IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071109

00:00.36Wobwor1I miss metatables =\
00:00.42Wobwor1wtb VBscript metatables
00:13.13*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (n=kd3@
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00:20.13Shirik|Ecole182:582:28 12‹Cidan12› WIRESHARK IS A HACKER TOOL, KICK/BAN BYE
00:20.15Shirik|Ecolequiet fool
00:20.24Shirik|Ecolekd3: That's normal
00:20.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
00:20.37Shirik|EcoleThat's from TCP checksum offloading
00:20.46Shirik|Ecolejust about every network card will do that nowadays
00:21.18Shirik|Ecolebah, kd3's not even here
00:21.31kd3it wasn't doing it 30 minutes ago
00:21.39kd3we'd bitch at our apartment complex but they're gone for the day
00:21.44Shirik|Ecoleoh hi kd3
00:21.55Raynemost new CD / DVD Rom drives come with everything right?
00:22.10Raynecause mine crapped out on me :/
00:26.59*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work_ (
00:27.55Cidan"come with everything" means?
00:28.22CidanCables, etc, yes, but not power obviously.
00:28.36Shirik|Ecolewtb computer that comes with free power
00:28.38CidanAbility to write, no.  Read the box, make sure you know what you're getting, etc.
00:28.45CidanDie Shirik,
00:29.30Shirik|Ecoleok so
00:29.34bleeteruse hamsters
00:29.35Shirik|EcoleI'm sitting here with my ex-roomate
00:29.41bleeteror wire up your bike and start riding
00:29.47Shirik|Ecoleand he's complaining that he "has no time" to finish all this work he has to do for class
00:29.56Shirik|Ecoleso I say to him "what are you talking about, we have a four day weekend"
00:30.28Shirik|EcoleHe responds with "I'm busy! Tomorrow I have to work then a basketball game to go to, on saturday I have a basketball game then the comedian comes, then I only have two days left"
00:30.34Shirik|Ecoledoes anyone else find this amusing?
00:31.12LunessaBut this is amusing.
00:31.14Cidannot really
00:31.21Shirik|Ecolefine, you all suck
00:31.29CidanWell it's not bloody new
00:31.51Cidanwelcome to the real world where _everyone_ bitches about not enou... oooo, Tier 20 epics! brb!
00:32.18Thunder_Childthat was as flat as Shirik's attempt at humor
00:32.58*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
00:33.13CidanDie TC
00:33.13*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop___ (
00:34.20Mr_Rabies2oh technoviking
00:34.37Thunder_Childeventully Cidan
00:34.39bleeterhah, the Fedora mirror system collapsed
00:37.31Thunder_Childheh, this AB game has 7 mages
00:38.08Thunder_Childjust on our side
00:41.12Wobwor1hi2u technoviking
00:43.23Lunessa - nom nom nom
00:44.44Wobwor1"P&G isn't talking, but we suspect the cloyingly repulsive taste of NyQuil is to ensure that you can swallow a tablespoon or two but can't drink enough of the stuff to start seeing Jesus."
00:44.46Wobwor1classy =P
00:45.40Wobwor1oh man, I wish we had nyquil here
00:45.57Wobwor1although given my usual reaction to those sorts of drugs
00:46.02Wobwor1I probably wouldn't wake up for three days
00:46.52LunessaThe "seeing Jesus" line is STILL making me laugh.
00:47.09*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
00:47.20Mr_Rabies2that's why nyquil caplets exist
00:47.37Mr_Rabies2i knew a guy that downed bottles of the stuff
00:48.10Mr_Rabies2i had just 2 and was woken up mid-unconciousness from 2 caplets and was completely amnesia'd up
00:48.27Mr_Rabies2someone knocked on the door and i answered and mentioned something about a toaster and went back to bed
00:50.50*** part/#wowi-lounge Rayne (
00:54.40AnduinLotharwhy am I only able to find 1 model of 3gb/s sata2 10k hd...
00:55.07AnduinLotharmade by HP no less
00:56.19Shirik|AFK50: attempt to call method 'assert' (a nil value)
00:56.22Shirik|AFKthat's an interesting one
00:56.46kd3and screw my apartment complex interfering with me getting my fix of wow
00:56.53Shirikkd3: Sorry, I had to run but anyway
00:56.56kd3bleeter, you sound surprised? I just said screw it and got the torrent
00:56.56Shirikthat is really wierd
00:58.47bleeterkd3: prollem is, of course, the update mirrors are also screwed ;)
00:58.59bleeterkd3: I'm getting it via rsync, updates and all :)
00:59.03bleeter*update mirror list
00:59.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Obelixprime (
00:59.33Shirikso Cidan, get this
01:00.00Shirikfirst, get on gmail ya nub
01:01.09|Jelly|!c us burning legion jelly
01:01.10ThraeBot|Jelly|: Jelly, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (23/38/0). 7781 HP; 10545 Mana; 445 mana regen; 174 mp5; 262 +spell dmg; 1849 +heal; 5.62% dodge; 18 resilience; +25 all resists (+5 all);[[ TBR: 572 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Nov  6 00:03:05 2007 EST ]]
01:02.26Shirikwtf you did
01:02.27Kelfarrrayne i am done!
01:02.46Shirikjelly you damn cheater
01:02.53bleeterburning legion jelly sounds like a hemmeroid cure/relief thing
01:02.55*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
01:03.17Obelixprimei have a question about parrot
01:03.42Kelfarrjelly + rayne
01:04.24Shirikhmm, |Jelly|
01:04.26Kelfarrno tell me about it
01:04.35|Jelly|I just don't like it.
01:04.35Shirikyou really chose that robe over the primal mooncloth one?
01:04.45|Jelly|You have your style and that's great -- it's just not for me.
01:04.58|Jelly|Look up Jelly...I'm not 375
01:05.25Shirikdo you intend to get it when you hit 375?
01:08.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
01:09.31WobWorkbleeter: rofl
01:09.39WobWorkbleeter: I had the same reaction to the parrot question in wowace =P
01:09.49WobWorkExcept I said he was resting after a long squawk =P
01:11.23kd3oh wow. rob pardo came down from on high and actually posted on the forums
01:12.05bleeterWobWork: tired and shagged out, not resting ;)
01:12.32WobWorkkd3: Enoyls' avatar is very.. enthusiastic
01:12.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
01:13.17WobWorkbleeter: I blame the MPFC I saw on Sunday
01:13.32WobWorkit has all the old favourites
01:13.34bleeterWobWork: I blame Cide
01:13.42WobWorkParrot sketch, Lumberjack...
01:18.20art3misLet's say a mage is casting sheep on you, use shadow word: death right before the casting time is over, by doing so shadow word: death will deal dmg to you right as ur being sheeped, therefore removing sheep. Against warlock's fear, there is a slight chance this trick will break fear.
01:18.58Kelfarrfear never breaks on damage
01:19.41bleeterkd3: I believe the mirrors and stuff are back now
01:19.53bleeterkd3: I prolly won't get to Wine testing 'til tomorrow
01:20.32*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
01:24.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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01:28.09ScytheBlade1I like how you detailed the "do not spam this forum" thread
01:36.41*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (n=kd3@
01:36.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Rayne (
01:40.46AnduinLotharlil random
01:40.59Kelfarrrayne!! here
01:41.45KelfarrWill get one in a sec, raid frames look like Ryas tho
01:42.08|Jelly|God I hate that host.
01:42.51KelfarrI just use it because the link is small and I can type it out
01:43.20|Jelly|I hate how it doesn't resize the images
01:43.28|Jelly|I *hate* scrolling around a picture
01:44.11*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
01:50.10WobWorkwhat command can I use to capitalise an entire line
01:51.33Gngskselect, F5?
01:51.56Gngskoh, wait that's cream
01:52.15WobWorkI can do it line by line if I want to select
01:52.20WobWorkwith ~
01:52.37WobWorkbut there are a number of lines interspersed
01:55.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Pac2722 (
01:55.45Pac2722hay all
01:56.44Kelfarromg guyz
01:57.42Pac2722wat Kelfarr?
01:58.36Kelfarromgz i talketed to a gril and she likz me
01:58.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
01:58.54Pac2722lol nice
02:01.10Thunder_Childlies Kelfarr lies!!
02:01.11Kasoi just waited litterally, 30min for *fast* food
02:02.16Kelfarryes irl she smelt like fish but it was kool
02:03.12|Jelly|fish fry?
02:05.28Thunder_Child"(18:02:59) (Kelfarr) yes irl she smelt like fish but it was kool" <-- not a good thing to say....
02:10.21*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
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02:11.44cogwheelSo... I was in circuit city and they have music playing. As they're ringing up my stuff I hear a familiar computerized voice...
02:11.50cogwheelsinging "Still Alive"
02:12.16Mr_Rabies2the radio version of still alive is my ringtone
02:12.36Kasoi have it on my ipod and sing along each and every time it comes on
02:12.39Kaso<3 that song
02:12.42Kaso<3 Portal
02:12.48Kaso<3 Jonathan Coulton
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02:16.37LunessaI am the Shogun of harlem.
02:24.51|Jelly| So I rolled my eyes iRL
02:25.27KelfarrI was about to post something
02:25.38LunessaWhat, needing a guild to set up HealBot or needing HealBot to do well as a healer?
02:25.40Kelfarrabout how grid + clique are alot better than that but I didt want to be mean
02:26.04Kaso8% ?!
02:26.25LunessaI actually use Perfect Raid and 12 buttons for ranks of heals and do it all by hand.
02:26.55|Jelly|So by all accounts, you're a fail healer, right? :P
02:29.41KelfarrWhat exactly does clique do? Its a click heal right? So I click on their raid frame and it casts a heal?
02:32.25Thunder_Childyou could also have your target bar display lines showing what equal an average heal of diff types of heals
02:32.44Thunder_Childso you know when to cast
02:39.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
02:40.25Kelfarryeah it shows that on pitbull i like it
02:40.38Kelfarrlike when you cast the heal it shows how high they will be healed to
02:43.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=njbcc@
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02:48.24dreamss14Bandwidth: 04(Current Downstream: 37.98kb/s 15¤ Current Upstream: 1605.47kb/s04)
02:56.47*** join/#wowi-lounge isilwen (
02:58.04Lunessa~lart |Jelly|
02:58.04purlexplains, ever so gently, that if |Jelly| doesn't give the channel more information, they can't help
03:04.10Thunder_Childthats is one of the best lart's there is
03:07.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
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03:08.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Fin_ (
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03:09.53WobWorkMr_Rabies: is that you? O.O
03:10.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
03:11.02Thunder_Childya, sounded like you
03:11.06Mr_Rabies2i actually drew up an mspaint
03:11.11Mr_Rabies2depicting how it would be possible
03:11.19Mr_Rabies2i wonder if i still have that
03:12.16Mr_Rabies2that's from like
03:12.19Mr_Rabies25+ years ago probably
03:13.55Mr_Rabies2doesn't look like it, darn
03:17.26Kelfarr<Zybl0re> get up
03:17.26Kelfarr<Zybl0re> get on up
03:17.26Kelfarr<Zybl0re> get up
03:17.26Kelfarr<Zybl0re> get on up
03:17.26Kelfarr<phxl|paper> and DANCE
03:17.26Kelfarr* nmp3bot dances :D-<
03:17.28Kelfarr* nmp3bot dances :D|-<
03:17.30Kelfarr* nmp3bot dances :D/-<
03:17.32Kelfarr<[SA]HatfulOfHollow> i'm going to become rich and famous after i invent a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet
03:18.01Thunder_Childhell ya he would....because i would buy one
03:18.25isilwenold quote is old
03:22.55Kelfarryes it is
03:25.36*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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03:32.39RayneI just watched Transformers for the first time
03:33.30RayneI wont lie in saying I expected it to be bad...and it really wasnt
03:33.45CidanI felt the same way Rayne
03:33.48WobWorkIt was better than I expected =)
03:33.54WobWorkBut mostly due to the actual transforms
03:34.00WobWorknot due to storyline
03:34.46Thunder_Child"Warrior shouts and some feral druid spells can't be casted for free after a resurrection in a BG, this is working as intended."
