IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070918

00:00.34LunessaI don't use Rico
00:00.42LunessaSimpleMiniMap is the shiz-nit
00:00.45Corrodiaswait, wait, now it mysteriously works after i deleted some saved variables from rico
00:01.36Corrodiascartographer throws a pair of errors whenever i mouse over a guildmate in the raid on the map, but yeah! everything works.
00:01.52Corrodiasno, never mind, it's just throwing them periodically
00:03.21Lunessa... Ok, I think this G4 PowerBook just might actually run WoW. :D
00:04.05LunessaIf I turn everything that makes the game pretty off.
00:04.47Corrodiasthere IS that unhidable rock configuration minimap button, but i'll just add a :Hide() to my common scribbling script
00:05.51*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
00:06.25Corrodiasgetglobal("LibRockConfig-1.0_MinimapButton"):Hide() since it wants to do math with the - otherwise
00:08.16|Jelly|Shouldn't have updated.
00:08.27|Jelly|Not being able to right click on the unitframes = zomg annoying.
00:08.56Corrodiasi haven't used pitbull so i don't know what you mean, but that's okay
00:09.30|Jelly|When you used to right click the unit frames, it would open a drop down menu of configuration. Now, it just opens that Rock bs.
00:09.55ShirikMy error handler causes a stack overflow, so then it tries to report that error
00:10.01Shirikand all hell broke loose
00:10.17Shiriksomehow it eventually gave up
00:10.22ShirikI'm not quite sure how that happened though
00:11.05ShirikOh I get it. It prints out the error, has an error so starts the error handler over. So it prints out the error 200 times before finally giving up due to a stack overflow
00:11.30Corrodiasyeah, dropdown menus are better than automatic rock configure window opening
00:12.13LunessaI don't much like the Rock menu either Jelly.  
00:12.34CidanConspiracy menu > all ;P
00:12.43|Jelly|It's making me want to cut. I'm just glad that my unitframes didn't go screwy like they usually do/did.
00:12.45CidanActually, need to add binary options to conspiracy menu's
00:13.11LunessaThere's also some new bar appended to my unit frames - not sure what it represents, and didn't have time to screw with it since I got called in to work.
00:13.26|Jelly|New bar? orly?
00:14.29Lunessayeah, not sure wtf it is, I just noticed it briefly 'cause the unit frames were thicker.
00:14.32GofGLunessa: Isn't that a sleeping medicine?
00:15.01LunessaNo, that's LUNESTRA
00:15.31LunessaLunessa = my WoW toon, a corruption of Luna and Elune with a feminine ending.
00:15.43LunessaAnd I get asked that question like 10,000 times.
00:16.02GofGKk, sorry :(
00:16.05GofGI forgot that the internets were serious business.
00:16.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Tinyboom (
00:16.22|Jelly|"And for some reason, it turned on the Pitbull threat bars when I had them off and now Omen isn't working. "
00:16.38LunessaJelly - AHA!
00:16.50|Jelly|I'm gonna be pissed if Omen is b0rk3. lol
00:16.54LunessaOmen was working for me.  
00:17.30GofGWorld of Warcraft... I just remembered that that's what this channel was about
00:17.41|Jelly|It is?
00:17.59LunessaI thought it was about Hello Kitty Island Adventures.
00:18.26GofGHell Kitty Island Adventures is serious business, Lunessa.
00:18.33GofGbest typo evar, btw.
00:19.46GofGDidn't I meet a fellow tard in here the other day? Cidan?
00:19.53GofGShirik, mebbe?
00:20.41ShirikLunessa: I'm going to start calling you that now
00:20.45GofGI think it was cidan
00:21.43LunessaShirik, there isn't a hole deep enough for you to hide in, not a tinfoil hat strong enough to save you.
00:22.10ShirikI'm guessing this isn't the first time someone's called you this?
00:22.33|Jelly|Doesn't it have something to do with people in your guild named like Vicodin or some shit?
00:22.50LunessaOh man.  I lobbied SO hard to get rid of that guy.
00:23.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
00:23.36LunessaHe names all his characters after prescription meds 'cause his family is in the pharmaceutical business.
00:23.53WobworkDoes he have a Viagra?
00:23.57|Jelly|Isn't that against the naming policy? /wink
00:24.04WobworkOr is it only generics?
00:24.15Lunessayeah, and blizzard let it go
00:24.17WobworkPS, any uk'rs here?
00:24.50Lunessathe guy is  a nice guy, but the names kill me
00:25.16WobworkWhat's the name in question?
00:29.42LunessaZyvox, Valtrex, Cymbalta, need I go on?
00:31.11*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh_ (
00:32.29Shiriklua> local module = 4; print(module)
00:32.30cladbotShirik: 4
00:32.35Shirikwhy does scite say module is a keyword
00:32.37Shirik~lart scite
00:32.37purlslams scite against a large cement Tux
00:33.03cladhaireShirik: because it is.
00:33.08cladhaireits not a keywrod
00:33.10cladhaireits an API function
00:33.20cladhaireso it displays it as such
00:33.28Shirikit's highlighting it in blue >.> the same color as "for", "if", etc.
00:33.34cladhaire*shrug* then the api file is wrong imo?
00:33.41Shirik~lart api file
00:33.41purltakes out a cattle prod and gives api file a good jolt
00:33.56cladhaireShirik: okay.. so imagine you place a waypoint with TomTom, and you can specify three distances at which you get callbacked
00:33.59Shirikprobably written by the same guy who wrote the info on function()
00:34.08cladhaireOnDistanceFar, OnDistanceNear and OnDistanceArrive
00:34.28cladhaireright now, it only calls your callback when you first cross the boundry
00:34.38cladhairesay you register with 100, 50 and 10 yards
00:34.46cladhairewhen you get within 100 yards, the Far fires, 50 the Near, 10 the Arrive.
00:35.03cladhairedoes it make sense to call them again when flying away again?
00:35.08cladhaireor away and back again?
00:35.10Shirikfair question
00:35.16WobworkIf you want to define an area
00:35.23Wobworklike "Mob patrols this area"
00:35.23ShirikI think both behaviors are justified
00:35.26Shirikyou decide what you want :)
00:35.31cladhairewhat would you guys like?
00:35.46ShirikCalling it again would provide for more functionality that is not possible if you don't
00:35.55Shirikit does, however, require a bit of extra user code, but nothing major
00:35.58cladhaireokay, i just have to keep state then and check.
00:36.05cladhairewe'll see how expensive the OnUpdate is righ tnow.
00:36.20LunessaYeah, cladhaire it makes sense.  
00:36.38WobworkI need a UK IP
00:36.48Wobworksomeone give me a uk site I can nab one from
00:43.21Wobworkwhat's the uk government site?
00:43.36WobworkI was guessing
00:43.40Wobworkbut that didn't work =\
00:43.53cladhairedepends on what you need
00:43.59WobworkThat's generally what it is in Aus...
00:44.19WobworkJust needed a uk IP to test the payment page on our servers.
00:44.29Wobworkto redirect to a UK payment page if they're from there
00:48.33cladhaireShirik: Wobin_: When would you expect to be called, assuming the prior situation, with 100,50,10
00:48.49Wobworkhow do you mean when?
00:48.52cladhaireassuming you fly in, you'll get called as soon as you cross the 100, 50 and 10 barriers (i.e. as soon as you're less than or equal to)
00:48.57cladhaireso flying in is easy
00:49.14Shirikimo, flying out too. Call the function, pass a parameter indicating from where it came
00:49.14cladhairewhen you cross from the 50 distance, to the 100 distance, you want to get called again?
00:49.19cladhairek k
00:49.24cladhairemuch more complex for an OnUpdate
00:49.26cladhairebut lets see :P
00:49.37Wobworkstate =)
00:49.45cladhairethats what i'm dong
00:50.37ShirikFSM ftw?
00:50.55WobworkSurprising how often that's true =)
00:51.14cladhairenot really
00:55.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
01:00.32Kaydeethreeoh lmao... they're talking about the halo 3 weapons on futureweapons right now on discovery channel
01:02.29Wobworkare we patching tonight?
01:02.54Wobworkmore time for stuff to get working =)
01:02.57Kaydeethreewe are on the PTR
01:06.42Kaydeethreewtf... private server link @
01:07.04Olisonnevcairiel: did you get the url for the logon news?
01:07.07*** join/#wowi-lounge ben (
01:07.31Olison404 :/
01:07.36benIs this an appropriate channel to ask "how do I make my addon do this" questions?
01:07.42Kaydeethreethere's no news atm iirc
01:07.44Kaydeethreeben; go for it
01:07.47purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
01:08.06benOkay. I want to create a frame that looks just like one of my bartender3 action buttons.
01:08.36Wobworkoh come on =P "This is IRC" and "..glad to help" can't be said in the same sentence =) suggests I call CreateFrame, then f:SetFrameStrata/Width/Height, then create a texture and SetAllPoints it to my frame
01:08.48Olisonmm Kaydeethree i see
01:08.53benbut my frames do not appear to show up, what am I missing?
01:09.05Wobworkben: possibly a Show()
01:09.10OlisonKaydeethree: got one for the EU servers aswell? =)
01:09.24Kaydeethreeno. packet sniffers are wonderful things, though
01:09.36benWobwork: Do I need to show the texture separately or something?
01:09.36Olisonmm yes. ill do that
01:10.12benOh, stop. It seems I am not creating my texture correctly!
01:10.44benHow would I go about copying a button's texture?
01:10.49cladhaireyay callback system s working correct.
01:10.54Wobworkit needs to have a texture that has dimensions that are a power of 2
01:11.23Wobworkben: generally if you copy someone elses texture, it'll be fine
01:12.20OlisonKaydeethree: got it:
01:12.38benWobwork: Apparently the button I want to copy is called BT3Button3. I tried calling :GetNormalTexture() on it but that texture appears to be empty.
01:13.14benActually I should be able to use GetActionTexture.
01:15.43GofGAnyone wanna do my homework? :)
01:15.56benIs it computer science homework?
01:16.03GofGno :(
01:16.05GofGhonors bio
01:16.40GofG72 questions, I have 30 done, due tomorrow, questions are paragraph-answer discussion questions :(
01:18.17LunessaNo thanks.  I gave up doing homework a very long time ago.
01:18.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
01:19.16GofGI didn't know that was an option
01:19.18GofGScrew this
01:19.31Corrodiasour gruul raid is severely undergeared
01:19.36LunessaWell, once you get your degree, you're pretty much done with homework.
01:19.39Corrodiasmost of us are pushing out less than 500 dps
01:19.51GofGAUGH, why didn't you say that sooner, Lunessa :/
01:20.17Wobworkwe downed gruul last night =)
01:20.22WobworkI love doing it as a rogue
01:20.23Corrodiasi wish we could
01:20.31Corrodiasi think we have nowhere near enough dps, though
01:20.32WobworkI took zero shatter damage =)
01:20.40Corrodiaswe're heading toward a 16-17 growth kill, which is far too late
01:20.44Wobworkyeah =(
01:20.52Corrodiaswe have trouble surviving after 12
01:21.55|Jelly|Well, I guess that's about right. We [used to] kill him about 12.
01:21.56Lunessa  ---
01:21.58Wobworkhm, does impsprint remove the grasp debuff?
01:22.30Kaydeethreeif it does, it'll be for the half-second until the next application of it
01:22.47Wobworkoh I thought it was a single application
01:22.57WobworkCloS is infinitely more applicable
01:23.01Kaydeethreeit stacks once a second, -20% runspeed each time
01:23.08Kaydeethreeit's not magic, so clos doesn't work either
01:23.14Cideclos works
01:23.14Wobworkyes it does
01:23.17Cideon non-magic debuffs
01:23.24WobworkI was CloSing out of every single shatter
01:23.25Cideincluding gruul's grasp
01:23.30Legorolclos does work
01:23.36Wobworkit's what kept me alive =)
01:23.44LegorolCorrodias: our raid dps is too low, so we kill him at 16-17 growth
01:23.52Cide"Instantly removes all existing harmful spell effects"
01:23.53WobworkLegorol: that's a looong time
01:23.54Legorolour tanks and healers happen to be lot better geared up than our dps
01:24.04WobworkI'd hate to be your healers =P
01:24.08LunessaThat's an unusual state
01:24.15Legorolwhy hate that?
01:24.26Legorolwe stick 7 healers on the tanks and they are happy
01:24.34|Jelly|Cause I bet his head is through the roof, he's grown so much.
01:24.41WobworkTake so long for the fight, plus worrying about bad shatters
01:24.45Legoroljust have to avoid shatters.. which is the tough part we screw up on :)
01:24.49Kaydeethreehah... using halo 1 background music for a halo 3 add
01:25.01WobworkKaydeethree: you are truly a geek to recognise that
01:25.15Legorolthe thing that kills us is not the 16th growth, but the shatter
01:25.26WobworkThere are always bad shatters =(
01:25.26Kaydeethreemusic's been a major part of my life for as long as I remember
01:25.51Legorolreason why tanks and healers are well geared compared to dps is simple: we have too few tanks and healers in the guild
01:25.52Wobworkwe're getting better at not dying, but there are always times when he tosses us on top of one another
01:25.58Legorolso they want to/get to come to every karazhan raid
01:26.06Legorolwhereas there is a lot of competition for dps spots
01:26.15Legorolso the loot is spread out more among them
01:26.19Wobworkwe have two rogues in our guild
01:26.20Legorolif you think about it, it makes sense
01:26.28Legoroldps more popular -> they get less loot
01:26.40Wobworkour gruul raid had... 7 hunters
01:26.46Wobworktwo rogues
01:26.46Legorolthen again we are a very large, casual guild where Karazhan raiding happens like this:
01:26.52Legorolyou sign up whenever you feel like going
01:26.52Wobwork3 spriests
01:26.57Legorolthis gives very random raid groups each time
01:26.58Wobworkzero feral druids
01:28.49Nom-no extended downtime notices yet ?
01:28.54Cideno patch
01:28.59Cideno idea about downtime
01:29.24Kaydeethreeus: rolling restarts excluding the 15-20ish realms listed in general that are getting voip-activated first on the 25th
01:29.45Nom-wtb patch
01:30.04Nom-oh so patch next week ?
01:30.22Nom-and yet another week of rolling restarts?
01:30.25Nom-this is good news indeed
01:30.38Cidanpatch is not tomorrow
01:30.38LegorolWe have 52 Karazhan attuned Mains in our guild, and umpteen more alts. We have days when we can't get 10 people into Karazhan. We haven't had an organised Gruul's Lair that had over signups.
01:30.55Nom-Cidan: I just said "next week"
01:36.01*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
01:36.17GofGCide ≠ Cidan?
01:36.56GofGMy IRC client assigns colors to people based on their whois information
01:37.01GofGand you two's colors are identical
01:37.30GofGIt's supposed to be "random"
01:37.41GofGso that I can tell people apart without actually having to read their names
01:38.11GofGbut it sucks because you two have literally the same color of orange
01:38.22Cidanthat rocks
01:38.22Cidewhat can I say, except 'owned!'?
01:38.41Cideoh, I can say.. where the hell is team fortress 2?
01:39.00Cidanoh man
01:39.04Cidanwas the beta not released?
01:39.11GofGCidan: Cide:
01:39.11CideI've been waiting for it all day
01:39.13CidanWhew, Valve is going to catch hell for that one.
01:39.13Cidenot out yet
01:39.29CidanI refuse to pre-buy the game until I hear what other people say about TF2
01:39.30GofG= same color
01:40.19ShirikSanity check: .* is match 0 or more of any charcter, most possible, right?
01:42.15Legorolyes you are sane
01:42.21Legorolas for the rest of the question: you are correct
01:48.50Shirikcladhaire: ping
01:49.31Shirikhey I was looking at GCTweak's code and I was curious
01:49.40Shirikwhat's the purpose of this: self:UnregisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED")
01:49.53cladhairejust so the handler doesn't fire for every single addon that gets loaded
01:49.56cladhairejust being polite
01:50.13*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm_ (
01:50.38cladhaireif you know you're doe
01:50.40cladhaireyou should unregister.
01:51.23*** join/#wowi-lounge herzogthc (
01:51.46Shirikmakes sense
01:51.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
01:51.58*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Legorol] by ChanServ
01:52.06herzogthcwasup shirk
01:52.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae|ppc (
01:52.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:52.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
01:54.23Thrae|ppc30 more minutes...
01:57.17Thrae|ppcShirik: waiting at job site to start work
01:57.24Shirikwait ppc?
01:57.33ShirikI think my grandparents use that company :P
01:57.37Shirikor is that ppl
01:57.38ShirikI forget
01:57.41Shirikwhat's ppc?
01:57.51Thrae|ppcPocket PC
01:57.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
01:58.02ShirikI was thinking of an electric company
01:58.16Cidanwhat's the power company in FL now?
01:58.18Cidanis it still FPL?
01:58.49CidanYep, sure is
01:58.52Cidansame logo too
01:58.53Thrae|ppcI did a ssh to my home server from my phone / ppc
01:59.05Thrae|ppcstarted up irssi
02:00.21KirovI remember my first month in florida ... $150 electricity bill and I didn't even have a my computer or a tv for the first half of the month
02:00.25Wraangerquestion : what SetDesaturation function do ?
02:00.35ShirikSets the Desaturation
02:00.53KirovWraanger - Either makes the texture grey, or dims it, depending on the graphics card you have
02:01.14Wraangerkirov : thanks ..that this is not what I am trying to find (
02:01.17Shiriks/grey/more grey/
02:01.31KirovWraanger - what are you trying to find?
02:01.50Wraangerhow to alter / hide checked texture on petbar's buttons
02:02.04Wraangercause default one is ugly and too big
02:02.40KirovBy checked button do you mean the swirl, the glow, or the 4 corners?
02:03.28Wraanger << I have hidden 4 corners, altered the swirl one ....
02:03.43*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
02:04.14Wraangersee the big glow on 2nd and last buttons ?
02:04.22Wraangerthis is cjecked texture
02:04.46*** part/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
02:04.52Wraangerahh ..that's how it is called
02:04.53Kirover, no
02:05.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
02:06.17Wraangertried _G["PetActionButton"..i.."CheckedTexture"]:SetTexCoord(0,0,0,0) ....but it's not working ((
02:06.48Kirovis that bartender?
02:07.50Wraangernah own one
02:09.06KirovThe texture does not have a name, you have to query it via the GetCheckedTexture() method
02:09.36Kirovie:  _G["PetActionButton"..i]:GetCheckedTexture():SetTexCoord(0,0,0,0)
02:11.04KirovSame with the HighlightTexture
02:11.19Wraangeryay ..thanks worked I only need to find a clever way to indicate that button is checked ;))
02:11.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
02:11.51*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
02:12.54*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
02:14.18Kaydeethreeoh wow. they're undoing the defense+daze nerf
02:14.33Wobworkso +defense == -chance to daze again?
02:15.56ShirikI agree with it
02:16.10ShirikI mean, dazed is annoying, but it's even more annoying when your tank gets dazed in the middle of a boss fight
02:16.24JoshBorkehow do they get dazed in a boss fight?
02:16.36JoshBorkedon't they have to be hit from behind?
02:16.46Shiriknot every fight is a tank n' spank
02:16.57Thrae|ppcnever turn your back to the enemy!
02:17.08Kaydeethreeaoe pulls, running to peel a mob off a healer, etc...
02:17.47Wraangerkirov : << what you think about pet bar now ?
02:18.15Shirikthat's actually nice
02:18.40KirovWraanger - aye
02:19.07Tullerspeaking of which, mikma I want the crazy blur code to mess around with
02:19.35Kirovcrazy blur code?
02:19.41JoshBorkeman i love the fall!
02:19.53mikmaTuller: it's just bela's modded texture as edge
02:20.08Tullermikma: gimmie
02:20.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Gl0bal (
02:20.54mikmaTuller: it's not exactly same as the bela's one, bela had a strong border going around, i removed that one and kept the glow
02:20.57Tulleryou're also telling me I'm going to have to setbackdrop buttons aren't i?
02:21.16Tulleror did you manage to use it as a normaltexture?
02:21.25mikmawell i did do a texture for that one too
02:21.44mikmasec i'll upload the latest .tga i used
02:22.32WraangerTuller : you finally decided to do some skinning for the Bongos ? oO
02:23.04Tullerwhat I kindof want to do is combine the bags and keybar into squares and give everything a slim look
02:23.12mikmaTuller: i thing i used SetPoint with that one
02:23.55Kirovmikma - do you have a screenshot of what you're using those for?
02:24.26Tullerits somewhat of a round shaodowed button
02:24.43mikmaKirov: bottomline is mikma1.tga, two bars at top are edgeFile2.tga
02:25.20mikmabut, that texture really REALLY needs SetVertexColor(0,0,0,1) to work _NICELY_
02:25.22JoshBorkethat's nifty
02:25.28JoshBorke~lart Kirov
02:25.28purlacting on orders from an unspecified client drags Kirov into court suing for $200 million
02:25.29*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
02:25.43KirovYou should adjust the fall off so there isn't that hard edge
02:25.47mikmaother than that, the glow will be weak. but with 0,0,0,1 it will be strong, black glow
02:26.37Tulleroh right, the PTR isn't up :P
02:27.15Kirovmikma - what kind of unfortunate video card do you have?
02:27.23mikmaKirov: iBook 12"
02:27.32mikmai use that to code :P
02:27.51mikmapc is 1,8GHz amd
02:28.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
02:28.30*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
02:28.36KirovHmm, I just thought of an awesome UI theme
02:28.37Cairennevening Iriel
02:28.41Kirov"Back to School"
02:28.55WobworkKirov: It can't beat HKAI
02:29.00KirovWobwork - true
02:29.12mikmanothing beats HKAI
02:29.45mikmaTuller: <- see the edgefile in action :D
02:29.52*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
02:30.38Kirovpurple box ... OF DOOM
02:30.44mikmaTuller: SetBackdrop({edgeFile = "Interface\\AddOns\\Signum\\edgeFile", bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground", edgeSize = 50, insets = {left = 15, right = 15, top = 15, bottom = 15}})
02:30.59mikmaTuller: i use those insets with the edgeFile
02:31.03TullerTuller:SetBackdrop? :)
02:31.32*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
02:31.40mikmaKirov: figured out what the box is? :)
02:31.41TullerI want to avoid using an edgefile because I'm lazy :P
02:32.32mikmaTuller: then you need the mikma1.tga. if you got gimp i can give you the .xcf files
02:32.40TullerI already have it
02:33.22mikmabut the glow is black in the .tga
02:33.36mikmaif you need to mod it to take other color you prolly need the .xcf and mod it :O
02:40.39Kirovmikma - some strange pastel homage to windows 3.11?
02:41.47|Jelly|!c us burning legion onehitpwnsu
02:41.47mikmaKirov: almost
02:41.50ThraeBot|Jelly|: Onehitpwnsu, Level 70 Tauren Warrior (33/28/0). 10578 HP; 7965 Armour; 1418 AP; 221.400 Melee DPS; 30.03% melee crit; 24 melee hit; 4.82% dodge; 5.00% block; 147 resilience; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1205 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Mon Sep 17 22:55:15 2007 EST ]]
02:42.19Kirovmikma - it's a really amazingly gaudy debuff warning
02:43.08mikmaKirov: bingo
02:43.26*** join/#wowi-lounge ben__ (
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02:45.07ShirikIriel: I have a question for you about devtools when you get a chance
02:45.32IrielHow do I keep them crunch even out of the box?
