IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071117

00:02.52*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
00:10.57a-stray-cati must get a set
00:11.29Thunder_Childindeed, rube goldber on the cheap
00:11.41*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
00:15.12TemI'm sick of doing heroics with tanks that can't hold agro off of a frost mage
00:15.40PolarinaTem: Tell me about it, even the "best" tankers out there can't hold aggro off me (Hunter).
00:15.54Temyou have no excuse imo
00:16.09Temyou get a full agro wipe every 30 secs
00:16.54Temthe tank could be *that* shitty
00:20.34*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
00:20.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
00:26.01*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
00:32.48Thunder_Child"(16:15:40) (Polarina) Tem: Tell me about it, even the "best" tankers out there can't hold aggro off me (Hunter)." <-- after 5 sec of aggro generation, yes, the best can hold it off you
00:35.00PolarinaThunder_Child: Not if I spam Distracting Shot! :P
00:35.21Thunder_ChildPolarina, if your doing stupid things then it's not the fault of the tank
00:35.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
00:35.50zenzelezzI'm fed up with people who think aggro is only the tank's responsibility. That being said, a lot of tanks should do better than they do
00:37.13Thunder_Childtrue, but i was talking about the best
00:37.55Rayne2At least your guild hasnt lost 15 geared people in the last 3 days
00:38.41Kelfarroh wow i just was in a BG with a NE rogue with 29/33 spec that missed all of the good skills in both assassination and combat tree and his arena teams are 1100
00:38.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso|iPod (
00:40.35a-stray-catsounds like a quality rogue.
00:42.00Kelfarrhe kept going after me but could never kill me he didn't stealth
00:42.02*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
00:42.06zenzelezzI'm imba hybrid, 20/21/20!
00:42.10Kelfarrjust ram up on his mount and sinister strike spammed
00:42.36Kelfarrjust look at his armory
00:42.44Kelfarrhe has icy enchant
00:42.54Kelfarrand +1 weapon damage
00:43.03Rayne2Hey man, Icy still works on high end raid bosses
00:43.20zenzelezzI see he's a blacksmith... probably for the imba sharpening stones
00:43.43zenzelezzI mean with his skill he can make at least the +2 ones!
00:46.04KelfarrPermanently enchant a melee weapon to often chill the target reducing their movement and attack speed.  Has a reduced effect for players above level 60.
00:46.10PolarinaI think Blizzard should had finished all the parts of WoW before even releasing it! (Outland, Northrend, Emerald Dream, everuthing)
00:46.11Kelfarrits worthless at 70
00:46.14Kelfarrhe is just a noob
00:47.45FurlSomeone let him raid kara?
00:47.52FurlShade cloak
00:48.03FurlShade boots
00:48.21buuFurl: You can 9 man kara
00:48.23Polarinapurl: meet Cairenn
00:48.23purlhey Cairenn :)
00:48.37*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
00:48.38Furl~meet purl
00:48.39purlhey purl :)
00:49.21Polarinapurl: Doing ~meet purl and having you responding is rediculus.
00:49.22purlPolarina: that's too long
00:49.36*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
00:49.36*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower] by ChanServ
00:49.36Polarinapurl: Exactly what I am talking about.
00:49.39FurlOi Jelly, you want a screen of my UI?
00:49.56Polarinafurl: Good night, sleep tight.
00:50.05Polarinapurl: Good night, sleep tight.
00:50.06purlGood night, sleep tight., good! Have a cookie... oh no! The cookie jar is dry!
00:50.13Furl~factinfo Doing ~meet purl and having you responding is rediculus.
00:50.13purlFurl: there's no such factoid as doing ~meet purl and having you responding is rediculus.
00:50.32Polarinapurl: No jokes at night please.
00:50.48Polarinapurl: Understood?
00:51.13FurlTry again..
00:51.22Polarinapurl: Understood?
00:51.28Polarinapurl: Answer me!
00:51.37Thunder_Child~ignore Polarina
00:51.38purlACTION sticks her fingers in her ears.  "La, la, la!  I can't hear you, Polarina!"
00:51.43Furlpurl: No jokes at night please
00:51.50Polarinapurl: Ignorance is acceptance.
00:51.51purl...but ignorance is already something else...
00:52.00Polarinapurl: WTF?
00:52.01purlwtf is probably what that's fine?
00:52.13Polarinapurl: STFU!
00:52.31Furlpurl: Polarina is a bitch, agreed?
00:52.32purlFurl: please, watch your language.
00:52.47|Jelly|Furl: I guess. *shrug*
00:53.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Furl (
00:53.12|Jelly|[18:52]<|Jelly|>Furl: I guess. *shrug*
00:53.50Polarinapurl: Good night.
00:53.51purlGood night., good! Have a cookie... oh no! The cookie jar is dry!
00:54.02Polarinapurl: Bad night!
00:54.03purlBad night!, bad! No cookie for you!
00:54.15Polarinapurl: Get yourself a life!
00:54.16purlACTION fetches yourself a life!
00:54.18Thunder_Childpurl seems to have a fixation on cookies
00:54.37Polarinapurl: Learn propeer grammar.
00:54.46Polarinapurl: LEARN IT!
00:54.58Polarinapurl: CRASH!
00:54.58purlif you have apps that just can't help but keep shooting themselves in the head, and causing you to lose unsaved data, have a look through /proc/kcore and you might be able to salvage some of the lost data: 'cat /proc/kcore | strings > kcore-file' then 'less kcore-file' works great with netscape that always likes to crash in the middle of typing in forms ...
00:55.20Polarinapurl: ...
00:55.21purl[... = and your point is] or [... = go on]
00:55.42Kelfarrand your point is
00:56.11zenzelezz~emulate zenzelezz
00:56.19Polarina~emulate Polarina
00:56.20purlACTION does a nice little dance
00:56.37Polarinapurl: Oh, how sweet of you. Here, have a cookie.
00:56.52Polarina~emulate Purl
00:56.53purlI shall not be ignored!
00:57.00Polarina~emulate Polarina
00:57.00purlACTION does a nice little dance
00:57.09zenzelezzI assume you didn't take my point
00:57.31Thunder_Childthat because we dont like you zenzelezz
00:57.34Polarinazenzelezz: Wasn't the bot telling you to stop talking to it?
00:57.47purlmethinks purl is purl
00:57.55zenzelezzthe only reason I have a factoid in the first place is thanks to malreth
00:58.06purlrumour has it, wowi is
00:58.20purlwell, death is what happens when you don't /msg, or the opposite of life
01:09.42Fisker-you know you had a bad day when you spend 4 hours in a SL heroic pug, get to the endboss and realize you forgot to take the daily heroic quest
01:10.36TemFisker-, you realized this _before_ it was too late, right?
01:11.30|Jelly|Furl: So?
01:17.18*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
01:17.33AnduinLotharheh, we've been doing heroic runs with my raiding guild just for badges, we can finish them in like 45 min or less
01:18.07a-stray-catanyone know if jim of jim's cooldown pulse is still around?
01:18.15bleeterAnduinLothar: but u r teh leet
01:18.25AnduinLotharexactly. it makes heroics fun!
01:18.31AnduinLotharpug == lose
01:19.37Mr_Rabies2i pugged up to nalorakk in ZA :o
01:20.13Mr_Rabies2most people didn't have the gear to sustain the trash JUST before him though, so it fell through right before nalorakk :[
01:21.43bleeterFAIL! >
01:22.09bleeterMr_Rabies2: yeah, those last two trash hit hard ;)
01:23.23Esamynn|Workanyone know for sure how it behaves, or is willing to do a quick test for me?
01:23.57Esamynn|WorkI want to know if it actively restricts dragging the frame off the screen at all, or if it only resets the frame back to being fully on the screen when you re-show the frame
01:24.37Mr_Rabies2bleeter: i could have sustained it with more/better healers
01:24.41Mr_Rabies2pretty easily
01:24.50Mr_Rabies25000 a hit isn't that unbearable, and that's when they're enraged
01:24.50bleeterEsamynn|Work: I think I have a simple mod here that uses it, lemme take a look
01:24.53Mr_Rabies2otherwise it's like 2k
01:25.20purlACTION mooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass
01:25.36bleeterMr_Rabies2: exactly, it's a heavy hit for non-well geared healer
01:26.02KasoWow thats freaking awesome
01:26.11Mr_Rabies2it's not that bad considering you should only have two people taking damage there, but yeah we were puggin it
01:26.19kd3eek. I've got 30GB of games installed in ~
01:26.23Thunder_Child"the common problem today is difficulty in holding ejaculation for a long time and the size of penis" really? thats the common problem of today.....
01:27.14Kaso... what the hell Thunder_Child
01:27.22Thunder_Childspam mail
01:27.41Mr_Rabies2i mean i guess that is kind of a common problem
01:27.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
01:28.02Mr_Rabies2in other news
01:28.12Mr_Rabies2i got to sing Tom Sawyer by Rush in rock band yesterday
01:28.17Thunder_Childreally? and how long can you "hold an ejaculation?"
01:28.21Mr_Rabies2then i played drums and sang to it later :o
01:29.00Mr_Rabies2well you gotta run it through the engrish filter
01:29.11Thunder_Childno i dont
01:29.18Thunder_Childi choose to take it a face value
01:29.19zenzelezzmaybe it's "hold back"?
01:29.29Thunder_Childi think it's hold an erection
01:30.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
01:30.30AnduinLotharhax: [Earring of Soulful Meditation] and [Bangle of Endless Blessings] can be used at same time
01:30.36AnduinLothar430 spirit for 20s
01:30.58KasoAnduinLothar, then get spirit tap
01:31.01Kasothen get innverated
01:31.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
01:31.34Mr_Rabies2yeah i read more of like hold back but trying to decipher engrish penis enhancement spam is pretty much impossible
01:31.48KasoAnduinLothar, :>
01:32.17Mr_Rabies2i thought that was capped at about 1500 mana a tick
01:32.30Mr_Rabies2because if i recall drinking + innervate used to work
01:32.33Kasoi did that a few patches ago so i might have been changed
01:32.55Mr_Rabies2and people would cap out at about 1500 mana a tick if i recall
01:33.01ShirikTuller: ping?
01:33.09TullerShirik: ?
