IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070922

00:00.49Shirikin fact you know what
00:00.54Shirikwhy would it have to convert from double to int?
00:01.11ShirikI see no problem with performing an and on the mantissa
00:01.54PolarinaShirik: That's how bitlib does it. However I have not got a single idea why they didn't do it that way.
00:03.17foxlitHm, yeah. lshift is slow(er)
00:04.20foxlitxor / and / or do not approximate well to lua math operators, and thus lose more
00:04.52art3misbuu: yeah ;P
00:05.04art3misthats all you really need to say thas bad about php ;P
00:05.43buuart3mis: Yeah. It's hard to get more insulting than that.
00:05.48art3misshirik: wait until you get a quantum computer! itll know the answers before the questions are asked!@
00:05.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
00:05.54*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Legorol] by ChanServ
00:06.13art3mis<-- <3's quantum mechanics
00:06.53art3misfoxlit: the default "settings" file that controls most of php based applications that allows you to plain text input usernames passwds servers etc etc etc
00:07.10Shirikart3mis: That would be php.ini
00:07.25art3misnot for most distributed php applications ;P
00:07.34Shirikis everywhere I've seen it
00:07.41ShirikI have never seen a ''
00:08.15foxlitThink google agrees with us as well
00:11.45buufoxlit: You're missunderstanding it.
00:11.56buufoxlit: He's referring to a common design decision of php so called applications.
00:12.05buuYou're referring to the config file for the mod_php.
00:12.24art3misits config.ini ;P
00:12.25foxlitbuu: It's the only interpretation that makes sense.
00:12.27buuBut I guess this is what you should expect.
00:13.02foxlit"Someone wrote code that puts sensitive stuff in clear text files accessible by anyone" is not PHP's problem
00:13.27buuTechnically speaking, no.
00:14.11buuAnd if you actually had a competent programmer using php, you get something half way decent. Unfortunately every developer who isn't a complete idiot can immediately see the myriad problems with php and drops it.
00:16.12foxlit"Unfortunately every developer who isn't a complete idiot can immediately see the myriad problems with php and drops it." I don't buy that.
00:17.02art3misis that becuase you dont consider yourself a moron and cant see any problems with php and still use it?
00:17.22art3mis~poke foxlit
00:17.23purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind foxlit, pokes foxlit repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
00:17.47foxlitWell, to some degree.
00:18.03foxlitBut mostly, it's an overly loaded statement with no real argument behind it.
00:19.13*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
00:19.52Corrodiasit is indeed a fallacious statement
00:20.08Corrodias"the only people who like php are complete idiots"
00:20.58Corrodiasseparate that from the actual proposition, which is "php has myriad problems"
00:22.22Corrodias...does anyone else find those "" advertisements really creepy because of the models they use?
00:23.33foxlitHaven't seen any :/
00:23.45foxlitCopied my hosts file over to notebook, ads are rare ... new spybot includes over 6k URL's in the hosts file :D
00:25.02foxlitNow how much of those would you really need to block?
00:25.24FlAWDit's mostly precautionary
00:25.39FlAWDthe URLs have been gathered over something like 5 years
00:26.14foxlitI'm contemplating letting the HTTP server I use to serve blank ads from localhost  remove hosts entries that haven't been used for ages
00:26.37foxlitHistorical archives of domain names of adhosts don't really hold any value
00:26.53FlAWDvery true
00:27.13FlAWDbut there are a few .. a small amount .. that have used the same dns names for years
00:27.26AnduinLotharSo, if I resurected GuildTradeSkills what would you guys want to see as features?
00:28.06foxlitwindow -> what I want made -> who makes it
00:28.31foxlitThat's assuming I was forced to use it, asking is generally easier :)
00:28.32AnduinLotharhow would you want to browse? Assume you knwo what you want made and what skill makes it?
00:28.53Corrodiascrafting is annoying, as is getting anything out of it
00:29.05foxlitYeah, more or less.
00:29.39foxlitYou can add a generic "show me everything per profession", but that's mostly "ooh, someone got that level 35 health pot recipe"
00:31.13buuAnduinLothar: Peer to peer synching, obviously.
00:31.30AnduinLotharas in store offline memebr data?
00:32.20AnduinLothariw as thinkign abotu having it jsut be ondemand request and broadcats of online members
00:32.49AnduinLotharpeer to peer is substantially more complicated
00:33.24foxlitThat depends on two things
00:33.31AnduinLothardeserving it's own lib prolly
00:33.57AnduinLotharwonder how gem does it
00:34.01foxlitCan recipe links be resolved without storing the entire link?
00:34.12Kaydeethreebleeter, wow, I'm impressed. hortus didn't delete your post
00:34.23AnduinLothar? you can make a link with a single #
00:35.09AnduinLotharhowever if you want to store everything then you have to store all the amts links and the crafting link and the product link
00:35.48AnduinLotharit's not a lot of data, i'm not that worried about the storage part. just the transmission would eb very slow if it were p2p
00:36.01foxlitNo, it wouldn't
00:36.09foxlitYou have GUILD addon messages to play with
00:36.09AnduinLotharyou can transfer your own data for 2 profs in 1 or 2 bursts
00:36.51AnduinLotharbut transfering an entire guild's could entaill all possible recipies/mats/products
00:37.10bleeterKaydeethree: heh, well I've pretty much told any Winer to sod off to the Wine support channels, I kinda hoped by stating that obvious fact he might leave the post alone. I guess it's also possible he's AFK grabbing a cuppa or something ;)
00:37.17foxlitRely on client cache for everything but who can make what
00:37.24Kaydeethreehe replied in it
00:37.31foxlitDon't send other's data.
00:37.48bleeterKaydeethree: btw, current git's crash on exit fix seems tighter than the patch that was originally provided. Seems to close a heck of a lot quicker :)
00:38.03foxlitSend a hash of your own state when you log in. If anyone is interested (hash does not match what they have), have them request an update
00:38.05KaydeethreeI'm compiling now, still
00:38.21foxlitWhenever you do a search, ask the guild as well.
00:38.44foxlit(including a list of people who you know can make the stuff)
00:38.56AnduinLotharyou lost me
00:39.13foxlitUpon logging in, client pushes what it can make to everyone online who cares
00:39.31foxlitIf someone wants to find out who can make something:
00:39.36foxlit1. Search local database.
00:40.02foxlit2. Send a guild request, including names of those you know can craft what you're looking for.
00:40.19foxlit3. If a client knows a name not on your list, reply with details.
00:40.21AnduinLotharwhy woudl you need a guild request?
00:41.00foxlitBecause it's cheaper than making sure that everyone has the whole picture at any one time
00:41.29AnduinLotharok, so jsut push your product links and have details be ondemand?
00:41.45foxlitPush crafting links, imo
00:41.54AnduinLotharnah crafting links suck
00:41.56foxlitIf those are just an ID, it's by far the easiest method
00:42.00AnduinLotharcause you have to parse them
00:42.07Corrodiasyour mom is on demand
00:42.22AnduinLotharproduct links are easier because you can get detailed item info
00:42.25sag_ich_nichtdid someone try to sell it to you yet?
00:42.40foxlitIs it 5 KB yet?
00:43.39foxlitAnduinLothar: but they'll save you all the work later on?
00:44.03foxlitTo be honest, I have no idea how they work.
00:44.11AnduinLotharno, but it'll make it easily browseable and searchable
00:44.20foxlitCan you get a product name out of it?
00:44.33foxlitCan you get a list of reagents out of it?
00:44.35AnduinLotharfrom tradeskill links you cant get any info without parsing
00:44.39foxlitCan you store it in a single number?
00:44.47foxlit"parsing" what?
00:45.11AnduinLotharfrom an item link you can get all sorts of info liek where it is equipped, ilvl, req lvl, quality, etc
00:45.27foxlitIn other words, stuff that nobody cares about :)
00:45.27sag_ich_nichtyou haven't tried to sell libstub to AnduinLothar yet?
00:45.29sag_ich_nicht~fail ckknight
00:45.30purlckknight: Fail.
00:45.43foxlitBesides, if you can extract product name.
00:45.46foxlitCan't you get an item link?
00:45.47ckknightLibStub is not mine to sell
00:45.56sag_ich_nichtyou tried to sell it to cidan :P
00:46.22AnduinLotharonyl way to get id from name is to store a giant table of all known links
00:46.39AnduinLotharbut you can easily get name from an id
00:46.57foxlitSo what's a crafting link, exactly?
00:47.05foxlitBut you can't get the list of matts out of an id
00:47.05AnduinLotharjust a tooltip
00:47.09sag_ich_nichtlots of pipes.
00:47.16foxlitpipes that contain what?
00:47.23foxlitSome sort of spell ID?
00:47.26AnduinLotharright, but you said request details so why do you need the mats?
00:47.27foxlitItem ID?
00:47.32foxlitList of item IDs for everything?
00:47.39sag_ich_nichtyou can't see what the item link "looks" like
00:47.41foxlitNo, you misunderstand.
00:47.42sag_ich_nichtunless you like
00:47.46AnduinLotharnothing. it's a completely sepperate tooltip
00:47.53sag_ich_nichtdo some TCP/IP related stuff
00:47.56sag_ich_nichtthat is really bad
00:48.14foxlitHey, that link is clickable in chat, which means it's a hyperlink
00:48.19foxlitWhich means there's some code attached
00:48.26purlACTION facepalms at the situation
00:48.40AnduinLotharit's jsut a tooltip in a database
00:48.57foxlitThe request mechanism is intended to get you information about the crafting abilities of people who you don't know about yet
00:48.58AnduinLotharwith a tradeskill link id
00:49.31*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
00:49.43sag_ich_nichtJoshBorke: your stuff appears to work
00:49.44sag_ich_nichti think.
00:49.58JoshBorkethat's interesting
00:50.01sag_ich_nichti will test it in 3 days.
00:50.12sag_ich_nichtfriend i wanted to test it with today
00:50.14JoshBorkei'm having fun working on legoblock
00:50.15sag_ich_nichtgot a 72 hour ban
00:50.17foxlitSo you could still get most of the interesting stuff out of the tooltip?
00:50.21sag_ich_nichtfor calling someone a fucking shitgimp
00:50.51AnduinLotharsag_ich_nicht: it's not worht implimenting in libstub to my existing lbis. i may look at it for future libs
00:52.50sag_ich_nichtyou should totally write a new framework from scratch, AnduinLothar.
00:53.05JoshBorkeyaou were being sarcastic?
00:53.12JoshBorkei couldn't tell, there was no <sarcasm> tag
00:53.13AnduinLothari need income first
00:53.26sag_ich_nichtthere is, JoshBorke
00:53.34sag_ich_nichtit was just opened a looooooooooong time ago.
00:53.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron (
00:53.42JoshBorkeoh, ok
00:53.42sag_ich_nichtAnduinLothar well get one
00:53.50JoshBorkeget one income?
00:53.55JoshBorkewouldn't he need steady income?
00:54.03JoshBorkeAnduinLothar: marry a rich old chick
00:58.33*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
01:01.35sag_ich_nichtnight guys
01:02.04foxlitYes, ZP is awesome
01:02.20JoshBorkenn sag
01:02.37foxlitThough Bioshock is probably not the best episode
01:02.47bleetergnight sag_ich_nicht
01:06.50foxlitPsychonauts or Fable
01:07.19Corrodiasfucking psychonauts! i KNEW I forgot something!
