IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071211

00:00.46RayneeePanels is giving me an error on my Hunter, and ive cleared my variables and updated it. I dont want to purge it from my full WTF :/
00:02.29Rayne Heres the SS :/ Also the WIP on my huntard
00:02.59TemRayne, so don't use eepanales
00:03.13Temhonestly, it's easier to just make your own damn frames
00:03.52art3mismy super awesomely fav bug in WAU was it deciding to rm the eep2 directory first thus taking with it all my graphics
00:05.00Shirikline 1876?
00:05.12Shirikwtf is eepanels doing? Drawing every pixel?
00:05.20Shirikhow could something so simple need that many locs...
00:05.37TemShirik, it's the Ace2 way
00:05.52Temovercomplicate everything so that it becomes 2k lines
00:06.04Shirikah, if it's under 2k lines it's not good enough?
00:06.19*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
00:07.38Temalso, "core.lua" is evil
00:07.46TemI blame tekkub for that
00:07.56Temor maybe rowne
00:08.07Temone is just an extension of the other in my head
00:08.46sioraiochtaww, all the north americans are on
00:08.53sioraiochtam I the only euro left?
00:08.59RayneI give up
00:09.07Raynewhy it WILL not work is beyond me
00:09.09TemRayne, just make your own frames
00:09.20Temnot hard
00:09.35Raynenot what I meant
00:09.52Rayneit wont stop copying my layouts from my warrior to my hunter, no matter what I do.
00:10.02kergothcore.lua is a bit much, i like addon.lua though, avoids repeating the addon name unnecessarily, and implies that hte main event handling frames and such are there
00:11.22RayneI even pasted in a second set of luas and configs and it reverts it to the BBC Layout every time.
00:12.25Temmake your own frames
00:12.38Temyou can most likely do whatever you want in <100 lines
00:12.48Temwhere eep is aparely 1400+ lines
00:13.24RayneI also meant for the rest of the UI
00:13.36RaynePitBull, Omen, everything reverts.
00:13.40Temon lawl
00:13.48Tempoor design in acedb is to blame
00:15.37RayneI suppose youre going to tell me I should use X-Perl too?
00:20.04RayneKelfarr: you awake?
00:20.13*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (
00:20.40RayneAny idea why my UI is being a tard?
00:20.54Kelfarrwhats wrong
00:20.56Raynenot saving diff settings, ect
00:21.04[dRaCo]write protection?
00:23.47RayneBasicly, I started building the UI on my hunter. I went back to Rayne, all my BBC settings were there. Went back to my hunter, it reverted back except my chat box.
00:24.02Kelfarrthat sucks
00:24.24Raynedont know why either. Doesnt really make sense.
00:24.31RayneNever had this problem before
00:26.56Shirik|AFKI finally figured out why I couldn't install QNX
00:27.01Shirik|AFKDownloading the wrong CD ftl
00:29.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
00:31.04*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
00:31.04*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower] by ChanServ
00:40.55*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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00:43.37*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht_ (
00:46.48Rayne-_- fucking hell
00:46.56RayneI was working on that for awhile and it just erased it...
00:47.41Wobworkthis is sage advice
00:50.15Mr_Rabies2 seems to be broken
00:50.21Mr_Rabies2broken for anyone else
00:50.42batricki hear the aussies are DOSing them lolz
00:51.44Mr_Rabies2how can they do that
00:51.58Mr_Rabies2is there enough bandwidth in all of australia to do that
00:52.20art3misyeah it's called a DoSWP
00:52.31art3misDenial of Service with porpoises
00:54.16Wobworknot any more =(
00:54.27Wobworkwe lost half our pipe earlier last week
00:54.33WobworkI dunno if they've fixed it
00:55.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Zasbus (
00:57.17*** part/#wowi-lounge Zasbus (
01:02.44art3misWobwork: they're using wallabees for land transfer i hear ;P
01:02.56art3misthe wombats were dropping packets left and right
01:03.33Wobworkdamn wombats
01:04.42WobworkI told them the marsupial transport protocol required more mobile packets
01:09.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
01:20.38Legoroli had an interesting complaint about ctra from a guild mate of mine, he claims that the "Group X" labels above some of hte groups he has pulled out onto the screen spontaneously and randomly disappear/reappear
01:20.44Legorolhas anyone heard anything like this?
01:20.53Shirik|AFKI heard about it
01:20.55Legorolthe actual unitframes are still there, it's just the label that's missing
01:21.00Shirik|AFKsomeone said it around 20:20
01:21.18Legorolit's supposedly recent
01:21.25Legorolok, i see, so he is not alone
01:21.32Shirik|AFKLegorol didn't get the joke
01:21.37Shirik|AFKbut no I haven't heard anything about it
01:21.57Legorolno i didn't get the joke.. explain :
01:22.26WobworkWhere 20:20 is where you asked the original question
01:22.29Shirik14(2011:2011:4614) 14(11+15Legorol14) i had an interesting complaint about ctra from a guild mate of mine, he claims that the "Group X" labels above some of hte groups he has pulled out onto the screen spontaneously and randomly disappear/reappear
01:22.30Wobworkthus he 'heard' it then
01:22.39Wobworkpretty lame as jokes go =P
01:22.47Wobworksince it's timezone dependant =P
01:23.04Wobwork~lart Shirik
01:23.04purltakes out a cattle prod and gives Shirik a good jolt
01:23.06ShirikThe rest of the world should conform to the better 24th of the world
01:23.16Legorolyup, that's lartworthy
01:23.23Legorolas i'm in a different timezone... hence why i missed it
01:23.43ShirikIf you were smart enough to use EST you would have gotten it
01:23.45Shiriknot my problem /shrug
01:23.49WobworkI was looking at a visual reference
01:23.51LegorolShirik: you might want to start by making north america unified first ;-)
01:23.58ShirikWell we were
01:23.59Wobworksince I guessed it was about 20/20 vision or something
01:24.00Shirikthen Bush came along
01:24.14Shiriknow we all hate each other
01:24.42NightHawkTheSanehey, I always hated everyone. >.>
01:25.05WobworkThat's cause you're a grumpy bastard
01:25.14NightHawkTheSaneoh, right..
01:25.45WobworkAnd if it weren't for those pesky kids, you'd have gotten away with it
01:27.17NightHawkTheSaneno.. i'm too lazy to really get away with anything
01:32.52ShirikWell that's a new one...
01:33.02ShirikHTTP 1.1/406 Not Acceptable
01:36.43KasoShirik, the server wants to send something which is not in your Accept* headers
01:37.22KasoWhat was the request packet that triggered it?
01:40.26Kasowhat the crap is RUTABAGA ?
01:42.38ShirikKaso: Dunno, it was just a website
01:42.41Shirikit's working now anyway
01:42.53WobworkIt's a root vegetable
01:43.01WobworkCommonly grown in Sendar
01:43.14Kaso* Received a CTCP RUTABAGA from ...
01:43.39WobworkYou've been rooted
01:44.16Kasooh noes! tomatoes!
01:44.40Shirikthat is a great root password
01:44.43Shirikmight have to try that
01:44.47Shirikuser: root
01:44.50Shirikpass: rutabaga
01:47.21Kasosurely using a password you just transmitted to a public channel wouldnt be too good an idea
01:47.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
01:47.31Shirikit's on an embedded system
01:47.37ShirikI would love to see you hack something not connected to the internet
01:47.45ShirikWe were debating over root passwords for it
01:47.48Shirikwe eventually ended up with ~
01:48.10WobworkThat can't be easily read from a keyboard stroke, not at all =P
01:48.14ShirikI got my $0.02 in, its name is "johnny5"
01:48.25WobworkIs it alive?
01:48.29Shirikthat's my goal :P
01:48.37Shirikit's an autonomous vehicle
01:48.41KasoWhere is this system embedded exactly? is it's physical location secure? if not then might as well consider it as public as something connected to the internet
01:48.41WobworkShould have named it Hex
01:49.08Shirikwell only 3 people, including myself, have access to the room
01:49.12Shirikbeyond that, it's in a locked safe
01:49.14Shirikis that good enough?
01:49.24Shirikmaybe not a "safe" but something along those lines
01:49.26ShirikI don't know what to call it
01:49.54Kasook maybe i'll let you off this time!
01:50.17Shiriklua> getnames("rutabag")
01:50.17lua_botShirik: rutabah, rutabai, rutabaj, rutabak, rutabal, rutabam, rutaban, rutabao, rutabap, rutabaq, rutabar, rutabas, rutabat, rutabau, rutabav, rutabaw, rutabax, rutabay, rutabaz, rutabba, rutabbe, rutabbi, rutabbo, rutabbu, rutabby, rutabea, rutabeb, rutabec
01:50.29Shiriklua> getnames("rutabaga")
01:50.30lua_botShirik: rutabage, rutabagg, rutabagh, rutabagi, rutabagl, rutabago, rutabagu, rutabagy, rutabaha, rutabahe, rutabahi, rutabahk, rutabahl, rutabahm, rutabahn, rutabaho, rutabahr, rutabahu, rutabahy, rutabaib, rutabaic, rutabaid, rutabaif, rutabaig, rutabaih, rutab... (result truncated)
01:50.36Shirikit doesn't like rutabaga =(
01:50.43Kasowhat's that function?
01:50.57Shiriksupposed to come up with decent names based on a starting point
01:51.19Shiriklua> getnames"Kaso"
01:51.19lua_botShirik: Kasp, Kasq, Kass, Kast, Kasu, Kasy, Kata, Kate, Kath, Kati, Kato, Kats, Katt, Katu, Katy, Kaub, Kauc, Kaud, Kauf, Kaug, Kauh, Kauj, Kauk, Kaul, Kaum, Kaun, Kaup, Kauq, Kaur, Kaus, Kaut, Kauv, Kauw, Kaux, Kauy, Kauz, Kava, Kave, Kavh, Kavi, Kavo, Kavr, Kav... (result truncated)
01:51.30KasoHow does it work?
01:51.35Shiriknot a clue
01:51.36Shirikask clad|sleep
01:56.37KasoHa yes it is in a word-list :>
01:56.40Kasorutabaga that is
02:08.39batricksome script kiddie hacked my server, put an account named "back" on it in the admin group
02:11.39Wobworkpassword: door
02:11.51Wobworkcause I bet they're original like that
02:12.40bleeterfor those who want a horrible startup script for this socat/route/iptables thingie, and *NOTE* written for FC6, ymmv
02:18.11bleeterbah, 'cept I think I broke it :/
02:20.07bleeter~moron bleeter
02:23.38bleeteryeah yeah, well.. you can work it out for yourselves :P
02:25.16bleeteron a more lighter note... patch tonight?
02:28.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
02:32.20Wobworkbleeter: I can has script?
02:48.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kelfar (
02:51.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
02:52.58bleeterWobwork: go for it, I just messed up the deletion of the iptables rule, isn't that hard to fix ;)
02:53.37bleeterWobwork: tho be warned it uses some Fedora/Redhat supplied subscripts/functions, shouldn't be too hard to replace. Oh, it also uses a nasty invokaction of awk(1)... 'because I could' ;)
02:53.46bleeterinvocation... /sigh
02:58.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
02:59.48*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
03:09.43Wobworkbleeter: connection timed out =(
03:12.32bleeterhell, 3AM shutdown again... gg blizz, yet another 6/7 nights of play.
03:12.56bleeterif I were blizz, I'd be glad the sandgropers are literally on the other side of the planet.
03:13.06bleeteri'm sure if they were in Cali, they'd be banging on the doors about now ;)
03:14.02bleeterWobwork: if that don't work now... /shrug
03:14.11WobworkIf I were in cali, I'd be enjoying my latency
03:14.23bleeterall I can say is, it better be 2.3.2
03:14.30bleeter'coz if it's full maint again next week.. arrgh
03:14.49*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
03:18.02cogwheelHOLY SHIT IT'S OVER
03:21.06batrickwut is over
03:21.38cogwheelwe made our final submission on the book today \o/
03:25.41cogwheelif we hadn't it would've been delayed a month...
03:25.50cogwheelwhich would have suckd
03:26.21cogwheelso i've gotten about 5 hours of sleep since friday :P
03:27.54*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:30.17Olisonb r
03:38.29art3mishow come hello kitty xmas edition doesnt show on the front page new and updated?
03:38.50Shirik|AFKwas it approved yet?
03:39.03art3misthe cycircled hk xmas is there
03:39.13art3misand if you click the 100 link it shows it there
03:39.17art3misjust not on the front page
03:39.22Shirik|AFKobviously they decided your addon sucks
03:39.55art3misoh i see
03:40.02art3misit doesnt list compilations
03:42.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
03:45.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Dreag (
03:46.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
03:48.11Corrodiasoh, dear. i wonder if Recount has yet been revised to reduce raid spam
03:48.30Corrodiasi remember reading about a fork on the wowace forum...
03:57.25*** join/#wowi-lounge kandoko (
03:59.54Thunder_ChildI HAVE RETURNED!!
04:00.23CorrodiasOH SHI-
04:01.46purlit has been said that return is not punctuation
04:02.22JoshBorkei shot the sheriff
04:02.30cogwheelNO U
04:03.03Thunder_Childbut i didnt shoot the deputiy
04:03.10Thunder_Childnow i have that stuck in my head
04:03.13Thunder_Child~hate JoshBorke
04:03.15cogwheelthat's 'cause he doesn't exist
04:03.25cogwheelain't no such thing as a deputiy
04:03.26Shirikso my printer prints CDs o.o
04:03.34Thunder_Childwha? no ~hate?
04:03.38purlI hate idiots that just come into a channel to troll.
04:03.48Thunder_Childah, no target hate
04:05.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
04:05.43Thunder_Childwhoot, only one more day of class
04:07.07Thunder_ChildThen, i wait for class to start again
04:07.39Thunder_Childwell mine is on wed
04:07.48Thunder_Childbut it's photography...
