IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071115

00:00.00Mr_Rabies2if i were being a dickbag at least i'd be a profitable dickbag, i'd sell the account
00:00.18Mr_Rabies2foxlit, i'm not talking people, per se
00:00.41KasoWho deletes chars anyway? i thought they just strip em and leave em
00:00.55foxlitYou're implying that software can't solve captcha problems? You'd be very misguided.
00:01.26Mr_Rabies2sure, some captcha is solvable via software, but by no means all of it or the majority of moronic script kiddies
00:01.49foxlitWhat are moronic script kiddies doing with your account credentials?
00:02.25KasoKelfarr, that advert seems pretty effective to me.
00:02.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
00:03.19JoshBorkeCide: lol, CT_MailMod- last updated 1year 12 months ago
00:03.25JoshBorkeso, 2 years ago?
00:03.34foxlit1 11, probably
00:03.51foxlitOr something like 1 y 11.8 m
00:04.12JoshBorkethere's also the issue that it was updated more recently than that :-)
00:05.28WobinRotate the entire iPod in a clockwise motion for seven full rotations. Be careful not to tip it to the side or the gyroscope may not detect the motion, and you’ll have to start from step 1 all over again.
00:05.38CideJoshBorke: strange
00:05.47Wobin"Meanwhile, chant the following: "Double double, toil and trouble..."
00:06.40Kasoits not even a gyroscope, its an accelerometer! (yes i realise that's the least of the things i can point out as flaws)
00:06.51JoshBorkecide:  just thought i'd let you know (also showing you i checked your website and updated ;-P)
00:07.23foxlitthe website's general article style is great
00:07.46foxlit"Still, sales of OS X should still come out ahead of sales of Microsoft’s Vista operating system for October, due to the waning popularity of the game “Baka Frisu” (”Expensive Frisbee”) after unconfirmed reports that a player in Osaka caught a deadly virus after being hit by a Windows DVD."
00:07.46Kasowell more accurately it's at least two accelerometers
00:08.01Dumanhmm, the new ct_mailmod's "mail log" only tracks stuff if you open the mails via their "open selected" thing
00:08.02Dumanahh well
00:09.04cog|workInstead of "ahh well" you could ask Cide to change it
00:09.28Cideit's more difficult to identify stuff without it
00:10.01Cidebesides, why not use it? :P
00:10.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
00:10.22*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem] by ChanServ
00:10.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
00:11.10LunessaHeh, WoW 2.3 likes to lock up this machine something harsh.  
00:13.23Wobin"reports that a player in Osaka caught a deadly virus after being hit by a Windows DVD"
00:13.39Cide'twas a linux user
00:13.44WobinWindows are shipping STDs with their DVDs now?
00:13.53Dumanyou're right, it's harder to track w/o using your button...  hmm
00:14.03Dumanare mail events (removing from the mailbox) hook-able?
00:14.12darkylowwheres the link for that?
00:14.13WobinI want guildbank api =(
00:14.14Duman(and what about sending)
00:15.00CideDuman: yes
00:15.12Dumanso just hook all of those? :)
00:15.12CideI'm not saying it's impossible :P
00:15.25DumanI really have been wanting a good mail log
00:15.27Cidebut if the mod initiates an action to retrieve all items, it's easy to just log them all
00:15.34Dumanoh, fair enough
00:15.38Cidewell, try it out :)
00:15.41Cideit's pretty good!
00:15.48Dumanit is, I installed it earlier
00:15.56Dumanbut I have the hbit of opening a mail manually still
00:16.04Cidewell, don't! :P
00:16.07Cidemailmod is faster :)
00:16.18Cidebut I'll see what I can do; your request is sensible
00:16.56Duman(and it doesn't cover the sending mail part ;) )
00:17.37Mr_Rabies2Cide, does CT_MailMod support altclick in the latest version? the one i got yesterday wouldn't let me altclick to attach items
00:17.45DumanI'm not a Lua-whiz, but I'm a coder by nature (and like hacking on code), so I might take a stab at it, myself
00:17.53Dumanrabies I had the same issue/question
00:18.29CideMr_Rabies2: um, the default ui does that juts fine - right-click
00:18.34Mr_Rabies2does it?
00:18.38Cideyes, no alt
00:18.40Mr_Rabies2i didn't know that :P
00:18.48Mr_Rabies2that'll definitely do
00:18.49Dumanyeah, right click works... I just am still in teh habit of alt-clicking ;)
00:18.55Cideme too
00:18.59Mr_Rabies2also, where's the taintlog again?
00:19.01Dumanbut better for me to break the habit
00:19.02CideCT_MailMod's mass mailing will still use that
00:19.12Cidewhen it's done
00:19.32Cide(at which point the mail log will show outgoing mail too)
00:19.46Mr_Rabies2will it send multiple pieces of mail again?
00:19.59Mr_Rabies2i.e. up to 12 items per mail, but basically the same as before?
00:20.25Dumanisn't it still 12 mails, tho?  I mean, the funciton call might batch it... I dunno
00:20.36Duman(ie, on the receiving side, you get 12 mails)
00:20.42Mr_Rabies2you can attach 12 items to one mail
00:20.43*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
00:20.56Mr_Rabies2it could send individual ones, i suppose
00:20.58Cideyou get 1 mail with up to 12 items
00:21.13Cideour version will allow you to attach any number of items
00:21.14DumanI'm pretty sure (1) you get charged the same as sending 12 different mails, and (2) it shows up for the receipient as 12 mails :)
00:21.36Cide(and split it into several mails of 12 per)
00:21.38Mr_Rabies2between the mail changes and guild banks
00:21.39DumanI guess I ahven't openeed any batch mails yet
00:21.41Mr_Rabies2i'm gonna be so much richer
00:21.49Cideyou still get charged for 12 items (12 * 30c)
00:21.55Mr_Rabies2because even with ct_mailmod i lost a lot of mail to time
00:21.57Cidebut it's only one mail
00:22.29Mr_Rabies2chucking it back and forth between characters every 30 days
00:22.35Mr_Rabies2tends to get annoyign
00:22.46Mr_Rabies2so i'll just mail it to one of my 3 alts in a bank guild
00:28.51*** join/#wowi-lounge seebs (n=seebs@
00:28.56Cideif you could get a mod that makes the guild bank better, what would it do?
00:29.22WobinCide: Do you have the guildbank api?
00:29.39Wobinbah =(
00:30.00DumanI just am waiting for tuller to add it to bagnon_forever ;)
00:30.12seebsIs the wow interface twiki updated yet for the new mail stuff?
00:30.20WobinI wonder if it's just an extension of the normal inventory bag system
00:30.57CideI hope not
00:30.59Cidethat stuff sucks
00:31.36Wobinoh win
00:31.44Wobinmortal strike and aimed shot stack additively =P
00:31.51Cideyou are kidding?
00:31.56Wobin-100% healing =P
00:32.02Cideso no healing? :P
00:32.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
00:33.11seebsHey, UI feature question.
00:33.13Duman<04:31PM Wobin> mortal strike and aimed shot stack additively =P
00:33.33CideWobin: source? :P
00:33.37WobinHehe, Mr Antiarc =)
00:33.39seebsIf you were gonna have slash commands take option flags, similar to Unix options, how much would you want --long-options?
00:33.46Kelfarrmy hunter friend just bought khorium rifle for 350g
00:33.51Kelfarrregularly sells for 2000g
00:33.55AntiarcI saw it on EJ, which is fairly reputable.
00:34.04*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
00:36.44KarlThePagani have to share this
00:37.04KarlThePaganp.s. already been wowbashed
00:37.40seebsThat's charming.
00:41.13|Jelly|OH EM GEE! WE NEED LINKZ!
00:43.38ZealotOnAStickHey, Rayne . . .
00:43.42ZealotOnAStickrandom question.
00:43.45sysrageholy crap. log for guild bank is WAAAY too short. whoever decided on that should be shot
00:43.49ZealotOnAStickYou didn't happen to play Earth & Beyond, did you?
00:45.51seebsMan, I've been away from this too long.
00:46.05seebsWhat's the idiomatic way to express "if a is a table..." (assume a is a local variable).
00:47.44MentalPowersysrage: how long is it?
00:48.31MentalPowerouch, *very* short
00:48.42MentalPowershould create a suggestions thread for that
00:50.35seebsOh, doh.
00:50.58|Jelly|Shadowfang shit?
00:51.07cladhaireseebs: if type(a) == "table" then -- do something here end
00:51.19cladhairesorry took so long, didn't see the question
00:51.21seebsI even knew that, but I hadn't used it in AnnoyRP so I didn't spot it.
00:51.47cladhairehehe np :P
00:51.57ZealotOnAStickRayne:  I was Utena in E&B.
00:54.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
00:56.16Raynethat was so long ago
00:58.04Adyshey, anyone knows what's the game's hex # for the orange/green/yellow colors in the tradeskill frame?
01:04.51seebsNot off the top of my head.  Aren't they the same as the level range colors?
01:05.34KarlThePaganRayne - shadowfang?
01:05.37KarlThePaganwts 500g
01:05.49WobinI'll buy it for 2c
01:05.58KarlThePaganit's really really bad on kiljaeden
01:07.04KarlThePaganand... I'm not certain that KJ can claim we started it... but last week someone was spamming WTS shadowfang 500g for so long people started cracking at him...
01:07.07Mike-N-GoHas the drop rate of motes increased, or am I having a lucky day?
01:07.12KarlThePagannow we have a S H A D O W F A N G guild...
01:10.34Corrodiasinterface action blocked by addon... oh well
01:10.42Corrodiasi seem to have suffered no lack of functionality
01:12.51Corrodiasnone that i have noticed, anyway
01:13.09*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
01:15.22Mr_Rabies2char aznable style :p
01:16.17dreamssif u fail to enter an istance cause its in heroic mode, and then turn around u get DC
01:16.21dreamsscool bug -_-
01:16.56Bejittomg MSG reference
01:17.19Bejitti'll grypps your face off >.>
01:18.39Mr_Rabies2i'm not a HUGE gundam fanatic
01:18.55Mr_Rabies2however i can point out newtypes and char clones within 5 minutes of the character appearing at this point
01:26.06Rayne too funny, it sucks having to try now
01:27.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|sleep (
01:29.38*** part/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
01:32.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
01:41.08|Jelly|Thank you dear! <3
01:41.17Cairennyou're welcome!!!!!!
01:41.35sag_ich_nichtbad curse
01:41.38sag_ich_nichtstop being down
01:42.13|Jelly|WoWI isn't down. /wink
01:42.27|Jelly|...that was kind of a shameless /hug to Cairenn.
01:43.25sag_ich_nicht|Jelly| that's great, except the addon i
01:43.32sag_ich_nicht'm looking for isn't hosted on WoWI
01:43.52|Jelly|So like I said...
01:43.58|Jelly|[19:41]<|Jelly|>...that was kind of a shameless /hug to Cairenn.
01:45.04Cairennall this tongue and none of it useful
01:45.18sag_ich_nichtwoho another 2 errors killed
01:45.21|Jelly|Oh man.
01:45.34JoshBorkewhoa man
01:47.16sag_ich_nichtclad|sleep what is the difference between r171 and 172 of lightheaded exactly? :P
01:47.47clad|sleepthe data addons had their .toc bumped.
01:49.29sag_ich_nichtgod damn it curse
01:49.34sag_ich_nichtstop being down :(
01:50.53clad|sleephehe dont use curse
01:51.07sag_ich_nichti'm not. the author of the addon i want is.
01:51.09clad|sleepor quit yer bitching *cackle*
01:52.41sag_ich_nicht6 second crusader strike makes me happy
01:53.12sag_ich_nicht(seeing the selfproclaimed best retribution paladin on the server falling under the hitcap and him not knowing, too. fucking shitnoob)
01:54.14Kelfarri got owned by a ret pally yesterday
01:54.24Kelfarrin my AB he was 20kb 5 deaths over 200,000 damage
01:56.23seebsWoot.  Getopt nearly working.
01:57.07*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
01:57.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin (n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity)
01:59.50WobinEverybody dance!
02:00.05Wobinpurl needs a dance macro =P
02:00.12purlSir! Too much booty in the pants, sir!
02:00.21Wobinwin =)
02:00.24Thunder_Childthankfuly purl does not
02:00.31|Jelly|Is your anus about to bleed, Wobin?
02:00.41purlI still have yet to figure out where the vaseline on my anus comes from...
02:01.10purlhmm... ass is titties,ass and titties. ass and titties. oh yes.
02:01.10WobinWelcome to the non sequiter of the day
02:01.25purlI don't have one of those, i'm a bot.
02:01.34Thunder_Childwow purl is ful of surprises
02:01.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
02:02.05Wraangerheyaz all
02:03.02Wraangerwhat will be better for "to-be 17-0-44" mage .. Aldor or Scryer ?  ...
02:03.25sag_ich_nichtare druids in forms considered dual wield or 2H weapon?
02:03.30sag_ich_nicht(i.e. where is their hitcap)
02:04.12bleeterWraanger: slowfall works well from either side, so i dun think it matters
02:04.55Wobin|Jelly|: okay, that wins for non sequiter
02:10.17kd3"There seems to have been a slight problem with the database."
02:10.19kd3dolby-wowi ^
02:10.44JoshBorkeuh oh
02:10.48WobinThat has to be one of the best examples of fourth wall animation ever
02:20.48darkylowis there a mod that can tell you if you have every available pattern for yuor trade?
02:21.57seebsThere's a couple, but I think some are busted.  Especially after the patch.
02:21.58Thunder_Childi think so
02:22.35seebsSo, I've got a $DAYJOB with strict code review practices.  And we mostly solicit reviewers in IRC.  And I just about asked if anyone here wanted to review my code before I checked it in.
02:23.36seebsI still have some testing to do, but I think I've written a usable option-parsing library.
02:24.12seebsI'm getting useful stuff like "option 'c' requires a numeric value, which 'foo' is not."
02:25.58bleeterkd3: how's yer net?
02:26.24*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
02:26.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Tolerant (
02:26.58Wobinseebs: Soliciting code reviews in IRC is 'strict'?
02:27.18seebsNo, it's just that absolutely NOTHING goes in without review.
02:27.27TolerantHi, anyone willing to take a quick look at "Krom TargetIcons" and get it save state on open/closed between sessions?
02:27.27seebsWhich sounds really intrusive until the third or fourth time it saves you.
02:28.18TolerantIts a very small addon (code wise) and puts a small moveable box with icons to select for targets, however it always pops open when u relog :(
02:29.22WobinI wonder how well it'll work in linux
02:30.25TolerantI wouldnt ask but its been 8 months since any updates.. anyone interested?
02:31.48NechcknTolerant  you can also try posting at wowinterface  there is a location for requesting updates or continued work
02:32.49TolerantThats a good idea also Nechckn, thanks
02:33.34TolerantIts such a tiny addon, tempted to figure it out myself but havnt a clue where to start without examples
02:35.18*** join/#wowi-lounge YammYgirlcoding (n=hoho@
02:36.39TolerantNechckn, one problem.. I cannot find a "register" button at wowinterface :(
02:36.42seebsAnyone wanna have a look at my getopt clone and tell me what I forgot to provide?
02:37.20TolerantLF Someone to fix Krom TargetIcons - Needs to remember open/closed between sessions, msg me
02:38.07|Jelly|Spamming this channel about it isn't the best way to get it done either. :\
02:38.16TolerantFound register..
02:38.25TolerantJelly, asking every few mins is not spamming..
02:39.01|Jelly|Alright. Keep it up and we'll see if the admins feel the same way. *shrug*
02:39.06seebsWell, it sorta is in a slow channel like this.
02:39.08seebsWait for some turnover.
02:39.29Cairennwhen there hasn't been anyone new join the channel since you last asked and there has been basically no conversation - yeah, it's spamming
02:39.48TolerantSomeone has joined the channel since I last asked, thank you muchly
02:40.12Cairennoh, please just don't go there, I have had way too little sleep to put up with sass atm
02:40.18TolerantThe spam your creating by telling me not to spam is more spammy then one my one line request
02:40.37|Jelly|You realize you're arguing with the admin I was referring to, right?
02:40.49TolerantMaybe you should get some sleep Cairenn cause I am only asking for some help after being directed here as the place to ask for it
02:41.17Thunder_Childthis is not going to end well
02:41.35seebsTolerant, I think the problem is that the way you're asking for help doesn't fit the culture very well.
02:41.43|Jelly|It's going to end in lulz for me. At least it'll give me something to glance at every now and then when I'm tired of looking at align and being OCD. lol
02:41.44TolerantLook guys, I am not being rude, I am not swearing and I was not spamming. I was very polite infact.
02:41.56seebsWe're all sorta busy people by nature, and we have projects of our own, and seeing repeated requests for the exact same thing doesn't necessarily make us happy.