01:09.02AnduinLotharwtf... netherrock died but only turned into 2 crumblers...
01:09.06AnduinLotharneed 3 for the quest
01:09.22foxlitYou're so doomed now! :P
01:11.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
01:15.05AnduinLotharwtb block value
01:17.56Cairennevening Esamynn
01:18.02Esamynnhey Cairenn
01:51.58mikmawhere are the classcolors defined?
01:52.15mikmaoh, Fonts.xml
02:04.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
02:04.59AnduinLotharso, i just redid the math and I'm way aboved 100% avoidance
02:05.34AnduinLotharso i swapped out some of my block rating for dodge and defence
02:05.54AnduinLotharand got to 81% damage reduction
02:06.02AnduinLotharself buffed
02:06.09JoshBorkeoops, soryr for caps
02:06.21JoshBorkethey let you pew pew yet?
02:06.31AnduinLotharI tanked KZ last night.
02:06.41JoshBorkehow much health though?
02:06.51AnduinLothar11k self buffed
02:07.23AnduinLotharso i need to swap out more block for stam and dodge
02:07.40AnduinLotharfigured out my [Libram of Repentance] does exactly zero for me
02:07.53AnduinLotharcause i'm already over the cap with jsut holy shield
02:08.10AnduinLotharso the 5.33% extra does nothing
02:08.34AnduinLotharso i'll prolly be swappign that out for Libram of Zeal
02:09.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (i=feh@conspiracy/developer/Cidan)
02:09.13AnduinLotharfor the same reasont he proc on [Dabiri's Enigma] does exactly nothing unless i'm out fo mana for Holy Shield
02:10.09AnduinLotharand while the proc on [Figurine of the Colossus] is nice with healing on blocks the passive shield block rating is useless
02:10.50AnduinLotharand for the same resoning Reboubt is fairly useless
02:11.03AnduinLotharbut Shield Specialization is nice
02:12.40AnduinLotharand i realized that while defense isn't needed for crit immune any more past 490. it still provides pretty nice avoidance
02:13.19AnduinLothar30 def = 2.55 avoidance
02:13.54AnduinLotharand 1.2% of that is full avoidance dodge and miss
02:14.05AnduinLothar.51% is frontal parry
02:14.44AnduinLotharplus all of those push down the block %
02:15.10AnduinLotharcause block rly sucks. you only really want it to be uncrushable
02:16.16AnduinLothartho it also provides agro with things like Holy Shield and Sanctuary or healing with [Figurine of the Colossus] proc
02:16.40AnduinLotharbetter to go for spell dmg for agro tho
02:20.57AnduinLotharsuper shoulders!
02:24.03JoshBorkeanduin is just talking to himself, don't worry
02:24.26AnduinLotharit'd been a while. needed a good session
02:26.09bleeterlong as he don't answer back with someone else's nick, it's fine :)
02:30.19Kaydeethreewow... the PTR forum has finally hit page 2. wonder how hard the banhammer's gonna come down on all the spammers
02:32.00bleeterheh, hortus went home?
02:32.22Kaydeethreenah, they're busy trying to fix whatever the hell's wrong with the 2.2.2 PTR. posted an hour ago that they were having trouble
02:33.45bleeterheh, the 'do not spam the forums' thread is out to 12 pages
02:34.10Kaydeethreethe one he had earlier thread-capped earlier today
02:34.39bleeterI was thoroughly expecting the forum to get locked RO earlier (dunno if that's possible, tho)
02:34.58bleeterwhich is why I posted the Wine thingie, on the offchance they did lock it
02:36.02AnduinLothar09/21/2007 07:35:04 PM PDT    my clock says 7:34....
02:36.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
02:36.17*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
02:36.20bleeterheya Iriel
02:36.35AnduinLotharhow did he post and get 2 pages of response before it's even the time he posted..
02:36.58AnduinLotharer 13 pages*
02:37.54AnduinLotharso.... 2.2 is comign on tuesday and they're putting up 2.2.2 tonight on ptr?
02:38.00Kaydeethreethat's the plan
02:38.21AnduinLotharthat mean they plan 2.2.2 for liek 1 or 2 weeks from tues?
02:38.22bleeternew event content to test... some beerfest thingie
02:38.29bleeteras well as halloween
02:38.39Kaydeethreethey're getting ready for the october holidays. the ptr'll probably be up for a week tops
02:39.38JoshBorkehola iriel
02:40.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah_ (
02:41.30bleeterwhat intrigues me, is how we're gunna be updating from 2.1.3 to 2.2.2 without the 2.2 content patch
02:42.05AnduinLotharthere is no 2.2 content patch
02:42.32bleeterbut they're going to have to 'ship' it all, somehow, so we get 2.2.2, yes?
02:42.42AnduinLothar2.2.2 is the content. 2.2 is the ui and voice/video update
02:42.54AnduinLothar2.2 on tuesday first
02:43.02AnduinLotharthen 2.2.2 a few eeks after
02:43.03bleeterok, d/content/ in my intrigue post there
02:43.35AnduinLotharpretty sure 2.2 is comign then 2.2.2
02:43.44bleeterwe're on 2.1.3 now, they're pushing out 2.2.2, so we'll be getting a 2.1.3->2.2.2 PTR patch
02:43.52AnduinLothardont think so
02:44.04AnduinLothar2.2.2 is the holiday content
02:44.21bleeterso you think it's just the content bolted on to 2.1.3?
02:44.30Kaydeethreethen how are we going to be getting on the PTR tonight since they haven't pushed 2.2 live yet?
02:44.46AnduinLotharoh, you mean ont he ptr
02:45.02AnduinLothari'm sure it will include 2.2
02:45.06bleeteryar, sorry, I'm an inprecise bastard sometimes
02:46.40bleeteranyways, wouldn't be suprised if this leap is the cause of the 2.2.2PTR delay
02:47.26purlLAZINESS: The quality that makes you go to great effort to reduce overall energy expenditure. It makes you write labor-saving programs that other people will find useful, and document what you wrote so you don't have to answer so many questions about it. Hence, the first great virtue of a programmer.
02:47.56purlIMPATIENCE: The anger you feel when the computer is being lazy. This makes you write programs that don't just react to your needs, but actually anticipate them. Or at least that pretend to. Hence, the second great virtue of a programmer.
02:48.24purlHUBRIS: Excessive pride, the sort of thing Zeus zaps you for. Also the quality that makes you write (and maintain) programs that other people won't want to say bad things about. Hence, the third great virtue of a programmer.
02:48.44Tem|work~fear of complexity
02:48.44purlACTION "AAAAAAAAAARRRGH!!" runs screaming away from of complexity until it smashes into a low-hanging tree branch and lies senseless in a pool of it's own drool
02:49.00Wobin_PTR problem?
02:49.21Tem|work~literal fear of complexity
02:49.22purlACTION "AAAAAAAAAARRRGH!!" runs screaming away from of complexity until it smashes into a low-hanging tree branch and lies senseless in a pool of it's own drool
02:49.34Tem|work~factinfo fear of complexity
02:49.35purlfear of complexity -- last modified at Tue Dec 13 03:08:43 2005 by kergoth!; it has been requested 11 times, last by Tem at Tue May  1 18:58:27 2007.
02:50.01AnduinLotharbeat him up
02:50.03Wobin_the grammar of that fact is a bit.... off
02:50.12bleeter~whaleslap kergoth
02:50.13purlACTION beats kergoth upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
02:50.16Shirik~literal fear of
02:50.17purlACTION "AAAAAAAAAARRRGH!!" runs screaming away from of until it smashes into a low-hanging tree branch and lies senseless in a pool of it's own drool
02:50.23Shirik~literal fear
02:50.24purl"fear" is "<reply> Fear is the mind-killer.  Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.  I will face my fear.  I will permit it to pass over me and through me.  And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.  Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.  Only I will remain."
02:50.44Wobin_~factinfo fear
02:50.44purlfear -- created by greycat <> at Wed Feb 27 14:52:22 2002 (2032 days); it has been requested 5 times, last by kadrahil at Tue Sep  4 12:06:12 2007.
02:53.40bleeterand on a totally OT and deeply disturbing note,
02:55.49AnduinLotharhe was on drugs
02:55.56AnduinLotharand drunk
02:57.06bleeteralcohol isn't a drug?
02:57.33AnduinLotharyou tell me
02:57.57AnduinLothartylonol's a drug
02:58.15*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
02:58.27Wobin_and so what if he was on drugs and drunk? =P
02:58.38Wobin_What has that to do with anything?
02:58.47AnduinLotharrecommended dosage of tylonol does not make you lose inhibition
02:58.56Wobin_and so
02:58.58Wobin_he's excused
02:59.02Wobin_cause he was high, and drunk
02:59.04AnduinLothardidn't say that
02:59.22Wobin_but you said "he was on drugs and drunk" like it was an excuse =P
02:59.24AnduinLotharbeing high isn't actually illegal
02:59.33AnduinLotharneither is being drunk
02:59.33Wobin_who said anything about illegal?
02:59.41AnduinLotharjsut stating facts
02:59.46Wobin_who said anything about illegal?
02:59.55AnduinLotharwho said i was defending him?
03:00.08bleeterdepends what you're doing when you're high/drunk, eg driving a car, as to whether it's illegal or not
03:00.21Wobin_why state the facts if you're not making a specific point?
03:00.22AnduinLotharthis is true
03:00.22bleeterwell, in most western societies
03:00.35AnduinLothardoes everything you say have a point?
03:01.07AnduinLotharcause I'm positive I say a lot of things just cause I'm thinkign them, not to actually lead anyone anywhere
03:01.11Wobin_Otherwise I don't bother saying it =P
03:01.43AnduinLotharis there a point to arguing with an unargumentative statement?
03:02.05Wobin_Just finding it odd, that you make statements of the sort, then deny you're making statements =P
03:02.36AnduinLothari made a statement about drugs and alcohol, not a statement about his guilt or the morality of it
03:02.55Wobin_<bleeter> and on a totally OT and deeply disturbing note,
03:02.55Wobin_<AnduinLothar> he was on drugs
03:03.19Wobin_She was disabled.
03:03.22Wobin_And Dead anyway
03:03.40AnduinLotharit doesn't actually say when she died
03:03.42bleeterno, she was dieing
03:03.46AnduinLotharjust that she did
03:03.48Wobin_oh okay
03:03.50Wobin_She was disabled
03:03.54Wobin_and dying in any case
03:04.00AnduinLotharshe could have died before or after being peed on
03:04.22Wobin_that's true
03:04.26AnduinLotharnot that either is kosher.
03:04.34bleeterhe admitted to urinating on her while she was ill
03:04.50AnduinLotharhmmm, does that mean she was still alive?
