IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071108

00:04.54XuerianThat halloween special was good
00:04.54Intangirwow that furi guy is fully pvped out now
00:05.03Intangirstill not hemo, i would be hemo with warglaives
00:07.22Raynethis show is awesome
00:16.11art3mismr teeth mr teeth mr teeth!
00:21.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
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00:30.09WobWorkFinnish school shooting =(
00:31.51KarlThePaganhuman paladin or draenai paladin
00:32.14KarlThePaganwhy dwarf
00:32.18Raynetheres like 50 people lined up for the darkmoon faire cannon on my server...
00:32.42KarlThePaganand BE is not an option :P
00:34.04Kelfarrrayne I am going to remake my ui
00:34.33*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|away (
00:35.04WobWorkWhat's the rarest race/class combo?
00:35.15WobWorkI've started a female dwarven warrior
00:35.20WobWorkcause I've never seen one =P
00:36.26Kelfarrnever seen one
00:36.32Raynehow come Kel?
00:36.38Kelfarri don't like it
00:36.45Kelfarrboring old gradients
00:36.48WobWorkCertainly a valid enough reason =P
00:37.10WobWorkI hear there's a wonderful Hello Kitty UI that's anything but boring =P
00:37.17Kelfarrits going to see something like this
00:37.25Kelfarrthe art around the minimap and action bars
00:37.32Kelfarri am going to make it in photoshop
00:37.49Rayneplease dont put everything in the middle :(
00:43.40*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter_ (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
00:44.27RayneI dont really think I need to change anything on BBC...
00:44.49Kelfarrno just the art rayne not like that
00:44.57Kelfarreverything will be in the same spot it is now
00:47.33Raynestill wish Omen had a way to color all the bars :/
00:53.16*** join/#wowi-lounge haste_ (n=haste@
01:05.12Kelfarrsome guy posted on the UI form he says using /focus is too hard and wants an addon to show 2 targets without the use of /focus
01:05.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Codayus_ (
01:06.01cog|away(that deserved a genuine ellipsis)
01:06.10WobWorkwe could call it... hm...
01:06.38cog|awayoh and zomg re: visual studio 08 & addons
01:09.11kd3they've announced the title of patch 2.3...
01:09.15kd3"The Gods of Zul'Aman"
01:10.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Codayus (
01:11.37Kelfarrreally lol...
01:13.47Thunder_Childno one else names their patches....
01:14.34WobWorkBlizzard Coder: Hey, lets name the next one "Arthur"!
01:15.10cog|awayThunder_Child: eve does
01:15.28Thunder_Childprolly took it from wow
01:17.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie_ (
01:17.44cog|awayeve's been around and patching since '03
01:17.57cog|awaytheir names are more vague though
01:18.09cog|awayCastor, Exodus, Cold War, Red Moon Rising, Revelations...
01:18.16Thunder_Childshhhh...yuor destroying my ability to not care
01:21.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Olison_ (
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01:28.09KarlKFIJoshBorke: it's just a PartyCastingBars hack at this point
01:28.29*** join/#wowi-lounge norgs (
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01:29.02JoshBorkei see
01:29.35*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
01:30.22*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work_ (
01:34.55Rayneman I wonder how many mods are going to die on tuesday :/
01:35.34kd3oh, crap. better create new the "It's Patch Day" sticky soon
01:38.15purlwell, netsplit is something that happens when two IRC servers lose their link, thus isolating the users on every side from each other.  a normal part of ALL irc networks, despite what some people bitching about larger networks may seem to think, or an orchestra of poips and thwoops, or something which occurs frequently on OPN
01:39.42*** join/#wowi-lounge sancus (
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01:41.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
01:46.02|Jelly|Much better. Nap until internet stops being stupid is win.
01:51.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
01:59.44|Jelly|Fine. I see how much you guys care. FINE!
02:00.00cogwheel|Jelly|: my video is proof of just how much i care
02:00.00Thunder_Child|Jelly|, we dont
02:00.21Raynewb Jelly
02:00.27|Jelly|Thunder_Child: I know. I've known you didn't care for a long time now. I'm over it. You've broken my heart already.
02:00.43Thunder_Childonly once? damn, i must be slipping
02:01.01|Jelly|Cog: OMG
02:02.19cogwheelNote the license plate border that says "My other ride is a swift gryphon" ;)
02:02.30|Jelly|And I thought I was a nerd.
02:02.54kd3ick... it's really obvious how badly the backlight's going in my old (current) lcd. putting the same background on an lcd sitting next to it is like night and day
02:04.13|Jelly|WTB 30" WS
02:04.33cogwheel|Jelly|: most 30" are the same resolution as the 22+
02:04.52cogwheelyou'd have to sit farther away
02:05.03cogwheelso it would take up about the same field of view
02:05.06|Jelly|Cog...stop trying to kill my dream.
02:05.29Raynejust play laying on your bed
02:06.08|Jelly|I would
02:06.12cogwheeli would too
02:06.25cogwheeltempurpedic 4tw
02:12.17RayneI dont see anything
02:12.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
02:13.00cogwheelit's a quine!
02:14.12KtronIt might be time to wipe by AddOns directory and get everything fresh
02:14.35cogwheelI started that earlier tonight. Then gave up about 5 mins later :(
02:15.36Rayne"Critique my UI, but i guarentee I wont like what you say"
02:19.43kd3there we go, now it works
02:20.22KtronI usually just try to eliminate all the nonace addons I can
02:20.35Ktronand then I usually end up installing half of cosmos anyway
02:20.58cogwheelKtron: why the prejudice?
02:21.00Kelfarryes rayne? i was afk
02:21.09|Jelly|"eliminate all the nonace addons" /popcorn
02:21.15Ktronagainst or for?
02:21.19Rayneumm...I forget now
02:21.24Kelfarrlol ok
02:21.45Mr_Rabies2why remove the nonace ones? just ease of updating?
02:23.18|Jelly|Mr_Raboes2: That's why I use mostly Ace Mods.
02:24.26Mr_Rabies2same here, not for preference of the addon itself but for preference of the svn idea, |Jellu|
02:25.21RayneI was contemplating making another 'Make Me Hate My UI' thread but id rather not fire up that bandwagon again :/
02:25.39Ktroncogwheel, prejudice against/for cosmos or wowace?
02:25.54|Jelly| Grats on Stock UF imo.
02:25.54Ktroncogwheel, er, ace
02:25.56cogwheelKtron: Mr_Rabies2 covered it :P
02:26.23|Jelly|Yes. Please don't. ESPECIALLY since the only criticism I've gotten on my new UI is the stupid map.
02:26.52Mr_Rabies2whose interface is that jelly
02:26.53Rayneit was nice the first time and when Ryas did it, but after that it got old
02:27.00Rayneits Shrigs
02:27.18Mr_Rabies2i want to murder weedz
02:27.35Mr_Rabies2for quoting carlos mencia and giving that hack an even marginal amount of credit
02:28.58cogwheelKtron: actually, i guess you could say "both"
02:32.11KtronI forget where one goes at level 20
02:32.21Ktron(on horde)
02:32.49|Jelly| Reason why Shrig is dumb.
02:35.16|Jelly|"[P] <Hordwilldie>: sha r u hela or tank" /facepalm
02:35.40|Jelly|(The other group member, in the same guild as him is Hayter)
02:37.53|Jelly|And kek at Shrig thinking my UI is too cluttered.
02:38.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
02:45.02|Jelly|*sigh* Why am I even arguing with Shrig?
02:45.35Kelfarri am back!
02:45.43Kelfarrohh arguing with shrig? where
02:45.45|Jelly|Good. Tell Shrig how retarded he is so I don't have to?
02:46.04KelfarrHe is so goddamn annoying,
02:46.11|Jelly| I'm not even going to read his most recent post.
02:46.30Kelfarrhe keeps telling me how good my UI is so he can be accepted to the "elitist" group or something
02:46.48|Jelly|At least he's not attached to my ass anymore.
02:47.13KelfarrPlease elaborate.. I feel stupider than I am...
02:47.15Kelfarrthats what he said
02:47.35|Jelly|Want to do the honors?
02:47.43Kelfarrhe asks for critism and you tell him to change the default UF and he gets mad...
02:48.07|Jelly|Are they not default? (GRATS ON CHANGING THE DIMENSIONS OF THE PARTY!) ...
02:48.31|Jelly|And then...are any of my UIs...even close to default? lol
02:48.44RayneJelly dont feed the troll :(
02:48.50Kelfarrhe used default UF and changed the texture to smooth
02:49.03RayneHave some apple strudel instead!
02:49.19|Jelly|I'm not responding. lol
02:50.42Kelfarrwtf on family guy louis is married to bryan!
02:51.13Rayneis that the episode where they buy the boat and get lost at sea?
02:52.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
02:52.38KelfarrI don't know, just started it
02:52.44KelfarrI came in halfway thru
02:56.11Kelfarrlol this guy is hilarious, he must be a troll
02:59.48Kelfarr-the king-
03:00.21Raynei saw that
03:08.01*** join/#wowi-lounge fridgid (n=Fridgid@
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03:13.50Raynedo do do
03:19.36*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
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03:45.30Esamynnwelcome back everyone
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03:45.31Esamynnwelcome back everyone
03:45.32ShirikI was so lonely
03:45.32Shirikhug me
03:45.32kd3gotta love freenode
03:45.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Kelfarr ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:45.48fridgidi wasn't scared!
03:45.49MentalPowerthat was a rather long netsplit
03:45.49Kelfarrweird everyone DCed except me and 5 other people
03:45.49kd3and wtf at the weather... it's only 1c outside and it's just 22:44. coldest we've gotten all year
03:45.49ShirikNickServ isn't responding
03:45.49Shirikthat's not good
03:45.49EsamynnKelfarr: it's called a netsplit
03:45.49fridgidi got that my nick was owned by somebody else twice
03:45.49ShirikKelfarr: go wiki netsplit
03:46.16Shirikafter you do that, go get a client that compresses netsplits into one line:
03:46.16Kelfarryeah but howcome I didn't DC?
03:46.16Shirik14(2211:2911:0014)  11-› Netsplit 11( ‹-› irc.freenode.net11) 38 quits
03:46.16Shirikbecause the server didn't go down
03:46.17purlit has been said that netsplit is something that happens when two IRC servers lose their link, thus isolating the users on every side from each other.  a normal part of ALL irc networks, despite what some people bitching about larger networks may seem to think, or an orchestra of poips and thwoops, or something which occurs frequently on OPN
03:46.17Shirikthe servers just split
03:46.17Kelfarroh ok
03:46.17kd3or just don't show join/parts altogether...
03:46.17Shirikeffectively one network becomes two
03:46.17Thunder_Childor three...or four...
03:46.17Shirikwell, not one :P
03:46.17art3misit's free and splits less than efnet ;P
03:46.17art3misyeah its 2c here
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04:13.23KirkburnAnd we're back :D
04:13.25kergoththat was fun
04:13.25mikmalooks cool also
04:13.25KirkburnMethinks a world announcement is coming?
04:13.25Shirik(22:48:26)  -› Netsplit ( ‹-› 182 quits
04:13.25Shiriknot funny
04:13.25art3mis"Why join the navy when you can be a pirate" - Steve Jobs
04:14.01mikmaKirkburn: whatwhat announcement?
04:14.11Kirkburnmikma, like to explain what the hell just happened :P
04:15.08Mr_Rabies2<freenode> We'd like to take a moment to inform everyone of what just happened regarding connectivity issues.
04:15.21Mr_Rabies2<freenode> SHIT BLOW'D UP
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04:22.26Mr_Rabies2minisplit ho
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04:23.32Shirikchrist, another split?
