IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070929

00:03.20bleeterThrae: whcih distro?
00:03.30Thraebleeter: Ubuntu
00:03.30bleeter~lart bleeter
00:03.30purlshoots bleeter in his sleep
00:09.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
00:10.46bleeterThrae: none of it's particularly pretty, I was trying to find something more informative that the replies from 'lvm recovery', 'linux lvm recovery' etc. in google, can't seem to find one
00:13.40bleeterdepending on hwo screwed the FS is, and indeed which FS is screwed, an offsite backup of the /etc/lvm files is a godsend
00:14.08Thraebleeter: My main FS is on a RAID1 with double backups -- that's fine
00:14.33ThraeThe LVM is just all downloaded crap which I'd rather not download 1TB over again
00:14.40ThraeBut it seems that I must
00:15.20bleeter is a good article
00:15.40bleeterif you have your /etc/lvm/archive files available, is also good ;)
00:17.14Thraebleeter: Yeah, that's not going to work, since I'm missing some HDDs
00:17.58bleeterohhh :(
00:18.13ThraeWell, I'm hungry, and this recovery process looks like a pain
00:18.13bleeterI wish I were awake enough right now, I might be able to help you more ;)
00:18.22ThraeI'll just spend a month re-downloading all the stuff I care about
00:18.41bleeterbuy a cheap dds4 unit? ;) :P
00:18.44ThraeTwo 500GBs should arrive Tuesday
00:18.52bleeterorr 6, or whatever they're up to these days
00:19.17ThraeI have two DVD burners that I've been using
00:19.45ThraeBut I'm trying to migrate over to simple HDDs
00:19.47bleeterimo, still can't beat tape backups... but maybe I'm just an oldschool bigot :)
00:20.01ThraeWell overall they're way expensive for home use
00:20.37bleeterprice of backup unit is the value of the data to be backed up
00:20.43Intangirhey guys
00:20.48Intangirim trying out bartender and bongos
00:20.55Intangirbartender seems simpler and good enough
00:20.58Intangirbut half my hotkeys dont work
00:21.06Intangirsome on a bar will work while others on the same bar arent..
00:28.27FlAWDdid you import your keys? into bartender?
00:28.31FlAWDit doesn't do it by default
00:28.52FlAWDi forgot how but i know bartender can input your hotkeys from the wow config
00:29.56Intangiri think ill just go with bongos
00:35.18*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
00:45.38bleeterstupid question for the day...
00:46.16bleeterok, x+1 stupid question for the day from me... I seem to recall there was some quest tracking mod, insofar as recording what quests you've picked up/dropped, etc., so you can go back and pick them up again later. can anyone advise?
00:46.39FlAWDmonkey quests?
00:47.14Corrodiasum... um...
00:47.31FlAWDcartographer does it as well
00:47.35Corrodiasi believe that has quest and questgiver tracking in it
00:47.53Corrodiasi remember no feature in cartographer that actually kept track of the quests, but perhaps it's a module i didn't install
00:47.53bleeterMM does? heh, I'm already running that, though tbh I don't use it much more than for tracking down limited recipe vendors and camping their asses ;)
00:48.25Shirik|zZzIs anyone having some very strange issues with IsRaidLeader/IsRaidOfficer?
00:48.48|Jelly|No but I was looking over old bookmarks and found something for you...
00:49.00Shirik|zZzAs in like.... not a single person comes up as leader/officer?
00:49.08|Jelly| <3 Shirik
00:49.18Shirik|zZzand they're still secure so
00:49.33Kaydeethreewtf... my roommates either have no short term memory or we've got a ghost cook
00:49.48Kaydeethreewalked in the front door after stepping out for a food run, smoke all over the kitchen
00:49.54Kaydeethreenone of my roommates claim they were cooking
00:49.57Kaydeethreewhat the fuck
00:50.12Shirik|zZz~kill |Jelly|
00:50.13purlACTION shoots a charged fluxproton gun at |Jelly|
00:50.16|Jelly|Kick them in the teeth?
00:50.23bleeterKaydeethree: cooking cookies, eh? ;)
00:50.33Kaydeethreestir fry
00:50.43Kaydeethreebut ya, I nearly had a heart attack when I opened the door
00:50.51bleeterewww, 'herbal' stir fry? /puke
00:50.57Mr_Rabies2emeril broke into your house and you spooked him before he could surprise you with a delicious roast duck
00:50.59Mr_Rabies2you bastard
00:51.04Kaydeethreeneg, literal stir fry
00:51.11Corrodiasi could have sworn you typed emeris
00:51.11Kaydeethreekinda looked good if it wasn't burnt
00:51.42Thunder_Childah, more frying and less stiring
00:51.58Shirik|zZzsoo.... anyone had that problem?
00:52.05Mr_Rabies2Emeril yells: Hope is a DISEASE of the soul! This land shall wither and die! BAM!
00:52.06Shirik|zZzIsRaidLeader and IsRaidOfficer both return nil... always
00:52.16Shirik|zZz(do I need to rtfpn?)
00:52.28Corrodiasso, incgamers. new guys, gaining popularity.
00:52.29Thunder_Childir helps if your in a raid Shirik|zZz
00:52.37Shirik|zZzI'm in a full gruul raid atm
00:52.46Thunder_Childsure you are...
00:53.05MentalPowerCorrodias: incgamers ==
00:53.05Mr_Rabies2Emeril yells: Taste your world's corruption, complete with this delicious hollandaise sauce!
00:53.21Corrodiasoh, changed domains, did they?
00:53.28MentalPowergot bought iirc
00:53.31Corrodiasand... completely redesigned the site? *eyebrow*
00:53.35Thunder_ChildShirik|zZz, says "Determines if the player is a raid leader himself."
00:53.46Thunder_Childfor IsRaidLeader
00:53.47Mr_Rabies2i remember when the old site looked good
00:53.49Mr_Rabies2back in like
00:53.58Mr_Rabies21999 or whenever opened
00:54.01Shirik|zZz!api IsRaidLeader
00:54.04ThraeBotShirik|zZz:  isLeader = IsRaidLeader()   --
00:54.05Corrodiasi remember when your mom looked good
00:54.08Shirik|zZz!api IsRaidOfficer
00:54.11ThraeBotShirik|zZz: IsRaidOfficer();   --
00:54.11Thunder_Childsounds like it's self only
00:54.16Shirik|zZzhas it always been?
00:55.01Shirik|zZz!api UnitIsRaidOfficer
00:55.03ThraeBotShirik|zZz: Could not find a relevant page. Perhaps you could be so kind as to create one?
00:55.38Shirik|zZz14(0811:4411:4014)  11-› 14[CTCP/URL14] from jykiv 11(
00:55.47Shirik|zZzwtf does URL do?
00:56.37Shirik|zZz~lart Corrodias
00:56.37purlwhacks Corrodias upside the head
00:57.22Shirik|zZzomg go away
00:58.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
00:58.22*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
00:59.01Shirik|zZzyeah and 14(2011:5711:0314)  11-› 14[CTCP/CATBUTTER14] from Mr_Rabies2 11(i=Mr_Rabie@adsl-066-156-082-132.sip.asm.bellsouth.net11)
00:59.41Mr_Rabies2you just got a phallus and some catbutter man
00:59.55Mr_Rabies2toast that shit up and spread some catbutter on it and mmm mmmm
01:00.51Thunder_ChildMr_Rabies2, please L2UseCatbutterandaPhallus
01:01.02Mr_Rabies2i mean
01:01.07*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
01:01.09Mr_Rabies2i guess you could fry it up but eh
01:01.18Thunder_Childyou fail
01:01.20Mr_Rabies2catbutter tends to smoke at a pretty low temperature
01:01.42Thunder_Child...why are you trying to eat the phallus?
01:02.07Mr_Rabies2this conversation must seem like dialog from a david lynch movie out of context
01:02.21Corrodiasno, no, no
01:02.21Mr_Rabies2to ckknight
01:02.26Corrodiasyou've gotta smoke that phallus
01:02.45Thunder_Childagain, people are trying to put it in their mouth.....
01:03.33Mr_Rabies2man i would eat anything more or less if properly prepared
01:03.42Mr_Rabies2i'm not a picky eater
01:04.16Mr_Rabies2i really
01:04.21Mr_Rabies2really want to try some kangaroo
01:04.38Mr_Rabies2my goals in life are as follows
01:04.43Mr_Rabies21) I want to fight every animal.
01:04.50Mr_Rabies22) I want to eat every animal.
01:04.55bleeterMr_Rabies2: get yer ass over here, and I'll take you to a 'roo steakhouse' ;)
01:05.15Mr_Rabies2ship me a huntsman and i'll ride it back
01:05.30bleeterthere used to be this really cool roo steakhouse in north sydney, ground floor of the building I worked in... had a port and cigar lounge attached to it. new smoking laws killed that place :(
01:05.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
01:06.08bleeterevery friday we'd get rooed up, wined up.. then go smoke some cigars and act like total nobs, all on the expense account. was wonderful
01:06.41Mr_Rabies2i bet you could make a decent meal out of a huntsman spider
01:06.58Mr_Rabies2can't be too different from crab
01:08.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
01:08.45*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
01:08.46bleeterfunnelwebs or redbacks are better, 'coz it's like the thrill of the fugu fish.
01:09.08Mr_Rabies2if i saw one of those mouse spiders
01:09.21Mr_Rabies2i'd probably die instantaneously
01:09.21bleeterthough to be honest, stonefish is better than fried funnelweb or redback
01:09.45bleeterstonefish -> most poisonous fish known
01:09.58Mr_Rabies2i'm not a spider person, but they don't really freak me out, i use something long and pointy to kill black widows and brown recluses but eh
01:11.12Mr_Rabies2otherwise i don't mind the ones that don't really hurt
01:11.41Mr_Rabies2i'll squash em if they're being particularly annoying or i'm unsure what species they are and they look like something venomous
01:11.47Mr_Rabies2otherwise live and let live
01:12.05bleeterhow does a spider look venomous? evil grin?
01:12.17Mr_Rabies2well there's really only two types of venomous ones around here
01:12.27Mr_Rabies2and if i can't get a good enough view to tell
01:12.36Mr_Rabies2all are venomous
01:13.07Mr_Rabies2i meant ones with potentially life threatening venom
01:13.52Wobinbleeter: roo steakhouse in north sydney?
01:15.04bleeterWobin: was on the ground floor of what used to be the IBM building, corner of Pacific Highway.. and something or other. Diagonally opposite Sun Microsystems. (And, from memory, it was just called the IBM build, IBM weren't in there until about 6 months before I left)
01:15.42Mr_Rabies2if it looks like it has the proper body type and color of one of these two i'd rather not risk waking up in extreme pain:
01:15.54bleeterWobin: but closed down when they brought in those smoking laws, which was rather stupid 'coz the whole point of the place was have a big feed then go have cigars and port
01:18.30Mr_Rabies2sure, chances are they won't bite me, and if they do, probably won't use enough venom to kill me or be more than a bit of discomfort, but i'd rather not risk the extreme pain that's possible on a full-on bite
01:20.07Mr_Rabies2i think a brown recluse may have nipped me really lightly, i had a random bite that hurt like hell and left a scar for a good 6 months or so, but i don't care as long as it didn't kill or hurt me excessively
01:21.12RecluseXD i tabbed out for that?! dang you name highlight :p
01:21.36Mr_Rabies2recluse recluse recluse
01:22.17bleeterif Recluse weren't so reclusive, we'd prolly remember not to use the word recluse ;)
01:22.49Reclusehehe, i'm still here, working on some code and whatnot
01:23.11Reclusewas just bug testing when the first one came in
01:25.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
01:51.35*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
01:54.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Fatalis`timeout (
01:54.39*** join/#wowi-lounge kamdis (
01:55.36bleeterman, wish I could by my hunter pets a beer :/
01:56.34bleeteryes, i'm trying to screw with their loyalty gains ;)
01:57.28|Jelly| lol
02:00.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
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02:01.14dreamsslawsuit or bricked iphone news
02:02.50|Jelly|Ever get in a group, then all of the sudden start to feel like crap?
02:02.57|Jelly|Personally, I'm going to blame this horrible group.
02:04.02kamdissounds reasonable
02:04.23|Jelly|You're probably going to get yelled at for having bold text. :\
02:04.49deltronyou are a fucking idiot if you did not see that coming and you bought an iphone
02:04.54|Jelly|Unless they're keeping a double standard that I don't know about. :P
02:05.17art3misits not gonna brick it
02:05.29dreamsssag_ich_nicht, sga is on >_<
02:05.30art3misit's just gonna make it unuseable on other carriers ;P
02:05.53kamdisit will brick some, it has already
02:06.03kamdisbut not many
02:06.04dreamssis the update automatic?
02:06.09|Jelly|It doesn't bother me kamdis, I was just warning you from personal experience. :P
02:06.23art3misnope its optional
02:06.25kamdisthank you - didn't realize i had it bolded.
02:06.36art3missorta like installign itunes when you install quicktime ;)
02:06.44dreamssif its optional, and ur iphone is unlocked and you updated...
02:06.50dreamssits ur fucking fault
02:07.23|Jelly|I wonder if it popped up every five minutes with "ZOMG UPDATE?"
02:07.52dreamssi like xp, update is ready we will install it on 5 secs unless u cancel
02:07.55kamdisit does it through itunes when you sync
02:07.58dreamssto late... rebooting
02:08.29|Jelly|When you sync. lol
02:08.43|Jelly|"You can use this unlocked phone, but god help you if you sync it!"
02:08.52kamdisit's still optional then, actually
02:09.36|Jelly|Well. WTB iPhone and I'll give you all the skinny on what's optional and what' know...not.
02:09.44kamdisi have one
02:09.51kamdisfamily member is an employee and got it free
02:10.07kamdisb/c there's no way i'd have paid for one
02:10.09|Jelly|WTB iPhone and /I'll/ give you all the skinny on what's optional and what' know...not.
02:11.02dreamssi pretty much know the guys who made the free unlocker
02:11.23|Jelly|...tell them to get to work
02:11.29dreamssi only need an iphone
02:11.32kamdisi don't think apple would have even tried to break it if they had a choice
02:11.46dreamssi bet he is, not active
02:11.49kamdisbut, you know, big money contract
02:11.54*** join/#wowi-lounge [KzM]Fatalis (
02:12.29dreamssfunny one of the guys runs the openwii project heh
02:12.34|Jelly|Bartender doesn't seem to want to page into regular bear form. :(
02:13.01kamdisdid you update it?  :P
02:13.05kamdisi kid, i kid
02:13.28|Jelly|I'm kind of anal retentive on updating my addons. Especially after patch day.
02:14.53dreamssthose ppl that bought spots on the line make me laugh
02:15.15dreamssthey just bought the iphone on ebay at the same price
02:16.04|Jelly|That lawsuit is pretty lol imo.
02:16.21kamdisthought they were soooooo clever
02:16.56*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
02:17.58|Jelly|I'm about ready to give up on humanity.
02:18.09|Jelly|I know, I'm a little late but I try to give the benefit of the doubt.
02:18.14Kaydeethree"about ready"?
02:18.48|Jelly| ...for example
02:19.08kamdisis that where is this wow directory?
02:19.18Corrodiasdo any addons keep a history of things you've mailed?
