IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071019

00:00.09JoshBorkei don't get it
00:01.11*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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00:07.03Mr_Rabies2johnborke needs to lern2pokeymans
00:07.52*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
00:15.46WobworkI hear it's SUPER EFFECTIVE
00:22.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
00:24.57Cidanbleeter: here?
00:25.57Kaydeethreek, version 2 of the 2.2.3-0.3.0 diff is now up:
00:26.42Cidanor mebbe Kaydeethree, do you know how I can get wine 3D apps to go "over" my taskbar?
00:26.46Cidanand go true full screen?
00:27.01Wobworkset it up as an explorer window
00:27.04Cidan'cause they fullscreen but dock under my top task bar
00:27.33Kaydeethreeya, I just run apps in a virtual desktop. native: 1280x1024, wine presents 1152x864
00:27.50Cidanah, k
00:28.25*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
00:29.33CidanI kinda like the window option better
00:37.11Corrodiasmm, kahlua: why would anyone mix this with vodka?
00:38.35CidanKaydeethree: do you know the command line switch to run things in desktop, etc?
00:38.44Cidaninstead of having to edit wine options
00:45.23Mr_Rabies2got the epic flying broom
00:53.11LunessaNothing in the world like inheriting a guild, a web-site, and a set of forums and then having to teach yourself the tools from scratch.
00:53.12WobworkMr_Rabies: one use?
00:53.16Mr_Rabies214 days
00:53.30Wobworkshould be permanent
00:53.35Cidanokay so, Kaydeethree, I have the explorer go fullscreen, but it only takes the upper left hand side of the program
00:53.48Cidanrather, of the explorer, :/
00:54.14Cidanmust I change the game resolution to match it?
00:54.20SixenLawl Lunessa.
00:55.26LunessaAnd for the record - I think I hate DotNetNuke as a CMS
00:55.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Fluid (n=Fridgid@
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01:01.51Mr_Rabies2Wobwork, then they'd nerf the drop rate
01:02.02Mr_Rabies2atm one broom has dropped every run for me
01:04.20ScytheBlade1Out of curiosity... could anyone write up some lua which creates a basic frame that contains one line of text?
01:04.32ScytheBlade1I'm looking to learn all of the GUI frame crap, and learn best by (simple) example
01:05.06*** join/#wowi-lounge fridgid (n=Fridgid@
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01:06.47Corrodiasi cannot! i will not!
01:09.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem|Work (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
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01:09.28Corrodiasso what does that horseman drop for a druid or hunter to care about? just the cute pumpkin head and the minipet?
01:11.02ScytheBlade1AP ring, spell damage ring, or a healing ring
01:11.05dylanmThe rings are pretty nice.
01:11.05ScytheBlade1All very nice rings
01:11.16dylanmIf you're not already steeped in purps
01:12.21Thunder_Childi am damit!
01:13.17ScytheBlade1I am, and they are still nice rings
01:13.39ScytheBlade1You'd have to be in Hyjal for the raw AP/spell damage/healing stats to be possibly considered a downgrade
01:14.00ScytheBlade1I took the ring, and it's quite nice
01:14.58ScytheBlade1(<-- mage)
01:15.25Corrodiasthat's not bad, i guess
01:15.48ScytheBlade1iirc the healing ring is some stats, 53 healing, and a fair amount of mp5
01:16.18CidanScytheBlade1: here
01:16.35Cidansmall tutorial I wrote.
01:17.16ScytheBlade1Cidan, sexy, <3
01:17.17Thunder_Child"Mac users have been waiting since 2004 for an update to Microsoft's ubiquitous office suite, and especially eagerly since Apple switched to Intel processors." somehow i dont see mac users waiting eagerly for a microsoft product
01:17.43LunessaActually, when it comes to Office, they are.
01:18.01Thunder_Childuse open office, it can save to .doc format
01:18.15CidanOO 2.3 is nice, a lot of fixes
01:18.17Thunder_Childand to xdoc format as well prolly
01:18.21Cidanand a slight UI face lift
01:18.46LunessaThunder_Child: Concur, but marketing is king, and many mac users have bought the idea that they need Office.  *shudder*
01:19.11Thunder_Childmmm..cant blame that i suppose
01:19.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (n=Industri@
01:26.40ScytheBlade1Cidan, that's exactly what I was looking for. Thanks.
01:29.27*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
01:29.39CidanScytheBlade1: I'm going to expand it soon
01:29.50CidanI can't stand how some people write tutorials, I don't know
01:29.57CidanThey just aren't newbie friendly.
01:30.24CidanSo I'm going to expand it sometime, go into a more abstract sense, show theory, but in an easy to understand way
01:30.25ScytheBlade1Cidan, I know the feeling. <-- wrote that because all of the existing PXE documentation SUCKED HARD
01:30.59ScytheBlade1Ever since I did, I've had more people than I can count drop me e-mails and general "thanks" lines in IRC for "doing it right"
01:31.15ScytheBlade1So I know *exactly* what you mean when you say that some people fail at writing tutorials :P
01:31.23Thunder_Childthanks ScytheBlade1, for "doing it right"
01:31.42ScytheBlade1It's not even that hard :/
01:31.48ScytheBlade1But people still fail at it :/
01:32.28*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
01:33.19Cidangrr, why does my sound in steam all of the sudden not work?
01:33.44ScytheBlade1How can I create a FontString instance? I just want to add a line of text to this frame
01:34.13*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
01:34.48Cidanread the API
01:35.11ScytheBlade1_tempT = CreateFrame("FontString", nil, TempFrame);
01:35.15ScytheBlade1Isn't working out well for me ;P
01:35.39Cidanfonts are not frames
01:35.43Cidanin that sense, anyways
01:35.54ScytheBlade1See, this is why you should expand your tutorial ;)
01:36.16CidanOr you could search the API for "font"
01:36.34ScytheBlade1I'm trying, I really am :/
01:36.55CidanSeriously, the word font appears on the API two times.
01:37.26CidanOnce you have a Fontinstance, look at the widget API for how to use it, just like you did with frames
01:37.29Cidanso on, and so on
01:38.03CidanI must say, the font system is a bit, eh
01:38.19|Jelly|!c us velen justgivener
01:38.21ThraeBot|Jelly|: Justgivener, Level 69 Orc Hunter (41/19/0). 7902 HP; 4572 Mana; 95 mana regen; 4 mp5; 4318 Armour; 811 AP; 106.700 Melee DPS; 8.51% melee crit; 54 melee hit; 842 RAP; 200.50 Ranged DPS; 13.71% ranged crit; 54 ranged hit; 27 +spell dmg/heal; 8.17% dodge;[[ TBR: 863 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Thu Oct 18 21:41:11 2007 EST ]]
01:38.51CidanI wrote an abstraction around it, so you can do things like font:SetSize(12); or font:Set(fontNameInConspiracyLibrary, size)
01:39.07Cidanso you can quickly change fonts, etc
01:39.31Cidanoh Wine, why must you be a douche?
01:41.45Wobworka wine douche?
01:41.52Wobwork... interesting.
01:46.23*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
01:46.55*** part/#wowi-lounge Sixen (n=Sixen@
01:49.42ScytheBlade1Argh. Trying to play connect the dots on the wowwiki for the widgets is maddening.
01:52.43JoshBorkesounds delicious
01:53.24ScytheBlade1Sounds like I want to murder children
02:11.06ScytheBlade1Okay, I've got this much:
02:11.12ScytheBlade1But my font string refuses to show :(
02:11.30ScytheBlade1(Note that the utter lack of formatting is because I'm just copy/pasting this into chat)
02:11.55*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
02:12.25JoshBorkedid you tell the font string where to go?
02:12.37ScytheBlade1I've set the parent, that's it
02:12.46JoshBorketry anchoring it
02:13.05CidanYou have to set a font object
02:13.24Cidanwill work
02:13.35Cidando that just after creation
02:24.18WobworkBiggest. Elekk. Ever
02:25.49Thunder_Childi hate people
02:28.47*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
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03:07.00Kandokowhich is more efficient string.find or string.match?
03:07.11JoshBorkemore efficient?
03:07.12JoshBorketest them
03:09.52Guillotineas it doesn't keep looking once its found an answer
03:12.15JoshBorkeneither does string.match
03:13.17Thunder_Childwoot, wow crashed
03:14.52GuillotineJoshBorke: pretty sure string.match was the one that returns an iterator, isn't it?