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04:25.24Shirik!co us drenden Kimina us drenden Deluxx
04:25.29ThraeBotShirik: Kimina vs Deluxx! Two 70 priests compare their stat differences; 23/38/0 vs 20/41/0; Kimina ++880 HP; Kimina ++53 +healing; Kimina ++0.52% dodge; Kimina ++16 +spelldmg; Deluxx ++10 shadow resist; Kimina ++61 Armour; Kimina ++195 Mana; Kimina ++17 mana regen; Kimina ++46 mp5; Deluxx has 2% more stats then Kimina.
04:25.50Shirikhow does he have more stats than me? o.o
04:27.45Mr_Rabies2shirik, i forget, are you into anime at all
04:27.51Shirikvery yes
04:28.03Mr_Rabies2have you seen gurren lagann
04:30.17AnduinLotharLeo down with 2 pallies left alive in bubble
04:31.16AnduinLothareveryone else dead lol
04:34.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Kelfarr (
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04:40.43Kelfarrgod photoshop is annoying
04:41.26Kelfarrall i am trying to do is make a black border with full opacity and it makes its transparent
04:41.40|Jelly|For WoW?
04:41.51|Jelly|eePanels? lol
04:42.45|Jelly|Just use eePanels..
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04:43.48Kelfarrits easier to make this in photoshop then just import it
04:43.58|Jelly|Apparently not. lol
04:44.33|Jelly|Just got booted from a group cause I wouldn't tell them where I loved iRL
04:44.35Kelfarrwow and now one side of the border is full black like I made it and the other side is slighty transparent
04:44.42Esamynn|Jelly|: lol
04:46.58art3misits way easier to just alpha channel the pzrts of the art you dont want and let eep take care of transperancy and ingame alpha ;P
04:48.25RayneI think im 100% happy with BBC atm
04:48.33|Jelly|don't lie
04:48.38Rayneim serious
04:49.03KirkburnTo me BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation :P
04:49.04Raynethe one thing I want to change I cant, because Omen doesnt offer single bar coloring...
04:49.08|Jelly|his UI compilation
04:49.23KirkburnWait, surely that's 99% happy?
04:51.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|sleep (
04:53.34WobinLeroy Jenkims
04:54.59Mike-N-Go|Jelly|: That is inhumane.
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04:55.52|Jelly|Anyone who actually does that, deserves whatever they get imo.
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04:56.58KelfarrI heard about leryo jemkens
04:56.58Kelfarrpretty sick
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04:59.11Raynehere we go again
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05:04.29Kelfarrthere done the action bar part after 3 hours
05:04.35Kelfarrnow i get to do the minimap!
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05:11.30art3misi think im gonna have to go up and reset an exchange server
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05:23.16Kelfarrok finally done the art
05:23.24|Jelly|show us imo
05:23.40Kelfarrin a sec
05:26.48art3misyou show now! di di mao!
05:28.19Kelfarrni hao and farm some gold ni hao and farm some gold
05:28.26art3misi am
05:28.37art3misi wanna see what you've been working on for far to long ;P
05:28.44art3misyou post screenie now
05:29.01Kelfarrone second i have to save them and then load them into wow
05:29.15art3misand then make me a themeswapper?
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05:31.36|Jelly|(Make sure you read number 5, Kelfarr)
05:31.48art3misactually im less concerned about the top part
05:31.59art3misthe stuff under the OR is easier and will do better for what i want ;P
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05:32.57KelfarrAHH XPERL NOES
05:33.47Kelfarrso you want me to make that? I have no experience programming
05:36.31art3misheh the profile importexport thingy yeah ;)
05:36.44art3misi actually replaced xperl with dahud as my unitframes
05:38.18Kelfarrthe one thing that sucks is you can't make gradients in photoshop with something I already have maid
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05:39.58|Jelly| I'll *never* understand people that sequence that.
05:40.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
05:40.39KelfarrWhy whats wrong
05:41.01|Jelly|It's retarded?
05:41.21|Jelly|(Judgment doesn't trigger the GCD)
05:41.22KelfarrHow? you use the judgement then reapply the sea
05:41.25Kelfarroh it doesn't
05:41.30Kelfarrdidn't know that
05:41.52RayneWheres that SS Kel :P
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05:42.31RayneI wanna see it lol
05:42.43KelfarrIts coming still finishing it in photoshop
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05:45.11Kelfarrhmm I should probably switch to eepanels2 before I do this eh?
05:45.41KelfarrOk need to do that quick
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05:46.21Rayneim thinking about using something like this for my UI
05:46.24|Jelly|Unless you have half a million panels already. lol
05:47.45RayneI have 14, wheeee
05:47.45KelfarrI do but whatever
05:48.02|Jelly|Muse has 32 and I'm not done. lol
05:49.02Kelfarrthats the one reason I am making it in photoshop first so I will only need about 3 panels
05:49.08Kelfarrinstead of the 25 I had on my current UI
05:49.29|Jelly|*shrug* I like being able to control all the colors and what not in game.
05:49.46|Jelly|I also edited Roth. :\
05:49.55|Jelly|It was WAY too transparent.
05:52.01Kelfarrugh another person who wants a macro to do /yell HEAL ME
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05:53.28mikma_i like your responses
05:55.03Kelfarrwhats the power of 2 that is less than 128?
05:55.33|Jelly|Jesus Christ I fail.
05:55.33Kelfarryeah i didn't realize that to just now
05:55.37Irieltechnically there's no "the power of 2 that is less than 128", there are a great many
05:55.46Irielthe HIGHEST power of 2 less than 128 is 64
05:55.51Kelfarri mean the next one down
05:56.28|Jelly|The MVP just learnded j00!
05:57.22Kelfarrok starting wow
05:57.34|Jelly|About fucking time.
05:57.52ShirikROFL kd3
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05:58.17ShirikSome guy asks you the command to log out, and you tell him /script SendChatMessage("\n") ?
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06:01.30Kelfarrugh you can't scroll down the list of textures for quartz and I have so many it takes up my whole screen
06:01.37|Jelly|Anyone else hate Rachel Ray as much as I do?
06:01.52|Jelly|Configure Quartz through /rock
06:02.10Thunder_Childi can scroll it
06:03.17Kelfarrty jelly that worked
06:03.25Esamynn|Jelly|: I'm indifferent, I know nothing about her :P
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06:08.39art3misshe used to be cute and doable, now shes annoying and she needs to be done just to possibly make her stop talking
06:10.35Mr_Rabies2she and sarah silverman can make out for all eternity and kill two birds with one stone
06:11.04Kelfarrthere is a white border around the texture...
06:11.18Kelfarrsarah silverman is soo hitable
06:11.24Kelfarrit never did this before
06:12.42Kelfarri meant hit as in fuckable :P
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06:15.21mikma_hah, that looks like a great movie
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06:17.16art3misyeah sarah silverman was cute and sexy in greg the bunny, but her new show makes me wana beat her with a shovel
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06:22.09Kelfarrfuck I am pissed now
06:22.09Kelfarrnow i gotta just make it in eepanels i guess
06:22.09art3miscolour to alpha ;P
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06:22.32art3misi gots me a new host!
06:22.32Cairennart3mis: now, go add an email to your account!
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06:22.32Cairennand an alt nick
06:22.36Kelfarrwanna see a SS rayne/jelly
06:22.41art3miswhihc account?
06:22.45Cairennthis one
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06:24.30Kelfarrhere is what it was suppose to look like the art around the action bars and map , here is what it looks like made in photoshop
06:24.55Cairennart3mis: finally caught a staffer on that knows me, so was able to get it applied, sorry for the delay
06:25.17art3miskel just get gimp
06:25.21|Jelly|god i hate that host
06:25.25art3misthat border is easy to fix
06:25.49Kelfarrit has never done that before
06:25.51Kelfarronly on that art
06:26.04KelfarrI am just going to make it in eepanels and not photoshop
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06:26.30art3miswell just set an alpha channel and erase the white...
06:26.40art3misor do a white->alpha conversion
06:28.03Kelfarrthere was no white on it in photoshop
06:28.06Kelfarrthats the problem
06:28.21Kelfarractually I know what I did wrong
06:28.35art3miscairenn: groovy thanks!, how do i set an alt nick?
06:29.02Cairennchange nicks, register it, link it to your main
06:29.34art3misahh okay
06:29.51Cairennthat's why I don't have to identify every single time I change my nick
06:29.57Kelfarrcheck the last post in the post your UI thread
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06:31.50Cairennit's like, I've actually got 16 nicks registered and all linked
06:38.53Mr_Rabies2it's annoying how long it takes for ghosts to drop
06:39.10Mr_Rabies2and my autorecover script is buggy on freenode
06:39.17Cairennso kick it?
06:39.29Mr_Rabies2sure, i can do it manually
06:39.44Mr_Rabies2but my desktop client is commonly ingame or something
06:40.02Mr_Rabies2and i get to hear it beeping uncontrollably every time it says "nick already taken zomg zomg zomg"
06:40.12Mr_Rabies2instead of running the script like it does on every other network O_o
06:40.40Mr_Rabies2be nice if we could set a nickdrop time
06:40.41Mr_Rabies2but alas
06:41.03Mr_Rabies2i know you can on some other networks and set how long you have to identify for and stuff
06:41.05Mr_Rabies2but alas
06:41.43art3misjust get yer autoconnect script for yer client
06:45.15KelfarrI FIXED IT YAY
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06:53.51Mr_Rabies2art3mis do what now
06:54.11AnduinLothar1 night SSC clear =D
06:54.35Mr_Rabies2i've got a script in place that autokills ghosts but it only halfway works on freenode for some reason
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07:11.19CairennI'll be glad when this DDOS attack stops
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07:11.41Cairennnot half so glad as the freenode staff though, I'm sure
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07:14.36RayneI got a new tanking trinket :D
07:15.09ThraeBotTriggers: !fc; !c; !vs; !vsd; !g; !ge; !te; !co; !ar; !l; !tc; !ap; !api; !tl; !t; !i; !p;. To get more information about a particular command, do !help <command>. Now /msg ThraeBot with your command and stop spamming the damn channel.
07:15.27*** join/#wowi-lounge kergoth (
07:18.13Thunder_Child"Two things we'll be making improvements to in the near future (although these aren't likely to make it in on time for 2.3) are having iceblock be trainable (to make sure all mages have it as a tool for pve encounters and to open up other trees as being more viable options for pvp), and to-be-finalized improvements to mana issues in longer fights."
07:18.48art3misyes cuz lord knows ice block o a fire mage makes complete sense ;P
07:19.04Thunder_Childa fire mage can still cast frostbolt
07:19.10Thunder_Childit's not all that odd
07:19.30Thunder_Childyou just hink it is because of how you were brought up with it
07:19.34Kelfarrwhat one rayne
07:19.49Thunder_Child"In patch 2.3, aimed shot will not only reduces healing done to the target by 50% for a ten seconds, but we're also reducing the shot time by 0.5 seconds."
07:20.47Kelfarrthats good, its not like you can cast aimed shot in arena
07:20.52Kelfarr3 second cast lol
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08:04.32Cairennnight guys
08:05.06bleetergnight Cairenn|afk
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08:17.42WobinHas Hemo been normalised in 2.3?
08:25.16Raynethey buffed it, I know that much
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11:25.47RayneAnyone Awake?
11:26.51art3misme although i shouldnt be
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11:27.12Rayneallo allo
11:28.01Raynei cant sleep, playing with my UI
11:28.42art3misheh yeah i get that way... had to go up to a clients since thier mail server locked up around midnight
11:28.50art3misput it off for about 3 hours heh
11:29.11Rayneim debating custom artwork
11:29.22art3misim far to lazy for that
11:29.34art3misplus im big on the whole "theme" idears
11:29.56Raynehang on lemme post an SS
11:30.00art3miswith the amount you guys change ui's someone really needs to make a profiler theme swapper import export thingy
11:30.18art3misthe profiles work awesome btw
11:30.28art3miswas playing with them for the basic ace2 mods i mod
11:30.36art3misthey swap all clean and stuff
11:31.19art3miseven the layotus and enabled/disabled bt3 bars
11:31.22RayneI was going minimalist, but im now adding things to BBC...