02:19.40KaydeethreeI thought one of the auctioneer suite addons could do that
02:20.24Corrodiashmm... maybe
02:21.10|Jelly|Ok so I looked...and maybe I'm just DUURRR but I'm not seeing a way to page into regular bear form. :(
02:22.11Kaydeethreesounds about right
02:22.22kamdisvery odd jelly
02:22.30|Jelly|Can't remember the last thing I got off of iTunes anyway.
02:23.24|Jelly|wow. The iPhone doesn't have IM or IRC abilities?
02:23.44|Jelly|The [stock] iPhone, that is. :P
02:23.49Corrodiaswhere the hell did i mail all that thorium?!
02:24.07|Jelly|Are you sure you mailed it to one of your characters? :(
02:24.30*** join/#wowi-lounge RogueShadow (
02:24.36Corrodiasnot absolutely sure, no. i'm HOPING a GM will be able to track it down if i don't manage to find it on an alt.
02:24.49Corrodiasnot that i expect to get it back if i mailed it to the wrong person, but i want to know where it went
02:25.14*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
02:25.58art3misi just realized i was asleep for about 20 hours
02:26.08|Jelly|Just realized?
02:26.13|Jelly|Maybe you need moar.
02:26.21Corrodiasdid you go drop a ring into mount doom last night?
02:26.24art3misyeah didnt feel like doing the 'how long was i asleep math" when i got up
02:26.47art3misit sure feels like i need moar sleep
02:26.53art3misand my neck kind of hurts
02:26.58|Jelly|Well. Goodnight. :P
02:27.51art3misi think im peckish
02:28.18kamdishi cog
02:28.19art3mis~fail cogwheel
02:28.20purlcogwheel: Fail.
02:28.48art3mis~hi cogwheel
02:28.48purlMany greetings, cogwheel, most strange traveller, to this IRCdom of plenty.
02:30.23cogwheelWhy would windows bluescreen on boot with 4 DIMMS installed? I've tried with only two modules and it works. Even moved the two modules between the pairs of slots (not willing to sacrifice dual channel) and of course tried one pair and the other...
02:31.13art3miswhat BS is it?
02:31.20art3misthe irq not equal or less than?
02:31.27art3misor the inaccessible bootdevice
02:31.41cogwheelIt's just Stop: 0x0000007E
02:31.58cogwheeli got IRQ_NOT_EQUAL... before when i had a bad stick
02:32.12Corrodiasyeah, bad ram can cause any kind of error
02:32.33art3misyou setting speeds on it manually or auto?
02:32.33cogwheelbut why would it boot fine with any two installed in any orientation but not 4?
02:32.46art3misa few reasons actually..
02:32.47Thunder_Childcogwheel, can the mobo handle the ammount of ram your trying to stick in?
02:32.58cogwheelThunder_Child: /sigh
02:33.06art3mis1. bad timings
02:33.11Thunder_Childdont sigh me, it's valid
02:33.16cogwheelBFG nForce 680i SLI
02:33.17art3mis2. same sticks but diff voltages
02:33.38art3mis3. bad pagefile in winders
02:34.01Thunder_Childcog, do you have another machine you can use to test the 4 sticks?
02:34.03cogwheelwhy would timings and page file have any effect with every combination of dimms except 4?
02:34.05art3misdid you set it to let windows do it or manually set yer pagefile?
02:34.17art3misbecause of the adressing in the 4
02:34.20cogwheelOk... i've been through all the dummy shit...
02:34.48art3miscogwheel: we're nerds, we run through the dummy shit on habit to make sure you're at the same spot as us ;)
02:35.05*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (n=[KaoS]`@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
02:35.14Thunder_Childunless i am mistaken you have 3 possible problems; software, mobo, ram
02:35.17art3mis90% of people we talk to "have done the dummy shit" except when we run through it to find out they havent
02:35.33art3misso yah
02:35.33Thunder_Childdo you have a second machine to test the sticks on?
02:35.38cogwheelalready done
02:35.50Thunder_Childi assume all 4 worked then
02:35.53cogwheelbut still, why would they function with 2 but not 4?
02:36.00TemIf you ever want to play a game that makes you feel like the most spastic idiot on the planet, but you can't put it down anyway, play Ikaruga
02:36.01dreamsscog are the ram the same timings
02:36.03|Jelly|~whalecrit Thunder_Child
02:36.03purlACTION crits Thunder_Child with a mathematically skilled whale named Isaac for #NaN. Thunder_Child dies
02:36.03dreamssand brand?
02:36.09cogwheelthey're all the same model number
02:36.14Thunder_Child~whaleparry |Jelly|
02:36.15purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry |Jelly|'s attacks.
02:36.31Thunder_Childhow do you know?
02:36.35Thunder_Childhave you ever tired it
02:36.35art3misxp pro im assuming?
02:36.54cogwheelart3mis: i'm not telling
02:37.06cogwheeli'm not willing to get into a discussion of OSs
02:37.09Thunder_Child~lart |Jelly|
02:37.09purlnabs the moon and broadsides |Jelly| with the sea of tranquility
02:37.22art3misits not a discussion about them per se ;)
02:37.30art3mishome doesnt like 4g pro does ;P
02:37.37cogwheelvista 64-bit
02:37.52art3misyou have hirens bootdisk by chance?
02:38.01cogwheeloh... looks like i'm not alone
02:38.26Thunder_Childcogwheel, you might try rearangeing the 4 in different slots...weird as it may seem i have worked on a system that had 4 of the same and only worked when in a spicific configuration
02:38.35cogwheelThunder_Child: i did try that...
02:39.04*** join/#wowi-lounge ZealotOnAStick (
02:39.13cogwheelThey've basically been shuffled around every which way
02:39.19cogwheeland it boots perfectly with anything but 4
02:39.25art3miscogwheel: well according to that yer SOL
02:39.31Thunder_Childyou dont by chance have another 4 sticks that you could test on that mobo do you?
02:39.33art3misin a winders environment that is
02:39.42cogwheelThunder_Child: already done that too
02:40.01art3mischeck for bios updates.. put all 4 in and run some mem tests from hirens
02:40.03Thunder_Childwell you have now vetted the ram and mobo..sounds like software thwen
02:40.04cogwheelmy wife has 4 gigs of the exact same ram i do
02:40.22cogwheeli'm going to test a 64-bit linux to see how it does
02:40.25Thunder_Childerr..wait, her 4 ram had the same problem?
02:40.31art3misdopnt bother with 64bit
02:41.01cogwheelart3mis: but then it won't see all the physical ram...
02:41.10art3miscogwheel: on distro watch thers a diag cd, get that and run through its mem tests
02:41.17art3mistis a linux based live cd i believe
02:41.29art3misjust to make sure the ram is fine
02:41.47cogwheelI'm 99.99999999999999999999% convinced the RAM is fine
02:41.58cogwheelWhy would it happen with both my 4 and my wifes 4
02:42.03cogwheelin any combination
02:42.29art3misyou've done any avail bios updates right?
02:42.36cogwheelchecking for them now
02:43.23art3misthe only other wierdness that can account for it is sata drives gimping up the timings o the same bridge(it's rare but it does happen)
02:43.47art3misif you tset with a nix install use an ide drive instead just for curiousity sake
02:44.01art3misits not OCZ mem is it?
02:44.07cogwheeli just got rid of my ide drives
02:44.20art3misoh im not saying use the ides in a live environment
02:44.33art3misjust as a double check to make sure it cores the same as sata
02:44.53cogwheelart3mis: no... i really got rid of them :P
02:45.36art3misCons: make sure that your speed is matched correctly. timings run as advertised at 1.9v but you have to changed timings and voltage manually. not recognizing 44412, booted at 55515. bandwidth is a bit lower than should be, but im working on that
02:45.44*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (
02:46.19cogwheeloh wait... that's the wrong one
02:47.00cogwheeltimings were set to 5-5-5-18 by the bios
02:47.08art3misumm that second link is for 2x512mb
02:48.13cogwheeli'm sure it's this one now
02:49.50Intangirhow can i make a macro that uses my healing items?
02:50.07Intangirlike tries to use both healthstone grades, and then my healing trinket if its equipped
02:50.21cogwheelIntangir: see my guide on the UI & Macros forum
02:50.23art3miswell if the bios doesnt have an update, run through a few mem checks to make sure the board is reading the full 4gb(not 3.25)
02:50.33cogwheelunder "Global Cooldown (or: Multiple actions with one click)"
02:50.50art3misand use a live cd check like mepis or mint and see how it goes
02:50.59cogwheelhmm... reading around it's starting to sound like nvidia drivers
02:51.13art3misyou may just have to turn down the timing on it
02:51.23art3mis(fiddle with the settings manually+voltage)
02:51.45art3misand as stupid as it sounds make sure yer cache settings are off ;P
02:51.59art3misif you've reset yer bios at any point
02:53.54Intangiroh cool thats you cogs ;)
02:53.58Intangiri just used 2 of the macros you had on there
02:54.04kamdisgrr lazy *and* jerky people on forums :(
02:54.11Intangirthanks cogwheel
02:54.19Intangirwell im gonna go mess with my new gui
02:54.24Intangirim using bongos now
02:54.27Intangirand some new macros
03:09.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
03:13.21Corrodiashmm, the GM's must be pretty busy tonight
03:13.36Kaydeethreelong queue?
03:13.38Corrodiasperhaps answering people with their sound bug questions :/
03:13.52Corrodiasyeah, i've had the ticket up for a bit
03:14.08Kaydeethreeit's a patchweek. everyone's going "qq my mods don't work, even though the motd says to update them. what do I do?"
03:14.35kamdis"Where is my WOW directory?"
03:16.02Corrodiaswhat do i do with my "<WOW Directory>" file?
03:16.45Thunder_Child"What is WoW?"
03:17.05Thunder_Childsomeone go ask that to a GM
03:17.16kamdisyou know it truly boggles my mind that people can get addons working yet not figure they should maybe go look for an update when they stop working.
03:17.24kamdisi just ... don't get it
03:21.40bleeterI spoke to a GM last night just for the hell of it... told them they had my sympathy that it was patch week
03:21.51bleeterthey diplomatically said 'it certainly makes the day pass quicker' ;)
03:23.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
03:23.29*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
03:24.01MentalPowerkamdis: you should see the convo that happened in the cosmos channel a few hours ago
03:24.27bleeteraww, crap... when i reset my irssi, forgot to rejoin cosmos
03:24.32bleeterMentalPower: thanks for reminding me :)
03:25.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah_ (
03:27.01bleeterlol, karl leaves
03:31.47kamdiswant to give me the summary?
03:34.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
03:42.11Mike-N-GoAnyone else have this problem? When I zone in to BG or instance or something, I get DCed half the time.
03:43.46kamdistry deleting your Cache file?
03:44.11kamdisfolder, i mean
03:48.20Mr_Rabies2Mike-N-Go, what sound card do you have?
03:48.29Mr_Rabies2it's a bizarre question, but it is infact related :
03:59.45|Jelly|So I took a shower...and this guy is STILL going on? /C:\World of Warcraft\WoW Directory\fonts / ??
04:00.48kamdisyeah just bumped
04:00.57Corrodiasokay, GM's, time to get around to answering -my- ticket :(
04:01.22Corrodiasi got disconnected this time i zoned into arcatraz, but not the last time. and it's something that does happen once in a while.
04:01.50Kaydeethreek, I'm bailing for the night. have fun herding cats, those of you on forum watch
04:02.00|Jelly|Take care
04:11.51*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (
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04:20.58*** part/#wowi-lounge Sixen (
04:24.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
04:25.46Corrodiasokay, the correct answer was:
04:26.05Corrodiasi DID recieve and use the thorium bars, then in my sleep-deprived stupor proceeded to forget all about it and pass out on the couch
04:26.12Thunder_Childindeed, Cheesecake ftw
04:34.53Mike-N-GoAnyone else notice that the new viper is not working?
04:35.13Mike-N-GoMr_Rabies2: Was in a instance. Let me check my sound card.
04:36.03Mike-N-GoI'm on a MacBook Pro.. with Intel High Definition Audio, me thinks.
04:36.03KirovMike-N-Go - aspect?
04:36.09Mike-N-GoViper aspect
04:37.01KirovMike-N-Go - I haven't played since the patch so I haven't noticed
04:37.28Mike-N-GoWell, the MP5 in the dropdown tab does not update.
04:40.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Fin (
04:40.33Thunder_Childlol, thought you were talking about the weapon
04:40.51Finat last
04:46.00MentalPowerart3mis: ...
04:52.36Finsylvanaar: ping
04:56.32*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
04:57.46*** join/#wowi-lounge JunkHead-Work (
05:00.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
05:10.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
05:20.22Temit's not like it's fucking hard or anything
05:22.26Esamynn~comfort Te
05:22.26purlThere, there, Te.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
05:22.27JunkHead-WorkWhat instance ya doin?
05:22.28Esamynn~comfort Tem
05:22.28purlThere, there, Tem.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
05:22.49TemI'm getting my cenarion rep for 2.3
05:22.57JunkHead-WorkAh yeah, Love those fearing Nagas
05:23.21KirovTem - tell them to equip their pvp trinket at the very least
05:23.49Temwhat's sad is that I just had an easier time soloing the 3 pull than we did as a group killing it
05:26.01KirovTem - My girlfriend's druid will sometimes tank and heal the same encounter because she hates most tanks & healers
05:26.19Finshe must have a conflicted personality
05:27.19KirovThat or if the cc is sucking she'll just hold all the mobs in a pull to keep them from killing the healres
05:28.34TemKirov, I feel her pain
05:33.38EsamynnTem: why do you need CE rep for 2.3?
05:34.02Temthere's a new mount from them
05:34.06Temyou need exalter
05:34.12Esamynnright, I forgot
05:34.28Esamynnthe price i've seen quoted seems out of wack
05:34.42EsamynnI've been wondering if it's a typo
05:35.15JunkHead-WorkI wondered that too
05:35.28JunkHead-WorkIt's an epic mount right?
05:35.47JunkHead-WorkSo that means 5k gold + 2k gold
05:35.49TemI have no problem with a 2k price
05:35.55JunkHead-WorkThat sounds.... expensive.
05:35.55Temas long as it's a badass mount
05:36.11Tem(and a hipogriph doesn't count.  I will _not_ spend 2k gold on that)
05:36.27JunkHead-WorkNah Hippogryph would be dumb.
05:36.31EsamynnFlight Form is just so much better than any mount
05:36.55JunkHead-WorkI still have normal flying mount.
05:37.12EsamynnInstant Cast FTW! 8)
05:37.56ScytheBlade1Never mind the fact that you *can* herb in it
05:38.03Esamynnhaha, nice
05:40.12*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
05:40.19JunkHead-WorkGotta love runninga maintenance on PC's that aren't your own.:\
05:49.33Tem... wow
05:49.38Temmy group just kicked me
05:49.41Temand I have no idea why
05:50.27TemI asked what we were waiting on since we were all there and not pulling
05:50.32Temand then... poof
05:50.45Temso I send a tell to the group leader and I'm ignored
05:51.06TemI send a tell to the healer with something along the lines of "Tell your friends that was very rude."
05:51.17Temand I get this novel of an appology from him
05:51.19JunkHead-WorkWhat was his reply?
05:51.29Temso I'm still confused
05:51.36JunkHead-WorkDid the novel actually give a reason?
05:51.51JunkHead-WorkSounds about right then.
