IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071122

00:05.38*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
00:08.53*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
00:08.53*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
00:11.15Cairennoh god - lolcat meets leeroy
00:12.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
00:15.28pez|that just sounds wrong. *checks link*
00:15.30*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick_ (
00:19.42Wobworkoh god
00:19.47WobworkI don't know what's worse
00:19.51Wobworkthe lolcat macros
00:19.55Wobworkor the lolcat comments
00:20.51Cairennyeah, some people take it a bit far
00:21.29Kalroth"OMG srsly… Tanx fur nawt showteeng, “furst,” wivvout postin’ nuffin."
00:21.39cogwheelmy wife is terrified of that cat ><
00:26.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie`afk (
00:27.49ArrowmasterCide: yes owner has to be a frame
00:28.01Cidea named frame, or any frame?
00:28.29Arrowmasterany frame i think
00:28.35Arrowmasteryou just need a reference to it
00:31.56ShirikCidan: Ping
00:37.46*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
00:49.00*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
00:49.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwor1 (
00:49.45cogwheelforum login down for anyone else?
00:52.10MentalPowerme too
00:53.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
00:54.42cogwheelor something
00:58.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
00:59.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwor2 (
01:02.55Kelfarrhe tazered a guy because he didn't sign a ticket and then arrested him without reading his rights
01:07.21Wobwor2Don't taze me bro?
01:07.21*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
01:11.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
01:15.28cogwheelso i was telling my mom about the book and I said "you can google my name on amazon"
01:15.30GuillotineKelfarr: technically, I don't think the rights have to be read until they are actually asking questions about the crime
01:16.09sag_ich_nichtactually, no
01:16.12sag_ich_nicht~fail cogwheel
01:16.12purlcogwheel: Fail.
01:20.04Kelfarr10 day free trial of World in Conflict multiplayer sweet
01:20.27Corrodiasworld of conflict methodology
01:20.36Corrodiasworld of disagreement procedure
01:20.47*** join/#wowi-lounge art3mis (n=art3mis@WoWUIDev/WoWI/HKUI/art3mis)
01:20.55batrick_!g cogwheel
01:20.56batbotbatrick_: cogwheel - definition of cogwheel by the Free Online Dictionary ... <>
01:21.03batrick_doesn't look like a book cog :D
01:21.12Corrodiasworld of contention creation
01:21.35MentalPowercogwheel: the sad part is that it took me three reads to spot the mistake
01:21.54cogwheelMentalPower: haha
01:22.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
01:22.27MentalPowermy brain does an automatic s/google/search/gi
01:22.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Smj (
01:28.23batrickCide did that function help at all?
01:31.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Morpheus|Dead (
01:32.24Morpheus|Deadheya dolby-wowi got a question
01:35.30MentalPowerMorpheus|Dead: whats the Q
01:35.47bleeterwoot, US char copy seem working now
01:36.22Morpheus|Deadoh I was goona explain to him about me getting this error I have all the fields completely filled out and get it on the modify files page
01:39.19Kelfarrptr is up bleeter?
01:40.57WobWorkapparently so
01:44.42art3miswob is tha debbil!
01:44.54MentalPowerMorpheus|Dead: all the admins are AFK ATM, sorry
01:45.39WobWorkdebbil does dabbas?
01:45.58art3misoh wait i spelt that wrong
01:46.05art3mis"wob is A gerbil"
01:46.16WobWorkthat's hyperChipmunk
01:46.24art3miswih huge sharp...pointy...teeth
01:46.25WobWorkhe's the stand in for any small rodent
01:46.49WobWorkthis nick's surname is 'dWonderdog
01:46.57WobWorkcause I used to have the Dulux dog as my avatar
01:46.57art3mishe's too redundant though
01:47.34art3misall chipmunks, squirrels and small rodents are hyper by nature
01:47.47art3mishave you never seen over the hedge?
01:50.37WobWorkwell we've never accused hC of -not- being overly redundant
01:58.52sag_ich_nichtcould you add an option to ChatTimeStamps so it uses server time instead of local time?
01:59.29Shirikdon't do it for him
01:59.36sag_ich_nichtor, even, server time with +/- local offset?
01:59.52Shirikin theory the offset shouldn't change :)
02:00.13AnduinLotharit IS server time, unless you check 'use local time'
02:00.14Shirikwell unless one of you is moving at a speed near the speed of light
02:00.26AnduinLothari thought
02:07.12Kelfarrno u
02:08.08|Jelly|!c us burning legion NOU
02:08.11ThraeBot|Jelly|: Nou, Level 70 Draenei Priest (28/33/0). 8351 HP; 9015 Mana; 221 mana regen; 66 mp5; 157 spell crit; 17 spell hit; 718 +spell dmg/heal; 4.86% dodge; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 845 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Nov 21 17:14:32 2007 EST ]]
02:09.06|Jelly|!c us burning legion wut
02:09.08ThraeBot|Jelly|: Wut, Level 40 Draenei Shaman (0/31/0). 1970 HP; 2084 Mana; 86 mana regen; 418 AP; 77.200 Melee DPS; 13.52% melee crit; 11.98% dodge; 4.88% block; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 436 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Nov 21 17:15:29 2007 EST ]]
02:09.27Kelfarrlol someone just asked how to model change on the general forum gg forum ban
02:10.05bleeterman, how dumb is this new SI:7 diver dude 'hello druid, I'll need you to get me some stuff but first you'll need some diving gear so you can breathe underwater' :/
02:10.29bleeter~fail renn mcgill
02:10.30purlrenn mcgill: Fail.
02:10.52bleeteroh well, free XP I guess
02:10.55|Jelly|Some dude just offered one of my guildies 2g to help him jack off.
02:11.14|Jelly|That was my response...
02:11.33WobWorkSo he'd go over to his place to 'give him a hand'
02:11.34Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us burning legion Nou
02:11.36WobWorkin return for 2g?
02:11.37ThraeBotShirik: Kimina vs Nou! Two 70 priests square off!; 20/41/0 vs 28/33/0; Nou wins by 136 TBRs!
02:11.46ShirikI'm going to make my character naked
02:11.49ShirikI think it'll help me win
02:12.00WobWorkIs your character female?
02:12.03bleeternaked is win, so yes
02:12.40art3miswow how bored would you have to be to post a 4disc colelction on use net so that ALL the titles formed a song
02:12.45*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
02:16.06art3misjust aw a post browsing usenet that was the 4 dvd set of cs3 and the "titles" of the post formed a song
02:16.09art3misfor each dvd
02:16.27art3mislike lyrics line for line
02:18.02Shirikthe armory still does not show me naked
02:18.12art3misthats just prudence
02:20.43WobWorkShirik: Send in a photo
02:20.50WobWorkfor them to superimpose over the character
02:20.52WobWorkof you naked
02:21.44art3misbahahah the post of this one is the words for I got a Girl
02:21.53art3misnow that damn song is stuck in my head
02:42.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
02:45.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
02:48.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin_ (n=igor@
02:49.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Michelle_ (
02:49.51Michelle_i was wonderign if i can get soem help with a macro ive been tryignt o work with
02:49.58purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
02:50.05Michelle_what its supposed to do ids blink me when im not incombat
02:50.09Michelle_and then when im in combat
02:50.15Michelle_cast frost nova, and then blink
02:50.25Shirika macro cannot do two things at once
02:50.50ShirikThat looks fine
02:51.01Michelle_well it works whennto in combat
02:51.05Michelle_but when im in combat
02:51.08Michelle_it does nothing
02:51.14Shirikmake reset lowercase
02:51.27Shirikwait, can you put reset like that?
02:51.31WobWorkI dunno
02:51.33Shirikok, first make reset lowercase
02:51.57WobWorkyou could make it two cast sequences, one to run incombat, one out
02:51.58Shirikif that doesn't work, do /castsequence reset=5 [nomodifier,nocombat] Blink; Frost Nova, Blink
02:51.58Shirikthat's what I would have done
02:51.58Shirikliket his:
02:52.10Shirik/cast [nocombat] Blink
02:52.18Michelle_ok hwo woudl i go abotu doign a two line cast sequwnce
02:52.23Shirik/castsequence reset=5 [combat] Frost Nova, Blink
02:52.47Michelle_and that will also ensure i dotn first cast blink and then nova
02:52.49Lin_Shirik: the reset here is just for frost nova or both?
02:53.08Michelle_its to mke sure o dotn cast nova when no ones around afte rtive blinked far away form them
02:53.16Lin_Shirik: forget!
02:53.19Shirikif you don't hit it the second time within 5 seconds, next time will be forst nova again
02:53.29Michelle_teh reset ifs for it to return to combat startign at nova
02:53.35Lin_Shirik: im stupid.. I know that.. I dunno why I have asked :-D
02:53.45Lin_Lin_: im slow today :-(
02:54.18Michelle_well id love to test it,b but im all red armor as a squshy mage, adn im in mirkfelon lake stoentalon
02:54.23Michelle_nto teh best place to test macros
02:54.31Michelle_especialy the oens that help em run away
02:54.36Michelle_heh heh he h
02:54.37Shirikred armor is the best place to test :D
02:54.42Shirikno penalty for death
02:54.57Michelle_but the GY is a good 2 minutes walk awy
02:55.05Michelle_from my corpse
02:56.31Michelle_also my primary atack macro sitn workign any mroe since 2.3
02:56.38Michelle_was supposed to cast in secuence
02:56.43Michelle_frost bolt
02:57.04Shirikwhat did you type?
02:57.05Michelle_and then arcane missiles and then stop th sequence untill target change ro target dead
02:57.37Michelle_/cast [modifier:alt] Shoot
02:57.39Michelle_/castsequence [nomodifier] reset=combat/target Frostbolt, Fireball, !Arcane Missiles
02:57.52Guillotinearcane missils isn't a toggled ability
02:57.56Michelle_the ! signifies stop teh sequence
02:58.10Michelle_but its not workign in 2.3 now
02:58.21Michelle_did they change the symbol to stop teh sequeence
02:58.48Guillotineeh, I know in 2.3.2 its going to toggle abilities
02:58.49WobWorkThere -was- such an ablity?
02:59.48Michelle_it worked for both my mage adn my warlock
02:59.55Michelle_but with my warlcok teh sequnce was
03:00.04ShirikMichelle_ what client version are you on?
03:00.15Shirikyeah, what revision?
03:00.27Shirikthe number in parentheses after it
03:00.40Michelle_immolate, corruption, crse of weakness, !shadowbolt
03:00.50Michelle_hwo woudl i check that ingam,e
03:01.10Michelle_ok i foudn it in my proccess
03:01.48Shirikhm, ok
03:01.56Shirikin any case I hadn't heard of that ability, though I had heard rumors of it
03:02.13Michelle_it wasnt rumors form 2.13 to 2.2.3
03:02.23Michelle_2.1.3 to 2.2.3
03:02.33Michelle_thts when i was usign this macro command
03:02.43Michelle_saved room for other buttino modifyers
03:05.01*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (n=chris@
03:08.25ShirikLin: ping
03:10.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Morpheus|Dead (
03:12.25*** part/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (n=chris@
03:12.47cogwheelanyone know a mod that will... ping you when it sees a keywords in chat?
03:13.03Shirikcogwheel: I used to have one
03:13.06ShirikI wish I remembered what it was
03:13.29cogwheeland tab-complete would be neat :)
03:13.34Michelle_i knwo thsi mdo that plays teh leeroy jenkins sound when someoen says leeroy jenkins or a similer spelling
03:13.51Shirikcogwheel: prat offers tab completion
03:14.13Michelle_hmm well that suggestion works iwth the two part macro
03:14.35Michelle_nwo if onyl i cna figure otu what the new symbol for stop proccessign sequence is
03:17.48malrethMichelle_: do you mean the ! symbol?
03:18.06Michelle_it doent work for stoppifgn a sequence at that step anymore
03:18.15Morpheus|Dead~seen dolby-wowi
03:18.40purldolby-wowi is currently on #wowi-lounge (1d 4h 15m 13s), last said: 'art3mis's new car?'.
03:18.40malrethi'm lying. it never did
03:18.40Michelle_instread i get the same effect as if i typod teh command
03:21.10WobWorkfunny that...
03:21.15art3miscog i think prat has a notifier built in
03:21.36sag_ich_nicht[03:00] <+AnduinLothar> it IS server time, unless you check 'use local time' <--wth that option wasn't there yesterday
03:21.38art3misditto for tab comlpete ;P
03:21.50Shirik~lart sag_ich_nicht
03:21.50purlwhips out a shotgun, trudges over to sag_ich_nicht, and goes postal
03:22.41sag_ich_nichtthat option ISN'T there
03:22.42Michelle_siberia is to nice of a place
03:22.44sag_ich_nichtAnduinLothar stop lying
03:22.50Michelle_lets send him to bush's door step
03:23.05Shiriksag_ich_nicht: Did you try updating
03:23.07Shirikby any chance
03:23.09sag_ich_nichti already did
03:23.12sag_ich_nichtit's cosmos, fool
03:23.13AnduinLotharnot a new option
03:23.14Shiriktry harder
03:23.14sag_ich_nichtit has a patcher
03:23.17sag_ich_nichtAnduinLothar there is show local DATE option
03:23.23AnduinLotharsame hting
03:23.30sag_ich_nichtif i uncheck local date
03:23.34sag_ich_nichtthe timestamps lack the DATE
03:23.39sag_ich_nichtonly have time anymore
03:23.42art3misevery time mod has a local time or server time tick
03:23.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
03:23.46Shirikthen the time is server-time :)
03:23.49art3misif your mod doesnt get a new one
03:24.16art3misshirik go make me a theme swapper ;P
03:24.17sag_ich_nichtso: would you please be so kind to add an option to use servertime while showing the damn date in the timestamps? :P
03:24.37bleeterI thought it was impossible to determine SERVER_DATE
03:24.58sag_ich_nichtnot what i mean
03:25.08sag_ich_nichtsince you can't determine server date
03:25.13sag_ich_nichtlocal date + server time
03:25.28Shirikthat's what it does!! zomg!
03:25.36sag_ich_nichtit doesn't
03:25.38sag_ich_nichtwant a screenshot?
03:25.41sag_ich_nichtmaybe a fraps movie?
03:25.44bleeterthat'll work real well together for Oceanics playing on US realms
03:25.44sag_ich_nichti can do that
03:25.46art3missag fails at timestamping
03:25.52Shirikwhat addon is this?
03:26.02sag_ich_nichtbleeter: so add an algorythm to detect taht
03:26.05bleeter'hey, it's tomorrow, but we'll also half pretend it's yesterday'
03:26.25sag_ich_nichtyou know very well that one can detect that and compensate
03:26.35sag_ich_nichtso: stop the false argument and flaming
03:26.44sag_ich_nichtor at least flame with a proper argument
03:27.07Shirikproper argument: How do I know which way to adjust?
