IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071023

00:00.20CairennI know there are a bunch of you that are in SoCal - please be careful and don't be stupid - if it gets too close, just go, "things" can be replaced
00:01.35mikmaCairenn: what what?
00:01.42Cairennthe fires
00:02.11*** join/#wowi-lounge art3mis (
00:02.17TimangiWhy it says ChatFramtabremover.toc in both?
00:02.42Kasoit doesnt ?
00:02.48mikmauh, fires in california? :I
00:03.01Timangithese both are identical?
00:03.16art3misyay \o/
00:03.17Timangigot it
00:03.23Kaydeethreethere's some near our blizzard overlords as well
00:03.43Cairenna bunch of SOE folks have had to abandon their homes
00:04.18art3misthats gonna delay the patch ;)
00:04.25mikmaCairenn: pictures anywhere?
00:04.31Kelfarrhere is some pics one sec
00:04.43CairennI'm sure CNN, etc have lots of them
00:04.58Kelfarrhere is one
00:05.27Thunder_Childi dunno, i just whip out a marshmellow and yell "BONFIRE"
00:05.33mikmaso, what the hell has happened there?
00:05.53Kelfarrwind + brush + fire
00:06.02Timangilol kaso :D
00:06.27Thunder_Childon the other hand i live on the border of BH/WH/WLA so it's unlikely to come find me
00:08.15*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
00:09.05Thunder_Child"After nine years of back and forth and a small country's GDP in fines for antitrust violations, Microsoft's finally caving to EU antitrust regulators by giving code to competitors it's fought to keep to itself after a 2004 European Commission directive to hand it over. A ruling last month by the EU's second-highest court affirmed the EU's right to force powerhouse companies to share intellectual property with competitors i
00:10.08*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
00:10.13*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v AnduinLothar] by ChanServ
00:10.31TimangiKaso its not working
00:10.34Cairennyou cut off after: "right to force powerhouse companies to share intellectual property with competitors i"
00:10.37*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (
00:10.51Thunder_Childit's fought to keep to itself after a 2004 European Commission directive to hand it over.
00:10.51TimangiKaso how do I load this addon since its not showing up at the list?
00:11.00Thunder_ChildA ruling last month by the EU's second-highest court affirmed the EU's right to force powerhouse companies to share intellectual property with competitors in order to level the playing field" I call BS on EU
00:11.29AnduinLotharthat's what they did to MS
00:11.40Thunder_Childthats who they are talking about
00:11.43KasoTimangi, did you fully exit wow and go back in?
00:11.43AnduinLotharand MS finally submitted to the anti-trust case
00:11.50KasoIf yes you musta done something wrong.
00:11.58AnduinLotharafte rliek 4 years of apealing
00:12.05Thunder_Childi just dont think it's right to make them give up their IP
00:12.18AnduinLotharit' snot new IP
00:12.29TimangiError occured in: GlobalCount: 1Message: ..\AddOns\ChatFrameTabRemover\ChatFrameTabRemover.lua line 1: unexpected symbol near '=='
00:12.48mikmaTimangi: do not put the =============== something ============ lines in
00:12.56Timangiahh sry man
00:13.40TimangiI just remove == and thats it?
00:16.38mikmasee the latter for the layout we tried to show you
00:17.29Timangisry I suck in stuff like this :)
00:18.05TimangiIf I ever want to disable this I have to move the folder?
00:18.19mikmawhy not just disable the addon from addons menu
00:19.06Timangioh dude forgot
00:19.18TimangiI got to do that to chatlog2 too
00:20.18mikmathen edit the .lua and add the needed lines in there
00:21.07Timangido I have to add something in the middle of the lines?
00:23.36Timanginice work <3
00:25.08Timangithanks for coding me this addon :)
00:25.31art3misFtiakse kai kanena UI me pucca!!! :P
00:25.31art3mishahaha ta UI sou einai afasia
00:25.40art3mis^^  anyone speak that language?
00:26.00mikmaerr no
00:26.06mikmasounds italian
00:26.21*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
00:29.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Nimble (
00:30.36art3misall copyrightsshould be like drugs
00:31.02art3miswhen the copyright expires after 5 years or something if you dont have a new use for that combo/name its opened up to generic markets
00:34.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Nimble_Rabit (
00:36.45WobworkI thought you were going to suggest "when the copyright expires, you find yourself craving more and more copyright until you get more..."
00:36.47art3misi think pfizer lost thiers
00:37.01art3mison viagera
00:37.12art3misnot sure if they ever got it approved for heart medication in women
00:37.36WobworkIt'll keep your ticker up?
00:37.41art3mismore or less
00:37.46art3misits a blood thinner essentially
00:37.55art3misthast why it works so well for erections
00:38.09art3misin order to get the same response, it needs less blood pumped in
00:39.05art3misit also helps in the case of heart/bloodflow because it can bypass clots etc more readily, and allows a the same propgation of oxygen without having to work as hard
00:39.42*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
00:41.19Wobworkposter died after flying into Zangarmarsh and the broom disappearing under her
00:41.49Corrodiasthe hell?
00:42.17JoshBorkerofl, that's awesoe
00:42.51Wobworkclearly if you ride on a broom in the rain... you melt =P
00:43.01JoshBorkenerf rain imo
00:44.29Corrodiasnono, they just need to diversify the weather. chocolate rain.
00:49.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Genetics (
00:49.38Kirkburn2.3 patch notes updated :)
00:49.56*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
00:50.03Kirkburnmikma, know if your minimapblips addon still works on 2.3?
00:50.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (i=cc8cb9e4@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
00:50.54mikmaKirkburn: hmm, haven't tested it but i can test it soon. just need to get up first :O
00:51.14mikmaKirkburn: some of the icons might work but for me it seems like they have added a huge amount of icons
00:51.29KirkburnYay, I guess :P
00:51.31mikmahunters can see who are neutral, hostile, friendly, and so on
00:51.49Guillotineboo @ school blocking irc ports :(
00:51.58Guillotineyay for ircatwork!
00:51.58KirkburnI hope neutral and gathering show different icons
00:52.36mikmawell, extracting the art and converting the image to .tga would propably help
00:52.36KirkburnWhy on earth they left that blip file with identical yellow icons for so long is beyond me
00:52.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
00:52.59Guillotineyay for ircatwork!
00:53.04KirkburnYay Guillotine :P
00:58.24ShadowedAnyone played with healing coeffs before by any chance?
00:58.42JoshBorkemath not so ez for shadowed probably has the answer
00:58.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Guill (i=cc8cb9e4@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
00:59.15Guillanybody know a way to see what outgoing ports are open on a network?
00:59.16WobworkChocolate rain
00:59.48JoshBorkeWobwork: you're sick
01:00.01WobworkI actually am =(
01:00.06WobworkI don't know why I'm at work =(
01:00.11KirkburnWobwork, rofl
01:01.46Shadowedhrm, EJ doesn't seem to have the formula actually for dealing with talents + healing coeff
01:03.04MentalPower|WorkGuill: if you're inside of that network you can use ShieldsUP! from
01:03.23MentalPower|Workif you're outside then you can nmap it if there are services running on the inside to answer
01:03.23GuillMentalPower: ty :)
01:04.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
01:05.10Guillno, just trying to figure out what I can/can't do from here. see if I can get onto WoW quickly and all that >.>
01:05.36*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
01:06.29Guillwow, that is so geeky. The server I'm connected to currently at school is named Vulcan o.O
01:07.08MentalPower|Workmy univ's server names are all wierd too
01:07.49Guilleh, not sure if my school would like me probing from the outside
01:07.50MentalPower|WorkStarWars references, StarTrek, Babylon5, Futurama, Simpsons, you name it, we have it
01:08.16MentalPower|Workmeh, if they do they'll just block GRC's IPs
01:08.24MentalPower|Workno major loss
01:08.35Guillor my login account :P
01:08.57Guillsince that data is trying to get to me, they'll know who requested it
01:09.05MentalPower|Workwhat univ?
01:09.14MentalPower|Workand are they really that paranoid?
01:09.42GuillI really don't know
01:09.59MentalPower|Workwhat university?
01:10.05GuillSanta Monica College
01:10.26GuillI love how many people are connected to the wireless network with no security and no passwords
01:10.31MentalPower|WorkI don't think they'll mind, being in CA they should be used to it
01:11.04Guillsupposedly someone got into the grades system a couple years ago though, so they could be paranoid
01:11.12mikmaKirkburn: answer to your previous question: no, they don't work
01:12.23mikmaneed to extract the iconfile and see what's up
01:14.28TimangiHey guys i've got a problem with Quartz
01:14.35TimangiAny idea how to change "Icon" size?
01:14.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
01:14.55MentalPower|WorkGuill: I would just say try it, better to ask forgiveness than permission in my book :)
01:14.57mikma"You can now fish in Ironforge again." haha
01:15.28GuillMP: hehe :) brings back memories of history class...
01:16.42mikmaTimangi: people at #wowace might know that better
01:17.13Timangimikma: ok.
01:18.11Guillascii art time?
01:18.23*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork2 (
01:21.38*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg_ (
01:24.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
01:24.27*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
01:31.43mikmawill go nicely with the green and red hats
01:42.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
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01:46.24Cidanso here's a question
01:46.50Cidanif you were to take the DLL's from a window install and shove them into Wine, would that make it work somewhat better?
01:47.13Cidansans some of the more obvious issues
01:47.29ShirikWho's Widgertick?
01:47.46Shirikand why is his name blue on WoWI?
01:47.52Cidaner, lolwut?
01:49.03*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
01:49.11MentalPower|WorkCidan: that sounds like a question for bleeter or Kaydeethree
01:49.51KaydeethreeCidan, depends on the .dll. some things, like d3d8/9, the kernel and a few others may not be touched, but most of the rest can if you really have to
01:51.18*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
01:53.12Kaydeethreebasically stuff that wine's had to reimplement differently than it would be on windows (like the aformentioned list) will break wine horribly if you try. other things, like sound codecs are fair game and pretty much required for vent
01:54.26CidanI see, I see.
01:56.40MentalPowerShirik: good question
01:57.31KirkburnMore patch note changes!
02:00.27Kaydeethree+* An Azure Whelp pet now drops from the blue dragonkin in Azshara.
02:00.32Kaydeethreedamn them, damn them to hell
02:00.40Cidan* If you are in a shapeshift form and try to use an ability that may only be used in caster form, you will leave the form and use that ability. This means that you can shift from one form to another in one action. If you don’t have mana to shift form, you will get an error message and remain in your current form. This can be disabled with /console autoUnshift 0
02:00.57CidanGood job Blizzard, why not just add /console easyMode 1
02:02.12Cidan* If you are in Shadowform and try to use an ability that my not be used in Shadowform, you will leave Shadowform and use that ability. This can be disabled with /console autoUnshift 0
02:02.22Kaydeethreesame for rogues too
02:02.35Kaydeethreethis was in the upcoming 2.3 changes sticky over the weekend
02:02.57Kaydeethreeoh wow at them giving UI debugging advice in the patch notes
02:03.10MentalPowerthats a bad idea IMO
02:03.43Cidantelling them to mail us
02:03.47Cidanand spam posts
02:03.49Cidanon our forums
02:03.52kergoth* You can now obtain a tiny Sporebat pet with exalted Sporeggar faction. -- nice
02:04.09CidanReally, wth is up with Blizzard, have they hired a bunch of 18 year old designers?
02:04.39Cidan"OMG IT WILL BE SO KOOL IF LIKE... <insert change here>!!!!"
02:05.23ShirikI want a /console easyMode 1
02:05.39dreamss4 wheels of fury!
02:05.56|Jelly|WTB FadeOut Autobar. : /
02:05.59Shirikbtw Cidan
02:06.14Shirikyou need to add a hook so that when the timer hits 0, the spell monitor removes the bar
02:06.32Shirikafaict, you're only removing the bar when you get the stop casting signal
02:06.41Shirikbut if I go out of range in between start and stop, then it gets stuck
02:06.50Cidanthat UI isn't really something I care about
02:06.53CidanIt's going to be deleted
02:06.56Shirikok :)
02:07.03mikmaKirkburn: ooh sex, patch changes :)
02:07.08CidanIt was just a test of the grid/window/timer/cell system
02:07.14Cidanand datasets
02:07.14ShirikI'm impressed that you did it in under 100 lines
02:07.26dreamssim surprised hunters dont get deathcoil
02:07.36CidanThanks, all in part to you as well of course.
02:07.47ShirikScaring shot
02:07.57Shirikgo to hunter forums now to propose it
02:07.59mikmaYou can now obtain a tiny Sporebat pet with exalted Sporeggar faction.
02:08.10*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
02:08.22ShirikCidan: psh
02:09.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
02:10.05cogwheel~lart Shidan
02:10.05purlbreaks out the Hoover and sucks up Shidan
02:10.07cogwheels/~lart Shidan/evening, all/
02:10.33cogwheelfigured i'd kill two birds with one stone
02:10.42Cidanalso Shirik
02:10.44Cidanbar.Done = function() SM.RemoveFromWindow(uid); end
02:11.30Shirikthen it must be something else
02:11.32Shirikoh well
02:11.48Cidancrappy little UI in the end
02:12.08CidanOh so my code is crappy now?
02:13.04Shirikyou said it not me
02:13.09ShirikI just agree with you to make you feel better :)
02:13.46cogwheelIt always amuses me to watch someone arguing with himself.
02:14.31cogwheelmeh... you guys are no fun :P
02:14.50Shirikcogwheel, you're smart
02:14.53Shirikwhat does the blue name mean!
02:15.12Shiriklook at wowi's user list
02:15.28Kelfarrcohwheel you were on here earlier talking to me and jelly and kamdis right? but your name was different
02:15.45TimangiAnyone know how to change titan panel critline addons new records postion and fonts?
02:15.51Shirikbecause he was at work :)
02:15.54Kelfarroh ok
02:15.59|Jelly|He wasn't talking to me! He's too good to talk to the likes of me!
02:16.04Shirikmuch like I'm Shirik|Ecole when I'm at school
02:16.11Kelfarrtitan :barf:
02:16.14Kelfarroh ok
02:16.23Kelfarrget fubar and use topscore_fu
02:16.30|Jelly|When are you Kimina, Shirik? :P
02:16.35Shirikwhen I'm in game
02:16.40Kelfarrbrb later guys
02:16.40ShirikI've... stopped playing Kimina for a while
02:16.48ShirikI love the character, I just hate the people on the server
02:16.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
02:16.51*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHams1er (
02:16.52ShirikI'll probably transfer her somewhere
02:16.55|Jelly|I know, right?
02:16.57*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
02:17.05|Jelly|People make me want to cut faces.
02:17.07Shirikyou on a pvp server? :P
02:17.32cogwheelShirik: perhaps an interface author who's not premium or featured?
02:17.41|Jelly|Well, I'm on three servers: Burning Legion, Windrunner and Velen.
02:17.42Shirikdon't think so :/
02:17.50ShirikI don't remember my name being blue before I was premium
02:18.24ShirikI just need somewhere to put my BE
02:18.30ShirikLunessa doesn't work because she's alliance
02:18.35TimangiWhy people put fubar over titanspanel?
02:18.39Shirikcogwheel's a noob gnome
02:19.23Intangirive never tried fubar
02:19.27Intangirbut i like titan panel
02:20.56CidanI wonder which takes up more memory now
02:21.05CidanBack before Ace2, titan was horrible
02:21.32cogwheelShirik: I've gotten to that point before... I got so fed up with all the Igotafarts, Summonmes, and Leigolahses that were invading my old guild that I moved over to Tem's realm and into his guild where there's never been more than 5 people on at once since I joined ><
02:22.00Shirikthat's where I am now lol
02:22.06Shirikthe server is extremely low population
02:22.41cogwheelShirik: you're right... Satrina's among the white names
02:22.50CidanIf I had a home to play on, I would even make Horde, even with all the crap changes
02:23.01Cidan...So wait, why don't we all start a guild on some server again?
02:23.25cogwheel'cause I already paid my $50 to transfer my two highest level characters :P
02:23.33CidanOh wait, difference in playing style.  I prefer PvP
02:23.41CidanShirik is now a PvE'er
02:23.48cogwheelI dabble in both
02:23.50JoshBork2wow, VS is taking WAY longer to install this time than it did last time
02:23.50ShirikI love pvp
02:23.54ShirikI can't STAND WoW's pvp
02:24.02Shirikarenas are ok
02:24.07|Jelly|SWG pvp was where it was at imo.
02:24.08CidanI dislike BG's, etc
02:24.12ShirikRF is how pvp should be
02:24.14CidanI love world PvP.
02:24.39cogwheelShirik: i take it Cairenn|afk and dolby-wowi have been thoroughly poked on the matter?
02:24.55cogwheelwell then
02:24.56ShirikI figured it was something stupid I didn't know so I never asked
02:25.02cogwheel~poke Cairenn|afk and dolby-wowi
02:25.03purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Cairenn|afk and dolby-wowi, pokes Cairenn|afk and dolby-wowi repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
02:25.26ShirikUse semicolons correctly!
02:25.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies|away (
02:25.53cogwheelnotice the emphatic use of only a single exclamation mark ;)
02:26.29ShirikIntelligence is inversely proportional to the number of exclamation marks, and square-inverse of the number of 1's at the end
02:26.42Cidanrumor has it the new Bioware MMO
02:26.47Cidanis based off of KOTOR
02:27.03CidanMight this be full of win and good?
02:27.06CidanWe shall see!
02:27.19cogwheelwho needs other mmos?
02:27.35CidanIf it's based off of KOTOR... heh
02:28.12CidanAnd it's a Bioware first party, so it won't suck.
02:30.12Mr_Rabies2theyve never done an mmo
02:30.17Mr_Rabies2but that may be a good thing
02:30.22Mr_Rabies2neither had blizzard
02:30.29*** join/#wowi-lounge fridg (n=Fridgid@
02:30.33Mr_Rabies2so we'll see
02:30.43cogwheeleasier to be forgiven that way ;)
02:32.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
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02:33.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
02:35.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
02:35.27|Jelly|DON'T TAZE ME, BRO!
02:37.58Shirikwhen you target something out of range and hit melee attack
02:38.01Shirikyou go into combat
02:38.08Shirikbut you don't go into combat lockdown?
02:38.16ShirikI didn't see devtools report a PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED
02:38.42cogwheelyou're not in combat until you actually get the mob's attention
02:39.21cogwheelthat's why I always used to recommend people not use the player frame to determine combat status ;)
02:45.01*** join/#wowi-lounge fridgid (n=Fridgid@
02:45.51WobworkWhoever suggested that flash portal page
02:45.53WobworkI hate you
02:51.02CidanI never could beat level 9
02:51.18Shirikthey could get in trouble for that :/
02:51.39Cidannot at all
02:52.43Shirikand this version is annoying
02:52.47Shirikyou can't control which portal to fire
02:53.14KirkburnTim Schafer (Psychonauts, Grim Fandango, etc) + JACK BLACK = Brutal Legend ....
