IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071216

00:02.18Corrodiasmmmm, mentholmint schnapps
00:02.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
00:05.10Thunder_Childall you need is caffine and you have a trifecta of bad for you stuff
00:06.18Corrodiasi could swear i told WoW to start like 40 seconds ago
00:06.37Corrodiasoh, my hard drive is busy. it must still be loading. sometimes it takes a while the first time in a day.
00:07.24Thunder_ChildCS3 + Huge RAW files + trying to do anything = Very very slow machine
00:07.46Corrodiasi don't know what 1) CS3, 2) RAW files, or 3) productivity are
00:08.12Thunder_Childneither do you know what sarcasim is
00:09.06Corrodiasi know, but it's hard to pick up on sarcasm when you have no idea what most of the statement means
00:13.49Corrodiasi'm afraid for the future of gaming. vista is unappealing in every way, but directx10 is going to be widely supported due to pressure for more impressive graphics, and you can bet microsoft won't provide an XP version
00:15.09Thunder_ChildCorrodias, you really dont know what them mean?
00:15.36Thunder_Childalthough it should have been PS3 not CS3
00:15.50Corrodiasphotoshop 3, then?
00:16.06Corrodiasi know "raw" can refer to a particular image format, among other things, although i don't actually know anything about that format
00:16.14Thunder_ChildRAW is the digital version of a negitive
00:16.21Thunder_Childfor film
00:16.24Corrodiasso.. like an inverted bitmap?
00:16.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
00:16.44Thunder_Childnot quite
00:17.45Taerimy auctioneer broke 0.o
00:17.47Corrodias...inverted jpeg?
00:17.54Thunder_Child"Raw image files are sometimes called digital negatives, as they fulfill the same role as film negatives in traditional chemical photography: that is, the negative is not directly usable as an image, but has all of the information needed to create an image."
00:18.47Corrodiasthat probably makes more sense once you already understand raw
00:19.05Corrodiasdon't be too concerned. if i really care, i can look it up.
00:19.55Taerimy auctioneer is telling me that I have no more free spaces or something 0.o
00:20.21kd3hop in #norganna. they can probably tell you what to do. you may want to swap to auctioneer advanced
00:20.35TaeriI have that afaik 0.o
00:20.56Taerigonna log in again and get the exact message before I ask them how to fixit XD
00:21.00Taerithanks though:D
00:21.04kd3auc-adv doesn't have that limitation iirc. still. #norganna's the channel for all of the auctioneer/gatherer suite. no prob
00:24.32TaeriDo'h, it's me not having enugh room in my bags for it to split up the stacks
00:28.47*** join/#wowi-lounge jcottr (
00:33.54jcottrAnyone else notice that the orientations of UIPanelScrollFrameTemplate and ScrollingMessageFrame are opposed?  The former thinks the top is offset 0, while the latter thinks the bottom is offset 0.  Any way to deal with this simply?  I'd like to make them work together.
00:39.50*** part/#wowi-lounge jcottr (
00:42.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Fox (n=E11@
00:43.00Corrodiascrap. i accidentally deleted my mage portal/teleport addon
00:44.24IndustrialDING 69
00:48.37fropdamn...wiping on hawk boss
00:48.43fropops eagle
00:58.03Thunder_Childgratz Industrial
00:58.28Thunder_ChildIndustrial, if you pvp now woul be a good time to stock up on honor before you get wiped in the 70 bracket
00:58.59Industrialyeah about 61k
00:59.03Industrialfor a1 :D
00:59.15Industrialgot 6k now
00:59.26Industrialer, 5
01:05.06sag_ich_nicht[01:44] <Industrial> DING 69 <--what
01:08.23Thunder_ChildSPAM: "Hot sex with Viagra pills"
01:08.31Thunder_Childok, but i would rather have sex with a woman
01:11.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
01:12.27NightHawkTheSanewell, so would the viagra pills, but beggars can't be choosers
01:13.33Thunder_Childyou dont know that
01:14.00Thunder_Childthey might like it as suppositories
01:18.29*** join/#wowi-lounge frid (n=Fridgid@
01:20.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
01:21.20Thunder_Childyes ScytheBlade1, do you have something to add?
01:22.23ScytheBlade1I'm just going to leave that as-is
01:25.19Thunder_Childis name server ~= DNS server?
01:25.46ScytheBlade1In fact they're identical
01:25.53ScytheBlade1Err, lua syntax
01:26.00ScytheBlade1name servers == DNS servers
01:26.15Thunder_Childi wasnt using lua but ok, thats what i thought
01:26.30ScytheBlade1Better safe than sorry, heh
01:33.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
01:36.13FoxHi there, got a little problem with OnEvent, could someone help me? If so, check
01:36.29Foxah sorry
01:38.19ScytheBlade1What's the problem with that?
01:38.26*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvaan (n=sylvanaa@
01:38.31Foxgot the first message working ("Event trigger") but the second doesnt work
01:38.43Foxno "mana event"
01:39.42ScytheBlade1Did you register for the UNIT_MANA event?
01:39.53Foxyepp OnLoad
01:40.10ScytheBlade1You don't need params in your function declaration
01:40.23ScytheBlade1function karatinaBar_OnEvent()
01:40.27ScytheBlade1^ also acceptable
01:41.47ScytheBlade1I would consider, in your first SendChatMessage, changing that to SendChatMessage("Event Trigger: " ..event", "WHISPER", nil, playerName);
01:41.54ScytheBlade1Gives you a bit more detail on every event that fires
01:42.03Foxk thanks
01:42.55ScytheBlade1Never mind, I think I found your problem
01:43.01ScytheBlade1if(event == "UNIT_MANA" and arg1 == playername) then
01:43.07ScytheBlade1arg1 will be a UnitID, not a player name
01:43.50ScytheBlade1if (event == "UNIT_MANA" and arg1 == "player") then
01:43.55ScytheBlade1That'll fire only if YOUR mana changes
01:43.59ScytheBlade1Which I think is what you want
01:44.03*** join/#wowi-lounge fridgid (n=Fridgid@
01:44.23Foxgot some problems in SendChatMessage with "player" as UnitId somehow
01:44.35ScytheBlade1SendChatMessage() wants a player name
01:44.35Foxyep :)
01:44.41Foxoh ok
01:44.51ScytheBlade1You would use UnitName("player") for that
01:45.16ScytheBlade1SendChatMessage("mana event", "WHISPER", nil, UnitName("player"))
01:45.34nevcairielwouldnt print be easier? :P
01:45.44ScytheBlade1For local testing? Probably :)
01:45.52ScytheBlade1DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("mana event");
01:46.10Foxk thx
01:46.32Foxwell it works now big thanks
01:53.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@
02:03.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (n=Arrow@unaffiliated/arrowmaster)
02:15.13Corrodiasi see they never did fix the pet speed bug
02:15.18Corrodiaspursuit speed?
