IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071205

00:00.01testleKCool I'll have to go through the little tut on it looks like alot of what I have been wanting to know :
00:00.05Cidanthat explains that.
00:00.20fropit's combatlog?
00:00.37CidanNo, it was a joke about Ace, sorry, anyways, uh... what's your CPU usage during this time?
00:00.54fropdon't know rly
00:01.02fropit goes down only on boss fight
00:01.04Thunder_Child~lart Cidan
00:01.04purlraises middle finger to Cidan
00:01.05Cidaninstall htop
00:01.10fropso i'm little "focused"
00:01.11Cidanand run it in a console
00:01.23Cidanalso are you using compiz?
00:01.23fropdoes it "record" performance?
00:01.59fropis compiz better? don't think so run on another xserver
00:02.09Cidanman, it really could be anything; I'm going to go with it's not normal.
00:02.13Cidanoh, you remote in?
00:02.34CidanI mean, that could be it, is it an intense fight?
00:02.41fropDISPLAY=:3 nice -10 aoss wine WoW.exe
00:02.46fropMorogrim tonight
00:02.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Riffage (
00:02.56Cidantry it local?
00:03.05frop(downed it for the first time :))
00:03.12Cidanyay, :P
00:03.20fropi'll do
00:03.21Cidan*doesn't actually play anymore, just codes*
00:03.34Cidantry it local, see if that solves it, I suspect X is yelling at you
00:03.37wereHamsterfrop, using the d3d or opengl renderer? using the gl vbo hack?
00:03.50fropopengl i guess
00:03.55Cidanyou guess?
00:03.59Cidanare you using -opengl?
00:04.06fropusing the gl vbo hack?  <--  explain
00:04.12fropCidan: sure, opengl
00:04.15wereHamster-> wine appdb
00:04.34fropgonna check it
00:04.44Cidango to the appdb for WoW, make sure you run WoW with -opengl, and check the reg settings
00:04.54fropbtw, fps goes down when i "zoom" on boss
00:04.55testleKhey frop I have tried aoss on both pidgin and wow at the same time is it supposed to work out of the box or did you have to mess with it to get it to work?
00:05.15froptestleK: out of the box
00:05.22testleKdoh was afraid of that :
00:05.48fropCidan: already done the tweaks to registry
00:06.01fropgoing to try to launch it local to this Xserver
00:06.04wereHamsterfrop, btw, why are you using aoss and not the alsa sound driver?
00:06.13fropTS mostly
00:06.36fropwasn't able to get my mic workign with alsa
00:06.49fropwill test alsa asap too
00:06.56wereHamstermost likely  problem with the mixer
00:07.07testleK<< cant get wine to work under alsa its only working using oss
00:07.12testleKor whatever that one is called :P
00:07.35fropeheh, if wow was running no mic...if TS before WoW, all work like a charm
00:07.58fropbtw, thanks all for the hints...will try tomorrow...
00:08.05wereHamsterI use the wine alsa driver and start TS with aoss, and both work just fine
00:08.15frop...also, is fullscreen supposed to be better than windowed mode?
00:08.31wereHamsterno difference under linux
00:09.07fropmmmh, oohh right...keybindings...were the reason for "another" xserver
00:09.35wereHamsterfrop, check out
00:09.41fropAlt was fucked
00:09.45wereHamster-> Registry Tweak for FPS Boost
00:09.51fropwereHamster: already done for sure
00:10.03testleKhmm I have been using wine in oss then using aoss to launch wine / wow then pidgin in alsa or aoss pidgin and neither have manager to work for both sounds at same time :P I gave to use console beeps in pidgin to hear inc msgs while in wow lol
00:10.03fropthe first time i installed it
00:10.52fropneed to try using local xserver and lower res a bit
00:11.06fropsurely 1680-1050 is an overkill
00:11.19fropgot full detail too
00:11.45frop(meeeh...was running wow on a p3 1000...1.12.x
00:11.57fropand it was smooth
00:11.57testleK16x10 is what I run in linux full detail ~ 50-70 fps
00:12.08frop16x10 :D
00:12.17CidanI don't really have any issues with WoW in linux at full speed, even with compiz
00:12.25Cidansound, mic, both worh
00:12.27Cidanwork, even
00:12.42fropyep, all is working nice...just fps sucks
00:12.53fropin Shatt too
00:12.59fropi have 15fps
00:13.18wereHamstercompiz eats about 50% of the fps (unless you have 'unredirect fullscreen window' enabled and play wow in fullscreen..)
00:13.37fropdo you run it under gnome?
00:13.44Cidanaye, but using compiz
00:13.53Thunder_Childno, he runs it under a gnome
00:13.53fropi've it installed and working
00:14.05CidanI do get a slighhtt drop in FPS with compiz, but not 50% or anything drastic
00:14.26fropdamn, something wrong somewhere then
00:14.34fropcould be my 200 addons
00:14.37wereHamstermaybe that's because my older h/w, but compiz sure eats a bit
00:15.22fropcmq puoi parlare anche in italiano ehh...ti capisco...
00:15.41CidanI don't speak it, I can sort of understand/read it though
00:15.47CidanI'm hispanic. :D
00:15.59fropItalian name indeed
00:16.06Cidanand my name is Antonio, ;D
00:16.16fropLobato too...seems italian
00:17.02fropgonna try to launch it now...with metacity
00:17.12Pandyawow at 1920x1200 mofos
00:17.19Pandyashows how awful the textures really are.
00:17.39Dreaany reason why the AddMessages never fire??
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00:18.30reqolwill a function wait for a return before continuing
00:18.31MentalPowerDrea: line 11 has a syntax issue
00:18.35wereHamsterDrea, line 11 is incomplete
00:18.54bleeteranyone ever heard of 'growl' on the hunter's pet toolbar never appearing after re-training the pet?
00:18.57reqollike if I had something counting time, and it waited 3 seconds before returning something, would it wait until it got that return to continu?
00:20.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
00:20.14Dreaoh. duh
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00:21.28Kelfarrshould I download grid
00:21.52Kelfarrvery good arguement
00:22.02PandyaI thought so
00:22.30Valaron|WorkIt saves a lot of screen real estate.
00:23.02Kelfarryeah i know
00:23.13Drea OK any reason why the AddMessages are not fireing .?
00:23.15Kelfarrbut it won't match my player and target UF
00:23.33Valaron|WorkWhat do you use?
00:24.23Valaron|WorkDoesn't pitbull have its own raidframes?
00:24.28Kelfarryes and?
00:24.30foxlitDrea: addons?
00:24.47Valaron|WorkI don't use it.. that's why I asked.
00:24.49foxlitEspecially ones preventing chat frame messages when you reload?
00:25.02Dreathis is the only addon loaded.
00:25.22Valaron|WorkLua messages enabled, Drea?
00:25.29Valaron|WorkIn the Options..?
00:25.30bleeterhmm, if I code a macro, can I place it onto my pet toolbar?
00:25.33Dreathe tables those loops are supposed to populate are saved vars, and they don't get populated either.
00:25.43bleeter(this would overcome my pet's apparent bug)
00:25.48fropwine "D:\wow\WoW.exe" <--- this, without aoss and another xserver seems slighty better...still 17fps in Shatt
00:26.08bleeterfrop: which version of Wine?
00:26.32MentalPowerDrea: most probably, the tables are empty
00:26.40Lunessableeter: You can't put arbitrary buttons on the pet bar.
00:26.51MentalPoweror only contain, non-integer indexed entries
00:26.51bleeterLunessa: didn't think so.. worth a shot tho to overcome this
00:26.59bleeterjust don't understand why growl isn't on the pet bar :/
00:27.17LunessaDid you drag it off?  
00:27.18fropgrab it from spellbook
00:27.35bleeterLunessa: doesn't appear even with empty interface, wtf and cache
00:27.36LunessaYeah, grab it from your pets spellbook.
00:28.02fropit's not supposed to be there by default i think...
00:28.06Dreaallright, found the error, but while it's populating the entries, it's not puttin anythin in the saved vars file? well i'll deal later gott east
00:28.10frop...or maybe, your pet doesn't know it
00:28.34froppet start with -6train point...and without Growl even
00:28.39bleeterpet knows it, casts it in combat
00:28.55bleeterhe's a pre-BC pet, hadn't done anything with him since before BC... took him to trainers a couple of days ago
00:29.00fropso, open pet spellbook and drag it on the petbar
00:29.26fropprolly is on "autocast" in your pet spellbook
00:29.45bleeterpet spellbook? you mean beast training?
00:30.00fropnop, there's a spellbock for your pet too
00:30.09fropspellbook even
00:30.09bleeteroh, doh
00:30.12bleetertotally forgot
00:30.30fropit show passive abilities too
00:30.32bleeter~lart bleeter
00:30.32purlwhips out a shotgun, trudges over to bleeter, and goes postal
00:31.16*** part/#wowi-lounge reqol (
00:32.19bleeterstill, curious it didn't appear by default. iirc, it was the last spell I trained him in after unlearning then teaching avoid, claw, cobra, dash... /
00:33.29bleeterhmm, just taught him prowl - that didn't appear either... weird /shrug
00:33.48testleKso the problem with using synergy and wow is I keep running off the edge of the screen and typing wwwwwww or ssssss (wasd) into my irc proggy :P
00:37.58fropDAMN...fuccka fps /cry
00:38.26fropthx all guys...gonna bed
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00:59.50kaidentestleK, that's because synergy sucks :)
00:59.53kaidenuse Multiplicity
01:00.03kaidenit was built specifically with wow in mind
01:00.04MrUsefulArena Points updated. You are eligible for points if: Team fought min. 10 matches and you participated in 30% of the matches.
01:01.03CidantestleK: I hate that too
01:01.16CidantestleK: Synergy + offscreen, :D
01:03.09testleKkaiden:Re: Multiplicity -- Costs money, not free... is windows based and not linux native
01:03.23testleKCidan: its always gettin me lol
01:04.41kaidentestleK, life sucks sometimes :)
01:04.54testleKheh :P
01:08.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
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01:11.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=Beladona@
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01:14.54Thunder_Child"An opera is a song of bigly size."
01:15.18Thunder_Child"Handel was half German, half Italian, and half English. He was rather large."
01:15.40Thunder_Child"Henry Purcell is a well known composer few people have ever heard of."
01:16.04Thunder_Child"Morris dancing is a country survival from times when people were happy."
01:16.11Mr_Rabies2what are these blurbs from
01:16.17Thunder_ChildThese are stories and test questions accumulated by music teachers in the state of Missouri.
01:16.18Thunder_ChildMusic Education
01:17.03Thunder_Child"A harp is a nude piano."
01:17.11Thunder_Child"Probably the most marvelous fugue was the one between the Hatfields and McCoys."
01:17.27Thunder_Childi love stupid people
01:17.43Thunder_Childand children
01:17.46Thunder_Child"When electric currents go through them, guitars start making sounds. So would anybody."
01:18.17Thunder_Child"Just about any animal skin can be stretched over a frame to make a pleasant sound once the animal is removed."
01:18.20Mr_Rabies2some of those are genius
01:18.43Thunder_Child"I can't reach the brakes on this piano!"
01:19.15Thunder_Child"Question: What are kettle drums called?
01:19.15Thunder_ChildAnswer: Kettle drums."
01:19.41Mr_Rabies2i dont know what those pedals are and i've been playing trumpet for about 12  years or so and guitar for 8 or so
01:19.46Mr_Rabies2on a piano
01:20.01Thunder_Childone creates an echo
01:20.05Mr_Rabies2my guess is something to do with octaves but elephino
01:20.09Thunder_Childor rather hold the note
01:20.15Thunder_Childya that
01:20.32Thunder_Childand i cant remeber the other 2, it's been a long time since piano class
01:20.47MentalPowersustain, sustain half and mute
01:20.51Thunder_Child"John Sebastian Bach died from 1750 to the present."
01:20.55MentalPowernot necessarily in that order
01:21.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
01:21.49Thunder_Childi'm going to start violin in 2 semesters
01:22.48MentalPowerMr_Rabies2: Piano pedals from left to right: una corda, sostenuto, and damper. (wikipedia)
01:22.57Mr_Rabies2The rare transposing piano, of which Irving Berlin possessed an example, uses the middle pedal as a clutch which disengages the keyboard from the mechanism, enabling the keyboard to be moved to the left or right with a lever. The entire action of the piano is thus shifted to allow the pianist to play music written in one key so that it sounds in a different key
01:23.02Mr_Rabies2that's awesome
01:23.31Thunder_ChildEnglish Language Signs in foreign countries:
01:23.40Thunder_ChildIn the office of a Roman doctor
01:23.40Thunder_ChildSpecialist in women and other diseases.
01:23.50Thunder_ChildIn a Hongkong Supermarket
01:23.51Thunder_ChildFor your convenience, we recommend couteous, effient, self-service.
01:24.04Mr_Rabies2we regularly transposed our music down a note or two in marching band
01:24.10Thunder_ChildOn a tap in a Finnish washroom
01:24.10Thunder_ChildTo stop the drip,
01:24.10Thunder_Childturn cock to the right.
01:24.29Thunder_ChildIn a Tokyo Bar
01:24.30Thunder_ChildSpecial cocktails for the ladie with nuts.
01:24.48Thunder_ChildIn a Bangkok temple
01:24.48Thunder_ChildIt is forbidden to enter a women here
01:24.48Thunder_Childeven a foreigner if dressed as a man.
01:25.10Mr_Rabies2because playing higher notes well on a trumpet for 10+ minutes while running around in literally freezing temperatures is a good way to mess something up
01:30.29WobWorkMr_Rabies: The perils of brass instruments
01:30.32MentalPower!api GetNetStats
01:30.33ThraeBotMentalPower: local down, up, lag = GetNetStats();<br>  --
01:30.48WobWorkAt least shifting positions on a string instrument is easier
01:31.33Mr_Rabies2WobWork, playing high notes in the cold is not fun
01:31.47Thunder_Child"When the University of Nebraska Cornhuskers play football at home to a sellout crowd, the full stadium becomes the state's third largest city [ if just the players show up, it's the fifth largest city ]"
01:31.50Mr_Rabies2better than not playing for extended periods with instruments away from the mouth
01:32.05Mr_Rabies2because the mouthpiece gets very cold and can freeze to your lips :9
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01:33.13Thunder_Child"The first product Motorola started to develop was a record player for automobiles. At that time, the most known player on the market was Victrola, so they called themselves Motorola."
01:33.23Mr_Rabies2i took a chunk of skin with my mouthpiece when i brought instrument down mid-song for a drum break
01:33.30Mr_Rabies2drew a decent amount of blood :(
01:34.07WobWorkMr_Rabies: =(
01:34.18testleKuhm yikes
01:34.32Thunder_Child"On Father's Day there are more collect calls on than on any other day of the year [ and i'm sure the dad's not the one calling ]"
01:35.45Thunder_Child"Hershey's Kisses are called that because the machine that makes them looks like it's kissing the conveyor belt. [ what it does to the conveyor belt could look like a lot of things...good thing they stuck with kisses ]"
01:36.14WobWork"Want a Hershey's Shit?"
01:36.34Thunder_Childmore like a "Hershy Turd"
01:36.55Thunder_Child"Mosquitoes are attracted to the color blue twice as much as any other color [ humans are attracted to the color transparent twice as much as any other color also ]"
01:37.30WobWorkThe -colour- transparent?
01:37.43Thunder_Child"The pound key on your keyboard # is called an octotroph"
01:38.06Thunder_ChildWobWork, i know, but it's funny (and i didnt write the little asides)
01:38.23Thunder_Child"The country south of Detroit is Canada. (check the map)"
01:39.52*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3|still`lagged (n=kd3@
01:39.57DreaOK, so i have a dynamically created checkbox, how do i assign a function to run when it's checked.
01:40.44FlAWDI don't know addons at all. I couldn't think of where to start. But that question just looks like a....
01:40.48FlAWD"RTFM" answer
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01:43.29Thunder_Child"A Call for More Scientific Truth in Product Warning Labels"
01:44.00Thunder_ChildAccording to Certain Suggested Versions of the Grand Unified Theory, the Primary Particles Constituting this Product May Decay to Nothingness Within the Next Four Hundred Million Years.
01:44.19Thunder_ChildThere is an Extremely Small but Nonzero Chance That, Through a Process Know as Tunneling, This Product May Spontaneously Disappear from Its Present Location and Reappear at Any Random Place in the Universe, Including Your Neighbor's Domicile. The Manufacturer Will Not Be Responsible for Any Damages or Inconvenience That May Result.
01:44.38Thunder_Childreath the fucking manual
01:44.39DreaRead the Fing manual?
01:45.05Dreayeah well i could do it easy enuf with the manual if it wasn't dynamically created button.
01:45.05Thunder_ChildTHIS IS A 100% MATTER PRODUCT
01:45.05Thunder_ChildIn the Unlikely Event That This Merchandise Should Contact Antimatter in Any Form, a Catastrophic Explosion
01:45.05Thunder_ChildWill Result.
01:45.25malrethDrea: concept is the same
01:45.28hasteLet's All Write Like This.
01:45.45Dreaok, well i'll go back to the api thne
01:45.47Thunder_ChildC/P haste
01:45.59malreththere's probably a handler that you'd use in the xml to handle clicks
01:46.08hasteit's still written like that :p
01:46.11malrethsomething like OnClick or somethign i guess
01:46.40malrethinstead of writing xml... you'd set the OnClick handler directly by using SetScript()
01:47.15malrethnearly everything that you'd do in xml has a direct counterpart in the Lua API
01:49.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
01:50.54DreaSetScript() got it.
01:51.21Thunder_Childhmmm...what else do i have
01:52.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
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01:52.11Thunder_Child"Backup: The duplicate copy of crucial data that no one bothered to make; used only in the abstract."
01:52.21Thunder_Child"Encryption: A powerful algorithmic encoding technique employed in the creation of computer manuals."
