IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071011

00:00.20lolinternetbecause you touch yourself at night.
00:01.06lolinternetdot dot dot my clock was off by 2 minutes.
00:01.11lolinternetthat makes me angry.
00:02.14art3misanyone bored
00:02.32art3misi need someone to make me a simplistic resieable map with transperancy
00:02.38Polarinaart3mis: Yes.
00:02.44art3misso i can just get rid of all my "map addons"
00:03.32CorrodiasRicoMinimap should fulfill those needs
00:03.36GuillotineI made that and distributed it to you via a virus
00:03.46Guillotineuse it via MinimapCluster:SetScale
00:03.48Corrodiasscalable, transparenciable..
00:03.57Corrodiascomes with a few shapes
00:03.59Guillotineand MinimapCluster:SetAlpha
00:04.53Thunder_Childart3mis, minimap or reg map?
00:05.18Corrodiasoh, i see
00:05.42Corrodiasmap. hmm. is there anything about Cartographer you don't like?
00:06.02Guillotineoh, map
00:06.05Guillotinenot minimap
00:06.07GuillotineCart then :P
00:08.35art3misreg map
00:09.05art3misive been using the battlemap addon thingy recently cuz cart1 uses the fullscreen default map
00:09.14art3misand metamap is too irritating ;P
00:09.36kergothwhat do you mean?  cart is resizable and has transparency
00:09.45art3miscart1 doesnt behave right
00:09.47kergothand you can bind the alternate map key to alternate between two settings.
00:09.53Corrodiaswhat's this "cart1"?
00:10.01kergothi use a big world map for primary and alt-m opens a smaller highly alpha map
00:10.02kergothworks well
00:10.02art3misand im not using cart2 because of the wierdness taints from rock config and other stuff
00:10.12kergothcart1 works just fine for me
00:10.13art3miscart1 is a forced ace2 supported cart version
00:10.15brdenHello I am looking for some help with drop down menus in wow.  I have mine somewhat working.  I am getting the first menu but when I mouse over an option to get the second menu I get the error.  Interface\FrameXML\UIDropDownMenu.lua:211:Usage:DropDownList2Button1:SetText("text").  My code is pasted at  any help would be great
00:10.22art3miskergoth: does it?
00:10.39kergothwell, not the forced version, the svn revision of cart before it was converted to rock, to be exact
00:10.41art3misive leeched and installed and run the bat like 5 seperate times
00:10.53art3misoh duh
00:10.55Corrodiashuh... there doesn't seem to me to be anything significantly wrong with cart2
00:11.00art3misi think thats still in HKUI
00:11.11art3misi'll use that instead
00:11.21art3misthanks kerg!
00:11.23kergothi'm using .. r45273 myself
00:11.30art3miscart2 uses librock
00:11.44art3misas stated many times i don't like how librock does things so im not using it
00:11.51Corrodiasoh. oh, well.
00:12.06art3misi changed from aprrot to msbt
00:12.14art3misnever liked pitbull
00:12.16Corrodiasthe only visible difference should be the config menu, which is an interesting difference
00:12.17kergothparrot seduces me with the sexy icons
00:12.24art3misand im using the forced ace2 fubar
00:12.56Corrodiasi'd be surprised if you reconfigure them often enough to truly prefer an old version with dropdown menus, but i am apparently wrong
00:13.08*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlKFI (
00:13.12art3miswith the amount i screw with uis
00:13.16art3misthe look and feel stuff
00:13.24art3misit's a big irritation for me
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00:24.13abyxis there any channels to talk about mage theorycrafting and such?
00:25.40Guillotineprobably a mage channel somewhere
00:25.45GuillotineI know theres eudruid
00:25.51Guillotineor eu-druid
00:25.53Guillotineor something like that
00:26.15abyxno mage channels that i've found yet :(
00:26.41abyxi can't decide how valuble spell haste is compared to other stats
00:27.04Guillotinehmm. is there any way to get char level before PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLd?
00:28.38MentalPowerGuillotine: I would think that is one of the things that are always available
00:29.13Guillotinenope :(
00:29.16GuillotineI would think so too
00:29.19Guillotinebut it isn't :/
00:29.28Guillotinefaction is, name is, level isn't :(
00:30.49MentalPowerI would ask slouken, since that is something that is available in the char select screen
00:31.03Guillotinewill do :)
00:35.32brdenWould anybody mind looking at the code for my drop down menu and tell me what I am doing wrong I cannot seem to figure it out.  The code is at
00:36.34art3misdid you load sk1llz.dll ?
00:36.51art3misand apply the no_suhk.dll patch?
00:36.55Thunder_Child~lart art3mis
00:36.55purlexecutes killall -TERM art3mis
00:36.56Esamynn~lart art3mis
00:36.56purlpries art3mis's back open with a screwdriver and flashes a new bootldr to art3mis
00:37.06purlEsamynn: :)
00:37.18art3miskillall ahs no effect in winders!
00:37.25art3misthe screwdriver though hurt a bit
00:39.35Thunder_Child~slay art3mis
00:39.35purlACTION brandishes Excalibur!  "With this sword, I vanquish thee, art3mis!"  apt lops off art3mis's head.
00:41.42art3misyou don't thinkt he creator of HKUI could be killed so easily?
00:43.31Thunder_Childno...effectively the creator of HKUI is infamy
00:43.47Thunder_Childto be hated and feared
00:44.25art3misi'll know i've made it in perpetual infamy as soon as i get a copywrite cease and desist lawyer letter ;P
00:44.49MentalPowerbrden: Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think AddOns should be using UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo()
00:44.52KarlKFIso... is there ever any time whent he BS 1h swd would be useful to a pally?
00:45.03KarlKFItanking maybe, but it's  lacking spell dmg
00:50.02brdenmentalpower: it was working till i tried to add a third menu to the drop down.  the first two levels worked fine but i need to have 3 levels
00:51.00MentalPower~seen cogwheel
00:51.23purlcogwheel <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 20h 41m 41s ago, saying: 'gtg'.
00:52.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
00:53.36brdenmentalpower: i am not sure if i have my array setup correctly to get the third menu in the outlands section under coilfang resovour.  gets confusing when you are that deep in setting up the array
00:56.53art3misfoxlit: the video encoder that is included retains whatever video bitrate was set originally on the file that it re-encodes
00:57.11art3misso if its xvid divx whatever itll retain that and use change the resolution size
00:57.21art3misa full movie is about 350mb
00:57.26foxlitSo there's a change it'll fail to play the file even after reincoding
00:57.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_DC (
00:57.49art3misthe converter comes with a settings file
00:58.00foxlitThen it doesn't retain the bitrate?
00:58.04art3misso it can only churn out videos that the player will do
00:59.19art3misokay according to gspot.. it's 320x240 497kbit mp3 44.1 128bit
01:00.09MentalPowerbrden: what are you getting when you try to go into the third menu? a duplicate of the second?
01:00.19foxlitWhich is worse than what I usually use to encode video content for my PSP :/
01:01.31art3misopriginal is 48 mp3 variable, 23.97, 1038kbit, 608x256(assume widescreen)
01:01.31art3misthats default though
01:01.31art3misi havent mucked with my normal resizer and settings
01:06.23art3misbut still
01:06.29art3misfor a screen that size it's decent
01:06.45art3misthere is no reason in hell to go above 600kbit on a 2.5" screen
01:06.54art3misunless you're a freak with microvision
01:07.24art3misthe bitrate drops considerably as the screen res does
01:08.04art3misin the case of a psp(having done it) you're still attempting to run at the normal settings(without a re-encode) of 640x480
01:08.24art3misso the bitrate is almost overkill for what it ends up having to display
01:17.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|sleep (
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01:41.31art3misis that better than the original?
01:42.32*** part/#wowi-lounge brden (
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02:14.20Nom-" Hogger is becoming a level 73 outdoor raid boss. His loot will remain the same, I'm afraid."
02:16.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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02:30.53Corrodiasgrr, there's something wrong with castyeller
02:31.05Corrodiasit has started to always use the stupid yells no matter what my configuration is
02:31.12Corrodiasi mean silly
02:38.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
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02:41.55Wobwork<3 Zero Punctuation
02:52.24Nom-I remember being killed by Hogger
02:52.26Nom-He needs a nerf
02:52.50ScytheBlade1I remember at the end of the TBC beta event
02:52.58ScytheBlade1The CMs got online and marked themselves as GMs
02:53.16ScytheBlade1At the request of the crowd to summon multiple raid bosses
02:53.22ScytheBlade1They spawned a few hundred hoggers
02:54.43Nom-Can spawn a few thousand for all I care... Pally AOE tank ftw
02:56.48Nom-woot we're getting a guild run of ZA organised
02:57.04Nom-Now just wtb a PTR to play on
03:01.04dreamssmom need healers?
03:01.43ScytheBlade1Know what I'd really like? A PTR where they give you everything four times over, but wipe it twice a week
03:02.45ScytheBlade1Basically a perpertual PTR that they wipe bi-weekly
03:03.56dreamssi like to keep gear away from tards
03:04.13dreamssthey usually flood ptr
03:04.43ScytheBlade1Reset it bi-weekly, no one will stay. They still get their premades.
03:04.45ScytheBlade1They can qq more.
03:05.07ScytheBlade1It also satisfies the noobs there, as they get their premades, and they get to see what it's like
03:05.30ScytheBlade1They'd also flood the PTR less.
03:05.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
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03:10.32Nom-I think it might be :P
03:12.10dreamssit is
03:17.07Nom-I KNEW IT :D
03:21.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Astika (
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03:24.28*** join/#wowi-lounge qkr (
03:25.09MentalPowerwhat in the world does "1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file path/to/some/file.rej" while using patch mean? Any idea why this might be happening?
03:26.07MentalPowerhi qkr
03:27.07ScytheBlade1It means that your patch didn't apply.
03:27.56MentalPowerok, but it does not give a problem line number, how do I know where or why its failing?
03:28.13ScytheBlade1Your patch has a line number.
03:29.32MentalPoweryes, my patch file has a line number, but the patch program does not tell me what line it choked on
03:29.44Nom-it failed to apply the patch
03:29.49ScytheBlade1The patch program doesn't fail on line numbers
03:29.56ScytheBlade1It fails on "hunks" or parts of the patch
03:30.02Nom-It applies chunks of changes
03:30.17ScytheBlade1Each "hunk" has respective line numbers contained in patch file
03:30.53ScytheBlade1path/to/some/file.rej contains the hunks that were rejected, or couldn't apply cleanly
03:31.03ScytheBlade1In thise case, as there was only one, it'll be a mirror image of your current patch file
03:34.42qkrI am trying to make a StatusBar object, I can't even get it to display on the screen
03:35.06JoshBorkeset all the textures
03:35.15MentalPowerScytheBlade1: thanks
03:47.10*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
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03:54.29art3misoh dreams: that hellsing3 is subbed audios in german or japanese btw
04:06.18*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
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04:19.06Kaydeethreeahaha, portal rocked
04:19.26Kaydeethreejust wish it was longer
04:19.31Thunder_Childfor 5 min
04:21.09*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
04:27.42cogwheelMy transporter turned me into a chicken and i can't do anything for 3 minutes
04:37.08*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
04:38.54ScytheBlade1That's awesome
04:56.14Thunder_Childyay "We're adding a new flight path to Rebel Camp in northern Stranglethorn Vale. It's coming in patch 2.3."
04:58.32SixenCan't wait to fight level 73 hogger.
05:01.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Fin (
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05:03.53dreamssoh yay speak like a child is on
05:08.58Cairennwhen will people learn ...
05:10.14Cairennat least they kindly provide an email addy at the bottom for authors to use for the C&D's :p
05:11.37Thunder_ChildHave you found or wrote a great WoW addon? Have we taken your work and placed it on our site with out asking? Please let us know. Contact Us
05:12.57Cairennand the truly amusing thing - the way we found out about the site is because they emailed us asking us to do a link-swap
05:13.00Cairennummm, no?
05:14.11SixenHaha, Interface Armory.
05:14.20Nom-I know... lame as
05:14.37Nom-I mean, if you're going to make *another* interface site, at least make it look half decent
05:14.41Nom-What a POS site that is :P
05:15.43Cairennbtw - I bring this up every now and then because I simply can't remember - someone mentioned to me during BlizzCon that there was a site out there that was a complete and total rip (all the way to graphics and news articles) of WoWI and I asked them to remind me about it when we all got home - who was it and do you still have the link to the site?
05:16.14Thunder_Childi remember the conversation
05:16.23Cairennwas it Guillotine? thank you Thunder_Child
05:17.22*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ ( ?
05:17.40Nom-That forwards to http://localhost/error.html <-- lol
05:17.54CairennI *really* want to track that site down - not going to be so nice as to just send them a C&D, I'm going to take that one straight to our lawyers
05:19.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
05:21.44Thunder_Childthis one is interesting... Cairenn left side, 3rd down
05:22.15Cairenn(the lol was to guil crashing out right after we ping him)
05:22.28Thunder_Childtheir net is not done properly
05:22.36Thunder_Childi should go fix it ><
05:22.53CairennThunder_Child: the bots, cheats, dupes, exploits or hacks?
05:23.26Cairennwhich one :p
05:23.51Thunder_Childmeh, nvm they dont host the stuff themselfs
05:26.41Thunder_Childalthough these people seem to host bots on the site
05:27.25zenzelezz"If you are associated with any gaming company please leave now"
05:27.52lolinternet[06:56] <Thunder_Child> yay "We're adding a new flight path to Rebel Camp in northern Stranglethorn Vale. It's coming in patch 2.3." <--great blizzard. you're only late 8 patches
05:28.04Thunder_Childstill better than nothing
05:28.12Mr_Rabies2only late by 3 years
05:28.21sag_ich_nichtwould have been more useful in 1.7 -_-
05:28.39Mr_Rabies2would have been useful at launch
05:28.49sag_ich_nichtyeah, that too.
05:28.59zenzelezzwhat for? Rebel camp is alliance, they could go from Westfall or Darkshire on mount in no time
05:29.07zenzelezz(for ZG)
05:29.12Mr_Rabies2it's still a pretty long run
05:29.13Mr_Rabies2even mounted
05:29.32zenzelezzonly if you're utterly impatient
05:29.51zenzelezztook me longer to always get from Ironforge to any raid location
05:29.56Mr_Rabies2a decent amount longer than grom'gol
05:30.34Cairennare you TRYING to get slapped?
05:30.46art3misthat depends entirely on what you're wearing
05:30.54Thunder_Childand what kind of slap it is
05:30.55zenzelezz"* art3mis pokes cairenn, in the end that's not talking." or "* art3mis pokes cairenn in the end, that's not talking."? This is why you need commas
05:31.44Thunder_ChildCairenn, if you dont hear from guilly by tomorrow i will poke him
05:31.53Cairennthanks Thunder_Child :)
05:33.18*** part/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
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05:36.18Thunder_ChildCairenn, i doubt this one is very legit....seeing as how the same person uploaded DBM and KTM and OmniCC...
05:36.57Thunder_Childdamn, i need to pay attention
05:37.27art3miswoah wtf
05:42.12Nom-Why is Leotheras so hard compared to every other boss (so far) in SSC? :`(
05:42.35Nom-Hydross, Lurker, Tidewalker, Karathress all EZmode compared to Leo
05:42.59art3miscuz he's got a real name
05:44.37art3misTC: i updated the panda cycircled... whatcha think of the new one..
05:44.57art3misvs the old one
05:45.40Thunder_Childmuch better, has deffinition now
05:46.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:46.53art3misim wondering in an art sense if it's better to do my editting before or after i resize it
05:47.42Nom-resizing will probably produce artifacts
05:48.06art3miswell as it is now i resize then do the editting (erasing/alpha etc)
05:48.55KarlKFIdo the editing at whatever the bigger resolution is
05:49.01Thunder_Childvecter based vs. raster based
05:49.09art3miswill it come out cleaner?
05:49.20KarlKFIit can
05:49.34art3mishrm guess im gonna ahve to do some tests
05:50.06art3miscross and cyhk came out great
05:50.10Corrodiasthere, got my hunter the brewfest quest guy in BRD, the engineering recipe, and attunement to MC
05:50.39art3misim still learning how to use gimp better so eventually ill be able to add depth through shading n stuff
05:50.48Nom-MC attunement is ezmode for hunters
05:50.56Nom-Run to lava pit, FD
05:54.24sag_ich_nicht[07:50] <art3mis> im still learning how to use gimp better so eventually ill be able to add depth through shading n stuff <--basic usage: "stfu you gimp"
05:55.27art3misthat was so incredibly retarded
05:55.31art3miseven from you ;)
05:55.46Nom-art3mis: We say "special" now
05:56.09*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
05:56.43Nom-Speaking of suits... wtb murloc suit :(
05:57.32Thunder_Childomg....autobar took a great big crap
05:58.01sag_ich_nichtart3mis: no u
05:58.03WobworkThunder_Child: On the newspaper?