11:31.36RayneBurnt Black Cherry
11:31.50art3misya know what you should check into?
11:31.55art3misthe scripting for eep
11:32.03art3misthat would fit yer minimal nicely
11:32.09Rayne The graphic behind the minimap is new, and yes I know about the grey texture that was intended.
11:32.12art3misonly pops up when in raid combat etc
11:32.25Raynemeh im too lazy for that
11:32.54Rayneand CML is in a crappy spot I just moved it :P
11:32.58art3mismight i suggest that you mod the graphic layer?
11:33.05art3misjust so it eats the sharp edges of the map
11:33.06Rayneim considering just getting rid of it...
11:33.16Rayneyeah im playing with that atm
11:33.38art3misdid you ever see that daffy duck cartoon where they were talking to the artist and playing with the pencil and eraser?
11:34.02art3misand the artist erases daffy and redraws him as a flower?
11:34.24art3misfor some reason every time i see flower based or round minmaps i think of that
11:34.43art3misi read that as uutragarde
11:34.48art3misfrom teh venture bros.
11:35.29art3misya know what would make wotlk just soooo awesome?
11:35.38art3misif they added in traction effects
11:35.43Rayneif people who bitched about warlocks 24/7 died?
11:35.44art3misso it was possible to slide
11:35.50Rayneya that would be cool
11:35.59art3misand absed on weight ;P
11:36.05art3mistanks careening around widly
11:36.09Raynebeing a warrior though id hate not being able to charge :/
11:36.20art3misrayne you could charge
11:36.22cladhaireif your wow client fails the DLL Scan, and a "hack" is found
11:36.29cladhaireit plays the intruder alert noise from Gnomeregan
11:36.33art3misit would just take a bit but once you were up to speed, lord help wha you hit
11:36.43cladhairethat is so win.
11:36.49mikmacladhaire: ah haha :D
11:37.00cladhairei'm finding so many neat things by documenting the API :P
11:37.04art3miswizard of wor noises ould have been better
11:37.09cladhairethat's the ONLY place PlaySound() is used in the game
11:37.14art3mis"intruder alert intruder alert" in a computer voice
11:37.45bleeterlol clad
11:37.49cladhaireerr PlaySoundFile()
11:38.14art3miswaits for clads complete list of soundfiles
11:38.23art3misso i can replace em with other stuff ;P
11:38.53art3mislike balls of steel wavs ;)
11:39.07Rayneshould I get rid of the Cherries in the Omen Background? Or should I leave them.
11:39.17art3misthose little blotches?
11:39.31cladhairei won't be listing all sound files
11:39.36cladhairehell no
11:39.40cladhairethat would take FOREVER
11:39.41art3misbut i need full paths!
11:39.47art3misand names!
11:39.52Raynemeh theyre visable
11:40.00Rayneim just debating if they kinda throw the UI off or not
11:40.15bleetercladhaire: well... some guys @ Uni ripped all the voice stuff out of portal... threw it on their iPod, and put it on random at the end of semester pissup... it was kinda amusing
11:40.21art3misrayne: personally with what you've got... i'd got for a slightly dark red 2cherry look as borders
11:40.31bleetercladhaire: random voicing can work, sometime ;)
11:40.42art3misor random tree branches from the edges with cherrys hanging
11:40.43cladhaireooh UnitIsDead()
11:40.48cladhairethat's a fun one
11:40.54art3misthat sorta thing, only interwove  so they fit into the theme
11:41.02Rayneim not even sure if I like the "borders" on my action bars...
11:41.04cladhaireshower time
11:41.07art3misnot a solid border
11:41.37art3misjust sort you know a couple clumps at the bottom left and a branch/cherrys across the top from the right edge
11:41.43art3misthat type of look
11:42.18Rayneim glad I took Jellys suggestion on the chat frame though
11:42.25Rayneone of the pieces of the UI I really like
11:42.49art3misborders are really tricky if you want them to add pizzazz/feeling without like they were put there on purpose
11:42.59art3misthe gradient border?
11:44.14art3misyeah i like that look on most, i generally just theme it whatever colour or solid black it
11:44.36art3misthe only layout thing with yours that im not keen on is the buttons right against the bottom
11:44.50Raynesomething ive always done
11:44.51art3misbut thats just because i play in windowed mode alot and if i need to click...
11:45.07Rayneyeah I do too :P I tab in and out of WoW so much...
11:45.24RayneWoW, Firefox, MSN, Photoshop, almost constantly open
11:45.27RayneWinamp too
11:45.55Rayneill move the bars off the bottom and see what happens
11:46.28art3misjust like half a block
11:46.35art3misor a 1/3 block
11:46.40art3misi like that font though
11:46.47Rayneshit I dont have align installed...
11:46.59Rayneill just do it the cheap way
11:47.11Raynealign it with the bottom of the Rock Window :B
11:51.47Rayne I suppose it could grow on me
11:51.53Raynealso lol @ eepanels
11:55.32art3misthats what im mucking with right now
11:55.42art3misthats the config shot
11:55.56art3misand btw thats all done with dahud ;P
11:56.00Industrialportrait why
11:56.14art3misIndustrial: its just like that to stop me from killing benumbed ;P
11:56.31art3mishe put a border around the player frame but no the target frame for some reason
11:56.32Industrial<no idea>
11:56.56art3misthe border thats around my portrait i need to go hack remove
11:57.41art3mislittle face in the center is pet the one to the far tight is ToT
11:58.01art3misand ive got elk's buff bars for mine so they arent shown there
11:58.12dreamssany of u tried restos hamans on ptr?
11:58.27Rayneit looks way too...unorganized :/
11:58.47RayneI only tanked on the PTR, and im so excited to get my guild in ZA on Tuesday night
11:59.06art3misthats a full view, most of the time it doesnt display all that
11:59.07dreamsshow is it
11:59.28Raynelove it
11:59.31Rayneits soooo fun
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12:00.18dreamssall gear checks?
12:01.02RayneKara -> Gruuls -> ZA -> Beyond
12:01.12Rayneactually you COULD swap Gruuls and ZA
12:01.25dreamssu can swap az with ssc
12:01.29dreamssapart from the attument
12:01.56art3misheh attunement should be a head from each boss in naxx ;P
12:01.57RayneSSC doesnt need an attunement anymore...
12:02.21Rayneand im VERY upset at Blizz for Re-Using Naxx in WotLK :/
12:02.34art3misdepends how they retool it
12:02.39Raynereduce the mobs, skin the t3, done
12:02.41Rayneso stupid :/
12:02.48art3miscuz honestly it doesnt fit anywhere in the world without wotlk
12:03.24art3misit was a filler dungeon just to keep people happy until tbc
12:03.46RayneKilling Kel'thuzad =/= Filler
12:03.58RayneA Filler would be some random guy they added to the lore
12:04.00art3misit does when it doesnt fit ANYWHERE ;)
12:04.04Raynenot a major character
12:04.17art3misthat wasnt the real one anyways ;P
12:04.26art3misdid wc3 teach you nothing ;P
12:04.26dreamss<fn'Rayne> SSC doesnt need an attunement anymore...
12:04.32art3misthat fucker dies like 800 times
12:04.37dreamssu need ssc for mount hyjal
12:04.55Raynethats not what I meant, you dont need an attunement to get into it.
12:04.58art3misdreams but you dont need to get attuned to get into ssc
12:05.11dreamssi meant u could skip ssc and do za
12:05.14dreamssfor gear
12:05.22dreamssbut u need ssc for attuement
12:05.25Raynenot really...some of the gear is better, some is par
12:05.27art3misi will admit of all the dungeons naxx was the best though ;P
12:05.34Rayneits helping casual guilds, which I have
12:05.39art3misthey just put it in at a bad time
12:05.54RayneAQ 40 was more fun to me
12:06.01art3mishad it been put in at the tail of tbc when woltk was scheduled to come out THAT would have made more sense
12:06.02dreamssu know what i love? lvl 70s bitching they cant dps patchwork
12:06.19art3misi miss the floating ziggs ;)
12:06.36dreamssi swear to god, 40 lvl 70s
12:06.39Raynei always hated that fight
12:06.39dreamsscant dps patchwork
12:07.05art3misdid you suggest they ebay thier charcters and take up basketball?
12:07.11dreamssmost ppl that joined WOW after bc came out due the changes will have a good chance to experience the istance
12:07.24dreamssnot a bad idea imo
12:07.43dreamssraiders who allready cleared naxx will bitch of course :P
12:07.44art3mishrm 23 hours awake... i think imma go nap for a while
12:08.05Rayneive out dpsed almost one of every class as a prot warrior :/ I know the different between new and experienced :/
12:08.08art3misraiders tht did naxx and then went to tbc should be stoked to get to do/relearn naxx all over
12:08.25Raynewhen you beat a mage by almost 10%, something is seriously fucking wrong, same with a hunter or rogue.
12:08.27dreamssfree gear for them
12:08.33dreamssas long foghts dont change
12:08.35bleeterI always got the impression that Naxx was bolted on from the design lessons they learned from doing up BC, and from AQ
12:08.48art3misprot warr beat a mage by 10%?
12:09.07art3miswas he naked wand level 4?
12:09.08Rayneive also seen mages in BGs with healing gear on :/
12:09.15Rayneno just sucked horribly
12:09.21dreamssit will have +dmg after the patch!
12:09.32dreamss.. yes but no crit
12:09.46art3misyeah i miss world events
12:09.54art3misi expected something awesome for tbc
12:09.57Raynetheres going to be one for ZA
12:10.07art3misbut got a lame flood of mobs kill them quest ;P
12:10.12dreamsstrolls in the forum event?
12:10.19art3misthe AQ world event was awesome
12:10.29dreamssi hated silitus
12:10.31art3misthe naxx opening and flying ziggs was awesome
12:10.33dreamssSO MUCH
12:10.41Rayneaparently there will be one for the Sunwell too
12:10.45art3misthey just needed to do it now instead of before tbc ;P
12:11.03dreamssi like they changing classes instead of making events :P
12:11.08art3miscuz honestly hyjal and outland aint got nothing on kel and arthas ;P
12:11.11bleeterI hope they bring back the scourge invasion for wotlk
12:11.16dreamssshamans been fubar since bc came out
12:11.19bleeter'coz iirc, they did say they wanted to bring that back
12:11.29RayneWhat I want to know
12:11.30bleeterand it'd suit the whole naxx moving thing
12:11.33art3misa whole campaing of scourge would be great
12:11.40Rayneis where theyre putting the docks to Northrend
12:11.49art3miscomplete with zergs of major cities
12:11.52dreamssis the dragonflight fighting undead in outlands?
12:12.25dreamssthat be major coolness imo
12:12.25bleeteri still think once a month some kill-fest lvl 75+ mob should randomly open cans of whoopass on the big cities, like before BC
12:12.25art3mishehe yeah
12:12.25bleeter'coz that was hell fun
12:12.31dreamssi hope they do something for dalaran
12:12.34art3misya know what would signal wotlk great?
12:12.44dreamssat least a lil detail like "lot for sale"
12:12.49*** part/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
12:12.53art3misthe plauge bursting out after a seige of the major cities and converting/removing a lot of the npcs
12:12.54Rayneoh they always do that
12:13.11dreamssthe deadcarts
12:13.15RayneI wanna know what theyre doing with that troll in shatt that was selling necklaces they kicked out
12:13.16dreamssor whatever they called
12:13.19art3mismeat wagons ftw!
12:13.26bleeterRayne: he's comin' back in in 2.3
12:13.37bleeterhe's got the hula girl for engis!
12:13.41dreamssthey giving him a story?
