IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071123

00:00.10zenzelezz"DDR SDRAM", as far as I know, generally only means DDR-1
00:00.15Kelfarroh ok
00:00.32zenzelezzyou should be able to tell if it specifies clock speeds or something like that
00:03.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
00:03.06*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
00:03.26dreamssdoes it mention freq/pseed?
00:04.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
00:10.02*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
00:10.42batrickcairenn is gone we can spam safely again
00:13.56Shirikzenzelezz: Some manufacturers have been lazy lately
00:14.02Shirikand callin things like "DDR PC2-5300
00:14.05Shirikfor DDR2
00:20.19Kelfarrlol go to the test realm forums
00:20.24KandokoOk, using lua to create a tab button instead of xml. How do you properly set the width of a frame that uses a TabButtonTemplate?
00:20.46Shirik:SetWidth() ?
00:22.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Telnet (
00:24.45KandokoDosn't seem to have the desired effect. It affects text placement in the tab area but the tab borders remain fixed and narrow
00:25.42ShirikI never bothered with that template
00:25.53ShirikCide has, maybe when he comes on he can give you a better idea of how to use it
00:27.34Kelfarrhmm i don't know if i should spec arcane/fire or full fire when I get spellfire
00:27.50Shirikfyi Iriel
00:27.55ShirikThey literally just released the D300
00:28.00Shiriklike, an hour ago or so
00:28.55KandokoHrm, looking at the frame created with DUB's framefinder, looks like a tab made up of 6 child frames, for L R M  clicked and unclicked sets.
00:37.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Karen@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
00:37.41*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
00:38.25KelfarrCairenn is a girl right?
00:38.41Kelfarrthank god
00:38.50|Jelly|But I'm just hugging her. I'm soo taken. :P
00:39.44KelfarrThis rogue wants a macro to cast all his skills
00:41.13batrickKandoko: look at PanelTemplates_TabResize
00:41.51sysragei want a macro to raid for me. it better get good rolls though
00:44.31Kelfarrroll hacks
00:44.34Shirikyou know
00:44.45Shirikit has been proven that wanting to roll high can actually cause you to roll high
00:45.11Shirikin fact, when you roll, you actually roll all possible numbers, just the wave function collapses when it is observed to a single entity
00:46.17Shirikbut several experiments have gone something like this "Click this button" (It gives you a string of 1s and 0s). "Okay, now click it again, and try to get more 1s than last time." And it has been shown that, overall, people tend to get more 1s than they did on the first try.
00:46.43batrickShirik: o ya?
00:47.32Shirikanother similar experiment is making a tape recording of 100 clicks. Some in the left ear, some in the right ear, when you put on headphones. You record the same clicks on two tapes, nobody listens to it. Store one in a safe, send one home with a tester.
00:47.40ShirikTell him to try to get more left clicks than right clicks.
00:48.04ShirikIn general, he does, and you will find that the tape still does match the entry in the safe.
00:48.19Shiriksome crazy stuff :)
00:48.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin_ (n=igor@
00:49.11batrick--> local seed = os.time(); local i = 1; rand = function(m) i = i + 1 return seed*i%m end return rand(100)
00:49.11batbotbatrick: > 26
00:49.17batrick--> local seed = os.time(); local i = 1; rand = function(m) i = i + 1 return seed*i%m end return rand(100)
00:49.17batbotbatrick: > 38
00:49.28batrickhave fun shirik
00:50.43Shirikthat's a crappy random number generator :P
00:51.13Shirik--> math.random
00:51.14batbotShirik: > function: 0x80a3670
00:51.17Shirikwhy don't you just use that?
00:51.33batrickcuz math.random does what i showed u with fluff :D
00:51.37KasoShirik, what the hell is that you wrote up there ^
00:51.55Shirikit's quantnum mechanics, Kaso :)
00:52.55batrickshit like that is y quantum mechanics is shit shirik :0
00:52.57Kasocare to cite sources?
00:53.17*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
00:53.17*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
00:55.55ShirikKaso: Working on it
00:59.03cladhaireShirik: email, and PM me please.
00:59.22Shirikok, Kaso, here's a video discussing it; they cite their sources at the end:
00:59.27Shirikstill working on real source
00:59.32Shirikbut suffice to say, that is a real documentary
00:59.39Shirikdon't discredit it because it's on youtube :)
00:59.52KasoWhat the bleep do we know? thats a well known pseudo-science documentary
01:00.06buuShirik: What the hell are you talking about?
01:00.33batrick--> local seed = os.time() local a,b,last = 23,31 rand = function(m) return (a*(last or seed) + b) % m end
01:00.38batrickthere's a better one
01:00.45buuKaso: HAHAHA
01:00.56buuKaso: Someone is actually citing that shit?
01:01.01Shirikbuu: I am :)
01:01.07ShirikI'm citing them because they cite something else
01:01.10buuOh god.
01:01.10Shirikand I can't find the "something else"
01:01.23buuI'm pretty sure anything cited by 'what the bleep' is just as bad as that movie is.
01:01.45ShirikI would hope princeton knows what they're doing
01:01.47buuThe main person in the movie is someone who claims to channel 2000 year old aztec gods or some trash.
01:01.48Kasowell, it could just be that they vasty misrepresent it buu
01:01.52Kandokobatrick: Thanks :) that's sorted it out.
01:01.58Shirikbuu: You must be talking about something else
01:02.02Shirikthey have several movies
01:02.07batrickKandoko: yw
01:03.35batrick--> local h = 0; for i=1,100 do h = h + rand(100) end return h/100
01:03.35batbotbatrick: > 66
01:03.41batrickmm bias
01:03.45Kasoretrocausality is really facinating to me, but these guys just misrepresent it totally
01:04.29batrick--> local h = 0; for i=1,1000 do h = h + rand(100) end return h/1000
01:04.29batbotbatrick: > 66
01:04.53Shirikbatrick: impressive.
01:05.37Shirik--> return gcinfo()
01:05.37batbotShirik: > 359
01:05.42batricko i'm an idiot
01:05.55buuShirik: Uh.
01:06.39batrick--> local seed = os.time() local a,b,last = 23,31 rand = function(m) local r = (a*(last or seed) + b) % m last = r return r end
01:06.39batrick--> local h = 0; for i=1,1000 do h = h + rand(100) end return h/1000
01:06.39batbotbatrick: > 39.5
01:06.39buuShirik: You mean the movie that the smithsonian damn near got sued for showing?
01:07.06Shirikthis is irrelevant when I am not using the movie to prove my point
01:07.15ShirikI'm merely using it to show that the experiment did indeed exist, which is true
01:09.16*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
01:18.10batrick--> local h = 0; for i=1,1000 do h = h + rand(100) end return h/1000
01:18.10batbotbatrick: > 39.5
01:18.19batricki seem to have broken it
01:19.59Shirik--> rand = function(n) math.randseed(os.time()); return math.random(n) end
01:20.08Shirik--> return rand(5)
01:20.08batbotShirik: > [string "0"]:1: attempt to call field 'randseed' (a nil value)
01:20.20Shirik--> return math.srand
01:20.20batbotShirik: > nil
01:20.26Shirik--> return math.randomseed
01:20.27batbotShirik: > function: 0x80a36b0
01:20.36Shirik--> rand = function(n) math.randomseed(os.time()); return math.random(n) end
01:20.40Shirik--> return rand(5)
01:20.40batbotShirik: > 2
01:20.42Shirikthere you go.
01:20.54batrickthat's no fun
01:21.17ShirikI wrote up a mersenne twister in 68HCS12 assembly once
01:21.18Shirikit wasn't fun
01:22.25ShirikI should still have it somewhere
01:23.20batricki wonder why that didn't work
01:24.07*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
01:25.27bleeterany other engis here think that 10 is a rediculously small stack size for bolts?
