IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071210

00:04.24*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
00:07.02*** join/#wowi-lounge testleK (n=keltset@
00:07.37testleKDoes anyone know what I have to do to get ride of the zone name square above my minimap lol?
00:07.53testleK*get rid
00:12.43art3misinstall a map mod like ricos minimap and select remove zone name ;P
00:13.07WobworkThat's scarily addictive
00:14.40testleKyeah I did install rico and it removed the name but left the cell with the x
00:14.48testleKthats the problem im having :P
00:17.44Thunder_Childtry simpleminimap, i think it works better
00:18.21testleKalright ill test thataone
00:21.22*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
00:24.05art3mis  <-- for anyone thats seen idiocracy
00:24.13art3misBrando the thirst mutilator
00:24.22art3misit's got elecrotlyes
00:24.34art3miselectrolytes, cuz thats what plants crave
00:26.20KasoI saw on facebook that they were going to make it in real life
00:26.23Kasopretty awesome
00:30.57Corrodiasfox is more depraved than i previously imagined
00:33.17Thunder_Childthey cant be that depraved, they made futurama
00:33.54Kasothey did cancel futurama though..
00:34.02Thunder_Childand bring it back
00:34.14Thunder_Childlimited allbeit
00:34.23Kasostill, gotta loose some points for losing faith
00:35.09Corrodiaswhen you say "made"...
00:35.35Corrodiasfrom what i can tell, Fox and the sci-fi channel are mainly in the business of dropping good shows to replace them with cruddy ones
00:35.48Corrodiasi'm not sure how this translates into profits
00:36.23KasoGood shows are usually expensive to make
00:36.49Kasothey want to drop as many as they can and replace them with cheap-ass realtity tv
00:37.07Corrodiasand apparently, in the latter case, wrestling
00:37.28testleKThunder_Child, thanks simple worked just fine
00:37.39Thunder_ChildtestleK, welcome
00:46.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
00:46.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
01:26.26Rayne yup
01:33.53Thunder_Childdamit, why will yum not work!!
01:34.36*** part/#wowi-lounge testleK (n=keltset@
01:39.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
01:45.32bleeterWobwork: you tried it?
01:45.59bleetergeneral question: can the coresDetected setting in WTF/ be changed from 2 to 1 to force single core operation?
01:47.39*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
01:56.26bleeterWobwork: my only concern is that it does modify data traffic to Blizz, although I'd say not the important data... but still, wouldn't wanna get banned for it :/
01:56.48bleeterWobwork: I mean to say, Blizz could be asshats and claim modification
01:58.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
02:01.35leethalis there any other casting bar mods than Quartz that shows ya the latency inside the casting bar?
02:02.32dylanmAzcastbar probably.
02:02.35leethalnot that Quartz is a bad choice, just randomly looking for alternatives
02:02.40leethalthanks, I'll check that out
02:18.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
02:21.56*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
02:25.51bleeterCairenn: ping
02:26.03Cairennbleeter: pong
02:28.39Mike-N-GoIs there any reason for a hunter to collect fire riest gear?
02:29.04Mike-N-GoI am a hunter in a raiding guild, for some reason, I have several pices of fire rist gear..
02:49.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
02:55.37kergothwonder why blizzard didnt make #show work when using /click.. you'd think itd show the icon of the button you're clicking
03:02.46IrielThat would require a lot of work
03:02.57Irieland there's no guarantee that the target of the /click is an action button
03:02.59Irielyou can click *ANY* buttton object
03:03.04Iriel(well, any with a name)
03:22.01*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden- (
04:01.21bleeterwth? hunter snakes do dmg to unflagged players?!
04:13.42Mr_Rabies2well, they're not flagged themselves afaik
04:13.57Mr_Rabies2they're just considered hostile to whoever triggers it i guess?
04:14.12Mr_Rabies2i dunno how you triggered the trap if you weren't flagged though
04:15.36*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
04:16.55bleeterhorde flagged, walks up to me who's unflagged, puts snake trap under me, i take dmg
04:17.09bleeterhorde flagged, walks up to FP master, puts trap under him, he dies, birds don't aggro
04:27.33IrielHm, sounds like the sap problem (rogues could sap without getting flagged -- that got fixed)
04:28.05*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm_ (
04:29.57Xuerianbleeter: IIRC, they've said SSH tunneling is allowed but not supported
04:30.18IrielI've had to use SSH tunnelling to connect from work , so that's good to hear
04:30.56XuerianWell, I thought I read a blue post to that accord when I glanced over one of the topics. Would probably be best to check bluetracker
04:37.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
04:40.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
04:44.11ScytheBlade1Interesting thread:
04:44.30ScytheBlade1Hightly technical thread on how to reduce pings... largely just with linux
04:44.51bleeterScytheBlade1: yeah, had a bit of a chat about that earlier
04:45.22ScytheBlade1I just noticed the thread...
04:45.30bleeterstill unsure whether it's modifying the data to an extent that blizz might ban you tho
04:45.47bleetercan't see why, imo prolly just better if they have a config option for TCP_NODELAY ;)
04:45.55ScytheBlade1No kidding
04:46.40bleeterI'm actually suprised they don't already use it =)
04:47.18bleetertho maybe the network code's prolly really old, and not been looked at fer ages
04:47.53ScytheBlade1It's not like this is overly new networking though ;)
04:49.53Thunder_Childah aha! i have problems.
04:50.33bleeterScytheBlade1: I'll give them benefit of the doubt, and say the code's not been looked at since optimised for POTS ;)
04:50.51bleeter(if, in fact, it was actually optimised for POTS)
04:51.18IrielScytheBlade1: I think it can
04:51.34ScytheBlade1I dunno... if you read the "technical post" that is linked to /., you'll notice that the NODELAY stuff was implimented ~1980s ;)
04:51.36XinhuanIriel, can you confirm that friendsframe.lua:990 has a typo?
04:51.45ScytheBlade1Iriel: yeah, but which flags is what I'm wondering ;)
04:52.01Irielthough obviously NODELAY has nothingt o do with that
04:52.48ScytheBlade1Isn't that exactly what the thread in question is doing though? Throwing on the NODELAY flag?
04:52.55Xinhuanthe typo is causing the guild control frame to "reset" on GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE
04:53.07IrielBut IIRC that's a flag on the socket, not the data
04:53.37IrielAnd if you turn that on for an app that isn't expecting it you can significantly hurt thoughput
04:53.46ScytheBlade1That's what I'm wondering now, if I can just apply a broad rule to my router and call it good
04:54.05bleeterif you can set it as a rule for the WoW data port
04:54.33bleeterwhich is what that post is doing, though inevitably a pain if you're on multiple battlegroups, etc.
04:54.43IrielXinhuan: Nothing obvious -- why do you THINK it has a typo?
04:54.55XinhuanUIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(GuildControlPopupFrameDropDown, 1);
04:55.00Xinhuanthe "1" should be "i"
04:55.16IrielAh yes, you are correct
04:55.19Xinhuanbecause it resets the dropdown value to the guildmaster errorneously
04:55.22IrielI shall send that to slouken if you'd like?
04:55.29Xinhuanyes please do
04:56.03Xinhuani've had a [bug] post somewhere on this with no replies
04:56.08ScytheBlade1Meh, I play with a 95ms ping anyways
04:56.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (n=skullsho@2002:44cd:fc73:0:0:0:44cd:fc73)
04:56.28Xinhuanneed a link to it to alert slouken?
04:56.28*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Shirik] by ChanServ
04:56.48IrielNah, I can explain this one in an email, if you HAVE a link though, send it my way
04:57.25bleeterScytheBlade1: anyways, I asked someone to ask someone to ask slouken etc on both a ruling for modifying packets, and get the game code adjusted. no promises on reply, tho. guess just wait and see when the Blizz Blues wake up tomorrow ;)
04:57.32Xinhuanthats the link
04:57.43bleeterScytheBlade1: it'd be interesting to see if Tigerclaw has a better 'solution' for OSX ;)
04:58.07ScytheBlade1bleeter: indeed
04:59.10IrielXinhuan: Thanks, Sent it off
04:59.16Xinhuanty :)
04:59.25bleeterXuerian: nice catch :)
04:59.30bleeter~fail bleeter
04:59.31purlbleeter: Fail.