02:45.38IrielcrunchY even
02:45.41IrielAnyway, fire away
02:45.42Shiriknegative, that will always remain a mystery
02:45.52Shirikhowever, a more answerable question
02:46.16ShirikDo you mind if I steal half of your ItemRefTooltip hook (mutilate it, etc.) for another addon? (Will give credit, of course)
02:46.34JoshBorkeTuller: purty
02:46.40Irielnot at all, borrow or steal away
02:46.46mikmaTuller: seems to fit nicely, tried the SetVertexColor(0,0,0,1)
02:46.48TullerI think its too blury in some case
02:47.02LunessaHe keeps them crunchy in milk by using shellac.  I've seen it.
02:47.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Gl0bal (
02:47.06Shirikawesome thanks :)
02:47.11Tullerenglish explode!
02:47.29mikmaTuller: it's almost identical to bela's edge
02:47.52mikmabut, i can make it less blurry when i wake up or something
02:47.57ShirikIs there a reason for the huggage? ><
02:48.32ShirikI don't believe in stealing code :)
02:48.47Shirikopen source movement or not it's still not mine
02:49.10Cairennme neither, but a lot of people don't agree, so I am always happy when I see someone show the consideration
02:49.35Cairenn(not pointing at people in channel, just a generalized statement on the world at large)
02:50.16mikmawhat's happening
02:50.17Shiriksadly it's true
02:51.52Tullernow I wonder what the code in question is
02:52.13mikmais cairenn coding something
02:52.16JoshBorkeTuller: it's code to crash wow
02:52.21ShirikCairenn coding
02:52.30Cairennperish the thought
02:52.34KirovJoshBorke - It's BananaBars2?
02:53.06TullerFibonacci edition
02:53.15*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
02:53.26CairennJoshBorke: if it was code to crash wow, he'd be asking Tem (although Iriel is undoubtedly capable of coming up with it to, but it's kinda Tem's specialty)
02:53.45JoshBorkelol, true
02:54.27Tullerthat does bring up something...
02:54.46cogwheelwhen did they change the website?
02:54.54Cairenncogwheel: ?
02:55.06|Jelly|The forum navigation?
02:55.11cogwheel|Jelly|: yeah
02:55.22|Jelly|I wanna say less than an hour ago.
02:55.24Cairennah, I see now
02:55.26|Jelly|Or about an hour ago.
02:55.37|Jelly|That arrow is there taunting me.
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02:55.45cogwheeli can't find an announcement about it anywhere
02:55.49Tullerso, we can query the server for items in 2.2 without being disconnected, right?
02:55.59Tullerat least we can on the PTR
02:56.26IrielThough you should probably work on the assumption they're logging your attempts
02:56.26KirovI can query all of the enchantids now with out disconnecting, finally
02:57.43TullerI'm wondering how much of a strain that'll put on the server :P
02:58.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
02:59.26Tullerex, I'm wondering if I should implement a feature in ludwig to auto populate the database by querying items that the player has not seen over time.  Most likely I wont do it
03:01.12KirovTuller - I do that in my addon
03:01.46Tullerso do I in the PTR version, but its still around 35k things
03:02.26Irieli suspect it all depends how fast you do the scan
03:02.37Irielwhether they'll care, that is
03:02.40Tulleryeah I've throttled it :)
03:03.19JoshBorkethrottling is for the weak
03:03.33JoshBorkeit's pretty nifty to see kirov's mod in action, but it is soooo slow :-/
03:03.53LunessaFree PowerBook Titanium is love.  
03:04.10JoshBorkefree love is love
03:04.17JoshBorkelove is all you need
03:04.18LunessaNo, that's just sex.
03:04.19JoshBorkelove is all you need
03:04.23KirovJoshBorke - The idea is that you go play for 5 hours and it finishes scanning
03:04.40JoshBorkeKirov: yea, but it's slow to give me back my search results too :-P
03:05.51KirovYes, it's about 3 times slower than other similar addons, but you can do a search on 50k items with out you game freezing for 2 seconds
03:06.11KirovThat has to count for something.  ;)
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03:06.28JoshBorkekirov:  psh, time vs memory.  i've got all the memory in the world, what i lack is time ;-P
03:06.57Tullernow i wanna know where kirov's addon is at :)
03:07.30KirovNot sure how old that version is
03:07.43JoshBorkekirov:  update it and release it :-P
03:08.13KirovI'm actually working on it now
03:08.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (
03:10.39|Jelly|Cogwheel: GRR! I keep clicking on that arrow and it's driving me crazy! lol
03:10.41Tullerwell, I can tell you it disconnects me from the server :)
03:11.21JoshBorkeTuller: pwned!
03:13.19KirovTuller - yes
03:13.24KirovTuller - hence it not being release yet
03:13.33KirovTuller - It'll disconnect you once, then work
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03:14.16Tullercute loading screen
03:16.51KirovTuller - A couple of things this addon does at the moment that other addons do not.  Scan in the background for new items (even ones you never actually saw, ie: Horde)
03:17.15KirovAnd adds any new items to the current view with out having to refresh
03:17.28TullerI have 20k items on ludwig, but it does have to refresh
03:18.11KirovAlso, in the top right corner, if the icon spins you can mouse over to see what items it's found
03:19.02KirovYou can also type in the quick search and it'll do a real time search as you're typing for the next valid item
03:19.24KirovIt can also change the sort direction instantly
03:20.05KirovWhat it can't do ... is actually parse tooltips or understand post 2.0 random bonus items
03:20.15KirovBoth of which are on my "todo" list.
03:20.24Tullerquite fast
03:20.40KirovIt's the only known use of coroutines to do something useful
03:21.02Tulleryeah I mean to use coroutines :)
03:21.43LunessaIt works and I can run WoW on it. :)  
03:21.50KirovEvery so often you'll see the spiral icon in the background going.  If there are too many new items to effectively do a quick add it'll refresh the list in the background trasparently
03:22.37KirovOddly, one thing the addon does do right now is save price information
03:22.43KirovIt just can't show it yet.  heh
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03:23.21KirovObviously most of the UI doesn't work yet either
03:24.01KirovThe little arrows on the right side will expand options and advanced search
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03:27.59TullerI wonder if you could stick it in the ludwig frame :)
03:28.16Kirovstick what?
03:28.57KirovYou want the ludwig style search?
03:28.58Tullerthe addon :)
03:29.04Kirovoh, heh
03:29.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
03:29.34KirovFirst I need to make it work with the new random bonus items
03:31.33KirovI probably want to rewrite the addon using the new gametooltip methods too
03:32.03KirovI can just have a handful of gametooltips sitting in the background waiting for new data.
03:32.57Kaydeethreeanyone remember if wine 0.9.45 fixed the crash-on-exit bug?
03:38.01bleeterKaydeethree: nope
03:38.19bleeterKaydeethree: as in 'yes, i remember, and no it doesn't. the patch didn't make the cut, we're seeking info atm on why'
03:38.27Tierriemy boss at work is a complete idiot
03:38.55cogwheelas opposed to your boss at home?
03:39.17bleeterKaydeethree: please vote/sign/bump etc. ;)
03:39.19Tierriei'm single
03:39.21Tierrieimagine that
03:39.25Tierriei don't get it either
03:46.11Thunder_Childwhy do i keep watching's so bad
03:46.36Quator1ai think it's a fun show.
03:48.04Thunder_Childmeh, they should have never taken the cop
03:48.25Thunder_Childher personality does not fit with a black-ops style system
03:49.15Cidandoes anyone have any idea why the following doesn't work?
03:49.17CidanUIFrameFlash(self:GetChild("flash"), 1, 1, cur, true, 0, 0);
03:49.26CidanGetChild("flash") does return a frame.
03:49.45Cidancur is a number
03:49.46Cidanoh, hmm
03:50.50Cidannope, it flashes once
03:50.53Cidanrather it just fades in once
03:50.55Cidanthen dies
03:51.01Cidangives me an error
03:51.13KirovWell, I think we found the problem right there.
03:51.26KirovIt should be giving two errors!
03:51.40Tierriehay folks
03:51.43Cidannterface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:1756: attempt to index local 'frame' (a nil value)
03:52.14Cairennhi Tierrie
03:52.27Tierrierawr sexy momma
03:52.58KirovCidan - UIFrameFlash requires that the frame that is flashing has a name
03:53.02Corrodiasyou and your frame
03:53.14CidanI *hate* code that does that
03:53.21Cidanforget it then, I'll write my own flash code
03:53.33Corrodiasis that easier than giving it a name?
03:53.57Cidanit's not about what is "easier"
03:54.00Cidanbut what is proper
03:54.06Cidanforcing me to name all my frames, is not.
03:54.38Kirovespecially since that particular bit of code could just as easily just used the frame object
03:55.21*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
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04:03.28dmaddis there a wait, or timeout or sleep function for LUA ?
04:04.07cogwheellua is blocking anyway so you wouldn't want to do that
04:05.11cogwheelyou either need to use an OnUpdate script ( ) or use a library like Chronos, AceEvent (?) or Dongle
04:05.11Kirovwhile true do
04:05.11Kirovthe ultimate sleep function
04:05.43cogwheeland if you're trying to do anything combat related, give up now :P
04:06.16DrMaDdwell... trying to run some code when a frame opens up
04:06.32DrMaDdlike, when an armor smith window is opened
04:06.43DrMaDdim unsure how to get it to wait untill it detects a window...
04:07.32cogwheelah you're going about it all wrong
04:07.52DrMaDdthank you!  let me read
04:07.55cogwheelin bg right now... can't go into too much detail :P
04:10.31Corrodiasokay, the new fubar version keeps messing with my minimap position. i'm going to have to add a "you can't move this any more" bit to my startup script. sigh.
04:10.42CorrodiasDRAMATIC sigh
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04:21.52Corrodiasthere. i've set up 3 manual positions for WorldStateAlwaysUpFrame, MinimapCluster, and TemporaryEnchantFrame and set their .SetPoints to an empty function.
04:24.23MentalPowerCorrodias: you know, you could file a bug report with ckknight about that
04:25.05ckknightCorrodias: that's not a new feature
04:25.09ckknightthat's been in for over a year
04:25.17ckknightand there's already a bug report for that
04:25.19Corrodiaswell, my minimap is another addon. something about their interaction has changed
04:25.25ckknightnot sure how to fix it without breaking other things, though
04:25.36Corrodiasi don't know which is at fault, if not both, so i'm just going to fix them in place and be happy
04:26.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Bejitt- (
04:29.56Tierriei go to #linux to ask a valid linux question
04:30.03Tierrieand everyone there is showing off their wangs
04:30.20Shirikwhat's your valid question?
04:30.30Corrodiasmy valid question is why linux makes your penis so small
04:30.40Shirik"Why does the creation of threads SUCK in unix"
04:30.45Tierriei wanted to know if anyone has developed network related devices in linux virtual machines and if so, are there any major problems
04:31.22*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
04:31.22Tierriealso, "why does linux make your penis so small"
04:31.24KirovTierrie - "no, linux is perfect, omglolcatz"
04:31.42Tem|AFKI CAN HAS "STDIO"
04:32.00TierrieU CAN HAS STDERR
04:33.26Tierriealso i want to know what ide people use but everyone will just go vi, emacs, pico dumbass!, no emacs!, emacs, ultraedit, emacs, vi, notepad
04:33.31Cidanit doesn't
04:33.45Cidan<3 non-blocking IO in linux
04:34.03Cidanand procs
04:34.06Thunder_Childdont forget notepad++
04:34.08Cidanflash code done
04:36.19KirovI use TextPad, when ever anyone sees me use it I tell them, "It's a text editor called TextPad .. don't use it."
04:36.33AntiarcI've switched away from UltraEdit to Notepad++
04:38.51Tierrieyou know those people that join channels, and then scream "YOU GUYS SUCK" before leaving? i know why they do that now
04:41.05AntiarcSame reason teenagers crank call people?
04:43.40*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
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04:45.51Tierriei don't know why peopel bother with "input your email here to download" stuff
04:46.16TierrieSomewhere, a first name "Mister", last name "Cow" at is going to get some email about virtual machines
04:46.21Tierrieand its going to go "MOO?"
04:47.35*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
04:48.39CidanI totally forgot
04:48.42CidanIt's my birthday.
04:49.33CairennHappy Birthday
04:49.51Tierriehow did you forget?
04:49.54Tierriehappy birthday
04:50.22CidanThankee Sai
04:50.30Cidandunno, got lost in code
04:50.51Thunder_Childhappy birthday dummy
04:51.05Thunder_Child~happybirthday Cidan
04:51.16Cidan~lart purl
04:51.16purlsqueezes cidan till cidan turns blue like papa smurf
04:51.26Thunder_Childpurl wins
04:51.27purlrumour has it, wins is the Windows Internet Naming Service
04:51.36Thunder_Childdamn :(
04:51.41Cidanpurl rocks
04:51.42purlyou bet your perl modules I do!
04:52.31clad|awaylol happy birthday Cidan
04:52.43Shirikomg happy birthday
04:53.07Shirik~birthday Cidan
04:53.07purlACTION Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you!, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEEEAARR Cidan, Happy Birthday toooo yoooou!
04:53.15Cidanor as Shirik would do it, 2 * <3
04:53.31Shirikand then my professor would mark me off
04:53.39Shirikand then I'd be like "Dude my major is computer engineering not math"
04:53.43ShirikAnd he'd be like "too bad this is math course"
04:53.51ShirikAnd I'd be like "No, it says CS 320"
04:53.56Shirikand he'd be like "Yeah but it's still math"
04:54.00Cidanis there a language in which you can do n(x)?
04:54.03Shirik(True story)
04:54.16ShirikThe teacher was fired last year btw
04:54.24Shirik(Not because of me >< )
04:54.31ShirikBecause he couldn't teach worth a damn
04:54.39ShirikI liked him and all, but seriously, he had no clue
04:54.43Thunder_Childis there such a thing as an "online single player game"?
04:54.47ShirikOne of his students did 80% of the teaching in my class
04:57.05TierrieTC: yes
04:57.09Tierriemost flash games are online single player
04:57.21Tierriebejeweled hjar har har
04:57.27Thunder_Child"Online PC games (not casual games online) - single player"
04:57.38Thunder_Child"Online PC games (not casual games online) - multi player"
04:57.44Thunder_Child<-- is confuzed
04:58.10ScytheBlade1Where all the boards aren't prefixed in "WoW"
04:58.11Tierriemultiplayer would be like, battlefield 1942, mmorpgs
04:58.23Tierriebut the single players would be games that are mostly flash based
04:58.29Tierriesome of it is not casual
04:58.38Tierriei've seen some hardcore grindy crap
04:58.51Thunder_Childand flash game is defined as casual
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05:09.33KirovEsamynn - ping
05:09.59EsamynnKirov: sorry, I didn't get a chance, I just remembered and i'm about to test it right now
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05:13.02ben__I use GetActionCooldown, but if a button is remapped with the Bartender3 stances thing, it returns the info for the unmapped button. Is there a way around this/
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05:14.29EsamynnKirov: no go, I'm gonna debug it
05:16.57Esamynnahh, I see, you made a faulty assumption
05:17.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
05:17.21Esamynnflight form is not always index 6, it's index 5 unless you have a talent based form
05:18.02KirovDoes changing it to 5 work?
05:18.08Kirov(in this case)
05:18.15Esamynnyou dno't need the true arg either
05:20.03EsamynnKirov: personally, I'd search for the correct index using the icon file name
05:20.17KirovEsamynn - yeah, that's what I was thinking of doing
05:20.26Esamynnyes, it works if you change it to 5
05:21.18Esamynnyou'd need to research each time the spells changed event fired
05:21.30Esamynnand I forget if you can get the base icon for a form while you'
05:21.35Esamynnyou're IN the form
05:21.50Esamynnhere's a bug
05:21.54Kirovdo tell
05:22.19Esamynnwhen I logged off and back on while IN FF, it unequiped the charm when I logged back in
05:22.29Esamynnoh wait
05:22.40Esamynnnm, I had changed teh code back to 6, don't mind me
05:24.01Kirovis GetShapeshiftFormInfo's third return localized?
05:25.12Esamynnyou mean 2nd?
05:25.37Kirover, yes
05:25.42Esamynnyes, it is
05:26.04Esamynnat least, I believe it is
05:26.17Esamynnlet me check about the icon
05:27.35Esamynnthat wouldn't work, if they didn't have flight form
05:27.48Kirovbut how evil is it
05:27.56EsamynnBTW, i'm not positive about FF always being the LAST form
05:27.57Kirovie: how likely is blizzard to add another form
05:28.25EsamynnI'd need to log onto the test server to find out
05:28.37KirovWell, there's one last method.
05:28.47Esamynnoh, and I was right, the icon file changes when the form is active
05:28.51KirovI'm already scanning the buffs, I could just scan for the buff icon
05:29.09Esamynnwhy are you scanning buffs?
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05:29.17KirovFor mounted
05:29.24Esamynnwhy not use IsMounted() ?
05:29.30KirovBecause it's delayed
05:29.43Esamynnuntil AFTER the aura change event fires?
05:29.50Esamynneww, that sucks
05:30.06KirovIsMounted() is true when the player is actually on a mount, NOT when the aura changes.
05:30.16KirovSo, that can be between 0.5 - 3 seconds
05:30.43EsamynnI would have expected it to change as soon as the buffs changed
05:30.49KirovSo would I
05:31.00Kirovand I refuse to use onUpdate handlers anywhere in this code.
05:31.31KirovI've very purposefully avoided it anywhere I can
05:32.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Homeslice (
05:32.42Esamynndamnit, PTRs are down for the patch
05:33.00HomesliceI was curious if someone may be able to tell me if I can get rid of the trade barker in enchantrix, or at least remove the button on my trade window
05:34.07KirovHomeslice - I don't use enchantrix, sorry
05:34.11Kaydeethreehm. no interface changes for the latest PTR build
05:35.44Kaydeethreenew PTR patch! latest patch: 7272 (no interface changes). diffs at
05:36.31Nom-any changelog?
05:36.32Thunder_Child"traditional ballad of earth" "britney spears toxic" lol @ dr. who
05:36.35Nom-heh of course not
05:36.51Kaydeethreethe 7261-7272 diff is 0 bytes long. first time that's happened this PTR cycle
05:37.04KirovGetPlayerBuffTexture(index) == "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Druid_FlightForm"
05:38.02Nom-prolly coz it was all C changes
05:43.51Cairennoh for pity's sake:
05:44.15Shirikwhat the hell
05:44.50Cairennread it - it isn't quite as bad as it initially seems, but still
05:46.09Wobworkwasn't that a movie?
05:47.31Esamynn... O_o
05:50.03KirovI'm not sure ... should I laugh or cry?
05:51.10Cairennwell, it definitely proves the point (s)he's trying to make
05:52.19KirovYeah, God should be jailed for the this (s)he has done!
05:52.27KirovOr at least fined.
05:52.32KirovAnd given community service
05:52.58KirovEsamynn - I sent you an updated .lua
05:52.59kergothwhat the hell..
05:53.01CairennI love the fact that most ridiculous cases still get laughed out of court up here
05:53.59Thunder_Childwell i do belive that senator has a good sense of humor
05:55.01Kirovkergoth - Seemed lame till I read the part about the built in salt shaker.  Hot damn, those are so replacing my tongs for my usual popcorn utensil!
05:55.52Kirov(Seems like something that applied to be on America's Top Inventor and didn't even make it on)
05:56.05Thunder_Childlol "personally - if I needed to slow my popcorn eatting - I'd just use chopsticks." now i want to try that
05:56.13|Jelly|zZzI wanna sue Jimmy Hoffa.
05:56.18WobworkI've done that
05:56.21Wobworkused chopsticks
05:56.35Thunder_Childproperly or did you end up spearing them?
05:58.03Kirov|Jelly|zZz - for causing the sprained ankles of numberous football players? mobo with built in wifi....wireless lan boxes ftw
05:58.32EsamynnCairenn: I believe another difference is that in Canada, our lawsuits impose reparation payments, not punative damages
05:58.41Kiroveating popcorn with chopsticks doesn't sound that hard actually
05:58.43ShirikSo I’m a bit confused
05:58.49Shirikwhat do they expect God to do if he loses?
05:59.01Thunder_Childcease and desist
05:59.07|Jelly|zZzI expect that bitch to pay what he owes! (Don't ask cause I don't know...)
05:59.09ShirikI’m just at a loss on how they will go about enforcing this
05:59.24ShirikThe way I’d inforce it?
05:59.26ShirikSend him to prison
05:59.36ShirikThe argument being that since he is omnipresent, we can be guaranteed he’s in jail
05:59.58CairennShirik: the entire point of it is because he's trying to show the ridiculousness of a lot of the cases brought before the courts
06:00.11ShirikHey, I’m gonna have fun with it too :P
06:01.13Nom-blues who are posting about classes they don't know are funny
06:01.44EsamynnNom-: link?
06:01.49Esamynngood night all
06:01.53Kaydeethreepallies with purge
06:01.59Kaydeethreethat more or less sums it up
06:02.07Kaydeethreeit's everywhere, both sides of the pond
06:05.33Nom-Yeah, that one kaydeethree :)
06:05.38Nom-It's funny :)
06:05.56Nom-And the whole post is true... a shaman who knows what they're doing can effectively reduce a ret pally damage output to nothing
06:06.19Nom-and that would be fine if shaman was the anti-paladin
06:06.23Nom-It's just every class is the anti-paladin
06:06.54KirovEveryone hates Paladins though
06:06.57sag_ich_nichtrogues easy to destroy
06:07.02Kirovso, it makes sense
06:07.05Shirikpallies are easy :P
06:07.09sag_ich_nichti'll hate in a moment if you don't stfu
06:07.09Shirikmass dispel ftw
06:07.25sag_ich_nichtyou mad fool
06:07.30Nom-lol depends on the spec...
06:07.43Nom-pvp trinket + rogue > holy paladin
06:08.03Nom-protection paladin > rogue
06:08.04Nom-that's about it
06:08.05sag_ich_nichti have never seen a rogue with equal to mine gear that is capable of beating me :X
06:08.10sag_ich_nichtret paladin > rogue
06:08.19Nom-rogue + pvp trinket > ret paladin
06:08.28Nom-unless they suck
06:08.30Thunder_Childodd...ep3 of the new dr. who has one of the main chars from torchwood
06:08.57sag_ich_nichtwhich session of dr. who you watching.
06:09.15sag_ich_nichtwhy would you watch torchwood before dr. who?
06:09.23Thunder_Childwhy not
06:09.27Nom-Ok in ret spec, i have about 8k armor (maybe a bit more) and 9k hitpoints, and by the time the rogue stunlock is over, i am either dead (if i don't have bubble) or i'm already burning DS to heal myself
06:09.35sag_ich_nichtbecause torchwood is a dr. who spinoff from season 2?
