IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070919

00:02.27*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
00:02.27*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower] by ChanServ
00:03.49[dRaCo]clad: not sure why you use 3 callbacks instead of 1 with parameters, but besides that it's cool
00:03.58cladhaireit also doesn't work
00:04.02cladhairecause i'm a moron
00:04.04cladhairetrying to work it out
00:04.07Kaydeethreeegah. I need to stop doing that. the shade of aran chant has been looping for a few hours now
00:05.06LunessaI will not move when flame wreath is cast or the raid blows up.
00:09.19cladhairei'm an idiot
00:09.21cladhairethis is easy to solve
00:09.38KaydeethreeI'd say something but I don't want to get smacked
00:14.52Thunder_Childlike "(17:09:33) (@cladhaire) i'm an idiot" QFT?
00:15.04cladhaireyouv'e met me, you can say that
00:17.12purli guess cladhaire is the current author of WatchDog, PerfectRaid, and a number of smaller addons.  He is also a core developer of the Ace project. People in #wowace also know him as 'Mr. Lightningfingers.'  To find cladhaire, one should look on wowinterface, as he no longer frequents the wowace channel or forum.
00:17.27JoshBorkehuh, that's outdated
00:17.40JoshBorkeno purl, cladhaire is <reply> i'm an idiot
00:18.33cladhaireuhh.. neat?
00:18.40cladhairei have so many better quotes than that
00:19.14Thunder_Child"Mr. Lightningfingers" heh, i dont even want to know
00:19.21JoshBorkehe didn't even take it
00:19.31*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG_ (
00:22.48LunessaI'd say cladhaire is more like "Mr. Looks Good in Sandals"
00:24.06LunessaI figure if I looked half as good as clad does, I'd be a lot more popular with the ladies.  
00:25.10LunessaI know I know
00:25.18LunessaI'm just saying... for ME... not you.
00:26.10GofG_What's a decent anime that's actually serious?
00:26.25LunessaDefine serious.
00:26.26GofG_IE: Not bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-like
00:26.45GofG_Serious = DBZ, Ghost in the shell, etc
00:26.50Kaydeethreedbz? serious?
00:26.54GofG_Not serious = Bobobobobobobo, Excel Saga, etc
00:27.06[dRaCo]DBZ? Serious?
00:27.12GofG_DBZ? Serious?
00:27.21Kaydeethreehm. what have I watched recently that fits into that category...
00:27.23Kaydeethreeergo proxy?
00:27.34cladhairei love dbz
00:27.39[dRaCo]DBZ's the worst piece of animation produced. ever. my two cents.
00:27.43GofG_I agree
00:27.45GofG_but it's still serious
00:27.48GofG_not meant to be funny
00:27.56Kaydeethreeif you could call weeks of filler serious
00:27.56[dRaCo]Black Lagoon's supposed to be very good
00:28.10cladhairei enjoyed the later story lines in the sailor moon series
00:28.29cladhaireparticularly in japanese with english subs.. so the storyline was intact and more mature.
00:28.31Kaydeethreeoh, that reminds me. need to see if KAA's subbed any more of sailor moon. they did the first arc a few months ago
00:28.33bleetyarrrrmooning sailors? SHIVER ME TIMBERS!
00:28.34GofG_Kaydeethree: But it's not meant to be funny :)
00:29.09*** join/#wowi-lounge tardmrr (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
00:29.09*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v tardmrr] by ChanServ
00:29.19Kaydeethreeblood+? chrno crusade? fate/stay night? gankutsuou?
00:29.26LunessaI liked Bubble Gum Crisis and Bubble Gum Crash
00:29.39LunessaAnd AD Police.
00:29.40Kaydeethreeit's not the 19th yet
00:29.50Kaydeethreetskukhime, saikano, etc...
00:29.51bleetyarrrrand cladhaire as cladyarrr, etc.
00:30.03[dRaCo]another anime I enjoyed was GitS:SAC and SAC2
00:30.13bleetyarrrrKaydeethree: you be learnin' bout Piracy 101, or to the sharks with ye!
00:30.20dreamss4blood+ was cool but there was missing stuff at the end
00:30.54dreamss4yeah find a retail ver of kiteUUU :P
00:32.04*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
00:33.41Carrrrrrenjust for you, bleetyarrrr
00:33.51bleetyarrrryarrr! A WENCH!
00:34.26bleetyarrrrI wonder if me brain will be capable o' participating in th' Student Rep meeting t'day in 100% buccaneer speak
00:35.21PawwotPieces of eight!
00:35.35dreamss4of course not many ppl know why a WP is good heh
00:36.42Kaydeethreegood choices, all of that. a fair bit of it isn't "serious", though
00:36.49GofG_Kaydeethree: What OS is that?
00:36.56GofG_oh wow
00:36.57GofG_mac os
00:37.02GofG_How did you get it all... awesome?
00:37.02Kaydeethreenegative, linux
00:37.09GofG_that's how :)
00:37.24GofG_thing on right looked like a dock for a sec
00:37.55Pawwotnot compiz?
00:38.03*** join/#wowi-lounge ben (
00:38.34Kaydeethreethe theme I wanted requires emerald, didn't want to hack around trying to get it to work using compiz's window decorator
00:41.08Tullerhrm maybe that's what I can be doing
00:41.12Tullerinstalling linux yet again
00:41.28*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy2 (
00:42.14TullerI do wonder why you want a transparent firefox window :P
00:42.47Kaydeethreebecause I'm specifically chosing backgrounds where semi-transparency works
00:44.21GofG_:( Download speed of 4 KB/S makes me cry
00:44.28Tuller...hrm, can I get XFCE and awn to play nice
00:44.49Kaydeethreethe setup in that screenshot is xfce+beryl+fedora 7
00:47.27GofG_download speed was 3KB/s
00:47.36GofG_because my hard drive was full
00:47.39GofG_and opera didn't know what to do
00:48.03Kaydeethreescary... HDDs getting full
00:48.10GofG_Not my actual HD
00:48.16GofG_the partition I was downloading it to
00:48.51GofG_I gave it 30 meg originally as my "crap" partition
00:48.53GofG_bad idea
00:48.58GofG_30 gig*
00:49.12Kaydeethreewas about to say... 30 megs? are we in the 90s?
00:49.14GofG_woah wtf
00:49.34GofG_my nick won't change
00:49.36GofG_lol brb ghost
00:49.40PawwotSo.. what does GofG stand for?
00:49.59bleetyarrrrWobWork: TO THE PLANK!
00:50.24GofG_now /nick GofG doesn't work
00:50.26GofG_for no reason at all
00:50.28GofG_Gofg is sad.
00:50.42Kaydeethreecheck your status window
00:50.58GofG_...grats on getting booted by nickserv in 10 min
00:51.37GofG_Imma quit and relog back on
00:52.05*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
00:52.33WobWorkso what -does- GofG stand for?
00:53.01GofGI wn
00:53.03GofGwin, rather
00:53.13GofGGofG stands for Gulf OF Guinea
00:54.29WobWork"Build a man a fire..."?
00:54.42|Jelly|Lunessa: <3
00:55.01LunessaI'm adding a beer to the count you owe me. :P
00:55.03Cidanextracting Crysis
00:55.10GofGCidan ≠ Cide.
00:55.22GofGSimilar Cidan is Similar.
00:55.34GofGSimilar Cide is Similar.
00:55.51Thunder_Childyou know, all game and electronic conventions should be located in LA
00:56.19GofGdo not want
00:56.34|Jelly|The best part is there there' bar mod.
00:56.35LunessaNo, because then there's no ready access to large numbers of cheap hookers like in Vegas.
00:56.46|Jelly|She made it seem like there was like twelve or something.
00:57.00Thunder_Childfly em in, i dont care, i just want easy access
00:57.04Lunessa|Jelly|: Yeah.  It was funny.
00:57.13GofGI think all gaming and tech conventions should be in Raleigh NC
00:58.02LunessaAgain, serious lack of hookers.
00:58.36Thunder_Childuse local talent
01:00.28GofGI can be a hooker.
01:00.38GofGif it means getting a few gaming conventions.
01:01.28Thunder_Childyou do understand that most of the people that go are men.....
01:02.28Thunder_Child~lart Kirkyarrrr
01:02.28purlcrushes Kirkyarrrr with a full height scsi disk
01:02.45Thunder_Childisnt that tomorrow?
01:02.52|Jelly|I almost like being a troll.
01:02.53KirkyarrrrTomorrow .... where?
01:02.58|Jelly|Or being referred to as one.
01:03.01Kaydeethreein the only country that matters
01:03.01Carrrrrren'tis the 19th in some countries already
01:03.04Thunder_Childis it tomorrow there already>
01:03.22KirkyarrrrI'll give you two guesses.
01:03.23|Jelly|How would you pirate up Jelly? lol
01:03.25Thunder_Child"(18:03:22) (Kaydeethree) in the only country that matters" win
01:03.34bleetyarrrrnay, 'tis t'day here, ye scurvey dog... 'tis yesterday where ye are, Arrrr! Piracy 101 Dateline ftw! We'll keel-haul ye!
01:08.03|Jelly|Come on guys, help me out here. :(
01:08.34|Jelly|I meant with pirating up Jelly.
01:08.44|Jelly|I don't need help calling this person an idiot on the UI forums. :P
01:08.57KaydeethreeI will in 2 hours and 51 minutes, when ITLAPD starts here
01:09.18|Jelly|You hurt my feelings.
01:09.35|Jelly|I WILL QQ! AND QQ I WILL!
01:10.49Thunder_Childi have Thundarrrr_Child worked out already
01:11.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
01:11.47Kaydeethreethat's also why I'm stalling... "Karrrrdeethree"? "Kaydeearrrrrrr"? can't decide
01:14.49|Jelly|Karrrrrrdeethree imo
01:17.45*** join/#wowi-lounge vecnastears (n=vecnaste@
01:18.19vecnastearsjust checking out shell options
01:18.21vecnastearslooking into a bnc
01:18.28vecnastearsjust discovered irssi
01:18.33vecnastearswhich is very strange
01:18.38vecnastearsbut kinda workable
01:20.25Cidarrrrnannnddd Crysis is now uninstalling
01:23.37CarrrrrrenKirkbeard: har! I be likin' that one
01:23.37Thunder_Childwhy? works better when it's installed
01:24.01CidarrrrnWithout breaking the NDA, I don't think I'll be buying Crysis.
01:24.10CidarrrrnNow, on to TF2, let's try it out eh?
01:24.28Thunder_Childthere is no NDA...i couldnt find it anywhere
01:24.45Cidarrrrnit's right there when you install
01:24.50CidarrrrnAND when you get the key
01:25.15Thunder_Childthen they should call it an NDA
01:25.15|Jelly|Lunessa: Ping
01:25.33|Jelly|Ok. Giving her the benefit of the doubt, I'm looking over that list again.
01:25.48|Jelly|I'm honestly not seeing ANY other addon that would put a casting bar that looks like that out.
01:26.06LunessaOne sec...
01:26.28|Jelly|  is the bar
01:26.34|Jelly|Anyone else wanna take a crack at it?
01:27.07Thunder_ChildCidarrrrn, was it a hardware issue?
01:27.23Cidarrrrntake your pick
01:27.32Thunder_Childin english?
01:27.32Cidarrrrner not ebb
01:27.33|Jelly|It's apparently not eCB
01:27.45|Jelly|Cause she swears she has it turned off.
01:28.00LunessaShe removed her links.  
01:28.09Cidarrrrnso just have her disable all UI's
01:28.12Cidarrrrnand enable one by one
01:28.13LunessaI can't recall what was on her list.  
01:28.14WobWorkelkbuffbars is all I can think of
01:28.21Thunder_Childlinks dont go anywhere
01:28.21|Jelly|I just posted the links.
01:28.23CidarrrrnI say it's ecb or ag
01:28.37|Jelly|Can you detach the cast bar from ag?
01:28.48Thunder_Child"Page not found …but while you're at Photobucket, why not try:" is what i get
01:28.59LunessaAnd I really hate being called a troll because she was to fucking stupid to follow the posted advice in stickies or read the instructions for her fucking addons.
01:29.04CidarrrrnLink's work for me, Thunder_Child
01:29.19Cidarrrrnand no Thunder_Child
01:29.23CidarrrrnI just don't like the game
01:29.26Cidarrrrnwe'll leave it at that
01:29.27Thunder_Child|Jelly|, i dont think so, hide or show
01:29.40Thunder_Child~fail Cidarrrrn
01:29.41purlCidarrrrn: Fail.
01:29.44|Jelly|Lunessa: Only reason I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt is because I honestly didn't see her say she already ruled out eCB. I'd like to have answer if I'm going to eat crow.
01:30.07Kaydeethreehuzzah. they've finally posted a lament of the highborne vid on the official site
01:30.08LunessaeCB was her problem.
01:30.32LunessaShe probably also had some other thing like SharedMedia.  
01:30.35WobWorkso much for the benefit =)
01:31.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
01:31.33LunessaHonestly, the advice remains the same no matter how many addons  the user CLAIMS to have disabled.
01:32.00|Jelly|And posting an unprivate photobucket on the wow forums is just dumb.
01:32.22LunessaMy photobucket account has my real name in it
01:33.06|Jelly|well...more than likely, his has a picture of him:
01:33.18LunessaFor that matter, so does my Yahoo, AIM, MySpace, and hotmail accounts.
01:33.34Nom-I heard a nasty rumour that TF2 finally came out
01:33.38Nom-And that it's shite
01:33.49CidarrrrnTF2 beta is out
01:33.59Cidarrrrnand everyone everywhere is saying it amazing.
01:34.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Tinyboom (
01:34.16Cidarrrrnit == it's
01:35.37Nom-The feedback i've had is that it's laggy as hell
01:35.44CidarrrrnI've heard no such thing
01:35.54CidarrrrnI've read that it's great
01:36.06LunessaI can has cheeseburger?
01:36.22|Jelly|U has flaver?
01:36.26CarrrrrrenIs it can be hugs tiem plz?
01:36.43LunessaI has a bukket
01:36.57|Jelly|muh bukket?!?!
01:37.16LunessaActually, I'm starving, and I want a cheeseburger.  
01:37.28|Jelly|Well. I owe you a beer as it is.
01:37.34LunessaBut I'm afraid to leave the office in the care of two student workers.  
01:37.37Nom-mmmm cheeseburger
01:37.42|Jelly|So yeah. Six hour drive? Come on!
01:38.01LunessaFt. Worth, right?  5 hours.  
01:38.16LunessaSplit the difference, we'll meet in Austin and get trashed on 6th street
01:38.35LunessaLike, in Jan.  
01:38.39Thunder_Childi wont get it because there is not TF2 demo
01:38.39|Jelly|I am trying to get down to Austin to hang with some people from my server.
01:38.43LunessaWhen I can afford to do stuff again.
01:40.00CidarrrrnI'm putting in my pre-purchase now
01:41.11Thunder_Childwithout ever trying it?
01:42.00CidarrrrnI don't do it all the time, but I'm going to get EP2 anyways
01:42.09Cidarrrrnand TFC was great
01:42.17Cidarrrrncall it a leap of faith, I suppose
01:42.21CidarrrrnI trust Valve
01:43.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:44.28Thunder_ChildLOL "We've even been able to hear the other party across distances as great as a relatively quiet room."
01:48.03Lunessa"We are so close."
01:50.52Kaydeethreeoh wow... they did a pretty shitty encode of the lament "gameplay" vid
01:51.26Lunessa"You need more stuff on your screen, you have like 4 inches of useable space to fill. Hop on it. =)"  - Post your UI thread.  I LAWLED
01:51.40|Jelly|link imo
01:52.09Lunessa - post 342
01:52.17Kaydeethreebut at least it's the vid they showed at blizzcon
01:54.15*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm_ (
01:54.30|Jelly|I actually don't think that UI is all that bad.
01:54.34|Jelly|WTB wide screen.
01:55.29LunessaI play on a 19" widescreen at 1440 x 900 - I'm using an older tapestry version I'm too lazy to overhaul.
01:57.58|Jelly|2x 17+ 1280x1024 on a modified Tapestry (which he said I could release...when I'm not lazy)
02:02.18KirkbeardCarrrrrren, I be glad!
02:02.47|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrBest I got since you people are no help.
02:02.58KirkbeardI suggested |Jarrrrrrr|!
02:03.11|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrSo like I said, no help. :P
02:03.20Kirkbeardarrr :(
02:03.25|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrAww. /hug
02:03.58Lunessa... |'elly-Belied| ?
02:05.40Shirik12k mana...
02:05.41Shirikthat’s awesome
02:05.47Cidarrrrnit's not
02:05.50Shirikit is for me
02:06.03CidarrrrnNo seriously
02:06.05Cidarrrrn12k mana?
02:06.06CidarrrrnThat's insane.
02:06.18CidarrrrnYou're still not as good as a Paladin
02:06.19Cidarrrrnbut it's insane.
02:06.33|Jelly|Arrrrrrrr Post #4 makes me /facepalm
02:06.48Shirik11865 to be exiact
02:06.57Shirik538 mp5 (217 while casting)
02:07.18Shirikand I need new pants :(
02:07.37Cidarrrrnthat's sum low mp5
02:07.39CidarrrrnWhy so low?
02:07.42GofGsomeone give me a phone number of someone to prank call.
02:08.05Kaydeethreewhat's the whitehouse switchboard operator's number?
02:08.05GofGCidarrrrrrn = who?
02:08.20GofGDude, I am so calling 911 and *67ing it
02:08.34Kaydeethreeooh, an atlanta-area number
02:08.45Kaydeethree260, which exchange is that?
02:08.58|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrI don't know.
02:09.02GofGRofl, jelly
02:09.20|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrCall it imo. You'll lol, I promise.
02:09.37GofGI did
02:09.57|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrGood. I'm glad I could be of service. :P
02:10.33Kaydeethree770-908-7383, if it's still active
02:10.50Cidarrrrngood 'ol 305
02:10.53CidarrrrnI miss it so.
02:10.58WobWorkCalling Jenny?
02:10.59GofGcalling Kaydeethree's num
02:11.08*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
02:11.09GofGAll curcuits are currently busy, Kaydeethree
02:11.30|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrIt's a less cool version of mine.
02:11.45GofGmoar numberz plz.
02:12.12GofGI called a random number
02:12.14GofGand got Alltell's Mobile Voicemail
02:14.26GofGCidan, give me a number to prank call
02:14.37GofGwhile I wait for 4chan to not be all MySQL Database Error'd
02:15.27CidanA number...
02:15.36CidanI wonder what number I should give GofG
02:17.01WobWorkjust missed
02:17.57CarrrrrrenI know, I'm a big meanie
02:21.32LunessaArrrr, that ye be.  Ye made the scallywag walk th' plank!
02:27.06*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (
02:27.08Thunder_Child~meanie Cairenn|afk
02:27.09purlCairenn|afk is so mean that all the stouteriks, cattivos and mechants of the world run the other way, screaming for their lives
02:27.17Shirikcidan: You call that low?
02:39.37Lunessayar, it be lower than the bilges!
02:46.18ShirikIs the auth server down?
02:46.59mikmafor which version?
02:47.29Kaydeethreenope, I just got in
02:47.42Shirikour tank is having trouble getting in :(
02:48.04Thunder_Childtell him to use lube
02:49.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
02:55.44Shirikoh that’s always nice to see
02:56.03ShirikJava pops up “This digital signature has been verified” on my school’s website. So I’m like “ok cool” then I read the title of the application
02:56.08Shirik“Hidden Java Applet”
02:56.17Shirik“Hidden Webeq Applet”
02:56.29Shirikno clue
02:56.54ShirikI clicked “run” anyway; if my computer dies I can blame my school
02:59.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
03:00.22Lunessa30 mins to cheeseburger
03:01.37Nom-we're recruiting yay
03:01.49Nom-wtb feral and restro druids, and resto/enhance shammies
03:02.45LunessaYou have no idea how many times shaman want to hear 'raid guild wants enhancement'
03:03.33Nom-we want one :P
03:03.59Nom-Join up quick so you can be there for our 4/5 SSC kill :P
03:04.11LunessaCool.  I'm just sick of hearing "lawl - re-spec resto newb."
03:04.12Nom-5/6 SSC even
03:04.33LunessaHaha.  I'm not even really ready for kara yet. I'd be a liability. :P
03:04.45Lunessa!char us kirin tor Unkle
03:04.48ThraeBotLunessa: Unkle, Level 70 Draenei Shaman (0/48/13). 6729 HP; 6797 Mana; 124 mana regen; 15 mp5; 4223 Armour; 1028 AP; 168.300 Melee DPS; 20.57% melee crit; 145 melee hit; 3 spell crit; 17.03% dodge; 5.00% block; 3 resilience; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 824 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Sep 18 23:18:22 2007 EST ]]
03:04.55Nom-We're expecting to have to go back and farm bosses for lewt
03:05.06Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us kirin tor Unkle
03:05.09ThraeBotShirik: Kimina vs Unkle! A L70 priest and a L70 shaman square off!; 23/38/0 vs 0/48/13; Unkle wins by 192 TBRs!
03:05.13Nom-Oh, we're Horde :)
03:05.17ShirikEver since my gear got good, I suck
03:05.32Shirikthough I don’t know what I logged off with
03:05.36Shirik!c us drenden kimina
03:05.36ThraeBotShirik: Kimina, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (23/38/0). 6931 HP; 9735 Mana; 427 mana regen; 158 mp5; 136 +spell dmg; 1273 +heal; 5.66% dodge;[[ TBR: 618 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Sep 18 23:18:42 2007 EST ]]
03:05.40Lunessa!vs us drenden kimina us kirin tor Lunessa
03:05.40ThraeBotLunessa: kimina vs Lunessa! It's a showdown! But wait! What's this?! Something random? Lunessa is really a keyboard turner, and his opponent simply walks off after it takes Lunessa 5 minutes to face the right direction. Forfeit!
03:05.58LunessaIt would be funnier if it weren't true.
03:06.27LunessaI'm a keyboard turner.
03:06.59ShirikI turn with Q and E =P
03:07.08ShirikRF Online skewed my view of WASD
03:07.14LunessaI r teh suck at pvp anyway
03:07.32Nom-<-- FPS Style WoWer
03:07.40ShirikQ/E = turn
03:07.43ShirikA/D = strafe
03:07.47ShirikW/D = forward/back
03:07.51ShirikW/S *
03:08.10LunessaI'm a decent PvE player, and that's good enough for me.  
03:09.05Nom-We're after 2 druids (feral/resto), 1 hunter, 1-2 pallies (holy), 1 rogue, 2-3 shaman (resto/enchance)
03:09.46Nom-one of our raiding pallies is sick and tired of healing, but might come back as ret maybe
03:09.53Nom-ie. After 2.3
03:14.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
03:14.10*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
03:16.12*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
03:16.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
03:18.30LunessaYar.  Hoist the Jolly Roger and sharpen yer cutlasses maties.  Cap'n Iriel be aboard!
03:20.25Nom-He ain' no cap'n.  Now, swab the deck ye skurvy dog!
03:22.04LunessaYer a skurvy dog!  Don't make me Keelhaul yer sorry carcass!
03:22.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
03:29.45Shirik~slap Lunessa
03:29.45purlACTION slaps Lunessa, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
03:30.45Lunessabah.. touching
03:31.02LunessaOh man.
03:31.16KirovAnyone here have the druid flight trinket?
03:31.27KirovAnd willing to test?
03:34.22Lunessait is time for me to go.  
03:34.31LunessaI can FINALLY haz cheeseburger.
03:35.21*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
03:36.39Shirik!ar 593
03:36.39ThraeBotShirik: Arena rating from 593 points is, 2v2: 1864, 3v3: 1786, 5v5: 1678
03:37.45Olisonis there any addon that can increase the max. camera distance?
03:38.13Rallioni think so
03:38.30Ralliondunno what it's called, I think it's like a one-line thing
03:38.42Shirikit’s a CVar
03:38.53Olisonmmm ok ill look in the WTF folder
03:40.55Shirikthat’s it
03:42.04Kirovyou can do CVar("cameraDistanceMax", 50) in game too
03:42.09Shirikits limit appears to be 50
03:42.20Shirikor you could do /console cameraDistanceMax 50
03:42.31Shirikor you could enable console and do `cameraDistanceMax 50
03:42.49KirovIf you want to get further back even still, you can set it in the
03:43.39Olisonill try that
03:43.43Olisonthanks so far :-)
03:43.54Kirovping Esamynn|afk
03:45.55Olisonyes, awesome
03:46.07Olisonbg goodness :D
03:46.16Shirikwow, that’s moronic
03:46.34Shirikstill, it doesn’t help Kirov
03:46.36Shirik50 is the max, period
03:46.50ShirikAmusingly the console does report “Value out of range” while keeping it at 500
03:46.56Shirikbut it’s still only as good as 50
03:47.08KirovShirik - changing the cameraDistanceMax won't let you over, but there's another hack that, last I looked, does work
03:47.25Shirikif it were a “hack” that’s another story
03:47.45KirovWell, by hack I mean abuse
03:47.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Tinyboom (
03:48.03Kirovlet me see if it still works
03:50.28KirovYep, still works
03:50.40KirovSET cameraDistanceD "250"
03:51.24KirovThen hit "Home" (or whatever key you have bound to Next View) a couple of times
03:58.23Tierriehow are me mateys doing
03:59.15Shirikdon’t work for me Kirov :P
03:59.29Tierrieyour face!
03:59.31bleetyarrrr<<Iron Roger Bonney
03:59.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
03:59.53KirovShirik - you added that to the then used NextView()?
04:00.04Shirikyou didn’t say do it in
04:00.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
04:00.19Kirov04[20:42] Kirov: 01If you want to get further back even still, you can set it in the
04:00.29Shirikthat says [20:42] Kirov: to me
04:00.31Shirikand that’s it
04:00.42Shirikl2 not send black text to someone with a black background :P
04:00.44bleetyarrrrthis is why color text on irc = fail
04:01.02KirkbeardFinally, Karrrrdeethree :)
04:01.13KirkbeardDon't you mean Kirrrrrrrrov?
04:01.14Karrrrdeethreeit's now the 19th local time
04:01.16Kirov"Well, by hack I mean abuse"
04:02.00bleetyarrrrlol @ kirkbeard
04:02.26KirkbeardI'll still be called Kickbeard ><
04:02.48Kirover, exuse me
04:02.51KirovHardy har har!
04:02.53Shirik14(2311:4811:5714) 14(1115Kirov14) Yep, still works
04:02.53Shirik14(2311:4911:0914) 14(1115Kirov14) SET cameraDistanceD "250"
04:02.54Shirik14(2311:4911:5314) 14(1115Kirov14) Then hit "Home" (or whatever key you have bound to Next View) a couple of times
04:03.05Shirikbe more specific next time :P
04:03.07Shirikthat matches
04:03.32KirovShirik - note I said "SET cameraDistanceD "250""
04:03.37Shirikthat’s redundant
04:03.45Kirovthat'd be nominclature
04:03.47Shirikthere is no typing in console variables, and SET is implied
04:04.43Shirik‘=’ is also implied
04:05.00Shirikwait no it’s not
04:07.01KirovRed Morty Rackham
04:07.48KirkbeardBy Red Rackham's beard!
