IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071209

00:00.11break19malreth: aha! another daoc refugee...
00:00.37malrethHIBERNIA 4EVR!
00:00.38Corrodiasmy friend is supposed to pick me up any moment
00:00.59Corrodiashe's -almost late-
00:01.04art3misyou sure are easy
00:02.22Corrodiasthere he is. SEE YA
00:02.29Corrodias(he buys me drinks, you cheapskate)
00:07.16*** part/#wowi-lounge Pandya (
00:08.32break19malreth: meh, die hibby
00:08.59break19*stealths up to malreth then sings him a song*
00:09.19break19*laughs as malreth is now CCd*
00:09.20malrethoh... a dirty albie?
00:09.36break19minstrel and earth wiz
00:09.58break19superbuffs ftw
00:11.18malreththe one thing my fiancee and i miss most are the huge rvr raids
00:11.27break19amen to that.
00:11.33break19rvr > wowpvp
00:11.41malrethrelic defense... ah
00:11.58malrethand when the new rvr xpac came out
00:12.05malreththe 8 hour long castle sieges
00:12.17Fisker-explain or be destroyed Taeri
00:12.47break19malreth: oh hell yea.. castle sieges were the best thing going
00:12.50malrethwe knocked a keep down to rubble... every wall and door that could be broken was
00:12.59break19malreth: rofl
00:13.05malrethand defenders were still holding us off
00:13.34malrethit was back on the test realm
00:13.37break19oh, right.. hibby.. nm I understand :p
00:13.41malrethno one knew what was going on
00:13.49malreth~lart break19
00:13.50purlwhips out a sword and chops break19 in half
00:14.16malrethbut yes.. on live we were drastically outnumbered
00:14.25malrethbut at least we kept our relics
00:14.37malrethwell... one at least
00:14.44break19werent as outnumbered as the poor middies on our server..
00:14.52malrethmidgard on our server had a large european player base
00:14.59malrethso they'd ninja relics overnight
00:15.02break19I played on Bedevere
00:15.08malrethno kidding!
00:15.20malrethi started as a cleric on alb-bedevere
00:15.30malrethbut rerolled on percival to be with friends
00:15.40break19my wiz was named "Erthen Buffsforall"
00:15.56break19creative, I know.. lol
00:16.10Lejwhat unit frames should I go for if I want to customize looks?
00:16.13malrethmy champion was Michiel Conghaile...
00:16.36malrethbut i guess that's the difference between an rp server and the others
00:16.37break19i miss the daoc glory days
00:17.15break19tbh, I'd prolly still be playing it, if we still our PCs
00:18.43break19but when the 'cane took the house, we bought a pair of cheap mac laptops (mac laptops > other laptops, imho) as we were either living in the cab of my 18, or in a small travel trailer (fema trailer)
00:23.51Industrialwoot Sem Schild wins K1 2007, first fighter to have won K1 three times in a row!
00:23.51malrethah... sorry to hear that
00:24.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
00:25.12break19about which? going mac? lol
00:25.58malrethi'm typing this on a mac
00:26.09malrethi'm platform agnostic... i use whichever
00:26.25malrethsorry about the loss to katrina
00:26.30malrethi'm assuming
00:27.41malrethi scared yet another person away
00:27.50malrethpurl, hug me
00:27.51purlACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs malreth
00:27.52*** join/#wowi-lounge break19 (
00:28.29break19malreth: ya.. but hey, stuff happens.
00:28.52break19last bad one was in '79 and I was just a toddler then
00:29.48*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
00:30.44break19last one before that was in the early 60s.. that one did permanent damage to the local economy, still felt to this day.. Camille
00:30.49TaeriPeople need to play around with the guildbank functions! *cough*
00:31.45break19Camille turned a sleepy resort town into a backwater fishing village.. permanently..
00:31.53break19to name just 1 :/
00:32.11break19but wife wants me to run her mage thru ZF. bbl
00:32.21TaeriI have blues in my GB! ... the only purples I had I gave to a guildmember. :P
00:32.47malreth*i did it all for youuuuuu!!!*
00:33.40Thunder_Child~lart malreth
00:33.40purlnabs the moon and broadsides malreth with the sea of tranquility
00:33.50TaeriI had this lovely guildmember, who didn't understand a word of english, I ran him trough RFC( he was low lvl) and he automagically put in master looting, without asking if it was ok with me. And he gave me commands under the whole run. >__>
00:34.24TaeriHe turned out to be a 9 year old swedish guy.
00:34.58malrethuh... s/guy/boy/
00:35.11zenzelezzdamnit, where's Cide when you want to make a joke involving him
00:35.12malrethor brat even
00:35.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
00:35.23*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
00:35.28malrethspeak of the devil
00:35.37zenzelezzthat's just spook
00:35.39Thunder_ChildCide, you were late
00:35.51Thunder_Childtry to get here faster next time to be insulted
00:36.36Thunder_Childzenzelezz, just keep an eye out for more options
00:36.53zenzelezzmight have to
00:39.47Antiarc <-- owned, IMO
00:40.23Cidewhat'd I do anyway?
00:40.41zenzelezz<Taeri> He turned out to be a 9 year old swedish guy.
00:40.43zenzelezz<zenzelezz> damnit, where's Cide when you want to make a joke involving him
00:40.49zenzelezznot 20 seconds later you joined
00:41.40Taeriis Cide a 9 year old swedish guy/boy? :P
00:41.46Cideyou wish
00:42.55TaeriI don't actually.
00:43.08Cideyes you do; you just don't know it, yet
00:44.13TaeriI do wish I knew all the WoW lua functions though
00:45.42Taerieverything wow and lua.
00:45.50Taerithe API and how it works.
00:45.55Taeri<- newb
00:46.06zenzelezzI assume you checked the wiki for the WoW functions at least?
00:46.44TaeriI'm trying to figure out stuff, but it's not all that easy XD
00:47.50malrethtime to cook the dinner
00:48.10malrethlast night was pan seared aged steaks with roasted zucchini and purple asparagus
00:48.18malrethtonight... it's TACOS!
