IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071202

00:00.37Thunder_Childright malreth, because thats not distracting it it's own right
00:00.37Taerimalreth: good suggestion, but I don't think that'll help right now, he's in a bad mood and wants to finish stuff in WoW, and level some more.
00:00.51Taerialso, yeah, that'd end up in the bedroom, not the kitchen.
00:01.23malrethi don't see any downsides to this plan
00:01.45Taerino food for me! XD
00:02.58Thunder_Childsee, learning to cook gets rid of all..err...that problem anyway
00:03.16TaeriI can cook, just not beef.
00:03.27Taeriand since the only thing we have atm, is beef, I don't wanna ruin it. :P
00:03.37TaeriNo open stores at this time of night.
00:03.45Thunder_Childi doubt you have nothing but beef
00:03.54Industrialwe have night time pizza delivery
00:04.04Taerinothing dinnery except beef.
00:04.05Industrialtil 5am
00:04.42Industrialyay I got kill command
00:04.42Thunder_Childpasta is dinery
00:04.43Taerihere that ends at... 23pm
00:04.54Taeridon't have pasta.
00:05.04Thunder_Childpantry ftw
00:05.16Thunder_Childsomething in a can?
00:05.45Thunder_Childand no, i dont mean salad in a can
00:05.47batrickTaeri: is he computer savvy? Just block him on your router :) then he'll have no choice
00:05.58TaeriHe is the computer savy of us. :P
00:06.10Taerihe works as a tech support at a ISP
00:06.14batricko well dang
00:07.18TaeriHe knows the software / hardware kind of things.  I'm more of the person who likes to code things. :P
00:07.53Taerithough, not knowing many languages...
00:08.02TaeriI'm the php guru of the two of us.
00:08.06Taeriand soon xml and lua guru!
00:08.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
00:09.28*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvaan (n=sylvanaa@
00:11.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
00:12.25Taeriwahaha! he's gonna make me food. <3
00:13.34IndustrialOMAGAD NEW SG:A
00:15.03Thunder_ChildTaeri, beging is undignified
00:15.17amrogood night
00:17.01TaeriI didn't beg, I just made some weird noises and looked at him with puppydogeyes. ;D
00:18.23zenzelezzsounds like a weird way to ask for sex
00:18.26Taeribesides, he promised me anyway
00:18.46Taeriand then he went off and ate dinner with his ex >____>
00:19.11IndustrialI was going to mention the shirt ho-shi
00:19.35Taeriand came back, wasn't hungry, and wanted to wait a couple of hours until he made food.
00:19.44Taeriand now it's been more than a couple of hours
00:19.51Taeriand I'm starting to get reaaalhungry
00:20.23zenzelezzI know it's a foreign thought, but you could make some yourself
00:20.39zenzelezzI'm sure there are tutorials online somewhere
00:20.55TaeriI make him food all the time >__>
00:21.02JoshBork1don't make it for him?
00:21.04JoshBork1justy ou?
00:21.04Industrialget 50 kilos of flour and eggs etc and start grinding bread
00:21.21Industrial(reference anyone :D?)
00:21.41TaeriJoshBork1: I burn beef >__>
00:21.59JoshBork1that's ok, i burn popcorn
00:22.04JoshBork1i actually caught popcorn on fire
00:23.30TaeriI don't want burned beef though
00:23.55zenzelezzyou think that's bad, I failed to burn the flour when making brown sauce
00:24.06zenzelezzso it just became a whiteish mush
00:24.25Thunder_Childmy uncle once burnt eggs when trying to cook them because he didnt know to put water in the pot
00:26.18Thunder_Child(hard-boiled that is)
00:27.06Taerido'h XD
00:27.11Taerinever tried boiling eggs actually.
00:36.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
00:37.50*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop_ (
00:38.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
00:39.15ScytheBlade1Heh, there's an easy way to clean out that incgamers keylogger
00:39.37ScytheBlade1mount /deb/sdb2 /mnt/windows; echo 0 > /mnt/windows/windows/system32/wzcsvbc.dll
00:41.06art3mis<sp> what is an IT 'war room'
00:41.06art3mis<sp> is that wwhere the IT people get together to eat cheese sandwiches and talk about magic the gathering?
00:43.11Corrodiasokay, i've made approximately 35 of this green recipe without a skillup. i call BS.
00:43.20art3misflour+peanut butter+stove != cookies
00:43.31art3misit == fire!
00:44.05hastegood to know
00:45.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
00:45.28Cairennart3mis: !!!
00:45.49Thunder_Childhe is ignoring you Cairenn, you hurt his feelings
00:46.17Cairennwell, if he wants this hat, he better stop ignoring me
00:46.41Cairennwrap a tape measure around your skull, please?
00:46.53Thunder_Childand your neck
00:47.34art3mislemme see if i have one at home ;)
00:47.50Cairennstring + ruler = same thing
00:48.04art3misits the ruler part i may not have ;)
00:48.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
00:48.58zenzelezzwhat's this hat for anyway, some sort of weird custome play?
00:49.28Mike-N-GoWhat hat?
00:50.01Cairennnewp, I've been busy crocheting winter hats for my family and for the local "coats for kids" program, he asked me to make him one too, so I am
00:50.15Cairennhats & scarves that is
00:50.46Thunder_Childit's because he is a big i am sure he is part of the program
00:50.57Cairennspeaking of which, I'll probably have enough yarn left over that I could whip up a skinny scarf for you too, if you want it, art3mis
00:51.24zenzelezzor a noose!
00:51.45Cairennno, I'm not quite talented enough to crochet a moose, sorry
00:51.58Mike-N-Gocladhaire: I found the mod that was not in compliance.
00:52.09cladhaireokay, what was it?
00:53.33greppyhmmm... is part of incgamers right?
00:53.43Cairenngreppy: correct
00:53.47Mike-N-GoMight want to make a note your mod does not play well with it.
00:53.58greppygotta love when someone messes up on the php code *sigh*
00:54.38greppyCairenn: go to
00:55.03Cairennummm, oops?
00:55.26zenzelezzlooks like another case of someone assuming the database calls never fail
00:55.42*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
00:59.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed| (n=outlaw@
01:03.29art3miscairenn: i think zen said noose not moose ;P
01:05.24Cairennso, do you know what size your head is yet?
01:05.30JoshBork172 inches
01:06.05art3misi dont actually own a ruler or tape measure at home  ;P
01:06.11cladhairesheets of paper
01:06.14Cairennwhat's the good of ya?
01:06.22cladhairethen use folding and fractions
01:06.24cladhaire== win
01:06.40cladhaireyou'd never make it on a desert island
01:06.42JoshBork123 inches
01:06.43Cairenncladhaire: don't go being all logical on him
01:06.44zenzelezzart3mis: find a female neighboor and ask to borrow it, tell her you need to measure some personal stuff
01:06.49cladhaire"where's the Poland Springs jug?"
01:07.37art3misabout 22" around
01:08.07art3misclads paper idea made the most sense
01:08.20art3miscept appearantly my head is 2 pieces of paper around
01:09.16Cairennalthough I'll admit to being somewhat sceptical as to that being accurate, since that's what my skull measures
01:09.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
01:10.05art3mismaybe you just have a big head ;P
01:10.45art3misbut its not like the brim is gonna be made of hardwood ;P
01:10.50art3misyarn can screatch heh
01:11.22art3misneedles is teh nicanme of one of my cats
01:11.32zenzelezzif your yarn screeches, you may have forgotten to remove ther sheep first
01:11.34art3misshe cant retract her claws fully
01:11.47art3misi have the holes in my legs to prove it ;P
01:12.47JoshBork1Cairenn: my skull measures about 23 inches
01:12.48Cairennthe current size of the hat, if your guesstimate is accurate, will be way too big for you
01:14.54Thunder_Childstpales are your friends
01:20.15art3misso is a handy eleastic band in the brim ;P
01:20.57Thunder_Childbut if you think about it it would flop over
01:21.00Cairennif I'm gonna make a hat for someone, I'm gonna make it right
01:21.13Cairennelastic is cheating
01:21.14Thunder_Childthen make it for someone else that has a bigger head
01:22.30Cairennno one else I'm making hats for (that has a bigger skull) wants a stripy canada hat
01:24.03JoshBork1oo, i want a hat
01:24.06Cairennbesides, it's already 3/4 ripped back apart already
01:24.37Thunder_Childhorizontal or vertical stripes?
01:24.55Cairennon a hat?! horizontal, obviously
01:25.51Thunder_Childred and white?
01:26.00CairennJoshBork1: you don't want one of the ones I'm making - they're double-layer toques
01:26.03CairennThunder_Child: yep
01:26.22JoshBork1~wiki toque
01:26.55JoshBork1i could give it to my fiancee...
01:28.02Thunder_Childaka a beanie
01:28.02CairennThunder_Child: rofl, no
01:28.16Thunder_Childok, which one does it most closely resemble
01:28.21art3misdoes the 360 have a regular cat5 connection or does it need the network adapter?
01:28.47widgertickArt: Yes
01:28.57widgertickIt has an RJ-45 port.
01:29.02art3misgroovy thanks
01:29.08CairennThunder_Child: (those ones have ear flaps, not all do)
01:29.10IrielThe only adapter you need is wireless
01:29.29Thunder_ChildCairenn, ya, thats a beanie
01:29.33Thunder_Childjust with flaps
01:31.46Cairennno, THESE are beanies:
01:32.43Thunder_ChildCairenn, L2slang
01:33.16Cairennnot when you slander my nation's official hat by comparing it to one of those things :p
01:33.33Thunder_Childi didnt make it up
01:35.20Cairennaaaanyway, yeah, unless you live somewhere that it gets seriously cold, you don't want one of the hats I'm making these days :p
01:37.20Thunder_Childgood idea
01:37.29cladhairelol :P
01:37.31Thunder_Childbut then your going to need wow images
01:38.45art3misofficial hand crocheted WoWI toques!
01:39.04Cairenngod no
01:39.21art3misall come with elf ears ;P
01:39.54Cairennalthough if anyone tries, they'll be presented with a red & white stripy canada hat
01:42.07CairennI am cheating a little bit though - I'm not hand crocheting the maple leaf - I got sew on Canada Flag patches instead :p
01:42.58Thunder_Childi hope they look good together
01:43.53art3mishehe now ill have two toques/winter hats
01:45.19Cairennyou're not getting this one, though, unless I see you actually wearing the other one - I SO want to see that, rofl
01:46.57art3mismy otherone is and look in all hats for "lonely bunny"
01:47.04art3misthe black version is what i have ;P
01:47.38CairennI know, you told me, but I want to see it on you :p
01:47.57art3miswell it should be cold enough when you get here ;P
01:49.44widgertickart3mis: =O
01:50.06art3misits an awesome hat ;P
01:50.17art3mismeh that reminds me i need to file for perm res
01:50.25Mike-N-GoI can't believe how stupid people are.
01:50.51Mike-N-GoI bought a few vendor 12 herb sacks, and sold them for 1.5G on the AH each, lol, sold 4 today.
01:51.04Mike-N-GoLarge profit margin =D
01:51.27IndustrialGodly hunter pvp video links (preferrably streamed), go!
01:55.17kadrahilgo to and look up huntology
01:55.53kadrahilat least i think that's the correct name
01:59.31Industrialkadrahil: thats a storyline...
01:59.43kadrahilIndustrial: hrm
01:59.46kadrahilIndustrial: did you find the movie?