02:53.27Cidanyes you can
02:53.30Cidane orange
02:53.30ShirikI take that back
02:53.32Cidanq blue
02:58.09Shiriklevel 9
02:58.12Shiriklet's see if I can beat Cidan
02:58.20Shirikoh wtf
02:59.14Shirikohhh I get it
02:59.49*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHams1er (
03:00.48Shirikbeati t :)
03:01.07Shirik10 is stupidly easy
03:01.50CidanI got it
03:02.01Cidandidn't know about e and q before
03:02.41purlEvery moment in which I'm called upon is torture.
03:02.50Thunder_Child~lart Kirkburn
03:02.50purlbeats the living hamstercrap out of Kirkburn
03:03.01KirkburnMmm, hamstercrap
03:04.02CidanMmm, Thunder_Child vomit
03:04.17Thunder_Childdisgusting bastard
03:05.08Nom-WOW... we've been doing the bear boss the uber hard way
03:05.23Thunder_Childmissionary position?
03:09.32Kirkburn ... apparently the dude on the left is famous :P
03:10.23Nom-apparently the big uber attack he does which has been instagibbing our tanks
03:11.44Corrodiaswhat's the not-so-hard way?
03:15.42ShirikI died
03:15.45Shirikgay portal game
03:15.46ShirikI quit
03:15.54ShirikI went through a portal and fell to my death
03:15.58ShirikI never popped out the other side >.>
03:18.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
03:18.02*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
03:18.09cogwheelevening, iriel
03:18.30Shirikevening Iriel
03:18.36Shirik~lart cogwheel
03:18.36purlurinates on cogwheel
03:18.39purlit has been said that ugt is Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
03:19.15cogwheelShirik: that just means it's irrelevant to you :P
03:19.20IrielBut it's actually evening here in CA, so we can use the right time.
03:19.29cogwheel'cause I know it's really evening where he lives ;)
03:20.38cogwheelanyway, you guys are too distracting.
03:20.41cogwheellaterz :P
03:20.59Shiriktake care
03:21.06*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
03:22.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
03:23.13*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Holding (
03:24.42Mr_Rabies2why do scandinavian metal music videos such so horribly? :[
03:25.31Mr_Rabies2metal videos in general do, really, they should just have video from concerts or something for their videos instead of halfassing a video like most of them do
03:25.34Wobworkanyone have one of those pictures that compares all the race heights?
03:25.34Mr_Rabies2case in point
03:27.11Corrodiasi have one of those pictures that compares all the race's naked women
03:27.32Mr_Rabies2no, but i found this, Wobwork
03:27.36Mr_Rabies2but i doubt that helps
03:27.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_DC (
03:28.05Corrodiashang on
03:28.13WobworkMr_Rabies: well it doesn't
03:28.18Wobworkbut thank you anyway =)
03:28.27Mr_Rabies2i remember seeing it on wowwiki
03:28.34Cidanthis is so retarded
03:28.38Mr_Rabies2i searched for races and found that abomination by Mikk
03:28.42ScytheBlade1Anyone have any Source-based games running under linux? All of mine crash on start :/
03:28.56Mr_Rabies2try the -opengl tag, scythe?
03:29.01Mr_Rabies2i think is what it is
03:29.06Mr_Rabies2hrm, not sure, actually
03:29.34Corrodiasthat ought to be the right URL
03:29.35ScytheBlade1Pretty sure those games lack opengl support completly
03:29.42CidanScytheBlade1: Mine crash on team join
03:29.44Cidanusing .48
03:29.49Cidanit's a bug
03:29.53ScytheBlade1Cidan, team join?
03:30.01CidanWhen you join a team in TF2
03:30.15CidanOtherwise, make sure you disable steam community from in game
03:30.21Cidanit will fix SOME crash-on-load issues
03:30.32CidanYou can do so in Steam before the game starts
03:30.33Mr_Rabies2ah, rule 34 never fails
03:30.50ScytheBlade1HL2 crashes at 99% loaded
03:30.57ScytheBlade1Ep1 crashes as 99% loaded
03:31.01WobworkCorrodias: thankyou =P
03:31.06ScytheBlade1Ep2 crashes the moment that alyx says a word to you
03:31.06Wobworkalthough not particularly sfw =P
03:31.07Mr_Rabies2i've seen some scary scary wow porn though
03:31.15Mr_Rabies2involving undead and taurens and aaaaaaaaaaaaugh
03:31.23Corrodiasyou're welcome
03:31.25ScytheBlade1Portal crashes, sadly, the moment the first timer hits 0:00:00.00
03:31.33ScytheBlade1Which depresses the ever living crap out of me
03:31.56Corrodiasis there any way to save my CC Information in steam so i don't have to enter it every time i buy a game?
03:32.01Wobworkand that forsaken has far too much flesh on her
03:32.12WobworkCorrodias: sure, I'll remember it for you
03:32.20Mr_Rabies2in beta
03:32.30Mr_Rabies2there's a one click buy option, that may do it
03:32.38Mr_Rabies2lemme check that out, actually
03:32.42ScytheBlade1Oh, and your earlier link about running as SYSTEM is indeed retarded
03:32.55ScytheBlade1"Look at me do things with admin access! Wheee!"
03:33.26Mr_Rabies2i find it funny that a fake metal band music video is better than 99% of the real metal music videos out there
03:35.10Corrodiasit doesn't say how to USE clickandbuy
03:35.14Corrodiasjust how to enable it
03:36.49Corrodiasoh, you can choose it from the menu of payment types
03:37.14Mr_Rabies2It is a payment method similar to PayPal
03:37.16Mr_Rabies2i see
03:37.20Mr_Rabies2it's not the same thing :/
03:37.27Mr_Rabies2i was thinking it was one click buying
03:37.39Corrodiaslooks like it's maybe 3-click buying
03:41.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin (n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity)
03:41.29Corrodiasi daresay that was the easiest $40 i've ever spent
03:43.57*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHams1er (
03:44.37Corrodiasokay, i'm addicted to running games in a window
03:45.08Corrodiasbut, sadly, hl2 doesn't seem to like to go into the background
03:45.27Corrodiaswhat i don't get is why i got a screen during the opening video that said it couldn't find a compressor
03:45.33*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:46.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin_ (n=igor@
03:51.41Corrodiasah. cinepack was set to "disabled" in my ffdshow setup
03:56.39WobworkI can only get to level 15
03:56.58Wobworkin flash portal
03:58.50kadrahilin wow
04:08.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
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04:24.47art3missuch a quiet day
04:27.07art3misoh my goodness
04:27.13art3misdeathklok touring?
04:27.18art3misthat would rule
04:31.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
04:32.18Corrodiaswell, some combination of the changes i made makes the game unable to load. time to figure out what i did.
04:33.11Corrodiasspecifically, unable to load because it crashed my video driver, apparently
04:34.03Mr_Rabies2it's happening, art3mis
04:34.11Mr_Rabies2brendon, gene and tommy afaik
04:36.40*** join/#wowi-lounge [Ammo]_ (
04:37.27art3misthats awesome
04:37.44art3misim gonna have to see that
04:37.55art3misand get em to signmy home movies dvds ;)
04:38.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
04:44.45Mr_Rabies2me too
04:44.48Mr_Rabies2only my metalocalypse ones
04:45.09Mr_Rabies2i'd love a real recreation of go into the water from the end of season 1
04:47.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Genetics (
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05:05.26ShirikSo this is depressing
05:05.46TC-Holdingyour life will get better Shirik
05:05.48ShirikMy school's IT department has been in contact with Wind River Systems over an issue we've been having with one of our simulators for about 2 months
05:06.11ShirikYesterday I spent some time sifting through the problem. First time I've ever bothered to look at it. After an hour, I had the solution
05:06.27ShirikTell me why their customer support team is worse than someone who just started using this stuff a month ago
05:08.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Genetics (
05:08.49Shirik>>> "test"
05:08.55Shiriknight all
05:08.57art3misthats simple shirik
05:08.57IrielBecause they're used to dealing with people who can't turn on a computer? And you're actually paying attention?
05:09.03art3misyou're curious and arrogant
05:09.09art3misthey do it for a paycheque
05:09.17Shirikyou're both probably right
05:09.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Genetics (
05:14.36Shirikanyway yeah night
05:15.23Guillotineart3mis: I hate you
05:15.27Guillotinefirst hello kitty, now this?
05:17.08art3mispart 2 of raeal folk blues is on AS btw
05:17.36art3mislast episode of cowboy bebop
05:17.42art3misone of the best
05:17.42Cidanyou mean Cowboy Bebop?
05:17.51Cidandon't spoil it for people who have not seen it
05:18.09art3misspoil it?
05:18.16art3misthis is the episode that hooked me on this show
05:20.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
05:22.41WobworkYou saw the final episode first?
05:23.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:24.54art3misthen went "wtf its over?!?!" and watched the rest and became addicted
05:26.31Finthat reminds me
05:28.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
05:33.57Wobwork"On Tuesday, Amazon search subsidiary was awarded U.S. patent no. 7,287,042 for 'including a search string at the end of a URL without any special formatting.' In the Summary of the Invention, it's explained that 'a user wishing to search for 'San Francisco Hotels' may do by simply accessing the URL www.domain_name/San Francisco Hotels, where domain_name is a domain name associated with the web site system.'"
05:36.39IrielI hate IP patents
05:37.12Thunder_Childint property or internet protocol?
05:37.17Irielthe firs
05:39.47FinI hate cocksuckers who take every opportunity they *possibly* can to get every single last tiny drop of money out of everyone around them using every dirty nasty underhand two-faced selfish trick they can think of
05:39.58Finwhy can't people just be nice to each other
05:40.20Cidanit's fine
05:40.21Mr_Rabies2i actually have a kind of respect for that kind of manipulation
05:40.31FinI can respect and hate at the same time
05:40.33CidanIn due time, it won't matter anymore
05:40.47CidanThis global economic movement is what, 80 years old?
05:40.58IrielCidan: Because after the singularity we'll all be living out of caves?
05:41.05CidanPretty much.
05:41.12CidanI mean consider it, 80 years is nothing.
05:41.36Finunfortunately the drugs I take aren't strong enough to let me live in a world where I believe it's 80 years in the future
05:42.07Finstronger drugs may help
05:42.13CidanWho was it that said it...
05:42.53[melin}weird patents again huh?
05:43.11Finyou know the age old question, stupid and happy or intelligent and pissed off, I reckon, let's all get lobotomies
05:43.34CidanOh right
05:43.40Fins/intelligent/not stupid/
05:43.43CidanScipio said it best, er, I think that was him
05:44.00FinI do not know this Scipio
05:44.14Finwas he a good man?
05:44.35CidanWhen he ordered Carthage burned to the ground, he turned towards Polybius and cried, because at that moment he realized that this very fate will fall upon his homeland, Rome, in the future.
05:44.45CidanAs it is the destiny of all great things to end.
05:44.46*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
05:44.49Mr_Rabies2that's a good read^
05:44.53Mr_Rabies2as much as i usually hate wired
05:44.58Mr_Rabies2that's a pretty interesting article
05:45.19*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHams1er (
05:45.23CidanSo don't worry all that much about what goes on, look upon the past and understand that it will all change
05:45.31CidanFor the better or worse, no one knows.
05:45.38Cidanlikely both
05:45.51art3misknowledge is pwoer, ignorance bliss, your name is now, on sombodies list.
05:46.13Finwhere am I?
05:46.15Finwho are you people?
05:46.35CidanFin: most of us are scholars
05:46.37Cidanof some sort
05:46.39Finwhat - oh
05:47.24Wobwork~zip 2065
05:47.25purlfrom memory, zip 2065 is Ocean Bluff Plymouth MA
05:47.32WobworkThat's a lie =(
05:47.37Cidan~zip 33141
05:47.38purlmethinks zip 33141 is Miami Dade FL
05:48.10CidanMiami-Dade is the county, Miami Beach is 33141
05:48.16Cidan~fail purl
05:48.17purlpurl: Fail.
05:49.37Cidanoh well, bed time
05:49.58art3misi think guill is sad that i amde winnie the pooh ;P
05:52.32Kelfarrwell i am going to bed i am sick of wow atm
05:52.35Thunder_Childyes, as we all are
05:53.04Kelfarrarena is burning me out just lost 8 games and won 2
05:53.30Thunder_Childthough i would be more than happy to help you put together a UI for something that everyone hates
05:55.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Global__ (
05:55.42art3miswhy sad that i made winnie?
05:56.18art3mishehe TC make my theme swapper and ill make whatever you want ;P
06:01.40art3misif you guys like winnie and hk why are you sad that i made them?
06:01.47art3misdid i not do a good job?
06:02.00Thunder_Childignore me, i hate everything
06:02.12Thunder_Childactualy it's worse, i just dont care
06:02.24Thunder_Childglad someone gets a kick out of it
06:02.26art3mismisanthropistic apathe?
06:02.38Thunder_Childna, just the second part
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06:03.09krkai cant even bother to be apathic these days
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06:26.17Cairenn|afkblue is Blizz, duh
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06:29.51Thunder_Childgrrr...static electricity can bite my shiny metal ass
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06:47.18Thunder_Childi dont get it....does some advert exec say "well everyone else has done something corany and stupid like this, we should as well"
06:47.48Thunder_Child(in reference to) A HALLOWEEN SALE SO GOOD, IT'S SCARY.
06:50.20Cairennwhat would be scary would be one that finally *didn't*
06:52.11*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
06:52.23Thunder_Childno kidding....i'd hope a crash cart is around, because i would be having a heart attack
06:53.29art3misTC: holidays are always a time for cheezy wording
06:54.51Thunder_Childwhile i understand human stupidiy, do people fall for that kind of wording? is there an intelectual elite that looks at that and says "what a load of crap"?
06:55.06Thunder_Childi mean, is that good marketing?
06:55.53*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
06:56.23WobworkWhen does marketing ever do anything but pander to the lowest common denominator?
06:56.29art3mismarketing has to
06:56.53Thunder_Childso that means that 30-50% of the people out there look at that and get interested?
06:57.16art3misdrug companies are funny they actually did a study that the only way to get the largest market share was to word it and  market it as though you were talking to a 5th grader
06:57.35art3misthink about the headon commercial
06:57.42art3missimp[le annoying and repetative
06:57.45Thunder_Childi dont watch tv
06:57.50Thunder_Childjust DL shows
06:57.50art3misyet it worked amazingly well
06:57.57art3mischeck youtube for headon
06:58.01art3misyou'll see
06:58.13art3misit was insanely effective
06:59.14Thunder_Childthats retarded
06:59.31art3misit is
06:59.32*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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06:59.49art3misbut it got the brand recognition
07:00.09art3misand every show was talking about it "for being annoying" but it got lots of extra advertising
07:01.39dreamssCatalyst 7.9 wont run wow
07:01.41dreamsson my 9800
07:03.57Thunder_Childheh, "Mad Alchemist's Postion" Possible side effects may include delusions of victory, irrational exuberance, and the complete suspension of rational judgment.
07:04.17Wobworkwhat's the sitch for tonight?
07:04.21MoonWolfwho needs rational judgement anyway
07:04.21Wobworkreboot or downtime?
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07:07.56wereHams1eris it still not possible through the official API to find out the exact spell target when a party member starts casting a spell?
07:09.34art3misphanx added a neat feature to his chat mod
07:10.11art3mison no activity ni the chat frame it does a gradient top to bottom fade out one like a t atime
07:11.40Thunder_Childwow art3mis, that was worse than me
07:12.12art3misnot really ;P
07:12.21art3misi just have a spacing problem
07:12.43Thunder_Childreally? like/line, ni/in
07:12.50art3misand i refuse to use proper punctuation and capitalization in anything BUT trolling
07:13.15art3misits neat though
07:13.20wereHams1eris UNIT_SPELLCAST_SENT fired for party/raid members?
07:13.21art3misjust noticed it a couple mins ago
07:13.39Thunder_Childnot for me personaly, i like to see everything. E.G. no fade for me
07:14.53art3misanyone notice that the brooms the non flyers are capable of going up things you normally cant walk up?
07:14.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
07:15.13art3misoh it pops back up on mouse over
07:15.16art3misand on new text
07:15.17Tierrieoh hai
07:15.20Tierrieanyone here from sweden?
07:15.21art3misjust inactivity makes it fade
07:16.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
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07:18.40Thunder_ChildTierrie, yes...cide or Cidan...cant remeber....i think
07:18.50Thunder_Childdamn barin of mine
07:19.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Arcaia (n=cnflct@
07:21.01Cairenn|afkand ... ummm, someone new
07:21.01Thunder_Childty Cairenn|afk
07:21.47Thunder_ChildCairenn|afk, "[AD]snegoviK"?
07:22.43Cairenn|afk(7:06:28 PM) [melin]: Im a swede.. what can I say?
07:22.48*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (n=foxlit@
07:22.48Cairenn|afk(found it) logs are SUCKING
07:24.00Corrodiasah, hl2 is an addictive little romp
07:24.45Corrodiasor maybe i just have that thing where i keep playing a game until it's well past when i should have quit
07:25.18WobworkWelcome to World of Warcraft =P
07:26.04*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
07:26.15Cairenn|afkWoW still has a ways to go before it beats EverCrack
07:26.38Corrodiaswow? i have backed off on WoW for a while, now
07:26.39Cairenn|afkfor pure longevity
07:26.40Corrodiastoo many other games to play
07:26.53Thunder_Childplay em at the same time
07:27.07Corrodiasi will be; i think i have a raid on gruul tomorro
07:29.53foxlitgruul's moaning is only eclipsed by Rage Winterchill's... err... noises.
07:30.05Thunder_Childmuye ftw
07:30.16foxlit(in other words, quality of voice acting varies majorly)
07:30.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Drool (
07:33.02foxlitPeriodically, I play the game in German, just for alternative voice acting on the bosses.
07:35.09art3misi love boondocks
07:35.20art3mis6 out of 10 nigga moments involve a sneaker
07:35.54Mr_Rabies24chan's back
07:35.59Mr_Rabies2i was going into withdrawals
07:36.41Corrodiasindeed; i'm already downloading megas of bytes from /s/
07:36.52Thunder_Childanyone know who nancy mairs is?
07:37.34Thunder_Childnvm the
07:37.35CorrodiasMEGAS OF THEM
07:38.56Mr_Rabies2someone needs to find a nice clean THE CAKE IS A LIE THE CAKE IS A LIE THE CAKE IS A LIE texture
07:39.02Mr_Rabies2so i can use it as a spray
07:39.32Thunder_Childshouldnt be to hard...TO FIND SOMETHING ORIGONAL!!!
07:39.59Thunder_Childi give up
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08:37.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
08:55.46*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
09:00.06[Liq]Anyone with network experience?
09:01.15foxlitDoes experience with a series of tubes count?
09:01.19purlQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
09:02.15[Liq]well I'm not native English so I got absolutely no clue how to ask this in a prober way. All I can say that while I'm connected to IRC I still cannot use my browsers and connect to websites.
09:03.17foxlitThat's better than nothing :)
09:03.53foxlitHow are you connected to the internet?
09:07.09foxlitCould be that something is blocking HTTP connections specifically; DNS could be broken now (but wasn't when you connected to IRC), or perhaps browser software is to blame
09:07.34[Liq]well it jumps
09:07.48[Liq]sometimes I'm able to access but 1 minute later it's "down" for 5 minutes
09:08.41[Liq]at least
09:13.59*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
09:15.44foxlitI'd blame the connection in some form, then.