00:48.40Taeri:O gief!
00:49.08malrethis mines!
00:50.02malrethgah... that's my cat EVERY hour of EVERY day
00:50.08Thunder_Childmalreth, there seems to be a slight disparity between last nights dinner and tonights....
00:50.11malrethmaow! maow!
00:50.31malrethgibbor me moar kibble
00:50.51malrethThunder_Child: these will be epic tacos
00:50.54malrethmade with bacon
00:51.00Thunder_Childpurple tacos?
00:51.19Thunder_Childmeh @ bacon
00:52.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
00:55.22TaeriI need to finish my guildtaxer addon... :o
00:55.36dylanmOh dear.
00:56.07Taeria lot of my guildmembers have agreed to this.
00:56.14dylanmI hear it goes over better if you use the word "tithe".
00:56.32Thunder_Childold school word
00:56.38Thunder_Child~dict tithe
00:56.49zenzelezzonly ever heard it used in religious context
00:57.08Thunder_Childwas used back in the days of yore
00:57.52*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
00:58.39Taeriit won't be called a guildtaxer, it'll be called... automagic guild donater ;P
00:58.47Taeriguildbank donations
00:58.48Taerior something
00:59.31Thunder_Childdeath and taxes
01:00.47TaeriA few of my guildies have approves of the use of such an addon, and therefore, I'll try to make one. And have the funds of the guildbank go automagically
01:01.07Taeriinstead of relying on people donating stuff at random.
01:01.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Tinyboom (
01:01.37sysragewhat's the best cisco simulator?
01:01.42sysragelol wrong chan
01:04.24Thunder_Childsysrage, doesnt cisco have their own
01:04.51sysragei think so. doesn't mean it's the best :)
01:05.13Thunder_Childtrue, though one would imagine it to be so
01:12.00*** join/#wowi-lounge pprovost (n=pprovost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
01:14.05TaeriNow... on to finding out how to save information, inbetween game sessions!
01:15.09testleKif you have     if (string.lower(TO_CmdMsg)=="config aht") then function1();      and          if (string.lower(TO_CmdMsg)=="config aht on") then function2();                   when calling /slashcommand config aht on     are you actually firing both function1 and function2? or just function2?
01:17.23art3misthe xbox360 is kinna neat
01:17.39art3misappearantly they built in most of the features of the xbmc stuff
01:17.50art3misthat should same me a ton of discs
01:19.28art3missave even
01:19.56art3misanyone that has a 360 ever tested x264 encoded stuff to see if it plays?
01:56.17testleKuhg lol my issue was stupid error haha ignore the above q awhile back
02:10.29TaeriI suck at this, really. But I will manage!
02:11.39LejI read it as scam >_<
02:11.50Thunder_Childsame thing
02:39.04*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
02:41.25foxlit devious crap (nsf... browsers, I guess)
02:41.53foxlitreferral log spam then download a .exe "codec install".
02:42.10Lejis there any addon that I can use to show/move my perl classic unitframes when not in a group/raid. IFrameManager seems to not working anymore
02:43.22Lejcan't move my pet frame as priest as perl classic can only be edited out of combat and I enter combat when I get pets...
02:45.07JoshBorkelej: you can cast shadow pet ooc
02:45.23JoshBorkeerm, no you can't
02:45.27JoshBorkelej: cast it on a critter then
02:45.39sysrageare mages the only ones that don't get in-fight mana regen from spirit?
02:45.46Lejright, good idea
02:46.10sysrageLej: CustomPetBar rocks
02:46.29Thunder_Childsysrage, arcane meditation?
02:46.55sysragethunder: that has absolutely nothing to do with my question. but ty! :)
02:47.02foxlitsysrage: wrong on both counts :)
02:47.12sysragelej: sorry i misread your question too. you want frame, not pet bar
02:47.23sysragecan't help with that
02:47.37sysragefoxlit: how so?
02:47.39LejI just want to move the frame, but rathunting like JoshBorke said should fix it
02:47.44Thunder_Childsysrage, what then is your question?
02:48.01sysragemages don't get an in-combat mana regen benifit from spirit afaik
02:48.07sysragehealers do afaik
02:48.12sysrageright so far?
02:48.15foxlitOkay, you're wrong _and_ confused
02:48.26foxlitThere's no difference between in-combat and out-of-combat mana regen
02:48.43foxlitHow much mana you regen is governed by whether you've finished casting a spell in the last 5 seconds
02:48.59foxlitIf you haven't, you get regeneration from spirit.
02:49.03Thunder_Childeveryone regens mana from spirit (if they have mana)
02:49.10foxlitIf you have, you get nothing, unless your talents dictate otherwise
02:49.31sysrageoh. i thought healers got it in combat
02:49.44Thunder_Childwith talents
02:49.47foxlitMages, druids, priests, (shamans?) have those types of talents - typically 30% of your outside-of-casting regeneration continues within 5 seconds of casting
02:49.53foxlit(combat has nothing to do with it.)
02:50.17sysragety for clarification
02:50.27Thunder_Childfoxlit, yes shamans
02:50.43Thunder_Childthough it's based on in
02:50.52foxlitInt doesn't count
02:51.01foxlitWe're talking spirit-based regeneration here :)
02:51.27Thunder_Childthen it looks like no
02:51.49foxlitSo it's hunters, paladins and shamans that do not really care for spirit
02:51.50Thunder_Childi think i would rather their talent though
02:52.22foxlitYou must stack additional spirit.
02:52.31foxlit("spawn more overlords")
02:53.09Lejwouldn't that be; You must construct additional pylons? -_-
02:54.14foxlitProbably :)
02:54.44sysrageok so locks can turn their pets mana into health or something right?
