IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071013

00:01.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
00:03.27bleeteractually, just went and checked... he's still elite yar
00:04.41Mr_Rabies2you live today, terry, manager of the npc database
00:06.34Polarinableeter: Blizzard said that Hogger will become a level 73 elite raid boss.
00:07.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Furl (
00:07.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
00:07.53Furl ...anyone else notice this or hav they even tested it?
00:08.25alestaneStill level 6.
00:08.43bleeterPolarina: one'd hope a lvl 73 elite raid boss hits for more than 97 (Crushing)
00:09.27FurlAwww shit
00:09.31FurlCart isn't working
00:10.17Wobinoh god
00:10.23WobinWorst title EVER
00:10.27bleeterI suspect most map-type mods will have probs with the new minimap foo stuff
00:10.45FurlWell the error is:
00:11.10bleeter'cept prolly gatherer.. but... we've been bit before
00:11.34Mr_Rabies2my guess is they're clearing the way for last names
00:11.35FurlSo thar.
00:11.51Mr_Rabies2because there's two title slots now, a left one and a right one
00:12.19Wobinhave you seen the snackwell?
00:12.20FurlHoly shit
00:12.30alestane"RItual of Refreshment?"
00:12.31FurlContextMenu was completely broken 2.2
00:12.35FurlIt works now?
00:12.59KaydeethreeI refuse to call it "Ritual of Refreshment". it'll always be "Conjured Vending Machine" for me
00:13.13WobinIt's a picanick table!
00:13.24WobinIt actually looks rather non-impressive =(
00:13.57FurlYou know what's weird?
00:14.04FurlI have 168% rest on my live priest
00:14.45Wobin"We're planning to shrink the min range on ranged attacks to reduce or eliminate the "dead zone". The only point to the dead zone was to ensure the min range on ranged weapons was enough such that ranged weapon attacks wouldn't be used while also being melee'd (at least by mobs... players have a bit of slush built in)."
00:14.54Mr_Rabies2Kaydeethree, we call the soulwell a pez dispenser
00:15.06WobinNO DEAD ZONE
00:15.57Mr_Rabies2that's a rather sweeping change
00:16.20Mr_Rabies2hunters are going to be really really annoying in 2.3
00:17.35bleeter'coz they're coming up for a 'fix' where one can't range and melee at the same time
00:17.52bleeternote: that's kalgan saying 'planning', not 'implementing'
00:18.34Mr_Rabies2let's see
00:18.38Mr_Rabies2hunters can now dispel
00:18.43Mr_Rabies2may be able to mortal strike from range
00:18.53Mr_Rabies2may be able to disarm from range
00:19.13Mr_Rabies2can freeze you, scatter shot you, concussion shot you, their pet runs around behind you
00:19.20Mr_Rabies2this is going to suck
00:19.55bleeterwait 'till it's implemented
00:20.06bleeterotherwise, you should say 'this could suck' ;)
00:20.30Mr_Rabies2yes, wobin they're thinking about adding a MS ontop of aimed shot
00:20.41Mr_Rabies2and disarming shot is in the files
00:20.50WobinDisarm? What with? HANDCUFF ARROWS?
00:20.57WobinWhat are we? GREEN ARROW?
00:21.06Mr_Rabies2maybe they shoot you in the hand
00:21.10bleetermight there be some WotLK stuff in the files? ;)
00:21.13Mr_Rabies2and you're all OW FUCK OW
00:21.15WobinDo we get a Punching Glove arrow too?
00:21.19Mr_Rabies2and drop your weapon
00:21.33WobinBut ... if you're a warrior and have plate gloves...
00:22.25FurlCan someone bump this with some BS?
00:22.26WobinMr_Rabies: man... some bizarre changes are in store for hunters
00:22.45FurlI think they are trying to make them viable in arena
00:22.49Mr_Rabies2i'm honestly scared of what is happening to them
00:22.50FurlBut they aren't doing it right
00:22.59Mr_Rabies2they're changing too much at once
00:23.08Mr_Rabies2they need to do it slowly to get things right :x
00:29.56*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
00:31.07PolarinaCould anyone post this to the UI & Macro forums, please? Thank you.
00:32.33JoshBorkedoesn't a binary zero indicate the end of a string?
00:33.12Kaydeethree\0, yes
00:33.27JoshBorkeso Polarina, how do you propose you get around that fact?
00:33.52PolarinaJoshBorke: Lua privides the C API to get the length of a Lua string.
00:34.06PolarinaAnd the client could just send a byte containing the length of the message.
00:35.21Polarinastruct { char length;  char *addon_message; };
00:36.59Corrodiasi'll trust that this would be a useful thing
00:38.50PolarinaSo, could anyone be so nice to post it for me? :$
00:39.40PolarinaQuick quick! While Slouken is active on the forums.
00:40.39Polarina"Could anyone post this to the UI & Macro forums, please? Thank you."
00:42.05*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter_ (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
00:42.45PolarinaCairenn: You are such a generous person.
00:43.25Cairennnot the first time I've posted for the EU community, won't be the last, not a big deal to do :)
00:43.32KaydeethreeI lol'd:
00:44.21CidanCairenn: client download is done, I think.
00:44.32CairennCidan: cool
00:46.06PolarinaNow I want to replay to one of the replies on that topic. o.O
00:46.40break19"all the other binary characters" as in.. the 1? lol
00:46.50PolarinaAnd now I want to reply to Sloukens reply.
00:49.43Thunder_Childcan you target something based on a particular raid icon?
00:50.23Kaydeethree"/cast [target=star] nuke" won't work, otherwise it's pre-decursive 2.0 all over again
00:50.35Kaydeethrees/pre-decursive 2.0/pre-2.0 decursive/
00:51.19MentalPowerDoes anyone here have a copy of the StarCraft Ghost E32005 cinematic? (the full 6min one)
00:52.30break19so, what.. i thought binary chars were.. 1.. and 0.. since when did binary become more than 1 and 0??
00:53.10MentalPowerbreak19: Polarina means other non-printable characters (ver-tab, bell, etc)
00:53.20Cidanbinary is a term, it means 2
00:53.32Cidanbinary systems, binary stars
00:53.52CidanJust like to point that out, :D
00:53.57Cidanpet peeve of mine
00:55.03break19MentalPower: i know.. I'm just being... difficult. :p
00:56.19break19I am a total smartass, and proud of it.. after all.. better to be a smartass, than a dumbass.. though paradoxically enough, one person *can* be both.
00:58.16Thunder_Childis there a way to cancel a bug report after it has been submitted?
00:58.47Thunder_Childhmm...i'm gonna go with "oops" then
01:03.52Esamynn~lart Thunder_Child
01:03.52purlbeats Thunder_Child severely about the head and shoulders with a rubber chicken
01:04.19Esamynnfor the bad bug report :P
01:04.41Thunder_Childah, yea
01:05.06Kaydeethreeheh, looks like the server's reenabling character copy when the queue drops to 3 days
01:05.15Kaydeethreeso if anyone wants to hop on, now's probably a good time to try
01:05.25Kaydeethreepve is still busted, you've got much better chance if you copy to pvp
01:08.42IndustrialDo pets get less treining points as their level increases?
01:09.02Industrialmy pet dinged 40 but only has 27 points, Great Stamina rank 6 is 75 points
01:09.09IndustrialHe is happy at all times
01:09.10Esamynntotal training points = loyalty level * level I think
01:09.12Kaydeethreesomething's obviously wrong... hortus posted a "we know something's up, we're looking in to it. stop spamming the forum already" sticky, but that's about it
01:09.36Industrialloyalty level is 6 (max I suppose)
01:09.54Industrial6*40 seems a bit extreme :P
01:12.04Mr_Rabies2some pets start with negative points
01:12.29Esamynnonly because of the skills they come with
01:12.32Industrialits my barrens pet
01:12.35Mr_Rabies2and if you get a pet at 40 they start at 0 and there's some kind of a cap per level/loyalty gain for point gain, but in the end you end up with ....350?
01:12.49Industrialits my grey kitty :<
01:15.55Mr_Rabies2i remember camping out for that cat near ratchet
01:15.59Mr_Rabies2for damn near 3 days
01:16.40*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (
01:18.10Industrialno thats the other one
01:18.40Industrialecheyakee can be summoned from a quest
01:18.40Industrialapparently 27 points is normal
01:18.41Industrial32 points next level :P
01:19.27Esamynnso I was right
01:20.09Esamynnhappiness level * pet level, no? (where max happiness is 5)
01:20.17Esamynnor am I miss reading that?
01:21.26CidanYou know
01:21.29EsamynnIndustrial: also, remember that when you train the next elvel of a skill, you get credit for the points you spent on the previous rank
01:22.01CidanOne of these days I fully expect like, patch 3.4 to state: "Factions can no longer kill each other; all players can talk to each other and all world guards removed."
01:22.53Esamynnwhy is that?
01:23.05IndustrialCidan: I expect mroe something like "we added a big area with fortresses and siege possibility. one guild can own one fortress and also overthrow another. have fun"
01:23.25Cidanbecause Blizzard works soooo hard to make sure everyone can play and have fun!
01:23.36Mr_Rabies2i know, indi
01:23.39CidanJust don't forget your mittens, oh, and don't die!
01:23.44Mr_Rabies2i meant i camped the other one
01:23.46Mr_Rabies2i also got echy
01:23.54Industrialah ok
01:23.57MentalPowerCidan: their purpose is to have fun, whats wrong with that?
01:23.57CidanOh hell, let's just make sure no one can die, unlimited health for everyone!
01:24.10CidanBecause I find fun in a challenge, not in a walk-through.
01:24.24CidanThus, I canceled my account today.  No big deal, :P
01:24.33CidanI'm just torlling, let sag_ich_nicht reply to me or something.
01:24.37Cidaner, trolling
01:24.41IndustrialEsamynn: max loyalty is 6, 6*40=240, when I enter pet level 40 and loyalty 6 and no skills I get 200 points from the calc :S
01:24.51*** join/#wowi-lounge ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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01:24.58bleeterwb ChanServ
01:25.00Kaydeethreehey, services is back
01:25.04EsamynnIndustrial: happiness starts at 0 for that calc
01:25.14Esamynnbecause you get NO points if your pet is at the lowest level
01:25.46bleeterdon't confuse happiness with loyalty
01:25.55Esamynnsorry, loyalty, my bad
01:26.12EsamynnCidan: bad troll! :P
01:26.20bleeternp Esamynn, just one of my peeves ;)
01:27.08Mr_Rabies2OH GOD ALLIGATORS
01:27.19Thunder_Childbaby croc!
