IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071217

00:00.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Dreag (
00:09.22Furllua> 2*12031
00:09.23lua_botFurl: 24062
00:09.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
00:10.31*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (
00:10.47sag_ich_nichtSTORMHERALD IS MINE!
00:11.38*** part/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
00:12.34bleeteroO they deleted the Oceanic Latency thread
00:12.52bleeterum s/Latency/Queue/
00:13.26bleeteroh well, all schools are out tomorrow. I guess we'll see how things are on Wednesday.
00:14.14bleeterwonder if the oceanic realms all burn in hell between christmas and whenever blizz can fix it, whether they'll refund etc.
00:14.30bleeteror just stick to the 'lol you can reroll other server or transfer off' line
00:14.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
00:15.03bleetersome *serious* customer communication would be appreciated, looks like Drysc's been muzzled on the topic
00:15.28foxlitWarning: mysql_real_escape_string() [function.mysql-real-escape-string]: Access denied. Grr, escape without connecting, dammit!
00:15.37bleeterwouldn't wanna wish this upon them.
00:16.04Lukianbleeter, haha
00:16.27Lukianbleeter, shouldn't 2.3.2 fix the lag issues?
00:16.32bleeterLukian: laugh it up :) was sitting around with three other players on the weekend, they're not purchasing for friends either (same reason)
00:16.34Lukianor is it actual transit
00:16.44bleeternah, it's not lag.. that was my bad
00:16.54bleeterit the consistent full/locked/queued each and every evening
00:17.05Lukianoh yeah that's getting annoying
00:17.12bleeteradd on top of that that most tuesday night raiding is out
00:17.13Lukianat 11:15pm there was *still* a 150 queue
00:17.42bleeterand most hardcore Oceanic players are, imo, rightly completely fucked off with Blizz (and I use that expletive lightly)
00:17.45LukianOceanics should have been included in the last round of free transfers
00:17.56Lukianguess we'll get them in Jan instead
00:18.02bleeterOceanic should NOT allow receipt of transfers
00:18.11bleeterjust dumb dumb
00:18.12Wobworkbleeter: Tuesday night is "Going out for dinner night" for our guild
00:18.24bleeterWobwork: yeah, you've mentioned that before
00:18.50Lukianwhat if it's a rolling restart tuesday? :P
00:18.59bleeterLukian: thing that shits me is I warned Drysc about this three or so months ago, and he was basically 'stfu gtfo'
00:19.09Lukianlol :/
00:19.11bleeterLukian: usually can't tell until about midday Tuesday,
00:19.25LukianJubei has been crashing every 2nd day at 19:15.
00:19.31bleeterLukian: so in general, it's mostly just pointless trying to organise anything 'big'
00:19.40bleeterLukian: honor updates?
00:19.53Lukiancould be
00:19.55bleeterLukian: Barthilas had their instance servers offline all night about a week ago
00:20.07bleeterLukian: no apoligies, no refunds offered afaik
00:20.10Lukianyup I heard that one from xinhuan
00:20.26FinIndustrial: isn't it just
00:21.20bleeterhell, Oceanics may as well be playing back on 1.10 servers, given the lag spikes on honor updates, the crashes, the queues
00:21.29bleetermaybe even 1.9
00:21.42bleeterwe were told 'new hardware will fix it'
00:21.54bleeterwell guess what blizz, new hardware got full pop and it's just as screwed as before
00:22.17Lukianexactly what is the allowed character limit before queues start?
00:22.18WobworkLukian: it's still "Go out for dinner tuesday" =P
00:22.40bleeterLukian: that figure's not publicised, some say 5k, some 6k, some 8k
00:23.01Lukianyou can use wowcensus on two accounts to technically judge it
00:23.11bleeterLukian: thing is, they just increase the pop cap instead of new server. we say 'latency tho', so now they're gunna disable nagle's and tell us to suck it and see
00:23.15*** join/#wowi-lounge frid (n=Fridgid@
00:23.15LukianI agree with the 5-6k figure
00:23.26IndustrialFin: more like "damn hah, that went too far tho :<"
00:23.55bleeterLukian, Wobwork:
00:24.01Lukianbleeter, they seem adamant about not adding new servers, why do you think this is?
00:24.20bleeterLukian: no space at the inn ;)
00:24.26Wobworkwtb manger =P
00:24.44Lukianbleeter, well Mr. Rudd should get us a local server :p
00:24.54bleeterLukian: nah, Singapore mate
00:25.02Lukianyeah that'd be good
00:25.09bleeterservice english speaking asia, break into india market etc.
00:25.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Galka (
00:25.56bleeterthere's enough english speaking folks in india, i'm sure, to service 120 realms ;)
00:26.12FinIndustrial: well, that's what they do, go too far...
00:26.31bleeterI'm off for birthday drinkies, toodles! :D
00:26.52Wobworkbleeter: All my technical support I've called in the last two years have ended up in India =P
00:27.01Wobworkhappy birthday bleeter =P
00:28.55*** join/#wowi-lounge fridgid (n=Fridgid@
00:36.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
00:51.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
00:53.02Lukianhf bleeter :D
00:58.43Fincladhaire: "I'm not parsing this from thottbot when the data is missing from wowhead." - do you mean "I'm no_w_ parsing this..."? (from the Lightheaded changelog on WoWI)
00:59.06Fin(just FYI :)
01:00.01Cairennoh oops!
01:00.10Cairennmsi got hacked
01:01.00Thunder_ChildWTB good free Audio File Renamer
01:03.17hasteEx Falso?
01:03.55Thunder_Childnot tag
01:04.15hasteit does renaming also
01:04.24foxlithm, javascript?
01:04.29Thunder_Childnot according to it's website
01:04.41hastethe website is lacking :p
01:04.46Thunder_Childi think i found it
01:05.12Thunder_Childok, i'll give it a try, thanks
01:06.11foxlitExternal css?
01:11.00Fox2anyone know a decent tutorial on how to save variables in the savedvariables.lue?
01:11.21ScytheBlade1Your addon has it's own saved variables
01:12.40Fox2well, I don'T seem to get that article, how do I declare that a variable schould be saved? Or how do I call the variables again
01:12.49dylanm_In the toc.
01:12.54ScytheBlade1You put "SavedVariables: VariableName" on your .toc
01:13.03Fox2ah, damn typos, need more coffee
01:13.04ScytheBlade1And declare that variable as a global (by not declaring it as a local)
01:13.20Fox2ah thanks
01:13.27foxlitPrat should so save chat history
01:13.34dylanm_The article has a section called "designating variables to save".
01:13.46AnduinLotharwhy? /chatlog ?
01:14.04foxlitWell, no, not to the scope I want
01:14.17foxlit/chatlog would work for static "let's save some logs" problems
01:14.29foxlitI just want chat windows to persist through ReloadUI();
01:14.38foxlitMaybe keep the recently-entered command history
01:14.50foxlitso I wouldn't have to retype commands after fixing code and reloading to test :P
01:14.58ScytheBlade1It does keep the recently entered command history
01:15.10foxlitAcross reloads?
01:15.21foxlitNot for me
01:15.39ScytheBlade1But really, mine is saved across reloads
01:15.43ScytheBlade1And even log out/log in
01:16.08Wobworkrofl, from a friend's work christmas party: There were lovely vase things on the table with floating candles in it. Since this was a formal work function, of course the best thing you could possibly do is empty out the decorations and use them as drinking glasses:
01:17.39*** join/#wowi-lounge fridg (n=Fridgid@
01:24.13*** join/#wowi-lounge frid (n=Fridgid@
01:24.59Furl5 minute cooldown?
01:30.48*** part/#wowi-lounge Furl (
01:37.23*** join/#wowi-lounge ecstasia (n=ecs@unaffiliated/ecstasia)
01:58.58sysrage:( just pulled aggro on prince but omen said i was at 91% threat
01:59.06hastethat's what you get for trusting an addon!
01:59.24sysragelol. ya i shoulda added everything up by hand to figure out my threat
01:59.36ScytheBlade1What class are you?
02:00.01NightHawkTheSanesysrage: unless you can do that math in your head fast enough, gtfo. ;)
02:00.05ScytheBlade1Pfft, invis
02:00.32sysrageit was a new tank. i was saving invis for a little bit longer
02:00.42ScytheBlade1Well that's your problem then, not you
02:01.32*** join/#wowi-lounge |pez| (
02:02.30Thunder_Childpeople managed to go for more than a year without threat addons...
02:03.36hasteI stopped raiding when TM became "the standard"
02:03.42hastekilled all the fun =\
02:04.20|pez|TM ? :p
02:06.37|pez|this is where I step in and say I've never really raided. :P
02:10.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Xinhuan (
02:15.28Thunder_Childmanually editing 16,000+ songs ftl
02:15.51ScytheBlade1I suggest musicbrainz picard
02:16.03ScytheBlade1Unless you're doing things beyond editing tags and file names
02:16.11Thunder_Childit's just file names
02:16.20ScytheBlade1Musicbrainz Picard for you
02:16.58Thunder_Childtrying, but we shall see
02:17.05Thunder_Childi have tried at least 10 today
02:17.27ScytheBlade1It analyzes the music track, compares it to known signatures, and then tags/names it as needed
02:17.37ScytheBlade1You can have a.mp3 with no tags and in theory it could rename and tag it properly
02:17.49Thunder_Childsounds good
02:19.18|pez|and in theory, it could also go oh so wrong. :D
02:19.34ScytheBlade1I used it for a few thousand flac files
02:19.38ScytheBlade1Very very low error rate
02:20.33Thunder_Childwell lets see what it can do with 16,000+
02:20.47Thunder_Childbesides crash
02:20.53ScytheBlade1It won't
02:20.56*** part/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
02:22.42*** part/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
02:32.43Thunder_Child*sigh* still 5K pending files
02:33.37Fox2attempt to call method #SetTExture' (a nil vlaue)
02:33.47Fox2attempt to call method 'SetTexture' (a nil vlaue)
02:35.25hasteFox2: then your object obviously isn't a texture :p
02:36.31NightHawkTheSaneYOU'RE not a texture
02:36.54Thunder_Child~lart NightHawkTheSane
02:36.54purlputs NightHawkTheSane through a wood chipper
02:37.11Fox2well it should be I got it from GetSpellTexture ...
02:38.50Fox2Oh well, all was good until I decided I need to save some global variables...
02:39.32Fox2maybe I programming at 3:30 a.m. is not such a good idea
02:39.44hasteyou can do: local tex = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY") :)
02:39.51NightHawkTheSanepsh. programming at 3:30 am is the best idea ever.
02:39.59hasteI do it all the time
02:40.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
02:40.14hasteI also write code when I get home drunk, always fun reading the next day
02:41.00Fox2"What did I do here? What does that function do? Why does this work ?!?"
02:41.02NightHawkTheSanehaste: eh? :P
02:41.10hastehaha, yeah :D
02:41.11Thunder_Childyou shouldnt /come home/ drunk....
02:41.53hasteyou shouldn't, but it happens!
02:42.09|pez|.. I didn't know sites like this existed
02:42.52hasteI also happen to drink a lot at home =\
02:42.53Thunder_Childnot to me it doesnt
02:45.10Fox2damnit, no idea why it doesnt work, DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME even puts out the correct path ... -.- well, I think I'll be off to bed
02:45.15|pez|random question, which will probably be mostly personal opinions. When making a guild website for WoW, should it have a WoWlike feel around it, or is it ok with none or few wow like elements on it? :P
02:45.41Fox2It should have a WoW-like layout
02:45.45Thunder_Childmake it a HK wow layout
02:45.50Thunder_Childyou can talk to art3mis for help
02:45.57NightHawkTheSane|pez|: it should be like whatever you want.
02:46.22NightHawkTheSanepersonally, I find using wow graphics a bit cheesy, most of the time
02:46.26|pez|Thunder_Child: HK wow layout?