09:16.02foxlitCheck if you can ping/telnet to google while you can't access it in a web browser
09:23.03[Liq]on the IP or the DNS?
09:24.40dreamssDNS could be broken now (but wasn't when you connected to IRC)
09:24.42dreamssdns caching
09:24.48dreamsscan u /dns
09:25.56foxlit[Liq]: using the domain name at first :)
09:26.09[Liq]ye well im not "offline" atm
09:26.18[Liq]gotta wait a couple of minutes before it shuts me down again
09:26.34[Liq]it jumps all day long
09:26.40[Liq]2 minutes online, 5 minutes offline
09:26.57[Liq]and this doesn't include irc/msn with constant access.
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10:04.18AnduinLothargo vote!
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10:06.03foxlit"you'll now have mages and warlocks rolling against priests, druids, paladin and shaman healers on pure healing items because they give more damage than what they already have.. especially in hellfire instances where gear has so much more stats."
10:06.13foxlitAs if removing it from the tooltip will save you
10:06.32AnduinLothari dont want it removed. i want it shortened, it's liek 4 lines...
10:06.52foxlitCare Meter: Abysmal.
10:07.01foxlitYou can get an addon to do that if you want, tbh :)
10:07.26AnduinLotharyeah, btu then it could potetially break addons that parse it
10:12.40AnduinLotharand i'd rather blizzard break ti than me
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11:48.22JoshBorke~botmail for kergoth: send me a link to your vim setup again please :-D
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13:40.50|Jelly|MORNING COG!
13:41.11cogwheelMORNING CAPSLOCK!
13:41.24|Jelly|Shift, actually. :P
13:41.40cogwheelyou held shift for that whole thing?
13:41.53|Jelly|diaf imo
13:42.14cogwheelblizzard might, the way things are going in socal
13:42.25|Jelly|Ready for the lol thread of the morning, brought to you by Jelly?
13:42.25mikmaif i try to hold shoft down while writing it's usually like this: LoL GUyS THIS RulES
13:42.47mikma|Jelly|: no, but shoot
13:43.07|Jelly|Was for Cogwheel more than any of you other scrubs! :P - sponsored by |Jelly|
13:44.09cogwheelmuch better
13:44.22cogwheelI needed my morning bang head against desk until blood appears
13:44.55|Jelly|I'm here for you, Cog.
13:45.11*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
13:48.02Maldivia|Jelly|: it was yesterday it was capslock day
13:48.13|Jelly|Wait. What?
13:48.51Maldiviayesterday was "international caps lock day" (in reference to your greeting 10 mins ago)
13:49.07|Jelly|And none of you told me? Cog, I'm looking at you...
13:49.23cogwheeldon't know why you're looking at me... i'm never in any loops
13:49.55|Jelly|FOODINGAnd with one "DON'T TAZE ME, BRO!" I leave you for a couple minutes while I go get food.
13:52.54|Jelly|They only left me with half a cup of coffee. HEADS WILL ROLL.
13:55.56art3mistalking to one of my clients last night and teasing them about getting me tickets to Young Frankenstein the Musical on broadway
13:56.06art3miswhich btw is sold out util march
13:56.24art3misand i scored march tickets ;)
13:56.36|Jelly|I wish I could say I was jealous but grats all the same. 8P
13:56.51art3misit's actually being directed by mel brooks
13:57.02*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
13:57.07art3misthats what makes it awesome
13:57.08mikma|Jelly|: don't taze me bro, ow, ow, ow, ow
13:58.01art3misheh i wish evil dead the musical had done better in nyc
13:58.03|Jelly|Well, that changes everything art3mis. Now I am jealous.
13:58.06art3misit was awesome
13:58.55art3miswent saw that a while back and so far at 4 music gigs ive run into people that were part of the production team or thier friends were which lead to free drinks all night for me
13:59.23*** join/#wowi-lounge deltron (
14:02.39|Jelly|...chocolate raaaaaaaaaaaaaain
14:03.29Finsome stay dry and others feel the pain
14:03.59|Jelly|Great. Now I have to listen to it to get it out of my head.
14:05.56purlACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
14:06.03|Jelly|Close enough.
14:07.11|Jelly|...oh and what did I do? lol
14:14.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
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14:19.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
14:20.19LopeppeppyGimpy and limpy, but Peppy just the same.  *hug*
14:20.45|Jelly|Gimpy and limpy? What happened?
14:20.52*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
14:21.32LopeppeppyI had my last LARP weekend, and I reeeeeeealy overdid it, so I'm all sore and busted up.  Par for the course for running amok in wet woods for 3 days.
14:22.28LopeppeppyLast for this season, anyway.  April I start up again.
14:22.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (i=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
14:22.56|Jelly|oh, ok
14:23.29LopeppeppySo I have shin splints and a major need to go and see this Headless Horseman everyone else farmed all weekend.
14:23.42Shirik~hug Lopeppeppy
14:23.43purlACTION sneaks up on Lopeppeppy and suddenly hugs Lopeppeppy tightly
14:24.19LopeppeppyAwwww!  Good morning to both Shirik and purl!
14:28.52Shirikanyone have recommendations on a web dev addon for fireofx?
14:29.23Shirik(aside from the web developer toolbar which I already have)
14:31.17ThraeShirik: Check the "Recommended" addons, one of them is for web developersa
14:34.03art3miswhy wouldnt you larp over the winter?
14:34.09ShirikThat's the one I already have, Thrae :)
14:34.34art3misseems that would be sorta natural since im betting that it's not always sunny/rainy but sometimes cold and snowy ;P
14:34.35Lopeppeppyart3mis, it's durn cold, babe.  And the cold is not good to the weapons, which leads to a lot of excessive injury.  So, no insurance to LARP in the snow-time.
14:35.47LopeppeppyWe get broken bones in the summertime, I'd hate to see what we'd do to each other in the winter.
14:35.51art3misbesides what would be more fun than being in a big sheepskin oiled tent with pitch based campfire fuel and a bucnh of people who have been wearing nice stinky wool and metal all day
14:36.06art3mison a cold decemeber eve
14:37.37LopeppeppyUm... being in a hot tub working on the phys-reps for doing all that in June?
14:38.46art3mislarp ive never quite udnerstood
14:39.11art3misi think thats because i was a boy and got that out of my system with playing "guns" and shouting "BANG BANG"
14:39.25art3misonce that was done we moved on to real ways to hurt each other
14:40.03art3mispellet gun fights, paintball, steel swords and the control to usually hit flat side of the blade
14:40.15deltronlightning bolt!
14:40.24art3misdeltron: heh exactly
14:41.17art3misi'd have  ahard time stopping myself from saying deltron SONICBOOMSONICBOOMSONICBOOMSONICBOOM
14:41.35deltronI play D&D, but LARP is lulz
14:41.39art3miscuz ive never played that game only heard it "once"
14:41.57art3mislarp is "odd"
14:42.18art3misthe Renfair stuff i have no problems with
14:42.31art3missince thats on par with civil war re-enactments
14:42.52art3misbut to play d&d all drsesed up in the woods?
14:42.55|Jelly|The only thing I have to base LARP off of is the one "LIGHTNING BOLT" video. I wouldn't be opposed to, at the very least, watching but I think it would be fun to go out in the woods and RP with friends. : /
14:42.56deltronSCA is more like civil war re-enactments
14:43.05deltronrenfaire is larp
14:43.06art3misthere are WAY better things to do in the woods
14:44.00art3mis|Jelly|: it would be fun to go camping and play d&d in the woods, and it would be fun to go have rabbitfeed pellt gun fights in the woods, or go play ninja wars in the woods.
14:44.15|Jelly|So...LARP? ...
14:44.31LopeppeppyRenFair is dressing up.  LARP is more like re-enactment than any faire is.
14:44.44art3misheh difference being is that in larp thers a suspension of belief ;P
14:45.04art3misand always makes me think of tom hanks psychotic break in mazes and monsters
14:45.16|Jelly|What's the difference in pretending you're a ninja versus pretending you're a wizard?
14:45.18LopeppeppyNot always, art3mis!  *laugh*  We do the ninja runs, we shoot things at each other, and we play other games.  In the rain.
14:45.45art3miswell in pretending im a ninja with others we've got real weapons and don't merely say "ninja vanish" and expect  to not get our asses beat ;P
14:45.54|Jelly|...aside from the obvious that ninjas are, by far better than anything ever.
14:46.16art3misitcomes down to the suspension of belief i mentioned
14:46.21art3misninjas are real
14:46.25art3miswizards are not
14:46.30|Jelly|They're not?
14:46.43art3misi can mimic a ninja and everything a ninja does in real world
14:47.07art3misi cant however(without use of chemicals) mimic a majority of a wizards abilities
14:47.23art3misto me thats the difference really
14:47.32art3misbesides trees burn
14:47.37art3misvery very well
14:48.22*** join/#wowi-lounge wereFish (n=user@
14:49.16|Jelly| <-- Something just shouldn't be done.
14:49.36*** part/#wowi-lounge wereFish (n=user@
14:50.53art3mis"you can't sit here in the dark all day listening to classical music. i could if you hadn't turned on the light and stopped the music."
14:52.24*** join/#wowi-lounge chrippa (
14:56.29art3misstephen lynch is awesome
14:56.37art3misi went to college and it was great
14:56.43art3mised can caount from 1 to 2
14:57.40Mr_Rabies2i'm still depressed over losing tvlinks and oink in the same week
14:59.02art3mis <-- for helloween
15:00.36zenzelezzMr_Rabies2: you lost Oink access or something happened to Oink?
15:00.36art3misinviting the children inside for a beer, razor blades hidden in 3 musketeers, listening to the screams from the basement, cuz thats what helloween means to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
15:00.45art3misoink got raided again
15:00.50art3misadmin arrested
15:00.59Mr_Rabies2last time they just had domain problems iirc
15:01.18art3misthats what he gets for being a dick ;)
15:01.29Mr_Rabies2being a dick?
15:01.47art3misheh i had some great arguments with him about his "rules"
15:01.52Mr_Rabies2the ratio requirements were pretty easy to keep /shrug
15:01.59art3misnot ratio, content
15:02.50Mr_Rabies2standards of quality are always a good thing, art3mis
15:02.51art3misnow i know you're saying "but art, how is that possible you never argue with anyone!!"
15:03.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (n=esochan@
15:03.21Mr_Rabies2i knew on oink 90% of the time i was getting quality rips
15:03.21*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo (
15:03.53art3misMr_Rabies2: a lot of the old good punk stuff will NEVER meet his "standards" and many others supported the idea of user uploads(going back a while btw) and he flat out refused
15:04.27Intangirwhat is oink?
15:04.39Mr_Rabies2music sharing community
15:05.05Intangirwhat do you guys think of the new season3 weapons..
15:05.14Intangirthe swords are sort of neat, but short, and a fully color
15:05.31Intangirthe fist weapons are alright i guess..
15:05.36Intangirthe maces are absurd..
15:05.49Intangirthey look like.. wtf are they? giant turkey drumsticks?
15:05.51Mr_Rabies2i doubt i'll ever see them so i don't really care
15:05.57Intangirgiant boquets of flowers?
15:06.19art3mis[Monstrous Sunflower]
15:06.24Mr_Rabies2doubt i'll be able to get my personal rating high enough, no one wants a feral :/
15:06.36Intangirgo restoish
15:06.36art3miscuz its all about the boomkin!
15:06.46*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
15:06.50Intangironly druids i see in BGs at higher ratings are mostly resto
15:06.51Mr_Rabies2no, Intangir
15:06.51Intangirbut not trees
15:06.58Mr_Rabies2i'm not going resto
15:06.59Intangirand i see ALOT of them
15:07.05Mr_Rabies2i'd rather delete my character than go resto
15:07.15Intangirwell your loss
15:07.18Mr_Rabies2healing is the most soul-crushing job ever in WoW
15:07.28Intangirit is fun for some
15:07.28deltronresto druids are amazing healers in BG
15:07.31Intangirnot fun for others
15:07.32art3mis <-- because it's tuesday!
15:07.33deltronand they are not tree's
15:07.39Mr_Rabies2i was resto for about a year
15:07.41CodayusI like healing.  :-)
15:07.52deltronI'm resto on my shaman :P
15:08.02Mr_Rabies2and i'm never going to deal with the victimization, lack of appreciation, and complete boredom it brings about
15:08.11Mr_Rabies2ever again
15:08.18art3misheh i played holy for a while but i prefer shadow
15:08.32*** join/#wowi-lounge werePuppy (n=user@
15:08.37CodayusLack of appreciation isn't a problem with the *role* so much as the people you hang out with, IMHO.
15:08.39art3mishealing is fun and all but it's just so much more fun where your job is "dps that"
15:08.53IntangirMr_Rabies2: if you find a good arena teammate you wont be under appreciated
15:08.56Mr_Rabies2Codayus, very few people appreciate good healing
15:08.57CodayusI admit, DPS is...a hell of a lot simpler.
15:09.00Intangiralso if you want serious appreciation, heal a rogue
15:09.03CodayusGood and bad.
15:09.03art3misand way more fun
15:09.04Intangirrogues never ever get any fucking heals
15:09.09Mr_Rabies2not really, Codayus, healing's just as simple
15:09.23Mr_Rabies2but you're entirely in the back of the fight nonstop
15:09.26art3misin raids i usually play a game called "lets steal aggro and give it back"
15:09.26Mr_Rabies2and that's incredibly boring
15:09.36LopeppeppyIntangir, in my group they get heals, because my main is a rogue.  :)
15:09.37CodayusMr_Rabies2:  The actual mechanics of it?  Simpler, if anything.  But in terms of overall stress and so forth?  No comparison.
15:09.38Intangiri give my healers christmas cards
15:09.39werePuppyI'm running out of alternative nicks.. :P
15:09.52Mr_Rabies2it's only stressful because people love blaming healers, Codayus
15:09.54Intangiri invite them to family only events
15:09.56Intangirlike weddings
15:10.01Intangirgive them free buffets
15:10.01art3misIntangir: thanks for the heals this year, next year let's try not sucking so much, k?
15:10.07Intangiras long as they arent in bear form
15:10.17CodayusI played holy for ages, and respecced shadow to help our class balance.  I kinda miss healing.  It's nice to just zone out and DPS a mob.
15:10.26zenzelezzthe way I see it, you have to be a very poor healer to be the reason for wipes and similar problems
15:10.29Mr_Rabies2it's really damn simple, even pre lifebloom and swiftmend
15:10.37art3misCodayus: it's only fun if you're competeing
15:10.50CodayusBut...if I screw up, I drop a couple places on the meters.  So?
15:10.56Intangirwell i only have 1 70, probably wont get another
15:10.58art3misie find someone in yer group and see who can dps more ;P
15:10.59Intangirand rogues cant heal
15:11.03Intangirso ill probably never heal for shit
15:11.04art3misjust one person
15:11.10Mr_Rabies2with lifebloom and swiftmend it's incredibly freaking simple
15:11.20art3misbe it a rogue or lock or other SP(they're the best to have contests with)
15:11.59art3misoh and always remind the hunters in the group that they're priest food, always have been always will be, at every opportunity
15:12.18art3mis~rot13 cog|work: well put.
15:12.18purlpbt|jbex: jryy chg.
15:12.34cog|workthat was actually random kb mashing ><
15:12.36kadrahilcog|work: keylogger!
15:12.52art3miscog|work: you've got an odd shaped forehead ;)
15:12.57Intangirk ill brb i gotta figure out something
15:13.06cog|workart3mis: no, just an odd kb layout :P
15:13.07Intangirbtw im totally getting season3 the second it comes out ;)
15:13.10cog|workDvorak 4tw
15:13.14Intangiri am thinking fists for now
15:13.32art3miscog uses the Dworkin layout
15:13.42CodayusAppreciation helps a lot though; otherwise healers (or tanks) will burn out fast.
15:13.53cog|workWhat the hell happened between home and work that killed the forum login server?
15:13.57CodayusDPS can motivate themselves on meters, but trying to top healing meters is...not a good idea.
15:13.57Mr_Rabies2tanks are overbabied from personal experience
15:14.06art3miscog|work: you went to work, duh
15:14.16Mr_Rabies2they get lots of free upgrades, oftentimes get all their consumables and even repair bills covered
15:14.29art3misCodayus: it is if its the REAL heal;ing meters and not the raw ;P
15:14.45Mr_Rabies2art3mis, no healing meters are accurate really
15:14.56Mr_Rabies2because you have to accomodate for DoTs
15:14.57CodayusMr_Rabies2: And?  They're least replacable, under a lot of pressure, and face higher bills...
15:15.01art3misto a degree i guess
15:15.01Mr_Rabies2and their natural overhealing
15:15.02zenzelezzin my guild everyone pays their own consumables and repairs; gear is only favored in special circumstances
15:15.11cog|workI'm jealous of my wife... We just got a plasma and since we're in between busy cycles at work she gets to stay home with it all day
15:15.15Mr_Rabies2Codayus, they're way overbabied while healers get no respect
15:15.29Codayusart3mis: Disagree.  In a boss fight, healers have assignments.  If they don't follow them, we'll wipe.  Depending on the assignment, you'll see vast swings in performance.
15:15.36cog|workI suppose I should be jealous of the plasma...
15:15.40CodayusAnd depending on the fight too...
15:15.43art3miscog|work: thats okay im sure the mailman LOVES the new TV;)
15:15.47kadrahilat level 20 for a priest, would 5/5 imp wands be better than getting mind flay?
15:15.56art3misi know *I* do
15:16.02Mr_Rabies2i never use my wand
15:16.07Mr_Rabies2almost never, that is
15:16.11Mr_Rabies2mind flay was amazing
15:16.11|Jelly|Curator baby! :P
15:16.22Mr_Rabies2it made my grinding speed up a ton
15:16.26art3mismf rocks
15:16.30CodayusCoH healing melee on VR?  WIN.  Told to raid heal Lurker?  Uh...not so much.  Doesn't mean they're doing any better or worse job...
15:16.39|Jelly|Granted if you're shouldn't wand Curator during Evocation either. : /
15:16.51CodayusFocusing on meters (even effective) meters encourages ninja healing.  :-(
15:16.58Mr_Rabies2shield self, mindblast pull, fear, mindflay,
15:17.03art3misit makes me feel like the emperor in Star Wars ;P
15:17.29Mr_Rabies2mindflay until fear breaks then reshield/fear as necessary and repeat until mob is dead
15:17.37Mr_Rabies2i was soloing 28-29 elites at 26 on my priest, easily
15:17.56CodayusIncidentally, in my guild we don't favor MTs with gear, consumables, or repairs.  Perhaps coincidentally our primary MT is taking a break, and our progression is stalling as we wipe to farm content.
15:18.00art3misand it just gets soooo much better when you get shadowform ;P
15:18.00Mr_Rabies2thanks to mind flay's ability to redirect feared mobs
15:18.24Mr_Rabies2yes, art3mis
15:18.29Mr_Rabies2i was tanking SM at 40
15:18.35Mr_Rabies2getting at the top of EVERY chart
15:18.38art3mishehe on purpose?
