IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071020

00:00.22Esamynnmakes sense
00:01.27Corrodiasyeah... but then it'd be assigned to the highest roller regardless
00:02.13Gnarfozwhich is the same as someone choosing need nowadays when they really just want to sell it ^^
00:03.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
00:03.08*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
00:04.06Corrodiasmy realm was one opened in the second batch of realms, i believe
00:04.17Corrodiasso i can see how, being an older one, it has developed this tendency
00:08.00*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm_ (
00:13.04Esamynnyah, my realm was one of the early ones as well
00:19.12Corrodiaswhich means it's better than the other guys'!
00:20.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
00:33.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
00:38.05*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (
00:38.39*** join/#wowi-lounge art3mis (
00:40.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
00:41.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
00:48.27art3misyou would cry too if it happened to yoooooooooooooooooouuuuuu
00:48.54Thunder_Childi wish you people would stop getting songs stuck in my head
00:51.17*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
00:53.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
00:53.47*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
00:54.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
00:56.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
00:59.47Thunder_Childactually i dont do the party thing
01:00.06Kaydeethreeegah. after the original 134MB, there's another 80MB patch. what the hell are they pushing out for the PTR?
01:00.31art3misEggPlant Attack v2.3
01:00.49art3miseveryone is a spoon and eggplants attack the main cities
01:03.52art3mis <-- best desktop makeover ever
01:10.19AnduinLotharIs the pally threat redux not in this ptr patch?
01:10.30Cidanthere is no threat redux
01:10.38AnduinLotharyes,  there is
01:10.42Kaydeethreeit should be in the one coming up tonight
01:10.49AnduinLotharthey're adding it to fanatacism
01:11.00Cidantrying to spoil it for sag_ich_nicht
01:15.25AnduinLotharanyone remember how to turn off the debug on the left of the screen on the ptr?
01:15.59Kaydeethreenew ptr client! current build: 7441. diff at
01:16.18AnduinLotharyeah, the yellowish programmer debug spam
01:16.38KaydeethreeI don't see that. your mods?
01:17.02AnduinLothari might have a config variable left over from a previosu build
01:22.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
01:31.09AnduinLotharThe current ptr DOES containt he threat redux
01:31.14AnduinLotharit's just not in the patch notes
01:31.45AnduinLotharthe Fanaticism tooltip says 30%
01:32.13AnduinLothar"reduces threat from all actions 30%"
01:32.29AnduinLothar^by 30%
01:39.29*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
01:41.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
01:49.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (
01:50.19Cidanthat sucked
01:50.20AnduinLotharmy poor leg
01:54.11Kaydeethreegood thing this build isn't going live. I expect you'll have to deal with it til monday
01:55.55*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
02:02.28AnduinLothardisabling errors: /console errors 0
02:02.33AnduinLotharthe leg thing tho....
02:03.33Thunder_Childheh, you dont have a leg to stand on
02:03.43Thunder_Child~lart Thunder_Child
02:03.43purlblasts Thunder_Child to oblivion with a kamehameha wave
02:10.33Thunder_Child has a nice listing of the item changes from lower lvl instances
02:28.44*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
02:35.18*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
02:37.19Thunder_Childanyone know of some software that is a compression program for video, w/o reencoding or otherwise fuxing with it?
02:37.50Thunder_Childe.g. winzip for video
02:39.26MentalPowerwhy without re-encoding?
02:40.26Thunder_Childall i want to do is fit 7.5 GB of video on a 4.5 GB DVD
02:42.10*** join/#wowi-lounge kadrahil (
02:42.16*** join/#wowi-lounge TecnoBrat (
02:43.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
02:43.52*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
02:47.15MentalPowersorry, but your only option is re-encoding
02:47.33MentalPowers/option/real option/
02:47.51MentalPoweryou can use winzip, but the compression gains will be negligible
02:48.14MentalPowerand the size change you want is not exactly small
02:52.29Thunder_Childbah, ok, thanks MentalPower
02:52.59*** join/#wowi-lounge buu (
03:00.14*** join/#wowi-lounge buu (
03:01.18KandokoQuick question O' computer guru's. I currently have xp on a 160 primary drive.(48.6 MB Average read speed) And 2 500GB drive in raid 1.  I am considering buying another 500GB, setting up a raid5 install XP on it for games, and have Ubuntu on the 160GB as boot drive.  Any pitfalls to this plan?
03:03.11Thunder_Childwill grub pick up multiple OS's on seperate physical drives?
03:03.23Thunder_Childor grub equivelent
03:07.33sylvanaarhonestly raid5 isnt worth the hassle
03:07.58sylvanaarespecially with 3 drives
03:07.59Kaydeethreebetter than using a jbod/raid 0/lvm, at least if you've got 4+ drives
03:08.06Kaydeethreebut yeah, not with 3
03:08.13IrielRaid 5 is slow compared to mirroring or striping
03:08.23IrielAnd really, given todays drive prices, why bother
03:08.26sylvanaarget 4 drives do raid 10
03:08.46Thunder_Childraid 5 gives you backup qaulitys
03:08.48IrielWhat sylvanaar said.
03:09.01Thunder_Child..soemthing like thta
03:09.07Irielyeah, but mirroring does too without all the screwing around with complex parity configurations
03:09.22IrielAll raid 5 gives you is less 'wasted' space, at the expense of complexity and speed
03:09.28Thunder_Childcan you mirrior with an uneven ammount of drives?
03:09.53IrielNo, but you probably wouldn't bother
03:09.53sylvanaari have 7 drives in my machine, and no raid at all - in the end, it isnt worth the trouble
03:10.04Thunder_Childi have 5 no raids either
03:10.43IrielI have almost 100 GB of photographs that I dont particularly want to lose, so those are on a mirrored drive. As is my SVN repository. Both are also backed up to other systems
03:10.59IrielI have one very old raid 5 config from back when drives were expensive and really, it wasn't worth the hassle
03:11.00sylvanaaryou can mirror one if you want - yeah, i just do routine partition copies
03:13.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandok1 (
03:13.24*** part/#wowi-lounge Kandok1 (
03:13.54sylvanaari had trouble with a mirror once where one of the drives had a bad sector, which would result in huge time consuming rebuild operations by the controller - i finallly just broke the mirror permanently
03:13.55IrielI have a handy Western Digital external drive with built in raid, it's pretty spiffy and zero hassle
03:14.31IrielThe idea there is to replace the drive
03:14.37IrielYou're just asking for trouble otherwise
03:14.44sylvanaaryeah, i just pulled it
03:15.41sylvanaari do scheduled backups
03:15.53sylvanaarof the partitions
03:16.21sylvanaarmost of the stuff never changes anyways
03:17.30CidanI'm sorry to hear you use Western Digital Iriel.
03:17.30sylvanaarexternal thing sounds neat - is it firewire or external sata
03:17.45CidanWhen your hard drive blows up and takes everything with it, might I suggest Seagate?
03:17.50sylvanaarwerent they bought out by segate
03:18.07CidanYes, but they are still made in the same manner
03:18.36CidanOver my time fixing computers (~300), I'd say about half were blow backs from WD drives
03:18.46CidanTakes the power supply with it too
03:20.48sylvanaarwell, seagate is ok - in my experience wd drives fail before thier warranty expires at a time when i'd still rma them
03:21.10sylvanaarthe seagates fail later, and i throw them out
03:23.04sylvanaardunno which is better really, as the rma'ed refurb replacements end up extending lasting longer
03:24.05sylvanaari never heard of a hd taking out a psu - it does this how?
03:27.20sylvanaarseems like the reverse makes more sense - but im no expert
03:30.43Irielsylvanaar: Firewire and USB
03:30.59IrielCidan: I've had more issues with seagate than WD over time, but really, all drives live long enough
03:31.34KandokoSort of have to agre with sylvanaar,  As someone who has managed to short out the molex plug HD (stuck it in upside down) on a running Comp, It tripped th PS breaker and made pretty sparks, but both drive and PS survived. I may have been lucky there thou
03:32.15IrielCommonwealth Edison took out more of my drives than any manufacturer
03:32.51Thunder_Childi took out more of my drives than anyone else :p
03:33.50Thunder_Childbut still makes me wet
03:34.59KandokoThanks for the advise all. I may just get a better performing system drive, and keep existing raid1. Thou it getting full so the 4 drive raid 10 is beginning to look tempting.
03:35.16IrielDo make sure you have same-speed pairs for a mirror
03:36.11IrielThat SATA stage rack is.. interesting
03:40.12KandokoNice sight, you will be to blame for my credit card bill ....
03:41.04Thunder_ChildKandoko, i have had the honor of making many many people spend money...i seem to be rather good at it
03:41.16KandokoLets see yah throw that on your carry on luggage.
03:41.17Thunder_Childsadly, none of it was ever one me
03:41.20IrielI just bookmarked that site, i'm sure I'll blame you later.
03:41.28Thunder_Childgee, thanks
03:52.11*** part/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
03:55.15Kaydeethreehm, the new kara music is interesting
03:56.55*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
03:57.06IndustrialWhy do they announce the number of casualties/deaths in accidents from your country in the news?
03:57.18IndustrialShould it give you more reason to mourn?
03:57.56Industrial(Its getting late, im past that time where I constrain myself to talking about crap)
03:59.57sylvanaarThunder_Child i hate you for linking that
04:00.08ShirikAimed shot now adds a mortal strike effect
04:00.14Shirikand has no dead zone
04:00.26Thunder_Childsylvanaar, you dont have to buy it....just fantasize over it
04:05.54ThraeOK, the Arena points calculator on ThraeBot is now correct. !ap for rating->points and !ar for points->rating.
04:06.33Industrial!c eu grim batol seryan
04:06.36ThraeBotIndustrial: Seryan, Level 45 Troll Hunter (36/0/0). 2533 HP; 1995 Mana; 69 mana regen; 50.900 Melee DPS; 3.32% melee crit; 70.00 Ranged DPS; 6.40% ranged crit; 8.67% dodge; +10 all resists;[[ TBR: 435 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sat Oct 20 00:09:36 2007 EST ]]
04:08.04CidanCairenn: I worked around the bug so I can at least login, :/
04:09.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
04:10.45Thrae!mload armorystats
04:10.45ThraeBotLoaded [armorystats]
04:11.48*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (
04:17.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
04:17.42*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
04:25.24*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (n=chatzill@
04:39.39*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
04:40.36CidanKaydeethree: What version of Wine did you have to use for Steam?
04:40.43Cidan'cause .47 isn't working
04:40.49CidanI get no sound
04:41.01KaydeethreeI orignally installed steam just fine in .46 or .47. I'm using .42 to play portal/HL2
04:41.18CidanI can start it up just fine, I just get no sound
04:41.22Cidanno matter what I do
04:41.34Kaydeethreeusing alsa/oss?
04:41.41Cidanone, or the other, or both
04:41.44Cidanand emulation on
04:41.45Cidanno dice
04:41.48Cidanusing win2k
04:42.04Kaydeethreestart it from the console, you should get an error message early on about sound
04:42.13Cidandid, nothing.
04:42.39Cidanwell hmm
04:43.01CidanALSA lib ../../src/conf.c:3949:(snd_config_expand) Unknown parameters 0
04:43.02CidanALSA lib ../../../src/control/control.c:909:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL
04:43.07Cidanbut I get that when I start anything.
04:43.52Kaydeethreedo you have a weird ~/.asoundrc?
04:45.19Shirikso um
04:45.23Thunder_Childlol, i read do you have a busy ~/.asssoundtrack
04:45.24ShirikI can autoshot while bandaging
04:45.28Shirikit broke my trap, I was kinda pissed
04:46.11CidanKaydeethree: not that I know of, but now the game crashes if I join a team
04:46.29CidanI get a pf
04:46.49Kaydeethreein tf2? I know I've seen a bug report about that on bugzilla
04:46.58Cidanyeah, I saw that
04:47.06Cidanhmm, but it didn't happen with .46
04:48.32Cidanand now the sound works
04:49.07Kaydeethreebtw, the new kara music is <3
04:50.54Cidanyep, pf if I join teams, even when sound is fixed, no matter the res
04:57.44MentalPowergnight all
05:00.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
05:16.29*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (
05:16.44*** part/#wowi-lounge zespri (
05:27.45Cairennoh my god, they have GOT to be joking!
05:27.47*** part/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
05:29.09ZealotOnAStickwelcome to hell.  Here's your handbasket.  Form a nice orderly queue.
05:29.32Thunder_Childi would say OK in anything other than an english/lit class
05:30.16Thunder_Childsince in CA maybe the US they instituted some retarded program that every class has to have a research assignment
05:30.40Thunder_Childw/o same thing
05:31.30Thunder_Childi wish dpreview did lenses
05:32.16Thunder_ChildIriel, offhand do you know of a good site for lens reviews?