03:34.49Kelfarrrayne here is what my ui looks like i finished the art
03:35.14AnduinLotharWTS Moar Info
03:35.29bleeterThunder_Child: curious they don't mention rogue stuff in that list
03:35.30Rayneyou seen mine right?
03:35.48Kelfarrwhat spells are rogues going to cast
03:36.00Thunder_Childbleeter, what can a rogue do?
03:36.04Mr_Rabies2<Rayne> I just watched Transformers for the first time
03:36.08bleeteroh, d'oh
03:36.11Raynethe mobie
03:36.12bleeterMOAR COFFEE!!!
03:36.18Mr_Rabies2the michael bay one?
03:36.20Kelfarrthe michael bay one
03:36.28Mr_Rabies2yeah it's pretty good
03:36.33Mr_Rabies2not enough action though
03:36.33RayneI had to test out my new DVD Drive :B
03:36.36Mr_Rabies2too mcuh focus on people
03:36.45Mr_Rabies2and not enough on giant robots kicking ass
03:36.52Mr_Rabies2but other than that not bad
03:37.04Mr_Rabies2i think i prefer the 1986 movie honestly :P
03:37.26Thunder_Child"Something might be added to the Armory to provide accurate indications of qualified team numbers for each bracket, and possibly if a team is currently qualified or not."
03:37.37Rayne do you guys like the Artwork? Im debating it a bit.
03:37.43Thunder_ChildMr_Rabies2, the animated one?
03:38.04Thunder_Childya, that was good
03:38.09Kelfarrwtf rayne 14k hp unbuffed
03:38.14Mr_Rabies2it's really well done, some minor animation errors but otherwise amazing for 1986
03:38.21Rayneyup :)
03:38.26Mr_Rabies2the animation's very gundam-esque
03:38.28Kelfarri hate you
03:38.31Rayne15K if I swap gear
03:38.36Mr_Rabies2lots of detail and stuff starkly contrasting the tv show
03:39.20Mr_Rabies2plus it's like 90% ass kicking robots
03:39.33Mr_Rabies2and 1% random dance scene
03:41.01CorrodiasWoW doesn't take kindly to my attempt to enable antialiasing
03:41.20Mr_Rabies2your mother
03:43.36cogwheelYour mother enabled my antialiasing last night
03:43.58Kelfarrsick burn
03:45.09WobWorkcogwheel: I guess it made the ride less bumpy?
03:45.43cogwheelsmooth as ...
03:45.50cogwheelcan't say "baby's bottom"
03:48.12Kelfarrwow i got alot of good comments on my new ui
03:49.09|Jelly|Kam liked it.
03:51.49RayneBut ya...
03:51.53Mr_Rabies2<cogwheel> can't say "baby's bottom"
03:52.12RayneComments on the Artwork? O_o I know Kamdis said it was nice...
03:52.25|Jelly|[21:47]<Kelfarr>wow i got alot of good comments on my new ui <--
03:52.36RayneWas talking about mine <_<\
03:52.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
03:52.57|Jelly|I don't know. It's not like we always talk about people's UIs. lol
03:53.22Kelfarrsome random people requested I upload it
03:53.34Kelfarrugh i will have to do that his weekend i guess
03:53.35Thunder_ChildRayne, as artwork it's nice, as a UI (personally) i dont care for it
03:53.52Raynegood enough for me
03:53.53Kelfarrit doesn't really fit, i liked your UI the way it was
03:54.06Thunder_Childbut everyone around here knows enough to ignore my comments and opnions anyway
03:54.30|Jelly|Pretty much
03:54.35Rayneim just trying to make it my own pretty much
03:54.36Mr_Rabies2okay like i was saying
03:54.39Mr_Rabies2<cogwheel> can't say "baby's bottom"
03:54.50Thunder_Childyou did that already Mr_Rabies2
03:55.00Mr_Rabies2a guy on a site i go to blurted out "smooth as a baby's vagina" in the middle of conversation once
03:55.03cogwheelThunder_Child: he was re-establishing context
03:55.05Rayneim also burning 23 gigs of Bleach Episodes to DvDs
03:55.17Mr_Rabies2he's an airforce guy but he still got some really weird stares
03:55.35Thunder_Childhe got "weird stares" on irc?
03:55.40Mr_Rabies2i mean like
03:55.46Mr_Rabies2at a bar or something
03:55.59Thunder_Childyou call your bar a "site"?
03:56.07Thunder_Childgot it
03:56.08Mr_Rabies2i know him via a website
03:56.20Thunder_Childstill that prolly means he is a father
03:56.31Mr_Rabies2he's in the air force and uses a lot of our catchphrases and whatnot in real life
03:56.39Mr_Rabies2but that one just came out of the blue
03:58.53*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (n=kd3@
03:59.09Mr_Rabies2"thank you for desensitizing me to a point where something like that would just slip out of my mouth in the office like it was no big deal and have everyone give me this awkward look of disbelief, then everyone tell me I'm going to hell."
03:59.18Mr_Rabies2Someone asked me if the chocolate chip cookies at lunch were warm and soft.
03:59.27Mr_Rabies2"what the FUCK"
03:59.44Thunder_Childi cant seem to figure out how the translation works....
03:59.45Thunder_ChildBedrooms and Hallways (1998)
03:59.45Thunder_ChildAlso Known as:
03:59.45Thunder_ChildKreuz & Queer Germany
04:00.21*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
04:00.45Corrodiasyeah, i used to say "smooth as a baby's genitals" as a satirical indication of how much i hate babies and their supposedly smooth bottoms
04:01.07Corrodiasespecially as appearing in diaper advertisements. wtf. ew.
04:03.30cogwheelbirth control ftw?
04:17.41Thunder_Childsynopsis for a tv odd (and old)
04:17.44Thunder_ChildJimmy and his magic flute Freddy are lured to Living Island by Witchiepoo's boat. Suddenly, the skies grow dark, and with a wave of Witchiepoo's wand....the boat...attacks. Jimmy fights for his life clutching his magical friend Freddy. Jimmy and Freddy, wash up on shore and are saved by H.R. Pufnstuf and Cling and Clang on the Rescue Racer. H.R. Pufnstuf, the Mayor of living island, helps Jimmy find the Magic Path off the i
04:18.22Thunder_Childmy brain hurts after reading that
04:23.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
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04:34.38WobWorkthat reminds me of the review of the Wizard of Oz
04:34.45WobWork"Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first person she meets and then teams up with three strangers to kill again."
04:35.33WobWorkand I liked this:
04:36.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
04:39.20art3misif i wanted to check the BW usage of about 75 ips(assuming that my switch doesnt do it) anyone know any tools that would monitor that non intrusively?
04:39.28art3misto see what ip is doing what
04:42.04Thunder_Childi got everything but BW...BW?
04:42.37WobWorkI assume
04:42.43WobWork(not BigWigs)
04:42.53Thunder_Childi was hardly thinking bigwigs
04:43.02art3misyeah someone at the office is bagging the network
04:43.04Thunder_Childbandwith huh...
04:43.22art3misso i just want a util to check u/d bwq useage in a nice happy list of all ips
04:43.43art3misjust incase my switch doesnt actually have a util to do it
04:43.48Thunder_Childwell a router would...i dont knoe if a switch wil
04:45.29art3misim gonna have to check the router and switch tomorrow.. just wanted some sorta backup
04:45.43art3mislike say tcpdump only with a useful interface ;P
04:46.19Thunder_Child might (trial)
04:48.06art3misyeah was looking at that
04:48.17art3misit looked more like an snmp monitor
04:49.00Corrodiasyay we killed gruul again, today
04:49.41Kelfarryay i havn't killed any boss again
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04:52.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Lukian (n=wizard@
04:52.26RayneVerticle health barrrrrrrrrrsssssssssss
04:53.18Kelfarryou have them?
04:54.27Rayneid rather die
04:55.21Kelfarrme too
04:56.03|Jelly|I'll use DUF if I want them. Not even pitbull is as customizable for what I like in vertical bars
04:56.57Kelfarrsome guy just said pitbull is too clunky and ag_uf is better
05:01.32|Jelly|I agree.
05:01.57Kelfarrlets beat the shit out of him and beat him with soap
05:02.45Corrodiasx-perl yay *waves a little flag*
05:02.53Tullersage! :P
05:03.06Corrodias*posts sum furry*
05:03.43Corrodiasand now that that little session of amusement is over, back to GTASA
05:03.53Thunder_Child|Jelly|, i wish pitbull could
05:04.06Kelfarrpitbull can
05:04.17*** part/#wowi-lounge Rayne (
05:04.18Thunder_Child"(20:56:47) (|Jelly|) I'll use DUF if I want them. Not even pitbull is as customizable for what I like in vertical bars"
05:04.51Kelfarrfor what he likes in vertical bars
05:05.32Thunder_Childafaik it cant do them at all
05:05.32|Jelly|yeah. it can but you have to hack into it
05:05.32Thunder_Childya...never had to do that with duf
05:08.43Thunder_Childart3mis, do you have a handy linux admin box at work?
05:09.18Tullerholy crap:
05:09.19Thunder_Childor feel like playing with your router?
05:11.43isilwenis dat sum spacestation?
05:11.47Kelfarrlol say that tuller
05:11.52Kelfarrhow does that person play like that
05:12.21Thunder_ChildKelfarr, easy, they are a healbot...isnt looking at anything but HP
05:12.45KelfarrYes but its still takes up alot of room
05:13.02isilwenDont know what's worse, the UI or the 5 fps because of it
05:13.03Thunder_Childbut they have no need to look at the 3d world
05:13.20Thunder_Childand 500ms ping
05:13.55Thunder_Childlol bleeter, drama indeed
05:15.45bleeteromg, a blue poster I can fall in love with... Verrith... merely for the avatar
05:16.38art3misThunder_Child: im just gonna bring my laptop with ubuntu on it so yeah techncially ;)
05:17.13Thunder_Childthen you might want to look at & though i cant speak for them
05:19.11*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
05:20.45art3misthat second one looks perfect
05:23.01*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (n=kd3@
05:25.12Thunder_Childnp ^^
05:29.32*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick_ (
05:31.19Mike-N-Go"Shaman threat reduction consists of standing still and hoping you don't die, or dying and making the call between waiting and saving your ankh for a wipe or using it now and hoping you haven't just ruined your raid's fast recovery." -- Matthew Rossi, via WoWInsider
05:36.45bleeteryou know what'd be cool... a greasemonkey script that adapts for 'qq of the month'
05:37.02bleetereg, last month it'd blank out every post with 'orc' and 'shoulder' in it
05:37.10bleeterthis month, every post with 'shaman' in it
05:37.35WobWorkhow do you dtermine the qq of the month?
05:37.36Kelfarrwarlocks are qqing no
05:37.42WobWorkwill it be a posted list of keywords?
05:38.01WobWorkor will it adapt to the most common words found along with "omg" "nerf" and "op"?
05:38.27WobWorkEach keyword could have a "omgI'mQuittingMyAccount" value
05:38.29bleeterprolly adapt to some kind of 'most common' words in locked threads
05:39.01WobWorkalthough, chances are that tally would add up to over the current subscription number in a month or two of counting...
05:39.22dreamssthat dude who made the article dosent know much about shamans
05:39.29dreamsshis points are somewhat correct
05:44.28*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick__ (
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05:49.57art3misboobies! yay \o/
05:51.13Kelfarr(  .  Y  .  )
05:55.41Shirikdoes anyone know what BG marks will be used for season 1 gear?
05:56.53ScytheBlade1All but EotS
05:57.36ShirikI would tend to disagree
05:57.44Shirikactually the item the person wanted me to look up /is/ eots
05:57.57ScytheBlade1They were changing that around I thought
05:59.05ScytheBlade1Awesome, search is down
05:59.34ScytheBlade1There we go
06:05.31*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
06:06.22*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter_ (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
06:07.34Thunder_Childgah...the stupidity and fear of the unknown in humans makes me want to club baby kittens
06:09.25Kelfarrwow the people in this thread sure do hate canadians :(
06:14.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (i=56cd9bc2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
06:14.13Adys anyone knows which addon this is?