04:08.51Thunder_Child"The Tauren character model has a larger attack range than other humanoid models; the feral form models do not benefit from this as the feral form is no longer a Tauren. Simply put: when you shapeshift to a smaller form (feral), you will need to get closer in order to attack – this is not a bug."
04:08.56Thunder_ChildLOL @ Tauren
04:09.52*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
04:10.15JoshBorkehm, is there anyway to obtain a table by it's tostring value?
04:12.09art3misa final in photography?
04:12.35art3misisnt that as mildly retarded as a final in philosophy?
04:12.48cogwheelshould be a snap imo
04:12.53Thunder_Child20 of your best shots aranged in portfolio format and a 50 question test
04:12.56purlba-dum CHH
04:13.08art3misthe portfolio io can understand
04:13.11Wobwork"1) Did you take these photos?"
04:13.12art3misbut questions?
04:13.18Thunder_Childtechnical questions
04:13.32WobworkTailored to the portfolio?
04:13.34art3mis"it has a shutter ad you click snapshots with it... what is it?"
04:13.46cogwheelthere's a lot of technical stuff in photography
04:13.49Thunder_ChildField of view
04:13.57art3miscog that may be
04:13.58WobworkWhat is the apeture if the fov is X?
04:14.05art3misbut alot of the "arts" is subjective
04:14.08Thunder_ChildWobwork, that can be changed
04:14.13Thunder_Childthere is no for sure
04:14.17Wobworkbut those sorts of questions
04:14.49Wobworkso disregard any reality behind what I may conjecture
04:14.52Thunder_Childwith a scantron so it's true/false or multiple choice
04:14.56cogwheelI don't think it qualifies as jargon if you're using it incorrectly ;)
04:15.07WobworkWell, I never said I was using it -well-
04:15.41Wobworkand it's -random- jargon!
04:15.52Wobworktherefore not necessarily even connected to the subject =)
04:16.04*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
04:16.04*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower|AFK] by ChanServ
04:16.10cogwheelHAI MP
04:16.26Thunder_Childstill it should be quite fun
04:16.49WobworkYou should fill out the scantron sheet
04:16.52WobworkThen take a photo of it
04:16.54Wobworkand submit that
04:17.03Thunder_Child~lart Wobwork
04:17.03purltakes out Wobwork with the trash
04:17.15batrick~lart purl
04:17.15purlwhacks batrick with a giant beaver's tail
04:17.23Wobworkor better yet, take a photo of your neighbour's scantron
04:17.29Wobworkand photoshop your name into the top
04:18.07Thunder_Childall while in class?
04:18.35Wobworkwell it's a final, isn't it?
04:18.36MentalPowerhey cogwheel
04:18.53Thunder_ChildWobwork, wha?
04:23.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (n=skullsho@2002:44cd:fc73:0:0:0:44cd:fc73)
04:23.38*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Shirik] by ChanServ
04:25.03malrethaperture? fov?
04:25.39Shirikfinally got neutrino installed yey
04:25.45malrethyah... your question was almost a good one, tho
04:25.57Shirikmalreth: aperture controls the amoutn of light let into the capture array
04:26.01Shirikbe it the film or other device
04:26.21Shirikthis, thus, allows you to get a "more focused" or "less focused" picture outside of the actual focal point of the shot
04:26.22malrethi'm an amateur photog... i know
04:26.27Shirikthen why did you ask :P
04:26.37WobworkI would have been more specific, but I had a mind blank when it came to the units used to measure the apeture
04:26.46Shirikf-stop :P
04:26.50Wobworkthat's the bunny
04:26.54malreththose two terms together... wobwork was almost in the right ballpark
04:27.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (
04:27.05*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kody-] by ChanServ
04:27.08Wobworkand I have to stop spelling it apeture and put in the 'r' =P
04:27.11Shirikwhat was the question? I missed it
04:27.32WobworkIt's a science!
04:27.41Wobwork(We do what we must, because we can)
04:27.50malrethhe said "What is the apeture if the fov is X?
04:28.01malrethbut he followed it up saying he was just using random jargon
04:28.40Wobworkwell random in my mind for "Hm, what photography terms that are vaugely related can I toss into a question?"
04:29.08malrethsomething like what's the dof with a lens of X focal length and Y aperture and Z sensor site size blah blah
04:29.29ShirikExample of wide aperture:
04:29.30WobworkThat reminds me of highschool physics
04:30.17ShirikExample of a narrow aperture:
04:30.32Shirikunfortunately that second one didn't come out as well as I had hoped. I needed the shutter speed too high =/
04:30.46Shirikwtb ISO 3600 film
04:31.12Thunder_Childf/8 is not really a small aperature
04:31.12Shirikso.... slow.... mozilla... dying....
04:31.17Shirikit's not
04:31.19ShirikI wanted it smaller :/
04:31.27Thunder_Childi have some with f/36
04:31.34Shiriklet me rephrase: An example of where it should have been small :P
04:32.27Shirikmalreth: Is that digital?
04:32.31malrethsmaller aperture mean larger dof
04:32.42malrethyah... rebel xti
04:33.08*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
04:33.08*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower|AFK] by ChanServ
04:33.18cogwheelHAI MP
04:33.46Shirikhey look we made him come back
04:34.45JoshBorke!api ClampToScreen
04:34.45ThraeBotJoshBorke: Could not find a relevant page. Perhaps you could be so kind as to create one?
04:35.02MentalPowerHAI cogwheel
04:35.06MentalPoweris that an auto-response to my joining?
04:35.17Shirik10s delay so I doubt it
04:35.42cogwheelMentalPower: no... i just happened to notice and felt like dejavuing
04:35.47cogwheeli'm weird
04:35.50ShirikJoshBorke: Did you need to know something about it?
04:36.32MentalPowerJoshBorke: its a widget function, not an api function
04:36.50ShirikIt's also SetClampedToScreen() not ClampToScreen().
04:36.52JoshBorkethere's an api function too
04:36.54JoshBorkethanks shirik
04:40.00*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
04:40.42NightHawkTheSanepistachios need to make me less thirsty.
04:41.29bleeterNightHawkTheSane: easy solved. give me all your pistachios. they won't make you thirsty then.
04:41.50NightHawkTheSanebleeter: pfft. hell no. :P
04:43.04Cairennleaving that comment alone
04:43.13bleeterand his nuts?
04:43.25NightHawkTheSaneI think those are getting left alone, too.
04:43.30Thunder_Childaround here it should be "hordes his nuts"
04:44.43bleeteranyways, macadamia > pistachios
04:45.02bleeterunless yer a dog, I guess
04:45.19NightHawkTheSanemacadamia's are okay, never been a huge fan, though.
04:46.47Thunder_Childi like almonds
04:49.07bleeterso we getting patched tonight?
04:49.22bleeterCairenn: that's 'coz you *are* nuts, and aren't a cannibal :P
04:50.18Thunder_Child*sigh* i need an avatar
04:50.40WobworkI advise making a virgin pregnant
04:51.19bleeterhar har
04:52.56*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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04:54.04dylanmbleeter: Good point. I love macadamias but I've gotta treat them like nuclear material now that I have a puppy in the house.
04:54.52dylanmAwesome thread.
04:54.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
04:58.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Taeri (
05:02.06Thunder_Childhmm..watching planet earth atm.....cant see why it's so popular
05:03.31WobworkI'm rather fond of it
05:03.42WobworkI'd be devastated if it were destroyed
05:07.11Shiriknow I need to find a way to compress these 4 pages (2 pages back and front) into a 3x5 notecard -_-
05:07.35NightHawkTheSaneShirik: i suggest a copier.
05:07.54ShirikThat probably wouldn't end up legible
05:08.05ShirikI'm going to try to rewrite them in openoffice and see if it comes out to anything usable
05:08.12NightHawkTheSane... you should have been more specific then. :P
05:08.44Shirikmaybe I should go to the school and write this up, hmm
05:08.58Shirikreally don't feel like going to the school at 12AM
05:09.21Thunder_Childemulate windows and run word
05:09.37Shirikeh, I'm in Windows
05:09.42ShirikI just don't have a valid copy of word
05:09.50Thunder_Childso use an invalid copy
05:09.56ShirikI did
05:10.00Shirikit's no longer usable ><
05:10.19Thunder_Childuse a proper invalid copy
05:10.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (n=Arrow@unaffiliated/arrowmaster)
05:11.38Shirikok, so I went to the wrong mailbox
05:11.41Shirikand the aldor got mad at me
05:11.55ShirikI'm surprised I was able to walk that far without setting off a guard...
05:12.04Shiriknah I just flew away :P
05:12.06batrickwhat class r u shirik
05:12.15Shirik!c us drenden kimina
05:12.17ThraeBotShirik: Kimina, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (20/41/0). 9631 HP; 9195 Mana; 232 mana regen; 95 mp5; 21 spell crit; 21 spell hit; 479 +spell dmg; 1138 +heal; 5.06% dodge; 164 resilience; 24 arcane resist;[[ TBR: 1339 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Dec 11 00:13:50 2007 EST ]]
05:12.18NightHawkTheSanewhich mailbox did you go to? the ones in the banks can be used by anyone :P
05:12.32Shirikthe one at the aldor inn
05:12.40Shiriklike I was in their rise for a while
05:12.42ShirikI just wasn't paying attention
05:12.45Thunder_Childheh "Don't accept rides from strange men, and remember that all men are strange. ~~~Robin Morgan~~~"
05:12.53NightHawkTheSanewell, if you're  flying and not actually landed, the guards don't agro
05:13.03RayneDownloads:  1337
05:13.06Rayneawww yeah
05:13.06ShirikI do, however, like what the guard said to me when I got to the mailbox
05:13.15Shirik"Aldor Vindicator says: "
05:13.28NightHawkTheSaneShirik: hah, he sure told you.
05:13.47Thunder_Childanyone know what kind of bird this is?
05:13.56Thunder_Childdoesnt look like a seagull to me
05:14.04art3misit is
05:14.20art3misits a real sea gull though
05:14.26art3misnot  garbage city gull ;P
05:14.52Taerihow can that not look like a seagull? :P
05:14.54Wobworkyeah, was about to say, that it -does- look like a seagull to me =)
05:15.10Wobworkhead and beak are reminiscent
05:15.18art3misTC has a photographers eye, he sees things we cant piossibly imagine ;P
05:15.42Thunder_Childnight JoshBorke
05:15.56ShirikThunder_Child is a nutcase imo
05:15.56Thunder_Childbecause i was comaring it to the other seagulls around...and it didnt look like them
05:15.59Shirik<3 Thunder_Child
05:16.01Thunder_Childwell that to
05:16.14Shirikbut that looks like a seagull to me
05:16.18Thunder_Childi am a nutcase...i hold 2 of them
05:16.19Shirikwhere do you live?
05:16.24Thunder_ChildLos Angeles
05:16.42Thunder_Childtakes me an hour by bus to get down to the beach
05:16.49ShirikI don't know if you guys have different kinds of seagulls than us or something :P
05:16.51Thunder_Childquick quick
05:16.52bleeteryou're prolly got..
05:16.53Shirikbut it looks like ours :)
05:16.57bleeteryeah, multiple species
05:17.06Shirikit has that wierd kinda bulging head
05:17.13Shirikand extruded chest
05:17.19Wobworkmaybe it's a tumor =P
05:17.29Thunder_Childbut it looked solid brown when it landed, not black/white like normal ones
05:17.37Shirikyeah can't tell the colors in that picture
05:17.41Shirikmaybe it was really really dirty
05:17.44Wobworkdirty bird?
05:18.19*** join/#wowi-lounge NightHawkTheSane (
05:19.03bleeter^^ nsfw, has pic of gulls mating
05:19.19bleeterand someone might mistake them for shagging shags
05:19.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
05:19.34Thunder_Childhold on uploading a pic of more of them and you can see the color difference then
05:20.23Shirikbleeter, no pics for me
05:20.30Shirikmust be some kind of filter on my computer :D
05:23.38Thunder_Childsee, brown birds
05:24.29Thunder_Childthat or i i cant see
05:24.55Taerithe brown ones are babyseagulls
05:25.07*** join/#wowi-lounge tedr0ck (
05:25.16Shirikwtb filtering on the backdrop
05:25.36Thunder_Childi cant really choose when to get them in flight
05:26.00Shirikactually I think the picture's just underexposed
05:26.06Dumanwhy do so many people have issues with haste (be it melee or spell)
05:26.08Shirikoh well, not every picture comes out perfect
05:26.17Shirikin fact no picture comes out perfect :P
05:26.37Thunder_ChildShirik, 1/2000 is not underexposed
05:26.46Thunder_Childnot in this case anyways
05:26.52Dumanall depends on the light
05:27.14Thunder_Childdamn...histogram says yes...
05:27.26Shirikmost of the birds, imho, don't have any shades, just white or black. And the background is a bit dark.
05:27.35ShirikJust a guess though, I'm not saying the picture's bad by any means :)
05:27.55*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
05:28.04|Jelly|Shirik: Ping?
05:28.05Thunder_Childtbh i wouldnt really care if you did
05:28.15Thunder_Childit was a snap shot
05:28.37Thunder_Childbut i dont like to "fix" my pictures
05:29.35ShirikI totally agree
05:29.55Shirikanyway, I gotta run
05:29.57Shirikhave fun
05:30.07Thunder_Childlaters Shirik|AFK
05:30.10Cairennlater Shirik|AFK
05:30.26Cairenndamn you Thunder_Child, get out of my brain!
05:30.46Thunder_Childi would....but its just so damn interesting in here
05:31.05Thunder_Childand i hevent even checked what was swept under the rug
05:31.12*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
05:32.01bleeteroh my, I just managed to crash socat :/
05:32.32WobworkI did that =\
05:32.40Wobworkbleeter: I couldn't get it working last night
05:32.50Wobworkbleeter: for some reason, my iptables redirect wasn't
05:33.00RayneI hate to say it, but I think the only way I can work on my new UI is if I copy my WTF to my desktop and start a build with the new one.
