IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070917

00:04.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
00:07.52Mr_Rabies2does anyone know of an imagehost that accepts really freaking huge jpgs
00:08.06Thunder_Childhow big?
00:09.01Mr_Rabies25 MB or so
00:09.05Mr_Rabies2so not giant giant
00:09.08Mr_Rabies2but rather large :o
00:09.08Tierrieah fuck
00:09.15Thunder_Childpicasa can
00:09.17Tierriei just realized after a year that i can't use all 4gb of my memory
00:09.21Thunder_Childup to 1gb i think
00:09.33KirovTierrie - do a search for "/3G"
00:09.35Mr_Rabies2your motherboard won't support it?
00:09.46CidanIf "pro" is the opposite of "con", then what is the opposite of "progress?"
00:09.50Tierriesomething to do with memory mapping, and vista 32bits
00:09.59Tierriethanks Kirov me reading
00:10.04Thunder_Childyea, only 64-bit OS's can
00:10.06zenzelezzCidan: try the same with constitution
00:10.36TierrieTC: I know 32bit OS can only use up to 4gb, I did not know that because of various memory mappings, 1Gb is taken up by random shit
00:10.49Tierrieso i am only using 3Gb of RAM and 1Gb of random shit using memory mapping
00:10.50Thunder_Childthe 1gb was at Mr_Rabies2
00:11.04KirovTierrie - Actually, more likely you're using 2.5gb
00:11.15Thunder_Child32-bit can only use around 3.25 of 4gb
00:11.28Thunder_Childin windows that is
00:11.37Thunder_Childit varries by OS
00:11.42Tierriewell i am amazingly frumpy right now, because i could have bought vista 64 back when i got my os
00:12.08KirovTierrie - and you could still be trying to get anything to _run_
00:12.24Thunder_Childyea, i should have done the same thing Tierrie...kicking my self for it now
00:12.25Tierrieit took me a while to get shit to run on the 32bit -- until i flashed my bios
00:12.43Tierriei bought the oem version so it doesn't even come with 64bit os :(
00:12.47Tierriei mean
00:12.49Thunder_Childsame as me
00:13.01foxlit|macRLE is meant to be so simple, but this code is an abomination of logic :(
00:13.10Tierriei mean, i bought a 30 cent power cable, and got an OS for an addition $199
00:13.18zenzelezzI remember getting a "Magic BIOS" (or similar) program that would flash my BIOS from inside Windows... never dared try that. Scary enough from a DOS disk
00:13.52ShirikI did that once
00:13.53Mr_Rabies2a lot of mobo manufacturers are moving to in-OS bios flashing
00:14.01KirovTierrie -
00:14.03Shirikthe next day, I returned the board claiming it was "defective"
00:15.36Tierriethanks Kirov
00:15.46Tierriei am considering robbing TC for money
00:16.13Tierriemaybe my motherboard will fail, causing me to have to buy a new "motherboard" and then vista will magically appear on my laptop
00:16.56foxlit|macThere must be a better way to do that
00:17.08Tierrieoem licenses are non transferable :(
00:18.44Tierrie"god, vista, I really want to love you. i mean everyone hates you,  but i want to love you. please stop kicking me in my balls"
00:20.06Mr_Rabies2picasa seems to resize the images
00:20.12Mr_Rabies2i want one i can hotlink in fullsize :O
00:20.13Tierrieflickr is nice for pictures
00:20.25Tierrieif you have a flickr pro account you should be able to hotlink to the original size
00:21.51Mr_Rabies2never gonna give you up
00:21.54Mr_Rabies2never gonna let you down
00:21.58Mr_Rabies2never gonna run around and
00:22.00Mr_Rabies2desert yoooou
00:22.20Tierriepeter cetera?
00:22.42EsamynnTierrie: Vista is the spawn of the devil
00:22.49CidanNot at all
00:22.51Cidan<3 Vista.
00:22.53Tierriewell, i wouldn't say that
00:23.14CidanI've had no problems at all with Vista
00:23.18Tierriei think of it as an obnoxious good looking Pratchetian imp repeatedly kicking me in the balls
00:23.18Kirovoh cool, Rotate Minimap option in the interface options
00:23.38Tierriei love this song ;)
00:23.59Tierriei got rick rolled :(
00:24.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
00:24.47Tierriefrankly i dislike Apple's business practice more than I dislike MS
00:25.05Tierriethe frantic fanaticsm of macheads reminds me a lot of evangelists
00:26.06Tierriehey Mr_Rabies2:
00:26.17KirovThere was an image I saw once with the Apple iPhone on one side with the comments people where making, and on the other side was the iPhone with a "SONY" branding on it and the theoretically comments.  "Kinda cool, but missing a lot of features."  "Nothing new, been done before better." etc.
00:26.32kergothAnyone try playing Vanguard? curious about whether it's worth trying out
00:26.47Mr_Rabies2i didn't even know there was a
00:27.26Tierrieich bien reichmaester!
00:27.33Corrodiasyou know what i don't like about sundays?
00:27.38Tierrieit precedes mondays
00:27.45Tierrie^5 Corrodias
00:28.09Mr_Rabies2the original propaganda videos are more epic :O
00:28.38Tierriehey rabies, rickrolling aside, have you seen bandytoaster/groovy girl dance videos?
00:28.57Mr_Rabies2i try to avoid most of that type stuff
00:29.11Mr_Rabies2despite having viewed...
00:29.33Tierriethis one i mean
00:29.36Mr_Rabies23000 videos since march 2006
00:29.50Mr_Rabies2ah yeah i've seen that one
00:29.57Tierrieshe has a 2nd video
00:30.03Tierriejust like a few weeks ago
00:30.07Tierrieits just as awesome
00:30.31*** join/#wowi-lounge MrUseful (
00:32.51Mr_Rabies2how does vary? ads?
00:32.52Tierriebeats me
00:32.52Tierriebandytoaster is irish
00:32.52Mr_Rabies2maybe closer content servers
00:32.52Tierrieso i guess she is localized
00:33.05Mr_Rabies2maybe it's another mirror cluster
00:33.17Mr_Rabies2for faster dl's to the ukish area
00:33.32amro|laptop ROFL at #3
00:34.11Tierriei watched every episodes of conan when he was here
00:35.59amro|laptopwalker week was awesome
00:36.43Mr_Rabies2 is such a great video
00:38.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
00:38.10*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
00:38.34amro|laptopthis one is messed up
00:41.36Mr_Rabies2i hate that little kid
00:43.23KirovI love the episode where Chuck Norris shows up with his own lever
00:44.04foxlit|macSo when are the emmies?
00:46.57Esamynnfoxlit|mac: next year :P
00:47.30foxlit|macAs opposed to today?
00:47.49Esamynnemmies were last week
00:48.00Esamynnwe're they?
00:48.09foxlit|macWe're definitely not they
00:49.06[dRaCo]today, afaik
00:49.11[dRaCo]about... now.
00:50.17EsamynnI could have sworn they were last week, the South Park episode won one
00:50.33Mr_Rabies2that was the uhh
00:50.38Mr_Rabies2short somethingorother emmies
00:50.44Esamynnahh ok
00:55.02Corrodiasso. do i want to level my hunter to 70 or equip him well for 69 and farm up honor? well, i don't really -enjoy- pvp that much, so i think i'll level him.
00:55.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
00:56.39Thunder_ChildCorrodias, first figure out which one will be faster, therefor over sooner
00:57.26amro|laptopwhenever I come accross a similar question, I tell myself it's just a damn game and just do whatever
00:58.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_DC (
00:59.02Corrodiasthe only benefit of pvping now is that i can build up honor more easily to get better gear to pvp with. but i don't actually enjoy pvp that much, so i think that would be nearly pointless.
00:59.46foxlit|macCreative Arts vs Primetime Emmy Awards
01:00.06mikma <- such a great song, fuck the video
01:00.19*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
01:03.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
01:05.20Thunder_Childwell it was good till someone started singing
01:07.31KirovAnyone know if UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORM has any args?
01:07.46mikmai'm sure DevTools knows
01:07.53KirovI don't have a druid
01:07.55Mr_Rabies2devtools knows all
01:08.22Mr_Rabies2devtools knows that you killed that hooker and left the corpse behind the dumpster in the alley off 39th street
01:08.25mikmaKirov: when is that event fired?
01:08.38mikmaMr_Rabies2: i'm sure DevTools even knows who killed Kennedy
01:08.50Kirovmikma - when a druid changes between forms
01:09.02mikmaKirov: ok i'll test and tell you
01:09.27amro|laptopDevTools killed Kennedy, that's why no one knows for sure. perfect alibi.
01:10.24KirovI'm trying to find out A) if it has any args, B) does it fire when other players shape shift, or only for the player, and C) does the player get the shape shift buff before or after UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORM, and how far between
01:10.38Thunder_Childi guess devtools doesnt know all, the hooker was behind 3rd street
01:10.54Mr_Rabies2i'm logging off and gonna install DT
01:11.12KirovMr_Rabies2 - you don't have it installed?
01:11.16Mr_Rabies2why would i
01:11.32Mr_Rabies2would just eat resources doing nothing helpful for me :X
01:12.13mikmaKirov: no args
01:12.22Kirovmikma - thank you
01:12.35Mr_Rabies2well that saved some itme
01:12.36mikmaKirov: PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED gets fired before UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORM
01:12.59Kirovmikma - with in the same frame, or with a delay?
01:13.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_DC (
01:13.44mikmadelay is 0.00.028 :I or something
01:14.01mikmain the same frame
01:14.06Kirovthank you
01:14.41mikmai still don't get it why the TABARD_CANSAVE_CHANGED keeps firing all the time
01:15.20KirovIf a player is around you with a tabard design you haven't seen, it'll fire
01:15.34Mr_Rabies2does the "yes" button on the readycheck frame have a frame name?
01:15.54Mr_Rabies2i'm so tempted to bind a key to /click ReadyCheckYesbuttonframe or whatever
01:18.18mikmaMr_Rabies2: ConfirmReadyCheck(1) <- that gets executed when you press "yes"
01:18.31mikmaand this after that ReadyCheckFrame:Hide()
01:19.03Mr_Rabies2so could i make a macro that did
01:19.14Mr_Rabies2/script ConfirmReadyCheck(1);
01:19.38mikmayou'll propably need them both, /script ConfirmReadyCheck(1); ReadyCheckFrame:Hide();
01:20.35mikmaand seems like ConfirmReadyCheck() is used in no -button
01:23.00foxlit|macIt'd have to be
01:23.11foxlit|macThere's a difference between voting no and being AFK
01:23.28foxlit|macNew and improved RLE handling:
01:24.03Tierrie750gb takes a long time to format >_<
01:24.23Kaydeethreeyou buy a 750GB drive?
01:24.35Kaydeethreethe WD?
01:24.39foxlit|mac[It's absolutely unrelated to the conversation and probably boring, but the rewrite is >> original in style + logic]]
01:24.48Kaydeethreehow much, where?
01:24.51Tierriei thought180ish
01:24.55KaydeethreeI've been thinking about getting a few of those
01:25.02Tierrieits either this
01:25.04Tierrieor wait for the 1Tb
01:25.14foxlit|macI don't have that much pirated content to store yet
01:25.22Kaydeethreenot until they stuff 1.5tb on a drive and the 1 tbs come down in price
01:25.24Tierriei don't either but i just set up PVR
01:25.26amro|laptopfoxlit|mac: yes I looked at the old one and it crit my face
01:25.32Tierrieget a PVR KD3
01:25.52foxlit|macamro: new one has a smaller chance to crit? :)
01:26.30Thunder_Childi use 1.4TB of 1.8
01:26.36Kaydeethree1G-blocks / used / available / use % / mount: 709G, 668G, 42G, 95%, /home
01:26.38Tierrie1.8 what?
01:26.52Tierriei mean hey buddy
01:26.54Tierriesend me your porn
01:26.55Kaydeethreea big raid5
01:26.59Thunder_Childvery little porn
01:27.03Tierriethat doesn't even count
01:27.07Tierriehow much distinct data
01:27.09Thunder_Childmost;y shows
01:27.12Tierrieoh pvrs?
01:27.14foxlit|macstore entropy noise to bully the police
01:27.25Tierriepersonal video recorders
01:27.28Tierrielike using your comp as a tivo
01:27.31Tierrieor downloaded
01:27.33foxlit|mac"This random data must be encrypted, hand over your keys or go to jail!"
01:27.33KaydeethreeMythTV <3
01:27.38Thunder_Childno, dont have it hooked up to cable
01:27.40Tierriemyth for linux : D
01:27.48TierrieI use ze vista
01:27.52Kaydeethreectcp version me
01:27.52Thunder_Childstuff i DL, 1 ep is around 8gb
01:28.01Thunder_Child1 season*
01:28.20Kaydeethreeoh, was about to say... what the hell kind of unencoded vids are you downloading?
01:28.25Tierriei know KD3, you just said "10: 011G-blocks / used / available / use % / mount: 709G, 668G, 42G, 95%, /home"
01:28.50buu/dev/md0              3.3T  1.8T  1.5T  56% /s
01:28.50Thunder_Childalthough the uncompressed fraps vids i have are 3.9GB/2.5 min
01:28.56Tierriegood god
01:29.02Tierriethe amount of space you could save
01:29.09buuepeen ftw.
01:29.33Thunder_Childi only have 200gb of that though
01:30.10Tierriethe only reason i got the 750gb is because of the PVR
01:30.19buuYeah, most of mine is tv
01:30.23buuBut torrents > pvr
01:30.35Thunder_Childi would love to do that but i would have to "rent" another box from the cable company
01:30.37Tierrieone's legal the other's not
01:30.46Tierriei think as i grow older, i have more to lose by going to jail :P
01:30.47buuPicky picky.
01:30.51Thunder_Childit's perfectly leagal to record shows
01:30.53buuTierrie: You don't go to jail
01:30.58buuTierrie: It's a civil offense.
01:31.02Kaydeethreemeh, I need to get a better tvcard, my pvr-150's not going to last much longer
01:31.07buuEven assuming someone gets dinged for it
01:31.14buuWhich, I believe, nobody has as of yet.
01:31.21Tierriekd3: hauppauge is still the top of the line their 150s are the best in the market
01:31.31Tierriethe only thing better is the 500, which is two 150s superglued together
01:31.44Thunder_Childhmm...somehow i have 70gb worth of games
01:33.45Thunder_Childi usualy only play 1-3 at a time
01:33.56Thunder_Childnot including the various beta games
01:34.28Nom-It's far too easy to fill up 1TB of space these days
01:34.45buuYeah, all you need is about 20 complete tv shows.
01:35.17buuYou know what would be interesting?
01:35.17Thunder_Childya, voyager took up a crap load
01:35.39buuA wow mechanic change: if you have 41 talent points in a tree you gain an extra talent point for that tree..
01:35.51buuThunder_Child: Voyager is only like 60gb
01:36.04Thunder_Childdvd rips?
01:36.10Thunder_Childor converted?
01:36.12Mr_Rabies2that would be nice buu
01:36.36Mr_Rabies2cause i could go 1/46/15, which doesn't give me much but eh
01:36.42Mr_Rabies2extra point is an extra point
01:37.08Mr_Rabies20/46/16 :O
01:37.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Tinyboom (
01:37.37buuThunder_Child: 350/45 minutes
01:38.23Thunder_Childit's 60gb if your talking about ~350mb/ep
01:38.28buuMr_Rabies2: Yeah, I don't think it would create any major broken builds or anything, but it would be nice to fill out some gaps
01:39.22Mr_Rabies2i dunno
01:39.48buuIt's interesting what just one more point would unlcok though
01:40.13Thunder_Childbah, vista's toping out at around 12mb/sec transfer between 2 sata drives
01:40.57Mr_Rabies2thinking about this build for current ruleset:
01:41.20Mr_Rabies2that or
01:41.22Mr_Rabies2i dunno
01:41.33Mr_Rabies2i don't really have rage problems so the enrage buff isn't too big of a deal
01:41.46buuHeh, There are actually people planning 80 point builds with the current talent trees
01:41.50buuIt's sort of amazing
01:42.11buuI suppose blizzard compltely fuck up all of the 41-51 talents.. but it seems unlikely.
01:42.54Mr_Rabies2they'll probably start out awesome for us then get nerfed down over time, just like the current feral tree :[
01:44.11buuWell, still, I have high hopes that going for a 51 talent is going to beat a 41+21
01:45.54mikmaboth links related
01:47.59GofGDoes anyone here know how long you can be in jail for cyberterrorism?
