IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071107

00:00.09ShirikI'm going to have to write a conspiracy addon now to watch my spellsurge proc
00:00.22Shirikcreate a 50s timer on proc
00:02.17LinMentalPower: ty!
00:04.25MentalPowerLin: np, anytime
00:04.37TemI wish I understood css properly
00:04.42Temit would save me so much headache
00:05.47*** join/#wowi-lounge the-golem (
00:05.53LinMentalPower: this shows a lot of framenames.
00:06.26MentalPowerits all the frames that are under the cursor
00:06.27Linhmmm got.
00:06.27MentalPowerDevTools has the same list, albeit in a GUI and better organized
00:06.29purlIriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
00:07.01MentalPoweruse /dtframestack
00:08.14Linim trying to use visor2 but seem too weird to use
00:08.47cog|workMentalPower: that macro's very inefficient...           /run local frame = GetMouseFocus(); if frame then ChatFrame1:AddMessage(frame:GetName()) end
00:09.14*** join/#wowi-lounge art3mis (
00:09.21KasoThat only works with mouse enabled frames though does it not
00:09.25MentalPowerthat only gets the frame if its capable of getting focus
00:09.29art3misboobies yay \o/
00:09.30MentalPower(what Kaso said)
00:09.48KasoMentalPower's is basically DevTools Frame stack in a macro
00:09.56cog|workwell, mine's useful for anything you can click
00:09.58art3misif i fdisk /mbr itll wipe out grub right?
00:10.05cog|workart3mis: yes
00:10.10art3misno traces?
00:10.20cog|workunless you installed grub in the boot sector of the partition
00:10.26art3missince grub sits on its own little partition
00:10.41Lincog|work's command is more useful for newbies as me
00:10.55art3misi need a good boot manager
00:11.02Linart3mis: grub is a good one
00:11.04art3misfor ubuntu/osx/xp
00:11.08cog|workwhat's wrong with grub?
00:11.16Linart3mis: dunno anything better.. do you?
00:11.28art3miscant think of anything nope ;P
00:11.36Linosx for intel?
00:11.48Linosx what are the pre-requisites?
00:11.49art3misermm amd
00:12.11art3misits running on my amd64x2 acer laptop right now
00:12.11Linosx86 freely downloaded from internet?
00:12.35art3misborrowed from the internet would be a better description
00:13.16art3misim figuring that if i can make it work decently on my desktop since its kind of novelty on my laptop, that ill actually just purchase it
00:13.22art3misthen im legit sorta
00:13.26Linart3mis: got it. you're doing a little backup, who knows.. maybe all mac computers from world can crash at same time. you have a safe backup here.
00:13.33art3misheh since technically its not supposed to run on amd hardware
00:13.49cog|workart3mis: technically it's not supposed to run on ANY hardware except macs
00:14.15Linart3mis: there is any caveat to make it work on non macpc computers? or you just installed?
00:14.31art3misyes but macs are intel
00:14.43art3misand all the parts in intel macs are freely avaiablt to pcs ;P
00:14.50CidanYou mean Macs are x86
00:14.59cog|workart3mis: that's what osx86 does: allow you to install OSX on non-apple hardware
00:15.00art3misits just bsd ;P
00:15.41art3misgo read up there if you're curious and have a free drive to mess around with
00:15.51art3misbut if it does work an you use it alot purchase it ;P
00:16.03art3misnot that jobs needs his ego stroked ;P
00:16.13art3missupposedly teir actually working on amd macs now too
00:16.39LinCidan: hi  there
00:16.46art3miswhat i think is gonna be funny is if they actually release osx for pc based on all the work the hacking community has done
00:17.20art3misthen windows would go away for most people that dont want mac because of the price
00:19.15*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (
00:19.27CidanLin: Howdy
00:19.47CidanI think Windows is on the way out regardless
00:20.33CidanThere are just a few things that other OS's can't quite compare to yet
00:20.55CidanIn particular in the area of word processing and graphical editing (Word and Photoshop)
00:21.05art3misthe word clones do nicely
00:21.10CidanNot... quite
00:21.26CidanThey are good basic programs, but even I will admit to the value of Word
00:21.29art3misits the excel part that doesnt work proerply
00:21.46Lintrying to use cncfanatics flexbar2
00:21.47CidanEven so, it needs a bit more work.  I'm not saying it will NEVER get there, but eh.
00:21.47art3misxls imported into open/star/neo/etc dont format the same
00:22.02art3misbut yeah
00:22.09CidanThe Gimp is coming along nicely though, I think we're going to see it get a lot better.
00:22.18art3miswindows as an os took a monstrous step backwards with vista
00:22.25LinCidan: what openoffice cant do and msoffice can?
00:22.32art3misexchange2k7 and server2k8 took monstrous steps forward
00:22.45art3misexchagne 2k7 is awesome
00:22.50CidanLin: There are a lot of features in Word 2007 that are somewhat neat
00:23.03art3misthe full voice fax pda etc features that they integrated make it sexy
00:23.05Linafaik gimp can do everything except cymk printing and composing
00:23.12LinCidan: examples please...
00:23.30CidanLin: Yes, it can now, now they just need stability for The Gimp on Windows, ;P
00:24.05art3misand since theres that gimp plugin that mimics the photoshop look it's easy for people to switch
00:24.08art3misfor free
00:24.09CidanLin: Uh, themes, auto TOC, color schemes, etc
00:24.10Lingimp on windows? I dont use windows! my last piece of resitence was wow. now im using on linux almost flawlessly.
00:24.24LinCidan: themes? color schemes?
00:24.24CidanLin: I don't either, I'm fully linux now.  :P
00:24.33LinCidan: are you joking?
00:24.42CidanLin: I'm... serious?
00:24.45LinCidan: what about ooo-gtk?
00:24.52MentalPowerart3mis: I don't think Mr. Jobs will allow that to happen, there used to be a Mac clone program back with OS8 and he nixed it as soon as he came back
00:24.53CidanIN the document
00:24.56Cidanit self
00:24.58Linauto TOC?
00:25.13Linthey are doing xhtml on word?
00:25.19Raynedo do do
00:25.44CidanNot sure, I didn't dive that deeply.  But there are a lot of features in Word 2007 that I'd love to see in OO
00:25.45Lintheming a text file is a nonsense.
00:26.09CidanIt's not just a text file in the business world, mate.  It has more uses than what we as nerds would consider.
00:26.22CidanHowever, brb, dinner.
00:26.28LinCidan: I cannot think in anything.
00:27.05LinCidan: besides that.. M$ is good when we talking about creating new things that you dont know how do you have lived before it, aka brainwashing.
00:27.07cog|workLin: word isn't a text editor... it's a word processor. formatting is very important for most people (not most people like us, most people period)
00:27.34Lintext processing.. ok. Latex. but. Themes?
00:27.54Lincannot fit on my mind.
00:27.57LinI have to see.
00:27.58cog|workjust like changing the way latex renders the doc
00:28.13Linok. you focus on text not on formating.
00:28.14cog|worktime for home
00:28.45Linsomeone here besides cncfanatics uses flexbar2?
00:29.56Linthey are creating everything already dont 30 years ago... and telling to everyone that they are inventing the wheel? I really loved to see OOO as "frontend" to latex. BTW I searching for a GOOD frontend to latex for a long time.
00:30.20dylanmI assume
00:30.24ShirikI just call it OO :P
00:31.06Linopenoffice has copyright in some countries
00:31.09MentalPowerOpenOffice is taken by something else
00:31.36ShirikYou know, there's some law in the US where if a company doesn't assert its copyright or trademark, then it can lose it
00:32.03Shirikthis is why Band-Aid has on their boxes "Band-Aid Brand Adhesive Bandages" and on their commercials they had to change it to "I'm stuck on Band-Aid Brand"
00:32.54MentalPowerinteresting, I didn't know that
00:35.01art3misthats true for all patents and copyrights shirik
00:35.19art3misif it lapses for more than 1 week you can go register it under your own name any time you want
00:35.31ShirikI don't know nor will I claim to know international law :)
00:36.00art3misthats why there are copyright and patent lawyers whos sole job is to make sure thier companies dont lose thiers
00:36.38Shirikand that's exactly what my dad does, that's the only reason I know this :P
00:36.51Shirikthough for pharmecutical companies, but the same theory applies
00:38.33CidanCorrect, Shirik's dad pretty mcuh does exactly what you just said art3mis.  He's also correct on the copyright and trademark issue, which IMO is somewhat stupid.
00:39.29CidanI suppose you can "allow" someone to use your copyright
00:39.37CidanAnd you won't lose it.
00:39.46CidanBut most companies will just Fox you.
00:41.09CidanHow is everyone?
00:41.16Arrowmasterits mostly trademarks that are at risk of being lost that way
00:41.28Cidanoh hey, does anyone have Ekiga by any chance?
00:41.35Valaron|WorkIn the middle of rebuilding a dead Solaris server.
00:41.41Valaron|WorkA production server.
00:43.07art3misfunny thing with drugs is that if they apply for a patent every 5 or so eyars they need to find a "new use" for said drug to avoid having to allow generics of that drug to be made
00:43.23CorrodiasHAH i paid my bills today
00:43.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
00:44.13Corrodiasi think it may have something to do with the public coming to use the brand name as a generic name for a type of product
00:44.32Corrodiaslike velcro. i may be wrong, though.
00:46.09Arrowmasterand xerox
00:46.50CidanSo no one has Ekiga?
00:48.04art3miscoke for pop in the south
00:49.09art3misactually the new use clause was added in to remove the monopoly of drug distribution that the big 3 had
00:49.46art3misi dont cid, but then again just found out about it ;)
00:51.21art3misi got me a free 1gb thumbdrive today
00:51.42*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
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00:53.40Corrodiassigh, i raid tonight
00:53.45Corrodiasi mean YAY
00:54.54CidanI'm hearing a rumor about a WoW linux client in beta.
00:55.41kd3there was one back in the original beta...
00:57.36art3misi dont see why it would be all that difficult
00:57.45art3misthe mac client is more or less nix anyways
00:57.54art3mis(aside from the support for the retards)
00:58.13sag_ich_nichtsomeone please check something for me, i suspect the draenei totems might be a fps drain....