01:28.21batrick-->local m = 2^17-1 local seed = os.time() % m local a,b,last = 23,31 rand = function(mod) local r = (a*(last or seed) + b) % m last = r return r % mod end
01:28.26batrick--> local h = 0; for i=1,1000 do h = h + rand(100) end return h/1000
01:28.26batbotbatrick: > 48.389
01:28.30batrickthere we go :d
01:28.38Shirikit wasn't entirely accurate, but it did its job for what I needed it to do
01:28.52Shirik(note the comments on line 38-39)
01:30.27batricklook at my purdy RNG shirik
01:30.34batrickwhat does your program do again?
01:30.50batrick!quote Shirik mer
01:30.50batbotbatrick, Shirik said: "I wrote up a mersenne twister in 68HCS12 assembly once".
01:31.07batrickmersenne twister?
01:32.05Shirik~wiki Mersenne Twister
01:33.43batrickwow purl that was ugly
01:35.40bleeterprolly 'coz IRC is ASCII ;)
01:47.20batrick--> local h = 0; for i=1,1000 do h = h + rand(100) end return h/1000
01:47.20batbotbatrick: > 49.295
01:53.12*** join/#wowi-lounge anko (
01:57.42Wobinanyone had any experience with phpnuke?
02:08.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (n=Arrow@unaffiliated/arrowmaster)
02:08.55*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
02:19.43*** join/#wowi-lounge pez| (
02:21.58purlugt is probably Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
02:28.20*** join/#wowi-lounge mahlik (
02:31.56mahlikcould someone tell me how big a project I'd be getting into trying to design an addon to block all whispers from users not on friends/guild list and send an auto responce (totally invisible to the user)? my primary language is c/c++, very limited experience w/ addon coding
02:32.17mahlikwondering if it'd be considered something simple or if I'm getting in over my head for a first project
02:33.21batrickprobably wouldn't be that hard
02:33.45dreamssanti spam addons allready do that
02:33.50dreamssone of them
02:33.55batrickbut if you actually expect people other than yourself to use it you will never hear the end of incompatibility problems
02:34.50mahlikwell I dont' care if anyone else uses it really I just had one called WhisperMeNot that was abandoned with 2.0 and I it was so good I've always wanted to revamp it forr 2.0 even if just for my own use.
02:35.02WobinIf a metagem requirement is more X than Y, if you have no Y, does it still count?
02:36.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
02:37.01batrick--> 5 > 0
02:37.01batbotbatrick: > true
02:37.07batrickWobin: ^ :)
02:37.18Wobinyes. in reality
02:37.21Wobinnow, in WoW?
02:51.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
02:53.56XuerianAnyone know of any boss-mod like mods for the Shartuul fights?
02:55.58Adyswhats the correct syntax for macro key modifiers? [modifier:alt] no?
02:56.25Adysso a macro:
02:56.42Shirikshouldn't work
02:56.42Adys*should* work no?
02:56.48Adysright thats a good thing
02:57.01Shirikthere are two issues
02:57.05Shirikfirst: Shift needs to be lowercase
02:57.13Shiriksecond: you will be on GCD at the time you hit drain soul
02:57.27Adysits not a sequence
02:57.30Adysits a simple modifier
02:57.45Adyslowercase didn't fix it =/
02:58.08Shirikyou will be on GCD when you hit drain soul
02:58.12Shirikthere is no way for it to go off
02:58.25Shirikdid you mean /cast [nomodifier:shift] Corruption ?
02:58.34Adysbut Im not casting any spell before :p
02:58.42Shirikyes you are
02:58.56Adysoh wait just realized what i was doing
03:00.01Adysnomodifier can be alone?
03:00.28Adysgot it now :)
03:05.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
03:05.19*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Joshua@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
03:48.52Wobinnow all I need is a handy priest and shaman
03:49.33Shirik!c us drenden kimina
03:49.36ThraeBotShirik: Kimina, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (20/41/0). 7341 HP; 10245 Mana; 418 mana regen; 236 mp5; 578 +spell dmg; 1593 +heal; 5.90% dodge;[[ TBR: 911 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Thu Nov 22 18:56:04 2007 EST ]]
03:51.18*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
03:52.26Kelfarryour spell damage is higher than mine
03:52.31Kelfarr!c us bronzebeard Kelfarr
03:52.35ThraeBotKelfarr: Kelfarr, Level 70 Blood Elf Mage (10/0/51). 5843 HP; 7771 Mana; 145 mana regen; 4 mp5; 111 spell crit; 3 spell hit; 528 +spell dmg/heal; 4.94% dodge; 17 resilience;[[ TBR: 732 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Thu Nov 22 18:59:01 2007 EST ]]
03:52.42Kelfarri have 528 lol
03:53.01JoshBorke!vs us drenden kimina us stormreaver dagh
03:53.04ThraeBotJoshBorke: Kimina vs Dagh! Two 70 priests square off!; 20/41/0 vs 14/0/47; Kimina wins by 61 TBRs!
03:53.20JoshBorkeyou finally beatme
03:53.28Shiriksomething's backwards in the game
03:54.00JoshBorkethe fact that you always have to stare at your ass just now getting to you?
03:54.53*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
03:57.16Shirikok as I was saying
03:57.21Shiriksomeone beat me, so I went naked and I beat them
03:57.25Shiriksomething's wrong with the stats :P
03:57.42|Jelly|!vs us burning legion jelly us drenden kimina
03:57.44ThraeBot|Jelly|: Jelly vs Kimina! Two 70 priests square off!; 23/38/0 vs 20/41/0; Jelly wins by 64 TBRs!
03:57.55|Jelly|Something is definitely wrong.
03:59.13batrickShirik: what was the exploit u were thinkin of, u never answered me
03:59.32Shirikusing a non-lua construct to go \n and then quit you out
03:59.45ShirikI still have one other up my sleeve but that's not yoru fault, and it takes a ton of work I don't feel like doing
03:59.50batrickdon't see how'd you accomplish that lol
04:00.09batrickbut i suppose that's the point
04:00.23Kelfarr!vs us bronzebeard Kelfarr us burning legion Jelly
04:00.24ThraeBotKelfarr: Kelfarr vs Jelly! A L70 mage and a L70 priest square off!; 10/0/51 vs 23/38/0; Jelly wins by 261 TBRs!
04:00.30Kelfarruh oh
04:00.54Shirik!vs us bronzebeard kelfarr us drenden kimina
04:00.56ThraeBotShirik: Kelfarr vs Kimina! A L70 mage and a L70 priest square off!; 10/0/51 vs 20/41/0; Kimina wins by 202 TBRs!
04:01.14batricko ya?
04:02.29Kelfarri fail
04:02.52batrick!vs us drenden kimina us batrick destromath
04:02.53ThraeBotbatrick: I failed on the second listed character. You half-fail.
04:03.04batrick!vs us drenden kimina us destromath batrick
04:03.07ThraeBotbatrick: Kimina vs Batrick! A L70 priest and a L70 mage square off!; 20/41/0 vs 17/0/44; Kimina wins by 25 TBRs!
04:04.37batrickThraeBot: wat else do u do?
04:05.33Shirikbatrick: !help
04:05.37*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Karen@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
04:12.06batrick!vs us drenden kimina us destromath batrick
04:12.07ThraeBotbatrick: Kimina vs Batrick! A L70 priest and a L70 mage square off!; 20/41/0 vs 17/0/44; Kimina wins by 25 TBRs!
04:12.15batrickit's always the same result?
