IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071104

00:00.47art3miswodner what the purpose of getting a bluray/hd-dvd rip is
00:04.30KasoHmm art3mis "purpose" ?
00:06.17art3misaside from the file size you're still gonnaneed a player to handle it, and if thats the case you may as well leech the much smaller xvid
00:06.35art3misjust seems silly to leech a 4gb "rip"
00:06.55art3misunless the 720p h264 actually plays on your normal dvd in the quality thats intended
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00:08.14KasoNot everyone burns rips to dvds? Surely people just watch em on thier TB+ storage PC, with 1600x1200 monitor etc etc ?
00:08.21art3misthough i suppose if you watch em on yer pc instead of standalone... but still may as well get the xvid section if thats the case anyways ;P
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00:09.30art3mistrue but if you're watching it on yer pc why get the 4gb instead of the 700mb it's not the quality is gonna be that sunnningly different on a monitor ;P
00:10.45Kelfarri don't have a dvd burnder :(
00:10.47Kelfarri should get one
00:10.53KasoWell i agree with you on that, but, you know like the people who download FLAC music, think they "need" the better quality
00:10.54art3misyeah they're like 30 bucks ;P
00:11.02Kelfarrso i can watch movies on my 50" plasma
00:11.07art3miskaso: true i keep forgetting about those cluebies ;P
00:12.02KasoI sware some day im going to challenge my flac listening friend to a double blind test flac vs high bitrate ogg
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00:14.53Arrowmasterxvid is horible quality for most movies
00:15.07Arrowmasterespecially when they cut the resolution in half to save space
00:15.41foxlitWouldn't that just be a horrible resize filter?
00:16.16Arrowmasterxvid has serious quality issues with dark scenes
00:17.39Arrowmasterand just about all '700mb' dvdrips cut the resolution in half
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00:23.04IrielI'm not sure why you'd think movies would be LOWER quality on a high resolution computer monitor.
00:23.17IrielGenerally they have BETTER detail reproduction that TV's
00:23.22Irielthat = than
00:23.43IrielPlus you're often much closer to the screen
00:23.49AnduinLotharbetter details of low quality rips usually makes the low quality more apparent
00:24.34wereHamsterart3mis, the purpose of hddvd rips is so that you can save the film on a normal dvd (if they managed to recompress it to ~4.4GB, usually with h264 at 720p) and watch it later on your computer or a pc-based PVR (mythtv etc)
00:24.54AnduinLotharget a dual layer dvd burner imo
00:25.41AnduinLotharthe REAL reason is so you can transfer them faster :P
00:26.48wereHamsterbandwidth is cheap nowadays, and people who used to d/l 700mb rips now download 4gb rips :)
00:27.06Arrowmasteri still download 700mb rips
00:27.24Arrowmasteri dont have the hdd space for 4gb rips
00:27.25AnduinLotharbandwidth is cheep, but finding enough people uploading at a good clip is not as easy
00:27.58AnduinLotharyou onyl get the nice bandwidth on newly released or really popular things
00:28.29Arrowmasteror if you still use usenet
00:28.40wereHamster720p tv shows (1.1gb each) look great and are not too big so it doesn't take too long to download
00:29.05Arrowmaster1.1gb for 720p?????
00:29.20AnduinLothardepends on the sound encoding
00:29.35wereHamstertv shows, they usually are ~42mins
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00:29.45Arrowmasteroh yeah
00:29.46AnduinLotharthat too
00:30.01AnduinLotharbut 5.1 is substantially diff in sound than stereo
00:30.15Arrowmasterdepends on the codec
00:30.36Arrowmasterand bitrate
00:30.40AnduinLothari don't know of any codecs that actually compress 5.1 in a smart way
00:30.55ArrowmasterHE-AAC is suppost to be one of the best
00:31.06IrielDolby and friends make some very very good ones
00:31.07wereHamsterfrom a 720p tv show rip: Codec ID: A_AC3, Channels: 6, Sampling frequency: 48000.000000
00:31.18mikmawhere are the wowi admins when i need them!?
00:31.36ArrowmasterwereHamster: that doesnt tell bitrate
00:31.38wereHamster384.0 kbit/s
00:31.47Arrowmasteryeah thats a high bitrate
00:32.00Arrowmasterwhats the bitrate of the h264 encode?
00:32.13wereHamsterfrom a 720p tv show rip: Codec ID: A_AC3, Channels: 6, Sampling frequency: 48000.000000
00:32.51wereHamsterthe file header doesn't list
00:34.43dreamsssigh wtb xbmc 360, the 360 can decode x264 np
00:35.27Arrowmaster360s default media support is so bad
00:35.42dreamsshas optical/hdmi/vga with 1080i
00:35.46dreamssand p
00:35.48Arrowmasterit only reads the id3v1 tags from my mp3s and not the id3v2.4 tags
00:36.32dreamssif MS fixed and sold it as htpc/game machine
00:36.35Arrowmasteri also dont think i have a single video file it will play
00:36.38dreamssthey would make money
00:37.05dreamssheh only does wmv
00:37.32Arrowmasteri have some wmv's inside mkv containers that it wont even play
00:37.59dreamsssupposed to do h264
00:38.03dreamssbut whatever
00:38.20Arrowmasterhddvd uses h264
00:38.54dreamssyeah im talking about from samba
00:38.55Arrowmasteralthough i dont have the hddvd drive
00:39.03Arrowmasterit doesnt support samba
00:39.35Arrowmasteri use an old version of windows media connect 2.0
00:39.39dreamsserrr the upnp crap they have
00:39.49Arrowmastersince the new ones require wmp11
00:39.55dreamssdont remind me
00:40.01dreamssits crap
00:40.04wereHamsterArrowmaster, 24.554 kbyte/s, can that be?
00:40.26Arrowmastersounds way too low
00:40.36Arrowmastertry using
00:40.37dreamsssounds like a vcd
00:40.40wereHamsterI meant 24554
00:40.56Arrowmaster24554 KB/s?
00:41.15Arrowmasterthats very high
00:41.48wereHamstererr.. my fault
00:41.49Arrowmasteralthough its probably needed for real video
00:42.13wereHamsterfor 1080p yes, for 720p that's way too high
00:42.17Arrowmasteri know anime can be compressed a lot with h264 and still look great
00:43.19wereHamsterhere: 396 kbyte/s
00:44.18wereHamster984M for 42min
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00:47.36wereHamster*shudder*   -!- anko [n=root@207-38..
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00:58.14cladhaire.. again.
00:58.20cladhairefor the second fucking time in a week
00:58.49wereHamsteranother one logged in as root (naruchan)? or do these people use 'root' as their windows username?
01:00.08FlAWDlight headed is the pwn
01:00.20cladhaireyeah, and people posting it without permission is bullshit, full stop.
01:00.27foxlitCan set n= to anything, really
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01:01.23wereHamsterI do it, but I doubt anyone would set it to root on purpose..
01:01.25foxlitclad, people sharing music without permission is bullshit; you've got about as much chance of winning that war as RIAA does theirs.
01:01.40cladhairefoxlit: dot dot dot.
01:01.44cladhairei dont' want my shit on curse
01:01.46cladhairei have that right
01:01.52cladhaireand i'll fucking fight to make it so
01:02.09cladhairethey need to grow the hell up and have a big boy submission system like the rest of the addon sites.
01:02.39foxlit"they need" = "I want"
01:02.43nevcairieli never understoof that, they redid their page like 10 times last year
01:02.50nevcairieland they never improved the submissions
01:02.59cladhairewhy in the hell are you fighting me on this?
01:03.03foxlitI'm not.
01:03.08cladhairecoulda fooled me
01:03.24foxlitI'm just pointing out that you won't win, so you might as well stop making a fuss :)
01:03.34cladhaireyou clearly don't know me very well
01:03.51cladhairei'll make a big stink every single time it happens, until something changes
01:04.05cladhairethey do not have the right to host my addon there
01:04.22wereHamstercladhaire, do you want msn contact to the curse founder? he's a decent guy :)
01:04.29cladhaireI have his information
01:04.31cladhaireand kaeltens
01:04.33cladhaireand kody's
01:04.35foxlitAnd google has no right to host half of youtube's content.
01:04.45cladhaireand guillotine, and dotted, etc.
01:04.47cladhaireand that's what pisses me off
01:04.51nevcairieldidnt google buy youtube?