03:04.59bleeterand, I guess one could be dead and called 'gravely ill', that's not that common
03:05.25AnduinLotharthe tone of the acticle kinda of makes me assume she was, but it might just be that the reporter didn't know and spun it to sound worse
03:05.33Wobin_actually, I don't think there's anything in the article that points out a specific timeline
03:06.04Wobin_I'd say he 'admits urinating on a woman'
03:06.14Wobin_but the state of the woman at the time is pretty untellable
03:06.27AnduinLotharexcludign context, yes
03:06.33bleeterI guess any evidence would be in the mobile phone recording
03:06.36Wobin_since you can't depend on the person who was closest to the woman at the time to determine her health
03:06.55AnduinLotharwhich i don't really want o watch
03:07.40AnduinLotharso what's the moral here.... don't do weed and alcohol at the same time?
03:07.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Dreadlorde (
03:07.51Wobin_there's no moral really
03:08.09Wobin_it's just a sad story
03:08.10AnduinLothardon't do weed and alcohol at the same time if you are morally bankrupt already?
03:08.10bleeterhelp those who are in need, don't think of youtube first
03:08.36Wobin_"Helping people out can -also- go on youtube!"
03:08.58Wobin_(although probably won't get as many views)
03:08.58DreadlordeHi everyone
03:09.20AnduinLotharhmm, might make itself into an anti-drug campaign eventually.  whenever it's deteriorated to a statistic.
03:10.33Wobin_"One man out of X on drugs urinates on dying women in the street. DON'T DO DRUGS!"?
03:11.00AnduinLothari was thinkign more allong the lines of percentage of drug related court cases
03:11.29AnduinLotharor the relationship there of of multiple substance abuse
03:13.20Wobin_hm, is it EotS weekend?
03:13.32Kaydeethreeoh wow... the PTR forum's about to riot. they've disabled premades
03:13.45AnduinLotharworst pvp weekend ever
03:13.51Wobin_Kaydeethree: oh noes, who am I going to duael?
03:14.02Wobin_I should do some EotS
03:14.11Wobin_but geez, I dislike pvp at the best of times =P
03:17.30AnduinLotharDRM technology used in consumer media may be violating Canadian privacy laws, according to a new report.
03:17.41AnduinLotharsee slashdot
03:17.47Wobin_hm, are there any good strat pages on eots out there?
03:18.17AnduinLotharstep 1) take the towers. step 2) capture the flag
03:18.45AnduinLothartaking 2 and disturbing a 3rd can work. or cap 3
03:18.55AnduinLotharjust need organization
03:19.18Wobin_organisation =)
03:19.44Wobin_wtb premade =P
03:19.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Dreadlorde (
03:21.30Wobin_!c us argent dawn debtors
03:21.33ThraeBotWobin_: Debtors, Level 70 Dwarf Paladin (5/48/8). 10237 HP; 4773 Mana; 89 mana regen; 5 mp5; 12306 Armour; 720 AP; 114.200 Melee DPS; 6.26% melee crit; 30 +spell dmg/heal; 302 defense; 11.64% dodge; 13.80% block; 10 frost resist (+10);[[ TBR: 737 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Fri Sep 21 23:35:35 2007 EST ]]
03:21.43Wobin_is that a tanky pally?
03:22.54*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
03:36.06Kaydeethreelmao, the second sticky has hit the threadcap today
03:36.17Kaydeethreepeople are addicted... this is fun to watch
03:41.09Thunder_Childsticky about what?
03:41.17bleeter2.2.2 PTR not being up yet patch then this tue?
03:41.34*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|laptop (
03:41.39Tierriewow players are such crack afficts
03:41.58Kaydeethreethe 2.2 patch is happening tuesday, the 2.2.2 PTR patch will be happening tonight or tomorrow
03:42.29Thunder_Childstill dont see why they cant wait a few days
03:42.39Thunder_Childmaybe play the "real" game
03:42.58cog|laptopoooh... i guess that means i'll be able to fix CogsBar before tuesday then :)
03:43.19cog|laptopassuming i have a working computer...
03:43.38bleeterI'm more amused by the #8 read post in the forum... I guess folks are just reading anything a blue's ever posted in
03:43.52bleetercog|laptop: ow! don't hit me! :(
03:44.10Kaydeethreeya, it's funny how there's ~3 posts on page 1 of the wine thread
03:45.00bleeteronce the PTR's up, and I've added the PTR AppDB entry, I'll ask hortus to delete all but two other posts (about Wine being illegal), lock and request sticky ;)
03:45.18bleeteror if you're gunna do another 2.2.2 FAQ thingie, just get you to link to it
03:46.10Kaydeethreenah. he linked my wowwiki version of the guide in his faq, I'm assuming if I repost it it's not going to get restickied
03:46.17Kaydeethreesomeone else reposted my guide and that's how hortus responded
03:46.56bleeterah, didn't realise you'd done a wowwiki version... I'll edit in a Wine section when we get there :)
03:47.12Kaydeethree[[Getting on the Test Realm]]
03:47.25Kaydeethreedamn, that doesn't work in here
03:48.02bleetergot it
03:49.15Legoroli haven't been following PTR stuff for a week or so, can someone get me up to speed on what's going on?
03:49.26Legorolwhat's this 2.2.2? what's in it? why are they doing it? what happened to 2.2?
03:49.32Legorolor shall i just read up on it on forums
03:49.32Kaydeethreeright now, nothing. 2.2.0 is done testing, 2.2.2 will be going up tonight or tomorrow
03:49.36bleeterright, if hortus is happy to link to that, I'll be happy to edit that page to 'work' for wine, then get him to delete the Wine PTR forum thread. And request he does mention Wine in his notes, but point to your guide, etc. etc. etc.
03:49.50kergothbleeter: you misinterpreted those factoids.
03:49.50Kaydeethreeforums got wiped, just as an fyi. they're all spam at present
03:49.53kergoth~fear bleeter
03:49.53purlACTION "AAAAAAAAAARRRGH!!" runs screaming away from bleeter until it smashes into a low-hanging tree branch and lies senseless in a pool of it's own drool
03:50.02kergoththere's a fear $foo
03:50.02Legorolso there are known issues in 2.2, they are already working on it for 2.2.2, but they can't delay 2.2 any longer?
03:50.09Legorolthat doesn't sound liek blizzard :(
03:50.09kergothas well as a specific 'fear of complexity'
03:50.17kergoththe specific one is never seen, cause the command one is always hit first
03:50.22kergoth~forget CMD: fear (.*?)
03:50.22purli forgot cmd: fear (.*?), kergoth
03:50.24Kaydeethreeshort of a few sound issues I'm pretty sure 2.2 was stable enough
03:50.27kergoth~fear of complexity
03:50.27purlFEAR OF COMPLEXITY: That which causes you to implement as little as possible, as simplicity is easier to fix. As well, that which prevents feature creep due to the environmental damage it causes. Hence, the fourth great virtue of a programmer.
03:50.41Kaydeethreevoice chat's running on different hardware so they can always leave it disabled if necessary
03:50.56Legorolok one thing that's not clear from the posts on the forums:
03:50.56kergoth~insult bleeter
03:51.00Legorolare the characters wiped?
03:51.03Legorolis there a new client for 2.2.2?
03:51.08Legorolaha, ok
03:51.14bleeterLegorol: iirc, there's new seasonal content they need testing ASAP (something about a beerfest, iirc)
03:51.25kergothso is 2.2 definately hitting tues?
03:51.34Kaydeethreeunelss there's a showstopper behind the scenes
03:51.46CidanAfter 2 years
03:51.48KaydeethreeQA must've said "go" otherwise it'd still be on the PTR
03:51.59CidanWhen is any patch "Definately" unless Blue says so?
03:52.06Legorolcheers kadrahil
03:52.48*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
03:53.13Legorolso when did 2.2 finish?
03:53.17Legoroli missed it it seems
03:53.27Kaydeethreearound 11 am pacific time
03:53.45Legoroli wonder if i missed any patches
03:53.51Kaydeethreelast build was 7272
03:53.53Legorolsince wdn is awfully out of that
03:54.20Legorolmeh, i only got up to 7261
03:54.28Kaydeethreeso only one out-of-date
03:54.31LegorolKaydeethree: unfortunatley that doesn't contain the API scans i normally do
03:54.42Kaydeethreebest I can do, I don't have wdn's scripts
03:54.42Legorolalthough i don't expect any new API this late
03:54.51Legorolno i meant i do them for myself
03:55.33Legorolwell, seems like time to delete all those 0.2.0.x-to-0.2.0.y patch files :)
03:55.47Kaydeethreewipe out your whole WoWTest folder, save yourself some trouble
03:57.03Legorolhehe i know
03:57.03Legorolbeen through this many many times
03:57.05Legorolthere's something that worries me, throughout the entire 2.2 PTR the Shartuul's Transporter event was bugged for me as well as a small number of other testers
03:57.17Legorolnot for everyone, but enough people that i noticed others posting about the same issues that i had
03:57.22Legoroli dread that they left that in
03:58.42Legorolactually, this will be interesting..
03:58.50Legorolif they are going to release a patch that allows us to go on to 2.2.2
03:58.54Legorolwhat would this patch look like?
03:59.04Kaydeethreemost likely
03:59.10Legoroland then later, once 2.2 is live...
03:59.22Legorolbah, good thing they have patch engineers, it's complicated :D
03:59.37Legorolyeha i kntow that
03:59.46Legorolbut imagine the complexity of deploying the right sort of patches :)
04:01.03Kaydeethreeoh wtf. my system clock is off by 10 minutes
04:02.27bleeter~lart kergoth
04:02.27purl--purges kergoth
04:02.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Flexom (
04:02.52Kaydeethreeoh wow. he finally fixed it
04:06.20ScytheBlade1Kaydeethree, you know, with your fame on the PTR boards, you'll be an MVP sooner than you'd like.
04:06.39bleetertime to change yer posting ID
04:06.53ScytheBlade1 <-- I read that and laughed
04:08.40Olisonpurl: fetch!
04:08.40purlhmm... fetch is Hey, just say what you really mean!
04:11.06kergothpurl sucks
04:11.07purlonly if you ask nicely and pay well.
04:12.09bleeterKaydeethree: how'd yer wine build go? :P
04:12.31Kaydeethreeoh, it's done finally. lessee
04:13.26ScytheBlade1Anything new happen with the wine source that I should take an interest in?
04:13.55bleetercrash on exit change comitted to git
04:14.03bleeterafk for 10-15
04:14.37Kaydeethreefixed, huzzah
04:19.32ScytheBlade1lol @ PTR thread "Hortus's Fury"
04:20.47ScytheBlade1It's like the PTR board has become the new general, only with a whole lot less content
04:20.51ScytheBlade1And that's saying something
04:22.10Legorolgeneral ever had content??
04:22.16Legoroli must've missed something
04:23.23ScytheBlade1You can see why I'm amazed
04:24.02Legorolgnight folks
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04:33.03CidanYou know
04:33.08CidanI think I've given up on the Wii
04:33.15CidanI'm really just not going to get anything else for it.
04:34.36*** join/#wowi-lounge [KzM]Fatalis (
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05:18.44TierrieI should invite preemptive porn
05:18.54Tierrieits like porn, but downloads itself before you want it
05:21.08buuTierrie: So you're reinventing skinemax?
05:21.37Tierriedamn it!
05:21.41Tierriei should have patented my idea
05:21.52buuI'm sure you still can.