01:33.41Mr_Rabies2mine might be
01:33.44ShirikI just updated to your latest version of bongos
01:33.50Mr_Rabies2but tom sawyer's isn't
01:33.54Shirikand I'm getting a bunch of errors :/
01:33.56Tullerspell error?
01:33.58Mr_Rabies2i actually have no clue what those lyrics are about
01:34.04Shirikit won't even load actually
01:34.07Mr_Rabies2other than the face value
01:34.11Mr_Rabies2which makes pretty much no sense
01:34.29Shirikthe first error is Interface\AddOns\Bongos2\Bongos.lua:298: attempt to index upvalue 'L' (a nil value):
01:34.33TullerShirik: that's more interesting.  Did you delete all folders and completely exit before installing? :)
01:34.34Mr_Rabies2you mean
01:34.53Mr_Rabies2the only lyrics to yyz are "YYZ" as spoken by a guitar
01:34.57Mr_Rabies2in morse code
01:34.59Tullerie, I moved the localization folders :)
01:35.02Tullererr files
01:35.10Tullerso its gonna require a complete restart of the game
01:35.17Shirikhrm, I might not have
01:35.18ShirikI forget
01:35.26*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
01:35.52foxlitHm, so I got Crysis.
01:36.00Mr_Rabies2is it as bad as the demo was?
01:36.03Mr_Rabies2the demo was absolutely abysmal
01:36.04foxlitAnd for some reason, EP2 was a lot more likable
01:36.19Mr_Rabies2my favorite part of Crysis was punching out turtles then throwing the corpses at people
01:36.23Mr_Rabies2oh and chasing around herds of crabs
01:36.29Mr_Rabies2and punching them out too
01:36.54foxlitYou can play it in more or less any way you want, really.
01:36.58Mr_Rabies2oh and trying to throw the kiwi birds into the water but laughing at the hilariously buggy water as the bird hovered above it, doing its run animation at a 90 degree angle to the water
01:37.18foxlitWhich potentially complicates things quite a bit.
01:37.31foxlitI slightly dislike the shoot-once-alert-everyone-in-a-mile-radius system.
01:37.37Mr_Rabies2and laughing as the fact that the game uses "damage models"
01:37.38Mr_Rabies2as in
01:37.44Mr_Rabies2you punch a building
01:37.53foxlitThat was fun!
01:37.55Mr_Rabies2and the model changes to its "damage model" which has a completely different texture
01:38.13Mr_Rabies2so you can punch so hard you can turn wood into metal and vice versa
01:38.16foxlitUsed a jeep to demolish a building; looked awesome :P
01:38.33Mr_Rabies2and when the communication dish blew up
01:38.42Mr_Rabies2it turned into a damage model that looked straight out of half life
01:38.58Mr_Rabies2that demo was so terrible, and i'm assuming it's indicitave of the final game
01:39.30foxlitMost of your complaints are non-issues to me
01:39.55Mr_Rabies2it was a buggy piece of crap that looked like ass unless it was on the highest settings
01:40.07Mr_Rabies2it looked much worse than far cry or Half Life 2
01:40.26*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-sleep__ (
01:40.26Mr_Rabies2plus it wasn't fun at all to play
01:40.40Mr_Rabies2the suit enhancements are nigh useless and the soldiers take like two magazines to drop
01:40.56Mr_Rabies2they have better armor than me and i'm supposed to be the guy in the super powerful nanosuit
01:41.32foxlitI don't have a problem in that area.
01:41.52Mr_Rabies2i had more fun laughing at the bugs and utter crap of it than i did actually playing it
01:42.21foxlitThe suit modes are awesome; soldiers die like they should, and the take damage/regenerate model of HP is <3
01:42.43kd3child's play <3
01:42.54kd3they've already raised 200k this month
01:43.21Mr_Rabies2foxlit, i wasted two entire magazines on some guy in normal difficulty at about 20 yards
01:43.30Mr_Rabies2and he finally dropped towards the end of the 2nd magazine
01:43.58foxlit(a) close in (b) tactical fire (c) aim for the head)
01:44.05Mr_Rabies2and the damage/regen model is basically halo's (this was one of about 2 total innovations halo brought to the table)
01:44.10foxlitTranq dart + pistol > *
01:44.13Mr_Rabies2i aimed for the center of mass
01:44.17Mr_Rabies2with the AR
01:44.55Mr_Rabies2whereas i could die within 3 shots, the soldiers usually took 10-20 and sometimes up to about 50
01:45.52Mr_Rabies2the camo suit thing lasted for about 10 seconds, in which i was spotted and dropped in less than a second, speed managed to kill me about 5 times, and str is only useful for breaking walls because you die too fast in close range
01:45.54*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
01:46.33foxlitNone of those match my experience, sorry.
01:46.37Mr_Rabies2so basically i sat there in armor picking people off at long range unless the dumpy ai wandered into me
01:47.19foxlitwonder what the demo level is
01:47.24Mr_Rabies2because i'd fire and have to dive behind cover because i died in about 5 seconds if i wasn't running around and hiding behind cover constantly
01:47.31Mr_Rabies2i dunno, lemme think
01:47.38Mr_Rabies2you go and there's some guys hanging dead from a tree
01:47.40foxlitBecause picking off people at long range is woefully uneffective in the parts I've played through
01:47.42Mr_Rabies2at night
01:47.52Mr_Rabies2and it turns to day midlevel suddenly
01:48.25foxlitso just the first part of it, really
01:48.38foxlitNo real long range weapons there :/
01:48.40Mr_Rabies2well, i couldn't get in close, because i died so quickly at close range
01:48.49Mr_Rabies2so i had to pick people off
01:49.07Mr_Rabies2and then find cover and hope the dumpy ai wouldn't wander up to me while i was recovering
01:49.52foxlitI sincerely hope the AI in the start of the game was tuned down, though.
01:50.00Mr_Rabies2i remember remarking that the crab ai was better than the npc ai
01:50.22Mr_Rabies2they moved in packs away from you like you'd imagine real crabs to do
01:50.42Mr_Rabies2but the ai in the demo would do the stupid thing of wandering up to you one at a time like every other game with shoddy ai
01:51.02foxlitThat actually gets fixed.
01:51.19foxlitThe first few beaches have sparse patrols, so they sort of come up at you one by one.
01:51.25foxlitThere's no shortage of tag-teams later on.
01:52.48foxlitthe stealthy grind of bush -> camo -> bush -> camo -> bush gets repetitive, of course.
01:53.38foxlitThe alternative is to go in guns blazing, hijack a jeep from somewhere and play whack-a-mole with unlimited ammo
01:54.12ShirikTuller: These new green/red highlights around the buttons are awesome
01:54.12Shirik<3 you
01:54.33Tullerit was technically in flexbar2 first though :)
01:55.06Mr_Rabies2<foxlit> The alternative is to go in guns blazing, hijack a jeep from somewhere and play whack-a-mole with unlimited ammo
01:55.16Mr_Rabies2yeah both of those seem incredibly repetitive
01:55.26Mr_Rabies2crackdown pulled off the kickass supersoldier thing much better
01:55.38foxlitIt also seemed like I could've skipped most of the level on a boat
01:55.48ShirikTuller: But I never used flexbar so you don't have to tell me this :)
01:55.57Temon my server, there is a guild named "Clan Dragons Bane"
01:56.04TemAND a guild name "Dragon Bane"
01:56.08Temcompletely independent
01:56.13foxlitDidn't explore that possibility; was half expecting leeches in the water.
01:56.20Mr_Rabies2there's one named Dragonsworn on my server
01:56.23Mr_Rabies2that invites EVERYONE
01:56.35Mr_Rabies2if you're unguilded, expect to get about 2 invites an hour
01:56.36Shirikhowever is the red supposed to go away when the debuff wears off, Tuller?
01:56.43TemMr_Rabies2, do you know the reference there?
01:56.55TullerShirik: whenever you lose a target, the target loses the debuff
01:57.00Tullerit must be your debuff, not someone else's
01:57.02zenzelezzTem: my realm has an alliance "Enïgma" and a horde "Enigma", no relation
01:57.12ShirikI mean when it wears off
01:57.15Shirikis the red supposed to go away?
01:57.27Shirikhm it's not for me :/
01:57.33Shirikunless I click it again or something
01:57.42*** join/#wowi-lounge tinyboom (
01:57.46Shiriktested both moonfire and entangling roots
01:57.48Mr_Rabies2umum, isn't it series of books
01:57.48Mr_Rabies2i foget which
01:58.25Tullermaybe my implementation still sucks in the release version then :)
01:58.35Mr_Rabies2my friend had a couple characters named in that series that he had join dragonsworn for some kind of booknerd comedy
01:58.45Shirik~hug Tuller
01:58.45purlACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs Tuller
01:58.47Shirikit's still really cool :)
01:58.47Mr_Rabies2halfhand and...something else if i recall
01:59.20*** join/#wowi-lounge tinyboom (
01:59.38Mr_Rabies2i'm thinking either george rr martin or robert jordan but i totally can't recall exactly who it is :O
02:00.09*** join/#wowi-lounge tinyboom (
02:00.32Tullerblizzard needs to put up a PTR/I need to get my character to an even level so that I can fix the error when learning a spell thing :)
02:00.36*** join/#wowi-lounge tinyboom (
02:01.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
02:01.17Mr_Rabies2oh no it is a dagron
02:01.48Tullerie, learn spell, action slot is changed, I call GetActionInfo, get a spell name out of that, then use that info to get the spell name for buff matching
02:02.04Tullerbut its called before spell update is called, which causes the redbox error
02:03.23Mr_Rabies2just roll a newb character and get him to level 2 tuller :O
02:03.28Mr_Rabies2that'll take about 30 seconds
02:03.28Tullerbah :P
02:03.57Tullerwell, I have to learn a new rank of something already on my bar, I think :)
02:05.28Mr_Rabies2oh, well find out when mages learn fireball rank 2 or rogues learn sinister strike rank 2
02:05.29Tullereasiest way would be to respec tuller
02:05.42Mr_Rabies2both of those should take about 5 minutes at themost
02:07.59ShirikTuller: It works sometimes, just not always :) I'll see if I can isolate when it does and doesn't
02:09.15Tullerthe good news is that potentially is a level 6 mage
02:09.41Mr_Rabies2level 6 is about 30 minutes if you're taking your time
02:10.16Mr_Rabies2probably much less for you if you know where everything is
02:10.27Mr_Rabies2and even less if you're a blood elf or space blueberry
02:14.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
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02:20.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
02:20.26*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
02:21.19bleeterkd3: have you experienced occasional lockups when returning to the char selector from ingame?
