IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071101

00:00.29foxlit(417 + 40 + 19) * 1.10 = 523.6 Intellect => 52.4 mp5 with 3/3 Dreamstate
00:00.30foxlit(254 + 50 + 20 + 19) * 1.10 = 377.3 Spirit = 247 mp5 of Spirit-based Regen => 74.1 mp5 with 3/3 Intensity
00:04.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
00:04.31art3mis1+1=11 with literal translation
00:05.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_DC (
00:06.09RayneI think Kelfarrs head just exploded
00:06.20CidanI was about to say, "What's taking them so long to build the new wine package..."
00:06.25Cidanthen I ran apt-get update
00:06.41Lunessa  ?
00:07.38*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
00:08.49art3misKelfarr: what font is that?
00:08.55art3misin yer ui
00:10.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandok1 (
00:16.14Corrodiaslooks like i'm respeccing restoration for this raid
00:16.16Corrodiasoh noes!
00:16.37Cidanget more paladins
00:16.41Cidanthey are better healers anyways
00:17.15Mr_Rabies2i'd sooner uninstall the game, crush my discs, and then snort the dust before respecing resto
00:17.24Mr_Rabies2i'm kind of bitter for being forced into it for about a year
00:17.48Mr_Rabies2or roughly the amount of time between launch and 1.7
00:17.55Corrodiaswell, i love healing. but we NEEDED another tnak.
00:17.59Corrodiastank. and tanking -is- a lot easier.
00:18.15*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop (
00:18.15Mr_Rabies2not in pve, heh
00:18.22Mr_Rabies2especially if you're resto spec
00:18.29Mr_Rabies2it's unbelievably easy and boring
00:18.34Corrodiaswell, no, tanking as a tree is not easy
00:19.21Corrodiasbut it'll be a fun challenge for me
00:19.27Corrodiasi haven't raid-healed since before 2.0
00:19.27Mr_Rabies2i'm saying healing, especially in pvp is much easier than tanking
00:19.37Mr_Rabies2pve, not pvp
00:24.12*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
00:24.25KemayoCairenn: Do you have any idea whether Slouken might be receptive to adding a CanItemGoInContainer(item) function?  (For profession bags, and suchlike.)
00:24.51Cairennno idea, will ask
00:24.58KemayoCairenn: Thanks!
00:25.15alestaneIriel hasn't been on tonight, has he?
00:25.22alestane~seen Iriel
00:25.25purliriel <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 17h 49m 49s ago, saying: 'yum'.
00:25.25Cairennnot yet
00:25.39alestaneSee, I can be taught.
00:26.43alestaneI just ran headfirst into something of a hole in the secure templates...since Slouken is never on here (for many understandable possible reasons), Iriel's my best bet for discussion...
00:27.20sag_ich_nichtin before metatables.
00:27.22Cairenn"hole" as in something missing, or "hole" as in potential for exploitation?
00:27.29alestaneMore the former.
00:27.41alestaneHas to do with how harmbutton and helpbutton are handled.
00:27.47sag_ich_nichtNOT in before metatables.
00:29.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
00:29.54alestaneMight have to make it into a forum post.
00:30.17Cairennthat's as likely your best bet as anything
00:30.34alestanekk Thanks Cairenn.
00:30.52Cairennif it were the latter, then I'd say get me the info and I'd get it in slouken's hands, but since it's the former ...
00:30.59KemayoCairenn: Um, I just noticed that my earlier example should have been "CanItemGoInContainer(bagid, item)"  >_>
00:31.01CairennKemayo: your best bet is to do the same
00:31.11KemayoCairenn: Sure thing.
00:34.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
00:35.20*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
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00:35.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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00:41.46KemayoCairenn: Okay, I posted about it.  Thanks for your help.
00:42.05Cairennhe was pinged about it elsewhere too, so hopefully between both ...
00:42.12Cairenn(you'll at least get an answer)
00:53.16WobworkKemayo: link?
01:00.23WobworkI like this cover
01:00.30Wobworkit's insanely bluegrass =P
01:00.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_DC (
01:03.33KemayoWobwork: Sorry, I linked it to you over in #wowace where we were talking about it earlier.
01:07.52WobworkKemayo: ta
01:22.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Malgayne (
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01:22.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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01:27.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
01:32.14Kelfarrlol its a $10,000 fine in my municipality for having fireworks
01:36.31Cidancompiz + steam games != fun
01:36.42Wobworkyeah, it doesn't like compiz =(
01:36.53Wobworkbut then again, I've not run compiz since I got two screens =\
01:37.07WobworkI kinda miss it =P
01:37.21Cidanwell I have menu entries to disable compiz and re-enable it with one click
01:37.31Cidanjust run compiz --replace to enable it, metacity --replace to disable
01:37.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
01:37.37*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
01:37.57Wobworkwell compiz doesn't appear to work nicely with two screens
01:37.58Wobworkis all
01:41.19JoshBorkeit works fine for me at work
01:41.25JoshBorkebut then again both screens are identical size :-D
01:41.58CorrodiasGOD i love healing
01:43.20Kelfarryou do?
01:43.57WobworkI like effective healing =P
01:44.14Corrodiason the aran fight, i actually overhealed more than the paladin :(
01:44.35Corrodiasbut of course, he got to toss direct heals on everybody while mine take at least 7 seconds to take full effect
01:45.28Corrodiasunfortunately, my trinkets are crap
01:45.46Corrodiasthey both have +70 healing, but their chance/use effects are useless to me as a tree
01:49.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_DC (
01:49.33Kelfarroh a tree i love those
01:49.39Kelfarrlifebloom is god
01:49.57Corrodias14.9 hpm!
01:50.03Corrodiasif i apply once and let it bloom
01:50.33Corrodiaswith part of the threat going to the target instead of me :D
01:50.49Wobworksigh =(
01:50.54WobworkWorst heroic mech ever
01:50.58Wobworkwith a tree even
01:51.06Wobworkon the second gatekeeper boss
01:51.13WobworkI literally had to step out of combat
01:51.17Wobworkand -make- a bandage
01:51.33WobworkI died 5 times before we even got up to Septhera
01:51.40Wobworkat which point I gave up
01:51.52Wobworkworst healer -ever- =P
01:52.07Wobworkdying while the healer is at 70% mana is just ridiculous =P
01:52.38Wobworkand it's not like I was being one-shotted =P
01:54.15Corrodiasdruids are not good at adapting to quick changes in the rate of damage you're taking
01:54.24Corrodiassteady damage, no problem
02:03.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Guilly_OMG (
02:04.43*** join/#wowi-lounge art3mis (
02:11.30Irielit flickers unhelpfully
02:11.34|Jelly|~hug Iriel
02:11.34purlACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs Iriel
02:11.56Irielbut sometimes, if I hit it, it comes back on
02:12.06IrielBut usually it dims to about 50% capacity
02:12.36IrielI so dont need to be replacing a monitor right now 8-(
02:14.13|Jelly|You could...get a sexxorz 30" LCD!
02:14.23|Jelly|Then I'll be jealous of both your camera AND your monitor!
02:14.33IrielI think 30" would be too big
02:14.35Mr_Rabies2is that like a monitor/fleshlight
02:16.11Corrodiasman, i was worried i might not be a good healer after so long
02:16.17Corrodiasand maybe i'm not
02:16.22Corrodiasbut as a druid it's not being a big challenge
02:16.29Mr_Rabies2told ya
02:16.32Mr_Rabies2it's boring
02:20.52Kelfarrthe guy in the deadly boss mods thread is retarded
02:22.17Kelfarri have ate half the halloween candy that I am suppose to give out because no one goes on my street
02:22.44IrielWe've still got all of ours because nobody's willing to come up our steep driveway
02:23.48LunessaI'm stuck at work.  By the time I get home, no one will be trick-or-treating.  le sigh
02:24.43WobworkCorrodias: I had a look back at the logs, I actually went and sat down after my bandage cause I was still at about half health, and stepping into a jackhammer would have killed me.
02:24.49*** join/#wowi-lounge spathi (
02:24.53WobworkAnd I didn't even get a single HoT
02:25.00Wobworkso I sat out most of that fight
02:25.08Wobworkcause my potion cooldown was down, as was the bandage
02:26.20KarlKFIwow wtf
02:26.30KarlKFIdid they seriously put spell hit on pally tank gear?
02:27.13*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
02:29.20WobworkMaybe that's something you can modify with the new wotlk enscribing thingie skill
02:30.40*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
02:32.42Kelfarryou modify things like range on fireball or increase radius on blizzard
02:37.58Mr_Rabies2KarlKFI, at least you -have- tanking gear with defense :[
02:38.15Mr_Rabies2we have to pvp to become uncrittable :/
02:39.12Guilly_OMGsince when?
02:39.18Guilly_OMGI'm uncrittable with defense
02:39.35Guilly_OMGthough actually I don't think I will be once I turn in token for t4 shoulders tonight
02:39.48Mr_Rabies2Guilly_OMG, check out the giant list of defense leather
02:40.40Guilly_OMGget lucky with neck/ring drops :P
02:41.20Mr_Rabies2good luck prying those out of a warrior's hands
02:42.31*** join/#wowi-lounge tinyboom (
02:43.12Mr_Rabies2is all the stuff with a semi-decent ilevel
02:50.01Wobworkclick on 'watch the report'
02:50.12Wobworkthen listen to the 'welcome music' for the king
02:51.19Wobworkbetter yet
02:54.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Malgayne (
02:54.12*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Malgayne] by ChanServ
02:54.15Thunder_Childi do agree that adulters should be stoned
02:54.36Mr_Rabies2you just want everyone stoned don't you
02:54.37Thunder_Childor w/e
02:55.14Mr_Rabies2wow, i've never heard contraversy pronounced like that
02:55.30Thunder_Childenglish people....
02:55.37Thunder_Childgoes along with rooters
02:56.20Tem|AFK... lol?
02:56.25Tem|AFKI just soloed a heroic boss
02:56.37Wobworkwhich one?
02:56.53Mr_Rabies2kite him?
02:56.57Mr_Rabies2he's pretty kitable
02:57.04Tem|AFKhe's *very* kiteable
02:57.40Tem|AFKIt wasn't planned
02:57.50Tem|AFKmy heroic UB groups is kinda bad so they wiped
02:57.59Tem|AFKI had heard that he was kiteable so I tried it
02:58.10Tem|AFKand go figure with blink it was pretty easy
02:58.55Wobworkhehe cool
02:59.48Wobworkdid you just stay out of range of his frontal attacks?
03:01.04Tem|AFKnothing hit me at all
03:01.19|Jelly|Kelfarr: I think I just wrote out the most polite "FUCK OFF AND DIE" that I've ever written in my entire life.
03:01.20Tem|AFKthe hardest part was actually staying close enough to cast at him
03:01.36Tem|AFK(he's *really* slow
03:03.56Thunder_Childdoes tiger have issues with reading NTFS flash drives?
03:08.13Shirik|Jelly|: Let me see!
03:09.37RayneTheyre called noobs for a reason, Jelly
03:10.06|Jelly|*shrug* Contrary to popular belief (apparently) I'm not upset or whatever in the slightest.
03:10.34Raynejust move on, best thing you can do :)
03:10.56Raynewhat O_o
03:10.59IrielAnyone here pick up Hellgate london, and now swearing at the servers?
03:11.02KelfarrLOl and i was right...
03:11.24|Jelly|Iriel: ?
03:11.26RayneI didnt like Hellgate too much :/
03:11.47Iriel|Jelly|: Today's the hellgate launch day, and last time I looked the servers were offline
03:12.30RayneIriel, MOH Airborne was the same way :/
03:12.39|Jelly|My roomie is on like level 28 of Portal and getting all upset. It's lol.
03:12.42IrielThey do have a single player campaign, but I think it's just the multiplayer without other people, and not online, so it's sort of pointless.
03:12.49Iriel|Jelly|: There's only 19 levels
03:12.59|Jelly|Well, he's on level 28. :\
03:13.09Thunder_Childi dont like the monthly payments for the multiplayer...even if it is optional
03:13.16RayneHe might be doing the extra maps
03:13.34IrielThe '3 characters without a fee, oh but there's 6 classes' sucks
03:13.38RayneOh thank GOD a new rank of Mend Pet @_@
03:13.48WobworkI love his script
03:13.55Wobworkwhoops mischannel
03:14.05Thunder_Childit just really pisses me off...should be all or nothing
03:14.09WobworkPS ZeroPunctuation
03:15.50Thunder_Childand their collecters edition feels like a rip of wow
03:15.58Thunder_Child"Includes a bonus disc containing Making of Hellgate: London and an official game soundtrack"
03:16.04Thunder_Child"omes with a 106-page Dark Horse graphic novel, a map poster and Mantawraith, a unique in-game pet"
03:16.21IrielIt's nowhere near as good as WoW's are
03:16.38Thunder_Childi dunno, i didnt find wow's to be all that special
03:16.55IrielYou're dead to me.
03:17.03IrielThe soundtrack! The art book!
03:17.04IrielThe box!
03:17.09IrielThe DVD install of the game!
03:17.11Thunder_Childi have it...
03:17.25Thunder_Childi still say meh
03:17.43Thunder_Childalthough they should have made dvd's for everyone, that was just a bitch move
03:17.49Rayne"Id like to thank you for providing a great layout for a UI. I just wanted to let you know I made some improvements to it you might be interested in. I replaced Pitbull with Perl Classic, removed EE Panels and CML, moved your minimap, and recolored everything blue"
03:17.59RayneWhy dont you just disable my whole fucking ui thanks.
03:18.13|Jelly|Explain how replacing Pitbull with Perl is an improvement?
03:19.10Rayneaparently the perl classic has "a much better layout and isnt as laggy"
03:19.16|Jelly|Why? You have an ever growing list of email addresses to sign up for spam with.
03:19.37RayneHe sent a SS of it, im not going to open it.
03:20.04|Jelly|OMG! Open, host and show us!
03:20.26Rayneomg he didnt even send it right its like this 400x600 picture.
03:20.32RayneI can tell this guys a genious
03:20.41Lunessaperl, x-perl, and all it's other variants might be feature-rich, but they're ugly with a double-u.
03:20.44|Jelly|show us anyway!
03:20.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Widgertick (
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03:20.55Rayneyou cant see anything, it looks all balled up :/
03:21.16|Jelly|Reply asking for a better shot imo. Tell him that his ideas intrigued you.
03:21.31RayneActually, I should.
03:21.33Raynegood idea.
03:22.43RayneIll let you know when he emails me back
03:23.59RayneThink ill actually be updating BBC tonight after I run Gruuls, since I have it set up better for hunters and locks now.