01:04.54cladhairethat this stuff continues to happen
01:04.55cladhairenevcairiel: yep
01:05.09nevcairielfoxlit: your argument fails
01:05.34foxlitnevcairiel:  I don't think it does, you may be reading it wrong
01:06.07nevcairielonce i even had someone upload a new revision of BT3 into my BT3 project on curse. still dont know who puleld that off. some curse guy told me that it prolly was one of their staffers. that kinda pissed me off :P
01:06.18foxlitYou're free to replace google with youtube in that context, it was merely used as (youtube's owners)
01:07.10nevcairieli guess i still read it wrong then :shrug:
01:30.56Dottedcladhaire you have my msn contact info? now thats scary!
01:34.35mikmacladhaire: spread it around and let's all spam him if stuff like that happens ;))
01:35.55Cidemeh, don't
01:36.10Cidethe curse founder's a really nice guy
01:36.36Cidebut yes, I've had it happen too more times than I can remember, and it's pretty stupid
01:36.38mikmado i need to put a </joke> now
01:36.47Cideno, I got that part
01:36.55mikmagoodie <3
01:36.56CideI just feel like arguing
01:37.01Cidecause I'm awesome like that
01:37.03mikmaCide: earth is round
01:37.51Corrodiasi wonder how i can tell how bright my monitor is at the moment
01:38.10Corrodiasin terms of the actual unit of measurement they use for that, cd-something
01:38.12Cideassuming that the measured different values of g at different locations on earth's surface are not experimental errors, that's false
01:38.21mikmaCorrodias: shut it down and close your eyes. do you see the picture of the last image you saw in your eyes? :D
01:38.43mikmaCide: well you now need to go and measure this to prove you are right!
01:39.02Cideproving you wrong is more fun
01:39.15mikmabecause i believe it's round and you can't make me thing otherwise
01:39.39mikmathink* :D
01:40.24Cidemeh, I'm lazy
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01:40.55mikmawell that's a reply i can't argue
01:48.47*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop___ (
01:50.23Wobinfoxlit: Yes, but Youtube also take down anything that is requested to be taken down by what could be construed as the original owners
01:50.50WobinEven if it is only vauguely connected to the original owners
01:51.58WobinJust because they host stuff that's up against the original owners intentions, it only remains up due to their ignorance of the situation
02:02.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Nechckn (
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02:09.09NechcknCide, a moment, if you are around please.  re: CTExpenseHistory.
02:09.10Wobinmikma: it's like ZeroPunctuation
02:09.16WobinBut not as cool
02:09.21Wobinor as funny
02:09.30Wobinor as original
02:09.31GuillotineCladhaire: ping
02:09.52NechcknIt seems that, at least with Auc Adv loaded, that the 00copper position is not being displayed in TT or the Auction Window
02:10.09Nechcknis that by design or something I am missing, perhpas?
02:11.07NechcknThat is, if there is no copper value, then the copper position is not displayed.  If there is a value >1, then it does appear.
02:11.32GuillotineCladhaire: I'm going to assume that you still haven't given permission for LightHeaded to be hosted on Curse and delete any copies uploaded until you specifically tell me otherwise
02:11.44Cideand this is a CT issue and not an Auc Adv issue?
02:11.54mikmaWobin: the whatwhat?
02:12.07Nechcknright, when CT expense history is disabled, then copper shows fine
02:12.11nevcairielGuillotine: he even complained earlier about it ;)
02:12.48Wobinmikma: that youtube video
02:12.51Raynesomeone in the forums bumped a 3 month old post :/
02:12.54Wobinit kinda sucked =P
02:13.03CideNechckn: and yet when Auc Adv disabled, it also shows fine?
02:13.18Guillotinenevairiel: ah, alright :)
02:13.37NechcknCide:  the main reason this came to light, is that AAdv has an option to not show any place values that are 00, if you prefer not to see them.  This could cause an issue if people think AAdv is not modifying the value correctly.
02:13.48NechcknCide:  one sec.
02:14.44NechcknCide:  Believe so, but checking now to be sure.
02:15.25mikmaWobin: of course it sucked
02:16.03Guillotinefor some reason, people seem to be obsessed with uploading other people's addons recently :/
02:16.10Guillotineespecially ace addons
02:16.47nevcairielits funny tho. other people complain to upload other addons to the ace repo to get them into the updater :P
02:17.13Nechckncide: darnit... you got it, sorry to bother you.. back to the drawing board.  Thank you for your time!
02:17.18Guillotinenev: yup
02:17.44Guillotinethough now we have our own updater, so technically it should be just as easy on Curse as on WoWAce
02:19.27Guillotinestill, its such a hassle to sift through addons and figure out which are unauthorized unless someone tells me
02:21.56CideNechckn: heh, alright :) let me know if you figure it out
02:23.43Nechckncide:  will do, basically with AAdv and CTEH loaded, then you do not get the copper field if = 0.  when no AAdv, it displays just fine, when no CTEH it displays fine too.
02:27.13Wobinhm, anyone know if GetContainerItemLink will return the correct value before the BAG_UPDATE event?
02:36.41Kelfarrwow remind you of anything
02:41.12Wobinum, no?
02:43.38Kelfarrwell if you havn't seen my UI you wouldn't know
02:43.52Wobinooh ooh
02:43.53Kelfarrthis is mine i made a couple days ago
02:43.55Wobincan I guess?
02:43.58Kelfarrthat one is his he made today
02:44.28WobinIt looks like he loaded up yours in widescreen =P
02:44.32Wobinand it failed to work =P
02:44.46Kelfarri never realesed mine :P
02:45.11WobinSo he didn't copy yours?
02:45.15Kelfarrhe did copy it
02:45.40Wobinhow'd he get it?
02:45.46Wobin(if you never released it)
02:45.48Kelfarri don't know
02:45.54Kelfarri guess he attempted to make it like mine
02:45.57Wobinamg hax =(
02:46.12WobinHe's probably reading over your shoulder RIGHT NOW =P
02:46.41Kelfarrlol 9.5k hemo crit
02:46.54RayneI just seen that :
02:47.10Kelfarrlooks like a private server
02:47.31Wobinshe's got the blindfold =(
02:47.34WobinI want that helm =(
02:47.35Rayneyeah thats pretty unbelievable, I was more referring to the guy that pretty much mirrored your UI
02:47.36Kelfarrwow its not tho
02:47.41Kelfarroh yeah
02:47.55Wobinit looks completely stupid on a gnome though =_P
02:48.05Kelfarrpretty weird too like i wouldn't really care if he said "made the art from kelfarr" or something
02:48.13Wobin(Treys Test Server)?
02:48.34Kelfarrnope its not here is his armory
02:49.23Kelfarroh yeah
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02:49.55Raynehe was also flasked, mighted, and well fed
02:51.30Wobinnot to say that I -won't- be switching to hemo in 2.3
02:52.00Raynealso, lawl at 2719 AP in crappy fury gear.
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03:06.00mikmago russians!
03:10.21Arrowmasterso is it a hemo nerf or buff that theyre changing it to do more than 100% weapon damage? since if it does more then it will use normalized attackpower bonus instead of weapon speed right?
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03:11.11CodayusArrowmaster: The fact that it doesn't do 100% weapon damage doesn't MEAN it'll become normalized.
03:11.39Arrowmastereverything that doesnt do 100% weapon damage is normalized
03:12.36CodayusTrue, AFAIK, but that's mostly because almost everything is normalized.  The tiny handful of exceptions aren't obviously useful for drawing conclusions from...
03:12.49CodayusI mean, what all isn't normalized?  Hemo, and?  Um...
03:13.12Arrowmasterstuff that only does 100% weapon damage because its no different than a normal white hit
03:13.25Arrowmasteranything that gets bonus damage is
03:13.52CodayusYou fail.  Ghostly Strike does 125% weapon damage and is not normnalized.  :-)
03:14.04Codayus(Or so says wowwiki.  I have no clue.)
03:14.58CodayusMy feeling is they normalized everything that seemed OP or that was so rarely used they forgot about it.  :-)
03:15.22Arrowmasterok i cant tell from wowhead if it is or not
03:15.45Arrowmasterbut anything that gets a set damage addition to it is normalized
03:17.53CodayusMaybe, but there are skills which don't have extra damage which are normalized...
03:18.05Arrowmasterlike what?
03:18.07CodayusIt just seems awfully random...
03:19.58Arrowmastermaybe because its an AoE
03:21.21Cidenormalization in this case refers to the fact that the weapons use a predefined number
03:21.33Cidei.e. 1.x for daggers and 2.4 for non-daggers (I forgot what 'x' is)
03:21.52Codayus1.7 for daggers
03:22.25Cideanyway, time to sleep. night
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03:30.33GuillotineANOTHER person just tried uploading lightheaded
03:30.39Guillotinethis is ridiculous
03:31.11Guillotineis it like "lets violate jim's copyrights day"?