04:59.33bleeterXinhuan: nice catch
04:59.44ScytheBlade1Yeah, actually thinking about all of this now, it's simply a socket option and nothing that you can modify mid-stream... so the proxy is pretty much enforced to set the flag in question
04:59.51Xinhuani had to add a temporary hack to libroster to hook and unregister the GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE event from guildcontrolpopup in the meantime
04:59.58Xuerianbleeter: Heh, yep.
05:03.07Xinhuanyou need a name change!
05:03.17XuerianI've had this name for years o_0
05:03.27Xinhuanthis is my real name, its unchangable ;p
05:04.26XuerianOk, well... You've got me there
05:04.39Xuerianbut technically, it's changeable.
05:04.56XuerianAlmost changed mine to Xuerian, too :p
05:04.57Xinhuanok but not without exorbitant name changing government procedures ;p
05:04.58IrielWell, if you're using an SSH tunnel, you DO have to worry about what it's doing in terms of buffering, compression, etc.
05:05.15Xinhuanbtw, i'll like to say i am using a SSH tunnel atm
05:05.23Xinhuan500-600ms ---> 230 ms
05:05.44Xinhuanand the flunctuation from 230 is barely +- 10ms
05:05.50XuerianI wish a SSH tunnel would get rid of Sprintlink's utter fail in my  area
05:06.21bleeterI'm sure all of Telstra Australia could be replaced by a single SSH Tunnel, they're that much fail
05:06.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
05:06.49Xinhuanseveral guilds on my server have paid for dedicated guild-only bandwidth to allow their members to SSH tunnel thru that
05:07.08Xinhuanif you split the vandwidth costs up, its barely $1 per month, compared to lowerping's $7
05:07.49Xinhuanand each guild would have its own ssh server ip to tunnel thru
05:07.53ScytheBlade1And it's not like WoW is that bandwidth intensive
05:07.59Xinhuanit isn't
05:08.14Xinhuanin a 25-man raid setting, the avg is 30 mb per hour per person
05:09.31bleeterI just gotta work out a way to switch realms/battlegroups easily :/
05:09.37Xinhuanthe numbers are accurate in both what proxifier, the ssh and what ingame-bandwidth figures from te wow API gives
05:10.23ScytheBlade1That's really a lot less than what I expected (8.5kB/sec in a 25-man)
05:10.39ScytheBlade1But it also explains why the NODELAY option would be invaluable
05:10.44Xinhuanperformacefu shows you some bandwidth figures
05:10.50Xinhuanthose are acurrate
05:12.12Xuerian(Far Sight is so nifty.)
05:16.38*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
05:24.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
05:29.07*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
05:37.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:39.56art3misOh, boy, here we go again. Another occasion for Sirius/XM partisans to throw down in our forum. If only this evergreen argument could be conducted under Thunderdome rules! But no, it’s always a dozens-enter, no-one-convinces-anyone-else, everyone-leaves situation.
05:41.33Thunder_Childi havent been keeping up, is a patch coming out tue?
05:41.42art3misprolly not
05:41.49art3misbut winterveil should be starting
05:43.04Thunder_Childi dont do the festival things
06:12.03*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
06:12.56batrick--> test
06:12.56batbotbatrick: > nil
06:13.19Mike-N-Go--> print (nil or _)
06:13.19batbotMike-N-Go: nil
06:15.35MentalPowernil or nil is nil
06:15.51MentalPower(nil or nil) == nil
06:35.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=njbcc@
06:41.08*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
06:49.49*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
06:49.49*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
06:50.06Cairennnight guys
06:52.24art3misni ni dollface
06:53.31art3misi wonder if metalocolypse started as an idea from Skab in home movies
06:54.03art3misThunder_Child: you should do the winterveil stuff, being a snowman is fun!
06:54.14Thunder_Childart3mis, not really worth it
06:54.41art3misits totally worth it
06:54.47art3misyou get to kill the greench!
06:54.59Thunder_Childat 39?
06:55.19art3misi thought you had a 70
06:55.24Thunder_Childi do
06:55.36art3misbut yeah at 39 its possible i think
06:55.41art3misjust group with a 70 or 2
06:55.51Thunder_Childagain, not worth it
06:56.56art3mismore fun than questing and mindlessly farming
06:58.21Thunder_Childmeh, happens every year, same grind different day
06:59.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
06:59.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
07:08.16bleeterso it turns out moroes hates my guild. after trying on and off for a week or two, different group makeups and approaches, they apparently get him to ~10-15%...
07:08.25bleeter... and the server disconnects everyone in the raid
07:08.49greppybleeter: that isn't Moroes, that is a deity somewhere, outside of WoW
07:09.31bleetergreppy: $10 says the diety's deity is moroes ;) :P
07:09.58greppyIn World-as-Myth, that is possible :)
07:10.33bleeterIriel/Mr_Rabies2: GM's told me the PvP snake trap exploit is known
07:10.34art3misither that or you've all got a phase change bug in yer raid addon ;P
07:10.50art3mispvp snake trap?
07:10.56art3misthey broke intervene too
07:10.59break19bleeter: somewhat similar issue.. 3 AVs in a row, right after I entered the BG, my whole game froze up, couldnt even switch to windowed mode, had to cmd-option-esc to force-quit it, and even that took a while, restarted and re-entered the AV and was good to go until the next one.
07:11.02art3misit doesnt care about obstructions
07:11.20bleeterart3mis: flagged hunter snake trap will cause dmg to unflagged players
07:11.32break19bleeter: rofl. nice
07:11.47bleetercausing much ownage @ SS earlier on my realm
07:12.00bleeterspam trapping the FP
07:12.03art3misi guess thats to make up for hunters sucking
07:12.10break19good info to know. *runs off to harrass camp taurajo*
07:12.12art3misgives them another way to avoid death ;p
07:12.21bleeteradditionally, it *appeared* as though the trap under the flight master didn't trigger the adds for his defense
07:12.34bleeterthough couldn't quite tell, was pretty busy in the UI ;)
07:16.54bleetergreppy: you may find this interesting, I seem to recall you mentioning your ping was ~250ms
07:25.07Mike-N-GoA question to the hunters out there: frenzy, when can do you know a mob has it? other then spamming your bar, or seeing things w/growth spurts.
07:25.18greppybleeter: ummm nope, not me :)  most of the time I hang in the 115 or so range.
07:26.12Xinhuanif you :SetPoint("topleft", nil, "topleft", 0, 0), does the nil reference point default to UIParent in behavior?
07:26.52bleeterMike-N-Go: unsure, I think any decent raid/boss mod will tell you, though
07:27.29Mike-N-GoCould just put it at the end of my steady shot macro.. but how do I keep the 'can not cast' sound from going!
07:27.39Mike-N-Gobleeter: Trash in SSC, does not tell one.
07:28.32art3misturn off those annoying sounds?
07:29.02Mike-N-GoYah, art3mis.
07:30.04art3missorry the question mark shouldt have been there ;)
07:30.17Mike-N-Goart3mis: How
07:30.31bleeterdisconnect speakers? /shrug
07:30.55art3miserror speech in the sound meu i think
07:31.06bleetersounds about right
07:31.15art3misi dot play with any sound on so...
07:31.54Mike-N-GoI play with iTunes on
07:33.13art3misits the saddest futurama
07:34.37purlAll glory to the hypnotoad! CLAP. CLAP.
07:57.52*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
08:10.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Riffage (
08:11.45Mike-N-Go"If it looks like a female, walks like a female, talks like a female, and strips down at a mailbox like a female, it's probably a 13 year old boy. But not always." --BigRedKitty ( via )
08:12.32*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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08:16.54*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (n=leethal@
08:19.35Wobinhow can I find the ip of my wow server?
08:21.06bleeterthere's a wowwiki page...
08:21.20bleeter(1) you can tcpdump port 3724 fer a start ... ;)
08:21.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
08:22.23bleetertcpdump's prolly far more reliable tho, not sure if that page is out of date etc.
08:25.08Mike-N-GoWobin: Sniff yer packets?
08:25.26WobinMy Box has no nose!
08:26.11IrielHm, that datacenter list is out of date
08:26.36bleeterIriel: not suprised, there's some comment on the Talk page indicating as much
08:27.10IrielI know there are wow servers in one of the data centers we have stuff in (but I wont say where, for obvious reasons) but it's not a location on that list.
08:27.38bleeterIriel: I bet I know where!
