IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071016

00:09.47Esamynnhey Thunder_Child
00:10.35Thunder_Childi was gonna screw around with the picture of you, but i couldnt find any setting inapropriate enough
00:10.50foxlit"he next thing on the list that caught my eye is the loss of portals in battlegrounds. No longer will you be able to port the group out to Orgrimmar after the battle concludes."
00:10.59foxlitThe author clearly never tried what he's talking about.
00:11.08Mr_Rabies2now you're working with portals
00:11.22Esamynn~lart Thunder_Child
00:11.22purlsays "boot to the head" and knocks Thunder_Child over
00:11.41Thunder_Child/agreed Esamynn, very sad
00:12.14foxlit"I am happy to see that Arcane Meditation is getting some more power. Perhaps this will keep me POM Pyro longer."
00:12.18CideMr_Rabies2: thinking*
00:12.50Esamynnfoxlit: why are you quoting that garbage? :P
00:12.57Thunder_Childfoxlit, that person should be shot
00:13.01foxlitPrecisely because it's garbage.
00:13.02Thunder_Childor at least banned from wow
00:13.11Mr_Rabies2that's right, cide
00:13.45Mr_Rabies2"congratulations android. please be reminded that android hell is a real place and upon any sign of disloyalty you will be sent there"
00:14.04Cideat the first sign of defiance*, GOD
00:14.29Mr_Rabies2i just played it once through okayh
00:14.34Cide4 times :(
00:15.18Cideshould be 16
00:15.39art3mis"I knew something he didn't though." "What's that?" "That I was lying, of course there's a Silicon heaven, where would the calculators go"
00:21.00foxlitPortal leaves a few questions, though
00:21.10foxlitWhatever the heck went wrong with GLaDOS?
00:21.20Mr_Rabies2bungie style ai rampancy :o
00:22.08foxlitThat doesn't really tell me anything
00:22.24*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
00:22.51foxlitWhy was only a single core... evil?
00:34.19Legorolfoxlit: where are those quotes from?
00:35.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (
00:37.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
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00:44.51*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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00:48.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:21.44*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
01:27.35Cidanhi guyz
01:30.07EsamynnCidan: what, are you looking for entertainment or something? :P
01:30.20CidanThis chan is always full of fun.
01:39.39*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
01:39.39*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower|AFK] by ChanServ
01:45.11Mr_Rabies2Time to choose.
01:45.18Mr_Rabies2It's time to choose!
01:47.59Cidangod damn it
01:48.02Cidanjust finished EP2
01:48.04Cidanlike right now
01:48.07Cidanwhat a fucking ending
01:50.46CidanHalf life 2, Episode 2
01:52.23foxlitTime to choose?
01:52.29foxlitI remember no time to choose!
01:52.42foxlitAnd yes, ending is meh.
01:53.21foxlitBut was almost waiting for something like that to happen
01:53.47foxlit"There's no way they'll let this end on this happy a note" was the general thought
01:54.23*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
01:57.53sysragehow can any self respecting moron continue blaming these sound issues on the user when hundreds if not thousands of people are reporting the same crap and they didn't have these problems before the patch?
02:01.39foxlitself respecting morons can do anything they damn well want :)
02:01.49foxlit"My guild uses HotStove.
02:01.50foxlitIf you die, you learn not to pull aggro."
02:02.59*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
02:08.04Wobworkdolby-wowi: you about? =)
02:08.36WobworkOr Cairenn|afk, if you can pass a message on
02:09.48Thunder_Childfoxlit, what if everyone dies?
02:10.00foxlitThen everyone learns not to pull aggro.
02:10.14foxlitOr we just blame the healers.
02:10.28Thunder_Childi mean if one pulls aggro and everyone ides
02:11.05foxlitwipe, run back, buff up, try again.
02:11.15foxlitThe number of times that's happened is very close to 0
02:11.26Thunder_Childmeh, should use the HotStove aproach there as well
02:12.23foxlitThink that any guild that requires you to run a particular addon is silly.
02:13.31foxlit(which is an awfully open statement, queue objection in 3...2...1...)
02:14.46sysragewhat's hotstove?
02:15.03foxlit"My guild uses HotStove.
02:15.04foxlitIf you die, you learn not to pull aggro."
02:15.14sysrageoh i get it
02:15.15foxlitI quoted a post from the US UI forums
02:15.16sysrageya i'm dumb
02:16.39Wobworkfoxlit: I don't know about that statement
02:17.06Wobworkwe say "either you get it right the first time, or you get a bossmod that will help you get it right"
02:17.08foxlitThough Fras Shisomethingorother killed me by pulling 6 packs of undead mobs
02:17.16WobworkRas Frostwhisper?
02:17.22Wobworkor whatever?
02:17.22foxlitNo, Stratholme
02:17.38foxlitRas could've actually been pretty bad, with his imba 13s stun
02:17.46foxlitTobacco undead guy for a quest
02:17.54Wobworkoh him
02:18.03foxlitHe's social with half of stratholme
02:18.09foxlitI wasn't really expecting _that_.
02:18.20WobworkFras Siabi
02:18.32foxlitYeah, that's the corpse.
02:19.39WobworkI guess, in our raiding group, we don't care if you use mods or not, but if you don't, you'd better not fuck up =)
02:19.50Wobworkand if you do fuck up repeatedly, then use mods
02:20.17foxlitOur "if you do fuck up repeatedly" clause involves you failing your trial period.
02:20.46Wobworkwe unfortunately have to pug spots
02:21.08*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
02:23.09foxlitAnd I hit a brick wall at 260 enchanting
02:23.47foxlitIt was all going so well until the introduction of greater nether essence as a reagent
02:24.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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02:25.22*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (
02:25.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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02:26.07Thunder_Child~staple Iriel
02:26.07purlACTION attaches a staple gun to a pneumatic nail gun via duct tape, staples Iriel quite well, and hands Iriel to thunder_child
02:26.29IrielIRC client update, sorry
02:26.52Thunder_Childdoesnt bother me, was just for something to do
02:34.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
02:45.27*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
02:48.56Thrae!mload items
02:48.56ThraeBotLoaded [items]
02:48.59Thrae!i mighty rage potion
02:49.00ThraeBotThrae: Name: Mighty Rage Potion; Rarity: Common (White); 5 Stack; Type: Consumable; Requires L46; Use: Increases Rage by 45 to 75 and increases Strength by 60 for 20 sec.; Created By: Gromsblood x 3, Crystal Vial x 1. [[ ][ ]]
02:50.17Thrae!i great rage potion
02:50.18ThraeBotThrae: Name: Great Rage Potion; Rarity: Common (White); 5 Stack; Type: Consumable; Requires L25; Use: Increases Rage by 30 to 60.; Created By: Large Fang x 1, Kingsblood x 1, Leaded Vial x 1. [[ ][ ]]
02:51.06ThraeOh wait...didn't notice "Crystal Vial" on former item. Thought it wasn't parsing vial requirements, heh
02:53.25Temalso, it looks like the "Champion of the Naaru" title is in _addition_ to your ordinary title
02:53.39cogwheelFrom vending machine to caterer...
02:53.58TemI feel like I'm moving up in the world
03:00.32WobworkTem: yeah, it's resulting in  ... stupidly long names =P
03:01.36WobworkI like the name 'snackwell'
03:01.59Wobworkalso, the engineering mount will forevermore and henceforth be only referred to as "ROFLCopter"
03:02.52Thunder_Childi hate english class....
03:04.59Thunder_ChildEsamynn, who do i have to bug to change captions?
03:05.44EsamynnThunder_Child: I was actually thinking of giving global edit privilidges to all users, what do you think?
03:06.12Thunder_Childcan you limit spicific people or only include spicific people?
03:06.24EsamynnI can...
03:06.30Esamynnbut we only have a few users atm anyways
03:06.42Esamynnyou, me, iriel, mp and Cair
03:07.00Thunder_Childif it gows and someone abuses it...i'm just trying to think ahead
03:07.30*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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03:07.33Thunder_Childif you can limit spicific people than it's fine to make it global
03:07.45EsamynnI can make a new group
03:08.13Thunder_Childwell it's your call, but it's just a thought
03:09.02Esamynnok, you have gobal eidt permissions now, be careful ;)
03:10.17Thunder_Childso if i put a caption under your picture stating something like "Esamynn, and yes, that IS a shit eating grin" thats not being carefull?
03:10.36Esamynn~lart Thunder_Child
03:10.36purlchops Thunder_Child in half with a free AOL CD
03:10.44Thunder_Childhmm...take that as a no
03:11.31Thunder_Childand someone labeled Guillotine as Kirkburn
03:12.51SixenWhat website are you guys talking about?
03:13.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|zZz (i=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
03:14.18*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
03:14.35Kirkburn|sleepThunder_Child, aiee
03:14.42Thunder_Childindeed Kirkburn|sleep
03:15.29Thunder_Childi labeled it correctly
03:15.49Kirkburn|sleepIt said Kirkburn? ><
03:15.58Thunder_Childonly a few people that could have done it
03:16.08Thunder_ChildIriel, Esamynn, maybe Cairenn|afk, you
03:16.35Thunder_Childi bet it was you
03:16.45Thunder_Childjust like you, you egomaniac
03:16.53EsamynnI didn't label anyone as Kirkburn
03:17.02art3misi dont think ive seen "2007-08-03 at 18-34-32" hanging out here recently
03:17.21Thunder_Childlook harder Arcaia
03:17.59Thunder_Childpurl, you suck
03:18.00purland very well I might add
03:18.03art3misesa seems to have thing for guill ;P
03:18.19Shirik|zZz"My forecast is that around 2050, the state of Massachusetts will be the first jurisdiction to legalize marriages with robots," artificial intelligence researcher David Levy at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands told LiveScience.
03:18.53art3mishe obviously didnt see the futurama documentary
03:19.18Shirik|zZzDON'T DATE ROBOTS!
03:21.10art3misas nelson mandella says "if it isnt delicious then throw me back in jail"
03:21.26art3misjohn oliver is by far the best "correspondant" the daily show has
03:34.32Thunder_Childwhat the best pet for holding aggro?
03:37.19ScytheBlade1Buhaha, no more updating raid addons for me, ever!
03:37.23ScytheBlade1FakeRaidAddons is go!
03:38.32ScytheBlade1Nothing quite like an addon that tells the raid leader that you have the most current version of DBM
03:38.33ScytheBlade1Even if you don't
03:42.16art3miscrazed war boar
03:42.49art3misscythe you should make an addon that feeds complete crap ;P
03:42.58art3misoh wait no
03:43.01ScytheBlade1This is even better actually
03:43.03art3misthe warboars are tanks
03:43.06ScytheBlade1Whenever it sees a newer version
03:43.13ScytheBlade1It starts sending that version the next time you login
03:43.15art3misScytheBlade1: but actually not have the addons ;P
03:43.25Thunder_Childart3mis, so are bears but this ones isnt working for me
03:43.30art3misand by complete crap i m,ean saying that you're always at 23% mana
03:43.38art3misand that your akhn is ready ;P
03:43.42ScytheBlade1That'd be hot
03:43.46art3misstuff like that ;P
03:43.49ScytheBlade1But sadly this only does version numbers
03:43.51ScytheBlade1Though that is possible
03:43.55art3mismake it
03:44.26art3misThunder_Child: piggies are my fave pet
03:44.34art3misthey can take a beating like NOTHING else
03:44.38art3misand rule for pvp
03:44.47Thunder_Childdont care about beating, just want aggro holding
03:44.48art3misnext to the spazzy bat that they fixed
03:45.04art3misoh no they're great they have charge n stuff
03:45.04Thunder_Childi kill them faster than i pet can far at least
03:45.27art3misthey're four legged felguards
03:51.00Thunder_Childart3mis, is a warbear diff than a normal boar?
03:56.01art3misumm its that rare from blasted lands i believe
03:56.13art3mislooks like its partially undead
03:56.29Thunder_Child...and at lvl 18?
03:57.10art3misone sec asking
03:57.51art3misoh i didnt realize you were that low
03:58.05art3misi'd say go for the rare lion in barrons?
03:58.11art3misthat level 14 onwe
03:58.31Thunder_Childhmmm...i would have to look that up
03:59.21Thunder_Childglad i am not on a pvp server
03:59.25art3mishuma or something like that
03:59.32art3misare you horde or alliance?
03:59.49art3misoh that might make it ahrder since its  quest spawn
03:59.58art3misbut if you can find a horde on it thats willing to let ya...
04:00.09Thunder_Childall good then, i can stick with my bear or get a boar...eaither way
04:00.17art3miscats get aggro quick but a turtle or bear will alst longer
04:00.47art3misyou could try for kresh in WC as well
04:00.53Thunder_Childdont need to last if they can hold teh aggro
04:01.15art3misi'd go cat or pink flamingo ;P
04:01.22art3misor check petopia
04:01.49art3miskresh is that named turle at the start of WC
04:03.19art3miswolves are good for aggro too
04:03.40art3misthat rare in duskwood is level 22ish i believe
04:04.08Thunder_Childhmm..petopia says wolfs do not have +dmg
04:04.55Thunder_Childbest one seems to be a ravager...but i would need to go to Bloodmyst to get it
04:05.02Thunder_Childand i is lazy
04:30.53art3mishehe i got a purplehearted wand of the whale, and i read it as purpleheaded
04:39.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah_ (
04:44.16cladhaireAs a frost mage, should I go to Arcane Concentration to get clearcasting first, or just plow down the frost tree?
04:45.18Thunder_Childwhatever you enjoy most
04:49.08ScytheBlade1Plow through frost.
04:49.14ScytheBlade1Especially on lower levels
04:49.54ScytheBlade1Imp Frostbolt --> Ice Shards --> Piercing Ice, with some Cold Snap and Imp FN in there too
04:54.40cladhairei'm level 36
04:54.44cladhairethats why i ask
04:54.45cladhairei can choose
05:00.56Thunder_Childchoose well my son.