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03:50.02GuillotineJust so you all know, Curse is looking into starting manual acceptance of new projects and we'll get it started ASAP to combat all of the recent unauthorized uploads.
03:50.18Guillotinespecifically Cladhaire since people seem to like violating his copyrights :P
03:50.34art3miscoyrights was an extra word there ;P
03:51.08*** part/#wowi-lounge Nechckn_WoWing (
03:51.32art3mis<Guillotine> specifically Cladhaire since people seem to like violating him
03:51.33Guillotineoh ><
03:51.34purlba-dum CHH
03:51.34Guillotine~lart art3mis
03:51.34purlpushes the wall down onto art3mis whilst whistling innocently
03:51.39art3misperhaps thats not the ebst word to use after
03:51.56Thunder_Childindeed art3mis
03:52.38art3misr-e-a-d a b-o-OK
03:52.38Thunder_Childart3mis, you just tossed your own salad......
03:52.47art3misim flexible
03:53.08Thunder_Childso it seems
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04:25.38Corrodiasi want to play more half-life
04:31.19Kelfarri want to get my rank on steam community uop
04:31.29Kelfarrthis is mine right now Steam Rating:4.9 - Master of Nothing
04:31.36Kelfarr1. Half-Life 2
04:31.36Kelfarr7.9 hrs 2. Day of Defeat Source
04:31.36Kelfarr4.3 hrs 3. GarrysMod
04:31.36Kelfarr2.4 hrs
04:31.56Corrodiaswhat is a steam community rank?
04:32.08Kelfarri don't know
04:32.09|Jelly|epeen for half life nerds?
04:32.15Kelfarrits based off your time played i guess
04:32.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (n=kody@
04:32.31Tierrieyou put your penis ina  cdrom and it calculates it for you
04:33.21Kelfarrlol look at this for steam
04:33.21KelfarrMinutes played per month (average): 11.247 billion (21,399 years)
04:33.25Thunder_Childfigure about 35-40 hours for 10 then
04:33.28Kelfarrthats for everyone
04:33.36Kelfarr21 thousand years
04:33.38Corrodiashuh. well, i have no intention of playing a game for a long time just to increase artificial ratings
04:33.51Corrodiasmy time in world of warcraft notwithstanding
04:33.55CorrodiasTOTALLY DIFFERENT
04:37.30Thunder_Childhmm...just finished Shoot 'Em Up
04:38.00Corrodiasdoesn't sound familiar
04:38.14Thunder_Childwas in theaters
04:38.17Thunder_Childbut low key
04:38.21Thunder_Childstill is i think
04:38.24Corrodiasa movie, then, i take it?
04:39.57Corrodiasah, sounds like totally not my kind of movie
04:40.43Thunder_Childsorry Corrodias, not everything can be The Notebook
04:41.02Corrodiassorry, i don't know that one either
04:41.08RayneBlazing Aces.
04:41.16Thunder_Childthat was decent
04:41.48Corrodiasi think the last movie i saw was... oh yes, i went to one of the harry potter movies with friends. it was the 5th movie, and the second one i've seen. before that? probably shrek 2. :P i guess i'm not really much of a moviegoer
04:42.12Thunder_Childwho was talking about GOING to movies?
04:43.04Corrodias"hmm...just finished Shoot 'Em Up // was in theaters"
04:43.19Thunder_Childagain, (21:42:54) (Thunder_Child) who was talking about GOING to movies?
04:43.37Corrodiasto reiterate, you. "[23:38] <Thunder_Child> was in theaters"
04:43.48Thunder_Childmost movies were in theaters
04:44.03Thunder_Childthis one still is....but i never said anything about going to the theater
04:44.07Thunder_Childyou assumed it
04:44.20Corrodiasmost are indeed, and you saw fit to emphasize that this one was in theatres
04:44.48Thunder_Childbecause many movies like that dont come out in theaters
04:45.06Thunder_ChildEquilibrium was great, but i dont ever remeber that in theaters
04:45.37Corrodiasmovies like what? i don't know what equilibruim is, either
04:45.47IrielI rather linked Equilibrium also
04:45.57Thunder_Childpeople compare it with matrix
04:46.17Thunder_Childi assume you have heard of matrix?
04:46.27Irielthose people would be the ones who compare almost every sci fi movie with a twist with the matrix, though
04:46.38IrielI can see Dark City / The Matrix
04:46.42Corrodiasyes, actually, i've seen that one. i don't think i was a huge fan.
04:46.47IrielBut not Equlibrium / The Matrix
04:47.10Corrodiaswasted potential. or maybe not.
04:47.18IrielHell, i can even see The Island / The Matrix -- but that's tenuous at best
04:47.34Kelfarri like the island it was pretty good
04:47.36IrielCorrodias: The first matrix was good, I thought... But the subsequent ones dissapointing
04:47.43Thunder_Childyour just trying to use the fake world around you theme, thats not the only thing that can be similar to the matrix
04:47.58IrielKelfarr: Given my expectations for the island (namely, I though it would suck), it was pretty good
04:48.16|Jelly|I liked it too.
04:48.19Thunder_Childya, i heard alot of bad things about it as well, but rather enjoyed it
04:49.02Thunder_Childguess the people reviewing it werent big sci-fi fans
04:49.21Kelfarrthats what I liked about it, the futurish things
04:49.41Thunder_Childof course i liked Pluto Nash, but i dont know anyone else who did
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04:56.43Raynedo do do
04:57.29Kelfarrde de de
04:57.43Raynela la la
04:59.18Rayne I dont even wanna say anything...
05:00.25Kelfarrsweet chris angel mindfreak is on
05:00.38Kelfarrand he is making a 9,000 pound elephant vanish!!!
05:00.50Corrodiasisn't he a musician?
05:03.48Corrodiasrob zombie is
05:04.32Kelfarryes he is
05:04.45Rayneoh my god
05:05.19Raynethis rogue blew up my kara raid 3 fucking times
05:05.33Corrodiashow? HOW?
05:05.38Corrodiaspleeeease dramatize me
05:07.11Rayneif youve ran kara before you should know :/
05:07.39Corrodiaswell, blowing up can be used in a more general way, but if you expect me to assume it, i'll say he's moving during Flame Wreath
05:08.41Corrodiasi'd think doing it twice should be enough to have him dismissed from the raid until next time, unless you don't happen to have any other dpsers on hand to replace him
05:08.46|Jelly|That's the best time to move imo.
05:08.54|Jelly|"Hey guys...guess what?"
05:09.38Rayneim just going to turn on Daft Punk and let my Gm call the raid...
05:11.13Corrodiasi have an urge to eat
05:11.19Corrodiasbut i'm neither hungry nor in need of food
05:11.32CodayusI blew up the raid 3 times in one raid while learning Solarian.  :-(
05:14.10CodayusBeing a raid leader with a penchant for information overload isn't normally so fatal...
05:20.19Corrodiasi have the opposite problem of not noticing information
05:20.29Corrodiasi'm the least observant person i know
05:31.01*** part/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
05:57.58mikmaRayne: i like the name of that file... "cleanui1"
06:01.46Corrodiasby the way, the click-to-buy thing on steam ended shortly after i started using it. DAMN. that was very convenient.
06:03.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
06:03.56snurrecleanui sounds like the girl im dating.. damn cleaning freaks, but at least it keeps my apartment not so tidy :p
06:07.52Finit's a long and boring story
06:08.11Cairennwell, no one is talking much ...
06:08.41Finwell, it all started back in the mists of time... which is approximately, uhm, 14 months ago? more? over a year
06:08.54Financient days in Internet time
06:09.28Fina happy user of, I uploaded a couple of addons to share with the world
06:10.13Finsoon after, I settled on my current internet persona that I'd associate with WoW - unfortunately too late for the username I'd chosen on WoW
06:10.21mikmahaha. that was a good story
06:10.37Finno seriously! it ONLY GETS BETTER
06:10.58*** join/#wowi-lounge anko (
06:11.32FinI registered a new account -> emailed admins to ask if I could perhaps merge the two accounts? or should I reupload the addons? can they change the owners for me?
06:12.02Finreply: hmm, what? clarification: this is what I meant reply: OK, I've deleted this account
06:12.15*** join/#wowi-lounge RogueShadow (
06:12.21Finbut... my account still exists
06:12.33art3missomeone needs to make a mod to that red screen border for aggro that pops up a semi transparent picture of dr.who
06:12.40FinI can log in, but I don't have a username
06:13.10Finit just says "You are logged in as (log out)"
06:13.59Cairennand you aren't getting any assistance?