05:34.19RayneFor whatever reason my LUAs are being tards.
05:34.46purlLua is a powerful light-weight programming language designed for extending applications. It is often used as a configuration language. See Note: Lua is not an acronym its a word in Portuguese that means "moon".
05:38.25*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
05:42.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:57.03*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
06:02.03Cairennnight guys
06:02.14MentalPowernight Cair
06:02.49Thunder_Childnight Cairenn|afk (no love)
06:03.04malrethyou should feel the DEVOTION!!#!
06:03.18Thunder_Childmeh, i cant stand people crying
06:03.21Thunder_Child~love Cairenn|afk
06:03.21purlIf you love Cairenn|afk so much, why don't you marry it? (oooooh)
06:03.32Thunder_Childnot what i had in mind
06:03.46Cairenn|afknight guys ;)
06:06.15bleetergnight Cairenn|afk, rest well mate
06:07.15Thunder_Childg'day mate!
06:07.47bleeteryou can spell it, but I bet you still sound weird saying it
06:08.07Thunder_Childi can do a reasonable ausie
06:08.13Thunder_Childi can do a really good irish though
06:08.23MentalPowergnight all
06:08.28bleeterThunder_Child: kerryman?
06:08.34bleeterMentalPower: ain't you already gone?! :P
06:08.36Thunder_Childbleeter, hm?
06:08.49MentalPower|ZzZzam now
06:08.56bleeterr not
06:09.07MentalPower|ZzZz~lart bleeter
06:09.07purlbeats bleeter into protomatter with the andromeda galaxy
06:09.18bleeterstil r not
06:10.22MentalPower|ZzZztoo lazy
06:10.52bleeterThunder_Child: ah, well, erm prolly doesn't mean much to you. iirc, Americans make 'jokes' about the Polish. Aussies make 'jokes' about the Irish. Apparently, Irish folks make jokes about folks from Country Kerry
06:11.25Thunder_Childuhh..americans make jokes about everything...except country kerry it seems
06:11.37bleeterI meant County
06:12.38WobworkIf I start speaking to an irishman, I end up sounding like a dubliner after a few minutes
06:12.57Thunder_Childi do that to any kind of accent
06:13.00bleeterWobwork: u r irish, u crim!!111!!11
06:13.00Wobwork"What's the time?"
06:13.03Thunder_Childsome worse than others
06:13.05Wobwork"TREE TIRTY TREE!"
06:13.21WobworkThunder_Child: aye, same
06:13.24bleetertog bog e!
06:14.17WobworkEsp if I talk to my friend Naaaayooooome
06:14.33Wobworkshe's irish... with a very thick accent
06:14.41Thunder_Child'ello 'ello 'ello wat 'ave we 'ere
06:14.41WobworkYou can cut it. Like peat.
06:14.46bleeter"Tog E Go Bog E"
06:15.10bleeterwhich, as I saw on the exit ramps of most towns, thought was some road rule I had to follow
06:15.11WobworkThunder_Child: Roight, you're nicked!
06:15.38bleeterso in a bit of a panic, I phoned a gaelic speaker, who promised me it means 'take it easy' or 'top of the morning/day/arvo'
06:15.44Thunder_Childheh, i thought fg gold tooth tony when i read that Wobwork
06:16.01bleeterI've only got two more words on the Irish to say
06:16.03bleeterwell three
06:16.13NightHawkTheSaneWobwork: that reminds me, i need to redownload Life on Mars
06:16.17bleeterFather Jack Crilly
06:16.28bleeterok, four... :/
06:17.04WobworkNobody expects the irish inquisition =\
06:17.12bleeterand if you dunno who Father Jack Crilly is... you ain't lived
06:18.01WobworkNot Jack =P
06:18.15bleeterthat was me quoting Jack, not Ted!
06:18.42bleeterI can quote Mrs. Doyle, too
06:18.51bleeter"Would you like some cake? It's got cocaine in it!"
06:18.58bleeter"Oh... what am I like... I meant..."
06:21.50Thunder_Childoh my....i just made a pun
06:22.16WobworkYou didn't strain anything, did you?
06:22.26Thunder_Childno, i think i broke something
06:22.54Thunder_Childhow in the hell do you make a pic 50x50
06:23.03Thunder_Childthats microscopic
06:36.25RayneKJ Just went down
06:36.32Raynegood thing we downed Curator first. :/
06:36.48AnduinLotharlol IF lagged up for like 2 min right b4
06:37.09AnduinLothareveryone was pissed abotu the 10min arena q's
06:38.32malrethyah... silver hand down too
06:41.11Thunder_Childyou know, all i wanted was a demo...but to get the demo i had to sign up and give a valid email address....torrent ftw
06:42.23Thunder_Childsee, thats a valid use of torrents, and if they had a torrent of the demo, i would use that
06:42.35Thunder_Childgiving my email addy just to get a demo is BS
06:42.49Thunder_Childlike i dont get enough crap
07:10.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
07:25.50NightHawkTheSane"But I'm human!" "Rules of combat older than combat with other races, did not mention aliens. Rules change.. caught up in committee, not come through yet."
07:26.01NightHawkTheSanecontact* ><
07:32.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|AFK (n=skullsho@2002:44cd:fc73:0:0:0:44cd:fc73)
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07:46.17Shirik|AFK"The email system is successfully delivering email addressed to individual email addresses. If you are using an email list, you may still receive a notification advising that your email was undeliverable. We are still working on this issue and will let you know as soon as it is resolved."
07:46.35Shirik|AFKI would love to know what their definition of "successful" is, because the email system is far less than successful in my opinion
07:47.02*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Shirik|AFK] by ChanServ
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09:49.52Corrodiasa reasonably pleasant night of wow
09:50.07Corrodiasmy first pug in quite a while, i think
09:51.40TemI logged in to [guild] Yay! he touched my tralala!
09:51.50Corrodiashah, fabulous song
09:59.38*** join/#wowi-lounge `-FISKER_Q\ (
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10:44.17Wobinmost brilliant trailer EVER
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10:48.46Cideit's an interesting one at least
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11:02.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
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11:06.17KasoJust had a lecture about our uni network which was rather interesting.
11:18.59nevcairielyou know where to start to hack it now?
11:33.32KasoFrom my door room i think that'd be pretty hard given the way they have it set up
11:33.50Kasobut i do have a much greater apprication as to why things are set up as they are
11:33.59*** join/#wowi-lounge reqol (
11:37.21reqolhow exactly does a macro length extention addon work?
11:38.07Kasomaking securactionbutton and setting the macrotext attribyutes of them i'd gues
11:39.15reqolis there one around, or should I just try to make one myself?
11:39.32reqoloperative word here being 'try'. :P
11:39.44Kasowhat's your ultimate aim
11:40.17reqoljust want longer macros
11:40.22reqolthat are editable in-game
11:40.49reqolcogwheel's macrosequence is nice, but from what I can ascertain through his description, it only works on the edited table in the lua file
11:41.38KasoCog's thing works through the method i guessed earlier i think
11:41.58Kasoi'd prob be easiest to make a quick in-game interface for cog's addon i recon
11:42.46reqolI'm up for it, I just have no idea where to start on building interfaces. I don't want to use xml
11:44.20KasoHmm you might want to look into finding a pre-made ingame lua editor then just  use that to interface with cog's addon in-game
11:44.55reqolthat's actually a nice idea
11:44.56Kasoagain this all requires a fair knowledge of addon coding, there might be better end-iuser solutions for this problem, im not sure
11:45.04reqolI have wowlua and tinypad
11:45.31reqolKaso: that's no problem for me, but I was hoping to make a solution that would be adaptable for end users
11:45.31Kasothatd work then, just check out which function parses the lua table and interface with that directly ingame
11:48.49*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
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13:38.48hastethere's not much to learn if you already know lua
13:39.08TaeriI don't really.
13:39.32TaeriI know a tad bit, but not much.
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14:23.15TaeriI need to find a sell-o-matic that works properly
14:23.44malrethi use autoprofitx
14:23.55malreth!g AutoProfitX
14:24.11malrethboo... batbot wru?!@?
14:24.26malreth~google AutoProfitX
14:25.02TaeriOoh, I'll have to find that then
14:26.01malrethok... so purl has a slashdot module but not a google module? wtf, blootbot?
14:27.34malreth!c us silver hand malreth
14:29.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (n=nospam@
14:29.21*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Shirik] by ChanServ
14:30.05malreth~lart ThraeBot
14:30.05purlchops ThraeBot in half with a free Solaris 7 CD
14:30.28malrethwell, malreth finally shows up in the armory... took long enough
14:30.47Shirikhalp me malreth
14:30.57Shirikphysics final is in 45 minutes ><
14:31.14malrethheh heh...
14:31.39malrethi like took the physics class for psych majors in college
14:31.46malrethit's not really physics
14:31.55Shirikyeah, I'm taking an EE-oriented physics course :P
14:32.04Shiriklots of differential equations, etc -_-
14:32.06malrethi think we spent a semester rolling balls down hallways
14:32.22malrethLOL :D
14:34.18ShirikI love this part though:
14:34.20ShirikThis exam has 30 multiple choice problems.
14:34.20ShirikYou will be graded on your best 25 problems
14:34.26ShirikYou do not need to show work.
14:34.59malrethhuh... i get the 25/30 bit but the not showing work part?
14:35.00Shirikso I can miss 5 problems and still get 100% :D
14:35.09Shirikwell it's multiple choice
14:35.19Shirikbecause they're lazy imo
14:35.23Shirikand want to do it on a scantron
14:35.41malrethah... i guess my profs hated their TAs then...
14:35.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
14:36.01malreththey usually made us show work on the exam itself and turn that in with the scantron
14:36.18Shirikyeah but did they ever give partial credit?
14:36.39malrethdunna remember... probably not
14:36.47malrethprobably used as a method to detect cheating
14:36.57Shirikyeah that's what I was thinking
14:37.14Shiriksee, if they were in SE/CE they would have intelligent TAs like me :P
14:37.21ShirikI just wrote a program to assist with detecting cheating
14:37.29Shirikcaught two people so far ^^
14:38.03malrethwe had that too... the /usr/bin/turnin program... we had to submit our homework assignments through that thing
14:38.32malreththat was for CS classes
14:38.39ShirikDid it go "YOU CHEAT I TELL PROFESSOR NOW!!!" whenever you turned in something that was a copy?
14:38.44ShirikOr was it all secret-like
14:38.50malrethdunno... i never got caught
14:39.00Shirik"never got caught"
14:39.06Shirikthat implies that you did it once ><
14:39.23malrethwe had a prof that didn't like the system and he encouraged us to collaborate on homework assignments
14:39.50malrethwe could even reference any previous work released on the web as long as we sited it
14:40.19*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
14:40.21malrethso i teamed up with a math major... he did all the inductive proofs and i hacked all the code
14:40.38malrethwe cited each other and made A's in that class
14:40.49malrethover half the class failed that semester
14:43.01malreththis stupid WGA crap is screwing up my labs
14:43.16krkaWarcraft Gaming Addiction?
14:43.29malrethWomen's Golf Association
14:43.41krkamine was better
14:43.45malrethWhite Georgian Affluents
14:44.07krkawriter's guild of america or windows genuine advantage?
14:44.16krkaor web gallery of art
14:44.23malrethWindows Genuine Advantage
14:44.52malrethit detects half of my enterprise licensed XP machines as being pirated
14:45.13malrethan then helpfully decides to disable windows update
14:45.43malrethah... got it working again
14:45.48Shiriklua> t = setmetatable({}, {__tostring = function() return "foo"; end}); print(t);
14:45.48lua_botShirik: {  } (#1)
14:45.53Shiriklua> t = setmetatable({}, {__tostring = function() return "foo"; end}); print(tostring(t));
14:45.53lua_botShirik: foo
14:46.12ShirikI wonder if that's correct or if that's just what clad|sleep did
14:46.44*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
14:46.58Shirikyeah it's definitely just something that clad|sleep did
14:47.02ShirikAlready got it :P
14:47.04malrethdoes __tostring require a function?
14:47.11cogwheelor do you mean the table serialization?
14:47.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Flexom (
14:47.26ShirikYeah I just mean the table serialization overriding my __tostring metamethod
14:47.39ShirikI just tested it
14:47.40ShirikLua 5.1.2 Copyright (C) 1994-2007, PUC-Rio
14:47.40Shirik> t = setmetatable({}, {__tostring = function() return "foo"; end}); print(t)
14:47.53krkai honestly don't get why people don't start switching to ubuntu, i really think it has reached and surpassed windows in usability
14:48.03Shirikbecause it's free
14:48.07Shirikfree stuff is obviously low quality
14:48.11cogwheelkrka: tell that to people with printers
14:48.17JoshBorkekrka: because it doesn't work on my computer
14:48.25Shirikwho uses printers these days anyway
14:48.25malrethlua> setmetatable({}, {__tostring ="foo"}; print(t)
14:48.26lua_botmalreth: sandbox.lua:286: Compilation failed: [string "setmetatable({}, {__tostring ="foo"}; print(t)"]:1: ')' expected near ';'
14:48.27Shirikpaper is so outdated
14:48.38malrethlua> setmetatable({}, {__tostring ="foo"}); print(t)
14:48.38lua_botmalreth: nil
14:48.50Shirikdid you mean t = setmetatable?