02:42.06Thunder_Childdoesnt really matter, her channel, her rules
02:42.08Cairennactually, it's going to end fine on my end, because I know myself well enough to know not to do anything when I'm this tired
02:42.14seebsJust accept that, for reasons of its own, this channel has a low tolerance for repetition.
02:42.39TolerantI was simply making a short one line request that I could page upto to repeat later, until I got told not to spam and this all started. Forgive me.
02:42.58|Jelly|Cairenn: So either way, it ends in lulz for me: he gets booted = lulz; him getting berated further for spam/talking back/etc = lulz. I'm in a win-win. <3
02:43.00CairennTolerant: all we are asking is that you give it a while first - you were actually on the right track when you said "I'd be tempted to fix it myself" - chances are that if you ask people to teach you how to do that ...
02:43.35TolerantCairenn: I am looking at the code now and trying to find an addon with something useful in it, so ahead of you there but thank you for the suggestion.
02:44.43seebsHow big is this addon, anyway?
02:45.25Tolerant.lua is 4k and .xml is 7k
02:45.34Tolerantthat and some .tga's are all there is to it
02:47.43kd3|still`laggedwow at being an hour behind in chat
02:47.53Tolerant*Comfort Kd3*
02:51.12*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
02:52.22kd3|still`lagged[21:51:22] <bleeter> kd3: how's yer net?
02:53.18bleeteru lub it
02:56.32*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
02:58.07TolerantSooo.. anyone feel like teaching me how to fix/update a very tiny addon? *chuckle*
02:58.35seebsNot especially.  No offense intended, it's just that it's a pretty big thing.
02:58.40|Jelly|HAI COGWEEL! /hug
02:58.41seebsDo you program in any languages?
02:58.56cogwheelZOOM ZOOM HUGMOBEEL
02:58.59TolerantI have done some scripting, but I wouldnt call myself a coder
02:59.40seebsWell, at least you have something.  I honestly would say your best bet would be to do a couple of simple addons yourself, just minimal stuff.  Budget two or three evenings to get to the point where you can understand the problem.  :)
02:59.58TolerantI dont think "MudMaster / MudMaster2000" counts as an official language
03:00.27Lunessabaked cheetos are most non-triumphant.
03:00.39seebsIt's mostly a question of whether you've learned to think about conditions and watch how code would run.
03:02.41seebsI'm just messing around with infrastructure right now.  :)
03:05.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
03:05.23bleeterkd3|still`lagged: so.. huh.. I guess you've not fetched wine recently or played
03:06.05Mr_Rabies2someone just had a mazzlegasm in sw
03:06.33|Jelly|Was it intense?
03:07.52darkylowwhats a mazzlegasm?
03:08.10|Jelly|Someone using MazzleUI without reading the config. lol
03:09.20|Jelly|Unless you specifically tell it not you, when you finish config, it /y I JUST HAD AN INTENSE MAZZLEGASM!
03:09.29TolerantLooks like I need to add a variable into the If statement for minamize/maxamize, any hints on syntex?
03:09.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Kelfar (
03:11.32purllua is, like, a powerful light-weight programming language designed for extending applications.  It is often used as a configuration language.  See
03:11.36MentalPowerTolerant: ^^^^
03:11.40purlit has been said that pil is Programming in Lua, a book written by the authors of the Lua programming language.  The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0.  The second edition is available in print from most online bookstores, and covers Lua 5.1.
03:12.08seebsI have achieved success.
03:13.01cogwheel<completelyunrelatedtoanything>when you're as eclectic as me, shuffling in itunes is very ...... odd... </completelyunrelatedtoanything>
03:13.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
03:13.42cogwheelKorn->Phantom of the opera->Guns 'n Roses->Beethoven->Richard Cheese
03:14.01cogwheeljeff foxworthy :O
03:14.48Thunder_Childyou put standup in your music?
03:15.21cogwheeleh... i don't bother to sort...
03:15.41cogwheelwe backed up all our CDs and we had some really random stuff
03:15.46bleeterhah @ the horde pally in the 4 vs 3 arena team
03:15.54bleetereven healed his ally team members
03:15.58cogwheelit was a good idea too... we got in a car accident and smashed a few of them :(
03:16.19*** join/#wowi-lounge DM| (
03:18.45Thunder_Childcogwheel, there is a HUGE difference
03:19.08cogwheeldifference between what?
03:19.16Thunder_Childtalking and singing
03:19.50cogwheelwell yeah... i just open up itunes and double click on something random if i don't want to listen to something /shrug
03:20.07cogwheelsorting just isn't important enough to me
03:20.54cogwheel(as in separating them out into music and talking)
03:21.10darkylowis there a way to see the level needed to open a lock box besides justy guessing?
03:21.24TolerantOk I guess I am smart or something, I got it to load minamized which is good enough. Thanks
03:21.25darkylowthey implemented that
03:22.00cogwheelO.O Hanson
03:22.05Corrodiaswtf, tab target max distance has been nerfed!
03:22.16seebsNice going, T!
03:22.44cogwheelCorrodias: <insert obligatory notice that such was announced some time ago>
03:23.31Corrodiasi don't see it in my buffer
03:23.36Thunder_ChildCorrodias, wasnt it always 30ft?
03:23.39Corrodiasand i have been watching the patch notes
03:23.40cogwheelas in "weeks"
03:24.00Corrodiasdid i just miss it in the patch notes?
03:24.26cogwheelmay not have been in the patch notes...  it could've been in iriel's sticky
03:24.33Corrodiasno, no i didn't. somebody happened to mention it in here, once, a few weeks ago?
03:24.43cogwheelthey don't get nitty gritty with ui details in the normal patch notes
03:24.57Tolerantseebs: Thanks, I had to add one line into the function for when the window loads: KromTargetIcons:Hide();  -- pretty ez
03:24.58Corrodiasdamn it
03:24.59cogwheeland it took manually editing to do what they didn't want you to
03:25.18Corrodiasnah, just a quick /script SetCVar call
03:25.28Corrodiasi did it occasionally to fine-tune my target distance
03:28.43Thunder_Childlooks like i posted it...
03:29.16Thunder_Childthough i dont remeber it saying 50 yards
03:29.40Corrodiaswell, it seems to be stuck at "41" now and i can't change it. :( now it's crap
03:30.05TolerantAt least they made hunters 5-41 for shooting.. cheers
03:30.07Thunder_Child"The maximum tab targeting range is limited to 50 in 2.3."
03:30.12Corrodias"The value of the TargetNearestDistance setting is validated at load time."
03:30.30Corrodiasmaybe that means i have to modify and set it to 50 instead of doing it in-game
03:31.17seebsI have uploaded GetOpt.  Everyone can be happy now.  :)
03:31.52*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
03:31.57Corrodiasi liked mine at 80. EMOSIGH.
03:32.23Thunder_Childsag_ich_nicht, i think your quit quote needs an 's' at the end
03:35.10TolerantCyas, have fun
03:35.14*** part/#wowi-lounge Tolerant (
03:35.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
03:36.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
03:38.54Thunder_Childhmm.."Morpher" as a druids name
03:40.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
03:40.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
03:40.52LunessaWoW 2.3 no longer loves my iMac.
03:41.10Thunder_Childis there something that will tell you your in range on arbitrary spells? e.g. i always seem to cast cone of cold just outside of range
03:41.50Thunder_Childto much effort
03:42.52Raynewtb the ability to ignore people on the forums PST
03:43.22|Jelly|Who? can..cant you?
03:43.37Thunder_Childisnt there an ignore button
03:44.07|Jelly|Yeah but it's flawed.
03:44.30RayneJelly: who else
03:45.08Thunder_Childthere is a mental image
03:46.32Raynedid you cover your mouth when you giggled?
03:48.24Mr_Rabies2i tend to cackle like a madman when i laugh
03:48.43cogwheelespecially on roller coasters
03:48.48the-golemcogwheel: lmao .. i coulda sworn that said "jiggles"
03:49.07the-golemi had to read it like 4 times to convince myself it was a G
03:49.45Mr_Rabies2this is just in general
03:49.54Mr_Rabies2or especially when i get really worked up at laughing
03:49.59Mr_Rabies2it goes into higurashi mode
03:50.15cogwheeloh i do to, but I get a special look in my eye on roller coasters
03:50.22Mr_Rabies2like the beginning of this?
03:50.33Mr_Rabies2 [nws because of violence that's mostly offscreen]
03:51.23cogwheelthe look yes... my laughing would blow that out of the water though... even not on a roller coaster
03:52.30Mr_Rabies2the look and laughing in higurashi is awesome
03:52.41Mr_Rabies2you see a character being all funny and laugh comedy anime style one episode
03:52.53Mr_Rabies2and the next she's cackling like a psychopath with a dripping hatchet in hand
03:54.23Thunder_Childsounds hot
03:55.44Mr_Rabies2crazy D:
03:55.56Mr_Rabies2the deadpan voice she speaks in makes it ten times creepier
03:56.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
03:57.54Mr_Rabies2and yes none of that makes any sense whatsoever
03:57.58Mr_Rabies2out of context
03:58.21WobinGetting a usb headset to work in conjunction with a normal soundcard is painful
03:58.39Mr_Rabies2not for me D:
03:58.48Wobinin linux
03:58.55Mr_Rabies2linux + sound = no
03:59.15Mr_Rabies2even after all this time, it's still really sketchy on the sound front
03:59.31Thunder_Childi dont get what blizz is thinking's a lvl 35 quest but i have to go through lvl 37 mobs to get there
04:03.55seebsWhich quest.
04:09.31Thunder_ChildJarl needs eyes
04:09.41Wobinworst quest ever
04:10.07seebsOh, new quests.
04:10.18sag_ich_nichtwoho for hardware sound in WoW btw.
04:10.57Kelfarhey guys rate my UI lololol
04:11.13Thunder_Childno...the worst quests are in stv....where you have to run from top to bottom...thought with the new FP i guess thats not much of an issue now
04:11.48mikmaKelfar: 15.6
04:14.22Kelfarout of 100
04:14.53Kelfarnice ty man i am liek new to mods and stuffs
04:15.24Thunder_Child|Jelly|, be nice
04:15.36|Jelly|Ok. 999
04:15.40Thunder_Childmuch better
04:15.47Kelfarthunder lol
04:15.56Kelfardo you actually think thats my ui
04:16.10KelfarI would /wrists if it was
04:16.18Thunder_Childmost people dont lololol their own UI
04:16.41Thunder_Childthough it is valid for art3mis
04:17.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
04:17.22Kelfarsome guy posted a topic asking how to make fubar display their buffs
04:17.24|Jelly|I should upload the UI that I have after deleting my WTF folder and tell people to rate it.
04:17.36KelfarI think they are confused about what fubar is
04:17.49Thunder_Childor they want fubar to display their buffs...can be done
04:18.09|Jelly|Odds are, they don't want FuBar to do their buffs though.
04:18.36Thunder_Childit would be fairly easy by routing through elks fubar plugin
04:20.28Thunder_Childstill, i suppose you're (for you cogwheel) right
04:21.36Thunder_Childwow...firfox crashed wow
04:22.21Kelfarwow lol I got 230 hits on my UI just today
04:22.34*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
04:22.58|Jelly|144 on my addon in the past 2 hours. :P after patch day
04:23.41MentalPowerWindows question, what the hell does the "System Volume Information" folder have and why does it take up 10G on my system?
04:24.11Thunder_ChildMentalPower, what windows>
04:24.28Thunder_Childwhich windows OS to be exact
04:24.29MentalPowervista and XP, but mainly vista
04:24.48Thunder_Childhmm..i dunno, mine is empty
04:24.57MentalPowerno, its not
04:25.00MentalPowercheck the permissions
04:25.26MentalPowergive yourself full access
04:25.41Thunder_Childok, did
04:25.58Thunder_Child12.6 kb
04:26.17Thunder_Child3gb so far
04:26.40Thunder_Childya, 3gb total
04:28.22|Jelly| rate my UI!
04:28.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
04:28.30*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
04:30.58Thunder_Childindeed, that UI is fail
04:31.02Kelfaris that what its suppose to look like when its done or what
04:31.09|Jelly|can u plix tel me wot 2 du to make it better?
04:31.20Thunder_Childwipe C:\
04:31.23Kelfarlike lock the buff bars lololol
04:33.50|Jelly|den wut?
04:36.10Thunder_Childafter wiping C:\? nothing, the rest of us are safe
04:37.23Kelfarsomeone just asked that
04:38.46seebsWhy, yes.  Micronaps!
04:39.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
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04:39.12seebsIf you sleep through each cooldown, it's as though it's not there!
04:39.25WobinMicroslips =(
04:39.29Thunder_Childtell them "Temporal Buttons"
04:39.31WobinCause more road accidents
04:39.36Wobinthan a whole lot of stuff
04:40.11WobinSo stop, revive, survive
04:40.35sag_ich_nichti used to take 8 second naps between pushing judgement
04:40.44Mr_Rabies2is there a way to check for weapon buffs before casting a spell in a macro or is that out too :[
04:40.48Thunder_Childwe need to make a spoof UI "killing mobs before you encounter them" all the HP meters read 0 etc.
04:40.56sag_ich_nichtnow crusader strike is 6 seconds
04:40.57sag_ich_nichtpew pew
04:40.59Mr_Rabies2i know you can't check regular buffs
04:41.07Mr_Rabies2but weapon buffs are different, so thought i'd ask :O
04:41.25Wobinnot afaik
04:41.31Wobinit takes scanning the tooltip
04:41.33Wobinand is horrible
04:42.01Mr_Rabies2i'm trying to make a fishing macro
04:42.26seebsI never found a way to make a good fishing macro, but I was able to bind a key to right-click, which let me use a key to tap the bobber.
04:43.22Mr_Rabies2/equip [noequipped:Fishing Pole] Seth's Graphite Fishing Pole | /cast [button:2][target=MainHandSlot]Bright Baubles;Fishing
04:43.26Mr_Rabies2is what i have
04:43.31Mr_Rabies2but i think the second line is bad syntax
04:43.38Mr_Rabies2i usually do this stuff via trial and error
04:48.32ShirikOnce again, flagship industries manages to piss me off
04:49.00ShirikHow you can manage to make such a similar application incompatible in both directions is completely beyond me
04:49.46WobinCairenn|afk: can we change the thread from the front page about the API to ?
04:49.53Wobinthe link to the thread, that is
04:51.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
04:52.11Raynehave any of you guys done ZA Yet?
04:54.33Corrodiasnope, we're trying it out on sunday, i think
04:54.34Mr_Rabies2"all are cooks 1 fisher but he 300 have not fished in awhile"
04:54.41Mr_Rabies2what the fuck does that MEAN
04:55.12Corrodiasthey're all cooks, but they only have one player who fishes, he's only at 300, and he hasn't fished in a while
04:55.25Corrodiasthus i conclude they're not doing Lurker any time soon
04:55.43Thunder_Childwoo, good deals
04:55.47Wobinor they take their time doing so =P
05:03.37Corrodiaswow, we ripped curator, aran, illhoof, etc apart today. just annihilated them.
05:04.18Wobinwas there candy inside?
05:04.29Corrodiaseh, a bit. nothing for me, as usual.
05:05.05Corrodiast4 gloves were more not-druid ones
05:05.21Gngsk14 hit vs 6 expertise, what's worth more as a non-hit capped rogue?
05:05.44Gngskwell, 14 hit rating vs 6 expertise
05:06.14Mr_Rabies2<Corrodias> they're all cooks, but they only have one player who fishes, he's only at 300, and he hasn't fished in a while
05:06.15Gngskoh man, wrong chan. sorry.
05:06.19Mr_Rabies2no i think maybe he means his alts
05:06.26Corrodiaslet's see
05:06.30Mr_Rabies2someone asked for an explanation and he spouted even more gibberish
05:06.36Mr_Rabies2i think he may be from the future
05:07.14Corrodias0.25% less dodge and parry per point of expertise, so that's 1.5% "to hit" there
05:07.42Corrodiasassuming you mean expertise and not expertise rating
05:08.06Wobinbah, that's so confusing
05:08.23Wobinwhy can't we just have one 'rating'
05:08.35Corrodiaswhat you find on weapons is expertise rating. what it increases is your expertise.
05:08.49WobinSo why not say "Increases your expertise by X"
05:08.58Corrodiasthey scale down by level
05:09.17Corrodiasthat is, 20 expertise rating at level 20 does a hell of a lot more for you than it does at level 70
05:10.19Corrodiasit's 7.8 expertise rating (at level 70) per half percent of -dodge and -parry (for a total of -1% enemy avoidance)
05:10.49Corrodiasaccording to wowwiki, "So the current expertise-cap against boss-mobs is at 88 points of expertise rating."