02:21.27bleeter^^ for any other wine users, too
02:23.24bleeterok, not lockups... just error #132 and massive memory dump ;)
02:23.34ShadowedAnyone happen to know exactly how the year/month/day/hour information works for GetGuildBankTransaction and GetGuildBankMoneyTransaction? Rather not have to wait a month to figure it out =/
02:29.19KarlThePaganShadowed as far as i can tell it's year, month, day, hour ago... at least that's what looking at the blizzard code tells me
02:29.29Shadowedit is, but i'm not sure the specifics
02:29.31KarlThePagani'm the one who's been playing with the wowwiki docs
02:30.07KarlThePagando you have the Blizzard_GuildBankUI source code?
02:30.12ShadowedLets say I deposit something on Jan 2007 and it has 30 days in the month, I deposit on the 15th. 16 days later on feb the 1st, does it say 1 month ago, or does it say 15 days ago?
02:30.42ShadowedOr will it say 1 month ago on the 15th of Feb....but then how do you figure out the exact day of the month when it changes between 30/31 days in the month
02:31.21KarlThePaganyou write a localized date library :(
02:31.26Shadowedwell, I can use lua for that
02:31.28KarlThePaganit's a horrible timestamp format :( :(
02:31.35ShadowedI have no idea why they chose that
02:31.46KarlThePaganbut it seems that's the way it works... RecentTimeDate(year, month, day, hour) (guild bank lua line 567)
02:32.01Shadowedyea I've been looking through it...I'll try to see if I can get slouken to clarify tomorrow
02:32.26KarlThePaganactually... I think they chose that so that they could leave all of the localization / timezone / timestamp logic on the server
02:32.39dylanmThat seems to be their favorite thing to do.
02:32.47KarlThePaganwith all the stupid things legislative bodies are doing to timezone locales it's actually the smart choice
02:33.12ShadowedI'd rather they just give us a timestamp based off of server time, then make the author do the conversion. It's FAR more sane then dealing with the stuff they gave us
02:33.25*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter_ (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
02:33.31Shadowedeasier to do timestamp -> timestamp conversion then random ass format -> timestamp
02:33.32KarlThePaganI say... put it all in epoch seconds and let RMS sort it out!
02:33.45KarlThePaganare you making a transaction log recorder Shadowed?
02:34.14ShadowedI'm adding exact dates, and making it so you can copy the transaction logs, but would probably also just require them too I suppose.
02:34.22bleeteris this the first time the WoW 'calendar' has recognised more than just day/night?
02:34.35KarlThePaganI'm very interested in that... and possibly updating Sanity 2.1 to support guild bank items
02:34.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
02:34.52ShadowedI can't do much with it right now until I get a specific answer =(
02:34.54KarlThePaganShadowed, nice... here's the method I was going to try...
02:35.01KarlThePaganoh I've got a method to sort it out...
02:35.25KarlThePaganget the current epoch seconds, subtract the "ago" time (ignoring stupid leap seconds)
02:35.39KarlThePaganand then modulo 7200 seconds
02:35.42Shadowedthere is no "ago" time though
02:35.45KarlThePaganthat's *close enough*
02:35.53KarlThePaganwell they give you the "ago" time...
02:36.01KarlThePaganas long as you're willing to ignore years/months
02:36.19ShadowedI'd really rather not ignore years/months unless thats the only option
02:36.40KarlThePaganwell at this point it's the simplest thing which could possibly work, I'll watch for your post tho :)
02:37.18ShadowedMy theory was do something like, get the current year/month/minute/0-23 hour, then subtract agos from that to turn it into an epoch seconds.
02:37.36ShadowedBut I can't do anything with that until I figure out how it increments months and resets day
02:37.51Kelfarrwow steal saeto's UI much
02:38.07ShadowedIt's a complete pain in the ass basically =p hope I can get a response from slouken
02:38.15Rayne2lol @ 13fps
02:38.44KarlThePaganRayne2, :P I get 8fps in shatt
02:39.00Shadowedalthough hrm
02:39.01KarlThePaganGG laptop 6800
02:39.16Kelfarrlol shrig's ui "spally"
02:39.43RayneI think im going to try Violation...
02:40.11ShadowedMaybe, get the total number of days in the year the log was recorded then create our count by doing month * day subtract that from total days in the year to create the exact month/day
02:40.28ShadowedDunno if Lua has a way to do total days in year -> month/day thought
02:40.37KelfarrRayne: It only shows your damage you know
02:40.46Rayneyeah I know
02:42.18RayneWhat else is there
02:42.23RayneThat actually works well
02:43.00KarlThePaganAssesment <3
02:43.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
02:43.33KarlThePaganneed to figure out how to create an attacks parried dataset in assessment
02:43.42KarlThePaganthe rogues don't get behind the boss!
02:44.07*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (n=kd3@
02:47.05buuKarlThePagan: Can't you?
02:47.06Thunder_Child"Kane's Wrath, which is due out next year, will feature a load of new live-action cutscenes, with such actors as Species' Natasha Henstridge and Alias' Carl Lumbly" natasha is way hot imo
02:47.36buuKarlThePagan: Like, steal the one for hit breakdowns on regular attacks?
02:47.57KarlThePaganbuu yea that's what I'm gonna do... I simply lack the patience at the moment
02:48.33Raynegod im hungry
02:48.47Thunder_ChildRayne...go eat then?
02:49.00Raynecant yet
02:49.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
02:49.35Kelfarri just ate 5 pages of pizza
02:49.42buuYou eat pages now?
02:51.46Raynedidnt cut your mouth did you?
02:54.25bleeterwell there's this argument that for most delivered pizzas, there's more nutrition in eating the box rather than the pizza
02:54.43bleeterand given boxes made from cardboard... pages of pizza ain't too much of a stretch
02:54.46bleeterI guess
02:55.22bleeterdamnit #132 WHYY??!?!!
02:58.53bleeteroh, yeah.. I forgot.. tablets
02:59.49*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3|hate`net (i=kd3@gateway/tor/x-0c2d30477e7c5c74)
03:00.28*** join/#wowi-lounge andross_ (
03:11.02KarlThePaganShadowed, check out the armory... you can see your guild bank and full transaction logs! O.o
03:12.19KarlThePaganwell that blows away my reason for parsing the transaction log
03:13.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
03:13.23Shadowedit's also broken in IE7
03:13.23*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
03:13.32Shadowederr, in Firefox
03:13.38Shadowedso yeah
03:13.56ShadowedClearly Blizzard stores the exact timestamp
03:13.57kd3it's been breaking firefox on and off all day
03:14.18ShadowedIt makes more sense to write a simple program to pull the contents of the armory logs then it does to parse WoW
03:16.05ShadowedOr even then, no sense in doing anything with it since armory can show you everything
03:17.41Wobinoh you found it =P
03:17.43Wobinnm then
03:18.18Wobinbleeter: did you see that 'article' on Rudd's aims for WoW?
03:19.51Wobinone of the better written articles I reckon =) Very realistic =P
03:20.31bleeterWobin: yar
03:21.35kd3I'm surprised there's enough of a wow player contingent to even get a politician's attention
03:22.44bleeter1) it's fake 2) our illustrious PM thought he'd get a bounce in the youth vote by appearing at the XBox 360 launch.. bwahahahahaahahaaaaahaaaa
03:22.55bleeteretc. etc.
03:24.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
03:26.18Kelfarrugh i am bored...
03:26.46WobinJohnny Howard/Master chief.
03:38.27kd3ye gods I hate this...
03:38.33kd3lost a drive yesterday
03:38.39kd3about to freeze it
03:38.41kd3black, black magic
03:40.05Esamynn|Workthis is truly sick and disturbed:
03:41.15Cidebut awesomely awesome in an awesomely awesome way
03:51.10RayneI cant count how many times ive reported Doom
03:51.33RaynePretty much everytime he posts
03:59.28KarlThePaganI saw on Nova that Australia has the worst electrical plan pollution per capita
03:59.36KarlThePagantho america has the worst total polution per capita
03:59.48bleeterKarlThePagan: from my understanding, that's correct
04:00.10KarlThePaganbleeter, I would hope that PBS at least gets their facts straight
04:00.43KarlThePaganat any rate that Auzzie pm's WoW stuff doesn't seem too far fetched
04:01.00KarlThePaganmy company has a few technical contacts in auz
04:02.50bleeterKarlThePagan: aussie PM has about 7 days left in the job
04:03.12bleeterless than 7 days, tho, 'coz the election starts in about 6hours short of 7 days
04:03.24KarlThePaganso you never have a lame duck PM?
04:03.41KarlThePaganhow very 20th century of you...
04:04.04bleeterhe's been lame for at least 18 months
04:04.31KarlThePaganbut your next PM isn't elected yet right?
04:04.39bleeterlast election the opposition won the popular vote, but not enough seats... so some would argue he's been lame since then
04:04.47KarlThePaganah i see
04:04.50bleeterPMs aren't directly elected by the populace
04:04.55KarlThePagangot it
04:05.08KarlThePaganparlamentary system
04:06.55ThraeAnyone a videophile? I'm trying to tweak my ffdshow video settings for video playback.
04:07.06bleeterKelfarr: you love it
04:07.32Kelfarrugh no
04:15.21NechcknThrae I feel for ya.. but can't offer suggestions cause it scares me!
04:19.42Kelfarrsome guy is getting mad at me on the forums because he asked which addon he needs to update to stop the error I told him update them all since 2.3 comes out and he is getting mad at me
04:26.00kd3gah. I'm not going to be able to sleep after pulling that stunt
04:29.01kd3just pulled a harddrive out of the freezer
04:29.13kd3furiously copying data off it as we speak
04:30.53a-stray-catwhy'd you put it in the freezer o.O
04:31.11kd3it died on me earlier
04:31.21kd3freezing drives is very, very black magic, but it works in emergencies
04:32.27a-stray-cathow's it work, lol
04:33.14kd3to be quite honest, I have no idea. I just know it works. something about messing with the read heads I'd assume
04:34.09|Jelly|I remember when I did that to a customer's computer. The look they gave me was priceless.