02:55.19foxlitNo, locks mainly lose health
02:55.33Irielwe can steal voidwalker mana
02:55.34foxlitthey can get it back from draining/siphoning hostile targets
02:55.38Irielbut we can't take their health
02:55.45Irielwe can take enemy health, or mana (slowly)
02:56.12Wobindraintanking is a very cool mechanism
02:56.18foxlit(as for shaman int->mp5 talent: 30% spirit regen beats it)
02:56.42sysragecan only take VW's mana, or any pet?
02:57.10IrielProbably any pet
02:57.14IrielI just use it on my VW 8-)
02:57.15Thunder_Childi dunno, as a mag i have far more in than spirit
02:57.18foxlitDark Pact, an pet :)
02:57.33Thunder_Child10% of int vs 30% of spi
02:57.35sysrageso say you had an imp up in that shadow whatever so they can't get hit.. will spirit increase their mana regen?
02:57.48foxlitThat's not quite how it works, TC
02:58.01foxlitIt's 30% of your spirit-based regen, which isn't 30% of your spirit
02:58.25foxlit!char EU Emerald Dream Atreju
02:58.44foxlit!c EU Emerald Dream Atreju
02:58.51foxlitneeds aliases :(
02:59.19foxlitHrm :/
02:59.28ThraeBotfoxlit: Atreju, Level 70 Night Elf Druid (47/0/14). 8424 HP; 8765 Mana; 242 mana regen; 109 mp5; 4.20% melee crit; 346 spell crit; 114 spell hit; 1139 +spell dmg; 1159 +heal; 4.64% dodge; 18 resilience; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 954 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sat Dec  8 22:00:42 2007 EST ]]
03:00.17*** join/#wowi-lounge widgertick (
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03:00.17foxlitIt's rather silly, but even with my shoddy spirit itemization, I'd get around 70 mp5 from 30% of spirit regen and only around 50% from int regen
03:00.41foxlits/only around 50%/only around 50mp5 from 10%/
03:03.51Thunder_Childhmm..i think they need to edit windhawk bracers
03:10.23Thunder_Child*cough* *cough* "I wish everyone would be so kind as to name their buttons. I mean the gatherer button has a name, why not the auctioneer one?"
03:12.18TaeriTabs are not fun >_>
03:20.18Lejyou know when you hover over chatframe the tabs popup, could you somehow make it so you have to click the frame for them to show?
03:21.13TaeriNo clue. :o
03:29.10TaeriI fail horribly at making tabs work XD
03:29.40LejI want to destroy tabs tho :P
03:29.54TaeriI like tabs.
03:30.59LejI don't like these tabs, they are where I want to have grid
03:32.08TaeriI'm making a guildaddon thing, with lotsoffeatures, so I need tabs to sort things into different views. :P
03:34.33Guillotinethere needs to be a way to make a secure hyperlink :(
03:34.37Guillotineso you can target from them
03:43.12Lejthere's a option in interface settings: "Remove Chat Hover Delay", there must be some way to make it infinite or something instead -_-
03:48.32KasoIf you were teleported to the past (middle ages ish) with only your current knowledge, what would you do? what could you "invent" or "discover"
03:50.26*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
03:51.52Thunder_Childmy button clicking finger is so sore
03:52.10Thunder_Childover 1,000 packages selected!
03:55.13Taeriright, my tabs doesn't work like they should.. but eeeh XD
04:01.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
04:03.25*** join/#wowi-lounge pprovost (n=pprovost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
04:05.38Industrialhow do I gquit a guild as guild leader?
04:05.41Industriali am the only member
04:05.46IndustrialI cant make someone else leader
04:06.25Taeriwhat about /gdisband ? or something similair
04:06.40Industrialthere we go thx
04:06.47Industrialmoving some chars in migration
04:06.56Industrialwas my ah char
04:08.03Taerinaked orc, eewww
04:08.38IndustrialI know I should swap it for a naked blood elf
04:08.43Industrialand put it in TB
04:08.58TaeriI have all my alts in a nice and quiet area in Silvermoon
04:09.58ScytheBlade1I've got a bank alt in my banking alt guild in every major city
04:09.59Industrialhm silvermoon would do I guess
04:10.08ScytheBlade1Instant transportation of goods!
04:10.34Taeritrue that
04:10.52TaeriSilvermoon has two AHs and two banks. I keep my AH / banker alts in the more quiet one.
04:11.05*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvaan (n=sylvanaa@
04:12.47Industrialdoh i cant cancel bids
04:12.51Industrialill wait for timeout then I guess
04:15.15Taerihmm. crapola...I think there's a flaw in my addon frame setup..
04:21.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
05:04.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
05:07.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Nechckn_V2 (
05:11.38Mr_Rabies2oh drew curtis
05:18.52Corrodiasa trademark application by on the phrase "not safe for work"?
05:19.51Corrodiasthat's like trying to trademark "rush hour" (as referring to trafic) or "porn" (as referring to porn) would you refer porn to anything else?
05:20.40Corrodiasi don't know. maybe you could trademark THAT, though.
05:21.27*** part/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim|ubuntu (
05:21.37Thunder_Childi know "You have questions, We have answers" is trademarked...and i think it's stupid to trademark common words, even in uncommon situations
05:22.13TaeriI have lots of tabs... but they don't really do anything XD
05:27.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
05:27.42*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
05:33.31Taerican I do GPlusTabHandler(this:GetID(), this:GetName());    and make the function:  function GPlusTabHandler(id, name)  ?
05:36.52Kasowhy not pass the function this and left it do the GetID/ GetName stuff inside
05:37.24Taeribecause I'm not thinking logically at 6.37am XD
05:37.27Taerithanks ^^
05:37.35TaeriNot sure why I need the name though, might as well just drop it.
05:44.14TaeriWoo! it sets the right tabs and everything now. :D
05:44.21Taeri*feels awesome* XD
05:44.47Taeriit's ofcourse only the looks of the tab... but no matter!
05:45.57Thunder_Childa step forward is a step forward.