01:48.39buu... what?
01:49.17mikmabetween 0 to n+1
01:49.55buuAt a pure guess, for a single count, probably 25 years
01:50.00Kirovmikma - do you have the flight form trinket?
01:50.00buuThey seem to like that number
01:50.11buuBut I'm sure you could easily get multiple counts ore aggravated circumstances.
01:50.12GofGIt couldn't possibly be less?
01:50.23mikmaKirov: nope, my char is only 40+
01:50.32GofGNo reason >.<
01:51.21mikmaso how many years are you expecting then?
01:51.26mikmawhen will the result be announced?
01:52.54GofGDo you guys think that a DoS on someone which leads to the eventual crash of a Department of Defense network server could count as cyberterrorism?
01:53.01Mr_Rabies2it probably depends entirely on the server
01:53.04buuOk really, how fast are taxi mounts?
01:53.14Mr_Rabies2it probably depends entirely on the country
01:53.55Mr_Rabies2i'd say yes, a DoS on Dept of Defense servers is cyberterrorism
01:54.00Mr_Rabies2and generally not a good idea
01:54.13GofGBut lets say you didn't know that that particular IP address was the IP address of a DoD machine
01:54.14Kirovbuu - somewhere between 100%-500% speed
01:54.18*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
01:54.27Kirovbuu - I've seen spikes close to 650 though
01:54.37GofGYou thought it was a troll on a forum who was pretending to be an FBI agent
01:54.39Mr_Rabies2GofG, i doubt that matters much :x
01:54.46Mr_Rabies2did someone on 4chan say
01:54.58KirovReally, they average around 250-300 usually from what I can tell with my epic mount
01:55.52GofGNo, lol
01:56.29GofGI know how to cover my tracks, Mr_Rabies2, but even I wouldn't be stupid enough to DoS attack someone who might possibly be an FBI employee.
01:56.45Mr_Rabies2i mean
01:57.00Mr_Rabies2i'd at least run that shit through some tor servers if i were to do anything remotely that dumb
01:57.12GofGWhat it was, you see
01:57.30GofGI was on 420chan's IRC board
01:58.03mikmai know something better to clear logs
01:58.05mikmajust a sec
01:58.12GofGsomeone came in under a IP address
01:58.19GofGand told us that he was from the DoD
01:58.24buuKirov: 650% speed... right..
01:58.31GofGand he was going to try to get the FBI to shut us down
01:58.57Kaydeethreewoo for unsubstantiated threats
01:59.19Mr_Rabies2420chan has had some some runins with the law
01:59.25Mr_Rabies2most of the chans have :/
01:59.25GofGI did what any /b/tard would do
01:59.35GofGI DoS'd his IP address
01:59.42GofGwhich was completely unprotected on a whoois
01:59.44GofGwhois, rather
01:59.52buuA cable modem doesn't really count as a dos.
01:59.53Mr_Rabies2was it
02:00.09GofGWell... I got a LOT of people to DoS
02:00.09Mr_Rabies2what was the subdomain of bellsouth
02:00.32GofGI forget at this point, I wasn't keeping careful attention and since then I have wiped my hard drive.
02:00.34GofG<-- newfag
02:00.53mikmagah, can't find the link from log :(
02:01.08GofGLater I did a quick whois on the actual IP address
02:01.40GofG...pentagon ftw
02:01.57GofGSo I probably didn't actually cause any damage
02:02.02GofGbecause they have uber protection
02:02.06GofGBut still :/
02:02.45Wobin_4chan hackers?
02:02.48*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm_ (
02:02.51Wobin_They do it "For the lulz"
02:02.52mikmawell good luck to them if they want to catch you from that
02:02.58Mr_Rabies2they're internet hate machines
02:03.00Wobin_I saw it on Fox news
02:03.02Wobin_It must be true
02:03.17Mr_Rabies2if you end up going to court
02:03.19Mr_Rabies2just tell them
02:03.23Mr_Rabies2"i just did it for the lulz"
02:03.26Mr_Rabies2and your e-cred
02:03.29Mr_Rabies2will skyrocket
02:03.42Mr_Rabies2a few years in jail is worth all those internets
02:03.50Wobin_You'll get on Fox News with subtitles about "MALICIOUS TYPING DETECTED"
02:03.56GofGKaydeethree: I proudly wear my Brutal Gift 5.0b2 as my primary hacking script above Terminal, thx.
02:04.11Mr_Rabies2i bet the department of defense bought a dog because of you, you monster
02:04.15GofGOh noez.
02:04.26GofGKaydeethree: (That was a joke, i was kidding)
02:04.55Mr_Rabies2and not a vicious dog
02:05.12Mr_Rabies2some cute little puppy that would be a pretty unsubstantial meat shield to anonymous
02:05.19GofGSrsly, though. I went before the honor council in 6th grade because I put a trojan on the school's headmaster's computer
02:05.29GofGI had no idea the internets were serious business.
02:05.34GofGSince then I've been pretty careful :)
02:05.43Mr_Rabies2i've never done anything like that
02:05.45GofGand non-script-kiddie-like
02:05.49Mr_Rabies2i like living here and not in jail
02:05.59Mr_Rabies2though if it wasn't for the tough roommates
02:05.59GofGScripts are dangerous  because you don't know what the hell you are doing
02:06.13Mr_Rabies2i want to move to sweden or wherever they have those superlush jails
02:06.25GofGJail = White Collar Resort
02:06.33Mr_Rabies2the cells are better living conditions than mine currently
02:06.49Mr_Rabies2and i live in a fairly nice house
02:06.52GofGUnfortunatley I'm underaged b& so i'd be going to juvey. Juvey = White Collar Resort with a bunch of people who will beat me up.
02:07.14mikma. <- this is your butthole
02:07.20mikmaO <- this is your butthole in prison
02:07.26GofGThat's still pretty small.
02:07.38Mr_Rabies2not too shabby
02:08.21Mr_Rabies2i'd murder someone if it meant i could live in a superlush jail like that
02:08.30Mr_Rabies2i'm moving to sweden and going on a hooker killing spree brb
02:09.00GofGenjoy your v&
02:09.06GofGRofl guys:
02:09.16GofGso i herd u liek mudkipz?
02:09.31GofGin b4 macfag btw
02:10.53Nom-we're finally recruiting a feral droodad
02:11.01GofGferal droodad ≠ good.
02:11.03Nom-wtb more super cows!
02:11.09GofGferal droodad = weird
02:11.23Nom-feral druids rock
02:11.49GofGI have a general disdain for feral druids.
02:11.58GofGI tried to play one once.
02:12.19GofGI got my hotkeys mixed up and accidently tried to seal-form constantly
02:12.21Nom-Feral druids rock for so many fights
02:12.32Nom-Take Leotheras for instance
02:12.40GofGHaha, nice pun.
02:12.48Nom-You need 3 tanks at the start of the fight for the adds, but after that you just need dps
02:13.02Nom-Feral druid fits this role perfectly, bear form tankage, then cat form for dps
02:13.34foxlit|macTbh, I could probably tank those adds
02:13.36Nom-Right now we take 2 prot warriors and 2 dps warriors, one of whom tanks an add
02:13.59Mr_Rabies2if he's tanking
02:14.05foxlit|macThey don't exactly do a lot of damage
02:14.09Mr_Rabies2his gear's tank based
02:14.14Mr_Rabies2so he can't do crap for damage
02:14.17Nom-Nah, you could easily tank them in cat form
02:14.21Nom-in cat *gear* i mean
02:14.36foxlit|macBut you'd still want proper tanks for Leo
02:14.37Nom-They don't do that much damage, they just need someone to tank them properly, and a dps warrior in leather just doesn't cut it
02:14.48foxlit|macAnd perhaps two to make "zomg, resisted" chains unlikely
02:15.05*** join/#wowi-lounge xystic (i=auto@unaffiliated/xystic)
02:15.09foxlit|macMoonkins are the answer, clearly
02:15.21Nom-For Leo himself, we would still use a prot warrior and a warlock fo sho
02:15.48Nom-We're on day 3 of attempts and don't have him down yet though unfortunately
02:15.52foxlit|macYeah, I don't think there's a way around that
02:16.07Nom-The last attempt yesterday we got him to 26% at the enrage timer
02:16.22Nom-We'll do better tonight, I'm sure
02:16.31foxlit|macwts dps?
02:16.31Nom-Now that we've actually hit the enrage timer, we're getting close
02:16.48Nom-(Last boss for us before Vashj)
02:18.19foxlit|macThe only real problem you should be having is that healers may not be able to cope with inner demons
02:18.38foxlit|macBeyond that, people not dying to whirlwind would make things rather trivial :)
02:19.02buuHow afre you tanking demon form?
02:19.25CidanIndustrial, ping?
02:20.05KirovDoes anyknow in this channel have the flight form trinket?
02:20.10foxlit|macI do
02:20.26Kirovfoxlit|mac - would you be willing to test an addon?
02:20.48foxlit|macIf you want results now, you'd be better of asking someone else
02:20.57foxlit|macOtherwise, toss me a link and I'll take a look at it tomorrow
02:21.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (i=feh@conspiracy/developer/Cidan)
02:21.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ZealotOnAStick (
02:21.57Wobin_!c us argent dawn adanuora
02:21.59ThraeBotWobin_: Adanuora, Level 70 Night Elf Druid (0/0/61). 6544 HP; 6950 Mana; 261 mana regen; 67 mp5; 97.400 Melee DPS; 5.62% melee crit; 4 spell crit; 12 +spell dmg; 825 +heal; 6.74% dodge; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1232 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep 16 22:35:15 2007 EST ]]
02:22.15Wobin_!c us argent dawn falindinna
02:22.17ThraeBotWobin_: Falindinna, Level 70 Night Elf Druid (0/18/43). 8074 HP; 4340 Mana; 126 mana regen; 19 mp5; 704 AP; 110.500 Melee DPS; 20.44% melee crit; 57 melee hit; 26.43% dodge; 10 nature resist (+10); +33 all resists (+10 nature);[[ TBR: 387 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep 16 22:35:32 2007 EST ]]
02:22.49*** part/#wowi-lounge xystic (i=auto@unaffiliated/xystic)
02:25.13Nom-Anyone seen any blue posts announcing when patch day is ?
02:25.17Nom-(Hoping it's this week)
02:26.10foxlit|mac(and for no reason whatsoever)
02:30.55KaydeethreeDon't Panic.
02:43.22*** join/#wowi-lounge _art3mis (n=art3mis@
02:48.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
02:49.16Corrodiasi need a couple million dollars
02:49.19Corrodiasthat's all i need
03:00.38Tierriemy favorite speech this year was by a gorgeous woman
03:02.41PhylacteryIs there anything special I need to do to be able to use AddMessage on a ScrollingMessageFrame? I have the frame but I can't get messages on it.
03:05.30KirovPhylactery - not really, no
03:09.13PhylacteryNo amount of line removal make the AddMessage work, It shows up on my screen but...
03:10.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (i=feh@conspiracy/developer/Cidan)
03:31.08KirovPhylactery - it errors at "SetInsertMode"
03:32.12KirovPhylactery - ScrollingMessageFrame does not have that method, only MessageFrame has that
03:32.51PhylacteryKirov,  point, but even if everything between the border and the Add Message is commented out it still won't print it.
03:40.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
03:41.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ZealotOnAStick (
03:42.58KirovPhylactery - add f.msg:SetFontObject(ChatFontNormal)
03:43.26Kirovinstead of SetFont
03:43.52PhylacteryHey, there we go!
03:44.56KirovAnyone who's still on have the flight form trinket?
03:57.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
03:57.20*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
03:57.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ericedge (
04:02.05buuHello kitty island adventure indeed.
04:04.36ShirikI was #2 in healing on one of our attempts
04:04.40ShirikWith 11k effective healing
04:05.00Shiriklol we screwed up so bad
04:05.05|Jelly|Is that Shirik using a damage meter?!
04:05.10Shiriknegative, wowwebstats
04:05.27ShirikI died a lot :(
04:05.29ShirikIt was depressing
04:05.50ShirikOne time I died, and Iw as like "You see that there, I was the only one around to get a heal off, and what's the price I pay? Gaining aggro on everything"
04:05.59Shirik(Only the tank ran forward nobody else was paying attention)
04:06.10ShirikSo what happens? Next pull, I die again because half the raid got feared or something
04:12.30ShirikI love how WWS says I cast a lifebloom
04:12.39EsamynnKirov: you still looking for someone with the Flight Form trinket?
04:19.24CairennShirik|AFK: o.O
04:19.37Shirik|AFKyou totally have to wait for the ninjas
04:19.45Shirik|AFKseriously though going to burger king bbl
04:20.45Cidan<3 that Shirik.
04:21.04CidanThis is why he's my partner and not anyone elses.
04:21.07CidanHe's just 2 kool.
04:22.07Mr_Rabies2i wonder how long it took to be able to sing the song in a semi-round like that
04:24.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Rogue (
04:24.35Tierriethat algorithm march makes no sense
04:24.37Tierrieso funy though
04:29.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
04:35.43Shirik|AFKOh, but it gets better
04:35.49Shirikthat's not even the beginnings
04:36.00ShirikThe world record holders:
04:36.05Shirik967 people
04:36.09Shirik56 columns
04:36.55buuWhat the heck is the point
04:37.04Shirikit's a children's show :P
04:37.06ShirikThere is no point
04:39.07Shirikskip to 3:00 if you want :P
04:39.09buuHow horrifying.
04:39.17Shirikthey broke the law
04:39.19Shirikthey deserve it
04:40.26*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
04:40.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Rallion (
04:43.07buuThat's oddly cool.
04:43.09ShirikI love these guys
04:45.11buuIt seems like such a good way to keep them out of trouble
04:45.24buuI'm not sure I'd really want to dress up like a woman in the middle of a prison though
04:45.58Kirovbuu - you never know, he might always dress like that
04:46.19Kirov(and that's only partially a joke)
04:46.56buuWell, considering every other person was wearing an orange jump suit
04:46.59buuIt seems unlikely.
04:47.16EsamynnKirov: you still looking for someone with the Flight Form trinket?
04:47.37KirovEsamynn - yes please
04:47.44Esamynnwhat do you need?
04:47.56buuOh my, dancing zombies.
04:47.58KirovI wanted to see if my updated SimpleMountEquip works
04:48.01Kirovbefore releasing
04:48.10Esamynnahh  I'll test it for you in the morning
04:48.49*** part/#wowi-lounge ericedge (
04:50.05Shirikimo premium members should get wowi email addresses
04:50.09Shirikdolby-wowi! chop chop!
04:51.14art3misexchange accounts!@
04:51.21art3misso we can fileshare and contact list share!
04:51.44Shirikomg these guys are awesome
04:53.40art3miswelcome to last month
04:54.54KirovOne of the things thats interesting about american prisons vs. this one ... in an american prison they'd never let this many people be in one spot at once
04:55.30KirovThat is likely every inmate in the entire prison in one room
04:55.47art3misif they did the american one would have better rythm and soul
04:55.54art3misamerican prisons have no white people
04:56.01art3misbecause everyone knows they cant dance
04:56.31art3misya  know what state i love?
04:56.42art3misthat one sherrif is awesome
04:57.21art3mishe turned the prison over to the ASPCA when they had a hosue shortage for abandoned pets, makes all his prisoners wear pink and the only way you eat is if you work for it
04:57.34art3mishe took the entire prison out into the desert and set up tents
04:57.39art3misit was classic
04:58.04art3misbecause of this one guy crime in the stat has dropped for fear of ended up in his prison
04:58.30KirovThere's a prison some place in the US, can't remember where, but it has no wall or fence around it.  So far, only one person has ever "escaped" from it.
04:58.53KirovNot because there are other things preventing people from leaving, but because no one tries
04:59.32KirovI'm torn between wondering if they lace the food with cocaine, or if the people in that part of the country are really _that_ dumb.
05:00.01art3misheh i bet punishment for recapture is pretty abd
05:00.13art3misit could also fall on the theory of global punishment
05:00.21art3misone of you does something bad you ALL pay
05:00.35art3misso fear keeps people from doing bad things
05:00.43KirovThere's a ST:TNG about a perfect society where any crime's punishment was death
05:00.47art3misnot so much from the system but from fellow inmates
05:01.02art3misi like red dwarf's
05:01.09art3misthe justice field
05:01.17art3misanything you do to someone is revisted 4 fold
05:01.27Kirovart3mis - red dwarf is awesome
05:01.39art3misyeah been netflixing and ripping em
05:01.50buuOh man, I love wikipedia
05:02.18art3misdid it tell you that you're cool?
