IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070925

00:01.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
00:31.41Kaydeethree|foodtacos, yum
00:32.13MentalPower!api EnableAddOn
00:32.13ThraeBotMentalPower: EnableAddOn(index or "name")  --
00:37.32Thunder_Childanyone know of a program that takes the startbar mouseovers that show realtime info and can make them permanent and moveable?
00:37.44Thunder_Childand if not, anyone feel like making one?
00:47.07*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (
00:47.32Corrodiasnow if only there were a .toc line to make an addon load BEFORE another one, if the other one is going to be loaded
00:50.54Corrodiasi don't get it. i misdirect the tank, shoot at an enemy, and run forward. the other enemy standing next to the first aggroes me instead.
00:52.03Corrodiasthis keeps happening >_<
00:52.16MentalPowerCorrodias: OptDep?
00:52.45Corrodiasthat makes your addon load -after- the other one
00:53.07MentalPoweroh yeah, you're right
01:01.49*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
01:06.08ScytheBlade1Hey Kaydeethree, I have a new picture for you to post:
01:07.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:08.41WobworkPrayer of Mending: This ability will now be triggered when a player takes damage from effects placed on friendly targets.
01:08.51WobworkDoes this mean locks can lifetap out of PoM?
01:10.30WobworkAnd I wonder if they fixed the surge of light to not actually cost mana
01:16.40Kaydeethreebefore it gets deleted
01:17.07SixenI lol'd KD3
01:20.12ScytheBlade1Kaydeethree, awesome
01:23.53WobworkIn the Bomb Them Again quest, the cooldown of the Skyguard bombs was decreased to 5 seconds (was 10).
01:23.55Wobworkoh thank god
01:25.36WobworkThe Thrall escort event now allows 20 tries at completing the event instead of 3.
01:25.44Wobworkoh god, I'd so kill myself =P
01:26.08Mr_Rabies2is amazing
01:26.15ScytheBlade1Oh, and for anyone wanting to get on the 2.2.2 PTR, I've mirrored it here:
01:26.24ScytheBlade1But that link is not to leave the channel, I've only got 200GB monthly ;P
01:26.27ScytheBlade1Mr_Rabies2, I try
01:26.43WobworkWrath-Scryer Soccothrates' Knock Away can no longer be dodged or parried. This will help prevent the catastrophic placement of multiple flames on top of each other.
01:26.56WobworkI've lost count how many times that standing charge has killed me
01:26.58Mr_Rabies2i'm so tempted to make a HAY GUYS I CAN'T LOGIN!!11
01:27.11Kaydeethreehortus'll just drop the banhammer
01:27.35Mr_Rabies2you were on the fence about awa, right, Kaydeethree?
01:28.11Kaydeethreeya. I didn't go, though
01:28.29Mr_Rabies2wasn't sure if it was you or someone else that wasn't sure if they were going
01:28.56Mr_Rabies2it was quite enjoyable
01:29.29Kaydeethreebetter than last year? It's been going downhill for the past few years
01:29.37SixenWhat's awa?
01:29.53Kaydeethreeanime weekend atlanta
01:30.07SixenBlizzCon > awa
01:30.22SixenJust had to throw that in there, :o
01:30.53Mr_Rabies2yeah but it was like
01:30.54Mr_Rabies2you know
01:30.58Mr_Rabies2across the country
01:30.59Mr_Rabies2or i'd go
01:31.08SixenAnaheim, :/
01:31.10KaydeethreeI went to blizzcon. was freaking awesome
01:31.11Mr_Rabies2that's a lot of money for a convention
01:31.23Mr_Rabies2not including stuff like shirt, etc
01:31.27SixenI was there too.. Went to the Con in 05 as well. Was awesome ;)
01:31.39Mr_Rabies2shirts, food, etc, rather
01:31.53SixenDid you do that IRL quest? You had to answer a bunch of questions and then do an in-game dance
01:32.04SixenI did :D
01:32.08Mr_Rabies2what is it like 100 bucks for a ticket, plus a decent hundred or so for plane tickets?
01:32.15SixenYeah :/
01:32.20KaydeethreeI went for free. <3 WoWWiki
01:32.29Mr_Rabies2that's a lot for one weekend :x
01:32.32SixenI went for free, <3 employees
01:32.41Mr_Rabies2AWA is fun as hell though, as was dragoncon
01:32.52SixenI've got one of those blue "Exibits Only" passes though :/
01:33.01Mr_Rabies2dragoncon had a lot of wow-themed cosplayers this year
01:33.20Mr_Rabies2i kept wanting to ask the chick in the priest tier 6 for heals
01:33.20SixenYou got me on that one I think, :P
01:35.23*** join/#wowi-lounge kaelten_ (
01:35.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody (
01:37.09*** join/#wowi-lounge RogueShadow (
01:37.41SixenKD3's Mr.Popular around Test Forums..
01:40.49SixenI have to find the 2.1.3 PTR
01:41.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
01:44.51Kaydeethree2.1.3 is the current live version of WoW
01:45.00SixenHo hum?
01:45.15SixenThen why the hell can't I use the update.
01:45.22Kaydeethreewhat's the error you're getting?
01:45.34SixenApparently i'm out of date.
01:45.41Kaydeethreeyou've got the old PTR installed
01:45.47Sixengimme a sec
01:45.47Kaydeethreewipe out your WoWTest folder then run it again
01:50.27ScytheBlade1 <-- mirror
01:51.48SixenThe patch "pc-hdfiles\WoW.exe" could not be applied. (CRC mismatch: expected 0x6c415582, actual 0x9c40de87.) If this problem persists, you may be able to solve it by uninstalling and then reinstalling the game. If you are unable to correct this problem, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (BNUpdate::PTCApply)
01:52.03Kaydeethreeouch. have fun with the Repair tool
01:52.20SixenWonder why that happened.
01:52.35Kaydeethreeit's a day that ends with y?
01:52.52Wobworkoh good
01:52.57Wobworkcause the patch is coming out tomorrow =)
01:53.04Wobworkand tomorrow doesn't end with a 'y'!
01:53.18SixenI lol'd.
01:57.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
01:57.36*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
01:58.51*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
01:59.41Mr_Rabiesnice mirror, ScytheBlade1
01:59.50Mr_Rabies700 KB/s and going strong :D
02:00.17ScytheBlade1Mr_Rabies, It's on a server I bought
02:00.26ScytheBlade1I fired up a torrent client on it to grab that
02:00.33ScytheBlade1And it literally downloaded instantly
02:00.36Mr_Rabiesooh, briefly jumped up to 750, nice
02:00.39ScytheBlade1Was pushing 18MB/sec downstream
02:00.57Mr_Rabiesmost hosts tend to cap stuff really freaking low from what i've seen
02:01.01ScytheBlade1I thought it had finished hash checking, but no
02:01.04ScytheBlade1It had finished downloading
02:01.06Mr_Rabiesand a per-user cap of like 200 often :x
02:01.08ScytheBlade1It's a VPS solution
02:01.28ScytheBlade1Root access to the box, and distro of your choice
02:01.44ScytheBlade1Lowest end plan (which is what I have) gets 200GB/month transfer
02:01.52ScytheBlade1I've had it for a month, used 1% total bandwidth
02:02.59ScytheBlade1Even if 50 people do click on that link, I'll still be below 2%
02:03.11KaydeethreeTB of bandwidth?
02:03.39ScytheBlade1I take that back, it'll be more ;P
02:03.41ScytheBlade1I can't count
02:03.49ScytheBlade1But regardless, it won't be enough to worry about
02:05.23ScytheBlade1" who is kd3 and why does he live on the forums????
02:05.23ScytheBlade1Does he get paid to answer questions???"
02:05.46Kaydeethreeheh. more @kd3 qqing? I'm on a roll today
02:06.34ScytheBlade1I'll mirror 2.2 once I can get my hands on it, as long as no one links it out of channel, I've got no problem doing so.
02:06.57SixenWow, I need to fix this before patchday tomorrow..
02:07.18ScytheBlade1Ohh, that is nice
02:07.21MentalPower|AwayScytheBlade1: you do know that purl's logs are public right?
02:07.49ScytheBlade1MentalPower|Away, yes. I've got several incarnations of purl in several channels. Luckily, people have to be looking for it ;P
02:08.35SixenKD3, which Test Server are you on?
02:08.45*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
02:14.56SixenAlright, about to try and patch again, *crosses fingers*.
02:22.12*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
02:23.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
02:27.42SixenLawl? One of the servers is up?
02:28.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
02:28.36Kaydeethreethey're both still up according to the realm select screen
02:28.44KaydeethreeI'm stuck at "logging in to game server" though
02:29.07SixenI just logged into the PvP.
02:29.21SixenI get stuck at "Logging into the game server" on PVE
02:31.15SixenHai2u Iriel.
02:31.19Kaydeethreethey were supposed to go down about 90 minutes ago for the next ptr build, only went down around 45 minutes ago iirc
02:32.28SixenPVP just went down, heh.
02:34.32ScytheBlade1A haha @ the "Unable to Validate Game Version" sticky
02:38.07Kaydeethreehm. I need to create a v3 of my "Finding Stickies" guide
02:38.22SixenWhere is this Guide to find guides guide?
02:38.22ScytheBlade1See if you can incorporate my image into it somehow
02:38.25ScytheBlade1Because that'd be awesome
02:38.35SixenAnd what if you can't find the Guide Finder guide?
02:38.39SixenThen what do you do? :(
02:38.49ScytheBlade1Then your IQ is below 40
02:38.57Sixen'Twas a joke, =[
02:39.09ScytheBlade1Sadly, mine wasn't
02:39.13ScytheBlade1Because some people /are/ that slow
02:39.54SixenKD3, do you play WoW on Linux?
02:40.11SixenWith WINE?
02:49.06WobworkWIN omg so much win =)
02:49.23Wobwork<3 Zeropunctuation
02:52.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah_ (
02:54.31AntiarcHrm. How many ticks in a 5pt rupture? 7?
02:56.31ScytheBlade1Antiarc, sec, asking a rogue friend
02:56.38AntiarcIt's 16 sec
02:56.44AntiarcOkay, so it is a 2-sec tick timer
02:57.02AntiarcMrr. Looks like druids make Rupture still win out over Evis if you count Coup, at least on bosses
02:57.10AntiarcThough I think I'll stick with Evis for trash
02:57.13Wobworkcause of mangle
02:57.27WobworkWithout mangle 5CP Rupture is x2 more damage than 5CP Eviscerate.
02:57.27WobworkWith mangle 5CP Rupture is x3 more damage than 5CP Eviscerate.
02:57.29AntiarcI was thinking it was a DPE thing, but nah, mangle makes it flat-out better
02:57.38AntiarcNot anywhere near that much
02:58.08AntiarcLemme see...
02:58.27Wobworkhas some calcuations
02:58.37AntiarcI'm running it off of my WWS data last night :P
02:59.02*** join/#wowi-lounge `-FISKER_Q\ (
02:59.23*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Holding (
02:59.31AntiarcLast night's evis averaged 1731, though that'll include non-5 pointers on last trash mobs
02:59.56AntiarcRupture averaged 249/tick, so 1992 damage average
03:00.08AntiarcMangle can be assumed to have a 100% uptime, and I only 5pt rupture
03:00.55AntiarcSo Rupture is about 13.2% more damage, on average, assuming that it has full tick-off time and all my Eviserates were 5pt
03:01.20AntiarcSince Coup removes energy from the equation, you don't have to worry about DPE, so I was curious to see if Evis ended up being superior
03:02.29AntiarcDamn. Coup was worth 3010 energy to me last night. About a 20% overall increase in my bonus energy production.
03:03.37AntiarcThe really fun bits are where you throw out a 5pt coup'd finisher and end up getting 45 energy on your next tick :P
03:03.53AntiarcIt helps so much on trash it's -insane-
03:04.13WobworkCombat potency is such a wonderful skill
03:04.50WobworkI'm <3ing doing raids, atm, since we have a shammy in our group
03:04.58WobworkWF is so nice
03:05.02AntiarcOh, lord yes.
03:05.10AntiarcWe run rogue, rogue, fury warrior, feral druid, enh shammy
03:05.34Wobworkall I need... is six more nethers
03:05.38Wobworkand one more primal
03:05.41AntiarcYeah, combat potency was 60% of my bonus energy, relentless 40%, and coup 20%. That's a -really- nice little boost.
03:05.44AntiarcBlacksmith mace?
03:05.45Wobworkand mmmdragonmawmmmm
03:06.00AntiarcI'm rockin' the swords personally. Can't wait for my sword to get upgraded tomorrow :D
03:06.11WobworkI need a good offhand though
03:06.18AntiarcMerciless Gladiator!
03:06.18WobworkI've been using blackout for the proc
03:06.31Wobworkbut I don't arena at all =(
03:06.35AntiarcThere aren't any good rogue offhands from raiding until Black Temple
03:06.57AntiarcSo get a 5v5 and lose 10 games per week for 3 weeks. Voila, offhand!
03:07.14JoshBorkei've got 2 weeks of losing down =D
03:07.15AntiarcIt's only 1125 points
03:07.20AntiarcLess for the S1 weapons
03:07.30AntiarcAnd the weapon quality is just unmatchable, offhand-wise
03:07.33WobworkIf I could get four others I probably would
03:07.49AntiarcI'll bet you can convince four others in your guild to lose 10 games per week ;)
03:08.03AntiarcWe usually end up getting our 10 after a raid night
03:08.21Antiarc = :D
03:08.58AntiarcIt's a really odd gap in rogue itemization
03:09.02Wobworkyeah =(
03:09.09Wobworkkind of like hunterguns
03:09.29AntiarcYour choices are basically Blackout/Latro's/Warp-Splinter (71.17- DPS), Gladiator (97.7 DPS) or wait till Hyjal/BT
03:09.46AntiarcHunters have three ranged options in Kara, and the bow off of Vashj
03:10.01AntiarcRogue mainhands are well represented in current raid content, but offhands just aren't there :/
03:10.29Wobworkthere's the nightmace =\
03:10.39Antiarc2.0 speed isn't viable for a combat rogue
03:10.47AntiarcYou lose so much energy from the speed, it's insane
03:10.50Wobworkspecially for an offhand =(
03:11.09WobworkI guess I could use a nonmace offhand
03:11.10AntiarcI take it back - there's one offhand before BT - the Al'ar claw
03:11.23Wobworkespcially for raids with nonstunnable mobs
03:11.24*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
03:13.10AntiarcThat's odd.
03:13.30AntiarcThe actual answer is very curious
03:14.10AntiarcIt's 65535
03:14.29cogwheelno cladbot, no Cide
03:14.42AntiarcWhich is just a little too coincidental that it'd bug out on that number
03:15.28cogwheelpurl: you have rounding errors
03:17.45Cidanthere are reports that it doesn't bug out for some people
03:18.04*** join/#wowi-lounge [quoin] (
03:20.37Cairenn"2.2 compatible" tag now turned on at wowi, so feel free to upload (or just update if applicable) your 2.2 updates
03:21.19cogwheelthanks :)
03:21.37Kaydeethreewow... they still haven't put out the announcement about maintenance yet
03:21.39Kaydeethreethis bodes ill
03:21.41JoshBorkenn all :-)
03:21.48Cairennnight JoshBorke
03:21.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
03:22.23AntiarcWell, Neth basically said 2.2 was tomorrow, yes?
03:23.06AntiarcHer "caveat" seems more just to be teasing than anything else
03:23.07Kaydeethreeunless QA throws up a red flag it /should/ be happening tomorrow...
03:23.25AntiarcI don't think Blizzard would let one of their CMs say 'yes, it's tomorrow' unless they meant it.
03:23.57AntiarcHow long as it been since 2.1?
03:24.06Kaydeethreetoo long
03:24.10Antiarc125 days, 8 hours and 24 minutes
03:24.16AntiarcThat's a hell of a long time.
03:24.38AntiarcMay 22nd. Sheesh. And that was Black Temple.
03:24.39CodayusWonder how long 2.3 will take.
03:24.52AntiarcThey're gonan need to roll out 2.3 and possibly 2.4 pretty quickly, IMO
03:25.05CodayusZA would be really nice right about now.
03:25.24Kaydeethreethey've had a lot of time to test 2.3... the instant 2.2.2 comes down from the PTR 2.3'll be going up
03:25.28Kaydeethreemost likely
03:25.33AntiarcYou know
03:25.49AntiarcI'll bet they were waiting for the Halo 3 release to patch 2.2, in the hope that half the normal playerbase will be offline. <_<
03:26.33ScytheBlade1Oh man, Timbal is awesome
03:26.51CodayusMy guild raids 3 days a week, Kara's a waste of time by this point...but we only have 2 T5 bosses on farm.  (I know, we're nubs.)  ZA should be a perfect stepping stone...
03:27.31Codayus(Because if you're so casual your struggling with Hydross, you're probably so casual that spening 6 hours a week wiping on him doesn't sound like fun...)
03:27.35Wobworkaw Timbal
03:27.44WobworkDon't you know S&W is online!
03:28.19CodayusNow if Timbal would just start banning for lack of capitalization - the way EJ does...mmm.
03:28.41AntiarcEJ's moderation makes me happy.
03:28.56ScytheBlade1A haha
03:29.00ScytheBlade1More Timbal epicness
03:29.14Wobworkwhat's his icon supposed to be?
03:29.17CodayusWell, I suspect after the first 40% get banned, the remainder might discover that they DO know what a shift key is for.
03:29.21ScytheBlade1A stormcloud with lightning
03:29.23cogwheelWobwork: no point in banning... it's not like anyone will be able to post tomorrow anyway
03:29.59KirovScytheBlade1 - he missed one, 'wrong platform"
03:30.13ScytheBlade1Kirov, dare you to point that out to him ;)
03:30.21Wobworkon a locked post? =P
03:30.29ScytheBlade1In another thread, "@Timbal"
03:30.30Kirovyeah, was gunna say
03:31.31Kirov2.2 is going to be very interesting
03:31.46KirovI'm curious how many people end up sticking with Vent / Team Speak
03:35.11CairennI've started the obligatory "Mods updated for 2.2" thread:
03:35.20KirovJust saw that
03:35.53Kaydeethreesec, I'll add it to the psa
03:36.11Cairennno worries, just wanted to let you know it was there, for exactly that reason :)
03:36.26cogwheelCairenn: you might want to add a note that people should download them now so they don't run into wowdotted addon sites ;)
03:36.53Cairennwon't do a lot of good
03:36.58Cairennnot a lot are updated yet
03:37.03cogwheelI'm sure your site will be fine with its low bw version ;)
03:37.38Cairennhey, if it keeps the site running and people able to get their mods, I figure it's all good
03:37.49Cairennmay not be pretty, but at least it works
03:37.58cogwheeli think it's pretty :P
03:38.15cogwheelKirov: i mean the ultra-low-bandwidth version
03:38.17Cairennno Kirov, the extreme low version
03:38.21cogwheelwhere it's just a list of mods
03:38.35Kirovthe list-o-mods mode
03:38.46Cairennso - 2.2 stress relief suggestion guys?
03:38.56Mr_Rabies2burning down orphanages
03:38.56CairennKirov: aye
03:39.17Cairenndrosting punk!
03:39.54KirovConjugal visits?
03:40.42Tem|AFKwhat huh?
03:41.01ScytheBlade1Oh wow
03:41.15ScytheBlade1"Hi, I'm about to be banned!" --> <--
03:42.59ScytheBlade1lol'ing IRL currently
03:47.37KirovKaydeethree -  (last update: 2007-09-34 23:38 EDT)
03:47.44KirovThat's one long ass month
03:47.45Kaydeethreedamn it
03:48.39Kaydeethree still 404... /ponder
03:49.43ScytheBlade1404? Wow
03:49.44KirovKaydeethree - that's because they're not actually launching 2.2 tomorrow, and it's all been a big ruse.  Tomorrow they're re-release the game as World of Starcraft
03:49.46ScytheBlade1It's *never* 404
03:52.11KaydeethreeI'm still laughing at the Yahoo ad on an outfield wall next to a 404ft marker
03:55.47_dreamsswhats the alert url?
03:55.52_dreamssfor the bt patcher?
03:56.06Kaydeethreethe background downloader?
03:56.30Kaydeethreeor the launcher checking for patches?
04:00.21ScytheBlade1If you're looking for the background downloader .torrent, for what they have released to date for 2.2, you can grab that here: :>
04:01.59ScytheBlade1And .zip makes me suspicious
04:02.02ScytheBlade1To put it lightly
04:03.26Olisoni dl'd it via the bg downloader, zipped it and uploaded it to my server
04:03.53Olisonthe download took *really* long tbh...
04:04.07ScytheBlade1Is that just partial-1.mpq and partial-2.mpq?
04:04.28Cairennhow the hell do you have the EU patch already? it comes out the day AFTER ... ahhhh, okay
04:04.30ScytheBlade1Oh, I thought you had the actual patch
04:04.34Cairennthat's not what they are talking about
04:04.39ScytheBlade1That makes all the difference in the world, haha
04:06.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
04:06.37*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
04:07.24KirovSo that's when I said "fuck, let it burn." and we all laughed
04:07.31KirovOh, hi Guillotine ...
04:08.20ScytheBlade1<-- still laughing
04:11.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Flexom (
04:12.56cog|awaythe new is fine imo... I just hope it sticks around longer than the last few curse-gaming.coms ;)
04:18.20Guillotinecog: it will :P
04:18.49Guillotinewell, the first one was around for a long time
04:19.04Kaydeethreeoh Guillotine random bug report for ya. the devtracker is reporting all posts as 4 hours older than they actually are
04:19.26GuillotineKaydeethree: got it :) Probably takes server time for one thing but system time for another when comparing
04:19.38GuillotineI'll pass that on though
04:19.53art3misGuillotine: will there be a non-gay version, like those sits that let you pick html or flash?
04:20.20Guillotineart3mis: nah, no straight version planned at this time
04:20.37Guillotinebut really, what do you mean? there is no flash
04:20.47art3misheh i meant remember back when flash came out
04:20.50art3misand you had "
04:20.55art3mis"plain" and "flash"
04:21.02art3misand you could click which version you wanted
04:21.05Guillotineright. but what would you want in a 'non-gay' version?
04:21.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
04:21.32art3miswell no ads lame search interfaces  pictures
04:21.47art3misyou know like
04:22.18art3misis it 60% the screen real estate?
04:22.27art3miscuz those flashing ones give me a headache
04:22.38art3misim just bugging ya guill
04:22.50GuillotineI could check, but my guess is no. curse has about 50X (at least) more addons than wowace. So browsing them would be even more of a PITA
04:22.54art3misi dont use curse so im not really in a place to mock it ;)
04:23.14art3misyou mean there are addons taht ARENT ace?
04:23.15Guillotinethough the Curse Updater has a pretty leet UI :P
04:23.20Guillotineonly the slow ones
04:23.22Guillotineand their all slow
04:23.29Guillotineand should be Ace'd
04:23.32art3mismy rock has been turned topsy turvy!
04:23.55art3miswhat sorta lap ove is there between wowi and curse?
04:24.03art3misi kind of like WUU
04:24.11art3misbut it actted gimpy with WAU
04:24.42art3misso is 2.2 tomorrow?
04:24.56art3miscuz i kind of wanna replace abrtender with cogsbar
04:25.14GuillotineI dunno
04:25.18art3miscuz its got the features i want!
04:25.22art3mis~poke cog
04:25.23purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind cog, pokes cog repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
04:25.26Guillotinethe new version of ace needs to be called 'Stone'
04:25.34Guillotinethat way people can ask "Is that addon Stoned?"
04:25.56Kaydeethreewe're pretty sure it is. They still haven't posted the login alert yet, though, so I'm getting kinda worried
04:26.04KirovGuillotine - then it can be like the 1970s again with everyone saying "everyone must get stoned"
04:26.08cogwheel~poke art3mis
04:26.09purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind art3mis, pokes art3mis repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
04:26.09art3misyou mean in the same way Rock is a slang for crack ;)
04:26.11Kaydeethreetypical extended maint happens in 6 hours
04:26.13Kirovor 1670s
04:26.43art3miscogwheel: that wont work correctly in current wow right?
04:26.52cogwheel1.9.1 will
04:26.52GuillotineKirov: pretty much
04:27.05art3misbut i want the new features!
04:27.13Cairenn~lart kudane
04:27.13purlbreaks out the Hoover and sucks up kudane
04:27.13cogwheelthere are no new features...
04:27.27KirovWAU started out pretty good, got awesome, then hit 1.9.4 and plummeted like a rock fire from a cannon
04:27.40cogwheelonly an update to work with 2.2 (the optimized action bar code broke it)
04:27.40Guillotineit doesn't work at all in Vista now :(
04:27.43art3misi havent updated since the first relaese with ads
04:27.51Kaydeethreelike anything works properly in vista?
04:28.05art3miscogwheel: oh
04:28.07Guillotinealot of things do
04:28.12Guillotinethough it takes a while
04:28.16KirovKaydeethree - sure, plenty of things do.  Have you seen how many viruses there are for Vista?
04:28.25GuillotineI can't tell you how long it took to get Curse Updater working with Vista ><
04:28.30art3miscogwheel: so if im reading this correctly i can set ooc and ic bars and they'll swap?