05:52.01Tempart of it was him offering to help get a group for me to do the instance at some other point
05:52.07Temand admitting that it wasn't a good group anyway
05:52.23Temalso of intrest, I just looked at the damage meter I had hidden (and actually forgot that I had installed)
05:52.31TemI dod 50.8% of the group's total damage
05:53.18Tem(all that tells me is that the dps warrior and rogue in the group really did suck as much as I thought they did)
05:53.27JunkHead-Workwhat class are you?
05:53.38JunkHead-Workah ok.
05:53.58Tem!c temaile garona us
05:54.23TemI thought there was a bot
05:54.31Tem!ar temaile garona -us
05:54.49mikmaThraeBot: u suxx
06:01.01Thunder_ChildTem, country/server/name i think
06:01.23Tem!c us garona temaile
06:01.25ThraeBotTem: Temaile, Level 70 Human Mage (0/7/54). 9693 HP; 8516 Mana; 131 mana regen; 230 spell crit; 30 spell hit; 837 +spell dmg/heal; 5.02% dodge; 229 resilience;[[ TBR: 716 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sat Sep 29 02:16:32 2007 EST ]]
06:03.14Thunder_Childhmm..your mage looks like my priest
06:08.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
06:10.05TemI'm wearing pve gear in that
06:16.39TemThunder_Child, how does my mage look like your priest?
06:16.59Thunder_Child!c us draenor prismatic
06:17.02ThraeBotThunder_Child: Prismatic, Level 70 Night Elf Priest (34/27/0). 7011 HP; 9999 Mana; 203 mana regen; 30 mp5; 251 spell crit; 40 spell hit; 728 +spell dmg/heal; 6.18% dodge; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1000 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sat Sep 29 02:32:09 2007 EST ]]
06:17.53MentalPower!vs us garona temaile us draenor prismatic
06:17.55ThraeBotMentalPower: Temaile vs Prismatic! A L70 mage and a L70 priest square off!; 0/7/54 vs 34/27/0; Prismatic wins by 275 TBRs!
06:18.19TemThrae's TBR system sucks
06:18.23Temit undervalues me by a lot
06:18.37Thunder_Childi bet it's also not used to holy dps priests
06:19.20TemI'm not sure how I'd do against you
06:19.44Temtheoretically, if I countered anything, you'd be screwed
06:19.54Tem... for 6 seconds
06:19.56Thunder_Childno, i can still cast shadow spells
06:20.16TemI'm not scared of your shadow spells, mr holydps
06:20.39Thunder_Childbut it eats up the 6 sec
06:21.52Temthose 6 seconds are there for me to kill you
06:22.06Thunder_Childwhat i always find amusing is that in 5-mans i am more helpfull than a SP since i can fully take over for the healer
06:22.28Temoh wait a sec
06:22.34Temyou've got no resil
06:22.36TemI win
06:22.57Thunder_Childand you do in your usual gear?
06:24.03mikmaTem: did i mention that now affects arcane missiles xD
06:24.11mikmait's now my favorite in BG, PEWPEWPEWPEWPEW
06:24.20mikmalol nice url
06:24.27mikma ..
06:25.27TemThunder_Child, I'm at 280 resil in pvp gear
06:25.34Thunder_Childnon pvp gear
06:25.42Thunder_Childi'm not wearing my pvp gear
06:25.43Temoh, in usual gear I'm at like 260
06:25.49Temsince I have no pve gear
06:26.01Thunder_Childand i have very little pvp gear
06:27.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
06:28.40Thunder_Child!vs us garona temaile us draenor blazeofglory
06:28.43ThraeBotThunder_Child: Temaile vs Blazeofglory! Temaile has +40 lvls on Blazeofglory (70 vs 30); Two mages square off!; 0/7/54 vs 0/21/0; Temaile wins by 711 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
06:36.29TemThunder_Child, full max pve gear: 210 resil
06:36.50Thunder_Childsigh..pvp whore
06:37.05buu210 res in pve gear?
06:37.11TemI don't have a raiding guild
06:37.26Temso the pvp gear I have access to is way better than the pve gear I have access to
06:41.31Thunder_ChildTem, dont want a raiding guild?
06:41.59TemI've watched as raiding turned my wow buddies into douchebags
06:42.40Thunder_Childhmm...i cant tell, i was a douchebag before i started raiding
06:42.49Templus the only guild I know I could get a spot in, I /really/ don't want to join
06:43.15Thunder_Childcant hurt to apply, you can always turn down the invitation
06:43.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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06:44.17Temalso, I'm in the middle of my hardest semester so far
06:44.24Temraiding would not be a good thing
06:46.48Tembesides, I only really ever raided to get better gear for pvp
06:46.54Temnow, pvp gear is better anyway
06:47.58Tem(okay fine, seeing the encounters was fun)
06:48.21TemI actually really liked AQ40
06:48.28Tembut the loot in there was crap for mages
06:55.32art3misso did 2.2 bring any new awesome addons?
06:56.40IrielIt will bring a working version of Aftercast, just as soon as I have time to finish it
06:56.52art3misyou have time now!
06:56.59Thunder_Childyes, the one that reformats your HD if your referance hitler in any conversation
06:57.07art3misand time to finish popup bars like i demanded ;)
06:57.20IrielI did at least FIX PopupActions for 2.2
06:57.28art3miscan you scale em now?
06:57.38IrielNope 8-)
06:57.41IrielIt was just broken
06:57.46IrielI made it not broken
06:57.49Irielnow.. back to my code...
06:57.53art3misas funny as it is to have divine shield and hearthstone in HUGE buttons... ;)
06:58.36IrielYou can just edit PopupActionsFrames.lua or whatever it's called
06:58.49IrielIt's a super-simple addon, really
06:59.37art3misyeah but you're forgetting about my lethargy
07:00.02art3misits more fun to just pester you til it becomes exactly what i want ;)
07:00.38IrielAs long as you have a LOT of patience I suppose that might work for you
07:00.51art3mislazy people are always patient ;P
07:01.45Guillotinepfft. not me. I'm lazy AND impatient
07:01.58Guillotinei want other people to do everything for me and I want them to do it NOW
07:02.55IrielEven when you're in a position to demand that, it doesn't usually happen
07:04.27art3misthats pretty awesome
07:04.33art3mistoo bad it's only shammy ;)
07:04.51mikmathere's like 7 different sphere addons out there ;)
07:04.54mikmaone for each class
07:05.25Thunder_Childpriest one SUCKS
07:06.00mikmawell most of them does actually
07:09.18art3misi really like them
07:09.28art3misi kind of wish that they would autoshift
07:09.53art3mislike expand 3 and they rotate to the right side of the sphere in like a bar layout
07:09.59mikmawell there you go, the idea is out
07:10.33art3misof course i'd also like the lightheaded type expandsio for bars
07:10.49art3mislike click the tab and yer bars pop out
07:11.07IrielThe problem is there's no animation support in the state header
07:11.18Irielthey're in or out, unless you create a ridiculous number of interim states
07:11.30*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
07:12.09art3miswell auctioneer does it
07:12.20art3misclick and it pops out for it's little menu thingy you can click
07:12.25mikma" And for your dedication, flying mounts for engineers only will be available in patch 2.3. There will be normal and epic versions of this mount for you to parade around and show how proud you are to have passed all the exams and call yourself an engineer."
07:13.15mikmaart3mis: what does auctioneer do? explain it again
07:16.01art3misin the new one its got a yellow tab on the right side of the screen
07:16.16art3misyou click the tab and it "scrolls" out and you can click on the buttons on te little bar
07:16.26mikmayeah but they aren't actionbuttons afaik
07:16.38art3misyeah action buttons int hat form would rule
07:16.54art3mishey iriel
07:16.54mikmatoo bad it's not possible like iriel said :/
07:17.06art3misthe camera keys thingy you've got
07:17.19IrielIt's one of the many things on my list to come up with a nifty solution for (animations in state headers)
07:17.26Irielart3mis: yes?
07:17.28art3misdoes that allow you to basically swap views with hot keys like look and lock behind you etc ?
07:17.38IrielThere are already hot keys for that
07:17.50IrielI just added the ones that were for some reason commented out of the main Bindings.xml
07:17.58art3mishrm i wonder how hard it would be to create a rearview mirror of sorts
07:18.12Thunder_Childheh, PiP
07:18.14IrielBut you can bind a key to 'FlipCameraYaw' to look behind you
07:18.16art3misheh yeah
07:18.16mikmaIriel: is it possible to do a keybind down = flip camera back, keybind up = flip camera front
07:18.27Irielmikma: Absolutely
07:18.39mikmagood. then i shall do one for mah pvp!
07:18.57Irielyou just need a runOnUp key binding that does FlipCameraYaw(180)
07:19.26mikmaoh niiiice
07:20.23IrielThat's the one the game provides
07:20.33Irieljust do the same thing (with a different name) and add runOnUp="true"
07:20.35Irieland youre done
07:20.37mikmayeah and i hate it, because it needs to be pressed twice
07:21.08AnduinLotharheh, javascript inf == "Infinity"
07:21.18AnduinLotharwhen you convert to a string
07:21.30AnduinLotharas you were
07:29.37mikmaIriel: thanks. your help and wowwiki made the key happen :D
07:29.51*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
07:30.10cncfanaticshello people
07:30.25cncfanaticsaaah, a good night of sleep does so much good
07:30.35Thunder_ChildIriel is having to much fun...back to work
07:30.52IrielI just got the code I was working on to behave, so it's all good.
07:31.35mikmaIriel: you should do the "screensaver" you made to come alive if player is afk more than 2mins ;)
07:31.45art3misis there a non rock addon like fubar?
07:31.48Irielmikma it's a bit of a resource pig
07:32.00mikmaIriel: but it's also quite cute
07:32.48Irielmikma: true 8-)
07:33.39mikmaseems like PLAYER_FLAGS_CHANGED fires when player goes afk
07:33.55mikmabut no idea does it give out arg "afk" or "dnd"
07:36.49cncfanaticscheck IsAFK when it triggers ?
07:36.54MentalPowernight all
07:37.08mikmacncfanatics: nice one
07:37.47cncfanaticsmikma, I'm not 100% sure its that function name, but I know a func exists that does that
07:38.08MentalPower|ZzZz~api IsAFK
07:38.18MentalPower|ZzZz!api IsAFK
07:38.19ThraeBotMentalPower|ZzZz: Could not find a relevant page. Perhaps you could be so kind as to create one?
07:38.29cncfanaticsthat one
07:38.35mikmathere we go
07:38.47mikmacombining these 2 events i can make myself a dimmer when i go afk
07:38.51cncfanaticsok, lets finish up flexbar already, about time
07:38.56MentalPower|ZzZz!api UnitIsAFK
07:38.56ThraeBotMentalPower|ZzZz: isAFK = UnitIsAFK([[UnitId|unitId]])  --
07:39.02MentalPower|ZzZzbah, slow
07:39.06MentalPower|ZzZzoh well, gnight
07:44.03mikmadamnit :( you can't SetAlpha WorldFrame
07:44.39cncfanaticsput a frame in front of it that goes solid ?
07:44.50mikmayeap might need to
07:49.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh_ (n=Srosh@
07:55.18mikmaand it works like a charm :)
08:02.01cncfanaticsnot bad
08:02.04cncfanaticsbut ur a gnome so 0/10
08:02.49mikmagnomes rule the world soon
08:03.18cncfanaticsI'm gonna make FB so it crashes you with an infinite loop if ur a gnome
08:03.29mikmagood thing i use CogsBar :)
08:07.57cncfanaticsFB beats all feature-wise :)
08:09.20art3miscogsbar makes me sad
08:09.28art3misit does autohide the blizz bar
08:09.33art3mislike bt does
08:10.23cncfanaticsfb doesnt :p
08:10.29art3misthen fb sucks
08:10.38art3miserr cogs doesnt
08:10.39cncfanaticsdoesn't touch blizz interface, I like having it along my flexbar buttons
08:10.57cncfanaticsis MainMenuBar:Hide(); so hard ?
08:11.07art3misit is appearantly ;)
08:12.09mikmai heard that MainMenuBar.Show = MainMenuBar.Hide; MainMenuBar:Hide() <- rocks
08:12.39mikmatoo bad that there's still some frames that blizz puts up above MMB
08:13.00mikmathat means, you can't rotate world with mouse if you happen to mouseover them and clicking there
08:13.27art3misso here's a question
08:13.40art3miswhere do you guys usually look while fighting?
08:13.46art3misat yer hud or at yer uf's
08:14.01mikmauf and spells
08:14.05mikmai completely ignore chat
08:14.19art3misso you dont use a hud?
08:14.37mikmanegative. i have tried but haven't learned to use it properly
08:14.39art3misdo you group the uf near yer spells?
08:15.06mikmaand to be honest and not to kiss Iriel's ass but his first hud was propably the best i have ever used
08:15.16art3misthat stat circle one?
08:15.27art3misim partial to metahud
08:15.30IrielI really need to ressurect it, I miss it
08:15.50mikmait was clear to use
08:15.51cncfanaticsIriel, I'd love you for that too
08:16.03mikmaabsolutely best hud ever :I
08:16.05art3misthe stat circle was nice when i glances at it
08:16.13art3misglanced gd
08:16.30art3misim thinking of making a ui layout thats mostly centered
08:16.47mikmaart3mis: Industrial likes to use one like that
08:16.53art3mislike hud centered, map and info stuff top center
08:17.05mikmahe uses 12x3 ab's and has default uf's over them
08:17.34art3misive grown too accoustumed to the bottom ui
08:17.58cncfanaticsthinking the same
08:18.02cncfanaticsfinishing FB then I think i'll do it :p
08:18.11*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
08:18.21art3miswhat i'd really like is a more confiuragble action bar set
08:18.34art3mislayoutwise i mean
08:18.52art3mislike more than lines boxes and rectanges
08:19.03art3miswithout having to make a shitload of abrs
08:19.10cncfanaticsart3mis, flexbar :p
08:19.17mikmacogsbar <3 :D
08:19.33art3miscan taht make me a 6 slot triangle?
08:19.43art3misfrom a single bar?
08:20.01art3misthats a square ;)
08:20.06art3misi dont want "empty
08:20.10mikmai know, triangles suck
08:20.13art3mis"i want a 6 slot tirangle
08:20.22mikmathey are complely useless and take lots of space
08:20.27cncfanaticshmmm, didn't code functions for decent layouting of groups yes
08:20.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Leachim (
08:20.39cncfanaticsthats the thing I got to still do before having a stable release :)
08:20.43art3misya know what would be great?
08:20.51cncfanaticsthey are ofc
08:20.56cncfanaticsevery button is draggable on its own
08:20.59art3misso i can make a 15slot bar
08:21.03cncfanaticswould unlock all ur buttons
08:21.10cncfanaticsart3mis: /fb create button=1-15
08:21.14art3misand drag each one "attached" of course where-ever along that line i want
08:21.15mikmayou know what i also like about cogsbar, it's light!
08:21.35cncfanaticsmikma, fb ain't though :p
08:21.38cncfanaticsit has a lot in it
08:21.39art3misya know what i mean?
08:21.49mikmacncfanatics: well there's your problem
08:22.05cncfanaticsmikma, its not a problem
08:22.11cncfanaticssome ab addons are light be design, others aren't
08:22.28cncfanaticsart3mis, I think I do
08:22.35cncfanaticsart3mis, you can declare custom groups in fb
08:22.38art3miscncfanatics: what i'd like is to be able to make 15 slots, then take those 15 slots and move them in any configuration i want
08:22.48cncfanaticsah, np there
08:22.50art3misdrag and palce style though
08:22.58cncfanaticsthey're draggable by default
08:23.04art3miseach seperately?