01:27.54bleeterso who's gunna write this Java Knight's Tour program for me with depth first and breadth first searching so I can start levlling my PTR toon? :P
01:28.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:28.37IndustrialJava Knights? like, have at thee! *splash coffee over you*
01:29.07bleeterdamn, got the copy page happening, hit the button, it's too busy again now :(
01:29.47Kaydeethreekeep hitting refresh
01:29.49Kaydeethreecopy to PVP
01:29.53IndustrialI have a feeling I shouldnt have taught my pet avoidances while leveling >_>
01:29.59Kaydeethreeyou can refresh on all pages, just make sure to let it resend the postdata
01:31.26Industrialdepends on the operation :P
01:31.34bleeter'cept if you get unable to complete page on the last stage.. throws you back to page 1
01:32.20bleeterso go back, press 'copy me', might get 'unable'.. or might get thrown back to page 1
01:34.40CidanCairenn: Crap, does LotRO delete chars after a certain time?  Please tell me yes, :(
01:35.04Cairennno idea
01:35.25CidanCrap, I activated my key on the account _without_ Cidan on it, now the name is taken
01:36.19Cairennyou might be able to get in touch with them and request them to delete it for you
01:36.22Industrialname it C1dan
01:36.40Cairennif you can prove that you were the "owner" of both accounts, they might be willing
01:36.46CidanI shall try
01:37.07bleeterwoot, three pending... my 2 70's, and my lowbie bank alt (didn't wanna risk copy being dead again by the time I moved the gold around on live)
01:37.50*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
01:44.19CidanConsidering that I own the domain that the email address on the accounts go to, I should be golden
01:44.23ScytheBlade1bleeter, how did you do that? :/
01:45.02bleeterScytheBlade1: do wut?
01:45.13ScytheBlade1bleeter, copy characters over
01:45.29bleeterScytheBlade1: beat the copy char system into submission mwhahahaha
01:45.41bleeterdunno, took a few refreshes, but worked for me
01:45.51ScytheBlade1I've been trying several times a minute
01:45.59ScytheBlade1Probably for 20 minutes, all in all
01:46.28Kaydeethreetry again in a few hours
01:46.29FurlWow, there actually is a GL<-> LHC FP
01:46.57break19just more like... SOB
01:47.09break19.. hate running out of mana against caster mobs
01:47.39break19no. lowbie druid
01:47.50FurlOh I've been thre
01:48.08break19the black dragonthings in rr...
01:48.19*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
01:49.05Furl::" why this patch you cant have premades? "::
01:49.06Corrodiaswell, WoW froze
01:49.17Corrodiasor the UI froze. it seems to be impossible to tell the difference.
01:49.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Saeris (
01:53.26*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
01:54.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Nimble (
01:57.13*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Holding (
02:02.58TC-Holdingwhy 7500 HP and 7200 mana....
02:21.49CidanCairenn: wow, they have really made this engine run a LOT faster now
02:21.58Cidanduring beta, it ran like crap. :D
02:22.20CairennI didn't find it that bad /shrug
02:22.56CairennI'm used to alpha/early betas though, so I guess I just don't really notice
02:24.00Cidanlooking at the UI, they are totally able to extend it, me thinks.  Just a matter of picking a language/method
02:24.08Cidangod I hope they let us not use XML
02:26.04FurlWell it was adopted for some reason
02:26.12CidanSo was Windows
02:26.12ScytheBlade1Cidan, the proper words are "flexible" and "extensible" ;)
02:26.14CidanGo figure.
02:26.31MentalPowerCidan: use Lua (in WoW)
02:26.41CidanI do.
02:26.50CidanThe entire conspiracy framework is just lua
02:26.54Cidannot a drop of XML
02:27.51Thunder_Childeven though it might have been easier
02:28.00CidanNo way
02:28.03CidanXML is a clutter
02:28.29Thunder_Childi see, so it does nothing better than lua in any way
02:28.40CidanIn MY opinion, no.
02:28.43CidanNothing at all.
02:29.27Thunder_Childi'm fairly sure there is an answer....opnions need not apply
02:29.48CidanBut it is an opinion, and no matter who you ask it will be.
02:29.57CidanSome people prefer XML, some Lua
02:30.23CidanThere is no "right" answer, I just think XML is worthless
02:30.29Thunder_Childbut preferance is regardles in light of actual usage, no?
02:30.43CidanAgain, some find it easier to use XML
02:30.45Cidanothers Lua
02:30.55CidanI think Lua is much MUCH easier than XML
02:30.56*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
02:30.58Thunder_Childthat i am not disagreeing with
02:32.02Thunder_Childi said 'better' the second time, but it really doesnt matter.
02:32.13Thunder_Childit is what it is
02:32.50Cidanbut no, XML does nothing better than Lua.
02:33.05CidanEverything you can do in XML, you can do in Lua and much more, in less lines.
02:33.28CidanI think it's because a lot of people don't understand how powerful Lua is and what you can do with it in terms of abstraction.
02:33.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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02:33.51CidanYou can build an entire API on top of what WoW gives to you
02:34.01CidanWhich is what we have done.
02:34.17Adyssorta offtopic but anyone around who works/worked with actionscript ?
02:34.32CidanPsh, not off topic, :P
02:34.38Thunder_ChildAdys, there really isnt A topic
02:41.01Adysits almost 5am, i dont have a lunch yet
02:41.08Corrodiasi finally made my engineering helm, but i have no sockets with which to activate a meta gem, damn it
02:41.11Corrodiasbrb, getting socks
02:41.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Saeris (
02:46.04SaerisAny way to speed up this regex?  "|cff%x-|Hitem:.-|h%[.-%]|h|r"
02:57.57CidanCairenn: invite?
02:58.18CairennCladdagh inviting
03:12.51*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (
03:28.00Kaydeethreeah, beautiful
03:28.05Kaydeethreeit's 12c outside right now
03:31.26Industrialwhy does the VoiceChatButton hide?
03:31.36Industrialonly shows on mouseover and is very small
03:31.42Industrialtrouble finding it.
03:39.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
03:51.13*** join/#wowi-lounge [KzM]Fatalis (
03:56.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Nimble (
03:58.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Arcaia (n=cnflct@
03:58.47art3misjust caught up on my daily show dvr'ds
03:59.06art3mislynne cheney bringing out a darth vader doll was pretty classic
03:59.26art3misKaydeethree: yeah gorgeous night its 10C right now in nyc
03:59.37art3misfinally getting into the weather i like
04:02.36WobinWhat's a good tip for an enchant?
04:03.25art3misthey jus casting?
04:03.37art3misand is the chant rare?
04:17.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
04:21.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
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04:29.36art3mishey industrial
04:29.41art3misyou still aboot?
04:31.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funkydud@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
04:33.31Thunder_Childaboot? is it talk like a canadian day?
04:33.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
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04:33.47art3misit started as a joke and now i type it without thinking anymore
04:36.26art3mis yay
04:36.31*** join/#wowi-lounge the-golem (
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04:42.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funkydud@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
04:47.35ScytheBlade1Did anyone grab The Orange Box by chance?
04:47.51IrielI did
04:48.00IrielI finished portal and all the advanced levels
04:48.15Irielthough not the challenge levels
04:48.32ScytheBlade1Windows or 360?
04:48.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Calib (
04:48.58art3mismy ghud mod worked!
04:49.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funkydud@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
04:49.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (i=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
04:49.20ScytheBlade1Does it require Steam to function at all?
04:49.27Shirikok, stupid question inbound, be ready to laugh at me
04:49.33CalibHow well does prot pally handle in arenas compare to holy?
04:49.36Shirikwho here knows how to use diff correctly >.>
04:50.05ScytheBlade1Shirik, diff dir/filea dir/fileb
04:50.08art3misarenas not that well, in bg's decent enough
04:50.11Shirikyeah, that's what I thought
04:50.13Shirikbut it's not so happy
04:50.14art3misat least from my mucking
04:50.20IrielScytheBlade1: I'm not sure, but I got it via steam so I wouldn't know if it ididn't
04:50.36Shirikdiff --normal --binary file1.bin file2.bin > file.diff
04:50.37art3misarena is more about burst damage or keeping the burster alive
04:50.40Shirikis what I'm doing
04:50.44ScytheBlade1Iriel, bah. Dirty Steam. :P
04:50.46ShadowedAll of Values games require Steam as far as I know
04:50.50Shirikand all I get is Files file1.bin and file2.bin differ
04:51.01art3misand since technically no-one is gonna care much about the low dps from a prot pally you better be good at healing
04:51.20art3misthats my take one it, i may be wrong though as i only mucked around during the 50-s and early 60s
04:51.39Shirik$ diff f1.bin f2.bin
04:51.40ShirikFiles f1.bin and f2.bin differ
04:52.05Irieldiff doesn't make patches from binary files does it?
04:52.17IrielI've never seen it used for that.. There are other tools that can do that kind of thing
04:52.19ShirikI was hoping it could at least just tell me which parts changed
04:52.25Shirikok, any suggestions?
04:52.29ShirikSad part is, I made the change!
04:52.31ShirikI just don't remember ><
04:52.33Irieldiff's very text oriented
04:52.43IrielTry xd'ing the files and diffing the output?
04:53.01Shirik$ xd --help
04:53.01Shirikbash: xd: command not found
04:53.13Shirikkeep in mind I'm on cygwin so yeah
04:53.43Shirikah well
04:53.48Irielod -x ?
04:53.55Shirikoh is that it? ><
04:54.00ShirikI don't know all these linux commands :(
04:54.11ShirikI know the absolute basics, enough to get around
04:54.12Shirikthat's about it
04:56.35Shirikthat worked beautifully
04:56.37Shirikthank you iriel
05:01.30Shirikow this is hurting my head, od -x takes care of the little-endian stuff, etc., too
05:01.37Shirikbut the important thing is it found me the location of the change, thakns again
05:01.55art3misthats what she said
05:02.31IrielShirik: od has a bunch of wacky options too, man od
05:02.40art3misyeah man od
05:02.54art3misone comma changes that whole little sentence ;P
05:09.39ScytheBlade1I'm reading the case details of the WoWGlider case
05:10.00ScytheBlade1It seems that the counterclaims caused them to change their name completly
05:11.49ScytheBlade1B.      Requiring MDY Industries LLC and Michael Donnelly to shut down the website, to assign to Blizzard all rights and title to the domain name, and to stop the development, sale, and distribution of WoWGlider.
05:11.51ScytheBlade1Shocker there!