04:12.19batrickthat's sad :(
04:12.33Kelfarr!vs us bronzebeard kelfarr us illidan furi
04:12.38ThraeBotKelfarr: Kelfarr vs Furi! A L70 mage and a L70 rogue square off!; 10/0/51 vs 5/31/25; Furi wins by 1159 TBRs! ***OWNED TO THE EXTREME!!***
04:12.41batrickmaybe i'm just slow but what is a TBR
04:12.47purl[tbr] ThraeBot Ratings -- a ThraeBot innovation. Working on a PvP-oriented weighted algorithm for what stats the Armoury currently has for your character, partially modified by build-type, it can be used to pit two characters in TBR vs TBR combat, and tries try to take into account which classes are fighting. (or "to be released")
04:13.03Kelfarr1159 tbr LOL
04:14.49Kelfarruhh wtf
04:14.53Kelfarrunable to connect to wow
04:15.04|Jelly|k. At least it's not just me. lol
04:18.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
04:19.57Kelfarrwhy are the wow forums so quiet
04:20.33|Jelly|I'd rather have "Why can't I connect?" be answered. :P
04:20.50Kelfarrsame but no one has even made a topic about it
04:23.04Kelfarrthat border I use in my UI is being soo overused now :(
04:31.08bleeterWobin: 18 hrs
04:31.36bleeter|Jelly|: oh, is omen out of favour these days?
04:31.51|Jelly|Look at the screenshot.
04:34.36bleeterso... login servers down?
04:34.47bleetersomeone in #wowwiki sez
04:35.35bleeterforum has collapsed =)
04:42.13Kelfarryeah their stuff is dead
04:42.22bleeterlooks like AT&T to WoW
04:48.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
04:48.32*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
04:49.00Shirikwb Cairenn
04:50.11*** join/#wowi-lounge SportChick (i=essy@freenode/staff/sportchick)
04:51.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Lukian (n=wizard@
04:55.20bleeterCairenn: /me contemplates updating his main comp to the latest distro release whilst we have downtime
04:55.27bleeterCairenn: wb
04:55.38bleeteranyways.. no.. must get game happening on laptop first
04:56.02bleeter'coz no doubt it totally won't work if I update my main comp
04:56.32bleeterfwiw, I'm back on... US login seems fine.
04:57.48*** part/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
05:00.15*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
05:27.27Shirikhalloween was last month nuts
05:28.28art3miseveryday is helloween
05:28.40art3misalien jorgenson  says so
05:29.15art3mis <-- see
05:35.25buuI need an an..
05:37.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:55.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Bejitt (
05:57.32|Jelly|Who wants to drive by Best Buy with a water gun?
06:06.50bleeterFobeed yells: And it's the $n coming through turn one!
06:07.05bleeterI don't seem to recal Shimmering Flats being like that before
06:07.07*** join/#wowi-lounge cubicaltroll (
06:07.45bleeterI'd report a bug... if I could get to the forums :/
06:07.58Lukianbleeter, I don't remember turn calls either
06:08.02Lukianbut maybe there was
06:08.22bleeterweird thing is, the npc yelled it again 2 seconds later
06:09.19*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
06:10.12bleeterat least the goblins won
06:10.25bleeterwho who can say if they were leading at the first turn?
06:10.33bleeterer s/who who/tho who/
06:14.06*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
06:15.19bleeterwell, gadget really
06:19.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Builer (
06:23.22*** join/#wowi-lounge anko (
06:26.21*** join/#wowi-lounge anko (
06:30.45*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | RTFPN please | WoWI Mod Uploader!| Patch Notes: | "may be too aussie a sense of humour for most" - Wobin
06:36.05Kelfarrwow still not working for everyone
06:36.55art3mislet's hear it for holiday auth server crasing
06:38.04bleeterit's the network, not auth :P
06:38.10bleeterwell, far as I could tell from earlier
06:38.37Lukianit's auth, or connection to auth :p
06:38.43Lukianrealms are fine afaik
06:41.00Kelfarrrealms are up
06:41.03Kelfarri checked the site
06:41.06Kelfarrbut auth isn't
06:41.16Kelfarrit just says unable to connect
06:44.04*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | RTFPN please | WoWI Mod Uploader!| Patch Notes: | "The crunchy spicy firey melt your face variety!" - Widgertick
06:48.39WobinCairenn: alas, my 3 minutes of fame =P
06:48.47Wobinoh wait 13
06:48.52Cairennsowwy, that one was just better
06:48.58Cairennyou'll get another, no doubt :)
06:49.06Wobintrue, It didn't have enough context =)
06:49.21Cairennneither does this one, but that usually makes them better ^_-
06:53.10*** join/#wowi-lounge IRCCRICKET (
06:54.17bleeterWobin: time to start keeping two times. (1) 15 hours to go, (2) either about 27 hours to go, or 4 or 5 days :/
06:56.08Cairennbleeter, Wobin: time to go for what?
06:56.42WobinTime to start
06:56.47Wobinand time to finish =\
06:56.51bleeterCairenn: 'til we might be rid of our rodent pm
06:57.13bleeterand it was one of his own party members who called him a lying rodent, so I'm not being biased there ;)
06:59.00art3misfor everything turn turn turn
07:03.57*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
07:04.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Bejitt- (
07:14.47*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzio (n=zenzelez@
07:15.30*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
07:21.14*** join/#wowi-lounge widgertick (
07:21.14*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o widgertick] by ChanServ
07:29.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Furl (
07:31.02Cairennhi Furl
07:31.58widgertickHeya Furl!
07:32.39FurlLos Angeles >
07:34.10FurlWut lol
07:34.32FurlWell, someone got off his turkey and managed to make the server work:O
07:36.15FurlArmory saved mylolgar
07:36.24FurlCheck it:
07:36.31Furl!c us eonar furlenssa
07:36.31ThraeBotFurl: furlenssa is not the character you are looking for!
07:36.35Furl!c us eonar furlenssao
07:36.38ThraeBotFurl: Furlenssao, Level 70 Blood Elf Warlock (41/3/17). 5470 HP; 6025 Mana; 121 mana regen; 7 mp5; 17 spell crit; 8 spell hit; 170 +spell dmg; 4.43% dodge; 18 resilience;[[ TBR: 362 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Thu Nov 22 22:43:07 2007 EST ]]
07:36.53Furl5470hp == teh secks.
07:37.22Corrodiasokay, i don't know who said warlocks are a powerful solo class, but at level 13, it's either extremely untrue or i don't know wtf at ALL that i'm doing
07:37.38Furl1-40 sucks for a warlock
07:37.56Corrodiaswhat's at 40/41?
07:38.03FurlI'm not sure
07:38.05Corrodiasmy priest was hella easier than this at this level
07:38.08FurlBut for some reason
07:38.13FurlIt's a lot easier.
07:38.46Corrodiasand/or these troggs are murderously hard for their level. i absolutely cannot handle these casters unless they're completely alone.
07:40.00Furl <-- If only all rogues looked like that.
07:40.58Corrodiasi'm still working out the proper spell rotation
07:41.08FurlSpell rotation isn't key until 70
07:41.20FurlJust CoA, immo, corr
07:41.37Corrodiaswell, "just wanding until it's dead" isn't good enough, i'm sure
07:41.45Corrodiasbut i like Corruption
07:41.46FurlIt is until 40
07:42.44FurlI'm not sure If I want t log back in
07:43.12FurlI feel like sitting on the PTR forum making random flam posts
07:44.36bleeterbeggars asking for gold for their guild vault tab!???? AARGH!
07:45.34FurlWe had like
07:45.42Furl2k gold in the first 3 days
07:45.55Furl4 tabs
07:46.03FurlAnd some other tabs
07:46.20FurlAnd I put a bunch of aq scarabs in here to piss off my GM
07:46.34FurlThere's some...