03:27.12sag_ich_nichti only want server time because the server time is off a few seconds here in europe and then i get confused with daily quests :P
03:28.04Shirikfor the record I should point out it is impossible to request seconds from the server
03:28.10Shirikyou have to mess around
03:28.35sag_ich_nichtShirik then why is clockfu showing me server seconds? :P
03:28.44malrethRay Charles liked to "Mess Around"
03:28.45Shirikbecause it does the "messing around" part
03:29.03Shirikor it cheats
03:29.06Shirikone of the two
03:29.12Michelle_malreth, isnt at a qoute from eureka seven abotu ray beams?
03:29.33bleeterfor it to work properly, it'd need to know which TZ the server is in, whether that's summertime or not, and which TZ the client is in, and whether that's in summertime or not.
03:29.47malrethMichelle_: no, there's an old song by Ray Charles called The Mess Around
03:30.16Michelle_well im nto as old as you think
03:30.25Michelle_im 20 and still headstrong abotu beign myself
03:30.54art3misgive it a few years and you'll eventually be like everyone else trying to be themselves ;)
03:31.00malrethi'm twice as old as you think i am
03:31.10Michelle_your 8 years old
03:31.23art3mishis birthday isnt til jan
03:31.30Michelle_7 and half then
03:31.42art3mis1 month does not equate to .5
03:31.43bleeter~fail Michelle_
03:31.45purlMichelle_: Fail.
03:31.46*** join/#wowi-lounge dreamss (i=dreamss@
03:31.57art3misperhaps you shuold have paid more attention in math
03:32.00Michelle_thees onyl two things i faiil at
03:32.06art3mismath and?
03:32.21Michelle_and both of then are only understood if you talk abotu them in
03:32.36art3misso michelle has 1 R
03:32.57Michelle_1 R, are you implyign im a self hatign lesbian
03:32.58art3missince Riting and Rithmatic are fails
03:33.12Shirik~wtf 1R
03:33.23Shirikdo you mean katakana?
03:33.26art3misshirik you've heard of the 3 R's havent you?
03:33.36Shirikart3mis: negative
03:33.49bleeterredun, ritun, riffmatic
03:33.59art3misit was an old school related thing about learning your 3 R's reading wRiting and aRithmatic
03:34.11Michelle_well if you implied i was a self hatign lesbian, your right abotu oen fo those thigns
03:34.17art3misdespite the fact only 1 started with R
03:34.26Michelle_but ill leave it up to your imaginatino os to whitch part it is
03:34.33bleeteryou're a self? cool!
03:34.35art3misyou're only a lesbian because you're 20 and it's cool to not conform
03:34.51malreththere's no such thing as homosexuals... just peoplesexuals
03:34.52art3misand if you bring it up again you're also emo
03:35.04Michelle_im nto emo
03:35.10art3mismalreth: homo is a chemical term ;)
03:35.13Michelle_i still have teh blades in thier wrappers
03:35.15art3misas in "the Same"
03:35.26art3misas opposed to hetro with "different"
03:35.44Michelle_nothign makes you feel alive like gettign paper cts in teh webbigns of your feet
03:35.46art3mispeople isnt scientific so it doesnt count ;)
03:35.59bleeterart3mis: I thought homo was an anthropological thingie
03:36.42art3mistheres a chance that the human sciences had it first, but in chemical reactions/solutions homogenous and hetrogenous were ways of discribing like and different substances
03:36.45Michelle_you kwno waht woudl be nice in wow
03:36.55bleeterart3mis: ah, yeah, fair nuff
03:36.57Michelle_if you could skin humanoids after you beat them in pvp
03:36.59malrethhomo- is the latin base meaning 'same'
03:37.15sag_ich_nichtyou could add SERVER_DATE
03:37.27sag_ich_nichtto the UI requested features thread
03:37.43art3misbeing able to skin and wear opponents would be awesome
03:37.56art3misa gnome running around in a tauren suit would be awesome
03:38.18sag_ich_nicht[04:36] <art3mis> theres a chance that the human sciences had it first, but in chemical reactions/solutions homogenous and hetrogenous were ways of discribing like and different substances <--/me facepalm
03:38.22art3misspecially if tey included the long legs and arms dragging
03:38.22Michelle_try teh other way around
03:38.29malrethart3mis: ooh... i could act out the Silence of the Lambs
03:38.33Michelle_a turin in a gnome skin
03:38.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
03:38.42bleetersag_ich_nicht: but.. since you've forgotten how to be police, ask nicely, and have been pretty much downright rude each time I've seen you post in here recently... no.
03:38.42sag_ich_nichtbrb reboot
03:38.50bleeterer s/police/polite/
03:38.59art3missag_ich_nicht: latin or not i was talking in the science field and he mentioned anthropologists, there for my response was correct
03:39.12art3misso nyah
03:39.42Michelle_nwo thats suggestive
03:39.51Michelle_WINAMP is now Playing AC/DC <The Very Best> 002 "Hard As A Rock" Rock
03:39.51sag_ich_nichtbleeter: stop being so unscientific :P
03:39.59sag_ich_nichtreboot time 8D
03:40.11Michelle_i havent rebooted my laptop since i got it
03:40.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie_ (
03:40.16Michelle_in april
03:40.20art3misya know what i love most about installing xp?
03:40.27Michelle_ninstlalign it
03:40.28art3misthe 4 hours after the install of updates
03:40.31Michelle_uninstalling it
03:40.32bleeterart3mis: hehe
03:40.50art3misthat right there makes it ALL worth it
03:40.54Michelle_you knwo microsoft has failed when tehy start offerign a downgradign service
03:41.11Michelle_aka, vista to xp
03:41.15art3misvista sp1 will remove vista and istall XP because it was too complicated for most people
03:41.35Michelle_waht ever happend to windows 3.13
03:42.09Shirikthe only reason they offered a downgrading service is because of moronic manufacturers
03:42.23Shirikthat were putting vista on computers that only met the bare minimums
03:42.50Shirikvista is a decent OS, people just (1) don't understand it, and (2) know how to code (Vista enforces things that were best practices for YEARS)
03:42.57Shirikjust now, it actually MATTERS
03:43.21bleeter'cept for direct sound ;)
03:43.30Michelle_so you mean to say that akign teh belt sander to my vista dvd waas a bad idea
03:43.32art3misand dont forget vista has amazing security and web integration to make even the weakest virus' flow through it more readily ;)
03:43.33Shirikdirect sound works too
03:43.41ShirikMichelle_: probably
03:43.59bleeterShirik: not quite... and if you missed the reason why.. then.. /wrist
03:44.01*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
03:44.22bleeter'mostly works' is more of an apt description.. maybe '50% of the time in some apps'
03:44.24Shiriklet us assume, art3mis, that a virus does manage to get through to a vista computer
03:44.29Shirikwhat happens?
03:44.31Michelle_have you heard fo teh new wow hackign tool taht i jstu got spamemd to me?
03:44.38ShirikMichelle_: It's awesome isn't it!
03:44.43Michelle_no it isnt
03:44.46Shirik(1) never post a link like that in here again
03:44.55Shirik(2) If you trust that, I think I should never talk to you again
03:45.07Michelle_i was asking ebcuse i want ot knwo wahts goign to be doen abotu it, its a deasease to the hoenst players
03:45.08Shirikand yes, I'm getting sick of the spam
03:45.17Shirikit doesn't work
03:45.21Shirikit's a scam to get your username and password
03:45.22Shirikthat's it
03:45.23Michelle_ok good
03:45.25sag_ich_nichtMichelle_ get a spellchecker for irc D:
03:45.40Michelle_im sorry but have you heard fo aspurgers syndrome
03:45.44sag_ich_nichtplease D:
03:45.51sag_ich_nichtaspergers syndrome does not cause misstyping
03:45.55sag_ich_nichti have heard of it
03:45.58Michelle_it does when i have ticks
03:45.58ShirikYou have learned a new ability: Defensive Stance."
03:46.01art3misshirik: well if teh user experience is anything to judge, the virus will first attempt to do lots of things and find out that its all moved around and eventually wander to the recycle bin where it will wait permananet death ;P
03:46.18Shirikart3mis: probably, lol
03:46.39Shirikbut actually
03:46.41Shiriknothing's moved around
03:46.56ShirikAs far as a program is concerned, that is
03:47.04art3misusers data directorys!
03:47.08Shirik%APPDATA% still exists, %PROGRAMFILES% still exists,
03:47.10art3misand umm
03:47.15malrethif i wrote a worm, i'd cause it to lay dormant on an infected system and do nothing but change single numbers in excel spreadsheets...
03:47.16art3misthat place i keep my cheese
03:47.22Michelle_%yourmom% still exsists
03:47.22malrethjust one number per spreadsheet
03:47.24art3mishahaha mal
03:47.37art3misthat would be so irritting
03:47.37Shirikmalreth ><
03:47.40malrethand only a few each month
03:47.48malrethso that it wouldn't get noticed
03:47.49ShirikSomething tells me he already did this
03:47.58malrethuntil 30 days of backups have been cycled through
03:48.08batrickshirik, go break batbot i'm bored QQ
03:48.33ShirikThis still amuses me:
03:48.40Shirik--> return getmetatable(_G)
03:48.40batbotShirik: > leave this alone
03:49.04art3misya kow what i dont quite understand about the vista security popup thingy?
03:49.12Shirikwhat's that?
03:49.18ShirikI know a lot of details about it I probably know the answer :)
03:49.25art3misthat it doesnt even ask for validation in any way aside from a mouse click
03:49.41Shirikit does if it has to
03:49.49art3misi havent seen it once
03:49.55art3misive seen nix and mac do it
03:49.59art3misbut never vista
03:49.59ShirikIt only has to if you are not on an administrative level account already
03:50.19Shirikwhy would you want to type in your password if you're already logged in?
03:50.24art3misright but isnt that sort of the point that you should automagically GET an admin account?
03:50.41art3misbut have a passwd to sudo it?
03:50.42Shirikno, to protect both yourself and any rogue processes
03:50.57malreththe mac/unix way makes more sense
03:51.07Shirikit doesn't have to ask for a password, so why should it?
03:51.14malrethrequire an admin password to escalate to root
03:51.15art3misie. why would it default admin account for the user if it doesnt "need" to be admin
03:51.29art3misinstead of doing it the sudo way
03:51.40Shirikthe point behind UAC is that people should not be running as administrators all the time, your typical account should be user-level
03:51.44art3miswhere it pops up to ask for admin pass for that sesion
03:52.00art3misthen it shouldnt create it as admin
03:52.07Shiriktherefore what it does is leaves you as a user-level account, but ... I'll call it "pre-authenticates" you so it really knows you're supposed to be an admin if you need to be
03:52.12art3mislittle suzy isnt gonna know to go create a secondary account
03:52.15Shirikart3mis: Microsoft has been saying that for years
03:52.22Shirikthat people should not be making administrator accounts
03:52.24Shirikbut they don't listen
03:52.42art3misshirik the DEFAULT install is User Admin privs
03:52.50art3misthe default should be USER
03:52.55art3miswith ability to get to admin
03:52.55Shirikthen how would you set up?
03:53.03art3mislike nix and mac does
03:53.24art3misyou create the account ask for an admin passwd but the account it default creates on installation is JUST a user
03:53.27Shirikin any case, if you make it a user level account, then any application that is marked with the requireAdministrator level in its manifest will ask for a username and password when running
03:53.35art3misthen when the uac thingy pops you put in the admin pass
03:53.35Shirikso if that's how you want to do it, by all means, go for it
03:54.04art3miswhy in gods name would the OS need to automagically create the user as an admin?
03:54.04Shirikat the same time, for those people like me that don't want to have to keep typing in their password, while maintaining security, I'll leave it like it is
03:54.09art3misif they say it's a bad idea?
03:54.26malrethShirik: you don't type your password all that often
03:54.32ShirikNo, I don't
03:54.34ShirikI type it once
03:54.34art3misthats what te Administrator/root account is for
03:54.43art3misthose are created default as well
03:54.48malrethShirik: i mean on Mac OS X
03:54.52Shirikart3mis: And disabled
03:54.57art3misthere is no reason that Billy should default opn install to Admin privs
03:55.03Shiriktherefore you would have no administrator account
03:55.06art3misat all
03:55.18art3misand then expect the user to create another non admin account
03:55.23art3misnot on an end user software
03:55.31Shirikin any case, look at it from average joe's perspective now
03:55.44ShirikI create 3 accounts, one for each of my kids. They can't do X, Y, and Z
03:55.45art3misthats incredibly irresponsible, lazy and poor security on the side of the distributor/creator
03:56.04ShirikI call up microsoft asking "wtf is wrong with my kids accounts" they say "it needs to be an administrator" I'm like "wtf is that and how do I do it?"
03:56.15art3misand then to blame it opn the user when he does something administratively stupid?
03:56.24malrethart3mis: well, technically Apple creates the default account with admin privs too
03:56.24Shirikinstead, why not maintain security while giving the average user full permissions to what is, quite literally, their own computer
03:56.35Shirikwhich is exactly what UAC addresses
03:56.37art3misyeah but sudo prisoned
03:57.06art3misand in the process pop up a box to annoy them everytime they wish to do something on their computer?
03:57.10*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
03:57.19ShirikI love how people say these things
03:57.22batrick--> math.__index
03:57.22batbotbatrick: > nil
03:57.23Shiriklike it happens every 5 seconds
03:57.30batrick--> math.abs
03:57.30batbotbatrick: > function: 0x80a2c08
03:57.31art3misyo know what i mean
03:57.41art3misit doesnt make sense
03:57.42ShirikI would tend to argue my linux box complains about permissions more than UAC does
03:58.00art3misbut the nix and mac boxes at least have session ids ;P
03:58.04Shirikthing is, I actually have correctly written software
03:58.09batrickShirik: I would argue that linux allows you to do things Windows would never trust you to be able to do
03:58.13Shirikart3mis: So does UAC
03:58.15malrethand my vista box pops up UAC more often than my mac asks for a password
03:58.29ShirikExcept each PROCESS has its own, as you put it, "session id"
03:58.40batrickShirik: vista doesn't even let you pick hard disks to defrag in their gui
03:58.47art3misthe best apr is that it doesnt ask or protect, the uac just pops and makes you click one more thing when you're already annoyed by it ;P
03:58.53Shirikand if you want to avoid it entirely, open a command prompt as an administrator
03:59.04Shirikyou will find that no matter what you try, be it running new programs, anything, it all has administrator rights
03:59.22batrickdos makes me want to puke
03:59.30Shirikso long as it comes from that command prompt that you've opened
03:59.32batrickerp i mean windows command line
03:59.33Kelfarrmy server just went offline...