00:58.22deltronI would totally ditch windows if there was an official linux client
01:01.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
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01:05.50art3misi think a lot of people would deltron
01:06.29*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
01:06.41art3misfar to many people(read nerds) have winders solely for playing games... if gam makers shifted to making nix games and clients instead...
01:06.53art3miswindows would go back to the domain of the office ;)
01:07.22art3misof all the apps for nix i think wine deserves the most respect
01:07.38art3misthe amount of dev on that single project is staggering
01:08.02art3misthe funniest part being that warcraft and ut were the causes ;P
01:08.20Cidanut had a linux client...
01:08.26kd3ut works just fine native
01:08.29kd3<3 unreal
01:08.54kd3that was one of the first games I reinstalled to see how it performed on my new hardware
01:10.15JoshBorkei need a new mod to play with
01:11.50art3misyou could make a profile based themeswapper
01:11.54art3misthat would be fun ;)
01:12.20JoshBorkeplay with, not make :-P
01:12.55art3miswell once you made it you could play with it ;)
01:13.16art3miswhat i really need is someone to make a single app framework that loads and saves the settings  so i can do the rest ;)
01:13.27art3mislike say for eep2
01:16.51CidanIf you have not seen this
01:17.02CidanIf you are a gamer, you MUST see this.
01:17.10CidanTo the end, trust me.
01:22.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
01:24.00Corrodiasman, shred does 50% more damage than mangle for me these days
01:31.01art3misman i want halo 8 ;P
01:31.12art3mismostly for the anarchy and choas that ensues shortly after it ;P
01:31.41art3misbut partially because the halo that started it all is still the lord and master of the gaming world ;P
01:33.24CidanHalo 1 sucked.
01:33.30CidanALL Halo's kinda suck
01:33.33CidanHalo 2 was okay
01:34.55art3misthe halo 1 after the halocaust ;P
01:35.01Cidanoh, right
01:35.05Cidanalso, uh
01:35.12Cidanthis makes me laugh so hard, like... so hard.
01:35.16Cidanand I don't know why.
01:35.21art3misthats what she said
01:36.19art3misthats cuz its subtley hilarious
01:36.24Thunder_Childthe music sounds reminecent of zelda
01:36.36art3misand if the finger wasnt there 80% of the people that looked at it wouldnt quite understand
01:36.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
01:38.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
01:39.28LunessaI need that oven.  I want to "stop time" too.
01:40.17art3misheh but would you like to actually stop time on a molecuar level or just stop time in a spherical way, such that while time doesnt pass you can still move things around ;)
01:40.39buuart3mis: The latter sounds slightly more improbable.
01:40.58CidanThunder_Child: It's Chrono Trigger...
01:41.13CidanThat's what makes it so funny
01:41.15Cidanthe song.
01:41.16Corrodiasi've been thinking, i need to replace my agility with stamina
01:42.39Thunder_Childi have been playing time shift...i know all about stoping time
01:44.49Mr_Rabies2i played Tom Sawyer in rock band earlier today and now i've had it stuck in my head all day
01:45.27LunessaToday's Tom Sawyer he gets by on you...
01:46.57Mr_Rabies2the cover band they got for it is really good
01:47.01Mr_Rabies2pretty close to geddy lee
01:47.13Mr_Rabies2 click on videos then tom sawyer
01:47.29Mr_Rabies2and the drummer's animations for the solo are nothing short of awesome
01:47.34Mr_Rabies2they get every note on there perfectly
01:47.52art3mishehe i still watch that reign in blood guitar hero thing every now and then
01:48.25Mr_Rabies2i want rock band so bad
01:50.24art3misyou mean aside from the fact that the highhats dont move and he never actually hits the cymbals?
01:51.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
01:51.12Mr_Rabies2i'm seeing tons of symbols being hit and high hat movement
01:52.07Mr_Rabies2er cymbals
01:58.13kd3new ptr client! current build: 7543. diffs at
02:01.10sag_ich_nichtzomg new ptr build!
02:04.18*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
02:04.30Thunder_Child*sigh* i cant seem to find a bag mod i like
02:04.36JoshBorkei <3 combuctor
02:04.42sag_ich_nichtwhat's with the change in the auction UI again?
02:05.09Thunder_ChildJoshBorke, bag mod?
02:05.27kd3oh wow, human males can't get any breaks
02:05.34kd3from the PTR forum:
02:06.08sag_ich_nichtoh you got to be kidding me
02:06.33Mr_Rabies2i love that bug, kd3
02:06.36Mr_Rabies2oh geez
02:06.39Mr_Rabies2that's all of them now?
02:07.03sag_ich_nichtthis looks photoshopped
02:07.15sag_ich_nichti can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my day.
02:07.20Mr_Rabies2i can tell by the pix
02:07.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (i=outlaw@
02:07.40sag_ich_nichtpwnt :P
02:07.47JoshBorkeThunder_Child: yes, tuller made a post on wow forums and wowace
02:09.36Thunder_Childthanks JoshBorke
02:09.45sag_ich_nichtlooks like this PTR build changes cast sequence behaviour, if i look at the diffs right
02:09.57Xuerianbahahaha it's goku
02:10.48XuerianNot entirelys ure where that came from...
02:10.58kd3lmao, they remailed the "Happy Feast of Winter Veil" mail again
02:11.14Kelfarrsome guy posted this in the "Post your Ui" thread and said it was his Ui is awesome mode
02:11.43RayneYou just saw it Kel?
02:11.52buuKelfarr: What is that?
02:11.56buuOr rather, why is it notable?
02:12.01KelfarrJust look at the UI
02:12.07Kelfarrits horrible
02:12.19KelfarrYeah rayne I went out for 30 minutes so I wasn't up to date on the thread
02:13.08RayneI was almost tempted to log on one of my alts and report his post for stupidity...
02:13.51RayneI say this as I continually sit here and mess with my UI
02:13.52art3misyes cuz lord knows that bliaard wouldnt know it was really you ;P
02:14.01art3misgo play with dahud
02:14.07art3misits like uberhud
02:14.16art3miswith built in casting bar and unitframes
02:14.25art3misits great fun
02:14.32art3miswas mucking with it last night for like 2 hours
02:14.54art3missorry like an uber hud
02:15.23art3misstop playing the game and do it now!
02:15.26art3misdi di mao!
02:15.30RayneYou will NEVER see me put a HUD on my UI, unless some idiot does it post download thats my stand
02:15.45art3misgo load it
02:15.48art3misits not really a hud
02:15.58Rayneits called dahud
02:16.05Rayneda | hud
02:16.10RayneHUD = NO
02:16.24art3misremember that shot i posted a while back about my unit frames?
02:16.26Mr_Rabies2ui and hud are pretty interchangable
02:16.33art3miswhich was just a 3dmaodel + 2 veritcal bars?
02:16.36Mr_Rabies2it just means heads-up display
02:16.37KelfarrHUD =  you bad boy!
02:16.43Mr_Rabies2it doesn't mean anything in particular
02:16.56art3misthats more or elss what dahud is
02:17.04art3misi use it as my UF
02:17.13Rayne The border around the chat frame, yes / no
02:17.30Kelfarri like it
02:17.45Kelfarrit doesn't match but it looks good
02:17.46art3miswait thats your ui?
02:17.52Rayneits my UI
02:18.07art3misoh you're one of those dorky look how minimalist mine is people ;)
02:18.15art3misno wonder you dont like useful addons ;)
02:18.16RayneActually no, im not
02:18.25Kelfarrusefull? huds aren't useful
02:18.33XuerianIndy has that title nailed
02:18.42Kelfarryou can see the exact same information without a hud in the same spot
02:18.42XuerianFollowed closely by me
02:18.44Rayneim one of those "This is my UI you can like it or hate im not going to waste my time with useless addons"
02:19.13RayneHUDs are a waste
02:19.14art3misdude you're screwing with the interface
02:19.21art3misthat alone is technically a waste ;)
02:19.46Kelfarrrayne should i change the color of the eepanels, they are hard to see sometimes
02:19.55Kelfarri was thinking of just going to black but i don't know
02:20.22Rayneyeah I see it
02:20.27art3misthe scaled blue border?
02:20.48art3misadds a nice little splash of colour ;)
02:20.51*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
02:20.55RayneKel I like the blue
02:20.57Raynekeep it
02:22.16Raynewow how did that UI end up looking like that...
02:22.17KelfarrSome guy is looking for an action bar mod but doesn't want to rebind his buttons...
02:22.26art3misgo checkout dahug jelly
02:22.30KelfarrRayne: I dunno I looked at that link also
02:22.32art3misits awesome ;P
02:22.50|Jelly|I'm going to go check out the bathroom then some medicine then a drink.
02:22.56RayneI built it on a widescreen but still, the bars and everything else should be in the right spot...
02:23.15art3misusing eep?
02:23.51art3misthat all scales correctly if you change the res, nothing gets trapped outside the screen
02:24.46RayneI think I know what he did...
02:25.22Rayneill start him on the basics though
02:25.33Kelfarrwow people sure don't like to find info for them selves some guy made a topic about "what is omen" and he could have just gone to the website
02:26.01buuKelfarr: Yes, forums seem to bring that out in people.
02:26.12*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|away (
02:27.24Raynewhat the hell did he do :/
02:30.35Kelfarrshrig is getting annoying... he keeping posting a qq bear picture... to every thread
02:30.42Kelfarrwho wants to report him with me and get him banned
02:30.45Raynereport him
02:30.47RayneI did already
02:30.56art3misrayne is the right side text supposed to be there?
02:31.05Raynethe combat log? No
02:31.14art3misi think i know what it's doing
02:31.23art3mishk did that for me a couple of times
02:31.54art3misif it loads on a res thats not the same as the created, it "shifts" you need to edit the to your screen res before loading
02:32.29art3misoh and chatframes will ALWAYS retain thier last setting in the ui.. regardless of where you place them when you package it
02:32.30Raynethis is the first time someones come to me with a problem like this though
02:32.46art3misunless you use a chat replacement
02:32.57Rayneand Simplecombatlog
02:33.03art3misif its seperated it will still be seperated
02:33.08Rayneits not
02:33.11art3misthats a bug on his end
02:33.19art3mishe seperated them originally
02:33.26RayneIm tempted to ask him if he runs Vista
02:33.27art3mishe needs to tick "reset chat crap"
02:33.34Raynecause my wifes comp did the same exact thing
02:34.00art3misi had that sorta like on hk between my 1650x1080 and 1280x800
02:34.10art3misyer using bt3 right?