01:52.31Thunder_Child"FCC-Certified: Guaranteed not to interfere with radio or television reception until you add the cable that is required to make it work."
01:53.10Thunder_Child"Hard Disk: A device that allows users to delete vast quantities of data with simple mnemonic commands."
01:53.11Legorolgoor morning
01:53.18Thunder_Childgoor morning to you too
01:54.05Legoroli have an obscure question: back in the days when raid instances had individual reset times, something called "instance cascading" was possible
01:54.28Legorolcan anyone recall what it was, and how exactly was it achieved? (it's not possible anymore, so might as well)
01:55.13Thunder_ChildLegorol, this may help
01:55.45Thunder_Childor maybe not
01:57.30DreaSo I Could Register An Event. but what event? for the Checkbutton? to see when it's checked? hmm.
01:57.40*** join/#wowi-lounge _art3mis (
01:59.39LegorolThunder_Child: thanks for trying to help, wasn't what i was looking for though
02:00.03Thunder_ChildLegorol, ok, np
02:00.16Thunder_Childi hade never head of it so i dont know what your refering to
02:01.36Gnarfozit was the practice of being able to clear more IDs than allowed per reset timer
02:01.49Gnarfozat least that's what I know under that term
02:02.30malrethDrea: there is no event for what you're looking for
02:03.27malrethDrea: instead, you want to set a function to be called for the check box's OnClick handler... that's what SetScript is for
02:04.34cogwheelor he may just be referring to widget handlers when he says "event" :P
02:05.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
02:07.17DreaCheckButton:SetScript("OnClick", CheckCompleteStep());
02:08.06LegorolGnarfoz: yeah something like that, but what was it and how was it achieved?
02:08.27GnarfozLegorol: don't quite know :>
02:09.21malrethDrea: that passes the return value of CheckCompleteStep() as the second argument to SetScript()
02:09.29malrethyou want to pass the function itself
02:09.52Dreahmm. yes i do. do i enclose it in quotes?
02:10.06malrethno, that passes a string
02:10.30Dreaframe:SetScript("handler", function)
02:10.36malreththink of functions in lua this way... local foo; foo = function () print("bar") end
02:10.44malrethfoo is the function
02:10.47Dreathat says thtat it passees the funciton to call?
02:10.50malrethit's a variable like anything else in lua
02:11.31malrethand you can treat that variable like any other variable
02:11.51malrethyou can assign it to another variable... local baz = foo; baz() -- will print "bar"
02:12.34malrethand you can replace it with another value... foo = "soupy"; foo() -- error; baz() -- still prints "bar"
02:12.38Dreaso, i could do, local CheckFunction; CheckFunction = CheckCompleteStep() code end;? and then
02:12.55Dreacheckbutton:SetScript("OnClick", CheckFunction);
02:13.35malrethCheckFunction = CheckCompleteStep() means take the return value from calling CheckCompleteStep() and assign it to CheckFunction
02:13.41Legorolor even simpler, just checkbutton:SetScript("OnClick", CheckCompleteStep)
02:13.42malrethyou're almost grasping the concept
02:14.03Drea.. so without the ()...
02:14.27DreaIf u were here youd have seen the light bulb over my head turn onjust now. lol.
02:14.31Dreaok. i think i get it
02:14.32malrethfunctions are no different than any other value in Lua
02:14.35Legorolto fully and correctly understand what's going on: Lua doesn't have functions with names. Lua simply has variables that store things
02:14.47malrethsing it, Legorol
02:15.06Dreathat makes total sense now. :D thanks!
02:15.08Legorolwhen you do function MyFunction()... end, all you do is make a new variable named MyFunction, and make it store the function
02:15.26Legorol~~Functions in Lua Are~~
02:15.32Legorol~~First class values, Aye~~
02:15.48malreth~/o yeah yeah yeah.... o/~
02:16.00Drea.. and the event for watching to see if the CheckButton is checked, is OnClick? there's not one like OnCheck?
02:16.04Legorol*drumm drumm drummity drumm*
02:16.20LegorolDrea: there isn't
02:16.24Drearight on
02:16.30GnarfozDrea: that's what malreth said earlier: <malreth> Drea: there is no event for what you're looking for <-- =)
02:16.33Legorolthere is something you should know: there are two types of "events" in WoW land
02:16.49Legorolthere are things that happen to UI elements, such as being clicked, shown, hidden, moved
02:16.52Dreadidn't think i saw one, i was just makin sure
02:16.58malrethand this is why i try to call those things "handlers"
02:16.58Legorolthese UI events are handled via the OnXxxx handlers
02:17.07Legorolyup, they are best reffered to sa handlers
02:17.16Legorolthe second and completely unrelated type of events are game events
02:17.27Legorolsuch as you gaining a buff, getting an item etc.
02:17.41Legorolwhen people say events, they usually mean this second type
02:17.50Dreawow, i think i'm understanding things a lot better now!
02:17.53Legorolevery single one of these is handled via the special OnEvent handler
02:18.16Legorolit's very simple once you realise that UI events and Game events are two separate concepts
02:18.22Dreawhich is a big thing for me these days. lol.
02:18.35Legorolit gets a bit messy because the boundary is sometimes blurred a little bit :)
02:18.39Dreayeah i see that now. :D
02:18.42Dreaoh don't go there. lol
02:18.50Legorolfor example, doing something to the UI can result in a game event and vice versae :)
02:19.15Legorolbut the basic principle applies
02:19.36LegorolOnXxxx for UI events, and OnEvent for game events, that's the golden mantra
02:19.37Dreaquick test and i gotta go get ta washin muh butt. lol
02:19.39Legoroli can sing that too :)
02:23.31DreaYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WORKS!!!!!
02:23.35*** join/#wowi-lounge matt1s (
02:23.42Dreaand i'm spent
02:23.52*** join/#wowi-lounge [KzM]Fatalis (
02:23.59Drea:) Thanks guys. i appreciate your takin the time to 'splain. :D
02:24.19Dreagotta head out now tho. talk to u tommorrow after my daughters Dr appt.
02:24.19*** join/#wowi-lounge mikma (
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02:29.14RayneI think I might Release Burnt Black Cherry 8, and cancell my account...
02:29.32malrethit's best to quit when you are at your peak
02:29.55malrethlike gary larson
02:31.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
02:36.15art3mistourguide is on wowi right?
02:36.45art3miscouldnt remember if it ended up on googlecode thanks
02:41.14dylanmart3mis: It's on tekkub's git now, actually. Can't remember the address.
02:43.07*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
02:47.37Legorolyay, i answered my own question, i finally understood how instance cascading used to work
02:51.36MentalPower~lart me
02:51.36purlblames mentalpower for all the evil in the world
02:56.25Industriallolol kiting 101 for em today
02:56.44IndustrialI kited one of those 67 elites in nagrand in one of the forges (south one)
02:56.48Industrialall the way to ZM
02:57.00Industrialfirst try, never done it before - but it was fun :D
03:14.17*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
03:14.44WobWorkChaintrap train could probably work
03:14.54WobWorker kiting
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03:42.07WobWorklotro doesn't allow undeleting of characters
03:42.44Thunder_Childdoes wow?
03:43.01WobWork(suprisingly enough, that's not a incorrect double negative statement)
03:43.06Olison1 per account afaik
03:43.16WobWorkThunder_Child: sure, within reason
03:43.38Thunder_Childwhy?, i mean how do you accedently type in DELETE?
03:43.48WobWorkwhat if someone else types it in for you? =P
03:44.09IrielWobWork: then you're a dork for letting them have the opportunity
03:44.17Thunder_Childdamn, Iriel beat me to it
03:44.24Thunder_Childand i wasnt going to be so nice
03:44.28WobWorkBut those rules need to be flexible
03:44.35IrielNeither was I but civility got the better of me 8-)
03:44.35WobWorkif, for example, you got keylogged
03:44.44IrielI'm sure the rules are flexible, in some situations.
03:44.51IrielBut they can't ever /SAY/ "the rules are flexible"
03:44.57WobWorkApparently in lotro they're not
03:45.00Irielotherwise the usual irresponsible twits will ask for a second.
03:45.04Thunder_Childwhy? stuff like that would make you more likely to be smart about it
03:45.21IrielI suspect with lotro there's one of two things at work..
03:45.22JoshBorkei'm flexible
03:45.32Irieleither (a) they technically delete the character, gone.
03:45.43IrielNot necessarily wise from a business sense, but they may have a rationale.
03:45.46Thunder_ChildJoshBorke, go tell it to cair..who seems not to be here...
03:45.51WobWorkthen again, why would undeleting be an issue?
03:45.51Thunder_Childdamn, wasted joke
03:46.06Thunder_Childmore work for blizz
03:46.12Thunder_Childand they have enough as it is
03:46.20WobWorkwhat are we paying for?
03:46.23Irielor (b) they dont have the tools to do it
03:46.28Thunder_Childto play the game
03:46.31Thunder_Childnot have them bow to you
03:46.37WobWorkand a certain amount of customer service
03:46.48Thunder_Childya, but they laied down the rules before you paied
03:47.02Thunder_Childand, you need to follow them
03:47.09Thunder_Childor it's your own damn fault
03:47.26WobWork(this is fun)
03:47.31Thunder_Childsimple. they dont have to do it becasue they already said they dont have to do it
03:47.53IrielThat's like saying my filesystem has to support undelete because it'd be nice to have.
03:47.54WobWorkThere really is no technical problem in regards to undeleting characters (at least in WoW)
03:48.07IrielRight, because wow doesn't DELETE the data
03:48.07WobWorkThe capability is there
03:48.16Irielthey designed a system where it wasn't necessary.
03:48.22IrielBut that doesn't mean lotro did the same
03:48.24WobWorkit's more the 'restoring from X days ago' that may cause issues
03:48.28Irieland they may have very good reasons why not
03:48.41WobWorksince that would require more backtracking work
03:49.20WobWorkNowadays, saying 'storage space' isn't a very good reason for an online mmorpg
03:49.32WobWork(saving thereof)
03:49.51WobWorkActually, for any business really
03:50.17IrielI dunno, high availability disk space plus backup capacity is still space.
03:50.29Irielthen there's physical space, power, cooling
03:50.35WobWorkStorage is cheap nowadays
03:51.03IrielIt's cheaper than it was, but it's still not nothing.
03:51.08IrielNot in that kind of datacenter environment
03:51.32WobWorkIt's cheap enough in relation to everything else to not really be a deciding factor in what to discard due to costs involved
03:52.53WobWorkEspecially since the storage of said characters is what keeps the players playing
03:53.28IrielI would imagine that's the math Blizzard used
03:53.42WobWorkie, you spend a year, playing your character, while in the dorm, and some moron sneaks into your room while you're on a bathroom break and deletes your character.
03:54.04WobWorkIf you get a "Suck it up, your problem" response, that's not going to be a continuing customer
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03:54.19AntiarcStorage space is cheap, but databases can get unwieldy if left to grow too large and too crufty
03:54.36WobWorkAntiarc: true for any db
03:54.57AntiarcJust saying that's a better argument for trimming periodically
03:55.01Lunessa9 millon * 10 character slots/account * Y number of possibly created characters * number of bytes to store record = lots of potential datacenter space.
03:55.03AntiarcAs opposed to "wtf hard drive space"
03:56.12WobWorkLunessa: 9 million * $15(orwhatever)/month
03:56.29LunessaYou don't pay for bandwidth and employees ...
03:56.36WobWorksure you do?
03:56.46WobWork(where 'you' equals blizzard)
03:56.54LunessaMy comment is that you're not factoring in the whole picture in that argument.
03:57.38LunessaI suspect the margins are not as amazing as you like to think on that $15/month *9 million.
03:58.15Arrowmasterthe database servers for wow clusters probably have some ungodly huge amount of ram in them that cost of harddrive space isnt that important
03:59.20MentalPowerLunessa: %40 margins
03:59.24LunessaNo, but how often do you want them to store complete records of a character and for how long?  How many increments, how accessible, etc.  I'm just saying the numbers probably don't add up to a good ROI
04:00.29MentalPowerLunessa: WoW operates on %40 margins (source is the Activision & Vivendi investors call yesterday morning)
04:00.42LunessaThat's not bad. :)
04:01.43IrielIs that income over costs now, or does that factor in the original investment in development and future development work?
04:02.16LunessaBut like I said, I'm guessing someone did the numbers and decided it wasn't a good return on their investment.  I'm not saying you're wrong to want as much as you can get, but that they might just have decided that's something they're not going to do.
04:03.19MentalPowerIriel: unsure, but I think its current income over costs
04:04.08LunessaWhich means that 40% doesn't include future build-out, investment or development.
04:05.08Hobinheimi'm about to publish eql and necrosis under my account on curse, i just wanted to say thanks to everyone that helped =)
04:05.22Hobinheim(even though all i did so far was change the tocs :)
04:06.22Temso, Hobinheim, what you're saying is that you're about to infringe on someone's copyright and you're proud of it?
04:06.51Temdo you have license to distribute those addons?
04:06.56dylanmHe got permission from the eql iirc.
04:07.07Hobinheimwhat's with the accusatory attitude ...
04:07.14Hobinheimdylanm: thanks for remembering
04:08.04Tembecause 99% of people who do the "here I 'updated' this mod" uploads don't have permission
04:08.11Temsorry if you're the 1% who did it right
04:09.16Hobinheimthat's okay
04:09.34Hobinheimbut you have a point i would have done it anyway had i not been given permission
04:09.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Kelfar (
04:09.52Hobinheimsomeone who loses their fire for wow shouldn't make the community suffer for lack of addon support
04:09.58Thunder_Childi hate puns....
04:10.00Hobinheimthat would have been written better backwards
04:10.03dylanmIt's kinda bad form.
04:10.28dylanmDepends. It really depends. Now, you definitely don't need to upload a toc bump.
04:10.29Hobinheimwhich is worse, forking a project, or a warlock without a dotimer in a circular shape? i rest my case
04:10.54Hobinheimdylanm: that's a toss up also. i would absolutely upload a toc bump. and, i'm advertisingm y support for these addons
04:11.08dylanmCan you support them? Necrosis is quite a monster from what I can tell.
04:11.23Hobinheimthat's what we will all find out together, yes? :)
04:11.57dylanmI'm just saying, if you're going to create a new branch of a thing and potentially create confusion you shouldn't do it just for a toc bump.
04:12.08Hobinheimbaby steps
04:12.33Hobinheimdalaran wasn't built in a day
04:14.38Thunder_ChildPS ftw
04:16.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
04:24.10Thunder_Childlol, way way way NSFW (but quite funny)
04:26.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_DC (
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04:37.49WobWorkI'd so play World of Guitarcraft
04:49.56LukianThunder_Child, O/S? :p
04:50.07Thunder_ChildLukian, O/S
04:50.22Thunder_Childthats what i get for not paying attention
04:50.24Lukianthere's your problem ^^
04:51.12Thunder_Child20 min to delete
04:51.27Thunder_Childit's still going... :(
04:55.57*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
04:57.33|Jelly|Hai Cog!
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04:57.52cogwheel<-- is teh evil
04:59.13Guillotinehmm, is there something wrong with the tan function in WoW? Its returning 1.61... for tan(45)
04:59.16Guillotineoh wait
04:59.26Guillotineoh, documentation on wowwiki is wrong
04:59.31Guillotineit does it in radians, not degrees
04:59.33Guillotinenm :)
04:59.46cogwheelbut math.tan is in radians
05:00.02cogwheelisn't it?
05:00.11Guillotineyah, the documentation is degrees though
05:00.16GuillotineI tried radians and it worked :)
05:00.22GuillotineI should change that
05:00.27cogwheeltan =/= math.tan
05:00.39cogwheelat least according to the strings in WoW.exe :P
05:00.43Guillotineoh, you're right
05:00.50GuillotineI assumed it was the same :) nm
05:01.00cogwheeli had too
05:01.47cogwheeli went playing around in the binary code and stumbled across some lua code. must've been in a C string. it defines all the aliases like that (format = string.format, etc.)
05:02.03art3misso math.tan is a redhead step child?
05:02.13cogwheelIt amused me greatly because that's exactly what I did in lua511wow :)
05:02.19art3misit doesnt tan it burns!
05:02.34cogwheelI think it's a throwback to Lua 4.0
05:07.07cogwheelhmm... this is extremely useful info for my interpreter...
05:07.30cogwheellink = the lua code in wow.exe
05:12.43Kelfarwoohoo for finally raiding kara with a group of 5 caster dps and all non caster loot drops...
05:15.06*** join/#wowi-lounge reqol (
05:19.01Guillotinecogwheel: what are you using to go through the wow exe?
05:19.08Guillotineor just a regular hex editor?
05:19.28cogwheelclad|sleep used strings on it
05:20.26reqolokay, could I do this:
05:21.17reqolk I forgot what I was going to do I'll have to just try to code it I guess...
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05:27.02Guillotineanybody know of any windows equivalents for strings?
05:27.55cogwheelcygwin :P
05:28.02MentalPowertheres a port of the GNU bintools
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05:31.23Irielyeah, I use cygwin on doze for that
05:35.35Guillotinemp: much <3
05:40.30MentalPowernp, anytime
05:59.44*** join/#wowi-lounge art3mis (n=art3mis@WoWUIDev/WoWI/HKUI/art3mis)
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06:19.38reqolto remove a set script handler do I just set the function it calls to nil?
06:19.44reqollike SetScript("OnLoad", nil)
06:20.18batrickif that doesn't work you can always just assign a do nothing function
06:22.43Xinhuanyes, setting it to nil is the standard way
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06:23.05Xinhuandon't even need to pass the explicit nil argument
06:23.07reqolhow can I set up a function that is called only once to stop until something is true?
06:23.25Xinhuanuse a variable
06:23.40reqolI have a var called boolean
06:23.48Xinhuanand then?