05:22.55Tierrietorrent really goes nuts when you have 50+ peers
05:23.10Tierriei mean 50+ seeds and like 3 peers
05:23.16Tierriethats what happens when you download legal stuff :(
05:23.37Tierrieillegal torrents have like 1 seed and like 1739871293 peers
05:30.07bleeterScytheBlade1: wow, indeed, that hortus's fury ptr thread is win
05:30.31ScytheBlade1Told tou
05:46.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
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06:36.25art3misso RE3 was meh
06:37.45art3misits got some alright parts and visually its pretty good
06:37.55art3misbut as far  as a zombie movie goes it's so-so
06:38.19buuNone of them struck me as very zombie movies.
06:38.24art3misand its got more of that ever so popular up close so we dont need to coreograph a proper fight scene style
06:38.31buuShakey cam?
06:38.43buuVery lame.
06:38.45art3mislike imagine the whole fight scene at the end of re2
06:38.54art3misonly for EVERY fight scene anywhere
06:38.57buuOr the entirety of bourne ultimatum
06:48.05art3miswasnt as good as i hoped
06:48.11art3misbut they did a great job on nemesis
06:48.17art3misand carlos and jill
06:48.34art3mis1 is still the best of bunch
06:48.45art3misbut it had all the game elements that made re great
06:49.48buuI really don't like 1
06:50.03buuBut I don't like zombie movies in general anway
06:50.21buuWell, not a "really don't like" but, I don't like it, really.
06:50.32buuMilla is quite good, and the opening manson soundtrack is epic win
06:50.38buuBut other than that it's meh sauce.
06:50.42buuRE2 is my favorite.
06:51.53art3misi loved the first 1
06:52.01buuIt was sort of blah
06:52.14buuI've never played the games, so I don't have any nostalgia going for me
06:52.27art3misthe second was good for the characters mainly but the story blew, and most of the action stuff was stolen from Equilibria
06:52.29buuBut I enjoyed the pure action movie of the second one over the silly attempts at horror and jumps in the firs tone.
06:52.36buuThere was a story?
06:52.43art3misyeah ;)
06:52.46buuAlso, the ending sequence of RE2 was all sorts of hot.
06:52.53art3misthats one of the things that re1 had totally going for it
06:52.58buuA story?
06:53.20art3misit had the video game story leading it, most fo the "unknowns" were known to us
06:53.25art3misit fit in well
06:53.47buuThere's an insane computer.. AND zombies!
06:53.51buuHell of a story.
06:53.54art3misthe only thing they never carried over from the game to the movies was the wierdness of the mayor and his affinity for cult stuff ;P
06:54.07art3misno the whole umbrella bioengineering thing
06:54.21buuThat's not a story, it's a giant plot device
06:54.21art3misand how the t virus spread to the state it's in for the games etc
06:54.50art3misyou've seen equilibrium right?
06:55.39art3mis90% of the end fight in re2 is a rip off from that movie
06:55.49art3misbut nemesis made re2 bareable
06:56.17art3misthey did him so perfectly i couldnt help but mutter "staaaaaarrrrrrs" everytime he showed up
06:56.24Thunder_Childlol, funny you should mention that i just got that dvd in them mail today
06:58.03buuEquilbrium is amazing
06:58.07buuBut I didn't see the rip off
06:58.10buuOr any similartiy
06:59.40art3misthe whole helmeted soldiers
06:59.45art3misthe close up fighting
07:00.00art3misthe same steal gun smash hfaceplate moves
07:01.24buuOk, you have a point
07:01.32buuBut I think it's more an example of convergent evolution
07:01.45buuI mean, if you have hand to hand with people in motorcycle helmets
07:01.50buuYou're going to smash the face
07:01.55Thunder_ChildGun-Kata TFW
07:02.06art3misjust seemed so week and un inspired(re2) that is
07:02.20art3misit could have been so much better
07:02.24buuI wouldn't call it amazing, or original or anything like that, but I quite like it.
07:02.28art3misyou'll prolly enjoy re3 more than i did
07:02.40art3misive got the games corruptig my views of them
07:02.49buuHaha, I watched an animated movie the other day
07:02.56buuThe Invincible Ironman
07:03.05buuIt was such a complete rip off of bat man
07:03.14art3misthat looks awesome btw
07:03.34buuIt was .. not win.
07:03.46art3misthe new one with robert downy jr?
07:03.58buuNo I was talking about the animasted one.
07:04.02art3misoh heh
07:04.07art3misyeah anime is hit and miss
07:04.24art3misist either really good or really bad
07:04.32buuIt was sort of decent
07:04.36art3misthere doesnt seem to be much "so-so"
07:04.40buuBut ironman was a huge asshole.
07:04.54buuAnd the villains were weird .. chinese.. spirits..
07:05.20buuThe Sorcerer Supreme was a pretty great batman ripoff also.
07:06.10buuThe entire movie was like the 15 minute tibetan series expanded
07:06.14buuEr, sequence
07:08.53Tierriehe is!
07:08.59Tierriei like how ironman is not batman
07:09.05Tierriein the "tortured" kind of sense
07:09.15buuHe still managed to be tortured
07:09.25buuBut they had the exact boardroom scene
07:09.25Tierriehe's a republican
07:09.29Tierriethat's just his problem
07:10.32buuI also saw an .. avengers movie
07:10.35buuWith captain america
07:10.39buuIt was also made of pure fail.
07:11.11Tierrieproblem with cap is that america is so divided
07:11.19buuIsn't he dead now
07:11.25Tierriehe got shot and killed
07:11.32Tierrieafter he turned himself in to ironman's team
07:11.56buuCaptain america was actually pretty good in the movie, but it devolved in to a hulk fight
07:12.00buuWhich lacked something
07:12.20Tierriehulk is boring
07:12.28Tierrieunless you go over the top, there's really nothing to him
07:12.55buuIt was hard on my suspension of disbelief when hulk punches someone 18ft through the ground..
07:12.59buuThen he gets back up.
07:13.34buuAre we on freenode?
07:14.03buuart3mis and Tierrie, I suggest joining ##cinema
07:31.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
07:43.35cryogenthats not even remotely funny :)
07:45.55buuIt's bbspot
07:48.49art3mis <-- hand drawn map of zork
07:51.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
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08:13.49Thunder_Childthe core of bad translation --> stupidity
08:17.37Cairenn|afkrofl, haven't seen that in forever
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08:33.56ArelendaHey there, I'm writing an addon that's trying to monitor trinkets and set bonus temp procs, so I'm finding out about unit buffs.. Am I really correct in assuming there's no way to retrieve the text of a given buff?
08:34.54Arrowmasteryou can
08:35.24Arrowmasterif you want the full text you have to scan the tooltip
08:35.46Arelendacan you point me in the right direction?
08:36.43Arrowmasterare you wanting the name or the tooltip text?
08:36.51Arelendathe name you can poll for.
08:37.53Arrowmasterwell youll need to create your own hidden tooltip then in your code use the function to set the tooltip to a buff which i think is done by index
08:38.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
08:38.19Arrowmastercheck the widget api for tooltips to find out how to set the buff to it
08:38.28Arelendathanks a lot.
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09:30.55bleeterPTR build's out
09:32.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Leachim (
09:38.28bleeter79.2MB d/l
09:44.47zenzelezzis that 2.2.2?
09:47.10zenzelezzI'll know MMOs are maturing once less than 90% of the ads for them are barely-clad females of some sort
09:48.59bleeteryeah, 2.2.2
09:55.00bleetermy old 2.2.0 premades are still there
09:55.19bleeterlolz I'm naked!
10:11.02zenzelezzyour chars too?
10:11.02bleeterand no hearthstone
10:11.02bleeterhell, no bags =)
10:11.04bleeterwhoa, just enabled voice and the thing crashed out
10:11.06bleeterlol someone's on a mount that's not in their bags
10:11.06bleeterah, the 2.2 chars are still there, just all gear's been wiped
10:11.07bleeternew copies seem fine... cept... my fourth copy doesn't seem to have appeared
10:11.08zenzelezzyou're amassing a clone army zomg
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10:22.39bleeterfree beer spawnrate is crap
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10:58.27sag_ich_nichtbleeter changelog?
11:21.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Leachim (
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11:29.28bleeterdon't go quittin' just before I get back to the keys
11:29.58bleeterfwiw, patch.txt's practically empty
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11:54.26bleeter~whaleslap sag_ich_nicht
11:54.27purlACTION beats sag_ich_nicht upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
12:00.54sag_ich_nichthi bleeter
12:00.56sag_ich_nichtyeah i know
12:01.00sag_ich_nichtnow gimme the changelog for 2.2.2
12:01.37bleeterThe latest patch notes can always be found at
12:01.45bleeter^^ so says patch.txt
12:02.32sag_ich_nicht~fail Blizzard
12:02.32purlBlizzard: Fail.
12:02.33bleeterhow's this for a bug, though
12:02.50bleeteronly reason I posted it, was that I think someone non-wine sees it too ;)
12:03.13sag_ich_nichtdefault model and texture for objects missing texture/model
12:03.31sag_ich_nichtthere was a helm that had that missing for troll females for like... 2 months or something in live
12:03.59bleeterapparently the drinks or table outside shatt have the same problem
12:04.46WobinI can't run the repair.exe =(
12:07.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
12:10.47Wobinbleeter: does the wine error "Could not find dependent assembly L"Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls" mean anything tyo you?
12:14.01*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
12:16.22bleeterWobin: which version of wine?
12:17.02Wobinhm latest release
12:17.32Wobinthat was when I try and run Repair.exe
12:17.43WobinNothing shows up, and the process goes to sleep
12:20.07bleeterhmm, have you tried regernating your ~/.wine by removing it or running wineprefixcreate?
12:20.16bleeter(as per my google searching found) :P
12:20.51bleeterbasically, sounds like you've got a screwed registry or something
12:21.36bleeterremember with CD images and loopback filesystems, installing wow's a piece of cake, so losing ~/.wine shouldn't be too much of a drama :P
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14:41.57Kaydeethree79.2MB, hrm
14:42.36Kaydeethreeand they did it again... wtf
14:42.38Punkie`What's that, Kaydeethree?
14:42.40Kaydeethreeall of the /console commands are up
14:42.45Kaydeethreethe 2.1.3-2.2.2 PTR patch
14:43.14Kaydeethreeat least I got connected to good peers, I'm downloading at 1MB/s
14:43.22Fisker-worldport works
14:43.25Fisker-you rock Kaydeethree
14:43.34*** join/#wowi-lounge art3mis (
14:43.48Punkie`what's worldport?
14:43.59Kaydeethreegm command, teleport wherever the ehll you want
14:44.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Leachim (
14:44.54Kaydeethreelmao, no patch notes
14:45.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin (n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity)
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14:47.44sag_ich_nicht[16:42] <Kaydeethree> all of the /console commands are up w--lol wut
14:47.56sag_ich_nicht[16:42] <Kaydeethree> all of the /console commands are up <--lol wut
14:47.57sag_ich_nichtfixed :X
14:48.09zenzelezzon the 2.2.2 PTR only
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14:49.07sag_ich_nichti know
14:49.08sag_ich_nichtbut still
14:49.10sag_ich_nichtall of them?