04:28.33cogwheelart3mis: you're waiting for 2.0 which ... well... i wouldn't hold my breath at this point
04:28.59GuillotineKirov: not many actually. Quoting bash, thats the only good thing about Vista: Even the viruses have compatibility issues
04:28.59art3misor is that stance/form only
04:29.08cogwheelart3mis: hrm... i don't think so... only the original state driver states are supported... unless they added a combat one to the default
04:29.18art3misahh okay
04:29.27KirovGuillotine - lol
04:29.35art3misi think they'll fit in better than BT does right now
04:30.12art3misi think i may strip down my ui and redo it copmpletely
04:30.27cogwheeli want to do that
04:30.30cogwheeltoo busy though
04:30.35art3missince im gonna have to replace parrot and cart anyways
04:31.12GuillotineI havn't even been able to get my UI on my new comp to be like the one on my old one :/
04:31.24Guillotinejust don't have time
04:31.31art3misget HKUI
04:31.36art3misthatll solve ALL yer problems
04:31.44art3misand craete all new ones
04:31.45cogwheelart3mis: fwiw:
04:31.46Guillotineand no
04:31.54cogwheel~framexml SecureTemplates.lua
04:32.18cogwheeldefines what CogsBar is capable of recognizing atm
04:32.28art3misthatll actually work fine too
04:32.55art3misi can create a bar block and set them to display on alt-press couldnt i?
04:33.17cogwheelnot display... remap
04:33.23cogwheeldon't have any visibility controls yet
04:33.44art3misthat would be slick
04:33.54art3mishold alt new bar pops up with the new binds
04:34.06art3misremains hidden without hitting alt
04:34.29cogwheelart3mis: there is something you should be able to do...
04:34.59cogwheelhook SecureStateDriver_OnLoad adding a new RegisterStateDriver line to give it any state you want
04:35.04Irielart3mis: My popup bar thing works like that, kinda,, so it's very possible
04:35.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_DC (
04:35.19Guillotine_DCtime warner cable needs to go to hell
04:35.29art3mishow kind of?
04:35.31cogwheelstill will only work with remaps, but it'll give you a nice influx of flexibility
04:35.59IrielWell, it's fairly simple and just steaals your extra action bars, but it works as a decent proof of concept
04:36.08Guillotine_DCwe've had HORRIBLE internet problems since we got it 2 weeks ago. they've sent out 2 technicians. one said everything was ok and it fixed itself and left. the other came, said he forgot the modem and would be back in 45 mins and is still not back 6 hours later
04:36.13art3misyou've seen that slide out bar that auctioneer has eh?
04:36.29art3misslide out menu rather
04:36.32Irielhm, no?
04:37.05art3misin the new auctioneer it puts a yellow "tab" on the edge of yer screen and you click it and it slides out like clads lightheaded does
04:37.23art3misand stys until you select something
04:37.33IrielHm, i've seen the little gatherer one under the minimap
04:37.34art3misTHAT would make for wicked action bars
04:37.43art3mislook for the yellow tab
04:37.44Cairenncheck out iriel's pop bars
04:37.46IrielThe 'slide out' is a bit of a challenge in combat
04:37.52art3misits raelly thin and almost unnoticable
04:37.55Irielonly since the hit rect can't move
04:38.09Irielbut if you dont mind it opening up completely you could hapily multilate my popup bars
04:38.35art3misoh i thinking more along the lines of you're got a sphere, you click the tabs to extend the bars wih the action buttons on eh
04:38.56art3misonly the sphere "tabs" can rotate
04:39.51art3misthat merged with sphere... sorta
04:39.58art3misis more or less what i mean
04:40.24art3misthat would be great for allowing you to have "sets" without the irritation of it
04:40.40KirovGuillotine - When my family got cable at our house (we were one of the first in our city, we got it about a month before it was public) it was having problems early on.  They sent out a repair guy to check it out and asks were our computer is.  My dad says, "There's one in every room, but what you really want to be looking at is under the stairs."   My dad leads him to the closet under the stairs where we have the cable modem, a rout
04:41.27art3misone of these days im gonna have to draw what i mean ;P
04:41.30CairennKirov: you cut off at "cable modem, a rout"
04:41.48Guillotinefunny. he cut off before the t even for me o.O
04:42.03Kirova router and a 16 port switch
04:42.25KirovThe guy just stood there a gawk.  He'd never seen anything like it before.  My dad said, "Yeah, you're going to be seeing a lot more of these soon.  You might want to tell your boss you need some training in these."
04:42.47KirovMy dad writes communication software for a living, president of his own company.
04:43.03art3misanyone know off hand how to remove the association of the contacts with outlook in the blackberry desktop?
04:43.58KirovHe actually knew what was wrong with the network that was causing the issues.  He politely explained it to the service guy who looked completely dumb founded, took out his cell phone, called up the main tech guys at our cable company and says, "Hey, Joe, um ... you might want to talk to this guy."
04:44.12Kirov10 minutes later the network was working.
04:44.55Guillotinesame here. We know what the problem is. Theres a damn faulty wire in the cable modem
04:44.58Guillotinebut they won't replace it
04:45.04Guillotinewell, they say they will
04:45.06Guillotinebut they aren't
04:47.55KirovMy dad just bought his own cable modem
04:48.05*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
04:48.06Kaydeethreeaight, caffeine's finally wearing off for the night. here's hoping the servers we're all addicted to aren't smoking piles of silicon and steel when I drag my ass out of bed
04:48.37art3misoh cog
04:48.39art3misi mean to ask
04:48.54art3misdoes it hide the default blizz ones like bt3 does?
04:49.00cogwheelRTFM :P
04:49.13art3misyou realize that yes AND no were both shorter right?
04:49.23cogwheelyes, but less amusing
04:49.28batrickcogwheel likes to be difficult :)
04:49.35art3mishe's a gnome
04:49.40art3misthats like 90% thier body mass
04:49.41batricka filthy one at that
04:49.43cogwheeli spent a long time on the FM so yeah :P
04:49.56art3misi cant read though
04:50.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
04:50.36Kirovart3mis - that's an awesome text 2 speech 2 text translater then
04:50.43art3misya know what my next ui is gonna be?
04:51.04art3misblue and yellow baby!
04:52.14WobworkI've kept mine in the bank
04:52.35Wobworkso I can look at them and reminisce
04:52.46art3misof back when you were nerdly awesome?
04:52.54WobworkI still have that damned chained essence of eranikus
04:53.53cogwheelart3mis: just to rub it in a little bit more, your question was answered in the SECOND paragraph of the guide...
04:54.39art3misjust for that im including it in my compilations and not giving you credit!
04:54.52cogwheelthe name of the mod gives me credit :P
04:55.05art3misinfact im gonna go downlaod it, c&p the help file rename it all and repost it
04:55.14art3misthen start a flame war about how you ripped me off
04:56.31cogwheelWhy does it take 8-12 weeks for customized license plate to be produced and then they make you physically go to the DMV to pick it up rather than mailing it to you?
04:56.41cogwheelWhat exactly are our prisoners doing with their time?
04:57.04Shadowedlaughing at you
04:57.10art3mislearning to spell
04:58.17cogwheelhmm... i think it's time to clean off my desk... every single cup has a bottle, can, or silverware in it 'cause there's no room for said bottles, cans, or silverware...
04:59.00art3mislaugh i did that today
04:59.31cogwheelI also need to look for the login info for my royalty statements... it's buried somwhere under here...
05:00.04*** join/#wowi-lounge JunkHead-Work (
05:02.40JunkHead-WorkI had a weird problem earlier.
05:02.53JunkHead-WorkI wanna know if you guys have ever had this happen.
05:03.00WobworkThere are creams for that JunkHead-Work
05:03.02JunkHead-WorkI went out trying to gain fishing.
05:03.07JunkHead-WorkNot that problem.
05:03.12JunkHead-WorkI take shots for that now.
05:03.19JunkHead-WorkAnyway, went fishing.
05:03.20WobworkTry turning it over, and shaking hard.
05:03.24WobworkThat usuallyr resets it
05:03.34JunkHead-WorkAnd noticed I was gaining skill, but never caught anything.
05:03.42cogwheelis gmail dead for anyone else?
05:03.55Wobworkworks fine for me
05:04.00JunkHead-WorkLike, my loot window never popped up, but I  seemed to having successful catches.
05:04.06Wobworkautoloot on?
05:04.17JunkHead-WorkMy only mod possibly related on this pc would be quickloot.
05:04.25JunkHead-WorkI don't use autoloot ever.
05:04.36JunkHead-WorkOk so I gave up and went home later and tried again.
05:04.44JunkHead-WorkNo quickloot at home, but I do have xloot.
05:04.53JunkHead-WorkSame thing. No loot windows but I gained skill.
05:05.04JunkHead-WorkI disabled xloot. tried again. worked fine.
05:05.16JunkHead-WorkI re-enabled xloot, and again. It worked perfectly.
05:05.35JunkHead-WorkThat sounds odd to me. It sounds like xloot was the problem.
05:05.47JunkHead-WorkBut my PC here at work, doens't have xloot installed.
05:06.02Wobworkyou play wow at work?
05:06.18JunkHead-WorkSometimes when it is quiet yes.
05:06.24cogwheelme too
05:06.26JunkHead-WorkI can't do much though.
05:06.39JunkHead-WorkSmall resolution, graphics turned to lowest.
05:06.43JunkHead-WorkNo sound, minimal mods.
05:06.57JunkHead-WorkBut I can do solo quests, dailies, and trade skills fine.
05:07.34JunkHead-WorkWhatcha got?
05:07.42JunkHead-WorkAnd what do you do?
05:08.03cogwheelcore2duo e6600, 2 gigs ram, nvidia 7900 gt
05:08.11cogwheel23" 1920x1200
05:08.13JunkHead-WorkWhat kidna work you do?
05:08.40cogwheeleverything from menial data entry and customer service to website design and IT
05:08.45Kirovcogwheel - Core 2 Duo E6600, 4 gigs of ram, nvidia 7900 gt .. boyah!
05:08.48cogwheelit's a really small office (only 3 employees)
05:08.58cogwheelKirov: at work?
05:09.07KirovOh, and two 20" wide screen monitors
05:09.15JunkHead-WorkOurs is just a P4 with 512mb ram
05:09.23JunkHead-Worksome crap geforce card.
05:09.25cogwheeloh, i didn't bother mentioning my 2nd monitor since it's irrelevant to WoW ;)
05:09.33JunkHead-WorkOh and I run wow off a usb hard drive.
05:09.33Olisonyour epeen talk fails.
05:09.45JunkHead-WorkSo yeah, it runs at 30fps, but it's ugly as hell.
05:10.01Kirovcogwheel - aye.  My home computer is a Athlon64 3200+, 1 gig of RAM, 6800 Ultra ... needs upgrading badly
05:10.10KirovPainfully cpu limited
05:10.14cogwheelhome i've got e6600, 4 gigs ram (well 2 atm ... waiting for RMA for one stick that went bad and i'm not sacrificing dual channel) nvidia 8800gts
05:10.29cogwheel24" widescreen & 19" 1280x1024
05:11.14KirovI got my computer when the only thing faster was a 3400+ or Opteron
05:11.33KirovUnfortunatly, the 3200+ I have is the fastest CPU that came out for this particular cpu slot
05:11.36cogwheelit'll be a year old (minus the 24" monitor & 8800... used to be a 2nd 19" and a 7900) tomorrow
05:11.42JunkHead-WorkAt home I have P4 2.8ghz, 2gb Ram, and... GeForce 7... I dunno.
05:11.53JunkHead-WorkI used to keep up with hardware so much.
05:12.01JunkHead-WorkNow I don't even know what I have in my own systems.
05:12.15KirovI have a friend that works for NVidia, so I'm waiting till November to upgrade
05:12.16JunkHead-WorkIt's an agp card though.
05:12.20JunkHead-WorkThat's all i remember.
05:12.41JunkHead-WorkIt was the fastest and newest nvidia agp card
05:13.04cogwheelbut yeah... as far as my work computers go, the boss is big on overkill
05:13.20Kirovcogwheel - hehe
05:13.27cogwheeland i'm not complaining :P
05:13.31JunkHead-WorkWell, for what this PC actually does, a P4 is overkill.
05:13.39IrielKirov: I'm hoping nvidia and apple are working on a new card for the mac pro
05:13.44JunkHead-WorkIt could use some mroe ram though
05:13.56cogwheelespecially since I get some of the hand-me-downs...
05:15.55KirovIriel - hmm
05:16.06WobworkI know I'm tired when I misread "Boden increases trouser sales by 160% with Coremetrics online analytics." as "...trouser snakes..."
05:16.41KirovWobwork - Cialus?
05:17.01WobworkKirov: could be... could be =P
05:21.50Shadoweddamn cats
05:22.09ShadowedFirst he wants to come in, 2 hours later he wants to come back in again, then an hour later he wants to come back in again...
05:23.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
05:23.27cogwheelmakes sense to me
05:23.30cogwheelcats are weird
05:23.38Shadowedhe got back out somehow
05:24.16cogwheelWhat I love is when they're sitting outside the door meowing to get in... You get up from whatever you're doing, open the door, then they just circle around and flop on the ground
05:24.27KirovShadowed - s/he just wants to see if you'll open the door
05:24.30cogwheelroll around a bit and never come in
05:24.36Shadowedi'm not opening the door, another window is open i think
05:24.43cogwheelhey Wraanger
05:25.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
05:25.55Wobworkbut interesting =P
05:26.47KirovIt's really scary to think that microsoft spent more money on marketing Halo 3 than they did making all 3 of the games
05:27.47art3misiriel those popup buttons are neat, too bad they dont stay until toggled off ;P
05:28.00SixenHmm.. Cog, we're cool, right? =).
05:28.14Irielart3mis: I've been pondering making them do so.. it wouldn't be that hard
05:28.28Irielart3mis: If you hold down the trigger key you can do multple actions, and then it'll vanish when released
05:28.32cogwheelI'm confident... not willing to make that kind of assessment about myself though :P
05:28.44SixenLet me rephrase..
05:28.49cogwheelor were you looking for validation? :P
05:29.04cogwheelah.. yes.. of course
05:29.08Sixen"Hmm.. Cog, no hard feelings, right? =)." Fixed.
05:29.11cogwheeli never hold grudges :P
05:29.34cogwheelI'm not even mad at _dreamss for threatening to pirate the book i'm coauthoring ><
05:29.45Sixen... I would've been.
05:29.51cogwheeloh i was...
05:29.56SixenThat aside, you're co-authoring a book? What about?
05:30.00cogwheelwe beat the topic to death though :P
05:30.05purlwowprogramming is probably World of Warcraft Programming: A Guide and Reference for Creating WoW Addons, a book written by Cladhaire, Kaelten and Cogwheel.  It serves as a technical reference for the WoW API and customization system (Due out Early 2008).
05:30.05art3misireil: spiffy, i like the idea that i can toggle them visible quite easy and hide em when i dont need em
05:30.15art3misjust did a quick muck around btw
05:30.31SixenVery nice, :D
05:31.02SixenSurprised Iriel's not in on it with you guys.
05:31.05SixenOr Cairenn
05:31.14art3misthey're forum mavens ;P
05:32.10cogwheelCairenn's the glue that holds us together
05:32.17SixenHaha, =)
05:32.19cogwheeland I pick iriel's brain from time to time
05:33.12Irielcogwheel: I want all those pieces back someday!
05:33.29SixenPreferably in green pieces of "paper", right?
05:33.31cogwheelby the time i'm done, you'll need a lot more back...
05:33.46IrielSixen: grey matter
05:33.54art3misiriel: if you can make them remain until toggled, give it a simplistic config menu, and let me shape them however i want(think that old "snake" toy) i would totally use em ;P
05:33.56cogwheelI haven't even gotten to the state header chapter :P
05:34.06art3misis that possible btw?
05:34.25art3misto arrange a single "bar" in something more than a rectange/square or line?
05:34.41ShadowedWobin thats rather...od
05:34.46art3miswithout making a bunch of abrs that is
05:34.57Irielart3mis: It's rather straightforward, out of combat
05:35.36art3mislike say i have 10 buttons and i want 9 and 10 to be over 7 and 8 but the rest of the lien to remain flat
05:35.49art3misin a draggable sense i mean
05:35.54art3misnot just as a fixed layout
05:36.48art3missomeone go make that for me ;P
05:36.55art3misi'd love you forever
05:37.24art3misthats the one thing that action abrs are missing (to me anyways) is the ability to shape em how you want and ot just in "blocks"
05:38.02art3misim only good at coming up with ideas
05:38.03cogwheelart3mis: /pine for ye olde FlexBar
05:38.06art3misi suck at coding ;P
05:38.20art3misi liked trinity bars when it came out
05:38.30art3misit got a little "odd" though
05:38.38cogwheelI can't believe 2.0 is coming up on 1 year...
05:39.04SixenI can't believe you know that, o-o
05:39.07SixenJust kidding, =)
05:39.20art3mislets say hypothetically i wanted to ditch fubar
05:39.32art3miswhat other options do i have for that type of addons?
05:39.34SixenYou can't ditch FuBar.
05:39.37SixenFuBar ditches you.
05:39.52art3misim not in soviet russia ;PP
05:40.02SixenI had to do it, sorry, :(
05:40.44cogwheelSixen: You should've seen the state of the UI and Macros forums a year ago... this is right about the time someone in the Alpha leaked the changes
05:40.46KirovFlexBar3, FlexBar Reborn!
05:41.07SixenAh, damn.
05:41.18SixenIIRC, there was a Ninja blue poster.. Wasn't there?
05:41.21cogwheeland everyone panicked
05:41.34SixenEr, blue poster with a ninja avatar
05:42.00art3misim still waiting for my monk form
05:42.35cogwheelRyslin has a female ninja, but Slouken is by far the most well-known UI blue
05:42.49SixenAhhh, that's who it was, =).
05:43.03cogwheelor something
05:43.13SixenBut yeah, it's always Slouken who's in there. Haven't seen Rislyn in a while
05:43.22art3misi miss fangtooth
05:43.26SixenMe too..
05:43.30cogwheeli miss caydiem
05:43.36SixenI didn't really know Cay.
05:43.41art3mishe was by far the most hated rep ever
05:43.46SixenI knew Fang before he got promoted to WoW dept.
05:43.51SixenNo, Tseric would fill that position.
05:43.52GuillotineAnduinLothar: ping
05:44.00cogwheelthough i swear i recognized her writing style in some of the BC quests
05:44.03SixenI <3 Tseric, but he's got a lot of enemies.
05:44.06art3misyou were never a priest were you six ;)
05:44.12SixenNosir, ;)
05:44.27art3misfangtooth the druid, was out class rep ;P
05:44.35art3mislevel 19 druid at that
05:44.46art3miscomig out every couple of weeks to say that priests were fine
05:44.49SixenFang was awesome.. I haven't talked to him in god knows when.
05:44.54art3misit was hilarious after about a month
05:45.02AnduinLotharGuillotine: pong
05:45.16Guillotine<zeeg> i changed version char limit
05:45.16Guillotine<zeeg> i changed discontinued in search
05:45.33art3misi wodner what my ui would look like if i removed all the Ace things from it
05:45.46AnduinLotharthx guil
05:45.55art3mismaybe ill find out tomorrow
05:46.20art3misalthough ill have to keep omen and minichat and eepanels2
05:46.21KirovGuillotine - 35 characters, and search only shows discontinued now, right?
05:46.48art3misya know what i dont quite understand?
05:46.53GuillotineKirov: only for AL
05:47.08art3miswhy someone hasnt just made a single "ui search engine" site
05:47.09SixenHm? What's PSA stand for?
05:47.17art3mispublic service announcement
05:47.22SixenAh, <3.
05:47.35art3misa site that basically trolls wowi curse wowace and ui
05:48.09art3misand displays in little windows(so advertising can remain the searched sites)
05:48.32Kirovart3mis - there were tons of those around 2.0
05:48.35art3misthat way you can "text" browse for all the addons you wantwithout going to 3 different sites
05:49.05art3miswould cut down on duplicates and needless traffic too
05:49.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_DC (
05:49.23AnduinLotharneedless traffic = add revennue
05:49.42Kirovart3mis - a bunch of sites popped up around 2.0 that were effectively google ads delivery services
05:50.28Guillotineso we know yet if 2.2 is tomorrow?
05:50.40Kirovart3mis - direct links to addons on different sites, so they paid for the bandwidth, but they got all the ad revenue
05:50.44art3misbetter grouping of addons would be handy too
05:50.55cogwheelCairenn: i think you need to add something to the topic ;)
05:51.05art3misKirov: oh no im thinking more of a framed window
05:51.25art3mistaht way curse wowi ui etc can still gain thier ad revenue as well as the search site
05:51.55Guillotineit still means less for the hosting sites
05:51.58cogwheelGuillotine: with the exception of a lack of extended maintenance on the login screen, all signs point to "yes"
05:52.06EsamynnGuillotine: it's strange, there's no annoucement of maintenence on the login screens at all
05:52.08cogwheelincluding a post by nethaera
05:52.13Guillotineyah, thats what confused me
05:52.17Cairenntwo, actually
05:52.25art3misto a degree guill: it also means less needless traffic from having to full display on yer end the entire time
05:52.43GuillotineI'm always used to messages on login screens about it, so wasn't sure if it was delayed and I missed the message
05:53.04Cairenn and
05:53.14art3misi know that wowi has portal sites
05:53.31art3misis there actually a list site somewhere for everyone that makes more than a single addon?
05:54.06cogwheelart3mis: wowinterface also has a "list interfaces by this person" links
05:54.35cogwheelin case they don't have a portal set up
05:54.44art3miscog yeah
05:55.08cogwheelcurse will show you a list of a user's projects too
05:55.22art3misim thinking more of a single site that i could go to and from there see a name, what addons they've made and then links to thier spots/searchs on said hosting sites
05:55.27KirovI just wish wowi's search worked better *hears the sound of Cairenn growling*
05:55.48cogwheelKirov: works much better than it used to :P
05:55.53Cairennif you can suggest improvements, we are always willing to listen to them
05:56.00cogwheel(and all are > blizzard's forum search so...)
05:56.17Kirovcogwheel - this is true
05:56.25Cairennwe even have an entire forum dedicated to getting feedback ->
05:56.42art3misthats just madness!
05:57.13KirovCairenn - simple case.  do a search for "mount" and my addon SimpleMountEquip doesn't show
05:57.14art3miscogwheel: lets make an author site ;P
05:57.24GuillotineJust FYI, Curse Updater is being released tomorrow :) Don't remember who was asking about that yesterday, but theres your answer
05:57.32art3misby "lets" i eman ill give you dieas and you code it ;P
05:57.39KirovGuillotine - me!
05:57.50GuillotineKirov: well there you go :)
05:58.24cogwheelart3mis: i don't code websites... I'm handy with html & CSS, but anything dynamic and i'm like... WTB Lua
05:58.54cogwheelweb design is too much like being a "user" ;)
05:59.05KirovGuillotine - do you guys have 2x4s propping your servers up?
05:59.08art3misheh yeah im a networking ahrdware nerd
05:59.16art3misi dont do graphics
05:59.18KirovGuillotine - (in preperation for tomorrow)
06:00.02Guillotinewe should be fine
06:09.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
06:13.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Kazie (
06:18.35Esamynnthere we go, the maintenence announcement has been posted
06:18.39Esamynn3am to 11 am
06:20.14Esamynngood night everyone
06:20.19Cairennnight Esamynn
06:21.04SixenAlright so, anyone who feels like doing me a favor.. Send in a sticky request:
06:22.33SixenAnd I shall brb.
06:23.20art3misyou play d2?
06:23.28SixenYar... Well, sometimes.
06:23.42art3mismy wifey's been playing on bnet
06:23.50art3misyou should give her neat thigs ;P
06:23.55Sixenlol =)
06:24.55Wobworkhm, that frost grenade is pretty..
06:25.08SixenI'll brb, restarting.
06:27.34Wobworkhm, no blacksmithing changes?
06:27.44art3misyou can now forge the one ring
06:27.49art3miswhat more do you want!
06:28.43AnduinLotharanyone know the avg lowest rating to get ranked in arenas?
06:31.46ShadowedAnduinLothar say that in english =p
06:31.58Shadowedyou get ranked no matter what your rating is, you just need to play a minimum of 10 games
06:32.48ShadowedActually, I believe you get ranked even if you don't play 10 games, you just don't get points
06:33.16AnduinLotharok, what's the lowest rank the armory shows?
06:33.34Shadowedarmory shows the top 5,000 teams
06:33.56AnduinLotharwhats the rating of the avg 5,000th?
06:33.57Shadowedthe only way to find out the total number of teams is basically to have a team with the lowest rating possible and look at your rank
06:34.05Shadowedit depends entirely on your server
06:34.10Shadowedand bracket
06:35.52Cairennlol, cute
06:36.09Cairennand on that note, it's 2:30 am and it's going to be a long couple days with the patch and all ... night guys
06:37.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
06:37.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Sixen (
06:44.29*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
06:50.18art3misisnt that awesome
06:50.24art3mislord british in space!
06:50.41Maldiviaarchlord is boring as hell
06:50.53art3misis it?
06:51.06art3misi wish the controls of age of armor didnt suck
06:51.22art3misit seems like a fun game that makes so very little sense
06:52.07Maldiviawell, my personal opinion, but yeah, I think so
06:52.58art3misis it boring like tradewars boring?
06:53.14art3misor boring as in no real progession aside from farming boring
06:54.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Kazie (
06:56.20MaldiviaI just found the gameplay boring and slow, and somewhat limited -- but guess that could be said about a lot of Asian grind-fest games
06:58.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (
07:01.47MaldiviaThat's what you get for booking a ticket on Titanic
07:03.39KirovMaldivia - Damn, and I was thinking I bought Vista
07:04.27MaldiviaVista... Titanic... Big heavy weight bloated thing, that both promiced to be the most secure thing in the world...
