lua_botFurl: 36445.5
00:10.04malreth'dao' is a valid romanization for 'tao'... it's what my sensei in my old martial arts class used so it stuck with me
00:10.13Lunessa - full poem.
00:10.16ckknightmalreth: alright then
00:10.55malrethckknight: i'm sorry i called you a fucking racist... it was wrong :'(
00:11.14ckknightmalreth: you only said racist
00:11.17ckknightno swearing
00:12.01Furllua> ((24/32)(256))/16
00:12.01lua_botFurl: [string "return ((24/32)(256))/16"]:1: attempt to call a number value
00:12.18ckknightput a * in between )(
00:12.29ckknightlua> ((24/32)*(256))/16
00:12.29lua_botckknight: 12
00:13.04malrethha! i read that and actually thought it should parse correctly!
00:13.05kamdisthanks Rayne.
00:13.12malrethstupid algebra class...
00:13.27ckknightmalreth: some languages do
00:13.31ckknighte.g. Fortress
00:13.38ckknightjuxtaposition of numbers represents multiplication
00:14.43Furllua> ((32/24)*(256))/16
00:14.44lua_botFurl: 21.333333333333
00:15.05LunessaCiao tutti.  Dinner time, then WoW.  See ya!
00:15.08Furllua> 44/(((32/24)*(256))/16)
00:15.08lua_botFurl: 2.0625
00:15.12art3misyay dinner!
00:15.27FurlSomeone mention food?
00:16.25FurlI prefer puppy thanks.
00:17.01malrethi collect the weirdest toys
00:17.37malrethMUAH HA HA!!
00:18.00FurlAll your toys are URls, I presume?
00:20.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Lonny (
00:22.04Raynedo do do
00:22.46XuerianMaldivia: wtf
00:23.30alestanemalreth: /brainscrub
00:23.50Xuerianalestane: "Go deep... Take everything."
00:24.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Fox2 (
00:25.53kamdisXuerian: <3
00:27.15AnduinLotharWhat do you guys think about resil gems?
00:27.31AnduinLotharare they worth it or should you just go for other gems for pvp
00:27.48malrethi suggest getting all +crit gems
00:27.52malreththat is the key to being uber
00:28.24AnduinLotharwhy's that?
00:28.29purlmalreth is always right
00:28.49AnduinLotharbeen dying to use that haven't you
00:29.08malrethi was expecting the other phrase... but purl's always a crapshoot
00:29.26ScytheBlade1Pop quiz! Launcher.exe, under windows, uses internet explorer to render True or false?
00:29.40malrethi have no opinion on resiliance... but i'm a mage so crits or no crits, if someone targets me, i'm toast either way
00:29.44Thunder_Childanyone know a good ssh program?
00:29.45NightHawkTheSaneScytheBlade1: file not found. *nods*
00:29.54*** part/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
00:29.54NightHawkTheSaneThunder_Child: on windows, putty
00:30.06ScytheBlade1NightHawkTheSane: ERR_FORM (NOT TRUE OR FALSE)
00:30.20malrethso i focus on +damage and +hit... but i raid mostly anyways
00:30.27NightHawkTheSaneScytheBlade1: clearly, you don't read the dailywtf. ;)
00:30.42ScytheBlade1NightHawkTheSane: I do, but sadly, not on a regular basis... my RSS reader has been funky lately
00:31.31NightHawkTheSaneeh, the one I'm referring to is rather old
00:31.37ScytheBlade1I remember it
00:31.38JoshBorkeman, switching between opengl and not is amazing
00:31.44ScytheBlade1Once you mention the error anyways ;)
00:32.41ScytheBlade1Nothing quite like a BOOL with options TRUE, FALSE, and FILE_NOT_FOUND.
00:34.41WobWorkWhy can't people spell 'disappointed' correctly?
00:34.55WobWorkIT'S NOT A DOUBLE S
00:34.59NightHawkTheSaneWobWork: because people are idiots.
00:35.08WobWorksad but true =(
00:35.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
00:35.41*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
00:35.44art3misi wish i wasnt illiterate
00:35.54kamdis"rediculous" is one that gets me.  how hard is it to relate that word to "ridicule" and spell it correctly?
00:35.57art3misbuteye yam
00:36.21art3misheh WoWIFA
00:36.26art3misi read that as FIFA
00:36.31art3misand though AWESOME!
00:36.51art3misinfinite is one that uisually got me, and definite
00:38.08kamdisHmm, Rayne, no Autobar, eh?  I'll have to add that.  i can't live without it.
00:38.44NightHawkTheSaneart3mis: definite, and definitely trip me up sometimes. But that's why there's spell check.
00:38.53alestanekamdis: How many people actually use the word "ridicule"?
00:39.07Xuerianalestane: You're ridiculing a large part of the population
00:39.17NightHawkTheSanealestane: i do, when it's appropriate. >.>
00:41.33kamdisalestane:  They may not use it, but they know it.  Or am I giving people too much credit?
00:41.55alestaneThey lookup frequently works better in one direction.
00:42.32alestaneIf you ask them what "ridicule" means they probably know...but does their brain return the word in all appropriate situations?
00:42.33Rayneomfg @_@
00:42.38Raynehas anyone seen Samurai Champloo?
00:42.49Thunder_Childbad shows ftl
00:43.09alestane"Lady peon, back from vacation: Yeah, so in Israel they have something called Shabbat every Friday. I think it's a chicken dish."
00:44.40Raynewhat the hell, I cant find my video converter I just installed
00:44.41NightHawkTheSane<3 overheardin*
00:45.49Thunder_Childit might as well be a chicken dish
00:45.56Raynenm I got it
00:46.05Raynekamdis: Let me know if you have any issues with the UI
00:46.16kamdisHave to get home first, but I will.
00:46.33kamdistick tock tick tock 13 minutes to go
00:47.53NightHawkTheSaneapparently i have 564 snowballs... from last year.
00:50.19Raynekamdis: Oh also, stuff like MT Targets are turned off with the UI, and the Raid is Grid.
00:52.13*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (
00:53.42kamdisGrid ftw
00:56.25art3misim old school ftw == fuck the world and gg == good god
00:57.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
00:57.36art3misand rofl still makes me think of rowlf from muppets
00:57.51kamdisah, the muppets.  good times.
00:58.24art3misdid you ever see the robot chicken when they did the expose on animal>?
00:58.29art3misit was awesome
00:58.48art3miswas aBehind the music with Dr.Teeth
00:58.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
00:59.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
00:59.53RayneIm watching Bleach on my zune, so awesome
01:00.44AnduinLotharhow discounted are they now?
01:00.53Raynegot mine for my bday
01:00.56Rayneso iunno
01:01.10art3misthats like 25$ cheaper than retail!
01:01.28art3misi like my little videogo
01:01.31AnduinLotharheard the prices dropped a lot for the holiday season so it could finally beat out ipod sales
01:01.31art3misand my psp
01:01.35art3misand my ipaq
01:01.47art3misand i suppose my phone if i wanted to kill the battery every 15 mins
01:01.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
01:02.09art3mismy videogo comes with tetris too ;P
01:02.15*** part/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
01:02.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
01:02.20*** part/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
01:02.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
01:03.03RayneIve been using it on and off for the last 2 days
01:03.10Raynetrying to get an idea on battery life for it
01:03.14Raynesince im traveling alot
01:04.33Thunder_ChildEsamynn|Work, ping
01:06.08art3mishey thunder guess what my exchange problem was
01:06.21art3misoptimum sucking and blocking ports 135-139 and 449 ;P
01:06.21Thunder_Childart3mis, didnt you tell me?
01:06.38art3misand thier inability to understand i dont want them blocked
01:06.39Thunder_Childyou said firewalled before, close enough
01:06.54Thunder_Childthis was your host, correct?
01:07.02art3mismy isp yeah
01:07.08art3misit's thier companny wide policy
01:07.15Thunder_Childto block outlook?
01:07.22Thunder_Childthats retarded
01:07.23art3misall netbios ports
01:07.25NightHawkTheSanegood policy,imo ;)
01:07.33art3misfor fear of worms ;P
01:08.02art3misthey blocked em when blaster hit in 2003 and never unblocked them which means im assuming they never patched em either ;P
01:08.20art3misthe tech that came out to give me a new cisco thought it was retarded too ;P
01:10.03Esamynn|WorkThunder_Child: pong
01:10.16kamdisnight all
01:21.01*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
01:21.58NightHawkTheSaneheh, "what enchant uses [Elixir of Demonslaying]" ah, i love people. ><
01:24.35Xinhuani had someone on /2 go "LF2M ORG EOS... need tanks"
01:24.42Xinhuani chortled
01:25.09Xinhuanwas something like "LF2M ORG EOS... need tanks, 300+ res"
01:27.24kd3why must their tracker be so stingy on the peer handout?
01:27.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie_ (
01:28.22*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
01:30.12ScytheBlade1 <-- guy stating that he was keylogged by a real player exploit downloaded through
01:30.20NightHawkTheSane"wts 2 [star of elune] 275 each or both for 600" god, i really hope that's meant to be ironic.
01:40.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
01:44.06kd3new PTR client! current build: 7720. 805 byte diff (ya rly) at
01:51.55FurlWhat a waste of a download.
01:52.34art3misno ascii boobies?
01:52.48FurlIt turns out that my converting of tga to png was flipped in the y-direction.
01:53.00Furl10,413 images, that are upside down
01:53.15art3mis1 monitor that's upside down
01:53.47FurlWhen Dun Baldar is at the south of the AV map, it's upside down
01:53.49FurlTrust mh.
01:54.10art3misturn yer monitor upside down
01:54.13art3misthen it's north!
01:54.24FurlWhat about the end-user monitor?
01:54.35FurlI have to include in the readme "turn yer monitor upside down"?
01:54.45art3misturn back right side when you're not looking at pictures ;P
01:54.56FurlAnyway, time to blp -> sorted blp -> tga -> png again
01:55.23art3misdoesnt that java convertor do blp->png?
01:56.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
01:56.51*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
01:59.11art3mishrm i should have played with SBS2k3 before
01:59.19art3missave me all tat pesky exchange installation
02:01.59FurlIt's every minimap file.
02:02.11Fox2gn8, it's 2 am here and I'm totally drunk
02:02.14FurlMy php seems to be among the best ways to implement it fairly quicly.
02:02.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Yeppy (
02:08.39Yeppywhats this free migration about? (newb)
02:08.50*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
02:09.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
02:09.50*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
02:11.03Mr_Rabies2perhaps some of you who are more technically inclined than I can give me some help here (the following is prewritten, so sorry if it's a bit spammy)
02:11.30Mr_Rabies2It's also unrelated to WoW or interfaces
02:11.49Mr_Rabies2but there's a lot of people who are bound to know this stuff that hang out here
02:11.56Mr_Rabies2I'm an estimator for a construction company, and on the side do some of their tech related stuff. I'm looking for a nice network storage solution, or perhaps SVN, to help store all the word, excel, etc files that are created for the business, with good duplicate control and back up options.
02:11.56Mr_Rabies2Either on Windows or perhaps Linux (If the ideal solution is only found in linux form, so be it.) This is a small business, and the office usually contains less than 10 people, But I'm concerned about duplicates being overwritten, and files being lost forever when some moron deletes it from the server.
02:11.56Mr_Rabies2Currently they're using a tangled jumble of samba sharing and local storage with sneakernet transfer, and that shit's going to crumble soon. Of course there would have to be a Windows client, but the server software can require Linux if it comes down to what I need and no windows option exists.
02:12.15*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
02:12.53sag_ich_nichtaddon that shows cooldowns and buffs as bars. name one.
02:13.16Mr_Rabies2ct_buffbar or whatever in ctmod
02:13.39Mr_Rabies2i don't use them myself, so i can't attest to their usefulness
02:13.59Mr_Rabies2i like the default ones (but would prefer having seconds listed, bleh)
02:14.22*** join/#wowi-lounge _art3mis (
02:14.27Mr_Rabies2or at least some of you guys can point me in the right direction to ask those questions^^
02:14.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
02:17.47sag_ich_nichtbecause that doesn't show cooldowns
02:17.48sag_ich_nichtyou cookie
02:18.44Mr_Rabies2neither of those do?
02:19.01Mr_Rabies2i dunno, i've never cared for all that wasted screenspace
02:24.46Furl <-- Magic. I swear.
02:25.12Furl'salso a bloody botched mess
02:26.35FurlGoes into an infinite loop with a empty line... but still.
02:27.08Furl[infinite loop spitting out warnings into the called page]
02:29.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
02:36.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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02:38.06*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
02:39.59art3misis that the mapper to get the real maps from the minimap pics?
02:41.23ScytheBlade1Holy crap yes. Verne Troyer WoW commercial.
02:41.29ScytheBlade1As a gnomish mage, I approve.
02:43.32Raynedo do do
02:43.47Furlart3mis: yes.
02:44.03FurlWell, then you have to stitch it
02:44.05cogwheelFor my next trick, MacroSequence will have the ability to cycle through a subset of the end of the sequence until reset...
02:44.08FurlWhich I already have planned
02:44.25FurlCog: Bloody gnomes, doing everything and such
02:45.48Rayneaw, no kamdis yet
02:46.21FurlBut I will eventually make big image from em
02:55.09bleeteranyone got news on maint/restart for tonight?
02:55.23*** join/#wowi-lounge kandoko (
02:55.27bleeter~lart Blizz
02:55.27purloverclocks Blizz until Blizz burns out
03:09.17*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
03:10.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed| (n=outlaw@
03:11.05bleeteroh well, i guess Oceania can work off 'no news is random news' for restarts tonight
03:11.56bleeterI swear WobWork has the best idea for Tuesday evenings for maintenance... guild goes out and gets drunk
03:13.22malrethsqueedily skooch... i always thought that was one of the dirtiest lines in Zim
03:16.08Industrialbleeter: heh well you have to actually know eachother then
03:20.26WobWorkIndustrial: yeah, well we all knew each other before we started WoW =)
03:20.27art3misindust he didnt say together ;P
03:20.41WobWorkWell, I didn't specify, but yes, it is together =)
03:20.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
03:21.10art3misSo you're gonna 20man Croc Jack's Outback Lauger and Ale Emporium ?
03:21.19art3misand pull down fat loots?
03:21.48art3misor just et the drops ;P
03:23.18WobWorkOutback Steakhouse is a travesty among men =P
03:24.47buuWobWork: You take that back.
03:24.50buuThey have damn good bread.
03:25.26kd3yum, pumpernickel
03:25.45buuI dunno what their just basic table-bread is, but it's extremely good.
03:28.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
03:31.11Industrialuh, yeah!
03:36.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
03:37.36cogwheelCairenn: pretty plx with cookies on top?
03:38.07WobWork"SUMMER OFFICIALLY begins in Melbourne around the time of the first sighting of a Goth in Elizabeth Street in short sleeves. It's not unlike the American custom of using a groundhog to indicate fine weather ahead but it's more unpredictable and so much more exciting."
03:38.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
03:41.17dylanmcogwheel: Have updates for that not been showing up on the "latest" list on wowi? That addon is awesome.
03:41.42cogwheeldylanm: i've only uploaded once until now
03:42.10cogwheeland it was weeks ago :P
03:42.17dylanmWhat were you asking Cairenn about?
03:42.23cogwheeloh, to approve it
03:43.22dylanmcogwheel: Oh. Just that I saw the timestamp on the latest update and can't see it on the frontpage, but I suppose there's a bit of a lead time on that.
03:43.38cogwheeland it just got approved so it might be there now
03:43.55malrethi broke my chair
03:44.13dylanmI don't fully understand what "approved" means, I guess.
03:44.30malrethi'm not like a heavy set person... i just leaned back and snap snap the bolts broke
03:44.42dylanmAddon is awesome though. I've been wanting something like that for some time.
03:44.45cogwheeldylanm: each upload has to be approved by one of the wowi admins before anyone can download it
03:45.01cogwheelmalreth: I've done that ...
03:45.05dylanmcogwheel: I've heard about that, but the addon page is accessible before then?
03:45.20cogwheelthe page is, but it won't let you download the file that's awaiting approval
03:46.28malrethbad news... i broke my chair... good news... i get to buy a new chair!
03:46.43cogwheelbut yeah... the newest feature allows for the long awaited "stop-at-the-end" castsequences...
03:47.18cogwheelnext up it's gui time
03:48.40dylanmcogwheel: Interesting. Good for paladins, I'd imagine.
03:49.46sag_ich_nichti am looking for someone willing to fix the ace options table in cooldowntimers2. volunteers?
03:50.06sag_ich_nicht~whaleparry buu
03:50.07purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry buu's attacks.
03:50.14NightHawkTheSanesag_ich_nicht: how much will you pay me
03:50.21cogwheel~whalenuke sag_ich_nicht & buu
03:50.22purlACTION dons her radiation cloak and tinted glasses while a highly intelligent whale named Ray precipitates critical mass for uncontrolled nuclear fission around sag_ich_nicht & buu with his mind powers.
03:50.23*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
03:50.29purlACTION summons a rather dense leaden whale named Billy Bob to shield sag_ich_nicht from the blast.
03:50.51dylanmWho the crap put all these whale features in
03:50.58NightHawkTheSanedylanm: your mom
03:51.13sag_ich_nicht[04:50] <NightHawkTheSane> sag_ich_nicht: how much will you pay me <--uh... i could give you 100g
03:51.17sag_ich_nichtif you transfer to my server
03:51.18dylanmThat's not getting repetitive at all.
03:51.48*** join/#wowi-lounge fridgid (n=Fridgid@
03:52.53Furlpurl, whale?
03:52.54purli heard whale is a magical creature used mainly by gnomes (c.f. Bloodmyst Isle), also by other races, to inject fear (a.k.a. ph34r) into the heart of the enemy. That is, if they aren't laughing so hard that a furious gnome has challenged them.
03:54.00WobWorkwhat do people think?
03:55.02Mike-N-GoWobWork: Moo.
03:56.17WobWorkThat was my first thought also
03:56.34Tullerbazaar is yes
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04:11.27WobWorkPerfect match imo
04:14.12Mr_Rabies2the thumbnail
04:14.16Mr_Rabies2is kinda frightening
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04:21.39art3misbazaar == btsvn?
04:21.50art3misits kind of a groovy idea though
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04:35.27LukianThunder_Child, just hack the one of a person near you to say racist things or such :D
04:36.11Thunder_ChildLukian, no need to go that far, just make sure to insult people walking by, esp good looking ones
04:36.24WobWorkLukian: kinda like putting a newline after your message and their name and the message and spoofing them? =P
04:36.26Lukianhehe yeah :D
04:41.28batrickpurl, are you a gnome?