03:15.11JoshBorkeGuillotine: string.gmatch and string.gfind
03:15.26Guillotinewhoops. nm. I was thinking about the wrong function :)
03:15.36JoshBorkei know :-)
03:15.45JoshBorkei didn't want to say anything ;-
03:16.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Arel (
03:17.05Guillotineoh, and string.gfind doesn't exist anymore. was renamed to string.gmatch in 5.1
03:18.10JoshBorkethere ya go
03:18.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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03:19.44Arelendadoes lua provide any command for copying a table?
03:20.27art3mislove the wickerman bonus
03:20.34ArelendaCan't find one anywhere, but I figure that such a basic command must exist somewhere.
03:20.35IrielArelenda: Not really, no.
03:20.49Arelendaso I guess I write my own.
03:20.57JoshBorkeArelenda: local function copyTbl(tbl) local t = {}; for k,v in pairs(tbl) do if type(v) == "table" then t[k] = copyTbl(v) else t[k] = v end end
03:21.06JoshBorkes/end/end end/
03:21.29JoshBorkenot sure how to handle copying table keys
03:21.30IrielThere are several implementations available.. shallow copy is trivial, deep copy not much harder, and deep-copy-with-cycle-protection also not that hard, but somewhat more involved.
03:22.04ArelendaThanks for the help, much appreciated.
03:27.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
03:39.23AnduinLotharAnyone know how many spawn points for elementals there are on vashj?
03:39.42FlAWDone BILLION!!
03:39.56FlAWDactually I don't know :)
03:43.47CidanWoW boots up with no issues in wine
03:43.49Cidanwhat so ever
03:44.09Mr_Rabies2man i can't wait for rock band to come out
03:44.24Mr_Rabies2i'm dancing with glee and it's still over a month away
03:44.48Mr_Rabies2When your band plays well together, the crowd will sing. That's nice for the instrument players to hear, but it's really special when you are the vocalist. "Wanted Dead or Alive" has one of the better moments for crowd interaction.
03:45.01art3miscidan: so how did compiz/3d workk on yer lappy?
03:45.07Cidanart3mis: flawless
03:45.13Cidanno hacks, no sessions
03:45.15Mr_Rabies2The chorus has you sing: "I'm wanted dead or alive." Anyone who has heard this famed Bon Jovi song knows that a backup vocalist adds an echoing "wanted." Well, when the crowd is behind you, they power this out and it is pretty awesome. It certainly can make you feel like a rock star.
03:45.16art3miswhat chipset is it again?
03:45.16Cidannothing to setup at all
03:45.27Cidanxpress 1100?
03:45.29Cidanor something?
03:45.31art3misthe 200m one?
03:46.14*** join/#wowi-lounge _art3mis (
03:46.20IrielMr_Rabies2: It's certainly a tempting game at present
03:46.24CidanI think so
03:46.25_art3misits kind of neat having mac and nix window manager features in winxp
03:46.50Mr_Rabies2indeed iriel
03:47.02Mr_Rabies2do you have a 360 by chance?
03:47.38Mr_Rabies2i plan on teaching myself fake drums so i have a bit more bargaining power since the majority of people will want to play guitar or sing
03:50.24CidanWoW does run slightly slower in Wine
03:50.39CidanThey really should make Linux binaries.
03:50.56CidanLike if WoW started supporting Linux binaries, I'd reactivate my account just to show support.
03:51.35IrielI do have a 360, and am also interested in the fake drums
03:51.56Mr_Rabies2we could start an online fakeband :D
03:51.58IrielBut more for curiosity's sake
03:52.26IrielI enjoyed GH2 a lot more than I thought I might
03:52.42Mr_Rabies2reading how the world tour mode works
03:52.46Mr_Rabies2makes me happy in the pants
03:53.54_art3misheh my friend did that a few years ago
03:54.04_art3mishad a myspace page and fake album purchase links
03:55.27Mr_Rabies2first thing i'm going to do is make a dethklok lookalike for single player
03:56.04Mr_Rabies2the only one i'm concerned over is murderface but he looks close enough to geezer butler to hope for the look
04:15.35art3misSAMHAIN FOREVER!
04:38.54Cidanubuntu mirrors are sllowww
04:38.58Cidantrying to install nasm, :/
04:40.07CidanI wonder why zsnes isn't part of ubuntu
04:41.18Thunder_ChildCidan, try torrent, is prolly faster
04:41.30Cidanno, I'm getting a package
04:41.32Cidannot the entire thing
04:46.48art3misanyone want a beta invite?
04:47.04Irielwhat's that?
04:47.25Irielnm, I have a brain and a browser
04:49.54art3misyes you do ;P
04:50.18art3misits basically an online interface for a fake number that you can setup to call different numbers in a hunt sequence and recieve voicemail via email
04:51.31Temthat's a really interesting idea
04:51.43TemI wonder if this has anything to do with the supposed 'gphone"
04:52.21Thunder_Childit's supposed to be a phone OS not a full fleged phone
04:52.34Thunder_Childart3mis, i'll take one, cant hurt
04:52.52Thunder_Childwell it can...
04:56.08art3misgimme yer email
04:56.12art3misill send over an invite
04:57.55Thunder_Childwooh hoo, just finished dl'ing portal
04:58.40IrielThunder_Child: Yay, you've got some fun hours ahead
04:58.47IrielSavor it, dont rush it
04:58.54Wobworkart3mis: will this work outside the us?
04:59.22Thunder_Childi hope so, vista and hl2 dont work well noted by the fact that it just crashed
04:59.48WobworkThunder_Child: Portal works on Wine, apparantly =)
05:00.14art3misWobwork: it might, but i think if it needs to call ld eventually you'll get a bill for it
05:00.20Thunder_Childhmm...keeps crashing on me
05:00.48art3mistc: sent
05:00.51Wobworkart3mis: could you bounce me a beta invite?
05:00.53Thunder_Childty art3mis
05:01.04Wobworkwobatwork at gmail
05:03.16Wobworkonly showing a US map
05:03.22Wobworkdamn you UScentric services
05:04.34art3mishehe pick some palce in the us you want a number
05:04.46art3misand then try and entry yer .au number for it to forward to
05:04.50art3missee if it works ;P
05:06.16Wobworkwhat's a nice state to live in? =)
05:06.23WobworkI was looking at Arizona
05:09.02Wobworkdamn, my mobile number doesn't fit =P
05:09.26Wobworkstupid american sites =P
05:10.40AnduinLotharnew york
05:11.00AnduinLotharcali if you want a high cost of living
05:11.11AnduinLothartexas ain't bad
05:11.15WobworkI went for Needles California
05:11.17art3misnyc rent sucks
05:11.23art3miseverything is decently priced
05:11.26AnduinLotharright, pick a suburb
05:11.26WobworkCause that's where Snoopy's cousin lived
05:11.29art3misits got columbia and nyu ;P
05:11.43art3misit has to be cheap for most stuff ;P
05:12.24Cidanzsnes doesn't compile on 64 bit unless you install an ass load of 32 bit libs
05:12.30Cidannot doing that, snes9x it is
05:13.16art3misanyone else want an invite?
05:13.31Cidanno thanks
05:13.34art3misif nothing else its fun to play with and great for giving yer number to people you dont want to have yer real one ;P
05:13.43Cidansee I don't do that
05:13.50Cidanif I don't want someone to have my number, I tell them so.
05:14.10art3mis<-- uses virtualpbx for work so he doesnt get cell floods from clients ;P
05:14.18CidanI don't dodge or shy away from people when I don't like them, if I don't like you in real life or IRC or WoW or wahtever, believe me, you'll know it.
05:15.06art3misthats cuz yer an ass ;P
05:15.23CidanWrong, I'm not a pussy.
05:15.40CidanI'm up front with people, I really don't care to "pretend" to like someone.
05:15.48art3misthats called being an ass ;P
05:16.01CidanIt's called being honest and true to your self.
05:16.02art3misor in the job world "confident" ;P
05:16.24dreamssheadless is once per day
05:16.29ScytheBlade1Haha, wow
05:16.32ScytheBlade1I type string.find
05:16.37art3misdreamss: twice
05:16.38ScytheBlade1And it comes out as string.dnif
05:16.51art3misyou can do it ocne in the instance and ocne after you put out the fires
05:17.20dreamssafter you put out the fires?
05:17.30dreamssanother part?
05:17.43art3misyou guys dont get it i dont think ;P
05:17.50art3mishe comes and burns brill
05:17.55art3misdunno the alliance side
05:18.03Wobworkprobably goldshire/darkshire
05:18.22art3misyeah brill razorhill and that camp in mulgore
05:18.28art3misfor horde
05:20.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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05:21.53art3misboo its the episode that faye and edward leave bebop
05:24.49Tierrieur fase!