14:48.59malrethlua> t=setmetatable({}, {__tostring ="foo"}); print(tostring(t))
14:48.59lua_botmalreth: attempt to call a string value
14:49.00cogwheelprinters, games, ipods, etc., etc. (though the same argument could potentially be used against vista)
14:49.18malrethlua> t=setmetatable({}, {__tostring ="foo"}); print(t)
14:49.18lua_botmalreth: {  } (#1)
14:49.33malrethmmm... ok. makes sense
14:51.19cogwheellua> print(setmetatable({}, {__tostring ="foo"})) -- IMO
14:51.19lua_botcogwheel: {  } (#1)
14:51.32krkaubuntu has handled all printers i have encountered so far
14:51.41ShirikYou are not allowed to post to this mailing list, and your message has been automatically rejected. If you think that your messages are being rejected in error, contact the mailing list owner at
14:51.48cogwheelkrka: and it has handled none of mine (they're networked)
14:51.59ShirikStupid school doesn't send emails with the correct "from" header
14:52.15cogwheelShirik blocked as spam?
14:52.25Shirikno, just my school sends mails using
14:52.32Shirikbut I registered at
14:52.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
14:52.37Shirikwhich is the same box
14:52.57Shirikbleh, oh well, the guy already got a different solution to his problem anyway. Gotta run to final, take care
14:53.54malrethjust wondering since metatable entries like __index can take a table directly
14:54.21malrethbut apparently __tostring does require a function
14:55.16JoshBorkeas do the operator functions
14:55.26JoshBorkewell, the comparison operator won't
14:56.19JoshBorkewell, i guess the operator meta fields could take a number too
14:56.33JoshBorkenever tried though
14:57.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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15:01.37malrethmy thermos rocks
15:01.58malrethi brewed coffee last night, filled it, and stuck it in the fridge overnight
15:02.11JoshBorkeum, why?
15:02.12malreththe brew is still toasty warm this morning
15:02.27malrethJoshBorke: A test.
15:03.20malrethZojirushi brand thermal drink containers get my endorsement
15:05.17*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
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16:15.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Drea (
16:17.08Dreahey hey! How is everyone this wonderful maintenance day?
16:18.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
16:23.36Dreagarhow do you register your nick?
16:23.40Dreagari forget the command
16:23.46amrotype /msg nickserv help
16:23.54Dreagarright on . thx am
16:23.55*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop (
16:26.47Dreagaryay! I'm official
16:27.04Dreagarofficially what i don't know. but i'm official
16:29.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
16:32.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
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16:40.20Dreagarmornin Mal
16:40.29cncfanaticshello peeps
16:40.44Dreagarmornin cnc
16:57.18malrethhello Dreagar
16:58.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
16:58.16*** join/#wowi-lounge XMLnoob (
16:58.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Aiyee (
16:58.58AiyeeDoes anyone know if there are any issues with the template for the Guild_list_ally template?
17:02.34zenzelezzso someone's advertising a private server on trade chat... "for serious gamers"
17:03.07kergothwhich is a euphamism for what, gamers who dont give a shit about balance or challenge or anything?
17:03.15kergothprivate servers are always way out of whack
17:03.36zenzelezzI would expect so
17:03.37kergothso my younger brother tells me, anyway
17:04.01kergothhe was talkinga bout shit like leveling after only a few kills, and doing crazy damage, and other oddities
17:04.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
17:04.14nevcairieli dont think some basement-coders can do a better job then blizzard with anything =P
17:04.16malrethhey... when you're balls haven't dropped yet, you gotta have something in your life to feel good about
17:04.24Lunessaim in ur irc chattin' up ur frenz
17:04.32Cideif I ran a private server
17:04.37XMLnoobHi all, I'm a noob at XML. (see name) Was wondering if anyone could check my small snippet of code for errors?
17:04.47CideI sure as hell would insta-level myself upon killing my 50th spider for the fucking spider ichor
17:05.21LunessaXMLnoob: Post the code on pastey or something.
17:05.23CideXMLnoob: couldn't pick a worse name? :P
17:05.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin_ (n=igor@
17:05.41CideI won't look at that before you indent it
17:05.52XMLnoobIt was indented
17:05.56Cidenow it's not
17:05.57XMLnoobpastey took em off?
17:05.57Cidefix it
17:06.03nevcairielpastey is stupid and strips tabs
17:06.08nevcairielit only displays spaces
17:06.09Cidewhat? why would it
17:06.14nevcairielbut it does
17:06.15Cideoh, but everyone should use spaces for tabs anyway
17:06.25nevcairieltabs > spaces
17:06.34Cideno; tabs aren't handled the same by all editors
17:06.36Cidespaces are
17:06.46nevcairielwhat do i care if your editor sucks
17:06.54Cideit's not about how my editor handles it
17:07.00Cideit's about how my editor handles it versus other editors
17:07.25malrethspecify the XML language in pastey and it indents properly
17:07.26nevcairielif i have one tab, its one tab in all editors. how wide that tab is, is your configuration :)
17:07.28Cidemy editor handles tabs fine, but the editor of whomever wrote the file I'm looking at might not
17:08.03Cideperhaps, but using tabs to line up content at the end of lines = bad
17:08.28Cideyet it's common practice, hence tabs suck
17:08.49CideXMLnoob: <Script File="PrettyColors.lua"></Script>
17:08.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (
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17:09.02Cidechange to: <Script file="PrettyColors.lua"/>
17:09.12Cidenote lowercase 'f', attributes should always be lowercase
17:09.17nevcairieli use tabs for normal indents, if i need stuff to be perfectly aligned i use spaces, because i dont know how wide the tab is .. ;)
17:09.22kergothyeah, agreed.  i still like thei dea of using tabs for indentation and spaces for alignment, but everybody who touches a file indented that way fucks it up, cause they use crappy editors or don't know how to use it, so better off just using spaces everywhere :\
17:09.25*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
17:09.26kergothnevcairiel: :)
17:10.01Cidenevcairiel: yeah, but lots of people don't... and if you use spaces for indentation, the editor handles it way easier
17:10.09malrethhey hey guys... tabs for indention, spaces for alignment, a woman for duty, and a melon for pleasure
17:10.13Cidetab -> 4 spaces is a lot neater than<spacebar><spacebar><spacebar><spacebar>
17:10.15malrethget it right!
17:10.27Cidebut of course, that's just personal preference
17:10.35Cideas long as you use spaces for alignment, I don't care what you do
17:10.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
17:10.47malrethCide: good...
17:10.57nevcairieli know, its like one switch in my editor to configure it to add spaces instead of tabs when i hit the key .. but meh :)
17:10.59Cidemy experience tells me that people who use tabs for tabs don't, however
17:11.15Cideso I continue to flame \t-tabbers
17:11.40CideXMLnoob: did you catch that?
17:12.04Cideeverything else looks good, as far as I can tell
17:12.16CideXMLnoob: oh, nope. <Layer Level="BACKGROUND">
17:12.25Cideanother non-lowercase attribute
17:12.27Cideshould be level
17:12.35*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
17:12.38CidesetAllPoints should be setallpoints
17:13.04CideI'm not sure if the blizzard parser accepts it anyway though
17:13.40Cidedo you have a specific problem with the code?
17:14.04CideI'm guessing you don't want the PrettyColors frame to be virtual, but I might be wrong
17:15.57XMLnoobyes, you are correct, I changed it to false
17:16.05XMLnoobupdated code with SPACES :)
17:16.19Cideyou still forgot the language, however
17:16.24malrethXMLnoob: just specify a language type
17:16.25Cideso you don't get any syntax highlighting
17:17.43XMLnoobI knew about the <script file=""/> i just changed it to <script></script> because my editor wasnt happy
17:18.19zenzelezzmy Notepad++ has no problem with the short form :-o
17:18.25zenzelezztry using a space before the /> ?
17:18.37Cidenot necessary
17:18.46Cideshouldn't be, anyway (unless Notepad++ sucks)
17:19.01XMLnoobstill freaking out on me
17:19.10CideFYI: your indentation is off for the <Texture> tag and children
17:19.14XMLnoobit just throws the colors off for the rest of the code
17:19.33Cidecan change it to <Script></Script> then
17:20.52XMLnoobjust so you know, all i want this to do is simply pop a 100x100 frame when a party message is received
17:21.03XMLnoobthe lua is short, would you mind looking at it?
17:21.38*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|ZzZz (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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17:21.42KasoXMLnoob, show away
17:23.10XMLnoobwhen someone says 'test' in party chat, this frame should pop correct?
17:24.29Cideyou have two separate frames
17:24.36malrethPrettyColors isn't registered for any events
17:24.37Cideone registers for the event, the other receives the event
17:24.49Cidethe other doesn't have any events registered
17:25.07Cidemove the <OnLoad> that registers the event to the PrettyColors frame
17:25.17Cideand just delete the PrettyFrame_RegisterEvents frame
17:25.41Cideit's this:Show() -- Capital 'S'
17:25.49malrethyou can get away with putting a PrettyColors:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_PARTY") by itself at the top of the .lua file also
17:26.02CidePrettyColors isn't defined when the lua file is loaded
17:26.19malreththere's a reason why i don't use xml files anymore
17:26.25Cideme too :)
17:26.37malrethsame same
17:28.29XMLnoobok, easy enough... leave the lua as is, and shift the xml a bit
17:28.51KasoI was thinking the other day that xml really is a more sensible way of defining ui frames but LuaFrames have so many benifits that i'd be nice if there was some xml-lua parser that means you could "logically" design your frames in xml but still get the niceness of the luaframes like dynamic frame creation etc
17:29.13XMLnoobi didnt realize that events would only register to the frame in which it is defined... makes perfect sense though... thanks all! :)
17:29.14KasoSomeone mentioned that maybe iriel had done something like that but my cursoary google didnt turn up much
17:29.23kergoththatd be cool, best of both worlds
17:29.23CideXMLnoob: if by 'leave' you mean 'change s to S', then yes
17:29.43XMLnooblol, yes, that too
17:29.48XMLnoobthank you for reminding me
17:30.22XMLnoobso as is, this should really recognize the arg "test" in party chat?
17:30.34XMLnooband viola, my pretty blue frame arrives?
17:30.45malreth~dict viola
17:30.57Cideshould work, yes
17:31.00malreth~dict voila
17:31.08Cideha, fail.
17:31.43Cide~dict voilà
17:31.44XMLnoobyes, definitely a bunch of bored coders here.  i am in heaven
17:31.53Cideyou suck, purl
17:31.56malreth~x fr en voilà
17:32.18Kasopurl has a translator!
17:32.28Cide~x en fr I suck
17:32.35Cideyes purl, you do.
17:32.43malreth~x jp en ã¯ã„
17:32.52Kasoi guess its a word-for-word translator without any regard for grammer?
17:33.05Cide~dict grammer
17:33.39malreth~x jp en ã¯ã„ã€ãã§ã™ã€‚
17:33.48Cideyes indeed.
17:33.50Cidethe sleeve does!
17:33.52malrethi give up
17:33.58XMLnoobwell, i am very excited to test this bad boy, thanks again for the help guys
17:34.25malreth~x jp en ã¯ã„ã€ãã†ã§ã™ã€‚
17:35.17Cide(purl is obviously never wrong)
17:35.30malrethit's been like 10 years since i last took japanese
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17:36.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Intangir (
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17:56.52Shirik|zZz~x jp en ???????????
17:56.52Shirik|zZzmy client doesn't like japanese apparently
17:56.52Kasothose aren't unicode chars!
17:56.52Shirik|zZzit lets me type it, that's wierd
17:56.52Shirik|zZzI can see it in the chat box
17:56.52KasoWhat client?
17:56.54Shirik|zZzthen I push enter and it goes all ????????
17:56.59Shirikyes, thanks purl
17:57.12Kasosome have settings to make it send irc messages in UTF8 rather than ascii
17:57.14Cideyour name is way too long
17:57.28ShirikKaso: mirc
17:57.34CideShirik: should get x-chat
17:57.36Cideit's pro
17:57.37NightHawkTheSaneI beg to differ, your name is way too short.
17:57.46ShirikI like nbs-irc way too much to do that
17:57.52Cidewell, I make the decisions
17:58.11Kasoi seem to remeber reading mIRC recently got utf8 support
17:58.16Kasoperhaps check the help files
17:58.26Taerithis is not good
17:59.19Shirikit allows me to select "UTF-8 display" but that's it >.>
17:59.21Cidewhat's the inverse of zoom?
17:59.35TaeriI have roughly -400NOK  on my accounts.
17:59.41nevcairielzoom-in, zoom-out? is there a inverse? ^^
17:59.44Cideand not zoom^-1, thank you very much
17:59.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
17:59.47Kaso‽ ‽ ‽ ‽ ‽
17:59.52Kasodo you see those Shirik ?
17:59.52Cidewell, I need a noun, not a verb
17:59.55Shirikwtf is that
17:59.57Shiriklooks like a bomb
18:00.13Kasoan ! and ? in one symbol
18:00.18nevcairieli lack the font to show that, i only see the utf8 boxes
18:00.22ShirikI give up
18:00.41ShirikKaso: It looks like the smoke cloud from an a-bomb
18:01.02zenzelezzis the "interrobang" meant to be a question mark and an exclamation mark on top of each other?
18:01.10NightHawkTheSaneCide: inverse of zoom? erm, zoom refers to moving both narrowing and expanding the field of vision, it doesn't really have an inverse?
18:01.27CideNightHawkTheSane: true
18:01.35Cidemaybe I should name my variable something else
18:01.49CideI need a variable to represent field of vision
18:01.52Cidevariable name*
18:01.52NightHawkTheSaneand wow, that sentence was kinda fucked up. meh.
18:02.01nevcairielFoV :P
18:02.02NightHawkTheSanefieldOfVision? ;)
18:02.31XMLnoobim still set on  'mooz'
18:02.47Cidemooz is strangely attractive
18:03.03nevcairielaltho you will probably forget what it means in the next hour or so
18:03.18Cidedefault values for the win
18:03.25Cideoh, you mean mooz?
18:03.33ShiriksingaporeStreetNoodles <-- best variable name ever
18:03.35Cideor field of vision? :P
18:03.42CideShirik: oh god
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18:03.56XMLnoobjust comment next to mooz "Inverse of zoom"
18:03.59ShirikCidan and I came up with it when we were out at this restaraunt
18:04.01Shirikthat's what he ordered :P
18:04.51Shirikqq servers are down?