05:41.08IrielActually no, I dont
05:46.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
05:49.47Thunder_Childok, thanks anyway
05:50.43ShirikThunder_Child: Lens reviews?
05:50.46Shirikwhat kind of lens?
05:50.52Thunder_Childfor DSLR's
05:51.14ShirikI'm actually somewhat of a photography buff myself, but I haven't experimented with enough different companies to give you good suggestions
05:52.54Thunder_Childim looking at "Canon Normal EF 50mm f/1.4 USM Autofocus Lens" & "Canon Zoom Telephoto EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS Image Stabilizer USM Autofocus Lens" atm
05:53.24Thunder_Childwhat i would like to know though is other companies that can mount on a canon that are similar
05:54.15IrielI've had good luck with tamron for my Nikon
05:54.32IrielThough I dont know about a tamron image stabilizer, if such a thing even exists
05:54.35Shirik70-300? I'd be worried about something like that. But I don't know if you do much macro photography so it might not matter too much
05:54.52Thunder_Childworried how?
05:55.03Shirikjust the fact that you wouldn't be able to reach f/4 at about 100mm
05:55.24Shirikbut it might not matter to you
05:55.29IrielI have an 80-400 VR, which is nice
05:55.37ShirikI can't stand having that wide of a range on my lenses
05:55.45Shiriknone of them have more than a 100mm range. But I'm picky
05:55.48Iriel(VR = Vibration Reduction - Nikon's choice of label)
05:56.04IrielThat can buy you some compensation for the smaller aperture
05:56.08ShirikAs a result I carry around 5 lenses at a time, which some can consider to be a pain in the neck
05:56.35Thunder_Childall i really need is wide angle, long range, and low light
05:56.42ShirikWell, Iriel, the reason I prefer to go to a higher aperture is not for the increased light, but rather the smaller focal range
05:56.43Thunder_Childand maybe a "standard" for kick
05:56.51Shiriklike this picture...
05:57.21IrielThat's less of an issue when you're shooting with a 400mm lens
05:57.44Shirikwhich unfortunately I couldn't reach f/4 at that :(
05:57.45ShirikYes I agree :)
05:57.52ShirikThat's why I said it might not matter too much
05:58.01IrielOr, more to the point, I tend to WANT a wide depth of field when i'm shooting with that kind of zoom
05:58.23Thunder_ChildShirik is that you?
05:58.26ShirikTypically when I'm using a high zoom lens I'm trying to get a closeup of my brother or something on the baseball field
05:58.43Thunder_Childhmm..gonna stick you on my watch list then
05:58.48ShirikI wouldn't
05:58.53ShirikI haven't uploaded pictures there in.. forever
05:59.44IrielI'm a deviantart slacker too
06:00.14ShirikI should start uploading some of my diving shots
06:00.16Shirikbut meh
06:00.43Shirikalso, Thunder_Child, I probably shouldn't answer your question about lenses, given that I don't use a digital camera
06:01.10ShirikI've been thinking about converting but I just can't bring myself to do it
06:01.37Thunder_Childconvert!, although then you will have to change your name
06:01.48Shirikunfortunately yes
06:02.05IrielYou could always do photoshop in a darkened room
06:02.13Shirikand it's not worthwhile to me to develop anymore
06:02.25Shirikvery few stores do push processing anymore, and even less sell the chemicals
06:02.31Shirikand they can't be delivered due to legal restrictions
06:03.06IrielPick up a Nikon D3 when they come out in Nov
06:03.26Shirikalso, btw
06:03.29Shirikcoolest picture ever
06:03.32Shirik"no parking"
06:03.54ShirikNormally I don't take pictures like this
06:03.57Shirikbut I was too amused not to
06:04.06Shirikthe angle wasn't good, etc., I didn't spend any time taking it
06:04.24WobinOne fan asked whether Albus Dumbledore, the head of the famed Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft,  had ever loved anyone. Rowling smiled.  "Dumbledore is gay, actually," replied Rowling as the audience errupted in surprise.
06:04.51WobinMiddle america must be burning all those books now =P
06:05.56Thunder_Childare we taking bets that she writes more books? i say she will
06:06.27WobinIn response to the audience's groans of dismay, Rowling said, jokingly, "O.K., I'll write another book."
06:06.37ShirikHP books? No
06:06.40ShirikMaybe something else
06:06.54Thunder_Childnot outside of the HP universe
06:06.55WobinIt'll be a prequel
06:07.03Wobinwith Dumbledore's UNREQUITED LUV
06:07.21Thunder_Childshe might do what card did with the enders shadow thing
06:07.48Fisker-wtf is wrong with blizzard?
06:07.57Fisker-now i got 2 items from winter veil?
06:10.14ShirikIriel: I think the reason I don't is just because I've grown accustomed to what I have now
06:10.24Shirikand I don't see a valid reason to switch aside from maybe the hassle of developing
06:10.28Shirikbut eventually I guess I'll have to...
06:10.34ShirikCairenn: ?
06:10.44Cairennif that's you, let me know, otherwise I'm denying the request
06:10.47ShirikYou trying to find his email?
06:10.54Cairenn(to whomever)
06:12.25Thunder_ChildCairenn, your being even more cryptic than usual
06:13.01ShirikMade perfect sense to me :)
06:13.01CairennWobin: have a link to wherever you quoted that, about Rowling announcing dumdledore being gay?
06:13.06Shirik14(0211:0311:5914) 14(1115Wobin14)
06:13.07Thunder_Childi think
06:15.06Thunder_Childwho else besides tamron does generic lenses?
06:15.37Wobinwasn't he that bloke from Wheel of Time? =P
06:15.47Thunder_Childdoesnt ring a bell
06:19.52Thunder_ChildShirik is that a question?
06:19.55CairennWobin: have to disagree with one thing you said though
06:19.57Thunder_Child~lart Cairenn
06:19.57purlacting on orders from an unspecified client drags Cairenn into court suing for $200 million
06:20.00Cairenn(2:04:29 AM) Wobin: Middle america must be burning all those books now =P
06:20.00Shirikand answer to your question
06:20.17Thunder_Childyes you ended it with a question mark
06:20.20Cairennthey already burned the books - paganism and witchcraft? not permitted!
06:20.37ShirikI do the same on many of my tests ^^
06:20.43WobinCairenn: hehe =)
06:20.50Thunder_Childgratz, your ready for jepordy
06:31.30dreamssJ. K. Rowling Reveals Dumbledore is Gay
06:32.14[melin]arent all of the characters in those books gay?
06:41.06WobinYou've clearly been reading too much fanfic
06:41.40cogwheelwhat would be the grep command to show all lines that DON'T contain a certain string?
06:42.16dreamssbackward grep?
06:42.19dreamssi think its...
06:42.26dreamsscant remember
06:43.35dreamssahh yes
06:43.38cogwheelI was being literal when I asked for the command :(
06:43.51cogwheelhaven't used it in at least a year
06:44.01dreamssgrep -v word file
06:47.35cogwheelholy crap... 112kb taint log shrank to 399 bytes after removing all the Blizzard_FeedbackUI stuff
06:48.11Shiriknight guys
06:48.15Shiriktaint log?
06:49.01CairennIf you get a message "Interface action failed because of an AddOn",this means that an AddOn interfered with the Blizzard UI in some way.Instructions on turning on taint logging and posting the resulting logcan be found here:
06:49.13Shirikoh bleh
06:49.18ShirikI need it on live >.>
06:50.28Thunder_Childbitch bitch bitch
06:51.45cogwheelsleep sleep sleep
07:01.28Fisker-guildbanks are cheap :o
07:01.33Fisker-196 bank slots for 11g
07:01.51Fisker-now if only i could rightclick to add stuff like the ordinary bank then that would be awesome
07:02.15[melin]they added the g-bank to testrealm?
07:05.29[melin]what are the right-side tabs for?
07:06.36Fisker-you can buy 6 tabs
07:06.40Fisker-each containing 98 bank slots
07:06.48Fisker-you can customize them as well
07:06.53Fisker-call them what you want and give them an icon
07:06.58[melin]ah ok
07:07.08Bejittwhat are the costs?
07:07.11[melin]easy to order the stuff then
07:07.29Bejittoh you said already
07:07.37Bejittsowwy ;(
07:07.44Fisker-just not here :P
07:07.46Bejittorrrrrr that was differet
07:08.00Bejittjeez 10k
07:08.05[melin]14 * 7 slots per tab.. 98 slots - thats pretty descent
07:08.16[melin]and 2 tabs should be quite sufficient for a while
07:08.30Fisker-i'm wondering who will make a an alt with a guild just to get 196 easy bank slots
07:08.46[melin]lots of people? :D
07:08.52Fisker-that's like 4000 snowballs
07:10.34[melin]bah.. cant validate gameversion :D do I have to reinstall the test game? :D
07:11.07Fisker-run the launcher
07:11.13Fisker-they didn't fix their login server
07:11.16Fisker-stupid blizzard etc.
07:12.30Fisker-oh well
07:12.35Fisker-time to put in bug reports and so forth
07:13.08Fisker-their permission system isn't exactly what i thought it would be
07:13.25art3misuhh wtf?
07:13.32dreamssgay dumbeblore?
07:13.40dreamssJ. K. Rowling Reveals Dumbledore is Gay <-- called it
07:13.44Fisker-[melin] basically you can tell them if they can deposit, and how much money or items they can withdraw each day
07:13.45art3misits a character in a book, who cares...
07:13.53Cairennwelcome to an hour ago
07:14.05art3misi was watching numbers
07:14.09art3misand making pudding
07:14.14art3misbut thanks for the greeting
07:14.15Fisker-i was watching your mother undress lol
07:14.24dreamssfans making it a bigger deal than it is
07:14.24art3misi'm sorry..
07:14.29art3misare you feeling better now?
07:14.39Fisker-no u :(
07:14.57art3misim eatting french vanilla pudding
07:15.01art3misits yummy
07:15.07art3misso im feeling quite well
07:15.15Fisker-ok they've wasted too much stuff on this
07:15.27Fisker-there's place specific vaults
07:15.27[melin]Fisker: is there a way to allow certain ranks more/less than others?
07:15.30Fisker-there's one in shattrath
07:15.35Fisker-which looks like some naaru stuff
07:15.45Fisker-of course [melin]
07:16.06Fisker-but still from the initial info that was given out it sounded like you could even use permission on a per-item level
07:16.22art3misjoins a big guild for the gold withdrawal
07:16.24Fisker-this is pretty sweet
07:16.27dreamssi allways tought of it as rank based
07:16.33Wobindreamss: er, I called it well before you =P
07:16.34[melin]good - and.. does it log if people insert stuff and/or gold.. meaning - would it be possible to have a "fee system" in the guild..
07:16.38Fisker-gonna upload some shots
07:16.55dreamssyes melin
07:17.02Fisker-you can log people's money/item withdrawals or deposits
07:17.12Fisker-and no you can't take a fee for withdrawing
07:17.16Fisker-and there's no taxes either
07:17.19Fisker-gonna suggest both
07:18.05Fisker- <-orgrimmar
07:18.27Fisker-ok this bug is obnoxious
07:18.47[melin]Fisker I more meant.. for a raidguild this would allow them to require a "members fee" from their members - and through this log check if people payed or not =)
07:19.19*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.2.x ToC: 20200 | RTFPN please | WoWI Mod Uploader!| "woot, manager isn't here today" - Kadrahil
07:19.27Fisker-as far as i know there's a limit to the log
07:19.32dreamssfee for raiding?
07:19.38Fisker-so it wouldn't be too accurate
07:24.40Fisker-winrar = blizzard imo :P
07:25.48Cairennwinrar = grrrrrrrr
07:26.43art3mishehe rape teh guild bank of 50k gold and then make 400 1g withdrawals and claim it's a bug ;P
07:26.52FinCairenn: how comes?
07:27.10Fisker-art3mis the log is only 50 entries as far as i know
07:27.24Cairennharder to check for anything malicious when checking mods in the file queue
07:27.24art3misoh thats much cheaper then ;P
07:27.40Fisker-thought you hated i called winner = winrar
07:27.41art3miscairenn: might wanna mention not to use .rar
07:27.50art3misit dont remember seeing it anywhere
07:27.51Cairennart3mis: we do ><
07:28.02art3misand its a just a tick box to save as .zip instead of .rar
07:28.14Fisker-if file-extension = .rar = NO U
07:28.52art3miscairenn: might usggset red flashing letters on a yellow background to get the point across ;P
07:28.58Cairenn1. You will need to zip (not rar, ace, exe or anything else.) your custom interface files.
07:29.06art3misits in the forums
07:29.13art3misnot on the upload ap[ge where it really should be
07:29.30art3misive not set foot in the wowiforums
07:29.40dreamssrar = zip + recovery
07:29.41art3misforums make me sad
07:29.56art3misrar == furbie overlord ;P
07:31.13Fisker-collumn = down right?