04:08.13KirkbeardBillions of blue blistering barnacles.
04:09.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
04:09.39*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Legorol] by ChanServ
04:09.58bleetyarrrrit be ol' legyarrrrol
04:10.26Tullerso,  who's going to yell at me for sticking the keyring on the bag bar?
04:11.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
04:12.17arrrrrrrt3misthats just madness!
04:13.09Kirovnot Temaarrrr
04:13.27*** join/#wowi-lounge tardmrr|away (n=matt@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
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04:13.45*** part/#wowi-lounge tardmrr|away (n=matt@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
04:15.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Codayus (
04:15.40arrrrrrrt3miswow thats awesome
04:15.52arrrrrrrt3miswilliams street is putting out a DethKlok cd
04:19.38bleetyarrrr~lart hortus
04:19.38purllowers hortus's priority
04:20.28bleetyarrrrCairenn: what happen love? you ran out of wenchin' juice?! FIRE THE CANNONS!
04:20.42Cairennoops, forgot
04:20.58bleetyarrrr~lart Cairenn
04:20.58purlchanges Cairenn's permissions to 0777 and tells the world
04:22.24ckknightwhat's with the pirate theme?
04:22.40CidanTalk like a pirate day.
04:22.47*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Carrrrrren -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.1 ToC: 20100 | RTFPN please | It be International Talk Like a Pirate day, mateys!
04:22.59CidanTF2 is awesome
04:23.10Adysoh right
04:23.13Adysforgot that :/
04:23.17bleetyarrrrckknight: ace me pirate ship 'ere, or it be to Davey Jones locker wit' ya!
04:24.02ckknightdidn't you hear? I no longer make ace stuff
04:24.22bleetyarrrrye scurvy dog don't get out of it that easily
04:24.50AnduinLotharwalk the plank ye coward
04:25.12Shirikpirates suck imo
04:25.13Shiriknow what
04:25.38bleetyarrrrfill.. hole... hmm
04:25.45bleetyarrrrstuffit, pirates don't have to make sense
04:25.55CarrrrrrenShirik: do ye think so, ye landlubber
04:26.02Karrrrdeethreedo what ya want 'cause a pirate is free
04:26.09AnduinLotharwe be making piratey sense! GOLD PIECES!
04:31.08ShirikCarrrrrren: Why is your name “purple” anyway?
04:31.26ShirikI want your real name
04:34.32WobworkShe's under a pseudonym
04:34.38WobworkHer real name actually has 5 more 'r's in it
04:35.32Wobworkshe's incognito
04:35.39ShirikIt’s too late!
04:35.44ShirikI have found out your true identity!
04:35.44Wobworkand you put the r's in the wrong order
04:35.50Shirikoh damn
04:35.53ShirikNow I have to descramble it
04:36.00Carrrrrrenno I'm not, ye bloody fool, I'm in Ontario!
04:40.34Shirikpregunta: Is it possible for an OnUpdate handler to be passed 0
04:40.35Shirikas dt?
04:41.02ckknightI'm not sure how to turn my name all piratey anyway...
04:41.07ckknightShirik: dt?
04:41.14Shirikdelta time, elapsed, whatever you want to call it
04:41.26ckknightafaik, no, it never happens
04:41.37Shirikwell it’s happening to me ..>
04:41.44ShirikAnd apparently it only occurs when my framerate is abnormally high
04:41.49Shirikunless I’m doing something really strange
04:42.40Shirikheh this is so cool
04:42.45Shirikif I put my face against a wall, the error appears
04:42.49Shirikif I move it away, it goes away
04:43.21WobworkI could go back to my piratey name
04:43.36*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
04:43.56WobworkPS I love working in a workplace, that not only allows TimTamSlams during work hours, but actively encourages it by supplying the TimTams
04:45.39Wobwork~wiki TimTam
04:46.00WobworkOnly the best biscuit ever
04:46.09Wobwork(biscuit in the cookie sense, I guess)
04:49.12CodayusThey're very very good.
04:49.45CodayusAlthough I think the whole "chocalate cookies, filled with chocalate, dipped in chocalate" thing probabaly implies that.
04:49.52PirateyNameI use red vines for my edible straws
04:50.06Thunder_Childeach what....i have to know....must...know....
04:50.46Kirovping Esamynn|afk
04:52.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Bejitt (
04:52.57PawwotThunder_Child: year?
04:53.12Pawwotnearly 300 million biscuits, an average of approximately 1.5 packs per Australian
04:53.42Thunder_ChildPawwot, heh, didnt really matter but it did seem to end on a clifhanger
04:54.53Pawwothm, 30 million packs
04:54.59Pawwot11 biscuits in a pack
04:55.11Pawwotwouldn't that be -over- 300milliion?
04:55.15EsamynnKirov: yes, it worked
04:55.28KirovEsamynn - danke
04:55.56Thunder_Child>>> 30000000 * 11
04:59.18*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
04:59.22KirovThunder_Child - I already bought one
04:59.46ScytheBlade1Antiarc, ping. More issues with Threat not resetting aggro during phase changes... thinking it may be related to the older 'threat is not resetting after attempts' bug. is the screenshot - rogue at top had the threat to be tanking, and wasn't. His aggro is not being reset over phase changes
05:00.18AntiarcDid you catch his revision?
05:00.23ScytheBlade1In the screenshot
05:00.27ScytheBlade1Only ~4h old he says
05:00.37AntiarcOh, that's his Omen, okay
05:00.39ScytheBlade1This screenshot was from tonight, is less than 2 hours old ;)
05:00.44AntiarcYeah, appears he didn't get reset
05:00.52AntiarcWell, we're doing Hydross tomorrow so I can watch out for it
05:00.58AntiarcNot sure what it'd be though
05:01.00ScytheBlade1I think the MT did... his aggro is low enough that his did, there's no way it wasn't reset
05:01.41ScytheBlade1Mine has been fine as of late though
05:02.25ScytheBlade1From the symptoms, it sounds related. But, can't really be sure.
05:02.57ScytheBlade1He had the same problem on Leotheras phase changes, where it wasn't reset
05:03.30Shiriknight guys
05:03.41Thunder_Childnight Shirik|zZz, but we know you lie
05:03.43ScytheBlade1I can probably get him to throw debug code (DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage()) into Threatlib for those phase changes, if that'd help
05:03.45ScytheBlade1Night, Shirik|zZz
05:04.03Carrrrrrennight Shirik|zZz
05:04.35Thunder_Childdont belive him Carrrrrren, he "sleeps" like you do....
05:05.47ScytheBlade1Antiarc, feel free to ping back if you need anything else.
05:05.55AntiarcWill do. Thanks for the heads up.
05:24.09*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz (
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05:48.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
05:53.54KirovIs SetOverrideBindingClick supposed to release the keys when the owner isn't visible?
05:55.49IrielThere are many uses to un-shown key bindings
05:56.00IrielConsider playing with your UI hidden, for example
05:57.00KirovSo, should I use ClearOverrideBindings every time I hide a frame if I only want those bindings to work when the frame is visible?
05:57.28Nom- <-- like mah sexy UI ? :D
05:57.44Nom- <-- raid/party mode
05:58.30KirovNom- a chococat themed ui?!  you sick bastard!
05:58.47KirovWasn't one Sanrio themed ui enough!?
05:58.49Nom-I'm quite proud of it now
05:59.03Nom-It's completely home grown, but I borrowed ideas from a few compilations I've seen around
05:59.28Nom-The minimap/chat/bars positioning for instance
06:00.27KirovNom - which unit bars?
06:00.51KirovI love the "just the eyes" portraits
06:01.23KirovMakes me want to do little animations there for entering / leaving / in combat
06:02.08KirovAnime style stuff.  Like a flash line across the middle when entering combat, then a blurred background scrolling behind while in combat, then nothing when out of combat
06:02.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
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06:02.59Nom-i liked it too actually
06:03.13Nom-It's just pitbull with the portraits tweaked to where i like it
06:04.39KirovExpand the view and play the cheer animation
06:07.34Thundarrrr_ChildDALEK DALEK
06:09.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
06:18.13Mr_Rabies2for some reason TF2 absolutely REFUSES to run on my computer :/
06:18.34Mr_Rabies2i've done everything imaginable to make it work and no dice :[
06:19.19Thundarrrr_Childin what way does it now work?
06:19.19Kirovis the beta out?
06:19.29Thundarrrr_Childyes Kirkbeard|sleep
06:19.37Thundarrrr_Childyes Kirov
06:19.49Mr_Rabies2it will occasionally get stuck on loading
06:19.50Thundarrrr_Childdamn tab completion
06:19.54Mr_Rabies2and if it loads
06:19.59Mr_Rabies2my monitor will just shut off
06:20.03Mr_Rabies2after loading
06:20.08Thundarrrr_Childsounds like over freq
06:20.17Mr_Rabies2my monitor says "over freq" when it is
06:20.26Mr_Rabies2this does the "off in 5 sec" thing
06:21.01Thundarrrr_Childwhat os are you using?
06:21.47KirovMr_Rabies2 - have you tried installing a force refresh program?
06:22.20Thundarrrr_Childdepending on his card (eg nvidia) the default program can do it
06:22.46Mr_Rabies2Kirov, i had one at one point, but a lot of games don't like running when you force the refresh rate
06:22.57Mr_Rabies2it's not being over freq'd
06:23.01Mr_Rabies2or it would say so
06:23.06Mr_Rabies2it's something else :/
06:23.13Thundarrrr_Childyou just said it was
06:23.25Thundarrrr_Child"(23:20:33) (Mr_Rabies2) my monitor says "over freq" when it is"
06:23.26Mr_Rabies2<Mr_Rabies2> my monitor says "over freq" when it is
06:23.26Mr_Rabies2<Mr_Rabies2> this does the "off in 5 sec" thing
06:23.42Mr_Rabies2it doesn't say over freq
06:23.45Mr_Rabies2it says "off in 5 sec"
06:24.01Thundarrrr_Childok, now i understand
06:24.03Mr_Rabies2which means there's no video signal being sent
06:24.31Mr_Rabies2when it's over freq it says "sync out of range" or "over freq" or something
06:24.40Mr_Rabies2i forget exactly what because i haven't seen it in eons
06:24.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
06:25.01Mr_Rabies2forgot vista was still out :x
06:25.08Mr_Rabies2forgot about it :{
06:25.19Mr_Rabies2i may install new chipset drivers
06:25.21Mr_Rabies2if i can find em
06:26.45Mr_Rabies2geforce 6800 ultra agp
06:26.56Pawwot...ultra agp?
06:27.04Pawwotwhat's next Super ultra agp?
06:27.04Mr_Rabies26800 ultra
06:27.04Thundarrrr_Childyou can also try forcing them, arguments in command line "-fullscreen -width 1680 -height 1050 -refresh 60"
06:27.10Mr_Rabies2AGP architecure
06:27.27Mr_Rabies2Thundarrrr_Child the game itself launches
06:27.35Mr_Rabies2but when i go to load a map it locks up or monitor shuts off
06:27.54Thundarrrr_Childah, load map...
06:29.30Thundarrrr_Child~lart Iriel
06:29.30purltakes a large goose feather pillow and swings it wildly in Iriel's direction, hitting Iriel and sending Iriel flying into the closet
06:30.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
06:31.02Thundarrrr_ChildMr_Rabies2, try playing it in a window...see where that gets you
06:31.24Mr_Rabies2i may
06:31.33Mr_Rabies2first i'm updating chipset drivers
06:31.37Mr_Rabies2been a long time since i've done so
06:33.13*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
06:34.42Mr_Rabies2restarting after a chipset driver update
06:34.44Mr_Rabies2here we goooo
06:35.10Mr_Rabies2i'm really in drastic need of a new system though :/
06:40.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
06:49.26Mr_Rabies2i just thought of something for voice chat :O
06:49.41Mr_Rabies2what if they have a HL1 style lipsyncing thing to the voices :O
06:50.25Mr_Rabies2that would be nifty and hilarious too
06:50.55Mr_Rabies2because a couple games on xbox live had that as well, and i had some really funny occurances with them
06:52.14Mr_Rabies2once, some guy went afk in rainbow six 3, and his dogs started barking in the background, and the mouth moved with it, it was roughly the most awesome thing ever
06:53.16PawwotYou could have it detect tonal variation
06:53.25Pawwotso the model shrugs when there's a questioning tone etc
06:53.43Mr_Rabies2oh my
06:53.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (
06:54.02Mr_Rabies2"Rock Configuration" in ckknight's stuff now
06:54.15ckknightwhat's all this, then?
06:54.34Thundarrrr_Childhow is TF2 going Mr_Rabies2?
06:54.39ckknightremember, if you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to tell me
06:54.48Mr_Rabies2i dunno, i ran an update and now there's a "Rock Configuration" for everything
06:54.51Mr_Rabies2i found the name humorous
06:55.11Mr_Rabies2because i have Rock, Sea, Fire, Earth, :P
06:55.14ckknightit's because it's now based on Rock
06:55.17ckknightwhich is like Ace2
06:55.26Thundarrrr_Childok then ckknight, Suggestion: Detachable party frames
06:55.29ckknightonly with more pizzazz
06:55.35ckknightdetachable from what?
06:55.37Mr_Rabies2it's pretty zazzy
06:55.47ckknightoh, file it on
06:56.32Mr_Rabies2it would be nice to have a dropdown menu type option, for some reason i prefer it over waterfall type menus
06:56.48ckknightI talk about that on the rock wiki page
06:56.52ckknightit's easier to have 1 implementation
06:56.58Mr_Rabies2i liked being able to config some stuff in combat without it taking up my whole screen :X
06:56.59ckknightand more consistent for users that way, too
06:57.07ckknightyou can resize the frame
06:57.10ckknightalright, gtg
06:57.15Thundarrrr_Childhuh...didnt know ckknight was your name
06:57.22ckknightCameron Kenneth Knight
06:57.33Thundarrrr_Childnow i have knight rider stuck in my head
06:57.56Thundarrrr_ChildMr_Rabies2, TF2!!!
06:58.01Mr_Rabies2what about it
06:58.03Mr_Rabies2i gave up on it
06:58.13Mr_Rabies2gonna try again i guess
06:58.24Thundarrrr_Childonly if you want to play it
06:58.31Mr_Rabies2i do, but i'm tired of fighting with it
06:58.33ThraeRock Framework (Instructions): Remember to feed your Rock Framework water twice a day. If taking out for walks, always use a securehook(), and if it makes stinky, perform your duty of garbagecollect(). The Rock Framework loves to be petted, and may get so exicted at your touch, it'll leak globals. Do not taunt the Rock Framework.
06:59.02Thundarrrr_Child~taunt Rock Framework
06:59.03purlACTION folds a paper football and flicks it at Rock Framework
07:00.02Thundarrrr_Childyar, talk like a pirate for me now
07:00.07Thundarrrr_Child"(00:00:00)  -› Day changed to Wednesday (19 Sep 2007)"
07:01.33Mr_Rabies2this is amazing
07:01.40PawwotI'm just downloading it now =)
07:01.44Mr_Rabies2it also lets you get a glimpse of the arthas model
07:04.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
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07:12.19Mr_Rabies2still does it :/
07:12.28Thundarrrr_Childin windoed?
07:12.34Mr_Rabies2Mr_Rabies also stops responding to pings when it locks up
07:12.42Mr_Rabies2which is the computer i'm playing it on
07:13.03Mr_Rabies2and when i close the process
07:13.09Mr_Rabies2the ping goes through
07:13.11Thundarrrr_Childis that fullscreen or windowed?
07:13.22Thundarrrr_Childso only the game freezes
07:13.27Thundarrrr_Childnot the whole system
07:13.32Mr_Rabies2the whole system does
07:13.40Mr_Rabies2i just got a ping reply after closing the process
07:13.44Thundarrrr_Childthen how do you end task it?
07:14.00Mr_Rabies2it often totally freezes but moves really really really slowly sometimes
07:14.17Mr_Rabies2[Mr_Rabies PING reply]: 31secs
07:14.20Thundarrrr_Childhmm...well it does seem to be using a new engine
07:14.28Mr_Rabies2garry's mod does it too
07:14.35Mr_Rabies2didn't use to
07:14.39Mr_Rabies2then one day it started doing it
07:14.46Mr_Rabies2i dunno
07:14.50Thundarrrr_Childwhat about other HL2 games?
07:15.06Mr_Rabies2i think they work okay
07:15.07Mr_Rabies2i dunno
07:15.12Mr_Rabies2i went on a .gcf deleting spree
07:15.23Mr_Rabies2so all i have is the stuff required for TF2 now
07:15.30Mr_Rabies2i deleted all the gcfs to see if one was corrupted
07:16.22Mr_Rabies2installing hl2dm
07:18.43Mr_Rabies2i just ran tf2 in -dxlevel70
07:18.59Thundarrrr_Child7 or 70?
07:19.06Mr_Rabies270 = dx7
07:19.30nevcairielwhats wrong with dx9 ? :P
07:19.45Mr_Rabies2-dxlevel70 -dxlevel80 -dxlevel81 -dxlevel90 i think
07:19.47Thundarrrr_Childor dx10
07:19.54Mr_Rabies2and nev, TF2 is utterly broken for me
07:20.02nevcairieldoes the engine even support dx10?
07:20.16nevcairiel(plus i dont run vista)
07:20.18Thundarrrr_Childoddly enough i can run crysis in dx10 mode w/o it haveing dx10 enabled
07:20.34Mr_Rabies2so i'm trying to do everything i can to force TF2 to work
07:21.21nevcairielwhere did you get a version of crysis that you can run ? :O
07:22.07Thundarrrr_Childa few others in here have it as well
07:22.10Mr_Rabies2-> [Mr_Rabies] PING while loading
07:22.13Mr_Rabies2still no response
07:22.27Mr_Rabies2i give up
07:22.31nevcairielwell i dont have a fileplanet subscriptions
07:22.32Mr_Rabies2i need a new system
07:22.55Thundarrrr_Childi doubt it's you meet the min reqs?
07:23.18KirovThe Crysis demo comes out in a week anyways
07:24.33Mr_Rabies2yeah, Thundarrrr_Child
07:24.51Mr_Rabies2this thing's just been a piece of shit
07:25.02Mr_Rabies2i got it in 2002 back when i knew very little about computer innards
07:25.21Mr_Rabies2and had it made by some scammy little company that i've regretted since i've gotten it
07:25.24Thundarrrr_Childhmm..i did that once...95 i think
07:25.37Thundarrrr_Childfrom a person... /kickmyself
07:25.44Mr_Rabies2it's an Athlon XP 2800+
07:26.14Mr_Rabies2it came with a GF2
07:26.34Mr_Rabies2because i already had purchased a GF4 4800 prior to getting the new computer
07:26.48Mr_Rabies2slapped that in there, and since 2003 or so i get random bluescreens and shit
07:26.57Mr_Rabies2it's probably a hardware issue, Thundarrrr_Child
07:27.11KirovI build all my computers
07:27.16Thundarrrr_Childmaybe, i get BSoD and most of my stuff is top of the line
07:27.25Mr_Rabies2i will build my next machine, kirov
07:27.27Mr_Rabies2this was in 2002
07:27.33KirovEven my Dell laptop.  I wittled the shell with a pen knife and a solid block of plastic
07:27.35Mr_Rabies2i didn't even know what the letters ATX meant
07:27.36nevcairieli get BSoD from a creative driver issue
07:27.46Mr_Rabies2mine gives different errors each time
07:27.54Mr_Rabies2Driver irql not less or equal
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07:28.03Mr_Rabies2a handful of others
07:28.16nevcairielnv4disp crashing is really bad :P
07:28.17Thundarrrr_Childi think the first one is a ram issue
07:28.23Mr_Rabies2i'm thinking it's undervolting some shit
07:28.29Mr_Rabies2it's a nice sturdy psu now
07:28.32Thundarrrr_Childi usualy get ones that no one is ever heard of
07:28.36Mr_Rabies2but i think the motherboard is just fucked
07:28.40nevcairielirql not less or equal can be caused by alot of shit
07:29.04Mr_Rabies2i'll probably just build a new pc sometime soon
07:29.06Mr_Rabies2i need to
07:29.13nevcairielsame for page fault in non-paged area
07:29.14Mr_Rabies2quake wars barely runs, sound pops and crackles
07:29.16nevcairielmostly driver issues
07:29.27Mr_Rabies2wow's sound has started to pop and crackle recently
07:29.33Thundarrrr_Childpfft, it's always PEBKAC
07:29.36Mr_Rabies2occasionally i'll go to bed
07:29.51Mr_Rabies2wake up, move my mouse and the monitor won't turn on because the pc's stopped sending video
07:30.27KirovMy usual rule of thumb is that if I can buy a PC for around $1k that is 4 times faster than my current machine, it's time to upgrade
07:30.44Mr_Rabies2yeah it's probably much more than that
07:31.02Mr_Rabies2probably closer to 8 for me
07:31.07Mr_Rabies2at least
07:31.13Mr_Rabies2except the video card
07:31.19Thundarrrr_Child4 times faster in what? there are a lot of variables
07:31.47Mr_Rabies2the motherboard won't let me run my ram at 400mhz
07:31.51Mr_Rabies2because the FSB is 333
07:32.08Mr_Rabies2so it runs at 333
07:32.17Mr_Rabies2decent timings, but still
07:32.23KirovWell, I run wow at around 30-40 fps at 16x12
07:32.25nevcairieli wonder if i should try vista again .. mmm
07:32.56Mr_Rabies2i get about 70-120 fps with no addons except in shattrath
07:33.03Mr_Rabies2with addons, 20-40
07:33.11nevcairielcleanup your addon mess
07:33.20AnduinLotharmines about the same
07:33.23Mr_Rabies2not much i can do unless i want to remove functionality
07:33.34AnduinLothar100 some addons
07:33.35KirovAlso, unfortunatly, the CPU I have it's the top end for the socket it's in, so there's nothing I can upgrade to
07:33.47Mr_Rabies2well, i've got worse than that kirov
07:33.50Mr_Rabies2there's a couple better's likely more expensive than buying a new cpu because they're so rare now
07:35.59zenzelezzI think my FSB is 333, but the motherboard had a FSB+66MHz setting or something weird like that
07:36.17zenzelezzfor the RAM that is
07:36.33Mr_Rabies2my whole machine is a piece of shit and i'll be happy to rid myself of it
07:36.43nevcairielso do it
07:36.58zenzelezzI wouldn't call mine a piece of shit, but it's clearly past its glory days
07:37.49Mr_Rabies2i'm gonna but a nice huge SATA2 drive, move all the important stuff off my 80 gb, put the 200 and 350 in my new pc, and basically just use my old desktop for lans and whatnot
07:39.43Mr_Rabies2what size partition would you recommend for XP or Vista?
07:40.04Mr_Rabies2just for the OS's so i can format as necessary
07:40.18zenzelezzI've used a 10-15 GB most of the time... keeping the pagefile on the same partition, so could move that and cut it down some
07:40.30zenzelezzleaves room for temp files and stupid program files
07:40.39Mr_Rabies2i'm going to eventually have to move over to vista, and i hear it eats 30gb on a base install
07:42.20Mr_Rabies2my buddy partitoned about 10 over for vista
07:42.33Mr_Rabies2and tried to install it and it was bitching for 30 gb
07:42.52zenzelezzthat would be yet another reason to stay clear of Vista
07:43.14Mr_Rabies2well, you don't have an option if you want DX10
07:43.25zenzelezzI have no interest in DX10
07:43.55Mr_Rabies2i said the same about DX9 at one point
07:44.02zenzelezzI didn't :)
07:44.46zenzelezzwould take a whole lot of awesome games for me to care even the slightest for DX10, and I don't tend to see more than one awesome game per year
07:50.48Mr_Rabies2Alan Wake, Crysis, Hellgate London, UT3, World in Conflict
07:50.51Mr_Rabies2off the top of my head
07:52.01zenzelezznone of them really interest me; and wasn't Call of Duty built on some version of the Q3 engine?
07:52.22Mr_Rabies21 and 2, yeah
07:52.29Mr_Rabies24's a totally different engine
07:52.34Mr_Rabies2and 3 wasn't a call of duty game
07:52.43Thundarrrr_Childvista doesnt take 30gb to install
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07:54.33Mr_Rabies2 what does this look like? decent?
07:54.35Mr_Rabies2i'm really tempted
07:55.21Tierriethat looks nice
07:55.26Tierriethat is some huge ass L2 cache
07:55.53Mr_Rabies2and the price aint too shabby, really
07:56.01Mr_Rabies2i mean, it's expensive, but not too bad considering
07:56.18Tierriei like amds though
07:56.23Kirovgo for a 6750
07:56.31KirovFaster, less expensive
07:56.40Thundarrrr_Childthats what i have
07:56.45Thundarrrr_Childis the 6600
07:56.59Tierriea bit more and you can get the 6850
07:57.12KirovNot worth it
07:57.18KirovGet a 6750 and over clock it
07:57.23Tierrieits only 20 bucks
07:57.26Tierrieget the 6850 and overclock that
07:57.39Tierrieactually its a bit moot at that clock speed
07:57.46Tierrieall this discussion makes my computer feel sad
07:58.06Thundarrrr_Childoh..nvm i have the E6600
07:58.39AnduinLothar1.33ghz fsb ftw
07:58.42Thundarrrr_Childi have dual thats quad
07:58.53KirovPeople have managed to overclock 6750s by 200%
07:58.54Mr_Rabies2that one i linked is dual core, dual die
07:58.59Tierriehey what clock speeds can amd support now?
07:59.03Tierrieclock speeds for memory
07:59.11Tierriei seemed to recall for the longest time they were stuck at 333
07:59.24Thundarrrr_Childwell they just upgraded to ddr2 iirc
07:59.26Mr_Rabies2two cores on each die
07:59.38zenzelezzmy RAM us 400 MHz, and I'm running a years-old AMD system
07:59.39Thundarrrr_Childoh cpu
07:59.57Tierrieright mine is like 433 or something but it doesn't run it at that speed or something something
07:59.59Tierriei can't remember
08:00.16AnduinLothar667 iirc
08:00.30Thundarrrr_Childyes Mr_Rabies2, thats what they call a quad core
08:00.49Tierrieyou know why its called a quad core?
08:00.53Tierriebecause it has 4 cores
08:00.58Tierrieand do you know what we call 4 cores?
08:01.00Tierriequad cores
08:01.02Punkie`i see what you did there
08:01.22Mr_Rabies2but i'm saying, he's saying the quad 2 duo 6750 is faster
08:01.46Tierriewell, honestly, not all apps can do multi core, some games don't even benefit past dual cores
08:01.47Mr_Rabies2wouldn't the extra die/core really surpass it in performance?