05:02.27CairennKirov: it is most likely a minimum security institution, and they don't "escape" because they know if walk away, they get re-captured and have additional time added to their sentence, which bumps them into a medium security institution, which isn't nearly as nice a place to be even discounting the additional time they will have to serve
05:02.38Cairennif they walk*
05:02.39buuart3mis: Yes.
05:03.28CidanThere are plenty of minimum security prisons in the US
05:03.33Cidanthey are pretty much resorts
05:03.39Cidanprivate "cells"
05:03.42KirovAnyone else seen this sentance?  "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo".
05:03.55CidanKirov, old as ages, :P
05:04.17art3misonly if you s/Buffalo buffalo/Oklahoma Oklahama/g
05:04.19KirovJust saw it today for the first time.  Pissed off my girlfriend when I tried to explain it to her.
05:04.43Cairennwell, I wouldn't go so far as to say "resorts", but they are relatively nice and most people in them don't want to serve any more time or end up in a medium
05:07.06CidanHere in the US, some minimum security cells are better than some college dorm rooms.
05:07.28art3miscidan: only cuz they get more money alloted
05:07.34Cidanright. :P
05:07.40art3misyou just need more reknowned professors ;P
05:07.40CidanWhat does that tell you about our system, hmm?
05:07.52art3misthat i need to open a prison
05:07.55amro|laptopI don't get that, getting detention in high school is worse than some of those institutions
05:08.28art3misthere's no money for the school to turn out brilliant people so why bother ;P
05:08.46art3misbesides if it werent for the money attached most americans would be useless ;)
05:09.11art3misand very few wealthy companies are actually good to work for, and are clean as far as work ethics go
05:10.21art3misim stoked
05:10.30art3misDethklok is back next sunday
05:11.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
05:17.27Shirik14(0111:0211:0414) 14(1115Kirov14) Anyone else seen this sentance? "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo".
05:20.28ScytheBlade1I've seen that, yeah. It's old.
05:43.21Esamynngood night all
05:46.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
05:57.39ckknightbuffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo
05:57.54ckknightbuffalo buffalo your mom buffalo buffalo
05:57.56Phylacteryyou need some capitalization in there
06:02.30MentalPower~lart ckknight
06:02.30purlexecutes killall -HUP ckknight
06:03.17Olisonlol at that lart
06:03.38MentalPoweranyways, how do you make a button at least as big as the text its going to hold?
06:03.53MentalPowernote that the text will be of arbitrary length
06:04.06KirovMentalPower - you want it to auto resize?
06:04.24MentalPowersort of, the text once set will not change
06:05.06Kirovmake the button w/ the text, and make the button absurdly wide
06:05.18Kirovthen do a GetWidth() on the text object
06:05.29Kirovadd 8 to that
06:05.58Kirovactually, I take that back
06:06.13Kirovjust make a fontstring with the text and check it's size
06:06.34KirovThe button's text object will be sized up with the button
06:06.40KirovPersonally, I'm just lazy and guess
06:22.15RallionNintendo needs to repair my freaking Wii and send it back.
06:22.26RallionJust pop in a new GPU, guys!
06:24.00KirovRallion - going for an GeForce 8800 Ultra upgrade?
06:25.27Thunder_Childa wii wouldnt know what to do with one
06:25.39RallionKirov, I just want one that doesn't have massive amounts of artifacting
06:25.55RallionAnyway, this box has an 8800 in it already.
06:28.54KirovCan you imagine ... 1080p Wii Tennis!
06:31.19ckknightWii Boxing ftw
06:35.30Thunder_Childnight (ish) Cairenn|afk
06:37.21Shiriknight guys
06:37.23Shiriknight Cairenn|afk
06:37.31Thunder_Child~lart Shirik|zZz
06:37.31purlreadies the nuke launcher and fires some rounds at Shirik|zZz
06:37.44Shirik|zZz~whaleparry Thunder_Child
06:37.44purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry Thunder_Child's attacks.
06:37.58Thunder_Child~bzfrag Shirik|zZz
06:37.58purlACTION blindsides Shirik|zZz with an invisible bullet
06:40.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_DC (
06:41.44Shirik|zZzSo this lab I'm teaching, the instructor got mad at the class for unreadable code
06:41.47Shirik|zZzhere's the announcement he wrote
06:41.50Shirik|zZz"In addition: make sure to comment your code, use proper Java naming convention for class files (Capitalize the first letter of each class), either use camelCase or an_underscore for variable names, instead of using onelongunreadable word. Points will be taken off otherwise."
06:41.57Shirik|zZzI like "onelongunreadableword"
06:42.19Mr_Rabies2maybe that was intentional :O
06:42.29Thunder_Childsounds like a teacher with a sense of humor
06:42.34Shirik|zZzBehi is awesome
06:42.39Thunder_Childit was Mr_Rabies2
06:43.00Thunder_Childhe was pointing it out, along with "an_underscore" and "camelCase"
06:43.25Shirik|zZz"His lectures are always on task, yet he is never boring. If you say you don't understand something, he will explain it multiple times. He has NEVER been condescending, you just need to understand his wry humor! However, you do need to study. His tests/projects aren't a breeze, but they are straight forward and reasonable. Study=success! BEHI ROCKS!"
06:43.29Shirik|zZzHe really is awesome :P
06:43.56Shirik|zZzsome people don't like him but yeah
06:44.04Thunder_Childflorida huh
06:45.19KirovDid you know that every year MIT students vote a teacher as "Best Teacher", they get fired?
06:45.38Shirik|zZzThat's wierd
06:45.49Shirik|zZzWe're actually required to take evaluations at the end of each course
06:46.09Shirik|zZzAnd they're taken pretty seriously. One was fired for having a horrible evaluation last year
06:46.17Shirik|zZzAnd he really was a horrible teacher too
06:46.17KirovMIT Professors are supposed to be doing research for the school.  If students like them it means they're spending too much time with students and not enough time on research.
06:46.20Kirovie: they get fired
06:47.17Shirik|zZzI would like to point out
06:47.33Shirik|zZzthe moron that wrote the bad review of Behi? Saying class averages were 69s and that he was thrown out of his office?
06:47.50Mr_Rabies2probably a plant
06:47.51Shirik|zZzHe marked down the class that he took with him as "ECE 320". FYI, that class is supposed to be called "CEC 320" school has "Total professors: 1320"
06:48.06Shirik|zZzThat shows how much of a moron that guy is
06:48.25Shirik|zZzWe do not have an "ECE"
06:49.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
06:50.05Thunder_Childthats just weird....what you anyone say is the largest school in the world?
06:50.45Shirik|zZzBe careful with "Total professors"
06:50.52Shirik|zZzthat could just be influenced by turnover rate ;)
06:50.58Shirik|zZzI think it's just the number of professors that have been rated
06:51.22Thunder_Childi dunno...the ammount of classes they have is....many
06:52.19Thunder_Childit's also prolly the richest comunity college in the world...but i could be wrong
06:53.03Shirik|zZzanyway, I gotta head to bed
06:53.20Thunder_Childyou said that 16 min ago
06:53.28Thunder_Child/sigh, night
06:56.22Shirik|zZzmy guild posted a raid strategy and says "Please sign read and understood"
06:56.29Shirik|zZzI'm debating replying with "SYN/ACK"
06:57.38zenzelezzI find it peculiar how you keep debating things only with yourself
06:57.38krka_robert jordan died yesterday :(
06:57.46Shirik|zZzI like to debate things with myself
06:57.56Thunder_Child(23:53:07) (Shirik|zZz) anyway, I gotta head to bed
06:57.56Thunder_Child(23:53:08) (Shirik|zZz) night
06:58.01Shirik|zZzquiet you!
06:58.05Shirik|zZzI will decide when I go to bed!
06:58.06krka_so you're a master debater Shirik|zZz?
06:58.10Shirik|zZzBesides, I learned from Cairenn|afk
06:58.14Thunder_Childno kidding
06:58.15Shirik|zZzkrka_: I try to be
06:58.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (n=Dotted@pdpc/supporter/student/dotted)
06:59.07*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
07:11.02TierrieRobert Jordan died
07:13.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted^1 (n=Dotted@
07:13.31KirovSweet, with 2.2.0 my item database addon doesn't crash
07:15.14Thunder_ChildTierrie, that sucks, though it looks like his last book will still be published
07:17.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
07:18.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (
07:18.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
07:18.59Mr_Rabies2you know
07:19.07Mr_Rabies2i used to think "here we are now, entertain us"
07:19.13Mr_Rabies2was "here we are now, eat potatoes"
07:19.29Mr_Rabies2freakin grunge :\
07:19.31Thunder_Child"the more you know"
07:20.12KirovGo go meloncoly seattlites
07:24.25Mr_Rabies2i'm not a big fan of 90s music in general :x
07:25.17Mr_Rabies2i'd rather listen to Ratt than Nirvana, and that's not saying much
07:25.45|Jelly|zZz!c us burning legion jelly
07:25.47ThraeBot|Jelly|zZz: Jelly, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (23/38/0). 6621 HP; 9885 Mana; 342 mana regen; 123 mp5; 90 +spell dmg; 1623 +heal; 5.06% dodge; 18 resilience;[[ TBR: 644 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sat Sep 15 23:48:20 2007 EST ]]
07:26.07Mr_Rabies2!c us llane raybeez
07:26.09ThraeBotMr_Rabies2: Raybeez, Level 70 Night Elf Druid (1/46/14). 9914 HP; 5345 Mana; 101 mana regen; 5174 Armour; 102.600 Melee DPS; 9.04% melee crit; 8 melee hit; 158 defense; 18.66% dodge; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 495 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Mon Sep 17 03:39:26 2007 EST ]]
07:26.17*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
07:26.17*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower] by ChanServ
07:26.33Mr_Rabies2looks like bear gear in caster form
07:28.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
07:32.39zenzelezzknow what I find to be the best part of being a warrior tanking the demon phase of Leotheras? I don't have to worry about my inner demon
07:42.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_DC (
07:54.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
07:56.42Mr_Rabies2~emulate Mr_Rabies
07:56.52Mr_Rabies2~emulate Mr_Rabies2
07:56.53purlBATS!  Bats.  BaTs?
07:57.00Mr_Rabies2i don't understand :[
07:59.33*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
08:09.53Wobin_How many instances can you do in one hour?
08:10.14zenzelezzyou mean how many take less than an hour?
08:10.17KirovAll of them?
08:10.26Kalroth5 unique instances, I think
08:10.27Kirov(you didn't say finish them)
08:10.41KalrothIt might be 6, it's been a while since I last reached the limit :p
08:13.20Wobin_I'm not -doing- them perse
08:13.24Wobin_just farming a single mob
08:14.02zenzelezzout of curiosity, which one?
08:14.06cryogenit's 5
08:14.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
08:20.28Wobin_Auchenal Monks
08:20.51Wobin_for the felsteel gloves pattern
08:37.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
08:52.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
08:54.43*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
09:03.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
09:05.48sag_ich_nichtclad|sleep i just gave you another perfect raid user
09:09.53*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
09:21.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
09:53.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
10:10.46*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
10:36.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (n=Dotted@pdpc/supporter/student/dotted)
10:50.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
11:02.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
11:10.03*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
11:10.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
11:27.43zenzelezzthey can still appeal one more time if they feel like it
11:28.27bleeterbut only on points of law, not fact
11:38.28*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
11:45.25*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit|mac (
11:55.07*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
12:03.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
12:05.03Wobin_woot gruul as a rogue is heaps fun
12:05.19Wobin_clos == no shatter damage
12:05.50Wobin_except some fucker of a pally outrolled me on the leggings
12:06.04Wobin_even though he'd got some defaulted loot beforehand =P
12:06.14Wobin_and a hunter outrolled me on the trophy
12:06.27Wobin_but I'm happy with that, at least it went to a guldie =P
12:07.03JoshBorkei earned DKP for farming 2 primal waters and getting myself 20g
12:08.13Wobin_we just do a flat 200 roll
12:08.28Wobin_cause meh, it doesn't really matter =P
12:08.44Wobin_and it's hard to get people in our time zone to raid
12:08.59Wobin_which is why we had 6(?) hunters
12:09.04Wobin_and two rogues
12:09.08Wobin_and one warlock
12:09.17Wobin_and no feral druids
12:09.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (i=feh@conspiracy/developer/Cidan)
12:10.44JoshBorkei have no real intention of using my DKP until BT/Hyjal
12:10.57Wobin_hehe we'll never get there
12:11.10JoshBorkei don't think we will either ;-)
12:11.23Wobin_on the one hand, that's bad, on the other, I could never devote enough time that a BT raiding guild would require
12:11.39Wobin_I'd prefer to say "Soz, going out with friends tonight, can't raid"
12:17.48JoshBorke~dict crass
12:21.06Wobin_someone accuse you of being crass? =)
12:21.32JoshBorkeno, i was gonna accuse you :-P
12:27.24Wobin_So you were going to accuse me with an insult you had to look up the definition to? =)
12:28.34JoshBorkeWobin_: i wanted to make sure it was an appropriate insult, turns out it wasn't
12:28.39JoshBorke~lart Wobin_
12:28.39purlbeats Wobin_ severely about the head and shoulders with a rubber chicken
12:28.45Wobin_tch tch
12:29.20JoshBorkeenglash not so ez
12:29.20Wobin_english is easy
12:29.20Wobin_you just have to remember that everything has an exception
12:37.47krka_no, not _everything_
12:38.50Wobin_oh yeah
12:38.53Wobin_everything =P
12:44.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Tinyboom (
12:45.09sag_ich_nicht~lart JoshBorke
12:45.09purlinstalls a bad bootloader on JoshBorke and turns JoshBorke into a brick
12:45.11sag_ich_nicht~lart Wobin_
12:45.11purlblasts Wobin_ with a huge firehose then strangles Wobin_ with it
12:45.17JoshBorke~lart sag_ich_nicht
12:45.17purltakes out a seltzer bottle and sprays sag_ich_nicht in the face. You know, one of those old-school seltzer bottles clowns have? Yeah those. Anyway, consider yourself spritzed
12:45.33sag_ich_nichtit's hot here anyway
12:47.21Wobin_~lart sag_ich_nicht
12:47.21purlsqueezes sag_ich_nicht till sag_ich_nicht turns blue like papa smurf
12:47.31Wobin_la la la la-la-la
12:48.07sag_ich_nichtcan i have a papa smurf drink too?
12:48.34Wobin_is that something with a lot of curacao?
12:50.31sag_ich_nichtthat's all wrong
12:50.44sag_ich_nichtpapa smurf=Harakiri + Gletschereis
12:51.17sag_ich_nichtmakes you insta drunk.
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12:54.22art3mismountain dew + disarano ammaretto == alcoholic jolt cola ;P
12:55.35sag_ich_nichtyou disgusting pig
12:55.44sag_ich_nichtdon't you mix mountain dew with ammaretto
12:55.49sag_ich_nichtyou mix it with applejuice
12:55.51art3misyes you do
12:55.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Flexom (
12:56.01art3misit tastes like jolt cola it's awesome
12:56.11art3misamarretto and applejuice?
12:56.15art3misthats disgusting
12:56.19sag_ich_nichttry it
12:56.21sag_ich_nichtit is delicious
12:56.34art3miswhen im out i drink disarano sours
12:56.49art3misnot a big apple fan
12:57.37art3misstrangely i believe this is a carry over from computers ;P
12:58.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
13:00.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (n=kd3@
13:02.59mikmaok now, we talked about clearing logs last night...
13:03.05mikmahere's my solution:
13:04.43LopeppeppyI can learn to like that solution....
13:06.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
13:07.10LopeppeppyBleeter!  So cynical this early?
13:07.49bleetersif early
13:07.51bleeterMon Sep 17 23:07:51 EST 2007
13:09.52mikma :D
13:29.14*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh_ (n=chatzill@
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13:36.09foxlit|macI can now add TGA->PNG to my collection of lua converters
13:39.30sag_ich_nichtthat's nice.
13:39.35sag_ich_nichtmy progressive JPG > your PNG
13:40.55MoonWolfnot really
13:41.21cladhairefoxlit|mac: any progress on .blp > .tga? =/
13:41.32foxlit|mac.blp -> .tga works
13:41.39foxlit|mac.blp -> .png works
13:41.49foxlit|macIt's the other direction that sucks a bit
13:41.50cladhaireerr i meant .tga > .blp
13:41.55cladhairethat's where you _win_
13:41.58cladhaire100% :P
13:42.08foxlit|macIt's problematic, though
13:42.21foxlit|macYou get to pick two root colors and two derived colors for 16 pixels
13:42.36cladhairei like blue :P
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13:43.36krka_hm, doesn't there already exist converters for both ways?