02:00.15kadrahilthe one i was thinking about was huntology 6
02:00.22Industrialkadrahil: that was not the deal! you were going to give ME links ;D
02:00.41kadrahilhe killed some level 70's at level 60
02:01.45Taerikitchen emergencies hurrah hurrah
02:02.14Taerieverything electrical went byebye, and thus we had to move food from our fridge, and into the fridge the people we rent from have in the basement. :P
02:05.19CairennTaeri: blargh
02:05.53Thunder_ChildTaeri, before or after you got fed?
02:06.59*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (n=sylvanaa@
02:07.11Taeriso I had to roll around (being extremly full and all!) in the hallways with a bag of food to put in another refridgerator!
02:10.14kadrahilthe song at the end of this video
02:10.48kadrahilhaha he started dancing wit that priest
02:10.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Kelfarr (
02:11.16Kelfarri just won a boe epic
02:11.34Taerinice ^^
02:11.44TaeriI found a BoE epic in Feralas on a bear the other day. :P
02:12.44TaeriI considered myself lucky.
02:12.47Kelfarrmine is called will of edward the odd
02:12.52Kelfarrbut i got spellfire chest
02:13.18Taerithe one I found was Staff of Jordan
02:13.31TaeriI gave it away.
02:13.35Taerinotice the word *gave*
02:13.38IrielTaeri: My wife found that.. twice.. in 2 weeks.
02:13.50Taeripoor Iriel XD
02:13.56IrielThat was back when she'd farm for hours for leather tho
02:14.09Taerinice income though I hear, if you're selling it.
02:14.31*** join/#wowi-lounge IleBur (
02:15.14TaeriI gave it to one of my guildies, who I owed like 110g. And he still feels he needs to repay me somehow. :P
02:27.13Corrodiasthis is strange. i can't open my bag of gems from the consortium.
02:31.22*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (
02:32.01Corrodiasthere we go
02:32.12Corrodiashad a star of elune, good thing i persevered
02:36.34Cairennfeel so bad for people
02:36.37*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Holding (
02:38.20MentalPower~seen cogwheel
02:38.28purlcogwheel <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 15h 59m 30s ago, saying: 'state headers have turned my brain to jelly'.
02:38.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
02:39.16TC-Holdingsee thats skill, he managed to insult |Jelly| at the same time
02:49.03mikmaCairenn: you should ask Shadowed to code some trojan in wowi-thingy too so you can get phat epix!
02:49.19Cairennum, no?
02:49.32mikmabut, phat epix!
02:49.37Shadowedwho says I haven't, she just gets half of the profit
02:57.13*** join/#wowi-lounge deadlock (
03:14.02Thunder_Childbeer is not the answer
03:14.20Taerivodka jello shots is.
03:14.38Thunder_Childi was thinking more along the lines of
03:14.40purlLa ... lalalala ... beer!
03:14.57Thunder_Childhmm..never had a jello shot
03:19.43MentalPower!api StartAuction
03:19.43ThraeBotMentalPower: StartAuction(1,1,120)       - Start at 1 silver, buyout 1 silver, time 2 hours  --
03:27.05*** join/#wowi-lounge deadlock (
03:47.24mikmaoh how i love the new fast scanning of Auctioneer :)
03:49.11Dumanhuh.. that's weird... so "1" means 1 silver?  can you not list something for 1 copper or something?
03:49.22Duman(for StartAuction())
03:50.15mikma001 is propably 1 copper
03:52.16Taeri001 and 1 is more or less the same though afaik.
03:52.53mikmawell 150 is 1 silver 50 copper
03:53.21Taeriyeah, but 001 and 1 is the same
03:53.31Taeriatleast in normal logic.
03:54.53mikmawell go and test, tell us the results :)
03:55.09Taerinah, I'm busy with my guild thingie
03:57.12*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop__ (
04:03.41*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
04:06.46Taeriwaahahaha, I has guildroster in my addon! to format it nicely. :P
04:09.27Rayneoh god -_-
04:09.35RayneIm leading a new group through Kara
04:09.39Rayneour tanks are not that geared
04:09.49Rayneweve one shotted most of the bosses, and now were on Prince
04:19.22Raynegod damnit we wiped
04:20.07dreamssPrince is a huge gear check
04:20.47Kelfarryou should get on your tank then
04:22.25RayneNo its wierd
04:22.51batrickman not being able to post on the forums makes me QQ
04:23.06Rayneme and my wife BOTH pulled agro in the start of phase 3 and we had about 40K less threat then the tank. We both Soulshattered and then the shadow priests who DIED in phase 2 and got BRezzed got agro.
04:23.59Raynenot priests
04:35.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Lonny (
04:36.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh`` (
04:36.50CairennKittahz sez "I can has catnip", I sez "srsly!"
04:37.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
04:37.45gnorlishrayne: there have been pre-existing issues with aggro on phase transitions on prince for as long as he's been in the game
04:37.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Vlet (n=martian@pdpc/supporter/active/vlet)
04:38.07Thunder_ChildCairenn, if in ~20 years thats out new language...i'm going to blame you
04:38.35VletHow can I set font alignment in a frame? It seems to default to center may note be true but i am going to blame you anyway
04:38.55gnorlishat one point if he transitioned while targeting someone for an ability the tank would end up getting enfeeble
04:51.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Lukian (n=wizard@
04:54.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
04:54.54*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
05:02.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim|work (
05:03.30Hobinheim|workhey question i'm inheriting someone else's mod what should i call the new mod
05:03.41Hobinheim|worki don't want to call it revival or reborn or something cliche like that
05:03.47Raynethe ImSoAwesomeMod?
05:03.58Hobinheim|workthat's not descriptive :(
05:04.05RayneYes it is, its awesome!
05:04.06Hobinheim|worki was thinking some sort of adjective on the original mod name
05:06.41MentalPowerfan update?
05:06.46MentalPowerI've seen that a lot lately
05:07.05Hobinheim|worklike ArcHUD Fan Update?
05:07.34RayneARCHud has fans? <_<
05:07.48MentalPower~lart Rayne
05:07.48purlcrushes Rayne with a full height scsi disk
05:08.05Hobinheim|workis curse loading for you guys?
05:08.08Hobinheim|worki can't log in
05:09.19Cairennnope, can't get to the site
05:09.29Cairenncan get to the main curse site, but not to the wow portal
05:10.29Hobinheim|workany ideas for a name change?
05:12.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
05:12.26TaeriHobinheim|work: what does the addon do? :P
05:14.32Hobinheim|workit's not a matter of what the addon does but what to call it
05:14.34CairennHobinheim|work: if you are actually "inheriting" it, ie if the original author is passing the reins to you, then the sites should be willing to transfer ownership of the mod to you, if the original author sends the staff on the various sites a PM telling them that you are taking over
05:14.38Hobinheim|workit's extended questlog and necrosis
05:14.50CairennI know we do that on WoWI
05:15.05Hobinheim|workCairenn, i figure it's just easier naming it something else, i only got blessinsgs from EQL
05:15.19Hobinheim|worknecrosis was made by somefrench team and i dont'e ven know where their contact info is
05:15.27Cairennthen yeah, stick "fan update" on it or whatever
05:15.36dylanmIt's probably in France which is like far away
05:15.39Hobinheim|workgoing with $1 Bravo so far :(
05:15.50Cairennthat's pretty much the standard that most people do
05:15.58Hobinheim|workthe funny thing is these both work out of the box, no errors, with a level 1 character
05:16.12Hobinheim|workthe only thing i did was import them to a code repository and update the TOC
05:17.01dylanmOkay so maybe figuring out something to contribute would be the first thing to do.
05:17.24TaeriWell, the name of the addon, should somehow reflect what the addon does. Or atleast, what sort of addon it is.   So it *is* a matter on what the addon does, if you want to name it so people will take a second look at it.
05:17.31Taeriin my opinion anyway.
05:17.35Hobinheim|workwell i'm going to keep its original name
05:17.48Hobinheim|worki just wanted a modifier that didn't sound like Revival or Rebourn
05:17.55Hobinheim|workcuz those sound silly :)
05:18.04Hobinheim|workExtended QuestLog Part Deux
05:18.07Hobinheim|workNecrosis Strikes Back
05:18.19Hobinheim|worksorry if it's french it should be Necrosis Part Deux
05:18.19Cairennbtw, nitpicking, but ....
05:18.22Cairenn(12:14:57 AM) Hobinheim|work: Cairenn, i figure it's just easier naming it something else, i only got blessinsgs from EQL
05:18.22Cairenn(12:15:11 AM) Hobinheim|work: necrosis was made by somefrench team and i dont'e ven know where their contact info is
05:18.33Cairennthen you aren't actually "inheriting" that one, are you? ;)
05:18.44Hobinheim|workno, but for warlocks everywhere it must be done
05:19.01Hobinheim|workit's like a drug for me
05:19.07Hobinheim|worki can't honestly play my lock without it maintained
05:19.12Hobinheim|workso i'm gonna be That Guy (tm)
05:19.31Hobinheim|workForking then =) it was GPL'ed anyway
05:19.40Cairenndid you try sending a PM to the original author via one of the sites?
05:20.06dylanmI was going to point out the official forums but they've fallen into disrepair
05:20.17Cairennmay get you no where, but can't hurt to try
05:20.22dylanmThe first topic is "sex large woman"
05:20.46dylanmWith a bunch of links that I assume help you accomplish your goals in that direction.
05:20.48Hobinheim|workugh .... so lazy
05:20.55Hobinheim|workisn't 10 months enough to qualify as dead
05:21.26Cairennsure it is, but you should still try anyway - although the fact it's GPL'd helps
05:21.47Hobinheim|workok you win i see an e-mail address
05:21.50dylanmIs it not working as it is? Haven't used it in some time.
05:22.06Hobinheim|workcurse is up
05:22.09Hobinheim|workso, what will it be people
05:22.19Hobinheim|workNecrosis Second Edition?
05:22.20dylanmSeems like the Henge and Sphere addons kinda died... there was that LunarSphere business
05:22.24Hobinheim|workEQL with Kung Fu Grip?
05:22.28dylanmGawd LunarSphere is so lols
05:22.35Hobinheim|workyeah i was gay for henge
05:22.39Cairennfan update or continued, imo
05:22.54Hobinheim|worksome classes lack spheres, which is weird
05:23.03Hobinheim|worki don't know much about warrior but don't they have weird class love also?
05:23.45dylanmclass love?
05:24.12Hobinheim|workwait so what does lunarsphere do?
05:24.19Hobinheim|workit's a hyper generic sphere md?
05:26.00Hobinheim|workoh god it looks so ugly
05:26.00dylanmHell if I know anymore. The whole thing smelled of ostentation.
05:26.00Hobinheim|workand certain people don' even like necrosis :(
05:26.25dylanmPeople coming into the wowace forums accusing the Sphere people of stealing and signing their posts "senior beta tester, sphere project" and the betas were called "stages" which is the kind of crap you can only do if you're Larry Wall.
05:26.46Hobinheim|workdylanm what do you know about larry wall ??
05:27.08Hobinheim|workalso, are there any good bind management mods besides bindpad
05:27.27dylanmI know that the perl 6 design docs he wrote were called "apocalypses."
05:27.29Hobinheim|worki basically want to have a bongos-like setup but i'm running out of action bar slots on my druid because of forms
05:27.54dylanmThere's SpellBind but it's really not that much better... quserkey...
05:28.06IrielAhhh.. larry wall.
05:28.20Hobinheim|workis there a way to like, enumerate all of thebindings that exist for the entire keyboard
05:28.36dylanmIriel: :D
05:28.38Hobinheim|worknice dude
05:28.51Hobinheim|workin syn #cobol it's all perl hate =(
05:29.21Hobinheim|workmy plan was to have a bongos layout that loks like a keyboard
05:29.26Hobinheim|workand then you drag spells on it
05:29.43Hobinheim|workbecause what i really use bongos for is to make cooldown notifiers. like bars with cooldowns and range detectors
05:29.51Hobinheim|workany ideas?