06:09.46sag_ich_nichtyou suck :X
06:09.52Thunder_Childif thats so, it's a bad one
06:09.56sag_ich_nichtdivine shield + abacus of violent odds=dead rogue
06:10.15sag_ich_nichtif he survives
06:10.42Thunder_Child"(20:46:21) (Thunder_Child) why do i keep watching's so bad" <-- see i said it already
06:11.51sag_ich_nichtyou put him into to stun, fake a heal, abort it the second he trinkets, repentance, noes, you can heal TWICE, if he uses CoS, use BoF, spam consecrate rank 1 and get away from him until his CoS runs out, then finish him off
06:12.25sag_ich_nichtonly problem would be if he has shadowstep... but then, who has shadowstep? :X
06:12.53Nom-you're assuming you don't have bubble on cooldown
06:13.11Nom-That's my biggest problem right now
06:13.19Nom-You need bubble to kill just about anyone
06:13.32Nom-1 kill every 5 minutes ftl
06:14.24sag_ich_nichtif i don't have bubble of cooldown i make him waste CoS then run away, then avenging wrath and pray that everything crits. you're a paladin. lern2pray
06:14.53Nom-lol and that's where we're really in trouble
06:15.03Nom-Shamans, Priests can just dispell
06:15.32Nom-"Omg you just scored 3 crits and you're coming after me with +15% damage buff, and you just popped AW omg!", *PURGE*
06:15.46Nom-Game Over
06:17.29Nom-That pretty much sums up why Pallies need to be fixed
06:17.36Nom-That's a mage who spell stole pally buffs
06:18.08Kaydeethreespellsteal + ap + aw + trinkets == hot
06:18.34Kaydeethree'course, the planets were aligned for that kind of crit
06:18.49*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
06:21.54Kirov - awesome
06:21.57Shirik|zZzNom-: Valid point. I make it a very high priority to offensively dispel a lot
06:22.05Shirik|zZzAnd in a lot of cases it can really mean a victory
06:22.08Shirik|zZzespecially against druid healers
06:23.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Recluse (
06:24.42Nom-well given that they could spellsteal vengeance too
06:24.56Nom-That's a 45% damage buff that a mage could spell steal from a ret paladin in 4 casts
06:25.14Nom-Which is quite easy to do while kiting a paladin back
06:34.48sag_ich_nicht[08:15] <Nom-> Shamans, Priests can just dispell <--now you are talking arena
06:34.49sag_ich_nichtnot duell
06:35.05sag_ich_nichtNom-: yeah, but afterwards the mage is oom
06:36.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
06:38.55Nom-lol 4 spell steals + arcane power + pom + pyro, even if it puts them oom is instant death
06:39.34Nom-Assuming they get all the buffs, you're talking 45% damage increase from pally buffs + 30% from mage buff + normal pyro damage
06:39.39Nom-god forbid it actually crits
06:53.00Thunder_Childhmm..i think i have been watching to many tv shows/movies i just tried to pause reading the web page by hitting the space bar...
06:56.40Thunder_Childlol Nom-, that is quite funny
06:56.56Kirovvery old, but still very funny
06:57.11Kirovthat's pre-hammer of justice
07:01.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
07:07.10Nom-Umm you know what's scary though
07:07.13Nom-It's still true
07:07.16Maldiviahmm... the new "forum selection" dropdown is annoying...
07:07.16Nom-Still VERY true
07:15.21Corrodiasi have five chat screenshots of a member of a guild with whom my guild is generally on good terms being quite an ass
07:15.28Corrodiascan't wait to bring that up tomorrow
07:17.38Maldiviauhh... drama...
07:18.03Corrodiasi'm reasonably sure they don't want one of their members out creating drama in nagrand General
07:18.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
07:18.35Corrodiasthere's no point in an accusation without evidence so i was sure to snap some shots
07:19.43KirovI spent a lot of time getting this addon to nicely pack a lot of information in to a string, but @#%! 2.0 patch random stat items fubar the whole thing
07:19.55Corrodiashave the worst of both with tables of bob = {"h", "e", "l", "l", "o"}
07:20.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
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07:47.19sag_ich_nicht[08:39] <Nom-> god forbid it actually crits <--so? if we talk arena, the mage is still dead.
07:49.04foxlit|macquick, abuse the php script!
07:54.08sag_ich_nichtfix sprocket.
07:54.45KirovI started working on that
07:54.53KirovThen I stopped ... ...
07:55.01sag_ich_nicht~stab Kirov
07:55.01purlACTION runs at Kirov with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.
07:55.10KirovI hate reading Ace2 addons
07:57.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
07:58.40*** join/#wowi-lounge _Saint-N (
07:58.59foxlit|macI hate reading addons
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08:00.58Tierrieubuntu seems really cute
08:01.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (n=Dotted@
08:04.52*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit|mac (n=foxlit@
08:05.39Tierriewhat i'd like to know is where is my terminals!
08:05.48Tierriei didn't install linux for fancy schmancy ui
08:06.10sag_ich_nichtctrl + alt + F1
08:06.11*** join/#wowi-lounge dolby-wowi_ (
08:06.26sag_ich_nichtnow stop using UBANTO if you wanted linux for the terminal.
08:06.29sag_ich_nichtuse debian.
08:06.42Tierrieits on a virtual machine
08:06.47Tierrieno ctrl-alt for me :(
08:07.03Tierriei want to do some network device development
08:07.07Tierriesee if i can do anything useful
08:07.23sag_ich_nichtvirtual machine allows ctrl + alt + too
08:07.37bleetereclipse + vmware = win
08:07.44Tierriein VMWare, ctrl-alt returns control to your original OS
08:07.55Tierrieubuntu stole my mouse!
08:07.58sag_ich_nichtlook into your config.
08:08.40Tierrieisn't debian based on freebsd
08:08.50sag_ich_nichtyou're doing it wrong.
08:08.55purl[debian] the hobby project of bruce perens that flew on the space shuttle
08:09.03Tierriethat's useful information
08:09.06sag_ich_nicht~wiki Debian
08:09.12Tierrieits about a step up from "pew pew debian"
08:09.20Tierriei can google it :)
08:10.13sag_ich_nichti hope i have the syntax right
08:10.14sag_ich_nichtpurl, facepalm is <action> facepalms
08:10.15purlsag_ich_nicht: okay
08:10.22purlACTION facepalms
08:16.58Tierrieafter 5 years, you'd think they'd add "San Francisco" to the damn time zone shit
08:22.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
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08:47.04Maldiviahmm, there should be a /petcast, or some way to specify that the spell you want to cast, is a pet spell, and not your own
08:47.20Mr_Rabies2why's that?
08:47.27Mr_Rabies2there aren't any overlaps anymore, are there?
08:47.55Mr_Rabies2that's why they changed water elemental's frost nova to "freeze"
08:48.11cryogenarent there macros coming in for that in 2.2 or 2.3?
08:48.24Maldiviashartuul event for instance, there are Siphon Life and Frost Nova
08:48.31Mr_Rabies2ah, that's ture
08:48.52Mr_Rabies2they should just rename the spells if they don't feel like changing it
08:49.30Mr_Rabies2Name it "Freeze" and Health Leech
08:49.31Mr_Rabies2or something
08:50.58Maldiviaand what about all the other MC'able mobs around the world... a lot of the spells they have clash with player spells
08:51.32Maldiviathink it would be a lot easier just to add a /petcast, or /cast pet-Frost Noca or something
08:51.38zenzelezzyou have a point; I guess they just assumed people would be using the pet bar when they did
09:02.19Srosh!vs eu forscherliga sohak eu forscherliga abygail
09:02.19ThraeBotSrosh: sohak vs abygail! It's a showdown! But wait! What's this?! Something random? abygail wins by 7488571 TBRs! Wow, that's GOTTA hurt.
09:03.40Elkano!vs eu forscherliga abygail eu forscherliga elkano
09:03.42ThraeBotElkano: I failed on the second listed character. You half-fail.
09:04.07Elkanohmmm... seems like forum twinks don't tend to be listed ;)
09:07.58zenzelezzthe armory itself says "Must be level 10"
09:08.18Mr_Rabies2i have a few level 8ish chars listed
09:08.34zenzelezzthey're listed, but they have no character profile
09:08.58Elkano!c eu mannoroth isdirial
09:09.01ThraeBotElkano: Isdirial, Level 70 Night Elf Druid (0/47/14). 10204 HP; 5780 Mana; 99 mana regen; 15 mp5; 5044 Armour; 604 AP; 113.700 Melee DPS; 10.50% melee crit; 136 defense; 25.50% dodge;[[ TBR: 280 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Sep 18 05:22:28 2007 EST ]]
09:10.23Elkanothis TBR calculation is a bit strange...
09:10.39zenzelezzit can be
09:12.09Maldivia!c eu kor'gall maldkin
09:12.11ThraeBotMaldivia: Maldkin, Level 22 Night Elf Druid (0/13/0). 626 HP; 892 Mana; 68 mana regen; 5.92% melee crit; 8.58% dodge; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 90 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Sep 18 05:25:39 2007 EST ]]
09:12.27Maldiviawee :)
09:16.58Mr_Rabies2!vs eu kor'gall maldkin us llane raybeez
09:17.01ThraeBotMr_Rabies2: Maldkin vs Raybeez! Raybeez has +48 lvls on Maldkin (22 vs 70); Two druids square off!; 0/13/0 vs 1/46/14; Raybeez wins by 472 TBRs!
09:17.08Mr_Rabies2owned imo >;[
09:22.12Maldiviayou'd probably win over all my chars :
09:23.35Maldiviaand how can you win by 472 TBRs...
09:23.35Elkano!c us llane raybeez
09:23.36ThraeBotElkano: Raybeez, Level 70 Night Elf Druid (1/46/14). 9914 HP; 5345 Mana; 101 mana regen; 5174 Armour; 102.600 Melee DPS; 9.04% melee crit; 8 melee hit; 158 defense; 18.66% dodge; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 495 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Sep 18 05:30:28 2007 EST ]]
09:23.44Mr_Rabies2tankygear :x
09:24.13Maldiviaor is the TBR scaled up with level ?
09:24.14Elkanowhy is he having almost double the tbr I do?
09:25.10zenzelezzbecause it's not a perfect system
09:25.13purli heard tbr is ThraeBot Ratings -- a ThraeBot innovation. Working on a PvP-oriented weighted algorithm for what stats the Armoury currently has for your character, partially modified by build-type, it can be used to pit two characters in TBR vs TBR combat, and tries try to take into account which classes are fighting. (or "to be released")
09:25.22zenzelezzthe key word being "tries"
09:26.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (
09:27.18Elkanowell, if its PvP based... I'm aimed towards MT
09:28.29Tierriewhats that command to install linux modules?
09:28.59zenzelezzinstall how?
09:29.22Tierriei recall there used to be a single line command, sort of like rpm for redhat
09:29.26Tierrieuh i am using ubuntu
09:29.49zenzelezzwhat sort of modules are you talking about? Kernel modules?
09:30.07Tierrieserver, not client
09:30.10Maldivia!vs us llane raybeez eu dragonmaw saran
09:30.13ThraeBotMaldivia: Raybeez vs Saran! A L70 druid and a L70 priest square off!; 1/46/14 vs 25/36/0; Saran wins by 539 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
09:30.30zenzelezzsounds more like packages than modules, but I may be out of touch with the lingo
09:31.33Elkanothe holy priest won? Oo
09:31.48zenzelezzagain, it's not a perfect system
09:31.57zenzelezzit can let prot warriors win over casters
09:31.58ElkanoI think it horribly fails for ferals
09:32.06zenzelezzthen send him info :)
09:33.57Nom-the blue came back and posted a summary of (some) of the things which are broken in ret
09:34.04Nom-I think he gets it now, 14 pages of flame later
09:47.12Srosh!c eu kazzak reinmar
09:47.14ThraeBotSrosh: Reinmar, Level 70 Night Elf Druid (1/46/14). 12144 HP; 7505 Mana; 131 mana regen; 6373 Armour; 676 AP; 129.400 Melee DPS; 19.84% melee crit; 4 melee hit; 35 +heal; 155 defense; 39.03% dodge; 39 resilience; 10 nature resist (+10); +25 all resists (+10 nature);[[ TBR: 440 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Sep 18 06:00:42 2007 EST ]]
09:52.54Thelyna!vs us malygos thelyna us malygos moralda
09:52.59ThraeBotThelyna: Thelyna vs Moralda! A L70 paladin and a L70 priest square off!; 41/20/0 vs 14/0/47; Thelyna wins by 25 TBRs!
09:55.28sag_ich_nichtpaladin haet manaburn.
09:56.55sag_ich_nichtTierrie: 1. linux is a kernel, debian and red hat are linux based, and use a GNU provided toolkit around it to provide functionality
09:56.57Thelynayeah ... Thelyna is my alt now though o.0
09:57.02sag_ich_nicht2. what you are refering to are packages
09:57.19sag_ich_nicht3. what you want to do is use: sudo aptitude install packagename
09:57.43sag_ich_nicht(and ubuntu is based on debian)
09:57.54sag_ich_nichtnow hush, go /join #ubuntu and leave us alone :X
09:59.23sag_ich_nicht~lart Tierrie
09:59.23purlshoves a crumpet down Tierrie's throat, happy now?! Huh? Want some JAM with that?
09:59.35bleetersudo aptitude install vsftpd, or sudo aptitude install proftpd .. depending on which one you want after reading the docs/etc.
09:59.51sag_ich_nichtno don't tell him a specific package
10:00.01art3missudo make me_a_sammich
10:00.15sag_ich_nichtyou're doing it wrong
10:00.32art3misthats amazing~!
10:00.36KalrothDamn aussies.
10:00.48Buuyomake bread; sudo install butter meat lettuce mustard;
10:00.51art3misif i wasnt feeling under the weather id go make one of thsoe too
10:01.05Buuyoerr sudo apt-get install
10:01.09bleeterI'll knock an extra round together and /dcc them to you, art3mis
10:01.29art3misone of my wifes co workers is aussie so he brought her a jar of vegamite for me
10:02.04bleeterI should get into distribution of vegemite, timtams and leatherwood honey to US mod authors ;)
10:02.06art3misits disgusting plain but with cheese toast or buttered toast its yummy
10:02.15bleeterleatherwood honey > *.honey
10:02.32bleeter~wiki timtam
10:02.57art3misoh a coffee crisp ;P
10:03.10bleeterwiki page has shops in UK & US that sells them
10:03.16sag_ich_nicht~lart Buuyo
10:03.16purlputs on some milking gloves. "All right, now, Buuyo, this won't hurt a bit...."
10:03.21sag_ich_nichtapt-get is depricated
10:03.23sag_ich_nichtdo not use it
10:03.26bleeterI've had many a 'coffee crisp'.. TimTam > all
10:03.28sag_ich_nichtuse aptitude
10:03.42art3miscoffee crisp is the same cept the big center malt is coffee flavoured/caffinated/
10:03.44BuuyoI'm deprecated. I havent used linux in a couple years =p
10:03.53art3misthey're sooo yummy
10:04.11bleeternah, the biscuit's a different consistency.. can't do TimTam Slam with them :P
10:04.20bleeterwhich is a vital part of TimTam appreciation ;)
10:04.42bleetereg, UK's Penguin is total fail @ slam
10:05.01Wobin_In fact, I think I'll go have one now
10:07.47*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
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11:31.29bleetyarrrrnew PTR foo... hmm, I should hit on some of the winers here soon to properly test the VoIP stuff
11:32.45Cairenn|afkyou're a day early bleetyarrrr
11:32.56bleetyarrrrTue Sep 18 21:32:56 EST 2007
11:33.29bleetyarrrrjust be gettin' the nick set up and linked, yar, so if the connection walk the plank I be getting back onboard all dry 'n stuff
11:33.32bleetyarrrrand a bottle of rum
11:35.02zenzelezzthe best NPC in WoW has to be Smiling Jim
11:35.32bleetyarrrrit'd be so cool if Azeroth celebrated talk like a pirate day, too
11:36.00bleetyarrrr'Tis not as if th' t'ols t' talk like a buccaneer dern't exist
11:36.23bleetyarrrr/bin/sh: If you get my meaning hehe: command not found
11:36.30bleetyarrrrIf ye get me meaning hehe
11:36.50zenzelezztalking to your shell is the first sign of madness
11:37.12bleetyarrrrI did put it in th' suggestion ferum, but it were bein' pretty late I think fer anything t' be done fer it this year :(
11:39.43purlACTION facepalms
11:40.37bleetyarrrrGNU Talkfilters ftw! Shiver me timbers!
11:57.39*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
12:01.41*** join/#wowi-lounge laurly (
12:02.41laurlyis there anyway i can figure out the format for a savedvariable file from reading the lua code?
12:08.05herzogthcsure if you use search
12:08.11herzogthcand figure out where the object is instantiated
12:08.13herzogthcor variable
12:08.14herzogthcor file
12:08.19herzogthcand then track down what function did that :P
12:08.21herzogthcshould figure out then
12:08.46herzogthcmetamap WKB is crazy
12:09.02herzogthci know the guy who wrote that may be in here, but he's a crackhead :P looks like my php code at work
12:09.07herzogthcinsanely efficient
12:09.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
12:09.59herzogthcsup shirik
12:10.10sag_ich_nicht~stab Shirik|AFK
12:10.11purlACTION runs at Shirik|AFK with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.
12:10.14sag_ich_nicht~stab Shirik|Ecole
12:10.15purlACTION runs at Shirik|Ecole with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.
12:10.22Shirik|Ecolewtf I did
12:10.35herzogthcShirik|AFK: Apparently, the only qualifier necessary to be stabbed today is existence.
12:10.36Shirik|Ecolechanging rooms
12:10.54|Jelly|Sounds like fun.
12:11.09sag_ich_nichtA more detailed answer is "when the tester-reported defect/error rate drops below accepted measures based on past experience with Live and PTR builds, as well as passing internal test checklists".
12:11.10sag_ich_nichtCurrent 2.2.0 builds are very close to this goal.
12:11.10sag_ich_nichtYou might be surprised at the breadth and depth of data we have to draw on thanks to the Feedback-UI and the Error Reporter, and the continued participation of PTR testers. That data directly drives decisions about whether a given build is good enough to ship to Live or not.
12:11.29sag_ich_nichttl;dr translation: if you want to 2.2 to ever ship, stop reporting bugs.
12:11.52herzogthcsag_ich_nicht: what is that in reference to?
12:12.05nevcairiel2.2 release date
12:12.16herzogthci assume you mean of wow :P
12:12.36herzogthcsome developer has some sense
12:12.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (n=nospam@
12:12.45bleetyarrrrI was wondering how many purposeful bugs they put in, just to test the testing
12:12.59herzogthcsag_ich_nicht: May I have a link to that? That is totally getting sent to my boss. :P
12:14.24Shirik|Ecoleso as I was saying before rudely interrupted by my professor
12:14.27Shirik|Ecolewtf I did?
12:15.08sag_ich_nicht[14:12] <herzogthc> some developer has some sense <--you realize that i wrote the "tl;dr:" part, right?
12:15.34herzogthcI was referring to the defect ratio
12:15.42herzogthcbefore I got distracted w/ changing for work
12:15.48herzogthcI was also going to comment about your astute observation :P
12:15.51sag_ich_nichtShirik|Ecole: well
12:15.56sag_ich_nichtyour localisation file
12:15.57herzogthccause yes that's dmaned well what that means
12:15.59sag_ich_nichtthat's what you did.
12:16.20*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
12:19.29sag_ich_nichti guess i'll have to complain in this thread.
12:19.31sag_ich_nichtA LOT.
12:20.09laurlyherzogthc: thanks guess its time to dig around in some lua ..
12:21.51herzogthclaurly: before you make the jump
12:21.56herzogthclaurly: Have you done any interpreted scripting before?
12:22.17laurlymy lua is limited to fixing bugs in addons that i use.
12:22.20herzogthcI'm also assuming you've never looked at lua
12:22.25herzogthcya right now same here
12:22.29herzogthci meant like php, etc, whateva
12:22.32laurlyoh i can read it mostly
12:22.38herzogthcreading it is so foreign to me still
12:22.40herzogthci can modify it some
12:22.44laurlyonly thing i cant do in php is have it make coffie or do the dishes
12:22.44herzogthci'm just not used to the end shit
12:22.58herzogthcand ocmments to me are and always will be // and /* :P
12:23.10sag_ich_nichtam i right or am i right
12:23.19herzogthc28gb tar woowoo
12:23.24herzogthci wish i had 30gb writable discs on this server
12:23.32herzogthcbut then i'd also have nothing to read it witih :(
12:23.33herzogthcand it's data
12:23.35herzogthcneed a bluray drive fuck
12:23.46laurly <-- requires that you upload some php file to the dkp site i cant do that so im going to try and make a file to rip the html if i can figure out the format that it needs
12:24.12herzogthcereg and preg rock
12:24.15laurlyand ofcourse i cant find my cursed login so cant even ask the guy :)
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13:23.14sag_ich_nichtTharfor has guts i must say
13:23.22sag_ich_nichtand is absolutely flameproof.
13:23.50sag_ich_nichthe must have like 300 fire resistance and dampen magic buffed.
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13:26.46mrsthello, hope im right here for a question about wow, lua/addons and executable
13:27.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
13:27.24mrsti wish to know if there is a possibility to exchange informations with a wow-script and a executable
13:27.46zenzelezzyou can not communicate from inside WoW to the outside, if that's what you mean
13:28.02LopeppeppyNope, not possible, by design.  It's a closed system.
13:28.06mrstyes, tha was what i meant
13:28.13|Jelly|A...sandbox...if you will. :P
13:28.22mrsthm, too bad ...
13:30.58krka_of course, you _can_ communicate, but it's not something blizzard approves of
13:31.06krka_you could get banned from the game if they find out
13:31.18zenzelezzit's generally better to simply say "you can't"
13:31.32krka_less accurate :)
13:31.33mrsthm, i realy don't whant to be banned
13:32.22mrstand i dont whant to cheat or something, i only try to find a way to 'speed up' the addons by writing them in  a kind of 'plugin'
13:32.36LopeppeppyLegalistic and excruciatingly detailed accuracy can often serve to cloud the issue, rather than being helpful.  And brings Cladhaire out with the No Stick.
13:32.47zenzelezzCairenn too
13:32.54Lopeppeppymrst -- there may be another way to "speed up" your addon. Is it one that you've coded?
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13:40.16cladhaire*shrug* you guys pretend like we're some rules nazis, when i fact the only reason we do it is because slouken is kind enough to come into this channel every once in a while, and blizzard has given WoWI fansite status,. which gives us some opportunities (such as the free, no-strings attached beta keys for all addon authors).
13:40.37cladhaireWe can talk about all the TOS violating stuff as much as you want, if you have no interest in maintaining those benefits :P
13:41.08zenzelezzdid I ever say I thought it was bad to not discuss questionable things?