05:12.11ScytheBlade1It gives vauge details about how Warden works
05:13.04ScytheBlade1It also outlines how WoWGlider gets around Warden, and how that constitutes a DMCA violation
05:14.09ScytheBlade1I always kinda laugh when both sides sue each other for attorney's fees
05:14.12art3miswow doesnt circumvent any copyright
05:14.20art3miserr wowglider
05:14.33ScytheBlade1Good the the DMCA covers more than copyrights ;)
05:14.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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05:14.42art3misyou still need an active account to play ;)
05:15.06ScytheBlade1In the linked PDF, they state that WoWGlider launches a WoW process under it's thumb and control, thereby creating an unlicensed copy of WoW in RAM
05:15.12ScytheBlade1Which, however stupid that may sound
05:15.14ScytheBlade1Is valid
05:15.20art3mis.29 is hilarious
05:15.40art3misseeing as how technically data is mined for wow armoury, wowhead, cart, metamap thottbot etc
05:15.48ScytheBlade1They turn a blind eye to that
05:16.07art3misthat right there is enough to point at selective reasoning ;P
05:16.45ScytheBlade1For the curious, here's the complaint that the glider people filed:
05:18.42ScytheBlade1Paragraphs 52 to 57 outline a lot of the core info
05:18.47art3misas far as i can see technically they are within thier legal limits to make glider
05:19.07art3misit doesnt corrupt or reverse or get around any copyrights
05:19.23art3misand sicne blizz has banned people for using it, it's certainly not untraceable
05:19.25ScytheBlade1Paragraph 98
05:19.32WobinIt's only against the TOS for the -user- to use it, yeah?
05:19.43ScytheBlade1... through 108
05:19.54art3miswobin correct
05:19.59ScytheBlade1It's also against the TOS for the coder to code it, technically
05:20.03art3miswhich means the onus is on the user not the retailer
05:20.04ScytheBlade1But then you have to look at wowhead, etc
05:20.06*** join/#wowi-lounge lolinternet (i=bitch2k@
05:20.53art3misScytheBlade1: technically that is yes as well
05:20.54art3misbut he can still sell it if he chooses after the fact
05:21.12art3misbut they have no ability to shut him down for it and demand he give them his property
05:21.12WobinWell it can be against the TOS for the coder to code it...
05:21.18ScytheBlade1Here's the relevant DMCA section that he violated:
05:21.19Wobinbut who says they're -under- the TOS?
05:21.46art3misalthough the argument can be that if you clicked yes to the agreement you're legally agreed
05:21.47Wobins/under/bound by/
05:22.05art3miswhich has been proven a few times in court
05:22.08WobinThey could have hired people that have never played =)
05:22.16WobinJust said: Here are the specs, you go write it
05:22.16ScytheBlade1They also claim that the WoWGlider name, due to the "WoW" in it, was created in bad faith
05:22.25ScytheBlade1Hence why they changed to I'd imagine
05:22.45art3misoh btw
05:22.53art3miswhere can i grind consortium rep?
05:23.17art3misahh okay
05:23.24art3miswasnt sure if tht worked at revered still
05:23.26Wobinmostly for insignia
05:23.29Wobinand prison keys
05:25.02art3miskeep forgetting to get my free bag o gems ;P
05:25.32art3miswanna do me a favour
05:26.08art3misgo merge ghud, onscreen health and the 3d model display addon into a single uf for me ;P
05:28.38Shirikyou know what
05:28.43ShirikC++ should have a ->= operator
05:30.22Shirikself = self->add(data, 4); can become self->=add(data,4)
05:44.58Cairenn|afknight guys
05:45.12Thunder_Childnight Cairenn|afk *riiiiight)
05:54.20Wobinart3mis: Lemme think about that for a bit.
05:56.11Thunder_Childi dunno Wobin, i wouldnt mind seeing it
05:59.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Calliee (n=Caylie@
06:03.38WobinWell volunteered, Thunder_Child!
06:03.55Thunder_ChildWobin, good, i'm glad your willing to do it then
06:04.28WobinOh I have no problem overseeing your work.
06:04.42WobinGo send me your work and I'll comment on it!
06:05.35Thunder_Childyes, but i have to have work in the first place for you to oversee it
06:07.04Wobinget to it's only going to take about 2-4 yrs
06:13.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
06:25.34Guillotinecan PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD ever occur before addons are finished loading?
06:26.32Guillotinealso, please bump :P
06:26.47FurlAgain? lol]
06:27.09FurlOh, and no, UI is always before World entry I believe?
06:27.18FurlWay it looked to me
06:27.30Guillotineyes :( the UI forums are now too full of the "what addon is this?" "Can I have a WoW map editor?" posts and ones that Slouken should see are bumped down
06:27.46Guillotineyah, thats what I thought, but wasn't sure if there were exceptions I should prepare for
06:28.11Guillotinebleh, I'll just stealth bump
06:33.50*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter_ (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
06:34.40Guillotinety much <3
06:36.05*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
06:48.29FurlYuh huh
07:00.56art3miswhen yer near the etherium base, where's the closest repair place?
07:01.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
07:01.19Thunder_Childin netherstorm?
07:01.27art3misyeah the biodome right?
07:01.51Thunder_Childthat or where TK is
07:02.57art3misbooo opened a prison and get a bop ring that is useless to me
07:03.57art3misso at revered you get a bag of gems once a month with greens and exhalted you get blues?
07:04.46Thunder_Childi thought it started one below revered
07:06.25art3misi never noticed til i was revered
07:14.13Thunder_Childi love the rain, just wish it was harder
07:19.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
07:22.59Thunder_Child"here comes the rain again fallin on my head like a..."
07:24.24Cairenn|afk"new emotion"
07:26.33Thunder_ChildAH are NOT sleeping
07:26.45Cairenn|afklol, took you long enough
07:26.54Thunder_Childisnt it also, like a memory
07:27.04Cairenn|afknew emotion
07:27.56Cairenn|afkactually ...
07:28.02Thunder_Childinto your ...something...magic...
07:28.07*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo (
07:28.08Cairenn|afkyup, memory, then new emotion years of choir werent wasted
07:29.27Thunder_Childofc, we never got to sing such cool songs as that
07:30.29Wobintalk to me...
07:30.32Wobinlike lovers do....
07:30.48Wobin(doowop doowop)
07:30.52Thunder_Childinto your ocean is something in you...
07:32.10Thunder_Childnow this song is totaly stuck in my head
07:39.50Cairenn|afkhere Thunder_Child
07:40.40Thunder_Childoh yea, i love that
07:40.44Thunder_Childand the song ofc
07:40.47bleeterDo you know the Muffin Man?
07:40.52Thunder_Childlies Cairenn|afk, lies
07:41.29Cairenn|afknope, no lies - had a dozen rows left to finish off the hat I was working on, completed them, now I can sleep
07:42.21art3misi want a toque ;(
07:42.37Thunder_Childthe lies part was "goes to bed"
07:43.28bleetergnight Cairenn|afk
07:51.10Guillotineanybody know of any non-ace addons that make a minimap icon via Lua that I can look at?
07:51.44Guillotineor even a non-ace addon that makes a minimap icon :P
07:51.51Thunder_Childlike DBM?
07:51.52Guillotineoh, I got it
07:55.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
07:56.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
07:59.59Shirikso like... my program was working fine. then I said to myself, "you know, some others might need admin privileges to make this work" so I set it up so that it requests admin elevation when running
08:00.06Shirikapparently.... it doesn't work as an administrator -_-
08:00.12Shirikfirst time I've ever seen something like this ><
08:00.15Shirikworks fine with normal permissions
08:00.17*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
08:00.31ShirikI really need to go to bed
08:00.55cncfanaticsShirik, I just woke up :)
08:01.03Shirikhave you ever seen anything like this?
08:01.08Shirik(03:58:58) (Shirik) so like... my program was working fine. then I said to myself, "you know, some others might need admin privileges to make this work" so I set it up so that it requests admin elevation when running
08:01.08Shirik(03:59:05) (Shirik) apparently.... it doesn't work as an administrator -_-
08:01.08Shirik(03:59:11) (Shirik) first time I've ever seen something like this ><
08:01.08Shirik(03:59:15) (Shirik) works fine with normal permissions
08:01.39ShirikI'm not sure if I'm drunk or what
08:03.57IrielI've encountered programs that dont run as root before
08:06.38bleeterman, I swear Wine's 0.9.47 OGL rendering is better than previous, can't put my finger on it tho
08:07.03*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
08:08.00art3misshirik on a winders machine or a nix
08:08.55art3misif you've got apparmour installed(as most do default) it wont let any program request a higher priv on it's own, if you suid root it, it could function that way but thats just a bad idea
08:10.54FurlHello IRC
08:10.59FurlGood bye IRC
08:13.07Thunder_Childanyone know anything about CS:S hacks?
08:13.19Shirikthey suck, get some real skill :P
08:13.21Shirikthat's about all I know
08:13.32Thunder_Childmeh... trying to tell if some people are hacking
08:13.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
08:15.06ShirikI know the internals of how VAC works, that's about it
08:15.12Shirikbut suffice to say, in most cases, no, they're not
08:19.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
08:22.54Fisker-If one have crashes that do not genereate the "send to blizzard" crash report tool then where can you send them?
08:23.15cncfanaticsforums I guess
08:23.35Fisker-EU forums suck
08:23.41|Pixel|which is probably an alias for "black hole"
08:23.43Fisker-not to mention i can't attach stuff
08:23.52|Pixel|(which is in turn another alias for "your ass")
08:24.12Fisker-i get an Error #0 with addons installed on the PTR
08:24.22Fisker-something with texture rendering
08:24.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
08:24.36|Pixel|interesting... somehow
08:25.34Thunder_ChildShirik, statisticly our server has a very highly skilled player base, enough so that when we go to other servers we place in the top 1% and or are accused of hacking, so i know what very good skill is
08:26.17*** join/#wowi-lounge phyber (
08:31.13KasoShirik ?
08:31.17Shirikthat confused me ><
08:31.51KasoIrony my fried, irony
08:34.39Shirikyeah still not getting it but oh well
08:34.43ShirikIt's probably before my time or something
08:36.27*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
08:36.29KasoWell its Apple (slightly sarcastically) welcoming IBM to the PC market, where they have already been for years. However IBM PCs would eventually become the standard (all "PC"s today are IBM Compatible) and Apple would become a minor minor retailer
08:43.00Fisker-oh wait
08:43.06Fisker-apple ain't funny
08:43.16KasoI found it funny :<
08:43.28Shirikdo you know C++?