02:46.35Thunder_ChildHello Kitty
02:46.47|pez|Imight have to kill you now 0.o
02:46.53Thunder_Childtalk to art3mis
02:47.07Thunder_Childhe started it
02:47.14|pez|I don't want Hello Kitty on my guild website >__>
02:47.29NightHawkTheSanepsh, everybody wants hello kitty
02:47.47|pez|I quite enjoy a WoW-like layout, it just needs to be done well, and not look horribly hacked together and cheesy ;P
02:48.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
02:49.31NightHawkTheSaneI'm kind of a minimalist when it comes to web design, though, so. :)
02:50.09Thunder_Childi like minimalist in web design as well, though not in my UI
02:50.35|pez|I like the whole parchment thing on the WoW official sites. e.g
02:50.58NightHawkTheSaneI like minimalism in general, but I'm not willing to sacrifice functionality for it
02:51.16NightHawkTheSaneso I tend to end up with these ugly and not-exactly-minimalistic uis ;)
02:51.29WobworkI'm a programmer =(
02:51.33Wobworknot a graphic designer
02:51.38NightHawkTheSaneyeah, that too
02:51.38WobworkAnd it shows in my uis
02:51.49Thunder_Childyou can have minimalism with out losing functionality
02:52.05NightHawkTheSanepfft, like I'm going to pay someone to make a ui for me :P
02:52.12WobworkI wouldn't code addons for money
02:52.23|pez|I need a job XD
02:52.24WobworkThat inferrs responsiblity
02:52.38NightHawkTheSaneI would, but I'd charge exorbitant prices.
02:52.38JoshBorke~lart Wobwork
02:52.38purlwhacks Wobwork with the cluebat
02:52.55|pez|I wouldn't code it, I'd just make it look nice.
02:53.48|pez|But ok, I've said this before, but I'll say it again: The WoW fansite kit sucks donkey balls.
02:54.58Wobworkzenzelezz: =P
02:55.04*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
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02:56.01NightHawkTheSanedammit Wobwork
02:56.52|pez|I'll also mention, that dramatic color changes like these, make me horribly confused
02:57.03WobworkNightHawkTheSane: Did I start you browsing? =P
02:57.09NightHawkTheSaneWobwork: i'm weak. :(
02:57.27Thunder_Childi do the same thing, that why i know better then to click
02:58.50Thunder_Childit gets so bad (or good depending) in here that people have to quit the channel just to get work done
02:59.12NightHawkTheSanewell, fortunately I don't usually spam-link that when i start perusing it
02:59.55Thunder_Childyou should, why torment yourself when you can invite others
03:02.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (
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03:03.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
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03:05.34|pez|Anyone tried out ? :P
03:05.34|pez|or should I just stay clear of it? XD
03:05.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
03:05.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Olison (
03:06.13WobworkIt should be alright.
03:06.13WobworkI haven't looked at it, but it doesn't appear malicious
03:06.34WobworkI haven't downloaded it, but it doesn't look malicious
03:06.34Thunder_Childneither do i, but you know how that is
03:07.03|pez|I saw some preview thingie of it
03:07.05NightHawkTheSaneNargiddly and Arrowmaster tried it out yesterday, i believe.
03:07.11NightHawkTheSaneI don't think it's malicious.
03:07.20|pez|and he's apparently gotten a live rss feed ingame, which is... not allowed?
03:07.27Arrowmasterits not live
03:07.28NightHawkTheSaneHowever, from what they said, It's pretty poorly done.
03:07.51Arrowmasterits just a stupid .net class to turn an rss feed into an lua savedvar
03:09.21Wobworkso... works on reloadui? =P
03:09.32Wobworkor not even that
03:09.40Wobworkcause the SV would be overwritten
03:10.29WobworkDNS WRU?
03:10.40Wobworkwe've lost the DNS server at work for some reason =P
03:10.48Wobworkluckily, irc is still up!
03:13.12|pez|((psst, if we don't say anything at all for the next... few minutes, Wobwork might think irc is gone too! :o ))
03:13.32*** join/#wowi-lounge [KzM]Fatalis (
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03:13.33*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+vv Legorol norgs] by
03:15.17Arrowmasteryeah it mentions savedvars or something but you should be able to use to make a file in an addon dir too, that would let it work on reloads
03:15.22Arrowmasterbut really theres so many other things you could use to do the same thing rather than .NET
03:15.30Arrowmastersince theyve already been done too
03:18.24Wobworkoh true
03:18.38Wobworkyou could parse out the rss into a rss.lua file
03:18.53Wobworkbut yeah, on reloadui isn't really very... useful
03:20.50|pez|How to make websites work together with addons is something I'll have to look up on.
03:23.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
03:24.32|pez|I need a fancy name for a website cms. :o
03:25.26NightHawkTheSanePez Management System. >.>
03:25.38|pez|the thought as occured to me ;P
03:30.56NightHawkTheSanedispenser? i hardly know her.
03:32.32TaeriI'm gonna go sleep.
03:34.06purlba-dum CHH
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03:36.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwor1 (
03:42.16Wobwor1I like the Red/Green winter clothes bug
03:42.33Wobwor1aw hotfixed
03:42.40Wobwor1you could skill up to 375 =P
03:42.41NightHawkTheSaneah,the skillup?
03:52.21*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
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04:00.41*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
04:13.23cogwheelfacebook makes having a bad memory for people much worse :(
04:14.11cogwheelsomebody poked me and I'm thinking to myself "do i know this person?" and really not knowing the answer...
04:27.02*** join/#wowi-lounge fridgid (n=Fridgid@
04:27.50NightHawkTheSanefacebook makes everything worse
04:34.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
04:37.10Shirik!ap 1562
04:37.18Shirikap 1562 damn it!
04:37.35ShirikThraeBot: ping
04:37.43cogwheell2care less imo
04:37.50*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Shirik] by ChanServ
04:38.00Shirik!ap 1562
04:38.00ThraeBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1562 is, 2v2: 316, 3v3: 366, 5v5: 416
04:38.04Shirikthank you
04:38.37*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Holding (
04:38.55Shirikcogwheel: no, need points!!
04:40.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|AFK (
04:40.51Shirik|AFKthe internets hate me
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04:43.01FinFin: don't be stupid, of course setting tekProber's table to _G is going to lock up your game
04:45.06TC-Holdinganyone know of a program that lets you create and store lists? like excel but...not
04:45.26Fintry Google spreadsheets
04:45.40ScytheBlade1Hmm - do month old threads not actually bump up when you bump them with a low-level toon?
04:45.53Thunder_ChildFin, client side
04:46.21ScytheBlade1Oh holy crap, that thread was in offtopic
04:46.23ScytheBlade1GET ME OUT OF HERE
04:46.30Thunder_ChildScytheBlade1, anti-necro implementatoin?
04:46.39mikmaScytheBlade1: quick! /sign lololoo
04:46.54mikmaor just press alt down and type FAXMACHINE
04:47.30Thunder_ChildFin, thanks but i might as well be using excel
04:49.12CodayusThunder_Child: Try Quantrix Modeler
04:49.16CodayusIt's pretty nifty.
04:49.53Thunder_Childuhh...all i need is just to make lists
04:49.56CodayusPlay with it a bit, and you get the feeling that it's how spreadsheets SHOULD work.  :-)
04:50.15Thunder_Child~lart Codayus
04:50.15purlplops Codayus into a giant vat of herring
04:51.06CodayusWell, you need to be more specific.  Lists?  Todo lists?  Sortable?  Searchable?  Ordered?  Unordered?  Lists of numbers?  Why isn't Excel appropriate?
04:51.42Thunder_Childexcel is appropriate i was just looking for something a little more user friendly
04:51.47Thunder_Childe.g. for lazy people
04:52.28Codayus*shrug*  Still need more specificity.  What's not user friendly about Excel?  :-)
04:52.30cogwheelhow do you need to use the lists though?
04:53.00Thunder_ChildCodayus, having to create all of the fields and formulas
04:53.11Thunder_Childcogwheel, just for stuff i cant remember
04:53.28Thunder_Childe.g. lists of movies games betas etc
04:53.31CodayusThunder_Child: Quantrix Modeler probably would be better for what you want then.  Has a cooler/more intuitive way of dealing with formulas.
04:54.22Thunder_ChildCodayus, and most people dont have it so sharing might be an issue
04:54.22CodayusAs in, formulas exist independent of cells...they're more like rules.  Kinda nifty.  The product is expensive, and has a very small user base though.
04:54.29CodayusYou can generally assume that EVERYONE can open an .xls way or another.
04:54.54CodayusThunder_Child: Access!
04:55.19Thunder_Childyes, because making my own database is so much lazier
04:55.32cogwheelprogramming is for lazy ppl imo
04:55.42cogwheelprogram it once, never have to do it by hand again
04:55.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody (
04:55.47Thunder_Childi'll browse sourceforge and see what i turn up
04:55.51CodayusActually, Access is pretty easy to use, and for some tasks, would def be the lazy option compared to Excel...
04:55.58Thunder_Childcogwheel, even lazier is to have osmeone else program it
04:56.09Codayuscogwheel: Not to mention being one of the Virtues, IIRC, yeah?
04:56.10cogwheeland as shitty as it is for intensive stuff, Access is a really good RAD tool for databases
04:56.46mikma <- pretty damn cool :D
04:57.22CodayusI think most Access issues come from people who think it's actually usable for production.  No good can possibly come of that delusion
04:57.40Thunder_Childcan access backend into mysql?
04:57.47Thunder_Childor frontend rather
04:57.58Codayus(And at that, it's better than people who try to use an Excel spreadsheet on a network share as a multi user database.  *gah*)
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05:14.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
05:16.12Mike-N-GoCan one not log onto the forums with a frozen account?
05:16.25*** part/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
05:16.26|Jelly|Don't think so. Can't log on Jelly ATM. :-\
05:16.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
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05:17.06Mike-N-GoCan one not log onto the official forums with a frozen account?
05:17.21Thunder_Child"If you are menopausal, put the gun down, hang up, turn on the fan, lie down and cry. You won't be crazy forever."
05:18.24|Jelly|[23:14]<|Jelly|>Don't think so. Can't log on Jelly ATM. :-\
05:19.37Wobwor1(all over again)
05:20.44Thunder_Child~lart Wobwor1
05:20.44purlduct-tapes Wobwor1 to the floor and drools on him
05:27.28Thunder_Childyou know i think heath ledger is way to young to play the joker
05:29.49*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
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05:36.50cogwheelThunder_Child: you hate puns right? Well there's a large dairy in my area called Clover Stornetta whose mascot is Clo the cow. They have billboards all over with puns like "Tip Clo Through Your Two Lips" or "Supreme Quart". I thought of one the other day: CLOven Marriage - Can't have one without the udder.
05:36.55kd3ya, it seems that they fixed being able to log on to frozen accounts. I can't get on either.
05:37.00kd3ick. timestamps
05:37.12Thunder_Childi hate you cogwheel
05:37.18Thunder_Childi so very much hate you
05:37.48FinThunder_Child: interesting question though, I don't actually know of any lightweight spreadsheet programs. there must be hundreds on a site like Tucows or something though, I bet
05:38.41Thunder_ChildFin, i may just end up writing it but i would rather not have to
05:39.11FinThunder_Child: have you checked the freeware sites?
05:39.25Finbetcha there's a nice little app out there somewhere
05:39.31Thunder_Childi was browsing sourceforge
05:39.46Thunder_Childnot much luck
05:39.48Findo you need it to be open source?
05:41.38Thunder_Child1 sec, setting up a forum
05:42.43Fin"ust two weeks ago, IBM announced a free version of Lotus Symphony. Though it's still in beta release, the freeware includes serviceable word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation software, all of which support Microsoft Office file formats."
05:43.04Thunder_Childhmm..similar to lotus123?
05:43.33Shirikyou know what's awesome
05:43.35Shiriklotus notes
05:43.57Finalso Abiword probably has something - is it still called Abiword? is it wxWindows now or something?
05:43.58Shirikthey need a free version of this
05:44.02Finalso OpenOffice
05:44.20Finnot exactly lightweight tho
05:44.44ShirikI don't entirely like OO
05:44.55Finit's chunktastic
05:45.10NightHawkTheSanelike latex.