12:13.47Raynereally? O_o I dont remember seeing him on the PTR
12:13.56bleeterapparently the story's been going on since BC release
12:14.05Raynehey Art
12:14.08dreamssthey moved a npc by him
12:14.08Raynesincee you saw the SS
12:14.10dreamsswho was "
12:14.15dreamsswatching him"
12:14.34dreamssdint notice he was gone after that
12:14.43Raynewould it look good if I removed the Cherries from the Omen Window and put them somewhere else? And just mirrored the flower graphic behind omen?
12:14.57art3misomen needs a border imo
12:15.03dreamsswaste of space
12:15.05dreamssimo :P
12:15.14art3misits too clean to need a background
12:15.31Rayneim getting kinda bored of it lol
12:15.33Raynethats the thing
12:15.41art3misya know what you should do?
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12:15.48art3misdo what jelly did and muck with duf
12:15.50dreamssthe event they did for thrall was very cool
12:15.59art3misand make the hp/mp things cherries ;P
12:16.05RayneI dont really like using DUS anymore
12:16.18Rayneand after all the messing with Pitbull, no friggin way
12:16.46art3misi'd go tree border for omen with cherries in bottom left and a big smaller ;P
12:16.57art3mismaybe a bit of grass along the bottom ;P
12:17.23art3missmokes done... time for bed
12:17.40art3misgrass just in that corner not along the whole thing
12:20.05clad|awayquite the odd assortment at the moment:
12:20.15clad|awayyay for allowing hash tables to dictate my workflow
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12:27.30Rayneso whos left? lol
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12:32.05dreamssreading the last guardian
12:32.09dreamsspretty good
12:33.02RayneI need to put Omen somewhere ;_; cant find anywhere too
12:33.20dreamssi suck at uis
12:36.13dreamssfor a wizard living on the butt-end of nowhere..
12:37.06dreamssits fun reading about kz after u raid it
12:37.31RaynePeople amaze me
12:37.45Rayne"I was also having trouble with the tooltips. I read that someone else had a similar problem but the suggestion you made to him isn't working for me for some reason. When i type /ttw unlock, it doesn't recognize the command. Thanks"
12:38.03RayneOr maybe you could look in the addon list and see I dont USE TTW anymore.
12:38.09Rayneand that its NOT in your addons folder.
12:39.41Raynecant find anywhere to put omen now ;_;
12:41.24dreamssnext to your spells
12:41.34dreamssor close to what u pay attencion the most
12:41.45Raynethe middle of my screen? sure.
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12:42.55Raynedo you like the bottom right hand corner?
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13:06.27Rayne and with that, I go to bed.
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15:20.56IndustrialHow is druid DPS calculated?
15:21.03Industrialtotally by stats?
15:21.27Industrialer, in cat/bear form
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15:39.55|Jelly|~hug Lopeppeppy
15:39.56purlACTION hugs Lopeppeppy tightly until Lopeppeppy turns slightly blue
15:43.41LopeppeppyGood morning, Jelly!
15:43.51|Jelly|Good morning! :)
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15:51.30|Jelly|~hug Cairenn
15:51.31purlACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs Cairenn
15:52.08LopeppeppyMorning, Cairenn.  Glad Jelly saved some hugs for you too.
15:52.25CairennMorning Lopeppeppy.  Me too. :)
15:52.52*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.2.x ToC: 20200 | RTFPN please | WoWI Mod Uploader!| "Laugh at me now, go ahead, say I'm crazy." - Cidan
15:56.42Shirik~laugh Cide
15:56.42purlibot laughs hysterically at Cide...ow!  laughing so hard, it can't breathe... gasp...gasp...gasp....  .....  ...
15:56.45Shirikdamn it!
15:56.53ShirikI give up
15:57.02|Jelly|~fail Shirik
15:57.03purlShirik: Fail.
16:03.00Industrialthats so like me
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16:05.12cog|workMONIN JELLO
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16:07.38Industrialheh warchiefs blessing + rallying cry of the dragonslayer
16:08.01cog|workfinally got my license plate and i can't even drive the car... My other car needs me to drive it so its computer can go through the self-checks or i won't pass smog :(
16:08.55LopeppeppyOh dear!  *hugs Cogwheel*  
16:09.39cog|workAnyone else see the irony that in order to prove my car isn't putting out tons of smog I have to drive it around arbitrarily until the self-test works out?
16:10.12LopeppeppyI expect a great deal of irony in governance.
16:10.15cog|workluckily the smog place i go to will run the computer checks for free before doing the whole shebang
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17:04.20LukianI wish wow had a cake tabard icon :(
17:04.34cog|workthe cake is a lie
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17:18.57zenzelezzI've been hearing "the cake is a lie" lately... someone explain the origin plix
17:19.49dreamss2 sources i belive
17:20.05dreamsscake thing portal
17:20.10dreamssand a comic
17:20.26kd3the reference in the comic is to portal
17:20.39dreamsswell yeah
17:21.02MentalPowerAmong the messages are hints that "the cake is a lie" and other cryptic phrases, as well as photos of people with a Companion Cube drawn over their face.
17:21.12kadrahilthe portal gun
17:21.15Thunder_Childand everyone jumped on the bandwagon like a bunch of sheep
17:21.21kadrahilthat reminds me of the gravity gun from hl2
17:22.02Cairenn~fail Cairenn
17:22.03purlCairenn: Fail.
17:22.22Cairenn|afkthat was for dolby-wowi__
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17:23.31kadrahilheh, i am going to go to regular mech
17:23.42kadrahilsolo the first mob until i can get my last 500 rep
17:23.47kadrahilimpossible to find a group ;(
17:24.00cladi need to do the same with CoT
17:24.05cladbut nothing in black morass gives rep
17:24.09cladexcept the rift lords, right?
17:24.37kadrahilyeah i'm pretty sure
17:24.49kadrahili'm almost exalted with CoT heh
17:24.53kadrahiljust from running normal BM so many times
17:25.10cladi need 3 rep
17:25.10kadrahilMana Tombs (heroic (must have Lower City: Revered))  1200  6
17:26.23kadrahillooks like i only need to clear heroic UB 6 times for exalted cenarion
17:26.49kadrahil<3 wowreputationcalculator
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17:35.50Lopeppeppykadrahil, is that a mod or a site?  Sounds like something to recommend to my pallies for their rep grinds.
17:36.54Shirikdreamss: nice
17:36.56JoshBorkekadrahil: i thought you stopped playing your hunter
17:39.15cladSomeone had an issue with LightHeaded, where it wouldn't load.  The solution: "Yes , i found the solution , in the security center from vista , when i desactive the user account security control i can see the text."
17:39.32haste_wth :D
17:39.44cladi mean honestly, how does that make sense
17:39.57cladIs it no way to keep the security and work with the addon ??? WOW was launched in Administrator mode.
17:40.25zenzelezzVista decided that text was a security risk
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17:41.32LopeppeppyAccept or deny?
17:41.54cladLopepeppy asked "Accept or deny?".  Accept or Deny?
17:43.03cog|workLopeppeppy: site
17:43.54cog|workclad: disabling UAC probably disabled the virtual store so WoW was actually looking in the Program Files folder for the lightheaded data.
17:44.02cog|workinstead of the user's virtual store folder
17:44.16cog|workwhich is why people shouldn't run wow from program files on vista
17:44.16cladhrm, i'm not really sure what any of that means
17:44.46Thunder_Childit means that vista screws with the program files folder
17:44.46JoshBorkevista is the lose
17:45.05cog|worksoftware developers that use their program's folder to store data are the lose
17:45.17Thunder_Childbut i wouldnt know, i have never installed anything there
17:45.31cog|workI love WoW's self-containedness but it goes against "best practices"
17:46.01Mr_Rabies2<cog|work> software developers that use their program's folder to store data are the lose
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17:46.03Mr_Rabies2i love it
17:46.06Mr_Rabies2screw the registry
17:46.09cladi happen to disagree
17:46.14cladwhy shouldn't data be a part of the software being used?
17:46.23Mr_Rabies2i love when programs are self contained
17:46.33Mr_Rabies2so i can just load it up on a flash drive or copy the folder across the network and play
17:46.40cog|worki love it too
17:46.41cladsounds like a misplaced diagnosis of "best practices"
17:46.49Mr_Rabies2i hate having to install programs
17:46.54Mr_Rabies2and deal with all that registry bloat
17:47.03cog|workbut it's not the way programs are supposed to behave in multi-user environments
17:47.12cladWhy not?
17:47.31cladI mean, i agree with you
17:47.32JoshBorkeno per user settings
17:47.40cladbut *shrug*
17:47.46foxlitJosh: per-machine settings?
17:47.58cladwell, multi-user installs ina  single user setting are the lose, plain and simple :P
17:48.01cladthats why i like having the optino
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17:48.06foxlitDon't try to launch wow at 2400x1200 with 8x FSAA on your laptop?
17:48.46cog|workclad: compare with unix...
17:49.11cladin unix there is a machine conf file, and per user conf override
17:49.14cog|workshould programs write their configuration settings to /bin where the exe resides?
17:49.16cladand that's how i feel it should be
17:49.41cog|work(using "exe" losely)
17:49.45cog|work(using "exe" loosely)
17:50.07clad*shrug* i don't think that's a fair comparison
17:50.25cladand the point is, no.. the conf files are stored in /etc
17:50.31cladand the user overrides are int he user's home directory
17:51.04cladI'm agreeing with you, that in a multi-user environment WoW doesn't have a great design (think cyber cafe)
17:51.28cladbut to claim that software best practices dictate somethign as specific as this seems rather silly
17:51.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Kamma (
17:51.55cladthats too broad of a generalization
17:51.58cladTake SciTe
17:51.59cog|workwhat's so specific about "don't write data to program files"?
17:52.03cladglobal and per-user preferences
17:52.09cladcan be unzipped anywhere you want
17:52.20Mr_Rabies2the only problem with wow's temp store
17:52.24cladcog|work: the writing of data isn't the problem.. the fact that a user can't put their data in the program fiels directory _is_ imo
17:52.25Mr_Rabies2is it stores under your account name
17:52.32Mr_Rabies2which can be an issue at cybercafes and stuff
17:52.43Mr_Rabies2they have half the info they need to gain access to accounts
17:53.10cladMr_Rabies2: agreed, that does suck
17:53.22cladcog|work: there isn't just one way to do things, is my point
17:53.28foxlitYou don't trust the cyber cafe, or you don't trust other users?
17:53.32cladfoxlit: yes
17:53.35cog|workclad but windows is designed to work in a certain way
17:53.39cog|workand people don't follow it
17:53.42foxlitIf it's the latter, cyber cafe can clear WTF when you sign out
17:53.43cladcog|work: ah, see you didn't mentino a word about windows
17:53.45cladwhich is what bothered me
17:53.51cog|workwhich is why so many people are having problems with vista
17:53.52foxlitIf you don't trust the cyber cafe, you're screwed.
17:54.07foxlitYou'll never be able to certify that the machine isn't logging your password as well.
17:54.08cog|workclad: the whole conversation was based on vista troubles :P
17:54.20KammaHey, is there anyone here that can explain how Auctioneer takes care of double counting when scanning?
17:54.24cladyou claimed "software best practices"
17:54.42KammaI'm writing a bare bones scanning mod
17:54.52cog|workclad: l2context imo
17:55.07cog|workI was responding directly to Thunder_Child's and JoshBorke's indictments of vista
17:55.14JoshBorkeVISTA FTL!
17:55.15cog|workand i was saying that it was the software makers
17:55.24cog|worknot vista
17:55.31cladwith the claim of "software best practices" rather than "Microsoft best practices"
17:55.47cladI'm not saying Vista is in the wrong
17:55.53cog|worklike i said
17:55.58cog|worki was under the context of vista
17:56.26JoshBorke~whalenuke the room
17:56.30purlACTION dons his radiation cloak and tinted glasses while a highly intelligent whale named Ray precipitates critical mass for uncontrolled nuclear fission around the room with his mind powers
17:56.30clad*shrug* the conversation at multiple points was discussing software in general, all I was trying to do was specify my position
17:56.30cog|workyou just grew the context of my statement without my authorization. I will sue you now.
