IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20071007

00:06.01PolarinaHow do I get the number of charges an item has?
00:07.23CorrodiasGetNumCharges()... nah, i'm kidding, i don't know
00:08.19foxlitHm, this is proving trickier than I would've liked
00:13.00PolarinaWell, if anyone finds out please send me a private message at WoWI, or at least anything you have discovered. Good night.
00:15.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
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00:23.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
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00:41.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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01:15.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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01:18.11foxlitNeed a better way of capturing someone using the reins
01:18.33foxlitI can hook usecontaineritem and useitembyname to handle clicks and macro uses, but that leaves actionbuttons :(
01:19.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
01:19.36BrianHsomeone make an addon for them yet to keep a constant Canter?
01:19.56foxlitIt's gallop that you need, tbh
01:20.29foxlitEspecially gallop that you don't pay for
01:26.24*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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01:31.01*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
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01:31.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
01:42.36Seerah_pong MoonWitch
01:42.45Seerah_wrong channel :D
01:44.28Thunder_Child~wave Seerah_
01:44.29purlBye, Seerah_
01:44.35Thunder_Childhmm..wrong wave
01:44.43Seerah_hehe :)  hi TC :)
01:45.00Seerah_~hi Thunder_Child
01:45.01purlMany greetings, Thunder_Child, most strange traveller, to this IRCdom of plenty.
01:45.30Thunder_Child...purl..your weird
01:45.40Thunder_Child~factinfo hi
01:45.40purlhi -- created by hi <> at Sun Mar 26 08:44:05 2000 (2750 days); it has been requested 535 times, last by findlay-w, 4d 21h 17m 9s ago; it has been locked by hi.
01:45.46Seerah_purl's an RP'er
01:46.44Thunder_Childinteresting...i didnt know you could lock factoids
01:47.37Thunder_Child~literal lock
01:47.50the-golem@seen |Jelly|
01:48.02the-golemwrong symbol
01:48.05Thunder_Childwith a ~
01:48.21the-golemoh your here :-)
01:48.49the-golem|Jelly|: do you play any classes that have a stancebar?
01:49.06|Jelly|I'm on a druid now.
01:49.37the-golemim wondering how you handle the symmetry
01:49.41Thunder_Child~whalestab |Jelly|
01:49.41purlACTION stabs |Jelly| with a rather narrow and pointy whale named Montgomery
01:51.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
01:52.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
01:53.06the-golemoh i see
01:53.24|Jelly|That's just kind of where I put it...not much thought went into it.
01:53.52the-golemtemporary until you hash it out later?
01:53.57|Jelly|Pretty much.
01:54.10the-golemwhats wrong with druids?
01:54.22|Jelly|Level 10; not really concerned with final placement just yet. 8P
01:54.36the-golemyeah that threw me for a sec
01:54.39|Jelly|Has nothing to do with Druids.
01:54.42Thunder_Childnot druid, |Jelly|'s layout
01:54.43the-golemthe mount
01:54.59the-golemtil i realized what quest you are on
01:55.36the-golemi like how she (?) did her UF's ^^
01:56.32the-golemi went offa the screenie
01:56.55|Jelly|Male characters look stupid. *shrug*
01:57.16Thunder_Child|Jelly|, whats the addon bottom right, next to omen
01:58.48Thunder_Childthanks, also according to your exp bar you have -2147483648 kills to lvl....
02:00.58Industrial"You can only complete 10 more daily quests today." wuh what? im in brackenwall village? I didnt do any brewfest stuff.. wth?
02:01.23Industrialdoes that mean the thingy reset so I can ride again?
02:01.26the-golemIndustrial: it means the dailys have reset?
02:01.38the-golemi guess so ..
02:01.44the-golemalthough it seems rather early for a reset
02:01.53Industriallets find out :)
02:03.17bleetersummertime started here today, check local realmtime for summertime foo ;)
02:03.17foxlitRam speedometer works
02:03.27bleeterfoxlit: gief!
02:03.35foxlitno, sleep.
02:03.43foxlitThere are some issues with it falling out of sync sometimes :)
02:05.09foxlitwow's client/server sync is the oddest thing ever
02:05.42bleeteras in, amazed that it works at all? ;)
02:06.12foxlitAnd ticks are not universal
02:06.50foxlitThe fatigue buff, for example, should update every second while in yellow/red speeds.
02:07.04foxlitIt bothers to update anywhere in the 0.5s-1.5s region
02:07.12WobinClient: "Oh hey, I've done something" Server: "Dumtee dumtee dumm... oh hey, what's that?"
02:07.59foxlitOpposite way around for fatigue (stacks server-side on a timer), but yeah
02:09.40bleeterWobin: quick warning... those pink timtams are crap
02:13.58Industrialthe-golem: yeah they reset on grim batol - but only the org run, not the back and forth for tickets
02:14.10Industrial215 tickets now :o
02:15.18the-golemgrim batol is EU?
02:16.04the-golemmakes sense now
02:16.17the-golemive still got  like 6 hours til my servers dailys reset
02:16.27the-golemactually im tired and might go zzzz
02:19.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_DC (
02:19.51Wobinbleeter: ..what have they inside?
02:20.50bleeterWobin: on the outside, 'standard' timtam, inside's kinda like the coating on a tic-toc
02:21.52Wobinpink icing O.O
02:22.56bleetertotally useless @ slamming
02:23.36bleeterit's something to do with raising funds for breast cancer research... I can only surmise that arnott's don't wanna give that much $$
02:35.51*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
02:46.00Mr_Rabies2bleeter is a timtam addict
02:47.01Thunder_Childchocolate == fail
02:51.28Mr_Rabies2how the hell
02:51.56Mr_Rabies2you know what we call people who dislike chocolate?
02:53.29Thunder_Childhow does that work?
02:55.39Mr_Rabies2i'm not telling you any government secrets, you damn Bolshevik
02:56.42Thunder_Childhmm..well i am anywhere between 1/2-1/3 russian
02:56.52|Jelly|DON'T TAZE ME BRO!
03:02.26Thunder_Child~taze |Jelly|
03:03.54Industrialgo sharing! down with taking!
03:09.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
03:09.38*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
03:35.50art3misi agree with TC chocolate uis fine once i a while but its mostly gross
03:36.14art3misi generally wont go out of my way to eat chocolate and havent touched chocolate ice cream or chocolate cake in about 8 years
03:36.33art3missomething though you have to eat chocolate to get at the reese peanut buttery goodness
03:36.46art3missometimwes rather
03:38.35*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm_ (
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04:00.52bleeterMr_Rabies2: anyone with half a brain is a timtam addict
04:01.07bleeterMr_Rabies2: btw, I've found a place to get wallaby meat locally, legally too :D
04:01.57bleeteras with all addictions, though, just gotta learn self control
04:12.03Thunder_Childart3mis, heh, same on the butter cups
04:12.32Thunder_Childalthough white chocolate isnt to bad in small quantitys
04:12.45|Jelly|What about chocolate rain?
04:12.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
04:14.00Thunder_Childwhat about it?
04:14.25|Jelly|[23:12]<Thunder_Child>although white chocolate isnt to bad in small quantitys
04:14.50Thunder_Childwhats choclate rain?
04:19.57Thunder_Childwow...i so dont get that song
04:22.05|Jelly|What's to get? :P
04:22.23Thunder_Childuhh..isnt there supposed to be a meaning behind that song?
04:22.33|Jelly|Not that I've seen.
04:28.07Thunder_Childah, well that makes more sense then....
04:36.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah_ (
04:42.32art3mis  <-- best video evah
05:00.36art3miscuz im going yes im going cuz im going yes im going TO THE HARDWARE STOREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!
05:01.14art3misso since tbc
05:01.25art3miswhere's the best place to skill up mining on thorium
05:02.17Thunder_Childpeople disturb me
05:02.34art3misthats a natural state
05:15.22art3mis245 mining
05:15.27art3misoff to searing i suppose
05:18.44art3misand snarky ;P
05:19.28Cairenn|afkwell geez, it's such a stupid bloody question that gets asked so often - it's ridiculous
05:19.55art3misya know whats a good way to deal with idiots
05:19.55Cairenn|afkhi, if addons weren't allowed, why the fuck do they have a forum for them, duh
05:20.02art3misjust dont answer them
05:20.14art3misstare blankly as though they're speaking a language you dont understand
05:20.26Cairenn|afkyes, but then I'd have to stop talking to you art3mis ....
05:20.29art3misCairenn|afk: keep your friends close and your enemies closer"
05:20.43art3misthats because i DO speak a different language
05:20.53art3misyou speak maritimes :
05:21.01art3misi speak english
05:21.09Cairenn|afkdamn straight!
05:21.36Cairenn|afkart3mis, sweetie, luv - fu
05:21.37art3misdo you remember the night of the cow skit from kids int he hall?
05:21.48Cairenn|afknope, never really watched the show
05:22.02art3misCairenn|afk: baby darlin honey bunches, on your knees and i can do that ;P
05:22.18art3mishow can you call yourself canadian
05:22.21art3mistsk tsk
05:22.24Cairenn|afkAir Farce
05:22.32art3misthis hour..
05:22.43Cairenn|afkmeh, so so
05:22.49art3miscodco was funny the first 2 years
05:22.51Cairenn|afkAir Farce and This Hour, sure
05:23.28Cairenn|afkDue South ;)
05:23.41Cairenn|afkConstable Fraiser = /drool
05:24.32Nom-Yay for dead instance servers
05:24.36Cairenn|afkhaven't seen that in forever
05:24.48art3misthis is the other great one
05:25.43art3misABA ABGE ABAGBA
05:27.19|Jelly|Cairenn: I love you.
05:27.35|Jelly|I just read that. lol
05:28.16|Jelly|I'm waiting for someone to skip over your signature or the fact that you're the author of the MODs FAQ and flame you.
05:28.59|Jelly|They used to flame me on the Ace threads...not that I'm trying to compare to you. lol
05:29.37Cairenn|afkoh, I get flamed by times too - people have no clue
05:30.04Thunder_Child~flame Cairenn|afk
05:30.04purlCairenn|afk, YOU SUCK. And you know it.