06:14.52Adyserr sorry the one that gives the second tooltip
06:15.42ScytheBlade1Heh, and this is what I get for not updating gentoo in months
06:15.44ScytheBlade1Total: 264 packages (241 upgrades, 14 new, 5 in new slots, 4 reinstalls, 3 blocks), Size of downloads: 1,069,161 kB
06:15.46bleeterlooks vaguely like enhtooltip
06:15.58|Jelly|That's what it is
06:15.58bleeterbut could be one of many, I guess
06:17.05Adysi dont really mind any similar addon
06:17.14Adysas long as it adds a new tooltip with item info under it
06:17.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
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06:19.47art3misehanced is part of auctioneer and usually has selling info and stuff
06:19.57Adysis it standalone?
06:20.04AdysI mainly wanted to check the code out
06:20.06art3misyup i believe so
06:20.17Adysill do that later tonight thanks
06:20.19art3misyou're talking about the bottom one right?
06:20.27kd3the tooltip below the main tooltip is informant (of the auctioneer suite)
06:21.13Adysill check both out anyhow
06:23.33ScytheBlade1His name makes me want Arby's
06:23.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Rayne (
06:24.06kd3I should know better than to try to respond to irc activity on such a horribly lagged connection...
06:25.07ScytheBlade1Well, so far, you've got a ping of over 10 seconds. Or you're blocking all CTCP.
06:25.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
06:32.46Raynemore people asking for a DL for Kel
06:34.25*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
06:35.14KelfarrI saw
06:35.42KelfarrI guess i am going to have to put up a download
06:36.55Rayneyou sound all depressed saying that
06:37.11KelfarrI just know I am going to get soo many whispers in game
06:37.14Kelfarrthats why
06:38.08Rayneout of curiosity, where are you hiding your chatframe?
06:38.14Kelfarrsame corner
06:38.42Kelfarrbottom left
06:39.38Raynewhats it on Autohide for inactivity?
06:40.32Kelfarrnope I just made a new chatframe that didn't show anything
06:41.04Raynedamn, burning endless episodes of Bleach to DvDs takes a long time...
06:41.27Kelfarr*holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^... im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more t
06:41.27KelfarrDOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again ^_^ hehe...toodles!!!!!
06:41.27Kelfarrlove and waffles, *~t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m~*
06:42.19Thunder_Childcongradulations penguin of doom, your a child
06:42.33Thunder_Child*but can still prolly spell better than me)
06:44.02kd3xchat thinks I'm somewhere in the 12 minute range
06:51.07art3misthe Daemon > than teh penguin, of doom or not ;)
06:51.43art3mislaugh 13 and bi?
06:55.03bleeterkd3: well, bummer @ your ISP
06:55.12bleeter(just saw your post on that 'boxy' thread)
07:04.35Kelfarrlol someone posted that on a forum
07:10.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
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07:23.57Wobinbleeter: "Rudd also caused controversy when it was revealed that, when working as a diplomat in America, he visited the Scores Night Club and completely failed to notice the lap-dancers. "Here we are, Kevin!" they yelled. "Observe our breasts!" But he missed it all, which is a shame really. At least, though, Rudd has in all likelihood seen a naked woman in his life, whereas John Howard has always conducted sexual congress through a she
07:23.58Wobinet, although admittedly this is as much for Janette's (or Pru's) protection as his own."
07:28.04art3misthat is pretty win wob
07:28.10art3misi want that shirt ;)
07:29.44*** part/#wowi-lounge Rayne (
07:35.33art3misi take lungs now gills come in 2 weeks
07:35.58Thunder_Childyou know, after playing timeshift, remebering to use the slowmo in fear comes much easier
07:36.24art3mishehe i played bloodrayne without time slow for a long time
07:36.33art3misthen remembered when i hit the button by mistake
07:36.43Thunder_Childme to, which is prolly why i havent yet beaten it
07:40.49art3mismmm pepperoni and cheese
07:53.16Cairennnight guys
07:55.26bleetergnight Cairenn|afk
08:04.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
08:13.51*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
08:23.14Esamynnthat is soooooooo nerdy
08:25.12Thunder_ChildX working again??? takes 5 seconds
08:25.24Thunder_Childalthough i dont remeber if linux has .conf files
08:27.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
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08:36.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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08:37.20Guillotinedoes this look like a humanoid version of the druid shapeshift icons to anyone?
08:38.47Thunder_Childi dont remeber it being a hand...
08:39.32Guillotinedon't remember what being a hand?
08:39.59Thunder_Childthe icon
08:40.53Guillotineeh, that icon didn't exist. I made it. but the fact you didn't realize it wasn't from in game is a good thing :P
08:41.46bleeterI was 'humanoid version... druid shapeshift...? WTF?' :P
08:41.48Thunder_Childya...because i play my dru so often.....
08:42.07Guillotinewell, just that you didn't say "that icon looks like crap"
08:42.13Thunder_Childbut regardless i would have been able to tell it was a copy of the ingame icon (if it existed)
08:42.39bleeteryou didn't ask what I thought of it aesthetically! :P
08:43.02Guillotinewhat do you think of it aesthetically?
08:43.51bleeterkinda looks all foobar in the 'small' version in my URI input space thingie (you know, faveicon thing)
08:43.56bleeterdunno how it'd scale
08:44.10Guillotinehmm, I'll see
08:44.13bleeterkinda OK.. but, the gap between 4th and 5th fingers looks like it's some weird alien
08:44.30Guillotineoh well
08:44.39Guillotinetauren hands are just that messed up :P
08:45.29bleeterwell I do have a problem with Taurens having fingers
08:45.53bleeterand space goats, for that matter
08:49.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
09:02.08AnduinLothar:) 13150hp tanking unbuffed on ptr
09:02.34AnduinLothar103% avoidance with holy shield
09:03.21KalrothAnduinLothar: You go, girl!
09:05.41AnduinLothar14700 with fort, mark and kings
09:07.24Guillotineanybody actually done any work with ShapeshiftButton#?
09:07.33Guillotineseems its not taking SetAttribute correctly
09:07.53*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|zzZZ (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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09:15.27AnduinLothar+660hp from imp
09:15.38AnduinLotharactually, more with tallents and kings
09:17.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
09:21.54AnduinLotharaccording to my calculations... that's 17380hp with fort, mark, kings, blood pact, and commanding shout.
09:22.32Guillotineis there anywhere to browse WoW textures and such online?
09:22.42AnduinLotharnot afaik
09:25.24AnduinLotharmmm +500 from flask fo fort
09:25.49Thunder_ChildGuillotine, but their supply is limited
09:25.57AnduinLotharthat's some damn decent hp for KZ/Heroic gear
09:26.33GuillotineTC: those are custom made textures, I was just looking for paths of built-in textures
09:27.21Thunder_Childdunno then
09:29.33Guillotinealright, I'm probalby doing something REALLY stupid, but whats wrong wtih TestFrame:SetNormalTexture("Icons\\Ability_Racial_BearForm")
09:32.23Guillotineoh, nm
09:32.26Guillotineforgot Interface\\
09:50.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
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09:50.56RayneAnyone up?
09:54.49Raynegod damnit I cant stop playing with textures now ;_;
09:55.01Kasowhatcha doing with em
09:55.12Thunder_Childthat sounded so wrong
09:56.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandok1 (
09:57.22Raynei made a new one
09:58.13Raynedebating if I like it
09:59.15RayneI guess I cant upload a TGA onto Photobucket or Flickr, awesome
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10:12.51Raynecant decide :/
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10:53.36Rayne!vs us kil'jaeden ghostkiller us kil'jaeden absolutrayne
10:53.40ThraeBotRayne: Ghostkiller vs Absolutrayne! A L70 rogue and a L70 warrior square off!; 20/41/0 vs 7/7/47; Ghostkiller wins by 545 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
10:53.56Raynelol....considering I rock him in duels all the time
10:59.41AnduinLothar!vs us kil'jaeden ghostkiller us kil'jaeden wraithhammer
10:59.43ThraeBotAnduinLothar: Ghostkiller vs Wraithhammer! A L70 rogue and a L70 paladin square off!; 20/41/0 vs 43/18/0; Ghostkiller wins by 894 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
10:59.54AnduinLothar:) holy spec logged in prot gear
11:00.11AnduinLotharmakes me completely useless in pvp
11:01.26AnduinLotharNo Dice, eh? kz guild?
11:02.18AnduinLotharlol, you logged in pvp spec and full pvp gear
11:03.44AnduinLotharit is the weekend, i could spec back to pvp
11:04.09AnduinLotharkinda depressing pvping with resil comign in 2 weeks
11:07.18*** join/#wowi-lounge clad (i=jnw@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
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11:08.01AnduinLotharzomg, a clad in the morning
11:08.11AnduinLotharwait, you're sleeping
11:08.38cladlol i slept through my tutorial
11:08.45cladbut I went half way through, and I'm here now, instead of home :P
11:08.55cladyeah, where they go over the homework we turned in, basically
11:09.04AnduinLotharoh, we call those discussions
11:09.18cladwe called them recitations
11:09.28cladbut not here, they are called "classes"
11:09.30cladits confusing
11:09.35cladthere are lectures, classes, and practicals
11:09.49AnduinLotharwe have lectures and discussion for most classes and sometimes labs
11:10.28AnduinLotharman... i got my hw done and now i'm still caffinated
11:10.41AnduinLotharand it's 3am
11:11.16AnduinLothari get all sorts of stuff done when i'm procrastinating hw tho
11:11.30Thunder_Childi call it coasting
11:11.39AnduinLothardiscovered that on the ptr i have 17380hp with fort, mark, kings, blood pact, and commanding shout
11:11.59AnduinLotharin kz/heroic gear
11:12.10Thunder_Childmy former pally on the ptr can hit 16K unbuffed
11:12.23*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (n=foxlit@
11:12.34Thunder_Childno one is perfectly uncrushable
11:12.44Thunder_Childbut yes, he maxes out the def
11:12.48Thunder_Childor whatever it is now
11:12.50AnduinLotharas in passively? w/o holy shield?
11:13.09AnduinLothar490 def is unCRITable
11:13.15cladlua> 52 / 12
11:13.15cladbotclad: 4.3333333333333
11:13.19cladthat's nice
11:13.29AnduinLothar102.4% avoidance is unCRUSHable
11:13.29Thunder_Childwhat takes care of crush then?
11:13.47AnduinLotharand it's hella hard to get with that much stam
11:13.55AnduinLotharyou'd have to be in t5+
11:14.02Thunder_Childit's because of the new badge stuff
11:14.22AnduinLotharis he on the ptr now?
11:14.24Thunder_Childthis is the char now
11:14.56AnduinLothar? then how did you check?
11:15.01Thunder_Childi'll poke you again in a week seeing as he has stacked up almost 200 badges
11:15.05Thunder_Childhe told me
11:15.20AnduinLotharO.o did you sell him?
11:15.36Thunder_Childno, i started him on my cousins account
11:15.44foxlitHoly +12 sta gem madness!
11:15.48Thunder_Childcouldnt xfer him when i got mine, so i gave it to him
11:17.07AnduinLotharhe's a bit better geared than me
11:17.15AnduinLothardunno if he's uncrushable tho
11:17.49Thunder_Childif he isnt on the test server i'll log on and run your script
11:18.15AnduinLotharyeah he is
11:18.26AnduinLotharhe has 103.07% atm with holy shield
11:18.28Thunder_Childhe had to get a diff name
11:18.32AnduinLotharbut he's buffed
11:19.04foxlitWin: 56%; Rating: 1741
11:20.14Thunder_Childdid they put a new ptr build up?
11:20.18AnduinLotharkings and mark add some dodge from agil, dunno if it's .7% worth tho
11:20.39AnduinLotharanyway, yeah he's uncrushable
11:21.01Thunder_Childand the badges stuff is supposed to jump him in items
11:21.46AnduinLothari still need my t5 tank, they wont give um to me cause rogues still need um
11:22.18Thunder_Childoh, the tokens thing
11:22.19foxlitrogue token :)
11:22.34Thunder_Childyea, forgot about how they stacked tokens
11:22.42AnduinLotharthey suck till t6
11:22.48AnduinLothart6 they finally got smart
11:22.53foxlitInsert punctuation where appropriate
11:23.02AnduinLotharso we're not stacked with another class with 3 sets
11:23.10Raynewtb sleep
11:23.13*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
11:23.16foxlitAL: try the priest/warrior/druid token
11:23.21Thunder_Child~Bed Rayne
11:23.22purlACTION tucks Rayne into a warm bed.