06:24.03reqolan onupdate function that sets it to true as soon as seconds has elapsed
06:24.13reqolseconds being a variable input as an argument
06:24.50Xinhuanwhat are you trying to achieve?
06:24.55Xinhuani'm not getting it
06:25.37reqolit's a long story
06:25.37reqolbut i'll try to condense is
06:25.51Guillotinedon't use a variable called 'boolean'
06:25.52reqolsetting up a time management system so that I can call a function with an amount of time I choose and a function to call when that time has elapsed
06:25.53GuillotineVERY bad idea
06:25.57reqolits not
06:26.04Guillotineoh, ok :P
06:26.06reqolit's actually booleanNow
06:26.18Guillotineeh, I'd still either put it in a table or prefix it with your addon name
06:26.18reqolbut thanks for the warning
06:26.32MentalPower|ZzZzreqol: you can just hide the frame to stop OnUpdates from firing
06:26.43Lonnythat's just as bad as boolean imo :P
06:27.08Guillotineor, if you can, just make it a local and you should be good
06:27.13Xinhuanwhat you do is, when you start that timer, set a frame's onupdate script, which checks if X seconds has elapsed. if it hasn't do nothing. if it has, execute the function you want, and nil out the onupdate handler
06:27.37MentalPower|ZzZzXinhuan: hiding it does the same and is faster
06:27.39reqolhow do I return the result of the function though
06:27.41reqolthat's what this is about
06:27.47Guillotinereturn it to where?
06:28.01Xinhuanyou can always store the results of that function in any variable you want
06:28.10Guillotineor just pass it to whatever function that needs it
06:28.19reqolhow can I pass it to whatever function though?
06:28.35Xinhuanthe same way you call any function
06:28.37Lonnyhmm send it ?
06:28.45Xinhuanabc(arg1, arg2 arg3) ?
06:28.57Xinhuanwhere abc is the name of the function
06:29.09Thunder_Childmalreth, i think i am going to hunt you down and kill you
06:29.16reqolhere, I have an OnEvent function, in this function it has if eent == ADDON_LOADED then it executes some script
06:29.34malrethThunder_Child: you'd be doing me a favor
06:29.35reqolbut it can't get the info it needs until a while AFTER ADDON_LOADED
06:29.47Xinhuanjust store that info
06:29.51Guillotinethen find the event after which it can find the data
06:29.52Xinhuanin a variable or table
06:29.58Thunder_Childmalreth, be that as it may, it's no fun unless you struggle
06:30.12Xinhuanand later on, have some other code use that stored data
06:30.34malrethThunder_Child: make it a warrior's death, please
06:30.55Xinhuannote that ADDON_LOADED is fired once per addon as well, so if you load 60 addons, its fired 60 times, so you need to check arg1 for your own addon
06:31.26Xinhuanunless you really intended it to run 60 times
06:32.33Xinhuanwhat you typically want is either the PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD event or VARIABLES_LOADED event
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06:33.13Xinhuanand not really addon_loaded
06:34.45reqolthe deal is not necessarily getting the information to the function, it's making the function wait for the information
06:35.06Xinhuanthen you need an onupdate OR a triggering event
06:35.45reqolI do have an onupdate, I'm probably setting this up in an overly complicated wa y
06:36.14Xinhuanprobably so
06:36.55Xinhuanwhy does the function need to wait for its data?
06:37.16reqolbecause it requires this information to start up
06:37.25Xinhuanthis infomation is...?
06:37.42reqolmatching a list of zones against GetRealZoneText()
06:37.57reqolwhich isn't available at the time of PLAYER_LOGIN, PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD, or ADDON_LOADED
06:37.58Xinhuanhaha that one is well known to be problematic
06:38.04Xinhuangood luck
06:38.23reqolit works fine a few seconds after it loads
06:38.23reqolwhich is why I'm trying to delay it
06:38.43reqolwhat happens in the function is as follows:
06:38.58reqolfirst the addon calls the time function, which sets up an onupdate handler and then calls another function (we'll call it B)
06:39.01Xinhuanjust have an onupdate start running for say 5 seconds after P_E_W, after which you run your function, then nil out the onupdate
06:39.17reqolthe onupdate waits the amount of time and then sets a boolean to true, B does not run until this boolean is true, which is where I'm stuck
06:39.26Xinhuandon't do that
06:39.34reqolI'm trying to make this reusable
06:40.27malrethreusable isn't the issue there
06:40.40Xinhuanall you need is on the event P_E_W, set frame:setscript("onupdate", function() if GetTime() - storedtime > 5 then DoStuff(); self:setscript("onupdate", nil) end end)
06:40.42LonnyIs the following expression a["posY"] and a["posX"] < b["posY"] and  b["posX"] legit by table.sort ?
06:40.58XinhuanLonny: any expression is legit
06:41.15Xinhuanas long as you return a result that can be interpretted as true or false
06:41.19reqolthen how do I pass this information to the function that needs it
06:41.38Lonnyok, thanks, just that I never used table.sort and I used to do it myself so :)
06:41.40XinhuanDoStuff() should be the function that does whatever you want 5 seconds later
06:41.45malrethreqol: just put the info in arguments to the fuction
06:42.04Xinhuanit can refer to variables you set earlier
06:42.07Corrodiasalmost soloed rivendare, but he got me. i need my shadow resist gear.
06:42.08malrethreqol: now... i think i know what you're thinking
06:42.26reqolmy problem is the function that needs it
06:42.35reqolis an OnEvent function
06:42.38Xinhuani don't see why you need to "pass info" to DoStuff()... you simply pass it?
06:42.47XinhuanDoStuff(a, b, c)
06:42.53Xinhuanwhere a, b, c is your data
06:42.58reqolshould I just create a new function separate from the OnEvent
06:43.11Xinhuanif you want to
06:43.38Xinhuando you know how funtions and arguments work
06:43.52Xinhuanor how variables on a local file scope work?
06:44.01Xinhuanthen whats the issue?
06:44.12reqolit's difficult for me to explain
06:44.22reqollet me think for a moment
06:45.12Xinhuanan onevent function, is just a function with (self, event, ...) as the argument list
06:45.25Xinhuanso you pass whatever you expect
06:45.25reqoland you can call it separately
06:45.25reqolbut it has other stuff it does
06:45.26reqolthat doesnt need to be repeated
06:45.33reqoland shouldn't
06:46.05Xinhuanframe:GetScript("OnEvent")(frame, "my_event", arg1, arg2, ...)
06:46.17Xinhuanwill call that function
06:46.31Xinhuanis that what you want?
06:46.34reqolI just wanted to set up a system that you called a function with the time you wanted to wait, and the function to call, and then after that amount of time it returns the return of the function it wanted to call
06:46.54Xinhuanno you can't do that ;p
06:47.16malrethreqol: what would it return the value to?
06:47.16Xinhuanonly if you run multi threaded then you can
06:47.41reqolto a variable
06:47.46reqolI guess I'll just create a new function
06:47.49Xinhuanand the return value to the calling function must constantly still check for the coroutine to see if it is still running
06:47.53reqollike IdleTime_Initialize
06:47.54Xinhuanin an onupdte
06:48.07reqolbecause the onevent function cannot be called twice or it will muck up the addon
06:48.16Xinhuanbasically, what you are asking for is coroutines
06:48.22reqolyeah, I suppose so
06:48.45malrethoh... don't mess with coroutines... you can do this with an onupdate handler
06:48.46Xinhuanand you will need an onupdate to constantly call the coroutine to see if it has finished running
06:49.02Xinhuanyou're over complicating a simple issue
06:49.16Xinhuanall DoStuff() needs to do is to return a value
06:49.18malrethbut you have to start thinking about how to program in an asynchronous environment
06:49.25Xinhuanand yo use that value wherver you want to
06:49.50Xinhuanbut you can't "resume" execution from a mid-point unless you use coroutines
06:49.53Xinhuanget it?
06:50.24reqolI'm familiar with threads, are they similar?
06:50.30Xinhuana bit
06:50.37reqolI'm coming from java into lua
06:50.42Xinhuanthreads can be pre-empted, coroutines can't
06:50.54reqolI think I know what I'll do though
06:51.03Xinhuancoroutines are purely asynchonous
06:51.15Xinhuanand you must specifically call yield()
06:51.16reqolcreate a new frame, set it's onupdate handler on an event, once it reaches it then use the new function i'll make titled IdleTime_Initialize
06:51.19reqoland all will be well.
06:51.29reqolI see
06:51.40reqolwell for now something simple will suit my needs
06:51.51Xinhuanyield() will return results to the corresponding resume() call
06:52.06Xinhuanand resume() will return results to the correspnding yield() call
06:52.10Xinhuanit works 2-ways
06:52.21reqolMentalPower|ZzZz: I have a question for you. If hiding a frame prevents it from receiving handler events, then how come I don't need to :Show a frame in order for it to recfeive them?
06:52.36reqola question for anyone, for that matter.
06:52.43Xinhuanreqol, hiding a frame only prevents its OnUpdate from being run
06:52.50Xinhuaneverything else still works
06:52.55Xinhuanincluding OnEvents
06:52.59reqolwhy does OnUpdate work if I don't :Show the frame
06:53.05malrethit doesn't
06:53.06Xinhuanit doesn't
06:53.25Xinhuana frame by default is "shown" when created
06:53.25malrethXinhuan: reqol, hiding a frame only prevents its OnUpdate from being run
06:53.36reqolthat's why then
06:53.46Xinhuaneven if it doesn't have an anchor point, or a width/height
06:53.50Xinhuanits still "shown"
06:53.55reqolshould I :Hide a frame before I set it to nil
06:54.00reqolor how do I delete frames?
06:54.04Xinhuanmakes no difference
06:54.08malrethyou don't delete frames
06:54.11Xinhuanframes cannot be destroyed
06:54.19XinhuanreloadUI is the only way
06:54.23reqolwell then this frame will probably waste memory
06:54.29reqoleven though it'll handle practically nothing
06:54.37Xinhuanif you intend to use a dynamic amount of frames, you need to recycle them
06:54.43malrethreqol: only if the frame never did anything in its lifetime
06:54.57Xinhuanand store unused frames in a "recycling table" for reuse
06:55.00reqolmalreth: somewhat of a philosophy there, eh?
06:55.26malrethotherwise, as long as you aren't making frames left and right willy-nilly don't worry about one insignificant frame
06:55.44Xinhuanif its only a "once-off" thing, nobody will care
06:55.57malrethXinhuan's solution earlier is the simplest easiest way to accomplish this task
06:55.59Xinhuanjust don't create new frames on every event
06:56.19malrethbut you have to design your function that runs after the delay in a way that it doesn't have to return a value to a calling function
06:56.51malrethor at the very least, assign that returned value in the OnUpdate handler to some local variable for use by some other function
06:58.10Xinhuanp.s. don't use coroutines unless its absolutely necessary, they are a bitch to code (it took a day to write the coroutines in cartographer_routes)
06:58.28Xinhuan2 days even
07:00.20reqolokay I'm gonna work on this and post it in a minute and get your opinion on it, if possible. thanks all
07:01.49reqolso should I just hide a frame so it won't take onupdate or set it to nil? which is better?
07:01.58Xinhuanup to you
07:02.08malrethdoesn't matter since you're not reusing it
07:02.15Xinhuandepends on how you intend to reuse that frame, if at all
07:03.00reqolnot reusing it
07:03.12Xinhuaneither works
07:03.52Xinhuannil-ling the OnUpdate will cause that function closure to be recycled on next GC if nothing else references it
07:04.01Xinhuanassuming the function is anonymous
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07:07.14Xinhuanand hiding it will cause the graphics engine to skip attempting to render that frame ;p
07:07.18Xinhuanso maybe do both
07:07.46reqolokay, it's done and it works, could anyone tell me what I've done that's maybe excessive, bad practice, or overly complicated?:
07:08.35XinhuanIdleTime_GetTime(timeInSeconds) can be simplified to about 5 lines
07:08.46Xinhuaninstead of the 30 lines you have
07:08.59reqolI knew it was excessive
07:09.03reqolhow can I fix it
07:09.06reqolthanks for all the help, by the way.
07:09.07reqolI really appreciate it
07:09.33Corrodiastake that, rivendare
07:09.55Xinhuanuh looking at ohter code first
07:10.17batricki get the feeling you are doing _a lot_ of unnecessary work
07:10.27reqolplease help me ;_;
07:10.37Xinhuanyou do know the default UI
07:10.47Xinhuanhas a function that does what you are doing right?
07:11.01batrickset up a string that has what you want reqol and use tonumber to change it
07:11.13batrickthat would clean up most of your if statements
07:11.17reqolno I didn't...
07:11.20Xinhuantype /print SecondsToTime(100)
07:11.22Xinhuanin game
07:11.34Xinhuanthat function is defined in UIParent.lua
07:12.09reqolbut I like the format I use
07:12.31Xinhuancode looks ok
07:12.38Xinhuanjust need to simplify IdleTime_GetTime(timeInSeconds)
07:12.56malrethreqol: you won't like your format when you have to translate it into several languages
07:13.06reqolI mean
07:13.18reqolI don't like "Mins" "Secs"
07:13.23reqolI guess I could just take the string
07:13.25batrickyou don't need to use them
07:13.46Xinhuanbatrick is correct
07:13.47reqoluse substring?
07:13.55batrickone second
07:14.02Xinhuanjust use the strftime() format
07:14.18Xinhuanin gettime() or something
07:14.25Xinhuanforgot the syntax
07:14.36Xinhuanbatrick will prob find it for you
07:15.18Xinhuanbut you can definitelty reduce that whole pile of code to less than 10 lines in the first place
07:16.14malrethIdleTimeTemp_OnUpdate creates a global variable named seconds and relies on the value of that variable to function correctly
07:16.27Xinhuanreqol, line 19 to 29 is sufficient btw
07:16.40Xinhuanthe rest is irrevelant code
07:16.43reqoli'll change
07:17.42Xinhuanalso line 12 to 17 can be reduced to 1 line
07:18.06batrickreqol: use local year, days, hours, minutes, seconds(date("%Y %j %H %M %S", sometime)):match("%d+ %d+ %d+ %d+ %d+")
07:18.33Xinhuanlocal hours, minutes, seconds, days, totalTime = 0, 0, 0, 0, (timeInSeconds or IdleTimeVars.TotalTime);
07:18.35reqolhow does that work
07:18.59malrethlua short cuts certain logical tests
07:19.01batrick--> return ("%Y %j %H %M %S", os.time()):match("%d+ %d+ %d+ %d+ %d+")
07:19.01batbotbatrick: > [string "0"]:1: ')' expected near '<eof>'
07:19.10batrick--> return ("%Y %j %H %M %S", os.time())):match("%d+ %d+ %d+ %d+ %d+")
07:19.10batbotbatrick: > 2007 339 00 36 07
07:19.16reqolI meant whawt batrick suggested
07:20.01Xinhuanhe doesn't want the date though, he wants X number of seconds converted
07:20.02batrickyou can tell my system clock is off btw ;)
07:20.18batrickXinhuan: you pass thee seconds in the second argument to date
07:20.27Xinhuan--> return ("%Y %j %H %M %S", 100)):match("%d+ %d+ %d+ %d+ %d+")
07:20.27batbotXinhuan: > 1969 365 17 01 40
07:20.52batricksec assumes a base year/date
07:21.24batrickright epoch i forgot
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07:21.28batrickthere's an easy workaround
07:21.32batrickjust thinking about it
07:21.36Xinhuanreqol, just change your line 12-17 to
07:21.37Xinhuanlocal hours, minutes, seconds, days, totalTime = 0, 0, 0, 0, (timeInSeconds or IdleTimeVars.TotalTime);
07:21.50Xinhuanand keep line 19-29
07:21.54Xinhuanand kill the rest
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07:23.05reqolhow does 19-29 work though, if there are no hours, then the rest won't fire
07:23.11reqolit looks like that to me
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07:23.26Xinhuanit doesn't matter
07:23.30Xinhuanits 0 by default
07:23.45Xinhuandays = floor( totalTime / 86400 );
07:23.48Xinhuandays = 0
07:23.53Xinhuanif its less than a day
07:24.10Xinhuanget rid of all the IFs
07:24.18Xinhuannvm i'll post a followup
07:25.04Shiriksigh, |Jelly| halp me =(
07:25.33bleeterShirik: yer beyong help
07:25.43ShirikThey made me healer lead >.> And I think I completely jacked up gruul's tonight
07:25.52reqolShirik: what happened?
07:25.54|Jelly|Ut oh
07:25.59Shirikhow many healers do you usually have on the OT?
07:26.23Shirikwell we had about 3 1% wipes, which really sucked
07:26.25|Jelly|We usually bring 6-7 healers and only assign one to the elbow guy.
07:26.35Shirikoh wow, so I was way off >.>
07:26.36reqolhe doesn't get hit often enough
07:26.42reqolto put more than one
07:26.43Shirikgranted most of the healers are very new so
07:26.50Shirikbut I had 3 on him
07:26.52|Jelly|Usually a priest just because of the big heals.
07:27.27Shirikalso I'm very annoyed that our worst geared healer showed up as #3
07:27.45|Jelly|Gear doesn't make the player. : /
07:27.52reqolskill is a bigger factor
07:27.52Shirikthat's my point
07:27.54Shirikthis guy is awesome
07:28.00ShirikI wish everyone else was as awesome
07:28.16Shiriklike not even joking
07:28.23Shirikhe has 800+healing raid buffed with flasks
07:28.24Shirik9% crit
07:28.30Shirikand he kicked half the healers' asses
07:28.31reqolXinhuan: sigh, why didn't I think of that?
07:28.32reqolthanks :)
07:28.41Xinhuanno clue?
07:28.54Shirikand we have another pally that manages to heal less than the shadow priests
07:29.04Shirikand we have another pally that manages to do more damage to the raid than heal
07:29.05reqolnow, how about the onslash function, is there anyway to simplify whether it chooses day, or days,
07:29.10|Jelly|...sounds like you need to reevaluate who you bring
07:29.20ShirikI have already brought that up with them
07:29.42ShirikI think this is one of the reasons they put me in that position is because I've been working with everyone, trying to get them "fixed" and raising concerns over our current team, etc.