02:15.36Corrodiaswhereby they slow down to a crawl as they approach the enemy
02:15.55Corrodiasmaybe it prevents some other, undesired behavior
02:19.54Corrodiasbut it's really annoying
02:21.34Foxone more question :)
02:22.36FoxmanaPercentage = UnitMana("player") / UnitManaMax("player")
02:22.44Foxdoesnt work
02:24.15Foxreply is attempt to concatenate local 'manaPercentage" (a nil value)
02:25.04ScytheBlade1Is that the line exactly?
02:25.10ScytheBlade1Paste the line above it + that line
02:25.43Foxjust a sec
02:27.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyrain (
02:27.58Fox2local manaPercentage
02:27.58Fox2manaPercentage = UnitMana("player") / UnitManaMax("player");
02:28.24Foxhmm I could put that in one line I thnik
02:28.56ScytheBlade1local manaPercentage = UnitMana("player")/UnitManaMax("player");
02:36.07Fox2hmm ok, no more errors but it somehow always returns 1 as value
02:36.41*** join/#wowi-lounge [1]Adys (
02:36.41Fox2ah wait
02:37.00Fox2I initialized it as global -.-
02:37.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@
02:38.06Fox2ah great, works as intended :)
02:43.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@
02:47.27kd3heh, wow at the thread necro in general
02:47.31kd3from march. eesh
02:51.33Shirikkd3 needs to get out of general
02:52.46*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Holding (
02:55.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@
03:15.57Mr_Rabies2is that the new tvlinks
03:18.29NightHawkTheSanehmm. teriyaki take out, or ravioli.
03:19.29NightHawkTheSanetc-holding? holding what?
03:20.03Thunder_Childholding and waiting while my nick goes away
03:20.56NightHawkTheSanewts /nickserv ghost ?
03:21.23Thunder_Childi cant script it for some reason
03:23.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@
03:27.58kd3woo for old geek jokes resurfacing on digg...
03:28.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@
03:32.40*** join/#wowi-lounge fridg (n=Fridgid@
03:38.31Foxwee, step 1 done: I got a dragable manabar which changes color and fades when out of combat...
03:38.37Taeriwaaahaha, I need to get 200g more before I can get my epic mount. >__>
03:39.14Foxflying epic or riding epic
03:39.20Taeririding XD
03:40.45TaeriI need my epic riding before I feel like bothering running around and lvl my mining to the appropriate level I need before I can mine fel iron or whatever it's called
03:41.01sag_ich_nichthow can you NOT have an epic ground mount.
03:41.14TaeriI just turned 60? :P
03:41.33Thunder_Childusually you lvl your professions as you level
03:41.52TaeriThunder_Child: Yeah, I know. butbutbut...
03:41.58Thunder_Childno buts
03:42.05Taeributts then...>__>
03:42.16Thunder_Childno butts either
03:42.22Thunder_Childthere is no getting out of this one
03:42.28Thunder_Childexcept for buying it
03:42.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
03:42.45Taerimining is a drag though, and when I was out questing, someone always was at the mine before me.
03:43.38TaeriIt's worse with my jewelcrafting though I guess.
03:44.26TaeriI have 320 or something in skinning on my lvl 45 though >__> skinning is far too easy
03:44.32Taeribut shh, don't tell the blizzard devs that
03:46.26Thunder_Childnot really
03:46.49Thunder_Childtakes a long time to skin the ammounts needed for patterns
03:46.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
03:47.03Taerinow I'm thinking skinning without LWing.
03:47.04Thunder_Child~staple Adys
03:47.05purlACTION attaches a staple gun to a pneumatic nail gun via duct tape, staples Adys quite well, and hands Adys to thunder_child
03:48.11FoxDoes anyone of you know a function that returns a pells manacost?
03:48.18Thunder_Childi know but unlike mining you cant abuse skinning
03:48.20Fox*spells manacost
03:48.35TaeriThunder_Child: abuse? 0.o
03:48.51kd3fox; the only way I can think of off the top of my head is to scan the tooltip
03:49.13Foxeeh, thats difficult, but I'll try, thanks
03:49.25TaeriThunder_Child: how so?
03:49.54Thunder_ChildTaeri, think about how abused mining would be if it was a quick and easy as mining
03:50.22Thunder_Childs/as mining/as skinning/
03:53.17NightHawkTheSaneIrish ale and beef teriyaki. This is a good dinner.
03:53.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
04:02.17*** join/#wowi-lounge fridgid (n=Fridgid@
04:23.27*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
04:26.08*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
04:31.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
04:48.56Thunder_Child..cant anyone handle an unexpected event with poise and dignity
04:51.40NightHawkTheSanedo you mean unexpected event like "zomg, where did that UNIT_MANA come from!?!" or like "holy crap that clown just pulled a midget out of his pants!"
04:52.47sag_ich_nichtgod damn it
04:52.55sag_ich_nichtwalljumped to the edge of the world in winterspring
04:53.03sag_ich_nichtspawned in westfall
04:53.06sag_ich_nichthate alliance default GY
04:54.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
04:55.38Thunder_ChildNightHawkTheSane, like omg someone just pulled a gun on me
04:55.39batricki remember that happening to me when i died in some hive in southeast silithus
04:55.42batrickwas so pissed
04:55.56NightHawkTheSaneThunder_Child: ah, well.. uh, no?