11:23.25AnduinLotharnot as bad
11:23.29AnduinLotharone less
11:23.30foxlitWay worse!
11:23.38AnduinLotharpally/shammy/rogue has 7 sets
11:23.40Rayneand yes Anduin im on KJ
11:23.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
11:23.59foxlitSo it's actually the same
11:24.24AnduinLotharand there's always at least 3 pallies and 2-4 rogues and 1-3 shammies
11:24.34RayneI started working on my UI, then I got talking to a guy in the forums, now im just fignishing burning my downloads to DVDs and ill be bored again. :D
11:24.43foxlit5 druids, 3 priests and 3 warriors
11:24.50foxlitCry more! :)
11:25.00AnduinLotharerg, ours is diff. 4 wars, 4 priests, 1 druid
11:25.03foxlit(you aren't, I'm being a troll)
11:25.25foxlitOur raid roster has three trees, two bears, one decrepit owl.
11:25.37foxlitOne of the trees usually sits out
11:25.47AnduinLothari wish we had a bear and an owl. they keep makign our bear be a tree
11:25.57foxlitBears == good
11:26.03RayneI have 2 Palis and a Warrior (myself)
11:26.16Rayneno bears :/
11:26.17foxlitEspeecially on some bosses where warriors are vulnerable to shield block cooldown
11:26.20AnduinLothari knwo but we have 4 tank wars and 2 of them are officers >.<
11:26.26Raynelike all my feral druids fell off the face of the earth
11:26.29foxlit0 warrior officers :P
11:26.34foxlitIn fact, 0 tank officers.
11:26.50AnduinLotharfucking warrior officers is the worst thing to happen to druids and pallies
11:26.55foxlitThen we have all three shaman trees represented in some form
11:27.05foxlitNo unholy paladins, though
11:27.07RayneIm a warrior officer, why do you say that?
11:27.20AnduinLotharcause they're biased against all other tanks
11:27.56AnduinLothar4 warrior tanks is retarted
11:28.07RayneIm biased against other tanks that think theyre the beyond superior thing when theyre substancially undergeared, and whipe our raids for that fact.
11:28.17AnduinLothar2 wars, a bear and a prot pally is ideal
11:28.40foxlitCould never get a prot pally with decent mitigation on our server
11:28.40RayneId love to have a bear but none want to step up :/ they wanna heal or pvp in my guild...
11:28.45Rayneor the gear doesnt drop.
11:29.22AnduinLotharwell it's no wonder they can't get geared, takes ages for everythign to be defaulted to a pally >.<
11:29.39Rayne my first OT
11:29.45Raynehes holy though atm
11:29.53foxlitWhat you're saying resolves back to "prot paladins are unviable without raid-sourced gear"
11:30.09RayneI never said that.
11:30.14foxlitAL, not you :)
11:30.14AnduinLotharit's true tho
11:30.26AnduinLotharthe spec is broken and requires high end gear
11:30.27foxlitAnd while he hasn't said that, it's the logical conclusion :)
11:30.32RayneDont put words in my mouth, cause thats one thing I absolutly hate and WILL gete defensive about.
11:30.48Rayne my second OT
11:31.00foxlitRayne: keep in mind "resolves back to"
11:31.36AnduinLotharthat's basicly equiv to my gear
11:32.14Rayneand actually, Lunkar was my top healer before No Dice wanted a second kara group, and he went off to tank it.
11:32.27Raynenow we have 3 kara groups :/
11:32.33Rayneand are shooting for a 4th
11:32.55AnduinLothari have full epic heal and ret gear and my tank set has 2 blues, cause i get shit for tanking cause of the 4 wars in line ahead of me
11:33.42foxlitSounds like you've been farming T5 content way too long :P
11:33.49foxlitOr is it t4?
11:34.05AnduinLotharonyl t5 i have is ret shoulders that i got 6 months ago in my old guild
11:34.11Rayne the only reason im geared how I am is basicly because I was the only person that said "Ill tank just help me level my warrior" after decking my Warlock out to raid, and out old MT quit the game. :/
11:34.52Raynethat sucked so bad when he left.
11:34.55AnduinLotharholy spec tho
11:35.13Raynesay hi to Runicmajier for me next time youre on
11:35.29foxlitSo, I've got a Lua question
11:35.34Rayneor is he in ascending darkness...
11:35.36AnduinLotharit was kz farming
11:35.42RayneI forget...
11:35.46cladfoxlit: shootr
11:36.08foxlitWant to implement something akin to a night sky for variable storage
11:36.13AnduinLothari have every possible kz loot for all 3 specs except maybe prince's dps ring and prot helm (have the other 2 t4 helms)
11:36.17foxlit(pretty metaphor follows)
11:36.21cladlink for "night sky"?
11:36.37foxlitIt's the normal kind of night sky
11:36.45foxlitYou can look up at the sky and see some stars
11:37.01foxlitThose stars, looking up, can presumably see other stars and you
11:38.01Raynegod damnit >_<
11:38.19foxlitClad could've picked a better quit message :P
11:38.22Rayne or guys?
11:38.47Raynecrap the second one i bugered
11:40.01KasoFirst one looks kinda crap
11:40.05AnduinLotharhere's our mt:
11:40.11foxlitThey both look kind of the same
11:40.33AnduinLotharI'd be the shit too if i had 10 pieces of ssc/tk tank loot instead of 2
11:41.08Kalrothgear != skill :P
11:41.28foxlitWatching people fail on Shartuul = comedy
11:41.41AnduinLotharyou dont need skill to tank, come on
11:41.43foxlitBlizzard should use server logs to produce videos
11:42.00AnduinLotharyou don't need skill to heal either, you just need practice
11:42.12AnduinLothardps onyl takes skill on some classes
11:42.22foxlitDammit, AL. I was typing out "Clearly DPS is the only job in the game that requires skill!"
11:42.23KalrothAnduinLothar: Uh, I'd say that tanking is one of the roles in raids that require most skill
11:42.29Raynegod damn thats a fuckload of block...
11:42.48AnduinLotharrating or value?
11:43.30AnduinLotharit's cheep and easy to stack
11:43.32Raynei got 9% less ffs
11:43.50AnduinLotharplus a lot of the ones with block value that you want have rating too
11:43.51Rayneim also forgetting the flask
11:44.06Raynegeez :/
11:44.30RayneHe doesnt even have a true tanking chest I feel kinda pathetic :/
11:44.49AnduinLotharthat's a damn good tank chest
11:45.00AnduinLotharbest till t5 off kael
11:45.20AnduinLotharif you dont need the dodge off mine anyway
11:45.23Raynethe one thats dropping in ZA of Zui'jin is increadible
11:45.24AnduinLotharpanzar is good
11:46.59Raynethats just nuts for a stepup
11:47.21AnduinLothardef dodge and hit, that's hot
11:47.59RayneI know\
11:48.04Rayneim friggin droolin on it
11:48.12AnduinLotharZul'jin, that the last boss?
11:49.51fridgiddemonoid down again.............................
11:50.00Raynetheyre saying for good this time too :/
11:54.42AnduinLotharoi, checkign out my guildy pally gear
11:55.04AnduinLothari have better healign gear then all of them >.< no wonder the officers dont want me to do anythign else
11:55.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
11:57.19AnduinLotharimma crash. nn
12:13.28*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
12:19.16bleeterWobin, Nom- (heck, norgs too)
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13:08.26Obe|Sleepanyone the fan of the office?
13:14.54bleeterObe|Sleep: been so long since I saw it, but yeah it was good
13:15.52bleeterin which case, i wouldn't be able to comment as I haven't seen the US, French, German or French Canadian versions
13:25.32Wobinbleeter: hehe DON'T TASE ME BRO!
13:26.20bleeterWobin: lol
13:38.25bleeterWobin: I had to put that as a comment on the blog entry for the pic ;)
13:38.34bleeterWobin: hope you don't mind... 'coz I didnt' credit you :P
13:40.04WobinI'll have to live with people sponging off my humour =P
13:40.07*** join/#wowi-lounge haste (
13:42.07bleeterfor the record, I stumbled across that pic while reading some of the backroom politicking blogs tonight
13:42.15bleeterwould appear that the backroom libs have all but given up ;)
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13:42.34bleeterone was even suggesting the nats might have majority in the coalition ;)
13:43.31Wobinoh man =P
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14:52.56WobinTem: Working MrPlow updated
14:55.58Cidanart3mis: you awake?
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15:08.12kd3|hate`netnew PTR client! current build: 7561. diffs at
15:09.04LopeppeppyThat would be 2.4, yes?
15:09.37SroshUhm, no.
15:10.28LopeppeppyHmmm.   I saw a post from Drysc that 2.3 was likely coming out next Tuesday, it just seems weird to have new stuff on the PTR so close to that date.  Wonder if they've already changed their minds...
15:10.48kd3|hate`netno, still 0.3.0
15:10.56SroshNot really, they're still pushing bug fixes.
15:11.05MoonWolf_Lopeppeppy, if they had they would let us know.
15:12.42LopeppeppyI just went and checked the thread, MoonWolf.  *shrug*  It will be when it will be, in the end.  I'm in no hurry one way or another, just curious.
15:14.19kd3|hate`netthere could still be a new build tonight and it'll make the deadline. I expect as long as there aren't any showstoppers in 7561, that's what'll go live, though
15:14.19kd3|hate`netthere's enough time over the weekend to get enough reports one way or the other
15:15.26SroshIt seems like they often push a build in the last office hour's of friday, so people can test over the weekend.
15:15.37Obelixprimeand have all the bugs come in for developers to fix them for the tuesday release :D
15:17.49LopeppeppyDevs must hate Crunch Mondays like nobody's business.
15:37.49ScytheBlade1Random question... what exactly did Eyonix say on the forums to piss people off?
15:38.57KalrothWhere are people pissed off? :p
15:39.48Arrowmasterpeople are always pissed off with eyonix
15:39.49ScytheBlade1Err, #0
15:39.52zenzelezzif Eyonix says something, people get pissed off; if the doesn't, peopel get pissed off
15:40.02ScytheBlade1Yeah, but apparently, he hasn't posted in a few days as a result
15:40.08zenzelezz*he... my spelling are teh win
15:40.18ScytheBlade1Hence my question, as that means he might have really managed to piss off some people
15:40.23dreamssEyonix being emo?
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15:43.28purlhmm... werehamster is not scary, but Shaggy
15:43.36Arrowmasterpeople are always emo about anything eyonix posts because hes always the bearer of bad news or posts something in a hyped up press release sorta way and people quote him on it later saying whatever it was wasnt what he said it would be
15:45.47kd3|hate`netoh wow, evil, today's xkcd
15:47.48Kasoha yes
15:48.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
15:49.07Josh_Borkedo you really want to hurt me
15:49.14Josh_Borkedo you really want to make me cry
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15:54.38IntangirJosh_Borke: ya
15:55.13Intangirkd3|hate`net: link?
15:57.15ScytheBlade1Alt text is equally awesome
15:58.06Intangirwhat do you mean alt text?
15:58.15Intangiroh nevermind i see
15:58.36Intangirhe shoulda made a backup xorg.conf
15:58.51Intangiralso a bios password ;)
15:59.18Intangirofcourse that wont stop a truely mad woman
15:59.27ScytheBlade1If she is that competent, a BIOS password would last about 40 seconds
15:59.50Intangirput a lock on the case
16:00.23ScytheBlade1Refer to what you just said. It wouldn't stop her.
16:00.35Intangirwell that would help though
16:00.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkkuu (
16:00.39ScytheBlade1Rather, she'd just pick up the hammer and not worry too much if she also hit other things :)
16:00.43Intangirunless she just takes the whole machine ;)
16:00.53WobinJosh_Borke: Damn you and your culture club
16:00.54Intangirat least that would surely wake you up
16:02.13ScytheBlade1Anywho, off to die at the hands of combine striders/hunters
16:02.36Intangiryou think he means IRL?
16:09.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (
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16:22.04|Jelly|~hug Lopeppeppy
16:22.56purlACTION hugs Lopeppeppy
16:23.00LopeppeppyMorning, Jelly-dear.  I'm plunging into new worlds, trying your JellyUI out for a weekend spin!