05:30.14Cairenn|afkpurl: only if you beg pretty
05:34.17Thunder_Child~beg Cairenn|afk
05:34.18purlACTION drops to his knees and pleads with Cairenn|afk
05:35.27Mr_Rabies2purl's got some gender confusion going on again
05:35.31Cairenn|afkanyway, sleep time, night guys
05:35.50Mr_Rabies2night cair
05:35.52Thunder_Childnight Cairenn|afk
05:35.58Thunder_Childnot that i belive you or anything
05:35.59Cairenn|afksweet dreams all
05:36.36CidanHmm, how can I tell how long a spell will take to cast for a particular player?
05:37.15|Jelly|Night Cairenn
05:37.16Thunder_ChildMr_Rabies2, how is that?
05:37.24Mr_Rabies2* purl drops to his knees and pleads with Cairenn|afk
05:38.05Thunder_Childmissed the 'his'
05:40.22Thunder_ChildCidan, if you can figure out what their casting you can have a DB to back it up
05:40.59CidanSure, but some people have modifiers
05:41.10Cidando I just have to calculate them if I know them and hope for the best?
05:41.50CidanI do wish they had not removed SPELLCAST_START
05:42.50CidanDoes anyone know why they don't send us the spell casting time anymore?
05:42.56CidanWas there some sort of abuse?
05:46.03Thunder_Childi guess so since they seem to have replaced it with the same thing minus the time
05:49.19Wobindamn you heroic murmur
05:49.27Thunder_Childheh, he is fun
05:49.48Wobinyeah, we're just having bad luck with him atm =)
05:49.54Wobinwe oneshotted everyone else
05:50.55Thunder_Childwe once tried running from him...and watched him/her/it shoot all the way to the begining of the instance
05:54.41*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
06:13.17MentalPower|Awaygnight all
06:14.26Thunder_Childnight MentalPower|ZzZz
06:15.33*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
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06:31.18*** part/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
06:33.29art3misyou are charged 2with being an asshole, how do you plead?
06:33.40art3misGuilty your honuor, but with various good excuses.
06:47.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
06:50.23art3misso wheres the ebst place to farm thorium?
06:51.48Thunder_Childwhat kind?
06:55.15art3misoo awesome
06:55.20art3misjust need to go from 250-300
06:55.47Thunder_Childwell i'm not a miner so i really cant help other than the research
06:58.46art3misat least it says whats good and whats now
06:58.56art3misthe otehr one just showed pics of the paths on wow wiki
06:59.16Thunder_Childthat was taken from the comments section @ wowhead
06:59.26Thunder_Childyou can also try the comments section @ thott
07:01.57*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
07:04.10*** join/#wowi-lounge cirdan (
07:04.17cirdanhey all
07:04.54cirdananyone here feel like traking down a really weird resize bug in 2.2?
07:06.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie_ (
07:09.30cirdanit's with trinketmenu
07:09.41cirdansometimes there's a large gap between the 2 trinekt boxes
07:10.07cirdanand other odd things happen usually when you rezise the windows
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07:24.36Corrodiasi haven't noticed one
07:37.46*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlKFI (
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08:30.31*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
08:41.38art3miswhere is everyone
08:42.41art3misits so quiet
08:43.09art3misand its a weekend so i simply wont take "it's 4:45am" as an excuse
08:46.59Corrodiasgoing to sleep. 'ni.
08:47.36foxlitIt was 4:45am when I went to sleep :P
08:47.51art3misthats like totally symetrical!
08:47.57art3misyou much entertain me now
08:48.19art3mismust even
08:48.34art3misAt night the Ice Weasels come.
08:49.34art3misya know, there's just not enough thorium in the world
08:50.39zenzelezzthey're thinking of making nuclear power plants that use it, so I'm sure there's a lot of it
08:51.29art3misand its not even that bad if the nodes gave like 1 per
08:51.44art3misi just need 40 more nodes period to get to 300 so i can go back to outland
08:52.04art3misfor my tournament of MORTAL KOMBAT!
08:52.29zenzelezzif it's the middle of the night you should be able to just ride in circles around Burning Steppes and get it easily
08:52.56art3misyou'd think the same of ungoro
08:53.14zenzelezzno, Un'goro is larger and more tricky to navigate for the veins
08:53.22art3missadly it seems that while there are rich nodes here and there there are only like 8 spots it spawns
08:54.05zenzelezzyou have to go into all of those small secluded areas where the pterrordaxes gather, the veins spawn there too
08:54.45zenzelezzwhich makes it a pain compared to Burning Steppes, because there you can basically just ride in an easy pattern
08:55.30zenzelezzwell, in my opinion anyway
08:55.33art3misjust skip the western side?
08:55.41art3misim looking for node amounts mainly
08:55.55art3misi dont care much if i touch mithril even again
08:56.48art3miserr thorium
08:57.09art3misi just need lots of nodes to skillup on cuz i totally fergot about mining while i was doing 40-60 ;)
08:57.54zenzelezzmining/herbalism will be easier now... learn it at level 5, enable the tracking buff, and it never goes away
08:58.04art3misheh yeah
09:12.39art3miswow king mosh sucks
09:12.48art3misstupidly tough and crap loot
09:13.24Reclusewhat's the name of the blizzard default buff frame?
09:18.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
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09:35.45foxlitHm, need to detect the direction player is walking in :/
09:36.21|Jelly|zZzDo the math on the coords upon movement.
09:36.53foxlitBut that requires constant getplayermapposition polling, and resolution of the map affects that
09:37.12foxlitThere's no GetPlayerBearing()?
09:37.34|Jelly|zZzWell, AFAIK that's the only way you can get direction. I don't believe you're able to get direction while standing still but I could be wrong. Perhaps look into a compass mod and look at it's code.
09:38.13foxlitfunction WorldMapFrame_OnEvent()
09:38.16foxlit-- FIX ME FOR 1.13
09:38.52foxlitGuess that never got far
09:39.03Fisker-1.13 is 2.0
09:39.31foxlit2.0 is 2.0
09:40.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
09:41.15Fisker-but 1.13 is the pre-TBC patch for vanilla WoW
09:41.50foxlit... in china.
09:42.34foxlitCertainly not in US/EU
09:42.48foxlit2.0.1 is the is the pre-TBC patch for vanilla WoW
09:42.55Fisker-yes, but it was also 1.13
09:43.01Fisker-2.0.1 and 1.13 at the same time
09:43.18foxlitIn the same way as 2.1 is 1.14?
09:43.43foxlitJust follow the blizzard naming convention. 1.12 -> 2.0.1, no 1.13
09:43.57Fisker-Blizzard's naming convention was 1.12 -> 1.1.3
09:44.16Fisker-It was also called 1.13 prior to release
09:44.22Fisker-It was only in-game it was refered to as 2.0.1
09:45.28foxlitAnd the patchnotes themselves, and subsequent history
09:45.29Fisker-I guess they probably had an idea to split up the patches
09:45.46Fisker-so the Vanilla WoW patches was 1.x still and BC patches were 2.x
09:45.56Fisker-but someway along they changed their minds
09:45.58*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
09:46.22foxlitIt's far more likely that 1.13 was a fan-made designation for the next patch for vanilla wow
09:46.32Fisker-no it's not
09:47.13Fisker-Infact one of the first hits you get if you search for it is Drysc explaining they're not exactly sure if they would call it 2.0 or 1.13
09:47.15foxlitLink something.
09:48.21foxlitTseric: "The content patch is not 1.13. There will not be a 1.13, as the EU CM stated. "
09:48.46foxlit"However, there will be a content patch before the expansion. It will simply not be called 1.13, which would be a continutation of content patches for WoW, pre-expansion. The content patch will be for the expansion, which will likely be dubbed 2.0. "
09:49.28Fisker-because they renamed it 2.0.1
09:50.03Fisker-The only thing that matter is if you can prove that the Developers didn't at some point consider it 1.13
09:50.45foxlitI'm going for "the 1.13 designation never made it to release, and therefore patch 1.13 never existed"
09:51.22Fisker-is "-- FIX ME FOR 1.13" printed somewhere in-game?
09:51.58Fisker-Is it available to customers?
09:52.08Fisker-By in-game means that still is
09:52.22Fisker-Cause they could call it Fix for patch dickshithipples
09:52.39foxlitClearly, if 1.13 was actually released, that note wouldn't be there
09:53.02Fisker-Or perhaps it was just scrapped
09:53.20Fisker-An EU CM doesn't just guess about a patch number
09:53.27Fisker-obviously he was told this what the patch they were making
09:53.36Fisker-but he wasn't told this patch had changed name to 2.0.1
09:53.39buuCMs don't guess?!
09:53.59Fisker-buu read the whole thing again before you throw out blanket statements
09:54.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
09:54.42buuFisker-: I'd rather just randomly interject sarcastic comments.
09:55.15bleeterIs this the right room for an arguement?
09:55.59foxlit , 6 days earlier :)
09:57.42Wobinbleeter: I'm sorry, this is abuse
09:57.57foxlitAnyhow, spent a bit too much time on that.
10:20.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
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11:05.27foxlit""The agriculture ministry is not in charge of Gundam," said a ministry official, Tstuomu Shimomura"
11:18.04foxlitHm, so, I want to make something mildly resembling a speedometer graphic
11:18.17foxlitPositioning ticks is tricky :/
11:35.07foxlit>>> tan(90);
11:36.17foxlitSometimes I wonder what lua is playing at with its trig functions
11:42.13*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (
11:47.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
11:50.06foxlitpurl, say Hello.
11:50.33Polarinapurl: :)
11:55.43PolarinaI have a small question I would like to ask. Is it ok if I ask? Well, here goes; How do I get the number of charges left on a item, and if possible, the original amount of charges?
11:56.36foxlitparse tooltip text.
11:57.33Polarinafoxlit: o.O
11:58.26foxlitLive on crushing people's dreams? :)
11:58.44foxlitKeep it up :)
11:58.53PolarinaI will. :)
11:59.29foxlitI'm going to make an uneducated guess that you can never get the original number of charges, and that you may get a current number of charges only by parsing the text generated by GameTooltip if the number of charges left != 1
11:59.39foxlitIn other words, you're doomed.