15:18.47art3misi used to tank sm all the time
15:18.53art3mis80% of that wasnt planned though
15:19.03Mr_Rabies2the real tank couldn't hold aggro so i went into "screw this i'm dragging the other 4 of you noobs through here"
15:19.10Mr_Rabies2and so i did
15:19.15art3mishehe yeah
15:19.19Mr_Rabies2tanking it and getting at the top of every meter by a huge huge percentage
15:19.20art3misSP's are impatient
15:19.35art3misive never met a SP that is content to wait for pulls on 5mans
15:19.35Mr_Rabies2damage taken, damage dealt, healing taken, healing dealt
15:19.49Mr_Rabies2heh, you should see me on my druid
15:20.00Mr_Rabies2i pull just out of the comfort zone
15:20.04Mr_Rabies2in terms of speed
15:20.06Mr_Rabies2and it works
15:20.08art3mis*press button* then you've got 1.5seconds to type "incoming!"
15:20.09Mr_Rabies2shaves off a ton of time
15:20.13Mr_Rabies2leaves the party on their toes
15:20.38art3misthey stopped asking if i was ready after mana breaks and stuff if they saw me shield
15:20.51CodayusFast pulls are good.
15:20.54Mr_Rabies2hell i like to innervate the healer and pull before he realizes what's up
15:21.06CodayusKeeps people alert, cuts down on boredom, helps you be more productive.
15:21.07art3misi miss those days
15:21.15art3miswhen it was all new
15:21.20CodayusEven if it causes a rare wipe now and again, in the long's good.
15:21.27Mr_Rabies2hell i've innervated while TANKING before
15:21.33Mr_Rabies2it's not often a good idea
15:21.40Mr_Rabies2but sometimes it's the only thing preventing a wipe
15:21.55Mr_Rabies2i do it on trash all the time, for epenis points
15:22.08Mr_Rabies2but on bosses, rarely when it's required :p
15:22.11CodayusHeh, I've seen druids battle rez while tanking, kinda.  (Offtanking Gruul.  Not too dangerous with good timing...)
15:22.26Mr_Rabies2oh i've battle res'd while tanking heroic bosses
15:22.32Mr_Rabies2it's not a good idea 99% of the time
15:22.33LopeppeppyIf people pull that whole "pull while the healer is drinking", I don't stand up until I'm at full.  If they die, it's their problem, not mine.  And then I leave.  *shrug*
15:22.44Mr_Rabies2Lopeppeppy, i don't mind
15:22.44CodayusOf course, the person being rezzed was retarded, ignored instructions, and popped up RIGHT during a shatter.
15:22.47Mr_Rabies2i know how long i survive
15:22.52Mr_Rabies2so i let the healer drink
15:22.53CodayusGuess where you pop up when rezzed?
15:23.07CodayusRIGHT on the person who rezzed you!  I did mention he was the OT, right?  ><
15:23.19LopeppeppyThere's nothing more annoying than being the healer and always being rushed.  I'd rather not do an instance than require Tums after an instance.
15:23.27Mr_Rabies2i rush them
15:23.30Mr_Rabies2keep em on their toes :D
15:23.34Mr_Rabies2makes healing less boring
15:23.51CodayusLopeppeppy: Pft, if there isn't chain pulling, *I'll* pull.  As the healer. :-)
15:24.05LopeppeppyGood for you.  *shrug*
15:24.10Mr_Rabies2i really rush, but we rarely wipe
15:24.14CodayusI'd rather not do an instance that requires heavy caffiene just to stay awake.
15:24.14art3misbut i fear i must be blunt, i'd just as soon not go near your balloon i think ill stick to your .........front
15:24.25Mr_Rabies2i don't feel like waiting for people to get bored out of their skulls and halfass things
15:24.30Mr_Rabies2which leads to more wipes than rushing
15:24.40LopeppeppyI'd rather be bored than annoyed and rushed.  There's a fine line between constant progress at the edge of the comfort zone, and making the healer hate you.
15:25.00Mr_Rabies2i tell them to keep drinking unless it looks bad
15:25.07Mr_Rabies2works 99% of the time
15:25.09zenzelezzthink people get tired of having me tank things, I go slowly to make sure people are ready
15:25.29Mr_Rabies2hell, i can shift out and barkskin and heal myself a decent amount of time
15:25.38Mr_Rabies2zenzelezz, i cant stand tanks like that
15:25.41Mr_Rabies2i always space out
15:25.45Mr_Rabies2and read irc while dpsing
15:25.51CodayusPeople get out to read forums...go afk...others go afk while waiting for the FIRST afk people to come back...
15:25.51art3mishehe ive walked out of groups that wanted me to heal but had no concept of "keeping things from hitting me"
15:26.01zenzelezzMr_Rabies2: you're the kind of DPS I don't care to save then
15:26.13Mr_Rabies2going slow makes me lose interest instances.
15:26.38zenzelezzpersonal opinon issue
15:26.48Mr_Rabies2i'd rather be pushed past the comfort zone
15:26.50zenzelezzI don't mind people rushing everything; just don't bring me in those teams
15:26.57Mr_Rabies2if i'm given time to space out
15:26.58Mr_Rabies2i will
15:27.09Kaydeethreeshuttle launch today
15:27.24CodayusThen, a rogue - always a rogue - gets so bored he decides to do something stupid.  Using involving sprint, vanish, a /dance macro, and/or the comment "watch this!".  :-/
15:27.28Mr_Rabies2i push the groups because i know all the pulls, i know how hard each mob hits, and i know every instance like the back of my hand
15:27.39art3misKaydeethree: ISS resupply?
15:27.40Mr_Rabies2i'd rather not accomodate for bad players
15:27.57zenzelezzI don't do PUGs, I'm talking only friend/guildie teams
15:27.58Kaydeethreethey're bringing up another pressurized section too iirc
15:28.08Mr_Rabies2zenz, i rush even more in guild runs
15:28.13Mr_Rabies2because i know they can handle faster pulls
15:28.14zenzelezzmany people do
15:28.28Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty good at gauging wait times
15:28.37art3misit's a lot bigger than i thought it would be, watched this thing on discovery HD that was the first "live" broadcast from the station
15:28.44Kaydeethree~10 minutes til launch according to nasatv
15:28.47Mr_Rabies2i let the dps drink too and just sit there tanking it for a minute or so until the healer's up and ready to go
15:28.48art3misonly a 3second lag on voice
15:28.59CodayusDPS should be drinking more than the healers anyhow.  :-)
15:29.09CodayusThat keeps a decent check on things.
15:29.31zenzelezzI run my groups close to dictatorships if someone asks me to come to an instance. You either do it my way or you find someone else. If I can't trust the group to try to keep everyone alive I don't want the team in the first place
15:29.36Mr_Rabies2i've gotten mobs to 80% in heroics before the healer stands up and been fine :O
15:29.55Mr_Rabies2zenz, same
15:30.09Mr_Rabies2but i run very quickly and expect people to keep up
15:30.23zenzelezzyes, you've said so about five times already :-p
15:30.23Mr_Rabies2i don't accomodate for bad players by giving everyone 2 minutes between each pull
15:30.38Mr_Rabies2they learn to manage mana and overall makes the run a lot faster
15:31.06|Jelly|Two reasons I don't PUG. Right there.
15:31.09CodayusYou should come to one of our Kara runs with our primary MT.  It's fun.
15:31.13ShirikI love this
15:31.16ShirikI emailed myself something
15:31.18Mr_Rabies2shaving off 30 seconds per pull really helps in the long run
15:31.19|Jelly|Dictator? Fuck off imo. No time to drink? Fuck off imo.
15:31.21CodayusAlso, exciting.
15:31.31ShirikI recieeve the email: "Outlook has blocked the following potentially unsafe documents: CEC460.doc"
15:31.37|Jelly|(no offense :P)
15:31.40Mr_Rabies2jelly, you'd rather take 4 hours to run steamvaults?
15:31.43Shirikwtf is the point of attachments these days if you can't even use them
15:31.44zenzelezz|Jelly|: I'm perfectly frank about it before I accept an invite, and as I said, I only run with people who know what I'm like
15:31.50Mr_Rabies2i can make steamvaults take 30 minutes
15:31.53Mr_Rabies2and we do fine
15:32.00Mr_Rabies2i've also been in 4 hour steamvaults runs
15:32.06art3misshirik: lern2configoutlooknoob
15:32.14LopeppeppyI can make Steamvaults in 45 and we all have fun without Tums.  It doesn't have to be superfast and stressful.
15:32.15ShirikI just took 5 minutes configuring it
15:32.20|Jelly|I stick by my statement. I'd rather have fun for four hours than be constantly fucked with.
15:32.22ShirikI shouldn't have to change every aspect of it
15:32.29art3miswell obviously you suck really bad at that then ;P
15:32.35Kaydeethreeah, part of me wishes I still lived in Florida
15:32.41zenzelezz|Jelly|: I could take the time to elaborate but I won't bother
15:32.45Shirikmy IT department just requires that you do every odd thing possible
15:32.45Mr_Rabies2jelly, i wouldn't, because i push people as far as i know they can handle it
15:32.57Shirik14(1111:3211:0914) 14(1115Kaydeethree14) ah, part of me wishes I still lived in Florida
15:33.01ShirikI live in florida :D
15:33.08Mr_Rabies2if they can't handle my pacing they're probably not good players
15:33.08Kaydeethreego watch the shuttle launch
15:33.12Mr_Rabies2and are probably easily replaced :O
15:33.12Kaydeethree~5 minutes
15:33.13Shirikwait is that today?
15:33.15art3mis*rightclick select zip and email* TADA!
15:33.18|Jelly|I'm really not arguing with either of you -- simply stating my opinion, much like you did.
15:33.28CodayusLopeppeppy: If you're running it in 45 minutes, then you're chain pulling, or outgear the instance amazingly.  Either way...
15:33.41cog|workI think the tags are my favorite part of /.
15:33.41LopeppeppyEither way, I'm not eating Tums?  *shrug*
15:33.51Mr_Rabies245 mins is about my average for pugs when i'm running the show in steamvaults
15:33.56Mr_Rabies2for guild runs, 30 is what i try for
15:34.00LopeppeppyAnyway.  You run it your way, I'll run it mine, and we'll all have our own varieties of "fun".
15:34.14Mr_Rabies2i think everyone enjoys it more when they're just outside the comfort zone
15:34.28art3mispeppy doesnt
15:34.35CodayusLopeppeppy: Um, well if option A, your complaining about something you YOURSELF do.  And if B, then you should be able to do crazy things without "needing Tums"...
15:34.42Mr_Rabies2enough for it to be challenging but not enough so that every pull doesn't feel like we're gonna wipe
15:34.50art3misKaydeethree: last live shuttle launch i watched exploded
15:34.55art3misback in the 80s
15:34.58Mr_Rabies2look away art3mis
15:35.05Kaydeethree..was about to say. challenger was a long time ago
15:35.06Cidebut wiping is so fun
15:35.23art3misit's easily one of the most amazing things ive ever seen
15:35.31cog|workthank goodness for context...
15:35.39art3mislaugh cog
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15:37.22Mr_Rabies2sure, i've misjudged a few times and caused a wipe, but i've apologized and everyone seemed happy enough
15:37.42Mr_Rabies2i don't rush when i know the group can't handle it but usually i end up bowing out if i realize it's going to take all day
15:38.00Mr_Rabies2because i'd rather not brute force an instance
15:38.03Mr_Rabies2it's expensive :/
15:38.22zenzelezzthis is another reason I prefer PvE realms, fewer people with the rush attitude
15:38.38Mr_Rabies2i'm on a pve realm zenz
15:38.44Mr_Rabies2and i think i throw people off
15:38.56Mr_Rabies2because so many are content to take 4 hours in an instance i can clear in an hour or hour and a half
15:39.08Codayuszenzelezz: I'm on PvE, and I don't like having my time wasted.  And from's damn rare people do.
15:39.17Mr_Rabies2but when they're done they thank me on my tanking abilities and seem to thoroughly enjoy the challenge
15:39.23CodayusHell, it's rare for a guildie to HAVE a 4 hour chunk of time to burn.
15:40.02zenzelezzyou assume I waste time; unless you consider every second between a pull excessive then you've made a bad assumption
15:40.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
15:40.48Mr_Rabies2i just run with people who speak proper english and know what they're doing
15:40.54Mr_Rabies2i leave bad pugs or kick bad players all the time
15:41.14Mr_Rabies2well, not necessarily proper english but above the average wow player's
15:41.39zenzelezzdon't think I've done a PUG in seven or eight months, after guildies all hit 70
15:41.42CodayusMr_Rabies2: A comment about that is in our guilds recruitment ads, and we DO deny apps for poor grammar and leet speak.
15:41.52Mr_Rabies2i pug all the time
15:41.54CodayusHarsh?  Probably.  :-)
15:41.55Mr_Rabies2and i know how to pick em
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15:42.00CodayusNo regrets though.
15:42.13Mr_Rabies2i'm incredibly tough on my groups but i think they appreciate someone taking some initiative
15:42.39Kaydeethreey'know, it defies comprehension at just how quickly the shuttle can pick-up-and-go
15:42.46Mr_Rabies2because i scale it up and down based on their performance, rarely has it been fast enough to be a problem unless a pull goes bad
15:42.51art3misheh yeah
15:42.55|Jelly|Was thinking the same thing, KD3
15:42.57Mr_Rabies2which i mess up more than speed
15:43.06Mr_Rabies2pull a mob two seconds too late and pull some adds
15:43.08art3misand just how awesome the launch pad is with that kind of temp being blasted on it
15:43.14Mr_Rabies2usually adds aren't too big of a deal  :O
15:43.27Mr_Rabies2Codayus, it's not harsh
15:43.33Mr_Rabies2the average wow player is a damn moron
15:43.36Mr_Rabies2a filter is good
15:44.38|Jelly|281mi in 5min? lewl
15:45.16Mr_Rabies2well they're basically strapping a reenforced jet to a massive fuel tank and solid fuel boosters
15:45.28Mr_Rabies2it's bound to really go
15:45.52art3mishave you seen that they're gonna be decomissioning the shuttle series and heading back to the appollo style?
15:46.10Mr_Rabies2i saw a rebuilt saturn rocket
15:46.13Kaydeethreecheaper and safer, can't complain
15:46.16CodayusAh?  I'd seen some discussions, but hadn't heard that.
15:46.18Mr_Rabies2it was absolutely massive compared to the shuttle
15:46.20CodayusProbably for the best.
15:46.21art3misyeah im kind of glad
15:46.40CodayusNostalgia aside, the shuttle concept as implemented has been...ummm.  A learning experience?
15:46.42foxlitHeroic Capacitus is so awesome
15:46.44art3misand besides the russian shuttle is so much cooler
15:46.48CodayusI think that's the nicest thing I can say about it.  :-)
15:46.50foxlit14k, 14k, aggro.
15:47.05Kaydeethreethe russian shuttle was a straight copy/paste of ours
15:47.08ShirikI think moving to the apollo style rockets will be an incredibly stupid decision
15:47.13art3misyeah but with style ;P
15:47.14Mr_Rabies2shuttles are good for going from air to space and back and not much else
15:47.19Shirikthe current shuttle has its own problems yes
15:47.22Shirikbut so did the apolllo series
15:47.42ShirikThey need a new approach
15:47.49Codayusfoxlit: Yar.  I wish the fight was less aggro sensitive though...
15:48.05Mr_Rabies2most of the apollo problems were inexperience and technical hurdles we're well passed today
15:48.08art3misit was in alst months scientific american
15:48.15zenzelezzI wouldn't call it aggro sensitive... just hit Taunt every 8 seconds and you'll be fine almost all the time
15:48.26Mr_Rabies2taunt does nothing if you have aggro
15:48.27Shirikno Mr_Rabies
15:48.29ShirikI'm not talk about that
15:48.41ShirikI'm talking about the design problems
15:48.47zenzelezzif you keep using it you're likely to hit it soon after someone steals aggro
15:49.03Mr_Rabies2that's not a good idea zenz :/
15:49.04Shirikzenzelezz: It has one other benefit actually :)
15:49.11ShirikIf someone else is above you on threat
15:49.15Shirikyou pull up to where they are
15:49.27Mr_Rabies2that means you could hit it one second early
15:49.31Mr_Rabies2and you just wasted it more or less
15:49.33Shirik(keeping in mind that someone has to reach 110%/130% of your threat before they pull)
15:49.36ShirikNot exactly, Mr_Rabies
15:49.42zenzelezzMr_Rabies2: you still have two taunts
15:49.49ShirikI doubt you can pass 10%/30% in that short time
15:50.09Mr_Rabies2zenz, mocking blow for warriros and a 10 min cooldown
15:50.17CodayusShirik: They could be on 129%, and if memory serves, you will get no threat from that if you taunt.
15:50.18Shirikyeah art3mis I got an IEEE article about it a while ago
15:50.21Mr_Rabies2druids have a 10 min cooldown and growl, no mocking blo equivalent
15:50.23ShirikCodayus: Druids don't
15:50.26ShirikWarriors would
15:50.30zenzelezzMr_Rabies2: I'm not a druid
15:50.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Codexius (
15:50.35Codexiushey guys
15:50.46Codexiusyou know icon paths such as "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_Fanaticism"?
15:50.46Mr_Rabies2it's better to hit taunt as soon as they get aggro isntead
15:51.04Shirikit's a different way of playing
15:51.08Mr_Rabies2just gotta be on your toes
15:51.08zenzelezzI disagree; but you're too annoying to try to argue with
15:51.10ShirikDruids can't do what zenzelezz says, imho
15:51.11Kasoyes Codexius ?
15:51.12Codexiushow do i get the icon path in that format for the icon
15:51.26ShirikBut warriors can because of that increased threat they get
15:51.30Codexiuscant figure out how to format that icon path to be readable
15:51.42Kasoall icons are in Interface\Icons\
15:51.45Kaydeethreeit'd just be [[Image:Spell_Holy_Fanaticism.png]]
15:51.58Mr_Rabies2zenz, snapping aggro back when someone grabs aggro is much more threat than hitting it every 8 seconds
15:52.01Codexiusno the icon i want is INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_07.png
15:52.04Kasois he talking about on wowwiki not in UI?
15:52.07Codexiusbut i dont know ITS path
15:52.14Mr_Rabies2hitting it every 8 seconds nets you 0 aggro, it just sticks the mob to you for a couple seconds every 8 seconds
15:52.15CodayusShirik: Um, are you SURE?  I think it just gives you the threat of the person with AGGRO...  *checks*
15:52.20Codexiuswowwiki has ap icture of an icon, i need that icons path in wow
15:52.40KasoInterface\Icons\ is the path in wow
15:52.45zenzelezzMr_Rabies2: you only get their threat at the time of the taunt; it's easy as hell to go above the limit again in no time
15:52.47Codayus"You are given threat equal to the mob's previous aggro target, permanently. Importantly, you won't necessarily get as much threat as the highest person on the mob's list, only as much as whoever is currently tanking it."
15:52.48Kaydeethreethen it should be \\Interface\\Icons\\Inv_Misc_Gem_Diamond_07.blp
15:52.55CodayusFrom Kenco's guide to threat.