08:02.00Tierrieanandtech has some reviews on performance gain from going from dual to quad cores
08:02.11Tierriethe gains are mostly in processing, like video
08:02.12zenzelezzdepends how your run things
08:02.17Mr_Rabies2i've been out of the loop on what's good and what isn't for a long time
08:02.27Thundarrrr_Child <-- is the fastest
08:02.29Tierriei'd read the reviews on quad cores before i buy anything then
08:02.42Tierriebecause there's definite noticable gain from 1 to 2
08:02.46Tierriebut not so much from 2 to 4 yet
08:03.00Tierriealso, you can only download porn so fast
08:03.01KirovMost things can't use 4 cores
08:03.08Tierrieso really, a 466Mhz is good enough for most people
08:03.11Thundarrrr_Childcrysis can....when they get it running
08:03.19Tierriecrysis can solve world hunger
08:03.21AnduinLothari ahve duel duel cores which prolly beats quad core purely on bus speed
08:03.21Tierrielike team fortress 2
08:03.55TierrieTC: Give me money!
08:04.39Mr_Rabies2hey look it comes with ghost recon 2
08:04.44Mr_Rabies2i hope it means GRAW 2
08:04.52Mr_Rabies2and now Ghost Recon 2 from like 1999
08:05.20Mr_Rabies2oh, 2004
08:05.51Mr_Rabies2so how large is the performance gain from
08:06.04Mr_Rabies2worth the 100 bucks or so?
08:06.06Thundarrrr_Childit's thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis big
08:06.52Mr_Rabies2it seems pretty marginal
08:07.05Mr_Rabies2333mhz per core difference, hrm
08:07.08Tierriemy favorite quote this week is from Jon Stewart -- "Is this what they get you for? You get away with double homicide but they get you for breaking and entering?" regarding OJ Simpson
08:07.28Tierrierefering to that mobster who killed a bunch of people but the feds got him for tax evasion
08:07.50Tierrieoh ja
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08:11.46Tierriewow it looks like i stabbed the conversation to death with my comment
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08:21.42Mr_Rabies2i got TF2 to run by forcing it into dx8
08:23.42KirovI'm about to try it out
08:24.53Mr_Rabies2it was -dxlevel 80
08:25.00Mr_Rabies2not -dxlevel80
08:25.09Mr_Rabies2(i was using 70 but it requires dx8+)
08:25.20Kirov - get this
08:25.59Mr_Rabies2i bet it's some setting
08:26.19Mr_Rabies2i'm tempted to fight with it some more and turning off certain video stuff
08:26.20Mr_Rabies2but eh
08:26.22Mr_Rabies2i'll do it later
08:26.56KirovThat's $195, the next step up is $280
08:26.58Mr_Rabies2i just want to make it work
08:27.01Mr_Rabies2yeah, kirov
08:27.17KirovAnd that can be clocked to 4ghz with out issue with the retail cooling
08:27.19Mr_Rabies2are you on any steam communities? maybe the wowwiki one? :O
08:27.31Kirovnot really, no
08:28.06Mr_Rabies2can i add you as a friend? if so, how?
08:28.10KirovI guess, technically, I could be
08:28.13Mr_Rabies2what email/user/whatever?
08:29.58KirovJoined the wowwiki group as Brodrick
08:30.32Mr_Rabies2i can't freaking wait
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08:35.00Kirovgame crashed
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08:46.14Mr_Rabies2this is intense
08:47.47KirovI've gotten one kill
08:51.24bleetyarrrroO they
08:51.32bleetyarrrroO they've turned off voice on the PTRs
08:52.30Maldiviaprobably to run some  tests with the feature turned off, since the majority of realms will have it turned off whne patch comes
08:53.30bleetyarrrrI was thniking maybe they're hoping the sound bug rate will dropoff, and based on that info they might decide to ship it with voice disabled and bump the feature to 2.3
08:54.16AnduinLotharnot much in 2.2 other than the voice chat..
08:54.59Maldiviaif they postpone it long enough, will they rename it 2.3 ? :)
08:55.37bleetyarrrrI say rename it 2.5, and we'll skip all the problems in this, and the next two, PTRs
08:57.02Mr_Rabies2think i froze up again kirov
09:00.17Nom-SCO finally filed Chapter 11
09:01.22bleetyarrrrif I be havin' my way, the SCO board would be walkin' the plank!
09:01.38sag_ich_nicht >:)
09:01.47sag_ich_nichti wanted to ask you something
09:01.49sag_ich_nichtbut now i forgot what
09:01.50zenzelezzbleetyarrrr: tar and feathers first
09:02.41dreamssi was gonna get tar and feather today when i said i would pirate dude's book hehe
09:03.19bleetyarrrrsag_ich_nicht: wth?
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09:04.07Mr_Rabies2evga, abit, gigabyte, all good mobo makers, correct?
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09:04.31Mr_Rabies2intel or nforce chipset?
09:04.41zenzelezzI think my last six motherboards were all Epox o_O
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09:04.58krkajust avoid msi at all costs
09:05.01dreamssnforce is pretty good
09:05.06krkai like asus personally
09:05.33Mr_Rabies2yeah my current one is msi
09:05.52Mr_Rabies2and epox made awesome motherboards back when i was really into the hardware side
09:06.02Mr_Rabies2i hear they still do but the prices have gone way up
09:06.18Mr_Rabies2they used to be really solid and still cheap at the same time
09:06.21sag_ich_nicht[11:04] <krka> just avoid msi at all costs <--BS, MSI motherboards just need a good PSU and they rock
09:06.27sag_ich_nichtyou suck :D
09:07.44dreamsssag trust me i outrar/zip u any day
09:07.49dreamssi used to siteop
09:08.34sag_ich_nichto rly
09:08.45sag_ich_nicht.rar still has the better compression ratio
09:09.37Mr_Rabies2thinking about a
09:09.46Mr_Rabies2since it gives me so many options
09:10.02Mr_Rabies2ddr2, ddr3, 8 sata connectors
09:10.05nevcairieli got the P35-DS3R
09:10.07nevcairielwithout the C
09:10.11nevcairieldont need ddr3
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09:10.32Mr_Rabies2i'm planning on using it for at least 5 years or so nevcairiel
09:10.41Mr_Rabies2and it has optical out which is nice
09:10.49dreamsssag_ich_nicht, just depends on what u compressing, and size
09:11.02Mr_Rabies2i'm never buying another sound card again, had too many problems with my existing one, and onboard is almost as good for most people
09:11.07fropsomeone is using wow with wine?
09:11.08krkasag_ich_nicht: all msi i had are toast now.... all asus i have have rocked
09:11.16nevcairieldunno, i do believe that DDR2-1066 or so can get you to that 5 years
09:11.17krkajust my experience of course. *Shrug*
09:11.19dreamssfrop what u need to know the performance are...
09:11.40sag_ich_nichtfrop: ask bleetyarrrr
09:11.47nevcairieli bought a MSI for my C2D, i returned it like a week later
09:11.48dreamssi recomend windows more
09:11.51nevcairieland got the gigabyte
09:11.52sag_ich_nicht[11:11] <krka> sag_ich_nicht: all msi i had are toast now.... all asus i have have rocked <--your PSU must suck :X
09:11.56fropi get lag spikes and sucky fps on a conroe
09:12.02Mr_Rabies2that looks good
09:12.17Mr_Rabies2optical out, lots of nice big heatsinks
09:12.29sag_ich_nichtMSI motherboards are so fucking power hungry :X
09:12.34dreamssdo u use the op out?
09:12.35frop...with a geforce 7600gt
09:12.56dreamssthose usb headsets have build in soundcard
09:13.07Mr_Rabies2not now, dreamss
09:13.09nevcairielthat one usb headset i had sucked ..
09:13.10dreamss(if u have one)
09:13.22Mr_Rabies2but i've been looking at sound stuff that does
09:13.29Mr_Rabies2and i'd like the option without having to get a sound card
09:13.35nevcairielits integrated soundcard hat noise reduction on the mic, and i couldnt turn that off, so i sounded so muffled
09:13.59fropbleetyarrrr: ping
09:14.10dreamssheh vista got rid of all that
09:14.22Mr_Rabies2dreamss, sound cards have given me nothing but trouble in the past
09:14.36Mr_Rabies2they've always been so touchy and prone to causing problems
09:14.38dreamssyeah onboard is allways the way to go
09:14.45nevcairieli have a creative sound card
09:14.47nevcairieltalk about trouble
09:14.51Mr_Rabies2oh i thought you were saying "eww" to me wanting to go onboard
09:14.53Mr_Rabies2me too, nevcairiel
09:15.02Mr_Rabies2Audigy 2
09:15.09dreamssMr_Rabies2, nah im on onboard
09:15.10Mr_Rabies2it has an onboard one, but only 2.1
09:15.22dreamssfor wow u dont need much
09:15.29Mr_Rabies2the only thing i'm concerned about
09:15.39Mr_Rabies2is how close those capacitors are to the cpu
09:15.44nevcairielthe onboard sound chips suck, generally. i would always prefer my audigy 4, if it wasnt for that driver issues..
09:16.02dreamsswhy sound wont be better
09:16.11nevcairielperformance will
09:16.21nevcairielonboard sound chips suck at 3d sound effects, ala EAX
09:16.21Mr_Rabies2in most cases unless you professionally produce audio there's not really much of a difference
09:16.36sag_ich_nicht[11:16] <nevcairiel> onboard sound chips suck at 3d sound effects, ala EAX <--mine doesn't :P
09:16.46sag_ich_nichtSound Card: SB Live! 24-bit (emuliert)
09:17.00dreamssactually the chipset aint much diff from the pci sound cards
09:17.02sag_ich_nichtoh right because of the RDP
09:17.09dreamssjust stuff like optical/spidf
09:17.10dreamssand shit
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09:17.24nevcairielthe realtek onboard sound chips suck performance wise :x
09:17.29sag_ich_nichtlol realtek
09:17.39nevcairielits what you get on like 90% of the mobos
09:17.41dreamssif u get a good mobo the onboard is good neough
09:18.02nevcairielrealtek high definition audio .. ALC888 or something like that
09:18.08nevcairieli turned mine off
09:18.25dreamssi have a oldass mobo with xp2100 decrypting sat
09:18.53dreamssusing onboard sound
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09:19.36dreamss cpu/ram/sat qual at the bottom
09:23.10Mr_Rabies2how much RAM does XP recognize? 2gb?
09:23.50Punkie`I believe it was written at 4GB
09:27.28dreamssIt can generally use more than 3 GB... it's usually limited around 3.2 GB under SP2, as much as 3.5 or so under SP1 or RTM. The precise number depends on what PCI devices you have.
09:27.29dreamssIgnore anyone who tells you that /3GB, /PAE, or BIOS remapping options will get around this
09:28.34Kirov4 is the max it can recognize
09:28.42dreamssits tricky
09:28.49dreamss2GB and more usually get wasted
09:28.59KirovBut it only "uses" 3 max, 2 with the defaults
09:29.06Kirov(with 4gb installed)
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09:30.25nevcairielif you need more then 3.8 or something, get XP64
09:30.54dreamsswhich is crap
09:31.00nevcairielworks just fine for me
09:31.03dreamssdo u even need more than 2gigs?
09:31.21nevcairielbut xp64 still works fine for me, even tho i only have 2gb :P
09:34.55Mr_Rabies2so, is what i'm thinking of
09:35.28Mr_Rabies2for some reason that one keeps standing out as what i want
09:40.10Mr_Rabies2 looks amazing too, if not a bit excessive
09:40.30Mr_Rabies2but the heatpipe on the north/southbridge/whatever taht other thing is
09:40.33Mr_Rabies2looks awesome :o
09:41.29dreamssi have a mobo like that
09:41.33dreamssthey fucking good
09:42.00nevcairieli had a MSI P35 Platinum for a week, looked awesome due to heatpipes and all
09:42.07nevcairielbut returned it because of their shitty bios
09:42.11Mr_Rabies2it's almost the same as that other one, only decidedly more awesome
09:43.11KirovHere's a tip for buying memory
09:43.25Mr_Rabies2i'm using a combination of this:
09:43.36KirovBuy 2gigs, buy the cheapest pair of 1gb DDR800 yo ucan find
09:43.38Mr_Rabies2and this, which you may not be able to read:
09:43.56dreamssimo unless u do phat gfx edits or sound or run cad or some shit ur fine with 2 gigs
09:44.05Mr_Rabies2i've always heard that you get what you pay for up to a certain plateau with RAM
09:44.40dreamssu get better timings so u can OC
09:44.43dreamssbut bleh
09:45.00KirovYeah, if you're looking to OC, go with more expensive RAM
09:45.04Kirovif you're not, buy cheap stuff
09:45.24KirovIt'll save you hundreds of dollars, and you'll never know the difference.
09:45.44dreamsscheaper to replace
09:45.55dreamssthey all come from the same place anyways >_<
09:45.56KirovWhen it comes to pure gaming performance, having $300 Ram vs. $60 Ram means 1-2 fps
09:45.56dreamssNewegg has the Team Xtreem 2GB (2 x 1GB) PC2 6400 DDR2 800MHz SDRAM Desktop Memory for $100 - $50MIR - $50 + $5 shipping. These are supposed to use Micron D9GMH chips. Thanks whitebrow.
09:46.10dreamsslook at the whole moster cable BS
09:46.21Mr_Rabies2link, dreamss
09:46.21dreamssthey are better but u dont need more than cheap shit
09:46.28Mr_Rabies2Kirov, i bought cheap ram with this motherboard
09:46.30dreamssdead :/
09:46.31Mr_Rabies2and really really really regret it
09:46.49Mr_Rabies2i think it has a large part to do with my BSODs
09:47.20KirovEvery time you buy RAM it's a crap shoot
09:47.25nevcairieli got a corsair pair, 2x 1gb ddr2-800 cl4 .. very stable for me
09:48.44AnduinLotharRet needs a tallent that makes crits cause half agro
09:49.05AnduinLotharthat would make it a hell of a lot easier to raid with
09:49.35Mr_Rabies2 ?
09:49.49dreamssdoes it do ACL frop?
09:50.07dreamssmages would QQ and
09:50.34AnduinLotharlet um. they're ranged and can fade, no?
09:50.43dreamssMr_Rabies2, find a place that has the google checkout u save en extra 10bucks
09:50.59Mr_Rabies2is the pally holly damage considered ranged or melee, AnduinLothar?
09:51.11AnduinLotharit's not considered
09:51.20AnduinLotharit sucks
09:51.22dreamssits melee
09:51.29AnduinLothareven with 800 spell damage
09:51.49AnduinLotharyou can do big critc but you run out of mana faster than a mage aoe'ing
09:52.10dreamssrespec heal
09:52.15dreamsspickup dps gear as heal
09:52.18dreamssrespec back
09:52.29KirovI buy all my computer stuff from either newegg or zipzoomfly
09:52.30dreamssthats what i did on my shaman -_-
09:52.32AnduinLotharyou're new aren't you..
09:52.41Kirovusually just newegg though
09:52.49dreamssAnduinLothar, l2 sarcasm
09:52.58KirovAlmost always free shipping (from both places), and 3 day shipping at that
09:53.21dreamssi have a shaman, our melee crits are double/tripple agro
09:53.23dreamsssucks ass
09:53.55AnduinLotharI have full epic ret gear, and 3 blues, the rest epic in both tanking and and healing raiding gear. don't you think i tried gearing for spell dmg?
09:54.53dreamssu know ret gear is screwed when their pvp set dosent have res..
09:54.57AnduinLotharit has all the pitfalls of ret dps pre TBC
09:54.58KirovHere's a great example of completely pointless RAM to buy.
09:55.01dreamssi know how bad u guys have it
09:55.11Mr_Rabies2 was recommended to me
09:55.22AnduinLotharthe only usefull place for holy dps is Arenas
09:55.28KirovYes, that's _awesome_ ram, you might even see a 3 fps boost over the $50 crap from Frys
09:55.47dreamssas long u dont BSOD the ram is money
09:56.16dreamssAnduinLothar what pisses me off the most is that blizz is like "changes might not come in 2.3"
09:56.25dreamssand 2.2 is nowere to be seen
09:56.50dreamssGREAT im gonna enjoy the spec i want for a whole month before expac comes out?
09:56.53AnduinLotharand holy dps is basicly all melee except shock
09:57.17AnduinLotharmeh, i pvp ret anyway. it works ok
09:57.23KirovCurrently I think I'm using mushkin RAM.  A-DATA seems like a nobody, but they're a major supplier of RAM for commercial purposes.
09:57.23sag_ich_nicht rate my troll
09:57.30AnduinLotharmy ratings aren't anything great tho
09:57.31KirovI tend to go for A-DATA if I can
09:57.41KirovIt's exceptionally cheap, and good quality
09:57.48AnduinLotharCrucial imo
09:58.05sag_ich_nichtAnduinLothar is this another ret discussion
09:58.10KirovCrucial has been doing consumer RAM for a long time.
09:58.16KirovThey're a safe bet usually, yeah
09:58.25sag_ich_nicht!vs eu gul'dan ruknor us kil'jaeden wraithhammer
09:58.30ThraeBotsag_ich_nicht: Ruknor vs Wraithhammer! Two 70 paladins square off!; 0/8/53 vs 45/11/5; Ruknor wins by 343 TBRs!
09:58.35dreamssand, no to mention other healers must hate u in raids
09:58.41AnduinLothari'm holy spec in pve gear lol
09:58.41sag_ich_nichtlol, you specced back holy AnduinLothar?
09:58.52sag_ich_nichtshame on you
09:59.01AnduinLotharI joined a hardcore raiding guild. I'm in the process of convincing them to let me ret
09:59.17AnduinLotharbut atm there's onyl 2 raidin pallies, both applicants
09:59.37dreamssimo bite the bullet stay healing
09:59.40KalrothGood luck with Ret then :)
09:59.44dreamssonce u gain their trust push for ret
09:59.45AnduinLotharso, as soon as they recruit some more i'll go ret
09:59.53sag_ich_nichtAnduinLothar so does that mean no more addon updates? :P
10:00.03KalrothDepends on what he means by hardcore :)
10:00.07AnduinLotharmeh, all my addons work in 2.2 without changes
10:00.13KalrothWe raid 4 days a week and I don't think it's hardcore
10:00.21sag_ich_nichtokay, let me change my statement
10:00.30KirovAnduinLothar - like what?
10:00.31sag_ich_nichtAnduinLothar so does that mean no more addon upgrades? :P
10:00.38KirovAnduinLothar -is the PTR back up?
10:00.39AnduinLotharthis guild raids 6 days a week, expects >= 60% attendance
10:00.42*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
10:00.50Mr_Rabies2feature updates versus compatibility updates :p
10:01.02KalrothAnduinLothar: That's not that bad then, you only need to attend 4 days
10:01.11KalrothAnduinLothar: How far are they in progression?
10:01.19sag_ich_nichtin b4 he says BT.
10:01.58nevcairielyou know, going into a guild which raids 6 days a week, with the plan that you only need to attend 4 days for your 60% .. thats the people i would kick again from my guild.
10:02.00KirovI was in a guild for a while that was 6 days a week.  The guild master wanted to push for 7 days a week but no one would do it.  Basically the guild master was russian and played at work.
10:02.07AnduinLotharthey've gotten through ssc and tk, but then they lost a few core members, so they're recruiting heavily and trying to get back where they were
10:02.13Mr_Rabies2can anyone else see this?
10:02.24Mr_Rabies2i clicked the share button for it but have no clue how to actually -share- it
10:02.33KirovMr_Rabies2 - what's it called?
10:02.34fropsomeone on Terenas-EU here?
10:02.40sag_ich_nichtcan't see shit Mr_Rabies2
10:02.43Mr_Rabies2ok one sec
10:03.04sag_ich_nicht[12:01] <nevcairiel> you know, going into a guild which raids 6 days a week, with the plan that you only need to attend 4 days for your 60% .. thats the people i would kick again from my guild. <--QQ more, BITCH
10:03.09sag_ich_nicht~lart nevcairiel
10:03.09purlDoSes nevcairiel
10:03.16nevcairieli dont QQ, i just kick
10:03.19KirovMr_Rabies - is your's Team Fotress Research?
10:03.20sag_ich_nichtno, you QQ
10:03.23sag_ich_nichtright now on IRC
10:03.30Mr_Rabies2Raybeez 9-2007
10:04.06AnduinLotharimo any guild should have just enough so that eeveryone can play the amount they want without burning out and without having too many people get waitlisted
10:04.19KirovMr_Rabies2 - not seeing it
10:04.21sag_ich_nichtoh also
10:04.24Mr_Rabies2nor i
10:04.25sag_ich_nicht rate my troll
10:04.29sag_ich_nichtyou still haven't.
10:04.57Mr_Rabies2let's do some url trickery
10:05.18Mr_Rabies2woo, it worked
10:05.54nevcairieli got the same cpu and same gfx, only other brand
10:07.02AnduinLothari kinda want 2 10k drives to raid just for some uber read spead for booting and wow
10:07.24AnduinLotharsince atm my drive speed is my system bottleneck
10:07.28nevcairiel10k drives make me dizzy, cant stand that high-pitch noise
10:07.41KirovMr_Rabies2 - here's mine
10:07.47Mr_Rabies299% of my loading time is addons anyway, i doubt a faster HDD would help much
10:07.49Mr_Rabies2i need to find a case
10:08.00Mr_Rabies2a full tower aluminum case with awesome cooling is required
10:08.23dreamssget something big
10:08.24AnduinLotharnot wow loading, but for things liek flying through zanger and having nothign render
10:08.26sag_ich_nichtAnduinLothar, no, they're not. i have a raid 0+1 with damn fast HDDs, and WoW still takes longer to load than my PC takes to boot.
10:08.31dreamsswith removeable hdd trays
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10:08.34sag_ich_nichtah, that sucks
10:08.49Mr_Rabies2dreamss, i have a coolermaster stacker for my current pc
10:08.53Mr_Rabies2i'd move the partsinto it
10:08.55AnduinLothari'm not talkign about wow loading, it's under 20s i don't caew
10:08.56Mr_Rabies2it's steel :x
10:08.56sag_ich_nichtyou suck
10:09.00Mr_Rabies2steel = no lanning
10:09.09sag_ich_nichtget a lian-li V2100plusII
10:09.20dreamssu know its not wow that takes load time to load
10:09.22AnduinLotharI'm just talking about massive texture/model loading mostly
10:09.25dreamssbut /wtf is
10:09.54dreamsswtf dir must be fragged to hell (wow needs to use DB system imo)
10:10.07Mr_Rabies2that doesn't really bother me much, AnduinLothar
10:10.24Kirovtime for bed
10:10.25AnduinLotharbugs me when i can't see thigns that should be in range
10:10.26Kirovnight ppl
10:10.27Mr_Rabies2the only thing that takes a while to render is stuff like npcs and stuff
10:10.31Mr_Rabies2and that's connection
10:10.49Mr_Rabies2terrain doesn't have a problem
10:11.05dreamssis ur terreain disatnce setting maxed?
10:11.10AnduinLotharw/e I also kinda want to do it jsut for a higher vista score
10:11.17sag_ich_nichtyou know what ME bugs?
10:11.22sag_ich_nichtthe fact that ornate spyglasses are bugged
10:11.38sag_ich_nichti'm not talking about the exploit
10:11.43AnduinLotharsince vista claims everything is maxed except hd speed
10:12.00sag_ich_nichtyou have LESS view range with them active than without them and maximum zoomed out
10:12.07sag_ich_nichtannoys the hell out of me in arathi
10:12.19sag_ich_nichtAnduinLothar i demand system specs.
10:12.45sag_ich_nichtyour claim of having a bigger epenis than me is unacceptable.
10:13.00dreamssits time for a duel..
10:13.02Mr_Rabies2it didn't use to be that way, sag_ich_nicht
10:13.18Mr_Rabies2used to i could see magmadar from back behind where you pull luci too via the spyglass
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10:13.32Srosh!c eu forscherliga jehn
10:13.35ThraeBotSrosh: Jehn, Level 70 Tauren Hunter (7/54/0). 7841 HP; 6448 Mana; 102 mana regen; 19 mp5; 4520 Armour; 1125 AP; 164.600 Melee DPS; 18.07% melee crit; 41 melee hit; 1238 RAP; 232.00 Ranged DPS; 23.07% ranged crit; 41 ranged hit; 9.83% dodge; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1186 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Sep 19 06:27:12 2007 EST ]]
10:13.42dreamssthey changed it cause of shamans
10:13.43sag_ich_nichtMr_Rabies2: well, i tweaked the Cvars a bit to get my camera to maximum distance
10:13.45sag_ich_nichtbut still
10:13.48sag_ich_nichtdreamss oh really?
10:13.50sag_ich_nichtwhy is that
10:14.05sag_ich_nichtbecause the item is pointless in it's current implementation
10:14.23dreamssfarsight uses the same system, they changed it when they fixed most exploits
10:14.29dreamssand made new ones >_<
10:14.47sag_ich_nichti enjoy pulling the black stalker from the entry to underbog
10:15.01dreamssfloat/cap flags/pull boss
10:15.05dreamssdoes it still work?
10:15.48dreamssso it still changes your location?
10:16.12sag_ich_nichtbut your pet thinks it's location has changed.
10:16.56AnduinLotharMac Pro: 2x 2.66Ghz Dual-Core Xeon 5100s, 1.33 GHz FSB, ATI Radeon X1900 XT 512MB
10:17.03Mr_Rabies2what do you guys think of ?
10:17.08Mr_Rabies2it's not tacky and it's not too expensive
10:17.12dreamssthey fix the other one when u could ghost run inside there and rez ppl from the bacldoor
10:17.26Mr_Rabies2i wish this case i had now was aluminum
10:17.30Mr_Rabies2if it were it would be perfect
10:17.36AnduinLotharmy drives are only 7.2k
10:17.41Mr_Rabies2but it probably weighs about 100 pounds
10:17.44AnduinLotharand only 2gb ram
10:18.04AnduinLotharbut that's enough to run a bunch
10:18.12AnduinLotharand the rams super spensive
10:18.24dreamssno removeable trays?
10:18.29AnduinLotharit has trays
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10:18.39AnduinLotharoh, mine does
10:19.22dreamssi dont know who made mine but i love it. removeable 3.5" trays with build fan on each
10:19.33dreamsshuge heavy case
10:19.40dreamssnice ventilation
10:20.13dreamss2 fans back 3 front?
10:20.19Mr_Rabies2i don't really care, i can install a drive using an old piece of shit screw driver while searching out screws in about 3 minutes
10:20.25Mr_Rabies2mine's awesome
10:20.30Mr_Rabies2it has two 120 mm in the front
10:20.50Mr_Rabies2too heavy for lans though
10:20.54Mr_Rabies2lemme find a specsheet on it
10:21.45Mr_Rabies2i think
10:22.24Mr_Rabies2i have two 120mm fans that double as drivebays
10:22.27Mr_Rabies2in the front
10:22.29dreamsscool ass sidevent
10:22.32AnduinLotharbut my computer's like 10 months old. you could get duel quad cores now
10:23.38Srosh!c eu forscherliga kaitaama
10:23.41ThraeBotSrosh: Kaitaama, Level 70 Undead Warlock (42/8/11). 10680 HP; 8545 Mana; 106 mana regen; 61 spell crit; 113 spell hit; 654 +spell dmg/heal; 179 frost dmg (833); 218 shadow dmg (872); 4.28% dodge; 47 resilience; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1560 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Sep 19 06:37:18 2007 EST ]]
10:23.53Mr_Rabies2is there anything i'm missing, though?