12:00.12PolarinaOh.. f-word! A permanent bug in my addon. :'(
12:00.27foxlitIt's now a design feature.
12:00.54foxlitHm, now where do I find the yard height/width of the Dun Morogh map
12:00.59PolarinaIs it at least possible to detect if the item has/had any charges at all?
12:01.50foxlitNot in all cases.
12:02.02PolarinaOh no! More bugs.. *cry*
12:02.13foxlitStore a bunch of ids in a table, I guess.
12:02.18foxlitThere can't be that many charged items
12:02.46*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
12:03.04Polarinafoxlit: I can't have a table for that. Because there might be more items added later on that would invoke the bug if they aren't in the table.
12:04.29foxlit*Solution=update table
12:05.48PolarinaI'm starting to hate Blizzard - I can't even write one of the simplest addon (That is useful too!) without releasing it with some bugs ONLY because of their stupid API design!
12:06.45foxlitLess qq, more pewpew :)
12:07.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
12:07.52Polarinafoxlit: Get me some guns, ammo and a flight ticket to America!
12:08.08PolarinaI'm going to kidnap Slouken.
12:08.26foxlitYou do no such thing, or we'll get no updates in 2.4
12:09.18PolarinaI don't care.
12:09.46PolarinaNow go and get me what I asked for.
12:10.36foxlitNot until I get done with trigonometry
12:11.57foxlitIt's being very annoying :(
12:19.57foxlitHm, this is proving problematic
12:20.13foxlitScaling, math.
12:20.27foxlitWant to get a bearing from a player position to a specific waypoint
12:20.48foxlit(x,y) to (dx,dy), more or less.
12:20.56foxlitboth are GetPlayerMapPosition() dumps
12:21.31PolarinaSo you want to change the fact that I have to pay 17 silvers to fly from Ironforge to Westfall?
12:21.58foxlitReally? I though that goes IF-SW-Westfall, which is less than 2s
12:22.24foxlitNo, I just want a bearing between two points. Then compare it to player's movement bearing, and suggest turning left.
12:22.25PolarinaYes, of you only know only these waypoints. But if you know all of them, it goes up to 17s.
12:23.32PolarinaHonor Hold -> Telhamat is 9s. But  Honor Hold -> Dark Portal -> Telhamat is FREE!
12:26.25foxlitAnd an epic flying mount makes it even more free :)
12:26.41Polarinafoxlit: Not even 70 yet.
12:28.59foxlitslowpoke :)
12:29.57zenzelezzyou have to fly the distance a whole lot of times to spend 5000g on it
12:35.30sag_ich_nicht[14:21] <Polarina> So you want to change the fact that I have to pay 17 silvers to fly from Ironforge to Westfall? <--write in the bugreport forum about it, blizzard considers this kind of behaviour a bug
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12:35.59foxlit75k id for sale :P
12:36.51sag_ich_nichtnot anymore.
12:37.01sag_ich_nicht75k is forever vanished
12:37.06sag_ich_nichtlol secure URL
12:37.44foxlitNow fix the function! :)
12:38.11sag_ich_nichtno u
12:38.23sag_ich_nichti go and destroy people in warsong now
12:39.08Polarinasag_ich_nicht: I AM IN EUROPE! GOD DAMMIT!
12:39.44sag_ich_nichtPolarina, little known fact, the european PTR forum doubles as bugreport forum
12:39.56sag_ich_nicht(it's still retarded that we don't have a separat bug report forum)
12:40.14sag_ich_nichtyou can ask bleeter to post it for you in the US forums
12:40.38PolarinaForget it.
12:43.07PolarinaIf Blizzard wants my bug reports, they have to make me able to report them properly or they wont get a single damn report! Thank you.
12:43.58zenzelezzand so what bug(s) are you talking about?
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12:48.30Polarinazenzelezz: Tons of them!
12:51.36PolarinaI'm not taking the extra effort to report bugs just because I live in Europe. It is their fault! Less reports means less fixed and less fixed means less *customers*! I basically don't care.
12:52.12zenzelezzyes, they're definitely lacking customers
12:52.52CodayusTrue; there are billions of people without an account!
12:53.11PolarinaIf they made bug reports and feedback much more simpler they would have over 16 million subscribers by now!
13:01.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Fisker- (
13:09.08Nom-Is the 2.3 PTR up?
13:11.14Fisker-no u
13:12.16CodayusIt'll never be up.
13:12.19Codayus2.3 is a lie.
13:21.54Nom-Thought so
13:22.03Nom-I just saw a boss mod for ZA
13:22.11Nom-I assume it's just placeholders
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13:30.44PolarinaBoss mod?
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13:44.02Nom-*nod* a boss mod
13:46.25clad|awaycause clearly people subscribe to a game based on how easily they can submit bug reports
13:54.23Nom-Having multiple classes gimped for 2+ years doesn't help much either
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14:37.47Industrialhow lame
14:45.21Wobinoh god
14:45.28WobinMaster Chief as Jesus?
14:45.39ThraeTwo torrents are downloading at 5mbit combined. Mmmm. FiOS.
14:45.57dreamssfuck you lucky bastard
14:46.19dreamss5mbit? just 500k?
14:46.37dreamsstought fios was fast
14:46.48ThraeSorry, 4.9mbit.
14:47.23ThraeWell the speed is dropping now because the torrents finished themselves in 10 minutes.
14:47.25dreamssi can do 700k on cable easy
14:47.45dreamsshow much is the month on FIOS?
14:47.56Thrae$50/month for 20/2 here in Maryland
14:48.21ThraeAnd I can get up to 700k easy, but these are just TWO torrents. It depends on how many peers I can connect to, etc.
14:48.45sysrageget usenet if you have FIOS
14:48.49dreamss$30 for 5.5mbit cable
14:49.02Thraedreamss: Ouch
14:49.29dreamss29 for 40k/s dsl
14:49.32dreamssit was sad
14:49.36Thraedreamss: $30 gets you 10/1 FiOS
14:49.49dreamsswhats the 10/1?
14:50.02ThraeI have 20mbit/2mbit
14:50.57dreamssim behind an airforce so providers dont really prioritize this areas
14:51.01zenzelezzwe're probably going from 4000/400 kbit to 6000/2000 kbit... finally
14:51.31Thraezenzelezz: mbit is calculated by 1024 same as mbyte
14:51.44zenzelezznot from my ISP
14:51.45dreamsscant belive sweden and japan had 10/100mbit everwere but not US
14:52.02zenzelezzThrae: it doesn't make sense, I know, but they use the values I specified
14:52.40dreamssask harddriver makers about sizes
14:52.42Thraedreamss: Sweden and Japan are tiny countries
14:52.46dreamssthey know all about it -_-
14:53.13Thraedreamss: They also had the benefit of getting into running the infrastructure for Internet later then the US, who, of course, had it first
14:53.40ThraeIn New York, you can get 50/10mbit FiOS already
14:53.52ThraeAnd that's only going to go up
14:53.54Cidanyou serious?
14:54.04CidanWait, you can get that here too
14:54.04ThraeCidan: Yep. There are three different Cable Internet providers in New York.
14:54.06Cidanbut what's the price?
14:54.14dreamssnot much
14:54.24CidanIsn't it 100+ for 50/10?
14:54.29Thrae*shrugs* Probably around $100/month
14:54.41CidanYeah, that's a rip when compared to the world, :P
14:54.55ThraeWell, ya gotta give it time
14:55.11CidanWe did, for over 20 years we've been promised FTTH.
14:55.23CidanBut what can you do?
14:55.35dreamsswere the fuck is ipv6
14:55.41ThraeThey've been laying out fiber for years, it's just the US is a huge country
14:55.54dreamssfor who?
14:55.58CidanNo way.
14:56.24CidanWhen I worked with my uncle at VT, we pretty much BEGGED Verizon to lay down fiber, we'd even help pay for the costs
14:56.26dreamssdude a few months ago the cable went out, and the fiber feeds right into the front of my house
14:56.42dreamsstook them a day to figure out some asshole cut the fiber line
14:56.47CidanThey pretty much gave us a big "fuck you"
14:56.55ThraeHah, yeah, that happened to me too
14:57.23ThraeSomeone was installing phone service for someone else, and cut off our phone service by mistake...I dunno, like 5 years ago
14:57.24dreamssthe fiber expert was like "dude it took me 2 minutes to figure out were it got cut"
14:58.10CidanI'm interested to see where dish TV will go once fiber reaches everywhere
14:58.22zenzelezzdish TV?
14:58.24ThraeAnyway, I feel better now that I got rid of MoCA
14:58.29Cidanany type of dish
14:58.36Cidanwhere, :P
14:58.44dreamsssat tv = compressed HD for morons
14:58.50zenzelezzlike sattelite receivers or something?
14:58.51ThraeCidan: That could take a decade or two, given the scope of the US
14:59.02Cidansat tv is pretty nice right now, I'd prefer it over cable.
14:59.02dreamssptv is nowere close
14:59.05ThraeThink some ranch in the middle of the Nevada Desert
14:59.07CidanThat is, if I watched TV.
14:59.39CidanAll I have is cable interweb tubes.
14:59.44Cidanand an IPv6 link
14:59.48Cidanwhich I like, never use, :/
14:59.50dreamssmagical pixie dust
15:00.04ThraeAll my grandfather watches is The Golf Channel
15:00.09ThraeI don't watch TV
15:00.14Cidannor do I
15:00.14ThraeI'm cancelling my cable soon
15:00.23dreamssi gave my parents over 1k channels, they watch four
15:00.25CidanI don't even have, nor do I want it.
15:00.30Thraedreamss: Haha
15:00.41dreamssand spanish tracks
15:00.46dreamsswhich are awefull dubs
15:00.58zenzelezzwe're switching cable TV service just because my dad loves BBC Prime... thankfully that's also the reason we're getting a better Internet connection
15:00.59dreamss(yes waste the 7.1 sound system)
15:01.25ThraeWell, I'm going to first stockpile a bunch of stuff for my little brother and sister to watch when they come over
15:01.52ThraeFor my grandfather, I'm going to setup "channels" which are basically random, themed playlists
15:01.56dreamssmost channels now have live streams
15:02.01dreamsslegal live streams
15:03.12dreamssnews/cartoon channels
15:04.22Thraedreamss: Yeah, just need to figure out how to set that up with my HTPC
15:05.15dreamssif u smart you can dump the urls with packet logger
15:05.18dreamsscheck tell
15:27.25zenzelezzI see a lot of people complain about flask prices after 2.2, but either my server is back to normal(ish) or Fortification just is cheap... only paid 4g more per flask
15:27.58dreamsswhy did the price change?