04:56.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
04:56.24Thunder_ChildNightHawkTheSane, there are some
04:57.59sag_ich_nichtbatrick: well, i was exploiting, so serves me right, but still
05:03.26*** join/#wowi-lounge dispel (
05:05.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Godzmack (
05:09.50Thunder_Child"'Thinking of, John? print I shaggy - I was smite cork listening to you.' As cough if the kind words overcame mowed her, Jean dropped the book, covered up her carry leather face, and wept so bitte 'Because death he's gone!' said adjustment Tackleton; 'and the window's surprise open. I don't see any day marks - to be sure it's 'Wentworth told yesterday me that he trick was afraid Buckhurst was drowned. He heard it at destroy
05:11.26Thunder_Childspam ftw
05:11.53ScytheBlade1Boo, I still have 33 MP3 albums
05:11.57ScytheBlade1This needs fixing!
05:19.08*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm_ (
05:23.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
05:23.38*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
05:29.03dispelwho can help me with my ui
05:32.25Thunder_Childhelp you do what?
05:32.42NightHawkTheSanetake over the WORLD!
05:33.04Thunder_Childthat would be interesting to see
05:33.30dispelfix it?
05:37.51Guillotinewhats broken?
05:38.07Guillotinep.s. I should be working, someone shoot me every time I talk in IRC :(
05:38.17dispelwhen i get invited into a group the thing doesnt show up some times :S
05:38.38Guillotinewhat thing? the invite box that lets you accept or decline?
05:39.47dispelnow and than it just doenst show up :S
05:39.54Guillotinehave you made sure that all your addons are up to date?
05:39.57Thunder_Child~shoot Guillotine
05:39.58purlACTION shoots Guillotine in the ear with a cork gun!
05:40.03Guillotinethanks :(
05:40.04Thunder_ChildGuillotine, working on what?
05:40.35dispeli got a mod pack
05:40.39Guillotine2 projects due monday and another final tuesday :(
05:40.48Guillotinedispel: and are each of the individual addons up to date?
05:40.48dispeland it was made  few days after 2.3
05:41.14dispelwhat mod would be makingit do that?
05:41.25Guillotinewhen the box doesn't show up, are you automatically joining the group?
05:41.48dispelnothing happends
05:41.57Guillotinehow do you know you were invited then? :P
05:42.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Yazilliclick (
05:42.48dispelit says it
05:42.57dispelin my chat log "therename" has invited you into a group
05:43.05dispeland it doesnt say i declined it
05:43.08dispelit just doesnt show up :S
05:43.10GuillotineI'd look for some sort of a blacklist addon then. If not, one of the addons probably has a bug
05:43.22dispeldam it its such a nice UI
05:48.32Thunder_Childhuh, i wonder whats makes the quare minimap buttons
05:49.20art3mismother fucker
05:49.32art3misThunder_Child: guess what the problem was
05:49.58Thunder_Childart3mis, you?
05:50.09Thunder_Childinveitebly it is PEBKAC
05:50.39art3misdespite it being unfiltered according to the provider.. it's being firewalled on thier end
05:50.49art3misi hooked up my other static machine and it conects no probs
05:51.10Thunder_Childof who/whatever is hosting your mail server?
05:52.44art3misfrom my "outside" machine i cant connect
05:54.27art3misi got static from cable and they claim its open
05:55.41art3misfrom the start of this i couldnt signin to any of thier webpages with the setup account/pass i couldnt disable/enable 25 and 80 then i couldnt access my statics or cable-eamil
05:55.41GuillotineWhen they're in packages, addons often aren't up to date. I'd suggest either going through and manually updating each addon or using an auto-updater like to update them all
05:55.41Guillotine^^^ to dispel
05:55.54art3misdont do it disple its a trick!
05:56.02art3mishe's trying to get your babies!
05:56.24Guillotinedammit art3mis. You just ruined my chance at a good dinner :(
05:56.29Thunder_Childdont listen to art3mis, he wants your babies
05:56.44art3miswell thats true
05:56.53art3misthems is fine ettin'
05:57.05Thunder_ChildGuillotine, L2Cook and you wont need to use fresh baby souls to enhance everything
05:57.22Guillotinemmmmmm. freesh baaaby souuuuls
05:57.28NightHawkTheSanefresh baby souls are the spice of life.
05:57.52Thunder_Childyes, ans spice becomes dull and rote if used to much or all the time...or both
05:58.06NightHawkTheSanebut.. but..the spice must flow?
05:58.10art3misoh and awesomely enough iw as gonna muck around with exchange2k7 but appearantly its full 64bit ONLY
05:58.15Thunder_Childflow..not eaten
05:58.17art3misheh and the machine i was gonna use isnt
05:58.23NightHawkTheSaneflow.. into mah belleh!
05:58.40Guillotinehe who controls the spice [of baby souls] controls the universe
05:58.40Thunder_Childwould you stop mixing moives/books
05:58.52NightHawkTheSaneThunder_Child: not a chance :)
05:58.58Thunder_Childyou people suck
05:59.14Guillotinethe Dune movie was actually suprisinglly good
05:59.19NightHawkTheSanewhich one?
05:59.27Guillotinethe old one
05:59.34Thunder_Childthey are both old
05:59.45Thunder_Childoh..nvm forgot about the sci-fi one
05:59.59NightHawkTheSanethe sci-fi one is still reasonably old, but not as much
06:00.10Guillotine1980-something one, not 2000-something
06:00.15Guillotinehavn't seen the 2000-something
06:00.24NightHawkTheSanei have, it's meh.
06:01.40Guillotineshame on you all for having interesting discussions that distract me from work :(
06:01.57Thunder_Childshame on you for having IRC open
06:02.11Thunder_Childcog quit when he was being distracted
06:02.44GuillotineI try, but my IRC automatically opens back up
06:02.49Guillotinedue to my hand opening it
06:02.53Guillotineits futile :(
06:02.54art3misso what ports does exchange use to connect to a server if you were to have to open up firewall ports?
06:03.10Thunder_Childok people, DDoS Guillotine
06:03.27Guillotineart3mis: enjoy
06:03.35Shiriklet's all ping flood Guillotine
06:03.52Guillotinesadly, it probably wouldn't take much to DDoS me here
06:04.52art3misnopwe none of those are right
06:05.08art3misi meant what port does outlook use to connect to an exchange server ;P
06:05.37Thunder_Childart3mis, google?