05:46.22Corrodias#showtooltip Minor Healthstone has a bad tendency to show the red question mark until you acquire a healthstone
05:46.23Thunder_Childunless your looking backwards...
05:47.14TaeriOhoh, I forgot about events. Shame on me! *slaps hand*
05:54.36TaeriI wish blizz didn't take away the posability to have 3rd party programs working together with WoW in a game session >__>
05:54.45TaeriI do understand why.
05:54.47Taeribut still.
05:55.02Mike-N-GoMy dilima.
05:55.08Mike-N-GoI am a worker of leather.
05:55.14Mike-N-GoI offer my sirvies.
05:56.13Mike-N-GoMost recnely, another claimed I 'ripped her off' because she gave me partial mats for something.. then ingnorees me because I ask for 3G a heavy knot leather..
05:56.51Thunder_Childdo you make chaps? Cide was asking earlier
05:57.21Thunder_Child(you just supposed to agree with me)
05:57.31Thunder_Childya that
05:58.05TaeriMike-N-Go: So this person ignores you, after giving you materials?
05:58.30Mike-N-GoRember, partial mats.
05:58.52TaeriBecause you asked for 3g for 1x Heavy Knothide Leather?
05:59.17Taeri(I'm assuming the knothide leather is the rest of the material you need to make whatever she wanted)
06:00.59TaeriMy conclusion is this, if she ignores you, without asking to get her materials back, that's not your fault. :P
06:13.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_DC ( computer is not pleased with me trying to copy 15,000+ files at once
06:19.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go_ (n=MikeNGoS@
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06:22.24TaeriMy job for tomorrow... figure out the best way scan guildbank information!
06:25.08Taerithat's neat
06:26.37TaeriI should... respec :P
06:27.08Thunder_Childnice, seems like a ctprofiles replacement
06:32.07Thunder_Childhmm.. "Post in the WoW Forum Thread if you want your sandboxed character locked (to make it view-only)." may not be the best way to go about it
06:32.26*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (n=sylvanaa@
06:36.41*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|DVD (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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06:37.43Taerithe guildbanks are so pricey it hurts my moneys. :P
06:41.02Taerihohum, I'm running out of space for more tabs on the bottom of my addon >__>
06:44.46Thunder_Childstart on the sides
06:45.23TaeriI don't like side tabs though
06:47.05TaeriOh! I remember one of my ideas now XD *writes it down before she forgets it again*
06:48.05TaeriI want a ingame place to have rules for guilds and whatnot.
06:57.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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06:59.54*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden^ (n=kaiden@
07:04.12TaeriI should add placeholders for all these function thingies...
07:04.43Taerior... panels / frames
07:18.10bleeterdamnit getting sick and tired of my PW:S graphic randly disappearing :/
07:19.40Mr_Rabies2it disappears in a libertarian utopia
07:22.33bleeterMr_Rabies2: make me a cofee
07:25.01Thunder_ChildVMware needs to have the same ability as Parallels to switch between host and guest OS with a key combo press
07:35.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
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07:47.20Mike-N-Go_I ponder, why can't I put  [Clefthide Leg Armor] in my LW bag?
07:52.50Thunder_Childit sounds like a finished product
07:53.32Thunder_Childthe LW bag is only for raw materials i think
07:53.38Thunder_Childand profession bag*
07:53.43Thunder_Childi think
07:54.10Thunder_Childand formulas
07:55.59Mike-N-Go_I can put all other kits in it.
08:07.59Thunder_Child*sigh* i feel like a nub
08:10.19*** part/#wowi-lounge tisepti (
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08:55.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
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09:12.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
09:14.49*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
09:22.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Kelfarr (
09:23.44Kelfarrwhy won't this heal the player when not mousing over anything
09:23.50Kelfarr. /cast [target=mouseover] Regrowth
09:23.58|Jelly|Because it's not supposed to?
09:24.03KelfarrI tried /cast [target=mouseover][] Regrowth  also
09:24.16Kelfarrthen how do I make it so it does
09:24.23|Jelly|What are you trying to do, exactly? Heal the player (you) ?
09:24.50Kelfarrthe guy wants to to cast regrowth on his mouseover target but when not mousing over anything heal himself
09:31.13*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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09:41.34*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
09:41.58cncfanaticshello people
09:52.13Corrodiassometimes i wish you could just tell wow "okay, you've disconnected. reconnect."
09:52.28Corrodiasi have to sit here for god knows how long on the instance portal screen now...
09:55.06Mr_Rabies2count your blessings
09:55.12Mr_Rabies2in SL you can't even logout
09:55.15Mr_Rabies2you have to exit
09:55.17Mr_Rabies2to log back in
09:57.06*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvaan (n=sylvanaa@
10:16.00bleeterMr_Rabies2: make me a coffee, damnit
10:18.00Mr_Rabies2if i lived in australia i'd never drink hot coffee
10:18.08Mr_Rabies2too damn hot
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10:31.41Mr_Rabies2also spiders
10:31.49Mr_Rabies2i'd question my sanity if i ever wound up in australia
10:31.58Mr_Rabies2i'm not a fan of heat or spiders
10:32.03Mr_Rabies2and australia has both in spades
10:40.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Lonny (
10:59.02Corrodiasugh. with a druid and a hunter at 70, i have a hard time justifying having any other characters.
10:59.51Corrodiasbut the warlock is pretty damn fun, all the same
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11:26.29Guillotinewow, getting linux to run in VPC is a real PITA
11:26.46GuillotineI've tried about 5 different things to get graphics working and none seem to work -_-
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13:55.21WobinAfter hearing Great Big Sea's cover of ITEOTWAWKI(AIFF)
13:55.30WobinThe REM version just draaaaags
13:55.45Wobin(and by version I mean original)
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14:02.02zenzelezzI've been unable to listen to REM's version of "Everybody hurts" after watching a WoW video where the end credits featured some (seemingly) drunk guy singing it on Vent
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14:06.34Industrialany pallies around wanna laugh at the spec I cooked up?