05:58.11Thunder_Childon my UI
05:58.17WobworkBad dog!
05:59.39Thunder_Child/sigh it was such a good addon. oh well
05:59.58WobworkMaybe ask ToadKiller for help? =)
06:00.37Thunder_Childhaving to ask for help to use an addon means (in my opnion) that it is not a good addon
06:01.58Corrodiaswhat's the point of the 60 (!) minute cooldown on the dark iron ale mug?
06:04.25Thunder_Childgrrr..cant even disable it
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06:09.27Corrodiasquestsfu needs a "quest timers" pane
06:11.03art3misyouc an do the kegs and barking every day or every 12 hours>?
06:11.35Corrodiasevery 12 hours and every day, respectively
06:11.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Fisker-- (
06:11.49Corrodiasalthough i just somehow did the barking quest for the second time today (i can now do 8 more daily quests)
06:14.03Thunder_Childhuh..blizz is giving out 200 headsets
06:14.21Thunder_Child10K worth
06:19.47Thunder_Childyou can download; music, tv shows, videos, and other such stuff, but you cant dl the update through itunes...what crap
06:22.15KarlKFIdidn't it ask you if you wanted to install the apple system update app when you first installed itunes?
06:22.38KarlKFIit can update itunes for you on demand or be set to check every x days
06:22.40Thunder_Childi have still launched the updat through FF
06:23.04Thunder_Childwhen i opened itunes it launched FF not the updater
06:23.29KarlKFIdunno what to tell you, i haven't messed with the pc vers that much
06:23.53KarlKFIon mac it uses the same app that updates the os and other apple apps and never opens a browser
06:24.40Thunder_Childoh well, not a huge thing but you should still be able to DL the update through itunes
06:24.55KarlKFIyou'd think
06:25.19Thunder_Childi would...though it seems i am wrong
06:25.40KarlKFIperhaps some research might reveal why that is
06:26.08Thunder_Childbecause itunes has a mac bias and it's all integrated in a mac os
06:26.17Thunder_Childwould be my guess
06:29.50Wraangerquestion : how can I use a list of frames in defaults for an addon ? like, I got a list of frames I want to hide .... << this way it does not want to work =(
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07:28.27Corrodiasi get some strange requests on my http server
07:29.30Thunder_Childreally? has anyone asked your server for sex?
07:29.52Corrodias"Requested GET /", "Requested GET", "Requested GET"...
07:30.09Corrodiasthose are not my address and that's not the correct format for an HTTP GET anyway
07:30.09Buuyommm ui designer tastes like msvs. But the question is does it have the features of a full-on lua editor xD
07:30.56art3misTC: does itunes support exporting purchased to mp3 yet?
07:31.16art3misor do you still need some sort of external program to accomplish it?
07:31.17Thunder_Childi dunno, i havent purchased a song in years
07:33.40Corrodiasi know some search sites are checking for a robots.txt on my server, but i haven't a clue where they would have gotten the idea to index my site in the first place
07:33.49Corrodiasi need to get that set up
07:42.55*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
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07:52.24MentalPowerCorrodias: this is a stab in the dark, but they could be looking for vulnerabilities in your HTTPD
07:57.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
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08:19.38sag_ich_nicht mhm
08:19.44sag_ich_nichtit's not unique
08:19.59sag_ich_nichtguess i'll buy 3 or 4 for grinding at some point :X
08:20.27Corrodiaswhy buy more than one?
08:21.02sag_ich_nichtbecause the damn shield BREAKS if you pull half of strath to farm.
08:24.11KarlKFIlol breaks how?
08:24.15KarlKFIstops poisoning?
08:24.18KarlKFIor durra?
08:28.20sag_ich_nichtdon't try pulling half of strath if you're not a prot paladin and don't have the SH endboss trinket.
08:28.31sag_ich_nichtit's like LoH. only on a 2 minute cooldown.
08:30.18cladhaireAnyone here familiar with licensing, specifically GPL components with non-GPL?
08:32.21Nom-cladhaire: Somewhat...
08:32.52cladhairefirst off can you GPL a graphic?
08:33.13Nom-yes :)
08:33.47cladhaireAnd for that graphic to be included in another addon, it would need to be GPL?
08:34.16cryogen"it" being the other addon?
08:34.35cryogenit would not, no
08:34.41cladhairewhat _would_ it need to be?
08:34.43cryogenif you change the graphic, your new graphic must be
08:35.11Nom-You can *use* GPL stuff in your non-GPL code
08:35.24Nom-They must be included unmodified
08:35.48cladhaireokay, that's better than what I was expecting
08:35.50Nom-If you make modifications to a GPL libary/code/image you must also redistribute those changes under the can't change the license
08:36.06cladhairesince its been quite difficult to get in touch with the original author, to figure out what actual license the image is under
08:36.19cladhairethe original as far as I can tell is all rights reserved, but the one in cartographer is GPL
08:37.35Nom-The GPL does not require you to release your modified version. You are free to make modifications and use them privately, without ever releasing them. This applies to organizations (including companies), too; an organization can make a modified version and use it internally without ever releasing it outside the organization.
08:37.41Nom-But if you release the modified version to the public in some way, the GPL requires you to make the modified source code available to the program's users, under the GPL.
08:38.02cladhaireokay, and I plan no modification to the original graphic.
08:40.45cladhairethanks, been trying to work this out for a bit now.
08:41.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
08:55.33Buuyommm. Between CreateMacro and /run it looks like you can have an OnClick sort of script with SecureActionButtonTemplate =p
08:57.07cladhairenot sure what you mean
08:57.30BuuyoWell, the other day I asked a question about whether you can do something like OnClick with a secure action button.
08:57.42BuuyoThe answer was "definitely not"
08:58.03cladhairewhat are you trying to accomplish, not how you want to implemen tit
08:58.06cladhairewhat would you likle to be able to do?
08:58.19cladhairethings get very confusing when you ask overly specific questions, i suspect is what happened.
08:58.31BuuyoBasically I'm investigating associating timings to secure action button templates. =p
08:58.49cladhairecan you explain practically what you mean?
08:59.06BuuyoWell, it could be used to one-button mash with delay in mind for shields in-game. =p
08:59.34cladhairethen it would be considered an explot
08:59.34Buuyothe thing I'm screwing around with. Just thought I'd let someone know that you can probably
08:59.34cladhaireand should be reported as such
08:59.38Buuyoyar, dunno who to report it to tho =p
08:59.43cladhaireand i'd be interested in seeing how you did it
09:00.03cladhaireyou can email me and I'll make sure it gets seen
09:01.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Kazie (
09:01.43cryogenhas the /cast Attack bug been reported yet?
09:01.46cryogenit wasnt fixed in 2.2.3
09:01.57cladhairewhich bug?
09:02.03cryogenthe one where.. it doesnt work, at all.
09:02.12Buuyook, well I dont know if my proof of concept's rammifications are immediately apparent tho
09:02.21cryogenor /cast Alchemy, depending on which is the first spell in your spell book
09:02.36Buuyoso maybe I'll make a more potent proof of concept. >_>
09:02.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Valle (
09:03.04cladhaireBuuyo: that would be appreciated, thanks.
09:03.09cladhairecryogen: hrm, I dunno
09:03.20cryogencould we report it, just in case? :)
09:03.34cladhaireyes, post it on the forums, and ask about it.
09:03.36Nom-Some guy lost a tape with sensitive information on thousands of people, potentially costing the state of Ohio $3 million, and they docked him 1 weeks holidays
09:03.40cryogeni dont have a US account
09:03.48cladhairecryogen: then make a post, and someone can post you for it.
09:05.56Nom-NO, Don't do it!!! Don't give them reason to delay 2.3.0!!!
09:11.17Nom-just found the web site with the fake WotLK beta signup thing
09:11.25Nom-They did it pretty well, actually
09:11.42Nom-Except the front page, they can't spell "World" correctly
09:11.50*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
09:16.49cladhaireyou've reproduced this with the default UI?
09:17.39cryogeni havent actually, but lots of people have mentioned it
09:17.42cryogenand its very simple t otest
09:18.01Kalrothsounds like a 0/1 index error
09:18.27cladhairecryogen: if you could test, that'd be great
09:18.29cladhairedon't want to bother slouken
09:19.04cryogeni cant at the moment
09:19.11sag_ich_nicht[11:02] <cryogen> the one where.. it doesnt work, at all. <--wait, /cast Attack is broken?
09:19.19cryogenbut im sure someone can easily test it
09:19.31cryogensag_ich_nicht: you got access to the game ?
09:19.38sag_ich_nichtnot at the moment
09:19.57cryogenany volunteers?
09:20.11Nom-I will in about an hour or so
09:20.22Kalrothsag_ich_nicht: It's supposedly broken if Attack is your first spell in your spellbook (P)
09:21.51Nom-I hope they push out 2.3 in the next 24 hours :)
09:21.53dieckNo problem here :) german client: Angeln (fishing) is before Angreifen (attack) ;)
09:22.05Nom-I've organised a guild run for Saturday if it's deployed
09:22.08Nom-We're going to hit ZA
09:22.39Nom-Which should be nice, given we should hit 5/6 SSC tonight :P
09:24.37*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
09:25.55sag_ich_nichtsomeone help me
09:26.11sag_ich_nichtthere is a very cheap and easy trick to solve all Rule of three stuff
09:26.24sag_ich_nichtbut i forgot it because didn't have to use it for a year
09:26.33sag_ich_nicht*because i didn't
09:27.09KalrothWhat do you mean by solve?
09:27.21KalrothOr is it some other rule?
09:28.29Kalroth There!
09:29.20sag_ich_nichtthat's the complex form
09:29.24sag_ich_nichtthere is a very cheap trick
09:29.33sag_ich_nichtthat allows you to solve it quicker
09:30.26sag_ich_nichtbasicially if the unit involved is a worker do x, if it's time do y, if it's (something i forgot) do z
09:33.05sag_ich_nichtit solved normal proportion and inverse proportion
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10:10.09BuuyoIf you want to report a bug in the scripting interface that could give someone an advantage, who do you contact? I kind of want to do it directly since I'm not sure I want to divulge the details. =p
10:11.03*** join/#wowi-lounge jona_0004 (
10:12.00jona_0004is it possible to tell what kind of data is stored in a variable
10:16.43jona_0004i have to string variables and use this statement (if riskItem == groupItem then) but even when both variable are the same value it allways returns false
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10:27.27sag_ich_nichtBuuyo: security thru obscurity is bad
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10:35.56BuuyoI guess I'll just open a ticket >_>
10:42.15jona_0004when writing an code is it possible to get an itemID by using its name?
10:42.47jona_0004ie if i want to know the ID of "Arcane Dust"?
10:45.14Xinhuannot without using an item database like lootlink, itemsync, kc-items, etc
10:46.16jona_0004i have auctioneer advanced and wowecon
10:46.54Xinhuanyou'll still need to have seen the item before since the last patch
10:47.00Xinhuani.e no reliable 100% way
10:47.08Xinhuani.e be in your local cache
10:48.12jona_0004i think that y im having problems matching up to id variables,both string lengths are different but id is the same
10:48.55Xinhuannot sure i understood that
10:50.03jona_0004i am using an if statement to match 2 item id's but it always returns false even when i know the items are the samae
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10:54.42jona_0004i posted the code if u could look i'd be greatful
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11:23.30Nom-Hmm... this new AutoBar seems broken
11:24.03Nom-I can't move them
11:24.07Nom-Any reason?
11:24.11Nom-Any suggestions even?
11:27.13*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
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11:48.46FlAWDnom .. got fubar?
11:48.55FlAWDshift click on the autobar thing in fubar
11:49.06FlAWDunlocks bars, just like in bartender
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11:56.59mikmauseless attacks
11:58.05Fisker--you wond me
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12:19.10Fisker--i'm gonna go ahead and say "NO U"
12:57.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
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14:03.08cladhaire~seen Legorol
14:03.11purllegorol <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 5d 8h 49m 15s ago, saying: 'it's a very annoying problem :)'.
14:10.50Wobin_5 days!
14:10.53Wobin_It must have been =)
14:17.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
14:20.00Kaso~seen Lopeppeppy
14:20.02purllopeppeppy <n=Lopeppep@> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 19h 54m 45s ago, saying: 'I'm..... so not excited to be a substitute for the blow-up doll, art3mis.'.
14:21.42KasoMm, one does wonder how that conversation started
14:23.12MaldiviaI don't even want to know... hmm... ok, perhaps I do anyway
14:25.08Kasodoes this look the right skin-color for illidan?
14:26.05Maldiviabig plans for halloween?
14:26.33Kasoyah :>
14:26.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
14:27.43Kaso Rawr!
14:27.56Kasonote: still needs painting
14:29.47Cairennyou have to put up a pic when you're all done up for it
14:30.30KasoIm still having issues trying to work out how to attach my horns to my forehead
14:31.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
14:31.54KasoIm not really sure where to buy anything like that though
14:32.39Cairennanywhere you would find things for girls' hair
14:33.02KasoAh that sort of headband yah thats good idea
14:33.06Cairenndrug store, accessories store, etc
14:33.09*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
14:33.31Wobin_what are the horns made of?
14:33.48Cairenneven a cloth bandanna would work
14:34.09Cairennfold it, attach horns to it, put up :p
14:34.25KasoIts like high-density polystyrene Wobin_
14:34.35Kasoi had a block and i carved them out of it
14:34.52Wobin_he's kinda got a blindfold on, eh?
14:35.14Kasowell the blindfold is another issue, gotta make one i can see through
14:35.27Kasowithout being lame and cutting eye holes, so some sorta fine fabric
14:35.33Wobin_but the horns are placed in a way that a girl's hairband thing may position it better
14:35.36Cairennfine black lace
14:36.01Wobin_You going to have hooves? =)
14:36.17Wobin_He doesn't really have the goatlegs in that picture
14:36.19Kasohah, nope im gonna leave the bottom half pretty normal im afraid
14:36.42Cairennalthough from that ss, you could get away with any sort of eye mask
14:37.13Kasowell sorta, but true nerds know he's blindfolded its just his glowing eyes shine through!
14:37.47Cairennget a regular type eye mask, glue green (grrr, what's the word I'm looking for) on the inside of the eye slits
14:38.05Wobin_plastic gems?
14:38.18Cairennno, not plastic gems or leds
14:38.39KasoIve gotten purple + black paint for my body and some slightly glittery green paint for the "runes" on my torso
14:38.49Cairennummm, the paper-ish stuff
14:38.57Cairennlike transparencies are made of
14:39.17Wobin_Kaso: I hope you have a good artist for the tatts =)
14:39.37Wobin_Got a big ponytail as well?
14:39.44Wobin_You could hook that to the headband too
14:39.55Cairenna vivid green cellophane cut to fit the eye slits on the mask, glued to the inside
14:40.12KasoI havent thought about a wig, though i might take a browse to see what i can get
14:40.17Wobin_Also, you need to practise your sneer =)
14:40.19KasoThats quite a cool idea Cairenn
14:40.29Wobin_Or is a grimace?
14:40.54KasoIve got a skull of Gul'Dan too!
14:40.54Cairennas for the ponytail, get a hair extension
14:41.09Cairennand as wobin said, hook it to the headband as well
14:41.38Cairennspeaking of pics of him - you can thank clad for this one:
14:42.26KasoHis horns are way bigger than mine in real life :< but ive had to trade off between acuracy, and actually being able to move.
14:42.34Wobin_Cairenn: can't read that last one?
14:43.00Cairennworks for me /shrug
14:43.13Wobin_oh no the next link you posted
14:43.17Wobin_I think they're zones =)
14:43.24cladhairethey are
14:43.25cladhaireand zone levels
14:50.24Cairennsee? clip on pony tail: (as one example)
14:50.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
14:51.42Wobin_mmm $40 =)
14:51.58Wobin_although I'm sure you could rent a ponytail from a costume shop for cheaper
14:52.05Cairennthat was just the first random example I pulled from a google search
14:52.07Kasotis a bit expensive for me
14:52.16Cairennto show what I mean :p
14:52.32Kasoso far ive spent about £15 on this costume, dont want to spend too much more
14:53.20Cairennanything else you need suggestions on how to do it?
14:53.24Wobin_Angel... Bella... Rio... Yasmin...