07:46.41FurlOnyxia Scale Cloaks
07:46.48FurlLike 10 of them
07:47.12art3misif yer horde go put a bunch of kittens in there ;P
07:50.28Corrodiasdo you think i'd have an easier time if i went over to the human or night elf areas and tried to level there?
07:50.38FurlDraenei imo
07:50.40Corrodiasi mean, there seem to be awfully few quests in this loch modan per level
07:50.45FurlWas so easy on my alliance lock
07:50.50Corrodiashmm. cool
07:51.00Corrodiasum. no idea how to get there. :o
07:51.17FurlGo to Menethil
07:51.27FurlThen take boat to Darkshore
07:51.33FurlThen Take boat to exodar
07:51.34Corrodiascool... where's menethil?
07:51.42FurlHar har
07:51.50Corrodiasbit of an ally noob here
07:52.00FurlLook at cart.
07:52.04Corrodiasokay, yeah, cool. thanks. screw these dwarves.
07:52.06FurlIt's there.
07:52.17FurlIt is a long and perilous journey
07:52.26Corrodiasi'd prefer that to dying 20 times on troggs
07:52.35Furl20 tmes on crocolisks then!
07:52.42Corrodiasyeah, but THEN i can level
07:52.42Furlmore like... 10
07:52.47Corrodiasokay, here's what i don't get
07:53.00Corrodiasif i run away from my pet so he despawns, i get a soul shard back. if i dismiss him, i don't. wtf?
07:53.12FurlThat's the way it works
07:53.28FurlThey think a soul shard == 75 pet happiness lulz
07:54.01FurlIt was made that way...
07:54.09zenziothink if you're a hunter and tell your pet to Stay before you run away so it's "dismissed", it doesn't lose happiness
07:54.10FurlWhen your pet wasn't stored hen you mounted
07:54.31zenzioguessing it's the same mechanic for all pets
07:54.37FurlIf you took a flight your pet would despawn by
07:54.44Furldistance and you get the shard
07:55.01FurlNow it's just a known fact and they don't want QQs about it if they remove it
07:55.13FurlOh, and warlock pets and hunter pts are COMPLETELY different
07:55.28FurlApart from having an owner
07:56.02zenzioyou were talking about getting out of range from them, that happens to both
07:56.39FurlWarlock pets have no XP or happiness, they are taught thru grimoires instead of bought skills, they reuire a reagent to summon, they have no need for stables as they are on-demand pets, &c..
07:56.44Corrodiash: cute, w: ugly. h: hungry, w: never needs food or happiness. h: needs levelling, w: always your level.
07:56.59Corrodiash: have to go to a stable to change, w: change whenever you feel like it
07:57.00FurlBeat ya.
07:57.25zenzionone of those points touches my point
07:57.26Corrodiasi mean, besides being able to choose what your pet looks like from a different set of features, the warlock seems to come out on top here
07:57.31FurlAlso, hunter pet taunts are more powerful than warlock
07:57.40Furlwarlock pet taunts are taunts
07:57.55Furlwarlock pets have uses.
07:58.29Furlspell lock, seduce, sacrifice, blood pact, infernal wrath of doom
07:59.13FurlOf course, warlocks are squishy, hunters are bitches.
08:00.28Corrodiasnasty little bitches
08:00.32Corrodiasi have one at level 70
08:06.54*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
08:07.06Corrodiasgot a croc on my ass, but he only hit me once before giving up
08:08.41Corrodiashalfway there...
08:10.50Corrodiasmade it, 0 other attacks
08:13.36Lukianblood pact / mana battery ty! :p
08:15.26Corrodiasso yeah, i'm ready for a mount now
08:15.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Morpheus|Dead (
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08:16.50bleeterkindly note to all: auctioneer/gatherer websites will be offline sometime over the weekend for scheduled maintenance. Please see our home page for infos (in case anyone you know, eg guildies or random q netters here come asking)
08:17.11bleeterpastey might probably also be noticably offline for some time
08:18.27bleeterMorpheus|Dead: you've got +v here! you important person!
08:19.06KelfarrWoW still down?
08:19.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
08:19.56Corrodiasdo locks get an aoe fear?
08:23.08foxlitHowl of Terror
08:23.35bleeterKalroth: I can log into the forums, if that counts for anything
08:23.44zenzioI find that really misleading. A gnome simply can't scare you with a scream
08:24.00bleetersorry Kalroth, that was meant for Kelfarr
08:24.15KalrothAssumed as much, too many K's in here :)
08:24.50KalrothI'm on top of Kelfarr though!
08:25.10KalrothOh wait, KaoS` is between us  
08:25.18bleetermoar kinky
08:27.03*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
08:27.03*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
08:29.08Corrodiasso where do i head for the draenei starting area?
08:29.27Corrodiasi mean, which Region specifically do they start in?
08:33.33bleeterazuremyst isle
08:33.40bleetersubzone... erm...
08:34.54bleeterAmmen Vale
08:35.21EsamynnI don't remember the name, on Azuemyst Isle, just follow the road that goes east of Exodar ALL The way east
08:40.22Kelfarrsome mage is telling me my frost spec sucks even though he raids with Slow
08:42.09Corrodiaswhy are these night elves so TALL?
08:42.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
08:43.35Corrodiasand they're quite inhospitable. i remember my troll trying to get on the boat and they were not at all accomodating.
08:45.08bleeterKelfarr: hmm, given me some food for thought.. I've been thinking of tweaking my frost for a little while... thanks for the advice! ;)
08:49.22bleeterI was heading out, then someone pointed out some news to me
08:49.27bleeterHAPPY BIRTHDAY WOW!
08:49.47bleeterI started a 'happy birthday' thread on the general forum...
08:50.30Esamynnlol, it IS that day
08:50.34Esamynnwow is 3  years old
08:50.47Esamynnbleeter: I thought you were going out... :P
08:51.46EsamynnI guess he actually went
08:54.33*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
08:59.32*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (n=leethal@
09:12.21*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | RTFPN please | WoWI Mod Uploader!| Patch Notes: | "The crunchy spicy firey melt your face variety!" - Widgertick | Happy Birthday WoW!
09:12.24Cairennnight guys
09:15.06*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
09:16.56Kelfarrits not wows birthday till the 24th
09:42.21*** join/#wowi-lounge [Ammo]_ (
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09:43.02RayneDamn Kel youre still up O_o
09:49.01Corrodiasno, damn me, i'm still up
09:51.28*** join/#wowi-lounge fridgid (n=Fridgid@
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10:04.31sag_ich_nichtperfectraid with percentages for health/mana
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11:11.04tedrock"/cast [noflyable, nostance:4, noswimming, outdoors] Travel Form;" why does this try to cast while i'm indoors. eventhough it specificly says "OUTDOORS"
11:12.38tedrockhell even "/cast [outdoors] Travel Form;" tries to cast while indoors
11:13.05widgertickIt doesn't know what else to do?
11:13.35tedrockif i put "/cast [indoors] Travel Form;" it doesn't try to cast while indoors our outdoors
11:14.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
11:14.11tedrockif it says outdoors it will try to cast while indoors and i get the error "can only be used outdoors"
11:14.35zenziodon't know if this is the issue, but I think you may wnat to drop the ;
11:14.46zenzioit creates a second conditional
11:14.58tedrockthere was a second condition
11:15.06tedrock/cancelform [stance:4]
11:15.58tedrockwhile indoors "/cast [outdoors] Travel Form" = "Can only be used outdoors" error
11:16.01zenziono, I mean that "/cast [outdoors] Travel Form;" is the same as "/cast [outdoors] Travel Form; []" or so
11:16.09tedrocki removed teh ;
11:16.11tedrocksame issue
11:16.18tedrockit's just "/cast [outdoors] Travel Form" no other lines nothing
11:16.23tedrockand it still tries to cast indoors
11:16.59zenziodon't know then, I'm not very savvy with macros :-|
11:19.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
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11:20.07tedrockit appears to be the area i was testing.