06:08.48batrick10$ keyboards haveshitty spacebars i'velearned
06:13.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Nechckn (
06:26.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
06:40.17art3miswell that was special
06:40.23art3misi get a new modem tomorrow though
06:40.30art3miswells ee if that fixes it
06:41.00art3misand he managed to fix my account login issues on thier site for billing and stuff.. catching the - in my user name that appearantly isnt allowed
06:42.22art3misi get the ebst spam
06:42.40art3misappearantly ive got a payment from my paypal account for 93$
06:42.47art3miscept i dont have a paypal account
06:43.03art3misand this is the url they sent
06:43.11art3misdoes that look like  a paypal url?
06:44.13NightHawkTheSane.... yes? :P
06:44.20NightHawkTheSanei say click it
06:46.30art3misheh i did a while back
06:46.41art3misits a mimic of the paypal page to phish from ;P
06:46.53*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
06:51.28Thunder_Childart3mis, if you have IE installed check to see if the anti-phising thing works
07:01.45art3misi dont think i do though
07:01.49art3misnot 7 anyways
07:02.11Thunder_Childboo :(
07:03.54art3misthe check website says "itll be sent to ms and checked agaisnt a list of phishing sites
07:04.04art3misthen after it says that it "might" be a phishing site
07:05.00art3miswent to
07:05.23art3mis"even though this isnt a listed phshing site check the adress to make sure it's what you think it is
07:05.47art3misthat tool is AWESOME!
07:05.53art3misits like common sense in a button click
07:07.20art3mis"i can connect to my exchange internally, but when i try to connect to it from outside it doesnt let me" "have you contacted microsoft to see if th" "ITS NOT AN EXCHANGE ISSUE! see that part where it works internally?"
07:07.42art3mispart of my conversation with the cable tech about them blocking ports ;P
07:08.41Thunder_Childnow now, it isnt nice to poke fun at....nvm, it's lots of fun
07:18.04art3misGnarfoz: lua> Fail!
07:19.40purlWeird factor is currently 10%, and stable.
07:45.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
07:59.53Cairenn|afk50+cm of snow, now
08:00.38NightHawkTheSaneyou know, b5 really makes you hate the government. >.>
08:06.42*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
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08:54.37NightHawkTheSanebabylon 5
08:56.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
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09:00.41Xinhuanlua> select(4, nil)
09:05.01*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
09:09.12art3misso is there new stuff in shat?
09:09.17art3misor just the same old stuff
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09:39.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
09:39.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
09:52.35Corrodiasthe winter revellers in the inn in ruuan weald are neutral & pvp flagged. i can kill them, yay!
09:52.45Corrodiasone dies as normal, but the other turns into what looks like an untextured human male when it dies
10:01.13*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
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12:58.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@
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14:04.56foxlit"Tip: you can turn these tips off in the Interface menu" 3rd law, dammit!
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14:32.31break19hey, is there an addon which will allow me to rescale the default blizzard frames independantly of the rest of the UI ?
14:32.48break19most notably, the raidframes
14:33.39Cidethere is frame:SetScale()...
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14:34.05break19cide, yea, but I dont want to duplicate functionality if the tweak already exists.
14:34.17CideI help people code, not find addons
14:34.21Cideunless they're my addons
14:34.27Cidein which case I'll gladly help you find them
14:34.57Cidejokes aside though, move anything or fluid frames or whatever should do the job
14:35.04break19i dont ever help people find my addons.. my rep as a lazy user would be ruined.
14:35.04CideI've never used either, however
14:35.56break19and to top it off, my code is so horrid, I'd be laughed at, poked, and made fun of..
14:36.01break19not that it doesnt already happen... heh
14:36.32break19ok.. I guess I can code a quick hack to rescale em.. now to dig around
14:37.54CideI gave you examples :P
14:38.07break19but not this morning.. i dont feel like it right now.. just ate a "country breakfast burrito" from Hardee's and i cant code on a full stomach (or any other time, but we wont go there)
14:38.20break19i know :)
14:38.49break19i'll check into those two, see if they do rescaling or just moving...
14:39.42break19FF says it does..
14:40.03break19but wonder if it supports the raid frames since they're already draggable.
14:40.09break19only 1 way to find out I suppose
14:40.26break19well.. 2.. *pokes AnduinLothar*
14:43.56break19ok, he must be snoozing.. time to just install it and try, then
14:55.39Fox2Hi, I got a problem, I want to make a manabar, works fine right now
14:55.43Fox2my problem is that I am resizing the texture, but I want to cut it
14:56.17Fox2so texture:SetWidth() doesn't work the way I need it to
14:57.14XinhuanFox2, use text:SetTexCoord(left, right, top, bottom)
14:57.45Xinhuantexture:SetTexCoord(0.5, 1, 0, 1) would use the right half of the texture
14:57.54Fox2ah, need all new formulas -.-
14:58.18Xinhuan* Quits: Elkano (n=elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano) (Client Quit) <--- how do i hide my connection address like that?
14:58.28[dRaCo]request a vhost
14:58.30nevcairielyou ask a staff person nicely
14:58.43Xinhuanwhat do they actually do?
14:58.54amroXinhuan: has info
14:59.00Xinhuanok i'll check
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15:13.46Fox2this somewhat annoys me, I changed it to use texture:SetTexCoords() and it instantly worked, no errors... I must have overlooked something
15:15.54matt1show many points in agility do you need for each critical strike rating point?
15:16.17[dRaCo]class dependend
15:17.27amroFox2: what do you mean?
15:18.24matt1s[dRaCo]: a human warrior? I'm trying to figure out if I want a 23str/33sta/22crit mace or a 22str/33sta/22agi sword
15:18.47Fox2my Code never works on first try, this time it did so I'm kinda puzzled :)
15:18.58[dRaCo]matt1s: easiest way: get ratingbuster :)
15:20.19[dRaCo] if you dont want to
15:23.06zenzelezzI've come to a conclusion: you should not try to walk 5 km home at 04:30 when you're drunk
15:24.36[dRaCo]guess I know why I waited for the tram :>
15:24.55zenzelezzif public transport were still going at that time I would have used it :-p
15:25.10zenzelezzdidn't see any taxis so I figured "I can just walk"
15:25.41[dRaCo]why "still"?