13:43.41foxlit|macIt gets bad if you have a lot of colors in the same 16x16 block
13:43.45cladhairenot cross platform open source
13:44.13cladhairefoxlit|mac: that sucks =/
13:44.15foxlit|macBut is there any actual reason to convert back to blp?
13:44.22foxlit|mac4x4 block
13:44.26foxlit|mac16x16 would be dramatic
13:44.26krka_well, does there exist a complete spec?
13:44.39cladhairefoxlit|mac: filesize is the main reason
13:44.46cladhairebut other than that.. no i suppose not
13:45.25foxlit|macMuch depends on the textures
13:45.40cladhairei can imagine
13:45.42cladhairebut .blp >
13:45.48cladhaireblp > tga in pure lua is quite useful
13:45.55cladhairewhat someone needs to do
13:46.26cladhaireis write an xml parsing/rendering script that will create an image of any in-game frame, but the Xml definitions + textures
13:46.29cladhairesomeone get to work!
13:46.55foxlit|macDoes that gui ui designer do that?
13:46.55nevcairielthat shouldnt be too hard
13:47.04nevcairielgood that i suck at gfx programming
13:47.09cladhairenevcairiel: you say that :P
13:47.32nevcairielwell, there are a lot of cases one would have to handle
13:47.40nevcairielbut other then that, just boring work .. imho
13:47.45Josh_Borkei know Antiarc started writing one
13:47.56Josh_Borkea web based application that parsed an XML file and generated the frame
13:48.10foxlit|macIsn't that it, more or less?
13:48.19cladhaireyeah, but useless to me, being windows only
13:48.39nevcairielso best would be, a web based solution, eh ? :p
13:49.03cladhairefoxlit|mac: i've yet to get any .net 2.0 app running on my machine, but perhaps i'm not trying hard enough
13:49.17foxlit|macI haven't tried either
13:51.11cladhaireits an .msi
13:51.14cladhairewhich means poop on my face
13:51.23cladhaireluckily i could make it work with vmware
13:51.27cladhairebut a web app would be for the win
13:51.37foxlit|macWhy not just stuff it into wow?
13:52.03cladhairethe whole point is to make it so i can do things without needing wow open
13:52.14foxlit|macLimited things, though
13:52.38foxlit|macIf you parsed my XML, you'd probably end up with some very weird images, since some of it is initialized through lua
13:52.49cladhairebut you could get the frameXML
13:52.52cladhairemore or less
13:52.55cladhairewhich is quite useful.
13:55.57nevcairielgimme a .blp reader for php :o
13:56.41foxlit|macI think you can do that by taking my code
13:56.53foxlit|macAnd doing a few search + replaces for the Lua->PHP syntax
13:57.16foxlit|macAnd with image* functions for PHP
13:57.30foxlit|macYou could output to virtually anything, easily
13:57.57foxlit|macActually, I can probably arrange that :)
14:00.58krka_you think you can convert lua to php with a few regexps? :)
14:01.47MoonWolfi doubt it would be taht easy
14:02.08foxlit|mackrka_: in this case, yes
14:02.14CodayusFor sufficiently simple lua and sufficiently complex regexps...perhaps.
14:02.32foxlit|macI'd go more towards parsing Lua syntax and converting to PHP syntax, though
14:02.45CodayusDesigning a converter for the general case would be quite impressive though.
14:02.52foxlit|macsince it's realatively hard to distinguish lua variable names from other junk
14:03.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
14:04.43foxlit|macTextMate's syntax autocomplete is mapped to escape
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14:31.01IndustrialCidan: pong
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14:44.28Shirik|zZzhaha <3 FedEx
14:45.13ShirikHad an important package today that I was expecting, but she says "But it says here it requires an adult signature..." "Well, I'm 20" "You have to be 21..., you're 21 right?" "Eh, I'm 20..." "No, you're 21, right?"
14:45.19Shirikso she lets me sign for it ><
14:45.43LopeppeppyWhen has 20 not been "adult"?  Ugh.  No wonder she dodges her regulations.
14:45.44Shirikamusingly it was my birth certificate that was inside
14:45.53LopeppeppyThat's too funny, Shirik.
14:47.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (
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14:55.17Mr_Rabies2i mean it's not like the fed's going to break down your door and go elian gonzalez on your ass
14:56.29Mr_Rabies2hell, i haven't been carded more than 10 times since i've been about 15 for any movie, and i usually see at least 1 a week in theaters :x
14:56.38Mr_Rabies2yet my buddy who is 1 day older than me always gets carded
14:56.50Mr_Rabies2i laugh at his inferior facial hair skills
14:58.01krka_i want to get carded more often :/
14:58.35krka_apparently i no longer look younger than 18
14:58.40Valaron|WorkNo. I know who Elian Gonzales was.
14:58.43Mr_Rabies2the only time i'm happy for being carded is when i use my credit card
15:02.51Maldiviakrka: I've never been younger than 18 then :|
15:03.34*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
15:07.08Shirikdoes noexists imply noharm?
15:07.16ShirikI knew there was something that was redundant in this macro.....
15:07.29krka_it would imply a lot of no-stuff i think
15:07.45Josh_Borke~lart shirik
15:07.45purlturns shirik into a lifesized tux doll
15:07.56Shirikwas just saying, there's three cases: harm, help, and exists
15:08.07Shirikif you have two cases you should always be able to bring it down to 1
15:08.16Shirik/focus [target=focus,noexists] [target=focus,dead] [target=focus,noharm] [modifier:shift] target
15:08.24Shirikso I knew there was something to get rid of there
15:10.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
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15:21.56ts|skromWhat's the min level before "find an upgrade" on the armory will work?
15:22.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Laric (
15:22.34LopeppeppyGood question, TS|Skrom.  I can go look up some of my baby alts if you'd like....
15:22.44ts|skromIt's not working for my level 51
15:22.51ts|skromwhich is why i asked :-/
15:22.59LopeppeppyThat's strange.  Let me go check my 47.
15:23.42ts|skromit must not be toon level, it must be item dependent
15:23.51ts|skromit works for skrom (60) on his helm, but not his bracer
15:24.35ts|skrombut not his bow... what the heck
15:24.48ts|skromhow screwy
15:24.59LopeppeppyI dunno...  She's 49 and I'm not getting anything on her checks.  Let me try my 56....
15:25.33Kaydeethreeoh wow... what horrible news. robert jordan died yesterday
15:25.48LopeppeppyOh, no!  
15:25.58ts|skromwasn't that to be expected? I mean he announced he was sick about 2 years ago
15:26.06ts|skromI'm not saying it's bad fyi
15:26.13ts|skromer not bad
15:26.24LopeppeppyTS|Skrom -- my 56 seems to have things for each slot.  I think that the list is based on submitted suggestions, so maybe no one has done anything forking off the piece of equipment you were looking up?
15:26.30Cairennguess we'll never see the end of the series
15:26.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
15:26.58LopeppeppyWere we going to see the end before, Cairenn?  *sad little laugh*  It's still a loss to the sci fi world.
15:27.56IndustrialDoes anyone know a bagmod wich displays items in a list?
15:28.08LopeppeppyI look at all the new books coming out from VC Andrews though, and I don't despair....  perhaps he left outlines that his estate will hire a solid writer to develop.
15:28.16Industrialmaybe even a tree :D? (categories yay)
15:29.25Cairennhi Tierrie
15:30.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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15:30.27Tierrieheya redhead!
15:30.41LopeppeppyHeya, Tierrie!
15:32.10LopeppeppyRedheads on a Monday morning, what could be better?
15:32.23Valaron|WorkCouldn't have said it better myself.
15:32.32Tierriepreppy! :D
15:36.41Cairenna needle pulling thread
15:36.58Valaron|WorkSo.. how about that O.J.
15:37.07|Jelly|Makes me lol
15:37.08LopeppeppyOh dear.  Just... "oh dear".
15:37.24LopeppeppyHow many years in a row can one win a Darwin Award and still survive?
15:37.43cog|workLopeppeppy: depends on how intact their reproductive organs are
15:38.08|Jelly|Well. I was in...fifth grade when he was on trial for whacking his wife. I've been graduated for five years. Hmmm.
15:38.21Valaron|WorkHe's gonna vow to find the real burglars, I'm guessing.
15:38.38LopeppeppyI suppose I shall be more clear... how can one be so consistently stupid and not die from it.  Stupid should hurt, frequently and badly.
15:38.38Tierriemaybe he will have a glove issue here too
15:39.26|Jelly|Anything to sway the news away from Chris Crocker imo.
15:39.43TierrieYou mess with Chris Crocker, you mess with me!
15:40.00|Jelly|Then I guess I'm laughing at him, you AND Seth Green?
15:40.25Valaron|WorkWho is Chris Crocker?
15:40.43Tierriea guy so gay he set his mom's vagina on fire when he was born
15:41.26cog|workLooks like we got Exødus banned from the forums for his model changing post ><
15:41.40cog|workseems all his posts were wiped
15:41.48|Jelly|Wait. What?
15:41.48Tierriewhat model changing post?
15:41.58Tierriea mod to change the in game models?
15:42.14cog|worksomeone asked how to change a character model
15:42.20cog|workwe told them it wasn't allowed
15:42.32cog|worksomeone posted a link to a place that shows you how <----- idiot
15:42.34*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
15:42.57|Jelly| <-- tired of answering this eight times a day....even though I didn't, you know, respond here.
15:43.05LopeppeppyI saw that a whole bunch of posts were deleted from that thread, Cogwheel
15:43.06|Jelly|And wow...
15:43.50cog|workLopeppeppy: i think you might be thinking of the translator thread :P
15:44.07|Jelly|Did they delete the post leading to that Wiki?
15:44.08cncfanaticsgood afternoon everyone
15:44.17cog|work|Jelly|: yes
15:44.21LopeppeppyWell then, link the right one so that we're on the same page, Cog!  :)
15:44.30cog|workLopeppeppy: it was deleted :P
15:44.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
15:44.55|Jelly|Gah. Why do I play this game? I miss so much forum fun while grinding!
15:45.09cncfanaticsany australians here ?
15:45.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
15:45.16Valaron|WorkI haven't logged into WoW in over a week.
15:45.24LopeppeppyOh, well then it's gone forever and we'll never know.  But I dont' think it was the translator one I'm thinking of....  Meh, doesn't matter.
15:45.49|Jelly|You're not gonna ask ASK next are you, cncfanatics?
15:46.18|Jelly|Look Shirik! I'm getting better!
15:46.21cncfanaticsjust need some info about the outback in australia :) got to make some stupid english work about that
15:46.59TierrieLopeppeppy: ASL!
15:47.35TierrieI wanted to ask that since he/she said she was a redhead
15:47.41LopeppeppyI don't know an ASL, Tierrie, but I'm happy to bake one if you give me a recipe?
15:47.55|Jelly|WTB cookies.
15:47.56cog|workLopeppeppy: if by your bonk you meant to suggest a post of mine was deleted, then yes, it was the translator thread ;)
15:48.42LopeppeppyCog: The bonk was just generally for posting a link to things to teach them how to break the ToS.
15:49.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth_ (
15:49.58cog|workWhy did *I* get bonked though? :(
15:50.54LopeppeppyYou soooo implied that you had posted the link to the how-to.  Maybe I read it wrong.  *scrolls upward to re-read*
15:51.04zenzelezzLopeppeppy: for what it's worth, ASL (usually "A/S/L????") is age, sex, location
15:51.29cog|workOh.. the <------ idiot was pointing at the "someone posted ...."
15:52.25LopeppeppyOoooh... I think I forgot to turn on my context filter today, Cogwheel, I take it back!
15:52.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Vangual (
15:52.43Lopeppeppyzenzelezz, thanks for the edu-m-cation.  I'm such a little innocent about the weirdest things.
15:53.09Valaron|Workomg asl lol
15:53.40cog|workto which a common reply would be  M/Y/my place
15:54.17LopeppeppyI wonder how I can work the cookies into that better?
15:54.50Cairenn"Old enough to know better, young enough to go ahead anyway. yes please. anywhere and everywhere"
15:55.36|Jelly|Now THIS conversation is going places!
15:56.17TierrieCairenn taught me some pickup lines
15:56.27Tierrie"I wish there was a polar bear in this room"
15:56.35TierrieI mean
15:56.35LopeppeppyWhat's that Blood Elf line....  "Why yes.  You bring a pound of butter and I'll bring the jumper cables."
15:56.46TierrieLopeppeppy: I wish there was a polar bear in this room
15:56.59LopeppeppyTierrie:  There could be.  *wink*
15:57.05TierrieCairenn: Its not working!
15:57.14Cairennbecause you're saying it wrong
15:57.27Tierrie"I wish you were a polar bear?"
15:57.37LopeppeppyUm..... NMK.
15:57.39Cairenn"How much does a polar bear weigh?"
15:57.57TierrieLopeppeppy: How much does a polar bear weigh?
15:58.05LopeppeppyTierrie: I don't know.
15:58.11TierrieJust enough to break the ice!
15:58.14TierrieHi I am Tierrie!
15:58.24zenzelezzI'm glad to see my guild's full of sad people like me... rating a female applicant based on her voice
15:58.25Tierrie^5 Cairenn
15:58.29zenzelezz(oh, and a little bit of skill)
15:58.29LopeppeppySee?  It works when you get the words right!
15:58.43Tierriewomen go far in WoW
15:59.03Lopeppeppyzenzelezz, there are even sadder ratings, but that one is kinda typical of the male-dominated game world.  Makes me a sad polar bear.
15:59.16|Jelly|People hitting on my Peppy...right infront of me! /cry
15:59.28cog|workor some other more correctly-spelled word
15:59.33zenzelezzyou must be blind if you haven't seen it before now Jelly, I've been doing it for weeks
16:00.04|Jelly|Yeah. I try not to keep up with it. Such things make me cut! AND CUT I MUST!
16:00.09|Jelly|so brb, I need a sammich
16:00.30LopeppeppyCome back in one piece, Jelly-dear!
16:02.22TierrieHe's spreading himself over some toast?
16:02.39Tierriepa dum pah
16:03.09|Jelly|Oh man Terrie
16:03.25|Jelly|I can't think of a witty enough retort.
16:03.50Tierrieits like | were pieces of bread
16:03.57Tierrieand you're like |Jelly|
16:04.14|Jelly|The only way that would work is if Peppy was the bread and there was only one slice. :P
16:04.38|Jelly|And WTB name change in game. :\
16:05.31|Jelly|By the way, I need a name for my cat.
16:05.39|Jelly|...who also hit best friend earlier! :)
16:05.43*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
16:06.13Tierriename for a cat ? :D
16:06.18zenzelezzname it after one of your main tanks
16:06.24zenzelezzmakes for awesome fun in raids
16:06.37|Jelly|I'm level 24. I don't have a main tank.
16:06.39zenzelezz"Trashgirl has died." "WTF!?!? Oh that f'in pet"
16:06.43Tierrie"Stop rubbing on my crotch Tank!"
16:07.17zenzelezzI always end up in guild with peculiarly named tanks
16:07.32zenzelezzTrashgirl, Djrko, Crazyannus
16:07.36|Jelly|!c us burning legion diablot
16:07.38ThraeBot|Jelly|: Diablot, Level 70 Undead Warrior (13/5/43). 14004 HP; 16639 Armour; 770 AP; 140.000 Melee DPS; 12.62% melee crit; 32 melee hit; 380 defense; 24.75% dodge; 25.06% block; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1715 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Mon Sep 17 12:20:59 2007 EST ]]
16:07.45|Jelly|Jelly's main tank.
16:08.06Tierriehey did you guys know robert jordan dieded
16:08.10TierrieRIP :(
16:08.13Mr_Rabies2it's fun to name pets after bosses or main tanks
16:08.25Cairennthat's what we were talking about just before you logged in Tierrie
16:08.33Mr_Rabies2i knew a warrior named magmadar
16:08.41Mr_Rabies2i imagine the tranq shot pulls were hell with him tanking
16:08.46Mr_Rabies2er, rotations
16:08.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten_ (
16:08.51TierrieCairenn: oh yeah? well that was what i was talking about last night!
16:08.54Tierrieso there
16:08.58Tierriesexy thang you
16:09.36|Jelly|Is there a numerical value for pet happiness that I just don't see somewhere?