18:04.58Cairennbleeter: btw, the conversation you and I had a couple days - it's in their hands - what'll come of it, who knows, but it's there
18:05.00nevcairielqq maint?
18:05.16CiderestaurantMenuPrices = { singaporeStreetNoodles = 12.53, jamaicanJointExtract = 7.93 }
18:05.28Cideundefined currency
18:05.43ShirikCEC 460 01DB Telecommunications System 3.00 3.00 B 9.00 L 08/27-12/13
18:05.46ShirikI'm ok with this grade...
18:06.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
18:06.32ShirikNot ok with this grade... PS 250 08DB Physics III for Engineers 3.00 **** ** ***** L 08/27-12/13
18:06.44ShirikThose stars are like "muahahaha I'll never tell you, you will suffer forever!"
18:06.55Shirikand for some reason I still refresh the page ever 15 minutes
18:07.26Cidedo instead
18:07.51Shirikoh holy crap
18:07.59Shirikit already hurts my head
18:08.07Cideit's fun
18:08.13Cideonce you get the hang of it
18:08.25NightHawkTheSaneHeh, seen that. Somewhat amusing.
18:08.32Cairennyeah, that one is fun
18:08.45Cideaye, I know it's pretty old
18:09.37ShirikI'm going to have to print this out and take it to class :P
18:13.32malrethZOMG!!! This trailer is made of win!
18:14.55XMLnooband it is official
18:15.00XMLnoobplease contribute
18:15.46ShirikThis page may meet Wikipedia’s criteria for speedy deletion. The reason given is: It is a very short article providing little or no context (CSD A1).
18:16.01Shirikthat was fast
18:17.32malrethMachine Girl! Drill bras! Flying guillotines!
18:18.50Shirikrefreshing every 5 seconds paid off
18:19.09ShirikCS 420 01DB Operating Systems 3.00 3.00 A 12.00 L 08/27-12/13
18:19.15Shirikunfortunately none of my other courses are complete =(
18:19.21malrethyou got an L?
18:19.29Shiriklook at the other letter
18:19.45ShirikI don't actually know what the L means
18:19.47NightHawkTheSaneyouo got an AL?
18:24.59*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
18:27.19Rayneman, everythings down for maintenence this afternoon...
18:27.25RayneWoW, Deviantart...
18:28.30Raynemy vent just died too
18:28.40Taeriand what's everything, right there. XD
18:28.46Taerithere's nothing more to life than WoW and DA
18:28.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
18:28.54RayneI was mid covno with someone
18:29.00Raynewe were gonna play Civ4
18:29.07Rayneand now vents like lewl I dont think so
18:29.19nevcairielman even wowhead is down :P
18:29.26nevcairielah no only slow
18:29.35Taeriinternet is breaking down!
18:29.46Taerirun for yer life!
18:29.50RayneIll just watch Tom and Jerry
18:30.32Rayneoh wtf now its over
18:30.35RayneI give up
18:32.52ShirikCide: ping
18:33.08ShirikAre you sure this quiz has a solution?
18:33.24Shirikquestion 7 says Alphabetically, the answer to this question and the answer to the following question are:
18:33.36Shirikno matter what the answer is, it forces question 6 to be E
18:33.44Shirikquestion 6 is 6. The answer to question 17 is:
18:33.55Shirikthere is no way that 17 can be "all of the above"
18:34.06Cidethe following question
18:34.10Cidenot the previous question
18:34.16Cidethe question following 7 would be 8
18:34.52malrethfeed that brain... you've had a tough past couple of days
18:34.58Cideand no, Shirik
18:35.07Cide7 doesn't force 8 to be E either
18:35.21Shirikoh you'er right
18:35.23Shirikgot it
18:35.49Shirikbut it forces it to not be B or D :P
18:35.59Cidewhich in turn gives you what? :P
18:36.32malrethit gives you ham
18:36.37CideI wish
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18:48.20DumanHTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
18:48.20DumanServer: Apache-Coyote/1.1
18:48.20DumanSet-Cookie: JSESSIONID=5A02C165329F2F2BCC6346D6D8BE73FD; Path=/
18:48.29Dumanno wonder the forums are fubar
18:50.08nevcairielon official forums?
18:50.16nevcairielthat link seems so .. fake :P
18:52.02ShirikI'm so close...
18:52.52KasoTo what?
18:53.35Shirik2 questions are off ><
18:53.44Shirikthis quiz Cide gave me
18:53.59Kasoabout what?
18:54.11*** join/#wowi-lounge [Liquidor] (n=denras19@
18:54.47Shirikself-referential test
18:55.16KasoOh screw that!
18:56.36ShirikCurrently only questions 2 and 3 are mismatched =(
18:56.59Cidewhat did you put at 20?
18:57.01ShirikAnd I know for a fact either #14 or #15 must be wrong
18:57.47Cidereally? I thought it only measured air pressure
18:58.11nevcairielit does
18:58.20Cidecan the others be derived from air pressure? :/
18:58.31Shirikthat's not the point :P
18:58.39ShirikThe point is that standardized tests don't measure intelligence
18:58.48nevcairielyea, i had E there too
18:58.54[Liquidor]Do you guys know of any addon sorting out the guild bank? (as in what MrPlow does to your bags)
18:58.55Cidethen I fail at that question :P
18:59.02ShirikCide: You could take the easy way out
18:59.12ShirikAll of the other answers are mark you wrong
18:59.30CideI don't do it on the site
18:59.41CideI do it in notepad
19:01.01*** part/#wowi-lounge Gnancy (
19:01.38Shirikfirefox crashed
19:01.44ShirikI'm not doing all that again
19:02.22Cidehey, I solved it anyway
19:02.31Cide20 didn't affect the results
19:02.34CideI think I solved it, anyway
19:02.37Cidechecking now
19:03.01CideShirik: that's why you should do it in notepad :P
19:03.41|Jelly|Lunessa: Ping
19:05.16break19[Liquidor]: bankstack > Mrplow, and supports guild banks
19:05.43[Liquidor]break19, character bags supported?
19:05.53[Liquidor]asking since it's named "bankstack"
19:06.04break19[Liquidor]: all bags
19:06.23[Liquidor]kk checking
19:06.24break19it "stacks to bank" but more features were added, Kemayo just never changed the name. heh
19:06.24CideI solved it
19:08.41Lunessa|Jelly|: pong
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19:10.12Shirikthis is sick:
19:10.34*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (
19:10.45ShirikYou should probably watch them in order: part 1
19:10.49Shirikwell all 3 parts are there
19:12.17[Liquidor]break19, don't really see any feature for the guild bank
19:14.02break19well.. according to updates I've read while using it, it does..
19:14.44break19[Liquidor]: from the wowi page: "BankStack is the leading cause of things moving in your bags and bank. It:. sorts your inventory, bank, or guild bank"
19:15.03[Liquidor]still havne't found the options
19:15.19break19its considered "bank" so open the guild bank, and tell it to sort the bank
19:15.28XMLnoobmy 'simple' little addon is not working :(
19:15.43XMLnoobi just want one frame!
19:15.47malrethwhat's happening, XMLnoob?
19:15.51malrethany errors?
19:15.52XMLnoobnothing at all
19:16.02XMLnoobno, just ... nothing
19:16.02nevcairielcheck FrameXML.log for errors
19:16.10XMLnoobinterfering with other mods?
19:16.27[Liquidor]break19, did so already with all the banking options
19:16.49break19then i dunno, I dont have full read/write access to any guild bank tabs so I cant use that feature
19:18.06break19according to the readme: /sort guild1 sorts the first guild bank tab
19:20.39Shirik~weather KDAB
19:21.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=root@
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19:21.30[Liquidor]oh well break19, it does recon its a bank now but it says perfection even tho the bank is messy as hell
19:21.43XMLnoobCouldn't parse XML in Interface\AddOns\PrettyColors\PrettyColors.xml
19:21.57break19then you may not have full access.. as I said, I dont know, since I cant use that feature
19:22.52XMLnoobi do not see what is wrong with my xml... but then again.. i AM XMLnoob
19:24.32zenzelezzXMLnoob: you have a lowercase l in </Onload>
19:24.44foxlitAlso, just a general note
19:24.48XMLnoobwow, ty
19:24.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=root@
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19:24.56foxlitYou can collapse things containing <AbsDimension>
19:25.07foxlitSo your size declaration could be <Size x="100" y="100"/>
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19:25.27XMLnoobsize defaults to absoulte?
19:25.34XMLnoobok, thank you for that too
19:26.00*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth|ghost (
19:26.38Beladonadid you look at the framexml log? it might have more detail on the error
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19:29.08XMLnoobit actually works! events actually DO fire! zomg amazing!
19:29.11[Liquidor]break19, ye I guess but I can move around the items manually
19:32.42[Liquidor]break19 found a comment in sort.lua: "--(you need withdraw *and* deposit permissions in the guild bank to move items within it)"
19:33.25Beladonamakes sense
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19:34.55Taeridefenetly makes sense
19:37.07Beladonaor I guess since it is a bank, it makes 'cents'
19:37.08Beladonasorry, that was bad
19:37.22Taeriit was XD
19:37.39Beladonacheck out group calendar
19:38.06Dreagaris the servers up yet?
19:38.16Cairennobviously he wasn't, since he didn't fuss about it
19:38.20TaeriI can use normal date/time lua functions right?
19:38.35dylanmEr, maybe GroupCalendar.
19:38.35Taerior does WoW supply it's own batch of stuff?
19:38.50dylanmIt's not going to be pretty.
19:39.01dylanmThere aren't a bunch of fantastic date functions that Blizzard has added, no.
19:39.04zenzelezzCairenn: topic it so he can't miss it?
19:39.05dylanmDreagar: Yes.
19:39.15Dreagaryay! thanks Dylan
19:39.19dylanmDreagar: At least, Mal'Ganis is up. Which is rare these days.
19:39.34zenzelezzmaybe too long for that to get the context
19:39.39TaeriI'm looking at the GroupCalendar now.
19:40.08bleeterCairenn: loverly, thanks mate >:D<
19:40.21Cairennbleeter: you're welcome
19:40.31bleeter(or whatever passes as the 'hugs' smiley on IRC these days)
19:43.32zenzelezzthe best part about December has to be the half tax
19:44.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
19:44.31Taericonsidering I have absolutely no income.. the half tax doesn't really bother me much, ;P
19:44.57zenzelezzdidn't use to matter much to me either, but now I actually earn something \o/
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19:48.38Kemayo[Liquidor]: Technically I am *lying* when I say you need withdraw and deposit.  It's just that requiring it makes my life very much easier, because I allow arbitrary bag groupings.
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19:48.56[Liquidor]oh you actually exist :)
19:49.14malreth|ghostno... that was actually me
19:49.28malreth|ghosti've been learning ventriloquism. pretty cool, no?
19:49.29KemayoI think you can move items within a guild bank tab with just deposit, though I could be misremembering.
19:49.34[Liquidor]well would it be too much to ask you for a secondary func in case you can only deposit?
19:50.00Taeriare we making guildbank addons ? :o
19:50.03malreth|ghosti replied that time while drinking a glass of water... very convincing
19:50.06[Liquidor]I mean, my curr. GM does NOT like addons (it's just a newbie guild with 500 members) so I'd like to help him out here
19:50.23[Liquidor]you can Kemayo,
19:50.29[Liquidor]oh Enter too early there
19:50.45Taeri500 member guild 0.o
19:51.00KemayoThe main difficulty is the restrictions.  What I need to do is add slightly smarter estimation of when you need which permissions.
19:51.01zenzelezz500 is nothing
19:51.06[Liquidor]ye the biggest of the realm, just spam-inviting anyone and kicking if offline for too long heh
19:51.11zenzelezzone of my first guilds had "everyone-can-invite"
19:51.20zenzelezzdon't even know the real number in that one
19:51.36KemayoLike, it's possible to ask it to sort tab1+tab2, in which case you need withdraw+deposit in both.
19:51.39malreththere is no way that can be a good idea... -_-
19:51.41[Liquidor]well guild tab is limited to 500, but the number is unlimited I think
19:52.46bleeterI think there should be less slots per tab in the GV, and more tabs
19:52.47Kemayo[Liquidor]: I think this is the reason Wobin has been stalled on guild bank stuff in MrPlow for a while now.  I went ahead and half-assed it, but he wants to get it *right*. :P
19:52.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Hallucinosis (n=Hallucin@
19:53.12[Liquidor]well why would you need to check for withdraw perm.?
19:53.26[Liquidor]As soon as there's a deposit permission you can move items around I believe
19:53.32Taeribleeter: I actually agree with you.
19:53.42Taeriand less pricey tabs pls.. >__0
19:53.52malreththe mysterious moubbit... half mouse, half rabbit... all cute
19:54.05*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
19:54.10Kemayo[Liquidor]: But you can't move an item from one tab to another with just deposit.
19:54.25zenzelezzmalreth: I prefer the rause
19:54.25TaeriKemayo: what're you guys making?
19:54.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
19:54.47[Liquidor]Kemayo, arh okay, that's what you mean
19:54.48KemayoTaeri: It's more "what did I make last month?"
19:54.49bleeterTaeri: I've yet to find anyone who disagrees ;)
19:55.02TaeriKemayo: aha, what'd you make last month? XD
19:55.28KemayoTaeri: A bag/bank/guildbank sorter/stacker
19:55.53[Liquidor]change the title of the addon already :)
19:56.14TaeriI'd also love to be able to buy smaller bagslots in tabs, like in the normal banks. >__0
19:56.20[Liquidor]everyone said to me "but I need my bags sorted, not my bank" when I told em about the addon
19:56.24KemayoIt suffered from feature creep, I admit.  It really did originally just fill stacks in your bank from your bags.  >_>
19:56.33kergothbankstack is lovely
19:57.03KemayoThe problem is that once you've written an item-mover, everything else looks like an enticingly simple extension.