05:13.04GngskCorrodias, I meant expertise looking at the char panel
05:13.05Corrodiasand also 142 hit rating to never miss (physical, single-wield or special attacks)
05:13.35Gngskbasically I'm trying to decide which belt I should use on boss mobs, belt of one-hundred deaths or belt of deep shadow, both have two +10 hit gems for sockets
05:13.42Corrodiasokay, 6 expertise (not rating) should be worth- 1.5% of dodging/parrying. if you attack from behind, it's only -0.75% because they can't parry anyway.
05:13.54Corrodiaswait, that's not right
05:13.56Gngskyeah, from behind as a rogue
05:14.48Corrodiasit's worth -1.5% to dodge and -1.5% to parry
05:14.53Corrodiasmy mistake, i had it halved
05:15.07Corrodias14 hit rating is...
05:16.47Corrodias-0.89% to miss
05:17.07Gngskcool, guess the expertise is still better
05:17.22Corrodiasextremely valuable stat, it is
05:18.42Corrodiasnow wait just a minute, this doesn't add up
05:19.14Corrodias(unrelated calculation) aha, i forgot the conversion...
05:20.30Corrodiasthus, Earthwarden now gives -1.54% to both dodge and parry. that's tasty. i crave more, but it's not a common stat.
05:20.41Gngsknot even close
05:20.52Gngskthe heroic badge neck is interesting for a feral I guess
05:21.27Gngsk48 sta, 22 hit rating, 21 expertise rating
05:21.42GngskI meant not even close as far as it being a common stat.
05:22.44Thunder_Child*sigh* why cant you sell and create at the same time....
05:22.49Corrodiaswhat's the name of the item?
05:23.05Corrodiaswhen i make the filter "new in 2.3" and "sold by vendor", no items come up in wowhead
05:24.56Corrodiasoh, wowhead apparently doesn't know where the new badge items come from
05:27.27Gngskyah brooch of deftness
05:27.35GngskI was tryin' to figure out what it was itemized for, guess ferals?
05:27.53Gngskwas talking to warrior tanks in my guild they didn't seem to think it was all that great
05:34.15seebsWow, what an awesomely successful day.
05:34.25seebsI got my two mods updated that I really wanted to update AND I added a new library.
05:34.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Olison (
05:34.48seebsI wish I'd written GetOpt first, it makes the others easier.
05:34.53Rayne19 people just left my guild... :/
05:35.03|Jelly|Good riddance.
05:35.24seebsI'm sorta bummed about the guild bank thing.  I mean, it's great and all, but...
05:35.25RayneAll t4 geared
05:35.32Raynejust up and left
05:35.36seebsMy bank alt had successfully formed a bank-alt guild.
05:35.39seebsNow it's useless.
05:35.48seebs... Wow, Rayne.  That transcends suck as normal people experience it.
05:46.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:46.36seebsNext up, probably tomorrow, figuring out what if anything ToDo needs.
05:55.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwor1 (
05:56.41Wobinseebs: why useless?
06:01.54MentalPoweranyways, I must sleep now, gnight
06:04.01art3mismaybe they all left BECAUSE of rayne
06:06.28Wobininternet must have dropped off at work =P
06:11.18Kelfarlol if you go to it says website down but if you go to it works fine
06:11.19*** join/#wowi-lounge greepnak (i=4c19a5bc@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
06:11.38greepnakI have a LUA issue I need help with and was referred here
06:11.58greepnakI would like to create a delay in my LUA to use the SentChatMessage function with a short delay in between lines
06:12.01greepnakI have no idea how
06:12.14greepnaksomething like the /in X function provided by Cosmos, but from LUA and not macros
06:12.46greepnakI've been looking for a method forever.
06:13.50greepnakExplain please
06:15.21Thunder_Childi was kidding, wait is used in scripting...let me see if i can find a real thing
06:16.18|Jelly|At least that's what Shirik posted to be a jerk to me once.
06:17.10greepnakMy brain is fried to a crisp.  Will flood control crush my head if I paste something I wrote that I want to use an addon to send line by line with a pause in between each line to chat?
06:17.58greepnakbasically I'm trying to hack up the Necrosis addon to actually send more interesting things when I summon demons or soulstone somebody than  the odd things it does.
06:18.39greepnakso I cribbed Enochian stuff into warlocky sounding things
06:18.39greepnaklike this
06:18.39sag_ich_nichtnecrosis sucks so bad
06:18.39sag_ich_nichteach time i see a warlock use it
06:18.39sag_ich_nichti go /tar Warlock /guffaw
06:18.39Mr_Rabies2how much of a loser am i
06:18.44art3misyou guffaw them?
06:18.48Mr_Rabies2i'm watching someone else play Rock Band
06:19.08greepnakOL SONF VORS ORS (I reign over Darkness)
06:19.08greepnakNOBLOH ZIEN CHIS TA MOSPLEH TELOCH (The Palms of My Hands are as the Horns of Death)
06:19.08greepnakOL ODO CICLE (I open the Mysteries)
06:19.08greepnakNOID OHIO CAOSGON (Woe to the Earth)
06:19.08greepnakTORZU AMMA URAN  (Arise Cursed Elders)
06:19.09greepnakVPAAH ORS YOLCI NOR-QUASASHI DE VONSARG (With Wings of Darkness Bring the son of man unto your servant)
06:19.11greepnakYOLCI <target> VORS IALPOR ZUMVI MATORB COCASB (Bring Potato Over Flaming Seas of Echoing Time)
06:19.13Mr_Rabies2because they got it like two weeks early
06:19.13greepnakSOBA IAOD IPAM OD UL IPAMIS (whose Beginning is not nor End cannot be)
06:19.15greepnakNIIS <target> VNIGLAG VONSARG COMSELH (Come Potato, Descend unto Circle of Power
06:19.17greepnakNORZ CIZ NOBLOH (Six are the Palms)
06:19.19greepnakNIIS <target> VNIGLAG COMO COCASB (Come Potato, Descend through Window of Time)
06:19.21greepnakOL ODO CICLE (I Open The Mysteries)
06:19.23greepnakZACAR OD ZAMRAN <Target>
06:19.24Mr_Rabies2what's going on
06:19.25greepnak(Arise and Appear, Potato!)
06:19.26Mr_Rabies2i'm confused
06:19.29greepnakPotato being my operative stand-in for a person's name
06:19.29Mr_Rabies2spam spam spam
06:19.41greepnakyou said paste T_T
06:19.47Mr_Rabies2 learn it use it
06:19.55art3miscome potato?
06:20.13greepnakNiis in Enoch is come, Niiso is Come Aaway
06:20.13art3mispotato of death?
06:20.21greepnakit could be Come Bob
06:20.33art3miswhat about Eileen?
06:20.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Genetics (
06:20.44art3miscould it be come on eileen?
06:20.45greepnakBut to the matter.. how can I send that line by line using SendChatMessage with a delay in between?
06:20.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_DC (
06:20.52seebsgreenpak, uhm.
06:20.53greepnakto avoid critting the chat log with walls of text
06:20.57seebsYou want AnnoyRP.
06:21.04seebsEr, greepnak.
06:21.14seebsYou set up chatters for Tick N of your summon spells and bob's your uncle.
06:21.23greepnakI'm on an RP server
06:21.37seebsThat's actually why I wrote the mod originally -- so I wouldn't have my spell chatters continue if I interrupted a spell.
06:22.00art3misumm kel, woo?
06:22.11greepnakWill it do what I'm talking about?  Have link?
06:22.15*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
06:22.17seebs <-- for precisely this purpose.
06:22.22Kelfarhe blanked out the names of people in chat =/
06:22.25seebsThe long answer is, yes, but it will take a while to set up.
06:22.31greepnakif this works I'll name a child after you
06:22.39seebsIf you don't have to have each demon be different, you can do it fairly fast.
06:22.52seebsIf you want each demon to be different, and to have several chatters per...  It adds up.
06:22.53art3miscould we barter the no breeding in exchange instead?
06:23.17greepnakthey are differrent actually :( but just need one chatter per.. its not like you summon a demon all that often..
06:23.21art3missomeone go make me a theme changer!
06:23.32seebsBut the entire point of it is to let you have your character say things in response to events such as "began casting spell", or "succeeded in casting Summon Voidwalker" or "4 seconds into the cast of Summon Succubus".
06:24.00seebsWhat I did was make several choices for each of several points.  So, there were maybe 3 different random things to say 6 seconds into summon-succubus.
06:24.11art3misseebs is lieing, his all says mecha lecha hi mecha hiney ho for everything he does
06:24.12seebsAnd three more 6 seconds into summon-felhunter.
06:24.26greepnakany character limits?  Also can you set text colors using color codes?
06:24.38seebsNo color codes that I know of.  No character limits, except whatever the game imposes.
06:24.44seebsIn practice, each individual line should be short.
06:24.58seebsI don't know of any way to send color in text to other people.
06:25.30seebsI also have a weight feature, so I could have it be 99/100 times "With shattered love I bind thee!" and the other time "With high thread-count sheets I bind thee."
06:26.49art3misI shall start spamming to summon my chinese demon;/say ready? here i go im gonna start;/say wooo boy it sure does take a while;/say that reminds me of a story i heard once;/say see my counsin was on this plane and part way through they were experiencing engine troubles and suddenly the engine stops and they start to plummet;/say so my cousin thinks what the hell and whips it out and starts beating
06:27.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
06:27.26*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
06:27.44art3misya know what i hate about patch week
06:27.53art3misno good boredopm url pastes
06:28.13Kelfarjelly what was that script to remove tracking button someone asked on the forums
06:28.21*** join/#wowi-lounge greep (i=4c19a5bc@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
06:28.27greepI'm sorry it kicked me
06:28.33greepPlease forgive
06:29.23Kelfarmine has been hidden even after I used that script
06:30.02*** join/#wowi-lounge greepnak (i=4c19a5bc@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
06:30.03Kelfaryou gave me that /script to hide it and it is hidden for good
06:30.11|Jelly|good. lol
06:30.11art3misMrs. Roberts would have gotten up sooner, of course, but she was busy piping find ~ and find ~nomad into xargs shred, just in case.
06:30.12greepnakWhy does the irc keep booting me..
06:30.21art3misStallman to the rescue!
06:30.26Kelfaroh I thought it only hid it for that session
06:30.29greepnakthank you seebs
06:30.37seebsNo idea, I assume it just hates you.
06:30.43greepnakseebs I installed it from that link and I get a lot of nil value errors
06:30.53seebsUh-oh, that's not good.
06:30.55KelfarI know
06:31.03seebsIt's been working for me, but I have an existing preference file.
06:31.04Kelfarbut mine is already hidden so I don't need it
06:31.29|Jelly|Well, if it comes back between sessions, then it's not "already" hidden, is it?
06:31.39greepnaklet me try again
06:31.56Kelfarit doesn't come back
06:32.01KelfarI thought it would but it doesn't
06:32.13greepnak"attempt to index global "AnnoyRP" ( a nil value)
06:32.32art3misI once asked an NSA guy whether they'd broken RSA.  And I know I can trust him, because I asked if he was lying to me and he said no.
06:32.34greepnakmany, many times
06:33.11seebsThat's very odd.
06:33.14greepnakin case it's working, how do I open the configurator for this? or should I be seeing it already?
06:33.55seebsHmm.  I'll nuke my saved variables and see whether that changes anything.  It shouldn't.  First line of code is 'AnnoyRP = {}'.
06:34.07greepnakdoesnt work.    It isnt broken by 2.3 is it?
06:34.18seebsIt shouldn't be.  I just did some testing and updates about an hour ago.
06:34.22art3misrp stands for real people
06:34.52art3mishow would i make a macro that yells REGANOMICS! before i cast any spell?
06:35.07mikmaor was it retard people :O
06:35.21art3misyou cant annoy retards
06:35.26art3misits unpossible!
06:35.33mikmaah, very true
06:35.35seebsart3mis:  You can do it with annoyrp, but I refuse to tell you how.  :p
06:35.38greepnakSuch cruelty
06:35.44art3mislaugh seebs
06:36.14art3miscould you imagine being in netherstorm and seeing Blah Yells: REGANOMICS x20
06:36.20art3misthat would rule
06:36.39art3misalthough it would only rule harder if someone ylled back COREY FELDMAN?!
06:36.42greepnakI wait with bated breath for some solution, hope there is one
06:36.58greepnakthat's 4chan level humour artemis
06:37.41art3misno i like to think that 4chan lsot a few games of hammer tag, while i however was always "it"
06:38.03seebsSo far, I just can't get it to go wrong.
06:38.17greepnakI wonder..
06:38.22seebsMaybe a typo, though.
06:38.31greepnakif I open annoyrp.lua its garbled to hell and not readable.. why?
06:38.38greepnak(in notepad)
06:38.55seebsWell, there's at least one typo affecting the release.  Whoops.
06:38.58seebsI guess I uploaded the wrong one.
06:39.04greepnakoops  >_>
06:40.21seebsMissing quote.
06:40.42seebsBTW, one reason it might look garbled is that it's a Unix text file, with plain old linefeeds and no carriage returns.  :)
06:40.58greepnaki see, I wonder how I can read it legibly then
06:41.25seebsOkay, submitted a fixed version.
06:41.37greepnaksame url?
06:41.39seebsDunno.  I stopped using Windows for WoW because it was too annoying.  :)
06:41.44seebsIt'll be a while before they update it.
06:41.59greepnakable to DCC to me ?
06:42.27seebsDunno about DCC, but should do you.
06:42.52greepnak*tries it ingame*
06:44.53seebsIt works for me, and I'm actually testing the download, not my development tree now.
06:46.07art3miswow the director of assasins creed is a hottie
06:46.08greepnakI think it works.. though the Examples documentation extends well below the actual window and there's no scroll bar
06:48.01Thunder_Childand btw, art3mis, i hate you for getting tht song stuck in my head
06:48.06art3miserr producer, not director
06:48.17art3miswhich song?
06:48.19Thunder_Child"(22:20:46) (art3mis) could it be come on eileen?"
06:48.21greepnakDo you mind explaining how to add chatters? I think I have an event ready with the pattern Summon Imp but the chatters menu seems to be missing something..
06:49.09greepnakohhh.. the filter was hiding them.  it was populated with my character's name
06:50.22seebsOh, dear.  The examples are supposed to fit on the screen, but I may have tested with the wrong font.
06:50.30greepnakThe way the help and example texts cut off before they're finished makes this difficult..
06:50.42seebsIt turns out that making a good scrolling text window was WAY beyond my ability when I wrote AnnoyRP, and I've never fixed them up.
06:50.55greepnakcan you provide an example of how to create a chatter that will speak a few lines at X seconds in the casting of Summon Succubus?
06:50.58seebsIf you want to cheat, just browse the zip file for the Examples.html and Help.html files.  And the README.  :)
06:51.24seebsChatters never speak more than one line at a time (although you can sorta hack around that, but it's annoying).  What they do is have alternates.
06:51.26greepnakThe spell tick example is unclear on how to go about it
06:51.47seebsThe way I do it would be to, say, have one event at Tick 2 of Summon Succubus, and then a different event at Tick 6.
06:51.56greepnakHow do you define ticks?
06:51.59seebsThen it'll say the first thing (some of the time, anyway) 2 seconds in, and the second 6 seconds in.
06:52.04seebsTicks = seconds, actually.
06:52.13seebsSo, Tick 2 is just "2 seconds after start casting".
06:52.19greepnakThis is defined in the Pattern?
06:52.43seebsPattern would just be, say, "Summon Succubus".
06:53.04seebs"Tick 2" means "2 seconds into casting a spell".  So "Tick 2" with a pattern of "Summon Succubus" means "2 seconds into casting Summon Succubus".
06:53.42greepnakwhere can I find Ticks
06:54.06greepnakI do not see a field of that name
06:54.19seebsIt's on the pop-up for event type.
06:54.25seebsLike, spell cast, spell stopped, etcetera.
06:56.35greepnakI located it
06:57.07greepnakI created 2 events, one for "Spell Cast" of "Summon Succubus" which should load the "Test1" list and another for "Spell Tick 2" of the same pattern which should load Test2 list
06:57.23greepnakI edited both lists to have one item in them, 100 weight.
06:57.25greepnakis this correct
06:57.57seebsSure.  Note that weight's only relative -- a list with only one item always picks that item.
06:58.21seebsThe Test1 list should get used with whatever frequency after the spell succeeds, the Test2 list should get used 2 seconds in unless the spell is interrupted.
06:58.35greepnakIt does not seem to be working...
06:58.38greepnak*tries again*
06:59.00seebsDid you set the frequency above 10%?  The default is either 5% or 10%, I forget which.