04:34.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
04:35.50kd3this is only the third drive I've ever done it to and I'm still scared out of my mind. pulling data from that computer to this one at ~15MB/s isn't fast enough...
04:52.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
04:54.52*** join/#wowi-lounge [KzM]Fatalis (
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05:04.25Corrodiasi can see my cats were messing around while i was at work
05:06.49RayneI love Robot Chicken
05:07.13Mr_Rabies2my cats wrote a 4000 page revolutionist thesis while i was away, Corrodias
05:07.20Mr_Rabies2i'm concerned
05:07.30Mr_Rabies2i fear there may be a coup
05:09.37Corrodiasdon't worry, unless you have chickens
05:09.42Corrodiasit is not uncommon to hear about a chicken coup
05:20.42Mr_Rabies2this is why i feel for you guys that write addons
05:20.51Mr_Rabies2On the Druidbar page at curse:
05:20.56Mr_Rabies2"Can u update this for the new pacht because is indipensable n it didnt work anymore!! PLZ TO IT FAST I CANT PLAY WITHOUT IT !!!!!!"
05:22.06Thunder_Childan addon
05:22.09Corrodiasis that the mana bar? it still works, doesn't it?
05:25.40Corrodiaswhoo, schnapps likes to make me sneeze
05:25.49Corrodiasnow to jack some cars and shoot some feds
05:27.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
05:28.29dylanmDon't go all GTA on us behind the times
05:36.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
05:39.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron_ (
05:39.34Ktron_!c us eredar zeks
05:40.39Kelfarr!c us bronzebeard zairrion
05:40.56KtronI think Thraebot is brokens
05:42.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Morph|ingame (
05:44.20Kelfarrcorporal punishment
05:51.23Thunder_Childno, not broken
05:51.32Thunder_Child!c draenor prismatic
05:52.08Thunder_Child!c us draenor prismatic
05:52.26Thunder_Childi wonder if armory changed something
05:55.30dylanmWell they certainly did
06:00.41Kelfarrarmory is broken most of the time
06:03.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Smj (
06:04.01*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (i=kd3@gateway/tor/x-a8ba331b92fb64de)
06:06.59*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
06:07.24Kelfarryou stop yawning and get back to work bitch!
06:09.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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06:22.01Kelfarrwow amazing
06:25.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
06:26.17Kelfarr!c us bronzebeard zairrion
06:26.45Thunder_Childit has taken 26 minutes so far to install gears of war...and it's not done yet
06:28.05Mr_Rabies2i just have to pop the dvd in and awaaaaaay we go
06:28.38Mr_Rabies2if only consoles would natively support mouse and keyboard (other than the dreamcast) for gameplay, i'd be set
06:29.03Thunder_ChildGoW for PC is supposed to be better anyways
06:29.11Mr_Rabies2i hear it's a terrible terrible port
06:29.35Thunder_Childi guess i'll find about 2 days
06:29.47Mr_Rabies2everyone i know that's played both extensively has said the 360 version's vastly superior and the extra content is so minor
06:29.55Mr_Rabies2i haven't so i can't tell you
06:31.31GuillotineKelfarr: thats a clean UI, but... it seems to me to be missing a hell of a lot. E.g. its a pally. where is raid health/afflictions?
06:33.13Kelfarrhe uses grid
06:33.33Guillotinethen click casting I assume?
06:33.59Kelfarrclique I would guess
06:34.20Kelfarrits nice but too clean for me
06:34.32Kelfarrwouldn't look good targetting a raid boss with 24 different debuffs
06:34.36Thunder_Childclean is good, empty is not
06:34.45GuillotineI guess I just couldn't do with that little information. My UI is covered
06:35.24GuillotineI need things like NECB for diminishing returns, omen for threat, recount for damage, hourglass for cooldowns, trinketmenu for trinkets, ect.
06:35.42*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
06:36.16Thunder_Childcooldowns should be button based
06:36.28Thunder_Childunless your click casting i guess
06:36.39KtronEvery once in a while
06:36.44KtronI start thinking
06:36.56Ktronbuttons, we don't need those, we can mezmorize them all
06:36.56Thunder_Childthough you usually dont click cast long cooldown spells
06:37.05Ktronwe just need the animation to know when to hit it again
06:37.07Corrodiasi rarely click-cast -anything-
06:37.20Ktronand then I remember I'm on beer 3 of the even, and had a martini
06:37.29Corrodiasthings i do are always things that have no use during combat
06:37.32Ktronand hope I haven't talked too many placvs
06:37.37Corrodiaslike mage portals
06:39.52GuillotineTC: I need it for things like bash while I'm in cat form
06:39.54KelfarrI just have my portals on a mouseover bar
06:39.54Kelfarrwell only teleportshatt
06:39.54Kelfarri just open my spellboook for the other one
06:40.10GuillotineI don't want to fill my screen with bear form buttons even when I'm in cat form
06:40.20Kelfarruse paging
06:40.35Guillotineyes, but then I wouldn't be able to see at a glance if bash is up while I'm in cat form ;)
06:40.55Thunder_Childyou would switch forms for one "spell"
06:41.01Corrodiasdruids do
06:41.03Guillotinefor bash? definately
06:41.08Guillotineor feral charge to interrupt a heal
06:41.32Corrodiasbut what i recommend is putting Bash on its own button that doesn't page. just that one spell. you can have it on the regular bar, too, but just if you want to know when the CD is up, you just look
06:41.39Thunder_Child"(22:40:11) (+Guillotine) I don't want to fill my screen with bear form buttons even when I'm in cat form" sounds like there is only 1 or 2 though
06:42.16Guillotinetheres quite a few. frenzied regen, enrage (if I'm not being hit yet, can't go into bear really unless enrage is enough), bash, feral charge
06:42.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
06:42.44Guillotinecat form I have maim, prowl, dash
06:42.53Corrodiasyou might want a cooldown timer mod >_>
06:42.53Guillotineand I already have my bars filled up with spells/items
06:42.58Guillotinethats what i have :)
06:43.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (n=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
06:43.10Guillotinethats what this conversation started with :P
06:43.13GuillotineI'm using Hourglass
06:43.23Guillotineand TC said i should just have the cooldowns button based
06:43.58Corrodiasi came in when he said that, and didn't really understand
06:44.11Guillotineah :)
06:47.26*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
07:00.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (n=skullsho@2002:4121:79ef:0:0:0:4121:79ef)
07:00.44Thunder_Childwoohoo, i feel liek a genious
07:00.53Thunder_Child*sigh* like....
07:00.57Corrodiashow can you determine when google's last cache crawl was?
07:01.06Thunder_Childask it?
07:01.22Thunder_Childwhen you look at a cashed page it tells you when at the top
07:01.28Corrodiasah yes
07:01.59Thunder_ChildGuillotine, how do you resize hourglass?
07:02.13Corrodiasbut the little excerpt in the search page does not appear anywhere in the actual wikipedia article
07:02.28GuillotineTC: theres an option menu, isn't there?
07:02.33Corrodiasnot in the cached version, nor in the current version, nor on any version in the history on the date it was cached
07:02.37Thunder_ChildGuillotine, isnt on there
07:02.43GuillotineI dunno, I never adjusted it. It was perfect for me
07:05.19Thunder_Childbah, who makes an unresizeable mod
07:11.18Nom-Hey, didn't they add an API to 2.30 which allows you to 'scan' the AH while not being there ?
07:12.20Corrodiaswhile not being there? not so sure about that
07:15.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
07:21.37KtronTT SLEEP
07:21.45Ktronnight wowi
07:25.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (i=outlaw@
07:26.04*** join/#wowi-lounge dispel (
07:29.15Mr_Rabies2Nom-, they added one that queried the entire database as a clump, but you have to be there
07:29.21Mr_Rabies2currently it's bugged and disabled, though
07:29.46Mr_Rabies2talk to norgs and crew about that one, they're the masters of the auction house
07:29.54Nom-lol nasty
07:30.12Mr_Rabies2they indirectly control the economies of so many servers, it's crazy to think about it like that :O
07:31.39Morpheus|Deadyeppers we do  :-)
07:33.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
07:49.03bleeterMr_Rabies2: aye, the flood prevention stuff kicked in and disconnected folks... will be re-enabled when it's fixed, iirc slouken said some future patch
07:49.13bleeterNom-: ^^
07:49.45bleeterit worked OK on PTR 'coz of small AH size, when a big dataset was churned out -> bye bye mr. player :)
07:49.49bleeteror miss
07:49.52bleeteror ms... etc.
07:50.16bleeterMr_Rabies2: only so many? damn, we haven't achieved domination?
07:50.28Wobinhow do you change languages?
07:50.40bleeterthe ingame language that you speak?
07:50.42Morpheus|DeadLOL bleeter
07:50.51bleeterspeech bubble topleft of the default chat window
07:51.07Mr_Rabies2i'm starving
07:51.13Mr_Rabies2someone make me a sandwich
07:51.17Mr_Rabies2i don't feel like moving
07:51.21Mr_Rabies2i just want to go to sleep
07:51.37Mr_Rabies2someone feed me a sandwich while i sleep
07:51.39bleeterCorrodias/Nom: scan away from AH? well, kinda... AAdv preview now supports searching the AH away from the AH, and the AH is supposed to be able to send the dataset in one hit but is currently bugged (see above)
07:51.44bleeterMr_Rabies2: no
07:51.57Mr_Rabies2why not
07:52.20bleeter'coz you didn't say 'please'
07:52.38Mr_Rabies2i'm starving and may wake up outside soaked in blood with a deer with a huge chunk taken out of it under me
07:52.56Mr_Rabies2if i don't eat
07:53.12Mr_Rabies2but i'm so tired
07:53.19bleetersoakied in blood with a dear?
07:53.22bleeterthat makes no sense
07:53.29Mr_Rabies2a deer
07:53.31Mr_Rabies2as in
07:53.37Mr_Rabies2i will sleep-slaughter-and-eat
07:53.38Mr_Rabies2a dear
07:53.42Mr_Rabies2a deer
07:53.45Mr_Rabies2damn you bleeter
07:53.55bleetersoaked in blood, with a deer, with a huge... ?