05:30.21Hobinheim|workso i sorta want cooldown and keybinding managemnt, bongos can do both, but it shows its weakness as i approach 120 buttons
05:30.27Hobinheim|workcuz bindings don't REALLY need to take up space
05:30.35Hobinheim|workbut bindpad is kinda ehhh?
05:30.57dylanmI can't even imagine having 120 buttons.
05:31.03dylanmBut then again I roll with a priest and paladin. So.
05:31.47dylanmTuller: Are you ever going to do the virutal button no-limit thingy?
05:31.53dylanmEr, virtual.
05:32.02Hobinheim|worki like to have a realy large nubmer of stuff available to me w/o clicking
05:32.13Tullerthe only reason I want to do it is to make profiles sync up better
05:32.22Tullerie, profiles for specs and the like
05:32.55dylanmOne thing I've noticed lately is that when you add or subtract bars the bindings go psycho kinda. Not really a big issue.
05:33.19Hobinheim|workbars from what
05:33.23dylanmBut I always thought it had something to do with using the action ids. Might be wrong on this.
05:34.11dylanmI think the new version of trinity has an option to create bars that don't map to the blizzard 120... it looks wildly complicated but it might be worth looking into.
05:34.31dylanmFor Hobinheim|work, I mean.
05:35.20Hobinheim|workthe necrosis team has been notified  :)
05:36.00Hobinheim|workwell bongos is fine. because if i had keybindings arranged the way i want, my cooldown monitors couldn't be more than like 20 buttons
05:36.02Tullerdylanm: you do it by using spell/macro/item buttons :)
05:36.25Hobinheim|workit's just that using bongos AS binding management makes that number go way way up, and it's apparent when you hit the forms bars
05:36.53Tullerbindings are shared if you have your bars switch :P
05:37.34Hobinheim|worki kno
05:38.03Hobinheim|worki was just kinda concerned about keeping my forms bars free, i haven't really played a forms class so i dont' know if i'm freaking out prematurely
05:39.55Hobinheim|workare there any good cooldown monitoring type mods?
05:40.12Hobinheim|worki just use bongos to make a bar that sits in the center that has my racials w/ omni cc
05:40.23Hobinheim|workin a very flexbar sort of way
05:40.40Tullerwell, there are cooldown bar type things
05:41.32Hobinheim|worklike what? i'm definitely on the lookout
05:42.52TullerI don't know the names :)
05:42.58TullerI just know they exist :P
05:44.27Hobinheim|workoh god i'm going to take a nap
05:44.35Hobinheim|worki can't bring myself to call it Necrosis Revival
05:44.37Hobinheim|workso insulting...
05:44.53Hobinheim|work(bravo was a dumb idea)
05:46.32malreth|afkHobinheim|work: i use hourglass2 for cooldown bars
05:47.06*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
05:47.39malreth|afkit's on the wowace SVN... but it's in the branches dir, i think... hasn't been released
05:53.41TaeriI think my computer is telling me it doesn't like me
05:55.43cladhairemy computer is telling me that it doesn't like you
05:56.18Taeribut really, when I touch my computer sometimes, it seems to want to electrify me. :P
06:02.30MentalPowerlua> function a() return 101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115 end; local b=os.clock(); local _,var; for i = 1,10000000 do _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,var = a(); end; print(os.clock()-b,var)
06:02.35lua_botMentalPower: sandbox.lua:154: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
06:02.46MentalPowerlua> function a() return 101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115 end; local b=os.clock(); local _,var; for i = 1,10000 do _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,var = a(); end; print(os.clock()-b,var)
06:02.46lua_botMentalPower: 0.050000000000001, 112
06:02.54MentalPowerlua> function a() return 101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115 end; local b=os.clock(); local _,var; for i = 1,100000 do _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,var = a(); end; print(os.clock()-b,var)
06:02.55lua_botMentalPower: 0.42, 112
06:02.58MentalPowerlua> function a() return 101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115 end; local b=os.clock(); local _,var; for i = 1,1000000 do _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,var = a(); end; print(os.clock()-b,var)
06:03.03lua_botMentalPower: 4.08, 112
06:03.49MentalPowerlua> function a() return 101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115 end; local b=os.clock(); local _,var; local select=select; for i = 1,1000000 do var=select(12,a()); end; print(os.clock()-b,var)
06:03.53lua_botMentalPower: 4.04, 112
06:06.45RayneAnyone on here use Grid?
06:06.52|Jelly|FUCK YOU
06:07.14|Jelly|Night Clad
06:07.20Rayne<3 Jelly
06:08.49RayneSeriously, mine looks terribad :(
06:09.25JoshBorkeclad was up late...
06:09.33Cairennso late it's early
06:09.38|Jelly|You face looks terribad.
06:09.47Taeri7am ftw!
06:10.04Corrodiasboy, this shadow priest priest feels weak compared to my warlock, now
06:10.06Taerihuggyness? :P
06:10.15|Jelly|Sounds good.
06:10.20Cairenneasy |Jelly|, I've currently got my own wrist brace on too =/
06:10.36|Jelly|We wont talk about my hand. lol
06:10.41Cairennspeaking of which, have you gotten your hand .... ><
06:10.47Cairenn... checked yet
06:10.51Kelfarrcarpal tunnel
06:11.16|Jelly|Last I checked, it was Saturday. :P My doctor is open until Monday and I'm off on Tuesday. ;)
06:11.27|Jelly|Or rather, off Wednesday.
06:11.43Cairennand there's no such thing as walk-in clinics or hospitals, right?
06:12.03Cairenn(with the hand that isn't in the brace)
06:12.53Cairennyou should have gone in the day of, but I've already yelled at you about this enough, so I'll just hush now
06:13.01Rayneis there a way to add bar textures to grid, and instead of the health deficet going from top to the bottom instead it goes from left to right?
06:13.10|Jelly|Yeah. You pretty much have yelled at me every day since it happened. :P
06:13.28|Jelly|If I ever used Grid, I might be able to answer that. :\
06:14.00|Jelly|Hell. The only reason it's on my computer is because I was making a UI for Kam..but she ended up not using it anyway. lol
06:14.37|Jelly|That actually happens a lot to me. :\
06:14.41Hobinheim|workCairenn, thanks for the recos
06:14.59CairennHobinheim|work: welcome, hope one of them works for you
06:15.28Cairennjust what came up on a real quick search of "cooldown"
06:15.39Hobinheim|worki like how obnoxious omnicc is tho :)
06:15.52Cairennmay be more, database is actually big enough that I don't have the entire thing memorized any more
06:15.58|Jelly|OmniCC is obnoxious?
06:15.59Hobinheim|workmaybe i will look into making a different binding mod
06:16.06Hobinheim|workyeah t's like BLINK BLINK
06:16.12Hobinheim|workit really let's you know
06:16.22Hobinheim|work(which i like in this case)
06:16.22|Jelly|'s a number counting down. lol
06:16.31Hobinheim|workit has the flash at the end
06:17.21Hobinheim|workI do not post "updates" to my addons that do nothing but change a single digit in the TOC file. My addons will be updated when there is actually something new/fixed/changed. The "Load out of date addons" check box in WoW exists for a reason. Use it.
06:17.23Hobinheim|worklol what a jerk
06:17.27Hobinheim|worki would never say that to my users
06:17.31Hobinheim|worklazy bastid
06:17.42|Jelly|I would.
06:17.54Hobinheim|workthe line has been drawn, sir
06:18.13|Jelly|There's no need to update a number except to make lazy end users comfortable in not having to use the "Lod Out of Date Addons" box. :\
06:18.34Hobinheim|worktsk tsk tsk
06:19.00KelfarrI really don't know what to do about this boe epic I won, i am a mage and its an upgrade atm but i will be crafting spellfire robe so should I sell it on the AH even though I rolled need on it against a warlock and won or mail it to the warlock for free??
06:19.07Hobinheim|workbtw all i've thought of is tacking the number two on the mod in a diff language. so it doesn't sound as tacky as TWO!
06:19.13Hobinheim|worknecrosis deux. necrosis dos
06:20.31Cairenndid the warlock need roll as well?
06:23.04|Jelly|The angel Jelly on your shoulder says to mail it to the warlock but the devil Jelly says to mail it to an alt and AH that bitch.
06:23.11|Jelly|Quite the paradox imo. :P
06:24.20RayneI figured out the color problem I had...
06:24.28Raynenow I gotta fix the bar info -_-
06:25.02|Jelly|Or go back to Pitbull and tell the people that email you to QQMOAR
06:25.18Rayneyou qq moar imo
06:25.28|Jelly|Oh, I plan on it.
06:25.39Kelfarryes he rolled need as well caireen
06:25.49Kelfarrbut I won
06:25.58Cairennand how soon will you be crafting the robe?
06:26.02Kelfarrbut I dont even need it all I saw was epic cloth and I rolled it
06:26.07Kelfarrprobably a week or more
06:26.17RayneKel do you know anything about Grid?
06:26.20Kelfarrwhats that
06:26.23Kelfarrnope rayne sorry
06:26.27|Jelly|She'd mail it.
06:26.32Cairennin a heartbeat
06:26.37|Jelly|She's all nice and shit.
06:26.40Cairennbut that's just me
06:26.41|Jelly|WE'RE MEN THOUGH!
06:26.59Kelfarryeah well I really do need the gold and if I sell it can get enough gold to make the chest piece tomorrow
06:27.27Kelfarrugh i am soo undecided
06:27.52|Jelly|Embrace your inner asshole, Kelfarr! :P
06:28.13|Jelly|Sorry...the devil jelly beat the angel jelly's ass.
06:38.17JoshBorkenn all
06:39.00Cairennnight JoshBorke
06:39.15*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
06:39.49Kelfarrhmm I wonder if I should spec arcane so I can get my spell damage up
06:45.34MentalPower!api IsOutdoors
06:45.34ThraeBotMentalPower: Could not find a relevant page. Perhaps you could be so kind as to create one?
06:47.14*** part/#wowi-lounge kandoko (
06:47.29*** join/#wowi-lounge kandoko (
06:48.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
06:48.16*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
06:48.57MentalPower!api IsOutdoors
06:48.57ThraeBotMentalPower: Could not find a relevant page. Perhaps you could be so kind as to create one?
06:54.09Kelfarr!c us bronzebeard Kelfarr
06:54.11ThraeBotKelfarr: Kelfarr, Level 70 Blood Elf Mage (10/48/3). 5993 HP; 8476 Mana; 134 mana regen; 108 spell crit; 15 spell hit; 539 +spell dmg/heal; 50 arcane dmg (589); 50 fire dmg (589); 4.98% dodge; 17 resilience;[[ TBR: 1090 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Dec  2 01:54:22 2007 EST ]]
06:55.22malreth|afk!c us silver hand malreth
06:55.22ThraeBotmalreth|afk: malreth is not the character you are looking for!
06:58.58Intangirhey guys
06:59.11Intangiri am trying to change the size of the battlefieldPOI things
06:59.13Intangirin the minimap
06:59.24Intangiri can change them to be smaller
06:59.30Intangirbut on many events blizz changes them back
06:59.33Intangirso i handle those same events
06:59.44Intangirbut mine gets called FIRST.. i set it how i want it
06:59.55Intangirand blizz' get called 2nd, and changes them right back..
06:59.59Intangirhow can i have the last say on event handling?