06:59.16greepnakI set it to 100
06:59.19greepnakseems to work now
06:59.40greepnakSo "Spell Attempted" would be what event I would want to use if I wanted to vocalize something at the start of the spell?
06:59.50seebsSpell Start would be best.
07:00.02seebsSpell Attempted can fire even if the spell can't be cast (out of range, for instance).
07:00.20greepnakThis addon seems very functional and powerful, if a little unintuitive...
07:00.32greepnakI will name a child after you.
07:00.39seebsIt was my very first addon.  I hope to some day come back and revamp it a lot.
07:00.50greepnakWhat other neat addons have you made?
07:00.52seebsFor instance, trying to find some way to scroll the help so I can expand it a bit.
07:01.17greepnakI wish it was possible to color chat text with color codes
07:01.22seebsToDo (a todo list program that replaces the regular quest watch, and can watch user-invented quests), GetOpt (library, only interesting to programmers), and SimpleMail (grabs things out of the mail, mostly).
07:01.36seebsI also have one called PetXP that does nothing but add XP gain messages for your pet.
07:01.54greepnakNeat, though annoyrp is most suitable to my need ^^
07:01.59greepnakI think you are awesome, thank you so much
07:02.23greepnaknow I must sit for an hour building events
07:02.42greepnakI have a feature request!
07:02.47greepnakIf you ever do revisit it
07:02.49seebsNote that dragging a spell onto the window makes an event automatically.
07:03.41greepnakIt would be a nice function if you could define audio files to play with the events, even if only you hears them.  Would be fun as well as practical, actually.
07:04.06seebsInteresting notion.  Hadn't occurred to me.
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07:04.30greepnakThat is why I installed NEcrosis.. so I could get an audio alert when shadow trance procs.  Otherwise I'd never notice it
07:05.10greepnakNow I must sit for 45 minutes creating events and chatters ^^
07:05.31greepnakThank you so much again, you're awesome like a baked cake, that is made with sugared awesome.
07:06.24greepnakI will register on wowinterface later and comment on your mod to express how much I like it
07:06.51greepnak-awayoh, question
07:07.02seebsIt really is endless fun, and I find that it's quite rewarding and makes it easier to stay in character.
07:07.04greepnak-awaysince I have to type some odd things..
07:07.28seebsBTW, definitely back up your SavedVariables file.  :)
07:07.35seebsNot that I've ever made that mistake.
07:07.39greepnak-awayyes agreed, the hard part about rp in an mmo is how cumbersome things that should be natural are to do..
07:07.44greepnak-awaybut question
07:07.55greepnak-awaywhere are these events and chatters stored and can that be edited by hand?
07:08.00greepnak-awayin a text editor
07:08.26greepnak-awayI have so many lines to add
07:09.09seebsI will some day write a program to simplify that, but I've never bothered.
07:11.15greepnak-awayit would be a blessing.
07:11.53seebsI think I actually had a perl script at one point to make them, but I probably lost it ages ago.
07:11.59seebsAnyway, I gotta get some sleep.  Have fun!
07:12.17greepnak-awaySo I can just add bracketed items to their section ( events, etc)? or do I have to manage some kind of index table
07:13.00greepnak-awayokay, sleep well and thank you..
07:13.25Thunder_Childsleep...whats that?
07:13.56greepnak-awayI have another question for anyone still listening
07:14.16greepnak-awayAre there any web-based resources for translating english text into WoW's languages?
07:14.47seebsNot that I know of -- it's sort of intentional.
07:14.58seebsI didn't understand your question about bracketed items.
07:15.11seebsI see.  Yeah, in the .lua, it should Just Work.
07:15.14Thunder_Childwow dosent have a language
07:15.24greepnak-awayWell, it has the language filters
07:15.26seebsAnyway, there's normally no translation, they're sort of hostile to it.
07:15.37greepnak-awayfor when you speak in some language like Thalassian
07:15.40Thunder_Childor do you mean dwarf/undead/etc/>
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07:15.43seebsNote that you can do stuff like /gnomish or /orcish in ARP.
07:15.48greepnak-awayI know it's not actual language, but it's structured enough to seem to be
07:15.53seebsBut I don't know of anything to do the translations for you.
07:15.54Thunder_Childah, ya, thats against the rules
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07:16.18Thunder_Childi'm not sure why they havent randomsied it yet...but w/e
07:16.18greepnak-awayoh I see.. I wanted to find a way to get things into Demonic/erudar
07:16.24Corrodiasthe same words in different positions do not create the same translated words
07:16.37Corrodiasthere is certainly an algorithm, but it's not necessarily a reversible one
07:16.48Corrodiaseven if it were reversibly engineerable, so to speak
07:17.06Corrodiasthere could be information loss
07:18.26greepnak-awaythere is data here for how the language parser messes with your words
07:19.03greepnak-awayseems based on number of letters in the word used
07:19.59Thunder_ChildCorrodias there has to be or it wouldnt be the same thing each time
07:20.02kadrahilNight elf and Dwarven inns have new music added.
07:20.14CorrodiasThunder_Child: please rephrase that
07:20.15greepnak-awayI wonder how much a project it would be to take that table and turn it into some kind of out of game language parser?
07:20.21kadrahiloh, kara has new music?
07:20.49CairennWobin: I added it to the thread
07:20.50Corrodiasi mean, multiple words can become the same thing. there may not be a way to reverse the process.
07:20.56Thunder_Childthe letters are static, or kek would not always mean lol, and in such cases it would be reverse engineered
07:20.57Corrodias*maybe multiple words can
07:20.59greepnak-awayJust read the length of each word then pick something from the right column , that cant be hard can it?
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07:21.06Corrodiasi don't think kek DOES always mean lol
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07:21.15greepnak-awayprogramatically I mean
07:21.16Thunder_Childafaik it does
07:21.32Thunder_Childwhen used by its self
07:21.33Corrodias"kek" might, but "blargh kek" might not mean "<something> lol". maybe it does.
07:21.48nevcairielshort words like lol always end up in that translation
07:21.56Thunder_Childeven if it does it's a static system
07:21.58nevcairielanything longer gets weirder
07:22.09kadrahilwhat's a conditional that will cast a spell on the focus if it exists, otherwise on the target?
07:22.38greepnak-awayYou guys who are stronger in programming than I am, how hard/time consuming would it be to make a web app that would parse a sentance into random demonic based on that table?
07:23.11greepnak-awayread length of input word, output item from right column..
07:23.59greepnak-awaythink that Lore mod already does that actually
07:24.00Corrodiaswhat the heck does "# Experimental support for paravirtualized guests " mean? :o
07:24.03greepnak-awaythough ingame
07:26.10art3misill just be me... think you could be a bit less evil? i dunno think you could survive a 700ft fall?
07:26.41Corrodiasgod, i'm totally ignorant of current PC technology
07:26.56greepnak-awaymy mcse is in windows nt 4
07:26.58Corrodiaswhat kind of memory does everything use? do people use AMD or Intel chips?
07:27.03greepnak-awayI never updated it after that
07:27.27art3misi prefer ati, ocz and amd64x2's ;)
07:28.24Corrodiasi've always been fond of ECC ram, because i loathe instability over all else
07:28.48Corrodiasbut it's hard to find hard data on the effects
07:31.48Thunder_Childmost mobos wont support ECC ram
07:31.52Thunder_Childi think
07:32.11Corrodiasmost don't, it's true
07:32.21Corrodiasin this computer i have a TYAN motherboard that does
07:32.52Thunder_Childit's more server mobos that have that since gaming comps arent "mission criticial"
07:33.56Corrodiasbut the problem is trying to find actual data that compares the performance you can get out of ECC ram vs non-ECC ram, and what tradeoff in stability (if there is any measurable tradeoff) you'd be making
07:35.07a-stray-catCairenn around?
07:35.15Cairenna-stray-cat: yup
07:35.20a-stray-cati'd like an addon approved :o
07:35.22Corrodiasif i had some evidence, i could make a decent comparison. maybe i need to write to some big hardware-reviewing web site and ask them to make such a test, if i can
07:35.28a-stray-catSorren's Easy Rotations :X if you please
07:35.37a-stray-catand you're not too busy :X
07:35.56Cairennthere's nothing in the queue, so either it's already approved, or you messed up the upload ;)
07:36.11Cairennyeah, it's already approved
07:36.17a-stray-cati just hit upload
07:36.20a-stray-catyou guys are fast ;P
07:36.23Cairennheh, yup
07:36.47Thunder_Child"Memory controllers in most modern PCs can typically detect, and correct errors of a single bit per 64 bit "word" (the unit of bus transfer), and detect (but not correct) errors of two bits per 64 bit word. Some systems also 'scrub' the errors, by writing the corrected version back to memory. The BIOS in some computers, and operating systems such as Linux, allow counting of detected and corrected memory errors, in part to h
07:37.20Thunder_Child"A reasonable rule of thumb is to expect one bit error, per month, per gigabyte of memory. Actual error rates vary widely"
07:40.05Corrodiasso, like, one or two crashes per month if you've got an above-average amount at a time
07:40.18Corrodiaswith 2gb, a reasonable amount at this time
07:40.41Corrodiaswait, i mean...
07:40.43Thunder_Childi have 4gb, so i should expect 4 times a month then
07:41.03Corrodiasif you're getting more errors than average, assuming 2gb, which is a reasonably average amount of memory these days
07:41.22Thunder_Childyou mean getting more than 2 errors a month?
07:41.31Thunder_Childwith 2gb of ram
07:41.42Corrodiasyeah, it said single bit errors could probably be corrected, anyway
07:42.12Thunder_Childhah, they used the same phrase i did
07:42.15Thunder_ChildECC or Non-parity? You may have to decide whether you want ECC or non-parity. ECC can find and correct some memory errors, but it comes with a performance price-it will slow your system by about 2%. Fortunately, memory errors are rare in today's memory chips, so most average users don't have a need for ECC. If you're planning to use your system as a server or other "mission-critical" machine, we recommend ECC. If you're loo
07:42.56Thunder_Child(the last quote being from crucial)
07:42.58Corrodiasi'd really like to never to see a blue screen again. ever. then again, even if you have an uncorrectable error occur in the ram, the chances that it'll be in a system-critical location are relatively low
07:43.14Thunder_Childmost of my BSoD's are not ram issues
07:43.15Corrodiasyeah, i remember reading that page ages ago when trying to decide how to build THIS computer
07:43.39Thunder_Childand i get alot of bsods
07:43.42Thunder_Childa lot*
07:43.51Corrodiasew. :(
07:44.17Corrodiasthen there's vista; if i get a new pc, i'll be needing dx10, and with dx10 comes that cow
07:44.26Thunder_Childi have vista
07:45.07Corrodiashave you opinions about it?
07:45.36Corrodias"it will slow your system by about 2%" -- so, 49fps instead of 50fps? i think i can handle a difference like THAT
07:46.15Thunder_Childsince 5/8/07 i have had 23 BSoD's
07:46.28Corrodiasjesus shit, i'd kill somebody if i went through that
07:46.30Corrodiasmaybe two people
07:46.51Thunder_Childand 3 times as many "Disruptive Shutdowns"
07:47.10Corrodiaswhat's that?
07:47.28Thunder_Childwhich means it restarted without any software command
07:47.38Corrodiasthat's... not cool
07:47.42Thunder_Childwhich include hard restarts...but i havent done many
07:48.06Thunder_Childya...dasly i am getting used to it
07:48.59Corrodiaswell that's crap. you shouldn't have to put up with that. what do you suppose is the cause(s) of all that?
07:49.34Thunder_Childit's always PEBKAC
07:49.56Thunder_Childbut other than has issues and i think i overheat once in a while
07:50.10Corrodiasthis sounds like something from science fiction, or scientology: "Currently the primary source of soft errors in SDRAM is electrical disturbance caused by cosmic rays, which are very high-energy subatomic particles originating in outer space."
07:50.45Corrodiashow can YOU cause crashes?
07:50.45Thunder_Childbecause if vista was left alone and nothing was ever touched or installed, there would be no problems
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07:52.03Corrodiasno, no, the computer is designed to be used. if it can't be used, it's not your fault.
07:52.12Corrodias(or if merely using it causes the errors)
07:53.23Corrodiashey, what socket do the newest of the AMD X2 processors use?
07:53.49Thunder_Childit is designed to operate....any 3rd party interferance is outside the scope of it's abilitys and is there for not responsible for anything that can happen
07:54.12Thunder_Child775 i think
07:54.26purlGet the official Blizzard Interface AddOn Kit here: or view it online at
07:54.30Corrodiasvista does things the vista way. when you get involved and start CHANGING what it's doing, it's not microsoft's fault!
07:55.17Thunder_Childsry socket 939/AM2
07:55.28Corrodiaswhat is AM2?
07:55.44Thunder_Childnew one if i remember correctly
07:56.05Thunder_Childi like amd, but i go with the more powerfull one, and atm thats intel
07:57.12Corrodiasi don't know ANYTHING about intel CPU's and chipsets, unfortunately
07:57.38Corrodiasi look up models and they have core duo, core 2, core 2 duo, core 2 duo 2, i775, i6809, 9892x...
07:57.54Thunder_Childit's not that hard
07:57.55Corrodiasthat might be an exaggeration
07:58.20Thunder_Childcore 2 duo is 2 cores, core 2 quadro is 4
07:58.57Corrodiasi can see having two. i'm not sure about the benefits of having 4.
07:58.57Thunder_Child"brand was introduced on July 27, 2006[3] comprising of the Solo (single-core), Duo (dual-core), Quad (quad-core), and Extreme (dual- or quad-core CPUs for enthusiasts) branches, as of 2007[4]"
07:59.17Thunder_Childextreme is very very expensive
07:59.24Corrodiasand what's better about it?
07:59.33Thunder_Childmore number crunching
08:02.21Thunder_Childsimilar to amd's FX series
08:02.22Corrodiasjust higher speeds?
08:02.22Corrodiasas i recall, those were just higher clock rates and larger caches
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08:03.34Thunder_Childit's a gaming chip, faster in every way a gamer would want
08:04.19Corrodiasbut the point is, they only call it that because it's just the, say, 4 chips on the high end of what they offer, not because there's any particular technology at work
08:04.42Corrodiasi mean, i can live with that. i just need to know that i wouldn't be missing something really special by choosing something slower. might be the only one to have SSE4
08:05.53Thunder_Childbut that would be it as far as i can tell
08:16.33bleeterwoot flying reindeer
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08:28.25Corrodiasthere is a significant price difference between the core 2 extremes and the amd X2's... on the order of costing 450% as much
08:28.51Corrodiaslooks like a big spec difference, though, enough to match the price probably
08:29.10Thunder_Childya, though in fairness amd was always cheaper than intel
08:29.43Thunder_Childand besides, i said the extreames were in the same field as the FX series, not the X2's
08:30.14Corrodiasheheh, true
08:30.59Thunder_Childso sad though..FX-74 is now 300, just a little bit ago is was well over 1,000
08:31.44Corrodiasoddly enough, newegg has a better-looking X2 for only $210:
08:32.05Corrodiasthe quick list of stats is identical except for being 200mhz faster and $90 cheaper
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08:34.56Thunder_ChildX2 is much newer, the FX line petered out when intel came crashing back into the gaming CPU world
08:35.16Thunder_Childbut the FX line was what the extream line is now
08:35.29Corrodiasyeah, i remember those days
08:35.31Thunder_Childok..i cant spell
08:36.23Corrodiascomparing the " Intel Core 2 Extreme X6800 Conroe 2.93GHz 4M shared L2 Cache LGA 775 Processor " to the " Intel Core 2 Duo E6700 Conroe 2.66GHz 4M shared L2 Cache LGA 775 Processor ", the only difference appears to be 300mhz and about $650
08:36.30Corrodiasaccording to newegg's spec list, anyway
08:37.16Thunder_Childthat 650 will get you 10-20 more FPS
08:37.35Corrodiaswhat spec aren't they listing that will accomplish that? :o
08:37.50Thunder_Childthe mhz
08:38.22Corrodiasseriously? because the " AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400+ Windsor 3.2GHz 2 x 1MB L2 Cache Socket AM2 Processor " runs at 3.2ghz for each, but with vastly different cache sizes
08:39.09Thunder_Childi am just talking about the core 2 extreme and the core 2 duo...once you start messing around with more things...stuff starts to happen
08:39.23Thunder_Childfor example, what it doesnt say is what the FSB supported is
08:39.32Thunder_Childwhich is much important
08:39.49Corrodiasit's the same for each, 1066mhz, according to the spec sheet
08:39.57Corrodiasbut i thought i saw a different value on intel's site
08:40.01Corrodiasmaybe that was for another cpu
08:40.05Thunder_Childeh...extreme should have 1333 or w/e
08:40.21Thunder_Child"The newest Intel Core 2 Extreme processor that boasts this new core is the Core 2 Extreme QX9650. This chip has a clock speed of 3.0 GHz and a FSB of 1333 MHz."