14:53.26Wobin_No Illdian =(
14:54.02Wobin_You'd look smashing with the evening bag accessory =)
14:54.02Cairennwe've covered the horns, eyes (& mask) and hair
14:54.34KasoI've got some gauss to wrap around my fore-arms like  in this;
14:54.46Kasobut its brand new and white, which will look a bit out of place i think
14:55.12Wobin_You could fake it with some leather wraps
14:55.26Cairennmmmm, leather
14:55.53Kasoi'll have to check the yellow pages for something like that i think
14:56.21Wobin_scrap leather strips wrapped around the forearms would do the trick
14:56.31PolarinaThere's an addon containing an executable file!
14:57.07Cairennthere are lots of them all over the web, Polarina, what are you talking about in particular?
14:57.23PolarinaCairenn: Addon on WoWI.
14:57.35ThraeAhh, the Bahamas. How elegant. How majestic. How damn expensive.
14:58.01PolarinaCairenn: It has an executable file!
14:58.03*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
14:58.11Cairennthere are lots of them all over the web, Polarina, what are you talking about in particular?
14:58.37PolarinaThere is an addon hosted on WoWInterface that contains an executable file (.exe).
14:58.46Kasowhich addon!
14:59.13Cairennand, we have a number of them on the site, so ... /shrug
14:59.34Wobin_Polarina: Well it's not precisely an addon
14:59.35Cairenna) that isn't an addon, that's a program to help create addons
14:59.44PolarinaCairenn: The rules say that any addon containing an executable file will be rejected.
14:59.51Cairennb) we have lots of them on the site, what's your point?
15:00.59Cairennno, if you bother to actually check what we've posted around in various places, you'll see that we do allow if you provide the source code for us to decompile
15:02.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (
15:03.37Wobin_night all
15:03.49PolarinaCairenn: Oh.. I see.
15:04.30CairennPolarina: something else you need to be aware of is that this channel has staff members from more than just WoWI in here, so you need to be a little more explicit when you are saying "there's a mod that ..." - which site are you talking about, what mod, etc
15:04.54Cairennthe channel is "WoWI-lounge" only because we're the ones "hosting" it
15:05.02PolarinaBut what does it take to become a Featured Artist (Not that I want to become one, just curious).
15:06.45Kasoi like the "Popularity" description
15:06.50PolarinaThank you Cairenn,
15:06.54Cairennyou're welcome
15:08.05PolarinaI wish WoW UI Designed worked under GNU/Linux too..
15:08.22cladhairewell it leverages quite a bit of ms libs
15:08.25cladhairemaking that a pipe dream :P
15:08.51PolarinawxWidgets FTW!
15:09.00cladhaireyeah, i'm not talking about widgets
15:09.07cladhairei'm talking about extremely specific dlls
15:09.46cladhaireits an extremely complex application and it never would have been written if he wasn't able to use the components he did.
15:10.47PolarinaIn short words, what libs were these? XML libs?
15:11.24cladhairehave you ever written an application in microsoft visual studio?
15:11.52cladhairelook at all of the components on the right
15:12.06cladhairelook at the tree on the left:
15:12.19cladhairethese things are trivial using visual studio, and have a large impact on the application
15:12.22PolarinawxWidgets provides these.
15:12.34cladhairenot in a nice intergrated IDE.
15:12.37cladhairei'm agreeing with you
15:12.37cladhaireit would be nice
15:12.52cladhairebut the app would never have been written if it weren't for the case.
15:13.03cladhairewriting an application in MSVC is extremely simple.
15:13.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
15:13.46cladhaireIs anyone familiar with raw scroll frames?
15:13.50Maldiviaextremely simple... and yet you can produce some very powerful applicatons
15:13.59cladhaireMaldivia: indeed.
15:14.00Cairennmorning Lopeppeppy
15:14.19LopeppeppyMorning, Cairenn!
15:14.27CairennKaso and Maldivia both want to know the background to:
15:14.28Cairennlopeppeppy <n=Lopeppep@> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 19h 54m 45s ago, saying: 'I'm..... so not excited to be a substitute for the blow-up doll, art3mis.'.
15:14.38MaldiviaCairenn: well, I know the background :9
15:15.14LopeppeppyHmm.  I didn't think that was the last I said, but it's good to see that my famous words live on.  :)
15:15.44Maldivia~emulate Lopeppeppy
15:15.45*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.2.x ToC: 20200 | RTFPN please | WoWI Mod Uploader! | 'I'm..... so not excited to be a substitute for the blow-up doll, art3mis.' - Lopeppeppy
15:15.46KasoI wanted to show off my sweet-ass wings i managed to buy Lopeppeppy
15:16.07Kasojust need to paint em black, recon spray paint will work well?
15:16.31LopeppeppyIf you're supposed to be Illidan, Kaso, aren't his wings purplish?
15:17.01LopeppeppyAnd the type of spray paint depends entirely on the material the wings are made of.  I'd take them with me to the craft/building supply store and ask a paint-person what they think.
15:17.07Kasohmm they are a bit purply arent they
15:17.10Kasobut also dark
15:17.37Kasothe material is a dark-stockings like fabric, how'd be best to to paint it you recon?
15:18.24LopeppeppyYes 'm are.  If you could find a friend with an airbrush, you could do a lot of better shadings, but it's harder to do.  You could try spray paint, but it doesn't always adhere well to fabrics.  In craft stores they may sell fabric-specific spray paints, I think I've seen them before....
15:18.45LopeppeppyCairenn with the images, woot!
15:18.46Maldiviaspray paint should work... ofcourse depends on how thinck a layer you do, and what type of spray paint
15:19.06*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
15:19.17LopeppeppyIf you use it, do it from a good distance, and think of "sprinkling" the paint rather than "coating" the fabric.  If you tape over the wing ribs, you can keep the cool black ribs.
15:19.43Kasolike masking tape or something
15:19.49LopeppeppyAnd some of the red will show through the purplish, which would be neat.  Several shades of purplish/bluish/bruise colors....
15:20.07LopeppeppyMasking tape will work, painters tape, but nothing stronger (like duct).
15:20.15Cairenneasiest would be to take them out to the garage or somewhere like that, suspend them with string (a couple inches from like cardboard or something, to protect whatever is behind them) and use spray paint, I'd think?
15:20.50KasoI've also got my face-paints and have been playing around think this is about right for skin-color
15:20.51LopeppeppyProlly, Cairenn, it's whether the spray paint will stick well to the synthetic fabric.... Wish I had an "extra" pair to test with, that's for sure.
15:20.57Kasoits 50:50 black purple atm
15:21.10Cairennput cardboard a couple inches behind it and put cardboard or such on the floor as well
15:21.29LopeppeppyNot bad.  Don't forget some pink/red highlights on cheeks for highlights, etc.  Study Cairenn's pictures, they're goodly.
15:21.48Kasothey are i've saved em all to hdd
15:22.26CairennLopeppeppy: *nod* - just referring to methodology for the actual painting, so that it doesn't go all glompy or anything, stays as a fine mist overlay
15:22.34LopeppeppyYour colors might be a wee bit dark, but his skin tones do vary from picture to picture....
15:23.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|sleep (
15:23.14LopeppeppyCairenn, I love me some spray paint, I just hate to work with fabrics and paint, synthetics are soooo unpredictable in how they will hold it.  But your directions rock for how to spray it gently and evenly.
15:23.51KasoIve been thinking of going darker rather than lighter, because occationally when illdian has the whole "shadowform" type thing going on i think it looks really cool
15:24.41LopeppeppyStart light in your first application, Kaso, you can darken it later but it's harder to lighten makeup.  And I recommend barrier spray under and over your makeup, to make it easier to take off, as well as more durable.  Cold cream and baby wipes rule for taking off body makeup.
15:25.13Cairenncold cream UNDER the makeup helps too, and provides a nice protective barrier for your skin
15:25.26KasoBarrier spray i havent seen that anywhere, where'd you get that from
15:26.14Kasois that like a lacquer to stop it rubbing off on everything i touch
15:26.35LopeppeppyI get barrier spray from my costuming store.  It's not a hard shell, so you still have to be very very mindful.  But it helps you not to sweat it off, at least.
15:26.37Cairenn(see guys, there really are advantages to having women in the channel, we've got all kinds of good suggestions on how to do stuff)
15:27.02LopeppeppyIt's like.... a layer of hairspray over your skin for the makeup to sit on, and a layer of hairspray over it to hold it a bit.
15:27.18Kasomakes sense
15:28.10LopeppeppyIf you can't find it, as Cairenn says, use a good layer of moisturizer/lotion beforehand, it will help.  My LARP goes through tons of barrier spray and cold cream every weekend, they're great standards.
15:28.28*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
15:28.56CairennKaso: back to the mask for a minute - if you don't want to go with the actual eye-mask and cellophane idea, get a pair of dark panythose, cut one leg off, cut the toe off, tie that around your eyes - you'll still be able to see through them
15:29.51KasoPepppy mentioned something similar the other day, cheese-cloth i think, which is the same sorta idea of thin material
15:30.03Cairenn(and you can pick up a pair of pantyhose for like $1)
15:30.36Kasoi still havent had a chance to go shopping for that yet, but i'll add it to my list of things to look at
15:30.41LopeppeppyThis time of year you could even get a pair of green nylons from a costume place, if you wanted to preserve the green-glow idea.  Cheesecloth generally only comes in white.  You could roll it around in black chalk to dirty it and darken it if you wanted to, with green chalk near the eyes.... or do the same with black nylons....
15:30.43Cairennaye - cheese cloth will be slightly thicker than a single layer of your standard pantyhose
15:31.18CairennI suggested an actual eye mask and tape a vivid green cellophane behind the eye holes
15:32.01LopeppeppyNeat.  I have a black leather mask that would work excellently with.... I love picking up Ren Faire costuming and using it in weird ways.
15:32.12Cairennmmmmm, leather
15:32.29Kasohow kinky cair
15:32.54Cairennnot necessarily :p
15:33.11LopeppeppyLeather wears well, and is extremely supple.  It's great for costuming that you'll wear often enough to need durability.
15:34.43sag_ich_nichtbrb relog
15:34.57CairennKaso: <== not kinky
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15:37.03Cairennalthough I actually tend to prefer suede to smooth leather
15:37.35Kasobelts and shoes is as far leather and i go
15:39.31LopeppeppyI have an overdress for LARPing, bodice, waist cinches, masks, boots... it's just so much more durable for being outdoors in.
15:40.48CairennLopeppeppy: aye
15:44.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
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15:44.52Valaron|WorkDoes anyone know anything about this card?
15:45.42CidanWhat of it?
15:46.15Valaron|WorkThe 8800GT isn't "brand new" right?
15:46.28cncfanaticshello ppl
15:46.30CidanNot anymore, no
15:46.32Valaron|WorkI haven't been keeping up with video cards.
15:46.38Cidanbut it's still the "top of the line" nvidia offers
15:46.50Maldiviahowdy cnc
15:46.55CidanThere is the 9 series due out by the end of the year, or so it's rumored
15:46.59cncfanaticsMalvidia, always good :)
15:47.01Valaron|WorkA 512Mb PCIe 8800GT for $80.
15:47.02Cairennhi cncfanatics
15:47.11Cidanthat's 8600 mate
15:47.16Cidannot 88
15:47.18Valaron|WorkOh yeah:)
15:47.25CidanIt's still damn good.
15:47.30Valaron|WorkAhh.. That makes SOOO much more sense.
15:48.25Valaron|WorkI just want something that'll play WoW with a nice FPS.
15:48.42Valaron|Workaka decent
15:48.43LopeppeppyMe too, Valaron.
15:49.02Cidanthat'll play anything with a nice FPS
15:49.04Valaron|WorkUnfortunately, I don't have a PCIe motherboard, so that's out the window anyway.
15:49.07Cidanit's a pretty good card.
15:49.17Valaron|WorkTime to upgrade
15:50.00KasoHave you heard of these KillerNIC things, they're a rediculous rip-off however i saw some reviews which showed the increased MMORPG fps in conjested areas by scary amounts
15:50.29Kasolike a $200 network card
15:50.45Kasonearer 300 actually
15:50.54CidanIt's retarded.
15:50.59Kasoits got a dedicated processor for running the TCP stack
15:51.00Olisonyus, i saw them too...theres a full version and a slim one
15:51.28Kaydeethreeit's like monster cables. improvements can be had, but is it really worth it?
15:53.19Kaso"Finally we really noticed a difference in LotRO Logging onto bree, one of the game's most densely populated areas was tricky without killernic, frame rates dropping to 10fps eventually allowing proper charater movements after 60seconds, No such problems with the KillerNIC we breezed straight in at a cool 45fps which remained constant
15:53.36Kasothats the bit that shocked me quite a bit
15:53.49Kasosure its lotr, but i imagen it'd be similar for Shattrah
15:53.59CidanI... don't buy that
15:54.12CidanFrom a pure technical point of view, it doesn't even make any sense.
15:54.43CidanThat sounds like it was written by someone that doesn't know how the TCP stack interacts with the CPU
15:54.51CidanIn particular top of the line CPU's
15:55.17Kasoit was out of Custom PC Magazine, so i dont really know what to think
15:55.28KasoWhy doesnt it make any sense?
15:55.54Valaron|WorkFor WoW, it said somewhere around a 36% FPS/ping improvement.
15:57.40cladhairelua> 32 * 5
15:57.40cladbotcladhaire: 160
15:58.36Cairenncladhaire: you needed a calculator for that?!
15:58.54cladhairebut it was easier, and with the flow of thought :P
15:59.27krkawhen i multiply with 5, i like to add a zero and then shift it right one step
16:01.08dreamssi just break it up, (30*5) +(2*5)
16:01.16dreamsstakes longer on paper than on the head
16:01.29Xinhuanmultiple by 5 == *10/2
16:01.34Xinhuanso add a 0, then divide by 2
16:01.42Cidaner, I do 5 * 2 = 10 5 * 3 = 15 + 1 = 16...
16:01.52Xinhuan32x5 = 320/2 = 160!
16:02.00LopeppeppyYou guys hurt my head.  I'm going back to the leather.
16:02.05krkaXinhuan: that's what i said
16:02.27Xinhuankrka, "shift it right" implies doing binary maths in the head ;p
16:02.48dreamsshehe... i could if i dont forget the numbers
16:03.19dreamssback in highschool teachers would get pissed off cause i never show my work
16:03.42dreamss"only retards need to write this easy shit down"
16:03.53LopeppeppyCidan, just ask one of us to negotiate a ticket for you, darling, if you can pay the price a red-head asks.
16:04.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
16:04.41Xinhuantrick: when someone on /g asks you a maths question like "what is 200/35?" you type /print 200/35 and that shows the answer, then reply on /g, people will think you're a genious (assuming you have at least 1 Ace addon)
16:04.46dreamssheh, monster cable is never an improvement
16:05.27KasoMonster gold plated USB cable!
16:05.36KasoThe bits just "feel" better!
16:06.23dreamsssugar pills
16:06.37dreamsserr placibos :P
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16:07.55dreamsssup sag
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16:08.35dreamssi think a good test for your nic card is to run a torent (or several)
16:08.41CairennResolutions from the cat:  I will not eat spider plants and hallucinate behind the toilet.  I don't need to check my male human's aim in the bathroom. I will not be miffed at my human all day and then kiss her on the nose at 2:00 a.m. to tell her that she is forgiven and can now pet me. I will not soak my catnip toy in the water bowl to make tea. I will not get high and sit there drinking my tea and kneading the floor afterwards. I will
16:08.47dreamssand see if the fps drops
16:09.36simlanHello! I've a problem here: I catch the "COMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE" event to display SPELL_ACTIVE events like "Execute" and "Overpower". This works for me and other Warriors, but for a certain (def-skilled) warrior, "Execute" does not work (even with all addons disabled), the event is not fired (WoW-integrated combat text also does not display the event). Any idea whats going on?
16:10.10LopeppeppyCairenn... If my kitty followed those, this would be a well ordered household.  I would add "I will not steal my humans' pens and laugh while they search for the Secret Hiding Place"  and  "I will not chase invisible mice more than once a day unless I've made catnip tea"
16:10.34dreamssinteresting pets
16:11.02KalrothCairenn: hahah
16:11.06Cidansimlan: hmm
16:11.13sag_ich_nichtsimlan: gives us code
16:11.17sag_ich_nichthow to reproduce it
16:11.20sag_ich_nichtand a spec that reproduces it
16:12.39simlanWhen a mop goes under 20% life, the WoW-integrated combat text displays "execute" if enabled. For this character it does not. I don't think that you can reproduce this, but maybe you have an idea
16:13.31Cidanit might be that the event only works on your self
16:13.43CidanDoes it work with self, but not party members?