16:09.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
16:10.28Tierriethere's a PetHappiness API
16:10.40TierrieIts been a while since i looked at it, but check its return value
16:12.03zenzelezz|Jelly|: I'm pretty sure there's a server-side exact value, yes
16:12.26zenzelezzbased on the "gains ... happiness" messages and people saying Dismiss Pet causes a x point happiness loss
16:12.37foxlit|macHah, ouch.
16:12.49foxlit|macPHP can't handle 8-bit alpha channels
16:12.57|Jelly|That's what I'm looking to find out, zenzelezz.
16:13.11zenzelezz|Jelly|: the exact value you mean?
16:13.16Lopeppeppy|Jelly|: Rawr.  That's what I get for being the alt-tab-at-work queen, I miss all the fun ideas.
16:13.31|Jelly|Lopeppeppy: <3
16:13.48zenzelezzI don't think you could do that completely accurately, but you could perhaps make an educated guess based on when you get the happiness change events
16:14.14zenzelezzyou'd have to keep track of time since it was last fed, loyalty, deaths/dismissals, etc
16:14.15|Jelly|Educated Guess? Yeah...that excludes me. :P
16:15.03LopeppeppyI've never made sense out of pet levels, when they get training points, what makes them happy....  I just feed my bear and cat until they're bursting and smiling, and make them kill things.  They're quite bloodthirsty when they're well fed...
16:15.37|Jelly|I'm amazed that you didn't find a pet that would eat cookies. hehe
16:16.17LopeppeppyIf I could, I would Jelly.  *laugh*  They'll eat cinnamon buns sometimes, that's close!
16:16.31|Jelly|That *is* pretty close.
16:17.07Mr_Rabies2Lopeppeppy, petopia worked out some stuff
16:17.13LopeppeppyUntil I train my mage friends to make me some brownies, it will have to do.  *le sigh*
16:17.22zenzelezzmy cat eats brown cheese... even though she shouldn't like it
16:17.24Mr_Rabies2it's based on a combination of time and exp
16:17.38Mr_Rabies2my dog ate a plastic bag once
16:17.59LopeppeppyThat's my favorite hunter site, Mr_Rabies2.  Sadly though, I don't play my hunter very often, so I don't pay as much attention to her mechanics as I do to the ones for my rogue or pally.
16:18.39Mr_Rabies2it's probably a good idea to teach children that the dog will eat pretty much their alphas give them
16:18.48Mr_Rabies2pretty much anything
16:19.22LopeppeppyThey surely will.
16:19.34|Jelly|Except pills.
16:19.39|Jelly|My dog wont eat a pill.
16:19.55|Jelly|...until I put it in a banana! Then she just swallows it like it was nothing.
16:20.10LopeppeppyIf I put it on my dinner plate, my dog would eat whatever it was, no matter what it was.
16:20.14Mr_Rabies2my dad used hot dogs dipped in beef broth
16:20.21Mr_Rabies2for medicine :o
16:20.24LopeppeppyPills, food, radishes, raw carrots...
16:20.30zenzelezztrying to give my cat pills is quite an effort. Put it in cheese and she'll shake them before eating it, put it in normal food and she'll eat around it
16:20.55|Jelly|IMO all pet medicine should come in tasteless liquid.
16:21.15|Jelly|"Oh? You wont take a pill? Have some spiked water, stupid!" muahahaha
16:21.21Mr_Rabies2beef flavor liquid, imo
16:21.28LopeppeppyCats are much, much more fussy about eating habits.  Mine won't eat at her regular dishes if I'm watching, but won't eat her treats unless I'm right there telling her how wonderful she is the whole time.  Psychotic little monsters, cats.
16:21.55Kaydeethreethat's because you're feeding into it
16:22.09LopeppeppyI know, Kaydeethree.  I have to train myself as much as her.
16:22.14|Jelly|Either eat or starve. That's how I feel about it.
16:22.14Mr_Rabies2dogs will pretty much eat whatever the alpha gives them because in a pack generally the alphas approve of the food and eat first
16:23.02LopeppeppyWe got into bad habits when she first came home and was so confused that she wouldn't do anything without me nearby.  We're still working on our manners from both sides.
16:23.02Tierriemy pets are tamagochi and whether they eat or not is determined by a random number
16:23.03zenzelezzthe easiest way to get my cat to eat food containing pills has turned out to be... by distracting her with the promise of more food
16:23.06|Jelly|Curse you, Cogwheel!
16:26.39cog|work|Jelly|: which curse?
16:27.10cog|work|Jelly|: /cast Spell Reflection
16:27.34|Jelly|cog|work: /cast You Win The Nerd Contest(Rank 8)
16:27.54Mr_Rabies2/cast [target=cogwheel] Remove Curse
16:28.00cog|workI love how 8 ) shows up as an emoticon with sunglasses in chatzilla :P
16:28.12cog|workYou win the nerd contest rank :cool: :P
16:28.13|Jelly|I love how...HUSH!
16:29.21Mr_Rabies2Rank sunglasses
16:29.24Mr_Rabies2and for some reason
16:29.33Mr_Rabies2i kept wanting to spell it sungblastes
16:29.38Mr_Rabies2i need to sleep
16:31.31zenzelezz"Rogue with Twin Blades of Azzinoth sells account for almost $10,000"
16:32.25mikmaalmost 7000$
16:32.29zenzelezzEuros, not dollars
16:33.31|Jelly| long until that $10k account is banned for being sold? lol
16:33.40KaydeethreeI give it a few days
16:34.15LopeppeppyThe article hints that it may have happened already.
16:34.25|Jelly|!c eu sylvanas zeuzo
16:34.26ThraeBot|Jelly|: zeuzo is not the character you are looking for!
16:34.31Cairennfyi, 2.2 is _probably_ next week
16:34.36zenzelezzit said he transferred
16:34.45zenzelezz!c eu kazzak shaks
16:34.47ThraeBotzenzelezz: Shaks, Level 70 Night Elf Rogue (27/3/31). 11324 HP; +10 Energy; 3586 Armour; 1771 AP; 368.500 Melee DPS; 28.39% melee crit; 90 melee hit; 27.21% dodge; 318 resilience; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1042 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Mon Sep 17 12:48:08 2007 EST ]]
16:35.00Kaydeethreeas long as there aren't any gamebreakers like the vista crash
16:35.13Kaydeethreeand I'm still looking for stuff to put in the "zomg it's 2.2 patchday!" sticky
16:35.15|Jelly|!vs us drenden kimina eu kazzak shaks
16:35.18ThraeBot|Jelly|: Kimina vs Shaks! A L70 priest and a L70 rogue square off!; 23/38/0 vs 27/3/31; Shaks wins by 415 TBRs!
16:35.26Saint-Nthe vista crash isnt a game breaker
16:35.34Saint-Nits electronic selection ;)
16:35.40Saint-Nthinningthe herds of the retards
16:36.09LopeppeppyKaydeethree: Does the 2.2 sticky include anything about the voice chat stuff, API calls for it, etc?
16:36.32Kaydeethreetake a look. it's only for end-user stuff and not stuff of the dev side of changes
16:36.47Kaydeethreethough I should mention voip somehow
16:36.59mikmai would be pissed to have lost 7000e and not being able to play
16:37.25LopeppeppyServes them right though...
16:38.04mikmai thought blizz has stated that if you plan on selling your account, you need to provide the new owner everything that came with the game. cd's, key, box, manual...
16:38.16Kaydeethreeyou can't sell accounts period
16:38.43mikmaok let me rephrase: if you are planning on selling your game, you need to provide the account with it
16:39.06LopeppeppyNope.  You can sell your install disks, but not your account.  Those are non-transferrable.
16:39.09|Jelly|"I'm selling the time it took to level this character from 1-70 and get gear, etc" <-- lewl
16:39.24zenzelezzthat's what they say on all MMO character sales
16:39.58mikmaLopeppeppy: can you provide me a link where blizz says that? if you know that there is one tho..
16:40.01zenzelezzI remember when I played Anarchy Online, I'd spend every Saturday at work trying to match the characters on ebay up against the character list on a certain websites, see if I could find the name
16:40.41LopeppeppyYeah-yeah.... it's interesting to watch people stance-dance around legal technicalities..  When you have to do that, you know you're stretching it.  And no, Mikma, I don't have a link.  You said your understanding, I said mine.  *shrug*
16:41.16mikmaLopeppeppy: well the thing is i want it because i've seen this discussion happening before and i want someone to proof his point :O
16:42.05LopeppeppyWhy are we all talking about the account being banned for being sold, if it's not common knowledge?
16:42.09CairennKaydeethree: the usual suspects - "Here's what you need to do to update, these are the things you shouldn't do, chill out and give authors time to get their stuff updated, watch this thread to see if the mods you want are updated yet"
16:42.34mikmawell because the new char has been updated
16:43.34LopeppeppyMikma, here's the link.  First bullet point under Limitations.
16:43.48LopeppeppyBlizzard Entertainment does not recognize the transfer of Accounts between individuals. (Section 1E of the ToU)
16:43.59LopeppeppyThat was with a very cursory search on their website.  It's common knowledge.
16:45.37mikmais it transfer if someone buys your game :I
16:46.24zenzelezzE. Blizzard Entertainment does not recognize the transfer of Accounts, and any unauthorized transfer of the World of Warcraft software will result in the permanent deletion of the Account attached to that software. You may not offer any Account for sale or trade, and any such offer.
16:46.34zenzelezzfrom Data/enGB/tos.html
16:46.56mikmawell there we go.
16:47.07LopeppeppyThank you, zenzelezz.
16:47.09mikmafinally a clear statemant
16:47.35|Jelly|Any documentation (links) on the reduction of xp required for 1-60?
16:48.23LopeppeppyI haven't seen anything solid yet myself, and I'm totally curious.  I have 3 characters dying in the stagnation of 35-55....
16:48.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
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16:57.21BuuyoIs there a macro command that runs like castsequence that can be used for consuming items? i.e., /usesequence reset=10 Conjured Water, Conjured Bread? =o
16:59.07*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
17:06.50*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
17:09.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
17:09.50LopeppeppyComing into my work server from outside the firewall is an exercise in patience and futility....
17:10.13cog|workSo apparently the newest tourist attraction in minnesota is the bathroom in the airport...
17:10.30Lopeppeppy*laugh*  So very typical of the American Public.
17:11.59cog|workpeople are taking pictures of the stall and everything...
17:12.20LopeppeppyI'm sure that's right up there with owning a baby picture of a serial killer.
17:12.36Lopeppeppy"This is the stall where someone might have done something vaguely naughty!"
17:12.52LopeppeppyI wonder if I can sell tickets, they can come photograph my bathroom.
17:13.30LopeppeppySenator Craig, Cairenn.
17:17.02*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo (
17:18.06ShirikWhat is wrong with my relatives
17:18.12Cidethey're related to you
17:18.15ShirikSo I log into my email account, check this out
17:18.24ShirikI have 5 different relatives: my dad, various aunts and grandparents
17:18.27ShirikThey all sent me to the same article
17:18.33Shirik"Man dies after 3-day gaming binge - "
17:19.01LopeppeppyThink they're concerned for you, Shirik?
17:19.01cog|workThey're conspiring against you
17:19.11cog|work(c wut i did thur?)
17:19.15Kaydeethreek, what else?
17:20.37Cairennlooks pretty good to me Kaydeethree
17:20.42ShirikWell, I have something else to add
17:20.52Shirikbut it's going to be irrelevant at the time anyone reads it
17:20.59CairennI'll have my usual thread of what mods are updated where, when the time comes
17:21.06ShirikIt would have been a comment to update early, instead of update when the patch comes out
17:21.11ShirikBecause servers are going to be flooded
17:21.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
17:21.59foxlit|macNot 18th?
17:22.00Kaydeethreecairenn, will the link I have for wowi automatically point to the low-bandwidth version of the site when you/dolby switch it over?
17:22.00Mr_Rabies2i hope 2.2 hits tomorrow
17:22.06Mr_Rabies2but i expect a week or two at least :[
17:22.09cog|workit won't
17:22.22ShirikKaydeethree: iirc yes
17:22.24cog|workthey just pushed a PTR patch last thursday
17:22.25CairennKaydeethree: should, I'll let you know if it changes
17:22.36Shiriklast time I asked about why I can't switch to normal version
17:22.41Shirikand Cairenn was all like "you noob"
17:22.47LopeppeppyThat does remind me to zoop back over to the PTR to test my addons again, some have been updated since last I visited it.
17:23.03CairennMr_Rabies2: already confirmed not tomorrow, will _likely_ be next week
17:23.12Shirikhmm... no sound
17:23.20Mr_Rabies2havent seen the confirmation
17:23.35Kaydeethreezomg sekrit blizz contacts yo
17:23.38cog|workMr_Rabies2: confirmation is that there's no "extended maintenance" warning on the login screen imo :P
17:23.40Cairennbecause it came through me, not posted anywhere :p
17:24.07cog|workthat and they've never gone live with a patch this soon after a PTR update
17:24.08Mr_Rabies2cog|work, sometimes they don't announce that till just before or even after realms go down :O
17:24.19cog|workMr_Rabies2: neva!
17:24.33cog|work(srsly... they've always announced extended maintenance the day before)
17:24.33Kaydeethreethere's another PTR build on the way, they're not going to push it live that quickly
17:25.22cog|workNotice that announcing extended maintenance ~= announcing the patch
17:26.50[dRaCo]I wish people would stop using ~= for !=, confuses me.
17:27.23Cide~= ~= !=
17:27.31Cideor is it?!
17:27.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (i=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
17:27.52Thunder_Childi thought ~= was "roughly equal to"
17:28.07Shiriknot in Lua
17:28.10cog|work>>> print(true ~= false)
17:28.11Cidecog|work: true
17:28.24Cide6848394 is roughly equal to 6848393
17:28.25[dRaCo]So did I, but in Lua ~= is what != is in C
17:28.38cryogenthere is no ~= in C
17:28.40Shirikalso, how do you define "roughly equal to"
17:28.45cryogenor well, its not the maths version of it
17:28.46[dRaCo]yeah, cryogen
17:28.49Shirikcryogen: And that's why he said it's !=
17:28.50Shirikin C
17:28.51cryogenpurl complicates things further
17:29.06Cidepurl, stop complicating things
17:29.07purlACTION leaps to his feet and stops complicating things
17:29.12Cidegood job
17:29.20Thunder_ChildShirik, + or - x
17:29.31cryogenpurl: botsnank
17:29.32Shirikthere's an easy solution to that
17:29.41purlcryogen: aw, gee
17:29.42ShirikIt's the same way you test equivalence of floating point numbers
17:29.53ShirikSince you CANNOT test them directly
17:30.08cryogentyping one handed while eating is not a winner
17:30.13Shirikabs(i - j) < x
17:31.04Shiriklua> 2/3 + 2/3 == 4/3
17:31.05cladbotShirik: true
17:31.11Shirikhrm, Lua is better at this than most languages
17:31.18ShirikI've always struggled to find a good example of it
17:31.33*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep` (i=nuoHep@
17:31.34Cide>>> 1/0 + 1/0 == 1/0
17:31.34CideCide: true
17:31.41Cidebut.. it's 2/0!
17:31.47Shiriklua> 2/3 + 2/3 - 1/3 == 1
17:31.47cladbotShirik: true
17:31.48[dRaCo]division by zero!
17:31.56ShirikCide: That is mathematically correct :P
17:32.08CideShirik: haha, I was just kidding
17:32.17Shirikinfinity is not actually equal to infinity
17:32.19Shirikeven though it is
17:32.27Shirikjust like infinity minus infinity is not zero
17:33.31LopeppeppyI love foolish consistency.  "Just tell me how to do it, I swear I'm not up to no good!"
17:33.38cryogenmaths at that level is just voodoo and scary
17:34.21krka_Shirik: i disagree, i think \inf == \inf
17:34.30ShirikYell at the math people :P
17:34.33ShirikI didn't invent this stuff
17:34.41cryogeninfinity is undefined
17:34.48krka_hm... is there any page with the rules for inf-math+
17:34.49cryogentwo undefined valus cant "really" be equal
17:35.02cryogensee: voodoo scary stuff
17:35.10krka_infinity is defined
17:35.49Shirikkrka_: The argument I've always been told is that "Equivalence is defined as the case where the two values subtracted from each other produces zero. As infinity minus infinity is not zero, they cannot be equal"
17:35.52krka_inf + inf = inf,   inf - inf = undefined,    inf + x = inf, for all real x
17:36.01Thunder_Childkrka_, you could try but i dont know if it has anything
17:36.50Thunder_Childor browse
17:37.14Cide>>> local f = 0; for i=1,1e6, 1 do f = f + 1/10 end return f
17:37.15CideCide: 100000.00000133
17:40.06krka_this tends to agree with me
17:40.36krka_see arithmetic operations
17:40.57cryogenwell i didnt exaclt yget an A in maths
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17:41.11Thunder_Childor english?