19:57.14[Liquidor]Kemayo, what's the /sort guild1 command for then?
19:57.28Kemayo[Liquidor]: That would sort tab 1.
19:57.41[Liquidor]ye but you need both permissions for that :S
19:57.57KemayoYup.  Like I said, I need to make it smarter.
19:58.01[Liquidor](it seems as nothing happens but a perfection message being printed)
19:58.05TaeriI'm attempting making a guildvault addon myself. but I'm a newb, so it's gonna take freaking forever XD
19:58.19KemayoAlso make it give better error messages for such cases.
19:58.43[Liquidor]Taeri, just make an infinite loop going through all the bags, slots and sort them by groups :)
19:58.43KemayoI'm open to renaming it.  I just haven't thought of a better name yet.
19:58.45break19Kemayo: thing is, he said he can move items around manually...
19:59.01[Liquidor]and yes
19:59.06[Liquidor]please make it infinite
19:59.10[Liquidor]such fun
19:59.14Saint-Nheh /t Dear Santa: This year I would like your list of naughty girls for Xmas. Thanks.
19:59.25Kemayobreak19: Yup.  I'm being more restrictive than I have to be, because it assumes that it might need to move items between tabs.
19:59.58Kemayobreak19: I intend to make it able to tell "oh, only one tab? I only need withdraw!"
20:00.00Dreagaris there somewhere that says what zoneIndex corresponds to what zoneText?
20:00.10Taeri[Liquidor]: I'm making a GB interface that resembles the AH ways of doing things, hopefully. With a added in request system, for items you don't in a tab you don't have permissions to withdraw from.
20:00.17[Liquidor]Kemayo, deposit*
20:00.49[Liquidor]Kemayo, isn't it already fixed like that?
20:00.50Saint-Ni love bginfo.exe
20:00.52[Liquidor]I mean
20:00.55KemayoHey, when I first implemented it you had to be the GM to touch the guild bank.  There's progress already!  :P
20:00.58Saint-Nsuch a useful tool
20:01.01[Liquidor]How do you sort between 2 tabs now then?
20:01.10[Liquidor]I only know of /sort GuildX
20:01.37Kemayo[Liquidor]: Predefined there's "/sort guild", which would sort the entire guild bank across all tabs.
20:01.48Kemayo[Liquidor]: For smaller subdivisions you'd have to make a custom group.
20:02.00Dreagarhmm. i suppose i could write a quick function to print it out into a saved vars file.
20:02.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (n=nospam@
20:02.07[Liquidor]Petition: Fix Permission checkups !!
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20:04.04Saint-Nhehe neat
20:04.24Saint-Noccasioanly cheat death will just make yer eq suffer 10% durability instead of working right
20:05.22NightHawkTheSaneheh, so you cheat death, but your equipment doesn't? :P
20:05.46NightHawkTheSanethat would suck to have that go off and have your weapon break in the middle of combat
20:06.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Pandya (
20:06.56Saint-NBlizzard poster Wilhelmas gave a reply saying that a fix will be included in a future patch.
20:07.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnancy (
20:07.16Saint-Nwe know its broken but we
20:07.23Saint-Nwe are gonna wait til later to fix it
20:11.51Taerithere's an addon for anti-dirge spamming..
20:12.04Shirikwhat's dirge spamming?
20:12.09*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Shirik] by ChanServ
20:12.15zenzelezzin every sentence on trade
20:12.21Shirikwe don't get that much
20:12.31TaeriEU Sporeggar seems to do so
20:12.34Shiriklow pop servers ftw
20:12.47TaeriEu Sporeggar is a low pop server ;P
20:12.57Shirikwell, it's EU
20:13.00Shirikso I'm not surprised :D
20:13.05Shirik<3 jk
20:13.05Saint-Ndirge being item linking or the actual word dirge
20:16.48KasoWhy are people spam linking dirge?
20:17.38|Jelly|!c us burning legion nou
20:17.52ThraeBot|Jelly|: Nou, Level 70 Draenei Priest (43/18/0). 11381 HP; 10362 Mana; 226 mana regen; 106 mp5; 551 +spell dmg; 1567 +heal; 4.86% dodge; 423 resilience; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1336 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Dec 11 15:19:31 2007 EST ]]
20:22.16Saint-Nprolly not but you're certainly the wierdest
20:25.04*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlKFI (
20:25.42KarlKFImmm, irc works at work. that was painless
20:25.54XuerianAnyone have experience as to how far you can chain Far Sight, or what techniques to use to keep it from falling off?
20:26.03KarlKFII love not having overlords for sys admins
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20:29.24Saint-Ngeez how good can your banks web security bewhen you cant use special charcters in your password like (shift-number) characters
20:29.50KarlKFIchange banks
20:32.35NightHawkTheSaneSaint-N: ... what bank? >.>
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20:34.04Saint-Nthe  bank of america
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20:38.13malrethSaint-N: use a 20 character pass phrase
20:38.24Saint-Ni gnerally do in cases like that
20:38.24DreagarClad?? u watchin??
20:38.44Saint-Ni just thought it was kind of retarded that they want sexurity but you cant use anything but letters an numbers
20:39.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
20:40.02Cairennclad is hopefully still asleep, no pinging him!
20:42.32Dreagaryeah, i see. :( i just need to know what somethin looks like so i don't run into errors.
20:42.33Dreagarlocal c,z,x,y,note = link:match("^lhref:zcoord:([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]+):(.+)")
20:42.42Cairenn----------,_, ,_,-----------,_,--------,_, ,_,------
20:42.58Dreagari need to know how to format the note. it shows up as a tooltip on the minimap when tomtom creates the waypoint.
20:44.02Dreagarat least i think it does. lol
20:45.47Thunder_Child~lart Cairenn
20:45.47purlpulls out his louisville slugger and uses Cairenn's head to break the homerun record
20:46.15Dreagarevery time i create a tomtom waypoint with my guide. when u mouseover the waypoint in the minimap, it errors out. :(
20:46.16XMLworksok, so im building on my first xml file and I broke it...
20:46.17Cairenn~lart Thunder_Child
20:46.17purlhurls dozens of incontinent, insomniac, hungry kittens with tiny little razor-sharp claws and a wide variety of contagious intestinal parasites at Thunder_Child
20:46.33Cairennrarr! go kittahz!
20:46.34Thunder_Childit would give you a kitten related one....
20:46.39Dreagarso i'm assuming that the 'note' part of the thing is what's givin me issues
20:47.04XMLworksI am trying to simply display a green frame on the screen if I say "green" in party chat.  hopefully later be able to say "red" and a red frame appears
20:47.18Dreagardoesn't show the frame?
20:47.44XMLworksit did, but not anymore, not with this current code
20:48.04XMLworksmust I have a seperate <OnEvent> for each frame?
20:48.17XMLworksor can I have one function to handle all color events
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20:50.02Dreagarthose two files look the same to me. not sure what the issue is. XML
20:50.22XMLworksthey are the same, i was just reposting
20:50.53Dreagarwell i think u may need to have the Scripts inside the <frames> rather than outside
20:51.05XMLworksin lua, I am calling the frame with Green:Show();
20:51.05Dreagaronly idea i have.
20:51.29XMLworksi think i tried that, but let me give it another shot
20:51.36Dreagarno no.
20:51.38Dreagarthat's not it.
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20:52.01Dreagaru had it working at one point?
20:52.15Dreagarwhat did you change?
20:52.19XMLworksall of it was in one frame
20:52.34XMLworksand it worked fine
20:52.48Dreagarso you added Green?
20:52.51XMLworksnow I am trying to handle multiple frames with one OnEvent script
20:53.15Dreagarlets see the lua?
20:53.22XMLworkstrying to find
20:53.26XMLworksoh, the lua, sure
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20:54.43XMLworksit is short and sweet
20:55.10XMLworksohh, i think i need to pass the name of the frame to the lua now...
20:55.38Dreagarwell i am thinkin. also one thing to think about. if the parent is hidden, so too will be the child, and Green is a child of PrettyColors
20:55.46ScytheBlade1... hahahaha
20:56.45XMLworkswell.. we want it hidden, until someone says "green" in party chat
20:59.08XMLworksdoes it matter that I am using "Green:Show();" in the lua ?
21:00.21Dreagari'm thinkin you have to just leave PrettyColors as not hidden, and keep it as virtual, and that should work the way u want it to
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21:00.33LunessaCairenn: I <3 those.  
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21:00.42XMLworksi tried that already
21:00.46malrethvirtual frames do not exist
21:00.51Cairennthey're awful!
21:01.01LunessaAwful funny
21:01.36malrethif you make a frame virtual, it exists as an abstract template
21:01.49LunessaThat's the point of humor.  These terrible things we say, we don't mean them.  They're funny because they are obviously wrong.
21:02.06malrethand calling Show() on it means nothing... since it doesn't exist
21:02.25XMLbreaksmalreth, how do I organize my XML so that I can display different frames on different events?
21:02.31Saint-Nyou're just taking back the word ;P
21:02.48Saint-Nsup mah stalker!
21:03.01malrethXMLbreaks: the question is... do they *have* to be different frames?
21:03.06LunessaIs this the point where I say "Porch Monkey 4 Life" and get mobbed like in Clerks 2?
21:03.14Thunder_Childhuh, Lunessa didt start off with station....go figure
21:03.15malrethright now, you're just showing different colors
21:03.23Saint-Nthat was the best part of that movie
21:03.28XMLbreaksmmm, yes i can set the bg color in lua
21:03.29LunessaI've been logged in for HOURS.
21:03.47DreagarBringin back the porch monkey
21:03.53malrethbut, for the sake of argument, let's say that they have to be different frames
21:04.14malrethyou can specify two separate frames in your xml file
21:05.19malrethor for your current example... assuming is what you're currently working on
21:05.36malrethjust make your parent PrettyColors frame non-virtual
21:05.50malrethyou can add more child frames inside of it if you want
21:06.00XMLbreakscan the child frames still inherit from it if it is not virtual?
21:06.51malrethif you're trying to inherit from a virtual frame, they shouldn't be declared as child frames like how you've got
21:07.49malreth<Ui><Frame name="foo" virtual="true"><Frames><Frame inherits="foo"></Frame></Frames></Frame></Ui> is wrong
21:07.59XMLbreaksim not, im just trying to place the <scripts> tag in the correct place so as to be able to control all of the frames
21:08.35malreth<Ui><Frame name="foo" virtual="true"></Frame> <Frame inherits="foo"></Frame></Ui> is correct
21:09.11malrethchew on that for a bit... i gotta step away for a sec
21:25.57XMLbreakswell, I tried a few different things
21:26.16malrethdid one of them work?
21:26.33XMLbreaksinstead of showing new frames, I am instead trying to use frame:SetBackdropColor();
21:27.00malrethdon't think that'll work...
21:27.00XMLbreaksputting that in the lua
21:27.08XMLbreaksyeah, it isnt so far...
21:27.09malreth!api SetBackdropColor
21:27.11ThraeBotmalreth: Could not find an example within
21:27.35malrethyou need to have a backdrop specified for your frame for that to work
21:27.40malrethyou only have a texture
21:28.25malrethsee... you have a texture in the XML and you set the Color on it...
21:30.00malrethit's not immediately obvious when scanning through the wiki
21:31.05XMLbreaksno, and not extremely descriptive, but I will give it a shot
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21:33.33XMLbreaksi will have to play with that one when i get home
21:33.40XMLbreaksback in a few
21:33.44RayneI hate looking for car parts
21:34.39malrethtry e-bay :D
21:36.12Saint-Ndrive to a wrecker ;P
21:36.17Saint-Npick-a-part > *
21:36.20RayneThe problem is, I need the circuit board for my tail lamp, not the light cover itself.
21:36.31RayneAnd everyone and their grandmother wants to sell just the cover. :/
21:38.44ScytheBlade1Druids are freaking broken healers in PvP (AV, to be specific)
21:39.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
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21:40.56Saint-Nwhat kinna car?
21:43.14Rayne03 Grand Am SE
21:43.35Saint-Nwith the ramair?
21:44.05Saint-Nanyways... if you dont mind shipping do a search for a place called pick-a-part
21:44.08RayneTheres one sitting in a JYard like a mile from my house, but ill worry about it after the holidays.
21:44.10Saint-Nthey should have it
21:44.16RayneAlso ill be in Canada for a month
21:44.17Saint-Nor that ;P
21:44.24RayneNo its a GT Model
21:44.25Saint-Nwhere in .ca?
21:44.28RayneDiff Tails
21:44.53Saint-Nthers a pick-a-part up there too ;)
21:45.25Saint-Nif you cant find it easily in edmonton it doesnt exist ;)
21:45.37RayneI live in the states though
21:45.55RayneThe site is also under construction
21:46.07*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight ( ;P
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21:46.36Saint-Nor 1-800-403-1212 for phone information ;P
21:47.12Saint-Nits key-lime, you understand ;)
21:47.39*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
21:48.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
21:49.53malrethi've smashed my own face *and* my shirt and pants are shredded...
21:51.10*** join/#wowi-lounge kaelten__ (
21:51.56Raynedo do do
21:52.21Saint-NGir, stay away from the machine, you're infecting it with stupid!
21:53.46IndustrialAnyone know of fast firefox alternatives for windows excluding opera and anything cygwin/x based?
21:53.52Industrial(and IE, ofc)
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21:54.36Kasokonqueror also perhaps
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21:55.42RayneOMG NO
21:55.48|Jelly|Spam less imo.