03:26.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_DC (
03:41.28JoshBorkenn all
03:42.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (i=outlaw@
03:46.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
03:46.59Shirikplugging the cable modem into the UPS definitely helps
03:48.35*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:48.41Kelfarrkek you
03:58.40*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
04:02.32*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
04:03.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
04:10.02Raynesomeone hide me
04:12.08Rayneim avoiding my guild tonight :D something about halloween brought out the assholes in everyone.
04:14.17Thunder_Childreally?...i wonder if my assholeness got supercharged then
04:14.49RayneSo basicly unless everyone grows up in the next 10 minutes and stops whining to me about everything, im not gonna log back on.
04:15.29RayneIm kinda sick of it
04:21.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_DC (
04:29.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandok1 (
04:31.38Kelfarrthreaten them, you are a MT
04:35.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
04:36.00*** join/#wowi-lounge art3mis (
04:38.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
04:39.21Mr_Rabies2what happened, rayne?
04:58.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
04:58.35*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
05:03.46|Jelly|WTB this stupid texture to work in eePanels. :(
05:04.43Rayneneed help Jelly?
05:04.56|Jelly|I need photoshop to stop being stupid.
05:04.59|Jelly|Or eePanels.
05:05.04|Jelly|It's a bloody 32bit tga file.
05:05.09Cairennoh, that reminds me, did you want me to teach you how to make a pretty graphic in photoshop for use in wow?
05:05.11Raynewhatre you having problems with, transparency?
05:05.26|Jelly|It simply wont show in eePanels at all.
05:05.35|Jelly|Cairenn: Eh?
05:05.36Rayneare you relaunching WoW? >_>
05:06.01|Jelly|Since when did you have to relaunch wow to change a texture in eepanels?
05:06.45RayneDid you have WoW open, save the texture and then try to open it in WoW?
05:06.49|Jelly|Fine. Gosh. If it'll make you happy, I'll relaunch WoW. You don't have to throw things.
05:07.04RayneI was trying to word it properly D: dont kill me
05:08.03|Jelly|I keep accidently eating the black jelly beans.
05:08.03|Jelly|This is making me not happy.
05:08.04Cairennyou're supposed to eat the blue pill
05:08.23IrielWhy not filter them out up front?
05:08.31|Jelly|Wait. The blue pill? Shit. I eated the purple berries already.
05:08.50CairennIriel: damn you and your logic!
05:08.55|Jelly|Cause I'm sitting in the dark with people sleeping in the same room so I can't turn the light on.
05:09.04|Jelly|It's hard to tell colors be monitor...light
05:09.59|Jelly|Anyone know how to add a shadow to an object in photoshop and still have eepanels not flip the fuck out about it? (partial transparency and all)
05:10.17Guillotineanybody know anything about VB?
05:10.26IrielI know to avoid it
05:10.32Cairennpenicillin can cure it?
05:10.33|Jelly|At all costs?
05:10.45IrielCairenn: That's V*D*
05:10.55IrielEasy mistake to make tho
05:10.59WidgertickYou could write one =P
05:11.03Guillotinenot worth it
05:11.22Guillotineanyway, have any idea if you can concatenate a nil in VB or if you have to explicitly state (var OR "")?
05:11.25CairennGuillotine: is that like AA?
05:11.45Guillotineif anybody is addicted to Visual Basic like that, they shouldn't be going to support groups. They should be shot
05:12.00Cairennonly it's a 12 step recovery for programmers?
05:12.22Guillotineexcept step 1 is /wrists
05:12.30Guillotineseriously, VB sucks
05:12.33Widgertick1: /wrists
05:12.40Widgertick2-12: /bleed out
05:12.48Guillotine1: /wrists
05:12.54Guillotine2-11: ???
05:12.56Guillotine12: Profit
05:13.17WidgertickWell played sir... well played ind33d
05:14.06Cairennnice to know I'm not the only one in a weird(er than usual) mood tonight
05:14.28WidgertickI remember when I was a kid
05:14.40WidgertickWe'd run through the fields and go organ harvesting in the spring.
05:15.08RayneNothing wrong with Organ Harvesting
05:15.37Cairennit gets messy when it's accordion harvesting tho
05:16.01WidgertickThey're too hard to carry, that's for sure
05:16.08WidgertickNot like organs
05:16.22Cairenntoo many pinched fingers
05:16.50*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost__ (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
05:18.49Kelfarrthe candy corn things are annoying i don't know who posts what
05:19.54|Jelly| AMG! Jelly's right?!? 7/0!
05:22.35Raynehey Kelfarr :)
05:22.40|Jelly|Sometimes, I'm so amazing that I amaze even myself.
05:23.05|Jelly|(By the way restarting wow worked. This means I'm up for lots of annoyances in the near future.
05:24.41RayneI had the same problem Jelly :X fyi
05:28.04KelfarrHi rayne :D
05:35.52RayneQ guys
05:36.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:36.35Rayne Same SS as last night, would it look better with a pet target on the other side? Or would it look too cluttered?
05:39.35mikmacan is be a ui tiem now plx
05:40.30Kelfarrwow that UI is horrbile
05:40.41mikmayes, default is horrible.
05:40.47Kelfarryes it is
05:41.01mikmabut it's 20000000x better than anything that gets pasted :D
05:41.10Kelfarrnot really
05:41.13Thunder_Childmy eyes r bleeding
05:41.14mikmaso i'm in a win win situation
05:41.55RayneNah im gonna leave it off, looks too cluttered
05:42.14mikmadefault > all
05:42.26mikmai can even reset my settigns and it's still good
05:43.40|Jelly|It's up the road, not across the street! Make it count!
05:43.58Kelfarrits actually across the jugular
05:44.16mikmatell that to the emoroad!
05:44.17|Jelly|common carotid
05:46.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|sleep (
05:46.35Rayne makes me giggle
05:47.04|Jelly| makes me giggle
05:47.39ScytheBlade1I may have a new forum sig... "On a scale of One to Dumb, I want to punch you in the face."
05:48.27KelfarrLOL jelly nice one
05:48.27KelfarrThe one you're blowing your wad over is eePanels.
05:48.40mikma this makes me giggle
05:51.16Thunder_Childhuh...Ctrl+Alt+Del has an animated show
05:52.16mikmaoh, and this made me laugh alot .. :O
05:52.58Raynewhat the hell O_o
05:53.02mikmayeah :P
05:53.27Kelfarrwow I think I just typed my politest reply ever o.o
05:53.32mikmai did take more SS but they are kinda blurry
05:56.40mikma and :I
06:26.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (i=outlaw@
06:34.52RayneSSC is fuuuuuunnnn
06:36.18Corrodiaswell, you've got some nice graphic anomalies there
06:42.12Fisker-wtfux mikma
06:42.20Fisker-why does your computer fail so_
06:42.38Fisker-oh and btw i win @ nature resist potion farming
06:42.44mikmaFisker-: because it likes to be different
06:43.00Corrodiaswell, that's the end of half-life 2 episode 2
06:43.02Fisker-fI can remember when i went to farm mine there was 2 mages trying to gank me because they were aoe farming the mobs for it
06:43.03mikmaand i wasn't even farming for the recipes
06:43.05mikmai just want the damn pet
06:43.11Fisker-So i ended up getting a single kill
06:43.14Fisker-and that one had the recipe
06:43.37Fisker-if only we had crossfaction communication
06:44.19mikmawe do in pve servers haha
06:45.32Corrodiasonce again, the story finally gets GOING just right at the end
06:45.42Fisker-i'm dying down here
06:45.59IrielWHAT PACKAGE (other than of course, your replacement caps lock key) ?
06:46.10Fisker-THATS THE ONE
06:46.20Fisker-Nah it's my 8800GT :(
06:46.26IrielAh, I want one of those
06:46.33Fisker-was supposed to get it yesterday
06:46.46Fisker-and the package delivery usually occurs pretty early
06:46.52Thunder_Childyou forgot an x
06:46.55Fisker-which is beginning to be kind late now
06:47.04Thunder_Childshould be GTX
06:48.37Fisker-why pay the double for something that's marginally better?
06:48.53Fisker-Your motherphemy
06:49.19Fisker-i know the greatest site for lulz
06:49.45Fisker-this guy said that Blizzard's EULA does count as a legally binding contract
06:49.51Fisker-Because the EULA is copyrighted!1
06:50.14Fisker-you must construct additional lulz
06:51.35Corrodiasdamn half-life 2 writers
06:51.39Corrodiasdamn them all to heck
06:51.44Corrodiaspardon my swahili
06:52.33Corrodiasno! they don't have hookers!
06:55.03*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
06:55.55art3missure they do
06:56.08art3misthey're just boring and wanna talk and cuddle after
06:59.37Nom-the red bull racers are doing test laps
06:59.41Nom-its very distracting :D
07:03.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys_ (
07:05.54Esamynngood night
07:24.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kazie (
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07:40.01Corrodiasquantum computing: 2 + 2 = 4, or maybe 3. sometimes 5.
07:40.43Corrodiasbut the answer "potato" is really quite uncommon
07:42.35Fisker-I GOT MY PACKAGE
07:42.53Corrodiasmay i ... see your package?
07:43.06Corrodias* i'd like to touch it, if that's okay with you
07:43.11Fisker-enjoy what you're seeing? :O
07:43.56Fisker-just gonna shut down and install my new package
07:45.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandok1 (
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07:48.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
07:51.32*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
08:10.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@
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08:28.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
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09:13.12*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
09:14.01*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
09:23.58cncfanaticsanyone know how to make smooth shading work with the latest ati drivers on linux ,
09:25.27Irielscary eh
09:27.09cncfanaticsbtw Iriel, had some time to look at the code I mailed ya ?
09:27.26Irielnot yet i'm afraid =-- buried in work
09:28.03cncfanaticsbah, I hate always being a wine release behind
09:28.04cncfanaticsdamn binaries
09:32.07cncfanaticsbah, I hate playing without smooth shading
09:32.58dreamssmust suck
09:33.06Rayneit makes things pretty ugly :/
09:33.14cncfanaticsit makes things clumsy
09:33.35cncfanaticsanimations start 1sec after pushing their keys :p
09:33.39dreamssheh gaming should be easy adn fast
09:33.41dreamssgogo 360
09:34.53cncfanaticsme & microsoft products ... especialy if they come shipped with DRI
09:35.47Raynethis always takes forever
09:36.44Raynelike watching paint dry in the raid
09:39.21*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep` (i=nuoHep@
09:41.23cncfanaticsWTB smooth shading :'(
09:42.34dreamssinstall windows :P
09:42.51nevcairielor get nvidia
09:43.30dreamssim a hardcore open source abuser, its sad to see basic stuff not work
09:43.40a-stray-catno smooth shading in WoW?
09:43.48dreamssin wine/ati
09:43.48a-stray-cat(in linux?)
09:43.55a-stray-catreally, what does it look like?
09:44.00nevcairielits a ati driver fault, iirc
09:44.03dreamssno character models
09:44.04a-stray-catcan i get a screnshot? :P
09:44.04dreamssif its on
09:44.06dreamssi belive
09:44.25dreamssthey could easly have test machines with linux on them
09:44.48dreamssdell/other brand pc are starting to sell pcs with linux installed, the userbase is growing
09:44.58a-stray-cati wish hardware sound worked on vista :<
09:45.05a-stray-cati wish wobbly windows worked on vista
09:45.08a-stray-cati miss those wobbly windows
09:45.15nevcairielthe PTR hardware sound is bugged for me
09:45.22dreamssand whats wrong xp
09:45.37nevcairieli get only half the sound working
09:45.45cncfanaticsati messed up some stuff in their last drivers yea
09:45.50cncfanaticsboth in the windows & linux release tbh
09:45.50dreamssother than dx 10, xp has everything u need
09:45.57dreamssyeah cnc
09:45.59nevcairieland who needs dx10
09:46.06a-stray-cati feel like its a waste if i can't use dx10
09:46.06dreamssyeah no shit
09:46.09a-stray-cati have an 8800 card :/
09:46.24dreamsswow says cant initize 3d device to my 9800 with newest drivers...
09:46.34nevcairieli have a 8800 too
09:46.34a-stray-catand crysis does look better in dx10 :O
09:46.35nevcairielbut meh
09:46.40nevcairieli wont run vista
09:46.46dreamssgames will look better in a new api
09:46.55cncfanaticslol, ahem :p
09:47.13cncfanaticsand now I'm getting artifacts on my screen
09:47.15cncfanaticsfuck you ATI
09:47.18dreamssbut then u spending 250 bucks on a vidcard
09:47.33a-stray-catdidn't they just opensource their drivers? I thought they were supposed to be getting way better ;P
09:47.41dreamsscnc, ahy upgrade anyways
09:47.43cncfanaticsthey were *suposed* to get better this release
09:47.51cncfanaticsand indeed I get 10 fps more
09:47.57dreamssfailed promeses
09:47.58cncfanaticsbut heck,  I get artifacts & no smooth shading too
09:48.13dreamssfps incrse is prolly from features that got disabled :P
09:48.15cncfanaticsneed to downgrade xorg to get the old drivers working
09:48.47dreamssthey need to add windows restore into rpm
09:49.09cncfanaticseasy enough to restore
09:49.10nevcairielati and linux has always been a mess
09:49.13cncfanaticsjust reinstall the old ones :p
09:49.28cncfanaticsnevcairiel, their latest windows drivers are totaly bugged too
09:49.48dreamsstheir excuse for linux is that there to many distros
09:49.49nevcairiels/ and linux//
09:50.00dreamssdude.. just release the binaroes based on gcc ver
09:50.04dreamssand thats all we need
09:50.31cncfanaticsif nvidia can do it why can't they ?
09:50.38cncfanaticsand seriously, distro has nothing to do with drivers
09:50.44cncfanaticsdistros are just packaging flavors
09:51.00dreamssalll diference is ur libraries
09:51.02dreamssaka gcc
09:51.30dreamssif you release binaries and docs, people can repackage to their distro flavor
09:51.42cncfanaticsgonna downgrade to xorg 7.2 & get the old drivers
09:53.03cncfanaticsnext video card I buy is nvidia, I swear
09:53.28hasteATi is still shit under nix? :3
09:53.44dreamssdude all i ask
09:53.47dreamsswhy not xp
09:53.50cncfanaticshaste, their latest drivers are
09:54.03cncfanaticsand their latest drivers are crap on windows too fyi
09:54.21hasteI had ATi before also, suffered X lockups and other odd issues for three months, then I bought a nvidia card
09:54.28hasteso worth it
09:55.04cncfanaticsmy comp is 5 years old, can't upgrade shit
09:55.27dreamssnot worth upgrading old hardware
09:55.42cncfanaticsindeed, might as well buy a new comp
09:56.19cncfanaticson a side note, when u install xorg, why are all gfx drivers in the world installed with it ?