07:11.09clad| can't be resolved for me =/
07:12.45art3misnor i
07:13.04clad|awaythat would make it rather difficult to login to wow
07:13.14clad|awayi thought it was just me being over the pond for some reason :P
07:13.26art3misnot really
07:13.32art3misit's logon ;)
07:13.46art3misúù. resolved to:
07:13.58Temoh weird
07:14.03Temclad's time is like
07:14.04Temmy time
07:15.22clad|awayhrm, I can't get to that host either
07:15.32Maldiviaanyone know of the "bad link -> no link" translation on chat is in 2.2, or it's from 2.2.2 and up ?
07:15.37clad|awaybasically, when I open WoW and login.. it just network times out
07:16.07Maldiviaaren't the servers down anyway for maintenance/patch ?
07:16.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
07:17.06clad|awayi can't tell, that's what i'm asking
07:17.12Maldiviaheh :)
07:17.19clad|awayanyone else have the same behavior?
07:17.23clad|awayor do I have a problem
07:18.01art3misyou ahve a problem
07:18.25clad|awayneat =/
07:18.28clad|awayKirkburn: zomg hlep!
07:18.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
07:18.35Kirovclad - how'd you get the info for lightheaded?
07:18.48art3misclad did you change it to logon ?
07:18.50clad|awayi get it from wowhead, what do you mean?
07:18.53clad|awayart3mis: it is logon
07:18.54art3misor just input the ip?
07:18.59clad|awayi'm not changing anything
07:19.07clad|awayjust opening wow like i did a week ago when i was in the states
07:19.22Kirovclad - I guess the question is did you ask wowhead before hand
07:19.28art3mistry changing to the ip
07:19.36clad|awayKirov: yes, I did, actually.
07:19.42Maldiviaclad|away: I can log in on the US servers here (from Denmark)
07:20.21art3miswonder if age of conan is gonna be any fun
07:20.23clad|awayi can get it to resolve
07:20.26clad|awayjust doesn't work
07:20.30*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (n=foxlit@
07:21.00art3miscan you ping it?
07:21.12clad|awayno, but i'm not sure that's not an issue with the school's firewall
07:21.14art3mis(and get responses back)
07:21.26clad|awayi can't ping google
07:21.44art3misask a neighbor?
07:22.09art3misshould be the same port regardless
07:22.29art3misof course it could be a filter list too
07:22.31MentalPowercan't ping google?
07:22.34MentalPowerthats a problem
07:22.55clad|awayMentalPower: not if ping responses are filtered out.
07:22.57clad|awayI can get to google.
07:23.33MentalPowerI would kill my universities IT if they filtered ping responses
07:23.53clad|awaywell this would pose a _serious_ problem for me.
07:24.02MentalPowerI worked there, so I would know exactly who to kill without too much collateral damage :P
07:24.26Tierrieuse a proxy clad
07:24.38clad|awaywhat proxy?
07:26.36art3misonly a sorta solution
07:26.40art3misaside from bitching
07:26.48art3misor living off campus ;)
07:27.20clad|awayheh, and involves an outside machine
07:27.24clad|awayi'll have to figure it all out
07:27.31clad|awaybecause this isn't "fun" for me.. its business.
07:27.38clad|awayso I suspect I'll find some way to get it resolved
07:27.43clad|awayah, either way, shower time, brb
07:29.48AnduinLotharwowi already in lite mode, eh
07:30.45Mr_Rabies2that's preparation for the slaughter tomorrow
07:30.51Mr_Rabies2despite 90% of addons still working fine
07:30.59AnduinLotharit's not gonna slaughter imo
07:31.13AnduinLotharya, none of my 100+ addons errored on ptr
07:32.08foxlitI have a feeling anything that uses unit_spell_* will be slightly borked
07:32.29AnduinLothararen't the new things jsut added args ont he end?
07:32.50Kirovyeah, there's nothing backwards compatible breaking in this patch that I know of
07:32.53foxlitI haven't actually checked in any level of detail
07:33.01foxlitThey do specify them to be arg2 and arg3
07:33.11foxlitQuestion being if there was an arg2 on those events to begin with
07:33.25AnduinLotharanyone know a mac video player that has miliseconds that i can examine frames times with?
07:33.32AnduinLotharor windows even, free
07:34.38KirovThe big gush tomorrow is going to be the millions of people who don't remember to check "Load out of Date"
07:35.34Shadowedbetter then the big gush of people who can't load there mods until the TOC is updated =p
07:36.51AnduinLothar:) i love that vmware will keep sending me 30 day trial seriel numbers if i re-request
07:38.55AnduinLotharhmmm does mplayer have miliseconds?
07:41.12Kirovnot that I can find
07:41.35AnduinLotharmeh, i can pause and play with .2s accuracy..
07:42.42clad|awayhrm.. I time out on hop 24
07:42.44clad|awayoutside Oxford
07:44.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
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07:45.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:45.06*** join/#wowi-lounge [quoin] ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:45.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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07:45.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Xinhuan ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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07:45.07*** join/#wowi-lounge kadrahil (
07:45.07*** join/#wowi-lounge _dreamss (n=tupac@
07:45.07*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (n=rumors@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:45.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
07:45.07*** join/#wowi-lounge nevcairiel (i=nevcairi@unaffiliated/nevcairiel) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:45.07*** join/#wowi-lounge |Pixel| (i=pixel@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Pixel) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:45.22MentalPowernice NetSplit
07:45.39*** join/#wowi-lounge _dreamss (n=tupac@
07:46.24KirovI like thinking of them as Net Rejoin
08:07.04*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (n=foxlit@
08:07.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
08:20.43Wraangerneed suggestions ...don't happy with the minimap in it's current state ... :
08:21.14AnduinLotharneeds a solid border
08:21.32AnduinLotharpreferably beveled
08:21.51Wraangerumm... english is not native to me ..what is "beveled" ?
08:22.17AnduinLotharsort of rounded. liek the default border
08:22.42AnduinLotharor jsut use the blue/white border you have on the other elements
08:22.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
08:23.01AnduinLotharand it looks liek it needs a shadow for consistancy
08:23.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (n=kody@
08:23.38Thunder_Childif i EVER decide to screw around the inside of my computer i will pay to fly someone to me to beat the shit out of me
08:25.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
08:25.40Thunder_Childalthough i did take my CPU from ~110 deg. to ~85 deg.
08:28.29Thunder_Childand AVG just picked up Crysis.exe as a virus...
08:30.33krkai presume that's not celcius
08:35.43Thunder_Child~30 C
08:37.01Thunder_Childalthough my GPU is runing 72 C
08:41.08krkamy gpu is generally also a lot hotter than my cpui
08:42.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
08:43.20WraangerAnduinLothar: << better ?
08:43.21foxlitInteresting, my GPU tends to be cooler.
08:44.06foxlitThen again, it's a 7600gt competing against a prescott.
08:44.36AnduinLothari liked the old texture with that border
08:44.52krkai have a 7600 GS that's at about 58C
08:45.09foxlitzalman fans, it doesn't really get above 50
08:45.26foxlitWhereas CPU idles close to that
08:45.35foxlitI may be making that up
08:48.44Wraangeranyone know how to remove that "N" from minimap ?
08:52.00Mr_Rabies2get an addon or texture for whatever minimap addon that is
08:52.08Mr_Rabies2without the N
08:52.34Wraangeri mean "N" which resides on the minimap itself, not on the border ...
08:53.11Wraangerthat little yellow letter
08:56.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
09:00.48sag_ich_nichtWraanger tell me the server you're on so i can report each and every player for speaking russian on an english language server. :X
09:01.04WraangerWarsong =)
09:01.50sag_ich_nichttoo lazy.
09:02.53Wraangerlazyness is bad :P
09:03.29WraangerAnduinLothar: i wonder .... will square minimap fit in there ? what do you think ?
09:08.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth_ (
09:11.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (n=Dotted@pdpc/supporter/student/dotted)
09:29.37*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
09:37.25Mr_Rabies2oh wait
09:37.29Mr_Rabies2wrong channel
10:00.15*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
10:08.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
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10:45.13*** part/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
10:45.34*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
11:38.41*** join/#wowi-lounge LaricWork (n=laric@
11:46.37*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
11:48.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh_ (
11:48.49JoshBorkeaw man, i'm up too late
11:49.06zenzelezzcall it an unexpected day off
11:49.53JoshBorkeat least it finished downloading
11:50.04zenzelezzporn always helps
11:56.29JoshBorkethey took the realms down early =/
11:56.52zenzelezzis there anything more to download after partial 1 and 2?
11:57.04JoshBorkei just finished patching
11:57.26JoshBorkethere's a partil-1, partial-2, and a final
11:57.48zenzelezzguess final is relatively small?
11:57.58JoshBorkeyea, about 3MB
12:16.26JoshBorkehuh, i wanted to help seed but apparently i cannot
12:19.25*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (n=Miranda@
12:19.34RallionHOUSE is on tonight.
12:20.04bleeterWine WoW 2.2.0 (7272) AppDB entry created
12:21.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (n=Industri@
12:22.33JoshBorkeRallion: WOOT!
12:36.36krkawhoa... it's still gold on 2.2?
12:37.48*** part/#wowi-lounge grephead (
12:39.47sag_ich_nichtsure krka
12:40.01sag_ich_nichtall the wine sound issues were fixed during the PTR
12:40.38sag_ich_nichthell, in the process serval other games were fixed as well because of the discovered of undocumented dll loading/unloading behaviour on windows
12:42.53krkai had problems with sound in broodwar with wine... i wonder if that's better now too
13:01.13*** join/#wowi-lounge haste_ (
13:10.39foxlitSendAddonMessage doesn't translate "RAID" to "BATTLEGROUND", does it?
13:11.40foxlitAnd another bit of qq: GetSpellCooldown does not return correct values if called on a spell given by UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED
13:11.47Nom-Because you can be in RAID and BATTLEGROUND at the same time
13:12.09foxlitBut assuming you aren't.
13:12.23Nom-For the exact reason I just stated
13:12.39foxlitMeh, need a generic "GROUP" alias that'd send the message to the widest group you're currently in
13:13.21Nom-Except you can be in Party, Raid and Battleground
13:13.42Nom-And how can it possibly distinguish between raid and battleground, since they both have the same max players
13:13.56foxlitNom-: that's not an actual issue.
13:14.10foxlitThe game knows you're in a battleground, addons know you're in a battleground
13:14.20Nom-Yeah, so what's the problem?
13:14.29Nom-You seem to be complaining because blizzard's candy isn't sweet enough...
13:14.40foxlitThat's not a valid reason? :)
13:14.59Nom-Blizzard gives you the tools to make your boat
13:15.02Nom-You have to build it
13:15.29foxlitSo why does "RAID" fall back to "PARTY"?
13:15.57Nom-It falls back, but it doesn't fall forward...
13:16.10Nom-As I
13:16.27foxlitBut "BATTLEGROUND" doesn't fall back to "RAID"
13:16.34foxlitTools could be better.
13:16.57foxlitI could give you a hammer and expect you to build a house, or I could give you something more appropriate for the job.
13:17.21Nom-One would expect that if your addon is trying to send messages to BATTLEGROUND, that you intend it to only work in BATTLEGROUND
13:17.42foxlitWrong assumption
13:17.52foxlitI intend it to work in whatever combat-relevant group I'm in at the moment
13:17.55Nom-Sounds like you're expecting a Telephathy:WorkOutWhatChannelIMean method
13:18.53foxlitI could do it myself. But I'm lazy, and there's no reason for it not to be there :)
13:19.11*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh (n=chatzill@
13:33.26foxlitMeh, cooldown being unsynced on SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED sucks :(
13:33.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
13:33.53foxlitMeans I either have to schedule an update in some generic number of seconds,  or store cooldown values for spells
13:33.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
13:36.56*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
13:37.13*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
13:37.18*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
13:37.28TS|Skrompatch day, whee!
13:37.39*** join/#wowi-lounge [KzM]Fatalis (
13:37.49TS|SkromI'm 'cited
13:37.55Shirik|EcoleI'm not
13:38.12LopeppeppyI am as well, TS|Skrom, in some ways.  In some ways not... and the mechanics of patching my system are un-fun in the extreme.
13:38.18Shirik|EcoleIf RDX breaks I"m going to be pissed because I don't want to have to fix it, but I need something to heal with until Conspiracy comes out
13:38.22TS|Skrom15 minute blessings!
13:38.29TS|Skromyou shoulda ace'd it
13:38.32*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
13:38.38sag_ich_nicht[15:33] <foxlit> Meh, cooldown being unsynced on SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED sucks :( <--wait for 2.3
13:38.43Lopeppeppy30 minute blessings, TS|Skrom....  
13:38.51foxlitsag_ich_nicht: that changes?
13:38.55TS|Skromwell yeah, 30 min greater!
13:39.00TS|Skrombut 15 min normal right?
13:39.04sag_ich_nichtfoxlit everything casting related.
13:39.11LopeppeppyYup -- which means they will last through a frellin' boss fight.
13:39.31sag_ich_nichtLopeppeppy you have watched too much scifi
13:39.40sag_ich_nichtnow please
13:39.46Kalrothpretty please
13:39.49Kalrothwith sugar on top
13:39.53foxlitsag_ich_nicht: Thought that was just instant client recognition for some effects?
13:39.54Kalrothand whipped cream
13:39.58sag_ich_nichtuse FUCKING, not frellin.
13:40.15Shirik|EcoleI like frellin
13:40.20TS|Skrommaybe she doesn't want to sound like an illiterate knuckle dragger?
13:40.22sag_ich_nicht~fail Shirik|Ecole
13:40.22purlShirik|Ecole: Fail.
13:40.23TS|SkromI'm just sayin'
13:40.29cogwheelfrakkin' imo
13:40.38LopeppeppyWell, since I'm *AT WORK*, I'll say whatever makes me happy?  Deal, guys, not everyone cusses like a sailor.
13:40.43Shirik|Ecolecogwheel: Not all of us are 90 year old geezers like you
13:40.45sag_ich_nicht[15:39] <foxlit> sag_ich_nicht: Thought that was just instant client recognition for some effects? <--no, that's not it, the exact changes are as of yet unkown
13:40.49Shirik|Ecole~love Lopeppeppy
13:40.49purlIf you love Lopeppeppy so much, why don't you marry it? (oooooh)
13:41.02TS|Skromwould if I could! Redheads... mmm
13:41.03Shirik|EcoleLopeppeppy's an it
13:41.07cogwheelShirik|Ecole: frakkin' == Battlestar Galactica not 90 year old geezer ...
13:41.09foxlit"I can't tell you what the changes are, but I can tell you what they aren't not.
13:41.18Shirik|Ecolecogwheel: totally old geezer
13:41.27Kaydeethreenice... 75.9/79.9MB
13:41.31Kaydeethree<3 the background downloader
13:42.02sag_ich_nicht[15:40] <Lopeppeppy *SNIP* not everyone cusses like a sailor. <--well that's a shame.
13:42.19Shirik|EcoleNo it's not really
13:42.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
13:42.26TS|Skromdon't you mean, "That'sa  fucking shame?"
13:42.32Shirik|EcoleI see no real point to cursing every five seconds like everyone seems to need to do these days
13:43.05LopeppeppyI use different adjectives.  I also have toddlers in my life -- they teach me that the world has different words, and that it should.  *shrug*
13:43.24bleeterKaydeethree, Polarina: Wine WoW 2.2.0 (7272) AppDB entry created ... go vote 'n stuff
13:43.32Shirik|Ecoleand just wait until they're 13 Lopeppeppy! ^^
13:43.38Polarinableeter: Will do.
13:44.32sag_ich_nichtShirik|Ecole: i don't curse, unless neccesairy. if i wouldn't curse, i'd probably start punching things & people, and i wouldn't want that.
13:44.52Shirik|Ecoleor you'd blow up like I did last night heh
13:45.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
13:45.15Shirik|EcoleI got seriously pissed at someone on vent last night heh
13:45.26Shirik|Ecoleprobably partially because I had no sleep
13:46.10sag_ich_nichtwhat did he do
13:46.16sag_ich_nicht(or she, but i doubt that)
13:46.29cogwheelwon't it be nice when nearly everyone has voice chat with no passwords to exchange? =D  </sortasarcasm>
13:46.33Shirik|Ecolehe was being completely disrespectful to several members in the guild
13:46.49Shirik|Ecoletalking about them behind their back, and talking as if he was being better than everyone else
13:46.52TS|SkromPlayers will no longer be able to change armor once an arena battle has begun. Changing armor will still be available during the one-minute prep time prior to the battle. Main hand, off hand and range weapon swapping in combat remains unchanged. <-- wasn't the point of this change so that you couldn't go into the arena, see who the opponent was and then change gear?
13:47.13Shirik|Ecoleeveryone else wouldn't step up so I said "screw it" and beat him into the ground with his own words
13:47.22foxlitIt somewhat sucks that you cannot swap trinkets with longish cooldowns
13:47.24sag_ich_nichtTS|Skrom yes so?
13:47.30TS|SkromI'm confused.
13:47.42sag_ich_nichtyou can change weapons.
13:47.47sag_ich_nichtyou can't change armor.
13:47.48foxlitIf you're assuming that you can see who you're fighting against in the 1 minute prep time, you're wrong
13:47.50TS|SkromI've never done arena so forgive me, but can you not tell from the scoreboard who the opponent is before it starts?
13:48.07foxlitNo scoreboard until someone won :)
13:48.10TS|Skromokay then *hums merrily away*
13:48.12foxlitFurthermore, track gets blocked
13:48.40Kaydeethreeexcept we can still /ignore mass numbers of people during the 1m prep time
13:49.01cogwheelthey left the daze change in the patch notes
13:49.05TS|Skromwhat does that do Kaydeethree?
13:49.32Kaydeethreeif you successfully /ignore someone from a different realm, you know that's who you're fighting
13:49.38bleetercogwheel: no doubt blizz will cry 'no time to change translation'... someone needs to point out that removing an entry doesn't need translating ;)
13:50.00PolarinaI think Blizzard has to translate the game to enGB.
13:50.19bleetersometimes I think they need to translate it to enUS
13:50.21TS|Skromwow apparently arena is srsbusniss
13:50.44Polarinableeter: WoW is in enUS language. Not enGB though. :(
13:50.54TS|SkromI disagree
13:51.03TS|SkromI don't understand half of what the people I run into say
13:51.05bleeterPolarina: I meant that sometimes they don't understand themselves ;)
13:51.13Polarinableeter: :P
13:51.57TS|SkromI'm excited about the aspect of the viper redesign too ^^
13:52.37cogwheelawww man... stupid change to bloodrage... that was my most surefire way to test addons that respond to entering combat
13:52.50foxlitFind a mob?
13:52.59foxlitSurely can't be that hard! :)
13:53.04LopeppeppyIs that a change that when you enrage, you no longer enter combat, cogwheel?
13:53.08foxlit[2.2 toc needs to find its way to the topic?]
13:53.14cogwheelLopeppeppy: yep
13:53.49TS|SkromSteady Shot: The tooltip stating the percentage of Attack Power gained by Steady Shot was inaccurate and has been corrected. The damage remains unchanged. <-- I never noticed that the other day when I was reading the patch notes, but that would explain the discrepencies I saw between listed damage and actual
13:53.51sag_ich_nichtfoxlit: the patch has not yet arrived in the old world
13:53.55cogwheelfoxlit: i don't want to have to pay attention to fighting while testing an addon. and finding something really low level doesn't last long enough to really test anything
13:54.15cogwheeli s'pose i could put on my tank gear and ditch the weapon...
13:54.29foxlitYou could find those BL immune mobs
13:54.29cogwheelbut then i'd have to go to like ... epl or something
13:54.34foxlitor rather with infinite health
13:54.35bleeterCairenn: /topic! TOC!
13:54.42sag_ich_nichtbleeter no
13:54.46sag_ich_nichtno patch in old world.
13:54.54foxlitsag_ich_nicht: And we care why? :)
13:54.55Cairennyes yes
13:54.56LopeppeppyCogwheel -- that will totally help healers though, I'm sick of my druids putting me into combat when I'm trying to drink up.
13:55.05sag_ich_nichtfoxlit: because i will hurt you if you don't.
13:55.18foxlitYou aren't scary; threat doesn't work :(
13:55.45cogwheelLopeppeppy: i've never heard of warriors' bloodrage doing that...
13:55.45bleetersag_ich_nicht: going by that theory, /topic's TOC should be whatever China is on! :P
13:55.45sag_ich_nichtfoxlit: Threat-1.0 is, indeed, broken
13:55.45Cairennso, does this content patch have a title the way they usually do?
13:55.46sag_ich_nichtnot yet
13:55.46Cairennbecause I can't find it anywhere
13:55.48sag_ich_nichtwait for it to be release
13:55.53sag_ich_nichtwhen the website updates, it will.
13:55.54foxlit"Zomg Fixed Issues Patch"
13:56.03TS|Skrom"Voices from the Darkness"
13:56.08PolarinaPatch will be on Europe tomorrow. :(
13:56.11sag_ich_nichtTS|Skrom: fact?
13:56.14Lopeppeppycogwheel -- I know that the druids did it, and I wonder if the mechanic was the sameish, like Stealth and Shadowmeld, etc.
13:56.17bleeterthe "Zomg that hawt nelf chick's really a bloke as we suspected" patch
13:56.31foxlit"Get Ready for Downtime"
13:56.35TS|Skrombut it sounded good, didn't it ^^
13:56.48bleeter"Update yer audio drivers nubs" patch
13:57.06bleeter"Vista really *IS* crap" patch
13:57.22sag_ich_nichtvista isn't crap
13:57.26cogwheelbleeter: i had zero issues getting it working with vista
13:57.27TS|Skromoops I was wrong Lopeppeppy 10 min blessings and 30 min greats :-/ still though!
13:57.29foxlitIs it wrong to use the 2.2.2 PTR to test 2.2 addons?
13:57.33cogwheelfoxlit: no
13:57.42sag_ich_nichtthe audio drivers created by the vendors are, tho :X
13:57.44cogwheelshould be only very minimal UI changes
13:58.06bleeterthe inconsistent behaviour of dsound would like to disagree :P
13:58.07cogwheelPolitically incorrect 2.2 title:        "Fix your cleft palate"
13:58.09foxlitMorally was implied, but I'll settle for the reassurance of minimal UI changes as well :)
13:59.15cogwheelbleeter: all i can say is "works for me" and I have a lot going against me... Creative sound card + onboard HD audio at the same time, 64-bit vista, etc...
14:00.30foxlitHm, I need a release subtitle.
14:00.39foxlitWho, in your opinion, is the best boss of all time?
14:00.47foxlit^ wow
14:01.18foxlitAfter you figure that out, find the 7th favorite boss and pull out a random quote :)
14:01.29CairennPatch notes:
14:01.31bleetercogwheel: all I'm saying is that towards the end of the PTR cycle, vista audio still seemed to be the main problem folks were having. some would argue that's vendor driver problems, others would argue it's vista's new driver model's problem. either way, it was a problem.
14:01.34Kaydeethreenew interface diffs up: live build: 7272 (no changes from PTR 7272)
14:01.46bleeterKaydeethree: funny that :P
14:02.00*** part/#wowi-lounge Gnancy (
14:02.35bleetercogwheel: and either way, it don't really bother me. i got my upstream fixed :D
14:04.05sysragehow crappy is the voice comm?
14:04.56cogwheelsound quality or usability?
14:05.03cogwheelor setup?
14:05.59cogwheel(all of the above?) sound quality: so-so, usability: I love it since it's integrated into the UI. Kinda sad you can't listen in on other peoples' raids and such, though you can easily create a private channel. setup: depends on your hardware & OS
14:06.08*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.2 ToC: 20200 | RTFPN please |
14:06.21Polarina2.2.0 is not out yet in Europe...
14:06.26*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.2 ToC: 20200 | RTFPN please | Patch Notes:
14:06.33sag_ich_nicht[16:00] <foxlit> Who, in your opinion, is the best boss of all time? <--VC
14:06.57cogwheeli'd agree that deadmines is one of the best instances in the game, but VC himself is ... meh
14:07.00Cairennso? 2.2 ToC = 20200 - if you aren't using 2.2 yet, then it doesn't apply to you yet, obviously
14:07.02sag_ich_nichti was kidding
14:07.11cogwheelMr. Smite, on the other hand...
14:07.15sag_ich_nichtbut seriously, the water elemental in maraudon
14:07.35foxlitI yank boss quotes as release version subtitles
14:08.09foxlit"Lapdogs, all of you!" has thus far escaped selection
14:08.14Kaydeethree"TWO SCOOPS, EXECUTUS! TWO SCOOPS!"
14:08.19sag_ich_nichtfirst boss, or for that matter instance that really requires SOME kind of thinking, anything until up there is just tank & spankable
14:10.57cogwheelcall me a masochist, but I really do love gnomer
14:11.02foxlitAlthough only 0.01% of player base experienced the end boss of that
14:11.11cogwheelI sure hope they revisit it some day
14:11.16sag_ich_nichtfoxlit: uldaman is completely tank and spankable.
14:11.34foxlitEnd boss will outheal your level-appropriate tank and spank easily
14:11.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
14:12.02sag_ich_nichti tank & spanked him as fucking fury
14:12.21foxlitYou tanked him.
14:12.24sag_ich_nichtmy warrior is lvl 41.
14:12.25foxlitSomeone has to tank him.
14:12.26bleetercogwheel: I agree
14:12.37foxlitThe rest of your group better not be blindly spanking the boss, or you'll wipe
14:12.49bleetercogwheel: well, with the revisit... I kinda still hate it lots atm ;)
14:13.03foxlitIf your criterion for "non-tank-and-spankable" involves the tank having to do something other than tanking at some point, there are very few encounters that'll match
14:14.47TS|Skromnew graveyard in southern barrens! whoa (2.2.2)
14:14.53sag_ich_nichtfoxlit: you don't need the healer or the tank to do anything but hold the mainboss aggro and heal the tank in uldaman endboss, unless your damager dealers for the adds suck
14:15.08_dreamssblizz dint move out of tank and spank untill what, bwl?