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08:40.37Corrodiasah yes.
08:41.02Corrodiasi don't think i can justify spending $1k on any one component of the PC, though. i'll have to stick with the cheaper offerings.
08:41.12Thunder_Childsame here
08:43.09Thunder_Childi have
08:43.12Thunder_ChildProcessor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz (2 CPUs), ~2.4GHz
08:43.13Thunder_ChildMemory: 4092MB RAM
08:43.14Thunder_ChildHard Drive: 1.8 TB Total
08:43.15Thunder_ChildVideo Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX
08:43.16Thunder_ChildMonitor: Dual Dell E228WFP's
08:43.17Thunder_ChildSound Card: Speakers (Creative SB X-Fi)
08:43.18Thunder_ChildSpeakers/Headphones: Plantronics GameCom|Pro1
08:43.19Thunder_ChildKeyboard: Logitech G15
08:43.20Thunder_ChildMouse: Razer Copperhead
08:43.24Thunder_Childmeh to much
08:43.34Corrodiasintel favors 32kb for L1 and 4mb shared, AMD favors 128kb L1 and 1mb individual (2mb total)
08:43.38Thunder_Childanyway, that was purchased...around the begining of the year
08:45.33Thunder_Childi am sure there is somthing to each of their cache setups
08:45.53Thunder_Childyou can browse
08:46.05Thunder_Childbut it doesnt have much in the way of why one is better than the other
08:46.27Thunder_Childanyway, time for me to hit the hay, night
08:46.37Cairennnight Thunder_Child
08:46.42bleeterdamnit blizz, i'ma gunna quit yer game i swear... still can't /dance with dartol's rod
08:46.56bleeter*no anim
08:47.04Thunder_Child"(00:46:45) (bleeter) damnit blizz, i'ma gunna quit yer game i swear... still can't /dance with dartol's rod" <-- but aftear reading that...i dunno if i can go to sleep
08:47.08Thunder_Childsafely anyways
08:47.14bleeteroO or maybe.. that is the dance :/
08:47.38bleeterand why can't I summon @ ZF @ lvl 40?
08:51.56Corrodiasah, socket AM2 CPU's are for DDR2 RAM
08:52.02Corrodiassayeth this one page
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09:57.51Cairennhi Fi
09:58.00Fingood one
09:58.32FinCairenn: I have a post script to my ui.worldofwar story
09:58.39Finmy account's been deleted!
09:59.21Finjust, totally removed, no forum account, can't log in the main page, and using the password reminder thing tells me my email address is unknown
09:59.28Finso yep
09:59.59Finapparently dealing with the problem - or even contacting me - was just too difficult
10:00.06Cairennwhat the hell - "great customer service!"
10:00.35FinI did provoke them though, I think my anonymous comments in the shoutbox got too much
10:01.14FinI think I'm going to write up the whole thing and post it to a forum somewhere, as long as I can avoid making it sound too bitter :)
10:02.10Cairennfeel free
10:02.48FinI'll see if I can write something that's not too angry-ex-user-making-wild-accusations sort of thing :)
10:06.10Cairenngod I hope things calm down tomorrow so I don't have to pull a 3rd all-nighter in a row
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10:12.57mikmabtw, here's my new addon!
10:13.10mikma -> screenshots available at:
10:20.04*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
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10:28.32*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (i=5152e61a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
10:28.47cncfanaticshello ppl
10:28.56Cairennhey cncfanatics
10:29.11cncfanaticsanyone that knows java around ? JButton.setBounds refuses to do anything at all for some reason
10:29.44cncfanaticsI'm trying to get 10 Jbuttons on a specific location on my screen, but not managing -.-
10:29.52*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
10:29.58mikmaCairenn: tell me a good name for mah addon!
10:30.28Cairennthought it already had a name
10:30.50mikmait's just something i whacked in so i can use it as separate folder :D
10:31.35Cairennyou know "they were swearing so much, the air was blue"
10:32.07Cairenn<shrug> I'm completely exhausted, my brain has no ideas at this point
10:32.35Cairenncute, not sure it applies ;)
10:37.41Finwell, my account was definitely deleted
10:37.43FinThank you for registering, pgl. An email has been dispatched to with details on how to activate your account. Click here to return to where you were previously.
10:38.10Fin(my old username was pgl, I wanted to change it to fin, which is how the whole thing started (yeah I know noone cares! :))
10:38.21CairennI care
10:38.37Cairennthat's just not good customer service
10:38.44Kalrothhi pgl!
10:39.48Finbugger, can't remember where I saw that thing with your real / other username on it
10:42.24KalrothFin: the progress chart?
10:42.38FinKalroth: nooo, it was something serious
10:42.52Kalrothprogress chart is serious business!
10:43.03Kalroth !
10:43.18Fin^ 100% pure Kalroth (very nifty actually!)
10:43.50FinI don't know who you paid to do it, but I hope they charged you a lot
10:44.13KalrothI wish I could get money for stuff like that :p
10:45.18Kalrothwithout obligations :P
10:45.24KalrothI hate deadlines etc.
10:45.51KalrothThat's the best part about coding in my freetime, I don't have to worry about it being done in time or being done at all
10:46.03Finthat's exactly why I do it too
10:48.28Finhah, the pgl account on ui.worldofwar can't actually access any forums, I think
10:49.28Finaww, poor widdle admins got an itty bitty upset :(
10:52.16Cairennokay, now, see, that's bitter
10:58.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Rayne (
11:04.10nevcairielis there a simple addon that allows alt-click on item to add them to trade windows and mail? CT_MailMod stopped doing that in the latest version :(
11:07.22Dumanjust right-click
11:07.42nevcairielbut, but, i am used to alt-click
11:07.44leethalyep, right click ftw
11:07.56DumanI agree, I am, too... but better to break the habit :)
11:08.01Dumansince it's in teh UI now
11:08.13leethalyeah habits ftl
11:08.33leethalsucked when I went tank => dps and re-arranged my action bars
11:08.38nevcairieloh well, guess i'll have to adapt
11:24.46mikma :)
11:24.57mikmaadvertising own addons <3
11:32.04leethallolz cool signature on that comment there
11:32.13leethalJesus: "I can offer you eternal Salvation." Disciples: "Can I get Might or Kings instead?"
11:44.20Shirikyou know you're tired when you're writing binary
11:44.25Shirikand you end up writing a 2
11:46.26leethalwriting binary =(
11:46.44Shiriktelecomms class ftl :P
11:51.04leethalnvm =P
11:54.27sag_ich_nicht>>> function f(t) for k,v in pairs(t) do if type(k)=="table" then f(v) else print "NO LOOP" end end end t1={} t2={loop=t1} t1={loop=t2} f(t1)
11:54.30*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
11:54.39sag_ich_nichtwhere did that bot go
11:56.37leethalso, say you have a list of units
11:56.39leethalwith health bars
11:56.48leethalcan the health bars be buttons, casting spell X?
11:57.14leethalinstead of targeting the unit, I mean
12:00.27*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
12:03.12darkylowanyone here use a loot link mod?
12:29.13Fisker-GET IN THE CAR
12:29.31*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
12:29.50*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
12:56.21*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
13:06.44JoshBorkegot quag's eye last night :-D
13:09.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
13:32.29Fisker-fury warriors = hug tiem in 2.3 :D
13:32.42Fisker-they are so stupidly easy as a paladin now
13:43.56*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
13:43.57*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
13:47.18IndustrialFisker-: lmao
13:50.28*** join/#wowi-lounge clad (i=jnw@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
13:50.29*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o clad] by ChanServ
13:51.05Finclad: I know you've already sorted this problem, but, because I've had it open in my browser for days but no net access, I'm going to paste it anyway:
13:51.13cladlol thanks,
13:51.28KalrothFin: That's codswallop!
13:52.16Fintechnically I have had net access, but only via dhcp on my windows box, the static IP was fucked for this machine, so no irc
13:52.31Finso yes, it was codswallop, but gently so
13:52.51FinI think I shall have a beer
13:52.57KalrothAt this hour?
13:53.02KalrothShame on you
13:53.07Finperhaps... several
13:53.16KalrothOh, that's ok then
13:58.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=Beladona@
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14:01.27Cairennhi Beladona
14:04.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
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14:14.08Beladonasorry, delayed reaction
14:15.10JoshBorkehi bela
14:15.19darkylowhi bela
14:19.11Industrialhi bela
14:21.04WobinIs silence a well used mechanic in ZA?
14:21.55WobinDo mobs use it a lot in ZA
14:23.17darkylownever been inside
14:23.35JoshBorkewobin:  didn't use it while i was attempting second boss
14:23.46Wobindo the bosses use it?
14:28.18JoshBorkefirst boss does
14:32.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
14:35.54*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
14:50.31*** join/#wowi-lounge dru_ (
14:55.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
15:09.04*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
15:11.18*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
15:18.19LopeppeppyYou *are* the sandwich, |Jelly|... bite yourself?
15:18.43*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
15:21.56LopeppeppyI can tell that someone isn't awake yet!
15:40.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Bejitt- (
15:48.07PolarinaWhy isn't the Armory updating the price of Arakkoa Feathers?!? WHY?
15:49.45LopeppeppyThat would be on the armory?  Apparently I haven't investigated that feature more than just talent lookup.
15:50.37PolarinaLopeppeppy: Take a look at . Do you notice the missing sell value? It is supposed to be there.
15:54.10PolarinaCould anyone here be so kind to let the Armory Maintainers at US know about this?
15:54.27Fisker-anyone know if there's any api attached to the guildbank i can read about somewhere?
15:55.04Cairennokay guys, that's it, I'm completely and utterly tapped out, I'm gone for a few hours
15:55.20Cairennif you desperately need something, ping Beladona or clad
15:55.22Wobinsleep... somehow, Cair
15:55.43PolarinaFisker-: I would just simply fetch all the data from the global variable _G.
15:56.11PolarinaBeladona: Ping!
15:56.14Fisker-i don't Polarina :O
15:57.39Wobin"Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd today pledged to bring World of Warcraft servers to Australia, claiming the government should be doing more to decrease latency, and dependency on American hardware."
15:58.06WobinWorld of Warcraft is the worlds top ranking multiplayer online game and has a virtual population almost half the size of Australia, and senior Labor advisers believe that the methods used by so called Gold Farmers could be used to further spread the Opposition message. "
15:58.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
15:58.36*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
16:00.51PolarinaThe Korean armory is the only one who got the prices for Arakkoa Featers right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ->
16:01.11WobinWhen you said that, I thought you meant the Korean army =P
16:02.29PolarinaFisker-: You have me an idea of an addon! Depositing few golds as one copper every time!! :D
16:05.35*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
16:05.57*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
16:06.07zenzelezzPolarina: seems to show the price too?
16:07.34*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
16:07.44Fisker-:P Polarina
16:07.56Fisker-/script DepositGuildBankMoney(1)
16:08.06Fisker-Wobin could technically make mr. plow work with the guildbank as well
16:08.54|Jelly|nooooo I'm out of rested xp :(
16:11.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (
16:13.44LopeppeppyAlready, Jelly!?
16:13.52|Jelly|Yeah :(
16:14.05LopeppeppyOn all alts?
16:14.06|Jelly|Granted, I only had like 36% but still.
16:14.24|Jelly|Oh no. Just Shalyn. I haven't /played/ on Burning Legion (Jelly, Klot, etc) in forever.
16:16.20LopeppeppyAh.  I need to get myself onto my alts, hopefully tonight and this weekend for fun times.
16:16.45|Jelly|Reroll on Velen and level with me! :)
16:18.04LopeppeppyI think you're likely waaaaay ahead of me, Jelly!  And I have a 37 warlock just poised to hit the new goblin content!
16:18.43|Jelly|!c us velen shalyn
16:18.46ThraeBot|Jelly|: Shalyn, Level 36 Night Elf Druid (0/27/0). 1659 HP; 1444 Mana; 77 mana regen; 40.100 Melee DPS; 9.18% melee crit; 15.66% dodge; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 128 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Thu Nov 15 07:24:24 2007 EST ]]
16:20.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
16:20.45LopeppeppyYeah, if only Ava were on Velen, she could use her foul magics to blow crap up in your face.   :P
16:20.59|Jelly|Transfer imo.
16:22.47|Jelly|So there's this ad on MySpace, right? "Drop up to 12lbs in just 2 days!" The lol is that they don't tell you *how* you're going to drop that weight and how dehydrated you're going to be afterwards.
16:23.07Shirik~hug |Jelly|
16:23.08purlACTION hugs |Jelly| tightly until |Jelly| turns slightly blue
16:23.16Intangir!te us mug'thol 2v2 fallen ones
16:23.17ThraeBotIntangir: Name: Fallen Ones (2v2); Vengeance (Horde); Rank: 514; Rating: 2066; Last Season's Rank: 1845; This Season: 243/442 (55%) (Won/Played); This Week: 17/29 (59%); Points: ~863. [[ Link: ]]
16:23.17|Jelly|BTW Peppy: Total time played: 9 days, 4 hours, 27 minutes, 50 seconds -- I think I make too many UIs on this character. :\
16:23.21Intangir2066!! :)
16:23.28LopeppeppyYa think, Jelly?
16:23.48|Jelly|Just means I need more friends. :P
16:23.50Shirik|zZzzomg Intangir
16:23.54Shirik|zZzyou're in my battlegroup
16:23.56Shirik|zZzstay away from me
16:24.05Intangirfear me!
16:24.07Shirik|zZzanyway, night
16:24.13Intangirwhat class are you frst?
16:24.31Shirik|zZz!te us drenden 2v2 clown punchers
16:24.33ThraeBotShirik|zZz: Name: Clown Punchers (2v2); Emberstorm (Horde); Rank: 2044; Rating: 1486; Last Season's Rank: 1136; This Season: 296/620 (48%) (Won/Played); This Week: 7/18 (39%); Points: ~259.0992. [[ Link: ]]
16:24.35Shirik|zZzI take that back
16:24.40Intangiroh your not on the same battlegroup
16:24.42Shirik|zZzit's Eredar that's in your battlegroup
16:24.55Intangiroh wow your way up there too
16:24.55Shirik|zZzbut I don't really play Eredar anymore so yey
16:25.02Intangiroh nevermind, thats your rank
16:25.06Shirik|zZzwtf why is our rating so low?
16:25.14Shirik|zZzI'm going to yell at someone later tonight
16:25.16Intangirlol ;)
16:25.26JoshBorkewriting your own recommendation letter is weird
16:25.27Shirik|zZzthey lose like 15 straight or something? o.o
16:25.42Intangiri lost over 280 rating points couple weeks ago
16:25.44Intangirin 1 night ;(
16:25.50Intangirit was pretty damn discouraging ;(
16:25.51|Jelly|can you: /cast Cat Form; /cast Prowl? (splitting the lines and removing the semi-colon, of course)
16:26.37|Jelly|(I died while talking to Peppy and came back to full respawns. I'm wanting sort of a vanish so I can run away a little bit. lol)
16:33.34LopeppeppyOoops, sorry Jelly!
16:33.46|Jelly|I'm not worried about it.
16:34.39LopeppeppyDeath is just the beginning.
16:36.59LopeppeppyOne of my favorite movies....
16:37.13|Jelly|Candyman? Or another movie?
16:37.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
16:38.39LopeppeppyThe Mummy series, Brendan Fraser.  I have some low tastes in amusement.
16:38.56|Jelly|Ahh yeah...they say that throughout that movie too, don't they? lol
16:40.42LopeppeppyAll the movies, all the time.  Along with "I've got a bad feeling about this."  It's very tongue in cheek.
16:41.26|Jelly|So glad they put another flight point in STV
16:42.43LopeppeppyMakes things much easier in that zone for leveling purposes....
16:42.53|Jelly|Yeah it does!
16:45.07|Jelly| Discuss.
16:48.26*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|ZzZz (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
16:48.26*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower|ZzZz] by ChanServ
16:57.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (
16:58.57LopeppeppyComparing a private company to the government requirement of checks and balances.... hmm... apples and oranges unite, Jelly.
16:59.32|Jelly|Please don't misunderstand me saying "discuss" as "OMG! BLIZZARD IS AFTER MY PERSONAL INFORMATION!" :P
16:59.48|Jelly|The way I see it, they already have my personal information..
16:59.51Cidethat post is awesome
17:00.00Cideif you don't like it, don't agree to it and stop playing
17:00.02|Jelly|And I use a game card to pay for WoW so yeah..
17:00.47Lopeppeppy... I get a WTF Go Live in a Cave response happening in my mind.  Big Brother moved in a decade ago, get over it.
17:01.08|Jelly| like I said...