05:06.22Corrodiasdododododoododoodooo DOOO
05:08.24Corrodiasi do believe my right inner ear is slightly infected or whatever happens to ears
05:08.50ThraeBoy that was a lot of work to figure out the modified time of a file
05:10.11ThraeCrap -- that's not going to work anyway
05:11.36Cidancladhaire: as a frost mage you should respc fire, imo
05:12.05cladhairei get in trouble as a mage, i like having more escape options
05:12.08Corrodiasmoving my head around can make me quite dizzy
05:12.23Corrodiasi need to make sure there isn't something blocking moisture inside my right ear
05:18.44Cairenn|afkyay for neighbours deciding that 1am is a perfectly wonderful time to vacuum their bedroom and clean the ensuite
05:19.35Mr_Rabies2i'd recommend a doctor, but if you must do it yourself some peroxide diluted in warm (warm, not hot) water, plus a low pressure syringe should clean out anything that may be an issue, unless the eardrum is pierced
05:19.50Mr_Rabies2in which case you'll be in extreme pain and will probably pass out from it
05:20.43art3misheh it would be awesome if hammer of wrath had the ability to hit something in the direction its thrown if it misses the intended target
05:20.51Corrodiaswell, i expect it'll clear up on its own soon enough
05:20.54Thunder_ChildCairenn|afkm yesm yes it is the perfect time
05:20.57Corrodiasthe only question is which side it's on
05:21.15Corrodiaswhoa.. pretty sure it's the left side
05:24.05Thunder_Childhaha "Hebort (v.) To forget all the Hebrew one ever learned immediately after one's Bar or Bat Mitzvah."
05:24.14Thunder_Childnow i have a word for it
05:25.52Corrodiasschmuck is a good one
05:26.06Thunder_Childshmuck is real though
05:26.47Thunder_Child"Deja Nu ( n.) Having the feeling you've seen the same exasperated look on your mother's face, but not knowing exactly when." is not
05:33.15*** join/#wowi-lounge TrixIsOwned2 (
05:34.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
05:34.08*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
05:35.09GuillotineIriel: I am amazed
05:35.22Guillotineyou actually got some not so bad pictures of me at Blizzcon o.O Usually I'm very unphotogenic
05:35.41Irielglad to have been useful 9-)
05:36.32Thunder_ChildCairenn|afk may not have thought so :/
05:36.53Thunder_Childalthough i dont seem to see those 50-100 pics of her
05:37.08Cairenn|afklol, good thing, too
05:37.25IrielOh yes, that one of her at the table is just one of MANY
05:37.37Thunder_Childindeed, your hold out on us arent you...
05:37.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:38.03Cairenn|afkI don't even want to know how many you actually took, you just kept your finger pressed down on the button
05:39.15IrielI kept 14 of that series
05:39.55IrielWell, I'd have kept more but you kept moving
05:40.06Cairenn|afkI wouldn't have bothered to keep any! :p
05:40.29Thunder_Childya, you were doing it flashless, but have been a bit blury
05:41.28Cairenn|afkhe wasn't the only one that took some flashless, trying to prevent me from knowing
05:51.01Cairenn|afkI don't remember if it was Esamynn or MentalPower|ZzZz that took one (or more) on Sunday at Disney without the flash
05:51.13Thunder_Childrather personal to
05:51.14ScytheBlade1I just copied to the PvE test server
05:51.24art3misbut wouldnt you want cairenn to flash?
05:51.48Thunder_Childexpressions FTW!
05:52.26art3misya know just once id like to see a con pic of someone that didnt look like a total nerd ;P
05:52.37art3misjust once
05:52.52art3misand succubus sluts that just like dressing that way cuz thier boyfriend asked doesn't count
05:52.57art3misbut will be appreciated ;P
05:53.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
05:53.51Esamynnart3mis: you ask for the impossible
05:55.05art3misi know
05:55.13art3misnow hand over the sexy succi's ;P
05:58.29art3misshes cute and all but not sexy ;)
05:58.37art3misspecially not with $ store horns ;P
05:59.17Thunder_Childi would make al of the women that dress up under 18 just to screw around with all of the guys there
05:59.55IrielOh hey, I have pictures from 05 too dont I 8-)
06:00.07Cairenn|afkoh no you don't!
06:00.15Cairenn|afkI pulled those ones deliberately!
06:00.22Thunder_Childgive Iriel, give
06:00.46IrielThe one you just posted is one of mine
06:00.54Thunder_Childsee even Cairenn|afk wants you to give them, she is pleading with you
06:01.14Cairenn|afkIriel: yes, it was
06:01.43Cairenn|afk (has the 2005 photos that I left up)
06:02.12Cairenn|afkwrong link
06:03.28IrielI think you've got most of my good ones there still
06:03.50IrielAnyway, night all
06:05.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Calib (
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06:22.11*** join/#wowi-lounge [melin] (
06:22.46[melin]so this is the wow api channel? :P
06:23.13Cairenn|afkmost are asleep at this point though
06:23.22[melin]understandable =)
06:23.39Cairenn|afknot all though, it is an international community :)
06:23.54[melin]Im trying to find out the names of the actionkeys in bar2 :P
06:24.25[melin]havent fiddled with actionkeys in a while and forgot all about their names :|
06:24.29Cairenn|afk(and some of us who would normally be asleep have neighbours who decide to vacuum their bedrooms and clean their bathrooms at 1am ><)
06:24.42[melin]well.. Id love to be asleep but I have kids
06:25.30Wobworkoh man
06:25.36Wobwork30MB connection speeds
06:25.51[melin]your connection is a 30Mb wire?
06:26.05Wobworkbetween a couple of servers in our system
06:26.13Wobworkhalf a gig in 15seconds or so
06:26.26[melin]ah.. Im on a 100Mb connection.. meaning I can download at tops 12.5Mb/s
06:26.29nevcairiela local lan or over intraweb?
06:26.32Cairenn|afkokay, gonna go see if I can get back to sleep, or whether I have to go kill my neighbour
06:26.42Cairenn|afklater guys
06:26.55Wobworknevcairiel: hm, I'm not sure
06:27.01Wobworkprobably local
06:27.06[melin]anyone got any idea what the actionkeys are named? in bar2
06:27.11Thunder_ChildCairenn|afk, if you kill your neibhor, pics or it didnt happen
06:27.14Wobworkin that the chances are that the machines are in the same building =)
06:27.35nevcairielhehe, local gbit connections are pretty common these days
06:27.58art3misbig B or little b?
06:28.10Wobworkbig B
06:28.22nevcairielwhats the difference between Bit and bit
06:28.22nevcairiel? :P
06:28.24art3mishehe cuz im 30Mb at home ;P
06:28.28WobworkByte and bit
06:28.31art3misbit and Byte ;P
06:28.38nevcairielah you meant wob's b
06:29.04art3misim happy with my @home 1.5MB leeching
06:29.16[melin]100Mb down, 10Mb up :P
06:29.20WobworkI dunno what I'd do with speeds like that at home
06:29.24art3misits not a real full 30mbit but meh good enough
06:29.24WobworkI'd download stuff too fast
06:29.25Corrodiasi have one byte
06:29.29art3mis30mins per moobie ;P
06:29.32Wobworkand never get the chance to watch it =P
06:30.26art3misover the summer with all the reruns it's all i had to watch ;P
06:32.21Corrodiasnick at nite keeps saying "shocktober"
06:32.28[melin]bah! google sucks.. anyone have a small function that tells me the name of different objects in the UI?
06:32.35Corrodiasevery time they say it, i think back to how my friend says "proctober"
06:35.25Wobwork[melin]: eh?
06:36.02[melin]Im trying to get the names of the action hotkeys in bar2
06:40.47Corrodiasum um
06:41.10CorrodiasDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(GetMouseFocus():GetName()) while your mouse is over it
06:41.25Corrodiasalso, DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(GetMouseFocus():GetParent():GetName()) can be useful
06:59.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
07:05.37[melin]works great
07:05.54[melin]only one problem :D seems like bar2 has the same names as bar3 :D
07:12.29ScytheBlade1Anyone completed "Nat's Bargain" on the PTR?
07:12.33ScytheBlade1It's not working for me :/
07:13.31Intangirare you ready to see the coolest freaking wow screenshot of all time?
07:14.21[melin]upload it to screenshots on wow-europe
07:14.49Temwouldn't be taken imo
07:14.55Temyour graphics settings are too low
07:15.00Temthe trees look terrible
07:15.15Tem(not that higher graphic settings make them look much better)
07:15.34Tem(but it's not in blizzard's intrest to post screenshots of the weakest graphical element in their game)
07:18.01Intangirya thats not my graphical settings
07:18.05Intangirthats just a really low res texture
07:18.12Intangiryour not normally supposed to be ANYWHERE near it
07:18.42Intangirwell actually i think ive seen those in other places that you can get close to
07:18.49Intangirbut ya its barely still in frame, right up in the camera
07:18.52Intangirso it would look ugly anyway
07:19.18Intangirisnt that neat though ;) im flying toward karazhan
07:20.22Intangirthose rocket boots are hilarious fun
07:29.05[melin]anyone got an idea on how I can change settings to a button dynamicly.. meaning - I have 10 buttons, but I dont wanna make 10 functions for it
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07:59.43Thunder_Childi dont understand what kind of artists there would ever think that the mages would want to look like a walking talking electric bug zapper
08:00.57art3misi wish my gear looked like the stuff Alias wore on the book covers ;P
08:01.03art3misthen i'd be hot
08:02.08Thunder_Childi mean seriously, if i was in a GB and this person came up to me i think i would die laughing before he could PoM Pyro me
08:03.08Thunder_Childthe dude in the dress with the electric fly zapper does NOT inspire fear
08:03.10AnduinLotharpretyy hawt except for the helm
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08:03.47Thunder_Childyea, you try walking around with two halogens on your shoulders pointing right at your face
08:05.23AnduinLotharsure as hell beats this lame fest:
08:07.07Thunder_Childindeed, looks like they are carying around glowing gold dubloons in their sholders
08:07.48MoonWolfits the light
08:07.54MoonWolfpure crystalated light
08:07.56MoonWolfor something
08:08.07Thunder_Childand whats up with that helm....some dude in full plate but your supposed "armor" for your head is floating a foot above it
08:08.41[melin]how do I extract the texture path from an item in a bag?
08:08.44Thunder_Childgreat, you work well at childrens parties, pin the tail on the retard
08:08.48[melin]doesnt seem to be any GetTexture functions for it
08:10.25Thunder_Childlock, shaman and priest are the only ones that seem decent
08:11.03Thunder_Childerr not lock
08:11.09Thunder_Childsham, priest, war
08:11.28Thunder_Childlock would be ok except for the oh so lovely color scheme
08:11.45AnduinLothari dont understand why they added armor ignore and reduced str on the ret gear..
08:12.16AnduinLothari do like the new glove equip tho, beats the hell out of imp judgement of crusader that no one used
08:13.44AnduinLothari might have to get the chest for pve tho. the only other chest with +hit is kraken in ssc
08:14.54AnduinLotharactually, with +hit on the glvoes i may not have to
08:15.57Thunder_Childwish season 2 didnt have the better looking priest helm
08:16.18Thunder_Childmind you, all of this is coming from someone who doesnt care what his char looks like
08:16.38Thunder_Childif i looked like a clown but had the stats i wanted, i would use it
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08:23.01art3misbe pally miner skinner, aldor or scryer?
08:23.33Thunder_Childif you dont mind grinding, both
08:24.33art3mislets pretend i do for now ;P
08:24.38art3miswhich is preferable first
08:25.01AnduinLothardoesn't matter. the rewards are only shoulders and plans/patterns you cant use
08:25.15AnduinLotharso pick the shoulder enchants you like
08:26.44AnduinLotharfor pally i recommend Scryer
08:27.27AnduinLotharthe defense is inferier to dodge, but the other 3 are all useful
08:28.02cryogener, wrong window
08:29.26art3misyeah figured id do scryer again
08:30.11AnduinLotharbut either way once you get to the blue ones the difference is neglegable
08:30.47AnduinLotharScryer Gauntlets of the Chosen are decent tanking
08:31.33AnduinLotharall the other rep rewards for either faction are useless for pallies
08:31.36art3misfarm marks for aldor might have been easier though ;P
08:31.47AnduinLotharexcept the resist gear for raiding of course
08:32.06AnduinLothardemons are easier to find
08:34.43art3misand group better ;P
08:34.54art3miswhat level can you farm firewing signets before it tops out?
08:35.05art3misfriendly? or honoured
08:39.04art3misnods already there
08:39.19art3miswhen i ask questions im generally looking for quick answers ;P
08:40.08art3mishrm thats a nice clean site
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08:58.10[melin]anyone know how I can change settings on an element when I have dynamic names?
09:07.26Maldivia*smirk* just noticed the pamela head thread :]
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09:24.30[melin]none knows? :(
09:35.51AnduinLotharart3mis: it's nice except gameamp went out of business
09:37.35AnduinLothartheir funding went dry and their promised in-game overlay app never materialized, I assume because it's nearly impossible to do for anything but direct3D
09:38.02AnduinLotharR&D > expected earning = flop
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09:48.17[melin]anyone know how I can change settings on an element when I have dynamic names?
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10:00.15Elkano[melin], keep the reference when creating it
10:09.36[melin]Elkano well.. I wanna change the attributes on one of 5 buttons.. I dont wanna make 5 functions for it
10:09.43[melin]they are named like Button1, Button2 etc
10:10.23Elkanocould you pastey your code?
10:11.07Elkanobut if you named them, you can try Button1:func() or getglobal("Button1"):func()
10:11.21[melin]ah thats the one
10:11.44Elkanoin case you created them with CreateFrame() you can store the handle it returned and do create a utility function where you pass in that handle
10:12.13Elkanofunction dothings(button) button:func1() button:func2() end
10:12.54[melin]ah ok
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12:29.07Wobin_new wine?
12:29.21Wobin_What has this in store for us?
12:29.36Wobin_(... what has happened to my English, I almost said "in stall for us...")
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14:15.01art3misit's tuesday today right?
14:15.10TamsielAFKall day
14:15.23art3mishrm wodner why my realms are up already
14:15.32TamsielAFKrolling restarts on most of them
14:15.46TamsielAFKand the others only down until 7
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14:16.25art3misthey always say rolling, seems wierd to see them actually do it
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14:19.43cogwheeldirectv was supposed to come today
14:19.56cogwheelbut there is "a national shortage of HD DVR receivers"
14:20.07cogwheelguess it's off to work...
