IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071022

00:07.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
00:08.08*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
00:11.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (
00:11.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
00:14.53JoshBorkethat makes me sad
00:23.10*** part/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
00:23.31*** join/#wowi-lounge fridg (n=Fridgid@
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00:29.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (n=BuM@
00:32.54*** join/#wowi-lounge ar4 (
00:44.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
00:45.07art3misinvader zim makes you sad?
00:49.36*** part/#wowi-lounge ar4 (
01:05.00Intangirhas anyone tried bongos on the test realm?
01:05.03Intangirits doing alot of weird shit
01:05.08Intangiri use a skill, and half my bars disappear
01:05.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Soulless (n=Fridgid@
01:05.13Intangirand ALL my hotkeys stop working
01:05.17Intangirand i cant get the bars back
01:05.22Intangirand i cant get the keys working
01:05.28Intangiri reload, and it works again..
01:06.37*** join/#wowi-lounge fridg (n=Fridgid@
01:07.12*** join/#wowi-lounge fridgid (n=Fridgid@
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01:09.57Kaydeethreeactionbars are pretty much broken on the ptr this build
01:10.03Kaydeethreedoesn't matter what you're using
01:10.05AnduinLotharhow os?
01:11.27Kaydeethreedruids are just boned, any shapeshifting drops both the shapeshift bar and removes the serverside info for whatever's on bar6, warriors are similar if they shift around a lot, rogues and spriests too
01:11.54Kaydeethreemages are ok. that's about it
01:12.02*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|DVD (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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01:12.09AnduinLotharuh, what?
01:12.16sysragesince when do mages have bars like that? all we have is pet bars
01:12.40Kaydeethrees/drops/hides or removes or something to that effect/
01:12.50Kaydeethreesys; we don't, so we're not affected
01:15.23*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|DVD (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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01:22.33*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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01:38.13*** join/#wowi-lounge fridg (n=Fridgid@
01:51.04Shirik|EcoleI'm so used to Vista that I was installing a program on XP and was surprised when the UAC box didn't pop up
01:51.51MentalPowerhehe, same here
02:04.48*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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02:07.56Shirik|Ecolewtf is zim already
02:11.03*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|Gone (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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02:13.33CidanTransformers does rock
02:18.40CidanDoes anyone here use OpenDNS?
02:18.44Cidanit's crawwwlliingg
02:23.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (
02:30.35Shirik|Ghostnot going to see Transformers for a while
02:30.53Shirik|Ecolewrong name ghosted >.>
02:30.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
02:30.57*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
02:34.23CidanWhy Shirik ?
02:34.38CidanIt's actually really really good, I was surprised.
02:35.26mikmasome people like it, others hate it :D
02:36.06CidanI thought it was amazing
02:36.18CidanAnd I really really hate modern movies
02:36.24mikmasame, i have never seen anything about transformers before the movie
02:39.14JoshBorkeCidan: i use opendns
02:39.22Cidanmikma: You poor poor soul, :P
02:39.43CidanJoshBorke: I had to route around it
02:39.51Cidanit was taking 10-15 sec for a resolve
02:40.12mikmaCidan: yeah, poor me :/
02:40.45mikmaoh, i heard about the movie being mentioned in Clerks 2 ;)
02:40.50mikmathat's about it haha
02:41.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Cowgra (
02:48.13ShirikCidan: so do i
02:49.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
02:49.06*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
02:54.34Cairennhey Iriel
02:54.48Cairenn(even if it was 6 mins ago)
02:57.42JoshBorkehola iriel
02:59.17*** join/#wowi-lounge fridg (n=Fridgid@
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03:02.25Tierriei just recorded iron chef for the first time
03:02.30Tierrieand it is ridiculously awesome
03:04.36*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
03:09.38*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
03:12.37*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
03:22.27*** part/#wowi-lounge Cowgra (
03:26.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
03:38.00Tierriei get too excited by iron chef
03:44.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
03:52.52Thunder_Childno kidding
03:59.08cogwheelI've got it recording
04:00.05cogwheelwish the fricking satellite people came when they said they would... i'd be recording it in HD right now...
04:00.27cogwheelBut "due to a national shortage of HD DVRs..."
04:00.42CidanDN or DTV cogwheel?
04:01.07CidanI used to work for DN
04:01.15cogwheelmy in-laws have dish
04:01.52cogwheelDTV had a package that suited us better.
04:02.20CidanI prefer DN, cheaper
04:02.33Cidanand has all the chans I need in their top 100 package
04:02.40CidanSciFi, food, history
04:03.15CidanI wish congress would enact a law allowing us a la carte
04:03.33Cidan'cause really, I only want like 4 chans.
04:03.40cogwheelI wish people wished for fewer laws
04:04.23CidanI think a lack of regulation is a bunch of bullshit sometimes
04:04.32Cidanin particular when "capitalism" is abused
04:04.36cogwheelit's not in spite of laws that cable & satellite companies have a stranglehold, it's because of them...
04:04.46cogwheelFranchise laws for cable in particular
04:05.10CidanOh really?  This I need to hear, please, tell me how the laws preventing monopolies and strangleholds cause this.
04:05.48cogwheelIt's got nothing to do with laws preventing monopolies... it's laws /granting/ monopolies... The only reason I have to suffer through comcast is because of decree of the county supervisors
04:06.17CidanI would love to see a law that grants monopolies
04:06.29cogwheelthat's exactly what franchise laws are
04:06.37cogwheelIt's the same with garbage service
04:07.10cogwheelI worked for a city government recently. They snickered about fining a guy for picking up an old couple's garbage and taking it to the dump
04:07.10CidanShow me, show me where it says only comcast can operate.
04:07.24CidanIn an abstract sense.
04:07.38cogwheelI just gave you two examples...
04:07.49CidanOr show me where it says someone can't establish a business to compete with garbage collection -- that is licensed.
04:07.56CidanNo, you gave me word of mouth, not a law.
04:08.07cogwheeli just told you...
04:08.13CidanI'll even settle for an appeal case.
04:08.25Mr_Rabies2there are some allowed monopolies but it's almost always for utilities
04:08.29Mr_Rabies2i.e. power, water, etc
04:08.38Mr_Rabies2stuff that makes sense
04:08.49CidanMr_Rabies2: Agreed, but they are not exclusive monopolies, that is, they don't _disallow_ others.
04:08.53cogwheelIn the city of petaluma, CA, because of their agreement with the waste company, it is illegal for anyone to transport garbage for other people
04:08.56Mr_Rabies2having no monopolies on power is a very bad idea
04:09.00cogwheelCidan: that is incorrect
04:09.06Mr_Rabies2Cidan, power and water are exclusive monopolies
04:09.12cogwheelThey are very much exclusive
04:09.18Mr_Rabies2like, government allowed/controlled
04:09.35kandokoLook it up, That's what a FRANCHISE means, you have sole right to operate in that county/disctrict/whatever
04:10.54Mr_Rabies2however in a lot of cases the government allowed monopolies that are allowed are fine
04:11.57cogwheelgoogle cable franchise laws
04:14.15cogwheelIMO, the local government should buy out the infrastructure and allow various operators to connect to it
04:14.44cogwheelperhaps allocate bandwidth ranges
04:15.16CidanHmph, I was wrong.  I apologize.
04:15.26cogwheelhappens to the best of us :)
04:15.56cogwheelit does seem a bit unbelievable if you ask me...
04:16.26cogwheelbut yeah... adding a new layer of regulations when it's regulations that cause the problem seems silly...
04:16.56CidanI still don't believe it, tbh.  I have a feeling there is something we're missing.  You're telling me I can't operate a lawful and licensed business because of a law stating that there will be an exclusive monopoly?
04:17.30cogwheelyou'll be fined and probably get a cease anddesist order
04:17.46cogwheelswitch the clause that gets the "probably"
04:17.52CidanI imagine that if it were taken to the SCOTUS it would be... an interesting fight.  Is it the right of the state to make such laws?  Or does SCOTUS state those laws violate FCC rules?
04:18.24kandokoLocal, state  Not a fed issue
04:18.35CidanI'm talking appeals.
04:18.42kandokoThey have 0 jurisdiction in these matters
04:18.43CidanWhich is where things go.
04:18.47CidanThey do on appeal.
04:19.10cogwheelsomeone would have to sue the locality itself...
04:19.46CidanYep, huh.
04:19.55cogwheelit would take an awful lot of motivation to justify suing a government agency
04:20.01kandokoOr do like t&t just get the state to pass a law that bypasses local franchises and make it far far far cheaper(IE cherry picking) there uverse rollout
04:20.05CidanYou'd start with the county
04:20.32CidanYeah but that goes back to cogwheel and what he said (which is quite a valid point)
04:20.42CidanFighting laws with more laws is crap;.
04:20.45kandokoI believe its been done, Cidan, and its almost always a failure
04:21.20CidanI doubt it has gone to SCOTUS, and any state appeals court will obviously remand down to the lower court
04:21.49cogwheelI suppose a voter initiative could work...
04:21.56cogwheelbut it would still take a pretty hefty campaign
04:22.15CidanIn smaller towns it should be easy
04:22.21Cidanie: Where I used to live, Blacksburg
04:22.26art3mishey quick question
04:22.50cogwheel^ quick answer
04:22.56art3misif i do a bunch of changes and location/scale/size changes to addons i really only need to supply the WTF fodler for those settings to carry over right?
04:23.04art3misnothing gets written in the addon folder?
04:23.22Cidannothing gets written in the addon folder
04:23.41art3miskk, figure that as i'm mucking with ui "themes" itll prolly be easier to just have one standard and then "theme" packs
04:23.58art3misa lot smaller
04:24.23art3misand someone needs to kick shirik for not knowing who zim is
04:25.24Cairennand thus you upload them as "plugins" to the main mod, instead of full release for each and everyone one
04:25.36Cairennat least, on WoWI
04:26.11Cidanoh wow
04:26.16Cidanhe doesn't know who zim is?
04:26.22cogwheelI remember one time when i was a noob, i booted someone from the group because I was trying to "kick" them...
04:27.33art3mis<Shirik|Ecole> wtf is zim already
04:27.33art3misafter i posted
04:27.48Cidanoh man
04:27.53Cidanthat's fsckin' awesome
04:27.57art3miscairenn: nods thats the point i realized after i upped winnie that it's mostly the same just diff graphics n layout
04:28.29Cidanart3mis: Yar, that's the best way.  It's how I have Conspiracy setup with themes
04:29.02Cidanspeaking of, anyone know a good lua editor in linux?
04:29.06art3misso all i'll need to include in the pack is eepanels2, cycircled, and the WTF.
04:29.07Cidanwith syntax highlighting
04:29.09CidanNOT vim
04:29.22art3misnotepad2 scite
04:29.23Cidanwhy would you include the wtf?