15:28.05zenzelezzmore things require Fel Lotus
15:28.17zenzelezzand many flasks were improved so more desirable
15:28.26dreamssoh nice
15:28.31dreamsseven the pre 60 ones?
15:28.35dreamsspre bc
15:28.39zenzelezznope, just new ones
15:28.44zenzelezzso now people want the new ones instead
15:38.24CodayusCasters used to need Supreme Power (using Black Lotus).
15:38.46CodayusNot many want Pure Death or the other one whose name escapes me (using Fel Lotus).
15:39.10foxlitBlinding Light
15:39.30CodayusAnd the two new flasks aren't available from the flask vendors in Shatt.  So, the net effect is increased usage of Fel Lotus and other flaks materials.
15:39.35foxlitVirtually every warlock/shadowpriest will settle for pure death
15:39.49foxlitAnd shamans/moonkins for Blinding Light
15:39.57Codayuss/Not many/Now many/
15:40.06foxlitFair enough :)
15:40.08CodayusThat was a pretty bad typo for distorting my meaning.  ><
15:40.30foxlitWhich leaves mages in a bit of a fix, since arcane and fire are split across two different flasks
15:40.53CodayusTo be fair, many (most?) warlocks use shadow and fire too.
15:41.55Codayus(Even shadow destro tends to fine Immolate worth casting I beleive.  It'll only account for a tiny portion of total DPS though.)
15:42.17foxlitIsn't fire on the shadow flask?
15:42.37foxlitYes, it is :)
15:42.39CodayusFrick, it is.
15:42.43foxlitShadow + Fire + Frost
15:42.48foxlitArcane + Holy + Nature
15:43.05CodayusA warlock was complaining to me about how Pure Death was useless to
15:43.15Wobinwas he.... wanding?
15:43.17foxlitHe clearly wants +healing
15:43.19WobinOr pehaps melee?
15:43.43CodayusANYHOW RIGHT, mages are still screwed.
15:43.54CodayusSome arcane builds can get away with blinding light though.
15:44.05Wobinwell screwed in that they don't have the same benefits that the others gain
15:44.07CodayusAM spam I think?
15:44.08Wobinbut not screwed
15:44.29CodayusWell yeah, it's only 10 +dmg.
15:44.46foxlitScaling and stuffs.
15:45.01CodayusAlthough if your getting them crafted, fel lotus is almost always easier to farm than black lotus.
15:45.42zenzelezzit's a bit annoying; you know where Black Lotuses spawn, but they spawn rarely... you can go ages without getting a Fel Lotus, or you can get three in a row
15:47.05CodayusI mostly manage to just use the shatrath flasks; although as a spriest, I wish they'd add pure deat hto the vendor.
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15:49.24zenzelezzI generally question the value of Fortification, it's +4 defense (10 rating) and 500 hp... if I'm down to the point where 500 hp matters, things are *usually* not going as they should in the first place
15:51.23foxlitThe whole purpose of flasks is to provide a bit more of a margin in which things can be going not as they should in the first place :)
15:51.32Codayus*shrug*  Spikes happen.  And it's not like there's BETTER flasks...
15:51.42foxlitDPS failing? Flask them. Healers running out of mana? Flask them. Tanks getting one shot? Flask them.
15:52.31zenzelezzflasks, in my experience, have a greater effect on DPS than on tanks. The old Titan/Fortification were worth it, now I don't find them to be
15:52.52zenzelezzbut I've always been cheap, I'm sitting on 8333g right now and don't like to spend
15:53.02dreamssback then 6-7 k was a lot for a tank
15:53.19dreamss2k incrise was alot specially with old last stand
15:53.52CodayusWell...yeah, on the one hand the effect of flasking the tank is low.
15:53.58zenzelezz>>> (17880*100)/13754
15:54.07CodayusOn the other hand, the downside of a tank dying is really high.
15:54.26dreamssdps scales easly than tanks
15:54.52zenzelezzhow was "old Last Stand" better?
15:55.06CodayusMight mean old Lifegiving Gem?
15:55.13zenzelezzthat would be true
15:55.29dreamssactually thats what i meant
15:55.37CodayusHaving low DPS?  Not normally a huge issue.  Healers having mana issues?  Ride the potion cooldowns.  Tank dying = wipe, usually.
15:55.59dreamssthe new pain supresion should help
15:56.11zenzelezzbut the way it is now, I have 13754 hp unbuffed, 1080 more from shout, add PW:F and Blood Pact, and those 500 from the flask will usually not be noticable. I think they nerfed it too hard
15:56.54zenzelezzI mean hell, I have food that gives 3/5 the hp the flask does
15:57.09dreamssmaybe give the tank tree a cheat death type of effect, but pve only
15:57.13CodayusI think the relevant measure is "how many extra seconds of average damage does this buff let me live"?
15:57.30Codayus500 HP vs Morogrim = lawl?
15:57.36zenzelezzheh, yeah
15:57.51zenzelezzthat guy hits like a freaking train, and way too fast for a giant
15:58.00CodayusBut still, since Morogrim DOES do wicked spike damage, and you WILL sometimes see a tank die...even 500 HP is something.
15:58.21Codayus1 prevented wipe pays for a lot of flasks.  :-)
15:58.34zenzelezzyeah, I know there's always the chance that it will be the difference between a death and staying alive
15:59.06zenzelezzbut the way mobs hit, I feel 500 is just not worth the cost; give me 1000-1250 and I'd be content
15:59.12zenzelezz*hit now
15:59.12dreamssi guess the armor flask is not that good when you allmost maxed the cap?
15:59.25zenzelezzarmor flask?
15:59.44dreamsssigh... nm
15:59.58CodayusA decent armor flask would be hot for warrior tanks...
16:00.08zenzelezzyeah, I'd be more interested in that
16:00.36zenzelezzdreamss: I'm not trying to argue, just not sure which one you're referring to
16:00.48dreamssnah im prolly confused
16:00.53dreamssbeen a while since i tanked
16:01.14dreamssor touched a war (been playing my resto shaman)
16:01.34CodayusNo armor flask; there are armor elixirs though.
16:01.48cirdanyeah 1h buff isn't too bad
16:01.52dreamssahh ok
16:01.55zenzelezzalso the potions
16:01.55CodayusOr are they potions?  Mmm.
16:01.57cirdanesp since you can stack it with another one
16:02.02zenzelezzStone/Ironshield Potions are win on Morogrim
16:02.18cirdanof maj defense
16:02.21*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
16:02.29cirdani can make it
16:02.29dreamsshow much melee reduction you guys have?
16:02.30zenzelezzoh, you're correcting yourself
16:02.43cirdan500 armor for 1h
16:03.00dreamsszenzelezz, yeah
16:03.09cirdanadd that with a str one, or agility...
16:03.26zenzelezzwithout potions/buffs I have 60.02% melee reduction
16:03.44dreamssthere is space for a armor flask
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16:13.19the-golemisnt Elixer of Fortification +armor and +defense?
16:15.10kamdisthe flask?
16:15.33kamdis500 health and +10 def
16:16.43zenzelezzand it's defense rating, not raw defense
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16:37.21CodayusIt'd be niuce if it was something other than def; who the hell runs around under the def cap?
16:38.04CidanNew post on
16:38.07CidanScreenshots, too
16:39.25kamdisWow Cidan.  Just wow.
16:40.19zenzelezzI don't understand the screenshot... is it supposed to light up when he's casting the spell like a normal cast bar?
16:40.37CidanThe screenshot is to display the theme engine
16:40.44Cidannot really what the window is
16:41.01Cidanbut if you must know, it's a spell monitor, it keeps track of what every person in the raid is casting
16:41.10zenzelezzwith cast progress?
16:41.17CidanThough not yet, :P
16:41.22cncfanaticsthat thing doesn't look bad, at all
16:41.27cncfanaticsits just a theme engine or what is it ? :p
16:41.30zenzelezzI liked Forecast, my previous guild used it until 2.0 or so
16:41.38CidanThe post was more of a focus on the theme engine
16:41.57zenzelezzI know, but themes don't interest me ;)
16:42.17cncfanaticsCiden, what is conspiracy UI ? except that theme engine
16:42.54CidanIt's a modular raiding UI
16:42.59Cidanand information system
16:43.24CidanShirik and I have created an entire framework from the ground up, no external libraries
16:44.08foxlitfoxlit's second law: the number of wheels in the universe increases along with entropy
16:44.11CidanWe have a unified system in place for the creation of windows, datasets, cells, grids, lists, fonts, textures, unit data, timers.
16:44.17Cidanand so on.
16:44.24Shirikfoxlit: Such a great law :D
16:44.31cncfanaticsCidan, how heavy is it ?
16:44.44foxlit|------| this heavy
16:44.45CidanOur two points are efficiency and ease of use.
16:45.02CidanWe want to make sure we take up as little memory as possible, so we recycle pretty much everything we can.
16:45.06ShirikThere is a lot of sharing
16:45.19CidanBut we want the API to be easy for developers to use.
16:45.31ShirikIt's done behind the scenes :)
16:46.00CidanThat casting timer?  From start to what you see there took me about 15 minutes.
16:46.04CidanUsing our API.
16:46.10Shirikcasting timer?
16:46.16Cidancheck SVN, noob.
16:46.32cncfanaticsCidan, if ur doing GUI stuff I suggest a GTK like API
16:46.44CidanI would, but I dislike GTK, :P
16:46.48CidanI prefer QT, BUT
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16:47.07CidanI think the system we have in place is plenty nice.
16:47.25cncfanaticsI don't know QT, how does QT work ?