09:56.22cncfanaticsgonna remove em all again anyay
09:57.34Raynew00t, done updating UI files
10:03.05dreamssdid u test them'
10:03.19cncfanaticstime to reboot the X server
10:03.24cncfanaticsand reinstall the old fglrx drivers
10:03.27cncfanaticsback in a few minutes
10:11.29*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
10:11.40cncfanaticsthere we go, back to the old drivers & old xorg
10:13.54*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
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11:30.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (
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12:48.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
13:04.04sag_ich_nichtsomeone care to report that GetBindingAction() isn't working for MACRO anymore in 2.3 on the US forums? EU forums are shit.
13:04.22*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
13:07.21*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
13:09.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
13:13.16KtronSo they added petattack in 2.01... now I just need to figure out where they disabled /script petattack
13:14.17|Jelly|They didn't disable it. It's just protected now. Has been for almost a year. :
13:15.35KtronI thought I remembered having /cast ... /script PetAttack() macros last spring/summer
13:15.55MoonWolfwhy not bind pet attack to a button
13:16.02MoonWolfno need for macros....
13:16.04MoonWolfits hotkeyable
13:16.04Ktronthen its two buttons
13:16.16|Jelly|Nope. 2.0 changes made that protected. Now, it's /petattack
13:16.31KtronSo is it as simple as /cast .... /petattack?
13:16.38KtronI'll have to try that
13:16.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
13:16.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
13:17.10KtronMoonWolf, I'm way to lazy to have to mark AND tell my pet to attack
13:17.26|Jelly|~hug Lopeppeppy
13:17.27purlACTION jumps into Lopeppeppy's lap and huggles and *hugs* Lopeppeppy
13:17.28KtronMoonWolf, or more correctly, tell my pet to attack and cast corruption
13:17.41LopeppeppyWow... I can learn to like that!
13:17.55MoonWolfwhat if you have multiple mods and need to manage your pet between them
13:17.58|Jelly|Peppy: :)
13:18.05MoonWolfWITHOUT casting corruption ?
13:18.13Ktronthen I hit the hotkey
13:18.35Ktronsince I'm pretty much never going to need to worry about casting corruption w/o telling my pet to attack
13:18.39|Jelly|He's a lock; he's far too used to "rolling his face on the keyboard" to be bothered with these questions, MoonWolf! :P
13:19.05KtronHeh, just started my lock; mage first, rogue second
13:19.14MoonWolfwhen i played a lock i was often fighting 2 or 3 mobs at the same time
13:19.28MoonWolffear one, tank one, tank one with pet.
13:19.35LopeppeppyCTRL-1 - Pet Attack
13:19.39MoonWolfor in case of humanoids, seduce one.
13:20.28KtronWhen I get to the point where I need to control my pet separately, I'll just remove the macro and put the regular button back
13:20.36|Jelly|Ctrl+E sends pet without casting corruption for me. :P
13:21.21MoonWolfand thank god for cast sequence with warlocks
13:21.28MoonWolf4 dots, one button
13:23.36LopeppeppyMore dots, more dots!
13:23.39LopeppeppyStop all dots!
13:24.08MoonWolfhit is like you mean it.
13:24.49Ktroncast sequence!?
13:25.11MoonWolfits a macro tool, allows you to cast multiple spells in sequence from the same macro
13:25.21MoonWolfby hitting it multiple times ofcourse.
13:26.28LopeppeppyClick, click, click... one button monster mash.
13:26.41LopeppeppyI can't wait to get my lock out leveling in 2.3.  Soooo much fun, so little time.
13:26.48|Jelly|Then you can just roll your face over one button.
13:28.37MoonWolf|Jelly|, you sounds bitte
13:29.23MoonWolfbitter and cynical
13:29.38Ktron~hug |Jelly|
13:29.39purlACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs |Jelly|
13:29.39|Jelly|Hi. I'm Jelly! Apparently this is our first time meeting. :P
13:29.46LopeppeppyI will still have fun, whether |Jelly| mocks me for it or not.  
13:29.47Ktron~lart MoonWolf
13:29.47purlsmacks MoonWolf up side the head with a clue-by-4
13:29.59Ktron~lart Ktron
13:29.59purlthrows Ktron's poor little doggy off a cliff
13:30.01|Jelly|!c us burning legion lizzi
13:30.03ThraeBot|Jelly|: Lizzi, Level 42 Undead Warlock (0/33/0). 2697 HP; 3502 Mana; 95 mana regen; 47 +spell dmg; 4.28% dodge; 5 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 118 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Thu Nov  1 05:34:06 2007 EST ]]
13:30.09MoonWolf~whalenuke Ktron
13:30.10purlACTION dons his radiation cloak and tinted glasses while a highly intelligent whale named Ray precipitates critical mass for uncontrolled nuclear fission around Ktron with his mind powers
13:30.33|Jelly|yay! I got tackle-hugged by Peppy! <333
13:30.59Ktron!c us burning legion glowstick
13:30.59ThraeBotKtron: glowstick is not the character you are looking for!
13:31.09Ktron!c us eredar glowstick
13:31.10ThraeBotKtron: glowstick is not the character you are looking for!
13:31.20Ktron!c us eredar vai
13:31.22ThraeBotKtron: Vai, Level 55 Undead Mage (0/43/3). 1770 HP; 4608 Mana; 145 mana regen; 8 mp5; 21 +spell dmg; 81 fire dmg (102); 5.36% dodge;[[ TBR: 477 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Thu Nov  1 05:35:26 2007 EST ]]
13:31.24MoonWolfso there!
13:36.22*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
13:36.43Wobin_note to self: and ~= or
13:36.57|Jelly|That is a good thing to remember.
13:38.29MoonWolfWobin_, if it did , we would have given it the same name
13:38.57*** join/#wowi-lounge cladbot2 (
13:39.13cladbot2zomg testing
13:39.14Wobin_like true and 'not true'?
13:40.03cladreload> irc_core
13:40.18MoonWolfhuh ?
13:40.29*** part/#wowi-lounge cladbot2 (
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13:41.15Wobin_well just cause things aren't equal doesn't mean they're named the same
13:41.29Wobin_hang on
13:41.39Wobin_well just cause things are equal doesn't mean they're named the same
13:41.50Wobin_I doublenegatived myself into a corner
13:42.40|Jelly|Oh and :P
13:43.31Wobin_|Jelly|: that's the same picture Teseric (was it him) put as "I'm in ur game, shardin ur purplez"
13:43.39Wobin_without the headset
13:44.01Wobin_so, meh, originality counts =P
13:44.14Wobin_Find another lolcat that hasn't already been used for a wow joke =)
13:44.27|Jelly|Why? That one worked just fine.
13:44.45Wobin_Well, despite the content, original lolcats are funnier than flat out copies =)
13:45.00*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
13:45.15Wobin_And that's it. Bad lolcat.
13:45.25Wobin_what more is there to be said?
13:45.42|Jelly|You've yet to make a viable point which would lead to me looking for another picture just for you; it got a chuckle out of me and that's all I really care about. :\
13:45.53Wobin_My point is that originality counts
13:46.03Wobin_for amusing lolcat
13:46.09|Jelly|To you, I suppose.
13:46.14Wobin_well of course
13:46.29Wobin_This is the interwebs
13:46.35Wobin_by posting the link, you're asking for opinions =)
13:46.39|Jelly|However, I would guess that not everyone has seen the "original" (which I can promise you, it wasn't the original) that you refer to.
13:48.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (n=nospam@
13:48.23|Jelly|!vs us burning legion jelly us drenden kimina
13:48.26ThraeBot|Jelly|: Jelly vs Kimina! Two 70 priests square off!; Kimina wins by 170 TBRs!
13:48.31|Jelly|That bitch.
13:48.41JoshBorke!vs us stormreaver dagh us drenden kimina
13:48.44ThraeBotJoshBorke: Dagh vs Kimina! Two 70 priests square off!; 14/0/47 vs 23/38/0; Dagh wins by 318 TBRs!
13:49.51|Jelly|I feel a little better now. At least while I was nursing my injuries, I got to watch Kimina eat it.
13:49.56LopeppeppyShiny, |Jelly|.
13:50.07*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
13:50.12cladsioraiocht: o hai
13:50.20sioraiochtlol hi
13:50.27JoshBorkei did it for your jelly :-D
13:50.33sioraiochti think my monitor has some dead/stuck pixels
13:50.36sioraiochtor something else going bad with it
13:50.48cladsioraiocht: no good imo =/
13:50.50|Jelly|Iriel was having monitor problems last night. :(
13:50.50sioraiochti'll hae to ask your opinion on it
13:51.34sioraiochtit's not debilitating
13:51.36sioraiochtjust kinda nnoying
13:51.50sioraiochtit looks like slighty darker smudges on my monitor
13:51.53sioraiochtbut they don't wipe off...
13:52.12cladthats not dead pixels
13:52.15cladbut gross
13:52.16sioraiochtI know
13:52.18sioraiochtbut itll
13:52.36art3mismaybe tis demon blood
13:52.42art3misit was helloween last night
13:52.43sioraiochtahh, yes, that's it
13:53.38art3mishey clad
13:53.45art3misyer in osx right?
13:54.02cladsorry for the PM.. couldn't tell if that was a PM or highlight :P
13:54.04|Jelly|sleepGoing back to sleep. *hug Peppy*
13:54.06art3mishow do you make it show runing tasks in the dock?
13:54.09art3misheh no worries
13:54.26cladwell tasks are different from applications
13:54.29cladwhat are you trying to have it do?
13:54.41*** join/#wowi-lounge cladbot2 (
13:55.04art3mismake it show running tasks like the normal bottom bar in winders and my running programs in ojectdock
13:55.42art3misor is it it easier to just remember corner hotspots
13:55.56cladAny running application should show in the dock
13:56.00art3missorry by running tasks i mean open windows/running programs
13:56.03cladthat's why i'm confused.
13:56.07cladoh, windows are different from tasks
13:56.18cladyou can use F8, F9, F10
13:56.21claderr, F9, F10
13:56.30cladcladbot2: say goodbye!
13:56.38art3misyeah in osx86 it seems that it only likes showing the dock as an action bar
13:56.54cladart3mis: I'm really not understanding what you're saying =(
13:57.07art3misokay the dock at the bottom
13:57.40art3misshould show buttons to launch programs AND running programs so that i can swap between em right?
13:58.03cladany application in the dock is shown, and RUNNING applications are also shown
13:58.14art3misokay its just a wierd bug then
13:58.16cladif a window is minimized, it will also appear in the dock
13:58.24cladwhats the bug.. whats happening?
13:58.45art3miswell runnin osx on a pc(osx86) the bottom dock only shows launch icons
13:59.04art3miswas wondering if missed a setting somewheres but see nothing aboput it in the dock prefs
13:59.12cladwhat version of osx?
13:59.37cladwhen you run an app that isn't in the dock, it should appear there while you're running it
13:59.41cladI do this all the time
13:59.55cladopen TextEdit
14:00.00cladopen -a TextEdit at a terminal window
14:00.06cladit should appear in the dock, while its open
14:00.43art3misin winders at present got a remote tech call to do, ill check that in a few
14:00.52cladokay, but that should work
14:01.06cladk logging for a bit, gotta go teach, heh#
14:07.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin (n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity)
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14:36.29Industrialclad|away: what do you teach?
14:39.09deltronhe logged :P
14:43.31*** join/#wowi-lounge clad (i=jnw@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
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14:45.14Industrialclad: what do you teach?
14:45.26cladIndustrial: i just run practicals for a few classes
14:45.28cladthis one is oo
14:45.56IndustrialI need that x_X
14:53.35art3misWe remain proud of OpenBSD's record of more than ten years with only two remote holes in the default install.
14:54.16art3mis** We forget to mention that to have it as a useful desktop you need to install other software packages that lead to 300 remote holes.
14:55.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (
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14:58.00cladart3mis: :P
15:00.41KtronAnd we forget to mention that our first defense is obscurity.
15:01.11Ktrons/we/they/g s/our/their/
15:02.46*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
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15:04.44Shirikman that test was too easy
15:04.58ShirikI hate it when he does that, it makes me think something like I completely missed the questions
15:06.28Wobin_You did =\
15:07.31Shirik"Send a message to this message queue from an ISR" ... easy, just be sure to use the NO_WAIT flag...
15:08.27ShirikResolve this livelock (easy, priority inversion problem, solve with priority inheritance)
15:13.12*** part/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
15:16.53LopeppeppyThat was a short nap, |Jelly|
15:18.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Fisker- (
15:20.03Shirik|AFKLopeppeppy: |Jelly| came back because I did :D
15:22.47LopeppeppyOh, is that all it takes?
15:23.48|Jelly|No. I'm independent from Shirik! He just /thinks/ I follow him around.
15:24.44LopeppeppySo you're a cat.
15:25.03|Jelly|I'm a lolcat to end all lolcats, Peppy.
15:27.46art3miswouldnt that be nice...the end of lolcats
15:28.42art3mishehe ive often thought of "KirkBurn" as an equiv to RickRoll only with william shatner burning you
15:29.04LopeppeppyIf you're a lolcat, |Jelly|, what on earth am I?
15:29.22art3misa french skunk that womanizes ;P
15:29.33art3mispeppy le pew ;P
15:30.14zenzelezzwell that's an interesting thing to say to a lady
15:30.21art3mispepi le pew, proving that stalking and rape are a perfect basis for a cartoon.
15:31.20art3miswell to quote a female friend, all women are bi-sexual some are just too scared or not drunk enough to check.
15:31.54zenzelezzI fail to see the connection
15:32.08art3mispeppy is a womanizer ;P
15:32.14art3mislook how she treats jelly
15:32.37|Jelly|Peppy <3s meh!
15:32.38zenzelezzbut that's |Jelly|, it's an exception
15:32.59art3miswhich one? 0x000345242?
15:33.50zenzelezzthat a silly numerical representation of an exception, all proper exceptions are classes
15:35.00*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost__ (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
15:36.24Shirik|AFK|Jelly|: I got some new pants yesterday!
15:36.28Shirik|AFKI'm almost up to 1500 +healing
15:36.40|Jelly|I'm glad you clarified...
15:36.49|Jelly|Cause I was about to really wonder about you.
15:37.28CodayusI think a lot of guys play WoW in part for the same reason girls play with Barbie dolls.  Dress up is fun.
15:37.32Codayus...I know I do.
15:38.07art3misshirik likes to play house
15:38.13art3misroman polanski's house
15:38.23Shirik|AFKdoes anyone here know Winsock2 programming?