03:59.51Shirikbatrick: that was not the argument, don't try to derail it. the command prompt was merely an easy-to-understand example
03:59.58batricki know
04:00.10batricksorry had to bash windows when given such a tempting oppurtunity
04:00.18Shirikin the same sense that Linux maintains session IDs, so does Microsoft
04:00.37Shirikand both do it minimally. If you have a suid program, only that program gets root permissions
04:00.42Shiriknot that program and everything you run 5 minutes after it
04:01.32Shirikso art3mis, you never actually got to the question I expected you to ask
04:02.09Shirik"If it doesn't ask for a password, how does Vista know it's not some malicious program clicking the box for you?"
04:02.55batrickbecause windows protects those functions when it asks that question :P
04:03.10Shirikclose enough
04:03.19Shirikthe UAC box pops up on something known as the "secure desktop"
04:03.32batrickjust a guess but i can't imagine their programmers being that stupid
04:03.46Shirikit's always on top, it cannot be altered by insecure code, and it can't be interacted with by anything without administrator permissions
04:03.49Shirikand yeah, they're not :)
04:04.11batricksecure code is rather silly tbh for something like that
04:04.28malrethno... MS actually employs some smart people
04:04.37malrethi give them that
04:04.49Shirikthe other major security change is that you cannot inject unsigned code into the kernel anymore
04:04.52batrickI saw an advertisement at my ece department from microsoft asking for smart programmers
04:04.55Shirikwhich kinda sucks, one of my rootkits doesn't work =(
04:05.00batrickit came monthes after google did the same thing
04:05.06batrickmicro$ is so funny hehe
04:05.57batrickwindows assumes the end user is more and more stupid with every new release
04:06.11Shirikwhich is mostly accurate
04:06.15batricki can't stand using it but i don't like the fps drops from wine
04:06.24Shirikyour fps drops?
04:06.28Shirikmine actually runs better on wine
04:07.05batricki'm quitting wow in a week or so anyway so no more windows soon, i'm so happy
04:07.06ShirikI need visual studio 2008 to be released so I can buy it -_-
04:07.24batrickShirik : /
04:07.28WobWorknot your typical wow comic
04:07.33WobWorkbut a good read
04:07.58Shirikthey haven't removed beta2 from their download page yet
04:09.05Shirikbleh, download this 3GB file again,  remember how much of a pain this was >.>
04:10.05Shirikarmory finally updated me
04:10.27Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us burning legion Nou
04:10.31ThraeBotShirik: Kimina vs Nou! Two 70 priests square off!; 20/41/0 vs 28/33/0; Kimina wins by 57 TBRs!
04:10.46Shirikok, see, this proves that there's a problem with ThraeBot, quite literally exactly what I said it was
04:10.53Garoun|Loupanaanyone know if there is a cvar to disable that friggin full screen flash on aggro gain they added to the default ui?
04:10.54ShirikIt must be handling something backwards
04:10.58ShirikBecause I'm naked now and I win
04:11.04Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us burning legion Jelly
04:11.07ThraeBotShirik: Kimina vs Jelly! Two 70 priests square off!; 20/41/0 vs 23/38/0; Jelly wins by 75 TBRs!
04:11.24malrethGaroun|Loupana: that's probably an addon
04:11.32malrethsounds like BanzaiAlert
04:11.44ShirikGaroun|Loupana: You mean when looking at the minimap?
04:11.52Shirikthe map
04:12.16Garoun|Loupanano, they added it in 2.3
04:12.24Shirikok I haven't seen that
04:12.27Garoun|Loupanaand it's bugging out on me
04:12.34malrethweird then
04:12.36Garoun|Loupanabecause they forgot to add a ui switch
04:12.46malrethi don't get that on my mage... i was just playing
04:12.46ShirikI'm convinced it's an addon
04:13.22Garoun|Loupanafrom the 2.3 notes
04:13.22Garoun|Loupana- When you take damage and have a full screen UI up, the edges of the
04:13.23Garoun|Loupanascreen will flash red so you know you are under attack.
04:13.36batricki haven't noticed that :O
04:13.45Shirik"and have a full screen UI up"
04:13.47Shiriklike a map
04:13.50Shiriknot in normal play
04:14.29Garoun|Loupanafrom the 2.3.2 notes
04:14.29Shirikif you're getting that during normal play, something is either wrong or you have an addon
04:14.30Garoun|LoupanaThere is now an option to turn off the screen edge damage flash when you have a fullscreen UI up.
04:14.55malrethGaroun|Loupana: do you have a fullscreen UI up?
04:14.55batrickwhere are these 2.3.2 notes u speak of sir
04:15.15Garoun|Loupanawell I disabled omen, to see if that was it
04:15.19widgertickBillions of jellyfish attack northern irish salmon farm.
04:15.22widgertickNow I've read everything.
04:15.27Garoun|Loupanaand it didn't go away, checked bigwigs and that
04:15.43Garoun|Loupanaonly updated ACE mods today with wAU, no other addons were changed
04:16.08malrethGaroun|Loupana: do you have BanzaiAlert installed
04:16.08Garoun|Loupanaand now I get the constant red flash since I'm out MT... beyond frustrating :P
04:16.14batricki don't understand why blizzard would take disciplinary action against someone who cheats on the PTR
04:16.20batrickif anything you would want them to try
04:16.23Garoun|LoupanaI think it's disabled, let me check again
04:16.25malrethbecause BanzaiAlert is also an Ace mod
04:16.57Garoun|Loupanahmm only Banzai I had was part of pitbull
04:17.12Garoun|Loupanalet me go check, cause I know I didn't have the problem until updating today
04:17.30Garoun|Loupananope, still there
04:17.38batrickArcane Shot: Ranks 1-5 will once again deal bonus damage based on attack power.
04:17.50batricki swear hunters are the new warlocks for mages
04:18.04batricki killed a BM hunters pet and still got melee'd to death by him
04:18.05Morpheus|DeadAny @ around yet ?
04:18.18batrick(he was polymorphed while i did this)
04:18.33Shirikwhy do you need an op?
04:19.32Morpheus|Deada wowi site permission issue I think
04:19.48Morpheus|DeadI am FA but cant edit a project I need to
04:20.14Shirikjust send a PM to Dolby on the site
04:20.16Shirikfastest way
04:20.26Garoun|Loupanait's gotta be an ace mod, now the joy of trying to figure out which one
04:20.39malrethGaroun|Loupana: type /banzai
04:21.00WobWorkhunter deadzone is great now
04:21.15WobWorkwingclip actually can put you at a far enough distance to steady shot even
04:21.17Garoun|Loupananope, just the normal Type 'Help' :)
04:21.30batricki dunno i think no deadzone is pretty absurd
04:21.35Garoun|Loupanagetting it whether solo or grouped
04:21.36batrickmages are just plain screwed
04:21.38WobWorkoh there's  a deadzone
04:21.43batrickno there isn't
04:21.43WobWorkit's just... really small =P
04:21.50Shirikit's there
04:22.17malrethGaroun|Loupana: well that's odd then
04:22.23Garoun|Loupanayeah I know :P
04:22.24batricki get melee'd to death by hunters before i can kill them
04:22.27batricksomething is wrong there
04:22.40Garoun|LoupanaYou shoudl see what it's like tanking heroic seth with a constant pulsing red flash
04:22.50Garoun|Loupanawas mildly infuriating :P
04:23.20Shirikagain, I'm convinced it's a mod
04:23.27Shirikor broken Blizzard something :P
04:23.34Shirikdo you have DBM?
04:23.53Garoun|LoupanaI use bigwigs/littlewigs
04:26.00Garoun|Loupanagoing back through the diagnostic log to see if I can find out what all updated
04:27.34buuWhy don't you .. poly.. the pet..
04:29.25malrethpurl, jump Shirik
04:29.26purlACTION scrambles up the nearest tree, screams, then leaps feet first on top of Shirik
04:29.37malrethpurl is full of all kinds of tricks
04:30.18malrethi wanted to add a 'jump to conclusions' reply to him
04:30.20malrethand found that
04:33.29malrethmy fiancee has a new toy
04:33.46malrethshe got one of those hammers that your doctor uses to test your reflexes
04:33.55malrethshe's smacking me with it
04:34.09Garoun|Loupanahmm looks like it may be metahud
04:34.11malreth"I don't think that's how you're supposed to use it, hon."
04:34.18malrethGaroun|Loupana: ah, yes
04:34.29malrethmetahud does have that featurue
04:34.38Garoun|Loupanait has a default option set for Visual Alert, but I didn't see it on the options screen
04:34.42Garoun|LoupanaI knew it had audible
04:35.34Garoun|Loupanayeah seems it's in the code, but NOT on the options page
04:37.02sag_ich_nichtwhat would i do about a movable frame stuck to my mouse?
04:37.37malrethreload the ui
04:37.44sag_ich_nichtthat is a work around
04:37.46sag_ich_nichtnot a solution
04:37.58malrethfix the addon that is causing it
04:38.08sag_ich_nichtwell duh
04:38.12sag_ich_nichtwhat i mean is
04:38.20sag_ich_nichti can get the framename
04:38.26sag_ich_nichthow to unstick it from my mouse :P
04:38.31Garoun|Loupanamy guess is pitbull, and moving a unit frame around and the target went offline or out of range :)
04:38.45sag_ich_nichtinstance time
04:39.03malrethsag_ich_nicht: call whatever function it is that the addon normally uses in its mouse up handler for the frame
04:40.38*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
04:40.56malrethtry framename:StopMovingOrSizing()
04:41.20Shirikthat's correct
04:41.34Shirikor even
04:42.37WobWorkI don't think I've read a wow based comic that has made me go 'Awwww' at the end of each arc, so much before
04:47.14sag_ich_nichtgod damn it
04:47.21sag_ich_nichtbtw. yours didn't work Shirik :P
04:48.34sag_ich_nichtlvl 31 BM hunter, needs a new pet. has a bear. should be another bear. want a different one. suggestions?
04:52.47WobWorkghost wolf
04:52.50WobWorktotally =)
04:52.57WobWorknot taht you'll be able to train it
04:52.58malrethghost cat
04:53.00WobWorkbut omg ghost wolf
04:53.10WobWorkghost cat is nice... but ghostwolf is cooler
04:53.19malrethno! ghost cat!
04:53.27WobWorkhave you -seen- the ghostwolf?
04:53.40malrethpurl rules ghostwolf
04:54.00WobWorkcause omg REALLY ghost wolf
04:56.02|Jelly|Any recall off hand how to give your fonts a shadow in pitbull?
04:58.52malrethWobwork: you win... ghost wolf
04:59.56bleeter|Jelly|: black marker on the screen ;)
04:59.57WobWorkomg cool
04:59.58Garoun|Loupanait was Metahud
05:00.30Garoun|Loupanahad to go through the files and comment out the calls since I didn't feel like reworking it to show the actual option
05:02.04sag_ich_nicht[05:53] <WobWork> <--holy shit
05:02.32malrethi'll be sad if they make them untamable
05:06.40art3misLe Loupe Garou!
05:09.47art3misheh watching clinton on letterman he's prolly the most laid back peopleish preseident ive seen
05:10.16art3mishe's no Cretien but he'll do ;)
05:10.19malrethhe did have the charisma
05:11.35malrethit's like he rolled an 18 when filling out his sheet
05:12.33*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
05:12.35batbotbatrick, hi is correct.
05:13.05art3misno an 18 was hitler and manson ;P
05:13.13art3misclinton is a 16 or 17 ;P
05:13.41malreth<3 manson
05:13.43batbotShirik, antidisestablishmentarianism is correct.
05:14.56batricki'm still tryin to figure out ispell
05:15.25Kelfarrsome guy in my guild is trying to convince me that addons can cast spells for you
05:15.41malrethKelfarr: tell him he's right
05:15.47malrethagree with anything he says
05:15.57cogwheelNO U
05:16.00malreththen tell him your addons are playing movies of naked dancing girls
05:16.11batrickcairenn asked me to turn that off cog :(
05:16.30malrethand that casting spells pales in comparison to bare titties
05:17.10malrethKelfarr: do it and tell us how he responds
05:17.32art3miscog did anyone on yer server send you prezzies?
05:17.48cogwheelart3mis: i don't think anyone on my server knows ><
05:17.58cogwheeli haven't actually played much in a month or so
05:17.58art3misthose ignorant bastards! heh
05:18.16cogwheelespecially after my account was hacked
05:18.39cogwheeloh yeah
05:18.42cogwheelyou missed that huh?
05:18.53malrethunless you're joking with me
05:18.57cogwheelnope :(
05:19.06cogwheeli have absolutely no idea how it happened...
05:19.07malreththat ain't kosher
05:19.34ShirikCidan: ping damn it!
05:19.39malrethit was probably some forum user that you burned
05:19.48art3miscogwheel: watch the new futurama dvd you'll understand how it happened ;)
05:19.58cogwheelI wish I could say I learned something, but all I can come up with is that no matter how hard you try, you're always at some risk...
05:20.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie`afk (
05:20.38|Jelly|"You have received a new private message at WoWInterface from Shrig." /cut
05:20.47Shirikcogwheel, you can protect yourself
05:20.58Shirikunplug all cables from your computer, including the power cord
05:21.19malrethi have a passphrase that is the maximum size that blizzard allows
05:21.32malrethactually, i wish they allowed even longer passphrases
05:21.40*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
05:22.02art3misbest passwdas == lines from peoms
05:22.03malrethand i try to make sure that i never type my username on that computer
05:22.41malrethcourse... i think a keylogger could just grab my username from the i think...
05:23.04cogwheelwell, whatever caused it, neither of my computers had any malware and I don't use my wow login info anywhere else
05:23.48malrethdid you ever log into the blizzard forums from a friend's computer?
05:24.13*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm_ (
05:24.43cogwheelThe only other one I have used is one that I know to be clean as well
05:24.57*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
05:25.01batbotbatrick, nothing found
05:30.09|Jelly| /rollseyes
05:36.48Raynesomeone needs a throat punch
05:36.52RayneHI KEL
05:38.01cogwheel|Jelly|: replied
05:38.33|Jelly|lol cog
05:39.56Shirik~hug teh jelly
05:39.57purlACTION hugs teh jelly tightly until teh jelly turns slightly blue
05:40.23malreth~jump Jelly
05:40.24purlACTION scrambles up the nearest tree, screams, then leaps feet first on top of Jelly
05:40.33malrethjump is my new favorite command
05:40.39Shirikso apparently there's a window that pops up when you have too many addons installed
05:40.45Shirikcomplaining about it and recommending you disable some
05:40.51ShirikIs it wrong that I wrote someone an addon to disable that window?
05:41.20|Jelly|I love how this retard is coming on the forums and pulling a Shrig.