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15:03.26LopeppeppyRocket launcher boots?  Or Superman?
15:03.56Intangirsuperman? ;) hehehe
15:04.52IntangirwereHamster: you on?
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15:33.41wereHamsterIntangir, yes
15:34.24wereHamsteris that one if your hacks?
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15:35.03IntangirwereHamster: no, those are rocketboots
15:35.12Intangirdude i gotta get a video of this ;) did you get yukon working on ubuntu wine yet?
15:35.44wereHamsterno, you still have to compile it yourself
15:36.58Intangiri gotta get some videos of these stunts hehehe
15:37.09ScytheBlade1They decreased the price for epic flying on the PTR..
15:37.18Intangirto what?
15:37.33ScytheBlade14749g 99s 99c
15:37.44ScytheBlade1~250g less :(
15:37.50Intangirthats just from honor discount
15:37.50Intangiri mean rep discount
15:37.51dylanmProbably has to do with the rep discount no?
15:37.59ScytheBlade1The vendor has no rep assosciated with her though
15:38.06ScytheBlade1There isn't on live and I'm not seeing one now
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15:38.24LopeppeppyThey changed the rep discounts to be available at lower levels of rep... I do remember seeing that.
15:38.27Intangirthat sounds like a rep discount
15:38.28ScytheBlade1I mean, from the amount reduction, I would believe you to be right
15:38.44ScytheBlade1But the trainer has _no_ reputation attached to her
15:39.03LopeppeppyMaybe they artifically attached a rep?  *shrug*
15:39.12nevcairielon original BC beta, the trainer had rep discount when i learned it, but it lost it on live
15:39.14nevcairielso dunno.
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15:55.50cladhaireNew Equip-bonus on Druid Feral gloves: Causes your Maim ability to interrupt spellcasting and prevent any spell in that school from being cast for 3 sec.
15:55.56cladhaireNew Equip-bonus on Mage gloves: Gives you a 50% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Polymorph.
15:56.19cryogennot as imba as arcane shot dispelling ice block and bubble :p
15:56.25cladhaireit does?
15:56.29cryogenso im hearing
15:56.33cladhaireoh wow
15:56.36LopeppeppyI pay talent points for interrupting spellcasts, druids get it on their gloves?
15:56.54cladhaireNew Equip-bonus on Priest Holy gloves: Reduces the cooldown of your Psychic Scream ability by 3 sec.
15:56.54cladhaireNew Equip-bonus on Priest Shadow gloves: Reduces the damage you take from your own Shadow Word: Death by 10%
15:56.55cryogenLopeppeppy: warlocks get it on a pet
15:56.56LopeppeppyArcane shot is being improved to remove effects, so the notes do say.
15:57.17cryogenLopeppeppy: rogues get it for free
15:57.20zenzelezzmagic only
15:57.20cryogenLopeppeppy: whats your point? :p
15:57.31LopeppeppyGuess I don't have one, cryogen, have a nice day?
15:57.39cryogenstop whining then!
15:58.59LopeppeppySure thing, sport.  I still think that cladhaire is right.
15:59.07cladhaireof course i am
15:59.09cladhairewhat did i say again?
16:01.12art3misNew Class Bonus: While Shielded Priests no longer suffer gay buff effects or damage from arrows.
16:01.48art3misPS: we made it absorb 50k damage now and it can't be dispelled.
16:02.43zenzelezzto balance this, all harmful spells the priest casts is reflected to him/herself
16:02.55cladhaireart3mis: fuck hunters, imo.
16:03.19cladhairei mean except when I'm playing one
16:03.21cladhairethen *giggle
16:04.01LopeppeppyBless you, Cidan.
16:04.02art3miszenzelezz: even that "disadvantage" would make priests so godly ;P
16:04.07CidanIf you don't mind me saying.
16:04.14art3missince when do holy priests hurt things
16:04.36zenzelezzwhat does holy have to do with it?
16:06.28art3miswell as shadow you wouldnt be doing damage to the mob it would just be you
16:06.44zenzelezzwhat does shadow have to do with it?
16:06.45art3misso you could just chain heal and not worry too bad about pulling aggro with a 5k dmage shield ;P
16:06.55zenzelezzDiscpline I tell you, Discipline
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16:07.10art3misand disc is useful how?
16:07.17art3misyou cant damage things while shielded
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16:07.22art3misand a disc priest heals for shit
16:07.45zenzelezzwe've been talking nonsense for a while, how come you suddenly take things seriously?
16:08.07art3mistheres a difference between nonsense and just being dumb ;P
16:08.16zenzelezzyou would know
16:08.27art3misyup, i have to hear you day in day out ;)
16:08.39art3missometimes its hard to tell, but im learning
16:08.57zenzelezzyou're wrone, I only speak about 1/4 of the day
16:09.33art3misi didnt say "all day every day"
16:09.37zenzelezzgod, trying to do crystals in Ogri'la while typing is hard
16:09.39art3misi just said day in day out
16:09.57Intangirpriests are such a pain in the ass
16:10.03Intangiri hate it when even when you kill them, they keep healing!
16:10.07art3misyeah we are
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16:13.17Intangirand they can do good heals even while dead
16:13.51art3misonly enough time for 2 gheals though
16:14.00Intangiris armory down?
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16:16.23Intangirdoes anyone know of something i can host on my webserver to allow someone to have a browser in a browser basically? i need to let me wife use my home machine as a proxy so she can get to gmail from work
16:16.28Intangirbut they block the normal proxy protocols
16:16.33Intangirbut they let http and https thru
16:16.38Intangirthey block just about everything else
16:17.12cladhairedo they block ssh?
16:18.00art3misyou could just make up an inframe gmail
16:18.10art3misthat might be simple enough to work
16:19.40Intangircladhaire: im not sure, but shes on windows
16:19.53cladhairewhether or not its windows makes no difference, actually
16:20.00Intangirwhat do you have in mind?
16:20.13Intangiri setup a proxy here but i needed ssh installed locally to tunnel
16:20.41cladhairewell you dont even really need that much
16:20.51cladhaireyou can just use ssh itself as a socks proxy if necessary
16:20.57cladhairewith a batch script to turn it on and off as required
16:21.48*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
16:22.14cncfanaticshello ppl
16:22.15Intangirya thats what i do
16:22.27Intangirbut it sets that up locally, she cant run it on windows
16:22.39cladhairewhy can't she run that on windows?
16:22.43Intangiralso im doing it with firefox, im not sure how on windows
16:22.57Intangiron IE i mean
16:23.22Linwhy blizzard didn't lauch a native linux wow client?
16:23.39LinI just have windows to play wow.
16:23.46cladhaireLin: because they don't want the onus of having to support one.
16:23.57cladhaireit runs on wine just fine for a number of people.
16:23.59Linlinux ppl didnt ask for support.
16:24.16Linbut it lose some performance. I have tried already
16:25.01Lini dunno. but IMHO there is more Linux than mac users.
16:25.17CidanLin: No way
16:25.24cncfanaticsLin, no way, linux wow > windows wow
16:25.28cncfanaticscuz there's no damn crap running
16:25.37CidanYou'd be surprised how many people play on macs
16:25.52cladhaireand you'd be suprised how may people play on linux
16:26.22Linhow many here uses mac? and how many uses linux?
16:26.38cncfanaticsI'm on linux, cladhaire also is (I think)
16:26.39Intangiri use linux
16:26.40Linbtw. any mac users here?
16:26.46Linim on linux too
16:26.50Intangirive met 2 mac users since ive been playing wow
16:26.52Cidanas am I, :P
16:26.56CidanI've met quite a few
16:26.56Intangirive met no other linux users in game though ;(
16:26.58Intangironly you guys here
16:27.08CidanIntangir: also, what distro do you run?
16:27.09Intangircourse unless they offer up that info i wouldnt know
16:27.15Lin90% of wow add on developers runs linux
16:27.16Intangiri only know about the mac guys cause of their issues with vent servers
16:27.29IntangirLin: probably so ;)
16:27.34IntangirCidan: ubuntu
16:27.38Linas me
16:27.43CidanIntangir: apt-get install squid
16:27.48Intangirand ya wow seems to run faster for me on linux, in wine than on windows
16:27.53Intangiri get average of 5-10 fps faster
16:28.02zenzelezzI like how people make such statements abotu OS usage without a shred of info to back it up
16:28.04Intangiri dont know why, maybe cause its using openGL? less other crap running?
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16:28.07Cidansame for me, OGL is faster.
16:28.18IntangirCidan: whats squid
16:28.22LinOGL is faster than DX?
16:28.25Cidanzenzelezz: We don't, we're assuming, that's clear.
16:28.33CidanLin: Indeed
16:28.46CidanIntangir: proxy server, :P  best one out there, IMO
16:28.48Linhas same graphical features?
16:28.56IntangirCidan: interesting, is it web based?
16:29.07IntangirLin: ya it looks exactly the same
16:29.12CidanIntangir: it's a proxy server straight up
16:29.18Linwhich parameter to runs OGL mode?
16:29.19CidanIntangir: install it and try it out.
16:29.22Intangirthere is a tweak for openGL that is documented on like EVERY wiki, you have to use it
16:29.28Intangirit increases my framerate by about 20fps
16:29.40cncfanaticsLin -opengl or SET gxAPI "openGL" in
16:29.49Intangiri did one
16:29.58cncfanaticssame, handyer
16:30.06Lincan I just copy the binary to my linux partition?
16:30.09Linand about updates?
16:30.16Intangirthats what i did the first time
16:30.17Linmust be done on windows? or wine can run it?
16:30.19Intangirjust copied it over
16:30.25Intangirand wine can do updates fine
16:30.28Intangircedega used to have issues
16:30.31Intangirand was slower than wine
16:30.33Intangirbut could run in directX
16:30.38Linmkfs.xfs /dev/sda1 today!
16:31.05Cidanany game that I have ever played that has a linux binary has *always* run faster than its windows counterpart
16:31.09Linomg! I will be do happy!
16:31.21Cidanie: doom3 engine games
16:31.22LinCidan: true.. I remember UT!
16:31.26Cidanyep, UT
16:31.35Cidanyou name it, it runs so much better in linux
16:31.43Linquake 2
16:31.45CidanLinux is much better for gaming than Windows
16:31.48IntangirCidan: ya i dont know why people say linux cant play games
16:31.49cncfanaticsthats mainly cuz there's no crap running on the background
16:31.55CidanIf people would just make binaries
16:32.00Linohh!! how many nights I have played hours of quake2
16:32.04Intangirthe only limiting factor in linux gaming is that developers dont make linux binaries, and even when they dont, wine or cedega can often handle it fine
16:32.05CidanLin, same.
16:32.16CidanYeah but Wine is... eh, not so good.
16:32.20AnduinLotharheh, ptr forums just got uber trimmed
16:32.29CidanReally, I'm on the verge of going to Linux fulltime
16:32.29AnduinLotharpost i was responding too got deleted
16:32.39Intangirwow runs great in wine, alot of games do, but some i gotta use cedega
16:32.39Cidanand removing Vista
16:32.41Intangirsome dont work in either
16:32.46LopeppeppySomeone was having a fun lunch break editing....
16:32.53LinIn  my classes, all my students played quake 2 in the last day.
16:32.59LinI have fragged a lot!
16:33.32Intangirive been using only linux for like 2-3 years
16:33.36cncfanaticsCidan, I did that; perfectly happy
16:33.42Intangiri had to boot windows the other day cause gdb ws crashing
16:33.43CidanWell I can't yet
16:33.46Lini have using linux for more than 10 years
16:33.47Intangiri hadnt booted it in a whole year
16:33.48Cidanvideo driver bug with 8800's
16:33.51cncfanaticsdoes cedega run games better then wine ?
16:33.55Cidanmove window == CPU 100%
16:34.00Linsome games yes.. some dont
16:34.09Intangirive been running a linux server for 8 years
16:34.14CidanOnce this bug is resolved, I will seriously consider it
16:34.17Intangirbut destkop i only switched like 3 years ago
16:34.41Cidan'cause I just don't play games as much anymore, except maybe steam
16:34.48Lini have switched to linux desktop soon after windows 3.11, just in win95 time
16:34.48Intangirsteam works good
16:34.51Intangirin both wine and cedega
16:35.00LinI had virtual screens, multiple desktops. Internet browser.
16:35.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Hallucinosis (n=Hallucin@
16:35.11Lintransparent windows. animated root windows.
16:35.23Linlesstif, fvwm2, windowmaker
16:35.31Intangirim gonna go check out squid
16:35.33CidanI have to figure out how to deal with the 400 gigs of data on that desktop though
16:35.36Intangiri like how so many of the peeps in here use linux ;)
16:35.41Cidanso I can convert my 400 gig drive to /home
16:36.04LinCidan: ogg!!
16:36.39Cidanwhat of it?
16:36.42Linfill up your HD with 400g
16:36.49LinI have 90g music here
16:36.56Cidanno no
16:37.00Cidanit's already full
16:37.10Linoh.. ok!
16:37.19Cidanbut I want to convert it from NTFS to ext3 in some way, but I can't think of a clean way to do it
16:37.31CidanI'd have to move it off to another drive or something
16:38.04Linuse XFS !
16:38.08Linext3 is DAMN slow
16:38.08Cidaneven so
16:38.23CidanNTFS->XFS, no real way to convert.
16:38.28Linno way
16:39.14Cidanthus, I need to find a way to backup 400 gigs of data
16:39.16Linmkfs.xfs /dev/sda1
16:39.24Lineasy way toconvert
16:39.35Lincreate 200 gmail accounts
16:39.37Linmount all them
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16:39.55Linand make simple script to copy everything to a gmailfs
16:40.25CidanI'll just go buy another 400 gig hd, format it to xfs and mount it as /home
16:40.31Cidanthen copy over what I want to keep
16:40.39Linhmm easier but not '337
16:40.53Cidanand mount the other drive on a server somewhere to store data.
16:41.02Lincreate a LVM of qmailfs accounts
16:41.27Linit uses only raw devices. Idont think that is it possible
16:41.55Lintake teh n00b way. buy another HD
16:42.50LinIm studying deustch, anyone here is from germany?