14:06.55Industrialany good?
14:07.00Industrialmine is 20 now just got SoC
14:07.27Industrialthis is geared towards leveling, taking less damage and doing more :P
14:09.31malrethi've got no experience with paladins but i won't let that stop me from having an opinion
14:10.09malrethFine work you're doing here, Industrial. Keep it up.
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14:13.16Industrialmalreth: ... :]
14:14.14XuerianWell, at least I got some nifty music out of the potbs beta.
14:15.03malrethPresidents Of The Bull Shit?
14:15.19wereHamstersubversion-1.4.4-r4 works with git-svn, 1.4.5 doesn't
14:15.26wereHamsteroops, wrong channel
14:15.30malrethPost Office: The Back Story?
14:16.10malrethPoultry On The Buttered Side?
14:16.26malreth!g potbs
14:16.26batbotmalreth: Pirates of the Burning Sea » Home <>
14:16.32malrethaaah... ok
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14:20.10break19Industrial, question about that pally spec.. which tree you filling up first, since you said you were gonna use it as a leveling spec
14:22.48IndustrialI am into ret now until Seal of Command
14:24.01Industrialor I could respec full prot all together
14:24.07IndustrialI dont mind as long as I can solo :d
14:24.28break19Industrial: here is my 45 pally's spec as of right now.. - he takes on 3-4 mobs his own level, no prob
14:24.40break19*as of right now*
14:25.00break19he goes sword-n-board, if you cant tell from the spec.
14:25.57break19ret just takes too much of a beating..
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14:28.45break19reckoning is awesome, especially with judge of light and seal of the crusader.. :)
14:28.51XuerianRet Paladins are like Feral Druids. Their motto going into battle is HIT ME MOAR
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14:29.12break19I can fight mobs 4 levels higher than me and never cast a single heal spell.. just let the judgement do all the healing :)
14:30.40Cairennno, it hasn't, so it's going back to bed
14:30.51break19Xuerian: 2.3 gave ret pallies much needed love.. I honestly havent tried it since, I may, tho
14:31.08break19I got a pot already made.. I can DCC ya a cup, if ya like.
14:31.13break19cream? sugar?
14:31.27break19ah well. already gone. heh
14:31.28Cairenn|afkactually, I don't drink coffee, but thanks for the offer
14:31.52XuerianThat's.. unnatural o.0
14:32.11XuerianCaffeine = Life
14:32.12break19the world is coming to an end.
14:32.19Cairenn|afkyou're new here, aren't you? "Lurker" is a well established fact for me ;)
14:32.25break19if I havent had -my- morning coffee
14:32.32break19. well.. we wont go there
14:32.38XuerianNo one wants your morning coffee.
14:32.52XuerianIt's nasteh in ways we don't need to go telling little children about
14:32.54break19Cairenn|afk: newish.. I've been lurking, myself, off and on, for about 2 or 3 weeks now.. heh
14:33.12break19Xuerian: just because you have to chew it, doesnt make it nasty...
14:33.17Cairenn|afkanyway, I really am back to bed for a few more hours, 4 just isn't enough
14:33.24Xuerianbreak19: IT REQUIRES A FORK
14:33.42break19Xuerian: if you stick a fork into MY coffee.. it'll melt.
14:33.42Cairenn|afkah, so it's military grade coffee - nothing wrong with that
14:34.08XuerianYeah, well that's why it requires a fork. So you know it's done >.o
14:34.11break19battery acid aint got nuthin on my java :)
14:34.38break19.. which is prolly why my insides are in such bad shape.. hmm.. maybe I should cut back?
14:34.53break19maybe not
14:36.42break19oh well.. todays pvp daily is av, according to the wife.. sooo.. *poof*
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15:07.07art3misdarnit why hasnt winterfest started
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15:36.16leethalis there a clever way of making these "You gain %d extra attack through %s"'ish messages into regular expressions you can scan with string.match()?
15:36.21leethalgsubing them by hand, I guess?
15:36.50MentalPower|DVDleethal: theres a few libs that do that for you
15:36.59leethalmm, parserlib and stuff?
15:56.57zenzelezzif you want to do it yourself you can look at how MSBT and similar addons do it
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16:05.56leethalah, good idea
16:06.23leethaloh, another thing
16:07.28leethalthose "default blizzard UI boxes" - e.g. the character screen (with reputation/skills etc) and the social screen (firiends, who, guild etc) - is there any simple addons (or something) one could look at to figure out how to make frames that looks like that?
16:07.51leethalperhaps blizzard has some neat thingies that you can inherit from, just like with secure headers etc.?
16:07.57malrethnot really
16:08.20malreththe code for them is in the FrameXML files.. you can read them if you want
16:08.51malrethbut they're built in a way that isn't very flexible
16:09.27cladhairemalreth: it depends on the frame
16:09.37cladhairei've converted many of them to fully resizable frames
16:09.49cladhairesome TexCoord and a few extra textures
16:10.39leethalbut it's not really an easy thing to achieve?
16:10.44malrethyeah... but you had to do work to do that
16:10.49leethalat least not for someone that never did it before
16:10.54malreththey didn't come that way
16:12.00malrethanyways... blizzard's FrameXML files are a good start
16:12.16malreththey'll give you something to start with
16:12.28malrethalso, they're a good strt
16:12.34malrethstart with those
16:12.44malrethy'know... to start with
16:14.51leethalthe LFG frame seems like a good starting point
16:15.33leethalbah, I think I'll just do something else =P
16:15.42leethalgot no idea on how to inherit that stuff
16:22.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Hallucinosis (n=Hallucin@
16:36.54zenzelezzso our guild's DKP addon coder finally stripped away 75%+ of CTRA 1.623 from the addon \o/ The taintlog feature helped push him
16:40.16Cidewhy would you have that in a dkp addon?