13:41.19Cairennnope, you didn't
13:41.29zenzelezzbe glad I'm not an operator, I *am* a nazi about rules
13:41.42LopeppeppyI certainly didn't mean to imply it, Cladhaire, I'm sorry if it sounded that way.
13:42.10ben__renouncing free speech for free beta keys? sign me up!
13:43.02cogwheelzenzelezz: don't bother
13:43.41|Jelly|*sighs* I guess it would help if I would register the event I'm trying to watch. /facepalm
13:46.33Maldiviacladhaire: well, there are some breaking of the TOS I don't mind, such as reverse engineering the file formats, which a lot of sites break (extracting from MPQ to get the spell.dbc files, converting blp to tga/png etc)
13:46.47cladhaireMaldivia: and they won't be dscussed here.. period.
13:47.12cladhaireLopeppeppy: no, that wasn't directly at you.. just more in general.. we get a response "like that" each and every time something like this happens.. but there's a 100% valid reason for it, that each and every one of you benefit from.
13:47.32cladhaireMaldivia: and converting blp to tga isn't in any way considered a break of the ToS
13:48.40cladhairethey provide those files to us, directly.  No lawyer on earth could argue that they're part of the data mining/reverse engineering clauses of the ToS/EuLA
13:49.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ts|skrom (n=TS|
13:49.31Maldiviacladhaire: you underestimate lawyers then :) heh
13:49.52cladhaireno, I'm actually quite up on the legal system having deal with laywers for the past 15 years
13:50.01cladhairei know you're kidding, but I'm not ;P
13:50.18cladhaireIf it weren't for the "Extract game art" button, you'd be right
13:50.42cogwheelMaldivia: the only way it would be remotely possible to prevent us from creating BLPs is if BLPs used some patented technology
13:50.43cladhaireplus, the BLP specification was not reverse engineered from any wow data files
13:50.56cladhaireit was determined back in the warcraft 3 days
13:51.20Maldiviabut wasn't it goverened by a similar tos at that time ?
13:51.20cladhairecogwheel: his point wasn't that we were somehow not allowed to create them,, but the fact that we convert and reverse enginer them is somehow against the ToS.. which isn't true.
13:51.29cladhaireMaldivia: It doesn't matter now.
13:51.35cladhaireThey give them to us.
13:51.38cladhaireusing their own software.
13:51.47cladhairetheir intent is for us to use and convert them
13:51.56cladhairenot just look at the pretty filenames :P
13:52.01Maldiviahehe :)
13:54.36|Jelly|Is there an event fired other than UNIT_HAPPINESS when your pet goes from say Unhappy to Happy?
13:54.51cladhaireUNIT_PET_ZOMGSMILEY? :P
13:55.30Mr_Rabies2does anyone have a list of the built in sounds?
13:55.32|Jelly|Sole reason I've been sitting here reloading my UI for the past hour instead of asking. :\
13:55.39cladhaire|Jelly|: easy enough to test
13:55.42cladhaireload devtools
13:55.45cladhaireuse /dtframestack
13:55.50cladhairedismiss and call your pet a few times, then feed him
13:55.52cladhaireand see what events fire.
13:56.20|Jelly|Did you mean /dtevents ?
13:56.22zenzelezzif I were to guess from the wiki's Pet events, you'll just have to call that GetPetHappiness() or whatever it was function and see
13:56.42cladhaire|Jelly|: yes, just woke up, apoligies :P
13:56.45*** join/#wowi-lounge tokyoadam (n=tokyoada@
13:57.04|Jelly|Well, that's what lead me to ask. I didn't see it but I thought maybe I missed it in the uber spam.
13:57.16*** part/#wowi-lounge tokyoadam (n=tokyoada@
13:57.17Maldiviacladhaire: but I agree, I'm not in the habbit of discussing TOS breaking items in this channel (or any other channel for that matter), at least not stuff against the spirit of the TOS (I'm a bit of a freak sometimes for information about items)
13:57.35cladhairewell i appreciate that
13:57.48cladhairesorry to argue the semantics of something like the BLP thing.. but its pretty cut and dry :P
13:58.04MaldiviaI don't mind, kind of bored at work anyway :)
13:59.00Maldiviabut I still think, that BLP conversion is against the TOS, if you read it in a very very strict way, but it's not against the spirit of the TOS
13:59.38cladhairefind me the clause and i'll systematically dismantle your argument, or apoligize :P
14:00.31Maldivia"A. Subject to the license granted hereunder, you may not, in whole or in part, copy, photocopy, reproduce, translate, reverse engineer, derive source code from, modify, disassemble, decompile, or create derivative works based on the Game, or remove any proprietary notices or labels on the Game."
14:02.01bleetyarrrrHoist the mainsails!
14:02.17|Jelly|Aren't you like three days early?
14:02.28cladhaireand what part of that do you feel they are violating?
14:02.42cladhairecause thats the important part.
14:02.45bleetyarrrrWed Sep 19 00:02:45 EST 2007
14:03.27|Jelly|ROFL. Weren't those people on Trading Spouses like a million years ago?
14:04.16Maldiviacladhaire: well, depends on weather the art is considered a part of the game or not
14:04.26cladhaireMaldivia: the files they copy out for us, cannot.
14:04.59Maldiviacladhaire: so the mpq the installers/patchers "copy out for us" can't either?
14:05.19bleetyarrrrbah, if BLPs are patented technology, and writing code to read/write them... you just get someone whose local (C) laws allow blackbox reverse engineering for interoperability purposes.. such as an australian.
14:05.19Maldiviaheh :)
14:05.26cladhairefirst off, BLP is not patented.
14:05.34bleetyarrrrtho I must admit, I'm drinkin' me rum and not followin' the conversation
14:05.52Maldiviableetyarrrr: not talking about patents :)
14:06.02cladhaireMaldivia: The mpqs are created for the purposes of the game running, and as a result are part of "the game"
14:06.24cladhaireunzipping them, or parsing them for data that isn't available outside the game, is in violation of teh tos.
14:06.31Maldiviacladhaire: so by using the addon kit, they create a copy for us, not part of the game
14:06.41cladhairethe addon extractor takes files directly from the MPQ, creating copies of those files (LEGALLY) for us to use
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14:06.57cladhaireotherwise they'd just tell us to "download winmpq and get the interface data from the latest patch mpq"
14:07.05cladhairebut instead they provide us a tool, so we don't violate the tos in getting the data
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14:10.41sag_ich_nicht[15:49] <Maldivia> cladhaire: you underestimate lawyers then :) heh < lurk more, noobcake. the files you refer to are all provided by blizzard to us.
14:11.04cladhaireo hai conversation necromancer!
14:11.12sag_ich_nichtyou didn't link
14:11.17cladhairei dont need to link
14:11.18sag_ich_nichtthus he was confused!
14:11.22cladhairemaldavia knows quite where the page is.
14:11.29cladhairehe's far from a nubcake.
14:11.44cladhairejust intentionally thick at times, for argumentative value :P
14:12.26sag_ich_nichti have a baseball bat for those people.
14:12.34MaldiviaI call always say I'm excused, as English is my 2nd language :)
14:13.06sag_ich_nichti can always punch you for not using the events disassembly argument
14:13.17sag_ich_nichtbecause that IS hosted on wowwiki, illegally obtained and widely used
14:13.34sag_ich_nicht(in before someone removes it)
14:13.35Maldiviawe're not talking about wowwiki at all
14:13.38sag_ich_nichti know
14:13.40sag_ich_nichtjust saying
14:14.22sag_ich_nichtespecially since i could now go on further and argument using "you link that page from wowi, revoke fansite status!!!11one"
14:14.33|Jelly| How would I go about making this only fire...when the happiness opposed to every time UNIT_HAPPINESS fires?
14:14.38sag_ich_nichtif you troll, troll properly, Maldivia
14:14.49MaldiviaI'm not the one trolling right now
14:14.52sag_ich_nichtotherwise, i will just eat you
14:15.03Maldivia... and haven't been in this entire conversation
14:15.05sag_ich_nichtyeah. you did that earlier. and now i'm eating you for it.
14:15.10|Jelly|Perhaps you should give lessons in proper trolling procedure? :P
14:15.14sag_ich_nichti am
14:15.19sag_ich_nichtlearning by doing, |Jelly|
14:15.34Maldivia"you don't say?"
14:15.44zenzelezz|Jelly|: put a value in your frame called "happiness" or whatever and assign it a value when you first get the pet (UNIT_PET? PLAYER_PET_CHANGED? Not sure) and check against that on UNIT_HAPPINESS?
14:16.07sag_ich_nichtit's a recursive paradox, Maldivia, my nickname being that i won't tell you my nickname.
14:16.27zenzelezzthat's no problem sag, we have a nickname for you behind your back
14:16.36sag_ich_nichto rly
14:16.40sag_ich_nichttell me in my face
14:16.50zenzelezzthat wouldn't be any fun now would it
14:16.55sag_ich_nichtso the weak part in my can die and i may beceom stronger
14:17.08sag_ich_nichtdamn you, cheap Labtec keyboard!
14:17.22LopeppeppyMy brownies can also accomplish that for you, sag_ich_nicht.
14:17.23sag_ich_nicht*in me
14:17.29|Jelly|You broke Cogwheel. I hope you're happy.
14:17.32sag_ich_nichtLopeppeppy lies
14:17.42sag_ich_nicht|Jelly| i broke him earlier already
14:17.49LopeppeppyOnly on special occasions.
14:18.00|Jelly|I'm not entirely sure if that's hot...or not.
14:18.13sag_ich_nichtit just took a while to propagate thru all possible multiverses
14:18.18sag_ich_nichtso he only disconnected just now
14:18.19bleetyarrrrsome varmint's been spreading nsfw URLs round... next person who posts must be walkin' the plank!
14:18.48sag_ich_nichtis it talk like pirate day bleetyarrrr?
14:18.49bleetyarrrrye be shark food oh saggy one!
14:18.59Kalroth_bleetyarrrr: Too early!
14:19.17bleetyarrrrKalroth_ be sharkfood too fer not understanding what all good pirates know
14:19.21bleetyarrrrWed Sep 19 00:19:20 EST 2007
14:19.43bleetyarrrrye be havin' an international date line, ye be havin' more than 24 hours of pirate day!
14:19.48bleetyarrrrHOIST THE MAINSAILS!
14:19.58LopeppeppyAll hands to the boats!
14:20.19sag_ich_nichtalso, i'm not saggy, since there are no meat bags used for nutrient deployment to infants attached to me that could be saggy, bleetyarrrr.
14:21.16sag_ich_nichtalso, i haven't seen enough english language pirate movies yet to properly talk like cliche pirate in english :(
14:21.17bleetyarrrrI think saggy be tryin' to trick me outta me gold!
14:21.51LopeppeppySaggy is as saggy does, so sayeth Forrest Gump in this 'verse.
14:23.32sag_ich_nichti think i should do what i'm best at.
14:23.39purli guess ninja is, or
14:23.46sag_ich_nichtyou're doing it wrong purl
14:23.58purlACTION facepalms
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14:27.45sag_ich_nichtno, purl, facepalm is <action> facepalms at the situation
14:28.15sag_ich_nichtdoes it lag again?
14:28.19purlACTION facepalms
14:28.28sag_ich_nichtpurl, no, facepalm is <action> facepalms at the situation
14:28.29purlokay, sag_ich_nicht
14:28.40purlACTION facepalms at the situation
14:29.09Wobin_leggings of assassination
14:29.16LopeppeppyHuzzah!  They're spiffy fun.
14:29.22Wobin_Now all I have to do is run SL until the spear drops for my guildie =P
14:29.32Wobin_(...539 runs later...)
14:29.34LopeppeppyUgh... Shadow Labs makes me break out in hives.
14:29.46sag_ich_nichti was going for "facepalms at the <adjective> failure", but i can't remember the damn adjective i was going to use
14:29.47Wobin_we had a great group
14:29.52sag_ich_nicht~lart Lopeppeppy
14:29.53purlbeats Lopeppeppy senseless with a 50lb Unix manual
14:30.25sag_ich_nichtlike imminent, but when it already occured.
14:30.27sag_ich_nichtit's SHADOW LABYRINTH
14:30.37sag_ich_nichtnot SHADOW LABYRINTHS
14:30.44sag_ich_nichtit's only ONE, not MULTIPLE
14:31.04LopeppeppyIf you drink enough, it's multiple.  And since when have nicknames made sense?  Relax, take some valiums.
14:31.07Wobin_It's not very labrynthial if you ask me
14:31.20sag_ich_nichtWobin_ true.
14:31.21|Jelly|IMO, your cruise control is set way to far into the red.
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14:31.25Wobin_an unmaze of really not twisty passages ... all alike
14:31.29sag_ich_nicht*too far
14:32.00sag_ich_nichtnow help me find that adjective.
14:32.07|Jelly|First Rule of Trolling: Completely miss the point and point out grammatical errors instead.
14:32.11|Jelly|I'm taking notes...
14:32.21Wobin_We had... prot warr tank, resto shammy healer, resto shammy dps, mace rogue and BM hunter
14:32.25sag_ich_nichtthat's a rule for grammar nazis
14:32.45|Jelly|"resto shammy dps" ...
14:32.46sag_ich_nichtbut the troll class may borrow from the arsenal of other flamewar warriors
14:32.47Wobin_double shammy == double heroism == teh fun
14:32.53Wobin_I know =)
14:32.55sag_ich_nichtresto shammy dps?
14:33.01Wobin_he out dps the tank
14:33.15Wobin_at least
14:33.19|Jelly|I could go mace mobs and out dps a tank. :\
14:33.24MoonWolfsecond rule of trolling, contradict randomly picked points in any arugments, for no reason.
14:33.39MoonWolffast learner.
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14:34.00Wobin_I <3 WF totem
14:34.03Wobin_I really really do
14:34.10|Jelly|I <3 WoA
14:34.12Wobin_and 70% haste is so shiny
14:34.24sag_ich_nichtMoonWolf: no, that's all wrong. you don't pick them randomly, and you do it for a reason
14:34.45Wobin_Heroism + Blackout + Drakefist + SnD + Cheapshot
14:34.55Wobin_it doesn't happen very often... but when it does... =)
14:34.59MoonWolfsag_ich_nicht, no you don't.
14:35.03sag_ich_nichtthe reason is to cause drama and lulz, and you pick the one that have the highest probability of doing so while having the least danger of exposing that you are in fact, trolling.
14:35.20sag_ich_nicht[16:34] <+MoonWolf> sag_ich_nicht, no you don't. <--you learn quick, young padawan.
14:35.51MoonWolf<insirt witty remark>
14:36.15sag_ich_nichtMoonWolf just lost the game.
14:36.31MoonWolfthat means sag_ich_nicht also lost the game.
14:36.41sag_ich_nichtbut if i lose, everybody loses!
14:36.54MoonWolfall of you lose the game!
14:36.55sag_ich_nicht~whalenuke everybody
14:36.56purlACTION dons his radiation cloak and tinted glasses while a highly intelligent whale named Ray precipitates critical mass for uncontrolled nuclear fission around everybody with his mind powers
14:37.12MoonWolfthat remind me
14:37.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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14:37.30MoonWolfi need to export all the whalefu and port them into another blootbot.
14:37.51bleetyarrrrmethinks Cide have been stealin' me bottle of rum!
14:37.51sag_ich_nichtMoonWolf why is that?
14:38.04MoonWolfbecause i want the other blootbot to have whalefu too.
14:38.18Wobin_oh man bleetyarrrr
14:38.23sag_ich_nichtcan they have epic duels?
14:38.25Wobin_Is it TLAP day already?
14:38.31bleetyarrrrIT BE! YAR!
14:38.34ts|skrom!c us uldum dalet
14:38.36ThraeBotts|skrom: Dalet, Level 51 Night Elf Druid (0/41/1). 2399 HP; 2524 Mana; 84 mana regen; 682 AP; 96.200 Melee DPS; 23.04% melee crit; 21.90% dodge; 5 arcane resist; 25 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 816 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Sep 18 10:52:05 2007 EST ]]
14:38.47MoonWolfWobin_, one more day
14:38.52Wobin_Not for us! =)
14:39.01ts|skrom!us uldum fawn
14:39.04Wobin_It's the 19th by at least 40min
14:39.09bleetyarrrrWed Sep 19 00:39:09 EST 2007
14:39.10ts|skrom!c us uldum fawn
14:39.13ThraeBotts|skrom: Fawn, Level 49 Draenei Warrior (0/40/0). 2629 HP; 3235 Armour; 718 AP; 84.700 Melee DPS; 18.81% melee crit; 7.83% dodge; 4.92% block; 10 shadow resist (+10); +15 all resists (+10 shadow);[[ TBR: 661 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Sep 18 10:52:42 2007 EST ]]
14:39.31bleetyarrrrWobin_: these scurvy US scum don't be knowin Piracy 101 and International Date Lines! TO THE PLANK WITH THEM!
14:39.58ts|skrom!vs us uldum dalet us uldum fawn
14:39.59ThraeBotts|skrom: Dalet vs Fawn! Dalet has +2 lvls on Fawn (51 vs 49); A L51 druid and a L49 warrior square off!; 0/41/1 vs 0/40/0; Dalet wins by 157 TBRs!
14:40.19Wobin_I wonder if they'll change the avatars to the pirate one for everyone
14:40.22Wobin_that'd be cool
14:40.34sag_ich_nicht[16:39] <bleetyarrrr> Wobin_: these scurvy US scum don't be knowin Piracy 101 and International Date Lines! TO THE PLANK WITH THEM! <--YARRR, WE BE KINGS OF THE SEA, YARRRRR
14:40.40MoonWolfI dont HAVE a ship
14:40.46MoonWolfgood luck making holes in nil
14:40.57sag_ich_nichtyarr, feed him to the sharks i say!
14:41.10bleetyarrrrye be not havin one now, 'coz I blew it to tiny bits! TO THE PLANK!
14:42.04Wobin_ye blew yer sharks to bits? Ahar!
14:42.12purlACTION facepalms at the situation
14:42.23bleetyarrrrWobin_: this why ye be first mate, an' not cap'n like me :/
14:42.24|Jelly| <-- i lol'd
14:42.28Wobin_so yeah, what was the adjective you were after?
14:42.36bleetyarrrrSCURVY DOGS!
14:42.37sag_ich_nichti still don't know.
14:43.07Wobin_past tense?
14:43.10bleetyarrrrR, that be a good keyboard
14:43.25sag_ich_nichti dunno ><
14:43.32Wobin_hehe I recall the 'arr' command on the Mud I was on
14:43.42Wobin_you could go 'arr <target> 5000'
14:43.58Wobin_and it would spam them with randomly capitalised and coloured 'arr's
14:43.59sag_ich_nichtit's like, when a situation is currently present "in the room", so to say
14:44.07Wobin_with 5000 'r's
14:45.00Wobin_example of such a situation?
14:45.04bleetyarrrronly problem wit' tha keyboard be I'd be  keep breakin' it wit' me hook!
14:45.45bleetyarrrrbut i not be gettin' too worried bout that, i just go to shore and be gettin' anotha
14:45.51sag_ich_nichtWobin_ imagine you wake up, naked, in ogrimmar... as alliance. and have a naked gnome next to you.
14:46.06bleetyarrrrnaked? BAWDY NAKED WIMMIN?!
14:46.08ts|skromShouldn't drink so much
14:46.18bleetyarrrrWENCHING! WOOHOO!
14:46.28sag_ich_nicht(i still want that as an effect when you drink WAY too much)
14:46.36sag_ich_nichtand then the guards find you and just stare.
14:47.07bleetyarrrrnothin' gets the lad's ready for a good day pirating than a decent bit of wenching tha night before we leave port
14:48.10sag_ich_nichtafk, drivin home
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14:49.34bleetyarrrrahh, now this is a happy site for pirate eyes yarrr
14:51.21mikmaYARRR! i has the same suit
14:51.29mikmabut, can't land in gadgeztan ;)
14:52.30bleetyarrrrthey all be scurvy landlubbin dogs them goblins
14:52.52bleetyarrrryou ever EVER see em in a boat? on the high seas? I THINK NOT! DEATH TO THEM ALL!
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15:05.06Shirik|Ghostare you serious?
15:05.31Shirik|EcoleI disconnected.... 2 hours ago
15:05.37Shirik|Ecoleit was still online o.o
15:09.34zenzelezzthe Ecole logged on six minutes before Ghost did
15:09.41Shirik|Ecoleoh did he?
15:09.58Shirik|Ecoleoh you're right
15:09.59Shirik|Ecole112:042:19 * [10053] Software caused connection abort
15:09.59Shirik|Ecole112:042:19 * Disconnected
15:10.04Shirik|Ecolestupid school network >.>
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15:17.03Shirik|Ecoleyou know
15:17.10Shirik|EcoleI just realized how much I hate Lua's comment syntax
15:17.19Shirik|EcoleThe fact that -- is ambiguous is annoying
15:19.25*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
15:21.29Shirik|EcoleBasically, here's the rules, as I see it :
15:21.38Shirik|Ecole-- indicates "ignore the rest of the line"
15:21.50Shirik|Ecole--[[ indicates "ignore anything until we reach a ]]"
15:21.59Shirik|EcoleBut -- already indicates "ignore the rest of the line" which means [[ should be ignored
15:22.11Shirik|EcoleSo you have to read ahead to figure out exactly what you're doing
15:22.24cog|workShirik|Ecole: --[[ is its very own token imo
15:22.41cog|workseparate from --
15:22.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
15:22.49Shirik|Ecoleright but that doesn't change the fact that I can't just look for --
15:22.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
15:23.04cog|worktrue, but "ambiguous" was definitely not the right word :P
15:23.24Shirik|EcoleI would call it ambiguous
15:23.36Shirik|Ecolebecause -- indicates "ignore the rest of the line" except in exceptional cases
15:23.36cog|work~dict ambiguous
15:23.51cog|workbut it's not uncertain
15:23.54Shirik|Ecolesure it is
15:23.59cog|workthere are very certain rules as to how to form comments
15:23.59Shirik|Ecoleit is not always "ignore the rest of the line"
15:24.10Shirik|EcoleThere are actually an infinite number of rules as to how to form comments
15:24.16Shirik|Ecoleand an infinite number of tokens
15:24.17cog|workyou know exactly what to look for
15:24.37cog|worknope. that very much doesn't fit the meaning of ambiguous
15:24.44Shirik|EcoleI know what to look for, yes, but that doesn't mean that -- is indeed "capable of being understood in either of two or more possible senses"
15:24.51Shirik|Ecoleas it is
15:24.59cog|workno it's not
15:25.04cog|work--[[ blah ]]
15:25.12cog|workis not capable of being understood in two different ways
15:25.19Shirik|EcoleSo in that case, -- does not mean "ignore the rest of the line"
15:25.23cog|workit is an error to understand it any differently than its meaning
15:25.34Shirik|Ecolein fact I want to go take a look at the BNF now
15:25.45Wobin_I like using --[[ --]]
15:26.03Shirik|Ecoleme too
15:26.10Shirik|Ecolebecause then you can go ----[[
15:26.20Shirik|EcoleI think that's a trick I learned from pil actually
15:27.06Shirik|Ecoleheh, awesome
15:27.19cog|workShirik|Ecole: "time flies like an arrow" is ambiguous
15:27.22Shirik|Ecolerefman part 8 doesn't even define comments
15:27.30Wobin_fruit flies like bananas
15:27.52cog|workShirik|Ecole: A comment starts with a double hyphen (--) anywhere outside a string. If the text immediately after -- is not an opening long bracket, the comment is a short comment, which runs until the end of the line. Otherwise, it is a long comment, which runs until the corresponding closing long bracket. Long comments are frequently used to disable code temporarily.