07:53.59bleeterstill don't make much sense
07:54.28Mr_Rabies2soaked in blood with a deer under me with a huge chunk taken out of it as in i bit a huge chunk out of said deer
07:54.43Mr_Rabies2damn you i shouldn't have to explain this >:[
07:54.50bleetera bit of a huge chunk?
07:54.56bleetersmall chunk?
07:55.08bleeteroh, i bit a huge... that was my bad
07:55.29Mr_Rabies2like that one part in beerfest
07:55.55bleetermeh, brewfest time was pretty much all exams for me, saw bugger all of it
07:56.03Mr_Rabies2as in the movie
07:56.10Mr_Rabies2dammit man read the words i'm typing >:[
07:56.19bleeterand before you ask
07:56.20Mr_Rabies2(i know you're aussie so you get a break)
07:56.25bleeter'coz you didn't say please
07:56.27Thunder_Childbeerfest was meh as a movie
07:56.28Mr_Rabies2since you probably didn't get beerfest over there
07:56.33Mr_Rabies2i liked it Thunder_Child
07:56.45Mr_Rabies2but the drunk fratboys in the back of the theater made it better for a change
07:56.47Thunder_Childwell that was a personal opnion ofc
07:57.10Mr_Rabies2it was funny hearing beer cans rattling around during the entire movie and them yelling occasionally
07:57.27Mr_Rabies2i liked it because it got every cliche and copout perfect for a sports movie
07:57.37Mr_Rabies2plus it had that great broken lizard touch
07:57.51Mr_Rabies2"great broken lizard touch" is an odd phrase
07:57.55Thunder_Childmeh, didnt like supertroopers either
07:58.01Mr_Rabies2i loved supertroopers
07:58.07Mr_Rabies2probably one of my favorite movies of all time
07:58.14Mr_Rabies2YOU'RE DEAD TO ME, Thunder_Child
07:58.17Mr_Rabies2YOU HEAR THAT, DEAD >:[
07:58.37Mr_Rabies2OH GOD IT'S A ZOMBIE
07:58.52Mr_Rabies2okay i'm getting excessively goofy now
07:58.57*** part/#wowi-lounge Morpheus|Dead (
07:58.57Mr_Rabies2i tend to when i get tired
07:59.19Mr_Rabies2i'm just going to collapse and wake up and devour an entire ham or something
07:59.45Mr_Rabies2since i only had two meals in 48 hours
08:00.15bleeteryou could've eaten the whole deer in the time you've been moaning about it
08:03.55Shiriknight everyone
08:06.22Rayneyay bear boss ded
08:06.50KelfarrJelly add my UI to the tocposter plox
08:06.54Cairennnight guys
08:07.01Kelfarrdid the mount drop?
08:07.28KelfarrI want that mount
08:08.24|Jelly|Kelfarr: I'm redesigning it, so to speak. Probably release it on Monday-ish. Your UI will be included.
08:11.39KelfarrHow do I clear my browsers cache? I did it once a while ago but I can't remember
08:11.55Shirik|zZzif it's IE, you uninstall it
08:12.10Shirik|zZzis the easiest thing to do
08:12.17Shirik|zZzyou shouldn't have any real reason to go beyond that
08:12.33*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
08:13.22Thunder_Childheh, i didnt mean to go on to wow to play..instead i got PL's through SM
08:13.36Thunder_Childi like that mistake
08:14.05KelfarrThis new guild bank thing in the armory is awesome
08:14.35Shirik|zZzand before I go to bed, I leave you with this jewel
08:16.13Kelfarrdriving his lawnmower down the street
08:16.13Thunder_ChildShirik|zZz, we need to redefine your definition of "gem"
08:19.13RayneWe had him to 20% with 4 minutes left, and one of my healers DCd
08:19.17Rayneand my OT got eaten alive
08:19.50Shirik|zZz"Is it illegal to cut grass? I know my rights!"
08:19.53Shirik|zZzI love this guy!
08:25.43XuerianWhile that points out my endless annoyance with cops who get pissed at the slightest deviance, that was funny.
08:26.14Guillotineanybody know the VB 05 equivalent of Open filename For Input As #f ?
08:32.31Guillotinefound it. My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText
08:51.43Guillotineanybody know the literalizing character in VB Regexps? (e.g. % in lua)
08:57.33*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
09:01.06IrielIt's probably \
09:01.08Irielthat's the usual one
09:01.44Guillotineyup. turns out its \ for everything except the thing I needed >< Apparently its double quotes for quotes
09:21.26Thunder_Child"The Global Cooldown issues aren't ignored : changes have been made server side and more of them will come with the 2.3.2 patch."
09:21.44Thunder_Child"The new Battleground, Regular Dungeon, and Heroic Dungeon daily quests are the same for everybody on the same realm, but are random for each realm."
09:21.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
09:22.55Thunder_Child"The Death Knight will be tuned to be as useful as the feral druid when it comes to tanking."
09:23.09Thunder_Child"More daily quests will be added to level your reputation with different factions. Some of them will be added in the 2.4 patch."
09:44.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed| (i=outlaw@
09:46.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
09:59.11Kelfarrhow is he going to tank
09:59.15Kelfarrno shield
10:02.07nevcairiela feral druid doesnt have a shield either
10:03.13Kelfarrbear form
10:03.27Kelfarrthere is no way deathknights are going to have a tank form
10:03.42Kelfarrthe whole point is a druids health and armor is increased in bear form by alot
10:04.53WobinI'm totally -loving- portal
10:05.15SmjGood but short-lived.
10:05.59SmjRun through it twice, complete the advanced levels and you're done. I haven't come across any quality custom made maps so far. But I haven't really been looking though.
10:06.03WobinIt's... clever
10:06.06Wobinand well written
10:06.43Kelfarrand based off a garrys mod tool!
10:07.46Wobinhow can you go wrong with fanbased material? =)
10:07.55*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight__ (
10:13.03buuWobin: YOU CAN'T.
10:13.12buuPortal is fucking amazing.
10:13.14buuThat is all.
10:13.51buuIf valve came up to me tommorrow and said "you can't play portal ever again unless you give us $50", I would pay it.
10:13.55Esamynnit really is hard to believe how AWFUL the alliance is at WSG
10:17.22Kelfarralliance are awful at everything
10:24.11WobinThe usage of physics is kinda creepy
10:32.41*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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11:14.13*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
11:19.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
11:21.38sag_ich_nicht AnduinLothar, your shit breaks shit. ckknight_, your shit breaks shit. where is cogwheel? his shit breaks shit, too!
11:35.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
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11:41.02Wobin_Companion Cube =(
11:42.35*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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11:42.37buuOh man, I incinerated that thing in like 10 seconds.
11:43.35sag_ich_nichtsomeone here have an account on the sw stats forums?
11:46.02sag_ich_nichti need someone to link the taintlog there
11:46.09sag_ich_nichtbecause SW stats is tainting stuff too
11:46.32*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
11:46.36sag_ich_nichtmy account there doesn't work for some reason
11:46.41sag_ich_nicht11/17 09:08:12.018 to be exact
11:48.17Fisker-you can't
11:48.26sag_ich_nichti can and i am
11:48.28sag_ich_nichtnow shut up
11:48.54sag_ich_nichtand you bleeter
11:48.58sag_ich_nichtbetter link the taintlog i gave you
11:49.00sag_ich_nichtin the sticky
11:49.07sag_ich_nichtso sloukens engineers can look at it too
11:49.14sag_ich_nichtbecause he requested them to be posted there
11:49.21sag_ich_nichtand i don't have a US forums account
11:57.32sag_ich_nichtpost my log
11:57.38sag_ich_nichtor i will come to your house and stab you!
11:57.46sag_ich_nichtwith a spoon!
11:57.47zenzelezzhow do you enable the taint log?
11:59.18bleeterI'm more likely to post 'Hey, slouken, the EU folks are crying 'coz they won't be polite when they ask me to post their taint logs so I tell them "STFU & GTFO - get yer own Sexy Sam". Is this the correct course of action, or would you recommend something else?"
11:59.57bleeterin fact
12:00.00sag_ich_nichtbleeter do that
12:00.09bleeterI will
12:00.16sag_ich_nichtmaybe then he finally gets an EU account
12:05.23sag_ich_nichti am waiting, bleeter :P
12:05.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
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12:14.32bleeterhell, I get yelled at with 'I'm waiting' during the same minute as I edit up and do the post, then I don't even get a 'thanks'
12:15.01sag_ich_nichtthanks bleeter
12:15.05sag_ich_nichti was busy
12:15.07sag_ich_nichtsorry 8D
12:15.45bleetertoo bloody late now, yer just saying that
12:15.56bleeteronly 'coz I pointed out how rude 'n stuff you are
12:16.40bleeterbleeter, do this, bleeter do that... your shit breaks... do it now. not even a singular please.
12:17.02MoonWolfbleeter, why isn't it fixed damnit
12:17.05MoonWolfget to work
12:17.07MoonWolfchop chop
12:17.09bleeterdunno really why I bother, when mostly all you do is bitch at me
12:17.25zenzelezzmostly all he does is bitch at everyone
12:17.45sag_ich_nichtbleeter i am just angry because my omen doesn't work, so i stab everyone and everything that could cause it
12:18.23bleeterwith an attitude like that, I wouldn't be suprised if you're the singular reason slouken doesn't have an EU account and is happy with the concept
12:19.59sag_ich_nichtthe reason for that is the same reason that causes Hortus to not have one and why Tigole only made one post, ever, on the EU forums.
12:20.39bleeteryou're all a bunch of arrogant cockheads? moreso than the seppos?
12:21.15sag_ich_nichtbecause blizzard is too lazy to do the neccesairy organisating.
12:21.49bleeterI think my reason's more likely
12:22.03bleeterit's certainly more entertaining than the same ol' qq
12:24.44sag_ich_nichtit's not like i'd post on the forums like that
12:24.49sag_ich_nichtit'd just give me a permaban
12:26.29zenzelezzand you think speaking to people on IRC in that way won't land you on their ignore list?
12:27.47Corrodiasi've never been a fan of the brits
12:27.56Corrodiastoo many clock towers
12:28.04sag_ich_nichtzenzelezz /ignore is for pussies
12:28.16zenzelezzthen it suits you well sag
12:37.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
12:39.41bleeterwhen a level 70 gnome lock asks in IF general 'Is there a lock trainer in IF', what's your immediate thought?