08:27.43bleeterIriel: THE USA! :P
08:28.06Wobinhe could mean Oceania
08:28.11Wobinwhich is why he's not saying =)
08:28.26Irielbleeter: heh
08:28.38bleeterWobin: if Iriel was indicating there's a DC in Oceania... I'd be putting money on Iriel on some heavy non-prescription drugs
08:29.04bleeterman, I wonder if the servers the game's run on has NOWAIT
08:29.22bleeter'coz as various sources say, it's not a configurable in the Linux kernel
08:47.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Hallucinosis (n=Hallucin@
09:05.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
09:08.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
09:16.36ccoxDude - Moroes is the second easiest boss in Kara....
09:17.04ccoxof course, he needs to be double tanked, but he's a cakewalk
09:17.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
09:17.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
09:25.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Pandya (
09:26.58Corrodiasi like fights that take coordination but not necessarily great gear
09:46.34art3misyay got my glad staff
09:48.57ccoxCoorodias - well, you got that all over kara
10:06.50*** join/#wowi-lounge reqol (
10:11.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
10:16.04*** part/#wowi-lounge thekip (
10:19.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Lonny (
10:49.36*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
10:52.49AnduinLothardoes RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE fire when a member summons a pet?
10:56.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
11:09.43*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
11:10.22Maldiviaohh... a Russian localized version of WoW was announced
11:16.38amrobout time
11:17.08Tem|Sleeplike a week ago
11:18.46*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
11:18.59amrooh the irony, I'm writing an article about time but I don't have enough time to finish it
11:19.07*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
11:27.18*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
11:32.47|Pixel|12:17 <+Tem|Sleep> like a week ago
11:32.50|Pixel|interesting :)
11:33.00|Pixel|this has been officially announced a few hours ago only :P
11:33.09Tem|SleepI read it online somewhere last week
11:34.41Tem|Sleepah, that's it
11:34.44Tem|Sleepso 8 days ago
11:43.19*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
11:43.44*** join/#wowi-lounge iluc (
11:44.20*** part/#wowi-lounge iluc (
11:47.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Bibi (
12:00.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (
12:12.17cladhairecan you guys throw out words for me that may need to be defined to someone just starting with addons?
12:17.01Maldiviastuff like: API, table, frame, secure template, hook ?
12:17.26Maldiviaor are you talking using?
12:20.12JoshBorkealpha, scale, anchor
12:21.55JoshBorkebutton, uiobject, WTY CAN'T I SEE MY FRAME?!
12:22.46cladhaireMaldivia: table and frame are basic Lua things, already introduced
12:22.50cladhairemore the things josh suggedsted
12:23.03JoshBorkeWTF rather
12:23.17Maldiviacladhaire: since when is Frame a basic lua thing :)
12:23.29cladhaireframe isn't
12:23.29cladhairetable it.
12:23.33cladhairemy mistake,.
12:23.44Maldiviabut wasn't sure if you meant for creating addons or for using addons
12:26.01Maldiviaevent-handling, OnUpdate
12:29.19Maldivia.toc (## Version, load-order of files)
12:29.24cladhairethose are topics
12:29.29Maldiviaok :)
12:29.31cladhairethat are alreayd covered in the book
12:29.41cladhairei'm loking for terms, that would be appropriate in a glossary
12:30.41Maldiviaahh, ok - helps to know what the words are for, to come up with the right ones :)
12:30.56cladhaireits for a glossary
12:32.46Industrialeh how do I match something 8 times in a pattern again? %x{8} ?
12:35.23Industriallua> t='|cff000000Foo|r' t=t:gsub('|c%x{8}(.+)|r','%1') print(t)
12:35.23lua_botIndustrial: |cff000000Foo|r
12:36.36*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
12:47.23Maldivialua> t='|cff000000Foo|r' t=t:gsub('|c' .. ('%x'):rep(8) .. '(.+)|r','%1') print(t)
12:47.23lua_botMaldivia: Foo
12:48.52Industrialyeah ugly :(
12:49.10IndustrialI also want my or! (|) :P
12:49.24Maldiviago write a full regex implementation then
13:14.04Industrialuhm, can I get an error log with stack trace etc like the taint log?
13:14.51Industrialmy wow is hanging on load :\
13:19.18Industrialit was an AddMessage hook that wasn't returning
13:19.30Industrialwhy would that hang wow.. instead of just not showing any text ..
13:23.08Maldiviaany method that hangs, hangs the entire UI, thus the entire client
13:25.12Industrialyes but how would it hang if all I did was comment out the return - wouldnt it still return?
13:26.39Industrialoh well :)
13:27.28Maldiviahmm, yeah - that's weird
13:31.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
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13:37.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
13:39.29sioraiochtIndustrial: is it dusk yet in the netherlands?
13:40.32Maldiviait's not in Denmark, so it shouldn't be in the Netherlands
13:42.35Industrialnope, in about 2-3 hours
13:43.37Tem|Sleep2-3 hours?
13:43.45Tem|Sleepdoes the sun go down at like 4 pm?
13:44.16Tem|Sleepoh, sorry.  forgot to give the time in europese
13:44.19Maldiviawhere I am right now, the sun sets at 3.45pm
13:44.35Tem|Sleepgogo far north
13:45.09Industrialaround 4-5 it sets atm
13:45.12Maldiviasunrise at 8.37am, and sunset at 3.45pm -- short day, yeah :)
13:45.41Tem|Sleepit's dark at 6ish here
13:45.47Tem|Sleepand that freaks me out
13:45.59Industrialin my holiday I get up at dark and go to bed at dark :D
13:46.12Industrial(and I like it :X)
13:49.27MaldiviaToday in Amsterdam, sunrise at 8.43 am, sunset 4:29pm
13:57.11*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
13:58.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Fin (
13:58.21*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
13:59.47sioraiochtsunsent here is depressing
13:59.47sioraiochti ralised the sun finally came out at about 1
13:59.47sioraiochtand the sun was already halfway down the sky
14:02.23*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (n=leethal@
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14:06.02alestaneart3mis: ping
14:35.07*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
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15:09.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Athrun-- (
15:14.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
15:31.35Taerimorning 0.o
15:37.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
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15:46.25Thunder_Childway way to early in the,
15:47.25Taeriquestion, will a lua error occur, when it can't find the xml pieces it's supposed to be putting information in? :P
15:48.08Thunder_Childvs ignore it?
15:48.44TaeriI'm getting a error when I remove a xml file.
15:49.35TaeriActually, lemme go test stuff...
15:49.36Thunder_Childthen dont remove it?
15:50.03*** part/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
15:51.02malrethif you remove an xml file then the frames and objects it would create will not exist... the global variables that they would normally be assigned to will be undefined and you'll get errors most likely
15:51.19Taerimalreth, thankyou. ^^
15:51.35wereHamsterwhy did you try to remove the file?
15:51.36malrethalso, removing xml files might give you the clap
15:52.48TaeriI'm messing around with tabs on my addon.  And I don't need all the information in that xml file atm. Therefore, I tried to replace it with something else, but since the luastill tries to use em, I guess that's a bad idea.
15:52.49Thunder_Childmalreth, stop trying to blame xml, you had the clap long before then
15:54.52Taerisomething tells me I should try shortening some of these names  0.o -  GuildPlusRosterFrameRosterScrollbar;
15:55.57malreththe best part about lua are the self-documenting variable names
15:55.59Thunder_Childkije the fact that you dont needthe second roster?
15:56.19TaeriI didn't name these things. My partner in crime did.
15:56.58TaeriAnd yes, Don't need the second roster.
15:57.00malrethtell him to quit writing scripts and to cook you some dinnar!
15:57.18TaeriI think he's far far away.
15:57.47malreth"get back in teh kitchan and... make me sum pie!"
15:58.18TaeriI'll go around renaming these things, and hopefully, I won't break it completely.
15:59.27TaeriGuildPlusRosterFrameRosterColumn1 - heard about -  GPlusRosterColoumn1 - anyone?
16:00.15malrethnothing bad could possibly happen by doing that. go for it.
16:00.27malrethalso, try smoking tobacco... it makes you cool
16:00.36purlnever take malreth seriously
16:00.44malrethpurl! bad bot!
16:04.04*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
16:04.16malrethgreetings, cogwheel
16:04.52Thunder_Childwell they would go well with the wine
16:04.57malrethready for another day of work?
16:05.42malrethat least keep the smoking jacket as you don't seem to be wearing any pants... or underwear
16:06.32Thunder_Childmalreth, and how would you know?