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16:49.37Kaydeethreehah. right as I ask if the ptr went splat, the server shutdown in 15 notice popped
16:51.41Intangirwhen are they gonna put the season3 crap up on there
16:51.47Intangiri keep seeing all these damn messages saying its up onthere
16:51.51Intangirbut i keep checking and its still not
16:52.01Intangirnot sure how mmo-champion got it, but i dont see it
16:52.08Kaydeethreeit went up last night
16:52.14Kaydeethreethere's a sticky in the ptr forum
16:52.28Intangirwhen? cause i checked at 2am cst and i didnt see it
16:52.34Kaydeethreethere's a second vendor
16:52.37Intangirjust 10000 skeletons in a tiny room ;)
16:52.43Intangirwheres the new vendor?
16:52.50Kaydeethreesame place as the first
16:52.58Intangirthats the seaon2 guy though
16:53.04Intangiri saw season1 and season2 vendors, no season3 guy
16:53.10Kaydeethreehortus said she was hiding behind someone
16:53.31Intangirso your saying its up now, hae you seen it?
16:53.55waldi_is there a reliable way to read tradeskill recipes including reagents? while iterating over recipes, sometimes the recipe and/or reagent link APIs return nil
16:54.17Shirik|Ecoleread the tooltip
16:54.19Shirik|Ecolethats all you can do
16:54.59Shirik|EcoleHi Cidan
16:55.07Shirik|Ecoleplease replace my IT department
16:55.21Shirik|EcoleI have to teach a lab without a way of distributing source this time
16:55.58waldi_is this a syncing issue? the tradeskill window supposedly does the same thing and it works..
16:56.10zenzelezzShirik|Ecole: tell them it's a lesson in closed-source software
16:57.18Shirik|Ecolewaldi_: It could be. I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to do nor do I have the code for it.
16:58.12*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
16:59.14waldi_i just wanted to read recipes including reagents, ids would be sufficient. this data would then be used to build a web page for guildmates to see my craftables including mats
17:00.12Kaydeethreepallies, rejoice
17:02.42cncfanaticsTHATS a buff
17:03.10KasoI love the fact that not 3 posts after it, people are complaining about the change
17:03.29Kaydeethreeit's the pally forum. you expect anything else?
17:04.49ScytheBlade1!rating 1628
17:04.49Xinhuan1628 rating gives 503(5s), 443(3s) and 382(2s) arena points. (Formula updated 26 Sept!) (Use !points for inverse calc)
17:06.21Kaso"We want threat reduction ! We want threat reduction!", "Ok, have 30% threat reduction", "Omg, now we can't off tank! we didnt want that!"
17:07.24ScytheBlade1I shall laugh
17:08.45*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
17:09.51*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
17:22.13ScytheBlade1cog|work, you have no idea how tempted I am to post another C-C-C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!
17:22.26cog|workScytheBlade1: i could get slouken to delete it :P
17:22.43ScytheBlade1Yeah. That's pretty much the only reason I'm not. :(
17:23.28cncfanaticscog|work, do u have knowledge if the secure stuff ? I'm wondering stuff and slouken told me to ask Iriel, I haven't seem him on lately though so I wondered if I could ask u
17:23.49cog|workwell of course you can ask :P
17:24.14cog|workScytheBlade1: it would still mess with the post numbers
17:24.18cog|workbut i'm done now
17:24.21cncfanaticswondering if SecureHeader_TestChildVisibility could be called when showstates or hidestates are changed
17:24.33ScytheBlade1cog|work, well that takes all the fun out of it.
17:24.42cncfanaticsits not atm, and its local, so its quite ireritating to get the button to show/hide when u just changed showstates
17:25.35cog|worki think that would require a code change (which is why slouken referred you to iriel since he wrote the state headers :P )
17:26.54cncfanaticsOnAttributeChange(attribute) if(attribute == "showstates" or attribute="hidestates) SecureHeader_TestChildVisibility(args); end wouldn't do ?
17:27.17cog|workit would, but that would have to run in secure-land
17:28.49cncfanaticsthe showstates or hidestates can only be changed out of combat anyway
17:28.57cncfanaticsI'd call the func myself if it wasn't local :p
17:30.20ScytheBlade1 <-- err? I thought they hard-limited the number of macros you could have a *while* back
17:31.54*** part/#wowi-lounge Gnancy (
17:32.25KasoScytheBlade1, since secureaction bars, you can put macro text directly to buttons. so its unlimited
17:32.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
17:32.53KasoIm not sure if what he talks about works, but its not like they are bothered by lots of macros nowadays
17:33.12ScytheBlade1Kaso, right. But the linked post is clearly stating that you can add macros to the macro-cache.txt file. Which, last I checked, you were capped.
17:33.41KasoYah i anwsered before i clicked :< i dont know if thats limited or not nowadays
17:33.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnancy (
17:34.04KasoI just wrote an addon to allow me to save macrotext directly to my Bartender buttons when i needed lots of macros
17:34.04ScytheBlade1Hehe, just wondering
17:34.59cncfanaticscog|work, think u cld ask iriel when you get to him ? I see him online once a month or less
17:35.11cog|workcncfanatics: bad timing :P
17:35.15Kaydeethreeyou need to change yor online schedule, he's on all the time
17:35.27cog|workyou could pm him on
17:35.32cog|worki'm pretty sure he gets e-mail notification
17:35.36Kasobut it seems plausable that they un-limited macro-cache when they added the macrotext function ScytheBlade1, cos its not really worth hard-capping the macros when you add a way around it
17:36.09ScytheBlade1Yeah, maybe. It's also plausable that they didn't, as, well, what you said. Who cares now?
17:36.11cncfanaticshmmm, thats a solution
17:36.22KasoHah, true
17:41.51*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
17:41.51*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower|AFK] by ChanServ
17:43.47|Jelly|~seen Elkano
17:43.51purlelkano <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 6h 9m 33s ago, saying: '^^'.
17:44.12*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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17:44.25Thunder_Child~whalestab |Jelly|
17:44.26purlACTION stabs |Jelly| with a rather narrow and pointy whale named Montgomery
17:44.37|Jelly|Ok. Anyone know how I would make a panel pop up behind the buffs? (each one)
17:45.08Lunessa|Jelly|: Use EEPannels2 and parent a panel to it?
17:45.21|Jelly|Tosses and error when I try to find the name of the frame.
17:45.22Thunder_Childhmm...dont have #2
17:46.53Thunder_Childdoes having both 1 & 2 do bad things?
17:47.52sag_ich_nichtI LOVE YOU ALL
17:47.59sag_ich_nichtTHREAT REDUCTION
17:48.12cncfanaticssag_ich_nicht, about time eh ? :p
17:48.12Kaydeethreelike it wasn't coming?
17:48.17Cide-what, news but no link?
17:48.18cncfanaticsnow go complain u can't offtank, so they remove it
17:48.20Cide-this is the internet, buddy
17:49.01sag_ich_nichtcncfanatics: like i give a shit at this point
17:49.21|Jelly|So. Any other ideas?
17:49.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
17:51.39Lunessa|Jelly|: Are you using a buff replacement AddOn?  
17:52.51Thunder_Child|Jelly|, might help
17:53.03LunessaAhh.  Then look in the .lua for it and snag the name of the frame from there. :)
17:53.37|Jelly|Well. The real question is will there be a generic frame name that I can parent it to so that it'll show on them all and not just one?
17:55.10LunessaNot sure about that.  I don't use EBB.  I just use the Auras module on Pitbull.
17:55.37|Jelly|Is what I'm wanting even feasible without like a million hours of work, ya think?
17:56.40ScytheBlade1!rating 1628
17:56.40Xinhuan1628 rating gives 503(5s), 443(3s) and 382(2s) arena points. (Formula updated 26 Sept!) (Use !points for inverse calc)
17:58.19Lunessa|Jelly|: Probably more work than it's worth to try to panel each buff, but a frame that resizes when you add buffs/debuffs probably isn't that much effort.
18:00.42Nom-The Blizzard god has been GENEROUS
18:00.44sag_ich_nichtTO USE BLIZZARD'S OWN WORDS:
18:00.46cog|work (anyone who can't post a reply, feel free to tell me here)
18:00.50sag_ich_nichtHELL, IT'S ABOUT TIME
18:01.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
18:01.26Nom-Now, witness the birth of a new breed of Paladin
18:01.44Kaydeethreeretnoob v384?
18:02.03Nom-Our DPS cap has been lifted significantly
18:02.12Nom-No more shall we be known as threatrebution
18:02.28Cide-DPS cap is just that, a *cap* ;)
18:02.32BeladonaI am slow, and late in the conversation... What Threat Reduction?
18:03.08ScytheBlade1Pallies get a 30% threat reduction
18:03.46Beladonavery cool
18:03.51Beladonamakes me want to make a ret pally
18:04.04LunessaBy the way cog|work, congratulations on getting into print on the main site. :)
18:04.14ScytheBlade1On the main site?
18:04.26cog|workScytheBlade1: at the bottom
18:04.27Nom-I'm so stoked... it's just lifted our dps cap significantly
18:04.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (n=nospam@
18:04.43ScytheBlade1Huh. Where is that linked from?
18:04.46Nom-In fact... I might actually not be at the threat cap any more
18:04.59cog|workScytheBlade1: the game guide's macros section
18:05.08cog|workand the news post from 10/8
18:05.29BeladonaI am transferring a char to medivh, is anyone on that server?
18:05.29ScytheBlade1Heh. Shows you how often I check the home page.
18:05.32ScytheBlade1They need an RSS feed there.
18:05.33deltronpallies don't dps silly
18:05.35LunessaIt's on the launcher almost every day for the last week.
18:05.42Shirik|EcoleLunessa still hasn't invited me to guild :(
18:06.10LunessaShirik|Ecole: I was online ALL weekend, 12+ HOURS EACH DAY. Where were you?
18:06.18Shirik|EcoleI was on THE DAY I SAID I WOULD BE
18:06.24Shirik|Ecoleand you're all like "no must log off!"
18:06.28cog|workScytheBlade1: i helped with the damned thing and didn't even know they posted it until I stumbled across the news post a couple days later ><
18:06.30Shirik|Ecoleand I'm like "qq
18:06.37LunessaQQ moar?
18:06.42Shirik|EcoleI did tyvm!
18:06.51ScytheBlade1cog|work, that's awesome. I vote you send in feedback asking for an RSS feed of the home page :P
18:07.02LunessaIf you can login tonight after 9pm central I'll sneak on from work and invite you.
18:07.13KaydeethreeBeladona, medivh us? <--
18:07.28Shirik|EcoleI'll probably be asleep
18:07.34Shirik|EcoleI haven't had much sleep in the past week
18:07.38Kaydeethreewho sent you our way?
18:07.57LunessaSleep > WoW
18:08.01BeladonaI was sick of the slow progression on my server, so I spent a week looking for a new guild on another server
18:08.10Beladonafound one on Medivh
18:08.32Kaydeethreealliance/horde? who you joining?
18:08.43LunessaShirik|Ecole: FYi - RP server, 1.5 kara teams, and not much progression.  But many cool people.
18:08.49cog|workScytheBlade1: Suggestions forum ----------->
18:09.00ScytheBlade1cog|work, lol, you're dirty ;P
18:09.04ScytheBlade1I expect you to bump it!
18:09.11ScytheBlade1In fact, I shall require that you do!
18:09.12Shirik|Ecole~lart kara
18:09.12purlwhips out his power stapler and staples kara's foot to the floor
18:09.15Shirik|Ecole~lart kadrahil
18:09.15purlstamps kadrahil on the forehead with the official Troll marker
18:09.30kadrahili'm not a troll :(
18:09.43BeladonaKaydeethree: Legacy (Alliance)
18:10.08Kaydeethreehuh... /checks the guild progression thread
18:10.48cncfanaticscog|work, got an idea when blizz will fix their damn CastSpellByName bug ?
18:10.49Kaydeethreeah, they're on mag. haven't heard anything about the guild to be quite honest.
18:11.02Beladonathey aren't too far up there, but honestly neither am I
18:11.17KaydeethreeI've been on medivh all of my wow career. it's a good server. random pugging leaves a little something to be desired but all in all, not bad
18:11.25Kaydeethreestable economy, etc...
18:11.31Beladonathey are a merge of two guilds 2 months ago. Downed Mag 2 or 3 times, just now getting ready to do Void Reaver, HAS, etc..
18:11.40Beladonawhich I have experience with
18:11.45[melin]define stable economy =)
18:11.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
18:11.53BeladonaI think they will down them pretty quick, both are easier than Mag imho
18:12.03cog|workcncfanatics: no... I haven't been practicing my telepathic abilities recently :P
18:12.03Kaydeethreewe're an original release server. the inflation isn't rampant
18:12.16[melin]how hard is Mag anyway.. compared to Gruul and Kara
18:12.20Beladonawhat guild are you in Kaydeethree?
18:12.32[melin]Argent Dawn economy goes like a rollercoaster..
18:12.33BeladonaMag is mostly coordination
18:12.33kadrahili'm getting really frustrated with my guild's progress, they've spent 2 months worth of attempts and we don't have gruul down yet
18:12.33AntiarcMag is easy if you can lern2interrupt and lern2click
18:12.37Beladonaand really good timing
18:12.40AntiarcBut it's harder than Gruul or most Kara fights
18:12.41KaydeethreeI was in <M N D>, but I left them a few weeks ago. haven't really been on to raid in a few months now
18:12.45Beladonayes, ahrder
18:12.52kadrahilwe have the dps, but someone always screws up and dies then the MT just goes plop at 30-35%
18:13.00[melin]means you need the gear from Kara (or equal) to manage in there?
18:13.06AntiarcNetherspite is a good analog for the coordination required, except applied to 25 people
18:13.06Beladonayou can't have idiots that go "what do I do now?"