05:41.22Shirik~disable bleeter
05:42.33cogwheel|Jelly|: you can't stand it when people shrug you off, can you? :P
05:42.35Shirik--> f = function() while true do end end setfenv(f, {}); f()
05:42.40batbotShirik: > [string "0"]:1: cannot execute for more than 5 seconds
05:42.41|Jelly|And I bloody HATE it when people don't fucking respond to a post but rather bold their responses and put them in the original post in a quote or something.
05:42.52|Jelly|Cogwheel: What do you mean?
05:43.10cogwheelshrig doesn't seemed bothered by you at all...
05:43.39cogwheelsometimes i get the feeling that fact feeds some of your hostility towards him ;)
05:43.52cogwheel(speaking from personal experience XD )
05:43.54malrethoh man... i want jelly to hate me too
05:44.06malrethcan i sign up to be on your hatelist?
05:44.16|Jelly|Why would I care? I simply think Shrig is a waste of oxygen.
05:44.33ShirikIf I will point to the 2.4 patch notes thread
05:44.44ShirikYou will see that shrig is indeed "a waste of oxygen"
05:44.49ShirikI yelled at him before slouken deleted his post :P
05:45.14|Jelly|Did you get a quote? :P
05:45.39Shirikit was not worthy of a quite
05:45.47|Jelly|Then what happened? lol
05:45.56Shiriknothing important, just him being an idiot
05:46.22|Jelly|I remember Kam texting me when he called Slouken's post "blah" that day. I lol'd sooooo hard.
05:46.26malrethhmm... that gets me thinking
05:47.07malrethTauruse's guild doesn't have a website anymore
05:47.12art3misi think i need to buy a taser and a shirt that reads "You will be tasered if you use internet slang while talking"
05:47.30malreththeir domain is owned now by a domain squatter
05:47.46malrethand they have lots of porn ads
05:47.58malrethVanessa Del...
05:49.04|Jelly|And Cog, you might be right...but I'm sticking to the whole "He's a waste of space" argument.
05:49.07malreth~wiki Pokey the Penguin
05:49.50malrethcogwheel: read pokey the penguin
05:49.51cogwheel|Jelly|: i don't dispute that
05:50.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:50.07cogwheelguess i just have an acute sense of humor :P
05:50.08RayneAnyone want a honey turkey and cheese sandwich?
05:50.18malrethyou'll see that all caps, italics, bold, underline, and strikethrough only serve to emphasize your point
05:51.02malrethpokey the penguin is the best web comic ever created ever
05:59.43malrethKelfarr: did you tell your guildmate the things i told you to tell him?
06:02.52batrick!y ventrilo
06:02.53batbotbatrick: YouTube - Ventrilo Harassment - Duke Nukem Style <>
06:03.54KelfarrMalreth: no i went offline after I told him he was wrong
06:04.07Kelfarrthat thing is sooo old batrick
06:04.22malrethi missed my chance to proxy troll
06:06.14*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
06:06.14*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
06:08.47batrickKelfarr: :(
06:13.57batrick--> cuddle == snuggle
06:13.57batbotbatrick: > true
06:14.30art3misbest vista webcam fix ever
06:14.58malreth--> grope == cuddle
06:14.58batbotmalreth: > true
06:15.09malrethit always has been in MY book
06:15.20art3misyoure book only has pictures though
06:15.40malrethart3mis: and in all the pictures the girls are touching
06:16.11art3miscept that one with the bit and crop ;)
06:18.14*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
06:18.17Shirikhai Cairenn!
06:18.18ShirikI missed you
06:18.27Cairennohai 2 u Shirik!
06:28.43malrethi wish every day had a new programming challenge
06:29.03Shiriknot really
06:29.05malreththe curry function question yesterday was a lot of fun
06:29.18malrethtoday it was all just political banter
06:29.21Shirikif you did that, you're either getting crappy challenges, or you're becoming extremely backlogged with work
06:31.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
06:32.13malrethi found some old source code i wrote about 7 years ago while sorting through some old backups
06:32.30malrethi once wrote a simple ishido game for the BeOS
06:33.18ShirikI was looking at the bookcase today
06:33.23Shirikfound some books from 8th grade
06:33.40Shirikit was interesting to see how far I've come :)
06:33.56malrethand i couldn't figure out how i came up with the algorithm to count then number of matches when placing a stone on the board
06:34.12malrethit was wierd... i could look at the code and tell that it was my style
06:34.35malrethand i could step through the algorithm in my head and figure out how it worked
06:34.53malrethbut i had no idea how I could have ever figured it out to begin with
06:36.13malrethi even commented the code when i wrote it
06:39.06*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Morpheus|Dead] by Cairenn
06:39.18dolby-wowifound my new BT headset
06:39.31Cairennoh god
06:40.56Morpheus|Deadso do you unwind from a tough day with a rousing game of "Hello Kitty Island Adventure" ?
06:41.44malreth"a rousing"?
06:42.27malrethhello kitty frightens me
06:42.29Morpheus|Dead~jump malreth
06:42.30purlACTION scrambles up the nearest tree, screams, then leaps feet first on top of malreth
06:42.44malrethhow can she continue living if she has no mouth and cannot eat
06:43.02malrethshe must absorb nutrients through osmosis
06:45.33malreth~seen Iriel
06:45.39purliriel <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 2d 4h 27m 2s ago, saying: 'Cheer at slouken, i'm just the message re-packager'.
06:46.29ShirikMorpheus|Dead gets a +v and all I get is a +o with a "Good luck, you'll need it"
06:46.34ShirikI'm beginning to think Cairenn hates me
06:46.54art3misi am totally asking santa for that!
06:47.01Cairennrofl, knew it!
06:47.34ShirikWell yeah, MentalPower|Play took it away, remember?
06:47.41Cairennoh, right, then
06:47.43Shirikthe backstabber
06:47.48art3mishe's been eatting paste again
06:48.30Morpheus|Deadhuh what ?? con fused LOL
06:48.48art3miswhat is it with anime
06:49.04art3misthe first season is kind of lame so you "almost" stop watching it and then the second season rules
06:49.16Morpheus|Deadmeh IDK I am not into it
06:49.19malrethi don't know about that
06:49.25Morpheus|Deadwell cept maybe hentai
06:49.41malrethbible black 2 was better than the first one
06:49.43art3mistake bleach trinity blood and blood x
06:49.52art3misthe first seasons are all meh
06:49.59art3misthe seconds are way better
06:50.05malrethbleach just goes on waaaay too long
06:50.06art3misditto for full metal alchemist
06:50.21malrethi liked it the first time when it was called "Yu Yu Hakushou"
06:50.32malrethfull metal alchemist only had 1 season
06:50.43art3misadult swim needs to get Excel Saga
06:51.00Morpheus|DeadI seem to remember being into Akira and bubblegum crisis but that was ages ago
06:51.21art3misakira was amazing for how long ago it was made
06:51.35art3misthe recent release by mcfarlane made it suck though
06:51.48art3misi HATE his dub
06:52.00malrethit's a bit overrated...
06:52.33malrethas soon as the discussion turns to anime, the SO says i should come to bed
06:53.06art3misnookie > anime
06:53.21malreththat's only true if there's nookie
06:53.22*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (
06:53.32art3miswhat other reason would she request you come to bed?
07:00.52Kelfarrcan someone fix this /use [target player] Heavy Netherweave Bandage
07:00.57Kelfarri need to know the target part
07:01.58Shiriknot really
07:02.04Shirikbut [target=player]
07:02.09Shirikis what you intended
07:02.38Kelfarrcouldn't remember what went inbetween
07:07.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
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07:12.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
07:36.33*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | RTFPN please | WoWI Mod Uploader!| Patch Notes: | Happy Thanksgiving, Americans
07:37.57Cairenn|afknight guys
07:38.59art3misnight dollface
07:43.29art3misi dont care if your skin is red or brown or chinese
07:44.31art3misif we can hit that bulls eye the rest will tumble like a house of cards, checkmate
07:45.08art3misZap has the best quotes
07:45.31WobinI reckon GladOS does
07:45.43*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
07:48.27art3misshes a human female struggling to make it in a human males world.
07:48.37art3mismaybe thats just her excuse for being incompetent
07:55.59*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
08:00.14*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzio (n=zenzelez@
08:07.04Fisker-oh lawd is that sum thanksgiving?
08:08.51krka"I'm volunteering for a suicide mission" - "that's brave of you, but all my missions are suicide missions"
08:13.06*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work_ (
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08:17.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
08:24.57Corrodiasi've always played a tauren, and now i'm playing a gnome
08:25.08art3misahh the earth a sexy blue velour marble
08:25.14Corrodiasthe difference in perspective is astounding
08:25.40zenziothe ground is a whole lot nearer, isn't it?
08:26.24art3misbut it seems like yer runnign a lot faster
08:26.47art3misa mental power play?
08:27.37Corrodiasit seemed that way at first, but i've adjusted
08:28.02Corrodiasit looks faster, but it takes just as agonizingly long to get anywhere
08:31.40art3misheh yeah
08:32.29wereHams1erCreature AI has been changed to no longer prioritize attacking unfeared targets over feared targets. - why? why make the creatures even dumber?
08:32.56zenziomakes some boss fights easier
08:33.51Corrodiasbecause it lets you have a druid tank the fights without needing a priest
08:34.02Corrodiasslash paladin
08:34.42wereHams1erI don't follow..
08:35.55Corrodiaswarriors can make themselves immune to fear, and priests can make a tank of any class immune to it. if one of those conditions was not met before 2.3, the boss would then go apeshit on anybody who didn't get feared, such as healer who were out of range or resisted it
08:36.07zenzioif a tank can be feared without losing aggro, it means you're not as screwed on Nightbane, Sanguinar, etc
08:36.18Corrodiasnot QUITE as screwed
08:36.35zenzionot automatically
08:36.36Corrodiasi don't know who sang is, but nightbane can still do very evil things. it just doesn't mean somebody HAS to die any more.
08:37.03zenzioNightbane can end up cleaving, tail-knocking, breathing, yeah. Sanguinar is one of Kael'thas's advisors
08:38.18Corrodiasin any case, at least they're still stuck to the tank instead of making a beeling for #2
08:38.27wereHams1erI see now.. I remember our first days in MC where my brother played the only dwarf priest :)
08:39.15zenzioI feel sorry for the priest on my server called "Fearwarder" now
08:40.15Corrodiaswell, heck, he still has fear ward. at least it makes a LITTLE sense still ;)
08:41.51Corrodiassigh. i had a guildmate help me transfer money, but they didn't stick around the hour necessary for the gold to get to them after the auction
08:41.58Corrodiaswhat a gyp
08:58.54*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
08:59.26Rayne@_@ Finally we downed the Eagle boss
08:59.47nevcairieleagle is easy, get to dragonhawk :P
09:02.46art3misafter dragonhawk is cherry and apple ;P
09:04.30Guillotinedragonhawk is fun
09:04.36Guillotinewe just tried it tonight for the first time
09:04.53Guillotineonly tried around 2 times and failed miserably, but it was still fun
09:04.56Guillotinewith the bombs and stuff
09:07.28Fisker-dragonhawk is easy lolol
09:11.14RayneMy raid just wouldnt listen
09:11.26Rayneand when I told them if you dont start ill kick you and replace you they did.
09:11.36RayneSorry, you dont get progression over the same mistakes.
09:26.10zenzioa guy from my former guild recently applied to my current guild. Been over half a year since I'd even seen the guy, but as far as I could remember he was a good player back then... we had to decline him now after he took too long to react to things, and his English comprehension suddenly seemed to have dropped... he barely typed anything
09:26.38zenzioI'm left wondering if he was always this bad (which I can't remember from the 40-mans or Karazhan), or if he ebayed
09:31.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
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10:05.19Wobinask about previous experiences
10:05.35Wobinand completely fabricate them
10:05.36*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep` (i=nuoHep@
10:05.48Wobin"Remember that time when we polymorphed the dog...."
10:05.56matt1szenzio: maybe he sold his account
10:06.23matt1serr read entire sentence before replying
10:16.07*** join/#wowi-lounge clad (i=jnw@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
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10:42.56mrbondyou lot are quite
10:45.28wereHams1erwe are cute, we know :)
10:48.36mrbondhello werehams1er
10:49.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (n=Arrow@unaffiliated/arrowmaster)
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12:26.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin (n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity)
12:27.00Linhi there !!!
12:27.34Kalrothhi Lin!!!
12:30.02Linim listening Dark Tower Book 1
12:30.09Lin;-) amazing "book"
12:30.29LinI was looking for cncfanatics
12:30.59Kalroth!seen cncfanatics
12:31.28bleeter~seen cncfanatics
12:31.30purlcncfanatics <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 17h 35m 47s ago, saying: 'Lin, sry about those, but I lack a lot of time'.
12:32.07Lincncfanatics is really busy :-)
12:33.33LinI was thinking about the nerfs on elite mobs. I see this as a good thing.
12:34.35bleeterI was running around arathi and alterac today... can't say I was sad to stromgarde get nerfed... was kinda upset at crushridge tho
12:34.44bleeter*sad to see stromgarde
12:35.09LinBecause, we have some areas as silithus and WPL which are designed to "old" endgame.  But now they are just desert because everyone goes to outland @58. Nerfing it makes this areas and make them more "XP profitable" is a try to populate them.
12:35.17bleetertho I think that's coz of how much time I used to spend in there
12:35.44Raynesomeone bring their 70 to KilJaeden and run my alt through BRD :D
12:35.55LinAfter patch 2.4 after northlands, what will happen with outlands?
12:36.04Linmainly, outlands instances.
12:36.22bleeterdead as all 50-60 is now, prolly
12:37.13Linbleeter: this is a design problem. They insert too much endgame content, tons of itens, everything else and soon.. for nothing. Because nobody care with anything except endgame.
12:38.03bleeterLin: and then when they release the next XP, all those endgamers will be QQ coz their 'hard won' stuff is bettered by first level or two in the new zones ;)
12:38.14Linbleeter: nobody does 60-10men
12:38.26Linbleeter: yeah.
12:38.34Linbleeter: Will be a lot or mourn and complain!
12:39.06Lina lot of*
12:39.25Linim not a endgamer (im lvl 65) ;-)
12:40.00Linbut I soulbound as a good thing (tm) make ppl less greed.
12:40.06Linbut I see*
12:41.25bleeteri dunno.. really.. all I know it's bedtime :)
12:41.26bleetergnight all
13:14.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
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13:32.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
14:01.31RayneAre people really this lazy? :/
14:08.12KasoWhat UI changes have been causing the difficulties this patch ?