16:41.23Cidesounds like the worst idea in history
16:41.40zenzelezzI agree. I don't know why, it's an old addon
16:42.08zenzelezzhe's basically trying to get rid of all of CTRA from it now, but seems to be doing it in a peculiar way
16:42.28Cidethat sounds interesting
16:43.00Cidectra is inherently evil now
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16:54.58Shirik|AFKanyone here good with the TCP protocol and/or ethereal?
16:55.20Shirik|AFKhi |Jelly|
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17:05.36ShirikIriel knows TCP I'm sure
17:06.11Shirikpoor Iriel probably hates me by now, every time he joins I have a new problem for him
17:07.17zenzelezzsorry, but I just have to...
17:07.21purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
17:07.46ShirikI hate you zenzelezz
17:07.57ShirikI'm trying to fix some kind of problem with a web server. I send a request to it, I've analyzed the request. I get the standard handshake (SYN, SYN/ACK, ACK) but it seems everything else is lost. I get two what seems to be duplicate SYN/ACK (seq=0) from the server after that, and then a ACK/RST seq=1.
17:08.21ShirikSo I'm guessing the final ACK is lost, but that doesn't make sense to me because the first two go through every single time.
17:08.29malreth|undeadfix it zenzelezz
17:10.13zenzelezzI thought SYN/ACK was only when you established a connection?
17:10.45ShirikTo initiate the connection you send a SYN packet. The server responds with SYN/ACK. You respond with ACK to let the server know the connection is GTG.
17:12.26Shirikand this is the sucky part of the TCP protocol, the one that I always hated
17:12.34Shirikthere's no way to know that that ACK went through
17:12.39Shirikbut you have to stop somewhere
17:14.36Shirikthis is the log:
17:14.57ShirikIgnore checksum incorrect, that's just due to checksum offloading by my card
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17:43.49TaeriWoo, I burned my tomatosoup. *cheers for self*
17:44.13|Jelly|~fail Taeri
17:44.13purlTaeri: Fail.
17:44.34Taeriactually, it was the macaronies(?) that burned, not the soup itself.
17:44.36Taeribut no matter
17:44.40Taeriit's still eatable!
17:45.29Shirikmacaroni is plural
17:45.36Shirikand it's edible not eatable :P
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17:49.18|Jelly|It's EATABLE! :P
17:49.40|Jelly|(think about that being said in a 5 year old's voice)
17:58.58Shirik~dict eatable
17:59.31Shirik~dict 1 eatable
17:59.44Shirikhow the hell was that different?
17:59.46Shirik~dict 2 eatable
18:01.33Shirikeatable is a noun
18:01.39Shirik"It's still eatable" is wrong
18:01.45Shirik"It is still an eatable" is valid
18:02.14Shirikeatable (plural eatables)
18:02.23Shirik1. Anything edible
18:02.24Shirik2. (in plural) food
18:02.39ShirikI have eatables
18:02.42Shirikthis is my new word for today
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18:17.59malreth|undeadyay... i get to go watch my little sister graduate with a BS in Computer Science
18:19.14Thunder_Childlooks like malreth was a bad influence on his little sister
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18:26.45Taerii'm sorry for not knowing the quirks and weirdnesses of the English language.  :P
18:27.16|Jelly|It's ok, Taeri. I like my eatable food! *snubs Shirik* :P
18:28.12TaeriI like my eatable food too!
18:29.36TaeriI'd like to see one of you English nitpicks have a go at Norwegian now. kthx.
18:39.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
18:40.47zenzelezzthis should be good... *all* of the raid using CTRA alternatives... trying to configure them all before Vashj :-p
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18:42.39Cidenot really sure what you're trying to prove here
18:42.40foxlitWhy would you want to configure anything?
18:43.02CideI wouldn't use ctra if I still raided
18:43.25zenzelezzCide: I'm not bashing CTRA, it's just that the DKP mod I told you about doesn't at the moment allow people to use any version of CTRA, and these people have all relied on it until now
18:43.28zenzelezzso it's a new world for them
18:43.35Cideor something
18:44.22nevcairielif i had to do that to people, i would send them a package with sRaidFrame and oRA2 .. sRF trys to resemble CTRA looks for easier switch, and its really good ;)
18:44.30zenzelezzCide: I don't understand your reaction, it could have been any other mod being switched out and my point would still be the same... 25 people switching addon to something they're not familiar with
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18:50.58foxlitBonk whoever is writing your dkp mod on the head
18:51.01foxlitAnd tell them to l2code
18:53.08IndustrialCide: CTRA SUCKS
18:53.20Industrial(just kidding, I don't raid ever)
18:53.22Cideno shit
18:54.13foxlitTo be honest, though, I have up CTRA for... no CTRA.
18:55.19foxlitSimply wrote own party/player/target/focus frames while leveling the then-alt in 2.0.0, and haven't bothered with raid-wide frames since I primarily dps
18:55.19Industrialkergoth: ^^ I'm waiting for 2.3.2 tho for the pet leveling - cba to do that now with my 61 cat pet that I want to 67
18:56.21foxlitMy only annoyance with oRa (it's fixed in CTRA, iirc) is that it forces those people to reply on someone promoted to set MT/MA targets
18:56.24kergothyeah thatd take a long time
18:56.40kergothi farmed the mats to get my rogue to exalted scryers and that got my boar from like 65 to 67 only
18:56.44Cidefoxlit: what?
18:56.46kergothwas sad
18:56.57foxlitPeople keep whining at me to set MA/MT targets for them
18:57.34foxlitI can't do that while not running ora/ctra, and, at least as far as I can judge from responses, those two don't like blizzard's MA/MT designation
18:57.54Cideblizzard's is useless
18:58.07Cidealmost, anyway
18:59.34Cidedoesn't maintain order
18:59.42kergothguh, thats stupid
19:00.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
19:00.30foxlitNot that you can't work around that]
19:00.48CideI'll next releas
19:01.59foxlitGenerally, annoyed by addons that require promotions on people to work properly
19:02.29Cideit's just a security measure
19:02.35Cidegot to protect people against the people
19:02.36foxlitA bad one.