02:35.08art3misand see this is where my "themeswapper" would come into play
02:35.11Raynesorry watching House
02:35.30art3misbefore you package it up scan yer savedvars for your name
02:35.39art3misin the lusa
02:35.45RayneI do that...
02:35.57RayneI just said this is the ONLY person thats had anything remotely this bad
02:36.03Rayneit has to be something on his end
02:36.09art3misjust because someone asked about it doesnt mean hes the only one ;P
02:36.16art3misthe chat stuff is totally him though ;)
02:37.02RayneLook at that Kelf
02:37.09RayneShrig is praising you
02:38.02|Jelly|(No offense Kelfarr...I would have responded the same had it been a thread aimed at me)
02:38.13Kelfarrwhere is he
02:38.21|Jelly|...and apparently I'm still on my druid. Whatever.
02:39.15Raynecomon mr bloodelf respond back to me already...
02:40.08KelfarrLol I don't even play wow anymore really, I go on like for 30 minutes once a day, mages are soo boring
02:40.25art3mis15NO yours is crap because well because it is crap. heck I would take the default blizzard ui over yours any day. heck I would take the hello kitty UI over yours.
02:40.31art3misahh thanks kel ;P
02:40.38|Jelly|Shalyn's played time is 6 days at level 30. I have however made four UIs on her. lol
02:40.59Kelfarrhaha I remember that art3mis
02:41.24Kelfarrwas that you?
02:41.58art3misHKUI is me ;P
02:42.04Kelfarroh ok
02:43.06Thunder_Childthat of course puts art3mis on the infamy list vs the fame list
02:43.25art3misbetter to rule in hell than serve in heaven TC ;)
02:44.06Thunder_Childruling is a full time job, serving is only part time
02:44.28|Jelly|3 seconds. Owned.
02:45.05Kelfarrwho is owned in 3 seconds?
02:45.29art3misdun dun duuuuuuuuuuuun
02:45.39|Jelly| to the face!
02:45.49Kelfarroh yeah I saw that
02:46.55RayneI hopped on my Tich toon and this dudes not answering me
02:46.57|Jelly| pretty horrible imo
02:47.06KelfarrIts huge
02:47.19RayneDefaults Colors n all
02:47.22art3mis00 2,06 DLs woo
02:47.30art3miserr 2016
02:47.41art3mishrm that pasted wierd
02:47.46art3misstupid safari
02:48.07*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
02:48.07*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower|AFK] by ChanServ
02:48.36Rayneaaaaand he goes offline
02:51.07Raynehopefully hes writing a responce...
02:51.10Kelfarryay everyone supports me
02:51.12buuJesus christ.
02:51.17buuWow forums are horrifying.
02:51.20|Jelly|I think you're an asshole.
02:51.32Kelfarrme too
02:51.59|Jelly|Me three.
02:51.59|Jelly|Oh wait.
02:52.13buuIt's possible.
02:52.15buuBut wow.
02:53.01*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
02:53.01*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower] by ChanServ
02:57.53buuHow bizarre.
02:58.01KelfarrIts funny people post a huge wall of text asking about your UI then go offline =/
02:58.54Rayneguess they dont want my help
02:59.18KelfarrGuess not
02:59.54Kelfarrwakka wakka wakka
02:59.57Rayneoh well, log off my Tich toon
03:01.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (i=outlaw@
03:01.04MentalPowerbuu: unlikely that its true since there is no mention of the combat log improvements that were announced at BlizzCon
03:01.14RayneCan I stop being nice yet? :/
03:01.45art3mis01* Players are able to participate in the cart races in the Shimmering Flats. Races will occur every hour, similar to the STV Arena. The players will receive reputation with the Shimmering Speedsters for completing and winning races. A Speedster 5002 K and Speedster 5002 K (epic land and air) mounts will be prizes for the most dedicated of Shimmering Racers.  <-- that == win
03:01.59Kelfarreek I just learned what supermanning a hoe means
03:02.09Kelfarrfrom that soulja boy song
03:02.26ZealotOnAStickexplain it to us then.
03:02.39|Jelly|Travis fucking ripped that song. It was awesome.
03:02.53Kelfarrit's when you skeet on a ho's back, and then the bedsheet sticks to her, making a superman-style cape.   thats what it means lol
03:03.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
03:03.04buuMentalPower: Yeah, but it was suprisingly sane.
03:03.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
03:04.15Rayne I want it
03:04.37Kelfarrhaha sweet
03:04.42Kelfarrgnome warrior with ashbringer
03:04.57Rayneon a Strider to
03:05.00Kelfarronly 10 inches tall
03:05.05Kelfarrwould be sweet if it was like 30 inches tall
03:05.21MentalPowerRayne: fail, no spinners :P
03:06.06RayneSee now im wondering if I should update BBC in case I missed something when I uploaded 5.1 :/
03:07.08RayneKelfarr I dont suppose I could con you into downloading it to see if it works? lol
03:07.30KelfarrSure, I need something to do tonight
03:07.37Raynesweet :D
03:07.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian_Alt (
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03:09.36Kelfarrlol i still have the 1.12 patch in my documents folder
03:09.54Rayneoh he updated
03:10.32Raynelol I cant log into Tich its full
03:11.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
03:11.50RayneGOD DAMNIT I log on and whisper him and he goes offline
03:12.32Kelfarrok logging in
03:15.07Raynego go gadget copter!
03:16.00RayneOh and great one of my casefans is making noises
03:16.05Kelfarrworks fine but nothing is lined up because i am only on a 1200x1024
03:16.40Rayneoh nm it stopped
03:16.44Raynety Kel :)
03:16.56Kelfarrand just so you know all your macros are saved in there
03:17.02RayneI know
03:17.05RayneI gotta delete them
03:17.08RayneI forget every time
03:17.36Kelfarr./y Hey %t, No Dice is about to ROLL YOU!!!
03:18.08Rayneits fun getting 20 people from the guild running around IF yelling that
03:18.39Rayneeither way I might upload 5.2 tonight...
03:20.20Kelfarrholy shit this movie is awesome
03:20.25Kelfarrzombie killing
03:27.31CidanI hate the switch away from daylight savings time, mind you I think the entire idea of it is stupid, but still
03:27.44Cidanmy body doesn't take the shunt very well
03:27.46kd3+1 hour of sleep ftw?
03:27.51Cidanit messes me up
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03:49.05Mr_Rabies2me too
03:49.07Mr_Rabies2i kinda took a break
03:49.10Mr_Rabies2now i'm catching up
03:49.14Mr_Rabies2and watching all these great series
03:49.23Mr_Rabies2haruhi, higurashi, turn a gundam
03:50.45CidanBleach killed it for me, for now anyways
03:51.04CidanI want to say that I will never watch an anime with more than 20 some episodes, but...
03:51.08Cidanlook at things like GTO
03:51.13Cidanfscking great to the end.
03:52.21Kelfarrlol he deleted the top
03:52.45Mr_Rabies2cidan i draw the line at 26 usually
03:52.47Mr_Rabies2unless it's amazing
03:52.49Mr_Rabies2like turn a gundam
03:52.56Mr_Rabies2turn a gundam is decidedly ungundamy
03:53.03Cidanwell how do I begin to know what is amazing or not if I draw a line somewhere?
03:53.09Mr_Rabies2it's tomino's last series iirc
03:53.12Cidaneven bleach was amazing in the first 20-30 episodes
03:53.16Mr_Rabies2and like
03:53.22kd3bleach was great until the filler started
03:53.24Cidanuntil it turned all Dragon Ball
03:53.25Mr_Rabies2it's not as depressing as some of his other stuff
03:53.31Wobwork2.3 on 13th
03:53.40Mr_Rabies2and it's got a lot of diplomacy and drawsthe various gundam series together
03:53.48Mr_Rabies2and a lot of just regular dialog scenes
03:53.53Mr_Rabies2but it doesn't feel like it's dragging
03:53.58dreamssModeling out the current traffic of customers who use BitTorrent to "download the latest version of Linux," we are looking at a minimum monthly spend of $135
03:54.03Mr_Rabies2it really fleshes out most of the characters and they feel human
03:54.22Mr_Rabies2plus syd mead did the mech design
03:54.29Mr_Rabies2(blade runner, alien, etc)
03:54.36RayneGundam 00
03:54.39Raynelook into it
03:55.24Mr_Rabies2turn a is awesome rayne
03:55.30Mr_Rabies2it draws the series together into one universe
03:55.31Mr_Rabies2and like
03:55.42Mr_Rabies2there's a race of people thathave been on the moon for generations
03:55.59Mr_Rabies2and the earth has people who are basically living in 1920s america
03:56.03CidanSo what's the big deal about Call of Duty 4?
03:56.09Mr_Rabies2versus the moon people with mobile suits and awesome other techy stuff
03:56.14WobworkIt's one after CoD3?
03:56.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
03:56.21Wobworkand one before CoD5?
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03:56.24Mr_Rabies2and they try to work things out diplomatically but people keep messing things up
03:56.52Mr_Rabies2it's really, really good so far
03:57.02Mr_Rabies2it's kind of depressing but nowhere near as bad as tomino's other stuff
03:57.36RayneIve seen all the Gundam Series :P
03:57.42Cidanit sounds like it's a lot of talking
03:57.47Rayne08th MS Team was by far the superior dragon ball?
03:58.08Mr_Rabies2Cidan, there's a lot of dialog
03:58.12Mr_Rabies2but it doesn't feel like it drags
03:58.13Mr_Rabies2at all
03:58.24Mr_Rabies2it makes the charcters feel human
03:58.31Mr_Rabies2so if one dies you really feel a loss
03:58.35CidanI'll try it, but...
03:58.50Cidan...if it's Dragon Ball Gundam, you're a dead man.
03:59.06Mr_Rabies2they use the tried and true method of mom + daughter fanservice in the first episode
03:59.26Mr_Rabies2and the main character is naked more than not during the first 5 episodes so it's a bit weird
04:00.12Mr_Rabies2he even hops in the gundam naked once, assumedly to make sure no one wants to steal it
04:01.27Mr_Rabies2(it's not heavy on the fan service at all, really, it's just random and out of the blue for like 30 seconds in the first episode and it's all nonsexual
04:01.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwor1 (
04:02.46Mr_Rabies2first one is the mom talking to the daughter while bathing and after that the society has a ceremony where they use leeches to make marks on the back of the chosen person in the village for some coming of age ceremony
04:02.49Mr_Rabies2but yheah
04:02.51Mr_Rabies2it's really really damn good
04:03.09mikmaanyone has pictures of the guildbank?