10:24.15AnduinLotharram for my box is still like $200 for 2x1GB cips
10:24.31Mr_Rabies2ram, hdd, case, cpu, video card, dvd burner, PSU, mobo
10:24.43Mr_Rabies2that's all i need, right? :o
10:24.57dreamssfans :P
10:25.18dreamssmaybe spare sata cables
10:28.50AnduinLotharevil PC2-5300 667MHZ DDR2 ECC REG FB server ram
10:29.44sag_ich_nicht[12:16] <+AnduinLothar> Mac Pro: 2x 2.66Ghz Dual-Core Xeon 5100s, 1.33 GHz FSB, ATI Radeon X1900 XT 512MB <--oh i forgot, you have a MAC
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10:29.52sag_ich_nichtin that case i win by default.
10:30.11AnduinLotharno, my mac still owns yours, because it can run any OS I want
10:30.25sag_ich_nichtso can my PC, since mac os x is cracked anyway
10:30.44AnduinLotharhave you TRIED runnign it on windows tho?
10:30.56AnduinLotharyou have to write your own drivers
10:30.59sag_ich_nichtyou don't run OS X on windows
10:31.11AnduinLotharon a non-mac*
10:31.12sag_ich_nichtyou run OS X on PC hardware
10:31.31sag_ich_nichti didn't. why would i want mac os x?
10:31.49AnduinLotharwhy wouldn't you
10:32.23sag_ich_nichtbecause my windows and linux partitions are working wonderfully and i don't have the need for another OS.
10:33.25AnduinLotharyou mac it sound like a generic open source *nix flavor
10:33.56sag_ich_nichti make it sound like i have 2 OS that work quite well
10:34.06sag_ich_nichtgive me a reason why i need another one
10:34.11AnduinLotharwhy do you need 2 OS's
10:34.27AnduinLotharwhy not just 1?
10:35.07AnduinLotharonly reason i can think of is for windows gaming
10:35.12dreamsswindows with ssh client = 2 OS
10:36.03AnduinLotharmac with Terminal = 2 OS's except you can actually compile things
10:36.34dreamssyeah problem is, i like windows for desktop, and used to it
10:36.42dreamssplus sometimes apps are not avalible on mac
10:36.47dreamssor unix
10:36.47AnduinLotharignorance is bliss
10:36.54AnduinLotharenjoy it
10:36.59dreamssu wish
10:38.37dreamssi can go from slackware new install to custom kernel and full UI without leaving the cli
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10:44.47dreamssi still havent found valid argument to use linux as a desktop
10:48.22sag_ich_nicht[12:34] <+AnduinLothar> why not just 1? <--because some of the applications i prefer do not run properly in WINE
10:48.25sag_ich_nichtalso windows gaming.
10:48.55sag_ich_nichtand yes
10:49.00sag_ich_nichtlinux on the desktop is quite pointless
10:49.49dreamssi gave it a good try, time spent setting up is more than time spent to secure windows
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10:50.03sag_ich_nichtyou can use UBANTO
10:50.08sag_ich_nichtfor the desktop
10:50.22dreamssthat shit is the new redhat on terms of security
10:50.28sag_ich_nichtand then automatix fuck it over and then secure it using bastile
10:50.30sag_ich_nichtbut yeah
10:50.39sag_ich_nichtubunto sucks
10:50.43sag_ich_nicht\o debian
10:51.21AnduinLothartime spent  securing Mac OS X + Setting Up is less than all of the above. that not good enough?
10:51.36sag_ich_nichthaha you think your operation system is secure.
10:51.46dreamssmine is
10:52.04dreamssof course i made real botnets and know how to infect
10:52.15sag_ich_nichtdreamss: i talked to AnduinLothar
10:52.29sag_ich_nichtdreamss: you seen that database leak?
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10:52.58dreamsswindows is winning on security atm
10:53.06dreamssas ironic as that is
10:54.04dreamsserr MS, hardware drm works
10:54.25dreamssif they had made the iphone, it would not be unlocked for like a whole year
10:55.18AnduinLotharif they had made the iphone it would have flopped
10:55.38sag_ich_nichtMS hardware drm blows as well
10:55.42sag_ich_nichtproof: xbox 360
10:55.52dreamssyeah drm is not cracked
10:55.54AnduinLotharthe main reason iphone cracked so fast is because it's been on ever fan fanboy's wishlist for 10 years
10:55.58sag_ich_nichtsource of many laughts: original xbox
10:56.01dreamssthe dvd drive was exploited
10:56.04sag_ich_nichtdon't have to crack it break it.
10:56.31sag_ich_nichtdreamss have you taken a look at the security implementation of the original xbox?
10:56.35dreamssoriginal xbox was mostly luck and the fact it was a project
10:56.38dreamssoh dude
10:56.53sag_ich_nichti laughted so hard when i read how they broke it
10:57.14dreamssfact is, u cant run unsigned code on the 360
10:57.22dreamsshacks are limited to the dvd drive
10:57.48sag_ich_nichtcare to stop typing u instead of you all the time?
10:58.02dreamssfingers hurt :P
10:58.06dreamssill try
10:58.13sag_ich_nichtno nvm
10:58.28sag_ich_nichti just can't help but think of a script kiddie each time i read it >.>
10:58.51sag_ich_nichtand i don't believe that's the case here
10:59.03dreamssyeah hehe yeah :
10:59.38dreamssonly reason MS hasent implemented hardware drm on PCs is due to the outcry
10:59.45dreamssusers wont stand for it
11:00.10Kalrothsag_ich_nicht: y r u agnst typng u?????
11:00.17sag_ich_nicht~lart kadrahil
11:00.17purltakes kadrahil to the vet for a "special" visit
11:00.24sag_ich_nichtapologizes, kadrahil
11:00.28sag_ich_nicht~lart Kalroth
11:00.28purlgets a hotmal account and SPAMs Kalroth
11:00.38Kalroth~wedgie purl
11:00.39purlACTION hangs purl from the flag pole by his underwear
11:00.47dreamssgmail>spam :P
11:00.58dreamsslil regex and your cool
11:01.46dreamssshit the 360 exploit was originally for xbox 1
11:01.57dreamssbut never used due the exploited FW
11:02.39dreamss360 efuse aint no joke either
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11:30.29sag_ich_nichthahahaha CANALSTREET left the scene? lmao
11:30.42sag_ich_nichti never noticed that
11:32.05Mr_Rabies2<dreamss> fact is, u cant run unsigned code on the 360
11:32.11Mr_Rabies2you can on specific dashboards
11:32.23dreamssits easier to get to space
11:32.26Mr_Rabies2but you can't update or all the exploits have been fixed that have been found so far
11:32.38dreamssu need a non updated virgin 360 from launch
11:32.40sag_ich_nichtzenzelezz if you don't know what i'm talking about, it's better that way. i just felt like randomly comenting on something
11:32.44dreamssthen remove the efuse
11:32.53Mr_Rabies2it's better to just mod your original xbox
11:32.58Mr_Rabies2that's so easy now
11:33.00dreamssxbmc ftw
11:33.08Mr_Rabies2i did it in less than an hour and i was being super super careful
11:33.17Mr_Rabies2i used splinter cell/NDURE
11:33.42dreamssi made the first xbox 1 linux disk to get into the HDD for the first time
11:33.48dreamssto flash without a flasher
11:33.55dreamssxlinux :P
11:34.00Mr_Rabies2now it's incredibly easy to softmod
11:34.13dreamssit was slackware install cd with new kernel and a sh script
11:34.15Mr_Rabies2i'm gonna eventually replace the hard drive in it
11:34.18dreamssfun times
11:34.28Mr_Rabies2XBMC is my current dashboard
11:34.38Mr_Rabies2because it does everything i need 90% of the time
11:34.39dreamssits the shiznit
11:34.52Mr_Rabies2otherwise i run dvd2xbox
11:35.02dreamssi run xbmc all the time
11:35.25Mr_Rabies2well, xbmc can't rip games/dvds
11:36.17dreamssyeah i think i only ripped like once
11:36.37Mr_Rabies2i have no reason to yet
11:37.11Mr_Rabies2but i'm planning on borrowing games and shit from friends and probably ripping some of my existing games
11:37.25dreamssi REALLY want xbmc360
11:37.34dreamssthe 360 makes such a kickass MC
11:37.48Mr_Rabies2i wish MS would just open up the 360 more
11:37.53dreamss3 cpus, HD connection
11:37.55Mr_Rabies2they need to strike a deal with vlc
11:38.23dreamssaparently MS is adding support for divx and shit on the other MC appliances
11:38.26Mr_Rabies2make the xbox one use vlc for everything not downloaded with the xbox itself
11:38.33dreamssi asumme xbox getting it too
11:38.38Mr_Rabies2i use orb currently
11:38.45Mr_Rabies2to transcode
11:38.49Mr_Rabies2it's kind of a bitch
11:39.04Mr_Rabies2i want to be able to just connect to my shared folders and play all my movies and songs
11:39.07dreamsstranscoding seems to defeat the use of a xbox
11:39.15dreamssuse double cpu resources?
11:39.18dreamssfuck that
11:39.55Mr_Rabies2well, it's the only way to get 90% of my movies to my 360 without transcoding everything to wmv
11:40.11Mr_Rabies2er, beforehand
11:40.29Mr_Rabies2orb and tversity do realtime transcoding
11:41.07Mr_Rabies2orb's quality is too awful because it's designed for use across the internet and stuff too
11:41.15dreamssmight as well hook the tv up to the PC
11:41.26dreamssor just xbmc :(
11:41.36Mr_Rabies2pc's downstairs, 360 is upstairs
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11:41.51Mr_Rabies2er, tv
11:41.56cncfanaticsyo all
11:42.23dreamssMS would sell a lot more if 360 was sold as media center
11:42.28dreamsswith support for any format
11:42.42dreamssthey can sell codecs on freaking live >_<
11:42.45Mr_Rabies2and a web browser
11:43.10Mr_Rabies2selling codecs is a slippery slope unless they work out liscensing hardcore
11:43.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (n=Dotted@pdpc/supporter/student/dotted)
11:43.33dreamssjust let codec makers sell them on live
11:43.37dreamsswhy is that bad?
11:43.38Mr_Rabies2a lot of codecs are free for noncommercial use, when they start selling them things can be a problem :x
11:43.56Mr_Rabies2i'd rather them just strike a deal with vlc :x
11:43.59cncfanaticsactualy, the people could get the codecs they sell for free ?
11:44.11cncfanatics(jumping in the convo here, correct me if i'm wrongĂ )
11:44.45dreamssyeah there is a system
11:44.56dreamssbut they would have to host it
11:45.10Mr_Rabies2you can't get anything for free on xbox live that wasn't designed to be free
11:45.20cncfanaticsyou bet ? :p
11:45.32Mr_Rabies2most of it's DRMed to hell
11:45.40dreamssALL is drm
11:45.44cncfanaticsaaah, long live MS
11:45.51cncfanaticsglad I don't have any MS software anymore
11:45.56cncfanaticsonly MS product I use is their lovely laser mouse
11:46.01dreamsscool system actually
11:46.13Mr_Rabies2i don't have a problem with DRM as long as prices are reasonable
11:46.19Mr_Rabies2and for the most part they are on live
11:46.20dreamsslike live arcade games are shareware unless u have the auth on your live profile
11:46.27Mr_Rabies2but it's up to the publisher, etc
11:46.50Mr_Rabies2right, games go to trial versions when you pop your HDD in a buddy's xbox and don't logon to live
11:46.57Mr_Rabies2arcade games*
11:46.58dreamssfor example the r6 black pack was supposed to be free, accidently made it pay for
11:47.06dreamssso red became free as apology
11:47.26cncfanaticslovely DRM I must say
11:47.40Mr_Rabies2well it was only pay for like
11:47.43Mr_Rabies26 hours or so?
11:47.56Mr_Rabies2and they can do cool stuff like have sales
11:48.25Mr_Rabies2say when PGR4 comes out, they could make Geometry wars cost half price for the month of release or whatever :o
11:48.27dreamssits pretty interesting on the etchnical level
11:48.55Mr_Rabies2the 360 really need two things
11:49.14dreamssbetter cooling first and foremost
11:49.17Mr_Rabies2closer to the ps3's level of pc interactivity, and mouse/kb support for developers to decide to support in software
11:49.22Mr_Rabies2better cooling's already in
11:49.29dreamssstill broken
11:49.31Mr_Rabies2the hdmi ones are pretty well cooled, and are quieter
11:49.43Mr_Rabies2mine doesn't have any problems
11:49.51Mr_Rabies2it's sort of loud, yeah
11:49.55Mr_Rabies2but it seems to cool fine
11:50.08cncfanaticsare you guys actualy praising their DRM filled system ? -.-
11:50.16dreamssnot rly
11:50.21Mr_Rabies2cncfanatics, i don't have anything against it
11:50.24dreamssjust saying they winning security wise
11:50.29cncfanaticsI have something against DRM
11:50.33purlhmm... drm is or the Direct Rendering Module, or called Direct Rendering Manager. "an acronym for "Digital Rights Management" ", or ... the best big black-caca from the ass of gates  Just Say No (tm), or
11:50.50Mr_Rabies2prices are mostly reasonable
11:50.54dreamssvista cost text is fucking insane
11:51.03cncfanaticsits the principle, they can remotely shut down ur access if they feel like it
11:51.21dreamss360 aint that bad
11:51.24cncfanaticscheck that latest link also, it basicly says that ur gonna pay ur PC hardwore more becuz of MS, even if u dont use it
11:51.43dreamssyeah i know
11:52.12Mr_Rabies2i don't get all the MS hate, i never have /shrug
11:52.22cncfanaticsMr_Rabies2, read
11:52.26Mr_Rabies2yeah tldr
11:52.27cncfanaticsthats tbh, enough to hate a company
11:52.32dreamssi dont think its a good thing, just saying
11:52.38dreamssit worked on the 360
11:52.45dreamssbut would never work on the pc
11:52.58cncfanaticsit can work
11:53.06Mr_Rabies2it works great on the 360, i love how things are done on it
11:53.25cncfanaticsMr_Rabies2, I wouldn't like having to buy anything tbh :p
11:53.28Mr_Rabies2instead of paying 20 bucks for a dvd, i pay 5 and can watch it in HD
11:53.46dreamssbest part is u dont have to store the movie client side
11:53.48Mr_Rabies2everyone would like if everything was free
11:53.52Mr_Rabies2but that aint happening
11:53.56dreamssfree backups are ftw
11:53.58cncfanaticsMr_Rabies2, how much times can u watch it ?
11:54.05dreamssall the time
11:54.08Mr_Rabies2as many times as you want in 24 hours for a movie rental
11:54.09dreamssarease it for space
11:54.14dreamssredownload it again for free
11:54.16Mr_Rabies2movies are rented
11:54.21Mr_Rabies2but tv shows are bought
11:54.26dreamssahh i see
11:54.27cncfanaticsI knew it :p
11:54.32Mr_Rabies2about a buck an episode or so, can watch it infinitely many times
11:54.41cncfanaticswell tbh, I rather pay 0 bucks per HD movie :p
11:54.49Mr_Rabies2sure, but you can't, legally
11:54.56dreamssu can get the wmv hd for free off NG :P
11:55.04dreamsswatch it on the 360
11:55.19cncfanaticsMr_Rabies2, I buy movies legaly, if there is NO SINGLE DRM on them
11:55.24cncfanaticsif there are, I download the DRM free version
11:55.44Mr_Rabies2cncfanatics, but you pay a lot more for a blu-ray or hddvd disc you're only going to watch
11:55.58cncfanaticsthey're both filled with DRM
11:56.04cncfanaticswhich means I won't buy them either way ;)
11:56.05dreamssplus i hear the disks die
11:56.06Mr_Rabies2so you don't legally buy any hd content
11:56.13cncfanaticsif there's drm on them, correct
11:56.23dreamssall hd content has drm
11:56.26cncfanaticsand there's drm on 99% of them, their loss
11:56.27Mr_Rabies2i don't know of any HD content without DRM
11:56.28dreamsslegal one
11:56.40dreamssretail HD :P
11:57.01Mr_Rabies2well yeah, you know what i mean
11:57.05cncfanaticseither way, those DRM can be cracked/removed with some work, so I Don't see the point except wasting ressources
11:57.36dreamssthey like to fuck over legit users
11:58.09Mr_Rabies2i don't mind paying 5 bucks to watch something in true hd on my tv
11:58.10cncfanaticsindeed, no backup copies
11:58.25cncfanaticsI don't mind either, if they don't limit my rights
11:58.27Mr_Rabies2if i'm going to watch it the same amount of times as a blu-ray or whatever
11:58.33cncfanaticsunfortunatly for them they do, so I pay 0 bucks :)
11:58.42Mr_Rabies2would you pay 30 bucks for something that was DRM free?
11:59.02cncfanaticshmmm, probably
11:59.06dreamssdrm free should be cheaper
11:59.09cncfanaticsmake it 25 bucks and u got a deal
11:59.17Mr_Rabies2why? you can do whatever you want with it, dreamss
11:59.31cncfanaticsMr_Rabies2, u realize u can do whatever u want with the DRM version too right ?
11:59.35cncfanaticsas long as u can bother cracking their shit
11:59.54Mr_Rabies2sure, you can crack hd-dvds and blu-rays
11:59.55dreamsswith the home connection nowdays u dont even need too
12:00.00Mr_Rabies2but it's not worth the effort or hard drive space
12:00.07cncfanaticsMr_Rabies2, get the keys from a dvd player and u can
12:00.08dreamssu can get a MB/s for 30bucks
12:00.11cncfanaticsthey can be extracted for their ram
12:00.23Mr_Rabies2dreamss, where do you live?
12:00.28cncfanaticsits a pain, but, its doabvle
12:00.35dreamssusa cali
12:00.36Mr_Rabies23Mbit is about 45 bucks over here
12:00.43Mr_Rabies2in GA, usa
12:00.45dreamss29/ 700k
12:01.18Mr_Rabies2dsl, cable's more expensive for similar speeds
12:01.26JoshBorkewho's your provider?
12:01.35Mr_Rabies2AT&T (bellsouth)
12:01.44JoshBorkehrm.  we have awful luck with them
12:01.50JoshBorkeour connection drops often
12:01.51Mr_Rabies2much better than comcast
12:01.52Mr_Rabies2i don't
12:01.59Mr_Rabies2my connection drops maybe once every 6 months or so
12:02.12JoshBorkehuh, must be my location then
12:02.19Mr_Rabies2yeah, it's up to the DSLAM/CO
12:02.24dreamssout here cable is same price but faster than dsl
12:02.28Mr_Rabies2i'm fairly close to my CO
12:02.38Mr_Rabies2i want at&t to reenable 6Mbit over here
12:02.45Mr_Rabies2it's only 50 bucks a month i think
12:03.13Mr_Rabies2they disabled speed upgrades during the merger
12:03.22Mr_Rabies2and i hope they reenable them again soon
12:04.02cncfanaticsI pay 30bucks a month for my fucking piece of crap internet with only 17gig transfer a month
12:04.04cncfanaticssucks royaly :p
12:04.42Mr_Rabies2no quota within reasonable numbers afaik
12:05.16cncfanatics17gig a month is damn nothing
12:05.33cncfanaticsbut well, its this country :p don't think there is any unlimited internet connection under 100 bucks a month
12:05.51Mr_Rabies237.95usd a month for 3Mbit
12:05.58Mr_Rabies2can't upgrade to 6 mbit yet
12:06.02Mr_Rabies2dammit at&t
12:06.35cncfanaticsno quota ?
12:08.16cncfanaticssec dreamss
12:08.25cncfanaticsI passed this month's transfer quota so my internet sucks :)
12:08.32cncfanaticswish there were better operators in belgium
12:09.18cncfanatics:o unsigned code
12:09.32cncfanaticsseems i'm not the only one that doesnt like MS's systems :p
12:10.19dreamssthere was no way to access the hdd back there without you running linux with the kernel drive so i made a live linux disk
12:10.25dreamssheh good use for linux !
12:10.31Mr_Rabies2oh hey they do
12:10.35Mr_Rabies26mbit 42.95
12:10.38dreamssits 100% legal
12:10.38Mr_Rabies2i'm gonna do that :O
12:10.54*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
12:11.46Rallionby my computer tower's incessant beeping, and the fact that one of my HDDs isn't showing up, I'm going to guess that the drive that's been giving SMART errors for...oh, four years now, has finally died.
12:12.09cncfanaticsRallion, lol
12:12.13cncfanaticsbtw, anyone familiar with gvim ?
12:12.42dreamssi think rall?
12:18.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (i=feh@conspiracy/developer/Cidan)
12:18.20Mr_Rabies2it be international talk like a pirate day, matey!
12:20.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
12:21.15dreamssJoined: 9-November 03
12:21.34Mr_Rabies2who what
12:21.44dreamsson the xbox scene forums
12:21.53dreamssdam 4 years?
12:22.03cncfanaticshmmm, how to enable tabs in vim, someone ? :p
12:22.11Mr_Rabies2i think i registered for xbs in like
12:22.20Mr_Rabies2back before anyone really could do much modding wise
12:22.29Mr_Rabies2i remember when the first hdd was cracked
12:22.50dreamsstabnew - to open new tab
12:22.50dreamsstabf filename - to open a file in a new tab
12:22.50dreamssCtrl + PgUp, Ctrl+PgDn - Browse between tabs
12:23.24dreamssgoogle ftw
12:24.45*** join/#wowi-lounge novas (
12:24.51dreamssfw came out first, my friend put a socket on a raid card and flashed his tsop and everyone else in the grp
12:25.54dreamssfew weeks later the dude who cracked the mobo was on techtv
12:27.42*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit_ (
12:28.11Mr_Rabies2i remember that
12:28.21Mr_Rabies2i think that's what made me reg on xboxscene actually
12:28.31Mr_Rabies2hearing about it on the screen savers
12:29.14dreamssthe flash was actually a leak from modchip maker who were trying to make money on it
12:29.43*** join/#wowi-lounge NM|Xinhuan|Guru (
12:31.30Mr_Rabies2yar, those types tend to be shady
12:37.19*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh_ (n=chatzill@
12:38.24novasCan anyone tell me if protected functions are useful for mod developers?
12:38.45Josh_Borkeit depends on what you want to do
12:39.04novasuh, it just seems that there are sooo many restrictions on protected functions
12:39.09novaslike the in combat lock down
12:39.22Josh_Borkeyou can do all those things with other tools
12:39.40novasWhat are they good for anyways?
12:39.51cncfanaticsoh god lovely gvim, just started it and already loving it
12:40.04novasand what other tools?
12:40.19Josh_Borkewhat are what good for?  protected functions?  protected functions are what actually does the secure actions such as casting a spell
12:40.36Josh_Borkeyou can use SecureActionButtons to do spell casting and secure headers to change state on buttons
12:40.39novasbut u can't use protected functions in combat I thought?
12:40.51Shiriksome protected functions you can’t use ever
12:40.53Shirikat all
12:41.15Josh_Borkeanything that you need to be able to do you can do
12:41.19ShirikCastSpellByName is one of those functions
12:41.25Josh_Borkeyou don't need to be able to jump from a script
12:42.35novasyeah so I'm refering to those functions in wowwiki api. are those functions listed as protected of any use then?
12:43.21novasso i can basically ignore all those functions then?
12:43.33novasgreat thx
12:43.38novasthat's what i wanted to know hehe
12:44.05*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
12:44.06Josh_Borkewhy does it matter?
12:44.20ShirikI assume he’s getting an overview of the available API
12:44.26Shirikand wants to know exactly what’s available to him
12:44.33novasyeah that's it
12:44.46novasI'm trying to write some mod
12:45.11novasbut then i can't figure out how some functions can be implemented
12:46.44Josh_Borkefunctionality you mean?
12:47.34novasyup yup
12:48.42Josh_Borkenovas: such as?
12:48.51Josh_Borkenovas: if you had a more specific question we could help you better
12:49.22dreamssheh halo3 is out
12:49.28novaslike the only way to change target with functions was with TargetUnit("unitid") but then I found out it's protected
12:49.36foxlitnovas: wowwiki needs a little cleanup when it comes to protected functins
12:50.07foxlitThere's a subtle difference between Not-In-Combat and Not-Unless-You're-Blizzard protected functions
12:50.42*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
12:51.04Josh_Borkenovas: changing target can only be done through a hardware event
12:51.07novasyeah I just read I can use secure frames to change target and I"m reading on it now
12:51.29Josh_Borkea hardware event being clicking a button (a secure frame) or pressing a key
12:51.30novasyeah like a mouse click
12:51.57novasI'm trying to write some frames where I can click on it to change target
12:52.54novasthx for the answers anyways :)
12:53.44*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit_ (
12:55.20novasoh btw, I know u can't setattribute in combat, but can u do getattribute?
12:55.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Rallion (
12:55.45cladhaireGood mornin', how be everyone today?
12:55.52cncfanaticsyo cladhaire
12:56.01cncfanaticsi'm wondering something about MS software, as usual :p
12:56.20RallionI be going to an intarrrrview for a promotion! I hope this landlubber be likin' me ways o' speech.
12:56.34cladharrreAnythin' in particular about it?
12:56.44*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
12:58.39cladharrreYikes.. I move t' England in three days.
12:58.48*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
13:00.09RallionThis interview is going to be difficult for me, simply because I'm going to be the only one there who knows I'll probably be putting in my two weeks before there's even time to train me for the new position.
13:00.52*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
13:01.58Rallionbut it's retail. that's how it works.
13:02.03cladharrreDoes anyone here 'ave experience wit' obtainin' an international drivers letter o' marque in th' United States?
13:02.06Rallioni mean....arrr.
13:02.55cncfanaticscladharrre, seriously, speak normal :p
13:03.12RallionI missed the word 'drivers' and couldn't understand what the hell you said at first
13:03.23cladharrreIts a holiday today, 'n I intent t' celebrate!
13:07.40Josh_Borke~lart cladharrre
13:07.40purlstrangles cladharrre with a 9-pole serial cable
13:07.50*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
13:08.36cladharrreAh see, even purl's gettin' in on th' pirate speak.  Granted, its 'cause o' me nick, but all th' same.
13:10.06purlit has been said that pirate is So forgive me my rough mood unaccustomed to sue; I woo not, perhaps, as your landlubbers do.
13:10.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
13:11.09cncfanaticsits a holiday today ?
13:11.12cncfanaticsthats new
13:11.54nevcarrrielIts talk lik' a pirate day
13:12.09cladharrreAhoy, ye dunno that today be international talk like a pirate day?
13:12.20cladharrreEvery September 19th be!
13:12.44cladharrre~wiki September 19th
13:12.44Josh_Blackbeardi refuse to talk like a pirate though
13:12.52Industriarrrme too Josh_Blackbeard
13:12.58Industriarrrrather, I suck at it >_>
13:13.05Josh_Blackbeardcladharrre: REFUSE!
13:13.55*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit_ (
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13:20.43sag_ich_nichtpurl, no pirate is <literal> So forgive me my rough mood unaccustomed to sue; I woo not, perhaps, as your landlubbers do.
13:20.43purlokay, sag_ich_nicht
13:20.47purlwell, pirate is <literal> So forgive me my rough mood unaccustomed to sue; I woo not, perhaps, as your landlubbers do.