16:23.17|Jelly|Run it through WAU. :)
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16:36.51LopeppeppyI already use 80% of those addons in my old version, I'll just copy my set into the folder tonight when I explore it in more depth.  I don't auto update, I prefer to manually point and and pick only the plumpest and most ripe of addon versions from the files page.  :)
16:37.05LopeppeppyBut so far it's sooooo sweet that I owe you a kiss.  
16:37.31LopeppeppyYeah, I know, twist your arm harder, huh?
16:39.07|Jelly|So what made you decide to switch?
16:39.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
16:40.39LopeppeppyI just got damn bored and tired of looking at the floor the other night in Leotheras.  I'm getting a new computer next week, why not have a spiffy new UI ready to meet it?  And 2.3 is going to shake up a lot of things anyway, why not pre-shake the party?
16:41.30|Jelly|Yeah. Kam's waiting for a WS version of Muse but I don't think I'm gonna do it before 2.3
16:44.36LopeppeppyI only saw JellyUI and Envy, is Muse not out yet?
16:45.51|Jelly| No. I was going to finish it today and release it but then I was reminded about 2.3 lol
16:46.59|Jelly|And actually, I'm changing the color scheme:
16:47.32|Jelly|BTW, Violation isn't staying there either :P
16:47.36LopeppeppyHmm.... That has interesting potentials as well, I'm just never fond of minimaps at the bottom.
16:47.57|Jelly|Well. Every other UI I've ever made, I just toss the map somewhere out of the way and hide it. :\
16:48.01LopeppeppyIF tinypic would load, I could see the new picture.  *taps her foot*
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16:53.19Tierrieits lolpeppy!
16:53.54LopeppeppyWell of course, you expected maybe the Spanish Inquisition?
16:54.02TierrieNobody expects the Spanish Inquisition
16:55.15TierrieOur chief weapon is surprise and fear
16:56.14LopeppeppyAnd iocaine powder.
16:56.17TierrieFear and surprise. Out two weapons are fear and surprise... and ruthless efficiency... Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency.. and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope. Our *four*.. no *amongst* our weapons.. amongst our weaponary are such elements as fear, surprise..
16:57.50*** join/#wowi-lounge haste_ (n=haste@
16:57.50TierrieNobody expects Cairenn
16:57.59CairennTierrie: :p
16:58.14TierrieWhy do I get a tongue and he gets a wave
16:58.15Tierrieoh nvm
16:59.19LopeppeppyWhoops, boss, i didn't do it.
17:00.01LopeppeppyPre-emptive KYA.
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17:03.48TierrieWhats everyone doing today?
17:04.03LopeppeppyUgh.  Editing webpages until my eyes bleed.
17:04.21TierrieThat sounds violent
17:04.26TierrieDo you edit them with forks?
17:04.33|Jelly|Sporks imo
17:05.08LopeppeppyIf I had some, they'd go right into this lady's eyes, I tell ya.
17:06.46LopeppeppyThe Wayback Machine provides the before of (, and I provide the after of (  Not all of the sites are this bad, but most have their moments.
17:07.40Tierriei have to share a link but its nsfw
17:07.45TierrieI'll give it to cairenn!
17:08.37Tierrie NSFW
17:09.28Cidewhy do people post about bugs when they haven't updated in like 2 months?
17:09.37Cidewith a major content patch inbetween
17:10.40KasoTierrie, that guy is scary
17:10.57TierrieI liked it when the woman socked him in the face
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17:15.25LopeppeppyIt was hilarious.
17:17.13Cairennmade me laugh
17:17.14Lopeppeppy20 million... and one half!
17:17.53Beladonatest compares up:
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17:29.59Intangirso anyway, whats new
17:30.29Intangirthey are passing thought crime legislation right now
17:30.47Intangirno one will even be allowd to have radical ideas
17:31.01ObelixprimeXuerian: I'll do it on Sunday
17:31.06Obelixprimethere's a lot of stuff I need to fix
17:31.09Intangirany group that carries out violence, your not allowed to believe in the same thing as them
17:31.34Intangirso if a christian blows up an abortion clinic, they could literally, under this legislation ban christianity
17:31.50Intangiror if a ron paul supporter attacks someone, they can ban supporting ron paul..
17:32.11Intangirbasically they can ban whatever the fuck they want as long as someone gets violent over it
17:32.25Intangiryou can kiss your first amendment good bye
17:33.34*** part/#wowi-lounge Obelixprime (n=Chris@
17:34.24Kasoyou need  the change _,name to key,name then do table[key] = nil rather than name = nil
17:34.37Kasoreplacing table with that crap i dont want to type out
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17:39.15XuerianXuerian: Who wha where
17:39.41Kasodud you just ping yourself?
17:40.00XuerianI got CONFUSED
17:40.05XuerianI'm spekshul >.<
17:40.31Kasocalm down dear
17:40.53Cide>>> math.ceil(-1/12)
17:40.53CideCide: -0
17:44.04ShirikXuerian|Away: lol
17:44.11Shirikthank you, I needed a good laugh to wake up to
17:44.46Cidanare you seriously just now waking up?
17:45.04ShirikI have a 5 day weekend so I slept in :P
17:45.12CidanMust be nice.
17:45.16Shirikit is :D
17:48.03CidanBleh, I hate laundry day.
17:50.08ShirikCidan: [#] 12:47:08 [Debug: Conspiracy ] Notice: Shirik, Root.lua, Conspiracy:PreInit ln91, can we make sure this is the first preinit to run?
17:50.18Shirikthat has to be the first to run
17:50.31Shirikparent commands are always called before their children
17:50.40Shirikand Conspiracy is the parent of everything
17:50.57CidanOkay, good.
17:52.06CidanAlso, nabbed a free WoW account from a friend, this way I don't pay 15/mo just to code, :D
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17:57.11Cidandoes anyone here actually use a palm piot?
17:58.24ShirikI used a palm pda
17:58.27Shiriknot a palm pilot
17:58.42Shirik(pilot is one of their old models, fyi :) )
17:59.07ShirikI had a palm Vx
17:59.31Cidanwell it's a hand held, whatever, :P
17:59.41CidanI'm eyeing the Palm T|X
17:59.49Josh_Borkeis it eyeing you back?
17:59.59ShirikI was extremely amazed by Palm's OS
18:00.00CidanIt could be.
18:00.10ShirikI haven't updated recently so I don't have their latest revision, but their OS is really good
18:00.29CidanI'm trynig to figure out if I want to drop the 300 bucks for it.
18:00.33ShirikI also had a great battery life, etc.
18:00.35Industrial"not foo == bar" is the same as "foo ~= bar" in an evaluation right?
18:00.42ShirikIndustrial: affirmative
18:00.52Josh_Borkelua> not 1 == false
18:00.53cladbotJosh_Borke: true
18:00.59Josh_Borkelua> not (1 == false)
18:01.00cladbotJosh_Borke: true
18:01.09Josh_Borkelua> not false == false
18:01.09cladbotJosh_Borke: false
18:01.12Industriallua> 1 ~= false
18:01.12cladbotIndustrial: true
18:01.16Josh_Borkelua> not nil == false
18:01.16cladbotJosh_Borke: false
18:01.25Josh_Borkelua> not (nil == false)
18:01.26cladbotJosh_Borke: true
18:01.31Cidewhat's the problem? :P
18:01.32Cidenice spam
18:01.37Industriallua> nil==false
18:01.38cladbotIndustrial: false
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18:01.50nevcairielthe problem is that "not foor == bar" is not "foo ~= bar"
18:01.57nevcairielnot (foo == bar) would be
18:02.04Cidanlua> not (1 == (not(true == false)))
18:02.04cladbotCidan: true
18:02.13Industrialwhy? :3
18:02.17Cidenot foo == bar translates into (not foo) ==  bar
18:02.29Industrialah ofcourse
18:02.40Josh_Borkei was checking if it evaluated not to operate on the expression or the reference
18:02.43CidanShirik: Is it worthwhile for keeping your tasks on it, assignments, etc?
18:02.51Josh_Borkeapparently i'm fail at checking though
18:02.53ShirikI did a while ago
18:03.17ShirikI probably should start doing it again
18:03.17Shiriki've very disorganized right now
18:03.17CidanThat's what I'm running into
18:03.27CidanI'm really keeping all my assignments in my head atm.  It works, but ergh.
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18:03.56Cidanplus if I order this, I get a free wireless keyboard
18:04.51foxlitWhat is "this"?
18:05.07Cidea global variable
18:05.21Cidethat was awesome
18:05.35foxlita palm!
18:05.41foxlitThey aren't dead yet?
18:07.05*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
18:07.31cogwheelthe T5 has better stats but no built-in wifi
18:07.44cogwheelmore ram, faster processor
18:07.53Cidanwell I like the bigger screen this one has to offer
18:07.57Cidan+ wifi
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18:08.09cogwheelisn't it the same size as the t5?
18:08.22foxlitWouldn't an ipod work better?
18:08.32CidanI'm really only going to use it to take notes, sync it, write some stuff down for classes
18:08.51Cidanbut the wifi is a must, I need to sync it with some other data
18:09.03Shirikhave to do it wifi?
18:09.12cogwheeli'm not saying it's bad, i just think it's funny to see them lowering the stats for newer models
18:09.50Cidanyou're right though
18:09.54CidanT5 has the same size screen
18:10.04Fisker- <-best thread ever
18:11.20cogwheelkinda sad they only have 3 models now... when i got my T5 there were 7 or 8 (including two treos)
18:13.14Shirik"wtf I'm not allowed to steal?"
18:13.27Shirikalso, why the hell would youo spend $15 just for that
18:16.01Cidancogwheel: Yeah, it is a bit of a shame, but I'm looking around ebay, man, they have some awesome T|X's for like, dirt cheap.
18:16.55cogwheeli ended up getting the wifi SD card for my T5
18:24.02CidanI wonder if PocketPC's are any good
18:24.41Fisker-cogwheel all i got for my T5 was a set bonus :(
18:26.30purlba-dum CHH
18:30.25cogwheelnow that i've started playing again, i'm noticing everything that didn't get restored
18:30.39cogwheelI had 20 of every color fireworks rocket... now 0
18:30.40|Jelly|What didn't get restored?
18:30.46cogwheelno more apexis shards
18:30.52cogwheelal my pots are gone
18:30.57cogwheeland my bank bags
18:31.02Cidanoh, your password got stolen?
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18:31.58CidanHow did your pass get stolen anyways?
18:32.00cogwheelthey've already restored everything they could
18:32.18cogwheelCidan: who knows
18:32.24cogwheelCidan: i was doing everything right
18:33.10CidanTranslation: Well I downloaded this program for interactive goat porn in real time...
18:33.19|Jelly|While someone was hacking the gibson, they happened across Cog's password.
18:33.34cogwheelCidan: Translation: I've had this conversation no less than 8 times since it happened and i'm too lazy to go through it again :P
18:33.43|Jelly|Wait. The goat porn program isn't safe? SHIT!
18:34.00Cidanl2 copy/paste
18:34.08cogwheelCidan: l2readlogs, damn it.
18:34.32Mr_Rabies2<cogwheel> Cidan: i was doing everything right
18:34.42Mr_Rabies2i just got my steam account hacked recently
18:34.46Mr_Rabies2same for me
18:34.50Mr_Rabies2dunno how the hell it happened
18:34.57CidanI don't get how that happens, blergh
18:35.10cogwheeli'm gonna go watch some HD now (<3 directv now that it's working)
18:35.19Mr_Rabies2i don't give out the password and i keep all my security software up to date
18:35.35Cidanwell Steam isn't too big of a deal
18:35.42Cidannot like there are chars to steal, etc
18:35.47Mr_Rabies2it's easy to restore it, yeah,
18:35.52Mr_Rabies2but if you get VAC banned
18:35.53Mr_Rabies2it's over
18:35.58Mr_Rabies2and you've wasted lots of money
18:36.16nevcairielsteam is just destructive
18:36.21nevcairielthey dont gain shit with it
18:36.25CidanYou can get un VAC banned if you push hard enough.