04:03.13Mr_Rabies2you really feel for the characters and get to see them be as human as characters in a show about giant robots can be
04:04.31JoshBorkeyay, VR down on the first night for the second time
04:04.51kd3loot pinatas <3
04:05.04Corrodiasthat's awesome, AL
04:05.41JoshBorkekd3: it's amazing that we accomplished it
04:06.56LegorolJoshBorke: grats!
04:06.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
04:07.04JoshBorkeLegorol: danke
04:07.08Legorolwe had one try at him (wella ctually more like 6 wipes)
04:07.08JoshBorkenum 2 on damage done :-D
04:07.11Legoroli mean one evening
04:07.16Legorolbut we are going back with a vengeance
04:07.23JoshBorkeyou can do it legorol!
04:07.28JoshBorketurn on chat bubbles!
04:07.32JoshBorkeand soul stone your spriests!
04:07.39Legorolchat bubbles?
04:07.42JoshBorkedepending on if they are any good :-D
04:07.42Legorolinteresting idea, why?
04:07.51JoshBorkemany boss mods output to /say for VR
04:08.09JoshBorkeso that if you are near someone not in your group the bubble will pop up alerting you that an orb is incoming
04:08.24Legoroli'll have to look into that
04:08.33JoshBorkeworks pretty well
04:08.35Legorolorb dodging is definitely something we need to practice on
04:08.56JoshBorkewe try to keep everyone grouped up and move as groups
04:09.00Legorolunfortunately i'm a tank so i'm at the rest of the people's mercy
04:09.05JoshBorkeah, yea
04:09.07Legoroli feel powerless in this particular fight, there is nothing for me to do
04:09.16JoshBorkeexcept generate as much threat as you possibly can
04:09.22Legoroli'm not even supposed to move out of pounding
04:09.31Legorolthat's quite easy when you are limited in rage
04:09.52Legoroljust cycle through your threat moves ad nauseum
04:09.52kd3scary that we may have to turn to this in georgia...
04:10.14JoshBorkewhat part of GA are you in?
04:10.37kd3outside of savannah
04:10.50kd3the only part of the state not under class-4 drought conditions
04:10.55JoshBorkedoes savannah have any salt-water conversion?
04:11.21kd3dunno, you'd think we'd have a desalin plant or two. suppose I should start looking
04:11.30Wobwor1I think the problem is, however
04:11.44JoshBorkei know that desalination takes a lot of energy, but I think there should be more publicity about it
04:11.49Wobwor1that a lot of people don't connect the tap water to the fact that it's connected to the water supply that's dropping
04:12.04JoshBorkewell, it's more than that
04:12.06Wobwor1so if they say "Keep water aside in case of drought" they'll reach for the tap
04:12.14Wobwor1and speed up the process unknowingly
04:12.26Wobwor1which is why they specify prepackaged water
04:12.46Wobwor1Sure, for those who are a bit cluey, they can go for out of state packaged water
04:12.47kd3except that it's probably bottled in georgia...
04:12.59Wobwor1but it's at least water that's already out of the system so far
04:13.04Wobwor1(unless they step up production =P)
04:13.12JoshBorkepretty sure coke bottles elsewhere
04:13.54Legorolhow big is a "case"?
04:14.02Legorolhow many bottles are there in it and how big bottles?
04:14.27Cidandesalination takes up a stupid amount of energy.
04:15.47Wobwor1case of 24
04:15.59Wobwor1Note: We calculated the 10 case equivalent of "commercially bottled water" for our headline based on a case of 24, 16 oz bottles.
04:24.19Thunder_Childcool, 2.3 release date
04:24.49Thunder_Child"The start date for Season 3 is purposefully planned to be one week later than the release of patch 2.3, which is currently scheduled for November 13. We will be closely monitoring the testing of the 2.3 patch, and if it looks like it won’t make the November 13 date, we will announce a delay."
04:25.24Cidanyuh, as predicted.
04:26.17*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
04:26.41Thunder_Childoh...were we supposed to pay attention to you Cairenn?
04:27.36Thunder_Child...i dont belive you....
04:29.36Thunder_Child|Jelly|diafing....i dont even want to know
04:30.11|Jelly|diafingNo. No, you don't.
04:32.04Thunder_Childis there a diff between "critical strike" and "Critical hit"?
04:32.38Thunder_Childk, thanks
04:33.00Thunder_Childi whish they would word them all the same
04:33.46kd3it's the same for +dmg effects, annoyingly
04:35.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Bejitt (
04:55.32art3misinto == until
04:59.24Cairennkeep doing that and I won't be sleepy ;)
04:59.39art3misthey've started advertising buckleys here!
04:59.45|Jelly|diafingget a room
04:59.55CairennIt tastes horrible! and it works
05:00.34art3misguy sitting at a table with buckleys in one cup and "a bathroom puddle" mixture in the other and he says "must be the same stuff i cant taste a difference
05:00.50art3misTastes Awful [X]   Works [X]
05:01.07art3misi love that it's thier actual slogan too
05:01.41art3misyour body gets better so it doesnt have to taste that anymore
05:01.52art3misthe only reason you get sick after that is sometimes the body forgets ;)
05:02.41art3misHungry Hungry Hippos: The Movie
05:05.52art3miswatching robot chicken
05:18.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
05:20.20art3mishahaha 30 second song for duncan hills coffee by dethklok!
05:21.59MentalPowergnight all
05:22.34Cairennnight MentalPower|ZzzZ
05:23.10MentalPower|ZzzZnight Cairenn-san
05:24.32Corrodiasi wish i had more half-life 2 to play
05:33.02Thunder_ChildCorrodias, try some other FPS
05:37.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:40.53*** join/#wowi-lounge sixen-debug (
05:43.07sixen-debugNo one? :(.
05:43.27sixen-debug=), Hai Cairenn.
05:58.21Wobwor1well there was a chap with simple needs
06:01.59art3misWob Wor 1
06:03.04art3miswhy do you keep calling it world war 1?
06:03.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Lukian (n=wizard@
06:10.32Mr_Rabies2mmm waffles
06:16.24Kelfarrmmm pancakes
06:17.56Rayneim so happy
06:18.09RayneIm in a gruuls raid and im not tanking
06:18.27*** join/#wowi-lounge TecnoBrat (
06:24.14Kelfarrlol some guy claimed on the ui forums that ckknight is quitting making and updating his addons
06:28.23WobWorkhehe, where'd he hear that?
06:28.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
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06:30.22KelfarrI don't know but he just said that
06:31.50Mr_Rabies2where most people get their gaming news
06:31.56Mr_Rabies2directly from their rectum
06:37.09bleeterdamn near killed 'em!
06:41.36purlba-dum CHH
06:41.40art3misso to speak ;)
06:43.43Kelfarrlol so season 3 comes out on november 20th
06:43.56Kelfarrand the warlock helm has the wing animation but no personal rating required
06:44.09Kelfarrso every warlock is going to have those wings
06:44.17Mike-N-GoAny idea what crash  Error:       signo: 11, Fault address: 0x1dcd4000, code(1): Address not mapped to object. might mean?
06:44.43Raynegruul dead
06:45.11Kelfarrget anything?
06:45.16Mr_Rabies2tried to load something from a memory area and it wasnt there, Mike-N-Go?
06:45.58Mike-N-GoI dunno
06:46.16Mike-N-GoWoW has been crashing, excevesly.
06:46.51Mike-N-GoAnd I mean like a few times every hour.
06:47.15bleetertime to run the repair util?
06:47.37Mr_Rabies2or start disabling addons if that doesn't work
06:48.02RayneI got my t4 shoulders suprisingly from Maulgar...since my warlock is my alt
06:48.06Mike-N-GoWell, I do have a few hundred addons..
06:48.19*** join/#wowi-lounge chrippa (
06:50.02RayneWheres Jelly?!
06:50.37bleeter|Jelly|zZz <<
06:50.49RayneI was gonna say
06:51.38Kelfarrwow jelly is sleeping? he is usually on at this time
06:52.22Kelfarri saw that
06:52.39Kelfarrits going to be the new fad...
06:53.05Lukiani'll stick with icehud :p
06:53.09Kelfarrugh huds
06:53.34LukianI like my health and spellcasts IN MY FASE :D
06:54.39Thunder_Childi rather like dahud
06:54.45Thunder_Childthough the name kinda sucks
06:55.32Thunder_Childand the 3d unit thing is completly pointless
06:56.22RayneThe everything in one little square and pitbull eyeportaits died
06:56.29Raynenow people are improperally using huds
06:56.37Raynewhats next?
06:56.45Thunder_Childcant improperly use them
06:56.55art3misgroove is int the heart
06:57.28Thunder_Childbesides, hud is a misnomer, your entire UI is a "HUD"
06:57.53Mr_Rabies2any 2d object is a hud
06:58.05Mr_Rabies2it's just emulating real HUDs on planes, etc
06:58.13Thunder_Childno...the peice of paper on my desk is not a hud
06:58.21Corrodiasyour mother is a hud
06:58.22Mr_Rabies2i mean in wow
06:58.42bleeterit's a hud now! mwhahaha
06:58.42Mr_Rabies2that use 2d objects on a screen to enhance information for pilots, etc
06:58.48Mr_Rabies2it can be
06:58.55Mr_Rabies2if you fashion a reticle out of it
06:59.01Mr_Rabies2or something
06:59.14Mr_Rabies2and technically paper isn't 2d
06:59.18Mr_Rabies2it's 3d just really really thin
06:59.29bleeterbulemic paper?
06:59.31Mr_Rabies2if it were 2d it wouldn't exist in reality because everything has to have at least some depth
06:59.40Thunder_Childnot true
06:59.50Thunder_Childjust because you cant see it, doesnt mean it doesnt exist
06:59.51Mr_Rabies2even atoms have depth
06:59.53bleeterI've known some chicks who were incredibly shallow
07:00.11bleeterin fact, I'd say convex
07:00.27Mr_Rabies2i knew a guy with a concave face
07:00.39Mr_Rabies2i bet it'd be fun to see him ride a motorcycle
07:00.41*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
07:01.50Thunder_Childhuh "palm trees are classified scientifically as related to grass." did not know that
07:02.22Tierrieyeah they don't reproduce with seeds
07:02.26Rayneyoure a popular guy today Kelfarr....whats it 3 now @ you posts today?