21:56.12malreththat's not rape... THIS is rape:
21:56.25Saint-Nsafari, iceweasel are all i know industrial
21:56.49Kasoiceweasel is firefox
21:56.53Saint-Niceweasel is the gnu side of firefox and "might compile in cyg, but not 100%
21:56.57Raynewhyyyyyyyyyyyyy ;_;
21:56.57*** join/#wowi-lounge kaelten__ (
21:57.20Saint-Ni think camoino is win32 as well
21:57.23Saint-Nerr camino
21:58.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
22:02.42Industrial< malreth> safari?
22:02.44Industrialfor windows
22:02.48Industrialmalreth: same
22:02.59malrethyah... apple released a beta a while back
22:03.08Saint-Nyeah beta 3 came out
22:03.13Saint-Nit sucks crap though
22:03.13Industrialwell its gotta be fast
22:03.18Saint-Nsafari is a horrible browser
22:03.18Industrialhandle 50 tabs without 2s lags
22:03.37malrethkeep in mind it *is* beta for a reason
22:03.39Saint-Nk-melon seems to be whatcha want indust ;P
22:03.49Saint-Nmalreth: im talking about the osx version
22:03.58Saint-Nheh the winders version is slightly crappier
22:04.11Industrialill check kmeleon out
22:04.22malrethhuh? "Anyone know of fast firefox alternatives for windows excluding opera and anything cygwin/x based?"
22:04.49malrethoh... sorry.. got my replies mixed up
22:05.19malrethSo.. What makes Safari a horrible browser?
22:06.16IndustrialI want  to try something different because I don't like the way firefox is going
22:06.27Kasowhich way is that?
22:06.45IndustrialI like my apps really simple and doing the things they were meant to do in the beginning eg browser with tabs and thats it
22:07.02Industrialnone of that social networking crap, bookmarks, rss "integration" etc
22:07.24Industrialinstead when i open up 50 tabs its lagging like hell
22:07.25Lunessamalreth: nothing.  There is one thing it doesn't do by default (show URLs of hyperlinks on hover) that I I use a plug-in for.
22:07.56malrethCmd-/ to show the status bar?
22:08.06LunessaThough mostly, I use FireFox because "some call it crappy, but I call it love"
22:08.12KasoMobile Safari frustrates me very much but i doubt that is a fair comparison
22:08.45Lunessamalreth: ... don't I just feel like a n00b.
22:09.14Lunessakd3:  I used to work with a bunch of the original gecko programmers.  
22:09.50kd3back in the aohell days or the netscape days?
22:10.08LunessaI was a programmer at AOL.
22:10.32LunessaPre-Netscape acquisition; and post as well.
22:10.36ScytheBlade1I BLAME YOU
22:10.58LunessaThat's right bitches, I made the internet a household item.  HATE ME!
22:12.17KarlKFIi started with aol
22:12.28Lunessa... Sarcasm doesn't work well in IRC...
22:12.30Thunder_Childso did i...i feel so ashamed
22:12.35KarlKFIin fact this is my nick that i used when i started aol
22:12.38kd3prodigy, woo!
22:13.00kd3woo for 9800 bps modems on a 386
22:13.22malrethi signed up with AOL back in the day for the minimum amount of time necessary... to download a BBS terminal program
22:13.36malrethand promptly canceled the account
22:14.01malrethAOL then happily charged me for three months thereafter
22:14.28kd3no free 30 day trial floppy for you?
22:14.39KarlKFIu didn't get the first 5million hours free?
22:14.51ScytheBlade1Question to any healer here: how do you heal in AV?
22:14.56malrethyep... free 30 day trial
22:15.06Lunessaheh - I was there from April of '94 - Dec 31, 1999.  
22:15.12KarlKFIscythe: it's called a premade
22:15.13malrethor whatever it was... actually i think it was a X hours free thing
22:15.30malrethyou still had to give them a credit card number
22:15.33bleeter09:13 < kd3> woo for 9800 bps modems on a 386 << fkn luxery
22:15.34Thunder_Childya, i had multiple years of free AOL
22:15.45Thunder_Childi think i paied 3 times or so
22:15.51KarlKFIthey usually took the number of hours in a 32 day month and used that so it looked like more than a month but u had to use it in the first month
22:16.45KarlKFIso like 768 FREE!
22:17.38KarlKFIwow, worked till dec 31 1999, scared of the millenium bug at aol?
22:17.58LunessaI started out in Tech Support, moved over to running the Client beta program for Windows, and them moved into programming.  It was a wild ride.
22:18.23ScytheBlade1So you're the person I can injure for AOL's "problems"
22:18.25LunessaNo, I left because I had a crap ton of money and I was burnt out after 5.5 years of 15+hour days.
22:18.34ScytheBlade1Or at least "a" person
22:18.58KarlKFIaol ihas njured itself enough, hasn't it?
22:19.26Lunessabe warned, I live in a part of the country where gun ownership is a laudable thing, and shooting intruders gets you a apt on the back from the police.
22:19.38*** join/#wowi-lounge XMLbreaks (
22:19.41ScytheBlade1Sorry, but when I tell AOL to uninstall itself, I expect it to remove itself
22:19.49ScytheBlade1Not one of the ninteen versions that are installed
22:20.04KarlKFIthat's more of a windows thing i would imagine
22:20.12malrethIn Texas, when you're born you're issued your SSN and your gun.
22:20.14ScytheBlade1Other than that, I actually never had any problems with the software causing crap
22:20.17KarlKFIever tried downgrading IE?
22:20.18kd3meh. the funny thing about the y2k problem... I'm more worried about the 2038 problem
22:20.30LunessaActually the Windows95/ME installer/unistaller were kludgey
22:20.42ScytheBlade1Yeah, they really were. It was a pain.
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22:20.44KarlKFIof course it was...
22:20.55KarlKFIand the fact that it came preinstalled didn't help
22:21.05LunessaOur implementation was just as shitty as everyone else's.
22:21.20ScytheBlade1Lunessa: as long as you weren't in charge of marketing, I can tolerate your presense. ;)
22:21.26ScytheBlade1(More of that sarcasm over IRC bit)
22:21.28KarlKFIsee now i didn't have any trouble uninstalling the mac one
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22:21.33KarlKFIjust delete the folder
22:21.52malrethKarlKFI: yeah... same thing here. :)
22:21.57LunessaHah.  I was a programmer.  The only thing I had to do with marketing was dating a girl over there who was ... SMOKIN'
22:22.10malrethi don't date smokers
22:22.21KarlKFIthe har4dest part was getting non-aol browsers to work with aol and being able to play warcraft1,2 and diablo online
22:22.43Lunessamalreth: The girl could start a forest fire by driving by on the freeway.  I almost wish I'd managed to keep her...
22:23.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|2 (n=Adys@
22:23.10KarlKFILunessa, you need a sn that doesn't end in a
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22:23.24LunessaSomeone already has Unkle
22:23.59LunessaAnd I'm not sure my going by Lothay would be much better.
22:24.21KarlKFIi was thinking LunessaMan
22:24.36KarlKFIor something to that effect
22:24.50LunessaI chose this nick ot match what I post with on the WoW forums.
22:25.16KarlKFIfemale wow char?
22:25.16*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
22:25.24XMLbreaksmalreth, Texture:SetTexture() works perfectly
22:25.33XMLbreaksthank you for finding that
22:25.48malrethXMLbreaks: you get to wear the "I'M SUPER SMRT" cape today
22:25.56Dreagaris there a command to clear all waypoints on the worldmap?
22:26.04KarlKFIplease tell me you did not name a texture 'Texture'
22:26.13malrethDreagar: what map addon?
22:26.19Dreagarnone. default world map
22:26.27malrethKarlKFI: i think he's talking about the Object name...
22:26.35JoshBorke~lart malreth
22:26.36purlbreaks out the Hoover and sucks up malreth
22:27.01malrethseems normal to me coming from C++ and all
22:27.15DreagarTomTom places waypoints on teh worldmap, well astrolabe does, but there's no provision to remove them except in tomtom there's somethin that'll get rid of it when you've arrived. (which i can't find)
22:27.16malrethgotta run
22:27.31LunessaKarlKFI:  yeah, my characters are about 50/50 mix sex-wise.
22:27.48Dreagari thought about Region:ClearAllPoints() but what region?
22:28.43KarlKFIit can't be that hard to find
22:28.50IndustrialSaint-N: thanks, kmeleon seem exactly what I want.
22:28.54KarlKFII'm sure astrolab has a remove function
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22:30.04Dreagarhmm. it puts the entry for the worldmap waypoint in a TomTom saved vars file, i gotta figure out how to simply clear that file.. ?
22:30.07Dreagarany ideas?
22:30.39KarlKFIif it's a saved var it's in a global var table
22:32.33ScytheBlade1I'm slowly getting ahold of this "heal everyone quickly" thing
22:32.48ScytheBlade1100k healing total, #1 in this AV by a 30k margin to a #2 hordie
22:33.52Dreagarhmm. so i could call it from my addon?
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22:35.12Dreagari think i may have to wait and ask clad. :(
22:35.43RayneI feel so conformist with this UI im building
22:36.20Rayneone sec
22:37.30Thunder_Childconformist, as in conforming to standard styles
22:37.52ScytheBlade1I know what the word means
22:37.58Thunder_Childi know
22:38.01Thunder_Childbut i was bored
22:39.16Rayne WIP, everythings still getting moved around
22:39.39ScytheBlade1I approve already
22:40.13RayneI still have NO idea what im going to do with the Party frames
22:40.16ScytheBlade1Should be self explanatory
22:42.00LunessaRayne: I'd do them in a horizontal row, below either the chat frame or your action bars.
22:42.47RayneI was thinking centered in the bottom too
22:43.09RayneCause I know for a fact, thats where Grid is going
22:44.34RayneMy only current nitpick with it...
22:45.30Rayne The chat box is a little larger than the UI and Action Bar box, and I dont want to shrink the daylights out of the chatbox, nor make the UF box look too bulky.
22:45.43Thunder_ChildVM ftw!
22:46.59LunessaRayne: Most people de-emphasize chat.  I say that's a poor choice. This is a social game and chat is critical.  
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22:49.01Lunessafire alarm... gg
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22:52.15Thunder_Childlol @ (though damn them puns)
22:52.16clad|sleepDreagar: /way reset
22:52.18clad|sleepits always been there
22:53.12cladhairein addition to being listed on the addons webpage
22:54.32Dreagarhmm. /way reset will remove waypoints from the worldmap?
22:54.45cladhaireyou can also do /way reset zonename
22:54.50cladhaireand it'll just remove them from the zone
22:55.02cladhairethis has been listed on the TomTom addon webpage, since the addon came out, FYI
22:55.47Dreagaromg. well that'll teach me. i was lookin thru the lua to find somethin. lol
22:56.50Dreagarlemme see if i can make it work myself before i ask any other stupid questions. lol
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22:58.31Dreagarok. that was fast. lol. how do i run a slash command in an addon?
22:58.34Dreagarin lua?
22:58.49DreagarTomTom:way reset?
22:59.21Dreagardidn't think so
22:59.22Cidefor GOD'S SAKE
22:59.28cladhairewhy do you ned to run it programtically?
22:59.34cladhaireis this for the damn leveling guide?
22:59.57Dreagar.. yea
23:00.29cladhairei didn't mean it to come across like that
23:00.36cladhairei have distaste for it, but not that much :P
23:00.47cladhairewell i'd look at the handler for /way reset
23:00.50cladhaireand figure out how to remove them yourself
23:00.55cladhaireso you can selectively remove waypoints
23:01.02cladhaireuntil i release the next version of tomtom
23:01.43Dreagaroh, i really just wanna get rid of all of em.
23:01.52cHaoi guess i shouldn't ask what this "leveling guide" is that you have such a distaste for... :)
23:01.55Dreagari'll see what i figure tho
23:01.57Lunessafalse alarm.  
23:02.10Thunder_Childto bad Lunessa
23:02.15cladhairethen you can run the handler
23:02.16Thunder_Childfire is fun
23:02.27LunessaNot if it means I have to look for a new job...
23:02.28cladhairefiguring out how shouldn't be hard, or you can simply call the slash command handler via the SLASH_CMD global
23:02.58Dreagarcould i also do DEFAULT_CHAT_MESSAGE:AddMessage("/way reset");
23:03.25cHaoi think that'd just put the text in the chat window...but eh.
23:03.28ScytheBlade1That'll simply add "/way reset" to the chat box
23:03.53cHaoi'm pretty new to the addon stuff myself :)
23:04.01Dreagarahh too good to be true. one of these days. my first guess will be right. lol
23:08.27ScytheBlade1When that day comes, you won't be guessing. ;)
23:11.08cHaodoes anyone know of a way to see whether an account is a trial account, other than by trying to trade with them or something?
23:11.45Raynedo do do
23:13.54ShirikcHao: Pretty sure you wouldn't have access to that
23:13.57Shirikthat seems pretty privileged
23:14.37cHaoit can't be but so privileged -- it affects the ways the trial players and the paid ones can interact...
23:15.17Shirikin fact, to the point where if you're not extremely close to me you wouldn't even know
23:16.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Intangir (
23:16.30Intangirmikma: hey you there?
23:16.35Intangiryou still getting errors on that addon?
23:16.47Intangiri tried to run without any other addons again last night, and i couldnt seem to reproduce any errors again
23:16.53Intangireven htough i thought i had gotten some before...
23:17.10cHaoso blocking group invites from trial accounts probably isn't going to be an option... :P
23:18.11ShirikAnd in all honesty I don't see why you should have access to that information
23:18.12Intangirwhats up?
23:18.33ShirikI know it would be nice to block those kinds of spammers, but it's also an invasion of privacy on those trying to check out the game
23:18.36mikmaIntangir: haven't been playing much lately
23:19.07Intangirmikma: well if your using the newest version and see some. ill try and fix them if you send me them
23:19.07ShirikAnd personally I'm not one who believes in sacrificing legit users to take care of problematic ones
23:19.12Intangiryou can just whsiper me a link to the errors any time
23:19.14DreagarSLASH_TomTom_cmd_way.Way_Reset();  ?