08:43.34KasoNot really
08:43.51KasoI know a tiny bit, but im still learning.
08:44.10Shirikdo you know how to modify one character in the middle of a file?
08:45.09Kasoroughly yes, hang on lemme check my notes
08:45.22Thunder_Childi presume you dont mean manually
08:46.12Shirik~lart Thunder_Child
08:46.12purlinstalls PocketPC on Thunder_Child's PDA
08:46.17ShirikI already did it manually
08:46.24ShirikI'm trying to make it automated via an executable program now ><
08:46.43art3misoh i had the best question the other day
08:46.47art3misspeaking of pdas
08:47.21KasoSo assuming you're using the windows api, CreateFile() to get a handle to your file, SetFilePointer() to move to the correct byte in the file then WriteFile() with a single charater.
08:47.24KasoSomething like that.
08:47.59Shiriktrying to use standard functions actually ><
08:48.12Kasothen i dont know im just using the windows api atm :<
08:48.16ShirikI might do that instead :/
08:48.25art3misone of my clients has blackberrys, and since they subscribe to a hosted exchange mail from outlook to outlook never leaves the internal exchange box to get delivered to thier blackberry.. i suggest sicne thier blackberrys were 4 years old they go buy windows mobile phones. 1st assumption by them was that each phone was $4k, corrected that but then they asked me is the windows mobile phone would work 100$ with exchange.
08:48.29ShirikI can still leave my validation code using standard so I don't have to rewrite it
08:48.47art3misits not feasible btw for them to get thier own exchange server+BES for 3 people ;P
08:49.01Thunder_ChildShirik, ?
08:49.21Shirikthey're binary files
08:49.32bleeterhmm, apparently my PTR copies are thru
08:49.42Shirikso I'm not going near those << and >> operators
08:49.54art3misi think that was by far the most frustrating combo ive ever had "well how do you know it  will work 100%?" "well i own one and use it with exchange for one thing, secondly microsoft makes both things so im gonna bet that they did some work to make them behave properly together"
08:50.02Shirikthey're also on the order of 50MB
08:50.06Shirikand I need to change about 8 bytes
08:50.13Shirikso I'd prefer not to copy the whole thing ><
08:50.36IrielJust open the file for update, seek to the spot you want, and write the new change
08:50.53Irielor seek (using SEEK_SET) read, re-seek, and write
08:50.56Shirikthat's what I did :/ but it just does it at the end
08:51.27Shirikhere I made a simple test code you can look at
08:51.29Shirikmaybe I'm being stupid
08:52.22Shirikthis is not the program, of course, this is just a simple test case
08:53.00IrielYou have to open the file for update
08:53.02Irielnot just output
08:53.26IrielIgnore me a bit, your main problem is that you said std::ios::app
08:53.36Irielwhich means 'append' -- i.e. seek to the end before ANY write
08:54.01IrielIt's been a little while since I wrote C++ let me remind myself what the arguments are
08:54.03ShirikRight, but when I didn't have std::ios::app, it just killed my file
08:54.06Thunder_Childindeed "pp(append) Set the stream's position indicator to the end of the stream before each output operation."
08:54.26ShirikYeah, originally I didn't have it. But when I didn't, it removed the entire contents (much like I'd expect ios::trunc to do)
08:55.27art3mistry ::replace ?
08:56.03Shirikthe only options I saw in the documentation were ::in, ::out, ::app, ::trunc, ::binary
08:56.16Thunder_Childnow i know i have no idea what i am saying but.... and ::ate
08:56.20Irielios::binary | ios::ate | ios::out | ios::in
08:56.44Irielfstream file(filename, ios::binary | ios::ate | ios::out | ios::in );
08:58.15Shirikit seems to have worked
08:58.23Shirikthat's odd that I need ios::in too :/
08:58.35wereHamster(I don't know anything about C++), why ios:: and not fstream::?
08:59.04Shirikthey're identical
08:59.16IrielConvention I guess, they're inherited into fstream from ios
08:59.19Shirikthey're all part of the base class basic_stream
08:59.38Shirikwhich probably goes back further I don't know how far :p
08:59.46ShirikI assume to ios like Iriel said :0
08:59.49wereHamsterah.. inheritance..
09:01.16Irielsleep time, night
09:01.43Thunder_Childnight Iriel
09:02.05Thunder_Childhmm..i may take C++ next semester...or start with C...hmm...
09:02.43Thunder_Childnot that it makes a diff
09:03.04Shirikyou've programmed before yeah?
09:03.08Shirikso you shouldn't have much trouble either way
09:03.20ShirikThere was a big debate at my school over C vs C++ in the first year courses though
09:03.33ShirikDebate over whether it's easier to learn proceedural or OO first
09:03.38Thunder_Childehh...i have taken VB, did some purl on my own and have had a programing logic cource
09:04.09Shirikit works flawlessly
09:04.11ShirikI love you Iriel
09:04.26Thunder_Childbut when i said it doesnt make a diff is because it's not my major...or minor even
09:04.35Shirikwhat's your major?
09:04.44Iriellargely thank google, it helps a rusty memory majorly.
09:04.53ShirikI was on google for a very long time Iriel
09:04.57Shirikbut perhaps it's just because it's 5AM here
09:04.57IrielSkip C, Go straight to C++
09:05.09IrielShirik: It does help a lot to know what you're looking for
09:05.10Thunder_Childwhat about C#?
09:05.20IrielC++ is a 'better C' anyway, if you ignore all the OO stuff.
09:05.26IrielAnd then you can go onto the OO stuff.
09:05.39ShirikIriel, I know so many people who would kill you for that statement
09:05.48ShirikBut I totally agree, I love C++
09:06.05IrielShirik: Being 'a better C' was a design goal of C++, though I think C has largely caught back up now
09:06.29IrielShirik: It's been over 10 years since I was really hands-on with the C and C++ specs
09:07.38Thunder_Child"C++ Method Invocation All C++ methods when translated to C end up with an additional parameter. This might appear to be a big performance overhead. In reality however, the code in C will also have to access the common data structure via an array index or some other mechanism. "
09:07.43IrielI found C++ deeply rewarding, but like any powerful tool, it's dangerous if used too violently in the hands of a novice.
09:08.16IrielThese days I flit between perl and java for most tasks, depending on the task.
09:08.32ShirikC++ is rather easy to use, but it can blow up in your face too
09:08.42Shirikbut at the same time, you get really close to hardware, which is nice
09:08.44Shirikat least I like it
09:08.54Shirikso it inherits the best of C and Java, imho
09:09.02ShirikC for its hardware-level capabilities
09:09.07ShirikJava for its OO
09:09.13IrielThunder_Child: I think that article, while its heart is in the right place, is very bad
09:09.35Thunder_Childheh, maybe i should hold off on the C++ vs Java article then
09:09.36IrielThunder_Child: A big problem is that it's comparing C++ WITH USE OF C++ SPECIFIC FEATURES against C
09:09.53IrielThunder_Child: One of the things about C++ is you can NOT use those features, and not pay any overhead for them
09:10.18IrielThunder_Child: Having said that, the point it makes (even that overhead probably isn't bad because in real software you're doing it all anyway, it's just explicit in C) is sound and I agree with it.
09:10.47IrielJava has to be taken in the context of modern JVM's with stuff like JIT compilation to native code
09:11.10Thunder_Childhmm..this was writen 2k4...maybe a bit to old?
09:11.48IrielHm, probably not, but there's a lot of 'opinion' out there, it's all likely got merit but some people adopt a rather myopic view based on whatever THEY are using it for. (I'm probably guilty of that also)
09:12.10IrielI find the Java Virtual Machine quite ugly in places (8 bit instruction set *shudder*)
09:12.59IrielThunder_Child: That article seems (at a quick skim) to be quite objective and reasonable
09:13.11Thunder_Childsides on java i think
09:13.17Thunder_Childcould be wrong though
09:13.24Irieland it makes points I was starting to hear in the late 90's about java performance (when used right) being equal (and sometimes faster) than C
09:14.15Thunder_Childi'm going to take as many programing classes as i can just for fun
09:14.33Thunder_Childbesides, does go rather hand in hand with a math major
09:14.47IrielI like java because (a) writing solid safe code is much less painful than it is in C++ (b) its ubiquitous and has great library support and (c) used properly it really is write once run many places (maybe not everywhere)
09:15.05IrielI started out in math and ditched it after a year for CS
09:15.28Thunder_Childheh, i already have a BS in Networking
09:15.30Iriellargely because I liek the formal parts of logic more than analysis and remembering a gazillion annoying proofs about real numbers.
09:15.33Thunder_Childdidnt care for it
09:15.47art3misi dislike java cuz a) it generally looks ugly b) its VERY picky about what version you're using c) sometimes integration doesnt work 100%
09:15.52IrielI went for the somewhat more academic 'Computer Science'
09:16.00art3misi do like that its multi platform though
09:16.11art3misbut on the same note so is flash and shockwave
09:16.13Iriela) Ugly? I find java very pleasing to read, indented right
09:16.23art3misand both of those make me wanna kill kittens
09:16.34art3misoh i meant ugly on the user side
09:16.46bleeterflash and shockwave ain't multiplatform :P
09:16.48Irielb) It's not THAT picky unless you make really bad assumptions or are very unlucky about the libraries you picked. I am sad that Sun made some of the 1.4 versions kind of crippled due to a terrible XML library packaging decision tho
09:16.58bleeterdual platform, yes, tri-platform... kinda... ;)
09:17.01Irielart3mis: Ah.. it doesn't have to be that ugly, but people are lazy.
09:17.27art3misfor the most part the only code i find ugly is stuff thats either text book style created OR completely without a distinctive "naming scheme or comments
09:17.59art3misyou know the text book type.. too many spaces insane indentation etc
09:18.07IrielI'm a rabid proponent of checkstyle enforced consistency
09:18.25bleeterIriel: you'd hate my Uni then
09:18.29IrielAnd I like a fairly compact layout of code (spaces are good, insane numbers of newlines, not good)
09:18.44bleeterthey insist we write to the standard they use (fair enough) but then give 1st years code that doesnt adhere to it
09:18.59bleeterand fail students who use their demonstrated standard, rather than what they want
09:19.12bleeters/fail/take marks off/
09:19.14Irielbleeter: That may be something of a lesson
09:19.44IrielI learned the 'do what the specs ask, not what you THINK they asked' lesson quite early on in my first year 8-) {Of course, in the real world you generally go back and question strange or limiting specs}
09:19.48bleeterIriel: if it weren't a course for people with 0 programming experience..