16:14.26simlanIt works for my warrior, but he does not get this event (he tested the WoW combat text on his own PC with his own warrior)
16:15.24simlanMore precise: COMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE with "SPELL_ACTIVE" and "Execute" is not fired on his account
16:15.40simlanI logged in on my PC with his account, it also does not work
16:15.42Cidanhooking one event has nothing to do with another
16:15.50Cidanyou don't have to hook combat text update to get spell active
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16:16.25simlan"SPELL_ACTIVE" is the first argument to the handler with event COMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE
16:16.31simlanif a spell gets ready
16:16.37Cidanoh right, I see, I see
16:16.38Cidannever mind
16:17.02simlanThis specific event is fired for Overpower and Revenge, but never for Execute
16:17.13CidanIt's just that you called spell active an event, I had thought it was an event it self.
16:17.24simlanAnd its account-specific, not WoW-installation specific or addon specific
16:17.41simlanI tested on my PC and it also did not work
16:18.13Cidancombat text update does in fact only show self, however when your friend attempts to use this mod the event does not fire?
16:18.14KasoIm not sure if this effects it but just to check the basic things, does turning blizzard combat text on/off stop the event?
16:18.18Cidanyet it does with you?
16:19.41simlanWith my account and my warrior, the event is fired. With his account (same PC) the event is not fired. It's not a bug in some Addon or so, I used the WoW-integrated combat text
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16:21.20Cidanand it's the same skill/spell?
16:22.05Cidanthe same skill/spell you're trying to catch?
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16:22.40simlanI just attacked a mob and waited until it health drops below 20%, with my warrior SPELL_ACTIVE/Execute is fired. With his account it is not fired, never.
16:23.15Fisker-*cue gm ticket*
16:23.30Kasosure he has the execute spell?
16:23.43dreamsshe should
16:23.45Kasois blizzard combat text settings the same for both accounts
16:23.51Cidancan you pastey the code? (link in topic)
16:23.58Cidanalso is combat text enabled?
16:25.04simlanWhat code should I post? It's wow-default combat text. It was enabled with both accounts, e.g. Overpower and Revenge worked for both accounts
16:26.28dreamssyour lua code
16:26.33dreamsson the link on topic
16:27.41simlanI did not code a line of LUA, I observed this phenomena with plain all-addons-disabled, wtf-renamed fresh WoW-installation
16:28.16simlanIts a problem with the integrated WoW combat text, or better, for this account t he SPELL_ACTIVE/Execute is not fired
16:28.42CidanWe thought you were coding an addon
16:29.12Cidandouble check his combat text settings, make sure it's *all* enabled
16:29.22Cidanand make sure he actually has execute
16:29.33Cidanput it into the bar
16:29.39Cidanand make sure it's going active there
16:29.43Cidanmake sure you're in the right stance
16:30.38simlanStance: checked, Combat-Text settings: checked, it displays Overpower and revenge, He has the skill: checked, level 70 warrior, he uses the skill
16:31.06Cidandoes it work on another computer?
16:31.14simlanNo, its account specific
16:31.34simlanI tested on my PC, it did not work
16:32.16LopeppeppyIs the skill on his action bar?
16:32.35LopeppeppyAnd does it light up as active there?
16:32.51simlanYes, its in the bar and the Icon activates if the mob is under 20%
16:33.30*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
16:33.38LopeppeppyIf you're using no mods at all, and a new WTF/Interface folder....   I dunno.  Bug report or Tech Support, perhaps?
16:33.46simlanBut combat text is not displayed, I wrote a small addon that displays *all* COMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE events. Everything is OK but no Execute :/
16:35.18simlanAnd blizzard uses this event for the combat text, I took a look in the code
16:37.10dreamssHitman Being Edited From 'Explicitly Violent' to PG-13?!
16:37.23Cidanyou're fucking kidding right?
16:37.28Cidanhitman is PG-13?
16:37.46CidanWhat a damned waste
16:37.58dreamss13 year olds warent born when the first hitman came out
16:38.05CidanFirst die-hard, now this shit.
16:38.10CidanGod damned it all to hell.
16:38.21dreamssdude, it was eyes wide shut first
16:38.21CidanNo one can make a decent rated R movie anymore
16:38.27Cidanah true
16:38.30dreamssratings raped the movie
16:38.35dreamsshad to get europe version
16:38.50Cidanbut all that was really different was the nudity at the orgy
16:38.55CidanI saw both versions
16:39.16dreamssa movie about a game were a guy kills people
16:39.21dreamssif thats not R.. i dunno
16:39.30CidanBut when a movie like Hitman goes PG-13, then you know it's going to go soft
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16:39.39CidanIt won't be dark, like the games were.
16:39.54dreamsshopefully uncut workprint will leak out
16:40.00CidanThe games did not have a "happy" or "watch with your family" tone to it.
16:40.10CidanNo dude, it's not cut scenes, you don't get it
16:40.17Cidanthe entire tone, the writing will suck.
16:40.32dreamssyeah :(
16:40.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
16:40.39dreamssi know what you mean
16:40.48CidanRemember when they used to make bad ass movies with tons of drugs guns and shooting, but with a decent plot?
16:40.59dreamssbut look what i psated
16:41.00dreamssHitman Being Edited From 'Explicitly Violent' to PG-13?!
16:41.01CidanWho here remembers the movie "Blow"
16:41.10dreamssthe Explicitly Violent version is made
16:41.18dreamssthey just editing it down to pg13
16:41.29CidanThe fact that you can edit the movie DOWN to PG 13
16:41.34*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
16:41.40Cidanmeans that it's not a good movie to start with
16:41.56Cidana really nice rated R movie will have screenplay that can't be edited
16:42.11dreamsssucks ass, hitman movie has SO MUCH potencial
16:42.12foxlitThe only video game deserving of a movie is HL2
16:42.13CidanThis is just a movie with some cursing which they can edit out.
16:42.43Cidanfoxlit: They tried, but every time Gabe is pitched, the writer says, "...and then his love interest" and Gabe walks out.
16:42.49CidanWhich hey, that's awesome
16:42.50LopeppeppyI just bought Night of the Lepus this morning.... I like classic old films that didn't have to have excess cussing to be trite, they just managed it without.
16:43.00CidanLopeppeppy: right, :D
16:43.14dreamssthe result is "an explicitly violent, very bloody cut of the film that apparently included a number of head shots and extreme gore moments that would have guaranteed the film a hard R rating
16:43.38foxlitCidan: haha :)
16:43.38Cidangod damned idiots
16:43.48dreamssit gets better
16:43.54LopeppeppyI think they smack some killer bunnies in the head in Night of the Lepus....
16:43.58dreamssTwitch reports that after the studio saw Gens’ cut of the film they decided to remove him entirely from the project and place Nicolas De Toth in control of a new edit of the film. Never heard of him? He's the same guy who did the edit on Live Free or Die Hard,
16:44.08CidanWhat did I say!
16:44.12Intangirdreamss: what movie?
16:45.03dreamsswanna bet a highqual workprint of the rated r version will leak out before its on on theathers?
16:45.18Intangirtheres alot of good games id like to see a movie of
16:45.19CidanI don't even care for the screenplay now
16:45.26Intangirwarcraft might even be a good movie
16:45.32Cidanif blood and guts is what will give it a rated R movie
16:45.35Cidanthen fuck it, no thanks
16:45.38Intangirbut final fantasy games would be good movies
16:45.42dreamsswhat part of warcraft hehe
16:45.49Intangirfinal fantasy tactics really seemed LIKE a movie already
16:45.50CidanNo thanks on Warcraft
16:46.04Intangirthe plot was a movie plot
16:46.12dreamssthe lore in warcraft is kinda to big for a movie
16:46.14Intangirthe way it was revealed was like a book or movie
16:46.20CidanLast thing I need is to have Thrall with a love interest
16:46.27Intangiri think final fantasy 3 would be freaking awesome
16:46.34CidanAnd if they ever mess up FFT in a movie, I may just go postal.
16:46.34Intangirlive actors
16:46.37Intangiron cg scenes
16:46.40Intangirwould be awesome
16:46.43dreamssthey did made a FF movie :P
16:46.49dreamsswhich wasent ff
16:46.53Cidanwell yes it was
16:46.55Intangirya that was alright
16:46.59CidanEvery FF was different
16:47.08IntangirFF advent children wasnt really a movie..
16:47.14CidanHowever, Advent Children...
16:47.16Intangirwas more like some wild CG of absurd length
16:47.17CidanI liked that
16:47.19dreamssspirits within?
16:47.29Cidanthat sucked
16:47.35Intangirspirits within was a real movie though
16:47.36CidanAdvent Children rocked though
16:47.47Intangiradvent children was just a bunch of random awesomeness
16:47.59Cidanit really was
16:47.59Intangiranyone who hadnt played FF7 would haev absolultely no fucking clue what the hell was going on
16:48.11Intangireven if you had played FF7 you only have very little idea whats going on
16:48.13Cidanbut really, if you're a gamer, you've played FF7
16:48.28dreamssno ff here, any of them
16:48.33Cidanyou serious?
16:48.37Cidanyou're missing out
16:48.38Oreego play ff7 imo
16:48.42Cidanfuck that
16:48.44dreamssnever was a fan of rpgs
16:48.44Intangiri think FF tactics had the best plot for a movie
16:48.45Cidanplay FF6 my friend
16:48.48dreamssor turn based rpgs
16:48.50Cidanand then FFt
16:49.03dreamssslasher rpgs were my style
16:49.14CidanSo Oblivion then?
16:49.29IntangirFF3 is my favorite FF
16:49.33Intangircause i LOOVED the characters man
16:49.37Intangirwas the best characters of all FFs
16:49.37CidanYou mean FF6
16:49.52CidanFor sake of clarity, use the numbers from Japan
16:50.20dreamssanother reason i did not play ff games
16:50.22CidanOver at #zsnes on EFNet, to use the American names is... bad.
16:50.22cladhaireyes please
16:50.30cladhairethe american names don't exist
16:50.32BuuyoFF6 needed more romance between locke and celes imo =p
16:50.35Intangirwe arent in there ;)
16:50.51BuuyoBut that's what fanfiction is for ;)
16:51.03dreamssfreespace would make a good movie
16:51.07Intangirlocke already had a rough luck with love
16:51.10Intangirhis ex died
16:51.22Buuyothat's why he needs celes to heal him ;)
16:51.30Intangirnah, i dont see that happening ;)
16:51.34Intangirbut man i looved that game ;)
16:51.38Intangirsuch great characters ;)
16:51.41CidanI disliked Celes, her story
16:51.49Cidan*whine whine emo whine*
16:51.51Intangiri liked them all, i wouldnt be able to pick a favorite
16:52.05BuuyoI was still charmed when I first saw her blinking. =p
16:52.12BuuyoSince that's basically all you can see her do except walk
16:52.16CidanMy party was Setzer, Gogo, then any other two I felt like.
16:52.28CidanBut Setzer and Gogo were a must
16:52.31Intangiri always had locke, edgar, sabin, and terra whenever possible ;)
16:52.46CidanSetzer is a god.
16:52.46Intangirsetzer i almost never used
16:52.49BuuyoI used terra, celes, gogo and setzer =3
16:52.50cladhairewhat shoudl i spec my rogue?
16:53.00CidanDoom Darts + lucky dice + genji gloves + offering
16:53.08Cidan== 9999 damage * 8
16:53.18Intangirya you can do that quicker with any sword carrier
16:53.19CidanGogo == Mimics
16:53.35BuuyoIt was always a dilema though. When the game split in to one of those control 2 or 3 parties at once moments
16:53.41Buuyowho do you put in the other parties =o They all suck.
16:53.56Intangirmr thou
16:54.14Intangirlooved that game ;)
16:54.19Intangirall of my nicks in wow are from FF6
16:54.23IntangirIntangir is a monster name in FF6
16:54.25Intangiri had Doomgaze
16:54.32CidanDoomgaze == gaming machine
16:54.34Cidanno wait
16:54.38CidanDoomgaze == router machine
16:54.42CidanPunbaba == gaming machine
16:54.47CidanThey were my first two computers
16:54.54Intangirmy first server was Doomgaze
16:54.57Intangirnow its Ultros
16:55.04Intangiri figure 8 tenticles are better for serving ;)
16:55.05BuuyoI named mine after manga >_<
16:55.13CidanMy other machine == Bahamut
16:55.18BuuyoRanma's currently serving my eRice. =p
16:55.20Cidanmy VoIP machine == Siren
16:55.22Intangirmy desktop is kefka
16:55.25Intangiri had kefka in wow too
16:55.46Intangiri deleted all my characters for a couple weeks though
16:55.49Intangirsomeone else grabbed kefka ;(
16:56.36Intangirbetween FF6 and Chrono Trigger i basically failed a whole gear of highschool
16:56.57Intangirand id do it again ;)
16:56.59CidanFFT was the best really
16:57.06IntangirFFT had a great plot
16:57.41CidanI have a hard time picking FFT or FF6
16:57.41Intangirbut FF6 is my fav overall
16:57.41IntangirFFT just had such an amazing plot! was definately the most awesome FF plot
16:57.41Intangirso complex and interesting
16:57.47Intangirbasically it was saying jesus was the antichrist
16:57.50Intangirdid you catch that? hahaha
16:57.56Intangiri mean how do they get away with that? no one noticed
16:58.04CidanWell in Japan
16:58.13CidanChristianity is often poked fun of
16:58.14Cidanin games
16:58.17Cidanall the time
16:58.25CidanThey cut a lot out when it comes to the states
16:58.40Intangirwell this one still had all of it
16:58.51Intangiri dont know if they changed the names in translations or if they were orginally just obvious parodies
16:59.04Intangiralso i thought delita was freaking awesome
16:59.12Intangirone of the most awesome FF characters ever..
16:59.20CidanDid you watch past the credits?
16:59.26Intangiri dont recall
16:59.31CidanThen you didn't.
16:59.34Intangirwhat was it?
16:59.37CidanOr you would know what I was talking about.
16:59.46Intangiri played that so many years ago, i probably did
16:59.53CidanNo, you would know, :P
17:00.03Intangirdelita gets stabbed?
17:00.14Cidanyerp, and so does the princess
17:00.40Intangirthen ya i saw that
17:00.52Intangirthat guy was so awesome though ;)
17:01.02Cidanhe really was
17:01.05Intangirusing kings as pawns, goes from orphaned peasant to king ;)
17:01.09Cidanwent from being a half-noble to king
17:01.13Intangirall for this one girl ;)
17:01.16Intangirwho doesnt trust him and kills him hahaha
17:01.18Intangiromg wtf!
17:01.28Intangirhe wasnt half-noble
17:01.34Cidanhe was adopted
17:01.41Intangiras a servant
17:01.45Cidaner, wait
17:01.47Cidanyou're right
17:01.49Intangirbasically an orphaned slave ;)
17:02.04Intangirthat was totally awesome hahaha
17:02.07Intangirhe became so powerful!
17:02.17Intangirno one he loved could even trust him
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17:02.44Intangirman the other part of it was so cool though, they have a guy, who the church claimed was the son of god..
17:02.48Intangirhe had 12 followers
17:02.55Intangir1 betrays him..
17:02.58foxlitThe brewfest mount should really have the same controls as the brewfest mount during quests
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17:03.19Intangirturns out in FFT the 1 betrayer had good reason to betray him. his followers were possesed by demons, and he was the reincarnation of satan on earth
17:03.22Intangirhahahahah holy shit
17:03.43Intangirdid you catch that?
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17:04.01IntangirCidan: almost no one i know who played it realized what that was about
17:04.03*** part/#wowi-lounge Oree (
17:04.16CidanI worshiped the game
17:04.19Cidanfor a long time
17:04.29Cidaneven wrote a clone of it for the PC using openGL
17:04.38Intangirme and a buddy wanted to also
17:04.47Intangira similar looking style
17:04.51Intangirbut not a tactics game
17:05.00Intangirmore like breath of fire 3-4
17:05.14Intangirwe didnt though..
17:05.32Intangirdid you level up cloud? hehe
17:05.35Intangiri got him to like level 8
17:05.38Intangirand i was like F this..
17:05.40CidanI got him to 99
17:05.43Cidansimple way to level:
17:05.49Intangiryou just get him sooo damn late in the game
17:05.51Cidanput everyone in a + shape
17:05.55Cidankeep a time mage in the center
17:06.14Cidanhaste everyone, and have the other guys do the squire skill that boosts your attack
17:06.25Cidanand keep a mob at like, 1 hp
17:06.28Cidanit will just run away
17:06.41Cidanyou'll level up pretty damn fast
17:06.52Intangirwhat do you do with cloud?