11:20.14zenziowhere were you?
11:20.21tedrocka building in moodglade
11:20.39tedrockit was registered as not outdoors but wasn't registering as indoors
11:20.58zenzioah... guess buildings can have "missing" flags like that
11:20.58tedrocki tried another structer and it works there
11:21.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
11:21.20Wobintedrock: [noindoors]?
11:22.06zenzioI'm fairly sure indoors/outdoors are basically the same as [nooutdoors]/[noindoors]
11:22.16zenzioat least it sounds logical
11:22.40tedrockWobin: same result
11:22.45tedrockit was teh building
11:31.05tedrockanyone know if you can use an OR command in macro options like "/cast [outdoors OR modifer ctrl] blahspell"
11:31.15tedrockwould | be or?
11:34.45zenziobut there is a way
11:35.00zenzio/cast [outdoors] [modifier:ctrl] spellname
11:35.12tedrockyah i just found that on the forums. thanks
11:37.34tedrockjust making a forms macro for my druid. needed a way so i could force travel form. so if i was in a fylable area but didn't want to go flight form
11:38.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
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13:41.10clad|awaysag_ich_nicht: change the UNIT_HEALTH function
13:42.15sag_ich_nicht[14:42] Spagmalin: in WHAT FFS
13:42.21sag_ich_nichtit's not like i'm asking for me
13:42.26sag_ich_nichtshe doesn't really know lua.
13:42.31sag_ich_nichtand i don't use perfectraid D:
13:42.56clad|awayi do not have the time to sit and give you step by step instructions
13:43.03clad|awayalter the PerfectRaid:UNIT_HEALTH function in PerfectRaid.lua
13:43.18clad|awayanyone here should be able to tell you how to do that
13:43.56sag_ich_nichti'm not asking for that, but do you happen to know wherewhere to get the percentages from from head, maybe? otherwise bye 8D
13:45.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
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14:22.04sag_ich_nicht~botmail for ckknight: fubar is missing dependencies in the .toc
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16:52.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
16:52.38pez|There used to be a guild recruitment channel, didn't it?
16:52.56JoshBorkethere still is
16:53.00JoshBorkemake sure you have the join option
16:53.28JoshBorkeunder interface->advanced options->Auto Join Guild Recruitment Channel
16:54.06pez|I am in a guild, BUT, I want to advertise my guild on that channel, and I can't find it XD
16:54.44zenzelezztried /join GuildRecruitment ?
16:55.01zenzelezzcan't recall if that's the right name
16:55.29pez|I love you now, thanks:D
16:56.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
17:01.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
17:02.59pez|Now all I need, is a recruiting macro XD
17:03.30mikmaeww :(
17:04.51pez|so I don't have to retype everything I said to actually send soemthing to the guild recruitment channel.
17:04.51mikmawhy not just go into trade chat and "WTB more members for guild"
17:05.25pez|because trade is not meant for that? XD
17:05.33pez|ofcourse, lots of stuff in Trade isn't meant for trade.
17:05.49mikmaoh, really? ;)
17:06.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
17:12.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
17:14.57PolarinaI'm unable to connect to
17:15.36PolarinaNevermind. :)
17:16.09*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (n=Joshua@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
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17:46.59*** join/#wowi-lounge dalhia (
17:48.00dalhiaAnyone here able to help me with some Geist errors in my taint.log?
17:48.11dalhia5+ lines per error, so I wont copy paste them here
17:48.55sag_ich_nichtjust use
17:49.39sag_ich_nichti suggest you contact the author of Geist about that
17:50.07dalhiaI'll leave a comment on the addon page, thanks for the site :)
17:51.30mikmadalhia: better support for that in #wowace methinks
17:51.39dalhiathey referred me to here ;)
17:51.51mikmahmm O_o
17:52.04mikmaoh well, then Geist might not be an aSe2 addon
17:52.37dalhiayeah, it isnt
17:53.10mikmawell, then you did the right thing already, by leaving the comment in the addon page
17:54.24Elkanothough that taint stuff is strange shit when trying to debug it... at least sometimes
17:54.36*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Joshua@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
17:55.42dalhiaGot a taint log filled with it though, should be something usefull in it I hop
17:58.40mikma"An action was blocked in combat because of taint from Geist"
17:58.57mikmai think that says quite alot, Geist is trying to do something nasty while ui is locked
17:59.58dylanmmikma is never wrong
18:00.12sag_ich_nichtbut anyway
18:00.15sag_ich_nichti go play now
18:00.18sag_ich_nichti found out
18:00.26sag_ich_nichtwhat broke Threat-1.0 for me
18:00.36nevcairielthat aura mod ? :P
18:00.41sag_ich_nichtyea :P
18:01.10sag_ich_nichtadvise: if any of you are using AuraMap, take a look at it's code, then delete it ASAP from your harddrive. actually, i even go as far as suggesting to shred it, just because it's so digusting.
18:02.15*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (n=Joshua@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
18:04.16sag_ich_nichtdamn you, typo
18:04.18dalhiaSomeone has some good advice of what I can do to keep my eyes more on my Lights Grace buff without having to actually watch my buff pane? Something like a small counter of LG time left or so
18:04.23dalhia(or a candybar, wathever)
18:05.24dylanmYeah just make a separate EBB group that just does that... scale it up all big-like
18:05.27dalhiaI got it, can I create extra bars for just 1 buff?
18:05.31dalhiaah, great
18:06.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
18:08.58dylanmYeah there are filtering options or something... I used it a while ago and I did stuff like that for blessings and such.
18:10.07Elkanodalhia, create a new group targeted on player and only the filer for buffs checked and then choose the buff you want to show from the whitelist
18:10.43Elkanothen configure the group's look as you like it and place it where it's easy to see. done :)
18:11.05dylanmStraight from the man himself
18:36.13*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter_ (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
18:37.23JoshBork1what's a cookie-cutter raid healing priest spec?
18:38.18buu61 POINTS IN HOLY.A
18:38.35buu(Lightwell = win)
18:39.34JoshBork1Shirik: link it please
18:39.37buuI'm really starting to like the concept of a light well.
18:39.48buuI'm not sure I've ever seen one used effectively
18:39.49Shirik!c us drenden kimina
18:39.52ThraeBotShirik: Kimina, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (20/41/0). 7121 HP; 9795 Mana; 384 mana regen; 197 mp5; 580 +spell dmg; 1595 +heal; 6.30% dodge; +15 all resists (+5 all);[[ TBR: 768 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Fri Nov 23 09:46:24 2007 EST ]]
18:40.02buuBut we seem to end up in a lot of fights with a fair amount of raid damage and no raid healing.
18:40.13buuLike, I'd sacrifice people for a lightwell on VR
18:40.17Shirikit can be effective in certain places
18:40.32Shirikgruul for the rogues, or placing one out for after shatters
18:41.16buuThe range is sort of low though.
18:41.28buuEspecially on VR =/
18:42.28ShirikI'm thinking of dropping lightwell though
18:42.49JoshBork1thanks kimina
18:42.53buuHow hard could it possibly be to fix.
18:43.04Shirikproblem is people don't use it
18:43.10Shirikeven if I drop it, nobody looks at their own health
18:43.13Shirikthey're too busy stabby stab
18:43.22buuWell, yes, it's a tiny item out in the middle of nowhere that doesn't heal for all that much.