07:02.29Tierriei think
07:02.31Tierrielet me check
07:03.34Tierrieoh maybe not
07:03.37Tierriethey do have seeds
07:03.42Tierriei forgot my high school science
07:05.35Thunder_Child"A light-year is a unit of distance measure, not time as commonly misinterpreted." is it really that common that it comes up in conversations with people that know nothing about it?
07:05.45Temoh fucking woot
07:06.00Temafter 2 days of fighting css, I have a working page that doesn't use table hacks
07:17.52mikmatell me is the tooth stuck there or is it just hungry
07:19.52Cairenn hahaha
07:21.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
07:29.54Tierriethat awkward moment is just awkward
07:30.03Tierriethat face taping is hilarious michael jackson!
07:31.24Tierriei wish they showed that guy waking up
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07:35.23Cairennnight guys
07:35.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
07:35.49Esamynnwait, what's this, Cairenn|afk is going to bed before 3 am???
07:35.57Thunder_Childyou know Cairenn|afk, i think i already remember hearing that today
07:35.59Esamynnwhen did we enter the twilight zone?
07:36.00Cairenn|afkshush you
07:37.34Tierrieshe's getting geriatric
07:37.36Tierrieneeds her sleep
07:37.48Tierriejust kidding!
07:38.04Tierrieshe looks like a naivette 18 year old
07:38.05Tierriesexy momma
07:38.17Esamynnsuck up
07:38.25Tierriei am covering my ass
07:40.52Thunder_Childthey sure do make them to last
07:42.58art3misTC: would you trust anything less? ;)
07:43.07art3misi know I wouldnt if you're involved
07:44.25Thunder_Childart3mis...well "the pill" is nonexistant..yet many people trust it
07:44.33Thunder_Childso yes art3mis, i prolly would
07:44.45ShirikThis is so something I would do:
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07:59.05art3misbah stupid usb
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08:23.09dreamsslol/j #voip
08:23.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Kazie (
08:24.33RayneKelfarr dont tease the poor moron :(
08:27.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
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08:56.36art3misby the power of all that is evil i command you to rise and make me a sandwhich!
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09:19.24art3misokay thats awesome
09:19.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
09:20.22art3misthe company that i used to work with and the owner just vanished one day , was going through thier old server files (since i now do business with thier pervious office landlord and we did a network deal for all his old stuff)
09:20.52art3misand i found the marketing campaign they were doing right before he vanished... so ive got a list of qualified potential new clients
09:21.09art3misand a complete marketing booklet thingy
09:24.55*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
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12:44.11cncfanaticshello people
12:49.11JoshBorkehello cncfanatics
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13:36.44Industriallol wut
13:43.27Garounwhen did wowinterface start selling off the list to send spam emails :/
13:43.55IndustrialZam Network(tm)
13:46.19*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
13:48.54Matrix110Zam Network => IGE
13:49.10Matrix110alothough its owned by their headcompany so there is no direct connection:P
13:50.06Industrialjust get gmail and AdBlock Plus
13:51.37Beladonawhat makes you think they sold their mailing list?
13:52.28cladYeah, that's a rather bold accusation
13:53.12BeladonaI just checked my account, and I have no spam
13:53.28Industrialthere is no anonimity anyway.
13:53.31Beladonanot via the wowinterface address anyway
13:53.40cladand i have an address specifically set up for
13:54.01*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
13:54.16BeladonaI use gmail and aggregate about 4 other addresses into it with tags, and not a single spam from my wowinterface source account
13:54.45dreamssgotta love gmail
13:57.05cladeither way, I point you all at:
13:57.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (n=jk275@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
13:57.13cladif you have concerns beyond that, bring them up.
13:57.18Beladonawe think alike
13:57.26BeladonaI was looking for that page
13:57.27Josh_Borke~lart clad
13:57.27purlstabs clad
13:57.57cladgotta head off to class, bbl
14:00.22*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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14:00.43Industrialyou know what I really dont like about gmail?
14:00.50Josh_Borkeit's free
14:01.07Beladonait smells like cheese?
14:01.11IndustrialI can't make groups of users, and somehow it thinks that every contact ever deserves to be in my gTalk list.
14:01.31Beladonayeah that is annoying
14:01.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso_ (
14:01.46Beladonathey do that because they think people use gTalk as an address book
14:01.53Beladonawhich I don't
14:03.49Industrialheh I just saw my ex in the newspaper :o
14:09.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
14:11.37Industrial :)
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15:45.23wereHamsterjust got a new laptop, core2 duo L7500, but gosh, vista it crawling on it.. each click takes a second before the action is visible on the screen, how can anybody work with such system?
15:46.15wereHamsterbusiness I thin
15:46.21ShirikwereHamster: PEBKAC imo
15:46.23Shirikanyway, what the hell
15:46.28ShirikI'm trying to do something on my forums
15:46.30Beladonamine runs great
15:46.42ShirikI go to change something and it says "Only root administrators can do that"
15:46.45Beladonahow much ram?
15:46.52purlSounds like the Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair
15:47.03Beladonathats your problem
15:47.09Shirikso I go to my user profile to change something and I choose my name and it says "You can't modify root administrators"
15:47.12BeladonaVista runs, but not well on 1gb
15:47.19ShirikSo I'm like "Pick one! Am I or am I not?!"
15:47.27BeladonaI run a minimum of 2gb on any vista system
15:47.36Shirikyes, 1GB is extremely low for Vista
15:47.36wereHamsterI have another 1gb ready to put in
15:47.44ShirikI have 2GB and I can feel that it's low
15:47.44Beladonado it
15:47.49Beladonayou will notice a difference immediately
15:48.10wereHamsterlenevo ships vista on notebooks with 1gd ram.. how smart
15:48.29Beladonathere is a lot you an turn off in services and such to get it to run on 1gb adequately, but it still has slowdowns
15:48.50BeladonaI would do 2gb, AND turn off non-essentials
15:49.09Beladonamy laptop runs nicely on 2gb even with Aero enabled
15:49.41wereHamsterI'm dl-ing ubuntu right now anyway, just wanted to try vista
15:50.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
15:50.06BeladonaI love vista, but I see the issues it poses for regular users
15:50.08*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
15:50.13BeladonaSP1 will fix most of that
15:51.05BeladonaI run Vista just fine, but I know how to beat an OS into submission
15:51.11Beladonaso I am not a good comparison
15:52.51wereHamsterit's a brand now tablet laptop and vista is slow as hell in the default configuration. I undirstand computers well, but what deos a normal user think?
15:59.25wereHamstermy father had vista on his notebook as well, he went on holidays for three weeks, came back and spent half a day clicking through updates and patches. obviously, he doesn't have vista anymore ;)
16:03.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
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16:07.49cladhairewhats a good use case for hooksecurefunc?
16:08.41Josh_Borkei use hooksecurefunc for altclick to add item to trade
16:08.52Josh_Borkebut i guess i can delete that come 2.3
16:08.59cladhaireyeah, hrm
16:09.05cladhairejust thinking of a nice small example i can put in the API docs
16:09.23Josh_Borketo be notified of all spell casts
16:09.30Josh_Borkewhich can be done via events though
16:09.36cladhaireaye P
16:09.42cladhaireneed something that's more obvious
16:12.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (
16:15.30Intangiri hate iceblock
16:15.39Intangirthey shouldnt be able to recieve heals while iceblocked
16:16.29zenzelezzI thought they were making such a change?
16:17.01Intangiri think i saw one about not being able to be bopped while iceblocked
16:17.06Intangirby adding hypothermia
16:17.11Intangiror wait..
16:17.16Intangirsomething like that i forget the specifics
16:17.24Intangirwas a few patches ago
16:17.43Josh_Borkehypothermia doesn't remove forbearance
16:17.52Josh_Borkeerm, iceblock doesn't remove forbearance
16:19.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
16:30.38zenzelezzpoor Peppy, almost ten minutes and still no greetings
16:30.52LopeppeppyOh, the shame of it all.  Morning, everypeople!  *hugs*
16:31.35zenzelezzand as the first person to mention her, I don't even get mentioned by name :-o All this effort, all in vain
16:32.05LopeppeppyYou're scheduled in 2010, did you want another appointment after that too?  *winks at zenzelezz*
16:32.42zenzelezzyou know I'm perfectly happy to help you fill the gaps in your schedules
16:32.56LopeppeppyI'll keep you in mind as the backup.
16:33.26zenzelezzwell, that's closer than I've been in real life... I'll settle for that
16:34.39LopeppeppyBook group/reading group is the hottest new way to meet singles who possess brain cells.
16:35.09zenzelezzthere's only one drawback to smart girls
16:35.18Josh_Borkethey are smarter than you?
16:35.18zenzelezzthey'll have the wits to stay clear of me :-p
16:35.33zenzelezzplenty of people are smarter than me
16:36.46LopeppeppyBrain cells make the world go 'round.
16:37.04Intangirdid Thrae change the weighting on rogues?
16:37.14Intangircause like, my TBR dropped by like 600 points
16:40.37pastamancercladhaire: don't those jump-counter addons securehook something?
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16:42.58cladhairethat's what i did :P
16:45.53Intangirjump counter?
16:46.05Intangirwhats secure hook ;)
16:53.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
17:00.24sag_ich_nichtjust bought 12[Design: Stormy Star of Elune] for 10g... that thing is worth 400 on my server 8D
17:03.26LopeppeppySweet find then.
17:04.39kergothsag_ich_nicht: nice
17:05.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
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17:07.39Intangirill buy it for 12
17:07.42Intangir2g profit ;)
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17:19.29art3misever had one of those wierd moments while sitting at home where you almost stop yourself from smoking because you're "at the office" all because you're working on office stuff?
17:21.08sag_ich_nichti don't smoke
17:21.14sag_ich_nichtand i wouldn't smoke at home if i would smoke
17:21.21sag_ich_nichtmakes the whole place disgustingly yellow
17:21.37art3misthankfully im not a retard with pure white walls ;P
17:21.49art3miserr i mean hi sag!