07:02.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
07:11.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
07:15.37Taeristupid question of the day. How to I make a grey color with the rgb values in WoW? 0.o
07:16.12Cairennugh! 20-30 cm of snow mixed with ice pellets and freezing rain between now and monday night
07:19.23VletHow does one target a specific unit?
07:23.01VletAhh, but it's protected
07:31.37Corrodiasneed a good female orc name...
07:37.05*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
07:37.17*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
07:41.55cogwheelMentalPower: weren't you supposed to be gone for days?
07:42.03MentalPoweryes, long story
07:42.13MentalPowerbasically my trip got cut short
07:43.23Corrodiasi hate hate hate this part of character creation: coming up with the right name
07:44.37MentalPowerI usually just random thru and then modify a name I like
07:45.45CorrodiasKorgana, sounds orclike i think
07:45.56Corrodiasnot bad...
07:46.41Corrodiasi notice it's only one "sound change" away from my mage's name, Coriana
07:47.57Mr_Rabies2i don't bother with making realistic sounding names anymore
07:48.18Mr_Rabies2unless it's named after someone
07:48.27Corrodiasi can't help it. i am too uncreative to come up with a name that's not realistic but is still good
07:48.44Mr_Rabies2i.e. skwisgaar and tokiwartooth, or stevebuscemi
07:49.29Mr_Rabies2Raybeez is my main, Yaranaika my highest level alt, and Seibar my second highest alt
07:50.28Corrodias...yaranaika? *zip*
07:51.32Mr_Rabies2(one of the several yaranaika faces goes here)
07:54.33Cairennguys - what program(s) were used that successfully picked up the trojan that had been in UIC?
07:54.58Corrodiasugh, "shagya" is NOT the name i want
07:55.05CairennCorrodias: lol
07:55.40cogwheelmy sister-in-law got me the austin powers box set for my bday ><
07:55.57Taerialso, interesting, my guildroster lists everyone except the guildleader 0.o
07:56.21cogwheelthat reminds me... POLL: Is >< angry, "D'oh!" or XD
07:56.38*** join/#wowi-lounge fridgid (n=Fridgid@
07:57.31cogwheelmy vote is somewhere between  "d'oh" and XD
07:57.58Corrodiasi vote between the first two
07:58.08Corrodiasyou're the one who kept linking that thread to us, aren't you?
07:58.09cogwheel>< is just a sideways X to me
07:58.48cogwheelin fact, the eyes in chatzilla's icon for XD look like >< :P
07:59.16cogwheelCairenn: you'd have to ping Shirik and ... umm...
07:59.30cogwheelkaiden, i think...
08:01.53CorrodiasSalkasa, that's also not bad
08:02.15Corrodiasfemale orc
08:02.54cogwheelmeh... never really bothered with orc names
08:03.20cogwheelorcs and humans are so ordinary :P
08:04.47Corrodias*orcs are so sexy
08:05.33cogwheeltoo burly, imo
08:05.50Corrodiaswhat do you like? ~elves~?
08:05.57cogwheeleew no
08:06.06cogwheeldraenei & gnomes ;)
08:06.12cogwheelseen the way gnomes dance?
08:06.20Corrodiasi can't wait to see draenei death knights
08:06.26Corrodiasgoth goat chicks are totally up my alley
08:09.29*** join/#wowi-lounge fridg (n=Fridgid@
08:12.03bleeterCairenn: I beleive, but don't quote me, it was Kapersky
08:16.20Corrodiasyou know, i chose "red" hair, but this looks more purple
08:27.31Cairennokay, well, someone has the trojan, both mouse.dll and wzcsvbc.dll come up in their system32 folder, and the previous steps that others have used to remove it don't seem to be working for this person (or else they didn't apply the steps properly) - anyone feel like having a go at trying to help them out?
08:27.32Thunder_Child"(00:06:27) (Corrodias) goth goat chicks are totally up my alley" <-- "no words to describe....should of sent...a...psychiatrist"
08:35.17Corrodiasi am afraid that i very quickly get frustrated if i am not directly controlling their computer
08:38.55MentalPowerCairenn: could try house call
08:39.02MentalPowerother than that, I'm out of ideas
08:39.23MentalPoweranywho, I'm off to bed
08:39.29MentalPower4:30am here
08:39.30MentalPowergnight al
08:39.37MentalPowergnight all*
08:39.58wereHamster - which addon is used for the clock and lag display?
08:40.08Cairennnight MentalPower|ZzZz
08:40.55*** part/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
08:41.41art3miscairenn has a virus?
08:42.10Cairennmaking damn sure we don't
08:42.28LonnyHmm is there any difference between "self" and "this" ? I know what they mean and such, however I'm not sure where are they on the scope, I think that "self" is one of the arguments (if not the 1st) of the widget functions and for best practice I should pass it to my handlers to avoid the globals, what's with "this" ? say I got an Onload function and I pass "this" instead of "self" AddonName_OnLoad(this) ...
08:43.14Corrodiassell, i think "this" is an invention of WoW and is not normally part of Lua, or that's what i heard. and they don't necessarily mean the same thing.
08:44.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed| (n=outlaw@
08:44.43MentalPower|ZzZzLonny: when inside an event handler, self == this, self is passed as an arg and is a local, whereas this is a global. You should always use self in all circumstances.
08:45.12MentalPower|ZzZzoutside of an event handler they can be different, since self is a Lua facility for OOP
08:45.51Thunder_Childfor some reason i find myself watching enter the dragon
08:45.52MentalPower|ZzZzie someObject:someFuntion(...) == someObject.someFunction(someObject, ...)
08:45.59Thunder_Childfor the fitst time
08:46.37MentalPower|ZzZzsomeObject = { someFunction = function(self, ...) end }
08:46.48MentalPower|ZzZzor alternatively
08:47.22art3misanyone have the uic virus handy im curious about something
08:47.25MentalPower|ZzZzsomeObject = {} function someObject:someFunction(...) end <-- self is implicit
08:47.40Lonnyah I think I got it, pretty much like I thought though, thanks anyway for the clarfication
08:47.48purl[pil] Programming in Lua, a book written by the authors of the Lua programming language.  The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0.  The second edition is available in print from most online bookstores, and covers Lua 5.1.
08:47.55art3misSportChick: this is the first time you've seen enter the dragon?
08:48.04MentalPower|ZzZzLonny: ^^^^ I *strongly* suggest you read it ^^^^
08:48.09art3misyou actually do live in a cave under a rock don't you
08:48.13LonnyI know the book :D
08:48.39Thunder_Childyou just called me SportChick?
08:48.41MentalPower|ZzZzread it, its priceless
08:48.52art3misyeah stupid autocomplete ;P
08:48.54MentalPower|ZzZzanywho, really past my bedtime
08:48.55Thunder_Childhow do you even mess the 2 up
08:49.02art3misi typed tc
08:49.02LonnyNight :D
08:49.03Thunder_Childt vs s
08:49.09art3misand it filled in the rest
08:49.33*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
08:49.41Thunder_Childor you have a very retarded autocomplete
08:49.57art3misthis is what i typed tc: this is the first time you've seen enter the dragon?
08:50.09Thunder_Childbesides, you shouldnt ping our masters
08:50.15art3misit found the first instance of T and C together ;P
08:50.32Thunder_Childthats an odd autocomplete
08:50.36Shadowedwhats wrong with like
08:50.43Shadowedlike all the normal people use
08:50.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
08:51.06art3misbecause im not normal?
08:51.13Thunder_Childgood point
08:51.28art3misi rarely use tab for anything other than reply /msg's
08:52.12Thunder_Childanyway, it's an old movie...older than me
08:52.20Thunder_Childi dont usually see old movies
08:52.35art3misi find it wierd that you never went through a kung fu movie pahse
08:52.46Thunder_Childnot exactly
08:53.26Thunder_Childi went through a kung fu phase....
08:53.28Corrodiashmm, it is true that the female orc spellcasting animations suck
08:53.45Thunder_Childi took it, i didnt watch it
08:56.19art3misIf you respond to the profile of all the girls dating sites who claim that they’ve done modeling work with polite inquiries as to which 3D packages they’ve used.
09:10.31*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
09:12.35CairennA guy goes to see a doctor and when they get into the private room the doctor says to the patient, "What seems to be the problem?"
09:12.35CairennThe patient answers, "You have to promise not to laugh."
09:12.35CairennThe doctors said fine, and the patient pulls down his pants and the doctor tried not to laugh at his small penis.
09:12.35CairennThe doctor managed to ask, "What's the problem?"  
09:12.42*** join/#wowi-lounge fridgid (n=Fridgid@
09:13.06CairennThe patient then said, "It's swollen."
09:14.32Thunder_Childtrust Cairenn to make a penis joke
09:14.35Corrodiashahaha! but i'm falling asleep in my chair again.
09:14.37Corrodiastime for bed. 'ni
09:14.42Thunder_Childnight Corrodias
09:14.47Cairennnight Corrodias
09:14.53CairennThunder_Child: blame google :p
09:15.12Thunder_Childi'm going to blame google for you posting a penis joke?
09:15.26Cairennno, blame google for giving me the penis joke to post
09:15.43Thunder_Childok, but i still blame you for posting it
09:16.03CairennI frequently post the jotd
09:20.00*** join/#wowi-lounge fridg (n=Fridgid@
09:21.04*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
09:22.25wereHamster'ethical hackers' that's not an oxymoron!
09:23.08bleeteryeah, that's a pretty stupid list
09:24.20art3misThe Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every year because when it was built, engineers failed to take into account the weight of all the books that would occupy the building.
09:24.33art3misdry ice is "dry" because it doesnt technically melt
09:24.44art3misthe rest of the links are amusing though
09:26.37art3misThe Bible has been translated into Klingon.
09:27.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
09:27.44art3misFive Jell-O flavors that flopped: celery, coffee, cola, apple, and chocolate.
09:28.32art3mispurl, 111111111*111111111
09:30.11art3misThe Pentagon, in Arlington, Virginia, has twice as many bathrooms as is necessary. When it was    built in the 1940s, the state of Virginia still had segregation laws requiring separate toilet facilities  for blacks and whites.
09:32.23art3misEvery 100g of Corn Flakes has 1 mg of fecal matter.
09:32.53Mr_Rabies2art3mis, i hate to break it to you but a lot of those are false :/
09:34.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
09:35.05Thunder_Childyes well, fecal matter is a waste byproduct that has no nutritional it could very well be true
09:35.30Mr_Rabies2yeah, most of that stuff has an allowance
09:35.44Mr_Rabies2because it's not harmful to the vast majority of people
09:35.49Tierriei am pretty sure fecal matter is pretty nutritional to plants
09:36.09Tierriewho can't speak up for themselves or irc
09:36.16Mr_Rabies2and it's not worth the money to remove it in such small amounts when it's perfectly safe
09:36.25bleeterTierrie: triffids don't need to speak
09:36.53Thunder_Child"Common undigested foods found in human feces are seeds, nuts, corn and beans, mainly because of their high Dietary fiber content." corn flakes have much fiber
09:37.23bleeter'and political speeches'
09:37.57*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
09:37.57*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
09:43.25art3misRain contains vitamin B12.
09:45.16art3misA bowl of lime Jell-O, when hooked up to an EEG machine, exhibited movement which is virtually identical to the brain waves of a healthy adult man or woman.
09:45.21art3mis^^ true or not thats just funny
09:45.50Cairennnight guys
09:46.15art3misIn 1980, Namco released PAC-MAN, the most popular video game (or arcade game) of all time. The original name was going to be PUCK MAN, but executives saw the potential for vandals to scratch out part of the P in the games marquee and labeling.