15:28.31Shirik|Ecolethat's not true either
15:28.45cog|workthat's straight out of the refman
15:28.48Shirik|Ecolebut it's not true
15:28.53cog|workyes it is
15:29.10Shirik|Ecoleoh I skipped a word
15:29.16Shirik|Ecolecurse my reading too fast
15:29.23Shirik|Ecole"long" is an important word
15:29.36Shirik|EcoleI was about to argue the --[ .... point
15:30.06Shirik|EcoleStill I'm depressed it's not expressed in BNF
15:31.01zenzelezzI never liked BNF
15:31.48Shirik|EcoleBut you can't argue that it at least provides an absolute way to unambiguously define something
15:31.55Shirik|Ecoles/something/a language/
15:32.15zenzelezzyou'll notice that I didn't argue that
15:32.20zenzelezzI just hate the syntax
15:32.37cog|workHuh... the BNF doesn't even define strings...
15:33.29Shirik|Ecolewell they have exp ::= nil | false | true | Number | String | `...´ | function |
15:33.36Shirik|EcoleI guess they assume you know what "String" is
15:34.20krkacan you even properly define lua in pure bnf?
15:34.42cog|work"extended BNF"
15:34.49krkaor in pure bnf
15:35.07Shirik|EcoleI don't really know anyone that uses pure bnf anymore
15:35.13Shirik|Ecoleso I just refer to extended bnf as bnf
15:35.31krkaerr, sorry, my previous line was meant to say extended bnf
15:35.39Shirik|Ecoleshould be able to
15:35.48Shirik|EcoleI don't see why you couldn't; and they made an effort to in to refman
15:35.53Shirik|Ecolethough as you can see they left some stuff out
15:36.17krkai wonder how i'd define long comment
15:37.10cog|workWhy do people call to leave a message that they got my boss's e-mail and will be replying to said e-mail and that i should give my boss the same message that they'll be sending in their e-mail?
15:37.38Shirik|EcolelsBlock ::= `=` [ lsBlock ]
15:37.48LopeppeppyYeah... I get that a lot too, cog|work
15:37.58*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
15:38.25Shirik|EcolelongString ::= `[` [ lsBlock ] `[` block `]` [ lsBlock ] `]`
15:38.35cncfanaticsyo all
15:39.49krkahow do you make sure that doesn't match [==[ ]=] as a long string?
15:40.25Shirik|Ecolebackreferences :P
15:41.14krkayou can have that?
15:41.39Shirik|Ecolethere's something like { and }
15:41.42Shirik|EcoleI forget how it works
15:41.48Shirik|EcoleI think it's something like
15:41.54Maldivia"Team 3 is working on something really awesome. [laughter] I will totally tell you, it's really awesome."
15:42.25cog|workMaldivia: it's HKIA
15:42.37Shirik|EcolelongString ::= `[` { [ lsBlock ] } `[` block `]` { [ lsBlock ] } `]`
15:42.53Shirik|EcoleI don't know the details of BNF... I know how to read it and that's good enough for me ^^
15:43.31Maldiviacogwheel: Hong Kong International Airport?
15:43.50cog|workhello kitty island adventure
15:44.19Shirik|EcoleW3C relied on this for their XML definition
15:44.45Maldiviacogwheel: ah... then it's really really awesome....
15:44.53Shirik|Ecolegranted they made some modifications to BNF
15:44.55Shirik|Ecolebut meh
15:45.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
15:49.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (n=esochan@
15:49.59Valaron|WorkHappy Birthday :-)!
15:50.30Shirik|Ecole~birthday :-)
15:50.31purlACTION Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you!, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEEEAARR :-), Happy Birthday toooo yoooou!
15:50.33|Jelly|GRR @ Valaron!
15:51.19|Jelly|[09:50]<|Jelly|> <-- went completely ignored
15:51.42Valaron|Workcnn is better, maybe.
15:51.44cog|workYour 9:50 is my 7:50 :P
15:51.48cog|workI was omw to work
15:52.03Thunder_Childi was sleeping
15:52.05Valaron|WorkWell.. I was already at work at 7:50
15:52.10|Jelly|Well, that's two excuses. The rest of you?!? HUH?!?
15:52.24Thunder_Child~lart |Jelly|
15:52.24purldoes a little 'dpkg -P |Jelly|' action
15:52.34|Jelly|TC, you never have an excuse.
15:53.14Thunder_Childi always have an excuse....i'm me
15:53.28LopeppeppyI'm at work, |Jelly|-dear, I miss all the good stuff in Alt-Tab.
15:53.54Shirik|EcoleI don't work
15:53.55cog|workLopeppeppy: if you're real nice to your boss maybe (s)he'll get you a second monitor? ;)
15:54.55Lopeppeppycog|work, I just had to trade cookies for a chair with arms.  I'm not gettin' a real desktop computer, much less a second monitor to go with it!   :)
15:55.26|Jelly|And you're right Shirik. GG?
15:55.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
15:55.58cog|workLopeppeppy: that remindsl me... the arms of my chair have split and are leaking rubber bits all over the floor...
15:56.16Lopeppeppycog|work, I recommend recycling the bits and getting a new chair.
15:56.44Shirik|Ecole~hug |Jelly|
15:56.45purlACTION sneaks up on |Jelly| and suddenly hugs |Jelly| tightly
15:57.08Rallionyour chairarms are stuffed with rubberbits?
15:57.12|Jelly|Thanks Purl. Too bad that jerk face Shirik is a meany.
15:57.22Wobin_gnight ye scurvy dogs!
15:57.39Thunder_Childhuh....mental image of a jerk face
15:57.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
15:57.59Thunder_Childnight Wobin_
15:58.00cog|workpurl, i love you
15:58.01purlYou love you?
15:58.09cog|workwell, yes, but...
15:58.16Rallionmy myspace 'name' is Jerkface.
16:00.05cog|work|Jelly|: responded ;P
16:00.34Shirik|Ecolereading one of my old codes
16:00.37|Jelly|...don't you use Vista?
16:00.38Shirik|Ecoleit has a test in here
16:00.47Shirik|Ecoleif not (foo ~= bar) then
16:01.02nevcairielyay for logic
16:01.42*** join/#wowi-lounge art3mis (
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16:06.23cog|workI enjoy using vista, quirks and all... This is the first windows release where I had the means to be an early adopter :)
16:06.26Shirik|Ecoleif not (wnd ~= _G[_G._G.rawget(getfenv(0), wnd:GetParent():GetChild("wnd"):GetName()):GetName()]) then error("Programmer can't read") end
16:06.45nevcairielwth is that _G[_G._G.
16:06.46ts|skromRallion you are a 16 year old female from Croton, Ohio?
16:06.53ts|skrom ^^
16:06.55zenzelezzProgrammer can't shorten his quit message enough though
16:07.43sag_ich_nicht[18:00] <Shirik|Ecole> if not (foo ~= bar) then <--actually you might have a valid readability reason to write it that way
16:07.44*** join/#wowi-lounge kaelten (
16:07.50cog|worknevcairiel: _G[index] is equivalent (semantically) to getglobal(index)
16:07.57nevcairieli know
16:08.02nevcairielbut whats the point of _G._G
16:08.09cog|workread the rest of the statement
16:08.11nevcairiel(see shiriks line)
16:08.13cog|worki think that's the point :P
16:08.24nevcairielmeh :P
16:08.31sag_ich_nichtstating that foo != bar is the desired state, basicially.
16:08.38Maldiviahah... shirik's test will fail, if wnd is not parented  :)
16:08.46sag_ich_nichti see the rest only now
16:09.00sag_ich_nichtin that case
16:09.23sag_ich_nicht~lart Shirik
16:09.23purlreadies the nuke launcher and fires some rounds at Shirik
16:10.08Thunder_Childthere is way more than one ts|skrom
16:10.20Thunder_Child54 of them
16:10.38*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
16:10.45zenzelezz54 ts|skroms? That's scary
16:11.04Thunder_Child~lart zenzelezz
16:11.04purlsqueezes zenzelezz till zenzelezz turns blue like papa smurf
16:11.26cog|workGnome + Night Elf -> Smurf
16:12.02cog|workactually, i suppose Draenei work better nowadays... considering they're hue is bluer than most NEs
16:12.28zenzelezzcan't be more smurf than a fixer in Grid Armor
16:12.30foxlit|macJust me or does that redirect to page not found_
16:12.31Maldiviacogwheel, and draenei eat gnomes... så
16:12.49cog|workMaldivia: and humans eat cows
16:12.52cog|workyour point?
16:13.58Maldiviawould it be beastiarity, if it involves a druid...
16:14.12Lopeppeppycog|wheel, it's been done.
16:14.38LopeppeppyAmong other things WoW-related.
16:16.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
16:21.29ts|skromThunder_Child what are you talking about?
16:24.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
16:25.06Srosh!c eu teldrassil synika
16:25.08ThraeBotSrosh: Synika, Level 70 Human Paladin (49/12/0). 8187 HP; 10143 Mana; 208 mana regen; 75 mp5; 13265 Armour; 75.600 Melee DPS; 4.65% melee crit; 96 spell crit; 174 +spell dmg; 1850 +heal; 4.45% dodge; 5.00% block; +33 all resists;[[ TBR: 1057 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Sep 18 12:38:38 2007 EST ]]
16:26.40*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
16:26.49Thunder_Child"(09:06:58) (ts|skrom) Rallion you are a 16 year old female from Croton, Ohio?"
16:29.17ts|skromI remember saying this... but I don't know what "54 ts|skroms" means :)
16:30.30LopeppeppyI think Thunder_Child went and looked you up in return?
16:30.58Thunder_Childno, there were 54 jerkfaces
16:31.18Thunder_Childthe other comment came from the deranged mind of zenzelezz
16:31.29ts|skromahh, but only one :P
16:32.42Thunder_Childand the usual collection of random #'s after it /jerkface1, /jerkface2, etc.
16:33.16Shirik|Ecolefinally found a use for do...end
16:33.18cog|work   <------ Real smart idea to post a link to a site that crashes IE on a thread with a Blue in it...
16:33.22ts|skromWell don't worry in the future I will keep my tongue in cheekness to myself
16:33.44Thunder_Childdont do that...then how would i screw around with people
16:34.21ts|skromDrat, time to go cover for the receptionist
16:34.24ts|skrombe back later...
16:34.34ts|skromwonder if I can answer the phones like a pirate and get away with it ...
16:34.40Thunder_Childhmm...hitting up /jerkface2 found me "Generalknitting and sniffing poptarts"
16:35.12Thunder_Childs/"Generalknitting and sniffing poptarts"/"General knitting and sniffing poptarts"/
16:35.48Thunder_Childdisturbing ftw
16:36.41*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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16:42.27|Jelly|Cog. That arrow is STILL taunting me. Do something about it imo. :P
16:43.06Rallion1) I am not 16/f/Ohio. 2) There are actually 142 Jerkfaces, by display name.
16:43.27|Jelly|The forums. The arrow that doesn't work anymore!
16:44.59cog|workoh heh
16:45.30cog|workI never had that problem because the hover menu pops up before my brain sends the message to click the button...
16:45.34cog|workguess i'm just slow :P
16:46.16JoshBorke~lart cog|work
16:46.16purlsend killer squirrels to attack cog|work
16:46.35cog|work/cast Whirlwind
16:46.43JoshBorkeooo, good one
16:46.44cog|workmmmm dinner for weeks
16:46.55JoshBorkehe failed to mention they were rabies infested ;-P
16:47.10cog|workrabies is like berserker rage imo
16:47.34cog|work(from a conceptual standpoint... not the in-game rabies)
16:48.45*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
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16:55.25Kaydeethreeoh wow
16:55.36Kaydeethreethe server techs have finally had enough of auctioneer
16:56.09Kaydeethreein the 2.3 changes list: "QueryAuctionItems - New argument (bool), setting it to true will retrieve all auction house data (not just 50 items). This can only be used once every 15 minutes. This is intended to reduce our load from add-ons such as auctioneer that are going to download the entire auction house anyways."
16:56.09zenzelezzI saw a thread on EU General whining about how prices were TOO LOW thanks to Auctioneer
16:56.36LopeppeppyInteresting on both points.
16:57.09zenzelezzbasically the thread was WAH WAH my primals only sell for 35g; USED TO BE 70
16:57.47KaydeethreeQQ, the economy evolves as more people start farming
17:01.22sag_ich_nichtKaydeethree ahahahahaha roflmao
17:07.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Fatalis`timeout (
17:08.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
17:10.16|Jelly|I wonder if I can talk Cairenn into changing my name.
17:10.55Mr_Rabies2<cog|work> rabies is like berserker rage imo
17:11.05Mr_Rabies2this pinged me :P
17:12.27ts|skromlet's see who else thinks this would be funny
17:12.42ts|skromWhen OJ goes up for sentancing and his defense tries to argue that he's a "First time offender"
17:17.13Thunder_Childis that some bad pun on football?
17:20.53Valaron|WorkIf the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit
17:20.57*** join/#wowi-lounge [KzM]Fatalis (
17:20.57ts|skromwhy are people so up in arms over the orc shoulders..
17:21.07ts|skromthat's a very ridiculous thing to be so emo about
17:21.35Valaron|WorkWhat does it look like now?
17:21.48ts|skromreally really small
17:25.47Valaron|WorkAs long as my gameplay isn't affected, I could care less.
17:25.47|Jelly|couldn't* :P
17:25.48RallionI came home to play Metroid for the 2 free hours I have today and I spent them just clicking on StumbleUpon
17:25.48cog|workanyone know whereabouts the current throttle is for auction requests?
17:25.48cog|work5 sec?
17:25.48Kaydeethreesomewhere around there
17:25.49sag_ich_nichtcog|work go ask in #norganna :P
17:25.49Kaydeethreepoke someone in #norganna?
17:25.49sag_ich_nichti was faster
17:25.54sag_ich_nichtor punch bleetyarrrr
17:26.10cog|workstop typing messages! I keep clicking on #norganna? instead of #norganna :P
17:26.18RallionValaron|Work, no time, Google it :P
17:26.25sag_ich_nichttype faster
17:26.29sag_ich_nichtso cog can't click
17:26.39sag_ich_nichtgod you are slow by now he probably joined
17:26.48sag_ich_nicht[19:26] * cog|work ( has joined #norganna
17:26.50sag_ich_nichtthere now you did it
17:26.52sag_ich_nichtgreat job
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17:38.18ts|skrom"In a game where image is everything (netherdrake mounts anyone?), we'd like to get our shoulders fixed already" I don't know that I ever consciously notice shoulderpads and think "WOW that makes that character kewl!"
17:38.19Kaydeethreenetsplits </3
17:40.49mikmats|skrom: orc shoulders?
17:43.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
17:43.54mikmaso seems like they arent fixed yet
17:44.05ts|skromthat would appear to be the case
17:44.24zenzelezznot fixed in 2.2?
17:44.34ts|skromsupposed to be
17:44.45zenzelezzI know, that's why I'm asking
17:44.59zenzelezzbeen saying it will be in 2.2 since what, July? Would upset people if it didn't
17:45.06Thunder_Childif any of you use nvidia and vista they just release new drivers today
17:45.20ts|skrompeople are all emo that 2.2 isn't out yet "I want my shoulders back" is a common response
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17:52.25Mr_Rabies2i just want voice chat
17:52.36Mr_Rabies2not much else i care for in 2.2
17:52.42ts|skromsomeone posted "Major patch my ass."
17:52.55ts|skromI couldn't help but think he meant.. Major, patchy my ass!
17:52.56Mr_Rabies2yeah it is pretty minor from a player standpoint
17:53.06ts|skromas if the colonel was busy
17:53.37ts|skromAnd what's wrong with the guys ass that it needs patching in the first place?
17:53.56Mr_Rabies2maybe he got shot in the butt-ocks
17:54.13cog|workWoah... they'r.e implementing a mass mail system too
17:54.38zenzelezzinteresting o_O
17:54.51Mr_Rabies2oh and afk reporting
17:55.01cog|worknot in 2.2 (re mass mail)
17:55.04Mr_Rabies2yeah cog|work, i hope it's easily used
17:55.15ts|skromLife is like a virulent prostitue... you never know what you are going to ..... get.
17:55.35Mr_Rabies2i love ctmailmod's and would love being able to consolidate it down to a few mails instead of 40+
17:56.32Mr_Rabies2oh and the blessing buff is incredibly nice
17:57.44Mr_Rabies2not looking forward to the enrage nerf though :[
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17:57.52Mr_Rabies2(druid enrage)
17:57.54Mr_Rabies2not warrior
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18:00.38Mr_Rabies2the violet eye stuff and AQ enchants are nice too
18:00.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (i=cfe92011@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
18:00.57Mr_Rabies2i guess i'm looking forward to 2.2 but it's not really that big for how long it's taking :[
18:01.55Thunder_Childif there is just one thing that is holding it back (e.g. voice chat) they should split it off and send it with 2.3 or by itself when done
18:02.47Mr_Rabies2Cast sequence macros no longer get stuck at feral druid abilities.
18:03.20*** join/#wowi-lounge hurax (
18:03.37cog|workBig ~= complex
18:03.40ts|skromMr_Rabies2 what's the enrage nerf? I just see two buffs
18:03.44cog|workthere were lots of architecture changes
18:03.46ts|skromwell, a fix and a buff
18:03.48Mr_Rabies2no longer puts you in combat
18:03.52Guillotinewait, what?
18:03.53cog|workincluding a new version of fmod
18:03.53ts|skromand... that's a problem?
18:04.06huraxhi, does anyone know how to get the quest id from the client if you have it in the log?
18:04.17Mr_Rabies2can no longer hit it to avoid distract, etc
18:04.23cog|workhurax: that information isn't available to the UI
18:04.26Mr_Rabies2same with warriors and blood rage/sap
18:04.40Mr_Rabies2then again they can break sap
18:04.45Mr_Rabies2with the damage from blood rage
18:04.47Guillotinehow is that a nerf?
18:04.51Guillotineand why is this lagging so much o.O
18:04.52Guillotinehurax: can't
18:05.07huraxcog|work: how do the other sites get them then?
18:05.08ts|skromnot that you CAN be sapped in bear
18:05.15Mr_Rabies2did i say that
18:05.22Mr_Rabies2<Mr_Rabies2> can no longer hit it to avoid distract, etc
18:05.25GuillotineI think maybe I'll just listen. any chat I send lags for about 1.5 mins o.O
18:05.31cog|workhurax: they're not available to the UI in game but they exist in your cache files on your hard drive which those sites use to compile their data
18:05.49ts|skromwell I can't see how that's a nerf and not a fix then. Abusing the rage generation mechanic to avoid something like that seems a bit cheap.
18:05.56huraxah, that's fine too
18:06.12Mr_Rabies2i don't really mind that much
18:06.17Mr_Rabies2not often does distract bother me
18:06.27ts|skromyeah.. I'm excited about it personally
18:06.35cog|workhurax: in that case, i'm at a loss to help you as I've never done anything with the WDB files. You might try googling around or even looking at some of the database sites themselves
18:06.39Mr_Rabies2but that and sap and other "in combat" spells are really the only reason it was changed
18:06.40ts|skromno accidently shifting into bear then trying to go cat and being stuck out of prowl for 10 secs
18:06.44cog|worki'm sure there's information out there about the WDB format
18:07.30ts|skromnot a big thing but it's painful when you miss the chance at an opener because you couldn't get into prowl fast enough
18:08.03huraxthey are binaries
18:08.46Mr_Rabies2i often hit enrage to avoid being sapped in shattered halls :x
18:08.57ts|skromhow does spell haste effect spells like arcane missles?
18:09.11huraxbut thanks for the tip... i could just do it the old school cheater's way and use a hex editor ;)
18:09.26zenzelezzit becomes so instant it starts before you even decide to use it
18:09.40ts|skrom"Arcane Missiles: Some procs were not triggered by this spell and now will be (such as Eye of Magtheridon). The tooltip for this spell will now update correctly when a Mage is affected by spell haste."
18:09.43cog|workCide: ping
18:09.54ts|skromdo the pulses come faster?
18:10.14cog|workdid you get my botmial? ;)
18:10.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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18:11.23ts|skromna na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na batmail!
18:11.24Cideno, I didn't
18:11.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
18:12.13cog|workhmm.. well anyway, i was wondering if you knew which chipset you have on your motherboard... I remember you saying that you have 32-bit XP and it recognizes all 4gb of ram using PAE... I can't get either of my intel P965 motherboards to do that for me...
18:14.36cncfanatics4gigs of ram ? crazy
18:14.42Thunder_Childi doubt it
18:14.47CodayusHm, silly question - is there a way to hide the default buff frame?  Or only via an addon?
18:14.48cncfanaticsg'old times where 4gig of hdd was considered a LOT
18:14.55cog|workThunder_Child: doubt what?
18:15.10cog|work4 gigs or that 4 gigs is crazy?
18:15.27Thunder_Childbios can see all 4gb of ram regardless of the os, but a 32-bit os cannot
18:15.36cog|workThunder_Child: Learn2PAE
18:15.46Thunder_Childstill doesnt work...on vista
18:15.55zenzelezzPhysical Address Extension
18:15.58cncfanaticswould prolly work on linux Thunder_Child
18:16.05zenzelezzor somesuch. Pretty common
18:16.06cncfanaticsand probably on windows with that pae thing
18:16.11cog|workThunder_Child: who said anything about Vista?
18:16.28Thunder_Childit's still not a "true" 4gb on xp
18:16.44Mr_Rabies2daze rebuffed
18:17.02cog|workThunder_Child: no process will have access to 4gb, I know, but it *is* able to keep more stuff in ram at once
18:17.05cncfanaticscog, sure ur processor supports it ?
18:17.09Mr_Rabies2which i still regard as unfair but there's not much you can do other than disable daze in instances if you leave it how it was
18:17.26cog|workcncfanatics: if I remember my previous convo with Cide correctly, we have fairly similar setup
18:17.32zenzelezzeven my old Athlon64 supports it
18:17.46Thunder_Childcog|work, not by much, i use a 32-bit os and i have 3.325 gb of ram avaliable
18:17.48huraxcncfanatics: if my mothers was there she would tank about the first computer she worked which had 4 KB of memory ;)
18:18.32cog|workThunder_Child: i only have 3.0 on one mobo and 3.25 on the other. That's a whole 768-1024MB I'm missing... Almost enough to hold an instance of WoW
18:18.33cncfanaticshurax, my first comp had 128megs of mem
18:18.37cncfanaticsabout 6 years ago
18:18.42huraxand sometimes at night when she wanted to start a calculation she found that some engineer had borrowed 2 KB of it
18:19.03cog|workEssentially an entire DIMM missing... = not happy
18:20.17cog|workThe shittiest part is that if I want all 4 gigs in 64-bit vista, the necessary bios setting makes only 2 gigs available to 32-bit XP
18:20.25LunessaIf we want to talk about old computers, I learned to program on an Altair and an Osborne.