07:29.44bleeterShirik: be a man! solo gruul for the guild! :P
07:29.49Shirikyeah no
07:29.50ShirikI tried
07:29.58Shirikbecause moron pally DIed me right ni the middle
07:30.04Shirikso I'm like "whatever" holy fire gruul!
07:30.05Xinhuanreqol, i would just use "day(s)"
07:30.09Xinhuanand be done with it
07:30.18reqolyeah, I guess I'm a bit too meticulous, huh?
07:30.21Xinhuanbut thats my opinion
07:30.29bleeterreqol: yeah, what Xinhuan said. pluralising is hell.
07:33.09reqolalright, thanks a lot guys, I'm gonna go test this out to ensure that everything is on base
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07:34.22malrethyou could also see how Blizzard does all of that in their code for SecondsToTime()
07:35.01Xinhuanblizzards one is gay ;p
07:35.33Xinhuanalso blizzards one only does up to "2 words"
07:35.53Xinhuanso you only see "1 day 2 hours" without the minutes/secs
07:36.05Xinhuanor "1 hour 2 minutes" without the seconds
07:36.28Xinhuanif you get what i mean
07:36.45malrethjust remove the count = count + 1
07:37.00malrethremove all the abbreviation crud
07:37.09Xinhuani suppose
07:37.14Xinhuanthat works
07:37.22malrethreplace the function calls to mod with %
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07:38.49malrethyou also get localization "for free" if you decide to translate
07:39.31malrethand it seems that GetText() does the pluralization for you... i guess
07:39.44malreth!api GetText()
07:39.45ThraeBotmalreth: Could not find a relevant page. Perhaps you could be so kind as to create one?
07:40.13malreth!api GetText
07:40.13ThraeBotmalreth: strResult = GetText(sIdentifier, nNumber);  --
07:40.38malrethwiki's out of date... there's a third argument
07:46.12malrethlater later
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07:55.57reqolif I use the ADDON_LOADED, what is the first arg? the name of the addon?
07:57.42reqolI need to stop using such crude debugging messages
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08:07.19KarlKFIwoot new cloak
08:07.34KarlKFIDory's Embrace
08:08.06zenzionice, grats
08:08.50KarlKFIi figured out that the 112 armour ignore is about worth 25 ap
08:09.03KarlKFIand iw as onyl losing 20ap from my ssc cloak
08:09.09KarlKFIso i can use dory's full time :)
08:09.40KarlKFIBuy a cloak, get a bag slot FREE!
08:12.25KarlKFIi also discovered that since my other cloak i was using on bosses with +12 hit was putting me over the 9% cap it was only really using about 6 of the 12 which meant that the added dps from the 1.4% crit and 20 ap of ym other cloaks gave more dps than the extra 6 hit to hit the cap
08:12.46KarlKFIso i don't need either of them
08:13.01KarlKFIand can jsut use dory's for pvp, pve and pve bosses
08:13.15KarlKFIyay for consolidation
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08:16.40zenzioI got the ZA tank shield last week... gained a lot of block value, but I'm a bit miffed at the loss of 9 points of defense. Doesn't matter for normal fights, but for a few fights I still use the Aldori :-/
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08:19.34reqolyeah, that helped quite a it, thanks for all the help
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08:21.52reqolhi, MentalPower
08:22.01reqolhows it goin?
08:27.54amroso sleepy
08:31.31Corrodiasi really, really don't want to go back to work tomorrow
08:31.36Corrodiaswhy can't they just leave me alone?
08:32.27Corrodiaswell, good night
08:34.56batricki feel like an idiot for the amount of time i've spent on this
08:35.42batrick-->f,mytime = math.floor,100000; return  f(mytime/(60*60*24)%365),f((mytime/(60*60))%24),f((mytime/60)%60), mytime%60
08:35.42batbotbatrick: > 1, 3, 46, 40
08:36.24batrickreqol: btw, lua compiler does constant folding for you; thus you should probably keep those large constants small so they make sense to you later
08:36.43Xinhuani think my solution is the same, as pasteyed earlier ;p
08:36.47batricki was messing with so much
08:36.53batricko well i wasn't paying attention
08:37.05Xinhuanat least an hour ago
08:37.25reqolwhich large constants?
08:37.36batrick86400, 3600 etc.
08:37.56reqolwhat do you suggest I do?
08:38.05batricknothing wrong with it, but it's better you leave them as 60* 60, 24*60*60 etc.
08:38.14batrickso they are easy to read
08:38.17reqolI see
08:38.18Xinhuan86400 is perfectly understandable in the context of the function ;p
08:39.02batricki spent about 40 minutes fucking with and os.time()
08:39.08batricktrying to get them to do all the work for you
08:39.31reqolheh, that's awfully nice of you. you needn't trouble yourself that much with my problems :P
08:39.40reqolunless you were bored or something
08:39.43Xinhuanwhy invoke a system call when a simple 5 line function is enough ;p
08:40.35batrickit's not necessarily a system call, and may be no more expensive than the long drawn out calculations
08:40.49batrickprovided there was a simple solution, which there wasn't
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08:43.26batricko well i'm going to bed later
08:44.07reqollater dude
08:44.30reqolI like how slouken listens and implements some of the more useful features that were suggested
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08:49.05amroworst driver regression ever
08:49.07amroanyone here using an ati card on *nix?
08:49.22reqolnope, sorry. all nvidia here
08:49.28krkai am at the moment
08:49.34krkausing the ati driver
08:49.43amrokrka: which version?
08:49.48reqolI use proprietaries
08:49.51krkahow do i check that?
08:50.39amrocontrol panel, or catalyst
08:50.49amroI'm using the latest and getting random lockups
08:51.16krkato clarify, i not using fglrx
08:51.45amrodammit I'm so pissed at ATi
08:51.54amroanything that uses hardware acceleration locks up the system
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08:53.29amro~lart Fisker-
08:53.29purlexecutes killall -KILL Fisker-
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09:03.42amrook I've had enough
09:03.48amrocan anyone recommend a decent nvidia card?
09:04.34KalrothRoll the dice :)
09:04.38LonnySure Asus Geforce 8800GTX :P
09:04.49KalrothI'm using an eVGA 7800 GTS atm, works fine
09:07.41amrothanks for the recommendations, looking them up now
09:08.01krkahopefully open source ati drivers will become better, now that the specs are available
09:13.04reqol7900 GT geforce
09:13.08reqolmy card, it's pretty nice
09:17.38amroyeah it looks like I'd better go for a full upgrade
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09:49.11jerio26can someone help me understand some values in scripts?
09:50.16purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
09:50.24jerio26i ll hope answer is yes, when i see (index) in script command, where can i see what those index values might be so i know which one to add?
09:51.29jerio26for example
09:51.31jerio26BuyTrainerService(index)   - Used for buying new/upgrading professions, profession items and class skills.
09:51.46wereHamster!api BuyTrainerService
09:51.46ThraeBotwereHamster: BuyTrainerService(index)  --
09:52.45jerio26so there all i see is index Number - The index of the service to train.
09:52.56jerio26but have no idea how to perform this
09:53.22jerio26so what is 1 actually?
09:53.27jerio26what does it represent
09:53.49wereHamsterthe first service that the trainer has
09:54.09jerio26is there a way to make him take all services?
09:54.45jerio26or just 1 by 1?
09:55.15wereHamsteryou'll have to call that function for every service you want to buy
09:55.41jerio26i see
09:55.45reqolthere is most likely API to tell how many items there are to buy
09:55.51reqolthen you just need a for loop
09:56.25jerio26so i could make macro, and put multiple commands like /script buyts (1) /script buyts (2) etc?
09:56.38reqolwhy is BuyTrainerService under talent functions?
09:57.13reqolhere jerio26:
09:57.25cladhaireBuyTrainer service doesn't but items, or talents
09:57.37jerio26i need to buy skills
09:57.44jerio26in that case i guess its right command
09:57.47reqolwhy isn't it under training funcvtions
09:57.49reqolherte jerio26:
09:58.13jerio26how would i make a macro to press a button near trainer and buy all skills?
09:58.23jerio26i know for buying skills, but before that?
09:58.34wereHamster!api GetNumTrainerServices
09:58.35reqolfor i=1,GetNumTrainerServices() do BuyTrainerService(i) end
09:58.35ThraeBotwereHamster: GetNumTrainerServices();  --
09:58.39reqolthat should work
09:58.52reqolsomeone correct me if I'm wrong
09:59.05jerio26so i would buy them all?
09:59.19jerio26i ll try
09:59.20reqolyes, that's what that would do
09:59.33jerio26but what to do before that:) to make open window etc
09:59.33cladhairethe categories on wowwiki are fucked.
10:00.16wereHamsterI just saw that BuyTrainerService appears in several categories
10:00.24reqoljerio26: I don't think you can open the window short of right clicvking
10:00.30jerio26i guess anyone can edit pages on wiki, thats why:)
10:00.31reqoland wereHamster: yeah, it's also under rtainer services
10:01.26jerio26is there command to right click on npc?
10:01.36jerio26think i saw it somewhere
10:01.46reqolI don't know, someone else would have to answer that
10:02.34jerio26i ll look up on page, maybe i get lucky
10:03.52jerio26is that tilda with : on the end nessesary or?
10:04.12jerio26dont know how to type it in keyboard looks like :
10:05.45reqolit's not in this case
10:05.51jerio26when you type GetNumTrainerServices();
10:05.53reqolit's a terminating character used to represent the end of a statement
10:06.08reqoljust copy paste what I typed in
10:06.13reqoland put it into a macro
10:06.17reqolhold on
10:06.48reqolthat, without the space or period in front of  /script
10:07.02jerio26thats the magic line to buy all?
10:08.04reqolI just tested it
10:08.05reqolit works
10:08.14jerio26ok, ty
10:08.58jerio26now if only i would find place to learn how and why to type all that for other things i might need
10:09.10reqolactually, let me fix that macro a bit
10:09.52reqol./script if IsTalentTrainer() then for i=1,GetNumTrainerServices() do BuyTrainerService(i) end end
10:10.05reqolthat will test if it can train things, if it can, it will buy all of the services
10:10.16reqolpaste it into a macro without the . and it works fine
10:10.58reqolcheck that out
10:11.00reqolit should help
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10:11.05jerio26let me try that macro now
10:13.17jerio26so i execute it after i right click on npc?
10:13.29jerio26or when i stand near him?
10:13.41reqolright click
10:13.45reqolI think I messed something up though
10:13.56jerio26pls recheck
10:14.15reqolhere we go
10:14.38reqolinstead of IsTalentTrainer() replace it with IsTradeskillTrainer()
10:14.48reqolI don't know if that will work with class trainers
10:14.55jerio26why tradeskill?
10:14.57reqoli'll look for API for class trainer
10:14.59jerio26its spell trainer
10:15.08reqolhold on
10:15.11reqoland i'll show you
10:15.26reqolfirst, talentrainer is bugged, if you use tradeskill and then add another line, it will work for tradeskills and spell trainers
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10:18.45jerio26just worked on the first aid trainer:)
10:18.51jerio26now i need to find my class trainer :D
10:19.03jerio26to check for multi buys
10:19.44reqolit will work for the class trainer because IsTalenTrainer always returns true for some reason
10:20.02reqolhere, just use this
10:20.22reqolthere's no reason to do a check, I don't think
10:20.28jerio26ah k
10:20.42reqolworst that will happen is you'll get an error, if you mind though, I'll keep looking
10:21.05jerio26well it works for now with first aid but i cant find damn hunter trainer in goldshire lol
10:21.30reqolwell, actually, you won't get an error, it'll just silently fail
10:23.13jerio26for some reason they had to make all trainers in goldshire except for hunters
10:23.51reqolhumans can't be hunters
10:23.54reqolthusly there are no trainers
10:24.25jerio26well i am dwarf lol
10:24.37jerio26so gotta go to sw
10:26.53reqolguys: is there a function to test if a unit is a class trainer?
10:27.29leethalOH NOES
10:27.32leethal =/
10:27.41leethalwant. to. read.
10:27.59leethalwhere can I find the kralnor thread now? =P
10:30.15jerio26wow, seems this work reqol
10:30.26jerio26you know this stuff for sure heh
10:30.56jerio26didnt use check btw
10:30.58reqolah, it's just simple stuff :) I'm glad it works
10:31.46jerio26but really i tought its more simple, all this end end do etc.. makes me think it wont be easy to get into this
10:31.59reqolit's really very simple once you get into the mindset
10:32.00jerio26like 1 week before i understand a thing
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10:32.12jerio26so all i need is stick to wiki nooby page?
10:32.31reqol try this
10:32.35jerio26yea, meant that
10:32.50reqoldon't worry, we were all new at one point in time :D
10:32.58jerio26lol true that
10:33.19jerio26tell me you think it would be possible to make add on that could just memorize all this stuff?
10:33.24jerio26so i dont need to use macros etc
10:33.45jerio26i would proly add more to it when i learn how
10:34.39reqolyes, it would be possible to say, add an extra button to the trainer window with the text "Train All"
10:34.45reqolthat had the same function as that macro
10:35.05jerio26how about no add buttons but just make add on use the script ?
10:35.09jerio26probably yes
10:35.23jerio26like each time i visit trainer
10:35.52reqolthat's doable as well
10:35.56reqolmost likely
10:36.09jerio26interesting stuff
10:36.21reqolwould you like me to try to make an addon like that for you? it wouldn't take much I don't think. I can't guarantee anything though
10:36.36jerio26well if you are up for it sure mate
10:36.40jerio26u helped enough alrdy tho:)
10:36.47reqolokay, brb, I'll see what I can come up with
10:48.02reqolit's done
10:48.04reqolbut not tested
10:48.05reqolhold on
10:48.11reqolI also added a slash command to toggle it
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10:48.47reqolcladhaire: I haven't been able to find a IsClassTrainer or similar API, does one exist?
10:49.24cladhaireany particular reason you need one?
10:50.19reqolwell I made a macro for jerio26 and I wanted to add an if IsClassTrainer or something similar. Plus I might make an addon that creates a TrainAll button, but I'm pretty sure there are other ways to determine if they can train things in that case
10:50.25reqoland IsTalentTrainer is bugged
10:51.29cladhaireyou can use IsTrainerServiceLearnSpell() to ensure the player only gets taught spells
10:51.34cladhaireinstead of tradeskills
10:52.31jerio26spells would caunt as skills for any class?
10:53.11cladhairethey should
10:57.32reqoljerio26: it's done and tested, fixing a couple things up though
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10:59.16reqolcladhaire: wjat
10:59.32reqolwhat exactly is the name of an addon on the event ADDON_LOADED
10:59.49reqoltitle in the toc?
11:02.06cladhairereqol: I don't know, test it and see?
11:02.50reqolI just tried and nothing came out, I messed something up
11:03.25reqolI have my OnEvent function that takes ( self, event, arg1, ... ) it would be self, no?
11:04.33LonnyI think that arg1 of the event ADDON_LOADED returns the addon directory name and not the name found in the toc file
11:05.04reqolwell then my configuration should fire
11:05.05reqolbut it isn't
11:05.16reqolbecause self is the name of the frame
11:05.22reqolarg1 is what I want
11:05.37Xinhuanit returns the toc filename
11:05.41cladhaireno its not hself
11:05.43cladhaireself is the frame
11:05.47cladhaireevent is the name of the event
11:05.51cladhaireand arg1 is the name of the addon
11:06.00cladhaireand as Xinhuan says, i believe it returns the .toc filename
11:06.44Xinhuanand yes, arg1 == "myaddonname"
11:06.52Xinhuanself is the frame that registered the event
11:06.53LonnyWell Xinhuan I think that the toc file should be named under the directory name so ain't it the same ?
11:07.01Xinhuanyea its the same
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11:10.00jerio26it scares me just to read all this
11:10.29reqoljerio26: I think it's completely done, let me test it
11:17.51reqolugh gotta find the cooking trainer, hold on
11:23.49reqolI think it's fine I just can't find a trainer with something I need to train and then something on that trainer that requires that certain skill in order to train
11:23.54reqolbecause I've trained everything
11:23.55reqoljust a sec
11:25.11jerio26heh, had same problem, np
11:32.47reqolis there any event that fires when learning a trade skill or a class skill?
11:32.52reqolcan't seem to find one
11:33.59reqoljerio26: do you have some way I could contact you through?
11:34.07jerio26yea sure, msn?
11:34.10reqolI just need to fix a couple things and it should work fine, but i need to get going
11:34.18reqolwhats your MSN
11:34.46reqolokay, i'll add you. it'll be done tomorrow, i'll give it to you as soon as you get on
11:34.56jerio26no worries bud, thanks alot for this, maybe i make something of this apis after all:)
11:35.07reqolaye, no problem :)
11:37.32reqoladded you, night
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11:40.20reqolthought I'd pop on to throw this coincidence out there:
11:40.22reqollooks like I'
11:40.31reqolm not the only one wanting API like that
11:41.14reqolnow I wanna keep lurking the forums. sigh.
11:43.30reqolI'll have to pry myself away. take care everyone, don't let the bed bugs bite :)
11:43.46jerio26lol, nice find
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14:38.03Wobin"Stop slacking off"
14:38.06Wobin"I'm compiling"
14:38.10Wobin"Oh. Carry on."
14:39.12Pandyaooo I should use that
14:39.25Pandyasit at work and do no work
14:39.33Pandya"wtf do you think you're (not) doing?"
14:40.20malrethmore xkcd humor
14:43.49wereHamsterfrom 9 to 5: while true; do make clean; make; done
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14:51.52foxlit"If it crashes, you get FIFTY DKP MINUS!"
14:54.41JoshBorkeyou left?