14:49.19Kaydeethreefrom what I've been seeing on the forum, yes
14:49.21sag_ich_nichtin before a million teleport users :X
14:50.10*** join/#wowi-lounge art3mis (
14:50.30Kaydeethreeoops, they didn't wipe characters
14:50.47zenzelezzfrom what bleeter said, they wiped all their gear and items
14:53.25sag_ich_nichtblizzard is really creative
14:53.29sag_ich_nicht"Slavering Slave"
14:53.43sag_ich_nichtmob name
14:53.47sag_ich_nichtin blade's edge
14:57.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
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15:11.22BuuyoCan SecureActionButtonTemplate, or some other sort of secure frame be embedded in to the action bar like it was a skill or macro button?
15:16.36Industrialembedded? You can make your own buttons with CreateFrame that inherit from secure frame templates
15:16.53BuuyoWell I mean, sort of like how you can drag a spell from your spell book in to the action bar
15:17.17BuuyoI want to have a frame that inherits secureactionbuttontemplate that can be "dragged" I guess and stuck in to the action bar =p
15:19.42KaydeethreeNew PTR up! Latest build: 7286. Diffs from 6932, 7272 @
15:24.38*** join/#wowi-lounge drc|away (
15:24.44sag_ich_nichtArrowmaster: your sound fixed?
15:28.51*** join/#wowi-lounge RogueShadow (
15:28.58RogueShadowjoin #wowwiki
15:29.54RogueShadowAw well, it's ok.
15:43.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (n=Dotted@pdpc/supporter/student/dotted)
15:49.58Wobineots is so much more fun with friends
15:50.04Wobinyou can bitch so much better
15:52.30Wobinand what is it that makes hunters think they can fd and get away with it? =P
15:52.58Wobin*click* WAKWAKWAKWAK -*HK*-
15:53.05zenzelezzhay guyse, that hunter we didnt attack just died???
15:54.16Wobin"Must have had a weak ticker"
15:54.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
15:54.37sag_ich_nichtfuck yeah :X
15:55.00Wobinhehe that's brilliant =)
16:25.18ShirikWhat buffs could I check for a "raid wipe" status? The only people that are alive should either be Divine Intervention, Vanish, Invisibility, Feign Death
16:25.21Shirikanything I missed?
16:25.50zenzelezzdepends what you consider a wipe
16:25.56zenzelezzonly full wipes?
16:26.17AnduinLothartho i spose that's stilld ead
16:27.36zenzelezzyou could just check for naked hunters ;-o
16:28.20ShirikBasically I want to check if everyone's dead
16:28.29Shirikbut it's not that simple because some people are avoiding death :P
16:28.37ShirikBut essentially the fight's over
16:29.03ShirikIt doesn't have to be a "full wipe" no (SS, etc., but I think SS would still show as dead anyway)
16:29.04AnduinLotharcheck if you leave combat with more than 10 people dead
16:29.12AnduinLotharor >%50
16:29.24Shirikbut the rest of the raid could still be going
16:29.25AnduinLotharand the boss isn't dead
16:29.32zenzelezzwas thinking of resetting bosses; my guild still calls it a wipe with half the people dead
16:29.43Shirikhmm I forgot about that
16:29.56ShirikThat's going to be a pain to handle
16:30.13Shirikcan I just call UnitAffectingCombat on every person in the raid? ><
16:30.51zenzelezzI'd think so, but really just one way to find out :)
16:32.41Shirikask my raid to wipe?
16:32.47Shirikthen what I have to pay their repair bills ><
16:33.27zenzelezzwirte a piece of test code and I'll try it when my guild goes for our first go on Al'ar tomorrow :-p
16:34.15ShirikI'd have to send you almost the entire framework ><
16:36.26ShirikI really wish I knew why Windows Explorer crashed so much
16:36.38ShirikI mean, it's nice that they have it auto-restart and all, but seriously, I'm doing nothing and it crashes
16:36.56zenzelezzsounds odd... any special folders or types of folders it happens for?
16:37.18Shiriknot even that
16:37.24Shirikjust the task bar
16:37.43Shirik(which apparently is also run by explorer)
16:42.54sag_ich_nichtopen explorer
16:42.57sag_ich_nichtgo to extras, folder options
16:43.03sag_ich_nichtthen in the second tab
16:43.14sag_ich_nichtfind the option to run folder windows as a separated process
16:43.29sag_ich_nichtenjoy not losing the damn taskbar, and better performance!
16:43.29AnduinLothardoes armor reduce dmg from blocks?
16:43.40AnduinLotharor just hits/crits/crushing
16:43.41sag_ich_nicht(at least i think so)
16:43.42ShirikI don't even have any folder windows open
16:43.47ShirikIt's just the task bar crashing
16:43.49sag_ich_nichtJUST DO IT
16:44.00zenzelezzI think block happens after mitigation, but I'm not certain
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18:03.04zenzelezzthat's an interesting comment
18:03.19Fisker-i'm interesting
18:03.27zenzelezzdon't know about that
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18:06.34Cairennwhy die?
18:08.35Fisker-can anyone participate btw?
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18:09.16Cairennpremium members
18:09.23Fisker-i mean country-wise
18:09.29Cairennsure, why not
18:12.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
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18:15.35dreamssbongos and fubar
18:16.07zenzelezzwhat about them?
18:16.49dreamssthe book tells you how to use those addons
18:18.42dylanmYeah... clad's next book should be much more enlightening.
18:19.32Tullerto be fair, it is a better usage guide for bongos than I've written :P
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18:26.40JoshBorkehola all
18:26.49Cairennhi Josh_Borke
18:27.02JoshBorketricky tricky :D
18:29.45Kaydeethreegah, can't find the dam wolpertingers
18:30.18*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
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18:32.09JoshBorkeyay, pidgin 2.2 = no more crashing on tab
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18:35.24ScytheBlade1huh @ my PTR characters
18:35.30ScytheBlade1They're all, um, naked
18:36.02ScytheBlade1That's awesome
18:36.08ScytheBlade1All gear on everyone? Gone
18:36.13ScytheBlade1All bags? Gone
18:36.34Cairennvisual graphic?
18:36.36zenzelezzlet me repeat: from what bleeter said, they wiped all their gear and items
18:36.42ScytheBlade1Yeah, they did
18:36.46ScytheBlade1It's all 100% gone
18:36.47Cairennerrr, visual error?
18:37.11zenzelezzthey're tried of all all the PTR slackers ;-p
18:37.29zenzelezzdear god my spelling is haywire tonight
18:37.49|Jelly|zZzSo now we have to gear up to test their stuff?
18:38.14JoshBorke|Jelly|: starting nekkid, yep
18:38.21JoshBorkeget to farming
18:38.25ScytheBlade1No bags in the bank either
18:38.27Kaydeethreeoh wow
18:38.30|Jelly|No thanks.
18:38.32ScytheBlade1Oddly, my bank slots are purchased
18:38.35ScytheBlade1But there are no bags in them
18:38.47Kaydeethreethey've got a brewfest quest sending players into BRD
18:39.27|Jelly|...they even stripped my real transfer.
18:40.08|Jelly|My new premade has gear. : /
18:40.16|Jelly|Just the stuff from last time doesn't.
18:42.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso| (
18:42.33ScytheBlade1Randomized character features
18:42.45ScytheBlade1My banks NEVER had hair or skin like this
18:50.04IrielSounds like an endorsement for a beauty product
18:50.16ScytheBlade1lol it does
18:50.18Tullerhehe, thunder 45
18:50.26ScytheBlade1Unfortunately, in this case
18:50.29ScytheBlade1It's a bad thing
18:55.51Kaydeethreeegah. they need to retune the wolpentinger spawn times.
18:57.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
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18:57.41Kaydeethreeone of the brewfest quests
19:08.37|Jelly|I love how people look at my shadow gear and think I don't know what I'm talking about in regards to healing. Makes me all warm inside.
19:09.49|Jelly|What's up?
19:09.49zenzelezznot that kind of warm inside I think
19:09.55|Jelly|Oh baby.
19:10.29Esamynnso, I'm trying to get a grasp on SetTextCoord 8 arg version, I found but that is missing a step, any one have a link for a guide that fills in the missing step?
19:10.30JoshBorkewatchign teh gatech football game
19:10.44IrielI wrote the current guide, what are you missing?
19:10.59JoshBorkeiriel = settextcoord master
19:11.16EsamynnIriel: "The first step in figuring out your SetTexCoord parameters is to represent your transformation as a matrix. This wont be covered here, but there are plenty of tutorials online concerning the mathematics of matrix transformations."
19:11.19MentalPowerIriel = WoW Coding Master
19:12.51Esamynnalthough, I may just end up using calling the DrawRouteLine function in TaxiFrame.lua anyways ;)
19:13.04Esamynnbut I decided I wanted to finish figuring out how it worked
19:13.22IrielThat (indirectly) is the reason why I asked for the 8 arg version in the first place 8-)
19:19.19*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
19:30.34Tullerhrm, to remove features from OmniCC to make the text version work on everything, or to not
19:31.49|Jelly|Wait. What?
19:34.43dylanmTuller: You mean on debuff icons and stuff?
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19:34.54Kaydeethreelmao at the "Is this considered exploiting?" thread
19:35.03Tullerdylanm: I've implemented scaling to solve that :P
19:35.11Tullerdylanm: but yes the blacklist stuff has been nixed :)
19:35.19Tullerdylanm: as in, omnicc will hide on small stuff now
19:35.34dylanmTuller: What's this "removing features" business?
19:35.50|Jelly|You're supposed to feed the fish, KD3, not tell people to leave them alone! Don't you know how to pass time with effective trolling? JEEZ!
19:36.06Tullerme being lazy.  Removing the hide model stuff makes it really easy to make it truly universal (work on nameless frames properly)
19:36.21Tullersame with removing the pulse thing
19:44.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Gl0bal (
19:45.05|Jelly|I wonder if I go take a nap if this thread will still be up when I get back
19:47.05Kaydeethreenah, he symbolically "ended" the thread
19:47.41|Jelly|Seriously. You have to see the mindless entertainment in just prodding people back and forth.
19:48.25|Jelly|He's balance too. I think my most recent post sums up his problems. Thread over. Going to take a nap. <3
19:48.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
19:51.06|Jelly|nappingWhat do you have in trade? /wink
19:51.20zenzelezzyou ruined it
19:51.29zenzelezzthere was still wte and wtf
19:51.44|Jelly|nappingSo I should have said "C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER" ?
19:53.58LunessaYou should have just said "ur mom" and cut out the middle men.
19:55.24LunessaOn most servers, I see "WTS: xxxxx"  followed by "WTS:  ur mom"  
19:55.35|Jelly|nappingI don't watch trade.
19:55.37LunessaSomeone ALWAYS thinks they're clever or funny.
19:55.37|Jelly|napping: /
20:00.49ScytheBlade1|Jelly|napping, I love you. "
20:00.49ScytheBlade1Grats on paying Blizzard at least $15 a month to promote cheating then. It's almost like you're funding screw people. I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF! "
20:01.09ScytheBlade1lol'ing IRL atm
20:02.20|Jelly|nappingMy attention span isn't big enough. I keep wanting to go to sleep but shiney things, like green dots, keep bringing me back. :\
20:03.29|Jelly|nappingAnd then you have this retard: trying to goat me into posting again so he can say "ZOMG! I thought you ignored me. etc, etc." Which brings me back to loling at people that based my ability / knowledge of healing on my shadow gear.