04:29.33art3misthats where the layout locations and settings is
04:29.43Cidanmake it dynamic
04:29.44Cidanin the lua
04:29.57Cidanso you can change it on the fly
04:30.05art3mishow? you're forgetting that im not good at lua
04:30.06Cidanwithout having to reloadui/log/etc
04:30.21art3misthat would be awesome though
04:30.59art3miscode that up for me ;P
04:31.01Cidanyou'd have to hack up eePan and see how it makes windows, then call the right functions, it'd be a bit of work.
04:31.44art3misthat would make my life sooo much easier
04:31.51art3misand be just friggin awesome
04:32.04Cidanoh sweet, sciTE is on linux
04:32.18Cidanwrite a theme engine, imo
04:32.29Thunder_ChildCidan, it's like watching a child play catch-up
04:33.00art3miscycircled would  be a decent start
04:33.05art3mismaybe i'll work on that
04:33.18CidanI'm going to rewrite my entire theme engine right now actually
04:33.22Cidanjust got a better idea for it
04:34.07art3misoh hey
04:34.15art3misya know how lightheaded does that slide out
04:34.39art3misis that actually a functional "storage" for action buttons?
04:35.47Cidanno clue, never used it
04:39.52art3misokay so where should i start?
04:40.24art3misstart by making a window mover and picture changer?
04:40.38art3miswould that be the easiest thing to "try?
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04:47.58Cidanbut it's tricky
04:48.11Cidanbecause you want eePan to know that you moved the frames
04:48.17Cidanyou don't just want to move stuff around
04:48.35Cidanso if possible, you need to do it "through" eePan, use eePan as an API of sorts.
04:48.48Cidanabstract it, too, so if eePan changes, you only have to change a few calls
04:49.51art3misself:CreateFrame(panel,index) so as an exmaple for this
04:50.17art3misi'd wanna call eePanels2:CreateFrame(blerg,4)
04:51.22Cidandepends what self: is
04:51.28art3miswhat im thinking that i cn have a table that just stores the values for each theme, then when it "switches" in theme manager it merely passes the values into the externals
04:51.32Cidannot sure about eePan layout
04:51.52Cidanto external functions? yes, that's a good way
04:52.11Cidaneither way, you need to abstract that, make a "wrapper" around the external functions, ie: API.lua
04:52.14art3misso it's just the coordinator and doesnt actually do anything other than tell things where to go
04:52.43Cidanand there you have Theme.NewEEFrame(arg, arg2) EEPanNewFrame(arg, arg2); end
04:53.02Cidanwrap around the functions from the externals
04:53.12art3misi suppose i could check how cycircled does it too
04:53.14Cidanso if eePan changes in the future, you only have to change functions in *one* file
04:53.17Cidanand *one* place
04:54.01CidanThat's what I'm working on in Conspiracy, all WoW API functions will only be in a single file, anything WoW specific at all
04:54.17Cidanthis way, I can do something like Conspiracy.APISet("Lord of the Rings Online"); ...
04:54.42art3misthe theory makes sense
04:55.13art3misbut while i can debug and modify i can't start programs ;P
04:55.44art3mislocal dewdrop= AceLibrary:HasInstance("Dewdrop-2.0") and AceLibrary("Dewdrop-2.0")
04:55.57art3misi'd need that in mine for each program?
04:56.08art3mislike for cycircled eepanels etc?
04:56.50CidanI'd imagine so, you'd need to make sure the files are loaded
04:56.59Cidanwhich you can do at the start of the theme engine, on load or whatever
04:57.04Cidanor defered load
05:01.10Cidandeferred even
05:12.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
05:13.09art3mis bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
05:14.01purl[pil] Programming in Lua, a book written by the authors of the Lua programming language.  The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0.  The second edition is available in print from most online bookstores, and covers Lua 5.1.
05:29.19Bejittart3mis: omg awesome guide, going to try it nows~
05:29.40art3misbejitt: hehe aint it though?
05:38.24*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
05:41.11Thunder_Childhmm..they need to make some pornos in a music video format
05:44.14art3mismeh i dont even know where to start for this
05:44.42Thunder_Childnot quite the same
05:45.08Cairennyeah, you find less bare skin and sex in a porno
05:45.29art3misif ya like disco all pornos fit yer "want"
05:46.13Thunder_Childnot a porno where they play music, i mean a music video that is porno esq right
05:46.27art3misClsoer by nin is pretty good ;P
05:46.41art3misesque ;P
05:46.49Thunder_Childya that
05:46.59art3misporno lawyer!
05:47.14Cairennwe understood what you meant Thunder_Child, stop trying to explain yourself, you're just making it worse :p
05:47.23art3misokay so
05:47.40Thunder_Childit's getting worse how?
05:47.40art3misa wrapper in lua is just sorta aliasing?
05:47.52art3misin that newcommand oldcommang end?
05:51.54CairennI was actually just getting a link for you, since your "okay, so" reminded me of it
05:52.11Cairennwhy would I be upset with you? did you break up with me when I wasn't listening or something?
05:54.45WobworkRammstein never fails to deliver =P
05:55.03Thunder_Childdeliver many male bodies....
05:55.08Wobworkwell you wanted porn
05:55.14WobworkYou never specified what -sort- of porn
05:55.21Thunder_Child~lart Wobwork
05:55.21purltakes a large goose feather pillow and swings it wildly in Wobwork's direction, hitting Wobwork and sending Wobwork flying into the closet
05:55.29Wobworkironic =)
05:55.50art3misat least its not that on stage video of him ass raping that guy ;P
05:55.53Wobworkwell aside from that one, there's the Snow White Rammstein one
05:56.01Wobworkwhich isn't porn
05:56.04Wobworkbut just disturbing
05:56.30art3misi have a feeling that a themer is so incredibly over my head
06:03.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
06:04.54|Jelly|[00:56]<art3mis>i have a feeling that a themer is so incredibly over my head <-- Do I even want to know?
06:05.35art3misi upped the winnie the pooh ui
06:05.53|Jelly|Do you have a link handy? (Don't go find one if you don't)
06:05.53art3misand after it occurred to me that its all the same addons i uise everytime
06:06.28art3misand im only really changing the layout colours and graphics
06:06.29|Jelly|lewl too..
06:06.48art3misthat all i need to do is upload eepanels cycircled and the WTF folder
06:07.04|Jelly|So you were wanting to make a themer so that you could, in essence have all of the UIs in one package with like a drop down to choose?
06:07.16art3miscidan suggested a themer that would wrap all the nessessary functions
06:07.35|Jelly|Sounds like a really neat idea.
06:07.50art3misive never made an addon and hooking all that stuff seems to be beyond my ability
06:07.53Thunder_Child~whalenuke |Jelly|
06:07.53purlACTION dons his radiation cloak and tinted glasses while a highly intelligent whale named Ray precipitates critical mass for uncontrolled nuclear fission around |Jelly| with his mind powers
06:08.15bleeterweird requests in RP /trade that I've seen 'LF druids with flight form to recreate scene from The Birds'
06:08.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
06:08.25|Jelly|Gah. I fail so hard.
06:09.13art3misi mean "in theory" all i'd need to do is create one table to store MY themes, then alias all the functions in the other things so that it reads from my theme DB pipes em through to the proper programs that then sets colours and moves what it needs to
06:09.47|Jelly|Communism works theory too. :P
06:09.54art3misit sounds so simple
06:10.06art3misbut im obviously missing something otherwise it would already be made
06:10.23|Jelly|Well, can Cidan give you and ideas? :P
06:10.34art3mishe could make it
06:10.42art3misbut hes doing is lotro thing
06:10.54|Jelly|In essence, you're wanting a Mazzifier for your UIs?
06:10.58bleetereven more reason to bug him
06:11.08|Jelly|I agree, bleeter.
06:11.30art3misim thinking less on button settings and such so much as layout stuff
06:11.42art3misin a dynamic way so you can swap as you go without a relod
06:11.54Mike-N-Gockknight: I'
06:12.00Mike-N-GoMiss tell.
06:12.07|Jelly|That'd probably have a pretty big memory footprint though. (For those that QQ about that sort of thing)
06:12.13Wobworkyou want people to have art3magasms?
06:12.29Mike-N-GoI'm a ele LW of skill 375 and hunter, how do I respec to dragonscale?
06:12.31art3misWobwork: consider what "themes" i make hari kari is more approrpirate ;P
06:12.32|Jelly|I'm having one right now.
06:13.04art3mis <-- next theme
06:13.41WobworkMike-N-Go: If you were already specced, droped and now looking for another just skill up LW to 225, go Tanaris [ 65,20 ] and read the book on the table i one of houses. You can choose from all three specs, without any boring quest.
06:13.45Wobworkc/p from thott
06:14.18Wobworknear steamwheedle apparently
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06:14.38Wobworkart3mis: somewhat tamer than your usual =P
06:14.57art3misone i just did ;P
06:15.21Wobworkhow can you even -see- those buttons?
06:15.38art3misya knopw whats awesome?
06:15.45art3misthat background is hardcoded that colour ;P
06:15.55CairennWobwork: ?
06:16.08Thunder_Childi was thinking of an addon that could take "snapshots" of your UI layout and bind each snapshot to a button/key and instantly change them. eg. have a diff setup for raids/solo/party/etc.
06:16.09WobworkCairenn: that was an answer to a question =P
06:16.09art3misand ive played my priest for so long i know what the icons looks like
06:16.31art3misTC: you can actually accomplish that with eepanels scripting
06:16.42art3mistrigger it on events
06:16.45Thunder_Childbut not for every addon
06:16.51Thunder_Childby default
06:17.18art3misbut essentially thats what the "themer" could do
06:17.36art3misim thinking a bit more base for right now though
06:17.40Thunder_Childthats for looks, this would be for postion as well
06:17.50art3misposition is a big part of looks ;P
06:18.05art3misbar placement panel placement etc
06:18.51Thunder_Childwoot ding
06:19.24art3misthe oen thing that would make it different than a mazzlefire is that its dynamic
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06:22.14Thunder_Childart3mis, why not just recreate skinner using your UI's
06:23.05art3misskinner is kind of crap
06:23.23art3misdoesnt do anything even remotely close to eepanels2
06:23.54Mike-N-GoWobwork: Your saying that I have to abandon LW, level it up, again to select a new tree?
06:24.03Thunder_Childbut it does do what it sounds like you want...install your package and 1-click between all the diff styles
06:25.56WobworkMike-N-Go: no
06:26.34Wobworkyou can drop elemental separately from lw
06:26.38Wobworkcan't you?
06:26.43art3misexcept for a could of key flaws.. it changes the "texture" on fixed things, doesnt handle images, doesnt handle placement.