13:20.58sag_ich_nichtpurl, no pirate is <say> So forgive me my rough mood unaccustomed to sue; I woo not, perhaps, as your landlubbers do.
13:20.58purlsag_ich_nicht: okay
13:21.03purlrumour has it, pirate is <say> So forgive me my rough mood unaccustomed to sue; I woo not, perhaps, as your landlubbers do.
13:21.08sag_ich_nichtokay fine
13:21.14sag_ich_nichtpurl, no pirate is So forgive me my rough mood unaccustomed to sue; I woo not, perhaps, as your landlubbers do.
13:21.15purlsag_ich_nicht: okay
13:21.58purlit has been said that purl is teh b0m8
13:22.40Industriarrrand ofcourse
13:23.21foxlit~literal slap
13:23.40cncfanaticssigh :p
13:24.16*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
13:24.54foxlit"IP version 6: The replacement for the aging IPv4. The estimated number of unique addresses for IPv6 is 40,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456."
13:25.00Adys|pirate~no pirate is <reply>So forgive me my rough mood unaccustomed to sue; I woo not, perhaps, as your landlubbers do.
13:25.01purlokay, Adys|pirate
13:25.12foxlit"We don't really know how to multiply, but we think it's somewhere around there."
13:25.19purlSo forgive me my rough mood unaccustomed to sue; I woo not, perhaps, as your landlubbers do.
13:25.29cncfanaticsfixlit, who cares ? :p
13:25.32purlaw, gee, Adys|pirate
13:25.48Adys|piratecncfanatics: Seems like his connection cared
13:26.04*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
13:26.11cncfanaticsmost connects still use g'old ipv4
13:26.14cncfanatics(where i live at least)
13:26.15foxlitcncfunatics: no one, really.
13:26.24cncfanaticsand l2spellmyname, foxlit
13:26.34Adys|pirate[15:26:12] <cncfanatics> fixlit
13:26.41Adys|pirateUhm :P
13:26.45foxlitI'm pointing out the language issue of using "estmiated" and then providing a pretty exact number
13:27.07foxlitcncfanatics: revenge!
13:27.07krkaisn't that the wrong number too?
13:27.51foxlitMaybe. But either "estmiated over 40 kazillion" or "exactly 256^16"
13:28.17foxlitDisclaimer: kazillion may not be a valid number, and the number of IPv6 adresses may not actually be 256^16
13:29.04*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
13:30.18cncfanaticsyay clad is gone !
13:30.55sag_ich_nichtit's par-tay, ye nob
13:31.04sag_ich_nichtto the planks with ya, i say!
13:31.34sag_ich_nichtyarrrrrr, ye cheap ninja tactics can not stop a true pirate
13:33.07krkaisn't the IPv6 is able to support 2128 (about 3.4Ă—1038) addresses
13:33.18sag_ich_nichtye be kiddin, 2.2 not out yet!
13:33.23krkaerase the first two words
13:33.23cncfanaticskrka, that'd be less then ipv4 supports ?
13:33.34krkaoh, copied from wikipedia
13:33.37krkait missed the powers
13:33.43sag_ich_nicht~calculate 128^2
13:33.46krkaIPv6 is able to support 2^128 (about 3.4Ă—10^38) addresses
13:34.13sag_ich_nichtpurl, no.
13:34.23sag_ich_nichtpurl, i insist.
13:34.24purlYou insist.?
13:34.34cncfanaticsthe replies are just lol
13:34.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
13:35.00sag_ich_nichtpurl yes i do
13:35.00purlYou do?
13:35.05sag_ich_nichtpurl yes
13:35.06purlYou don't say!
13:35.06cncfanaticspurl, no you don't
13:35.23sag_ich_nichtthere, you broke it.
13:35.26sag_ich_nichtbad cncfanatics
13:36.00sag_ich_nichtactually, let me fix that
13:37.17dreamssGM dreamss: working as intened
13:38.01cncfanaticscncfanatics: l2spell stupid GM
13:38.15cncfanaticscan't even spell ur macro'd phrases right :p
13:38.50zenzelezzif you need to complain about spelling, don't use "ur"
13:39.09|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrAt least I wasn't the only person thinking that. :P
13:39.57zenzelezzof course it was
13:41.02sag_ich_nichtbullshit, it's a damage spell, you are not immune!
13:41.10sag_ich_nichtenjoy your daze + dismount!
13:41.18sag_ich_nichtflying form
13:41.21sag_ich_nichtdamage kills you!
13:41.37sag_ich_nicht~whalecrit cncfanatics
13:41.37purlACTION crits cncfanatics with a mathematically skilled whale named Isaac for #NaN. cncfanatics dies
13:42.17*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
13:42.31sag_ich_nichtyarrr, that's what you get for fighting a pirate
13:42.57cogwheelArrrrr, mateys!
13:43.05bleetyarrrr7it be cap'n cog joining us, who be on they good ship Chatzillarrrr
13:43.08cogwheelWhere's me grog?!
13:43.27sag_ich_nichtAvast, cogwheel! ye evil cncfanatics is tryin to sink our' ship!
13:43.39bleetyarrrrth' scurvy dog
13:43.46cogwheelyarrrr!!!! Keel haul th' scurvy dog!
13:45.05|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrDon't you mean faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarball?
13:45.09sag_ich_nichtyarr, put the fire out!
13:45.30cogwheelAlright boys! Let's giv'em what for!
13:45.36cogwheelLOAD THE CANNONS!!!
13:45.52sag_ich_nichtthey be load'd already cap'n!
13:45.57bleetyarrrrme boat be like th' ones off th' coast o' steamwheedle. Hoist the mainsail!. always on fire, by Blackbeard's sword, ne'er sinking ;)
13:46.04LopeppeppyWhy.... is the rum.... GONE!!!???!!!!!
13:46.24sag_ich_nichtLopeppeppy th' evil cncfanatics stole et!
13:46.49cogwheelarrr... that's what i get fer joinin' the crew this late in the game
13:47.12bleetyarrrrcogwheel: dern't be stopping at th' wrist, by Blackbeard's sword, take th' whole hand off and put a good hook on! Fire the cannons!
13:47.27arrrrrrrt3misi wonder when ninja day is
13:47.33cogwheelYarrr! I like yer thinkin there, boy!
13:47.57cogwheelarrrrrrrt3mis: "Don't talk like a ninja day?" :P
13:48.11Lopeppeppy"Sneak like a ninja day?"
13:48.18sag_ich_nichtthere is ninja day.
13:48.28arrrrrrrt3miscog: me be thinkin' thar be a dress like a neenjar day twould be a might bit more fun
13:48.44LopeppeppyThere is also "act like a time traveler day" in December sometime.
13:48.45|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrIt be th' other 364 days!
13:49.01sarrrrrg_ich_nicyou do not understand
13:49.08sarrrrrg_ich_nicthere is no ninja day.
13:50.16zenzelezz"With further testing and discussion it was decided that players would be too negatively affected in their ability to tank and reposition their targets, and this change will no longer be included with 2.2. We currently have no plans to reintroduce this change at a later time." \o/
13:50.47sarrrg_ich_nichtyarrrr, this be old news!
13:50.55grogwheelaye... old news it be...
13:50.56zenzelezzI always live in the past
13:51.06zenzelezzbesides, it's only one day old
13:51.12grogwheelyarrrr! this ain't act like a time traveler day, son
13:51.18Josh_Blackbeardcouldn't they just have defense not negate daze while flying?
13:51.31arrrrrrrt3mistranslation: "We got sick of listening to people whine over adn over and just switched it back so the babies will be happy(of course thisjust means that at some point we'll change it secretly and not tell anyone)
13:51.53|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrWhat are they talking about? :\
13:51.59sarrrg_ich_nichtdaze changes
13:52.11zenzelezzit will still be affected by defense as it is on live
13:52.25zenzelezzI'm actually for a fair adjustment in outdoor environments, but in raids it would be hell
13:53.20sarrrg_ich_nichtjust disabled daze in instances.
13:53.37sarrrg_ich_nichtand remove the def modifier for outdoors.
13:53.37zenzelezzapparently they found that too hard
13:53.49sarrrg_ich_nichtBS, just takes longer to implement
13:53.55zenzelezzthat's what I expected them to do really
13:59.02*** part/#wowi-lounge MrUseful (
14:00.06*** join/#wowi-lounge MrUseful (
14:00.33[dRaCo]the only difference between the G11 and the G15 is that lil LCD thingy, isnt it?
14:02.57sarrrg_ich_nichtyes. get the G15.
14:02.59sarrrg_ich_nichtit's better.
14:03.12sarrrg_ich_nichtbtw. i want a hardhack
14:03.28nevcarrrielth' new G15 suc's tho'
14:03.31sarrrg_ich_nichtG15 display + (rest=Model M)
14:03.44sarrrg_ich_nichtnevcarrriel why
14:04.06nevcarrrieldid yo' see th' redesigned version?
14:16.23Wobin_I think cogwheel wins for best Pirate name
14:17.01Wobin_Although mine is a bit more original =P
14:17.07bleeterKirkbeard's good
14:17.59Wobin_I'd change it back, but it's at work =P
14:20.58*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
14:22.58LopeppeppyI'm not uber enough, and I think that there's enough P's in my name to count.  Like Peg Leg Pete... Just re-arrange it and you practically have me!
14:23.16[dRaCo]do you really think that LCD is worth 20 euros more?
14:23.41*** join/#wowi-lounge lolinternet (i=bitch2k@
14:24.13zenzelezzwell, in my humble opinion, I'd much rather be with Lopeppeppy than with Peg Leg Pete
14:24.52LopeppeppyI think Peg Leg Pete can run faster if the cannons start to blastin' though!
14:25.14zenzelezznot the kind of blastin' I had in mind
14:26.43LopeppeppyOh, shiver me timbers, I'm under attack.  And stuff.
14:26.47zenzelezz"Blastin' cannons" suddenly sounds like some cliche porn movie
14:28.33zenzelezzeither the channel is really idle right now or everyone is checking if that movie actually exists
14:28.50arrrrrrrt3misman everytime i take this stuff i think, alright it's gonna taste bad, but i always seem to forget just HOW bad it actually is
14:29.44LopeppeppyMedicine must taste bad, so that parents learn to deceive their children about such things at very young ages.
14:30.10*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
14:30.19zenzelezzso that children learn to distrust their parents at an early age?
14:30.47LopeppeppyYuppers, zenzelezz.
14:31.00arrrrrrrt3misthier slogan is "It tastes awful, but it works"
14:31.17arrrrrrrt3misif you've never tried it i suggest you do so ;P
14:31.23arrrrrrrt3misits raelly really good
14:31.27arrrrrrrt3misnot the taste
14:31.30arrrrrrrt3misthe effect
14:32.12zenzelezzthere's a soda over here that goes by the slogan "Probably the only soda that doesn't help with anything except your thirst" (roughly translated)
14:38.42*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo (
14:49.51*** join/#wowi-lounge ts|skrom (n=TS|
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14:50.18Rallion|AwayBuckley's is awesome
14:52.26LopeppeppyMorning, TS|Skrom
14:53.00ts|skromHey Lopeppeppy wanna see the biggest surprise of the day?
14:53.02*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
14:53.09ts|skrom!c us gul'dan skrom
14:53.09bleeterI condone the comments at the end of this page
14:53.11ThraeBotts|skrom: Skrom, Level 61 Orc Hunter (42/10/0). 4686 HP; 3091 Mana; 84 mana regen; 6 mp5; 749 AP; 109.100 Melee DPS; 10.65% melee crit; 14 melee hit; 846 RAP; 173.50 Ranged DPS; 15.81% ranged crit; 14 ranged hit; 7.98% dodge;[[ TBR: 981 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Sep 19 11:06:50 2007 EST ]]
14:53.19ts|skromLevel 61 baybee
14:54.28ts|skromI like bestial wrath, I just forget to use it often enough.
14:56.09LopeppeppyTime to build it into whatever macros you can then.
14:56.54ts|skromI think I used it 6 times in an entire ramps run last night :-/
14:57.14LopeppeppyBad huntar!
14:57.22ts|skromon a 2 minute cooldown that's at least 16 more times I could have.
14:58.08LopeppeppyWork it in, TS|Skrom, so it's a habit to just doooooo eeeeeet!   Arrrr, or y'll walk the plank fer it!
14:58.45ts|skromI console myself with the fact that I've never been beast specced before and for that matter it's the first time I've played him since before BCs release
14:59.29LopeppeppyOkay then, you're still working on breakin' it in.  :)
15:00.33*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh (n=chatzill@
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15:11.47zenzelezzI wonder who decided that "Can I play with madness" would be a good background tune for a commercial for an LCD TV
15:12.36LopeppeppyThe same one who named a toy "slinky"
15:13.40*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
15:13.41*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
15:14.34RallionI hate that my computer insists that it can't boot if I plug in a single IDE drive with a bunch of files on it (NTLDR not found!)...mostly because I'm too lazy to fix it
15:14.54Rallionway too lazy.
15:17.26cryogenit's probably stealing the boot priority
15:17.38cryogenand has a mbr on it, but no os
15:17.44*** join/#wowi-lounge ben_ (
15:19.28bleeterguildie's trying to move a ... thoughts on it's worth?
15:20.19LopeppeppyIf "harmful spells" includes a paladin's seals/judgements, that would be an interesting pally weapon, perhaps.
15:20.20cryogenshort answer: whatever someone is willing to pay for it
15:21.13Punkie`it's value is almost entirely dependant on your server
15:21.18bleeterwasn't actually meaning gold value worth
15:21.34bleeter'coz yah, that's just what the market can handle, etc.
15:21.40Punkie`well, it gets better after 2.2
15:22.04Josh_Blackbeardthat's a really nice sword
15:22.21bleetergiven that I'm levelling a priest and druid simultaneously atm, I'm not exactly wallowing in spare cash... I could pay what he's seeking, it'd just leave me little room to move without going on a grind fest for a few weeks
15:22.47grogwheelAs someone born and raised in the US, is it odd that eating sashimi settles my stomach?
15:22.48bleeterit'd be for my mage... was just umming and aaahhing about it
15:23.29bleeterThu Sep 20 01:23:29 EST 2007
15:23.30LopeppeppyHmm.....  I think that there are far cheaper items to oooh over.
15:23.33bleeterstfu nub
15:23.47LopeppeppyGrogwheel, whatever makes your tummy happy is good food.
15:24.08bleeterLopeppeppy: yeah, I was kinda leaning that way... being a dedicated but casual player, I wasn't thoroughly convinced
15:24.36zenzelezzbut you must remember
15:24.38bleeteranyways, I've sent the guildie away with a guide on how to play the trade market over the coming weekend, and told him to come back and see me if it don't sell
15:24.39zenzelezzit's PURPAL!!
15:25.08LopeppeppyZOMG, draw and quarter it, it's purple!!
15:25.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
15:25.26cryogenit's a nice sword, but it will probably be replaced if you do any serious raiding
15:25.38cryogenguess youd have to do some maths to figure out eexactly when that woul dbe
15:25.59grogwheelmy wife and I went swimming last night and for some reason i got really nauseous about 15 mins after we left. We had reservations at a japanese restaurant that we didn't want to miss though... I decided to go against my better judgement and order some Ahi sashimi and it actually made me feel a lot better...
15:25.59bleeterafter exams lol
15:27.22LopeppeppyYou got an upset stomach after swimming?  Happens to me all the time, change in buoyancy and motion.
15:28.05grogwheelNever used to happen. it's only been the last two times we went :(
15:29.43bleeterwhat kinda self respecting pirate admits to having an upset stomach near water?!
15:29.54grogwheelI wasn't a pirate last night :P
15:30.35bleeterahh, well there's yer problem!
15:32.30sarrrg_ich_nichtbleetyarrrrrrrr, it still be TLAP day, ye bloody fool!
15:35.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (n=nospam@
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15:41.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (
15:41.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
15:41.49Mr_Rabies2holy crap
15:41.58Mr_Rabies2that case is amazing in all the wrong ways
15:42.02sarrrg_ich_nichti wonder just exactly HOW stupid nvidia is.
15:42.11deltron_the_redwhat the fuck
15:43.09sarrrg_ich_nichtMr_Rabies2 that is ugly.
15:43.22Mr_Rabies2understatement of the year
15:43.24sarrrg_ich_nichtye should get a Lian-Li V2100plusII
15:43.30Mr_Rabies2too expensive
15:43.35sarrrg_ich_nichtbut it's so awesome :(
15:43.42Mr_Rabies2my current case is more awesome
15:43.48deltron_the_redI have an old lian-li case, had it for years, I love it
15:43.49Mr_Rabies2and i'm never spending as much on a case again
15:43.58Mr_Rabies2lian li used to be great and cheap
15:44.07Mr_Rabies2now it's expensive and great :x
15:44.12sarrrg_ich_nicht[17:43] <Mr_Rabies2> my current case is more awesome <--show me :X
15:45.12Mr_Rabies2that's not it
15:45.16Mr_Rabies2i should read urls more
15:45.18Mr_Rabies2before linking them
15:45.19sarrrg_ich_nichti hope so.
15:50.50Mr_Rabies2i can't find any sites with decent pics of it :x
15:52.43Mr_Rabies2i think
15:53.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Rallion (
15:53.41Mr_Rabies2it may not be too incredibly pretty but i love its features
15:53.43Mr_Rabies2except the weight
15:53.45Mr_Rabies2it's too damn heavy
15:53.50Rallionwoo rescued hard drive for one last data-copying hurrah!
15:53.57Mr_Rabies2grats Rallion
15:54.16Rallionalso figured out why my front USB ports weren't working
15:54.26Rallionhint: they weren't connected to anything.
15:54.36Nom-Hmm.... can you not post to the WoW europe forums any more with a US account ?
15:54.50Mr_Rabies2i didn't think you ever could, nom-
15:55.06Nom-Sure you could, the PTR forums have always been on the Europe forums
15:55.11Nom-And I know i've posted in there
15:55.27Mr_Rabies2PTR forums haven't always been on the europe forums O_o
15:55.38Nom-Have been every time i've gone looking
15:55.41Mr_Rabies2i mean they have a ptr forum over there
15:55.54Mr_Rabies2but the us one was first, i don't think the euro site had one for a while
15:56.19Nom-well the euro one is the *only* one which has it now
15:56.46Nom-There's a really long thread in the Paladin forums there which I want to contribute to
15:56.49Nom-But I can't log in :(
15:58.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
15:58.28Mr_Rabies2godDAMN creative drivers are a bitch and a half
15:58.55zenzelezzdepends somewhat which Creative product you're talking about
15:59.09RallionMr_Rabies, I just pulled out my SBLive card because with Vista it's just taking up space in there.
15:59.14Mr_Rabies2it's trying to uninstall poser 5
15:59.19Mr_Rabies2while i install drivers
15:59.37sarrrg_ich_nichtthere are vista drivers for SBLive
15:59.39sarrrg_ich_nichtyou suck.
15:59.41sarrrg_ich_nicht~lart Rallion
15:59.41purlpulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps Rallion
15:59.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
15:59.51Rallionsarrrg_ich_nicht, oh, I installed them
15:59.59Rallionand then I played a sound.
16:00.03sarrrg_ich_nichtpurl, botsnack
16:00.03purl:), sarrrg_ich_nicht
16:00.05Rallionand it sounded like gears grinding
16:00.22sarrrg_ich_nichtthen you suck at driver installing or configurating.
16:00.31RallionI'm not the only one
16:00.41Ralliona lot of people had that very same problem
16:01.22Rallionoh, wait, actually, I have that wrong
16:01.28Rallionthose were the unofficial drivers
16:01.48Rallionthe official ones wouldn't install at all, because they said there was no Live product present
16:07.05Rallionwhile I'm fixing issues I have...I wonder if there's a way to get vista to NOT eject cd trays when you click on an empty disc drive in the file manager
16:07.08Rallionthat is annoying.
16:07.26Mr_Rabies2i'm sure there's some tweakui type program for vista
16:07.50Rallionthere is one, but that option isn't in here
16:12.09Rallioneh, apparently that's a driver issue. too lazy and don't care enough to deal with that.
16:12.31zenzelezzdriver? o_O
16:13.17RallionIDE controller
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16:21.23Mr_Rabies2my sound is all fucked
16:21.29Mr_Rabies2fuck you creative, fuck you
16:21.47nevcarrrielthats why i hesitate to try vista
16:21.51Mr_Rabies2this is xp
16:22.00Mr_Rabies2creative just fails at life
16:22.07nevcarrrielits still my reason to not try vista again
16:22.09Mr_Rabies2i'm going onboard for the rest of my days
16:22.22nevcarrrieldunno, my audigy 4 works fine with xp now
16:22.29zenzelezzI've had no problems with Creative on 2000/XP
16:22.31Mr_Rabies2mine's an aud 2
16:22.36Mr_Rabies2and i've had nothing but problems with the drivers
16:22.44zenzelezzI use an Audigy 2
16:23.27Mr_Rabies2ever since i've gotten this thing my drivers have been more unstable than courtney love swimming in a pool filled with cocaine
16:23.31RallionI use onboard myself, at the moment
16:23.40bleeterthat's pretty unstable
16:23.43RallionI don't really require too much in the way of sound
16:24.06Mr_Rabies2i have to uninstall and reinstall them about 10 times every 6 months or so
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16:24.26Mr_Rabies2sound starts getting all crackly and i have to fight with them to get them working
16:24.27nevcarrrielmy windows generally doesnt survive 6 month without a reinstall
16:24.37zenzelezzI just grab the newest Audigy drivers from their site when I reinstall Windows and don't touch them after, works fine
16:24.44Mr_Rabies2this windows install has been going for....
16:24.48Valaron|WorkI had an Audigy 2 that finally died on me.
16:24.50Mr_Rabies25 years
16:25.00zenzelezznevcarrriel: what sort of stuff are you doing to your Windows to make it not last even that?
16:25.21nevcarrrielzenzelezz: nothing in particular, but i enjoy redoing it, actually.
16:25.24zenzelezzI tend to reinstall only if something is really messed up, which rarely happens, or when I upgrade
16:25.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
16:25.48nevcarrrielwell my last reinstall was an upgrade too
16:25.59nevcarrrielnew mobo doesnt like old windows
16:26.01RallionI went about two years on the same XP install before I upgraded my hardware a few months ago
16:26.05nevcarrrielor the other way around, but hey.
16:26.13Mr_Rabies2i proved my friends wrong in networking class my senior year
16:26.16Rallionthat install actually survived one mobo change
16:26.31Mr_Rabies2i got a pc to boot from an amd mobo to an intel one switch without reformatting
16:26.54nevcarrrielso did i
16:26.56nevcarrrielwhen i upgraded
16:27.02Mr_Rabies2we also managed to get xp to run stable on a 233 mhz pentium 2 with 64 mb of ram
16:27.10sarrrg_ich_nichtGelmkar is getting annoyed by me
16:27.14sarrrg_ich_nichthe bolded my name already
16:27.23nevcarrrieli booted my old "amd windows" on my new c2d to check some stuff, before formatting
16:27.28zenzelezzI think someone in my guild feels strongly about the 18+ recruitment rule: "Stop even to consider underaged people, only bad things come out from clerasil smelling people. They are unstable, we will get sued and simply they must be safed from us."
16:27.31nevcarrrielworked for like an hour, then i finally formatted
16:27.58LopeppeppyInteresting way to state it, zenzelezz.
16:28.15Mr_Rabies2i wish our guild was 18+
16:28.24Mr_Rabies2we have like 5 people that are like, 10-13
16:28.26Mr_Rabies2it's so annoying
16:28.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
16:28.37nevcarrrielwe try to enforce that rule, but we have some exceptions
16:28.41nevcarrrielone rogue is 17 iirc
16:28.45Rallion"clerasil smelling people"?
16:29.06Valaron|WorkThat's funny.
16:29.29zenzelezzI've actually had few problems with young people in guilds as long as it wasn't a raid guild; the 12-16 raiders tend to have issues (the ones I've met)
16:29.43CarrrrrrenAhoy all 'n how are we all doin' on this lovely ITLAPD?
16:29.45LopeppeppyI have a few 16-18 year old players in my raiding guild.  Sometimes they are more mature than the 30 year olds.
16:30.20cryogenthere are exceptions, but as a general rule wow kids are a PITA
16:30.36sarrrg_ich_nichtMr_Rabies2 now you're being a dick
16:30.43cryogenthere are also exceptions to the other side of the rule, there are asshat 30+ year olds too :)
16:30.44sarrrg_ich_nichtwe have a 13 year old in our guild who's not dumb
16:31.18Mr_Rabies2we don't
16:31.23Mr_Rabies2all of them are goddamn morons
16:31.34*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
16:31.57Mr_Rabies2fuck you, zarosh >:[
16:32.06sarrrg_ich_nichtdepends on the mob or boss
16:32.18sarrrg_ich_nichti'd rather have a warrior tank charge maiden, then stance dance.
16:32.26AtriaceI guess we're lucky our 13 year old is a healing pally.
16:32.52AtriaceGot a question:  anyone know if there's an event for character movement?
16:32.54zenzelezzyou know, if you read it the right way, "Nethercleft" sounds dirty
16:32.56LopeppeppyEvery person gets their shot to be a good player or a bad player.
16:33.49grogwheelzenzelezz: agreed
16:34.16Mr_Rabies2sarrrg_ich_nicht, i mean in 5 mans where there's lots of patrols, etc
16:34.30Mr_Rabies2he always, without fail charges instead of pulling
16:34.35Mr_Rabies2even when i'm tanking
16:34.40Mr_Rabies2he charges while i'm trying to LoS Pull
16:34.46Mr_Rabies2and it drives me fucking bonkers
16:35.49LopeppeppySo educate him, Mr_Rabies2.  I've seen horrible tanks at 35, his age is not the issue.
16:36.14AtriaceSo, no movement event anyone knows of?
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16:36.28Mr_Rabies2Lopeppeppy, he won't be educated
16:36.31Mr_Rabies2i bring it up all the time
16:36.50Mr_Rabies2"hey, can you pull back, charge pulling is a lot more risk than it's worth to take an extra 5 seconds to pull back"
16:38.22LopeppeppyThen don't group with him, and have a talk with your guild officers about removing him, if he can't be helped to play better in a group.
16:39.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
16:39.08LopeppeppyEither way -- it's about his playstyle and refusal to adapt to group tactics.... doesn't have to have a thing to do with age or lack thereof.
16:39.39*** join/#wowi-lounge mark4__ (
16:39.50mark4__does anyone in here use mobinfo-2 ?
16:40.02TecnoBaaargMr_Rabies2, but but .. but .. HIS RAGE!
16:40.32Mr_Rabies2he'll have rage when i one shot him irl
16:40.35LopeppeppyAtriace, movement functions are generally protected.  Can you be more specific about what you're looking to do?
16:40.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
16:40.54Carrrrrrenmark4__: what is your specific question about mobinfo2?
16:41.11mark4__1: it wont maintain an accurate count.
16:41.27sarrrg_ich_nichtMr_Rabies2 he does not know what the word "pull back" means. he probably doesn't know he has a button for firing ranged weapons.