14:15.20sag_ich_nichtthey did on a few occasions
14:15.26TS|Skromsag_ich_nicht things usually complicate when the elites spawn
14:15.38sag_ich_nicht(see: maraudon the slime adds and the water elemental)
14:15.44sag_ich_nichtor uh
14:15.54sag_ich_nichtwhat was that other boss
14:15.54foxlitNoxxion is very meh
14:16.09TS|Skromprincess isn't your typical tank and spank for two reasons
14:16.10foxlitYou still tank him. You still heal the tank. You then do some AoE
14:16.22TS|Skrom1 her aoe dust cloud and the aoe fear
14:16.43TS|Skrompretty much everyone in the group gets a chance to tank ^^
14:17.00sag_ich_nichtTS|Skrom: i didn't mean in mara
14:17.26TS|Skromthat's good because I'm not talking to you specifically, just commenting on other bosses
14:17.51foxlitArathi princess?
14:18.01TS|Skromprincess theredras
14:18.06foxlitor TAQ princess?
14:18.15TS|Skrommara princess
14:18.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh_ (
14:18.34foxlitNever seen her :P
14:18.38*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
14:18.56foxlitwiki :)
14:21.13bleetertotal absolute fale
14:22.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh_ (
14:23.47foxlitBreak my PHP script:
14:24.14foxlitWell, tbh, don't break it, but maybe rate some quotes or something
14:26.01_dreamsspretty cool site
14:31.06Esamynngood morning everyone
14:31.12Esamynnwelcome to patch day! 8)
14:31.14Cairennhey Esamynn
14:31.49Cairennpretty quiet one so far - haven't had to go to extreme low bw on site yet; can still get on Blizz forums ...
14:32.19Kaydeethree"Apple said today that a firmware update to the iPhone due to be released later this week "will likely result" in SIM-unlocked iPhones turning into very expensive bricks"
14:32.45foxlitThinks to do on PTR #23432: Check if they removed "And then the tauren said, 13 inches" line from Caretaker Alen
14:33.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
14:35.44dieckhi there. can anyone tell me how long a Hydross bossfight is? or the Lurker?
14:35.58Kaydeethreehydross is 10 minutes and some change
14:36.19Kaydeethreedon't remember what lurker's enrage timer is
14:36.22*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo (
14:37.10_dreamssheh blizz preloaded the patch for 2 months
14:37.17_dreamssim sure everyone got it downloaded by now :P
14:37.52*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
14:37.52*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
14:38.11foxlitLurker doesn't enrage
14:38.26foxlitAssuming your raid is mana neutral, you can keep at him for ages
14:38.44sag_ich_nicht# Daze: Defense skill will no longer reduce the chance players have to receive the Daze effect when attacked from behind by enemies.
14:38.58sag_ich_nichtblizzard cold at least change the live patchnotes if they revert something
14:39.11_dreamssthey changed that dint they?
14:39.31foxlitWouldn't that make it a pain for tanks to move bosses in instances?
14:39.42sag_ich_nichtthey reverted the change
14:39.50sag_ich_nichtbut they didn't change the changelog entry -.-
14:39.50_dreamsslast boss from aq20 would be a bitch
14:39.54*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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14:44.43*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
14:44.43*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
14:48.36Kaydeethreewow, that's amazing... the PTRs aren't running with a queue 3k players long
14:51.15foxlitEU PvE works
14:53.25foxlitPerhaps I spoke a bit too soon.
14:55.03*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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14:56.34*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
14:57.08WobinInteresting site
14:58.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
14:59.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (n=esochan@
15:06.29Valaron|WorkI chuckled at Turtles' thread.
15:06.48*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
15:08.16*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
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15:15.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
15:19.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
15:21.05Esamynn~poke Cairenn
15:21.06purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Cairenn, pokes Cairenn repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
15:26.00cog|workwtf is wrong with the forums?
15:26.45Cairennthey're working fine for me
15:26.49Cairennor is that what you mean?
15:27.09Cairennyeah, kind of a weird concept, hey?
15:27.11cog|workit's not just tuesday maintenance... it's patch day...
15:27.20cog|workand... like zomgresponsiveness
15:28.07CairennI know
15:28.15CairennI think everyone must be in bed sick today or something
15:28.32Cairennwowi isn't slammed yet either - something is definitely wrong
15:28.36Kaydeethreehalo 3
15:29.11Valaron|WorkI've already patched and did as many updates as I could before I came to work.
15:29.42cog|workCairenn: cogsbar fell off your list on the forums somehow :P
15:32.17dreamssheh yeah halo 3.. to bad half of the copies are scratched
15:34.32*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
15:36.42art3miswowi isnt getting slammed cuz there are no realms to log into so see whether shitloads of addons are broken ;P
15:37.28Cairennusually we start getting slammed as soon as people realize the realms are down
15:38.55TS|SkromI just can't get excited about crusader strike
15:39.35TS|Skromat least not for solo/5man
15:40.08Cideyou shouldn't, it's a raid skill :P
15:40.19TS|Skromthat would explain it!!
15:40.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (i=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
15:40.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
15:40.46TS|SkromI'm leveling a new pally, thought I'd go ret this time since it'd be a new experience for me
15:41.46art3misbut ts has no raid skill!
15:41.59art3miswhy level another pally?
15:42.05art3misthat seems kind of silly
15:42.05TS|SkromI like em
15:42.23TS|Skromdifferent server too with other people
15:42.26art3misyou need a shadow priest ;)
15:42.34TS|Skromgot two of those too :P
15:42.42art3misoh well then you're fine ;P
15:42.52TS|SkromI've got at least two of just about everything
15:43.00art3misyou need a job
15:43.14TS|Skromno, job's fine. I need a girlfriend
15:43.32TS|Skrombecause then she could play the healer for once
15:43.33art3miswho needs a bot program when we can just get ts to level it for us
15:43.54TS|Skrompffft I don't have a 70 even :P
15:44.07art3missp you're figgity but not dedicated
15:44.34art3misgod dammit
15:44.44art3misi just figured out my clients email issue
15:45.43TS|Skromheck I don't even have a 65 hehe
15:45.48Industrialwtb 70 char sexual favors
15:46.00TS|SkromI've got about... 700 or so total levels though!
15:46.04Industrial>_O my current (ha) main is 27 now
15:46.27*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
15:46.37LopeppeppyI like my pally, but he's not my main.  My rogue is, all stabbity goodness.
15:46.50LopeppeppyEven chicks don't always like to play the healer.  *winks at TS|Skrom*
15:47.00Industrialhowmuch for your pally >_O
15:47.23TS|Skromwas a vehicle for the joke Lopeppeppy nothing more ;-)
15:47.23LopeppeppyHe and I are tied at the hip, Industrial.... couldn't sell him if I tried.
15:47.39Industrialbah ok
15:47.45dreamssi should sell you to the circus
15:48.05LopeppeppyThat also would work... if you count my raid group as a circus, I already belong.
15:48.29*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
15:48.49TS|Skromoh my estimate was high
15:48.49TS|Skromaccording to the selector on the forums I've got 560 levels
15:48.49TS|Skromnot couting anything below level 20
15:49.38TS|Skromand not counting any i've deleted of course
15:49.49dreamssi can barely do 140 levels
15:49.53dreamssmy lock still 68
15:52.48TS|Skromwhoa freaky. I've got a 20 lock, a 42 lock and a 62 lock
15:52.55TS|Skrom20 + 42 is 62 hehe
15:53.15LopeppeppyWhy so many of the locks?
15:53.45TS|SkromWell the 42 was my first (not really first, but I deleted all those gnomes I'd tried)
15:53.57cog|work~lart TS|Skrom
15:53.57purlhooks into a hydrant and hoses TS|Skrom down
15:54.04TS|Skromthen we switched back to alliance with some friends from the guild and I made the 62
15:54.04zenzelezzwhy can I never think up a pun like that when TC is around
15:54.33TS|Skrombut in between the switch I went and made the 20 just for fun (took about 3 days of casual play at work to get there)
15:54.47Industrialat work!
15:54.53TS|Skromhehe yeah
15:55.02Industrial!c eu vashj xamth
15:55.03ThraeBotIndustrial: Xamth, Level 27 Draenei Shaman (0/18/0). 835 HP; 1025 Mana; 64 mana regen; 34.600 Melee DPS; 10.43% melee crit; 5.30% dodge; 4.64% block; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 169 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Mon Sep 24 17:21:15 2007 EST ]]
15:55.03Industrialmy main
15:55.05TS|SkromI refrain from that these days, doesn't stop me from browsing wowhead or the forums
15:55.14TS|Skrom!c us gul'dan malick
15:55.16ThraeBotTS|Skrom: Malick, Level 43 Undead Warlock (31/3/0). 2334 HP; 3256 Mana; 101 mana regen; 27 +spell dmg/heal; 35 shadow dmg (62); 4.23% dodge; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 460 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Sep 25 12:09:52 2007 EST ]]
15:55.25TS|Skrom!c us misha rho
15:55.26ThraeBotTS|Skrom: rho is not the character you are looking for!
15:56.14TS|SkromI had at least 2 hunters to 10-15 before skrom and now I've got a 21 draenei
15:57.04zenzelezzI had two warriors to 60 before BC, one of them to 70 after...
15:57.10TS|Skrom3 mages to 22, one to 31. One of the22's I deleted since it was on my ex-wife's server
15:57.34IndustrialI don't understand how people can keep leveling like that
15:57.42Industrialmy highest ever was 46
15:57.49Industrialand it took me quite a while
15:57.57TS|Skrommy highest warrior is 42
15:58.05TS|SkromI've deleted 2 who were in the 20's
15:58.07Industrialit was a hunter
15:58.12IndustrialIf I ever get one to 70
15:58.26LopeppeppyI get to 70 by running amok with friends/guildies.
15:58.26Industrialill just get ppv gear
15:58.54TS|Skromwell I'm the type of person who enjoys learning everything they can about the games he plays.
15:58.55IndustrialI cant ever get someone to play with me
15:58.59Industrial*evil eye at mikma (
15:59.04TS|SkromI had every class to decent levels in EQ as well
15:59.28mikmaIndustrial: O_o
15:59.32TS|Skromwhen I see something about a class that I think is cool I'll paly that class to find out more about it
15:59.46Industrialmikma: habal, my hunter is level 29.
15:59.47LopeppeppyI love Misdirect...
15:59.54TS|Skromheck I started skrom for the simple reason that I read an article about how to chain freeze trap for 5+ minutes
16:00.04TS|Skromand I thought that was bitchen
16:00.07mikmaIndustrial: gz, my hunter is 22
16:00.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
16:00.38Industrialmikma: no, habal is your 24 pally. Eliasis is my 29 hunter.
16:00.41TS|SkromI just had to try it out :)
16:01.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (n=feh@
16:01.26TS|Skromthen they had to go and change traps :-/
16:02.07*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
16:03.29Cairennoi! at first glance I read that as Cidan|Lapdance
16:03.40zenzelezzthink I had a level 100ish doctor in Anarchy Online... other than that I only took fixers past 50 o_O
16:03.49TS|Skromguess I'd better stop those /msg's
16:04.13ShirikWow, I'm impressed
16:04.17Esamynn~lart TS|Skrom
16:04.17purlputs on a hockey mask and jumps out at TS|Skrom
16:04.23Shirikcampus just released the safety report for the last 3 years
16:04.34Wraanger<< 219 doc in AO =)
16:04.42ShirikSex offenses (forced and unforced): 0 (across all 3 years). Liquor arrests: 1
16:04.47zenzelezzhighest I came was 211 :-|
16:04.59TS|Skromlol highest I ever got there was I think 45
16:05.13Wraangerand 210 MP ..Mp was my first char in AO
16:05.18Nom-Anyone know the new arena points calcualtions ?
16:05.23LopeppeppyShirik -- I try so very hard not to read the campus reports....
16:05.37Shirikwhy not?
16:05.48ShirikI really wanted to see how many parking tickets they issued, but they don't tell me :(
16:05.59ShirikI know I get one about every two days so
16:06.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan|Laptop (n=feh@
16:06.20Shirikmorons don't even know their own parking rules
16:06.44Shirikyeah right Cidan|Lapdance
16:06.44Cidan|LapdanceCairenn, sooo, hi.
16:06.48Shirikyou wish
16:07.38Intangiranyone have a torrent to download the page?
16:07.45Intangiror a link for the patch
16:07.47Shirikit's called the blizzard downloaded
16:07.56Cidan|Lapdanceoh yeha
16:07.58Cidan|Lapdancepatch day
16:07.59IntangirShirik: im not at home yet
16:08.04Intangirand i dont want to waste my whole lunch hour downloading
16:08.14ShirikI fail to see the difference?
16:08.16dreamssi got the torrent
16:08.17zenzelezzdoesn't the wiki usually have patch mirrors?
16:08.17Kaydeethreeif you let the background downloader do its job, you've got a 4 meg patch to download today
16:08.22ShirikThat's quite literally all the Blizzard downloader does
16:08.35EsamynnNom-: I think all they changed was the penalty for smaller teams
16:08.45Shirikall you're doing by using a torrent is changing the tracker
16:08.46IntangirKaydeethree: thex man :)
16:08.46Shirikthat's it
16:08.46zenzelezzdreamss: important to say if that's enUS or whatever
16:08.50Shirikbut ok
16:08.51Intangiralso dreams
16:09.25Cidan|LapdancePatch day and Halo 3 day, whew.
16:09.34dreamsshalo been out for a week
16:09.39Esamynn~pokes Cidan|Lapdance
16:09.39dreamsskiddies get it today
16:09.54Esamynn~poke Cidan|Lapdance
16:09.54purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Cidan|Lapdance, pokes Cidan|Lapdance repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
16:10.34zenzelezzI still think that emote fails to specify what happens to the tree
16:10.35IntangirKaydeethree: do you use wine?
16:10.37*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
16:10.38*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
16:10.46Intangirand you use background downloader?
16:10.51Intangirwhen i used it it was causing issues
16:10.54Intangiri disabled it a long time ago
16:10.58Kaydeethreewipe out your .wine folder and try again
16:11.07Intangirnah im just gonna laeve that off ;)
16:11.12Intangiri dont want it downloading while im gaming anyway
16:11.19Kaydeethreeat 4K/s?
16:11.26ShirikI've no problems on wine either
16:11.41zenzelezzI have problems with wine
16:11.45Shirikbut should point out I obviously copied my entire directory, I don't run it from ntfs (that is if you dual boot)
16:11.46Intangirdreamss: whats that exactly?
16:11.49zenzelezzmy vision gets all blurry and my movements inaccurate
16:11.58dreamsspatch torrent
16:11.58Shirik~lart zenzelezz
16:11.58purlshoves a crumpet down zenzelezz's throat, happy now?! Huh? Want some JAM with that?
16:12.01Intangirzenzelezz: thats by design
16:12.08Thunder_Child~lart zenzelezz
16:12.08purlcats /dev/urandom into zenzelezz's ear
16:12.09Intangirzenzelezz: its a feature
16:12.12dreamssfor the windows-less doods
16:12.56Intangirwhy is this one only 79 megs but the other is over 80?
16:12.57Shirikthose are two new ones
16:13.00Shirikdid purl get new larts?
16:13.13*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
16:13.15dreamsslocale info
16:13.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
16:13.24JoshBorkestill no servers =(
16:13.26dreamssEU has spanish/french/german
16:13.30JoshBorke~lart Tuller
16:13.30purlcuts Tuller into thin stripes
16:13.32dreamssus is just englash'
16:13.42KaydeethreeJoshBorke, you honestly expect to play on the live realms before tomorrow?
16:13.57Tullerdun dun dun
16:14.01JoshBorkeKaydeethree: yes damnit.  i'm 250 gold away from my epic mount AND i have over 200g worth of stuff on the AH
16:14.08Wraangerheyaz Tuller
16:14.18ShirikJoshBorke: One of the unannounced changes in 2.2
16:14.30Intangiromg why are none of these torrents working..
16:14.35ShirikThey disabled purchase of epic flying mounts due to problems associated with the patch
16:14.39Shirikthey should return around 2.4
16:14.39zenzelezzI'm at 7500 gold and I refuse to buy epic bird (and I gave away 4000 a month ago)
16:14.41Intangirim having no luck with torrents today
16:14.41EsamynnKaydeethree: I expect the live realms will be working before noon! :P
16:14.42JoshBorkeShirik: :-P
16:14.51Esamynnzenzelezz: WHY?
16:14.52JoshBorkezenzelezz: why didn't you give ME 4000? :-P
16:14.59zenzelezzbecause you didn't mentor me
16:15.08JoshBorkebut i will now!
16:15.29JoshBorkezenzelezz: why do you refuse to buy an epic bird?
16:15.32Elkanozenzelezz, mind changing to my realm and sponsoring me? ;)
16:15.32Intangirill just download the old fasion way
16:15.40Intangirholy crap that server is fast!
16:15.46Intangirim getting 800K/s
16:15.55zenzelezzI don't find the extra speed worth such a cost. I don't fly around farming things
16:16.13Esamynnzenzelezz: it's worth it, and I don't have a gathering trade
16:16.14JoshBorkezenzelezz: that's cool.  i want it so i can get a dragon
16:17.14Intangirit is worth it
16:17.15Intangirholy crap
16:17.23Intangirthat download is done! :)
16:17.24zenzelezzI didn't buy epic riding until halfway through Hellfire Peninsula
16:17.26Intangirdamn taht is one fast server
16:17.38Intangirzenzelezz: what server are you on anyway?
16:18.00Intangirguys that is fastest download evar :0
16:18.06zenzelezz!c eu silvermoon zenzio
16:18.08ThraeBotzenzelezz: Zenzio, Level 70 Human Warrior (11/0/50). 13534 HP; 15851 Armour; 762 AP; 127.700 Melee DPS; 6.25% melee crit; 58 melee hit; 358 defense; 23.30% dodge; 27.75% block;[[ TBR: 1342 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Sep 25 12:32:44 2007 EST ]]
16:18.23Intangir!vs us mug'thol intangir eu silvermoon zenzio
16:18.26ThraeBotIntangir: Intangir vs Zenzio! A L70 rogue and a L70 warrior square off!; 23/0/38 vs 11/0/50; Intangir wins by 5 TBRs!
16:18.32Intangirholy crap
16:18.39Intangirwhat spec is that?
16:18.44Intangiris that prot?
16:18.50zenzelezzTBR isn't good with prot spec
16:18.51Intangirya that would probably be a long fight ;)
16:19.08zenzelezzI have so much fun taunting MCed people in raids
16:19.45Intangiri like gouging MCed people
16:20.01zenzelezzthe worst part about losing a tank to Inner Demons on Leotheras isn't so much losing the tank, but how much time it takes to DPS them down (if your casters are out of range)
16:20.03JoshBorkei like dotting them upu
16:20.04*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (
16:20.11Intangironce in a sethykk halls i murdereed our main haler when he got MCed ;)
16:20.21Nom-Esamynn: That's what I want to know...what's the new penalty ratios :)
16:20.23Intangirvanished/premde cheapshot coldblood eviscerate.. dead ;)
16:20.23zenzelezzwe gank people who get MCed now :-p
16:20.24Intangirthen we wiped
16:20.29Intangirit was pretty funny though
16:20.51IntangirNom-: on arena teams?
16:23.42Wraangeranyone here using TBag ?
16:25.36zenzelezzI find it sad that I'm starting to forget the AO buff names... used to know them by heart
16:25.59cog|workWraanger: i do
16:26.27Wraangercog : How categories can be re-arranged there ? i can't udnerstand that for the life of me =(
16:26.31Osagasu!vs us sentinels Epidrix us mug'thol Intangir
16:26.34ThraeBotOsagasu: Epidrix vs Intangir! A L70 paladin and a L70 rogue square off!; 0/46/15 vs 23/0/38; Intangir wins by 448 TBRs!
16:26.48cog|workWraanger: you mean how do you get categories to go into different areas of the bag?
16:26.51*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo_ (
16:26.59IntangirOsagasu: pwned
16:27.02OsagasuThat makes me giggle.
16:27.03Wraangerlike, by default bar 23 is Argent Dawn items ...... but I don't need to see that
16:27.14OsagasuBecause I've never lost to a rogue on any of my pallies.
16:27.21Intangirwhat spec is that?
16:27.34Wraangerand in advanced config, there are 100+ categories ...but I can't set categories I need to the bars i need
16:27.43Nom-Yeah, the arena team penalties post 2.2
16:28.00cog|workWraanger: I actually haven't done much manipulation of the categories :| I just use it as-is 'cause i can't stand the hassle of fixing it every time it breaks
16:28.12cog|workmy wife has had many problems updating tbag in the past
16:28.17IntangirOsagasu: i dont recall ever dueling a prot paladin
16:28.30Intangirholy ones i own
16:28.34Intangirret ones can be hard
16:28.49Intangirdont see many though
16:29.04Wraangermy wife use ArkInventory .... but as i have a total of 0 of Ace mods ...Ark is not an option for me =(
16:29.07OsagasuProt pallies are painful.  Every attack you swing gives me a 10% chance that my next 5 attacks against you will hit twice.
16:29.12LopeppeppyToo many holy paladins in cloth.  Oiy.
16:29.12Wraangerbrb in 10 minutes
16:29.24zenzelezzWraanger: why does that make it "not an option"?
16:29.26Kaydeethreethis is weird...
16:29.36Kaydeethreeforums are still responsive, so are the mod sites
16:29.37Intangiroh man i hope all my favorite addons will work
16:29.39Kaydeethreewhat's up with today?
16:29.51Osagasu!c us sentinels epidrix
16:29.52ThraeBotOsagasu: Epidrix, Level 70 Draenei Paladin (0/46/15). 13057 HP; 5718 Mana; 123 mana regen; 8 mp5; 16179 Armour; 132.400 Melee DPS; 4.57% melee crit; 17 melee hit; 167 +spell dmg/heal; 351 defense; 21.17% dodge; 19.20% block; 10 shadow resist (+10); +25 all resists (+10 shadow);[[ TBR: 900 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Sep 25 12:41:09 2007 EST ]]
16:29.58LopeppeppyKaydeethree, if you just jinxed me I'll be very unhappy at 6pm.
16:30.06zenzelezzKaydeethree: they're routing all traffic from inside the US to
16:30.26zenzelezzonly EU can view US forums = no problems
16:30.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
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16:30.48zenzelezzat least I'd solve it that way
16:32.34Osagasu!vs us sentinels Starbreak us sentinels Epidrix
16:32.37ThraeBotOsagasu: Starbreak vs Epidrix! A L70 mage and a L70 paladin square off!; 10/0/51 vs 0/46/15; Epidrix wins by 144 TBRs!
16:32.53OsagasuHe's better geared than Star. >.>
16:33.08Nom-Fear > Paladin
16:33.08Intangirare any US servers up?
16:33.14Kaydeethreenot afaik
16:33.22Nom-Not as of 5 mins ago, Intangir
16:33.23Kaydeethreedon't get your hopes up until late this evening
16:33.41Intangirdruids new duck form
16:33.48Intangirgetting owned by shammy wolf form
16:37.07dreamssweres the shaman flying ghost eagle
16:37.09TS|SkromKill Command will not charge the hunter mana if their pet is on passive. <-- um
16:37.13TS|Skrommy pet's always on passive
16:37.25TS|SkromI'm assuming that really means "when the pet isn't attacking"
16:39.04sag_ich_nichtdreamss: lol.
16:39.10zenzelezzI've tried to make sense of that note
16:39.17sag_ich_nicht(and that lol isn't about the shaman statement)
16:39.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
16:39.30dreamssi imagine
16:39.32zenzelezzKill Command is never performed automatically I thought, so I'm not sure what they mean
16:39.39Esamynn~lart Intangir
16:39.39purlcuts Intangir into thin stripes
16:39.51sag_ich_nicht"shut up about this exploit so they don't fix it" - "you insulted me!"
16:39.51dreamssseen you around for a while sag, dunno why they being like that
16:40.01Valaron|WorkHow do you compare a char in Perl?
16:40.28zenzelezzwith a hyper-optimized regexp
16:40.41Intangirim going to guess = factors in some where
16:40.58Valaron|Work== is for numerical values.
16:41.03Intangiri forgot perl
16:41.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
16:41.15Intangirprogrammed in perl for years and i couldnt write a lick of it anymore
16:41.23Intangirphp overwrote that brain space ;)
16:41.49Valaron|WorkYeah.. I should move to php.
16:41.50*** join/#wowi-lounge lolinternet (i=bitch2k@
16:41.55Intangiri programmed in basic for nearly a decade and i cant write a line of that anymore either
16:42.03Intangirthat got overwritten by C++
16:42.05Shirik|EcoleI can still write basic
16:42.11Shirik|Ecolebasic and C++ are nothing alike ><
16:42.12Intangirwonder if i will ever forget all of C++
16:42.20Esamynnoh, and Intangir, as a Druid, I was mortally offended by your comments+picture :P
16:42.28Intangirsome days when i spend the whole day yackin on irc rather than coding i think im already beginging to forget
16:42.44IntangirEsamynn: fine, no duck form for you ;)
16:42.51zenzelezzforgetting basic when you learn C++ isn't about using the same memory... it's about suppressing the nightmare
16:43.01Intangirzenzelezz: lol probably so ;)
16:43.10Esamynnok, so get this, instead of deleting characters from the PTRs from the last test phase, they isntead simply deleted all of their items!
16:43.10Intangirwith coding it really seems use it or lose it
16:43.31IntangirEsamynn: thats odd
16:43.31AdysI want to be OP!