07:32.11Cairennwhat columns, what right?
07:32.30Fisker-if they are those who go down or sideways >P
07:32.35Fisker-you know rows and collums
07:32.45Fisker-one goes sideways the other goes up/down
07:32.51Fisker-can't remember what's what :(
07:32.56Cairennah sorry, misread at first
07:33.03Cairennyes, columns == down
07:33.10Cairennrows == sideways
07:35.33Fisker-i doubt they'll implement my suggestions in 2.3 though
07:35.35Fisker-if ever :P
07:35.58Fisker-suggest a per-column or per-2column permissions and withdrawal fees
07:36.05Fisker-that would be awesome in my opinion
07:36.17Fisker-would pretty much automate all guildbank buying/selling we have
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07:51.55ShirikOkay... wow
07:52.04ShirikI love the Cello, but this totally takes it to the next level of awesome:
07:53.14Bejitthaha wow
07:53.21Bejitti didnt know they played live
07:56.43ShirikActually I like this better:
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08:12.51Shiriknight everyone
08:13.02Cairennnight Shirik, night all
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08:36.08art3misreal folk blues part 1 on adult swim
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09:07.38art3mishyperspace is really cool to just stare at
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09:47.44zenzelezzI'm disappointed... went around whistling the Lotus Turbo Challenge II soundtrack while in town today, and not a single person seemed to recognize it
09:48.53TierrieSomehow, I just imagined a ricer recognizing it and then running you over with his Toyota
09:50.55art3misricers dont drive toyotas ;
09:51.06art3misthey drive hondas ;P
09:51.38art3misfglrx+xgl doesnt support 3d on the 200m chip right?
09:51.45art3misati 200m
09:51.53art3misaka the 1100 xpress
09:52.19[melin]wtf.. I can launch testrealm wow.. :| "cant validate game version" something
09:54.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Fin (
09:58.27dreamsswho sells giftwrap?
09:58.35dreamsshorde preferly
09:59.33[dRaCo]orgrimmar, some guy in a building west of saurfang
10:00.18[melin]anyone have a site where I can check the season 3 gear?
10:00.32[dRaCo]mmo-champion or worldofraids
10:02.29[melin]"The min range to shot has been reduced from 8 yards to 4 yards. The "dead zone" is now pretty much removed." - Blizzard confirmed?
10:02.56zenzelezzthink so
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10:04.55[melin]hmm.. all non-hunters will rage over that :P
10:06.05[melin]hunters have always been seen as an overpowered class.. and thats a boost to us - so lots of people will whine that we will be even more overpowered
10:07.38nevcairielwhen have hunters been overpowered?
10:08.17[melin]dont ask me :P I am a hunter
10:08.21[melin]maybe in PvE..
10:08.38nevcairielin PvE that change doesnt do much
10:08.38[melin]we're the kick-ass grind class :D
10:08.49nevcairieland in PvP, hunters sucked
10:09.02[melin]one against one - I suck bad.. real bad
10:11.27dreamsslooks like all shamans are going elemental
10:12.23[melin]when they designed the Z'A drops.. where they high??
10:13.15*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
10:13.29[melin]the armor looks ridicolous :D
10:13.45nevcairielits troll armor
10:13.48nevcairielwhat did you expect
10:13.49art3mishunters are overpowered in pvp, mostly because they get pets that do great damage plus all thier stings and other things tend to be annoying for casters
10:14.01art3misthe dead zone was the casters balancer mainly
10:14.29art3misthats why theres bitching about it
10:14.34nevcairieli never saw hunters as a big threat in arenas
10:14.43[melin]art3mis well.. our dots are nothing compared to locks..
10:14.55art3misthe other thing that is a tad irritating, is that thier autoshot doesnt suffer the same "breakage" that spell casting does if melee'd
10:15.05[melin]well.. thats cause arenas arent designed for ranged fights..
10:15.13[melin]and with our deadzone removed..
10:15.22art3mis[melin]: true but to be fair priests arent supposed to be as tough as a lock
10:15.38art3misand hunter dots are irritating
10:15.43cncfanaticshello ppl
10:16.01dreamssat least pain supresion has antidispell
10:16.27art3misi say this mainly in that arrows are the delivery system they have no real magic, yet somehow our pw:shield which absorbs physical damage(except falling cuz thats umm obviously not physical at all) isnt capable of blocking/absorbing hunter arrows
10:16.43art3misthats my whole bitch against hunters
10:16.47[melin]art3mis some arrows are magic.. like arcane
10:17.10art3misits still a physical damage hit
10:17.19art3misif the arrow cant hit yuo it cant dot you
10:17.23dreamsstought the arrows was inbued with arcane magic
10:17.29art3mis(see stings)
10:17.55[melin]dreamss I dunno.. I just shoot the damn things and hope to kill my target before it kills me .P
10:17.57art3misand autoshot and aimed shot etc
10:18.10art3misits still an arrow
10:18.26art3misjust because it doesnt deliver hit damage doesnt mean it shouldnt be "shielded"
10:18.43art3misif my shield can stop a sword from hitting me, im pretty sure it can stop an arrow
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10:21.42art3misbut really thats my only complaint against em
10:21.56art3miscourse i also think that all paladins should take bonus shadow damage ;P
10:22.04art3miswhile holy damage effects them less
10:22.25art3misdeath knights of course would be the reverse
10:23.19dreamsstrhen undead take extra holly dmg
10:23.35art3mistechnically we're humanoid though not undead
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10:24.04dreamssu died
10:24.15[melin]yep.. you were taken out of the dead state before turning into scourge (undead)
10:24.17dreamssthen resurerected
10:24.29[melin]so.. somewhere between living and scourge Id guess
10:24.44Nom-Loving those pvp dailies
10:24.54art3misactually we were given humanoid and not undead because of pallys destroying us ;P
10:24.57cladhaireNom-: how do they work?
10:24.59Nom-I'll finally be able to get some good gear for my mage by just pvping once a day for a couple of weeks per item
10:25.01dreamssdo they award tokens?
10:25.15[melin]hmm.. disarming shot
10:25.15Nom-cladhaire: So far, all i've seen is "Go win BG X"
10:25.16art3mispvp dailies?
10:25.26cladhairewhat do they give?
10:25.35[melin]survival, disarming shot on warrior, melee for a few seconds, wing clip - repeat
10:25.37art3mishonourhall tokens?
10:25.44Nom-well, the ony I just completed gave me 2100 honor and 3 bg tokens
10:25.52art3misthats not bad
10:25.55dreamssnot bad
10:26.01[melin]dailies in the bg's?
10:26.09Nom-pretty damn good as far as i'm converned
10:26.21Nom-That's about 2 weeks of pvp per character for an item
10:26.32Nom-That's just 1 battleground win
10:26.53cladhairewhere do you pick em up?
10:26.59Nom-Horde Warbringer
10:27.07Nom-I assume there's an equivilent for Alliance
10:27.19cladhaireis there someone in shatt?
10:27.34Nom-Not sure if they're anywhere else though
10:27.55Nom-This is on the PTR btw
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10:27.59Nom-In case that wasn't clear :)
10:27.59cladhaireoh okay
10:28.02cladhaireit wasn't
10:28.04cladhairebut thats okayu
10:28.30Nom-It's going to help the casual players soooo much
10:28.50[melin]BAH! I cant launch my PTR..
10:28.52Nom-Like I can actually gear my mage up
10:28.56[melin]sais it cant validate game version :(
10:29.13Nom-delete and download the patch
10:30.24cncfanaticsanyone on PTR ATM ? I need a bug tested
10:30.29[melin]well. I havent played ptr for.. 1-2 months so.. its a buckload of patches =)
10:31.09cncfanaticsNom- are u on ptr atm by any chance ? :p
10:31.09Nom-I am, cncfanatics
10:31.30Nom-[melin]: You have to delete your folder then
10:31.40Nom-[melin]: You have to re-download a new client for each ptr cycle
10:31.49[melin]ah - figures
10:31.57cncfanaticsNom-, can you test to see if a bug occurs for me ?
10:34.29cncfanaticsok, make a macro
10:34.38cncfanaticscall it trinket1, use the ? as Icon for it
10:34.44cncfanaticsas macro code you use this: #show 13
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10:35.07cncfanaticsshld make a macro with the trinket's Icon
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10:35.45cncfanaticsthat worked I supose ? Nom- ?
10:36.20Nom-yep works
10:37.11cncfanaticsok, do this
10:37.29cncfanaticswhat u get ?
10:40.14art3misgo write yer book
10:40.24cladhaireuhh i am
10:40.29art3misyou cant send me gifts if its not published and yer rich ;)
10:41.10art3miswell you can
10:41.26art3misthey just wont be as nice, and you'll be eatting ramen forever ;P
10:41.56cncfanaticsNom-, what output u get from that command ? :o
10:42.02art3misout of curiosity how much do you get off of each book sold?
10:42.10art3misnot that its any of my business
10:42.19cladhaireits part of the contract, i dont recall
10:42.21cladhaireunder 15%
10:42.22cladhaireof net
10:42.27cladhaireafter the advance is payed off.
10:42.34art3misthats not too bad
10:42.51art3misand carries through without renegotiation for revisions ?
10:43.06cladhairethe publisher has all the options, really
10:43.18art3missame pub for this one?
10:43.24cladhairenot in a series tho
10:43.26cladhairestandalone tech book
10:43.42art3mispure lua in all forms or just lua in relation to wow?
10:44.13art3misgod i love objectdock
10:44.25cladhairewhat do you mean?
10:44.26cladhaireits not a lua book
10:44.33art3misi just sit and play with the rolly dock all day.. how do you get any work done on yer mac?
10:44.34cladhaireyou're taught enough lua to become familiar and capable of writing addons
10:44.38cladhaire7 chapters worth
10:44.54art3miscladhaire: yeah so it's wow weighted, as opposed to lua for the sake of lua
10:45.08cladhairewhere necessary i point you to the appropriate Lua/XML resource.
10:45.17art3miscd included?
10:45.37art3misthat would be handy
10:45.45cladhaireat the moment no
10:45.51cladhaireif we put a CD then it'll be out of date and a waste of money
10:46.05art3misto a degree
10:46.10art3misdepends what's on it
10:46.25cladhairewell what are ou thinking would be on it?
10:46.39art3miswell use a minicd the 220MB ones
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10:46.48cladhaireand what goes on it?
10:46.50cncfanaticswould still be outdated after the next major patch
10:46.54art3mison it have yer resource links, only grouped better than the wiki does
10:46.56cncfanaticsif you want any ressources host em online
10:47.23art3misthats my biggest hatred of wikis
10:47.26cladhairethey will be online
10:47.29ThraeIf you have code samples on your book's website, then that's fine -- lots of authors nowadays are updating their books and samples online
10:47.33cladhairewill be filled when the book is finished.
10:47.33art3misif you dont know what yer looking for they're kind of useless
10:48.09art3mismainly as a runnable offline version with better explanation(from the book) with live links to updates
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10:48.31cladhairethere is no "runnable".
10:48.35cladhairethere are addons
10:48.38art3misyou know what i mean
10:48.40cladhairethe code for all addons are available
10:48.45cladhairethe examples for each chapter are available
10:49.31art3misim talking about the API stuff , not examples
10:49.35art3misno addons
10:49.39cladhairehell no
10:49.43art3mislike say yer dealing with unit frames
10:50.07cladhairethats easy then, absolutely not.
10:50.08art3misyou've got a better description and such to browse through on the cd, with an "updated online" link
10:50.18cladhaireno, thats why you buy the book
10:50.22cladhairefor the paper reference
10:50.32cladhaireif you want the online reference, you use that
10:50.42art3miswiki's suck crap
10:50.47cladhairei didn't say it was a damn wiki
10:50.53cladhairei said it was online.
10:51.09zenzelezzthese are sad times when people assume that everything will be a wiki
10:51.14cladhairewell fuck that
10:51.16cladhaireeven if it is
10:51.17cladhairewho cares
10:51.18cladhairethe info is there
10:51.22cladhaireits ALL thats on the site
10:51.24art3miszenzelezz: its a fair assumption with the proliferation of those accursed things
10:51.26cladhaireand its our job to make it easy to find.
10:51.28cncfanaticswhats wrong with wikis if they're well maintained ?
10:51.47art3miscncfanatics: wikis in most cases assume you know what you're looking for
10:51.57zenzelezzart3mis: I disagree, there's still tons of big resources that aren't in anything even wiki-like
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10:52.26cladhairethat's an extremely broad generalization
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10:55.40cncfanaticsart3mis, a wiki is what u make it
10:55.48cncfanaticsits the author that suposes you know what you're looking for
10:56.04cladhairewe can't put the info on wowwiki
10:56.05cladhairefor lots of reasons
10:56.13cladhaireso it'll be a focused, comprehensive companion site to the book
10:56.15cladhairelike you'd expect
10:56.40cncfanaticscladhaire, only accessible if you bought the book I supose ?