08:23.05cncfanaticswhen ur done positioning them /fb lock button=1-15
08:23.07cncfanaticsyea each seperatly
08:23.17cncfanaticsu can also group them so they react like a bar
08:23.27cncfanaticswhen u drag one others will be dragged too then
08:23.34art3misoh wait i know why iw as avoiding fb
08:23.39art3misits all commandline isnt it
08:23.43cncfanaticsya :)
08:23.49art3mis*shakes fist*
08:23.50cncfanaticsmight get into coding a gui, but not yet
08:23.50mikmacncfanatics: "well THERE'S your problem!" = mythbusters comment
08:24.02cncfanaticsmikma, the slashcommands are easy to learn really
08:24.17art3misif i can re-arrange the buttons that way though it may be what im looking for even with typing
08:24.38art3misi also need a fubar replacement
08:24.43art3misany ideas?
08:24.59art3misim in an anti-rock sorta mood these days
08:25.02bleeterwiners: well, it's reassuring to know that Cedega seems equally screwed over in the audio department ;)
08:25.06ZealotOnAStickwhy replace Fubar?
08:25.10art3misit's rock
08:25.22cncfanaticsart3mis, thats the most silly reason I ever saw
08:25.23bleeterI ain't been reading the Mac Tech forums, but I'm getting the feeling that's the only platform worth playing on atm
08:25.34cncfanaticsart3mis, thats 100% politics and just, lame
08:25.38cncfanaticscurrently rock > ace2 big time
08:25.40art3misZealotOnAStick: there's stuill an ace version?
08:25.41cncfanaticswe'll see when ace3 is out
08:25.58ZealotOnAStickThere's a "branch" called FubarAce.
08:26.07art3miscncfanatics: im of the beliefe that libs are great, however there isnt much point in having lots of libs to accomplish the same tasks
08:26.27art3misso until its all settled down and everything is clearly marked im gonna avoid using most of it
08:26.31cncfanaticsart3mis, using the rock'd version of ckk's addons u'll actualy use less mem & cpu even with the duplicated libs currently
08:26.55art3misckk has only 2 addons that i actually like
08:27.08cncfanaticsparrot and ?
08:27.08art3misthat perform better than thier non-ckk'd counterparts
08:27.20cncfanaticssame here, but add pitbull too
08:27.22art3misi LOVE how parrot displays
08:27.31cncfanaticswhen u disabled all modules u don't use in pitbull its quite light
08:27.31art3misi despise pitbull
08:27.40art3misit never did what i wanted to
08:27.49art3misit looked like a retarded version of aguf
08:27.52ZealotOnAStickwhat did you want it to do?
08:27.58art3misnot suck in raids ;P
08:28.01Wobinbleeter: re sound, howso?
08:28.05cncfanaticsart3mis, both aguf & pitbull can have their looks totaly changed ?
08:28.10art3misnot confuse button mods
08:28.17ZealotOnAStickProTip: don't use Unit Frames for Raid Frames, use Raid Frames.
08:28.20mikmacncfanatics: too bad, can't find a videoclip of that
08:28.21art3mislike benecast and extreme buttons
08:28.36art3misthat was my main dislike
08:28.42Wobinpitbull in raids is flat out silly
08:28.45ZealotOnAStickGrid for Raid Frames FTW.
08:28.50art3misit would have been nothing for him to mod it slightly to allow for compat
08:28.56art3misi hate grid
08:28.56Wobinart3mis: well
08:28.59cncfanaticsI don't use the raid frames, I never did on any ab mod, and I never will
08:29.00art3misnot enough info for me
08:29.01cncfanaticsi'm a rogue anyway
08:29.03WobinCause he doesn't want to =P
08:29.20ZealotOnAStickart3mis: then you haven't tried to configure Grid sufficiently.
08:29.20art3miswobin: nods i know WHY he didnt and thats more or elss why i dislike pitbull ;P
08:29.22bleeterWobin: there aren't as many things to go wrong with a sound module when ya know there's a limited pool of hardware to choose from, very easy to test ;)
08:29.35bleeterWobin: comparitavely speaking
08:29.38art3misZealotOnAStick: nah it's more a look, than anything
08:29.46art3misim used to rdx for raid
08:29.50art3misor perfect raid
08:29.55ZealotOnAStickSee last answer.  :P
08:30.04Wobinbleeter: I haven't had any issue so far... but I don't know how I'll pipe my headset into WoW for the speech
08:30.06ZealotOnAStickMeh to RDX
08:30.22art3misZealotOnAStick: i like my raid frames to just be smaller versions of uf ;P
08:30.24bleeterWobin: which platform?
08:30.35art3misits completely personal as far as it goes it's nothing against grid at all
08:30.52bleeterWobin: oh, should be easy-ish.. as long as you can see ins/outs in the Winecfg, should be fine
08:30.55art3miskind of like how i hate orange as a clothing colour ;)
08:31.13Wobinyeah, my headset tends to be a little ... wacky in winecfg
08:31.14bleeterWobin: particularly if you've got your headset in at startup, and it's showing as a seperate out device
08:31.20cncfanaticsart3mis, lol :p
08:31.20bleeterWobin: USB?
08:31.27ZealotOnAStickFascist Orangicidal Maniac!
08:31.43art3misthats it im totally makeing a snorks UI
08:31.53art3misyellow and blue EVERYWHERE!
08:32.07bleeterWobin: prolly missing the.. whatsit control thingie... master? can't recall... from what I understand of the freakishly annoying ALSA/OSS/Wine docs, need to remap the controller name, and it should 'just work'
08:32.09art3misand im gonna get yer wife to stealth install it on yer machine when yer at work
08:32.15bleeterWobin: prollem is, the ALSA/OSS docs are shit
08:32.27Wobinthey've always been shit =P
08:32.31ZealotOnAStickYou should sneak a little hidden Smurfette in somewhere, and have it when mousedover the Smurf song plays, just to be 3V|L
08:33.04art3misthe snorks song is just as annoyiong
08:33.13ZealotOnASticknot nearly as pervasive.
08:33.13art3misbut that would rule for a smurfs ui
08:33.16bleeterWobin: I should go harass the Ubuntu forums one day over it 'u guyz rekon u uberleet distro y this so fukked??!!' ;)
08:33.23art3miseverytime you sit down to eat and drink it plays it
08:33.24ZealotOnAStickI can't even remember the Snorks song.
08:33.37ZealotOnAStickbut . . ."la la la lalala, la la lalala" . . .
08:33.42ZealotOnAStickthat STAYS IN YER HAID!
08:33.55art3misswim along with the snorks, play along with the snorks, so much to see liuving under the sea, swim along with, have some fun with the, come along with the snorks
08:34.17art3miscncfanatics: yer dagar?
08:34.32ZealotOnAStickit's almost as bad as the theme to Inspector Gadget.
08:34.43ZealotOnAStickI use that as my ultimate Trump Song.
08:34.46cncfanaticsart3mis, no i'm not dagar :p
08:34.50Wobin"Next time, Gadget! NEXT TIME!"
08:34.55cncfanaticsdagar ain't a coder, he's a manager :)
08:35.02cncfanaticsand he's quite busy those days
08:36.02cncfanaticswith non-wow stuff that is, he got a new job recently
08:36.42WobinJesus. people survive curator in enrage for more than 10min?
08:36.51cncfanaticsthey do ? :o
08:36.57ZealotOnAStickPeople take longer than 10 minutes to kill him?
08:36.59WobinIt's so nice to do Kara with an effective group
08:37.12WobinI dunno =) They've got an enrage counter in him though =)
08:37.23Wobiner Berserk
08:37.25art3mishehe working on that too ;P
08:37.27ZealotOnAStickFrom Metalocalypse
08:37.44BuuyoALSA docs are the pwn. =o But I guess it depends what you're trying to do. The APIs are easy. =p
08:37.47Buuyore 10mins ago =p
08:38.02WobinALSA docs are horrible =(
08:38.03art3miscncfanatics: gimme linkie to updated fb
08:38.10Wobinokay, I'm off to dinner
08:38.14BuuyoOSS docs are bad tho, thats true =p
08:38.26Buuyobut alsa's a cakewalk to code for =o
08:38.28cncfanaticsart3mis, I'm nearly done updating it
08:38.31cncfanaticswill commit to trunk when I am
08:38.33cncfanaticsso give me a second :)
08:38.44cncfanaticsI'm seperating some code
08:38.54cncfanatics1.5k line file seperated into 4 files looks much cleaner
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08:39.59cncfanaticsart3mis, its also fully modular, so if u feel like making modules for it, go along :p
08:41.00cncfanaticshmmm, how should I make my grouping slashcommands
08:41.19art3misadda  toggle to hide blizz bars ;P
08:41.28cncfanaticswill do
08:41.56art3misif its a square you oly need 1 input
08:42.30ZealotOnAStickDemonoid tracker is working again.
08:42.48cncfanaticsit'll be rows=X columns=Y but thats the same :)
08:45.25cncfanaticsthis good for you art3mis ? /fb line button=<Button> (rows=X) (Columns=Y)
08:45.35cncfanaticsboth rows & columns are optional
08:51.15cncfanaticshmmm anyone, how would one handle layouting if both rows and columns are specified ? i'm a noob when it comes to layouting kinda :p
08:52.29art3miswhats button?
08:53.16cncfanaticswhat button(s) you want to get aligned
08:53.24cncfanaticscan be substituted with group=GroupName too
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09:17.13bleeter'don't just say it doesn't work, give us some h/w info *please*'
09:17.25cncfanaticsworks pristine for me
09:17.36bleetercncfanatics: which OS, h/w?
09:17.52bleeterF7 here, nvidia video and an ICE-1712 audio
09:18.06cncfanaticsbleeter, radeon 9600, debian
09:18.11cncfanaticsand some integrated audiocard
09:18.21cncfanaticsart3mis, aligning code works, commiting very soon
09:18.22bleeteryeah, I don't mind people just saying 'wfm' and not reporting their hardware
09:18.41bleeterjust pisses me they'll bitch that it don't work, rate it 'garbage'.. and leave with nothing for us to work on ;)
09:18.49cncfanaticsur a wine dev ? :o
09:18.56bleeterI'm one of the maintainers
09:19.18bleeterkinda fell into it by pushing a fix for wine for 2.2.0 before it went live
09:20.39bleeterhortus locked my original thread on the PTR forum when I said 'sound don't work'... several weeks later, I pushed the wine dsound guy, we identified the problem, and took it back to blizz as a fault in fmodex, due to undocumented stupidity done by dsound.dll
09:21.12bleeterI'd done the debug log, looked long and hard at it, and it just made no sense to me ... the wine dsound guy was pretty awesome in working it out
09:21.15cncfanatics:o I have to thank you for sound then :)
09:21.52bleeterI'm not gunna blow my own trumpet, pardon the pun... but there were lots of vista audio issues that appeared to vanish one push after we reported this issue upstream ;)
09:21.58bleeterthe #132 crashes
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09:22.25bleeteri could be convinced that the wine folks debugged 2.2 without going near an official platofrm
09:22.47bleeteroh, yeah, i know what I was going to ask.. does that radeon allow you use the opensource accelerated driver?
09:22.56zenzelezzthen again, can you blame them for not wanting to touch Vista?
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09:23.35bleeterwell, actually, the more I think about it, vista randomly crashing out on the stupidity made sense... it's previous versions of windows surviving that made no sense
09:23.58bleeterif you unload a DLL, the pointer shouldn't be avalable but ALSO all functions shouldn't be available
09:24.17bleeterso, vista crashing was kinda expected, and prolly correct behaviour
09:24.37bleeterjust that it didn't do it all the time was the weird bit.. and that earlier versions of windows never did was the astonishing bit
09:24.50bleetermy 2c
09:25.19bleetercncfanatics: oh, yeah, i know what I was going to ask.. does that radeon allow you use the opensource accelerated driver?
09:25.20cncfanaticsaka, ms sucks :)
09:25.47Fisker-oh lawd is that sum me attacking you?
09:26.03bleeteralso, fmod for unloading a dll then using the pointer that shouldn't even be there just 'coz it works'
09:26.06cncfanaticsbleeter, I use the closed source driver
09:26.10cncfanaticsnever tried the opensource, link ?
09:26.28bleetercncfanatics: afaik, it's the driver in the Xorg distro now
09:26.42bleeterthat's due to ATI opensourcing their spec, etc.
09:26.42cncfanaticshmmm, guess I should try that with 3d one day
09:27.31cncfanaticslet me finish my coding first then I'll check :)
09:27.40bleeterlol sure
09:28.31bleeteryannow, the more I talk about wine, the more I'm convinced there's a shitload more WoW Winers out there.. add the people who'd like to WoW Wine but can't due to various issues (eg, occasional hardware problem, etc.) so just boot back into windows when they wanna play...
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09:28.47art3misthats the absis of my new "design"
09:28.49cncfanaticsbleeter, plenty people on this chan use linux
09:29.13cncfanaticsthats just weird art3mis :p
09:29.49art3mishehe see why i need buttons that arent lines or squares ;P
09:29.49cncfanaticsart3mis, line alignment code is working now, what other ones would you like ?
09:30.17cncfanaticsyea I do now
09:30.22cncfanaticsline is done, so tell me what u want next :)
09:30.27art3miscncfanatics: so just for clarity i can create 10 buttons and then move those buttons seperately of eachother to whereever?
09:30.30bleetercncfanatics: yeah, but I'm more interested in the wow wine user base. I mean, the appdb entry has... 27 votes, collated since BC was released, yet there's far more than that who've commented on the various appdb entries alone.
09:30.35cncfanaticsart3mis, yea ofc
09:30.42art3misk that should cover it
09:30.49cncfanaticsart3mis, let me commit then
09:30.53bleeteradd in the people who've added wowwiki entries, the folks here who talk about it but don't do either the wowwiki or appdb stuff...
09:30.55cncfanaticsits all slashcommands only so feel free to ask for pointers
09:31.17cncfanaticsgonna put up the branch in trunk now
09:31.23cncfanaticshow do I do that again ? :o
09:31.28art3mislaugh not a clue
09:31.30bleeterI'm wondering if there's some way to guage a metric. Get the browser types from the logs of wowi, wowwiki and wowhead, maybe?
09:31.47cncfanaticsbleeter, just the OS is enough
09:32.23bleetercncfanatics: well, yeah, that's actually what I mean ;)
09:32.44bleeteri was just being stupidly inprecise
09:33.00cncfanaticsart3mis, I'm also finishing up profile support :)
09:33.12art3mishow do i hide the tabs on chat channels?
09:33.34cncfanaticsehm, no idea :p
09:33.45cncfanaticsGetMouseFocus():GetName() and then hide then with moveanything or visor
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09:34.27bleeterhmm, idea
09:35.31Thelynastupid question time, how do I move my paladin's pet bar? for some reason it's under/over my bottom right action bar, I want it over my main actionbar (lazy button layout)
09:35.51art3misin most cases hold control
09:36.03art3misif yer using BT3 ulock the abrs first then move it
09:36.09Thelynano bar mods
09:36.45Recluseart3mis: prat can hide em, might could look in there for how?
09:37.38JunkHead-Workhey I just thought of something.
09:38.16JunkHead-WorkSince he asked asked about hiding chat tabs... Is there a way to switch between which chat window is visible by using a key?