16:43.39AdysIm just a poor mage!
16:43.41foxlitmeh, c is a bigger nightmare than basic
16:43.44Intangirlast night they banned a friends account
16:43.49zenzelezzI said C++, not C
16:43.57EsamynnCairenn: that is sooo.......
16:44.03Intangirhe deleted his character, and created a level 1 on an alternate account, to try and get them to restore his main so he can change the name
16:44.06Intangirso they caught him
16:44.22Intangirsaid we know it was your level 1 on the other account, so we are going to delete that level 1, and restore your main with its original name
16:44.22CairennEsamynn: ?
16:44.25Intangirso they did..
16:44.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (
16:44.31Intangirbut they also banned his other account, which has a couple 70s on it
16:44.32EsamynnCairenn: 2
16:44.37Shirik|EcoleI tend to disagree
16:44.37Intangirisnt that weird?
16:44.44Shirik|EcoleI think C is a great language, but some of the libraries are stupid
16:44.44lolinternet[18:42] <Intangir> wonder if i will ever forget all of C++ <--i managed to do so, trice
16:44.46CairennEsamynn: you know what that is
16:44.50EsamynnI do
16:44.53Shirik|EcoleI code on VxWorks with C, and it's pretty good
16:44.56Esamynnand it's just so.......
16:44.57Shirik|EcoleI completely avoid anything POSIX though
16:45.05Cairennsweet :p
16:45.08Intangirlolinternet: what do you program with now?
16:45.12Esamynnok, sure, sweet :P
16:45.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
16:45.51Intangirlolinternet: yo?
16:46.05foxlitzenzelezz: consider it appropriate substituted
16:47.38lolinternet[18:45] <Intangir> lolinternet: what do you program with now? <--nothing :D
16:47.52Shirik|Ecolenothing is a great language
16:47.56Shirik|Ecolevery hard to make bugs in it
16:48.09lolinternetit's practicially impossible
16:48.11Shirik|EcoleI'd say it's impossible
16:48.21lolinternetas soon as you introduce a bug, it breaks the syntax instantly
16:48.26foxlitIt's very counter-productive, though
16:48.32foxlitYou never get anything done with nothing
16:48.32Intangirit sucks
16:48.35Intangiryou cant program jack with nothing
16:49.16Valaron|WorkBlech. $char =~ m/^N$/;
16:49.20dreamssty for that pic
16:50.31Intangirisnt taht wrong ;)
16:51.02purlhmm... nothing is something
16:51.22Intangiromg thats funny ;)
16:51.36Intangirnow i want to save the original
16:51.37dreamss <-- slapped on the front page news
16:51.53dreamssnow my guild site will get more traffic'
16:52.04Intangirim at work
16:52.08Intangirscrolled down
16:52.23Intangirgot some nice porn on my work screen, ya thx for the dual monitors boss, they are working out great
16:52.37dreamssmaybe hell ask for the url
16:53.01ScytheBlade1Is anyone able to get a raw .exe for the patch for this one?
16:53.19ScytheBlade1It seems that every time I try, it forces me into partial-1.mpq, etc
16:53.34Kaydeethreethat's how it's gonna work since they used the background downloader
16:53.38dreamssdo u have everything else?
16:53.44Kaydeethree2 partials, a final and the BNUpdate app
16:54.00LopeppeppyNot a whole-file on FilePlanet?
16:54.00dreamssthere the enUS BNUpdate
16:54.06dreamssand final
16:54.07ScytheBlade1Right right
16:54.14Intangiruse this link
16:54.16Intangirthats the one right there
16:54.19Intangirits fassst
16:54.52ScytheBlade1All in .zip
16:55.12ScytheBlade1Yeah, no full .exe for us it seems
16:55.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
16:55.57Intangirwell im not going on lunch break till servers come up
16:56.12Kaydeethreeouch, another 6+ hours of work for you
16:57.57Intangirdoh ;(
17:00.02sag_ich_nichti'm going to a concert tomorrow
17:00.10sag_ich_nichtdownloading the patch while i'm there
17:00.20sag_ich_nichtnever play on patchday
17:00.45Valaron|WorkI have to install my bluetooth adapter again.
17:02.36*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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17:05.04ScytheBlade1lol holy crap I just got a .exe for the patch
17:05.05ScytheBlade1f t w
17:05.36LopeppeppySee?  Santa Claus does exist.
17:06.39ScytheBlade1Wow, their mirroring system is complete, to say the least
17:06.44ScytheBlade1This will be a trick to download
17:06.53LopeppeppyNightmare Before Christmas, Big Red Lobster Man!
17:07.41ScytheBlade1GET /WoW- HTTP/1.0 <-- who wants to guess what that /21 represents?
17:07.58foxlitpiece, duh :)
17:08.10zenzelezzcould be anything
17:08.12ScytheBlade1Yeah. Pieces.
17:08.12mikmahow big is the patch actually?
17:08.16ScytheBlade1Over HTTP.
17:08.23mikmaScytheBlade1: 21 as port?
17:08.33zenzelezzyou already have a connection when you issue a GET
17:08.35foxlitThought it was 80, tbh
17:08.38sag_ich_nichtScytheBlade1 are you telling me what i think you are telling me.
17:08.38zenzelezzno more ports involved
17:08.58ScytheBlade1Their HTTP mirrors are distributed in chunks which match the BT chunks
17:09.01sag_ich_nichtScytheBlade1 i am lazy, care to check if enGB is up too
17:09.03ScytheBlade1And the downloader assembles it all
17:10.07ScytheBlade1Hmm, I set the user agent, and it's still giving me error 400
17:10.27foxlitDon't cheat the system, yeah
17:10.43zenzelezz400? Isn't that a generic error code?
17:10.45ScytheBlade1Give me a sec, I've got the ethereal packets in front of me
17:10.46foxlitcontinues failing to, you mean? :)
17:10.54ScytheBlade1"HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 400 Bad Request"
17:11.05ScytheBlade1Nah, looks like I have to set the range of bytes requested too
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17:11.49Shirik|Ecole~lart ScytheBlade1
17:11.49purlpries ScytheBlade1's back open with a screwdriver and flashes a new bootldr to ScytheBlade1
17:11.54ScytheBlade1The fact that they're distributing the patch in BT sized, and compatiable, chunks over HTTP
17:11.54Shirik|Ecolefail at HTTP imo
17:11.57ScytheBlade1Is both scary and impressive
17:12.14zenzelezzremind me why you're not just getting the partials?
17:12.38ScytheBlade1zenzelezz, little more to it than that... that's all they're offering
17:12.45ScytheBlade1The downloader HTTP mirror reads .exe
17:12.54ScytheBlade1The HTTP GET request reads .exe/832
17:12.59ScytheBlade1Where /832 matches a BT chunk number
17:14.12ScytheBlade1... and wget lacks an option to specify the number of bytes to download
17:14.25zenzelezzwrite a small program yourself
17:14.38sag_ich_nichtcurl > wget
17:14.39purlCommand line tool for getting data from a URL. URL:
17:15.09ScytheBlade1That might work
17:15.11dreamsslib http in any script language>
17:15.56sag_ich_nichtScytheBlade1 so what you say is that one should write a curl script and a tiny cat script
17:16.13ScytheBlade1sag_ich_nicht, in theory... you'd have to collect all of the everything about the torrent first
17:17.00sag_ich_nichtjust extract the .torrent from the downloader
17:17.04sag_ich_nichtthen you know the chunksize
17:17.08dreamssdecompile the torrent, parse it
17:17.09ScytheBlade1That'd be one amazing script.
17:17.20dreamsswhile get all
17:17.29dreamssi could prolly do it dosent sound that hard
17:17.38dreamssthere should be enough info on torrent files
17:17.39Intangirare any servers up yet?
17:17.44sag_ich_nichtsimple while loop
17:17.47sag_ich_nichtScytheBlade1 i can decompile the downloader in like 2 minutes
17:17.51sag_ich_nichtpretty easy to extract
17:17.55LopeppeppyIntangir, you're such an optimist!
17:17.58ScytheBlade1There is enough info in the .torrent, but the .torrent also contains binary
17:18.26ScytheBlade1The checksums are in binary
17:19.11ScytheBlade1Aye, I use WoWTorrentEx
17:19.37zenzelezzthe background downloader always seems to extract the .torrent for me
17:19.38sag_ich_nichtalso that
17:19.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Vangual (
17:19.50sag_ich_nichtthe torrent is extracted in later versions of the downloader to some folder
17:19.53sag_ich_nichtforgot which one
17:19.53dreamssmd5sum: (optional) a 32-character hexadecimal string corresponding to the MD5 sum of the file. This is not used by BitTorrent at all, but it is included by some programs for greater compatibility.
17:19.53ScytheBlade1zenzelezz, the background downloader downloads just the torrent from their servers, not a full blown patcher
17:19.59dreamssjust mo5 sum
17:20.10ScytheBlade1The individual -downloader.exe files do contain a torrent, and a torrent client
17:20.30ScytheBlade1In the case of the background downloader, they simply use BackgroundDownloader.exe as the torrent client, with the .torrent provided
17:21.13dreamssif i could find info on a parser that will spit out the .torrent info
17:21.17dreamssi would be money
17:21.34ScytheBlade1Parsers are easy. The .torrent format was designed in a *very* simple way
17:21.44clad|awayAnyone here familiar with playing Wow between the EU and US regions?
17:21.50sag_ich_nichtclad|away aye
17:21.59dreamssjust change the login server
17:22.04dreamsson the wow dir
17:22.05clad|awayMy traceroute to fails
17:22.08clad|awayi.e. I cannot get there.
17:22.24ScytheBlade1sag_ich_nicht, that isn't a .torrent parser, that's a .torrent extracter from the downloader files.
17:22.27dreamssits a round robin
17:22.41sag_ich_nichti was just going to say
17:22.52sag_ich_nichtclad|away: which OS
17:23.01clad|awaymac os x
17:23.07clad|awaynever had an issue before moving to england, lol
17:23.22dreamss110-117 thats the ip range for login servers
17:23.39dreamssand i syck at making ranges on legit format
17:23.49sag_ich_nichtthat is normal
17:23.52clad|awayyes i know its round robin
17:23.53sag_ich_nichtyou get eaten by the firewall
17:23.54clad|away25 (  154.272 ms  154.274 ms  154.253 ms
17:23.56clad|awayI fail after this hop, each and every time.
17:24.04clad|awaywell i also can't get to wow
17:24.07clad|awaywhich is my concern
17:24.14sag_ich_nichtbut hold
17:24.18sag_ich_nichti'll try from a few server
17:24.34clad|awaywhats the EU logon server?
17:24.42clad|awayso i can try to authenticate against it.
17:24.58dreamssxx = each region
17:25.10sag_ich_nichtthis ssh lags
17:25.27dreamssits a round robin, try each of the ips
17:25.34dreamssu might get a diff route on one of them
17:25.45Tullermy guess is that he accidentally paged
17:25.50sag_ich_nichtit's definitily the firewall
17:25.51sag_ich_nichtand clad|away
17:25.54sag_ich_nichtit's patchday
17:25.58sag_ich_nichtstart launcher.exe
17:26.04sag_ich_nichtit will start the patcher for you
17:26.05clad|awayyes.. I'm fully aware of this.
17:26.12clad|awaynone of this has anything to do with my issue
17:26.22dreamssrouting issue
17:26.23sag_ich_nichti can't tracert it from server within the us either
17:26.23clad|awayi think the traffic is getting blocked by my colleges firewall
17:26.30sag_ich_nichtclad|away no, it's not.
17:26.34clad|awaywell i just attempted to tracert
17:26.35sag_ich_nichti tried from 5 servers now
17:26.36clad|awaylisten to me.
17:26.39clad|awaytraceroute was a test
17:26.39sag_ich_nicht4 of the min the US
17:26.42clad|awayi thought it was an issue, its not.
17:26.46clad|awayi however, cannot connect
17:26.52clad|awayi time out, every single time
17:26.54clad|awayto eu and us.
17:26.59sag_ich_nichtdo you have access to a server
17:27.06dreamssu have access to any ssh servers?
17:27.11clad|awayone, yes.
17:27.14dreamssu can use a ssh tunnel
17:27.22RallionFact 1: I have to go to class. Fact 2: My cat is clearly not feeling well. Conclusion: In 4 hours, I am going to come home to find a pile of puke in every single room.
17:27.22sag_ich_nichtthat's stupid
17:27.26dreamssand slow
17:27.27clad|awayhave any information on it?
17:27.32sag_ich_nichtclad|away it's easy
17:27.34clad|awayi need a temp solution
17:28.06sag_ich_nichtedit /etc/sshd.conf to allow tunnels
17:28.20sag_ich_nichtopen putty
17:28.22clad|awaymy box went offline, so no, i don't.
17:28.28clad|awayjust checked.
17:28.31dreamssu need proxycap and scrt basicly, setup scrt to use ssh forwarding with dynamic port proxy
17:29.10sag_ich_nichtclad|away well the next thing you should do is check if traffic over the gameport in general is broken
17:29.19sag_ich_nichtif so, complain to your admin now.
17:29.24sag_ich_nichtbecause he's a fucking dickweec
17:29.36clad|awayhow would i go about doing this?
17:29.49sag_ich_nichtfirst you tell me the domain of your college
17:29.56sag_ich_nichtthen i go and lookup his sorry ass
17:30.00sag_ich_nichtand give you his phonenumber.
17:30.10clad|awayhow do i test the traffic over the gameport
17:30.10art3misgod i love that downy spray on wrinkle remover
17:30.26art3misplay a game ;)
17:30.32sag_ich_nichtthat's not how you do it.
17:30.41sag_ich_nichtclad|away: have access to a http server somewhere?
17:30.57sag_ich_nichtmake a testsite on the gameport and see if you can open it in a browser :P
17:31.06clad|awaywhats the gameport?
17:31.29Intangirservers up yet?
17:31.34Kaydeethreeahahaha no
17:31.35Intangirwhy should it take so long?
17:31.41Kaydeethreeit's patch day
17:31.42Intangirthey had background downloader getting it out to people
17:31.45Kaydeethreeservers are typically down all day
17:31.46sag_ich_nichtthat way you will only check tcp reachability tho
17:31.50art3misthey havent completed the ritual yet ;P
17:31.51sag_ich_nichtfor UDP i'd suggest something else
17:31.51Kaydeethreeserver-side issues, not client-side issues
17:32.06Intangirthey need the blood of a virgin? and cant find any in california
17:32.15art3misor a blizzard ;)
17:32.22clad|awayi'm gonna write a test server in lua
17:32.28clad|awayprobably the best i can do right now to test udp and tcp
17:32.34Intangirclad|away: im going to pray god have mercy on your soul
17:32.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Fisker- (
17:33.07dreamssnetcat -l -p
17:33.23sag_ich_nichttell me the domain in the meantime clad|away(or just gimme your ip and reverse dns it and check it >.>)
17:33.43sag_ich_nichtand i'll lookup your local admin
17:33.45dreamssclad|away, just out of curiousity
17:33.58dreamsstelnet 80
17:34.20clad|awayconnect fine.
17:34.35dreamssget securecrt
17:34.52dreamsswow only uses 3724 right?
17:35.15dreamssgrab scrt
17:35.18clad|awaydreamss: this is not a windows machine.
17:35.26dreamssur on what?
17:35.27sag_ich_nichtdreamss mac os x
17:35.30clad|awaymac osx
17:35.37dreamssu have openssh?
17:35.45sag_ich_nichtprobably not, but she could download it.
17:35.57dreamssill get u going
17:36.16clad|awayI'm not a she
17:36.18clad|awayfirst off :P
17:36.31art3mismay as well be ;P
17:36.32Kaydeethreethere are women on the internet?
17:36.33clad|awayyes i have the openssh client
17:36.38sag_ich_nichti knew that clad|away.
17:36.50sag_ich_nichtafter all i saw the blizzcon pics that leave no doubt :P
17:36.56clad|awaydreamss: what do you need me to do with openssh
17:37.04Cairenn<== woman on internet
17:37.04dreamssgive me a sec
17:37.18sag_ich_nichtCairenn lies
17:37.19purl"Welcome to IRC: where the men are men, the women are men, and the little girls are FBI agents."
17:37.21art3misyer a woi?
17:37.27Lopeppeppy<===== other woman
17:37.28Fisker-Anyone know if Blizzard in the US have an address like the european ""
17:37.37sag_ich_nichtFisker- replace EU with US iirc.
17:37.37Fisker-and no i don't want the obvious stated unless you can actually back it up
17:37.43Fisker-DO NOT WANT sag_ich_nicht
17:38.00KaydeethreeFisker-, gm, cm, tech support?
17:38.15ScytheBlade1So, US PvE Test server. There are maybe 4-6 horde camping the alliance spawn.
17:38.20sag_ich_nichtFisker- okay you are right
17:38.20Fisker-i'm guessing CM
17:38.22ScytheBlade1It's time to get my main and wreck them.
17:38.36Fisker-although is none of those 3
17:38.46dreamssssh -l dreamss -L -N -f
17:38.52sag_ich_nichtFisker-: billing?
17:38.52Kaydeethreewhole bunch of public emails
17:38.58Fisker-sag_ich_nicht no
17:39.01dreamssssh -l USERNAME -L -N -f
17:39.02clad|awaydreamss: i don't have a remote ssh server
17:39.06sag_ich_nichtwhat you need then? :O
17:39.12Fisker-it's an email for the higher powers of Blizzard
17:39.18sag_ich_nichtFisker- o rly
17:39.21sag_ich_nichtwhy is that
17:39.52sag_ich_nichtis this a WoW concern or a general blizzard concern Fisker-?
17:40.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
17:40.21Fisker-general blizzard sag_ich_nicht :o
17:40.37dreamsscan i trust you on my shell account?
17:40.40dreamssi can let u use it
17:40.52sag_ich_nichtdreamss _your_ shell account?
17:41.00dreamssone of them
17:41.02dreamssi have to many
17:41.09Intangirwhat are you getting on his shell account for?
17:41.10Fisker-I hate Shell
17:41.13Fisker-expensive gas
17:41.17sag_ich_nichtmy point is not about ammount but about ownership dreamss.
17:41.27LunessaNever share passwords for accounts.  Seriously.  
17:41.29clad|awaywhy don't you set up that side of forwarding for me?
17:41.35dreamssmy servers i can give out my root pass
17:41.35Fisker-obvious troll rolling in
17:41.39clad|awaymaking me a generic shell for the time being
17:41.41dreamssand noone can mess it up
17:41.57dreamssits all on ur client
17:42.02dreamssssh -l USERNAME -L -N -f
17:42.08dreamssconnects to
17:42.15clad|awaywhich i dont have.
17:42.15dreamssfordwards from there
17:42.25Intangirlet me in your box
17:42.28dreamsswhich is why i offered mine temp
17:42.30dreamssu wish
17:42.33clad|awaycontrary to popular belief, I'm not retatded :P
17:42.35Intangirdo eet now
17:42.53art3misclad can you traceroute to it?
17:42.56Fisker-well clad|away we can always wish?
17:43.35dreamssclad|away, if u make me a shell account on ur box
17:43.40dreamssi can connect to my shell from there
17:43.44dreamssand u have forwarding
17:43.57clad|awaythat's completely unnecessary
17:44.43dreamssoh and u setup ur login server as localhost
17:44.47dreamssinstead of us....
17:44.48Intangiri have a shell server
17:44.51Intangirgo ahead
17:44.54Intangirmake my day
17:45.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Xinhuan (
17:45.35dreamssssh -l dreamss -L -N -f <-- mysql from halfway across the world
17:45.59Intangirsomeone try and log in on me
17:46.02sag_ich_nichtFisker-: get gizmo project and call 9499551380
17:46.22Intangirwhat log does it show ssh login failures in?
17:46.32sag_ich_nichtemails are for pussies
17:47.07Kaydeethreewell I'll be damned... one battlegroup's up
17:47.10dreamssor messages
17:47.17sag_ich_nichtKaydeethree i'll be damned.
17:47.20sag_ich_nichtlogin on it now
17:47.23sag_ich_nichtto bring it down again
17:47.35sag_ich_nichtgo on, create characters!
17:47.54Intangirwhich one?
17:48.09dreamssmy tiought exactly sag
17:48.15Intangirwhich server is up?
17:48.21Intangiris mug'thol up?
17:48.23Intangirim going to lunch ;)
17:49.10sag_ich_nichtFisker- you heard me?
17:50.16clad|away3784 is the wow port?
17:50.32clad|awaycleared scrollback
17:50.54dreamssit got quite crazy
17:51.34sag_ich_nichtclad|away: +44 1865 273233
17:51.41sag_ich_nichtif that isn't your admins phone number
17:51.49sag_ich_nichtask for Alan Gay
17:51.54clad|awayi'm sure it is.. but that's nothing I can sort out right now
17:51.59art3misA. Gay ?
17:52.02art3mispoor guy
17:52.07clad|awayI know who to contact tomorrow, just trying to figure it all out.
17:52.21dreamssin europe Gay is not as bad as US
17:52.38dreamssthey call their cigs "fags"
17:52.53art3misheh his last name would have to be A. European ;)
17:53.57sag_ich_nichtdon't ask for alan gay
17:54.01sag_ich_nichtask for Doctor Alan Gay
17:54.20dreamsswhat is he a dr on?
17:54.28kaidendreamss, yes but do you know where the word fag originally came from?
17:54.29sag_ich_nichti haven't found out yet
17:54.34kaidenand why they named their cigerattes fags?
17:54.35sag_ich_nichtfaggot, bundle of sticks.
17:54.46sag_ich_nichtenglish 101
17:54.49kaidenno, in the olden days when they would burn witchs they would round up the gay people in the town
17:54.52kaidenand use them as kindling wood
17:54.57dreamssif i asked the ppl i know they would laff
17:55.02kaidento burn the witches, which then became faggot, a bundle of sticks
17:55.08Cairennkaiden: a faggot is an armload of wood
17:55.14kaidenas well as the derogatory remark they called gay people
17:55.30kaidenCairenn, yes but trace the history back far enough and you'll see what it really was first used as
17:55.41sag_ich_nichtthat's a cute url.
17:55.42kaidenand how it's term has been morphed into different things over the centuries
17:56.15sag_ich_nichtmy point is about the url.
17:56.35sag_ich_nichtmaybe the underlining helps :P
17:56.55Intangirwell these servers are still not up?
17:57.02Intangirdamn it wanted to play around on my lunch break with iit
17:57.07Intangireztv is down, servers are down
17:57.14Intangirwtf am i going to do on my lunch break? eat?
17:57.17sag_ich_nichteztv isn't down.
17:57.51sag_ich_nichtthe miivi tracker is down tho
17:57.51sag_ich_nichtwhich kinda sucks
17:57.51dreamssmy realm just came up
17:57.52kaidenwhat's this? :P
17:57.52sag_ich_nichtbut isohunt supplied more than enough replacement trackers
17:57.52Intangiri wanted to download prisonbreak and heroes
17:57.52sag_ich_nichtkaiden don't ask.
17:58.00kaidenah, i use newsservers to download my tv episodes
17:58.11Intangirwell im going to lunch anyway
17:58.20Intangirwe should get a vent server for this channel
17:58.21sag_ich_nichtdreamss look at the url i posted above
17:58.27sag_ich_nichtisn't it cute? :X
17:58.29Intangirshould be plenty of people with unneeded vent servers here shortly
17:58.31dreamssi saw
17:59.07dreamssyay for load out of date addons
17:59.16dreamsswhy does blizz change the fucking setting every patch
17:59.28kaidenwhich reminds me.. time to download Heroes from last night
17:59.30Kaydeethreeto make people update their mods
17:59.30kaideni hope it was good
17:59.32kaiden! :P
17:59.41sag_ich_nichtbecause of idiots.
17:59.55clad|awaymy outgoing traffic on 3724 is blocked.
18:00.10SixenKD3, I liked the name of your "It's Patch Day", I borrowed it.. Somewhat.
18:00.12dreamssssh tunnel ftw
18:00.15clad|awaysrsly puts a damper on my shit tonight.
18:00.20dreamsswow my UI is fucked
18:00.22dreamsslike bad
18:00.26sag_ich_nichttry other ports, clad|away.
18:00.26sag_ich_nichtclad|away call the number right now
18:00.26kaidenBuffalo-zhCN.lua:35: unexpected symbol near '? :(
18:00.28sag_ich_nichthe's probably still in his office
18:00.47sag_ich_nichtand flame him with the wrath of a thousand angry gods.
18:00.48*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
18:01.33dreamssError: Couldn't find CVar named 'EnableErrorSpeech'AddOn: Ace2File: AceComm-2.0.lua
18:02.00dreamsswhats the command to change the ui size?
18:02.06sag_ich_nichti dunno, lol!
18:02.17sag_ich_nichtjust run WoW in console mode.
18:02.18MentalPower--/run UIParent:SetScale(1.0)
18:02.22Cideescape -> video options -> UI Scale
18:02.27sag_ich_nichtor that.
18:03.32dreamssand halaa is bugged
18:03.53cncfanaticsdo enUS patches work for enGB, anyone ? I have no idea :p
18:04.11sag_ich_nichtcncfanatics no.
18:04.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|sleep (
18:04.22cncfanaticsthanks sag_ich_nicht
18:04.29sag_ich_nichtELP support isn't in the US client
18:04.31sag_ich_nichtand some other stuff.
18:04.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
18:04.53dreamsspatches dont work on diff zones
18:05.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
18:05.11sag_ich_nicht[20:04] <Ellipsis> also: everyone else's server still say "Welcome to patch 2.1.3!" on login?
18:05.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
18:05.44cncfanaticsELP ?
18:05.59MentalPowerEuropean Language Pack
18:06.06cncfanaticsah yea, diff language & shit?