17:06.55CidanI did it on the first free roam fight you can do in the game, where you get random battles
17:07.03Cidanswitch his job 'til he gets the squire skill
17:07.07Cidanthen just equip it
17:07.15Cidanand go back to soldier
17:07.36Intangiroh so you gain XP from boosting attack power all day long?
17:08.14Intangiryou play FFX?
17:08.16CidanI did it on the first battle you could
17:08.18Intangiri maxed out all my characters on that
17:08.26Cidanwhen I was 99
17:08.29Intangiri relayed out the whole sphere grid
17:08.32Cidanand everyone else was 99 on the free battles
17:08.42Cidanthey had the best armor and weapons, I had... cloth
17:09.06Intangirdid you ever play the other newer tactics games? i did play any of them
17:09.08Cidanalso yes, in FFX there is a way to get that sphere XP by the masses
17:09.15Intangirtheres like 2 other versions of tactics now at least i think
17:09.26CidanI did play FFTA, didn't like it as much
17:09.42Intangirid doubt they are as good
17:09.49Intangirits probably more for a younger audience
17:09.57Intangirthats what it appeared to be to me
17:09.57Cidannot at all
17:10.02CidanFFTA was pretty nice
17:10.04Cidanbut eh
17:10.07CidanI just couldn't dig it
17:10.14foxlitHm, I wonder
17:10.24Cidanwhat gets me though is, why did they redo FF3 on the NDS in full 3D, but not 6?!
17:10.35Cidan6 they made a GBA release!
17:10.36foxlitHow expensive is a self:GetWidth(); call compared to storing the result in a local variable and reusing it once?
17:10.54Intangirthey keep changing things in the other versions of FF6
17:11.01Intangirthe latest one they changed ALOT
17:11.03Intangirwhole dialogs are changed
17:11.07Intangirwhole character names are changed
17:11.09Intangirskill names are changed
17:11.11Intangirmob names...
17:11.22Intangirthey changed ALOT
17:11.27Cidanfoxlit: Er... no clue?
17:11.33Intangirdoomgaze is now named deathgaze? hahaha retarded ;)
17:11.40Intangirinstead of vicks and wedge its biggs and wedge again
17:11.51Intangirthey copied those from starwars btw
17:12.01CidanYes, we know, :P
17:12.31Intangirthey renamed swordtech to bushido
17:12.36Intangirthats actually a good change
17:12.44Intangirwtf is swordtech?
17:13.07Intangirlol also some of cyans swords look like a huge butterknife ;)
17:13.12art3misthe technology of swords obviously ;)
17:13.24Intangirand its HUUGE!
17:13.43Intangiroh well im going to lunch
17:13.48Intangirwas a nice trip down memory lane ;)
17:13.50Intangirof gaming
17:13.58art3misi want a sword with full esper support, mp3 player and a full sized keyboard complete with wireless and 3g access
17:14.36Cidanart3mis: New SVN push btw
17:14.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Oree (
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17:41.16Shirik|zZzCidan: I don't see why you feel the need to announce every SVN push. You totally defeat the purpose of the CIA bot :P
17:42.08Thunder_Childthere is no CIA bot here
17:42.25CairennWhat you want, baby I got it.  What you need, do you know I got it?  All I'm asking for is a little respect when you come home.
17:42.39Thunder_Child~lart Cairenn
17:42.39purlbeats the living hamstercrap out of Cairenn
17:43.45CairennR-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me
17:44.14Lopeppeppy"I should have changed the stupid lock, I would have made you leave your key, if I'd known for just one moment you'd be back to bother me!"
17:44.31Cairennanother good one :)
17:44.42Thunder_Childyou people and your getting songs stuck in my head
17:44.53LopeppeppyI like 'em sassy, Cairenn
17:45.06Cairennsassy is gud!
17:45.15*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh_ (n=chatzill@
17:46.16Cairennone of the reason why the blues rock my world
17:46.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin (n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity)
17:46.44LopeppeppySome of the more modern country is nice as well.  Lorrie Morgan is a classy lady.
17:49.40*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
17:49.45Linhi there!
17:49.52Linmorning (UGT)  all!
17:50.27Cidanhowdy Lin's to early in the morning to be chipper
17:52.28LopeppeppyIt's never too early to annoy someone else, Thunder_Child.
17:52.40Thunder_Childthats quite true
17:53.09Thunder_Childbut i doubt thats what was in mind
17:59.35LopeppeppyNope, sorry.
18:05.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
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18:46.53*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
18:55.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Furl (
18:55.49FurlI push lines, yay.
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18:59.03*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
19:03.46lolinternetWoW just crashed my videocard
19:03.51lolinternetit can't recover
19:03.56lolinterneti'm writting this over RDP
19:04.15lolinternetit's hardlocked
19:04.15dreamssati card?'
19:04.18lolinternetrebooting it will fix it
19:04.28lolinternetbrb rebooting the machine
19:04.30FurlBuh bye
19:04.32dreamsswhats ur pcs uptime?
19:04.41lolinternetOffenderserv has been up for 22h 2m
19:04.44lolinternetnot much.
19:05.00FurlI go for 300hr at a time.
19:05.23Thunder_Childuptime: 7h :: record: 4d 8h 24m 26s
19:05.47dreamsswow hardlocks my shit every 3days heh
19:05.55dreamssused to have month+ uptime
19:05.56*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
19:06.19dreamss14Operating System: 04(WinXP Professional 5.1 Service Pack 2 (Build #2600)04) 15¤ 14Uptime: 04(1d 15h 47m 55s04) 15¤ 14Record Uptime: 04(5d 17h 13m 18s set on Sun Jul 22 12:25:09 200704)
19:06.44ScytheBlade1Bah, weak
19:08.18ScytheBlade1Haha, sucker. ;)
19:08.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
19:08.31Olison!tcl [exec uptime]
19:08.33MrUseful1 - result: invalid command name " 21:08:31 up 262 days,  6:53,  1 user,  load average: 1.03, 1.00, 0.89" - clicks: 101172
19:08.53Olisonneeds a new kernel :(
19:09.00hastethat's why I rebooted 23 hours ago
19:09.07cog|work12:08:27 up 20 days, 14:50,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
19:09.19ScytheBlade1I think the 2.3 PTR is up
19:11.40LopeppeppyNow I need to dissect the patch notes, whee!
19:11.56Kaydeethreepurges <3. client on the website is still for the 2.2.3 PTR though
19:12.17ScytheBlade1Heh, they even have a known bug posted
19:13.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
19:14.25ScytheBlade1No premades, characters wiped, no gear vendors
19:14.32ScytheBlade1This makes me so happy
19:15.42Intangirmy main is better than the premades anyway
19:15.53Intangirwill they still have daily arena points?
19:15.59Intangirtheyd better
19:16.21Cidan2.3 PTR today
19:18.50PolarinaAlso on Europe?
19:18.59Kaydeethreecheck the eu ptr forum?
19:19.15cog|workzomgimpatient: Cairenn|afk clad|away dolby-wowi
19:19.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
19:19.44cog|workKaydeethree: ^ new ForumToCPoster xml file for the 2.3 thread
19:19.54Kaydeethreeheh, I was in the middle of editing my copy
19:20.41PolarinaThe new Guild Banks feature is currently turned off on the PTR, it will be activated later." -- WHY?
19:20.57CidanOh snap
19:21.02Cidanguild banks in 2.3?
19:21.16cog|workPolarina: it's not ready yet
19:21.40purli guess soon is well before heat death
19:25.29Kaydeethreepatch notes getting posted now
19:25.48*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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19:26.38ScytheBlade1- Up to 6 purchasable tabs each containing 98 item slots
19:26.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
19:27.58Polarina-  Client spell cast requests are now sent to the server even if your  
19:28.08Polarina-  Vendor Discounts:  All vendors with an associate faction now give  
19:29.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Thorarin (
19:29.48*** part/#wowi-lounge Furl (
19:29.57JoshBorkewoot!  better discounts!
19:30.08PolarinaApperantly, Hortus is still posting the ChangeLog.
19:30.41ScytheBlade1Holy crap mage nerfs
19:30.44Kaydeethree" Dropping the Flag in a battleground will now result in a debuff that will not allow you to pick up the flag again for 3 seconds. "
19:30.56ScytheBlade1- Hypothermia duration increased to 45 sec.
19:31.04ScytheBlade1Funny that they didn't post that on the board
19:31.17Kaydeethreethe QQing is going to be intense
19:31.27ScytheBlade1You have a way of understating things
19:31.57ScytheBlade1- Banish can no longer be cast on targets tapped by other players or
19:32.15Cidan- Gnome: Escape Artist cooldown increased to 1 min, 45 sec.
19:32.16alextthat one is really stupid imo
19:32.18alextthe banish one
19:32.20CidanGnome nerf.
19:32.36Kaydeethree"- Portal Spells: Portal spells to capital cities can no longer be cast in battlegrounds. "
19:32.39ScytheBlade1<-- has two gnomes and a NE (NE for druid)
19:32.57mikmano more "HELP ME SUMMON!"
19:32.58ScytheBlade1THANK YOU.
19:33.02alexthopefully its 60min
19:34.06Cidan- Arcane Shot (Ranks 6 and above) now dispel 1 Magic effect in addition
19:34.08Cidanto their normal damage.
19:34.42LunessaThanks for linking that Kaydeethree
19:35.12Kaydeethree"Dropped items that were rings/trinkets/one handed weapons that were previously unique are now unique-equipped. That means that you can
19:35.12Kaydeethreehave more than one of those items, but you can only have a single one of them equipped."
19:35.15Cidan- Detect Magic removed. All players may now see their target's
19:35.16Cidanbeneficial effects at all times.
19:35.30ScytheBlade1- Lowered the fireball damage of Defias Pillagers
19:35.43Kaydeethree"- Low Level Cloth Items: All agility and strength on low-level cloth items has been replaced with other stats, usually bonus spell damage, but also sometimes other stats beneficial to mana users. "
19:35.46Kaydeethreeonly took 3 years
19:35.58LopeppeppyYay, cloth for clothies!
19:36.18*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
19:36.21Cidan- (NEW SPELL) Ritual of Refreshment available on trainers at level 70.
19:36.22Polarina-  Elite mobs outside of pre-Burning Crusade dungeons have been changed  
19:36.26Kaydeethreeooh, " Mind Exhaustion is not applied until Magtheridon is successfully banished. "
19:36.36Cidanno elite mobs in the real world?
19:36.45Kaydeethreehopefully not all of them got dropped
19:36.51Kaydeethreehogger had damn well better still be elite
19:37.28Cidan- Cleanse and Purify range increased to 40 yards.
19:37.59Kaydeethreefun nerf: "The Repolarized Magneto Sphere now only functions within the Blade's Edge Mountains."
19:38.18Polarina-  When you have a trade window open, you can right-click an item to  
19:38.29ScytheBlade1That's awesome
19:38.31Polarina-  When you have unopened mail, you can mouse over the recent mail icon  
19:38.36Kaydeethree"When you take damage and have a full screen UI up, the edges of the screen will flash red so you know you are under attack. "
19:38.37Thunder_Childlooks like cog|work is going to have to update his macro list
19:38.51Thunder_Child- Client spell cast requests are now sent to the server even if your player is already casting another spell. This eliminates the need for /stopcasting in macros to compensate for latency.
19:38.52Polarina-  Quests that are much below your level will now have the tag  
19:39.00dreamss- Elite mobs outside of pre-Burning Crusade dungeons have been changed <-- south of winterspring too?
19:39.12cog|workThunder_Child: yep. a welcome change
19:39.12Kaydeethreewe'll see when the ptr comes up in a few hours
19:39.20Thunder_Childsounds like it
19:39.31JoshBorkethank goodness: -  Fixed a bug where the global cooldown was triggered when shifting out
19:39.35Polarina-  Fixed the position of a mineral node in the Blade’s Edge Mountains  
19:39.49Polarina-  Fixed a bug in the pet sheet stamina mouseover tooltip that showed an
19:39.49cog|workShirik|AFK: told you so
19:39.55CidanPolarina: I think it means literally, mobs outside of instances
19:40.06Cidanlike, just outside them
19:40.13Cidanare non-elite... maybe?
19:40.48Olison- You can now send up to 12 items in a single mail message.
19:40.59Olisongmail max is 25, isnt it?
19:41.00dreamss2.3 is a fucking godsend
19:41.15dreamssgmail sends 25 single mails
19:41.22Olisonbut i guess, the 2.3 is way faster
19:41.28CidanI'm not happy with the elite mob changes, I really like challenge when I'm leveling
19:41.41Cidanbut whatever, we'll see.
19:41.42Cidan- All old world dungeons have had their loot revisited. Players will
19:41.43dreamssquest elites are non elites yeah
19:41.43Cidannow find that all loot dropped inside instances will be of Superior
19:41.54dreamssyeah link arugal robes
19:41.58dreamssthey have spell dmg
19:42.16*** join/#wowi-lounge benjr (
19:42.23dreamssagility got nerfed for spi :P
19:42.24ScytheBlade1Most epic mage trool I've seen in a long time:
19:42.32art3misi wish they're redo strat and scholo and stuff
19:42.40cog|workKaydeethree: looks like someone needs a diagram...
19:43.01art3misit seems just retarded that you do those for quests get gear and immediately repalce it the second you hit outlands
19:43.29dreamssi just skipped those istances and got lvl 57 outland greens
19:43.39art3misdreamss: heh
19:43.57Cidan- The Auction House UI has been much improved. The useless categories
19:43.57Cidanhave been removed (Plate-Cloak for instance) and a number of
19:43.57Cidanadditional sub categories have been added. In addition, many items
19:43.58Cidanhave had their category changed so that they make more sense.
19:43.59art3misi totally fergot about it
19:44.28[Liquidor]Hi folks. I'm look at the API CheckInteractDistance and I would like to call a func whenever the distIndex value changes (or when it at least changes to/from ~7 yards). How do I do this? Is there any event related?
19:45.03art3misbut this time ive got tsvn installed and im at home so i can jsut go ope explorer and do it now ;)
19:45.09*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
19:45.30Cidancheck /msg
19:45.35benjrcan anyone help me with code for an addon?
19:45.41Lunessa- Fear Ward is now available to all priests at level 20. Duration
19:45.41Lunessareduced to 3 minutes, cooldown increased to 3 minutes.
19:46.09dreamsshorde gets it so they have to nerf it
19:46.13LunessaAt long last, the bitching and moaning will cease.
19:46.42art3mishorde gets fear ward?
19:46.47ScytheBlade1huh @ - Flying units can see ground units and vice versa at any altitude.
19:46.57art3misoh wait i see
19:47.08art3miswoo now ud priests have 2!!
19:47.13dreamsssame for pallies, they got nerfed
19:47.29Kaydeethreeguess it's time for a finding stickies v6
19:47.41dreamssartis, 3 with pvp trinket
19:47.43[Liquidor]well way more priest races get FW so in this case they gotta increase the CD... no doubt
19:47.46*** join/#wowi-lounge [KzM]Fatalis (
19:48.46LunessaShaman changes look sweet to me.
19:49.30art3misdreamss: yay!
19:49.36art3misscrew you bastard locks!
19:49.42ScytheBlade1after being resurrected by a Spirit Guide in the Battleground.
19:49.45ScytheBlade1That's a definite win
19:50.06art3misheh so we can rebuff ;P
19:50.16art3misand not have to drink right after thus dying
19:50.19benjrif i have arg1 from a CHAT_MSG_WHISPER, how do make it so cuts off say the first 3 characters of the string?
19:51.07dreamsswhats the limit on the mages water/food stand
19:51.32Lunessa- All old world dungeons have had their loot revisited. Players will now find that all loot dropped inside instances will be of Superior quality.
19:54.47MentalPowerbenjr: local smallerString = arg1:sub(4)
19:55.39benjr4 meaning from the 4th character onwards, of the original string?
19:58.53ScytheBlade1- When you have unopened mail, you can mouse over the recent mail icon
19:58.53ScytheBlade1and get the name of the people who most recently sent you the mail.
19:59.46ScytheBlade1Whoo, TargetNearestDistance
20:00.09*** part/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
20:00.22MentalPowerbenjr: affirmative
20:00.26purlwell, pil is Programming in Lua, a book written by the authors of the Lua programming language.  The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0.  The second edition is available in print from most online bookstores, and covers Lua 5.1.
20:00.30MentalPowerbenjr: ^^^^
20:02.22benjri didnt seem to get many results when i was searching for how to make addons and what all the codes are, am i right in thinking the codes used inthe lua file arnt specific to WoW?