12:40.03Olisonhe leveled in SW!
12:40.08Olisonnooo not ebay
12:40.46nevcairieli think you even have to go to the IF trainer for some class quest
12:40.58nevcairielaka, you are being send there by all other trainers
12:44.16bleeterwoot, realm restart
12:53.19sag_ich_nichtsame here, guess it must have been something critical if they didn't apply it at off-peak hours
12:54.51bleeterit wouldn't be full load on EU at the moment would it?
12:55.16bleeterthey did some late night restarts yesterday in US, iirc
12:55.26bleeterbout 11pm or so.. maybe a bit later.. my memory is vague ;)
12:55.29sag_ich_nichtnot full load, but loaded enough already
12:55.36sag_ich_nichtit's 2 pm here
12:56.45bleeterwell, I guess the other way to look at it would be, that right about now would be when most oceanic guilds would be winding up their evenings
12:57.13bleeterUS realms empty, and probably not much hardcore raiding going on in europe, so it's an offpeak global time
12:58.12nevcairielweekend is always offpeak on my realm, you would think there are more players but nothing .. even less
12:58.24sag_ich_nichti'll just go play super mario galaxy now
13:02.49bleetertuesday night's offpeak on oceanics, 'coz no one's ever sure if they're gunna get to play
13:03.28bleeter^^ statement made with complete absence of any worthwhile data
13:05.06Wobin_oh I am so utterly shaped
13:05.09Wobin_it's not funny =(
13:05.19Wobin_come back broadband
13:05.22Wobin_all is forgiven
13:07.12Wobin_tuesday night is going out night
13:07.19Wobin_my guild goes out for dinner =P
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13:15.32bleetersag_ich_nicht: ckknight is here now, you can abuse him direct
13:31.20bleeteroh dead I hate the week after patch day
13:31.26bleeter*users* appear out of the woodwork
13:36.29*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
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13:50.14Wobin_end song =)
13:51.51*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
13:52.54Wobin_I love that song =)
13:53.46break19ckknight: *abuse*
13:54.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
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14:08.38Cairenn|afkSpeeddymon: who are you pinging?
14:09.09Speeddymonanyone thats alive
14:09.28Speeddymonis there any difference in these 2 lines of code?
14:09.33Speeddymontablename = nil
14:09.52Speeddymonfor k,v in pairs(tablename) do k = nil end
14:10.01Speeddymonwhen trying to clear a table
14:12.19Speeddymonwest coast choppers?
14:17.38Wobin_Weighted Companion Cube
14:18.58cladhaireSpeeddymon: i already answered you
14:19.13cladhairewell just now, lol
14:19.20cladhairelook in $wowace
14:25.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
14:25.05KasoSpeeddymon, for cases like that is often quicker to try and see than ask.
14:25.22KasoGrab the lua stand alone executable off wowi and just test it out
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14:36.42LunessaCrimaniney!  I take 12 hours off from the forums and it's 4 pages of new stuff?  Don't people SLEEP around here?
14:37.07Wobin_who needs that?
14:37.10*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight__ (
14:39.15Wobin_Congratulations. The only thing you've managed to break so far... is my heart =(
14:50.28*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
15:04.19Wobin_(If you haven't played portal, that song won't make sense)
15:04.26Wobin_(and if not, why not? =P)
15:07.25LunessaI haven't played Portal - a) because Work and WoW consume too much of my time, b) I don't own a console, and c) I dislike games with low replay value.  
15:07.40*** join/#wowi-lounge YammYgirlcoding (n=hoho@
15:07.43nevcairielportal is a pc game
15:07.44KasoPortal has a pc versin..
15:07.47nevcairielno console
15:08.10nevcairieland its definately worth the time skipping a few hours of WoW :)
15:08.35LunessaAnd it's still $50 for a game I'll play through at most twice?
15:08.51Kasoportal alone is like $20
15:09.07LunessaThat's not so bad.  
15:09.08Smjfor 70 bucks you can get hl2, ep1, ep2, tf2 and portal I guess. :p
15:09.10dreamssif u getting portal, get tf2 or the while ob
15:09.11SmjIf you buy the box.
15:09.29dreamssi bought tf2 for pc and played portal on console
15:09.33LunessaYeah, not a single one of those other games appeals to me.  
15:09.51dreamssportal is mostly about the voice acting anyways
15:10.33dreamssLunessa, tf2 is really fun actually
15:10.39KasoAllow yahtzee to convice you
15:10.43dreamsseven the healer class kicks ass
15:11.15Wobin_Portal is worth it alone
15:11.22Wobin_hell, I played it on Linux under Wine =P
15:11.37Lunessa... I mostly don't like PC "RPGs" and I'm really not into shooters.  I can however derive thousands of hours of enjoyment from games like Civ IV
15:12.10Wobin_Portal is fun, for it's originality, the dry humour, the physics... dear god, the physics
15:12.15dreamssportal is a puzzle game
15:12.22dreamsswith kickass geek physics
15:12.38dreamss"what would hapen if i made a endless portal loop.."
15:12.57Wobin_The first time you throw yourself off an edge and fire a portal into the floor just as you're about to slam headfirst into it...
15:13.43Rayne can I just go with the traditional "Getting rid of xperl solves many other problems" post?
15:13.44LunessaI've read all kinds of reviews, and the Penny-Arcade comic for it was funny.  
15:14.00Wobin_latest VGCats also
15:14.07dreamsstf2 is very well done too
15:14.13dreamssclasses are balanced
15:14.16Wobin_although if you haven't played it at all, it'll make no sense
15:14.21Wobin_much like a lot of VGCats
15:14.30dreamsscake is a lie :(
15:14.43dreamsspoor mario
15:14.51dreamssi hope they make portal 2
15:15.04Kasooh dear god i do too
15:15.13dreamssits better on big screen too
15:15.22KasoI even sent a email into gabe saying that (god im a huge nerd)
15:15.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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15:15.39dreamssgotta love valve
15:15.43dreamsssteam is kicking ass
15:15.46Wobin_It's one of the most original games I've seen for a -very- long time now
15:16.06dreamssorange box, 10/10 by most reviewers
15:16.15LunessaKaso: Now you can order a high-quality print. :)
15:16.34dreamsswhoever said they played portal on linux, did u use steam
15:16.46Wobin_dreamss: yes
15:16.54dreamsssteam works on wine?
15:17.07Wobin_for... relative values of 'works'
15:17.10dreamssoh man...
15:17.15Wobin_there are -some- graphic artifacts
15:17.18Wobin_but everything works
15:17.31dreamssi was worried their crypto would break under wine
15:18.02dreamssor rather their whole protection scheme
15:18.02Wobin_Jonathon Coulton is a genius =P
15:18.37Wobin_"...Maybe Black Mesa... That was a joke, Ha ha, fat chance..."
15:19.14dreamssi dint really expect a good storyline in portal
15:20.04Temit didn't need one
15:20.21Wobin_well no
15:20.24Kasomm, thats why i want a portal 2 rather than just some map-pack style thing, the puzzles are fun but the comedy/story really makes it a whole chunk better
15:22.14dreamssthis puzzle is imposible
15:22.27*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
15:22.36Wobin_It was the whole interaction that made the puzzles fun
15:22.45Wobin_especially at the end and the non-interaction
15:23.45dreamssworth playing imo
15:23.55dreamssits prolly a new genre on its own :
15:24.48*** part/#wowi-lounge Speeddymon (
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15:31.00Wobin_First Person Puzzle Comedy
15:34.03Wobin_Hm, JoCo's music is very recognisable
15:34.29Wobin_"I'm making a note here: Huge Success"
15:37.47Wobin_and his key changes
15:37.55Wobin_on leading lines
15:38.42KasoIt is definitely recongisable
15:38.57Kasoi recongised it fair quickly
15:40.31KasoEver heard of Ze Frank? There was an episode where jonathan coulton sang for like 15min on it which was awesome
15:42.16Wobin_I'm just listening to Still Alive on loop =P
15:43.07Kaso if you fancy a change.
15:43.23KasoIts coulton singing zefrank's songs
15:45.59Ktronin Pitbull, there are frames for your 'focus'... what is that?
15:46.15Kasofocus is like a unit id you can manually set
15:46.21Kasotarget a unit then do /focus
15:46.38Kasoit'll be your focus and you can see info about it even if you untarget it
15:54.08sag_ich_nichtwhere is cogweel
15:54.13sag_ich_nichti have stabbityness to discuss with him
15:59.43*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
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16:42.18Kasoarrrgh arrrgh arrrgh!
16:42.58Cidecan anyone explain this reasoning? :P
16:43.25Cidehey, I like everything this mod has to offer, can anyone recommend a replacement? thanks!
16:44.10sag_ich_nichtCide it's because that isn't all ct_core offers
16:44.22CideI'm aware
16:44.39Cidebut at the same time, it's all loaded on demand
16:45.34Cideit's like half of the features, but probably closer to 80% of the code functionality
16:46.04sag_ich_nichtwell i dunno.
16:47.18Wobin_Has anyone heard anything about spell damage consuming hemo charges?
16:53.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Elfranne (
16:54.17ElfranneI am making a little addon for wow but I have some problems
16:54.31ElfranneCan anyone give me a hand ?
16:55.03zenzelezzjust tell us what the problem is and we'll see if anyone knows
16:55.53*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
16:57.07ElfranneError occured in: GlobalCount: 1Message: ..\AddOns\FlaskProtector\FlaskProtector.lua line 31:   attempt to call a table value
16:57.25Elfranneit is an addon that blocks the use of flask
16:57.50zenzelezzwell, what is line 31?
16:58.01KasoYou attemted to call a table value as if it was a function
16:58.17Elfrannefor _,listed in FlaskProtector_List do
16:58.30cladhaireYay for new addons
16:58.32Kasowelcome to lua 5.1
16:58.54Kasofor _,listed in pairs(FlaskProtector_List) do
16:59.17Elfrannei do not know very much about how it works all that stuff
16:59.24Elfrannethanks i will try that
17:04.17nevcairielpil is still 5.0, that might not help him on that direct issue
17:04.29Cidesure it will
17:04.33nevcairiel(online PiL anyway)
17:04.49Cidethe old syntax was deprecated in 5.0 anyway afaik?