16:06.47cog|workI got a total of 7 hrs of sleep since fri...
16:07.04Thunder_Childnot a good thing
16:07.37malrethmy dog woke me at 2am... "walkies!!! walkies!!!"
16:07.51cog|workBook's due in ~6 hrs or so and we're not finished so yeah...
16:07.55malrethi'm operating solely on caffeine right now
16:08.44TaeriI'm operating out of pain. Even if I tried to sleep more, my hips, back, and tummy probably wouldn't let me.
16:11.51malrethbaah... copout... asok reincarnated into his half man half candy bar clone
16:11.58malreththat's not killing off a character
16:12.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (
16:19.03*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
16:19.07Valaron|WorkHappy Monday.
16:20.08JoshBorkeHAPPY MONDAY!
16:20.51JoshBorkei found out i'm officially graduating on saturday, so i'm happy
16:21.08JoshBorkeso hell yes
16:21.17malrethmy little sister just walked yesterday
16:21.31JoshBorkeBS in Computer Engineering from GaTech :-D
16:21.42malrethshe got a BS in Computer Science from UT Austin
16:21.53malrethone of three women to get that degree this year
16:21.58art3misis that the same sister i see "walking" each night on that corner?
16:22.05malreth~lart Arcaia
16:22.05purlexecutes killall -KILL Arcaia
16:22.13malreth~lart art3mis
16:22.13purlbreaks out the Hoover and sucks up art3mis
16:22.31malreth~whaleslap art3mis
16:22.32purlACTION beats art3mis upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
16:22.32Thunder_Childdamit art3mis, you beat me to it
16:22.41Thunder_Childi was thinking the same thing...
16:23.06art3misis she hot mal?
16:23.14Thunder_Childindeed art3mis, i wonder if shw will do 2 at once
16:23.19malrethhmm... i think i have a pic somewhere
16:23.23malrethshe has a boyfriend
16:23.30Thunder_Childok, 3...
16:23.31malrethand she plans to get married to him
16:23.42malrethand she hates you, art3mis
16:23.46malrethshe told me so
16:23.52Taerierrors ahoy! *irons out xml errors*
16:23.53Thunder_Childsomehow i can belive that
16:24.00art3misi don't doubt that, but it has very little bearing on the hot part ;P
16:24.02malrethsaid you smell of urine and burnt cabbage
16:24.21Thunder_Childwhat does burnt cabbage smell of?
16:24.23*** part/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
16:24.43Thunder_Childheh, distracting cog
16:25.18art3misThunder_Child: you kow that uncle that drinks alot and you don't really wanna shake his hand or hug him but he still tries to hug you at family meetings?
16:25.27art3misthat smell is what burnt cabbage is
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16:25.39art3misoh sorry not uncle, i believe you know him as "dad"
16:26.41malrethi haven't yet processed the graduation photos... they're not up yet
16:27.02malrethnot the most flattering pic, i suppose
16:27.20malrethshe always has that 'i'm annoyed with you' look
16:28.07zenzelezzmaybe there's a reason ;-o
16:28.43Thunder_Childyour bad influence on her arent you malreth
16:29.01malrethshe enjoys drinking whiskey and playing poker for money
16:29.27malrethshe paid her rent for the summer by suckering cash from drunk frat boys on
16:29.35*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
16:29.58malrethand she's bought a DLP hdtv
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16:30.46Thunder_Childi meant her degree....but ok
16:31.37malrethwhat about her degree?
16:31.58JoshBorkei thought malreth was a crook by profession?
16:32.22malrethhey! how was i supposed to know that the city keeps tabs on homeless people!?
16:32.58malrethdamn communist hippies crying about 'human rights' and ethics
16:33.36malrethno... originally my profession was donating plasma for high definition television sets
16:33.45malrethbut one man can only do so much
16:39.00*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
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16:55.17Thunder_Child"(08:31:38) (malreth) what about her degree?" i assume you were an influence
16:57.52*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
17:03.28art3mis"To lessen the harsh impact of the flash, all you have to do (besides start thinking/using common sense) is put layers of regular old scotch tape over the flash until it is at the level of brightness you want it to be. Just plain old tape, my camera used about 6 pieces before I found the perfect level for most photos, you could also just change the exposure level using the camera's menu, but that would require more slightly more intellect
17:03.57Thunder_Childdamit malreth, i didnt realise you had quit
17:04.49malreththat's because you are getting better at tuning my drivel out
17:05.00Thunder_Childno, because i was taking a shower
17:05.08art3mishe was asking if you've tapped that fine fine ass ;)
17:05.11Thunder_Child(08:55:18) (Thunder_Child) "(08:31:38) (malreth) what about her degree?" i assume you were an influence
17:05.14Thunder_Childis what i said
17:05.17art3misor that
17:05.25Thunder_Child~kill art3mis
17:05.26purlACTION shoots a super-inverse pseudoneutrino gun at art3mis
17:05.39art3misthank god is was pseudo
17:05.58malrethi think her boyfriend was more of an influence... he's also a CS major (well, was... he graduated yesterday, too)
17:06.00Thunder_Childuhh..that should really be fires...shoots makes it seem like the actual gun is being fired at you
17:06.03art3misyou'd have more luck with one of those plastic disc guns ;)
17:06.28Thunder_Childmalreth, lies!!
17:07.30malrethit annoys my family whenever we have get-togethers as she and i will usually start talking about the pros of functional and/or imperative programming languages
17:08.14malrethwhen the words, "function pointers" and "rigid typecasting" get said, you can just see the parents' and aunts'/uncles' eyes start to glaze over
17:09.51malrethwhenever we get around to "template instantiation" people usually start getting desperate and will say something trollish like "I really appreciate what Bush is doing for this country."
17:10.14malrethdiscussion derailment apparently runs in the family
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17:12.01malrethmy mom gave my sister a card yesterday... the outside was printed "Every now and then someone comes along that makes it easy to reach for the stars..." On the inside, my mom wrote " are not one of those people. HA HA HA!"
17:12.13malrethif we're not making fun of each other, we're not loving each other
17:12.46art3mis"Thanks for spreading your legs that night while you were drunk, you made this all possible"  <-- card yer sister should give your mom ;)
17:13.31art3mis"This degree made possible by Jack Daniels and Dad being a chubby chaser."
17:14.21malrethshe drinks Bullet, not JD
17:14.29art3misim talking about your dad ;)
17:14.46art3misthose are cards for each of them ;)
17:14.57malrethoh... no he was still smoking pot back then
17:15.11art3misdamn hippie
17:15.27malrethdamn right! my parents marched for civil rights.
17:15.32art3mis"you can't own land maaan. I can, but that's because i'm not a dirty hippie!"
17:15.37malrethand yet my dad was in vietnam
17:15.56art3misgoing to vietnam in the 80s doesn't quite count
17:16.59malrethhe was there in the 70's
17:17.03art3misi think i need to go to tiffany's and get my wedding ring all shined up
17:17.38art3misthe vietnam war was all staged, like the moon l;andings
17:17.44art3misgeez do you NEVER watch tv?
17:18.23art3misya know after watchig richard nixon on futurama all the time, i have to say, id totally vote for richard nixons head
17:18.24malreththat explains all those movies about it!
17:18.41art3misthose are documentaries like the highlander.. platoon was total fiction
17:18.45art3miserr arent
17:19.26malrethyou mean highlander isn't real?
17:21.05art3mishighlander is totally real, it's a documentary
17:21.27malrethi always hoped so deep deep down inside with every part of my body even my pee pee
17:24.00*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
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17:37.38*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
17:40.24|Jelly|So I'm thinking about keeping a bottle of whiskey in my trunk so I can pound a couple shots before work. lol
17:40.45malrethwhy keep it in your car? your desk has drawers, right?
17:40.59|Jelly|I don't have a desk. I'm a waiter.
17:41.19malrethoh... that's right. i forgot.
17:41.28malrethsilly me. :p
17:45.52malreth|Jelly|: will you be my "it's complicated" on facebook?
17:48.55art3misjelly's gotten so bad ass ;P
17:49.28art3mishe's like the moody new kid that just moved to the school with the jeans and leather jacket that lights up smokes in chemistry
17:49.43art3misand he drives a karmangia
17:49.46|Jelly|Except I've been here for...months. :-\
17:50.13art3miswell we just noticed you after what you did to mr.johnson during archery class!