05:40.41Cidanprecompiled zsnes
05:40.46Cidanworks perfect
05:41.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:45.57ScytheBlade1I want to see if a certain string is in a table - is there any way to do this without a for k,v in pairs() loop?
05:47.22Wobworknot unless it's a key
05:48.16ScytheBlade1And it isn't. Okay, thanks
05:52.31Wobworkthis guy has fantastic spatial awareness
05:58.43*** join/#wowi-lounge kz (
06:10.06ScytheBlade1Or he's just done it too many countless times
06:18.28*** join/#wowi-lounge art3mis (
06:20.00art3miswow nice
06:20.23art3misthis is the first time that ive installed ubuntu and the restricted ati worked after just installing xgl
06:21.27WobworkI should upgrade to 7.10
06:21.31FinI see your parking video and raise you a series of sunglass throwing:
06:21.37art3mishehe do it now
06:21.53art3misthe simple fact that 3d worked with one click impresses me ;)
06:26.39WobworkFin: if that were real, it'd be cool
06:26.44Wobworkbut parking man still beats it for reality
06:27.15Fintrue, it's not real, but you tell *me* how they did it
06:27.44Wobworkreversed the video
06:27.49Wobworkfishing line
06:27.52Finbecause I can't figure it out, I cling to the naive hope that maybe it's real
06:28.07Wobworkif you watch the car one
06:28.08Finnah, that doesn't explain all of them
06:28.16Wobworkthe car bounces -before- it hits the bump in the road
06:28.24Wobworkit looks like it takes a nose dive then goes up
06:28.38Wobworkwhen it's really the same car going backwards over the hump
06:28.40Wobworkin reverse
06:29.19FinI'll have to watch it again more carefully, last time I watched it was years ago and I have to go to work now
06:29.23Finbut hmm
06:29.38Finperhaps you've shattered a long held hope of mine? eh? I hope you're happy
06:30.07Wobworkif you watch the slow motion bit
06:30.17Wobworkthe driver is staring intently into the rear view mirror =P
06:30.38WobworkYou can be happy in remembering that some people can park ANYWHERE =)
06:40.25*** join/#wowi-lounge flexom (
06:56.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
06:59.45*** join/#wowi-lounge art3mis (
06:59.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies|away (
07:08.45ScytheBlade1How can I find out how many entires are in a table? (Without looping through it...)
07:08.57ScytheBlade1I've tried size(), count(), tsize(), and tcount() so far :/
07:13.48ScytheBlade1That's... unique, but 'k
07:16.11*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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07:28.27batrickanybody know what slouken's name is?
07:29.20Cairennand lots of people do
07:29.38batrickcuz i think he made a post in a lua mailing list thread
07:29.42batrickwas curious if it was him
07:29.53Cairennwhat was the name?
07:30.03batrickRob Barris
07:30.08Cairennnope, not the same person
07:30.16Cairennnot even remotely close
07:30.43batricko well~
07:31.14batrickmust be one of his deck hands
07:31.25Maldiviabatrick: find your WoW manual, look under the credits section
07:31.32Cairennanyone recall off the top of their head which OS |Jelly| uses?
07:31.32batrickya that's at home
07:31.41batrickthat works just as well tho
07:32.21batrickhe's a macintosh programmer!
07:32.27batrickrob barris that is
07:32.54batrick"Lua's Universally Applicable!"
07:33.04batrickthat was his reply to my Lua acronym htread lol
07:37.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
07:40.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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07:41.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
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07:45.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (n=elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
07:51.54Guillotineeverybody tell TC happy birthday
07:53.01*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.2.x ToC: 20200 | RTFPN please | WoWI Mod Uploader!| Happy Birthday Thunder-Child!
07:53.44Cairenn|afkthat work Guillotine?
07:54.02Guillotinehe is so going to hate me for this
07:55.35Thunder_Childno kidding
07:56.13Tierrieheya TC Happy Birthday
07:56.15Cairenn|afkthere he is! Happy Birthday TC
07:56.30batrickhappy birthday
07:56.46Thunder_Childty, now excuse me while i go kill Guillotine
07:56.58Tierrieare you like 70 years old now
07:57.02MaldiviaTC: details please!
07:57.24Thunder_Child26, although iirc i wasnt born untill 5 am, so 15 technicly
07:57.44Maldiviawow, you advance by 11?
07:57.55Guillotinehes just wierd like that
07:59.54GuillotineCairenn, you are such a liar. You are NOT afk
08:00.09Guillotineeither that or you are typing with the on-screen keyboard and your keyboard is somewhere else
08:00.16Guillotinein which case you would technically be afk
08:00.27Tierrieshe could be typing with her feet
08:00.45Guillotineshe would still be at her keyboard
08:00.49Guillotinejust not her hands
08:08.19Thunder_Childhmm...well portal's done
08:13.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
08:32.23Thunder_Childwell at least every birthday you get a reminder of what forums you have signed up on
08:32.38Thunder_Childallways good to know
08:33.23sag_ich_nicht lol.
08:47.15*** join/#wowi-lounge the-golem (
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12:31.36KirkburnOoh, so all boats now have crews :D
12:35.39Mr_Rabies2not all of them
12:35.47Mr_Rabies2but the one i was on to dustwallow did
12:35.50Mr_Rabies2all of them need them
12:35.52Mr_Rabies2and the zeppelins
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12:37.48KirkburnNot all?
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13:05.20cladwhen shell scripting, whats the easiest way to grab the first 2 or three characters from the output of hostname?
13:05.49cladhostname | cut -c 1-3
13:06.04cladideally i'd like to grab just the text portion at the beginning.. *ponder*
13:06.08cladsed i guess
13:06.11krkahostname|lua -e "print((...):sub(1,3))"
13:06.37cryogenyou should probably use awk
13:06.43cryogenawk has powerful text processing
13:06.54cladi just need simple, very simple :P
13:07.00cryogenit has that too :)
13:07.03cladthe format is either mscXX.ecs where XX is numbers
13:07.06clador twXX.ecs
13:07.11cladi need to get the msc, or tw
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13:07.48cryogencut -f1 -d"XX.ecs"? can you do that even?
13:07.52krkahostname|lua -e "print(,3))"
13:07.57krkathat one actually works
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13:08.38cryogenperl with a m// would work too, but is getting a little excessive for something so simple
13:08.43cladhostname | sed -e 's/[0-9]*.ecs//g'
13:08.46cladworks just fine
13:08.57cryogenthat too
13:09.21cryogennow you get to benchmark all the options
13:09.26cryogenlike the nerd that you are
13:10.21cryogenin other news, the SWF DataGridView control is HORRIBLY slow
13:11.35krkai think cut is neater than sed in this case
13:17.14cladwell ih dont see a way to grab the beginning text part in cut
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15:01.59Kemayoclad|away: This works, too: host=`hostname`;echo ${host:0:2}
15:04.57cog|work"Java update available. Download now and get a copy of OpenOffice for free!"
15:05.06cog|work^     wtf?
15:05.51ScytheBlade1I saw that a bit ago on the computer upstairs
15:05.56ScytheBlade1That was my reaction too
15:06.07ScytheBlade1(So I disabled the java auto-update. I already have OOo installed)
15:06.10Kemayo"Sun: Losing credibility since forever."
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15:06.26CidanI love sleeping in
15:06.33Cidanno classes today, nothin'
15:06.40ScytheBlade1Cidan, I'll have you know, I have yet to go to bed, but on the flip side, this addon is working perfectly ^^
15:06.41ScytheBlade1So thank you
15:07.25Cidanyour welcome?
15:07.33art3misthats dedication
15:07.34ScytheBlade1Heh, I just needed the basics pieced together
15:07.39art3mismoderately retarded
15:07.44art3misbut dedicated ;)
15:08.04ScytheBlade1And as to why I have yet to sleep... I slept from 2:00 PM to 5:30 PM yesterday, and then popped excedrin tension migraine (caffiene + pain killer) to kill a migraine
15:08.26ScytheBlade1So it's more of a "lay in bed and not sleep" or "sit in my chair, code, and still not sleep" situation
15:09.43KemayoThe interesting thing about the difference between regular Excedrin and the migraine stuff is that there isn't one.
15:09.53ScytheBlade1Yeah, so I've heard.
15:10.04ScytheBlade1But, hey, that's what is on the bottle. So whatever.
15:10.11KemayoIt is the wonders of placebo.