17:22.12nevcairielthankfully i am not a retard that poisons his own body
17:24.21Thunder_Childyes you do, you just do it in other ways
17:24.24Thunder_Childeveryone does
17:27.22nevcairielwell maybe, but at least i am not doing on purpose by smoking
17:29.48nevcairielanyway, someone get slouken to fix actionbuttons, way too much "this" used in the code, stupid limitations for expanding the state capabilites .. etc :(
17:31.05art3misyou go outside and breathe car exhaust, industry pollutants, and eat unhealthy foods... and you say it's not on purpose?
17:31.06kd3ick, the shuttle just hit the earth's atmosphere. I almost don't want to watch
17:31.17nevcairieli cant avoid breathing
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17:33.36art3misno but you could take steps to filter that from your lungs, not drive, eat organic foods that you grow yourself, etc etc etc
17:37.11ScytheBlade1Requesting people bump this:
17:39.09nevcairieli would hate saving it in user profile
17:39.25ScytheBlade1You mean where it belongs? ;P
17:40.15nevcairieli already see me redoing my windows, and forgetting to back that up
17:40.24nevcairiel(i have wow installed on another partition)
17:40.47ScytheBlade1Installing apps to another drive/partition/location isn't a fix, it's a workaround :/
17:40.59ScytheBlade1Sorry to be such a prick about that, but it's true
17:41.01nevcairielno, its a speed up :P
17:41.10ScytheBlade1Ha, well, that too, haha
17:41.11nevcairielplus, my C drive is rather small
17:41.23nevcairielso i can reformat it, without loosing my installed games
17:41.33Beladonathat brings up other issues, such as further segregating character profiles by userprofile
17:42.00Beladonathat could be good, and bad
17:42.21ScytheBlade11) It would stop all of the never ending whining about how "Vista sucks" when Vista isn't broken, it's WoW
17:42.30ScytheBlade12) I could finally run as guest without breaking my file system permissions
17:42.53ScytheBlade1But, you're right. It does seperate the data from user to user
17:42.56ScytheBlade1That's indirectly the point.
17:43.57Beladonanevcairiel: the issue of reformatting is fixable, as both vista and xp allow you to move your documents directory to a different drive
17:44.08Beladonavista even goes as far as to allow each individual folder to be moved
17:44.28Beladonawithout screwing up permissions
17:45.11BeladonaI like the principle behind it, but not so sure on the practicality
17:45.25ScytheBlade1Of the moving, or my suggestions thread?
17:45.31Beladonayour suggestions
17:45.56ScytheBlade1I'd have to agree with you for the most part, again
17:46.05ScytheBlade1Which is largely why I also suggested enhancements to the repair tool
17:46.08nevcairielI never had any issues with the current implementation, so *shrug
17:46.11ScytheBlade1To make it much, much more practical
17:46.15ScytheBlade1You've never run WoW as a guest :)
17:46.32BeladonaVista choces on wow
17:46.37Intangirhey guys...
17:46.42Beladonaunless it is run as administrator
17:46.45Intangiryou think the thraebot weighting is a bit off?
17:46.46Intangir!vs us mug'thol intangir us gorefiend somalore
17:46.46ThraeBotIntangir: intangir vs somalore! It's a showdown! But wait! What's this?! Something random? intangir wins by 7160005 TBRs! Wow, that's GOTTA hurt.
17:46.49Beladonaor you run it ona  separate drive
17:46.51Intangir!vs us mug'thol intangir us gorefiend somalore
17:46.51ThraeBotIntangir: I just said that 5s ago.
17:46.58Beladonawith simple permissions
17:47.01Beladonawhich is what I do
17:47.01nevcairielguess thats why it worked for me
17:47.03nevcairieldiff drive
17:47.08ScytheBlade1Beladona, yup... and this would all of Vista's problems
17:47.24Thunder_Childya, diff drive for me as well
17:47.32Intangir!vs us mug'thol intangir us gorefiend somalore
17:47.33Beladonawhat about addons?
17:47.34ThraeBotIntangir: Intangir vs Somalore! Intangir has +2 lvls on Somalore (70 vs 68); A L70 rogue and a L68 paladin square off!; 23/0/38 vs 12/0/47; Somalore wins by 414 TBRs!
17:47.36Beladonasame thing?
17:47.42Intangirthere look at that..
17:47.42nevcairieli didnt even know about the issues, i've always had games on a seperate drive
17:47.44nevcairielfor like, ever
17:47.52Intangirlevel 68 with bad gear? beating a 70rogue with awesome gear
17:47.59ScytheBlade1I actually, if you read that in detail, suggest that it saves addons/wtf in My Docs\My Games\WoW
17:48.07ScytheBlade1Along with screenshots
17:48.23ScytheBlade1But things like Cache, WDB, Logs, etc, don't need to be that plainly visible
17:48.28Beladonathe one downside to that implementation though is the duplication of data
17:48.33Beladonaand therefore space requirement
17:48.35ScytheBlade1Which data?
17:48.46nevcairielfor diff users
17:48.53Beladonaaddons would be per user
17:49.06ScytheBlade1User A should not be able to change user B's computing experience, period
17:49.09Beladonaalthough in vista you could technically set it to share a common directory
17:49.17Beladonaso that argument is moot
17:49.17ScytheBlade1Heh, technically
17:49.37BeladonaI would use it
17:49.40ScytheBlade1Actually, given My Docs, you can clear back to 2k
17:49.44BeladonaI am just playing Devil's Advocate
17:49.50ScytheBlade1Right, and that's fine ;)
17:50.12ScytheBlade1I just get really sick of breaking file system permissions for a game that could save data where it belongs, not where they think it belongs
17:50.20ScytheBlade1Principle of the thing, again, you're right
17:50.20Beladonait solves other issues too
17:50.27Beladonalike addon development
17:50.33ScytheBlade1It really solves a lot of problems
17:50.36Beladonawhich requires elevated permissions too
17:50.49ScytheBlade1And the only problems it introduces are ones that are really non-issues
17:51.06ScytheBlade1Especially if the enhances repair.exe as I outlined
17:51.07BeladonaI think it would introduce some new technical support topics
17:51.16Beladonabut that would be true with any approach
17:51.29ScytheBlade1So they bump repair.exe up a notch to let it handle most of the "clear your caches" out problems
17:51.39ScytheBlade1Throw in some "Reset UI" and "Revert UI" buttons
17:51.49ScytheBlade1Bam, suddenly, tech support got easier
17:51.50Beladonadon't patches do that now?
17:51.54Beladonaclear your cache
17:52.02ScytheBlade1Well, for tech support
17:52.05ScytheBlade1And I have no idea
17:52.37Beladonapatches would still need to elevate
17:52.44Beladonabut that can be programmed into the patcher
17:52.45ScytheBlade1Right. Also documented in my thread.
17:52.47Beladonalike you mentioned
17:52.55ScytheBlade1Along with a shared data dir to prevent duplication of patch data
17:53.07ScytheBlade1*prepatch data
17:53.47Beladonadoes the wow client respect symbolic links?
17:54.06kd3in wine, sure. it doesn't even know they're symlinks
17:54.17BeladonaI assume it does in vista too
17:54.25Beladonawill have to try
17:54.37ScytheBlade1If vista did it right, WoW should indeed
17:54.40Beladonatechincally you could simulate what you are suggesting with symlinks
17:54.48BeladonaI might try that
17:54.50ScytheBlade1Heh, true
17:55.07Beladonamklink is your friend
17:55.08BeladonaI use it a lot
17:55.10ScytheBlade1Note that some of the changes require changes to the executables they ship
17:55.19ScytheBlade1ie, saving of patch downloaders to the WoW root dir
17:56.56ScytheBlade1Every single "are you running vista?" question related to game caches/addons would simply disappear if they did this
17:57.00ScytheBlade1And that is reason alone to do it ;)
17:57.45CidanBeladona: Hardlinks are transparent to programs
17:57.51CidanBeladona: On both OS's
17:59.36Beladonayeah I figured
18:00.59CidanHowever windows doesn't have "symlinks", just that shortcut crap, though you can use Junctions
18:01.13BeladonaVista does
18:01.30CidanNewp, Vista still uses junctions, mklink was it?
18:01.43Intangirid guess windows doesnt have unionfs either
18:01.43Beladonamklink /D = symbolic link
18:01.49CidanAh, well, neat.
18:02.00Beladonamklink /H = hard link
18:02.08Beladonamklink /J = junction
18:02.12Beladonadefault is /J
18:02.21Intangirwhats a junction?
18:02.54CidanIntangir: makes a "link" to a directory somewhere else, sort of like a short cut, only it acts like a real directory
18:02.59kd3shuttle wheelstop. now my heart should come out of my throat now...
18:05.04Cidanoh man
18:05.34CidanI had this dream that Cairenn banned me from this chan, but then she got me banned from all of freenode
18:05.53Thunder_Childmaybe that says something
18:05.53Cairennyou deserved it!
18:06.34CidanI don't even remember what I did, too.
18:06.37CidanIt sucked.
18:14.40*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
18:18.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
18:19.24Shirik|EcoleLUA IS NOT AN ACRONYM FFS
18:19.36Thunder_Childyes it is
18:20.38Thunder_Childbesides, if thats so new, how are they talking about a warcraft demo....warcraft?
18:20.54KasoLUA Unquestionably is an Acronym
18:21.04Thunder_Child"WarCraft, a popular online role-playing game"....forgot something maybe
18:21.16Thunder_Childlike the World of part
18:21.26Shirik|Ecolethey were discussing World of Warcraft
18:21.29Shirik|EcoleI think the editor's a moron
18:22.12ScytheBlade1"including a demo of the game World of Warcraft running within the company's Visual Studio integrated development environment."
18:22.17ScytheBlade1Congrats on using a debugger?
18:22.45Shirik|Ecoleyeah I don't understand this article at all
18:22.56Shirik|Ecolebut I"m convinced the editor's a moron
18:22.58Shirik|Ecolethat's what I got out of it
18:23.26*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
18:28.51Shirik|Ecole~hug foxlit
18:28.52purlACTION sneaks up on foxlit and suddenly hugs foxlit tightly
18:28.53CidanOh hello Shirik
18:28.57Shirik|Ecole~die Cide
18:28.58purlACTION murders Cide, takes two shots to the head then crumples to the ground, lifeless...