18:20.42Cidecog|work: I can't remember really
18:20.44Lunessago on... google/wikipedia them.
18:20.53CideI remember not having it work initially, despite enabling PAE
18:21.04Cidebut either it fixed itself or I fucked around enough for it to show up
18:22.10cog|workCide: if you go to the device manager -> System Devices is your PCI bus Intel ICH8?
18:23.51Cideno.. should it be? :P
18:24.41cog|workis it nvidia?
18:24.52cog|workmine's intel ich8 iirc
18:25.09cog|workwhich is what i'm hoping the problem is because i've got an nvidia mobo on the way
18:25.19cog|work(for another reason)
18:25.37ts|skromthe first PC my family owned had either 4 or 8mb I think
18:26.11cog|workmy first pc had I think 256kb and a 384kb expansion card.
18:26.20ts|skrom"Shiny Red Apple: Druids in animal forms can no longer eat this food item." because that 61 hp/18 secs was a HUGE deal
18:28.28LunessaHeh, be glad you've never /had/ to fit a program into less than 4k.
18:29.03LunessaOr program it by flipping toggle switches.
18:29.28zenzelezzI write my programs to align on the cylinders for max speedd
18:29.29ts|skromwhy should I be glad for that? :P that's the kind of experience i'd love to have had
18:30.00Lunessats|skrom: Go back 25 years of hardware then. :)
18:30.15ts|skrombut then my tiny baby fingers couldn't work the toggles :(
18:31.41sag_ich_nichtgutrot is closing in on lvl 70
18:31.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
18:32.08LunessaThe professor who taught my first C class wrote some of the original code for the Mercury and Apollo projects at NASA - and he was a stickler about memory and clean code.
18:32.38sag_ich_nichtmemory corruption=space craft crash~
18:32.57Shirikspace craft are the best to go nuts with code on
18:33.12ShirikYou’re working with multimillion dollar equipment. You should have enough memory :D
18:33.14zenzelezzdon't assume spacecraft coders are top notch
18:33.17zenzelezzremember Ariane 5?
18:33.18huraxi loved that patch
18:33.21zenzelezzor whichever version
18:33.24sag_ich_nichtzenzelezz okay
18:33.27Shirikzenzelezz: Or the mars lander tbh
18:33.30sag_ich_nichtOLD spacecraft.
18:33.34LunessaIt was a hell of a way to learn to understand boundariy conditions.
18:33.38zenzelezzAriane was more fun
18:33.39MatthewSand feel free to mix up celsius to fahrenheit conversions too
18:33.41sag_ich_nichtthe mars lander crashed because of LOL METRIC/IMPERIAL
18:33.57zenzelezzyeah, but that happens to airplanes too
18:33.59ElkanoLunessa, if you keep in mind that todays pocket calculators have more power than Apollo's CPU... ;)
18:34.21LopeppeppyNo, I bet the Mars lander crashed because someone was using their cellphone during flight.  :)
18:34.33LunessaElkano: Yes, my "crappy" laptop has more computing power than it took to do the entire Apollo program.
18:34.38ts|skromI thought it was because the little green men shot it down?
18:34.39sag_ich_nicht[20:33] <Shirik> You’re working with multimillion dollar equipment. You should have enough memory :D <--i was talking about memory corruption, you arrogant fool!
18:34.44sag_ich_nichtnot memory consumption!
18:34.51sag_ich_nicht~silence ts|skrom
18:34.51purlACTION shoves an apple in ts|skrom's mouth, shoves a spit through ... well, uhm, anyway ... then builds a nice fire and starts roasting
18:34.59Shirikmultimillion dollar stuff man
18:35.02ts|skromwhoa irony
18:35.03Shirikshould have adequate protections
18:35.06ts|skromI'm eating an apple right now
18:35.10ShirikLinux has stack smashing protection
18:35.15sag_ich_nichtthat's not irony ts|skrom.
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18:35.17sag_ich_nichtthat's satire.
18:35.22ts|skromer... yeah coincidince sorry
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18:35.41ElkanoI think the main problem is that people who used to code back in that days tend to go with "now there is plenty of power for computations around, no need to be gentle"...
18:35.41ts|skromyour face is satire!
18:35.41huraxand all: found the quest id in the wdb
18:35.48cncfanaticshmm, could anyone give me suggestions on how to build a gui for flexbar ? (a)
18:35.53Rallion|AwayI'm getting a mental image of a NASA technician looking around nervously while the screen in front of him displays an error dialog that says "Null Pointer Exception"
18:35.56cncfanaticsI mean layout wise, not coding wise
18:35.57Rallion|Awayand it is funny.
18:36.12ts|skromACE IT!
18:36.41sag_ich_nicht[20:35] <Elkano> I think the main problem is that people who used to code back in that days tend to go with "now there is plenty of power for computations around, no need to be gentle"... <--indeed
18:36.47Rallion|AwayWant to write an addon that greets your guildmates ten seconds after you log in? ACE IT.
18:36.53sag_ich_nichtand that's not a problem, Elkano
18:37.18Rallion|AwayIt is a problem now that computers do multiple tasks at once.
18:37.20sag_ich_nichtif you code like they coded back then, but using the technology(software and hardware wise) upgrades, you could do a LOT more than we do atm.
18:37.26ShirikElkano: Honestly, I hate that philosophy
18:37.37Shirik(p.s. everything I’ve been saying is entirely sarcastic)
18:37.43purlmel is, like, a Real Programmer.,_a_Real_Programmer.html
18:37.54ShirikElkano: One thing I hate is people who overuse memory with the argument “There’s so much memory it’s cheap”
18:38.01sag_ich_nichtread that
18:38.03sag_ich_nichtyou fools!
18:38.06Shirikthat’s not an excuse to be careless (neither is a GC)
18:38.24LunessaYeah, but remember that the Y2K issue with dates was a 'memory-saving solution'
18:38.29ts|skromI don't know.. the gamecube was pretty careless to begin with
18:38.30huraxsag_ich_nicht: sag ich auch :)
18:38.36ShirikLunessa: There was no Y2K issue :P
18:38.39ShirikIt was all made up
18:38.52ShirikMan, I still remember my high school
18:38.53sag_ich_nichtyou really think you're the first to make that joke, hurax
18:39.05Shirikwith all the “Y2K Pass” stckers on them
18:39.06sag_ich_nichtthat'd be #conspiracy
18:39.09Shirikand I was like “What the hell”
18:39.17IndustrialCairenn: ping
18:40.36zenzelezzI have; I even made a vague reference to it a while ago
18:40.41Shirik14(1411:3511:1814) 14(1115Rallion|Away14) Want to write an addon that greets your guildmates ten seconds after you log in? ACE IT.
18:40.51LopeppeppyI like The Lorax much better.
18:40.54ts|skrom"Saber Lash tanks will no longer be knocked back by Sinister Beam or hit by Fatal Attraction, even if they dodge or parry the attack." They really should have called it Sinistar Beam instead.
18:41.25sag_ich_nichtLOL ts|skrom
18:42.09Shirikso how does one attain a challenger rating anyway?
18:42.25sag_ich_nicht1900k rating, i think
18:42.33sag_ich_nichtor top 200
18:42.34sag_ich_nichtor something
18:42.36sag_ich_nichti dunno anymore
18:47.23Shirikso true
18:57.27Gnancyts|skrom: Run Coward!
18:58.00Gnancygreat now that voice is in my head ts|skrom
18:59.18Shirikmy first piece of arena gear
18:59.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
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19:03.30Industrialdolby-wowi: ping
19:05.03foxlit|macself-promotion time again
19:05.45foxlit|macThrow a BLP file at it and get a PNG back (bonus points for finding a valid BLP it does not parse properly).
19:05.52*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
19:07.51Thunder_Childdoes it go the other way?
19:08.07foxlit|macno, use tgas for now
19:08.18clad|awaypurl, blp2png is, a simple blp to png conversion script.  Bonus points for finding a valid BLP it won't parse!
19:08.19purlokay, clad|away
19:08.32clad|awayno purl, blp2png is, a simple blp to png conversion script.  Bonus points for finding a valid BLP it won't parse!  Thanks to foxlit for the great script!
19:09.55clad|awayno purl, blp2png is, a simple blp to png conversion script.  Bonus points for finding a valid BLP it won't parse!  Thanks to foxlit for the great script!
19:10.05clad|awaypurl, no, blp2png is, a simple blp to png conversion script.  Bonus points for finding a valid BLP it won't parse!  Thanks to foxlit for the great script!
19:10.05purlclad|away: okay
19:10.07clad|awayi'm a nubcake today.
19:10.28Thunder_Childfoxlit|mac, i dont know if you can do it through the browser but what about limiting the upload to .blp only
19:10.45foxlit|macRequires UA cooperation
19:12.12foxlit|macI'm not sure that's part of HTML, anyway
19:13.59foxlit|macI think there's some sort of sane, PHP-enforced limit on the file size of your upload (even if your UA allows you to ignore the HTML-embedded limit), and it doesn't save files it can't convert.
19:15.25ShirikYou wrote “Valid BLP”
19:15.44Thunder_Childit wont convert a blp i found online
19:16.31Thunder_Childi assume this is any blp format and not just wow blp?
19:17.08Shirik!ar 520
19:17.08ThraeBotShirik: Arena rating from 520 points is, 2v2: 1787, 3v3: 1720, 5v5: 1622
19:17.54foxlit|maclink BLP, Thunder_Child :)
19:17.59Shirik!ar 593
19:17.59ThraeBotShirik: Arena rating from 593 points is, 2v2: 1864, 3v3: 1786, 5v5: 1678
19:18.40Shirikdo you have to play 10 matches to get the points?
19:18.43Shirikor just exceed 30%?
19:18.45Thunder_Childdoes that mean i get bonus points?
19:18.49ShirikDude I had my crisis beta key last night
19:18.51Thunder_Childgratz Cidan
19:18.59Thunder_Childwe should get our own server going
19:19.03foxlit|macThunder_Child: almost. It's BLP1 :)
19:19.21Thunder_Childand that means?
19:19.30Shirikmeans you nubbed it up
19:20.02foxlit|macMeans I had none of those to play with, and assert that it isn't one of those in the first few checks :)
19:20.07foxlit|macWC3 stuff.
19:20.18foxlit|macBut it's great that you found one, I can probably adjust to deal with it
19:20.31Thunder_Childthere are lots online
19:21.36Thunder_ChildShirik, how well does your system handle it?
19:21.48Shirikhaven’t logged in
19:21.56Thunder_Child~bzfrag Shirik
19:21.57purlACTION skewers Shirik with a super bullet
19:22.03Shirik~whaleparry Thunder_Child
19:22.04purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry Thunder_Child's attacks.
19:22.35Thunder_Childdoes anyone else get an endless loop @ ?
19:22.40Kaydeethreebah, forum maint
19:22.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
19:23.00ScytheBlade1lol what timing
19:23.05ScytheBlade1At least 10 relams just died
19:23.29ScytheBlade1Holy crap more than that
19:24.11*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
19:24.21Kaydeethreegeez... a few server farms must've just crashed
19:24.57ScytheBlade1I'd bet that the maint. that you're seeing is a nice way of saying "all of our database servers just crashed"
19:26.46foxlit|macI wonder why there isn't a .blp->.sane converter included in the addon kit, though
19:27.11Kaydeethreewow, what a rollback
19:27.17Kaydeethreeat least a few hours of posts just went poof
19:27.57Kaydeethreeor firefox is just being stupid. /restarts
19:28.32ScytheBlade1... lol
19:28.49ScytheBlade1I'm still getting maint.
19:32.37ScytheBlade1lol. Random line from another IRC channel (off network) of mine. "
19:32.37ScytheBlade1<]> i dont like that cogwheel douchebag on the ui/macro forum"
19:32.55ScytheBlade1Me: Did you not read the stickies? :P
19:33.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn|Away (n=njbcc@
19:34.26Thunder_Childlol, microsoft has their own wine label
19:34.33ScytheBlade1This was apparently about auction house data.. ? Or something?
19:34.36ScytheBlade1That ring a bell, cog?
19:36.01cog|workyeah. He said something like "how long will it take to get the auction data? I hate having to wait 10 minutes for the scanning."  I proceeded to tell him that the scanning only takes so long because the requests are throttled not because of the amount of data that has to be transferred
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19:36.24foxlit|macwork faster, nub!
19:36.27JoshBorke~lart cog|work
19:36.27purltakes large quantities of Krispy Kream donuts and stuffs them one after another down cog|work's throat until cog|work puts on 150lbs
19:36.31cog|workbut since he wasn't being answered with "how long will it take" he got his panties in a bunch
19:36.37JoshBorkefor the guy on teh other server :-P
19:36.55ScytheBlade1That sounds like him
19:37.05cog|workand then slouken deleted the whole conversation because it was in the upcoming changes thread :P
19:38.32cog|workBut yeah... because he spent about 2/3 of his post talking about how long it currently takes, I figured that was his main concern...
19:38.45cog|workI think any third party would've thought HE was the one being the douchebag :P
19:38.56ScytheBlade1Complete (relevalt) convo
19:39.36cog|workwow... what a piss head...
19:39.42ScytheBlade1Oh yes
19:39.54cog|workI was just trying to alleviate his fears
19:40.35ScytheBlade1What were his 'fears'?
19:40.38JoshBorkeyou should have just said:  less time than it does now.  either way, go get a coffee or masturbate and the time will fly
19:40.45ScytheBlade1Also seE:
19:41.35cog|workScytheBlade1: like i said, his initial post was predicated on the fact that it currently takes 10mins+ to do an auction scan
19:41.55cog|workIMO, the actual answer to "how long will it take" is essentially irrelevant
19:42.14Kaydeethreewaitasec... aren't those the realms that went down for maint this morning and are getting voip first next week?
19:42.19ScytheBlade1I should read the 2.3 changes thread
19:42.22cog|workI explained the reason it took so long is because of the request throttling not because of the data transfer
19:42.37foxlit|maceither limit to interesting items via some clever query forming, or quit whining about it, really :)
19:42.45cog|workand i figured he'd have the logical capacity to induce something from that
19:42.46ScytheBlade1Kaydeethree, a lot of them are similar, but additional realms are down
19:42.57ScytheBlade1Kaydeethree, and
19:43.16foxlit|macnew top bar?
19:43.28Kaydeethreelots of QQing has ensued
19:43.49KaydeethreeI <3 stylish.. a few lines of CSS and it goes to /dev/null with most of the rest of the markup
19:43.58ScytheBlade1cog|work, the thing is, he's a programmer all around, lol... so you think he'd piece it together
19:44.12ScytheBlade1Initially I thought it was because of the AutoTOC poster program or whatever
19:44.23ScytheBlade1I can see him getting annoyed over a copy+paste of links to stickies ;)
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19:46.39cog|workI've found that reasoning skills are far less important for programming as one might initially assume :P
19:47.34Valaron|WorkNice substitution.
19:48.22ts|skromcogwheel has a lithp
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20:12.43cladhairewhat are the ways you can gate in the world (not instances).. warlock summoning, hearthstone, unstuck and what else?
20:12.56cladhaireand more importantly, what events fire when they happen.. do you get a P_E_W either way?
20:13.12|FF|Im2good4uguys will wow run on a amd64 procesor ? i dont know much about 32 or 64 bit systems but i think wow is 32bit apilacation
20:13.16cladhairek k
20:13.22|FF|Im2good4ucladhaire mage portal , and teleprot spellls
20:13.38cladhaireanyone know if P_E_W fires for them regularly?
20:13.40JoshBorkealso c'thun portals you
20:13.45JoshBorkenope, don't know
20:13.57Lunessacladhaire: There are also a few quests that include a teleport
20:14.01|FF|Im2good4ui know one that is fired
20:14.09JoshBorkethe one in feralas
20:14.13cladhairehrm good point
20:14.17ts|skromP_E_W prolly only fires if you switch continents, no?
20:14.31cladhaireyeah i just need some way to know that the player's been moved by some teleport-like action
20:14.31JoshBorkecladhaire: winterspring for the Ony person
20:14.34ScytheBlade1Thought it did that when zoning in instances too
20:15.02|FF|Im2good4u"UPDATE_INSTANCE_INFO" ,- i know its weird but it seems to fire everytime lol
20:15.09ts|skromScytheBlade1 That's still kind of a "continent" switch. YOu are moving from the continent 'server' to the instance 'server' iirc
20:15.18ScytheBlade1ts|skrom, right. Just clarifying.
20:15.29cladhaireisn't there one in azshara too?
20:15.36cladhairethat ports you up?
20:15.46cladhaireanyone know what NPC
20:15.51ts|skromcladhaire compare x,y if change > z you were ported zomg?
20:15.57ScytheBlade1Take the road into Azshara
20:16.00LunessaThe blood elf behind the horde flight point.
20:16.13ScytheBlade1Once it branches off for the second time, keep heading north, off the path, until you hit a cliff
20:16.20cladhairets|skrom: that's a poll.. i'd rather have an event
20:16.21ScytheBlade1Then head west a few hundred steps
20:16.49|Jelly|<3 having to download 10 ~2.5mb patches.
20:17.02Kaydeethree14, actually
20:17.02ts|skromWhat for |Jelly|?
20:17.04ScytheBlade1 <-- Ag'tor Bloodfist, 22,51
20:17.12|Jelly|KD3 knows.
20:17.28Thunder_Childbecause combining them is soooooooooooo hard right?
20:17.31|Jelly|Stupid PTR and my stupid self wanting to know exactly what's gonna be broke.
20:17.38Kaydeethreethey've gotta test the patcher/downloader somehow
20:18.00|Jelly|I've gotten REALLY good at typing my password though.
20:18.16Kaydeethreeif you installed it properly, try starting the Launcher instead. it'll check for PTR updates too
20:18.48|Jelly|I haven't installed WoW since I originally installed it.
20:18.51Kaydeethreethe PTR
20:19.28Thunder_Childi wouldnt mind having
20:19.32|Jelly|i'm on 7229-7350. My process is working out for me thus far. :P
20:20.01|Jelly|That's where I would raid from.
20:20.26Thunder_Childfloating keyboard/mouse combo
20:20.39ts|skromThunder_Child SWEET
20:21.04|Jelly|"and will instantly kill you in a few years when the wiring on the TV gets worn down" <-- lewl
20:21.07Thunder_Childit would be really cool if you could time the jest with attacks on your charicters
20:21.36Thunder_Childso you get hit and a jet spurts at you
20:22.26ts|skromPTR Players answer przkthx: Can you join multiple voice enabled private channels and have a seperate PTT key for each?
20:24.44ScytheBlade1Not to my knowledge
20:24.44ts|skromCan you even be in multiple? Say your party and a private channel?
20:24.46Kaydeethreethere's only one PTT key
20:24.56ScytheBlade1I tried to figure that out when voice chat went live on the PTR, and couldn't
20:25.02Kirkburn|afkThunder_Child, enjoy CS:S :P
20:25.02ts|skromWould be awkward to bitch about your groupmates in your guild's private chat at that point ;-/
20:25.03Thunder_Childand this is why vent/TS will never go out of style
20:25.16Thunder_Childheh, ty Kirkburn|afk
20:26.20ts|skromI imagine that multiple ptt keys is something they could add easily in the future
20:26.51ts|skromthere's bound to be a demand for it once the voice chat goes live I'd wager.
20:30.14*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
20:30.40Thunder_Childthat means multiple threaded channels...huge bandwidth
20:30.49*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
20:32.53cladhairewell thats unfortunate
20:33.00cladhairethe quest teleport fires no events.
20:33.57Rallion|AwayI have reached a new level of sophistication in web browsing.
20:34.07RallionI require tabs for my tabs.
20:34.20ts|skromI thought you were talking about "classy porn" or something
20:35.15ts|skromIn stead of saying "yes! yes! yes!" she says "oui! oui! oui!"
20:37.57*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=chatzill@
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20:42.05ts|skromThis quote from the forums is full of win: Sure, it's your $14.95 a month to play as you want, but in a group it's our $59.80 and we think you're retarded.
20:42.19ScytheBlade1It is
20:43.10*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
20:45.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
20:50.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
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21:06.57ts|skromQuestion: I guess you can't ride a flying mount in azeroth even if you are on the ground?
21:08.46ts|skromalright, later folks.
21:11.23*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
21:20.05|Jelly| lewl
21:20.22Kaydeethreegetting ready for tomorrow...
21:20.23Rallionyeah, that pic is win
21:21.14Rallionoh, silly songs from shows for young children.
21:21.54Industriallazytown \o/
21:22.05Industrialwheres the things like globals for moeny color documented
21:22.11Industrialmoney, even
21:22.58|Jelly|Peppy for tomorrow imo:
21:23.50Industrialwhats tomorrow?
21:23.57Kaydeethreetalk like a pirate day
21:24.33cog|awayif by "again" you mean "like last year" then yes :P
21:26.15Industrialthat was a year ago :O?
21:28.45Thunder_Childwhy sep 19th?
21:29.06Kaydeethreeit's in the wikipedia article
21:33.53cladhairejesus christ
21:33.57cladhairespriest + mage
21:36.42*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
21:37.06nevcairielman finally archimonde down
21:37.14cladhairegz man
21:37.29nevcairieli hate those eredar bosses =P
21:37.41zenzelezzso I get two e-mails from "Bank of America" on my Gmail account... one in Inbox, one in Spam. Nice filtering
21:37.58*** join/#wowi-lounge geno-afk (
21:38.37zenzelezz"Bank of America <>"... if you fall for that you deserve it
21:42.19|Jelly|!c us burning legion granahill
21:42.21ThraeBot|Jelly|: Granahill, Level 48 Undead Mage (0/0/39). 2482 HP; 3966 Mana; 132 mana regen; 10 mp5; 21 +spell dmg/heal; 9 frost dmg (30); 4.62% dodge; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 384 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Sep 18 17:55:53 2007 EST ]]
21:42.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (n=Dotted@pdpc/supporter/student/dotted)
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21:48.01foxlit|macHm, so close and yet so far
21:48.25foxlit|macIf A is a matrix such that A^2 = 0, prove that det(A+I) =/= 0
21:49.02zenzelezzanswer them with "Is it really so hard to believe?"
21:49.11bleetyarrrrCide: oO 2.3 mailboxchanges ftw! ;)
21:49.27bleetyarrrrs/ftw/for a bottle of rum!/
21:49.29amrogame retailers should put pictures of jack thompson's son in their stores so all their employees can refuse to sell him stuff
21:51.04LunessaReading at work is like mainlining laughter for the demented.
21:51.30foxlit|macYou can somewhat lazily get to (A+I)^2 = 2A + I
21:51.32KalrothAnyone using the advanced auctioneer thingy? (No, I'm not going to bug norgy :P)
21:51.47Esamynnlet's see if anyone else's memory is better than mine, if I call frame:Hide() the OnHide scripts of frame's children are going to run before the OnHide script of frame right?