06:14.04FinI've sent all sorts of emails and stuff, trying to be helpful, but only recently got any sort of reply - Amthea, if he or she is real, seems to be pretty helpful but unable to do much
06:14.25Finseriously, I've sent mails on and off over a year now
06:14.45Finit was weird with the new site, in the "my mods" queue, there were hundreds of mods there
06:14.53Finmost of them unapproved
06:15.10FinI think it's basically to do with the fact that I exist in one table somewhere, but not in another somewhere else
06:15.15Finso I'm ending up with a UID of 0
06:15.18Finor something along those lines
06:15.38FinI can add stuff to the shoutbox - it doesn't have a username associated, though
06:16.32Finif I go to the "profile" page, the server doesn't even give me any HTTP headers
06:16.48FinI bet there's a process dumping core somewhere at that point
06:17.53Finart3mis: the current Dr?
06:18.00mikmac'mon, can't this start already
06:18.07mikma5min+ spent and no magicians yer
06:18.30Finoh, and then they all lived happily ever after!
06:18.38Fin~ Fin ~
06:23.38FinI *wonder* if there are any wowui admin type people lurking around here... I suspect there are
06:24.25Finactually twice I even tried connecting to their IRC thingy
06:27.16Fin"server" I believe the technical term is
06:27.22Rayneim out DPSing a mage and a hunter in my kara group...spectacular :/
06:27.45Finwhat class are you?
06:28.11mikmapropably druid
06:28.27Finoh wait... is Rayne the person who seems to have me /ignored?
06:28.42Fin-the person+one of the people
06:28.49mikmaRayne: what do you think about Fin btw?
06:31.10Corrodiasoh god
06:31.14Corrodiasi can't unsee it
06:31.21Finmy work here is done
06:32.43Thunder_Childyea, but that guy is such a fucking pussy
06:32.55Fin5 points
06:33.02Thunder_Childbesides, it will look really weird walking around
06:33.25FinI... I think maybe someone might've pointed that out already...
06:33.47Findid I just miss a pun, there?
06:33.50mikmaFin: reraise
06:34.17Finhow confusing
06:34.19Finand confused!
06:35.58mikmathis is really great:
06:36.43FinOK, I'll see your mad weight lifting hello! girl and raise you a moving-back-on-topic
06:38.57Thunder_Childhis english is worse than least i try
06:38.58Finyou know what I would really love, is a link to "Latest 100" in the "Quick Links" menu on wowi
07:03.03art3misfin: hehe any dr.who like the old intro to the bbc version ;)
07:03.57Raynealso, Kelfarr, you beat me to asking that why that guys claiming tapestrys as his
07:05.14Finmaybe Rayne's ignoring you too, mikma
07:05.39Finperhaps it's sort of a whitelist situation rather than a blacklist setup
07:05.52RayneWait what am I doing?
07:06.12art3misshort answer: no  long answer : fuck no
07:06.42FinI am unsure as to how to continue
07:07.32art3mistry bolting and running around franticly
07:07.45art3mislike ahrrison ford im getting frantic
07:07.47Finit *was* you!
07:07.48Fin#wowi-lounge.11-03.log:06:49 <Rayne> Prat doesnt have a autohide feature does it?
07:07.51Fin#wowi-lounge.11-03.log-06:50 <Fin> autohide what?
07:08.14Fin... that's it
07:08.36Finsee my greplogfu
07:08.37Finfear it
07:09.21art3mismovie line: fear is what keeps you alive  me: i thought it was organs  wife: more organs equals more human
07:09.28art3misthats why i love my wife
07:09.36art3misout of no where invader zim quotes ;P
07:14.38Finmay I have your wife
07:14.41Finto keep
07:18.11Corrodiasi wonder if i need a mate
07:18.41FinI'll be your friend
07:19.38Corrodiaswell, i don't even know which gender i'd prefer yet
07:19.43Corrodias(or combination)
07:19.55Finone way to find out
07:20.08Finfairly reliable in past tests
07:21.00Corrodiasthen there's the issue of sexuality both in contrast to and as part of intimacy
07:21.08Corrodiashaven't begun to sort that one out yet
07:21.24Corrodiaswhat would i do with another person around?
07:21.44Corrodiasor additional people, for that matter
07:22.17Finsex is fun, however you do it
07:23.33Corrodiasand even that, i'm not sure would be worth the trouble
07:23.49Finone way to find out
07:23.55Finfairly reliable, etc.
07:24.17Corrodiasi keep getting the feeling you're trying to make hints, but i'm watching south park so my hintmeter is otherwise occupied
07:24.27Finnot everyone's cup of teabagging, I guess
07:24.37Finmost people's, though
07:25.07Finno, seriously, I'm being direct and honest and all that stuff
07:25.09Finno hints
07:26.10Corrodiasoh. perhaps you just haven't gone into detail, then
07:26.45FinI didn't see the need
07:27.05Corrodiasif you're hoping for me to pick up on what you mean without saying, that's a hint
07:27.19Finhow to find out which way you swing: experiment with both sexes; how to find out if you like sex: have sex
07:27.41Corrodiasbut then you have the question, what if you prefer sex with women but don't get along with them? or the other way around?
07:27.55Finhow can you not get on with an entire gender?
07:28.44Corrodiasi mean, on the higher level required for living together
07:28.49Finit can be frustrating, and SEEM like they're all out to get you, but it's not true really
07:28.58Finstart with sex
07:29.05Fins'my advice
07:29.20Finif at all possible
07:29.25CorrodiasEVERYONE is out to get me, that won't come into play here! ;D
07:29.33Finand at the earliest possible convenience for both parties involved
07:29.48FinI'm not!
07:30.14FinI have no interest in getting you, I promise
07:30.29FinI won't have sex with you, though
07:31.20Raynemy god I hate fighting Netherspite without 2 locks :/
07:31.31Finyou may have to revise your goals with regards to who you would like to have sex with
07:45.18Thunder_Childhuh, just finished listening to a song about incest
07:45.37Thunder_Childcountry of course
07:45.40Corrodiasaw, i've run out of south park to watch
07:47.56*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
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07:49.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (n=kd3@
07:56.44art3misTC: the best of AC?
07:57.23Thunder_ChildAllen Coe?
07:57.30art3misanal c*nt
07:57.46Thunder_Childit's called "I just want to fuck you one more time"
07:59.42Corrodiaslike, "before our father comes home"?
08:00.00Thunder_Childlike, thats the dad talking to the daughter
08:03.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
08:06.53Tierrieok so
08:06.55Tierriesomeone clarify this for me
08:07.03Tierriedid the clock roll back yet?
08:07.54Cairennit has here
08:08.02Tierrieok well
08:08.09Tierriehow about here? :D
08:09.59kd3time shift is at 02:00 local time
08:10.20kd3eastern, central and mountain have shifted back
08:13.37Cairennnot apathetic, just wasn't sure
08:14.17Tierriewasn't really a colon and close brackets, just sad
08:14.35Cairennsense of time a little discombobulated, for obvious reasons ;)
08:14.47Tierriei am not sure this is the first 1:14am of the night
08:14.49Tierrieor the 2nd
08:15.08Cairennit's 3:14 which means it's 4:14 which means it's 1:14 so no
08:15.15Cairennerrr, or something
08:15.24Tierriei have multiple clocks but they are mostly electronics and may have automatically adjusted
08:15.26Cairenn(is what my brain was trying to figure out)
08:15.30Tierriei just realized i have a desk clock here
08:15.50Tierriegood job brain!
08:16.06kd3I only realized that the time swap was happening this morning by glancing at my cell phone at the party and getting confused looking at the wall clock that was suddenly off by an hour
08:16.24Tierriewell the time change is all over reddit and the radio
08:16.27art3mishehe i never did the DLS patch to my ipaq so last night iw as looking at it and it was an hour off, but tonight it's accurate ;P
08:26.11Tierriei have to confide in someone
08:26.21Tierriei didn't think it was possible to have too much porn
08:26.32Tierrieand through my life, it never seemed like there was a possible upper bound
08:26.40Tierriebut youporn has really pushed it over the top
08:26.56Tierriei've never not wanted to see porn before but... here i am
08:26.59Tierrienot viewing porn
08:31.24zenzelezzI'm sure it's just a phase
08:35.15Tierriehopefully its not a sex drive meltdown
08:35.51zenzelezzuse the opportunity to do some coding
08:37.13Tierrielol gnight zenzelezzzzz
09:00.33*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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09:27.47art3misas a rule anytime someone says im not looking at porn they are and if they say i don't watch or look at porn at all that means they watch and view the really kinky stuff
09:28.33zenzelezzyup, although there is the odd very religious person who speaks the truth
09:29.23MoonWolfart3mis, what if they suggest to exchange porn ?