10:56.55cladhaireactually no,
10:57.06cladhairethe reference will be available online
10:57.12cladhairejust not in electronic printable format
10:57.15cladhairefor obvious reasons
10:57.19zenzelezzthat's pretty cool
10:57.21cladhaireit'll still be copyright the publisher
10:57.30cladhairebut we'll keep it up to date
10:57.32cncfanaticsthats very generous, but might reduce sales ?
10:57.48cladhairecncfanatics: Not absolutely everything will be online
10:57.49zenzelezzdon't think so; not by a lot anyhow
10:57.51art3misnot really
10:57.56cladhaireotherwise some asshat will wholesale rip it to wowwiki
10:58.08art3misif its avail online people will be less likely to bother ripping the book to pdf releases
10:58.23art3missince its mostly avail there in electronic format
10:58.32cncfanaticspdf releases of books are evil
10:58.39art3misto a degree yes
10:58.42cladhairenot realizing that wowwiki is a.) owned by a company b.) licenses the material to other companies and c.) the license allows ANYONE to wholesale rip the wiki, put it in a book and make money off of it.
10:58.55cladhairefor example, the examples in each chapter
10:58.58cladhairethe code will be available online
10:59.09cladhairethe walkthrough and description of how its built and put together is only available in the text
10:59.16cladhaireso people can use and download the addons, or try to learn on their own
10:59.31cladhaireand people who own the book will have an electronic copy to download so they don't have to type it in.
10:59.34cladhairethe API reference will for the most part be available online
10:59.48art3mispdf releases of programming books are evil.. for fiction and such in most cases its a secondary format the person has for when pda is handier than carrying around a hardcover
10:59.57cladhairethe extensive examples for each and every function, showing how they can be used, will be available only in th ebook
11:01.14cncfanaticsI think you're publishers copyright arm is gonna have to get wowwiki pretty hard :p
11:02.24cladhairebut that's their job
11:02.37cladhairei mean the parameter list can't be copyright
11:02.45art3miscladhaire: see the electronic copy is what i was talking about on a mini cd. save the BW(as little as it may be) and include links to the online version so that updates online can be done and are availabale
11:04.01cladhaireits just a bad idea
11:04.03cladhairefrom a cost-perspective
11:04.07cladhairefrom people using it
11:04.20cncfanaticshmm though cladhaire
11:04.20cncfanaticssomeone could take ur book
11:04.20cncfanaticsand put the whole reference on wowwiki as long as they reword everything ?
11:04.29art3mishow so?
11:04.44cladhairecncfanatics: not really, that's not how copyright works
11:04.50cladhaireart3mis: It costs money to print and include the cds
11:04.56cladhaireno one will use them because it will be out of date
11:04.58cncfanaticscladhaire, well, I have no idea of how copyrights work :p so I'm asking :p
11:05.03art3miscd printing used to be expensive.. but its not really, plus you make it back in the price of the book plus you save BW costs
11:05.19cladhaireits not going to happen
11:05.26cladhairewe already decided against it, with good reason.
11:07.40cladhairethe online reference, for one
11:07.46cladhairewon't be complete by the time the cds would need to be mastered.
11:09.15art3misheh i just thought of a funny side thing
11:09.32art3misuse the reserrection scroll codes to give yourself free months ;P
11:09.38art3miserr "trial"
11:10.00art3misthat would be kind of amusing
11:10.06dreamssthen get a free month?
11:10.09dreamssccause u paid
11:10.41art3mispeople buy book, start playing wow(that didnt) upgrade and buy it, clad gets free month ;P
11:10.54art3misit would be a low hit but a months a month
11:11.13art3miswell even distro clad kael and whoever
11:12.07cladhairei'm done with all my chapters :P
11:12.10cladhairethat's a lie
11:12.13cladhairei have to write chapter 1
11:12.29art3misdid you include cartoons?
11:12.59art3misyou should just include random xkcd comics ;P
11:12.59cladhairei have to finish the appendices
11:13.13art3misthe raptor one springs to mind
11:13.59clad|awaygrabbing lunch, be back in a bit.
11:14.54clad|awaylove that one
11:15.32art3misthats awesome
11:16.29clad|awaypbf started at syracuse, imo
11:16.44art3misim pretty sure xkcd is in new york
11:16.56art3misi need to find his house and get a raptor for helloween
11:18.22art3miswhen i lived in vancouver my isp was userfriendly
11:18.26art3misthey ruled
11:18.36art3mis1.5mb dsl no limits
11:18.48art3misaveraged 200GB down 120GB up a month ;P
11:18.53art3misnever got an AUP call
11:19.15art3misonly had 1 day downtime too when they did a hardware upgrade on the whole place
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11:37.15clad|awaywell then
11:37.19clad|awayi'm over my quota on googlecode =(
11:37.21clad|awayfuck all
11:38.21Maldiviacladhaire, can I get you to post on the US forums for me ?
11:38.38clad|awayif you leave me a PM, yes.
11:38.56cncfanaticscan I get anyone to test something on the PTR for me ? takes 2 minutes or so (must have at least 2 trinkets though)
11:39.43foxlitTurns out I'm behind on a 30mb patch, though
11:40.39nevcairielcncfanatics: why dont you get on the ptr ? :P
11:40.45cncfanaticscan't copy my char
11:40.53cncfanaticsand I need a char with 2 trinkets at least, so a new one won't do
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11:44.22Maldiviacnc: I'll log on, just a sec
11:44.48Maldiviacncfanatics: what do you want me to test?
11:47.32cncfanaticsMaldivia, make a macro , call it trinket1, put #show 13 in it, as Icon you choose the ?
11:47.54cncfanaticsthen do /dump GetMacroInfo("trinket1");
11:47.57cncfanaticsand tell me the output please
11:49.25Maldivia"trinket1", "blah icon path", "#show 13\n/use...",
11:50.05cncfanaticsok, now change the trinket
11:50.10cncfanaticsto one with another icon
11:50.16Maldiviawhere icon path, is the parth to the trinket-icon
11:50.16cncfanaticsand do that dump again
11:50.31cncfanaticsthe icon path should stay to the old one if its bugged like in live
11:50.52Maldivianow I have Ability_BackStab as icon :)
11:51.32Maldiviaicon path changes, when I select another icon
11:51.36cncfanaticsno no
11:51.41cncfanaticskeep the ? as Icon
11:51.44Maldiviachange trinket
11:51.45cncfanaticsbut change the trinket
11:51.47Maldiviamisread :)
11:51.48*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
11:52.05Maldiviaicon path changes when I swap trinkets
11:52.36cncfanaticsdoesn't on live, seems they fixed it then
11:52.56*** join/#wowi-lounge _art3mis (
11:53.47zenzelezzyou sure it doesn't work on live?
11:54.12cncfanaticszenzelezz, try it out, 100% sure
11:54.21cncfanaticsit always stays to the icon of the first equipped trinket
11:54.38zenzelezzchange as in swap around the two I have?
11:54.42Maldiviauhh, they fixed the staturbar text on dead mobs :)
11:55.01foxlitcncfanatics: It works on live.
11:55.09zenzelezzI'm seeing the same as foxlit
11:55.10cncfanaticsfoxlit, no it doesn't, except if u did something weird
11:55.19foxlitOr, rather, I can't reproduce your bug on live.
11:55.30cncfanatics(and I don't mean the Icon on the actionbars, but the actual output from GetMacroInfo)
11:55.36zenzelezzfor me the icon changes, and the reported path changes
11:55.36cncfanaticsthe icon on actionbars is correct
11:55.37sag_ich_nichthemo debuff increased to 36?
11:55.58cncfanaticsdoesn't for me
11:56.01cncfanaticsI even screenshotted it
11:56.11zenzelezzInterface\\Icons\\INV_Battery_02 -> swap 13 <-> 14 -> Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_ArmorKit_10
11:56.13cncfanaticscompare the textures
11:56.17cncfanaticsof the macros
11:56.21cncfanaticsand of the equipped trinkets
11:56.47sag_ich_nichtfield repair bot 110G is now 5 charges
11:56.52foxlitI know why that happens, but that's not really a bug :)
11:57.01foxlitClose the macro frame.
11:57.14cncfanaticswon't update when I reopen
11:57.20Maldiviahmm... just recieved 2 repices from Greatfather Winter on the PTR :)
11:57.29nevcairielboo i only got one
11:57.32cncfanaticsand /dump GetMacroInfo("trinket1"); gives the wrong texture path
11:57.32zenzelezzdon't even have to close the macro window, just click a different macro
11:57.37zenzelezzcncfanatics: no, not for me
11:57.45foxlitShort version: GetMacroInfo() always returns the correct texture for me, macro window needs a refresh
11:58.33zenzelezzmacro window only updates the icon in the list when you change the selected macro
11:58.52cncfanaticsok hmmmm
11:58.59cncfanaticswhen I change the selected macro a few times the texture indeed updates
11:59.07cncfanaticsbut GetMacroInfo is also wrong till I change the selected macro
12:00.58nevcairieltry doing it with the macroframe not open
12:01.36cncfanaticsdoesn't update right away either, if I change trinkets and dump right after its buggy
12:02.15foxlitGiving it a second for the server to acknowledge the swap?
12:02.51cncfanaticsI change trinkets, then type the code manualy to dump it, should be plenty of time for the server to do that
12:03.37zenzelezzfor me it switches within a second, but you're right that it doesn't while I have the macro window open
12:04.18foxlitMine updates GetMacroInfo  even if the macro window is open, it just doesn't resync icons in it
12:04.31cncfanaticsseems everyone gets slightly different behaviour heh
12:05.05foxlitThings shouldn't work like that.
12:05.05zenzelezzI'd test more but I'm doing dailies and can't swap in combat :-p
12:06.31cncfanaticsfor me, even though my first trinket slot is empty atm its showing the icon of cold basilisk eye
12:09.16foxlitNow, that does occur.
12:09.42cncfanaticsah good, seems i'm not crazy yet
12:11.00foxlitIt gets better
12:11.09foxlitIt doesn't sync the item if the macro is not placed on your actionbar
12:11.45cncfanaticsfinaly, we found the bug then
12:12.01cncfanaticsflexbar doesn't use actionid's, so the macro is never on ur actionbar if you use flexbar, so its permanently bugged
12:12.13sag_ich_nicht2.3 has a taintlog?
12:12.16sag_ich_nichtepic win
12:12.16cncfanatics(which is why I noticed it way easyer then you)
12:12.50foxlitBug against flexbar! How dare it not use actionids!
12:12.53cncfanaticscould anyone on the PTR try that while the macro is not on his actionbar ?
12:13.08cncfanaticsfoxlit, <3 for finding that out
12:13.16cncfanaticsjust need to test that on PTR and report it if the same happens
12:14.05cncfanaticsMaldivia, still around ?
12:16.13sag_ich_nichtsomeone please tell slouken that i want to send him cookies for adding a taintlog:
12:17.07nevcairielyou noticed that now? man you're slow :P
12:18.10sag_ich_nichtnevcairiel: i've been bitching about wanting one since like forever :(
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12:19.11cncfanatic1damn disconnects
12:19.19cncfanatic1so, anyone on PTR atm for some more testing ?
12:21.14foxlitI have an up-to-date client and a char, and I can even connect, but I have no devtools in my PTR addons directory, and I'm too lazy to fix _that_ :)
12:22.49cncfanatic1does it matter for testing the bug I gave ya ? :p
12:23.40foxlitYes, since you want to check if GetMacroInfo works correctly.
12:23.48foxlitEncapsulate it in an addon or something
12:23.50cncfanatic1copy it over plx ? :p
12:26.51Maldiviacncfanatics: now I am, if you still need?
12:27.15cncfanatic1yea Maldivia
12:27.18cncfanatic1we tracked the bug some more
12:27.24cncfanatic1only happens when the macro is not on ur actionbar
12:27.40cncfanatic1could you try it out while its not on ur actionbar and while the macro UI is not open ?
12:28.12Maldiviaso /macro, create macro, close macro frame, /dump, swap trinkets, dump ?
12:28.23zenzelezzFFS, I'm getting sick of how disrespectful people are on the Ogri'la plateau... intentionally trying to pull fel flak fire on you, trying to ninja your demon kills, ...
12:28.26cncfanatic1ya Maldivia
12:28.46cncfanatic1and make sure the macro is NOWHERE on ur actionbars
12:28.59cncfanatic1cuz it'll work for sure if it is :p
12:29.38sag_ich_nichtzenzelezz: call your guild up and kill them all.