18:13.12cncfanaticscog|work, damn you, you should :p
18:13.14Beladonabecause if you do, you fail
18:13.33Kaydeethreeprobably going to join up with PMore's pug and screw around in late ssc/tk if I can ever get back in the mood to raid
18:13.39Beladonaactually I outgear most of the people in this new guild, and they downed Mag
18:13.45Beladonawith some blues
18:13.53Beladonaits more skill than gear I think
18:13.54cog|workcncfanatics: Kaydeethree would probably know better than me since he trolls the PTR forum ;)
18:13.57Beladonabut gear helps
18:14.08kadrahilBeladona: kind of like how you can down Netherspite in greens
18:14.16cncfanaticscog|work, its a bug on stable
18:14.20cncfanaticstry /cast Attack
18:14.22cncfanaticsor /cast Alchemy
18:14.25kadrahili haven't seen mag yet
18:14.27cog|workcncfanatics: and have you tried it on 2.3?
18:14.28Kaydeethreeit's still bugged on the ptr
18:14.39kadrahili did get a pug spot for VR once though and downed him, that was fun
18:14.42Kaydeethreespell #1 is still busted. I've put in a few bug reports
18:14.47cncfanaticsthat sucks hard
18:14.49cncfanaticsmessed flexbar
18:14.51cog|workcncfanatics: nothing on stable is relevant at this point because anything that's going to be fixed isn't going to appear until at least 2.3
18:15.24cncfanaticstrue enough
18:15.34cncfanaticsI hope I can get iriel to change that showstates stuff for 2.3 :)
18:17.24Shirik|Ecole>>> return math.random(1)
18:17.25Cide-Shirik|Ecole: 1
18:17.26Shirik|Ecole>>> return math.random(1)
18:17.27Cide-Shirik|Ecole: 1
18:17.28Kaydeethreeoh bel, you run the wdn, right?
18:17.54BeladonaI am trying to clean up the ptr compare
18:17.57Beladonaits massive
18:18.11Kaydeethreeah. was just about to ask. I've got a flat .diff up but it's a massive pain to read
18:18.13Shirik|Ecole>>> t = {}; for x = 1, 100 do local n = math.random(1); t[n] = t[n]+1; end return t;
18:18.13Cide-Shirik|Ecole: [string "t = {}; for x = 1, 100 do local n = math.ra..."]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on field '?' (a nil value)
18:18.17cncfanaticszip_open() Cannot open zip archive pages/2237359/ in /home/wowinter/public_html/wdn/engine/classes.php on line 61
18:18.25cncfanaticsBelodona, that happens on wdn
18:18.33Shirik|Ecole>>> t = setmetatable({}, {__index = function() return 0; end}); for x = 1, 100 do local n = math.random(1); t[n] = t[n]+1; end return t;
18:18.33Cide-Shirik|Ecole: { 100 } (#1)
18:18.35cncfanaticsand u shouldn't expose ur path even in errors btw, dangerous :p
18:19.02Beladonawhat browser / os
18:19.19cncfanaticsiceweasel, debian linux
18:19.20*** join/#wowi-lounge help (n=gryphon@
18:20.00Beladonait must not like the header sending the zip mime type
18:20.43Beladonawill play with it after I get this compare done
18:20.44cncfanaticsused to work till 2 days ago
18:20.58Beladonaoh wait
18:21.05Beladona2.2.3 isn't up
18:21.10Beladonayou shouldn't even get a link
18:21.46cncfanaticsI follow the link in
18:22.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryph (n=gryphon@
18:22.55Beladonaoh I see
18:23.20Beladonawill be so much better when this is all svn based
18:23.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Ominous (
18:23.42Kaydeethreeand a bug report while I'm thinking about it. your "Official UI Toolkit" link on the front page should probably point to since blizz redid their support site a month ago or so
18:24.46Shirik|Ecole>>> SV.usToUK = function(word) local n = 1; if n == 1 then local len = strlen(word); local word1, word2 = word:match("("..("."):rep(len/2)..")(.+)"); word = word1 .. "u" .. word2; end return word; end
18:24.47Cide-Shirik|Ecole: nil
18:25.49Beladonacncfanatics: try now
18:26.01ScytheBlade1!rating 2478
18:26.01Xinhuan2478 rating gives 1425(5s), 1254(3s) and 1083(2s) arena points. (Formula updated 26 Sept!) (Use !points for inverse calc)
18:26.03cncfanaticsworks Beladona
18:26.11ScytheBlade1That's a lot of points going to the top 5v5 in my BG. Holy crap.
18:26.25cncfanatics1.5k points ? holy fuck
18:27.10ScytheBlade1I lied, that was the top season one champ
18:27.11ScytheBlade1!rating 2525
18:27.11Xinhuan2525 rating gives 1440(5s), 1267(3s) and 1094(2s) arena points. (Formula updated 26 Sept!) (Use !points for inverse calc)
18:27.21ScytheBlade1That's also scary.
18:27.45ScytheBlade1wtb 2500 rating ;P
18:28.11cncfanaticsthats a piece of gear every 2 weeks
18:28.26Shirik|Ecolewhen you think about the fact that they already have it
18:29.30kadrahilnah, arena point cap is 5000
18:30.13kadrahilthat's like 2 pieces right off the bat, then another week for the third. i think.
18:31.28*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
18:32.36Shirik|Ecole>>> SV.usToUK("color")
18:32.36Cide-Shirik|Ecole: "coulor"
18:33.09Cide-Kaydeethree: "arumor"
18:33.22Shirik|Ecole>>> SV.usToUK = function(word) local n = 1; if n == 1 then local len = strlen(word); local word1, word2 = word:match("("..("."):rep(len/2+1)..")(.+)"); word = word1 .. "u" .. (word2 or ""); end return word; end
18:33.23Cide-Shirik|Ecole: nil
18:33.24sag_ich_nichtdoes old RDX taint the raidtab?
18:33.32Shirik|Ecolenegative, but VFL might
18:33.32Cide-Kaydeethree: "armour"
18:33.40Shirik|EcoleVFL in its current state taints a lot of crap
18:33.47sag_ich_nichtShirik|Ecole: examples?
18:33.53Shirik|Ecolethe ToT frame
18:33.59sag_ich_nicht(i'll punch you if VFL is breaking threat-1.0 for me)
18:34.10kadrahil(punch him anyway)
18:34.12Shirik|EcoleI have no issues with omen and RDX
18:34.25sag_ich_nichtkadrahil okay
18:34.26kadrahil(just kidding)
18:34.36Shirik|Ecole~parry sag_ich_nicht
18:34.49Shirik|Ecolethere was no whalefu involved
18:34.51purlACTION runs away screaming
18:34.51sag_ich_nichtShirik|Ecole: well, does your raidtab go empty while in combat and does it break your fps down to 1?
18:34.52Shirik|Ecolehi Cidan!
18:34.58CidanGoing to upgrade to ubuntu 7.10 RC1
18:34.59Shirik|Ecoleit does
18:35.05sag_ich_nichtShirik|Ecole: well that's a shame.
18:35.06Shirik|Ecolebut when I checked the taint, it said it was caused by CT
18:35.10Lin7.10 is already launched?
18:35.14sag_ich_nichtShirik|Ecole: i don't have CT installed.
18:35.15Shirik|Ecolehowever, that may just be a taint chain
18:35.19Cidanbut RC1 is the same thing
18:35.22Linhmm fine.
18:35.24sag_ich_nichtShirik|Ecole: what did you check for taint?
18:35.27sag_ich_nichtwhich var/function?
18:35.27deltronit's out on thursday
18:35.28kadrahilspeaking of bunty
18:35.29CidanI want to beat the download rush
18:35.30Shirik|EcoleI forget
18:35.31Cidaner wait
18:35.32Shirik|EcoleI checked this a while ago
18:35.33deltronnot tomorrow :P
18:35.34Cidanthursday, yeah
18:35.38kadrahilhow do you log out of a samba share using nautilus?
18:35.40sag_ich_nichtwell find out and i'll trace it down :X
18:35.51Linkadrahil: umount
18:36.24kadrahilLin: i know
18:36.24Shirik|EcoleCidan: How are you downloading it now
18:36.25Shirik|Ecoleand gief to me
18:36.25kadrahili don't see it in df
18:36.29Shirik|Ecolebut you said it wasn't launched?
18:36.35Shirik|Ecoleah I see what you mean now
18:36.45Linkadrahil: right click the share, and unmount volume
18:36.45kadrahilLin: man df :)
18:36.54Linhheeh lol
18:36.56Cidanupgrading from RC1 to final is as simple as apt-get dist-upgrade
18:37.13Linif you didn't see it isnt mounted
18:37.13CidanI'm going to go back to gnome pure
18:37.20LinCidan: nice move
18:37.35Shirik|EcoleI used to hate gnome. Somehow ubuntu made me like it
18:37.40Cidannow question
18:37.44Cidanshould I run 64 bit?
18:37.53Shirik|Ecolewhy not?
18:38.04Linw32codes are 64bits compatible?
18:38.06Cidanbecause not all software is up to date on 64bit
18:38.07Shirik|EcoleAs for me, all my hardware already has 64-bit drivers out
18:38.12Cidanwell I install from repo
18:38.36Cidanmaybe it'll solve the 8800 issue, who knows!
18:38.42Shirik|Ecole8800 issue?
18:39.02Cidanmove a window == 100% CPU
18:39.03Shirik|Ecolegts8800 issue?
18:39.06Cidanon my 8800
18:39.11Linhis video card
18:39.17Shirik|EcoleI know what he's talking about!
18:39.20Shirik|EcoleI didn't know the issue! ><
18:39.21Cidanwhich is why I can't switch to ubuntu yet
18:39.26Cidannot full time
18:39.32Shirik|Ecoleget a dual core :)
18:39.38Shirik|EcoleOr does it eat up both cores somehow
18:39.45CidanI don't think it matters
18:39.47Cidanit's a driver bug
18:39.59Shirik|Ecolewell if its only a bug in one thread, it can only eat up one core :)
18:40.32Cidaneh, I think by this xmas I'm going to do a total upgrade
18:40.37Cidanto a 6000+ X2
18:40.41Cidanand 8 gigs of ram
18:40.56Shirik|Ecoleyour computer is going to make mine look like crap :(
18:41.02Shirik|EcoleIm still running on a 4600 X2 and 2 gigs
18:41.05Shirik|Ecoleand I'm happy
18:41.08Shirik|Ecoleand a 7800GT
18:41.17CidanI run a 3200 single with 2 gigs and an 8800
18:41.24Cidanthe CPU is killing me
18:41.34CidanI wish I had got an AM2 board a while back
18:41.34sag_ich_nichtare you dumb?
18:41.40sag_ich_nichtby christmas, the Phenom FX is out
18:41.50sag_ich_nichtwhy the hell would you buy a X2 6000+ then?
18:41.53Cidanyes but I am not like you
18:42.12CidanI don't buy top of the line at the time hardware only to have to sell some virgin women to pay for it.
18:42.31Shirik|EcoleI agree with Cidan
18:42.32Cidanwhich is why I said, xmas.
18:42.32sag_ich_nichtCidan you don't have to buy top of the line, look at the CPU overview:
18:42.35CidanPrices will drop then.
18:43.19Shirik|EcolePoint is
18:43.31Shirik|Ecoleif a 6000+ will do well enough for a couple of years
18:43.31LopeppeppyYou sell your virgins, Cidan?
18:43.38Shirik|Ecoleit'll save you a lot of money in the end
18:44.01CidanLopeppeppy: No, that's the point.  I keep them, and I have a decent computer.
18:44.03sag_ich_nichtShirik|Ecole: point is, the phenom fx uses a fuckton less power than the X2
18:44.05CidanBest of both worlds.
18:44.07zenzelezzsave money by selling virgins, that's new
18:44.10Shirik|Ecoleso what
18:44.13sag_ich_nichtso, in the end, the phenom FX is cheaper over time
18:44.18Shirik|EcoleI already pay $100/mo on electricity anyway
18:44.27Cidanis there no ubuntu 7.10 DVD?  I only see CD ISO's
18:44.35Shirik|Ecoleand a dollar today is worth more than a dollar a year from now
18:44.44zenzelezzif your CPU alone has a big impact on your electricity bill, you're doing something wrong
18:44.45Shirik|EcoleI actually just used something from my engineering economics class
18:45.04sag_ich_nichtShirik|Ecole: *sigh*
18:45.19Shirik|Ecolelet's say, over 3 years, you save $33 on your electric bill
18:45.23Shirik|Ecoleper year
18:45.35Shirik|Ecolewhich is a HUGE overestimate
18:46.00Shirik|Ecoleand we'll say... it'll cost you $100 extra for that processor
18:46.17CidanIs it possible to convert a CD ISO to a DVD standard ISO?  I have no blank CD's
18:46.40Shirik|Ecoleassuming a 5% I-val,
18:46.45KirkburnThis may be enjoyed -
18:46.47zenzelezzisn't an ISO just an ISO?
18:46.56KirkburnNot when it's a fish.
18:46.56Shirik|Ecolethe phenom will STILL cost $10 more after the 3 years
18:47.03Shirik|Ecoleincluding the extremely overestimated power requirements
18:47.07Shirik|Ecole$10.13 to be exact
18:47.10Cidan<3 Shirik|Ecole
18:47.21Shirik|Ecolenet present value ftw :) I actually learned something apparently
18:48.23CidanSo I need to find a way to convert NTFS without losing the files.
18:48.33CidanBut I think I'm farked.
18:48.36sag_ich_nichtKirkburn: old news, but still EPIC WIN
18:49.43Shirik|EcoleI might be able to better estimate those power values
18:49.51Cidanlet it go
18:49.54CidanWe get the point. :P
18:50.40*** join/#wowi-lounge [Liquidor] (n=denras19@
18:51.23CidanI'm a fucking moron -- I defrosted the sausage I was going to cook toniht
18:51.31Cidantonight, then I remember I need them frozen
18:52.08Shirik|Ecoleyou're as bad at cooking as me
18:52.13Shirik|Ecoleoh hey! I set my stove on fire the other day
18:52.14CidanNot quite, :P
18:52.26LopeppeppyLovely, Shirik!
18:52.30Shirik|Ecolemaking hamburger helper
18:52.43Shirik|Ecoleapparently if you miss the pan, that seasoning is very explosive
18:52.50Shirik|Ecoleit was kinda cool it went "fhoom" and lit up
18:52.53Shirik|Ecolelike immediately
18:54.09LunessaStill, sounds kind of fun.
18:54.21Shirik|Ecolethat sounds more expensive than I thought it was :(
18:54.26Shirik|Ecoleno wonder my electric bills suck
18:54.45Shirik|Ecolewait that can't be right
18:54.48Shirik|EcoleI used 904 kWh
18:54.49CidanWhere the hell?