15:11.05Fisker-old news cog|work
15:11.30ScytheBlade1However - now I'm wondering how the crap to make a tooltip on mouseover. And I'm already seeing that this could suck.
15:12.47Cidanit's not that hard actually
15:13.01Fisker-if only i could get a free version of Open Office
15:13.02Cidanyou know how UIParent is a static special frame?
15:13.17Fisker-but that would seem next to impossible
15:13.22Fisker-unless i got java
15:13.24CidanSo is the tooltip frame
15:13.30Cidanyou don't actually have to create the window, etc
15:13.33Cidanthat's all done for you
15:13.48ScytheBlade1Set the Owner, Anchor, and throw some text in it? Clear it when you're done?
15:14.08ScytheBlade1And just use the GameTooltip global to do so?
15:15.02ScytheBlade1That is easy
15:15.33art3misFisker-: check this thing called easy-office its a freeware clone, that doesnt use java
15:15.59art3mislast i saw it was compatible with office 2k3 a bit better than OO was
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15:18.24Fisker-I wasn't joking at all
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15:33.10Industrialart3mis: he forgot to mention diet.
15:33.21art3misheh yeah
15:33.33art3misits still a pretty decent routine
15:33.45art3misif you only care about yer abs
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15:41.05clad|awayi can lose weight.. i've proven that
15:41.14clad|awaydid 50 lbs in a year with not a single pound gained back
15:41.25cladhairebut of course, the last place you lose anything as a guy is on the tummy =(
15:42.01Shirik|EcoleIf I lost 50 lbs
15:42.17Shirik|Ecolelose like 40% of my weight
15:42.21Shirik|EcoleI would be a stick
15:42.40cladhaireI'm tall and reasonably large framed
15:43.08Shirik|EcoleI'm tall and underweight :P I should probably eat more but I'm not hungry ><
15:43.12cladhairemy healthy medical weight is around 190, which is close to where I am right now.
15:43.22cladhaireI was up around 245 at my worst
15:43.27Shirik|Ecoleoh that's not bad
15:43.34cladhaireI blame unemployement and a bad job :P
15:43.50cladhairebut i'm quite over that now
15:43.59cladhaireso I'd love to lose my belly
15:46.06*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
15:46.18Josh_Borke~lart cladhaire
15:46.18purlDoSes cladhaire
15:46.36cladhaireuh k
15:46.46Josh_Borkehi clad
15:47.20IndustrialI am at 185lbs now, 6 feet tall
15:47.39art3misyou mean you dont have a perfectly cut body?
15:47.39cncfanaticshello peeps
15:47.41cncfanatics~seen Iriel
15:47.42purliriel <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 10h 48m 55s ago, saying: 'Savor it, dont rush it '.
15:47.49art3misare you sure you're gay?
15:48.08cladhaireart3mis: lol
15:48.08art3miscuz tubby and gay don't seem to fit together at ALL in my mind
15:48.12hastehah, I'm at 165lbs at 6 feet
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15:48.15cladhairewell, i'm far from tubby bitch
15:48.18cladhairetake THAT back.
15:48.25Industriallols haste :P
15:48.26art3misive got myself a gut now
15:48.31cladhaireIndustrial: yes, all you bitches are pretty and we hate you
15:48.39art3misand im thin framed, i blame EXCELLENT italian wife cooking
15:48.41Kemayoart3mis: Google "bear". :D
15:48.50Industrialart3mis: dont ..
15:48.58art3misi dont think he's hariy enough
15:49.19art3misand im pretty sure leather chaps are involved in some way
15:49.37Josh_Borkeno leather chaps please
15:49.44cladhairebut I'm extremely active right now, and I'm happy where I am
15:49.47art3misassless leather chaps!
15:49.47hasteI has a leather shield!
15:50.02art3miscladhaire: of course you are, yer in a new city without a car ;P
15:50.09cladhaireart3mis: and i'm rowing.
15:50.19art3mislikeschool team rowing?
15:50.22cladhairebut if anyone has a set of real miracle exercises I can do to fix my tummy that I can do at home, I'm all ears
15:50.30cladhaireart3mis: yes, I row for my college at Oxford
15:51.33Fisker-Is the standard blizzard frames hindered by their own secure frames stuff?
15:51.41art3misare you on the side of the boat that gets the redbull or no?
15:52.21Industrialcladhaire: gogo kickboxing tbh :p
15:52.40Industrialwell thats not exactly at home
15:52.51hastegogo the 300 thingy!
15:52.54hastethat's so at home
15:53.07cladhairewith weights i dont have
15:53.09cladhaireand bands i dont have
15:53.17hastejust buy some :3
15:53.24cladhaireah see
15:53.29cladhairethe no money in a new country prevents that
15:54.27art3miscladhaire: check thrift stores
15:54.44art3misyou should be able to get a set for pretty cheap, like 10-15$
15:54.59art3misthe bands you just need to borrow some surgical tuibing from school ;P
15:55.18art3miswhats the cooldown on pain supression ?
15:58.23Josh_Borkefrom assless chaps to pain suppression
16:00.45ScytheBlade1 <-- anyone see anything wrong with that? I'm doing :SetScript("OnEnter") on those frames later on, and I've verified that the script runs properly... but whenever I mouse over, it doesn't fire. :/
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16:01.37cncfanaticsdid u do EnableMouse ?
16:02.38ScytheBlade1Heh, nope
16:02.39ScytheBlade1Now to test..
16:03.02ScytheBlade1Nope, same result.
16:03.27ScytheBlade1/run WBI.MiniFrame.Rows[5]:GetScript("OnEnter")(); <-- works as expected
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16:05.49ScytheBlade1 <-- new code, now with EnableMouse(1)!
16:05.53ScytheBlade1... still not working. :/
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16:07.29ScytheBlade1Added a backdrop to the frame... is is where it should be
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16:15.28dylanmWhy are we doing a SetParent here...
16:15.41dylanmYou could just fold that into the CreateFrame
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16:16.16dylanmAnd do EnableMouse(true)... for clarity's sake
16:18.31ScytheBlade1dylanm, honest answer to those questions? Because I'm new. Literally. This isn't even my second day playing with CreateFrame() and friends.
16:18.37ScytheBlade1New code at - still not working :/
16:19.48dylanmScytheBlade1: I gathered that... just offering some suggestions :)
16:19.59ScytheBlade1And I'm working with them! ;)
16:20.28dylanmScytheBlade1: What, specifically, isn't working?
16:20.52ScytheBlade1:SetScript("OnEnter", function() message("lol"); end);
16:21.07ScytheBlade1Never pops up a message box (and yes the UI is configured to show lua errors)
16:21.29ScytheBlade1I've verified that the script was set correctly with :GetScript("OnEnter")(); - that works fine
16:21.32dylanmWhat's the SetSript on
16:21.35ScytheBlade1Just not when I mouse over the frame
16:21.55ScytheBlade1More or less the same thing right now.
16:21.58ScytheBlade1WBI.MiniFrame.Rows[Counter]:SetScript("OnEnter", function() message(v[1]..": " ..v[3].."/"..v[4].." (Afflicted)"); end);
16:22.15ScytheBlade1It's located in a different loop, but again, :GetScript("OnEnter")(); works
16:22.21ScytheBlade1Hence my confusion
16:23.36dylanmThe last paramter in for n=1, 8, 1 is unnecessary btw
16:23.51ScytheBlade1Yeah, but I like it for clarity
16:24.19dylanmGod I cannot spell today.
16:24.30ScytheBlade1Hehe, no worries
16:24.46ScytheBlade1I may have not actually slept for over a day, but I still speak typo ;)
16:25.48dylanmAnd these little boxes are visible? You've given them backdrops and all that?
16:26.15ScytheBlade1These rows in question are supposed to be invisible. That said, I gave one a backdrop, and it is located where it should be.
16:26.47zenzelezzthere's a difference between a frame having no appearance and being visible
16:26.58zenzelezzbut I take it they are, if the backdrop showed
16:27.18ScytheBlade1Right. I've called :Show() on them too, and no effect.
16:27.23zenzelezzall right
16:27.32ScytheBlade1 <-- earlier version of what I've got now... "rows" should make sense
16:27.44ScytheBlade1It's that block o' text in the middle left of the screen
16:28.14ScytheBlade1When I mouse over a row, I want to pop up a message() (for now, tooltip once I figure this out)
16:37.05ScytheBlade1 <-- debug screenshot, showing a backdrop + /dump of the :GetScript()
16:37.11ScytheBlade1It's all there, and yet, it doesn't work :(
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16:41.40cncfanaticstry with a real texture
16:41.43cncfanaticsmake it work with a visible frame
16:41.52cncfanaticsafter that make it work for what u want
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16:45.25ScytheBlade1Works.. :/
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16:47.35art3misrad seems broken
16:51.27foxlitCan I catch TAB being clicked on a textbox, sending focus to the next?