17:04.51nevcairielthat syntax was valid in 5.0, just saying .. not sure what PiL says
17:05.11Cidevalid but deprecated afaik
17:05.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Athrun-- (
17:09.59ElfranneThanks it worked :)
17:11.38KasoElfranne, if you're fixing up an old addon you might wanna take a good look at the addon for any unitended effects, old addons like that tend to taint alot
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17:18.12YammYgirlcodinganyone have that dreamweaver code coloring for lua, that used to be in wowinterface site?
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17:19.32YammYgirlcodingit's no longer there anymore
17:19.32cladhairei just single buffed an entire AV raid
17:19.32cladhairewith fort and shadow prot
17:19.32cladhaire<3 addons
17:19.54Shirik|zZzlol cladhaire
17:20.15cladhairewrote a simple addon for my priest called Buffy that gives me a tiny button up by my playerframe
17:20.19cladhaireclick it, and it buffs everyone.
17:20.22Shiriklol, Buffy
17:20.53Wobin_is the icon a little stake? =)
17:21.58cladhairehehe nah it should be tho
17:22.03cladhaireright now it shows thw round of buffs you're on
17:22.05cladhaireit does you first
17:22.12cladhairewhich is seperate so you can inner fire yourself, or fear ward
17:22.22cladhairethen mine does PW:F on everyone
17:22.25cladhairethen shadow prot if you have time
17:22.44cladhaireeasy to set it up to only do it when you have the Preparation or Spirit Heal buffs on you
17:22.48cladhaireso you dont ever blow mana doing it
17:24.21KtronWhat's the level range of mudsprocket? Anyone know offhand?
17:24.43kd3quests are upper-thirties/low-40s
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17:27.07YammYgirlcodingaaah code coloring much better =^^=
17:37.22*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
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17:56.39KtronPeople don't understand that
18:00.24Elfrannehi again  :p
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18:08.48RaynePeople are disgusting sometimes...
18:09.26Rayne the troll responces :/
18:10.33|Jelly|The problem is someone posted something personal on the WoW forums thinking they'd get a real response.
18:11.18RayneWell some people gave a real responce.
18:11.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
18:11.34RayneI just cant help but wonder if there people have any dignity IRL...
18:12.17|Jelly|Forums ~= RL :\
18:12.45LunessaThis "Stych" person is ... well, retarded.  
18:13.15Raynewhys that?
18:13.56Lunessa1) He's jobless but plays WoW, supports a wife, and turns down offers of financial help from his parents.  
18:14.20Lunessa2) His wife is in another nation.  And he's supporting her to go to school there.  
18:14.37Lunessa3) He's seeking help/adivice on a video game forum.
18:14.47Raynefyi, im stych, ass :)
18:15.00LunessaWell, buck up.  
18:15.13LunessaTake what your partents are offering.  
18:18.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
18:19.45Rayne@ignore lunessa
18:19.56Raynecopypaste fails
18:20.06LunessaThe command starts with a /
18:20.21RayneI was going to link something but my keyboard is dying :/
18:21.13Raynewell that was easy...
18:22.04Rayneoh well...afk ill be on the phone for a bit...
18:28.05Shirik~hug Lunessa
18:28.06purlACTION hugs Lunessa tightly until Lunessa turns slightly blue
18:28.28LunessaHiya Shirik.
18:49.57RayneI feel ill...
18:55.00cogwheelholy crap
18:55.10cogwheeli love that they fixed pickpocket & disenchant autoloot
18:55.21ScytheBlade1They did?
18:55.37cogwheelall of my stealth abilities are now macroed with it =D
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19:07.26kd3heh, wow. I never knew that
19:07.35kd3take on ony with less than 10 people and they nerf her HP
19:07.37TullerShirik: I fixed the highlighting issues today, at least in theory :)
19:08.31Thunder_Childkd3, should be the other way around
19:08.57kd3before I started the fight mobhealth thought she had 1.1m. she's got 850k now
19:21.13*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
19:23.30Lunessakd3 alas and alack.  It's hard to convince anyone to do the key quest for Ony these days. :/
19:28.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Fisker- (
19:41.37kd3woo for the ony bug
19:41.45kd3she loves hiding in the whelp cave, we can't keep aggro on her
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19:49.23widgertickHello =)
19:49.38Thunder_Child~hello widgertick
19:49.38purlACTION stands up and shouts "HELLO widgertick!"
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20:02.37Shirikanyone ever tried setting up ventrilo through tor?
20:03.31widgertickI bet you have =)
20:04.58kd3boo at them nerfing the dragonslayer buff
20:06.03purli guess tor is a network of virtual tunnels that allows people and groups to improve their privacy and security on the Internet. See
20:06.47Thunder_Childif it's a tunneling things then it would only work if the server is on tor as well....i would imagine
20:07.32kd3no, you can use tor to connect to general net sites too
20:12.55zenzelezz"C# Memory Leak Torpedoed Princeton's DARPA Chances", hehe
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20:39.58PolarinaThunder_Child: Look at the changelog at
20:40.12PolarinaThunder_Child: Do you notice the changes for the last two versions?
20:41.14PolarinaThunder_Child: You don't?
20:41.27PolarinaThunder_Child: Valuation v1.3.1 and v1.3.2
20:41.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
20:42.04Thunder_ChildPolarina, i dont use that addon...i just didnt have any idea of what you were talking about
20:42.44PolarinaThunder_Child: The last two versions vere only bug-fixes for bugs that appeared with v1.3.0
20:43.10Thunder_ChildPolarina, nice....
20:43.48PolarinaThunder_Child: I feel kind of a dumb person for not noticing these bugs earlier..
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20:44.29Thunder_ChildPolarina, why? no one is perfect
20:44.42PolarinaThunder_Child: True.
20:45.13PolarinaThunder_Child: Well, I do know of one more bug in Valuation, but Blizzard phorbids me to fix it, apperantly!
20:46.43PolarinaThunder_Child: Actually two more, and Blizzard again, phorbids me to fix it too!
20:48.37PolarinaIf Slouken knew how to read the damn forums these limitations wouldn't exist by now! READ THE EUROPEAN FORUMS, GOD DAMIT!!!
20:49.03zenzelezzwhat are those bugs?
20:49.18widgertickI'm 99% sure Slouken knows how to read forums. =P
20:49.37Polarinazenzelezz: Unable to find out the number of charges item has, and the orignal charges.
20:49.58Polarinazenzelezz: The other one; unablility to aquire the repair cost for items inside the mailbox.
20:50.07Thunder_Childwidgertick, i dont think he reads the EU forums
20:50.48Polarinazenzelezz: And two more who aren't affecting Valuation; unability to aquire the remaining/total **durability** for items inside the trade window and the mailbox.
20:51.15widgertickThunder_Child: I'm fairly certain you're correct, but not doing something != an inability to do something =P
20:51.33*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
20:52.56Thunder_Childreplace learn how to read the damn forums with learn how to read the damn EU forums and it works that way
20:53.00Tierrie_yes like bestiality
20:53.17widgertickHe knows how to read the damn EU forums, he just doesn't.
20:53.37Thunder_Childi dont know that till he has done it
20:53.44Thunder_Childand from what i understand...he hasnt
20:53.52widgertickI promise I know he knows how =P
20:54.16widgertickPolarina: I'll post your issues on the US forums, hopefully someone will see them
20:54.36Polarinawidgertick: And this entire conversation, regarding Valuation (Or sell value addons in general).
20:54.56widgertickYes ma'am =P
20:56.44Thunder_Childheh, might as well ad in this convo about slouken...
20:56.56PolarinaThunder_Child: What I implied.
20:57.14Thunder_Childwell you followed with regarding valuation
20:57.30PolarinaThunder_Child: Ops...
20:57.48widgertickI refuse to bite the hand that feeds =P
20:58.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
20:58.24Thunder_Childhe feeds?
20:58.46widgertickHe feeds me functionality!
20:59.04Thunder_Childhe has a good sense of humor
20:59.19bleeteras anyone who's seen the high score table of linux maelstrom can tell
21:00.29KasoWhy cant i get smbfs to recognise my windows PC :<
21:00.46Thunder_Childhe took "ace'ing the default UI" fairly well....
21:00.47bleeterthe kernel's grown some sense!
21:02.44Thunder_Childthats ok, widgertick, i'll post it
21:05.21batrickanybody know why (button:GetFontString()) is nil now in 2.3?
21:06.24batrickreturns nil I should say
21:06.47*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
21:10.48kd3$ du -hs /data/pub
21:10.49kd3654G    /data/pub
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21:26.20Thunder_Childanyone know how to get rid of the extra tooltip that auctioneer sticks in?
21:26.44kd3disable enhtooltip?
21:27.00zenzelezz"extra tooltip", for item info etc?
21:27.06Thunder_Childcant disable enchtooltip
21:27.08zenzelezzisn't that just Informant?
21:27.20Thunder_Childturned that off...still there
21:27.35kd3ask in #norganna?
21:27.36Thunder_Childwell i turned it off software wise
21:28.06Thunder_Childkd3, ya, i was just being lazy
21:28.36kd3gah. I need to figure out what I'm going to do with ~2.3TB of formatted disk spac
21:29.26zenzelezzkd3: that goes without saying... porn!
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21:29.55kd3my current disk usage
21:30.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
21:31.09Fisker-one does not simply make a raid in linux
21:31.25kd3there's a bug in the hardware raid driver for my chipset
21:31.47kd3and with a drive going down in my old computer (scroll up to the disk freezer excitement last night) I kinda had to make my move
21:32.42Fisker-so new mobo?
21:32.48Fisker-or just moved to another computer?
21:33.06kd3that's my new ~$1600 computer
21:33.09Fisker-also didn't it fuck up your raid? :O
21:33.12kd3new everything except dvd
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21:33.20Fisker-i need a new dvd-drive :(
21:33.25Fisker-asus ruined mine!
21:33.27Fisker-i gotta sue
21:34.27Fisker-stupid place to put an ide connector ever
21:34.46Fisker-and my cable was made backwards
21:34.50kd3that's about where mine is
21:34.53Fisker-so i pushed in a pin on the dvd-drive
21:35.11kd3asus p5e-vm do
21:35.12Fisker-i fixed it a bit by pinching it with a scissor and pulling it out
21:35.29Fisker-but it doesn't detect new discs anymore
21:36.09Fisker-so gonna get a sata dvd and 2x500GB harddisks next month probably
21:36.19Fisker-my old ones are beginning to feel the effect of being old like shit
21:36.24Polarinawidgertick, Thunder_Child: Have any of you posted it yet?