05:45.28NightHawkTheSanes/like/i like/
05:51.49Finuhm, I wonder if anyone could tell me why this isn't working: I have a short macro to target an enemy, and I don't want to target any I've already killed. currently, it's
05:51.58Fin/target [nodead] Enemy
05:52.06Finbut it still targets corpsees
05:52.45FinI also tried /target [target=nodead] Enemy
05:52.49Finthat just doesn't work
05:54.32NightHawkTheSanetarget=nodead just isn't what you want, period. nodead isn't a valid unitid :p0
05:55.08Finyeah, that's how I understood it. I was just including what I'd tried in case it was helpful.
05:56.11FinI mean, I *also* understand it so that /target [nodead] Enemy will do what I want
05:56.14Finbut I'm obviously wrong
05:56.28Wobwor1it won't cause the target isn't assumed
05:56.47FinOK. is there a solution to what I'm trying to do?
05:56.50Wobwor1I don't think /target can be used in that way
05:57.00Finoh, poopsicles
05:57.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Bibi (
05:58.05Wobwor1you could possibly do
05:58.06Wobwor1/target enemy
05:58.06Wobwor1/cleartarget [dead]
05:58.30Finhuh, so /cleartarget can be used that way, weird. OK, well, thanks!
05:58.59Wobwor1well at that point the target is clear
05:59.15Wobwor1but before you target something it doesn't know what you're targetting, so it can't check whether to actually execute the /target command
05:59.49Wobwor1It's like saying "Check if my target is dead, then target X" but if you don't have anything targetted, it can't check for deadness
06:00.14Wobwor1It's not really a solution though
06:00.52FinI see what you're saying, but I would've (maybe naively) expected the mechanics to work differently
06:00.54Corrodiasif you pick up a daily quest one day, but do it the next day when that quest isn't the daily, can it be completed?
06:01.44Finbut you can't then pick up the same daily quest from the quest giver
06:01.51FinI mean, the same daily quest type
06:01.53Wobwor1cause your daily is used up
06:02.07Wobwor1it's like normal dailies in that way
06:02.25Wobwor1if you don't complete it in your alotted time span, it takes up the next one on handin
06:03.08Corrodiasthen i'll keep this steamvault one since i want to do that dungeon anyway
06:04.47Wobwor1Fin: wtf?
06:04.56Thunder_Childi see it Fin
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06:05.20FinWobwor1: Thunder_Child was asking for lightweight spreadsheet apps
06:05.30Thunder_Childno actually i wasnt
06:05.40Finthat's how I understood the question, anyway
06:05.43*** join/#wowi-lounge _n1ck_ (
06:06.04Thunder_Childwell i wasnt very clear i know
06:06.08Fin[05:45:29] <TC-Holding> anyone know of a program that lets you create and store lists? like excel but...not
06:06.24Thunder_Childi know, it's the not part that gets people :p
06:06.26_n1ck_I'm looking to trade a lvl 70 for a steam account
06:06.29Fin(later clarified to be offline - and I may have missed some)
06:06.44*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
06:07.05Thunder_Child_n1ck_, prolly not the place to be doing that since "trading" accounts is not looked upon fondly
06:07.29Wobwor1(PS, aren't steam accounts free?)
06:07.45Wobwor1(oh, ok)
06:07.52Thunder_Childyes, but the games arent
06:07.55Fin_n1ck_: I'll trade you my steam account! erm, just give me a second
06:08.04Wobwor1pft, he asked for an account
06:08.19Wobwor1I could just change the cc info on it to an invalid one
06:08.33Finwait, is this the old wtt MY steam account for YOUR level 70?
06:08.44Fincos, like, that's a slightly less interesting offer
06:08.54_n1ck_old wtt?
06:08.57_n1ck_whats that mean
06:09.01Thunder_Childwat to trade
06:09.03Finif this is the case, clarification please: does your steam account come with blowjobs?
06:09.19_n1ck_I want the steam account not the lvl 70
06:09.26Wobwor1_n1ck_: In general, you're not going to get anything from this channel
06:09.31Wobwor1aside from a lot of dicking around
06:09.33Thunder_Childexcept problems
06:09.38Thunder_Childand that
06:10.26Finhey guys! you're spoiling a perfectly good business transaction here, where I shall procure using my hard earned cashola one pristine clean and gleaming steam account
06:10.50Finin return for the sum of one (1) level 70 character _______ <- sign here
06:11.18Thunder_Childexcept for the part where it is against the rules
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06:11.39Finrules! schmules! ferris beulers!
06:11.45Wobwor1While you're there, get Portal
06:11.48Wobwor1cause it's really cool
06:11.49Thunder_Childit's his day off
06:11.56FinPortal Potty
06:12.13FinPortaPotty: We give a shit
06:12.42*** part/#wowi-lounge _n1ck_ (
06:18.26Corrodiaswell, due to people on my realm being dickholes, i had to solo Goc. fortunately, i'm playing my hunter. so it was a challenge, but i did solo it in the end, because Hunters Solo Group Quests.
06:18.27Thunder_ChildFin, think but for many diff categorys as close to what i want
06:18.49Thunder_Childso do locks, and prot pallys
06:19.07Corrodiasi bet!
06:19.38Corrodiasnot something my druid was able to do
06:20.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Bibi (
06:27.36Thunder_Childcan someone check and see if they see any site images
06:28.14Thunder_Childlike bg and all that stuff?
06:28.18Thunder_Childproperly formated?
06:31.11Corrodiasi see no background image
06:31.15Corrodiasjust blackness
06:31.40Thunder_Childblack is good...all i see is white
06:32.20amrowhat browser?
06:32.28Thunder_Childboth FF and IE
06:33.04amrolooks the same
06:33.43ccoxworks in Safari
06:33.54ccoxand the background is black
06:35.30ShirikHow do I create a macro then to auto train me to 70 and farm primals?
06:35.41Shirikat least the guy found humor in his post :)
06:35.41amromaybe a cache problem?
06:35.57ShirikThunder_Child: I see them fine
06:36.28Thunder_Child*sigh*...blowing cache
06:37.59Thunder_Childthis is what i see
06:41.01amrolooks like missing css
06:41.24Thunder_Childwell it was working for me before...and its working for all of you now
06:41.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
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06:54.08Shirikso my guild has determined that next year for chirstmas event
06:54.17Shiriktree form druids should be decorated like a christmas tree
07:01.40Shirikso we're 4 manning MC right now
07:02.29CorrodiasGreatmother Geyah in Garadar is a ?? boss. i wonder what it's like t ofight her.
07:02.58Corrodiasyou know, the one that's ready to die anyway
07:07.34Corrodiashaving only horde characters, i cannot find out firsthand
07:13.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
07:14.31Thunder_Childwoohoo procrastination ftw
07:22.21Shirikwe wiped to firelord cause we have no dispel
07:23.50Arrowmastertake me with you!
07:24.09Arrowmasteri need those gloves from domos chest to complete my greatfather winter outfit
07:25.11Arrowmastermy outfit is basicly just my inferno robe
07:27.57Corrodias?? = boss
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07:45.43Thunder_Childheh, my wowi log is 21mb in size
08:02.33Shirikthose 5 packs of hounds are like impossible with 4 people ><
08:02.39Shirikthey won't die at the same time
08:02.52Thunder_Child~fail Shirik
08:02.53purlShirik: Fail.
08:04.58wereHamsterwe once tried mc with 10-15 people, lvl60, it was impossible then, so we gave up. But we killed the first two fire lords :)
08:12.42ShirikWe got them
08:12.51Shirikwhat a pain omg
08:13.42Thunder_Childand for what?
08:13.48Shirikfor fun
08:13.50Shirikwe're borefd
08:13.58Shirikactually we're hoping for a trash epic lol
08:14.02Shirikor luci loots
08:14.38Shirikmy presence here is entertainment enough
08:14.48Thunder_Childbut not productive
08:15.00Thunder_Childthe loot you will get will be fore display only
08:18.11*** join/#wowi-lounge fridg (n=Fridgid@
08:25.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
08:27.06ShirikLuci down!
08:27.46Thunder_Childmikma, GDIAF
08:27.55Thunder_Child~gdiaf mikma
08:28.09purlACTION refuses to die!
08:28.14Thunder_Child~diaf Thunder_Child
08:28.56mikmaThunder_Child: i can't :D that's so brilliant
08:29.27Thunder_Childmikma, linking it or the abysmal performance?
08:29.43mikmaThunder_Child: latter
08:30.05Arrowmasterlua> t={} for i = 0, 255 do table.insert(t, i) end return string.char(unpack(t))
08:30.52Xinhuanit only accepts 1 argument, not 256?
08:31.53Arrowmasterlua> t={} for i = 1, 255 do table.insert(t, i) end return string.char(unpack(t))
08:33.43hasteXinhuan: you can generate chars by doing: string.char(230, 151, 165)
08:33.58hastelua> return string.char(230, 151, 165)
08:33.58lua_bothaste: æ—¥
08:34.08mikma <- "your a horrible person if you laugh"
08:34.42Thunder_Childi laughed
08:35.14mikmayou are a horrible person. btw, i laughed too
08:35.32Thunder_Childyes, i already knew i was a horrible person
08:36.50hasteso.. you know you are tired when someone asks you a questions in english, and you reply in norwegian
08:36.55hasteand you don't notice that you just did so
08:37.01hasteand keep going
08:37.22Thunder_Childhaste, i think that would be more than tired for me seeing as i dont know norwegian
08:37.35Thunder_Childwould be quite cool though
08:40.50Thunder_ChildScytheBlade1, so out of 15064 it couldnt match 1037
08:42.47Shirikmag down
08:42.53Shirikand apparently he drops something with expertise rating
08:43.49haste(honestly, mag still connects to magmadar for me)
08:44.00Thunder_Childthey are doing MC
08:44.13hastethey are :D
08:44.49Shirikyes magmadar
08:44.54Shirik4 man
08:50.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Lothaer (
08:50.47Thunder_Childhello Lothaer
08:51.15Lothaerdoes any1 here know of a mod that will play a sound when Shackle Undead is about to break?
08:53.21Thunder_Childnot i, i dont do the sound thing
08:56.14Lothaerkk lol
08:56.34Shirikoh crap
08:56.36ShirikGehennas is a ?? boss
09:03.02Lothaeror the target is 10 levels above you
09:03.05KalrothAren't they all?
09:03.13Lothaerthanks mate
09:04.38ShirikKalroth: No
09:04.46ShirikLuci was 62
09:04.51Kalrothoh right
09:04.51ShirikMag was 62 I think too
09:05.20Kalroththey buffed him
09:05.30Kalroth he used to be 60 :)
09:05.34Shirikyeah he kinda owned us
09:05.41Shirikbut only because of stuns
09:05.43Shirikwe got it this time
09:06.23Kalrothnm, old UI only showed 60 :)
09:06.53Lothaermost bosses will show a Skull instad of ??
09:07.28Shiriksame thing....
09:07.36KalrothAye, it's identical :)
09:08.21Kalrothbut uhm, Luci and Mag are set levels, while Gehennas is a true boss? Sounds odd.
09:08.39Shirikmaybe because they didn't want Luci/Mag to be 3 over
09:08.48Shirikto help new teams or something
09:08.54Shirikso they can't crush
09:09.51*** part/#wowi-lounge Lothaer (
09:13.35Shirikwiped to gehennas at 25%
09:13.37Shirikstupid aoes
09:13.41Shirikthey're supposed to be on a few people
09:13.51Shirikunfortunately there aren't enough people to spread it out ><
09:16.28Thunder_ChildShirik, if luci/mag were variable bosses they wouldnt
09:17.32Thunder_Childchange lvl's based on the group compisition
09:18.15Shirikstill completely confused
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09:25.58Thunder_Child<3 Alamanche
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09:27.07Finis MC *hard* now then?