19:02.38Cidebecause people are stupid
19:02.41Cideno, it's a good one
19:02.52foxlitI don't want to grant you permission to kick people from raid because you have to set up blessings
19:02.59foxlitImplement your own damn trust system.
19:03.00nevcairielimho it makes sense, i wouldnt want any dumbass to be able to set my targets randomly
19:03.10nevcairielwell blessings is another thing
19:03.22nevcairielbut setting MA/MT generally is done by the leader or assist anyway
19:03.36Cideit's for stupid shit like ready checks being spammed
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19:05.43foxlit"X would like to change MT/MA targets list. Cancel or allow?"
19:06.11Cidebut then you have to route all requests through a raid leader
19:06.14Cidewhich requires them to run the addon
19:06.24foxlitDon't, prompt people directly
19:06.36Cidebut what if some say yes and some say no?
19:06.39Cidethen you're unsynced
19:06.54foxlitFeedback that.
19:07.09Cideand people don't want to care about that
19:07.12foxlit"Y rejected your changes."
19:07.16foxlitKeep a memory list
19:07.27foxlitYou typically have 2 or 3 raid leaders that do set those targets
19:07.28Cideso now you need the whole raid to accept your decisions?
19:07.46Cidewhat if someone says "fuck this, let's have some fun" and just rejects everything
19:07.59Cideyour suggestion isn't good design
19:07.59foxlitI don't care, the functionality is provided as a service to them
19:08.10foxlitIt's not "ZOMG, ATTACK MT1 OR ELSE"
19:08.24Cidebut you're making it a pain in the ass for everyone
19:08.55foxlitNah, "Always allow from X" / "Always reject from X" and it'll never be more than a minor annoyance
19:09.19Cideassuming everyone runs the addon, you aren't using a new person, everyone is smart
19:09.29Cideas opposed to just promoting someone and everything works at once
19:09.45foxlitExcept you grant permissions you do not wish to grant
19:09.58foxlitIf CTRA promote was different from raid promote, fine
19:10.14Cidethat, again, requires the leaders to run the addon
19:10.23Cideif you don't want to grant them that access, don't grant them any access
19:10.30Cideit's not optimal, but it's better than the alternatives
19:10.37Cidesome changes shouldn't require any access to change
19:10.42foxlitThere are better alternatives
19:10.49Cidenot ones you've offered
19:11.45foxlitI am convinced that they work in their own situations
19:12.11foxlitPallyPower, for instance, should've long ago implemented "do you want to accept X's changes to the assignments?"
19:12.56foxlitMain tanks are a bit trickier, but it comes down to me not carrying how the individual raid member's UI looks like
19:13.16foxlitIt's still "Attack Y's target" rather than "Attack MA1"; I'm not too concerned how they visualize it
19:13.37foxlitHealers typically want tank frames to heal something - they should really be able to set those themselves.
19:13.52Cidegood healers do
19:14.18nevcairielthere are player targets, or your raid frames allow custom frame creation
19:14.57*** join/#wowi-lounge pprovost (n=pprovost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
19:29.36art3misis there a quick copy feature in mysql where i can just select two db's and have one copy to the otehr
19:31.57Cairenntalk to dolby-wowi
19:32.35Cairennwe had to do that when we merged vgshoi into vgi
19:33.01art3misim just exporting to sql
19:34.07art3miswas hoping for a much easier way ;)
19:35.27foxlitI'm not sure if copying the DB backend files works
19:35.58foxlitiirc, I've restored mysql databases that way, but I haven't tried to change names or anything, could fail internal checks
19:36.27art3miswell i know with .sql it just saves the table data n stuff
19:36.32foxlitYou can of course do INSERT INTO db1.table SELECT * FROM db2.table
19:36.49foxlitWhether that's optimized is another question
19:36.57art3misbut no simple "copy from one db to the other" button in phpadmin
19:37.08Cideit also fails with primary keys iirc
19:37.24art3misoh thats bad then
19:37.33Xueriandumps ftw
19:37.37foxlitdumps are slow
19:37.51Xueriandon't fail on primary keys :)
19:37.52foxlitYou really don't want to import from them when your DB is sufficiently large.
19:37.54Cideactually, it might just be unique columns with the same value
19:38.02foxlitINSERT/SELECT shouldn't fail with keys
19:38.18foxlitOriginal data is valid by default, it shouldn't modify it
19:38.48Cidefoxlit: assuming the target table is empty, INSERT INTO SELECT * FROM db2.source should work
19:39.23Cidebut if not, unique columns could conflict
19:39.25foxlitart3mis: table -> operations -> Move table to (database) or Copy table to (database)
19:39.33art3miscide: you ru into that too with dumps though if you forget to add the extras
19:39.37foxlitIf you want a copy, you'd of course truncate target tables :)
19:39.53foxlitI usually do dumps with DROP TABLE IF EXISTS
19:40.08foxlitthen recreate them to make sure import works
19:40.14art3misheh the copy was small i already did a dump, but i wrote it down for future reference
19:42.14*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
19:44.11foxlitYou can also do that on databases
19:44.18foxlitDatabase -> Operations -> Copy database to
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20:54.22bleeterIt's morning, so I'm demanding folks in my guild make me a coffee. Guildie has stated that they poured the coffee down the inter-tubes to send it to me...
20:54.46bleeter... their computer is now all sparkly. Will looting spawn an elite?
20:55.25Nechckn_V2most likely only a crazed sheep of some sort.
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22:02.24AnduinLotharanyone know why the bg gems aren't in atlas loot?