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15:42.27LopeppeppyI tab out for one second, and I come back to find that I am much maligned.  *le sigh*  I loves the |Jelly|, and that's all that matters!
15:42.59|Jelly|I need to go to the store sometime today
15:43.23|Jelly|(Day after Halloween)
15:43.26art3misthats what she said
15:43.39Kaydeethreehell, I think a lot of us are hitting the store today
15:43.42Kaydeethreewtb candy corn
15:43.42|Jelly|Is it? Is it really? When did she say that?
15:43.51art3mismmmm cheap helloween candy
15:43.52Kaydeethreeand my computer getting here at some point today
15:44.12|Jelly|You can have all my candy corn, KD3.
15:44.31|Jelly|...I will take your NewEgg shipment as trade though.
15:44.37art3misjelly just throw it away, he'll get it eventually since they recycle candy corn at the lanfill
15:44.53Kaydeethree4 of the 6 boxes are out for delivery, the last two are in west columbia, sc
15:45.43|Jelly|Could you imagine $1600 of candy corn?
15:46.00LopeppeppyI need to wander past the shops too, thanks for the reminder |Jelly|.  I doubt there will be much, but the costume store downtown is worth checking over.
15:46.09|Jelly|I think I just made myself sick trying to picture it.
15:48.45Shirik|AFKI'm a moron
15:48.51|Jelly|No comment. :P
15:48.59Shirik|AFKman, actually looking up the error codes instead of trying to guess at them really helps
15:49.17Shirik|AFKhell the error even told me the exact line I need to add
15:49.41Fisker-i've heard that one before
15:50.18art3misgood god spybot has gotten large
15:50.26art3misused to be like 2megs now it's 7
15:50.38Arcaiaanyone here have a 70 shaman [horde] on a US PVP server, resto/elemental specced?
15:50.46LopeppeppyThe more it has to hunt, the more it grows.
15:50.53Shirik|AFK0x276D: The application has not yet called WSAStartup()
15:50.56Fisker-i have the coolest hardware problem
15:50.59Shirik|AFKthat's a pretty good error message
15:51.08Fisker-When i boot my machine with usb devices it keeps crashing :(
15:51.14Fisker-but if i boot it and then add them it works
15:51.34Shirik|AFKobviously you have drunk drivers
15:51.38LopeppeppyIs that hardware, or bad drivers?
15:52.29Fisker-Shirik|AFK when i didn't add "Windows" i did actually mean it
15:52.34Fisker-no art3mis
15:52.41Fisker-It will crash even if it's in the bios
15:52.48Fisker-heck it won't even load windows before it's crashed
15:53.03art3misgo update yer bios ;P
15:53.11Fisker-Newest revision
15:53.26Fisker-also think it's a hardware malfunction on the motherboard
15:53.32Fisker-which is why it's smart running it
15:53.33|Jelly|Flash your cmos battery!
15:53.42Fisker-you can't |Jelly|
15:53.48|Jelly|(Sad thing is, someone actually said that at Best Buy when I worked there...)
15:54.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
15:55.06the-golemcmos battery?! *giggle*
15:55.12Industrialis there an FP in burning steppes?
15:55.17LopeppeppyOil your muffler.
15:55.23LopeppeppyYes, Industrial.
15:55.26the-golemsry caps
15:55.34LopeppeppyThat's the one above Redridge, correct?
15:55.52art3mis|Jelly|: i can flash my psp battery to unbrick it ;P
15:56.10|Jelly|You could just leave it as a brick.
15:56.20LopeppeppyWhen you enter from Redridge side, follow the wall to your right.  You'll come to Morgan's Vigil (I think that's the name, set up in the hills.  Follow the dumb tiki torches when you get to them.
15:56.35art3misIndustrial: alliance is to the east along the south entrance edge, horde is straight north behind the dwarves
15:56.39the-golemLopeppeppy: yep thats the name
15:57.17the-golempullingout nose hairs makes you sneeze
15:57.24LopeppeppyI always forget where the Horde point is, but now that you mention it, it's up there near the Y of lava, yup.
15:57.26the-golemjust fyi
15:57.38Industrialart3mis: ok thx
16:08.41cog|workthe-golem: agreed
16:09.23the-golemCodayus: lmao
16:09.39the-golemcog|work : hehe ^^
16:13.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
16:14.41art3mis <-- nerdtastic
16:15.47|Jelly|I think I would scared if I rolled in and someone was wearing that.
16:18.43art3misthat doesnt change the fact you immediately looked for a price to see if it was a justified purchase ;P
16:18.57|Jelly|Actually, I didn't. :\
16:20.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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16:21.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
16:23.31LopeppeppyI'm a nerd in girl clothing.
16:24.35KasoLike some sort of horrible silence of the lambs girl-skin suit ?
16:25.27*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.2.x ToC: 20200 | RTFPN please | WoWI Mod Uploader!| I'm a nerd in girl clothing - Lopeppeppy
16:25.51LopeppeppyI sew by hand, not with a dinosaur sewing machine.
16:25.58*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
16:26.03LopeppeppyLove you too, Cairenn.  *laugh*
16:34.19LopeppeppyVery fuzzy.
16:34.43mikmaCairenn: new avatar
16:40.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Malgayne (
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16:46.52cog|workeverbudy feel sorry for me kthx
16:47.56|Jelly|Ouch. :(
16:49.02Kaso"Oh crap! That Cogwheel. "
16:49.19|Jelly|That's what went through my head.
16:49.26|Jelly|The stupid candy corn are really throwing me off.
16:49.41Xuerian *yawn* mornin all
16:49.59cog|workthey really should have some other candy types for different classes or something
16:50.17Industriallol Xuerian
16:50.17LopeppeppyI'd like to be a candy pumpkin.
16:50.30Kaydeethreedamn it... I want to run to the store to buy candy corn on the cheap but I can't leave because ups hasn't gotten here yet
16:50.57KasoIn england we dont have candy corn
16:50.59Xueriancog|work: Damn =(
16:51.00LopeppeppyHave it shipped UPS, Kaydeethree?  :P
16:55.35Xueriancog|work: You don't seem to be one to run a insecure computer, what do you think happened?
16:56.00cog|workXuerian: i can't figure it out for the life of me :(
16:56.14Xuerianyou've run hijack this and all that?
16:56.19Xuerian(on the offchance)
16:57.13mikmai'm still in the believe that hacking don't happen :O
16:57.52Plagoushappens all the time unfortunately
16:57.54Kasoare user/password sent plaintext when logging onto wow? or does it send a hash, or something?
16:58.29XuerianIf it's plaintext, it could certainly be sniffed =X
16:58.38mikmabut hacking in this case should mean people breaking into wow servers and getting shit from the database. i'm pretty sure that doesn't happen
16:58.42Kaydeethreethe pass is hashed
16:58.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Quator1a (
16:58.54Kasofair enough
16:59.00Kasomakes sense
16:59.03mikmacog|work has the ultimate keylogger in his computer at work
16:59.04cog|workwhat about the forum login?
16:59.11mikmacheck the behind of the computer!
16:59.11Kasoforum login is ssl
16:59.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=Beladona@
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16:59.22Cairennhey Beladona
16:59.23cog|workI simply dunno :(
16:59.23mikmasome of your co-worker is doing something nasty
16:59.45cog|workmikma: none of my coworkers can physically use my computer... it's in dvorak and my keyboard is still marked qwerty ><
16:59.59cog|worknor are any of them (a whole 3 people) savvy enough to accomplish something like that
17:00.29mikmacog|work: but with latest hardware it's dead simple :P even idiots can do it
17:00.57KasoWouldn't a hardware keylogger get confused by dvorak though?
17:01.27mikmadont think so
17:02.15LopeppeppyI take it as a lesson -- I'm pretty safe, but I know now that I'm *not* safe, and should be even more careful than I already am.
17:02.17Kasosurely your keyboard is still sending the same signals as if it was qwerty its just your OS which is translating.
17:03.35mikmafound it..
17:04.36Kasobtw does anyone know a good gtkpod type program for windows, iTunes keeps bitching about my ipod :<
17:04.41mikmabah, metacade went into deep coma again, but it should be this
17:05.03cog|workI can't really do anything differently... The login info I use for WoW is different than anywhere else... I don't have any viruses or spyware... I'm not stupid enough to run programs that could contain key loggers... I can only assume they got my info by some more advanced hacker-y means. :|
17:05.06mikmanot 100% sure since i can't watch it right now, but the preview-image is the same hardware i'm tallking about
17:05.54Kasostupid question but you do have a non-brute forcable password right?
17:06.17LopeppeppyI'm now being paranoid about logging into the forums at the college, with the less secure network here.  I think I'll super-stop doing that in a hurry.
17:07.13art3misya know it would be rather neat if the mailbox has another tab built in that lists the last 30-50 mails you've sent without the ability to clear it
17:08.09KasoLopeppeppy, and you do not need to worry
17:08.33art3mis <-- usd == 95c cdn ;P
17:08.35|Jelly|Ahh. Ported DUF.
17:08.38LopeppeppyKaso, I updateth accordingly, and shower you with the latest batch of raspberry white chocolate chip cookies.
17:08.54art3missoon a canadian quarter will be an american dollar ;P
17:09.13Lopeppeppy|Jelly|, what'cha lookin' at?
17:09.32KasoDont canadians still get charged like 20% extra on the prices on the back of books and stuff though? bit of a rip off
17:10.02|Jelly|My newest project. :P
17:10.05art3misin most cases it's around 40% or so depending on the book
17:11.04Xueriancog|work: Good time to move to linux/mac? =X
17:11.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
17:11.37Xueriancog|work: Though I don't see it making that big of a difference, if you're already careful
17:12.22LopeppeppySounds mysterious, |Jelly|.  Can't wait.
17:12.22cog|workKaso: no passwords are 100% non-brute-forceable... :P    But no, it's not a dictionary word or anything like that (and does have numbers in it)
17:12.24*** part/#wowi-lounge Malgayne (
17:17.05art3miswhich is why NOW it's beneficial to setup and american funds account at your canadian bank and transfer funds over and use THAT for purcahses ;P
17:17.57*** join/#wowi-lounge cladbot2 (
17:18.17Mr_Rabies2okay i just played rock band
17:18.29Mr_Rabies2and i'm not ashamed to say i wanted to copulate with the guitar after playing it
17:19.22art3misas you shouldnt be
17:19.40art3mishowever copulating with the toaster or small animals you should be, unless you run a niche porn site ;P
17:20.12Mr_Rabies2that's run by xkcd right
17:20.15Mr_Rabies2ah yeah
17:21.27Thunder_Childdamit, the Ctrl+Alt+Del animated shows dont have the essance of the comic
17:22.13art3misAnd I'm pretty sure this is not a real photo:
17:24.33cog|workit's amazing how much reality has spawned from xkcd
17:24.43cog|worklike that map of the internet...
17:25.05*** join/#wowi-lounge cladbot2 (
17:28.34art3misthe map was around a lot longer than that ;)
17:28.59art3misits been a running joke since back in the early days of tripwire
17:30.52art3miswell that was rpetty awesome
17:31.05art3misleeching a torrent, number of seeders goes up my download speed drops
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17:34.34art3misDenial of Service Fish!
17:34.58Thunder_Child~lart art3mis
17:34.58purldrops a humongous exploding nuke on art3mis
17:35.11Thunder_Childthats kinda redundant purl
17:35.31cog|worknot really...
17:35.38cog|worka non-exploding nuke might just hurt a lot
17:36.16Thunder_Childa nuke by definition explodes..otherwise it's a dud
17:36.21*** join/#wowi-lounge ZealotOnAStick (
17:36.52art3misno it's still a nuclear device
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17:37.00art3misit's just not active
17:37.15Kaydeethreenukes falling on someone will still probably make that person go squish even if they don't explode
17:37.25art3misand make a big hole
17:37.33cog|workThunder_Child: no, nukes have to be detonated...
17:37.37art3misunless it was from a height of like 1"
17:38.12art3misi wish the terrorists would hurry up and make it snow
17:38.13Thunder_Childbut by default a nuclear device explodes, which means you dont need to add that atribute to it, only if it fails do you need to add that
17:38.28Thunder_Childit has failed, hence the dud part
17:39.05art3misim betting that whent hat wa created it was changed because dropping a nuke on someone as opposed to nuking someone didnt have the same semantical meaning ;P
17:41.20Thunder_Childit means the same...unless you think someone is simply droping it on their head
17:41.25Thunder_Childwith no explosion
17:41.32Thunder_Childi which case, you fail
17:42.43art3misexactly, semantical/literal ;P
17:43.38LopeppeppyWhy am I hearing Gilbert and Sullivan?
17:44.46Thunder_Childbecause i have HMS Pinafor playing
17:45.27Thunder_Childgreat play
17:58.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (n=nospam@
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18:02.59|Jelly|And Cog comes in with the win!
18:03.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
18:05.02art3misdo i get a 180hour(20hour HD) tivo series 3 for 260$ or get a 300hour(32 hour hd) with THX record and output series 3 for 399
18:05.44*** join/#wowi-lounge kamdis (i=405f8902@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
18:08.11Thunder_Child21 hours for 140 more....doesnt seem worth it
18:08.20Thunder_Childyou can get external HD's for stuff like that
18:09.31a-stray-catcogwheel here?
18:09.42Thunder_Childcog|work is
18:09.50Thunder_Childsomewhere around here
18:10.00a-stray-catwhat, he's railing against hunters from work?
18:10.04Thunder_Child(might wat to check under fourm roacks)
18:10.13Thunder_Childi fail
18:10.34Shirik|Ghostwell if by "here" you mean virtually in front of you, interpreted as a name "cogwheel" even though he is in fact miles away simply sending bytes using the TCP/IP protocols to a moderating computer and then to yours
18:10.35Shirik|Ghostthen yes, he is
18:10.36kamdis~fail Thunder_Child
18:10.37purlThunder_Child: Fail.
18:10.50|Jelly|All I'm reading is "Unless we can spam this one button as fas as possible, we can't manage to keep up in DPS"
18:10.55a-stray-cati mean here as in "currently in this channel"
18:11.02kamdisWhat Jelly said.
18:11.04a-stray-catvirtually, or otherwise
18:11.05Thunder_Childkamdis, yes, Shirik| you fail
18:11.17Shirik|EcoleI do believe I am the opposite of fail currently
18:11.19a-stray-cat|Jelly| that's not how it is
18:11.28a-stray-catif you want to DPS you don't spam that button
18:11.37a-stray-cathunters who just steady/auto during raids fail at DPS
18:11.42Thunder_Childhmm... would be not fail
18:11.43|Jelly|Then why are they crying that autoshot is being a toggle?