16:55.50Maldiviafoxlit: think there's a OnTabPressed script
16:55.58cladhaireclique uses it for form navigation
16:56.17Maldiviathe default UI uses it for tab-completion :)
16:57.18Maldiviahmm, reading about the new "auto drop form when trying to cast a caster-form spell"... anyone know if there'll be a setting to turn this behavior on/off?
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16:58.21foxlitcladhaire, Maldivia: thank you.
16:59.54ScytheBlade1Maldivia, yes
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17:39.33kadrahilanyone use metamap?
17:40.46Industrialwhat does it do?
17:41.01kadrahilit's a map mod that lets you set waypoints
17:41.03kadrahiland map notes
17:41.22kadrahilsimilar to cartographer but you can import files that already have info in them
17:43.04KasoWoohoo finally did advanced 18 on portal
17:44.08Cidewas it that difficult? :)
17:44.26Cidegranted, it was the most difficult one
17:44.29KasoI found it hard :<
17:44.35Cideyeah, you're right actually
17:44.50Cidehave you done least portals on 18? that's pretty tricky too
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17:45.12KasoNo, i've found myself to have a very short temper with the challenges
17:45.28CideI really enjoyed doing least portals on 18 :)
17:45.39foxlitgrr, no PTR.
17:45.39Cideand least time on 14 I think it is
17:46.00Industrialkadrahil: I'm going to try it out. Do I need some files not shipped with metamap to populate the DB?
17:47.28KasoWait, least time on 14, you can just use the cheat
17:47.38Kasohaha no you cant :<
17:47.45Cidewhat cheat? :P
17:48.01Kaso"CHEATED!!" :< i feel so shamed
17:48.14CideI did it in 7 seconds I think
17:49.03Industrialhai Esamynn
17:56.09Industrialkadrahil: eh I dont get it, I imported something (I think) and all it did was add 4 notes in my current area
18:00.07Industrialkadrahil: and btw carto can import notes too. Theres db files on the forum
18:05.22kadrahildidn't know that
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18:23.46Thunder_Child~lart Cairenn
18:23.46purlcrushes Cairenn with a full height scsi disk
18:24.20Cairenn~lart Thunder_Child
18:24.20purlputs on some milking gloves. "All right, now, Thunder_Child, this won't hurt a bit...."
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18:29.42Thunder_Childno Valaron|Work, thats odd
18:34.47cog|workchimichanga, imo
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18:44.33ElkanoThunder_Child, before I forget: O-tanjôbi omedetô gozaimasu!
18:45.15Elkano(japanese for happy bday in case you wonder)
18:45.37Thunder_Childty, the message i got, the language i was trying to figure out
18:51.07Cairennanyoen recall what OS |Jelly| runs?
18:52.12*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
18:52.24[melin]ask him/her?
18:52.29|Jelly|!ap 2250
18:52.29ThraeBot|Jelly|: Arena points from a rating of 2250 is, 2v2: 865, 3v3: 989, 5v5: 1236
18:53.06Cairennhi |Jelly|
18:53.09Cairennwhat OS do you run?
18:53.23|Jelly|Vista (NOT In Program Files)
18:53.45|Jelly|!ap 1870
18:53.45ThraeBot|Jelly|: Arena points from a rating of 1870 is, 2v2: 598, 3v3: 684, 5v5: 855
18:54.00Cairennas you guessed, Slouken is trying to find out why you can't use the extractor
18:54.10Cairennand we're wondering if the OS is the problem
18:54.24Thunder_Childit's not the OS. it's |Jelly|
18:54.33|Jelly|Umm. Later on, I can try it on a friend's computer both XP Pro and Home but both my laptop and desktop have Vista.
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18:58.01CairennI tested again last night, using the one downloaded from Blizz's site instead of the direct copy from slouken and still had no problem installing straight from desktop, not even putting it in the WoW folder.  Also installed it from another location, again not the WoW folder.  All have been fine for me - XP Pro
18:58.27|Jelly|Do you have WoW installed to c:\program files? Cause that's what I figured it was.
18:58.47Cairennsorta, yeah
18:58.58CairennC:\Program Files\Games\*.*
18:59.18Cairennis that where your WoW is though?
18:59.22|Jelly|Hmm. Mine is C:\WoW|*.*
18:59.31Thunder_Childlink me the extractor i'll give it a try
18:59.40cog|work|Jelly|: do you have a registry entry for WoW?
18:59.49Thunder_Childi'm on vista with a very non standard instalation point
18:59.57purlSome people, when confronted with a problem, think 'I know, I'll use XML.' Now they have two problems.
19:00.03|Jelly|No. Copied it off my external drive when I installed Vista
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19:00.14Thunder_Childit should make it's own when run
19:00.15Cairennerr, damnit what's the factoid for that?
19:00.40Thunder_Childnvm, i got it
19:00.47cog|work|Jelly|: you need one
19:01.00purlLocated at the addonkit is "The World of Warcraft User Interface Customization tool that allows users to tweak and customize the User Interface."
19:01.06Thunder_Childthat one?
19:01.29cog|work|Jelly|: HKLM\Blizzard Entertainment\World of Warcraft\InstallPath = "C:\WoW"
19:01.40Thunder_Childdamn, they changed the link
19:01.52cog|work(or if you're on 64-bit, HKLM\Wow6432node\Blizzard Entertainment\...
19:02.04Thunder_Child~literal addonkit
19:02.04purl"addonkit" is "<reply>Located at the addonkit is "The World of Warcraft User Interface Customization tool that allows users to tweak and customize the User Interface.""
19:02.49cog|workpurl: no, addonkit is <reply>Located at the addonkit is "The World of Warcraft User Interface Customization tool that allows users to tweak and customize the User Interface."
19:02.50purlcog|work: okay
19:03.19Thunder_Childno cog|work
19:03.46purlGet the official Blizzard Interface AddOn Kit here: or view it online at
19:04.04Elkanook :) this one is fixed :)
19:04.08Thunder_Childnvm then
19:04.17Thunder_Childthey have it here was well
19:04.51cog|workThunder_Child: that link's deprecated
19:04.58Cairennaye, what they said
19:05.18|Jelly|Thanks Cog. I can't test it currently but I will give it a shot and report my findings on the forums or here, depending.
19:05.22Thunder_Childmoo, ok, anyways, the extractor works for me
19:09.33cog|workwoops... forgot "Software" in the keys i typed above
19:09.37cog|worklink is correct
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19:27.03Thunder_Childcog|work, isnt isnt wow supposed to create it's own reg entry when run?
19:27.12cog|workit doesn't
19:27.22dreamsswow dosent use registry
19:27.23dreamssat all
19:27.32dreamssit uses text config files
19:27.34cog|workwow itself doesn't
19:27.40cog|workactually it does to some extent
19:27.53cog|workthe patchers and addon kit do
19:28.12dreamssthe path is saved to registry?
19:28.30dreamssmakes sense
19:29.05cog|workwow does actually use some registry entries for things like HW config to warn you if it changes
19:29.10Gnarfozit creates that key on first run, yes
19:29.12cog|workbut none of it is necessary to run the game
19:29.18cog|workGnarfoz: no
19:29.29cog|workwell it won't change it if you move WoW
19:29.30Gnarfozhow come I have one the, without re-installing the game? ;D
19:29.59cog|workGnarfoz: patcher maybe?
19:29.59GnarfozHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\World of Warcraft <
19:30.08Gnarfozthat key is *for* the patcher to find the game
19:30.10Gnarfoznot the other way around
19:30.23dreamsswell i copied wow install to new windows
19:30.28dreamssnever had an issue
19:30.34dreamssrun wow first?
19:30.45cog|worklike i said, none of the registry keys are necessary for it to run
19:30.59cog|workGnarfoz: something else must've done it
19:31.04cog|workdelete that key and run wow
19:31.08cog|workkey still won't be there
19:31.22cog|workerr... nm
19:31.29Gnarfozother than the patcher, I'm out of ideas
19:31.32GnarfozI don't run the launcher
19:31.38dreamssi have the key
19:31.40dreamssme neither
19:31.47dreamssjust wow/updater
19:31.51Gnarfozcog|work: key got recreated just by starting wow.exe
19:32.08cog|workdid neither of you see "err... nm" ?