16:47.44Cidaneh, take a look at qt4
16:48.09CidanKDE uses QT
16:48.14cncfanaticsI know it does
16:48.19cncfanaticsI have no idea of his the API is though
16:48.22cncfanatics(I like gnome :p)
16:49.20ShirikI like gnome
16:49.22Shirikbut I like QT
16:49.26Shirikso =P
16:49.40ShirikThough I started with KDE
16:49.42cncfanaticsnever used QT so I wouldn't know
16:49.45Shirikit helped me transition from windows
16:50.08zenzelezzyou like the window manager?
16:50.20foxlitI finished my ramabuse
16:50.35foxlitFor a very odd definition of finished
16:50.40zenzelezzpersonally I never quite liked KDE or Gnome, I'm more happy on Enlightenment or Xfce
16:50.52CidanI use xfce more now-a-days
16:50.59cncfanaticsgnome does what it does fine for me
16:51.04Cidanactually no, I use fluxbox more than anything
16:51.12cncfanaticshmmm never heard of it
16:51.16cncfanaticswhats its advantages ?
16:51.19Cidanwow, :P
16:51.22Cidangoogle it
16:51.32Cidanit's a very simple UI, no glitz
16:51.35Cidanit just works
16:51.58cncfanaticsI like my dark themed gnome :p
16:53.54cncfanaticsCidan, how easy would it to say, make actionbuttons with ur thing ?
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16:54.26Cidanhrm, hard, considering I'm not done with secure headers, etc.
16:54.39CidanBut once I get it done, easy as pie
16:55.24cncfanaticshow easy as pie is easy as pie for something like say, flexbar ? :p
16:56.04Cidanlocal g =; g:SetChild("columnCount", 10); g.NewCell = MyCellFunction; for i=1,10 do g:Add(); end
16:56.16CidanYou now have a button long grid, :P
16:56.57cncfanaticsits basicly what AceGUI should have been ?
16:57.14CidanEh, I don't look at it like that.
16:57.21ShirikWhat's the antonym of classified? Non-classified or unclassified?
16:57.31cncfanaticscurrently I'm looking at it as a mix of cyCircled and AceGUI Cidan :p
16:57.32ShirikNot declassified as it was never classified in the first place
16:57.48Shirikcncfanatics: Thing is
16:57.57ShirikAceGUI/cyCircled have no focus on raiding
16:57.57zenzelezzuh hoes
16:58.01zenzelezz... ohes
16:58.31ShirikConspiracy fits a semi-specific purpose, and as such it is optimized to perform in that way
16:58.31CidanThe UI elements focus more on raid use, but when I'm done with the visual framework you should be able to do pretty much anything.
16:58.37ShirikYeah you can do anything :)
16:58.54cncfanaticsCidan, so you wouldn't recommend it for an actionbutton addon at all ?
16:59.12CidanSure I would, I imagine it would be easy as hell.
16:59.12cncfanaticsseems like a nice 'alternative' (if I can call it that) to how cyCircled does its skinning, I hate that thing as the code is poor
16:59.30CidanBut I'm biased, :P
16:59.36ShirikHowever I should point out Conspiracy is not just a GUI framework either
16:59.52CidanRight, it has a complex data structure backend which Shirik has done, :P
16:59.57CidanHe's a god, really.
17:00.23cncfanaticswhat more is it then ? :o
17:00.24ShirikNone of it is of any use without something on top of it :)
17:00.29Cidantimers, signals, unit data, modules, filesaving/loading.
17:00.44cncfanaticshmmm, a full framework
17:00.53zenzelezzdoes it come with sugar on top?
17:00.54Shirikscheduling, event processing
17:01.26ShirikAnd on top of all this
17:01.31Shirikeverything is shared :)
17:02.00cncfanaticsain't conspiracy UI a bad name then ? :p
17:02.08cncfanaticsits not an UI rly
17:02.19CidanRight, Shirik and I are nuts about memory usage.  Frames, fonts, textures, everything is recycled and reused.
17:02.39CidanIt cuts down on memory usage and garbage by *a lot*
17:02.57cncfanaticsI see
17:02.58ShirikWell, if used properly
17:03.12ShirikSomeone could still decide to code a module that goes while(true) do foo = {}; end
17:03.18CidanYeah, :P
17:03.26Shirikbut on the other hand
17:03.30cncfanaticswell, I'm quite nuts about cpu mainly, cuz my comp is poor :p and I'm currently considering everything to optimize it :p what would the benefits be if flexbar used it ?
17:03.38Shirikif that same person were to do while(true) do foo =; end
17:03.43ShirikIt should mostly be safe :)
17:03.47Shiriker, capital V
17:04.32Shirikaside from the obvious infinite loop
17:04.35CidanHmm, for CPU usage?  I'm not sure.  I can almost promise you Conspiracy has less CPU usage than some other frameworks.
17:04.49cncfanaticsRock is pretty good about cpu & mem
17:04.52Shirikadaptive scheduling :)
17:04.53cncfanaticsand the profile system is just <3
17:05.04ShirikYou can't guarantee everyone has the same CPU power
17:05.24CidanI've not used Rock, so I can't really comment.
17:05.29Shirikbut you can guarantee that everyone gets a performance which is relative to their system
17:05.48cncfanaticsShirik, tell me more about adaptive scheduling :)
17:05.53ShirikIf Conspiracy detects that the computer can't handle everything at once, it'll start dialating the schedule
17:06.00cncfanaticscurrently I use my own event system on top of rock's
17:06.01ShirikI think Cidan did this for frame motions
17:06.23ShirikYou supply a target framerate and some dialation factors (which are documented)
17:06.31ShirikConspiracy handles spreading out updates when necessary
17:06.42ShirikI might actually change this, in fact
17:06.50ShirikI've learned a lot about Solaris's scheduling system
17:06.58CidanOh ho?
17:07.00Shirikand they have a neat little idea I might bounce off of
17:07.18zenzelezzdo you mean dilation, or is dialation a word I'm just unfamiliar with?
17:08.00Shirik~dict dialation
17:08.00cncfanaticshmmm, thats sexy
17:08.00Shirikpurl! faster!
17:08.00cncfanaticscurrently I use an update event that triggers every 0.3 seconds
17:08.01zenzelezzI tried but got only suggestions
17:08.04Shirikok then it's probably dilation
17:08.05Cidanhe means dilation, :P
17:08.27Shirikcncfanatics: That's not too bad, but you're missing two things
17:08.30zenzelezzall right. For all I knew it could be a fancy math term, I'm quite horrid in that area
17:08.39Shirik(1) For people with awesome computers, you're not taking advantage of their full potential
17:08.50Shirik(2) For people with a bazillion mods, that could still not be enough
17:09.07ShirikHow do you appeal to both? Adaptive scheduling ;)
17:09.11cncfanaticswell Shirik, its for usable highlights and such
17:09.12ShirikOkay, I'm done being a marketer though
17:09.15cncfanaticscan't really have it much slower then 0.5
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17:09.25ShirikYou can supply a maximum, of course :)
17:09.54cncfanaticshmmm, lots of stuff happening in the framework stuff lately :)
17:10.05CidanFor example, I have a function on all frames Conspiracy creates, frame:Move(x,y,t), move a frame to x,y over t seconds relative to UIParent bottomleft.  I have a timer set so it moves the frame bit by bit, but if it detects a drop under 30 FPS, it will start to dilate out.
17:10.12cncfanaticsI think i'm going to let conspiracy, ace3 & rock mature & then make a choice
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17:10.53cncfanaticsits more then just a framework though isn't it ?
17:10.59Shirikthis is the function header for the function which creates a new task:
17:11.29ShirikYou could do something like, 0.1, 30, 4)
17:11.29cncfanaticsShirik, is conspiracy ment to be a framework for developers or an UI for users ? or both ?
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17:12.01ShirikIts core package will likely have some modules which will make it functional as a UI, much like RDX did
17:12.02Shirikso Both
17:12.02zenzelezzI'd guess there's "Conspiracy" and "Conspiracy UI"
17:12.42cncfanaticsgrrr, the warlock I just ganked twice ganked me while afk
17:12.45CidanConspiracy is the base package, it holds the framework and main menu.  From there we have modules, CSM_Karazhan, CSM_SpellMonitor, CSM_RaidFrames, etc.
17:12.57CidanAll of which require Conspiracy.
17:13.16Shirikpoor cncfanatics
17:13.22zenzelezzdoes it come with a Fubar/Titanbar?
17:13.32CidanYes, it comes wi... no, gdmf, :P
17:13.54cncfanaticsCidan, CSM_ActionBar comes when ? :p
17:14.00CidanWhenever someone wants to code it, :P
17:14.02Shirikthere's nothing stopping you from making it :)
17:14.06CidanNot my cup-o-tea
17:14.10cncfanaticsI have flexbar to maintain
17:14.12Shirikmine either :P
17:14.21cncfanaticsits mine, but flexbar is enough :)
17:15.48cncfanaticshow hard would it be to fork fb to use conspiracy ? and then compare the rock & consp version
17:15.48foxlitInappropriate analogy time
17:15.53foxlitConspiracy is like CT_Core.
17:16.07cncfanaticsI was already planning to do that with ace3 when its out anyway, might as well add conspiracy too
17:16.44CidanI don't know.  I can't answer that question since I don't know what fb looks like code-wise
17:17.18cncfanaticsgo take a look ? :p
17:18.15cncfanaticsCidan, or I can explain it if you want
17:18.23cncfanaticsI think that code is more obvious then words for that kind of stuff though
17:18.24CidanHmm, it likely wouldn't be TOO hard, I mean, did you modularize your code?
17:18.51CidanThen you should be fine so long as you can replace some sections without breaking others.
17:18.52cncfanaticsI have a core that basicly does nothing except handle object creation, every button is an object
17:19.07cncfanaticsand as buttons are created, modules are "asked" to do their stuff
17:19.25CidanYou should be fine then
17:19.48cncfanaticsmight give it a go when I make the Ace3 fork to compare with the rock version
17:20.54cncfanaticsis there profiles support ?
17:21.19Cidansomething like that, we're not done with that bit yet.