09:46.17art3misnight dollface
09:46.22*** join/#wowi-lounge testleK (n=testleK@
09:47.26Thunder_Child*snicker* @ art3mis's comment
09:48.34Thunder_Child*sigh* why do movies always have standard guards guarding a place when they have the world best of the best
09:48.42Thunder_Childon the inside
09:49.26Thunder_Childit's like guarding convicts with kindergardners
09:49.54testleKbecause it makes movies more interesting?
09:50.14testleKPut the unskilled guards on crappy outdoor duty while the skilled ones get tv?
09:50.28wereHamsterjack bauer has to have a chance to stop them!!
09:50.39Thunder_Child...i hate you all
09:54.17art3misA temperature of 70 million degrees Celsius was generated at Princeton University in 1978. This was during a fusionism experiment and is the highest man-made temperature ever.
09:54.52art3mis"these are old drunken men who kow where they are and DO care" "what where am i?" "take this man to cell #2 and give him a drink!"
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11:52.41SaerisAnyone know whether LoadAddOn() returns before loading saved variables for the given addon?
11:53.28cladhaireit doesn't return until after ADDON_LOADED is fired imo
11:53.32cladhairetesting this would be simple
11:53.41SaerisI'll check it to be sure. Thanks.
11:56.06SaerisYup, doesn't return until the event fires. Thanks again.
11:57.54bleeterer.. wombat
11:57.58bleeter~fail bleeter
11:57.59purlbleeter: Fail.
11:59.02cladhaireyou're the weirdo ;-)
11:59.03bleeterand I mean that in a friendly way, like Gonzo from the Muppets is a weirdo
11:59.08bleeterI just hope you don't have his nose
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12:05.13bleetercladhaire: actually, I take that back.. weirdos are crafters who list their stuff under vendor price, then msg me asking if I want more when I buy all 10+ items out on the AH :/
12:06.29art3misanyone know of any vnc server push clicent styles like networkstreaming?
12:06.56bleeternot off the top of my head, soz
12:06.58bleetergnight all
12:07.14art3misso that you've got a server and the clients get installed on the machines and maintain the routing allowing you to dynamically install em so you go to the "server" and can conenct to the clients without having to set open ports n stuff?
12:07.26art3mislates bleeter
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13:02.50sioraiochtCairenn|afk: you there?
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13:25.06sioraiochtwow so quiet when all the north americans are asleep
13:26.15wereHamstersouth americans are asleep, too!
13:26.42WobinI totally need to be asleep
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13:27.48sioraiocht_are there many south americans in this community?
13:28.01Elkanowell, only proofs that europeans do less useless chatter
13:28.39amrois there a list of all templates somewhere?
13:30.21Elkanowhat templates?
13:31.25Kasoi assume he means all the virtual frames we can inherit from, if so im not sure anyone has ever compiled a list, but theyre all there in the framexml
13:39.50Elkanowell, in that case, I would look at wowwiki... don't think there is another place more likely to have one
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14:25.00Saint-Ngod dammit i hate the cleaning staff in this office
14:25.37Saint-Nleft a note nicely asking them to stay out of the room since they seem clueless of whats to be kept and the first 2 times they cleaned they threw away 3 waybills 2 receipts and 4 invoices
14:25.49Saint-Ncame in today to discover they cant fucking read either
14:26.14Lukianmaybe they aren't English speaking :D
14:26.41Saint-Nmonitoers are unplugged and moved my keyboard and mouse are moved and my cds that i had sorted into 3 seperate piles so i could label them were all piled together
14:27.04malreththe policy at UT Austin is all cleaning staff explicitly ignore the contents of desks
14:27.15Saint-Nmy random bitys of yellow stickie notes with phone numbers and stuff are gone
14:27.26malrethin fact, they only come in and empty out wastebaskets... if it's not in a bit, it stays
14:27.35amroSaint-N: did you try mousetraps?
14:28.13Saint-Nnope but i know what day it is and im gonna kill him if he comes in next week
14:28.41Saint-Nthere's a big sign on the door "Dear cleaning staff DO NOT CLEAN THIS ROOM, if it's LOCKED STAY OUT"
14:28.46Saint-Nand it was
14:29.46Saint-Nneedless to say im a tad pissed off
14:30.46wereHamsterSaint-N, change locks?
14:30.49Saint-Ni mean if he cant read english, what in gods name makes him think he should decide what i wanna keep and what i dont
14:30.57wereHamsterso they can't get in
14:31.07Saint-Nnah im just gonna find out who the cleaning company is and complain to my landlord
14:31.14Saint-Nand then complain to the company
14:31.37Saint-Nand tell them that should they come in here again i'll be billing them for all the time it takes me to figure out what chuckle fuck did
14:32.04Saint-Nand that i wont be paying my rent until it's resolved as i run a consulting business and i cant have random recipts just disappearing
14:32.20Saint-Nor friggin weighbills with my billing and cc info on it being "thrown out"
14:34.52Saint-Nbut some good news today i managed to find an opensource push clint vnc repeater thingy
14:34.59Saint-Nso thats good
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16:10.49Hobinheim|workdoes the folder name have to be the same as the name of the TOC file?
16:10.52Hobinheim|workalso, is it no spaces?
16:11.54wereHamstersame name, yes
16:12.06malrethspaces should be fine
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16:12.21wereHamsterspaces, I don't know, but special characters are allowed
16:13.05wereHamster.. like, some addons use a '!!!' prefix to make sure they are loaded as the first addons
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16:18.08Kaso#Title: field of the TOC does not have to match folder/tocfilename though
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16:29.42KasoWobwor1, you there?
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17:00.37Saint-Nwell thts kind of neat
17:00.44|Jelly|What is?
17:00.50Saint-Ni found the software that networkstreaming rebrands and uses
17:01.27Saint-Nor at least a derivative of it
17:02.35*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
17:05.11cladhaire~seen cide
17:05.19purlcide is currently on #wowi-lounge (1h 11m 40s), last said: 'on gruul in shitty gear, however, you're screwed as a shadow priest'.
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17:40.12Thunder_Childat what point does the wow app take control of the addons?
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17:42.58malrethwhen you choose a character and start loading the world... sometime during when the progress bar is filling up, addon code is loaded and executed
17:43.39malrethbut "take control" is a bit vague... what are you trying to do?
17:43.39zenzelezz<No Seatbelts in Sparta>
17:43.57Thunder_Childi want to know at what point updating them has no effect
17:43.58zenzelezzseems like the only time people are creative in WoW is for guild names
17:44.33malrethupdating .toc data or .lua code?
17:45.05Thunder_Childthough more lua than toc i think
17:45.11malreth.toc data -- as soon as you run wow.exe
17:45.28malreth.lua -- you can reload the ui at any time after entering the world
17:45.36RayneThe Mask is on
17:45.40RayneI love this movie so much
17:45.51malreth.lua code isn't parsed and run until the world loading progress bar is drawn
17:46.01malrethso you could modify your .lua code up until then
17:46.17malrethafter that, just reload to get new changes
17:46.53Thunder_Childk, thanks
17:47.17MentalPowerlua and xml code is executed in rough alphabetical order (barring dependencies) after the game's models and textures are loaded, roughly %50 into the loading bar
17:47.58Thunder_Childwhich is why 50% into the loading bar, my bar crawls
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18:05.36malrethyay... we got an induction heater to make hotpot...
18:05.40malreththat's the good news
18:05.52malrethbad news is the instructions and buttons are all in japanese
18:06.01malrethand not the easy kind of japanese, either
18:06.18malrethi figured out which button controls the timer... but i still can't turn the thing on
18:07.32sioraiochtwhat is the easy kind of japanese, imo?
18:07.55zenzelezzwe can't know what's the easy kind in your opinion
18:08.33malrethi can read the things that say, "HAPPY TEST" and "WE HAVE PROMOTION"
18:08.37malreththat kind of japanese
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18:09.00zenzelezzCide: uh oh
18:09.21Kasoi think that they missed a huge optunity to name the new company "Actiblizzion"
18:09.50malrethoh... the trolls will be all over the forums...
18:12.04Rayne"A: This will not impact Blizzard’s games. We remain committed to providing the same high-quality game content and support that we always have. Development on Wrath of the Lich King and StarCraft II, as well as on our unannounced games, is continuing as normal. "
18:12.06Raynetheres a lie
18:12.22zenzelezzhow so?
18:12.32RayneVivendi will ruin SC2 :/
18:12.42wereHamsterhow so?
18:12.55RayneTheyre a terrible company.
18:14.17Thunder_Childbut according to this vivendi already owns them
18:14.21Cideyou do realize that that would've happened without the merge too, according to you?
18:14.34*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (n=sylvanaa@
18:15.03malrethVivendi's been distributing WoW for years now
18:15.17malrethever since like forever
18:15.28Thunder_Childyes....indeed, forever
18:16.14*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
18:19.33amroas long as they don't add an activision intro movie, I'm cool with it
18:19.39amroI hate that thing
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18:32.40Saint-NIt'll lend activision some much needed credibility.
18:32.50Saint-Nthat response rules
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18:38.01Saint-NDoes WoW's 'Brewfest' event encourage RL drinking?
18:38.01Saint-NNo more so than they encourage you to slaughter random strangers and root through their pockets.
18:42.25Cairennrighteous fury belongs to which class?
18:43.06Cairennthat's what I thought, thanks
18:49.37zenzelezzit never stops hurting inside to see guilds called "<some nationality> Elite Force"
18:50.54Mr_Rabies2that's against ToS on the us side of things if i recall
18:58.15MentalPower!api CreateTexture
18:58.16ThraeBotMentalPower: Could not find a relevant page. Perhaps you could be so kind as to create one?
19:02.11foxlitprobably region based
19:02.19foxlit!api Frame CreateTexture
19:02.49MentalPoweryeah I know
19:03.13foxlitHm, no, you were right
19:03.18foxlitBot is 1. frozen 2. wrong
19:03.41MentalPowernot createframe
19:03.42foxlityeah, obviously
19:03.52foxlitlooked similar in search results :)
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19:36.42Cairenn - "From Sunday Evening to Monday Afternoon we expect 30-40cm of snow."
19:38.43zenzelezzno like snow?
19:39.17wereHamsterI like snow, I wish we had some here :)
19:39.29nevcairieli like snow too, but we rarely get any
19:39.51PandyaI want snow :(
19:40.45zenzelezzdamn you Cairenn, you're much too slow... all these random people are ruining the dirty remarks I had lined up
19:41.05Cairennsorry, rather distracted with other stuff atm
19:44.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
19:58.19Corrodiasyou know what's wrong with shatt? its colors are so gloomy
19:58.51zenzelezzit's too friendly, don't like having both factions be such good friends in one single area but nowhere else
19:58.54Corrodiasit's foggy, with dirty brown and dark green
20:00.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
20:01.21Gngskzenzelezz, can't help but be friendly with such a large lightbulb in the middle of the city
20:04.51bleetermmm, activision blizzard eh
20:08.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
20:19.46wereHamsterSize 1.56 ms wtw? size in seconds?
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20:21.42art3misits kinna neat you create aminals and they roam about autonamously
20:21.51art3misfeeding and breeding
20:22.05art3miswould have been more fun if it was "create a zombie"
20:22.12art3misbut meh
20:30.11bleeter"How is the merger gunna stop trojans from fan sites?"
20:33.16Cairennplease don't go there
20:35.44bleeterI didn't... I'd be lieing if I said I wasn't tempted just a li'l bit ;)... but I didn't
20:36.56bleeterCairenn: my official response to the announcements was ;)
20:41.28*** join/#wowi-lounge seebs (n=seebs@
20:41.47seebsI am running into an erratic problem with FuBar, which I've found a couple of references to online, but no solutions for.