17:56.35cladcog|work: try it bish
17:56.38cladi'll cut you
17:56.42cladand then sue you for letting me cut you
17:56.44cladi'd win too
17:56.49Beladonavista is my favorite windows os
17:57.03Beladonathere is no reason to make sweeping generalizations that it "fails"
17:57.10JoshBorkeBeladona: masochist :-P
17:57.13Beladonaits a matter of opinion
17:57.59cladalright, off to dinner
17:58.08Beladonawhile I do agree that in it's current state it may not be good for the general populace, I think that a majority of the "issues" are related to the user
17:58.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
17:58.19Beladonaand misconceptions
18:00.05cog|work(winning the suit against me for allowing him to cut me, that is)
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18:17.03XuerianBeladona: I like various features of it, but it seems to be very resource hungry ontop of the commonly tossed up issues
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18:17.56CideI've found most of the "commonly tossed up issues" to be false
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18:19.07LopeppeppyMisunderstanding breeds a lot of contempt, whatever the basis of the misunderstanding is.  *shrug*
18:19.19Beladonamuch of the hate attributed to Vista is "ZOMGWTFCHANGE!"
18:20.31Beladona"cannot wrap head around changes, so I will do it the old way evne though it isn't the way you do it now in vista. Then when it fails we will bitch about vista because it doesn't let us do it the old way, even though it told us so to begin with"
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18:21.16Mr_Rabies2i'm just waiting for the issues to be worked out
18:21.19Mr_Rabies2till sp1 or so
18:21.29LopeppeppySounds about how like the converting of websites from Dreamweaver to CMS is going, Beladona.
18:21.30cog|workwhich "the issues"?
18:21.33Thunder_Child3-4 months is to long
18:21.42Mr_Rabies2lots of backwards compatibilities problems
18:21.48Mr_Rabies2even worse than xp with older games
18:21.57Mr_Rabies2like tribes 1 has to be hacked up to work in vista
18:23.09Thunder_Childyou will spend $250 to get the latest OS, but wont pay money to get something other than an old ass free game?
18:23.33cog|workmost of the forced practices in Vista were "best" practices in XP but no one paid attention because the old way still worked. That's the root of the vast majority of incompatibilities
18:23.33Thunder_Child(even if it is a good one)
18:23.33LopeppeppySometimes the "old-ass free games" are the best thing you've ever played.  No reason why you should have to give them all up.
18:23.40cog|workso there's no point in waiting because most of the "issues" will not be "fixed"
18:23.42Mr_Rabies2Thunder_Child, it's one of the best games of all time
18:23.47Mr_Rabies2second only to TF2 for me
18:24.00cog|work(emphasis on "most" :P )
18:24.08Mr_Rabies2cog|work, Tribes came out in 1998
18:24.17Mr_Rabies2vista wasn't even a twinkle in microsoft's eye
18:24.29Mr_Rabies2my gripes are, there's no step forward
18:24.39cog|workMr_Rabies2: that makes it legitimately backwards-incompatible, imo
18:24.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn|afk (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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18:25.03Mr_Rabies2why spend 250 for something that is worse off overall
18:25.03Thunder_Childyou dont have to give it up, i am simply saying dont bitch that it has to be hacked to work with something new
18:25.10Mr_Rabies2there's nothing in vista that i care about that i can't do in xp
18:25.20cog|workMr_Rabies2: that's why I keep my copy of win98 around
18:25.22kd3heh... excuse me while I fall out of my chair
18:25.28cog|workit dual-boots nicely
18:25.31kd3people complaining about hacking apps to get them to work in a new OS
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18:26.24Mr_Rabies2there's no reason it shouldn't be backwards compatible, and it hear it's an issue with a lot of older opengl games
18:26.35Beladonathe "tribes1 has to be hacked up to work in vista" and similar complaints are all centered around people totally not understanding how UAC works
18:26.53Beladonaof course old programs are not going to work with UAC
18:26.57Mr_Rabies2most people i know just turn uac off
18:26.58Beladonarun them as administrator
18:27.12Thunder_ChildMr_Rabies2, at some point it's simply not worth it to go backwards compatible after a certian point
18:27.13BeladonaI keep uac on
18:27.29Mr_Rabies2Thunder_Child, at some point it's simply not worth it to upgrade after a certain point
18:27.41Mr_Rabies2there's nothing i care about enough in vista to upgrade
18:27.47Mr_Rabies2so why cut off my options and add more overhead
18:27.53Beladonaits like bitching that a cd player sucks because you can't put vinyl records in it
18:28.11Thunder_Childso dont, but dont bitch about vista
18:28.18Mr_Rabies2i'm not bitching about vista
18:28.23Mr_Rabies2i simply said i'll buy it when i think it's worth it
18:28.25Thunder_Childeh?, sounded like it
18:28.26Beladonanot you specifically
18:28.32Mr_Rabies2<Mr_Rabies2> i'm just waiting for the issues to be worked out
18:28.32Mr_Rabies2<Mr_Rabies2> till sp1 or so
18:28.44Beladonabut there are a lot of people that use that as an argument for "no one should use vista"
18:28.50Mr_Rabies2sp1 is my current benchmark to re-review its usefulness
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18:29.07Thunder_Childthats what...jan next year?
18:29.09Mr_Rabies2if it's still not useful to me i won't use it until i deem it necessary
18:29.10cog|workMr_Rabies2: I think everyone waiting for sp1 is just getting their hopes up
18:29.11BeladonaI don't deny that there are plenty of issues that need to be worked out in vista
18:29.14Thunder_Childmaybe feb...
18:29.18Beladonabut if anyone remembers xp
18:29.20cog|workmost of the problems aren't problems with the OS
18:29.22Beladonawhen it released
18:29.24Mr_Rabies2sure, beladona
18:29.26cog|workthey're problems with the software
18:29.26Mr_Rabies2i was the same about xp
18:29.27Beladonait was the same exact thing
18:29.36Mr_Rabies2i refused to use XP until the issues got worked out
18:29.43Mr_Rabies2and now it's a beast of an OS
18:30.26Mr_Rabies2cog|work, if you're paying money for something that's marketed as an upgrade, shouldn't it be an upgrade?
18:30.29Beladonapersonally, and this is totally my own opinion, Vista is the best Microsoft OS so far. I use it at work and at home, and I haven't looked back since
18:30.44Beladonabut not everyone will have the same experience
18:30.46cog|workMr_Rabies2:  it's not the OS that's the problem, it's the software
18:30.58Mr_Rabies2shouldn't they make it work with software that worked fine in xp?
18:31.04Beladonahell no
18:31.06Mr_Rabies2why not?
18:31.16Mr_Rabies2why should i pay to remove functionality
18:31.19Mr_Rabies2that makes no sense at all
18:31.20Beladonabecause software always has, and always will be, programmed and innovated for the platform
18:31.22Beladonanot the other way around
18:31.24cog|workit's not removing functionality
18:31.26Mr_Rabies2there's no additional functionality worth paying for
18:31.28Mr_Rabies2sure there is
18:31.35Mr_Rabies2if i can't play tribes on it, it's removing functionality
18:31.42|Jelly|To me, this is the same as bitching when Blizzard "breaks addons" ...
18:31.44Mr_Rabies2and i'm not gaining anything worthwhile to offset that
18:31.45Thunder_Child(10:32:18) (Mr_Rabies2) there's no additional functionality worth paying for
18:31.46Thunder_Child(10:32:20) (Mr_Rabies2) sure there is
18:31.49cog|workMr_Rabies2:  how do you feel about blizzard breaking addons?
18:31.52Beladonaits naive to say that there is no additional functionality worth paying for
18:31.56MentalPowerif tribes has issues with UAC, just run it as Admin, problem solved
18:32.03Beladonasecurity, programming features, that are tons of them
18:32.08Mr_Rabies2cog|work, it sucks, but as long as there's active developers it's not a problem
18:32.13Beladonaprograms just haven't harnessed them yet
18:32.14Mr_Rabies2especially with the code all being open source
18:33.11Mr_Rabies2if tribes was open source i wouldn't have a problem with it i suppose
18:33.11cog|worknot open source
18:33.11cog|workexposed source
18:33.11Mr_Rabies2same thing really, as far as i'm concerned
18:33.11Beladonaif you look a the basic MS programs, designed ffor Vista, you will see plenty of "new" things
18:33.11Mr_Rabies2it's free and available and i'll do what i want with it
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18:33.24MentalPowerMr_Rabies2: not the same, you can't take the Blizz source and redistribute it outside of WoW
18:33.28MentalPowernot legally anyways
18:33.30Mr_Rabies2i'm saying
18:33.41Mr_Rabies2as long as there's a way to keep the code working in one fashion i have no problems with it
18:33.41LopeppeppyYa know, this was a conversation I was sick of the first time I heard it.  Those who enjoy Vista enjoy it.  Those who feel the need to be evangelical about how great it is alienate the fence-sitters or convince them to swap.  The fence-sitters wait for more drivers for peripherals to be compatible.  The haters run down the fence-sitters and the evangelists and the lovers.  It's like... arguing about if the sky is blue, cerulean, or periwinkle.  
18:33.48Mr_Rabies2there's no way to reasonably make tribes work as it did in xp
18:33.48Beladonaits abandonware, that has been since "exposed"
18:33.53Mr_Rabies2it's hacky and broken
18:34.05kd3Lopeppeppy, welcome to the OS holy wars, windows version
18:34.16cog|workif you want to play a 10-year-old game, get a 10-year-old OS
18:34.20cog|workproblem solved
18:34.24Mr_Rabies2i'll stick with xp then
18:34.29Mr_Rabies2it plays my 10 year old games
18:34.30BeladonaI think the argument here is that there shouldn't be an argument
18:34.33Mr_Rabies2and does everything i need it to
18:34.34Beladonaits all opinion anyway
18:34.51Mr_Rabies2there's nothing in vista i care about to warrant cutting off being able to use some of my software for
18:34.52MentalPowerMr_Rabies2: do you blame Microsoft for "breaking" a game designed for win95 on winXP?
18:34.53Beladonaas long as there are no open fights about it, who cares if we discuss it?
18:35.12Mr_Rabies2i blame them for not getting off their asses and trying to fix it
18:35.16LopeppeppyPretty much, kd3.  No one ever wins a holy war.
18:35.16MentalPoweror for that matter do you blame Apple for breaking a game designed for OS9 when leopard came along?
18:35.24Beladonaits almost the same argument as the age old "Linux vs MS"
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18:36.06Mr_Rabies2if i'm paying (that much for it)for it there's no reason for it to have LESS functionality than its "downgrade"
18:36.06Mr_Rabies2minus one "for it"
18:36.06MentalPowerMr_Rabies2: its the same thing, old software cannot be guaranteed to last thru OS revisions
18:36.08cog|workMr_Rabies2: most of the things they broke, they broke on purpose. asking them to change it is like thinking WoW should give addons direct access to CastSpellByName so people can resume using pre-BC mods
18:36.11BeladonaI guess I don't see where it has lost any functionality
18:36.12MentalPowerthat has always been the case
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18:36.34zenzelezzgood god, first time I've had to /ignore a guild mate to stop myself from flaming
18:36.36Mr_Rabies2Beladona, i can't use some of my software
18:36.39KandokoMr_Rabies That's the attitude that makes windows such a hodgepodge nightmare of backwards compatablility vs stability
18:36.40Beladonait isn't the OS that lost functionality, it is the program that has lost developers to keep up with current software
18:36.40Mr_Rabies2that's lost functionality
18:37.00Beladonaand last I checked, tribes1 works fine in vista
18:37.04Mr_Rabies2beladona, either way, microsoft has active developers so there's no excuse
18:37.07Beladonajust not Out-Of_box
18:37.14Kandokopeeps want everything under the sun to run since dos, but if its unstable they bitch how bad windows is vs macosx
18:37.19cog|workMr_Rabies2: they don't /need/ an excuse
18:37.23Mr_Rabies2yeah you have to hack it together and it becomes incredibly unstable
18:37.30MentalPowerMr_Rabies2: MS has devs, but does tribes1 still have active devs?