16:41.28mark4__2: after deleting IT and my database and reinstalling it, every time i kill something i get an audable DING
16:41.35Shirik|Ecolemark4__: It can't
16:41.35mark4__very annoying on both coun ts
16:41.44mark4__it cant what
16:41.50Shirik|EcoleBy its very nature, it has to make a guess
16:41.59Shirik|Ecoleok let's get a little more specific
16:42.01Shirik|Ecolecount of what?
16:42.01mark4__then its useless
16:42.15mark4__im killing daggermaw blackhide
16:42.27mark4__my count goes 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 .....
16:42.36Shirik|Ecoleare you sure they're the same level?
16:42.55*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
16:43.00mark4__wtf does level have to do with it. when i point at a lvl 65 it says the count is 8. i kill it, it says the count is 8
16:43.15mark4__i point at a level 66. it says the coun t is 8. i kill it, the count is 8
16:43.16zenzelezzno need to be wtfing
16:43.20mark4__sometimes 9
16:43.47sarrrg_ich_nichtShirik|AFK the latest mobinfo2 merges level ranges, if configured.
16:44.11mark4__combine same mobs is set
16:44.20ScytheBlade1I should post stupid questions on alt, trolling characters, to the PTR boards, to annoy certain people.
16:44.24mark4__also. how do i get rid of the DING every time i kill something
16:44.32Mr_Rabies2i moved over to mobhealth-3
16:44.34Shirik|Ecolesarrrg_ich_nicht: Ah, haven't used it in a while
16:44.49Mr_Rabies2mobinfo was eating too much resource wise for me
16:44.49*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
16:44.51mark4__mobhealth will tell me how many times i killed ANY mob type by mob name?
16:44.54Shirik|Ecolemark4__: Ok, instead of flaming the addon
16:45.02Mr_Rabies2no, mobhealth is just mobhealth
16:45.10Mr_Rabies2it doesn't support the other stuff mobinfo does
16:45.11Shirik|Ecoleeh, nm
16:45.15Mr_Rabies2like kills to level, etc
16:45.17Shirik|Ecoletrying to teach a lab right now don't have time for htis ><
16:45.44mark4__right now i just want help disabling the ding
16:45.45Mr_Rabies2mobinfo was too heavy for what i used it for
16:45.55mark4__i already posted to the msg boards about the problem
16:45.58mark4__with the counts
16:46.07mark4__i cant see anything to stop it dinging
16:46.20mark4__yet its the same mobinfo-2 i had installed previously and THAT didnt ding
16:46.38mark4__why am i getting a ding every time i kill something (weather it gets counted or not)
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16:47.05Rallionuh, do you have other addons installed?
16:47.28mark4__yes./ auctioneer, gatherer, titan panel, silver dragon
16:47.31Tem|AFKusers are the suck
16:47.42Rallionmaybe one of the others is doing the dinging
16:47.49Rallioni've never had dinging.
16:48.26mark4__doubt it. why did some other addon decide to ding after i reinstalled mobinfo2
16:49.03sarrrg_ich_nichti use mobinfo2. never had that dinging.
16:49.05Shirik|EcoleTem|AFK: /agree
16:49.18Rallion....well, why would mobinfo start dinging after you reinstalled it?
16:49.38mark4__i think that was my question lol
16:49.54Rallioni'm just saying that it might be something else
16:50.14mark4__im prepared to believe anything
16:50.26Shirik|Ecolehere's an idea
16:50.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
16:50.33Shirik|Ecoledisable everything except mobinfo
16:50.44Shirik|Ecolethat too
16:50.51Tem|AFK'cause that's my suggestion
16:51.00Shirik|Ecolethat works
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16:53.28Carrrrrren'n a good mornin' t'7e Tierrie
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16:54.03sarrrg_ich_nicht haha he bolded me again.
16:54.15*** part/#wowi-lounge mark4__ (
16:54.39AtriaceLopeppeppy, I'm need to counter a function on character movement.  I thought of using interface events (ie., mousedown) but don't want it to trigger if the user is just interacting with the UI and not the environment.
16:55.08Mr_Rabies2someone had one that counted jumps
16:55.12Mr_Rabies2dunno if that's still possible isn't responding for me...
16:55.32sarrrg_ich_nichtsame here
16:55.42sarrrg_ich_nichtseems to have gone broken a moment ago
16:55.46AtriaceI am sooo disconnected.
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16:56.08Mr_Rabies2<Atriace> I am sooo disconnected.
16:56.17sarrrg_ich_nichtyarrr, bloody bastard musta have sunk'n their ship!
16:56.41AtriaceYeah.  My irc client didn't show any of my responses.
16:56.45AtriaceJust kinda pooped out.
16:56.48sarrrg_ich_nichtgrogwheel: basicially there is one(1) blizzard poster posting on the euro tech support forum
16:56.50Mr_Rabies2worked fine for me
16:56.52grogwheelOr he's been gettin' into the rum
16:56.53ScytheBlade1Scroll down next time. ;)
16:56.57Shirik|Ecolepeople are seriously lazy
16:57.02sarrrg_ich_nichtand i'm currently trying to be faster than him in responding since like an hour or so
16:57.09sarrrg_ich_nichtnow he's started bolding my name all the time.
16:57.32Mr_Rabies2my only problem with the bombing is the cooldown timer
16:57.38Mr_Rabies2but i'm exalted so i'm done with those quests
16:57.45Mr_Rabies2so /shrug
16:57.58AtriaceSo, no movement events, I'm guessing.
16:58.00sarrrg_ich_nichtgrogwheel: it's back up
16:58.01Mr_Rabies2ogriilazy is a great addon though, just fyi
16:58.05AtriaceF!  disconnected again.
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16:58.53Mr_Rabies2you may want to provide a bit more info on what you're trying to do Atriace
16:58.54zenzelezzwell, thankfully they're cutting the cooldown on the Ogri'la bombs in half in 2.2
16:59.11Mr_Rabies2i'm useless at addons, but perhaps someone could help more if you give us more info :x
16:59.27grogwheelsarrrg_ich_nicht: trying to get green text for yourself? :P
16:59.46sarrrg_ich_nichtgrogwheel: no
16:59.48Mr_Rabies2so did they give you MVP yet cogwheel
16:59.59AtriaceI'm moving the camera.  That's pretty much it.
17:00.23Mr_Rabies2i'm not sure if camera stuff is possible anymore, but i could be wron
17:00.26grogwheelMr_Rabies2: they never will unless I change my persona AND iriel leaves :P
17:00.26sarrrg_ich_nichtgrogwheel: i just try to get the network team to stop requesting tracerts and start requesting pathpings.
17:00.51grogwheelthere's only one spot for the UI & Macros forum
17:00.58AtriaceWell, I'm doing camera stuff, just need an event to make the whole experience.... user-friendly.
17:01.04sarrrg_ich_nichtlies, general has 2 spots too.
17:01.05grogwheeland I'm not exactly the most friendly gnome in the world ;)
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17:01.11sarrrg_ich_nichtor even more, i dunno.
17:01.11Mr_Rabies2what's pathping have to do?
17:01.19Mr_Rabies2what's pathping do, anyway
17:01.28Mr_Rabies2i just ran it and it seems like a less featured version of tracert
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17:01.35sarrrg_ich_nichtmore featured
17:01.36sarrrg_ich_nichtnot less.
17:01.50ScytheBlade1The only 'tracert' utility that I'll ever use is tcptraceroute.
17:01.53ScytheBlade1Because it's awesome.
17:01.58sarrrg_ich_nichtScytheBlade1 oh you
17:02.21sarrrg_ich_nichtthe point is like
17:02.46ScytheBlade1Oh, a windows utility
17:02.48ScytheBlade1Yeah, it can die
17:02.54sarrrg_ich_nichtit's better than tracert.
17:03.00sarrrg_ich_nichta LOT better than it.
17:03.12ScytheBlade1tcptraceroute > face
17:03.15Mr_Rabies2mine only traces the route
17:03.21Mr_Rabies2tracert has ping times and stuff O_o
17:03.28sarrrg_ich_nichtMr_Rabies2 you running vista or something?
17:04.04Shirik|EcoleMr_Rabies: Did you wait for it to finish?
17:04.13ScytheBlade1Sorry, but it's just fun to post "traceroutes" that hit the WoW servers on the tech support forums, and then get people asking how I actually managed to ping the WoW server
17:04.14Shirik|Ecolei.e., waited for the "computing times for x seconds"?
17:04.14sarrrg_ich_nichtbet he didn't.
17:04.26Mr_Rabies2it sat there at computing but didn't seem to want to do anything
17:04.36purlACTION facepalms at the situation
17:04.44Mr_Rabies2command line utilities shouldn't take so long to run >:[
17:04.47Shirik|Ecoledid you wait the amount of time that it said it would wait?
17:04.53Mr_Rabies2oh i see
17:04.54sarrrg_ich_nichtit runs for 5 minutes.
17:05.04sarrrg_ich_nichtthat is intentional.
17:05.29Mr_Rabies2i was thinking it was doing some extrapolating to see what it would do if it looped the route for 350 seconds or something, dur
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17:09.01Mr_Rabies2well i know that now
17:09.05Mr_Rabies2it should word itself better
17:09.26Cidanwhy is Nintendo so stupid?
17:09.32CidanWe don't WANT friend codes
17:09.38Mr_Rabies2"please wait 350 seconds for statistics to compute"
17:09.49Mr_Rabies2i dunno, Cidan, i've never understood the friend code thing
17:09.52CideCidan: are you sure nobody wants friend codes? :)
17:09.52CidanWe DO want to see the names of people we play against, we want to be able to chat with them!
17:09.54Mr_Rabies2it seems counter intuitive
17:10.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
17:10.10CidanThey are fucking up Smash Bros. now with this "no communication" shit
17:10.14sarrrg_ich_nicht do you think i'm being mean now? :X
17:11.05grogwheelI'd take out "Read his posting again" and add a :P to the end :P
17:11.36Mr_Rabies2my computer likes to bluescreen if i move the camera really close to a fire or smoke or something for an extended period
17:11.38Mr_Rabies2no clue why
17:11.51CidanNintendo has so much going for the Wii -- in the end this friend code bullshit will make the console lose.
17:11.55grogwheelthe particle effect might be overheating your video card...
17:12.04Mr_Rabies2maybe the graphics are so realistic the graphics card thinks it's on fire!
17:12.09sarrrg_ich_nichtgrogwheel he :X
17:12.15Mr_Rabies2thing is cog
17:12.23Mr_Rabies2i can put my hand on the back of the heatsink
17:12.27Mr_Rabies2and it's just marginally warm
17:12.44Mr_Rabies2it's never too hot to be worried about it
17:12.46grogwheeli have some funky-ass problems with my computer right now too :(
17:12.50Mr_Rabies2it's warm enough for me to know it's working
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17:13.04grogwheelI tried watching a DVD on one monitor and WoW on the other. After about 10 mins, it hard locked
17:13.15Mr_Rabies2as in it's not room temperature, which would mean it's not properly drawing heat away
17:13.26Mr_Rabies2but it's not too hot for me to worry about the chip overheating
17:14.33sarrrg_ich_nichtgrogwheel: lol. turn off video acceleration for the DVD player
17:14.36sarrrg_ich_nichtwhich one you using?
17:15.54grogwheelI decline to answer as it may be incriminating
17:16.17Mr_Rabies2a friend of mine convinced me it was time to upgrade
17:16.37Mr_Rabies2he can encode a dvd while watching a movie and playing quake wars with decent fps
17:16.50grogwheelsarrrg_ich_nicht: let's just say it comes with windows
17:17.13grogwheeloh fuck it... it's windows media player ><
17:17.29Mr_Rabies2windows media player has improved pretty drastically over the years :x
17:18.00grogwheelActually, maybe going back to the release nvidia drivers would help... after i installed the beta, my computer would hard lock when running two instances of wow...
17:18.03Mr_Rabies2it's surprisingly good at playing stuff and has a lot of options now
17:18.17foxlitI don't really see a reason to upgrade past 9
17:18.25foxlitUI became a bit less responsive
17:18.35Mr_Rabies29 was more responsive than 8 for me
17:18.40*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
17:18.59sag_ich_nichtyou suck
17:19.07foxlitI don't mind 9 :)
17:19.30foxlitOr maybe even 10.
17:19.35sag_ich_nicht[19:16] <Mr_Rabies2> he can encode a dvd while watching a movie and playing quake wars with decent fps <--so can i. you suck
17:19.45grogwheelfoxlit: on vista there's no choice... it comes with 11
17:19.56grogwheelsag_ich_nicht: yarrrr!
17:20.09grogwheelWhy ye be pingin' me?
17:20.12Mr_Rabies2i will cut you
17:20.18foxlitgrogwheel: l2buy Windows N
17:20.18Tem|AFKgrogwheel, there's new nV vista drivers?
17:20.19Mr_Rabies2i will cut you so bad you wish i didn't cut you so bad
17:20.25deltron_the_redI use foobar2000 for music, and VLC for any video :P
17:20.39sag_ich_nichtdownload, install, use media player classic, configure it properly, no hardlock anymore.
17:20.44Mr_Rabies2K-Lite codecs tend to cause too many issues for me
17:20.47Mr_Rabies2i use CCCP
17:20.56sag_ich_nichtCCCP is a POS
17:20.59Tem|AFKvlc's subtitles look like ass
17:21.02sag_ich_nichtit's not a codec pack
17:21.09deltron_the_redcodec packs are lame, just use VLC!
17:21.13sag_ich_nichtit's a ffdshow installed with pretty pictures
17:21.14sag_ich_nichtVLC is slow
17:21.20ScytheBlade1Windows is lame, use linux.
17:21.23deltron_the_redhow so?
17:21.30foxlitFormats that QuickTime doesn't play in default are not worth the time
17:21.40Mr_Rabies2i wish vlc had a proper progress bar and an overlay in fullscreenmode
17:21.44foxlitI'm looking at you, Matroska
17:21.50Mr_Rabies2matroska is awesome :o
17:21.57grogwheelTem|AFK: ooooh... looks like they just released new ones yesterday
17:21.58Mr_Rabies2it's a bitch to get working with all files
17:21.59Mr_Rabies2but i love it
17:22.04sag_ich_nichtand not on par quality wise with a properly hardware accelerated decoding system.
17:22.19Mr_Rabies2hell, my xbox plays matroskas and i can switch audio tracks
17:22.36rophyanyone know how do I know that an addon is fully loaded? i.e. AL + PEW both fired to that addon
17:22.48grogwheeli'm wiping my computer tonight so i'll get new drivers then
17:23.14LongSkromSilversVariables_Loaded I think is "fully loaded"
17:23.14foxlitrophy: you don't.
17:23.22sag_ich_nicht[19:20] <Mr_Rabies2> K-Lite codecs tend to cause too many issues for me <--k-lite works... as long as you fucking don't mess with the profile, and just use one of the installer profiles and don't change it
17:23.27sag_ich_nichtotherwise enjoy your codec conflict.
17:23.30foxlitPEW triggers once on zone in
17:23.43foxlitand again whenever you change servers
17:23.46sag_ich_nichtVariables_loaded is shitty to rely on for fully loaded state of an addon
17:24.16Mr_Rabies2CCCP's insurgency is awesome too
17:24.19foxlitVARIABLES_LOADED triggers only once once all start-up SVs have been loaded
17:24.25Mr_Rabies2i can see what codecs i have installed and shit, i loves it
17:24.41sag_ich_nichtcheck for Variables_loaded, if it did fire, set variable from 0 to 1, call that variable INTIAL_LOAD_DONE or something like that, then:
17:24.41rophyhmm okay
17:24.45foxlitADDON_LOADED triggers per addon (I'm not sure how that interacts with SVs - probably after the addon's SVs have been loaded)
17:24.55Mr_Rabies2codecs are such an annoyance :/
17:25.06foxlitContainer formats = worse than codecs
17:25.19sag_ich_nichtcheck for PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD firing, control that check with the variable from above so it only gets run once. if that check succeeds, start a timer that fires in 10 seconds
17:25.22Mr_Rabies2well, most codecs involve container formats
17:25.25foxlitAddon's initialization code may happen whenever the author wants to, including 50 seconds after eerything else completes
17:25.25sag_ich_nichteverything else is lying
17:25.30zenzelezzfoxlit: take it you don't approve of AVI?
17:25.36sag_ich_nichtbecause WoW addon initialisation is a dick
17:25.38foxlitI approve of AVI.
17:25.42foxlitBecause everything eats AVI.
17:25.51zenzelezzbut that's just a container format
17:25.54rophyso delaying the initialization for a few seconds is the best way to do that?
17:26.06rophyto make sure all other addons received PEW
17:26.09LongSkromSilversDepends on your addon
17:26.13Mr_Rabies2mkv's a container format too :o
17:26.15sag_ich_nicht[19:24] <Mr_Rabies2> i can see what codecs i have installed and shit, i loves it <--lern2gspot.
17:26.34Mr_Rabies2it's not that difficult you just arch your finger a bit and ohwait
17:26.40foxlitmkv lacks software support
17:26.43LongSkromSilversVARIALBES_LOADED has never NOT worked for me. but I only make small addons so *shrug*
17:26.50Tem|AFKfoxlit, it works in vlc
17:26.53sag_ich_nichtecause it DOESN'T, LongSkromSilvers
17:26.55foxlitYou've been misspelling it :)
17:26.57Mr_Rabies2pretty well too, foxlit
17:26.58sag_ich_nichtuse the method i described above.
17:27.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (n=nospam@
17:27.06foxlitI'm not exactly interested in VLC
17:27.12foxlitFormats that tie into players are bad, mmkay?
17:27.20Mr_Rabies2les varialbes
17:27.36Tem|AFKsag_ich_nicht, VARIABLES_LOADED works, I promise
17:27.36LongSkromSilverspssst sag_ich_nicht I said it's never not worked -- double negative.. i.e. it's always worked!
17:27.45Mr_Rabies2formats that tie into players? :O
17:27.57foxlit"works in VLC"
17:28.04Mr_Rabies2it works in other players too
17:28.06zenzelezzI dislike WMV and similar formats because they take a while to recover after seeking in files
17:28.08Mr_Rabies2you just have to install the codec
17:28.09Tem|AFKformats that tie into players ARE bad
17:28.16Tem|AFKrealmedia should die in a fire
17:28.23foxlitMr_Rabies2: care to provide one for OSX?
17:28.24Mr_Rabies2vlc works with pretty much anything you throw at it
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17:28.34Mr_Rabies2it's not a mkv player
17:28.38sag_ich_nicht[19:27] <LongSkromSilvers> pssst sag_ich_nicht I said it's never not worked -- double negative.. i.e. it's always worked! <--*sigh*
17:28.40foxlit(and codecs for container formats? terminology sucks!)
17:28.46Mr_Rabies2it's a "will play pretty much anything properly encoded" player
17:28.54sag_ich_nicht[19:27] <+Tem|AFK> sag_ich_nicht, VARIABLES_LOADED works, I promise <--no, it doesn't, at least not for relying on it that all addons have loaded.
17:29.00sag_ich_nichtand initialized fully
17:29.02foxlitMr_Rabies2: confusing the concepts.
17:29.10Mr_Rabies2mkv wasn't designed for vlc or vice versa
17:29.13Tem|AFKsag_ich_nicht, that's not what the event means
17:29.21sag_ich_nichtTem|AFK: i know
17:29.24Tem|AFKinfering meaning on an event ftl
17:29.38sag_ich_nichtTem|AFK: i know
17:29.44Tem|AFKthe event means that the game is done loading variables for non-lod addons
17:29.48foxlitVLC has to support MKV to play anything "encoded properly" stored in MKV
17:30.13Mr_Rabies2i've yet to find a filetype that vlc won't accept
17:30.19Tem|AFKsag_ich_nicht, if you know this, then I'm confused about what you're bitching about
17:30.20Mr_Rabies2for video at least
17:30.35foxlitWas there a point to go with that? :)
17:30.43Mr_Rabies2use vlc
17:30.46Mr_Rabies2that's the point :p
17:31.02zenzelezzVLC seems to like crashing randomly on me, but only half the time I use it
17:31.12foxlitI'm hearing "MKV is great, but you have to use VLC"
17:31.15Mr_Rabies2i use CCCP for the rare occurance that a file wasn't designed right and vlc can't repair it or read what's there
17:31.16zenzelezzI'm willing to blame that on some codec
17:31.19Mr_Rabies2that's not true at all, foxlit
17:31.20Tem|AFKMKV isn't great
17:31.24Shirik|Ecolesag_ich_nicht: At the time VARIABLES_LOADED fires, all non-LOD adons will have been loaded
17:31.36sag_ich_nichtTem|AFK: about the fact that that exact use was suggest by someone else
17:31.37Mr_Rabies2there's plenty of packs to make any player use it
17:31.48Mr_Rabies2i dunno about for Mac, but for windows there are, and i'd assume macs would
17:31.50Tem|AFKsag_ich_nicht, then that someone else is retarded
17:31.53foxlitMr_Rabies2: OSX, QuickTime, go.
17:31.57Tem|AFKpossibly dumb, dumb as hell
17:32.05Mr_Rabies2but i don't actively seek out mac software
17:32.15Tem|AFKI hate QT
17:32.16sag_ich_nichtShirik|Ecole: but maybe not fully initialized. and i know that for a fact, because otherwise i wouldn't have had to write myself timers to fix some stuff in addons in earlier days.
17:32.45foxlitTem|AFK: why? :)
17:32.48zenzelezzI dislike QT because it works best in the QT player, which isn't to my taste. The format itself I have no real objections to
17:33.10Mr_Rabies2good luck :X
17:33.15Tem|Classfoxlit, among other things, I have to buy the pro version to get full screen
17:33.33Mr_Rabies2compare that to this, for windows
17:33.41Mr_Rabies2thus why i like matroska
17:33.43Mr_Rabies2plenty of options
17:33.56Tem|Classfoxlit, not on the windows version
17:33.57zenzelezzI wish the Google Video Player supported non-Google formats, I'd <3 it long time then
17:34.17LongSkromSilverssag_ich_nicht the original question was how to know that HIS addon was loaded. Not that ALL addons are loaded. Like I said.. what you need depends on the scope of your addon.
17:34.19Mr_Rabies2"lacking software support" isn't a problem with the format, it's the software developers
17:34.51foxlitIt's a problem in user experience
17:34.52Mr_Rabies2it seems to be better compressed and similar quality to divx/xvid and it supports more audio formats and other nifty stuff
17:35.46foxlitYou're comparing compression of a container format vs divx/xvid?
17:36.53LongSkromSilversgrogwheel awesome!
17:37.06deltron_the_redgrogwheel: lmao
17:38.15Mr_Rabies2i'm saying, all the files i've seen that use it seem to fit a lot more stuff in the file for similar quality with a smaller filesize, foxlit
17:38.19Mr_Rabies2and i've downloaded plenty of mkvs
17:38.27Mr_Rabies2i prefer them for anime, for dual audio
17:39.02foxlitI've had the pleasure of converting a few to AVI
17:39.06Mr_Rabies2i don't mind dubs but my friends do, so i get mkv
17:39.13Mr_Rabies2everyone's happy
17:39.23Mr_Rabies2softsubs, multiple audio tracks, etc
17:39.59foxlitI still want native mac support :(
17:41.06Mr_Rabies2maybe no one feels the need to make it work in quicktime because they all use vlc
17:41.28deltron_the_redyou can't do subtitles and stuff in quicktime can you?
17:42.06foxlitI don't really see why not.
17:42.19grogwheelLFG for swabbing the decks
17:42.27foxlitMaybe it's because they all use AVI and thus the problem does not arise
17:42.41*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
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17:42.44sloukenYarrr. :)
17:42.48Carrrrrrenahoy, it's a pirate!
17:43.15sloukenAhoy mateys. :)
17:43.53grogwheelSailed in from the blizzard did ye?
17:44.11sloukenAye, and it were colllldddd.  Brrrrr....
17:44.11Mr_Rabies2i need to arrange a pirate party in booty bay tonight
17:44.18Mr_Rabies2but i'm too lazy
17:44.46Mr_Rabies2i bet there's one or two happening on some random rp servers i could hop on
17:44.50zenzelezznaga with lasers pew pew
17:46.19grogwheeljust for slouken :P
17:46.46sag_ich_nicht am i evil yet grogwheel
17:47.06Carrrrrrenbetter one
17:47.23Mr_Rabies2that song must be blaring around blizzard hq all day
17:47.25grogwheelCarrrrrren: they really should've used a pink haired gnome in that video :(
17:47.29Karrrrdeethreeyarr at 'ta themesong
17:48.45CidarrrrrnArrrr, too tired to be codin' on this fine day!
17:48.56KarrrrdeethreeI'll stick with though
17:49.58Mr_Rabies2 is a much better themesong >:o
17:50.27grogwheelslouken: any sword fights going on at blizzard? ;)
17:50.45Josh_Blackbeardoh, hi slouken
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17:51.02Cidarrrrrnpfft, you'd think out of all places, Blizzard would hold a sword fight, :D
17:51.04sag_ich_nichtslouken: well fix that.
17:51.30Mr_Rabies2ewll that takes far too long to get to the song
17:51.38sag_ich_nichtslouken: especially because of this:
17:51.55Mr_Rabies2there we go
17:52.01grogwheelSomeone say grog?
17:52.11mikmaoh yeah, pirate day
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17:58.46CarrrrrrenIt got so quiet in here, I reckon everyone must 'ave gone into shock 'cause he's actually in channel again fer a change.
17:59.03sloukenNah, they're just scared I'll tell.
17:59.11|Jelly|Arrrrrrrr*rubs his eyes, just waking up...again* What'd I miss?
17:59.17grogwheelwas hidin'
17:59.28mikmastart doing random bankicks
17:59.31grogwheeldidn't want ta be sent off the plank for postin' such a.... questionable video
17:59.33mikmathat will cheer everyone up
17:59.43CidarrrrrnWhat is everyone up to on this day?
17:59.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|sleep (
18:00.02sloukenFixing odd bugs
18:00.04ScytheBlade1Heh, I just noticed your name, Cair
18:00.14sag_ich_nichti could like
18:00.16sag_ich_nicht~lart Antiarc
18:00.16purlbeats Antiarc to within 2.54cm of his life
18:00.21CidarrrrrnI really should finish my frame hide code.
18:00.22Karrrrdeethreeenjoyin ta surprisin'ly cool weater
18:00.32Josh_Borkei'm bitching at people :-D
18:00.35ScytheBlade1I'm debating posting stupid questions on forum alts on the PTR boards
18:00.35CidarrrrrnAnd finish up my frame fade/cycle code, :x
18:00.37grogwheelCidarrrrrn: being thankful for a slow day at work :P
18:01.20ScytheBlade1Aww, no response
18:01.23sag_ich_nicht[20:00] <+slouken> Fixing odd bugs <--like?
18:01.44grogwheelsekret bugs i bet :P
18:01.50KarrrrdeethreeScytheBlade1, ye be wantin ta walk the plank, ya cur?
18:01.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
18:01.56Cidarrrrrnsekret ones that let people bot, duh.
18:02.15sag_ich_nichtgrogwheel: then he wouldn't mention it.