15:53.00zenzelezzbetter to keep up with them while they're between you and the aggro margin
15:53.09*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
15:53.10Mr_Rabies2yes, zenz, but you get none if you hit it every 8 secodnds
15:53.12zenzelezzassuming they go above you in the first place
15:53.24Mr_Rabies2you get no threat whatsoever if you hit taunt when you have aggro
15:53.24ShirikI'll test this later
15:53.25Codexiusso how come, Kaydeethree, the spell_holy_fantacism example i gave u didnt end in /blp?
15:53.36CodayusNot 100% it's accurate, but I had heard that before, and Kenco generally has SOME clue.  :-)
15:53.38cncfanaticshello ppl
15:53.38Mr_Rabies2you jsut get a guaranteed 3 seconds of aggro
15:53.51ThraeLet's talk complicated algorithms -- why does Blizzard use the statistical constant 'e' in determining Arena points?
15:54.07art3mis<3 LHC
15:54.08zenzelezzMr_Rabies2: as I told Jelly, I could elaborate, but talking to you is just boring as hell
15:54.23cncfanaticsis Slouken aware of this bug ? he didn't answer at all
15:54.35Thunder_Childart3mis, you love the collider?
15:54.35Mr_Rabies2i've studied aggro behavior, hitting taunt every 8 seconds is a nice waste of a cooldown
15:54.40|Jelly|zenzelezz: DON'T TAZE ME, BRO!
15:54.41Mr_Rabies2and not much else
15:54.44art3misTC: yup
15:54.49zenzelezzthere's nothing worse than people who are almost as annoying as myself
15:54.55zenzelezzimpossible to talk to
15:55.06Thunder_Childart3mis, it's not even done yet
15:55.16Mr_Rabies2it nets you 0 aggro unless you happen to hit it when someone else is tanking it during that 8 seconds
15:55.17art3misif it does what its supposed to we'll finally have a real higgs
15:55.22Thraepoints = 1511.26 / (1+1639.28 * e^(-0.00412 * rating) )
15:55.23art3misread the above
15:55.33art3misscheduled for fire up may 2008
15:55.36ThraeI think some programmers just like complicated equations.
15:55.46zenzelezzMr_Rabies2: use some sense for christs sake, you spam it as long as someone is above you on threat, but still BEFORE they steal aggro
15:55.51Mr_Rabies2it nets you a couple seconds of relief but after that it could easily run to another player and you've got up to 7 seconds until you can hit it again
15:55.51CodayusThrae: Ugly magic numbers.  It must have been chosen for a reason...
15:56.00Mr_Rabies2you get no threat then, zenz
15:56.02Codayuszenzelezz: Lern2tank.
15:56.09Mr_Rabies2they have to have AGGRO for you to get any threat
15:56.12Mr_Rabies2not just be above you
15:56.15art3misi actually had a day of mourning when the stopped funding and started dismantling the SCSC
15:56.26cog|workHow many times and in how many ways will I have to remind people that when I say a URL that doesn't start with www, DON'T FEKKING PUT IN A WWW
15:56.35ThraeCodayus: Could have something to do with if the rating is below 1500, then it's only 0.22 * rating + 14. Maybe they used that first and found balancing problems over 1500.
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15:56.48art3mishahaha cog
15:56.53Mr_Rabies2being able to snap aggro back the second they get it is very important to maintaining healthy threat levels
15:56.55Thraecog|work: Some "helpful" browsers will do it for you
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15:57.06art3mismy resposne is always "i dont remmeber saying www at the front of that, why did you type it?"
15:57.06CodayusThrae: Yar.  But still.  It offends my sensibilities.
15:57.17cog|workThrae: if he'd just hit enter instead of ctrl-enter it wouldn't
15:57.35cog|workhe specifically makes a choice to add the www
15:57.51ThraeCodayus: I had to go into #math to figure out how to get ratings from points...been a while since I had to solve an equation where I had to take the natural log of one side
15:58.09CodayusThrae: Heh, haven't had to do that since undergrad...
15:58.24cncfanaticscog|work, sry to bother you again but do you know if slouken is aware of ?
15:58.27Thrae!ap 1500
15:58.28ThraeBotThrae: Arena points from a rating of 1500 is, 2v2: 261, 3v3: 302, 5v5: 344
15:58.38Codayus(Telecoms major.  dbs are fun...)
15:58.52art3mis!ap 1900
15:58.53ThraeBotart3mis: Arena points from a rating of 1900 is, 2v2: 694, 3v3: 804, 5v5: 914
15:59.14cog|workcncfanatics: i know as much as you do given the lack of response :P
15:59.21Thrae!ar 914
15:59.21ThraeBotThrae: Arena rating from 914 points is, 2v2: 1966, 3v3: 1931, 5v5: 1900
15:59.46cncfanaticscog|work, would you mind bumping it ? can't post on US
16:00.03Thraemath.max(0,math.floor(math.log(((1511.26/points)-1)/1639.28*rating_mod[size])/-0.00412 + 0.5))
16:00.11ThraeThat's points --> rating
16:00.17CodayusThat's ugly.  :-(
16:00.24cog|workcncfanatics: refresh :P
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16:01.12Codex-DESTROMATHthat didnt work
16:01.23cncfanaticsty Mr American
16:05.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (
16:07.32art3mis1 CND == 1.04 USD
16:08.06art3misgo go gadget Republican world commerce plan!
16:08.50Mr_Rabies2a weak dollar is no indicator of a strong or weak economy
16:09.20Mr_Rabies2actually it favors our exporting and tourism type stuff :O
16:10.27cncfanaticsthats what all americans say tbh
16:10.29Mr_Rabies2plenty of nations have been trying to devalue the dollar slowly to try to prevent a major crash if it suddenly devaules more quickly than the market can handle
16:10.52cncfanaticsthe dolar crashing would at least make oil some cheaper here in europe (a)
16:10.52Mr_Rabies2because it's true, cncfanatics, a weak dollar is no indicator of a weak economy
16:11.02Mr_Rabies2it would still be more expensive there than here
16:11.06Mr_Rabies2because you pay out the ass in taxes
16:11.22Mr_Rabies2your taxes overwhelm the difference by a ton
16:11.41Mr_Rabies2overall it's roughly the same per barrel then the consumers get charged out the ass via taxes
16:12.23cncfanaticstrue enough
16:12.36cncfanaticsbut a weak dollar is , somewhat, an indicator of a weak economy , though not as much as most idiots think it is
16:12.50Mr_Rabies2no matter what unless you can get taxes dropped you'll be paying more than the us
16:13.04Mr_Rabies2because we pay a lot less in taxes on it, but still way too much
16:13.34cncfanaticswe still both end up paying the same / km
16:13.43cncfanaticscuz american cars are so god damn stupid with fuel usage compared to ours
16:14.28Mr_Rabies2all these stereotypes are driving me batty
16:14.53Mr_Rabies2so i'll just go to bed and leave you to your devices for hating america on every possible front
16:14.54Cidan'cept cncfanatics is correct.  Out MPG is insane.
16:15.02Cidanout == our.
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16:15.11Mr_Rabies2mine's awful in my vehicle, but hell it was free
16:15.31Mr_Rabies2i get about 12 mpg because it's a bronco
16:15.44Mr_Rabies2back when SUVs had real truck frames and not pussy car frames
16:15.50ThraeWhat are you talking about, US vs Japan? Yeah, Japanese cars are very fuel efficient.
16:16.28cncfanaticsUS cars are just damn inneficient compared to the rest of the world :p
16:16.55ThraeAmerican car manufacturers are still hugging to the idea of Nascar fans being the general populace of car owners.
16:17.11CidanThat's absurd Thrae.
16:17.14Thrae"If my car can't hit 300MPH in 3 seconds, then it's worthless!"
16:17.18Mr_Rabies2US everything is apparently just damn inefficient compared to the rest of the world if i'm to take the flawed opinions of some people in here as fact
16:17.32cncfanaticsMr_Rabies2, about cars, its a fact
16:17.42cncfanaticsnot talking about the rest because I don't know, but it sure is true for cars
16:17.43Mr_Rabies2compared to japan, perhaps
16:18.03Mr_Rabies2but europe's not far off except for the cars designed specifically with that in mind
16:18.09art3miscidan: go make me a themer
16:18.11CidanMr_Rabies2: I'm American, I love my country and I was born here.  America is falling behind though in almost every front, education, technology, science and now economy.
16:18.24Thraecncfanatics: Whoever said American Car manufacturers are mainly concerned with mileage?
16:18.36CidanI'm not trying to be a "HAHA AMERICA SUCKS" type of person
16:18.45Mr_Rabies2Thrae, that's because the companies know their market well enough
16:18.48Mr_Rabies2they make what sells
16:18.48CidanBut I AM advocating for changes, not just complaining.
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16:18.55ThraeMr_Rabies2: Right
16:18.57Mr_Rabies2i have nothing wrong with making what sells
16:19.16Mr_Rabies2there's no reason for them to strive for more efficient cars until demand for them goes up
16:19.38CidanYeah okay Mr_Rabies2, take it easy
16:19.40Beladonathe problem is, an environment lacking efficiency doesn't foster demand
16:19.40CidanOff to class.
16:19.46Beladonapeople are ignorant
16:19.58Mr_Rabies2the ignorant deserve to be punished
16:20.03Mr_Rabies2so i don't mind
16:20.03ThraeSaying American car manufacturers make "inefficient cars" is stupid. They have decent bottom lines, because they sell cars people want. Their engines are inefficient because some people want 12031 horsepower engines.
16:20.15Mr_Rabies2sure, i take my shitty mpg
16:20.18Mr_Rabies2but the car was free
16:20.27Beladonaits gettign better
16:20.32Mr_Rabies2in pure economics it just makes sense over the course of a few years
16:20.32ThraeAnyway, I drive a '99 Toyota Corolla.
16:20.39Mr_Rabies2i drive a 95 ford bronco
16:20.49BeladonaI am just waiting for alternative fuel cars to replace the norm
16:20.51Mr_Rabies2costs me about 80 bucks to fill the tank
16:20.51Thrae~34MPG on the highway, mmmm.
16:21.01Beladonathat will probably be another 20 years but hey
16:21.07Mr_Rabies2i'm not Beladona, not until price goes down
16:21.26Mr_Rabies2it's a 30ish gallon tank i think
16:21.29Mr_Rabies2maybe 25
16:21.42Mr_Rabies2i lost the appropriate paperwork a while ago i think
16:21.45ThraeThat's a lot of fuel.
16:22.03Mr_Rabies2it's a heavy vehicle though
16:22.11Mr_Rabies2like i said, a real frame on it
16:22.11ThraeMr_Rabies2: If you have the make, model, and year, you could go to and get its stats.
16:22.24Beladonaunfortunately prices go down as demand goes up. but demand won't go up until prices go down. kinda hard to get past without invention from the government to push those types of cars
16:22.29Beladonawhich they are just starting to do
16:22.33cncfanatics<3 newer lighter cars that take half the fuel of those damn heavy ones (well, not half, but u get what I mean
16:23.26[melin}anyone know when next patch (eu) will be deployed?
16:23.48ThraeBeladona: Really I don't see anything wrong -- we're not in a true oil crisis yet. When the gas prices go up to maybe $6/gallon, then we'll start phasing 'em out.
16:24.34Beladonanever said anything was wrong
16:24.46ThraeBeladona: Having the government trying to force its people or companies to sell products that are not in demand seems contrary to the idea of being the voice of the people. Isn't the demand also a voice of the people?
16:24.52Mr_Rabies212/16 mpg on average it seems
16:25.04ThraeYes, people are generally stupid, but that doesn't mean we always have to think for them.
16:25.07BeladonaI am a people
16:25.12Beladonaam I not allowed to have a voice?
16:25.29ThraeYou're allowed to have a voice, just not determine what happens to everyone else, not unless you're elected
16:25.50art3mis <-- global pic of the socal firse
16:25.51Beladonaseems like demand is going up though
16:25.57MaldiviaThrae: 6ud$/gallon... cheap :)
16:26.03ThraeThen, when you're elected, you yell about the stuff you were elected for and do nothing regarding it, and instead take bribes for the stuff you are yelling against
16:26.07Mr_Rabies2i've always been a big believer in the market
16:26.12Mr_Rabies2when prices raise above what people want to pay
16:26.15Beladonait may not have reached the threshold needed to push it, but its there
16:26.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Codexius (
16:26.22Mr_Rabies2demand will go up for more efficient vehicles
16:26.36Mr_Rabies2it's about 2.70 a gallon here
16:26.39BeladonaI disagree
16:26.50ThraeYeah, right now, only San Francisco is raising the demand for hybrid vehicles
16:26.55MaldiviaThrae: gas prices in Denmark is current around 7.2 UD$ pr gallon
16:27.07CodayusSUV sales track gas prices pretty well.  Truth is, gas just isn't very expensive right now.
16:27.08ThraeMaldivia: People are generally too high to drive in Denmark anyway
16:27.10art3misthats cuz san fran is full of hippies ;P
16:27.15Mr_Rabies2i bet a huge chunk of that is tax, Maldivia
16:27.24art3misthat only eat organic foods and pocket mulch ;P
16:27.31MaldiviaThrae: Denmark... not the Netherlands!
16:27.44MaldiviaMr_Rabies2: it is, yeah - how much, I can't remember
16:27.52ThraeDenmark's right next to the Dutch, they're all the same bunch of viking hippies
16:28.00BeladonaI am confused, some of your statements suggest the people have a voice and demand is a voice of the people, yet you then say I don't have a say unless I am elected?
16:28.02Lopeppeppy-Viking Kitties?
16:28.05art3mishahahah viking hippies
16:28.05Beladonaisn't that what voting is for?
16:28.11Thunder_Childdoes "Creature AI has been changed to no longer prioritize attacking unfeared targets over feared targets." mean that the MT can still hold aggro while feared?
16:28.19Thunder_Childfrom bosses
16:28.22ThraeThunder_Child: Means he has a chance now
16:28.35LopeppeppyThey were working on that for Nightbane, I think it was....
16:28.40Thunder_Childthats nice
16:28.49Thunder_Childjust when they gave all priests fear ward....
16:29.06CodayusThunder_Child: More like, just when they nerfed it into unusability...
16:29.06LopeppeppyI think the general idea is to not have Fear be a wipe-fer-shure?  *shrug*
16:29.12Mr_Rabies2another reason why gas is so expensive is the debeers effect
16:29.22MaldiviaMr_Rabies2: ok, latest figures I could find was from 2002, where the taxes was around 50% of the total price at that time
16:29.24Kaydeethreeoh wow, they disabled char copy
16:29.31Mr_Rabies2controlling supply to increase demand and prices
16:29.41BeladonaI was just getting my guildies to copy over too
16:30.06Mr_Rabies2Lopeppeppy, it's also a buff to druid and pally tanking
16:30.13|Jelly|Isn't there an addon competing with CML that has FPS in it or was that a hacked version of CML?
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16:30.17ThraeBeladona: Well, even if you yell really loud, you're yelling against Capitalism itself. It's very hard to defeat Capitalism. Took Tobbaco a hell of a long time to start hurting, and even then, that was only because their product was killing people.
16:30.20Codexius30 min till servers go up :)
16:31.14Mr_Rabies2thrae, i'm also against all the regulation we have on tobacco, i'm a pretty diehard libertarian :x
16:31.26art3misthrae: and really there's no proof its the tabacco thats causing it and not environmental effects ;P
16:31.32Mr_Rabies2though i don't mind taxing on it a bunch
16:31.45Mr_Rabies2i think we should legalize certain drugs and tax the hell out of them too
16:31.55BeladonaThrae: let me rephrase my original statement. I think demand is starting to go up, because companies are spending dollars on commercials advertising those types of technologies. I only hope it catches on. I am sorry if you took this to be an indication I was interested in political debate, because I am not
16:32.04Mr_Rabies2though i don't do any, and try to avoid legal drugs whenever possible too
16:32.08art3misall the studies that they based it all off of were fraudulent and merely only stated that it was "likely" though not defined as the pure reason.
16:32.26ThraeBeladona: People can yell that car manufacturers should only make hybrid cars, but the thing is, the market doesn't show people want to pay the extra money it'll cost to make engines more efficient, or especially hybrid, and you can't force a company do something unprofitable without severe attacks on our Constitution.
16:32.43Mr_Rabies2it's not so much the tobacco as it is all the additives, though tobacco itself isn't great for you
16:32.45ThraeBeladona: Oh. Sorry then.
16:32.55Mr_Rabies2like snus versus chewing tobacco
16:32.55|Jelly|[11:30]<|Jelly|>Isn't there an addon competing with CML that has FPS in it or was that a hacked version of CML?
16:33.04Beladonajust like people don't want to spend extra money on a hummer because its sexy you mean?
16:33.08Mr_Rabies2snus is relatively safe for you compared to chewing tobacco/snuff/etc
16:33.16BeladonaI don't think people have a problem spending money in america
16:33.18ThraeI think everyone should get a hummer.
16:33.23ThraeThe cars are nice too.
16:33.36art3misMr_Rabies2: and in most cases the smog layer around california is worse for you, but since thats just "the air" they arent as fumed about it as they are against smoking
16:33.55Mr_Rabies2the smog in cali made me literally sick
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16:34.01art3misthe part that bugs me is the claim that second hand smoke is somehow as bad as smoking directly
16:34.05Mr_Rabies2for a bunch of hippies they sure do like their pollution
16:34.32Mr_Rabies2i was huddled over a toilet for a few days and coughing the entire time thanks to a visit to san francisco
16:34.35art3misand the discrimination agaisnt smoking is annoying, what with the bannings of where you're allowed to smoke
16:34.36Beladonaas bad, probably not
16:34.51ThraeMr_Rabies2: That's "smug", not "smog".
16:34.53Mr_Rabies2art3mis, bannings are fine...
16:34.59Mr_Rabies2however, government bannings are not
16:35.05art3misi'd LOVE for them to ban 90% of the perfumes on the market and the retards that dont understand a little goes a long way
16:35.08Mr_Rabies2i think that should be up to the businesses
16:35.12art3misoh yeah totally
16:35.12Beladonabut then, people are making a choice to smoke. Second hand is still a choice, but not as easy a choice to make
16:35.21art3misif a business owner said no smoking in here i'd be fine with that
16:35.46Mr_Rabies2that reminds me of this time i saw a girl almost set her hair on fire with some alcohol based perfumish stuff
16:35.51art3misBeladona: you're for getting that in high poluttion cities like nyc and la that i dont have a choice for exhaust emmissions either
16:35.51Beladonathere is this chick that I work with that uses perfume as a room deorderizer
16:35.54Mr_Rabies2i was cackling
16:36.01art3misand thats a touch more global impacting than smoking
16:36.01Beladonaits annoying
16:36.06Mr_Rabies2i love when stupid people manage to injure themselves
16:36.33art3mishad they not made it almost criminal to smoke i prolly would have stopped years ago
16:36.43Mr_Rabies2i don't smoke
16:36.46Mr_Rabies2i hate smelling smoke
16:36.54art3misbut the simple fact that it annoys a large group of tree hugging rock worshippping bark munching druids makes me continue
16:37.28Mr_Rabies2but pre smoking ban, if the smoke bothered me, i'd leave the business and mention that they should quarantine the smoking section better if they want those of us who are sensitive to it to return
16:37.30art3misi dont smoke nearly as much at home as i do when im out
16:37.35Mr_Rabies2however, i don't advocate government intervention
16:37.45Mr_Rabies2hey i'm a druid :{
16:37.51BeladonaI like the fact that restaurants here are smoke free, but I can't say I would have lobbied to have it done before it happened
16:37.52Mr_Rabies2don't lump us with those hippies
16:38.15Codexiuswhats the drop on the sinister squashling, anyone?