09:27.57Shirikit is if you have 5 people
09:28.13Finthat answers my question
09:28.25Shirikproblem is that many abilities were designed to be split amongst the raid
09:28.36Shirikit's like Vael with 5 people
09:28.43Shirikit's just not going to happen because it's impossible to split the abilities
09:30.56Finwhat's a recommended number of people to kill that elite spider in The Hinterlands? (level 50ish)
09:31.28Thunder_Child2, you and a lvl 70
09:31.49Finthat does not answer my question
09:31.53Finas you very well know :P
09:32.53Thunder_Childof cource it doesnt, or i could be accused of (gasp!) helping
09:33.09cladhaireFin: Is it a quest?
09:33.24cladhaireif so, the API tells you how many people you need, and its displayed in the quest log
09:33.29cladhaireif not, kill shit and don't die :P
09:33.34Fincladhaire: yes, it's the end of a quest line
09:33.41cladhairethen your quest log tells you
09:33.48Fincladhaire: yeah, I looked where it normally says suggested players
09:34.09Finbut the quest I have is just to take the parchment and read it
09:34.17Finwhich summons Shadra the Spider God
09:34.24cladhairecheck the comments on wowhead?
09:34.30cladhaireor use LightHeaded ;-)
09:35.01cladhaireQuite tough boss. Is a beast so can be hibernated, scared. Soloed as a 60 feral druid for fun, but would be difficult without some kind of kiting for other classes that cant hibernate and heal themselves.
09:35.03Finit's marked as Group, but no suggested players unfortunately :) and I use LightHeaded religiously - but no helpful comments about group size
09:35.30[Ammo]take a 70 with you liek TC said :)
09:35.30Thunder_Child55 elite
09:35.36cladhairewhat class are you?
09:35.45cladhairewarlocks, druids and hunters should be able to solo it
09:35.49FinI don't have that comment in my LightHeaded
09:35.59Thunder_Childsee, someone gets it (ty [Ammo])
09:36.12KalrothAmmo always sides with you!
09:36.13cladhairewhat i just said, isn't a comment
09:36.15cladhaireits my opinion
09:36.18FinI'm a lock, and I'm going to try and solo it, I just saw the comments about losing the scroll when summoning so I wanted to make sure
09:36.22cladhairefrost mages as well
09:36.23[Ammo]if it can be feared it can be soloed as a warlock
09:36.34cladhaireand this can be feared, slept, etc.
09:36.40Thunder_ChildKalroth, pfft
09:37.03FinI'm not a very experienced lock unfortunately, but I'll give it a go :)
09:37.13[Ammo]go prpared, healthstone, pots etc
09:37.34Finkiting and fearing are not instinctive for me :) I've only played priests and tanks and rogues before
09:37.36[Ammo]and use deathcoil to get a fear of should it get to close on you
09:37.43Shirikyou know what quest I wish people would still do
09:37.52FinI'll clear the area first then
09:37.54Shirikthe 4 hunter demons
09:38.41Finthat's an awesome quest
09:38.47Shirikand it teaches you how to play
09:38.56Finalso the priest Benediction quest, some people moan about it but I always loved it
09:39.01Shirikand there's no way to cheat
09:39.08Shirikwell there is
09:39.09batricksure there is
09:39.10Shirikbut not extensively
09:39.13batrickhave someone do it for u :P
09:39.18Shirikyou can't do that
09:39.23Thunder_Childif you aint cheatin you aint tryin
09:39.31batrickthere was a leet hunter on my server that used to get paid to do it for others
09:39.46cladhairethe priest quest was trivial
09:40.01FinI liked it, whatever its faults
09:40.05cladhairei enjoyed it
09:40.09Shirikthe hunter quest made me respec
09:40.09cladhairei still have my benny, banked
09:40.18Shirikto pick up eagle eye
09:40.23FinI still walk around with mine - never levelled my Alliance priest
09:40.40Finheh, I logged on the other day in Stormwind and someone whispered me "Nice staff, where's it from?"
09:41.41Thunder_Childa serious issue in PVP though, it was like a big sign above your head that said "come kill me now"
09:41.57cladhairethat was a ton of +shadow in the day
09:43.58Fina shit ton
09:44.04FinI never used it as Shadow though, shame really
09:45.36Shirik#1 in decurses
09:45.38Shirikwith a "2"
09:48.12Thunder_Childdamit...whenever i connect my phone to my computer lightroom opens up
09:51.17ShirikI'm reading this list of suggestions (Do's and Don'ts) for building embedded systems, and it says this in there:
09:51.31Shirik"Don't ... decide that no-BIOS is the way to go just because it sounds cool."
10:36.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
10:40.24Finsoloed Shadra
10:40.29Finshe's waaaaaaay smaller than she used to be though
10:40.54Finthat's the most I've used fear in any fight I think so far
10:41.10FinI can't believe it's so easy like that!
10:41.27Fin1.5 sec cast, and I can keep attacking while the mob's feared
10:41.32Fincrazy mad
10:41.51FinI'm so used to the priest and warrior fears that break on damage taken
11:11.08Fin20700 XP for Shadra
11:11.27Fin12550 for the first bit then a free 8450 for going to Undercity
11:11.38Finplus 1600 odd (with rested) for actualling killing her
11:18.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
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12:00.40WobinI need a good fire spec for a newly 50'd mage
12:02.56*** join/#wowi-lounge [Liq] (n=denras19@
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12:38.45Fox2could someone tell me why this:
12:39.07Fox2returns "attempt to call method 'SetParent' (a nil value)
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12:42.19Maldiviaanyone tried the WoW VSX?
12:43.11Maldiviavisual studio extension
12:44.08Maldiviaenables you to use VS2008 to develop wow addons
12:44.40Maldiviawith gui editor, intelli sense etc
12:45.00Fox2Yeah, I am working with it right now
12:45.34Fox2Has a nice drag&drop editor for XML and some lua-code-highlighting
12:48.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
12:54.08Finclad|away: I have a little uhm, sort of bug report about LightHeaded - where's the best place to report it, IRC or the WoWI thread, or elsewhere?
13:10.34Josh_Borkewowi thread or googlecode
13:19.56cncfanaticshello ppl !
13:28.07*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
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13:34.09Fox2I got a question: I f I want to Create a variable number of frames and name them like myAddOn_Frame1, myAddOn_Frame2, can I address them with myAddOn_Frame["i"] or something?
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13:38.33LonnyI think you meant to say myAddOn_Frame[i]
13:38.46Fox2eh, yeah :)
13:38.52Fox2that will work?
13:39.16LonnyWell, yeah
13:39.26Fox2k I'll try :) Thanks
13:39.47Lonnynp :)
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13:40.55Fox2wait, one mor I create them with Frame_Main:CreateTexture("myAddOn_Frame"..i, "OVERLAY");
13:43.09LonnyAh that's something completely different then, if you named your frames myAddOn_Frame1, myAddOn_Frame2 then yeah, but that doesn't mean you can treat them as an array
13:44.31Fox2I don't need an array, I just want to create a couple of frames in a for-loop and configure them
13:45.32LonnySo yeah that should work perfectly fine
13:45.47Fox2Ok, thanks
13:52.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
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14:14.02LopeppeppyMorning, |Jelly|-dear.  Thanks for the hugs!
14:14.35|Jelly|How was your weekend?
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14:14.59LopeppeppyI've been having a crappy December, really... but shoveling snow does wonders for the mind!
14:15.06|Jelly|:( I'm sorry!
14:15.28LopeppeppyBoy problems.  Either they will or they won't work out, no need to spend all my energy fretting, right?
14:16.02|Jelly|Hey! I'm having girl-problems! Maybe January, with the new year will bring new things!
14:16.31LunessaYes and no Lopeppeppy.   Depends entirely on the nature of the problem.  But then fretting won't make it better.  Clear-thinking might though. :|
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14:17.42LopeppeppyExactly my hope, |Jelly|, if we survive the holidays intact.  And yeah, Lunessa... I'm looking for clear thinking.  Shoveling snow gives lots of time to think, work out stress, and try again.  Must drink more tea though.
14:18.05Lunessammmm... tea
14:18.22Lunessa"Tea. Early Grey. Hot."
14:18.32MoonWolfi'm not a fan of earl  grey
14:18.34|Jelly|Well, if you need to talk, you know I'm always on the computer.
14:18.37|Jelly|WTB Life. PST.
14:18.52LunessaWTS Life. pst.
14:19.14LopeppeppyI don't think my whispers work anymore, |Jelly|... I think when I got my new computer, I lost my password to register so that I can whisper.  Any hints how to get it back?
14:19.30|Jelly|umm. Do you remember it? lol
14:19.48|Jelly|Cause no, I don't know really anything about IRC or how to retrieve passwords.
14:20.35Lopeppeppy*laugh*  I have no idea.  I had it in the password safe on the other computer.  Guess I need to register a new nickname, don't I?
14:20.55|Jelly|You might be able to contact *someone* but like I said, I dunno.
14:21.40LunessaYou should be able to retrieve it.  I'm sure the information is  in the mass of text I skip before joining the channel.
14:22.18purlACTION looks around for someone named nick.
14:26.28Lunessa might have the answers you seek... but don't hold your breath.
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14:29.10LopeppeppyYeah... I'll likely just have to find a way to get my old drive in this new monster, or make a new Peppy name.
14:29.12testleKcan someone perhaps take a look at and tell me why it doesn't work?:P
14:31.19Fox2what doesn't work there?
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14:32.02testleKit only prints the testzone and not testzone and testzone2
14:33.37Fox2you want it to print <testzone>, <testzone2> ?
14:33.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
14:34.28Fox2I'm fairly new to this language, too, but I would suggest trying DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(msg.. "," ..msg2)
14:35.30testleKlemme give that a shot
14:36.04Fox2since I think AddMessage only handles one argument
14:37.37testleKahh that must be the problem (that would make sense)
14:37.39nevcairiellocal function print(...) local s = ""; for i=1,select('#', ...) do s = s .. select(i, ...) .. " " end DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(s) end
14:37.43nevcairielthere :P
14:38.24testleKlol wow ill try that
14:38.48nevcairieli hope i didnt typo now o.O^^
14:38.53testleKmsg..","..msg2 errored on me hehe
14:38.55krkalocal function~
14:40.00testleKahh sweet
14:40.03testleKthat works
14:40.43krkaFTW -> function print(...) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(string.format(...)) end
14:40.44testleKmuch better then how I was trying to solve it too (creating a new arg for each variable printed without loop like you did)
14:41.02krkaprint("arg1: %s, arg2: %s", msg1, msg2)
14:41.53nevcairielits my debug code, i know which args are what :P
14:42.15Fox2I think I'm starting to get that... *still so much to learn*
14:42.47testleKwhats the %s do in that line?
14:43.07nevcairielits format syntax
14:43.10nevcairiellike printf in C
14:43.28nevcairielits probably a direct interface to printf :P
14:43.59Fox2well I need some help in massproduction of frames
14:44.29testleKty guys got me pointed down the road into the abyss of figuring this out hehe
14:45.11Fox2I want to create x frames each with a little distance to the other and I tried it this way, obviously doesn't work
14:46.15Fox2little typo ther in line 16 i know
14:47.09krkanevcairiel: nah, it's probably something like sprintf
14:47.15krkaor snprintf
14:47.17nevcairielyeah sure
14:47.22nevcairielbut still that family
14:48.30nevcairielprobably sn to make sure they dont overflow
14:49.50nevcairielFox2: you cant use the [] operator like that, its used to access table members. plus i recommend using a for loop, while true loops always just seem wrong in wow programming
14:50.17Fox2hmm ok, but how can I address the frames to configure them?
14:50.56nevcairielFox2: the :CreateTexture call returns a reference to the newly creates texture, so you can just to "local texture = karatinaBar_Main:CreateTexture(...)" and access the texture variable then
14:51.19Fox2ah right, great , thanks
14:53.19krkawtf. "while true loops always just seem wrong"
14:53.30krkathere are many cases where that's the best solution
14:53.43nevcairielthey still seem wrong to me
14:53.52nevcairielnow go back in your cave .P
14:55.08nevcairielyou can most likely always set the break condition directly in the while clause, or like in that case where you already know how many iterations you have, use a for loop
14:55.28Fox2I like infinity, although it seems my computer doesn't
15:00.33LopeppeppyVery nice, Lunessa!  Everyone needs more squirrelz in their lives.