15:26.09zenzelezzbecause there are no buses running between ~03:00 and 07:00 in the weekends here
15:26.34[dRaCo]yeah, same here.
15:30.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
15:32.40cncfanaticsomg, I just got 300 jewelcrafting
15:35.22cncfanatics300 jewelcrafting sucks to get
15:36.24Xinhuanso i'm getting 9% packet loss to hop 1 on my tracert
15:43.07break19meh.. fluidframes makes the raid frames go funky.. I'll just have to do it myself I think..
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16:36.35wereHamsterI hate sundays :(
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16:42.40KtronAre there still addons/ways to get macros longer than 255 char?
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16:50.30Xuerianktron: chain macros
16:51.22KtronXuerian, how?
16:51.29KtronI didn't think you could call a macro from another
16:53.25Ktrondidn't know macros could 'click'
16:53.36KtronI think I'm still sol though
16:54.06Ktronbecause I assume that modifiers are lost when calling another macro like that
16:54.36Ktron(I have one button that I want, click, shift-click, ctrl-click, shift-ctrl-click, alt-click and maybe others to do different things
16:54.52KtronI've got most of them for now, but there's no room for the #show line
16:55.05Ktronand there won't be room for any more modifier lines I don't think
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17:26.38Cidedoes anyone know a good algorithm for the surface-to-surface distance of 2d-objects?
17:27.03CideI've found a few articles for 3d-objects but I'd rather not go that far
17:28.41MentalPowercan't you simplify those down to 2d?
17:28.49Cideyeah, but it seems overly complex
17:29.00Cidefor example
17:30.15Cidemostly by just removing the edge scenario
17:30.49CideI'm doing that right now, mostly by just removing the edge scenario
17:44.45Xinhuanuh 2D objects have a surface?
17:45.03Cidesurface-to-surface meaning along the edge, not the center
17:45.23Xinhuannot quite sure what you mean
17:45.29Cideit's the common term for 3d objects, I just didn't convert it to the 2d equivalent :P
17:46.42Cidesay you have a square and a circle, and you want to find the shortest distance between the two, you have to find the closest two points along the edges of the objects
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17:47.09Cidethe center-to-center distance is trivial; find the center of the objects and use pythagoras' theorem
17:47.24Cidethe edge-to-edge or surface-to-surface distance less so
17:47.45Xinhuanso you mean the "shortest distance line touching both objects"?
17:47.58Cideyes, you could phrase it like that
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17:48.36Xinhuanhmm that would be very difficult, particularly if one shape is convex
17:48.44Cidethey're both convex
17:48.44Xinhuanor if one shape is inside the other
17:49.34Cide(convex meaning all inside angles are <180 degrees)
17:49.52Cidethey won't be inside each other
17:50.00Cideit's for a collision detector so.. if it works, they won't be :P
17:50.13Xinhuanyour best bet is to use an estimation, don't think there's anything simple for an exact one
17:50.56Cidewhat about this one then
17:51.22Xinhuanwhat i can tell you is, for the "shortest distance line touching both objects", one of the endpoints of this line will always be at a vertex of one of the shapes
17:51.37Cidenot necessarily
17:51.51Xinhuanfind a scenerio where this isn't the case
17:52.00Cidetwo squares, same orientation
17:52.28Xinhuanthen the a possible shortest line will include one of the corners of one of the squares
17:52.31Cideit *can* be, but not necessarily
17:52.39Xinhuanbut the distance is all you want
17:52.53Xinhuan"a possible shortest line will include one of the corners of one of the squares" out of many possible parallel lines
17:53.10Cideyeah, you're right
17:53.17Cidethe algorithm I'm looking at determines the closest two features first
17:53.28Xinhuanso your best way is probably to look at every vertex, and calculate the shortest distance to the other object for every edge it has
17:53.29Cideso I mixed that up with the shortest line
17:53.43Xinhuansounds simple?
17:54.15CideI think that'll work
17:54.22Xinhuanits basically a point-to-line shortest distance - which is either point-to-point or point-to-perpendicular
17:54.49Xinhuanwith some pruning, it can be quite fast
17:55.08Xinhuanto eliminate calculating some of the edges
17:55.26Xinhuanor vertexes, or both
17:56.10Cideand then cache it
17:56.34Xinhuanso if objectA has 6 edges and objectB has 10 edges, you only need to consider 16 vertexes, for the first 6, consider only the 10 edges on the other object, and for the last 10, the other 6 egdes
17:56.39Xinhuanfor a total of 120 calcs
17:56.48Xinhuanso a*b*2
17:57.17Cideyeah, but I can't do that every time either object rotates :P
17:57.20Xinhuanis the complexity
17:57.40Cideso I need to cache it and figure out when it changes, and iterate in the right direction to limit the number of new calcs when that ha
17:58.00Xinhuanyeah, well you have to add in some pruning, so you can eliminate some edges/vertexes
17:58.24Xinhuanso at max, it is O(2MN) but it can be a lot better
18:00.20Fox2is there a way to get the SpellId if you have SpellName?
18:01.00foxlitYeah, sure
18:01.04foxlitBut why would you want to?
18:02.20CideXinhuan: which sucks for two near-circles with 128 vertexes each :P
18:03.00Fox2well because I have a slash command where you can input a spellname and the addon should create a texture with the spellstexture
18:03.17Fox2but spelltexture only works with spellId
18:03.23foxlitThat's where you're wrong
18:03.26foxlitpass the spell name
18:04.22Fox2hmm ok, I'll try
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18:05.07Xinhuanif they are near-circles, you are better off using a circle approximation
18:05.39Xinhuaneasy to calulate, like midpoint-midpoint distance minus 2xradius
18:05.51Xinhuanif they are equal radius
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18:06.41Cideyeah, but I don't feel like determining that :P
18:06.59Cidemeh, we'll see
18:07.04Cidepremature optimization sucks
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18:58.25Thunder_Childanyone know how not to have a website polled by google or any other crawler?