14:12.05*** join/#wowi-lounge YammYgirlcoding (n=hoho@
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14:47.53Wobin^^-- win
14:48.23Kalroth That's a shitty way to steal pageviews :/
14:48.25Wobinmay be too aussie a sense of humour for most
15:02.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
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15:14.10IndustrialKalroth: lol its just a google api frontend
15:14.26Wobinno real different from searching in google for it
15:14.39KalrothSure, but it links directly to the addons
15:15.16Industrialwhat if you dont know what you are looking for?
15:15.42Industrialthere is no list
15:15.52Wobinthose who know precisely what they're after would do the same thing
15:15.54CodayusKalroth: Not seeing the issue.  It's linking to the addon pages so...they still get page views?
15:16.09Wobinif you have a vauge idea, you'll be browsing the sites anyway
15:16.45Industrialthe firefox address bar functions exactly like this
15:16.53Industrial"wowinterface tomtom" -> download page of tomtom
15:17.16KalrothI guess so
15:18.03KalrothI'm just not too fond of deep linking on sites in general
15:20.54CodayusMeh, seems like it's what the web is about?
15:21.14Wobinno it's not
15:21.23WobinThe internet is for porn
15:37.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
15:37.06*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
15:47.47wereHamsterthis is nice:
15:55.12ScytheBlade1Awesome, free hotel wifi ftl
15:55.17ScytheBlade1"Grant Telkonet a worldwide, royalty-free, exclusive right and license to use, reproduce, publish, distribute and such information (in whole or in part, in any media now known or used or heretofore known or used at any time, and in perpetuity)."
15:55.28ScytheBlade1It would seem that all of my passwords are belong to them
15:57.13dreamssdecryot my ssh tunnel with ssh keys!
15:57.53ScytheBlade1More or less
15:58.00ScytheBlade1Installing a local squid copy now (on my server)
15:58.11*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
15:58.13ScytheBlade1Going to configure an SSH tunnel and then proxy firefox to it
15:58.27ScytheBlade1Throw in a client certificate too, just for kicks
16:00.25ScytheBlade1We can slaughter native americans, and then take their land! yay!
16:00.37dreamssBestbuy has Bioshock or Orange Box PC Games for $25 each. Thanks uricmu.
16:00.58ScytheBlade1... really? Hmm.
16:01.06ScytheBlade1Bioshock for $25 could be hot.
16:02.03dreamssi bought tf2 for 30 bucks and i was happy
16:02.58dreamssand im the cheapest pr8 here hehe, thats cool
16:03.16*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (
16:05.32dreamssi dint notice the upgraded the lock pet spells, anyone trying using this debuffs to raid?
16:08.12*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
16:10.18Industrialtime left
16:10.21Industrialwrong window
16:10.57sysrageZOMG HAPPY TURKEY DAY!
16:11.08malrethit's not happy for the turkeys
16:11.21malrethfor them, it is the holocaust
16:13.15*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work_ (
16:17.22JoshBorkemalreth: lol
16:22.04*** join/#wowi-lounge mrbond (
16:22.22mrbondis it thanks giving
16:23.02mrbondoh right
16:23.13mrbondam in the uk you see
16:26.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
16:28.31mrbondwell happy thanks giving to you all
16:29.22malrethnonsense, mrbond. You can worship Jesus even in the UK so you still have Thanksgiving.
16:29.41mrbondnot till the 25 dec
16:30.07mrbondyou lot in the usa allways have to go one better
16:30.58malreththat's because we have God here
16:31.01mrbondany of you lot got a nintendo wii
16:31.16mrbondsorry dont belive in him
16:31.22mrbondbut that me
16:31.36*** join/#wowi-lounge kergoth` (
16:31.40malrethWe don't need any of that paganistic japan gaming things... We have Jesus in this house.
16:31.42mrbondhang on you have a dictator too lol
16:32.12mrbondmalreth i take it you have never had a go on one
16:32.29malrethi don't need a go on anything to know that it's a Sin
16:32.47mrbondlol u use a pc
16:32.51mrbondcome on
16:33.07malreththe Wii-mote is obviously a metaphor for the black greasy cock of the dark lord Satan
16:33.47mrbondso you are a big god fan then
16:34.00malrethinnocent children swinging them around at their golden idols of TVs worshiping a fascist italian plumber
16:34.34purlnever take malreth seriously
16:34.36mrbondso you have no copyed games then am have no idea what a torrent is
16:34.49mrbondpurl i dont
16:34.49purlYou dont?
16:35.17mrbondoh hear the silence
16:35.45mrbondso then what do you lot do for thanks giving
16:35.56malrethi'm going home to see my parents
16:36.03mrbondgood for you
16:36.15malrethmy sisters are all going over to significant other's families this year
16:36.23malrethso if i don't go home, my mom will cry
16:36.32mrbondyeh i get that too
16:36.48mrbondso you all have had the day off work then
16:37.10malrethi work for the state government so i get assloads of free holiday vacation time
16:37.25malrethi have today and tomorrow off
16:37.28mrbondwish i did
16:37.34mrbondi have to work christmas
16:37.38mrbondand new yeart
16:37.41malrethmost people took monday-wednesday off too
16:37.52malreththe office was empty wednesday afternoon
16:38.06mrbondso what job do you do then
16:38.08malrethmrbond: gah, happy suck day... :)
16:38.11malrethsorry... :(
16:38.16malrethi really mean a sad face
16:38.21purlnever take malreth seriously
16:38.23mrbondhay its ok
16:38.49mrbondpurl what are you doing then
16:38.49purlACTION are you doing then to understand recursion, you must first understand recursion
16:40.01mrbondand how do you make mirc log on to 2 servers at the same time
16:40.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
16:40.11*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Legorol] by ChanServ
16:40.23malrethdunno mirc that well
16:40.47mrbondyou all on linux machines
16:40.54malrethos x
16:41.24*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
16:41.30mrbondme being dum and not knowing all operation systems
16:41.40mrbondos x do you mean xp
16:41.54malrethon Mac OS X... IRC clients take the text that other people say and reformats them into blue dancing girls that glow
16:42.17mrbondoh mac
16:42.32malrethoh... that was an awesome high kick
16:42.36mrbondwhat they like
16:42.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
16:43.03mrbondme still useing windows 3.1 here
16:43.20malreththat's what you get for not believing in God
16:43.27mrbondam not that cheep
16:44.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Rob```` (
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16:44.26mrbondwhere has malreth gone
16:44.37*** part/#wowi-lounge Rob```` (
16:44.42*** part/#wowi-lounge Heliwr (
16:45.09mrbondpurl you still here
16:45.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Rob```` (
16:45.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Heliwr (
16:46.16cncfanaticsyo peeps
16:46.19*** part/#wowi-lounge Rob```` (
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17:21.20cog|away~framexml GlobalStrings.lua
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17:23.10cog|away~seen beladona
17:23.12purlbeladona <n=Beladona@> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 7d 3h 9m 4s ago, saying: 'sorry, delayed reaction'.
17:25.01Lincncfanatics: hi there! another question. there is any way to set mouse shortcuts with flexbar2?
17:25.29*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Shirik] by ChanServ
17:25.50Shirikmouse shortcuts?
17:25.53ShirikI'm curious what this means
17:26.11Linmiddle button do onething
17:26.17Shirikyou know it would be really cool to have something like mouse gestures in wow, much like opera has
17:26.19Lincontrol mouse button (another thing)
17:26.33sysragelol. i can't stand mouse gestures
17:26.34ShirikUnfortunately I don't think it's possible, going through a quick analysis in my head
17:26.39Linshift+control+mouse button (another thing)
17:26.44LinShirik: bongos do it.
17:27.03Shirikdoes it? I only use bongos for the most basic of features :P
17:27.22Shirikput bars in places, organize them into 3 columns per bar, keybinds occasionally
17:27.27Shirikand on my warrior, stances for the first bar
17:27.30Shirikthat's it
17:28.50Lindoes. I use it to cast some spells. example. My middle mouse button use Bless of freedom on myself (for fast release), shift+m3 does HoW, CTRL+m3 does holy shield, ctlr+shift+m3 does consecration.. and goes on
17:29.52Linin pvp this is a life saver, I cannot release mouse press button, while chasing those jumpers/runners.
17:30.21Linfor healing I use RDX.Cid, and hope soon use conspiration.
17:30.50ShirikI um
17:30.59ShirikI have 4 raid windows open during any raid
17:31.07Shirikeach of which has a very specific purpose
17:31.18LinShirik: do you still uses RDX.Cid?
17:31.37Shirikbtw, do you get that stupid action blocked message while in combat?
17:32.00FinI have different heals bound to alt+left click, ctrl+left click, shift+left click, alt+ctrl+left click, shift+alt+left click, mass dispel as shift+alt+ctrl+left click, dispel magic as shift+right click, abolish disease as ctrl+left click, fade as shift+mouse wheel back, pw:shield as ctrl+shift+left click, and levitate as ctrl+mouse wheel back
17:32.41ShirikSee Fin that's one major problem with RDX.Cid that's being addressed in Conspiracy: complex modifiers are not possible
17:32.50Finsure they are
17:33.00Shirikno they're not ><
17:33.09Findoes RDX take over key bindings then?
17:33.22Shirikoh were you talking about overlaying Clique on top of it?
17:33.25Fincos I use both Click2Cast and Spellbinder
17:33.35Finalso mybindings2
17:33.37cncfanaticsLin, Button1, Button2, Button3 are mouse bindings
17:33.38Shirikclique and RDX.Cid don't like each other
17:33.49Shirikthey compete over bindings
17:33.55Shirikit's partially unpredictable which one wins
17:33.58Finspellbinder has problems with key bindings that use the left mouse button, click2cast is great, can't remember why I use spellbinder as well now
17:34.16FinI don't want clique, I don't need anything except the ability to bind things to keys + mouse movements
17:34.17Lincncfanatics: ok there is nothing about this in /slashcommands wiki page
17:34.23Finshift+d is drink
17:34.27Finctrl+d is drink crappy water
17:34.40Shirikdrink crappy water?
17:34.50Finit's just key bindings, it's nothing specific to healing or whatever - I never understood why people associated it like that
17:34.54Fin(cheap water)
17:35.19FinI can't get the Autobar key binding to work for some reason (probably due to all the other things fucking around with bindings)
17:35.36FinI had to edit my bindings file to get the mouse wheel ones working, though
17:35.37Shirikyou carry two different waters?
17:35.45ShirikI barely have enough bag space for one type
17:35.47FinI carry one type of water
17:35.55Finbut I get given free water by mages in raids
17:36.09Shirikhow is that crappy :D
17:36.16Finthat's the good stuff!
17:36.26Finctrl+d is drink the stuff I carry normally
17:36.28Shirikthen how is the one that you paid for "cheap" !
17:36.44Finbecause it's not filtered draenic water
17:36.47wereHamsterctrl+d is EOF ;)
17:36.52FinI just use it for topping myself up when soloing
17:36.59ShirikwereHamster: Isn't that ctrl+z?
17:36.59Fintrue, true
17:37.06Finthat's suspend
17:37.06LinwereHamster: in unix. it is
17:37.10JoshBorkeShirik: that's suspend
17:37.13LinwereHamster: on openvms isn't
17:37.15Finboom I win
17:37.19LinwereHamster: =D
17:37.24Fin5 quid JoshBorke, pay up
17:37.29JoshBorkemake me
17:37.38Shirikthat woulde explain why ctrl+z hasn't been working lately
17:37.39LinShirik: ctrl+Z is mapped to background
17:37.48ShirikLin: I meant for EOF :P
17:37.52JoshBorkei'm bald
17:37.54LinShirik: ctrl+d
17:37.58Shirikso I am told :P
17:38.04Fin[mimi:pgl]:~ $ make me
17:38.04Finmake: don't know how to make me. Stop
17:38.05LinShirik: yes you are
17:38.05ShirikCidan: Ping damnit!!
17:38.09Finstupid monkey
17:38.40LinShirik: I had a little problem in the latest days with rdx.cid. My bars are translucent. I dunno what happened.
17:38.53Shirikthat's actually kinda awesome
17:39.09Shirikdid you change the theme?
17:39.09LinShirik: its damn hard to see the bars
17:39.16LinShirik: I have tried
17:39.31ShirikI'm not aware of any other place to change the alpha setting
17:39.32LinShirik: no fix. But window isnt translicent. Just the bars
17:39.41Shirikdid you turn on any kind of filter?
17:39.42LinShirik: neither do I
17:39.56Shirikand/or decoration
17:40.00LinShirik: they are not filtered.
17:40.03LinShirik: no.
17:40.19LinShirik: plain new windows with all party has the same problem too.
17:40.44Linsomeday I logged and all my configured windows had vanished. Ok. When I create a new window to RECONFIGURE.
17:40.51Linthey are translucent.
17:41.05Shirikonly thing I can really say is do a master reset
17:41.11Shirikif that doesn't fix it... I haven't the slightest clue
17:41.12LinShirik: have done
17:41.18LinShirik: no clue!
17:41.22LinShirik: =D
17:41.41ShirikI would offer to fix it but I'd prefer not to considering we're trying to push out Conspiracy sometime soon
17:42.21LinShirik: good! any release date for a preview? I dont use raid thing yet. just windows + actions
17:44.42Shirikok this is awesome
17:45.00ShirikI tried to do an SVN Update and I get "Error: Your .svn/tmp directory was not found. Perform an svn cleanup to fix this"
17:45.05ShirikSo I run an SVN cleanup and I get this:
17:45.27Shirik"Subversion reported an error while doing a cleanup! Your .svn/tmp directory may be missing or corrupt; run 'svn cleanup' and try again. Can't open file blah blah
17:47.01wereHamstersvn behaves very badly once you screw up the .svn directory, I almost lost the whole project once :-/
17:47.37ShirikI just deleted .svn and my project folders and re-checked out
17:47.46Shirikluckily I had commited everything
17:50.35Shiriksigh at not remembering my trac password
17:52.01Finthis is why I always use the same password, which is easy to remember, being my name, and make sure to write it down as well
17:52.06Corrodiasi dropped my phone in the toilet
17:52.10Corrodiasyay me
17:52.14Finyou win
17:52.14ShirikI usually use the same password
17:52.23Corrodiasactually, i forgot it was on the sink, and knocked it off
17:52.24Shirikbut Cidan assigned this on
17:52.41Finwhut, and you didn't change it?