17:41.20cryogenmy english is fine
17:41.23cryogeni just cant type for shit
17:41.34cryogenthere's a subtle, but distinct, difference :)
17:41.54Shirikkrka_: I never said you were wrong, only that the argument has been made
17:42.22ShirikAs for me, I couldn't give a damn. I'm only concerned with how computer hardware tries to represent these numbers.
17:42.31krka_yeah, that's a somewhat reasonable argument
17:42.37cryogenhmm actually i DID get an A in maths, just not at A level
17:42.41krka_based on preserving some of the mathematical laws, i presume
17:43.00krka_such as, if a - b = c, then a = b + c
17:43.14Thunder_Childf_n(x) = \begin{cases} 2n(1-nx), & \mbox{if } 0 \le x \le \frac{1}{n} \\ 0, & \mbox{if } \frac{1}{n} < x \le 1\end{cases}
17:43.23krka_yay, tex
17:43.25Thunder_Childheh, the pics translate into text
17:43.36ShirikI have long since forgotten how to write that stuff
17:43.36krka_what pics?
17:43.48Thunder_Childthe formulas
17:43.56Thunder_Childthey are images, not text
17:44.09Shirikwell you're both correct
17:44.11krka_what pics?
17:44.39Thunder_Childthat can be draged into irc and be given a string of text
17:44.40krka_on which page is that?
17:44.46Shirikkrka_: Those are indeed images
17:44.46Shirik<img class="tex" alt="f(x) = \frac{1}{x^2}" src="" />
17:44.55Shirikhowever.... they are created using text
17:45.04Shirikso you're both right :P
17:45.09krka_yeah, it's the alt-text
17:45.15Thunder_Childso they are
17:45.23krka_clever browser
17:45.37cladhairethen downloadable BC client
17:45.54cladhairedo you need the original client installed to install it?
17:46.06Thunder_Childi think so
17:46.18Thunder_Childor the DL would be excedingly large
17:46.24cladhaireits already 1.18 gigs :P
17:46.38Thunder_Childmy wow directory is 7.xx gb
17:46.46cladhaireyes, that's unpacked :P
17:46.47cryogenyes you do
17:46.52Thunder_Childand with the test server
17:47.07cladhairehrm, gotta find the torrent for the orig nomw
17:47.08cog|workcladhaire: not very unpacked... aren't the MPQs already compressed?
17:47.28cladhairecog|work: yeah, but its four CD images
17:47.36cladhaireit still decompresses a bit
17:47.51cryogentook me like 2-3 days to install wow + tbc when i came back to wow after quitting before tbc came out :)
17:47.54Kaydeethreethe original wow ships with 5 CDs now iirc
17:48.11*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
17:48.22cryogenyou need to install wow, then download and install the latest patches, and then download and install bc
17:48.27cryogenand then download and install patches for that!
17:48.38cog|workyeah... they're probably using heavier compression on the installer since decompressing takes time..
17:48.40cladhairecryogen: thats what i thought.. downloding both now.
17:48.44cryogennot someting i ever want to repeat
17:48.50LopeppeppyI download patches from FilePlanet, it's soooo much quicker for me.
17:49.00LopeppeppyAnd happier to my firewall.
17:49.03cryogeni just copied the WoW folder to my laptop when i installed it there
17:49.06cryogenthat was far less painful
17:49.08cog|workI haven't had to /install/ wow in oh... 2 years?
17:49.25cog|workin spite of multiple iterations of various windows versions
17:50.23LopeppeppyI've re-installed once, when TBC came out.  I'll re-install again when I get my new computer.  Not too bad, really.  
17:50.43cryogenLopeppeppy: its ok if you have cds
17:50.56cladhairethats why i'm downloading the client
17:50.58cryogenfsvo ok
17:50.59cladhairemakes it nice and easy
17:51.34*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
17:51.49LopeppeppyCryogen, I actually used the DVD (?) that came with my expansion to re-install, it was even quicker.  Or rather, I bribed someone else to babysit my computer through the process, so maybe I'm crazy.
17:52.05cryogeneven better :)
17:52.25kergothdamn.. robert jordan died.  heard he was dying but it always hits one by surprise
17:52.30LopeppeppyI bake a mean bribe.
17:52.51krka_yeah kergoth :/
17:52.53Shirik14(1311:4611:5214) 14(1115cryogen14) you need to install wow, then download and install the latest patches, and then download and install bc
17:52.53Shirik14(1311:4611:5714) 14(1115cryogen14) and then download and install patches for that!
17:52.54Shirikthis is not true
17:53.06ShirikYou can skip the downloading patches in between installing wow and BC
17:53.11ShirikI did it a month ago
17:53.26kergothbc is 2.0, no? just need the patches after taht
17:53.54Kaydeethreewow 1.x -> BC install -> 2.1.0 -> small patches since then
17:54.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
17:54.30cog|workand isn't there usually a 2.0.0 -> whatever the current patch is so you only have to download 1?
17:54.47Shirikthey've been slacking a bit lately
17:54.52cog|workoh... that's the bc -> 2.1.0 step
17:54.55Shirikyou get to like within two minor revisions
17:55.01Shirikbut essentially yeah
17:55.19cryogenShirik: might have changed sinc ei did it, but when i did it i had to
17:55.28cryogeni remember thinking it was odd at the time, exactly because of what you said
17:56.28kergothi'm just glad the launcher grabs the next patch and installs it when loading up the minor patches now, insteado f having to run wow just to end up exiting and applying the patch, every time
17:56.30kergothtime saver
17:57.00cryogenyou know you have an old alt when: it doesnt have the ratchet FP
17:57.16Josh_Borke~lart kergoth
17:57.16purlcuts kergoth into thin stripes
17:57.55Kaydeethreeor the other 30-or-so flightpaths in the barrens
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17:58.28cryogenall of which are needed of course
17:59.19ShirikIs there any way to control the size of words in ItemRefTooltip?
17:59.28ShirikI noticed that the first time you call AddLine it's larger than the second
17:59.35Shirikwhich works for now, but I was considering changing how I do it a little
18:00.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|sleep (
18:00.24Thunder_Child gah
18:01.22Shirikmaybe we can make the Hello Kitty theme available only in a special "collector's edition" version of Conspiracy
18:01.24Shirikto make it more valuable
18:01.36Thunder_Child~lart Shirik
18:01.36purlburns Shirik to a crisp with a laser
18:01.45*** part/#wowi-lounge Gnancy (
18:04.29Shirikhave you seen the new debugging stuff in Conspiracy, sag_ich_nicht?
18:04.39sag_ich_nichtnot yet
18:04.40Shirikfun times
18:04.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnancy (
18:05.00sag_ich_nichti am busy fixing the breakage ckknight caused with his rock upgrade(not that much for me broke, since i'm awesome, but still)
18:05.07sag_ich_nichtdid you steal ideas from Group Buttons yet for conspiracy?
18:05.13sag_ich_nichtif you didn't, you should
18:05.16Shirikhaven't stolen anything from anywhere
18:05.23Shirikexcept DevTools, which I still have to ask Iriel about if that's ok
18:05.32sag_ich_nichtsteal it
18:05.35ShirikI refuse to steal
18:05.36sag_ich_nichtnot the code
18:05.38sag_ich_nichtjust the features
18:06.04sag_ich_nichton a more serious note, the functionality is awesome and i'd like to see something similiar to it in conspiracy :)
18:06.05Shirikthat looks like something that would have to be a module
18:06.06Shirikwe arent' there yet
18:06.11sag_ich_nichtjust saying.
18:06.30Shirikthough I think we're extremely close
18:06.34sag_ich_nichtgod damn it SVN
18:06.37sag_ich_nicht~stab SVN
18:06.37purlACTION runs at SVN with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.
18:06.44sag_ich_nichtpropagate already to files
18:06.54sag_ich_nichtnothing, just hating on the cronjob on the wowace svn
18:07.06Kaydeethreethe cron runs every 20 minutes, right?
18:07.14sag_ich_nichtit's running right now
18:07.17sag_ich_nichtit's still not done
18:07.21sag_ich_nichtthus the stabbery.
18:07.32Shirikwhat do they have a cron job for?
18:07.45sag_ich_nichtcopy from to
18:07.48sag_ich_nichtit's a stupid system, imho
18:07.50sag_ich_nichtbut W/E
18:07.52Shirikthey can't just do that in a hook script?
18:07.58Shirikit's not like it's some huge task
18:07.59sag_ich_nichttell that Kaelten.
18:08.15ShirikI could understand if it were some task that needs to be run as a batch process
18:08.18sag_ich_nichtthe SVN gets bigger and bigger and the cronjob is taking longer and longer
18:09.08kergothalways fun when a cron job takes long enough that it overlaps the next point where itd be started.. i hope it checks a pidfile or so :P
18:09.08cladhaireShirik: you get into race condition issues with a hook script
18:09.17cladhairetrust me, the hook didn't scale (not that this does :P)
18:09.37sag_ich_nichtkergoth: it's actually pretty close to doing exactly that right now kergoth
18:09.54Shirikwell how do they do it
18:09.56Shirikdo they have a static page?
18:10.10Josh_Borke~lart Shirik
18:10.10purllowers Shirik's priority
18:10.13ShirikI would make a simple database to store the current revision, file location, etc.
18:10.19kergothi'd have a small daemon that gets notified by the hook so it knows what to copy at predefined intervals, or so
18:10.27sag_ich_nichtevery time i refresh my index, it causes another 0.3 MB traffic on the wowace servers.
18:10.38Josh_Borkekergoth: aye
18:10.39Shirika little UPDATE page SET rev = n WHERE addonid = x
18:10.44Shirikwould take no time at all
18:10.45Josh_Borkekergoth: btw, it does check a pid
18:10.54kergothah, good :)
18:10.58Shirikbut w/e
18:11.14sag_ich_nichtgo tell it kaelten Shirik :P
18:11.31sag_ich_nicht11 and still not done
18:11.32Shirikyou can even do UPDATE LOW PRIORITY
18:11.34sag_ich_nicht*11 minutes
18:11.45Shirikand if you really need to go nuts
18:11.47sag_ich_nicht(i want that emote in WoW)
18:11.48Shirikdo it in a transaction
18:11.56Shirikintegrated thread safety ftw
18:13.05sag_ich_nichti wish the cronjob had some "i'm done" write to the website somewhere
18:13.23ShirikI guess I had better start writing the program that reads all of Conspiracy's files and generates documentation for them, huh
18:13.54sag_ich_nicht13 minutes....
18:14.40IndustrialI wish there was a frontend to wowace like wowinterface and users wouldnt have to mess or know of any svn, tags were release submits and it had an intergrated wiki/description and bugtracker (even links to projects/wiki page includes are fine)
18:14.50sag_ich_nichtgo away
18:15.06Industrialhow does that not solve.. about everything :D?
18:15.09sag_ich_nichtthat would just cause a ton of whiney users that don't know anything about addons to cry
18:15.13sag_ich_nichtthe SVN is BETA
18:15.20Industrialthey still cry
18:15.23sag_ich_nichtif they want stable software, get it from a release site
18:15.30Industrialso develop stable software
18:15.36Industrialperpetual bate is an excuse
18:15.38sag_ich_nichti'm not a dev.
18:15.40sag_ich_nichtgo away.
18:15.49Industrialyou just dont want to hear it but its true
18:15.54sag_ich_nichti know it
18:16.00sag_ich_nichtbut i'm not a dev
18:16.02sag_ich_nichtgo away
18:16.14sag_ich_nicht16 minutes
18:16.17foxlit|macIncoming evil spam
18:16.19sag_ich_nichtand the cronjob is still not done
18:16.28foxlit|macget earplugs!
18:16.32foxlit|macfunction readRGB565($cshort) {
18:16.32foxlit|mac$c = floor($cshort);
18:16.33foxlit|mac$r = $c & 31; $c = $c >> 5;
18:16.33foxlit|mac$g = $c & 63; $c = $c >> 6;
18:16.33foxlit|macreturn array($r << 3, $g << 2, $c << 3);
18:16.55Shirikfoxlit|mac: php?
18:17.03sag_ich_nichtthe cronjob should be done
18:17.08ShirikCide will kill you
18:17.10sag_ich_nichtexcuse me WAU
18:17.13sag_ich_nichtwhat are you doing
18:17.13ShirikBut what do you need?
18:17.23foxlit|macMainly checking that that works as expected
18:18.10foxlit|macThe background is that you can store a color in two bytes - 5 bits for red, 6 bits for green and 5 bits for blue channels
18:18.35Shirikyou want to split this up into three 0-255 values?
18:18.51foxlit|macWell, 0-252 or something
18:18.51Shirikwhy exactly did you use $c ?
18:19.00Shirikgot it
18:19.20cog|workShirik: no, "color"
18:19.24Shirikwhy color?
18:19.25ShirikIt's just blue
18:19.33foxlit|macIt's not always blue
18:19.39cog|workit starts out as the whole color value
18:19.40Shirikreturn array($r << 3, $g << 2, $c << 3)
18:19.40foxlit|macIt just happens to be blue at the end of that
18:19.43cog|workand then gets reduced
18:19.45Shirikgot it
18:20.10Shiriklua> tostring(31, 2)
18:20.12cladbotShirik: 31,
18:20.23foxlit|macno base
18:20.33foxlit|maclua> log(32)/log(2)
18:20.33cladbotfoxlit|mac: 5
18:20.33Shiriklua> string.format("%x", 31)
18:20.33cladbotShirik: 1f,
18:21.07ShirikIt looks good to me
18:21.11ShirikI was just double checking what I did in my head
18:21.46ShirikI take that back
18:22.12ShirikShouldn't red be the high 5 bits?
18:23.12cog|workthat's what i thought too
18:23.17ShirikAnd you took the lower 5
18:23.20ShirikAnd pushed them out
18:23.29Shirikso I think you have red and blue backwards
18:23.46foxlit|macThat's possible, but that's not the sort of catastrophic results I'm looking for
18:24.35ShirikI'm also confused as to why you do the ASL at the end
18:26.51Shirikfunction redRGB565($cshort) { $c = floor($cshort); $b = $c & 31; $c >>= 5; $g = $c & 63; $c >>= 6; return array($c, $g, $b); }
18:27.12cog|workShirik: to normalize for 256 shades of each color
18:27.31foxlit|macThe last 2-3 bits are still 0
18:28.04foxlit|macer, nm, cog|work is right.
18:28.44cog|workthe function essentially converts 16-bit color to 24-bit with the added bonus of separating out the values into an array
18:29.27Shirikbut you don't care that the vales are within [0,255]
18:29.34Shirikyou just want there to be 256 different shades
18:29.44Shiriksomewhere within [0,2^8-1]
18:30.20ShirikI'm still kinda lost on this whole ASL at the end, but I think I got it
18:30.20cog|worki just assumed that he wanted the result to be [0,255]
18:30.29cog|workfor each component
18:30.33Shirikif you bit shift you're not going to be within [0,255]
18:30.47cog|workshifting is just multiplying by 2
18:30.53krka_or 4!
18:31.29ShirikI'm an iditio
18:31.30ShirikI got it
18:31.42Shirikyou're still skipping out on those last bits
18:31.43Shirikbut I get it
18:31.54cog|workyeah... well...
18:32.08cog|worki remember having that probem in PlasmaPong
18:32.09Shirikwhether or not you do the shift you'll be within the bounds
18:32.14cog|workwe did end up needing to do a divide
18:32.16Shirikbut with the shift, the results will be more dramatic
18:32.29Shirikwithout it, you'd never hit 255
18:32.42Shirikwell, with it you won't either, but you'll be a hell of a lot closer
18:32.44foxlit|macYou'd never hit 255 anyway
18:32.56foxlit|macBut yeah; it doesn't look like there's anything wrong with it
18:33.04Shirikexcept that you reversed red and blue
18:33.17krka_why not do: color / prev_max * new_max
18:33.35cog|workmultiply first imo
18:34.05krka_i was speaking mathematically
18:34.09foxlit|mackrka_: Output must be integer
18:34.13Shirikcolor / prev_max / new_max imo
18:34.20Shirikjust to confuse people
18:34.34krka_foxlit|mac: so you convert it back from float to integer in the end
18:34.42ShirikI like foxlit|mac's solution really
18:35.01Shirikbut then again, I'm biased. The microcontrollers I work on can't handle division
18:35.06Shirikwell, they can, but it's a pain
18:35.19ShirikSo I avoid division at all costs :P
18:35.21foxlit|macLua code of the same function uses floored division
18:35.28Thunder_Childif your a fileplanet subscriber you might want to go i think they are releasing them atm
18:37.19Shirik<3 Thunder_Child
18:37.21Shirikjust got a key
18:37.32ShirikI'm not sure I was just allowed to say that
18:37.41Thunder_Childheh, me to, and since it is MP only looks like i will see you in there
18:37.47foxlit|macquick, report Shirik!