15:00.57LunessaSquirrel-y Wrath!
15:03.08LopeppeppyMakes me want to go watch some Foamy.
15:09.17*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
15:09.55LopeppeppyMorning, TS|Skrom?  How've you been?
15:10.04TS|Skrom_Good,t hanks :)
15:10.10TS|Skrom_t hanks? like tom?
15:10.57TS|Skrom_I know, wrong game and all but my cleric on the test server in EQ last night got his epic :P
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15:13.25LopeppeppySweet accomplishment!
15:14.08TS|Skrom_yep yep it was cool. I'm playing with a guild that's doing progression based content. Opening one expansion at a time and owning it then moving on :P
15:14.22TS|Skrom_Right now we're in kunark, max level 60, doing epics. it's fun.
15:14.29LopeppeppySeems like a neat way to do things.
15:22.39LunessaIt was interesting when I did it in '97.
15:25.11TS|Skrom_wow you are some kind of time traveling coolguy Lunessa!
15:25.41LunessaTell me Doctor, where are we going this time?  Is it the fifties, or 1999?
15:27.12Lopeppeppy2012 so the zombies can eat us.
15:27.53|Jelly| <--
15:29.23LunessaDid I just miss all the noise about Seed of Corruption on the PTR?
15:29.49zenzelezznoise about it? Did they change it somehow?
15:30.33IndustrialLunessa: only if they are female blood elf warlocks
15:30.54IndustrialLunessa: but I guess I prefer the pallies and huntarz :D
15:33.00LunessaWarlock God-Mode.  I laughed pretty hard.  After about 10-15 minutes though, it'd be pretty boring.
15:36.08LopeppeppyIt's only fun for a while, then it's boring and you wish you had a challenge.
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15:49.40Cairennyuck, we got 37 cm of snow yesterday - we've already got 148 cm down, that's only 2 less than our total accumulation for the entire season last year
15:50.03Cairennhave I mentioned lately that I loathe winter?
15:50.13nevcairielI've always wonderd how that much snow would look here
15:50.14Josh_Borkeit rained on my day of graduation :-(
15:50.17nevcairielwe barely touch 30cm
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15:50.29Josh_Borkeat least you get snow
15:50.35zenzelezzCairenn: use it as an excuse to get warm with someone nice ;-o
15:51.25Cairennso, good [time of day] all, how is everyone doing?
15:52.33zenzelezzwhat a dull way to dodge my suggestion
15:52.58Cairennzenzelezz: heh, nope, not dodging it at all, just no one here to get warm with atm ;)
15:53.30zenzelezzthere's always someone... just that sometimes you have to do the work of two
15:54.07LopeppeppyYeah... well.... that's less fun that it sounds.
15:55.01zenzelezzsome people have a harder time persuading someone to join :-o
15:55.28zenzelezz(and some just don't try)
15:56.14LunessaCairenn: A good [time of day] to you too!  How was your [time frame away from work] ?
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15:56.35CairennLunessa: I'm never away from work, haven't you figured that one out yet?
15:56.44CairennIf I have access to a computer, I'm at work.
15:57.00Cairennbut I had a good weekend, blizzard not withstanding
15:57.05LunessaCairenn: I'm [attempting] to maintain the illusion that you have a life that doesn't revolve around being chained to your keyboard.  
15:57.20Cairennhow was your weekend?
15:57.36LunessaThe usual, eat, sleep, do laundry, play WoW.
15:57.44Cairennaka life
15:57.54LunessaOr what passes for one.
15:58.14LunessaI made lots of [Red Winter Clothes] and [Winter Boots].
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16:00.00LunessaFYI, Draenei females look like they're auditioning for a role in the next film directed by Ron Jeremy while wearing those...
16:03.26mikmagod damn, my friend possibly won a murloc costume
16:07.23LunessaMmm... Murlock costumes.
16:07.59BeladonaI wish they could be transferred among characters
16:08.12Beladonamine is on my warrior, which I don't play as much now
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16:08.36mikmanvm, it's deleted from that address
16:08.51LunessaI have one.  It was a gift.  
16:10.37Josh_Borkei got an account with a murlock costume
16:26.19mikmarelink: this happens when you can't get into weekend vacation from army:
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16:54.56ScytheBlade1Thunder_Child: er?
16:55.37Finterrible series
16:55.46FinGeorge Clooney was right to get out while he could
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17:06.43Fox2Is there a way to delete a Frame (or more specific a Texture), like the opposite to Frame:CreateTexture(...)
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17:07.25wereHamsterFox2, no
17:07.41wereHamsteryou have to :Hide() it
17:08.58Fox2hmm k thanks, so I will have to work around that
17:09.31wereHamsteryou can use one of the make frame caching libraries that take care of that for you
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17:12.04malrethI'm such a personal finance blog nerd...
17:12.09Shirik|EcoleCide: ping
17:12.35Shirik|EcoleRemember that problem yesterday?
17:12.44Shirik|EcoleApparently I needed to disable interrupts, that's it :)
17:12.51Cideah, cool
17:13.16Shirik|Ecolethough I reworked the algorithm too to make it more efficient
17:13.36Shirik|Ecoleit now sorts the timings ahead of time and then does the delay
17:13.39Shirik|Ecolewhich I think works better
17:14.28Shirik|Ecole much more code though ><
17:17.50Tierriedid you fix the timing problem?
17:18.17Cidethat's what he said :P
17:18.25Tierrieoh haha
17:18.28Tierriei read back 3 lines
17:18.42Tierrieso the interrupt polling was causing the inaccuracy
17:18.44Tierriesweet :)
17:19.16Cidewhat're you doing in the time recalculation, Shirik|Ecole? :P
17:19.58Tierriehe's spinning in circles
17:20.00Shirik|Ecolethey're stored in the form "1490, 1510, 1530, 1600" or something like that
17:20.01Finare you talking about this Windows thing that supposedly speeds up framerates? (this is a bit of a stab in the dark for me, so I won't be surprised if you're not...)
17:20.11Tierrieno Fin
17:20.20Shirik|Ecolebut I need it "1490, 20, 20, 70"
17:20.26Fink, thanks
17:20.31Shirik|Ecolebecause it's "wait 1490, then wait another 20, then another 20, then another 70"
17:20.37Cideyeah, that makes sense
17:21.14Shirik|EcoleIt's wiere though
17:21.34Shirik|Ecoleevery 15s or so my scope keeps saying "Ch1 +Width 1.600ms" just for a split second
17:21.40Shirik|Ecolethen it goes back to 1.499-1.502
17:21.52Shirik|Ecolemight be the scope at fault though
17:22.48Tierriewhat happens when you reach the final array element of x?
17:23.35Tierriehey, you start at x=1 and ++x, so your first iteration has x at 2
17:23.42Tierrieis that right?
17:23.48CideI noticed that too :P
17:23.50Shirik|Ecolethis is a common misconception
17:23.59Tierrieejookate me
17:24.03Cideactually, you're right
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17:24.16Shirik|EcoleWhen Cide said this I tested it once again because I have heard it in the past
17:24.20Cideit's executed after the first loop, I think
17:24.26Shirik|Ecoleand only reconfirmed my stance that ++x still is executed after the loop
17:24.35Shirik|Ecolehowever the reason I do ++x is because it is faster
17:24.37Cideit would be a difference if it was executed before the loop
17:24.41Tierriethat makes no sense -- then ++x is the same as x++
17:24.45Cideno, it's not
17:24.57Cidethere would be a difference if it worked like this:
17:25.38Ciderepeat loop_value = x++ (versus ++x); do_loop(); until ... end
17:25.46Cidebut not if it's like this:
17:26.07CideI skipped the initialization there btw
17:26.24Tierrieso in a for(;;) loop, ++x and x++ would go through the same sequence of numbers?
17:26.29Shirik|EcoleThe reason I do ++x instead of x++ is because of this:
17:26.32Tierrieyou know, i never knew that :P
17:26.40Tierriei will give that a shot later
17:26.42Cidemeh, it's messy to explain
17:26.50Tierriei'll do some tests
17:26.51Shirik|Ecolex++ requires "mov eax, x; inc eax; mov x, eax"
17:26.58Shirik|Ecole++x merely requires "inc x"
17:27.15Cidebut you're not reading the value of the "x++" statement; you're simply executing that statement and then reading the value of the iterating variable again
17:27.16zenzelezzif the final part of for() was executed before the loop's body, you would be taking away a significant advantage for using it in the first place
17:27.21Shirik|Ecole(assuming an x86 processor)
17:28.02Shirik|Ecoleimo compilers should do this optimization by themselves
17:28.18Shirik|Ecolebut I'm sure the one I'm using right now doesn't, and I haven't tested any good ones
17:29.13CideI'm guessing it never does that distinction then
17:29.28Cidei.e. use ++x instead of x++ when the order is irrelevant
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17:31.39Shirik|Ecolequick google search pulled up this:
17:34.23Shirik|Ecolerofl, and then someone got mad at their coworker for using preincrement
17:34.27Shirik|Ecoleand this was the response: "I guess it might make your code less portable to some versions of BASIC that don't support it. "
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17:36.38foxlit"Your shopping cart, like your impoverished soul, is empty."
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17:38.51kamdisPeppy:  Your kitty pic link to Troodi reminded me of this
17:39.53wereHamsterShirik|Ecole, a good compiler will optimize the mov away in a for (;;x++) loop
17:40.12Shirik|EcoleI would hope so
17:40.18Shirik|EcoleBut this compiler won't
17:40.49LopeppeppyHope that's for Troodi's poster and not for me, Kamdis!  *laugh*
17:41.52wereHamsterShirik|Ecole, which compiler are you using?
17:42.08Shirik|Ecoleit doesn't have a name, just came with the IDE
17:42.23zenzelezzwhich IDE?
17:42.23Shirik|Ecolenow ask me what the IDE is
17:42.28Shirik|Ecoledoesn't have a name, came with the board
17:42.34zenzelezzwhat board?
17:42.35kamdisPeppy:  It was just the picture you posted, not the post itself.
17:42.35Shirik|Ecoleit's called Arduino
17:42.53kamdisI don't think either of you are "the one I know".  Lol.
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17:43.21LopeppeppyGood thing, kamdis.  I know I've had a bad winter, but I don't think I'm quite that bad just yet.  *chuckle*
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17:52.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Hallucinosis (n=Hallucin@
17:58.21Fox2Ah need some help again, I now massproduced frames and now I want to hide them again... X) Here's my try:
17:58.24XuerianShirik|Ecole: You'd think such a popular little board would have a good ide/compiler
17:58.44Shirik|EcoleIt's a great board, and it has a simple IDE and compiler, and it works
17:58.47Shirik|EcoleI have nothing against it
17:59.02wereHamsterFox2, huh? manaMark:();  
17:59.03kergothcute board, how much do they run for?
17:59.22Shirik|Ecolewe got ours for $15
17:59.34Shirik|Ecolebut we don't use the arduino, we use a compatible with a smaller footprint
17:59.48Shirik|Ecoleand we're using like 5 all connected to a PC/104 board
18:00.07kergothi still want to play with a gumstix one of these days
18:00.19Fox2well I have already made a lot of frames, but I want to hide them when I change manacost or numbreMarkers
18:00.37Fox2so to say reset everything before I create new
18:01.33Shirik|EcoleThis is ours:
18:01.48wereHamsterFox2, which line of that code is supposed to hide the frames?
18:02.03Fox2line 8
18:02.29wereHamsternewly  created textures are always hidden AFAIK
18:02.32Fox2when that function runs the second time, I have to hide the frames from the first run
18:03.03Fox2so I don't actually need to create the frames, I just nned the names of the frames from the last run
18:03.20wereHamsterso in line 7 you don't want to create new textures but rather hide the existing ones
18:03.40Fox2but I dont have the name yet
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18:03.59wereHamsterin the second run they have
18:04.29Fox2those are namend karatinaBar_ManaMarkUp1 to karatinaBar_ManaMarkUp100
18:04.47Fox2and I want to hide all of those
18:05.26wereHamster:CreateTexture) creates new textures, regardless of whether a texture with that name already exists
18:06.00Fox2does it overwrite a old texture with the same name?