18:37.35Mr_Rabies2cog|work, then they don't /need/ my money
18:37.39cog|workthey changed the way the OS functions for far more important reasons than being able to run a 10-year-old game
18:37.45Beladonaby your argument, the only way for a new OS to be successful is if it is backwards compatible with all software that was ever developed for it's predecessor
18:37.59Mr_Rabies2MentalPower, no, the source is long lost in a warehouse in france somewhere also
18:38.08MentalPowermy point exactly
18:38.09Thunder_ChildLopeppeppy, no killer bunnies in this crowd
18:38.19LopeppeppyI *am* the killer bunny, Thunder_Child.
18:38.24Mr_Rabies2Beladona, there's no reason it shouldn't be
18:38.33Mr_Rabies2they're making millions and charging a ton for it
18:38.34|Jelly|~hug Lopeppeppy
18:38.35purlACTION hugs Lopeppeppy
18:38.45cog|work<Mr_Rabies2>Beladona, there's no reason it shouldn't be
18:38.52MentalPowerMr_Rabies2: that would make the OS about 3-4times more massive than it already is
18:38.54Beladonathere is no reason Vista should be backwards compatible
18:38.58Thunder_Childuhh....then you just killed yourself Lopeppeppy
18:39.05Mr_Rabies2well then i won't use it until i feel it's worth it
18:39.08Beladonathis is exactly why they continue to support the previous OS for a number of eyars
18:39.10Mr_Rabies2which has been my arguement thusfar
18:39.11MentalPowerand would decrease stability, and increase support costs for all involved
18:39.20Beladonapeople that can't get past the old features, continue to use the old OS
18:39.24Mr_Rabies2there's no reason for me to use vista now
18:39.29Beladonauntil they CAN get past it
18:39.31Mr_Rabies2it's slower, has more overhead, and has no features i care about
18:39.39Beladonaor they don't, and they eventually lose support
18:39.44Beladonawhatever works
18:39.47cog|workMr_Rabies2: actually you've been making two points: 1) you have no desire or need to use vista, and 2) that MS is wrong for breaking compatibility
18:39.53cog|work2 is wrong
18:39.59Mr_Rabies2i'm not usually a microsoft hater at all
18:40.01Beladonaactually my vista system at home is faster than my xp system was
18:40.06Thunder_Childmore overhead in comparision to when the last os was released. the new OS takes advantige of new hardware
18:40.17cog|workBeladona: same here... especially boot time
18:40.20Thunder_Childjust like any game
18:40.23Mr_Rabies2i usually really really despise people who are all MIKKKRO$HAFT AMIRITE GUYS
18:40.28Mr_Rabies2but vista is a massive disappointment
18:40.29Mr_Rabies2so far
18:40.34Mr_Rabies2we'll see around sp 1 time
18:40.43mikmaCairenn: roflcopter and lollerskaters,
18:40.52cog|workMr_Rabies2: don't get your hopes up about SP1
18:40.55Mr_Rabies2Beladona, most games have a marked performance decrease in xp
18:40.59Mr_Rabies2i'm not cog|work
18:41.03Mr_Rabies2but it's my first re-review
18:41.08Mr_Rabies2if i have to wait for the next os, so be it
18:41.13cog|workMost of the incompatibilities are intentional, fundamental changes
18:41.22Mr_Rabies2Beladona, most games have a marked performance decrease in vista compared to xp
18:41.27Beladonathats because you are testing it on the same system
18:41.31kd3sweet, my wiimote jacket finally shipped
18:41.32Beladonavista has more overhead
18:41.35BeladonaI won't deny that
18:41.37Mr_Rabies2which is what i said
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18:41.58Mr_Rabies2it's slower and has more overhead and provides no extra functionality i care about yet
18:42.06Beladonait isn't slower
18:42.11cog|workumm.... you expect the next OS to really be more backwards-compatible with decades-old software?
18:42.13Beladonait just has a higher base requirement
18:42.26Beladonaits slower on your CURRENT system
18:42.29Beladonabut not all systems
18:42.30Mr_Rabies2cog|work, i expect it to retain its backwards compatibility, yes
18:42.35Mr_Rabies2it's slower than xp on the best system
18:42.42Mr_Rabies2it's got more overhead
18:42.55cog|workMr_Rabies2: get an easier-to-tab-complete name plx
18:43.05Mr_Rabies2you can use Mr_Rabies
18:43.08Mr_Rabies2that pings me too
18:43.27Mr_Rabies2anything with rabies in it, really
18:43.45Beladonamy current system at home is faster than an equally configured xp system. Granted part of that is because I would have to run 64bit windows xp, which is slower than vista x64 anyway.
18:43.46cog|workMr_Rabies2: you said "if i have to wait for the next os, so be it" as if you were expecting Windows 7 to work with Tribes
18:43.51Mr_Rabies2beladona, the only difference is people making ramdrives and storing the os on it and whatnot
18:43.53Mr_Rabies2no cog
18:44.02Beladonabut if I run x86 windows xp, I lose memory usage
18:44.03Thunder_Childmore overhead than xp yes, but you have to look at the relitive hardware that is currently out atm
18:44.05Mr_Rabies2i'm expecting added functionality to be worth losing tribes
18:44.07Beladonawhich would still be slower
18:44.14Mr_Rabies2Thunder_Child, that's not a valid arguement
18:44.17Beladonaregardless, in both cases, vista ends up being faster
18:44.18Thunder_Childyes it is
18:44.21Thunder_Childsame thing for games
18:44.44Mr_Rabies2most people i know that have played crysis run it in xp
18:44.45Beladonaoh and I don't use a "ramdrive"
18:44.47Mr_Rabies2same with most other games
18:46.03Beladonaits splitterific today
18:46.03Mr_Rabies2because they're a noticable performance decrease when running in vista versus xp
18:46.03Mr_Rabies2even on the newest games
18:46.03Thunder_Childbe that as it may i am saying that vista is built with the newist hardware in mind, like any game
18:46.03BeladonaI still think that the majority of that is due to the hardware being used
18:46.03Mr_Rabies2even on topend stuff
18:46.15Mr_Rabies2i've talked to people with amazing machines
18:46.16Beladonarunning Crysis on xp versus Vista is hardly an exact comparison
18:46.17Beladonayou are comparing DX9 to DX10
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18:46.34Beladonawhich means the games would be different anyway
18:46.34Mr_Rabies2they still run crysis in xp or dx9 mode
18:46.58cog|workwhy shouldn't a new OS take advantage of increased CPU power? I'm sure in 10 years you'll be making the same comparison between vista and its successor
18:46.58Thunder_Childya, helgate dx10, i have 2 options for my shaders, extreme and ultra high...
18:46.58Thunder_Childonly in dx9 can you go lower
18:46.58Mr_Rabies2because xp can take advantage of it just as well
18:47.01Mr_Rabies2and with less overhead, even better
18:47.24cog|workand actually, most of the overhead is caused by desktop composition
18:47.27Beladonaso what you are saying is, XP is faster and better on a game that uses less graphics overhead to begin with when run on XP
18:47.40cog|workdisable that and you get MAYBE a 5-10% FPS decrease
18:47.40BeladonaI can agree with that
18:48.07MentalPowerunless you either have a medium-grade system or you're running several resource intensive apps at the same time, vista will be faster
18:48.08kd3this is pretty nice
18:48.11Mr_Rabies2i'm saying that every game i've looked up runs better in xp with heavy benchmarking
18:48.17kd3much better grip with the new condom for the wiimote
18:48.29Mr_Rabies2the only difference is if you go above XP's RAM cap
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18:48.49Mr_Rabies2speaking of condoms for the wiimote
18:48.52Beladonaguess I don't see the need
18:48.59Thunder_Childkd3, unless it's flavored or otherwise edible, it's all the same
18:49.18BeladonaI mean, 115 fps in WoW on my Vista x64 rig means I could care less if XP might give me 5-10 more frames
18:49.31Mr_Rabies2i saw a picture of a woman enjoying her wii in a unique example of emergent gameplay floating around the internet
18:49.53Mr_Rabies2Beladona, i'm talking 30 vs 75 fps and whatnot
18:50.04Thunder_Childi cant remeber, do wiimotes have "rumble" in them?
18:50.08Mr_Rabies2and a speaker
18:50.12Beladona30 vs 75?
18:50.29Beladonaanyone getting 30fps in Vista is using a shity system to begin with
18:50.41MentalPoweror using VSync
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18:50.47Beladonathat too
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18:51.16Beladonahow much is a wiimote by itself?
18:51.20Mr_Rabies2Beladona, or playing crysis
18:51.25BeladonaI want one just to use for wow
18:51.28Mr_Rabies2sure you do
18:51.45Mr_Rabies2i dunno i think they're like 20 or 30
18:52.06Thunder_ChildBeladona, no you dont...though it works well with the ir port on laptops
18:52.33kd3bluetooth too if you've got a bluetooth device in your computer
18:52.36BeladonaI only want it for fishing
18:52.37Mr_Rabies2plus a nunchuck
18:52.40Mr_Rabies2which is 20
18:52.47Beladonanot worth 40 bucks
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18:53.29Mr_Rabies2not for how limited it is outside of use on the wii itself
18:53.42Mr_Rabies2the 360 controller, on the other hand, is amazing for pc gaming
18:54.00Mr_Rabies2i'd imagine the ps3's would be too but i haven't used it
18:54.18Mr_Rabies2on a pc, that is
18:54.18Mr_Rabies2dunno how the drivers, etc work
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18:55.00Beladonait doesn't have motion sensing though
18:55.03Beladonawhich negates the need
18:55.03Mr_Rabies2but the motion sensing is anything but reliable or accurate
18:55.03BeladonaI should see if I cna hack my iphone to use as a fishing controller
18:55.28Thunder_Childdoes it have an acceleromiter?
18:55.28Thunder_Childi didnt think so
18:55.39Mr_Rabies2yeah :P
18:55.40Mr_Rabies2it's just not very accurate
18:55.45kd3it's got one for the vertical<->horizontal mode flip
18:55.46Beladonathats how they detect vertical vs horizontal
18:55.46MentalPoweryeah it does, thats what it uses to rotate the image
18:56.05Mr_Rabies2oh on the iphone
18:56.13Mr_Rabies2i thought you meant for the wiimote
18:56.19Beladonathere is an app somewhere that shows debug data from the accelerometer
18:56.33Mr_Rabies2it's got a pretty cheap accelerometer and stuff so it's not very accurate
18:56.38Mr_Rabies2but i guess they gotta keep costs down
19:00.34Mr_Rabies2i wish i was better at mirc scripting
19:00.45Mr_Rabies2there's no good netsplit detection scripts
19:00.54Mr_Rabies2the one i got uses alternating caps for its announcements
19:01.11Mr_Rabies2like NeTsPliT dEtEcTeD!
19:01.19Mr_Rabies2i mean honestly
19:01.23Mr_Rabies2what is this, 1995
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19:11.32Kelfarrok i got 3 hours before my next class to create the art i made yesterday ingame with eepanels
19:11.49|Jelly|plenty of time
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19:14.34art3misrenewing a service contract with a multi office manager and there's a good chance we're just gonna barter for an office instead
19:14.37art3misyay free midtown office ;)
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19:42.37kd3damn it, me too
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19:46.23Lunessais freenode just wonky today?
19:47.09mikmanosy network
19:47.27zenzelezzfreenode always had an on-connect CTCP, didn't they?
19:47.47cladhairethey're being DDOS'd.
19:47.48cladhaireso :P
19:47.53cog|workLunessa: there was a notice earlier
19:48.00Maldiviazenzelezz: don't know about always, but for a long time
19:48.03LunessaAh, missed it.