18:58.38kd3robots.txt, deny *
18:59.03Thunder_Childok, can we try that again in nub speak
18:59.31kd3will tell you everything you need
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19:03.20AnduinLotharbreak19: yes, you should be able to scale anything out of combat. but it may or may not taint it, depends on how the frame was coded
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19:05.55Shirik|Ghostauto-ghost features suck when you have two computers -_-
19:06.05Shirik|Ghostmy laptop and my desktop are competing over who gets the name
19:10.31Shirik|Ghostpurl, ping
19:10.45Shirik|GhostI think my DNS just died -_-
19:11.28hasteand that's why you have at least ~10 other dns servers to fallback on
19:12.05Shirik|Ghostmy school's IT seems to think everything works, always
19:12.12Shirik|Ghostwhen, in fact, it is more accurate to say that nothing ever works
19:12.18Shirik|Ghostat least not here
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19:33.33Dreagarhe kids
19:36.14Dreagari been lookin into this, and am not really sure what i'm doin wrong. tryin to access a global var, a table i have in another addon. in a generic for.
19:37.24Dreagarfor i,v in ipairs(_G[LevelRange]) do and i get an error, any ideas? been lookin thru the pil, and not sure i'm quite understanding how to access local variables. do i need to put in a path since its in a different folder?
19:37.41wereHamsteris LevelRange a variable?
19:38.25ScytheBlade1But yeah
19:38.38DreagarLevelRange is the table name yes. it's in LevelGuide\LevelConstants.lua, and it's also a saved var in LevelGuide.
19:38.54Dreagarthe addon i'm writing is LevelGuideMaker\
19:38.57wereHamsterwhy do you use _G? why not for i,v in ipairs(LevelRange) ?
19:39.13ScytheBlade1Yeah, when it's a global, you don't need to access it with the _G
19:39.21DreagarwereHamster: That just gives me a blank dropdown.
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19:39.37Xinhuanthen its not a global var
19:39.44Xinhuanor you are doing your dropdown wrong
19:39.54wereHamsterDreagar, LevelRange == _G["LevelRange"]
19:40.15Dreagari'm 99% sure the dropdown is right, is tehre somethin special i need to do to make sre it's global? otehr than just nto calling it local?
19:40.21wereHamsterusually, if you are not using setfenv() stuff
19:40.22Maldiviaunless there's a local variable in that scope with the name LevelRange :)
19:40.33Xinhuanits global if not declared local
19:40.56Xinhuanand accessing a variable directly by name and by _G["name"] is identical
19:42.16Dreagarhmm. i think i must be doing something wrong. lemme get back into the pil real quick and try to figure it out.
19:42.41wereHamsterif in doubt, post the code to and let us have a look
19:44.33Xinhuanfirst are you absolutely sure LevelRange is a global? you said its in LevelConstants.lua, and its a savedvar
19:44.39Dreagarthe more pil reading i do, the less i wanna ask for help. :D
19:44.41Xinhuanpeople don't usually make constants savedvars
19:45.00DreagarLevelRange = {
19:45.01Xinhuansince they are.. you know... constants
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19:45.11Xinhuanlook at the top of the file
19:45.14Dreagarthat's how it's declared in LevelGuideConstants
19:45.26Xinhuanis another line there that says "local LevelRange" at the top?
19:45.41Xinhuana variable can be pre-declared
19:45.43Xinhuanas local
19:45.44Dreagarwhen i created the table it was gonna be a constant. just recently changed my mind, but no, there's no local.
19:46.04Xinhuanthen it must be your dropdown code
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19:46.25Xinhuanwhen in doubt, DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(k..","..v)
19:46.30Xinhuannot hard!
19:46.39ScytheBlade1True that
19:47.41Xinhuanalso, you used ipairs() on the table. is it a numerically indexed table starting from 1 to N?
19:48.27Dreagarallright, i fixed it. :D
19:48.38Xinhuanand the problem was?
19:48.48Dreagari was doing info.text = v instead of info.text = v[1]
19:49.01ScytheBlade1That would do it
19:49.23Dreagarkinda weird, because there's only 1 item in each value of the table, but ok. :D
19:49.30Xinhuani hope you used a generic recycled info[] table instead of creating a info = {} on every loop :)
19:49.43Dreagari did. :d
19:50.19Dreagarwhat's funny is the table is used to create dropdowns on both addons. but the origional addon looks all weird now. lol
19:50.51Dreagarbut it's not a big deal. :D it still works. just has strange initial values.
19:52.10Dreagarso it WAS a problem with how i did the dropdown. lol. damn that 1%
19:53.04ScytheBlade1Ha, I just discovered the Flask of Pure Death
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20:00.28art3mishrm i need an exchange nerd
20:00.44art3misanyone know of someone thats a god at setting up and running exchange servers?
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20:03.56bleeterhmmm, what's this report about PTR druid /cast changing form foo is different
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20:05.34malrethmy cat's litter box... is CLEAN!!!
20:06.19art3miswow been doing a full scan of my machine all files through kasper and it's up to 2.1million files
20:07.22zenzelezzKaspersky counts files inside files (like zips, etc), so they add up a lot
20:10.12bleeterMr_Rabies: dunno if you know this, but here's some fun PTR news for you. On PTR, if in bear form then try /cast Dire Bear Form(Shapeshift), it'll move you to, and leave you in, caster (live takes you caster and back to bear). THought I'd warn you if you have macros ;)
20:12.19malrethyou are now !bleeter
20:14.27bleeterI am not the bleeter you are looking for
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20:19.49Dreagarcan't find how to setwidth of a fontstring in XML.
20:19.59Dreagaranyone point me in the right direction?
20:22.12Fox2FontString:SetWidth(); ?
20:22.26FurlNah, it can't be THAT simple!
20:24.30Fox2hmm ok
20:25.34Dreagarin XML
20:25.38Dreagarnot Lua
20:25.40FurlI'm looking.
20:25.45Dreagarhehe me too. :D
20:25.52FurlEdit your layer accordingly?
20:26.13Dreagarhmm lemme have a look and see.
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20:27.29Dreagarsuppose i could just as easily setup the fontstring in the Lua, but it's never gonna change so..