09:30.39art3miswell then they shouldnt be questioned at all except for "how much ya wanna trade?"
09:31.04art3misappended with "if there are little kids in this i will drive to your house and kick the crap out of you and THEN call the cops.
09:31.45art3misalthough exchaning porn seems rather silly and can also be answered with "nah i have usenet"
09:32.36art3mishaving osx 10.5 on a pc laptop is neat and all but i've run out of fun things to learn about it
09:32.48art3misguess ill just keep it around for dual boot for those two clients that use amc
09:32.55zenzelezzisn't usenet all 30 second clips in horrendous quality? Or is that just a rumor?
09:33.18art3misthe pic groups could fill yer drive and 30% of which would be alright stuff ;P
09:33.33art3misthe movies ones are usually full movies(or at least thas all i bother with)
09:33.36FinTierrie: have you seen
09:33.54art3misclips are pointless unless you've got a fetish for a particular chick or type
09:34.14art3misthe web can be used for clips ;P
09:34.27Finthere's a lot of 20min+ "clips"
09:34.36Finerrr, so I've heard!
09:34.36zenzelezzclips are for the horny teens that can't hold it any longer
09:34.43art3misyeah those are web+FF plugin leeches ;P
09:35.47art3miswould that be a case in point?
09:37.13MoonWolfyou need to know WHERE on usenet to look
09:37.27zenzelezzthat's no different from the web
09:37.29FinUsenet: The Last Bastion of the Free Net
09:37.39zenzelezzif you're not looking in the right places, everything sucks
09:37.46MoonWolfbut usenet is abou 60% carap 15% porn and 25% warez
09:37.53Finwhereas the web is...
09:38.15art3mismoonwolf: no you dont ;P
09:38.57MoonWolfwell, okay, you get a yabse or binsearch to look for you
09:38.59MoonWolfthat works too
09:46.35Kelfarryay clicks changed back!!
09:46.51Kelfarrit was just 2:46 now 1:46 sweet
09:51.27dreamssbinsearch mainly searhes on warez groups
09:52.23dreamssi cant belive they havent attacked them legaly before, loads of kiddie porn in the NG
10:07.57Kelfarrlol warrior with mortal strike but he is dual wielding lol
10:14.46art3misdreamss: they cant... usenet is not responsible for the sources
10:14.52art3misnor the content
10:15.01dreamssi know
10:15.04art3misthe only people they can actually go after are those people that filter anything
10:15.05dreamssbut kiddie porn?
10:15.15art3misonce you start filtering you're liable for ALL content
10:15.28dreamssi know providers just mirror
10:16.07art3mislike for instance rogers cable filters and disallows some groups
10:16.18art3mistechnically they could go after them.. because of that
10:16.42art3misbut it's along the lines of firewalls at multi office places
10:17.06art3misif one person downloads a movie or whatever and you've got content filtering and a firewall etc etc etc YOU become liable for what they do
10:17.21art3miswhereas if you elave it all open and security is thier responsisibilty you're not ;P
10:18.14dreamsspoint remains
10:18.25dreamssthere is kiddie porn
10:18.33dreamssand US is harsh on that topic
10:18.35art3misbut how you gonna track it?
10:18.38dreamssits just surprising
10:18.45art3misthere are far too many free servers that allow anon uploads
10:18.57art3misnot really
10:19.05art3misthe us is harsh on cocaine and crack and heroine
10:19.10art3misand that still floods the market
10:19.14dreamssnewshosting just got sued for warez
10:19.34art3misyeh they're gonna come out of that one free and clear
10:19.43art3misheh idiots
10:19.56dreamssyeah, exactly
10:20.04RayneKelfarr: It wouldnt be that bad of a spec if he has put 3-5 points into Poleaxe spec for the extra crit
10:20.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
10:20.16dreamssmy point is, if they havent bought kiddie porn down, warez aint going anywere
10:20.17Rayneoh wait he did
10:21.39dreamssnewsgroups prolly based off BBS, so is older than shit
10:21.54art3misi just got a green leather item that has 104 AP on it
10:21.57dreamsswasent around the bss days
10:21.59art3misand no other stats
10:22.09dreamssyeah hehe
10:22.36KasoFor some reason i read that as kitten porn
10:22.40art3misngs predate bbs's
10:22.41Kasoand my imagenation went wild
10:22.58dreamssi tought bbs was the first thing that got network sockets
10:23.05art3misoh god no
10:23.19art3misdarpa arpa had all the unis wired long before pcs came out
10:23.36dreamssirc been out since bush sr
10:23.39dreamssi belive
10:23.53dreamsswasent net savy back then sigh
10:23.57art3misyou arent serious are you?
10:24.19art3misirc is a touch older than 88 ;P
10:24.25dreamsskinda not, wish i knew exact dates
10:24.44dreamssi know soldiers used to irc from iraq during desert storm
10:25.10dreamssart3mis, when did u start with IT?
10:25.29art3misokay it was 88 ;)
10:25.49art3misbeen mucking with computers since around 89ish
10:26.04dreamssirc is based off bbs?
10:26.07art3misback further into the early 80s late 70s but that was when i was a kid
10:28.26dreamssdid u bbs?
10:28.36art3misdidnt start netowrking and hardware again til about 93
10:28.45art3misx.25 too ;P
10:29.20dreamss<fn'art3mis> irc is a touch older than 88 ;P
10:29.25dreamssfunny how u hit the right year
10:36.34Finspeaking of usenet
10:37.02Finit's mighty cool that the first thing I heard of tale since forever is that he's written an addon
10:37.50Finnot sure what you're questioning
10:40.00art3miswhos tale
10:40.45dreamssSilence and Interrupt effects now have diminishing returns when used on PvP targets.
10:40.45Finhe was the guy that for a very long time had the root authority to create new groups in the big 8 hierarchy
10:40.48dreamsscan i get a fyuck yes
10:41.14dreamssfin, that makes sense sorry were newbs
10:41.21art3mishehe so could everyone i hung out with ;P
10:41.43Finhis pgp key (think it was pgp?) was hard coded into inn for a while
10:41.56art3misremember seeing the **'s that spelt out AT&T with thier deathstar logo?
10:42.18Finhe was the one that could grant and revoke authority, 'n' stuff
10:42.48purlComplete and full-featured Usenet System. URL:
10:42.55Finoh! thanks purl
10:43.15Finit is to usenet as bind is to dns
10:43.31art3mishehe inn gave me hives
10:43.35Finshit me too
10:43.55art3misalmost as funny as pine
10:44.11Finthat's what I always said, sure
10:44.17Finalthough, pine as never a pain?
10:44.24dreamssgotta say, im expertize lies on ftp more
10:44.27dreamssand its limited
10:44.48art3misnah pine was great for what it did
10:44.59art3misthere were just some super amusing exploits attached to it
10:45.06art3mislike the one in the sig file ;P
10:45.08Finall I meant to say was, it's funny that one of the guys who was so important in usenet history turns up writing addons for WoW
10:45.32Finoh huh, yeah
10:46.00dreamssloads of warez guys started playing wow
10:46.00Finproudly hosting the elm homepage since
10:46.16dreamssu know what addon did he write?
10:46.21Finsince 199something!
10:46.56MoonWolfwhat addon was it anyway?
10:47.05Finand Rummage
10:47.07art3misyou host the elm homepage?
10:47.09FinI use Rummage
10:47.15FinI do indeed
10:47.30art3misheh yeah
10:47.40Finconsistently out of date as a mark of quality!
10:47.47dreamssmy friend, an IT manager in ny found this dude that has a huge net caffee/chinese farmer den
10:48.15dreamsswow is everywere :P
10:48.16FinI wonder if job titles are like, "cow" "chicken" and stuff
10:49.21dreamssi was gonna ask him to hook me up with a job there for tech support
10:49.25dreamssfree gold :>
10:49.48art3mistell him to give me clients ;P
10:50.16art3misi used o host the neherworld mud pvp page
10:50.24art3miswe had some of the best kils listed there
10:50.36dreamsshow u mud pvp?
10:50.42art3mislike this one guy killing this barbarian by stealing his boat while they were on the ocean
10:51.01art3miswas a classic kill
10:51.03cladhaire~seen Cide
10:51.12purlcide <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 7h 28m 47s ago, saying: 'anyway, time to sleep. night'.