06:27.17art3misall it really does is change/remove the graphics from blizz frames and create flat or graiant single colour boxes
06:27.25art3miscould == couple
06:27.47art3misi'd almost have an easier time just hacking up eepenals to support custom layouts
06:28.03Mike-N-GoSo I should seek out the ele LW?
06:28.19Thunder_Childdoes eepannels support editing of default frames?
06:28.22art3misyou can drop yer specialized
06:28.33art3misand take over as though you never learned it in the first palce
06:28.40art3misTC: nope
06:28.49art3miswell not really
06:29.08Thunder_Childwell a little hacking of skinner and i suppose it could....easier than hacking ee maybe
06:29.09art3misyou can make a panel OVER it and skin it that way, but if it moves yer sol
06:29.22Thunder_Childcant script it to attach itself?
06:29.29art3misskinner doesnt/cant handle tga images
06:29.43Thunder_Childyes, hance i said "hacking"
06:30.05art3misthats sorta why i wanted/was thinking of something seperate
06:30.14art3misso that i wouldnt need to hack the original addons
06:30.25art3misi could essentially just hook what i need and treat them like libs
06:30.56art3mistc: havent played with the scripting enough to test if it can do that
06:31.00Thunder_Childalthough i;m surprised that ee wont let you attach a transpernt click through pannel about a default one
06:31.10art3misit prolly can
06:31.19art3misi havent really checked
06:31.24|Jelly|I just got a spam...text message...
06:41.32*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
06:41.32*** topic/#wowi-lounge is #wowi-lounge #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.2.x ToC: 20200 | RTFPN please | WoWI Mod Uploader!| "woot, manager isn't here today" - Kadrahil
06:41.45ckknightart3mis: you might run into issues without a reloadui, but in some cases it could work just fine.
06:42.23art3misokay so the idea is sound enough
06:42.41art3misbut is my really abse theory on how it would be coded that simple?
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06:43.32art3misessentially a db that has all the needed vars to pass to the other programs.. a bunch of local newcreate(thing1, thing2)  origthing(blah1, blah2) end
06:43.33ckknightI don't think it'd be simple
06:43.46art3misand a litle drop down selector menu
06:43.48ckknightand it is, in this development environment we live in, going to be a total hack
06:44.00art3mishow so?
06:44.12ckknightmaintainability seems like a funky issue from what you've told me
06:44.23art3miswe'll ignore libs
06:44.26ckknightI dunno, though, maybe you know a better way to do it than what I'm thinking
06:44.43ckknightI hate wow's coding environment, it's horrid *shudder*
06:44.47art3missince inreality it would be nothing more thana  front end so to speak
06:44.59ckknightmy current project isn't lua-based, it's made me pine for something better for WoW
06:45.13art3misif anything in the assopciated addons changes i just need to edit the function call in mine and add any vars needed
06:45.53ckknightyea, that's doable, just a pain from what I see
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06:49.28Cairennokay, time for this chickie to go get some sleep since it's almost 3am - night guys
06:49.40Thunder_Childnight Cairenn|afk
06:49.47art3mislates chickie
06:50.01Thunder_Childthats an image that doesnt fit
06:50.56Thunder_Childchickie and Cairenn
06:51.06art3misis there a sorta teach yourself lua in 24 days?
06:51.42krkaif it takes 24 days to learn the fundamentals of lua, you're really really slow
06:51.54art3misor "opver the weekend"
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06:58.46Cidancheck this out
06:59.50Wobworka bit old =P
07:00.06Wobworkbut it also makes no sense
07:00.08Thunder_Childya, plus, thats how i usualy write
07:00.11Wobworkcause if we read the word as a whole
07:00.16Wobworkwe wouldn't be able to read that
07:00.19Thunder_Childi do
07:00.41Thunder_Childi can read it almost as fast as i do noramly
07:00.50WobworkIt's that we read the letters separately
07:00.57Wobworkwe have to, in order to interpret that
07:01.13Wobworkotherwise we won't know what to descramble the letters into what word
07:01.25Mr_Rabies2that's kind of older than the internet cidan :p
07:01.32WobworkMr_Rabies is right =P
07:01.59Thunder_Childso is art3mis, but dont tell him that
07:02.10ckknightugh, Cidan, that's a hoax. You read slower as it gets more scrambled. Actual tests have been done on this, there's many blog posts on this, a predominant one on Microsoft's font blog.
07:02.34Cairenn|afkbut as each new generation discovers it, it is, in fact, new - because it is new to them
07:02.42Wobworkwell it's not saying you read slower
07:02.53ckknightyes, we can read it, but it takes more time to comprehend it
07:02.57Wobworkit's just saying you won't have too much problem raeding it
07:03.10Thunder_Child"(23:49:31) (@Cairenn) okay, time for this chickie to go get some sleep since it's almost 3am - night guys"
07:03.30Thunder_Childthat was all of 30 min :p
07:03.32Cairenn|afkhush you
07:03.47Cairenn|afk10!, not 30!
07:03.47Mr_Rabies2i ocne fgohut a gilzrzy baer in uamenrd cbmaot and won
07:04.09Thunder_Childgratz Mr_Rabies2
07:04.11WobworkMr_Rabies: it took you a long time to type that, didn't it?
07:04.20MalgayneWell, the brain DOES read words as a whole rather than individual letters
07:04.20Mr_Rabies2quite a while
07:04.30WobworkBut it takes the letters into account
07:04.41Wobworkif it can't match it immediately to a known word
07:04.46Wobworkit'll try and figure from context
07:04.59Wobworkand then from descrambling into the most 'likely' one closest to it
07:05.08MalgayneI think the linked image actually has words which are intentionally picked to be easy to pick up
07:05.21Wobworkso an average length word can be typoed 'wrod'
07:05.26Wobworkand is close enough to be recognised
07:05.33Malgayne"uamenrd cbmaot" was really difficult for me to read
07:05.50Wobworkwithout context you'd not know what that word is
07:06.03MalgayneIt's "important"
07:06.10MalgayneBut in your defense, I didn't get it immediately.  :)
07:06.14Wobworksee? =)
07:06.42art3misi did
07:06.50art3misi blame being on IRC for too long
07:06.52Mr_Rabies2Antidisestablishmentarianism Astlisishnmbeisnatetiariadnm
07:07.02Mr_Rabies2okay i'm done
07:07.08Mr_Rabies2but big words are nigh impossible to read like that
07:07.17Mr_Rabies2MYTH BUSTED
07:07.25art3misit's actually a strick where its the first 2 letters and the last 2 on big words
07:07.45Mr_Rabies2i said MYTH BUSTED
07:08.29Mr_Rabies2speaking of mythbusters, they're covering the Plane on a Treadmill myth in december
07:08.59ckknightMr_Rabies2: the issue is that it's more than just letter positionings, we read based on the "shape" of a word, although letters like "c" and "o" have the same shape (roughly), "d" and "p" are opposite, and if scrambled in a word, we'd read it entirely differently
07:09.29art3misplane on a treadmill?
07:09.56Wobworkhehe typoglycemia
07:10.02Mr_Rabies2yes Arcaia
07:10.07Cairenn|afklol Wobwork
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07:10.15Mr_Rabies2the myth goes
07:10.23art3miswhats the plane on a treadmill myth?
07:10.26Mr_Rabies2if a plane is on a treadmill
07:10.54Mr_Rabies2and the treadmill is moving equally fast to the thrust created by the engines, will it take off?
07:11.04Mr_Rabies2it may with certain types of planes, i.e. the super light ones with a jet engine strapped to it
07:11.08Mr_Rabies2but not much else
07:11.10Wobworkif there's no air resistance from the plane moving forward...
07:11.18Wobworkthere's no lift
07:11.24Thunder_Childraiendg ousbte scteeenns is duliiffct for tohse with leessr igticeellenns
07:12.20Mr_Rabies2right, except for the pure force created by an extremely powerful jet engine, perhaps, Wobwork
07:12.24ckknightA dootcr has aimttded the magltheuansr of a tageene ceacnr pintaet who deid aetfr a hatospil durg blendur
07:12.26Mr_Rabies2and a light frame
07:12.32art3mis+4@+5 |1/<3 +y?1|\|g +415 \/\/@y
07:12.34ckknightthat's horribly hard to read
07:12.35Thunder_Childthat was surprisingly fun to type
07:12.42Mr_Rabies2but otherwise , absolutely no way
07:12.54Mr_Rabies2magltheuansr sounds like a raid boss
07:12.58ckknight <--- bust said myth
07:13.08ckknightMr_Rabies2: manslaughter
07:13.18Mr_Rabies2i know
07:13.20AnduinLotharthe plane's engines would definitely create more thrust than any friction of the tires on the treadmill...
07:13.20Mr_Rabies2but spelled like that
07:13.23Mr_Rabies2sounds like a raid boss
07:13.36Mr_Rabies2throw in some apostrophes
07:14.05ckknightI'd say magl'theu'ansr
07:14.06ckknightmakes more sense
07:14.50Mr_Rabies2AnduinLothar, the situation is the treadmill being able to move fast enough to mitigate the force from friction and offbalance it properly
07:15.15WobworkIt's more of a hypothetical situation
07:15.22Mr_Rabies2yeah, than a realistic one
07:15.26Wobworkin which you place the plane in a sitation where it gains no forward movement
07:15.31AnduinLotharright, but i'm saying the plane's wheel pegs are not designed to take that force
07:15.40Mr_Rabies2they'd snap and kill the pilot
07:15.42Mr_Rabies2i'm sure
07:15.45Mr_Rabies2they're pretty puny
07:16.09AnduinLotharthey aren't even designed to take the force of breaking alone, that's why you have breaking flaps
07:16.41Mr_Rabies2and even if you could
07:16.50WobworkWhy would you? =P
07:16.51CidanDONT TAZE ME BRO
07:16.57Mr_Rabies2the engine would absolutely overheat and burn up before you could do anything
07:17.04art3mis4) Clive Tooth has found what may be most ambiguous jumbled sentence (using words like "salt" which becomes "slat" when transposed)
07:17.04art3mis"The sprehas had ponits and patles"
07:17.08art3misthats awesome
07:17.55Mr_Rabies2unless it was watercooled but most are aircooled if i recall
07:18.15Mr_Rabies2and if the engine's not moving, it's not going to have much air flowing through it, not enough to cool it down at least
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07:18.44art3miswithout forward momentum and the jets being parallel to the ground you wouldnt be able to take off
07:18.57art3misif that wasnt true they would NEVER be able to test engines
07:19.08art3miscuz they'd spark up and fly around crazy
07:19.10Wobworkthe seraphs had points and petals?
07:19.45Mr_Rabies2or plates
07:20.14Wobworkoh man
07:20.16Wobworkhome time
07:21.20art3misis there a sandbox of sorts for wow?