22:02.42art3miscuz they suck and no-one buys em ;P
22:03.05art3misfarming honour for 5 days to get a single gem thats oly +3dam better isnt much worth it
22:03.57AnduinLotharcheeper than the hijal bt gems
22:04.08Shadowed|only if your goal isn't to get hybrid gems
22:04.24AnduinLotharthe ap/crit one is decent
22:04.56AnduinLotharnot esp worth it unless you've already got all your other honor gear i understan
22:06.50art3misyeah and the pricing is crazy for the rset of the other stuff
22:06.59nevcairielhyjal/bt gems cost money, or if your guild does those instances, maybe even nothing, the honor gems .. well cost honor =P
22:07.05art3misunless you've got all you need.. they arent much worth it
22:07.18art3misgold == easier than honour ;P
22:10.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
22:12.18ccoxhonor is easy in EoTS or AV
22:12.39art3misstill takes a long time
22:12.45ccox20k honor is much faster than 20k gold (unless you're dishonest)
22:13.00art3miswell yeah but when would you need 20k gold to purchase a gem?
22:13.16ccoxhave you seen prices on a high population server?
22:13.31art3miswe'er talking about the hyjal vs honour gems
22:14.07art3miscomparing apples to oranges as a way of making a point doesnt really work cox ;)
22:14.56art3miswhens winterveil?
22:15.29art3misi want new stuff
22:15.34art3mislike a flying reindeer!
22:17.22ccoxit does when someone makes a silly statement like "gold == easier than honor"
22:17.44art3misnot really
22:17.56art3miswhen you're compariong non like values that staement is true
22:18.12art3misit's easier to farm up 600g than it is to get 32k honour
22:18.18art3miswell not easier
22:18.24art3misbut less annoyingly tedious
22:21.07AnduinLotharif you have a good premade on ab weekend you can make 32k in a weekend
22:21.37TaeriWho was making a ingame level guide again?
22:22.23Cairennthere's also ... hang on, lemme find it ....
22:22.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Viserion (
22:23.19art3miswhich according to others is "compelte crap and a waste of a download wen you can just get tourguide, tomtom and lightheaded"
22:23.41art3misbut thats not to say dev on it should be discouraged
22:24.58Taeriooh XD
22:25.21art3miswhat would make tekk
22:25.42art3mistekk's WAY better if it would grab your level and start there, instead of always starting at the beginning
22:25.56TaeriIhave Joanas horde thing, can go from 1-60 in around 4-5 days
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22:26.38Cairennhere's tekkub's:
22:26.51art3misTaeri: tekk's is based off that
22:26.56art3misit's just on screen
22:27.05art3misactually Az's is too
22:27.14art3misim just ot sure which covers more races
22:28.55TaeriI'll look into them, thanks :D
22:29.19TaeriI'm looking for something where I can start at around 56, I know it won't be optimal, but still. It'll even out eventually
22:29.25art3mishey cairenn can you linkie me that trojan that was kicking around im curious if nod32 sees it
22:29.41art3misheh 56 is easy
22:29.51art3misget 2 levels go to outlands ;P
22:30.08TaeriYeah, that was the plan
22:30.18Cairennart3mis: (1:44:36 AM) Cairenn:
22:30.18Cairenn(1:44:37 AM) Cairenn: (10:53:25 PM) ScytheBlade1: keylogger/keylogger
22:30.18Cairenn(1:44:37 AM) Cairenn: (10:53:35 PM) ScytheBlade1: That's the installer + a zip of the "bad" files
22:30.18Cairenn(1:45:38 AM) Cairenn: dolby-wowi:
22:30.19Cairenn(1:45:49 AM) Cairenn:   if you want the "original" from wowi
22:30.21Cairenn(1:46:49 AM) Cairenn: seeing if anyone still has links to the archived version of the original one from incgamers
22:30.22TaeriI lvl as fast as a snail stuck on a patch of glue moves. :p
22:30.24Cairenn(6:41:04 PM) Antiarc:
22:30.53Antiarcoh noes, my server has a keylogger
22:30.55AntiarcOh, wait
22:30.58AntiarcI put it there
22:30.59AntiarcCarry on!
22:31.15art3misexploits antiarc
22:31.16Cairennbe smart guys, those are links to a trojan, don't click if you aren't prepared
22:31.25AntiarcI should rename that file
22:31.41AntiarcTo something like
22:32.19art3misnope nod32 lets it pass
22:32.20Cidehad to be done, sorry
22:32.23art3misas does avg
22:32.39art3misso much for being the best ;P
22:32.44Cairennthey've all been contacted with the info on it
22:33.00art3misupdated as of this morning and neither does
22:33.15art3miswhts funny though is that avg seems all my vnc clients and servers as backdoor trojans ;)
22:34.01art3mishehe i fergot to give you ram too when you were here
22:34.11*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
22:34.18CairennI didn't, I chose not to remind you
22:34.52CairennCide: ;)
22:35.47art3miswell that was silly
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22:55.39ScytheBlade1lol. This thread is almost comical.
22:55.46ScytheBlade1 <-- my server hosting provider
22:56.51ScytheBlade1If he wasn't 100% serious I'd be laughing
22:57.39art3misim still laughing
23:06.18TaeriScytheBlade1: I laughed anyway XD
23:06.52ScytheBlade1Taeri: yeah, but... really, wtf?
23:07.08TaeriHe's nuts obviously
23:07.09ScytheBlade1"The reason I am getting worried is because I read that some oil producing country stopped wanting to get paid in dollars and Ron Paul says that your war on terror costs you more than you can really afford and that the way you afford it is by printing more dollars."
23:07.32ScytheBlade1It's like he took every other buzzword and combined it with a brief WWII history lesson and said "zomg USA is about to collapse in on itself"
23:08.08ScytheBlade1Big Oil, Ron Paul, War on Terror, National Debt, and WWII
23:08.10ScytheBlade1One sentence
23:09.54TaeriI have laaaag, I don't want laaag!
23:14.43nevcairielnot that i would agree with him, but still some of his points are valid :P but anyway, sleepy time, nn
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23:29.27Taerihow the hell did I manage this?!
23:32.26art3misnew shoes?
23:33.05Taeriit worked just fine until.... this morning I think
23:33.12Taeriand I'm not completely sure what I did. :P
23:59.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Rayne (

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