18:06.18sag_ich_nichtscrew you guys
18:06.19dreamsslocale and shit
18:06.29dreamssstargate A came out too
18:06.39sag_ich_nichtit should be out in 3 days
18:06.40sag_ich_nichtnot today
18:07.00sag_ich_nichtis it only the topsites yet
18:07.07sag_ich_nichtor has it propagated yet
18:07.11sag_ich_nichtdreamss verified?
18:07.12dreamssi got it off the newsgroup
18:07.15dreamssshould be torrented
18:07.22dreamssi can check
18:08.07dreamssmy room feels like a spaceship, gotta switch a lot of shit to change player
18:08.30*** join/#wowi-lounge ts_velk (
18:09.08dreamssits like a workprint tho, unfinished work without some sound effects
18:09.40Kaydeethree"Welcome to patch 2.2! Due to recent changes, it may be necessary to reset your User Interface. Voice chat has been implemented and will be enabled soon. For more information please visit"
18:10.09EsamynnKaydeethree: so much for your predictions of no servers until tomorrow :P
18:10.13KaydeethreeI know, I'm in shock
18:10.58Esamynnhmm, I wonder
18:11.02Esamynn~shock Kaydeethree
18:11.14Esamynnoh well, was worth a try ;)
18:11.53kaidensag_ich_nicht, h8... i still have 2 mins left to download S02E01 of Heroes
18:12.00Fisker-dreamss is the ones with special effects audio?
18:12.10Fisker-They already leaked SG:A 401 and 402 a couple of weeks ago
18:12.16Fisker-but they were without special effects and music
18:12.29Fisker-well besides for crewmembers shouting "BOOM" "CRASH" etc.
18:12.29dreamssweeks old?
18:12.36*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
18:12.36*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
18:13.00kaidenFisker-, oooh? serious
18:13.03kaideni'm gonna have to grab them
18:13.16kaideni'm still upset that they ended SG1 on such a stupid note..
18:13.21kaidenthey didn't finish up any of the story imo
18:13.31cladhairecan anyone get here:
18:13.43Cairenncladhaire: I was able to, yes
18:13.44*** join/#wowi-lounge [Ammo] (
18:13.45cladhaireCairenn: been deleted
18:13.45Fisker-kaiden they're gonna do that with the movies
18:13.48cladhairewhat does it say?
18:13.50Fisker-but it's kinda a shame
18:13.57dreamssits fine
18:14.02Cairennworcester college ...
18:14.12cladhairei can't get to it
18:14.18Fisker-they were on a roll, getting the series renewed all the time, and then when they finally introduce big new story elements they tell them to shut it down
18:14.45cladhaireCairenn: [The topic you're trying to post to has been deleted]
18:14.53kaidenFisker-, it only ended because of Richard Dean Anderson
18:14.53Cairennyeah, saw that
18:14.57cladhairewhat was it?
18:14.59kaidenFisker-, which i understand why he left
18:15.03kaidenbut still.. he was the show imo
18:15.12Cairennjust saying that there had been a problem with Clique, but then he got it working
18:15.16cladhaireoh okay
18:15.42Kaydeethreeanyone hear anything about itemrack?
18:15.55Fisker-yeah he was great kaiden :o
18:15.56zenzelezz"Lung Juice ****tail:"
18:16.18dreamssyeah s0401 and 02 are there
18:16.36mikmaCairenn: your link makes me firefox error :(
18:16.55Cairennbecause it's been poofed
18:17.15mikmacan't remember did i paste this here:
18:17.25Fisker-mikma you mean "Firefox :( error"
18:17.26TS|Skromping deltron
18:17.27Thunder_Child*sigh* "HK residents can now get a whopping 100Mbps fiber optic connection for a mere $48.50 a month. And that's the entry-level package."
18:18.01deltronTS|Skrom: pong
18:18.16TS|Skromts|velk is someone you know ^^
18:18.22dreamsspretty cool idea for tattos
18:18.32dreamssu can get ink on you and be work safe
18:18.33TS|Skromoh is he talking to you?
18:18.52dreamsssweden gets 100mbit for 40bucks too
18:19.16sag_ich_nichtmikma: potentialy toxic tho maybe?
18:19.23*** join/#wowi-lounge YammYgirlcoding (n=hoho@
18:19.27mikmasag_ich_nicht: shoudln't be, but who knows
18:19.31Thunder_Child"1Gbps for $215.40 a month"
18:19.47deltronI think a lot of people are calling in sick today, since it's halo 3 launch day
18:19.51deltronand wow patch day :P
18:19.59sag_ich_nichtmhm FDA testing
18:20.00TS|Skromwhich makes no sense to me (the halo 3 part)
18:20.03sag_ich_nichtFDA testing sucks.
18:20.03Cairennservers back up
18:20.17TS|Skromif I wanted to be bored out of my mind for oh... 30 mins I'd just go watch Oprah
18:20.33ts|velkbut she is on for an hour
18:20.40TS|Skromit's all I could stand, man.
18:20.41dreamsssag_ich_nicht, they use the same ink to tag animals
18:21.00LunessaWatching Oprah is bad, m'kay?  Rotting your mind with fluff kills your gaming skillz and any programming cred you might have.
18:21.40TS|SkromLunessa but watching Burn Notice is good.
18:21.44TS|SkromManaged that yet?
18:21.50YammYgirlcodingts|velk oprah fakes it's on for 1 hour, cause half time is commercial. She talks 5 minutos and 10 of comercial, rinse and repeat.
18:21.54LunessaI saw the entire season in 1 day.
18:22.12LunessaUSA had a marathon
18:22.18TS|Skromnicely done
18:22.19LunessaOn a Sunday.
18:22.23ts|velkIts wonder that what she says takes that much time actually
18:22.24TS|Skromgreat show, eh?
18:22.43TS|Skromfiona... mmmmm
18:22.45LunessaSo I got to see it, AND keep my stance on intellectual property intact.
18:23.08YammYgirlcodingoprah is not fun anymore. she says 5 complete phrases, and...comercial... that's piss anyone's nerves
18:23.32foxlitConfirm: is completely and utterly wrong
18:23.36ts|velkSee what you started Skrom
18:23.45TS|SkromGood times?
18:23.58YammYgirlcodingso guys, is it harmless to manually change toc to 20200 ?
18:24.19TS|Skromno reason to
18:24.21LunessaNever do that.
18:24.23TS|Skromand does more harm then good
18:24.44YammYgirlcodingso what I do? all addons are gone. should 'read old' then?
18:24.52Kaydeethreejust check "Load out of date"
18:24.53TS|Skromclick the box ftw
18:25.07YammYgirlcodingi hate this load out of date :(
18:25.14Kaydeethreeand get updates to your mods:
18:25.24Kaydeethreeload out of date is better than changing the toc, for the reason I linked earlier
18:25.26sag_ich_nichtHIRO NAKAMURA
18:25.34foxlitMeh, Kaydeethree
18:25.37*** join/#wowi-lounge [Ammo] (
18:25.56TS|Skromdie pew pew
18:26.08foxlitEncouraging people to storm the addon sites for updates while predicting they'll fail on patch day is akin to creating a bank rush!
18:26.35TS|Skrombank rushes are good, they keep the banks on their toes ^^
18:26.39KaydeethreeI need to figure out how to reword it now that the servers are back up
18:27.15foxlit"Update your addons. That's always a good thing"
18:27.34sag_ich_nichtGOD DAMN IT HIRO
18:27.42sag_ich_nicht(yes that was all i am going to say)
18:27.47TS|Skromcaps are cruise control for cool :D
18:28.35Cairennyeah, you can tell the servers are back up - now we're starting to get slammed
18:28.36TS|SkromMy father and I were pondering last night why we've not been treated to a remake of Quantum Leap
18:28.40TS|Skromnow that was a good show
18:28.58Kaydeethreepoke me if you need me to change the link to wowi
18:29.14*** join/#wowi-lounge [KzM]Fatalis (
18:29.24Fisker-sounds pleasurable Cairenn
18:30.11LunessaI skipped the Journeyman premiere.  I figure once you've read Slaughterhouse 5 you've pretty much seen it done best.
18:30.24TS|Skromwhoa hammer of wrath got buffed?
18:30.59Kaydeethreehalf sec cast, half-sec gcd
18:31.13TS|Skromyeah, that's pretty cool
18:35.12sag_ich_nichtwrong channel
18:35.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (i=feh@conspiracy/developer/Cidan)
18:36.56*** join/#wowi-lounge [Ammo] (
18:39.49Cairenncladhaire: Clique is borked (guessing the [] thing)
18:40.11ScytheBlade1GetCVar("EnableErrorSpeech") <-- said CVar no longer exists for me
18:40.42cladhairewhat's the [] "thing" change?
18:40.47cladhaireanyone know?
18:41.18Cidanwhat broke?
18:41.21Cidanin the new patch?
18:41.39ScytheBlade1Dunno about you guys, but I'm missing some CVars.
18:41.43cncfanaticsless then usual, Cidan
18:41.57cncfanaticsScytheBlade1, Acecomm ?
18:42.12ScytheBlade1cncfanatics, aye... debating just commenting that section out
18:42.24cncfanaticsScytheBlade1, update, it got fixed already
18:42.31ScytheBlade1... lol
18:42.38ScytheBlade1I just downloaded it too
18:43.06cncfanaticsat least, I know rockcomm got updated
18:43.10cncfanaticsunsure about acecomm
18:43.26ScytheBlade1I just have the Ace2 standalone
18:43.29ScytheBlade1It was throwing errors
18:43.44*** join/#wowi-lounge [Ammo] (
18:43.55cncfanaticshmmm, guess acecomm might not have got updated
18:44.01ScytheBlade1Seems to be working now though
18:44.04ScytheBlade1It was a new revision
18:44.37ScytheBlade1Something broke my items's tooltips
18:44.46ScytheBlade1Getting XML errors with PaperDollFrame :(
18:45.21ShadowedScytheBlade1, they changed the sound stuff around and they removed that CVar
18:45.30Shadowedor changed it, not sure yet
18:45.46ScytheBlade1Shadowed, I noticed... funny thing is, it was still listed in my Config.wft. You'd think if they removed it, they would remove that too
18:46.09Cidan[b]Garbage Collection[/b[
18:46.10Cidan* in 2.3 the game will be performing extra garbage collection outside of combat to keep memory use down.
18:46.20cladhaireCidan: yeah I know
18:46.29cladhaireAny macro gurus around that can explain the [] thing?
18:46.34cladhairethat that guy is talking about?
18:47.14cog|worki have no idea what he's talking about...
18:47.40cog|worki'd ask for clarification... sounds more like he needs to fix whatever macros he's using
18:47.45Vangualclique seemed to work fine on ptr
18:47.57Shadowedweird, wonder why the UI seems larger then usual
18:48.25SixenThat's not just me?
18:48.28Thunder_Childthe new scaling maybe
18:48.43Shadoweddunno i haven't played WoW in a few days, so it's either that or it got bigger
18:48.45Vangualthey changed something with the aspect ratio, it's keeping aspect ratio when starting windowed for me now :(
18:48.53SixenYeah Vangual, same here.
18:49.01SixenI was like, "uh? What's going on.."
18:49.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted^1 (
18:49.19Vangualreported it as bug several builds but aparently it's intended
18:49.45Shadowedwheres sound options
18:50.10SixenPress Esc
18:50.13Shadowedoh AudioOptionsFrame.lua
18:50.13SixenSound/Voice Options
18:50.17SixenOr that.
18:50.24Vangualnow i have to launch wow.exe with a shortcut set to maximized window and can't use the launcher anymore :/
18:50.35Shadowedhum weird
18:50.50Sixenhm? I use Windowed mode with launcher
18:50.55cncfanaticshmmm, anyone ? i'd like an oppinion on something, would you mind a mod without gui if it has good slash commands ?
18:51.06Shadowedokay so
18:51.21Sixencnc, it depends on what it's for. I like GUI's personally.
18:51.23ShadowedSound CVars changed to now be prefixed with Sound_*, EnableErrorSpeech -> Sound_EnableErrorSpeech same for the rest it looks like
18:51.37cncfanaticsSixen, flexbar2 ;)à
18:51.51TS|Skrombarmods need gui imo
18:51.52VangualSixen: yea me too but I want it to run windowed and maximized and since 2.2 it doesn't maximize properly by itself anymore
18:51.52ShadowedSound_EnableErrorSpeech, Sound_EnableMusic, Sound_EnableAmbience, Sound_EnableSFX, Sound_EnableSFX, Sound_ListenerAtCharacter, Sound_EnableEmoteSounds, Sound_ZoneMusicNoDelay, Sound_EnableSoundWhenGameIsInBG, Sound_EnableReverb
18:52.19LunessaDare I read the UI & Macros forum?  
18:52.31LunessaAnd cladhaire How was the trip?  Settled in yet?
18:52.36Shadowedthe usual
18:52.42cncfanaticsTS|Skrom: why exactly ?
18:52.43ShadowedWUA, what mods work with 2.2, OMG IT DOESNT WORK
18:52.49cladhaireand i can't login to wow, which is causing me serious issues.
18:52.52SixenIt maximizes for me, o_O
18:53.20ShadowedI though Blizzard doesn't let you log in US WoW if you're EU
18:53.32VangualSixen: hmm not initially for me, i need to manually hit the maximize button for it to use all of my screen's width
18:53.33TS|Skrombarmods by their nature are very visual creatures. The amount of cusomization inherent in barmods is typically non conducive to slash commanding. Again, all my opinion.
18:53.52LunessaClad, most sorry to hear that.  
18:54.11cncfanaticsTS|Skrom, depends on how the slashcommands are setup though imo, my slashcommands work in the way that /flexbar CommandName button=X option1=bla option2=bla
18:54.31cncfanaticswhere button=X can be button=* for all buttons, a range of buttons (button=1-5), or buttons seperated by comma's
18:54.32TS|SkromI was about to say, it really depends on what the mod is designed to do
18:54.58TS|SkromI couldn't really perceive setting up say bartender without the options menu
18:56.15cladhaireLunessa: i'm "ok", just lots to deal with at the moment.
18:56.45SixenVangual: Yeah, I need to maximize it once I open it up everytime, but it's not bad.
18:57.19Vangualyea it's not a serious problem, but it does get annoying after the 20th time :P
18:58.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnancy (
18:58.30Vangualso lazy me trades in security (launcher) for a special shortcut to do that additional click each day for me ;>
19:00.29*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Holding (
19:00.59cladhaireDoes anyone have any preferences between the Samsung G600 ( and Samsung U700 (  I just bought the G600, but I'm having a bit of buyer's regret
19:01.40cncfanaticsnever used both, can't help :(
19:01.44TS|SkromI definately like the G600
19:01.45cncfanaticsbtw cladhaire, ur in europe now ?
19:02.21cncfanaticsur a teacher right ?
19:02.39cladhairewell, i'm a teaching assistant at Oxford, yes.
19:03.08cncfanaticswhat u teach ? :o
19:03.20cladhairecomputer science
19:03.36cncfanaticsmight actualy see you next schoolyear then, if I get accepted in oxford that is
19:03.45cladhairefor your BSc or MSc?
19:04.40cncfanaticsi'm 18 and in belgium, which means i'm still doing secondary school (unfamiliar with how school grades & stuff are divided in england)
19:05.16cladhaireme too, to be honest :P
19:05.31cladhairebut if you're at the university level, then yes I could very well teach you next year!
19:05.46TC-Holdingthe mind boggles
19:05.54cncfanaticscladhaire, would be cool :p
19:06.01foxlitcladhaire: personally, sony ericsson phones look better
19:06.12cladhairefoxlit: the SE phones have TINY keys
19:06.18cladhairethey're horrible for texting and calling
19:06.39cncfanaticspretty sure i'm gonna follow computer science, what I wonder if is i'm gonna get accepted at oxford though :p
19:07.14cladhaireI think you have plenty working for you
19:07.37cncfanaticshmmm, cladhaire, as ?
19:08.11cladhairecncfanatics: just your experience, your drive, etc.
19:08.23cncfanatics'experience', ahem, not really a lot
19:08.25cladhaireits a good school, I'm enjoying the town quite a bit right now :P
19:08.43cncfanaticsmore then the usual people I guess, but I doubt I have much more experience then people who are gonna study computer science
19:08.53sag_ich_nichtcladhaire your WoW working yet
19:09.33*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
19:09.43sag_ich_nicht[20:40] <@cladhaire> what's the [] "thing" change? <--hold for changelog
19:09.53IndustrialQuestion: hunter: 28AP or 11AGI?
19:10.09sag_ich_nichtcladhaire forums are down i need the API changelog
19:10.15sag_ich_nichtgimme then i can tell you what he means
19:10.21sag_ich_nichtokay wait
19:10.25sag_ich_nichtit's just REALLY slow.
19:10.36cladhairei honestly think nothing's wrong with clique
19:10.41cladhaireit shouldn't have been hit by this patch at all
19:10.44sag_ich_nicht* All macro conditional names are now lower-case only. - Previously mixed case conditionals (e.g. Stance) were allowed, now they will only be recognized in their lower case form (e.g. stance).
19:10.44sag_ich_nicht* The modifier conditional supports the new named conditionals, these are case sensitive and the standard UI ones are all uppercase (e.g. [modifier:SELFCAST])
19:10.51TS|SkromIndustrial I would generally say 28 ap
19:11.10sag_ich_nicht[] can only mean conditionals
19:11.32TS|Skromwhat's the items Industrial?
19:11.35cladhairei dont use macro conditionals.
19:11.37cladhaireso :P
19:12.21TS|Skromcladhaire I don't think anything is wrong with clique I would wager that those with problems bound macros to their clicks and the macros are borked
19:12.36sag_ich_nichtdid you change your keybinding code to work with the modifier system cladhaire?
19:12.51cladhaireit didn't need to be
19:12.51sag_ich_nichtonly thing i could think of
19:12.56sag_ich_nichtotherwise what TS|Skrom said
19:12.59sag_ich_nichtcladhaire why is that
19:13.02cladhaireunless they got rid of IsControlKeyDown()
19:13.04cncfanaticsnew modifier system has nothing to do with most keybindings kode
19:13.17cladhairethere are no keybindings in clique
19:13.19sag_ich_nichtlegacy functions left in?
19:13.20cladhairejust attributes.
19:13.43cladhaireJust one probelm with clique post patch...   When I click the party frame to cast a spell the spell gets selected (blue outline on pointer), but the spell does not cast.
19:13.43cladhaireI use clique with pitbull.
19:13.47cladhaireanyone able to confirm?
19:14.03Shadowedcladhaire they didnt
19:14.04Shadowedstill works
19:14.28ShadowedWorks for both left/right ctrl keys, so I assume they didn't just change anything with it and just added the more specific functions
19:14.50sag_ich_nichtjust asking because
19:14.50sag_ich_nichtThe Blizzard code has been reworked to use the following modified click actions:
19:15.02cncfanaticsthat means framexml
19:15.07cncfanaticswhich has nothing to do with most addons
19:15.15CairennTemporary Top Question  
19:15.15CairennClique is borked, how do I fix it?
19:15.15CairennClique itself isn't borked, it's that you bound a macro to yourclicks and your macro is borked. Fix the macro to work with the newmodifier system and everything will work fine.
19:15.29cladhaireCairenn: Hehe, we'll see if that's true soon enough :P
19:15.34cog|workCairenn: i think the tooltip one is more frequent but <3
19:15.45Cairenngimme the details on that and I'll add it
19:15.45cladhairecog|work: *bop*
19:15.52TS|Skromnow that anyone reads the stickies :p
19:15.58sag_ich_nichtcncfanatics: i know, but blizzard might have fucked it up :P
19:16.01CairennTS|Skrom: aye, but still
19:16.09|Jelly|Clique works fine for me. :\
19:16.10foxlitSo what's the OnHide/OnShow RegisterEvent UnregisterEvent optimization?
19:16.11sag_ich_nicht[21:15] <cog|work> Cairenn: i think the tooltip one is more frequent but <3 <--that one i saw coming.
19:16.23cncfanaticssag_ich_nicht, if they fucked up with the amount of PTR time they took then there's something reallly wrong imo
19:16.28TS|Skromthey made it FASTER foxlit
19:16.35TS|Skromliek whoa
19:16.40foxlitThey made what faster, exactly?
19:16.54Cairenncog|work: if you want to give me the Q&A for the tooltip thing, I'll add it as well
19:17.16cncfanaticsanyone around using the branched version of flexbar2 by chance ? would like some feedback on new remapping stuff
19:17.30sag_ich_nichtcncfanatics ask in #wowace
19:17.55cncfanaticsups, thought I was on wowace actualy
19:17.59cncfanaticsthanks sag_ich_nicht :p
19:18.36sag_ich_nicht[21:15] <@Cairenn> gimme the details on that and I'll add it <--the details are:
19:18.37sag_ich_nicht* The game tooltip now handles periodic updates directly instead of requiring OnUpdate functions in each button that might have a tooltip. Many of the related OnEnter functions now take a 'self' parameter, so AddOns will need to be updated to reflect this change.
19:18.48sag_ich_nichtthus the answer is: flame your addon author
19:20.04Cairennneed to dumb it down, remember - the FAQ is for st00pid_enduser_001
19:20.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kronus (n=Dune@
19:20.07Intangiri just ran the new version, it runs fine
19:20.08cncfanaticssag_ich_nicht, I actualy never used an OnUpdate handler for my addon's tooltips, why were they needed in the first place ? never noticed any glitches
19:20.11Intangiri got sound working again too on linux
19:20.14Intangirjust switched to alsa
19:20.19sag_ich_nichtcncfanatics: cooldowns
19:20.19Intangiross had no sound
19:20.21cladhaireDo you tip pizza delivery guys in the UK?
19:20.43cncfanaticssag_ich_nicht, aah yea, never noticed that :p good blizz does it now
19:20.43Kaydeethree getting updated pretty continuously. anything I'm missing that's still getting talked about on the board?
19:20.49sag_ich_nichtcncfanatics: it was GIGANTIC resource hog
19:20.52TS|Skromif you dont' want him spitting on your next order
19:20.53sag_ich_nichts/was/was a/
19:21.03cncfanaticsIntangir, sound fine with oss in front but handled by alsa with aoss
19:21.13IndustrialTS|Skrom: yeah I noticed my dps was higher with it, was hoping 11 agi did something to my crit but it was only 1% or so
19:21.28TS|Skromwhat level?
19:21.34Intangircncfanatics: did you have that soundbuffer150 and soundsystem stuff in the wtf?
19:21.42cncfanaticsIntangir, yea
19:21.43Intangiri took that out
19:21.49cncfanaticsdoesnt work without it
19:21.57Intangirwithout that, and with alsa, its working fine now
19:22.05cncfanaticsnice stuff
19:22.12cncfanaticsno glitches when loading stuff on other workspaces ?
19:22.24Intangiri didnt try
19:22.32Intangirnever had a problem with that before
19:22.44sag_ich_nichtKaydeethree: add the fact that UI positions are weird
19:22.48Intangiri turned on play while in background again, it went back to off by default for some reason
19:22.49cncfanaticsI used to have sound glitches when say, a firefox window is loading something in another workspace
19:22.52sag_ich_nichti don't know the source why that is tho
19:23.02TS|SkromIndustrial I was basing my comparison on the fact that at level 70 11 agi is around 1/3%... that + 11 atk won't compare to the 28 atk in raw output.
19:23.06Intangircncfanatics: was it loading a flash with sound?
19:23.16Intangiri only had issues with choppynies if there was a flash add on wow head or something
19:23.17TS|Skromif you are getting 1% then it should be alot closer (and you are alot lower in level)
19:23.40cncfanaticsIntangir, any webpage
19:23.54Intangiri hope everything works alright for me, i like the new chat interface
19:23.59Intangirwhen they turn on voice chat its goign to be awesome!
19:24.05Intangirit will be like being on 3-4 ventrilos at once ;)
19:24.21Intangiri can have all my old guildmates from my previous guild hang out in a channel and we can still caht
19:24.23cncfanaticsu can only listen to one voice chat at once
19:24.31Intangiri heard you can listen to several
19:24.34Intangirbut can only talk in 1 at a time
19:25.12cncfanaticsoh, could be too
19:25.24Intangirit did seem a bit unclear though
19:25.39Intangiri sure hope its how im thinking
19:25.41Intangirthat will be great
19:26.00Intangirwill be alot easier to keep in touch with friends from other guilds
19:26.20Intangirlike my old guild broke up, now i got like my whole friends list full of them all
19:26.28Intangirand have to message them all individual to ask if they want to BG or something
19:26.49Intangirnow we should be able to hang out, chat, ask questions to them all at once. i think ill be quite happy with this patch if that all works out
19:26.59Intangir*excited* ;) can you tell?
19:27.48Intangiroh thats Kaydeethree's post
19:28.38sag_ich_nichtour lfg channel
19:28.40dreamssthis sga is funny without some sound effects
19:28.42sag_ich_nichtwill be filled with flames
19:29.00sag_ich_nichtand they can't even report you for it if you flame and flame and flame on the VoIP!
19:29.05cog|workCairenn: looks like it might be time for ultra low bw version :P
19:29.17*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
19:29.20sag_ich_nicht(yes i intend to abuse the VoIP system to the maximum)
19:29.22Cairennyeah, going to poke dolby-wowi when he gets to work
19:29.49TS|Skromyour server has a private channel lfg channel?
19:29.49Intangiroih damn item rack isnt updated.. i love that addon
19:29.49sag_ich_nichtby that time wowi will be dead already, Cairenn.
19:29.50*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
19:30.33Cairennwe're not dead yet, just have to have patience and perseverance
19:30.45*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (
19:30.47Shadowedi was able to actually post a comment, so it works still!