18:36.34CidanHuh, I don't use any "security" software, anywhere
18:36.39CidanI don't think I ever have
18:36.41Mr_Rabies2i do
18:36.45Cidansans my iptables firewall
18:37.01nevcairieli use antivir software
18:37.08CidanI don't
18:37.09nevcairielnot that it ever catches anything
18:37.11nevcairielbut meh
18:37.13Mr_Rabies2i use nod32, windows defender, and spybot
18:37.24Mr_Rabies2+ noscript and adblock
18:37.34Cidanwell I'm in linux now anyways, so it's not really an issue for me, but when I used windows I didn't use anything
18:37.39foxlitBecause so many ads steal your steam password :)
18:37.52Mr_Rabies2it's a possibility, foxlit
18:37.59Mr_Rabies2there's been plenty of ads with keyloggers embedded
18:38.01nevcairieli just feel better with a antivirus
18:38.05Mr_Rabies2mostly for wow accounts, sure
18:38.15nevcairielbut mailserver catches all mail virus
18:38.19Cidanads that keylog?
18:38.36CidanI guess an unsecure java program that you allow can do it
18:38.37Fisker-they just use security holes to install keyloggers
18:38.51Cide>>> 2/(3.5/1.5)
18:38.51CideCide: 0.85714285714286
18:38.57Mr_Rabies2they use security holes via ads, yeah
18:39.05Mr_Rabies2which isn't an issue if you keep up to date usually
18:39.06foxlit.... And invest your cash in stock in Euro Disney
18:39.10Fisker-People don't care about their computer as long as it it's still moving, or crawling rather
18:39.19Shirikhe meant security flaws in the site
18:39.28Fisker-that as well
18:39.37Fisker-but they're usually exploiting security flaws in the computer as well
18:39.55ShirikFor example, the old IPB example where you could embed javascript code in your profile page
18:40.15Shirikwhich then causes a download which the user "trusts" because it's from that site
18:40.18Shirikso they click "ok"
18:40.41Mr_Rabies2shirik: there were some on ui.worldofwar that used ie security holes to run keyloggers and other nasties
18:40.57ShirikAnd this is why CVE exists
18:41.11Shirikand any web administrator that doesn't check CVE on a regular basis deserves to be fired, imho
18:41.24Shiriklist of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
18:41.45Cidanjust keep your software up to day
18:41.55Mr_Rabies2yeah it was mostly a problem with unpatched stuff
18:41.58Shirikthat worsk too
18:42.04Shirikbecause if it's on CVE there's likely a patched version
18:42.07Shirikor at least there will be very soon
18:42.15Mr_Rabies2but you never can be sure that the malware is slower than the software
18:42.35Shirikthe malware is never slower than the software, but it's the best you can do really
18:42.36Fisker-most people these days don't exploit it before it goes public anyways
18:42.40Shirikbut yeah
18:42.50Shirikpeople go to <sites I won't mention here> and download free little scripts to do their hacking for them
18:42.51Mr_Rabies2which is why a secondary defense of antivirus/antispyware are a good idea
18:42.57Shirikthe majority of these people haven't the slightest clue what they're doing
18:42.58Shirikjust that it works
18:43.00Cidanapt-get update | apt-get upgrade
18:43.04Cidancron script
18:43.06Cidan3 am
18:43.57foxlitmysql_query("$stuff"); //wut?
18:44.10Mr_Rabies2i still have no clue how my steam account could have been hijacked
18:44.25ShirikUse mysqli!
18:44.34Mr_Rabies2honestly, i did everything right
18:44.38foxlitWhat difference does that make?
18:44.44foxlitDid you save your password on your hard drive?
18:44.45Shirikperformance and security :)
18:44.53Mr_Rabies2no, foxlit
18:45.01Mr_Rabies2but i don't know if it's going to happen again
18:45.15Mr_Rabies2well, i had it set to remember it, but that's encrypted
18:45.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Fin (
18:45.17nevcairieli bet your password was like, easy to bruteforce
18:45.23Mr_Rabies2it's a possibility
18:45.28Cidanhow do you know it was stolen anyways?
18:45.30Mr_Rabies2but how did they get the email?
18:45.30Shirikwas your password "password" ?
18:45.30foxlit"12345", true story!
18:45.31Finis the patch actually likely to be out next week?
18:45.37nevcairielFin: yes
18:45.40Mr_Rabies2because it wouldn't let me login on the site or on steam while others could, cidan
18:45.43ShirikThey've confirmed it "barring any other issues"
18:45.46Finoh, good
18:45.58foxlitAbout time!
18:46.04foxlitHave 2500x[Apexis Shard]
18:46.07CidanSo... you don't actually... have proof it was stolen.
18:46.15Mr_Rabies2Cidan, what else could have happened to it?
18:46.23CidanUhm, you... forgot your pass?
18:46.36CidanOr you got hit with the bug where it won't log you in
18:46.36Mr_Rabies2not a possibility
18:46.46foxlitUh, temporary server issues?
18:46.52CidanHe said others could
18:46.53Mr_Rabies2<Mr_Rabies2> because it wouldn't let me login on the site or on steam while others could, cidan
18:47.04foxlitTemporary server issues responsible for resolving his account?
18:47.05Mr_Rabies2i did it from another computer and on the steamcommunity site
18:47.06Mr_Rabies2same thing
18:47.10Fisker-i hate the new mythbusters
18:47.14foxlitClustered databases do exist.
18:47.16Cidantrue, it's likely sharded
18:47.20Fisker-Adam has a iphone
18:47.22Mr_Rabies2it's a possibility, foxlit
18:47.29Mr_Rabies2but there's no reason to believe it wasn't hijacked
18:47.31Intangiri hated the RFID chip episode
18:47.38Fisker-if he's so busy wanting to bust religion, what about he bust the iphone first? :I
18:47.38Intangirit was like an advertisement for RFID implants
18:47.44Intangirim gonna laugh when cari gets cancer
18:48.10foxlitThen there's the possibility of throttling the amount of logon attempts to your account
18:48.16foxlitcombined with someone typoing your username
18:48.26Cidanyar, it could have been anything
18:48.45CidanIn particular since you said you did everything correctly and were careful
18:48.49foxlitSpeaking of that, I need to implement that!
18:48.56CidanHave some faith in your own abilities, ;P
18:49.07Mr_Rabies2the only thing that could be an issue was logging in on my friends' computer, but he's a security freak too
18:49.27Mr_Rabies2he uses AVG and spybot and etc etc
18:49.46Mr_Rabies2"It appears as though your account may have been hijacked by another user. Please follow the link below and take the prescribed steps to ensure the security of your account in the future:"
18:50.04Cidanah, it's likely just double logged in or something
18:50.11CidanI get that message all the time
18:50.21Mr_Rabies2no like
18:50.23*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
18:50.27Mr_Rabies2i did the "lost password thing"
18:50.29Mr_Rabies2and got nothign
18:50.35Mr_Rabies2and had to go into steam support
18:50.36foxlitOoh, I implemented that one!
18:50.38Mr_Rabies2and file a ticket
18:50.41Cidanwas your email addy changed?
18:50.50Mr_Rabies2it may have been
18:50.52Mr_Rabies2i don't know
18:50.52Cidanon your account?
18:50.53foxlitMy lost password page can't be used to connect an e-mail adress to a username
18:50.55Mr_Rabies2there's no way to tell
18:51.12nevcairielI'm looking for a good 22" widescreen tft, any recommendations?
18:51.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
18:51.41Cidannevcairiel: Gateway has sone nice ones
18:51.55Mr_Rabies2i'm just hoping it was only a fluke and not really stolen
18:52.14Mr_Rabies2and i also hope i'm not vac banned
18:52.30Mr_Rabies2i'm running a huge check on everything before i run it on my desktop, and did before i ran it on my laptop
18:52.55Cidanoh well
18:53.43foxlitsetfenf(f, env); -- will f always run in f environment, regardless of who calls it?
18:53.54foxlits/in f/in env/
18:54.04Shirikcan you do that?
18:54.15Cidanoh lolol?
18:54.17Intangiris 'SetSecript' a real method?
18:54.19Intangiror is it a typo?
18:54.25ShirikI was unaware of that form
18:54.34foxlitIntangir: that's a typo
18:54.41Intangirits in here twice
18:54.48Intangirim trying to make that addon to hide the chat window finally
18:54.52Intangirsince i cant find one anywhere...
18:54.53ShirikI was just aware of the first parameter being a number
18:55.06foxlitYeah, that changes the environment at some level of the stack
18:55.30Shirikfrom what I'm aware, foxlit, by reading the manual, that's correct
18:56.29foxlitWhat about the environment of the functions f might declare?
18:57.34Intangirhow can i call a function from my addon from a macro?
18:57.50Intangiri want to be able to set a hotkey for hitting a function in my addon code
18:58.25Intangiractually i just need to be able to call the function from a macro.. anything special i have to do for that?
18:58.35Intangirthe only time ive called an addon fucntion from a macro was that weaponswap macro
18:58.39Intangirbut i dont have that anymore
18:59.02Intangirso i cant see it as an example..
18:59.24Esamynnor /run
19:06.54Intangirok heres what i have..
19:06.55Intangirlocal hiding
19:06.55Intangirlocal frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
19:06.55Intangirframe:SetScript("OnLoad", function() ChatFrame3:HookScript("OnShow", function() if hiding then this:Hide() end end)
19:07.50Intangirand i need a way to set hiding from a macro?, do i have do write a function in a special way in order to be able to call it from a macro?
19:10.15foxlitThat'll never work.
19:10.27Intangirwhy not?
19:10.52foxlitBest left as an exercise for the reader :)
19:11.09Intangiri just want to know how to keep the damn thing hidden
19:11.17Intangirwhenever a new message gets posted, it re-shows it
19:11.32nevcairielyou cannot SetScript OnLoad scripts
19:11.39nevcairielthey get called when you CreateFrame, so you are too late
19:12.24Intangirhow can i hook ChatFram1, so when it gets OnShow, i re-hide it
19:12.28foxlitAnd you're setting yourself up for an awesome stack overrun
19:13.27nevcairielits awesome, so its good, mmkay?
19:14.24nevcairielso i've been looking at some screens, i think i prefer the 2232BW over the 226, has a higher viewing angle
19:20.21LunessaNot to mention that if you get that to work, you'll taint everything that goes through chat.
19:20.39Intangirwhat does this do..
19:20.49Shirikreturns _G
19:21.05Intangirwhats _G?
19:21.10Intangira = getfenv(0)["ChatFrame1"]
19:21.11Shirikthe global environment table
19:21.11Intangira:SetScript("OnShow", function() this:Hide() end)
19:21.17Shirik_G._G = _G
19:21.18Intangircan i do this?
19:21.41Shirik>>> assert(getfenv(0) == _G)
19:21.47Shiriklua> assert(getfenv(0) == _G)
19:21.47cladbotShirik: true,
19:22.02Intangirwhats to stop me from making a macro that does what i just pasted
19:22.06Intangirwill it work?
19:22.16Shirikwhy would you just do a = ChatFrame1
19:22.34Intangiri need that chatframe object
19:22.43Intangirwhat does a = ChatFrame1 do? the same thing?
19:23.02Intangirim just gonna have to go try this shit i guess
19:27.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Tyrolit (
19:28.01foxlit>>> SV.f = "function (t) foo = t; end";
19:28.29foxlitMaking me open a terminal window, tragic.
19:29.16Shiriklua> SV.f = "function (t) foo = t; end"
19:30.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
19:30.43foxlitWhere did my foo go?
19:30.58foxliter, don't answer that
19:32.09Shirikit went into e?
19:32.27Shirikwell, it went nowhere
19:32.29Shirikbecause it doesn't exist :P
19:32.43Shirikoh wait f2 calls f
19:32.54nevcairielbut v is nil
19:32.56nevcairielso foo is nil
19:33.03nevcairieland everything is nil
19:33.45|Jelly|Druid weapon chants...just don't get one that procs, right?
19:34.01Shirikwhy's that?
19:34.07foxlitThey don't proc in forms
19:34.09nevcairielbecause you dont hit with your wepon
19:34.09|Jelly|Cause they don't proc in form
19:34.12nevcairielso it doesnt proc
19:34.12foxlitAt least not feral forms
19:34.13Shirikthat sucks
19:34.24|Jelly|Wanted to get savagry.