23:19.23Intangiror post them on the page
23:19.51IntangirShirik: i agree with that
23:20.11Dreagari swear i've tried every combination i can think of to get this working and i'm just not thinkin of the right one
23:20.21CideDreagar: because you're entirely, completely wrong
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23:20.31cHaoi'm not for it either.  i just don't want to go and block the lvl 1's half a world away, only to have them go out, kill a dozen wolves, and be able to spam me again.  :P
23:20.33Cideread. learn. do.
23:20.38IntangirDreagar: what are you talking about?
23:20.48Cidehe's stupid
23:20.58Cides/ / being stupid /
23:21.16IntangircHao: i saw this one addon, that when someone not on your friends list or guild messages you, it makes them type you a special keyword before you actually see it
23:21.19Intangirseems handy
23:21.20Intangiri dont use it
23:21.25Intangirbut if you really get spammed alot that would be ideal
23:21.30Intangiri dont get spammed anymore.. like AT ALL
23:21.34Intangiron mug'thol
23:21.41Intangiri havent been spammed for a couple months at least
23:21.48Intangirim not usually on till after 9pm though maybe thats part of it
23:21.49foxlitIf that solution became widely deployed, it would be easily circumvented
23:21.55foxlitSo it's kind of lousy
23:21.55ScytheBlade1Mmm, doomhammer. Where the people outnumber the spammers to the point where you simply don't get spams.
23:22.16Intangirfoxlit: still good for now
23:22.29Intangirtry having a china gold farmer on your aim list who wont stop messaging you
23:22.33Intangirand for some reason your block doesnt work
23:22.46Dreagari know im wrong. and i'm readin the stupid wiki page by freakin page with everything about damn slash commands and i can't find anyting other than how to damn create the stupid things
23:23.07Cideif you know how to create them
23:23.14Cidecan't you figure out how TomTom's are created?
23:23.23Cideread. learn. do.
23:23.48Lunessaor you could, you know, read the Tom-Tom's code...
23:24.05Lunessaclad is a very slick programmer and his code is VERY readable.
23:24.23DreagarI know how they are created. I'm not sure how to call the slash command from within a different addon.
23:24.30Shirikcladhaire is a noob
23:24.34cHaoseems simple enough to call SlashCmdList["ADDONNAME"](...)
23:24.41cladhaireLunessa: tomtom kinda sucks to read
23:24.42Cideyou know
23:24.42Shirikyou all act like he wrote a book on WoW Lua or something
23:24.46Cideif you just give him all the answers
23:24.53Cidehe'll sit here and just ask all the fucking time
23:24.58ScytheBlade1Boo @ Cide
23:24.59Cidebut maybe I'm only the one annoyed by that.
23:25.01ScytheBlade1That's all I ever doo ;P
23:25.06ShirikCide: Totally agree
23:25.27Lunessahah... I haven't read that, but PerfectRaid and gctweak weren't bad.. so I assumed. My bad. :P
23:25.33Shirik"Give a man a fish, he eats for a day"
23:25.54LunessaQFT even
23:26.09Taeri"give a man a fishing pole, and he'll whine about why he couldn't just get a fish instead" ;p
23:26.12foxlitPoison the fish, and he'll not spend a day hungry in his remaining life.
23:26.23Shirikwtf ><
23:26.30ScytheBlade1Yes @ poison
23:26.56Shirik~weather kdab
23:27.16cHaothanks for sharing?
23:27.20Taeridamnit, I need some method of making my boyfriend make me food more often
23:27.37Shirik~lart cHao
23:27.37purlstrangles cHao with a doohicky mouse cord
23:28.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Kelfarr (
23:28.57cladhaireLunessa: its better than most people
23:29.14cladhairebut lots of my code begins in proof of concept mode
23:29.16cladhairejust making sure i can actually do what i want to do
23:29.20cladhairei tend to rush that, and forget my good design decisions along the way, at times
23:29.28Lunessacladhaire: *nod* Which is why I said you were slick and your code is readable.
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23:30.26foxlitYou wouldn't believe how many times I fixed the same issue
23:32.27Dreagarok, so i've got part of it. just can't figure the rest.
23:32.37Cidesucks to be you.
23:33.12Shirikadobe acrobat ftl!
23:33.12Dreagarlooking at the source code.
23:33.22foxlitThey still call it acrobat?
23:33.23ShirikIt can't print pages if the page numers are numbered differently
23:33.32Shirikwhatever they call it
23:33.36ShirikI can't print page 17!
23:33.45ShirikBecause page 17 is known both as page 17 and 39
23:33.45foxlitThat just sounds odd
23:33.53ShirikAnd I do page 17 and it picks the other 17
23:33.57Shirikand I do page 39 and it does the other 39
23:34.22foxlitSelect one, print selection?
23:34.22ShirikThe only way I can print it out is if I do "current page"
23:34.28ShirikBut I need to print 500 pages!
23:34.46*** part/#wowi-lounge Aiyee (
23:34.49cHaoso, print the whole thing, then do the missing pages?
23:34.52Dreagarnil. sigh. and apparently it's so easy i should be able to find it somewhere.
23:35.18Cideyes, you should might help
23:35.57Cideif you've read it all every time I've linked it to you, you should either know lua very well, or you should probably not be a programmer
23:36.10Cidegiven that I've linked it like 10 times
23:36.23Cidebecause you're misunderstanding pretty simple lua concepts
23:36.47Cideand yes, I'm a huge asshole
23:36.57NightHawkTheSaneand that's why we love you.
23:37.01KarlKFIcide's such a meany
23:37.18cladhairewhat cide is trying to say
23:37.30cladhaireis the people in this channel are willing to help you understand and talk through concepts based on code or your understandings
23:37.35ScytheBlade118:36 <+Cide> and yes, I'm a huge asshole
23:37.39ScytheBlade1Sounds pretty clear to me.
23:37.43KarlKFIRecode CTRA!
23:37.46cladhairethey're not, however, willing to play code roulette with you guessing picking and choosing until you finally hit on the right code
23:37.49ScytheBlade1Not seeing any uh, misinterpreation there
23:37.52KarlKFI>.>  <.<
23:37.53CideKarlKFI: WIP
23:38.11KarlKFIuh huh, SURE it is
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23:38.30KarlKFIscreenshots or it didn't happen
23:38.34Cideto be released the day after DNF
23:39.03ScytheBlade1Yeah that's about right
23:39.09Dreagaras i've told you all in the past. i'm NOT a programmer. i'm tryin to learn. all i've done is two classes in Java in school. and had to damn drop out because my daughter was born and now i'm doing myvery best to learn it all on my own because no one thinks i damn well can and i want to help a friend who knows even less than me. i'm doin my damn best here and i apologize for not havin the knowledge you all take for granted.
23:39.33Cairenndeep breath everyone
23:39.56kergothDreagar: they don't take it for granted, they just won't do your work or reading for you.
23:40.05KarlKFIlawl cidee
23:40.30KarlKFIrefactoring all the file names doesn't count!
23:40.44Cideoh noes, I be caught!
23:41.02Dreagarallright. i get u. you're not teachers or anything.
23:41.10Cidewe can be
23:41.11KarlKFIclad is!
23:41.14Cidebut teachers get paid
23:41.25NightHawkTheSaneteachers get to fail you for using words like 'u'
23:41.27KarlKFIwants to be?
23:41.36NightHawkTheSanewe, on the other hand, only have verbal degradation.
23:41.38TaeriMy teacher teached me how to read stuff, so I could learn on my own.
23:41.49foxlitweak, Taeri.
23:41.53cHaoteached?  :)
23:41.54CideDreagar: we don't take much knowledge for granted.
23:41.55foxlitFigure out how to read on your own next time!
23:42.07KarlKFIi just ate $5 of misc candy.... entering sugar coma
23:42.10Kasoyour teacher taught you to spell well
23:42.13Kaso(im so slow)
23:42.30CideDreagar: however, if I see that you can't comprehend basic lua syntax or concepts, I'll just forward you to
23:42.34Cideit's an excellent resource for learning lua
23:42.44KarlKFIit's also written like a manual
23:42.50NightHawkTheSaneKarlKFI: only $5? either it was cheapass candy and that's not a -sugar- coma, or your have a low tolerance :P
23:43.06Cidewhile I could probably teach you, PIL likely does a way better job
23:43.09KarlKFIit was from a candy store so it was like a pound
23:43.23KarlKFImostly sour gumi things
23:43.32Lunessawtf is it with every damned student doing projects or papers on WoW?  I mean FFS...
23:43.50TaeriKaso: my english teacher was a russian who barely even spoke english.
23:44.01KarlKFIlets see, we spend copious hours and months playing it... why not get school credit?
23:44.02LunessaLogin to any of my regular forums "please fill out my (poorly written) research survey so I can do a pjt on WoW"
23:44.15KasoSeems like a bad choice for an english teacher..
23:44.38TaeriKaso: We tried telling the school that, but they kept slapping her degrees in our faces.
23:44.40KarlKFIlawl Lunessa, I blam eme.
23:45.03TaeriWe didn't understand her english OR norwegian (I'm Norwegian!)
23:45.18NightHawkTheSaneLunessa: thats when you go to their surveys and do your best to massively skew their data
23:45.34LunessaTheir data are already massively skewed.  
23:46.01NightHawkTheSane"is", but yeah, probably
23:46.28cogwheelNightHawkTheSane: wrong
23:46.35foxlit"I also plugged the survey on the WoW User Interface Forum."
23:46.37cogwheeldata is the plural of datum
23:46.43foxlitplugged is such a nice word!
23:47.02NightHawkTheSanecogwheel: oh? fair enough, It just looked incorrect as it was.
23:47.30Cairennheh, can't sub on emotes
23:47.43cogwheeli figured it would do nothing
23:47.45NightHawkTheSaneand it's not precisely clever about it's replacements either.
23:47.56KarlKFIWrong: sata is a hdd interface
23:49.00foxlit"Note: The ranges I chose for this question were a little arbitrary.  They are user groups that I suspect to exist: kids, high-schoolers, college age, adults, and old people." qq, 46+ is old
23:49.25Cairenn"adults and old people" ... o.O
23:49.46KarlKFIhow would you break it down?
23:49.56KarlKFImature adults?
23:49.59Thunder_Childi think 55+ is old now
23:50.07foxlitFind out what the retirement age is
23:50.10NightHawkTheSanepfft. 30+ is old! :P
23:50.15Cairennby definition, "college age" (with the rare exception) and "old people" are all "adults"
23:50.25NightHawkTheSane(retirement is 65, as far as I recall)
23:50.41Cairenndepends on the country, no doubt
23:50.51NightHawkTheSaneTrue, I meant in the US.
23:50.52Thunder_ChildCairenn, when you start having to wear dipers again, your not an "adult"
23:51.12Cairennalso, depends on the field of work - try telling a 65 year old farmer that he is "retired"
23:51.34KarlKFIok, but my grandparents are fully functional and autonomous and are well over 75 and i would call them old...
23:51.38Dreagarpil. a page that has a million different links. and a hundred different things to look at to someone who only really 'gets' part of it. is like looking for a needle in a haystack for me. look thru this stuff you don't understand completely, to figure out what it is you're not understanding. grats. i give up. really don't need the 20 bucks i was gettin for writin the thing anyways.
23:51.38cogwheelI think "seniors" would have worked a bit better
23:51.44Cairenncogwheel: indeed
23:52.28cogwheelDreagar: you were getting ripped off imo
23:52.39NightHawkTheSaneCairenn: well, I'm referring fairly specifically to the age at which you can retire and begin to claim full SS benefits. Beyond that, there's really no other definable age for retirement. It's whenever you can and want to. :P
23:52.48cHaoyeah....$20 is chump change for programming
23:53.21foxlitprint("Hello world"); -- done, wru, $20?
23:53.46NightHawkTheSanefoxlit: pfft. Add a couple lines of comments, and that's easily $100 at least. ;)
23:53.46KarlKFIwell considering the number 46+ that responded was like 1.16% ....  
23:54.00KarlKFIthat and it was more of an afterthought and not really the purpose of the survey
23:54.19Dreagaryer right tho Cide. you're not bein an asshole. i need to understand that stuff if i'm gonna keep doin this. and if the only way is to read and reread pil till i have it figured out, well it's that or quit. and since i'm quarantined at home with my daughter 24/7... i have nothing else to do. i promise to try not to ask more questions.
23:54.25CideI am an asshole
23:54.31Cideno doubt about it
23:54.41KarlKFIhad i had better survey software I would have had them just input their age
23:54.45foxlitCouldn't fit in -- but that kitten is cute :)
23:54.54foxlitI would've gone for occupation, really :)
23:55.08foxlitBut then again, depends on what you wanted
23:55.30CideDreagar: honestly, you'd be better off reading pil from start to finish (or at least until you hit stuff like metatables, which are likely too advanced to care about for you)
23:55.48Cideand feel free to ask questions about specific things in PIL you don't understand
23:55.54KarlKFIblah, I haven't even read pil cover to cover, but i bet you knew that
23:55.56cHaothere's no problem with asking long as you're not asking questions on the language itself, which you already should have some grasp of
23:56.21cHao(the channel's not called #lua... :P )
23:56.29Cidesuch as, "why doesn't this [small example] work?", or "what does this [functioncall] do, exactly?" -- NOT: "help me do this", or "how can I do that?"
23:56.47CairennI think the point has been made guys, don't have to beat it into a bloody pulp
23:58.26KarlKFIoh, plus it's fun to compare the 13-18 range of 5 years has almost as much addon coders as the 26-45 group with a 19 year range
23:59.13KarlKFIbut yeah, those options make for a bad graph
23:59.18KarlKFIneed standard ranges
23:59.22cHaoprobably correlates a bit to the age stats on wow players....but that's just a guess
23:59.34KarlKFI" I would guess that the general age of the WoW user base would be shifted downward from this bell curve."

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