09:38.40JunkHead-WorkLike say, have general chat visible at all times, but hit a key to switch to combat log.
09:39.13JunkHead-WorkI use a lot of space by having my general chat and combat log both on my screen at all times.
09:39.15bleetercncfanatics: figure of curiosity, awstats for auctioneer indicate 16000 visitors this month ;)
09:39.55bleetercncfanatics: *16000 linux visitors
09:40.25art3misso less than 0.01% use nix for wow ;P
09:43.06bleeters/for wow/for browsing the auctioneer web page/ :P
09:43.51bleetergiven that I was guessing a figure of around 2000, 16000 is far more than I expected :P
09:43.55zenzelezzyou can get Auctioneer from other sites too
09:44.13cncfanaticsnot a lot of regular users use linux for wow
09:44.15bleeterwhat's relly stunning are the AmigaOS, CPM and Aix figures lol
09:44.16cncfanaticsbut a lot of coders do
09:44.25cncfanaticsI'd say at least 10% of the coding community ain't in win
09:44.53bleeterthe overall stat of our browsers, 0.7% is linux
09:45.01bleeterof course, the browser headers can be faked, too
09:45.35bleetersome websites 'require' win32/macos ie to run, but if you tell them that's what you're running, they'll work fine
09:45.40art3misi miss amiga
09:46.00cryogenamigaos is quite a popular one to fake
09:46.04art3misi heard a few years ago they were reviving it but i think that was just to toy with me
09:46.16art3miscryogen: not fake
09:46.28zenzelezzthey've been talking about reviving AmigaOS every few years for the last decade
09:46.30art3misthere's a REALLY alrge commu ity for the amigs in euro
09:46.43art3misdanes in aprticular
09:46.48cryogenart3mis: so?
09:46.49zenzelezznot just Danes
09:47.00zenzelezzthe Amiga was more common than the Atari here I think
09:47.00cryogendoesnt make it not true that people fake it to look cool :)
09:47.00art3misdanes mainly i mean
09:47.05bleeter ;)
09:47.32art3misas a music creation box amiga ruled
09:47.35art3mishands down
09:47.46bleeterthe commodore PC's look good
09:47.51bleeterthe amiga toaster what the shit
09:48.04bleeterpity it relied on NTSC hacks :(
09:48.13cncfanaticssigh, never used all that stuff :o
09:48.14cncfanaticsPC's ftwx
09:48.56bleetercomes with a C64 emulator lol
09:49.09art3misheh so does my psp ;)
09:49.27art3misor did til i bricked it ;)
09:49.31bleeteroldschool emulators are fun, specially when you remove the delay loops so the 2MHz game kick along at 2GHz+
09:49.47art3misi still play bonks adventure from time to time
09:50.00bleeterI play Elite on BeebEM from time to time
09:50.01art3misand conks bad hair day ;P
09:50.32art3miswhat i dont quite uderstand is how there isnt an xbox emu that doesnt suck
09:50.38art3missince it IS just a pc
09:51.08bleeter'coz no one who's serious about emulators gives a shit about xbox?
09:51.10bleeterjust a guess
09:53.17art3misheh thats prolly true
09:54.11cncfanaticsxbox = drm = lose
09:54.55cryogenjust mod your xbox and turn it into a pc instead
09:55.22bleeterI modded my xbox a year or so ago for linux... it's still sitting on the shelf not being used.
09:55.24zenzelezzwhat never ceases to amaze me is how quick people insist on porting Apache to every new console/device
09:55.31cncfanaticswhy get an xbox then ? might as well use a pc
09:55.39cryogenmy xbox is a media centre :)
09:56.05bleeterI had mine donated to me when a friend 'upgraded' (his word, not mine) to Xbox 360
09:57.17cryogenmine has served me well in its role, but it is starting to look a little dated
09:57.54zenzelezzthe only non-PC gaming machines I ever had was a C128 and an Amiga 600
09:58.06cncfanaticsI never had any non pc machines :p
09:59.37cncfanaticsart3mis, profiles are working and u can change profiles on the fly now :)
09:59.44cncfanaticsthats just near for respecs
09:59.49cncfanaticsone interface for shadowspec, another for holy
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10:01.04cryogendo you really respec that often? :p
10:01.18cncfanaticsno, i'm not even a priest, it was an example
10:03.22cncfanaticsgood morning cladhaire :o
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10:07.00art3misheya clad
10:07.23art3miscncfanatics: heh make a gui!
10:07.44JunkHead-WorkNoone had any ideas about my chat window question?
10:07.45cncfanaticsart3mis, thats really not a priority
10:07.47cncfanaticsand its work I hate
10:07.50art3misim actually gonna start working more in the moring on this thing
10:07.57art3misheh yeah
10:08.09art3misjunk clad might ask again
10:08.10cncfanaticsart3mis, ur gonna make a gui or u answering to someone else ?
10:08.17JunkHead-WorkOkie dokie.
10:08.27art3miscncfanatics: that was a general comment about my new layout
10:08.30JunkHead-WorkI've rethought out my question so maybe it makes more sense now too.
10:08.50cncfanaticsart3mis, ah
10:08.51art3misis the profiling set up as a per character or just a layout profile in general?
10:08.57JunkHead-WorkIs there a way (an an addon) that you can use to switch tabbed chat windows with a key binding?
10:08.57cncfanaticsper char by default
10:09.08cncfanaticsis the default, and is by char
10:09.14cncfanaticsu can set it on anything else
10:09.14JunkHead-WorkLike, I can have my general chat and combat log log tabbed and only one visible at a time.
10:09.18cncfanaticsanything else can be accessed by all chars
10:09.23art3misoh okay
10:09.29JunkHead-WorkAnd a key binding would switch between tabs.
10:09.37JunkHead-WorkDoes that make sense?
10:09.37art3miswas thinking that since i have diff chars i can create diff layouts based on class
10:09.54art3misso that if someone sues it they can just select the one for thier class
10:10.12cncfanaticsalso /fb copyprofile is neat
10:10.35art3misyou can alpha and stance/form set right?
10:10.45art3misall the usual crap?
10:10.50art3misalpha scale etc
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10:11.56cncfanaticswould make the button remap on shapeshifts
10:12.17cncfanaticswould make it remap with friendly target, hostile target, no target
10:12.47cncfanaticsalpha, hmmm, I might have forgotten that
10:12.50cncfanaticsbut scale is in yea
10:13.09art3miscladhaire: how do you swap chatframes with keybinds
10:13.10cncfanaticsjust finished tweaking copyprofile it works perfectly
10:13.18cladhaireno idea?
10:13.22art3mislike between chat and combat for example
10:13.28cladhairelook at the onclick handler for the button in the framexml
10:13.33cladhaireand run that code with the correct parameters
10:13.40art3misthere ya go junk ;P
10:14.19art3misyer supposed to know all this stuff clad writing a book about how to haxxor wow
10:14.36cladhaireno, that means i'm capable of finding answers
10:14.40cladhairenot having them off the top of my head =()
10:15.00art3misokay here's my other question
10:15.06art3misireil had a sorta answer
10:15.16art3misya kow how lighthead "slides" out?
10:15.36art3mishow hard would it be to make action bars that way?
10:15.56cladhairein combat, or out of combat?
10:16.20art3mislet's say out, like you click the tab for your "combat" actions and it slides out and you fight stuff
10:16.23cncfanaticsout of cobmat nothing is hard
10:16.44cncfanaticsin combat, pretty much impossible if it involves movement I think
10:16.58art3miscuz thats the action bars i'd like ideally
10:17.11cladhairewell, you can do it out of combat
10:17.20cncfanaticsart3mis, think fb is the most dynamic u'll get , except if there are some ab mods that do more that I don't know about
10:17.33art3miscncfanatics: yeah im thinking that
10:17.46cncfanaticsit really has craploads, but its quite heavy too :(
10:17.50art3misplus its got the felixbility of you wanting it to be the best so anything i can think of youll add ;P
10:18.10cncfanaticsI want add stuff for one person to the core
10:18.16cncfanaticsonly stuff that at least quite some people can use
10:18.18cncfanaticsits modular though so
10:18.36cncfanaticsalready has drdamage support btw
10:18.38art3misfor the most part aside from a gui, it seems that itll do what i need
10:18.51cncfanaticsonly missing one thing now imo
10:18.52art3misdid you ever get cycircled support?
10:18.53cncfanaticspopup butons
10:19.00cncfanaticsart3mis, I coded cycircled support myself
10:19.26art3misiriels popup buttons are neato
10:19.28zenzelezzdidn't Iriel have a popup actionbar mod of sorts in the works?
10:19.38art3misyeah it doesnt have scale though
10:19.39zenzelezzffs, why must everyone always outtype me
10:19.42art3misand im lazy
10:19.55art3misthe buttons are HUGE in my .64 scale
10:20.06art3misi do like the 5 different binds though
10:20.09cncfanaticshmmm, unsure if scaled buttons line up properly with line
10:20.10art3misthats more or elss sexy
10:20.17cncfanaticsnope they don't
10:20.23cncfanaticsI better multiply their spacing with their scale too
10:20.26art3miscncfanatics: thats okay mostly the line groupings im gonna do are the same size
10:20.49art3mismaking a different line for larger is fine
10:21.02art3misas long as the lining up isnt in large blocks
10:21.13art3misie move 1x1
10:21.18art3misnot move 10x10
10:21.25art3mislike bartender does
10:21.31cncfanaticsno idea how bt works
10:21.39cncfanaticsbut, currently the spacing is always 37px by default
10:21.40art3misJunkHead-Work: heh or that
10:21.45art3miscncfanatics: it sticky lines
10:22.02art3misit's wierd though
10:22.15art3misif you've got buttons on yer minimap like say the mail icon
10:22.22cncfanaticsah, if u get close to another actionbar while dragging another one they "go to eachother" ?
10:22.26cncfanaticsis that what u mean ?
10:22.28art3misitll assume that it needs to be "not over top"
10:22.44cncfanaticsthat sucks hard imo
10:22.49art3misand it moves in larger blocks
10:23.04art3misits nice in that it makes laying on top easier
10:23.11art3misbut for slightly off centered its a pain
10:23.35cncfanaticsbtw also
10:23.43cncfanaticsu can create groups with /fb group button=X name=groupname
10:23.53cncfanaticsand then u can replace button=X by group=groupname in all other slashcommands
10:24.15art3miswhen you say it like that
10:24.25art3misdo i actually need the varibale name= ?
10:24.42cncfanaticsyea you do
10:24.55cncfanaticsthis would be an example:
10:25.12art3misahh okay
10:25.16art3misthat makes snese
10:25.17cncfanaticsand then I could hide the whole heals group with /fb hide group=heals
10:25.29cncfanaticsalso, groups will drag with eachother
10:25.35cncfanaticsif you drag one button of a group the rest comes along
10:25.37art3misso in theory, i could make a macro that does those literanl commands
10:25.50cncfanaticsoh, one little note
10:25.52art3misto save having to redo them if i destroy bars
10:26.02cncfanaticsor you could copy ur profile
10:26.10cncfanaticsor backup ur savedvars
10:26.19cncfanaticslittle side note, you can NOT copy the char profile
10:26.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
10:26.26cncfanaticsbut thats not my fault :p
10:26.44Mike-N-GoAnyone know what: Assertion:   m_eventqueue[i][strata].Count() == 0 means?
10:26.58art3misso if i dont save it as a profile when im done im SOL?
10:27.05cncfanaticsnot really
10:27.11cncfanaticsu'll just have to type the full name of the profile manualy
10:27.25art3misoh okay
10:27.29IrielMike-N-Go: If you can reliably reproduce it, it means you should post to the UI forum with slouken's name in the title as a bug
10:27.31art3misthats easy enough if i remembwer then
10:27.43cncfanaticsboth ace & rock substitute char by : char/CharName - Realm
10:27.58Mike-N-GoWell, WoW has DCed me about 22 times since the most recent patch.
10:28.07Mike-N-GoAnd that is the messege in the error.
10:28.16IrielMike-N-Go: Even with no addons installed?
10:28.19cncfanaticshmmm, I could do that myself
10:28.20art3miswelp im gona head to bed
10:28.23Mike-N-GoI dunno.
10:28.34Mike-N-GoI currently have like 100 addons or so =(
10:28.34cncfanaticsg'night art3mis, by the time ur waken up fb should have a stable release :p
10:28.37art3misthanks for the exra work cnc, ill pester you about commands and stuff tomorrow
10:28.44Mike-N-GoI mostly DC when I zone into something.
10:29.49cncfanaticsart3mis, np
10:30.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Arcaia (n=cnflct@
10:30.35cncfanaticswhats the api command to get realm name & character name ?
10:30.54cncfanaticsforgot -.-
10:31.34*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
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10:50.40*** join/#wowi-lounge lordgreg (
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10:51.16lordgreghi everyone. i have a XLootGroup addon problems after 2.2 patch. i tried to remove it with XLoot, but now, the default group loot window isn't appearing. any clues/suggestions?:$
10:51.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kachna (
10:51.36bleeterfood time, bbl
10:51.37cncfanaticslordgreg, try just updating xloot?
10:52.05lordgregi did...
10:52.07lordgregdoesn't work
10:52.20lordgregxlootgroup should be updatet but wasn't... for more than 30 days now..
10:52.30Kirov_lordgreg - you'll probably need to delete your layout-cache.txt
10:52.37lordgreganyways... i have no idea what the problem is default group/loot window not showing
10:52.48lordgregkk will go check
10:53.59Kirov_lordgreg - find the one for your character, should be under World of Warcraft/WTF/Acounts/account name/server name/character name/layout-cache.txt
10:54.32lordgregyea, i'm viewing the file right now... the only problem is, there's no Xloot neither loot content in it
10:56.39Kirov_lordgreg - try renaming it and see if it fixes it.
10:56.50Kirov_if not, you can always rename it back
10:57.21lordgreghm.. you mean, rename that cache file?
10:58.04Kirov_Assuming you have no other addons that move the loot frame, then the layout-cache should be the only other thing that moves it.
10:58.08Kirov_sleep time though
10:58.24lordgregokay, thank you for your help :$
11:17.13cncfanatics3k lines in my diff
11:17.19cncfanaticsthats a god damn craploads of changes in a day :/
11:22.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
11:22.46cncfanaticsIriel gone ? damn :p
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12:15.27dreamsssup cnc
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12:17.00cncfanatic1y dreamss
12:17.02cncfanatic1fb is done :)
12:17.14cncfanatic1flexbar ;)
12:17.23dreamssoh nice
12:17.33dreamssman whoever told me to watch shoot em up
12:17.36dreamssu own
12:18.59dreamssi see
12:19.05*** part/#wowi-lounge lordgreg (
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12:27.26sag_ich_nicht@ALL EU: Gutrot hit's 70 today, 1-70 buttnaked, 10:30 pm server time aerie peak, sen'jin beach(~57,57 durotar), make a lvl 1 troll and come :O
12:27.50cncfanaticsanyone can help me with svn stuff ? I just fucked up a merge and need to undo it
12:28.26mikmasag_ich_nicht: has he been leveling by killing level 1 scorpids for 2 years?
12:30.10bleetermikma: go check out the youtube videos.. no, he goes level appropriate
12:30.35bleeterhe wears rings, trinkets and necklaces, and is an alchy that uses pots. but no armor, no weapons. fully unarmed.