04:42.49WobWorkThunder_Child: Not really that pretty
04:43.08Thunder_ChildWobWork, i did point out that it was canadian
04:43.31Thunder_Childor you could go for this US $9,876,543.00 WII
04:45.34art3misthat xmas lights thing is a few years old
04:45.45art3misit was awesome playing with it though
04:46.05EsamynnThunder_Child: why did you ping me a few hours ago and then say nothing when I ponged you?
04:46.36Thunder_ChildEsamynn, becasue i wasnt around any more, sry
04:46.48Esamynnok, then
04:46.54EsamynnThunder_Child:  WADDA YA WANT! :P
04:46.58Thunder_Childfamily came over
04:47.08Thunder_Childuh, did you install ffdshow to the gallery?
04:47.28Esamynnprobably not, do you want me to?
04:47.59Thunder_Childno, i have my own, but i couldnt get it working so i was just curious to see if you had
04:49.10EsamynnI don't even show ffdshow on my list
04:49.15EsamynnI have ffmpeg...
04:49.24Thunder_Childer ya that
04:50.00Thunder_Childdont worry about it though if you havent done it
04:50.13Esamynnyes, it is installed on ours
04:50.35Thunder_Childwhats it pointing to?
04:51.20Esamynnyou need to install ffmpeg seperately
04:51.33Thunder_Childi did, what it cant do is seem to find a lib
05:04.57*** join/#wowi-lounge laindir (
05:15.01Corrodiaswho's the author of tomtom? i need to look this up
05:21.08MentalPowerEsamynn, Thunder_Child: We do have ffmpeg installed
05:21.20MentalPowerat least the blizzcon gallery has it
05:21.30EsamynnMentalPower: yes, I saw that
05:21.32Thunder_ChildMentalPower, "(20:50:32) (+Esamynn) yes, it is installed on ours"
05:21.54MentalPowersorry, hadn't finished reading
05:22.02Thunder_Childserves you right :p
05:22.21MentalPowerat any rate, yeah, install ffmpeg with your desired package manager and point gallery to the install path
05:22.55Thunder_Childi did, the problem is, is that it keeps mising a required lib
05:24.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
05:24.20MentalPowerwhich one?
05:24.37MentalPowerand what OS?
05:25.08MentalPowerwhat distro
05:25.40Thunder_Childdont know, i dont have that kind of access
05:26.35MentalPoweruname -a
05:26.43Thunder_Child"/lib/ version `GLIBC_2.3' not found"
05:26.51ScytheBlade1Whoo, epic flyer!
05:27.10ScytheBlade1It only took... a friend quitting the game and giving me 6k gold for it to happen...
05:27.23Thunder_ChildMentalPower, "Linux infong516"
05:27.51Corrodiasi don't like the icon my version of tomtom is using. i'll update it and see what happens.
05:30.33*** join/#wowi-lounge godzirra (
05:31.23godzirrahowdy folks.  I'm kind of new, but can someone point me towards the API dos that show how to get the target (or selfs) hitpoints, mana and portrait?
05:31.56MentalPowerspecifically the unit functions
05:32.10godzirraThats where I'm looking now.
05:32.28cogwheelmore specifically
05:32.34godzirraHmm.. maybe I missed that page... I only found the global and widget api.  I'll look again.  Thank you.
05:33.29Thunder_Childthat is the global api
05:34.02godzirraYeah, I see. I'm reading through the unit section now.
05:34.27godzirraI guess I was looking for something named more appropriately (at least in my mind)
05:36.01godzirraYeah, I only see a SetPortaitTexture()... Is that how to get the actual portrait? Anyone have any idea how that works?  
05:36.40cogwheelthe portrait is applied directly to a texture object
05:36.50cogwheeloutside of the Lua environment
05:37.20cogwheelSince it has to be generated on the fly
05:37.41godzirraHmm ok.
05:38.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
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05:40.47godzirraI'm playing with the AddonStudio thignie.  Having trouble getting the UnitId so I can set a portrait on a etxture object.
05:43.08godzirraI was trying this, but its not correct, and i'm not sure what the correct syntax is (pardon my typing, I'm lagged badly) :  FontString1:SetText("Hello " .. UnitName("target") .. " -- " .. UnitId("target") .. "!");
05:43.28godzirraIts failing on the UnitId() call.
05:44.36ScytheBlade1UnitID() isn't a function
05:44.47ScytheBlade1Neither is UnitId() for that matter
05:44.51Nargiddley"target" is the unitid
05:48.52godzirraHrm.  in quotes?  I have a lot to learn about lua apparently.
05:49.39Nargiddleyin quotes because its a string
05:51.08godzirraYeah, thats why i'm confused.  If it was just a string (at least in my experience) it wouldnt a also be a unitid...  weird.  Ill get used to it :)
05:51.17Nargiddleyunitids are strings
05:51.28godzirraAh.  ok.
05:51.35godzirrathat makes more sense.
05:51.36Nargiddleyplayer, target, pet, party1, raid15 etc
05:51.44laindirunitID is a class of parameter which takes one of several possible strings
05:52.36godzirraNeat!  Got it working.
05:53.27godzirraThanks guys, I'll play with it more tomorrow when its not so late.
05:53.30godzirraCan anyone reomccommentd a good lua tutorial?
05:53.39godzirraThats seems like something to read fbefore I start mucking with addons.
05:53.58purlProgramming in Lua, a book written by the authors of the Lua programming language. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in print from most online bookstores, and covers Lua 5.1.
05:57.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
05:58.54godzirraGreat.. thanks.  Off to bed.
06:00.32*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
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06:06.22Shirik|zZzI love it when I receive emails from random people whom I don't know
06:06.29Shirikwell, I'm sure I know him
06:06.33Shirikbut he doesn't identify himself
06:07.02ShirikEmail address is "Daytona Software Licensing" from a school address, and all he says is "I guess I am returning the favor. I found your cell phone outside the Lehman building. " etc
06:07.09Shirikwho are you!!
06:08.59Shirikno this is definitely someone from my school
06:09.05Shirikconsidering he called my home phone according to my parents
06:09.21Thunder_Childwell your number is prolly in your phone
06:09.26Tierriewell, you're bone
06:09.33Tierriecall your cell
06:09.35Tierrieand say thanks
06:09.40Tierrieand offer to meet and give him 10 bucks
06:10.06Shirikfor a "good time" ?
06:11.26Shirikeew, going into IAD
06:11.30Shirik~weather kiad
06:13.42Corrodiasdo a little dance
06:13.44Corrodiasmake a little love
06:13.46Corrodiasget down tonight!
06:13.50Shirikscrew the love
06:14.24Corrodiascome on, windows, i JUST Had wow running!
06:14.25Corrodiasstart faster!
06:14.40Shirikwindows' dynamic working set works wonders
06:15.01Shirikit remembers the previous working set requirements and ensures that your programs start up slower every time
06:25.13NightHawkTheSaneboobies! \o/
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06:42.12Xinhuanlua> strmatch("aaaa", "(.)")
06:42.13lua_botXinhuan: a,
06:46.00Xinhuanlua> strmatch([abc][def], "%[(.*)%]")
06:46.00lua_botXinhuan: sandbox.lua:298: Compilation failed: [string "strmatch([abc][def], "%[(.*)%]")"]:1: unexpected symbol near '['
06:46.15cogwheelwowprogramming is #54,281 of all books on amazon O.O
06:46.16NightHawkTheSane[ is a special character
06:46.19Xinhuanlua> strmatch("[abc][def]", "%[(.*)%]")
06:46.19lua_botXinhuan: abc][def,
06:46.22cogwheelright now
06:46.31Xinhuanlua> strmatch("[abc][def]", "%[(.-)%]")
06:46.31lua_botXinhuan: abc,
06:46.40NightHawkTheSaneoh wait, that wasn't the problem. bah i'm blind.
06:47.03Xinhuanso i was trying to extract out the name from an itemlink ;p
06:47.11Xinhuanuntil i tried to provide 2 itemlinks ;p
06:48.56*** join/#wowi-lounge doskoi (n=johnny@
06:51.26Thunder_ChildNightHawkTheSane, the 21 pound realy expensive thing?
06:51.43NightHawkTheSaneno, the Wii Game. >.>
06:52.15Thunder_Childi thought you meant
06:52.37Thunder_Child(24 pounds) my bad
06:53.11NightHawkTheSanewtb ><
06:53.50Thunder_Childworht it i am sure.....
06:54.29NightHawkTheSanewell, lego sets are always a bit overpriced.. but if i had the money to spare, i'd probably buy it.
06:54.51Thunder_Childsee, your the reason stuff is so expensive
06:55.40NightHawkTheSanepossibly. I don't buy too much though
06:56.00*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
06:56.47Thunder_Childof cource not, your couldnt afford spending that much per purchase otherwise
06:57.13Arrowmaster5000 pieces and 4 pound manual, wow wtb
06:57.33Thunder_Childa little more
06:57.42Thunder_Child5,159 to be precise
06:58.33Arrowmasterwow those images in the manual are huge
06:58.56Arrowmasteri remember having to look at tiny images and trying to notice every little difference between it and the previous one
06:59.42Thunder_Childand just think, thoes were for small models, this is a huge one and you get larger pic's. Verdict same bloody %
07:00.15*** part/#wowi-lounge laindir (
07:01.55Arrowmastermy favorites were always the technique or whatever the fuck the name was sets
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07:03.19Arrowmasteri think i might still have a space shuttle one in the basement with fully motorized doors and and retractable arm + other motorized stuff
07:03.24Thunder_Childi really enjoyed the ones that had grey/white bars and blue connectors
07:03.33Thunder_Childcant remember the name ><
07:03.49NightHawkTheSanei had those two
07:03.58Thunder_Childi didnt think so...let me see
07:04.11NightHawkTheSanei may be misremembering the name, but i know what you mean
07:04.21Thunder_Childyup, thats it
07:04.26Thunder_Childgoogle ftw
07:05.54Arrowmasteri remember playing with some of those
07:06.05Arrowmasterbut im mostly too young for those
07:06.49kylacheap wow gold here
07:06.58*** part/#wowi-lounge kyla (n=kylaep@
07:07.14cogwheeloh yeah... they just got a ton of business
07:07.15Arrowmastermakes me wonder where my lego mindstorm pbx is
07:07.45AnduinLothar59.173.105.66 go wget him
07:07.48Thunder_ChildCairenn ^^
07:08.14Thunder_ChildArrowmaster, they were not that long ago
07:08.19Cairennwhere? thread link?
07:08.30Thunder_ChildCairenn, read up a few lines
07:08.41Thunder_Child7 & 9
07:08.44Cairennohhhhh, I see
07:09.15ArrowmasterThunder_Child: wikipedia says discontinued in 1988, briefly revived in 1997 then discontinued again
07:09.23*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+b *!*@] by Cairenn
07:09.26Arrowmastertoo young for the first ones, too old for the second ones
07:10.06Thunder_Childjust because they are discontinued doesnt mean people stop playing with them
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07:10.17Thunder_Childi dont think i ever bought one
07:10.25AnduinLotharwhich what?
07:10.30Arrowmasteri know, which is why i remember playing with the first ones
07:10.34Thunder_Childi just played with them...hmmm..come to think of it i have no idea where they came from
07:11.04Thunder_ChildAnduinLothar, contrux
07:11.17Arrowmasterperty sure i played with them at a relatives house since i know there were never any here
07:11.39Arrowmastergot tons of legos though
07:11.39AnduinLotharahh, yeah i had a friend who was a lil older than me who had some
07:11.42Thunder_Childwell then you werent to young for them
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07:12.10Thunder_Childto young for them would be like having a pet painted rock ( i still cant belive people bought those)
07:14.47Thunder_Childty Cairenn, we dont need their kind in this hear parts.
07:16.29AnduinLothar>.< i just got another parralels trial key and it's date says it starts tomorrow, gfg. i had to tell my computer to be in a diff time zone so it would let me activate
07:16.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
07:17.11NightHawkTheSaneyou couldn't wait until tomorrow?
07:17.23Thunder_Childheh, thats what i was thinking
07:17.53NightHawkTheSaneI mean, unless you're in mnt or futher east and by tomorrow you mean wednesday
07:18.01AnduinLotharno, this is my 3 trial under diff emails. I only need it for like 2 things when I'm too lazy to reboot into vista
07:18.24Thunder_ChildAnduinLothar, why not use the free VMware?
07:18.25AnduinLotharI'm in Pacific and tomorrow is 42 min away
07:18.35NightHawkTheSaneyeah, like i said 42 minutes and you couldn't wait? :P
07:18.36AnduinLotharVMWare isn't free anymore
07:18.43Thunder_Childthey have a free version
07:19.01AnduinLotharFusion stopped being free in september
07:19.27Thunder_Childdoes the player not work on mac?
07:19.43AnduinLothar"VMware Player is a free desktop application that lets you run a virtual machine on a Windows or Linux PC."
07:22.18Thunder_ChildAnduinLothar, vitual box?
07:23.03AnduinLotharwhat are you asking
07:23.08*** join/#wowi-lounge break19 (
07:23.12Thunder_Childhave you tried virtualbox?
07:23.19AnduinLotharnever heard of it
07:23.24Thunder_Childare you on an intel mac?
07:23.36break19opinions for offtank warrior build:
07:23.38Thunder_Childok, then they have a beta for it
07:23.40NightHawkTheSanehe'd have to be to be running fusion or parallells
07:23.45Thunder_Childopen source
07:23.58AnduinLotharleas till they find a way to make a profit..
07:24.12Thunder_ChildNightHawkTheSane, the older ones work on ppc chipsets
07:24.25AnduinLotharno they don't
07:24.28NightHawkTheSaneno you are correct
07:25.13Thunder_Childi know they had emulation beck then though
07:25.15AnduinLotharonly VPC and SoftWindows did and SoftWindows went out of business and microsoft sunk VPC
07:25.19NightHawkTheSaneyeah, emulation, not virtualization
07:25.50Thunder_Childand pearPC
07:25.59NightHawkTheSanepearpc was/is the reverse
07:26.08break19and Qemu
07:26.09NightHawkTheSanerunning ppc osx on intel hardware
07:27.00Thunder_Childor runing on ppc mac though it looks like it didnt do windoes
07:54.52*** join/#wowi-lounge fridg (n=Fridgid@
08:00.46MentalPowernight all
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09:37.22Arrowmasterany UI forum regulars around?
09:38.33Arrowmasterlookie in wowace
09:38.37Arrowmasterforums are down
09:38.40Arrowmasterso i cant post
09:38.47Arrowmasterand ill proably forget it
09:39.24cogwheelwhere in wowace?
09:39.42Arrowmasterstarting 6m ago
09:40.42Arrowmasterline 697
09:41.46Arrowmasterive gotten interface action blocked messages before at the end of BGs about the worldstatescoreframe opening, even though it opened fine
09:42.25Arrowmasterand really that line could be done much much better and not hacky
09:43.14Arrowmasterthink its a valid issue to point out to slouken?
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10:12.08Xinhuanlua> not nil
10:12.09lua_botXinhuan: true
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11:33.45*** join/#wowi-lounge reqol (
11:40.50reqolI understand from context what self: does (though it's apparent through it's name alone), but exactly how does it work? where can it be used?
11:49.41*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
11:51.02reqolactually, I think a better question would just be what does it refer to
11:52.02[dRaCo]the namespace of the addon... so if your addon's called myAddon, then self: is (well, not exactly but good enough) equal to myAddon:
11:52.08krkaself is just syntactic sugar in lua
11:52.40krkafunction foo:bar() is the same thing as function
11:52.57krkamaybe you should read the lua reference manual or PiL
11:53.02hasteand you can do useful metatable tricks with self :3
11:53.04purlProgramming in Lua, a book written by the authors of the Lua programming language. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in print from most online bookstores, and covers Lua 5.1.
11:55.19*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
11:55.55Arrowmasterfoo:bar() is not
11:56.31Arrowmasterwell when calling it
11:57.13Arrowmasterwhen defining functions though i guess you could consider foo:bar(arg1, arg2) to be the same as, arg1, arg2)
11:58.33reqolthat's...somewhat confusing
11:59.09Arrowmasterit is
11:59.11hastethen how about this...
12:00.16Arrowmasterim waiting on haste before giving it another shot
12:00.31hastelocal t1 = CreateFrame"Frame" t1.ApplyLayout = function(self) self:SetHeight(30) self:SetWidth(30) end local t2 = setmetatable(CreateFrame"Frame", {__index = t1}) t2:ApplyLayout()
12:01.29Arrowmasterwow just wow
12:01.38reqolI am much more confused now
12:01.53Arrowmasteryour really trying to confuse him with the other shortcut of leaving off the ()
12:02.03hastenot really, that's just a habbit
12:02.13JoshBorkea bad one at that
12:02.58Arrowmasterreqol: ok when you call foo:bar() its the same as
12:03.15Arrowmasterso lets add some more args
12:03.18reqolwhat's with the : and the .
12:03.23reqolwhy does that change
12:03.40Arrowmasterthe : is a shortcut
12:03.41amro: is a method call, . is a function call
12:04.17Arrowmasterand . is usually thought of with tables
12:04.24Arrowmasterwhich methods are too though
12:04.40Arrowmasterso say you have foo:bar(first, second)
12:04.53Arrowmasterits the same as, first, second)
12:05.00Arrowmasterwhen you define it though
12:05.17Arrowmasteryou can do function foo:bar(first, second)
12:05.34Arrowmasteror function, first, second)
12:05.53Arrowmasteror = function(self, first, second)
12:07.23Arrowmastermaybe a good example of this would be with Frame:SetScript()
12:07.30reqolalright, that sheds some light on it. thanks :)
12:08.31Arrowmasternormally you might see something like frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) end)
12:09.00Arrowmasterbut say you do frame:SetScript("OnEvent",
12:09.34Arrowmasterthen you could really have some fun with your function definintion of function foo:bar(event, ...)
12:10.00Arrowmastersince everywhere you use self inside of it will actually be a reference to frame
12:10.28Arrowmasterand you could set that on more than one frame
12:11.04Arrowmasterprobably still a confusing example, i suck at this
12:13.23reqolI don't think my knowledge is expansive enough to fully understand it's concept.
12:14.51Arrowmasterwell its also a local meaning its usually better to inside of foo:bar() than foo
12:15.01Arrowmastersince its faster to reference
12:15.56Arrowmasterfunction foo:bar() return self.db end
12:16.06Arrowmasterself.db is the same as foo.db
12:16.28reqolif I made a table with the name of my addon
12:16.40reqolsay, reqol
12:16.48Arrowmasterreqol = {}
12:16.56reqoland I made a function reqol:MyFunction
12:17.14reqolif I used self in there, would it reference reqol, like self.db
12:17.44reqolalright, I see. thank you. reason I asked is because I'm trying to decipher the ace libraries because I'm trying to make a portal addon for fubar.