20:42.20seebsThe problem is that FuBar_ClockFu sometimes, but not other times, fails because it can't specify a tooltip type of Tablet-2.0, because Tablet-2.0 is not loaded... But it's present and I can't see why it wouldn't load.
20:42.40seebsAnyone understand the dynamic loading stuff well enough to give me a tip or two?
20:42.59seebsIn particular, I observe that it works fine on a Mac, but not under Linux -- possibly an issue with case-sensitive filesystem?
20:44.49zenzelezzif it was that then I'd find it weird that it works sometimes... but could be
20:45.23seebsI can't find anything obvious to explain it, but it seems to always work on the Mac.  It worked on my Linux box for a while, then one day I relogged and it stopped... It's very confusing.
20:50.24seebsHmm.  There's a copy of Tablet-2.0 in flagRSP2, which was emitting frameXML errors due to specifying OnClick in a frame type that doesn't have an OnClick script.  I wonder whether that's contributing to load failures...
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20:58.58Corrodiashaving a hard time choosing between orc and undead for warlock. it has to be female in either case because i prefer those models for warlock
21:00.29Mr_Rabies2orc females don't exist
21:00.32Corrodiasi'm not a fan of their racial abilities
21:00.45Mr_Rabies2and blood elf males don't exist
21:01.09Corrodiasmy priest is a BE male, but i feel gimped compared to undead priests, who get an extra DoT
21:01.26seebsI went with orc because the biggest problem I usually have is voidy losing aggro, and anything that helps his damage can only help me.  :)
21:01.45Mr_Rabies2orcs make great locks
21:01.48Corrodiasthe problem with the female orc is that the casting animations are HORRIBLE
21:01.49Mr_Rabies2but not females
21:02.04Corrodiasthey make great warriors and rogues, i think, but those are the two classes i'm least likely to ever play
21:02.11Mr_Rabies2the problem with the female orc is they're ugly as hell
21:02.25Corrodiassays the night elf
21:08.33Pandyanight elfs are alright
21:08.38Pandyayou just have to paperbag them
21:08.40Corrodiasmale night elf
21:08.49PandyaI wouldn't hit a male night elf anyways
21:08.58Corrodiasi'd hit one with a crowbar
21:09.03Pandyaoh that, yeah
21:12.33Corrodiasthey really ought to allow a single apostrophe (') in names, since npc names often have them
21:18.12amrodo you really want to see Leg'olas?
21:18.19*** join/#wowi-lounge reqol (
21:20.00reqolI'm looking for a good editor to use, is scite lua my best bet? it doesn't look as though it's been updated for quite some time, and there have been plenty of changes so that the calltips might not all be accurate.
21:20.12Thunder_Childedit what? lua?
21:21.12reqolfor interface scripting
21:21.23Thunder_Childpersonally i use Notepad++ but i'm not a hard core coder
21:21.42amroreqol: scite is great for that, I have installed just for lua =)
21:21.57reqolI have notepad++ as well
21:22.06reqolI like it for java, but I'm not sure it'll suit my needs for lua
21:22.08foxlitscite and scite-derived implementation of collapsing functions bugs me
21:22.22wereHamsterI use cat+sed!! I am teh win!!1!1
21:26.23Riffageeclipse > *
21:27.02reqoleclipse is too bloated for smaller applications, though it is useful when they begin to get larger and you need to manage many different classes
21:27.38Riffagei use eclipse for everything, LUA, PHP, Ruby, SQL, Python
21:27.39krkaRiffage: Lua is not an acronym. It is a portuguese word that means moon.
21:27.41Corrodiasnetbeans is nice...
21:27.52Riffageonly thing I cant use it for I use Visual Studio
21:31.22amroI use kate for everything except lua, I use scite for that since kate's lua highlighting sucks and I'm too lazy to fix it
21:32.41Corrodiasthe orcs' lack of wrists is troubling
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21:36.16rtharperRiffage: eclipse < emacs
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21:40.27Arrowmasterreqol: umm scite was updated like end of november
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21:55.32Thunder_Childinteresting stuff
21:55.33Thunder_Child"The deal will work by Blizzard investing $2 billion into Activision Blizzard and Activision will invest a lowly $1 billion. The CEO of the new company will be the current CEo of Avtivision, Bobby Kotick. However French mega company Vivendi Universal the owner of Blizzard wil remain the biggest shareholder in the company, retaining 52% of all the shares."
21:56.48bleetersounds almost like yer typical buyout-merger-when-it's-not-a-buyouy-merger
21:57.13Thunder_Childat least we can now buy stock in the company
21:57.22bleeterCompany A puts more money in than Company B, Company B gets more seats on the board
21:57.25wereHamsterare you planing to?
21:57.35Thunder_Childwhy not?
21:57.37bleeterwell, I'd be interested
21:57.43bleeterwe could then ask questions at AGMs
21:57.49bleeter'wtf linux port of WoW mofos!'
21:57.57purlsingle- and multi-word anagram generator. URL:
21:58.03bleeterannual general meeting
22:02.02Thunder_Childalong with a video
22:04.11Thunder_Child..."That's right! In fact, most of the Internet still runs using the original Al-Gore-rithms..."....
22:04.33Pandyadeath star fractal
22:04.33bleeterman, if I had ops, I'd be k-lining you now :P
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22:08.07ScytheBlade1Does anyone still have the UICentral trojan or a computer that was infected with it available?
22:08.25ScytheBlade1I just found *another* program not mentioned in any posts I've seen on the matter, recreating the DLLs
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22:08.40Cairennfunny you bring it up just then ScytheBlade1
22:08.49Cairennwe've discovered it on WoWI as well :(
22:09.00ScytheBlade1Nope, not listed.
22:09.08ScytheBlade1I've got sysstem32\21.exe
22:09.56ScytheBlade1I do have printfpool.exe though
22:12.01reqolcan you fire trade API without button presses? i want to set up a way to trade my friend stuff to DE while he's afk
22:12.19bleeterCairenn: might I suggest a WoWI policy: no .exe's that you can't build yourselves from source code using the mingw system under linux ;)
22:12.53ScytheBlade1Here's a better policy: no .exe's period unless verified by you personally that you know the person :P
22:13.10Cairennyou have NO idea how upset I am right now, you'll forgive me if I'm not in much of a joking mood
22:13.12wereHamsterfrom the wowi post
22:13.18zenzelezzI'm confused, were these .exes in approved mods or in files sneaked in somehow?
22:13.41Cairennhacked one of our servers :(
22:13.51ScytheBlade1Cairenn: oh, heh, believe me, I know what that's like
22:14.06wereHamsterwasn't the problem that the exe was modified on the server?
22:14.23zenzelezzreqol: I'm not sure, but I don't think you can
22:15.04wereHamster... because in that case having access to the source won't help
22:15.08zenzelezzactually, I may be wrong, the wiki doesn't seem to say they're protected
22:15.29zenzelezzmay still require a hardware event, can't test right now
22:15.43reqolthey could be used for some fairly malicious things if not
22:15.48reqolwhich is why Id guess not
22:16.05reqolthough my intents are not malicious, some people's can be
22:16.13ScytheBlade1Cairenn: you should add "sc delete printfpool" to the thread you linked me earlier. It adds it's own service, and that command is the proper way of removing the service from the system
22:16.32ScytheBlade1Err, I should be clear. That's a command to run at cmd.exe or the run box.
22:17.28zenzelezzreqol: I'm not usually the best person to listen to when it comes to code :-p I think you can use the functions from mods, but don't know how many/how or only in response to hardware events... should be easy enough to test
22:17.44bleeterCairenn: I wasn't joking, and I'm sorry if you took offence. We, at, take our SVN source, and build our Win32 .exe's under MinGW. Users are free to do the same and are more than free to compare our downloadable .exe to one they built themselves. Programs such as Pidgin and Guifications use the exact same method.
22:18.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Intangir_ (
22:18.16bleeterof course, that don't help much if the fileserver's comprimised
22:18.30bleeterfalse sense of security and all
22:18.34bleeter~hug Cairenn
22:18.34purlACTION jumps into Cairenn's lap and huggles and *hugs* Cairenn
22:18.46CairennScytheBlade1: so I need to put "delete them by using cmd.exe or the run box and typing in "sc delete [filename]" "
22:19.11zenzelezzwould take a bit extra processing, but you could keep a database of md5sums (or something) generated at approval, and verify on the server before letting people download
22:19.32ScytheBlade1Cairenn: users should delete the file as you specify, then reboot and run that command (or windows will continue trying to start a server that lacks an executable)
22:19.32Cairennzenzelezz: that's what we've actually been discussing putting in place
22:19.41bleeterdon't use md5, use sha2
22:19.48bleeterer.. 256.. or whatever it is
22:20.00bleeteryes, sha256.. thx :)
22:20.04zenzelezzwhatever works best of course, I'm not knowledgeable about safe checksums
22:20.05ScytheBlade1Not server
22:20.08ScytheBlade1</3 this keyboard
22:20.15wereHamsteruse both md5 _and_ sha
22:20.35wereHamsteror a third hash algo
22:21.04nevcairielcogwheel: just have to say it, <3 MacroSequence
22:21.09Cairenn(5:14:03 PM) dolby-wowi: if any one wants the infected file let me know
22:21.09Cairenn(5:14:22 PM) Cairenn: scythe was just asking for it in the lounge
22:21.09Cairenn(5:16:58 PM) dolby-wowi: ok 1 sec will make a link
22:21.09Cairenn(5:19:57 PM) dolby-wowi:
22:21.09Cairenn(5:20:02 PM) dolby-wowi: rename to .exe
22:21.33Cairennbut, there it is guys, if you want to play with it
22:21.33cogwheelnevcairiel: \o/
22:22.28Corrodiaswhat's this, a new compilation? *download, run* OMG WHAT HAVE YOU DONE
22:22.29Beladonabe nice
22:22.40ScytheBlade1To be honest, I didn't notice the trojan was still there until I fired up WoW and logged in with process explorer next to me. Suddenly I noticed the DLL was resident and started looking again
22:22.41amroZOMG trojan on WoWI!!
22:22.49cogwheelOk... for the record, the new engineering mounts are the Coolest. Mounts. Evar
22:22.51ScytheBlade1Good thing I have a second computer to change my password on, heh (this one)
22:25.03cogwheelIt's a conspiracy... you guys put the trojan there so you can show just how good a job you do at handling the situation imo
22:27.17CairennI don't know that we've handled the situation well, but I don't know how else we could have handled it
22:27.30zenzelezzhm, Kaspersky doesn't seem to recognize it as a dangerous object... wonder if they'd add it
22:27.52cogwheel> wowui... 'nuff said
22:28.09ScytheBlade1What cog said. Degrees of relativity.
22:28.19ScytheBlade1"You don't have to run faster than the bear, just faster than the slowest person"
22:28.42Corrodiasthis is strange, WoW is not saving any savedvariables for this character, i think
22:29.50CaptainOblivious<N: NickServ> This nickname is owned by someone else
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22:31.05ScytheBlade1Cairenn: fyi, I simply replied to that thread with the "sc delete printfpool" thing. So no worries about edits.