18:54.56Shirik|Ecoleand I didn't pay $9000
18:55.01CidanWhat are you getting your power from, a bunch of slaves on a treadmill?
18:55.09sag_ich_nichtShirik|Ecole: as long as it wasn't 9001
18:55.10Shirik|Ecolemy bad
18:55.18CidanThere you go
18:55.32Kaydeethreewas about to say... are you getting power from the space station or something?
18:57.18Cidanbeamed from space, it is the ultimate in clean energy, get it for your city today! (This message brought to you by BP)
18:57.25Shirik|Ecoleso let's see.... Best case scenario on those processors is saving 80W. Over the course of one day that's 1920kWh, which over a 30-day month is 57.6kWh, translating into about $5.76
18:57.26CidanStupid EA.
18:57.41Shirik|Ecoleand thats best-case. Most of them are only about 40W diff
18:57.47Shirik|Ecolestill that's kinda nice
18:58.09Shirik|Ecolebut not enough for me to justify buying it
18:58.14Shirik|Ecolewait, I fail at math
18:58.16Cidan5 a month, over a year, about 60
18:58.19Shirik|Ecolebest case scenario is 20W
18:58.31Shirik|Ecole65-45 is 20
18:58.42Shirik|EcoleI give up
18:59.10Shirik|EcoleBut yeah, I learned my lesson this month
18:59.15Shirik|EcoleIm leaving my computer off when I go to sleep now
18:59.37CidanI leave my three servers up 24/7
18:59.44Cidanand I put my desktop/laptop to sleep
18:59.58Shirik|EcoleNew charges (Rate: RS-1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE )
18:59.58Shirik|EcoleElectric service amount 90.76**
18:59.58Shirik|EcoleTotal new charges $105.38
19:00.02Shirik|Ecoleyeah but see ... I don't have money
19:00.10Cidanwell it's not that much here
19:00.13Cidanwe pay what, 40?
19:00.16Cidan50 maybe?
19:00.29CidanI forgot that FPL are a bunch of fuckers.
19:00.30CairennI used to shut my computer down every night, but then I started needing to keep log files of the IRC channels while I was asleep, so ...
19:00.34CidanBeen a while since I was in Florida
19:00.52Shirik|EcoleI'm still blown away by this though
19:00.58Shirik|EcoleApparently I used 31 kWh/day
19:01.12Shirik|EcoleI mean, assuming my computer's 1000W, which it's not, is 24kWh
19:01.26CidanThat sounds about right
19:01.30*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
19:01.35Cidando you keep the air on at all times, as you should in FL?
19:01.36Shirik|EcoleI don't use anything else!
19:01.43CidanTurn the air off when you leave
19:01.44Shirik|EcoleI should?
19:01.51Cidanwell, yeah, it's bloody hot down there
19:01.54Saint-Nheh ive got 3 machines at home 24.7 plus 2 ac's that are almost 24.7 and my bill is only 170/mn
19:01.55Shirik|EcoleReally I have the temperature way up already
19:01.58Thunder_ChildShirik|Ecole, find out
19:02.00Shirik|EcoleI like it really warn
19:02.05Shirik|Ecoledamn it
19:02.12Cidanwhy is everyone paying so much for power?
19:02.28Shirik|EcoleI may start using their budget thing
19:02.28Cidaneven in Blacksburg it wasn't that bad
19:02.36Saint-N2 800sqft ac's almost 24.7 ;)
19:02.37CidanVirginia is cheap, I guess...
19:02.51Shirik|Ecoleif I enter their program where they randomly turn off your power for 15 minutes in time of stress, you can get a decent savings
19:02.57Shirik|Ecoleeven if they never use it
19:02.58Saint-Nwithout the ac's over the winter it drops to about 60/mn
19:03.01Shirik|Ecole(not fully off, just portions)
19:03.07Shirik|Ecolelike they turn off your water heater or something
19:03.16CidanThat's so ghetto
19:03.20Shirik|Ecole15 minutes isn't a big deal :)
19:03.24CidanI don't think I could ever do that
19:03.25Shirik|Ecoleit's an interesting system
19:03.26Saint-Nheh long live the rolling blackouts
19:03.34Shirik|Ecoleit's not a blackout because you still have power
19:03.35Saint-Nat least he's being compensated for it though
19:03.41Shirik|Ecolejust components they turn off
19:03.41Saint-Nerr brownouts
19:03.48Shirik|Ecolelike maybe one or two devices
19:03.52Shirik|EcoleAC, water heater, washer
19:04.20Shirik|EcoleThunder_Child: That's really cool I might pick one up
19:04.32Thunder_Childya, i have one
19:05.44*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
19:06.40CidanAnd Fangtooth...
19:06.46Cidanmake it on a PvP server.
19:06.54sag_ich_nichtfangtooth is dead.
19:06.56CidanBest WoW video ever.
19:07.00sag_ich_nichtLONG LIVE THREAT REDUCTION
19:07.11sag_ich_nicht[21:06] <Cidan> Best WoW video ever. <--i agree
19:07.14sag_ich_nichtbut still
19:07.16sag_ich_nichtfangtooth is dead
19:07.20sag_ich_nichthe got ganked so hard he died IRL
19:07.38Cidanshame too
19:07.41Cidane kicked ass
19:07.51Saint-Nyou were never a priest were you ;)
19:07.56Shirik|Ecolehere it is
19:07.58Saint-Nfangtooth was our bane
19:08.02Shirik|EcoleFPL OnCall program
19:08.10CidanI dislike FPL
19:08.19Saint-NShirik|Ecole: just get a wind tur4bine and solar panels and then sell back to the city ;P
19:08.48Shirik|EcoleCidan: Give me another choice :P
19:08.51Shirik|EcoleI have FPL and Brighthouse
19:08.53Shirik|Ecoleit doesn't get muh worse
19:09.04CidanTrue, true
19:09.16*** join/#wowi-lounge lolinternet (i=bitch2k@
19:10.15Cidanoh hey
19:10.29CidanAM2+ and AM2 CPU's work on either/or motherboard
19:10.30Cidanthat's nice.
19:10.42CidanI may spring for an AM2+ mobo
19:11.43Cidanwell, as soon as asus makes one, I guess
19:12.41CidanI'm doing science and I am still alive.
19:12.51Kaydeethreethe cake is a lie
19:13.05Cidanit was real
19:13.11Shirik|Ecole"Welcome Paul Delbuono Household!"
19:13.16Shirik|Ecoleexcept my name is Matthew
19:13.17Shirik|Ecolebut thanks
19:13.27Shirik|Ecoleand there's a space in my last name
19:13.46CidanI'm working on a portal map atm, it's neat, you enter this "holodeck" and it's the outside world
19:15.15Cidan...I like how 7.10 doesn't even boot.
19:16.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
19:16.34Cidanyeah that's nice
19:16.56Cidanjust goes to a black screen with no input
19:18.58*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
19:21.38Shirik|EcoleSo I'm using this tool they have to try to help you figure out where your charges are coming from
19:21.55Shirik|Ecole"How do you control your outside lights?" Options are "Motion detector" "timer" "manual" or "I don't know"
19:21.58Shirik|Ecolehow the hell don't you know?
19:23.29*** part/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
19:24.18Shirik|Ecolesurprisingly it's saying $44 of my bill is coming from my AC. Bleh. Anyway, I gotta go. Take care guys
19:24.30zenzelezzI'm reminded of the "The Office" episode with David interviewing Keith
19:24.37zenzelezzor whatever it's called
19:24.42*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
19:25.14*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
19:25.28*** part/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
19:26.19Cidanoookay, so 7.10 is... doing strange things
19:27.09*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
19:27.44*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
19:29.15zenzelezz"-Usual playing time: 7 days a week. Normal playtime each day is 12-16 hours. I play until the raid ends. (00:00-01:00)"...
19:29.21zenzelezzthat's even worse than I were
19:29.43ThraeBotTriggers: !fc; !c; !vs; !vsd; !g; !ge; !te; !co; !ar; !l; !tc; !ap; !api; !tl; !t; !i; !p;. To get more information about a particular command, do !help <command>. Now /msg ThraeBot with your command and stop spamming the damn channel.
19:31.34*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
19:32.04*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
19:37.46*** join/#wowi-lounge the-golem (
19:38.32Saint-N12-16 hours?
19:38.36Saint-Nthats a touch nuts
19:38.46Saint-Nunless he's making pogie ;P
19:38.47foxlitThat's very nuts
19:38.56Saint-Nor 15
19:39.05Saint-Nand not in school
19:39.23foxlitThat's moderately illegal! :)
19:39.40Saint-Ni play 12-16 hours sleep for 2 home schooled homework is 5 hours and 1 hour to eat and do speed
19:39.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
19:40.57LunessaHello Cairenn.  
19:41.01foxlitQuick poll: link your personal website
19:41.09Cairennhi Lunessa
19:42.09*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
19:43.30bleeterfoxlit: link my personal website? sure... http://localhost/
19:44.14Saint-Nbleeter isnt uber enough for a vanity domain ;)
19:44.15foxlitActually host something from the machine you're usually on, or just failing?
19:44.28bleeterCide-: oO
19:44.35Saint-Ncide quiet!
19:44.38Cide-bleeter: I found your website!
19:44.43Saint-Nthats where the best warez ftp is!
19:46.13Beladona228 file changes in ptr yum
19:47.49bleeterfoxlit: both, prolly
19:50.22cog|work~framexml UIOptionsFrame.lua
19:52.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Tamsiel (
19:53.14LunessaMake the bad people stop:
19:54.38Beladonathat is way too lazy
19:54.39Tamsielquick question.. I'm working my way through the whereabouts example in hacking WoW, and am not sure if I'm supposed to enter the <Scripts> event handler in whereabout_worldmap.xml or just make the change using getglobal() and getname() in whereabouts.lua
19:55.50LunessaCairenn: Thank you.  That was brilliant.
19:56.15BeladonaWTB: Macro that will tell me when to make a macro and when to do it normal
19:56.16CairennI'm sure it'll get some raised eyebrows
19:56.47JoshBorkehi Cairenn :-)
19:56.51Cairennhi JoshBorke
19:57.15Cairenn(why is everyone saying hi to me hours after I woke up?)
19:57.27JoshBorkei just got here :-)
19:57.34Lunessabecause we just noticed you?  
19:57.35Cairennoh, okay then :)
19:58.07JoshBorkedo i have my vhost now?
19:59.10Cairennhey, someone do a /stats p for me, please?
19:59.25JoshBorkethat command doesn't work on this protocol :-(
19:59.34JoshBorke~lart gaim
19:59.34purlruns at gaim with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut
19:59.34*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
19:59.35Cairennbleeter: ! of all people to run that command for me ...
19:59.52Cairennbleeter: why can't I use that on here?
19:59.54cladhaireCairenn: no one is on.
19:59.56cog|workBeladona: i don't know if it's already on your todo list, but the line numbers on wdn don't show up under firefox
20:00.05Cairenncladhaire: danke
20:00.11Beladonait is now
20:00.21Beladonaon my todo list I mean
20:00.37Kasocladhaire Tamsiel was asking about an example from Hacking WoW, just up a few lines.
20:00.40cncfanaticsCairenn, why did u remove it ? :o
20:00.47Cairenncncfanatics: ?
20:00.48cncfanaticsthat would actualy be a handy macro :p
20:00.54cladhaireTamsiel: what page?
20:00.55cncfanatics(As requested)
20:00.56cncfanaticsBad people stop!
20:01.01Tamsielpage 281
20:01.01CairennI didn't remove it
20:01.08cncfanaticsah, never made it ? :o
20:01.26Beladonajust put /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Bad People Stop");
20:01.34Beladonamaybe that will please him
20:01.41Cairennno no - the "Bad people stop" is what was requested
20:01.48BeladonaI know
20:01.51BeladonaI was adding to the fun
20:01.55cncfanaticsanyway, such a macro , would it be possible ? or is switching groups protected
20:01.58JoshBorkei'm confused
20:02.02CairennBeladona: lol
20:02.33LunessaSeriously, push-button to change all the warlocks to 1 group?  
20:02.37cladhaireTamsiel: You change Whereabouts_OnUpdate() to use the getglobal() line at the end of the section, instead of the Whereabouts_Frame_Text:SetText(text)
20:03.09CairennBeladona: you should add that
20:03.25Tamsielthank you. that's what I I've got something else wrong. time to dig some more
20:03.27Beladonahonestly though, that guy should just get another shaman
20:03.31Beladonaproblem solved
20:04.57Beladonayou can never have enough shamans
20:05.01LunessaSeriously, good group composition is the right solution, not juggling people's position in a raid during combat.
20:05.05BeladonaI might be biased though
20:08.31Beladonain order to provide a legitimate answer though, is there actually an api available to move players in raid groups, or is that protected?
20:08.56bleeterCairenn: I guess the solution to your /stats issue is to use a real IRC client :P
20:09.09cncfanaticsI don't think its actualy protected
20:09.22foxlitI think it's protected.
20:09.31foxlitIt fails silently in combat if called from insecure code.
20:09.51foxlitOr maybe it requires a hardware event
20:09.55Saint-Nim pretty sure theres an addon to automove people in groups in a raid/battlegroup
20:09.59Saint-Non whisper that is
20:10.13foxlitthe question is whether that works in combat
20:10.15Saint-Ndunno if that still works mind you
20:10.34foxlitI wrote an addon to move people around in battlegrounds based on who they're close to
20:10.48foxlitSwaps would fail in combat, so I've had to block that
20:11.08Beladonajust looked
20:11.15Beladonait uses a Secure function
20:11.28JoshBorkehm, does it fail for people who aren't in the instance?
20:11.39JoshBorkeie, have someone sit outside who's purpose is to swap people
20:12.10Beladonawell the raid ui doens't update in combat does it?
20:12.11bleeterCairenn: you can open your debug window, then /quote stats p, and look at the result. the irc protocol plugin doesn't recognise the response, thus won't show it in window
20:12.26Beladonanot sure if the group would though
20:12.45Cairennbleeter: hokay
20:13.01LunessaIt's a secure function (changing raid groups) so calling it from insecure code is naughty and error-prone, especially in combat.  