12:30.54zenzelezzsag_ich_nicht: hah, cool
12:31.38zenzelezzmikma: he's been keeping a thread on the EU forums, really popular thing
12:33.07hastethank you
12:35.46*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-sleep (
12:38.56mikmato be honest
12:39.42mikmai was about to mention something about Industrial not being able to level even to 60 but.. meh
12:39.51mikmaand that dude has done it naked
12:40.49hasteid rerolls all the time tho' mikma :p
12:43.47mikmahaste: and he's great at it
12:43.57mikmahaste: he has a char in every server in EU!
12:44.12mikmaeven the french and german ones
12:44.25hastesplit over two accounts!
12:47.01bleeterrofl.. that thread, post 501... from a blue:
12:47.04bleeter" Post limit raised and thus Gutrot's epic tale of nakedness can continue :-)"
12:48.02bleeterpost cap again increased @ 1000
12:55.20bleeterwhoa, 2177 and counting hehe
13:03.22*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
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13:13.58*** topic/#wowi-lounge is #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.2 ToC: 20200 | RTFPN please | Patch Notes:
13:15.09bleetersag_ich_nicht: why do I get the feeling that gutrot's realm might crash? ;)
13:15.32hastethe realsm can take a pretty heavy beating tho'
13:15.48bleeterrealm, yeah.. zone? hmm
13:16.15hastegive me a sec :p
13:16.22hasteneed to digg up some old screnshot
13:17.41sag_ich_nichtbleeter: because i'm spamming ads for it in each BG i join?
13:17.54sag_ich_nichtand i've been pvping since 12:00 servertime?
13:18.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
13:21.13haste << imageshack is slow as hell tho'
13:23.05bleeterhaste: yeah, but they're all wearing clothes.. imagine how much more stressful it is with .. ewww. naked folk!
13:23.15bleeterall those censor-blurr areas
13:23.55bleetersag_ich_nicht: I should go BG and start hailing gutrut, king of the Naked Noobs
13:24.15bleetergod I love being from an RP realm in battlegrounds.. get away with being a right idiot
13:26.04LunessaSo, finally an excuse for your natural state?
13:38.58mikmaummmh, /cast [target=mouseover] Dispel Magic -> doesn't work
13:41.21mikmatoo bad our macropro ain't here
13:42.03Lunessachange it to...
13:42.46Lunessa... /cast [target=mouseover,exists] [ ] Dispel Magic
13:43.13mikmalet's see
13:43.47LunessaIf you don't have a mouseover, it'll cast on your current target, or if you have auto-self casting on, then on you.
13:45.12mikmathanks! works :)
13:50.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
13:52.07sag_ich_nicht@ALL EU: Gutrot hit's 70 today, 1-70 buttnaked, 10:30 pm server time aerie peak, sen'jin beach(~57,57 durotar), make a lvl 1 troll and come :O
13:53.13zenzelezzhaving a party or something?
13:54.25zenzelezzAerie Peak... I actually have a 57 troll priest there still o_O
13:56.41PolarinaWhere's Sen'jin Beach?
13:56.52zenzelezzthe beach just outside the orc/troll starting area
13:57.04zenzelezzsouth of Razor Hill
13:58.58zenzelezzlooks like he even has a guild
13:59.07zenzelezzsome guy from <Gurots Party Crew> just ran past me
13:59.52PolarinaBut why did he level from 1 - 70 buttnaked?
14:00.00zenzelezzfor fun I assume
14:00.08PolarinaAnd without weapons?
14:00.26zenzelezzthink so
14:00.43PolarinaWill he level 70 - 80 buttnaked too? :P
14:03.28Wraangerwhat fun is leveling without gear and weapon ? i don't understand ....
14:04.06LunessaThe sheer challenge of doing in naked might appeal to someone.  And the humor is pretty sweet.
14:05.04PolarinaWill they increase pre-TBC Exp from quests with 2.3?
14:05.25cncfanaticsdon't think it'll be with 2.3
14:05.34Wraangerdunno, Lunessa .... almost all MMO is about getting better gear ...
14:05.37*** join/#wowi-lounge zen\woRk (
14:05.50PolarinaExcept WoW. :)
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14:06.02zen\woRkhow do i leave a group whit mazzleui
14:06.22bleeterI'd suggest the reason to do it naked is the challenge
14:06.24LunessaWraanger: Sure, which is why it's funny.
14:07.26bleeterbest grinding is two levels below you, with rested.. so why not do it nude?
14:07.26WraangerRClick your health bar, zen\woRk
14:07.33zen\woRkk thx
14:08.04zen\woRkhm , that starts healing me
14:09.40Wraangersee the healthbars in left corner ? where you model is ?
14:09.51Wraangertry to rclick there should bring up a menu
14:15.15PolarinaI'm rested from 66 to 68...
14:16.14zen\woRkyes Wraanger i see them
14:16.20zen\woRkbut it starts healing touch lol
14:16.49Wraangerstrange means that you have rlick keybound to HT ...
14:17.43zen\woRkjust re did the mazzlefier
14:17.45zen\woRkstill the same
14:22.40bleeterPolarina: did you delete that test report 'coz it's content was garbage? ;)
14:23.05Polarinableeter: Yes. The one who submitted didn't evey try to log in and play a little.
14:23.14sag_ich_nicht@ALL EU: Gutrot hit's 70 today, 1-70 buttnaked, 10:30 pm server time aerie peak, sen'jin beach(~57,57 durotar), make a lvl 1 troll and come :O
14:23.18Polarinableeter: And everything he said he tested worked.
14:24.23PolarinaWell. At least far away from being a Garbage. He said patching and starting the game worked.
14:24.28PolarinaAnd that was all he tested.
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14:26.20bleeterPolarina: aye, I wasn't happy with it, thought about deleting it myself.. but figured I'd leave it to someone else ;) if something tests as junk I wanna see details of what was tested, how, etc. so we can start getting a grip on what needs fixing
14:26.36bleeterPolarina: thought I'm still largely convinced the sound issues are upstream
14:26.51PolarinaMe too.
14:27.07bleeterPolarina: but if people can record their sound card setups, etc., it'll give us something to compare to the blizz bug reports.
14:27.41PolarinaYes. I find it annoying when people don't provide enough information, like what Wine version they are using... o.O
14:34.22*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (
14:35.30cncfanaticsboth wine maintainers ? :o
14:36.38bleeterwow appdb maintainers, which don't mean much, just attempt to keep a lid on test data, follow up comments, make sure bugs are attached to correct versions, chase up bug reports with devs if needs be.
14:37.41Polarinableeter: Heard of the other WoW wine maintainers? Or are they inactive?
14:38.10*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (n=kaiden@
14:38.46bleeterI think it's bryan who's more active, occaisonally does some stuff, also got the wowwiki page together
14:39.04bleeterthe wine guys don't really like the wowwiki page as a central repository of knowledge, they want the appdb entry
14:39.24bleeterbut the appdb entry is junk for a rolling product where versions go obsolete every couple of months
14:39.34bleetercan't centralise knowledge
14:39.43PolarinaCopt & Paste?
14:40.25PolarinaI think it's now possible to play the game out-of-the-box withour problems. Maybe we should consider Platinum rating?
14:41.35bleeterit's possible, but would still seem to be very dependant on hardwre, etc. even without the current audio issues.
14:41.46bleeterit kinda sits somewhere between gold and platinum
14:42.15PolarinaI'll at least try to reinstall from scratch and see how it goes. :)  P.S. I have two different machines that I can test it on. :)
14:42.32bleeterbut you're right, it's something worth considering - but I don't think so right at the moment with the audio problems
14:43.00PolarinaI'm going to try it with two unique sound cards. :)
14:43.09PolarinaAnd Wine 0.9.46
14:45.46Polarinableeter: However, with Wine 0.9.45, I couldn't use my microphone on the PTRs. It didn't want to record inside WoW.
14:45.49*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
14:46.29PolarinaCould be fixed by now.
14:46.32PolarinaBut who knows?
14:46.48*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
14:47.25zen\woRksomeone can help me whit mazzleui ?
14:47.39kaidenzen\woRk /delete!
14:48.01kaidenzen\woRk, what do you need help with? :p
14:48.03Polarinableeter: We should fix the mangled "Accept or Decline" text while installing from the CDs.
14:48.17bleetergoddamn it, I wish the 'randomize name' would stop giving me names that are already taken :/
14:48.24zen\woRkwe'll i know now that leave a group is rclick on healthbar
14:48.28zen\woRkbut if i do that
14:48.31zen\woRkits starts healing me
14:49.09zen\woRksame as on the mana bar
14:49.10bleeterPolarina: hmm, been a while since I've instlaled, no idea what's bust about it
14:49.12kaidenbleeter, it isn't truely random :P it had a dictionary entry that they generated and it hasn't been updated i dont think since the game was released hehe
14:49.15zen\woRkand my char
14:49.37kaidenzen\woRk, that's because he has clique setup on it most likely
14:49.49zen\woRkwhere do i change that
14:49.51kaidenjust remove clique, unless you actually use it
14:50.17zen\woRkclique is addon ?
14:50.30bleeterkaiden: I'ma gunna post to the suggestion forum 'parse the 'randomized' names against the armory entries, remove those which are in use on more than, say, 30% of realms ffs' ;)
14:51.15zenzelezzat least people can't use numbers in names in WoW
14:51.32zenzelezzback in Anarchy Online you had people like James2001 running around
14:51.43zen\woRkthanks zlot kaiden
14:51.45zen\woRki owe u one
14:55.32sag_ich_nicht[16:48] <bleeter> goddamn it, I wish the 'randomize name' would stop giving me names that are already taken :/ <--i wish the EU client HAD randomize name.
14:55.40sag_ich_nicht(NO, it doesn't. it SUCKS)
14:55.48bleeteroO :/
14:56.04sag_ich_nichtgo post it on the bug report forum
14:56.12zenzelezzdon't think it would help much
14:56.12PolarinaEU client doesn't have that feature?
14:56.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Dark_Knight_666 (
14:56.32sag_ich_nichtPolarina: nope, it sucks.
14:56.36bleeterI'd suggest it's a translation thing
14:57.12*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
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14:57.19sag_ich_nichtbleeter: enGB doesn't have it.
14:57.48bleeterbut they talk to servers which have to deal with translation :P
14:58.05bleetersomething like that
14:58.06PolarinaAnd the enGB uses American language instead of British. A GM said to me: "We do not have English to English traslation available."
14:58.16zenzelezzif you connect to the US login server with an EU client, it identifies the Oceanic realms as "Spanish"
14:59.24Polarinableeter: I applied to become a super maintainer for WoW.
14:59.47zenzelezzhe's super, thanks for asking! All things considered he couldn't be better if he tried!
15:03.17*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (n=Miranda@
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15:03.27*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Legorol] by ChanServ
15:03.49LunessaIt's STHUPER!
15:04.22LunessaI can't stand people who are uber-cheerful all the time.  I feel like I need drugs to keep up.
15:05.06*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
15:09.15zenzelezzI'm so tempted to reply with some line from "Always look at the bright side of life" to that Lunessa
15:09.35Lunessa"Life's a piece of shit, when you look at it... "
15:09.50zenzelezznah, one of the "cheer up" lines ;-p
15:10.15bleeterI prefer the songs from Meaning of Life
15:10.22bleeter'every sperm is sacred'
15:10.55LunessaEvery sperm is graced.  If a sperm gets wasted, God gets quite irate.
15:11.19bleeter^^ on the subject of cheery stuff and life being a piece of shit
15:14.59bleeterI can beat that!
15:15.13bleeter'here's a little number I tossed off recently'
15:16.01zenzelezzall those songs are nice and good and all, but they're not as fitting for a reply about being cheery
15:16.38bleeterit's christmas in heaven!!!
15:18.16LunessaIt's always f-ing christmas in heaven.
15:20.21bleeterthere are jews in the world, there are bhuddists....
15:20.28bleeteri've never been one of them!!!
15:20.40bleetergnight folks
15:21.33PolarinaGood night bleeter. :)
15:21.36PolarinaSleep tight.
15:21.58PolarinaMay your fire alarm have no need to ring. :P
15:22.18Lunessanight bleeter
15:22.26bleeteroh, gotta play this
15:22.35bleeterI just told an online station to play it
15:27.16*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
15:29.20cncfanaticsabout wine/WoW
15:29.30cncfanaticsit seems to start going very very very slowly after I restart wow a few times
15:29.37cncfanaticsI do that often and it seems to lag my whole comp in the end
15:29.46zenzelezzthink he just went to sleep
15:30.29cncfanaticsgah :p
15:37.32PolarinaI'm listed twice in being a maintainer for WoW. :P
15:37.56cncfanaticsPolarina, did u see what I said ?
15:38.16Polarinacncfanatics: Yes.
15:39.36cncfanaticsgot an idea why it is ?
15:40.12Polarinacncfanatics: With that information I am unable to help. Could you please post your Wine version, winecfg configurations and the file, please?
15:41.06cncfanaticssec Polarina, i'm also tracking down another issue, when i'm 100% sure they're not related I will
15:41.35Polarinacncfanatics: I still require the information I asked for. :)
15:44.42cncfanaticsPolarina, I rather first make sure that its not my addon thats totaly lagging me though$
15:45.19Polarinacncfanatics: Then remove the three Solution to Everythingâ„¢ folders.
15:47.22cncfanaticsPolarina, I know its my addon now
15:47.24*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar_ (
15:47.25cncfanaticsI wrote it, so i'm gonna fix it :p
15:47.32Polarinacncfanatics: Name?
15:47.37cncfanaticsflexbar ;)
15:47.43cncfanaticsseems I made a huge mistake somewhere
15:48.46cncfanaticsweird weird weird
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16:08.02*** join/#wowi-lounge frop (n=weechat@unaffiliated/frop)
16:08.26fropsome theorycrafter here?
16:08.54fropis 32agi > 27crit for an hunter?
16:12.06*** join/#wowi-lounge simlan (
16:12.08kadrahil40 agi is 1% crit for hunters
16:12.24Polarina32 Agility = 17,664 critical hit rating.
16:13.00simlanI'm looking for something similar to "Frame:GetFrameLevel()" for regions, is this available?
16:13.16Polarina22,08 critical hit rating = 1% Crit Change.
16:13.39kadrahilPolarina: which page is the 22.08 crit rating from? i couldn't find that
16:13.52Polarinakadrahil: Multiply with 0.552
16:13.59kadrahilPolarina: oh, ok :)
16:14.15Polarina<Agility> * 0,552 = <Crit change rating>.
16:14.25zenzelezzat 70?
16:14.31cncfanaticsomg i'm SUCH an IDIOT
16:14.36cncfanaticsjust finished tracking down why I had heavy lag
16:14.40PolarinaWhere I got this info from it just says "For Hunters".
16:15.03cncfanaticsI was calling Enable (which loops through all modules, enables each module, checks their settings and restores them instead of EnableAction (which just does one lil thing)
16:15.28zenzelezzouch midnight legguards are better than anything else :P
16:15.40Polarinazenzelezz: No, it doesn't matter what level. It's crit rating, not crit change in percentage.
16:16.32simlanIs there is something like "Frame:SetFrameLevel" for Regions/Textures? My problem is that the textures are not in the correct order
16:16.47fropits' sad...a leather legs are better then mail :P
16:23.15kadrahilfrop: yeah i'd rather have the rip-flayer leggings over the midnight legguards though
16:23.22kadrahilfor my hunter
16:23.48kadrahilfrop: armory my nick, i have every drop out of kara except those and legacy :(
16:24.27fropgot legacy and midnight now...