10:51.12dreamssis it like /random
10:51.12dreamssor how u win/loose fights
10:51.20art3misyou fight people like you would mobs
10:56.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
10:56.52zenzelezzI really wish games would stop requiring the DVD/CD to be in the drive when they don't read any files from them during play
10:57.06art3misthats what nocd cracks are for ;P
10:57.25dreamssquake games have that
10:57.26zenzelezztoo annoying to go through all the crap on those sites
10:57.27dreamssand unreal
10:57.57KasoYah, i feel no problem whatsoever using nocd cracks to get around the pointless drm stuff they put on simply to cause problems for us the paying customers
10:57.58dreamssso aparently, this guy got trojaned and someone pasted the public ftp with c on an irc channel
10:58.16Kasozenzelezz, is usually a pretty good source.
10:58.31dreamssfull of ads
10:58.51zenzelezzthat's where I usually get my stuff, but I had a few bad cracks some time (crashing ones) and stopped using it for a bit
10:58.52Kasoadblock ?
11:00.54dreamssanyone in eu servers wanna tell this guy his pc got owned
11:01.03dreamssand someone pasting his C in irc
11:01.19Kasowhich guy
11:01.53dreamssGAULTIMOURE/Das Konsortium/
11:02.27zenzelezz"his C"?
11:02.50dreamss[03:50] * Guest7180 ( has joined #WOW
11:02.51dreamss[03:50] <Guest7180> ftp://anonymous:anonymous@
11:03.14zenzelezzthat still doesn't tell me what a "C" is
11:03.21dreamssc drive?
11:03.23art3mishe c drive
11:04.32dreamssDer abyssische Rat/Verale/
11:04.59dreamssi prolly get in trouble if i tell blizz heh
11:05.39art3miswow i collect some serious junk farming
11:05.53art3missold only greys paid 15g for repairs and i stil made 14g
11:06.10dreamssyeah junk is good money
11:08.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
11:11.11Raynewho in here has a comp built for gaming
11:11.15Raynelike 100%
11:11.28dreamsseveryone ?
11:11.33dreamsssup rayne
11:11.44Raynewhat speed RAM do you use?
11:12.12dreamssram speed depends on diferent factors
11:12.18dreamssi have pc400 ram
11:12.26art3misim lazy, ddr400 for me
11:12.40dreamssbut changes with ur cpu/chipset
11:13.13dreamssdiference betwing pro gamer and normal ram is parity and can be clock higher
11:13.14Rayneim trying to get somehting good
11:13.17RayneI got 533
11:13.23Raynelooking to go higher
11:13.38Kasowhich cpu you got
11:13.53RaynePentium D 2.80ghz Dual Core
11:14.52dreamssstarwars tranformers toy? lol
11:15.33RayneI disgust myself saying Im only using PC3200 :/
11:16.47dreamsslooks like 800 fsb speed? so ddr 800?
11:17.11Rayneya think so
11:17.15Raynesorry its 6am
11:17.18Rayneim half outta it
11:17.43KasoYou only need to match your fsb unless you're planning on overclocking some then you want to get a good chunk higher
11:17.59Raynethink its 820 actually
11:18.03Kasoplus with intel cpus, low latency ram is pretty much entirely useless, so not woth the money ithink
11:19.15Rayneim running 533
11:19.17Raynei think
11:19.24Rayneyeah 533 I got the package in front of me
11:19.35RayneI just rebuilt my whole system. My old mobo was garbage
11:19.57KasoWhich chipset your new mobo have?
11:20.06dreamssif u dont know
11:20.23Rayne theres my board
11:21.23dreamssRecognized CORSAIR XMS2 C4 2GB (2 x 1GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800 (PC2 6400)
11:21.25dreamssfirst review
11:21.28dreamssthere ur answer
11:22.04KasoYah, you def wanna grab yourself a pc2 6400 duel channel kit, and dont bother wasting your money on low latency
11:23.02Thunder_Childi love how my MOBO is rated for the ram i have but if i put it down to it's default latency i get all sorts of errors and issues
11:23.31dreamssonly person i know who OC profecionaly uses phase change
11:23.46dreamssand his pc can disturb the time/space continum
11:24.50dreamssThunder_Child meant love how my MOBO is rated for the ram i have but if i put it down to it's spd settings
11:25.43Thunder_Childsettings, latency...same thing
11:25.48Thunder_Childin this case
11:38.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Rayne2 (
11:47.33Kelfarrrayne2? why 2
11:48.01Rayne2my net reset
11:48.05Rayne2and it didnt kick the other one out
11:48.19Raynethere we go
11:48.35zenzelezzif you're registered you can ghost it
11:48.45Raynenot registered yet
11:48.50Raynei keep forgetting to do it
11:49.19zenzelezzthen do it now
11:49.21Rayneim also looking at expensive jewelry, and computer parts
11:49.27Raynemeh, later
11:49.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
11:51.13Rayneoh GOD
11:51.20RayneI found one of my old, old UIs for my warrior
11:51.28Rayneits AWFUL
11:52.00dreamssomfg this 6800ultra is gonna get oc to hell, 60c while playing tf2
11:52.34Rayneim running an 8500GT :/
11:52.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
11:53.53Rayneholy crap
11:53.53RayneI still have Screenshots from my Molten Core days
11:54.12dreamssthose 8500 gt own for htpc
11:54.29RayneI got the 512mb version too
11:55.29RayneI need to OC it
11:55.58Rayne LAWL at how horrible I used to be at UIs -_-
11:57.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
12:02.47RayneKelfarr you awake?
12:07.35Kelfarrgoing to bed right now
12:08.12Raynequick Q
12:08.34Rayneyou know of any mods that face out anything on your UI minus select pieces when like OOC or in combat?
12:08.48Kelfarrnope i don't
12:08.48RayneThere used to be a mod called alpha blending but it disapeared
12:09.04Kelfarrlol mc days are fun, priests with 4k hp now they have 9k
12:09.18Kelfarrbut i really gtg to bed gotta get up in 6 hours night
12:12.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
12:14.49RayneIm tempted to start using Cellular again
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12:29.09wereHamsterRayne, that used to be my warrior/tank UI, all of the raid UI was written by me :) it had some neat features that I haven't found anywhere else..
12:30.07wereHamster... I'm still proud of it
12:30.26wereHamsterah crap, he left
12:30.47WobinThat's a big arse hud
12:32.07wereHamsterit served its purpose
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12:38.07zenzelezzMETEOR AND SHADOWBOLT
12:39.08WobinOne of these things is not like the other.
12:39.12WobinOne of these things is not the same.
12:39.40Wobin(although that loses a bit with there only being two things being compared...)
12:39.43zenzelezzso sue me for not remembering which of the four abilites went together, it's been a year and then some since I did them
12:40.59zenzelezzwas it meteor and clap? Or meteor and plague?
12:41.25Wobinwe always called the plague 'clap'
12:42.04zenzelezzall I remember is "Hordekiller" the Boar charge in, returning with a huge bad guy
12:46.57Wobinhehe yeah
12:47.08Wobinpoor pet always given the job of 'fetching'
12:50.20zenzelezzmy old guild used pet pulls everywhere
12:50.26*** join/#wowi-lounge GhostGirl (i=blestifi@unaffiliated/ghostgirl)
12:54.03zenzelezzthe first time we went on after Anub'Rekhan we sent a warrior to pull... after that we used pets =D
12:55.43Wobinhehe I used to Cat-fish that elemental in Gnomeregan for the water breathing staff
12:56.13WobinI thought I was so clever =P
12:56.20zenzelezzHydrocane \o/
12:56.24Wobinyeah =)
12:57.04WobinStand at the entrance of the instance, eyes of the beast, send cat down the shaft, aggro the elemental, un-eyes of the beast, which despawns the pet, and the elemental comes running up alone for me to beat up =)
12:57.40cladhairehaha nice
12:57.40Wobinmade it easier to reset the instance too
13:06.40CodayusHmm, pet pulls...
13:06.47CodayusBeen a while since I've seen one of those.
13:13.59Wobinhm, I've seen one fairly recently
13:14.02Wobincan't recall where though
13:14.14Wobinsomething in kara?
13:14.19Wobincan't be
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16:08.09Fingo on then, how did you clean it all up, where's all the stuff that used to be there gone?
16:08.54KasoI still consider the fact that i know the entire way around BRD as one of my greatest achivements in wow
16:09.39Finthat's nice, Kaso
16:10.06KasoI sware when they were designing that place they deliberately made it as hard to navigate as possible
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16:51.15cncfanaticsanyone know how to get dxdiag working on linux ?
16:51.36cncfanaticsI get an error with wine atm
16:51.52Shirik./wine dxdiag ?
16:52.17cncfanaticsyour version of dxdiagn.dll is out of date
16:52.35Shirik./wineconfig --removestupiduser
16:52.42Shirikmesage from root: The system is shutting down NOW!