16:38.23art3misdid you get one yet?
16:38.25Mr_Rabies2i don't know, absymal?
16:38.28Kaydeethreeheh, I still ask for the non-smoking section on occasion, and it's been a few years now iirc
16:38.29art3misif not im gonna guess "low"
16:38.34Mr_Rabies2i don't even know if it still drops Codexius
16:38.36Codexiusive ran 50+ times
16:38.39BeladonaI don't hate on smokers
16:38.41Codexiusnever dros
16:38.41art3misi miss vegas
16:38.44Beladonaits their decision
16:38.48art3misjust cuz i can smoke EVERYWHERE
16:38.49Mr_Rabies2i don't see it on wowhead as linked to the horseman yet
16:38.54Beladonaand its my decision to be near them while they do it
16:38.55Beladonaso meh
16:39.17art3misBeladona: you're forgetting that its not the american way to take responsibility for you own actions ;P
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16:39.25Beladonayeah I am weird
16:39.35LopeppeppyI know the squashling dropped on Saturday for a group of my friends who ran it, but that was Saturday.
16:39.41art3misif im hindered by someone else it's up to me to demand THEY stop doing what ever it is
16:40.02BeladonaI don't leave someone's company or ask them to stop smoking, unless I don't really care to be near them in the first palce
16:40.09art3mishehe and dont even get me started on those critical mass losers
16:40.35art3misi want a buss to plow through them in thier "takeing back the streets bullshit"
16:40.43Mr_Rabies2i just don't like how much influence some people want the government to have in our lives
16:41.07Beladonathat goes back to what art3mis said
16:41.16art3misif bikes followed the rules of the road i would support them, but since they blow lights never signal turn whereever ride on the sidewalk and through parks etc i have no empathy for thier plight
16:41.17Beladonapeople think everything is someone elses fault
16:41.46Beladonaso "fix it for me" because "I can't be bothered to fix my own actions that caused it to happen to me in the first place"
16:41.48art3misthats one of my fav bookdocks episodes
16:41.57art3misthe rk kelly peeing trial
16:42.09art3mismy fav is the martin luther king episode
16:42.23Beladonaits like that age-old "games cause violent crimes" argument
16:42.23art3miswhere he tells all the black people to go screw themselves and moves to vancouver
16:42.40Beladonais it the game, or is the kid who was pre-disposed to it in the first place?
16:42.54Beladonaand where are the parents?
16:42.56cog|workart3mis: I've always wanted to make a bumper sticker "Share the road; share the rules"
16:43.00Mr_Rabies2if it's to be believed, here's roughly where i lie politically according to this questionnaire at
16:43.21Mr_Rabies2and to compare, american politicians:
16:43.26Mr_Rabies2if it's to be believed that is
16:43.31art3miscog|work: when i drive i follow the basic principle that the larger vehicle ALWAYS has the right of way ;P
16:43.32Mr_Rabies2of course it's not perfectly accurate :X
16:44.17art3miscog "Lookout Open Door ahead" would be good too ;P
16:44.24Mr_Rabies2i follow the principle that "everyone is seconds away from slamming into me so act accordingly"
16:44.29Mr_Rabies2so far it works pretty well
16:44.45art3miscog|work: or "See the blinkie lights? They arent for show."
16:44.46Mr_Rabies2even in my heavy tankframe bronco
16:44.53Mr_Rabies2i still drive that thing like it's made of glass
16:45.16cog|workNothing pisses me off more on the road than people waiving their right of way
16:45.16art3misi used to ahve a jeep wagoneer limited 1979 ;P
16:45.28Mr_Rabies2i'm a really passive driver, cog|work
16:45.31art3misthen i got an izuzu trooper
16:45.37art3misdamn tough vechiles
16:45.45Mr_Rabies2i tend to blend with traffic and i'm incredibly careful
16:45.47cog|workI suppose it's because I saw someone brutally killed in a hit and run because of the uncertainty
16:46.05cog|workRight of way rules are there to keep everyone predictable
16:46.13art3miscog|work: driving in manhatten and brooklyn is like no otehr experience driving ive ever had
16:46.17*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
16:46.18Mr_Rabies2i'd rather be in the wrong than in several pieces bleeding all over the road
16:46.20cog|workunless you're in immediate danger to yourself or others you should never waive your right of way
16:46.48Mr_Rabies2well, i rarely have an issue with it because i'm SO careful :p
16:46.55Mr_Rabies2the problem is
16:46.58art3misbrooklyn is the most laid back though, it follows the rule that if there is room for a car then its obviously a roadway, and no-one gets pissed if you cut them off cuz in 2 blocks they're gonna do the same to you
16:47.04Thraeart3mis: Do you get to see the cameras taping Law & Order while driving on the streets of New York?
16:47.05Mr_Rabies2so many people take right of way when they don't have it
16:47.13Mr_Rabies2which is even worse than letting someone else take it
16:47.19art3misthrae: most of that is shot elsewhere
16:47.20Thraeart3mis: Gimmie an autograph of Detective Stabler from SVU.
16:47.26Mr_Rabies2because at least you know what they're going to do then
16:47.34ThraeHomocide is shot mostly in Maryland.
16:47.38ThraeThe show, too!
16:47.43purlba-dum CHH
16:48.09art3misfor most of the new york set shows it's far too difficult to close off sections of new york for it
16:48.22Mr_Rabies2i can't handle cities
16:48.26Mr_Rabies2hell i can barely handle atlanta
16:48.28Mr_Rabies2i'm too nervous
16:48.29art3misi love it here
16:48.37Mr_Rabies2the entire time we're on the street, walking or riding
16:48.40Mr_Rabies2i'm so paranoid and nervous
16:48.45art3misthis is the oly place in the entire us that i'd live
16:48.59Mr_Rabies2i'm afraid we're going to get murdered by bums when we're on foot
16:49.10art3misif i had to leave here for any reason i'd just up and move back to vancouver
16:49.11Mr_Rabies2and slammed into at mach 5 by some asshole when we're driving
16:49.21Thunder_ChildMr_Rabies2 ....
16:49.35Mr_Rabies2i'm paranoid in cities, i can't help it
16:49.43Mr_Rabies2they're out of my element
16:50.05Mr_Rabies2too much stuff going on at once
16:50.13Thunder_Childthats ok, you will die out soon then
16:50.26Mr_Rabies2all of us will soon enough
16:50.28Thunder_Childsurviveablity of the most adaptable
16:50.35Thunder_Childand you cant seem to
16:50.38Mr_Rabies2oh i adapt i'm just paranoid as fuck
16:50.44Thunder_Childis not adapting
16:50.51Mr_Rabies2i act like around every corner there's a bum with a knife
16:50.54Mr_Rabies2and act accordingly
16:51.02art3misthats not adaptive
16:51.08art3misthats umm
16:51.11art3misretarded ;)
16:51.21Mr_Rabies2doesn't hurt anything
16:51.22Thunder_Childheh art3mis, my thoughts exactly
16:51.29Mr_Rabies2i'd rather be too paranoid than not paranoid enough
16:51.30Thunder_Childit hurts you
16:51.37Mr_Rabies2the bums in atlanta are scary man ;[
16:51.49Mr_Rabies2one of them showed me his bullet holes and started singing
16:51.54Thunder_Childi live in LA, i think i got you beat
16:51.59Kaydeethreewhich is why I'm glad I'm down at Georgia Southern than at GaTech
16:52.00Mr_Rabies2i was scared he was gonna filet me
16:52.17Mr_Rabies2heh, Kaydeethree, one of my friends goes to georgia southern
16:52.18Mr_Rabies2at least
16:52.19Mr_Rabies2i think
16:52.27art3misim not afraid at all in nyc
16:52.32art3missadly it's nothing like the movies
16:52.38Beladonais it bad if you just ran that political compass test, and the page is blank?
16:52.46Mr_Rabies2i've been to LA and Frisco and San Diego
16:52.52art3mishavent been mugged, i live in an entirely black neighborhood and get along with everyone
16:52.56Mr_Rabies2and Chicago, and Atlanta
16:53.00Thunder_Childya, only 30% of the bums are undercover agents...not 100%
16:53.10Mr_Rabies2it's not about race, it's about crazy bums :[
16:53.25Mr_Rabies2i dunno if atlanta has a particular breed of them or something
16:53.29art3misive got out at 3am in winter in shorts to get pop and the drug dealers that live near the store give me respect knuckles
16:53.35cog|workBeladona: the site's not working for me so...
16:53.41Mr_Rabies2but they're way too confrontational and i'm very nonconfrontational
16:53.46Beladonaok, I thought maybe I landed outside the chart
16:53.48cog|workthere it is...
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16:53.53Mr_Rabies2i try to avoid conflict
16:53.58Mr_Rabies2unless it's unavoidable
16:54.12cog|workI hate that test
16:54.17cog|workthe first question is extremely loaded
16:54.22Mr_Rabies2and it's hard to when you've got a bum singing and showing you his bullet and knife wounds
16:54.35BeladonaI closed mine event
16:54.40Beladonaand I am not taking it again
16:54.44Beladonatoo lazy
16:55.13Mr_Rabies2no, there's a ton of confrontational ones, but i'm afraid when they bust out their stories of getting shot and stuff >:[
16:55.26cog|work"If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations."      <----- I pick option C...  The global economy is the result of human action, not the dictator of human action
16:56.04Mr_Rabies2yeah too many of the questions are phrased in bad ways, cog|work
16:56.08Mr_Rabies2too many absolutes
16:56.11Mr_Rabies2where you're like
16:56.27Mr_Rabies2i don't really agree or disagree here, i don't even see the question from that perspective making any sense"
16:56.42cog|workfalse premises 4tl
16:56.43Codayuscog|work: That one's quite loaded, although I think everyone can work out what they're "supposed" to answer based on their political leanings.
16:56.56BeladonaI think that is to get you to fit into the graph. There isn't a spot on the graph for Independant
16:57.04Beladonaalthough maybe there should be
16:57.05cog|workCodayus: not at all... that assumes politics goes left to right
16:57.19Mr_Rabies2beladona, the labels are just the extremes in that direction
16:57.23Mr_Rabies2nothing to do with parties at all
16:57.41Mr_Rabies2they explain how they come up with the results and stuff
16:57.42Mr_Rabies2i dunno
16:57.47Mr_Rabies2i don't like the phrasing
16:58.07Codayuscog|work: Hm?
16:58.24cog|workCodayus: " I think everyone can work out what they're "supposed" to answer based on their political leanings."
16:58.40cog|workplotical leanings don't just go left, right, and undefined
16:58.46Codayuscog|work: Right; you should answer "no".  That doesn't fit the question, but that's what the designed WANTED you to say.
16:58.47art3misAll people have their rights, but it is better for all of us that different sorts of people should keep to their own kind. <-- fav question so far
16:58.55Mr_Rabies2kekeke, cog|work
16:59.10cog|workI am strongly away from ANY of the answers they give, not "somewhere in the middle"
16:59.34Codayuscog|work: Well, it was a yes/no question, not A/B.  :-)  But I know what you mean.
17:00.10cog|workControlling inflation is more important than controlling unemployment.
17:00.12Mr_Rabies2i did agree to all the questions on that quiz except for the military one(D) and the national id card one(M)
17:00.30cog|workhow about not /controlling/ the economy?
17:00.35Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty libertarian :p
17:00.40CodayusMy thought process was "well, both are wrong, but "no" represents the authors distorted idea of what I actually THINK, so..."
17:01.39CodayusTake a few political quizzes, and you get used to having to translate the questions out of NewSpeak.  "Well, they say
17:02.03Codayus"Well they say 'human rights', but based on question 3, they must think that Random Thing X is a human right, so...."
17:02.27Mr_Rabies2though i'm probably going to get laughed out of the room i'm trying to recruit more followers to the ron paul army amongst my acquaintences
17:02.44cog|workMr_Rabies2: i'm already with ya
17:02.53Mr_Rabies2i think i've helped recruit about 20 personally so far, and while i don't agree with him 100%, he's the closest thing to what i need :p
17:03.03cog|workI registered republican just so i could vote for him in the primaries
17:03.10Mr_Rabies2now just to get some of those people to vote in the primaries
17:03.12cncfanaticsron paum army === ???
17:03.15cog|workand i'll go back to Libertarian once it's over
17:03.48CodayusBleh, nutjob, IMHO.  And I'm very libertarian.  Then again, after the last official Libertarian candidate...  oO
17:03.58Shirik|Ecole~lart cncfanatics
17:03.59purlgives cncfanatics a "free" copy of Windows and then charges double for "Upgrades"
17:04.04Shirik|Ecolethis is not php!
17:04.05cncfanaticsOMG NOT WINDOWS
17:04.16Shirik|Ecolethere is no === operator
17:04.25art3misEconomic Left/Right: 1.00
17:04.25art3misSocial Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.36
17:04.35art3misthats my political compass
17:04.41cncfanaticsmeh, american politic bores me
17:04.46cncfanaticsbut well, european politic does as well, so :p
17:05.06Thrae=== operator -- when the absolute isn't absolute enough
17:05.11Mr_Rabies2ron paul's pretty much the only different candidate that isn't completely off the deep end
17:05.17Shirik|Ecole~lart Thrae
17:05.17purlwhips out a sword and chops Thrae in half
17:05.22Mr_Rabies2all the others are more or less the same person
17:05.26Thrae2 + 2 === 5
17:05.35CodayusMr_Rabies2: Your last qualifier is arguable.  :-D  I grant you, he's different though.
17:05.38art3misjohn mccain!
17:05.39cncfanaticsThrae + Politics === meh
17:05.45Mr_Rabies2with slightly varying degrees, downplaying their competitors whom they're so close
17:05.47art3miswith obama for vice ;P
17:05.57Shirik|Ecole1 == "1" is true, but 1 === "1" is not :P
17:06.00Shirik|Ecolethat's the difference
17:06.01art3misjsut cuz i love mccain for being a crotchety old man
17:06.01Mr_Rabies2not a big fan of obama's policies
17:06.07Thraecncfanatics: I didn't say anything political!
17:06.15cncfanaticsI said you did, thats enough
17:06.16CodayusWait, he has polices?
17:06.21Mr_Rabies2ron paul's a crotchety old man too art3mis
17:06.23Mr_Rabies2and he's awesome
17:06.35art3mishavent seen much of him
17:06.41cog|workart3mis: exactly the problem
17:06.45CodayusI thought he just had a vision about hope for a better dream of hopeful visions?
17:06.55cog|workbig media pretty much ignores him
17:06.56art3miscog|work: the not seeing much or that he's crotchety?
17:06.58Mr_Rabies2he gets almost no publicity for some reason
17:07.02cog|workthe not seeing much
17:07.10Mr_Rabies2read that^ art3mis
17:07.19Mr_Rabies2it's a fairly easy to digest pack of his speeches since forever
17:07.20art3miscrotchety old men are my fave for companies and politics
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17:07.35Mr_Rabies2he's really not all that crotchety, but he is kind of old
17:07.52art3mismostly because i can totally relate and will end up like them on my porch with some lemonade a gun and a dog yelling at kids to get off my lawn
17:07.57Mr_Rabies2plus he's seen more vaginas than all of aerosmith combined
17:08.08Mr_Rabies2that's a plus
17:08.26*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
17:08.32ThraeVote Hillary Clinton -- She has totally seen NO vaginas.
17:08.36Mr_Rabies2(he was an ob/gyn for several years)
17:08.50Mr_Rabies2hillary's never looked herself in the mirror?
17:09.02Mr_Rabies2she's possibly the world's largest sandy vagina
17:09.25ThraeMr_Rabies2: She's one of those censoring nuts. Whenever she tries to look, it's always blurry.
17:09.26art3misoh ho!
17:09.35art3mishe's from texas
17:09.51art3misi remember stuff about him now
17:10.13Mr_Rabies2his speeches are awesome
17:10.21ThraeHillary Clinton has similiar points of view to Jack Tompson, and has agreed with him on several occasions.
17:10.24art3misisnt he the guy that did something regarding the death penalty?
17:10.33art3misin the last little bit
17:11.43art3misi cant vote for him though
17:11.50art3mis<aside from not being american>
17:11.53art3mishe's pro life
17:12.18ThraeWho's pro life?
17:12.20Mr_Rabies2he delievered thousands of babies, i can't blame him
17:12.37art3misron paul
17:12.40cog|workart3mis: but he's not the type to impose his pro-life views on the public
17:12.47Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty sure he's pro life in all forms though
17:12.50cog|workat best, he may push to make it up to the states
17:12.58ThraeRon Paul is a Libertarian and pro life? I thought all Libertarians eat babies.
17:12.59art3miseven thats bad
17:13.01cog|work(or worst)
17:13.02Mr_Rabies2against capital punishment, abortion, etc
17:13.21Mr_Rabies2i don't see how you could be pro abortion and against capital punishment
17:13.25art3misin my opinion govt has no jusidicition on the body
17:13.30Mr_Rabies2i'm personally pro both :p
17:13.36ThraeDon't tell me I've been eating babies all by myself.
17:13.37art3misheh me too
17:13.46art3misif omeone wants to coathanger, its up to them
17:13.52Mr_Rabies2but i don't hold a minor issue like that against him
17:14.04art3misbut im a big supporter of capital punishment
17:14.08ThraeMr_Rabies2: Depends on if you try to make decisions based on moral, ethical, or logical conclusions.
17:14.36art3misthe 3 strike law should be on the 3rd you're put to death
17:14.46Mr_Rabies2i could see the other way making sense, but i guess that all depends on your personal definition of human life which is totally not worth getting into now
17:14.51Thunder_Childart3mis, hear hear
17:14.52art3mismore than two unjustified violent crimes... death
17:15.10ThraeMr_Rabies2: Logically, abortion is about the same as rubbing your hands with soap -- you're killing something in the infancy of its lifestages, that's not human.
17:15.19art3misin prison on more than 5 less than 2 year sentences.. put to death
17:15.21cog|workThrae: my moral and ethical conclusions are derived from logic
17:15.27cog|workObjectivism 4tw!
17:15.35Mr_Rabies2i'd consider a zygote more human than a violent criminal, thrae, personally
17:15.55Thraecog|work: More like they're shaped by logic, but hear hear the same.
17:16.06Mr_Rabies2but that's all about your personal belief on the human life issue
17:16.24Mr_Rabies2which is why i'm personally against abortion but pro choice at the same time
17:16.29ThraeMr_Rabies2: That's a moral argument, not logical ;) A human is just another animal in science.