20:13.23foxlitLunessa: everything is a secure function
20:13.31LunessaYes, yes, I know.  
20:13.31foxlitUntil something taints them :)
20:13.35bleeterCairenn: it's assigned to elb, so don't expect any code this century ;)
20:13.45*** part/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
20:13.46Cairennheh, okay
20:14.04Saint-Nusing /quote works fine for most clients
20:14.16Saint-Nit's just not aliased in the config to be /stats for the server
20:14.52CairennI remember us talking about it once before bleeter, I just forgot to add the "quote"
20:15.26Saint-Nyet same client on efnet /stats is fine
20:15.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (
20:15.56Saint-Nunderstand what im saying? ;)
20:16.29bleeterSaint-N: your client is the client that Cairenn and I are discussing, so the point is moot :P
20:16.48Saint-Nbut /quote stats p works?
20:16.52Saint-Nand /stats doesnt?
20:17.01Saint-Non this server i mean
20:17.11Saint-Nit's not a moot point if my client behaves the same way ;)
20:17.17Saint-Njerkface ;)
20:17.24Saint-Ntrillian is the debbil!
20:17.45Saint-Nyou should just get a standard irc client cairenn ;P
20:18.37Cairennno, no I shouldn't - you have any idea how many different IM protocols I'm managing? an all-in-one makes my life sooooo much easier
20:18.38Saint-Nsimple basic and the best mimic of a console irc client there is for winders
20:18.55Saint-Nhehe i use miranda for im's
20:19.02Saint-Nor pidgin depending on which mahcine im on
20:19.11Saint-Nbut i always prefer a REAL irc client
20:19.39LunessaBah, Adium and Colloquy on Mac OSX
20:19.51Cairennby just using Pidgin (or Trillian)'s IRC client, it's one less thing open on my desktop
20:20.00Saint-Nnot really
20:20.01CairennI'm all for that
20:20.10Saint-Nhehe you still ahve the irc window open ;P
20:20.18Saint-Nthus it negates any percieved "savings"
20:20.42Saint-Nsince thats all it really is, is a front end for the client itself
20:21.00bleeterthus it doesn't work the same whatsoever
20:21.14Cairennbesides which, if I didn't use Pidgin's IRC client, what would I have to tease bleeter about?
20:21.26CidanI use irssi behind a screen
20:21.34Cidanso if I disconnect/crash, IRC never logs off
20:21.35Saint-Nheh irssi or scrollz32 is what i use when im in nix
20:21.42bleeterCairenn: it's a pile of junk
20:21.52Saint-Ni prefer the console display better
20:22.02bleeterparticularly the irc 'support', coz the maintainer of that code is a twat
20:22.03Cidanalso I can just ssh into my server and screen -x
20:22.04Saint-Nwhich is why i use openchat32 in windows instwead of irssi
20:22.13Cidanall thanks to Lin, :P
20:22.14Cairennbleeter: ooookay, what's up with you? you're being very very bitter about pidgin today ....
20:22.27bleeterCairenn: just today? :P
20:22.41bleeterI really should get around to running finch
20:22.45Saint-Nbleeter doesnt like pidgin because he was an ex gaim user ;P
20:22.54Saint-Nand they're all bitter
20:23.00Saint-Ncuz gaim sucked the monkey penis
20:23.03Cidanpidgin is much better than gaim
20:23.04Saint-Nand tickled its taint
20:23.12Cidantons better
20:23.15Saint-NCidan: thats why they're bitter ;P
20:23.24Saint-Nit changed names
20:23.29Saint-Nand supported win32 ;)
20:23.43CidanI think it's for the better
20:23.50Cidanboth the name change and win32 support
20:23.52Saint-Ni like pigin better
20:24.15Saint-Nthan gaim
20:24.22Saint-Nand miranda took a wrong step somewhere
20:24.49Saint-Nit loooks niceer but seems to have wierd little bugs with showing whos online and corrupting graphics of other things
20:25.19JoshBorkewoot!  i'm gonna complete my spellstrike set tonight!  woohoo!
20:26.16bleeterpidgin win32, or wingaim as it was formerly known, has been around since at least 2004, if not much earlier (I suspect around 2000, 2001)
20:28.33Cidanwhy is it Obsidian can't get camera controls right in NWN2?
20:28.36CidanIs it that hard?
20:28.41CidanHold right click, drag around
20:28.46Cidandon't auto adjust
20:29.01Saint-Nsame reason that lotro doesnt seem to have a smart camera option
20:29.19CidanI never understood why people can't get the most critical part of a game down
20:29.28CidanThat should be something you learn before you even leave college
20:29.33CidanIt's not that bloody hard.
20:29.50Saint-Ni did a gruul run on 1p once
20:29.54Saint-Nthat was fun!
20:31.59CidanBioware really needs to stop handing stuff off to third parties
20:32.22Cidanand they need to come back to PC gaming and get off of that 360 crap
20:33.35JoshBorkeitemcatalog is broken
20:33.49Saint-Ni miss bioware/blackisle
20:34.14bleeterI miss Loki
20:34.22Saint-Nwhat did they do?
20:34.29deltronlinux ports
20:36.25Saint-Nliking nix is fine, being a zealoty-ass-clown-slash-dotter about it on the other hand just means you're an idiot.
20:36.36Saint-Nplain and simple
20:36.55JoshBorkeno it doesn't
20:37.11JoshBorkethat's far too general
20:37.11Saint-Nshore it does
20:37.34Saint-Nwhat would be more suitable?
20:38.41Saint-Ni was gonna go mouth-breather for it
20:38.49Saint-Nbut decided not to
20:38.57bleeterfwiw, maelstrom's not just Linux
20:39.06JoshBorkei would just add a typically =D
20:39.29Saint-Nliking nix is fine, being a zealoty-ass-clown-slash-dotter about it on the other hand just means you're an idiot, typically.
20:39.39Saint-Nliking nix is fine, being a zealoty-ass-clown-slash-dotter about it on the other hand just means you're a typical idiot.
20:39.42Kaydeethreeoh wow. 211 files changed for ptr 2.3
20:40.14Saint-NOS wars are sooooooo 1997
20:40.39bleeter1997? you're late
20:40.40Saint-NFlavour of Linux Warez however are 2007 ;)
20:41.10Saint-Nfree/open/netBSD redhat/slack/debian werent around in the 80s
20:41.22lolinternetvideocard locked up again
20:41.24|Jelly|TC. Go rip apart my UI since those assholes skipped me.
20:41.38cog|workBrand new Table of Contents file for ForumToCPoster:
20:41.46Saint-N|Jelly|: ooo linky i wanna play!
20:41.51lolinternetif i find that guy at nvidia that was too stupid to include a softreset button for the driver/card with the driver i'll stabrip him
20:42.43cog|work(once Cairenn or cladhaire get to it, anyway... <.<      >.>)
20:43.07cladhairei'm leaving it there
20:43.14cog|workCairenn: <3
20:43.18Cairennheh, sorry
20:43.25cladhairehehe :P
20:43.48cog|work>3 cladhaire
20:43.49Saint-N|Jelly|: aside from having it all "Free floating" thats not a bad layout
20:44.06|Jelly|Saint-N: Elaborate
20:44.20Saint-Nim one of those people thats likes elements contained within borders
20:44.28|Jelly|Oh. nothx. :P
20:44.43Saint-Nbut the layout is nice
20:44.55Saint-Nyou gibbor me wtfx!
20:45.04Saint-Nand yer addon list ;)
20:45.18|Jelly|You really want it?
20:45.31Saint-Nheh no
20:45.45|Jelly|Good cause it's a mess aside from what you see.
20:45.52KirkburnBadlands has dust storms, now that's new to me
20:46.00Saint-Nbut im gonna save the screenie for my elements because itlooks nice
20:46.23Saint-Nthats p[itbull aint it
20:46.31Saint-Nthats too bad ;)
20:46.38Saint-Ni used to think you were cool heh
20:46.58|Jelly|cleaningI'm going to go cry to myself and use my tears as lube now. :(
20:47.35CidanNote to self: Make sure /boot is not XFS
20:47.47Saint-Nthats what im playing with currently
20:48.28|Jelly|cleaningI like it and all but it wouldn't work for me at all.
20:48.37bleeterone could prolly even argue late 70's
20:49.05Saint-Nlinux 1991
20:49.43cladhairecog|work: macro boy, how do i use a trinket followed by a spell..
20:49.53Saint-Nfreebsd late 1989
20:49.54TS|Skrom10[15:45] |Jelly|cleaning: I'm going to go cry to myself and use my tears as lube now. :(01 <-- Dubya Tee Eff
20:49.56zenzelezzbleeter: that's awesome O_O
20:50.03cog|work/use trinket
20:50.07cog|work/cast spell
20:50.15cladhaire"That spell is not ready"
20:50.21Saint-Nno body argued prior to that which os was the best
20:50.28Saint-Nthey just argued which sucked least ;)
20:50.33cog|worktry putting /stopcasting between them
20:50.35cladhairei did
20:50.36cladhairesame effect
20:50.46cog|workthen the trinket is triggering a cooldown
20:50.57cladhaireit would
20:51.52Saint-Noh i noticed something odd with autobar last night
20:51.52cog|workCogwheel's Complete Macro Guide -[ul][li]Part I: Basic Macros -[ul][li]Multiple actions with one click[/ul][/ul]
20:51.54cog|workResponse generated by Forum ToC Poster v2.2 by Cogwheel -
20:52.24cog|worknow to make it actually create formatting that wolud work in here...
20:52.36|Jelly|cleaningTS|Skrom: UI modding is srrsbusnss!
20:52.59bleeterzenzelezz: indeed
20:53.18cog|workSaint-N: 1) I intentionally left it like that for effect
20:53.32cog|workSaint-N: 2) is blocked on wow forums
20:53.40TS|Skrom|Jelly|cleaning nowai
20:53.50Saint-Ni thought you were talking about linking in here
20:54.12Saint-Nor do you mean you cant tinyurl wowlinks
20:54.17cog|workSaint-N: yeah... the program I used is specifically designed for the wow forum
20:54.33cog|workI just wanted to kick cladhaire upside the head with an automated response ;)
20:54.46TS|Skrombecause he's a vicous gnome like that
20:55.04TS|Skromthough to be more accurate... s/head/ankle/
20:55.23cog|workTS|Skrom: i kick in the head like yoda!
20:55.48TS|Skromshows much spirit does he
20:56.52*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
20:58.03Intangirhey people
20:58.08bleeteranyways, OS wars are so 1980s, witness the whole BSD/SysV fork foo whose ramifications are still being fought in the courts today... (2) The stuff slouken wrote when @ Loki runs on more than just Linux :P
20:58.17JoshBorkeanyone recall who wrote ItemCatalog?
20:59.33Beladonawdn: line numbers fixed for firefox, ptr comapre finished, link to the extractor updated
20:59.54JoshBorkeyay for bela actually doing something! ;-P
21:00.09Beladona~lart JoshBorke
21:00.09purlruns at JoshBorke with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut
21:00.19bleeterI thought bela was just some crazy guy in Blizzcon photos :P
21:00.40BeladonaI is crazy?
21:00.50Beladonathat explains some things...
21:00.54Cairennyou is
21:00.56bleeteryou've got an @ before your name... ipso facto, etc. etc.
21:01.55JoshBorkeAnduinLothar: i just tried using fire from wowi and it gave me an error when i tried to open it looking for the io module.
21:02.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
21:02.48dieckare there rumors when 2.3 will be live? 3-4 weeks or 3-4 month? :)
21:03.00Beladonawhen it is bugless
21:03.07dieckok. never :)
21:03.08Beladonaor close to bugless?
21:03.28BeladonaI mean, look at how long 2.2 took
21:03.44dieckok, so 2-3 months
21:03.51bleeter2.2 had a major hardware API change, though
21:03.59JoshBorkei vote 6 weeks
21:04.09bleeterI vote mid-next month
21:04.20*** join/#wowi-lounge alext (
21:04.27bleetergives them a month to sort out nastiness before christmas break ;)
21:04.35bleeter*any live nastiness
21:04.40cladhaire2.4 is now combat log revamp?
21:04.51bleetercladhaire: according to blizzcon, yeah
21:04.55cladhairek k
21:04.57cladhairedidn't remember
21:04.58bleeterI suspect it'll have SPLAT, too
21:05.45Saint-Nhopes 18th comes soon and he magically gets the first broom drop
21:05.46JoshBorkeyay for flu shots...
21:06.00Saint-Nthats how they insert the tracking chip josh!
21:06.05Saint-Nthe man knows where you are!
21:06.12JoshBorkethat's ok
21:06.41Saint-Nnot after they find the bodies i hid in yer basement
21:06.45Saint-Nand backyard
21:06.49Saint-Nand shed
21:06.53Saint-Nand the neighbors pool
21:07.35bleeterthough I don't recall any announcement re: SPLAT and target version, I coulda just easily missed it
21:08.01bleeterI just love the instance abbreviation so much I gotta use it as much as possible
21:08.03Tullersecond week of november!
21:09.15Saint-Nnah itll go live right before thanksgiving weekend
21:09.24Saint-Nso they wont be around to answer all the issues
21:09.37Saint-NOR the tech support is bumping for double time and a half
21:09.39JoshBorkejust fyi, you can no longer do "for blah, blah2 in tbl do"
21:10.17Beladonawasn't that deprecated a while ago
21:10.33*** join/#wowi-lounge kamdis (i=3f924902@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
21:10.34JoshBorkebut updating addons pops up things like that :-)
21:11.07Beladonaok folks. good to seeya all. Be back tomorrow. I must go home and partake in the drug that is wow
21:11.11JoshBorkei'd complain about the developer but he's not here
21:11.12JoshBorkebye bela
21:11.32Tullerso looking at the 2.2 to 2.3 code changes...did someone import pre 2.0.3 code for kicks? :P
21:11.48cog|workTuller: the UI extractor isn't working properly
21:11.51cog|workwith the 2.3 ptr
21:12.07Tullerthat makes more sense :)
21:12.08Beladonaso my compare is crap
21:12.11cog|workBeladona: yeah
21:12.15cog|workif that's what you used :P
21:12.21cog|workping AnduinLothar
21:12.34JoshBorkeblizzard said that ZA would not be on a 7 day timer would it?