17:02.06LopeppeppyIt's fun times.  I'm sorta glad that Warden is getting more flexible, and sad that it needs to be that way.  What aspects did you want to see discussed, Jelly-doom?
17:03.20|Jelly|The kind that didn't automatically default to me agreeing with the post, therefore thinking that Blizzard is scouring my computer for porn, personal information and logging my AIM chats?
17:04.21art3mis|Jelly|: thats a great article eh?
17:05.40|Jelly|It's interesting, but like Cide said, if you don't like it, stop agreeing to the ToS/EULA and quit. It's really that simple.
17:05.50art3misthe main complaint isn't that its flexible or that they have a right to safe guard thier own software, the complaint is that they arent explaining WHAT it's doing or reassuring that there are safe guards to avoid possible abuse.
17:06.25art3misim not saying "specifics" but essentially it has all the makings of a rootkit
17:06.34Cideone may or may not agree to what the warden does, but honestly, if you disagree to the point where you don't accept it, then don't play. there's no reason to complain, really
17:06.37art3miswhich last time i checked was illegal ;P
17:06.51|Jelly|And the problem with that could be the way it is now, they could tell you one thing and it end up doing another. (If I'm understanding correctly) So in the end, Cide's  solution is the best/only one.
17:07.07art3mis|Jelly|: nods thats more or less it
17:08.23LopeppeppyIf you don't like the weather, move.  *shrug*
17:08.37art3misand it's not a case of "don't play and stfu" it's more a case of if i had a software package that insalled malware on my machine and didnt tell me(which of course would be silly if it did tell me) the consumer has a right to privacy just as blizz has a right to safeguard thier stuff, but when it "CAN" be exploited in such a manner it's not a good thing
17:08.55art3misLopeppeppy: it's not a simple black white discussion
17:09.04art3miset's tke cog's hacked account as an example
17:09.30|Jelly|But at this very second, it is; I'd be willing to put money down that Blizzard isn't going to change it.
17:09.37art3misthat was more than likely done through some information gathered, he had no control or knowledge of it and there is a chance that it was from an "accepted" source
17:09.46art3misoh yeah i don't doubt it
17:09.50art3misshort of a court order
17:10.02art3misit's not WHAT it does
17:10.22art3misit's what it CAN do and thier complete lack of ANY disclosure for the software installed.
17:11.14art3misyour EULA is to access the GAME, not to have thier safeguards scouring your computer
17:11.14art3misyou aren't giving them the right to do whatever the fuck they want on your machine just so you can install a game you paid money to play
17:11.15*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
17:11.24LopeppeppyYou can't control whether they disclose or what they do.  So don't play the game if you don't want whatever they may or may not do.
17:11.45art3misLopeppeppy: thats the most retarded and narrow minded argument to make ya know ;)
17:12.04art3misthe same can be said for anyone stupid enough to get spyware/virii and hacked
17:12.12LopeppeppyWhy thank you for your gracious insult to my intelligence.   And theirs.
17:12.14art3miswell they had to have done something so they should suck it up
17:12.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie_ (
17:12.29*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar_ (
17:13.31art3misthat like saying the home owners in socal were partially at fault for thier houses burning because they agreed to move into a house made of wood
17:13.35LopeppeppyIf you spend all your time worrying about what the game *might* do, your'e wasting precious brain cells.  Decide if you care or not.  If you care, don't play.  If you don't care, or trust Blizzard not to sell your info on the street corner, keep playing.  Blizz is under no obligation to explain how they go about wiping their asses in the bathroom of computer programming -- you have to decide as a consumer whether to care or not.
17:13.47art3miserr not aprtially, fully at faul
17:14.27LopeppeppyAnd yes, they are, art3mis.  You accept risk in greater or lesser degree, with every choice you make.  So make the choices based on risk, and stop complaining that someone else should hold your hand and explain every detail of the risk -- just empower yourself and choose on the basis of your own fact-finding.
17:14.30*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
17:14.43art3misthats the point lope
17:14.49art3misthere IS no external way to find out
17:14.59art3misif there was this would be moot
17:15.18LopeppeppyYou know they made changes -- there's your external.  You've got enough info to make a choice, you don't need Blizz to hold your hand and explain every detail of the risk.
17:15.32art3misthere is no way to check what it does validate that its not doing something bad, no sources to say so here's what it does and here's where it's limits are
17:15.56LopeppeppySo that's your information -- make your risk assessment and your valuation and choose.
17:16.40art3misi never realized that you were so uninformed/care free about such things.
17:16.59LopeppeppyI never realized that you thought your value judgements of my mental processes mattered.
17:18.03LopeppeppyI can make a decision on whether to go to the beach based on if the wind feels cold and the sky is overcast -- I dont' need a weather forecaster and a million facts.  I can decide for myself on my own info-gathering, however low tech.  It's not rocket science to go with what you've got, if it's all you're getting.
17:18.10|Jelly|(that link is vulgar)
17:18.17cog|workart3mis: Lopeppeppy is right. Make a choice with the information you have. Feel free to try to persuade blizzard to give you more information, but it's still in your court at this point
17:19.13art3misnot really cog
17:19.22cog|workyes really
17:19.31cog|workthey haven't violated any agreements with you
17:19.39cog|workif you don't like the agreement anymore, than rescind
17:19.49cog|workif you don't like pears, don't buy them...
17:20.14art3misif you get into a taxi and he says gimme 15 bucks BEFORE the trip. then after you pay him he says oh btw ill need a blood sample a large binder of red paper and a banana to continue.
17:20.17art3misi've paid money
17:20.22|Jelly|What about possibly infected with ecoli spinach?!?! :\
17:20.27art3misBEFORE i'f had the information
17:20.38art3misunder the assumption that it was a game
17:20.41art3misi paid for the game
17:20.48art3misi didnt pay for the malware attached to it
17:20.49cog|workart3mis: that's very different
17:20.54art3misi didnt authorize the malware to be there
17:20.57art3misno its not cog
17:20.59cog|workyou have every right to take back your $15 bucks and get out of the cab
17:21.01art3misit's exactly the same
17:21.19cog|workbecause you didn't agree to those terms
17:21.21cog|workwhen you got in
17:21.41art3misi never agreed to blizz doing anything but protecting thier software
17:21.44cog|workyou did agree to the terms blizzard set forth BEFORE you paid blizz
17:22.26art3misin regards to thier game, nothing else
17:22.41cog|workart3mis: in regards to whatever their EULA & ToU says
17:23.05art3miswithin the limits of the law ;)
17:23.25cog|workif the scope of their EULA goes beyond what you're willing to allow, then don't agree
17:23.32art3misdo you think that if sopmeone codes a worm and has a eula attached to it that he wouldn't be liable for it spreading?
17:23.40deltronjeez don't play the game if you don't agree to the terms
17:23.47art3misshush deltron
17:24.05Polarinaart3mis: EULAs are limited by what is written in laws.
17:24.28art3mispolarina: correct, thats where the "potential" for abuse comes in
17:24.37art3misand why its a discussed issue
17:24.45cog|workart3mis: not if you don't have to accept the EULA before executing the worm
17:24.56MentalPowerart3mis: actually, if I write a worm and package it with a EULA and in that EULA it spells out exactly what the program does, I am not liable for nuking your PC
17:24.59art3miscog|work: thats sorta what i meant ;)
17:25.36cog|workif the worm presents you with the choice to execute its malicious code and it presents you with an EULA and/or disclaimer of warranty explaining the risks, then yes
17:25.41cog|workthey wouldn't be liable
17:26.01cog|workfor the same reason Symantec isn't liable for your lost documents if you format your drive with partition magic
17:26.13PolarinaMentalPower: Bear in mind that you are still responsible for the worm if it spreads to others computers without their respective owner agreeing to the EULA.
17:26.52MentalPowerPolarina: correct, worm is a bad choice of words, malicious program is a better term
17:26.58art3misMentalPower: technically/legally you are (in all cases cuz it's a felony) but for sake of argument, let's say the eula was as blizz's is and it says "we reserve the right to monitor you computer and report any information back." at no point does it tell you what info is being relaying nor does it explain what it does or WHY it's relaying.
17:27.00deltronI think it's absolutely hilarious that the bot coder is having a hissy fit because he can't track what warden does now, and he's raising it as a privacy issue
17:27.19art3misdeltron: it's not just him
17:27.29cog|workart3mis: if you agree to it then you agree to it. end of story
17:27.39art3misand really this warden change is "more or less" the same as the sony dmr rookit stuff
17:27.51art3miscog|work: nope not end of story, thats the point
17:27.57deltronyou go by what is written in the EULA, I do not see it as a binding contract, but you can't play the game if you don't accept
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17:28.13cog|workyou know full well that they don't specify what information they're gathering
17:28.18MentalPowerart3mis: technically yes, but it cannot be used by anyone outside of blizz and you did agree to it
17:28.19cog|workand yet you still accept
17:28.19art3misfor most legal issues eula is a mostly binding contract
17:28.27art3misMentalPower: right!
17:28.53art3misbut without the ability to check what it's doing or what info it's relaying you the end user are at a lose to make an informed descision.
17:29.10cog|worki don't even understand why there's an argument beyond "you agreed to it"
17:29.11cog|workeverything else is fluff
17:29.17cog|workit's "i shouldn't have to agree to this to play the game"
17:29.25cog|workentitlement 4tl
17:29.35MentalPowerart3mis: because you did not agree to have the right to monitor it
17:29.42art3misit's my computer
17:29.49art3misof course i have the right to monitor that ;)
17:29.49LopeppeppyCog|work -- I heartily agree.  Entitlement FTL.
17:29.58MentalPowerart3mis: tell that to the DRM folks
17:30.10art3misfairuse ftw ;)
17:30.10JoshBorkeanyone know of an addon that uses coroutines?
17:30.29CideJoshBorke: probably some scanning addons
17:30.34cog|workJoshBorke: I think auctioneer used them for scanning
17:30.39MentalPowerart3mis: its still illegal to break the DRM, even for fair use (good ol DMCA)
17:30.40JoshBorkeauctioneer doesn't
17:30.44JoshBorkethey should
17:30.47Cidekirov had some addon that used them
17:30.56JoshBorkeyea, kirov is who i need to talk to
17:30.58Cide(where the hell is he anyway?)
17:31.00JoshBorkehe never released that addon
17:31.02JoshBorke~seen kirov
17:31.03purlkirov <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 18d 23h 25m 32s ago, saying: 'Anyone know if the downloaded version of BC is any more up to date than the original store bought version?'.
17:31.04PolarinaLast time I used Auctioneer, it didn't. Or at least it made my game freeze for 25 sec. after it finished the scanning.
17:31.18JoshBorkecog|work: pwned
17:31.21art3misMentalPower: much like tis agaisnt the law not to disclose the safeguards, the information gathered, and the bounds within which a piece of software works ;)
17:31.42JoshBorkei mean, i could try to guess where to find it
17:31.45JoshBorkebut i'd never find it
17:31.56cog|workart3mis: then sue
17:32.00cog|workif it's illegal
17:32.08cog|workyou have recourse
17:32.14JoshBorkei am going to try to make auctioneer use coroutines to process the pages
17:32.33PolarinaJoshBorke: Use the 2.3 function to fetch all items in one go.
17:32.44JoshBorkePolarina: i did, and promptly locked up and got DC'd
17:32.56PolarinaJoshBorke: ?
17:33.01JoshBorkePolarina: with auctioneer
17:33.22PolarinaJoshBorke: What do you mean?
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17:33.36art3miskd3|still`lagged: go nuts, we're not having a heated arguement we're discussing theoretical "what ifs" ;)
17:33.53MentalPowerPolarina: that function is broken on blizz's side
17:33.59art3miscog|work: funny enough someone is ;)
17:34.05PolarinaMentalPower: Oh, I see.
17:34.12art3misyou did read the article right?
17:34.29PolarinaMentalPower: Does Blizzard know about that problem?
17:34.43MentalPoweryes, and its already "fixed" server-side
17:34.54PolarinaMentalPower: So it is working now?
17:35.15MentalPowerno, its disabled
17:35.20PolarinaMentalPower: Why?
17:35.25MentalPowercause its broken
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17:35.38PolarinaMentalPower: You said they just fixed it...
17:35.47cladhairethey "fixed" it
17:35.49cladhaireby disabling it.
17:35.52MentalPowerno, I said they "fixed" it
17:35.55cog|workart3mis: didn't need to to address the conversation in this channel ...
17:35.58JoshBorkewhat was the problem?  or should i just check the forums?
17:36.06MentalPowerwhat cladhaire said
17:36.11KarlThePaganis anyone here investigating the guild bank interface?
17:36.29cog|workart3mis: i'd be pissed if they win.
17:36.32PolarinaAh, sorry...
17:36.32art3miscog|work: well ya sorta did to understand the point of the conversation to start with ;)
17:37.21cog|workpeople who mooch like that disgust me. You fucking agreed to the EULA. If it's too vague for you then don't agree. Why does it have to be more than that?
17:37.41cog|workyou don't have the right to play WoW
17:38.19cladhaireDo we have any information on the personal ratings yet, and how they work?
17:38.22Cideouch. :/
17:39.01Cidecladhaire: pretty sure them blues have explained them fairly well
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17:39.07art3mishehe its funny watching the BW monitor at the office
17:39.23cladhaireCide: I haven't read them, and I was also asking about UI/API support for them
17:39.27art3missteady 200KB/s then lunch hits and it's below 1kB
17:39.30cladhairehave any links, or places i should look?
17:39.35Cidecladhaire: ah, no idea about ui/api support
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17:40.05Cidejust the sites that log blue posts for information, really
17:40.15Cideor /
17:41.45cladhairek k
17:42.07Cideas far as I know, they work just like the current team ratings
17:42.15Cideexcept every team member gets a personal rating of 1500 when they join the team
17:42.35Cidewhich then goes up and down with every match, depending on the difference between the personal rating and the other team's rating
17:42.51Cideif it differs too much from the team's overall rating, no points (I think)
17:42.59cladhaireah okay
17:43.19cladhaireZOMG NERF PRIESTS
17:43.27JoshBorkecladhaire: neva
17:43.34JoshBorkebtw, epic geared tanks pwn
17:43.59cladhairethat ss clearly shows that priests are op
17:44.03cog|workart3mis: how about this analogy:       You want to drive my Ferrari. I say OK, but you have to let me into your house where i will take pictures. I assure you none of these pictures will be provided to anyone else. You agree. You drive my car, i go into your house and take pictures of you desk drawer where you have sensitive documents.
17:44.05cog|workHow in the hell am I in the wrong as long as i keep my word not to give the pictures to anyone else?
17:44.16JoshBorkeepic geared prot tank + n00b prot paladin + n00b warlock killed durn
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17:44.42cncfanaticshello ppl
17:44.43cog|workIf you want me to stop taking pictures, then get out of my car.
17:44.47cog|workhey cncfanatics
17:45.05JoshBorkedurn is an excellent target for me to practice takning on
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17:46.21deltronshadowform murloc?
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17:47.13LopeppeppyI want one of those.  *laugh*
17:47.38cladhairedeltron: indeed.
17:47.44cladhaireyou can now be disguised in shadowform
17:48.00KarlThePaganshadowform deviate
17:48.07KarlThePaganpirates & skeletons oh my
17:48.09JoshBorkebout damn time
17:48.21KarlThePaganshadowform arokka costume!
17:48.21JoshBorkei was sick and tired of losing shadow form when flying into nethrewing
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17:48.34KarlThePaganhell i reported that as a bug
17:48.56KarlThePaganstealin mah mana
17:49.39Josh|Classapparently this name is registered? o.O
17:51.16art3miscog|work: that would be valid but replace "house" with "room" and you leave said room and go take pictures of my bedroom closet my kitchen and the contents of my basement, without my knowledge
17:51.25cog|workumm no
17:51.30art3misumm yes
17:51.43cog|workshow me where in the EULA it limits itself to one particular aspect of the computer?
17:51.44clad|awaywhat is this argument about?
17:51.52art3miseula ONLY applies to the software it's attached to
17:51.55MentalPowerclad|away: warden
17:52.03cog|workart3mis: wrong
17:52.07cog|workvery very wrong
17:52.08art3misno cog right
17:52.20art3misLEGALLY it only pertains to the software it's attached to
17:52.29cog|workif that were the case, no piece of software would ever be able to edit any documents
17:52.49MentalPower(or talk to any other program)
17:52.50art3misi can't make a blanket eula that says i have the right to do wha i want when i want to any portion of your computer without additional consent
17:52.57cog|workyes you do
17:53.11art3misnope not LEGALLY
17:53.19cog|workso how can Partition Magic be legal?