18:06.38wereHamsterit overwrites the global lua variable, but it doesn't delete the texture
18:06.43MentalPowersame as CreateFrame()
18:06.58MentalPower(what wereHamster said)
18:07.57Fox2so if I run that function twice none of the textures from the first run should be shown, right?
18:08.05wereHamsterso in the first loop, do this: for i=1,100 do local t=_G["karatinaBar_ManaMarkUp"..i]; if t then t:Hide() end end
18:08.41wereHamsteruse a for loop if you know that you have 100 textures, it makes the code more readable
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18:09.52Fox2what does _G do?
18:09.54wereHamsterFox2, yes, since you create those and then hide, and in the second loop you overwrite the global lua variables, and thus loosing all references to the textures
18:10.09wereHamster_G["foo"] == foo
18:10.21Fox2ah ok thanks
18:11.00MentalPowerits a faster version of getglobal()
18:11.17Fox2ah k
18:11.19MentalPoweralso, why do you use while loops if you already know when to break?
18:11.28kergothdo a local _G = _G at the top of the file to speed it up further, less GETGLOBAL's
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18:13.05MentalPoweradditionally, both while loops have "karatinaBar_Main:CreateTexture()" with the same params, so when the second while loop runs, you loose the references to the textures created in the first loop
18:13.13MentalPowertho I think wereHamster already said that
18:14.02Fox2hmm still doesn't seem to hide the textures from the preious run
18:14.23wereHamsterpost the code again
18:16.14wereHamstermake the second loop a for-loop as well
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18:16.28Fox2hmm ok
18:16.42MentalPowerwhat does manaMark:() do?
18:16.59Fox2oh err nothing
18:17.07wereHamsterI guess the code doesn't load at all ;)
18:17.36Fox2well the new textures get created
18:17.46Fox2but i'll try
18:18.02CideCide: [string "function karatinaBar_ManaMark1(numberMarkers)..."]:20: '<name>' expected near '('
18:18.19Fox2I will need to increment i in the first loop, right?
18:18.32wereHamsterno, lua does that for you
18:18.38Fox2oh cool, ok
18:18.55wereHamsterand yeah, read the pil ;)
18:18.57MentalPowerFox2: heres another question, why do you always create new textures instead of reusing the old ones?
18:19.42PolarinaIs there a metamethod I can apply to a table that fires even when looking up a index that is alredy in the table?
18:19.59Cideyou can use a shadow table for it, though
18:20.12PolarinaShadow table?
18:20.17Cidebut then you lose things like iterating
18:20.22Fox2MentalPower, hmm because it is easier and they get overwritten anyway and the number of textures changes
18:20.26PolarinaI need to catch when a value in a table is set to nil.
18:20.47MentalPowerFox2: you do know that textures never get GC'ed right?
18:20.55MentalPowerhence you have a memory leak
18:21.07PolarinaMentalPower: Why you say so?
18:21.24Fox2heeh, k I'l llook into that
18:21.32MentalPowersorry, the table itself gets GC'ed, but the internal C structure does now
18:21.43Cidethe table doesn't get gc'd either
18:21.45wereHamsterFox2, remember, frames are not deleted, so if you create new ones over and over, you will eat all your available memory!
18:21.52Cideyou can reach it via :GetRegions()
18:22.17MentalPowerah, didn't know that, thanks Cid
18:22.20Cide>>> myTable = { 1, 2, 3 }; shadow = setmetatable({ }, { __index = function(tbl, key) return myTable[key]; print(key .. "was accessed"); end }); print(shadow[1])
18:22.25Cide>>> myTable = { 1, 2, 3 }; shadow = setmetatable({ }, { __index = function(tbl, key) return myTable[key]; print(key .. "was accessed"); end end }); print(shadow[1])
18:22.41Cide>>> myTable = { 1, 2, 3 }; shadow = setmetatable({ }, { __index = function(tbl, key) print(key .. "was accessed"); return myTable[key]; end }); print(shadow[1])
18:22.41CideCide: "1was accessed",  1
18:22.44Josh_Borkelua> myTable = { 1, 2, 3 }; shadow = setmetatable({ }, { __index = function(tbl, key) return myTable[key]; print(key .. "was accessed"); end end }); print(shadow[1])
18:22.44lua_botJosh_Borke: sandbox.lua:298: Compilation failed: [string "myTable = { 1, 2, 3 }; shadow = setmetatable({ }, { __index = f..."]:1: 'end' expected near 'print'
18:22.49CidePolarina: see above
18:22.51Fox2THat's not such a big problem, since those are only created when you choose a spell to monitor, and that is changed almost never
18:22.52MentalPowerdon't you need a rawset() there somewhere?
18:23.01CideMentalPower: nah, just accessing
18:23.07MentalPoweroh, nm you call it directly
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18:23.12Cideand it's accessing a table that doesn't have a metatable so
18:23.17Cidewon't get stuck in a loo
18:25.02PolarinaWhat's a shadow table?
18:25.32Cide... I showed you
18:26.02MentalPowerFox2: is the max number of markers always 100?
18:26.08MentalPoweror can there be more than 100 markers?
18:26.11Cidewhy did my client stop ignore you anyway?
18:26.25Cideyou have the index and newindex metamethods, but they only work when the key isn't set
18:26.39Cideso you use an empty table (no keys are set) to catch when they're being accessed and/or set
18:26.46PolarinaOk, thanks.
18:26.48Cideand then propagate that to the table you're interested in
18:30.56wereHamsterFox2, any memory leak should be avoided!
18:31.58MentalPowerFox2: also manacost1 is either a global or an upvalue, the former is bad (especially with that name) the latter is acceptable
18:31.59wereHamsterFox2, fixing that memory leak takes only three additional lines of code!
18:32.45Fox2ok, ok
18:33.05Fox2well manacost1 is a global since I need it it 3 different functions
18:33.23wereHamsterare all the functions in the same lua file?
18:33.38Fox2I will fix that memory leak once I get those frames hidden
18:34.03wereHamsterthen add a 'local manacost1' at the top of that file
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18:35.03foxlitMy alert keywords need adjusting now :/
18:35.15MentalPowerfoxlit: :P
18:35.17Fox2uh, nice
18:35.27Fox2Thanks MentalPower
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18:36.51MentalPowerI assume that there can be no more than 100 markers
18:37.05MentalPowerif thats not the case, then a little adjustment has to be made
18:37.14Fox2unlikely, but I will switch that number for a variable later
18:37.56Fox2those are little markers on a manabar that show how many times you can cast a given spell
18:38.13Fox2so most spells you can't cast more often than 100 times
18:38.20MentalPowerI hope your mana bar is a lot bigger than mine
18:38.50Fox2width is 400 by default
18:39.15Fox2but I plan on making that changable
18:39.31foxlitI'd imagine you'd run into density problems far faster
18:40.19Fox2400 width, one marker has a width of 2, so you should be able to distinguish 100 markers
18:40.55MentalPoweryou assume that the units are in pixels
18:41.03MentalPowerwhich is rarely true
18:41.30Fox2hmm ok, maybe I find a fix for that too
18:41.52Fox2maybe only show each 5th marker when numberMarkers > 50
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18:48.42kergothThe 'pet' conditional in macros is like [target=pet,exists] but without changing the current target, right?
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18:52.52cogwheeltarget=pet isn't a conditional
18:52.59cogwheeloh i c wut u meen
18:53.02cogwheeli r smrt
18:53.16ScytheBlade1Customer service forums are funny
18:53.22ScytheBlade1"urchin.js KEYLOGGED ME"
18:53.23cogwheel[pet] by itself is equivalent to [target=pet, exists]
18:53.40cogwheelbut you can specify a name or kind to [pet]
18:53.48MentalPowerScytheBlade1: lol
18:55.09kergothcogwheel: hehe, conditional was the wrong term, i was just wondering whether or not 'pet' changes the target, would /cast [pet] foo cast on the pet, or would you need the other form?
18:56.19cogwheelkergoth: ah yes
18:56.36cogwheel[pet] is only a conditional
18:56.46kergothokay, that's what i figured, just wanted to make sure
18:56.57*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter_ (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
19:00.39ScytheBlade1It hurts
19:02.00Josh_Borkeoh but it hurts so good
19:02.24ScytheBlade1Mostly it just hurts :/
19:02.39ScytheBlade1I'm not even sure how to respond
19:03.30Josh_Borkesucks to be you
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19:07.39matt1sIs there alot of problems with cartographer?
19:08.31Cideyes, loads.
19:08.49Cideit has, for one, loads of ugly libraries.
19:09.58matt1sI'm just getting alot of lua errors, and reading on the comment page on curse it seems I'm not the only one
19:10.10Josh_Borke~lart Cide
19:10.10purlstrangles Cide with a doohicky mouse cord
19:10.19matt1sany replacement mod you would recommend?
19:10.39Josh_Borkematt1s: as far as i know, the only place to get a 'author endorsed' copy of cartographer is
19:10.43Cidesomething without a lot of libraries.
19:10.45Cidelike CT_MapMod.
19:10.50Cideunbiased opinion
19:10.50Josh_Borkematt1s: additionally, support can be received at
19:11.07Josh_Borkematt1s: cide wrote CT_MapMod, and i'm telling you because he fails at being sarcastic
19:11.22bleeteryou all fail
19:11.24Cidedon't be so boring, Josh_Borke :)
19:11.25bleeterat giving me presents
19:11.35zenzelezz"Student Given Detention For Using Firefox"
19:11.39Josh_Borkesorry, i'm frustrated with ldap and apache
19:11.50Josh_Borkezenzelezz: did he use it to get around school policies?
19:11.52Cidewhere is the link?
19:12.13matt1sThanks, but I really like the curse update client though, almost like I don't want to install an addon offsite from curse
19:12.52Josh_Borkewell there's a new one
19:13.07Josh_Borkematt1s: it's funny you say that because the ace fanbois say the same thing about their updater
19:13.31Cidewhich, if that is a valid opinion, makes his a valid opinion too :P
19:14.00Cidehowever, if you want the latest version (and likeley the most stable one), you prolly have to get it from like Josh_Borke said
19:14.07matt1sI've only tried the curse one, and it's pretty slick. Does the ace one only keep track of Ace addons?
19:14.12Josh_Borkecide: lol, stable, rofl
19:14.20Josh_Borkematt1s: yes
19:14.30Cidenever used cartographer
19:14.34Josh_Borkematt1s: the curse one might be able to keep track of the ace ones
19:14.39bleeterthey're both stable updates for me... insofar as neither work whatsoever
19:15.06Josh_Borkematt1s: i use neither because i don't update my mods unless i need to
19:15.14Josh_Borkeso i can't help in that department
19:15.45matt1sme neither, but when I *do* need to update them, post-patch, it's a bitch to go around and check which ones have been updated
19:15.45kergothi use WUU, personally.  supports a variety of sites, no bias that way
19:16.11Josh_Borke~lart kergoth
19:16.12purlchanges kergoth's permissions to 0777 and tells the world
19:16.19kergoth~insult Josh_Borke
19:16.29Josh_Borkemmm, grits
19:16.40kergothhehe. vain grits
19:17.31matt1skergoth: thanks, I'll check that one out. The perfect thing would be an updater that wasn't an offspring from a addon site, but just a general updater. Sounds like WUU might be it
19:19.13ScytheBlade1Okay, my troll-fu just increased a few points. I just realized that this is the perfect place to drop a link to
19:20.33Xuerian .....
19:20.43XuerianWe need open season on patent lawyers.
19:21.24LopeppeppyI loved that thread, Xuerian.
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19:23.48XuerianLopeppeppy: Heh, I just responded to it too. If only shotguns were allowed.
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19:24.55Esamynn|WorkXuerian: well, that is definitely a new trolling angle
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19:27.11LopeppeppyIt surely is.  It's very intellectual in nature while being almost entirely nonsensical in subject.