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20:46.32Fox2Hi, I need some help to get spells mana costs here's my try:
20:47.09Fox2But I get the eror: "attempt to cocatenate local 'text' (a nil value)
20:47.28Fox2Any ideas?
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20:48.27Cidetext is nil because GetText() returns nil
20:48.37CideGetText() returns nil because there is no text set on the tooltip
20:49.01Cidenote that you're getting the texts for GameTooltip, not MyScanningTooltip
20:49.03Fox2hmm ok
20:51.16Thunder_Childanyone know how to get my index.html to route directly to index.php?
20:51.24Fox2local mytext = getglobal("MyScanningTextLeft" ..i);
20:51.27Fox2schould work better?
20:52.14Fox2yeah, damn typos..
20:52.32Fox2works thx
20:55.10Shirik|Ghostanyone that knows C++, do you understand this error message?
20:55.12Shirik|GhostIn function 'void HandleSerial()':
20:55.12Shirik|Ghosterror: jump to case label
20:56.28Shirik|Ghostit's not actually C++ but it's close enough ><
20:58.17CideThe 'jump' in the error message is the computed
20:58.18Cidegoto effected by the switch statement.
20:59.10Cidedid you initialize a variable in the switch statement?
20:59.43Cidethank google!
20:59.54Shirik|GhostI did google it -_-
20:59.56CideI don't know c/++ worth a shit
20:59.57Shirik|Ghostnothing came up
21:01.42Fox2is a string 40 the same as the number 40 in lua or do I have to convert it?
21:02.04Cidethey're not the same
21:02.17Cidebut it can cope pretty well with mixing strings and numbers
21:02.23Fox2k but tonumber() should work, right?
21:02.34Cide>>> "2"..2
21:02.34CideCide: "22"
21:02.40Cide>>> "2"+2
21:02.40CideCide: 4
21:03.03Cide>>> "2"+2, "1.5e32"/10
21:03.03CideCide: 4,  1.5e+031
21:03.21Cideas you can see, valid numbers expressed as strings work
21:03.28Shirik|Ghostnow THAT'S a cool error message
21:03.39Fox2hmm ok, but i'll use tonumber, just to be on the safe side
21:03.42Shirik|Ghosterror: declaration of 'short unsigned int data [4][(((unsigned int)(((int)count) - 1)) + 1u)]' shadows a paramete
21:03.45Cideyou should
21:03.49Shirik|Ghostthough I know what it is
21:03.55Cidedata named parameter?
21:04.04Cideparameter named 'data'
21:04.20Shirik|GhostI just like how complicated it looks :P
21:04.23Cideyeah :P
21:04.28Shirik|Ghostbecause that's totally not what I typed
21:04.32Cideplus shadows are cool
21:04.38Shirik|Ghostunsigned short reading[4][count];
21:04.45Cidethat's nice
21:04.59Shirik|Ghostwell, it used to be "data" instead of "reading" but you get my point
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21:16.04Shirik|GhostThis is making my head hurt. Multitasking on something without an OS sucks.
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21:19.27Shirik2lua> 1/16000000
21:19.27lua_botShirik2: 6.25e-08
21:19.41Shirik2is that 60ns or 60us?
21:19.46Shirik2that's ns right?
21:20.06Fox2is there a lua function to round numbers on full decimals?
21:20.08Ciden = 10^-9
21:20.12Shirik2<3 Cide
21:20.19Shirik2Fox2: ceil and floor
21:20.22Shirik2in the math library
21:20.24lua_botzenzelezz: 0.0625
21:20.31Fox2ah thx
21:20.33Shirik2lua> math.ceil(1/16), math.floor(1/16), 1/16
21:20.33lua_botShirik2: 1, 0, 0.0625
21:21.08Cideand round to nearest integer would be floor(n + 0.5)
21:21.50Shirik2lua> math.floor(-2.75 + 0.5)
21:21.51lua_botShirik2: -3,
21:21.59Shirik2hm guess tha tis right
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21:33.39malrethDepends on your definition of 'round'
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21:43.50Shirik2Cide, since you're being so helpful, want o have some fun for me?
21:47.27Cidedepends on the definition of fun
21:47.30Cidebut we'll see
21:47.41Shirik2I just want you to look at an algorithm for me and see if you see anything wrong with it :)
21:47.50Shirik2Because I'm definitely getting pulses of 10ms when I expect something closer to 1.5ms
21:49.04Shirik2every value in the motorPulse array is 1490
21:49.18Shirik2which is supposed to be the number of microseconds the pin should be high
21:49.39Shirik2there are 4 motors
21:49.47Shirik2so I don't think it should be a huge delay for calculations
21:49.50Shirik2with a 16MHz clock
21:50.35CideI'll look in a sec
21:50.47Shirik2ok, I'll probably have to run but feel free to respond if you want
21:50.49Shirik2I'll be on at hom
21:51.17Cidewhat's digitalWrite do btw?
21:52.11Shirik2just sets a pin high or low
21:52.17Shirik2this is a microcontroller
21:53.11Shirik2hm, it must be a timing thing...
21:53.18CideMOTOR_MAX_PULSE is what, 1490?
21:53.19Shirik2I must be overestimating the clock rate
21:54.02Shirik2I might just have to optimize this :(
21:54.13Shirik2I used to be doing one motor at a time, that works perfectly
21:54.20Shirik2because I can just do delayMicroseconds() and get a perfect pulse
21:54.26Cidewell, a potential error source might be that you're initializing x to zero, but you're incrementing it before entering the loop
21:55.00Shirik2that wouldn't cause a 7ms delay though :/
21:55.00Cidebut if you're iterating over it 220 times (2200/10), it shouldn't do much of a difference at all
21:55.38Shirik2I have to run, I'll be back soon. I seriously think it's just a timing thing though and I need to optimize this
21:55.39Tierriewhats the minimum time granularity of your system?
21:55.50Shirik2I figured compressing them into one is unlikely, but I figured I have to try
21:56.01Shirik2because sparing time for all four motors individually is causing glaring inaccuracies in other components
21:56.13Shirik2Tierrie: 1us for timing with a 16MHz clock for instructions
21:57.11Shirik2Sorry, 1us granularity, but it only functions for 3us and up
21:57.14Shirik2but at 10us it's ok
21:57.34Shirik2This function works very accurately in the range 3 microseconds and up. We cannot assure that delayMicroseconds will perform precisely for smaller delay-times.