17:16.31art3misof course i also think that parents should be able to beat thier children
17:16.45art3misthe us has gone to shit because that right was removed
17:17.03Mr_Rabies2you can't think in pure logic or you devalue a lot of your humanity, thrae
17:17.03cog|workand Law (as in the government) should NEVER deal moral judgements imo... that's what public opinion and social pressures are for
17:17.30cog|workcrimes without victims are extremely 4tl
17:17.58Mr_Rabies2art3mis, most parents don't even talk to their kids, much less beat them
17:17.59Thraecog|work: Which is why I think the Legislative branch is a stupid idea. I want it eliminated in favour of a ruling Judicial branch.
17:18.05Mr_Rabies2parents today are shitty because their parents were shitty
17:18.23ThraeMr_Rabies2: Or their parent's genes were shitty, or both!
17:18.24Mr_Rabies2because they were too busy doing more important stuff
17:18.28Mr_Rabies2it's not about genes
17:18.36Mr_Rabies2it's purely culture
17:19.05Mr_Rabies2genes pay hardly any role in good parenting unless they're mentally handicapped or similar, it's all about how they're raised
17:19.07Mr_Rabies2memes, etc
17:19.54cog|work"No broadcasting institution, however independent its content, should receive public funding."
17:20.22ThraeMr_Rabies2: There's tons of scientific evidence that there are genes which enhance behavioral characteristics. While this doesn't mean someone with the homocidal gene will always turn out to be a mass murder, it makes them more inclined to be one, even if at a 0.001% point.
17:20.23cog|workI think the degree of public funding should be inversely proportional to the independence of its content...
17:20.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Fisker- (
17:21.15ThraeMr_Rabies2: I think the scientific and psychological world are coming together finally and saying it's a combination of nature and nurture -- there are important factors on both ends for a lot of situations.
17:22.25Mr_Rabies2that's like saying pit bulls are more inclined to be human aggressive than other breeds
17:22.29Mr_Rabies2(which some people say)
17:22.38art3miscog|work: thats a loaded question
17:22.48Mr_Rabies2it's not true at all though, it's much more about memes than genes
17:22.48cog|workart3mis: exactly my point
17:22.59art3miscog|work: it can either imply that it must be wholly govt funded OR that it's not govt funded at all
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17:23.27art3mislike PBS for example
17:23.36art3mistechnically its publicly funded
17:23.57Mr_Rabies2i mean, wolves and chihuahuas are something like 99.98% similar on the genetic level, but vastly vastly different in behavior
17:24.59Mr_Rabies2i mean technically they're the same species
17:25.36*** part/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
17:26.12cog|workof course, statements like that skirt around the fact that it's exactly that .02% that causes all the differences...
17:26.34Mr_Rabies2it's not known what difference that .02% makes
17:27.04cog|workOne extra repetition of 3 nucleotides can completely change the shape of a dog's skull
17:27.08Mr_Rabies2it's much more about learned behavior (memes) than instinct (genes)
17:27.44cog|workMr_Rabies2: they actually did a behavior study recently between wolves and dogs
17:27.51cog|workand found that there were genetic differences
17:28.19cog|workthey raised the wolves from pups born to previously "tamed" parents
17:28.25Mr_Rabies2did they raise hundreds of packs of wolves and dogs in the same environment?
17:28.35cog|workand they still behaved substantially differently than the dogs
17:29.02Mr_Rabies2otherwise it's a badly flawed study (like most) and could be entirely anectdotal
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17:30.49cog|workdepends on how extensive and consistent the differences are
17:30.54Mr_Rabies2anyways, we don't know enough about genetics to be sure of what all they make a difference of
17:31.10Mr_Rabies2yet at least
17:31.31Mr_Rabies2but i'd say with how common shitty parents are it's more about cultural failures than genetic ones
17:32.41ThraeMr_Rabies2: Are shitty parents who had shitty parents who had shitty parents who had severly mentally disturbed parents part of a cultural loop or a pysio-psychological one?
17:32.52cog|workwow... that politicalcompass is horribly flawed
17:33.04cog|workit placed me in the authoritarian right :|
17:33.27Mr_Rabies2well, to be fair, most american politicians are
17:33.47Mr_Rabies2only slight variance unless they're considered "nutjobs"
17:34.03Mr_Rabies2Thrae, we won't know for some time
17:34.30Mr_Rabies2or possibly never if the shitty parents trend continues and we have a cultural apocalypse
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17:45.11*** join/#wowi-lounge FSdragon (n=dffgd@
17:45.40FSdragonhail everyone!
17:46.54|Jelly|I think he meant to say FU
17:47.09*** join/#wowi-lounge [Liquidor] (n=denras19@
17:47.32Thunder_Childcog|work, FAIL!
17:47.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
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17:56.24Mr_Rabies2is scary sometimes
17:56.26Mr_Rabies2it's like 2001
17:56.43Mr_Rabies2so much silence
17:56.50Mr_Rabies2then one line of dialog scares the shit out of you
17:57.01Mr_Rabies2like an hour of silence then someone talks
18:04.58Thunder_Childanyone else get a blank page at ?
18:05.15cog|workThunder_Child: timeout
18:05.23Thunder_Childok, so it's not me, thanks
18:05.32cog|workreloaded to blank page
18:07.53Thrae <-- why isn't she wearing a thong? Silly female model. In the next patch, females shall now all get a "Birthday Suit" set of armour dropped by Illidan, which grants 50% additional stats over their previous tiers.
18:10.06*** join/#wowi-lounge fridg (n=Fridgid@
18:10.41Mr_Rabies2there was a texture pack back in the day that changed a decent amount of the armor to transluscent or nonexistant
18:10.49Mr_Rabies2that's a lot of work for some 3dporn
18:11.13LunessaThrae: It also provides an On Use ability: Befuddle Humanoid.
18:11.58ThraeLunessa: You're thinking of "Male Humanoid" vs "Female Humanoid" ;)
18:12.27cog|workThrae: depends on your race... I mean, Elves... 'nuff said
18:12.28LunessaThrae: No, not really.  I'm well aware of the demographics of WoW players...
18:12.32Thrae*raises a picket sign* Incubus for Equality!
18:13.06Mr_Rabies2incubi aren't quite the male equivalent to succubi
18:13.39Mr_Rabies2they're more like bisexual rapedemons, a bit less subtle than succubi
18:13.53ThraeYeah, an incubus can form either male or female shape.
18:14.37Mr_Rabies2succubi mostly do their job via seduction while incubi are a bit more direct
18:14.42LunessaDepends on who's myths your reading.
18:15.27Mr_Rabies2your mom's
18:15.31Mr_Rabies2OH SNAP
18:15.37ThraeMr_Rabies2: However, the Succubus dominates through seduction, while the Incubus simply dominates. This is the same for basic male/female relationships.
18:15.38Mr_Rabies2i'm tired :[
18:15.48Mr_Rabies2when i get tired i go through stages
18:16.01Mr_Rabies2of irritability, and then finally extreme goofiness
18:16.06LunessaMy mom is actually a pretty ok writer, but her myths usually tend to murder mysteries. :P
18:17.49Mr_Rabies2a friend of mine used to write yaoi fanfiction
18:17.56Mr_Rabies2for some reason i could never look at her the same again
18:18.12Mr_Rabies2i dunno why, really, i mean, i'm not into yaoi but at least she's female
18:18.21Mr_Rabies2still bizarre
18:18.26Kaydeethreein completely unrelated news, it appears that the shuttle launch was clean
18:18.46Mr_Rabies2so far
18:18.51Mr_Rabies2nasatv keeps scaring me
18:19.02Mr_Rabies2it's total silence then someone starts talking and makes me jump
18:19.38Kaydeethreepart of me wishes I was up at my parents' place, they've got the dish and a nasatv feed is provided. I'm having to use the realvideo feed
18:19.53Mr_Rabies2i have directv
18:20.06Mr_Rabies2thats the only tv available here beyond air
18:20.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
18:21.23LunessaWhich explains why the traffic was so light today (I live next to JSC.)
18:21.28Thunder_Child is easy
18:25.13Thunder_Childyou know, the would be nicer with an HD broadcast, looking directly at the eart
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18:30.19Thunder_Childwow, teh wildfires can be seen from space
18:32.02pastamanceryet another reason to never move to southern CA
18:32.20Thunder_Childit's not so bad, i just hate the weather
18:32.37pastamancerparty cloudy with a chance of HELLFIRE
18:32.53cog|workpastamancer: i'll take quinquagenary fires over annual hurricaines or tornados any day.
18:33.08Thunder_Child is not hellfire
18:33.08Mr_Rabies2oh wow
18:33.17Mr_Rabies2i bet that looks cool to the guys in the orbiter
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18:33.48cog|workMr_Rabies2: it was on nasatv a couple minutes ago
18:33.52Mr_Rabies2was it
18:33.54cog|workwhen Thunder_Child mentioned them
18:33.56Mr_Rabies2i'm just listening
18:34.06Mr_Rabies2for signs of failure of some sort
18:34.31Thunder_Childyour failure of some sort
18:35.06pastamancercog|work: I live in the north-east... all we get is snow
18:35.12Mr_Rabies2i'm tired
18:35.25Mr_Rabies2someone stay awake for 7 more hours for me so i can wake up at a human time
18:36.19pastamancerit looks worse on the google map
18:37.37Mr_Rabies2google maps typically takes like 6 months to update
18:37.52Mr_Rabies2i was waiting on firefox to stop choking, heh
18:37.55Mr_Rabies2i see
18:38.15pastamanceryeah, it's a mashup-type-thing
18:42.11Mr_Rabies2is irvine still okay?
18:42.42Mr_Rabies2i can see it now
18:42.46cog|workthey're pretty much right in between the main fire areas
18:43.05Mr_Rabies2"the servers are down for extended maintenance due to the building they're housed in currently burning to the ground"
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18:44.41cog|workNo one say diaf to anyone at blizzard for at least two months plx
18:45.30snurreoh i will :p
18:45.45MalgayneBlizz diaf plz kthx
18:46.11cog|workyou guys really want to go through the withdrawal? ;)
18:46.15*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
18:46.36snurrei say diaf to people at blizzard every day.. and i dont play wow anymore
18:46.38snurreso im fine :p
19:02.06*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
19:09.32Saint-N~weather 10001
19:09.57cog|work~weather KSTN
19:10.49Saint-N~weather KNYC
19:11.58Saint-N~weather CYVR
19:12.15Saint-Nwell that sucks
19:12.23Saint-Nits hotter here than there
19:13.10Thunder_Childdamit....i dont want to go to class...
19:13.17|Jelly|If you know the name of a frame, is there a script you can use to place it in the center of your screen?
19:13.47kergoth~weather KPHX
19:13.56nevcairiel_G[name]:ClearAllPoints(); _G[name]:SetPoint("CENTER"); ?
19:14.00Thunder_Childi think so |Jelly|
19:14.29cog|worknevcairiel: no
19:14.39|Jelly| <-- trying to help that guy, for the record
19:14.43cog|workneed to reparent first ;)
19:14.43nevcairielwhy not?
19:14.56cog|workor set the point relative to UIParent
19:15.08nevcairieloh, meh
19:15.23nevcairiel_G[name]:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER")
19:15.25nevcairielgo nuts :P
19:15.47purl"Scientists say 1 out of every 4 people is crazy, check 3 friends, if they are ok, you're it."
19:16.14|Jelly|ok so /script _G[name]:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER")   --?
19:16.20Thunder_Child~nuts |Jelly|
19:16.34nevcairielyou might need to ClearAllPoints first
19:16.39purlyou so cuhraaazy, thunder_child
19:16.48Thunder_Child~crazy cog|work
19:16.49purlACTION drives cog|work insane by saying the exact same thing over and over
19:17.10cog|workThat wouldn't drive me insane
19:17.28cog|work|Jelly| generously helping someone though
19:17.44*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
19:18.35cog|work[12:19] <nevcairiel>you might need to ClearAllPoints first
19:18.57|Jelly|You people are killing me.
19:19.01|Jelly|TO THE FACE
19:19.10cog|workJust use the name itself not _G[name]
19:19.17|Jelly| <-- since I wont be able to answer like...other questions he might ask.
19:19.19nevcairielthat might work too
19:19.38cog|work/run SoAndSoFrame:ClearAllPoints(); SoAndSoFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER")
19:20.15|Jelly|This is why I don't help people. Too much work involved. lol
19:20.38nevcairieli help people when i know the answers already
19:21.00|Jelly|I don't learn by doing that though.
19:21.47|Jelly|Thanks though. :)
19:24.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (
19:27.50cog|workhihi caircair
19:28.26JoshBorkewb cair
19:30.13zenzelezzI finally discovered the root of my personality disorders... I don't fear death, I fear life
19:30.54JoshBorkego back to sleep?
19:32.19*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
19:32.50zenzelezzI forgot everything is taken as a joke in here
19:33.22|Jelly|Well. You're still alive so either you've learned to manage your fears or it was a joke. :P
19:33.40zenzelezzcourage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear
19:34.10|Jelly|So what you're saying is I'm glad I said "manage" as opposed to be fearless?
19:34.41zenzelezznope, I just use any opportunity to use that quote
19:34.51zenzelezzbut your assumptions were both wrong
19:35.00cog|workyou're not alive?
19:35.20CideI doubt I'd be alive without any senses
19:36.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
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19:37.45zenzelezzI've gone by this nick for about eight years; all the while just going on without direction or goals, staying solitary rather than with friends... but this was the wrong channel to whine in :-o
19:38.42|Jelly|Not really the wrong channel to whine in. Just make it clear that you're whining as opposed to just saying something random.
19:38.57zenzelezzI'm always whining, just not always as clearly
19:39.04cog|workzenzelezz: if it makes you feel any better, the last time my wife and I went out with people socially who weren't family members was the UI dinner after blizzcon...
19:40.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Olison ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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19:43.55Lunessacog|work - What's this "going out" of which you speak?  Is it a 5- or 10-man raid?  Do i need a flask?
19:49.46Cidehaha wow, I just did the biggest hack ever
19:49.59|Jelly|The gibson?
19:50.21CideI'm relying on the fact that the number of days left for a mail isn't updated unless you move away from the mailbox and reopen it
19:50.28Cideit's a floating point number
19:50.37Cideso I'm using it as a "unique mail id" :/
19:50.58Cidefor a single "mailbox session", that is
19:51.10Kasothats pretty cool
19:51.35Cideit's going to blow up if that ever changes, though
20:00.54Kalrothwhat if you got mails with the same name and time?
20:01.09KalrothI got that problem with BulkMail, it marks all identical mails
20:01.38Cide>>> math.fmod(27.007383346558*(3600*24),1)
20:01.49Cidedid I break myself?
20:01.52Cidecan someone try that
20:02.53Cideso about a precision in seconds
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20:03.29Cideif you get two mails in 1 second, that happen to share the same float, I guess it'll screw up
20:03.41Cideuntil that happens, though, I'm going to assume it won't
20:04.46*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
20:08.12|Jelly|It's the truth. : /
20:08.36|Jelly|Doesn't really bother me because for all intents and purposes, the morons aren't capable of tracking me down. :P
20:08.53*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
20:09.18cog|worksame reason I'm usually happy to respond to out-of-the-blue e-mails... that takes some digging :P
20:09.36TecnoBratabout your mods?
20:09.47cog|workor oaddon questions in general
20:10.34|Jelly|Hey, I asked and you gave me your email address! Wasn't out of the blue imo! :P
20:11.05cog|workno it wasn't ... which makes it not applicable to the conversation :P
20:11.11|Jelly|Ahh, ok.
20:11.18cog|worksomeone else
20:11.19CairennTecnoBrat: yes, yes you do
20:11.42TecnoBratI've idled here for like 2 months
20:11.45TecnoBratand not said anything
20:12.04TecnoBratwell I've idled in here total a lot longer than that, but thats my current stretch :P
20:12.38LunessaI don't get tech support questions from anyone but friends and guild members.  
20:12.54LunessaApparently, I'm not as approachable as Cog or jellu
20:13.03cog|workWho's Lunessa?
20:13.04TecnoBratI get addon questions constantly from guild members
20:13.15TecnoBratI'm not actually an author snickers.
20:13.18|Jelly|Me? Approchable?
20:13.24TecnoBratbut I'm the "guru of mods" aparantly.
20:13.54cog|worki'm the honorary admin of my old guild's addon & macros forum even though i'm not in the guild any more
20:14.26|Jelly|We're talking about people making characters on your server just to ask you questions. It's kind of weird the first time it happens. After that it's just meh.
20:14.40TecnoBrat|Jelly|, yea .. lol
20:15.02cog|workI actually had someone from another realm ask me a macro question during AB
20:15.41TecnoBratI had the same thing happen ... except not about a mod .. well we created this evil page on our guildsite that redirects to a rickroll site, which displays a javascript popup for every line in the song, so you can't close it
20:15.46TecnoBratI linked it on my guild site
20:15.50LunessaHeh, I was playing my mage once, and I got this random tell asking me if I was the same person as a message board moderator.  Turns out I was.. but it struck me as odd.  Small world.
20:15.58cog|workOver my month-long PvP binge, though, i only had 2 or 3 people recognize me (probably for the better)
20:16.00TecnoBratgot all of my guild with it .. then someone else linked it on the wow forums
20:16.08MalgayneI got that once
20:16.17TecnoBrat"Progeny has rickrolled 49285  people."
20:16.19MalgayneSomeone actually joined my guild saying "Are you the Malgayne from Wowhead?"
20:16.29TecnoBratyea, so I got random people making level 1s and swearing at me
20:16.46TecnoBratI got emails too
20:17.03LunessaI got rickrolled with that thing.  I hate you now.
20:17.09TecnoBratdid you?
20:17.14TecnoBratfrom :P
20:17.26TecnoBratabout zulaman loot? :P
20:17.27LunessaSomeone linked it from my guild's forum.  
20:17.36TecnoBrathaha, yea .. sorry bout that :P
20:17.43LunessaThey're no longer a guild member.
20:17.48TecnoBratI'm not really, but thats okay
20:17.53LunessaI'm a mean guild leader.
20:18.08TecnoBratYea, I'm the GM of my guild, so no one is kicking me :P
20:18.21*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
20:18.28TecnoBratcog|work, do you actually use your same nick?
20:18.40cog|worki post on my main, if that's what you mean :)
20:19.25TecnoBratahh so your main is the same char name as the nick you use around ... yea, that'd do it
20:19.32TecnoBratmy char name is not Tecnobrat :P
20:19.43LunessaI'd change nicks for posting/irc but someone is using my 'main's' name as a nick on IRC already.
20:20.37TecnoBratI've had the nickname tecnobrat for years ..
20:20.45cog|workI actually used to go by a completely different handle... Then i realized it was a bad idea to have my account name and character name the same
20:20.56Cairennum, yeah
20:21.07cog|workso when I got attached to my gnome warrior, i decided cogwheel would be my new identity
20:21.35TecnoBratI like it :P
20:22.03LunessaI try to post on realm and other forums using the name people can find me by in-game - unless I have an established identity that should be maintained.  So, since Cog named me in the faq, I keep using Lunessa.