19:27.44Esamynn|Workit's a tactic we've seen before on the ui forums
19:28.00LopeppeppyI can enjoy a good spurious debate.
19:28.14kamdislol @ "frolicsome and fruitful".  You have a way with words Peppy!  ;-)
19:28.18Cideif people want to patent their ideas, go for it
19:28.37Esamynn|WorkI wonder if that means the UI forums are seen perceived  as having a relatively intelligent group of regulars...
19:28.46CideI don't really get the "it's not in the community's best interest" - it's all about the individual in this case
19:29.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
19:29.12XuerianLopeppeppy: Hah, clap. Also, hail to a AD born :P
19:29.26LopeppeppyAD rules, the rest of the world drools....
19:29.27Esamynn|Workthere would only be an advantage in a patent if you were going to actually try to profit from your addon
19:29.40Esamynn|Workfor profit addons are still rare afaik
19:29.51Cidejust because of the diversity
19:29.55Cidea patent would limit that
19:30.07LunessaMany things, people, ideas and breathing practices are quite frolicsome and fruitful without over-regulation. ~Lopeppeppy  
19:30.41Cidelet's say I patented all of CT_RaidAssist's features when the most people used it.. I'm pretty sure a lot of them would be willing to pay
19:30.42LunessaWhy am I suddenly intrigued by the idea of fruitful and frolicsome?
19:30.45Cidenow? no way in hell
19:31.04XuerianCide: In theory, people patenting their ideas and inventions is a great thing. Indeed it is for many things. For such a specific field as this particular example.... Hell no
19:31.05Esamynn|Workwhat are the chances of someone actually coming up with an idea that was so wonderful, the profits from it could pay for the enforcement costs? ;)
19:31.16CideXuerian: what's the difference?
19:31.31CideEsamynn|Work: /shrug, but that's up to the individual to decide still :)
19:31.40LopeppeppyLunessa... I'm in a frolicsome mood, what can I say?  It's not Beltaine yet, but I can pretend.
19:32.32Cidethe community benefits from diversity, sure, but if you want to patent something it's not to benefit the community at all, so I don't really get your argument, Xuerian
19:32.36matt1skergoth: that WUU works like a charm, thanks alot
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19:34.39XuerianCide: I suppose I can make no argument fully grounded in logic as to why patents shouldn't happen in wow addons. Yes, it is the developers choice what they want to do with the code, and if they want to patent it, well go them. In my own personal opinion which you can damn well fault me for if you like, they shouldn't be allowed to do it. I enjoy participating in a addon community that is only as complicated as blizzard makes it.
19:35.21Cidesure, it's probably in the user's best interest to not have addon-related patents
19:35.30Cideand most authors, too, for that matter
19:35.52wereHamster... why patents shouldn't happen at all ;)
19:36.05Finnoone's making any money out of it. patents are about people profiting from their ideas.
19:36.19CideI should be able to make money from my work, if I choose to
19:36.26Cideif people think it's worth paying for, obviously
19:36.45CideFin: I could make money.. well, probably not now
19:36.51Finand if you do, then you might think it's worth patenting your ideas to protect them from being exploited by other people
19:37.01FinCide: hey, I'm not arguing that :) I was just making a point about patents in general
19:37.09FinI don't like them myself, I'm more of a hippy really
19:37.21Finbut whatever
19:37.39Finit's not up to me what someone else decides to do with their stuff
19:37.59Cideyep, which is why I don't get half of the arguments in the topic
19:38.05XuerianCide: This bears the question... Have you ever seriously wanted to make money off of your wow addons? What about if you had to get embroiled in all the drama that would spring from it? I'm not questioning the possibility of doing it, or the theory in itself. Just in practice.
19:38.20CideXuerian: sure. I'd love to make money off them
19:38.30CideI would if I could. but it wouldn't involve *paying* for them
19:38.59CideCTProfiles made a whole bunch of money, our site generates some ad money, and CTScreens has an upgrade option
19:39.07XuerianWould it involve patenting them? Would it involve litigation?
19:39.08Cideif I could make more, hell yes I would
19:39.25FinI reckon the right way to make money off something like this would be for Blizzard (or another company that's going to profit somehow) to fund professional development of stuff - which I guess they are in a way by employing whoever writes the Lua there now
19:39.27CideI spend several hours a day working on stuff, which is a fair amount of time
19:39.38XuerianAnd I'm not referring to sites built around aadons, or doing things other than that, I mean the adddons themselves
19:39.41Finthey're a business, though, in the end
19:39.59CideXuerian: I'd make money off the addons too, if I could - but it wouldn't involve paying
19:40.03Cidefor the addons, that is
19:40.32Finthe only way I can see that working out is if you were working for some Chinese gold farmers
19:40.34XuerianAnd that's how I feel.
19:40.41Finor, I guess, any gold farmers of any other nationality
19:40.52XuerianIf I were to make a loot tracking site that XLoot interfaced with, I'd have no problem charging for services provided.
19:41.06XuerianThe addon? I enjoyed developing it, I made it to see people comment on it and use it.
19:41.25Cidethat's how I used to be, too
19:41.35CideI still am, to an extent
19:42.11Finis there a mailbox in Un'Goro?
19:42.17Cidethink so
19:42.25Cidein the camp in the far north
19:42.36Finyeah, I'm looking for it there now but I can't bloody find it
19:42.41LukianFin, I don't think there is
19:42.46Cidemaybe not, dunno really
19:42.56Findouble ballsacks!
19:42.59FinLukian: thanks
19:43.00CideI vaguely remember getting gifts from the kodo thing quest
19:43.03LopeppeppyNever seen one there before, it would be new if there were one.  Triple ballsacks.
19:43.05Cidein the mailbox
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19:43.19Finnah, you get them straight away
19:43.19LopeppeppySilithus or Gadgetzan.
19:43.26Finboxes of stuff
19:43.30Cideoh well
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19:43.51Findamnations! foiled again.
19:43.54Finif it weren't for those pesky kids
19:44.47XuerianWell, to the guy's credit, he at least knows to make a exit when he's about to be tarred and feathered.
19:46.47Thunder_ChildScytheBlade1, er what?
19:47.19ScytheBlade1Thunder_Child: you pinged me around 3:00 AM my time with a completly nonsensical line
19:47.26ScytheBlade1Was wondering the same thing myself
19:47.35Thunder_Childit was in regards to picard
19:48.08ScytheBlade1Well that makes much more sense
19:48.23Thunder_Childi thought you would have figured it out
19:48.27Thunder_Childguess not
19:48.40ScytheBlade1Wasn't on my mind
19:50.19ScytheBlade1Not a bad error rate, considering
19:50.26ScytheBlade1Sure cuts down on your work, heh
19:50.26Thunder_Childthat makes 1 in 15
19:50.32Thunder_Childi think
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20:03.42zenzelezzso I AFK for a bit, and the first thing to catch my eye when I come back is Lopeppeppy talking about triple ballsacks o_O
20:04.08LopeppeppyYou *would* focus on that, wouldn't you, zenzelezz?  Did you miss the fruitful and frolicsome stuff?
20:04.50zenzelezzit was your name that first caught my attention, I start with the most important people's sentences before working my way down
20:05.16XuerianLopeppeppy: Best when taken together
20:07.40zenzelezzsycophood of course
20:07.52TS|Skrom_zomg it's so clear to me now
20:08.30Lunessatriple ballsacks sounds like it requires medical attention.  seriously.
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20:10.38zenzelezzXuerian: "obviously"?
20:10.40LopeppeppyThanks for the attention, zenzelezz.  You make my winter wonderland much more sparkly.
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20:11.33Xuerianzenzelezz: Wasn't being that serious anyway, it's pretty interesting for being open source
20:11.52LopeppeppyEvery oak tree starts from an acorn?
20:12.15LunessaI'm seriously considering using it for GUI development.
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20:12.28XuerianEvery baby starts from rabid humping in teh back of a car?
20:12.38Xinhuanwhy? it only does "wow default ui look" frames
20:12.42zenzelezzthat was just your parents ;-o
20:12.53Xuerianzenzelezz: I honestly wouldn't doubt it
20:13.06Xinhuanit doesn't really allow you to do GUI for your own addon's unique look
20:13.23Xinhuanlike swstats, for eg, or assessment
20:13.35LunessaXinhuan: Most of the time, I only need default look.
20:13.48Xinhuanif so, then yes, its good for that
20:13.59Xinhuanthe xml it genertaes is very clean
20:14.15LunessaAnd.... it's not hard to tweak it's output.  Since it does make VERY clean/readable XML
20:14.18Xinhuanand perfectly indented too
20:15.08XuerianIt makes me chuckle that they say everyone only uses notepad.
20:15.18Xuerian... and xml.
20:16.17XuerianHonestly though, if it gets fledged out and shaped up, it could be quite nice.
20:16.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Athrun-- (
20:17.45Industrialbut IDE's encourage to neglect learning the environment you are programming in
20:17.57Industrial"oh but our magicel intellisense to the resqueue"
20:18.19zenzelezzI find your lack of faith disturbing
20:18.30XuerianIndustrial: I agree, but if it encourages better coding practices from people below the bar, it at least sets a higher functional base.
20:18.50IndustrialXuerian: who's going to use their addons anyway :P
20:19.16XuerianIndustrial: Not you, seeing as you use your own addons, and most of them are so small they require a microscope to see anyway!
20:19.34Industrialbut they all work poperly!
20:19.39XuerianYeah, yeah
20:19.47LopeppeppyYeah, it's not the size, didn't ya know that!?  :P
20:20.02Xuerianit's the number
20:20.05Xuerian3, amiright?
20:20.31LopeppeppyUm....  "Even though I like everybody, I like my buddies one at a time."
20:20.39LopeppeppyRusty Warren knew where it's at.
20:21.58LopeppeppySomeday I'll hunt down the LP's I used to listen to of hers.
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20:48.48LunessaI'm fond of saying "I hate people, but I can like a person just fine."
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20:50.41malrethJapanese Binocular Football:
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21:07.48Xinhuanlua> strmatch("abc|def", "(.*)|")
21:07.48lua_botXinhuan: abc,
21:10.56LunessaSo I'm reading the 2.3.2 patch notes, and there's this gem - "Reduced network latency by disabling the Nagle algorithm." WTF?
21:11.22zenzelezzyeah, that sounded pretty cool
21:11.36LunessaNM... I wikki'ed it.
21:11.46malrethisn't that the fishing guy in the game?
21:11.56KalrothIt lowers latency by 20-40% for a lot of people
21:12.10KalrothAussies goes from 450ms to 250ms etc.
21:12.11zenzelezzbasically a way of keeping packets until X milliseconds or until X bytes have been "written", whichever comes first, isn't it?
21:12.26Thunder_Childzenzelezz, second option
21:12.41KalrothYup, it's a simple ACK delay algorithm
21:12.55Kalrothso you don't spam the network with small packets
21:13.12KalrothWhich is fine if you're transferring 22gb of pron to your best friend
21:13.25KalrothBut not so cool when the average packet size is 50-100 bytes
21:13.26cogwheelWhy would anyone use that in the first place for a networked game? O.o
21:13.28Thunder_Childor your worst enemy
21:13.37Kalrothcogwheel: it's the default OS setting
21:13.46cogwheeloh... didn't realize the OS did it
21:13.52zenzelezzyes, most implementations have it on by default
21:13.53NightHawkTheSaneDoesn't it also interact badly with other TCP optimizations?
21:13.56KalrothWhen you create a tcp/ip connection, it's set to 2 ACKs by default
21:14.07KalrothWhich is around 200ms, give or take
21:14.46Kalrothmeaning it'll wait up to 100ms (per setting count) if a packet is smaller than X size
21:15.03KalrothNightHawkTheSane: Nope, there's a counter to it ;)
21:15.22NightHawkTheSaneKalroth: hm, I thought i read that it did, but my memory is pretty bad.