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17:21.48Shirikcncfanatics: An entire module command system is in place, though it may not work well for your system, I don't know
17:22.07ShirikYou can pass a command to any module, it will execute that command (if it exists) and then forward the command to all of its children
17:22.25ShirikIt's guaranteed that the parent will process the command before its child, however, it's not guaranteed the order in which children are called
17:23.03cncfanaticsthat'd be handy for buttons and groups of buttons
17:23.12ShirikFour basic commands exist, and are executed by Conspiracy automatically: PreInit, Init, PostInit, and Shutdown
17:23.38cncfanaticsI made the following commands for FB objects, Load, Activate, LoadSettings, UpdateSettings, SetDefaults, Deactivate
17:24.27Shirikok seriously I have to get back to work
17:24.32cncfanaticsok have fun :)
17:26.07Shirikhow to spell
17:26.11Shirik~dict cathartic
17:26.20Shirikpurl, thanks
17:26.20purlShirik: no worries
17:34.34KarlKFISo.. what should i get on a spell dmg swd to tank with...
17:35.07KarlKFI15 agil, 40 spell dmg, or battlebaster
17:35.32zenzelezzI'm hearing very split opinions on Battlemaster, but I mostly talk to warrior tanks
17:35.44KarlKFIwell i figure it's extra agro
17:36.02KarlKFIand i assume it procs similarly to spellsurge
17:36.07zenzelezzit is, but how much is heavily debated
17:36.23zenzelezzmy mentor assures me it's "useless" for me, but I don't know from experience
17:36.30KarlKFIi'm sure it has a % proc and a hidden cooldown like most procs
17:37.33zenzelezzI'm guessing Mongoose isn't all that for a paladin
17:37.49KarlKFIit's ok, but expensive
17:38.08KarlKFIthe agil i think does the same for pallies as war's
17:38.12KarlKFIdodge and crit
17:38.58KarlKFImongoose is definitely more expensive tho
17:39.14KarlKFInot sure i wanna spend that much for my ilvl 100 weapon
17:39.25zenzelezzlooking at the pala tank in this raid, he uses spell damage
17:39.35zenzelezzhe could still be "wrong" of course
17:39.39KarlKFIright, i assume most do cause it's obvious
17:39.59KarlKFIyou want spell dmg fast weapons, so more spell dmg can't be wrong
17:40.04KarlKFIbut it may not be the best
17:40.34Shirikdoes notepad have a word count?
17:40.59foxlitreplace " ", "", compare file size
17:41.19Shirikthat's character count
17:41.27Shirikand I don't want to lose all this work ><
17:41.34KarlKFIreplace undo
17:42.05Shirikall right, how do I do a word count in word 2007?
17:42.21zenzelezzthink older versions had it in the file properties somewhere?
17:42.28Shirikyeah, there's no toolbar anymore
17:43.17Shirikah found it
17:43.20Shirikreview -> word count
17:43.33ShirikThis is amusing, I'm writing an RP post, and it's longer than some of my high school essays
17:43.35Shirikand it's only half done
17:43.42foxlitfor word in document:gmatch("%S+") do words++; end
17:51.21Polarinafoxlit: Invalid syntax.
17:51.24KarlKFIthere should be a menu option to show word count in the status bar
17:51.50KarlKFIi have word 2004 tho so i dunno
17:52.33KarlKFIin the tools menu i have a word count option
17:52.53KarlKFIthat has a checkbox ont he window to put it int he footbar
17:53.28CidanOne of these days I'm going to redo my entire router system.
17:53.32CidanIt realllly needs to be redone.
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17:59.05foxlitPolarina: I didn't specify a language
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18:15.35cncfanaticshuh ?
18:15.39cncfanaticsI get dc as soon as I connect
18:15.49cncfanaticsthe UI finishes loading, poof disconnect -.-
18:17.11KarlKFIconnect faster!
18:20.34*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
18:28.08Thunder_Childcoke could prolly use that as an advertising campaign
18:36.21Shirik~dict vigilent
18:36.30Shirik~dict vigilant
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19:15.07zenzelezz2x[Bands of the Celestial Archer] on same trash pull
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19:17.37Guillotineso somehow my WoW folder is now read only and won't change back o.O
19:18.04zenzelezzlacking privileges?
19:18.14Fisker-shouldn't happen
19:18.45Thunder_ChildGuillotine, use the admin account
19:18.55GuillotineI am :(
19:19.11Thunder_Childok, then use administrator
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20:01.06sag_ich_nicht~whalenuke Guillotine
20:01.07purlACTION dons his radiation cloak and tinted glasses while a highly intelligent whale named Ray precipitates critical mass for uncontrolled nuclear fission around Guillotine with his mind powers
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20:14.58Mr_Rabies2whalenuke is officially the best purl command ever
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20:16.35sag_ich_nichto rly
20:16.38sag_ich_nicht~whalecrit Mr_Rabies2
20:16.38purlACTION crits Mr_Rabies2 with a mathematically skilled whale named Isaac for #NaN. Mr_Rabies2 dies
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20:18.12zenzelezzhow freaking hard is it to see you have the bomb on Solarian... there's like four warnings at least
20:18.50Shirik|EcoleYou are the bomb! (This is not a good thing! GTFO!)
20:20.07zenzelezzthere's the tell, the skull on your head, the debuff, the beams coming out of you, the people shouting on Ventrilo
20:22.44the-golemand the raid warning, no?
20:27.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Kazie (
20:31.51bleeteroooh, they updated the radeonhd driver for me :)
20:32.01bleeteryay for open source video drivers \o/
20:32.12bleetertake that, nvidia!
20:34.29CidanAt this point I may go back to ATI soon.
20:34.40CidanSimply because my 8800 is crap under xorg
20:34.52Cidanthe drive causes the CPU to go to 100% just by moving a window.
20:34.54Cidaner, driver.
20:35.01CidanAnd it's not just me, it's everyone.
20:35.35bleetermy lappy's got X1700m the specific chipset/display driver variant wasn't known... used the provided tool to send the info upstream, new version built in about 5 hours. loverly :)
20:35.47bleeterX1700... -m
20:35.56bleeterI think that was meant to be a ,
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20:56.50zenzelezzzomg, Solarian down
20:57.03Shirik|EcoleYou're the bomb!
20:57.05Shirik|EcoleI mean, grats
20:58.52Shirik|EcoleOffice's XML format is proposed to be an ISO standard?
20:59.04zenzelezzlong ago
20:59.27Shirik|Ecoledid it pass?
20:59.36zenzelezzdon't know
21:00.34Shirik|EcoleISO's site says it's still "under development"
21:00.55Shirik|Ecolestage 40.60
21:04.06bleeterM$ office?
21:04.15bleeternah, the fast-tracking of it got thrown out
21:05.26Shirik|EcoleISO DIS 29500
21:05.28Shirik|EcoleI'm looking at it...
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21:06.55bleeter"Controversially, the specification is currently undergoing fast-track standardization within the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) as DIS 29500 (Draft International Standard 29500), but the draft text has failed (as of the September 2007 ballot) to reach sufficient approval from ISO national body members to be accepted as a standard."
21:07.39bleeter"More than 10% of the examples used in the WordProcessingML part of the specification (300 of 2300) do not validate against the schema, indicating that the examples in specification have not been reviewed enough prior to becoming an Ecma standard"
21:07.45bleeter"# Errors in the spreadsheet formula specifications confirmed by Microsoft"
21:07.48bleeteretc. etc.
21:07.58bleeterit was a dog's breakfast, rightfully turned down
21:09.56bleeterrevote on 25-29 Feb next year, so no.. not a standard
21:17.09CidanIs defining a global as local, ie local abs = math.abs, faster?
21:17.14CidanAnd if so, why?
21:17.20CidanAnd do we have benchmarks?
21:17.21foxlitYes, less table lookups
21:17.29foxlitYou can easily construct one yourself
21:17.49cncfanaticsmath is a table, that'd be one less table lookup so faster, thats one for sure
21:17.58cncfanaticswhat I wonder is wether local tonumber = tonumber; makes it actualy faster
21:17.59PolarinaBut doing that and calling that function once is just pure overhead.
21:18.19foxlitThere's a lookup for _G
21:18.27CidanI just question how valid the speed up of such methods are.
21:18.39cncfanaticsalso a lookup for the local namespace when calling locals ? or not ?
21:18.40PolarinaCidan: I wouldn't bother doing that.
21:18.57CidanNor would I, I would think the VM would take care of it.
21:19.09Cidancladhair would know for sure, I'll ask him when he's around.
21:19.15PolarinaCidan: The overhead between locals and globals are under a millisecond on a decent machine.
21:19.27Cidancladhaire, even, :P
21:19.47ShirikPolarina: What about a thousand globals and a thousand locals?
21:19.57ShirikOr perhaps this is more realistic
21:19.58CidanOh shut up Shirik, :P
21:20.07ShirikWhat about 100 accesses to a single variable
21:20.10cncfanaticsCidan, the FrameXML code with local's at top is Iriel's, think thats pretty reliable too
21:20.11ShirikWhich is located at
21:20.30cncfanaticsvery even
21:20.45ShirikCidan: Point is, globals are actually very slow. Making a global into a local is equivalent to removing an entire table lookup
21:20.50CidanDoesn't the compiler optimize?
21:21.03Shirikand fact of the matter is, it can't
21:21.05CidanThat's fucking retarded. could be 100 different things at 100 different points
21:21.49Cidanand all links to it would change with it
21:21.55ShirikAnd btw, Polarina
21:22.09ShirikI know people would would tell me a millisecond is an extremely long time
21:22.19ShirikI may not be one of them, but I do partially agree with them
21:22.28PolarinaShirik: o.O
21:22.32PolarinaShirik: Tell me more.
21:22.48Shirikwhat's there to tell?
21:22.56PolarinaWhat you agree to.
21:23.19ShirikA millisecond, as far as a computer is concerned, is quite a long time
21:23.36Shiriklet's put it in this perspective: We'll assume that a millisecond is 1/8th the time of a HDD access
21:23.45Shirikwhich is a fair assumption, I think about 8ms is a decent seek time
21:23.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
21:24.14ShirikNow let's do this: Let's say instead of the GHz processors we have, we'll say our CPU's clock rate is 1 Hz
21:24.17Shirikthat is, one tick per second
21:24.19cncfanaticsShirik, also, how much faster is using compared to just global ?
21:24.47ShirikIf our clock operated at one tick per second, a hard drive access would take about 1 year
21:24.51Polarinacncfanactics: Same speed as two pure globals.