09:20.46bleeteroh, but they're saying their code uses their spec, 'coz none of the paperwork follows their spec either... all very disjoint. course is designed for folks with 0 coding experience.
09:21.19Irielthe bad coursework sounds like too little time or money or laziness.
09:21.33IrielMaybe the instructors haven't discovered eclipse's format feature or checkstyle 8-)
09:21.42bleetersame thing happens in their UML assignments. the 'required' spec doesn't meet what they use in lectures or in tutorials. and if you ask them about it, they say 'student is responsible for own learning', so you go look up the official spec, which mateches nothing they use.
09:22.14bleeter"Eclipse is for 3rd year students only"
09:22.45IrielI had a similar problem with a class on formal programming in Z, the coursenotes didn't really map to the assignments, which were somewhat vague.. It was really difficult to figure out what they wanted.
09:23.01IrielActually I think eclipse can be dangerous for those who dont know what they're doing, it's "too helpful" in places, and the inexperienced accept help when it's not needed.
09:23.19IrielUntil this last year I'd avoided it completely anyway, emacs FTW
09:24.22bleeterI was planning on avoiding it, but they were forcing us to use a thing called JCreator, which didn't work for me under Wine... just easier to do stuff at home in Eclipse, take it in to Uni load it up there and copy/paste where/when needed
09:24.51IrielAt work I refuse to force a single IDE
09:25.27bleeterI have the "choice" of Eclipse, JCreator or Notepad.exe :(
09:25.34IrielWe have a standard style, automated build processes and conventions, and standard style and test rules. The expectation is you can use whatever IDE you are comfortable with, but the automated build has to work.
09:26.22IrielWe do have a standard Eclipse configuration and install though as the 'default' setup for anyone who doesn't really have an IDE preference.
09:26.34IrielOf course, i'm dealing with folks who hopefully already know the language fairly well.
09:26.43bleeteron the subject of Eclipse.. I best get back to my assignment. I've given Auctioneer and Gatherer a very quick explosion test on 2.3 :)
09:26.43IrielNot those who're learning this stuff
09:26.53bleeteryes, well that's an advantage ;)
09:28.04IrielThe flip side is that some have been working programmers for a long time so maybe Java is new to them, and different from what they're used to. Which puts them in an interesting contrast with new students who've not been 'distracted' by what came before and leap into Java fresh and unencumbered.
09:28.32IrielGenerally though, good developers handle language transitions fairly smoothly.
09:28.48Irielweak ones struggle greatly, no matter what the switch.
09:28.54ShirikI... hate... eclipse
09:28.59Shirikand it's all we have at school
09:29.05IrielIt just depends whether they have 'the programmer gene'
09:29.12IrielShirik: I hated the older versions
09:29.25ShirikI've grown really fond of netbeans now
09:29.53IrielShirik: And to be honest I had to use it exclusively for a week this time around to go from it being irritating to bearable. And probably 2 months to go from bearable to "dont want to live without"
09:30.26IrielI find it's general "text editing" abilities a bit weak, but I've been using emacs, which is arguably one of the most powerful general editors out there, since 1991
09:30.53ShirikI don't look for much text editing capabilities
09:31.08IrielOn the other hand, the language awareness and refactoring capabilities make eclipse invaluable, and they're nicely-enough integrated (and importantly - stable) these days that it's fairly pleasant once you know what you're doing.
09:31.12ShirikI just want something with a bit of intelligence behind me; something that can prod me along without getting in the way
09:31.30ShirikNetbeans has a very nice auto-complete system
09:31.39Shirikto the point where I don't even need to access the java API at all anymore
09:31.44IrielI'm surprised you dont find eclipse good for that, it's got great 'you have a problem here' and does autocompletion very well if you set up your project.
09:31.45Shiriklike online or whatever
09:31.54IrielEclipse does that too
09:32.02Shirikhm, eclipse has never done it well for me
09:32.08Shirikprobably because my IT is a bunch of morons
09:32.15Shirikthey probably broke something in it
09:32.21ShirikI've never tried it on my computer, admittedly
09:32.26IrielPossibly, or becuase you've not forced yourself to figure out how to 'think eclipseishly'
09:32.41IrielIf you seriously get into java development, I have to say I recommend spending the time.
09:33.03ShirikI don't intend to get very deep with many languages
09:33.07Iriel2 years ago I'd probably have suggested you avoid it, but now it's pretty good.
09:33.20ShirikI'm a computer engineer not a software engineer :) The majority of my code, admittedly, is assembly or C
09:33.24IrielHaving said that, I use emacs for eeverything else
09:34.10Irielxml / perl / sh / C / C++ / lua / text files / etc......
09:34.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
09:34.30Irielemacs definitely has a bit of a learning curve but it's very flexible and solid
09:35.03IrielAnd it can do syntax highlighting and indentation for most of the languages I use
09:35.06Irielwhich is a plus
09:35.18Shirikyou really should go to sleep Iriel :)
09:35.21Shirikyou said you were going like 30 minutes ago
09:35.31Shiriklack of sleep is bad
09:35.33IrielI know, I messed my sleep schedule up earlier this week
09:35.36Shirikme too
09:35.39Irieland i've been "off" ever since
09:35.44IrielI blame Portal, somewhat
09:35.50Irielthough work was the reason last night
09:36.34ShirikI love MSDN
09:36.49IrielWhich unfortunately reminds me I have to track down a really really really strange bug tomorrow, so I realy should sleep now.
09:36.49ShirikA warning in one of their APIs: "This is not recommended because your application may fail after January 18, 2038;"
09:36.57ShirikI'm really surprised they even put that in this far ahead ><
09:41.42KasoJanuary 18th seems like an odd date? is that some round-number since the epoch
09:42.33Fisker-bear boss is mean :(
09:42.36Fisker-10/13 11:34:11.750  Nalorakk's Brutal Swipe hits Yomoo for 8889. (571 blocked)
09:44.13zenzelezzShirik: don't diss it, remember how Y2K snuck up on everone
09:44.26Shirikbut 30 years?
09:44.30Shirikit didn't sneak up THAT much
09:44.35Shirikbut ah well
09:44.52Shirikmight as well start taking advantage of 64 bit anyway
09:46.27KasoWhy is time_t a signed int anyway?
09:46.47Kasooh i guess if you want to represent time before 1970
09:46.49Kasomakes sense.
09:46.52Kasoignore me
09:47.53zenzelezz"ISO C defines time_t as an arithmetic type, but does not specify any particular type, range, resolution, or encoding for it"
09:51.28Fisker-4% wipe on the bear :(
09:53.44KasoIf you get a mount, you realise you have to give it to dwarf hunter (
09:54.07Fisker-not alliance :)
09:55.38KasoWell then, i guess an orc hunter might work.
10:02.18Guillotineyou have to give it to a druid! You see a guy riding on a bear, puff of smoke, ZOMG just the bear
10:03.38Kasohah, thats pretty cool idea
10:05.25art3miswhee 545 tickets
10:05.31art3mistotally getting my ram tomorrow
10:07.54Guillotinegf just got it last night on her dwarf rogue. looks awesome XD
10:08.00Guillotinethough its so much cooler on horde
10:08.25art3mis<-- female undead priest
10:08.28art3misshadow ram!
10:08.53art3misto go with my shadow kodo and shadow windrider and shadow talbuk
10:09.37art3misanda  be pally
10:10.18art3misthey changed sickness
10:10.24art3misnot sure how long ago though
10:10.32art3misit doesnt expire if you're not logged in
10:10.48zenzelezzresurrection sickness?
10:11.21art3misi logged out at 6mins did the barking quest and the keg quests sat around for the tapping of the keg and logged back on and it's still at 6mins
10:13.28Fisker-aw come on
10:13.38Fisker-when you reset the boss he respawns with trash :(
10:15.37zenzelezzI hate CDs... nothing like having your computer sounding like it's trying to launch into orbit using rotational force
10:16.03art3misive never had a loud cd/dvd rom
10:16.14art3mismy wifes fans do that though occasionally
10:16.38art3mismy machine makes not a sound
10:16.39zenzelezzit's just the speed they spin CDs at these days that does it
10:16.46art3mis<3 my zalman reservator
10:17.11art3misit's good but bad
10:17.31art3misif my monitor goes into power save im never 100% that it's still on
10:18.33Kasozenzelezz, thats an awesome way of putting it
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11:12.33Adysso i just found out npcs can have like, 12.5 health
11:14.05zenzelezzhow so?
11:15.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
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11:22.37AdysWard of Laze
11:22.42Adysthis totem has 12.5 health
11:23.26*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight__ (
11:23.55nevcairielhow can you measure 12.5 health if you cant do half dmg?
11:25.07Adysby doing 1 dmg 12 times :P
11:25.35Adys13 times would have given -4%, 12 times gives 4%
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11:38.22Fisker-it's 13:37 :O
11:38.35*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
11:41.49nevcairiel(13:38:19) (Fisker-) it's 13:37 :O <-- fail
11:42.27cncfanaticsagree :o
11:42.36cncfanaticsbtw nevcairiel; how's ace3 going ?
11:43.03nevcairielpretty good
11:43.26cncfanaticsthe DB lib wasn't complete from what I read ?
11:43.32nevcairielit is
11:43.38nevcairieli need to update the wiki :P
11:44.00cncfanaticsah hehe
11:44.04cncfanaticswhat still needs work then ?
11:44.23nevcairieland AceComm is not existant :P
11:44.56cncfanaticsabout config, what types of GUI's ur planning to support ? slashcommands & gui again I supose ?
11:45.04nevcairieland dropdown
11:45.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
11:45.41nevcairielanyway, bbl, need to help re-paint the fence :P
11:55.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
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12:10.05Fisker-anyone know what to do with the lynx boss in zul'aman?
12:10.12*** join/#wowi-lounge [KzM]Fatalis (
12:12.23cncfanaticsfeed kittens to him
12:12.31cncfanaticshe prefers emokittens ofc
12:13.48Fisker-10/13 14:11:21.687  Halazzi's Saber Lash hits Yomoo for 15424.
12:14.17mikmabitchslepped to another galaxy
12:17.05Fisker-just got a food vendor from the hexed frogs
12:17.52Fisker-and he had major resistance enchant on him
12:19.27Maldiviaheh... arcane shot can dispel divine shield
12:20.14mikmawhat the??
12:20.31mikmai hope that will be left in the release of 2.3
12:31.49mikmaaww, i pasted that 2 days ago :(
12:31.57Nom-Maldivia: Anything can dispell Divine Shield if timed well
12:32.28Fisker-even mortal strike?