20:22.13cog|workWhen I realized I could make a pun out of it for my rogue, i knew it was the nick for me
20:22.34Lunessa~whaleslap cog|work
20:22.34purlACTION beats cog|work upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
20:22.47cog|work~whaleparry Lunessa
20:22.48purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry Lunessa's attacks.
20:23.02TecnoBratrofl, I like doing a search for my nick on google
20:23.09TecnoBratand reading some of the things I have posted over the years
20:23.15TecnoBratman, I was a noob
20:23.47cog|workTecnoBrat: hehe. yeah... I looked back at some posts on game programming forums when I was 14 or so...
20:23.48LunessaHah, I goggled my real name and found stuff I used to post when I worked for a large internet company and I had to use my name for public relations stuff.
20:23.57LunessaFrom like, a decade ago.
20:24.27cog|workLunessa: who would you be if it weren't in the sticky? ;)
20:24.44LunessaI'd be posting as Unkle.
20:24.46TecnoBratWebhost Terminology
20:24.46TecnoBratby Brian Stolz
20:24.49TecnoBratOh god
20:24.50LunessaSince that's my main now.  
20:25.17LunessaOr I could use Lothay for those of us who remember EQ.
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20:26.04LunessaShe's also a Level 70 mage in crappy gear on Kirin Tor.  Even my spec is bad. :P
20:27.59TecnoBratyou know which name Cairenn?
20:29.43cog|worku guiz caiburd on teh eq lolz
20:29.45*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
20:30.05TecnoBratI never played EQ
20:30.15TecnoBratsome say thats a good thing, some say I'm missing out :P
20:31.17Lunessacog|work: From back in the day.  When EQI launched.  I was an XML junkie over there, and a mod over at EQ Traders - so I was pretty invested in EQ.  Cairenn just remembers me from then. I r teh old lawl.  
20:31.17cog|workwow was my first mmo evar
20:33.14*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
20:34.30LunessaI'm scared to go look for any of my old work on EQI.  I bet the XML is pretty shoddy.
20:34.42zenzelezzI wonder why I keep playing MMOs... always end up losing touch with the good people and get bored when there's only dull people to talk to
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20:37.42LunessaThat's something I've noticed about MMO populations in general.  It's very easy to lose touch with folks, especially when you can move servers, or games entirely.
20:46.11cog|workI feel like such a sheep...
20:46.20cog|workI always end up "winning" on slashdot polls
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20:50.53Lunessawait... you can win on teh intarwebz?
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20:53.02zenzelezzI did notice that MMOs are a great way to meet girls... halfway around the world... who you end up scaring away in the end anyhow
20:57.15dreamsswho end up having male reproductive organs
20:57.50zenzelezzthere are limits to how long you can fake webcams and voice chats
20:59.15dreamssWARNING: device driver updates causing Vista to deactivate
21:00.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (n=nospam@
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21:11.21Cidandreamss: That's why I'm glad I moved away from Windows
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21:14.45dreamsswhen i read about the new drm system and how drivers can disable it, i rather stick to xp
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21:26.07CidanSo there is this website that you can get a free xbox, just sign up for the promos
21:26.12CidanI had heard about it, I know it's lefit
21:26.15Cidaner, legit
21:26.22Cidanso I picked the Discover card promo
21:26.24dreamssfree insertitem
21:26.35CidanSince I have like, 15 credit cards (all at 0 balance)
21:26.41Cidan'cause I like to collect them
21:26.50dreamssno fees?
21:26.51Cidantotally didn't expect to be approved
21:26.52Kasothat doesnt seem like the best idea in the world somehow
21:26.53Cidanno fees
21:27.10CidanNah, I worked as an account manager at a debt collection law firm for three years
21:27.22dreamssknow how to play credit?
21:27.23CidanI handled about 11 million dollars worth of assets
21:27.31CidanI don't play it, I'm honest about it.
21:27.43dreamssare u even trying to get ur score up
21:27.45CidanCredit cards won't "kill you" or whatever bullshit stories you hear.
21:27.51dreamssor just bored and like to show plastic to girls
21:27.53CidanMy score is up in the 800's or so
21:28.04CidanJust pay your damn bill and you're fine.
21:28.08CidanRead before you sign up, etc.
21:28.16dreamssunless u using 1 cc to pay the other cc bill
21:28.53CidanI don't even use em, I really just like to collect them
21:28.57CidanI even have a WoW card
21:28.58dreamsswhich is the american way
21:29.19CidanI think I have well over 100k in credit on cards alone at this point
21:29.47CidanNot a single loan, except student loans, are taken out right now though.
21:34.43*** join/#wowi-lounge fridgid (n=Fridgid@
21:36.10CidanCurious to see if this works
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21:44.03dreamssnice cidian
21:44.20dreamssglad too see some pople can work the credit system instead of paying more on fees
21:46.01CidanAgain, I don't... "work" the credit system.
21:46.06CidanI pay my bills, I'm never late.
21:46.16CidanI don't try to bullshit around fees.
21:46.32CidanIf I were to be late, it's my fault.  If I were to go over my credit limit, it's my fault.
21:46.50JoshBorkeCidan: have you had loans in the past?
21:48.44*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
21:51.40Cidanokay, that's two offers down and discover
21:51.47Cidan8 more to go...
21:52.07Cidan(doing all this on a credit card so if I get rogue charges, I can charge back)
21:52.53zenzelezzrogue Charge? That's so haxx
21:53.18CidanYeah well these companies will do that
21:53.21CidanJust have to watch out
21:53.28CidanI signed up for and their service
21:53.35Cidancalled them up just now to cancel
21:53.48Cidanhe was like, "Why would you like to cancel?"
21:53.50*** join/#wowi-lounge fridg (n=Fridgid@
21:53.56CidanI'm like, "Your software doesn't work on my OS."
21:54.00Cidan"Is it a Mac?"
21:54.03Cidan"Nope, Linux."
21:54.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Drool (
21:54.42zenzelezzI'm not sure what's worse, making a bad pun or making a bad pun that goes unnoticed
21:55.04JoshBorkezenzelezz: both
21:55.15pastamanceror intentionally unacknowledged ;)
21:55.30CidanI got it like, 2 seconds ago
21:55.33Cidanrogue charge...
21:55.38CidanThat would rock.
21:55.39zenzelezzthat doesn't happen pastamancer; this is IRC - if it fails it's your duty to mock the person
21:56.24*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
21:56.39zenzelezzfailure to comply will result in offensive action
21:56.51JoshBorke~lart zenzelezz
21:56.51purlhits zenzelezz with an anvil and laughs with a contralto voice ... Haha Ha HA Ha
21:56.57CidanOkay, that's 3, just signed up for an ITT info packet
21:57.14CidanMind you, I'm using my other address and phone number, both of which are about to be invalid soon.
21:57.43JoshBorkewhat are you doing cidan?
21:58.38Cidansign up for 10 offers, get an xbox
21:58.45Cidannot that I'll ever play the damn thing
21:58.53Cidanbut I've always wanted to know if these things were true
21:58.56zenzelezz1 or 360?
21:58.59CidanSo I figured eh, what the hell?
21:59.09Cidanprolly the core system too
21:59.17Cidanso no hdd, etc
21:59.43Cidanif it works, I'll let everyone know, :P
22:00.40CidanEver since that free ipod thing, I've always wanted to know if it was true
22:02.50*** join/#wowi-lounge tinyboom (
22:05.28dreamssits BS
22:05.44dreamssmsn gamer zone thing is the only one i seen give out free prices
22:05.56Cidanwe'll see
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22:17.31AnitoraI got a weird issue, or maybe not so weird with my mod's memory usage
22:17.53JoshBorkehow do i stop joining the LFG channel again?
22:18.08AnitoraIn perforancefu is lists my total memory usage at 30 MiB
22:18.27AnitoraJosh, you have to leave the looking for group ui panel
22:18.32mikmaJoshBorke: stop using LFG/LFM :)
22:18.45JoshBorkebut i don't care if it's there, i just don't want it messing with my channel listing
22:19.03AnitoraAnyways, yeah so im running at 30 MiB, but it lists my mods as using 17.2
22:19.15Anitorawhat is using that other 13?
22:19.19cog|workAnitora: the default UI
22:19.23Kaydeethreemagic and pixie dust
22:19.55Anitorawell its almost doubling my ui memory usage is that normal?
22:20.04cog|workit's not doubling your memory usage
22:20.13cog|workit's using up the amount of memory it uses...
22:20.26cog|workYou shouldn't be so worried
22:20.30Kaydeethreeand remember that wow is using several orders of magnitude more ram
22:20.36cog|workmemory usage does not performance diminish
22:20.41Anitoraeven if I disable all my mods except for fubar and performance fu it lists at around 7mib
22:21.06Valaron|Work30Mb is nothing
22:21.17cog|workAnitora: you shouldn't fret so much over memory usage
22:21.19Kaydeethreeunless you're not meeting minimum requirements of a gig of ram, the amount of memory that your UI is using is a fly on the horse's back
22:21.21Anitoratrue it's not, but im only 1/4 done reduing my mods
22:21.35Anitorabefore I could hit 100+ easy in a 25 man raid
22:21.46cog|workmemory usage is not an indication of performance
22:21.52AnitoraWhich is why i decided to redue my mods in hopes of lowering that number
22:22.11cog|worki don't think we're getting through to you
22:22.25AnitoraNo i understand that, but 100 mib is not high?
22:22.34cog|workthere is no "high"
22:22.36zenzelezznot unless you have 512 MB RAM
22:22.39ThraeWhen informed people talk about memory usage, they talk about the flucuation of memory usage -- how much your memory usage is increasing and decreasing per second over a period time. Depending on the amount, it can cause a good sized performance hit.
22:23.13ThraePeople tend to drop all the "over time" crap and thing they're talking about just total, which is wrong. Total memory usage was never really an issue.
22:23.20cog|workif you have 512 MB of ram, you have far worse problems to worry about than the UI
22:23.21AnitoraGotcha, so if im running 100 mib but my performance is fine then just roll with it?
22:23.38ThraeTotal memory usage can indicate a problem with a memory leak, like if you have 300MB of UI memory used up
22:23.39Anitoralol naw im at 4mb
22:24.34ThraeAnd if you have over 100MB of UI Memory used up, that means you probably have a lot of addons that are actually doing expensive things
22:25.13AnitoraOk question 2, when I installed fubar it was the first mod I installed and it started at about 600kb with a small increasing amount
22:25.15ThraeLike a "cool compliation which has full animated portraits and stuff"
22:25.26Anitoranaw i install my mods one at a time
22:25.41cog|workThere's always going to be some memory usage
22:25.45Anitorabut now that I have a few more mods it starts at around 4mb
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22:26.53ThraeAnitora: When an addon first loads up, the amount of memory it takes up and the amount it takes up per/second is going to be higher then, say, ~10 minutes after startup. This is due to the setup process for each individual addon, and/or their frameworks.
22:27.02Anitorawhat would you say the cutoff would be for you? in terms of the most you would allow a mod to have +increasing rate?
22:27.11cog|worki wouldn't
22:27.21ThraeAnitora: The values near startup are only important if you want to reduce load time.
22:27.22cog|workif it works and doesn't bog down the system it's fine
22:27.40zenzelezzyou can't just throw out random numbers, memory usage depends entirely on what the addon is doing
22:27.40CidanI dislike mods that have massive increasing rates at all times
22:27.43|Jelly|Load times are just bio/drink breaks imo.
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22:28.24Anitoraat 100MiB I was getting loading times of around 15 seconds
22:28.25Thraecog|work: Well, "bog down the system" can be very relative. When you're in a raid, you may need every tiny bit of processing power you can muster, so try to take out the most expensive addons that you can live without
22:28.48|Jelly|I can't say I buy that but I'm also not going to argue with you.
22:29.07ThraeMy laptop plays fine until I get to an area with a lot of unique units (city, raid, bg, etc.), so I don't put expensive addons on it that I would use on my desktop
22:29.29AnitoraSo basically the better your system the more mods it can handle without affecting performance in a noticable manner?
22:29.39cog|workThrae: that's almost certainly not related to addons
22:29.52ThraeAnitora: Well, it depends on how good the two systems you are comparing are
22:30.12AnitoraWell I have a core 2 duo, 4mb ram and a gefore 8800
22:30.14ThraeAnitora: Back in the day, addons used to take up a lot more resources overall then they do nowadays.
22:30.17cog|workthat's all video memory and HD transfers as it loads and displays textures for the units' armor, etc.
22:30.27ThraeAnitora: Yeah, you can run 1 billion addons and see nothing.
22:30.49Anitorawell the only issue I have is my framerates in raids drop to around 10-15 fps
22:31.08ThraeAnitora: With your computer, addons are definately NOT causing that
22:31.21AnitoraBut from what i understand here, my mods have no effect over framerate
22:31.48ThraeAnitora: They have effect over CPU time, and your computer has more then enough CPU resources
22:32.05cog|workAnitora: they will have an effect on framerate
22:32.47cog|workbut there is no cause and effect relationship between memory usage and CPU usage
22:32.47cog|workCPU usage is where addons will begin to affect framerates
22:33.25ThraeMy laptop is a 1.3GHz Pentium-M, 32MB On-Chip VRAM ATI Mobility 9000, 1GB RAM. It also gets about 10-15FPS in raids, and using too many expensive (in CPU time) addons can and will reduce that by a lot, since I'm already near the bottom threshold
22:34.13zenzelezzif you're having framerate issues in raids, try first lowering your graphics settings... more spells and fancy stuff going on there
22:34.13Anitorawow is just weird I suppose, im running around 30 fps here in shatt, yet in other games such as fps I can easly top 100fps without breaking a sweat, in wow I can only hope to see 100+ by lokking at a wall
22:34.13ThraeBy actually reducing the amount on my screen for UI, I do add a few FPS in severe circumsyanctes
22:34.22cog|workAnitora: WoW is extremely bus and video memory hungry
22:34.52zenzelezzAnitora: in cities WoW generally has a lot more unique models to render than the average FPS, thanks to armor and similar things
22:35.12ThraeAnitora: Most things in a game are pre-rendered to drastically improve speed. WoW can't do that because of all the different weapon, armour, etc. combinations, and leaving room for more.
22:35.33AnitoraMakes sense
22:36.00ThraeAnitora: So your GPU and CPU are taxxed to hell, then your network card taxes your CPU too, and this all goes under similiar buses too (all of it going at least under the same FSB)
22:36.00AnitoraIn a fps they know that a monster is about to pop out and allready have it rendered, in wow they have no clue if a druid is around the corner
22:36.37Kaydeethreefrom nasatv: "... and there was much rejoicing ..."
22:36.38ThraeAnitora: That's also part of it -- they can't pre-render the area around them using idle time
22:36.53ThraeAnitora: Well, they can't pre-render it for models
22:37.34AnitoraSo the advice I should heed..."Use as many mods as makes me happy" "during raids just disable ones I wont need" "lower my graphics settings during raids"
22:38.09cog|workpretty much...
22:38.26cog|workusually disabling mods isn't even necessary
22:38.29ThraeAnitora: For framerate reduction, it goes like this: Lower graphics settings, turn off audio, disable / tweak BIG mods, various tiny stuff, get better hardware
22:38.56ThraeAnitora: If you have stuff like Threat and/or Omen, Assessment, etc., that stuff takes HUGE chunks out of your processing time, if you compare it to all other addons
22:39.00cog|workAny addon that is not combat-related but still does enough processing during combat to affect framerate is worth replacing
22:39.20ThraeAnitora: Right, look at ones that do special stuff during combat
22:39.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
22:39.39AnitoraSCT, Omen, Swstats, ect...
22:39.53cog|workyeah... unfortunately some of the most performance-hungry mods are also on the "required" lists for most guilds :(
22:40.33ThraeAnitora: Blizzard usually gives pretty low-resource usage versions of existing addons. Blizzard's Floating Combat Text (also known as "FCT") can be used in place of SCT or MSBT, both of which give better looking results, but use up more resources.
22:40.33Anitorawould using a viewport to reduce the rendered area increase framerate?
22:41.07ThraeAnitora: Yes, drastically so as you get higher in percentage. You could put pieces of your UI in the blank spaces.
22:41.20AnitoraI use skinner which takes up the lower portion of my screen, suppose I could just render the screen to display above it
22:41.33Kasohitting alt-Z usually doubles your fps, its quite amusing
22:41.40*** part/#wowi-lounge Anitora (n=orbweave@
22:41.46ThraeAnitora: However, I'd also look at stuff like updating your computer's drivers.
22:41.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Anitora (n=orbweave@
22:41.58cog|workheh... looks like a ctrl-w instead of ctrl-v
22:42.00Anitoraoops lol =)
22:42.14Thraecog|work: dvorak?
22:42.16zenzelezzor he's using mIRC and tried Alt+Z
22:42.31Thraew and v are not near each other in qwerty :D
22:42.35Anitoradual monitors
22:42.41bleeterthey're both on the left hand!
22:42.46Anitoraforgot to click wow window before the alt z
22:43.02cog|workzenzelezz wins :P
22:43.03ThraeAnyway, time to go upgrade my raid
22:43.47AnitoraHas anyone used healbot before?
22:44.04zenzelezzback in the day people would occasionally say "hey, I just found out what alt+z does!" to see how many people tried it... mIRC at least closes the current window if you do, not sure about other clients
22:44.42zenzelezza bit like in Anarchy Online before they added the suicide confirmation dialog... "/shout how do you kill yourself?" -> watch people forget to think before typing /terminate
22:46.08Anitoralol reminds me of a guy in asherons call, when you died it would say "<Monstername> beat <playername> to a bloody pulp"
22:46.14Kaydeethreeoh, that's just evil
22:46.16Anitoraso this guy names himself His Meat
22:47.28AnitoraNe1 know a good viewport mod that isnt part of a pack, just a standalone viewport mod?
22:47.47KaydeethreeCT_Viewport can be run on its own
22:47.50Saint-Nirc questions: How do i....?  irc answers: alt-f4, format c: /q, rm -rf /
22:51.18bleeter~fail me
22:51.19purlbleeter: Fail.
22:51.54Saint-Nhow do you like your coffee? Crisp... get it? i like my Coffee Crisp...
22:52.57Kaydeethreegah. each time they show a replay of the SRBs detaching from the orbiter my heart skips a beat
23:13.55KasoAnyone know about the echo protocol on port 7
23:14.04Kasowhy isnt it working for my UDP packets
23:17.06Finbecause it's not enabled for UDP?
23:17.23AnitoraWhat damage meter would u say is prob the best?
23:17.36AnitoraIve been using swstats
23:22.11JoshBorke<3 Recount
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23:25.22KasoFin, the RFC says it should work for UDP
23:25.47MentalPower|AFKKaso: I *think* the echo protocol is TCP-only. Oh... hmm... implementation fault?
23:26.19KasoI guess it must just be that windows implements it only for TCP
23:26.19zenzelezzsure they have an echo server running ?
23:26.42KasoIm just testing with standard windows pc, they echo fine for TCP connections.
23:27.05Kasoseems odd that microsoft would only implement half off it, but hey guess that's it
23:27.22ShirikMentalPower|AFK: SIGIMP?
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23:59.03FinKaso: sure, I'm saying, TCP echo is enabled, is UDP?
23:59.19Finand, oh, you're talking about a Windwos machine

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