16:53.09Shirikbut to answer thequestion
16:53.10Shirikno idea :/
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17:19.30Thunder_Child(translted german post) Currently we are not working on a dire cat form. But what we plan is to make barksin availible in Cat and Travel form!
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17:31.38cladhaireCide: ping
17:31.50cladhairewhere in sweden do you live/
17:31.56cladhaireif you don't mind my asking :P
17:32.05Cidenorthern sweden - UmeƄ
17:32.11cladhairewe're thinking of coming to Stockholm in December and wanted your opinion on the matter :P
17:32.33cladhairemy boyfriend and one of our friends
17:32.36cladhairenot like a group :P
17:32.44Cideall of this channel? cool!
17:33.01Cidehehe, it's some way from here
17:33.04Cidewhich dates?
17:33.16cladhairedec 5 - 9th
17:35.21Shirik|AFKThunder_Child: Why in the heck would you need a dire cat form
17:35.33Shirik|AFK"wtf I can't tank while doing dps, fix!
17:35.40Thunder_Childdont look at me, thats what it said
17:35.52Shirik|AFKyou know what
17:35.56Shirik|AFKmy priest can't tank
17:36.00Shirik|AFKI should be allowed to use plate
17:36.02cladhairefix it!!!!
17:36.36Shirik|AFK!c us drenden kimina
17:36.39ThraeBotShirik|AFK: Kimina, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (23/38/0). 6111 HP; 9705 Mana; 385 mana regen; 161 mp5; 79 +spell dmg; 1420 +heal; 5.66% dodge;[[ TBR: 655 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Nov  4 08:41:03 2007 EST ]]
17:36.45Shirik|AFKsee this crap? only
17:36.49Shirik|AFKarmor's not on there
17:37.00Shirik|AFKbleh I logged out unbuffed
17:37.04Shirik|AFKoh well, I gotta go to publix, take care
17:37.23Cidecladhaire: what brings you to this cold (hell)hole?
17:37.41IndustrialFin; made my actionbar swap pages yesterday. 6 buttons are now 48 actions
17:37.50IndustrialFin: and opated by one hand
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17:37.56Industrialblah, operated
17:39.25IndustrialFin: that gives me the problem of not being able to see 42 possible cooldowns
17:39.33Industrialbut I find oCD pretty sexy :p
17:40.54Industrialgot player buffs on the playerframe so hid those
17:41.10Industrialthats about all you need eh :D?
17:42.16IndustrialI would want some not sucking trap/spell duration addon tho
17:42.17LtronoCD is the one for raids, right?
17:42.24Industrialin the style of oCD
17:42.35Industrialnah oCD is haste's cooldown addon
17:42.43LtronAh, that's right, I remember it now
17:42.52Industrialwich haste should release
17:43.00Industrialright haste ping ping :P
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17:48.22Ltronif I die once more in the next 2 minutes, someone's getting lynched
17:49.05Industrial< Shirik|AFK> I should be allowed to use plate
17:49.08Industrialgo go pally
17:50.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
17:56.37zenzelezzbut paladins can't be shadow
17:56.46AnduinLotharAnyone here done Kael?
17:57.01AnduinLotharWatching a movie here and they say not to bother using the axe
17:57.34AnduinLotharis that just cause they think duel weilders do more dmg?
17:58.05zenzelezzwhat does the axe do again?
17:59.26AnduinLotharmovement and attack speed
17:59.54mikmathis sucks donkeycock: Ignite: This talent is no longer triggered by damage dealt by Molten Armor.
18:00.27AnduinLotharit would make running from boss to boss a lot easier for any ms war or ret pally, but i guess those are the onyl classes/specs that would use it
18:01.08AnduinLotharbut even the hunters could use the axe, no?
18:01.21AnduinLotharequip it and then use the bow for firing
18:03.12zenzelezzI'd think the proc only worked from melee hits
18:03.35AnduinLotharthe stam/atp/crit would still be good for hunters
18:10.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso| (
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18:14.52mikmaFin: moo
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18:21.29Shirik|AFKIndustrial: I couldn't stand being a pally
18:21.41Shirikactually that was mostly just a joke, I <3 my priest
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18:33.07ShirikI love how the G15 utility tells you everything you don't need to know
18:33.17ShirikI think the only useful part of it is that it says "DURA 100" and "SLOTS 15"
18:33.23foxlitcurrent weather in your zone?
18:33.30ShirikI mean for WoW
18:33.55Shirikthe rest of it is strength, agi, stamina, weapon skill, crit rate (melee), damage (melee), speed (melee), AP (melee), hit (melee)
18:34.00nevcairieli always display the TeamSpeak/Vent overlay on the G15 screen
18:34.03Shirikcouldn't it at least take a look at your class and decide?
18:34.09Shirikyeah I do too, just for some reason I didn't have it set right
18:34.13Shirikso I was looking at the wow stats
18:34.17Shirikand it's all like
18:34.22kd3work in opengl mode on x86_64, damn it!
18:34.42ShirikSTR 51, AGI 62, W. Skill 298, DMG 40-119, SPD 1.80, PWR 41, HIT 0, CRIT 3.58
18:34.47Shirikand I'm like ".... that's useful"
18:35.46foxlitIt should take a look at what your character tab is displaying
18:38.54wereHamsterkd3, what's your problem?
18:39.19Shirikso I bought some of those latex yellow gloves today because I have to do a ton of cleaning
18:39.28Shirikand I go to publix and I'm all like "my hands are pretty big, I'll get the large ones"
18:39.29kd3"Your 3D accelerator card is not supported by World of Warcraft. Please install a 3D accelerator card with dual-TMU support."
18:39.39kd3works (kinda, getting ~1FPS) in d3d mode
18:39.42ShirikYeah they don't even fit, to thep oint where I can't even get them off right now
18:39.49ShirikI'm typing with gloves on
18:40.04Shirikmy hands aren't THAT big
18:40.11Shiriktheir marketing team needs to learn what "large" means
18:40.15wereHamsterkd3, indirect rendering?
18:40.55kd3dunno, I'm still trying to figure out what's up. it worked just fine in 32bit mode so I'm worried that the x86_64 rpms got linked against the wrong libs
18:42.05wereHamsteryou probably have some missing libraries..
18:42.23mikmaAnduinLothar: god damn, that's a good commercial :D
18:58.41*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight__ (
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19:09.58Cidemy inner scientist says that 1 GB is indeed 10^9 and not 2^30 bytes
19:10.18IrielCide: Isnt' it all about context?
19:10.30CideIriel: how so?
19:10.42IrielIf there's a convention that, when discussing IT, it means 2^30, then it probably should mean 2^30 there.
19:11.16Cideyeah, possibly. I'd argue another prefix should be used
19:11.16IrielWhereas i'd expect it to be 10^9 if the discussion was about say, power consumption.
19:11.31ShirikCide: That's actually under discussion
19:11.35IrielWell, they created all those silly Gibi prefixes, but the damage was done by then
19:11.40ShirikThough I HATE the new prefixes
19:11.44Shirikand I refuse t o use them
19:11.45Irieland they're lame
19:11.57Cideyeah, it was too late, and agreed; they're lame
19:12.25ShirikI'll be 70 and I'l still be talking about "megabytes" and people are going to be like "you're spelling it wrong" and I'll be like "no shut the hell up"
19:13.22IrielShirik: And then you'll stun them with the taser you have surgically implanted in your replacement hip?
19:15.54zenzelezzI'll accept "gigabyte" meaning 1'000'000'000 bytes the day one byte means 10 bits
19:20.55*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
19:22.40Shirikthis guy's an idiot
19:22.41Shirik"Hard drive sizes as stated as UNFORMATTED capacity, once formatted the operting system/device must consume some of the capacity for it's own use in the format procedure. It is not misleading, and SOME manufacturers even state that this is unformatted capacity. I don't think this will win, they have the wrong idea."
19:22.48Shirikexcept that has NOTHING TO DO with the lawsuit
19:22.48Shirikbut ok
19:23.32*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
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19:25.09purlPain is starting BZFlag without 3D acceleration.
19:25.34IrielShirik: Agreed, plus those who just want direct access to a data store without a filesystem can use all of those unformatted bytes.
19:26.17ShirikI have a simple solution, don't use hard drives :D
19:26.31Shirikunfortunately that doesn't work for most
19:28.23CideI just write down my data on paper
19:28.23Fisker-ahahah Shirik
19:28.33Cidein binary, naturally
19:28.42Fisker-so he
19:28.46Shirikhey Fisker-, that's what I do. Most of the systems I design don't have hard drives
19:28.54ShirikFortunately most of them have no reason to need permanent storage
19:29.03kd3thin clients?