18:29.04Shirik|EcoleCide =(
18:29.27Shirik|Ecole~resurrect Cide
18:29.28purlACTION gathers all his magical powers (and some prayin'!) and resurrects Cide from the dead.
18:29.44foxlitAnd it wasn't actually that bad :P
18:29.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
18:29.54Shirik|Ecolehi Cidan
18:30.02Cideyou fucker
18:30.08Shirik|EcoleI'm sorry!!! T_T
18:30.17Cideyeah, say that
18:30.20Cideto my dead body
18:30.30Shirik|EcoleI have resurrection, it's ok
18:30.31foxlitWhat the heck does warcraft have to do with that article?
18:30.46Shirik|Ecolefoxlit: Nobody's really sure
18:30.54Shirik|Ecolewhich is why I'm convinced that the author of it is a moron
18:31.18foxlit"Hey, let's use a game to promote microsoft's developer product lineup. We're so ingenious!"
18:33.02Cairennhahahhaha! it wasn't rogers at all.  dolby-wowi banned me from the sites!
18:33.23CidanCairenn: You're kidding...
18:33.26*** join/#wowi-lounge lolinternet (i=bitch2k@
18:33.52zenzelezzwhat sites?
18:33.58Shirik|EcoleActually it was me
18:33.59Cairenndolby-wowi doesn't love me no more! </3
18:34.01Beladonathat'll teach you to stop visiting the sites at all hours of the day/nite when you should eb sleeping
18:34.04Shirik|EcoleI hacked into dolby-wowi's account and banned her
18:34.07Shirik|Ecolego me :D
18:34.33Shirik|Ecoleand I do agree with Beladona
18:34.41Shirik|Ecolesleep would result in less bannage
18:34.56dolby-wowiHer mail prog was trying to login to a pop account that wasnt there for awhile
18:35.11dolby-wowiso my security progs banned her
18:35.48dolby-wowiI've banned her from wowi once too
18:36.00dolby-wowicause she wouldnt go to sleep
18:36.06Cairennand that time it was him actually deliberately doing it, too
18:37.10BeladonaI remember that
18:37.55Cairennhey, it was a busy time
18:39.29*** join/#wowi-lounge kamdis (i=405f8902@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
18:39.37art3misthats forbodeing
18:39.50art3mismy main drive makes a CLUNK sound when i try and read a certain directory
18:40.05kamdisit's all the hello kitty, imo
18:40.08Beladonahope you ahve a good backup
18:40.25art3mishehe there's nothing on any of my drives that i care enough to backup ;)
18:40.35art3misor rather that i can't replace in about 30mins
18:41.05art3misalthough its kind of awesome that ive gotten a warning its gonna die
18:41.31art3misit was doing it the other day too but i swore it was the flakey drive i put in from work
18:44.20CidanI need more drives
18:44.25CidanI'm pretty much out of space
18:44.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
18:44.41Thunder_Childdisturbingly cute
18:45.11kamdisHow about a nice steaming cup of ... kitten?
18:45.28Thunder_Childand someone posted "KITTEHS R NOT DITCHWATCHER SAEF"
18:45.52CidanLOLCATS are... starting to get stupid.
18:46.10Thunder_Childthough neither are the cups i dont think
18:46.48kamdisI like this one
18:48.09art3mishrm anyone wanna make me a new company logo?
18:48.16art3mis<--- sucks at art
18:48.44Thunder_Childi would...but then you woul have to hunt me down and kill me...and thats just to much effort
18:48.54CidanDoing a GIS for "wang" should get you something that will suit your tastes, art3mis.
18:49.14art3misno pun intended?
18:49.34art3mis"thank goodness barts nightmares have drawn atention away from my t-shirt"
18:51.17Shirik|Ecoledid you want something?
18:51.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
18:51.55Shirik|Ecolepurl, ping
18:52.01Shirik|Ecole~lart WoW Forums
18:52.01purlcuts off WoW Forums's head with a halberd that could have been a little bit sharper
18:52.31CidanThis is the state of our nation, ladies and gents.  Give a hug == two days detention.
18:52.55CidanLaugh at me now, go ahead, say I'm crazy.
18:53.42CidanSoon, we will hail the leader of the United Status, titled with Augustus and all, as the ruler of all we see, hear and do.
18:53.46KasoI think its a worse represntation of the state of the nation that a girl getting 2 days detention is considered something that should be on the news.
18:53.58CidanLikely both!
18:54.01CidanOh well
18:55.09kamdisNanny State FTL
18:56.35Shirik|Ecoleyou are aware of Goodwin's law, yes?
18:57.06CidanOf which I mentioned neither.
18:57.07Shirik|EcoleI do declare, then, that you have lost your argument
18:57.10CidanThanks though.
18:57.14Shirik|EcoleYou did imply, though
18:57.21Shirik|Ecole132:532:41 12‹Cidan12› Soon, we will hail the leader of the United Status, titled with Augustus and all, as the ruler of all we see, hear and do.
18:57.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
18:57.36CidanNo, I suggest you understand who Augustus was and how the word became a title though.
18:57.57Shirik|Ecolehistory is for people that don't understand computer logic :D
18:57.59CidanThanks for playing, try again next time.
18:59.14Beladonathis is not a run dialog
18:59.17Beladonathank you
18:59.46CidanHistory is for everyone, everywhere.  I am of the *opinion* that unless you show a _major_ understanding of historical events up until now, you shouldn't be allowed to pass primary schools.
19:00.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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19:00.09CidanAlas, 'tis unlikely something like that will happen until it's too late.
19:00.12Shirik|EcoleI have an IB History certificate
19:00.19Shirik|Ecoleunfortunately I don't remember much of it
19:01.00CidanTsk, you should.  It will pretty much carry you through life.
19:01.08Shirik|Ecolethis is odd
19:01.12Shirik|EcoleI can't connect to my computer =(
19:01.13CidanOh man, I'm hungry.
19:01.16Shirik|Ecolebut he's obviously still here
19:01.18Shirik|EcoleDie Shirik!
19:01.30Cidanhaha oh wow?
19:01.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
19:01.48Shirik|Ecolethat's so wierd
19:02.21Cidanso I think I'm going to get a palm pilot
19:02.24Shirik|Ecoleoh so that's why
19:02.31Shirik|EcoleDNS request timed out.
19:02.32Shirik|Ecoletimeout was 2 seconds.
19:02.32Shirik|Ecole*** Request to timed-out
19:02.43Shirik|Ecoleour IT is a bunch of imbiciles
19:03.25Cidan2 is about right for inter-campus systems, I would think.
19:03.55Shirik|Ecolethe fact that I can't contact our DNS is not about right
19:05.38Cidanuse OpenDNS
19:05.59Cidanor is it an internal domain/ip?
19:10.16kamdis~hug Cidan
19:10.17purlACTION jumps into Cidan's lap and huggles and *hugs* Cidan
19:11.30Shirik|EcoleCidan: No it's not internal, but that's irrelevant
19:11.31Shirik|EcoleI know the IP
19:11.37Shirik|Ecoleapparently I can't connect via IP either
19:11.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (
19:15.44Valaron|WorkAre the forums working for anyone?
19:16.18Cidanthey are down
19:16.27Valaron|WorkI thought it was a DNS problem.
19:17.04Shirik|EcoleSo I ran the disk cleanup tool
19:17.15Shirik|EcoleTotal amount of disk space you can gain: 9,142,394
19:17.17Shirik|Ecole9 million whats?
19:17.32Shirik|EcoleIt's not MB because one of the selections I chose said 12MB
19:19.00bleeterShirik|Ecole: clearly, it's measuring thingies
19:20.06Thunder_Child..does every show in existance need drama....
19:20.32Thunder_Childit's pissing me off
19:21.04Shirik|Ecoleisn't the fact that you are pissed off, by definition, a form of drama?
19:21.36zenzelezzI freaking hate Lurker... every week we find a new way to wipe on him
19:21.46Shirik|Ecolethis is almost as ironic as that time rjek posted that code "void emit_unimpl(msg) { /* NOT IMPLEMENTED, HOW IRONIC! HAHAHA!!! */ }"
19:29.56*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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19:30.13Shirik|EcoleI saw the title and was hoping that Onyxia did the "Onyxia attmepts to run away in fear"
19:30.34bleeteryeah... same... although it does seem rather crazy amusing nonetheless
19:34.49zenzelezzspam mail can be funny... " We will absolutely honor any member removal requests. Please attempt to unsubscribe if you feel this message is an error. " <-- like the "attempt" part
19:35.13Thunder_Childand here i thought heroes was supposed to be a good show
19:37.29foxlitIt's odd really
19:37.42foxlitThose unsubsribe links actually seem to work
19:37.47foxlitAt least for the stuff I was getting
19:38.27CidanThunder_Child: You thought wrong.
19:38.29foxlit(nevermind that it came from a multitude similar domain names and you needed to unsubscribe from each one separately, but I hardly get those anymore)
19:38.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
19:39.13Thunder_Childso it seems Cide
19:39.31Shirik|EcoleAre people seriously THAT lazy?
19:39.39Shirik|EcoleYou need a /stopcasting /cast <Heal> macro?
19:39.44Shirik|EcoleYou can't just move and click?
19:40.01Shirik|EcoleIf I had a macro like that I know I'd accidentally stop casting way too often
19:40.32Shirik|Ecoleand people wonder why healers suck these days
19:40.35Shirik|Ecoleoh hey nevcairiel, ping
19:40.49Shirik|Ecole(That was a bit rude, sorry, not trying to imply you suck!)
19:41.05Shirik|Ecolewhen did you get rid of spellsurge?
19:41.06bleeterno.. not trying at all
19:41.13nevcairielno idea
19:41.18nevcairielbeen some time
19:41.22Shirik|EcoleI have been told it changed
19:41.30Shirik|Ecolewowhead says it's a 3% proc but that is definitely off
19:41.40nevcairieli had it on the gavel
19:41.44Shirik|Ecolecomments say it's a 15% proc with a 50s cooldown now, and it seems a lot more accurate
19:42.04nevcairielbut i switched to shard of the virtous like a month after i enchanted spellsurge
19:42.08nevcairieland thats been .. half a year
19:43.37nevcairieli still have the gavel, i should try using it just to see the proc rate
19:43.37foxlitGah, colloquy crashes on returning from standby :(
19:49.37Shirik|Ecoleall I know is that I was incredibly impressed with it last night
19:50.16Shirik|Ecoleonly reason I brought it up is because of the change and I was curious whether or not you had tested it before or after the change
20:04.28BeladonaShirik|Ecole: there are times where moving to cancel a cast could be a bad thing
20:05.09Beladonabosses that do aoe, and you are in a tight spot where moving forward gets you in range, and moving backwards would spell death or something
20:05.44Beladonadoesn't happen often
20:05.53Beladonabut its still a reason to have it
20:07.30Beladonahell I can think of a couple trash pulls in the Eye like that
20:08.18*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
20:30.35mikmathat looks like ckknight
20:31.32Thunder_Childthat would be.....odd
20:32.35*** join/#wowi-lounge fridgid (n=Fridgid@
20:33.02foxlit[PH]Fel Portal Alarm yells: Shield defense arming. Executing in 10 seconds.