21:57.34Shirik2To ensure more accurate delays, this functions disables interrupts during its operation, meaning that some things (like receiving serial data, or incrementing the value returned by millis()) will not happen during the delay. Thus, you should only use this function for short delays, and use delay() for longer ones.
21:58.08Shirik2hm, I wonder if it's the interrupts in the middle of the delay now that I think about it
21:58.09Shirik2will have to check that
21:58.53*** join/#wowi-lounge fridgid (n=Fridgid@
21:59.14FinAdys (or any other French speaking person who doesn't mind answering): is "naturellement" spelled correctly?
21:59.43AdysHi Fin btw :)
21:59.53Finhello Adys :)
21:59.56Finlong time, etc. :)
22:00.06Finwhatchoo up to these days?
22:00.23Finwow(head|wiki) still?
22:00.23AdysIndeed - Im mostly killing time over tv and books right now
22:00.35AdysNo real time
22:00.41Adysor will :)
22:00.53Fingot any recommendations for decent TV shows then?
22:01.03FinI've been getting into The Wire recently, myself
22:01.22AdysIm watching random 80s shows
22:01.29Adysas they come :P
22:01.30Finreminds me a bit of The Sopranos, haven't watched that for ages though
22:01.43Finis "as they come" the name of a tv show?
22:01.51Finaw, I could never get into Babylon 5
22:02.04Finthe characters hit my cheese limit
22:03.03NightHawkTheSanethat's a shame. its really the best series i've ever seen.
22:03.25Finwell, each to their own
22:03.41FinI'm a bit Trek fan, in the closet
22:07.30Shirikpourquoi est-ce que tu dois parler français?
22:07.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
22:08.37FinShirik: I was renaming a screenshot and wanted to add a cheesy french quote
22:09.15FinAdys was in it too, actually :) it was our server's first C'Thun kill
22:16.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@
22:24.25FinI've just found the worst South Park clip I can remember seeing
22:25.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (
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22:33.25Finfound that Nintendo medley sung by a choir as well
22:35.10IndustrialFin: lol thats too wrong
22:35.26FinIndustrial: the South Park joke or the medley? :)
22:35.32*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
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22:36.46Industrialsouth park
22:37.41Industrial"the aristocrats"
22:37.58AnduinLotharanyone know how to search arena teams by class?
22:40.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody (
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22:48.52LonnyHello, is it possible to see the current reagents available nor the current stack of the item without the use of #showtooltip ? something like #show reagent <item> #showstack <item> ?
22:51.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (
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22:55.18Fisker-i see what he did there
22:55.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Lukian_ (n=wizard@
22:58.44Fox2Yay, my AddOn is about 80% done and is running smoothly
22:59.00foxlitThe 80/20 rule
22:59.17Fox2Yeah, I know
23:00.04Fox2Still have to make a config gui and smoe nice
23:06.02nevcairielthe initial coding is always the fastest part
23:06.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
23:06.15nevcairielthen you realize you had some logical errors, then the bugs appear ..
23:06.51Shirik80/20 rule?
23:07.27foxlitThe last 20% of the work takes 80% of the time
23:07.34Fox280% of the work takes 20% of the time
23:07.40Cidethat's a lie
23:09.09foxlitdepends on what you're doing, really
23:09.36WobworkThat's 80% of the originally percieved work load takes 20% of the final total time
23:10.09foxlitThe Pareto principle (also known as the 80-20 rule, the law of the vital few and the principle of factor sparsity) states that, for many events, 80% of the effects comes from 20% of the causes.
23:16.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
23:18.49foxlit"Hilbert's Hotel: A mathematical paradox. Also where you put unexpected guests that show up for your graduation."
23:20.01WobworkIs that the infinite rooms/guests problem?
23:20.31foxlit"Even if the hotel is full to capacity, and an extra guest arrives, he or she can still be accommodated by putting them into room 12, which nobody ever stays in because the television doesn't work and the bed smells a bit funny. Problems arise due to the fact that only a finite number of the rooms have ocean view, and these rooms are usually filled by mathematicians, for whom the hotel is a popular conference venue."
23:21.10foxlit(But yes, yes it is)
23:23.15foxlitZork on TI-84
23:23.36foxlitThat's what I should've spent time on in high school!
23:26.37Wobworkhiya sailor
23:26.51NightHawkTheSanefeh, it's all about angband
23:28.37Wobworkangband doesn't have the same ... spirit as Zork
23:29.11NightHawkTheSanetrue, but i like angband
23:30.56foxlitIt'd be easier to code Zork, though
23:31.13foxlitAll those fancy high resolution text graphics pose a problem on a calculator
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23:35.51foxlitHm, I wonder
23:35.59foxlitIf amazon shipped a package on friday
23:36.13foxlitWhy the heck are they predicting arrival on thursday?
23:36.50Cidehaven't you heard? amazon invented time travelling yesterday
23:37.17foxlitThe other thursday :)
23:37.36foxlitiirc, they ship from germany
23:37.53foxlitWonder if international mail shuts down during weekends
23:45.33*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
23:49.09Shirikgrr Cide left
23:49.23WobworkHe doesn't love you anymore =(
23:50.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
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23:54.11Industrialin the pvp tab of the character window
23:54.20Industrialwhen is "today" over :P?
23:54.46hasteIndustrial: heard pwntendo?
23:54.53Industrialits almost 1am :o
23:54.54foxlitIt wouldn't update if you're logged in
23:55.07Industrialfoxlit: I just logged in oh shit ok logginh out
23:55.14hasteIndustrial: zone when you want honor to update :p
23:55.16hasteor relog
23:55.36foxlitYou won't lose any honor, but the display will be wrong until you relog, iirc
23:55.54Industrialit says today:6k, when do I get it - basically :P
23:55.57hasteIndustrial: << anyway, watch.. ignore first song :p
23:56.49Shirikthere's an auctioneer Yarly
23:57.52Industrialhaste: niz wary niz
23:58.01hasteIndustrial: it really takes off towards the end :D
23:58.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Furl (

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