19:32.19Gnarfozwhatever, you're still correct: wow itself doesn't need any registry entries to work
19:32.39dreamssmy wow runs from w:/world of warcraft
19:32.45dreamssi made a partition just for wow
19:32.56bleeterCidan: no
19:33.05dreamss(addons updates and wow updates are for the suck)
19:33.39cog|workdreamss: if your registry key points to the correct spot addon & game updates should work fine
19:34.02dreamssit actually gets updated even if its there
19:34.04dreamsswhen wow its run
19:34.45dreamsscog|work, im just saying that the fragmentation sucks
19:35.17dreamss20gig for just wow alone, if windows blows up my wow install is safe
19:35.21dreamsseveryone wins :P
19:35.58cog|workyeah... i have all my games installed on a 2nd hd
19:36.21GnarfozI've got enough RAM to not worry about that, I just fraps to another hd
19:37.02cog|workGnarfoz: loading times are loading times whether you've got a lot of RAM or not... RAM just makes it use the swap file less
19:37.42Gnarfozcog|work: so? :> it's not like there's much else going on at the moment I'm loading WoW
19:37.43dreamssunless u got vista prefetching to ram
19:38.04bleeterTC: I'm old enough, I remember 8-tracks :/
19:38.11kadrahilwoot, manager isn't here today
19:38.21kadrahilthat means i can play flash games all afternoon and work for the last 30 minutes i'm here
19:38.22Thunder_Childheh, but not for your HDD
19:38.43Thunder_Childi want one
19:38.51bleeterwhy stop at one?
19:38.57Thunder_Childnot to bad at $50
19:39.02Thunder_Childbecause i only need one
19:40.20Thunder_Childi already have 5 HDD's in my system, i just need this for the ones scattered around my room + to ease recovering other peoples info from HDD's they give me
19:40.30Intangiranyone get ubuntu 7.10?
19:44.00Thunder_ChildCidan i think
19:50.02Saint-Nyay \o/
19:56.37LunessaI swear, not one user wants to hear "I'm sorry, that's a hardware problem that requires me to send a technician" on a Friday afternoon.
19:56.49dreamssno shit
19:58.08LunessaI can't press some magic fucking button in the office that just makes your hardware work.  
19:58.50dreamssself destruct button
19:58.59cncfanaticsdoes GetMacroItem and GetMacroSpell work for custom macro's that are not in the blizzard macro UI ?
19:59.06dreamsswhat equip did it break anyways?
19:59.25LunessaThe NIC in a new machine died after a power surge.
19:59.27cncfanatics(those API's get added in 2.3, so I'm wonderingà)
19:59.33cog|workcncfanatics: i think you can pass macro text
19:59.40dreamsspci bus 2 hard?
19:59.49cncfanaticscog|work, that'd rock, totaly
19:59.57cncfanaticsyou can also pass name or id I supose ?
20:00.48LunessaIt's a failing in this new line of cases/mobos we got.  We've replaced dozens under warranty this month.  It's not like I can just fix it on the phone, you know?
20:01.38dreamss"now plug the cat5 in the networkwork card i that just magicly apeared"
20:05.02Cidesure you can, Lunessa. try harder
20:05.32kadrahilthe little gnome that could?
20:05.42dreamssconjure network card!
20:05.47dreamssover phone
20:05.54kadrahilrank 7
20:06.02dreamssgigabit? nice
20:06.49kadrahilso i rolled a priesty on korgath
20:06.53dreamsserror:requires anvil
20:25.42Saint-NTHE anvil?
20:25.49Saint-Nballs to the walls anvil?
20:36.38Saint-Nthats the name of thier song
20:36.46Saint-Nprolly the only song anyone would know
20:43.45*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
20:47.50Saint-N"yeah im gonna install a remote client so i can work on your machine after you leave" "alright" *turns off machine as she elaves for the weekend.
20:48.19Saint-Nits nice that they think im some sort of wizard and stuff
20:48.26Saint-Nbut my god how stupid can someone be
20:48.34Thunder_Childwake on lan?
20:48.43ScytheBlade1The crap @
20:49.22Saint-Nits behind a routerso it doesnt show online to my vnc server so i cant wake it
20:50.10Saint-Nplus the client is currently disabled cuz it's turned off so....
20:50.19CidanWOL is a hardware thing
20:50.27Cidanhas nothing to do with your software installed
20:50.36Saint-Nand how could i magically ping the box behind the router ;P
20:50.50Cidanbreak into the router *shrug*
20:51.03Cidanif you know the password, it's not that hard
20:51.57Saint-Ni dont
20:52.16Saint-Nand im not even sure i have thier ip written down anywhere
20:52.41Saint-NScytheBlade1: hum the CM's response to the inspector gadget themesong and you'll get the joke
20:52.57ScytheBlade1Yeah, I got it
20:53.03ScytheBlade1I'm just not sure where it came from
20:53.11Saint-NCidan: i use a networkstreming appliance, it takescare of all the routing and stuff between machines
20:53.20Saint-Nbasically he's mocking healing light
20:53.35Saint-Nand his want to say "go go gadget panda!
20:53.44Saint-Ngo go gadget oselot!
20:54.10Saint-Nlike how inspector gadget had room in his coat and hat for pretty much anything he could think to name
20:54.17Saint-Nwithout any care for actual storage values
20:54.34Saint-NCidan: its a push click vns/remote access server thingy
20:54.58CidanI see
20:55.16Saint-Nyou instlal the client on that side it conects up to the server and takes care of "how to get to it" when you log into the interface as a user to list the connected machines
20:55.28Saint-Nits kinna neat
20:55.38Saint-Ncept in cases like this where i apearantly have morons for clients
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21:03.18CidanCairenn: not fixed, :/
21:03.36Cairennwill take them a while
21:03.51Cidanaye, shame, I want to publish some changes to that file I sent you
21:03.53Cidanbut I can't
21:04.22Cairennwhy not?
21:07.20Cidanit makes the... issue too obvious
21:07.28*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|___ (
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21:12.39Cidanso I totally want Brain Age 2
21:12.59cncfanaticshmmmm, anyone, think it would be nice to have a GetItemCooldown consistant with GetSpellCooldown ? its a total mess to have to use inv slots
21:13.08*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|____ (
21:13.09CidanSaint-N: ahem
21:13.12Cidanyou here?
21:16.59Cairenn~sigh slouken
21:16.59purlACTION sighs, rolls its eyes and shakes its head, "slouken!"
21:17.18CidanI know, I know
21:17.21Cidanhe's so dreamy...
21:18.39LunessaActually, from his BlizzCon photos I'm sure there are a number of people who would find the Piratey Man appealing.
21:18.44Cidanon the forums
21:18.45Cidansince veni decided to screw us over im gonna do the same.
21:18.46Cidanenjoy the latest RDX for free
21:18.55Cidan*snip link removed*
21:18.59nevcairielive seen that last week :D
21:19.08cncfanaticsCairenn, I sometimes wish I could add some blizz API myself :p
21:19.23CairennCidan: ?
21:19.28Kaydeethreethe hello kitty craze continues
21:19.29CidanCairenn: ?!
21:19.41nevcairielmore hello kitty ui?
21:19.44Cairenn(5:18:24 PM) Cidan: since veni decided to screw us over im gonna do the same.
21:19.44Cairenn(5:18:25 PM) Cidan: enjoy the latest RDX for free
21:19.44Cairenn(5:18:34 PM) Cidan: *snip link removed*
21:19.52Cidanyeah, on the RDX forums
21:19.53Thunder_Child~lart nevcairiel
21:19.53purlbreaks out the Hoover and sucks up nevcairiel
21:19.56CidanThat was a quote
21:20.08CidanSince Veni has been missing for... 2 months now?
21:20.33nevcairielI bet you impress people with a HK-AK :P
21:20.43Cideare you even allowed to do that?
21:21.34CidanWell, looks like RDX is going to be free for all soon.
21:21.54Cideah, cool
21:22.27CidanConspiracy will still be better, ;P
21:23.16cncfanaticscould anyone post a suggestion for GetItemCooldown("itemlink"|"itemname") for me ? its a mess to not have it
21:23.16cncfanatics(can't get cooldowns for items that don't exist anymore,  like mana gems, which SUCKS hard)
21:23.51nevcairieluse action ids, and you can \o/ :P
21:24.13cncfanatics~fail nevcairiel
21:24.14purlnevcairiel: Fail.