20:05.03ScytheBlade1People are morons
20:05.36|Jelly|nappingAll I have to say is, at least I have the balls to post on my main. :P
20:05.38ScytheBlade1This guy is a tool of amazing proprotions
20:06.03Kaydeethreeit's bad... I actually broke out laughing at that comment
20:06.20|Jelly|nappingWhich? (Two threads discussed and I wanna laugh too!)
20:06.39Kaydeethree"I'm way out of your league" or however he worded it
20:07.06|Jelly|nappingWell. Is there an /International League of Morons and Idiots/ ?
20:08.28ScytheBlade1"Oh wow... an MVP? MVP doesn't mean anything, buddy -- his post is evidence of that. He's just as stupid you are."
20:08.29ScytheBlade1A hahahaha
20:10.26Maldiviahmm... so 2.2.2 is already on the PTR :)
20:10.42|Jelly|nappingAnd your existing Premades are naked!
20:14.07Maldiviawohoo... and what's this about a event item, that turns everyone you look at into a gnome?
20:14.27Kaydeethree100 brewfest tickets
20:14.43Kaydeethreethe horde version turns everyone into female orcs
20:17.25|Jelly|nappingI'd rather be a gnome.
20:17.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
20:19.17Lunessatakes that troll a whole 6 minutes to swap form ids.  I think he's got a latency issue.
20:21.16LunessaAll our trolls are l-a-m-e in the extreme.
20:21.36|Jelly|nappingBut they add a certain pizzaz (???) to the forums!
20:22.47|Jelly|nappingIt's funny watching this evolve. Dude got owned so he brought in his alt and personal insults.
20:23.09|Jelly|nappingOh crap.
20:23.24|Jelly|nappingDude was proven wrong in such a manner that showed him to be an idiot.
20:23.42|Jelly|nappingWHEW! Didn't want you guys to think I actually meant someone claimed him as property.
20:24.30LunessaMeh, I know stubborn, obtuse, and stupid when I see  them.  
20:25.06|Jelly|nappingAnd Iriel is back. GOSH! All these people that don't know anything posting in this thread!
20:25.33IrielThis guy must have had some really bad PvP experiences
20:25.39Irieland possibly severe head injury as a child
20:26.21KaydeethreeI agree with jelly's analysis, he's QQing about damage meters
20:26.25|Jelly|nappingHe's balance. I think he got rolled on the damage meters. Asked someone how they were doing it and they happened to mention the latency thing on Quartz. But brain injury is a pretty big possibility.
20:26.58IrielThat's a reasonable analysis, yeah
20:28.32LunessaIriel: I find it amusing that he clings to "supposed to" as the reason why it is an exploit.  He's adamant in the way only those who are deliberately failing to understand can be.
20:29.56|Jelly|nappingHe's back to personal attacks! ZING!
20:31.33LunessaIRC is like the Seinfeld Show - Meta-Discussion about absolutely nothing.  :)
20:32.25|Jelly|nappingIs Raine in here, by chance?
20:32.34|Jelly|nappingCause I wanna predict what his response is going to be. :P
20:34.48LunessaSo wait... internet latency/speed of light/electronic transmission is a design flaw in WoW (or any online game) ?  Wow - physics FTL
20:35.04|Jelly|nappingDon't bring logic in here.
20:35.16Tierrieif Raine is a guy, his response will be "titties"
20:35.19LunessaDon't confuse my mind with facts!
20:35.23|Jelly|nappingHe already "owned" (not to be confused, like I stated earlier) all of us with logic!
20:35.54Lunessa... Wait!!! STOP THE PRESSES!   Someone said there would be titties.  I need to get my glasses.
20:36.16Esamynn~sigh Lunessa
20:36.17purlACTION sighs, rolls its eyes and shakes its head, "Lunessa!"
20:36.47Tierriecome now Lunessa
20:36.58|Jelly|nappingRut roah! He gave himself up at being both the original troll and the troll's butt-hurt buddy!
20:37.06LunessaHey, I'm a support geek and technical writer.  I find there to be an insufficient supply of said 'titties' in my daily affairs.
20:38.01LunessaExactly the same "fist" or "stylistic signature" to his postings?
20:38.46|Jelly|nappingHis responses. He's forgetting what character he's on, me's thinks!
20:39.42LunessaMan, Satrina just "pwnt" him.  
20:39.59LunessaI'm very bored at work today.
20:42.03*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
20:43.42Kaydeethreeoh boo. did he finally walk away with his tail between his legs?
20:44.50|Jelly|nappingAfter Satrina finally laying the mushroom-stamp (so to speak), more than likely. Although your response was more in line with what I was thinking.
20:47.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
20:49.46IrielExcept he's back
20:49.55buuWhat happened?
20:49.58IrielThere's really no point continuing the thread now
20:49.59buuDid I miss drama?!
20:50.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Viserion (
20:50.14Kaydeethreeindeed. I'm not even gonna open it any more to save myself the temptation
20:50.16IrielHis philosophy seems to be 'I dont care what anyone else says'
20:50.36Iriel(in that he's said as much that any one elses interpretation of anything is irrelevant)
20:50.44|Jelly|nappingI've all but given up. He's going in circles and while funny, I've already hit my face on my keyboard a couple times in response to him and well, I don't think neither my keyboard or my face can take much more abuse.
20:50.47IrielThat makes a forum conversation a little unnecessary really.
20:51.10Irielthe only thing that'd help him would be if slouken showed up and posted "This is not an explot, go away"
20:51.25IrielApparently "Blizzard haven't fixed the exploit because they dont care"
20:51.31Irielnot because they dont think it's an exploit
20:51.58Arrowmasterwhats this 'exploit'?
20:51.59|Jelly|nappingBut he'd just call Slouken a moron/idiot/dolt/et cetera (still laughing, by the way) and the process would start over.
20:52.28*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
20:52.33Arrowmasteran 'exploit' with /stopcasting or /stopcasting is an 'exploit'?
20:52.34zenzelezzTomorrow on Exploits: /cast
20:52.44Kaydeethree"stopcasting is an exploit"
20:52.44dylanmWhere's this?
20:52.53KaydeethreeUI, it's the 7-page thread near the top
20:53.08|Jelly|nappingIs This Considered Exploiting?   [Page: 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7]
20:53.18Arrowmasteri dont read wow forums anymore, too many morons to wade through
20:53.20LunessaHot Keys - Acceptable Tactic or Dirty Cheat?  Next on Geraldo
20:55.22dylanmUI and Macros forum? Not seeing it
20:56.20dylanmBlizzard's search thingy is pretty useless :p
20:57.59dylanmOh God.
20:58.05dylanmThe person who asked the question is a nut.
20:59.33sag_ich_nichtobvious troll is oooooooobvious
21:00.26dylanmSociopaths are nuts, I'd say.
21:00.29IrielI dunno, self-righteous assholery is sometimes quite genuine
21:02.23buuHasn't that question really been answered by a blue at some point?
21:02.29buuFor the sake of seriousness.
21:02.31|Jelly|napping...and linked in that thread
21:02.37Kaydeethreeyes. he just laughed it off
21:02.52IrielThe language of the answer was apparently not explicit enough
21:03.04buuOh, heh, it was.
21:03.16Iriel(Despite everyone else in the world coming to the same unambiguous conclusion)
21:03.22[dRaCo]"Just because some blue said it's ok doesn't mean it's not exploiting, rofl!"
21:04.01Shirik14(1611:5311:4014) 14(1115Kaydeethree14)
21:04.01Shirik14(1611:5311:4014) 14(1115|Jelly|napping14)
21:04.01Shirik14(1611:5311:4414) 14(1115|Jelly|napping14) owned
21:04.07Shirik|Jelly|napping: I do believe you are the one who lost
21:04.12buuMeaning... people who have FASTER connections benefit MORE from this exploit."
21:04.16buuThat's pretty awesome.
21:04.26Shirikwait hold up
21:04.29Shirikis that teh thread I think it is
21:04.32buuAnd so awesomely divorced from reality.
21:05.03Shirikno, it's not the same
21:05.07Shirikbut it is on the same topic
21:05.14Shirikffs it's not an exploit. You don't gain anything from it
21:05.39buuI mean, if you're going to be technical, it more or less is an exploit...
21:05.47ScytheBlade1You do gain something from it
21:05.53ShirikYou undo what you lost
21:05.54Shirikthat's it
21:05.56|Jelly|napping -- orly Shirik?
21:06.22zenzelezz|Jelly|napping: IRC servers don't send your own messages back, so your client cheats
21:06.23buu|Jelly|napping: Your client always sees your messages first.
21:06.27Shirik|Jelly|napping: The fact that your times are off implies to me that your computer's clock is not functioning normally
21:07.05ShirikBut yes, to be more serious, the IRC server never acknowledges your transmissions (aside the ACK guaranteed by TCP)
21:07.14*** join/#wowi-lounge DT__ (i=user@lal-98-182.ResHall.Berkeley.EDU)
21:08.27IrielIt's an exploit if you use exploit to mean "perform an action with the expectation of gaining a result"
21:08.55IrielIt's not if you use the definition of "perform an action with the intent of benefiting from a side effect in a way that is contrary to the wishes of blizzard"
21:10.52|Jelly|napping!c us burning legion draconis
21:10.55ThraeBot|Jelly|napping: Draconis, Level 70 Blood Elf Paladin (41/20/0). 8682 HP; 9678 Mana; 139 mana regen; 30 mp5; 14400 Armour; 72.600 Melee DPS; 3.81% melee crit; 170 spell crit; 163 +spell dmg; 1681 +heal; 3.81% dodge; 5.00% block; 164 resilience; +1 all resists (+5 all);[[ TBR: 1050 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sat Sep 22 17:25:04 2007 EST ]]
21:11.20*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
21:12.07|Jelly|I give up. A nap isn't happening.
21:13.12LunessaIriel: You are correct, sir.  You have Twenty One!
21:15.12KalrothIriel for president!
21:15.12Corrodiasgetting stats from druids to compare them is tough
21:15.18|Jelly| EXPLOIT ALERT!
21:15.38Corrodiasunless you log out in the form that you're comparing, it is not going to show you with favorable stats
21:15.39buuIriel: Well, I think it's worth drawing a distinction between 'contrary to the wishes of blizzard' and 'by passing mechanisms the game attempts to impose'
21:15.39LunessaI need a nap.  I'm at hour 35 of wakefulness.
21:15.55IrielThat depends
21:16.06buuOk, maybe it's really not worth it
21:16.08IrielThe game is attempting to impose blizzard's wishes
21:16.08|Jelly|!vs us burning legion Jelly us drenden kimina
21:16.11|Jelly|this should be lol
21:16.12buuBut the question amuses me
21:16.14ThraeBot|Jelly|: Jelly vs Kimina! Two 70 priests square off!; 15/0/46 vs 23/38/0; Jelly wins by 51 TBRs!
21:16.32buuSMITE POWAR.
21:16.41|Jelly|My shadow gear is balls though. : /
21:18.01Corrodiasfor a feral druid on my realm, i have around the 5th highest agility in cat form, but my strength is much lower than other people's. i think this is due, however, to my gear typically having agility and attack power instead of agility and strength.