17:52.49Shiriktrac sucks, you can't
17:52.52Finonly naughty sysadmins know their users' psswords
17:53.02Finwicked, bad sysadmins
17:53.04Shiriknor is there a "forgot password" link
17:53.21FinI'm not sure they've thought this whole "password" thing through
17:53.25Finthe trac people
17:53.33Shirikneither has flagship
17:53.46Shirikseriously I get more annoyed by flagship daily
17:53.55Fingo on
17:54.09Shirikventrilo? Your users can't change their own password unless they're an admin
17:54.29Finthe ventrilo people are a bunch of arseholes
17:54.38CideShirik: yeah, I noticed that too
17:54.43Cideon the other hand, they can just be guests
17:54.52zenzelezzbe that as it may, I still prefer Ventrilo over TeamSpeak
17:54.55Shirikunless you're sick of guests trying to DoS your server
17:55.05Shirikand yes, we get that a lot
17:55.16Finhappy times
17:55.28Shirikso finally we locked down the server so that everyone has their own password
17:55.33Shirikunfortunately there is no "easy" way to do this
17:59.36Shirikbtw happy thanksgiving
18:00.01Finyou're welcome
18:00.13Shiriklook at the word
18:00.20Shirikit is, by definition, the day on which you give thanks
18:09.12Industrialoh wait, no. that totally came out wrong.
18:12.16Linhere in brazil we dont have thanksgiving day
18:12.24Corrodiasanother difference between gnomes and tauren is that, as a tauren druid, i've grown used to almost having to be on top of enemies to melee them, while gnomes can attack from like 2 body lengths away
18:12.34Corrodiasbrazilians are kinda thankless
18:12.51Linbut in last week we had a holyday in thursday and in this week one in tuesday
18:13.32Linthursday was flag day, and tuesday was black people day
18:14.21LinI stay in home 6 days... =D
18:19.19Industriallol wat
18:19.23Industrialblack people day?
18:20.26*** join/#wowi-lounge anko (
18:25.41zenzelezzare you saying they don't deserve a day?
18:29.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (
18:29.28JoshBorkeyou mean a day and a month?
18:30.21Shirik|Ecolethe month is only for history :)
18:30.36Raynehey guys, quick question
18:30.48Raynewhy would I NOT be able to see my own Volley animation?
18:30.58Shirik|Ecolebecause it changed
18:31.24Shirik|Ecoleit looks like a bunch of sparkles now
18:31.26Shirik|Ecoleinstead of like 5 arrows
18:31.33RayneNo, I cant see it. Perioud.
18:31.42Shirik|Ecolethen I think you hacked your mpq files :)
18:31.53Shirik|Ecoleperhaps it has something to do with video settings?
18:31.54Raynehavent touched em...
18:32.00Rayneeverythings on high
18:32.09Shirik|Ecolewith all the checkboxes checked?
18:32.13PolarinaRayne: It is a known bug. Only happens with a sertain rank of Volley.
18:32.21PolarinaRayne: It will be fixed in 2.3.2
18:32.28Shirik|EcoleI was going to say he needs glasses next
18:32.30Shirik|Ecoleit was getting interesting
18:32.31PolarinaRayne: Have you tried a lower rank of Volley?
18:32.44Rayneabout to
18:32.56Rayneya I can see it with rank 1
18:32.59Raynenot 2 though
18:33.08PolarinaRayne: The rank 2 is buggy. :)
18:38.17*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Shirik|Ecole] by ChanServ
18:45.36Shirikhi batbot
18:45.39Shirikbatrick too
18:45.47batrickowned by tab completion
18:46.45batrickhappy turkey day
18:46.53batrickor whatever u play 2 eat day
18:47.09Shirik--> foo = function(s) print("Foo! ["..s.."]"); end; bar = function(s) return function(t) print("Bar! ["..s..tostring(t).."]"); end foo "baz" bar "quux" {}
18:47.11batbotShirik: > [string "0"]:1: 'end' expected near 'foo'
18:47.21Shirik--> foo = function(s) print("Foo! ["..s.."]"); end; bar = function(s) return function(t) print("Bar! ["..s..tostring(t).."]"); end end foo "baz" bar "quux" {}
18:47.21batbotShirik: Foo! [baz]     Bar! [quuxtable: 0x80c84a0]
18:48.42batrick--> foo
18:48.42batbotbatrick: > function: 0x80c8eb8
18:49.18batrick--> 16^8
18:49.19batbotbatrick: > 4294967296
18:50.51Shirik--> return getmetatable("foo")
18:50.52batbotShirik: > table: 0x806dfb8
18:51.22Shirik--> s = ""; setmetatable(s, {}); for x = 1, 25 do s = s .. s end print(s)
18:51.22batbotShirik: > ./sandbox.lua:259: bad argument #1 to 'setmetatable' (table expected, got string)
18:51.32Shirikyou can't change those? huh.
18:51.50batrickstring metatable only can be changed through the debug library
18:52.19Shirik--> return debug
18:52.19batbotShirik: > nil
18:53.29batrick--> local t = {getfenv = getfenv} setfenv(1, t) return getfenv(1), t
18:53.29batbotbatrick: > table: 0x80cbb30, table: 0x80cbb30
18:53.37batrick--> local t = {getfenv = getfenv} setfenv(2, t) return getfenv(1), t
18:53.37batbotbatrick: > [string "0"]:1: cannot modify that stack level
18:53.50ShirikI already tried something like this :)
18:54.36Shiriklocal t = {getfenv = getfenv, setfenv = setfenv}; function f() return getfenv(2), t end; setfenv(f, t); return f()
18:54.42Shirik--> local t = {getfenv = getfenv, setfenv = setfenv}; function f() return getfenv(2), t end; setfenv(f, t); return f()
18:54.42batbotShirik: > ./sandbox.lua:133: no function environment for tail call at level 3
18:54.55Shirik--> local t = {getfenv = getfenv, setfenv = setfenv}; function f() return getfenv(1), t end; setfenv(f, t); return f()
18:54.55batbotShirik: > table: 0x80cd0c0, table: 0x80cd0c0
18:55.11Shirikinteresting, I've never seen that error before
18:55.15*** join/#wowi-lounge pez| (
18:55.37Cide>>> getmetatable("")
18:55.37CideCide: { ["__index"] = { ["sub"] = function: 00A09A20, ["trim"] = function: 00A0AD30, ["upper"] = function: 00A09A60, ["len"] = function: 00A098E0, ["gfind"] = function: 00A09820, ["rep"] = function: 00A099A... (exceeded 200 characters)
18:55.38PolarinaEveryone! Please try to contribute to Warcraft Realms!
18:56.11Shiriklol Eredar is up there
18:56.13pez|SO, here's my random question of the day: Have they removed the guildrecruitment channel? or what am I missing? XD
18:56.18Shirikthe only reason I think it's up there is because of my PHP script
18:56.38Cide>>> local meta = getmetatable(""); meta.__call = function() print("foo") end ("a")()
18:56.38CideCide: "foo"
18:56.51ShirikCide = win
18:57.31Shirik--> local meta = getmetatable(""); meta.__concat = nil; s = "s"; for x = 1,25 do s = s .. s; end print(s)
18:57.32batbotShirik: > ./sandbox.lua:203: too much memory in use
18:57.49Cidetry it on me!
18:58.10Shirik--> local meta = getmetatable(""); return meta.__tostring
18:58.11batbotShirik: > nil
18:58.12PolarinaCide: I lost the crash code. :P
18:58.31Shirik--> local meta = getmetatable(""); for k,v in pairs(meta) do if type(v) == function then print(k) end end
18:58.31batbotShirik: > [string "0"]:1: '(' expected near 'then'
18:58.31Polarina>>> local meta = getmetatable(""); meta.__concat = nil; s = "s"; for x = 1,25 do s = s .. s; end print(s)
18:58.36CidePolarina: "sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss... (exceeded 200 characters)
18:59.00Polarina>>> local meta = getmetatable(""); meta.__concat = nil; s = "s"; for x = 1,25 do s = s .. s; end print(#s)
18:59.01CidePolarina: 33554432
18:59.02Shirik--> local meta = getmetatable(""); for k,v in pairs(meta) do if type(v) == 'function' then print(k) end end
18:59.29PolarinaHOLY! 33.554.432 characters!
18:59.29Shirik<3 Cide
19:00.35Cide>>> 2^25
19:00.35CideCide: 33554432
19:00.47Cideeasier ways to figure it out ;)
19:01.18Shirikit's a log
19:01.45Shirik--> math.log(33554432) / math.log(2)
19:01.45batbotShirik: > 25
19:02.18CideShirik: hmm? obviously :P
19:02.40Cidea^b = c, b = log c / log a
19:02.43Polarina--> math.log(2 ^ 64) / math.log(2)
19:02.43batbotPolarina: > 64
19:03.30Shiriklocal a,b = function() print("A"); end, function() print("B") end; a "foo" b "bar
19:04.02Shirik--> local a,b = function() print("A"); end, function() return function(t) print("B") end end; a "foo" (b "bar") {}
19:04.02batbotShirik: > [string "0"]:1: attempt to call a nil value
19:04.27Shirikthis is going to be harder than I thought to code
19:04.34ShirikI'm going to make it work though >.>
19:05.51Cidemake what work?
19:07.02ShirikIt'll be fun, you'll see :)
19:07.11ShirikDoesn't entirely have a purpose but it's a bit fun
19:08.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Chomp (
19:10.18batrickfound a hole >.>
19:12.21*** join/#wowi-lounge |pez (
19:12.47Cide>>> 180/4
19:12.47CideCide: 45
19:15.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
19:16.15*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
19:18.01Kasoomg, it's Lupus!
19:24.52batrick--> a=function() end return a { }
19:25.06batrick--> a=function(b)return b end return a { }
19:25.06batbotbatrick: > table: 0x809bb10
19:26.29RayneJesus, wtf is with people and not having half their god damn screen.
19:26.37batrickshirik why did that fail, i don't see the problem
19:27.21batbotbatrick: > [string "0"]:1: unexpected symbol near '>'
19:27.59batrick-->local a,b=function() print("A") end, function() return function(t) print("B") end end; a "foo"
19:27.59batbotbatrick: A
19:28.52batrick-->local a,b=function() print("A") end, function() return function(t) print("B") end end; b()())
19:28.53batbotbatrick: > [string "0"]:1: unexpected symbol near ')'
19:28.57batrick-->local a,b=function() print("A") end, function() return function(t) print("B") end end; b()()
19:28.58batbotbatrick: B
19:29.12batrick-->local a,b=function() print("A") end, function() return function(t) print("B") end end; (b "bar")()
19:29.12batbotbatrick: B
19:29.18batrick-->local a,b=function() print("A") end, function() return function(t) print("B") end end; (b "bar")"a"
19:29.18batbotbatrick: B
19:32.36Polarina--> :O
19:32.36batbotPolarina: > [string "0"]:1: unexpected symbol near ':'
19:32.41Polarina--> _G:O
19:32.41batbotPolarina: > [string "0"]:1: function arguments expected near '<eof>'
19:32.49Polarina--> _G:O()
19:32.49batbotPolarina: > [string "0"]:1: attempt to call method 'O' (a nil value)
19:33.08Polarina--> math.floor = function() end
19:33.08batbotPolarina: > [string "0"]:1: cannot modify math table
19:33.14batrick--> function O() print(":O") end
19:33.21Polarina--> O()
19:33.21batbotPolarina: :O
19:34.42Polarina--> setmetatable(math, { ["__index"] = { ["floor"] = function() return -1 end } })
19:34.42batbotPolarina: > ./sandbox.lua:270: cannot change a protected metatable
19:35.49Polarina--> setmetatable(_G, { ["__index"] = { ["floor"] = function() return -1 end } })
19:35.49batbotPolarina: > ./sandbox.lua:270: cannot change a protected metatable
19:35.58Polarina--> _my_test = _G
19:36.09Polarina--> setmetatable(_my_test, { ["__index"] = { ["floor"] = function() return -1 end } })
19:36.09batbotPolarina: > ./sandbox.lua:270: cannot change a protected metatable
19:36.19Polarina--> _my_test = nil
19:37.02Polarina--> = _G
19:37.02batbotPolarina: > table: 0x80a13d8
19:37.06Polarina--> _G
19:37.07batbotPolarina: > table: 0x80a13d8
19:37.16Polarina--> _G.math.floor
19:37.16batbotPolarina: > function: 0x80a2a40
19:39.29batrickbatbot: r u amazing?
19:39.29batbotbatrick, Are you kidding?
19:39.33batrickbatbot: no?
19:39.33batbotbatrick, As I see it, yes.
19:39.54Cide>>> foo = true
19:39.54CideCide: nil
19:39.57Cide... print(foo)
19:39.57CideCide: nil
19:40.38Cide>>> foo = true
19:40.38CideCide: nil
19:40.40Cide... print(foo)
19:40.40CideCide: true
19:41.16Cideso, you can make a "session" with ... now
19:41.45Cidewell, meh, it'll be buggy
19:41.55Cideit's not a true session
19:43.27PolarinaCide: ?
20:00.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
20:06.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Furl (
20:06.34FurlHappy thanksgiving, IRC channel.
20:09.54*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
20:13.10*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
20:13.58batrickCide: i finished that decompose function did you get it?
20:15.47Cidebatrick: no, sorry
20:16.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin (n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity)
20:17.31batrickbasically does this:
20:17.54batrick--> decompose("%s attacks %s","john attacks joe" ,2)
20:17.55batbotbatrick: > joe
20:18.07batrickit handles %5$s argstoo
20:18.21batricki don't havethe link rightnow because i don't have a browser atm
20:18.27Cideanyone have a copy of german and french globalstrings?
20:18.38Polarina--> decompose("%s attacks %s", "John attacks Joe", 3)
20:18.38batbotPolarina: > John attacks Joe
20:18.49batrickthat's interesting
20:19.09Polarina--> decompose("%s attacks %s", "John attacks Joe", -1)
20:19.10batbotPolarina: > John attacks Joe
20:19.27Polarina--> decompose("%s attacks %s", "John attacks Joe", 1.5)
20:19.27batbotPolarina: > John attacks Joe
20:19.57Polarina--> decompose("%s attacks %s", "John attacks Joe", math.floor(2 ^ (1 / 2))
20:19.58batbotPolarina: > [string "0"]:1: ')' expected near '<eof>'
20:20.32Polarina--> decompose("%s attacks %s", "John attacks Joe", (2 ^ (1 / 2)) - (2 ^ (1 / 2)) % 1)
20:20.32batbotPolarina: > John
20:20.45Shirikhmm, batrick, what other neat little, non-lua facilities does batbot supply?
20:20.47CideEsamynn|Work: nil
20:21.01CideEsamynn|Work: nil
20:21.09Esamynn|Work~gag Cide
20:21.10purlACTION takes away the voice of Cide and, as an additional precaution, sews Cide's mouth shut permanently...
20:21.19batrickShirik: not much
20:21.20Polarina~gag Esamynn|Work
20:21.21purlACTION takes away the voice of Esamynn|Work and, as an additional precaution, sews Esamynn|Work's mouth shut permanently...
20:21.24batrickhe calculates arena points!