18:11.50a-stray-catI do, however, spam it during farming
18:12.00|Jelly|s/being/being made into a/
18:12.01Kaydeethreebecause it doesn't act like a toggle in macros now, it does on the ptr
18:12.04Shirik|Ecole~failometer Shirik Thunder_Child
18:12.21a-stray-catby making it this way farming becomes effectively a raid situation where i have to pay attention to every little nitpicky detail
18:12.32|Jelly|Cry more?
18:12.33a-stray-catits not fun
18:12.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
18:12.37Thunder_Childoh ya Shirik|Ecole, thats fail
18:12.38a-stray-catoh please, what do you play
18:12.47|Jelly|!c us burning legion jelly
18:12.47ThraeBot|Jelly|: Jelly, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (23/38/0). 6621 HP; 9885 Mana; 343 mana regen; 124 mp5; 90 +spell dmg; 1627 +heal; 5.06% dodge; 18 resilience;[[ TBR: 581 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Oct 30 22:15:20 2007 EST ]]
18:12.51purlShirik has less fail than Thunder_Child
18:12.52|Jelly|!c us burning legion klot
18:12.54Shirik|Ecolethere we go.
18:12.55ThraeBot|Jelly|: Klot, Level 70 Troll Shaman (41/0/20). 6389 HP; 8318 Mana; 175 mana regen; 73 mp5; 6008 Armour; 3.32% melee crit; 105 spell crit; 508 +spell dmg/heal; 4.28% dodge; 4.96% block;[[ TBR: 666 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Thu Nov  1 10:16:59 2007 EST ]]
18:12.59|Jelly|...should I continue?
18:13.09Shirik|EcoleI need to learn how to put parameters into factoids
18:13.11a-stray-catwhat other class has to pay attention to their autoswing timer while they farm
18:13.19Thunder_Childi swear %50 of the usual people here play priests
18:13.24Shirik|Ecolepriests are so ftw
18:13.24Thunder_Childlol Shirik|Ecole
18:13.32Shirik|Ecole~hug |Jelly|
18:13.32purlACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs |Jelly|
18:13.46a-stray-cateven healing on a druids not nearly as tedious as steady/auto without that macro
18:13.48|Jelly|Personally, if you're all QQ because it's making farming more difficult, I see that as a PEBKAC.
18:13.57a-stray-catit makes the game unfun
18:14.01a-stray-catthats why we're QQing
18:14.04|Jelly|You people are complaining about *farming*
18:14.14a-stray-cati have to farm all the time, it makes farming way worse
18:14.28a-stray-catalso, WHY MAKE THIS CHANGE
18:14.32Shirik|Ecoleholy priests = worst farming possible
18:14.34kamdisTry farming as a Holy Priest.
18:14.35Shirik|Ecoleand I don't complain
18:14.41a-stray-catyou could respec
18:14.44Kaydeethreebecause the devs delight in making players cry?
18:14.45Shirik|Ecoleor not
18:14.57Shirik|Ecolerespeccing would cause me to need to farm more
18:14.59kamdisSo I farm more to keep respeccing back and forth?
18:15.01Shirik|Ecolewhich, in turn, causes me to respec more
18:15.04|Jelly|You could too. BM and hug your cat.
18:15.06Shirik|Ecolewhich means I need to farm even more
18:15.11Shirik|Ecoleas you can see this is an infinitely recursive loop
18:15.13a-stray-catyou'd still have to steady/auto jelly
18:15.17Shirik|Ecoleyou know what happens to infinite recursion?
18:15.22a-stray-catMM is better for farming anyway
18:15.25a-stray-catthe pet holds better aggro
18:15.40Shirik|Ecolelua> function respec() farm(); end function farm() respec() end; farm()
18:15.40cladbotShirik|Ecole: sandbox.lua:153: stack overflow
18:15.45Shirik|Ecolethat's what happens.
18:15.45|Jelly|I guess what I was really saying went over your head. :\
18:16.34Shirik|Ecole!vs us drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
18:16.36kamdisThe change is because Auto was always a toggle until they accidentally broke it.  At least, if I recall correctly from when I played a Hunter long before 2.0.
18:16.37ThraeBotShirik|Ecole: Kimina vs Jelly! Two 70 priests square off!; Kimina wins by 99 TBRs!
18:16.41Shirik|Ecolestill on top
18:17.07Shirik|Ecolenonono kamdis
18:17.11Shirik|Ecolethat was an intentional change
18:17.41Shirik|Ecolebecause hunters were qqing too much
18:17.46Shirik|EcoleI was annoyed by it tbh
18:17.48Shirik|Ecolebut whatever
18:17.52|Jelly|You mean like now? :P
18:17.57Shirik|Ecoleand yes, before anyone says anything, I have a hunter
18:18.13|Jelly|!c us burning legion smitey
18:18.16ThraeBot|Jelly|: Smitey, Level 70 Troll Hunter (3/41/17). 6848 HP; 6388 Mana; 96 mana regen; 17 mp5; 4553 Armour; 1211 AP; 179.800 Melee DPS; 12.32% melee crit; 33 melee hit; 1379 RAP; 232.10 Ranged DPS; 17.52% ranged crit; 33 ranged hit; 15.72% dodge;[[ TBR: 1154 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Thu Nov  1 10:22:20 2007 EST ]]
18:18.16Shirik|EcoleThe change made hunters even more lazy than they already were
18:18.26Shirik|Ecole!vs us burning legion smitey us eredar shirik
18:18.28ThraeBotShirik|Ecole: Smitey vs Shirik! Two 70 hunters square off!; 3/41/17 vs 3/50/8; Smitey wins by 227 TBRs!
18:18.35kamdisdon't go there, Shirik, that's not fair.
18:18.38Thunder_Child!vs us drenden kimina us draenor prismatic
18:18.38ThraeBotThunder_Child: kimina vs prismatic! It's a showdown! But wait! What's this?! Something random? prismatic wins by 6721406 TBRs! Wow, that's GOTTA hurt.
18:18.45a-stray-catkamdis: they changed it when they added in the autoswitch from Auto Shot to Attack
18:18.48|Jelly|Are you serious?! Look at his gear. it's sooo rofl
18:18.56a-stray-catthey made it basically another /startattack
18:19.07a-stray-catbut /startattack only activates Auto Shot if you check the little link box
18:19.17a-stray-catand most hunters don't
18:19.26a-stray-catat least, most who played pre-BC
18:19.36a-stray-catnew hunters probably don't know the difference :X
18:19.39kamdisI've barely touched my hunter since BC
18:19.49kamdisand she doesn't raid
18:19.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
18:20.26Thunder_Child~lart Lunessa
18:20.26purltakes a large goose feather pillow and swings it wildly in Lunessa's direction, hitting Lunessa and sending Lunessa flying into the closet
18:20.39a-stray-catpurl's OP
18:20.52LunessaPurl plays in God Mode.
18:21.11*** join/#wowi-lounge art3mis (
18:21.29Shirik|Ecole|Jelly|: Who, mine?
18:21.38kamdisart3mis: So, I used your HK Halloween UI last night.
18:21.43Shirik|Ecoleyeah, my gear is pretty lol on Shirik too
18:21.48Shirik|Ecolewhich is sad because I've played him for so long
18:21.51kamdisthought you might like to know.  ;-)
18:22.02Shirik|Ecole!co us drenden kimina us eredar shirik
18:22.03ThraeBotShirik|Ecole: Kimina vs Shirik! A L70 priest and a L70 hunter compare their stat differences; 23/38/0 vs 3/50/8; Shirik ++18.21% ranged crit; Shirik ++1810 RAP; Kimina ++1476 +healing; Shirik ++1.53% dodge; Shirik ++90 ranged hit; Shirik ++90 melee hit; Shirik ++1840 Armour; Shirik ++273.10 Ranged DPS; Shirik ++207.100 Melee DPS; Shirik ++13.21% melee crit; Shirik ++1807 HP; Kimina ++2777 Mana; Ki
18:22.03ThraeBotmina ++135 +spelldmg; Shirik ++1593 AP; Kimina ++281 mana regen; Shirik ++15 +spelldmg/heal; Kimina ++145 mp5; Shirik has 3% more stats then Kimina.
18:22.11Shirik|Ecolethat's a lie Thrae
18:22.15Shirik|Ecolew/e :P
18:22.34Shirik|EcoleI guess comparing two different classes doesn't make much sense
18:23.06|Jelly|!co us eredar shirik us burning legion smitey
18:23.07ThraeBot|Jelly|: Shirik vs Smitey! Two 70 hunters compare their stat differences; 3/50/8 vs 3/41/17; Shirik ++2090 HP; Smitey ++8.53% dodge; Shirik ++57 ranged hit; Shirik ++57 melee hit; Shirik ++41.00 Ranged DPS; Shirik ++540 Mana; Shirik ++151 Armour; Shirik ++0.89% melee crit; Shirik ++0.69% ranged crit; Shirik ++431 RAP; Shirik ++41 mana regen; Shirik ++382 AP; Shirik ++27.300 Melee DPS; Shirik ++15
18:23.07ThraeBot+spelldmg/heal; Shirik ++5 mp5; Shirik has 3% more stats then Smitey.
18:23.21|Jelly|...and he still lost. kek
18:23.31Shirik|Ecoleyou don't even have anything better than me
18:23.34Shirik|Ecoledodge, but who cares about dodge
18:23.42Shirik|Ecolethat's the only thing you have on me
18:24.20Thunder_Child!co us eredar shirik us draenor prismatic
18:24.21ThraeBotThunder_Child: Shirik vs Prismatic! A L70 hunter and a L70 priest compare their stat differences; 3/50/8 vs 34/27/0; Shirik ++2077 HP; Prismatic ++717 +healing; Shirik ++1.01% dodge; Shirik ++90 ranged hit; Prismatic ++40 spell hit; Prismatic ++251 spell crit; Shirik ++90 melee hit; Prismatic ++675 +spelldmg; Shirik ++273.10 Ranged DPS; Prismatic ++3071 Mana; Prismatic ++10 nature resist; Shirik +
18:24.21ThraeBot+3420 Armour; Shirik ++13.21% melee crit; Shirik ++18.21% ranged crit; Shirik ++1810 RAP; Prismatic ++79 mana regen; Shirik ++1593 AP; Shirik ++207.100 Melee DPS; Shirik ++15 +spelldmg/heal; Prismatic ++10 mp5; Shirik has 3% more stats then Prismatic.
18:24.29Thunder_Child3% each time huh
18:24.30LunessaI actually expected to be given a 24-hour vacation from the forums today, but apparently I was more reasoned and calm in writing than I felt.
18:24.34art3miskamdis: heh, did it make you feel festive?
18:24.59a-stray-cat!co us eredar shirik us mug'thol sorren
18:25.01ThraeBota-stray-cat: Shirik vs Sorren! Two 70 hunters compare their stat differences; 3/50/8 vs 17/41/3; Sorren ++2978 HP; Sorren ++5.84% dodge; Shirik ++20 ranged hit; Shirik ++20 melee hit; Sorren ++18.00 Ranged DPS; Shirik ++960 Mana; Sorren ++10 nature resist; Sorren ++2074 Armour; Sorren ++8.68% melee crit; Sorren ++8.72% ranged crit; Shirik ++110 RAP; Shirik ++57 mana regen; Shirik ++169 AP; Sorren
18:25.01kamdisbut i immediately reinstalled my old UI when I logged off :P
18:25.01ThraeBot++26.100 Melee DPS; Sorren ++333 resilience; Shirik ++15 +spelldmg/heal; Shirik ++22 mp5; Sorren has 8% more stats then Shirik.
18:25.25art3mishten you'll enjoy the HKUI-Xmas edition next month ;P
18:25.28a-stray-cat+10 Nature Resist, take that
18:25.44kamdisart3mis:  that's my birthday too (dec 25).
18:25.49kamdisi'll be sure to use it
18:25.59art3misyou're baby jesus!
18:25.59kamdisoh god no
18:26.00kamdisi'm a girl!
18:26.04art3misdoes hkui make you cry? ;)
18:26.18Thunder_Childart3mis, it makes you cry
18:26.19kamdisevery night, when i'm trying to sleep, yes. :P
18:26.29art3misjesus was only male and white because he was created by whitemen ;P
18:26.45kamdisI ... I'm not touching that one.
18:26.48Shirik|Ecoleoh kamdis is a girl
18:26.55kamdisyes Kamdis is a girl
18:27.02zenzelezzSS or it didn't happen
18:27.03art3mishehe i just thought of an annoying thing to do to a compilation
18:27.04Shirik|Ecoleso that means |Jelly| and kamdis are together
18:27.13Lunessa... We'd better hope she is, or |Jelly| has some 'splaining to do.
18:27.18Shirik|Ecolehehe <3
18:27.21art3misya know how when you try and spam and you get that "i cant cast that yet" voice?
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18:27.31Thunder_Childno, i mute wow
18:27.37art3misme too but sometimes
18:27.51art3mismake a pokemon ui and replace that with audio saying PIKA
18:27.52zenzelezzI disabled error speech within the first 10 minutes of playing
18:28.03art3mispika pika pika pika and successful casts are chu
18:28.21kamdisAs did most everyone zenzelezz
18:29.30LunessaI left it one for a bit after the expansion.  I wanted to hear all the voice acting before I shut it off again.
18:29.34Shirik|Ecolesorry if I offended you kamdis
18:29.43Shirik|Ecolemaybe I shouldn't have said anything
18:29.46kamdisUndead chicks have the most annoying, angry error seech ever
18:29.54kamdisyou didn't offend me, what do you mean?
18:30.04Shirik|Ecolenever mind then
18:30.21Thunder_Childif you get offended you dont belong on IRC
18:30.47Shirik|Ecole~hug Lopeppeppy
18:30.48purlACTION hugs Lopeppeppy tightly until Lopeppeppy turns slightly blue
18:30.59Thunder_Childpfft, Lopeppeppy leaves all the time as it is
18:32.35|Jelly|Hey Peppy, I'm out of both cookies and jelly beans. :(
18:32.41LopeppeppyI do... it's that whole work/home thing, I like... get a home life or something.  I fail at geekery.
18:32.43Lopeppeppy"Some minds are like concrete:  thoroughly mixed and permanently set."
18:33.31Shirik|Ecoleuntil someone takes a jackhammer to it and smashes it to little bits
18:33.36Lopeppeppy|Jelly| - dear, that sucks.  I don't have any raspberry white chocolate chip cookies left over.  I'll save you some of the double fudge coming up?