20:06.11MentalPowerno, its standard Lua
20:07.15benjrive never heard of lua till a few moments ago
20:07.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
20:09.20purlfrom memory, lua is a powerful light-weight programming language designed for extending applications.  It is often used as a configuration language.  See
20:11.07benjrfor an absolute beginner like myself, how hard do you think it would be to make an addon watches wispers for certain words, and then auto-replys to it with a preset respsonce?
20:11.29MentalPowernot very hard
20:12.06MentalPoweryou will need to register for the whispers event, and use string.match() to find the words you need
20:12.19MentalPowerand then send out the response using SendChatMessage()
20:12.41MentalPowerthats the bird's eye overview
20:13.29benjri took someone elses addon for somehting totaly unrelated, and stripper all their code out of the lua, excpet the stuff for turnign it on/off witha  slash command, to give me a starting point
20:13.45MentalPowerfair nuf
20:17.04benjrif i wisper myself to test it should it work? or do i need a 3rd person to wisper me?
20:19.26Thunder_ChildStarshards (Night Elf) is no longer channeled, costs 0 mana, is now a Magic effect, lasts 15 seconds, causes damage every 3 seconds and has a 30 second cooldown.
20:19.38Thunder_Childrather nice
20:23.55*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
20:26.53KirkburnWikied the patch notes -
20:29.12Thunder_Childvery happy camper. "Low Level Cloth Items: All agility and strength on low-level cloth items has been replaced with other stats, usually bonus spell damage, but also sometimes other stats beneficial to mana users."
20:32.04Thunder_Childwhat i want to know is, is when are we going to be able to dl the ptr client
20:32.32art3mis"Change the look of all non-outland/TBC items sot hat they appear as burlap sacks and a wooden stick with tinfoil on it. This should alieviate any complaints regarding the look and feel of the pre-TBC teir sets."
20:32.35benjrClient spell cast requests are now sent to the server even if your player is already casting another spell. This eliminates the need for /stopcasting in macros to compensate for latency.
20:32.50ElkanoKirkburn, there is no 'template' how guild pages should look in the wiki besides the policy, is there?
20:33.11Kirkburn[[Help:Guild articles]] I think
20:33.31KirkburnA base template you can use
20:33.33Thunder_Childwhat, you dont have wowwiki memorized? fail
20:34.08Intangirhow is a guild bank going to work
20:34.14Intangirmost of the wow interfaces sorta suck
20:34.19Intangirthe pvp interface is broken
20:34.22Intangirthe guild interface is buggy
20:34.32Intangirthe vendor interface is underfeatured, the login interface is bad
20:34.35art3misguildbank would be a horrible thing
20:34.46Intangirthe bag interface is weak by defaul,t but good enough
20:34.50art3misre gonna ahve to set the level on it, thus making it behave for the officers and GM anyways
20:35.21Intangirit may be cool for quickly giving items to guild mates across the world
20:35.21JoshBorkethe login interface is bad?
20:35.23Intangirjust got oa bank
20:35.23art3mison the plus side it means you get to spend for new slots and get more storage ;P
20:35.24KirkburnThunder_Child, 44,000 pages :P
20:35.29IntangirJoshBorke: ya the login interface sucks..
20:35.42JoshBorkeyou mean, with the 2 editboxes and what, 3 buttons?
20:35.42Intangiri have these issues with it: 1 the order cant be changed
20:35.43Thunder_ChildKirkburn, well get memorizing
20:35.53KirkburnThe login interface
20:35.54JoshBorkeor the character select screen?
20:35.55foxlitThis update does not need to be applied. It requires version of "World of", but you already have version qq!
20:35.56KirkburnSure you meant that?
20:35.57Intangirworse, the default addons, and player specific addons are not good
20:36.11KirkburnWait, are we even talking about the same thing?
20:36.18Intangiri mean, you open it ajnd it always defaults to.. default, not the player you have selected, and it just seems unintuitive
20:36.20JoshBorkehe means the character select screen
20:36.36Intangiri mean the character login thing, after you chose a realm
20:36.41KarlThePagandoes anyone have a PTR download mirror?
20:36.42Thunder_Childty Kaydeethree
20:36.42Intangirwhere you can cahnge addons, and pick a character
20:36.51JoshBorkeptr is not up i thought
20:36.54KarlThePaganserver too busy, server too busy, server too busy
20:36.56Kaydeethreeptr's not ready for release yet, go to the link I just posted
20:37.00KirkburnVersion number?
20:37.18art3mis only not safe for work if your office is german
20:37.27Intangirkarl what is a pagan exactly
20:37.32KirkburnRevision number then :P
20:37.32KarlThePagan"do not attempt to download client"
20:37.43Kaydeethreeit'll be "WoW-"
20:37.51KirkburnTa KD3
20:37.56KarlThePaganIntangir, several definitions exist - which one is based on your interpretation
20:38.18Intangirwell are you a pagan? and if so what does it mean to you?
20:38.18KarlThePaganwant all of them? or my personal identification definition?
20:40.14Thunder_Childhmm... "- Many On Use items now display the cooldown in the item tooltip. " is repeated twice on the patch notes
20:40.22Thunder_Childguess they really mean it
20:40.27KarlThePaganIntangir, yes and my own definition is a practice or belief in a non-Abrahamic religion which gives spiritual value to ones own person and the environment in which you live
20:40.39art3misor it was "fixed" once and then someone actually fixed it ;P
20:41.35IntangirKarlThePagan: cool
20:41.41KarlThePaganslightly more specific than the usual, and also more generalized as it includes Thoth and pseudo-occult beliefs which some nitt-pickers insist are not 'earth based'
20:42.05KarlThePaganbut anyways... QQ wtb PTR download
20:42.36IntangirKarlThePagan: what pseudo occult believes, do you believe plants and stuff have spirits? what do you think happens when you die?
20:43.43Intangirim curious, i would send private messages but freenode is complaining about it for some reason
20:44.13KarlThePaganwell I'm regg'd Intangir you probably should too :)
20:44.20*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
20:45.04KarlThePaganunless anyone else minds the blatanly offtopic chat I'll answer her until you reg ;)
20:45.45*** part/#wowi-lounge Oree (
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20:46.00KarlThePaganIndustrial, well I've got a very specific twist on that... you turn into dirt your consciousness ceases to be, memories of you live in others, your offspring continue to live and contribute to the world, your ideas and intellectual creations may take hold in others and inspire new creation
20:46.37KarlThePaganI'm a straight-up materialist / atheist who recognizes the spiritual value of language ;)
20:46.51Intangirok i regged
20:47.00KarlThePagankk taking to pm's ;)
20:49.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Oree (
20:50.23Kaydeethreewow, the forums are beyond busted...
20:50.36Kaydeethreeone sticky thread in the PTR is halfway down the first page
20:50.42Kaydeethreeposted twice
20:51.47benjrWhat am i doing wrong here? I want this code to wisper someoen back, witht he same they they just said  if (event == "CHAT_MSG_WHISPER") then SendChatMessage(arg1, "WHISPER", "Common", arg2); end
20:58.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (
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21:02.42benjrcan anyone tell me where ive gone wrong int hat above code? it seems so simple i cnat understand how i could ahve messed it up
21:07.04Thunder_Childdo you send anything if you simply use the sendchatmessage part?
21:07.58benjryeah a sendchatmessage("hi") works
21:08.50*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
21:09.02benjris there a command to make the thing "start"?
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21:09.33Thunder_Childno idea, i dont code in lua, but you might try browsing
21:09.34Fisker-how do you know Kaydeethree?
21:09.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
21:09.53Kaydeethreehe's got a sticky up talking about a known bug in the build they're going to push to the website
21:10.23Fisker-i hope my copies don't get owned
21:10.33Fisker-i just saw "0.2.3" and forgot it was 2.2.3
21:11.01bleeterppph, sexy 2.3 notes
21:11.16Fisker-no u
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21:12.06LunessaOMG... I must need caffeine, sugar, fat and food bulk added to my diet, I'm beginning to desire the death of every poster who asks for a macro...
21:12.34Thunder_ChildLunessa, can i have a macro that plays wow for me when i sleep....
21:13.00LunessaThunder_Child: L2 Chinese PL Service.
21:13.23art3misthunder codes in rot13
21:14.13Thunder_Childhardly art3mis, my encription is a bit more advanced
21:14.54Kaydeethreejoy... we're going from one forum bug to another
21:15.02Kaydeethreereplies aren't showing up.
21:15.08Kaydeethreeguess I'll just go back to SimTower for a while
21:17.53art3misTC: yes but iw as talking about encrYption ;P
21:18.40Thunder_Childmy english on the other hand, go to hell
21:21.47art3misdon't you mean tb gb uryy rules
21:21.47*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
21:35.47PolarinaAttention programmers! The perfect escuse for slacking at work is right here! See
21:38.56benjrdoes /reload ui  implement changes ot the xml file?
21:39.17Thunder_Childno, the perfect excuse for slacking at work is ....NSFW
21:39.20dreamssunless u coding scripting language :P
21:44.34KarlThePaganor java on eclipse
21:44.46KarlThePaganor you have a sane number of lines of code
21:46.46*** part/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
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21:46.55sag_ich_nichtBLIZZARD SMELLS
21:47.05bleeterno u
21:47.09sag_ich_nichtshut your mouth
21:47.18sag_ich_nichtI am quitting WoW once my subscription runs out if they don't fix this
21:47.27sag_ich_nichtwe were promised 2.3 will fix paladins
21:47.30sag_ich_nichtno threat reduction
21:47.34sag_ich_nichtthey can suck my balls
21:48.21dreamsspallies are blizz bastard child
21:48.35dreamssno fucking res on the ret pvp set?
21:49.11dreamssonly 2 seasons for them to realize ret pallies need resilance
21:49.51KarlThePaganlog on the ptr first lol
21:52.03KarlThePaganlol pets automatically get behind... pure awesome...
21:52.09KarlThePagani hope it's bugged for pet tanking stuff
21:52.12KarlThePaganwatch them spin
21:53.39sag_ich_nichtdreamss: check the forums.
21:53.45*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo_ (
21:53.45sag_ich_nichtblizzard can't possibly ban them all.
21:53.53sag_ich_nichtthere wouldn't be any paladins left on the forums.
21:53.56zenzelezzKarlThePagan: maybe they just realized that hunters were exploiting pet mechanics to avoid engaging in melee combat
21:55.41KarlThePaganI knew strength was a hunter stat!
21:55.51KarlThePaganall those QQ wars who i rolled against can diaf
21:55.58KarlThePaganjk ;)
21:57.28KarlThePaganwait what... cleanse & purify go 40 yards now... but dispel and purge are 30
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21:57.41Xinhuan"When you inspect another player, you can now see their talent choices as well as their equipment."
21:57.42KarlThePagan2.3 is like 1.12
21:58.17KarlThePaganXinhuan, what notes are you reading?
21:58.25Xinhuandispel and purge can be used offensively
21:58.30KirkburnHey, I just noticed something is in the patch notes that was in the WotLK alpha :P "NPCs with a single function will now display an icon that indicates their function on mouseover."
21:58.32Xinhuanuh the blue posted ones KarlKFI
21:58.43KarlThePaganreloaded it...
21:58.48Xinhuanpost 8
21:58.53Xinhuanjust below the line about 30 yard inspect
21:59.01KarlThePagan didn't have that line 30 minutes ago :)
21:59.08Xinhuanyeah it was edited
21:59.16Xinhuanbecause all posts before that were edited
21:59.19Xinhuanand post 8 didn't exist then
21:59.19bleeterI guess that's them acknowledging that people are using armory to see other people's talents
21:59.40KirkburnI have to reedit the patch notes page ><
21:59.45bleeterlol Kirkburn
21:59.57Xinhuanthe whole point though, is that it "sort of" validates or lends argument to Rock sending talent info now
22:00.30KirkburnAiee, it's quite different
22:00.42Xinhuanyeah you better recopy that patch notes kirk ;p
22:00.47bleeterthere was a forum bug earlier which was eating stickies 'n stuff
22:00.50KirkburnNot bloody likely
22:02.06Intangirwhats to stop a person from making a guild bank, and kicking everyone out of his guild ;)
22:02.12Intangirso he can have like 600 extra slots
22:03.14Intangiri think we are about to see alot of new smaller guilds ;)
22:03.22Intangiri made one called Ron Paul for President ;)
22:03.26IntangirThe Returners
22:03.31Intangirand Ashes
22:03.35Intangiri have 4 guilds on my 10 toons ;)
22:03.47Intangirand my main is a member of none of them
22:04.19Xinhuanwell i expect guild bank tabs to cost like 1000g
22:05.34Esamynntab = 98 slots
22:05.51wereHamster10g per slot
22:06.55Esamynnomgz, a benefits for being exalted
22:07.04Esamynnie. 20% discount from vendors! :)
22:09.47Intangirwtf is this expertise..
22:09.57Intangirexpertise seems unneeded
22:10.03Intangirwhats wrong with skill
22:10.13*** part/#wowi-lounge Oree (
22:10.42Intangirmortal strike will reduce health gained from drain life :()
22:10.45Intangirthats a serious warlock nerf
22:10.55KarlThePaganwas seriously overpowered in 2v2
22:10.58Intangirwarlocks are one of the only chances that do well against warriors
22:11.11Intangirthat just means warrior/paladin will be even more unstoppable
22:11.17Intangirim so sick of warrior/paladin teams in 2v2
22:11.19KarlThePagantrue :(
22:11.19Intangirthats all i see
22:11.25Esamynnthey nerfed Heart of the Wild :(
22:11.29Intangirabout 90% of the matches i have in 2v2 arena, are warrior/paladin
22:11.37Intangirand we did alright against them cause i got a warlock teammate
22:11.39Intangirbut now.. wtf..
22:11.46KarlThePaganthey need to make zerker rage not break fear
22:11.50KarlThePaganfear immune is fine
22:11.53KirkburnUpdated the notes!
22:12.02Intangirwarriors need to be beaten severly with the nerf stick ;)
22:12.16KarlThePaganEsamynn, the 20% str -> 10% atp change?
22:12.43*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
22:12.54KirkburnThe changes -
22:12.54KarlThePaganyea, but what about all the druid FAP weapons ;)
22:13.13Esamynnit might end up evening out
22:13.24KarlThePagansome of the druids in my guild are happy about it
22:13.27KarlThePaganthe feral ones
22:13.34benjrhow fast is string.match()?
22:13.36KarlThePaganserious endgame dps items are all ATP not str
22:13.48EsamynnI always geared for STR over attack power
22:14.04KarlThePaganyea, because it's better ;)
22:14.09KarlThePaganSSC/TK items?
22:14.20Esamynnbut now it's not better
22:14.35Esamynn1 str == 2 atk power, period end of story now
22:14.47KarlThePaganexcept all atp is up 10% ;)
22:15.00KarlThePaganso you can roll against rogues ;)
22:15.17Esamynnonce I can copy over, I'll tell you whether it nerfed my atk power or not
22:15.28Esamynnand WHY do I want to roll against rogues? :P
22:18.03Thunder_Child"The new Guild Banks feature is currently turned off on the PTR, it will be activated later." i wonder why
22:18.23IntangirDropping the Flag in a battleground will now result in a debuff that will not allow you to pick up the flag again for 3 seconds.
22:18.26Intangirthank you :)
22:19.09sag_ich_nichtthis is all unimportant.
22:19.15sag_ich_nichtWE WANT THREAT REDUCTION
22:19.27Thunder_Childyour unimportant
22:19.30Intangiri think the AV changes will be alot of fun
22:20.02sag_ich_nichtactually check EU general atm:
22:20.12sag_ich_nicht(and don't even go near the paladin forums, it's a warzone now.)
22:21.06sag_ich_nicht# Cooldown removed from Noggenfogger Elixirs. The shrink effect will no longer stack with other shrink effects.
22:21.14sag_ich_nichtthat's a half-fail.
22:21.16sag_ich_nichtand a half-win.
22:21.18Thunder_Childthats super mini-mes
22:21.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Oree (
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22:24.41Intangirwhat are paladins angry about?
22:25.05Intangirlooks like a ton of buffs..
22:25.20sag_ich_nichtIntangir they can take all those buffs
22:25.24sag_ich_nichtand stick them up their ASS
22:25.37sag_ich_nichtthey are worth NOTHING without threat reduction
22:25.44Intangirthey are in pvp
22:25.47Intangirthey are worth a fuckload in pvp
22:25.59Intangiras if warrior and paladin werent already overpowered in pvp, it looks like nothing but more buffs for them
22:26.02sag_ich_nichtIntangir they said they want to make ret raid viable.