15:00.02malreth~seen slouken
15:00.06purlslouken <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 51d 9h 28m 17s ago, saying: 'lol'.
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15:06.14malrethoh crap
15:06.26malrethwhen did i write all those addons?
15:06.34JoshBorkeyou didn't
15:06.34Pandyawhen you were high
15:07.14malrethi don't remember that one... i think i've been hacked
15:07.25malrethby some insane moron
15:09.56malrethpriapism is a funny word
15:10.43Mr_Rabies2is a funny word
15:10.44Mr_Rabies2say it
15:11.13Pandyaits not actually a word though
15:11.16Pandyais it
15:11.20malrethscuba (*tee hee*) spelled backwards is Abucs
15:11.46Pandyamalreth spelled backwards is epicwin
15:11.48Pandyatry it!
15:12.07malrethand epicwin spelled backwards is mexico
15:12.35Mr_Rabies2dammit malreth
15:12.40Mr_Rabies2now i want to go watch dr tran
15:12.49Mr_Rabies2because of your damn addon pictures >:(
15:12.59malrethhickory what? smoked what?
15:13.21malrethi... *love* mother!
15:14.17malrethhmm... i should update the toc on Ensemble... it still works perfectly with no other changes
15:14.35Mr_Rabies2you know
15:14.37Mr_Rabies2if i were you guys
15:14.50Mr_Rabies2i'd downgrade my addons to tbc release, toc wise
15:14.54Mr_Rabies2just to fuck with the morons
15:15.01Mr_Rabies2but that does require more people bitching at you
15:15.05Mr_Rabies2such a catch 22
15:15.23malreththe solution to that is to write addons that suck... then no one complains
15:15.44nevcairielbut why bother if you dont have the fun
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15:18.30malrethi know it's been said before, but the new auctioneer advanced is supreme
15:23.03Pandyaany decent replacement for discord unit frames? i miss teh customisabilitynessage.
15:23.15Mr_Rabies2In fact, Dr Tran will be down at your local record store this Tuesday from 4 til 9 giving away hot dickings!
15:23.30malrethMr_Rabies2: TRANTASTIC!!!
15:23.51Mr_Rabies2i'm a not a mocoddity
15:23.59Pandyata muchly malreth
15:24.52malreththat's fine... but watch out for the leg hair lice
15:26.55Pandyaone thing I hate about wow is having its addons directory in program files
15:27.16Pandyameans I have to ok UAC every time I do file actions there :(
15:27.31malrethyeah... i got sick of that right quick
15:27.45Pandyaits not vista's fault and its not UAC's fault
15:28.01Pandyasensible would be for WoW to have its addons held in a user directory instead of the program directory
15:28.07krkait's the managers that decided on vistas features?
15:28.15Pandyain fact, I'm tempted to go make some sweet love to mklink
15:28.23malrethmmm... symlinks
15:28.54Pandyaput wow's addon directory where it *should* be
15:29.11dylanmWhich is where, exactly?
15:30.19Pandyax:\users\<user>\documents\world of warcraft\interface\addons would be a good start
15:30.44Pandyaor x:\users\<user>\AppData\Local\world of warcraft\interface\addons
15:31.10Intangirhey people
15:31.53Pandyawell theres a saved games folder under vista, so you could even put it there
15:32.01Pandyabut zero shit on vista actually uses it besides spider solitaire
15:32.07Pandyaeven GFWL titles don't use it
15:32.27Pandyamost stuff defaults to documents\my games\game title\gamestuffhere
15:32.41Pandyawhich is lame, retaining the XP fisher-price naming system on Vista ;(
15:33.44Mr_Rabies2<Pandya> but zero shit on vista actually uses it besides spider solitaire
15:33.58dylanmI guess I'm not sure that it makes sense to keep major program plugins in a user folder.
15:34.05Mr_Rabies2because most of them weren't in development when vista is out, and it's still a small percentage of the market
15:34.09Mr_Rabies2so it's not worth it to change it
15:34.21Pandyatrue, its just one of those things that would be nice if they actually used it
15:34.36Pandyayou'd think the Games for Windows / Games for Windows Live stuff would use it though :(
15:34.51BeladonaI used some fancy symlinks to reorganize my wow files
15:34.57BeladonaI have a Main wow folder
15:35.04PandyaI'm about to reorganize my wow folder with some of that
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15:35.08Beladonathen I have WOWMAIN, and WOWALT, for playing and testing
15:35.08dylanmIt's not like you should be storing a version of Atlas for each computer user. It's not a preference or a document.
15:35.24Mr_Rabies2 for a good way to see the stats of the average gamer's pc
15:35.25Beladonabut symlinks in each pointing to the data files and stuff which are in WOW
15:35.36Mr_Rabies2i like self-contained installs personally
15:35.45Mr_Rabies2so i can just copy the folder to another computer and it'll work
15:35.48Beladonathat way I can control what gets duplicated, and what gets shared
15:35.49PandyaI guess theres reasoning either way dylanm, but I personally prefer to have my programs and non-program stuff, like plugins/addons seperate
15:36.10Mr_Rabies2i wish everything would stop using the registry and whatnot
15:36.16Mr_Rabies2and instead just have it all self contained
15:36.43PandyaMr_Rabies2, I have my user stuff on an entirely seperate drive, so for me I much prefer retaining as much stuff thats preference specific (and I count wow UI here too) on that drive
15:36.58BeladonaI am sure there are technical reasons they don't use it
15:37.01Pandyaso if I formatted the main drive, reinstalled windows or whatever, it will jsut pick up the addons
15:37.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
15:37.21Mr_Rabies2there was no reason to before and they're not going to change it until vista comprises more of the userbase
15:37.22Pandyaguess its part personal choice :)
15:37.22Beladonaits not like you can't simulate file segregation on your own
15:37.27Mr_Rabies2which means probably never
15:37.38dylanmIt also keeps the relevant filesystem pretty small.
15:38.00Beladonasymlinks ftw
15:38.49IntangirBattlefieldLocator 1.0 is out! :)
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15:39.51KasoMan, my uni's admins need to learn what version control systems are
15:40.12Kaso-rwxrwxr--   1 thomason st          1879 Dec 19  2002 search-removed.htm
15:40.12Kaso-rw-rwxr--   1 mckee    nogroup     5786 Oct 24  2000 search.htm.old
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15:40.40zenzelezzbeen there, seen that
15:40.59Shirik|Ghostlots of searches, ha
15:41.05IntangirKaso: you need to learn what pastbin is
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15:41.26Kasothe channel is quite i think it was acceptable
15:41.36Intangirnow my awesome link is scrolled off already ;(
15:41.40Kasowhats great is all those files are in the live htdocs folder
15:41.47zenzelezzjust remember this the next time Intangir goes on one of his monologues
15:42.09Intangirit wouldnt be a monologue if others would reply or discuss
15:46.45ShirikI love my lab manual
15:47.06Shirik"Do not touch the metal connectors at either end of the tubes. They operate at 2000 volts or more and you won't enjoy the effect."
15:47.49Mr_Rabies2the voltage aint the problem, it's the amperage
15:47.58Mr_Rabies2if it's low amperage i'll rub my face on it if i want okay
15:48.25ShirikI know, my physics teachers don't know a damn thing about electricity
15:48.26Pandyateh pitbull I downloaded is out of date
15:48.27Shirikit's depressing
15:48.29Pandyanow what will I do
15:48.37ShirikI'm so glad this is my last physics cours
15:49.54krkais that a word?
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15:49.59krkai always say electrical current
15:50.12nevcairieli dont think thats a word
15:50.14Mr_Rabies2woops that was odd
15:50.18Mr_Rabies2<Mr_Rabies2> rofl, kaso
15:50.19Shirikamperage is indeed a word
15:50.20Mr_Rabies2<Mr_Rabies2> what thread is that from?
15:50.22Mr_Rabies2<Mr_Rabies2> or did you just use waffleimages out of habit
15:50.28Shirik~dict amperage
15:50.52nevcairielstupid to stuff the unit in the expression
15:51.00Shirikdon't you say voltage?
15:51.08Shirikor do you say "electric potential"
15:51.11Mr_Rabies2i posted it and got d/cd
15:51.17Mr_Rabies2so i dunno how much went through
15:51.19Mr_Rabies2so i just pasted it
15:51.23Mr_Rabies2because i'm lazy
15:51.24KasoIts the Livejournal picture thread, but its 99% gross NMS stuff
15:51.33nevcairieli didnt think about it in english, in german i would use electric potential in translated form :P
15:51.50Shirikwell I use current and amperage interchangably
15:51.59Intangirso if you make an addon, you have to post it on all these different addons sites individually?
15:52.03Pandyaam I missing out on soemthing
15:52.12Intangirhow many are there? curse? wowinterface? i know there was one like incgamers or something
15:52.12PandyaI could have sworn you could change the amount of memory available for addons once upon a time
15:52.16XuerianIntangir: Yes..
15:52.23Mr_Rabies2i just say amperage, it makes it pretty obvious what's being measured to anyone with a marginal idea of how electricity works
15:52.24Shirikif I have a specific number, I would say current, if I am talking in general it would be amperage
15:52.31XuerianPandya: You could
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15:53.05Intangirwhat are yall talking about?
15:53.10Pandyathey get rid of it and have wow autoallocate or something?
15:53.16krkaShirik: i call it voltage
15:53.28Intangiri saw a device online that supposedly uses pure potential to split water into hydrogen and oxygen
15:53.33ShirikSo why would you think amperage is any less valid :P
15:53.45Intangirat about 1/9th of the normal power needed to split water
15:53.50Shirik~dict ohmage
15:53.52Mr_Rabies2Kaso, i found this on that generator thing
15:54.12ShirikVoltage, Ohmage, Amperage, all valid words. Though I don't use Ohmage myself
15:54.15ShirikI use resistance
15:54.26nevcairieli guess english is weird, in german we say "spannung" which translates to .. hrm.. accordint to google voltage .. still stupid with "volt" in it IMHO :D
15:54.35Mr_Rabies2i use voltage, amperage, and resisance
15:54.37malrethimma gonna change my mage's name to Ohmage
15:54.56krkai think voltage is more common than amperage anyway, just by looking at wikipedia for volt and ampere
15:54.59ShirikResistance is futile (if omega < 1)
15:55.31krkain swedish we say "spänning, volt" for "voltage, volt"
15:55.40krkaand "ström, ampere" for "current, ampere"
15:55.43malrethWattage is a word that i use when in kiddie chat rooms and trying to figure out who to hit on
15:55.58nevcairielkrka: thats like german, basicly
15:56.12Intangiri had a priest named kefka
15:56.14krkayeah, swedish and german are often similar
15:56.15Intangirbut deleted him ;(
15:56.19Intangirand then someone else took the name
15:56.23Intangirused it for a paladin....
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16:00.09Mr_Rabies2kefka reminds me of kafka, which reminds me of this
16:00.17Mr_Rabies2i'm a lonely german
16:00.22Mr_Rabies2a lonely german from...prague
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16:06.16IntangirMr_Rabies2: hahahhaa
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16:08.28dylanmIntangir: Your addon looks cool. Will have to try it out.
16:10.17Pandyaok so I installed pitbull
16:10.26Pandyais it meant to be semi-transparent... :(
16:10.46malrethPandya: it's meant to be configured... have fun!
16:10.47dylanmIf you have the range checking and combat fading modules enabled then yeah.
16:10.47Gnarfozdisabled range check and in combat fader modules
16:10.54Pandyalol ok malreth
16:10.57Pandyasounds fun :)
16:10.58dylanmCombat fading is probably what will do it.
16:11.07dylanmYou'll have to get cozy with the configuration window.
16:11.17dylanmThis isn't one of those "it just works" deals.
16:11.26malrethkeep a bottle of vodka and some pain killers nearby
16:14.16Pandyagawd I'm liking this
16:15.04Pandyaokie if I ask any more pitbull related questions
16:15.12Pandyajust give me a yes/no if its possible, don' tell me how
16:15.55zenzelezza night elf hunter called Deathhamster... with a boar called Spider...
16:17.05kergothi need a name for my new hunter's albino bat, anyone have any ideas?
16:17.06kergothi suck at names.
16:17.31malrethcall him Feces
16:19.10Mr_Rabies2oh god
16:19.21Mr_Rabies2that was on the livejournal image finder thing
16:19.24Mr_Rabies2that's fucking frightening
16:19.37Intangirthat song dancing mad from FF6 is freaking epic
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16:39.20ShirikAnyone here use open office math?
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16:41.20zenzelezzwhen did they make the Armory error so often?
16:41.45nevcairielwhen they created it
16:41.58zenzelezzI don't recall having trouble with it the first couple of months
16:46.46cncfanaticshello all
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16:55.01foxlit"Pryor's Observation: How long you live has nothing to do with how long you are going to be dead."
16:55.29malrethHallowed are the Ori
16:55.39Shirikwhy do people think that animated backgrounds on webpages make their site look better
16:55.41Valaron|WorkHallowed are the Ori.
16:56.01nevcairielShirik: they do that do force you using text-only console web browsers.
16:56.14nevcairieldid you notice that linux info sites always have this ugly colors?
16:56.17dylanmShirik: Cos they do make it better.
16:56.28Shirikheh, I haven't used lynx in forever ><
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16:56.47Valaron|Worklinks supports frames
16:56.56Valaron|Worklynx is ancient
16:57.15Shirikframes in a text-only browser?
16:57.20Shirikis that really necessary?
16:57.39Valaron|WorkI'm just saying.
16:58.00Valaron|WorkIt does make it easier to navigate.
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17:03.13|Jelly|Happy 2.0 Day!
17:03.35Shirik2.0 day?
17:03.42Shirikoh was that today?
17:03.43cog|workcladhaire: u put in topic kthx
17:03.58|Jelly|I was going to write a long post (diatribe) but I feel that Cog got the point across with the necro. lol
17:04.11cog|workRemember, remember the 5th of december, the day all the addons got shot
17:04.34Valaron|WorkAnd "Lazy Healers died one year ago."
17:06.02dylanmOh wow the first two lines are pretty epic.
17:06.07dylanmI can't imagine it gets better.
17:06.59dylanmcladhaire: You install Leopard yet? I finally got around to it yesterday.
17:07.39dylanmImmediately set out to fix the ugly they slapped all over the dock and menubar.
17:08.19foxlitThe fix is uglier, tbh
17:08.39cladhairedylanm: i've been on it sicne the day it came out
17:08.48cladhairei dont mind the menubar
17:08.50cladhairei fixed the dock
17:08.52cladhaireand like it
17:08.53cladhairethink its nice.
17:09.00dylanmdefaults write no-glass -boolean YES
17:09.02dylanmThat one?
17:09.06dylanmI like the look of that.
17:09.19malrethonly thing i did was add some 'container' icons to the folders that i have as stacks in the dock
17:09.38dylanmYeah I like the stacks.
17:09.41malrethand i moved the dock to the left edge of the preferred location
17:10.04dylanmOtherwise it's a great upgrade.
17:10.15malrethand then set it to autohide and dragged everything out of it since i use quicksilver instead
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17:10.31dylanmFinder is much less terrible, quicklook is ballin', and spotlight is reasonably fast now.
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17:10.51malrethand i've got time machine working with a network share over wireless
17:11.07dylanmYeah same it's kinda fun to play with.
17:11.22malrethbut i need to change the scheduled times to be 6 hours between backups... 1 hr is a bit too much for me
17:11.35cladhairei haven't looked at time machine yet
17:11.42cladhairei dont like that it requires a full drive
17:11.44cladhaireseems poopy to me
17:11.50malrethit saved my ass once already
17:11.51cladhaireor even a partition
17:11.57dylanmYou said poop har har.
17:12.16dylanmSpaces needs work but I like the idea.
17:12.34malrethdylanm: agreed about spaces
17:12.57malrethi dedicate one to remote desktop connections
17:13.03|Jelly|Look at all these tools that didn't know what today was jumping on the bandwagon! *giggles at Shirik* TOOL!
17:13.17malrethanother to e-mail
17:13.21ShirikI didn't make any comment about 2.0
17:13.25cog|work|Jelly|: it's your "you should've waited for tomorrow" post that inspired me to bump that thread ;)
17:13.27Shirikmerely the time dialation factor
17:13.42|Jelly|I figured, Cog. lol
17:14.05|Jelly|The funny thing about that thread was I told Kamdis (after she asked) and she beat me by four seconds. GRR.
17:14.21malrethKarrion's poem is epic
17:15.05dylanmHas anyone made a Dashboard armory widget yet?
17:15.10malrethinvoking Ozymandias like that
17:17.09foxlitdylanm: more than likely
17:17.34|Jelly|Cog: If you don't, I'm gonna!
17:18.05malrethoh... the Schnitzelbank song!
17:18.11malrethi forgot all about that one
17:18.40*** join/#wowi-lounge fridg (n=Fridgid@
17:19.01cncfanaticsnew ati drivers ? :o anyone know if they work ? (linux)
17:19.28nevcairielI bet they dont
17:21.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
17:23.19ShirikIt's ATI
17:23.23Shirikwhat kind of question is that
17:24.51*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
17:25.12cncfanaticswhy is the last ati driver version 7.11 when the previous one was 8.42 ?
17:26.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
17:26.54*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
17:27.22|Jelly|From me to everyone else: <33
17:27.27art3misdepends on what platform and what model
17:28.07art3mis8.11 may also be the full package installer (ie hyrdyavision avio etc)
17:28.27art3miserr 711
17:28.59malrethi miss sifl and olly
17:32.53Shirikomg |Jelly|
17:33.45AntiarcSo I'm in a guild alliance
17:33.55AntiarcAnd one of the other guilds' GMs goes on this rant last night
17:34.03AntiarcAbout people putting useless things in the guild bank
17:34.10LopeppeppyWTB new graphics card drivers myself, cncfanatics.