20:33.06foxlitWhat the heck is that about?
20:34.16foxlit"It means that somebody was extremely slow on the first part - there's actually a timer. If you don't destroy the shield fast enough, it will gib you. You have to be fantastically bad to do it, but don't underestimate the power of a failure."
20:34.24foxlitElitistJerks win
20:38.51nevcairielwhere did that happen?
20:46.37*** join/#wowi-lounge fridgid (n=Fridgid@
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21:00.00*** join/#wowi-lounge kadrahil (
21:02.27Intangirare there any new gems coming out?
21:02.42Josh_Borke~emulate JoshBorke
21:02.43purlACTION hugs Cairenn
21:02.46Josh_Borke~wave kadrahil
21:02.47purlBye, kadrahil
21:03.13Josh_Borke~greet kadrahil
21:03.14purlACTION dumps a bucket of cold oatmeal on kadrahil
21:03.31Intangir~emulate intangir
21:03.44Intangirwhat does it do
21:03.51Josh_Borke~literal emulate joshborke
21:03.51purl"emulate joshborke" is "<action>hugs Cairenn"
21:03.59Intangir~emulate Intangir
21:04.05Josh_Borke~literal emulate intangir
21:04.18Josh_Borkeobviously purl doesn't know about emulate intangir
21:04.27Intangirim unemulatable
21:04.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
21:04.48Intangir~wtf ikwydls
21:06.19Intangir~wtf testing something
21:14.20KasoDoes anyone know a program that allows me to display an image semi-transparently over a browser so i can trace through it for graffiti!
21:19.41Valaron|WorkTry or
21:20.16Kasothank you
21:24.56*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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21:30.09zenzelezz   o_O
21:42.13*** join/#wowi-lounge tinyboom (
21:43.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
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21:48.50sag_ich_nichtlol zenzelezz
21:55.46mikmaAnduinLothar: you pasted the PerfectRaidCastBars.mp4 right? what's the addon that adds the castbars then?
21:57.20Josh_Borkecastbars on praid?
21:57.34mikma<0603> <+AnduinLothar>
21:57.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Elessdy (
21:57.41mikmalookie that. it's QUITE awesome
21:58.00Josh_Borkenot that i'd ever be able to keep up with the castbars
21:58.57cladhaireperfectraid sucks man
21:59.03cladhaireyou could filter it to only show heals pretty easily
21:59.22mikmacladhaire: screw you man, it doesn't suck
21:59.29cladhairepretty tho, i hadn't seen the final product.
21:59.40Josh_Borkei can't watch at work
21:59.45Josh_Borkeno video decoders, quite the bitch
22:00.12Josh_Borketoo many dependencies for vlc
22:00.15Josh_Borkei can't be arsed to install them
22:00.27mikmai guess you mean linux by that
22:00.36Josh_Borkeyes, linux
22:02.39kd3mplayer, go get the codec pack, drop them in /usr/lib/codecs
22:03.31Josh_Borkeamd64 cover x86_64?
22:04.14kd3ya, drop those in /usr/lib64 if that's how your distro's set up. I've got the 32-bit stuff too
22:05.58Josh_Borkehm, i don't think i have mplayer
22:06.14Josh_Borkeanyway, time to go home
22:17.31XuerianNifty, but a little opaque
22:19.19*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
22:20.31Intangirwhats up newbs
22:20.35Intangirhaving trouble with linux?
22:23.56XuerianTrouble? No. Apathy? Yes
22:24.22XuerianWell, slight trouble. If you can fix xinerama 3d acceleration in nvidia drivers, you can have me for a night
22:24.46Intangiruse twinview
22:25.17XuerianOn a 20" crt @1280x1024 and a 17" lcd @1024x768?
22:25.24Intangirare you trying to do the compiz stuff? compiz wont work with xinerama
22:25.41Intangirbut 3d games shoudl
22:25.43XuerianIt's a bug in nvidia drivers
22:25.57Intangirwhat does it do?
22:26.09XuerianOr a glich triggered by something the nvidia devs hadn't counted on
22:26.22Intangiranyway use twinview
22:26.29Intangirtheydont have to be the same size
22:26.48XuerianIt really doesn't work very well at all for me. Functional yes, realistically functional no
22:27.00Intangirwhat doesnt?
22:28.25XuerianSince I'm one of those people you hate that only want to bother using linux if it can be as shiny as possible, having most all the operational shinies in compiz(-fusion) cut in half and sometimes cut off (the lower 280x768 pixels are cut off on the lcd), ruins it :)
22:28.35XuerianTwinview does *work* though, I'm not saying it doesn't
22:44.36JoshBorkegief praid castbars :-(
22:44.42cladhairenot mine
22:48.01Thunder_Child"this is macaroni and cheese, this is what americans eat to commit suicie slowly"
22:48.23WobWorkI thought it'd be hamburger helper, myself
22:48.51kergothwell, i'd rather eat hamburger helper on a regular basis than the alternative,w hich would likely be frozen pizza, for me
22:49.45XuerianBlasphemy! Mac'n'cheese is life!
22:50.09Thunder_Childcold pizza ftw
22:50.11WobWorkI thought Mac'n'Cheese was death
22:50.15WobWorkalbeit a slow one
22:50.31XuerianAll lies
22:51.36WobWorkyou might stop breathing
22:51.48WobWorkbut your body will remain alive for the next forty years
22:51.59WobWorkOr at least a reasonable facsimile
23:00.57*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
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23:05.21cladhaireyou know, some of this API reference would be so much easier if I could just use :P
23:07.47cladhairei normally don't like these, but ths is well done
23:07.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys_ (
23:12.45*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
23:15.47WobWorkNym does good stuff
23:19.04WobWorkhehe I like the epilogue
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23:24.24*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
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23:30.40*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
23:32.56|Jelly|This is making me :|
23:33.13Raynewhats up Jelly?
23:33.30|Jelly|Fuckin internet.
23:34.18Rayne am I wrong in saying he should change that font? :|
23:34.45Neebleryour assessment is correct
23:34.50KasoI hate people who use retarded fonts
23:36.19Cidanfonts like that make my head explode
23:36.40|Jelly|I see like four fonts. :-\
23:38.13Rayneim sure hell call me a dick for picking at his ui, and say im like everyone else whos an asshole cause his doesnt look like theres and blhblahblah...
23:38.36|Jelly|There's no innovation in his UI either so tell him to piss off.
23:39.27Shirik2.3 goes live Nov 13
23:39.33Shirik(Barring any issues)
23:40.21Rayneat least hes not using x-perl...
23:40.51Raynejust why does a mage need MT Targets and Grid :/
23:41.34Shirikso he can bandage people obviously
23:41.48Shirikwhat are you stupid?
23:42.36Rayneand DBM in the middle too. Why doesnt he just put everything there :/
23:43.28RayneAnd another troll post
23:43.56*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
23:45.07Raynewhen escape from org 2 comes out ill go back to myndflames page
23:45.22Raynewhy did that 2 go in there
23:45.33RayneI must just be having a wicked bad day...
23:45.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Kelfarr (
23:45.58art3misoblivious films
23:46.10art3misgo watch thier helloween special and then watch the above linked
23:46.22art3misfor pure humour value they're easily better than illegal danish
23:47.01Rayne"And the threat meter is in the middle so I can watch it without having to look down. I like seeing what's going on."
23:47.08CidanShirik: Oh hi, welcome to like 20 years ago, thanks for the UP TO DATE info on 2.3 though.
23:47.14WobWorkRayne: Did you see the end of the latest Nyhm video?
23:47.18Rayneunless youre on a 40" tv thats a shitty reason, or youre extreamly near-sighted
23:47.18Shirikone of these days
23:47.40Shiriknever mind, that's about the end of my threat right there
23:47.51Thunder_Childno kidding Shirik, your to much of a wuss
23:47.56Shirikyeah pretty much
23:48.32Cidanl2english TC
23:48.34Thunder_Childya, go it
23:48.46Thunder_Childmeh, i hate engish
23:48.47WobWorkIt's like you were forn or something
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23:49.02Thunder_Childsounds about right
23:49.15Shirik~dict forn
23:49.21art3misTC: you fergot "the"
23:49.41Thunder_Childwhere did i fergot it?
23:49.49art3misyou hate THE english
23:49.58Thunder_Childno...not really
23:50.21art3misthen explain this site!!
23:50.24WobWorkart3mis: You misspelt 'French' =P
23:50.30art3miswob: oh right
23:50.41Thunder_Childeasy, it doesnt exist
23:51.05art3misya know some day the web will be too full and youll be able to type out stuff like that and it will be there
23:51.05ShirikFirefox can't find the server at!.
23:51.20art3miswhat about
23:51.24art3misbet that exists
23:51.35Thunder_Childit does
23:52.04Thunder_Childbecause it's meant to work like that
23:52.28art3mislies and slander!
23:52.53Shiriksomeone needs to teach the person that wrote that site english
23:52.58Shirik"they" cannot reference a single person
23:53.38Thunder_Childthis one starts off nice ""Art3mis caught engaging in homosexual acts with parent stands proud""
23:53.39art3missure they can
23:53.57CidanNor can they reference "everyone"
23:54.03art3misyes they can
23:54.20art3mishi everybodies!
23:54.21Thunder_Child*snicker* "It all began when a noise complaint was made when Mr. Art3mis allegedly screamed out,"Oh baby, stuff it harder!" to the point where neighbors' windows cracked from high pitched yelps coming from the house."
23:56.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
23:57.27Kelfarrlol rayne that mages text on his UF are horrible

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