21:12.41cog|workBeladona: AnduinLothar extracted some directly from the MPQs last night
21:12.43Beladonathey said less I thought
21:12.55JoshBorkethat's what i recall too
21:13.09cog|worki know he got the FrameXML code but not sure about the blizzard addons
21:13.47Beladonahopefully that means less file changes, not more
21:14.03JoshBorkethey did :-D
21:16.00Beladonacog|work I have to head home. can you make sure he sees my query?
21:16.25cog|workBeladona: i'll try :)
21:22.19*** join/#wowi-lounge cladbot (n=cladbot@
21:22.23Tullerhrm, that's reasonably new
21:22.53Tullernever had a program not ask me where to extract files before :P
21:28.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (i=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
21:28.54cog|workparty's over
21:31.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin_ (n=chatzill@
21:37.09Tullerwell the good news is that the PTR mpqs seemingly have no action button changes at least
21:37.21ShirikSo Cidan was trying to convince me that OSes are written so that you can hot-swap memory
21:37.42JoshBorkeShirik: it's true
21:37.51JoshBorkeShirik: there's actually a vendor who sells machines with hot-swappable memory
21:37.58ShirikCidan's not here
21:38.08JoshBorkeyou don't have to admit he's right then
21:38.09Shirikno actually it was just miscommunication but yeah :P
21:38.28Shirikhe said "memory stick", I assumed RAM, he was intending a USB drive
21:38.29JoshBorkeand tehre's a kernel module for it too
21:38.33|Jelly|Shirik: WTB Conspiracy info!
21:38.36[melin]is there any good tutorials out there on how to dynamicly create buttons? :D
21:38.38Shirik|Jelly|: WTB more time!
21:38.39Lin_JoshBorke: hot swappable memory exists in sun computers world for a long time.
21:38.54|Jelly|Shirik: WTS moar tiem! WTT, perhaps?
21:39.00Lin_f10k for example.
21:39.01Tullerhot swappable processors!
21:39.02JoshBorkethis i did not know :-)
21:39.06Shirikhot swappable processors ftw
21:39.11Lin_Tuller: even
21:39.18Lin_processors, memories, and boards
21:39.21Shirikit literally would be "hot"
21:39.24Lin_everything can be swapable.
21:39.55Lin_this kind of computer runs dozend, hundreds of "virtual" computers.
21:40.08Lin_stop it just because one memory module has failed isnt acceptable
21:41.53Shirikwelcome to my aviation systems class
21:42.01Shiriktriple triple redundancy!
21:42.01Cidanthis fucking POS ubuntu
21:42.05Cidanstill has not installed
21:42.19Lin_dont blame ubuntu!
21:42.26Lin_is a luser problem. I can assure!
21:42.27CidanI installed it
21:42.30Cidanand /boot
21:42.32Cidanwas empty.
21:42.36Cidannot a single file in it.
21:42.43Shirikl2mount imo
21:42.46Lin_are you using stable version?
21:42.52Shirikno he's using RC1 :P
21:43.02Cidanwell it's the only RC
21:43.08Shirikthus it's RC1 :)
21:43.11Cidanand Ubuntu website swears it's stable for all users
21:43.27Lin_someone said it before me.. If you want to use development versions you have to know how to fix bugs
21:43.28Cidanbunch of cock suckers imo, I'm so pissed.
21:43.48wereHamster - anyone else hates microsoft?
21:43.50Lin_Cidan: maybe some mistake. Isn
21:44.08Lin_isnt your boot mounted?
21:44.13Cidanit was
21:44.17Saint-Ni love microsoft
21:44.26Saint-Ni hate a fair majority of thier products though
21:45.05Intangiri hate microsoft
21:45.15Intangirand like only 1 of their products
21:45.26Cidangoing to kill neighbors
21:45.37Cidanand throw their children off the balcony
21:46.09Saint-Nwhich one?
21:46.23Saint-Nthe xbox? ;)
21:46.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
21:46.39Lin_I dont like xbox
21:46.45Cidantheir loud children who are playing in the hall because the parent lost their key to the apt
21:46.58Cidanand they have no fucking decency to tell their god damned kids to sit down
21:47.01Cidanand behave
21:47.23*** join/#wowi-lounge cladbot (n=cladbot@
21:47.28CidanAll better now, yelled at them.
21:48.03Saint-Ni did that the other day while i was outside smoking, these two kids were walking up the block yelling at some kids across the street and i was on the phone
21:48.42Saint-Nthey stopped in front of me and kept yelling so i said "walk over there or shut the fuck up" and appearantly i look evil when im irritated.. so they stopped and crossed the street and didnt yell anymore
21:48.47Shirikplaying in the hall?
21:49.02Cidanin a 12 story apt building
21:49.21CidanThis is why the USA is going to shit, fucking parents don't teach kids manners
21:49.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
21:49.30Cidanthey let them run around like animals
21:49.41Saint-Ncant teach what you don't know ;)
21:50.23*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|_ (
21:57.43[melin]anyone know how I can get a button to react on drag n drop actions?
22:00.14Kasowhat do you want to drag and drop
22:00.25KasoThe button itself, or things onto it. like spells./items ?
22:01.19ShirikAnyone here familiar with java concurrency features?
22:01.44Cairenncog|work: busted!
22:01.51CairennWowgamer233 ( )  has reported problem(s) with this file download:   These are the reason(s) that the user gave: - Other     Wowgamer233 left these comments: ----------   A strange external link...
22:01.52cog|workCairenn: ?
22:02.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin_ (n=igor@
22:02.09Shirikpoor cog|work
22:02.18zenzelezzstrange external links, eh?
22:02.26Shirikhe didn't like "how to ask questions the right way"
22:03.02Lin_just for ask for those who runs wow on linux: should I disable beryl/compiz first, right?
22:03.05Cairennhe thinks there is something fishy about the external link, lol
22:03.26KaydeethreeLin, I'd recommend it. why waste processor cycles on things that aren't wow?
22:03.32Lin_and voice-chat works?
22:03.37KasoLin_ depends on your system power, ive seen them working fine together on high end pcs
22:03.39Kaydeethreedunno, I don't have a mic
22:03.44cog|workit's not even part of the download... it's just the description :\
22:03.45Lin_Kaydeethree: makes sence. ;-)
22:03.53Lin_Kaso: I dont have a high end PC.. far from it.
22:03.58Lin_Kaydeethree: sense
22:04.00Cidanthere we go
22:04.06Cidankids are now quiet
22:04.14CidanTook two police officers
22:04.16Cidanbut whatever
22:04.41KasoI disabled when i was using it, my 6600gt and Athlon 2500xp aint good exactly hot either
22:04.44CidanI love how people think I'm white and don't speak spanish.
22:04.58Cidananyways, *yawn*
22:05.11Shirikyou're not? o.o
22:05.25[melin]Kaso - I have 5 buttons that I want to be able to drag a spell or an item to - then get the name of the spell or item and do stuff with (that is already sorted)
22:05.26CidanThat was a joke, right?
22:05.30Lin_Cidan: what is the problem in been white or not?
22:05.41Shirikuh ><
22:05.44CidanNothing, just that the negihbor is this spanish bitch
22:05.45ShirikI didn't say that
22:05.52Cidanand started to speak in spanish
22:05.56Cidanthinking I wouldn't understand
22:06.02Cidanbecause I look non-hispanic
22:06.10ShirikCidan, how well do you know Java ><
22:06.40Lin_more than I want, less than I need ;-)
22:07.01Lin_I hate java
22:07.03Shirikdo you understand the synchronized keyword? I have a pretty simple question
22:07.05CidanWell enough, I wrote into a program a back end that pulls data from SQL and loads it into an interp table and calls funtions dynamicly (not arguments, function names) based on the data
22:07.09ShirikI dislike it too, but it has some benefits
22:07.10Cidanyes I do
22:07.26*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
22:07.28Shirikhaving a synchronized function is essentially the same as having synchronized(this) on the entire block, right?
22:07.30Cidanunless you're threading though, you shouldn't need it
22:07.33Kaso[melin], i've never tried it before but theres some infomation that might help here;
22:07.35sag_ich_nichtTAUREN ROGUE SPOTTED
22:07.38sag_ich_nichtI AM NOT LYING
22:07.44[melin]Kaso thanks
22:07.47Cidanyes, yes it is
22:07.52Shirikok, now question
22:08.17ShirikI used to have a synchronized STATIC function, but I have now determined that I can't have the entire function be synchronized or it will deadlock; I actually need it to be only a part of it
22:08.22[melin]Kaso seems to be exactly what Im after
22:08.27Shirikbut I can't do synchronized(this)... because "this" doesn't exist, it's static
22:08.33Cidanmake an object
22:08.38CidanObject my_mutex
22:08.43Shirikhm, ok
22:08.49Cidanwill work
22:09.14[melin]last thing: can I get some opinions on this .. only works for characters on the english eu realms atm
22:09.21Kaso[melin], you might wanna trawl the FrameXML to work out how to do it properly with a "socket" you can drop the spell/item icon into like the default ui does.
22:09.52[melin]Kaso the URL you sent seems to cover it - atleast to the extent I need it for
22:09.52Cidangrub-install hd1 -- /dev/hdb2 not found or not a block device
22:10.03Cidanoh right, nm
22:10.20Lin_i just use grub-install DEVICE
22:10.21Cidanhow do I remount the /dev/ fs when I chroot?
22:10.32Cidanor can I not?
22:10.37Lin_yes you can
22:10.40Lin_mount /proc first
22:10.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
22:10.54Cidanwell I chroot to the /dev/hdb1 part
22:11.01Cidanand mounted /dev/hdb2 to /boot
22:11.04Lin_you need just a block device?
22:11.08Lin_create it?
22:11.19Lin_which one?
22:11.32Lin_hmm 8 64
22:11.37Lin_lemme check
22:11.50Lin_is it IDE?
22:11.57Kaso[melin], the resistances seem a little un-needed on your sig thingy
22:12.16Lin_mknod /dev/hdb b 3 64
22:12.33Lin_then do it for each device in hdb
22:12.34Lin_as :
22:12.43Lin_mknod /dev/hdb1 b 3 65
22:12.48Lin_mknod /dev/hdb2 b 3 66
22:12.52[melin]Kaso well.. didnt know what else to add :D
22:13.02Cidanthat did it
22:13.10Lin_be welcome
22:13.13Kasotrue, im not sure what else would be there
22:13.32Lin_and 8 is for scsi
22:13.33[melin]well.. was thinking realm and faction but..
22:13.33Kasobut i mean i dont usualy look at resistances unless im doing a resistance fight, its not something i'd "show off"
22:13.42Cidanlet's hope this works
22:13.42Lin_i just dont use ide anymore :-)
22:13.49Cidangrub reinstalled
22:13.54[melin]and not that often you need resistance at all.. not even at resistance fights
22:14.05Lin_pal if you need I can share a screen session with you and do it for you
22:14.09[melin]its not like the old days in MC :P
22:14.18Cidanit's done, rebooting that machine
22:14.28Cidanwe shall see if it works
22:14.44*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (
22:14.49Cidanif not, I give up 'til thursday when final vers comes out
22:15.00[melin]anyways - time to get some sleep.. work tomorrow
22:15.02Cidanerror 17
22:15.08Cidanwtf is error 17 in grub?
22:15.28Lin_lemme see
22:15.47foxliterror 17: not enough cake.
22:16.37Cidandoes the boot drive need to be hd0 in grub, or does it not matter?
22:17.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin_ (n=igor@
22:18.24KasoError 17 in grub is a sight that fills my heart with terror
22:23.16*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (
22:39.43Valaron|Work Error 17
22:40.10Valaron|Work(I'm kinda behind, I know.)
22:42.39cog|workis there a list of key definitions (as recognized by the binding system) anywhere
22:42.52cog|workneeds moar question mark
22:42.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Viserion (
22:43.12Lunessamoar question mark
22:43.47LunessaSomeone just linked this for me. - I lawled.
23:02.25*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
23:09.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin (n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity)
23:13.28Lunessacog|work: did your two guide posts get merged?  
23:13.36cog|workLunessa: no
23:13.48cog|workwell yes, but that was back in May or something
23:14.06cog|workI don't actually have two guide posts :P
23:14.13cog|workone guide & one FAQ now
23:14.30LunessaI mean, 2 hours ago, you had a second "read 1st" post because the stickied one was about to break.
23:14.31cog|workthough i started a new thread for my guide since the current sticky is very near 26 pages
23:14.42LunessaNow I don't see the second one.  
23:14.47cog|workLunessa: scroll down
23:14.52cog|workit hasn't been stickied yet :P
23:15.06LunessaNM... L2wearmyfuckingglassesn00b
23:15.50JoshBorkei read "we army fucking glasses n00b" at first
23:16.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Furl (
23:22.11Legorolcan someone remind me how much defense druids need to be crit immune, and why?
23:22.21[dRaCo]430, iirc
23:22.34Legorolwhat's the cause of the difference from the 490 for warriors?
23:22.38[dRaCo]due to their -crit talent somewhere in the feral tree
23:22.41Legoroli forgot what they have that warriors don't
23:22.50Legorolaha, thanks
23:22.54Legorolthen i can work it out
23:27.16Legorolok bears get -3% to be crit, which would mean a reduction of 3/0.04=75 defense
23:27.22Legorolso it should be 415 for them
23:27.50[dRaCo]yeah, highly possible
23:28.07[dRaCo]was just trying to remember stuff I heard a while ago
23:31.03LunessaPizza is quite possibly the world's greatest food.
23:31.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Sixen (n=Sixen@
23:31.29purlfrom memory, wave is "later, sucka"
23:32.14*** join/#wowi-lounge kaelten_ (
23:56.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (
23:57.23JoshBorkeAnduinLothar: ping
23:57.42JoshBorkecould you check that fire released on wowinterface works standalone?
23:59.08AnduinLothardoes it have FireTree, SeaHooks and SeaPrint embedded?
23:59.38JoshBorkei see no SeaPrint
23:59.48*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
23:59.57AnduinLothartoss SeaPrint in there and tell me if it runs

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