21:24.57Shirikcncfanatics: Slower
21:25.01ShirikBecause _G is a global too
21:25.30ShirikSo, looking at it from that perspective, 1 millisecond is a bit over 1 month of time
21:25.31cncfanaticsShirik, I mean, some people like to do local varname = _G.varname
21:25.33cncfanaticsany point ?
21:25.44ShirikI do "local varname = varname"
21:25.49Shirikand I do it a lot :)
21:25.56Shirikin fact
21:26.02cncfanaticsit happens I do it, not all that often tbh :p
21:26.03Shirikit's at the top of every single one of Conspiracy's files at least once
21:26.03CidanThis upsets me that lua doesn't optimize it
21:26.49cncfanaticswould local _G = _G and then declaring say, 10 globals with be faster then with just global ?
21:27.03PolarinaCidan: Because doing    math.floor(4) math.floor(6)   -- the function floor (or a metatable set to _G, math) could do anything to itsself.
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21:27.15Shirikyes, but it may not necessarily be the same
21:27.31Shirikthe local _G would not change, however the global _G would be adjusted by WoW if the environment changes
21:27.51Shirikand btw, Cidan, this is exactly WHY it can't be optimized
21:28.16Shirikbecause Lua is a language where two variables named exactly the same, hell even the same line, may not be the same thing at two different points in time
21:28.45CidanI call bullshit personally, I'm positive there is a way.
21:28.49cncfanaticshuh ? ain't the local _G just a reference to the global _G ?
21:29.00Polarinacncfanatics: Yes.
21:29.18cncfanaticsah nvm I see
21:29.18Polarinacncfanatics: But everything within the table matches to both the global and the local.
21:29.18Shirikyes, but if the global changes
21:29.19Shirikthe local won't
21:29.27cncfanaticsif the global changes reference the local will keep the old ref
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21:31.17Polarina>>> A = { [1] = "WEE", [2] = "WOW", };      local B = A;     B[3] = "ORLY";       print(A[3])
21:31.18CidePolarina: "ORLY"
21:31.31Polarinacncfanatics: Above line for you. :)
21:32.19cncfanaticsPolarina, I know lua references for tables :)
21:35.10Cidanit's funny when you replay HL2 and notice the G-man all over the place
21:35.47Mr_Rabies2same in hl1
21:36.34PolarinaShirik: Back to that millisecond talk. So you are basically saying that I'm playing WoW with 72 months lag?
21:36.58Shirikif that'sh ow you want to look at it, sure
21:37.11Shirikas far as your processor is concerned, it's sitting on its ass for a year waiting for the server to reply
21:37.27PolarinaShirik: Must be much more lag (Rendering). So how does 72 months make sence?
21:38.11PolarinaCan't be 72 months on a 1 Hz processor. It can't be that super fast!
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21:45.27zenzelezzjust saw from experience that paladins can indeed tank Gruul
21:46.52Cidereally? inconceivable!
21:49.09sag_ich_nichtimp. conc. aura
21:49.17sag_ich_nichtand you don't even need it, but it's better to have it.
21:49.30sag_ich_nichtfucking non believers
21:49.45zenzelezzI have no clue how pala tanks work
21:49.55zenzelezzI've just always been told wah wah block crush zomg
21:50.50sag_ich_nichtpaladins don't get crushings
21:50.53sag_ich_nichtunless they like
21:50.55sag_ich_nichti dunno
21:54.16sag_ich_nicht(or don't have the gear yet, but then wth are they doing in a raid)
21:55.10Mr_Rabies2i get crushed like a motherfucker on bosses
21:55.50sag_ich_nichtor no tank? :X
21:56.06*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
21:56.13Mr_Rabies2my crushing hits are for nothing though
21:56.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
22:00.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
22:00.38cncfanaticsthistle tea + adrenaline rush + bladefury + bloodfury + trinket = ??
22:01.10sag_ich_nichtit'll still say immune when i pop bubble
22:01.19sag_ich_nichti don't even need to pop the bubble!
22:01.23cncfanaticsjust pop holy shield and let him kill himself
22:01.30sag_ich_nichtBoP is enough against you crazy rogues
22:01.32cncfanaticsfunny when rogues burn all their cd's and kill themselves :p
22:01.34sag_ich_nichtnot a paladin tank :X
22:01.39cncfanaticsI am :p
22:01.46cncfanaticsagainst a clothie thats a dead clothie though
22:01.50cncfanatics(rerolling rogue atm :))
22:01.55sag_ich_nichtretribution :X
22:02.04cncfanaticsactualy against anything but a pala its a dead <class>
22:02.24sag_ich_nichtshift bear
22:02.26sag_ich_nichtand then /lol
22:02.41cncfanaticsthats still a lot of cd's
22:02.45cncfanaticsthink he might get the drood :p
22:02.58sag_ich_nichtnot if he's in tank equip :X
22:03.12sag_ich_nichtlol 75% melee dmg reduction :X
22:03.25cncfanaticsthen he can't kill the rogue either though
22:05.39sag_ich_nichtcan he?
22:05.53sag_ich_nicht[00:00] <cncfanatics> thistle tea + adrenaline rush + bladefury + bloodfury + trinket = ??
22:06.00sag_ich_nichtdr00d in tank equip
22:06.05sag_ich_nichtat armor cap
22:06.17Mr_Rabies2not uncrittable
22:06.20Mr_Rabies2maybe for a mob
22:06.27sag_ich_nichtyeah incritable from a mob
22:06.37Mr_Rabies2and well, only technically uncrittable
22:06.44Mr_Rabies2because you always can be crit by a mob
22:06.48Mr_Rabies2even with 400000 defense
22:06.53sag_ich_nichtyeah yadayadayadayadayadayada
22:06.57sag_ich_nichtcan he kill the rogue
22:06.58Mr_Rabies2but uh
22:07.05Mr_Rabies2rogue will tear him up
22:07.13sag_ich_nichti don't habeeb it
22:07.16Mr_Rabies2he won't do jackshit for damage
22:07.23Mr_Rabies2the rogue will do more
22:07.24sag_ich_nichtour druid tank does it regularly :X
22:07.46sag_ich_nichtname a good rogue!
22:07.47Mr_Rabies2i do about...200-300 dps in bear gear to leather
22:07.52sag_ich_nichtwe'll let Thrae bot decide!
22:08.04cncfanaticsThreabot won't factor in all cds :p
22:08.05Mr_Rabies2Hanley Llane US
22:08.19sag_ich_nicht!vs eu gul'dan sodexho us hanley llane
22:08.22ThraeBotsag_ich_nicht: I failed on the second listed character. You half-fail.
22:08.25foxlitI outdamage the nearest warlock 2:1
22:08.36sag_ich_nicht!vs eu gul'dan sodexho us hanley llane hanley
22:08.37ThraeBotsag_ich_nicht: I failed on the second listed character. You half-fail.
22:08.41sag_ich_nicht!vs eu gul'dan sodexho us llane hanley
22:08.44ThraeBotsag_ich_nicht: Sodexho vs Hanley! A L70 druid and a L70 rogue square off!; 0/47/14 vs 19/42/0; Hanley wins by 582 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
22:08.49sag_ich_nichtwell that's a shame.
22:09.30sag_ich_nichtoh wait
22:09.33sag_ich_nichtshe didn't log in tank gear
22:09.34sag_ich_nichtshame on her
22:09.38sag_ich_nichtshe always does, ffs
22:09.40Mr_Rabies2or bear form, usually
22:09.48Mr_Rabies2Jamsheed's in tank gear but not in bear form
22:09.54Mr_Rabies2on cho'gall :i
22:10.19sag_ich_nichtThraebot takes into account forms :X
22:10.31Mr_Rabies2dooz it
22:10.47Mr_Rabies2!vs us llane hanley us cho'gall jamsheed
22:10.50ThraeBotMr_Rabies2: Hanley vs Jamsheed! A L70 rogue and a L70 druid square off!; 19/42/0 vs 0/49/12; Hanley wins by 586 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
22:12.59sag_ich_nicht0/49/12 is for noobs!
22:13.45mikma!vs eu burning legion marble us llane hanley
22:13.46ThraeBotmikma: Marble vs Hanley! A L70 warrior and a L70 rogue square off!; 33/28/0 vs 19/42/0; Marble wins by 173 TBRs!
22:15.23PolarinaWho has a level 67 character?
22:16.00sag_ich_nichtnew players?
22:16.28sag_ich_nichtoh wait
22:16.29PolarinaI've been playing since february!
22:16.31sag_ich_nichtyou mean Industrial
22:16.37PolarinaWhat realm?
22:16.39sag_ich_nichtplay more!
22:18.30PolarinaWhat realm does Industrial play on?
22:19.40mikmagrim batol
22:20.52PolarinaNot on armoury...
22:21.12PolarinaJust a level 41 char named Industrial..
22:23.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
22:24.18Polarina!vs EU Scarshield Legion Polarina     US Aerie Peak Bleeter
22:24.36Polarina!vs EU Scarshield Legion Polarina US Aerie Peak Bleeter
22:24.42ThraeBotPolarina: Polarina vs Bleeter! Bleeter has +3 lvls on Polarina (67 vs 70); A L67 hunter and a L70 rogue square off!; 0/11/45 vs 32/6/23; Polarina wins by 488 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
22:25.14PolarinaNever expected the ***OWNED!*** part...
22:25.54mikmaPolarina: was the lvl41 char priest?
22:26.07Polarinamikma: Don't know..
22:27.35Cidan!vs EU Scarshield Legion Polarina US Eredar Cidan
22:27.38ThraeBotCidan: Polarina vs Cidan! Polarina has +1 lvls on Cidan (67 vs 66); A L67 hunter and a L66 paladin square off!; 0/11/45 vs 43/13/0; Polarina wins by 726 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
22:28.07PolarinaAm I overpowered?
22:28.12CidanNo, I'm holy.
22:28.32PolarinaCidan:  -  Look at my sword. :P  And bow. AND +Crit change!
22:29.57CidanHmph, :P
22:30.39PolarinaLets see how I go in a duel with my guild leader.