12:29.42sag_ich_nichtunless they are your side
12:29.42Maldiviacorrect, not updating when not on actionbar
12:29.43sag_ich_nichtin which case
12:29.50sag_ich_nichtgrief them.
12:29.51cncfanatic1Maldivia, good, are you US also by chance ?
12:30.06cncfanatic1need to report that one to slouken
12:30.08zenzelezzI don't grief, no matter what
12:30.18Maldiviano longer on US :|
12:30.26Maldiviadoesn't matter if macro frame is open or not
12:31.36cncfanatic1ok, someone, report "GetMacroInfo doesn't update correctly when a macro is not on the actionbars, easyest way to reproduce it is make a macro with #show 13, find out what texture GetMacroInfo returns, change trinkets, and then get the texture again, it will still be the old one instead of the texture of the new trinket"
12:32.37Maldiviafoxlit: can still test rather easily, even without /dump: /run message(select(2, GetMacroInfo("trinket1")))
12:32.53foxlitToo lazy! :)
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12:42.26[melin]those brooms.. do they vanish after used or? =)
12:43.06cncfanatic1they don't, wrong tooltip
12:43.10cncfanatic1they vanish in 2 weeks
12:43.10foxlitNo, at the end of the 14 day timer
12:43.12cncfanatic1when halloween is over
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12:47.50dreamssthey vanish 14 days from first use
12:47.56dreamssor 14 from droped
12:47.56foxlitIs there a mechanic that lets me determine if I can swap gear in a specific slot (the new no-swapping-in-arenas)?
12:50.13[melin]you can swap weapons during combat.. not armor..
12:52.25foxlit[Melin]: that's not quite what I was asking.
12:52.35foxlitThere are situations where you can't swap armor even if out of combat.
12:55.04[melin]hmm.. never noticed =)
12:59.32cncfanatic1 <--- fix plx
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13:00.19foxlitshouldn't GetMacroInfo get a parameter?
13:00.28cncfanaticshmmm, yea ups, the macro name
13:01.31cncfanaticsfoxlit, thanks for the help tracking that down
13:02.26cncfanaticsfoxlit, post edited btw :)
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14:33.38Cidanlol@windows 98 install
14:33.41Cidanman it's been a long time
14:34.57zenzelezzlooks so primitive, doesn't it?
14:35.43Cidanit really does
14:36.11Cidan"You seem to have a hard disk larger than 512 megabytes, would you like to enable large disk support?"
14:39.09Cidantakes up a whole 312 megabytes
14:39.20Cidannow Vista takes what, 20 gigs?
14:39.23CidanWhat bloat
14:40.35Neeblerthey should adopt the modular philosphy like ckknight :P
14:40.44CidanI do hope you're kidding.
14:40.47CidanI really do.
14:40.52foxlitVista doesn't really take up 20 gigs :)
14:40.59CidanLike, I do hope you are a troll, Neebler
14:41.17NeeblerI wasn't aware I could roll that race... I'm a gnome
14:41.27Cidanhaha, oh wow.
14:52.55TemCidan, giggle
14:53.30CidanTem: :D
14:53.51TemI think the response you were looking for was "oh lawd"
14:54.05Cidanis that sum troll?
14:55.08TemCAN HAS STDIO?
14:55.34TemVISIBLE "BAI!"
14:55.41Fisker-CANT HAS STDIO
14:56.01Fisker-O NOES
14:56.04Fisker-INVISBLE ERROR
14:56.12Fisker-or something like that
14:56.12Tem(and by that I mean, I need to move my machine downstairs for my group meeting
15:00.34CidanI really wish Alone in the Dark would work...
15:03.26foxlit"ow, obviously, the rings and helm that the Horseman drops are hardly the Arena weapons that Blizzard had to put behind a rating. Though they are Epic, they're not that amazing-- one trip through Karazhan could probably replace all of them."
15:03.39foxlitIs WoWInsider being clueless again? :)
15:06.10Maldiviayou sounds as if you're surprised...
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15:10.57CidanMan, Alone in the Dark > Resident Evil
15:11.13CidanI like how they totally ripped Alone in the Dark off
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15:25.45Industrialwin list
15:26.41cncfanaticsCidan, think they'll manage to fix this by 2.3 going live ?
15:27.04cncfanaticsfoxlit, aren't the HH drops quite amazing ?
15:27.33foxlitI wouldn't go as far as to say they're amazing. They're just better than Kara, imo.
15:27.44Cidannot sure
15:27.46Cidanit's not critical
15:27.49Cidanit might be
15:29.14cncfanaticsI hope it is, its fucking fb over :'(
15:29.25Wobinany hemo knowledable rogues about?
15:30.35foxlitGetItemInfo(GetInventoryItemLink("player", slot))
15:30.58foxlitperformance-wise, vs :match("%[([^%]]+)%]"); -- opinions?
15:31.31foxlit(just want the item name)
15:32.33nevcairielhm, no idea how fast the api is
15:34.14cncfanaticsthe api is a C func, so it should logicaly be faster, even if it just matches itself
15:34.46foxlit:match() is a c func, tbh
15:35.04cncfanaticstrue too :p
15:35.58MentalPower:match() would be faster
15:36.18MentalPowerGetItemInfo has to do a cache lookup and decode all that item's info and finally return it
15:40.07foxlitAnd the winner is :match(), by a factor of 2
15:41.22Fisker-oh hi cncfanatics
15:41.28cncfanaticsyes Fisker- ?
15:41.38Fisker-i just oh hied you
15:41.44cncfanaticsoh hi Fisker-
15:41.48Fisker-nothing major but enough to ruin your day
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15:43.49cncfanaticsthats far from enough to ruin my day Fisker- xD
15:43.57cncfanaticsthere are actualy only very few things that'd be able to do that
15:44.32foxlitFiskertroll is getting out of practice :P
15:44.56cncfanaticshe's not one of the select people that can ruin my day :)
15:45.18Fisker-but i have this claims service center
15:45.23LunessaFiskertroll is trolling?  
15:45.31Fisker-where you drive in, sign a couple of forms and drive out again in a rental
15:48.45cncfanatics~fail Fisker-
15:48.46purlFisker-: Fail.
16:02.22Wobinwhen's 2.3 out?
16:02.31Wobinexpected, anwya
16:02.52foxlitI give it four weeks.
16:05.14CidanI give it about that long
16:08.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae|ppc (
16:11.37Cidanmmm, quake wars linux demo
16:11.41Cidangame ran like ass in Windows
16:11.46CidanLet's try it here!
16:12.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
16:14.32foxlitAnyone knows what happened to the notion of letting people use buff names in GetPlayerBuff* calls?
16:14.50foxlitIt seems to work for some functions, but not others
16:18.33cncfanaticscheck the UI suggestions thread
16:18.40cncfanaticsif said func is not on there already, post it
16:20.45foxlitThing is, support for some of them has been added ages ago
16:20.55foxlitAnd I couldn't post anything anyway.
16:23.40Cidanwow, ETQW works well in linux
16:23.43Cidanshame the game it self sucks.
16:24.44cncfanaticsI wonder if wine will ever manage to fully support all games :p
16:24.51cncfanaticsgiev working c&c3 & thief3
16:25.04CidanI'd love it if T3 works
16:25.22CidanETQW has linux binaries though
16:29.00Cidanreally waiting for a UT3 demo
16:29.16Mr_Rabies2TF2 is so fun
16:29.26Mr_Rabies2playing a medic is actually enjoyable
16:29.38Mr_Rabies2WoW should take some ideas from it to make healing fun :D
16:29.52Garoun|Loupanawell   I'll be, slouken got the swift shift stuff tied to the defualt shifting bar for druids
16:30.17cncfanaticsGaroun|Loupana, just change that ? easy enough
16:30.19Garoun|Loupanaso you don't need the cancelform macro unless you want to do  potions
16:30.25Mr_Rabies2now only if he can get the bar to work with doubletaps Garoun|Loupana
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16:30.42Mr_Rabies2i.e. i hit bear twice from cat form and shift out of cat and into bear
16:31.05Garoun|Loupanayou don't have to hit twice anymore
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16:31.17Garoun|Loupanaif you click bear from cat using default bar it goes straight to bear
16:31.33Garoun|Loupanaone click
16:31.44Garoun|Loupanait's in the new build they pushed out last night
16:31.53Shirikjust like dismounting -> casting a spell
16:31.55Shirikonly one click now
16:32.24Garoun|Loupanaactually the shift from form to form works on the default bar, but you can't do bear bear on default
16:32.27Garoun|Loupanabut why would you
16:32.44Garoun|Loupanaonly reason you'd do bear to bear is if you were popping a potion ;0
16:32.49Garoun|Loupana:) even
16:33.30Mr_Rabies2<Garoun|Loupana> if you click bear from cat using default bar it goes straight to bear
16:33.31Mr_Rabies2<Garoun|Loupana> one click
16:33.38Mr_Rabies2this made me happy in the pants
16:33.50Garoun|Loupanaif you are in bear and hit bear again it goes caster
16:33.56Shirikyou can do it on any bar if it's coded right :)
16:34.07Shirikdon't use attribute spell
16:34.12ShirikI forget what it's called... form maybe?
16:34.25Cidancoded right?
16:34.29Cidanis there a coded left?
16:34.35Shirikcoded CORRECTLY happy?
16:34.48Garoun|Loupanawell he didn't code form to same form because then you couldn't go caster ;p using the default bar
16:35.19foxlitShirik: I don't think you're correct.
16:35.36foxlitCasting Bear Form while in Bear Form would likely cancel the effect :)
16:35.46Shirikoh that's not what I'm talking about
16:35.46foxlitEven if you do /cast Bear Form();
16:35.53Garoun|Loupanagranted there are going to be alot of druids going oom  due to the change until they get use to it ;)
16:35.59Garoun|Loupananot in a macro fox
16:36.02foxlit"don't use attribute spell"
16:36.04ShirikI'm talking about something like cat->bear
16:36.05Garoun|Loupanaonly default bar
16:36.31foxlitGaroun|Loupana: /cast and cast attribute are virtually identical.
16:36.31Garoun|Loupanai hae amacro for /cancelform /use potion /use healthstone /cast dire bear form()
16:36.36Garoun|Loupanaworks great
16:36.54Shirikin fact, I have a feeling that hitting bear form while in bear form, using the shapeshift attribute WON'T cancel it. But I would need to test this
16:36.56Garoun|Loupanai'm not visibly in cast at all
16:37.05foxlitUntil you something hits you for 32k in caster form while the server thought about shifting you back into bear :)
16:37.10Garoun|LoupanaI just did and told you how i tworks ;)
16:37.52Shirikgrr, I have a presentation on tuesday and I haven't prepared for it at all
16:38.18Garoun|Loupanathey literally happen in about the same millisec now
16:38.36Shirikie, the server doesn't wait for a response
16:38.39Garoun|Loupananow you can't go bear to bear to bear... it'll lag out
16:38.48Garoun|Loupanaandyou'll be stuck in caster ;P
16:39.36Garoun|Loupanahmm whats the strftime string to do hr/min/sec/mill/
16:39.42Garoun|Loupanai'll do i tright now with prat ;)
16:39.55foxlitI still wouldn't be convinced.
16:40.15foxlitYou'd need to prove that your macro processing is atomic server-side, and I don't think you can do that without being Blizzard.
16:41.17Garoun|Loupanathere is always going to be a very slight chance of taking a hit, but the caster to form is now done in the same time frame
16:41.21foxlit(and combat log has a time dimension of its own -- heals land, people die, more heals land)
16:41.39Shirikas far as I'm aware, there is no millisecond timing in strftime...
16:41.47Shirikbut I'm basing this off PHP
16:42.00Shirikand this is logical since it's based off the UNIX timestamp
16:42.28Garoun|Loupanaeither way fox, there is going to be alot of people bitching about it ;P when they see a druid using a potion without visibly going caster
16:43.28ShirikCidan! Where did you go!
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17:00.23LunessaChange is the only true constant in the universe.  in 8 months, not one player will care that druids can shift more quickly.
17:02.41Kaso would like a word with you about that statement!
17:02.50Garoun|Loupanahmm does the new guild bank require an initial buy in or is it given atomatically or a new guild?
17:03.09Mr_Rabies21g i think
17:03.20Mr_Rabies2not sure though
17:03.26Esamynnlets go create a guild and find out! ;)
17:03.42Garoun|Loupanaevery mule is probably going to have it's own guild after 2.3 hehe
17:04.15LunessaKaso: :P  
17:04.41Esamynnwho's with me, lets create a test guild!
17:04.42Garoun|Loupanawe've got most of our raiders copied over, but haven't all been on to get the charter done ;) but that'll be remediedtonight since we are doing ZA
17:05.10Esamynnok, that's sweet
17:05.30Garoun|Loupanasince it's only about an hour wait now
17:05.37Esamynnoh, nm
17:05.40Mr_Rabies2Esamynn, which server/faction?