17:34.19AntiarcSo after they logged off I bribed one of their officers to fill every empty slot in the guild bank with a single Symbol of Kings
17:34.26|Jelly|Shirik: ???
17:34.36malrethAntiarc: :D
17:34.39Lopeppeppy"Useless" things in the guild bank = money at the vendor or the AH.  *grin*  I'm the liquidator for my alliance, I love the power to sell.
17:34.58zenzelezzgirls and money...
17:35.07cncfanaticsLopeppeppy, try the new catalist linux drivers ?
17:35.12cncfanaticsI'm testing them atm to see if they work
17:36.17|Jelly|!c us velen mandru
17:36.24ThraeBot|Jelly|: Mandru, Level 60 Night Elf Druid (47/1/3). 3393 HP; 5374 Mana; 150 mana regen; 12 mp5; 66.800 Melee DPS; 3.96% melee crit; 56 spell crit; 276 +spell dmg/heal; 6.31% dodge; 10 nature resist (+10); +24 all resists (+10 nature);[[ TBR: 811 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Dec  5 12:37:07 2007 EST ]]
17:36.29Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us velen mandru
17:36.29ThraeBotShirik: kimina vs mandru! It's a showdown! But wait! What's this?! Something random? kimina's Mom calls him, interrupting the duel -- it's time for kindergarden! Forfeit!
17:36.36Shirikyeah screw you Thrae
17:37.12|Jelly|!vs us velen shalyn us velen mandru
17:38.12ThraeBot|Jelly|: I failed on the first listed character. You fail.
17:38.33|Jelly|...I know my own damned character's name
17:39.21Shirikif it took that long, it timed out :P
17:39.45|Jelly|!vs us velen shalyn us velen mandru
17:40.45ThraeBot|Jelly|: I failed on the first listed character. You fail.
17:44.43*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
17:45.20Intangir!vs us velen mandru us mug'thol intangir
17:45.58*** join/#wowi-lounge frid (n=Fridgid@
17:46.12ThraeBotIntangir: Mandru vs Intangir! Intangir has +10 lvls on Mandru (60 vs 70); A L60 druid and a L70 rogue square off!; 47/1/3 vs 25/0/36; Intangir wins by 823 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
17:46.22Intangironly 823?
17:46.28Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us velen shalyn
17:46.30Intangir!c us mug'thol intangir
17:46.47Shirik(12:46:22) (ThraeBot) Armory is flagged as slow or unresponsive, please wait...
17:46.49ShirikI didn't know it does that
17:47.29ThraeBotShirik: Kimina vs Shalyn! Kimina has +10 lvls on Shalyn (70 vs 60); A L70 priest and a L60 druid square off!; 20/41/0 vs 0/41/10; Kimina wins by 1514 TBRs! ***OWNED TO THE EXTREME!!***
17:47.29ThraeBotIntangir: Intangir, Level 70 Undead Rogue (25/0/36). 11104 HP; +10 Energy; 3663 Armour; 1517 AP; 299.100 Melee DPS; 30.84% melee crit; 54 melee hit; 23.96% dodge; 422 resilience; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1175 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Dec  5 12:46:55 2007 EST ]]
17:48.58malrethoooh! i wanna die too...
17:49.49malreth!vs us silver hand kyleigh us mug'thol intangir
17:50.17Shirik+10 energy?
17:50.23Shirikwhat is that?
17:50.45PolarinaShirik: Talent.
17:50.50ThraeBotmalreth: I failed on the first listed character. You fail.
17:53.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
17:54.17*** join/#wowi-lounge fridgid (n=Fridgid@
17:55.24DumanShirik: in this case, I it's his set bonus... not the Vigor talent (since that is 31pts into Assassination, and he only has 25)
17:55.37Dumans/I //g
17:56.41Dumanwith both the set bonus and the talnet, you'd have +20 :)
17:56.57Dumantalent, even.
17:57.19malreth!c us silver hand kyleigh
17:57.21ThraeBotmalreth: Kyleigh, Level 69 Human Mage (2/0/57). 5656 HP; 6493 Mana; 197 mana regen; 13 mp5; 91 spell crit; 8 spell hit; 573 +spell dmg; 4.03% dodge;[[ TBR: 583 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Dec  5 12:58:04 2007 EST ]]
17:57.32malrethmuah ha ha! noob
18:01.37Dumanhmm, I wonder if my rogue or pally would win in a matchup
18:01.49malreth!vs us silver hand kyleigh us mug'thol intangir
18:01.51ThraeBotmalreth: Kyleigh vs Intangir! Intangir has +1 lvls on Kyleigh (69 vs 70); A L69 mage and a L70 rogue square off!; 2/0/57 vs 25/0/36; Intangir wins by 580 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
18:02.01Duman!vs us gilneas duman us gilneas hardal
18:02.02ThraeBotDuman: Duman vs Hardal! A L70 paladin and a L70 rogue square off!; 44/17/0 vs 15/41/5; Hardal wins by 917 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
18:02.25malreth!vs us silver hand kyleigh us gilneas duman
18:02.27ThraeBotmalreth: Kyleigh vs Duman! Duman has +1 lvls on Kyleigh (69 vs 70); A L69 mage and a L70 paladin square off!; 2/0/57 vs 44/17/0; Duman wins by 760 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
18:02.32malrethfeel better?
18:02.36Dumanhehe :)
18:02.46*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
18:03.01malrethkiting doesn't work if your victim keeps healing himself...
18:03.17Duman!vs us silver hand kyleigh us gilneas hardal
18:03.18ThraeBotDuman: Kyleigh vs Hardal! Hardal has +1 lvls on Kyleigh (69 vs 70); A L69 mage and a L70 rogue square off!; 2/0/57 vs 15/41/5; Hardal wins by 1662 TBRs! ***OWNED TO THE EXTREME!!***
18:03.47malrethi tend to just run from rogues whenever possible
18:04.06malrethand warlocks
18:04.14malrethand other mages
18:04.23malrethactually... just about anything, really
18:04.28DumanI lost ruining a warlock's day
18:04.36DumanI can't type for shit today
18:04.43DumanI need caffeine
18:10.42*** join/#wowi-lounge art3mis (n=art3mis@WoWUIDev/WoWI/HKUI/art3mis)
18:22.17cncfanaticsanyone having issues with the latest ati drivers ?
18:22.21cncfanaticsWoW is unplayable now :/
18:23.08malrethweren't you warned earlier?
18:23.17LopeppeppyMy issues are Nvidia, still sucks.  *shrug*
18:24.07cncfanaticsmalreth, not rly
18:24.54malrethnevcairiel: I bet they dont
18:25.21malrethhmm.. i should probably quote that... or something
18:27.38*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh (n=chatzill@
18:34.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
18:39.18*** join/#wowi-lounge testleK|away (n=testleK@
18:43.29*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (n=dylanm@
18:47.04*** join/#wowi-lounge art3mis (n=art3mis@WoWUIDev/WoWI/HKUI/art3mis)
18:48.22Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us burniing legion jelly
18:48.25ThraeBotShirik: I failed on the second listed character. You half-fail.
18:48.34Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
18:48.35ThraeBotShirik: kimina vs jelly! It's a showdown! But wait! What's this?! Something random? jelly is really a keyboard turner, and his opponent simply walks off after it takes jelly 5 minutes to face the right direction. Forfeit!
18:48.38Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
18:48.38ThraeBotShirik: I just said that 3s ago.
18:48.42Shirikno you didn't
18:48.44Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
18:48.44ThraeBotShirik: I just said that 10s ago.
18:49.02Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
18:49.02ThraeBotShirik: I just said that 28s ago.
18:49.07Shirikok you're not funny aynmore
18:49.21Shirik!vs US drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
18:49.22ThraeBotShirik: Kimina vs Jelly! Two 70 priests square off!; 20/41/0 vs 23/38/0; Kimina wins by 370 TBRs!
18:49.27Shirikha, hacked the system!
18:49.59|Jelly|I love how you continue to versus against a character that I haven't played in a month. :P
18:50.08Shirik!c us drenden kimina
18:50.08ThraeBotShirik: Kimina, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (20/41/0). 10651 HP; 9195 Mana; 232 mana regen; 95 mp5; 21 spell crit; 21 spell hit; 479 +spell dmg; 1138 +heal; 5.06% dodge; 164 resilience; 24 arcane resist; 49 shadow resist;[[ TBR: 1129 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Dec  5 13:49:08 2007 EST ]]
18:50.15Shirikgot my new robe :D
18:52.06*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
18:52.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
18:55.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
18:55.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
18:55.55amrocncfanatics: latest ati drivers lock up for me
18:56.10cncfanaticsamro, they have heavy artifacts here, unplayable
18:56.16cncfanaticsjust reinstalled the old ones -.-
18:56.23amrocncfanatics: windows?
18:56.24cncfanaticsbut the old ones don't work for xorg 7.3, which is lame
18:57.04amrothey work perfectly in terms of visual quality. but I get random lockups even with zsnes
18:57.20cncfanaticsthey don't here
18:57.26cncfanaticsI don't see any models ingame -.-
18:57.34cncfanaticswhich is eh, rather unhandy
18:58.46amrocncfanatics: which card?
18:58.51cncfanaticsradeon 9600
18:59.03amrosame here
18:59.13amroI'm rerolling the drivers
18:59.15amro~lart ATi
18:59.15purltakes out ATi with the trash
18:59.24amrouh... rolling back
19:00.10nevcairieli told you
19:00.14nevcairielthat they wont work
19:00.16LopeppeppyAnyone have hints for nvidia drivers?  I get soft-freezes driving me mad... suppose I should try rolling back too.
19:00.37amronevcairiel: told me?
19:00.44wereHamsterLopeppeppy, for how long and how often?
19:01.04nevcairielamro: the channel when someone asked earlier
19:01.19Lopeppeppy4 - 15 seconds.  I've had a crash or two with an nvidia error message from windows as well.
19:01.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
19:03.34zenzelezzLopeppeppy: I seem to be using "163.71 forceware" with no problems
19:06.11nevcairieli use the beta without any problem, 169.09
19:06.20nevcairielneeded better crysis support =)
19:14.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (
19:17.17LopeppeppyI'll take a look at my driver versions when I get home guys, thanks!
19:19.22Industrial!c eu grim batol seryan
19:19.24ThraeBotIndustrial: Seryan, Level 66 Troll Hunter (41/16/0). 6051 HP; 4553 Mana; 89 mana regen; 12 mp5; 3693 Armour; 1007 AP; 151.700 Melee DPS; 8.72% melee crit; 17 melee hit; 956 RAP; 212.60 Ranged DPS; 18.12% ranged crit; 17 ranged hit; 8.49% dodge; 13 resilience;[[ TBR: 1222 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Dec  5 14:20:08 2007 EST ]]
19:19.41amroIndustrial: slowpoke
19:19.57Industrialamro: leveling skinning
19:20.14*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
19:21.01Industrialcheck mah belt :D
19:21.06Industrial(from halaa lol)
19:21.55*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
19:24.28amroIndustrial: halaa got boring too fast for me
19:24.36amroI haven't upped my gear since 67
19:24.56Industrialhalaa is great fun imho :D
19:25.06Industrialbut the GY is so far away for the attacking party
19:25.23*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
19:25.51Industrialalso lol@ shammies I can dispel their ghost wolf now with arcane shot ;D
19:26.13dylanmstfu hunter
19:27.02dylanmLet's just slap all of the best abilities in the game on an arrow and goooo.
19:28.00Industrialawww :(
19:28.11dylanmjk ilu
19:28.24Industriall2getclose :D?
19:28.39dylanmThat's what I do.
19:28.45cncfanaticscould I sue ati for releasing non-working drivers and wasting my time ?
19:28.46dylanmEspecially with this rogue alt hot damn do I have to chase people.
19:29.50Pandyacncfanatics, wtf?
19:29.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (
19:30.25cncfanaticsPandya, a company releasing drivers that don't work piss me off
19:30.47Cidanstupid snow.
19:30.55Pandyawhats your exact problem?
19:30.59Thunder_Child<3 snow
19:31.55cncfanaticsPandya, the latest ati drivers, the only ones that work with xorg 7.3 are bugged, WoW doesn't run well on it, no models appear at all ingame :/
19:32.25Pandyahave you reported the bug to ATi?
19:33.21PandyaI haven't had to deal with their linux support team as I ragequit trying to use Linux on my ATi grahpics card before they came out with working drivers, but I've had very positive responses from their windoze guys
19:33.36CidanI stopped buying ATI just for that reason.
19:33.54PandyaFor what reason? Linux issues?
19:34.06cncfanaticsPandya, how would I go reporting that to him ?
19:34.09cncfanaticsthey might actualy fix it :o
19:34.38CidanPandya: yep
19:34.54Pandyathere you go cncfanatics
19:35.20Pandyalike I said I've not dealt with their Linux guys, but on Windows at least, when you submit issues, they seem to be genuinely upset that its not perfect :P
19:35.42PandyaCidan, I just gave up trying to use Linux :P
19:35.48Thunder_Childthen they are idiots since nothing is perfect
19:35.59Pandyaits a more positive attitude imo
19:36.06Pandyaisntead of "lol it doesn't work, that's a shame"
19:36.30Thunder_Childwanting to fix an issue is one thing, being upset that its not perfect is another
19:36.45Pandyaoh for gods sake it was an exxageration
19:36.52Pandyathey don't email you back a picture of a developer in tears
19:36.54Thunder_Childi know, but i'm bored
19:36.54*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
19:37.03Pandyatroll some wow forums then
19:37.19Thunder_Childthose people are scary
19:37.59Thunder_Childbesides, i have a reputation to uphold here
19:39.16cncfanaticssubmitted to their feedback thingy
19:39.17cncfanaticslets see
19:39.34cncfanaticsgenuinly wondering if I'll get a reply
19:40.03CidanPandya: Not an option for me since it's my main OS, :P
19:40.06cncfanaticsThunder_Child, what reputation ?
19:40.14Thunder_Childcncfanatics, asshole
19:40.19cncfanaticsI don't use windows personaly tbh, just hate it :p
19:40.56ShirikCidan is a noob
19:40.56*** part/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
19:41.06Shirikhe's all like "cold snow is cold :( "
19:41.21*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
19:41.21ShirikI told him he should come down to Florida and take some of our hot snow
19:41.32Thunder_Childand billion bugs
19:41.34*** part/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
19:41.36Shirikand billion bugs
19:41.47Thunder_Childi think i would rather the cold snow
19:41.59Thunder_Childat least you dont get eaten alive
19:42.12ShirikActually I really haven't been bitten much this year
19:42.38Shirikbut! I must be off to class. A bientot, mes amis.
19:42.38cncfanaticsShirik, die
19:42.42cncfanaticsI'm in damn raid
19:43.01Thunder_Childi'm in 70 deg sunny weather
19:43.09Thunder_Childi think i would still rather the snow
19:43.52Cidanam not!!#@
19:44.13Cidanwtf, I grew up in Miami, :P
19:45.08cncfanatics*starts music*
19:45.11cncfanaticswelcome to miama, lala
19:45.27*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
19:46.35Cidanman, Miami is so not like that.
19:46.56cncfanaticsmiama fails
19:50.59Thunder_Child this reminds me of S.P....or is it Q.C....damn, cant remember
19:51.16Thunder_Childnsfw...if you play it
19:56.49Intangirhow does a shaman earthshield work?
19:56.54Intangirit seems super freaking effective
19:57.00Intangirkeeps healing them even while they are stunned?
19:58.19*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
20:02.02*** join/#wowi-lounge fridg (n=Fridgid@
20:02.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (n=nospam@
20:04.01Thunder_Childit is very effective
20:04.27Thunder_Childbut it's built along the same lines as a HoT
20:06.08*** part/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
20:07.20Shirik|Ghostok, lol @ today's
20:07.36*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
20:09.12*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar_ (
20:10.08*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
20:11.35MentalPowerbatrick: I just configured one $8,019 + S/H + Tax
20:14.08malrethMentalPower: DAMN! $8000?!? MACS are over-priced! fuck apple! :O
20:15.43malrethShirik|Ghost: hilarious!
20:16.46cog|workPandya: 2x64gb solid state
20:16.57Pandyathat's where the main cost will be ;P
20:16.58Shirik|GhostI need this now
20:17.07Shirik|Ghostare they like in RAID or something? Is that even necessary?><
20:17.20Shirik|GhostRAID0 solid state disks ftw
20:17.28Pandyaraid0 ssds
20:17.30PandyaI want that
20:17.36Shirik|Ghostwho needs ram anymore
20:17.46Shirik|Ghostyour entire permanent storage can be your ram
20:17.57Pandyaram >>> SSD
20:18.26Pandyawake me up when SSD bandwidth is shunting 8-14GB/s :p
20:18.27Shirik|Ghostjust need enough in parallel
20:18.31*** join/#wowi-lounge testlek (n=testleK@
20:18.59Shirik|Ghostreally it shouldn't be hard
20:19.02PandyaShirik|Ghost, if you get them in parallel and do some stupid raid0 thing, you'll murder the CPU and the bus will still be too slow to replace ram
20:19.05Shirik|Ghostwhat with all the work being done in optical transfer these days
20:19.07MentalPoweronly $1000 too :P
20:19.27Shirik|GhostI'd expect to see speeds like that sometimes relatively soon (stress on relatively)
20:20.10cncfanaticsanyone, is there a way to make xorg look smaller without setting the resolution higher ?
20:20.17*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
20:20.23cncfanaticsI just switched to 1024x768 from 1600x120 and everything is too big
20:20.26Shirik|Ghostchanging the resolution should not impact the sizing
20:20.37Shirik|GhostMicrosoft was stupid when they wrote this hack, and KDE followed it
20:20.39zenzelezznow that's wide screen cncfanatics
20:20.48zenzelezzbut isn't it a bit hard to fit stuff vertically?
20:20.58Shirik|Ghostbut I must go
20:21.49batrick8000$ for a laptop? ...