21:24.48cncfanaticsanyone post that please ? :p
21:24.53Kaydeethreebah, it's annoying having to use wine 0.9.42 for portal  and 47 for wow
21:25.03cncfanaticshe's adding PickupItem so I guess he could add GetItemCooldown too
21:26.33Cidanwhy do you have to go back to .42?
21:26.45cncfanaticswth ?
21:26.57Esamynn|afk~fail cncfanatics
21:26.58purlcncfanatics: Fail.
21:26.59cncfanaticsI checked that when I coded the cooldown API, and it didn't exist
21:27.02cncfanaticssince when does that exist ?
21:27.32Kaydeethreecidan, because of a bug that got introduced in .43 and is in all subsequent versions for me
21:27.45cog|workcncfanatics: since 2.0
21:27.55CidanKaydeethree: that sucks.
21:28.11cog|work(perhaps 2.0.3)
21:29.29cncfanaticscog|work, never noticed that, shame on me
21:29.31cncfanatics~fail cncfanatics
21:29.32purlcncfanatics: Fail.
21:30.02cncfanaticsthey did add tooltip:SetItem too by chance ?
21:30.40cncfanatics(and made tooltip:SetSpell support spell names)-
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21:36.54Cidantoo many connections
21:37.00Cidantime for Wine to upgrade their servers
21:38.01Thunder_Childhas anyone yet figured out if you can de a heroic daily after you have done that particular heroic for the day?
21:39.53cncfanatics<3 GameTooltip:SetHyperlink, damn I should dig into WoW API some more sometimes
21:41.25cncfanaticscog|work, think you could get slouken to add spellname support to tooltip:SetSpell ?
21:44.17cncfanaticscog|work, hehe, thanks :)
21:44.24cncfanaticsif he did that I could totaly remove my spell cache
21:47.58KaydeethreeI went and baked cake for beating portal today
21:48.24nevcairieli am on the last level
21:48.56Thunder_Childi am bashing my haed against 17 & 18 of the bounus maps
21:50.40Kaydeethreeyou seem to have lost of braincells doing that
21:51.00nevcairielthats what banging your head gets you, usually
21:51.15Thunder_Childnever had many to begin with
21:51.34Kaydeethreedamn it. I need more caffeine
21:51.45Thunder_Childpffft caffeine
21:51.54Thunder_Childfer loosers
21:51.58cncfanaticsThunder_Child, if u had as few brain sells as you pretend you have u wouldn't be on IRC tbh
21:52.18Thunder_Childhow is that, we have LOTS of idiots on IRC
21:52.34foxlit"Do I Have It? -- Worried about being sick? You will be..."
21:52.36Lunessago-go gadget cog|work suggestion threads!
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22:04.20the-golem\o/ yay for cog|work!!
22:05.21Cairenncog|work: have they finally given you the credit on the EU side as well yet?
22:05.34cog|worknot sure... i'm not THAT vain...
22:07.43cncfanaticscog|work, that text is urs ? :o
22:07.53Thunder_Childgratz cog|work, your mom must be so proud
22:08.05Saint-Nyou're so vain.... you prolly think this song is about you
22:08.08cog|worktext is theirs
22:08.11CidanSaint-N: hey
22:08.25Saint-Nlet's go
22:08.26cog|workbut they used my guide as a reference
22:08.41Thunder_Childdamit Saint-N, now you have that stuck in my head
22:08.48cncfanatics:o cog|work, nice
22:08.58cncfanaticsthey gave u credit I hope ? :p or did they not even bother ?
22:09.06cog|workcncfanatics: scroll to the bottom
22:09.07LunessaYou're so vain, you probably think this post is about, you don't you?  don't you?!
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22:09.17Thunder_Childnot helping
22:09.18cog|workthat song has always pissed me off
22:09.25CidanSo I just installed Neverwinter Nights for the first time under Linux
22:09.30cog|workI can't help but scream BUT IT IS ABOUT ME DAMNIT!!!
22:09.32CidanNot only does the game play faster/smoother
22:09.36CidanIt LOOKS better
22:09.40CidanIt's like a whole new game.
22:10.43the-golemcog|work: correct me if i'm wrong here ..say ur an MS warrior, and you notice this mage casting a fireball at you ...  but because of GCD, you cant equip a shield, switch to prot, and cast Spell Reflection all in one click, yeah
22:10.45cncfanatics:o they did, nice
22:11.16cncfanaticsthe-golem, ain't the whole point of stances to not be able to do everything at once ?
22:11.21cncfanaticsif you could with macro's it'd be silly imo
22:12.11cog|workbleeter: not only is there a cooldown on the gear change, but you don't even get into defensive stance until after the macro runs
22:12.13cog|workso yeah
22:12.16cog|work> 1 click
22:12.39the-golemyeah thats what i though
22:12.53the-golemgood thing im prot :P
22:13.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
22:13.57Thunder_Childodd, i got the XP after i level'd
22:14.29Thunder_Childor rather it was posted after i leveld
22:15.22Thunder_Child15:12:46 Congratulations, you have reached level 16!
22:15.23Thunder_Child(the other stuff)
22:15.24Thunder_Child15:12:46 Experience gained: 1150.
22:16.02cog|workdon't know how i fluxed that one up...
22:17.57Cidandoes anyone remember in the days of dos, the old shareware CD's with like, 500 games on them?
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22:18.05CidanThat was awesome.
22:18.09CidanGood days.
22:18.24Saint-Nlaugh i still ahve 2 or 3 somewhewre
22:18.24CidanRemember when retail games used to have demo's of other games on them?
22:18.35Lunessathat was not awesome.  That was like... lots of crap for maybe one game worth playing.
22:18.51Saint-NLunessa: but we didnt have internet what else were you gonna do?
22:18.54Cidanit was awesome
22:18.58Saint-Nsit on a multi node bbs in chat?
22:19.08LunessaI had BBSs bitches.  BBSs
22:19.28Saint-Nyou == weak ;)
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22:19.39LunessaX.25 switched networking was the king of all
22:19.58Saint-Nlong live datapac tyment and TelNet
22:20.12Thunder_Childhow is it that i cant seem to find healing strean totem rank 1 on the training list?
22:20.28LunessaWith their largely non-existant security protocols
22:20.38Saint-Nhehe there was a majorbss on datapac a while ago, and during one of our scans we happened upon it and it appeared that no-one sued it so that became our chatroom
22:21.09Saint-Nwe were responsible for them changing from unlimit bad tries to 10 bad times before discon to 3bad tries before discon
22:21.24Saint-Nhad the whole damn thing mapped out
22:21.31LunessaAnyway.. I'm going to go enjoy some fresh air, dinner at a cafe on the patio, maybe a vodka tonic or three - then WoW into the wee hours of the night.
22:21.39Cidanquestion: Should I use a VM for DOS programs, or use something like DosBox?
22:22.00Saint-Nin nix?
22:22.07LunessaIf anyone sees Shirik tell him to logon to Kirin Tor and look for me as Unkle.
22:22.18CidanI am
22:22.24Saint-NLook for luney as Unkle, fucker!
22:22.28LunessaCiao tutti
22:22.33Saint-Ni'd go dosbox
22:22.42Saint-Ncpus are too fast for more vm'd
22:22.46Saint-Nerr most
22:23.14Saint-Nyou could setup a win95 vm with moslo though
22:23.19Saint-Nthat would accomplish it
22:23.44Cidancouldn't I use 98 too?
22:23.53Saint-Neither or
22:24.08CidanI'll setup a VM for 98SE sometime, let me try dosbox
22:24.16CidanJust found my copy of Raptor - Call of the Shadows
22:24.31CidanWhich is really the best game ever.
22:24.47Saint-NDoTT bish!
22:25.04Saint-Noodles of better games
22:25.33Saint-Nhey cid
22:25.37Saint-Ndoes nwn2 play in wine?
22:26.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (i=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
22:26.32Saint-NShirik: Lunessa says to find him on kirin-tor as Unkle, fucker.
22:30.00Guillotineso did anyone else notice that you can't get d/c via bad links on the PTR now? o.O
22:30.18CideI think I have to use an O(n^2) algorithm every frame
22:30.54Cidenot in wow, but still
22:33.54Shirikdamn it
22:33.59ShirikSaint-N, you're my witness
22:34.05ShirikLunessa isn't on, lying again
22:34.15ShirikSo he/she can't say I didn't try!
22:34.31Saint-N<Lunessa> Anyway.. I'm going to go enjoy some fresh air, dinner at a cafe on the patio, maybe a vodka tonic or three - then WoW into the wee hours of the night.
22:34.45Saint-Ni think he meant later on ;)
22:34.45Shiriklike I said, lies.