18:38.29Thunder_Childi cant seem to find their NDA
18:38.43Shirikit was shown right before you download the client :P
18:38.50Thunder_Childnot the whole thing
18:39.06Cidehahaha, that sign up thing is golden
18:39.12CideDo you understand English? [Default: Yes]
18:39.32foxlit|macNDA: You may not say bad things about this game in popular publications
18:39.44foxlit|mac(but do tell all your friends how mega super ultra awesome we all are)
18:39.49ShirikThunder_Child: I wouldn't know, I just checked the box and hit continue :P
18:40.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Codayus (
18:42.33Thunder_Childwow, they have a rather classy flash menu
18:42.45ScytheBlade1Where exactly is Omen listed on the new What category?
18:43.18foxlit|mac$n += ord(substr($s, $i, 1)) << 8*$i;
18:43.19LopeppeppyHrm.... I cheat and List All, and then go alpha.
18:43.32ScytheBlade1That works
18:46.22foxlit|macLet me guess: << 8 works first?
18:46.53foxlit|macOr not :/
18:47.14ts|skrom!vs us uldum dalet us uldum fawn
18:47.19ThraeBotts|skrom: Dalet vs Fawn! Dalet has +2 lvls on Fawn (51 vs 49); A L51 druid and a L49 warrior square off!; 0/41/1 vs 0/40/0; Fawn wins by 792 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
18:47.47ts|skromI got a better spec... +2 levels and suddenly he's winning by more now
18:52.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
18:56.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
18:56.24LopeppeppyAll y'all spreading germs, eeew.
18:56.45|Jelly|*hugs Peppy* :P
18:57.22Josh_Borkepurl, hug Lopeppeppy
18:57.23purlACTION sneaks up on Lopeppeppy and suddenly hugs Lopeppeppy tightly
18:58.25purlfrom memory, pil is Programming in Lua, a book written by the authors of the Lua programming language.  The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0.  The second edition is available in print from most online bookstores, and covers Lua 5.1.
18:58.34Shiriknot that one!
18:58.43Shirikthat's what I wanted
18:58.43*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
18:59.12ShirikHm, ok assert doesn't take any extra arguments
18:59.26Shirikquestion is this: I want assert() to produce a stack trace which is further down than where it is reporting
18:59.47Shirikkinda like the second argument to error()
18:59.49Shirikany way to do that?
18:59.50ts|skromwell I now understand why I've had such a hard time finding a weapon upgrade :(
19:00.26foxlit|macBehold, the alliance pvp banner:
19:01.14Shirikok, next question, since nobody has an answer to that :P
19:01.24ShirikDo you think I can hook assert() without breaking secure functionality? I think so
19:02.01*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
19:06.03foxlit|macDoes secure functionality use assert?
19:06.22foxlit|mac(Besides, what do you want to hook it for?)
19:06.40foxlit|macI should read more
19:08.48ShirikI want to add an optional parameter to it
19:09.00Shirikto simulate error()'s optional extra argument
19:09.23Shirikfor example
19:09.27Shirik>>> error("Rawr")
19:09.28CideShirik: [string "error("Rawr")"]:1: Rawr
19:09.32Shirik>>> error("Rawr", 2)
19:09.33CideShirik: Rawr
19:09.37Shirikbad example, really
19:09.42Shirikbut Cide doesn't have a call stack :(
19:10.14foxlit|macif (not assertion) then error (text, level) end?
19:10.22foxlit|macBut you're misusing asserts
19:10.34foxlit|macThey're meant to check on conditions in your code that aren't supposed to happen, ever.
19:11.56ShirikI asked this question a long time ago, nobody objected :(
19:12.02ShirikAnd in theory it shouldn't ever happen
19:12.05krka_i agree with foxlit|mac
19:12.06Shirikunless you misuse the API
19:12.21Shirikit's things like this:
19:12.22Shirikassert(type(cat) == 'string' and type(name) == 'string', "Usage: Conspiracy.Encounter:new(cat, name[, phases[, ...]])")
19:12.32foxlit|macit should be
19:12.38foxlit|macassert(2 == 1, "Woah!");
19:13.04ShirikThe microsoft APIs use ASSERT() and _ASSERTE() to check when you pass parameters :P
19:13.49krka_getting the wrong type of argument would be considered a serious error, imo
19:15.00Shirikand that's why assert catches it :P
19:15.08ShirikIt shouldn't ever happen
19:15.18Shirikunless mr. programmer is being stupid
19:15.25Shiriklike Cidan the other day
19:18.55cladhaireyou should not be hooking it.
19:18.58cladhaireyou should add a new function
19:18.59cladhairei.e. my_assert
19:19.07Shirikyeah but I don't want to change all that code ><
19:19.12Shirikof course I have to change it anyway
19:19.20cladhaireyeah, don't be a loser.
19:19.34Josh_Borkesed 's/assert/shirik_fails/g'
19:22.09sag_ich_nichtshirik loses again i hear?
19:22.14sag_ich_nichtXUB breaks in the arena
19:22.57Josh_Borke~fail shirik
19:22.58purlshirik: Fail.
19:23.30Industrialcan I translate AP (14) into DPS?
19:24.10[dRaCo]well, kinda...
19:24.19Industrial of power VS
19:24.29[dRaCo]autohit with one weapon
19:24.30Industriali have the staff now
19:24.40*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
19:24.46[dRaCo]if you use specials or anything, the dps value is higher
19:25.37[dRaCo]Industrial: sorry, but who cares? you'll get a new one tomorrow anyway
19:25.56IndustrialI do, its my weapon and I asked a question about how stats work
19:26.18foxlit|maca = (2b + c) / 3
19:26.23Industrialif you dont care just dont reply
19:26.24foxlit|macb, c are natural, is a always natural?
19:26.56foxlit|macHm, interesting, let's talk. I was leaning towards no
19:27.06[dRaCo]I'd say no, too
19:27.07krka_hm no wait
19:27.12krka_sorry, i realize i am wrong
19:27.47Kaydeethreeif 2b+c % 3 == 0, yes. you can't always promise that, though
19:28.01krka_you can rarely promise that
19:28.10[dRaCo]Industrial: not meant that way, sorry. My point was that I wouldnt put that much effort in finding "the best" weapon available, especially for levels that low
19:28.52ts|skromIndustrial you'd have to get 4dps worth of atk power on the hammer not to mention the lost sta/int (assume it's a bg twink?)
19:29.08Industrialnah its not a twink :) I'm level 22
19:29.22ts|skromthe staff is very superior to the hammer of power in that instance.
19:30.00Industrialmmm its jsut that I got the 2haxe/hammer talent from the enhancement spec tree and cant use it atm ;p
19:30.32ts|skromI know that feeling. Leveling naturally, or with money from "above"?
19:30.44Industrialand hitting stuff with a big hammer is way cooler then with a stick with a red thingy on top
19:30.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Quator1a (
19:31.08Industrialits my main :D (my bank alt already has 20+g tho)
19:31.19ts|skromnew server?
19:31.34Industrialnah, I know some people that play there
19:31.34ts|skromhow do you have so much gold already O.o
19:31.52Industrialskinning, mining, greens and ah resale
19:32.03Industrial~c eu Vashj Xamth
19:32.07ts|skromyeah, but...
19:32.15ts|skromto have that much by level 20 is obscene
19:32.17Industrial!c eu Vashj Xamth
19:32.20ThraeBotIndustrial: Xamth, Level 21 Draenei Shaman (0/12/0). 612 HP; 877 Mana; 61 mana regen; 28.700 Melee DPS; 10.61% melee crit; 5.57% dodge; 4.92% block; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 125 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Mon Sep 17 15:45:42 2007 EST ]]
19:32.35ts|skromthen again, prices could be obscene lol
19:32.40Industrialwell when im 30 ill have 50+, and at 4 I have a mount ;D
19:32.59ts|skromthat's pretty impressive i must say.
19:33.29ts|skromI remember my first toon. I felt so proud to have like... 10g at level 20 doing a LOT of blacksmithing
19:33.32*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo (
19:33.32[dRaCo]Industrial: got a group for shadowfang keep? is pretty cool for that level.
19:33.34Industrialjust keep melting that shit ;P
19:33.41ts|skromback when those 3agi daggers went for 1g each
19:34.11Industrial0.1% drop, [dRaCo] :)
19:34.28Industrialts|skrom: i once made 50g from linen cloth
19:34.43Industrialts|skrom: i bought out all linen cloth at loss, but controlled the market for 4 days
19:34.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
19:34.57[dRaCo]boe, you might be lucky and find one on the AH
19:35.02IndustrialI was the only supplier so i made it 50s per stack ;P
19:36.27Industrial~horrible dream, wonderful nightmare~
19:37.33*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
19:37.51Industrial[dRaCo]: verigan's fist is pretty imba to have in a paladin level 21 :P, seal of command == 300 crits
19:38.17Shirik!ap 1615
19:38.17ThraeBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1615 is, 2v2: 357, 3v3: 408, 5v5: 511
19:38.24Shirik!ap 1478
19:38.24ThraeBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1478 is, 2v2: 257, 3v3: 294, 5v5: 367
19:38.31Shirikwe have more points from our 2v2 than we do from 3v3
19:38.37[dRaCo]too bad it's pala only :/
19:40.31Josh_Borkehate @ paladins
19:40.56Industrialnot hard to duel with my shammy so far :P just nuke all their buffs and they are useless
19:40.58Saint-Nthats cuz the 32rd person is dragging you down!
19:46.53*** join/#wowi-lounge lolinternet (
19:53.15*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
20:03.49Shirik!ap 1648
20:03.49ThraeBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1648 is, 2v2: 387, 3v3: 443, 5v5: 553
20:06.21Shiriklua> 1630-1208
20:06.22cladbotShirik: 422
20:06.24Shirik!ar 422
20:06.25ThraeBotShirik: Arena rating from 422 points is, 2v2: 1685, 3v3: 1628, 5v5: 1541
20:07.57Kaydeethreestub your toe?
20:07.58foxlit|macThose 4x4 pixel blocks DXT is based on
20:08.21foxlit|macI've been plotting them as 16x1 and then wondering why the heck the thing looks ugly
20:09.11Cidanoh shirik
20:09.16Shirikcan't talk in arena
20:09.19Shirikgotta hit 1685
20:09.25Josh_Borke~lart shirik
20:09.25purlsends a legion of lawyers after shirik's head
20:09.30Josh_Borkebtw, my arena group sucks
20:09.39Josh_Borkespriest, frost mage, resto druid, rogue, hunter
20:09.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Dark_Knight_666 (
20:16.04Shirik!ap 1610
20:16.04ThraeBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1610 is, 2v2: 353, 3v3: 403, 5v5: 504
20:16.30Shirikok so
20:16.32ShirikCidan, what did you want?
20:16.41Cidanwas just syaing hi
20:19.36Shirikyou know what I want?
20:20.10cog|workA saussage?
20:20.53Kaydeethreebah. I need more caffeine or something... dunno where in the dark depths of hell I pulled from
20:23.06cladhairefoxlit|mac: nice
20:24.09ts|skromanyone got any experience with exchange 2003 and IMF?
20:31.50*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
20:32.16cog|workts|skrom: I think anyone in this channel who does would be too embarrassed to admit it :P
20:33.30ShirikActually I think my school moved to an exchange server
20:33.37Shirikbut I still use webmail
20:34.11Josh_Borke~lart shirik
20:34.11purlblames shirik for all the evil in the world
20:34.16ts|skromwhat's wrong with exchange? ><
20:34.19Josh_Borkeperfect :-D
20:34.22Shirikeh, in all honesty
20:34.24Josh_Borkets|skrom: it sucks
20:34.26ShirikI just don't want to learn anything new
20:34.30ShirikI know how to use webmail
20:34.35Shirikgoing to stick to it until they drop it
20:34.35ts|skromI've had little problem with it Josh_Borke
20:34.58Josh_Borkei'm sure, i'm just being antagonistic
20:35.03ts|skromI see
20:35.17Josh_Borkekinda grumpy all of a sudden
20:35.34Shirikwtf is internet explorer doing
20:35.58ShirikIt's all like "For your security, this webpage must be opened in a new window. Click ok to open a new window."
20:36.02ShirikI click OK, nothing happens.
20:40.02foxlit|macThat's not IE, tbh
20:40.20foxlit|macThat's somebody's javascript pretending to be smarter than it is
20:42.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
20:44.22*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
20:51.09ts|skromdum de dum dum
20:51.35ts|skromplaying around with custom weighting in IMF because I've got a false positive from an email from my copier
20:51.54ts|skromcould have just set the ip address of the copier to be always allowed and been done 3 hours ago
20:54.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
21:05.29Intangirive seen some cheaters on wow
21:05.39Intangirthey were getting lose of the start area on AB
21:05.46Intangirand 5 capping the whole map before gates opened
21:06.05Kaydeethreethere's usually a gate exploit once every other month or so
21:06.06Industrialmeh that was way befor the climb patch right?
21:06.16Kaydeethreethe mage bilnk exploit in EoTS still works...
21:06.18Intangirit was last night
21:06.24Intangirone was a warrior
21:06.28Intangirone was a mage
21:06.34Intangirdidnt see what the 3rd was
21:15.15*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
21:15.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Tinyboom (
21:17.54Shirikhow does one go about fixing an infinite loop at startup?
21:18.17Shiriknm, it finally got through
21:18.27ShirikMessage: ..\AddOns\Conspiracy\Root.lua line 72:
21:18.28Shirikstack overflow
21:18.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata124 (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
21:30.54*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
21:32.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Gl0bal (
21:32.29cog|workWow.... The room where i work is a full 12 deg warmer than the room with the thermostat (i.e. the boss's room)
21:33.27cog|work4 large monitors, 2 computers, 2 people and a refrigerator...
21:33.51cog|workand poor ventilation last work room had 12 monitors, 4 computers, 4 people, 1 refriderator, 1 server rack (full), and a partridge in a pear tree
21:37.50Thunder_Childand it hit over 100 in the summer
21:38.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
21:38.36cog|workI work in an actual kitchen. They only built two offices and a front desk here... Me and the bookkeeper are crammed into this room and my wife when she comes in part time uses a laptop at a counter in the lab
21:39.25cog|workSometimes the winemaker has to boil water and/or run the dishwasher... it can get up to 83 in here
21:39.43*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
21:39.53cog|workand still be a comfortable 68 in the rest of the building :(
21:43.49nevcairieldoes anyone remember the url to check the "breaking news" ingame thing from web?
21:44.30Olisonim interested in that as well
21:45.20Kaydeethreegimme a sec, I'll fire up wireshark and check
21:46.05bleeterit's something /alert :)
21:46.13*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
21:46.49cog|workKaydeethree: do you have a link to a blue post that the PTR is expecting another push?
21:47.14bleetercog|work: in that thread, iirc
21:47.29cog|workbleeter: thanks
21:47.44Kaydeethreebah, too slow
21:49.56bleeterthat IP does change, though... whether it's on various patches, or some kinda push from the servers, I've never look closely into it
21:50.13sag_ich_nicht ahahahahaha
21:50.16sag_ich_nichttrent ftw.
21:50.31Kaydeethreethere's a range of IPs that the client can check
21:50.38Kaydeethreethe BGD does the same thing in that range
21:50.57Kaydeethreethis time it checked .232.128
21:51.27Kaydeethreeer, no. that was the launcher checking something
21:52.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
21:53.01cog|worksag_ich_nicht: i saw that too <3
21:53.33sag_ich_nicht~lart cog|work
21:53.33purlmakes a balloon animal out of cog|work
21:53.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=jbcc@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Esamynn)
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21:54.34Esamynntwisted huh?
21:54.39cog|workbleeter:    <---- Where's my.... umm.... hmm...  we never actually bet, did we?