12:17.53reqolI'm sick and tired of having all of my portal/teleport spells on my hotbars
12:18.27[dRaCo]iirc there's an portal addon for foobar
12:18.37Arrowmastertrying to remember but i dont think you can cast spells from dewdrop menus
12:18.55Arrowmastershould be able to create a secureframe on the fubar though
12:19.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Nechckn (
12:19.53Arrowmasterthe secureframe stuff will probably make you give up before the ace stuff
12:19.58reqolhere is how I want to set it up. have a drop down menu on mouseover that has all of my portals on the left, and teleports on the right. and one portal on click of the icon that uses the chosen portal. is this possible?
12:20.02reqolI've no intention of giving up
12:20.13reqolI understand this might take me a while, but I plan on seeing it through
12:20.50Arrowmasterwell dont use dewdrop to make your dropdown then because afaik it still doesnt support secureframes
12:20.53[dRaCo]reqol: tried FuBar_SkillsPlusFuLt?
12:21.18[dRaCo]the description says: shows skills in a tooltip and allows them to be used
12:21.20Arrowmasternow a secureframe using that menu thingy should work
12:21.46Arrowmastersecuremenuframe or something
12:22.04Arrowmasteri really dont know i dont mess with secureframes
12:22.49reqolI'll take a look at it now [dRaCo]
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12:26.10reqol[dRaCo]: that's for tradeskills :( it's not customizable either
12:26.12reqolthanks though
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13:22.04PolarinaHello Zootfizzle.
13:27.45PolarinabagType = GetInventoryItemFamily(unit, slot)
13:27.45PolarinabagType = GetContainerItemFamily(container, slot)
13:27.45Polarina-- It would be simpler if we had a function to pass a item link. There are a lot of things missing, such as for the trade window, mailbox, auction house, etc.
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14:00.35testleKhrm oops wierd
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15:47.51TaeriI just drooled. saw Raven Lord mount ingame. 0.o
15:47.59*** part/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
15:49.05godzirraI've never seen a raven lord mount.
15:49.10godzirraI dont even know what one is... :/
15:49.20godzirraI just came back after about .. hmm.. 3-4 months away?
15:49.40malrethi saw one of those yesterday...
15:49.43TaeriIt's sadly not a flying mount though
15:49.52godzirraIs that different from the normal epic chocobo mount?
15:50.01sysragea mount that drops off the boss for the druid epic FLYING form is a LAND mount?
15:50.02LunessaThe drop of the Summoned Raven boss in Sethekk?  Tasty
15:50.12LunessaLand only.
15:50.28Taericlipped his wings I guess.
15:50.31nevcairielit still rocks, i always wanted it, but i gave up running sethekk every da
15:50.56TaeriI'm wanting it.
15:50.58godzirraI restarted on a horde server, so I've got a ways to go before I can run heroics.  New character is only 32. :(
15:51.55godzirraBut I just downloaded addonstudio for wow last night, and I'm busy trying to make some unit frames I like. =p
15:52.11TaeriI'm lvl 60 atm, and it's gonna take me ages to get to 70 XD
15:52.44malrethshe's malnourished
15:53.01godzirraI already levelled as fast as humanly possibly when BC came out..  
15:53.02Taerimm, pie!
15:53.10Taeriyou do say something though..I'm kinda hungry
15:53.20godzirraI got my draenei shaman to 70 in 24 days.  That was enough hardcore gaming for me. ;)
15:53.21nevcairielleveling from 60 to 70 in outlands is kinda fast, and fun
15:53.28malrethwhen was the last time your boy cooked for you, Taeri?
15:53.39Taerimalreth: I don't remember! ;__;
15:53.49malrethwhip him into shape
15:53.50godzirraTaeri: scold him.  Cooking should be done often.
15:53.52TaeriHe paid for pizza last night though.
15:54.02malreththat's the lazy way out
15:54.21malrethi pay for pizza when i don't want to talk to my fiancee... it's my way of coping
15:54.31Taerion another note, I've used since... mid summer sometime, to get from 1-60 ;P
15:54.32godzirraOk, meeting time.  bleh.
15:54.34malreth"here... eat this!"
15:55.26Taerimalreth: I ordered, he slept while waiting for the pizza, the pizza arrives, I go wake him up cause he has to pay, and he's grumpy as heck.
15:56.02TaeriHe told me to order while he slept some more though. :P
15:56.36malrethi made kimbap with my girl the other day
15:56.55Taerisounds weird *checks*
15:57.12Lunessanom nom nom
15:57.56TaeriI'm wanting fondue or something one day
15:58.11LunessaThe couple that orders pizza together ... ? (Fill in the blanks, I got nothin' )
15:58.22malrethgets gassy together?
15:58.52zenzelezzwow... gold sellers even (claim to) have a PS3 giveaway now o_O
15:59.23Lukianwhat's the good of a PS3 to wow players?
15:59.37nevcairielyou can sell it on ebay
16:00.27Taerii need irl gold >__>
16:00.53malrethyou need irl food, girl
16:01.05Taerithat too
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16:01.18Taeriand I need my irl meds, so I get hungry at a more normal rate.
16:01.31TaeriI just ate a apple actually! D:
16:01.54mikmaanyone knows the url which wow gets for the panel on left side in loginwindow?
16:02.00break19meh. gimme a satsuma
16:02.21LukianI really should load up a sniffer for that one mikma
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16:02.35Lukiansee if it is a url or just a data stream
16:03.06break19mikma: mm
16:03.15mikmaLukian: i think it's url, i've seen it before but can't recall whats the address
16:03.41break19my grandma has a satsuma bush beside her house, its covered up right now since it's gotten to almost freezing the past couple of nights.
16:03.47Cide"Ok, im using CT mod at the moment, and apparantly, a lot of people tell me that it is a memory hog. Im wanting to get rid of it, but i dont know what mods to use to replace it. All i want is to work somewhat similarly. I like the bar mod." -- I want to fucking kill people sometimes
16:04.11nevcairielCide: at least he didnt ask for Ace mods =P
16:04.23Cideit wouldn't make a difference
16:04.27break19i wanna fuck -and- kill people sometimes.. but thats another story for another day.
16:04.41zenzelezzthat's a nasty fetish
16:04.49Cide"hey guys, I love this new game I bought, but apparently other people say it sucks! any ideas what I should play instead?"
16:04.50Finvalley girls
16:04.53malrethCide: that's groupthink for you. doesn't mater if it's true, people say it so they take it as fact
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16:06.33malrethCide: I recommend getting all up in his face... put him on the defensive first by berating him. that will give you the upper hand.
16:06.35break19its like buyin a new car then using an air freshener to get rid of the new car smell.. (which, btw, is formaldehyde, fyi)
16:06.42Cidemalreth: good point
16:06.47nevcairielmikma: for EU
16:06.56mikmanevcairiel: <3
16:07.13sysragehrmph. no <3 for me. damn euro foos
16:07.55nevcairielwonder if i can convince wireshark to ignore invalid checksum errors
16:07.59LunessaCide - take that boy out behind the woodshed and give him something to be frightened of.   Actually you could just point out that the CT_ family of AddOns is pretty "freaking sweet" and that if he likes it and things are fine there's no reason to change.
16:08.15malrethbesides... he shouldn't use CTMOD cause it get u baned from teh game and ur passwd haked
16:08.24Cidemeh, that's not for me to decide
16:08.31Cidebut I do know that they're not memory hogs
16:08.39Lunessaand they put horse porn on his 'puter
16:08.42Cideexcept CTRA.. but who uses that anyway?
16:08.49mikmapurl: wowalert is <reply>, (US) (EU)
16:08.50purlokay, mikma
16:09.23LunessaCide:  I actually don't use any of your stuff currently, but when I did use it, it was "pretty freaking sweet."
16:09.27sysragepurl: mikma makes me cry
16:09.41mikmaoh damn i messed it up :(
16:09.49mikmano wonder you weep like a little girl :(
16:09.58CideLunessa: heh, thanks :)
16:10.11mikmapurl: no, wowalert is <reply> (US), (EU)
16:10.12purlokay, mikma
16:12.09mikmathat's interesting, US has 6h maintenance and EU has rolling restarts
16:12.46break19i use, lessee... clad's stuff.. tekkub's stuff.. norg (and crew)'s stuff.. some libs by ck, tuller's stuff.. all in all.. 300+ addons, a few of which are simply libs..
16:14.00break19and most of which, are fairly small, simple, single-function addons, with a few notables: Combuctor, bongos, aadv, ozraid, perl classic..
16:15.43malrethI only use Rowne's addons.
16:16.02break19poser... heh
16:16.36Cidemalreth: wow. your memory usage must be in the negatives
16:17.17Cidewhy do irc clients not preserve ignores?
16:17.28malrethshorter variable names means less memory used
16:17.30LunessaDOWN BOY.
16:17.45Cidemalreth: hence why I use tbl[""] for my variable names
16:17.52FinI use fucking cockloads of mods and I love it! MORE ADDONS
16:17.56Finaddons make you COOL!
16:18.11Cidecoding addons is cruise control for cool
16:18.15Cideusing others' addons is not
16:18.15LunessaI think I just got a new favorite word, "cockloads"
16:18.36Cidecoolness is defined as the ratio between your own addons / others' addons that you use
16:18.48break19<- not cool.. I only have 1 addon I wrote
16:18.48Finaww, no Cide, that's not fair
16:18.50Cidewhich puts me at coolness = inf
16:19.08Finbecause there's absolutely no way I - or actually I think any single person - could write all the stuff I have installed on their own
16:19.12malrethseriously, you don't use anyone else's addons, Cide?
16:19.18Cidemalreth: yeah, I do :P
16:19.21break19but, its on the ace svn.. which, doubles my cool factor.. so I'm at 2 CF now.
16:19.23Finbut I WANT THEM ALL
16:19.24Cidebut it's >1 at least
16:19.26malrethah... i figgered
16:19.34Lunessabreak19: Not a single line of AddOn code have I published, but mighty am I with the Force.  
16:19.35FinI keep trying to find mods to get rid of, but... I just can't
16:19.48break19Lunessa: heh
16:20.49CideI use Quartz, WitchHunt, FuBar, DevTools, Combuctor, Antagonist and agUF + most ct addons
16:20.59Cide(not CT_UnitFrames)
16:21.12Cidewell, it's installed just so I can make sure it doesn't error on load
16:21.24malrethi should give combuctor a look
16:21.27break19i dont use ct, none of it.. sorry.. :p
16:21.31LunessaActually I'm a rat-fuck bastard who doesn't want to support anything I publish, so all I do is toss out macro which are inelegant, designed to be read by n00bs, and get replaced by alestane or varlon in the same thread often two posts later.
16:21.32Cidegood for you
16:21.37Cideand for me!
16:22.10CideLunessa: that's a good idea. I should release patches in forms of macros to click on every session
16:22.25Finrat-fucks forever!
16:22.26Cideno need to ever upload a new version of my addons
16:22.29LunessaAnd makes sure they're really really simple.
16:22.34malrethCide: i actually thought about an in game addon mechanism
16:22.40break19nothin against it.. just.. dont use it.. i use what I use because its.. what I use.. it works, why try something else..
16:22.50malrethwhere people share lua code in a
16:22.58break19which, imo, is the attitude most users -should- have :p
16:23.01Cidebreak19: exactly my thoughts :P
16:23.02malrethin a FOAF addon whisper channel network
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16:23.23Finaddons are another side of the game man, who cares if you need it the functionality or not, it's fun fiddling around with extra twiddly bits in the game
16:23.28Lunessa... doing mandatory online fraud awareness training... may be slow to respond.
16:23.31malrethbut it'd require things like code signing and authentication to prevent stuff like that
16:23.36godzirraok, done with my meeting.
16:23.41godzirraLunessa: that sounds thrilling.
16:23.51Lunessaevery two gorram years.  
16:24.12Lunessamalreth has to do it too, and I bet he loves it as much as I do.
16:24.29malrethWe call it "Compliance Training"
16:24.42malrethit's all online... videos and multiple choice test
16:25.05malrethin it, i learn that i'm not supposed to call the cute chick in my office, "Jiggles"
16:25.16malrethnor can it pat her playfully on the ass
16:25.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
16:25.39malreths/t //
16:25.53LopeppeppyWhat... an opening statement.  Happy Tuesday, Malreth.
16:25.54malreththe next product from apple
16:26.29break19iSlut - apple's new blowup doll
16:26.35malrethalso, i learn that i cannot accept a gift that is more than $15 from a client
16:26.46deltronanyone try the ms addon studio for creating mods?
16:26.54godzirraI have.
16:26.56godzirradeltron: its pretty neat.
16:27.05break19deltron: be's brokededed...
16:27.08godzirraGranted I've only toyed -very- basically around with making mods to begin with.
16:27.09deltronwatching a video on it right now, seems neato
16:27.19godzirraA video?  Does it give any good info?
16:27.23godzirrathe tutorial was nice but rather basic.
16:27.27break19the intellisense stuff aint worth a #@#@!
16:28.27TaeriI'm sad, the brownies I made yesterday was in the oven too long, and don't have the moist and nice middle.
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16:28.44godzirraoddly enough, the microwave brownies in the little bowls from betty crocker are really good.
16:28.51godzirranot as good as real ones, but still...
16:29.05break19Taeri: send them to me
16:29.18malrethYeah.. I'll eat 'em
16:29.21break19if they arent crunchy, I can eat em
16:29.36TaeriI'll eat them too, but they're not as good as the ones I made last week!
16:30.55malrethyou bake desserts?
16:31.09Taerimalreth: sometimes.
16:31.36TaeriMuffins and brownies are pretty much the only things I'm able to make XD
16:31.57Taeriand the brownies are from a bagthing where I only add water, egg and meltet margarin... but they're still awesome!
16:32.00godzirraPeople that bake and share are to be worshipped.
16:32.27malrethdo you own a stainless steel or cast iron pan (something not-non-stick)
16:32.49Taeriall my pans are non-stick.
16:33.05Taeriexcept from the broken wok, but that's because it's broken. :P
16:33.13malrethbroken wok?
16:33.22zenzelezzI stick to teflon pans
16:33.26zenzelezzget it? Get it!?
16:33.31malreth~lart zenzelezz
16:33.31purlsqueezes zenzelezz till zenzelezz turns blue like papa smurf
16:33.40TaeriI got it XD
16:33.56zenzelezzhrm, where are all the pun haters
16:34.10Finat the pun haters convention
16:34.32malrethwell... we can fudge this a bit... so wanna learn an easy way to cook steak... nommy steak?
16:34.36TaeriOur wok is mostly non-stick, but it has huge scars in i't s non -stick layer.
16:34.53Fin"I'm a frayed not!"
16:35.09zenzelezznot even Cairenn present to witness my excessively clever play on words
16:35.52Finor, hahah, the punnery as, ahaha, those in "the game" like to, ahaha, call it
16:36.40Finwhich one?!
16:36.47zenzelezzTaeri: I don't know what you put in Fin's brownies, but don't give him any more
16:37.12Taerizenzelezz: agreed 0.o
16:37.14Finbrownies should be legal
16:37.17malrethpurl, jerg
16:37.18purlACTION knarged his flarg!
16:37.22godzirramalreth: steak is made to be cooked on the barbecue =p
16:37.31zenzelezz~swedish chef
16:37.32purlBORK! BORK! BORK!
16:37.35TaeriFin: brownies aren't legal? :O
16:38.04malrethgodzirra: i would agree... but here we're not allowed to keep a bbq pit within 15' of an apartment building
16:38.05godzirraAmsterdam browneis aren't legal in the states. }:)
16:38.10FinTaeri: don't you have to wait until they're 18?
16:38.13malrethsome local fire marshal law...
16:38.16godzirramalreth: Doh...  yeah.
16:38.24Fina tish, as they say, boom
16:38.27godzirramy wife makes the best steak kebobs with honey teriyaki glaze.
16:38.27Taeri... normal chocolate brownies ffs ;__;
16:38.38Finwell that's a bit perverted
16:38.44malrethit's a travesty... can't own a BBQ pit... in AUSTIN, TX? what's the world come to... might as well take away my gun, too
16:39.01FinI'm not sticking my penis into any chocolate cake, I'm afraid
16:39.09godzirraFin: What about american pie?
16:39.13godzirraba dum.
16:39.22malrethapple pie... the guy fucked an apple pie
16:39.26Fingood ol' muff pie
16:39.34Finmuff, that's such an awesome word
16:39.52zenzelezzand I thought I was bad
16:39.57malrethsounds like you need some, too
16:40.08malrethlike... neeeeeeeeeeeeeed
16:40.13Finoh, does it?
16:40.31godzirraWoW might be why you aren't getting it. ;p
16:40.42Finperhaps I could ask my girlfriend
16:40.52Finshe's crazy, she might sleep with me!
16:40.59malrethi got my girl hooked on WoW... that's how i coped
16:41.04zenzelezzwouldn't count on it Fin
16:41.16malreththen we can /afk for a quick squelchie
16:41.16Finfiancee, fuck, sorry, it's going to take me a year to get used to that and then I won't have to say it anymore
16:41.23malrethsometimes... all too quick :(
16:41.31godzirramalreth: I got mine started with EQ.  Gave her a set of pink platemail and a wurmslayer at level 2.
16:41.36godzirranow she'll play anything that has outfits.
16:41.49malrethgodzirra: is that a euphemism? wurmslayer?
16:41.53zenzelezzcosplay? o_O
16:41.54godzirraHa.  no.
16:42.02godzirraIts a big ass sword from Everquest.
16:42.12malretheverquest has ass swords?
16:42.21godzirraThats why I quit.
16:42.23malrethi'm glad i never played
16:42.29zenzelezzyeah malreth, they have butt edges
16:42.47deltronkeep it clean and polished or you get dingleberries
16:42.58zenzelezznot very sharp, but quite humiliating to be on the receiving end
16:43.47malrethi proclaim #wowi-lounge the best channel on the intertubes
16:44.05godzirraI like the intarwebs.
16:46.22godzirraI think I like spherotube.
16:46.25zenzelezzthe problem with channels like this is they can be so interesting at times that you keep getting distracted while trying to single-handedly show your appreciation of the female body
16:46.30Cidenot to be confused with spiderpig
16:46.42godzirrazenzelezz: you're not doing it right if the channel is distracting you.
16:46.48Cidewhat? you're crazy, zenzelezz
16:47.19malrethyou might have an easier time getting a single hand on a female body by showing more appreciation for the female's personality
16:48.14zenzelezzwho said anything about getting your hands on another person?