19:31.04CairennI'm approving mods, so ...
19:31.41sag_ich_nicht[21:29] <TS|Skrom> your server has a private channel lfg channel? <--duh
19:31.44sag_ich_nichtof course
19:31.47sag_ich_nichtit is not filled much anymore
19:31.50sag_ich_nichtit's a relict
19:31.53sag_ich_nichtbut it's still there!
19:32.13TS|Skrommaybe I'm clueless but I don't think any of my servers ever had em
19:32.24sag_ich_nichtyou are clueless indeed, my friend.
19:32.34TS|Skromwalked into that one
19:32.56Industrialmy servers have tradelfglfguildspamlolinternetretardsohandsometrade
19:32.59sag_ich_nichtthey existed in the time when the LFG channel was disabled completely
19:33.26Industrialthey just mvoed to trade here
19:33.29Industrialand still there
19:33.41TS|SkromDid you see my comment up above regarding the 11 agi?
19:33.50TS|Skromthe second set that is/
19:34.05Industrialah, ok
19:34.08sag_ich_nichtblizzard should just STFU and employee ultra low level GMs that can only mute players on LFG and re-enabled global LFG
19:34.11sag_ich_nichtproblem solved
19:34.11sag_ich_nichtbut nooo
19:34.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
19:34.27PolarinaI'm getting the error: "Image Temporary Unavailable". Why?
19:34.45Shadowedyou know what happens when you have lots of people who want there addons? =p
19:34.46TS|SkromPolarina I'd guess that the image isn't available but might be back later
19:34.47zenzelezzbecause it's patch day and the site is being hammered
19:34.48Shadowedthey kill bandwidth
19:35.11PolarinaI think one should at LEAST be able to click on that error message to view that image.
19:35.23zenzelezzwhat would that help?
19:35.24Shadowedjust give it a day and it should settle down
19:35.27zenzelezzit's still traffic
19:35.35PolarinaBut much less traffic.
19:35.37Shadoweddon't look for new mods on patch day essentially
19:35.47PolarinaYes, less traffic.
19:35.50zenzelezzif you get an error you can click to reach the page most people would still click it
19:36.12JoshBorkelook for mods the day before patch day ;-)
19:36.17Polarina  ( Take a look at where the screenshot is usually displayed ).
19:36.19JoshBorkei got bongos and OmniCC yesterday :-D
19:36.27PolarinaIt's not yet patch day in Europe..
19:36.38Shadowedit is in US
19:36.44zenzelezzPolarina: that doesn't mean all the Americans aren't hammering the site
19:36.51Shadoweddamn americans
19:37.27*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
19:37.38PolarinaBut most users are just updating their addons, not viewing screenshots of them. So, if one really would want to view a screenshot or two, s/he should be able to click on that error message.
19:37.59zenzelezzthey've had tons of experience with this
19:38.06ShadowedPolarina give it a day or two
19:38.10Shadowedand it'll be back to normal
19:38.21zenzelezzit's not like patch day mayhem is something new
19:38.40zenzelezzand like Shadowed's saying, just give it a few days and it's back to normal
19:38.48CairennPolarina: in order to be able to serve everything, we need servers.  In order to have servers, we have to pay for them.  If you'd like to see us better able to serve everything, please feel free to purchase a premium membership to help pay for our costs.  If more people were willing to help out, we might even be able to afford some additional servers so we could do load balancing, etc
19:39.19PolarinaCairenn: So I am not able to simply donate some hardware to you?
19:39.21Cairennand yes, we've had tons of experience with this, we've been running interface sites for 5+ years now
19:39.36Cairennyou would have to talk to dolby-wowi about that
19:39.43zenzelezzI'm actually entering an old, secretive sect this Monday
19:39.55sag_ich_nichtPolarina: new server would cost at least 750 USD
19:39.58sag_ich_nichtyou sure you want to donate that?
19:40.04PolarinaWhy not?
19:40.19sag_ich_nicht~faint sag_ich_nicht
19:40.26sag_ich_nichtpurl, fail
19:40.26purlACTION gives sag_ich_nicht the worst grade imaginable, an A minus... minus!
19:40.45dreamssservers are cheap
19:40.48dreamssbandwith aint
19:41.03JoshBorkepurl, succeed
19:41.13JoshBorkepurl, success
19:41.13purlAt age 4 success is not peeing in your pants. At age 12 success is having friends. At age 18 success is having a driver's license. At age 20 success is having sex. At age 35 success is having money. At age 50 success is having money. At age 60 success is having sex. At age 70 success is having a driver's license. At age 75 success is having friends. At age 80 ...
19:41.13dreamss(unless u go with a 100k server )
19:43.57|Jelly|Step 1 to being ignored: [S] <Beardance>: its peanut butter jelly time!
19:44.30|Jelly|If I could afford it both financially and time, I would "change" my name.
19:44.38PolarinaCairenn: Do I have to upload my addon with a new TOC-field for the 2.2.0 patch if everything in the addon works with the new patch before checking the "This addon works with the 2.2 patch." radio button?
19:44.52Cairennnot if you don't want to
19:44.58MentalPower~summon me
19:44.59purlapt takes out 20 clean, identical-looking phones, some extra hands, and pretends to be a telemarketer for a large corporation, so he gets delivered a phonelist containing mentalpower's coordinates
19:45.09Cairennbut people will expect it to work without using the "load outdated" checkbox
19:45.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
19:45.34Cairennand there we go - dolby-wowi's turned on the ultra low
19:45.39PolarinaCairenn: I added to the description field very simple instructions on how to make it work with 2.2.
19:45.46Polarina"Ultra low"?
19:45.57Cairennit's entirely up to you Polarina, you're the author
19:46.13Intangiroh hey
19:46.17Intangiri see cairenn on the forums
19:46.38PolarinaBecause I'm waiting for at least 2 days after patch day in Europe before synchronising from Amroury.
19:46.39Intangir!vs us mug'thol intangir us draka cairenn
19:46.42ThraeBotIntangir: I failed on the second listed character. You half-fail.
19:47.14CairennPolarina: so don't worry about updating until after you do that
19:47.55MentalPowerIntangir: I don't think she's played that char recently
19:48.01PolarinaI actually found some new items on the PTR that didn't exist on the Live realms. I am waiting for them to appear on the armoury pages.
19:48.28Intangirthat 36 slot box bag probably wont show up anytime soon ;)
19:48.45Polarina"2.2 Addons List - Extremely low bandwidth version" <--- LOL
19:48.54Intangiroh i see an addon you make polarina ;)
19:48.58PolarinaAnd it's still slow. :)
19:49.11MentalPowerPolarina: its patch day, get used to it
19:49.17CairennPolarina: but it's still running, now isn't it? better than some of the other sites can claim
19:49.25MentalPowerall the DL sites get hammerred on patch day
19:49.39cladhaireI'm having the same problem w/ just binding regular spells. I even rebound. I can't cast unless I target someone and then when I target them even if I click anywhere (like myself) it only casts the heal on the target. I also use pitbull, but I disabled all mods except clique and it still happened.
19:49.49cladhairethat's wrt clique.. can anyone confirm? =(
19:50.45PolarinaI find it slower with that ultra low version.
19:51.18Kaydeethreeloading nigh-instantly for me
19:51.35Cairennno, you find it slower because of the number of people using the site - if we didn't have that up, we might very well not be running at all at this point
19:51.39PolarinaFirefox is having trouble connecting to the server.
19:51.57PolarinaI'm sure it's pressure, not bandwidth.
19:52.19|Jelly|Damn. Chillax people. This isn't the first patch that's made you redownload addons! (Mainly talking to the forum tards) :P
19:52.34Cairenn|Jelly|: yeah, no kidding
19:52.58|Jelly|"ZOMG! I have to click 'Load out of date addons' now?!?" Seriously...
19:53.00PolarinaMy addon works with 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2. And currently, it should work with 2.3 too.
19:53.10Cairennthinking we need that stress relief thread after all - it had been so calm for so long, thought we were going to get off easy for a change
19:53.15Shadowedcladhaire sec
19:53.54foxlitShould integrate mod updates into wow client
19:55.05Cidealready in the process of replying
19:55.12Cidebut thanks, Cairenn :)
19:55.12Cairennheh, okay :)
19:55.18foxlitSomeone listed an addon I haven't pushed an update of as broken
19:55.33foxlitWonder why
19:55.37sag_ich_nichtyou there?
19:55.42PolarinaBut why doesn't have bandwidth issues on patch day. Not even a singel one...
19:55.45Shadowedcladhaire, bind ALT + LEft click to holy light, click alt + left click on player portrait it casts on me, then do it again on the target portrait of a battlemaster and it worked for me
19:55.50sag_ich_nichtthis workprint
19:55.50sag_ich_nichtis loltastic
19:55.54Shadowedwith trunk version
19:55.59sag_ich_nichtit's literally missing EVERY soundeffect
19:56.02CairennPolarina: hahahhahaha, you ARE joking, right?
19:56.04IntangirPolarina: how can you kill that which has no life?
19:56.05sag_ich_nichteven defibrilators
19:56.12cladhaireShadowed: can you test with the wowi version?
19:56.13PolarinaCairenn: Partially. But no.
19:56.23dreamssyeah it was funny
19:56.31cladhairePolarina: hai.. welcome to two years ago when the website shut down
19:56.40Intangiryall want to see a website i made for my guild?
19:56.41PolarinaWebsite shut down?
19:56.41dreamssi like the musicless part tho, more dramatic
19:56.42cladhaireIt did and does have issues.
19:56.44Kaydeethreemeh. used to go into low-bandwidth mode on patch day
19:56.46sag_ich_nichtit also shows you what you brain is "used" to
19:56.49cladhairePolarina: yes.. was completely un-reachable.
19:56.50Shadowedyea one sec
19:56.53dreamsswhen the music is not telling you whats going on
19:56.54cladhaireso stop your shit :P
19:56.59Cairennhell, don't even have to go back that far - still can't use the forums most times, this week is an exception
19:58.10Mr_Rabies2my sound is back to being all poppy and crackly
19:58.11PProvostIs there a CVar for UI Scale?
19:58.28PolarinaPProvost: Yes, it's called UIscale
19:58.49*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (
19:59.05PolarinaWait, with 2.3, it will be possible to send multiple items within a single mail?
19:59.31Intangiroh boy, that will save me 30copper ;)
19:59.38Shadowedyea i found it cair =p
19:59.41cncfanaticsno it won't Intangir
19:59.45Shadowedthanks anyway
19:59.45Intangirdoh ;(
19:59.46cncfanaticsprice goes up per item
19:59.55Intangirim not made of money
19:59.55Cairennsorry it took so long
20:00.01Shadowedjust being a smartass don't mind me
20:00.18CairennI don't mind you at all sweetie :)
20:00.44Shadowedcladhaire, same test using WoWI it works fine
20:00.58cladhairemind posting on the files thread
20:01.05cladhairei'm trying to get one of the guys to IM me so i can troubleshoot live
20:01.27Shadowedthe wow forums files thread, or the wowi clique one?
20:01.31Valaron|WorkOk.. I'm going hide here for a bit and get away from UI/M
20:01.40cladhairehe just IM'd me.
20:01.56CidanSo I just realized
20:02.06CidanPlaying WoW right now must be nice.
20:02.21CidanAll the 12 year olds are off sucking some Microsoft dick and playing Halo 3 on line
20:02.53Valaron|WorkThat's a pretty visual.
20:03.00CidanI thought so.
20:03.12Intangirgeez im falling asleep here at work..
20:03.46dreamsssag_ich_nicht oh shiet
20:03.48|Jelly|Cidan: Not really. Everyone's crying about their mods being broken or "zomg fuck yeah" about orc shoulders. Kind of an annoying day to be playing actually.
20:03.50dreamssthis is gettin good
20:04.15ShadowedOMG MAI MODS R BRK
20:04.27|Jelly|[1] <Cakebread>: i log in and its low rez, wtf.
20:05.23PolarinaClose to 100 downloads today. xD
20:05.51|Jelly| <-- the kind of people I'm talking about
20:06.20IntangirPolarina: which addon?
20:06.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin (n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity)
20:07.29PolarinaIntangir: Valuation.
20:07.56Intangirwhat exactly does it do? the screenshots arent working on any of these sites today obviously ;)
20:08.09Intangiris it like the auctioneer that tells how the price info?
20:08.13Shadowedcladhaire, ping me if you need something else tested not paying attention to IRC
20:08.22cladhaireShadowed: thanks, working with them
20:08.23Tuller if anyone is having trouble getting my stuff :P
20:08.42PolarinaIntangir: The description tells you everything. :)
20:08.51Intangirwhich one?
20:08.56Intangirim not on the page anymore
20:09.05Intangirim getting bad lag suddenly for some reason
20:09.37Intangirdid anyone check out that guild website link i posted earlier?
20:09.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
20:10.13Intangirwhat did Autobar=100% do on xperl?
20:11.00EsamynnPTR patch
20:11.10|Jelly|ZOMG I can't get on curse! HALP! ZOMGZOMGOMZOGMOGMGO
20:11.55cladhaireShadowed: Turn OFF auto-self-cast and see if it breaks
20:12.32PolarinaI found a bug in SellFish.
20:12.47Thunder_Child~whalestab |Jelly|
20:12.47purlACTION stabs |Jelly| with a rather narrow and pointy whale named Montgomery
20:12.57|Jelly|~whaleparry Thunder_Child
20:12.58purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry Thunder_Child's attacks.
20:13.04PolarinaActually, I found two bugs!
20:13.06|Jelly|~whalecrit Thunder_Child
20:13.07purlACTION crits Thunder_Child with a mathematically skilled whale named Isaac for #NaN. Thunder_Child dies
20:13.32Shadowedcladhaire, I can cast spells on targets fine, but I can't cast it on my own portrait anymore, it just gives a gray hand
20:13.32Thunder_Childheh Shirik, had bad things to say about #NaN
20:13.58Shiriklua> math.sqrt(-1)
20:14.04Shirik>>> math.sqrt(-1)
20:14.05CideShirik: -1.#IND
20:14.23Shirik>>> math.sqrt(-1) * 0.5
20:14.23CideShirik: -1.#IND
20:14.35Shirikso armor mitigation has no effect on NaNs
20:14.40PolarinaSomeone get me Tuller.
20:14.50cladhaireShadowed: hrm.
20:15.10foxlit>>> math
20:15.11Cidefoxlit: { ["log"] = function: 0039A0D0, ["acos"] = function: 00399928, ["huge"] = 1.#INF, ["ldexp"] = function: 0039A050, ["pi"] = 3.1415926535898, ["cos"] = function: 00399AA8, ["tanh"] = function: 0039A370,... (exceeded 200 characters)
20:15.19Shirik>>> for k,v in pairs(math) do if type(v) == 'number' then print(tostring(k).." = "..tostring(v)) end end
20:15.19CideShirik: "huge = 1.#INF",  "pi = 3.1415926535898"
20:15.22cladhaireShadowed: that sounds promising as far as troubleshooting =/
20:15.23cncfanaticshmmm,  good profs for a rogue ? anyone ? bs/mining ?
20:15.25Shirikno constants for a NaN?
20:15.32foxlit>>> 1 / 0
20:15.33Cidefoxlit: 1.#INF
20:15.57Shirikwhy the hell aren't the constants in CAPS
20:16.05foxlitWHY SHOULD THEY BE? :)
20:16.29ShirikI seriously have compilers that will give you a warning if a constant is not in caps, or if a variable in caps is not a constant
20:16.56Shiriknot all, but some. And those are usually at the highest warning verbosity
20:17.06ShadowedAre you not specifying a unitid if it's the player or something?
20:17.18cladhairei do NOTHING with unit ids
20:17.30cladhaireit should be using the unit attribute
20:17.34cladhaireit did under the old system
20:17.50ShadowedWhats the attribute for unitid, "unit" or "unitid"?
20:18.10cladhairerunning /clique debug will show you what attributes i set
20:18.21Mr_Rabies2god this is so depressing
20:18.33kergothgoddamnit, i cant apply the 2.2 patch
20:18.36kergothkeeps saying " The file "Localization.xml" could not be loaded."
20:18.41kergothrepair.exe says the install is fine
20:18.46CidanSo I just told my friend that the Super Mario Bros. 2 released in the west is just a remake of Doki Doki Panic
20:18.49Cidanhe's all depressed now.
20:18.53Mr_Rabies2a forum i post on (somethingawful) had a thread called "My co-worker was killed last night."
20:19.06kergothanyone have any ideas?
20:19.10Mr_Rabies2guy posts a news link and some information
20:19.22JoshBorkei see no discussion!
20:19.26JoshBorkeok, wait, there it is
20:19.30JoshBorkekergoth started talking and confused me
20:19.34Mr_Rabies2several people in the thread note they know those involved
20:19.45Mr_Rabies2turns out the shooter POSTS ON THE FORUM
20:19.51cladhaireholy shit
20:19.52Mr_Rabies2and has a link to his ftp in his profile with loads of evidence
20:20.04JoshBorkewow, that's a lot of debug output
20:20.08Mr_Rabies2like, pictures of them used for target practice
20:20.11cladhaireJoshBorke: start witha  clean profile
20:20.42ShadowedSo, if you're not setting a unitid then why does it work for targets but not players
20:20.45dreamsslol they just quoted elwin forest in sga
20:21.11ShadowedPlayerFrame:GetAttribute("unit") returns "player" just fine, same with targetframe returning "target"
20:21.15cladhaireShadowed: It casts on whoever your target is.
20:21.19cladhaireis the moral of the story
20:21.31Shadowedmoral of why it's broken, or moral of how it's suppose to work =p
20:21.55JoshBorkei can confirm it casts on whatever your target is
20:22.19kergoth;jsessionid=73A7D915A27CB5268082B9F6AB7F2BAE?topicId=1778024926&sid=1 meh :(
20:22.26Shadowedyou sure secure templates didn't change and break it or something
20:22.41JoshBorkei can't live without clique
20:22.58cladhaireJoshBorke: then help me fix it :P
20:23.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Dreadlorde (
20:23.09cladhairewant to add a line and see if it helps/fixes it temporarily?
20:23.18JoshBorkecladhaire: of course i'll do anything you instruct me to
20:23.30Shadowedmake him jump off a cliff
20:23.39JoshBorkelevitate ftw!
20:24.18cladhaireafter line 418
20:24.18cladhaireframe:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."unit"..button, entry.arg5)
20:24.33cladhaireadd this
20:24.33cladhaireframe:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."unit"..button, "mouseover")
20:24.39cladhairereload, and see what happens.
20:25.05Shadowedfixes it it looks like
20:25.25cladhairewhat if you make it instead
20:25.40kergoththat's weird. running bnupdate as administrator doesnt work, i had to run wow as administrator and let it start bnupdate
20:25.50Thunder_Childgrr...i spent 3 hours last night sticking in this monstrosity and now my mobo is runing 10deg. hotter
20:25.55JoshBorkei can confirm it fixed it
20:25.58cladhaireframe:SetAttribute(entry.modifier.."unit"..button, entry.arg5 or "mouseover")
20:26.42Shadowedstill fixes it clad
20:26.46cladhairehrm okay
20:26.52JoshBorkestill fixes it
20:27.59cladhairecan one of you make me a small macro that can reproduce this?
20:28.04Shadowedwhat do you mean?
20:28.07cladhaireor if i give you the macro, can you test to make sure it breaks or doesn't?
20:28.09Shadowedoh the macro issue?
20:28.22cladhairedisable clique, bare UI
20:28.51Shadowedk everythings disabled
20:29.09cladhairePlayerFrame:SetAttribute("alt-type1", "spell"); PlayerFrame:SetAttribute("alt-spell1", "Flash Heal"); PlayerFrame:SetAttribute("alt-unit1", nil)
20:29.21cladhairethen target something, and try to alt-leftclick on your playerframe
20:30.07Shadowedit heals my target not me
20:30.31cladhairenow untarget the target
20:30.39cladhaireand do the same
20:30.47cladhairedoes it heal you (if so, toggle auto-self-cast and what happens)
20:30.57ShadowedWithout self cast on, it gives me a grey hand to target a spell
20:31.01cladhairek k
20:31.04cladhairegot it, thanks
20:31.08Shadowedwith it on, it heals me
20:31.10cladhairenow change the nil in the last part of the script, to "mouseover"
20:31.14cladhaireand in all cases, it works properly, correct?
20:32.16ShadowedCorrect, I can target someone and ALT + Click player portrait and it heals me with both self cast on/off
20:32.31bleeterahh, trade this morning?
20:32.37mikmalol i didn't even realize that PlayerFrame can use SetAttribute
20:32.38bleeterlots of 'what's VoIP'?
20:32.40mikmathat's neat <3
20:32.50bleeter'Very Onnoying Ignorant People'
20:33.01bleeterThe 'O' for annoying is a geek joke
20:33.01mikmableeter: touché
20:33.18krkai dont get it
20:33.19bleeterlol, someone's just corrected us.. *OBNOXIOUS*
20:33.28Intangiri saw this funny thread on digg
20:33.39Intangirabout a kid telling his mom he was aethiest and she FREAKS out on him
20:33.51buuAhh, digg.
20:33.53Intangirsome guy replies 'my family took it pretty well when i told them i was aetheist, thank god'
20:33.57buuIt's like.. middleschool.
20:34.11Intangirbuu: it really is, but funnier
20:34.22Intangirand more propagandized ;)
20:34.46Intangirfunniest digg thread ever:
20:37.06Valaron|WorkCess sounds like he would complain about Microsoft if his computer crashed because he hadn't been doing the Windows Updates.
20:38.13sag_ich_nichtworst. WoW. reference. ever.
20:38.22JoshBorke~lart sag_ich_nicht
20:38.22purlshoots sag_ich_nicht in the head
20:38.24JoshBorkecolors suck
20:38.30sag_ich_nichtyour mom
20:39.38JoshBorkeuh oh
20:39.42JoshBorkeclique was updated on wowi
20:39.50JoshBorkenow i'll have to wait 3 hours for it =/
20:40.01JoshBorkecladhaire: did all you do is entry.arg5 or "mouseover"?
20:40.05IndustrialI plaed my hunter for 2 levels today
20:40.11Industrialhunter > shaman
20:40.25JoshBorkeyou played a hunter thinking it was a shaman?
20:40.29Industrialewwww dreadlorde
20:40.35Valaron|WorkIs that the episode where Dr Wier talks to Bill about having a WoW char.. and that he has a level 75 char.. "because he's playing the Beta"?
20:40.40TS|Skrommistaken identity
20:40.50IndustrialJoshBorke: I played a hunter, then a shaman, then hunter again and it was ZOMGfunnerer then playing shaman
20:40.58cladhaireJoshBorke: yes.
20:41.02JoshBorkeIndustrial: oh, ok
20:41.04JoshBorkecladhaire: kk
20:41.20|Jelly|[W From] <Beggar>: Hey, could you spare some change?... I need to train. TIA
20:41.27|Jelly|(he's level 13)
20:41.31TS|Skrom!c us gul'dan skrom
20:41.33|Jelly|...and named beggar...
20:41.33ThraeBotTS|Skrom: Skrom, Level 64 Orc Hunter (42/10/3). 6295 HP; 3770 Mana; 86 mana regen; 10 mp5; 1407 AP; 187.900 Melee DPS; 7.90% melee crit; 3 melee hit; 1510 RAP; 376.50 Ranged DPS; 13.50% ranged crit; 3 ranged hit; 7.36% dodge;[[ TBR: 943 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Sep 25 16:56:10 2007 EST ]]
20:41.37Industrialwith shaman I had trouble doing 3 mobs - I killed 6 mobs the second I logged in cause I spawned in a camp
20:41.43Industrialon hunter
20:41.54TS|Skromlawl I'm a trinket popping armory newb :( I lose
20:42.16SixenDoes it work for anyone?
20:42.20Industrial!c eu grim batol seryan
20:42.22ThraeBotIndustrial: Seryan, Level 30 Troll Hunter (21/0/0). 905 HP; 1110 Mana; 63 mana regen; 256 AP; 34.900 Melee DPS; 4.19% melee crit; 44.00 Ranged DPS; 5.47% ranged crit; 4.47% dodge;[[ TBR: 426 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Sep 25 16:56:59 2007 EST ]]
20:42.28Sixen!c us cho'gall elzix
20:42.30ThraeBotSixen: Elzix, Level 19 Undead Rogue (7/3/0). 851 HP; 193 AP; 43.900 Melee DPS; 17.78% melee crit; 25.76% dodge; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 180 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Sep 25 16:57:07 2007 EST ]]
20:42.37SixenHow cool is that.
20:42.51IndustrialSixen: msg the bot !help
20:43.02Industrialdoes lots more
20:43.12SixenSkrom: :)
20:43.22Industrialbah seen twinks with 1.5k+ hp
20:44.36zenzelezzmy twink has 13.5k hp
20:44.40SixenYeah, I have no enchants yet :P
20:44.43TS|SkromI'm no so pretentious to snub my nose at twinks, and I don't "pity" them like some people pretend to do. Takes a good deal of dedication to make one and most times a lot of cash
20:44.53TS|SkromI just don't uderstand it really.
20:44.54SixenYeah :(
20:45.04SixenWell, i'll tell you why I made a twink..
20:45.15TS|SkromI level past the "twinking" levels as best I can and don't usually do pvp til their numbers are far fewer
20:45.21SixenBaseball season started, I post a lot on the forums, I had school.
20:45.36TS|SkromI'm not good enough at pvp to overcome the gear imbalance with my quested greens
20:45.39SixenI had no time to level up way high, so I just got the BoP items I needed and hit 19
20:45.48SixenAnd my friends all hooked me up.