18:33.38Mr_Rabies2Bon Jovi, Linkin Park and Rick Astley in a Mashup
18:33.41Mr_Rabies2this is really bizarre
18:33.45Mr_Rabies2i love this cd
18:33.51LopeppeppyShirik|Ecole, that would be what internet porn is for.  :P
18:33.52Shirik|Ecolewtf Lopeppeppy
18:34.00Shirik|Ecoleyou never offered me cookies
18:34.10|Jelly|Jelly > Shirik, obviously.
18:34.18LopeppeppyYou never asked, Shirik.  I hate to push my cookie-calories on anyone not seeking them!
18:34.25Mr_Rabies2everyone download this album :O
18:34.30Mr_Rabies2 or if you're really lazy
18:34.40Mr_Rabies2download it!
18:34.44Mr_Rabies2it's the best mashup ever
18:34.55Shirik|EcoleLopeppeppy: Trust me
18:34.59Beladonaaren't they doing something to TK to prevent lootreaver farming?
18:35.00Mr_Rabies2he manages to mashup linkin park, bon jovi, eminem and rick astley
18:35.00Shirik|EcoleI can eat anything and not gain a pound
18:35.02Mr_Rabies2it's amazing
18:35.06|Jelly|The lol part is, I really don't eat as many cookies as I make out. Peppy is just usually around when I have one of them. lol
18:35.13BeladonaI heard that as a rumor somewhere but never actually confirmed it
18:35.33LopeppeppyIt's a talent, |Jelly|.  I work hard at that tree.
18:35.42Shirik|EcoleLopeppeppy: There are many benefits of being hyperthyroid, ignoring the bad parts
18:36.24Thunder_ChildThis topic is the result of a known issue in the game mechanics.
18:36.24Thunder_ChildUse of this issue in this fashion is considered an exploit and I strongly discourage you from using it in order to avoid any repercussions on your account.
18:36.30Kaydeethreethere's a bug where people have been killing VR in ~60s, that's going to be fixed. the loot pinata aspect is fine
18:36.51Beladonaoh ok
18:37.16*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
18:37.27Beladonamy raid leader at our last ssc raid suggested they were stopping it altogether, which is where I got confused
18:37.31Beladonathat was the first I had heard of that
18:37.37Beladonahe must have meant the 60s thing
18:37.57art3misi'd guess that they're gonna add cooldowns to mob abilities during mc
18:38.02art3misto avoid that ;P
18:38.19Shirik|Ecole"It is defined as being irregularly irregular"
18:38.22Beladonathey said they were going to require you to down Al'ar before proceeding to anything else
18:38.26Shirik|Ecolewho defines something technical like that
18:38.26art3misit wasnt that big of a deal when it was wrneches in gnomer, but a real valueable error it became
18:38.28Beladonathat was the rumor
18:38.50art3misoh no thats silly
18:39.02*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
18:39.13art3misthey could just "accidently" extend his aggro range though heh
18:40.03|Jelly|Ckknight: Can you add alpha to bar backgrounds in a future release of PitBull? Please? <333
18:40.29ckknightyes, as soon as Slouken implements the ability to reverse status bars.
18:41.20Beladonacouldn't you reverse them yourself via code?
18:41.32Beladonawouldn't be easy but
18:41.39foxlitNot if they're actual statusbars.
18:41.50Beladonaof course not
18:41.54Beladonathat isn't what I mean
18:42.14Beladonaforget it, probably too much work for too little gain
18:42.54ckknightSlouken's refused to comment on reversing status bars, it's annoying
18:43.12ckknightI've asked him like 5 times, some publicly, some privately
18:44.37foxlitIs there really any significant benefit to using real status bars versus your own approximations of their api?
18:45.04*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
18:48.05pastamancerSetValue on a StatusBar is more efficient than SetWidth on a frame because changing the value of a statusbar doesn't require looking for other frames that might have been setpoint-ed to the frame being resized
18:49.13pastamancerto get the reverse effect in grid, we used a frame with a statusbar ontop of it
18:49.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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18:49.59Shirik|Ecolepastamancer: ?
18:50.06Shirik|EcoleWhat exactly did that accomplish?
18:50.21a-stray-cati imagine as the statusbar diminishes, it looks like the frame fills
18:50.38pastamancerthe background frame is set to the "foreground" color and the statubar is set to the "backgroudn" color
18:50.43Shirik|Ecolegot it
18:51.01pastamancerso yeah, you get bars that appear to grow downwards
18:51.34|Jelly|!vs us drenden kimina us burning legion nou
18:51.52ThraeBot|Jelly|: Kimina vs Nou! Two 70 priests square off!; 23/38/0 vs 28/33/0; Kimina wins by 31 TBRs!
18:51.53pastamanceror if you set it horizontal, ones that grow from right to left
18:52.01purlrumour has it, win is lose.
18:52.06Shirik|EcoleI hate you purl
18:52.22a-stray-catwhat's a TBR
18:52.22|Jelly|~win Shirik|Ecole
18:52.23purlCongratulations, Shirik|Ecole! You have won the time-life collection of vintage AOL cd's, a set of 120!
18:52.27purltbr is, like, ThraeBot Ratings -- a ThraeBot innovation. Working on a PvP-oriented weighted algorithm for what stats the Armoury currently has for your character, partially modified by build-type, it can be used to pit two characters in TBR vs TBR combat, and tries try to take into account which classes are fighting. (or "to be released")
18:52.30Shirik|Ecoleoh... yey....
18:52.34a-stray-catand I hate "Server is busy, please try again"
18:54.07*** join/#wowi-lounge kamdis (i=405f8902@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
18:54.28Lunessa~purl love Shirik|Ecole
18:54.29purlIf you love Shirik|Ecole so much, why don't you marry it? (oooooh)
18:54.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_DC (
18:54.56|Jelly|So there's a wedding in the works, Lunessa? :P
18:55.15LunessaNo, not really.
18:55.56zenzelezzmarry "it"? I always thought he seemed a bit robotic
18:56.31Kaydeethreewtb a better third-person gender-neutral pronoun
18:56.55LunessaWTB language not cobbled together from latin and german
18:57.58cog|workLunessa: lojban
18:58.31LunessaThe problem with learning lojban is that you end up speaking to the kind of people who learn lojban
18:58.52a-stray-catKaydeethree: one
18:59.32cog|workOne is too non-specific imo
18:59.46a-stray-cati hate you cogwheel :<
18:59.54a-stray-catyou're so mean.
19:00.06cog|workI have my moments :P
19:00.41a-stray-cati hope they change /cast Auto Shot back.
19:01.03cog|worki don't care if they do or not... i just hate the thread hijacking and sky-is-falling whining...
19:01.11Kaydeethreeyou should see the PTR forum
19:01.14a-stray-catthe sky is falling :(
19:01.17Kaydeethreeit's all hunter QQing about autoshot
19:01.34|Jelly|I say they delete the hunter class all together.
19:01.38a-stray-catthere's like two threads :P
19:01.54a-stray-cati say they get rid of priests, what are priests good for anymore? :(
19:01.56a-stray-catmana batteries
19:01.56Shirik|EcoleI'm an "it"?
19:02.23Shirik|Ecolea-stray-cat, I suggest you be quiet before I kill you
19:02.23|Jelly|I MT raids, staying above paladins while holding a shackle. : /
19:02.36Shirik|Ecolepriests can still heal
19:02.46Shirik|Ecoleit's just not all about spamming 1 button 24/7
19:02.54Shirik|Ecoleunfortunately, most people that play WoW are lazy
19:03.05a-stray-catyou can't spam 1 button 24/7 even with that macro
19:03.26a-stray-cathai Cairenn
19:04.19a-stray-catthe flash on WoWI makes my flash player say something about running abnormally slow, and asks if i want to abort the script
19:04.44Cairennping dolby, although he's actually afk right now
19:08.57Shirik|Ecolehi Cairenn
19:14.52Cairenna-stray-cat: do you know if it's an ad that is causing the problem and if so which one? trying to track it down now, as much as I can
19:15.13a-stray-cati think its one of the side ads
19:15.23Shirik|EcoleI think they have millions
19:15.24a-stray-catjust a sec
19:15.33a-stray-catit was one about some free MMO or something
19:15.37Shirik|EcoleI haven't seen any problems Cairenn
19:15.43Shirik|Ecoleoh wait, I don't have ads!
19:15.57a-stray-cati think it's the ArchLord side ad, lemme see if it slows down
19:16.04Shirik|Ecolehi Cidan
19:16.11Shirik|Ecolehaving fun with CSocketManager?
19:16.13*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
19:16.21CidanI didn't take a look at it yet, just got in
19:16.48Cidanit won't be hard or anything
19:16.55CidanI'll have it done in a few
19:17.03a-stray-catthere it goes
19:17.05Shirik|Ecolewhatever you say :)
19:17.18a-stray-catif i idle on the page for a while it eventually slows down and stops
19:17.21a-stray-catthen lags all of firefox
19:19.17kamdisSame here
19:19.50Cairennkamdis: same ad?
19:20.27kamdisAnd I have to idle on the page
19:20.32kamdisand I use Firefox
19:20.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Malgayne (
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19:20.48Cairennokay, it'll be fixed shortly, thanks guys
19:20.52a-stray-catits fine if i don't idle :x
19:21.03MalgayneCairenn reported the ad problem to me
19:21.47MalgayneWe're talking with the Archlord people right now
19:22.02MalgayneAs a workaround you should be able to right click on the archlord ad and hit "pause" until we get it fixed
19:22.31MalgayneWe're also going to put a clause into our advertising contract that says you're not allowed to put up a flash video that repeats endlessly
19:22.32Cairennthanks for getting us the info guys, nice to have coherent reports so we can get it fixed quicker - god I love working with geeks
19:23.06MalgayneYeah really
19:23.06MalgayneSo much easier with you guys than with, say, Thottbot
19:23.06Malgayne"ZOMG UR PAEG IS BORKEN"
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19:23.59MalgayneGotta reboot, having mail problems
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19:30.35cog|workWhat if the Hokey Pokey really *is* what it's all about?
19:30.50|Jelly|Then gnomes are screwed.
19:31.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
19:31.48Thunder_Childwhat *if* my drive is so fragmented it will take 26 hours to defragment
19:34.05Thunder_Childand thats only 1 of 5
19:35.36a-stray-catgo on vacation, set your drives to defragment!
19:38.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin (n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity)
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19:47.28*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
19:52.01|Jelly|If I were a lesser man, DUF would be making me cry right now.
19:52.14|Jelly|I think I might slap the next person that says Pitbull takes a long time to set up.
19:52.43Rayneyou THINK or you SHOULD
19:53.07|Jelly|Seriously. I've spent like 2 hours...and I'm still on the player frame.
19:53.58|Jelly|All this customization is starting to taste like sadness.
19:54.06JoshBorkewhy are you using it if you don't like it?
19:54.14|Jelly|Cause I'm anal retentive?
19:54.19RayneAlso, Jelly, the guy emailed me back and called me an asshole, no better SS. :(
19:54.32|Jelly|And for this particular UI, Pitbull can't do /exactly/ what I want.
19:54.38|Jelly|are you serious?
19:55.00RayneIts a shame, I kinda wanted a better SS
19:55.05|Jelly|me too
19:56.25Rayneso whatre you workin on now Jelly?
19:56.40|Jelly|A seekrit experument!
19:57.00|Jelly|Anyone watch Boondocks?
19:57.28|Jelly|You know the episode where it says that Stinkmeanor love of hate that keeps him alive?
19:57.38|Jelly|(Episode 4 -- Grandpa's Fight)
19:57.53|Jelly|Well, that's how I am with this UI. I hate it so much I want to finish is as opposed to stopping.
19:58.03|Jelly|Horrible analogy but you get the idea.
19:58.15RayneI love the Boondocks
19:58.21_Saint-Nthat was the worse analogy ever
19:58.26_Saint-Nor similie
19:58.34_Saint-N- that last i
19:58.42cog|workbg downloader has data now for anyone who cares
19:58.46_Saint-Nor spelt entirely differently ;)
19:58.52|Jelly|that was the worst spelling ever
19:59.09Rayneomg, someone is selling a Taran Icebreaker.
19:59.16Raynethats some memories right there
19:59.41zenzelezzcog|work: cheers
20:00.32Rayne"Your UI doesnt fit on a normal screen"
20:00.35zenzelezzTaran Icebreaker... yeah, I have a memory about that... spending between four and five hours killing the tar elementals in Un'goro for Living Essence... wearing out my Quel'Serrar's entire durability before I had enough... but I did get an Icebreaker
20:00.48RayneWell no shit its built on a WIDESCREEN UI IT SAYS SO ON THE PAGE
20:01.56Lunessawidescreen uber alles.
20:02.59kamdisHi Rayne, Kel
20:03.04RayneHiya :)
20:05.51kamdisRayne that wide screen thing is exactly why Ryas stopped releasing for so long :-(  Don't let it get to you.
20:06.12RayneOh im not, its just people cant read, its kind of depressing.
20:06.16CidanI love headlines like this
20:06.19CidanSuperstitions surrounding black cats largely stem from centuries-old folklore
20:06.31CidanThat's like saying, "Water is largely made up of H2O"
20:07.09RayneI love my UI and think I did a great job on it, if people are going to get butthurt cause they have to resize something like the chatbox, thats totally on them
20:07.27RayneThe emails are just funny
20:07.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
20:07.55Valaron|WorkIt's gotta be down to the exact pixel size... or death.
20:08.00kamdisI hope you still feel that way after the eleventy billionth whine about making it for some weird resolution because people are lazy asses.
20:08.40RayneBy then ill be finiding the most sublte ways of telling people to fuck off
20:09.00Valaron|WorkGotta love the Internet.
20:09.08KelfarrRayne, your UI is awesome so don't take any bullshit they spit at you. thats one of the reasons I never plan to release my UI if someone can't even resize a chat frame
20:09.16|Jelly|"Fuck off" generally works.
20:09.31Raynety Kel :)
20:09.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Hallu (n=Hallucin@
20:09.44|Jelly|My favorite is the person that wants it for 1024x768. Those people make me laugh.
20:10.15RayneI honestly dont know how I played this game without a widescreen
20:10.24zenzelezz800x600 4 lyef
20:10.55kamdispoor you zenzelezz
20:10.56|Jelly|"Disable mouse" box checked be default = PITA
20:11.26zenzelezzkamdis: was my sarcasm not obvious enough? :-p I run 2*1280x1024 at the moment
20:11.38kamdiswas mine not either? :P
20:11.38LunessaThe sense of entitlement... It's why most of my code isn't released to the public.  