16:48.28CideI prefer hands-on reviews
16:48.30zenzelezzyour point is still valid of course
16:48.38Cideor previews, even
16:48.45godzirraCide: I hate you...  I've got the spiderpig song stuck in my head now. ;)
16:50.37CideUsing the digits 2, 7, and X exactly once and in any order, along with addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation, parentheses and/or decimals, create an expression equal to 8, for each integer X from 0 to 9.
16:51.40malrethJesus never used math so I refuse your challenge.
16:54.19godzirraI've got 0-3 and 9.
16:54.28godzirra4-8 are giving me troubles.
16:54.46godzirraCide: wait.. this -is- possible, right? :)
16:54.49Cidehow'd you do 0?
16:54.51CideI'd assume so
16:54.58CodayusI don't see how 0 works.  :-/
16:54.59dylanm2^0 + 7
16:55.00godzirraWait, you don't -know- itsp ossible?  
16:55.03godzirraYeah, what dylan said
16:55.06godzirrathat was the easiest one.
16:55.11CodayusI missed exponentiation.
16:55.14Cide2 is easier :P
16:55.17Cideand 1
16:55.28godzirraYeah, can't figure out 4-8 and its time for lunch.
16:55.31godzirratalk to ya'll in a bit.
16:56.20Codayus2 is easy, yes...
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16:57.36Intangiryou dont HAVE to use each operator at least once then , you just cant use them more than once?
16:57.54Cideyou can use any number of operators
16:57.58sag_ich_nichtLF1M to fix cooldowntimers2 broken ace2 options table
16:57.59Cidejust not those numbers more than once
16:58.02CodayusAs I understand it, the 3 digits must be used once and only once, operators...what Cide said.
16:58.16Intangirso which ones do you want? 4-8?
16:58.20LopeppeppyUgh.  Math is a recipe for disaster.  Give me some nice pretty words instead.
16:58.29Cide1-3 are trivial (and 0 is quite easy too)
16:59.19Intangirheres 6
16:59.21Intangir7*2 - 6 = 8
17:00.47Intangirand or decimals?
17:00.53Intangiryou can use decimals..
17:01.16CideI think that's the decimal sign that you can use
17:02.15Intangircan you 'square' somethin without wasting your 2?
17:02.22Intangiror does that count as exponent 2 ;)
17:02.28Cidethat'd be exponent 2
17:02.35Intangirthis is hard..
17:02.41Intangirso we still need 4,5,7,8
17:03.53Cidewhat about 9? :P
17:04.03Intangirsomeone said they got it
17:04.07Cideya, but I haven't!
17:04.20Cideerr, yes I have
17:04.24Cideit's easy
17:04.44Intangirwhat is it?
17:05.50wereHamstertoo many windows open -.-
17:06.28wereHamsterthat fits exactly ;P
17:07.16Intangirso how do you do 0-4?
17:07.21Intangir0-3 rather
17:08.13Cidejust kidding on thta one
17:09.01malrethyou skipped 2
17:09.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
17:09.33Cidethat's just 7+2/2
17:09.36CideI got 5
17:10.20*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
17:10.33Intangirwhat is it?
17:10.56Cideerr, no, I didn't. damn it
17:12.08CodayusI have 5
17:12.13CodayusI think...
17:12.28CodayusYeah, but it MIGHT be cheating, depending on the exact rules.
17:12.46Intangirwhat did you get?
17:12.51CideI got 4 btw
17:12.59Intangirwhat is it?
17:13.30Cideor should I just post here? if you guys don't care about spoilers :P
17:13.39CodayusYeah, I'm sure I have 5.
17:13.49Intangirwhats 5
17:13.55Intangirid say post them all here, and claim the answer ;)
17:14.02Intangiri posted 6 thats all ive gotten so far ;)
17:14.05CodayusCide - you worried about spoilers for 5?
17:14.09Cidenah, about 4
17:14.12Cidebut here goes
17:14.28CodayusGah!  Clever.
17:14.42Cidewhat about 5?
17:14.59Codayus2*.5 + 7 = 8
17:15.06Cidethat's valid, nice
17:15.29nevcairielthats valid? man :P
17:15.47Intangirso we need 7 and 8
17:16.18CodayusI know, it should have a leading 0, but since the rules say decimal is allowed, if you had to have a leading 0, then you couldn't use decimals, so...
17:16.55CodayusOh, I have 8
17:17.01CodayusNo I don't.
17:17.17CideI do
17:17.24CodayusI have a caffiene deficiency and an inability to count.  ><
17:17.33Cideerr, no
17:18.00Intangirthis is interesting
17:18.12Intangiri wonder what the last 2 will be if they will be complex
17:18.15Intangir5 was interesting
17:18.45*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (i=spam@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
17:20.57Codayus7 seems like it should be easy.
17:20.59Intangirdamn this shit is hard
17:21.04Intangirare you sure the last 2 are possible?
17:21.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
17:21.06*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Shirik] by ChanServ
17:21.43malrethoh... shirik's here...
17:21.49malrethgive him the math problem
17:22.05Shirik\what math problem?
17:22.30CideUsing the digits 2, 7, and X exactly once and in any order, along with addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation, parentheses and/or decimals, create an expression equal to 8, for each integer X from 0 to 9.
17:22.33nevcairiel7/.7 - 2
17:22.34wereHamsterdon't bother, the answer is 42
17:22.38Codayus7 and 8 should both be easy, just need...more numbers...  ><
17:22.39Cidewe've done all but 7 and 8
17:22.50Cidewell, now all but 8 :P nice one, nevcairiel
17:22.56CodayusThat's awesome
17:23.06nevcairieli didnt think of the decimal thing until someone started it with .5 :P
17:23.19Shirik8 hm?
17:23.52Intangirlol nice one on 7 ;)
17:23.58Intangirgeeez man ok only 8 is left
17:24.11Intangiri was close on that 7 one
17:24.17Intangirtrial and erroring my way to the answer ;)
17:24.18Cide7 + .2 + .8
17:24.25nevcairieltoo easy
17:24.27Intangiromg :)
17:24.43Cidenow, we can let Shirik figure out 0-6 and 9
17:24.46*** join/#wowi-lounge break19 (
17:25.01Intangirthats cool
17:25.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
17:25.05Intangirso whered you get that from?
17:25.06ShirikI have to leave for a flight soon so unlikely
17:26.30TierrieX can be any number?
17:26.37sag_ich_nichtLF1M to fix cooldowntimers2 broken ace2 options table, /msg me
17:26.42CideTierrie: what?
17:26.49CodayusNo, you're solving the problem 10 times, with X = 0 through 10
17:26.51Cideyou have 10 problems to solve, one for each X
17:27.09CodayusUsing i or n for the metavariable would make more sense to me - threw me for a second too.
17:27.40CodayusEr, 0 through 9
17:27.50Tierrieso 2, 7 and X where X=0..9? and create expressions where the answer is also equal to X?
17:28.00Tierrieor equal to 8?
17:28.03Cideequal to 8
17:31.05ShirikIf you liked this kind of stuff
17:31.09Shirikyou should try challenge 24 btwe
17:31.20ShirikUsed to play that in high school, went to a competition for it
17:32.04Shirik4 numbers on a card, all you got is + - / * in any order ignoring order of operations. Find the solution that makes 24.
17:32.39ShirikFor some reason the one I could never get was 4 5 7 8
17:33.03Intangiryou have to get 4 5 7 8 to equal 24?
17:33.08Cidewhat do you mean ignoring order of operators?
17:33.18Intangiri think he means you can use parentheses ;)
17:33.20Shirikand when I did get it, it was something like 8 - (7 - 5) * 4
17:33.34ShirikCide: That you can do the operations in any order
17:33.50ShirikIntangir: All 4 numbers are on the card
17:33.55IntangirShirik: thanks you spoiled it already
17:34.04Cide7 - 2*4 is not 24 :P
17:34.08Cideerr, 8 - ...
17:34.18Shirikwell in any case
17:34.24Shirikno wait, that's right
17:34.27Shirikwhat are you on Cide :P
17:34.31Shirik8 - 2 * 4
17:34.38Shirik6 * 4
17:34.38Intangir(8 - (7-5))*4
17:34.45Cideoh, so ignore order of operators means operator precedence is always left to right
17:34.55Cideyou should've specified :P
17:34.59Intangirok whats another interesting one
17:35.00Shirikbecause you'll be saying it out loud it only makes sense
17:35.15ShirikYou would say "7 minus 5 is 2, 8 minus 2 is 6, 6 times 4 is 24"
17:35.28ShirikHowever you all fail to realize that is not the correct solution to that card
17:35.35Shirikthough it's legal, the obvious solution is to add them all up
17:36.02Cidescrew that.
17:36.03ShirikIntangir: Let me see if I can find a hard one
17:36.19Intangirno calculus ;)
17:37.12Shirikno it's all basic 4 operations
17:37.46Tierrieits my ingenius solution!
17:37.50Tierrie7>>2 * 8!
17:38.07Tierrienow i will go to and think of a real solution
17:39.15Shirikno sample cards online
17:40.31*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
17:41.08IntangirCide: post all our answers on that forum ;)
17:41.12Intangirtell them your a genius
17:41.17CideI'm not registered
17:42.21Shiriktable of all possible combinations
17:42.29Shirikwell maybe not all possible
17:42.30Shirikbut a lot
17:42.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
17:42.44Shirikhere: 5 7 8 8
17:43.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Dreagar (
17:43.44Shirikyou're too slow
17:43.48Intangirim trying
17:43.50Intangiri got 26 ;)
17:43.52Intangiri gotta get 24?
17:44.09Intangiroh wait i got 16 ;)
17:44.13ShirikMust get a 24
17:44.33ShirikIt's kinda hard to just pick it up right off the bat
17:44.47ShirikAfter you have played for a while, you start to learn common patterns
17:45.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Fox2 (
17:45.46Intangirlol i got 25...
17:45.46Fox2Hi there
17:45.46Shirik6 *4, 8*3, 12 * 2, 12 + 12, 16 + 8, 32 - 8, etc.
17:45.46Intangiranyone else trying
17:45.46Shirikhint: It's one of the patterns listed above, but that might not help you :)
17:47.19Intangiroh i got it!
17:47.35Intangir(7 - 5) * 8 + 8
17:47.48Shirikgood man
17:47.51Shirikjust FYI, in competitions
17:47.57Intangirthat was fucking slow eh ;)
17:47.58Shirikcards rarely last more than 10 seconds
17:48.04Intangirwell this is the first one ive tried
17:48.06Shirikif they last more than a minute they are discarded :)
17:48.08Intangirit takes time to train your brain
17:48.17Shirikmost cards are gone in about 3
17:48.37ShirikUnfortunately, all these people, including myself
17:48.47Shirikcan do the hard ones almost instantly and can stare at the easy ones for 2 minutes without the solution :P
17:48.57Fox2does anyone know how I can check if a variable is a number? I need it for error handling, like if (input is number) then ...
17:49.00Shirikbecause we look for the hard answer
17:49.03ShirikFox2: type(var)
17:49.14Cide( )
17:49.36Shiriklua> return type(2), type("2"), type(nil), type({}), type(function() end), type(true)
17:49.36lua_botShirik: number, string, nil, table, function, boolean
17:49.52ShirikIntangir: 3 3 5 7
17:50.06Cide>>> type(coroutine.create(function() end))
17:50.06CideCide: "thread"
17:50.14Intangirwhat operators can you use again?
17:50.18Shirik+ - / *
17:50.23Shirikgot it.
17:50.31ShirikI didn't look at the solution this time :)
17:51.17Fox23 + ( i * 2)
17:52.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Rayne (
17:52.16Shirikthere is no i ><
17:52.35Cidethere is ALWAYS i
17:52.48Dreagaronly when there's u
17:52.57Cidethere is no 'i' in 'u'
17:53.08Dreagarbut there is i in me
17:54.15Intangirshit man ;)
17:54.18Intangirlol i still havent gotten it
17:55.00Shirikoh wow, this is interesting
17:55.04Shirik"Note that the only combinations that can not form 24 and have four different numbers are 1678 and 3467."
17:56.30Intangirwhats the 3 3 5 7 one?
17:56.56Shirikaww you give up?
17:57.03Intangirmeh i guess not yet
17:57.05ShirikI need to remember hang on ><
17:57.20Shirikoh yeah
17:57.29Fox2whats the task I good with numbers :)
17:57.34Intangirok ya i give up..
17:57.34Shirik3 * 5 - 7 * 3
17:57.45Shirik15 - 7 is 8
17:57.49Shirik8 * 3 is 24
17:58.02Shirikand once again it goes back to one of those patterns :)
17:58.09Fox2ah, to get 24 :)
17:58.18Intangirok another ;)
17:58.34Shirikok I'll pick some random numbers :P
17:58.39Cide1234 go
17:58.40Shirikafter having read that thing above
17:58.42Shirikok 1 2 3 4
17:58.43Intangirnot unless you solve it first ;)
17:58.49Shirik3 * 2 is 6, 6 * 1 is 6, 6 * 4 is 24
17:58.55Cide4 * 3 * 2 * 1
17:59.13CideI like my solution more
17:59.15Intangirok i also got that one
17:59.23ShirikI'm too used to going to 6 * 4 Cide ><
17:59.27Dreagardang i was thinkin u had to keep the numbers in order
17:59.28NightHawkTheSaneShirik: you might also like
17:59.49NightHawkTheSane(although the bottom part of that page has solutions, so don't read down if you don't want them)
18:00.01ShirikI might have to check this out
18:00.06Shirikanyway, next! 7 4 9 3
18:00.12Shirikgot it
18:00.21Shirik9 - 7 is 2, 3 * 2 is 6, 6 * 4 is 24
18:00.28Fox27-9 * 3 * 4
18:00.30CideI wasn't looking!
18:00.38Fox2arg 9-7 rather
18:01.02Cide2 3 5 7 (PRIMES!)
18:01.20Shirikgot it
18:01.31Shirik5 - 2 is 3, 7 * 3 is 21, 21 + 3 is 24
18:01.43Fox2nice one
18:01.46nevcairielthat one was easy
18:01.55Cideyeah :P
18:02.12Intangirno one likes a showoff
18:02.17ShirikI like me showing off
18:02.26Intangirlets do one that Shirik brain isnt programmed for
18:02.35Shiriknuu =<
18:02.39Intangirnew puzzles
18:02.41*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
18:02.53nevcairiel6*6 - 6 -6 is cooler anyway :P
18:03.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Pandya (
18:03.18Shirikstrangely enough, as easy as 6666 is
18:03.22Shirikthere's only 2 solutions to it
18:03.28Fox2"Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler."
18:04.28*** join/#wowi-lounge IR5179 (
18:04.33Cidelet's do four fours, but without concatenation imo
18:04.36Cideconcatenation is stupid
18:05.08Intangiri had a good assembler puzzle
18:05.10Intangirbut i cant find it
18:05.15Fox2btw are the textures used in many AddOns free to use or do I have to get the permissions of the original artists?
18:05.16nevcairiel4*4 + 4 +4 ? :P
18:05.22Cidebinary sudoku?
18:05.23Intangirbut i found some riddles
18:05.24IntangirUntil I am measured, I am not known, Yet how you miss me, When I have flown.
18:05.46Intangirthats my guess, it doesnt have ansswers hehehe
18:05.48Polarinalol @ binary sudoku.
18:06.00ShirikI own binary sudoku
18:06.03Shirikmy best time is 2 seconds
18:06.08Cidethat sucks
18:06.09Cide0 1
18:06.09Cide1 0
18:06.12Shirikbut it kept telling me that it was 10 seconds
18:06.14PolarinaTry a octal sudoku.
18:06.16ShirikI think it broke
18:06.16IntangirI drive men mad, For love of me, Easily beaten, Never free.
18:06.23Cideprobably, Shirik
18:06.32CideI prefer base pi-sudoku
18:06.35IntangirLighter than what,I am made of,More of me is hidden,Than is seen.
18:06.52ShirikCide: I don't like your answer
18:06.53ShirikI think it's
18:06.54Shirik1 0
18:06.55Shirik0 1
18:06.55Fox2Ice thingy
18:07.06Cideor icebergs or whatever you call them
18:07.16Shirikwtf is ice cap?
18:07.22Shirikthat's the flower in wow ><
18:07.25Cidefuck if I know!
18:07.26Fox2a cap made of ice?
18:07.33Cideiceberg is what I was thinking of
18:07.41Shirikdamn Cide's been brainwashed by Blizzard
18:07.49Taeriglacier(?)? 0.o
18:07.57CideI'm sure I got it right :P
18:08.03IntangirTaeri: ya :)
18:08.10Intangirya its an iceberg
18:08.11Cidehey, I got it first
18:08.13Intangirwhats the first one?
18:08.19Cideoh, I missed that
18:08.26Cidewomen? hahahaha
18:08.27IntangirI drive men mad, For love of me, Easily beaten, Never free.
18:08.32Intangirlol some guy says 'hooker'
18:08.46Cidephew, cairenn isn't here
18:08.48Intangiri dont know this one..
18:08.49IntangirThe creator does not want it. The biyer does not use it. The user does not see it.
18:09.02Thunder_ChildCide, she is always watching, you shouls know that
18:09.40ShirikA coffin
18:09.53Intangiroh ya coffin
18:10.07Intangirthis one is easy:
18:10.07IntangirWhat crime is not punishable if it is committed, tho can be punished if attempted...
18:10.29nevcairielsui-cide *shrug
18:10.31|Jelly|work  <- win
18:10.34Intangirwhat has 18 legs 18 eights 18 arms, runs around and catches flys?
18:10.47Thunder_Childbaseball team?
18:10.49Shirika baseball
18:10.50Shirikdamn it
18:11.06Thunder_Childi dunno how many people are on a team, i dont do sports
18:11.12Shirikso it's right
18:11.12Intangirlol i guess i have no idea, is that it then? hehehe
18:11.18Shirikit's a baseball team yeah
18:11.30godzirraWhy does a chicken coop only have 2 doors?
18:11.30Shirikbut what is "18 eights" ?
18:11.51godzirraBecause if it had 4 doors it would be a chicken sedan...  
18:11.52Fox2weird riddles, I like numbers better
18:11.52Shirikgodzirra: Because if it didn't, it wouldn't be a coop, it would be unisex
18:11.54Thunder_Childeyes maybe?
18:12.11godzirraShirik: ...  you're weird.
18:12.27malreth"What is brown... and sticky?"
18:12.34godzirramelted chocolate.
18:12.36malrethanswer: a stick
18:12.55IntangirWhat does no man want, yet no man wants to lose?
18:13.00Shirika woman
18:13.12TaeriIntangir: penis ? :P
18:13.22Intangiri have no idea i dont know the answer
18:13.25Intangirthose dont sound right ;)
18:13.51Taeriok, so if you're a gay guy it doesn't count, but most hetero guys don't want penis, but don't want to lose their own.