19:34.30Shirikwhy not?
19:34.30nevcairielya well, agility or strength ftw
19:34.38Shirikisn't savagery pure +ap?
19:34.58|Jelly|yeah...yeha it is...I thought it proc'd
19:35.10Shirikmongoose procs
19:35.20|Jelly|There ya go...that's what I was mistaking.
19:35.34Shirika common mistake :)
19:39.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Tyrolit (
19:43.24TyrolitHi all  <-- new to this channel and IRC  and just learning LUA and XML, hope i can fit in and find usefull tips
19:43.52|Jelly|"Lua is not an acronym." HI! :)
19:44.11Tyroliti know it means Moon in portugese
19:44.26Tyrolitsorry for caps
19:44.42|Jelly|I was just giving you a hard time. :\
19:45.04|Jelly|Speaking of hard time...
19:45.08|Jelly|~hug Lopeppeppy
19:45.09purlACTION hugs Lopeppeppy tightly until Lopeppeppy turns slightly blue
19:45.09CidanEASY NOW
19:45.20CidanThat's great.
19:45.58Shirikhi Tyrolit
19:46.10Intangiri made it into a macro
19:46.36Intangir- /script if( ChatFrame1:IsShown() ) then ChatFrame1:SetScript("OnShow", function() this:Hide() end) else ChatFrame1:SetScript("OnShow", nil) end
19:46.40Intangir- /script if( ChatFrame1:IsShown() ) then ChatFrame1:Hide() else ChatFrame1:Show() end
19:47.21|Jelly|Does it reappear when you get a message?
19:47.52|Jelly|And now that I actually look at it...
19:48.32Intangirit doesnt reappear
19:50.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
19:50.08*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
19:51.42foxlitbad argument #2 to 'f' (string expected, got nil)
19:51.52foxlitlocal function shadowMethod(t, shadow, f)
19:51.58foxlitreturn function(s, ...)
19:51.59foxlitreturn f(s == shadow and t or s, ...);
19:52.01foxlit(evil spam!)
19:52.22Shirikok so
19:52.29foxlitat the return line
19:52.31Shirikare you calling it with that extra tuple?
19:52.49Shirikwhat is f?
19:52.54foxlita function
19:53.01Shirikyes but what did you pass it that time
19:54.19foxlitprobably a function
19:54.39foxlitNot sure, really; doubt I have error() code that raises errors at up-levels.
19:55.22Shirikthat's what I was expecting
19:55.30Shiriklike if you passed string.match
19:55.35Shirikthen that's what you'd see
19:56.51Shiriklua> function shadow(t,shadow,f) return function(s, ...) return f(s==shadow and t or s, ...) end end; fn = shadow("T", "Shadow", string.match); return fn("Shadow")
19:56.51cladbotShirik: [string "function shadow(t,shadow,f) return function..."]:1: bad argument #2 to 'f' (string expected, got no value)
19:57.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
19:58.29foxlitlua> function shadow(t,shadow,f) return function(s, ...) return f(s==shadow and t or s, ...) end end; fn = shadow("T", "Shadow", print); return fn("Shadow")
19:58.30cladbotfoxlit: T
19:58.40foxlitIt really shouldn't be getting string.match
19:59.51Tyrolitum ok noob question   cladbot is as name suggests a bot by cladhaire that interpets lua?
20:00.02cladhairethis is true.
20:00.06cladhairewritten in lua
20:00.10Tyrolitwow nice
20:02.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Saint-N (n=art3mis@WoWUIDev/WoWI/HKUI/art3mis)
20:02.32cladhairewhy do you ask?
20:02.39cladhaireoh, someone was using it, heh
20:02.59Tyrolitsorry ive just joined,  yeah and someone was using yes
20:04.54KarlThePaganI present to you... my educational film made to help our mages not kill people during Morogrim Tidewalker phase 2 -
20:05.26Beladonahow do they kill people?
20:05.47foxlitstep 1: don't put healers on top of ranged DPS
20:06.03foxlitstep 2: have tanks pick up murlocks somewhere, and use frost trap to negate their ability to move
20:06.36KarlThePaganyea, there's an alternate positioning that I agree with... but this was our first kill ;)
20:06.44foxlit(and they're murlocks because they're imba like locks. Or maybe I just made a typo)
20:07.23Beladonawe put everyone except the paladins on top of each other right behind Morogrim. Paladin pull murlocs, and after establishing aggro bring them to the group where we pwn their faces with our big aoe
20:07.23KarlThePaganand our paladin is prot... so we really didn't need frost nova
20:07.57KarlThePaganthis is that alternate positioning:
20:07.58Beladonabut our method probably requires more muscle than skill
20:08.01Thunder_Childohhh....they dropped down the upper range on hunters.
20:08.04KarlThePagantank morogrim way far away
20:08.06Beladonaluckily we have it
20:08.16KarlThePaganoff to the side for the entire fight
20:09.24Beladonathat looks messy
20:10.17Beladonathat is one fight where it actually hurts us that most of our healers are shammies
20:10.27Shirikshould have had a priest
20:10.29Shirikbut nooo
20:10.33Shirik"priests can't heal"
20:10.34Cidanlua> not(1 == not(true == not(false == (true == not(false == 1)))))
20:10.35cladbotCidan: true
20:10.45ShirikThat better not be in Conspiracy
20:10.52CidanNo, :P
20:11.02foxlitbut that's awesome
20:11.08Cidanbut now you have tempted me.
20:11.09foxlittotally predictable
20:11.10CidanTo add it.
20:11.15foxlitnot (1 == boolean)
20:11.30Shirikthat will always be true
20:12.00KarlThePaganShirik, priests can't heal... not when they give you 5+ flasks worth of mana regen
20:12.11CidanPriests suck, :D
20:12.14Shirikyou all can go die
20:12.20KarlThePagan<-- priest
20:12.29Tyrolitaw my 2nd main is a priest
20:12.41CidanNeed I remind you
20:12.44CidanPaladin > Priest?
20:12.51CidanIn particular, Shirik vs Cidan.
20:12.53Tyrolitsad but true
20:13.07foxlitGief disc priests any day, tbh
20:13.08Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us eredar Cidan
20:13.11ThraeBotShirik: Kimina vs Cidan! Kimina has +4 lvls on Cidan (70 vs 66); A L70 priest and a L66 paladin square off!; 23/38/0 vs 43/13/0; Cidan wins by 360 TBRs!
20:13.19ShirikThraeBot is so jacked up
20:13.24Shirik!c us drenden kimina
20:13.25ThraeBotShirik: Kimina, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (23/38/0). 6261 HP; 9540 Mana; 383 mana regen; 162 mp5; 78 +spell dmg; 1538 +heal; 5.66% dodge;[[ TBR: 553 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Fri Nov  9 11:18:09 2007 EST ]]
20:13.26KarlThePaganheh... I'm probably going to roll 41 disc after 2.3
20:13.32Shirikbleh, not buffed
20:13.57KarlThePagannot for certain tho
20:14.58foxlit!vs us drenden kimina eu emerald dream atreju
20:15.03ThraeBotfoxlit: Kimina vs Atreju! A L70 priest and a L70 druid square off!; 23/38/0 vs 47/0/14; Kimina wins by 86 TBRs!
20:15.30foxlit!c eu emerald dream atreju
20:15.30ThraeBotfoxlit: Atreju, Level 70 Night Elf Druid (47/0/14). 8424 HP; 8765 Mana; 221 mana regen; 52 mp5; 4.20% melee crit; 346 spell crit; 114 spell hit; 1128 +spell dmg; 1159 +heal; 4.64% dodge; 18 resilience; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 819 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Fri Nov  9 11:20:01 2007 EST ]]
20:15.49KarlThePagan!vs us kil'jaeden basic eu emerald dream atreju
20:15.50ThraeBotKarlThePagan: basic vs atreju! It's a showdown! But wait! What's this?! Something random? basic's Mom calls him, interrupting the duel -- it's time for kindergarden! Forfeit!
20:15.54Tyrolitcan anyone help?  ive got a mod to allow guildies to whisper for recomended zones for their lvl,  is there away so that when the mod wisp replys i dont see the reply?
20:16.02|Jelly|!vs us burning legion jelly us drenden kimina
20:16.03ThraeBot|Jelly|: Jelly vs Kimina! Two 70 priests square off!; Kimina wins by 329 TBRs!
20:16.09KarlThePagan!vs us kiljaeden basic eu emerald dream atreju
20:16.09ThraeBotKarlThePagan: I failed on the first listed character. You fail.
20:16.13|Jelly|Yeah...Thrae is broken.
20:16.23foxlit!vs us kil'jaeden basic eu emerald dream atreju
20:16.23ThraeBotfoxlit: basic vs atreju! It's a showdown! But wait! What's this?! Something random? Someone trains Kazzak on the duel, killing basic instantly.
20:16.31Shirik~hug |Jelly|
20:16.32purlACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs |Jelly|
20:16.48KarlThePaganmissing data eh?
20:16.53foxlitlack of capitalization means it didn't bother resolving?
20:17.46foxlitSeems thraebot is ignorant about giant angry owls anyway :)
20:19.30Tyroliti got -  SendChatMessage(msg,"WHISPER",nil,sender)   but all replys my mod send i also see the replys as sent wisps  any ideas?
20:20.47CidanI have no idea what you are trying to... say.
20:21.03CidanCan you be a bit more specific, or am I just not understanding you?
20:21.18foxlitThis so needs a better start/terminate/resume/suspend handler
20:21.20Tyrolitis it still pos to send a whisper reply from a mod to a player and the user doesnt see the repy as a sent whisper?
20:21.27foxlitCidan: wants to supress CHAT_MSG_WHISPER_SENT
20:22.02CidanAh, no, well yes and no, I suppose you could unregister the event, fire the whisper, and register again
20:22.03Tyrolithow do i do that?
20:22.11Cidanbut that's messy
20:22.21Cidanso in a clean way, no, not that I can think of
20:22.35Tyrolitok thanks :(
20:22.43foxlitThere's a handler function you can hook.
20:22.52|Jelly|melee hunters make me lol
20:23.15Tyrolitmelle hunters make me SHOUT at them in rl
20:24.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
20:24.34*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
20:26.05Guillotinedoes SetAttribute not work on Blizzard created buttons?
20:28.41Guillotinelol, this code in the default interface makes me nervous: "-- Wha??"
20:29.50MentalPowerSetAttribute only works out of combat
20:30.16ShirikGuillotine: where?
20:30.20Guillotineof course :P
20:30.43GuillotineShirik: line 127 of BonusActionBarFrame in the newest PTR version
20:30.53Intangiris there a test to see if your target is casting something?
20:31.14Intangirso i could make it kick only if my target is casting
20:31.38GuillotineMP: Ah, I found the problem. For some reason what the shapeshift bar does is updated EXTREMELY often by blizzard code so if you change it, it'll just be overwritten
20:32.13ShirikIntangir: no.
20:32.18ShirikYou make the decisions not the game
20:35.02Guillotineis there any reason blizz code still uses getglobal instead of just _G since _G is more efficient?
20:35.35foxlitgetglobal is a function
20:35.36MentalPowerpre-2.0 there was no _G
20:35.41foxlitIn some cases, that is good.
20:37.39Guillotinefoxlit: how so? iirc, all it does is call _G. So you just have a function call in addition to a table call
20:37.45Saint-Nwell that was ass
20:37.47GuillotineMP: yah, thats what I was wondering
20:37.55Guillotineif there were any reason to keep it
20:37.57Guillotineother than legacy
20:38.03Saint-Nappearantly im gonna need to dump a nix box inbetween the modem and switch since the switch cant find based on ip
20:38.17foxlitThere's no secureget
20:38.20Saint-Ni did find what was causing the problem though so a simple port block took care of it for now
20:38.31Guillotineinteresting... it appears SetAttribute doesn't work on CheckButtons o.O
20:38.32foxlitStuff like /click is currently impossible without getglobal
20:38.56Guillotineah, I see
20:38.59MentalPowerGuillotine: setbutton only works on secure frames
20:39.32GuillotineMP: I know :P I'm not new to this. I'm just trying to figure out why SetAttribute doesn't work on the default shapeshift buttons
20:39.44Guillotinefor some reason they are checkbuttons instead of normal buttons
20:40.24Guillotinebut they DO inherit the SecureFrameTemplate
20:40.38Tyrolitnight all,  nice ta meet you all, gotta take the missus out before she kills me
20:44.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
20:44.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
20:44.21Guillotineohhh, I have an idea
20:45.38Guillotinemy exact code works fine with ActionButton1, but not ShapeshiftButton1
20:48.58bleeterah, stupid script author problem
20:51.06Guillotinealright, I think I found a bug with blizz code. Unless anybody sees something here I don't:
20:52.49foxlitElementary, Watson.