21:36.32Fisker-huge temperature and noise levels lately
21:36.54CairennPolarina: not a big deal, it's the weekend, hopefully slouken is actually taking some family time anyway
21:36.55Thunder_ChildPolarina, i was going to attach it to widgertick's beautifly created post
21:37.19kd3meh, all 6 of my drives are running around 42-44. that's a touch warm but not unworkable
21:37.39kd3really need to get some more case fans and a better cpu cooler
21:38.12Fisker-i think mine are around the 50's
21:38.15Fisker-but also
21:38.21Fisker-2 of my drives are vibrating a lot
21:38.39kd3ick. great way to dig in to a platter, that
21:38.53Fisker-so much that's easily making a bigger noise than my cpu, psu and gpu combined
21:38.59Fisker-well or it's associated fans :P
21:39.25Fisker-so right now i have some assorted pressure on the drives as it seems to keep noise a bit down
21:39.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
21:39.54Fisker-put in a coke can on top of one of the drives :P
21:40.37Thunder_Child*sigh* dogtag is failing me
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21:42.35*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
21:42.40Thunder_Childdamn...thought it was going to be a solo post
21:42.48Thunder_Child~fail widgertick
21:42.48purlwidgertick: Fail.
21:43.19widgertickYeah, 'cause that'd be way more likely to be read =)
21:43.29Kelfarr!c us bronzebeard zairrion
21:44.06Thunder_Childwidgertick, stop shooting down my ideas
21:44.13*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
21:45.29widgertickLess pewpew?
21:45.41Thunder_Childmore pewpew..just not at me
21:46.13Kelfarrless pewpew more qq?
21:47.50Thunder_Childi'm pewpew'ing right now
21:49.46Thunder_Childwow...Aeterrorist is just so FULL of information
22:04.16*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
22:05.09PolarinaA Game-Master told me to re-install the game if the repair.exe tool didn't fix the bug I found.
22:05.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
22:05.36PolarinaThen s/he told me that if that didn't solve it, I should contact Techincal Support.
22:06.08PolarinaBut the most interesting part is that the GM mentioned the addon Item Rack during the conversation!
22:06.18KelfarrDid he also tell you to delete your interface and wtf folder?
22:07.04Kelfarrmy brain just exploded
22:07.15PolarinaKelfarr: No, s/he only asked if I had addons like Item Rack that might be causing my problems.
22:07.24PolarinaKelfarr: I replied that I had no addons installed.
22:08.10PolarinaKelfarr: I can do that thing too. Just create a PNG image with
22:08.12Thunder_ChildKelfarr, ya, photo trickery
22:08.18Polarina100% transparency.
22:08.24Thunder_Childand badly done at that
22:08.28PolarinaAnd put it as your background.
22:17.49PolarinaFuBar should do it like this (Makes it look better): UIParent:ClearAllPoints() UIParent:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 0, -16) UIParent:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
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22:27.15Kelfarryumm kraft dinner
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22:53.59bleeterkd3 hax!
22:54.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
22:55.27kd3it's better than the minutes+ lag I was getting before
22:55.38kd3shame that freenode doesn't support ssl, that's less pain to set up
22:55.46bleeterIRC SSL is dumb
22:56.22kd3ya, but it gets through the dumbass filter my apartment's ISP set up
22:56.25Irielbleeter: Why's that?
22:56.38Irielbleeter: I can think of plenty of reasons why it may be useful
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22:59.21bleeterIriel: the false sense of security it gives is dumb, using it to work around issues like kd3's got isn't ;)
22:59.59IrielThere's nothing false about the security between client and node tho
23:00.12Irielthe only dumb thing would be imagining you had security beyond that
23:01.40bleeterwhich is what, I swear, 99.999999% of IRC users fail to get
23:02.20bleeterAnduinLothar: you still port forwarding?
23:02.41AnduinLotharhave to
23:02.47AnduinLotharmy isp doesn't allow port 80
23:02.57bleeterjust thought things might've changed since I last asked ;)
23:03.29AnduinLotharnah cox pretty much owns all the broadband in so cal
23:03.36AnduinLotharonyl competition is sbc dsl
23:03.55AnduinLotharand i'm nto gonna pay for a buisiness line
23:04.52bleeterif I owned a host with decent speed... well... yannow how it goes :(
23:08.35PolarinaWhat's wrong with my frame? I can't see it appearing on the screen.
23:11.34IrielPolarina: Does it have a backdrop to be setting the color of?
23:11.44PolarinaIriel: Black.
23:11.46IrielActually, neever mind that's not your issue
23:11.56IrielYou set TOPLEFT and TOPRIGHT, but not height or BOTTOM*
23:12.14PolarinaIriel: How should I do it then?
23:13.08IrielI usually do local t = f:CreateTexture(); t:SetAllPoints(f); t:SetColor(1,1,1)
23:13.26PolarinaIriel: Let me check if that works.
23:14.05PolarinaIriel: SetColor is a nil value.
23:14.06IrielBut SetBackdropColor may work always, it's just not been my habit and I dont remember why, a little voice in the back of my head thinks that it's because you need to create a backdrop before that'll work.
23:14.13Irielsorry, t:SetTexture
23:14.49PolarinaIriel: Still the same.
23:15.08IrielPolarina: Did you set your height or BOTTOM?
23:15.20PolarinaIriel: No, that's what I was asking for...
23:15.34IrielI dunno, where do you want this frame to show up?
23:15.59PolarinaIriel: I want it to be 16 pixel height and appear at the top of the screen (UIParent).
23:16.01IrielI think one of your TOP's should be a BOTTOM anyway
23:16.38Irielf:SetPoint("TOPLEFT"); t:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", UIParent, "TOPRIGHT", 0, -16)
23:16.53IrielReplce t: with f:
23:17.00Irielmy typing is horrific today and
23:17.09IrielI keep transposing those two
23:17.32PolarinaIriel: No difference.
23:17.47IrielPolarina: With my texture, or your backdrop?
23:18.06PolarinaIriel: My backdrop.
23:18.31IrielPolarina: Try adding my texture
23:18.37PolarinaIriel: Wait..
23:19.36PolarinaIriel: It works!
23:24.05PolarinaIriel: But why didn't the backdrop work?
23:24.19IrielPolarina: because frames dont have a backdrop unless you set one up
23:24.35IrielPolarina: A backdrop is a special game-managed texture
23:24.49IrielPolarina: There's a whole complex method to create one
23:26.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
23:30.12PolarinaIriel: Because you were so nice helping me, I allow you to take a sneek peek at my code ( ). Others don't look!
23:33.22Thunder_Childthats what /msg is for then
23:34.16PolarinaThunder_Child: I'm testing out how many people are dumb. :P
23:34.21CairennI believe it was a joke :p
23:40.27bleeterPolarina: lots. and by lots I mean *LOTS*
23:40.38Polarinableeter: :D
23:41.01Polarinableeter: More than if I didn't tell others to not look.
23:41.47Cairennwell, as channel op, you can be damn sure I checked
23:41.58Cairennso does that make me dumb?
23:41.58kergothwonder if is hould bust out my old ass and throw +stealth enchant on it for stealth runs
23:42.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
23:43.40bleeterCairenn: well, I can't hear you speak.. so... ;)
23:44.14Thunder_ChildCairenn, really want an answer?
23:44.27Cairenngo for it, if you dare ><
23:44.59Thunder_ChildCairenn, yes
23:47.12kd3gah at my violinist side coming out
23:47.45Cairennkd3: what's wrong with that?
23:48.50kd3nothing, I'm just surprised I'm still doing that. I haven't touched a violin in a few years after playing for a little over a decade
23:49.31PolarinaWhy doesn't "/console port gm island" work anymore?
23:49.52widgertickI dunno
23:49.53PolarinaIt just gives me an error: "You do not have permission to perform that action."
23:49.58Cairennya think?
23:50.20widgertickFunny, I don't get an error
23:50.22kd3lol. it got renabled on the PTR a few builds in a row
23:50.25Fisker-port takes a character as an argument
23:50.26Fisker-or locs
23:50.33Fisker-yeah kd3
23:50.33kd3hortus' reaction was getting kinda humorous after the third build went up and someone posted
23:50.52Fisker-got banned for a couple of days on ptr myself
23:51.01Fisker-gms were up and toying with people
23:51.41Fisker-most of them got sleeped when they got up there
23:51.55Fisker-but when i got there everyone was screaming at me to leave before the GM froze me
23:51.58Fisker-so i fled
23:52.05Fisker-but i was eventually banned anyways
23:52.35PolarinaFisker-: Did the ban also got on your account at the live realms?
23:52.51kd3all I did was port in to ZA once or twice
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23:53.35Fisker-no Polarina
23:53.39Fisker-it only affects PTR
23:53.48Fisker-i actually expected to get perma banned
23:53.50PolarinaOk. But when did that command work?
23:54.01Fisker-but i guess they realized it was as much their own fault as it was mine :P
23:54.05kd3a few builds during the 2.2.0 PTR phase
23:54.08Fisker-I believe that particular time was during the 2.2
23:54.18Fisker-there was for 2.1 as well i think
23:54.25PolarinaBut why did they enable it?
23:54.46bleeterIt's more that they forget to disable some|all GM commands
23:55.05kd3it was accidental
23:55.05kd3they forgot to disable it on the server when they brought it back up from maint
23:55.08bleeterthen there was that one that'd cause desync
23:55.09Cairenncontrary to popular belief, they are actually human
23:55.18bleeterCairenn: LIES!
23:55.31Cairennno, is true, I swear! I meeted them!
23:55.45Fisker-the human employees are a lie
23:55.46bleeterthen again.. they're all photoshop
23:56.03kd3but that would involve pics of cairenn to and we know how rare those are
23:56.33Fisker-i want pics
23:56.56Cairennpfft, there were pics posted
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23:57.31Fisker-Does Tigole look like Al Pacino [Y/n]?:
23:58.55bleeterIs Tigole really Al Pacino [Y/y]:
23:59.33Thunder_ChildDoes anyone care? [N/n]
23:59.55Corrodiaspeanut butter

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