20:45.58TS|Skromso pvp vs. twinks tends to frustrate me enough to just skip it
20:46.20Industrialit was fun before the battlegroups
20:46.32SixenI hated it before the Battlegroups..
20:46.38SixenTook an hour to get one  WSG to pop
20:46.42Industrialits 10v10 twinks now
20:46.49Industrialnot on my server
20:47.03TS|Skromunless you are a dork like me who thinks he has a decent shot at some early honor
20:47.17TS|Skromthen you go back to leveling and shake your head slowly for being so dumb
20:47.22TS|Skrom!c us gul'dan gann
20:47.22ThraeBotTS|Skrom: gann is not the character you are looking for!
20:47.28TS|Skromyes it is ><
20:47.28SixenIt's not?
20:47.40TS|Skromguess i've not logged in with him since the armory
20:47.51TS|SkromI shall rectify that tonight so you all can see the one time I tried to make a twink :P
20:48.02Sixen!c us blackdragon flight Izual
20:48.02ThraeBotSixen: Izual is not the character you are looking for!
20:48.06SixenYes it is!
20:48.15Sixen!c us blackdragonflight izual
20:48.16ThraeBotSixen: izual is not the character you are looking for!
20:48.32SixenWhy not :/
20:49.07TS|SkromI don't see an Izual from black dragonflight on the armory
20:49.14TS|Skromone on dragonblight but nothing else close
20:49.26Sixen!c us black dragonflight izual
20:49.28ThraeBotSixen: Izual, Level 34 Undead Mage (0/25/0). 933 HP; 2772 Mana; 98 mana regen; 4.89% dodge; 4 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 152 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Sep 25 17:04:05 2007 EST ]]
20:49.29SixenThere shoudl be..
20:49.31SixenThere we go
20:49.37SixenWas putting the space in the wrong spot :P
20:49.45TS|Skromlooking again to be sure :P
20:50.06TS|Skromooops found it, first page, last spot. eyes skipped it hehe
20:50.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Recluse (
20:50.44TS|Skromhah deep fathom ring
20:50.48TS|Skromwhat a pain in the rear to get
20:51.00TS|Skromyou either got lucky or have alot of patience
20:51.10SixenVery lucky:D
20:51.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
20:53.26CairennKaydeethree: clique is updated (in case you have it in your PSA):
20:53.47KaydeethreeI'll add it next post timer
20:53.54Intangirwhat does Possessions do?
20:54.52dreamssany idea what causes the papredoll error?
20:55.06Intangirwith popups?
20:55.20Intangiryou have itemrack?
20:55.22Kaydeethreeamong others
20:55.36Intangirtheres a fix mentioned on a thread
20:55.37dreamsswhat changed in the API?
20:55.42Intangiri think its Kaydeethree 's thread
20:55.44dreamssi see
20:55.54dreamssthe (self) fix
20:56.12dreamssok kool ty
20:56.25Intangirdoes xperl need an update? or is it just fine/
20:56.32Intangiri didnt notice anythin gwith it
20:59.42kergothanyone have a good setup for arkinventory they want to give me, since i lost my WTF and i'm lazy? :D
21:00.27Intangirwhat was updated in bagnon?
21:00.40Intangirwhats arkinventory?
21:00.49Intangiris it like bagnon? hehe
21:00.50PolarinaThe TOC field was updated in bagnon.
21:01.16Intangirman i liove item rack
21:01.20Intangirnot sure how anyone gets by without it
21:01.23Intangirespecially on those test servers ;)
21:01.26Intangirtrying to cmpare all this gear
21:01.35Intangirand it was broke haha
21:01.39TS|SkromValaron|Work shred is like backstab: in and out of stealth
21:01.56Valaron|WorkNever played a druid.
21:02.04Valaron|WorkHence my misinformation.
21:02.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
21:05.59Kaydeethreewow... that's rare. first time in a few hours I've refreshed the UI forum and there hasn't been a new post
21:06.30|Jelly|ZOMG! AUTOBAR doesn't work! qqqqqqqqq
21:06.38|Jelly|That'll have to do cause I'm not gonna post a thread. :P
21:07.32cog|workKaydeethree: not to be a timezone-ist, but you may want to use PDT since that's what the blizzard clocks go by ;)
21:07.49dreamssyep it dosent work
21:07.55Wraangerquestion: for example say we have 5 checkbuttons and a func which is doing handling of the clicking result .... how to find out which button wasclicked ?
21:08.46Intangirwhat is autobar?
21:09.27|Jelly|It's a bar that automagically sorts your drink/food/pots/etc
21:09.45|Jelly|It's quite honestly the greatest thing since sliced bread and am waiting very impatiently on an update for it. :P
21:09.57Intangirive never heard of it before today
21:10.25Thunder_Childautobar is good...i hate to agree with |Jelly|, but it is good
21:10.41|Jelly|Hate, eh? You know you love it.
21:11.04Thunder_Childi dunno how you manage to confuse hate/love in your head
21:11.25|Jelly|Cause 9/10 times, they're one in the same.
21:11.56TS|Skromif you'd spent any time with my ex-wife you'd know
21:12.00Thunder_Child(woot time to be mean)
21:12.13Thunder_Childso 9/10 jew really love hitler?
21:12.25Intangirquestion about autobar
21:12.26Saint-Nof course
21:12.33Saint-Neveryone knows the holocaust didnt happen
21:12.35Intangirif you have postions, and healthstones, and that pvp trinket that gives health
21:12.42TS|SkromI'm pretty sure |Jelly| was speaking from personal experience, not a global rule
21:12.44Intangircan you make it use the m all from the same slot?
21:12.56TS|SkromI'm sure she just forgot to specifiy local hate = love
21:13.06TS|Skromassumed it was implied given the scope
21:13.19Thunder_ChildTS|Skrom...damit...i'm trying to screw around with people....thats not helping
21:13.28TS|Skromoops my bad
21:13.34Thunder_Childyes, yes it is
21:13.42Saint-Nit's Cairenn the Wowi update bot!
21:13.57TS|Skromyes I heard that hitler had no problem with jews til a jew went back in time, mentally possessed hitler and forced him to try and drown himself in the name of all jews
21:14.23Cairennnot updated, just posting hte link
21:14.23Saint-Nhitler was only mad at the jews for killing jesus ;)
21:14.27TS|Skromname that reference for a shiny nickel
21:14.47Saint-Nthe producers?
21:14.53Thunder_Childwell by that logic TS|Skrom, no jew would have gone back because hitler would not have done what he did till then
21:15.13TS|SkromTime paradoxes are a common theme in [i]literature[/i] and movies
21:15.23Thunder_Childi know, i love them
21:17.01Intangircan autobar do flying mount in outlands, and land mount in the other world?
21:17.18KaydeethreeIntangir, /cast [flyable] Your Flying Mount;Your Land Mount
21:17.33Saint-NTS|Skrom: nah it was erine freidman, hitlers next door neighbor growing up... as a child hitler used to egg his house and open all his xmas presents on the front lawn and ernie always hated him for it, as ernie got older he realized that no-one should hate jews because they were the choosen so to test the theory he went back in time and took vengence in the name of god on hitler for his xmas trasngressions
21:17.35Intangirflyable? is that a flag thats only in outlands?
21:18.22TS|Skromare the icons for things like /use 13 fixed?
21:18.28KaydeethreeTS|Skrom, should be
21:18.36KaydeethreeIntangir, yes. take a look at the macro faq over in UI
21:18.56Intangirya i should
21:19.03Intangiron wow forums?
21:19.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
21:22.46Intangirthis auto bar sounds awesome
21:22.48Intangirbut its broken?
21:22.52Intangirhow dare you tease me
21:23.17|Jelly|It is awesome. And it'll be fixed too. Just chillax. :P
21:23.28Intangiryou pray that it does
21:23.33*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
21:23.35Intangiror so help me!i with verbally thrash you once more!
21:23.41Intangirwith my terrible speeling
21:23.58|Jelly|I *seriously* doubt everyone that's crying about it is using all 120 buttons too. L2barmod until it's fixed.
21:24.42buuSomeone fix geist =[
21:25.10*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Holding (
21:25.17Saint-NWOW THATS A LOT OF NUTS!!!
21:25.30GofGI just realized something guys.
21:25.42GofGOperation Iraqi Liberation was the name of the primary invasion of Iraq
21:25.47GofGOperation Iraqi Liberation
21:26.05Valaron|WorkThe War On Terror is TWAT
21:26.40GofGKaydeethree: No, that's "operation infinite freedom"
21:26.40Valaron|WorkBah.. good joke gone awry
21:26.40Saint-Nthe War Against Drugs is WAD
21:26.40GofGValaron|Work: TWOT lol
21:26.56GofGSystem Of A Pwn is Soap.
21:27.02|Jelly|Was this the patch that would allow me to use the same UI on both my desktop and laptop without reconfiguring it?
21:27.04GofG(soad tribute band)
21:27.41*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
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21:29.43TC-Holdinggrrr....2 BSoD so far today
21:33.51buuSo Geist just creates an action bar. It used to work. But now the 25 buttons in this bar all show whatever item I have assigned to the first button in my 'regular' action bars..
21:34.08CideThunder_Child: upgrade to vista!
21:34.20Thunder_Childos: Windows Vista Ultimate (installed on November 2 2006) :: uptime: 13m 22s
21:34.53Saint-N13mins without an error?
21:34.59Saint-Nwhat IS your secret?
21:35.17PolarinaHacking the uptime counter is the only explanation,
21:35.29cladhaireokay so here's the deal.
21:35.43cladhaireport 3724 is blocked
21:35.49cladhaire3725 and about a million others, are not.
21:36.14buuThe entire addon is like 400 lines and 100 of that are just button listings..
21:37.15Saint-Ncladhaire: you'd need to redirect to say 4000 from your machine to the outside, but you'd still need a redirect on the outside to bounce it tothe right port
21:37.38cladhaireaye.. wish i could figure out an easy way to do that :P
21:39.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
21:39.18Saint-Nbut if thats the case you're almost better off either bitching immensely, moving off campus, o0r just vnc'ing somewhere
21:39.26CideThunder_Child: I was mostly kidding :P but I haven't had any issues with BSoDs on vista at all.. actually I don't think I've ever gotten one
21:39.32cladhaireyeah I can't move off campus, and I can't vnc anywhere
21:39.35cladhaireso bitching will have to do
21:39.42Saint-Ni can give you a vnc
21:39.48Saint-Nlike i saidthis morning
21:39.48Tem|ClassI've _never_ crashed vista
21:39.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
21:39.58buuDid 2.2 do something to button ids?
21:40.08|Jelly|[16:39]<Tem|Class>I've _never_ crashed vista <-- me either
21:40.28Tem|Classwindows explorer crashes almost daily, though
21:40.29Cidesame (like I said above)
21:40.36Thunder_ChildCide, lucky basterd
21:40.37CideI've had that happen, but far from daily
21:40.44Cidemaybe once every couple of weeks
21:40.48PolarinaWhy do only few of the 2.2 addons work on the Live servers in EU?
21:40.59Cide2.2 is not live on eu?
21:41.06PolarinaCide: No. :(
21:41.09Cairennbecause, as you said, 2.2 isn't till tomorrow for EU
21:41.09Sixenthat'd be a good reason.
21:41.12Kaydeethreetooltip changes
21:41.32Cidethat was a rhetorical question
21:42.51SixenDon't worry Cide, I got it, :P
21:43.06sioraiochtfuck.  UK. banking regs.
21:43.35sioraiochtHIHI! :)
21:43.40Mr_Rabies2how do i set UIScale with a slash command again? :O
21:44.05sioraiochthow are ya Cairenn?
21:44.18Cairenntearing my hair out, per usual on patch days
21:44.21Cairennsettling in?
21:44.33KaydeethreeCairenn, need some alcohol?
21:44.51Cairennin a few more hours, yup
21:44.57Saint-Nhrm this should be amusing
21:45.07Saint-Nclient gave me his laptop but didnt bring the adapter
21:45.16Mr_Rabies2why in a few hours, why not now, cair
21:45.23Mr_Rabies2always time for booze when it's stress time
21:45.23sysrageall the mod sites gettin hammered?
21:45.28Saint-Nand i need to do o2k3 sp3 mp11 .net2.0 and .net3.0 updates as well as a defrag
21:45.29Cairennoh yeah sysrage
21:45.30sysrageWUU goin slow as balls
21:45.33Mr_Rabies2i suggest getting hammered and drunkposting
21:45.43Saint-Nwonder how longthe battery is gonna hold out
21:45.54sysragehi cairenn!
21:46.00Cairennhi sysrage
21:46.43sysragei see they re-enabled the set pitch thingy. wonder if my level flight macro works again
21:46.55LunessaGet to the choppa!
21:47.02sysragewell.. shirik's.. or umm. now i forget who made it
21:47.04buuWell that didn't work.
21:47.07CairennMr_Rabies2: because I have to provide foodage to daughter and friend and self first, then can drink
21:47.49Mr_Rabies2give them some booze too
21:48.06Cairennheh, can to daughter, her friend isn't old enough yet though
21:48.22Saint-N*demands pics when they get trashed ;)
21:48.29Mr_Rabies2i'm technically not old enough yet over in the US
21:48.39Mr_Rabies2i still don't understand the 21 age law, but alas
21:48.54Cairennaye, daughter not old enough in US either, but legal in Canada
21:49.03Saint-NMr_Rabies2: they wanted at least 3 legal years between voting and drinking so there would be sober votes ;)
21:49.08Mr_Rabies2there's technically no limit in GA as long as your parents give you it and don't let you leave the house
21:49.13zenzelezzshould be careful about calling your daughter "legal" on IRC
21:49.29ScytheBlade1Bah, where did I get ItemRack from? :(
21:49.35Cairennshe's been legal for that for a few years now
21:49.39Saint-N**demands pics again
21:49.59Mr_Rabies2honestly even mentioning you have a sister or daughter is pretty much opening yourself up towards the creepy side of the internet
21:50.06Intangirdoes anyone have a link for that item rack fix again?
21:50.16Saint-Nits only creepy when you hit the mother daugher 3some
21:50.21ScytheBlade1It is indeed opening yourself up to the creepy side of the internet
21:50.46zenzelezzlogging on to the Internet is opening yourself to the creepy side of it
21:50.48Mr_Rabies2i do it to my male IRC friends, but wager it'd be a bit more creepy to a mother or sister unless they knew me well enough to know i was harmless by those suggestions
21:50.55zenzelezzthe Internet only has two sides. The creepy side and the offline side
21:51.26LunessaSaint-N: I'm a bad human being.  I LAWL'ed
21:51.40Saint-Nlaugh lunny
21:52.03Saint-Nsaw a video like that a while back
21:52.41Mr_Rabies2i try to avoid being labeled as the creepy guy on irc no one wants to talk to
21:52.56Saint-Nthis chick with a blindfold was going down on this other lady who had a blindfold on, for some porn shoot, and they pulled off the blindfolds to discovery they were mother daughter after about 15mins of filming
21:53.06zenzelezzbetter be the creepy guy on IRC than the creepy guy in person
21:53.10LunessaI patched, then updated a majority of my AddOns before leaving for work.  Sadly,  I'm at work until 10;30pm
21:53.27Mr_Rabies2because once you're in the friend circle the defenses are down giggity giggity alllriiiight
21:53.43Saint-Nthats okay luney: the minority you didnt patch are far to important to put off and by the time you're home there will be BW for ya
21:57.37ScytheBlade1Hehe, whoops
21:57.45ScytheBlade1I left my server torrenting the 2.2 patch
21:57.50ScytheBlade1At 1MB/sec upstream
21:57.52ScytheBlade1For a few hours
21:59.44|Jelly|Any idea why the WAU all of the sudden wont keep my WoW my WoW folder?
22:00.28|Jelly|Step 1: Close WoW
22:00.28ScytheBlade1Holy crap, I spiked it to 15MB/sec upstream for a while
22:00.31purlACTION facepalms at the situation
22:01.16ScytheBlade1It seems that ag_UF has a tooltip bug similar to ItemRack
22:02.29Intangirwhats ag_UF?
22:03.26Intangirthis guy my brother works with hada 1 night stand with this hot older woman at a bar one night, 3 months later, he meats this cute girl at the same club
22:03.34Intangirhe goes over to her place
22:03.47Intangirhes thinking it looks really familliar
22:04.07Intangirthey wakl in, and the girl says 'hi mom me and so and so are gonna be upstairs  watching movies
22:04.20Intangirhe looks its the same woman he had  been with 3 mons previous
22:04.23ScytheBlade1Do I need to update OnLeave() as well as OnEnter() ?
22:04.24Intangirshe winks at him ;)
22:04.57Intangirhe immediately leaves ;)
22:05.01Intangirdidnt say another word hahaha
22:05.55Intangirthats dangerious territory
22:06.06cog|workrsc.URSGCDU,.gda fg89lj'ylgdjucrgl d39LFY73.12789lyf54ps23dy5p@#%P@"#5@35yp2355p
22:06.38cog|workwhy the hell can't peolpe think for themselaves?
22:06.46cog|work+correct spelling
22:07.23Valaron|WorkHe meats her?
22:07.53Valaron|WorkThat's an understatement.
22:08.02Intangiri have lag, i cant even see what im typing till 3 seconds after i press enter
22:08.14Intangirim ircing over a detachable shell on another server
22:08.16AnduinLothar"Corrected the damage modifier calculation for Resilience when the attacker has bonus critical strike damage." So that's a nerf to the +3% crit meta gem?
22:09.21Lunessacog|work: Thinking requires effort and understanding. Life is so much better when others do that for you and all you have to do is click for beer and porn.
22:09.52*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
22:09.52Industrialmmm beer
22:09.59Industrialmmm porn
22:11.21IndustrialHe meated me instead of I met him
22:11.37cladhaireIndustrial: met a hot girl from Holland today :P
22:11.55Industrialtheres more where it came from ;o
22:12.04cladhairei can imagine!
22:12.34LunessaI need to move to the land of the midnight sun.  I understand even fat bald guys like me can meet hot girls there.
22:12.41Lunessa(i kid, I kid)
22:13.30sysragewow.. another winnar move by blizz.. my resolution says it's right in options, but it's not
22:13.58IndustrialLunessa: only if you have tentacles
22:14.36Lunessa... OMFG.  I play a Draenei shaman most of the time, and the tentacles bit is a running gag in /g.
22:15.47sysrageplease tell me there's a simple fix for this
22:16.07sysragenone of the widescreen resolutions are working for me
22:16.16AnduinLotharhmmm my old versions of Metrognome-2.0 and Omen are erroring, wonder why they worked on the PTR but not live
22:22.08*** join/#wowi-lounge YammYgirlcoding (n=hoho@
22:26.08YammYgirlcodingguys. Is anyone hearing an annying ding sound every 2 seconds after patch?
22:26.31Saint-Nsysrage: you could edit the config file directly and either remove the setResolution line OR set it to the res you want
22:28.49LunessaI can't wait to go home and change all my keybindings
22:29.06Saint-Nim gonna redo my ui tonight
22:30.12Valaron|WorkI haven't updated to eePanels2 yet.
22:30.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
22:30.25*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Legorol] by ChanServ
22:30.25Saint-Nyou should
22:30.29Saint-Nits much gooder
22:30.33Valaron|WorkWhat's different?
22:30.40Saint-Nhe added in graphic alpha
22:30.50Saint-Nand scripting
22:30.58Saint-Nand better graphic support
22:31.12Saint-Ngraphic alpha is sexy though
22:31.15LunessaSeriously - I use 1 through = as bar 1, alt1 - alt= for bar 2 and ctrl1 - ctrl= for bar 3 - I'm going to switch ctrl1 - ctrl= to lctrl1 - lctrl= and use rctrl for my push-to-talk key
22:31.27Valaron|WorkFor better Hello Kitty UI?
22:31.46Saint-Nheh nah hello kitty must be bold and inyour face!
22:32.06Saint-Nonce the addon blitz settles down i think im gonna do a snorks ui ;)
22:35.52*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
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22:44.51CideKaydeethree: ping
22:45.20Cidecan you update your post(s?) regarding resetting CT_BarMod stuff to say what I just posted here:
22:45.36Cidethanks :)
22:46.51sysragesaint-n: i read forums. it's a bug. res is correct, it's the UI scaling that's fubar
22:47.06sysrageand it was well known on PTRs.. GG blizz for letting it go live
22:51.05*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
22:55.32sysrageis voice chat enabled or not? i'm not seeing the option
22:55.49bleeterl2rstickies :P
22:56.06sysragewow forums make baby jesus cry. it's just a bunch of whiney idiots
22:56.10bleeteroh, and notes on warcraft's home page :P
22:56.57bleeterdebatable whether the blizz posts on the home page are just a bunch of whiney idiots too, i guess ;)
22:57.47bleetersysrage: basically, disabled on all realms day 1. selected realms on day 2, then slowly rolled out based on QA feedback, bugfixes etc.
22:58.04sysrageya i saw it. thanks though :)
23:00.47JoshBorkeoh you're so witty cog
23:05.05sysragejoy. sound is broken too!
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23:16.39*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (
23:19.19TS|Skrom_my macro don't work ><
23:19.44TS|Skrom_were there changes to how nostance had to be used besides capitalization?
23:20.16*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
23:23.33TS|Skrom_ if anyone has any insight... it'll take me out of form (as long as it gets past stopmacro, which it's doing right) but won't continue on and cast the following shapeshift
23:24.47sysragesome buff they gave to evocation... i get less mana now than i did before
23:26.55ScytheBlade1Before you had a /chance/ at 4 ticks @ 1500%
23:27.16ScytheBlade1Now you have a /guaranteed/ chance at 3 ticks, and a /guaranteed/ chance of 1 tick at your normal in-combat regen
23:28.09cog|workSlouken needs to unsticky everything except the 2.2 threads until Thursday
23:28.48Corrodiaslet's see if our raids happen tonight
23:28.51Sixeneh? Why?
23:28.51Corrodiasanybody want to place bets?
23:31.24JoshBorkecog|work: he should just post in the 2.2 thread
23:35.29TS|Skrom_Anyone got any ideas on that macro? It's even showing the correct icon >< just doesn't want to cast
23:36.57Corrodiaswell, perhaps...
23:37.14CorrodiasWhy did my macro stop working? If you're using a macro like
23:37.19Corrodias/cast [modifier:alt][target=focus,harm,nodead][target=mouseover,harm,nodead] Polymorph
23:37.37TS|Skrom_not like that at all, macro is
23:37.40Corrodiasthat's all i've got
23:37.53Corrodiasi will, as they say, take a look
23:38.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
23:39.13Corrodiasif only the blizzard downloader weren't annihilating my connection. manual download time?
23:39.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Bejitt (
23:39.29TS|Skrom_it casts rejuv fine.
23:39.38TS|Skrom_it stops if I'm in stance:3
23:39.45TS|Skrom_it even cancels form if I'm in another stance
23:39.53TS|Skrom_but it just won't cast cat form
23:40.00Corrodiasi don't think i've ever seen a slash ('/') used in a condition
23:40.21Corrodiasbut i don't think you need (Shapeshift) at the end
23:40.38TS|Skrom_it never hurt in the past (and I tried without about 10 mins ago)
23:40.49TS|Skrom_yes I didn't need it but it worked :)
23:41.04TS|Skrom_the / is either and or or
23:41.07TS|Skrom_I forget which
23:41.12TS|Skrom_or I think
23:41.44TS|Skrom_at any rate it's getting past that oddly enough because it'll take me out of bear, travel or acquatic, but NOT out of cat (stance:3)
23:41.44Corrodiasi'd be happy to experiment and figure it out once i get in the game
23:41.54TS|Skrom_it's just the oddest thing
23:41.56Corrodiasi am holding your happiness hostage until blizzard gives in to my patch demand
23:42.42Valaron|WorkTS|Skrom, change line 2 to: /stopmacro [stance:3]; [modifier:alt]
23:43.56TS|Skrom_so was it just a fluke that it worked before? or what?
23:44.03TS|Skrom_that did it btw, thanks Valaron|Work
23:44.12Corrodiasi think the macro system was rewritten for 2.2, no?
23:44.38TS|Skrom_indeed, but I don't recall that "/" was removed as an "or" or maybe I'm just whacked and it never was hehe
23:44.48Valaron|WorkYeah, Corrodias.
23:45.07Corrodiasi might not even get into the game by raid time, much less be functional
23:45.21Corrodiashow horrible, eh?
23:46.20Valaron|WorkSpend the evening updating!!
23:48.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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23:49.15TS|Skrom_why does it feel like my game view got smaller
23:49.41TS|Skrom_my chat box is under my bottom fubar and my target of target is below my top fubar
23:49.53TS|Skrom_like the borders shrunk in but all my elements stayed in place
23:50.00Corrodiassome code for arranging frames got changed, too, i think
23:50.07Corrodiasi saw that mentioned in some thread
23:50.20Corrodiasah, it was in the thread for TBag explaining why the frames may have moved
23:51.05Corrodiaswhich means you're SCREWED
23:51.17Corrodiasas am i, with all my carefully-arranged frames probably gone awry! ;.;
23:51.59Guillotinethe sites are dyyyying
23:52.01TS|Skrom_sorry but I just don't like rock :(
23:54.47Rallion|AwayI'm trying to come up with a decent random dungeon generator
23:54.55Rallion|Awaylike, for a roguelike
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23:56.34Corrodiaslogging in
23:56.44Corrodias*prepares the air sickness bag*
23:56.52TS|Skrom_I don't know sound that well so someone remind me
23:56.57TS|Skrom_reverb: nice to have or no?
23:57.07Corrodiasgenerally not
23:57.12Corrodiasit's an echo effect
23:58.05Corrodiasi only got two errors on login! Huzzah!

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