18:13.59Intangirbound to be answers in here somewhere
18:14.21Dreagari think Shirik was right
18:14.28ShirikMine was really a joke ><
18:14.33Thunder_Childbut most men want a woman
18:14.33Intangirits not a woman ;)
18:15.04Shirika job maybe
18:15.09Shirikbut I want a job :/
18:15.16IntangirWhat five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
18:15.24Intangiroh maybe a job
18:15.26Intangirthat could be it..
18:15.38Intangirlol ya short
18:15.40malreththe answer is work... no man wants to lose his work
18:15.51IntangirMr. and Mrs. Kwick have five children. Half of them are boys. How is this possible?
18:16.05CideI'll cut your arm off, that's how.
18:16.17Shirikthey aren't married
18:16.20Shirikor one of them was cheating
18:16.22Thunder_Childbeacuse mr an...damit Shirik
18:16.28Thunder_Childyou beat me to it
18:16.43Cidethat's how
18:16.54malrethA farmer had seventeen sheep and all but nine died. How many did he have left?
18:17.10Cidetechnically 17
18:17.18Cidethey don't just disappear when they die, you know
18:17.27malrethThunder_Child winz
18:17.30Thunder_Childall BUT 9 died...
18:17.36malrethkrka is the lose
18:17.47IntangirHow many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25
18:18.03Thunder_Childyup once
18:18.05Intangirright ;)
18:18.11CideI hope you've learned something today, malreth
18:18.24IntangirHow many of each animal did Moses take onto the ark with him?
18:18.35Cide2, I hope
18:18.37krkai don't get the children thing
18:18.38ShirikMoses didn't run the ark
18:18.42Intangirlol ;) ya Shirik
18:18.44krka5 children is an odd number
18:18.47Cidebut he was an accomplice
18:18.48malrethah ha!
18:18.59ShirikThat was Noah
18:19.00IntangirWhat is the next letter in the following sequence?  M A M J J A S O
18:19.01malrethIntangir: i see what you did!
18:19.08Cidenoah wasn't the accomplice; that was moses
18:19.28Shirikwhy the hell they started at M
18:19.41krkacan someone explain the children-thing?
18:19.42Shirikthat's the only thing that confused me for a second
18:19.46Intangirya its N
18:19.50Shirikkrka: They each have 5 children
18:19.51Shirik10 in total
18:19.52Dreagarkrka, the dad cheated and had another boy
18:19.58Shirikthey are not related
18:20.17Intangirok thats about all i got
18:20.22Intangiri dont nknow the ansers to the others
18:20.23Dreagaror the mom's a hooker
18:20.24ShirikI have one
18:20.32Shirikin the middle of the 20th century, something happened
18:20.36krkaisn't "they" referring to the set of five children?
18:20.37Shirikit won't happen for another 4000 years
18:20.48Intangirthey have 5 children
18:20.49Intangirhalf are boys
18:20.52krka"There are five children. Half of them are boys"
18:20.53Intangirwell.. the other half can be boys also
18:21.04Intangiri dont know..
18:21.10ShirikWhat event is this?
18:21.11Cidethat deserves an armcutting
18:21.18ShirikCide: Agree
18:21.21ShirikFin: Wrong.
18:21.26ShirikWhat's so special about 1950?
18:21.33NightHawkTheSaneCide: the last fifty or so lines of chat deserve arm cuttings.
18:21.42Cideit's 195x10
18:21.51Finwell, it's the middle of the 20th century
18:22.00krkathe year is 1950 modulo 4000
18:22.01Shirikbut will it happen again in 4000 years?
18:22.05IntangirShirik: you got laid?
18:22.13Finoh I'm sure we'll change the calendars by then
18:22.20Cideoh snapz
18:22.40ShirikOk to be exact, this event will happen again exactly 4048 years after the last time it occurred (which is approximately in the middle of the 20th century)
18:22.40krkathey both belong to the same modulo 4000 class!
18:23.03NightHawkTheSaneShirik: i'm with Intangir on this.
18:23.14Finit wasn't jesus, was it?
18:23.21krkai still think the children-riddle is just plain wrong
18:23.22ShirikI did not get laid when I was -30 years old, and I don't intend to get laid when I'm 4000 either
18:23.33Finhoo boi I do
18:23.35krkaunless someone can argue that the phrasing is correct
18:23.40FinI intend to be a lech when I'm old
18:23.49CideShirik: well, depending on the quality of your remains, you may or may not have a choice
18:23.58Cidethe -30 thing is more difficult, however
18:23.59Finmaybe it'll be me!
18:24.01Shirikand no, Jesus did not come in the middle of the 19th century either
18:24.14Finworth a try
18:24.16Intangirare you sure?
18:24.18Intangircause this homeless guy..
18:24.19Finand hey, how do you know?
18:24.23Cideis it a riddle or a scientific fact?
18:24.28Dreagarkrka: the married couple had 5 kids, but the dad cheated, and had an extra boy somewhere.
18:24.29Finmust be a riddle
18:24.32Shirikoh this is a fact, but I wouldn't entirely call it scientific
18:24.33Fox2I got one important question, are the common texture like Frost, Litestep or Cilo free to use or do I have to ask someone before releasing an AddOn with thos textures?
18:24.36Cidecould be a meteor or something
18:24.42krkaDreagar: just read the sentence though
18:24.45Cidebut that'd be boring
18:24.46IntangirShirik: ok we give up
18:24.46ShirikI can personally guarantee you that this will happen again
18:24.53Shirikdon't give up
18:24.54krkaX has 5 children. half of them are boys.
18:24.55Shirikgo google it
18:24.55malrethShirik: a leap year on the millennium year?
18:25.06krka"them" is referring to "the five children"
18:25.11malrethsince 3000 isn't divisible by 400
18:25.13krkaregardless of what is written in front of it
18:25.18Intangirim going to guess it wont ever happen in 4048
18:25.28Intangirbecause we wont track the year by birth of christ anymore
18:25.29Shirikno, 4048 is not 4048 years after the middle of the 20th century
18:25.56Findo we find out the answer to this question by then?
18:26.05Intangiri like this saying, i know not what weapons will be used to fight world war 3, but world war 4 will be fought with sticks and stones
18:26.07Shirikomg, go google
18:26.09Shirikit's not hard
18:26.12ShirikI got it on my first try
18:26.24Shirik~google middle 20th century 4000
18:26.25FinI don't like that saying at all
18:26.33FinI like this saying "muff pie"
18:26.47CideShirik: google is for weak people
18:26.57Shirik"the answer is"
18:26.58Cidegoogling riddles isn't fun :P
18:27.16Shirikabout time :P
18:27.27malrethhahaha  time... year...
18:27.37Intangirok so it happens in ANOTHER 4000+ years
18:27.45Intangirnot in 4048
18:27.48Cideexplain, I'm lazy
18:27.52ShirikI said it happens in 4048 years
18:27.56Intangirit happens again before that doesnt it?
18:27.56Shiriknot in 4048
18:28.03FinI take it everyone knows the classics... like, what goes on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?
18:28.05Intangirwhat aboutoh..
18:28.09Shirik6009 is the next occurance
18:28.11*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
18:28.15Cideof what
18:28.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Nechckn (
18:28.23malrethCide:  read the number upside down
18:28.24Shirikyears that can be read upside down
18:28.44malrethif you like, i'll hold Shirik down while you remove his appendages
18:28.52Shirikhey, mine wasn't confusing at all!
18:28.57CideI prefer freestyling it
18:28.59malrethA STICK!
18:29.03ShirikEveryone fully understood exactly what I said
18:29.08Shirik"sticky" is stupid
18:29.10Cidethat way, I won't know for sure which one I remove
18:29.10Intangirwhat ALSO floats on water?
18:29.15Shirikthat deserves removement of appendages
18:29.37Finno? is that one just so old it's not worth answering even? :)
18:29.41IntangirA DUCK!
18:29.54Thunder_ChildFin, people
18:29.54Cidehere's a fun problem
18:29.58Cideit's not a riddle
18:30.02Thunder_Childor humanity
18:30.30Shiriksolve this to complete accuracy using only digits:
18:30.36Shiriksum(1/n) as n approaches infinity
18:30.36malrethTaeri: what will you name your company?
18:30.53Shirik(n starts at 1 going to infinity)
18:31.43krkaare you stupid? :)
18:31.47krkait's atleast larger than 1
18:31.52PolarinaWhat does sum() do?
18:32.03malreth~wiki summation
18:32.09Taerimalreth: dunno yet. :o
18:32.22TaeriI don't even know of the idea is workable.
18:32.23Intangirok well ill bbl
18:32.30malrethTaeri: you should name it "Flipper"
18:32.31Polarinamalreth: I don't get it?
18:32.37Shirikwell I can tell you exactly what the answer is
18:32.38Fox2Are the common texture like Frost, Litestep or Cilo free to use or do I have to ask someone before releasing an AddOn with thos textures?
18:32.38Shirikbut um
18:32.43Shiriknot with just digits
18:32.47Shirikthat's kinda difficult, and if you can
18:32.50malrethTaeri: unless your company is a web company... then you should name it "Flippr"
18:32.52Shirikyou probably can get a ton of money
18:32.57krkai think it's infinite or something
18:33.11Shirikmy calculator also knows exactly what it is
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18:33.14Shirikwhich is rather surprising
18:33.17ShirikI didn't expect it to know that
18:33.21FinFox2: dunno, look for a license file or some copyright notice in the addons themselves
18:33.24Cidea number of people are about to enter a room. when they enter the room, they get a hat - either red, or blue. they can't disclose the color of anyone else's hat. when they go out of the room, they must all either guess the color of their own hat right, or all guess wrong.
18:33.27Thunder_ChildPolarina, dont even try to get it, it's malreth
18:33.28Cidewhat strategy should they go with?
18:33.40Cide(it's not a riddle)
18:33.50Fox2Fin: k thanks, will do that
18:33.57ShirikCide: Are the number of hats even?
18:34.10Shirikdo they have different colored hats?
18:34.14Intangirlook in a mirror?
18:34.17Finthey say what colours the hats aren't?
18:34.24CideFin: not a riddle
18:34.33Intangirall guess green?
18:34.35Cidethere are two hat colors: red and blue. each person gets a hat with one of the colors
18:34.36FinI don't understand it, then
18:34.40Cideyou must either guess red or blue
18:34.43Finoh, I see
18:34.43Shirikand they can't see the hat
18:34.47ShirikI assume
18:34.50Intangirguess 'red or blue' then, your right ;)
18:34.59Cideagain, not a riddle
18:35.00Finthis is the serial chance thing isn't it
18:35.03Shirikeither all must be right or wrong huh
18:35.04Intangirlol ;)
18:35.07CideShirik: yep
18:35.10Intangirbut they can see everyone elses hats?
18:35.11Shirikthat's interesting
18:35.13LunessaCide I suppose it doesn't matter 50% chance of being right/wrong and the answer isn't critical.
18:35.18CideIntangir: yup
18:35.25PolarinaBoth can guess red.
18:35.28LunessaCide is "Nerd Sniping"!
18:35.44Intangirbut they dont know how many of each there are?
18:35.45Cidesoon, I will drive this channel over with a truck
18:35.54CideIntangir: nope, they can only see what everyone else got
18:35.56PolarinaBoth guessing the same colour is the only way they can guarantee that one of them guesses right.
18:35.58Thunder_Childnerds in here??!?! where?
18:36.07CidePolarina: 'both'?
18:36.13Intangirand they have to guess either 'red' or 'blue'
18:36.15malrethnot me... i'm reading about personal finance and home cleaning solutions...
18:36.15Intangirthats all they can say?
18:36.22CidePolarina: there's any number of people, and all hats might as well be of the same color
18:36.23Shirikwe can't have "one of them guess right"
18:36.29Cideit's either all right, or all wrong
18:36.32PolarinaCide: My fault.
18:36.38krkaif the other two have the same color, guess the opposite color
18:36.43Thunder_Childmalreth, yes, because the 2 go together so well
18:36.47Cideother two?
18:36.53Cidethere's not a given amount of people
18:36.56malrethThunder_Child: i'm a Virgo... can't you tell?
18:36.56Intangiryou dont know how many people there are?
18:37.01krkaoh missed that
18:37.06Cideor rather, the number of people is not given
18:37.11Thunder_Childmalreth, no, i dont do signs
18:37.13Shirikit's irrelevant
18:37.14Cideit should work regardless
18:37.25Intangirno mirrors ;)
18:37.58Shirikok what we do is create a condition variable
18:38.05Shirikand all of the people bind to that condition variable
18:38.13IntangirLunessa: lol!
18:38.25Intangirhe said you can only guess red or blue
18:38.27Shirikleaving the room can be thought of as taking the mutex lock because only one person can leave at a time
18:38.29Intangirno condition variables
18:38.50ShirikWe will create a second mutex which is the "next person to leave"
18:39.02Intangiroh so they can dictate how they leave the room
18:39.17Cidethe leaving the room thing is largely irrelevant
18:39.18ShirikNow, we provide a timeout on the second "leaving" lock
18:39.25Intangirso why was it mentioned?
18:39.34Intangirthey have to logic it out just as they are all standing around looking at eachothers hats only?
18:39.34Cidebecause it's easier to describe the problem that way
18:39.48Shirikthe person in the doorway will only give up the "leaving" lock if the person behind them has the opposite color of what they think they have
18:40.01Cidethey might as well just write down their own color on a paper, simultaneously, while in the room
18:40.07Intangirdoes the hat have a pokemon on it?
18:40.15Cideif you want it to.
18:40.18Intangiryes ;)
18:40.25Shirikwhen that happens, release the lock, leave the rioom
18:40.26Intangirok i have no fucking idea
18:40.29Shirikthe next to leave takes the leaving lock
18:40.41Shirikthen releases the next-to-leave lock
18:40.44Shirikwaking up all the other people
18:40.56Finthey blink at each other rapidly, forming a neural bond between each mind
18:41.06IntangirFin: ! YES
18:41.09CideShirik: think of it like this: everyone can determine their guess solely based on the others' hat colors, and then make a guess that will make all guesses right, or all wrong - if everyone follows said strategy
18:41.44Intangirthey will likely discuss or all 'assume' the same strategy id hope ;)
18:42.00Cideyes, well, you won't get it right if people use different strategies obviously :P
18:42.09Cideso everyone will use the strategy you design
18:42.11Finwait a sec
18:42.19Findo they all reveal each other's hat at the same time?
18:42.24Finbecause otherwise
18:42.31IntangirA DUCK!
18:42.59Cidebut yes, you can't utilize the correctness of another person's guess - assume they all guess simultaneously
18:43.08Intangirok fuck
18:43.09Findo they all say what colour their hat is, or can they base their decision on the previous person's answer?
18:43.10Intangiri give up
18:43.13Intangirwhat is it
18:43.14FinI think it might not matter
18:43.16IntangirPM me
18:43.16CideFin: see above
18:43.20FinI'm just asking questions
18:43.32CideFin: well, I answered your question
18:43.37Shirikoh shit
18:43.38ShirikI got it
18:43.43Shirikit's a simple parity check
18:43.45CidePM me :P
18:43.50Intangirhe doesnt have it
18:43.54FinCide: you did! I was just typing out my response at the same time as you were typing out the answer :)
18:44.30Finneural bonding, that's the best I've got
18:44.54Finwould be awesome if that was actually the answer
18:45.01CideShirik's got it btw
18:45.04Finjust once
18:45.07Cidenow get crackin'
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18:46.47Intangirdoes the positions they are standing in have anything to do with it?
18:46.58Intangiror the order they answer in have anything to do with it?
18:47.09Cidethey all answer simultaneously
18:47.34Finthey'd have to practise for that
18:47.46Finor! have neural bonds!
18:47.52Finthen, no practise needed
18:48.23Intangirwhat do you mean by parity..
18:48.31Intangirhow does that help if you dont know how many total of each color there are
18:48.38Intangirand if you dont know what the others will answer
18:48.43Intangirtill afte they already answered
18:48.54Intangirif they all answer simultaneously..
18:49.13IntangirShirik: is this right? is he giving the right clues?
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18:49.39krkaanswer blue if you see an even amount of blue and red if you see an odd amount of blue?
18:50.19Intangirdoes that reall work?
18:50.26Cideor other way around, I forget
18:50.31krkadoesn't matter which way
18:50.34krkait's symmetric
18:50.36Cideyeah, you're right
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18:51.03Intangirdamn that does work
18:51.07Intangiri assumed it wouldnt for some reason
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18:51.43malrethfor a discussion about Hamming Codes and how they relate to this problem:
18:52.10Shirikwell I have to catch a flight
18:52.11Shirikhave fun all
18:52.20LopeppeppySafe travels, Shirik.
18:53.38krkaisn't hamming codes about adding redundancy so you can distort some bits and still being able to repair it
18:53.46krkathat doesn't seem to apply here
18:55.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Godzmack (
18:56.22malreth"In the miniseries and the first few episodes, it is shown that Cylon spines glow during sex. However, this was officially retconned by producers when it was pointed out that Dr. Baltar would then have a 100% accurate Cylon detector. In his pants."
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18:57.32nevcairielonly for the female cylons
18:57.43LopeppeppyYou sure?
18:58.18malrethit'd be easier to spot on the male cylons-- *cough* given certain necessary *cough* positions...
18:59.00Finnasty cough there
18:59.36malrethpurl, berg
18:59.37purl[berg] an ugly blond dolt who has a receding hair line and a jew nose.
18:59.45Fox2Yay, I uploaded my first beta of my first AddOn :)
19:00.04Fincongratulations, Fox2!
19:00.35Taeriwhat does it do? :o
19:00.45Finwhat DOES it do
19:01.08Taeriit should automagically make me food *nodnod*
19:01.39Fox2it's a movable mana bar, wher you can set two spells which are then shown above and below the bar + plus the casts left as a number and as little markers along the manabar
19:02.20Fox2very handy since I alwys wanted to remove my unitframes entirely and only use Grid
19:02.54Taerigood for you then! :D
19:03.41Finnow you are morally obliged to paste links to screenshots, documentation, and a todo list. in return, we have a look, suggest new features and find bugs that you thought you'd checked for.
19:04.23Fox2hehe, well my upload has to be approved first, but I can upload some pics if you like
19:04.29Finis it all tested and stuff?
19:05.04Fox2But you never can be too sure so I uploaded it as beta now
19:05.13Finyou are now officially less lazy than approximately all of the other addon authors I know :P
19:05.28PolarinaFin: !
19:05.50FinPolarina: well, they *can't* be testing their code, like I do, and Fox2 does - there's bugs all over the place!