22:31.09Polarina!vs EU Scarshield Legion Polarina EU Scarshield Legion Haegemonia
22:31.11ThraeBotPolarina: Polarina vs Haegemonia! Haegemonia has +3 lvls on Polarina (67 vs 70); A L67 hunter and a L70 mage square off!; 0/11/45 vs 10/46/5; Haegemonia wins by 230 TBRs!
22:31.20PolarinaAnd the others...
22:31.34Polarina!vs EU Scarshield Legion Polarina EU Scarshield Legion Himendria
22:31.37ThraeBotPolarina: Polarina vs Himendria! Himendria has +3 lvls on Polarina (67 vs 70); A L67 hunter and a L70 mage square off!; 0/11/45 vs 10/51/0; Polarina wins by 596 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
22:31.43Thrae!help vsd
22:31.43ThraeBot!vsd <eu/us> <server> <character> <eu/us> <server2> <character2> -- This shows how each stat adds to that character's TBR, where w:<number> is the weight for that stat vs that class and/or build type, and (c+<number>) is a count of all weights related to the fight, even if the stat is 0. The final TBR is divded by c. Do not use this in channel.
22:32.07sag_ich_nicht!vs eu gul'dan ruknor eu sharshield legion polarina
22:32.09ThraeBotsag_ich_nicht: I failed on the second listed character. You half-fail.
22:32.11sag_ich_nichtdamn typo
22:32.18Polarina!vs EU Scarshield Legion Polarina EU Scarshield Legion Camal
22:32.18sag_ich_nicht!vs eu gul'dan ruknor eu scarshield legion polarina
22:32.20ThraeBotPolarina: Polarina vs Camal! Camal has +3 lvls on Polarina (67 vs 70); A L67 hunter and a L70 warlock square off!; 0/11/45 vs 44/17/0; Camal wins by 70 TBRs!
22:32.21ThraeBotsag_ich_nicht: Ruknor vs Polarina! Ruknor has +3 lvls on Polarina (70 vs 67); A L70 paladin and a L67 hunter square off!; 0/8/53 vs 0/11/45; Ruknor wins by 320 TBRs!
22:34.23Polarina!vs EU Scarshield Legion Polarina US Bonechewer Cairenn
22:34.25ThraeBotPolarina: Polarina vs Cairenn! Polarina has +7 lvls on Cairenn (67 vs 60); Two hunters square off!; 0/11/45 vs 43/5/3; Polarina wins by 730 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
22:35.00PolarinaWrong realm!
22:35.19Polarina!vs EU Scarshield Legion Polarina US Uldaman Cairenn
22:35.22ThraeBotPolarina: Polarina vs Cairenn! Cairenn has +3 lvls on Polarina (67 vs 70); A L67 hunter and a L70 paladin square off!; 0/11/45 vs 48/13/0; Polarina wins by 376 TBRs!
22:35.59cncfanaticsyea right
22:36.16PolarinaWhat if I put it the other way around?
22:36.32Polarina!vs US Uldaman Cairenn EU Scarshield Legion Polarina
22:36.32ThraeBotPolarina: Cairenn vs Polarina! It's a showdown! But wait! What's this?! Something random? Polarina wins by 6721406 TBRs! Wow, that's GOTTA hurt.
22:36.50PolarinaInteger overflow?
22:37.11foxlitThe ratings are not commutative, clearly
22:37.17PolarinaDon't tell anyone. I wana supprise Cairenn when she comes online. :P
22:38.21*** join/#wowi-lounge the-golem (n=Darrin@
22:39.39Shirikyou are aware that is a random event, right Polarina? o.o
22:39.48PolarinaRandom event?
22:40.01Polarina!vs US Uldaman Cairenn EU Scarshield Legion Polarina
22:40.02ThraeBotPolarina: Cairenn vs Polarina! Cairenn has +3 lvls on Polarina (70 vs 67); A L70 paladin and a L67 hunter square off!; 48/13/0 vs 0/11/45; Polarina wins by 376 TBRs!
22:40.12Cairennnot me
22:40.23PolarinaWhat then?
22:41.14cncfanaticsCairenn losing vs a lvl 67 lol
22:41.38PolarinaCairenn: What is your character then?
22:41.38Cairennmy highest is a 52
22:41.57PolarinaCairenn: Eh...
22:41.58sag_ich_nichtgo level!
22:41.58*** join/#wowi-lounge hugo (
22:42.04sag_ich_nicht~whaleslap Cairenn
22:42.08purlACTION beats Cairenn upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
22:43.01KasoWhat does TBR stand for?
22:43.08PolarinaThrae Bot Rating.
22:43.11purlit has been said that tbr is ThraeBot Ratings -- a ThraeBot innovation. Working on a PvP-oriented weighted algorithm for what stats the Armoury currently has for your character, partially modified by build-type, it can be used to pit two characters in TBR vs TBR combat, and tries try to take into account which classes are fighting. (or "to be released")
22:43.44Polarinapurl: Cookie.
22:43.44purlACTION gives <who> a cookie
22:43.57Polarinapurl: Cookie for you.
22:43.58purlKaso: :)
22:44.18Kasowhat the hell ^
22:45.08mikmapurl: cookie assblaster
22:45.09Thunder_Childhuh...purl finaly went psycho
22:45.29mikmapurl: cookie squirrel
22:45.56mikmaits a fortunecookie thing
22:46.13Polarinapurl: Cookie for me.
22:46.27Polarinapurl: Cookie for purl.
22:46.37mikmapurl: cookie devil
22:46.54Polarinapurl: Cooke fortune
22:47.22Polarinapurl: Cookie for fortune
22:47.31foxlit"Microsoft Live Search: Find what you like -> coffee"
22:47.42Polarinapurl: Thanks.
22:47.42purlmy pleasure, Polarina
22:47.48foxlitWho the heck would type coffee into a search engine? What would they expect to get out of it?
22:48.04Polarinapurl: Cookie for everyone.
22:48.08foxlit"It's in your kitchen, noob"?
22:48.23Polarinapurl: Cookie for everyone
22:48.32Mr_Rabies2i need to find a coffee nerd :[
22:48.48Polarinapurl: Cookie for coffee
22:48.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
22:48.58purlLeave me alone you!  I won't reveal my secrets!
22:49.03sag_ich_nicht~mute purl
22:49.04purlACTION superglues purl's lips together
22:49.07Thunder_Childnot really sure i get that one
22:49.19foxlit~literal literal
22:49.20purl"literal" is "<reply>Leave me alone you!  I won't reveal my secrets!"
22:49.30Mr_Rabies2purl: Cookie for Rockso
22:49.41Polarinapurl: Cookie for Polarina
22:49.57foxlitHint: your name isn't in any cookie factoids.
22:49.59Polarinapurl: Cookie for Polarina!
22:50.10Polarinapurl: Cookie for Google
22:50.28Polarinapurl: Cookie for Yahoo!
22:50.29mikmapurl: cookie testicle
22:50.40foxlitAnd "for" isn't really needed
22:51.05foxlitDon't they look awfully happy?
22:51.32mikmafoxlit: well the other one has the money to be awfully happy :D
22:52.07KasoThat is a terrible photograph
22:52.15foxlitBill looks positively old, Allard looks like he doesn't want to be there
22:52.33Kasoits not even in focus
22:52.51foxlitThe background isn't really supposed to be
22:53.03foxlitJudging by the pixel patterns, I'd guess they intended this one for print
22:53.40KasoThe problem is that the hands are in focus, not the faces
22:54.16Mr_Rabies2oh geez
22:54.20Mr_Rabies2i didn't even realize that
22:54.21Mr_Rabies2his hand
22:54.24Mr_Rabies2really shouldn't be in focus
22:54.25Mr_Rabies2at all
22:54.29Mr_Rabies2look at gates' hand
22:54.34Mr_Rabies2it's all deformed lookin in that pic
22:54.58foxlitDon't think it looks all that wrong
22:55.07foxlitHim wearing the one ring, though
22:57.16*** part/#wowi-lounge hugo (
23:13.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
23:15.50*** join/#wowi-lounge [KzM]Fatalis (
23:30.57Mr_Rabies2I'm Doctor Rockso, the Rock N' Roll Clown!
23:33.12sysragebeing drunk doesn't make you take more damage, does it?
23:36.16Thunder_Childonly in dnd
23:36.35*** join/#wowi-lounge cladbot (n=cladbot@
23:42.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody (
23:43.42PolarinaAnyone knows about a good DPS and Threat meter (That show both) addon that works flawlessy and, if possible, free of most bugs?
23:44.18PolarinaApperantly I'm generating too much threat and all the bosses attack me instead of the tank. It's the best tank on the realm...
23:44.42Shirikat best, these things can only be a guess
23:44.47Shirikthere is no way to make them "flawless"
23:45.01PolarinaShirik: "accurate"?
23:45.08Shiriksame difference
23:45.27ShirikIt's only extrapolating these values, not retrieving them from some server variable
23:45.35PolarinaI know.
23:45.46ShirikThe biggest problem is that of the combat log range. This used to be avoidable, but they have since blocked the only means we had to avoid that problem.
23:45.49PolarinaAt least somewhat accurate..
23:45.59ShirikI've had no problems with Omen or KTM
23:46.15Shiriknever tried it
23:46.23Shirikbut iirc, violation is built on threat-1.0
23:46.25Thunder_Childyou could wait untill blizz comes out with their own threat meter
23:46.33Shirikwhich implies that it hsould have the same values as omen is a threat meter one is a DPS meter
23:47.12Thunder_Childthat is not quite the same
23:47.25Shirikas I said, I don't know much about it :)
23:48.02*** join/#wowi-lounge cladbot (n=cladbot@
23:48.07Thunder_Childomen takes the basics of threat then alters them accordingly during encounters...special abilitys, etc.
23:51.26Kaso"This proves DRM doesnt work... it was a protected file, but it still gets onto torrent sites. Who woulda thunkit?"
23:52.46dreamsshehe its a webrip
23:53.06foxlitYeah, Kaso, that struck me as silly as well.
23:54.30dreamssonly drm that hasent been ripped is the one used by live
23:56.44dreamssxbox live
23:59.02Kirovpc vs. console market, makes sense
23:59.58Kirovgetting stuff off a console is just legistically more complex, so it tends to be less of a target.

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.