07:21.47art3misso that i can either login and write code to test and have it run and display or an out of wow type interface that would behave correctly with "addons" loaded
07:23.16ckknightnothing all that adequate, art3mis. There was wowbench, but it's outdated, afaik. That's a major issue I have with wow's coding environment
07:23.51Mr_Rabies2other than a private server and that's not exactly optimal either
07:24.10Wobworkunfortuately unless blizzard gives us something, it's a little too complex an environment for us to fake it effectively
07:25.38bleeterwhat annoys me is that you'll get disco'd from a server, and there's not a word about why :/
07:25.57art3misthats because disco is dead ;P
07:26.27bleeteralso, their lost network detection can be a PITA too
07:26.45art3misso what about ingame?
07:27.01art3misdidnt josh make an ingame lua notpade thingy that could run scripts?
07:27.15ckknightyea, there's a few things like that
07:27.41art3misim just mainly looking at a way to test stuff without the constant reloads/reboots
07:29.15art3misyou've used it?
07:29.28AnduinLotharyes, tho not recently
07:29.39art3misdoes it follow normal addon rules?
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07:29.48art3mislike hooking/wrapping other loaded addons and such?
07:29.50AnduinLotharwhat are normal addon rules
07:30.07art3miserr like being able to
07:30.16art3misor is it just a purist lua type thingy
07:30.19AnduinLotharit's just a text pad that you can execute code from
07:30.27art3misyes but i mean limitations
07:30.43art3misie. if i wanna local a lib, will it work right
07:30.48AnduinLotharand there's a plugin you can get lua color codign and indenting
07:30.59AnduinLotharwhat do you mean local lib
07:31.00hasteart3mis: it executes what you write, so yes
07:31.20art3misahh thats the one i couldnt remember thanks haste
07:34.08AnduinLotharor clads is more command line
07:34.22AnduinLotharand you should grab
07:38.50art3miswelp bed time night kids
07:39.13Gngsknight dad
07:41.05art3mis  <-- parting awesomeness
07:46.56the-golemnite art3mis
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07:59.58Mr_Rabies2got both strider killing achievements in ep2
08:00.03Mr_Rabies2saved all the buildings :D
08:06.39Fisker-oh u Mr_Rabies
08:11.34Mr_Rabies2oh man
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08:52.53Nom- <-- LOL
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10:26.08Wobinoh ffs
10:26.12Wobindc'd on pull
10:26.14Wobinand now I can't reconnect
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11:42.29Nom-Anyone know how to fix the problem with the latest Bongos where it's not switching icons ?
11:43.07Industrial~seen tuller
11:43.10purltuller <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 19h 13m 23s ago, saying: 'of course!'.
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11:48.25Nom-It's cyCircled, not Bongos
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14:20.00art3misFtiakse kai kanena UI me pucca!!! :P
14:20.01art3mishahaha ta UI sou einai afasia
14:20.12art3miswtf language is that?
14:21.30zenzelezzdoesn't quite look Portugese to me... more like Greek or something. But I'm not that good with languages
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14:23.09art3misgot that as a priv message about the winnie the pooh ui
14:26.47art3miscomments should require more than one word too
14:26.53wslooks like Greek when I put it in google
14:27.12wspointed me to a myspace page of a Green guy
14:27.15wswith some of these words
14:27.23wsegw spiti koimithika mesimeri kanena tetrawro kai anaplirosa ton upno mou, .... sinexeia stin tsita!!!!ftiakse kai
14:27.39ws'kanena', 'kai', 'ftiakse kai'
14:27.59wsGreen guy = Greek guy :-)
14:30.32art3miswas gonna say thats an unfortunate but neat birth defect
14:32.02art3mis  <-- there should be a comment rule too.. if its 1 "word"  it shouldnt be posted spcieally when its like 1/2 a page of blank lines and a 6 line signature ;P
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14:49.37FlAWDuseless waste of interwebs imo
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14:54.35art3misi think i need to go renew my GC next seek
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15:29.26|Jelly|ugh. Monday.
15:29.33Josh_Borkebad case of the tuesdays?
15:29.47cog|workwednesdays, imo
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15:47.59art3miscog go make me a themer ;P
15:48.07cog|workno u
15:48.32art3misno u
15:48.59art3misdidja wsee my new boredoms?
15:49.05cog|workno u
15:49.43cog|workfields of orange 4tl
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15:49.58cog|workzim is 4tw though
15:50.12Intangirwhats zim?
15:50.18Intangiranyone know of an addon to hide the chat window?
15:50.31Intangiri made a script, but it re-shows it everytime a new message comes in..
15:50.42art3misthats more or elss what i need the themer for, to set place and colour screen elements
15:51.09art3miseasiest way without effort is just to make a "base pack" and then include the WTF folder in "addons"
15:51.23art3misbut cidan's got me thinking about a dynamic swapper
15:52.13art3misand since im not good at all with lua, i figure ill keep mentioning it until  i actually just give im and hack some peice of crap together OR someone else makes it for me
15:52.23art3mis~emulate zim
15:52.24purlIt's like you said!  They try to end the hunger for sweetness.. in their.. RUMBLING.. UNDEAD.. _bellies_!
15:52.41art3mis~literal zim
15:52.42purl"zim" is "<reply> A perl/tk instant-messenger client wrapper for the Zephyr Notification Service. URL:"
15:52.54art3mis~emulate zim
15:52.55purlTHE CANDY ZOMBIES!
15:53.14cog|workart3mis: it would be ~literal emulate zim
15:53.21Josh_Borke~literal emulate zim
15:53.21purl"emulate zim" is "<reply> my SPINE! || <reply> worse... or _better_? || <reply> I am a _perfectly_ normal human worm baby || <reply> THE DIB! HE'S MISSING! THEY'VE TAKEN HIM AND DRAINED HIM OF HIS _sweet sweet blood candies_ || <reply> THE CANDY ZOMBIES! || <reply> It's like you said!  They try to end the hunger for sweetness.. in their.. RUMBLING.. UNDEAD.. ...
15:53.22cog|work"emulate" isn't something special
15:53.30Josh_Borke~literal emulate
15:53.35cog|workexcept by convention
15:54.48art3mis.............purl emulate zim is also You expect me to pay to ride this filthy contraption?!??! HAVE YOU THE BRAIN WORMS?!?!
15:54.53art3misis hat right to add to it?
15:55.09Finyou would need to include the existing string and add "
15:55.17Finadd || <reply> .... etc
15:55.25FinI think
15:55.36zenzelezzbut generally best not to mess with existing factoids
15:55.43art3mis~emulate gir
15:55.43purlyou SHALL not pass! .. he went that way.
15:56.09art3mis~literal emulate gir
15:56.10purl"emulate gir" is "<reply>where's my moose?||<reply>must obey the taco man!||<reply>dooom doooom doom||<reply>i need tacos! i need tacos or i'll explode.  that happens to me sometimes.||<reply>you SHALL not pass! .. he went that way.||<reply>to make room for the TUNA!||<reply>yay!||<reply>do a little dance!||<reply>my walnuts!||<reply>aww, my bees..."
15:56.17Finwhat's the command to find out the history of a factoid again? I was trying to remember it the other day, couldn't figure it out
15:56.50art3mis~emulate dib
15:56.50purlI'm delicious!  No one should be this delicious!
15:57.03art3misheh that quote rocks
15:57.14art3miswhen they turn into little bologna links
15:57.18art3misand the chase scene
15:57.36art3mis~literal emulate art3mis
15:57.36purl"emulate art3mis" is "<reply>I'm not special enough"
15:58.19art3mispurl emulate art3mis is also "<reply>Pssst buddy, wanna buy some air???"
15:58.20purlokay, art3mis
15:58.23art3mis~literal emulate art3mis
15:58.23purl"emulate art3mis" is "<reply>I'm not special enough, or "<reply>Pssst buddy, wanna buy some air???""
15:58.42art3mis~emulate art3mis
15:58.43purlI'm not special enough, or "<reply>Pssst buddy, wanna buy some air???"
15:59.29art3mispurl emulate art3mis is "<reply>Pssst buddy, wanna buy some air???||<reply>I'm not special enough"
15:59.29purl...but emulate art3mis is already something else...
15:59.44art3mispurl remove emulate art3mis
15:59.55art3mispurl delete emulate art3mis
15:59.56purlACTION glares at emulate art3mis and then takes every step necessary to completely delete emulate art3mis and destroy any and all evidence that emulate art3mis ever existed
16:00.13art3mis~emulate art3mis
16:00.14purlI'm not special enough, or "<reply>Pssst buddy, wanna buy some air???"
16:00.34art3mispurl emulate art3mis remove
16:00.43Finyou know you can /msg purl
16:00.51art3misactually i'd fergotten
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16:02.16art3mis~emulate art3mis
16:02.17purlI'm not special enough"
16:03.09|Jelly|T-storms -- 100% chance of precipitation
16:04.05cog|workMostly sunny, mid 70s-mid 80s
16:04.15cog|worktrade ya...
16:04.46|Jelly|But you also get to deal with muggy, horrible, makes you want to cut Texas later this week too.
16:08.19*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
16:09.30purlWe're sorry we called your president a moron, I mean he IS a moron but it wasn't nice of us to point it out. besides it's not like you voted him into office.
16:11.20art3misWe've upped our standards, now up yours!
16:14.06art3misit's so quiet today wth
16:14.27Esamynn~factinfo canada
16:14.27purlcanada -- last modified 5m 47s ago  by art3mis!; it has been requested 25 times, last by art3mis, 4m 57s ago.
16:14.35Esamynnahh ha!
16:14.48purlWe're sorry we called your president a moron, I mean he IS a moron but it wasn't nice of us to point it out. besides it's not like you voted him into office.
16:14.55art3mis~literal canada
16:14.56purl"canada" is "The 2nd largest land mass, the 1st nation of Hockey and the best part of North America!||<reply>We're really sorry we beat you at hockey in the olympics, it's just that we're much much much much MUCH better than you.||<reply>We're sorry we called your president a moron, I mean he IS a moron but it wasn't nice of us to point it out. besides it's not ...
16:15.51purlsomebody said cogwheel was actualy another advanced chat bot that automatically responds when you put anything that follows WoW macro syntax in chat.
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16:28.26kergothart3mis: one annoyance is that factoids have a limited length, so you can only put so many quotes in each.. but you can do a redirect
16:28.37kergothso you can make emulate foo -> emulate foo1 | emulate foo2
16:28.46kergothand then add the factoids to emulate foo1 and emulate foo2
16:29.04Fin~help redirection
16:30.04kergoththe syntax is <reply> see also FOOFACTOID
16:30.26purlkergoth: okay
16:30.32Finactually I think it's just <reply> see FOOFACTOID
16:30.34kergothpurl: shoo
16:30.34purlACTION has disconnected.