20:54.06foxlitShapeshiftButton1:GetScript("OnClick") ~= SecureActionButton_OnClick
20:54.24foxlitThat's the "what?"
20:54.44foxlit"why?" is answered in the definition of ShapeshiftButtonTemplate
20:58.04*** join/#wowi-lounge _dreamss (i=dreamss@
20:58.04nevcairielwhy would you want that code anyway?
20:58.20nevcairielso it doesnt de-shift when you click the default buttons?
20:58.56Guillotinenev: yup
20:59.13Guillotinelooks like this isn't possible though :/ guess I'll have to completely recreate the shapeshift buttons
20:59.16Guillotinewhich kind of sucks
21:00.23foxlitThat still uses this:
21:00.45nevcairielmeh qualifys for a "this" ?
21:01.16foxlitTreating it with a moderate mix of disdain and carelessness
21:01.45*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
21:04.04*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Holding (
21:10.59*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
21:14.10TC-Holdinghahaha Cidan, your crazy
21:19.47*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
21:20.14Guillotinecan you inherit more than one frame via CreateFrame or am I going to have to go to XML to do this?
21:20.21Josh_Borkeyou can
21:29.59*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
21:37.29zenzelezzI find it eerie when the first line in a confirmation e-mail from a webshop is "=0"
21:41.40GuillotineJosh_Borke: you sure? It doesn't seem to be doing ANYTHING with the second one I'm passing as an argument
21:41.50Josh_BorkeGuillotine: positive
21:41.56GuillotineI would think CreateFrame("Button","ShuperShifterButton1",UIParent,"ActionButtonTemplate","SecureActionButtonTemplate") would be the same as CreateFrame("Button","ShuperShifterButton1",UIParent,"SecureActionButtonTemplate","ActionButtonTemplate")
21:42.22Guillotinebut with the first one its not secure and with the second there are no action button attributes to it
21:44.04Guillotineright. but that has nothing about inheriting two frames
21:44.19zenzelezzI'd assume you just put them all inside the same parameter
21:45.19Josh_Borkeso should it be "SecureActionButtonTemplate, ActionButtonTemplate")?
21:45.24Guillotinehaha, yup
21:45.27Guillotinethanks foxlit :)
21:46.49Shiriksoo, |Jelly|, question
21:46.51Shirikyou here?
21:47.02Josh_Borkethere went your question
21:47.03Shirikare you familiar with scarab of infinite cycle?
21:47.08Shirik~die Josh_Borke
21:47.18purlACTION murders Josh_Borke, takes two shots to the head then crumples to the ground, lifeless...
21:47.18|Jelly|I'm familiar with the fact that I've never gotten it.
21:47.23ShirikWhat do you think of it?
21:47.43|Jelly|I'd use it?
21:47.56|Jelly|It'd replace my lower city book
21:48.03ShirikI just got it randomly when I was trying to help someone out with BM
21:48.07Shirikwith kara key*
21:48.16Shirikbut I'd lose 10mp5 which worries me
21:48.55|Jelly|You have both as it stands. The worst that can happen is you decide you don't like it and equip your other trinket again.
21:49.02|Jelly|What would you gain by using the scarab?
21:49.36Shirik70 healing and the proc
21:49.44ShirikI almost never use the on-use ability of the trinket I'm using right now
21:49.44Thunder_Childi have it
21:49.47|Jelly|And you'd be losing?
21:49.49Thunder_Childand the city book
21:50.05Shirik10 mp5 and "on use: 238 +healing for 15 seconds"
21:50.14Shirikwhich I almost never use anyway
21:50.34Thunder_ChildShirik, the scarab is top of the line blue, use it
21:50.35foxlitheavenly inspiration?
21:50.51Thunder_Childthere is a blue for each class that is epic level
21:51.13Thunder_Childquags eye/scarab/timer thingy
21:51.27Thunder_Childi dont know the rest off hand
21:52.57zenzelezzI've yet to replace my Styleen's Impeding Scarab
21:54.08RayneJelly :)
21:54.21bleeterkd3|hate`net: any news?
22:02.34|Jelly|Why do you think I have so many, Rayne? Debating a UI is silly when you can just make another! :P
22:04.27Thunder_Childbesides, it should only matter how you think of your UI, not anyone else
22:04.47|Jelly|I make my UIs with other people in mind. :\
22:04.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
22:05.27Thunder_Childthen it's not really "your" UI
22:06.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Tyrolit (
22:06.34zenzelezzI make all my stuff with others in mind; but usually they're lightly clad girls, not users
22:06.49|Jelly|Hi Tyrolit
22:06.53bleeterg'day Tyrolit
22:06.58|Jelly|zenzelezz: They're my RL friends mostly.
22:07.00bleeterlightly cladhaire girls?
22:07.11Thunder_Childsadly bleeter, thats what i thought to
22:07.16zenzelezznope; I prefer the old word over the new
22:07.19bleeter|Jelly|: they're the worst people to be taking into consideration... 'coz they feel they have a right to request stuff
22:07.32zenzelezzand not being a native English speaker I can pick them freely
22:07.33|Jelly|I don't mind.
22:11.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh`` (
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22:15.37Rayneim just debating which one looks better for v6...
22:16.34|Jelly|Which one what?
22:16.39|Jelly|The art stuff?
22:17.19*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Holding (
22:18.35Rayne or
22:18.43Raynethe second one is the one im leaning on
22:20.03Tyrolitbeen looking at Tourist libary for zone info,  but can only get zone info for my own lvl from,     so ive modified a table in  fubar_RecZone   for now to return info for other players.     is there an easier way to find reccomended zones by level using a libary ( tourist only seems to work on user )
22:22.54foxlitLibraries are the bane of all humanity... oh, eh.
22:23.15Tyrolityeah ive found that
22:23.30foxlitSo package your own level ranges?
22:23.59Tyrolitthats what im doing at mo,  what im asking is this best way to sdo this?
22:24.12foxlitleveldb = {{1, 10, "Elewynn"}, {10, 20, "Westfall}, {20, 30, "Redridge"}};
22:24.35|Jelly|second one, Rayne
22:25.16*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
22:25.17foxlitfunction pull(level) t = {}; for k, v in pairs(leveldb) do if v[1] <= level and v[2] >= level then tinsert(t, v); end return t; end
22:26.12Tyrolitmain probs occur with faction for zone,  what i have at present shows the opposite faction starting zones for lower levels
22:26.42foxlit, "Horde"
22:26.53Tyrolitso guess i need a more detailed table
22:29.25Tyrolitfoxlit :  thanks mate,     helped alot
22:29.26ArrowmasterTyrolit: what do you need that tourist couldnt do?
22:30.28Tyrolittourist only sems to iterate thro recomended zones for user lvl   you cant select the lvl for the zones
22:31.13Arrowmasterso what you want to get a list of zones of for a certain level?
22:31.51Tyrolitso far ive made my own table for this
22:33.11Tyrolitbut id like to add alot more functionality later, im still a noob at all this,  im trying to learn
22:34.29foxlitI demand a way to introduce graphics assets into the game dynamically from memory rather than the HD!
22:36.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Kelfarr (
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22:38.25Rayneello Kel
22:39.40Rayneand yeah Jelly I like the artwork for the second one better :P
22:42.43RayneI reverted like you said
22:43.42ArrowmasterTyrolit: local recZones = {} function CustomRecLevelFunc(level) for k in pairs(recZones) do recZones[k] = nil end for zone in Tourist:IterateZones() do local low, high = Tourist:GetLevel(zone) if low <= level and level <= high then recZones[zone] = true end end return recZones end
22:43.52Arrowmasteri have no clue if that works correctly
22:48.55foxlitSo I picked up my PSP with Lumines, thinking I should code that in an addon.
22:48.57foxlitBIG MISTAKE.
22:48.59Rayne ...MY EYES
22:51.58TC-Holdingit's not like you were using them anyways
22:52.46|Jelly|I need a good analogy for how stupid rolling on chests is.
22:52.53Thunder_Childerrr...i guess i should have said
22:52.58Thunder_Child"not using them MUCH"
22:53.33Lunessa|Jelly|: It makes about as much sense as rolling to see who opens a door.
22:53.52KelfarrAHH BURNING
22:54.15|Jelly|Yeah. I saw that earlier.
22:56.51KelfarrWoW shrig really has no clue what he is talking about
22:57.03Kelfarrsome guy asked what this art was and it was like purple clouds and he told them skinner
22:57.18*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (n=rumors@
22:57.52foxlitThe "I hear the music in my soul" level is probably the most annoying in the entire game
22:57.57foxlitslow timeline = badbadbad!
22:58.25*** join/#wowi-lounge andross_ (
22:58.45foxlitI run out of brainstack space to store collapse results by the time things actually are removed
22:59.12deltronI don't get it
22:59.48foxlitDid you play Lumines?
23:01.37*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (
23:03.10LunessaShrig gets on my nerves.  
23:03.34Raynesame here...
23:03.36KelfarrHe is soo annoying
23:03.40LunessaHell, YOU get on my nerves, but at least you're not a tool.
23:03.54RayneCan I be a ratchet?
23:04.17|Jelly|I call hammer
23:04.18LunessaNo, you can be the spray can though.
23:04.28KelfarrI get on everyone's nerves but oh well
23:04.33RayneI can blind people!
23:05.03LunessaI see |Jelly| as more of the "paint bucket" though.   Kelfarr is probably the lasso-select.
23:06.11LunessaMe, I'm like that box in every shop that has all the odd-ball tools and custom jigs in it.  
23:06.22bleeterhere's hoping that'll make shammies STFU!
23:08.40LunessaI don't know.  I play an Enhancement shaman.  Being a blaster with just two ranged spells never made much sense to me.
23:08.42KelfarrSo the more spell damage they have the more nerfed their lightning bolt is?
23:09.02|Jelly|I <3 my elemental shammy
23:09.25LunessaI might roll one just to see what the fuss is all about.
23:09.39LunessaBut really, I already have a mage and a warlock.
23:09.42KelfarrElemetal shammys and moonkins are the same type, only a couple spells
23:10.26LunessaLightning Bolt and Chain Lightning.
23:10.41LunessaAnd Wrath of Air.
23:11.01LunessaSeems like it would get pretty dull after a bit.
23:11.26KelfarrThough chain lightning spam is fun
23:11.39RayneI like how Shrig hasnt responded yet...
23:11.40KelfarrI had one on the ptr full tier 6 is fun
23:11.53bleetermost spell-spam is fun
23:12.02LunessaOk, day's over. Off to the bank, errands, and then home to WoW.  
23:12.10bleeterwell, dmg-spell-spam
23:12.20KelfarrI am rerolling a druid and spelling moonkin for a bit then resto
23:12.26Kelfarrmoonfire spam ftw
23:12.45|Jelly|i'm going boom at 40
23:13.11|Jelly|at least for a while
23:13.18Kelfarrme too but feral is probably faster
23:13.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
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23:20.42Raynelol he ignored kels post...
23:27.28*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
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23:39.34Rayneoh my god it looks exactly the same, after all that fuss he made...
23:40.56*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|AFK (
23:42.18RayneShrigs UI, he says he changed it, its like exactly the same..
23:51.14Kelfarrits the same screenshot as 4 days ago
23:55.19TemSomeone pinged me in this channel
23:55.27Tembut I don't have enough scrollback lines to see it
23:55.56*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|AFK (
23:56.06Raynein b4 Kel gets reported for being right!
23:58.05KelfarrI just posted it
23:58.35bleeter|Jelly|: how dare you not be in # when links are posted! :P
23:58.49RayneFor shame!
23:59.03|Jelly|diaf x2
23:59.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
23:59.49RayneLook Kel, this UI is inspired by you!

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