21:18.10Corrodias*in cat gear
21:18.30Esamynnwhich is a bit of a silly choice :P
21:18.46art3misoh jelly
21:18.55Corrodiaswhose choice of what are you talking about?
21:18.59art3mishe's refering to an mmowned post about "increaseing your dps"
21:19.06Corrodiaswhat choice?
21:19.19LunessaGiven the choice between raw attack power and  strength which will give equivalent attack power, I usually choose the str.
21:19.23art3misthe moron about quartz and stopcasting
21:19.24EsamynnSTR is definately the primary Cat Form dps stat
21:19.37Corrodiasthere are two reasons i disagree
21:19.47|Jelly|How do you know?
21:19.54EsamynnLunessa: do you include Heart of the Wild in that calculation?
21:19.57Corrodiasthe first is that the gear available to me in karazhan comes with attack power, not strength, so i didn't make any choice
21:20.32Corrodiasthe second is that strength is a means to the end of having attack power. if you have 2.2 times as much attack power on an item as you have strength on another, they are equivalent.
21:20.45LunessaI don't know Corrodias - My druid is Resto-specc'ed and parked at 42 for the last umpteen ages.  I usually play a shaman or warrior when I'm making that choice.
21:21.08LunessaEr, that should have been @Esamynn
21:21.48Corrodiasanyway, i generally do not have an opportunity to choose between strength and attack power. the gear comes with one or the other at this point.
21:22.24art3mis|Jelly|: i read it there a while back and had to laugh that they consider it an "exploit"
21:22.50art3miswas something like "increase your dps 10%!!"
21:22.54Corrodiasi have a macro that casts spells at my focus instead of my target; this is an exploit!
21:23.05|Jelly|I'm still going to tell myself that he got rolled on the damage meters because that lets me believe he was EXPLOITING the combat log!
21:24.36Tierrieexploiting the combat logs
21:24.43Tierriethat's like me, exploting the weather when it rains
21:24.57Corrodiasyou are exploiting the rain by using an umbrella!
21:25.17Corrodiaseveryone else has to get wet
21:25.22Tierriei am exploiting getting wet in the rain by pouring bottled water on myself
21:25.28Tierriewith an umbrella above me
21:25.42Tierrieits raining! but i have an umbrella! but i will pour water on myself anyway!
21:26.28Corrodiasit's like a double exploit
21:26.36Tierriei should get banned from IRL
21:26.48|Jelly|I'm so proud. I haven't posted on page 7 at all.
21:27.05Tierriethats like saying you're so proud you haven't masturbated today!
21:27.07Tierriewow i am on a roll
21:27.12Esamynn|Jelly|: i'm even prouder, I haven't posted in the thread at all :P
21:27.32Tierriezing zing zing!
21:27.35Esamynn~cheeseslap Tierrie
21:27.36purlACTION slaps Tierrie around with a piece of limburger
21:27.45Tierrieoh no, now i am sad :(
21:27.59Tierriethat reminds me of futurama  :)
21:28.18Tierrieprof's all, "and now i am sad again", everyone's like "cool everything's normal"
21:28.59|Jelly|@Delaina's response: He's just going to continue arguing semantics. Like I said -- big circle of dumb. :\
21:29.21Tierriecircle is not an object
21:29.27Tierrieshould be like "big bagel of dumb"
21:29.59Tierriei likey them cookies :D
21:30.07|Jelly|Me too!
21:30.25Corrodiasi could get a silver psp now or wait another week and a half for a black one for approximately the same price at this point
21:30.35ScytheBlade1I had to reply to that thread
21:30.37ScytheBlade1I just had to
21:30.42EsamynnCorrodias: why wait?
21:30.53Tierriewhy get a psp?!
21:31.03Lunessaummm... 'cause the psp is a waste of cash?
21:31.03Esamynnthat is perhaps a better question :P
21:31.04Tierrieget a xbox for halo and mass effect
21:31.14Tierrieor wii for the jedi game
21:31.21foxlithalo = meh
21:31.22Tierrieor just upgrade your computer for porn
21:31.34Tierriei'd go with the computer path
21:31.42Corrodiasbecause i like black. it's my color. :( but i don't know if i would like a silver one anyway. maybe.
21:31.43Tierrieyou don't need new peripherals, you come with a joystick!
21:31.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
21:31.45foxlitHaving said that, PSP = Portable Porn! :)
21:31.58Irielportable porn with a tiny screen though
21:32.04LunessaMy powerbook =portable pr0n.
21:32.05Irielminiscule boobies FTYL
21:32.06Tierrieyou want a psp because it comes in black, and black is your color?!?!
21:32.08IrielFTL, even
21:32.16Tierriemay i suggest buying a burlap bag and putting it over your head
21:32.22Tierrieeverything will then be your color
21:32.22foxlitPSP screen is actually better than most portable device screens around
21:32.29CorrodiasEsamynn asked "why wait?"
21:32.30|Jelly|ScytheBlade1: rofl
21:32.31IrielDepends on your definition of portable
21:32.35IrielIs my MacBook pro portable?
21:32.37ScytheBlade1|Jelly|, I try
21:32.39Corrodiasthe reason i would wait the extra time is to get it in black instead of silver
21:32.45LunessaIriel: /envy
21:32.56|Jelly| imo
21:33.00Tierriewell, is my car portable?
21:33.33foxlitCan you put one in your pocket?
21:33.42IrielPocket, no, bag yes
21:33.44LunessaLOL - " One thing I have learned that helped me not OH that much is not sucking. "  
21:33.47IrielI carry (port) it around all the time
21:34.03foxlitMBP isn't something that I'd feel comfortable about pulling out in a bus, though
21:34.09Tierriei got a pocketpc for that kind of stuff
21:34.18Tierrieyou leave it in your tote bag
21:34.25Tierrieand put explosives in it
21:34.33*** part/#wowi-lounge DT__ (i=user@lal-98-182.ResHall.Berkeley.EDU)
21:34.35Tierrieso if someone steals it, they get 30 yards and BAM
21:34.39Tierrieyour data is safe
21:34.40Corrodiasit sounds like my cats just spilled all their water
21:34.56foxlitcryptor = easier, safer, and less likely to get you shot at airports
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21:35.16Tierrieone thing i learnt from my blizzcon trip is not to wear SEV clothes to the airport
21:35.25Esamynnfoxlit: and where's the fun in that?
21:35.47Tierrieits one of those personal network clothes
21:35.50Tierriewith like, wirings and stuff
21:35.54Tierrieand tons of magnets
21:36.04Tierrielooks like clothes but, has like 60 pockets!
21:36.07Esamynn~cheeseslap Tierrie
21:36.07purlACTION slaps Tierrie around with a piece of emmenthaler
21:36.08|Jelly|You thought that would be a good idea...when? lol
21:36.22Tierrieit cut down on the amount of lugage i needed to bring :(
21:36.29Corrodiasit MUST be black! >:o
21:36.29foxlitBack to the PSP: best screen of everything with the comparable screen sizes, with the possible exception of iPod Touch, which I haven't yet had a chance to look at
21:36.31Tierrieit was a good idea until i walked through the metal detector
21:36.50Tierrieyou can get a UMPC
21:37.20Corrodiasthe slim version has improvements to the screen, even
21:37.20FlAWDipods are ghey!
21:37.26Corrodiasand controls, though minor
21:38.07foxlitTierrie: how do prices compare?
21:38.18foxlit(and how do the screens compare?)
21:38.24Tierriescreen's bigger
21:38.26Tierrieit has more functionality
21:38.30Tierriei don't remember the prices
21:38.33Tierrie800ish i guess
21:38.39IrielDont get me wrong, I have a PSP and the screen is nice, but I've been disappointed with the 'general utility value' of the device
21:38.57Tierrieits the same now!
21:39.03Tierrieoh i am sad now :(
21:39.18foxlitas opposed to 170?
21:39.30LunessaI don't know.  UMD as a media format is not doing it for me.  And locking down media input formats?  lame.
21:39.30foxlitIriel: I'm disappointed by the severe lack of worthwhile games
21:39.31Corrodiasi wonder why i have to choose "reload index" in WAU to see which addons have been updated
21:39.50Corrodiasi identified 10 games i wanted to try
21:39.50foxlitAnd iPod and mobile phones kicked PSPs butt as far as music is concerned
21:40.13foxlitLeaving the PSP as basically a mobile video / wireless internet device
21:40.24foxlitCorrodias: oh, anything fun? :)
21:40.29LunessaWith crappy input controls.
21:40.45Corrodiasi don't know. they decided to make the black one released 3 weeks later than the silver one.
21:40.50Corrodiasbecause SONY IS A BUNCH OF JACKASSES
21:40.54foxlitI've actually used those for a while, and I don't think they're crappy.
21:41.15FlAWDstill not many good games for ps3 either :P
21:41.31Irielfoxlit: Exactly, the games are dissapointing or non-existant
21:41.47Irielfoxlit: and its web browser, while cute, isnt very easy to use
21:41.56Corrodiasthe DS didn't have any more attractive a game lineup
21:42.10Irielthe DS at least has some unique input options
21:42.10Corrodiasand the dual screens look like nothing but a nuisance to most of them
21:42.19Corrodiasuniqueness does not equal value
21:42.21foxlitYou could live with it; I actually browsed wow forums with it at some point
21:42.34foxlitMemory limitations on the amount of graphics it can display are sad
21:43.12foxlitI wonder why the PS3 website uses JPEGs to compress a grey-to-grey gradient in a flash applet
21:43.22foxlitIt'd be much easier to describe it to flash, and it'd look better :/
21:43.35Corrodiasbecause sony is jerks
21:44.15foxlitI don't really think that's the right conclusion
21:45.04foxlitI would have gone with
21:45.23Corrodiasi think yahoo is trying to index my little web server in their searches
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21:47.12foxlitBlizzard didn't publish BLP specs as part of anything, ever?
21:49.21Irielfoxlit: as far as I know that's right, but they also dont seem to have squashed those 'specs' that other people have published
21:50.49foxlitI have some trouble extracting JPEG textures from War3 BLPs; while the container format seems correct, applications tend to render the JPEG data stream oddly
21:52.09*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
21:53.37Corrodiasi need food
21:54.06IrielI need svndumpfilter to run faster
21:54.11LunessaI need a beer.
21:54.30Irielfood and beer I have in the fridge
21:54.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah_ (
21:54.40LunessaI'm still in the office.
21:54.40FlAWDi've got captain
21:54.43FlAWDno food or beer though
21:55.09cladhaireI can provide beer
21:55.09cladhaireWell, its tough to do so from an airport
21:55.09cladhairebut either way :P
21:55.23Lunessacladhaire: you enroute to your UK adventure?
21:55.32cladhaireyep, in Airport #1
21:55.39cladhaireand if by "adventure" you mean the next four years, then yes :P
21:55.45LunessaHave a safe set of flights.  
21:55.57cladhaireThank you, I intend to :P
21:56.05*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo (
21:56.12IrielHow many airports do you go through?
21:56.13LunessaHey, living internationally is an adventure, no matter HOW long it lasts.
21:56.26cladhaireIriel: I fly to Dulles, then direct to LHR
21:57.00IrielAhh..  I almost got stuck in both of those airports on my way back from the UK a couple of years ago due to weather..