16:30.45kergothFin: yeah you're right, my memory sucks :)
16:30.51kergoth~forget emulate foo
16:30.51purlkergoth: i forgot emulate foo
16:30.58art3mismeh thts not as good
16:31.01Finit's only because I've just been reading through purl's help :)
16:31.14art3mis~factinfo emualte zim
16:31.14purlart3mis: there's no such factoid as emualte zim
16:31.14FinI didn't know about the "unforget" command
16:31.21art3mis~factinfo emulate zim
16:31.21purlemulate zim -- last modified at Sun Aug 29 17:30:05 2004 by lurgy!; it has been requested 111 times, last by art3mis, 38m 26s ago.
16:31.34*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
16:31.36kergothhehe, i remember when we added that factoid
16:31.49art3misand those arent even the good quotes ;P
16:31.53kergothumm whats that command to search through the keys or values
16:32.33kergothinvaders blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants!
16:32.58art3misthe only one i like out of the set that there now is "oww my spine!"
16:33.08Fin~listkeys zim
16:33.14Fin~listvalues zim
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16:33.44art3misMay I go to the washroom? I have a MIGHTY NEEEEED!
16:34.23kergothFin: nice, those are useful
16:34.33kergothi just wish purl had a generic mechanism to 'continue' across multiple things
16:34.35art3misYou're after my robot bee?!?!!
16:34.42art3misit does
16:34.46kergothlike that 19 of 56.. itd be nice to hit 'next' or 'continue' to see the next page of results
16:34.47art3misjust not for replays
16:34.56kergothwell thats silly :)
16:35.06art3misis also meets the need however purl seems to believe that it must list each instance
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16:36.07Finkergoth: that purl.txt URL is a sort of quickref list for future reference
16:36.27Finit's missing some though
16:36.40Intangir!te us mug'thol 2v2 fallen ones
16:36.42ThraeBotIntangir: Name: Fallen Ones (2v2); Vengeance (Horde); Rank: 433; Rating: 2001; Last Season's Rank: 1845; This Season: 162/287 (57%) (Won/Played); This Week: 7/14 (50%); Points: ~802. [[ Link: ]]
16:36.52Intangir2000+ rating :)
16:38.01Finoh, no they're not, I'm just shit at seperating the different commands
16:38.03FinAdys: you're famous!~
16:38.15Fin~factstats author
16:38.31Fin(in a minute)
16:38.55Fin98 by adys
16:39.06Fin126 by kergoth!
16:39.34FinI am surrounded by der uber facters
16:39.39art3mis125 of those are a "calc your own adventure" he made
16:39.56kergothonly 157 by timriker.. kinda surprising, given it's his bots
16:40.13purltoday is, like, may the forth be with you
16:40.29purli heard today is may the forth be with you
16:40.39kergothpeople screwing up my factoids
16:40.41AdysI know, yeah
16:40.41Finlots of $variables though
16:40.44AdysI scrolled up
16:40.46purlmonday is probably when everything breaks for no apparent reason, creating so many problems that it takes you until friday to get back to normal. at which point one more thing breaks that takes you the whole weekend to fix
16:41.08kergoththats a bit wordy, should shorten that
16:41.14Finpurl: no, today is <reply> today is the first day of the rest of your life ($day)
16:41.15purlFin: okay
16:41.30Fin~factinfo today
16:41.30purltoday -- last modified 15s ago  by Fin!; it has been requested 5 times, last by kergoth, 1m 1s ago.
16:41.49purltoday is the first day of the rest of your life (Monday)
16:41.50AdysFin <3
16:42.05art3mis~factstats vandalism
16:42.32kergothpurl: no, today is <reply> today sucks. || <reply> see $day || <reply> Today is the first day of the rest of your life ($day).
16:42.32purlkergoth: okay
16:42.39purlYesterday? it sucked.
16:42.41purlTomorrow will probably suck too.
16:42.43Fin~factstats locked
16:43.15purlSince Mon Oct 22 06:32:43 2007, there have been 14 modifications, 67 questions, 0 dunnos, 0 morons and 109 commands.  I have been awake for 10h 10m 31s this session, and currently reference 113859 factoids.  I'm using about 18780 kB of memory. With 0 active forks. Process time user/system 719.43/41.89 child 0.01/0.02
16:43.28kergoth113,859.. nice.
16:44.10purlit has been said that boobies is great, or needed on the frontpage
16:44.39art3mis"boobies is great" ?
16:45.10kergothhrmph. well they are great, but you'd think they could use the right pronoun
16:45.15purlkergoth: thanks
16:45.19Finno, purl, boobies are <reply> boobies
16:45.32Finpurl, no, boobies are <reply> boobies
16:45.33purlokay, Fin
16:45.38FinI think purl should understand "are"
16:45.49kergothFin: agreed
16:45.56nevcairielbut it doesnt do bold
16:45.58zenzelezzpurl, what is boobies
16:45.58purlACTION is boobies to understand recursion, you must first understand recursion
16:45.58Finpurl, no, boobies are <reply> B O O B I E S
16:45.59purlokay, Fin
16:46.00kergothi like supybot better than infobot/blootbot, myself
16:46.02zenzelezzpurl, what are boobies
16:46.03purlACTION are boobies to understand recursion, you must first understand recursion
16:46.10kergothbut supybot's factoids modules still arent up to par
16:46.10art3misyou fergot yay! \o/
16:47.24Finurler, the earl of url
16:47.32FinRIP urler
16:47.35art3mispurl glork is where you've been assigned and is the home of the slaughtering rat people. *whimper* Why would you draw that?
16:47.37purlokay, art3mis
16:48.00Finright! that was a fun last half hour of work, I'm off home
16:48.16purl[stupid], or ibot
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16:49.20art3misit's not stupid it's advaaaaaaaaaaaanced
16:49.24kergothYou quit being banished??
16:49.30*** part/#wowi-lounge youpansie (
16:49.50kergothwhat was the planet zim was banished to again, foodcourtia?
16:50.11art3miswhich leads to one of the funnier episodes when the fry cook comes to get him
16:51.34art3misalien crashes through the roof during on of dibs presentations about how zims an alien, the alien grabs zim by the head and flys off.. then a bird poops on Dib's shoulder and someone says "Dib's got bird doody on him" the class laughs and everyone forgets about the alien
16:53.05kergothhehe. i need to watch all the zim episodes again
16:53.33kergoth"He has no ears! NO EARS! is that part of your skin condition, Zim?"  "*hangs head* Yes."
16:53.38art3misheh yeah, it's almost time for the yearly watching of Helloweenies
16:53.57art3misa few weeks ago i had the xmas song in my head
16:54.05kergothSign in zoo: Do not feed the animals. If
16:54.05kergothyou have food give it to the guard on duty
16:54.05kergoth-- One of Nadav Har'El's Email Signatures.
16:54.22art3misbow down, bow down, before the power of santa or be crushed, be crushed, byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy his jolly boots of doom.
16:54.48kergothbeing a writer for that show must've been the best job evar
16:54.56art3mishave you read any of his comics?
16:55.16kergothno. someone told me about them, then i promptly forgot to get ahold of them
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16:55.22art3misjohnny the homocidal maniac and filler bunny
16:55.28art3misthey're awesome
16:55.59art3misguys sitting down with his gf talking and gets diareha, craps himself them stands up and exclaims OH MY GOD! SOMEONE SHIT MY PANTS!
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16:56.11art3misthats about the random quality of his jokes
16:56.29sysragethat's funny?
16:57.10Thunder_Childbut that does encompas art3mis's range of humor
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16:59.56cog|workmorning kamdis
17:00.52kamdisby the way <3 the Forum ToC poster
17:05.31*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|_ (n=chatzill@
17:07.09art3mis <-- everyone watch this, it's awesome
17:16.17*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
17:18.14cog|work[delayed response] kamdis: :)
17:18.57|Jelly|Hey Cog
17:21.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
17:23.07Thunder_Childheh, for arena: "Name your pet after yourself, ruin peoples macros and targetting mods by doing so."
17:23.59ScytheBlade1I'm surprised that more people don't do that
17:24.17Thunder_Childmabe because most people arent arena whores
17:25.46Thunder_Childtodays xkcd is meh
17:26.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Drool (
17:31.40zenzelezznot sure everyone wants to go tame a new pet for the arena
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17:45.06Cairenn|afkummm, haste?  You uploaded an empty zip folder :p
17:45.55mikmahaste: go go
17:47.36hastewonder how I managed to do that
17:47.42Cairennso, yeah, you might want to fix that ;)
17:48.23hastethink i'll agre with you on that one
17:49.01zenzelezzjust think of it as a bug-free version
17:50.23mikmaor better yet, haste-free version
17:50.55hastethere, should be fixed now
17:51.16zenzelezzdoes this prove "haste makes waste"?
17:51.41hasteyep, forgot to write -r when I zipped it :(
17:51.46hastetoo used to tar
17:53.56|Jelly|OH NOES! I'm going to be reported! ZOMG!
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18:07.57dreamssanyone hapens to know if the linux tf2 ded is out?
18:08.00Cairenn|Jelly|: ?
18:08.15|Jelly|Cairenn: ?
18:08.24Cairennwho's reporting you? linkage?
18:08.36|Jelly|oh. lol
18:10.05|Jelly|Is my Biohazard sign grey?!?
18:10.09Josh_Borke~emulate JoshBorke
18:10.10purlACTION hugs Cairenn
18:10.47Cairennlol, yup, it is
18:11.01|Jelly|I might get to use Triia for a while!
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18:20.41MaldiviaCaireen, could I get you to post a reply in the stickied "interface action failed" thread, as a response to slouken's response about the UIDropDownMenu taint, about a possible workaround to fix the Target Frame taint, by securecall()'ing CloseDropDownMenus in TargetFrame_OnEvent, until they have time to rewrite the dropdown menu code.
18:21.17Cairennsure, PM me the precise text you want posted and I'll toss it up there for you
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18:35.26zenzelezzI wish people would stop using DemoShield to make "fancy" installers... they just look like something a first-year graphics student would make and follow few standards
18:35.59|Jelly|I'm in ur installer loggin ur keyz!
18:36.02|Jelly|...sorry, I had to
18:36.42cncfanaticsI cld make better GUI's then demoshield
18:36.46Maldiviazenzelezz: agree, I hate demoshield!