17:05.51Esamynnalliance, either server
17:05.54Garoun|Loupanasomepeople hae copied in 15min or less ;)
17:06.04Mr_Rabies2i'm up for it, alliance pvp?
17:06.08Mr_Rabies2lemme dl the update
17:07.34WobinWe have a guild named First Bank of Stormwind
17:07.43WobinI bet we'll be getting Second Bank of Stormwind
17:07.46WobinThird Bank..
17:07.49WobinFourth Bank...
17:07.57Garoun|Loupanaso answer the burning question wobin ;P
17:08.03zenzelezzparody guilds are always around
17:08.07Garoun|Loupanahow much did it cost :)
17:08.23WobinWell, I say "We" as in "Our Server"
17:08.26zenzelezzon my server the (generally considered) top PvE guild is called Inner Sanctum... and they have a parody guild called Dinner Sanctum
17:08.51Mr_Rabies2i have an alt guild named darth and texas
17:09.04Garoun|Loupanawould hae been better named public orgy imo... but that's just me
17:09.25LunessaI've considered making a guild called <Dry Wit>
17:09.52foxlitHrm, so I'm rewriting my swap-trinkets-based-on-cooldowns addon
17:09.53zenzelezzthere's also a guild called Celtic Leaf Army... I always wanted to make one called Celtic Loaf Army
17:10.20foxlitFeels weird to be throwing away more code than I'm adding; adds a certain element of doubt in whether the algorithm I'm implementing is sound
17:10.43zenzelezzjust means you've become more 1337 since you wrote that code
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17:17.44foxlitHm, I did miss out a feature
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17:20.59Mr_Rabies2Esamynn: ping
17:21.11EsamynnMr_Rabies2: pong
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17:23.17Mr_Rabies2whats your name on pvp ptr?
17:24.08EsamynnMr_Rabies2: i'll need to login there
17:24.45Mr_Rabies2apparently flight form has its own stance bar now
17:24.58Omni_Could someone tell me if there's another way to get info about a player other than SendWho and GetWhoInfo? Every time I use GetWhoInfo it shows the last who info, not the one I just sent...
17:25.04purlGet the official Blizzard Interface AddOn Kit here: or view it online at
17:25.24KasoOmni_ add them to your friends list.
17:25.34KasoAlso SendWho takes some time to return the infomation
17:25.47Kasoalso if you send a sendwho within like 6sec of a previous one it wont work
17:25.50cogwheelOmni_: SendWho is a request, response system
17:26.04cogwheelyou have to wait for an event letting you know that the who info you requested is available
17:26.09EsamynnMr_Rabies2: Esamyn
17:26.47Omni_Well I'm using it in an addon to determine if the player is in the same zone as you... and may need to check quite a few times. Are there any other methods to do so?
17:27.15Omni_And adding to friends list isn't an option because the other player may or may not be of the opposing faction and on a different server.
17:27.18cogwheelnot unless they're in your party
17:27.48cogwheelunless you can force them to install your mod
17:30.32foxlit" may not be of the opposing faction" == forget about it
17:31.02Thunder_Childsomehow i dont think "Vengeful Gladiator's Refuge (healing set) has been changed, all MP/5 bonuses are modified into +spirit." is gonna make druids happy
17:31.10foxlitYou may be able to do something with a large number of people and mouseover/target units, but the precision will suck, and I'd lynch you for wasting my CPU time.
17:31.34foxlitThunder_Child: why not? :)
17:31.53Thunder_ChildMP/5 > Spirit
17:32.07foxlit1 mp5 > 400 spirit?
17:32.18Thunder_Childdidnt say that
17:32.37foxlitYeah, that was an exageration.
17:32.52Thunder_Childi should hope so
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17:32.59foxlitBut unless you start throwing numbers about mp5 -> spirit conversion around, your statement is without basis.
17:33.19foxlitFor all you've told me, it could be adding enough spirit to compensate mp5 loss, and then everyone would be happier
17:33.25Thunder_Child8/mp5 vs. 20 spi
17:33.39Thunder_Childis the gloves
17:34.06Cidekinda helps druids
17:34.06Thunder_Child9/mp2 vs 22 spi on the chestpeice
17:34.10Cidesince you don't use mana while you're in forms
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17:34.21foxlitresto set, though
17:34.37Cideresto druids are far from always in caster form in pvp though
17:34.53foxlitAnyhow, with new intensity, 20 Spi ~~ 4mp5
17:34.59Cideplus they have innervate
17:35.17foxlitA comfort that'll be in 2.3
17:35.21Omni_for PvP I'd say Mp5 >>>>>>> spirit
17:35.27Omni_I for one am never out of the fsr
17:35.32LunessaTreeform spirit bonus is the hawtness if you're doing pve healing.
17:35.33CideOmni_: what's your class?
17:35.43Cidethen your argument is worthless
17:35.44Thunder_ChildOLD NEW
17:35.55Cidedruids don't play like priests in pvp
17:36.27Omni_Yeah they can actually get away from focus fire >_>
17:36.35Cideby doing what?
17:37.06Thunder_Childwow...hunters seem to be getting much loving from blizz this pach....
17:37.19Thunder_Childi didnt think they needed to be buffed for pvp
17:37.23Omni_spam shifting forms? going into bear form and feral charging someone across the field then shifting into travel form?
17:37.24foxlitI do.
17:37.29foxlitHunters were a joke
17:37.36Thunder_Child"There is now a Mortal Strike effect (Healing done on the target reduced by 50%, Duration 10 seconds) on Aimed Shot."
17:37.49Tullerhurray :)
17:37.51Cidesomething like that
17:37.55Fisker-hunters are overpowered
17:38.01Tuller+ deadzone reduction
17:38.07Thunder_Child"The min range to shot has been reduced from 8 yards to 4 yards. The "dead zone" is now pretty much removed."
17:38.25CideFisker-: hunters were far from overpowered before
17:38.30Cidehave you tried out the changes?
17:38.33foxlitCide: Innervate is a bit meh when everyone can see your buffs and 4 classes can dispell it
17:38.46Cidefoxlit: what four classes?
17:38.47foxlitFisker- is just a troll.
17:38.54foxlitPriests, Shamans, Warlocks, Hunters
17:38.56Thunder_Child5, hunters now to
17:38.58Fisker-hunters can do more damage than me :(
17:39.04Fisker-my holy paladin
17:39.05Omni_Mages can spelsteal as well
17:39.07Cidefoxlit: 2/9 can do it consistently
17:39.27foxlitOmni_ that has, thus far, never happened :)
17:39.32foxlitCide: I'd give it 3/9, actually
17:39.38Omni_your'e lucky then >_>
17:39.44Omni_mages love to spellsteal everything from me
17:39.48foxlitAnd since it's trivial for hunters in 2.3, I don't see why they'd let me get away with it
17:39.58foxlitWarlock pets will eat anything.
17:39.59Tullermages love to arcane pyro me :P
17:40.04Cidethat's assuming you only have 1 buff on you
17:40.13Cideyou'd be stupid to only have that
17:40.24Cidearcane shot dispels 1 buff every 5-6 seconds (depending on talents)
17:40.24foxlitI'd be stupid to be recasting buffs in arenas.
17:40.36Cideyou're not recasting motw, you're recasting hots
17:40.42foxlitI'm not a tree
17:40.49foxlitAll of those effects eat the most recent buff
17:40.58foxlit(except spellsteal)
17:41.04Cideno they don't
17:41.06Omni_I'm fairly certain it's random.
17:41.06Cidethey eat random buffs
17:41.15Thunder_Childexcept for mass dispell
17:41.25Cidewhich prioritizes immune effects but other than that is also random
17:41.43Thunder_Childi was under the impression it was "most powerfull" first
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17:42.36Omni_I love the dispel bug
17:42.54Omni_if you hit dispel on a pally just as they bubble, sometimes it dispels it as well as a normal buff
17:43.11Omni_works for purge too
17:43.14Cideyeah, how often does that happen though? never
17:43.27Omni_I've had it happen a couple times
17:43.32CideI've had it happen once
17:43.53Cideonly happens in 5v5 though, more or less
17:43.57Omni_in like the 5000 arena games I've played vs pallies >_< so yeah rare but nice when it happens
17:46.09Cidethe who list displays class colors now.. is that new in 2.3?
17:46.27Omni_I'd really like to see shadow priests given some survivability in group PvP... shadow was so much more fun than holy/disc
17:46.33Omni_well at least Pre-BC ...
17:46.56Cideshadow priests are decently hard to kill in pvp gear
17:47.06Thunder_ChildCide, yes, new to 2.3
17:47.08Omni_So is every other class in PvP gear.
17:47.22CideOmni_: I didn't say otherwise
17:48.02Omni_Kinda a moot point.. yes they bring silence to the table, but that's it. It would be better to take a holy/disc priest for the mana burn, or another mage for imp CS
17:48.09Omni_No reason to take one past 2v2 atm
17:48.31Cideif you're going for utility, more or less
17:49.01Cideplus, shadow priests in pvp *SHOULD* have imp mana burn
17:49.15Omni_I know, I did in my build
17:49.25Omni_Just saying they still have no survivability at all
17:49.34Omni_no way to do anything with even a single melee dps on them
17:49.43Omni_at least holy/disc has blessed resil, blessed recovery
17:49.43Cideyou just said that they don't have more utility than a holy priest or mage
17:49.47Cidenothing about their survivability
17:49.56Cideyeah, but you gain 15% from shadow form too
17:50.17Omni_+15% of what you have currently, not 15% more total
17:50.21Omni_it's nice but not that great
17:50.26Omni_I'd rather be able to ice block
17:50.28Cide15% total
17:50.39Cideyou take x damage, with shadow form you take x*0.85 damage
17:50.59Omni_It's x1.15 of whatever your current mitigation is
17:51.03Cideno it's not
17:51.06Omni_I wish it was like that
17:51.12Cideit is like that
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17:55.23Omni_I'm unable to find any source to say one way or the other, but if it was like that in shadowform and in full PvP gear I'd have more mitigation than a mail wearer, and that is not the case. I rememember always being hit consistantly harder than any mail-wearing class by the same melee attacks, when if it was a solid +15% more mitigation I would indeed take less damage
17:56.35CidePhysical damage you take reduced by 15%.
17:56.46CideApply Aura: Mod Dmg % Taken (Physical)
17:56.46CideValue: -15
17:56.53Cidecan't really be more clear
17:57.03CideApply Aura: Mod Dmg % (32)
17:57.03CideValue: 15
17:57.25Omni_That's ambiguous, could be applied before or afterwards
17:57.35Cideit stacks multiplicatively
17:57.42Cidedoesn't matter whether it's before or after
17:58.01Omni_Where's your source that says it stacks multiplicatively?
18:00.33Mr_Rabies2brb Esamynn
18:01.54Cidanmanually retagging 700+ MP3's is not fun
18:03.15Esamynnouch, guild bank tabs get expensive
18:03.24Esamynn1g, 10g, 100g, 1000g, 5000g
18:03.36Cideand finally 10000g right?
18:03.53CideI think so
18:03.54Esamynndon't have 5000g to try it
18:04.00Cideah :)
18:07.13Esamynnyou get to choose an icon for each tab
18:07.16Esamynnand you can name them
18:09.00Esamynnand if you have the ability to withdraw gold from the guild bank, it prompts you if you want to repair from guild funs when you hit repair all
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18:10.01Esamynnok, that's not good
18:10.16Esamynnmoney drawn from the bank directly for repairs DOES NOT show up in the log
18:11.07Cidethat's gotta be a bug
18:11.39EsamynnI submitted a bug report
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18:21.45Omni_Anyone know of any tools to check syntax outside of WoW?
18:21.45Thunder_Childhm...WiMax can now use 3G's bandwith
18:22.24Thunder_Childwowbench maybe
18:23.52Tulleris there an easy way to detect when the player is splitting an item vs when they've just picked up an item?
18:24.38CairennTwo men are on opposite sides of the earth. One is walking a tightrope. The other is getting a blowjob by a 90-year-old woman.  Both get the exact same thought at the exact same time.  "Don't look down."
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18:26.08ShirikCairenn ><
18:26.10ShirikI'm trying to eat
18:27.03zenzelezzit's odd when while watching a porn film you start to think "wow, I need to find out what song this is"
18:27.25Thunder_Childthen just imagine the recieving end of the 90-yo woman is a 90-yo man and it should get better
18:27.28zenzelezzif anyone's curious, it was "Gravity of love" by Enigma
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18:27.59Thunder_Childzenzelezz, huh?
18:28.50Thunder_Childbut TY for getting yet another song stuck in my head
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18:31.39LunessaCairenn: I chuckled.
18:32.19dreamssapaently u cant format vista out of pcs bought in circuit city
18:32.26dreamssit voids the waranty?