17:53.19art3misnot without disclosure that you're doing it
17:53.25cog|workin can wipe out an entire operating system
17:53.42cog|workWTF are you smoking? they DO DISCLOSE IT
17:53.46art3misbecause partition magic does a specific function explains in white papers and patents how and what it does
17:53.46cog|workthat's what the eula is
17:53.54cog|workit discloses the fact that it may scan your computer for threats
17:54.03Finart3mis is right, but not explaining himself very well I think
17:54.12art3misoh you mean like how the us is fighting "terror" ?
17:54.18Finmost EULAs won't stand up in court
17:54.33cog|workFin: that's a myth
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17:54.39cog|workmost EULAs aren't tested in court
17:54.42art3misthe eula's will stand up in court provided the case is related to the specific aspects of said software
17:54.48cog|workcompanies usually settle before it gets to that point
17:55.04Fincog|work: I've read about it, and not from what I can tell - can you dispel this myth?
17:55.09art3misif it does stuff outside the scope of the elua and doesnt disclose it's doing so thats where the problem comes in
17:55.25Finright, because they don't want their EULAs tested
17:55.48LopeppeppyI've read about it as well, Fin -- varies by location and court, honestly.
17:56.01art3misif i install firewall software or antivirus, and then install another piece of software that then disables said firewall and virus scanner without my consent sot hat it can "protect" itself that would be outside of the eula
17:56.03Finamd the content of the EULA, I would've thought
17:56.10Finit depends what they're trying to enforce
17:56.19Lopeppeppyart3mis, your definition of "scope" and someone else's definition are not the same, me thinks.
17:56.21cog|workart3mis: not if it tells you it's going to do that
17:56.27art3misLopeppeppy: thats possible yeah
17:56.37Finif they're trying to enforce a clause which is contradicts your statutory rights as a human being, it's not likely to be accepted as legally binding
17:56.49cog|workFin: that's not at issue
17:57.00art3miscog|work: those above actions can be covered in legalese by saying "our software takes step to protect itself"
17:57.02FinI can't write an EULA that says "you have to give me your left testicle" and actually expect to get your ball
17:57.26art3misprotects itself from my packet monioring and signature checking?
17:57.32art3misyup thats right!
17:57.39cog|workand for the record I disagree with most of those statutes. If you agree to something stupid, you have to live with the result
17:57.55Fincog|work: but isn't most of the stuff in the EULA against that? like, not making backups and stuff - aren't you allowed to by copyright law? (as an example)
17:58.23art3misfin: most cover liability and tampering
17:58.32art3misfor thier software
17:58.33cog|workart3mis: that's irrelevant... blizzard does tell you what they do... they read info off your computer to look for hacks.
17:59.00art3misuh huh, thats just it how nebulous is that statement
17:59.02FinI think, in a court of law, it would come down to whether the company has made a good-faith effort at informing their customer of the restrictions they place on use of their software
17:59.32cog|workFin: you mean like having a clear, english EULA presented to you when you install the game and again after every patch?
17:59.45LopeppeppyThat covers things nicely, Cogwheel.  *hug*
17:59.54cog|workseems like a good faith effort at informing their customer...
18:00.05Fincog|work: that's one way of arguing it; another would be that EULAs are so commonly disregarded today that this isn't enough to warrant a "good-faith effort"
18:00.28FinI'm not a court
18:00.29cog|workWhy should the city be responsible for car accidents if people disregard traffic lights?
18:00.30art3mistechnically a backdoor'd piece of search software is doing that.. let's say you download software that does a duplicat mp3 check.. and when you isntall it it says that it will be scanning your drive and relaying information, it then proceeds to not only scan for mp3s but transfers all your cached passwords email other software codes etc to some place off site/
18:00.39art3miswould the maker be liable for that?
18:00.48clad|awaynothing wow does can be deemed as malicious, or an invasion of privacy
18:00.56Finactually, a good example of this was the rootkit on those Sony CDs, no?
18:01.04art3misexactly fin
18:01.05clad|awayFin: which was malicious
18:01.11clad|awayblatantly malicious
18:01.13cog|workFin: was there an agreement?
18:01.14clad|awaythere was no "software" to run
18:01.28Finclad|away: it wasn't, it was copy protection :)
18:01.35clad|awayno, that's why Sony lost.
18:01.40clad|awaybecause it was malicious software
18:01.43clad|awayused as copy protection
18:01.45clad|awayplain and simple.
18:01.48art3miscog|work: on the cd case saying something about opening is an agreement
18:01.53FinOK, look, I don't want to argue about that
18:02.04art3misclad|away: it's not malicious no
18:02.06clad|awayyes it is
18:02.13FinI don't agree but it's obvious nobody's going to change their mind :)
18:02.14clad|awayand its not analagous to warden in the least
18:02.28art3misthe point is that without knowing what it does and where the limits are we can never be 100% sure that it will remain that way
18:02.30clad|awayits a invalid comparison
18:02.43clad|awayart3mis: and you have the right to protect yourself
18:02.46clad|awayby disabling warden
18:02.50clad|awayor writing software that watchs it
18:02.52Finliqorice sweets rule
18:02.58art3misclad|away: thats exactly the point!
18:02.58clad|awayand what you risk, is thde right to use the software, plain and simple.
18:03.06clad|awayyou agree to let them scan your computer
18:03.14clad|awayand you have the right to avoid that, or watch what they're doing to ensure
18:03.20clad|awayor you can simply not use the software
18:03.22clad|awayor buy the CD
18:03.23art3miswe ca no longer watch ;)
18:03.33art3misor rather at rpesent can no longer watch
18:03.38clad|awaywhy not?
18:03.41MentalPowerthe governator doesn't work anymore?
18:03.42clad|awaydefine that please
18:03.44clad|awaybefore i leave
18:03.48art3misbecause of the latest updates to it
18:03.50clad|awaywhat happens when you try
18:03.54art3missomeon linky that url
18:04.02Finwhat url?
18:04.08clad|awayproblem solved
18:04.11clad|awaythis shouldn't even be an argument i think
18:04.46cog|workif you feel the wording of the eula is too vague then don't agree. Why is it more complicated than that?
18:05.10art3misclad|away: ^^^ thats what this is all in reference to ;)
18:05.13clad|awayyes i know
18:05.14clad|awayso don't use wow
18:05.18clad|awayno argument necessary
18:05.36cog|workagain, you don't have the right to play WoW. It's a privilege Blizzard allows you in exchange for agreeing to their terms.
18:05.46art3misand paying them
18:05.55cog|workthat's part of the terms...
18:06.38clad|awayif you think they're become the wow gestapo, then you can stop playing
18:06.44clad|awayand you're allowed to be pissed off
18:06.52clad|awayyou're also allowed to agree to the terms, and play the game.
18:07.25cog|workanything beyond that is just spoiled brattiness imo
18:07.36cog|workI'm of the STFU go play something else crowd
18:07.44clad|awayive gotta run to dinner
18:07.45clad|awaynight all
18:07.47cog|workor try to convince blizzard to change
18:08.51cog|workdisagree all you want with what they're doing
18:08.59cog|worknothing wrong with that
18:09.09cog|workbut feeling you're entitled to something more than what you agreed to is immature
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18:15.01cog|work 14.A and 14.B are actually a lot clearer than you make them out to be.
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18:28.15Mr_Rabies2they're bound to be squirming over the warden changes
18:28.26Thunder_Childheh "It is not possible to FD + Drink anymore during many raid encounters."
18:30.05Thunder_Childhavent seen "Interactive items like quest items now have a glow around them making them easier to find." yet
18:30.45LopeppeppyThings sparkle, Thunder_Child.
18:30.49darkylowi'm going ask a dumb question :whats glider
18:31.03Thunder_ChildLopeppeppy, eh?
18:31.10Cideare you banned from google or something, darkylow?
18:31.16Mr_Rabies2it's a terms-of-service breaking program that you want nothing to do with, darkylow
18:31.25darkylowah ok, nope
18:31.40Cideit's a program that plays your character (well, grinds with your character)
18:31.43Mr_Rabies2i used to use it and i'm not proud, but it's fun to read their forums when warden changes, etc come up :D
18:31.53Mr_Rabies2i have a respect for the lead of it but that's about it
18:32.09Mr_Rabies2he's incredibly nice and doesn't seem to be in it to "stick it to the man" at all
18:33.11LopeppeppyThunder-Child : The line you quoted comes out in game reality as things being sparkly.
18:33.34Thunder_Childah....still havent noticed that though...oh well
18:33.54LopeppeppyYou might have your spell detail turned down, etc?  I expect lower video options won't show it.
18:34.08Thunder_Childi'm max out in options
18:34.15Thunder_Childs/in/in video/
18:34.28LopeppeppyHuh.  I've seen it, it's more than obnoxious around herbs.
18:34.53Thunder_Childohh....that...i thought that was part of the quest thing
18:35.04Mr_Rabies2you know what word needs to return to usage
18:35.48Thunder_Childas in "split in two"?
18:36.43Mr_Rabies2as in two, basically, just a fancy way of saying in two or in half or whatever
18:36.56zenzelezzleave Twain out of this, he was a nice chap
18:37.36Esamynn|Workyou know, it's rather scary that this sort of conversation is typical of the lounge :P
18:37.38Mr_Rabies2Twain's one of my favorite authors of all time :D
18:38.00zenzelezzit would be so much more fun if people didn't always misunderstand (or choose to misunderstand) my plays on words
18:38.18Esamynn|Worknah, it would probably be less fun
18:38.34zenzelezzif they made good retorts it would be
18:38.39zenzelezzlinking a dictionary is FAIL
18:39.29Thunder_Childya, use purl at least
18:39.33Thunder_Child~dict Twain
18:40.00zenzelezzI've had people try to convince me I mean "twice" when I say "thrice"... always fun when they realize it's a real word
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18:42.30kd3|torhuzzah, slightly less laggy connection, hopefully
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18:43.07zenzelezzhm, didn't know you can inspect yourself
18:43.57Thunder_Childyou need to start looking at yourself more
18:44.28zenzelezzdidn't try it until someone said viewing someone's talents in the inspect window is partially bugged
18:45.03Thunder_Childi do it because my inspection mod shows interesting things
18:49.19kd3shame that I have to resort to tor just to get around the packet filtering
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19:14.13Shirik|EcoleCairenn|afk: ping maybeh?
19:14.44LopeppeppyI think she went to bed, Shirik.
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19:15.30Daedewowi fall down go boom?
19:18.04LopeppeppyI forget who she said was on duty for that.....
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19:18.18bleeterBeladona, dolby-wowi ?
19:18.27Lopeppeppydolby-wowi, yeah.
19:18.42bleeterdolby-wowi: wowi go boom @ index2.php 'problem with db'
19:20.15bleeterWobwor1: that's all fine, but is Gillard wearing pants?!
19:23.47Shirik|Ecolebleeter: it's back :)
19:26.05bleeterbest chockie biscuit evah
19:26.17Shirik|Ecolechockie biscuit?
19:26.50bleeter~wiki timtam
19:27.19Shirik|EcoleI'm so confused by your definition of "biscuit"
19:27.31Shirik|EcoleWhen I hear "biscuit" I think piece of bread with butter
19:28.05Lunessabiscuit in the British version of English is more like what you and I would call a cookie.
19:28.10darkylowsorry for the caps
19:28.14Shirik|Ecoleit would be a biscuit obviously
19:28.22Shirik|Ecolebuttermilk biscuit = <3 <3
19:28.43darkylowtim tams = teh yum
19:31.03Shirik|EcoleLunessa <3
19:31.22LunessaWith gravy... or jam ... or just lots of butter.  
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19:33.21LopeppeppyThat is so for dinner tonight, with KFC.
19:33.43darkylowquite indulgent
19:39.16art3misi wish i had flour without having to elave my house
19:40.06cog|workmy mother-in-law grinds her own wheat
19:40.44Shirik|Ecoleso I teach this lab with one other person, right?
19:41.09Shirik|EcoleI just heard him say to someone, "If you don't know how to create an object right now, you're going to have a real problem on the test next week"
19:42.02Shirik|Ecoleand he's right, really, they should have known that two months ago ><
19:42.06art3mis"im not a magician geez!"
19:42.14krkawhat language?
19:42.25cog|workwhat gender?
19:42.28art3mismmm i love reece puffs for snack food
19:42.37Shirik|Ecolekrka: Java
19:43.09Shirik|Ecolegiven that objects are pretty much everywhere in Java... yeah...
19:43.11krkajust use an ObjectFactorBuilder for that
19:43.45Shirik|EcoleI meant in the generic sense
19:44.07krkaneeds more enterprise!
19:44.24art3misyou fergot sudo touch boobies
19:44.47cog|workspeaking of boobies, i was not expecting so many in Bloodrayne...
19:44.50krkasudo get me a sandwich
19:45.02cog|workthe movie ><
19:45.14art3misyeah thats about the only redeeming factor of the movie
19:45.45art3misthe second has more boobies bit no kristin lokken
19:46.16art3mishehe first time i played god of war 2 i was laughing at the 3some scene
19:46.28art3misyou get like bonus points and to teach you the cut scene controls
19:46.44art3misso he goes to 2 naked chicks in a hottub and there's moaning n stuff ;P
19:46.52art3mis"wow you really are a god!"
19:48.17Shirik|EcoleCide: ping
19:49.55CideShirik|Ecole: pong
19:51.49Shirik|Ecoleplease correct my insanity
19:52.18Shirik|EcoleI tried out CoH for the first time yesterday and I wasn't absolutely impressed, but I'm not sure it could have been for two reasons:
19:52.37Shirik|Ecole(1) Because it was ZA and ZA has limited uses for it, or
19:53.00Shirik|Ecole(2) I was using it way too frequently as it was a new ability I was having fun with, and I need to remember to keep using gheal and all that as I was
19:55.54CideI haven't been into ZA so I have no idea about the encounters there
19:56.16Cidebut it's obviously more useful in encounters with lots of damage thrown around (especially aoe damage)
19:56.27Cideand yeah, it doesn't really shine in a 10 man setting
19:56.35Cidesince you can prayer of healing 50% of the people anyway
19:56.44Cidecan't do the same in 25 man raids
19:57.19LunessaI don't have Circle of Healing, but I can see it being really useful for making 25-man raid group composition easier.
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20:03.55art3miscoh and poh are great fun for that guy in kara
20:04.08art3misstand at his feet and spam it ;P
20:05.34LunessaWhen I fist saw Prayer of Mending, I thought... meh.  Now, it's my favorite heal.
20:05.46*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
20:06.44art3mishehe pom is soooooooooo much fun
20:06.54art3misafter a while it becomes a game
20:07.37AnduinLothari thought is WAS a game
20:07.51art3miswow or pom?
20:07.58Shirik|EcoleI mean, it's interesting yes
20:08.02Shirik|Ecolebut like
20:08.06art3mispom is totally a game after a while of using it.. wow is a lifestyle
20:08.07Shirik|Ecoleit's healing for 1k
20:08.14Shirik|Ecoleit's instant and cheap, I'll give it that
20:08.20Shirik|Ecolebut usually I need a bit more than that :/
20:08.27Shirik|EcoleI dunno, I'll play with it more I guess
20:08.28art3missoon we'll just have BlizzDomes(tm) and all like in there with intravenous nutrients
20:08.35Josh|Classpom rocks
20:08.54Josh|Classi use it just because our tanks suck ;-)
20:08.56art3misShirik|Ecole: its more that it can jump 5 times during its duration
20:09.17art3misthe game is to see who can grab it on the first jump and keep it til it expires ;P
20:09.18kd3gah. I need to change my typeface. I keep seing "porn" every time someone says "pom"
20:10.38*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
20:11.24Shirik|Ecoleart3mis: no
20:11.26Shirik|EcoleI'm talking about CoH
20:11.31Shirik|EcolePOM is by far my favorite heal also
20:11.34Shirik|EcoleI love it
20:11.40Shirik|Ecoleit's the sole reason I have healing prayers talent
20:13.15PolarinaDamit! Why didn't Blizzard fix the Undead Female Main-hand glitch?
20:13.15Industrialhmm isnt mouseover/out 'OnEnter' and 'OnLeave' in a SetScript?
20:13.35Shirik|EcoleIndustrial: OnMouseEnter
20:14.15*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
20:14.49Industrialdoesnt work :S (the mouseovering)
20:14.56Industrialmade a little info bar :D
20:15.12Lunessakd3: That's a benefit, not a detriment.
20:15.50Shirik|Ecolemy bad =(
20:16.47kd3hm. I wonder if I can get wow to use tor to get around the firewall
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20:19.22Shirik|EcoleIndustrial: Does it not work?
20:19.38Kasokd3, theres a program called SocksCap which allows you to force a winsocks application to use a SOCKS proxy
20:20.39IndustrialShirik|Ecole: no :S
20:21.29Shirik|Ecolejust a guess
20:21.34Shirik|Ecolebut do you need to call EnableMouse() ?