18:36.53cncfanaticsonly in GTK though
18:37.56MaldiviaMS Paint is good enough, to make something that looks better than demoshield
18:45.42Maldiviahmm... with my current luck, I might actually get an early WotLK beta key... in the past 2 months, I've gotten 3 beta keys for games I wanted to test :)
18:46.45Maldiviabut ofcourse, by the time WotLK is out in (a larger scale) beta, my luck have probably turned :|
18:47.54Cideit's got nothing to do with luck; Blizzard hates you
18:49.29MaldiviaOhh ,yeah... there's that aswell
18:49.49cog|workif they do like they did last time, you might get in as an addon author :)
18:50.06MaldiviaI'm hoping for it :)
18:50.17cncfanaticscog|work, could I ask u a question again ? I think there's no way around it, but I figure it can't ask hurting
18:50.26Kaydeethreeugh. dunno if I should be pissed or happy. maintenance came by to patch up the holes from them relaying the water line and the stuff's going straight to my head
18:50.36purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
18:50.36Kaydeethreeat least I had the foresight to open windows before it got this far
18:50.39cog|work^ cncfanatics :P
18:50.48cncfanaticsif I have a button with SetOverrideBindingClick and I set tis binding to J, and its shift action to something, shift-j will only work if shift-j is not used by any blizzard stuff right ?
18:52.06cncfanaticsany way around it ?
18:52.25cog|workdon't bind something to SHIFT-J if you want to use SHIFT-J for something else...
18:52.42cncfanaticsI wanted to make up for stupid users :p
18:52.51cog|workgive up now
18:55.17|Jelly|Cairenn: Just submitted my little project I was talking to you about last night. :)
18:56.19Cairenn|Jelly|: submit it as a .zip with the .xml inside it, pretty please? I'll approve it as it stands so you don't have to re-write it
18:56.42Cairenn(the description, I mean)
18:57.21zenzelezzso secretive
18:57.52|Jelly|So just resubmit it with like a blank description?
18:58.18cncfanaticswhat project ?
18:58.30|Jelly|The seekrit one? Gosh! Welcome to the conversation!
18:58.38Cairenntreat it like a regular mod that you are updating, |Jelly|
18:58.41|Jelly|I made an addon for the ToC Poster.
18:59.08Cairennjust go replace the file
19:02.25|Jelly| <-- if you were curious
19:09.53dreamss[gameserv@sbsweb2 cfg]$ cat undo360controller.cfg
19:09.55dreamsscrosshair 1
19:09.57dreamsshud_draw_fixed_reticle 0
19:09.59dreamssjoystick 0
19:10.01dreamsshud_fastswitch 0
19:10.03dreamsstf_build_menu_controller_mode 0
19:10.05dreamsstf_disguise_menu_controller_mode 0
19:13.45*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
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19:20.00|Jelly|fooding_"(unless of course the man is starving to death at that very moment and the effort of learning and doing fishing would kill him, but no one starves to death from lack of macros). " Win imo.
19:20.32cog|workI was going to mention that in here saying "I amuse myself sometimes" but thought it would be pretentious :P
19:21.05|Jelly|fooding_I asked Kam if it was pretentious that I put my UI in my thing too. It's ok to be like that sometimes imo. :P
19:22.54Cide>>> 4 * 3 * 2 * 1
19:22.54CideCide: 24
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19:24.17Maldivialol... of the first 25 (non sticky) thread on the US UI forum... 21 starts with a slash :)
19:25.19Maldiviathe topics of the threads
19:26.25Kaydeethreeare you sorting the forum based on the subject column? on the front page, 1 thread title starts with a /
19:27.21Maldiviahmm, afdter a refresh, it's no longer there :|
19:27.29Maldiviaand sort is set to created date
19:27.47Intangiroh ya i went afk
19:27.48Maldiviahmm... why is it that, should be latest reply... hmm...
19:27.55Intangirdoes anyone know of an addon that hides the whole chat interface
19:28.10Intangiruntil you press enter, or toggle it back on (via hotkey or something)
19:28.22Intangirthe chatframe:hide() stuff doesnt work
19:28.31Intangirit just comes back the first time a new message is put to it
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19:33.22cog|workIntangir: it works, it's just that there's other code that re-shows them
19:33.24*** part/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|fooding_ (
19:33.35cog|workyou need to disable that code or hook it and re-hide it whenever it tries
19:33.54*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|fooding_ (n=chatzill@
19:34.56Intangircog|work: has anyone else already done it ;)
19:35.31cog|workno idea :P
19:46.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Saint-N (n=art3mis@
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21:27.15|Jelly|Umm. I kind of already did what I was going to ask you about. lol
21:27.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Dia[m]onD (
21:27.21Kelfarryeah i saw haha
21:27.41|Jelly| <-- if you want it though
21:27.47KelfarrI still might try to put a sticky together.
21:28.21|Jelly|Eh. To me a sticky (which honestly would probably not get stickied anyway) would be a waste of time for the same reason there's a ToC Poster in the first place.
21:28.40cog|workYou could make a non-sticky :P
21:28.49KelfarrYeah I could try.
21:28.50|Jelly|YOU could make a sticky!
21:28.56cog|workand use that as the href instead of "So Jelly, Kamdis and Kelfarr don't have to be rude anymore!"
21:29.14|Jelly|I like my line bettAr.
21:29.36cog|work|Jelly|: who's to say ForumToCPoster won't start validating URLs?
21:29.58cog|workno plans to atm
21:30.03|Jelly|Who's to say...HUSH! :P
21:30.47|Jelly|Anyone have a download to the elusive Caith UI? lol
21:31.05KelfarrI only know of the filefront link for it.
21:31.22|Jelly|Eh. I'd rather use a link that will be updated.
21:33.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (n=kd3@
21:34.07cog|workmorning Kaydeethree
21:34.43foxlitMySQL Disk Space37.54/4239204024.32 MB I wonder
21:35.45Valaron|WorkOnly Caith UI I found was
21:38.21KelfarrI am talking to caith right now and see if I can get a link that is updated everytime a new version comes out
21:39.08cog|workdoes DewDrop use UIDropDownMenu or its own mechanism?
21:40.27Tullerits own stuff, I believe
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21:45.05Kelfarrdid you see how much gold he has   clearly a photoshop, i hope
21:45.26TimangiHey! Im having few issues with addon called "Prat". if you check any picstures with chat bar.. its black and wide but mine looks just as default with prat installed:
21:45.51zenzelezzKelfarr: think it's entirely possible if you're patient and play the AH
21:46.09kamdisHi Kelfarr
21:46.49KelfarrTimangi what chat bar screenshots are you referring to, I don't see any in the curse link
21:47.23Timangilook at the 3rd from the bottom
21:47.55KelfarrThat would be the addon "Skinner"
21:48.33KelfarrIt adds a black bar on the bottom, you can get the same effect with EEpanels
21:48.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
21:48.49Antiarc <-- wtf
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21:50.24KelfarrProbably a private server
21:50.40Cidethat's rarely the case
21:50.46Cideusually it's just someone messing with the link
21:51.08AntiarcNo, this is a shot I just took on the live servers.
21:51.11AntiarcAnd it's from a vendor.
21:51.29AntiarcLike, it shows like that on the vendor, then I buy it and can socket it.
21:51.35TimangiKelfarr wich one "Skinner or "EEPanels" do you prefer most?
21:52.48KelfarrWell they are different in one aspect, eepanels you will have to make a new panel and then move it down there, skinner basically skins everything in wow
21:52.59KelfarrSuch as my character frame is all black with no detail
21:53.15TimangiKelfarr i'd prefer using Ag_unitframes
21:53.16Kody-that's pretty awesome
21:53.20Kody-a socketable reagent
21:53.22kamdisskinner is easier but less customizable
21:53.35KelfarrAg_UF can do black bars on the bottom?
21:53.49kamdisNah, it can't.
21:53.55KelfarrDidn't think so.
21:53.59kamdisunless they've had a major functionality overhaul
21:54.46KelfarrTimangi here is what skinner looks like
21:55.01KelfarrIf that is what you want on the bottom then you can download skinner at
21:55.08kamdisHonestly, how can I be expected to be polite to this?
21:55.13*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (
21:55.13kamdisI suppose I'll just ignore it.
21:56.27kamdisAny bets on how long it takes him to bump it?  
21:56.43KelfarrI answered it.
21:56.50Kelfarr:P I was polite though.
21:56.53kamdisBless you.
21:56.56kamdisand cog
21:57.37KelfarrDid you see the last post in the "Post your UI" thread? Another person saying that the default UI is the one you are suppose to play with.
21:58.16TimangiI think addons add extra fun to the game
21:58.29TimangiIt's like counter-strike configs
21:58.50TimangiI rly like to customize stuff on games.
21:58.56*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|_ (
21:59.33cog|work<Kelfarr>:P I was polite though.    <---- Except to those people who think automated responses by their nature are rude :P
21:59.39TimangiKelfarr what class do you play?
22:00.11Timangianyways do me a favor and watch this movie for a 40 sec or as enough you see this guys addons
22:00.24Timangitell me is he using EEPanels or Skinner
22:00.47Timangiits a damn good movie anyways *wirn*
22:00.58KelfarrI am only watching a video for you because you are polite and don't demand things.
22:01.07Timangithank you
22:02.10Timangiyou know if you think im not being polite it's only because english ain't my main language :) im doing my best :)
22:02.33kamdisI can't get the video to load :(
22:02.38Timangino don't load it
22:02.39Timangiwatch on stream
22:02.42Timangilike on youtube
22:02.47Timangidude its like 600mb :P
22:02.58Timangi598 exaclty hehe
22:03.08*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|__ (
22:03.27kamdisthe page won't even come up
22:03.32KelfarrWarcraftmovies is very slow these days
22:03.32kamdisprobably just my connection
22:03.40KelfarrNope its mine to kamdis
22:04.03TimangiKelfarr hope you're watching it on stream :)
22:04.04Valaron|WorkEveryone keeps waiting on Escape from Ogrimmar.
22:04.17kamdisoh there we go
22:04.26kamdiswell, partly anyhow
22:04.52*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf_ (
22:05.06|Jelly|You'd think having to log in to ghost myself would, you know, log me in. : /
22:07.56*** part/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
22:08.35kamdisTimangi:  looks like Skinner to me.
22:09.07Timangikamdis: thx. :)
22:09.47TimangiI rly like how he has his addons
22:10.00TimangiI rly find it hard to check on minimap when its at upper corner
22:10.01kamdisPretty easy to do
22:10.10kamdisget SimpleMinimap ;)
22:10.10Timangiroflmao xD
22:10.21Timangidude you know how long i've tried to get it like that haahha :D:D
22:10.32KelfarrWell yeah its skinner for the bottom black frame, Simpleminimap to move it, I can't see what unitframes but they look like Pitbull
22:10.35Timangiwe're talking about days hehe
22:10.50TimangiAg_unitframes I think
22:10.54KelfarrElkbuffbar for buffs.
22:11.08KelfarrYeah looks like AG_uf
22:11.10|Jelly|Pitbull > AG by a least 15 Million Internets.
22:11.46TimangiWhat's so good in pitbull?
22:12.00Timangicould you show me a picture of it?
22:14.32*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|__ (
22:14.33TimangiI rly like having portraits next to hp/mana bars :)
22:15.03TimangiWhat you guys think should I use fubar or titanspanel?