22:34.56Saint-Nand slander
22:35.04Shirikhowever, you know what isn't a lie?
22:35.12ShirikNew characters apparently cause an error in Conspiracy
22:35.54Saint-Nthat propoganda
22:36.00Saint-Nand a cover up!
22:36.22CidanThey do?
22:36.31CidanOh, I think I know why
22:36.35CidanI remember seeing that last night
22:36.39Saint-Nthats because you swuck at coding cid
22:36.52CidanBite my shiny metal ass, Saint-N
22:37.10Saint-Nyer being old school and retro shouldnt that be splintery wooden ass?
22:38.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano_ (
22:38.22Cidano <----- Joke
22:38.29Cidan\o/ <---- you
22:38.53Saint-Ni dont see how i missed it
22:39.04CidanClearly, you never watched Futurama.
22:39.04Saint-Nyou quoted bender i quoted wooden bender
22:39.08Cidanoh right
22:39.19Saint-Nso maybe by "you" you meant "Cidan"
22:39.24Shiriko <----- joke
22:39.25Cidanlikely, :(
22:39.34Shirik\o/ <---- Cidan
22:39.37CidanI hate you
22:39.39CidanSo much.
22:39.42CidanSo so much.
22:40.58ShirikI take it back
22:41.02Shirikthere's just an error in filesystems period
22:41.11ShirikI just saw "Character" and figured it was only with new characters
22:41.21Cidanthere... shouldn't be...
22:41.57CidanOh wait, nm, there is, I remember it not formatting, it was on my todo list
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22:45.03dreamsseen doing him since 12:00pm today. it's almost 5:30pm now. About 45-50times. No helm.........................................who has seen it drop
22:45.22dreamssdam this giu is good
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22:56.34cncfanaticsanyone here that can confirm to me that doing GetMacroInfo to find out a macro's new texture (say I have a macro with #show 13) won't work right at the UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED event ?
22:56.36cncfanaticsit seems to not
22:57.52*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Holding (
23:00.18cncfanaticsanyone ?
23:08.19cncfanaticseven weirder, it seems to always return whatever trinket was equipped at the time of login in said slot
23:08.21cncfanaticslet me doublecheck
23:08.36cncfanaticsok, I had ruby serpent equipped at login
23:08.49cncfanaticsGetMacroInfo("trinket1"); (trinket1 being the name of the macro) returns ruby serpent
23:08.55cncfanaticseven though I have xi'ri's touch equipped by now
23:09.11cncfanatics(I'm not using events, just /dump GetMacroInfo("trinket1");
23:09.48cog|workGetMacroInfo isn't used to get the texture of action buttons in the default UI anyway
23:10.03cncfanaticsyea, but I'm using it as I don't use action buttons :(
23:10.19cog|workwhat's it look like in the macro interface?
23:10.33cncfanaticsthe ones at login
23:11.03cncfanaticswant a screeny ?
23:14.18cog|workand you're using the ? icon?
23:16.08the-golemisnt simpleCombatLog aced?
23:16.39cog|workGo radiohead
23:17.53Industrialurmoms aced.
23:17.57Industrialdoes it matter?
23:18.30cog|workthe-golem: the only legitimate reason to ask that question is if you want it to be available via the ace updater
23:18.45cog|workall else will be frowned upon :P
23:18.51sag_ich_nicht~stab cog|work
23:18.52purlACTION runs at cog|work with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.
23:18.58sag_ich_nicht(no reason)
23:19.00cncfanatics cog|work, check the trinkets on the character pane and the ones on macros 2 & 3
23:19.27cog|workcncfanatics: is that on live or ptr?
23:19.34Industrialthe-golem: and then still I will frown - because that means you are LAZY :P
23:19.46cncfanaticscog|work ,live
23:19.47the-golemnothing wrong with that
23:19.50cncfanaticsI can't seem to access PTR
23:20.10the-golemi was looking in the wrong category
23:20.24Industrialyah there is. because it shouldnt have anything to do with.. gah. the way I see it it stagnates progressions of the grand scheme.
23:20.27cog|workIndustrial: lazy is good imo
23:20.30the-golemi was expecting either Chat/Communication or Combat, and it was in Interface Enchancements ^^
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23:21.09Industrialcog|work: not when it causes everything to move over. having different people do it how they like is good.
23:21.43Industrialhaving everything sort of the same isn't fun (or better) :p
23:22.06cncfanaticscog|work, could you report the bug I just found to slouken for me ?
23:22.31the-golembut yeah
23:22.37the-golemi asked the wrong question
23:22.46cog|workcncfanatics: not if it works on the PTR :P
23:22.56the-golemshoulda been: isnt it available on the WAU ^^
23:22.59cncfanaticscog|work, I can't try out meh
23:23.03cncfanaticsanyone with PTR access ? :p
23:23.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
23:24.15Elkano_sorry, cncfanatics, not allowed to tell you
23:24.54cncfanaticsElkano_ ... since when is PTR under ND ?
23:27.11Bejittsince it crossed the South Dakota border?
23:27.23cog|work+ slash
23:27.56cncfanaticsElkano_, tell meh if u get that bug :p
23:28.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Codayus (
23:30.04Cairennso, guys - tell me who you love
23:30.11Elkano_well, isn't it still undergoing maintance/patch officialy
23:30.18IndustrialCairenn: you, ofcourse.
23:30.38CairennIndustrial: ding! right answer - anyone else?
23:30.55Elkano_you, our girlfriends and of course mummy ;)
23:31.04Industrialno wait, I dont love him. I admire him.
23:31.18cncfanaticsmeh, I'll get into testing that stupid bug tomorrow then on PTR
23:31.20cncfanaticsor at least try to
23:31.21CairennElkano_: ding! right answer - anyone else?
23:31.38cncfanaticsif anyone minds testing it for me when PTR is up, feel free to
23:31.44cncfanaticsnow I'm going to bed , g'night )
23:31.54Cairennnight cncfanatics
23:32.07IndustrialCairenn: uh, my PC?
23:32.20Cairennyou got the right answer the very first time Industrial
23:33.02Industrialrefridgerator, blue, the middle one
23:33.41foxlitCairenn: people who spam my email inbox?
23:33.49Thunder_Childwell, for me it woul have to be... Cairenn + , making fun of
23:33.50Elkano_from a coder pov we could also add slouken
23:35.24Cairennwell, it's months in advance, but - guess who just got all mod authors beta invites to WotLK again?
23:35.35IndustrialYOU YOU YOU YOU
23:35.42IndustrialI win
23:35.54foxlit_all_ of them?
23:35.57IndustrialCairenn: YAY :D
23:36.05Industrialthat is Ace! (:>)
23:36.13Cairennfoxlit: providing nothing messes up again, yes
23:37.36foxlitOne more question
23:38.15foxlitgot all (mod authors beta invites) or got (all mod authors) beta invites :)
23:38.44Cairennall mod authors will get beta invites
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23:47.16Gnarfozfoxlit: a simple "authors or authors'" would have done the trick, too ;)
23:47.44foxlitGnarfoz: but that'd make it too easy :)
23:48.13GnarfozI more or less only thought about that twice to improve my English ;D
23:50.24Thunder_Childdoes that come before or after the blizzcon invites?
23:51.15CairennThunder_Child: heh, who knows
23:51.45Thunder_Childblizzard does
23:53.10Esamynnsome fucker just ninja'd the pet from the headless horseman
23:53.20Esamynnrolled need after everyone else passede
23:53.55Gnarfozwhy would everyone pass, anyway, if they actually wanted it?
23:53.58Corrodiaswhat a stupid thing to mark yourself eternally on the realm as a ninja about
23:54.31EsamynnGnarfoz: cuse that's what people are trained to do
23:54.46Gnarfozmust be a US thingy
23:54.53EsamynnI already have the pet, so I'm just pissed off on principle
23:55.05EsamynnGnarfoz: yah, everyone over ehre passes on all blues and purples
23:55.06Gnarfoznever seen that on any realms I've played on
23:55.23Corrodiasour realm is all pass & talk too, although i really don't know why
23:55.43GnarfozI wonder how that came to be that way :)
23:55.54Esamynncuse of the original roll system
23:56.12Corrodiaswhat was the original?
23:56.23Esamynnonly need, no greed option
23:56.43Gnarfozyeah, roll or don't roll
23:57.08GnarfozI actually remember having macros for saying "need" or "greed" in chat
23:57.41Gnarfozbut what happened was that everyone just wrote if they were needy or greedy on an item and the needy people then clicked roll

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