18:02.20ScytheBlade1Karrrrdeethree, Harrr. I've must be gettin' my kicks somehow.
18:02.42Lunessayarrr! I be the fiercest pirate whatever sailed the Spanish Main!  Yarrr!
18:03.43ScytheBlade1Oh, haha. I just checked the UI boards
18:03.44ScytheBlade1Good times
18:06.13CidarrrrrnI try to read the UI boards
18:06.14Carrrrrrenwe've got 2 different Pirate threads going on
18:06.14sag_ich_nichthas that meta-table abomination been fixed yet?
18:06.15CidarrrrrnI really do.
18:06.28Carrrrrren and
18:06.58ScytheBlade1Unrelated, but mildly entertaining:
18:07.28Thundarrrr_Childheh someone wrote "schimber my timbers"
18:08.18zenzelezzI'm tempted to roll a mage and call him Arrrrcane
18:08.37*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
18:08.45ScytheBlade1Sadly you couldn't, repeated letters :/
18:08.51ScytheBlade1It'd have to be shorter :/
18:09.20sag_ich_nichtsomeone answer my question.
18:10.28[dRaCo]a while ago someone linked that g15 plugin page
18:10.35[dRaCo]anyone got that link for me?
18:10.41grogwheelCide: it looks like they disabled addresses beyond 4gb in SP2 even with PAE enabled to prevent certain driver incompatibilities
18:11.21sag_ich_nichtya rly
18:11.29sag_ich_nichti could have told you this 4 hours ago
18:12.36sag_ich_nichtanyone know when tech support forums staff in europe calls it a day? :X
18:13.35sag_ich_nichti wanna know when i can stop trying to be faster than Gelmkar :D
18:14.44sag_ich_nichtyarrrrrr, stop being so silent :(
18:14.50CidarrrrrnDid someone hear the moaning of a troll or something?
18:15.10Cidarrrrrna whining, loud troll.
18:15.10sag_ich_nichti'm not trolling the techsupport forums, Cidarrrrrn.
18:15.15|Jelly|Arrrrrrrr[W From] <Magictroll>: paying 10G to a holy priest to do BM have tank <-- I lol'd
18:15.23CidarrrrrnI'm just giving you flak, sag_ich_nicht.
18:15.24grogwheeli plan to test it on vista 32 bit tonight when I redo my computer
18:15.53Cidarrrrrnflack, to
18:16.09sag_ich_nichtwant me to break your addons again, Cidarrrrrn?
18:16.27CidarrrrrnYou're free to try
18:16.32sag_ich_nichttoo lazy,.
18:16.47CidarrrrrnConspiracy is coming along nicely
18:16.50sag_ich_nichtdid you add a close button yet for the main frame?
18:16.57CidarrrrrnShirik is doing wonders with the boss mods
18:16.57sag_ich_nichtor some other hide function for it?
18:17.06CidarrrrrnIn the middle of redoing the main frame
18:17.21sag_ich_nichti would appreciate if you would add such a button in the process of doing so.
18:17.36CidarrrrrnI intend to
18:17.44Lunessa|Jelly|Arrrrrrrr: Really, I get a little giggle every time someone asks me if I want to "do BM" - I feel like a naughtty three-year-old
18:17.46CidarrrrrnI'm also going to make sure the API for the main menu options is open
18:17.49sag_ich_nichtthen i can load conspiracy all the time and just test it from time to time. otherwise it's annoying.
18:17.56Cidarrrrrnso someone can say, write a Fubar plugin if they want
18:18.10sag_ich_nichti don't.
18:18.29|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrI told him his 10g wouldn't cover both my repairs and annoyance fees associated with going to BM. :\
18:19.11sag_ich_nicht|Jelly|Arrrrrrrr: /nick |Jellyarrrrrrrrrrr|
18:19.52|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrNOWAI! I asked for like two hours last night for a good way to pirate up Jelly and got one response! You get to live with this now! :P
18:20.23sarrrg_ich_nichtyou suck.
18:20.30Cidarrrrrnhas anyone tried the new ATI drivers in linux?
18:20.42KarrrrdeethreeI be needin an ATI card to test
18:20.42Cidarrrrrnor for that matter, looked at the specs AMD released?
18:21.07CidarrrrrnI really want to dig into the specs, :/
18:21.13sarrrg_ich_nichti am sure the people looked at them.
18:21.26CidarrrrrnI'm sure they ignored it all
18:21.33Karrrrdeethreethey served well over a TB of copies of those specs from what I heard got slashdotted that day
18:21.56ScytheBlade1Wow, do I hate the people at work
18:22.03CidarrrrrnSo quit
18:22.12Cidarrrrrnbefore that hatred becomes regret
18:22.19Cidarrrrrnand regret becomes your mid-life crisis
18:22.21|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrThen punch them.
18:22.21ScytheBlade1Just got a voice mail.. "I'm having a problem opening a word document... every time I try to open it, it asks me for a password. I need this fixed, so, as soon as you can.."
18:23.02purlACTION facepalms at the situation
18:24.37ScytheBlade1I mean, it took me all of 20 seconds on the phone to explain, but really
18:24.37LunessaScytheBlade1: Welcome to my world.  
18:24.54ScytheBlade1"It's asking for a password, and I don't have the password!" "So get the password?" "Oh, okay."
18:26.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
18:26.18grogwheelAhoy, Telrin!
18:26.25sarrrg_ich_nichtScytheBlade1 one of our users managed to demolish one of our laser printers so badly that it wouldn't close anymore, a platine was broken out and the printhead itself was so bent that we couldn't close the lid anymore
18:26.30mikmahaha, grogwheel
18:26.34sarrrg_ich_nichti wish i knew how the FUCK she did that.
18:26.41Karrrrdeethreesarrrg_ich_nicht, did she go office space on it?
18:26.49Thundarrrr_ChildAwesome a pirate translator!
18:27.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
18:28.00Thundarrrr_Childlol "i hate ye an' Devil shake a trotter on yer face"
18:28.13ScytheBlade1sarrrg_ich_nicht, lol, that's impressive. Luckily, we've only got HP laserjets, and then the *expensive* multifunction "I do it all at 200 pages per minute" machines
18:28.17ScytheBlade1So they pretty much don't touch those, ever
18:28.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
18:28.28sarrrg_ich_nichtit was a HP machine.
18:28.32Karrrrdeethree200ppm? /cower
18:28.35ScytheBlade1Ow. That takes talent.
18:29.14Thundarrrr_Childhah "it's talk like a pirate day" --> "it's speechify like a buccaneer day"
18:29.17CarrrrrrenThundarrrr_Child: page not working for me
18:29.45Thundarrrr_ChildCarrrrrren, it's flash based...but other than that seems to work fine for me
18:29.47Thundarrrr_Childin ff
18:30.30Thundarrrr_Childcan you get to it from
18:31.19Carrrrrrenah ha, switching to IE seems to make it work
18:33.33LunessaIE is da devil.
18:33.42Valarrrrron|WorkFer shure
18:33.52Thundarrrr_Childand here i heard safari is worse
18:34.40*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
18:35.43sarrrg_ich_nichtgrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ihatecurse.comsomuch
18:36.12grogwheelkrka, clad|away, or anyone else intimately familiar with Lua's GC: Are string literals in code collectable objects? e.g.:    x = someVar.."literal'       can         "literal" ever be collected?
18:36.37Carrrrrrensarrrg_ich_nicht: so don't use it?
18:36.42sarrrg_ich_nichtgrogwheel you could like, you know. just ask slouken. he's here and stuff.
18:36.45Josh_Borkegrogwheel: i would think so
18:36.46Tem|Classgrogwheel, I belive they are
18:37.04Josh_Borkesince the resulting variable is different
18:37.10sarrrg_ich_nichtCarrrrrren: yadayadayadayada
18:37.37grogwheelsarrrg_ich_nicht: i'd rather leave slouken to fix them mysterious bugs ;)
18:37.38Josh_Borkeunless someVar == ''
18:37.56sarrrg_ich_nichtgrogwheel: then ask Carrrrrren to kickban him.
18:38.26CarrrrrrenBlast yer deadlights! Arrr! Bilge Rat!
18:38.39Thundarrrr_Childyarr, make the salty seadog walk the plank
18:38.54grogwheelMy initial instinct is to think that "literal" in that case would be ... for lack of a better word... an upvalue of the chunk where it resides and couldn't ever be collectable unless the closure is too...
18:43.09grogwheelYarrr! Stowaway!!!
18:43.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (n=nospam@
18:44.05_Saint-NIn closing, the isoHunt administrator says that the he will comply with the request if it is properly submitted. "Despite us being located in Canada, if you do actually figure out how to compose a valid DMCA notice, we will honor it," he concedes, "just as soon as we're done laughing at you."
18:44.15Karrrrdeethree_Saint-N, ahahahah
18:44.36_Saint-Nread the article
18:44.45_Saint-Nits awesome and thier credibility is SOOOO screwed
18:45.06Karrrrdeethreetheir credibility has been in the gutter since we first heard about the miivi stunt
18:45.11*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
18:45.35clad|awaylua> local t = setmetatable({"somestring"}, {__mode="v"}); collectgarbage("collect"); print(t[1])
18:45.35cladbotclad|away: somestring
18:45.38_Saint-Nmeganovas response: "Dearest little asstunnels, Let me start off by thanking you for your pitiful attempt to have your e-mails removed from the entire internet," Meganova's response says. "In case you haven't noticed, this site is located in Europe (I hope you can point it out on a map) where your stupid copyright claims have no base. But fair is fair you guys did suffer over the past week so here's bit of advice to you
18:45.48clad|awaylua> local t = setmetatable({"somestring"}, {__mode="v"}); collectgarbage("collect"); collectgarbage("collect"); print(t[1])
18:45.48cladbotclad|away: somestring
18:45.55clad|awaylua> local t = setmetatable({"somestring"}, {__mode="k"}); collectgarbage("collect"); collectgarbage("collect"); print(t[1])
18:45.55cladbotclad|away: somestring
18:45.59clad|awayhrm, odd.
18:46.00Shirik|Ghostclad|away: Strings do not get collected
18:46.11clad|awayShirik|Ghost: so it would appear :P
18:46.19Shirik|GhostI remember pil mentioning that :)
18:47.04Karrrrdeethreeoh wow... MD's been trying to DDoS MD-D's website
18:47.06sarrrg_ich_nichtthe best thing imho is that 12.something database leak that someone torrented, unveiling their technology as well
18:47.27sarrrg_ich_nichts/something/something GB/
18:47.41*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
18:48.11grogwheelsure they do
18:48.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
18:50.49Cidegrogwheel: 45.171875,  45.21875,  45.20703125
18:51.26grogwheelhmm... that's a different result than on my local interpreter
18:52.18grogwheelnot that i'm expecting the numbers to be the same, but in my own testing the first and last are equal
18:53.52Rallioneurogamer has a review of TF2 up
18:54.28clad|awayAhoy, are thar any Blackberry users in th' crowd that might be able t' persuade me or dissuade me against th' smart phone life?
18:54.38Shirik|Ghostblackberry ftl
18:54.47clad|awaybut why?
18:54.59Shirik|Ecoleprobably because I have my laptop with me all the time :P
18:55.09Rallionmy father loves his blackberry
18:55.23*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
18:55.40Rallionprobably helps that the state takes care of the bill.
18:56.10Carrrrrrenmy hubby loves his, but his work takes care of his bill too, so /shrug
18:56.52Rallioni'd actually love something like that
18:57.37Rallioni'd want it to be something I could program for, though
18:57.57grogwheelclad|away: I would recommend against a blackberry for the same reason I would recommend against crack :P If you can live with the addiction financially and don't care about the thumbstrain and other side effects then go for it!
18:58.14clad|awayits less for me
18:58.16clad|awaymore for sioraiocht
18:58.25clad|awayjust trying to get people's opinions
18:58.37clad|awayi'm not convinced i need more access to my email than just the mobile gmail app
18:59.21RallionI had a real old palmpilot that I got for free, no net functionality at all, and I actually loved that until it finally died on me
18:59.28Rallioni used it to play a lot of minesweeper.
18:59.33Thundarrrr_Childyou can always make your onw rim server
19:01.21Mr_Rabies2"lfm to do man tobs ned healer and tank pls"
19:01.29Mr_Rabies2= do not group alert alert do not group
19:02.25Rallionlol yeah
19:04.14Shirik|EcoleMr_Rabies: Not too bad
19:04.21Shirik|EcoleI have far worse on my server
19:04.59Mr_Rabies2i'm really picky
19:05.44Mr_Rabies2if you dont speak proper english, perhaps a few typos, i'm not going to bother with you
19:05.44Industrialwhat zones can I do as alliance level 22
19:05.49IndustrialBESIDED redridge
19:05.52Industrialbesides too
19:06.09Mr_Rabies2duskwood, indy?
19:06.13Maldiviahmm, looking at SecureButton_GetModifiedUnit, anyone know if there's a reason why the checkselfcast check is in the end (thus ignored if any matching unit is set)
19:06.23IndustrialI thought that was 30s
19:06.31Mr_Rabies2part of it
19:06.44Mr_Rabies2you can start at 20 or so and be fine
19:07.17MaldiviaIndustrial: redridge, duskwood, wetlands, southshore, ashenvale
19:07.57Carrrrrrenhere you guys go:
19:07.58Shirik|EcoleSo... for those of you that don't watch #wowace
19:08.06Shirik|EcoleVery NSFW:
19:08.45Shirik|EcoleCarrrrrren! <3
19:08.50Shirik|Ecoletha's awesome
19:09.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Dark_Knight_666 (
19:09.04Shirik|EcoleI so need a new keyboard for this laptop
19:09.55Shirik|EcoleI especially like
19:09.57sioraiochtIndustrial: you speak dutch, right?
19:10.03Shirik|Ecole"Works cited:"
19:10.22Industrialsioraiocht: I do
19:10.39IndustrialShirik|Ecole: and (NSFW)
19:10.47Shirik|EcoleI ,... skippe that one intentionally
19:10.48sioraiochtone of my professors is dutch, and his name is Oege de the HELL do you pronounce his first name?
19:10.55|Jelly|Arrrrrrrrroflamo. Color -1
19:11.11Shirik|EcoleI'm surprise he got a 61%
19:11.12Industrialhard g
19:11.29Saint-Nspecially since he was losing points left right anjd ce3nter for swearing
19:11.37Saint-Nwhich is just silly
19:11.55Saint-Nthey were spelt correctly, and as far as i could tell were in proper context
19:12.00Industrialggggggg, not gee but um, like a coffee machine or something? ^^
19:12.26Saint-Nheh thats pretty good too
19:12.47sioraiochtIndustrial: and oe?
19:12.58Industrialsioraiocht: getting to it :D hmmm
19:13.02sioraiochtoh, kk, lol
19:13.48Carrrrrrenawwww! more kitties!
19:14.50Industrialsioraiocht: oe as in look, g as in night, e as in uh but short :P
19:15.21Carrrrrrenomg, that is too funny
19:15.32sioraiochtIndustrial: thank you, that makes so much more sense...
19:15.42sioraiochtIndustrial: how many languages do you speak? 4?
19:16.02Industrialno wait, that g has to be hard tho :P .. how should I explain that :D
19:16.20Industrialsioraiocht: dutch, english (mostly written..), some german and a little bit french
19:17.20Industrialgerman is pretty easy because with some effort it sounds a like dutch
19:17.22sioraiochtIndustrial: I now what you mean, I read IPA and I looked up dutch orthography
19:17.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Bejitt (
19:17.28sioraiochtnow = know
19:17.28IndustrialI dropped french after 1 year in school :P
19:17.48sioraiochtand the same sound exists in armenian, which I speak a bit of
19:17.58IndustrialEun bierre svp =D
19:18.44Saint-Nyer just an all around commie arncha ;P
19:19.00[dRaCo]a while ago someone linked a g15 plugin page, anyone got that link for me?
19:19.04sioraiochtwho, me?
19:19.14Saint-Nindustrial ;)
19:19.23Saint-Ni already know you ARE a red ;P
19:19.23sioraiochtIndustrial: where in the NL are you?  can clad and I come visit you?
19:19.35IndustrialI'm in amsterdam
19:19.37foxlitSo, when typing in a long boolean logic expression into a calculator, be sure to spell all variables correctly
19:19.45zenzelezz2x [Pattern: Boots of the Long Road] on same trash pull
19:19.48clad|awaythats code for "want to have a no strings attached foursome with us and our hot girl friend?"
19:19.50sioraiochtwe're probably headed there in april
19:20.05sioraiochtclad|away: you forgot "while high"
19:20.48Lunessa... doesn't everybody want that?
19:21.22Industrialid rather have a foursome with 4 hot girlfriends, actually, Lunessa
19:21.39Saint-Nid have to decline if clad and sior were involved
19:21.41LunessaHey, who wouldn't?
19:21.55|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrWouldn't that be a fivesome?
19:21.56Saint-Nim just not covered for THAT kind of health care
19:22.02|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrOr are you sitting out?
19:22.02sioraiochtSaint-N: I'm really hot, don't dismiss me out of hand =p
19:22.04LunessaNot decline, I mean 4 hot girlfriends.
19:22.23Industrialpics or it didnt happen
19:22.33Saint-Nsioraiocht: im dismissing you because of your perchance to enjoy greek activities ;P
19:22.54Saint-Nhot has no bearing in this case ;)
19:24.12sioraiocht1) I think you meant penchant and 2) that's slightly presumputous =p
19:24.40Saint-Nsioraiocht: 1) yes i did 2) and would i be wrong?
19:24.41*** part/#wowi-lounge Gnancy (
19:25.14sioraiochtSaint-N: 2) for the most part, yes you would be =p
19:25.35|Jelly|Arrrrrrrr I can't believe none of you are on the ball. Seriously.
19:25.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnancy (
19:25.51|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrJust because it's talk like a pirate day doesn't mean you can all be slackers. *looks around innocently*
19:26.15Saint-Nsioraiocht: fine well snuggle and make up ;)
19:26.16AnduinLotharit doesn';t?
19:26.36mikmarrrsecret macros!
19:26.51mikmarrrtoo bad ControlFreak has done that same for a long long time now ;)
19:27.06LunessaAre you kidding me?  I've secured a contract to write "Slacking for Dummies" and I've been 'hard at work' on it since '99.
19:27.18|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrAre you on page three?
19:27.27|Jelly|Arrrrrrrr...cause so help me if you are.
19:27.40LunessaI think maybe somewhere I have produced the intro.
19:28.35Saint-Nwow lune thats a lot of work
19:28.57Saint-Ni think i typed Glossary on a piece of paper somewhere
19:30.13sioraiochthi grogwheel
19:30.15mikmarrrroger that
19:31.23grogwheeli can understand when opposite faction steals the escort from a group waiting for another member but when someone on the same faction does it with absolutely no remorse...
19:36.12LunessaWell, you know, it has been like, 8 years.
19:37.19zenzelezzLunessa: that's only like half of DNF
19:37.20Lunessayarrr, I be wantin' grog and plunder!  Yar, I be in yer channel, plunderin' yer booty!
19:38.03krkagrogwheel: yes they can be collected
19:38.04grogwheelDon't you be plunderin me, now...
19:39.55LunessaI be plunderin' yer grog supply!
19:41.59Mr_Rabies2i'm so bored :[
19:42.04Mr_Rabies2i want to level an alt but solo leveling is bleh
19:42.13krkanote that weak keys / values dont work for strings
19:42.29krkaso using that to determine if strings can be collected or not is invalid
19:43.01Josh_Borkei think krka has a filter for gc related questions ;-)
19:43.04Josh_Borkebecause he raised that from the dead
19:43.04IndustrialMr_Rabies2: word.
19:43.17grogwheelJosh_Borke: i did ping him with it after all...
19:43.25Josh_Borkeoh, i missed that part
19:43.28Josh_Borke~lart grogwheel
19:43.28purlsqueezes grogwheel till grogwheel turns blue like papa smurf
19:43.35Industrialhaha grogwheel
19:43.37Industrialcool :D
19:43.45IndustrialI cant get firther then Industriarrr
19:45.37krkairssi notifies me when my name is mentioned :P
19:45.50Josh_Borkewhat about when LUA is mentioned?
19:46.08krkaanyway, the literals will stay alive for as long as its prototype is
19:46.16krkaand possibly longer of course
19:46.27krkabut other than that, strings are just regular objects
19:53.14cncfanatics~seen clad|packing
19:53.20purlclad|packing is currently on #wowi-lounge #wowhead #wowace #wowwiki. Has said a total of 1 messages. Is idling for 27m 43s, last said: 'bbl'.
19:54.10clad|packingkrka: i saw that
19:55.32*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh (n=chatzill@
19:57.07|Jelly|Arrrrrrrr"I've read Cogwheel's Macro Guide and disregarded it. I found that some of the info in it was incorrect as well as commands and option's not supported by WoW's Defualt interface." <-- lewl
19:58.01Industrialmaybe you should find your brain first before anything else - in case you disregarded that too
19:59.47grogwheelgranted there are probably some slight innacuracies, but...
20:00.34grogwheel|Jelly|Arrrrrrrr: ss or it didn't happen ;P
20:00.53|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrHe cites Neuro's guide too. :\
20:03.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Thundarrrr_Child (
20:05.10|Jelly|Arrrrrrrrrut roah
20:05.29Josh_Borkeyou should name it Batman
20:05.45ScytheBlade1See, I had this idea (bad sign #1)
20:05.54ScytheBlade1That when people want money, they should get it (bad sign #2)
20:06.06ScytheBlade1Even if it comes in the form of one copper per mail
20:06.30|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrDidn't think you could automagically send money in the mail anymore.
20:06.33KarrrrdeethreeI think the server techs would kill you in your sleep
20:10.18|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrCog: <3
20:11.30Industrialdo I want to imagine that?
20:11.48Saint-Ncbb energy field
20:12.00Saint-Ncat-bread-butter ;P
20:12.03IndustrialI know someone with the nickname Skanky Butterpuss, but I have no idea what thats supposed to mean.
20:12.31Saint-Nmaybe its the same as butterface
20:12.46Saint-Neverythings nice but her puss ;)
20:12.46Industrial~dict butterface
20:12.57Saint-Nbutter == but her
20:14.22grogwheel|Jelly|Arrrrrrrr: wow... he picked like... the worst. example. evar.
20:14.48|Jelly|Arrrrrrrrwhat did he pick? in a group atm :\
20:14.54Mr_Rabies2<Saint-N> butter == but her
20:14.59Mr_Rabies2i feel really dumb now
20:15.04grogwheel|Jelly|Arrrrrrrr: hard to explain in a one-liner
20:15.55Mr_Rabies2i always just called people butterfaces when they had fat faces and >okay bodies
20:15.55Thundarrrr_Child~lart Mr_Rabies2
20:15.55purlslams Mr_Rabies2 against a large cement Tux
20:15.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Dark_Knight_666 (
20:16.02Mr_Rabies2how what
20:16.07Mr_Rabies2the penguin
20:16.15Mr_Rabies2i guess that maxes sense
20:17.20Saint-Ncog you fergot step 4: Profit
20:17.29*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
20:17.57ScytheBlade1asdf yeah, SetSendMailMoney() is protected :(
20:18.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Dark_Knight_666 (
20:20.39*** join/#wowi-lounge [KzM]Fatalis (
20:22.16Karrrrdeethreehm. they changed the voice chat roll out
20:22.38Thundarrrr_Childi swear microsoft cant do anything without screwing up some part of it
20:23.27Josh_Borkemakes more sense to not enable chat on patch day
20:23.47ScytheBlade1Yeah, was a very smart move imo
20:26.26krkaclad|packing: you saw what?
20:26.31grogwheel SFW as long as no one is reading over your shoulder :P
20:26.52grogwheel(and probably not too bad even then)
20:27.25Valarrrrron|WorkHahah arr
20:28.01Lunessalol.  No one reads over my shoulder, ye scurvy dog, 'lessen they wants ta be keel-hauled!
20:28.15zenzelezzffs, I hate how Fire SHield/Thorns/similar buffs make your Inner Demon not properly die if they get the killing blow
20:28.19Cidarrrrrnhere's to hoping voice chat won't crash everything
20:28.45Shirik|AFKgrephead: wow
20:28.45Saint-Nthers a discarded amry munitions box by the garbage can right outside  my office
20:28.56Cidarrrrrndoes anyone know if that interface for the voice chat was... ah
20:28.57Saint-Ni may get to see bomb squad in action!
20:29.02Cidarrrrrnmade not suck?
20:29.03krkahe would be perfect for some seriously weird pr0n
20:29.17KarrrrdeethreeI'd say go check but vchat's down on the PTR atm
20:29.33ScytheBlade1What the crap @ linked article
20:30.07Mr_Rabies2i'm still not on the list
20:30.11Mr_Rabies2(thank god)
20:30.16Cidarrrrrnwas about to say
20:30.18Mr_Rabies2i don't want to be a gineau pig realm
20:30.18Cidarrrrrnthat's a good thing
20:30.34ScytheBlade1<-- on the list
20:30.43Mr_Rabies2i can't spell that word
20:31.04Mr_Rabies2well scytheblade if your realm dies you can always come to llane and chill out for a few hours
20:31.24ScytheBlade1It's one of the largest realms period :)
20:31.31ScytheBlade1It's gonna die :)
20:31.49Mr_Rabies2llane has more drama per capita than all other realms
20:31.59Mr_Rabies2drama is llane's chief export
20:32.26ScytheBlade1Doomhammer has a stupidly _low_ amount of drama. We currently have one thread with actual drama on it, and that's about it for four-ish pages of threads.
20:32.34ScytheBlade1It's almost depressing :(
20:33.18ScytheBlade1 <-- yup, four largest atm
20:33.50Mr_Rabies2we've had so much drama
20:34.23LunessaI invite you all to taste the rainbow of drama threads that is Kirin Tor's realm forum.  
20:34.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
20:35.03Mr_Rabies2from guilds exploiting in AQ to guild leaders being completely manipulated to gdisband by a female, to people's accounts being stolen by other people that play on the realm(not just gold farmers)
20:35.04ShirikCide: ping
20:35.07Shirikor |Jelly|Arrrrrrrr
20:35.15Shirikgear question for you
20:35.21|Jelly|Arrrrrrrr[P] <Ruzted>: u guys r dumb <-- love statements like that
20:35.21ShirikI have two choices:
20:35.41ShirikI just answered my own question, actually, well half of it
20:35.42ShirikI’ll ask anyway
20:35.43Mr_Rabies2to creepy guys that always go over the line in flirting
20:35.56Mr_Rabies2ah, llane
20:35.59Carrrrrrenlol, I like this guy's avatar
20:36.00Shirik31 stamina, 32 intellect, 16mp5 or....
20:36.00Mr_Rabies2i love your dramafilled ways
20:36.06grogwheelwarcraftrealms needs to start using armory data imo
20:36.36Shirik29 spirit, 24 healing, 11mp5 (+gems: 13healing, 13 healing, 7 healing 3 int)
20:36.46Cidethe latter
20:36.52ShirikI think the first is better for PVP the second is better for PVE
20:37.01Cideyeah, that's true
20:37.03ShirikI was trying to figure out exactly why this guy sent it to me
20:37.13Shiriknormally I just raid, but then I realized I was complaining about my pants for pvp to him
20:37.23Shirikthanks :)
20:38.08Saint-Nas of oct 2nd the battle chest goes on sale
20:38.15Saint-N40$ for reg wow and tbc
20:38.23Saint-Nplus strat guides for both
20:39.09ScytheBlade1Wow, that's almost enough of a reason to start a second account.