12:32.36Nom-Any dispell
12:32.54Nom-Purge, Dispel Magic, Devour Magic, anything else I can't think of atm
12:33.10Nom-Basically there's a lag between the buff going up and you actually becoming immune
12:33.22Nom-That's the window... and warlock pets can get in that window constantly
12:33.24mikmaafaik, nothing can touch paladin bubbles
12:33.58mikmaif he gets that baby up, oh it's up :P
12:34.05Nom-Except for priests
12:34.07Fisker-mass dispel can
12:34.09mikmaand the lag-problem is fixed in 2.3 ^^
12:34.11Nom-Mass Dispel > Bubble
12:34.15Nom-mikma: I hope so
12:34.16Fisker-and as said if timed right it can remove and spell steal bubbles
12:34.19Fisker-no it's not mikma
12:34.21Fisker-it can't be fixed
12:34.28Fisker-atleast that's whats blizzard have been saying for ages now
12:34.44mikmawell now they are saying that it is?
12:34.54Fisker-never heard them say it
12:35.00mikmadum di dum ...
12:35.31mikmaClient spell cast requests are now sent to the server even if your player is already casting another spell. This eliminates the need for /stopcasting in macros to compensate for latency. <- ain't it this basicly?
12:36.01Fisker-no it's not
12:36.09Fisker-has absolutely nothing to do with that
12:36.18mikmaNom-: and what, mass dispel can rip out paladin bubble?
12:36.38mikmawell ain't that a bug then
12:36.51Fisker-it was intended to do that
12:36.58Fisker-was the selling point of the spell
12:38.12Fisker-zul'aman is great fun though
12:38.34Fisker-a shame the instance objective is to complete it as fast as possible
12:38.50Nom-Well, this is the bug that currently happens on live...
12:38.56Nom-You gain Divine Shield.
12:39.03Nom-Somepriest dispells your Divine Shield
12:39.13mikma"This dispel is potent enough to remove Magic effects that are normally undispellable."
12:39.17Nom-Somewarrior's Mortal Strike crits you for 2.5k
12:39.19Nom-You die.
12:39.29Fisker-OH SHI
12:39.32Fisker-PIME TARADOX
12:39.58Nom-I'm talking Dispel Magic though, not Mass Dispel
12:40.11Nom-You could subsitite somepriest for someshaman or somemage (spellsteal)
12:40.28Fisker-basically it's the vanish bug
12:40.34Fisker-where you get pulled out of vanish
12:41.56buuDS was a dumb idea =[
12:42.06buuIt was just seriously silly.
12:42.23Fisker-PIME TARADOX
12:42.24Nom-I'd be happy to lose it at this point if Blizz would fix our other trees
12:42.58buuWhat's broken?
12:43.04Nom-That's nothing, Fisker- ... I once saw THREE Doomwalkers!
12:43.36Fisker-it's pime taradox :(
12:46.38Nom-buu: Besides the entire ret tree ?
12:47.52buuNom-: I don't understand.. what is this "ret tree" you speak of?
13:02.23Nom-I'm not going to start, buu  :)
13:11.05zenzelezzmy guild has a ret paladin that does respectable in raids
13:11.25zenzelezzhe stays alive more than the arms warrior, but then again the warrior can't bubble
13:12.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
13:20.46KirkburnThis is pretty cool -
13:26.32LunessaLooks like many map and mini-map addons are going to need some overhauls.
13:31.33KirkburnConfused by this line though "Quest-givers do not appear to show up on the mini-map if the quests they have are all grey to you. However, mousing over them in person does still show a yellow “!â€, so that’s something at least."
13:31.47KirkburnMousing over people shows a "!"?
13:32.58zenzelezzperhaps they show up on the minimap when your cursor is over them in the 3D world?
13:33.08KirkburnWridly unintuitive
13:35.01LunessaI suspect in the 3d World.
13:35.37LunessaProbably to solve the ages old complaint "I want to fid quests in an area I've leveled past! N0-0bz!"
13:35.59Kaydeethreeall NPCs if they serve a single purpose have a new mouse cursor if you hover over them
13:36.08Kaydeethreelike merchants all used to have the bag cursor
13:36.54LunessaI suspect that will be quite handy.  Especially when you visit a new (to you) area.
13:38.36lolinternetanyone here have the enGB PTR client, a lot of time and a faster internet connection? :X
13:39.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
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13:42.55KirkburnKaydeethree, that change was on the WotLK alpha :P
13:43.04KirkburnSuch cute little icons
13:43.22KirkburnOne of those changes that makes so much sense, it's weird not to have it
13:43.26KaydeethreeI honestly don't remember that. all I remember of wrath was wandering around the zone
13:43.44Kirkburn"Dammit, another invisible wall"
13:44.12KirkburnThough, I was surprised at the number of quest hibs available
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13:46.59KirkburnHow's the PTR going Kaydeethree? Bug levels?
13:47.27KaydeethreeI'll have a report one way or the other when my toon shows up. it's finally showing successful on the char copy page, should be on the server itself in an hour or so
13:49.14Kaydeethreescratch that, heh. "You have earned the title ', Champion of the Naaru'."
13:49.46zenzelezzI heard that is inserted before your name, not after? Sounds silly that way :(
13:51.22Kaydeethreenope. my full title is "Knight-Champion Kaydethree, Champion of the Naaru"
13:51.34zenzelezzah, guess they were wrong then
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14:13.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
14:14.37LunessaI *hate* working support on weekends.
14:15.30sag_ich_nicht in befdore i get called a troll, even tho i am not trolling for once(yes, that's rare, i know :P)
14:16.35LunessaYou're trolling.  The .sig makes it so.
14:16.54Fisker-holy isn't viable in 2.3 :P
14:17.00sag_ich_nichtit is, shut your mouth :P
14:17.11sag_ich_nichtthe tiny nerf to BoL is just QQ material, not a nerf
14:17.29LunessaIt's like the entire purpose of your post was to sneak in the point "give me aggro reduction you wankers." :P
14:17.35Fisker-tiny as it may be though we're the 4th healer on the list
14:17.46Fisker-everyone ranks nr. 1-3 due to their buffs
14:17.59Fisker-which they technically did prior to this patch anyways
14:18.11Fisker-which is why it is MADNESS AND BLASPHEMY to nerf
14:18.38sag_ich_nichtFisker- it's QQ, and i won't discuss it, sorry :O
14:18.53Fisker-so is your stuff
14:19.18sag_ich_nichti can mainheal every single 5 man instance as ret, with crappy gear that has still greens.
14:19.23sag_ich_nichtwithout buffing BoL
14:19.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Thorarin (
14:20.43Fisker-perhaps if you have a secondary healer or any 4 other members are so ridicolously geared then maybe
14:21.02sag_ich_nichtwe aren't talking about heroic, i mean the normal ones. :P
14:21.10Fisker-Paladin DPS is the best in the game
14:21.20sag_ich_nichtwant me to make a fraps video to prove it?
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14:22.10sag_ich_nichti now have 2 epics from karazhan because nobody wanted them, but they have no enchants(the gloves do, because it was free, but lol +15 str), and the weakest gems in them that exist for heal, and i did it before without those
14:22.48sag_ich_nichtpaladin healing is a joke, because it's so damn easy, even if you aren't specced holy.
14:24.01Fisker-easy, sure
14:24.04Fisker-easy and useful, no.
14:24.11Fisker-easy and boring, yes.
14:25.28sag_ich_nichtyeah. i know it's boring. because you have 1 heal. FoL. you don't need holy light 99% of the time, because if the tank gets crit hard? who cares, push another button, instant FoL crit for >9000!
14:26.13sag_ich_nichtyeah i know. it's not >9000
14:26.17sag_ich_nichtbut it's still huge :X
14:26.46Fisker-probably around 2,7k with kz libram + bol
14:26.58Fisker-oh and a tank doesn't get critted hard
14:27.03Fisker-he just get hitted hard
14:27.17Fisker-mobs hit more frequent than one time each 2 minutes
14:27.53sag_ich_nicht[16:26] <Fisker-> probably around 2,7k with kz libram + bol <--i had a S2 equiped holy paladin crit me for 3.5k FoL last night, but maybe i've been so sleep depraved that i mixed up the numbers(NOT sarcasm)
14:28.18Fisker-get moar sleep
14:29.16Fisker-need more bagspace :(
14:36.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
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14:41.44WobinI hate SH
14:41.54WobinI hate that I have to run it to get revered HH
14:44.30Kasostock up on honor tokens to get the +25% xp things to make it take less time
14:44.35Kaso25% rep
14:53.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
15:03.25mikmaTHIS IS OUTRAGE! hogger is still elite!
15:05.45*** join/#wowi-lounge [Liquidor] (n=denras19@
15:06.45sag_ich_nichti am talking about the hunter deadzone kill
15:07.56Cairenn|afkart3mis: what are your two favourite colours? (preferably that coordinate)
15:08.31zenzelezzlight pink and dark pink
15:08.37mikma"dark and black"
15:09.18Cairenn|afkmikma: that's what I'm betting on, for just about every single one of you in the room :p
15:09.21sag_ich_nichtwhat mikma said.
15:09.36sag_ich_nichti lied
15:09.43sag_ich_nichtblack and transparent.
15:09.51mikmaCairenn|afk: it's so dark and death.
15:09.53sag_ich_nichtoh oh oh and reflective
15:10.10mikmawhoa, thank you doggy
15:10.12sag_ich_nichti want a haircolor that turns my hair either transparent or into a mirroring surface :(
15:10.19sag_ich_nicht(i'm serious btw.)
15:10.21mikmathrew a toyduck on keyboard :D
15:10.39sag_ich_nicht-haircolor +hairdye
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15:24.17WobinActually I like green
15:42.50Cairenn|afkWobin: that's the "dark" part :p
15:43.05Cairenn|afkdark green, dark blue, dark grey, and black
15:46.08*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn|afk -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.2.x ToC: 20200 | RTFPN please | WoWI Mod Uploader! | "Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome." - Isaac Asimov
15:52.08*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
15:52.27sysragei died my hair green when i was young. it looked like i had mold growing on my head
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16:06.59WobinI never said dark green
16:07.56WobinYou could say that about any colour stated, since every colour has a 'dark'
16:08.00zenzelezzbright green is what a sore is to an eye... an eye sore
16:20.12krka"what is .... light urple?"