22:26.09sag_ich_nichtthey didn't
22:26.11sag_ich_nichtthey LIED
22:26.16Intangiri could give a shit about raiding
22:26.17KasoSeriously sag_ich_nicht how much of the paladin population are ret-raiders? i think a very low number.
22:26.19Intangirim worried about pvp balance
22:26.22Intangirwhich they are fucking up
22:26.31sag_ich_nichtKaso: that answer your question?
22:26.42bleeterthey're angry about a bunch of stuff they've read, not about what they've actually even experienced yet.
22:27.10KirkburnI didn't realise threat reduction was the main problem?
22:27.14sag_ich_nichtjeff said we'll get it. drysc said we'll get it. they lied straight out in our face.
22:27.15sag_ich_nichtit IS.
22:27.16bleeterlord only knows blizz have missed stuff out of patch notes before, only to be found out within half an hour of a PTR going live
22:27.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Karen@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
22:27.28*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
22:27.35KirkburnIf they said it, then amazingly, perhaps they weren't lying
22:27.46KirkburnWhen did they say it?
22:27.56KasoDoesnt really answer my question, even a few thousand bitching on forums aren't representative of the whole class
22:27.58sag_ich_nichtthey were. jeff even delete the whole thread where he made the post about it(and yes there ARE screens.)
22:28.04bleetersag_ich_nicht: and you know that's true, so you're just QQ for no point atm
22:28.22sag_ich_nichtbleeter: frankly said, i don't give a damn.
22:28.41KirkburnHow do you know Jeff deleted the thread? Do you know it was deleted to "hide" it, not because it derailed?
22:28.59sag_ich_nichti don't care. the change is NOT there.
22:29.15sag_ich_nichti have been patience and forgiving since the patch one week before release.
22:29.17KirkburnAnd the patch isn't live, so give it at least until the PTR goes live
22:29.20sag_ich_nichtENOUGH is ENOUGH
22:29.31sag_ich_nicht[00:27] <Kirkburn> I didn't realise threat reduction was the main problem? <--i have to stand around doing nothing for 1/3 of a boss encounter because of threat. no other class has to do that.
22:29.31bleeterright, so.. blizz said they'd do something, it's not on the patch notes, you've not confirmed if it's a mistake in the patch notes or actually not there, so you're swearing and cursing and calling them liars and you don't care. qq moar.
22:29.34KirkburnEnough is enough? Sheesh
22:29.57Esamynn~calm sag_ich_nicht
22:29.58purlACTION sooths sag_ich_nicht, offers a backrub, tea, a jacuzzi and anything else that might help calm sag_ich_nicht down.
22:30.00wereHamstersag_ich_nicht, which class are you playing?
22:30.07Kirkburnsag_ich_nicht, now that would be annoying, I can certainly understand that :P
22:30.10sag_ich_nichtwereHamster: Paladin, duh.
22:30.45sag_ich_nicht[00:30] <Kirkburn> sag_ich_nicht, now that would be annoying, I can certainly understand that :P <--guess what? my DPS sucks because of that.
22:30.58KirkburnI'm not contesting that! :)
22:31.15sag_ich_nichtwhen the RL says "go all out" when the boss is at 20%
22:31.18sag_ich_nichti can't go all out
22:31.22sag_ich_nichtbecause if do, we wipe.
22:32.18sag_ich_nichthell, i can't even pop avening wrath without fearing to go above the tank TPS. and no, the tank does NOT suck.-_-
22:32.50KirkburnI'm just saying, wait and see
22:35.15bleeterhell, anyone would think mistakes aren't made on PTRs, or with patch notes, or thing are not explicitly mentioned in patch notes, or that things don't change on PTRs. it's a *test* realm, after all.
22:35.18Lunessasag_ich_nicht: As an Enhancement shaman, I have a similar problem with threat.  
22:35.34sag_ich_nichtLunessa: YOU get threat reduction.
22:35.43LunessaI get 1 talent.
22:35.44sag_ich_nichtwe don't. gg, we've been made even LESS raid viable.
22:35.57LunessaAnd 1 totem that applies to everyone in my group
22:36.31sag_ich_nichtand i get a buff that applies to everyone in the raid. 30+30=60. but 0+30=30.
22:36.40LunessaI can't make you happy except by saying that all but 2 rading paladins in my guild are ret.
22:37.08sag_ich_nichtthen they will tell you that we need threat reduction.
22:37.36Cidemeh, you'll get it sometime
22:37.40LunessaMostly they want "maor dps! RAR!!!"
22:38.34bleeterto quote hortus...
22:38.34bleeter"Speculation and complaints about changes that have yet to be experienced do not help in any way and will be deleted."
22:38.58sag_ich_nicht[00:37] <+Cide> meh, you'll get it sometime <--i've heard that phrase
22:39.07sag_ich_nichtsince the patch 1 week before release of 1.0
22:39.11sag_ich_nichtnothing has been done.
22:39.21sag_ich_nichtret still sucks.
22:39.50sag_ich_nichtthat's 15 patches and over 2 years.
22:39.53sag_ich_nichti've had enough.
22:41.56wereHamsteryou quitting?
22:42.34bleeterKaydeethree: check my last post on cogwheel's post in the PTR re: ForumToCPoster, relates to our Mono
22:43.39sag_ich_nicht[00:41] <wereHamster> you quitting? <--the subscription is already removed. account runs out in 5 months. they either fix this, or they can suck my balls
22:47.34cog|workValaron|Work: sfw?
22:48.14EsamynnCorpses that belong to someone in your party, but that you cannot loot will say in the corpse mouseover who has loot rights on that corpse. Everyone will then see that there is a monster that the master looter has loot rights on.
22:48.20cog|workok... so it really was a beaver ><
22:49.38cog|workbleeter: umm... i have no idea what you're referring to ><
22:50.29EsamynnWhen an Addon attempts to perform an action that is prohibited in combat, you will get a chat message "Interface action failed because of an AddOn". This only occurs once per login.
22:50.51Xinhuanthat's a pretty silly error message :)
22:53.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
22:54.00CidanWhat are you bitching about sag_ich_nicht?
22:54.07CidanSomething raiding what class what?
22:55.15EsamynnI keep getting Server Too Busy errors when I try to Download the PTR client, or copy a char
22:55.24Xinhuanbecause the PTR isn't up yet
22:55.28Xinhuanand you aren't allowed to copy
22:55.34XinhuanHortus even posted so
22:55.44Esamynnheh, I was just going to look at that ;)
22:55.45Cidannot til 6 PST
22:56.03sag_ich_nichtCidan: THREAT REDUCTION
22:56.27*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
22:56.32Esamynn~gag sag_ich_nicht
22:56.32purlACTION takes away the voice of sag_ich_nicht and, as an additional precaution, sews sag_ich_nicht's mouth shut permanently...
22:56.44JoshBorkegood move
22:59.35Esamynnsag_ich_nicht: was that supposed to hurt?
23:00.08sag_ich_nichtEsamynn: i'm a paladin. i only hurt bad people.
23:00.29sag_ich_nichtclick the link then you'll have your answer, Cidan.
23:02.00CidanYou troll to much
23:02.12Cidanit's not that bad
23:02.21sag_ich_nichtCidan it is. play a ret paladin in a raid.
23:03.06Cidandid, for a year
23:03.08sag_ich_nichti stand there for 1/3 of the fight not even being capable of auto attacking because of threat. and no, i can't offheal in that time, either, because of the tiny manapool and ludicrous heals.
23:03.37Esamynnsag_ich_nicht: I guess I'm immune to you then :P
23:03.52sag_ich_nichtEsamynn o rly
23:04.07sag_ich_nichtmy alt is a fury warrior.
23:04.12sag_ich_nichthe has burning axes.
23:04.26EsamynnI am Druid.  I am god
23:04.49sag_ich_nichtmy first character was a warlock. he still exists. somewhere on a US account long frozen.
23:04.53sag_ich_nichti am your end.
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23:09.54Maldiviahmm, 2.3 looks exciting
23:10.22sag_ich_nichtit sucks
23:10.27sag_ich_nichtif you think otherwise, then you smell.
23:11.17Maldiviahave you ever heard the expression "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything" ?
23:13.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
23:13.06*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
23:13.17Maldiviahah, they finally implements a way to tell who has loot rights on a corpse... too bad noone is running MC anymore, with raid leaders yelling "loot the fu*king dog"
23:13.34*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
23:13.39sag_ich_nicht[01:11] <Maldivia> have you ever heard the expression "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything" ? <--yeah. i punched the person in the face who said it to me.
23:14.02sag_ich_nichtnow THREAT REDUCTION
23:14.47CidanI think in general Blizzard is dumbing down the game
23:14.53CidanMaking it easier for everyone
23:15.20Wobin_- Client spell cast requests are now sent to the server even if your
23:15.21Wobin_player is already casting another spell. This eliminates the need
23:15.21Wobin_for /stopcasting in macros to compensate for latency.
23:15.23CidanWhich just means that after Conspiracy is done, it will go into maint. mode and I will switch to LotrO, unless of course Blizzard turns it around.
23:15.24sag_ich_nichtcidan every class except paladins has inate threat reduction.
23:15.42sag_ich_nichtlol spellqueue
23:15.42Wobin_Can it be chaincasting tiem naow?
23:15.53sag_ich_nicht"no it won't be a spellqueue OH WAIT IT IS"
23:16.26Wobin_- Pets will try to get behind their targets when engaging in melee
23:16.29Wobin_Oh thank god =P
23:16.36Wobin_It will be so much easier on gruul
23:16.48Wobin_except for the fact when they're tanking =P
23:17.13CidanI thought about that
23:17.17Cidannot sure how that will work out
23:17.36Wobin_The racial weapon specs...
23:17.38Wobin_hm =P
23:17.39JoshBorkesag_ich_nicht: lol.  priest
23:17.49Wobin_and the removal of +weapon skill...
23:18.02CidanLike I said
23:18.04Cidaneasier for all.
23:19.09JoshBorkesag_ich_nicht: priests have no way to reduce threat
23:19.20Wobin_- Serpent Sting, Immolation Trap and Explosive Trap all gain additional damage based on ranged attack power.
23:19.33JoshBorkefade is temporary
23:19.42Wobin_It's still a threat reduction
23:19.42Kaydeethreefade is temporary and is nullified the instant the priest does anything other than walk
23:19.44JoshBorkeafter 10 seconds all the threat is back
23:20.08JoshBorkei think someone said that any threat generated while under fade is permanently reduced
23:20.15Wobin_sag_ich_nicht: and pallys have a threat reduction =P
23:20.16Wobin_Bubble =)
23:20.17JoshBorkeso i guess i am wrong
23:20.19*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
23:20.24KarlKFIoooo Weapon Expertise now increases Stam =D
23:20.39KarlKFItotal stam 10% is hawt
23:20.55sag_ich_nichtTHREAT REDUCTIOn
23:20.58sag_ich_nichtTHERE IS NONE
23:21.02KarlKFIyeah i heard
23:21.06sag_ich_nicht[01:20] <Wobin_> Bubble =) <--you are a MORON
23:21.10Wobin_oh man =(
23:21.12JoshBorkebubble is temporary too
23:21.14Wobin_CoH changes
23:21.23KarlKFIthat'll put me over 1k stam i think
23:21.28Wobin_sag_ich_nicht: Why thank you =P
23:21.33Wobin_You're a moron too!
23:21.35CidanPaladin's are just fine.
23:21.37CidanQuit crying
23:21.41sag_ich_nichtthey are not
23:21.44Wobin_if we're just randomly insulting people
23:21.55Wobin_Hey JoshBorke, you're a moron!
23:22.00sag_ich_nichtbubble sets it to 0. then when it runs out, takes the original value you had and adds all the aggro you created while under the bubble and adds it to that.
23:22.06JoshBorkeWobin_: thanks!
23:22.14JoshBorkesag_ich_nicht: sounds like Fade to me :-D
23:22.16KarlKFIyou lost me
23:22.49KarlKFIso bubble is now actually a temporary hiding of all agro?
23:22.56sag_ich_nichtit always was
23:23.01Wobin_Circle of Healing: The base amount of healing from this spell has been reduced along with increasing the bonus it receives from bonus healing effects. Characters with more than 1338 healing will see their Circle of Healing heal for more than previous patches. Characters with less than 1338 healing will see their Circle of Healing heal for less.
23:23.02JoshBorkesag_ich_nicht: tell you what.  get a SS and DI a shadow priest next time you hit threat ceiling :-)
23:23.17KarlKFIi'm confused
23:23.30sag_ich_nichtKarlKFI: don't bubble while tanking.
23:23.35sag_ich_nichtyou will wipe.
23:23.36KarlKFIthat's what we did in void reaver on my last guild
23:23.40Wobin_hehe Elune's Grace is finally somewhat useful =)
23:23.52sag_ich_nichtJoshBorke: that happens all the time during fights. i can't stack 6 SSs.
23:23.55KarlKFIsag, how has that changed?
23:24.11Wobin_sag_ich_nicht: If you're tanking, why do you want to reduce aggro anyway?
23:24.16JoshBorkesag_ich_nicht: btw, which fight is this?  VR?
23:24.38KarlKFIwobin it's not agro it's to avoid dying
23:24.52KarlKFIbut the healers hate you for it
23:25.03KarlKFIyou can just tant after you bubble, no?
23:25.12JoshBorkecan't taunt
23:25.19JoshBorkewell, can't taunt everything anyway
23:25.22JoshBorkei don't know what fight this is
23:25.36KarlKFIi dont see a bubble change on the patch list..
23:25.36sag_ich_nicht[01:24] <Wobin_> sag_ich_nicht: If you're tanking, why do you want to reduce aggro anyway? <--i'm not. i was talking to KarlKFI that he shouldn't bubble while tanking.
23:25.48sag_ich_nicht[01:25] <KarlKFI> you can just tant after you bubble, no? <--yes
23:25.50sag_ich_nichtthat works
23:25.58sag_ich_nichtbut the taunt doesn't last as long as bubble does
23:26.04KarlKFIwhat actually changed about bubble?
23:26.12Wobin_Man, Rogues get nerfed =(
23:26.19KarlKFIwhy did you bring it up?
23:26.20sag_ich_nichtyou have 1.5 seconds of the boss running around wild
23:26.32sag_ich_nichtKarlKFI: because:
23:26.32sag_ich_nicht[01:20] <Wobin_> sag_ich_nicht: and pallys have a threat reduction =P
23:26.32sag_ich_nicht[01:20] <Wobin_> Bubble =)
23:26.36sag_ich_nichtwhich is wrong.
23:26.55KarlKFIright it's not a threat redux, it's just a temp avoidance of death
23:27.03Wobin_well, see, I thought you were talking about threat reduction. Not for damage reduction
23:27.11KarlThePaganit's a slightly better fade :)
23:27.16Wobin_in for the -reason- for bubbling
23:27.17sag_ich_nichtfucking morons making assumptions about our class without knowing something about it
23:27.27Wobin_sag_ich_nicht: quit with the insults
23:27.38Wobin_we're not making fucking assumptions
23:27.50KarlKFIno we have no threat redux, thankfully my guild is now more geared than i am, so i can usually go all out
23:27.54sag_ich_nichtbubble is not a threat reduction. you asumed it is.
23:27.54Wobin_we're completely confused as to the actual SUBJECT of discussion
23:28.09sag_ich_nichtthe subject is that PALADINS DEMAND THREAT REDUCTION FOR RET.
23:28.10JoshBorkei missed the start of the conversation
23:28.17Wobin_sag_ich_nicht: It -is- a reduction. It's only temporary
23:28.18KarlKFImy subject was that they buffed pally tanking stam, yay!
23:28.31JoshBorkemy subject is that shadow priests need threat reduction too
23:28.37sag_ich_nichtthey have
23:28.40KarlThePaganthey have it
23:28.44KarlKFIthat means i can prolly hit 14k self buffed
23:28.45sag_ich_nicht1. they are ranged 2. they have a talent for it
23:29.03sag_ich_nichtJoshBorke: let me help you:
23:29.27KarlThePaganthe subject is that PTR client download needs to go up soon!
23:29.27KarlKFI"Power Word: Shield now gains additional benefit from spell damage and healing bonuses." nice
23:29.54Sixen~summon KD3
23:29.54purlapt takes out 20 clean, identical-looking phones, some extra hands, and pretends to be a telemarketer for a large corporation, so he gets delivered a phonelist containing KD3's coordinates
23:29.56Wobin_- Seed of Corruption detonation will now obey line of sight.
23:29.58KarlKFIooo Starshards buff
23:30.15Wobin_yay for no more kara warlock OMGZERG deaths =P
23:30.17SixenLets make the PTR guild/thread when it's up?