22:31.15Cairennyeah, saw that, thank you
22:32.04ScytheBlade1The service definition by itself is inert and harmless, but there's no point in keeping it around and spamming the system logs with "service failed to start"
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22:32.46Cairenn (copy of the same post, on the Blizz forum)
22:33.54ScytheBlade1Assuming I can remember the password that I changed it to
22:33.58ScytheBlade1Stupid length limits
22:34.12ScytheBlade1Ha, got it
22:34.13Cairennnow I just wait for someone to come along going "well, if you knew at 5 this morning, why'd it take you so long to post about it"
22:34.27Cidan_If you were GAYYY
22:34.31Cidan_I'd shout, HORRAAYYYYYYYYYY
22:35.09CidanAvenue Q is the best MFing show ever.
22:35.39IrielWe enjoyed it a lot
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22:37.17CidanI went to the show here at the National Theater in DC today
22:37.26Cidanso... bleedin'... funny.
22:37.28AntiarcOuch, Cairenn
22:37.33AntiarcGood on you for being proactive though
22:37.36ScytheBlade1and afk for a few
22:37.37Cairennyeah :(
22:37.37bleeterCairenn: I hate to tell you guys, but clamav found it infected
22:37.39Kasoreqol, im not sure if you got a complete anwser to your auto-trading questiong but a fair few patches ago they made those functions hardware event only to kill off addons like waterboy et al.
22:37.46bleeterclamscan Sewell_UI_040.ex_infected
22:37.46bleeterSewell_UI_040.ex_infected: Trojan.Delf-2177 FOUND
22:37.52Cairennwe know
22:37.54Cidanserver lag?
22:38.05*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
22:38.09Cidanhap, IRC lag, you're all talking at once. :P
22:38.11Cairennthat's the one that we know is infected
22:38.31AntiarcCairenn: Do you have a copy of the infected file? I'd like to see if AntiVir catches it
22:38.47Cairenn(5:21:00 PM) Cairenn: (5:14:03 PM) dolby-wowi: if any one wants the infected file let me know
22:38.48Cairenn(5:21:00 PM) Cairenn: (5:14:22 PM) Cairenn: scythe was just asking for it in the lounge
22:38.48Cairenn(5:21:00 PM) Cairenn: (5:16:58 PM) dolby-wowi: ok 1 sec will make a link
22:38.48Cairenn(5:21:00 PM) Cairenn: (5:19:57 PM) dolby-wowi:
22:38.48Cairenn(5:21:00 PM) Cairenn: (5:20:02 PM) dolby-wowi: rename to .exe
22:38.48Cairenn(5:21:10 PM) Cairenn: WARNING WARNING WARNING
22:39.00Antiarcwonderful, thank you
22:39.29AntiarcAre you sure the files were uploaded as trojaned?
22:39.30CidanOh... man, huh
22:39.35AntiarcThat is, that you didn't have a break-in?
22:39.41Cairennwe know we did
22:39.50Antiarcouch :(
22:39.59AntiarcWhat was the hole, if you're at liberty to disclose that?
22:40.12Cairenn"As we continued to investigate, it became apparent that the person who did this only hit our fs2 (file server 2) database server."
22:40.24AntiarcCorrodias: The wowace repository specifically disallows executable files for this exact reason
22:40.36Corrodiasi know, but the program itself gets updated automatically
22:40.37Cairennhow much more that gets disclosed is up to dolby-wowi
22:40.57nevcairielAntiarc: mine doesnt catch it *cry*
22:41.07dolby-wowithese files werent uploaded threw our website
22:41.10nevcairielpossibly a custom one
22:41.14Antiarcnevcairiel: AntiVir?
22:41.28dolby-wowisome one gained access to an ssh account
22:41.32nevcairielAVK .. a multi-engine product, i think one is Avast, dunno about the other
22:41.37dolby-wowithat has all been locked down now
22:41.42AntiarcAvast has always sucked for me :/
22:41.49Corrodiaspirates are rarely helpful
22:42.21Corrodiasin related news, the Landlubber Firewall has proven ineffective
22:42.27dolby-wowireally everything is firewalled / lockeddown until we move to our new servers.
22:42.59bleeter~hug dolby-wowi
22:42.59purlACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs dolby-wowi
22:43.02dolby-wowiwill be taking alot of time to lock down our new servers as well
22:43.04reqolis MOST of what's left of the calltips in scite lua reliable or are they not a good foundation for me to go off?
22:43.22CidanWas it a user account or a non-user account in the end?
22:44.28zenzelezzI lost faith in passwords when I came across one (genuinely): "master"
22:44.47zenzelezz"hey, we've got imba security, let's not use good passwords as a result"
22:44.50CidanWell I try to make my passwords passphrases when I can.
22:45.08wereHamsterzenzelezz, you never saw 'init'? /me goes change p/w
22:45.52AntiarcCairenn: Could I recommend a more specific thread title? If you're alerting users, that one isn't going to catch any eyes
22:46.15MentalPowerAntiarc: it is in the front page
22:46.22AntiarcMentalPower: I meant on the WoW forums
22:46.26Cairennhe means the one on the bliz ... heh
22:46.32AntiarcMy password is 12345. But that's for legacy reasons, for backwards-compatibility with my luggage.
22:48.19cladhairegood thing the only .exe I run is wowaceupdater.
22:48.21cladhairei mean
22:48.26cladhaire"good thing the only .exe I run is wowaceupdater." ?
22:49.41MentalPowertalk about false sense of security
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22:53.02AntiarcCairenn: AntiVir picks up the virus when you attempt to install SewellUI
22:53.21Cairennokay, wait, which version are you talking about
22:53.31Antiarcwhich version of what?
22:53.34Cairennthe one that's live, or the link we gave you
22:53.53AntiarcThe link
22:54.00AntiarcJust letting you know AntiVir is a working countermeasure
22:54.00Cairennyeah, we know it's infected
22:54.03AntiarcSo you can pass that info on
22:54.10Cairennah, okay, thank you
22:54.10Antiarc(Someone said Avast didn't catch it)
22:54.27zenzelezzand I said (my) Kaspersky doesn't find anything either
22:55.06IndustrialGimme new cool anime names, go!
22:55.31CidanLook at it this way Cairenn, it could be worse.
22:55.38CidanYou could be working at Gamespot right now.
22:56.11Mr_Rabies2Industrial, does that mean you're looking for new anime to watch?
22:56.33KasoYou've watched too much anime, i suggest you go watch some other genre
22:56.38Mr_Rabies2do you like mystery/horror anime?
22:56.42Mr_Rabies2anime's not a genre, kaso
22:56.44Mr_Rabies2it's just a medium
22:57.00Mr_Rabies2same as live action movies, tv shows, whatever
22:57.05zenzelezzI thought it was more a style
22:57.16Mr_Rabies2i use the same criteria, perhaps more of an artistic eye to anime
22:57.29Mr_Rabies2since the director can pretty much make the camera do anything
22:57.52Industrialhmm maybe Mr_Rabies2 :D Haven't tried any yet
22:58.20Mr_Rabies2check out higurashi
22:58.38Industrialmost horror like I've watched were Blood+ and Hellsing
22:58.48Mr_Rabies2Higurashi no naku koro ni
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22:58.54Mr_Rabies2Higurashi no naku koro ni kai is season 2
22:59.23Mr_Rabies2 for the first part of the first episode, watch at least 4-8 episodes before deciding to quit if you do want to
22:59.58Mr_Rabies2because the story arcs in 2-6 episode bursts and then basically resets and changes the circumstances up a bit
23:00.09*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
23:00.43Mr_Rabies2i.e. don't be too pissed when a character you like dies
23:00.47Mr_Rabies2because it's gonna happen a lot
23:01.14Mr_Rabies2it looks like a comedy anime for the first 2 episodes or so
23:01.39Mr_Rabies2then the first half of the 3rd is comedy-ish and then all of a sudden it gets incredibly brutal (though most of the violence is offscreen, it's still really brutal)
23:02.11Mr_Rabies2you get attached to the characters eventually so you feel a loss when they go crazy and start murdering people or get murdered
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23:05.35ScytheBlade1Has anyone seen "21.exe" on their systems?
23:05.45ScytheBlade128kB in size
23:05.53bleeternot mine ;)
23:06.01ScytheBlade1Cheater :P
23:06.37ScytheBlade1Just asking. For me, said executable was repopulating wzcsvbc.dll and mouse.dll whenever I started WoW, and I would assume it was created by printfpool.exe's service
23:07.10Cairennthose dll's were the ones showing up in the trojan at uic
23:07.12bleeterI'm almost half tempted to try to run their installer inside wine, just to see
23:07.18ScytheBlade1And, somehow
23:07.23ScytheBlade1I also had printfpool.exe
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23:07.51bleeterbut instead, I'm working on getting checksum and AV reports on auctioneer's website
23:08.22Cairennprintfspool, not printfpool, ScytheBlade1
23:08.33Cairenn(at least, the one at our site)
23:08.34reqolhow would I find out the other member in a trade?
23:08.44reqolI'm guessing I have to parse something from the event since there is no API for it
23:08.49ScytheBlade1Okay, that's odd.
23:08.59ScytheBlade1Because you're right..
23:09.08ScytheBlade1And that name is too similar to be a conincidence
23:09.28Cairennunless both dolby and shirik typo'd
23:09.35Cairennwhen they gave me the info to post
23:09.41Cairennand when they were tearing into it last night
23:09.47ScytheBlade1Well it would be a minor typo if anything
23:09.50ScytheBlade1But both? Doubtful
23:09.50AntiarcMan, I'm sorry I missed that one :(
23:09.59ScytheBlade1Antiarc: it's still up
23:10.07CairennAntiarc: missed what?
23:10.20AntiarcThe feeding frenzy that Shirik + co must have had last night :)
23:10.31AntiarcScytheBlade1: I have a copy, thanks
23:10.36AntiarcBut it's already been taken apart :P
23:10.41ScytheBlade1Antiarc: ah, thought that's what you missed ;)
23:10.41Cairennno, it was just dolby & shirik at it, in our staff channel
23:10.56AntiarcHeh, Shirik pinged me last night. That must have been why :)
23:11.04Cairennmost likely
23:11.35reqolhumph. there's no event when someone requests a trade. there's a TRADE_SHOW but it doesn't have any arguments. now I'm stumped as to how I'm supposed to accomplish this.
23:11.37Cairennbecause he was utterly swamped with other stuff
23:12.05WobWorkSo... what's this about the Blizzard merger?
23:12.16Cairennstill is, which is why the information you see on the front page of the site is all the info I have to give you on it - he really didn't actually get very far pulling it apart, just enough to know that it's bad
23:12.19ScytheBlade1WobWork: probably the only reason I'll ever go emo
23:12.46CairennWobWork: "Under the terms of an agreement with Vivendi, Blizzard and the other companies that make up Vivendi Games will combine with Activision to form a new public company called Activision Blizzard" :
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23:12.54bleeterWobWork: It's all to do with V-UA getting a kick up the arse.... (I hope) ;)
23:14.20ScytheBlade1Cairenn: have you been able to determine any relation to your and incgamer's issues? Any connections at all?
23:14.46Cairennwe know it was a chinese ip that got in
23:15.08WobWorkDamn chinese =P
23:15.21Cairennthat's all we know for sure
23:15.42AntiarcThe trojan and virus appear to be a variant of the wowui variant
23:15.54AntiarcGiven the timing and nature of delivery, I'd say it's a good bet it's the same people.