17:51.14|Jelly|Considering you've been begging me to help make your theme swapper for...what? two months? I imagine you noticed me before now. :P
17:57.28art3misno that was old jelly
17:57.44|Jelly|Old Jelly and New Jelly are the same person. Sorry.
17:57.54art3misold jelly was a nerdy kid with glasses and a short sleeved button up shirt
17:58.12|Jelly|Umm. What?
17:58.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
17:58.54Thunder_Child"(09:57:45) (|Jelly|) Old Jelly and New Jelly are the same person. Sorry." no
17:59.45art3missame physical occupied space maybe
17:59.45art3misnot the same person though
17:59.45|Jelly|Except, yeah. :P
17:59.45art3misnew jelly has reinvited his image ;)
18:00.00Thunder_Childwell the new jelly must be doing something correct...he got a woman
18:00.04art3misunless it's just sober jelly and drunk jelly ;P
18:00.19|Jelly|Drunk Jelly is a complete asshole, usually.
18:00.43zenzelezzI'm sure we'll see you sober some day
18:00.47Thunder_Childheh, a drunk Thunder_Child talks even more than he does usually
18:00.56art3misThunder_Child: yeah so did hugh grant, and yet he still needed to get a hooker ;)
18:01.12art3misalthough im not sure why in gods name he would... mmmmmm liz hurley
18:01.36Thunder_Childart3mis, that might have had something to do with his sexual needs, a different thing altogether
18:01.53art3mistrue i suppose, but she's supposedly a nice little slut
18:02.02art3miswho just happens to dig spankings
18:02.29art3misman 5 DC's in ab in the last 10 mins
18:02.32art3misthis is awesome!
18:03.14Thunder_Childi just got a txt message that says "Party harty, drink bacardi, smoke a blunt, throw a party, beer is good, sex is great, ur my bitch for 2008"
18:03.32Thunder_Childand i have no idea who it is
18:03.37art3missorry wrong person
18:04.07malrethi think software should start getting shipped on usb flash drives now
18:04.13malrethtiny shieldless ones
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18:04.46malrethsoftware packaging would shrink to about the size of a playing card
18:04.48malrethor smaller
18:05.36*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
18:06.04alestaneart3mis: ping
18:06.06Thunder_Childwhy even bother with packaging, you could just yse the USB drive..and have it all tricked out
18:06.31malreththey can't be scratched and since they're rarely used should last for years and years
18:06.32alestaneI have a couple textures for you.
18:06.51art3mismalreth: til the battery fails ;)
18:07.01malrethusb flash drives have no batteries
18:07.05malreththey're bus powered
18:07.25alestaneThe textures are taller because of the hat, you'll have to realign them.
18:07.47malrethonce the 8 gb ones become cheap enough, they can replace DL DVDs even
18:08.02malrethand they'd be faster to boot from in the case of OS installs
18:09.29art3misalestane: okies
18:09.30alestaneHow should I send them to you?
18:09.46art3misyou can email or just fileshare post
18:10.01art3mishow much taller?
18:10.27alestaneDouble Height.
18:10.48alestaneCause they have to go straight from 64 to 128 pixels.
18:11.00art3misyeah dcc doesnt work right ;P
18:11.05alestaneDid you get an upload request?
18:12.44art3mismy dcc doesnt accept
18:12.51art3misit's broken
18:13.01art3misno client
18:13.20art3misit doesnt like using available ports ;P
18:13.32art3mistechnically its because of the router
18:13.48art3misbut more so because it sucks ;P
18:15.02wereHamstermalreth, on wikipedia I've read that even if you overwrote a flash drive continuously with full speed, it would last some 50 or so years
18:15.20malrethmost likely
18:15.31Pandyayeah, flash drive read/write cycles are a non-issue these days
18:16.23alestaneart3mis: Try and
18:16.51*** part/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
18:17.11wereHamsterbut all flash drives are formated with fat (my 8GB was..) which makes it unusable for >2gb files, therefore I'm looking forward to LogFS which should be merged into 2.6.25
18:19.02kergothwon't help you, if it's anything like jffs2, it has to operate on an mtd device, and usb mass storage devices only give you access at the block layer
18:20.54wereHamsterdoes mtd have the 2gb limitation as well?
18:21.41kergothmtd is just low level access to flash devices, it isnt a filesystem
18:21.46kergotha flash filesystem runs on it
18:21.50kergothjffs2, yaffs, whatever
18:21.56*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
18:23.05MentalPower|ZzZzwereHamster: theres also the ExFAT spec thats was created by MS
18:26.21Thunder_ChildwereHamster, you can format your flash drive to whatever you want
18:26.30Thunder_Childor at least mine can.....
18:28.32foxlitCan find 1m primes in 25s with lua :/
18:28.58foxlitJava does the same trick in 5s
18:29.54malrethfoxlit: it must be something that you're doing wrong
18:30.29foxlitI don't pre-allocate the table in lua
18:30.38foxlitSo I suppose it can lose time resizing it eventually
18:32.03MentalPoweryes you do
18:32.26MentalPowerpaste yer code, we can disect it
18:32.37MentalPowerdissect even
18:34.30foxlitmoo? :)
18:37.16malrethwell.. i have learned that i need a faster laptop. :p
18:37.25foxlitI'm slightly cheating
18:37.34foxlit(using luajit instead of lua to interpret it)
18:38.01foxlitThe default interpreter struggles, generaly
18:38.33wereHamster1m45.133s :(
18:38.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Samir (
18:38.47foxlit1m0.809s with lua
18:38.58foxlitHm, sec
18:39.17foxlitrule two of benchmarking: don't change code between runs
18:40.07wereHamsterand rule 1?
18:40.16foxlitNever forget Rule One.
18:40.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Samir_ (
18:40.31wereHamster~fail wereHamster
18:40.31purlwereHamster: Fail.
18:40.35alestaneThat's not the code I would have used, although mine would probably not be higher performance.
18:41.33foxlit1m14s on the pastey code
18:43.09foxlitalestane: describe :)
18:43.54alestaneWell, for instance I probably would have used while not primes[1000000] do instead of using a separate counter variable.
18:44.11alestaneAnd for _, prime in next, primes do
18:45.36alestaneBut linguistic "purity" often costs in cycle performance.
18:47.25foxlitcomparatively, java, 0m5.302s
18:47.51malrethalestane: numeric-for in lua is faster than the generic-for
18:49.06alestaneYes, although it also returns the prime so you don't have to index it later. Don't know if that counts for anything. Also, I did say it was probably not higher performance.
18:49.21*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
18:49.59malrethjust re-affirming what you said
18:50.19malrethi need to practice my yes-speak to be a good manager
18:52.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Drea (
18:52.30Dreaheya folks!
18:54.43Dreawell gmornin mal. lol
18:54.59alestaneAlso, not using a counter variable saves you incrementing it, but also relies on using table.insert() or #tbl.
18:55.14foxlitAnd C gives 5.3s with the same method
18:55.34foxlitWhich places java somewhere in the land of "quite good"
18:55.47Dreajust thought i'd pop in and say hola!
18:57.59leethalhow is this done?
18:58.04leethalunit frames for enemy players?
18:58.14leethalit's just estimates, I guess? No unit ids?
18:58.28Kasovia targets etc
18:58.55Kasothen you set the unit frame to execute macroscript "/target <name>" when you are comfortably out of combat
18:59.17leethalah, right
18:59.37KasoOur guild has a similar addon, it works quite well
18:59.55Kasoyou can even do Casting bars etc quite well
19:00.40Kasoour guild one is synced over channel so that the unitframes appear in the same order for everyone on the team which makes it easier to issue commands
19:01.16Kaso"Cube, sheep 1", "Demoa fear 2" etc
19:03.44foxlitSo no other ingenious optimizations to prime code?
19:04.19Xinhuandont check for division by 3
19:04.26Xinhuaninstead of n=n+2 per loop
19:04.28malrethwell, you're making a grand assumption that we even know what these so-called "prime" numbers are...
19:04.44Xinhuando n=n+6, and check the numbers (n-1) and (n+1) for primes
19:04.51Xinhuanso you can omit division by 3
19:05.17Xinhuani.e, n will be 6, 12, 18, 24, 30... but you check the numbers 2, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, etc
19:06.14malrethmmm... lunch time...
19:06.30Xinhuanit mainly "unrolling the loop" as well
19:07.05foxlitXinhuan: that's relatively nice, but.