22:15.07KelfarrYou can move it anything
22:15.08TimangiI find more stuff for titanspanel
22:15.16KelfarrI suggest fubar over titan
22:15.30Timangiwhy so?
22:15.34KelfarrYou find more stuff for titan because you aren't on
22:15.47Kelfarrgo to and look at the fubar mods.
22:16.13TimangiKelfarr you've helped me with so much that you can't even imagine
22:16.33Timangii've been checking ever damn site and asked nearly every irc channel untill now
22:16.54kamdisFuBar is better imo
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22:16.58KelfarrHaha well thats what I am here for.
22:17.05Timangiim a 20lvl and my playtime is 2days haha. like 2/3 time i've just tried to fix my addons :))
22:17.08kamdisyou can move/rearrange the order of things really easily
22:17.30|Jelly|___Ah ha! Neighbor's internet >
22:17.55KelfarrAnd he is disconnected again.
22:17.56Timangiguys btw try quartz. I rly love it. I think its so much better than enemycastbar
22:17.59Timangijust hard to configure
22:18.01kamdisHow many underscores can Jelly get to?  That's what the intarweb gods are laughing about.
22:18.08TimangiI had to go to hakkar and ask Sazabi how to do that haha
22:18.10KelfarrWe all use quartz
22:18.13Timangiguy that made that movie
22:18.20|Jelly|They're assholes.
22:18.54|Jelly|So. IRC. Check. AIM. Check. Surfing the internet? NO GO!
22:18.54TimangiKelfarr mind showing your WoW setup?
22:19.09|Jelly|I swear, I hate SBC's face off.
22:19.39Timangihehe nice and simply :P
22:20.31KelfarrJelly what is SBC?
22:21.07Timangi this guy has very nice and simple addons
22:21.10kamdishis internet provider
22:21.11Timanginice custom font 2
22:21.15Kelfarroh ok
22:21.24TimangiI use "Skratch punk" nowdays too
22:21.26kamdisKelfarr: how do you read that font?  :P
22:21.36KelfarrI don't I changed it to avant garde :D
22:21.42kamdisI love the eePanels borders on the chat frame though.
22:21.56KelfarrStole that idea from Ryas.
22:22.49Kelfarr<-- Canadian so I don't know much about US internet providers
22:23.49kamdisWhat?  A not particularly nice Canadian?  That's unpossible!
22:23.56kamdisI kid
22:24.00KelfarrOk I just talked to Caith and she/he told me the newest release is always here s> his intern
22:24.18kamdisthanks Kel
22:24.27KelfarrHaha yes kamdis I am not a nice canadian.
22:24.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (i=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
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22:25.06kamdisWe Americans need to appropriate you, imo.
22:25.20kamdisbe back later guys.
22:25.26Intangirwhy do we need to appreciate canadians?
22:25.50Intangirother than that a canadian judge declared prohibition of canibis as invalid ;)
22:25.53Intangirgo canada
22:26.08KelfarrI agree canada is good, except that US hates us
22:26.26Intangirthats a pretty generalized statement..
22:26.47Intangirim in the US and i dont hate canada
22:26.49KelfarrWell everytime I tell someone I am canadian they usually say something like "oh god a canadian"
22:26.58KelfarrWell then thats good !
22:27.01Intangiroh god a candian ;)
22:27.15Shirikwow, wtf
22:29.04Intangiris that guy retarded?
22:29.13Intangiror canadian or something?
22:29.14Intangirhehehehe ;)
22:29.46MoonWolf_<Kelfarr> Well everytime I tell someone I am canadian they usually say something like "oh god a canadian" <- OH GOD, a CANADIAN
22:30.11Saint-NKelfarr: thats because we're amazing and the mere presence of us in thier midst is akin to seeing an archangel
22:30.14KelfarrThat thread reminds me alot of Alamo's druid guide.
22:30.22purlwell, canada is The 2nd largest land mass, the 1st nation of Hockey and the best part of North America!
22:31.12[m|sleep]Canada? the land of the moose :P
22:31.31Intangircanada isnt a landmass
22:31.33Intangirits part of a landmass
22:31.46Intangirand half of it is frozen ;)
22:31.49Intangirso you cant really call it land
22:31.50[m|sleep]Australia - is a landmass..
22:31.52KelfarrI have only seen one moose in my life
22:32.08[m|sleep]Ive seen lots.. but we call them elks
22:32.09Intangirya id call australia a land mass
22:32.10KasoI think what purl is trying to say is its the second largest country in north america, rated by land-mass
22:32.16KelfarrI live near vancouver, quite cold but never snows
22:32.20Kasoits just very badly worded
22:32.28KelfarrIts the second largest country in the world, besides Russia
22:32.51[m|sleep]well.. Sweden is the weirdest.. and now I gotta sleep :D
22:32.56KasoTis? well then its just really craply worded
22:32.59Kasore-write it
22:33.09Cideis sweden weird?
22:33.09KelfarrActually US might be bigger, I never considered Alaska, considering it is as big as the US
22:33.26[m|sleep]Cide yes.. Sweden is weird
22:33.27KasoCanada: 9,970,610 km^2
22:33.31Intangiralaska is pretty big
22:33.36Intangirespecially on one of those projection maps
22:33.37KasoUSA: 9,629,091 km^2
22:33.40Cide[m|sleep]: how so?
22:33.41Intangirthat shows things clsoer to the poles as huuge ;)
22:33.44ShirikDrain Wife
22:33.44Shirik-I mean, enough with damage. What warlock do simple unacceptable. My wife and me, fresh marry, having a lot of fun and love. Suddenly I duel warlock. He drain my wife! Soon my wife no longer able to speak, work, sexually gratify, etc. This spell simple overpower. I sorry warlocks. It's way good too true.
22:33.57Intangirit makes antartica look like the largest thing in the universe
22:33.57[m|sleep]Cide you've never been to sweden huh?
22:34.10Kasohe's never ever been there.
22:34.16[m|sleep]well.. how should I explain this.. ah - heres one example
22:34.19KelfarrSkirik that guy needs to learn some grammer lol.
22:34.24Shirikhe's awesome
22:34.47[m|sleep]elks.. or mooses if you will.. are very "attractive" for germans for some weird reason.. they pay big cash to see those stupid animals
22:34.49Timangihmm... wonder how do you get rid of arrows from the chat bar when using skinner
22:35.02[m|sleep]so.. swedes.. sells elk poop in glass to them
22:35.20Timangiso its just a blank black chat bar without extra stuff on the side
22:35.45Cide[m|sleep]: wow.. swedes really are strange. I never could've known
22:35.49Cidethanks for the epiphany
22:36.30[m|sleep]I mean.. ok its weird to buy the crap.. but we actually go out in the woods.. collects some elk poop and puts it in glass containers and tries to sell the shit to germans..
22:36.30TimangiKelfarr any idea?
22:36.32|Jelly|I afk and come back with no underscores!
22:36.32KelfarrTimangi use PRat to get rid of it.
22:36.52Cide[m|sleep]: well, does it sell?
22:37.01[m|sleep]thats the weird part - yea
22:37.07[m|sleep]like gold a warm winter day
22:37.10Cideso we aren't the weird ones, the germans are
22:37.13Intangircan prat hide the whole chat window?
22:37.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Malgayne_ (
22:37.17Cideerr, you aren't the weird ones
22:37.31KelfarrI don't know intangir
22:37.50Intangiri could really go for some elk shit in a jar
22:38.27[m|sleep]anyways - sleep.. got work tomorrow :P
22:38.32Cidegod natt
22:39.06*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|_ (
22:39.12|Jelly|_....spoke too soon, it seems.
22:39.30CideI just happened to know "good night" in swedish for some reason
22:39.34CideI'm not really from over there
22:39.57Cideor something
22:40.29KasoGoing back to canada, USA and canada have almost the same total area, but anada has over 10 times as long a coastline
22:40.31Kasothats pretty crazy
22:40.39TimangiKelfarr how do I change text position in combat log? when I make it wider all text r in left side. I would want text to be on right side and the empty space on left side
22:40.50TimangiKelfarr sry for bothering you so much :)
22:41.02IntangirKaso: you cant call it a coastline if the water it butts up to is the largest glacier in the world ;)
22:41.03KelfarrWell the problem with that is, you can't click on items links or character names.
22:41.03Timangimaybe because finally I found someone who can help me ;)
22:41.27[m|sleep]Cide well.. is it cold in Umeå btw?
22:41.28Cidesubzero, at least
22:41.32Cideno snow yet
22:41.52[m|sleep]you should fix yer IP adresses at yer society.. you live in house 10
22:42.09Cidenot really
22:42.15cryogenany of you wine types know what window message 0x2210 is?
22:42.32Intangirlets see
22:42.45CideI entered that myself
22:42.49[m|sleep]ah =)
22:42.55[m|sleep]anyways - sov gott
22:43.20TimangiKelfarr do you get my point?
22:43.56Intangircryogen: dont know, check the sourcecode?
22:44.09Cide>>> 3^3
22:44.10CideCide: 27
22:44.12Intangir~wtf RTFS
22:44.20Intangir~wtf NOYFB
22:44.24Intangirlol ;)
22:44.27Intangirthat bot is cool
22:44.33KelfarrYou can do it with prat. But, at least for me, you can't click the item name.
22:44.33cryogennot interseted in wine specifically, just wondered what it might be :)
22:44.52Intangirwell it would be on windows too right?
22:45.16TimangiKelfarr could you assist me to do that :) tried and failed
22:45.19cryogenim seeing it on windows, yes, cant find any documentation for it though
22:45.39Intangiri am starving to death
22:45.41Intangiri cant search..
22:45.49Intangirjust counting the seconds till i can go home
22:45.54Timangiand 1 thing also. when I put minimap on chat bar like on the movie it's below it not top of it
22:46.19Intangirso does no one know how to hide the chat window ? prat cant do it?
22:46.32KelfarrOk well go to prat settings and choose Paragraph or Justify and choose right or left
22:47.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Malgayne (
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22:51.31Timangiif you check below you see minimap is below the chat bar
22:51.59mikmastupid finnish
22:52.06Timangiya.. :(
22:52.22mikmareply: "isäs"
22:52.28KelfarrI see the minimap in the top RIght corner
22:53.11Timangino its not :P try look again ;)
22:53.43KelfarrOh yes I see it. Are you using simpleminimap?
22:53.56*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|__ (n=chatzill@
22:54.10KelfarrThen just drag it down.
22:55.16KelfarrAre you trying to put it in that middle frame?
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22:55.35Timangijust like in that movie
22:56.24Kaydeethreewtb that kind of "your ass is about to get banned" threat from blizzard
22:57.23*** join/#wowi-lounge herzogthc (
22:57.47KelfarrOk well you want it in that movie so it is in the middle like the movie
22:58.42Timangisry that im making this so hard :(
22:58.58Timangiit's should be top of the chat bar not below
22:59.00Timangilike its now
22:59.12Timangiand wonder how he covered that mid section of chat bar
22:59.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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23:00.49herzogthcwhere is the ui code for the key binding stored?