19:06.03Fox2Yeah, well I was lazy and requested such an addon in the forums, but since noone wanted to code it I had to learn lua and make it myself :)
19:06.10Finshoddy really
19:06.20Finah, that's awesome Fox2
19:06.24Finthe world needs more people like you
19:06.25Finand me
19:06.37LunessaFox2 - That's how most programmers get started.  
19:07.29Finthey're the C programmers
19:07.30PolarinaFin: I tested my addon extensively for over 4 months before releasing it.
19:07.40malrethi built an altar to Dijkstra
19:07.53TaeriI need to actually work on my addon
19:07.57Cide4 months? nice
19:08.02CideI test mine for like a day
19:08.11Cidewell, Ts does
19:08.16CideI don't test at all
19:08.38FinPolarina: at the risk of spoiling my own albeit shite little joke, I know, all addon authors I know test to one extent or another - and if they didn't, who am I to complain, it's all free
19:09.02FinI don't understand what ... means in this context
19:09.18Finnormally it represents that you have nothing to say but wish me to know that in order to make me feel small somehow
19:09.22Finbut I don't get it this time
19:09.58PolarinaI mean that I don't really understand what you meant.
19:10.39malrethInteresting article about patch notes and CMs:
19:10.40FinI was joking, you responded with something sort of serious, at least not a joke, I think, so I thought I'd make sure that you knew I was joking, in the first place. I didn't do very well at that, did I.
19:10.55Fineatingbees! awesome
19:12.02malrethi'm glad Sanya is free from the corporate shackles and post whatever is on her mind now
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19:16.04malrethshe uses the phrase "punched in the junk" quite often in that article
19:18.28Fox2Here we go:
19:19.43LunessaThere are 9,000,000 players in the World of Warcraft, and it's HUGE. Like my /mage/!
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19:25.45FinI didn't find that ad very funny myself
19:26.20Finjust seemed a bit... I dunno, a midget taking the piss out of himself? would've been better with a big lunk who played a tauren tank
19:27.56LunessaI'm Mr. T and this is my Night Elf Mohawk!
19:28.05godzirraSo can anyone point me towards how to do a mana/hp bar?  
19:28.17godzirraI know how to get current health and total health... just not sure how to make it into a bar.
19:28.50CideStatusBar:SetMinMaxValues() StatusBar:SetValue()
19:30.03godzirraHmm.. ok.  Thats easy enough.  Last question for the moment...
19:30.12godzirraUnitHealthMax("unit") ...  DOes that work on enemies?
19:30.20Cideyes, but it returns 100
19:30.39Cideand UnitHealth returns 0<=x<=100
19:31.03TaeriI think I'm gonna test the wow addonstudio thingie, just to have done it.
19:32.30Taerimaybe it'll make me wanna do more addony things from now on.
19:32.58Finmaybe it'll get you horny
19:35.17LunessaFin: if code is turning you on.... seek sexual partners immediately.  Consult a physician in the case of sexual side-effects.
19:38.20godzirraTaeri: I like it.
19:38.24godzirraIts pretty cool.
19:38.29Fox2I liek the addon Studio, and for the mana/healthbar thingy I just wrote one
19:38.39godzirraFox2: how do you do it in addon studio?
19:38.47godzirrathats what i've been playing in lately.
19:39.11Cideyou do it the same way in addon studio as you would otherwise :P
19:39.40godzirraCide: well, they have a status bar option.  You just create the status bar and manually code an event for it?
19:40.05godzirraactually brb.. lemme reboot back into windows and look at addon studio.
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19:40.16Fox2hmm basically take a texture and make texture:SetWidth(Total width * UnitHealth("Unit") / UnitHealthMax("Unit")
19:40.28Cidethat's a hack
19:42.40Fox2Statusbar actually does what a status bar does? I mean you set a value and its size changes accordingly?
19:43.59Cide:SetMinMaxValues(0, UnitHealthMax("unit"))
19:44.14Fox2so I could basically shorten my code by like 10 lines at least
19:44.36godzirraCide: do you have to do something to update the health?  Or does it just automagically do it?
19:44.46Fox2of course you have to
19:44.49Cideyou need to :SetValue() the health on UNIT_HEALTH
19:44.59Cideand change the MinMaxValues on UNIT_MAXHEALTH
19:45.08Cideand likely during init too
19:45.53godzirraFox2: what are you making?
19:46.10Fox2KaratinaBar :) a movable manabar with some features
19:46.23Fox2 <--- fresh release :)
19:46.42godzirraah cool.
19:47.24*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Holding (
19:50.21godzirraCide: I'm not sure where to set the values on UNIT_MAXHEALTH?  I only know how to do it onload...
19:51.15CideMAXHEALTH is when the unit's max health changes
19:51.21godzirra14:47 <+Cide> and change the MinMaxValues on UNIT_MAXHEALTH
19:51.25Cideyou need to update SetMinMaxValues(), otherwise your percentage will be off
19:52.07malreth"In the car with Miles yesterday, he suddenly chirps up: “Daddy, does God really exist?†As I’m formulating a response, he answers his own question with some flavor of techno-contemporary agnosticism: “I bet not even Google knows the answer to that!â€"
19:52.34TecnoBratthat just pinged me
19:53.02Finyou have pings set up for misspellings of your nick?
19:53.12godzirraCide: Right, I juts don't know where I want to update the values.
19:53.45godzirraerr. close enough.
19:53.51TC-Holdinglol Fin
19:54.06Cideduring the UNIT_MAXHEALTH event...
19:54.18Cideand on the statusbar
19:54.25Cideyou should call the StatusBar:SetMinMaxValues() method
19:54.37malrethi like the phrase "techno-contemporary agnosticism"
19:55.01TecnoBratFin, you have no idea how many people call me Techno
19:55.06godzirraCurrently I have it setup this way:  
19:55.08godzirrafunction TargetHealthBar_OnLoad() TargetHealthBar:SetMinMaxValues(0, UnitHealthMax("target")) TargetHealthBar:SetValue(UnitHealth("target"))
19:55.30godzirraExcept with  semi colons at the end of the lines =p
19:55.43Cidedoesn't matter
19:55.49Cidenow, what's your issue?
19:55.54Findown with semicolons! up with freedom of end of lines!
19:56.03Finrelease the linefeeds from their shackles!
19:56.19godzirraI don't think I have a UNIT_MAXHEALTH event.  and I don't see anything like that on the wiki...?
19:57.07godzirraAhh, thanks.
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19:57.12CideFired when a unit's maximum health changes.
19:58.39godzirraCide: how does it know what the target is?  
19:58.57Cidethe game knows what you have targeted...
19:59.20Cidethat's for lua, not for wow addon coding
19:59.29Dreagari know i was being facetious
19:59.32CideI don't really feel like explaining the basics of the UI system, really (I'm an asshole)
19:59.38Cidegodzirra: see
19:59.55godzirraI've read it and I udnerstand the basics of the ui system. =p
20:00.01Cideapparently not :)
20:00.02godzirraunderstand even.
20:00.09Dreagaryes that's well established Cide. hehe. did i thank u by the way? i'm still workin thru it but i'm understanding things a bit mroe.
20:00.37malrethbut not the basics of the searching system...
20:00.37Cideunit id's are strings that refer to specific units in the game
20:00.37godzirraWhat I don't understand is how I determines that the targets health has changed, as opposed to mine?
20:00.37godzirraYes, I understand that too.
20:00.40CideUNIT_MAXHEALTH fires with an argument
20:00.43Cidethat is the unit id whose health changed
20:00.50godzirraGotcha... thank you.  That was what I was looking for.
20:01.01malrethcept you didn't look for it
20:01.09malreth!api UNIT_MAXHEALTH
20:01.10ThraeBotmalreth: Could not find a relevant page. Perhaps you could be so kind as to create one?
20:01.10Cide'cept you didn't explain it very well :)
20:01.26godzirraYeah, sorry.  I'm new to this.  I figured my explanation was lacking. ;)
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20:02.45malrethalso... the wiki lacks documentation on the arg1 value for that event... you are forgiven, godzirra...
20:03.09Finen guarde!
20:03.14Finnow! we fight!
20:03.19malrethnow, if you don't mind me... i have some rocks to throw at glass houses
20:03.40Cidethe only problem being it's not released yet, of course
20:04.21Finform of: Giant Mayflower!
20:04.34RayneIm thinking about making a post for people to test my new UI
20:04.41Raynewould anyone be interested?
20:04.51Finnow you are telling us about thinking about posting about your new UI
20:04.54Cideno way in hell
20:05.07FinI suggest rapid action with no forethought and less regrets
20:05.51Raynekamdis is already testing it (as far as I know)
20:06.13Raynejust looking for additional feedback is all
20:06.43|Jelly|Reason number one I didn't jump on making my UI widescreen for her.
20:07.07godzirraYay for widescreen!
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20:11.43godzirraHrm.  I'm doing something wrong.
20:11.46Raynejust the reception I got *shrug*
20:12.04|Jelly|Don't get ass hurt because people don't jump at the chance to beta a UI. :\
20:12.12Raynenot what I meant
20:13.03godzirraIf anyone gets bored can they look at and tell me why my health status bar isn't showing up?  Not for my self or for my target.
20:14.36DreagarSo if i'm understanding correctly, UI elements have pretty much the same functions in lua, to do the stuff that happens in XML?
20:14.54godzirraDreagar: yup.
20:15.00RayneTheres a new guild on my server named Fat Kids Are Harder To Kidnap
20:15.10godzirraRayne: heh.. i've seen that on t-shirts.
20:15.17godzirramy favorite guild name is still "STD's are BOP"
20:15.24Intangiri saw a 2v2 named '2 undead 1 cup'
20:15.33Dreagarwell then i should be able to just use the ideas from xml to make my edit box in lua. thanks
20:15.34Intangirmy favorite guild name is 'it burns when i pvp'
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20:16.39Thunder_Childmy fave is "sapped girls cant say no"
20:17.00Finmy favourite was always "Two Dollar Horde"
20:17.43kergothi still want that rogues do it from behind t-shirt
20:17.57Finheh, me too :)
20:18.27Finthought you didn't like those guys? not that that makes the t-shirt any less funny
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20:20.49Intangiri had a thread about this on my webstei ..e let me find it
20:21.15godzirraSo anyone know what i'm doing wrong on my pasted code?
20:21.45IntangirRaughOutRoud   (member name: RearnToPray)
20:21.53IntangirNO DADDY NO hahah
20:22.15IntangirAddicted To Bruiseweed
20:22.17XuerianThunder_Child: Agreed
20:22.59Intangir<Me So Hordey>
20:23.07Intangir<Paper St Soap Co>
20:23.31Intangir<Dirty Sons of Liches>
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20:39.47godzirraAnyone want to help me figure out hy my health bars are not showing up in my addon?
20:39.53godzirraplease? :)
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20:44.01godzirrameant to copy that link
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20:52.07Dreagar  <-- everythign shows up but the editbox. just a blinking cursor shows up, and can't type in it. am i missing something?
20:52.42malrethwhy do these kids think that they can get away with running LimeWire in MY lab... on MY network
20:53.08|Jelly|Cause they think YOU'RE stupid like the rest of their teachers?
20:53.09Dreagarcause bittorrent is a pain in the ass?
20:53.24MentalPowermalreth: HS or College?
20:55.22malreththis guy was smart... he installed LW, left himself logged in, and unplugged the monitor so that no one else would sit down and use the computer
20:55.42malrethoh... delete that "smart" and replace with "stoopid"
20:55.56Dreagarso in other words, the only thing he didn't do was put a sign up that said. 'admin, look here for a good laugh'.
20:55.58malreththe unplugging the monitor is a new one...
20:56.24malreth'course, we trace all logins...
20:57.28malrethbest part is i don't have to get mad... i just inform the administrators for his college
20:57.36malreththey take care of the messy part
20:59.00malrethi'm gonna install a local GPO that prevents the limewire installer from running...
20:59.09malrethi'm through with dealing with this
20:59.24malrethonly one problem...
21:00.27malrethgah... every time you want to try to stop a program from being run or installed... there's always this cry about "academic freedom"
21:00.39malrethdamn hippies
21:00.47godzirracan anyone look at my paste and tel me what i'm doing wrong to keep my health bar from showing up?
21:01.42godzirraplease?  I'm really not sure what I'm doing wrong.
21:02.18amromalreth: some guy used to do the same thing at my high school, except he didn't even unplug the monitor (just turned it off) and was downlaoding (and selling) hentai
21:02.43godzirraI just played Xcom: Terror from the Deep in highschool.
21:03.29amroI played liero. two player mode, two people sitting at the same workstation goofing around, teacher never noticed
21:04.01malrethi played bolo
21:04.42Lunessaahhh, bolo. Good times.
21:05.17NightHawkTheSanebolo was awesome.
21:06.08malrethi suppose it was.. i sucked
21:06.25malrethi gave it up for Marathon 2
21:06.53Dreagarhoooray! got the editbox to show up, but still can't type in it. :(
21:07.09malrethme and the other guys on our floor in the dorm wired the place up with a localtalk network using phone net connectors
21:07.56malrethwe ran the phone lines behind the baseboards after pulling up the carpet
21:08.11malrethwe worked under cover of night
21:08.36LunessaHaha!  Connectix FTW
21:11.18*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
21:12.56RayneOne bag packed, 2 to go.
21:14.52*** join/#wowi-lounge godzirra (
21:15.15godzirraSorry, did anyone answer my question about why my health bar isn't showing up?
21:20.52purlACTION burps loudly
21:22.27purlrumour has it, thehun is where all the pr0n is!
21:22.55malrethpurl barg
21:23.03malrethpurl jerg
21:23.16malrethi knew it was there somewhere
21:23.27malrethpurl flarg
21:23.39Dreagaris there a way to change the position of text on a button in lua? i can't find one in the API, but maybe i'm not lookin hard enough?
21:24.05amrowhy would you do that?
21:24.35Dreagari found how to change the pushed text offset, but not the normal. cause the lettering is on the bottom border of the button, no matter what size i make the height of the button
21:24.47Josh_BorkeDreagar: make the text yourself?
21:24.51malretha "button" isn't much different from any other frame object in WoW... it has sub frames and layers and font strings like anything else
21:25.02godzirraDreagar: I'm still trying to get the healthbar to show up using statusbar.  Did you have any luck with that, or are you still setting it to a texture?
21:25.04Dreagarah i see what yer sayin.
21:25.40Dreagargodzirra: err. my problems have been with editboxes, which i got workin by setting a fontobject.
21:25.56godzirraDreagar: oh, I thought you... nevermind, that was fox2 that was asking about statusbars.
21:27.54DreagarSo, i'm gonna create a fontstring, that says insert, and SetFontString(newstring)  we'll see what i can do with that
21:30.36Intangirits funny how people refer to rushing as zerging in wow
21:30.39Intangirwhen there are no zerg in wow
21:31.36malrethyes there is
21:31.45Josh_BorkeDreagar: the problem is you need to adjust the points that the fontstring is set
21:31.56Intangirmalreth: that one collector edition pet doesnt count
21:32.09godzirraSooooo can anyone help me with my statusbar problem please? :)
21:32.19Intangirwhat is it?
21:32.23Josh_Borkegodzirra: what's the problem?
21:32.24malrethoh... doesn't count? who says you get to redefine the argument?
21:32.24godzirraIt doesnt show up
21:32.33Intangirwhat status bar?
21:32.44godzirraIts set to be a healthbar... crap, my firefox froze up.
21:32.48godzirrasec... let me reboot into windows...
21:33.06godzirrawait, here it is
21:33.18DreagarJosh_Borke: Thanks workin on that right now. :D
21:33.24Dreagarusein the button as the parent frame
21:33.27godzirraNow from the way I understand it, if my or my targets health changes, that should update the status bar...
21:34.24Josh_Borkegodzirra: make sure that UpdateTargetHealth isn't defined by anything else anywhere else
21:34.35godzirraThat is a paste of the whole code.
21:34.36godzirraAll of it.
21:35.33Lunessamalreth: ZOMG, plagiarized law!  " Malreth's Law: Any sufficiently advanced skill is indistinguishable from cheating. "
21:35.45Josh_Borkegodzirra: try prefixing all of your function names with "<MyAddon>" where MyAddon is the name of your addon
21:35.47malrethITS MINE!!!
21:35.58godzirraok... let me try that.
21:37.26Lunessamalreth: Clarke's Law!
21:37.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
21:37.45malrethClarke's dead... It's mine now!
21:38.35DreagarThanks got it. :D
21:38.35Lunessa~lart malreth
21:38.35purlfarts in malreth's general direction
21:38.51Josh_Borke~lart malreth
21:38.51purlexplains, ever so gently, that if malreth doesn't give the channel more information, they can't help
21:39.04Josh_Borke~define lart
21:39.05purlUse ~dict for definitions.
21:39.10Josh_Borke~dict lart
21:39.23malrethzomg.. Rislyn posted something... she lives!
21:41.42godzirraJosh_Borke: Its "Addon:" right?
21:41.58godzirraFunction Addon:Frame1_OnEvent() etc?
21:42.24malreththat calls Frame1_OnEvent(Addon)
21:42.32Josh_Borkegodzirra: no, it's "Addon_Function"
21:43.55Dreagar~dict BOFH
21:44.53Josh_Borkebye bye lunessa
21:45.14Thunder_Child"Our Lady of the Never had the Pickle Convent"
21:47.07godzirraJosh_Borke: Still not status bar.
21:49.00zenzelezzmalreth: O_o
21:49.25sag_ich_nichtwhat's the chatchannel for raidwarning?
21:49.48CideCHAT_MSG_RAIDWARNING I think
21:49.50Cideor RAID_WARNING
21:50.45*** join/#wowi-lounge laindir (
21:51.21godzirraJosh_Borke: want me to repaste my code?  I'm still not getting a health bar at all.
21:51.51sag_ich_nichtfor SendChatMessage?
21:51.53godzirraStatusBar just isn't working for me.
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21:54.33godzirraOr does anyone else have any suggestions on how to get StatusBar working?
21:56.12godzirraEven when I do StatusBar1:SetMinMaxValues(0,100) it doesnt ever show up in my frame.
21:56.20godzirraIs there something ele I need to do to make them visible?
21:57.40dylanmIt then needs a value.
21:57.50dylanmAnd that's assuming you did everything else.
21:58.44malrethassuming you haven't really changed much in your pasted code... I don't see a StatusBar1 object being declared anywhere
21:59.00godzirramalreth: I created a new one I was setting with static values.
21:59.04godzirrato see if I wa doing something wrong.
21:59.19*** part/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
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21:59.59godzirradylanm: my fucntion does this:  PlayerHealthBar:SetMinMaxValues(0, UnitHealthMax("player"));
22:00.40dylanmSounds grand.
22:00.49dylanmIt has a size and position and everything?