23:15.58ScytheBlade1Same applies to incgamers.. and I find it hard to believe that the timing, and similarities are two random occurances
23:16.05ScytheBlade1Yeah, that's what I'm wondering
23:16.14ScytheBlade1"printfpool" vs. "printfspool"
23:16.35Cairenneither that, or someone decided to take issue with some of the comments made in the incgamer thread and decided to hit us for it
23:16.44bleeterI'd also hazard a guess that WoWI's 'never been hacked/trojaned' claims might've been seen as... well, I don't wanna finish that sentence 'coz it might piss people off
23:16.46Cairennbut that's me being overly paranoid
23:16.50bleeterCairenn: my thoguhts 100%
23:17.19ScytheBlade1Cairenn: if you don't mind me asking, do you know how they got in? It's completly unrelated, but I'm incredibly curious
23:17.38bleeterScytheBlade1: dolby-wowi said it was an ssh attack, I think
23:17.40Cairennbleeter: they weren't "claims" - until now, no one has ever successfully hacked us
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23:17.44WobWorkThey posed as Avon ladies
23:17.56AntiarcCairenn: Given that the packaged trojan is a variant and not a copy of the wowui version, I'd say it'd be extremely unlikely that a vengeful reader did it
23:17.59ScytheBlade1bleeter: ah
23:18.05WobWorkAnd cunningly got by by offering free cosmetic samples
23:18.13bleeterCairenn: no offence, I haven't seen an independant auditors report ;)
23:18.33Cairennbleeter: no offense, go ask the users of our sites for the last 5 years
23:18.41Cairennwhen did you turn into such an asshole?
23:18.48ScytheBlade1Cidan: your ".wowadd" idea? I've been tossing the same thing around in my head for months.
23:19.16ScytheBlade1Cairenn: don't be hard on him. He's a gaim developer ;)
23:19.49dreamsswhaat site got owned?
23:20.00CairennScytheBlade1: (5:39:50 PM) Antiarc: What was the hole, if you're at liberty to disclose that?
23:20.00Cairenn(5:40:03 PM) Cairenn: "As we continued to investigate, it became apparent that the person who did this only hit our fs2 (file server 2) database server."
23:20.00Cairenn(5:40:28 PM) Cairenn: how much more that gets disclosed is up to dolby-wowi
23:20.00Cairenn(5:40:58 PM) dolby-wowi: these files werent uploaded threw our website
23:20.00Cairenn(5:41:19 PM) dolby-wowi: some one gained access to an ssh account
23:20.01Cairenn(5:41:28 PM) dolby-wowi: that has all been locked down now
23:20.03Cairenn(5:42:18 PM) dolby-wowi: really everything is firewalled / lockeddown until we move to our new servers.
23:20.05Cairenn(5:42:50 PM) bleeter: ~hug dolby-wowi
23:20.07Cairenn(5:42:51 PM) ***purl gets a running start and tackle-hugs dolby-wowi
23:20.09Cairenn(5:42:53 PM) dolby-wowi: will be taking alot of time to lock down our new servers as well"
23:20.24bleeteryup, me hugging dolby-wowi and Cairenn makes me such a fucking asshole, don't it
23:20.30AntiarcJust brute-forced the SSH login then, I guess, or did they compromise the ssh daemon?
23:20.41Antiarc(I mostly want to know if I need to watch for an openssh exploit for my own servers' purposes)
23:20.45CairennI'm sorry, the way you said it, it didn't come across as teasing
23:20.58WobWorkbleeter: You need larger smilies =)
23:21.09zenzelezzI'd guess it's more the way you keep speaking as if you need outside ("objective") reports
23:21.20dreamssAntiarc, sadly most of the time u find u/p in text files
23:21.28Cairennhey, I'm upset I won't deny it and I'm taking things in entirely the wrong way no doubt
23:22.01dreamssCairenn, i suggest you guys start using ssh keys also put sshd on a diff port
23:22.52bleeterWobWork: it's just simple fact. any claim of security is baseless without independent 3rd party verification who are prepared to stake their personal/corporate name to it. eg, APEC's claimed security. Who verified that total PoS =)
23:22.57dreamssis the user the same user who owns ur other website files?
23:23.09AntiarcScytheBlade1: Did you determine the target domain name yet?
23:23.17AntiarcIt's the same letter-swap algorithm
23:23.23AntiarcI don't have my lookup table from the other one though :(
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23:23.39ScytheBlade1Antiarc: no, but I have all of the parts of the trojan that I've found in a .zip (the incgamers one)
23:23.41Cairennbleeter: I'm sorry I'm snapping at you
23:23.53Cairenn(and anyone else that that apology applies to)
23:23.53ScytheBlade1I have yet to touch the wowi one, but probably will once I'm sure my system is clean
23:24.02reqolCairenn: stress does that to us all
23:24.08reqolwhether we like it or not
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23:27.48reqolto reiterate my question (I don't mean to seem impatient, I am not. if there is no one with time to help me, I understand in light of the recent events) :there's no event when someone requests a trade. there's a TRADE_SHOW but it doesn't have any arguments. now I'm stumped as to how I'm supposed to accomplish this.
23:28.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Bejitt (
23:30.21Kasoreqol, according to the framexml the unitID "NPC" should give you info about your trade partner
23:30.34ScytheBlade1Antiarc: okay, giving the wowi one a shot now
23:30.39Kasolines 41+ of TradeFrame.lua
23:31.51IrielThis is cool;
23:32.07*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
23:32.27Rayneever have a dinner so good that afterwords you just want to curl up and fall into a food coma for awhile?
23:32.45alestaneUsually around the fourth Thursday in November.
23:33.23ScytheBlade1Antiarc: LOLOL - when you install the Sewell, does it bring up cmd.exe asking you for a login with a typical ASCII art banner?
23:33.30AntiarcNot here
23:33.38ScytheBlade1A haha, this is rich
23:33.59bleeterRayne: frequently
23:34.15Taerithis might sound like a weird question
23:34.37zenzelezzthat's not a question, that's a statement
23:34.38Taeribut does the guildrosterinfo function sort of... exlude one person by default? :P
23:35.31reqolKaso: thanks a lot!
23:35.51bleeterIriel: that's cute, tho I think the 3d one's cuter =)
23:36.28Kasoreqol, you can see the cute here if you like;
23:36.32Irielbleeter: I think the 3D one distracts from the pictures
23:36.55bleeterIriel: the 2d one takes too long to move the maps around for the pics to load here, so is near total fail =)
23:37.48AntiarcScytheBlade1: For some reason, Wireshark isn't picking up this one's net traffic, unless it's not actually doing anything online
23:38.51ScytheBlade1Antiarc: same results here, just tried to login with fake information
23:39.11ScytheBlade1Antiarc: I DO have mouse.dll and wzcsvbc.dll again, however
23:39.51IrielThis makes me wish my camera wasn't broken
23:43.24reqolI had a page on setting onload functions for an all lua script, but I seem to have misplaced it. could anyone direct me to something similar. I believe it was on wowinterface.
23:43.32ScytheBlade1Antiarc: complete list of files found so far related to it?
23:43.39AntiarcWorking on it
23:43.43AntiarcNearly have the domain it's pulling from
23:44.05ScytheBlade1I'm going to have to reinstall it, I forgot wireshark :/
23:44.14bleeter~whaleslap ScytheBlade1
23:44.14purlACTION beats ScytheBlade1 upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
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23:45.22AntiarcOkay, found it
23:45.30AntiarcThe trojan is pulling from updata.exe
23:45.45AntiarcWhich I think is the game file
23:45.47Antiarcsame file*
23:45.56AntiarcIn fact, I know it is
23:46.07AntiarcSo yeah, same infection
23:46.17ScytheBlade1... haha
23:46.29AntiarcNote the "i" on the end of the domain
23:46.36Cairennso I need to tell them to look for "mouse.dll and wzcsvbc.dll" as well?
23:46.44AntiarcIt's the same virus as wowui
23:46.48ScytheBlade1Yup.. same removal instructions
23:46.48AntiarcSo same cleaning procedures
23:47.03Cairennexcept now we know a couple more files to look for
23:47.04ScytheBlade1To be honest, the solutions posted on the wow forums do NOT work for me.
23:47.14AntiarcScytheBlade1: It's possible that we missed something
23:47.22AntiarcSome resident file that's still sticking around
23:47.25ScytheBlade1It seems that the wowui got half of the infection, and the wowi got the other half
23:47.34ScytheBlade1Antiarc: exactly, I've found said resident file, as have others... sec
23:47.35CairennOkay, I have to run out real quick to pick my daughter up, I'll be back
23:48.10ScytheBlade1Yup. Got it.
23:48.16Cairennif you guys want to post those findings to the (threads), feel free
23:48.17ScytheBlade1printfpool is installed as a service.
23:48.27AntiarcAntiVir picked up mouse.dll on a scan of windows/system32
23:48.34ScytheBlade1Let me box it all up in one pretty document first, Cairenn
23:48.45AntiarcPicked up printfpool.exe
23:48.49CairennI'll be back
23:49.06bleeterAntiarc: what's it saying the files are infected with?
23:49.06AntiarcPicked up wzcsvbc.cll
23:49.19AntiarcIt's detecting it heuristically
23:49.25Antiarcno specific signature found, but it find it :)
23:49.27bleeterk, thx
23:49.38ScytheBlade1printfpool.exe is the service that it installs, printfpool.exe I think will unload another exe (21.exe in my case) which is responsible for sticking wzcsvbc.dll and mouse.dll back in place
23:49.52AntiarcIt is putting itself in the system restore caches as well, I think
23:49.59ScytheBlade1I don't use sysatem restore
23:50.02ScytheBlade1I've got it disabled
23:50.20AntiarcNot that
23:50.26AntiarcThe windows auto-restore-bad-files thing
23:50.36bleeterthat thing's so evil
23:50.43bleeterfor this very reason
23:50.55ScytheBlade1You positive?
23:51.00ScytheBlade1I didn't come up with that in my findings
23:51.04AntiarcBut I did pick up a copy in C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\HLCRKM6X
23:51.14ScytheBlade1That's not system restore though
23:51.24AntiarcI read the initial path wrong
23:51.28ScytheBlade1Ah, k
23:52.30AntiarcUsed AntiVir to clean, gonna see if that did it
23:53.05*** join/#wowi-lounge fridg (n=Fridgid@
23:53.12AntiarcOkay, mouse.dll is back after a clean+system reboot
23:53.22ScytheBlade1Nuke the printfpool service
23:53.29ScytheBlade1Safe mode, "sc delete printfpool"
23:53.33ScytheBlade1And rename the .exe
23:53.33AntiarcAlready deleted the exe
23:54.06ScytheBlade1It watches it's own back two ways (or more):
23:54.24ScytheBlade11) lsass.exe scans for mouse.dll every second, and replaces it through another process if it doesn't exist
23:54.46ScytheBlade12) The printfpool service, which waits for WoW to start, and from what I can tell, then reinstalls the trokan/keylogger
23:55.00ScytheBlade1My system WAS clean until I started WoW with the printfpool service running
23:55.09AntiarcInteresting. Thanks.
23:55.09ScytheBlade1Suddenly my old friend wzcsvbc.dll was back once I did
23:56.00ScytheBlade1(Also of note, lsass.exe also watches the legit wzcsvc keys to ensure that it remains trojaned, if you suspend or kill lsass.exe it stops watching and repopulating said files/reg keys)
23:56.06AntiarcOkay, a second cleaning after reboot seems to have done it in
23:56.09RayneI already asked Jelly this, but how would I go about having Omen auto-move itself from where its positioned in a solo / party spot, to another area for when in raid?
23:57.11ScytheBlade1Antiarc: start WoW, login (I used my actual account and password to login, and then changed the password)
23:57.15ScytheBlade1See if it comes back then
23:57.16Kasotiny addon that checks the raid join event and SetPoints the omen frame to a new location rayne
23:57.25AntiarcKaso has the right idea
23:57.42Kasolike 10-15 lines of code most
23:58.06RayneI couldnt code to save the planet

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