23:01.10|Jelly|In your WTF folder.
23:01.22|Jelly|Unless I'm all o.O on your question.
23:01.24herzogthcwell no i mean the lua that generates the key binding
23:01.33herzogthclike menu and options and functionality
23:01.34herzogthcin game
23:02.03*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
23:02.29mikmaKaydeethree: so have you actually played halo3?
23:02.33herzogthcI think I'm going to try to mod it to have a button that will let you find a button by pressing it
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23:02.52Kaydeethreeone of my roommates friends brought over his 360 and I played on it for a while
23:03.01herzogthcHalo 3 was meh for me
23:03.03herzogthcI was in the beta
23:03.09mikmai decided to play some with my friend
23:03.15mikmaso, we ended up completing it :O
23:03.29herzogthcit's gears of war with more generic graphics honestly
23:03.35mikmaand i must say this: the ending was f**king weird, had to google up wtf happened :D
23:03.59mikmathere's some really, really cool things you can do in halo3
23:04.10mikmalike, ripping out a stationed gun and using it in combat :D
23:04.21TimangiKelfarr is there a way to hide "General" "Combat Log" tabs from the chat log?
23:04.30mikmahijacking covenant's mobiles
23:05.09mikmajumping on covenant's tanks and throwing a grenade in...
23:05.13mikmagood stuff :D
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23:06.04|Jelly|__I give up. I'll be back later.
23:06.35*** join/#wowi-lounge herzogthc (
23:06.44herzogthcanyway :)
23:06.48mikmai found out that the energy sword or something the greatest weapon in the game :D
23:07.00mikmacleared out lot of maps only with that one
23:07.17Timangireally how do I move that simpleminimap on the top of the chat bar? = /
23:07.24Thunder_Childmikma, sniper (covanent) and that, great combo
23:07.33mikmaThunder_Child: amen.
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23:07.47mikmaTimangi: umm, so what addon moves the minimap down
23:07.51Thunder_ChildTimangi, you left click and drag?
23:08.03TimangiThunder_Child yes
23:08.09Timangimikma: Simpleminimap
23:08.21sysragesqueenix lets you move map down.. also lets you make it square if you want left click and drag.....
23:08.24mikmaTimangi: i think simpleminimap doesn't have an option to move it
23:08.31mikmait only has 2 ways. up, and down
23:08.38Thunder_Childi think thats what i use...let me check
23:08.41Timangiyou can drag it
23:09.20Thunder_Childya, i use simpleminimap
23:09.32Thunder_Childhas a rclick option to "unlock" then dreag
23:09.55ShirikI think I just set a new world record for the ugliest cookie ever baked
23:10.04Timangiuploading a pic of it
23:10.11Thunder_ChildShirik, nope, that was my bday cake
23:10.22sysrageever seen the goatse cookies?
23:10.26Thunder_Childit was a cookie that looked like a cow patty
23:11.08Thunder_Childah Timangi, you need to rase the level
23:11.17Timangiwhat level :D
23:11.23Thunder_Childor, you could simply move the chat box out of the way
23:11.29Timangimy 20lvl hunter ain't enough? xD
23:11.39TimangiI want it top of it
23:11.54Thunder_Childwhy, nothing writes that far anyways
23:11.58Timangicould you specify what level
23:12.22Thunder_Childi'm not sure simpleminimap as the ability to raise or lower it'self
23:12.23mikmaTimangi: looking at the code, it's minimap with left button or MinimapZoneTextButton with left button
23:12.50Thunder_Childnvm, looks like it does...
23:12.52Thunder_Child1 sec
23:13.00cog|worksysrage: speaking of goatse... My mom sent me an e-mail with a bunch of cool jack-o-lantern pictures... See the 7th one down ...
23:13.18Thunder_Childya, got that email to
23:13.28Timangimikma no idea.
23:13.31sysragelol nice
23:13.34mikmaTimangi: that should do it
23:14.14Timangisry I didn't get it haha :)
23:14.33Timangican we do this step by step *grin*
23:14.41Thunder_Childbtw, i think you have unread mail :p
23:14.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
23:15.00Timangihaha I know
23:15.04Timangisold 3 mooncloths ^^
23:15.11Timangibut I want this fixed
23:15.17Timangiactually my addons fixed
23:15.28Thunder_ChildTimangi, ok, rclick go to strata, and inch it up till it goes above the chatbox
23:15.28Timangi2 bad kelfarr left somewhere
23:15.38Timangimaybe he got bored for me spamming him questions ^^
23:15.38Thunder_Childrclick on the map
23:15.51mikmaTimangi: so explain what's the problem
23:16.06*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
23:16.30Timangiduh it was so simple =)
23:16.35Timangistrata was the key
23:16.36Thunder_Childbut thats ok
23:16.44Thunder_Childyou learn, help others, all good
23:16.48Timangireally no diea what that word means u know
23:17.04Timangisince english ain't my main language :)
23:17.08Thunder_Child~dict strata
23:17.17Thunder_Child~dict strata 1
23:17.37Thunder_Child~dict 1 strata
23:17.46Thunder_Childnvm that then
23:17.56TimangiThunder_child don't go anywhere! i'll bother you again very soon ;)
23:18.22Thunder_Childusualy strata is used in geology in refering to layers of rock
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23:25.34KelfarrSorri timangi was playing dota
23:26.17Timanginp man :)
23:26.23TimangiI play it sometimes too hehe
23:26.58Timangiatm im on part that I can manage by my self but i'll spam you soon ;)
23:27.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
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23:27.38Thunder_Child~staple Gngsk
23:27.39purlACTION attaches a staple gun to a pneumatic nail gun via duct tape, staples Gngsk quite well, and hands Gngsk to thunder_child
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23:28.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
23:31.12TimangiOk. How do I remove "General" "Combat Log" from chat bar?
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23:32.07Thunder_Childwhat chat bar?
23:32.36Thunder_Childchatlog no, you would need an addon for that...afaik
23:33.02Thunder_Child"Creature AI has been changed to no longer prioritize attacking unfeared targets over feared targets." does that mean bosses will stay on feared MT's?
23:33.03KelfarrThat only shows up if you hover over, you don't want to delete it.
23:34.41KasoTimangi define what you mean
23:34.56Timangilet me show you
23:34.59Kasoyou can remove ChatFrame tabs by clicking on the tab then selecting Remove tab or whatever it is
23:35.10Kasoright clicking
23:35.18Thunder_Childdoesnt that remove the entire chat frame though?
23:35.57KasoYou can remove all but the Default_Chat_Frame, you'd need an addon to do that i guess
23:36.32Timangithat tab what my cursor points
23:36.35Timangiis there a way to hide it.
23:37.01Thunder_Childyou can with prat...and maybe another chat addon, i dont know if it can be hidden by default
23:37.22Kasoi think he just wants the tab removed shirik
23:37.26Thunder_ChildShirik, the tab
23:37.35Kaydeethreelock the chat options?
23:37.49Thunder_ChildKaydeethree, it's still there, even licjed
23:38.10KaydeethreeI thought if you used the interface option the tabs were hidden
23:38.10Shirikbleh, it reshows anyway
23:38.20Kaydeethreenot the chat tab option
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23:40.00TimangiShirik meant: ChatFrame1Tab:Hide() works?
23:40.35KasoYes, but you'll need to add it to a lua file if you want it to last more than one session
23:40.56Timangididn't even work when I typed it :)
23:41.00Timangi./ ChatFrame1Tab:Hide() ?
23:41.21Kasothat should remove it for this sessions
23:41.29TimangiWhat lua should I add it?
23:41.39ShirikNo it wouldn't work exactly
23:41.50Shirikbecause the problem is it gets reshown when you mouse over it
23:41.58Kasoit does? ooh i didnt know that
23:42.00Shirikhow that works I'm not entirely sure
23:42.01Shirikbut it does
23:42.01Kasothough it makes sense
23:42.11Shirikbut you could hook it
23:42.25KasoI think ct_core has a bit to remove chatframe tabs/buttons
23:42.41Timangiactually it doesn't work :P
23:42.59Kaso(it appears i remeber wrong)
23:42.59Shirikhooksecurefunc(ChatFrame1Tab, "Show", function() ChatFrame1Tab:Hide() end); ChatFrame1Tab:Hide();
23:43.05ShirikI wonder if that would work
23:43.18Shirikworks for me
23:43.24Timangihow do I do that? :)
23:43.31Shiriktype /script followed by all that
23:43.41Timangibut I would like to add that to lua
23:43.47Shirikjust stick that in the lua file :)
23:43.49Shirikthat's it
23:43.49TimangiI can't remember that next time I log in :)
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23:43.59Timangiwhat lua file :) wich one and where hehe
23:44.07Shirikoh you would have to make a whole new addon
23:44.24Shirikok, you would need two files and a folder
23:44.32Shiriklets say you have a folder MyChatAddon
23:44.38Timangiomg this gets tricky ;D
23:44.39Shirikthen you have to have a MyChatAddon.toc inside that folder
23:44.59KasoI wish wow UI had an autoexec.lua file for doing things like this.
23:45.32Timangiwhats a .toc file?
23:45.39Timangiim amateur :)
23:45.51Shirikyou will need the TOC and the Lua file
23:45.58Shirikthe Lua file will have just that line in it
23:46.10Shirikthe toc file is discussed in that wiki articile
23:46.22Timangijeez.. can't I just add that to some addon? :)
23:46.33Shirikin theory you could
23:46.46Timangior isn't there a choice to do that in prat?
23:48.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
23:48.15*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
23:48.21Kasoin the time you've just spent you could've made the mini-addon and had a working solution by now :>
23:49.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
23:51.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
23:52.17*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
23:54.02Timangilua and toc file?
23:54.54TimangiJeez.. I don't get this coding stuff
23:55.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
23:55.23Industrialwhat do you want? (cba to read that far back)
23:55.58mikmahehe, go Industrial
23:56.39KasoTimangi, copy and paste, excluding the ==== lines into the files labeled in the ==== lines
23:56.51Kasoput those two files into a folder called ChatFrameTabRemover
23:57.15Kasothe toc is wrong but whatever  >.<
23:57.24Timangijust that lua?
23:57.48Timangito notepad?
23:58.31Kasostuff under that and above ================ goes into notepad then save it as ChatFrameTabRemover.toc
23:58.55Kaso======ChatFrameTabRemover.lua=====  stuff under that and above ============= goes into a new notepad and saved as ChatFrameTabRemover.lua
23:58.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_DC (
23:59.15KasoThen copy both those files into a new folder called "ChatFrameTabRemover" inside your addons folder

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