20:11.51Kelfarr640x400 ftw
20:11.52zenzelezzI'm not a bright one, I need many hints
20:11.53kamdiswell, there ya go
20:12.13kamdisnext time i'll add a ;-)
20:12.35KelfarrI bought a box of 95 candy for giving out on halloween and only 5 kids came to my house
20:12.40Kelfarrnow i have to eat it all
20:12.40krkaKelfarr: is that even a real resolution?
20:12.47Kelfarrprobably not
20:13.21zenzelezz640x400 is real, but not commmon
20:13.23|Jelly|By the way, Enhanced Color Picker + DUF = kek
20:13.25KirkburnPeople macro the weirdest things - what Grimlock has here ... is how WoW works normally :/
20:13.27zenzelezzit's basically a bigger 320x200
20:13.51Kirkburn" /castsequence reset=target/3 Steady Shot, Auto Shot " ... or, or just press the Steady Shot button.
20:13.55|Jelly|He's looking for a huntard macro. Nothx.
20:14.05krka1237x1049 FTW
20:14.20|Jelly|I'm on 2x 1280x1024 too. :-\
20:14.21cog|workKirkburn: try this thread on for size:
20:14.30|Jelly|Yeah. COG THE TROLL!
20:14.34cog|workignore the OP (everyone else did)
20:14.52zenzelezzwell, after I started working with a 24" widescreen, 1280x1024 is looking so insufficient
20:15.11krkathat's not what your mom said last night!
20:15.18|Jelly|It is. That's why I got another. And now, I want two 22"+
20:15.24|Jelly|WTS Kidney
20:15.28zenzelezzkrka: you're right, my mom still wants 800x600
20:15.38krka|Jelly|: that's what your mom said last night!
20:15.49|Jelly|Is that right?
20:16.01KelfarrI want a 22inch widescreen right now i only have a 19 inch non wide
20:16.07RayneTheres a 34" High Def Widescreen TV calling my comps name right about now
20:16.10ScytheBlade1So, what are people's guesses on 2.3 being released? I've been busy lately, and haven't been able to follow the forums that closely :/
20:16.13Raynecant say im not uber tempted
20:16.34cog|workRayne: me too, though 47" ;)
20:16.44|Jelly|WTB Projector.
20:16.44zenzelezzScytheBlade1: as cog pointed out, 2.2.3 -> 2.3.0 is on the downloader now, so probably not too long
20:16.57cog|workScytheBlade1: my guess is the 13th
20:17.02cog|workat the earliest
20:17.09RayneMy friend overseas plays on a projector, I think it looks bad tbh :/
20:17.11Raynereal grainy
20:17.18KirkburnYou may be surprised cog ;)
20:17.18ScytheBlade1I thought they were changing that one priest talent around a lot though?
20:17.24ScytheBlade1Err, 2ish weeks
20:17.27ScytheBlade1Okay, that might happen
20:18.03cog|worktrouble is, the high-res projectors are still pretty $$$$
20:18.05KirkburnIf Kirkburn was a betting man, he'd tentatively put some money on next week :)
20:18.16cog|work1080p is at least $3k for a decent one
20:18.20ScytheBlade1Mostly I just want a guild bank
20:18.28ScytheBlade1I have a banking alt guild... and yeah
20:18.30Cairennif Kirkburn were a betting man, he'd lose his money
20:19.02KirkburnWe'll see :P
20:19.03Kelfarri have a 50 inch 1080p tv
20:19.17Kelfarri hooked it up to my computer the first day i got it :P
20:19.21zenzelezzCairenn's birds singing again?
20:19.24RayneHealers are OP on the PTR
20:19.27RayneNerf Helaers
20:19.34krkaanyone here good with YUI stuff?
20:19.41Cairennthey always are :)
20:19.46krkai can't figure out why my stuff doesn't work
20:19.50Kirkburnzenzelezz, who says there's only one set of ... bird?
20:20.10KirkburnThen again, I like Cairenn's birds more ...
20:20.19zenzelezzI never specified any amount
20:20.35KirkburnI did though :P
20:20.56a-stray-catis there anyway to get the rotating minimap not to look terrible as a square?
20:21.02KirkburnThis conversation is confusing me
20:21.12*** join/#wowi-lounge sancus (
20:21.19Kirkburna-stray-cat, possible to make it circular?
20:21.28a-stray-cati'd rather have it square :<
20:21.33a-stray-catit looks great in instances/ogrimmar
20:21.34zenzelezzKirkburn: yes, but your mention of my nick in the same sentence confuses me, in my interpretation that implies you think my sentence was lacking something
20:21.34KirkburnThen not afaik
20:21.59a-stray-catle QQ
20:22.11*** join/#wowi-lounge sancus (
20:23.14*** join/#wowi-lounge sancus (
20:23.15zenzelezzI haven't even joked about Kirk or the wiki for ages yet he still wants to mess with me
20:23.28Kirkburnsancus, problems?
20:23.38KirkburnYou keep getting excess flood
20:24.07a-stray-catpoor guy
20:24.17zenzelezzhe must have a lot to say
20:24.17*** join/#wowi-lounge sancus (
20:24.20Raynebacon and eggs sounds really, really good about now
20:24.25Rayneanyone want some?
20:24.59a-stray-cati really want to try to make some homemade bacon
20:25.10Kirkburn :D
20:25.14|Jelly|So it only took Trevion what? Three hours to make his own thread about castsequence?
20:25.29Xueriana-stray-cat: Step 1: Get knife. Step 2: Frying pan. 3: Bend over....
20:25.58Saint-Nstep 4: ...  step 5: profit?
20:26.12KirkburnXuerian, I thought you were implying a-stray-cat has a hot ass and Rayne should use it for frying
20:26.29XuerianKirkburn: Whatever floats your boat :D
20:26.36a-stray-cati am equally confused
20:27.24a-stray-catwait, what?
20:27.30a-stray-catnow im even more confused cat class and i got cat styllllllleeeeeeeee
20:27.43a-stray-catf this, im going to play tf2 where at least it zooms in whoever kills me
20:27.48*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
20:28.10a-stray-cat*zooms in on
20:28.38RayneI ran through all these mobs and FD and this shaman cant attack any of them cause theyre all evasion bugged
20:29.10Saint-Nherhe wait til they all clear up and swarm him ;P
20:29.56RayneIm not a jerk, a jerk is the guy going through the forums reporting peoples named with "illegal characters"
20:30.04Rayneim just having fun :D
20:30.08Saint-Nno thats incredibly funny
20:30.53Saint-Nbe even funnier if he was on the euro boards and it was german players
20:32.48Saint-Nwow im slow
20:32.54Saint-Ni JUST noticed that sysinternals was purchased/absorbed by MS
20:33.01IndustrialJUSt now?
20:33.06Saint-Nand only cuz they sent me an email telling me
20:33.13MentalPowerdude, that was a long time ago
20:33.20Saint-Nhence the slow comment
20:33.49Saint-Nall the sysinternal stuff i use i've got on my emergency usb key and cd
20:33.59LunessaEquipItemByName isn't protected.  Boy do I suddenly feel like a n00b.
20:34.29MentalPowerit isin't?
20:34.47LunessaWow Wiki doesn't list it as protected.  
20:35.09LunessaI should look on wdn...
20:35.14MentalPowerWoWWiki might be outdated
20:35.23zenzelezzjust /script EquipItemByName, should be fast to try
20:36.29LunessaI'm in the office, not at home.  
20:37.16cog|workMentalPower: never has been
20:38.28cog|workonly weapons can be changed in combat so it's not exactly exploitable
20:38.44KelfarrI love when people ask for help on the forums its so funny how they type it out
20:41.33Raynehunters can FD and drink / eat in combat, fyi, as well as swap trinkets / gear
20:41.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Saint-N (
20:49.38kamdiswiggles, Rayne?
20:49.42kamdiscreepy dude
20:49.54Raynescuse me :P
20:50.00Rayneim an avid bleach fan :X
20:57.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
21:00.14LaraulDamn... I'm trying to find some SCSI jumpersss.
21:00.27LaraulStores USED to carry them...
21:02.43Kaydeethreewoo for doing my civic duty and voting
21:03.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin (n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity)
21:03.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Saint-N (n=art3mis@
21:05.31Saint-Nyou're just jealous that Tak likes me better.. Jelly?!?! This is no time for jelly! she's after your planet and my job!
21:06.49Saint-Nthe first part of my plan is to disable your base so you can only watch.. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO my beautiful base! the secnd part of my plan NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO my base! the second part of NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO my base!
21:07.38Saint-Nor forget this.. wait where are you going? arent you going to tell me your plan?   the second part of my plan You're after my robot bee?
21:08.06Saint-Nwhy oh why is his head so big
21:08.41*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
21:09.24|Jelly|Woot for most of today down the drain.
21:09.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
21:09.44Saint-NIRCo fixes all the stagnant time clogs!
21:14.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (n=nospam@
21:17.13Shirik|Ghost<3 kamdis
21:17.17Shirik|GhostI'm totally with you on that oe
21:17.30Shirik|GhostYou scream for heals, you get nothing and like it!
21:18.26kamdisWhen I was leveling Kam and tried to pug Deadmines at about level 22 some level 15 rogue was all "HEAL ME when I say heal!"
21:18.46kamdisI just /laughed at him and /waved
21:18.50kamdisthen he died
21:19.46Raynewhy do warriors think daggers are best for tanking :/
21:26.17Saint-Nhehe yeah thats a few years old
21:26.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
21:29.40IntangirCairenn: HAHAHAHAHAAHA
21:29.46Intangiromg thats not right at all ;)
21:30.55Intangiri always scream for heals
21:30.56Intangirim a rogue!
21:31.01Intangirwe never get any damn heals
21:31.08Intangiri even have a talent which gives me 20% more heals
21:31.20Intangirso i get 20% more of my 750 HP trinket..
21:32.51Saint-Nrogues dont get heals cuz they have sprint which makes it faster for them to get back to the instance ;P
21:33.26|Jelly|They don't get heals for the same reason hunters don't get heals: all the times I get to pay for a repair when they don't.
21:33.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Widgertick (i=c64a263b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
21:33.43*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Widgertick] by ChanServ
21:34.01Saint-Ni dont heal mages
21:34.21foxlitDamn you, viacom.
21:35.07Intangirim talking about in pvp
21:35.10*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
21:35.12Intangiri rarely ever do pve
21:35.16Intangirand dont expect heals in pve
21:35.34Intangirbut in BGs when im #1 KBs #1 HKs and #1 damage, 1 freaking heal would be nice ;)
21:35.48Intangiri got a screen of #1 KBs #1 HKs #1 Damage and #1 DEATHS :)
21:36.05Intangirin eye of the stomr
21:36.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandok1 (
21:36.14Intangiri love that PVP
21:36.28Intangiryesterday we were doing eye, we had 2 bases, they had 2, but they were slightly ahraed, and we had bridge
21:36.35Intangirso i attacked dranei ruins, 1vs3
21:36.39Intangirkilled the mage, stole the flag
21:36.44Intangirblinded, gouged the other two
21:36.47Intangirand sprinted for it ;)
21:37.04Intangir2 more showed up to stop me i gouged another, crippled another
21:37.06Intangirkept going hahaha
21:37.08Intangirran the flag and capped
21:37.12Intangirwe still ended up losing though ;(
21:37.23Intangir1 man army though was pretty fun
21:37.24Saint-Nyou're the number one in hello kitty?
21:37.37Intangirparadise island!? :)
21:38.38*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|AFK (
21:41.48foxlitqq, now I have to find a US proxy :(
21:42.44*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
21:45.25kamdisFor the record, I heal anyone who's not jerk screaming for heals.  Even Rogues and Hunters, even when I am MT healing.
21:45.40kamdisSo, :-P  Rogues do get heals, if they're good.
21:45.44Intangir!wtf NSFW
21:46.19kamdisnot safe for work?
21:46.31Intangirjust curious if it knew it
21:46.36Intangirbot seems to be down
21:46.39Intangiri want to stump the bot ;)
21:47.00IntangirKAMDIS! HEAL ME WTF!
21:47.22zenzelezzit sort of ruins the joke when you need to laugh at it yourself
21:47.43Intangirnot if its on another line
21:47.45Intangirthen its ok
21:48.02zenzelezzno, then it's just taking up more lines, which is bad
21:48.44Intangirso is your face!
21:55.58Shirik|AFK~lart Intangir
21:55.58purlwallops Intangir with a main rotation server that needs rehubbing. It won't take long
21:56.03Shirik|AFK~wtf NSFW
21:56.15Shirik|AFKhelps to use the right tag
21:56.54Intangiroh, well at least the bot is stumped
22:00.07kamdisIntangir!  KISS MY HEINEY!  Kthx.
22:00.48kamdisOh I forgot the ;-)
22:06.13*** part/#wowi-lounge Mal|afk (
22:12.50Kelfarrsrsly guys srsly
22:12.56a-stray-catno wai
22:18.01Raynesomeone just told me my UI looks too much like ryas
22:22.22Kelfarrit looks nothing like it
22:22.46Kelfarris cogwheels name Matthew Orlando?
22:23.17Kelfarryeah i see it on the forumtocposter
22:23.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
22:24.54cog|workhe also just told you :P
22:26.31cog|workI think it's also mentioned in Lua511WoW
22:26.38cog|workand of course ~wowprogramming
22:26.55LunessaSee there's another reason for me to bond with cog|work - we share the same first name.
22:27.03Kelfarrwho told me?
22:27.21Kelfarryou did?
22:27.21cog|work<---- Cogwheel
22:27.26Kelfarri know
22:27.41cog|workoh... i misinterpreted Kelfarr>yeah i see it on the forumtocposter
22:27.46cog|workignore me :P
22:28.11cog|workThere's another Matthew in here, but i'll leave it to them to reveal it ;)
22:28.17kamdisWow.  The Hunter QQ thread is now 8 pages.
22:28.46cog|workkamdis: my bad :(
22:29.14kamdiscog|work nah, we have to get a break from the tedium somehow.
22:29.37foxlitEvil, evil world.
22:29.37a-stray-cathunters have figured out a way around the /cast autoshot thing now
22:29.43foxlitI can't watch the colbert report from here :(
22:29.45a-stray-catso oh well
22:29.52cog|workgood for them
22:29.59cog|work(not being sarcastic)
22:30.01a-stray-catits hackish imo
22:30.08a-stray-catwell, it was hackish to begin with
22:30.09cog|workbut so was what they were using :P
22:30.10a-stray-catbut still
22:30.24cog|worksomeone needs to link to it in that thread
22:30.27a-stray-catbut now its even MORE hackish!
22:30.39a-stray-catits more fun when hunters are flaming eachother, IMO.