20:22.12cncfanaticsI'm using gnome
20:22.15cncfanaticssame thing though
20:22.29cncfanaticszenzelezz, u perfectly get what I mean
20:24.41cncfanaticsso anyone ?
20:24.49cncfanaticssome UI Scale thingy for gnome plx :p
20:24.56Cidanso it looks like things are moving away from Compiz
20:25.01CidanKDE has a built in system
20:25.03MentalPower./run SetUIScale(1.5)
20:25.16Cidanand metacity looks like they are adding shadows, etc.
20:25.17XuerianCompiz was the icebreaker
20:25.20Cidan(which is a surprise)
20:25.50CidanI'm curious to try KDE4, I wonder if it's any good.
20:25.51Gnarfozmetacity is adding... something? that by itself is a surprise
20:25.57CidanGnarfoz: indeed.
20:26.15malrethCidan: did you ever get around to cracking those hashed keys from last week?
20:26.53*** join/#wowi-lounge amro|afk (n=amro@
20:26.56cncfanaticsoh, and why the heck is WoW fonts unreadable now I switched resolution ? ...
20:27.12malrethcncfanatics: because you didn't pray to Jesus today
20:27.21malrethGod can't help you now
20:27.43Cidanmalreth: nope, I haven't even had time to look at it
20:27.56CidanI still have a few more exams to finish up, then a month of free time
20:27.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Maul (i=43bd3483@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
20:29.04cncfanaticscan't even read my WoW now
20:29.45cog|workyou get what you pay for imo... play on windows or mac :P
20:30.09Cidancncfanatics: ATI bug or somesuch?
20:31.15cncfanaticsno idea
20:31.18cncfanaticsbut its barely readable :/
20:31.33cncfanaticswas readable on my old resolution
20:31.38cncfanaticsbut not on this one lol
20:31.52cncfanaticscog|work, why would I ever want to install windows ?
20:32.03cog|workto play games
20:32.31cncfanaticsrather not play them then install win
20:32.46cog|workyou missed the last two words of my statement :P
20:33.38cog|worki don't know... i think people who bitch about games not running right under wine should stfu or QQ on the wine forums
20:33.40cncfanaticscan't afford a mac atm :)
20:33.51cncfanaticsoh, and it worked fine at 1600x120
20:34.02cncfanaticsjust fonts look stupid at 1024x768; for some reason
20:34.09*** join/#wowi-lounge amro_ (n=amro@
20:34.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Drea (
20:35.02Dreadamn clad's not here?
20:35.16cncfanaticsbtw cog|work
20:35.17cog|workany particular reason you need clad in particular?
20:35.26cncfanaticsthe font looks fine at uiscale 1, just doesn't at 0.65 for some reason
20:35.43cncfanaticsso I really think its WoW, not wine
20:35.52cog|workwell yeah... any time you scale down a font it's going to look crappier and crappier
20:36.10cog|work.65 scale at 1024x768 would look crappy no matter what
20:36.21cncfanaticssigh :(
20:36.25Dreawas gonna ask him a question bout lightheaded/tomtom
20:36.27cncfanatics.65 at 1600x1200 looked great
20:36.34cog|workDrea: good reason :P
20:36.52cog|workcncfanatics: that's a fundamental concept of resolutions... :|
20:37.03Dreai wanted to know if the code for makin the waypoint appear when clickin a loc in lightheaded is entirely in tomtom. i'm lookin to implement somethin ssimilar in the ingame leveling guide i'm writing
20:37.59*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
20:38.08cncfanaticscog|work, I'm not into resolutions tbh
20:38.17cncfanaticsbut well, rather have low fps then crappy fonts
20:38.19cncfanaticsback to 1600
20:38.22cncfanatics(and crappy fps)
20:38.40malrethlow resolution means fewer pixels to draw things with
20:38.50Dreapretty sure it's all in tomtom tho
20:38.58cog|workcncfanatics: SDTV vs. HDTV
20:39.11malrethso when you scale things down, they're drawn with fewer and fewer pixels
20:39.17cncfanaticsDrea, why not write a module for the ingame guide that exists ?
20:39.33malrethand they'll look less and less detailed... more jumbled together
20:39.45dylanmDrea: Adding waypoints is part of the TomTom API.
20:40.54Drealooks like he uses astrolabe too, hmm. yeah i'm gonna have to talk to him. *sigh*
20:40.59dylanmJust read the code.
20:41.11dylanmHm? How does that change things?
20:42.02Dreaoh i will. i still have to talk to him. the person i'm writing the leveling guide for, sells access to it, and i wanna make sure i can use astrolabe if i need to, and not worry about the final addon being forsale.
20:42.19cog|workDrea: huh?
20:42.24cog|work## Dependencies: TomTom
20:42.27cog|work'nuff said
20:42.48malrethDrea: are you getting paid to write this addon?
20:42.51cog|workjust tell people your addon requires tomtom. you don't need to do anything yourself
20:42.56cog|workbesides call the functions
20:42.59Dreakinda. ya
20:43.22malrethlike six-pack of beer kinda or cut-you-a-check kinda
20:43.24Drealol. yes, i'm receiving money, for writing the addon, but nothing traceable. lol
20:43.50*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
20:43.55dylanmDrea: Astrolabe is under lgpl.
20:43.56Dreanot like a real job or anythin. but the dude's payin me for it. :D which is why i been tryin so hard to get everything right. lol
20:44.12cncfanaticsback to 1600 :)
20:44.14cncfanaticsfeels good :p
20:44.14cog|workastrolabe is irrelevant if all you need to do is add waypoints to tomtom
20:44.21Dreaoh, okay thanks dylan, i'll have to take a peek at it.
20:44.40Dreawell i wasn't gonna use tomtom, i was just gonna write it into the addon to do it myself.
20:44.53cog|workthat wolud be the missing link :P
20:44.58dylanmcog|work: Seemed to want to incorporate Astrolabe into her own system...
20:45.01Dreabut it looks like the calculations are comin from astrolabe
20:45.22dylanmDefinitely. No one wants to figure all the minimap stuff out all over again.
20:45.40Intangirwhats up?
20:45.44Dreaexactly and i know i dont. lol
20:45.54Intangirwhats astrolabe?
20:46.04Intangirwhat minimap stuff?
20:46.08Dreawell either way, i need to go out shoppin. so i'll chat with ya'll later.
20:46.17malrethDonny, you're out of your league!
20:46.27malrethThe Chinaman is not the issue!
20:49.44batrickIntangir: that does look pretty cool
20:50.00Intangirits really useful
20:50.07Intangirfor BGs
20:50.47batrickwhat function are you using to get their location?
20:50.52Maulthat in-combat coloring by itself is pretty nice
20:51.23Intangirim not getting the locations
20:51.27Intangirblizzard does it for me hehe
20:51.34Intangirim just adding graphics ontop of blizzards blips
20:51.44batricko ic
20:51.45Intangirblizzard updates positioning, i just update state graphics
20:51.51Intangirand also i allow you to change scaling
20:51.56Intangircause by default its usually too small
20:52.05dylanmAlthough really using GetBattlefieldPosition is not hard.
20:52.13batrickso it doesn't work outside of BG tho?
20:52.20Intangirit does if your grouped
20:52.26Intangiror in a raid
20:52.33Intangiri used it at halaa yesterday
20:52.38Intangirupdates combat state and everything fine too
20:52.57batricki'd use it if i were stil playin lol
20:55.31cncfanatics cool little wrapper :o
20:55.36cncfanaticsand its actualy not badly coded either
21:01.02*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
21:01.07dylanmHeya JB.
21:01.17JoshBorkehi :)
21:01.22JoshBorkeirssi ftw
21:05.31JoshBorkewhat is a 2 byte type in c?
21:05.55JoshBorkeunsigned int?
21:06.04zenzelezzdoesn't matter if it's signed or not
21:07.24JoshBorkedislike @ embedding programming
21:08.00JoshBorkewell, not really, i just wish it didn't take so long to redeploy the cod
21:11.50Intangirshort or short int is 2 butes usually
21:12.21PolarinaIntangir: Not necesarily.
21:12.30Intangirya i think so
21:12.37PolarinaIntangir: Yes, but not always.
21:12.40Intangirwhen is it not?
21:13.07JoshBorkeok, well, as long as int is at least 2 bytes, i'm set
21:13.20Intangirint is usually 4 bytes
21:13.21PolarinaIntangir: According to the C specification, the only thing you ever know about the size of the types is: char <= short <= int <= long.
21:13.45PolarinaIntangir: All could thus be 1 byte, or all 8 bytes.
21:14.00Intangirya it deepends on the compiler and archetecture
21:14.09PolarinaIntangir: Yes.
21:14.11Intangirbut ive only seen short ever be 2 bytes
21:14.18Intangirchar always 1 byte
21:14.24Intangirlong always 4 bytes
21:14.30Intangirand int is 2 or 4 depending on compiler
21:14.44PolarinaIntangir: But you really can't be sure. Check out the stdint.h header.
21:14.50Intangiri suppose ya
21:14.59Intangirthose __int16 maybe better
21:15.13Intangirif it works
21:15.14PolarinaIntangir: Actually int16_t
21:15.39JoshBorkereally though, who cares?
21:15.58PolarinaIntangir: __int16 is highly dependant on compilers and is nowhere mentioned in the C specification.
21:16.57Intangirguess thats why i said maybe
21:17.00Intangirand said use short ;)
21:17.42PolarinaOr simply #include <stdint.h> and use the type  int16_t  or  uint16_t
21:19.14cncfanaticsI have never met a case where char[2] would not do :o
21:23.36Intangirisnt char[2] an array? and not a single integer type?
21:24.10zenzelezzin theory
21:24.20zenzelezzyou can still use it as an int by force
21:24.27Intangirby casting it as.. what? ;)
21:24.38Intangirint16_t? short? __int16 or other ;)
21:31.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
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21:50.01batrickwhy does it surprise me Polarina knows some C
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21:52.39CidanSeems like she knows more than "some" C
21:53.06PolarinaI know a lot of C.
21:53.14JoshBorkei know a lot of E
21:53.16PolarinaEven C++ and C#.
21:56.15zenzelezzyou bad guy you
21:56.33JoshBorkejust because she knows C and C++ and C# doesn't mean she should get points
21:56.54JoshBorkeare bad, mmkay?
21:57.00zenzelezzthen you are bad
21:57.16JoshBorkei lie?  when do i lie?
21:57.21JoshBorkeexcept when sleeping
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22:00.23JoshBorkeso, who likes pie?
22:01.26batrickcake >>>>>> pie
22:05.01MentalPowerthe cake is a lie :P
22:06.27batrickbatbot: is cake > pie?
22:06.27batbotbatrick, Probably.
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22:13.46foxlitmeh, spam is getting unoriginal :(
22:14.11Thunder_Childi just got some not spam that is calling me a woman
22:14.21JoshBorkeyou mean you're not?
22:14.28JoshBorkei thought tc was a she?
22:14.42Thunder_Childnope, man
22:15.09Thunder_Childat least, thats what my priest tells me
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22:25.38Valaron|WorkWell, priests do go after little boys.
22:25.50Valaron|WorkHahah.. I'm late.
22:27.36KasoSpam scares me
22:29.03KasoLike 90% of all email is spam, thats a rediculous figure
22:29.31Kasoour University ISS say the reject 1/2 million incoming mail connections a day from known spam sources
22:30.14MentalPowerKaso: what univ?
22:30.24KasoLancaster University in uk
22:31.09MentalPowermy IT filters about 4mil emails per day
22:31.21MentalPowerat Iowa State University
22:32.00KasoSomething disturbs me about this
22:32.19Kasoim surprised the email even contiunes to work
22:32.29Kasos/email/email system/
22:32.59IndustrialDING 67
22:33.28JoshBorkeunsigned int battery = 2502; unsigned int batteryCap = 2702; printf("%02f",(battery/batteryCap)*100); prints 0.00000 :(
22:34.45cog|workdo the multiplication first imo
22:35.08cog|workor your format code may be wrong
22:35.22cog|workno... do the mult. first
22:35.26Saint-Ndont trust cog
22:35.28Saint-Nhe's a gnome
22:35.37cog|work2502 (int) / 2702(int) = 0 (int)
22:35.39JoshBorkeoh, i get it
22:35.39Saint-Nand they make things that should splode, splode
22:35.44MentalPowerlua> (2502/2702)*100
22:35.44lua_botMentalPower: 92.59807549963
22:35.44JoshBorkethanks cog
22:36.29cog|worklua> floor(2502/2702)*100
22:36.30lua_botcog|work: 0
22:36.39Saint-Nhrm i wonder if i wanna go to this MS thingy tomorrow
22:36.46Saint-Nwonder if there will be good swag
22:37.21cog|workSaint-N: i've gotten ms swag before...
22:37.37cog|workbeta version of win2k for watching a silly presentation ><
22:37.40Thunder_ChildMultiple sclerosis swag doesnt seem all that cool
22:37.53Saint-Nits a 4 hour TS thingy
22:39.50Saint-NPlus, you'll automatically be entered for a chance to WIN a free copy of Windows Vista™ Ultimate, Microsoft® Office Professional 2007, Windows® Small Business Server 2003 R2, and much more when you attend the event and complete an evaluation form. Register to attend the TS2 Power Series Event in New York today!*
22:39.58Saint-Nguess ill go ;)
22:41.11MentalPowerI'd definitely go
22:41.29Saint-Nhehe thats easy bank if yopu "win" it
22:41.59MentalPoweryup, those are all $200+ prizes
22:42.21Drea|AFKOK, so when u use something like this. for _, wp in ipairs(table) do... what does the _ mean??
22:42.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Furl (
22:42.37MentalPowerDrea|AFK: you're ignoring that variable
22:42.42nevcairiel_ is just another variable, commonly used for values you dont want.
22:42.57FurlRejoice upon my Ethernet cable
22:42.58MentalPowerright its not a hard-set rule
22:43.03MentalPowerbut common practice
22:43.13Drea|AFKcheck. so in that instance. you don't care what the index of the table is. and not using it anywhere?
22:43.25zenzelezzapparently my guildies find it very funny to see me (prot warriors) waving the staff at Telonicus :-(
22:43.26nevcairielyea, you only want all values
22:43.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
22:43.27*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
22:43.33Dreaawesome! thanks!
22:43.47FurlTransferring 32-bit windows i386 from a laptop to the computer with a virtual internet connection of 100 megabits/s... because Windows sucks @ networking.
22:43.58Drea{__index=function(t,k) return k end})   what about the __ here?
22:44.20MentalPowerDrea: thats just the var name
22:44.22nevcairieloh thats different, its just the fieldname __index
22:44.29MentalPower__index is a metamethod
22:45.10Dreahm. i remember seein somethin bout metamethods in the lua api. lemme read up on that.
22:45.13Kasoif you dont recognise __index you migh wanna take a look at the metatables section of PIL
22:45.17purlProgramming in Lua, a book written by the authors of the Lua programming language. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in print from most online bookstores, and covers Lua 5.1.
22:45.39Dreayeah. theres a metatable declared in there too. i'll go read up> :D
22:46.06MentalPowerlua> t = setmetatable({}, {__index=function(t,k) return k end}) return t["foo"], t["bar"], t["baz"]
22:46.06lua_botMentalPower: foo, bar, baz
22:46.53Dreathanks guys. :D
22:47.40Dreathen again. if clad don't mind me usin it, i may just package TomTom with the addon i'm writin. lol
22:48.02FurlI like one-liners...
22:48.27*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop___ (
22:49.14*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
22:49.22Dreawelcome home mal. :D
22:50.20Guillotineso I've decided to make an updated version of "Decursive". I'm calling it "Recursive". The only code I have so far though is: "Curse(Curse(Curse(Curse(Curse(Curse(Curse(Curse(..."
22:50.30malrethwhere's my vodka!?
22:51.07Thunder_Childmalreth, still in the bottle
22:51.09Kasovery droll Guillotine
22:51.16DreaI dunno Mal, i'm an alcoholic, and Vodka was always my favorite. so i stay away from it.
22:51.32Thunder_Child~lart Guillotine
22:51.32purlrm -rf's Guillotine
22:51.33DreaGuillotine, wouldn't Curse(Curse()) do it?
22:51.52Dreakinda overkill there.
22:52.09malreth>>> function Curse() return Curse() end
22:52.10Cidemalreth: nil
22:52.26GuillotineDrea: I thought it made it more funny :P But yes, that would technically be recursive too
22:52.35Guillotineboth of those
22:53.08malrethlua> do local function Curse() return Curse() end end
22:53.32malrethlua> do local function Curse() return Curse() end Curse() end
22:53.37lua_botmalreth: sandbox.lua:154: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
22:53.40Thunder_Childi like vistas little things like telling you how many programs are installed and how much space they take up
22:53.43Kasomine is better;
22:53.43Kasolua> function Curse(cur) return Curse(cur(Curse)); Curse(Curse);
22:53.44lua_botKaso: sandbox.lua:286: Compilation failed: [string "function Curse(cur) return Curse(cur(Curse)); Curse(Curse);"]:1: 'end' expected near 'Curse'
22:53.48Kasolua> function Curse(cur) return Curse(cur(Curse)) end; Curse(Curse);
22:53.49lua_botKaso: sandbox.lua:153: stack overflow
22:54.01Dreahehe, ... and i thought i was a geek. lol
22:54.25Dreatook me three times thru CS class to figure out recursion. lol
22:54.50malrethmy first CS class in college was in scheme... recursion was day 1
22:54.58Dreaoh screw that
22:55.26Dreacourse i never made it past cs 225, cause i thought Coke would be neat to try. lol
22:55.48sysrageyou don't capitalize the drug
22:55.56malrethif i had taken the course in haskell, everything would have been recursion. there are no for-loops in that language, iirc
22:55.59Dreawhich is why programming is a hobby and not my career
22:56.00cog|workrecursion is <3... just wish stacks weren't fixed size...