20:22.36Shirik|Ecolethis is why I let Cidan do the GUI stuff :D
20:23.00JoshBorkefor OnEnter you need to enable mouse
20:23.04Cideuse Button or EnableMouse
20:23.12Cidefor onenter
20:23.18Industrialah button, right
20:23.23Shirik|EcoleI thought you were responding to 152:222:34 12Shirik|Ecole12 this is why I let Cidan do the GUI stuff :D
20:23.55CideEnableMouse is better if you won't click on it
20:23.55Cideor use it as a button
20:25.11fridgcidan's a noob, true story
20:30.43zenzelezzFFS, the UI keeps insisting I use my Naaru title even though I keep saying "None"
20:31.37PolarinaWhat was the command to enable the taint log?
20:31.45kd3lmao... a mob has a weapon with lifestealing
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20:48.22zenzelezzso we're still learning Kael'thas, going phase 3
20:48.28zenzelezzYour skill in Daggers has increased to 2.
20:48.31zenzelezzYour skill in Daggers has increased to 3.
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20:54.11Thunder_Childyour lvling daggers while fighting Kael'thas, zenzelezz?
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20:57.40zenzelezzno, just forgot I hadn't ever used daggers
20:57.55deltronraiding rogue never used daggers?
20:58.51zenzelezzwho said I was a rogue?
20:59.50deltronread too much into it heh
20:59.55deltronwhat class?
20:59.56art3miszenzelezz: well obvious you're a rogue or horde shammy since only those two people use daggers ;)
21:00.13art3miserr horde druid
21:00.16zenzelezzI'm a prot warrior on de-MC + phoenix duty
21:00.51*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
21:01.03a-stray-catanyone know if theres a way to get the name of an item when you use it?
21:01.14a-stray-catlike a function i can hook, or some event that gives off the name?
21:01.39art3misim missing 500mb
21:01.59Kasoa-stray-cat there are a few functions you need to hook for that i recons
21:02.16a-stray-catim having trouble finding them
21:02.53zenzelezz"It's been 5 days since I sent payment and still no answer. Respond to this email through ebay's system or you will be banned from ebay and mostlikely go to jail for stealing my money!" <-- I just can't feel pity for people who fall for this
21:03.08a-stray-catah, i see UseInventoryItem
21:03.09KasoUseInventoryItem, UseContainerItem at least a-stray-cat
21:03.20a-stray-catill give those a shot
21:03.28Kasomaybe also need to do UseAction
21:04.10Kasoi know you used to have to do useaction as well, but with all the changes since i last did it it may have changed
21:05.37KasoAlso you need to do "UseItemByName" a-stray-cat
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21:11.48a-stray-catstill have to pick up useaction, i guess
21:12.00a-stray-catthanks again
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21:17.46art3mis w...t...f
21:18.45art3misfull video of the incident
21:18.50art3misincluding his death
21:19.11art3misand the spokesman for the rcmp's statements about it dont even match up with what happened
21:19.14art3mison video
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21:20.52deltrondon't taze me broski!
21:21.49art3mis incase the other doesnt work
21:23.22kergothanyone else seeing LoadManagers act up?
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21:29.45bleeterso the morbent fel quest is no longer a group quest, but the mob's still elite :/
21:30.11deltronI thought elites were made easier to solo
21:32.12Cidehaha, wow, this is awesome
21:32.18art3misIndifference: It takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile, but it doesn't take any to just sit there with a dumb look on your face.
21:32.22CideThe "goes toward" operator:
21:32.29Cidewhile(count --> 0) foo();
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21:38.30|Jelly|Went from being a welding shop helper to a waiter in two days. I win.
21:42.08TC-Holdingfigures...right after wow crashed, windows crashed
21:42.56Thunder_Childhmm..i think that makes my 24th BSoD
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21:43.47Thunder_Childsince 5/somthing/07
21:44.02art3misthats pretty good
21:44.26art3misi dont get blue screens on my machine
21:44.30art3misi get hard locks
21:44.39art3misit's much less annoying ;)
21:44.45Polarina>>> while(count ---> 0) foo();
21:44.47Thunder_Childhow so?
21:46.30*** part/#wowi-lounge dru_ (
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21:52.57art3miswell i can still see things on my screen so ive im just reading a webpage i can at least finish it ;)
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21:53.25PolarinaROFL ->
21:54.53deltronyeah I saw that
21:54.53*** join/#wowi-lounge _TecnoBrat (
21:54.54PolarinaWhy everyone left? Did I do something wrong? *panic*
21:54.54|Jelly|GOD DAMNIT! I thought we told you to keep your finger off the big red button!
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21:56.47PolarinaUps... My mistake.
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22:01.42Thunder_Childdoes periodic damage change if the scorch debuff is applied after?
22:02.08art3misThey don't report to Blizzard what you're running, they just do a comparison. Someone checked it out thoroughly when it first came out and it's innocuous.
22:02.08KasoThunder_Child,  pretty sure not
22:02.43Kasoi know if i dot a mob then PI myself i wont get extradamage on my dot
22:02.43art3mismy currnet home speed is 6.38 Mbit/s
22:02.52Thunder_ChildKaso, but thats you and not the target
22:03.01Thunder_Childand thats damage you deal, not damage they take
22:03.07Kasomm, true
22:03.15Kasoim not usure actually
22:03.42art3misand according to speakeasy its
22:03.48art3misDownload Speed: 9319 kbps (1164.9 KB/sec transfer rate)
22:03.48art3misUpload Speed: 1866 kbps (233.3 KB/sec transfer rate)
22:04.55Dumandamn, I hate you
22:05.16DumanI need better upload speed...  and I could always use better download speed ;)
22:05.26art3mishehe who cant ;)
22:05.32Thunder_Childi need better up as well
22:05.41Dumanmy 600kbps upload is lacking :(
22:05.55art3misi always snicker when the people at the office talk about thier t1
22:05.56PolarinaDoes a Tinfoil Hat really exist?
22:06.00art3miswhich is just 1.5/1.5 ;P
22:06.10Dumanhaha T1
22:06.28Dumanmy dsl provider is supposedly going to start testing adsl2+ stuff at some point
22:06.39Dumanwe'll see if that ever really happens
22:06.41art3misThe speed of a full T1 line connection is 1.544Mbps
22:06.59art3misduman just call and ask for sdsl ;P
22:07.08art3miswhen yer 1.5/1.5
22:07.11art3miserr then
22:07.16Dumanthe state of broadband connectivity in the US is abysmal when compared to other places in the world
22:07.22Dumanyeah but I'm 6M/600k right now
22:07.27DumanI dont' want to give up the 6M ;)
22:07.53Thunder_Childmine is even worse, 6M/300K
22:08.01Thunder_Childwouldnt mind 6M/6M though
22:08.15art3misOffering up to full T3 speeds: 45 Mbps
22:08.26Dumanyeah I need a ds3 to my house
22:08.34art3misfor 9$ more a month i can boost to 30mbit/10mbit ;P
22:08.35Thunder_ChildWTB Fios
22:08.36JoshBorkei don't recall ever hearing of a T2
22:08.47art3miserr sorry 50mbit/10mbit
22:08.47Thunder_Childisnt used
22:08.52JoshBorkei didn't think so
22:08.57DumanT2 was 6Mbps
22:09.00deltronOC-48 plz
22:09.02Dumannever really used
22:09.10art3misJoshBorke: thats because it went back in time to try and kill sarah conner again ;P
22:09.35art3misOC-48 - 2.5 gigabits per seconds
22:10.08art3misoc768 please ;P
22:10.35Dumanyeah most of the big backbone providers use either OC768 or channeled 10G lines (either ethernet, or OC192)
22:10.50art3misya know
22:10.59Thunder_Child is a great list
22:11.00art3misi dont even know if i'd find enough to do on that kind of pipe
22:11.09art3misi'd like a mov..done
22:11.10Thunder_ChildWill be able to provide transmission speeds of around 159.25248 Gbit/s [4]"
22:11.17Dumanyou run into latency issues and/or host speed limitations, anyway :P
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22:11.52Dumantcp window size starts really rearing its ugly head on latent yet high-speed links
22:11.55Duman(like cross-country)
22:12.13Dumanwe have two 10Gbps links from CA<->VA, and single TCP streams get capped way before that
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22:12.41art3misduman you do networking ?
22:12.57Dumanamong other things :)
22:12.58art3misquestion for ya
22:13.11DumanComputer Science by degree...  operations (system, network) by profession
22:13.53art3misif ive got a 2.3sdsl with a built in hub and from one port on there i feed the internal network, if i throw my wan card on promo it's not gonna pick up bw useage from the "hub" but it will report the in and out ips right?
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22:14.12art3misassuming the rest of said statics are plugged into same hub
22:14.12Thunder_ChildNetworking Engineer by degree, anything else by profession
22:14.37art3misi have no degrees ;P
22:14.47art3misive just been alive and a nerd a long time ;)
22:14.54*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (n=[KaoS]`@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
22:14.57Dumanwhat do you mean "on promo"?
22:15.35art3misit'll pick up the header calls but not actual useage right?
22:15.39Dumanif it's a hub, you'll see shit
22:15.42Dumanif it's a switch, you won't
22:16.15art3misits just a hub
22:16.31art3misjust making sure that the stats for the internal arent being corrupted by the statics
22:16.32Dumanwell, the wireless part might have some smart filters on it
22:16.45Dumansince it's silly to dump all that crap into the air for no reason
22:16.50Dumanonly bcasts should get out
22:16.52art3misnot wireless ;P
22:17.13Dumanoh, then you'll see it all
22:17.17Dumanif it's a hub, you'll see all traffic
22:17.19art3misincluding bw useage?
22:17.23Dumanit's repeated across all ports
22:17.44Dumanyou mean the network counters on your port?
22:17.49Duman(on your card, I mean)
22:18.01Dumanhubs generally don't have per-port counters ... for this very reason ;)
22:18.20art3mis1 port goes to my firewall/dhcp for the 192.68.x.x the other 3 on it are fed to direct line static ips
22:18.21Dumansince if the port has link, the counters will always be incrementing
22:18.53art3misim missing some bw in the monitor on the firewall/dhcp
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22:19.41art3misso either it's not actually reading it from the statics(which explains where the extra went) or something is funky ;P
22:19.41Dumanwell, I dunno - what sort of traffic is missing?
22:19.47Thunder_ChildWB Cairenn
22:20.12Duman(and how are you gathering the stats, etc..)
22:20.56Dumanaltho we're rather O.T. for this channel...  we can take it to /msg if people want :)
22:20.56art3misi ran from internal a speed test while watching the monitor, it reported the proper useage spike(and returned 1.7mbit)... called a static client and had him run it and his came back 666kbit but the monitor didnt show anything additional
22:20.56Thunder_Childlol, there is no topic for this channel
22:20.56Dumanheh, k :)
22:21.00Thunder_Child(almost) anything goes
22:21.18Cairennalthough it is dedicated to mod development first and foremost
22:21.47Dumanart: how does the poller work?  how often does it look at counters?  is it grabbing instantaneous rates, or looking at coutners and calculating that way, etc
22:21.48Thunder_Childlike bush was dedicated to getting rid of WMD?
22:21.56Dumanart: too many variables to answer simply ;)
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22:22.06Thunder_Child~hug Cairenn
22:22.06purlACTION hugs Cairenn tightly until Cairenn turns slightly blue
22:22.07art3misso, the bw issues(if they persist since i limited p2p traffic to 2kbit/1kbit) would be because of the statics i cant see
22:22.33Dumanart: can you normally see traffic from the static IP'd machines out to the world?
22:22.34art3mismy wan<->lan speeds match properly
22:22.53art3mison iftop i could
22:22.58art3mison this one i cant
22:23.03art3misi can see the hits in and out
22:23.09Duman'this one' ?
22:23.10art3misbut im not 100% on the bw usage
22:23.27art3miswhatever the hell it's using to monitor
22:23.30Dumancrap, need ot run
22:23.36Dumanback in a bit
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22:31.43art3misi just found the best puicture ever!
22:31.50art3mis nsfw
22:31.55art3misboobies and unix!
22:33.47Thunder_Childi wonder what the other book is
22:34.18art3mistwo topless chicks and tc is concerned about the other book
22:34.56Thunder_Childwell it's not like the boobies are a mystiry
22:35.47art3misand yet we constantly try to find ways to view them
22:35.52art3miscurious isnt it?
22:36.00JoshBorkeobviously photochopped
22:36.16art3misthat chicks cute i wonder what she looks like naked....
22:36.19art3misoh her knees
22:36.22art3misin front of me
22:36.24Thunder_Childwell i mean the boobies are uncovered...the book isnt
22:37.10PolarinaThe use of 'if', 'for' and other flow control statements has been deemed exploitable, and have been removed from the Lua script implementation.
22:37.51PolarinaThe Raid UI now allows a maximum of 3 rogues or hunters per raid.
22:37.51PolarinaTarget and player health updates will be limited to once every 5 seconds to save on packet traffic.
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22:38.41Olisonhuh? :o
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22:39.22PolarinaI found these in the official patch notes.
22:51.52LunessaSounds like you've been reading an April Fool's joke for some of that.
22:51.59cladhaireyeah, seriously
22:52.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Duman (
22:55.52*** part/#wowi-lounge Wobwor1 (
22:58.53KasoIf i try to view VLC ascii art mode over ssh it craps out after a couple seconds >.<
23:00.46Dumansomething causing your client to send back a ~ ?
23:06.24Kaso"can't create mcop directory" "Creating link /home/kaso/.kde/socket-kasoserver."
23:06.30Kasowhich is odd as i use gnome...
23:08.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Genetics (
23:12.51Valaron|WorkYou overquota?
23:16.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Kelfarr (
23:17.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
23:18.47IntangirKaso: whats that?
23:19.26Kasowhat i get after my VLC ascii art stream over SSH cocks up
23:19.45Intangirwhat now?
23:19.56Intangirvlc ascii art stream?
23:20.24Kasovlc allows you to output video in ascii-art mode to a text console
23:20.33Intangiromg thats fucking cool, how?
23:20.37Kasoso im trying to watch a video over ssh
23:20.43Intangirso i can play a wow video as ascii?
23:20.48kd3mplayer's been able to do that forever
23:20.55Intangirhow do i do it on mplayer then?
23:20.59Kasovlc video.avi -V caca
23:21.20kd3mplayer -vo caca <vid>
23:21.23kd3or -vo aa
23:21.39Intangirholy shit ;)
23:22.53IntangirHOLY SHIT MAN
23:22.56Intangirits working
23:23.02Intangirits basically unrecognizable though
23:23.09Intangirim trying to watch southpark ;)
23:23.26Kasosit futher away from the screen
23:23.26IntangirHOLY CRAP
23:23.29Intangirit is sorta recognizable ;)
23:23.31Kasoand/or squint
23:23.46deltronyeah it's really bad
23:23.52Intangirthats totally hilarious
23:24.00Intangirdo vlc and mplayer have about the same quality with it?
23:24.20kd3probably, since they're using the same library
23:24.24deltronthey probably use the same lib
23:24.30deltrontype faster than me will you
23:24.41kd3with 4s of lag too!
23:25.03Intangirya southpark is recognizable
23:25.15Thunder_Childif your a memember of amazon, GO VOTE!
23:25.23Intangirfor what?
23:25.30Intangirvoting on amazon?
23:25.37Thunder_Childgo to the front page, look top right
23:25.40Thunder_Childit's for deals
23:25.56Thunder_ChildSEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 15, 2007--For the second year in a row, (NASDAQ:AMZN) will let customers vote to decide which amazing deals are offered for the holiday season. "Amazon Customers Vote" starts today, featuring six rounds of incredible deals customers can vote on at This year's products are among the most popular of the season, and similar to last year's "Customers Vote,"
23:26.16Thunder_Childgood stuff, WII for $79 , etc.
23:26.43cog|worktoo bad i already have a wii :(
23:26.46Thunder_Childbut you can only buy on the deal IF you vote
23:27.03Thunder_Childand even then it is selected among the peopl that vote
23:27.41Intangirbuy the DVD "End Game" on amazon
23:27.44Intangirits fucking chilling
23:29.02*** join/#wowi-lounge fridg (n=Fridgid@
23:42.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Furl (
23:43.19Furl2.3 is yummy
23:43.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
23:43.39FurlI've made 100 gold doing absolutely NOTHING so far.
23:43.51FurlWell apart from doing what I usually do
23:43.55Furl[Kill people]
23:47.32Wobworkthe 25g for the daily instance is nice
23:53.58*** join/#wowi-lounge [quoin] (
23:58.26*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (

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