19:48.22zenzelezzMaldivia: yeah, I used the word a bit carelessly; but you took my meaning
19:48.24mikma~<2040> -LoRez- [Global Notice] I apologize for the trip through splitsville the past couple of days.  Apparently we've annoyed a kiddie and he doesn't have anything better to do than packet a few of our servers.  We're working with our sponsors to block the traffic.
19:49.47cncfanaticsat least DDOS microsoft then ?
19:49.52cncfanaticsbut why would u DDOS freenode ?
19:50.03kd3because script kiddies are idiots
19:50.07Industrialangry kids
19:50.15Mr_Rabies2zomg i got glined
19:50.19LunessaBecause you're a tard with too much sugar and anger, and not enough sense?
19:50.24Mr_Rabies2time to fire up ddos.exe lols
19:50.46mikmaLunessa: "too much sugar and anger" .. that's brilliant!
19:51.03cncfanaticsI'm an idiot that found on the inet a step by step instruction on how to DDOS
19:51.06cncfanaticsyeeeeeey I got bandwith
19:51.08LunessaI r teh wikked sick funneh
19:52.04LunessaSo I dusted off my druid yesterday and tanked an instance.  Suddenly I'm a lot more sympathetic to druids desire for better macro support of shapeshifting.
19:52.42foxlitWonder what my client does to global notices
19:52.42Mr_Rabies22.3 is vastly improving all of that
19:52.59Mr_Rabies2you can click cat form from bear and visually you go straight from one to the other more or less
19:53.01cncfanaticsLunessa, what shapeshifting support are u lacking thats not in 2.3 ?
19:53.12LunessaI know.  I'm looking forward to it.
19:53.41LunessaNothing.  I'm just no longer blase about there already being enought support in 2.2
19:53.56art3misluny missed the ability to transform into a car
19:54.40cncfanaticsif I could choose between a bird or a car, I'd pick the bird
19:55.42Mr_Rabies2what if the car was a delorean
19:55.42art3misassuming that density changes as well i suppose
19:56.06Mr_Rabies2that could travel time
19:56.19art3misonly if it could go 80mph
19:56.39art3miswhich iof course according to the movies was far to difficult for the delorean
19:57.10art3misspare gasoline!??! what is this madness!
19:57.45art3mis88 == hh, the professor was a nazi ;)
19:58.32Mr_Rabies2if he was a nazi wouldnt he like
19:58.35art3misyou have to stop your great grand daughter! she's going to get married to a blackman!
19:58.46Mr_Rabies2go back to 1945 and bring hitler back
19:59.01Mr_Rabies2or something
19:59.04Industrialhe'd go to 1940 and give him the atomic bomb
19:59.26art3misbut it wouldnt have the right amount of energy so they'd have to wait for a lightning storm over england
19:59.28Mr_Rabies2like that guy in justice league unlimited
19:59.28Kelfarrok done the action bar part
19:59.38Mr_Rabies2who made big mechs and stuff
19:59.45Mr_Rabies2and gave them to the nazis
20:00.04Industrialjustice league unlimited?
20:00.08Industrialsmells american.
20:00.36Mr_Rabies2it's an awesome dc comic show
20:00.55Mr_Rabies2its incredibly complex and violent for a kid's show
20:02.23Esamynn*SUCK* !!!
20:02.23art3misnetsplits rule!
20:02.24Esamynn~gag art3mis
20:02.25purlACTION takes away the voice of art3mis and, as an additional precaution, sews art3mis's mouth shut permanently...
20:02.26BeladonaI am voerdue for one
20:02.32art3misits a way of showing that freenodes autoimmune has been compromised
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20:02.56art3miswhats really bad is single server splits where there are no other nodes ;P
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20:04.25Thunder_Childwhat i want to know is why does rclicking on an icon in the start bar take forever to load the menu
20:05.10Mr_Rabies2too many shell scripts
20:05.19Mr_Rabies2or one badly coded one
20:07.16zenzelezzusually only happens to me if the target file is no longer present or has been moevd
20:08.01MentalPowerthat happens to me when I'm on a box running Novell NetWare
20:08.37Mr_Rabies2your mom's a box running novell netware
20:09.04MentalPower~lart Mr_Rabies2
20:09.04purlstrangles Mr_Rabies2 with a 9-pole serial cable
20:09.19purlthanks, MentalPower
20:09.19art3misshe loves the bnc hard connects
20:09.34MentalPower~lart art3mis
20:09.34purlnabs the moon and broadsides art3mis with the sea of tranquility
20:09.41purlACTION dodges!
20:09.50MentalPower~fail art3mis
20:09.50purlart3mis: Fail.
20:09.55art3mis~win art3mis
20:09.56purlCongratulations, art3mis! You have won a one way ticket to baghdad!
20:10.03Thunder_Childzenzelezz, nope wrong
20:10.04art3misim not sure thats a win
20:11.08zenzelezzThunder_Child: no, I'm correct, because I am only talking about my experience
20:11.38Thunder_Childnope, you fial
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20:23.24Raynehiya :P
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20:24.08kd3we got down to -2c this morning
20:24.08kd3guess that means the growing season's come to an end
20:25.07art3misi wonder if my switch at the office has the ability to monitor BW consuption per ip assignment
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20:25.19Cairennnaw, it just moves into closets in university dorm rooms the world over
20:25.34Thunder_Childlol Cairenn
20:27.20cncfanaticsHijo de la luna, why do I like that song go damn much ?
20:28.52KelfarrNo gym for home, work out floor with 30, but is it for 20 like 30 lb when you no lift it to be for men, for 30 lbs instead? or half is 10 for 20 pounds?
20:30.53RayneKel, come break my hands so I can stop screwing with my UI
20:31.24cncfanaticsRayne, what addons u messing with ?
20:31.26Kelfarri am screwing with mine
20:31.28Kelfarralmost done!
20:32.27Raynedid you see my updated one?
20:33.14RayneProbably not I just posted it like at 3am my time last night :|
20:33.34KelfarrYes I saw
20:33.44Kelfarrlooks great
20:35.23Rayneim debating if I want to get rid of CML
20:35.35KelfarrI was just debating getting it and decided no
20:36.21Raynewell, its kinda outta place, I cant think of anywhere to put it
20:36.26KelfarrI was also debating changing the color of all the text on my chat to one color
20:36.34Kelfarrdo you think I should to help it flow or not
20:36.46Rayneand I wish it had a fadeout option and visable on hover but it doesnt...
20:36.51Rayneum, get me a new SS let me see
20:37.00Rayneim eating my "breakfast"
20:37.05Rayne3:30 in the afternoon :|
20:38.39Kelfarri am home from school until 2:00pm its 12:38 now
20:38.47Kelfarrjust gotta finish the map then I will send you one
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20:39.52Rayneis IRC broken or something?
20:39.52|Jelly|script kiddie
20:40.15dolby-wowi[Global Notice] I apologize for the trip through splitsville the past couple of days. Apparently we've annoyed a kiddie and he doesn't have anything better to do than packet a few of our servers. We're working with our sponsors to block the traffic.
20:40.15*** join/#wowi-lounge dashkal (
20:40.28dashkalIs there a wikipage/guide/forum thread/whatever that describes how taint works?
20:40.50Kelfarrjust search it on google :P
20:40.52Kelfarractually don't
20:41.06Raynebut yeah Kel just gimme a link lemme see what youre up to :P
20:41.10EsamynnI believe Iriel did a write up once upon a time
20:41.52Kelfarrone sec I gotta finish adding the border to the minimap
20:42.42Raynetake your time, im questing on my hunter
20:43.23Kelfarronly be about 20 minutes
20:43.44dashkalEsamynn: Thank you.  Googling for Iriel Taint worked
20:44.15Cairennthat just sounded wrong, dashkal :p
20:44.44Thunder_Childdirty minded person
20:45.04Cairennand you're one to talk?
20:45.14Thunder_Childthe lack of wholesome family values in this channel is sadening
20:45.28Thunder_Childno, but i will anyways
20:47.19Kelfarrthis girl don't ask much does she
20:47.25Kelfarrsomeone posted this on a forum i go on
20:49.06zenzelezz"which means you will spend more than just 10 minutes doing it...."
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20:51.10foxlit for all you rejoiners
20:51.14Thunder_Childthe list is nice....but i dont think i would like that person
20:51.23Kelfarrwell no wonder she is single
20:51.24Kelfarrand 38
20:51.38Thunder_Childi think that is by choice
20:52.13Esamynnfoxlit: bah, that news is a day old :P
20:52.28foxlitThat's not really the purpose for linking it
20:52.40foxlitJust find it strange that a wow patch announcement makes it to slashdot
20:53.11Thunder_Childit is a large's what..the 3rd or 4th major patch in wow history i think
20:53.33Thunder_Childthere was the one with nax
20:53.51Thunder_Childthe series with all of the talent changes
20:54.41Kelfarrchanged the honor system
20:55.33Raynei hate questing alone
20:55.57zenzelezzhm, was MH + BT same patch or different ones? I can't recall
20:56.06EsamynnI note there is an added "comment"
20:56.06Esamynnbelow the news paragraph
20:56.23kd3mh/bt were both 2.1.0
20:56.53Thunder_Childhmm..someone should make a fancy timeline of wow patches
20:57.20nevcairielmh was always in
20:57.22foxlitTags are nice
20:57.22foxlit"!news, wedontcare"
20:57.23foxlitHrm, so far I've soloed every 60 5-man except DM
20:58.12RayneDM West is easy up until the end
20:58.14foxlitFor level-appropriate groups, those instances are probably a bit too difficult, considering the 60 raiding difficulty curve is non-existant
21:00.28foxlitHyjal was in 2.0 proper, BT was introduced in 2.1
21:00.39zenzelezzhm, I thought they unlocked MH in some patch
21:00.45kd3but no one got in to hyjal until 2.1 with the kael nerfs
21:00.56foxlitIt wasn't even the kael nerfs :)
21:00.59zenzelezzoh, so it was just Kael being an ass that stopped people?
21:01.09foxlitVials weren't multi-drop pre 2.1
21:01.16zenzelezzhm, true
21:01.32foxlitSo to get a raid attuned, you'd have to spend more time than 2.0 was out on it
21:02.16foxlitSo while 2.1 didn't introduce Hyjal, it might be considered to have opened it anyway
21:03.12nevcairielthat was their blocker
21:03.15nevcairielbecause it wasnt done :)
21:04.27foxlitFind that hard to determine
21:05.38foxlitBut it's logical :)
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21:06.27zenzelezz2.1.0 patch notes: "The number of preliminary waves before each boss in the Caverns of Time: Battle for Mount Hyjal event has been reduced from 12 to 8 [...]", so yeah, it was most likely open
21:06.51zenzelezzsorry, 2.1.2
21:06.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Copilot (
21:06.54zenzelezzbut still :-)
21:07.28kadrahilanyone use the OSX wow client?
21:07.37Copilotso my internet turns off for 5 minutes i restart my computer and all my firefox bookmarks are gone...
21:07.42kadrahilis there a way to set the OSX menu bar to not pop down when you move the mouse to the top of the screen when wow is in full screen windowed mode?
21:07.47*** part/#wowi-lounge Copilot (
21:07.49zenzelezzno mention in any of the patch notes about it being opened... so I was indeed mistaken about it ever being locked
21:08.06kd3it was never locked, just impossible to get enough people in to
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21:08.16Copilotthis is kelfarr bt
21:08.29zenzelezzkd3: that still means I was wrong =)
21:11.07Megatfhere's a link to my thread
21:11.18MegatfIf anyone has a spare EU wow account that they wouldn't mind letting me use for posting in the hunter forums, that'd be amazing!
21:14.39MentalPowerCopilot: next time you can use "/msg nickserv ghost Kelfarr <yourPassWordGoesHere>"
21:16.21Raynedamn I kinda wanna go back to sleep
21:20.53|Jelly|So go back to sleep.