22:56.04sysrageif the soda messed you up in school, i dunno what ot say
22:56.10Kasohah sysrage
22:56.16Dreahave u ever sniffed the soda?
22:56.28malrethcog|work: tail recursion ftw
22:56.31cog|workand tail calls are teh secks
22:57.10Dreagood point tho. lol
22:57.26Guillotinecogwheel moves from sin(x) to sin(2x)?
22:57.43malrethcog|work: start declaring your shit local then... :p
22:57.59sysragelol you've all gone supernerd tonight
22:57.59Pandyamalreth can listen in on my thoughts anytime
22:58.12Guillotinesysrage: every night
22:58.19cog|worklocal fap(...) --[[ obfuscated ]] end
22:58.29Dreait's gotta happen sometime.
22:58.30sysrageworse than usual
22:58.35Dreaor they'll 'splode
22:58.49Dreapersonally i use counterstrike. lol
22:58.51malrethPandya: i tried to last night but i couldn't concentrate on fapping to anime chicks on 4chan
22:59.02malrethdid i say that out loud?
22:59.46cog|worksomething about this conversation reminds me that i haven't checked in a while
22:59.50Pandyanoone heard you
23:00.08Kasospeaking of obfunscication i've always though about thott's attempts at it, surely it would be easy to get around it by compiling his code then running it through LuaDec to get nice clean lua back out.
23:00.21GuillotineKaso: its easy to do as is
23:00.30Guillotinethe only semi-hard part is variable names
23:00.32Guillotinethat make it readable
23:01.03MentalPoweroh come on, don't tell me you can distinguish the purpose of the aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa variables! :P
23:01.03Dreaam i supposed to know what obfuscation is?
23:01.24KasoDrea, its deliberately making your code hard to read, or hard to understand
23:01.26Pandyamarginally prettier now
23:01.34Kasocheck out Thottbot's code if you want an example
23:01.35cog|workDrea: this is obfuscation:
23:01.39GuillotineI made a script a while ago that went through and splitt thott's code onto marginally correct lines and replaced all variable names with names of animals
23:01.45Guillotineto make it more readable
23:01.52cog|work~dict obfuscate
23:02.05Guillotinebasically, its making your code as unreadable as possible :P
23:02.11Guillotinebut still interpretable by the parser
23:02.18malrethin other words... perl
23:02.20KasoGuillotine, lol at the animal variable names
23:02.24Cidanmalreth: lulz
23:02.33Guillotinee.g. naming variables II1Il1IIll
23:02.41Guillotineand lII11IllllI
23:02.44Dreaahhh . okay, i got in trouble for doin that in CS class. lol
23:02.50cog|workgood :P
23:02.57malrethDrea: i though that was just your coding style!
23:03.13Drealol. well take all the comments out and my codes lots easier to read. lol
23:03.24Guillotineno, its not just removing comments
23:03.25Cidehell. yes.
23:03.26Guillotinethats just how I code
23:03.28malreth~wiki self-documenting code
23:03.41Cidelocal foo = true; -- declares a local variable named foo and sets its value to true
23:03.45Drealol. u haven't seen my code Guillotine. hehe
23:03.57Cide^ example of Dreacode
23:04.02GuillotineCide: rofl
23:04.16CideI wish I was kidding :)
23:04.26DreaCide: Thanks. :D i can read it all fine. don't know why u all have trouble. lol
23:04.38MentalPoweroh dear
23:04.39GuillotineYou guys are such a bad influence on me :( I have finals tomorrow and I went on the computer to study
23:04.41Cidemaybe because we didn't write it
23:04.42Guillotinedamn IRC opened automatically
23:05.16Cideand you do realize that having such useless comments *ALL OVER* the place, the reader won't see the comments that actually make sense to put there
23:05.19mikmaIntangir: ping
23:05.23Cidethus defeating the purpose in the first place
23:05.33DreaCide: When the thing is done, i'm gonna remove all the comments and optimize the code. and we'll see how it looks then? lol
23:05.40batrickCide: it's a different form of obfuscation :d
23:05.44Cidanwhy would you remove comments?
23:05.45Cidemaking all comments useless, and thus unnecessary waste text, detracting from the readability in every single way
23:05.48Dreayeah i know i know. i got asked to do it like that tho. lol
23:05.53CideCidan: to improve readability
23:05.59CidanThat's silly.
23:05.59batrickconfuse the reader by a flood of information
23:06.04Cidehave you seen his code?
23:06.06Cideno, you haven't
23:06.11CideI know, just from your reply there
23:06.13CidanThen he/she needs to l2code?
23:06.20Dreadude's payin me to write the darn thing. and asked for comments up the anus. so i obliged. :D
23:06.32batrickwho are you talking to cide
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23:06.36malrethCide's being a bit rough... but he does have a point
23:06.37Cidebatrick: Cidan
23:06.51CidanWhich doesn't make sense since I'm just Cide's bot.
23:06.54Guillotineyou know what the best thing to do for obfuscation is? foo=bar and true or false. People always ask me what that does in my code :(
23:06.55Dreahe's completely right, i have trouble readin it sometimes. lol
23:06.56Cidemalreth: oh.. I do..? great!
23:07.19CideGuillotine: cast to bool, it actually has a purpose :)
23:07.44Dreai'm actually 90% done. :D
23:07.48CideI've had to use it when blizzard functions use 'nil' as 'default value' (i.e. true)
23:08.01malrethDrea: good... that last 10% will take 90% of the time, tho
23:08.06Dreajust gotta fill up the tables with data, color up some text, and implement the waypoints. lol
23:08.23Dreai'm thinkin next sunday at the latest
23:08.31batrickor when blizz functions return 0 for false
23:08.35batricki like that one
23:08.46Cideit sucks
23:09.05Rayne[Moodib] Frost Shoc Crit [You] *2407
23:09.24Cidewatch out for the Frost Shoc with only one asterix
23:09.29RayneAnd the beating just got worse and worse from there.
23:09.30GuillotineCide: oh, I know it has a purpose
23:09.44GuillotineCide: but most people do "if not bool then bool=true else bool=false"
23:09.44RayneI didnt copy the second Asterix aparently
23:09.51Guillotineat least WoW coders
23:10.03batrickthis is the first time i'v looked at ThottbotEngine.lua
23:10.10CideGuillotine: I like the cast-to-bool operator from C: !!foo
23:10.10Dreaif u do a local function inside of a function, IE function foo  local function bar end end.. then bar would only be useable inside foocorrect?
23:10.13Cideit looks so cool.
23:10.20JoshBorkedrea: yes
23:10.27malrethGuillotine: admittedly it is easier to follow
23:10.28batrick"Waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka"
23:10.31Cideerr, I'm just being an ass.
23:10.44CideDrea: honestly, read that shit once and you'd have an easier time coding
23:10.52Cideit's a great lua resource
23:10.54batrickpil isn't shit :(
23:10.58batrickit tastes like candy
23:11.06Cideoh, I wouldn't know
23:11.09CideI've never read it
23:11.12DreaCide: I've read it a couple times. just have trouble remembering every bit. lol
23:11.16MentalPower~lar Cide
23:11.17malrethGuillotine: i'm pretty sure it produces the same interpreted code
23:11.20MentalPower~lart Cide
23:11.20purlmakes a balloon animal out of Cide
23:11.21bleeter~lart MentalPower
23:11.21purleats MentalPower and falls over dead
23:11.21CidanNor have I, go figure
23:11.31Cide~fail MentalPower
23:11.32purlMentalPower: Fail.
23:11.32Dreaand i like checking with the experts to make sure i'm understanding right. :D
23:11.34malrethDrea: when you forget... you go back and reference
23:11.38Guillotinemalreth: yes, at first. I just read the and/or the same way though and it uses less lines so it looks nicer :P
23:11.43purlACTION punches rayne in the throat.
23:11.46batrickwe just pretend to be experts
23:11.48bleeter~fail Vrakthris
23:11.48purlVrakthris: Fail.
23:11.56Cidan~fail purl
23:11.57purlpurl: Fail.
23:12.05bleeter'hey Oceanics, QQ moar; stfu or gtfo' - Vrakthris
23:12.29RayneArmory is broken again. What a shock.
23:12.43Dreaok ok. point taken. i'll try not to waste ya'lls time. hehe
23:13.02Cideoh, you won't waste mine, since I won't answer your questions with anything but a link :)
23:13.03malrethespecially if you're getting cash for your work
23:13.15malrethotherwise we're gonna start asking for a cut
23:13.17bleeterdo I hear 600 and 30 mins?
23:13.28Cidebleeter: ouch
23:13.31Dreai hear ya.
23:13.35malrethwe call it a 'consulting fee'
23:13.44CideI haven't seen a queue for ages
23:13.53malrethfor you, my friend... $75/hour
23:13.56Cidesince BC hit actually less
23:13.59Dreai have to say i prolly owe u mal. lol
23:14.15bleeterCide: 5/8 of Oceanic realms are locked each evening, we keep telling them the full pop attempts ain't reached yet 'coz full school holidays ain't started and Blizz say 'qq moar, stfu or gtfo'
23:14.23Dreashoot. that's more than i'm gettin paid. this is mostly for fun.
23:14.42Cidebleeter: :/
23:14.48Cidesorry to hear that, queues suck
23:15.15CideDrea: is whoever you're writing it for a programmer?
23:15.40bleeterCide: what's even more annoying is that Drysc said he'd look into it, now Vrakthris has basically told us nothing's gunna change - whilst using a very false analogy
23:15.57DreaCide: Nope. that's why he wants all the comments. he wants to have a lil insight into how it works.
23:16.21Cidewhy would he care, anyway? strange
23:16.21malrethha! make sure you get payment in advance.
23:16.44GuillotineDrea: what addon are you writing?
23:17.04batrickwow bot
23:17.23Rayne sceery st00fs
23:17.25batricki wrote a wow bot
23:17.27batrickmy guild <3s me
23:17.41batrickor did love me rather
23:17.49Pandyauntil they all got banned
23:17.57GuillotineRayne: wow, that name is so leet
23:17.59DreaI'm writing an in game Leveling Guide.
23:18.08bleeterCide: probably even more annoying is that (a) we've been mentioning this since pre-2.3, (b) Drysc misread one of the most recent threads about it and got pwned (c) they blame S3 (d) if 5/8's of US realms were queued it'd get fixed (e) THEY'RE STILL ALLOWING TRANSFERS TO THESE REALMS
23:18.29batrickDrea: isn't that a pretty large undertaking?
23:18.30GuillotineDrea: for anyone well-known?
23:18.30bleeter~fail blizz
23:18.31purlblizz: Fail.
23:18.31Cidebleeter: ouch
23:18.47Cidesorry :/
23:18.54DreaGuillotine: iDemise.
23:19.07Guillotineso we're competition >:P
23:19.09Guillotinemine is almost done
23:19.11Dreabatrick: The guide is done, just takin the info and puttin it ingame. lol
23:19.17DreaLOL. right on
23:19.22batrickjust text windows or something?
23:19.23cog|workburning question: why did he ask a n00b to do it?
23:19.28bleeterCide: you know, for once... I don't actually think this is your fault.. don't go quoting me on that yet, i still have my suspicions... but... well, just this nagging feeling it's not you ;)
23:19.38cog|work(not that there's anything wrong with being a n00b)
23:19.41Cidebleeter: oh my
23:19.47Dreacog: well i asked him if i could do it :D it was kinda my idea
23:19.49batricksure there is we give u hell everyday for it cog :)
23:20.04cog|workbatrick: NO U!
23:20.04Kasobleeter, is every oz server full atm?
23:20.04Guillotineah, so its probably not paying all that much
23:20.09Dreabatrick: kinda bat, couple of lil extras
23:20.23Dreaas i said eariler, it's mostly fun for me. :D
23:20.27Cidecog|work: I was asked to make a thottbot clonefirst addon!
23:20.29Guillotineah :)
23:20.36Cides/clonefirst/clone as my first/
23:20.42malreth~wiki noob saibot
23:20.47Cidenot sure where those words went...
23:21.11DreaDoh, just realized it's 420. I need to go get ready to go out.
23:21.31Cidenight, Drea
23:21.47Dreanite nite! Thanks for the links! hehe.
23:21.57Cidethere you go again
23:22.38Dreaseriously tho, thanks for all the help ya'll give. :D this n00b appreciates it.
23:24.02*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop___ (
23:26.54bleeterKaso: I doubt it, it's 10AM... however, based on past experience there's going to be 2 Full right now. It's during our evening they're all High/Full/Locked.
23:27.07bleeterKaso: tends to start around 4PM and last until about 1-2AM
23:27.31Kasobut i mean at peak time it gets so there isnt a single server on the server list queueless?
23:27.42zenzelezzare there so few Oceanic realms that they all get full?
23:28.08bleeterKaso: there's usually 2 or 3 that are queueless, but at 'Full' status (ie, not far from being queued)
23:28.20zenzelezzI'm really surprised there's not even a queue on my realm, it's highly populated and people keep transferring here
23:28.24bleeterzenzelezz: correct. additionally, Blizz allow transfers onto these realms still - thus increasing pops
23:28.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Maul (i=43bd3483@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
23:28.29*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop___ (
23:29.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Kelfarr (
23:29.23Kasoi do find it amusing that when servers become queued players are more likely to behave in a way that makes queues longer, like not logging out incase they want to play a bit later and idling in shatt instead.
23:29.42bleeterKaso: yup
23:29.43zenzelezzback on the US server I played there used to be a queue in the middle of the night (my time), but since I'm Euro I was always already in
23:30.34bleeterKaso: additionally, kids are more likely to phone siblings to get them in the queue before they get home, and of course if they're delayed in their travels the char will also be sitting around doing stuff all
23:30.38bleeteras an eg
23:31.19*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop___ (
23:31.29bleeter~staple |Jelly|Laptop
23:31.30purlACTION attaches a staple gun to a pneumatic nail gun via duct tape, staples |Jelly|Laptop quite well, and hands |Jelly|Laptop to bleeter
23:31.45|Jelly|wont help
23:31.49RayneI love being tagged Disloyal to my former guild after 3 years
23:31.57|Jelly|...the forums are broken for me :(
23:32.12Kelfarrnot me
23:32.22zenzelezzRayne: ? o_O
23:33.23dylanmRayne: Heh what'd you do?
23:35.26Guillotineeither I'm going crazy or I'm not getting this :( the half-angle formula for sines is sine(x/2)=sqrt((1+cos(x))/2), right?
23:35.45Raynezenzelezz: long story
23:36.08RayneBasicly, guild of 3 years becomes inactive / disbands, I leave after the GM calls it and app somewhere so im disloyal.
23:36.30dylanmHow do you leave something that's disbanded?
23:36.38RayneI left before he did
23:36.51Kelfarrwho cares tell the guild too bad you just lost an awesome tank
23:37.07dylanmGuillotine: That's correct.
23:37.25bleeterzenzelezz/Kaso: what's even more 'amusing' is that late last week, one of the Oceanic's instance servers went down, and didn't come back all night and Blizz refuse any form of compensation.
23:37.31*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
23:37.40bleeterie, Oceanic realms are fucked atm ;)
23:37.43dylanmThat's pretty much standard.
23:37.47Guillotinewait, whoops. thats wrong. that should be sine
23:37.52Guillotinebut yah
23:38.12dylanmOh right sorry it's hard to read operators in IRC
23:38.38RayneGod people are fucking amazing... first words out of my mouth on vent that if they want to put the guild back together id be right back to it, but dropping tag makes me disloyal.
23:38.44RayneFucking. Amazing.
23:39.07dylanmAre you on an RP server or what is this
23:40.12*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
23:40.18dylanmI don't think you want to play with people who are that high-strung.
23:40.27Guillotinedylanm: but when I plug in cos(165)=cos(330/2)=sqrt((1+cos(330))/2)=sqrt((1+sqrt(3)/2)/2)=sqrt((2+sqrt(3)/2/2))=sqrt(2+sqrt(3)), I'm off by a factor of 2. The real answer is sqrt(2+sqrt(3))/2
23:40.30|Jelly|Ok. Seriously getting pissed off now. Why the fuck are the forums the only website that wont work.
23:41.07bleeter|Jelly|: are you in soviet russia?
23:41.16Guillotine=sqrt(((2+sqrt(3))/2/2))* forgot some parenthesis
23:41.20|Jelly|bleeter: Are you asking stupid questions?
23:41.36Kasoin soviet russia forums wont work you?
23:41.43bleetermebbe i iz, mebbe i iznt :P
23:41.49bleeterin soviet russia, the forums hate you
23:42.19Kaso|Jelly|, how is it not working? timing out?
23:42.42|Jelly|The wow website works...but not the fucking forums
23:43.05bleeterflush dns? different browsers?
23:43.21|Jelly|...and then my god damned internet bounces between off and on depending on who drives too close to the house or if someone goes in the garage.
23:43.52dylanmGuillotine: Because you canceled the 2s. Can't do that.
23:44.10|Jelly|Timed out on IE too
23:44.19dylanm(x/2)/2 = x/4
23:44.24Kaso|Jelly|, are you stealing your neighbours wifi or something?
23:44.24dylanmNot x.
23:44.25mikmaIntangir: ping
23:44.30Guillotineoh, whoops. dammit, I knew I made a stupid mistake ><
23:44.44Guillotinedylanm: thanks a ton :) This was really bugging me :P
23:45.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
23:47.35Rayne`ProllyYellThe forums usually gete busy about this time of day from people getting off work and such.
23:47.41Rayne`ProllyYellAnd theyre on a different server
23:48.17|Jelly|And they haven't worked for four hours.
23:49.45Kasofeels like a dns problem
23:49.55Kasotried connecting to the forums ip directly
23:50.23ShirikNon-authoritative answer:
23:54.19malrethif you have sex while raiding you should expect to wipe
23:55.04*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
23:55.13Thunder_Childmalreth, that is wrong on so many levels

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