16:24.35kadrahili haven't seen legacy drop once
16:24.47kadrahilit hasn't dropped for our guild at all inthe 9 months they've been running kara
16:24.48frop...but i'm not so sure that riflayer are better
16:25.04kadrahilfor the int
16:25.06fropfor us Legacy has dropped two times already :P
16:25.22fropint and manaregen i guess...
16:25.28frop...not DPS wise i think
16:25.53zenzelezzup to the individual
16:26.02fropwell, if they drop, i'll surely bid on ripflayer
16:26.36fropjust thinking if the midnight, worth socket gem/cobrahide
16:26.56fropit's 500g :P at least
16:27.20frop3 gems = 150+
16:27.32fropCobrahide = 300/500
16:27.45zenzelezzyou server is messed up then
16:27.47kadrahilcobrahide is like 180
16:28.00fropTerenas EU
16:28.06zenzelezzif you happen to be a skinner it's easy
16:28.11fropi'm not
16:28.51fropstacking Nethers :) to sell some flying machines...i hope...
16:29.09kadrahilwill they be boe though?
16:29.21fropeheh...good question
16:29.32zenzelezzI'm guessing you need to be an engineer to use them anyway CAN'T sell anything now :P
16:29.53fropzenzelezz: that's really sad
16:29.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
16:30.05fropgyro-balanced is the only thing i can sell
16:30.10frop1500g at least
16:30.34fropstill waiting for the Stabilized Schematic :P
16:32.01fropthx for the info, btw
16:34.04*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
16:36.36kadrahili couldn't kill foreman rigger at 21 on my pally :P
16:36.45kadrahilhe's a 24 elite rare
16:40.29*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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16:46.39Lejanyone have any recommendations for a good anti goldselling/powerlevling spam addon?
16:48.45Maldiviaspam sentry?
16:53.50Kaydeethreespam sentry was what I used before 2.1
16:54.02KaydeethreeI think I've gotten maybe 3 spam tells since then?
16:54.28ScytheBlade10 here!
16:54.30ScytheBlade1Large server ftw.
16:54.40nevcairielspam tells .. dont remember any
16:54.50zenzelezzI've had no tells, but we have many on trade channel
16:54.53*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
16:54.59nevcairielonly seeing some spam in say chat around the mailbox and AH
16:55.05zenzelezzA............. character names spamming for a second before they reroll and come back in an hour
16:55.20nevcairieli generally have enough time to report them
16:59.04Maldiviawell, considering it's account-wise report :)
16:59.32zenzelezzthen they just have a lot of accounts
17:00.21cncfanaticscharacter ~= accounts
17:03.37Polarinaaccount > characters.
17:06.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
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17:29.13Polarina>>> 2 ^ 1024     ==     2 ^ 2048
17:29.31Polarinalua> 2 ^ 1024     ==     2 ^ 2048
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17:29.50nevcairielthe bots are on vacation
17:30.23Industrialwtb bag addon in list view instead of icon view.
17:30.47nevcairielIndustrial: sanity2
17:30.49Industrialpreferably with item type headers
17:30.50hastewrite one Industrial
17:31.12Fisker-isn't sanity2 kinda discontinued?
17:31.12Industrial*tries it*
17:32.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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17:33.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
17:35.17sag_ich_nicht@ALL EU: Gutrot hit's 70 today, 1-70 buttnaked, 10:30 pm server time aerie peak, sen'jin beach(~57,57 durotar), make a lvl 1 troll and come :O
17:36.43dreamsssag i watched sga last night
17:36.51dreamsswith sound effects
17:36.55dreamssits quite diff
17:40.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Ominous (
17:45.03Industrialok so I edited the image; on the right "bleh", on the left "yay".
17:45.19Industrialleft is how I would want it
17:45.30Industrialbut I forgot a close button and money display :P
17:46.28nevcairielsuggest the layout to Antiarc
17:46.43IndustrialAntiarc: !
17:46.54IndustrialI'm suggesting the layout on the left for sanity2
17:47.05AntiarcI like it
17:47.08AntiarcNeeds sorting stuff or something
17:47.10AntiarcBut I like it
17:47.31Fisker-so Antiarc you updating sanity again?
17:47.40Fisker-fixed memory crap?
17:47.58Fisker-the memory leak you had before you stopped working on it to work on omen
17:48.07AntiarcOh. Didn't realize there was still one.
17:48.07Fisker-or whatever that was
17:48.11IndustrialMicrosoft Paint (tm) - Meeting customer needs!
17:48.17AntiarcWell, I'd probably just write Sanity3, tbh
17:48.24Fisker-go for it :P
17:48.26AntiarcBecause I learned so freakin' much developing omen
17:48.35Industrial(Actually I used Paint.NET)
17:48.40Fisker-i want to replace OneBag
17:48.49Fisker-Industrial i like the spoof video they made
17:48.57Industrialme too
17:49.13WraangerOneBag -> Bagnon =))) will be good for you
17:49.15Fisker-There's 32 million colors available, we sat in a lab to pick the 16 most popular
17:49.23Fisker-or something like that
17:49.26Industrial"can we make this line thinner?" "no."
17:49.52IndustrialWraanger: meh they are almost the same
17:50.41WraangerIndustrial : yeah, but you know better addon 'all in one bag' than Bagnon ?
17:51.45Fisker-there it was
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18:12.16Sixen*Waves* KD3!
18:12.50SixenWhat do you use on the PTR
18:13.03SixenDo you use KD3 on the PvE?
18:13.13SixenMmm, thought so.
18:13.25SixenSomeone wants to know, I just said I assumed you used KD3.
18:13.25dreamsswhats kd3?
18:13.32Sixendidn't tell them which server:
18:13.58Kaydeethreepeople have recognized me when I've talked in /2 before. it's not a big deal
18:16.40SixenRofl? Is that a WoW Addond?
18:23.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
18:23.54Kaydeethreecog's ForumToCPoster? nah. standalone .net app. works pretty neat now that it can read from external files to generate the lists
18:24.14SixenNice, =)
18:25.27SixenI think I might hangon to that program.
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18:32.10AntiarcSo apparently, Nefarian is bugged.
18:32.16AntiarcThe druid call hits the entire raid now.
18:32.24Kaydeethreenef bugged again?
18:32.37Kaydeethreethe last time he got bugged a bunch of a raid wound up with rage bars
18:36.32Cairenn~seen shirik
18:36.34purlshirik <i=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 1d 10h 54m 8s ago, saying: 'going to sleep while these encode thanks :D'.
18:36.35Mr_Rabies2rofl, Antiarc
18:36.54Mr_Rabies2reminds me of the panther fight in zg
18:36.56Fisker-oh Antiarc
18:37.03Mr_Rabies2i'd always yell "HOLY CATS" during that fight
18:37.03Fisker-that was what the person was talking about then
18:37.14Mr_Rabies2another "holy cats" fight
18:37.23Mr_Rabies2nefarian's just screwing around
18:37.28Mr_Rabies2turning everyone into giraffes
18:37.31Mr_Rabies2then purple cats
18:37.35Mr_Rabies2he's just messing with everyone
18:37.44Fisker-couldn't understand why he was so annoyed about the druid call :P
18:37.49Fisker-thought a bear was tanking
18:38.00MentalPower~seen Kaelten
18:38.01purlkaelten is currently on #wowi-lounge (1h 11m 25s) #wowace (1h 11m 25s), last said: 'cg_gatherer?'.
18:38.19Mr_Rabies2a bear could tank nef pre bc fine
18:38.24Mr_Rabies2it took some extra work
18:38.28Mr_Rabies2but it wasn't that difficult
18:45.54nevcairielthe druid call was kinda devastating for a bear tank
18:47.35Mr_Rabies2i've seen it done
18:47.40Mr_Rabies2i never did it personally
18:47.45Mr_Rabies2was a goal of mine at one point though
18:48.07Mr_Rabies2my gear wasn't good enough at the time
18:48.22Mr_Rabies2i still had about 10k hp or so
18:55.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
19:10.06Mr_Rabies2art3mis is that your UI
19:10.17art3miswhat im working on at present yeah
19:10.26Mr_Rabies2the image at the bottom is kinda aspect ratio deficient atm
19:10.41Mr_Rabies2perhaps it's because i'm a dethklok fanboy and have seen it hundreds of times :o
19:10.56art3misit's just not centered
19:11.04art3misthats what sorta throws it off
19:11.23Mr_Rabies2it's kinda stretched horizontally too
19:11.33art3misoh yeah that too
19:11.47Mr_Rabies2make it a bit taller or less wide and it'd be about perfect
19:12.06Mr_Rabies2so you like dethklok  or did you just think that logo was nifty
19:12.25art3misheh love dethklok
19:12.32art3miszealot commented about it last night
19:12.36art3misso i figured why not
19:12.44Mr_Rabies2oh btw, the gear icon for cycircled
19:12.47Mr_Rabies2would go perfect
19:12.52Mr_Rabies2gear skin*
19:13.02Mr_Rabies2cog, or whatever
19:13.02art3misnods im gonna make a custom one
19:13.15Mr_Rabies2have you seen the bloodrocuted music video
19:13.20art3misand switch most of the colours to black n red
19:13.38Mr_Rabies2it's not right that a fake cartoon metal band's video is better than 99% of the metal bands' videos out there
19:14.46art3misleeched the new album the other night
19:15.01art3misthe music is awesome but i cant help but snicker at the lyrics on most of em
19:15.11Mr_Rabies2that's the point :P
19:15.32Mr_Rabies2the fansong has awesome lyrics
19:16.07cncfanaticsart3mis, still around ?
19:16.24cncfanaticsa correct zip for fb should be up in 4 mins when wowace makes a new zip file
19:17.42Mr_Rabies2awesome lyrics
19:30.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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19:41.40Corrodiasso.. playsoundfile is kinda screwy now, eh?
19:42.27Corrodiaslooks like it's been reported enough
19:45.54Corrodiaswhat irritates me is when people blame their sound bugs on the fact that hardware audio is no longer available, claiming blizzard just "created" this software mode out of nowhere and it's the reason they have issues
19:46.24Corrodiasit's always been available. hell, i prefer the way software mode sounds, so i've always been using it.
19:47.08PolarinaSoftware mode makes the sound quality for me better.
19:47.54Corrodiasi like it, too
19:48.56Corrodiasas for the bugs, they are not -because- of it, but some wow players will latch onto any explanation they can invent without evidence and yell at Blizzard for it
19:53.01PolarinaI know. Annoying.
19:53.30PolarinaHow to ask questions the smart way:
19:53.38mikmaanyone has a problem wow losing all sounds suddenly?
19:53.48Polarinamikma: Not me.
19:54.04Polarinamikma: You could however be more precise.
19:54.20mikmawell suddenlt every now and then my wife loses all sounds of wow
19:54.22Corrodiassuddenly? no
19:54.22mikmashe needs to restart it
19:54.24Polarinamikma: Your statement is to vague for anyone to help.
19:54.27cncfanaticssomeone, when setting attributes, attribute1 will be on left clicks, attribute2 right clicks and attribute3 middle clicks right ?
19:55.01Corrodiasthere are some bugs in the new sound system; unless you can figure out why it's doing that (as we apparently don't know), you can see if it's been reported on the bug reports forum
19:55.03Polarinamikma: What did you do when sounds disappeared? Swing a weapon?
19:55.34mikmaPolarina: that's the whole problem. we don't know what causes it. the sound just stops
19:55.58Polarinamikma: What were you doing in-game exactly at the moment when it stops?
19:56.11Corrodiasturning off the sound! *snicker*
19:56.46Polarinamikma: When the sound stops check the Sound options and see if there's anything of interest there.
19:57.07Polarina<Ctrl>+S is by default keybound to turn of the sounds.
19:57.11mikmaPolarina: well moment ago questreturn soundclip got looped. and some times ago some clips are missing, ie. when doing ogri'la crystal quest. and the all sounds stopping is somewhat random
19:57.30Corrodiasoh yeah, i used to hit control+s and turn off my sound all the time
19:57.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Flexom (
19:57.46PolarinaHappened to me. ;)
19:57.48Corrodiasi quickly unbound that function
19:57.53mikmaall this started to happen after 2.2 patch
20:03.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
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20:13.02art3mislike lets say i move buttons 8 and 10 and i palce them, and i want them to be directly above 5 and 7 lined up correctly
20:13.14*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
20:15.53Wraanger:SetPoint("BOTTOM,button[i]-1,"TOP",0,1) ?
20:16.08art3miswas talking to cnc about flexbar ;P
20:16.13CorrodiasButton5:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", Button8, "TOPLEFT", 0, 10)
20:16.14Corrodiasor so
20:16.15art3misbut thanks
20:18.08art3mishey rabies
20:18.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
20:18.24art3misfor the cycircled theme, should i leave the "tails" on the sprocket?
20:18.39art3misyeah the clock tails
20:18.40Mr_Rabies2like the counterbalances in the clock
20:18.45Mr_Rabies2i dunno, probably not
20:19.13art3misin blocks it "could" give the appearance of dripping blood
20:19.24art3miswhile in a line it would just look neat
20:19.26Mr_Rabies2how do you make skins for it anyway
20:19.35art3misim wondering if the overlay would look hideous
20:19.49art3mismake a 32x32 graphic
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20:19.55art3misalpah the center and outsides
20:20.22art3misand then in cycircled use the point settings to place it correctly
20:21.10Mr_Rabies2you could make the uh
20:21.23Mr_Rabies2little wing/axes around both ends of the buttons
20:21.28Mr_Rabies2and have each button be a cog
20:21.34Mr_Rabies2lemme draw a mockup in ps
20:22.00art3misthats kind of "overboard"
20:22.07art3miseach button needs to be stand alone
20:22.15Mr_Rabies2lemme show ya
20:22.17Mr_Rabies2what i mean
20:22.22art3miswithout extraneous art to justifcy
20:22.45art3misyou're talking about bookending the button row
20:22.53Mr_Rabies2like how you did with the minimap
20:23.05art3misthats extraneous
20:23.08Mr_Rabies2on the bottom, or something, with each button being one of the cogs from the logo
20:23.19art3misand wouldnt look right for someone just using the cycircled theme without the rest of the eepanels
20:23.43Mr_Rabies2it could, if the cogs looked fine on their own :o
20:23.45AnduinLotharanyone know how to skip a pause in a batch file?
20:23.46AnduinLothareg: call executable; press the any key; call another exe
20:24.03art3misecho y|command
20:24.19Corrodiasskip a pause? nope
20:25.08art3misyou could do a timeout for selection too
20:25.15art3mislike in the hiren disc
20:25.21art3misbut that may be a bit overkill
20:27.04Corrodiaswhat's a hiren disc?
20:27.26art3mishirens boot disc
20:27.41art3misits a disc with a ton of repair fix tech tool apps on it
20:27.57art3mishe's got a few bat files in it that do checks and proceed if you dont pick anything
20:31.59nevcairielHas anyone heard of a bug with SetVertexColor on textures which come from a .tag rather then a .blp ?
20:32.47art3misnot i
20:32.59nevcairielits not changing the color at all for me :(
20:33.18art3misi think im gonna have to do some troll magic for the unit frames im envisioning
20:40.21*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
20:40.32sag_ich_nichtgutrot has just hit 70
20:40.35sag_ich_nichtWorld Server down
20:43.18PolarinaI'm sure that was an intended part of the event.