22:32.08Lunessa*fac epalm*
22:32.20foxlitSome evil IP/referrer trickery going on, qq
22:33.07KelfarrYeah that thread is giving me a headache lunessa
22:33.22ScytheBlade1cog|work, u got h4xed?!
22:33.28cog|workyeah :(
22:34.00Lunessacog|work: I actually prefer the shortened version of our common name.
22:34.42ScytheBlade1Do you have any real clue how it happened?
22:34.44cog|workMy mom always told people to call me Matthew. She gave up when I was in middle school but for some reason I decided to go by Matthew again when I started high school
22:34.49ScytheBlade1Login on any strange computers recently?
22:34.54cog|workScytheBlade1: absolutely none. All computers are clean
22:35.06Lunessacog|work: I only ever heard Matthew when I was about to get a beating.
22:35.09ScytheBlade1Similar passwords? I'd assume that your account name is "cogwheel"
22:35.15Kirkburncog|work, I'm still reading that thread :P
22:35.17cog|workno it's not cogwheel
22:35.17Lunessa(Usually deserved.)
22:35.19cog|workthat's what boggles me
22:35.34ScytheBlade1That... is interesting indeed
22:36.39cog|workThe only other computer I've used to log into the forums in the last few months was my mother-in-laws and it's as clean as a whistle... she never uses it ><
22:37.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
22:38.45Ktronis the set of nerds in girl clothing a subset of the set of girls in nerd clothing?
22:39.38Kelfarrdo you think i should make a druid or warlock alt
22:39.57Kelfarrmy main is a mag
22:40.12Rayne Dont ask me why, but this is the best song ever.
22:40.13kamdisLunessa, that thread is so :-(  What a dolt.
22:40.32Lunessakamdis: /concur
22:40.49Kelfarractually this is the best song ever
22:40.58KtronKelfarr, Druids are a bigger change
22:41.28Kelfarryeah, i would probably get bored of a warlock, i tried one on the ptr and i didnt enjoy it
22:41.31*** join/#wowi-lounge kamdis (i=405f8902@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
22:41.33KtronClubbed to Death is pretty solid
22:41.56Ktronuh oh, Final Countdown is also solid
22:42.00kamdisLunessa, my favorite part was where the OP tried to tell the author of Omen what it does.  Lol.
22:42.02KtronThat's a tough one
22:42.29Lunessakamdis: Yeah - exactly.  
22:42.31KtronKelfarr, I just went through this, I have a UD F mage, my gf has a BE F paladin
22:42.48KtronI'm not allowed to play my UD F mage with her, I have to make a new (third) main that's a BE M
22:43.05Ktron... Out of the choices, BE M Warlock... otherwise I would have made a shaman
22:44.09KtronHeh, blasting Final Countdown at 6:43 PM on a thursday at work is more amusing than I would have guessed
22:44.13Kelfarryeah I don't know what I want to choose, I have a level 30 druid already but its on a server I don't want to play on, so I have to reroll it or make a warlock
22:44.22kamdissounds like someone needs a new GF
22:44.45kamdisI mean, "not allowed to play"?  WTF?
22:44.51KtronMy guess is I don't want a girlfriend who plays a UD M :)
22:45.15KtronWell, I can, and she'll cave and let me now and then I'm sure anyway
22:45.39kamdisWhatever works, I guess.
22:46.06KtronI don't mind that much anyway... But I'm curious, I wonder how many F play M
22:50.45*** join/#wowi-lounge fridg (n=fridgid@
22:51.17kamdismore than you might think
22:51.22kamdisat least that's my impression
22:51.37kamdisto avoid the OMG PICS PLZ crap
22:53.12KelfarrKamdis do you have a 70 main or is the 67 your main?
22:57.02kamdisthe 68 (she's really 68 now, really) is my "main" but I have a 70
22:57.13Kelfarroh ok
22:59.23kamdisI transferred from Uther.  Emy's a release day character.
23:00.04ScytheBlade1cog|work, all I can say is that I'm not scared for my own account security, and wish you luck in getting it all back
23:00.28cog|works/not/now/ ?
23:00.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
23:00.51ScytheBlade1Doing horsemen right now
23:01.02cog|workyeah... someone's doing something naughty with teh tubes imo
23:01.56ScytheBlade1Do you have that password in use anywhere else?
23:02.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
23:02.58cog|workyes, but with a different user name and nothing wow-related
23:03.13Kelfarr2 priests? why oh why
23:03.30kamdisGlutton for punishment, I guess.
23:03.50*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
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23:04.07Kelfarrdid they do anything cog?
23:04.13kamdisI raid healed all the pre-BC instances with Emy and swore when she went shadow I'd never play a healer again, but ... I guess it just suits me.
23:04.14KelfarrI saw you post about 30 minutes ago
23:04.26alestaneI think I'm officially done with that /castsequence/Auto Shot Thread.
23:04.31cog|workThe GM said it could be a few days before I hear anything
23:04.36KelfarrThats why I am making a druid, I don't want to play a priest because I will just make him shadow
23:04.48KelfarrDid you phone in yet?
23:04.48RayneDisc > Shadow, imo
23:04.57kamdisSeriously, Alestane.  It's :-(
23:05.18KelfarrMy account was stolen like a year ago, I called the day after and they sent me a randomly generated password to my email
23:05.27*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
23:05.28alestaneREally..."You want some cheese with that whine?"
23:05.36cog|workKelfarr: i have my account back
23:05.49cog|worki just went onto the website and had my pasword reset like that
23:05.55cog|workwhat i need now is my gear :(
23:06.01alestanecog|work: Lose anything in the interim?
23:06.03Kelfarrlol they are talking about MMO's on tv
23:06.09Kelfarrwatching discovery channel
23:06.21Kelfarrtabula rasa
23:06.22cog|workalestane: all items and gold on cogwheel,
23:06.22Kelfarror something
23:06.36alestaneOne of our guildies got hacked...not only lost all his gear, but his 70 priest got deleted.
23:06.38cog|workplus all of my bag contents on my warlock
23:06.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (n=kd3@
23:06.50cog|workI think i caught them in the act
23:06.54alestaneHe got the toon back after like a week and a half, but with all greens.
23:07.03cog|workbecause cogwheel still has two pieces of gear
23:07.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Plagous (
23:07.25alestaneOne of our other priests had his 70 sold onto another server.
23:08.10alestaneI think he got the character back, but last I'd heard the priest was still stranded on the other server.
23:08.33kamdisI have a friend that got hacked also, 70s stripped, lower alts deleted.  He got most everything back.
23:09.11*** join/#wowi-lounge RogueShadow (
23:09.15alestaneBut you're not the type to randomly run some .exe file know how they got you?
23:09.45cog|workalestane: i'd say "scroll up" but i see you just recently logged on ><
23:10.02alestaneThanks for checking.
23:10.16cog|worki've done everything "right" as far as I can tell
23:10.28Kelfarrits funny the creator of tabula rasa is telling about how its going to be an awesome game and people are never going to quit
23:10.33Kelfarrbut it will never beat wow
23:10.44alestaneYeah, but that's all Richard Garriott ever has to say, right?
23:11.06KelfarrWho is richard Garriott?
23:11.16dylanmKelfarr: :O
23:11.23dylanmLord British!
23:11.29alestaneHe's the guy behind TR from what I saw. I believe he was also responsible for UO.
23:11.45alestane~fail Kelfarr
23:11.45purlKelfarr: Fail.
23:12.02Kody-Every designer tells people their game is going to rock and people won't want to quit.
23:12.17Kody-Horizons did it...
23:12.24Kody-Shadowbane too
23:12.30dylanmWho's the Fable guy... the French guy.
23:12.34KelfarrI never played UO :(
23:12.37*** join/#wowi-lounge [KzM]Fatalis (
23:12.40Kody-Peter Molyneux(sp?)
23:12.50dylanmThere we are
23:12.53Lunessacog|work: Hopefully all is good later.  Sorry man.
23:13.12alestaneHe actually developed the whole Ultima Series.
23:13.13cog|workI imagine they'll get me most of my stuff back
23:13.23cog|workmaybe minus some enchants & gems
23:13.38Kelfarrwhat kind of gear did you have
23:14.26alestaneHrmm, preload data is available.
23:14.54Kody-He gave us a tour of the NCSoft offices, he's got all kinds of memorabilia from the old days on the walls :P
23:15.03Kody-Like sealed versions of the first game he developed, etc
23:15.23alestane222Mb of data for the next patch wants to download.
23:15.27Kody-Still has his old mac that he created it on too
23:15.43Kaydeethreeya, there's a lot of data on the PTR
23:16.52alestaneWell, there's a whole new dungeon and a LOT of "under the hood" stuff...not shocked.
23:16.54cog|workKelfarr: nothing incredibly special... a few pieces of Grand Marshal and various random blues from questing
23:18.11Kelfarrthen hopefully they give it all back
23:19.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
23:19.00*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
23:19.05alestaneKaydeethree: See anything actually interesting on the PTR fourm lately?
23:19.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
23:19.33kamdisI thought you were done with those threads cog|work :P
23:19.35Kaydeethreeno, just everyone QQing
23:19.44cog|workkamdis: wasn't me who said that :P
23:19.50kamdisoh, right
23:19.58alestaneKaydeethree: That's pretty much what I thought.
23:20.21KaydeethreeI'm just screwing around with the orange box. dual head running portal on a 5200fx is an interesting experience
23:20.37Kaydeethreewtb the rest of my hardware getting here tomorrow
23:20.49alestaneWhen is it getting there really?
23:20.56Kaydeethree3-4 PM
23:21.10alestaneSo why "wtb"?
23:21.24KaydeethreeI just want it here sooner
23:22.07alestaneSo I think I found a workaround for this harmbutton/healbutton issue I ran into.
23:23.31alestaneharmbutton and healbutton on action buttons are only checked if there's an explicit target declared for the button, either directly or through useparent-.
23:23.51alestaneSince most bars use nil as their unit, the assist attack mechanism gets ignored.
23:24.29alestaneBut if you set the bars' unit to "target", then buffs and heals don't work when you have no target.
23:25.23alestaneSo I had to parent all the action bars to a new state header and register it for "[exists] 1; 0" and "headstateunit"="1:target;"
23:27.45alestanekamdis: I wouldn't keep mentioning CoolFloat if I hadn't written the dang thing.
23:30.18alestaneAnd since that's the second time I've seen someone ask about something that at least sounds like it, I'm sort of excited.
23:31.35kamdisNo, no.  I every time you mention it I make a [poor, apparently] mental note to link it the next time.
23:31.49kamdisNot everyone wants a replacement for the default combat text.
23:32.31LunessaWhy is it that every time there's a patch everyone freaks out unless they got made "ZOMG MOAR AWSUM"?
23:33.06alestaneI'll be able to send Fel Blossoms back and forth if I want!
23:33.54alestaneI confess (although I WAS very happy with the last patch) that I often feel like Alchemy gets little love. I want some Outland-grade weapon oils dammit!
23:33.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
23:34.26alestaneJust like, two recipes.
23:34.37LunessaSounds like something restricted by the Geneva Convention
23:35.39alestaneSomething that adds a fire DoT maybe, or an Oil of Fel Impact that adds something like +8 weapon damage but increases durability loss.
23:35.52alestaneLike the fel potions they added.
23:36.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
23:36.17LunessaFel Potions - useless for everything but bulking out the number of recipes I know...
23:36.42alestaneFrost Oil and Shadow Oil are better than nothing, but they don't scale with you...all they are in outland is continuous "resist" feedback.
23:36.51Guillotineand tricking people into buying them telling them it'll turn them into a fel-ork
23:37.08Guillotineshadow oil was amazing for my rogue at low levels
23:37.49kamdisYeah, I miss those oils.
23:38.00alestaneI agree...that's why I want a couple new, higher-level ones.
23:38.02LunessaShadow oil is good for leveling andf twinks.
23:38.16kamdisand I agree, Alchemy gets little love.  Though the new stone was a nice addition.
23:38.36kamdis(at BC, I mean)
23:39.01alestaneAnd something to fill in for Oil of a bottle that dazes people nearby when you uncork it or something (balance issues there, any other suggestions?).
23:43.50GuillotineOil of Oil: Cover your weapon in gasoline, causing anybody casting a fire spell to explode when hit
23:45.54kamdisHa ha.
23:47.53kamdisAoE slow, up to 5 people for N seconds?
23:48.14alestaneRight, bottled nausea or something like that.
23:48.16kamdisthat'd be something alchemical, possibly, like chloroform :P
23:48.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
23:51.18Wobworkonly if it affects the alchemist as well
23:51.24Wobworkor if they equip a gas mask
23:53.31Guillotinethats it! make a chloroform potion thats like a ranged sap
23:54.10Mr_Rabies2kamdis, alchemy gets so little because it's so easy to level methinks
23:54.11kamdisnot balanced, but fun to ponder
23:54.18Mr_Rabies2it's by far the cheapest profession to get to 375
23:54.38Mr_Rabies2s/profession/crafting profession/
23:54.47Guillotinebut it really should get some more fun stuff
23:54.52Guillotineeven if its not that useful
23:54.57Guillotinestuff like the old elixir of giant growth
23:55.06kamdiswhich people still love ;-)
23:55.06Mr_Rabies2enchanting has no excuse for how little neat stuff it has
23:55.12kamdisI sell a ton of those
23:55.21Guillotineyup. but they should make one that uses newer mats
23:55.29Guillotineso people don't have to go back to old areas to get mats
23:55.31Mr_Rabies2it's by far the most expensive and still has next to nothing worth selling other than really really high end stuff that's super rare
23:55.35kamdisSure it does.  The gobs and gobs of money you make once you spend the fortune required to level it
23:55.51*** join/#wowi-lounge frid (n=fridgid@
23:55.55Mr_Rabies2kamdis, it's difficult to make the ~5-8kg back you spent on leveling it
23:55.55kamdisYou can't tell me that Crusader enchants can't net a fortune
23:56.01Guillotineimho, enchanting would be ok if they made it just use scrolls to enchant so they could sell it easier
23:56.01Mr_Rabies2they don't anymore
23:56.03kamdisand Firey and Iccy
23:56.11Mr_Rabies2none of those sell worth a crap anymore
23:56.22Guillotinesure they do, just mostly to alts
23:56.31Mr_Rabies2not very often though
23:56.31kamdisthey do on Velen.
23:56.36Mr_Rabies2most twinks are already twinked out
23:56.50Mr_Rabies2okay brb
23:56.52Mr_Rabies2updating mirc
23:57.46Corrodiasgood night moon
23:58.02Saint-Nwasnt scribing one of those thingscoming in for wotlk?
23:58.19Corrodiasit is
23:58.21Saint-Nchildren skooch closer... you're not skooching

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