21:51.49foxlit|macThen you'd have to prove det(2A+I) =/= 0, which is still bad
21:51.50LunessaI have been using it for 3-4 days
21:52.05KalrothLunessa: Is there a way to kill the text output it does when it's done scanning?
21:52.10KalrothI couldn't find an option for it
21:52.21LunessaKalroth, I don't know.  I haven't looked for it yet.
21:53.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
21:53.58LunessaI'm still fiddling with it.  Lots of new options and widgets.  Appraiser is pretty sweet though.
21:56.27bleetyarrrrI been usin' it for, yarrr, 'bout six months, when I've been in port and wanting to sell some of me pirate's booty.
21:57.34bleetyarrrrand fer those who be missin' this mornin' 2.3 UI change, they're gunna be lettin' us query the entire AH DB every 15 mins in one hit - that be meaning that the complete AH scan thing will be goin' the way of the dodo! YIPPEE /jig
22:00.23foxlit|macThat's awesome
22:00.42foxlit|macHopefully that'll reduce the barrier to entry in the AH speculation game drastically (who wants to wait 15 minutes?)
22:00.58foxlit|macWhich will push the prices down, which will enable me to get stuff for less
22:01.41*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
22:02.57amrobleetyarrrr: did you try burning sea?
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22:07.11bleetyarrrramro: as far as I know, it don't be workin' under Wine.. or with me bottle of rum!
22:10.34amrodamned windows and its "must reboot" crap
22:12.07zenzelezzat least that one said CD
22:12.23zenzelezzsome message (maybe just in the Norwegian version) spoke of the "floppy"
22:12.42cog|awayKaydeethree: I always just copied the cab files to the HD and installed from there :P
22:12.53Shirikcog|away: That’s ... interesting
22:13.13Kaydeethreefloppies... hrm. I wonder if I've got my old win3.1 5-1/4" floppies lying around somewhere
22:13.22ShirikI do!
22:13.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (
22:13.24cog|awayShirik: and it worked too :P
22:13.37zenzelezzwe got our first PC when Win95 was just being released... it came on 13 floppies
22:13.38ShirikAlong with my 486 that ran my awesome “3.11”
22:13.39cog|awaywas only about 175mb iirc
22:13.53Shirikcog|away: That was at the article
22:14.26Kaydeethreethank the gods for Myst's popularity spurring CD-ROM purchases for everyone
22:14.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Elyssah (
22:14.38*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
22:14.50art3mishehe i remember installing chicago on my 386dx40 to see what the fus was
22:14.58cog|awayYou don't think all the annoyances of floppies played a part? :P
22:15.04cog|awayhihi :)
22:15.12ShirikI still have my carmen sandiego floppies too
22:15.42Rallionthere were like 8 versions of that game
22:15.42Shirikand some broderbund programs that had a “application” disk and a “data” disk
22:15.45art3misand then a couple of years later having an A set a D set and an N set to install slackware ;P
22:16.10RallionI remember that X-Wing was like 7 disks
22:16.31Elyssahwas hoping i could find someone willing to help me. i'm trying to make a calendar addon, like group calendar, but not.
22:16.37Rallion7 disks of AWESOME.
22:16.56amroI think I tricked the installer into thinking I rebooted
22:17.30amroactually I just noticed something really weird about installshield
22:17.43Elyssahbarring that, be pointed in a direction where i can learn it on my own
22:18.22amroi left the installer up and started up another installshield installer. the second installer then stopped, and the first spawned another installer continuing as if I had restarted. after that one finished, installer #2 picks up again
22:18.38zenzelezzElyssah: do you want it to work only for the player or to share data with others?
22:19.00Elyssahi want it to shared with my guildmates
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22:19.05amroboth of them are still asking me to reboot, so I might as well...
22:19.08art3misyer so sneaky amro
22:19.20zenzelezzElyssah: have you done any addon coding before?
22:19.43Elyssah-,- no..
22:20.01cog|awayElyssah: might be a bit too ambitious then
22:20.03zenzelezzElyssah: that's a bit of an ambitious project for a starter
22:20.07zenzelezzDAMNIT COGWHEEL
22:20.25zenzelezzI do all the groundwork and you steal the punch
22:20.25Elyssahi realize that, but i'm willing to put a lot of time in to it
22:20.45cog|notawayElyssah: have you considered modifying one of the existing ones?
22:20.45Elyssahi just need a sensei
22:20.54Elyssahisn't that sort of cheating?
22:21.05Elyssahtaking credit for something i didn't do?
22:21.10Shirikthat’s the trick
22:21.11zenzelezzwe do all the time
22:21.15Shirikno we don’t!
22:21.19ShirikWe credit people where it’s due
22:21.27Shirikbut that doesn’t mean you don’t use someone else’s code
22:21.33ShirikHell I just took something from Iriel two days ago
22:21.34cog|workElyssah: The author of Group Calendar and Outfitter came out a while back saying he was quitting
22:21.41art3misshirik loves to help people, perhaps you should read up more about lua in general via PiL and the LUA wiki, then check various addons that do sorta what you want, then comeback and message Shirik ;)
22:21.47Kaydeethreejust say "this is Elyssah-Addon-1.0, based on code in FooAddon-4"
22:21.48Shirikbut right at the top is
22:21.49Shirik-- Following code is courtesy of Iriel (modified for our purposes), master of addons and MVP
22:21.50Shirik-- of UI/Macros forum on US WoW forums. Thanks!
22:21.53cog|workso i'm fairly certain that as long as you give credit where credit is due, you can mod it up to your heart's content
22:22.40bleetyarrrrafaik, GC's been taken up by another group already, and they're giving credit, with a chest full a' booty.
22:22.41zenzelezzElyssah: *if* you decide to make it from the ground up, don't try to put it all together at once. Start maybe with some of the visual elements, basic functionality, then expand
22:22.46Elyssahbut.. if i don't do it myself, won't i have trouble modifying it when the expansion comes out?
22:22.55Kaydeethreethat's a long ways away
22:23.00Kaydeethreedon't worry about it yet
22:23.05Elyssahwell.. i have the frame all set, with a nice close button, and a mini map button, and the like
22:23.32Elyssahbut i just don't know how to make it show the dates in such a lay out that changes each month
22:23.52cog|workElyssah: even with all the changes in 2.0, many addons (pretty much anything not related to combat) were able to be carried over with only minor changes to some of the 5.1 Lua constructs
22:24.15Elyssahand there are a lot of xml files in the addon, i'm not sure where to look to figure it out
22:24.17cog|workAnd you can always look at existing code for examples to get the overall logic
22:24.21cog|workoh heh
22:24.29cog|worki'm sure it's not in the XML anyway
22:24.34cog|workit would be in the Lua code
22:24.52Elyssahbut to be visable, wouldn't it have to have a tie to the xml?
22:24.56cog|workit's all the same window, you just hide or show days in the first and last weeks and change all the numbers
22:25.23Elyssahi see
22:26.19zenzelezzWine Gold, is that champagne?
22:26.24cog|work2.2's coming in the next week or 2 :P
22:26.37Kaydeethreeprobably the 25th
22:26.47Kaydeethreeas long as 7272 stays stable
22:26.47cog|workthat's my guess
22:26.50bleetyarrrrcog|work: aye, I already be changed the 2.2 entry to be specific for PTR builds
22:26.59Elyssahso... why does group calendar have so many xml and lua files?
22:27.06bleetyarrrrcog|work: I'll create a seperate AppDB entry for 2.2 live, when we get there :)
22:27.42cog|workElyssah: because it has a LOT of functionality and a lot of different UI elements. It's usually a good idea to separate them out into multiple files to keep related functions and UI elements grouped together
22:28.19Elyssahso... the calendar part of my addon should have a seperate xml file than the roster part i plan?
22:28.43cog|work"should" is a bit subjective... more like "that's what I'd do because it makes sense to me" :P
22:28.47zenzelezzif you wish, think of the XML/Lua files as furniture. It all belongs in your house, but you don't want it all in one room or it gets cluttered
22:29.04Elyssahi see
22:29.26Elyssahbeing a coding newb, i'll take any advice i can get cog
22:29.27Valaron|WorkPutting all your eggs into one basket makes it hard to find later
22:30.08Shirikhells no
22:30.09Kaydeethreezomg ace rdx!
22:30.17cog|workman... the closer we get to finishing the book the more I wish it was finished...
22:30.23art3mislzh rdx!
22:30.31art3misits got gooder compression!
22:30.40zenzelezzuharc plz
22:31.07*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
22:32.06Elyssah;_; i want
22:32.14Kaydeethreeooh, that reminds me. wonder if any more MD leaks are out?
22:32.17cog|workart3mis: they said we'll probably have an e version
22:32.30art3miswill said version be free?
22:32.47dreamss2lol LUA manual for 30bucks?
22:32.48art3miswhos the other person?
22:32.51Elyssahbut... that's not until february
22:32.52dreamss2thank god for pdf
22:33.01art3misyou clad and ???
22:33.04bleetyarrrrquite disgusting
22:33.11Elyssahi need that book now
22:33.11bleetyarrrrcouple of regulars in here writing a book for us
22:33.23cog|workminus :
22:33.28bleetyarrrrand all folks do is talk about how the authors ain't gunna be paid for it
22:33.29purlwell, wowprogramming is World of Warcraft Programming: A Guide and Reference for Creating WoW Addons, a book written by Cladhaire, Kaelten and Cogwheel.  It serves as a technical reference for the WoW API and customization system (Due out Early 2008).
22:33.33bleetyarrrrTO THE PLANK WITH YE ALL!
22:33.44art3misthats kind of  groovy though
22:33.45Elyssahtoo far away
22:33.52Elyssahi'll have given up or figured it out by then
22:33.52art3mishope it does well for ya
22:33.56cog|workElyssah: hence my original comment :P
22:33.57cladhairewell we're writing it today
22:34.02cladhaireits 2/3 done :P
22:34.05cladhairebut that doesn't help you now
22:34.12dreamss2yeah some moron is gonna pay 40bucks for shit u can get free?
22:34.25art3misand just think youll be able to put out new revisions!
22:34.44art3mismake em in smaller "addon" modules
22:34.45bleetyarrrrI'd be claimin' that talkin' about pirated versions of the book, although meeting with my mindset today, is akin to talking about using private servers and deserves a warning then a kick
22:34.54Kaydeethreewow... heaven't heard this in a while
22:35.04art3misso 2.3 2.4 etdc are stand alone but wont make much sense without the main book ;)
22:35.15Elyssahso.. question
22:35.15dreamss2bleetyarrrr, ill have the pdf mirroed b4 it hits stores
22:35.18dreamss2watch me
22:35.38AntiarcAnyone here use a non-enUS client?
22:35.41cog|workdreamss2: gtfo imo
22:35.53zenzelezzAntiarc: enGB
22:36.02cog|workdreamss2: notice that one of the authors of said book has +o
22:36.03Elyssahi'm using tabs for overlapping frames, if i'm using seperate files for each "tab" section of my addon, how does it know?
22:36.15dreamss2cog, are u cerial making profit on a LUA howto?
22:36.30cog|workdreamss2: it's not a Lua howto
22:36.37cog|workit's a complete guide for creating WoW addons
22:36.45dreamss2fucking 40bucks?
22:36.58cog|work800 fucking pages
22:36.58dreamss2yeah ok
22:37.11art3miscog|work: does the first page have "links" to curse wowi and ui with the note, chance are nothing you think up hasnt been made ye so check there first?
22:37.14cog|workonly about the first 20% is about Lua
22:37.19zenzelezztaking bets on which C will have the honor
22:37.29bleetyarrrrdreamss2: you wouldn't go on the wow forums and talk about using private servers, don't come here talking about pirating books that senior UI authors are writing for our collective benefit and for which their efforts deserve financial reward.
22:37.45dreamss2i dint even wanna bother coding LUA for wow, pay 40bucks for something that is found free on the net is fucking waste of money
22:37.58bleetyarrrryou're a waste of space
22:37.59Kaydeethreeso, what are you complaining about then?
22:38.24cog|workdreamss2: show me where you can find a comprehensive guide with a 99% accurate and complete reference to all API functions and widget methods
22:38.33dreamss2cause someone has to complain... shit is as retarded as lvl to 70 guides
22:38.41dreamss2its called IRC
22:38.45cog|workdreamss2: show me a Lua tutorial that would be friendly to people who have never touched a programming language in their life
22:38.47dreamss2im in 3 ui channels at least
22:38.54zenzelezzoh noes
22:38.56dreamss2each chan will link me to a guide directly
22:38.58Elyssahi'll have to come back later, yall are arguing with dreamss2 and i need to get ready to go
22:39.10zenzelezzseeya Elyssah
22:39.14LunessaI'll buy the book.  I'm all about supporting writing and the efforts of people I admire.
22:39.24zenzelezzand cogwheel
22:39.39cog|workdreamss2: what if the information doesn't exist? cladhaire is working on the book full-time and we will be researching every function, its parameters and everything to have it all up to date
22:39.42Elyssahcog, i hope you'll let me pick your brain later
22:39.47cog|workcan you say that about wowwiki?
22:40.03dreamss2by the time ur book us out the API will be updated
22:40.20dreamss2learn to write LUA for wow 1.0 when 3.0 is out?
22:40.21*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
22:40.22Elyssahand i'll probably buy your book.. even if it's jsut for reference
22:40.26cog|workall i can say is you're a fucking retard with no imagination
22:40.37cog|workif you don't want it, then don't buy it
22:40.41bleetyarrrrcog|work: don't be so down on retards, please.
22:40.56cog|workSorry... you're a fucking mentally challenged individual
22:40.57dreamss2all i can say is ur a money grubbing whore and i will pirate this book on the wow forums just cause its 40bucks
22:41.13zenzelezzin before the kick
22:41.14Rallionlet him do it.
22:41.14Kaydeethreeirc trolls, fun stuff
22:41.24bleetyarrrrgoddamn someone op me so I can make this scurvy dog walk the plank!
22:41.29Elyssahat least you will know who to sue for it
22:41.45dreamss2i have more vhosts/shells/domains
22:41.46art3misi think its kind of funny that you guys fell for him so easily
22:41.50dreamss2yeah sue me
22:41.57*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+b dreamss2!*@*] by cladhaire
22:41.57*** kick/#wowi-lounge [dreamss2!n=cladhair@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire] by cladhaire (scriptkiddie somewhere else.. please.)
22:42.12*** mode/#wowi-lounge [-b dreamss2!*@*] by cladhaire
22:42.17zenzelezzwe don't fall for it, we just gather energy from their spirits
22:42.31Elyssahone last question before i go
22:42.32art3mistis his host btw
22:42.35Kaydeethreebah. my troll sensors aren't working properly today. gotta find more caffeine
22:42.48ckknightwho's up for pirating literature?
22:42.50cladhaireart3mis: heh.. i avoid banning hosts unless we have a good reason
22:43.01cladhaireckknight: i can't pirate anythign until tomorrow
22:43.04cladhairemy mommy said so
22:43.04art3misi just thought the host name was kind of funny
22:43.15ckknightcladhaire: blast, we'll have to reschedule
22:43.17Shirikcladhaire: scriptkiddie?
22:43.25cladhaireShirik: yes..
22:43.28Rallionscriptkiddie attitude.
22:43.36ShirikI assumed that he was actually doing something
22:43.36Elyssahabout using multiple xml and lua files
22:43.45cladhaireno one comes on irc and brags about how many vhosts/shells/domains they have, unless they're a script kidding.
22:44.01cog|workElyssah: go for it
22:44.01foxlit|macElyssah: ask away
22:44.06Elyssahwait.. what's a script kiddie?
22:44.09cladhairei've been IRCing for 15 years, and I can say that with complete confidence :P
22:44.12cladhaire~dict script kiddie
22:44.25cog|worksurvey says...
22:44.44Valaron|WorkThe Braggarts of the IRC world.
22:44.47cog|workfoxlit|mac: network latency 4tl :P
22:44.48*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
22:44.48Shirikscript kiddie = me going to <insert random hack site here> and DDoSing making me thing I’m 1337
22:44.53Shirikeven though I did absolutely nothing whatsoever
22:45.43Shirikbtw cladhaire I have more vhosts than you
22:45.49Shirikand I use IPv7 too
22:45.59cladhaireok cidan
22:46.41Elyssahok.. back to my question
22:47.02Elyssahi'm using a layout like the social panel wow has by default, you know, multiple windows with tabs
22:47.10cog|workElyssah: don't worry... we're accustomed to carrying half a dozen conversations at a time :P
22:47.19Elyssahif i give each window their own lua and xml file,
22:47.40Elyssahhow will it know that each window is a child of 1 big parent frame?
22:47.53foxlit|macYou can set a frame's parent without nesting it in <Frames>
22:47.55cog|workyou can use the parent attribute in each one's tag
22:48.02foxlit|mac<Frame ... parent="ParentFrame">
22:48.08Elyssahwell.. how does it know which to read first?
22:48.14cog|workthe order of the ToC file
22:48.25Elyssahyou see, idid not know that
22:48.25foxlit|mac+ order of subsequent XML loads :)
22:48.46Elyssahhmm.. now another q occured
22:48.48cog|workYou can also use XML Includes, but i don't know if that would go against best practices ;)
22:48.48foxlit|macThere's a wiki page about that as well:
22:48.57Elyssahthe diff between writting for win vs writting for mac
22:49.01cladhairelol arena team
22:49.15cog|work"for", nothing
22:49.20cladhaire"one of us is a homo"
22:49.21Shirik~lart whoever wrote that page
22:49.21purltakes a big bite out of whoever wrote that page's jugular vein
22:49.22cladhaireElyssah: you shoudl always use \ as the path seperator.. but thats the only difference.
22:49.23cog|work"on," only your choice of programs
22:49.23foxlit|macElyssah: I don't believe there is a difference. WoW accepts both styles of newline
22:49.33*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
22:49.37ShirikLua is not an acronym!!
22:49.42foxlit|maccladhaire: I usually use / :/
22:49.50cladhairefoxlit|mac: there are a few places that it won't work.
22:49.58cladhaireso to be consistent i use \ everywhere.
22:49.59Elyssahi got a few mac users, i was concerned if they'd be able to use the addon i make
22:50.02foxlit|macCould be, could be
22:50.08cladhaireElyssah: I dev, and run all my addons on a mac
22:50.10cladhairethey work beautifully
22:50.11cog|workElyssah: there are really no differences
22:50.18Elyssahok good
22:50.22Elyssahcuz i was worried.. heh
22:50.27cog|workoh one more thing...
22:50.30*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
22:50.34Elyssahjust use \ and not  /
22:50.34foxlit|macif (IsWindowsClient()) crash();
22:50.39Elyssahgot ya
22:50.52cog|workfor XML editing check out
22:51.02Elyssahbleh.. why do i keep coming up with questions?!
22:51.16Rallionbecause these things are complicated.
22:51.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
22:51.27*** join/#wowi-lounge dreamss4 (n=tupac@
22:51.29foxlit|macBecause it's a great shortcut :)
22:52.13Elyssahwe have a problem with kicke dplayers trying to get back in the guild with new characters. is it possible to make an addon to do something about that?
22:52.26cog|workElyssah: no
22:52.42cog|workthere is no way to know whether a character is on the same account as another for privacy reasons
22:52.42Elyssahwe'll just have to keep the website then for ip comparison
22:52.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (i=feh@conspiracy/developer/Cidan)
22:52.52dreamss4make a website with aplications with ip logs
22:53.02Elyssahalready doing that
22:53.16dreamss4and stop open invites
22:53.22dreamss4only invite 65+
22:53.27Elyssahhow did you get back here?
22:53.30*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
22:53.39dreamss4heh called irc bouncers
22:53.44Rallionalso, tempban
22:53.47cladhairecalled i unbanned you
22:53.51cladhairedon't tempt me.
22:53.57dreamss4i aint doing shit
22:54.01dreamss4i spoke my mind
22:54.04cladhairethats not for you to decide
22:54.28cog|workdreamss4: I don't mind discussing piracy on a theoretical level
22:54.29Elyssahi'll be back with more questions later. thanks everyone!
22:54.31dreamss4thats to blizzard ish for irc seriusly
22:54.38dreamss4cog|work, look man
22:54.47dreamss4i understand that its work u are gonna do
22:54.48cog|workwhen you go making specific threats about piracy against stuff that people in this channel are creating then diaf
22:54.51dreamss4but 40bucks?
22:55.07dreamss4thats all im gonna say
22:55.15cog|work1) price is set by the publisher
22:55.22cog|work2) it's 800 fucking pages
22:55.22RallionI'll sy that $40 is on the low end for a book of that nature.
22:55.28zenzelezzif you find $40 too much then I'm surprised you play WoW
22:55.30cog|work3) you can get it for 26 off amazon
22:55.41cog|work4) $40 is not a lot of mony for anyone with a job
22:55.42dreamss4if it was like a website/wiki thing that get updated all the time
22:55.52dreamss4it would be better
22:55.53cog|workdreamss4: who says there won't be ;)
22:55.57dreamss4but a book
22:56.09Kaydeethreeso go work on wowwiki then. a lot of API pages could use updates
22:56.10cladhairethen don't buy the book
22:56.16dreamss4API will get outdated by the time is printed
22:56.20foxlit|macdreamss4: language guides sell despite availability of online documentation
22:56.22zenzelezzyour precious online guides are no more guaranteed to be updated than a book is
22:56.24foxlit|macAPI isn't the interesting part
22:56.41cog|workdreamss4: the core of the book isn't the reference
22:56.42foxlit|mac[it is easier to update online wiki content than it is to update a printed, sold book]
22:56.49cladhairedreamss4: you are absolutely welcome to express your opinion, but don't expect to sit here and threaten people and not have action taken against you.  Period.
22:56.53cog|workit's actual instruction of the various concepts
22:56.55dreamss4no but keeping your eye open on any interface channel will get you up2date really fast
22:57.02foxlit|mac[but then again, I don't expect the thing to be a list of WoW api calls]
22:57.07bleetyarrrrclearly dreamss4 understands the market far better than the authors and publishers, and is more than welcome to set up their own and profit from less than $40 for a hard copy.
22:57.07cladhairenot with the material this book includes.
22:57.09zenzelezzfoxlit|mac: the fact that something's easy is no guarantee that anyone will bother
22:57.12cog|workdreamss4: if you think that way then great. most people want a more guided approach
22:57.19dreamss4cladhaire i was expecting a ban, but something has to say something
22:57.24foxlit|maczenzelezz: 10^-7 > 0
22:57.35cladhairedreamss4: No, somebody doesn't have to say something
22:57.54cog|workdreamss4: nobody has to specifically threaten to pirate our work
22:57.59cladhairemoral of the story: don't buy the book if you don't want to.
22:58.03cladhairestory ends there
22:58.08dreamss4heh just cause ppl dosent have the balls to say something dosent mean they not thinking the same
22:58.18cladhairewhat the fuck is your point?
22:58.24cladhairewhat are you trying to express?
22:58.29zenzelezzso you assume that because we don't object to the price we're just afraid to say it?