21:54.42sag_ich_nichtno sprocket and no patch make sag_ich_nicht something something
21:54.44sag_ich_nichtno sprocket and no patch make sag_ich_nicht something something
21:55.00sag_ich_nicht~lart cog|work
21:55.00purlputs cog|work into a headlock and administers a mighty noogie, rubbing half of cog|work's hair of
21:55.06cog|workEsamynn:[14:56]<sag_ich_nicht>~lart cog|work
21:55.08cog|work* purlmakes a balloon animal out of cog|work
21:55.22sag_ich_nichtno sprocket and no patch make sag_ich_nicht something something
21:55.33Esamynn~poke sag_ich_nicht
21:55.33purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind sag_ich_nicht, pokes sag_ich_nicht repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
21:55.39sag_ich_nichtno sprocket and no patch make sag_ich_nicht something something
21:55.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
21:55.49bleetercog|work: nope... I made that mistake once before :P
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21:56.12cog|work/mu checkles
21:56.29sag_ich_nichtyou're blaming the wrong person
21:56.36sag_ich_nichti am too
21:57.28cog|workI have a 6th sense for patch days
21:58.45sag_ich_nicht~lart cog|work
21:58.45purlslaps cog|work upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
21:58.49sag_ich_nichtno sprocket and no patch make sag_ich_nicht something something
21:59.08Esamynn~lart sag_ich_nicht
21:59.08purlfrags sag_ich_nicht with his BFG9000
21:59.19cog|worksag_ich_nicht: you're supposed to lart Shirik... He's the scape goat...
21:59.20sag_ich_nicht~destroy Esamynn
21:59.27sag_ich_nichtno sprocket and no patch make sag_ich_nicht something something
21:59.29purl:), Esamynn
21:59.32Kaydeethreeok... wth. could any of you on a windows machine with a packet sniffer start wow and see if it tries to GET /update/PatchSequenceFIle.txt from all 12 servers in the pool?
21:59.34Esamynn~bzfrag sag_ich_nicht
21:59.34purlACTION skewers sag_ich_nicht with a super bullet
21:59.35sag_ich_nichtcog|work: no, that'd be Cidan
21:59.47cog|workCidan, Shirik... same difference
21:59.51sag_ich_nicht~whaleparry Esamynn and cog|work
21:59.51purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry Esamynn and cog|work's attacks.
21:59.58sag_ich_nichtno sprocket and no patch make sag_ich_nicht something something
22:00.15cog|worksag_ich_nicht: what exactly do you think I have to do with sprocket?
22:00.35Cidanwait what?
22:00.54sag_ich_nichtcog|work last time i heard you were the latest volunteer to rewrite it for 2.x
22:00.59sag_ich_nicht~lart Cidan
22:00.59purlnabs the moon and broadsides Cidan with the sea of tranquility
22:00.59EsamynnKaydeethree: isn't doing that sort of analysis techincally against the ToS? :P
22:01.01sag_ich_nichtno sprocket and no patch make sag_ich_nicht something something
22:01.05cog|worknews to me...
22:01.15cog|workSS or it didn't happen
22:01.34CidanI put forward the theory that once something enters your computer, you are free to do with it as you see fit
22:01.36Kaydeethreeyes, but I'm packet sniffing the launcher, not the client
22:01.37cog|workLast i heard I haven't updated any of my mods in oh... 3-4 months because I've got too much on my plate :P
22:01.46sag_ich_nichti think either cladhaire or cairene said it
22:01.55Cidanin a private sense, that is.
22:02.09sag_ich_nicht(yes i missspelled her name there, sue me)
22:02.12Kaydeethree12.129.232.126-132 and, by the way
22:02.20sag_ich_nichtKaydeethree too lazy.
22:02.22cog|worksag_ich_nicht: unfortunately searching for "cogwheel" and "sprocket" is in vain :P
22:02.24sag_ich_nichtand i go to bed now
22:02.34sag_ich_nichtcan you confirm this
22:02.47purl. URL:
22:03.46*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
22:04.27sag_ich_nichtthat url is dead
22:04.29sag_ich_nichtjust like sprocket.
22:04.35sag_ich_nichtsomeone fix it already :(
22:04.47mikmapurl: no, sprocket is <reply> dead
22:04.48purlmikma: okay
22:04.53mikmathere, fixed
22:05.44alestaneI seek advice.
22:07.39cog|workalestane: Don't stick a paper clip in a power socket
22:08.50alestaneI need to for instance, take a string like "[dead,resting][noresting][exists]" and split it into the two strings, "[dead][exists]" and "[][exists]" (ignore usefulness of these condition sets for the moment).
22:08.57mikmain finland you can stick 2 thick nails (made from iron) into the power socket
22:09.02mikmaand we have 230w!
22:09.17bleeterin soviet russia, power sockets stick nails into you
22:09.35sag_ich_nicht GOD DAMN IT
22:09.40sag_ich_nichtsomeone get them to fix this
22:09.45sag_ich_nichti don't want this to make it into live
22:09.53cog|workalestane: that would take a very complex parser if i'm understanding correctly
22:10.10*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
22:10.12alestaneIs that I everything I think of seems to be hard?
22:10.25mikmathat's just druids getting overpower
22:10.53sag_ich_nichtit's like that in live. it is supposed to be fixed in 2.2
22:10.59sag_ich_nichtbut it's not on the PTR apparently
22:11.41Thunder_Childstupid sidebar uses more CPU than the game i'm playing
22:11.50[dRaCo]alestane: got a lot of conditionals?
22:12.56alestaneBasically, starting with a string of conditions and an "extra condition", I need to put all clauses that contain the positive qualifier in one string, all the clauses that contain the negative qualifier in another (stripping either version of that qualifier out of those clauses), and all clauses containing no version of that qualifier in both strings. All clauses must remain in the order they were in originally.
22:13.21*** join/#wowi-lounge art3mis (
22:14.05alestaneI think I can use gmatch to walk across the clauses one by one in order.
22:14.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso| (
22:15.03[dRaCo]if you've got few conditions, you could use a simple array to save your data
22:15.16alestaneIt should work for any number of conditions.
22:15.55[dRaCo]so ppl could invite their own conditions?
22:16.24alestaneWhile it's better to avoid garbage, it will be run only in response to user configuration requests, so mostly during low-performance demand times in response to user input.
22:16.31cog|workMy guess is you would need to parse it into some sort of table. You'd need to establish what conditions have been checked at each point in the list. once you have that established you would be able to render a new set of conditions
22:16.34alestaneDraco: Not really.
22:16.44cog|workIt would basically be a simple compiler
22:16.50[dRaCo]then I'd go for an array.
22:16.58alestaneMy addon uses a couple in addition to the standard set, but they can't be swapped out during combat.
22:17.17sag_ich_nicht <--wow that sucks
22:17.34alestaneThe most annoying part I'm trying to deal with is the stripping out of the original qualifier.
22:19.11alestaneBecause it has to be equally functional in cases of ",resting,", "[resting,", ",resting]" and "[resting]".
22:19.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
22:19.43sag_ich_nichti go to bed
22:19.47sag_ich_nichtOH WAIT
22:19.53sag_ich_nicht~lart Antiarc
22:19.53purlslams Antiarc against a large cement Tux
22:20.41alestaneMy two possible angles so far are 1) to replace it with a comma and then use a simpler gsub that fixes comma rules, or 2) to give gsub a function that correctly handles the captures.
22:21.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Dark_Knight_666 (
22:21.04mikmawhat BG weekend is coming?
22:21.14sag_ich_nichtckknight broke threat-1.0 by upgrading parser, i suggest you go look into it Antiarc
22:21.22sag_ich_nichtand now, good night.
22:21.23mikmacog|work: thanks
22:21.23AntiarcI know.
22:21.32alestaneBut it sounds like no matter what I do, it's likely to be a bit of a programming headache.
22:23.29cog|workmikma: FYI:>Events Calendar ;)
22:23.48mikmacog|work: ooh, didn't know that existed
22:26.14*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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22:27.22alestaneOne last question about my quandary there a better way to separate a string into its "[.*]" (I know it's a bad pattern, YGTI) parts than string.gmatch? Something that will just return them as a list?
22:27.50cladhairewhast the separator character?
22:27.53[dRaCo]dunno, but is there any kind of tokenize in lua?
22:28.16cladhairetokenizing idn't meaningful without understanding an explicit pattern
22:28.17cog|workalestane: if you don't want to generate more garbage than necessary, you can use string.find
22:28.39cog|worksince it returns the position of the match and you can pass it a starting position
22:28.48alestanecladhaire: Nothing I want to drop out of the strings or I'd use strsplit. It's a series of macro conditions and I want to separate it into the individual clauses.
22:28.54cog|workbut string.gmatch is much simpler
22:29.15cladhairethen, what cog|work says
22:29.37[dRaCo]clad: tokenizing with ] should give you the parts, shouldnt it?
22:29.51alestaneso "[combat][dead][help]" should become "[combat]", "[dead]", and "[help]"
22:30.28cladhairelua> for token in ("[combat][dead][help]"):gmatch("%b[]") do print(token) End
22:30.28cladbotcladhaire: sandbox.lua:285: Compilation failed: [string "for token in ("[combat][dead][help]"):gmatch("%b[]") do print(t..."]:1: '=' expected near '<eof>'
22:30.32cladhairelua> for token in ("[combat][dead][help]"):gmatch("%b[]") do print(token) end
22:30.32cladbotcladhaire: [combat], [dead], [help]
22:30.56alestaneWhat the hell?
22:31.26cog|workalestane: note that every call to gmatch generates a new closure
22:31.55alestaneA little garbage is acceptable. It's an infrequently run routine never called in combat.
22:32.44alestaneSince when can functions in the string. package be called as methods (I presume that's what's happening there)?
22:32.51cladhairesince 5.1
22:32.58cladhairewhen the string type gets string as a metatable
22:33.18cladhairelua> local str = "some string" print(getmetatable(str).__index == string)
22:33.19cladbotcladhaire: false
22:33.25alestaneDoes it say that in the docs somewhere?
22:33.27cladhairebut apparently its a different table
22:33.33cladhaireits in the refman, if no where else.
22:33.53cladhairelua> for k,v in pairs(getmetatable("String")) do print(k,v) end
22:33.53cladbotcladhaire: __index, { ["split"] = function: 0x8070260, ["match"] = function: 0x806f2e0, ["gmatch"] = function: 0x806f1e0, ["upper"] = function: 0x806f3e0, ["gsub"] = function: 0x806f220, ["format"] = function: 0x806f160, ["lower"] = function: 0x806f2a0, ["sub"] = fu... (result truncated)
22:34.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Dark_Knight_666 (
22:34.09cladhairelua> for k,v in pairs(getmetatable(14) do print(k,v) end
22:34.09cladbotcladhaire: sandbox.lua:285: Compilation failed: [string "for k,v in pairs(getmetatable(14) do print(k,v) end"]:1: ')' expected near 'do'
22:34.16cladhairelua> for k,v in pairs(getmetatable(14)) do print(k,v) end
22:34.17cladbotcladhaire: [string "for k,v in pairs(getmetatable(14)) do print..."]:1: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
22:34.27cladhaireyou can set one for numbers if you desire
22:34.28cog|workalestane: if it's in PiL it would be in the 2nd ed. which isn't the one on
22:34.31cladhaireit gets messy, and fun
22:34.42alestaneAnd I don't quite get the %b[] does that work out to "%[[^%]]*]"
22:34.58alestaneAnd I thought you could only set metatables on non-tables from C.
22:35.16cog|worklast paragraphs
22:35.41alestaneIs that new? I didn't see that in the Lua manual.
22:35.57cog|workThat's the 5.0 Programming in Lua
22:36.18cladhairealestane: %b is a pattern that matches the first set of balanced characters you provide
22:36.56cladhairelua> for token in ("^combat$ ^dead$ ^monkey$"):gmatch("%b^$") do print(token) end
22:36.57cladbotcladhaire: ^combat$, ^dead$, ^monkey$
22:37.03foxlit|maclua> ("I link [Purple [Epic] Items]"):match("(%b[]");
22:37.03cladbotfoxlit|mac: [string "("I link [Purple [Epic] Items]"):match("(%b..."]:1: unfinished capture
22:37.14foxlit|macua> ("I link [Purple [Epic] Items]"):match("(%b[]"));
22:37.23cog|work~fail foxlit|mac
22:37.23purlfoxlit|mac: Fail.
22:37.23foxlit|maclua> ("I link [Purple [Epic] Items]"):match("(%b[]"));
22:37.23cladbotfoxlit|mac: sandbox.lua:285: Compilation failed: [string "("I link [Purple [Epic] Items]"):match("(%b[]"));"]:1: unexpected symbol near ')'
22:37.40foxlit|maclua> ("I link [Purple [Epic] Items]"):match("(%b[])");
22:37.41cladbotfoxlit|mac: [Purple [Epic] Items],
22:38.36cladhairealso the 5.1 reference manual, which is freely available indicates the string/metatable stuff
22:39.07cladhairehowever, this can get confusing, since string.join and string.sep are available this way.. but they do NOT follow the same parameter order.
22:39.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso| (
22:39.23cladhairelua> string.sep(",", "combat,dead,help")
22:39.23cladbotcladhaire: [string "string.sep(",", "combat,dead,help")"]:1: attempt to call field 'sep' (a nil value)
22:39.29cladhairelua> strsplit(",", "combat,dead,help")
22:39.30cladbotcladhaire: combat, dead, help,
22:39.58cladhairelua> (","):split("combat, dead, help")
22:39.58cladbotcladhaire: combat,  dead,  help,
22:40.05cladhaireyou have to call it backwards :P
22:40.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Dark_Knight_666 (
22:43.27alestaneThat'll help anyway, thanks...gotta go for a while.
22:46.47*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
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23:00.46Arrowmasterarent string.join and string.split added by wow?
23:00.57Arrowmasterhence why theyre backwards
23:01.02cladhairethey are
23:01.06cladhairebut that doesn't excuse it
23:01.21cladhairethey could have been written with the parameters in the right order.
23:01.29Arrowmasteryeah failure on blizzards part
23:01.37cladhairewell, blizzard wasn't the first coder
23:01.38cladhairebut yes.
23:01.49cladhairenot something i would call obvious tho, until you try to call it as a method.
23:04.26GofGoh hi guys
23:04.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
23:05.28cog|workcladhaire: string.join wouldn't make sense the other way imo
23:05.56cladhaireit couldn't be the other way
23:06.01cog|workand split, being its direct counterpart, was arranged to match
23:06.03cladhairewell it would be stupid
23:06.05cladhaireyes i know
23:06.11cladhaireits just a personal perference :P
23:06.45cladhairei'm just glad we have them
23:07.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
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23:21.49cog|workhmmm.... "Meat gems"
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23:23.42[dRaCo]Freud would've liked that typo.
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23:32.27Corrodiasperhaps i should hire superman
23:32.45Corrodiasbut he'd probably give me x-ray vision cancer just for the heck of it
23:33.05Corrodiasand then drop a car on my apartment
23:33.57Thunder_Childno, that would be ...whatchamacallit girl
23:36.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
23:44.21|Jelly| -- What?
23:48.37Corrodiasoh dear. something about fubar's interaction with my minimap has changed.
23:49.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
23:49.21Thunder_Childi didnt think fubar interacts with minimap at all
23:49.35Corrodiasit moves it out of the way via... some library
23:50.42Corrodiasbut now the "normal" position is saved as the moved position and the unmoved position is hanging off the top edge of the screen
23:50.47*** join/#wowi-lounge [Liq] (n=denras19@
23:50.49Corrodiasi need to delete some positioning info somewhere
23:50.50|Jelly|When did that get implemented? Cause I updated like yesterday or the day before. :\
23:51.07Corrodiasjust today, looks like
23:51.40|Jelly|Time to back up my addons/wtf, it seems.
23:53.09Corrodiasgood idea
23:54.19|Jelly|The funny thing is, I haven't updated Pitbull in forever cause well, it always reverts things back to default and pisses me off. Just never cared enough to update and then figure out how to import the layout.
23:56.11|Jelly|Here...goes nothing. : /
23:56.26|Jelly|....or everything, depending. :\
23:58.01Corrodiaswhy does my rico's mini map frame start off the screen? damn it
23:58.14Corrodiasnothing in layout-cache, nothing in the rico saved variables
23:58.25LunessaTurn of the "Adjust Frames" feature.  
23:58.38LunessaFor FuBar.
23:59.32Corrodiasi did
23:59.41Corrodiasit's starting partially off the screen now
23:59.54Corrodiasfubar's autoadjust moves it into the vanilla wow position
23:59.58Corrodias(which is still too high)

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