16:31.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Ominous (
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17:04.28art3missag_ich_nicht: hehe yeah i wanted cartoon silver(still do)
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17:08.26art3miswobin: i think shes being semantically difficult since "light colours" are considered as red yellow orange, the "dark" colours hit green blue purple
17:14.47the-golem"lightness" of color is dependant on luminosity, not hue, i thought
17:15.51art3misdepends on the lightness you're trying to describe
17:16.08art3misthrow enough white into it and everything is light and everything is dark
17:16.28art3mishence the quotes, its more a wavelength of pure colour i suppose
17:32.17SixenApparently, Guilds don't work on the PTR.
17:32.40art3misguilds dont work on live why should ptr be different
17:35.16dreamsswhat this guild thing
17:37.21*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
17:40.14art3misdreamss: its that thing you get 10 nobodies to sign and then kick once it's formed so you've got a second tag under your name and an extra channel you never use ;)
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18:06.36foxlitTell me to qqmore:
18:08.38foxlitBut do read my thread, too :)
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18:22.40Nom-They're *trying* to fix mana regen in 2.3
18:22.42Nom-So they claim
18:22.53Nom-So, foxlit, I don't think it's really a problem, working as intended
18:23.43foxlitI'm not really against the buff to Intensity
18:23.57foxlitOr Priest/Shaman talents :)
18:24.21LunessaIs this going to be more Paladin QQ?
18:24.22foxlitI'm just saying that the change deprecates another talent, for another spec, far down the tree -- I don't think that's really intended
18:24.46foxlitNah, I'm not a paladin :)
18:24.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
18:25.00LunessaJust checking.  
18:25.02*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
18:25.39alestaneSo I just ran into a funky hooking problem which I THINK I understand, wanted to run it by someone.
18:26.21alestaneWhen a ContainerFrameItemButton is created, it sets its own .UpdateTooltip function to ContainerFrameItemButton_OnEnter.
18:26.41alestaneI then hook ContainerFrameItemButton_OnEnter using hooksecurefunc.
18:26.54sag_ich_nichtaparently the sandbox is borked on 2.3 again
18:27.11alestaneDoes that frame's .UpdateTooltip point at the hooked function or the original function sans hook?
18:27.41foxlitalestane: run this:
18:28.45foxlitlocal a = "1:"; function f() a = a .. "f:"; end hooksecurefunc("f", function() a = a .. "h"; end); local t ={fp=f}; t.fp(); message(a);
18:29.14foxlitYou may also move the table definition before hooksecurefunc if you're hooking it after it's been created.
18:29.30alestaneIs this supposed to tell me the answer?
18:30.03foxlitIf the hook is called, you'll get 1:f:h. If it's not, you'll get 1:f:
18:30.54alestaneHave you done this before?
18:34.02foxlitalestane: a more direct answer: it you hook a function before it's assigned to somewhere, your hook will be called
18:34.05alestaneActually, just reasoning through the Lua says that "someButton.UpdateTooltip = CFIB_OnEnter; hooksecurefunc("CFIB_OnEnter". someFunc); print(someButton.UpdateTooltip == CFIB_OnEnter)" will yield false.
18:34.25foxlitIf you hook a function after you assigned it somewhere, your hook will not be called
18:35.58alestaneWhich means I'm going to end up having to write the new function to the buttons' UpdateTooltip key, and pray like the dickens that this won't result in taint getting too widespread.
18:36.09*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter_ (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
18:38.56sag_ich_nichtsomeone tell me the CVar that toggles the swearword filter
18:39.04sag_ich_nichtplease :X
18:39.17foxlitWhy don't you just ook the .UpdateTooltip?
18:40.23alestaneHook ContainerFrameItemButton_OnLoad to hook ContainerFrameItemButton.UpdateTooltip?
18:40.48alestaneI guess it would work, but it creates a new secure closure for every ContainerFrameItemButton.
18:41.55alestaneNOt sure I see any way around that though, unless I want to take my chances with the taint.
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18:45.30alestanesag_ich_nicht: UIOptionsFrame.lua, line 59: UIOptionsFrameCheckButtons["PROFANITY_FILTER"] ={ index = 5,  cvar = "profanityFilter" };
18:50.24Industrialhow do I put Berserking and Rapid Fire in a macro again?
18:51.04alestanelooks like self.UpdateTooltip = ContainerFrameItemButton_OnEnter (post-hook) should be reasonably safe, it doesn't write anything that's likely to be communicable.
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19:12.42KarlKFIlol, 2.3 is trying to replace parts of Archaeologist
19:13.10KarlKFIthey added Statusbar text options for all the unit frames and the experience bar and you can have them be #'s or %
19:13.44sag_ich_nichtis there a unitname for the MA?
19:13.45alestaneYep...I like it. I was just starting to write a taint-free replacemet for Archaeologist, and they saved me most of the trouble.
19:13.54alestanesag_ich_nicht: No.
19:14.02KarlKFIArchaeologist already is taint free
19:14.08alestaneUm, no.
19:14.26KarlKFIthen what does it taint?
19:14.34alestaneIt destroys the ability to click on a raid member's target in the stokc raid frames.
19:15.00KarlKFIahh raid frames
19:15.07KarlKFIthose have been so broken
19:15.08sag_ich_nicht[21:13] <alestane> sag_ich_nicht: No. <--that sucks.
19:15.14KarlKFIeven without arch's help
19:15.20sag_ich_nichtsomething else is breaking my raidframes as well
19:15.22sag_ich_nichttainting, that is
19:15.26alestaneI think because they are considered TextStatusBars, and Arch hooks almost every function that those use.
19:15.35sag_ich_nichtthen someone tell me a macro
19:15.39sag_ich_nichtthat will /assist the MA
19:15.51KarlKFImost of the funcs are secure hooked
19:16.08KarlKFIfigure out which one is tainting it and i'll give oyu a cookie
19:16.39alestaneYes, but a few aren't, and while I'm not sure how the taint is spreading from the ValueChanged and Update handlers to the MouseUp handler, it is some how.
19:16.55alestaneI've narrowed it down to two.
19:17.29alestaneYou're the author right?
19:18.04alestaneCan you make it so when it shows party members' buffs, it sorts any you cast on them to the front and displays the lime left over them, like the Blizzard target frame?
19:18.10alestanelime = time
19:18.38KarlKFIit's possible
19:18.59*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
19:19.52KarlKFIi liek the new quest cursor and minimap icons
19:20.09alestaneTrying to decide what I think of the new minmap.
19:20.21KarlKFIooo and they implimented TrackerToggle!
19:20.50KarlKFIwow and added default trakcing of npc's
19:21.25alestaneI suppose some people will like it, but it seems like needlessly dumbing down the game to me.
19:22.56*** join/#wowi-lounge [KzM]Fatalis (
19:24.12alestaneI did actually track it down to the fact that you're pre-hooking TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString.
19:24.26alestaneNot sure how the taint spreads from there to the OnMouseUpHandler.
19:24.35alestaneBut that's the only possible vector.
19:25.01KarlKFIdoes it not taint if you unhook that?
19:26.10alestaneI didn't get as far as checking that, but I basically looked up all code that came anywhere near the raid frames...only two functions that Arch touched were on the list, and the other one I eliminated. Let me see if I can go test it.
19:29.58alestaneHave to patch WoW on the other computer first.
19:37.28art3miswell that was ass tastic
19:37.37art3misturn in 5 keys i get 500 rep
19:37.43Maldiviahmm... hunters without a dead-zone...
19:37.47art3mishad i used the keys i would have gotten 1250
19:38.04art3misMaldivia: yeah that "fix" is kind of irritating for pvp ;)
19:40.26Maldiviawill offset especially mages vs hunters...
19:40.29alestaneKarlKFI: Well, it's a synergy taint.
19:40.51alestaneIf I run ONLY Archaeologist, the taint doesn't happen.
19:41.30alestaneIf I run other addons and unhook that one function (the backbone of archaeologist's job), It doesn't taint.
19:41.49alestaneIf I run those same other addons and disable Archaeologist entirely, it doesn't taint.
19:42.02art3misso arch love the taint
19:42.05KarlKFIfigure out which addon you have to run to cause tant with arch
19:42.15alestaneDid you see the taint logging feature they're including in 2.3?
19:42.38KarlKFIheard of it, haven't seen it in action. i'm on the ptr right now
19:42.49KarlKFIhaven't been ina raid yet
19:42.51alestaneI don't think it's enabled in this PTR build.
19:43.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Fridgid (n=Fridgid@
19:43.42alestaneIt's not actually generating logs.
19:44.26*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
19:44.44alestaneNarrowing it down now...
19:48.39alestaneAce2 appears to cause the conflict, but there appears to be another addon that also causes it.
19:50.27alestaneCartographer, although it is no longer an Ace mod, also appears to do it. AFAICT, as long as I disable EVERY addon that has anything to do with Ace2 or an Ace2 Library, Archaeologist does not taint the status bars.
19:50.51alestaneThe Rock libraries do not cause it, they are running right now.
19:52.12*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
19:52.21alestaneArchaeologist + Ace2 somehow spreads the taint from the hooked handlers to the OnMouseUp Handler.
19:52.52KarlKFIwhat part of Ace2
19:53.04KarlKFIthe libraries by themselves?
19:53.08alestaneAnd it specifically has something to do with the Archaeologist pre-hook on TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString.
19:53.23alestaneEven running the Ace2 Library with no Ace2 Add-ons does it.
19:53.54KarlKFIjust "AceLibrary" ?
19:54.15alestaneIt says "Lib:Ace2" in my add-ons dialog.
19:54.40KarlKFIAceLibrary: ## Title: Lib: AceLibrary
19:55.00alestaneLet me narrow it down, I'm running a compund library.
20:00.24alestaneOf course, if I run JUST Archaeologist and the Ace2 lib, it doesn't happen.
20:01.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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20:03.03alestaneI'm trying to debug for Karl how Ace2 spreads taint from Archaeologist to the stock raid frames  only when unrelated addons are present.
20:03.18alestaneI'm seriously wishing that the new tainLog was up and running right now.
20:03.49IrielYou could write something to loop over the global environment each frame, check the taint of each symbol, compare it against a list from the last run, and output changes
20:04.06IrielThough that will only catch 'top-level' global taint
20:04.11IrielWhich may or may not be your issue
20:04.21alestaneDidn't CKKnight or someone already do that?
20:05.16*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
20:11.15alestaneAnyone remember if Recount is a CKKinght addon?
20:18.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
20:23.00alestaneNo it's not doing it anymore.
20:23.00Kalrothalestane: it isn't
20:23.21alestaneCouldn't member if it would have been Rock'd or not.