23:30.19KarlThePaganI'm pretty sure that SoC change is meant to fix pulling 2 floors of Philanthropists in KZ
23:30.27sag_ich_nicht[01:29] <Wobin_> - Seed of Corruption detonation will now obey line of sight.  <--aka "we couldn't POSSIBLE fix the instances so we changed the spell"
23:30.34KarlThePaganhahaha yea
23:30.34Wobin_sag_ich_nicht: totally =)
23:30.49SixenThere are No Pre-mades for 2.3
23:30.50Wobin_Walls? Floors? Solid? what's that?
23:30.53SixenThat's gg.
23:31.02sag_ich_nichtthat's a good thing.
23:31.03KaydeethreeI've been saying it was coming all along
23:31.04Wobin_Sixen: OH NOES, WHO SHALL I DUEL?
23:31.05EsamynnSixen: that was to be expected
23:31.10Esamynnthey ARE tuning a dungeon
23:31.12JoshBorkeYep, it's awesome, I'm down to 1300tps when VE is effectivelyhealing, and that's including salvation and subtlety... deal with ittbh ;)
23:31.17KarlKFInoooooo Blind can't be dispelled
23:31.19SixenGuys: I'm copy/pasting that from the Sticky, i'm not complaining about it, :P
23:31.29KarlThePaganWTS lv 70 priest PTR account - 2pc season 1, 2pc season 2
23:31.35KarlKFIisn't that a Morose buff?
23:31.40Wobin_KarlKFI: it's a physical though
23:31.48KarlThePaganbubble :)
23:32.03KarlThePaganand bleeds were always physical
23:32.16KarlThePaganstoneform still works there ;) just not for blind :(
23:32.25EsamynnSixen: if you want to make a PTR guild, you can always ask Cairenn to coordinate it :)
23:32.37Wobin_well Blind isn't exactly defined as a bleed
23:32.51KarlThePaganno, it was a poison... i meant... the morose thing
23:32.55Wobin_It's now a rogue throwing... err... -something- in your eye
23:33.00KarlThePaganheh yea
23:33.04Wobin_KarlThePagan: Garrotte?
23:33.05SixenWonder when it'll be up.
23:33.16KarlThePaganyea garrotte... different, moroes does blind tho
23:33.27KarlKFI"Mana Spring Totem effect increased" poo poo
23:33.35Wobin_I thought he just vanishes and then garrotes a random player
23:33.45KarlThePaganyea and also randomly blinds and gouges
23:33.50Wobin_Or gouges the tank
23:33.53Wobin_then vanishes
23:33.57KarlThePaganall 3
23:33.59KarlThePaganerr 4
23:34.00KarlKFIhe blinds the tank sometimes which is why you need 2
23:34.08Wobin_Man, warlocks have been nerfed =P
23:34.15KarlThePaganfixed imo
23:34.39KarlThePagani know someone in the 2v2 2200 bracket and I'm sorry for them but yes... drain tank in 2v2 is OP
23:34.46KarlKFInooooo "Two-Handed Axes and Two-Handed Maces are now trainable by all Shaman
23:34.46KarlKFIat the appropriate weapon masters. "
23:35.28KarlThePaganare there any enh or resto shamans who would roll against you anyways?
23:35.34sag_ich_nichtSHUT UP
23:35.47sag_ich_nichtwwe decode weapon skill?
23:35.51sag_ich_nichtand now they KILL IT?
23:35.54KarlThePaganahhaah yea
23:35.54sag_ich_nichtwhat the fuck blizzard.
23:35.58sag_ich_nichtgood i'm human.
23:36.14KarlThePaganyea... I was about to delete my lv 30 human pally... now i might keep her for ret
23:36.17Wobin_the whole removal of weapon skill sucks
23:36.26*** part/#wowi-lounge benjr (
23:36.31Wobin_- New recipes are available from the Honor Hold, Thrallmar, and Lower City quartermasters to create 24 slot quivers and ammo pouches.
23:36.34Wobin_^ yay!
23:36.47sag_ich_nicht# Players no longer gain the moving AOE radius bonus if they are jumping.
23:36.51KarlKFIhope they added cheeper 20slot bags..
23:36.58sag_ich_nichtmy cheap speed"hack"
23:37.00sag_ich_nichtthey killed it
23:37.08sag_ich_nicht(aka bunnyhopping. ALWAYS.)
23:37.16KarlKFI"Adamantite Weapon Chain" woot!
23:37.16Wobin_- Shadowmoon Grunts will no longer drop Black Temple quality loot.
23:37.18KarlThePaganoh wow... my dwarf hunter gets 1% bonus crit... it's like... being a NE rogue!
23:37.50*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
23:38.07KarlKFI" track fishing nodes." woot!
23:38.15KarlThePagansag_ich_nicht, is weapon skill completely gone? like no more glancing blows and grinding up weapon skill to use new weapons?
23:38.16|Jelly|Man. I can't believe I missed the conversation that prompted the MOTD.
23:38.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
23:38.47Wobin_The Chess Event chess in Karazhan now has a tap list so it can only be looted by players who were involved in the chess event.
23:38.52sag_ich_nicht[01:38] <KarlThePagan> sag_ich_nicht, is weapon skill completely gone? like no more glancing blows and grinding up weapon skill to use new weapons? <--nope
23:39.02sag_ich_nichtthey just killed the stat itself on items.
23:39.06sag_ich_nichtthus: good thing i'm human.
23:39.09sag_ich_nichtstill get my +hit.
23:39.09Wobin_and skills
23:39.12KarlThePaganyea... so functionally it only exists to punish players
23:39.34KarlThePagansag_ich_nicht, check blue tracker... I think human and orc racials are being changed too
23:39.43sag_ich_nichtoh god damn it no.
23:39.48KarlThePaganyea :(
23:39.50Cidanonly on items
23:39.52CidanI thought
23:40.03sag_ich_nichtfunctionaly it means my crusader strike is gimped again even with 6 second cooldown because it won't always hit and refresh
23:40.05Cidanotherwise I'm deleting my human paladin
23:40.05sag_ich_nichtgg blizzard
23:40.22KarlThePaganCidan, Hortus owned you -
23:40.29sag_ich_nichtyou made my raid viability even TINIER.
23:40.31KarlThePagan"The Human and Orc racials were also changed, I will see about having that added to the patch notes."
23:40.32Wobin_Weapon Skill: All items and abilities that granted weapon skill have been changed. In most cases, they were converted to expertise or expertise rating. Ranged attacks do not benefit from expertise, so ranged weapon skill has generally been replaced by critical strike bonuses or hit bonuses. In a few cases, talents have been changed to other effects to avoid granting players excessive amounts of expertise.
23:40.55sag_ich_nichtgod damn it what's the point of it. now you can always have a miss
23:41.00KarlThePaganbut Cidan the new weapon expertise is better eh?
23:41.20KarlThePaganah... always missing eh?
23:41.23KarlKFI"All old world dungeons have had their loot revisited. Players will now find that all loot dropped inside instances will be of Superior quality. " wha?
23:41.40KarlKFIno more greens or no more legendary?
23:41.46KarlThePaganno more greens
23:41.58Wobin_When you inspect another player, you can now see their talent choices as well as their equipment.
23:42.06KarlThePaganthe first character I transfer is gonna be my lv 22 paladin
23:42.12KarlKFIomg, what's the new ret pally Arena Relics?
23:42.22sag_ich_nichtKarlKFI: look at it.
23:42.31sag_ich_nichtthey changed human racials too.
23:42.32Kaydeethreewell aren't we just a little cesspool of optimism...
23:42.35sag_ich_nichtjust missing from the notes
23:42.42KarlThePaganCidan, Hortus owned you -
23:42.45KarlThePaganheh mt
23:42.49sag_ich_nichtKaydeethree: hi. i'm a retribution paladin, lied to since 1 week before game release.
23:42.50KarlThePaganmeant to just paste the url
23:43.07KarlKFIlook at what sag?
23:43.16Kaydeethreeso, why are you still paying the rough equivalent of ~15usd/month to be lied to?
23:43.16sag_ich_nichtKarlKFI: they changed the racial for humans too
23:43.18Mr_Rabies2anyone have a link to the 2.3 ptr patch? torrent or wow downloader?
23:43.20sag_ich_nichtno more weaponskill
23:43.23KarlKFI"Cooldown removed from Noggenfogger Elixirs." wooo
23:43.23Mr_Rabies2assuming its available :o
23:43.30KaydeethreeMr_Rabies, neg. website's still disabled
23:43.37KarlKFIi can jump off a cliff and pot till i get floating!
23:43.44sag_ich_nichtKarlKFI: means LOL MISS
23:43.51KarlThePagansag_ich_nicht, but they're reducing cooldown on crusader strike... won't that help your keeping judgements up?
23:43.55Wobin_- When an Addon attempts to perform an action that is prohibited in
23:43.56sag_ich_nichtmeans: CS NOW EVEN MORE LESS USEFUL
23:43.56Wobin_combat, you will get a chat message "Interface action failed because
23:43.56Wobin_of an AddOn". This only occurs once per login.
23:44.12Wobin_I wonder how... useless that will make debugging O.O
23:44.14KarlKFIsag, i can easily get 7.25 hit without the tallent
23:44.44KarlThePagani think sag was saying he could eliminate the mandatory miss chance with weapon skill... but i dunno about that
23:44.49KarlKFIit' sjust liek 1 item swap for me on bosses
23:45.03KarlThePaganthe last 1%
23:45.08sag_ich_nichtKarlKFI: you can, i can't. it doesn't help if we have a (very limited) use in highend content if the entry level is closed.
23:45.12sag_ich_nichtcatch-22 etc.
23:45.18KarlThePagansag_ich_nicht, gems?
23:45.28KarlKFI"Dropped items that were rings/trinkets/one handed weapons that were previously unique are now unique-equipped." yay! i can loot items i already have to sell
23:45.52Wobin_KarlKFI: hehe, Yay, I can finally sell all those blackout truncheons =P
23:46.17KarlKFIyay new everywhere ogrila pots!
23:46.26KarlKFIno more tossign stacks of shards
23:46.42KarlThePaganKarlKFI, 23s for 10 shards
23:46.47Wobin_oh thank god =)
23:46.50KarlThePaganbuy tabbard... sell tabbard
23:46.55sag_ich_nicht# Hypothermia duration increased to 45 sec.
23:46.57KarlKFIthey're sellable now? they didn't used to be
23:46.59sag_ich_nichtlol forstmage nerf.
23:46.59KarlThePaganbut yea... i'd rather have a functional potion
23:47.12KarlThePaganon live right now you can sell tabbard
23:47.15KarlThePagandunno about PTR
23:47.19Wobin_KarlKFI: only if you convert them into tabards =)
23:47.22KarlKFIright, but not the shards
23:47.44Wobin_KarlThePagan: actually, you can convert them into potions
23:47.47Wobin_and sell those
23:47.50Wobin_cause they stack better
23:47.57KarlThePaganWobin_, stack better but sell for less
23:47.57Wobin_so you get rid of more at a time =)
23:48.08KarlThePagani'll click a few more times for an extra 1g
23:48.17KarlThePagantry it an see... pft yourself
23:48.25Wobin_WEll you could sell them on the AH =)
23:48.32KarlKFIyay, they nurfed the kael encounter
23:48.51Wobin_- You can now send up to 12 items in a single mail message.
23:49.03KarlThePagani'll probably start sending potions to my alts rather than AH them
23:49.05Wobin_goodbye ctmailmod?
23:49.12KarlKFIyay, Rays can be wrangled before they're 1shattable
23:49.24KarlThePaganWobin_, I mass mail hundreds of items when i can ;)
23:49.31Wobin_KarlKFI: Oh thank god
23:49.37Wobin_Those things are so DAMN DELICATE
23:49.47KarlKFI"Aether rays can now be wrangled earlier."
23:49.49KarlThePaganret aura imo
23:50.07KarlThePaganbut yea...
23:50.15KarlThePaganit's fun to SWD rays horde are wrangling
23:50.16KarlKFICharged Crystal Focus no longer looks like health stones
23:50.20sag_ich_nicht[01:49] <KarlKFI> "Aether rays can now be wrangled earlier." <--jesus christ THANK YOU
23:50.22sag_ich_nichtbut still
23:50.24KarlThePaganAHAHAH good god
23:50.25sag_ich_nichtTHREAT REDUCTION
23:50.48Wobin_KarlKFI: Never really bothered me =P
23:50.50KarlKFImeh, i prefer to look at the good things, like dmg increases
23:51.00KarlKFIand +stam
23:51.21KarlKFIthreat will be fixed eventually, when we now pull agro off everything with leet dps
23:51.52KarlKFIAH times changed to 12, 24, or 48 hours
23:51.53Wobin_give it time =)
23:52.13Mr_Rabies2hamstring nerfed
23:52.20Wobin_KarlKFI: Well now they're implementing the single command AH pull...
23:52.21KarlKFIThe Battle Map has been renamed to the Zone Map and can be turned on for any zone rather than just PvP objective zones.
23:52.32Mr_Rabies2you could already do that, Anduin
23:52.33Wobin_(I -hope- it's 2.3)
23:52.41KarlKFIyeah, but not in the default ui
23:52.58Mr_Rabies2not on purpose
23:53.03KarlKFIWhen you take damage and have a full screen UI up, the edges of the screen will flash red so you know you are under attack.
23:53.18Mr_Rabies2i was in arathi highlands and my wsg timer popped once
23:53.24KarlKFIWhen you inspect another player, you can now see their talent choices as well as their equipment.
23:53.35Wobin_Hi2uRockComm =)
23:53.38Mr_Rabies2i accepted the queue
23:53.53Mr_Rabies2and it loaded, and i was still in arathi highlands
23:54.00Mr_Rabies2but had a battle map and could talk in /bg
23:54.16KarlKFIyay no more gossip on single function npc's
23:54.17KarlThePagansounds like the week xserver bg's were released
23:54.33Wobin_Looks like Enh Shammies are getting buffed
23:55.00Wobin_Shamanistic Focus is pretty cool
23:55.14Mr_Rabies2KarlKFI, lern2getoffgetgoing
23:55.20Wobin_40% shock cast on melee crit
23:55.29KarlKFIomg, party lootable corpse now say in the tooltip who has loot priveledges
23:55.49sag_ich_nichtNutral, the flight master in Shattrath City, now has a quest for characters who are level 70 and do not yet have a riding skill of 225. The quest will direct a character to visit the appropriate riding instructor in Shadowmoon Valley so that the player will know where they can purchase the skill necessary to use a flying mount.
23:55.53sag_ich_nichtNOOB TRAINING
23:55.57Mr_Rabies2it should also have <dis corpse has sum epickz>
23:56.00sag_ich_nichtKarlKFI no
23:56.01sag_ich_nichtshut up
23:56.05Wobin_sag_ich_nicht: rofl, totally =P
23:56.08sag_ich_nichtthey didn't give us threat reduction
23:56.15sag_ich_nichtdon't get WEAKENED by their LIES
23:56.18sag_ich_nichtthey PROMISED it
23:56.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
23:56.28sag_ich_nichtyet they gave us nothing
23:56.33sag_ich_nichtdon't be blinded, karl!
23:56.37Mr_Rabies2they could always nerf your dps
23:56.43Mr_Rabies2that would lower threat
23:56.46KarlKFI"Many interface elements now display players in their class color" oh got that's gonna break Arch
23:57.26sag_ich_nichtMr_Rabies2: what dps. the threatcap already limits it to the point were you can't even auto attack 1/4 of a bossfight.
23:57.41Mr_Rabies2i'm just joking :p
23:57.47KarlKFIMr_Rabies2: i already have TurnIn which does the same thing
23:57.52sag_ich_nichti have to stand and do NOTHING for quite some time in some bossfights. that is NOT FUN.
23:58.00Mr_Rabies2i know, sag_ich_nicht
23:58.02Mr_Rabies2i do too
23:58.08Mr_Rabies2on my drood
23:58.18Mr_Rabies2and we HAVE a threat reduction
23:58.21KarlKFIoooo "Many On Use items now display the cooldown in the item tooltip."
23:58.23Mr_Rabies2nah, kitty
23:58.35Mr_Rabies2well we have a passive one
23:58.39Mr_Rabies2cower hardly counts
23:58.41KarlKFIyay block tooltip
23:58.56KarlKFIok i thinkt hat's it
23:59.02sag_ich_nicht# Game objects that you can interact with have a glow around them and display their name over the object to make them more obvious.
23:59.08sag_ich_nichtplease tell me i can turn that off.
23:59.13KarlKFItime for doing borign dailies old school style

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