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18:41.12Shirikdreamss: I think you're nuts
18:41.14Shirikwhere does it say that?
18:41.24ShirikBecause afaik, the warranty explicitly doesn't cover software issues period
18:41.30ShirikTherefore formatting the pc would be irrelevant
18:41.33dreamssim helping out this old dude, i had him bought vista
18:41.38dreamsstold him hes better off with XP
18:41.44Shirikthen you lied to him
18:41.46Shirikanyway, continue
18:41.46dreamssnow he wants to keep vista due that
18:41.54dreamssi lied to him?
18:42.00Shirikyes, but please, continue
18:42.16dreamsshow the fuck i lied to him, vista is rap
18:42.26ShirikAs I said, continue
18:42.28dreamssspecially since he does ebay and messaging
18:42.31Shirikyou have no basis for your argument, but anyway, continue
18:42.56dreamsswhat fucking argument, cant format his shit since it voids the waranty
18:42.57dreamssthats it
18:43.05Shirikok, that's what you should have said next
18:43.08Shirikyou never said that to me
18:43.15Shirikwhat kind of computer is it?
18:43.26Shirikor does he have the Circuit City protection plan on it?
18:43.35dreamssno plan
18:43.49dreamssim his repair plan, and i never touched vista on my life
18:43.49Shirikso the fact that he bought it from CC is completely irrelevant
18:44.07Shiriksince it's a manufacturer's warranty, not the store's
18:44.16Shirikand I can tell you from personal experience that doesn't void the warranty
18:44.40dreamssim completly aware
18:44.46ShirikI worked for BBY repair for about 3 years, I know manufacturer warranties inside and out for computers
18:44.50Shirikso tell him to stop worrying and format?
18:44.56dreamssfact is, serial for vista is on the pc case. u can reinstall it if needed
18:45.47dreamssnono, im gonna let him keep vista, charge him now to move his old software
18:45.55dreamssthen charge him down the road to format
18:46.51dreamssso why did i lied when i said vista is a piece of crap?
18:49.10Omni_Could someone take a look at this and tell me why it would be executing code when you're not in the zones I listed?
18:49.13Cidebecause vista is awesome
18:49.35Kasoor "Word here" is always true
18:49.50KasoGetMinimapZoneText() == "Blade's Edge Arena" or GetMinimapZoneText() ==  "Ruins of Lordaeron" ... etc
18:50.22Cideyou have x == a or b or c, and not x == a or x == b or x == c
18:50.37Cideb evaluates to true and so does c
18:50.39Omni_I see
18:50.46Shirikdreamss: Tell me exactly why you think he shouldn't use vista
18:50.50Omni_still fairly new to lua
18:50.56Shirikdon't say "vista is crap" that's not a reason
18:51.28Omni_if I were to put parenthesis around the names, would that work?
18:51.31dreamssvista is just a new UI with dx10 and unstable at best, general rule is wait out new OS untill sp1 comes out
18:51.35ShirikOmni_: no
18:51.37CideOmni_: no
18:51.42Omni_I mean around all 3 names
18:51.54Shirikyou have to write it exactly like cide did
18:52.07Shirikdreamss: Again, that's not a real reason
18:52.15Shirikthat's FUD
18:52.31dreamssok then
18:52.34Shirikyes, Omni_, I suggest, as Cide already did, that you read PIL
18:52.42dreamssgive me a reason to use vista over XP
18:52.55ShirikI never said you should :)
18:53.03ShirikMy reason for initially going to vista is because it natively supports RAID
18:53.08Shirikthat's it
18:53.12Shirikbut that's only a reason for me
18:53.26dreamssthis guy just ebays and IMs
18:54.14Shirikso then, why exactly should he go to xp? :) Why not stick with what he has now. It works, doesn't it?
18:54.25CideI like it because of hardware acceleration I'm pretty sure it is
18:54.49Shirikhonestly, I like it because of UAC... that and it just feels better. Don't know what to say about that.
18:55.00dreamssShirik, pretty much doubt is gonna work, im gonna have to jump hoops for o reason
18:55.16dreamssnot to mention im gonna give him xp pro, instead of vista home
18:55.20Shirikand the fact that I tried to install a rootkit and it wouldn't let me
18:55.22Shirikwhich is kinda cool
18:55.25Cidewhat hopps are you gonna jump?
18:55.43Cidewhat problems do you think he's going to experience that wouldn't exist on xp?
18:55.44Shirikthe fact that you can't inject unsigned code into the kernel
18:55.51Shirikthat's a nice little change
18:56.01Cideif he's just "ebaying and iming"
18:56.33dreamsshardware/software he might want tranfered that have no vista support?
18:56.39Cidesuch as?
18:56.50dreamssusb wireless
18:56.57Cidedo you have any idea how vista's driver support is?
18:57.02dreamssim gonna find out the hard way
18:57.03Cideusb wireless what?
18:57.33Cideso you have no idea? I haven't had a single driver issue
18:57.45dreamssu need signed drivers last i heard
18:58.13CideI don't think that's true
18:58.22CideI looked it up because someone said that and couldn't find anything about it
18:58.27Cairennso much testosterone in here today, I need a shower to cool off!
18:58.33dreamssyeah thats a lie
18:58.55dreamssonly need signed drivers for hardware that passes premium content
18:59.04CideAdministrator privilege is required to install unsigned kernel-mode components. This includes device drivers, filter drivers, services, and so on.
18:59.34CideI think that's pretty smart
19:01.20dreamssi just see less trouble using xp sp3 than vista sp1
19:01.25dreamssbut heh ill find out
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19:01.59Cideyou will
19:02.12Cidechances are you'll find it's no more trouble than xp
19:02.46dreamssoh no i have that feeling
19:12.01cncfanaticsvista loses due to DRM :p
19:12.12cncfanaticsI'm not buying any more MS OS's cuz of that
19:12.51Omni_Ok.... so: I've written an addon that keeps track of your previous arena opponents and has a command to scan that list and spam ignore all of them to show you who you're going up against before the arena starts. However, for obvious reasons, it doesn't work with teams from your own server as it will just detect them if they're online and give a false positive that they're in the arena with you. Anyone know of a way around this? =/
19:13.34dreamssmust lag after a while
19:13.48Omni_it auto clears after 100 names
19:14.02CideBlizzard_FeedBackUI is using up 400kb/s memory on PTR.. interesting
19:15.35Irieli hear it taints a lot, its unsigned for some reason
19:15.49Irielso that may be an exaggerated number
19:16.31dreamssOmni_, who people in ur realm if they on the same arena as you?
19:16.49CideIriel: true
19:16.52dreamssprolly give you false positivies
19:17.00Omni_I've tried that but 1) It doesn't work cross faction, and 2) Can give false positives
19:17.10Omni_not only that but GetWhoInfo is delayed
19:17.11dreamss(trying to get around the gearswap? heh)
19:17.41Omni_just basically a tool to tell you if you're going against the same team you just went against or someone else
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19:18.07dreamssu can change your tab/tar distance and see them as soon you come out
19:18.31Omni_That's being fixed next patch btw, and that's sort of irrelevant
19:19.02dreamssonlyr eason u need it pre opening of gate is to gearswap
19:19.57Omni_well I for one play with a rogue as a 2v2 partner, our strat is to zerg from the start and pick a target to go after asap, no questions asked, while shutting the other one down
19:20.47Omni_knowing if we're going against the same team or a different one would help us to do that before hand and shave off valuable time when we pick targets
19:20.52Omni_every second counts
19:21.03Omni_in Priest + Rogue combo at least
19:21.17IrielOnce the gate opens do you know who your opponents are?
19:21.33Iriel(Never played arena, sorry for stupid questions)
19:21.41Omni_not if one is stealthed and if they manage to get behind pillars or something
19:21.49IrielSo all you actually need is an addon that you're both running which will always pick the same target
19:22.32dreamssthere an addon that learns you arena targets with win/looses but works off targeting
19:23.10IrielSo you only 'know' who they are when you see them?
19:23.25IrielEven then, if your addon stores a database of previous teams, seeing one should tell you who the other is, right?
19:23.27dreamsspretty much
19:23.48Omni_Well, for one they might switch out players, and two it stores the class as well
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19:24.16art3misi cant believ i woke up with a song stuck in my head
19:24.21dreamsswhats ur rating?
19:24.32dreamssart, the pokemon song?
19:24.32Omni_1951 2v2
19:24.41dreamssoh nice
19:24.51art3misdreamss: the song from the promos for Lucy, Daughter of the devil on adult swim
19:25.03dreamssOH that song owns
19:25.15dreamsslets paint the town red
19:25.17art3mis"death choir, boogie oogie oogie, death choir"
19:25.20Fisker-Anyone know if all that new music in 2.3 was added in this PTR build just released today_
19:25.56art3misim sad
19:26.15art3misinstalled ubuntu 7.10 on my laptop and for some reason the opengl hardware stuff is broked
19:26.25art3misi can use 3d desktop effects not i cant run games
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19:27.07cncfanaticsati or nividia ?
19:27.31art3misati xpress1100
19:27.46art3misthe ONLY chipset it seems that 3d for games doesnt work at all
19:27.49Fisker-ati is crap :(
19:27.55art3misati is good
19:28.05art3mislinux driver support is crap ;P
19:28.29art3misit's getting better mind you since they released all those papers
19:28.36art3misbut oh well
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19:30.52Fisker-but still art3mis
19:30.55Fisker-ATi = fail
19:31.17Fisker-can't spell "This is a huge failure" without ATi
19:31.53IrielHow about "This was a triumph" ?
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19:32.00Irielspeaking of songs stuck in heads
19:32.17cncfanaticsati drivers, install em art3mis ? :p
19:32.24Fisker-that's not fair Iriel :(
19:32.37cncfanaticsIriel :o , I needed you, do you have a second ?
19:34.00cncfanaticswould it be possible to call _TestChildVisibility when showstates or hidestates changes ?
19:34.16cncfanatics(in the secure framexml code)
19:34.31art3miscncfanatics: they are installed ;)
19:35.15cncfanaticsart3mis, then I guess ur out of luck for having the only card without 3d ?
19:35.32AnduinLotharwoah wtf. Heroic Keys now require just honored
19:35.44Irielcncfanatics: the problem is that you want the parent to know when a child attribute changes, and it doesn't
19:35.58Fisker-it's a bad change imo
19:36.11Fisker-now we'll just have people stuck at honored saying they don't need more rep rather than revered
19:36.12Irielcncfanatics: the solution I suggested was to give you a method to ask the parent to re-evaluate a child's status, then you can call it from your child OnAttributeChanged handler if you've installed one
19:36.29cncfanaticsits local
19:36.34foxlitFisker-: and that's bad how? :)
19:37.01dreamssHeroic Keys now require just honored?lol
19:37.27Fisker-foxlit in a different number of ways
19:37.31AnduinLothari don't rly mind. i can still use my exaltedness for discounts :)
19:37.38Fisker-player skills, don't got the rep vendors outside ssc, etc.
19:37.41foxlitBut assuming you can change hidestates/showstates in the first place, can't you just call testchildvisibility?
19:37.41cncfanaticsIriel, what I do currently is child:SetAttribute("showstates", ...); parent:SetAttribute("state", parent:GetAttribute("state")); any better way ?
19:37.46foxlitFisker-: different from what?
19:38.09cncfanaticsmy current way feels, hackish
19:38.11Fisker-bad* then
19:38.15Irielcncfanatics: Right now, there's not a better way.. I was proposing a slightly nicer change that didn't fire state change events
19:38.25IrielAnd ou can't call test child visibility directly because it's local
19:38.35AnduinLotharoh nifty, new Combat Text Float Modes
19:38.51AnduinLotharor did i jsu tnot see those b4..
19:39.31Irielcncfanatics: your current way isn't hackish, beyond causing perhaps a bit of undesired processing
19:39.46cncfanaticsit feels hackish
19:39.51cncfanaticsnormaly I handle every button individualy
19:39.54cncfanaticsbut for shwos
19:40.29cncfanaticsbut for showstates & hidestates I have to set every button's attributes correctly and do parent:SetAttribute("state") afterwards, which prevents me from considering every button without looking at the others
19:40.50cncfanaticscuz if I did the parent:SetAttribute("state") once per button I'd have stupid ammounts of processing
19:41.33cncfanaticsas every button is an object, I had to move that code outside of the mixin, which is hackish imo :p
19:42.10IrielThe proposal I had was essentially that you'd do...
19:42.21Irielparent:SetAttribute("checkchild", child);
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19:43.12cncfanaticsthat'd be nice, I could do that once per button without problem
19:43.51IrielLet me add it to my todo list
19:45.17IrielI think that's very unlikely
19:46.01cncfanaticsfigured that much :)
19:46.28IrielWho knows, depends how long it lingers on the PTR
19:47.37cncfanaticsyou're the one coding the secure headers right ? or am I mistaking :p
19:47.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
19:48.06IrielThe secure state header, yes.... The argument is that I'm the only person who actually understands how it works as I wrote it.