20:25.57KarlKFIalestane: I'm heading out. if you find something email me at
20:26.11alestaneWell, Now I've enabled every addon I have and it's stopped doing it.
20:26.45alestaneBut will do. If they get the taintLog running I'll run it through that too.
20:26.58alestaneBut it just did it.
20:27.37KarlKFIwell, if it's that sporadic i dot feel bad about not having known about it
20:27.57alestaneMy bet guess ATM is that is has something to do with Ace2, Rock and Arch all running at once.
20:29.22art3misif i remember right xperl or ghud had a line about fixing the taint from arch
20:29.48art3mislemme go check i just saw it last night
20:32.00art3misoh im wrong it was for it reshowing the blizz frames
20:32.05art3misUnregisterUnitWatch(self)-- Should stop Archaeologist from re-showing target frame
20:35.00alestaneIriel: Do you know if the UI team knows about this issue where the UI toolkit is extracting outdated files from the PTR build?
20:35.18IrielI know for sure slouken is aware of it
20:35.44alestaneAt first I thought that someone had just clicked the wrong version in the SVN when they did the PTR build, but in-game it works fine.
20:36.00alestaneIt's just the files I get when I pull them out that are weird.
20:37.11alestaneOkay, as long as it's a known issue...I'm sort of figuring we're going to get another PTR patch within a couple days, hoping that fixes it.
20:40.34alestaneI think this issue I'm having with Arch may be related to the issue Baudzilla was talking about, where the mere presence of an insecure handler taints apparently unrelated code.
20:42.07IrielThat shouldm't happen, event dispatches are very well taint-isolated
20:42.24alestaneDid you read his thread?
20:42.26IrielThough if you ASSIGN TO this/event/argX then you may cause problems
20:42.29IrielI doubt it
20:42.46alestaneTHe behavior he was describing at the end was very strange.
20:42.53IrielDo you have a link?
20:43.16IrielOh, there is is.. I did read it some time ago
20:44.07alestaneThat post in particular.
20:44.51IrielHm, It's possible that OnSizeChanged in particular has a taint prolem
20:45.03IrielAs in, isolated bug rather than systematic 'wierdness'
20:45.34alestaneCould be...but the one I'm running into with Arch, there should be NO WAY that Arch is tainting the OnMouseUp handler.
20:45.47IrielI do have a problem with his code example, this code if run never creates a frame
20:45.55Irieldoes he address that in the thread elsewhere?
20:46.05IrielOh, I see the hook now
20:46.07IrielNever mind 8-)
20:48.26alestaneissecurevariable returns 1 for secure, right?
20:48.43IrielIt return 1 or nil,SourceOfTaint
20:50.15alestaneI know I can look this up somewhere, but what can I /raun to get back the name of the frame under the mouse?
20:50.23alestane* /run
20:50.52zenzelezzGetMouseFocus():GetName() IIRC
20:51.14Irielor if you have devtools installed  /dtframestack
20:51.50alestaneI do have that installed.
20:51.53zenzelezzpreferable of course, but not a /run
20:52.25alestaneBut I don't know DevTools real well yet.
20:52.36alestaneOkay, the status bar I'm trying to click is secure.
20:53.50Irielzenzelezz: I know, but you already covered the /run 8-)
20:53.50Irielzenzelezz: and framestack is a bit more powerful
20:54.44alestaneIs there a way, given an anonymous frame script closure, to determine if that closure is tainted or not?
20:55.45IrielHm, not easily, no.
20:55.49alestaneor a table key?
20:56.01IrielDoesn't issecure take a table and a key?
20:56.09Irielissecurevariable(table, key) ?
20:56.13alestaneI think it does, thanks.
20:56.15IrielOr is that just hooksecurefunc?
20:56.47Iriel(I'm asking too many questions I know, my short term mental cache got overrun with work stuff and i'm refilling it with wow details again)
20:57.09alestaneNo, I think they both work that way.
20:57.35alestaneThey really ask about a table key, and if you don't supply it they assume you mean the environment table.
20:57.43Thunder_Childget a larger cache
20:57.45IndustrialI just ran 13 beer runs :-)
20:57.48Irielclosures are a bit tricky with taint
20:58.25alestaneWell, it's not the handler itself that's getting tainted.
20:58.30IrielThey're the only object that has its own 'internal' taint as well as reference taint
20:58.54alestaneSomehow Archaeologist tainted the .unit key of my character button.
20:58.56IrielThe script reference probably isn't tainted, but the closure itself may in fact be
20:59.41IrielDoes Archaeologist hang any frames or handlers off of the character button?
21:00.08alestaneTargetUnit(this:GetParent().unit.."target"); should really be TargetUnit(this:GetParent():GetAttribute('unit').."target");
21:00.18alestaneI don't thik so but Karl would have been the one to ask.
21:01.02*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
21:01.15alestaneThe frame itself is secure but its .unit key is not.
21:01.35IrielThat'd be expected if insecure code set the key
21:03.12alestaneSo the question is, where did the key get set?
21:03.43Thunder_Childheh, just as i looged i heard someone say "every time i try to open my sct menu it crashes"
21:03.54alestaneAnd while you're here, if insecure code sets a key to nil, and secure code sets that same key of that same table to a new value, it that value tainted?
21:05.23*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
21:05.30Esamynnbut the secure could MIGHT get tainted by the nil if it reads it before setting the new value
21:05.55Esamynndepends on whether the table as been resized or not since the nil was set
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21:11.29alestaneTHat shouldn't be able to taint this.unit, should it?
21:11.50*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (
21:13.32Industrialemerald or turquoise raptor?
21:14.31alestaneIs there an inquiry to find out which events a frame is registered for?
21:14.46Industrialim leaning towards turqoise :3
21:16.09alestaneI'm not seeing one.
21:20.11alestaneI'm really wishing we could just outlaw "this" and make Bliz use aprameters like the rest of us.
21:21.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Thorarin (
21:23.12MentalPoweralestane: theres no way to query what events a frame is registered for, but you can find out if a frame is registered for a specific event, or to find out all the frames that have registered for a specific event
21:23.25alestaneAs of 2.3
21:23.34alestaneI'm testing this on live.
21:23.58MentalPowerthen you already know the answer :)
21:26.25Cairennart3mis: Dec 5 -> ?
21:26.42Cairennbut you won't see me on the 5th
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22:00.53LunessaAnd on the pedestal these words appear:  `My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'  Nothing beside remains. ~Ciao tutti
22:01.44Thunder_Child(in the voice of lenord nemoy)
22:02.01Thunder_Childleonard nimoy*
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22:39.45foxlitIn case some of you didn't catch the latest PA:
22:49.45Maldiviahehe, nice one... and yes, having the portal device could be find :)
22:50.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
22:58.20art3miscould be find?
22:59.06*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
23:02.01art3misso i ahve a question
23:02.07art3misya know those ethereum jails?
23:02.40art3misdoes each one have a named mob in it? (so i dont waste keys) or should i wait to open another one after i kill the first one
23:03.53Thunder_Childalthough i still havent figured out what to do with the cards
23:04.13foxlitYou hand cards back to the quest NPC
23:04.17foxlitGiving you consortium rep
23:06.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
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23:10.11*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
23:22.02GofGI think hunters should be able to carry more than one quiver
23:22.15GofGbut the haste effect should be lowered for every quiver they have
23:22.25GofGlike second quiver only does 5%, third only gives 2%, etc
23:28.17*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
23:28.58GofGNo one likes my idea :(
23:29.35Thunder_Childmore like this chanel is mostly dead on the weekends
23:30.22GofGWhat do YOU think of my idea?
23:30.25GofGIt'll make huntards a bit more overpowered in BGs, granted
23:30.46Thunder_Childi think your removing something that people dont have enough of atm as it is, bag space
23:30.58GofGbut it's just optional
23:31.22Thunder_Childnow do you want the ammo space, or the haste?
23:32.42EsamynnGofG: why should the 2nd quiver give any haste benefit at all?
23:36.16*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter_ (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
23:39.03sag_ich_nichtGOD DAMN IT
23:39.06sag_ich_nichtprince bugged on us
23:39.13sag_ich_nichtnobody was even close to the tank aggro
23:39.18sag_ich_nichtsuddently the tank has enfeeble
23:39.19sag_ich_nichtgg blizzard
23:39.38Esamynn~calm sag_ich_nicht
23:39.38purlACTION sooths sag_ich_nicht, offers a backrub, tea, a jacuzzi and anything else that might help calm sag_ich_nicht down.
23:42.59foxlitHrm, I'm still suck in the find-a-domain-name-to-register loop
23:43.26foxlitAnd that may well have been a subconscious attempt to type "I suck"
23:44.03sag_ich_nichtwrote a GM ticket
23:44.13sag_ich_nichtthey should check the combat server backlog
23:44.26foxlitsag_ich_nicht: you're being silly :)
23:44.30sag_ich_nichti'm not
23:44.50sag_ich_nichteuro has no bug report forum and the PTR forum is filled with PTR stuff
23:44.55foxlitYou do realize that the only reply you're going to get is not going to help you?
23:50.37foxlitNo rush there either :)
23:50.38Thunder_Childit's not them ScytheBlade1, it's you
23:50.50ScytheBlade1I've been trying for the past three days
23:51.05foxlitI copied chars before the PTR was up
23:51.10foxlitWere done on the next morning
23:51.15ScytheBlade1Unable to complete request
23:51.15ScytheBlade1There was a problem with your request. Please go back and try again.
23:51.15ScytheBlade1To avoid possible errors in the future, please refrain from using the web browsers "back" button.
23:51.24foxlitUsual capacity problems?
23:51.33foxlitHad a bunch of errors when I logged back in to check
23:51.35ScytheBlade1"You have no characters on Doomhammer."
23:51.45foxlitYeah, that sounds like capacity.
23:51.58foxlitGive it a week or two
23:53.28EsamynnScytheBlade1: you're trying to copy to the PvE right?
23:53.46ScytheBlade1Esamynn, and PvP... neither are working
23:53.52ScytheBlade1I've had three different error messages so far :/
23:53.55Esamynnlast I checked pvp was working :(
23:56.10Esamynn~poke ScytheBlade1
23:56.11purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind ScytheBlade1, pokes ScytheBlade1 repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
23:56.39Thunder_Childoh good job Esamynn
23:56.56EsamynnThunder_Child: I blame purl
23:57.02purlthanks, Esamynn
23:57.24Thunder_Childs/oh good job Esamynn/<sarcasim> oh good job Esamynn </sarcasim>/

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