21:57.05IrielFun times, not
21:57.09Lunessaoooo... Enjoy the ride on the unique "people movers" in Dulles.
21:57.12IrielLHR is a depressing place, by the way, dont blame us for it
21:57.23cladhairehaha I don't mind it actually
21:57.27LunessaLHR is a strange airport.
21:57.28|Jelly|"Can you heal Arc?" "No, I respecced feral last night" "Oh" *five minutes pass* "Wait. You're a priest." <-- lewl
21:57.42cladhaireNow,, Frankfurt is a scary airport
21:57.51cladhaireso many 15 year old boys with guns.
21:57.56IrielI think Charles de Gaul is the nastiest one of all
21:58.03LunessaI can't really recall.  I slept the whole time I was in Frankfurt.
21:58.14Irielbut I haven't experienced all that many out there in the world, so it may be mild in international comparison
21:58.26LunessaAnd de Gaul is the only airport in the world where I've had a gun pointed at me.
21:59.09LunessaSo my advice to you if you're in that airport.. learn French
21:59.24LunessaMake sure the guards understand what you're saying.
21:59.52*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
22:00.05cladhaireo hai sioraiocht, how's the airport?
22:00.30sioraiochtlol well, from this angle, probably very similar to how it is for you
22:00.57cladhairenah, different lighting imo
22:01.37Lunessaok, enjoy the flights guys.  I'm going to drive home before it gets too late.  
22:01.48Tierriewhy did you get a gun pointed at you?
22:02.23LunessaI was trying to get currency to use a pay phone.  And the exchanges was two feet outisde the transit zone.  
22:02.53LunessaAnd the guard didn't speak english and I didn't speak french.
22:03.11Lunessa(1987, so post lockerbee, pre most everything else. )
22:03.50Shirik|Jelly|: You're cruel
22:03.54Lunessahe got tired of me, and stuck a gun in my face.  
22:03.56|Jelly|What'd I do?
22:04.01Shirik14(1711:5511:2914) 14(1115|Jelly|14) "Can you heal Arc?" "No, I respecced feral last night" "Oh" *five minutes pass* "Wait. You're a priest." <-- lewl
22:04.07LunessaI went to the lounge and skipped my call.  
22:04.15|Jelly|I thought it was funny. :\
22:04.17LunessaCiao tutti.  
22:04.30buuFeral priests?
22:04.39buuAre those the ones that got abandoned in the woods when they were born?
22:04.42Irielcladhaire: How long's your layover?
22:19.16|Jelly|!c us burning legion imayatwo
22:19.19ThraeBot|Jelly|: Imayatwo, Level 70 Undead Priest (29/32/0). 6431 HP; 9191 Mana; 303 mana regen; 87 mp5; 170 +spell dmg; 1040 +heal; 4.90% dodge; 3 resilience; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 468 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sat Sep 22 18:33:28 2007 EST ]]
22:22.56*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
22:23.25cladhairehow am I supposed to respond to this?
22:24.11cladhaireits too cute, lol
22:24.12cladhairehe'as 15
22:24.20|Jelly|Your book imo.
22:24.27cladhairethat's kinda lame
22:24.29cladhairedont like self promotion
22:24.31dylanmYou're a superhero to him.
22:25.15|Jelly|Well, it's a viable response and a pretty good foundation because in all honesty, the Hello World tutorials didn't really help me. :\
22:27.22cladhairelol i should register for the wowi raffle for my book
22:27.50foxlitIt has "Don't get PWN'D" on its cover
22:27.54cladhairezomg i no
22:28.07foxlitThat's an abomination of the English language I'm not willing to take!
22:28.25cladhairehehe if you had any idea how much i fought against that cover :P
22:29.08cladhaireokay, we're boarding.  brb, Washington, D.C.
22:29.17Maldiviaohh, you no longer get disconnected for linking fake items on PTR... the links gets converted to normal text now...
22:30.11CidanThat's like 30 min from me
22:30.31foxlitMaldivia: that's awesome!
22:30.43foxlitMeans I don't have to clean up the mess I make with Tinfoil Hat links
22:30.54foxlit(though I wonder how well that'd work)
22:32.05Wraangerquestion - which event is fired when tracking is turned on / off ?
22:32.10Maldiviafoxlit: well, I'll have to do some more testing... was fixing an addon, and made a typo, that's how I noticed :=)
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22:47.44sag_ich_nichtisn't divine shield supposed to dispell everything?
22:47.50sag_ich_nichtbecause it doesn't dispell shadow flame :X
22:48.04sag_ich_nichtfoxlit: everything besides cooldown stuff like recently bandaged, that is
22:48.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirochi (i=Kirochi@
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22:48.37foxlitThey nerfed the effect of immunity shields on a lot of raiding effects
22:48.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Matsuka (
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22:50.02sag_ich_nichtnefarian is bugged
22:50.03sag_ich_nicht09/23/07 00:49:35> Nefarian yells: Worthless $N!  Your friends will join you soon enough!
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22:54.28Tierrieyou know what sucks is being sick as fuck on a weekend
22:54.34Tierriei caught a damn fever on friday
22:54.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
22:59.06IrielI find myself wanting to be sick lately so I can take time off work without a guilty conscience
23:00.06Thelynabeing sick is overrated
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23:17.06foxlitc = a and a or nil;
23:17.16foxlitif a == nil, c == nil?
23:17.37Irieland if a is not nil or false, then c is a
23:17.51Irielthe only case where a ~= c is where a = false
23:18.14foxlitI was mostly concerned about what happens in false or nil :)
23:18.27Irielif a == false then c == nil
23:18.29foxlitlua> tostring(false or nil);
23:18.32Irielif that's what you want then you're set
23:18.45Irielfalse or nil returns false
23:18.50Irielnil or false returns nil
23:19.21Irielerr, sorry, backwards
23:19.32Irielfalse and nil returns false; false or nil returns nil
23:19.45Irielnil and false returns nil; nil or false returns false
23:20.27Iriel(I just verified the latter in lua, and it's right)
23:20.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie_ (
23:21.05Irielsince X and Y is roughly the same as if (X) then Y else X end
23:21.14Irieland X or Y is roughly the same as if (X) then X else Y end
23:21.14Tierrie_days like these make me want to stand out in the thunderstorm wearing a meal leia bikini and contemplate the existance of gods
23:22.42*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
23:23.51alestaneWTF is up with that "Is this considered exploiting?" thread that blew up to seven pages since this morning?
23:24.03sag_ich_nichtthat's what's up
23:24.09Kaydeethreepeople feeding the troll
23:24.10sag_ich_nichti guess slouken will close it once he sees it :X
23:24.19alestaneSort of the impression I got...
23:25.01foxliteep, now I have to find that thread
23:33.06alestaneYeah, that OP should definitely have picked a different race for his of those things where everyone keeps trying to present rational arguments, and it doesn't make a whit of difference because he just keep s adopting the "Well I'm right and disaggreeing with me makes ya'll stupid" defense.
23:39.16|Jelly|Hey now! I had fun feeding the troll. I laughed. I cried. ...I beat my face against my keyboard. It was all lols.
23:39.51alestaneSo far, I've read the first page, and the last page. I feel no need whatsoever to read the five intervening pages.
23:40.40|Jelly|If all you see is QQ, then no but if you see it as "lol...troll getting trolled" then go ahead. But in the end, it's a troll thread about a guy getting rolled on the damage meters and wanting to QQ about it.
23:41.32alestaneThe part I'm currently finding amusing is that he keeps protesting that we're abusing a flawed mechanic...Bliz's announcements for 2.3 suggest to me that the flawed mechanic is the one that prevents you from casting until your client decrees the spell finished.
23:41.52alestaneNot that I really think anyone here needs convincing.
23:42.07alestaneBut I wanted to say it to someone and I don't feel like feeding the thread.
23:44.28Cairennthis channel is great for telling off buttheads when you don't actually want to do it "publicly"
23:45.35alestaneOr put up with their "nuh uh, you are" responses.
23:46.22alestaneI've tried the "reason in the face of opinion" thing a couple of times and it's losing its charm. Dale Carnegie's famous book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" quotes a line about "A man convinced against his will/is of the same opinion still."
23:46.28KirovDon't forget the ever popular "your mom"
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23:48.15[dRaCo]best answer ever is "no u". dont forget about that.
23:48.49alestaneWhatever happened to "Your mother wears army boots", and why was it supposed to be an insult in the first place?
23:49.32dolby-wowinow a-days some mothers do wear army boots
23:49.56alestaneI know at least one.
23:50.00Kiroveven ones not in the army
23:50.56Kirovanyonw know when UnitAffectingCombat is valid during the login now?
23:51.40alestaneShould you ever be affecting combat before you've finished logging in?
23:51.41|Jelly|!c us burning legion auril
23:51.44ThraeBot|Jelly|: Auril, Level 65 Blood Elf Priest (15/41/0). 5315 HP; 7643 Mana; 210 mana regen; 38 mp5; 53 spell crit; 7 spell hit; 132 +spell dmg; 651 +heal; 4.82% dodge;[[ TBR: 661 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sat Sep 22 20:05:54 2007 EST ]]
23:52.17Kirovalestane - well, not before PLAYER_LOGIN, or PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD
23:52.26foxlitalestane: it's not so much you as the other people
23:52.32foxlitAnd the answer then would probably be no
23:52.43KirovBut a lot of things are valid now at the first PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED (like ... amazingly, the player's aura's) that weren't before
23:52.48foxlit(since it takes a unit argument, and you probably don't know about those units until PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD)
23:52.58IrielKirov: Certainly not before you've begun to enter the world
23:53.01|Jelly|!c us burning legion kilgar
23:53.03ThraeBot|Jelly|: Kilgar, Level 70 Blood Elf Paladin (5/12/44). 9517 HP; 5193 Mana; 83 mana regen; 2 mp5; 8951 Armour; 1228 AP; 191.000 Melee DPS; 24.14% melee crit; 23 melee hit; 118 +spell dmg/heal; 8.81% dodge; 5.00% block; 134 resilience;[[ TBR: 1508 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sat Sep 22 20:07:13 2007 EST ]]
23:53.11foxlitIf you wanted to run it on self
23:53.23foxlitInLockdown() would probably tell you at any time
23:54.18foxlitWow, sometimes my typing fails spectacularly on this keyboard
23:54.27KirovIriel - basically I'm trying to check UnitIsDeadOrGhost and UnitAffectingCombat on the player, and I need to know when they're first valid.  They're valid once PLAYER_ALIVE or PLAYER_DEAD happens, but those don't fire on reload
23:55.05Kirovfoxlit - unfortunatly I need to check for gear changing.
23:55.23Kirovfoxlit - You can't change your gear when you're dead, but you're also not in lockdown
23:55.37foxlitWait until entering world?
23:56.27Kirovfoxlit - that's what I'm asking
23:56.50KirovAre they valid then
23:56.54IrielKirov: I'd have to test it too, that's a fringe case i haven't explored
23:57.08KirovI have a lvl 8 wolf killing me right now
23:57.13KirovLet see what happens when I log in
23:58.20*** part/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
23:59.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
23:59.50Kirovdoh, wrong button

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