19:29.07Fisker-so he's trying to tell that the 1000bytes and not 1024 bytes is because the OS is taking up that space after a format?
19:29.22IrielFisker-: I think he's just whining about something else.
19:29.30Shirikwell honestly, I gave up trying to understand him
19:29.39Shirikhe seems like the kind of guy that knows what he knows from google
19:29.44Shirikand took all of that knowledge the wrong way
19:29.47foxlitSI prefix, blablabla
19:30.00Fisker-fuck yeah foxlit
19:30.11Shirikkd3: embedded systems. In theory they should never turn off :)
19:30.24ShirikWhen they do, they act as if the first time you turned on them
19:30.27Fisker-it's kinda silly though
19:31.19Fisker-Back in the days some harddrive manfucatorers didn't say 100GB as in 1000(whatever in bytes) but as in 1024(whatever in bytes)
19:32.27ShirikI still have a hard drive that says 1024 MB on it
19:32.28Shiriknot 1GB
19:32.34Shirikand a 512MB hard drive too
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20:18.27JoshBorkehrmph, networking being pissy today :-/
20:18.42FinI love the warnings on hard drives about not exposing them to forces in excess of (eg) 35G
20:19.03Shirikisn't that massive?
20:19.11Finthat's why I love the warnings
20:19.18Finthey're funny
20:19.20ShirikI don't know my magnetic theory well but I think that's huge
20:19.21FinI think they're meant to be
20:19.21JoshBorkehow large of a drop is that?
20:19.27Shirikthat's a magnetic force
20:19.36Fin1g is the standard force of gravity
20:19.39Fin2g is twice that
20:19.41Industrialding 55
20:19.44Shirikok we're talking about two different things
20:19.48JoshBorkegrats indie
20:20.01JoshBorke1G = 9.86 m/s^2
20:20.17Shirikbut are you sure they're not talking about the magnetic measurement?
20:20.39JoshBorkei'm pretty sure they are talking about accelerated forces rather than magnetic forces
20:20.45Shirikstill 35 Gauss is fricking huge
20:20.45Fin[18:40:06] <Industrial> but I find oCD pretty sexy :p
20:20.52Shirikso either way
20:20.59Shirikdon't most people black out at 10G?
20:21.32IndustrialFin: ;)
20:23.01*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
20:23.20ShirikI take everything I said back, it must be the physical force
20:23.28Shirikbecause a gauss is not a force, it's a measurement of magnetic flux
20:23.40Shirikwhich can create a electromotive force, but it's not a force
20:23.46JoshBorkenice try though :-)
20:23.47Findo gausses live in capacitors?
20:23.49JoshBorkethanks for playing
20:23.59Finso no flux capacitors
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20:26.48zenzelezzwee, first Vashj kill \o/
20:27.38foxlitVashj is fun!
20:28.06zenzelezzyeah, once you get it right
20:28.44zenzelezzhad a lot of green goo in phase 3, people kept yelling for someone to get off the stairs... but no-one admitted to being the one on the stairs
20:29.25foxlitStairs have nothing to do with goo :)
20:32.47foxlitHrm vashj positioning on wki isn't what we do normally
20:32.55foxlitMelee on stairs? Waste of time! :P
20:35.20AnduinLotharreally zenzelezz? we killed her the first time we even got into phase 3
20:35.33AnduinLotharhad the most trouble on phase 2
20:35.45AnduinLotharthen we had 3 hunters pwning bats in phase 3
20:37.02zenzelezzwe had most trouble in phase 2 too, but phase 3 isn't quite as easy as 1 ;)
20:37.36AnduinLothareh, the only issue we had was when melee got rooted and then goo'd
20:38.52AnduinLothardo you have a freedom rotation or just 1 pally that does it?
20:39.03zenzelezznot sure... think it's just one
20:39.16AnduinLothari usually do it myself
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20:51.42Raynekay im done posting on the forums for now.
20:52.49|Jelly|I love the people coming from nowhere to call Kelfarr an asshole.
20:52.57|Jelly|$10 says it's one person with alts.
20:54.31Raynewhy else would it be
20:55.08|Jelly|I've talked to a couple people and we all agree that he's an asshole but 99% of the time, he's saying the shit I'm thinking.
20:55.45|Jelly|There are threads where I can almost promise you he's just trying to start a fight but then there are the threads where looking for an answer for 10 seconds in the most obvious place (google) would have solved the problem.
20:55.49|Jelly|Or the stickies.
20:56.31|Jelly|I think Tapestry hit the nail on the head when he said: / While I would agree with this too a point - the fact also is that you have to be somewhat self sufficient and not expect everything to be handed to you. There are tons of resources available for folks to use and learn about UI's and mods. Yet many choose not to and express the feeling of entitlement. Generally it is not the newbie...
20:56.33|Jelly|...posting for the first time also that is being subjected to hostility. I'm of the opinion that you try to help yourself first before expecting help from others so maybe that is just me. /
20:56.35Raynemeh, one of these days the biohazard sign will disapear next to my name
20:59.42|Jelly|I've been reported a couple times and suspended once. : /
20:59.54|Jelly|Kelfarr is the one that needs to watch out imo.
21:02.17FinI got banned too!
21:02.27Finit was the highlight of my WoW forum experience
21:02.43FinI made a tribute site to myself!
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21:05.43Fisker-what is that about Fin ?
21:06.30RayneJelly, did that troll respond to me?
21:06.44|Jelly|not yet
21:06.49zenzelezzman, we've had epics from almost every pull before Al'ar so far (got big birds left)
21:07.06|Jelly|Yes he did it even worth it>
21:07.59|Jelly|Not really. He pretty much says "QQ I'm a noob. I ask questions. STFU. blah blah blah"
21:08.26|Jelly|If you would like to continue, then feel free to make another thread. Otherwise leave this thread to its original subject./
21:08.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
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21:08.56Raynecorrect me if im wrong, but im pretty sure he started it.
21:09.21*** join/#wowi-lounge tardmrr__ (n=tardmrr@
21:11.35Rayne AFK Macro much?
21:15.51*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (n=kd3|hate@
21:16.00|Jelly|How's the new box?
21:16.03mikmaanyone knows the new svn address of Gatherer?
21:16.11|Jelly|@KD3, by the way. 8P
21:16.33kd3I'm fighting with 64bit, but it's blazing fast
21:16.48kd3need to find my copy of ut2k4 and see how fast a native game runs
21:17.13bleetermikma: try
21:17.34mikmableeter: thank you *bow*
21:17.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
21:18.55kd3soon as I can get wine's opengl working I'll get wow working, but at least d3d (kinda) works. need to find whatever libraries I'm missing
21:19.19Fisker-kd3 UT2k4 is 64-bit native?
21:19.22Fisker-i has negatory
21:19.28kd3dunno, probably not.
21:19.39Fisker-oh and Rayne no moar liek herb macro
21:19.47kd3still, it's an 8600gt and a quad-core processor compared to a 5200fx and a p4 2.4ghz...
21:19.59Fisker-He wants the script to alternate between 2 trackings so he can effectively track them both at the same time.
21:20.04Fisker-Kinda like autobuff back in the day
21:23.29RayneLow and behold! someone else on a low level alt trying to be tough
21:24.19RayneI think once 2.3 comes out and I release v6 I wont use the forums anymore. :/
21:28.28Shirik~hug |Jelly|
21:28.29purlACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs |Jelly|
21:28.57|Jelly|I just get side tracked every now and then so I leave them for a couple days. lol
21:31.05RayneIm hoping by 2.3 itll be decently popular enough to get my own small site and I wont have to worry about updating all the other ones every time
21:33.23Raynecept maybe wowinterface
21:34.03Cairenn|afkwhy go through the hassle and cost of your own site, use our portal system
21:34.23foxlitAnyone heard of an addon called Complot?
21:35.11Finyou know, I don't believe the Russians ever told us where Karl Marx's real grave is
21:35.15Finit's a communist plot
21:37.47IrielI happened to go on  vacation in france when the US movie "Conspiracy Theory" was playing, it was called "Complots" in france
21:44.30wereHamsterkd3, ever considired /j #winehq or look into the appdb?
21:52.57Finwhat time does the PvP weekend end?
21:54.33*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
21:56.39|Jelly|!c us velen tarbosh
21:56.46ThraeBot|Jelly|: Tarbosh, Level 33 Night Elf Druid (18/0/6). 1344 HP; 2314 Mana; 79 mana regen; 4.84% melee crit; 5 +spell dmg/heal; 6.00% dodge; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 188 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Nov  4 13:01:09 2007 EST ]]
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