19:07.25foxlitThe time difference between doing division by 2 and not doing division by 2 is around .4s
19:07.56Xinhuanwhen yu're checking 1 million numbers, that extra 500k division checks add up
19:08.10foxlitTo around .4s
19:08.16foxlitout of 22
19:08.53Xinhuanstill, this is mainly an algorithm thing as opposed to making lua run it faster really
19:09.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=root@
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19:11.53foxlitYou're simply moving division by three from the CPU into program code; could theoretically do the same with every other low prime
19:14.20Cairennhi Beladona
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19:22.42Xinhuanthere isn't really any other way to do prime sieving anyway
19:27.08alestaneCairenn: Everyone else is probably sick of this but you were out of town when I wanted to of my add-ons on WoWI went from 4600 downloads to over 21000 in under two days. Was this some kind of server glitch or something?
19:27.29Cairennlink please
19:28.24Cairennlooking into it
19:28.50*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar|laptop_ (
19:29.58zenzelezzsometimes I really disagree with my guild... until Wednesday we have 25 people attuned to Hyjal, today five of those can't come, so they insist on wiping over and over on trash packs for Anetheron
19:30.24Cairennalestane: most likely a download bot, we're going to reset the download counter
19:30.42alestaneThat was our problem with BWL.
19:30.52alestaneIt just made me go WTF?
19:31.32dylanmMan just run something else :p
19:32.14Cairennit shows 4600 again alestane
19:32.29zenzelezzdylanm: nothing else left alive until Wednesday
19:32.34dylanmRun Zul'Aman until everyone is flashing a Jin'rohk even if they don't need it.
19:33.27alestaneWhatever works for you. I wasn't sure if it got linked into some automated download thing, or if it was some kind of DOS on your site, or just every warlock in China discovering my mod on the same day...but that seemed unlikely.
19:33.53Cairennsomeone with a spam download bot, not the first time, won't be the last
19:34.14Cairennhow they decide which one to randomly hit we've no idea
19:34.34dylanmI mean, what's the purpose behind such a thing? "My bandwidth is free so I'll just waste someone else's?"
19:34.49Cairenndylanm: pretty much
19:34.53dylanmRock out.
19:35.11Cairennone word says it all:
19:36.08Cairenndolby-wowi'll be busy trying to trace back the bot and ban the ip addy
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19:56.59kergothif any jc's with prospecting are bored, could use a tester for , just make sure it behaves and the slash command works
19:57.15Dreawhere can i find a site that will tell me what number values will create what color for text?
19:58.07malreth!g web color picker
19:58.14batbotmalreth: VisiBone Webmaster's Color Lab <>
19:59.01Dreamany thanks mal
19:59.45malrethany web color picker will do
19:59.52malreththey're just RGB values
20:00.09Dreathose values will work in wow correct?
20:00.17Dreafor settin text color?
20:00.37malrethchat text codes take a 32-bit hexadecimal format
20:00.39Dreaok, the decimal threw me off. :D
20:00.55malrethwhile most API calls will be a triplet of 8 bit decimal values (0-255)
20:01.18malrethsometimes with an alpha value argument
20:01.44Dreai just wanna do FontString:SetTextColor(r,g,b,a)
20:02.03malrethyeah... use decimal values... 0-255 for each argument
20:02.19malrethhigher numbers me higher luminance for that color value
20:02.26Dreahmm. it says to use 0-1 range.
20:02.30malrethah... nm
20:02.48malrethnormalized to a float value between 0-1 inclusive
20:02.53Dreaahh i'll just screw with it, and figger it out
20:03.30malrethif the color picker gives you a value between 0-255, just divide the number by 255 to get a normalized float
20:03.55malreth0=0, 128=0.5, 255=1
20:03.59malrethfor example
20:05.19Dreacheck. thanks. :D
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20:45.00malrethand for something wow-releated... boy uses taunt, feign death on a moose, and succeeds...
21:03.04Fisker-old news
21:03.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Rayne (
21:06.31Shirik<--- Just nailed his OS final and thinks he nailed his Telecomms final too
21:06.50Intangirid like to nail the telecomms right out of the countrty
21:07.01Shirikthen you wouldn't have IRC
21:07.01CairennShirik: good :)
21:07.10Intangirwed get new ones that dont have monopolies
21:07.11ShirikThis is the worst part though
21:07.13RayneId like Jelly to Nail his Fist into my throat, if you know what I mean
21:07.28ShirikI got the highest grade on the OS test.... I had a 91% in that class. (90% is an A). I got an 88% on the final
21:07.45ShirikAll he can tell me is that "I think you got an A" ><
21:07.51Intangir"well i hope you left enough room for my fist! cause im going to jam it into your stomach! and break your goddamn spine!"
21:07.58|Jelly|Rayne, no offense but as of late, I'm not really, you know, in the mood for anything.
21:08.23IntangirShirik: eh oh
21:08.29RayneI said shrigs
21:08.41Shirikbut what's really going to kick my ass is the physics final tomorrow
21:08.42Rayneim going to go ponder my sanity brb
21:08.45Shirikso I must be studying that now
21:09.05IntangirShirik: just dont show up for the class
21:09.08Intangirwhen he asks why you didnt come
21:09.18Intangirsay 'objects at rest stay at rest'
21:09.27Shirikyeah um, that was 2 years ago
21:09.33Shirikwe don't study that anymore :P
21:09.52Intangiri study that ever morning
21:10.03Intangirevery time i forget to set my alarm clock
21:10.04ShirikI don't know why I'm freaking out about the physics final really
21:10.13ShirikI have a 78% in that class, I just want a C (but a B would be so nice)
21:11.31Shirikthe final is 25% of the grade so...
21:11.36Shiriklua> .75 * .78
21:11.36lua_botShirik: 0.585
21:11.42Shirikif I get a 0 I will barely get an F :P
21:11.54ShirikIf I get like any questions right, I pass :P
21:14.26zenzelezzyou'd think that by the time you hit Mount Hyjal, people would know *not* to talk to NPCs before you knew everyoen was ready
21:15.38zenzelezzAnetheron down on second day, third time we reach him, with 21 people; and someone starts the event before we get the loot
21:16.14Taeriyou underestimate stupidity of people.
21:17.50Raynegod damnit
21:18.15RayneWoW keeps copying my UI settings to my hunter even though I clear them cause im trying to build something new :(
21:18.54*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
21:21.06RayneI dont feel like resetting everything
21:21.36JoshBorkesomeone give me some table recycling code :-/
21:21.42JoshBorkei'm too lazy to make it up myself
21:22.08foxlitI've got table recycling code
21:22.12foxlitlocal table = {};
21:22.25foxlit-- garbage collector handles this perfectly
21:22.40foxlit-- (but you way want to forget about the table library)
21:23.31*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
21:24.42JoshBorkei'm only recycling very specific tables
21:24.43MentalPowerhash tables do shrink back
21:25.21MentalPowerand if you're constantly adding/removing entries at the same rate they will also not increase
21:25.23JoshBorkewhoa man, that's a lot of code :-/
21:26.16MentalPower*shurg* it works
21:28.36MentalPowerhe means that if he adds 1mill hash entries and then removes all of them, and starts adding back the table will not shrink back to a decent size
21:29.09kergothis that new? i've never seen that behavior
21:29.25MentalPowerits not the way it works
21:29.34MentalPowerI corrected him
21:29.39kergothah, good
21:31.52kergothisn't a bit unnecessary? it manually casts dash.. why not leave it on auto, the pet will hit it as soon as you sen dhim in..
21:34.40malrethit works the same way as elevator call buttons and those crosswalk signal buttons... the more you press them, the faster it goes
21:57.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=Beladona@
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22:12.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
22:21.32Intangirhey Tuller how goes it
22:21.33JoshBorkeso apparently you can cast while entering world
22:21.49TullerIntangir: hello, and fine :)
22:51.07art3misnow to wait for cairenn ;P
22:51.32*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
22:51.40malrethart3mis: ping
22:51.45Cairennart3mis: ?
22:52.03art3mishi mal!
22:52.10art3mishkui updates ;P
22:52.22malrethart3mis: your new HKUI...
22:52.35malreththere is a special place in hell for people like you
22:52.51Cairennvirus! denied!
22:53.12art3misit doesnt HAVE a virus
22:53.15foxlitNeed a hello kitty UI that actually looks good!