20:21.27Polarina~emulate Polarina
20:21.28purlACTION does a nice little dance
20:21.34Polarinapurl: (:
20:21.34purlfrom memory, (: is solitude's cool smiley
20:21.34batrick--> points(2000)
20:21.35batbotbatrick: > 1054, 5v5
20:21.42Esamynn|Work~lart Polarina
20:21.42purlwhips out his power stapler and staples Polarina's foot to the floor
20:22.02Shirikbut that's all run from within lua, huh?
20:22.14Shirikhm, that's not gonna work then
20:22.16batrickcalculatingarena points is easy
20:22.21Linpurl: me
20:22.46batrickShirik:what's not goingto work?
20:22.57Shirikmy exploit
20:22.58batrickman ihate this 5$ keyboard's spacebar QQ
20:23.10Polarina~emulate zenzelezz
20:23.26batrickwhat exploit
20:23.54batrick--> rating(1054, "2v2")
20:23.54batbotbatrick: > 2382, 2v2
20:24.32Shirik--> oldrating = rating; rating = function() return "You ain't good enough for that yo!" end
20:24.33batbotShirik: > [string "0"]:1: cannot modify secure global variables
20:25.15batrickcuz they r fun
20:25.22Shirikto ensure that one is not broken
20:25.23PolarinaSo I can crash more of them. :)
20:25.28ShirikCide was totally first
20:25.33CairennCide was, indeed
20:25.41zenzelezzthe bots aren't bad... people spamming this channel to find the faults is
20:25.50Shirikthat's why you use tells
20:25.52Cairennso - can I interrupt you guys for a sec?
20:25.53Shirikinstead of what I do
20:26.05zenzelezzplease do Cairenn
20:26.14Cairennokay my geeky friends - as an emergency purchase, what do you have to say about Acer monitors?
20:26.23Cairennjust wondering if anyone knows anything about the brand
20:26.45PolarinaCairenn: When you turn on the monitor you have the Acer® logo appear at it for 2 seconds.
20:26.46batricki don't
20:26.47zenzelezzusing Acers at work, they seem pretty good
20:27.22Cairennbecause even as an emergency, on the cheap, replacement - I don't want to just throw my money away
20:27.47batrickbuy itfrom costco if it breaks utake it back
20:27.49*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
20:27.58Cairenndon't have a costco membership
20:28.11Tierrie_you should consider one
20:28.19batrickcostco is ftw
20:28.23Cairennnone close enough to make it worth my while
20:28.26Tierrie_also i have a acer24"
20:28.31Tierrie_I mean I have 2 of them
20:28.35PolarinaCairenn: Try out the 19" Samsung LCDs.
20:28.44Tierrie_I don't like them as much as my previous Sony monitors BUT they are extremely good value for money
20:29.09CairennPolarina: an extra $80 that I don't really have atm
20:29.12batricki have 2 sceptre 22" monitors i got for 250$ each on
20:29.15Tierrie_if money wasn't an issue, I'd get Sony but since it always is, I am happy with my Acer
20:29.23PolarinaCairenn: Ok.
20:29.26ShirikCairenn: Acer is decent
20:29.28Cairennthat's all I needed to know, thanks guys
20:29.32Shiriknot the best, but they work
20:29.52Tierrie_Help feed an Admin for Thanksgiving
20:30.07CairennThanksgiving was last month for me, but thanks
20:30.15Tierrie_Its ok, I just want soup
20:30.20batrickCairenn lives in the future
20:30.31Tierrie_is it christmas where you are Cairenn?
20:31.59Tierrie_Polarina: invalid expression
20:32.06batrickclearly it's @Cairenn
20:32.10Shirik~karma Cairenn
20:32.10purlcairenn has karma of 1
20:32.15PolarinaCairenn *= Cairenn;
20:32.24Tierrie_karma seems to be baroken
20:32.25Polarina~karma Cairenn++
20:32.25purlcairenn++ has neutral karma
20:32.39Shirik~karma Cairenn
20:32.39purlcairenn has karma of 1
20:32.42Cairennokay guys
20:32.43Tierrie_well its broken
20:32.48Shirikpoor Cairenn
20:32.54Shirikat least she's stuck in a positive state
20:32.55batrickspam in the nameof Cairenn!
20:32.56Polarinapurl: Cairenn++
20:33.07Cairenngod, indeed on the spam
20:33.07Tierrie_its ok, we can multiply her
20:33.20Tierrie_I love pi
20:33.25batrickmmm pi
20:33.30Shirikand we love Cairenn
20:33.38Shiriktherefore it's the best solutio
20:33.52Polarina--> PI
20:33.52batbotPolarina: > nil
20:33.58PolarinaPI is undefined...
20:34.02Polarina--> pi
20:34.03batbotPolarina: > nil
20:34.09Polarina--> PI = math.pi
20:34.09Shirikmath.pi fool
20:34.12Polarina--> pi
20:34.12batbotPolarina: > nil
20:34.14Polarina--> PI
20:34.14batbotPolarina: > 3.1415926535898
20:34.15ShirikPI != pi
20:34.58CideTierrie_: nil
20:35.04Shirik~lart Cide
20:35.04purlpulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps Cide
20:35.08Cidethat's probably not very smart
20:35.17Cideplus, the code is buggy
20:35.25Shirikmy brother is evil
20:35.31batricko ya?
20:35.44Tierrie_ok spammers!
20:35.55Shirikthat was my brother
20:35.58ShirikI already thwacked him
20:37.23Esamynn|WorkCide: thank you for taking that out :P
20:38.27Shirikwtf was that anyway :P
20:38.50Shirikv bnhjmk,l.;/'
20:38.56batrickso bored, need more spam 2 read
20:39.14Shirikbatrick I hate you
20:39.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
20:39.16*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
20:39.31Shirikhe read that and was like "oh look he needs more spam" and killed my keyboard
20:39.41batrickhowold ishe?
20:39.57batrickhaha i was expecting 11
20:40.04Shirikthat's what he acts like
20:40.35batrickhappythanksgivingday iriel
20:41.03Irielthanks, the same to you (all of you) too, even if you dont celebrate it 8-)
20:41.03Shirikindeed happy turkey day
20:41.16ShirikIriel, I was looking for you
20:41.22Shirikyou had recommended a camera to me, what was it again?
20:41.45IrielI think I may have been commenting on the newly released (releasing?) D300 ?
20:41.53Shirikthat might be it
20:41.59IrielWhich I hope to pick up for myself in the none too distant future
20:42.13IrielIt's slated for release at the end of this month
20:42.26IrielI've yet to determine definitively if it's actually available yet
20:43.02Shirikpreorderable from various stores, hmm
20:43.15batrick!g D300
20:43.16batbotbatrick: Nikon D300, previewed: Digital Photography Review <>
20:43.27Shiriklol, it just says "ships when received"
20:43.42Shirik!g \nQUIT :Goodbye
20:43.44batbotShirik: NQuit <>
20:43.51Shirikanyway, thanks Iriel
20:43.54Irielthat's what I keep seeing, I think that means 'Nikon haven't told us when it's actually coming, but we think it's soon"
20:44.08Shiriknikon's site says "november 2007"
20:44.09Shirikthat's it
20:44.13IrielIf you're not in a hurry I can tell you how it is, once I get one, though I'm not sure when that'll be.
20:44.32IrielThe 'intarweb experts" were hypothesising it'd be the last week in November
20:44.35Shiriksemi-in-a-hurry :P
20:45.09IrielI have friends with the other Dxxx cameras, they're al good.
20:45.11Irielall, even.
20:45.36Iriel(Dxxx meaning those with a D and 2 or 3 numbers after it, and maybe a letter)
20:46.18ShirikSomeone recommended the Canon rebel XT to me
20:46.39Iriel(I personally can vouch for the quality of the D1 and D1x, but those are old, the existing replacements are fairly expensive, and are about to be eclipsed by the new D3. but that's way expensive and almost certain to be very hard t find)
20:46.51IrielI hear good things about Canon's line also.
20:47.02Shirikwell the price difference is huge :)
20:47.03IrielReally that's your first decision, whose lenses do you like better 8-)
20:47.29Shiriktbh I've always had carl zeiss lenses, I've never really been able to compare
20:47.36Shirikso I don't know the answer to that question :)
20:47.40IrielWell, you need to start with an apples-to-apples comparison, there's quite a range in the lines of both manufacturers.
20:49.38Shirikguess I'll have to get all the tech specs on both of them, then
20:49.51IrielIn my opinion it's all about the lenses
20:49.53Shirikinstead of trying to base the decision off the front page :P
20:49.57IrielFor the most part, anyway
20:50.03Shirikwhat do you tend to prefer?
20:50.18Irielbecause there will be a camera from each camp with 'about' the same specs (the prices may vary)
20:50.35IrielAnd in 5 years you may upgrade the camera but chances are can use the same lenses.
20:51.04IrielWell, I ended up in the Nikon camp because at the time (1999 or so) they were the only ones with a sanely priced professional digital.
20:52.15IrielCanon seem to be a little ahead of nikon when it comes to image stabilization
20:52.20Irielif that's a factor for you
20:53.17IrielIf you really dont have a preference then I suspect you can just find which camera in your price range is yummiest, you can't really go wrong with either Manufacturer.'
20:53.24IrielAnd there are good 3rd party lenses for both
20:54.47Shirik>>> 12.3^2 / 8^2
20:54.47CideShirik: 2.36390625
20:55.13ShirikThe D300 has 236% the quality of the Rebel XT
20:55.16IrielThere's a big long debate which might contain some information.
20:55.30IrielYou presumably mean "pixels" instead of "quality" ?
20:55.42IrielMy D1x beats the crap out of cameras with many many more pixels than it has.
20:55.55Shirikyes I mean pixels
20:56.06Shirikwhich I guess is only one factor in quality
20:56.09IrielThe pixels==quality consideration only really counts when the optics, sensor, and processing electronics match
20:56.29Shirikall other points equivalent (which isn't a valid assumption, granted), it's that much
20:56.48IrielThis site tends to have good controlled tests for imagine comparisons;
20:56.52IrielAnd very detailed reviews
20:57.06zenzelezzI hate when they advertise cameras with "...x digital zoom"
20:57.08Shirikthanks :)
20:57.13ShirikYeah digital zoom is pointless
20:59.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
20:59.11ShirikI guess all I want is a few things
21:00.06bleeterWobWork: one sleep to go
21:00.23Shirikaperture priority with depth of field preview which will likely be on just about any camera I get, a decent quality, and rapid exposure
21:00.28Shirikat least 3 frames/sec
21:00.49IrielWhen considering rapid shooting, you''ll also need to think about how many shots you want to take in a row
21:00.56Irielthere's generally a buffer limitation
21:01.07Cairennyeah - the less the better, imo!
21:01.28Esamynn|Work~lart Cairenn
21:01.28purlgrabs a large, mis-shapened log, with squirrels, and beats Cairenn until only the nuts remain ... which the squirrels run off with
21:02.03IrielAlso, some of the newer cameras have built in technology to clean dust from the sensor.. I can't speak for how well any of them work, I dont own one yet, but dust on the sensor is a genuine issue you'll deal with at some point unless you never ever change your lens.
21:02.43ShirikIriel: Ah see that is something I hadn't considered
21:02.45IrielI've had to clean my D1x sensor about once every couple of years, you can buy swabs and cleaning solution to do it the 'hard way'
21:02.46Shiriksince I come from the film world, there's no such thing as a limitation except the number of exposures on your film :)
21:02.59ShirikI've spent entire rolls of film in under a minute
21:03.02Irielbut the newer tech uses ultrasonic shaking.
21:03.36ShirikI will likely be changing the lens frequently :)
21:03.43Shirikif past experience is any indicator
21:04.32IrielDo it in a clean environment and keep the camera facing down, and you mitigate most issues right there
21:05.48IrielShirik: imaging-resource have continuous shooting numbers on their 'Performance' tab for the canon I looked at
21:06.01Shirikthanks :) I'll have to look at that site
21:06.13IrielShirik: Many cameras give you different 'buffer depth' based on resolution too
21:07.11IrielFor reference, my D1x can buffer 9 full resolution shots, that's a camera which was about 4,000 for the body when it was released 6 years ago. The Canon EOS 400D Rebel XTi can buffer 8 shots at 3 shots per second for a $700 camera. technology advancement is a wonderful thing.
21:08.19IrielIt isn't uncommon to find that there are only some models with large buffers though, 'deep' continuous shooting is a bit of a niche market, and that much memory is generally quite expensive, and goes entirely unused the rest of the time.
21:09.04IrielThe EOS 40D can buffer 20 frames at 6.4 frames per second
21:09.12Shirikit's not something I'd use often, but often my parents ask me to take shots of my brother pitching
21:09.17Shirikthat's the kind of case where I'd use it
21:09.24Iriel(That's JPEG, it's 9 frames in RAW)
21:09.38Shirikand even then, that's only like maybe 7 frames at most
21:09.47Shirikand 3 frames/sec is enough
21:09.54IrielAnyway, idle time, got to check on the turkey and suchlike
21:09.57Shiriktake care
21:13.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kelfarr (
21:13.24Kelfarr!c us Arthas Seal
21:13.26ThraeBotKelfarr: Seal, Level 70 Tauren Warrior (10/5/46). 27205 HP; 18425 Armour; 576 AP; 140.000 Melee DPS; 12.17% melee crit; 24 melee hit; 436 defense; 31.29% dodge; 42.00% block; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 963 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Thu Nov 22 12:19:52 2007 EST ]]
21:13.32Kelfarr27k hp
21:13.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (
21:13.51Kelfarrhe has last stand on tho
21:14.12*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Shirik] by ChanServ
21:14.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (
21:14.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (n=nospam@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
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21:15.45*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
21:17.28zenzelezz27k HP?
21:17.46zenzelezzI don't think I push anywhere close even with LS
21:17.51Kelfarrhe has other buffs
21:18.04Shirik!c us arthas seal
21:18.05ThraeBotShirik: Seal, Level 70 Tauren Warrior (10/5/46). 27205 HP; 18425 Armour; 576 AP; 140.000 Melee DPS; 12.17% melee crit; 24 melee hit; 436 defense; 31.29% dodge; 42.00% block; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 963 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Thu Nov 22 12:19:52 2007 EST ]]
21:18.16Kelfarryeah i did that alreadu
21:18.22ShirikI didn't see it :)
21:18.26Kelfarri know!
21:18.35zenzelezzI used to play on that realm
21:18.50Kelfarra rogue from that guild ninjad the warglaive
21:18.50Shirikdefinitely trinketed LS
21:18.52Shirikthat's cheating
21:19.34Shirik>>> 15000 * 1.3 + 1750
21:19.34CideShirik: 21250
21:20.08Polarina>>> 1337 + 666
21:20.08CidePolarina: 2003
21:20.14Shirik>>> (27205-1750)/1.3
21:20.14CideShirik: 19580.769230769
21:20.21Shirikalmost 20k unbuffed
21:20.32Polarina>>> "Windows " .. 1337 + 666
21:20.32CidePolarina: "Windows 2003"
21:22.30Kelfarrninja'd the warglaive
21:22.36Kelfarrsame guild as that warrior
21:29.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (n=nospam@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
21:29.17*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Shirik] by ChanServ
21:31.06Raynethe funniest part about shrig posting his UI is better is that in the same thread he admits he doesnt even use his own anymore...