22:01.47godzirraYes, I think so.  i'm using the visual studio-esque thingie.  
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22:02.05godzirraLet me repaste again.
22:02.09dylanmI don't know what that would be.
22:02.10Dreagaryay! Cairenns back!
22:02.27dylanmIt has a texture? Etc etc.
22:03.51godzirraIt does not have a texture.  Does it need one to appear?
22:04.45dylanmIt sounds like something to try.
22:05.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Furl (
22:06.15sag_ich_nichtcould someone request that RAID_WARNING gets a short version of just RW for SendChatMessage? it's kind of too long to properly use in macros :/
22:06.16*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | "2012 so the zombies can eat us." - Lopeppeppy
22:06.43Thunder_Childwhat do you mean eat us? zombie is good eatin
22:06.59godzirradylanm: I tried setting a color which seems like it should be good enough, but no luck.
22:07.13CairennI had a hard time choosing which out of context quote to use from yesterday, there were a number of good ones
22:07.50godzirraYeah, trying to find a textuer to use.
22:08.15godzirratexture even.
22:08.16*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (
22:08.40Thunder_ChildCairenn, use em all
22:08.58godzirraLet me try that.
22:09.34godzirraHuh.. that did i.
22:09.45ScytheBlade1sag_ich_nicht: give me a line to copy and paste?
22:10.04godzirraso apparently you do need a texture.  Now to figure out how to set a foreground and background texture so the "deficit" shows up.
22:10.13dylanmYou do need a texture, yes.
22:10.21dylanmI'm not sure what else it would show.
22:10.43dylanmYou'll need to just stick a new texture behind the statusbar.
22:10.46godzirradylanm: I assumed if you set it to a color, it would show the color.
22:10.58godzirraAhh ok.  So have a texture of one color and the status bar in front of it.
22:11.00godzirraThank you Dylan :)
22:11.06godzirradylanm rather.
22:11.17dylanmIt's like the bgfiles. Even if you just want a solid color you need to specify an image somewhere.
22:11.22dylanmSuch is the API :p
22:11.25malrethgodzirra: ah.. yeah... set *what* to a color... frames themselves have no graphical elements to them
22:11.27godzirraWeird to get used to.
22:11.37godzirramalreth: that makes sense now that someone points it out.
22:11.54malrethyou can actually add a texture object that doesn't reference an actual image
22:12.01malrethand then set the color of that
22:12.05godzirraAh ok.
22:12.14malrethlemme look it up...
22:12.20malreth!api SetTexture
22:12.21ThraeBotmalreth: Could not find a relevant page. Perhaps you could be so kind as to create one?
22:12.34dylanm!api SetStatusBarTexture
22:12.35ThraeBotdylanm: Could not find a relevant page. Perhaps you could be so kind as to create one?
22:12.46malreth!api Texture_SetTexture
22:12.46ThraeBotmalreth: Could not find an example within
22:12.59dylanmDo I have to specify the object type too? Sheesh.
22:13.26dylanmI am enraged despite that being reasonable behavior.
22:13.30malrethinstead of giving SetTexture() a filename, you can give it an RGB(A) triplet
22:13.43sag_ich_nichtthanks ScytheBlade1, that's perfect
22:14.07sag_ich_nichti tried to write a macro for vashj and it was kind of... well annoying to have to use YELL instead of RAID_WARNING
22:14.17sag_ich_nicht(for throwing the tainted core)
22:14.20godzirragotcha.  Can I do that inside SetStatusBarTexture?
22:15.32godzirraApparently not... or I'm doing it wrong.
22:16.05ScytheBlade1Okay, lol.
22:19.00malrethi'm really considering upgrading back to XP from Vista...
22:19.17malrethnone of my hentai games work anymore :(
22:20.11sag_ich_nichtmalreth: just use vmware, noob
22:20.23sag_ich_nichtinstall DOS 6.22 in it, then install windows 98SE over it
22:20.30amromalreth: send it to :P
22:20.58ScytheBlade10_0 @ dylanm
22:21.02laindirsag_ich_nicht, 98SE was a solid OS considering that it was windows
22:21.29Mike-N-GoDoes +spell make hunters' arcane shots more potent?
22:21.30FurlThat one was a fun one
22:21.37FurlMng: RAP
22:21.43dylanmScytheBlade1: I was just guessing.
22:21.55sag_ich_nicht[23:21] <laindir> sag_ich_nicht, 98SE was a solid OS considering that it was windows <--if setup correctly, yes
22:21.57ScytheBlade1Mike-N-Go: yes
22:21.58laindirMike-N-Go, it used to... now it scales with ranged attack power
22:22.03ScytheBlade1Or that
22:22.22sag_ich_nichtvery stable and solid actually, the problem is that almost nobody managed to set it up correctly
22:22.28dylanmToo bad. Everything really would be hunter gear otherwise.
22:22.40Mike-N-GoHunter gear..
22:22.43amroit's a bitch to install drivers on 98
22:22.51KarlKFIwhy don't MY spells stack with attack power!? QQ
22:23.07Mike-N-GoI rather my hunter use focus instead of mana..
22:23.33KarlKFIyeah, i wish i didn't have to stack int too
22:23.43FurlI'm a warlock.
22:23.51FurlStats are easy-- stam, dmg, and hit.
22:24.14KarlKFIyeah alic you don't even need spell crit
22:24.19FurlI'm a belf.
22:24.30Furlcrit is crap for any spec.
22:24.36amroMike-N-Go: I find locks to be easy fights in 1v1
22:24.46bleeter~fail BBC
22:24.47purlBBC: Fail.
22:24.47Mike-N-Goamro: Not that.
22:24.52FurlTested tried theories and proven.
22:25.01godzirradylanm: thanks for your help... I got the bars working... sort of.  They just don't update now when I get hit.
22:25.17Mike-N-GoIt is the part where they can turn their life into mana, their opponents life into there life.
22:25.35*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work_ (
22:25.47FurlThe best part, you mean?
22:25.55FurlHonestly, I don't pvp much anymore...
22:26.00FurlI used to do the 17k a day thing
22:26.12FurlJust pve now.
22:26.25KarlKFIshame. warlock sare OP pvp
22:26.28FurlSo my finger tends more towards shadow bolt than drain life
22:26.28Mike-N-GoFurl: First few minutes of AV, then arena, and reque?
22:26.40KarlKFIWhat kills a warlock easily? nothing
22:26.47FurlNo, AV for 16 hours.
22:26.56Mike-N-GoKarlKFI: A steamroller.
22:27.05FurlA warrior [similar structure]
22:27.09Mike-N-GoHonestly, I would rather have focus as a hunter, and not have to stack MP5 and int...
22:27.19FurlI've gotten a 9k execute before.
22:27.20KarlKFIyeah. every other class and spec has a spec/class that owns them.... except warlocks
22:27.21FurlIt hurt.
22:27.25FurlLike balls.
22:27.35FurlDepns on the spec.
22:27.35Mike-N-GoMy 70 hunter has 52ish mp5, and 6.5 k mana without buffs.
22:27.40FurlBu generally easy.
22:27.44Furlwarriors, only.
22:28.00Furl[Although I kill them if I can... kite them [6-8 yard thing]
22:28.17laindirscytheblade1, in my experience, affliction lock is about 50/50 against rogues... instant howl ftw
22:28.31Mike-N-GoAnd why does one of the hunter specs have to be the dominate one.. SL tree needs help, badly.
22:28.36ScytheBlade1Mmm instant howl
22:28.54ScytheBlade1In all truth I have a mage and a resto druid, so, I know not much about locks in PvP
22:29.08Furllain: yea. Generally if I get a kiting start I can do it well. Now, if they are that hemo/combat build I've seen since 2.3...
22:29.14FurlI'm fucked
22:29.17godzirraOk, last question, before I head home and stop bugging ya'll...
22:29.27godzirrahow do I make this PlayerHealthBar:SetStatusBarTexture("Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-StatusBar"); use a color instead of a texture?
22:29.36Mike-N-GoScytheBlade1: You know that instant pet thing some warlocks have? That is on a 15 minute timer.
22:29.38godzirraSetTexture allows you just to specify RGB, but that doesnt appear to?
22:29.42laindirfurl, before cloak of shadows, a rogue was an easy HK
22:30.00FurlMNG: demo fails.
22:30.08FurlLain: yes.
22:30.14FurlI know.
22:30.18godzirraAnyone know?
22:32.46buuRogues > locks =[
22:33.07godzirraDamnit buu.  Are you everywhere? ;p
22:33.12KarlKFIbad locks maybe
22:33.24godzirraI can't get away from you.
22:33.24buuKarlKFI: Well, one on one it's somewhat even.
22:33.37buuKarlKFI: I think the rogue has a strong advantage but a rogue might be able to outlast.
22:33.44KarlKFIa lock under 375 skill maybe
22:33.47buuKarlKFI: The real issue is that a rogue locks a warlock so hard he can barely do anything.
22:34.10KarlKFIrogue locks everything hard if it's the right spec
22:34.11godzirraOk, I'm leaving... if anyone can answer my question, I'd appreciate it.  I'll look in when I get home.
22:34.24buuSort of.
22:34.25godzirrahow do I make this PlayerHealthBar:SetStatusBarTexture("Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-StatusBar"); use a color instead of a texture?  SetTexture allows an RGB value, but this apparently does not.
22:34.34buuThe issue is push back + mace stun on spells with a cast time.
22:35.36KarlKFIthe only way i break out of rogue stun lock is if i turn and HoJ or bubble and beat them up when their cooldowns are down
22:36.10KarlKFIlock just needs to get 1 fear off before they get stun locked and they're fine
22:36.40RayneI did something bad :<
22:37.20KarlKFIplus you have paranoia
22:37.35KarlKFIso if you get locked right out of stealth that's your own fault
22:38.39*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
22:39.09Mike-N-GoAnyother raiding hunters appalled at the high cost of arrows now!!?
22:39.22KarlKFIfeign death more
22:39.34KarlKFIif you die outside of a boss fight you fail
22:39.37Thunder_Childor make your own
22:40.01sag_ich_nichtKarlKFI: been at zul'jin yet? :P
22:40.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
22:40.19Mike-N-GoWith my epics it costs a little over 4G for one repair..
22:40.19Shirik|Ecolemy flight was cancelled, yey
22:40.27Mike-N-GoShirik|Ecole: Grats
22:40.29KarlKFIyou're thinking of it as a requisite to raiding. while you SHOULD be thinking of it as another consumable type
22:40.41*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
22:41.03JoshBorkeany linux wow'ers in here?
22:41.09Thunder_ChildShirik|Ecole, nice, weather?
22:41.10Mike-N-GoKarlKFI: Said hunter wishes to bring as much as he can to raids..
22:41.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
22:41.33KarlKFIammo is another way to spend money to increase your dps. Otherwise the cost of basic ammo is ofset by the lack of repair bills
22:42.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (n=nospam@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
22:42.22*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Shirik] by ChanServ
22:42.25Shirikdie MentalPower
22:42.29Shirikor was it Mr_Rabies
22:42.31Shirikone of you, die
22:42.32Mike-N-GoAmmo.. costs so much now just to do the basic attack..
22:42.40Shirikmaybe it was Mike-N-Go... it was an M damnit
22:42.45TaeriI'd love a arrow making proffesion really. As a secondary proff like cooking >___> (yes, I am a hunter, a cheap one at that!)
22:42.47ShirikOne of you said grats and it killed my computer -_-
22:42.48KarlKFIplus it's an agro drop. so you never need to hold back and you can use it INSTEAD of salv which means you can have both wis and might in most situations
22:42.55Mike-N-GoShirik: wat?
22:42.57Thunder_Childthat would be Mike-N-Go
22:43.04Thunder_ChildShirik, weather?
22:43.29KarlKFIso your dps is increased and it costs you more, QQ more
22:43.34MentalPower~lart Shirik
22:43.34purldrops a baby grand on Shirik
22:43.35Mike-N-GoKarlKFI: Stupid paladins still put salv on us hunters..
22:44.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=Shirik@
22:44.02Thunder_Childbecause you need it
22:44.03KarlKFIget some smarter paladins, or better yet don't die and prove to them you dont need it
22:44.20*** join/#wowi-lounge andross_ (
22:44.23Shirik|EcoleHow dio you do that -_-
22:44.30Mike-N-GoI'm talking about untrained paladins..
22:44.36Thunder_ChildShirik, L2Type
22:44.44Mike-N-GoMyself, I have FreeMe addon, it wipes salv =p
22:44.50KarlKFIwtf are you doing raiding with untrained paladins
22:44.57buuKarlKFI: Training them?
22:44.58*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
22:45.21KarlKFIyou learn that in like KZ. if you're training them after that they suck
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22:45.40Thunder_Childyou know, i think Shirik is having some serious problems
22:45.50Thunder_Child(its really fun to watch)
22:47.00Mike-N-GoMyself, I kina skiped Karazhan, went from PvP to 25 mans =P
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22:49.26*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Shirik|Ecole] by ChanServ
22:49.40Shirik|Ecoleok, supposedly my computer will have stopped being stupid now
22:49.46Shirik|Ecolestupid Mike-N-Go and his haxoring
22:49.46Thunder_Childlaugh @ Shirik|Ecole
22:49.49NightHawkTheSanepfft. supposedly.
22:49.58Mike-N-GoShirik|Ecole: Hum?
22:50.00JoshBorke~lart Shirik|Ecole
22:50.00purlhereby declares Shirik|Ecole a troll
22:50.06Thunder_ChildShirik|Ecole, weather?
22:50.08Shirik|EcoleSo yeah, Delta gave me this little thingy for a free dinner apparently
22:50.11Shirik|Ecolekinda nice
22:50.16Shirik|Ecoleno, I have no clue why it's cancelled
22:50.21Shirik|Ecoleit's sunny here at least
22:50.28Thunder_Childeh, raining here
22:50.29Shirik|Ecoleand it's fine in DC
22:50.39Thunder_Childi know, terrorists!
22:50.41Shirik|EcoleSo they pushed my flight to departing at 9PM and paid for my dinner
22:50.43Mike-N-GoRaining in CA
22:50.56Shirik|Ecoleactually closer to 10PM
22:51.14KarlKFIThat's cheating Mike, KZ is like how you learn to raid in TBC
22:51.17Shirik|EcoleI blame Cidan
22:51.24Dreagarwow, metatables are confusing
22:51.30Shirik|Ecoleno they're not :D
22:51.55Thunder_Child~lol Shirik|Ecole
22:51.59Shirik|Ecolelua> t = setmetatable({}, {__call = function() print("Metatables are your friend!") end}); t()
22:52.00lua_botShirik|Ecole: Metatables are your friend!
22:52.07Shirik|Ecolehey, better yet
22:52.07sag_ich_nichtDreagar: they are so confusing, that they could break secure protection!
22:52.13Thunder_Child~laugh Shirik|Ecole
22:52.14purlibot laughs hysterically at Shirik|Ecole...ow!  laughing so hard, it can't breathe... gasp...gasp...gasp....  .....  ...
22:52.16Shirik|Ecolelua> setmetatable({}, {__call = function() print("Metatables are your friend!") end})()
22:52.16lua_botShirik|Ecole: Metatables are your friend!
22:52.23Shirik|Ecolesag_ich_nicht: They fixed that
22:52.29Mike-N-GoKarlKFI: I did not have the benefit of a guild at the time.. I am yet to do a full clear in Karazhan, and before I joined my raiding guild, only been in there 2-5 times total, only called for prince now, lol.
22:52.38sag_ich_nichtShirik|Ecole: i said they COULD, i didn't say they can
22:52.45sag_ich_nichtShirik|Ecole: which patch was that fixed in anyway
22:52.52Shirik|Ecolesometime before 2.4
22:52.56Shirik|Ecoleand after 2.0
22:52.58Shirik|Ecolesomewhere in there
22:53.01Thunder_Childit's still before 2.4
22:53.05Thunder_Child~lat Shirik|Ecole
22:53.06Shirik|EcoleI know this :P
22:53.27Thunder_Childi hate you purl
22:53.54Mike-N-GoIn the 25 mans I compete with the high DPS rogues; 5 mans were my training.. now I just have a heck lot more buffs/consumables.
22:53.58sag_ich_nichtpurl i hate you
22:53.59purlYou hate you?
22:54.21KarlKFIMike-N-Go, I have every piece from KZ that I could possibly use for all 3 specs. I have all 3 T4 helms and used the Opera helm for tanking for like months before I got the T4 one.
22:54.41Mike-N-GoI have not a single pice of T4, either.
22:54.46zenzelezzapart from when there's heavy AoE, one of our hunters is almost always top on DPS
22:55.00KarlKFIyeah our hunters are usually on top
22:56.12KarlKFIesp when their pets dont die
22:56.26Mike-N-GoKarlKFI: The bane of BM..
22:56.47zenzelezzthe hunter in question recently went back from BM to Survival, he still tops the DPS
22:56.59zenzelezzI swear I never see him without the Drums of Battle or whichever the AP one is
22:57.00KarlKFIi like the way pets don't take aoe, but it's liek cheating in arenas
22:57.01Raynekamdis: OH HI
22:57.25kamdisnot much.  happier now that there's sun outside
22:57.31Raynethats good :)
22:57.32kamdisit rained all night/day
22:57.50laindirkamdis, rain in december... ewww :(
22:57.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
22:58.14RayneHows the UI workin for you?
22:58.19kamdissuch is the way of things in San Francisco
22:58.25kamdisI didn't get to try it last night :(
22:58.29kamdisI will tonight for sure
22:58.35kamdisI didn't get to play at all
22:59.11RayneI wonder how many people clicked my thread thinking it was for real
22:59.23Dreagarjust seems like the pil don't explain metatables very well
22:59.38NightHawkTheSanelaindir: rain in december? woo! welcome to the pacific northwest. :P
22:59.57TaeriWelcome to Bergen!
23:00.03laindirI'm from wisconsin originally, winter without snow = painful
23:00.08*** join/#wowi-lounge spathi (n=spathi@
23:00.12zenzelezzthe town of ten mountains
23:00.33Taerizenzelezz: which town? XD
23:00.40zenzelezzyours :-p
23:00.46Taeriit's seven, but ok.
23:00.59zenzelezzyou fail at Bergenser... you're supposed to be infuriated when people get it wrong
23:01.08zenzelezzwe tease our sales manager with that all the time
23:01.12TaeriI come from Lillehammer ;P
23:01.23Mike-N-GoHow I view it, with mediocre gear, BM has a bit more damage compared to the other specs, but with t5 and beyond, it really does not matter.. all they want is my pet's ferocious inspiration methinks..
23:01.25TaeriI moved to Bergen in May this year.