20:39.16foxlitillidan guide?
20:39.22Mr_Rabies2strat guides for mmos always make me chuckle
20:39.29Mr_Rabies2i saw a strat guide for guitar hero 2 the other day
20:39.34Mr_Rabies2fucking hero
20:40.01Saint-Nplay good, dont make mistakes, win?
20:40.42Shirikanything that sells man
20:40.45Saint-Nthe strat guides would be great if they were most like a paper version of atlas
20:40.46Shirikthat’s how businesses operate
20:40.55Mr_Rabies2i know
20:40.58foxlitHm, so EA ended up releasing mac versions of a few games
20:41.03Mr_Rabies2i'm not really worried about the company
20:41.11foxlitWonder if that means I have to buy another copy of something I already own to get it to run on a mac :/
20:41.12Mr_Rabies2i feel stupid it actually has demand
20:41.42Mr_Rabies2some games strat guides are a necessity
20:41.52ScytheBlade1Er, disagreee
20:41.58Mr_Rabies2i.e. long console rpgs, fighting games, etc
20:42.08Mr_Rabies2not necessity, but a definite use
20:42.14Saint-Nfor anyone in both this channel and wowace, have you ever noticed that if we're talking about stupid shit they're talking about programming and vice versa?
20:42.15ScytheBlade1Fair enough.
20:42.23Mr_Rabies2and Castlevania games
20:42.31Mr_Rabies2that damn game is impossible to really beat without a guide
20:42.40Mr_Rabies2good luck memorizing like 2000 rooms or whatever
20:42.43Saint-Nyou mean a walk through ;P
20:42.55Saint-Ncuz yer a cheater cheater pumpkin eater
20:42.59Mr_Rabies2well that's a major part of strat guides
20:43.09Mr_Rabies2no way can you get 200.6% without a guide
20:43.17Mr_Rabies2unless you spend years on it
20:43.37Saint-Nhrm my block seems empty
20:43.42Saint-Nwonder if its a bomb
20:43.45Mr_Rabies2and getting specific items and stuff
20:43.46Cidedo .. end?
20:43.51Cideerr, do end?
20:46.51|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrI got your back, Cog.
20:46.55Valarrrrron|WorkKicking kittens in the teeth?
20:46.58|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrIn the usual "Jelly Fashion"
20:47.00Valarrrrron|WorkThat's cruel.
20:47.23ScytheBlade1GG @
20:47.59*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost__ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
20:48.20|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrROFLAMO @ Post 1
20:48.41*** part/#wowi-lounge slouken (
20:48.43ScytheBlade1Hence why I linked it :)
20:49.19ScytheBlade1He's still connected
20:49.27ScytheBlade1Just... in no visible channels
20:49.42|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrI never said he wasn't connected. :\
20:50.00ScytheBlade1Quick, get a +o to /invite him back!
20:50.03ShirikScytheBlade1: Post 8 = best
20:50.19Shirikhowever #1 is very colose
20:50.20ScytheBlade1Shirik, that entire thread is good.
20:51.53grogwheelI was online once when someone was kicked to change their name. When they came back the server didn't synch correctly
20:52.02grogwheelthey showed up as the old name to me in all chat messages
20:52.12grogwheelbut to some other people he showed up with the new name
20:52.31ScytheBlade1Yeah, I'd imagine that everyone in that guild/friends list/party/raid/etc would have to relog for that change to fully take effect
20:52.31|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrI got a 3hr for having my name be Curedaidz on a RP server. /boggle
20:52.42grogwheelI couldn't figure out for the life of me why right-clicking on his name in General to invite him kept telling me there was no player with his name online
20:52.43*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
20:52.58ScytheBlade1lolwin @ Jelly
20:53.21|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrI was a priest! WHAT WASN'T RP ABOUT THAT?! /snicker
20:53.28ScytheBlade1|Jelly|Arrrrrrrr, for what's it's worth, I'm the GM of <and the SuperFriends> on an RP realm
20:53.33ScytheBlade1Character name of Amazingman
20:53.42LunessaHah.  I'd have ~fishslapped you.
20:53.49Mr_Rabies2who here plays on an rp server here?
20:53.53Shirik~fishslap |Jelly|Arrrrrrrr
20:53.53purlACTION slaps |Jelly|Arrrrrrrr up side the head with a wet fish.
20:54.02ShirikI wish I were on an RP server :(
20:54.04|Jelly|Arrrrrrrr~whalestab Shirik
20:54.04purlACTION stabs Shirik with a rather narrow and pointy whale named Montgomery
20:54.05Mr_Rabies2Lunessa, whats a replacement for flagrsp?
20:54.09Shirik~whaleparry |Jelly|Arrrrrrrr
20:54.10purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry |Jelly|Arrrrrrrr's attacks.
20:54.10ScytheBlade1Me and 14 other people went around Org at 2AM on alts yelling crap.
20:54.12Mr_Rabies2i need something to do for entertainment
20:54.31ScytheBlade1We harassed people and multiple zones for two hours before a GM finally got to us
20:54.33Mr_Rabies2and laughing at all the one eyed halfdragon felguard human paladins is good fun
20:54.36|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrI used to have those macro'd on my keyboard just for TC
20:54.45ScytheBlade1The really funny part is that we only got name changes. Nothing more.
20:54.57ShirikI might roll to Lunessa’s server :P
20:55.06Shiriknot sure if I would kill or be on the same side
20:55.17Saint-Nkill obviously
20:55.21LunessaShirik Please do.  I could use some more cool people.
20:55.27Saint-Nluney couldnt possibly play horde ;P
20:55.43ShirikI want to roll on an RP server but nobody I know is on one and I don’t feel like being alone :(
20:55.48Shirik|AFKlab time, ttyl
20:55.50LunessaActually, I recently deleted my hordies.  
20:55.56Mr_Rabies2Lunessa, did you hear me? :o
20:55.57foxlitSo, that thread.
20:56.00Mr_Rabies2any flagrsp replacements?
20:56.06Mr_Rabies2i hear there's something else the rpers use now
20:56.24LunessaBut I don't use any of them.
20:56.28bleetyarrrrcan't recall how many rrrr's I had yesterday
20:56.38Mr_Rabies2i do, they're hilarious
20:56.50Mr_Rabies2go to goldshire and count how many half-x's there are
20:56.54Thundarrrr_Child|Jelly|Arrrrrrrr, and here i was typeing in the commands every time, and you had them macroed.....there was nothing personal....all mechanical huh
20:57.00Mr_Rabies2or people with one eye/scar over their eye/both
20:57.36Mr_Rabies2and how many people whose rp classes are an awful synergy with their actual gameplay class
20:57.40|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrI had to be on the ball.
20:57.47|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrPlus, I'm lazy.
20:57.55Mr_Rabies2"yeah, i'm a necromancer" *casts flash of light*
20:58.20Thundarrrr_Child~whalestab |Jelly|Arrrrrrrr
20:58.21purlACTION stabs |Jelly|Arrrrrrrr with a rather narrow and pointy whale named Montgomery
20:58.44Thundarrrr_Childi know, now you have to do it by hand
20:59.02|Jelly|Arrrrrrrr<3 Gkeys
20:59.17Thundarrrr_Childi never use them, they just replace other keys
21:01.02|Jelly| say the least
21:01.20LunessaLunessa's back-story is that she was a young priestess at the original battle that sealed AQ, and was emotionally devastated by the loss of life and events there.  She cracked under the pressure, and retreated to a cloistered life until she had a vision (delusion) convincing her she was Elune's avatar to spread the worship of the Goddess to humans. :P  But it almost never comes up in day-to-day play. :P
21:01.46Mr_Scurvyi just sit there saying nothing
21:01.47Mr_Scurvydoing nothing
21:02.04Mr_Scurvyjust laughing in reality at the awful backstories 99% of the players have
21:02.08|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrLunessa? RP?
21:02.14|Jelly|Arrrrrrrr...this is getting HOT
21:02.24Mr_Scurvyand i caught a couple people cybering on the tram on my normal server
21:02.26Mr_Scurvyin /say
21:02.28grogwheelMy RP profile:
21:02.28Mr_Scurvyi was like
21:02.43LunessaArrrrrrr Peeee~!
21:02.45Mr_Scurvymy normal server is a pve one :o
21:03.13bleetyarrrrmy RP toon's backstories are that they were quite happy and fine without having a backstory, having to RP and crap like that, until one day some bastard titan zapped them into an alternative realm and they've been stuck there ever since. hence they still don't RP that well (I tx'd to be with a couple of RL friends)
21:03.14|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrPhysical Description: Already balding at the age of 15,
21:03.24ScytheBlade1I actually have a legit RP toon
21:03.27ScytheBlade1I think it's level 9 or something
21:03.36LunessaI started on a PvP Server (Illidan), moved to a PvE server (Aggramar) and now play on an RP server (Kirin Tor)
21:03.47Intangirdo people really role play on the RP servers?
21:03.49ScytheBlade1I spent most of the time lying down on the ramp to the SW FP
21:03.58ScytheBlade1A fair amount of people wtf'd at me.
21:03.58grogwheelIntangir: absolutely
21:04.05Intangirlaying on the ramp ;)
21:04.13Intangir'hey get out of the way'
21:04.27grogwheelIntangir: yep :)
21:04.28ScytheBlade1Pretty much
21:04.31Mr_Scurvybut yeah
21:04.44grogwheelnever have auto run enabled in towns
21:04.56LunessaThere's lots of RP on Kirin Tor, but not in public channels.
21:04.56Mr_Scurvyi imagine GMs hang out in the tram and laugh while answering tickets
21:04.59Mr_Scurvyi know i would
21:05.01grogwheelerr... run as opposed to walk
21:05.29Mr_Scurvyi always cackle at the RPers that go to BGs
21:05.39Mr_ScurvyBY FIRE BE PURGED!
21:05.41ScytheBlade1Does WoW have a /cackle?
21:05.47ScytheBlade1YES IT DOES
21:05.47ThraeMr_Scurvy: "I pwneth thee."
21:06.06Mr_Scurvythey actually yell stuff like that in bgs :[
21:06.21ScytheBlade1We had an RPer post a @server PvP flame on our boards a while ago
21:06.26ScytheBlade1'Twas an epic thread, quickly.
21:06.44ThraeMr_Scurvy: Actually, seriously, I used to use a mod that did random sayings based on events (crits, dodges, low-chance on regular hit, etc.). It pwneth for RP ;)
21:06.49bleetyarrrryeah, on RP realms folks come in from time to time to try and take the piss outta RPers... they inevitably look like stupid 8 y/o's
21:06.54Mr_Scurvythere's a lot of good RPers on earthen ring
21:07.03Mr_Scurvyand it's an rp realm
21:07.09Mr_Scurvybut the ones that yell stuff in combat
21:07.12Mr_Scurvymake me chuckle
21:07.19ScytheBlade1We're a launch PvE server. There is no tolerance for RP people there ;)
21:07.41Mr_Scurvywe're a second wave pve server
21:07.42grogwheelI got mildly addicted to RP when the RPPvP servers came out
21:07.48Mr_Scurvyafter the launch ones got overflowed
21:07.58Mr_Scurvywe were the backup servers
21:08.01grogwheelhad some drama in the guild though and went back to my non-rp cogwheel
21:08.13Mr_Scurvyrpers? drama?
21:08.15Mr_Scurvywell i never
21:08.30bleetyarrrrI levelled a bunch of toons on Ravenholdt RPPvP, Horde.. then TX'd them off to a non-RP PvP realm. I kinda miss Ravenholdt, thinking of transferring some back
21:08.40grogwheelMr_Scurvy: /g was usually ooc so...
21:08.56bleetyarrrrRP realms, to me at least, seem to have more mature players and tighter community
21:09.20bleetyarrrrwell, that's in comparison to every single freaken' Oceanic realm... god they're all fail
21:09.23grogwheelonce you get past the n00b zones where there are griefers anyway
21:10.00Intangiri want to play on an RP server some
21:10.04Intangirseems like it would be fun :)
21:10.10Intangirwhats the best RP server?
21:10.43grogwheelif you want to go RPPvP, i'd suggest maelstrom
21:10.53grogwheelor emerald dream
21:10.55grogwheeli had fun on both
21:10.58bleetyarrrrwell, to my way of thinking, RP is the third level of the game that one should master... sure, you might be able to PvP like a master... you might have done up to and including BT... but can you RP well?
21:11.56grogwheelIt's definitely nice to see the naming policies being strictly enforced ;)
21:12.15Intangirthe back story on my character would be that i was unjustly murdered by a paladin gone bad, murdered me on a personal fued rather than for riteous reasons, but rather than die, i came back as an undead to take my vengence on all humanity ;)
21:12.25bleetyarrrrThorium Brotherhood's an OK PvE realm... though it's been a while since I've seen the horde side there. My Alliance roster is maxed out. NFI what I'm gunna do when DK happens (if they don't give another slot)
21:12.31bleetyarrrrgrogwheel: indeed.
21:12.36Intangirall men are eviscerated equal!
21:13.21Intangirroster is maxed out?
21:13.24Intangirwhats the max?
21:13.40bleetyarrrrgrogwheel: but not just RP name policies... I'm still stunned these toons ->
21:14.08grogwheelif they never log in, they never get reported and/or never have to change their names
21:14.10Intangiri had the names Intangir, Kefka, Celes, Atma, Doomgaze, ... Bannon, Cyan
21:14.13Intangiron one server
21:14.26ThraeIntangir: Hope not a RP server ;)
21:14.27bleetyarrrrIntangir: 10 chars
21:14.34Intangirwhy not on RP server?
21:15.00ThraeBecause you're not suppose to use trademarked names on a RP server, it's against the TOS.
21:15.03Intangiryou cant use references to other stuff on RP? lame
21:15.08Intangiroh well those arent trademarked
21:15.14ThraeYes they are
21:15.22Intangirno they arent, you cant trademark character names
21:15.27Intangirthey trade mark the title of the product
21:15.44ThraeIntangir: I bet you didn't even know Squaresoft trademarked "White Mage", "Black Mage", "Fighter", etc. from Final Fantasy 1.
21:15.58Intangirthey may have tried but that crap couldnt hold up in court
21:16.01ThraeIntangir: I saw the copyrights in the manual, in the strategy guide, etc.
21:16.17ThraeIntangir: It would if someone made a game very similiar to Final Fantasy 1 and used the same names
21:16.23Intangirtheres a few thousand years history of prior uses
21:16.26grogwheeli have to agree with Intangir on this one... there's plenty of prior art using the term mage
21:16.35grogwheeland color? pfft
21:16.49grogwheelNow, if someone wanted to use them as classes in a game they might have a case
21:17.00Thraegrogwheel: Like I said, the trademark is protecting against someone making a game very similiar / clone of Final Fantasy 1 (which do exist) and using the same names
21:17.37Intangirin any case most people dont know the reference
21:17.46Intangironly about a dozen people have realized where intangir is from
21:18.00Intangirin game
21:18.14ThraeIntangir: I'm just talking the TOS -- which is made by lawyers, who know people can get sued for walking down the sidewalk the wrong way
21:18.20Intangirwow players seem to be pretty well out of touch with the rest of reality ;)
21:18.31ThraeIntangir: However, I strongly doubt Blizzard really cares about such a rather unknown reference
21:18.36Intangiri made a guild named "ron paul for president" hahahaha
21:18.40ThraeIntangir: If it was "darthmaul", then they'd care
21:18.41Intangirits nearly impossible to get anyone to join
21:18.51Intangirno one wants to talk about or think about any real life stuff while playing wow
21:18.57bleetyarrrrWoW Players out of touch with reality? ->
21:19.03grogwheelFor anyone who bothered to read Morty Cogwheel's Bio, the banana phobia is based on a true story...
21:19.08Intangiri think darthmaul is trademarked ;)
21:19.16ThraeIntangir: You made that guild again on a RP server?
21:19.19grogwheelMy sister-in-law used to do that prank to my wife
21:19.26ThraeA RP server is the -last- place people playing WoW want to deal with reality :D
21:19.34IntangirThrae: no
21:19.36Intangiron a pvp server
21:20.16Intangiryou guys gotta see this new game
21:20.18Intangirits fucking sweet
21:20.23*** join/#wowi-lounge kaelten (
21:20.40Valarrrrron|WorkDon't keep us in suspense.
21:20.57IntangirLOL, i LOOOVE the hilarious comments on that thread too, some of them are SOO FUNNY
21:21.16Intangir'some of the players are literally killing themselves over who they think the developers are'
21:21.20Valarrrrron|WorkThe monthly rate is so high, though.
21:21.23Intangirkilling eachother rather ;)
21:21.51grogwheeland there's WAY more grinding involved
21:22.07Intangirya ;)
21:22.17Intangirbut its got a great system in the game for getting new players up to speed
21:22.19Intangirits called 'school
21:22.25Intangirits not perfect but, its better than any other games ive seen
21:22.27grogwheeleven more grinding
21:22.30ThraeSheesh, some contract firm sent me an email toating the benefits of getting $25/job for their contract work. However, their contract work appears to be exactly the same as the company I used to work for -- they seem to be competitors. And my old company paid $32/job. Haha.
21:24.23*** join/#wowi-lounge kaelten (
21:25.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Viserion (
21:25.52Intangirwhat would be funny if its the same company ;)
21:26.10Intangir'we fired 2 slackers, now we want you to do the job of both of the, for half the pay'
21:26.37LunessaBah... Work and IMs keep distracting me from IRC
21:26.53Saint-Nyou should quit working then
21:27.03Saint-Nwell this is ass
21:27.08Saint-Ni cant leave my office
21:27.08grogwheelwork and irc keep distracting me from the book :P
21:27.23Saint-Nstupid bomb squad needs to hurry over and blow this thing up so i can go home
21:27.47Intangirblow what up?
21:27.47mikmarrrblow your office?
21:28.01Saint-Nsomeone dumped an army mun itions tin by the garbage outside my office
21:28.10Intangirwhats in it?
21:28.17Saint-Ni should have left when the trains were still running just as the police started arriving
21:28.21Intangirwas it meant to be tossed out?
21:28.40Saint-Nthey've got the area taped off for a block in all directions and arent letting people out of the buildings
21:28.42Intangirare they just overreacting to something completely harmless?
21:28.48Saint-Nits new york
21:28.55IntangirOMG A TIN!!
21:28.58Saint-Nno such thing as over reaction ;P
21:29.27Intangirofcourse there is
21:29.40IntangirOMG A SHOE BOX!!
21:29.44IntangirCOULD BE A BOMB!!
21:29.58Saint-Nit was nothing
21:30.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
21:30.53Thunder_Childyou know, it would be nice if the electrician gave notice before he cut the power to the house...
21:31.18Saint-Nwell shoebox != army munitions tin ;P
21:31.49Intangirlike army grenades? or  bullets?
21:32.28Saint-Nya know those little metal boxes with handles that they keep bullets and stuff in ?
21:33.05LunessaHeh.  I once sent out coffee mugs to participants in a beta test - but they were sent from a warehouse in plain boxes - a year before kazinsky was captured.  Most of my testers where highly placed IT folks.   I got e-mail from one of the testers 'cause he wife called the bomb squad when she got the package.
21:33.30Saint-N^^ middle left
21:33.58IntangirOMG A BOX!!!!!!!
21:34.03Intangirholy .. oh shit its just a picture
21:34.11Intangirhahaha ;)
21:34.14Intangirsucks to live in new york
21:34.24IntangirOMG POWDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
21:34.25Saint-Nonly when stuff happens that hinders your life ;P
21:34.28Intangiroh its just salt ;)
21:34.44IntangirOMG AN ARAB GUY!!!!!!! AAAAAAH!
21:34.47LunessaGrrrr... I  told these land-lubber scalleywags not to bring me CD-RW!
21:34.48Intangiroh hes just a cab driver
21:35.08Intangirooh its just philly
21:35.12Intangirlol ;)
21:36.04Saint-Nwelp time to go home, lates kids
21:36.37Saint-Nill try to be but i think the terrorists won!
21:38.59LunessaI want to kick kittens  in the @#$!* teeth too.
21:39.23IndustrialLunessa is evil
21:39.46LunessaI'm just randomly mentioning something |Jelly|Arrrrrrrr posted.
21:40.57|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrWhat can I say? Stupid people make me want to kick kittens.
21:41.35Cidarrrrrnahh, fade code is done for windows
21:42.07grogwheelCidarrrrrn: whuchu talkin bout willis?
21:42.37Cidarrrrrnrewrote frame:Hide
21:42.42Cidarrrrrnso it takes an argument
21:42.59Cidarrrrrnhide a frame over seconds
21:43.04Cidarrrrrnsame for show
21:43.16Cidarrrrrnplus frame:Flash()
21:43.24Cidarrrrrnwhich doesn't need every frame to be named, ><
21:53.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
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21:54.00*** join/#wowi-lounge kaelten (
21:55.03*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
22:00.54sarrrg_ich_nichtMass Effect has a Human Female on Alien Humanoid Female sex scene with nudity.
22:01.07GofGMass Effect? rofl
22:01.23sarrrg_ich_nichtit has interspecies lesbian sex.
22:01.35zenzelezzmy client is messed again, visual effects sticking on screen
22:01.54zenzelezzI'm seeing the whole tunnel before Morogrim filled with those glowing white dots rising into the air
22:07.32*** join/#wowi-lounge kaelten_ (
22:11.43*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
22:13.31sarrrg_ich_nichtdid they get banned?
22:13.32grogwheelold :P
22:13.49|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrYOU'RE OLD!
22:14.28Esamynn~poke sarrrg_ich_nicht
22:14.29purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind sarrrg_ich_nicht, pokes sarrrg_ich_nicht repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
22:14.33Esamynn~poke |Jelly|Arrrrrrrr
22:14.34purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind |Jelly|Arrrrrrrr, pokes |Jelly|Arrrrrrrr repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
22:14.34sarrrg_ich_nichthi Esamynn.
22:14.39sarrrg_ich_nicht~whalecrit Esamynn
22:14.39purlACTION crits Esamynn with a mathematically skilled whale named Isaac for #NaN. Esamynn dies
22:14.40zenzelezzwoot, all five SSC bosses in one night, first time
22:14.46zenzelezznow we just need to learn Vashj
22:14.48Esamynn~whaleparry sarrrg_ich_nicht
22:14.49purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry sarrrg_ich_nicht's attacks.
22:14.49sarrrg_ich_nichtye be walkin ye' ol' plank!
22:15.29sarrrg_ich_nichtshoulda' keel haul ye, arrr, ye, it's what i shoul'da do.
22:17.25sarrrg_ich_nichtimma head for me cabin, yarrr
22:17.32*** join/#wowi-lounge [KzM]Fatalis (
22:18.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Vangual_ (
22:19.48sarrrg_ich_nichtnight ye' lads, matey under deck.
22:21.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Dark_Knight_666 (
22:21.33zenzelezzI'm starting to think there are no T5 Defender legs
22:22.06zenzelezz7/12 Champion, 5/12 Hero
22:28.22|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrKD3...I need that picture that points out what stickies are. :P
22:29.26*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
22:29.26*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower] by ChanServ
22:32.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
22:32.22|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrThank you 8)
22:33.45Shirik|AFKI love the not a sticky
22:33.48Shirik|AFKlaugh every time I look at it
22:38.04|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrWell. That's two people I've flamed to two pages today.
22:39.32grogwheelSo... I'm writing a section on minimizing garbage for one of the appendices... is it too cheesy to use subsections named Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle?
22:40.15Thunder_Childif you feel like playing a little TD reminecent of WC3 has some interesting games
22:43.32Lunessagrogwheel: Yarrr... it be clever.
22:44.09grogwheelLunessa: Aye, but my clever has earned many a bruise to me shoulder...
22:44.19zenzelezzgrogwheel: who cares if it's cheesy; it's a phrase you can remember, and that helps for the purpose
22:44.50Lunessagrogwheel: Aye, me hearty!  Yer best to be catchy for memonics.
22:46.01zenzelezzI know it's hard to come up with quality catch phrases for games, but I still think UT2003 (or was it 2004?) was silly for using "Reload, rev up, ride out" for a game with no reloading weapons
22:54.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Fatalis`timeout (
22:56.07Valarrrrron|WorkSeems like Shawnmen has quieted down.
22:56.18|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrMaybe he's reading the damned sticky.
22:57.21Valarrrrron|WorkI answered only because I didn't want kitten's teeth to be kicked.
23:01.01LunessaThe guy must be like, 12.
23:04.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
23:07.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
23:07.53GofGMade a new siggy
23:07.55GofGand it's perfect
23:07.58GofGexcept for the text
23:08.01GofGI think I'm starting to hate text
23:08.05GofGbecause I can't do text worth crap
23:09.20ThraeGofG: What, I can't make out what you're saying. Are you trying to talk into the computer? IRC isn't voice-based!
23:09.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (i=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
23:09.55zenzelezzit isn't? That explains why my conversations always become monologues
23:11.07GofGThrae: I made a signature, or tag, or banner. It is perfect, except for the text. I think i'm starting to hate text, because I can't make text look right.
23:11.36zenzelezzdon't use Wingdings
23:12.03GofGOh! That's my problem! Thank you so much zenzelezz! :)
23:12.11GofG[/sarcasm] hehe
23:12.17zenzelezzno wai ;-p
23:12.30zenzelezzbit hard for us to offer any other suggestions based on your info
23:14.36GofGI was just complaining in general
23:16.41GofGnot really asking for suggestions
23:16.55GofGThough if you want to make suggestions
23:17.20KarrrrdeethreeI think the name of the image gives that one away...
23:17.31zenzelezznot really
23:17.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Rallion_ (
23:17.52GofGI pulled it out of my bondage folder, but it's just a stock image. most if it has been brushed over
23:17.57GofGif you want the original stock image, on the other hand....
23:18.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
23:19.51zenzelezzthat reminds me of how funny it is when people not native to English try to say "male bonding", but end up saying "male bondage"... seen that in a few conversations on IRC over the years
23:20.36zenzelezzthen again, with the things I've seen from Americans they may even have been native to English
23:22.33|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrShirik: You still there at all?
23:22.47|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrThat paper you linked earlier.
23:23.03|Jelly|Arrrrrrrr...having it read out loud by the bot voice is ROFLAMO
23:24.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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23:32.16*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
23:32.30Guillotineanybody here work at road runner?
23:41.37Corrodiasno, but i'm almost ready to tell my boss that i need to find another position within a few months. almost.
23:41.49Valarrrrron|WorkWhat is Road Runner?
23:42.15|Jelly|ArrrrrrrrAnd ISP iirc
23:42.26[dRaCo]might be a record label, too :>
23:42.57Corrodiasthere is a bird, but context makes that unlikely
23:51.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Ominous (
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23:58.08GofGwhat does iirc mean?
23:58.20JoshBorkeif i recall correctly

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