22:53.17art3misit IS a virus ;P
22:53.20Cairennyou ARE a virus :p
22:54.01art3misfoxlit: heh hey i'm doing the bwest i can with what ive got ;P
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22:54.44foxlitTint the world pink, np
22:54.55art3misi actually considered skinning it ;P
22:55.13art3misthat would be awesome
22:57.41zenzelezzwell, after defeating the trash before the first three bosses in Mount Hyjal, I have only one thing to say... thank god we recruited that prot paladin
22:57.50malrethi wonder if you can change the vertex colors of the WorldFrame?
22:57.58foxlityour other tanks incompetent?
22:58.01malreththen you can just tint it pink
22:58.03foxlitmalreth: very probably nothing
22:58.12foxlitsince it's rendering, not a texture
22:58.22zenzelezzfoxlit: nope, but prot paladins are far superior to warrior tanks in grabbing and holding so many mobs
22:58.30malrethwell then, just create a child frame to the WorldFrame and tint that pink
22:58.36foxlitchild texture
22:58.42[dRaCo]but an opaque overlay would do
22:58.42malrethor that
22:59.01zenzelezzstring "WorldFrame:SetVertexColor"... attempt to call SetVertexColor, a nil value
22:59.06foxlitFrames have an annoying quality of being frames :)
22:59.07malrethi should do that and release it as GirlyVision for Girly comic fans
22:59.28Cairennpoint of interest?
22:59.31Cairenn<== girl
22:59.34Cairenn<== hates pink
22:59.49malreth!g girly comic josh lesnick
22:59.59zenzelezza girl in my former gulid was obsessed with pink... even her UI was pink
23:00.02foxlitGet in touch with your masculine side, Cairenn, and embrace the pink!
23:00.15malreth~wiki girly comic
23:00.30*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
23:01.12malreththe earlier comics were monochrome dark pink and white
23:04.29Dreaargh, i hate goin crazy
23:05.01malrethread the 34 comic link just above... that
23:05.05malreththat'll make you crazy
23:07.19KasoI hate it when TV shows go off air over christmas
23:07.43KasoSurely i've more reason to watch house over christmas as im off uni and have less to do!
23:08.03Dreatomtom is makin me crazy lool
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23:09.14foxlitcat vs ron paul?
23:09.48MentalPower~seen legorol
23:09.52purllegorol <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 5d 20h 22m 15s ago, saying: 'yay, i answered my own question, i finally understood how instance cascading used to work'.
23:11.07Dreais Clad watchin?
23:11.12*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (
23:12.05kaidenAnyone here good at macros? trying to figure out how to fix one, i have a mount macro that i use to dismount if i'm mounted and to mount if i'm not, however, when i'm mounted and use it.. it immediately tries to mount me back up even though it comes before the dismount
23:12.50zenzelezzpost it?
23:13.15foxlitIf you /use a mount while mounted
23:13.21foxlitYou'd probably dismount anyway
23:13.33kaidenfoxlit, yes but it would continue casting the mount... which i dont want
23:13.38kaidenthis is for doing the netherwing daily quests
23:13.44kaidenso i can quickly dismount my flying mount and land
23:13.52foxlitWhy do you want to land? :)
23:13.55zenzelezzdon't know if it matters, but isn't it /use ?
23:14.06[dRaCo]/use and /cast are the same
23:14.08NightHawkTheSane"/cast" and "/use" are synonymous
23:14.08foxlitThey're somewhat interchangable
23:14.10DreaQUESTION! hopefully someone can answer it.
23:14.20kaidenfoxlit, ..... this is for doing the Netherwing Daily quests
23:14.33kaidenfoxlit, you have to dismount to quickly shoot the flying transporters
23:14.42[dRaCo]kaiden: guess you need a stopmaco somewhere... not sure where, though
23:14.44foxlitMeh, you're doing it somewhat wrong :)
23:14.55foxlitYou pick a rock to stand on, they fly at you :)
23:15.01Dreatom tom does NOT put an arrow in the middle of your screen with info on direciton and distance to a waypoint?
23:15.03kaiden[dRaCo], yeah i've tried with stopmacro
23:15.13kaidenfoxlit, yes because i want to stand there all day waiting instead of hopping from rock to rock
23:15.15foxlitDoesn't solve your macro problem, but  anyway
23:15.16kaidento kill them more quickly
23:15.18[dRaCo]Drea: sound like cart_waypoints
23:15.26Dreacartographer huh? darnit
23:15.35NightHawkTheSaneThat said, I dont see why that wouldn't work. I use a /cast [nomounted] item:<itemdid>; /dismount [mounted];" macro without a problem
23:18.02kaidenNightHawkTheSane, and if you read what i said, i said it immediately starts trying to recast my purple gryphon rather than just stopping
23:18.07Kelfarrwow titan panel has 10,000,000 downloads on curse...
23:18.09kaidenessentially it's like it's looping the macro when it shouldn't be able to
23:18.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
23:18.30NightHawkTheSanekaiden: I did, and I'm saying I
23:18.32IntangirRon Paul people
23:18.36NightHawkTheSaneI'm not sure why it doesn't work. :P
23:18.39foxlitdisabled everything to test that it still behaves that way?
23:18.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
23:18.50Intangirif you dont know who he is.. well first of all what rock have you been living under and second of all go search his name on youtube
23:18.57KasoAH Ron Paul
23:19.11foxlitIntangir: where did you come from? :)
23:19.14KasoThe craziest person ever to make it to a preidential campange
23:19.21[dRaCo]epic rickrolling going on?
23:19.28IntangirKaso: crazy like a fox
23:19.47KasoMore like a Crow, a crow obsessed with shiny shiny gold
23:19.58Intangirron paul is the only one NOT crazy
23:20.04Kasooh god
23:20.09Kasoyou're one of them!
23:20.11Intangireveryone else wants more taxes more war more police state bullshit
23:20.18Intangirim a patriot
23:20.20Intangiryour damn right i am
23:20.24*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth|ghost (
23:20.25Intangirim an american who loves liberty
23:20.35Intangirand you should have the spine and integrity to stand for what you KNOW to be right
23:20.41Intangirdont support the CFR taht takes away your liberties
23:21.00KasoAn american who loves genecide in darfur !
23:21.14Intangirhe doesnt support genocide anywhere
23:21.21Intangirhe doesnt support preemptive war either
23:21.28Intangirhe doesnt support illegal war
23:21.34Intangirhe doesnt support MORE and MORe war without a declaration
23:21.55foxlit"NAFTA’s superhighway is just one part of a plan to erase the borders between the U.S. and Mexico, called the North American Union. This spawn of powerful special interests, would create a single nation out of Canada, the U.S. and Mexico, with a new unelected bureaucracy and money system. Forget about controlling immigration under this scheme."
23:21.57Intangirhe doesnt support a financial system which allows corporation to getrich murdering citizens of sovereign nations which pose no threat to us at our expense
23:22.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
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23:22.01foxlitSounds like a regular lunatic
23:22.13*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter_ (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
23:22.15Intangirya its fucking crazy huh foxlit
23:22.16Intangirwho would want that
23:22.28Intangirthats RIGHT out of the CFRs plans
23:22.58Intangiri know there are other people in here who know whats really going on speak up, dont be intimidated by ignorant name calling
23:23.14Intangirheres another gem
23:23.17Cairenn|afktemper people
23:23.22Intangirthis is why huckabee is suddenly a mainstream candidate
23:23.48Intangirthe CFRs stated goal is to disolve our borders and move us into a one world government
23:24.05Intangirand the trans texas corirdor, nafta superhighway IS a step in that goal
23:24.17foxlitToo many links, takes ages to filter through the bs on all of them
23:24.19Intangirron paul is the only one fighting it
23:24.26Intangir2 links is too many?
23:24.37Kasoyah those other humans born in other abritary areas of land! Why would we ever want to deal with them! Fuck em.
23:24.47foxlitWhen you want me to analyze viewpoints presented in entire websites, yeah
23:24.59malrethactually, i can't wait for the NAFTA superhighway
23:24.59IntangirKaso: do you realize your saying exactly what our forieng policy has been based on?