23:01.36zenzelezzdubious excuse, but it'll have to do... but only because of the brownies
23:01.38kamdisRayne:  I didn't even read the title.  I just saw a new thread and clicked. "oooh shiny!"  lol
23:02.15TaeriI visited Bergen for the first time ever, in September 2006. :P
23:02.36TaeriI know absolutely nothing about Bergen, except that the people here need better driving skills.
23:02.45kd3oh wow. the UI ninja posted
23:02.52Shirik|EcoleUI ninja?
23:02.53zenzelezzthey also need to learn our language
23:02.56Taeriui ninja?
23:03.04kd3her usual avatar's the ninja one
23:03.14Shirik|Ecolewhy is he the ui ninja?
23:03.52Taerizenzelezz: Truedat
23:03.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
23:04.34Shirik|EcoleRayne I am going to beat the hell out of you
23:04.43kd3bah. I need to buy my parents a better router. azureus keeps causing it to reset when I've got a lot of open tcp connections
23:04.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Bibi_ (
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23:05.55Shirik|Ecolewhat's it called again, UIErrorsFrame ?
23:06.31Shirik|Ecole# Server is busy, please try again
23:06.31Shirik|Ecole54 secs
23:06.46Shirik|Ecolewhy the HELL does the server put you on a 1 minute timer if it denied the message
23:06.55kamdisbecause it hates us
23:08.48Raynedo do do
23:08.50kd3oh wow. hell must be freezing over. "Duke Nukem Forever trailer releasing tomorrow"
23:09.30Raynekamdis: I actually made a small layout change today, but nothing extream, just moving the chat frame n self frame up and closer to the edge of the screen a bit.
23:09.39RayneBasicly just giving Omen more breathing room :P
23:09.48kamdisyeah it looked a tad cramped
23:09.57kamdisdidn't Lunessa comment on that?
23:10.11RayneI wish I had an offset under the chat frame for it
23:10.17Raynebut I cant figure anything out
23:10.27Shirik|EcoleRayne: I have this really cool idea
23:10.31Shirik|Ecoleperhaps you can implement it in the future
23:10.40Shirik|EcoleUse the god-damned general forums
23:11.29kamdisShirik's just bitter he got Dino-rolled.
23:11.50Shirik|EcoleNot really
23:12.03Shirik|EcoleI'm bitter that the UI forums have gone further to hell over the past year
23:12.08Shirik|Ecolewhen I didn't think it could get much worse
23:12.41RayneShirik|Ecole: Or you could see at as a bit of humor in the overly tense posts there have been lately instead of chewing my ass out like its my fault, thanks.
23:12.52Raynekamdis: What DM do you prefer?
23:12.58Shirik|EcoleOr better yet
23:13.03Shirik|Ecoleyou could see that those forums are not intended for humor
23:13.04Shirik|Ecolewait wait
23:13.05kamdisI'm addicted to Recount
23:13.07Shirik|Ecolelet me quote you the description
23:13.21|Jelly|workShirik: Don't worry, I r thinking I be done. So that's one less asshole. lol
23:13.25Shirik|EcoleUI & Macros ForumUI & Macros Forum
23:13.26Shirik|EcoleWork with other players to create your own special custom interfaces and macros.
23:13.29Shirik|Ecoleooh check that out
23:13.32Shirik|EcoleI don't see anything about humor there
23:13.50RayneShirik|Ecole: Get whatever bug is up your ass out and leave me be ass.
23:14.28kamdisRayne:  I like SWStats still too.
23:14.38Raynekamdis: How customizable is it? I used it briefly but never really played with the options
23:14.58Shirik|EcoleI will leave you be when you become useful to the community like the rest of the people that post. |Jelly|work at least gets rid of the idiots.
23:15.03Shirik|EcoleYou on the other hand encourage them
23:15.04|Jelly|workShirik: PM me the Conspiracy SVN sometime. I seem to have misplaced the info. :(
23:15.52kamdisIt's pretty customizable for bar textures and stuff
23:15.58kamdisif that's what you mean
23:16.15Shirik|Ecole|Jelly|work there's no reason to get to it right now
23:16.19Raynecause im still using Hals textures for pretty much everything
23:16.23Shirik|Ecolethough we intend to do some work over the next few weeks
23:16.33Shirik|Ecoleas of right now I think the last commit was a month ago
23:16.46|Jelly|workWell, I don't think I'm going to be playing this week anyway so like I said "sometime" :P
23:17.06Shirik|EcoleDo you have the RDX.Cid SVN?
23:17.27Raynegod I really wish SLTimex had an autohide feature...
23:17.36|Jelly|workmake one
23:18.01Thunder_Childwell i just got my new lens in the i have to grow new muscles to cary and shoot the damn thing.
23:18.12Shirik|EcoleThunder_Child: Lol
23:18.13Shirik|Ecolewhat lens?
23:18.17Shirik|Ecolewait wait let me guess
23:18.20Shirik|Ecolesomething like
23:18.22Shirik|Ecole20mm - 40000mm
23:18.30Thunder_Child18 - 200
23:18.46Shirik|Ecoleyeah that would probably be a bit heavy, but shouldn't be too bad
23:19.07Thunder_Childwell as compared to my last one it's quite a bit heaver
23:19.18*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknigh1 (
23:19.22RayneShirik|Ecole: Out of curiosty, what makes you think im as bad as any of the other idiots trolling the UI forums? Im rather intrigued.
23:19.30RayneOr did I catch you with a humor thread at the wrong time
23:19.31Shirik|Ecolehuh, 3.5. That's not bad.
23:19.42Thunder_Child3.5 and IS equiv
23:19.55Thunder_Childso 1.5 if it is good
23:19.58Shirik|EcoleRayne: Probably bad timing, but I already hate UI compilation authors to begin with unless you show some reason for me to not hate you, so that doesn't help.
23:20.33|Jelly|workI'm glad you hate me.
23:20.41Shirik|Ecole"unless you show some reason for me to not hate you"
23:20.52Shirik|Ecolelike being able to write Lua code, and asking for help with it when you need to
23:20.53RayneOk, so do me a favor. Like I said before, dont crawl up my ass over something you have a problem with everyone else with, cause I wont take it. Also dont put me on their fucking level, at least I try to be helpful.
23:20.53Thunder_Child|Jelly|work, we hate you regardless
23:20.58|Jelly|work!vs us burning legion jelly us drenden kimina
23:21.02ThraeBot|Jelly|work: Jelly vs Kimina! Two 70 priests square off!; 43/18/0 vs 20/41/0; Kimina wins by 519 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
23:21.03|Jelly|workYeah well, die.
23:21.10Shirik|Ecoleyou caught me in my pvp gear :)
23:21.12|Jelly|workGood enough reason, Shirik? lol
23:21.31Shirik|EcoleRayne: Posting dinosaurs is helpful?
23:21.34Shirik|EcoleHuh, I'll have to remember this one
23:21.38Shirik|EcoleAt least you didn't do it in IRC
23:21.48Dreagar!vs us burning legion jelly us skywall dreagar
23:21.50ThraeBotDreagar: Jelly vs Dreagar! A L70 priest and a L70 warlock square off!; 43/18/0 vs 7/2/52; Dreagar wins by 190 TBRs!
23:22.19Rayneomfg grow up dude. Seriously. I came to IRC for help and to talk to people, as well as get advice. If I had known this reception would have been coming I would have avoided it.
23:22.25|Jelly|workI would say congrats, but I killed a warlock the other day in BG using reflective shield. :-\
23:22.46*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlKFI (
23:22.53Dreagaryeah, i'm sure i'd lose for reals, but it's nice to see irc likes me. lol
23:22.54Shirik|EcoleIf you came to IRC not expecting hostility you already had something coming to you.
23:22.55Shirik|EcoleThis is IRC
23:23.04Thunder_ChildRayne, a sense of humor is required
23:23.07purl"Welcome to IRC: where the men are men, the women are men, and the little girls are FBI agents."
23:23.12[dRaCo]IRC? This is madness!
23:23.17[dRaCo]or something like that :þ
23:23.18|Jelly|workI see nothing about hostility!
23:23.42Thunder_Childyour not looking hard enough |Jelly|work
23:23.59Shirik|Ecolepurl, howtoask is
23:24.00purlShirik|Ecole: okay
23:24.02RayneI dont want to hear a sense of humor is required when someones gotta chew me for a forum post.
23:24.18Shirik|Ecole|Jelly|work: You'll find it in that link
23:24.31Thunder_Childoh. well in that case you should be ignoring the person, esp Shirik
23:25.06|Jelly|workRayne: No offense but get over it. We've /all/ gotten our asses chewed in IRC at some point or another and many have given ass chewings. It's not the end of the world and crying about it isn't going to help your case but rather open you up for further beration.
23:25.35RayneIm not crying, if youre trying to throw me under the bus for something that was way beyond my control / fault im gonna fight back.
23:25.41RayneSorry, not going to sit there idly.
23:25.57dylanmWhoa fightin'
23:26.02dylanmGotta scroll up I guess :-/
23:26.19JoshBorkefighting is over-rated
23:26.29Thunder_Childand dont forget who is doing the chewing, it isnt your boss or mom or anything, it's some random's easy to ignore them
23:26.45Shirik|EcoleThunder_Child, that lens is really good
23:26.46foxlityawn, give me some more drama with that sause
23:26.54Thunder_ChildShirik|Ecole. ya, $455
23:27.03Thunder_Childnot the $820 they post
23:27.06kamdisShirik, put Absoluterayne on forum ignore, Rayne /ignore Shirik on IRC.  Fin.
23:27.08dylanmThunder_Child: What if Shirik... IS THE FATHER
23:27.29Thunder_Childdylanm, then some woman needs to be shot and humanity is going to die
23:27.39*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
23:27.39JoshBorkedylanm: why bring Fin into this?
23:27.49Shirik|Ecolekamdis: I don't ignore anyone
23:27.51kamdisHi alestane
23:27.53Thunder_ChildJosh_Borke, you mean kamdis
23:28.05alestaneHey kamdis!
23:28.15kamdisWell, if his posts offend you so much, perhaps it would be easier on the rest of us if you did.  But, whatever floats your boat.
23:28.26|Jelly|worklate for work. have a great argument guys. may the blood flow! Just keep the wells full for me until I get back.
23:28.33Thunder_Childwell my boat gets floated by...err..nvm
23:28.41Shirik|EcoleThunder_Child: your hand?
23:29.18Thunder_Childi was going to say water...but sure, why not
23:29.19kamdisJoshBorke: har har
23:29.30*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
23:29.32Shirik|Ecoleanyway seriously the contrast on that lens is impressive for such wide capability
23:29.49*** join/#wowi-lounge fridgid (n=Fridgid@
23:29.52Shirik|Ecolemight have to see if I can pick this one up for my new camera when I get one
23:29.59Thunder_Childthe only problem (which iriel pointed out) is that if i ever switch to a full frame camera i cant use it
23:30.27Raynekamdis: Did you ever have a problem with recount giving you total interface lag?
23:31.07RayneThe reason I stopped using it was I would occasionally lock up a second or two after a fight, and when I disabled recount it would stop
23:31.32Shirik|Ecolebut I'm worried that 200mm might not be enough, that's the only thing
23:31.58Shirik|EcoleAnd if I'm going to buy another lens, might as well get something like 100mm-400mm and pick up a 18-80
23:32.00Thunder_Childthen get2
23:32.01Raynehold that thought brb
23:32.01kamdisRayne:  no, but I reset it all the time and haven't raided with it at all yet.
23:32.17kamdislikely when I get there on Kam I'll switch to SWS to Violation.
23:32.19Thunder_Childwhat i still need is a proper macro lens
23:32.44Shirik|EcoleI'm annoyed at how many lenses claim to be macro the days even though they really aren't suited for it :/
23:32.55kamdis*SWS or Violation
23:32.56Shirik|EcoleI think all of my lenses say "macro" on it
23:33.13alestaneNow I'm trying to explain to my brother over e-mail how to get Cartographer installed and working.
23:33.21Thunder_Childthey are telling you the min macro, not that they are macro lenses
23:33.33Shirik|Ecoleoh is that it?
23:33.49Shirik|EcoleI say that's intentionally deceptive
23:33.50Thunder_Childya, they are telling you the minimum focus distance
23:34.12kamdisalestane:  ugh.  i've tried walking guildies through that on Vent and it's hard.  Email... yikes.
23:35.16alestaneI've been tech-supporting my family through e-mail and telephone for years now. He says he got it to say a dependency was missing, so I sent him a link to the most recent one on wowace, 'cause I think it's supposed to be self-contained.
23:35.20Shirik|Ecolethis is pretty good though:
23:35.54Shirik|Ecolef/2.8 at 50mm is nice
23:35.54Thunder_ChildShirik|Ecole nikon only
23:35.58Shirik|Ecoleoh is it?
23:36.09Shirik|EcoleI'm not really looking for me just looking at the stats right now so
23:36.56Shirik|EcoleThis appears to be the same and not for Nikon?
23:37.41Thunder_ChildShirik|Ecole, some are special for nikon due to their usm variant
23:37.49Thunder_Childtheir focusing motor
23:38.03Shirik|EcoleSo do you like Sigma? Never used their lenses
23:38.18Shirik|Ecole(In case you can't tell I'm going to have to get a whole new setup soon)
23:38.36Thunder_Childthis is the first time i am using something other than canon
23:38.41Thunder_Childand i just got it today
23:39.13Shirik|EcoleIriel recommended Canon to me :)
23:39.27Thunder_Childwhich is interesting since he has nikon
23:39.43Shirik|Ecoleor maybe he said nikon
23:39.44Shirik|Ecoledamn it
23:39.55Shirik|EcoleIm pretty sure he said canon
23:40.44Shirik|Ecoleoh well I'll have to ask again
23:40.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
23:41.56Thunder_Childif that macro lens was cheaper than the 379 i found it for i might have goten it...but thats to much after wuying this one
23:43.48Shirik|Ecoleoh I thought you were looking for a separate macro lens :)
23:43.59Thunder_Childthat is
23:45.36kamdisanyone know how to write "April" in German?  Avril?
23:45.44kamdisI suppose Google knows...
23:46.05Shirik|EcoleAvril is french
23:46.09Shirik|Ecoleno clue if it's the same in german
23:46.19Shirik|Ecole~x en de April
23:46.24Thunder_Childi thik purl can do something along thoes lines
23:46.27kamdissweet thanks
23:46.37Shirik|Ecole~x en fr April
23:46.43Shirik|Ecoleok so I did it right...
23:46.48Shirik|EcoleI guess it's just April ><
23:47.18Shirik|Ecole~x en ger April
23:48.09kamdisit's april
23:48.18kamdisthanks Shirik :)
23:48.48godzirradoh.  sorry.
23:48.56godzirraLagging bad. :/
23:49.04Shirik|Ecolelag caused you to do that? o.o
23:49.40godzirrame trying to scroll back down so I could see what was going on caused me to do that =p
23:49.43godzirranot sure why page down translated into ~[6 ;p
23:49.45Fox2|backLag once caused me to run off a cliff...
23:50.00Fox2|backwell virtually at least
23:50.26godzirrapvp caused me to run off a cliff once.  I'll be damned if he was getting honor for me! :p
23:50.45dylanmMy favorite is dudes who blame lag for their pressing "need" on something they could never wear.
23:50.56godzirraHa.  Yeah. :p
23:50.57dylanmAnd then you check the armory and they are enchanters.
23:51.09godzirraEspecially bo items that warn yuo too.
23:51.27*** join/#wowi-lounge pprovost (n=pprovost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
23:51.29dylanmAnd... I mean you don't have to be a super detective to form an alternative explanation here.
23:51.31godzirraMy response is usually "oops, lag caused me to boot you"
23:52.22Fox2|backWell, lucky me, I play a priest and wen there's someone in my group who I don't like I can always blame lag for his death
23:52.22Shirik|EcoleI need to do that next time
23:52.26Shirik|Ecole"oops lag caused me to boot you"
23:52.34Shirik|Ecole"I can't put you back in, my UI broke"
23:52.56alestaneThis Enricos guy on the forum at least gets mots of his syntax right, but he has a funky grasp of the macro logic:
23:53.15*** join/#wowi-lounge laindir (
23:53.20godzirrahow do I make this PlayerHealthBar:SetStatusBarTexture("Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-StatusBar"); use a color instead of a texture?  SetTexture allows an RGB value, but this apparently does not.
23:53.25kamdislestane, yeah but I can't fault him.  He's no worse than I am.
23:54.01Shirik|Ecoleyou mean you want to change the color?
23:54.17Fox2|backUse StatusBar_SetStatusBarColor() instead ?!?
23:54.25godzirrano, I want to not have to specify UI-StatusBar to be the foreground.
23:54.25Shirik|EcoleUse SetStatusBarColor()
23:54.27Fox2|back_ = :
23:54.45Shirik|Ecolegodzirra: You don't have to
23:54.52Shirik|Ecoleor I'm not understanding your question
23:54.54godzirraSo i basically want one color for the current health, and a background color (which is set no a different texture behind the status bar)
23:54.57godzirraI tried SetStatusBarColor() and it didnt show up until i specified a texture
23:55.21Shirik|Ecoleiirc you want both
23:55.54Shirik|Ecolebut I don't use status bars much
23:55.56Fox2|backset a texture, a blank one if you like and set a color
23:56.00Shirik|Ecoleat least not directly
23:56.05Shirik|Ecolelet me check Conspiracy's code on it ><
23:56.10godzirraHow do I set a blank textuer?
23:56.19Shirik|Ecolealpha 0?
23:56.24Fox2|backI still like Texture:SetTextureWidth better than Statusbar :)
23:56.28alestanekamdis: mostly it's his predisposition to write /cast [cond] SpellA\n/cast [nocond] SpellB macros, rather than /cast [cond] SpellA; SpellB
23:56.45Shirik|EcoleStatusbars are kinda worthless mostly atm
23:56.49Shirik|Ecolethey need more flexibility
23:57.04Shirik|Ecolelike direction of change, etc.
23:57.07godzirraso I shuold use fox's method instead?
23:57.12Fox2|backA blank texture?
23:57.27foxlitSetWidth would work
23:57.31Fox2|backmake a .tga that's white aand use it as texture :)
23:57.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim|ubuntu (
23:57.42godzirrawait... direction of change?  If I set a texture bar for health, it works fine
23:57.44foxlitBut you don't need a tga anyway
23:57.53godzirraI just dont know how to set it to a color instead of a texture =p
23:58.01foxlitsolid colors are easy
23:58.10Fox2|backyou need to do both, Texture and Color
23:58.49Fox2?!? someone owns the nickname Fox2
23:58.56Fox2and its not me..
23:59.08Fox2foxes can do that sometimes :)
23:59.54Eve(now how about someone tells me Alice's key?)

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