18:43.29Shirikoh it heals for a lot
18:43.35Shirik2k per tick
18:43.37Shirikfor me
18:43.41buuHow many ticks?
18:43.47Shirik3 I think
18:43.50Shirikover 6 seconds
18:43.50buuHeh, obviously I haven't gotten that many chances to use one!
18:44.07buuAs a lock I'm always very health concious, so I appreciate that sort of thing, but yeah.
18:44.17buuHow long does the well last?
18:44.58Shirik5 charges or 2 minutes
18:44.59ShirikI think
18:45.09buuThat's not bad at all.
18:45.11Shirik5 charges or 3 minutes*
18:45.15buuI could just get a personal one on VR.
18:45.37buuThen I could pull aggro and die a lot.
18:46.09buuWhat if LW worked like a super healing stream totem, perhaps raid wide.
18:46.36buuLike, lasts 30 seconds, heals 100/3, lasts 30, 5min CD.
18:46.49buuWell, perhaps slightly higher healing.
18:47.24ShirikI dunno, lightwell has been buffed but I think it just needs to be seriously reviewed
18:47.28Shirikand replaced with something more practical
18:47.35Shirikit's a great idea, but people just don't use it
18:47.43Shirikprobably because they don't expect it
18:47.49buuAnything that requires the people being healed to move and change position to use is not so good.
18:48.15buuHeh, I'm just imagining lightwell rotations on morogrim.
18:48.44ShirikBut circle of healing is really <3 <3
18:48.55JoshBork1!c us stormreaver dagh
18:48.57sag_ich_nichtwant to see something disgusting and ugly?
18:48.59ThraeBotJoshBork1: Dagh, Level 70 Dwarf Priest (20/41/0). 7191 HP; 9300 Mana; 322 mana regen; 139 mp5; 17 spell crit; 579 +spell dmg; 1437 +heal; 4.82% dodge; 22 resilience; 10 frost resist (+10);[[ TBR: 763 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Fri Nov 23 09:55:31 2007 EST ]]
18:49.15JoshBork1how's that for a newly converted shadow priest?
18:49.30Shirikthat spec looks very familiar :P
18:49.33sag_ich_nichtdoesn't get more disgusting
18:49.54Shiriksag_ich_nicht: holy hell
18:49.55JoshBork1at least everything is prefixed with AuraMap
18:50.03ShirikI did see a coment though!
18:50.09buuJoshBork1: 7000 hp.. about average.
18:50.11Shirikline 335: AuraMap_PartyAuras[0] = 1; -- Blood Pact
18:50.42ShirikJoshBork1: That's actually good
18:50.50Shirik1300 is pretty much the "critical number" for +healing
18:51.02JoshBork1i just converted from being the top shadow priest in the guild to being a mediocre holy priest =D
18:51.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
18:51.14JoshBork1yea, i need to enchant and gem my healing gear
18:51.27Shirikyou could use some spirit :)
18:51.33ShirikI'm disappointed, my spirit used to be over 500
18:51.36Shiriknow it's barely over 400
18:52.01JoshBork1what enchant should i get on my weapon?
18:52.07sag_ich_nichtShirik: wanna know something about that?
18:52.09Shirikthat's in debate
18:52.22Shirikbut in general I have heard some of the best people doing what I intend to do when I get a second weapon
18:52.22sag_ich_nichtShirik: it breaks threat-1.0 after a loading screen
18:52.37sag_ich_nichtuntil you reloadui
18:52.42ShirikGet spellsurge on one weapon, get +81 healing on a second
18:52.47sag_ich_nicht(e.g. entering/leaving an instance, changing worlds, etc.)
18:52.56JoshBork1Shirik: spellsurge is <3
18:52.58Shirikin general try to put the +81 healing on something with a lot of spirit or mp5, like the staff from nightbane
18:53.02JoshBork1thing procs all the damn time
18:53.18Shirikswitch out the spellsurge weapon for your +81 healing weapon whenever spellsurge procs for 50 seconds
18:53.21JoshBork1i ran a few heroics with a priest that had spellsurge on the maiden wep
18:53.31Shiriksince spellsurge has a hidden CD
18:53.38JoshBork1interesting idea
18:53.41Shirikthat's what I intend to do when I can get that damn staff
18:54.15Shirikuntil then, I just have spellsurge, and yes it definitely is <3
18:54.35JoshBork1i wsa thinking that 1500 would be my target +healing
18:54.37JoshBork1then focus on spirit
18:54.53Shirik1500 is typically a good target, yeah
18:55.05Shirik1300 is just a critical number (that is, that's when your spells like circle of healing become worth it, etc.)
18:55.16JoshBork1hm, should i post on the forums about my recent change?
18:55.17Shirik1500 is typically a target where people start saying "ok, enough +healing, let's work on other stats"
18:55.22JoshBork1or should i just wait until the next raid
18:55.34Shirikr ok
18:55.46Shirikdamn dual screen -_-
18:56.56JoshBork1ugh, 8 primal life
18:57.03buuShirik: I feel like writing my own WWs =/
18:57.03Shirikfor the +81 healing yeah
18:57.11buuPrimal life is the cheapest primal!
18:57.13Shirikwow web stats?
18:57.15buuShirik: WWS, yes.
18:57.33buuShirik: But I can't think of a compelling reason.
18:57.33JoshBork1spellsurge is so much cheaper
18:59.00Shirikit really is
18:59.05Shirikthat was the first thing that brought me to it :)
18:59.11Shirikthen I heard about how awesome it is, and I was like "hell yes"
19:00.03buuHeh, learn herbalism, I have so many primal lifes..
19:00.04Shirikespecially, no offense, with your low mp5
19:00.10ShirikI think it will help you ouit a lot JoshBork1
19:00.11JoshBork1shirik: none taken
19:00.30JoshBork1shirik:  like i said, i just became holy.  all my gear is left-overs from the healers not wanting
19:00.51JoshBork1not bad of de fodder :D
19:00.51buuJoshBork1: spriest > hpriest =[
19:00.52Shirikthat's pretty damn good for leftovers
19:01.04JoshBork1buu: i know, but i was tired of crappy healers
19:01.17buuYeah, I'm strongly considering getting a healer up there.
19:01.25buuIt's unfortunate the only other class I seem to be able to level is a hunter..
19:01.29Shirikbut yeah, once you hit 1500, don't focus entirely on +healing anymore, because with a priest, most of that just goes straight into +healing
19:01.32JoshBork1and i figure i'll only keep it for a week
19:01.34Shirikoverhealing I mean
19:01.48Shirikdon't completely forget about it of course :)
19:01.58Shirikbut once you hit 1500 there's probably other stats you should pay attention to
19:02.24buuJust get 2k healing and spam rank1 spells, duh.
19:02.29ShirikI mean, raid buffed I still reach 1800, but w/e :P That's just side effects
19:02.43Shirikthat doesn't work anymore buu :)
19:02.44zenzelezzhm, I didn't notice they reorganized the Blacksmithing window's contents
19:02.51zenzelezzI like it
19:02.56ShirikIn fact I would tend to argue, priests are one of the few classes that really shouldn't downrank spells
19:03.57buuShirik: =[
19:03.58buuShirik: Why?
19:04.06Shirikit just doesn't work out
19:04.24Shirikbecause +healing is cut when you downrank, and because of the length of casting time of priests
19:04.26JoshBork1Shirik: like spirit and mana/5 =D
19:04.39Shirikit's far easier  and more effective to just weave in and out of the 5sr
19:05.07JoshBork1shirik: i don't think any of the healers in my guild even know what the fsr is
19:05.14Shirikthat's bad ><
19:05.17JoshBork1i know
19:05.32ShirikIf I see a priest in my team spamming flash heal or something of that nature, I talk to them.