22:58.34cladhaireuntil you have a point, you're trolling.
22:58.36foxlit|mac(in other words, no matter how small the chance, it's still larger than the chance of a printed book spontaneously deciding to update while on your bookshelf. We aren't there technologically yet :()
22:58.43cog|workcladhaire: i think he's trying to say he's poor and wants to stick it to the man
22:58.52cladhairecog|work: thats' fine.. without "the man" the material wouldn't exist
22:58.56cladhaireso he can go on, not having it
22:58.59cladhaireby not puchasing the book
22:59.03dreamss4my point, book is allmost as much wow itself
22:59.04art3misdoes the book come with a c of examples an editor and a sandbox? oh and will if have funny comics to illustrate points?
22:59.06zenzelezzfoxlit|mac: who said anything about spontaneously updating? Books get updated and reprinted too you know
22:59.19cladhairepulling shit in a normally peaceful irc channel will not be the way to do it.
22:59.33art3miserr a cd
22:59.44art3misfunny comics are important
22:59.51cog|workdon't know about comics :P
22:59.56Shirikdid I miss something again
23:00.05dreamss4yeah by coincidence i saw it anyways, my other bnc was dead when i woke up
23:00.09zenzelezzthe book will use lolcat pictures for illustrations
23:00.16foxlit|maczenzelezz: with reservations, yes. But I doubt that a WoW-related printed reference could hope to compete with the wow patch release schedule. (+stuff)
23:00.19Thunder_Childhmm..usb 3.0 will come in at 4.8 Gbps
23:00.19Kaydeethreesweet, I'm buying it!
23:00.35Rallionlolcats would be awesome
23:00.43Shirikdreamss4: $40 is cheap, first off
23:00.54dreamss4cladhaire, lets put it this way, i learned my way into a lot of stuff by being selftauth and i meet many interesting ppl in the process
23:00.55art3misfoxlit|mac: thats why it becomes a 2.4 Update book!
23:00.56cog|work(not to mention that you can get it for $26)
23:00.58Shirikdreamss4: Secondly, if you don’t want to pay that, you can always read the Blizzard code and try to... figure it out on your own
23:01.01Shirikbut um
23:01.06Rallion$40 IS cheap, I've never seen a programming guide for less
23:01.08foxlit|macThen again, the main appeal isn't the reference, and so there's less motivation to update that
23:01.09Shirikconsidering the book is longer than the Blizzard code itself
23:01.09cladhairedreamss4: ooh grats, so have i.
23:01.10zenzelezzfoxlit|mac: you're still being peculiarly argumentative considering all I initially said is "there's no guarantee". Unless you wish to claim there is a guarantee I don't see your point
23:01.11cladhairewhats your point?
23:01.13Valaron|WorkSelf taught.. like by reading books?
23:01.17bleetyarrrrclearly what needs to be done is insert some code into the book that only makes it in to pirated versions, by which the pirates of the books get their WoW accounts permabanned.
23:01.25dreamss4reading webguides
23:01.33foxlit|maczenzelezz: I can personally update 1 API page / patch cycle :P
23:01.36cladhairedreamss4: that someone wrote.. odd how that works.
23:01.37Shirikand btw
23:01.45Shirikthe argument that something is “out of date” is completely irrelevant
23:01.46foxlit|macIt ends up being a silly argument :P
23:01.52Shirikthat’s why most textbooks are revised after a couple of years
23:02.03zenzelezzfoxlit|mac: of course you can, but are you guaranteeing us you will?
23:02.08Shirikand you have something like “eighth edition”
23:02.10cladhairestop dramatizing how much changes from patch to patch, and actually look back at the diffs.
23:02.12cladhairethe API changes are minimal
23:02.14cladhaireand fully documented.
23:02.38cladhaireits a magical world we live in.
23:02.44cladhairewhere reality reigns
23:02.48bleetyarrrrand a good textbook, matched with a mature well developed API that updates in a sane manner, will have it's fundamentals last far longer than a bunch of random web pages.
23:02.51Shirikwhat’s reality?
23:02.52dreamss4so are u telling me this are ppl want their hand held but when the API updates they on their own to look for the changes?
23:03.02cladhairedreamss4: This is not a book about hand-holding.
23:03.09Shirikdreamss4: Look?
23:03.13cog|workdreamss4: you have an amazing lack of imagination
23:03.14ShirikIt’s awlays in the same place
23:03.16Shirikit’s not like it’s hard to find
23:03.19Wraangerme personally would pay $100 instantly if I could by this book in Russia
23:03.32dreamss4i belive you said this book is for people who prefer their hand held?
23:03.36cladhairedreamss4: no, i did not.
23:03.39bleetyarrrrin soviet russia, the book buys you?
23:03.40cladhaireand i'm the fucking author
23:03.41cladhaireso i woudl know.
23:03.46foxlit|maccladhaire: that's not even the point. I'm just saying that online content has a better chance of staying up to date than a book. I'm not saying that detracts from the book's value.
23:03.47dreamss4i know
23:04.00cladhairefoxlit|mac: indeed, but the online content can't get written without some catalyst.
23:04.06cladhairehence the state of the wiki.
23:04.29foxlit|macWhen in doubt, blame ace!
23:04.30dreamss4<fn'cog|work> dreamss4: if you think that way then great. most people want a more guided approach
23:04.34cog|workdreamss4: there's a big difference between "guiding" and "hand-holding"
23:04.38cladhairefirst off, that's not me
23:04.55LunessaI'm all for you guys finishing the book.  Books are good. Shared knowledge is GOOD.  Recorded sharable knowledge is AWESOME.
23:05.19cladhaireRecorded sharable knowledge with online resources that are updated due to existing contracts are even better
23:05.29ThraeI thought the point of the book was to present the material, especially the basics, in as well-formed a manner as possible.
23:05.33dreamss4also while you guys dont see my point (as if there any) i come from a place were everything is pirated so i know how pirates think
23:05.52cladhairedreamss4: that's great.. under NO circumstances does that excuse your conduct in this channel.
23:06.08Shirikdreamss4: And you know what
23:06.09dreamss4you rather i lie?
23:06.13Shirikhalf of us have zero respect for people like that
23:06.14cladhaireno, i'd rather you shut up
23:06.16cladhaireor leave
23:06.24ShirikBecause we prefer to make a living
23:06.24dreamss4cause obscurity = security
23:06.25cladhaireif you have no purpose in being here other than trolling
23:06.37zenzelezzoh my
23:06.39Shirikinstead you prefer to steal from people who try to make a living
23:06.39Kaydeethreewhen did any of us make that argument?
23:06.47cog|workdreamss4: rather than jumping around from various disjointed wowwiki pages with missing and out of date information, visiting other sites like for a lua guide that only experienced programmers can understand, and chat channels where conversations are interrupted by trolls
23:06.50bleetyarrrrpointing out that you're violating # rules != obscurity
23:06.52cladhairedo you even know what computer security is.. or is that some buzzword you read in some online article?
23:06.54dreamss4woa woa, now u guys saying u never pirated b4?
23:07.05dreamss4cladhaire do u know what grsec is?
23:07.09cladhairedot.. motherfucking.. dot.
23:07.24TainI've pirated before IMO
23:07.27cog|workwe have a guide that tells you a complete story from learning Lua, understanding the WoW UI system, Working with specific idioms, through to a complete, comprehensive reference
23:07.34cladhairedreamss4: no i didn't.. but now i do.. why whats your point?
23:07.47ThraeEveryone here has pirated before. Can't get enough Savory Deviate Delights!
23:07.58cladhaireawfully fitting
23:08.01dreamss4just checking mattey
23:08.16cog|workdreamss4: how old are you?
23:08.29Shirikcladhaire: There’s a natural solution to this
23:08.30dreamss4oh god here comes the age card
23:08.32ShirikAnd it’s what he wants
23:08.35Shirikso just do it already
23:08.43cog|workdreamss4:  no seriously.. .I was just like you when I was in high school
23:09.02cladhaireShirik: no, he wants me to cycle through all of his IP address, banning innocent people just because he's a nitwit.
23:09.03cog|workpirated everything, didn't understand how anyone could justify charging $40 for a book...
23:09.21cog|workthen one day I took economics, and another day i got a job...
23:09.25Shirikso contact an ircop :P
23:09.27dreamss4no i know cog
23:09.27*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
23:09.31cog|worknow I feel pity for people like you
23:09.42dreamss4im not saying u guys are making 49 out of 50bucks
23:09.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
23:09.47dreamss4prolly get like 5-10
23:10.22bleetyarrrrprolly more like $0.50c up until 20k units are sold, then $1... some sliding scale like that
23:10.24Shirikin fact I do believe the very statement that he pirates everything is against freenode policy
23:10.27Shirikshould be enough for a K-line
23:10.36cladhaireShirik: a k-line on his bouncer's ip.
23:10.44bleetyarrrrwith a guarantee on minimum
23:10.45cog|workbleetyarrrr: it's simpler than that... advance to write it, no royalties until the advance is paid off
23:10.48cladhairethat's how these people get off
23:10.49ShirikI leave that job to the ircops :)
23:10.53dreamss4wait free speech is agaist frenode rules?
23:11.01ShirikNo, being a dumbass is
23:11.01cladhaireno, idiocy
23:11.04cladhaireand trolling
23:11.04bleetyarrrrcog|work: aye, thta's the other set of rules
23:11.07cladhairebig difference
23:11.19Kaydeethreewaitasec... free speech on a network that's not owned by the government?
23:11.23Kaydeethreenews to me
23:11.24bleetyarrrrsome topics are not allowed to be discussed on freenode, can't recall what they are though.
23:11.41dreamss4im lo lazy to /motd
23:12.15dreamss4cladhaire can i send you a tell really quickly?
23:12.34cog|workdreamss4: freedom of speech is only related to the government... The first amendment says "congress shall make no law" not "everyone shall have the right to do whatever the fuck they want"
23:12.35*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
23:12.36zenzelezzneed to be registered to send private messages on Freenode
23:12.39TainSo the important thing is I haven't been paying any attention for a while. cladhaire wrote a book?
23:12.46cladhaireTain: wrote, and is writing, yes.
23:12.57ThraeTain: You haven't been paying attention for the past 1.5 months? :D
23:13.06TainWell, much more than that.
23:13.20bleetyarrrr"As a legal entity, PDPC cannot condone or support behavior which is clearly unlawful. "
23:13.22ThraeTain: You must be near end-game on #idle-rpg.
23:13.23cladhairei'm waiting
23:13.29dreamss4have fun with ctcp version flood
23:13.36ShirikI still want to know the answer to your age
23:13.38TainBut I am happy to give money to people for doing stuff!
23:13.39cladhaireuhh.. i requested your client once
23:13.39*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
23:13.42Shirikbecause I want to know how you make a living
23:13.44cladhairebecause i had the window open, and was waiting for your PM
23:13.51cladhairewhich still hasn't arrived.
23:14.03dreamss4im using an old script from my pgpd i restored dint edit the flood it makes
23:14.08cog|workdreamss4: seriously ... i'm curious as to your age... PM me if you don't want it public
23:15.04Shirikdamn I expected to see something like irssi
23:15.09Shirikor something linux based
23:15.16JoshBorkei feel like i stepped into something bizarre
23:15.24Valaron|WorkGet out while you still can.
23:15.26ThraeSo I did a /lastlog and still have little idea what people are talking about.
23:15.29dreamss4maybe its irssii modded to look like mirc
23:15.29Shirik14(1911:1311:1914)  11-› 14[CTCP VERSION reply from dreamss414]: mIRC v6.21 Khaled Mardam-Bey
23:15.29Shirik14(1911:1311:1914)  11-› 14[CTCP VERSION reply from dreamss414]: 12( NoNameScript 4.1 12:: 12:: 12)
23:15.30bleetyarrrrJoshBorke: twighlight zone, to be sure and a bottle of rum!
23:15.37ShirikI would tend to disagree dreamss4
23:15.38dreamss4i make bitchx look like mirc all the time
23:15.49Shirikgood try on the save though
23:15.54dreamss4hell do u guys even know how to know the diff betwin a unix and windows irc client?
23:15.55JoshBorkeit's possible
23:16.07dreamss4or how to get idle times of a irc user?
23:16.08bleetyarrrrtruly leet people get mIRC happening on comps like I have right here and using right now!
23:16.17*** join/#wowi-lounge weab_ (
23:16.25Thraedreamss4: We may or may not. Explain to us.
23:16.36Shirikhave fun dreamss4
23:16.38dreamss4maybe get the ip out of the web irc client
23:16.40dreamss4its easy
23:16.40cog|workdreamss4: since you also don't have 5th amendment protection in here, with your lack of response we hereby find you guilty of being too young for any of us to have respect for you
23:16.51*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
23:17.13Kaydeethreemeh, I'm gonna go back to watching the forums. someone keep me informed if things get interesting
23:17.39alestaneAnother test realm patch.
23:18.05bleetyarrrralestane: whcih build?
23:18.11cog|workdreamss4: answer this question at least... are you old enough buy alcohol in the US?
23:18.13Shirikso dreamss4
23:18.17Shirikcurious man?
23:18.18cladhaireguys.. let it drop.
23:18.23cladhairenow, please.
23:18.26cladhairei will deal with it, if there are issue
23:18.28bleetyarrrralestane: ah, good-o... already got it :)
23:18.29Shirikcog|work: I’m not :(
23:18.35cladhairethe civil discussion rule applies to everyone.
23:18.37Shirik6 months...
23:18.40dreamss4ctcp echo for unix irc client check/clientinfo for webcheck
23:18.49dreamss4whois nickname nickname for idle check
23:18.49Shirikyou could have just done a CTCP/VERSION
23:18.57ShirikI proudly indicate I’m on mirc with nbs-irc
23:18.57dreamss4no u can spoof those
23:19.00ShirikI hvae no reason to hide it
23:19.05*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
23:19.16Shirikand you can spoof anything
23:19.18JoshBorkewow, now seriously, can we drop it?
23:19.22Shirikbut yeah I’ll shut up
23:19.26alestaneSo, anyone want to critique the first version of my parser code from yesterday?
23:19.26JoshBorkewho the fuck cares
23:19.27dreamss4mine whould say bitchx grsec normally if my script dint freak out due pgpdrive corructpoint
23:19.45Shirikyes alestane
23:19.50ShirikLIST should be a constant if it’s in call caps
23:20.29ShirikI read it wrong
23:20.49Shirikwell it is a “constant function” it just seems a bit odd to me to name a function in all caps
23:21.03alestaneMostly because it was a small local utility.
23:21.18cladhaireall caps should be constants
23:21.25cladhaireif its a local utility, scope it explicitly
23:21.30alestaneI did.
23:21.39cladhairethen no need to signify any other way than in your comments
23:21.50cladhairethe conventions nazis would be all over you for an all caps func :P
23:22.07alestaneIt's used slightly like a type declaration, any guidelines for that?
23:22.18Shirikif (...) == "[" or (select(select('#', ...), ...)) == "]" then
23:22.20Shirikthat hurt my head for a second
23:23.47cladhairecall it createlist()
23:23.47cladhaireor newlist()
23:23.47cladhaireand you shoudl make t an optional argument
23:23.47alestaneSo (and I am not saying this to dismiss the importance of style) any functional comments?
23:23.47cladhairethe LIST{}'s are funny, but more unreadable than anythign else.
23:23.47cladhairei'm looking at functionality now.
23:23.47alestaneI guess it's easy enough to say t = t or {}
23:24.07alestaneDo I need to explain?
23:24.14alestaneOr should I phrase it another way?
23:24.31cog|workdon't need to explain t=t or {}
23:24.43alestanecog|work: No, what Shirik said.
23:25.05CidanShirik isn't allowed to talk
23:25.39cog|workif you want to make it more explicit, you could make first and last variables...
23:25.43cog|workbut i think its fine
23:25.49cog|workjust takes a bit of reading comprehension
23:25.50ShirikI think it is too
23:25.53cog|work~fail Shirik
23:25.54purlShirik: Fail.
23:25.55Shirikjust took me a little time to be like “ow”
23:26.03ShirikI’ve written FAR worse
23:26.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
23:26.23alestaneI'm only going to refer to select('#', ...) once so I didn't want a local.
23:26.49JoshBorkewhy don't you want a local? :_(
23:27.05alestaneJoshBorke: Because I'm not going to reuse it.
23:29.04alestaneI hate trying to use the [ and ] literals in sets, but can't get around it here.
23:29.20alestaneMostly, again, just because of reading comprehension.
23:30.25cladhaireShirik: ping
23:30.58alestaneHmm, probably going to make one change.
23:31.13cladhaireOkay.. anyone want to play the state transition machine game with me?
23:31.25alestanecladhaire: ?
23:31.34Wraangerclad: umm ? what you mean ?
23:31.35cladhaireI need to figure out this problem
23:31.37cladhaireso i can code it :P
23:31.44cladhaireYou have a waypoint on the map
23:31.51cladhairewith three distances forming circles around it
23:32.00cladhairearrive (closest), near, and fara
23:32.03[dRaCo]I haz a waypoint.
23:32.11cladhaireyou can also be outside the far circle, obviouslly
23:32.22alestaneso 4 possible states.
23:32.42cladhairewell, not necessary if you consider that you can be flying in or out
23:32.42cladhairebt yes.
23:33.00cladhairethere are three callbacks that get fired OnDistanceArrive, OnDistanceNear, OnDistanceFar, with a boolean indicating direction.
23:33.09cladhairei.e. if you fly from state 4 to state 3, you get OnDistanceFar, true
23:33.15cladhairesince you're flying towards the waypoint
23:33.24cladhaireif you fly from state 2 to state 3, you get OnDistanceFar, false
23:33.30alestanefly from 3 into 4, get OnDistanceFar, false.
23:33.39[dRaCo]so far, yes ;)
23:33.52cladhairealestane: well that's what i'm not sure about.
23:34.00cladhairealso, i haven't considered something like, say, blink
23:34.04cladhairewhat if you cross two circles at once.
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23:34.15cladhaireand what happens if a warlock summons you into or out of one of the states.
23:34.32[dRaCo]fire only the last event
23:34.35alestaneWhat's the actual goal?
23:34.35cladhairejust trying to figure out what you, as an addon author would find intelligable.
23:34.42cladhairealestane: provide robust callbacks for waypoints
23:34.56cladhairei need to know, if you were an author coding against this.. whats sane behavior?
23:35.23cladhairei tend to think, that regardless of where you came from... you should get the callback whenever you cross a boundry into one of the circles
23:35.33cladhairei.e. OnDistanceArrive whenever you (from anywhere) cross into the inner circle.
23:35.36alestaneSo, if I'm using your (library?), I'm giving it waypoints, and then asking to be informed about the player's status vis-a-vis these waypoints?
23:35.41JoshBorkecladhaire: pastey the question =P
23:35.43cladhairealestane: yes
23:36.15[dRaCo]clad: sounds good.
23:36.23[dRaCo]Don't fire 2 events at once, though
23:36.28cladhairedo you need to know what direction you were coming from?
23:36.36cladhaireor does that not matter?
23:36.44alestaneCan you give an example of a situation where if you went from outside the far circle to within the arrival radius, you'd need to be informed about passing the other two zones?
23:36.56[dRaCo]in or out, that's all I'd like to know.
23:37.24cladhairealestane: no, I can't right now.. which is what I'm asking :P
23:37.47Cidanthere's always room for drama!
23:37.52CidanOr was it DotA?
23:37.55CidanI always forget.
23:38.08alestaneI'd honestly say that just being informed of state change (with old state still available for query) would satisfy everything.
23:38.28cladhairehrm.. i was trying to hide the states from the library author
23:38.36cladhairebut i suppose i could expose it
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23:38.43Wraangerclad: imo information regarding croosing boundaries should be available in case of running / flying and suspent in case of summoning / teleporting
23:38.47[dRaCo]why not provide both layers?
23:38.58alestane"Your waypoint is now in proximity-zone 3 (it was in zone 2 before)"
23:39.22cladhaireperhaps a :GetDistance() and a :GetPreviousDistance()?
23:40.23alestaneAnd a callback when it changes. You might want to take a look at how I manage my settings on the checkbox in SilentMacros, i've been learning interesting things about using attributes.
23:40.44[dRaCo]why would you want 3 callbacks, though? one could be enough
23:40.58alestaneHealThyself is a better example but I haven't uploaded the new code yet.
23:41.08[dRaCo]OnDistanceChange(newDistance, oldDistance)
23:41.23cladhaireand fire it only when you cross boundries?
23:41.28alestanedRaCo: agree
23:41.49AntiarcIs there anyone here with a frFR, esES, koKR, or zhTW, or zhCN client?
23:42.24alestaneYou can use actual distances or zone distances as you see fit...maybe even allow the client to define its own ranges and choice of measurement when it requests the waypoint.
23:42.43cladhaireit does
23:42.47cladhaireit defines the arrive, near and far distances
23:43.00alestane(warning! I tend to make things unneccesarily general!)
23:43.02cladhairea waypoint is created by specifying c,z,x,y,arrive,near,far
23:43.17cladhairethose weren't hardcoded values i was referring to :P
23:43.19alestanewhat's c?
23:43.28[dRaCo]speed of light :/
23:44.38alestaneWell, the only other option I might suggest (as above) would be "give me real distances' versus "give me zones"...but since the add-on can probably determine that for itself, it may not be needful.
23:45.43[dRaCo]dont think that's necessary
23:46.08[dRaCo]might be nice to have for a specific purpose, but useless for a lot more
23:46.24alestaneDigression: If I have two variables which may contain strings or may be nil, and I want to determine if exactly one of them (doesn't matter which) is non-nil, is there a better way to do it than (not a ~= not b) ?
23:47.11[dRaCo]can you concat nil strings?
23:47.28alestanelua> "five"..nil
23:47.28cladbotalestane: [string "return "five"..nil"]:1: attempt to concatenate a nil value
23:47.31JoshBorkealestane: don't think so
23:48.19alestaneThere's no logical XOR in Lua, so I think that may be the simplest I get.
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23:50.11alestane"not a ~= not b" is equivalent to "(not a) ~= (not b)", yes?
23:53.29cladhairehow about this:
23:54.04cladhaireit tells you when you enter a state, and gives you information about the previous distance, and the current distance
23:54.33cladhaireit should degrade properly when one of the distances isn't available as well
23:54.42cladhaireexcept for state 4.. i need to fix that in case there is no near or far
23:55.16cladhaireactually state 4 is meaningless now.
23:55.47dreamss4i love that feeling
23:56.24cladhairelua> math.max(1,2,3,4,5)
23:56.24cladbotcladhaire: 5,
23:56.40cladhairelua> math.max(nil, 1, 2, nil, 4)
23:56.41cladbotcladhaire: [string "math.max(nil, 1, 2, nil, 4)"]:1: bad argument #1 to 'max' (number expected, got nil)
23:56.44cladhaireooh bastage
23:57.23bleetyarrrrcladhaire: ability t' count is not a pre-req fer piracy 101, to be sure, you're safe! Walk the plank!
23:58.10bleetyarrrrFeed talkfilters t' th' hammerheads! Shiver me timbers!
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