19:48.21IrielI'm not sure I wholly agree with that, but at least this way I can make sure it doesn't go mad.
19:48.30cncfanaticsI understand some parts of it, though far from all
19:48.32cncfanaticsits hug
19:48.45IrielI'm still trying to think of a nifty simpler design that doesn't lose any functionality or 'security'
19:48.45cncfanatics(I mainly udnerstand the parts that effect me :p)
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19:49.14cncfanaticswell, the secure state driver is a start
19:49.21cncfanaticsbut macro options are a pain to autogenerate though
19:51.08cncfanaticswish you'd accept a table with a list of states and their rules
19:52.12IrielOne of the things i've been thinking about is a better representation of a complex state machine
19:52.40cncfanaticslike flexbar's ? :p
19:52.43Irielbut above that, i'd like to enable a more 'abstract' way to describe the desired state changes, something more lua-ish.
19:53.03IrielThe problem is maintaining the GUARANTEE that you can't inject unauthorized outside data into the engine
19:53.12Irielif it wasn't supposed to be secure it'd be really really easy
19:54.19cncfanaticsheh, I abstracted your engine kinda
19:54.27cncfanaticswant to see the code I used ? though I'm 100% sure it can be abused
19:54.56Irielcan you email it to me so I can look at it later? ?
19:55.32IndustrialAnyone have the font AvantGarde ? Please pm me
19:55.43cncfanaticssure Iriel
19:56.15cncfanaticsI'll add some more comments in it
19:56.18cncfanaticsits a pain atm :p
19:56.32MentalPowerIndustrial: not me, sorry
19:58.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Gl0bal (
19:58.44cncfanaticsIriel, mind if I just give you an url where to find the file ?
19:59.03IrielIf you email me the url, and keep the file there, then it works for me 8-)
19:59.09cncfanaticsk k :)
19:59.20cncfanaticsactualy, might as well mail u the file then
19:59.42IrielMy short term memory has been betraying me lately, a mailbox is much better at remembering things
20:00.31cncfanaticsI like my code, and it doesn't feel hackish
20:01.36cncfanaticsgood enough for me I guess, tell me what u think of it when u had a chance to read it :p
20:03.15sag_ich_nichtgod damn it
20:03.28sag_ich_nichtsomeone fix the PTR installer for deDE clients that have the ELP for enGB installed already
20:04.41sag_ich_nichti'll post ANOTHER topic on the PTR forum about it
20:04.45sag_ich_nichtand it will AGAIN be ignored.
20:05.16Kaydeethreeit's the weekend, like you expect anyone from QA to be in the office today?
20:05.45sag_ich_nichti have posted about this
20:05.50sag_ich_nichtsince the 2.1 PTR.
20:05.55sag_ich_nichtand it's still not fixed.
20:06.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
20:06.30sag_ich_nichti'd ask someone to post about it on the US PTR forum since hortus actually REPLIES there unlike the EU forums where we get no replies in the PTR forum at all
20:06.38sag_ich_nichtbut otoh this is a EU only issue more or less
20:06.40cncfanaticsits an EU issue :p
20:07.20sag_ich_nichtdamn you, brain induced typo!
20:07.30Fisker-make a ticket
20:08.32*** join/#wowi-lounge [KzM]Fatalis (
20:14.16sag_ich_nichthow funny... NOT.
20:14.49cncfanaticsoh come on sag_ich_nicht, Fisker- is being as funny as usual
20:19.59KasoI just wrote a 1500 word email to Gabe Newell about orange box, i feel so nerdy.
20:20.18Kaydeethree"gimme more portal yesterday!" ?
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20:20.42KasoI did make some requests about Portal 2 being here as soon as possible
20:21.31KasoBut i also do want Portal 2, rather than just a portal map-pack
20:21.47Kasoi think the storyline / humor of glados is what made the game
20:21.55Kaydeethreeoh yeah
20:23.57Kaydeethreeah, I love well-seeded torrents. getting shana2 ep3 at ~750K/s
20:23.59dreamssholly fucking shit
20:24.40Shirikpeople are really mad at the new hunter aimed shot
20:25.02KasoDoes seem a little overkill
20:25.15ShirikI don't see it being overkill much
20:25.16dreamssthey get dispell/no deadzone/MS
20:25.20dreamssnot OP
20:25.25Shirikno dead zone?
20:25.34dreamssreduced deadzone
20:25.37ShirikThe 4 yd is definitely a typo
20:25.46Shirikit's not active on PTR at least
20:25.51Shirikmy aimed shot still requires me to be a distance away
20:26.04Shirikand it's a 3.5s cast time on MS
20:26.12KandokoITS not a you can shoot at melee range :P
20:26.19sag_ich_nichthold it
20:26.23Cideaimed shot MS is way buggy btw
20:26.24sag_ich_nichtblizzard broke the melee range on the PTR
20:26.26Cidein its current state
20:26.28sag_ich_nichtit's now 3 yards
20:26.29dreamsscan the shots be interrupted by shocks?
20:26.32sag_ich_nichtinstead of 5
20:26.34Cidesag_ich_nicht: broke? changed :P
20:26.36Shirikyeah Cide it doesn't work at all
20:26.39CideShirik: it does
20:26.45Shirikeh, my tests it doesn't
20:26.46sag_ich_nichtCide: i consider this broken.
20:26.51Shirikbut ok I'll take your word for it
20:26.55CideShirik: well, I tested it with ts
20:27.05Cideit reduced my heal by 50% once out of 10 tries
20:27.10Cideso it does work sometimes :P
20:27.44Shirikthe arcane shot dispel is kinda cool
20:27.50Shirikbut let's be honest. People arecomplaing about the 5s cooldown
20:27.55ShirikI'm like... the only MM hunter anymore
20:27.58Shiriknobody specs that route anymore
20:28.23Shirik!c us eredar shirik
20:28.25ThraeBotShirik: Shirik, Level 70 Dwarf Hunter (3/50/8). 7393 HP; 6928 Mana; 103 mana regen; 22 mp5; 4754 Armour; 1467 AP; 198.100 Melee DPS; 13.83% melee crit; 90 melee hit; 1671 RAP; 261.10 Ranged DPS; 18.83% ranged crit; 90 ranged hit; 8.19% dodge; 10 frost resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1358 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sat Oct 20 16:31:31 2007 EST ]]
20:28.30ShirikI have 3 points in BM?
20:28.34Shirikwhy did I do that..
20:28.39Cidegood question
20:28.41Cideyou fail
20:28.44Kaydeethreego go gadget respec
20:29.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
20:29.39ShirikI would be ok with them making the dispel a talent point
20:29.42zenzelezzso in 2.3 we'll have hunters Aimed Shotting the mobs at Karathress and Magtheridon
20:29.43Shirikpart of arcane shot talent
20:30.44Shirikahah! Yes!
20:30.50ShirikSomeone posted a thread saying there should be a lifestealing shot
20:30.51dreamssholly fucking shit
20:31.06dreamssu guys see the youtube link?
20:31.19zenzelezzI saw the link, I did not follow it
20:31.34dreamsscome back when ur traumatized
20:31.56zenzelezzI trust that's SFW?
20:32.31dreamssno porn/graphic stuff
20:33.12Shirikthat was amusing
20:33.33dreamssu see the whole thing?
20:34.14sag_ich_nichtahahahah hilarious
20:35.14*** join/#wowi-lounge tardmrr__ (n=tardmrr@
20:35.33Shirik"Divine Shield Shot. Friendly targetted. (Remember to tell them to get their hearthstone ready before you fire.) "
20:36.55Shirik"You should be able to mount Gnome Mages on your shoulders. They would, of course, independantly target and Arcane Missiles enemies around you. Or, you could activate "Linked Fire Mode" and they would blast away at your current target with you. "
20:36.58Shiriktihs thread is so full of win
20:38.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
20:38.08CideTarget a specific area to create a bandage dispenser.
20:40.12dreamsshow about stfu shot
20:40.16dreamssppl and their qq
20:40.23Shirikthat was already said :)
20:40.28Shirik"And then just for the heck of it Blizz should throw in a "Everyone stop the QQ about hunter buffs and continue with the game because they aren't invincible" shot. "
20:40.46sag_ich_nichti want an ogre mage
20:40.55foxlitwrong channel!
20:41.26zenzelezzhunters already have a solution to all the whining
20:41.28dreamssenjoy the OP untill it gets nerfed to even worse than before the buff
20:41.29zenzelezzTranquilizing Shot
20:41.39Cidezenzelezz: don't forget silencing shot, too
20:41.46dreamssfear shot!
20:41.48zenzelezzonly if specced, but good point
20:42.10dreamssaoe shot: next shot attacks all targets around the hunter
20:42.36sag_ich_nichtShirik Cidan you seen that 2.3 has a taint log? :X
20:43.29Cidedreamss: why limit yourself?
20:43.37CideAoE shot: Next shot attacks all targets. Period.
20:44.04Shiriksag_ich_nicht: Yes I heard of this
20:44.06Shirikpretty nice
20:44.36Shirikzenzelezz: I have silencing shot :)
20:44.39sag_ich_nichti want 2.3 so badly now
20:45.05Shirikhey it worked
20:46.31cncfanatics~fail CIde
20:46.32purlCIde: Fail.
20:46.34cncfanatics~fail Shirik
20:46.34purlShirik: Fail.
20:46.39Cidetricked me for a split second actually :)
20:47.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Viserion (
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20:57.10foxlitCan combine that one with different effects
20:57.26foxlitHealthstone AoE Shot - All friendly targets receive a healthstone.
20:57.50*** join/#wowi-lounge cryogen (i=stu@freenode/staff/cryogen)
21:01.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (n=kd3@
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21:03.11art3miskaydee eats dandelions!
21:03.22art3miswhen they're poofy white!
21:03.34art3mishi kd3
21:06.25Kaydeethreewhat the hell is pidgin doing burning 40MB of ram just idling?
21:09.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Olison (
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21:31.42art3misits simple kd, pidgins are doing what pigeons do, eatting up everything available ;P
21:31.56art3miserr pidgin is
21:32.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin (n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity)
21:56.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
22:10.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Furl (
22:10.53Furl!i Veteran's Dreadweave Belt
22:10.54ThraeBotFurl: Name: Veteran's Dreadweave Belt; Rarity: Epic (Purple); BoP; Cloth Belt; +45 Stamina; +30 Intellect; Requires L70; 35 Durability; +31 ResilienceRating; Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 36.. [[ ][ ]]
22:11.39buuI'm saving up for it =[
22:11.49buuHonor takes way too goddamn long.
22:11.50FurlTailoring levelling time
22:12.04FurlOnly about 24 hours of farming >.>
22:12.09FurlI played D alot though
22:12.19FurlD in AV is fun :P
22:17.07FurlAnyone have a cart fix for 2.3?
22:19.12Shirik"Attempt to index local self (a number value)"
22:19.13Shiriknow there
22:19.20Shirikthere's a not-so-fun error
22:23.05buuFurl: I can never find a good spot to play D
22:26.17*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
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22:37.11ShirikWhen you try to transmit an addon message that is too long
22:37.16Shirikdoesn't it truncate it?
22:37.22ShirikI'm getting DCed for some reason :/
22:38.03Shirikwtf does CTL have to do with too long of a message
22:39.01ShirikSendAddonMessage("CONSP1", ("H"):rep(251), "PARTY") causes a disconnect
22:40.06IndustrialWhat are the level 40 isntances besides ZF and SM? those have crap loot for hunters :|
22:40.16Industrialim 45 and still in leathers from 40
22:41.21Industrialhm maybe uldaman, mara
22:41.24Industriali HATE mara
22:42.33foxlitShirik: that fails by a lot of characters!
22:43.13Shirikfoxlit ?
22:43.26foxlitMaximum message length limit
22:43.35Shirikyes, but I thought it just truncates
22:43.37Shiriknot disconnects
22:43.43foxlitRead the docs, nublet!
22:44.19MentalPowerit DCs, I think it always has
22:44.21Industrialooh mara has some nice items
22:47.00foxlit[The combined length of message and prefix can be at most 254 characters (255th is the tab character used to delimit the two), length above 254 will disconnect you.]
22:47.35Shirikthanks >.>
22:53.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
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23:14.25CidanWindows 98 sucks.
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23:35.24Industriallol yes, yes it does
23:35.38Industrialremember making your own window style?
23:35.42Industrialall green or red or black?
23:35.48Industrialand Plus!
23:38.59CidanI was using it earlier in VM
23:42.55*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
23:58.57art3misi think im gonna make a winnie the pooh ui next
23:59.03art3miscuz winnie > *

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