19:05.36ShirikIf they keep doing it, they're gone.
19:05.45Shirikif they want to do that, they can be a pally.
19:06.00buuShirik: Please come fix our healers.
19:06.11Shirikand seriously, they can be a pally
19:06.14Shirikour pallies are god awful
19:06.26Shirika few weeks ago, one of them caused more damage to the raid than he did heal
19:06.28buuShirik: Our pallies just fail at inner demons.
19:06.37ShirikI literally mean he did more points of damage to the raid team than he did points of healing
19:06.47Shirikand then next week
19:06.57Shirikthat pally got outhealed by a shadow priest
19:07.00zenzelezzour primary healers now are paladins and shamans :-o
19:07.11Shirika shadowpriest doing damage
19:07.13buuShirik: When you're losing to warlocks you have real issues..
19:07.18JoshBork1i outheal on netherspite =D
19:07.29ShirikI doubt you can outheal me :P
19:07.31Shirik30k flash heals?
19:07.39buuHaha, green beam?
19:07.41Shirikyes, I stand in the green beam the entire time :D
19:07.49JoshBork1i wasn't in any beam
19:08.01buuI've always thought people should, but they're scared of going oom or something.
19:08.03JoshBork1and i outhealed everyone
19:08.13Shirikit's pointless to think that
19:08.20Shirikif you have two good healers, they should take it the entire time
19:08.37Shirikthing is
19:08.48Shirikeach tick of the green beam results in you going back to full mana
19:08.58Shirikonce you get out of it, your mana goes to zero, big deal
19:09.14Shiriktake a mana pot, take a little break, do some extra healing during the next phase but nothing major
19:09.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
19:09.27Shirikthe other healer can take care of it with his massive heals
19:09.34Shirikrotate over and over until he dies :)
19:15.22sag_ich_nichtyou take longer than one banish to kill him? :/
19:15.38Shirikwe have a lot of new dps =(
19:15.45Shirikthat's theo nly reason we're in kara agani
19:15.48Shirikinstead of the eye or whatever
19:18.52JoshBork1now to see how i stack up to the rest of the guild
19:19.47Shirikan intelligent holy priest can easily outheal the rest
19:19.50Shirikeven undergeared
19:20.39Shirikwow your guild is huge
19:20.43JoshBork1geebus, one priest is almost 2k healing
19:20.49JoshBork1Shirik: yea, it's a "family" guild
19:20.59ShirikJoshBork1: What's his mp5 and spirit?
19:21.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
19:21.09JoshBork1439 spirit
19:21.19JoshBork1and 198 mana/5
19:21.42Shirikdoes he do well on the meters?
19:22.42Shirikor does that 198 not include the spirit?
19:23.17JoshBork1Shirik: i dunno, he's drunk half the time
19:23.25JoshBork1he's one of the priests that doesn't know the 5sr
19:23.43Shirikthen he's pretty much screwed
19:23.57ShirikI could only understand that if you are paying a ton of attention to the 5sr
19:24.28Shirikwhat do you all raid?
19:24.38JoshBork1gruul, vr, kara, za
19:24.46JoshBork1we've only killed the 2nd boss in ZA
19:24.55JoshBork1tried lurker and failed...multiple times
19:24.59Shirikhave a decent tank?
19:25.15Tierrie_hey anyone here have a vent or teamspeak server i can use to play with a friend?
19:25.38ShirikI do but you'd have to give me a few minutes
19:25.42JoshBork1Shirik: yea, we've got a few decent tanks
19:25.49Tierrie_thanks shirik
19:25.58ShirikJoshBork1: Then I'd assume that +2k is just going straight into overheal :)
19:26.11JoshBork1Shirik: probably :D
19:26.21ShirikTierrie_: PM me a password for you and your friend (and your friend's name)
19:26.32sag_ich_nichthow can you possibly not kill lurker :/
19:26.50JoshBork1sag_ich_nicht: failing at avoiding spout and failing to kill adds
19:27.18JoshBork1sag_ich_nicht: apparently sustaining 400 DPS is too hard for 12 people to do
19:27.39RayneIf people listen, the fight is easy
19:27.47sag_ich_nichtjump in the damn water, sheep all the melee adds, have the ranged kill the ranged adds while melee focus on one melee add one at a time
19:27.50JoshBork1preaching to the choir =D
19:28.05sag_ich_nichtif you can't even manage 400 dps
19:28.07sag_ich_nichtgtfo SSC
19:28.09sag_ich_nichtand gb2kara
19:28.14Tierrie_I msged you Shirik
19:28.16sag_ich_nichtno actually
19:28.19sag_ich_nichtdon't even gb2kara
19:28.52JoshBork1sag_ich_nicht: i can almost clear 2 adds by myself before he comes back up
19:29.18sag_ich_nichtlook i'm retribution and i do 500-600 dps there... stop failing :/
19:29.37JoshBork1well, could, but i respeced
19:33.55JoshBork1holy spec is going to make farming difficult
19:34.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (i=outlaw@
19:36.02Tierrie_Shirik are you still here?
19:37.25*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
19:37.32Shirikyeah sorry
19:37.34Shiriksetting up the accounts
19:37.57Tierrie_thanks mate
19:40.07zenzelezzyou'll regret this when you check up on them in 30 minutes and fnd them voice-cybering Shirik
19:41.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
19:42.52ShirikTierrie_, you still here?
19:44.12*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Joshua@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
19:45.57Shiriksee PM :P
19:46.38purlACTION cowers away from werehamster
19:47.28*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
19:47.54Tierrie_oh hey
19:47.59Tierrie_got it trying to connect now
19:48.10Shirikyou can't connect? o.o
19:48.39Shirikthere are 4 people on right now :/
19:48.48Shirikyou have vent 3.0 right?
19:48.54Tierrie_ts lol
19:48.57Tierrie_ok let me get ts
19:49.17Shirikdefinitely vent :P
19:49.17zenzelezzI can see how that would be troublesome
19:49.18Shirikts is ftl
19:49.18*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
19:50.00Tierrie_installing now
19:52.08Tierrie_we're in
19:52.21Shirikhow the hell your friend connected with that name, I don't know, but I don't care
19:52.27Tierrie_we're sneaky
19:56.02*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork2 (
19:59.05Tierrie_me genius
19:59.08Tierrie_i shut down vent by accident
20:03.08*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
20:03.38batrickanybody know ifvent 3.0 still has an 8 person limit for the free server?
20:03.54zenzelezzdon't know, but would think so
20:06.15dreamssit does
20:06.22dreamssand cant change the default port
20:12.16Shirik3.0 is nothing more than flagship saying "Oh shit, TS3 will come out soon, we have to do something so it makes us look like we've been working on stuff"
20:12.32*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (n=sylvanaa@
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20:19.19Temany python folks around?
20:21.10batricklua> local x="x" x=x:rep(300) for i=1,5 do x=x..x end return x:find(".-%$")
20:21.13lua_botbatrick: nil
20:22.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
20:22.59batricki broke luabot
20:23.11PolarinaUsing the NVIDIA beta drivers, I get strange texture glitches in WoW. I have screenshots..
20:23.39Shirikmaybe that's why they're beta? :P
20:23.54batricklua> return 1
20:24.03batricki win
20:24.31Shirikthat's odd
20:24.36Shirikit's supposed to spawn a new process each time
20:24.49batricki don't think clad added that
20:24.52Shirikhe did
20:25.04*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
20:25.19Polarina^ A screenshot of my problem.
20:25.56batrickthat's sorta unfortunate, i'll need to fix that problem for batbot and unfortunately it will require modifying the pattern matching algorithm /sigh
20:27.43PolarinaAnyone knows what might be causing this?