20:55.18zenzelezzhe must have like 10k gold from all the rewards he's just sold
20:57.22sag_ich_nichtit's back
20:57.26sag_ich_nichtand we're in grom gol
20:57.28sag_ich_nichtheaded for SW
20:57.42art3misokay so
20:57.58AnduinLotharart3mis: 'Y' is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file.
20:58.36art3misim thinking perhaps of getting rid of the hud, and using the 3d units+orbz for my unitframes
20:58.46zenzelezzAnduinLothar: it loads for me
20:59.16AnduinLotharperhaps it's because it's ina  for loop?
20:59.33art3mismaybe i know that echo y|format c: /q works ;P
21:00.12zenzelezzprobably not on a Mac
21:00.16art3miswhat you can do in the script is put in pause 5
21:00.33art3misand then press some key
21:00.48art3misim not really good with .bat files though so im mostly just guessing
21:00.50AnduinLothari'm runing it in windows
21:01.55venhaha... that just triggered my anti virus.. :o
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21:14.01Esamynnsag_ich_nicht: ok, yah, Just just got a chance to check out Gutrot, that is indeed epic
21:14.59sag_ich_nichtwe are in westfall
21:15.02sag_ich_nichtSW IS GOIN DOWN
21:15.30PolarinaWhen I do UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage(), it adds additional 80 bytes overhead to the memory usage of all AddOns. Why?
21:15.51EsamynnPolarina: to screw with your mind!
21:17.05PolarinaEsamynn: Odd.
21:19.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
21:19.40sag_ich_nichtwe crashed the guard AI
21:19.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
21:20.08buuWhat happened to it?
21:20.22sag_ich_nichttoo many people
21:20.30PolarinaAnd what happened to the guard?
21:20.30sag_ich_nichtthey can't decide what to kill
21:20.44PolarinaHow can't they decide what to kill?
21:21.01sag_ich_nichttoo many people.
21:21.06sag_ich_nichtit's like over 20000 naked trolls
21:21.11PolarinaSo, what is the guard doing now?
21:21.18Polarina20.000 people??
21:21.22sag_ich_nichtthey're frozen.
21:21.24PolarinaI'm comming as a human over there.
21:21.30PolarinaIt will be named Polarina.
21:23.07PolarinaWait for me and don't kill me..
21:23.11PolarinaTell them that, please.
21:23.20zenzelezzoh dear god, even mobiles use graphical smileys these days? And I had finally almost gotten over them after disabling them in every chat client on my PC
21:25.07LunessaTHERE IS NO ESCAPE! Resistance is futile. You will be smily-ed.
21:25.45sag_ich_nichti died to some AE
21:25.57PolarinaThere's no hordes in Stormwind...
21:25.57zenzelezzI'll admit they may have had graphical smileys for a long time on mobiles... haven't had one myself for seven years
21:26.06PolarinaWhat realm is it on?
21:26.44Polarinasag_ich_nicht: ?
21:26.58sag_ich_nichtPolarina: Aerie Peak
21:27.46art3misso whats everyone using for thier HUD?
21:28.18zenzelezzdefault UI + MSBT + custom HP/manabars near the middle of screen
21:31.16PolarinaDo you see me sac_ich_nicht?
21:31.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
21:32.06sag_ich_nichtPolarina i just died
21:32.07sag_ich_nichtin SW
21:32.27LunessaHuds are for people who can't read horizontal bars.
21:33.26art3mislune im using the 3d mdoels thingy and adjusting the huds to be the "bars"
21:33.42art3misi think perhaps im gonna ahve to go a different way though
21:33.49PolarinaWhat's your name sag_ich_nicht?
21:34.12KirovAnyone heard of issues where someone's shift key gets stuck "down"
21:34.34KirovThey can type fine, but the action bar thinks shift is being held
21:34.59zenzelezznot specifically the shift key, but I've heard of (and had) issues where one of the movement keys gets stuck until you hit it again
21:35.22sag_ich_nichtPolarina: Krinjin but i'm horde, i guess you can see the troll masses and the crashed guards tho
21:35.35KirovThis case requires a restart of wow to fix.  /console reloadui doesn't fix it
21:36.41Lunessaart3mis: Sounds nifty.  I was just making a cheap shot of a joke.  HUDs aren't my thing.
21:37.01art3misheh no worries
21:37.12art3misi just have to find a hud thats got what i want
21:37.27art3mismeta comes close
21:37.30zenzelezzyou seem to be making a lot of UIs/skins
21:37.39art3misexcept that i cant move the target name on an X axis
21:37.48art3mismucking around mostly
21:38.00LunessaI see a lot of folks using ArcHUD
21:38.07art3misHRE was alright , but i put that on back burner for now
21:38.31KirovI used huds for a while
21:38.37KirovBut only when playing my rogue
21:38.45art3mismy mom uses msn
21:38.55art3misand hasnt realized that she can im me on my hotmail account ;P
21:39.03art3misim kind of happy for that
21:39.12LunessaI have my mom well trained NOT to IM me.
21:39.41KirovThe #1 thing huds did was make me focus even more on the mob directly in front of me.  When playing my hunter I'm almost never looking at my target, or at the center of my screen, so I found a hud just got in the way
21:39.48art3miszenzelezz: its actually more fun to make ui compilations/skins than it is to play these days
21:40.19zenzelezzthe funny thing is (slightly long story)... at work the other day my dad told co-workers I had got a new job, 10 minutes later my mom (on vacation in a different country) is calling him asking about it. Only now, two days later, does she think to ask *me*
21:40.47AnduinLotharIs using & the correct way to put more than 1 command on a line in ms-dos?
21:41.33EsamynnAnduinLothar: are you sure it's even possible? :P
21:41.42zenzelezzI have no real basis for saying this, but a quick test of & and && seem to yield the same result
21:41.47KirovAnduinLothar - the correct way is to not do it
21:42.07AnduinLotharthen how do you put more thand 1 command in a for loop?
21:43.15Kirovuse goto ?
21:43.34zenzelezz seems to have a few good links
21:44.19Lunessa... MS-DOS - wow.
21:44.20*** join/#wowi-lounge NM|Xinhuan|Guru (
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21:44.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Fruitdrankje (n=raw_zigz@
21:45.02Fruitdrankjedoes any of u know any info on mazzleui?
21:45.49LunessaIt has it's own support forum on wowinterface.
21:46.02Fruitdrankjei know
21:46.18Fruitdrankjei have read the faq but no one responding on forum :(
21:46.20AnduinLotharah ha: wrap the commands in () and add line breaks
21:46.26Fruitdrankjehere is my prob
21:47.19zenzelezzdon't know about the whole bunch of errors, but it looks like you at least need to update VolumeFu
21:47.37Fruitdrankjehow do i do that?
21:50.23zenzelezzafraid I don't know exactly, not familiar with Fubar addons
21:50.38art3misdoes anyone know of a unitframe mod that displays like a hud would?
21:50.46art3misi.e: upright bars?
21:50.49Lunessaget the newest version of it from
21:52.47sag_ich_nicht[23:42] <+AnduinLothar> then how do you put more thand 1 command in a for loop? <--batchfile.
21:53.02sag_ich_nichtand use GOTO
21:53.05sag_ich_nichtdefine jumpoints using
21:53.22zenzelezzhe already found a solution I think
21:53.49AnduinLotharno need: illustrates using parens
21:54.29AnduinLotharhowever, i'm still lookign for a way to bypass PAUSE
21:55.13AnduinLothari see that TIMEOUT # lets you pause for a period and auto accept, but it's used instead of PAUSE and I don't have access to the exe source that i'm running
21:55.46AnduinLotharthe exe just says press any key to continue. and i want to run it multiple times without requiring input
21:56.13KirovAnduinLothar - there's other ways to cause a pause
21:56.25AnduinLotharbut i don't want to cause it
21:56.30AnduinLothari want to bypass it
21:56.55KirovAnduinLothar - you want the ability for there to be an option, but also to bypass it if there's no input, right?
21:57.02Kaydeethreemeh... I'm reminded of an old app for windows called PtFB! Push the Freaking Button! was great for automagically clicking through pointless dialog boxes
21:57.06zenzelezzLunessa: (et al) (watch with sound)
21:57.14AnduinLothari jsut want to bypass it immediately
21:57.28KirovAnduinLothar - then why have one to begin with?
21:57.35AnduinLotharthe exe has one
21:57.52KirovThen you're basically fucked
21:58.02AnduinLotharnot what i want to hear
21:58.16AnduinLothari need to process thousands of files
21:58.31KirovDOS batch files don't have any way of doing keyboard input that I know of.
21:58.40sag_ich_nichtinstall perl
21:58.42sag_ich_nichtand use perl
21:58.45sag_ich_nichtMSDOS is the devil.
21:58.54Lunessaperl or vbscript
21:59.11AnduinLotharif i have to
21:59.25AnduinLothari jsut figures batch would be simplest
21:59.38KirovThe only reason to use a dos batch is if you need to ensure compatiblility across multiple computers with out requiring an install
22:01.08AnduinLotharecho Y | program
22:01.14AnduinLothari'll try that
22:03.47AnduinLotharworks :)
22:04.54AnduinLotharhmm that second %G should be %%G
22:05.28AnduinLotharbt i guess i can loop delete after it processes
22:05.45AnduinLotharor just move all the tgas
22:08.33art3miswhats the command to hide blizz unit frames?
22:13.36AnduinLotharanyone know how yatlas generated the mapdb tables with the coords for the minimap file names?
22:14.02AnduinLothareg: ["12x26"] = {"1400fcdfe2ca0858409f60596de08065", {3540,256}},
22:14.29AnduinLotharlooks liek hex
22:16.15bleeterKaydeethree: kernel security update this morn ;)
22:17.22PolarinaAnduinLothar: It is a checksum.
22:17.43AnduinLotharthe file name is a checksum?
22:18.22AnduinLotharthen how were the panel coordinates generated. surely not manually
22:22.25AnduinLothara ha
22:22.32sag_ich_nicht[00:18] <+AnduinLothar> then how were the panel coordinates generated. surely not manually <--i think they were
22:22.53sag_ich_nichthaha nice
22:22.58sag_ich_nichtAnduinLothar what you planin mon? :X
22:23.06AnduinLotharleet haxors
22:23.21*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
22:23.25sag_ich_nichtAnduinLothar o rly
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22:24.33AnduinLotharwow. yatlas reads the wdt files
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22:26.14sag_ich_nichti dunno what you are planing
22:26.31sag_ich_nichtmaybe you should take a look at
22:26.56sag_ich_nichtif i am even a tiny bit right, you might have a use for it for what you plan
22:27.41sag_ich_nichtwe managed to crash the guard AI
22:27.52sag_ich_nichtwhen we raided SW with like > 9000 naked lvl 2 trolls
22:29.04Adysany idea what would cause my UI (both performancefu and default latencybar) not to show more than three addons' memory usages?
22:29.29Kaydeethreethe default ui only shows 3, there should be an option in perf_fu to display more
22:29.39sag_ich_nichtdamn you Kaydeethree
22:29.42sag_ich_nichtyou were faster
22:29.44AdysKaydeethree: oh right
22:29.53bleeterreboot time
22:30.23Kaydeethreeheh. I typically need to reboot every 2 months or so
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22:42.06PolarinaWhy reboot bleeter?
22:43.22bleeterThe snd_mem_proc_read function in sound/core/memalloc.c in the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) in the Linux kernel before does not return the correct write size
22:43.53bleeterit's a security update, admittedly to protect against malicious local users, but as various processes run as local users, etc., it's wise to update
22:44.26PolarinaI heard it is possible to switch kernels on run-time without rebooting.
22:45.19bleeterthere were a bunch of other fixes that came down the pipe as well
22:45.32bleeterfixes and updates
22:46.19PolarinaBut still, you should consider using the ability to switch kernels at run-time. :)
22:48.05bleeterfeel free to point me in the direction of docs to show how it's done ;)
22:48.23Polarinableeter: But why don't you compile everything as a kernel module (Provided it is not critical for booting)?
22:48.44PolarinaThen you just recompile the module, unload and load again. :)
22:51.18*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (
22:52.55PolarinaAnyway, good night.
22:57.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Andryk (n=Andryk@
22:58.49bleeterah, kexec
22:59.39art3misghud is perfect cept that the "hide blizz frame" doesnt seem to trigger each time i target someone new
23:01.23art3miswhats the key for the spellbook again?
23:09.35art3misthats it so far
23:09.47art3misstill need to correct where the buffs load and a custom cycircled for it
23:10.17art3misand fix the blizz target showing when i target something using ghud
23:10.39Buuyothat looks really cool, but don't you find that the wing-looking things get in the way of your visual area?
23:11.04art3misnah its transparent
23:11.09art3misand click throughable
23:11.40Buuyoahh, click-throughable makes it nicer
23:16.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Drinol (
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23:26.46BuuyoHmm. Do you think blizzard would consider using the nvidia maximize to full screen thing cheating? It allows the window to exist at an otherwise unatainable aspect ratio. I was thinking, it'd be kind of neat to do that kind of thing to try to get wow to run effectively on dual monitor setups.
23:27.14Buuyoinformation displays of all sorts on the left while the world frame is on the right.
23:27.33CidanThere's even a UI for it
23:27.39Cidanan addon, rather
23:27.53Buuyooh really. This I may need to investigate. What's its name?
23:28.03CidanI don't really remember, sorry. :P
23:28.10Buuyohehe, well at least you gave me a start
23:28.13CidanBut I used it once, it works well.
23:28.26CidanWorld frame was on one monitor, several UI's were on another
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23:30.10CidanI *hate* this new securom
23:30.35bleetersag_ich_nicht: so... pics or vids?
23:30.39Cidanif you load Process Explorer just once, it fails to load until you reboot.
23:31.50CidanBah, as if blocking Process Explorer makes it harder for people to crack games.
23:32.53BuuyoWell, it makes it harder for some people. But it's not like it's something that'd stop a good gander at an app after IDA's done with it. =o
23:33.12Buuyodecode to run engines are kind of sweet though. =)
23:33.29CidanIt doesn't make it harder for *anyone* ever
23:33.37CidanIt's 100% pointless.
23:35.12sag_ich_nichtbleeter: hold
23:35.22sag_ich_nicht this is gonna end well.
23:37.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Fin (
23:38.01ScytheBlade1A hahahahaha
23:38.04ScytheBlade1That's awesome
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23:42.07bleetersag_ich_nicht: where are you in that pic?
23:52.27sag_ich_nichtsomewhere on the left i guess
23:52.39sag_ich_nichtbleeter: guess you found the thread?
23:55.37Finwhat's the thread URL?
23:55.40art3miswhat was the point of that?
23:56.54sag_ich_nichtleveled from 1 to 70
23:58.08sag_ich_nicht*Sigh* just click the link
23:58.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
23:59.13art3misthats kind of funny
23:59.22art3misdid he solo the whole way? or get help?
23:59.29cncfanaticsthats kind of *I Have no life people*
23:59.30sag_ich_nichtsolo like 95% of the time
23:59.38sag_ich_nichthe's married and has 2 children
23:59.43sag_ich_nicht~iceburn cncfanatics
23:59.47art3mistahts the "im so bored of this friggin game.....
23:59.51sag_ich_nichtpurl, fail
23:59.52purlACTION gives sag_ich_nicht the worst grade imaginable, an A minus... minus!

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