21:21.13Lunessa... "please give me your account info so I can shard your epics and troll your realmz!"
21:22.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
21:23.37Thunder_Childomg...vistas driver recovery thing worked for me for the first time ever
21:23.42Thunder_Childvideo driver*
21:24.02Thunder_Child*sniff* *tear*
21:24.15Cide-has worked for me every single time
21:24.38Thunder_Childhas always BSoD'd after trying for ~1 min
21:27.09Raynehi Jelly :P
21:29.31Thunder_Childis there a handy site for textures for wow?
21:29.50cog|workThunder_Child: you can extract all of them with the addon kit
21:29.54Rayneam I the only person that thinks Anderson Cooper is a crappy reporter?
21:30.02Thunder_Childcustom textures cog|work
21:31.53*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
21:32.02Fisker-anyone here got any leotheras experience?
21:32.05Lunessa - not updated often
21:32.57*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
21:33.13Thunder_Childya, tried that Lunessa
21:33.16Thunder_Childthanks though
21:34.02LunessaYou know, you could just browse various compilations and hork any textures you like for your own use...
21:36.18kd3the BGD's saying no data is available for 2.3
21:37.37*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
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21:47.08foxlitGuard fengus: "You da man now, dog!"
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21:49.31foxlitLeotheras = <3
21:53.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Obelixprime (n=Chris@
21:53.43|Jelly|I think you should be able to like shock chat tech support people when they're stupid.
21:54.17|Jelly|Imelda Johnson: Thank you for waiting, based on the result of the line test you are 100% connected to the server.
21:54.48|Jelly|No shit? Wow...that's amazing...
21:55.47|Jelly|Imelda Johnson: But for now , you are connected right?
21:55.49purlACTION facepalms at the situation
21:56.41*** join/#wowi-lounge fridgid (n=Fridgid@
22:00.41LunessaEvery time someone says "wut" I want to yell, "English Motherfucker! Do you speak it?"
22:00.54|Jelly|To which they'd respond "wut" ?
22:01.49LunessaTo which I should be free to respond with *hail of gunfire*
22:02.39TC-Holdingis there a way to get rid of the borders around the chat boxes?
22:02.45*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
22:04.13MentalPowerThunder_Child: you can hide those components
22:10.08foxlitThey're probably defiend as the frame's backdrop
22:10.12MentalPoweryou need to hide the ChatFrameXResize* frames
22:10.30Thunder_Childso..dart or similar?
22:11.42MentalPowerrun this macro: "/run for k,v in pairs(_G) do if k:match("ChatFrame%dResize") then v:Hide() end end"
22:12.18Thunder_Childdidnt do anything
22:12.20MentalPoweryou will be unable to resize the chatframes after that tho
22:12.34MentalPowerthey're gone in mine
22:12.53Thunder_Childwell i cant move them..but the borders arent gone
22:14.16MentalPowerthe borders that you want to kill are the ones that are slightly darker color than the rest of the chatframes
22:14.23MentalPoweror is it some other border
22:14.29Thunder_Childsilver border
22:14.35Thunder_Childnot default?
22:14.52Thunder_Childdamn...addon hunting time
22:14.55Thunder_Childthanks anyway
22:14.58MentalPowerlol, sorry
22:18.02foxlitLeopard's "inactive" chrome loks odd
22:18.20*** join/#wowi-lounge [KzM]Fatalis (
22:18.27Thunder_Childi love how i can completely miss an addon called "ChatFrameBorders"
22:24.56Thunder_Childya, i can be retarded with the best of them
22:26.44MentalPowerwe all can
22:29.47*** part/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
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22:35.46Raynestill debating if I wanna get rid of CML...
22:36.02|Jelly|I use Timex
22:37.05Rayne just looks so outta place to me :/
22:37.23*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop (
22:37.23RayneAnd I just died doing the darkmoon faire cannon
22:37.30Raynei win so hard
22:42.07*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter_ (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
22:42.27Mr_Rabies2or blue
22:42.33foxlitSoloed all 60 5-man content.
22:42.52Mr_Rabies2shattrath is like a doom 2 map
22:42.57Mr_Rabies2it's all brown and grey and boring
22:43.00Mr_Rabies2hate it :[
22:43.02CidanI agree
22:43.11CidanThat's when I lost interest in the game actually
22:43.15CidanShattrath is depressing
22:43.16Mr_Rabies2i hope dalaran is a complete foil to it
22:43.16RayneI hope they at least make Dalaran look gorgeous
22:43.28CidanIs Dalaran coming?
22:43.28Mr_Rabies2massive floating stuff everywhere
22:43.33CidanDid I miss a news post or something?
22:43.35Mr_Rabies2in wotlk
22:43.43Mr_Rabies2it's the central hub for northrend
22:44.02Cidan...Dalaran is?
22:44.10CidanI take it that's how you get there, then?
22:45.25buuIf you think shatratth is gray and boring, you might want to get your monitor looked at..
22:45.26Mr_Rabies2they's makin it float
22:45.34Mr_Rabies2shattrath IS grey and brown and boring
22:45.41foxlitNorthrend... on frikken propellers!
22:45.47buuThere's like, zero gray, anywhere.
22:45.55buusort of a tan'ish brown maybe.
22:45.56Mr_Rabies2and like
22:46.05Mr_Rabies2highlights on the structures
22:46.09Mr_Rabies2it's far too muted and gloomy
22:46.13Mr_Rabies2it looks like a doom 2 map
22:46.51buuI've never really thought of it that way.
22:47.00Raynethanks for using my SS as your example
22:47.00buuIt seems more sunny normally.
22:47.08buuYour SS is fairly muted example.
22:47.18Mr_Rabies2what all of shatt looks like
22:47.25Mr_Rabies2the mostcolorful thing in shatt is the npc names
22:47.41buuIt so isn't.
22:47.44buuWhen it's sunny!
22:48.42Mr_Rabies2i don't think shattrath has differing day/night cycles
22:48.45Mr_Rabies2i think it's the same all the time
22:49.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwor1 (
22:49.18Rayne wtb screenspace.
22:49.25Mr_Rabies2they kinda failed at their concept art for terokkar
22:50.06Mr_Rabies2do you(or they) play at 1024x768 or is that scaled
22:51.08Rayneeven with that rez, you can do alot better :/
22:51.37Mr_Rabies2i've gotta get a haircut
22:51.53Mr_Rabies2i've got a mountainman + murderface from metalocalypse + einstein going on
22:52.11foxlitIt's easy to compress that, tbh
22:52.15Mr_Rabies2my hair absolutely will not stay combed, and i have a full beard, so i look like a homeless guy
22:52.28foxlitYou do not need the clock/ui ram/latency gouges
22:52.32Mr_Rabies2i've gotta cut it so i can control that crap
22:52.47foxlitYou do not need a combat log
22:52.53foxlitOr, rather, a distinct combat log
22:53.21foxlitThe whole portal/teleport bar can go as well; rare enough to use the spellbook
22:53.39buuPortals should go on geist imo.
22:57.16Esamynnyou said youwere bored :P
22:57.30Raynemy face ;_;
22:57.52*** join/#wowi-lounge fridg (n=Fridgid@
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23:11.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
23:12.04Wobwor1what's with all the mad netsplits recently?
23:12.21Mr_Rabies2script kiddy ddosing freenode
23:12.25Thunder_Childsomeone is not happy with freenode
23:13.10*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
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23:15.03*** part/#wowi-lounge dashkal (
23:15.41AnduinLotharanyone here use recount?
23:16.29Mr_Rabies2your mother
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23:17.38Wobwor1I do
23:18.04AnduinLotharwhat do you like about it over other meters?
23:18.21cladhairezomgace imo
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23:18.27Mr_Rabies2i use violation, if recount is a damagemeter
23:18.32Wobwor1thanks clad =P
23:18.39Wobwor1For that unbiased opinion =P
23:18.47Mr_Rabies2just because it's everything i loved about damagemeters but prettier :P
23:18.51cladhairejust throwing it out there
23:18.57Wobwor1It's -always- out there
23:19.01Wobwor1you don't need to reiterate
23:19.24Wobwor1I like recount cause of the breakdown of skills used
23:19.27Wobwor1and the death report
23:19.33Wobwor1and the cc breaks
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23:19.47Wobwor1it's useful for analysing how certain people play
23:19.49AnduinLotharcc breaks?
23:19.54Wobwor1it shows who breaks cc
23:19.59Mr_Rabies2oh man
23:20.02Mr_Rabies2i'm getting tha
23:20.07Mr_Rabies2i will hound the hell out of people
23:20.15AnduinLotharif that's all you want there's a mod that reports it to chat
23:20.37AnduinLotharTattle i think
23:20.40JoshBorkei use it for deathcount
23:20.43Mr_Rabies2Noobalas just broke Sheep, don't blame me for your quick and painful deaths!
23:20.49JoshBorkedeathlog rather
23:20.58Wobwor1I like running it, seeing what equipment people have, then seeing how they use their skills
23:21.02AnduinLotharso it stores what time each person died?
23:21.04Wobwor1deathlog is useful
23:21.12JoshBorkeAnduinLothar: it stores how they died
23:21.18Wobwor1it stores the last X seconds on each person's death
23:21.30Wobwor1so you can see the heals/damages til death
23:21.34AnduinLotharah, how as in the last thing or all dmg?
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23:21.43Wobwor1from 100% down
23:21.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae_ (
23:24.56Wobwor1oh and it has shiny graphs too
23:25.31AnduinLotharyeah, saw those
23:25.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (
23:25.31Copilotback from school!
23:25.31JoshBorkegraphs are overrated
23:25.31AnduinLotharis it missing any features you wish it had?
23:25.34JoshBorkeresizable deathlog
23:25.54AnduinLotharcan you scroll the meter?
23:26.06Wobwor1a more customisable battle sectioning
23:26.12AnduinLotharthat's one thing i dont liek about swstats
23:26.20AnduinLotharis that you cant scroll
23:26.29Wobwor1at the moment it stores them in groups of combat
23:26.38Wobwor1but I'd like to be able to merge groups
23:26.48Wobwor1or record more than (I think it's 4 or 5)
23:26.54Wobwor1it does
23:26.55JoshBorkeyea, 5 is the limit
23:27.11Wobwor1how do you mean scroll the meter?
23:27.25AnduinLotharlike the normal bars
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23:27.38AnduinLotharyou can see x many and scroll upa nd down with mouse wheel liek DM
23:27.41Wobwor1You only see 1-10 and you want to see 5-15?
23:27.56Wobwor1yeah, you can do that
23:28.03Wobwor1I wonder why swstats doesn't do that
23:28.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphon (n=gryphon@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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23:30.24Copilotgod i love 12 year olds
23:30.37Copilotthat came out wrong
23:31.07JoshBorkewhy is 12 the magic number?
23:31.24Valaron|WorkPuberty sets in.
23:31.38Copilotthey start using the computer
23:31.50foxlitOutleet them!
23:32.04Copiloti did scroll down
23:32.14Copilothow can i change my name back to kelfarr?
23:32.38foxlitJust give a reply as an incomprehensible bunch of numbers and inappropriate-looking abbriviations
23:32.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kelfarr (
23:32.47Kelfarrok there we go?
23:33.14Wobwor1"You Got Neudered"?
23:34.43mikmai still like your responses
23:37.07Kelfarrlol some guy made a topic saying his finger is getting sore from being a clicker so someone suggest a better mouse and keybinding and he said "what UI is that"
23:38.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
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23:57.21*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (n=kd3@
23:57.58kd3oh wow, that's fucked up. seems like the apartment complex's network is screwing with wow's data packets
23:58.07kd3wireshark keeps complaining about TCP Checksum Incorrect
23:58.29kd3my roommate and I keep getting stuck at retrieving character list
23:58.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (

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