21:15.34Kalrothit's probably on that wiki link
21:15.56Kalroth"This algorithm interacts badly with TCP delayed acknowledgments, a feature introduced into TCP at roughly the same time in the early 1980s, but by a different group. "
21:16.13Kalroth"With both algorithms enabled, applications which do two successive writes to a TCP connection, followed by a read, experience a constant delay of up to 500 milliseconds, the "ACK delay"."
21:16.45NightHawkTheSaneah,yeah, thats probably it
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21:27.55[dRaCo]anyone else's server borked?
21:37.55nevcairielmine is fine
21:38.47[dRaCo]just cleared all the trash for alar and now the server's gone.
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21:47.43matt1sIs sweeping strikes removed?
21:48.16Xinhuanif only i can bind "Disenchant" to Clique....
21:48.37clad|awayyou could do it with a setbindingspell, i suspect
21:48.42clad|awaybut maybe not
21:48.44Xinhuanwould be sweet to say alt-shift click an item to DE it
21:48.53Xinhuaninstead of click DE, click item
21:49.06malrethi bound DE to Alt-Q
21:49.17Xinhuanyah but you still need "2 clicks"
21:49.20Xinhuanrather than 1
21:49.24malretheasy to hit but not easy enough to accidentally DE something that i intend to AH
21:50.01Xinhuani don't think blizz has any way for secure buttons to be binded?
21:50.11Xinhuansecure itembuttons that is
21:50.18Xinhuannot really sure
21:50.18malrethor sometimes a quest reward gets stuck back into my bags because I forget to update my Default set in ClosetGnome
21:50.29malrethand now and then i go and mass DE all unwanted quest rewards...
21:50.50malrethjust that little intentional delay keeps me from dusting the wrong item
21:51.36Xinhuanright clicking an item uses it, so it could theorectically be possible to bind a spell to the same itembutton
21:53.01Intangiranyone know the mod that tells when you when your cooldowns are up by making a semi transparent icon fade in the center of the screen?
21:53.27kergothhaste's oCD does that sorta, so does readyspells, though its moer than just cooldowns
21:54.20Intangirwhich ones better?
21:55.12dylanmIntangir: used to be pretty popular
21:55.13*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
21:57.09Intangirthat looks like what im thinking of
21:57.14Intangirive seen it in demos
22:03.22haste << just under the error frame is oCD
22:05.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
22:09.53kamdis"Server is busy, please try again"  :-(
22:11.17Thunder_Childits prolly better for your health if your not on it
22:11.44|Jelly|There /has/ been a pretty huge shortage of Jelly on the forums. :P
22:12.39dylanmYou killed Jergosh whyyy
22:18.35purlACTION burps loudly
22:25.23Finis /benchmark a builtin slash command?
22:25.36Wobwor1Once again, Penny Arcade uses biting commentary to both hit and horrifically miss
22:26.46*** join/#wowi-lounge vandinz (n=me@
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22:30.25vandinzAnyone know the command used to trigger a question objective complete? I mean like if my char has got 10/10 items, what event is triggered and how would I catch it
22:31.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
22:31.26vandinz"Quest objective"
22:33.00purlIriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
22:33.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (n=jk275@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
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22:35.38vandinzIs this the right room to get help with writing WoW mods?
22:37.31Josh_Borkevandinz: yes
22:37.35purlIriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
22:37.50Josh_Borkevandinz: it has a command /dtevents and /dtchatevent that should be helpful in determining events
22:37.55Josh_Borkeespecially dtevents
22:38.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Osstia (n=ryant@
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22:46.26vandinzyep thanks for that, am using it now. impressive tool
22:50.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
22:51.44Intangirwhats this devtools?
22:51.50Intangiran in game ide for modding?
22:51.55Josh_BorkeIntangir: no
22:52.24Josh_BorkeIntangir: it provides /dtchatevents which displays the event that generated a chat message, /dtevents which displays a scrollable filterable list of events
22:52.38Josh_BorkeIntangir: /dtframestack which presents the names of the frames beneath your mouse
22:52.46Josh_Borkealso adds a /dump and a DevTools_Dump
22:52.46Intangiroh neat
22:52.58Intangirthat /dtframestack sounds useful
23:03.10purlIriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
23:08.02IndustrialI am highly useful. I am also making highly unlikely statements.
23:09.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Rayne (
23:10.17Intangirwhats new
23:10.18Intangirim bored
23:10.55ScytheBlade1Troll the forums
23:11.16kd3I wish I could
23:11.37ScytheBlade1kd3: what *exactly* was the problem with your internet access?
23:11.39RayneCant decide if I want to release this UI or not... :/
23:11.42ScytheBlade1Or is, rather
23:11.50kd3net access is fine. I let my account lapse a week ago
23:12.32Rayneit just looks so odd to me :/
23:13.05kamdisRayne: SS?
23:13.11IntangirRayne: what addon?
23:13.13Raynegetting it
23:14.18Rayneconverting :|
23:16.42Rayneever since I fixed my DMZ my nets been zipping, at least one good things come outta this week
23:17.03RayneClean: || Target and ToT: || Omen Shown:
23:17.24RayneAlso, the minimap is borked on the hunter
23:17.27Rayneim fixing that now
23:19.18kamdisI like it
23:19.20Intangiroh ya that one
23:19.26kamdisno real input from me
23:20.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
23:20.23RayneThe problem I just realized is that on my warrior, I dont have pet frames turned on, and I know as soon as I turn them back on ill have to basicly re-parent everything minus the party frames. :/
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23:22.12RayneSo im debating leaving it non pet class friendly
23:22.48Shirik|Ecoleso you want to make it so it doesn't work for...
23:22.51Shirik|Ecolepriests, hunters, mages, warlocks
23:23.01kamdisDo what you want.  You're under no obligation to make it work for anyone.
23:23.10Shirik|Ecolebut yeah, what kamdis said
23:23.14RayneThe Origonal Burnt Black Cherry was never pet class friendly :/
23:23.35NightHawkTheSaneshaman have a pet? o_0
23:23.41kamdisThough, all classes probably have the pet bar occasionally - like with the Tonk Controller or that Horde quest in Thousand Needles.
23:23.49Industrialis there a way I can make wow not antialias anything
23:23.53Industrialor at least my own things?
23:24.08IndustrialI want 1unit==1px :P
23:24.16RayneKarazhan chess event
23:25.07RayneI dont know
23:25.11Raynepeople just annoy me @_@
23:25.19kamdisFuck people.  Seriously.
23:25.30kamdisThis is why Ryas took a hiatus.
23:26.30*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
23:26.38Rayneoh I figured out why the frame borked on my hunter, im such a tard
23:26.47Raynehit the wrong profile by accient @_@
23:26.57kamdisJust release it and give a big fat warning that the pet bar's not configured?
23:27.07RayneIts configured on my warrior.
23:27.08kamdisand will not be by you.
23:27.11Raynenot on the hunter
23:27.26Rayneso basicly I bring up the pet stuff and the screens like LOLEXPLOSION
23:27.43RayneLet me see what happens when I copy my warriors settings, one sec.
23:28.15Rayneoh wow O_o looks perfect
23:28.47kd3heh at the visual studio prog getting added to the wiki
23:29.02RayneIsnt that thing REALLY bugged?
23:29.18cogwheelit's not really bugged
23:29.27cogwheelit just isn't incredibly featureful
23:29.43RayneI just saw the big forum post bout it
23:30.14cogwheelyeah, that was mostly complaints about what it doesn't do, not what it does wrong.
23:30.17vandinzHi, me again with my noobie mod. :) I've used devtools to track the events when a quest is complete, problem is, it's the QUEST_LOG_UPDATE and the QUEST_WATCH_UPDATE. These are used everytime an item is picked up or a quest mob is killed. Any ideas how I can check to see if the last one was to complete the quest?
23:30.43NightHawkTheSanewell, it does do some things wrong, but if you know what your doing, its not terrible
23:30.57RayneI have no idea what im doing, so I wont touch it. :B
23:31.40RayneLet me go get a combat shot of this UI
23:31.49RayneShould I get one of me being stomped by a fel reaver? D:
23:36.56*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
23:37.00Rayne Combat
23:37.02Raynebrb dinner
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23:45.59malrethooookaay... the addon patents thread was an interesting read...
23:46.10kamdisRayne:  that just may be the version that gets me to use your UI instead of Tapestry.
23:47.08malrethi get the strong feeling that a lot of lawyers are wondering how to get their wet, sticky fingers into Blizzard's cash-filled moist, cherry pie.
23:47.53foxlitMSN hotmail
23:47.57Intangirnotice that one is in stormwind
23:47.57Intangirim horde so is the guy outside hahaha
23:47.58LunessaIn the age of the lawyer, wealth is obtained by letting someone else earn it, then using the courts to make them give you large chunks of it.
23:48.03foxlitA practical example of how not to make a sign up form
23:48.10Intangirmalreth: thats a scary thought
23:48.21ScytheBlade1That makes me ALL SORTS OF CURIOUS
23:48.45malrethas soon as the guy said 'pro-bono' and 'patent' i was all like 'IT'S A TRAAAAAAAP!!!'
23:50.18ckknightmalreth: addon patents thread?
23:50.26kamdisI know my own kind; I knew as soon as I read the title of that thread.
23:50.40kamdisThat guy doesn't even play WoW either.
23:51.29kamdisplease don't waste money on allegedly pro bono patenting of your addons ckknight.  I beg you.
23:51.31*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
23:51.42ckknightI don't believe in software patents
23:52.28XuerianMaldivia: lol
23:52.34Xuerianckknight: Amen
23:52.36Xueriankamdis: /cheer
23:52.40alestaneI notice that the community seems by and large to be very non-receptive to this guy who showed up in the forums.
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23:52.45kamdisIf that actually caught on, I can guarantee you Blizzard would stop allowing any addons at all.  At least, that's what I'd advise if I were their lawyer.
23:53.19alestaneAt the very least I suspect the EULA would be modified to restrict patent rights on mods.
23:53.31kamdisfair point
23:53.41alestaneSince they use the Blizzard API, which is probably patentable itself, or at least Bliz's IP.
23:53.52wereHamsterXuerian, don't ping me bro
23:54.38alestaneI spent a month and a half sorting patent case files for Polaroid.
23:54.58alestaneMost BORING collection of documents I'v ever seen.
23:55.04Raynekamdis: Im still unhappy with a few things about it, but mostly it is wrapped up and ready to go
23:55.14malrethalestane: they'd be patenting the "concept" of the addon, not the implementation of the addon using the API itself
23:55.33XuerianwereMonkey: Why would I do such a thing. GET OUT OF THE LIBRARY
23:55.33RayneWell, actually only two things about it now
23:56.13malreththat way they could sue any other company that implemented the idea and extort more money
23:56.24alestaneI do get that distinction, so what it would probably do is stifle innovation in the stock UI and the community.
23:56.32malrethbtw, i'm not a lawyer, but i play one on stage
23:56.40alestaneI still don't have anything against the guy for coming to the forums and talking about it though.
23:56.47wereHamsterhow can you patent the concept of addons? will the sue mozilla and just about any app that uses plugins/modules/addons or however they are called?
23:56.51malreththe discussion was remarkably civil
23:57.03alestaneAlso, you usually have to patent processes, not results.
23:57.06malrethwereHamster: not the concept of addons... although someone probably does have a patent on that
23:57.42malrethand someone probably *will* sue the mozilla foundation
23:57.49malrethbut only if there's money in it for them
23:58.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Furl (
23:58.12malreththey'll also probably sue apple and adobe as well... might as well
23:58.16wereHamsterI'm just glad I live in europe, we don't have s/w patents (yet)
23:58.21kamdisRayne:  if you'd like a "tester" I'd volunteer.  ;-)
23:58.34RayneIm still having problems with the party frame panels occasionally not showing up until youre in the party for about 10 minutes, and im having a problem with omen not resetting, but I think thats partially cause I havent updated it in about 2 weeks.
23:58.49RayneI could zip it up for you now if youd like
23:59.03Rayneim just sitting here finishing my torrent downloads
23:59.06Raynek one sec
23:59.52*** join/#wowi-lounge indibindi (

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