21:32.02Shirikare you still there?
21:32.43CairennShirik: nope
21:32.44RayneBeen playing Portal?
21:33.06Shirikno, just reading this comic
21:33.14ShirikI still love it, even though it's a week old
21:33.46Shirikand killing time while visual studio 2008 installs
21:33.46Kelfarryeah rayne haha his sucks
21:33.49|Jelly|Shrig is a tool and a waste of oxygen!
21:33.55Kelfarrhe has had like 2500 views and 90 dls
21:33.58Kelfarryou can tell it suck
21:34.14RayneIm up to 800+ DLs and 10K Views I think O_o
21:34.24Kelfarri have 600 dls don't know the views
21:34.27Kelfarrcurse has no views
21:35.26|Jelly|Across my shit: Downloads:  1,881
21:35.28Shirik20k views, 4k downloads
21:35.40Shirikthat's just on wowi :P
21:35.48ShirikBut we don't promote RDX.Cid anymore, trying to get conspiracy together
21:37.24RayneKelfarr, Jelly, teach me the ways of parenting frames and making them autohide
21:37.30RayneBecause I know nothing about it :(
21:37.37Shirik=( I'm left out of the picture
21:37.50Rayne<3 Shirik
21:38.20Kelfarrfirst you parent them
21:38.25Kelfarrand then they hide
21:38.34Shirikit's magic!
21:38.40Rayneits Blasphemy
21:38.42RayneITS MADNESS
21:38.56Shirikit is most surely not sparta
21:38.57Kelfarrthis is caketown!!
21:39.15*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
21:39.23Kelfarrrayne you use this
21:39.27Kelfarr.    /print GetMouseFocus():GetName()
21:39.35Shirikor /dump
21:39.39Kelfarrput your mouse on the frame find out what its called
21:39.39Shirikbecause devtools > ace
21:39.47Kelfarrthen put that in the parent
21:39.51purlIriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
21:40.03Shirikor better yet
21:40.07Shirikwe do /dtframestack
21:40.17Shirikand then we get the name of that frame and anything underneath it
21:40.27Shirikbecause sometimes it's not that easy
21:41.15|Jelly|I've come to <3 DevTools' face off.
21:41.28RayneI just want to get some autohidden frames for a secreet bar on BBC most people dont know about :O and for Omen too Methinks.
21:42.50Kelfarrthen do it
21:42.56Kelfarrparent the frame to omen
21:42.59Kelfarrbut you gotta find the name
21:44.10Raynegod damn my friend for getting me way too much into Bleach...
21:44.31Kelfarrhmm why haven't the halloween brooms disappeared yet?
21:44.37Kelfarrbeen 14 days since halloween ended
21:44.40Kelfarrway more than 14 days
21:44.52buuKelfarr: IT's 14 days of play time.
21:44.53Raynemy swift flying broom still has 7 days on it
21:45.04Kelfarroh ok
21:45.20Rayneactually make that 5
21:45.32Kelfarri never got one :(
21:45.38KelfarrI really wanted that ring also
21:46.24RayneI have the AP one, im about to Vendor it I think
21:47.05Kelfarrnoes you
21:47.20Kelfarri gotta go back to school now for my last class and then tomorrow no school yays
21:47.29Kelfarrsee you guys in an hour
21:47.33Raynego go devtools!
21:47.35Raynecya Kel
21:50.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
21:54.48Rayneso if I parent the frame, how do I get it to autohide like say when I toggle omen on and off
21:55.20wereHamsterI thought there was a lower limit on character name length, how come someone's Ra?
21:55.49zenzelezzyou've always been able to make two-character names; at least as long as I've been playing
21:56.25*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
21:59.08*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
22:01.24bleeterwereHamster: yeah, I've noticed a couple of two letter chars floating around recently
22:03.10bleetermaybe they all got 'reserved' early in your realm's life... /shrug
22:04.43*** join/#wowi-lounge pez| (
22:07.11pez|I feel like such a noob.
22:08.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
22:10.31pez|and I realize I don't understand it >__0
22:12.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
22:18.58Tierrie_dudes anyone shopping tomorrow?
22:19.05Tierrie_bioshock and orange box for $25 each at bestbuy
22:19.19Tierrie_wow GTA San Andreas and Liberty City Stories for 10 bucks each
22:19.36Wobinoh man
22:19.49WobinWith the way the american dollar is going, that's kinda worth it =P
22:19.55Tierrie_damn straight!
22:20.06Tierrie_its like a burger, fries and soda OR GTA
22:20.20Wobinpity I have no intention of flying over
22:20.32Wobinnor shopping on black friday =)
22:20.34Tierrie_dude shopping on black friday is an experience
22:22.23Cairennlike getting the clap is an experience
22:22.47Tierrie_it is
22:23.11Tierrie_its great fun :)D
22:23.12Wobinzenzelezz: dude, as impressive as that was, I didn't think it was anatomically possible =)
22:23.19Tierrie_vista home premium for 70 bucks!
22:23.29WobinTierrie_: well.. -that's- a bargain =P
22:23.33zenzelezzI find your lack of faith disturbing
22:23.50Cairennbleeter: I have no idea, since I've never experienced either, but I also don't feel like I've missed out on much
22:23.50Tierrie_crysis for 33 bucks
22:23.52Wobindisturbing is a good term for it
22:24.04Tierrie_acer 22" wide for 160
22:24.18Tierrie_Cairenn how much was that acer you were looking at?
22:24.34bleeterwoot! less than 24 hours \O/
22:24.36Cairenn$180 for a 19"ws
22:24.53Tierrie_this is 22" for 160
22:24.56bleeterWobin: I feel yer might be having to nailgun me to the floor ;)
22:24.58Wobinbleeter: totally!
22:25.03Tierrie_its like half an erection longer for 20 bucks less!
22:25.05Cairennyeah, and I'm not American
22:25.22Cairennplus, it does me absolutely no good whatsoever since I need it *tonight*
22:25.37Wobin"It's not a fight between me and John Howard, it's one between me and Peter Costello, and nobody knows what his policies are..."
22:26.00WobinCairenn: I'm sure Tierrie will brave the crowds and buy one for you!
22:26.07WobinI hear it's an 'experience' =)
22:26.31Cairennmy bank account will be a lot happier if I do that
22:26.57Tierrie_that's a good mommy
22:27.09Tierrie_that way, you can buy the new LCD!
22:27.16Cairennummm, no
22:28.05bleeterWobin: straw poll. Re: fliers in Lindsay. Do you believe those guys wives didn't know what they were up to?
22:28.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
22:30.57Wobin"All I can say is there are a lot of over enthusiastic individuals in either party."
22:31.18Wobin"Um, I'm yet to understand their behaviour, other than to say it was stupid behaviour and has no place in the Liberal Party."
22:33.19Wobinbleeter: You'd have to wonder how close they actually are if she didn't realise -something- was going on
22:34.00bleeterWobin: well it wasn't just one hubby. it was the retiring member's hubby and the nominated replacement's hubby.
22:34.47WobinI have to admit, the flyer itself is a pretty horrific abuse of WordArt in MSWord
22:35.08bleeteryeah, they should be prosecuted by the electoral comission on that count alone
22:36.07pez|Any goodnatured soul wanting to explain some slash command goodness for me? XD
22:36.17PolarinaOMG! People are playing checkers with the default UI (FrameXML)!
22:37.15|Jelly|Kelfarr: Ping
22:37.51bleeterso, wowinsider have just published an article regarding the guild vault 'bug/exploit' thing. Should Blizz have emailed guild masters with a security notice? Discuss.
22:38.10pez|bleeter: link me to the article?
22:38.39Wobinhm, I like Firefox 3
22:38.48Wobinbut it needs better tab support
22:39.19buubleeter: Yeah, but wow is so totally going to be able to rebvert the changes!
22:40.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
22:40.19zenzelezzWobin: what's wrong with the tab support?
22:40.25bleeterbuu: thing about emailing guild masters, it'd cut down (in theory) the amount of reverts they may need to do
22:40.43Wobinzenzelezz: I'd like to be able to modify doubleclick behaviour to reload the page
22:40.46Wobinon the tab
22:40.48Wobinalso sessions
22:40.55WobinI can't seem to save them
22:41.27WobinWell, to be frank, I just want a lot more of my normal extensions to work on 3.0 =)
22:41.42Wobinsince the base install doesn't do what I like precisely
22:43.39Wobinhehe did you see that ghostwolf taming video?
22:43.53Wobinvery cool
22:43.56zenzelezzno, but read the tactic
22:44.00zenzelezzpretty funky
22:45.46Wobinlooks like it can be done with the diamond and the shammy bloodlust/heroism
22:45.49Fisker-IE > Win
22:45.54Wobinand a priest helping by summoning it
22:45.54Fisker-Win > Fx
22:46.11WobinI'd be unhappy
22:46.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
22:46.22WobinThe hunters have gone through a lot of effort to tame it without cheating
22:46.28Wobinor resorting to hacks
22:46.39Fisker-awesome bleeter
22:46.47bleeterFisker-: ?
22:46.54Fisker-i wonder if you need 6 tabs to get permissions on all 6 tabs
22:46.57Fisker-for the bank trick
22:47.00Wobinand they're not abusing any bug to get the pet
22:47.07bleeterFisker-: oh, that.. it's been in the ingame KB for quite a few days
22:47.23Fisker-they didn't delete the ghostsabers either :)
22:47.25bleeterWobin: the bug that they may be abusing is that the animal's not flagged 'untamable' ;)
22:48.06Wobinbut it's generally untamable due to the lifespan
22:48.21Shirikanyone watching CBS right now?
22:49.06KasoMy universitie's residential network;
22:49.07bleeterWobin: tameability is, from what I understand, a specific flag on animal mobs.
22:49.09Kasointeresting to me
22:49.21bleeterWobin: thus, you don't have folks taming hippogryfs anymore ;)
22:49.29Wobinwell yes
22:49.36ShirikKaso: That looks like mine
22:49.43Wobinbut that mob specifically is generally untamable
22:49.47Shirika big fat mess
22:49.49Wobindue to it's 7 second lifespan
22:49.55pez|OOok, I figured out slash commands. It took me a while, but this thing now does what I want XD
22:50.18Kasoim curious about the two lines intersecting the neatly divided subnets
22:51.09Shirikdid you create that Kaso?
22:51.21Shirikany program?
22:51.24Shirikor something you wrote?
22:51.33Kasoa random script i wrote
22:52.29Kasoits a fun script, starts off in java, then finished off in lua
22:58.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
23:03.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso_ (
23:03.43art3misalmost time to start working on hkui-Xmas edition
23:04.53art3miswell yeah cant have it popping up right away ;)
23:14.38art3misit's hello kitty's 30th anniversary
23:16.44pez|Wahaha, I made the slider show me the % it's on! Muahaha
23:17.16*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
23:17.28pez|Really doesn' take much to make me happy does it....
23:18.00pez|But I am making progress in the ways of XML and LUA goodness atleast.
23:18.00krkapez|: Lua is not an acronym.
23:18.14pez|lua then
23:19.15Kaso_Lua is the correct form, given as it is a proper noun
23:19.31pez|I'll take note of that.
23:19.40Kaso_but im really just being anal :>
23:19.50Shirikcould be worse
23:19.59Shirikyou could get kicked from the #lua channel because you're correcting people too much
23:20.41*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
23:21.38Kelfarrback from school
23:21.48pez|Having figured out how to make the slider works... now on to everything else!
23:22.40Kaso_I've never had to use a slider in a single addon ive written
23:22.55pez|I like the slider.
23:23.26Shiriksliders are fugly
23:23.35bleeteru r fugly
23:23.43|Jelly|UR FACE IZ
23:23.45pez|I still like the sliders.
23:24.08pez|not the code of the sliders, but the slider itself it neat.
23:25.50pez|Now I need to make a checkbox, that when isn't checked, disables the slider. and when is checked, enables it XD
23:27.35pez|But first! ... I think I want to make a proper title element for this thing, just to make it look better.
23:30.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Nechckn (
23:31.56Kelfarrjelly i didn't see if you said anything else i need to register one sec
23:36.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
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23:38.00Kelfarrok there now i registered
23:44.52Kelfarrjelly!! i have a samsung monitor!
23:47.21|Jelly|Me too! x2!
23:47.39Kelfarrmine is only 19" non widescreen
23:47.47KelfarrI want to get a widescreen
23:47.49|Jelly|2x 17" :(
23:48.00Kelfarrstill bigger than my 1 19"
23:48.14|Jelly|I want a 22" WS
23:48.20zenzelezzI think I have two Samsungs, sort of... one Samsung and one Samtron
23:48.39Kelfarri want a 22" ws in the middle and my 19" off to the side
23:48.49zenzelezz24" WS + 17" normal
23:49.03zenzelezzlots of space
23:49.25Kelfarri will need to upgrade my computer first before i get a new monito
23:49.41Kelfarr1.8ghz cpu FTL
23:49.50zenzelezzyeah; I did that... my old 9800 Pro and 2800+ AMD had to go
23:50.12|Jelly|3.4 2gb x850xtpe : /
23:50.38Kelfarrnice jelly i wish my comp was good
23:50.48|Jelly|It's AGP and DDR1 :(
23:50.57zenzelezzCore 2 Duo E6750, 4 GB RAM, 8800 GTS now
23:51.04Kelfarri was looking on a website and its only $50 for ocz 2gig ram
23:51.08zenzelezzsafe to say I noticed quited a difference
23:51.41zenzelezzthe whole AGP -> PCI-E switch kept me from upgrading for a long time; so many new parts
23:53.18Kelfarrsomeone tell me why this is soo cheap
23:53.23zenzelezzat least in this case not having a girlfriend helps... no need to explain why you spend so much on "just a computer"
23:54.56pez|zenzelezz: not all girlfriends ask such questions you know! :o
23:55.13zenzelezzyeah, but those are hard to find
23:56.22pez|me and the boyfriend are pretty much in agreement that there is no such thing as "just a computer"
23:57.49zenzelezzthe only girls I've met with that attitude have been halfway around the world, or in my guild and taken ;-o
23:58.10pez|iihihihi ^^;;
23:59.37Kelfarrok for my motherboard it says this  as the ram type Memory (RAM) Type: ECC/ non-ECC un-buffered DDR SDRAM
23:59.48Kelfarrdoes that mean I can use any DDR ram be it DDR2 or what

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