23:25.05Intangirembargos on iraq = FUCK THEM
23:25.08Intangirtrading with them = help them
23:25.15Intangirwar with them = FUCK THEM
23:25.16malrethit'll make driving from austin to dallas a lot easier, i think
23:25.28Intangirmalreth: alot more expensive you mean
23:25.30Intangiryoull have to pay tolls
23:25.36malrethah... even better
23:25.37Intangiractually i dont htink it goes thru dallas anyway
23:25.43malrethkeep all the riffraff off the road
23:26.05Intangirplease god tell me your not a texan with a statement that stupid..
23:26.23malrethi don't know what you mean by that... but i shore am a Texan
23:26.29Intangirno your not
23:26.34malrethand spell it with a capital T, like God intended
23:26.40Intangirno real texan would willingly clamor for the destruction of our state and country
23:26.42KasoI never said they current policy of america was good, just that i dont think paul's xenophobic policies are a good one.
23:27.01IntangirKaso: your clearly misinformed, hes not xenophobic at all
23:27.02malrethIntangir: is that like how no real scotsman would eat ketchup with their eggs?
23:27.15KasoHe wants to strip citizenship from american born people who have forigen parents? how is that not xenophobic
23:27.17Intangirbut hed rather actually HELP other countries, by trading with them , rather than invading them and murdering millions of their citizens
23:27.45Intangirhe wants to not give citizen ship to 'anchor babies' thats where they illegally come into the country to have babies and then have them get citizen ship
23:27.51foxlitWhat I'm reading is "leave free trade agreements"
23:27.51Intangirmost other countries in the world dont have that
23:28.03Intangirits validating breaking our laws with a reward
23:28.39KasoSo you're saying someone who's lived his entire life in america, paid all his taxes to america should be punished for something his parents did before he was born?
23:28.41Intangirnafta isnt free trade, just cause it calls it that doesnt mean its what it is
23:28.47Intangirjust like the patriot act isnt really patriotic..
23:29.13IntangirKaso: so your saying you cant fucking read what im saying?
23:29.19Intangiri guess not cause i didnt say anything remotely similar to that
23:29.25Intangirhes not wanting to STRIP anyways citizen ship
23:29.27Intangiri just cleared that
23:29.30malrethNAFTA is fair... it screws Mexicans and Canadians equally!
23:29.34Intangirhes wanting to not grant it to illegal aliens
23:29.45Intangirit screws us, it screws us the worst
23:30.14malrethah... well if it does that, it's because we deserve iti
23:30.25*** part/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
23:30.34Intangirwhy? cause we keep voting for traitors in the CFR to fuck us over?
23:30.37Intangiri dont vote for them
23:30.37foxlitHow can a highway screw anyone?
23:30.39Intangirand i dont deserve it
23:30.49*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (
23:30.49Intangirthe highway weakens our security
23:30.54Intangirthey will have mexican police policing it as well
23:31.08Intangirso americans can finally have the privilege of being pulled over and having bribes demanded from them on the roadside
23:31.12Intangiras in mexico
23:31.14malreththey'll be easy to spot.. they'll be the cops in VW bugs
23:31.29Intangirwe can finally have the priviledge of being forced to submit to a foreign authority in our own country
23:31.41Intangiralso the trucks arent checked, they can drive anywhere they want
23:31.44Intangirright thru the border
23:31.45Intangirwith anything
23:31.51foxlit"weakens our security" = odd
23:32.00Intangirdid you hear about the story a couple months ago where a truck exploded, it was full of dynomite, heading RIGHT INTO THE COUNTRY
23:32.01foxlit"mexican police" = ohnoes, the mexicans!
23:32.04Intangirkilled 20+ people
23:32.13Intangirfoxlit: youve clearly never been to mexico
23:32.25Intangiralso it puts a ton of truckers out of work
23:32.30malrethIntangir: clearly you've never lived in America! :D
23:32.50Intangiryou think being fucked over defines people as americans?
23:32.51Intangiri disagree
23:32.56Intangirand we dont have to put up with it
23:32.57Intangirvote ron paul
23:32.58foxlit"Mexicans are bad, 'kay?" is what you're trying to suggest?
23:33.02Intangiror you can enjoy the status quo
23:33.28Intangirargue the points of the debate
23:33.32Intangirnot call me a racist
23:33.37Intangiri didnt say that at all and your fucking know it
23:33.47Intangirmexican cops are corrupt though
23:33.52Intangirmexico is corrupt as hell
23:33.56malrethWhat is the Baptist Church's position on Ron Paul? I'll only vote for him if Jesus says it's okay.
23:34.00Intangirits one of the most rich countries as far as national resources
23:34.05Intangirand yet they flood across the border
23:34.08Intangirwhy? cause mexico sucks
23:34.12WobworkRon Paul sounds like a pornstar name =\
23:34.14Intangircause of the corruption
23:34.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
23:34.20foxlitDrivel, intangir.
23:34.22Intangirso should we bring that corruption right on in to OUR coutnry? hell no
23:34.30Intangirfoxlit: your a dipshit
23:34.38WobworkIntangir: too late? =)
23:34.43Intangirfortunately as dumb as you are im sure you cant figure out how to vote so i guess i dont have to waste my time on you
23:34.44malrethRight! We should instead focus on improving our own home brewed corruption!
23:34.55Wobworkmalreth: hehe, precisely =)
23:35.02malrethStarting with Starbucks... mmm... brew
23:35.18Intangirto the other ron paul supporters in here, thanks for speaking up,.. very courageous of you to sit quietly and let the dipshit trolls run the channel
23:35.19Wobworkworst coffee ever
23:35.31WobworkOh I support Ron Paul
23:35.41WobworkAnyone with two names like first names is alright in my book!
23:35.42zenzelezzwhat makes you think there are Ron Paul supporters in here?
23:35.45foxlitI'm afraid you're doing your own trolling left right and center.
23:35.48zenzelezzor that they'd want to support you?
23:35.54*** part/#wowi-lounge Intangir (
23:36.03KasoI love paulites
23:36.08malrethhe's so much fun to tease
23:36.08WobworkPolitics and wowi obviously don't mix =P
23:36.19Kaso  - fun reading
23:36.21foxlitIt's not even politics
23:36.34foxlitIt's a failure to communicate worth anything
23:36.52WobworkSounds like politics to me =)
23:37.14KasoI love how he's sure that the channel is fully of paul supporters they're just tooo scared to speak up due to some un-named conspiricy supressing them or whatever
23:37.33foxlitThe librarians are hiding something!
23:37.35WobworkThe Man is keeping us down!
23:37.51malrethbut i don't WANT to be pulled over by the Mexican police!
23:38.01Dreadangit. put cartographer on, and get errors up the wazoo
23:38.05WobworkI don't want to be pulled over by the Victorian police =\
23:38.35foxlitIsn't it a highway?
23:38.53foxlitWouldn't pulling people over be sort of difficult?
23:39.44Wobworkwell, if there's enough warning, you can be pulled over
23:39.52Wobworkbig signs and arrows etc
23:46.58KasoAh poor ron paul :(
23:47.30foxlit poor Stephen :(
23:47.57Dreadarnit why is cartographer so errorey?
23:48.26malrethprobably something you did wrong... works fine here
23:49.09Dreaall i did was extract it to the addons directory and login. lol
23:49.38Kasofoxlit, you know what was most interesting about that to me? That the reason he didnt even apply to the republicans was thier filling fee was like 16x more expensive, somewhat telling i think
23:50.06foxlitCouldn't do that legally, I think
23:50.08Dreahmm. bah, i quit for now
23:53.15Kaso"Colbert had originally planned to run for both the Republican and Democratic nominations in his home state of South Carolina. Upon obtaining the forms to put himself on the ballot, however, he discovered to do so requires a non-refundable fee of $25,000 plus a $10,000 late fee for the Republican primary and $2,500 or three thousand signatures on a petition for the Democratic primary."
23:53.28KasoRepublicans; we like rich people!
23:53.48Shirikheh.... someone doesn't know how to use Windows apparently
23:53.50ShirikI'm reading this user guide
23:53.51Shirikand it says
23:54.44Shirikapparently something I can't copy and paste, etc.
23:54.53Shirik"To determine this order, use a command like this:
23:54.59ShirikWindows hosts
23:54.59Shirikls -lt ‘find base_directory -name "*uninstall*.exe"‘
23:55.20Kasols ?
23:55.28Shirikyeah... >.>
23:55.47Shirik'ls' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
23:55.47Shirikoperable program or batch file.
23:55.47ShirikC:\Users\mpdelbuono>echo =(

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