20:28.10zenzelezzthe scourge
20:28.45zenzelezzI'm cautious about beta drivers
20:29.13hastePolarina: that reminds me of pokemon
20:32.06LukianPolarina, sexy
20:32.19Lukiansounds like broken drivers or faulty card :p
20:35.02PolarinaI doubt it is the card..
20:38.27*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
20:42.02AnduinLotharheh, here's my movie:  Apparently the movie perusing crowd hates it, but w/e I just made it for my own entertainment. Guess I need to upload it somewhere that can stream it, warcraftmovies wasn't really clear on that. Torrent avail.
20:45.59zenzelezzso I'm in Ironforge doing some AH business, and a lowbie asks in trade chat for a crafter for Inlaid Mithril Cylinder. I tell him to meet me at the anvil, and when he arrives I can see him stop and turn around before asking me where I am. In his words, he thought I was "Darth Vader or something"
20:46.07zenzelezz(T5 warrior set)
20:46.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
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20:59.17lua_botbatrick: 1
20:59.28batrickluabot welcome back
20:59.32zenzelezznow that took time
21:01.36batricklua> x="%s" x=x:rep(300) for i=1,9 do x=x..x end local t={} for i=1,190 do t[i] =x end return x:format(unpack(t))
21:01.36lua_botbatrick: sandbox.lua:157: maximum memory (5000 KiB) exceeded
21:01.49batricklua> x="%s" x=x:rep(300) for i=1,8 do x=x..x end local t={} for i=1,190 do t[i] =x end return x:format(unpack(t))
21:01.50lua_botbatrick: sandbox.lua:157: maximum memory (5000 KiB) exceeded
21:01.54batrickbah find
21:02.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
21:04.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano_ (
21:07.36batricklua> local x="x" x=x:rep(300) for i=1,10 do x=x..x end return x:find(".-%$")
21:08.23*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
21:08.54*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
21:09.48zenzelezzSteven Seagal on TV again
21:11.37Cairennsweet dreams
21:12.07*** part/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (i=outlaw@
21:12.26*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
21:12.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (i=outlaw@
21:15.58*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
21:16.59Shirik~staple |Jelly|
21:17.00purlACTION attaches a staple gun to a pneumatic nail gun via duct tape, staples |Jelly| quite well, and hands |Jelly| to shirik
21:19.55batrickit's snowing pretty hard in albuquerque
21:21.34|Jelly|It's not in Ft.Worth[less]
21:22.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
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21:31.35Shirik~weather kdab
21:31.39Shirikpretty sure it's not snowing
21:31.47Shirikoh wow 51.. pretty cold
21:36.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
21:36.37*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
21:38.03KasoOoh, Jack T's stalling to prevent his disciplinary trial has finally been dismissed, lovely.
21:38.33zenzelezzI think the US should temporarily reinstate flogging just for him
21:39.05Shirikunfortunately one of the amendments is against that
21:39.08ShirikI seem to think it's in the fifth
21:41.52Tierrie_hey shirik is that vent up all the time?
21:41.59Tierrie_me and my friend wants to play more wc3 in the future
21:43.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Kelfarr (
21:43.43Kelfarrwhy can't i log into the forums :(
21:44.31Wobin"If all references pointing to an object are weak, the object is collected and somehow these weak references are deleted."
21:44.31lua_botbatrick: sandbox.lua:154: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
21:44.32TemKelfarr, because it hates you
21:44.36ShirikTierrie_: Yes it is
21:44.40Wobingood to see non-ambiguity in PiL
21:44.43Kelfarrit just says waiting for
21:45.00ShirikDidn't batrick make that request like
21:45.05Shirikhours ago?
21:45.48Wobinabout... 40 min ago
21:45.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Tinyboom (
21:50.53AnduinLothar"Hearthstone: The cast time on this item is no longer affected by spell haste." NOOOOOOOOO!
21:51.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
21:51.42AnduinLotharI love procing  [Mystical Skyfire Diamond] and hearthstonign in 5s
21:52.14Shirikbubble hearth ++?
21:52.22Kelfarrmount up in 1.5 seconds
21:54.42batrick--> local x="x" x=x:rep(300) for i=1,10 do x=x..x end return #x--x:find(".-.-.-%$")
21:54.42batbotbatrick: > 307200
21:55.05batricklua> local x="x" x=x:rep(300) for i=1,10 do x=x..x end return x:find(".-.-.-%$")
21:55.11batrickwonder how long that one takes
21:55.23zenzelezzwhy do you keep messing with it?
21:57.35Kelfarrwho would eat this
21:58.27GngskI would
21:58.30Shirikthe obvious solution is to provide a wrapper
21:58.31Kelfarrme too
21:58.34batrickit looks ok
21:58.35Gngskpizza fries are awesome
21:58.36Shirikinstead of trying to use debug hooks
21:58.39Kelfarr2900 calories tho
21:58.50Gngskyou don't have to eat it all...
21:59.03Kelfarri would
21:59.12Kaso"Notice: This is only small and unfunctional demo version. The full version can be buyed here for $69.95."
21:59.19Kaso"Buyed" ?!!
21:59.28Gngsksounds like AV chat
21:59.54zenzelezzreminds me of a screenshot from Unreal 2's XMP... "WHO DOING SHE IT NOW WITH ALL IN THE BASE??"
22:00.35Kelfarrman vs wild is on YES!!
22:02.06GngskI don't like that show
22:02.33Gngskit pales in comparison to survivorman imo
22:04.19WobinI'm nauseous just looking at those fries
22:04.49Wobinthank god for the internet =P
22:05.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Arcane_NH (
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22:05.35Arcane_NHsigh, another cosmos UI error
22:06.27Arcane_NHError:  bad argument #1 to 'strlower' (string expected, got nil)File: Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.luaLine: 737Count: 1
22:07.51batrickare  you sure that's Cosmos?
22:13.26Cairennart3mis: DDR 2700
22:17.09Shirikso, I have these old crappy sticks of ram that I don't use anymore
22:17.22ShirikSomeon tell me, I'm tempted to rip off the resistors on it and put on ones with lower resistance
22:17.27Shirikthink it'll speed it up? :D
22:17.43zenzelezzwhat kind?
22:17.52ShirikPC5300 I think
22:18.17zenzelezzthat's DDR2, isn't it?
22:18.21foxlitWould you like the obvious answer or the answer you're fishing for? :)
22:18.35ShirikI have no obvious answer :P
22:18.40Shirikthere has to be a CL circuit in it somewhere
22:18.45Shirikso if I can modify the clock...
22:18.52ShirikI just need to find it
22:18.56zenzelezzif it's DDR2, go have fun with them. If it's DDR-1, sell them, that crap is still way expensive
22:19.29Shirikzenzelezz: yes it is
22:29.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
22:52.26art3miscairenn: yeah i should have a spare gig of that kicking around
22:52.56Cairennif you do, cool, if not, no big deal, memory isn't that hugely expensive
22:53.06zenzelezzDDR1 can be
22:53.11art3misddr is compared to ddr2 ;)
22:54.18art3miscairenn: either way if you bring down a stick and remember how many slots you have ;)
22:54.26art3misthat way we can fill em up with spares
22:55.17art3mis   <-- someone rip that moobie for me my sdp and wget and firefox extension skills are weak
22:57.29PolarinaDoes this look ok for a changelog?:
22:57.29Polarina* Added: Slash command /valu and /valuation:
22:57.29Polarina* /valu style <blackhole|blizzard|compact>
22:58.02Polarinazenzelezz: Thanks.
23:15.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
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23:58.31art3misyay \o/

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