IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070913

00:00.05CidanWith IRC though, you have a reason.
00:00.09Mr_Rabies2what reason?
00:00.11CidanI can chat with you all in here from in game.
00:00.16CidanOr vice versa
00:00.20Cidaneven while you all aren't playing
00:00.29CidanOr I can talk to my EFNet buddies, who don't even play WoW.
00:00.38Mr_Rabies2how's that not a good thing?
00:00.45Mr_Rabies2i'd still use /1 for guild stuff
00:00.48Mr_Rabies2realm stuff
00:00.55Mr_Rabies2most would
00:00.58CidanI disagree.
00:01.00CidanMost would not.
00:01.03Mr_Rabies2because it's easier to talk in /1 than go
00:01.09CidanI know the INSTANT I have an in-game IRC chat
00:01.13CidanI would leave /1 /2 et al
00:01.22Mr_Rabies2"okay every1 go to #wow-llane and hope we have enough support
00:01.27rae|schoolIt encourages people to idle their toons and eat up resources from other players just so they can chat on IRC?
00:01.30CidanThat's not the point
00:01.33CidanForget it
00:01.36CidanThey won't add it
00:01.38Cidanend of story
00:01.43Mr_Rabies2but they should
00:01.44CidanGoing to go level now.
00:02.19Mr_Rabies2instead i just idle my toon and eat up resources chatting on irc in alt-tab or on another pc, rae|school
00:02.28Mr_Rabies2i'm idle probably 80% of the time
00:02.31rae|schoolYes, but then you can time out
00:02.36Mr_Rabies2not really
00:02.39Mr_Rabies2every 20 mins or so i hit w
00:03.10rae|schoolAnd still.. it's encouragement. It doesn't mean it can't be doen without it.
00:03.19rae|schoolIt's just more likely to have more people do it
00:03.25Mr_Rabies2all of these are pretty lame reasons to not implement something
00:03.46rae|schoolWell you still haven't given a compelling reason to implement it either :-P
00:04.00CidanJust, let it go.
00:04.18rae|schoolGo level, Cide!
00:04.27CidanCidan, lol
00:04.29CidanPoor Cide.
00:04.54Mr_Rabies2because it's easily done and plenty of people would love being able to talk to their irc buddies while grinding mobs and stuff
00:04.54rae|schoolThere's another Cide?
00:05.01Mr_Rabies2there's Cide
00:05.04Mr_Rabies2and then there's Cidan
00:05.30Mr_Rabies2hey, steam community implemented
00:05.48CidanSeriously, why did I go through a portal, and lose my pet?
00:05.58CidanWas it because he wasn't loyal yet?
00:06.12rae|schoolWas the portal to a no-petting zone?
00:07.07rae|schoolAre you sure it's lost and not just running around the countryside looking for you?
00:07.21CidanNo, I hearthed back to IF.
00:07.35Cidan"You do not have a pet to summon."
00:08.00Mr_Rabies2what happens when you hit dismiss pet
00:08.22CidanI can't
00:08.26CidanI'm not kidding
00:08.27rae|schoolPerhaps then it's because you're playing the evil Alliance
00:08.30CidanThe entire Pet tab, etc
00:08.31Mr_Rabies2what about the stable master?
00:08.32Cidanis all gone.
00:08.34rae|schoolAnd your toon needs to be executed immediately
00:08.48Mr_Rabies2dismiss pet isn't part of the pet tab :o
00:08.51rae|schoolThat would be my bet
00:08.59rae|schoolI'm off to school now.. again... later
00:09.11Cidan"You do not have a pet"
00:09.27Shirikdear god
00:09.34ShirikI am in Kara with the worst priest on the face of the earth
00:09.40Shirikplease help me
00:09.45CidanAh, been looking in a mirror lately, Shirik?
00:10.05ShirikI hate you
00:10.16CidanQuite unlikely.
00:10.32Mr_Rabies2stable master time?
00:10.37Mr_Rabies2or maybe you just lost your pet :x
00:10.38CidanTried it
00:10.42CidanThe pet is just, gone.
00:10.44Mr_Rabies2this is why we don't get attached
00:10.48Mr_Rabies2try relogging?
00:10.58JoshBorkefyi, the bleach movie sucked monkey balls
00:11.04CidanJoshBorke, so I heard.
00:11.18JoshBorkei enjoyed the inuyasha movies
00:11.46CidanNope, pet is gone.
00:11.48CidanOh well
00:12.29Mr_Rabies2<JoshBorke> i enjoyed...inuyasha...
00:12.31Mr_Rabies2you're dead to me
00:12.53JoshBorkeMr_Rabies2:  aw, i was alive to you?  YAY
00:13.41JoshBorkehave that bookmarked for just these occasions?
00:14.03Mr_Rabies2no i'm just an expert at the internet
00:14.15Mr_Rabies2I'm a grand master internetter
00:14.24KasoIm just imagening the sound that'd go with *Monocle*
00:14.28Kasoit is a fine fine sound
00:14.50Mr_Rabies2the guy that draws vgcats is a goon, so yeah
00:15.32JoshBorkeso it sounds nothing like inuyasha
00:16.19JoshBorkebut i might watch it
00:16.52JoshBorkewhat's the website to search for anime torrents?
00:18.11Kirkburn|afkFor any Steam fans, it's update time :P
00:18.24Mr_Rabies2<Mr_Rabies2> hey, steam community implemented
00:18.38JoshBorkei have been denied :-(
00:18.59Kirkburn|afkMr_Rabies2, fair few other updates it seems too
00:19.13Kirkburn|afkI have added WoW to my Steam games list :P
00:19.19Mr_Rabies2wait what
00:19.22Shirik!c us drenden deluxx
00:19.24ThraeBotShirik: Deluxx, Level 70 Undead Priest (20/41/0). 6171 HP; 9255 Mana; 404 mana regen; 127 mp5; 117 +spell dmg; 1483 +heal; 5.14% dodge; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 393 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Sep 12 20:32:01 2007 ]]
00:19.36Kirkburn|afkSteam shortcuts =
00:20.07Kirkburn|afkBtw, I bought Peggle Deluxe, awesome game
00:20.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
00:20.23Mr_Rabies2you bought orange box?
00:20.35Kirkburn|afkAyup, but that only comes with Peggle Extreme
00:20.37Mr_Rabies2i thought that was the only way to get peggle deluxe
00:20.46Mr_Rabies2oh wait
00:20.51Kirkburn|afkPeggle Deluxe is the full version, confusingly
00:20.53Mr_Rabies2i got them mixed up
00:21.03Mr_Rabies2i liked extreme
00:21.06Mr_Rabies2how much is deluxe
00:21.15Mr_Rabies2also whats your steamid
00:21.41Mr_Rabies2i think i found you
00:21.49Kirkburn|afkIndeed :P is crippled atm
00:22.52Kirkburn|afkAnd what about you?
00:23.11Mr_Rabies2i am not
00:23.21Kirkburn|afkOr on Steam Community?
00:23.25Mr_Rabies2i added you
00:23.26Mr_Rabies2i think
00:24.11Kirkburn|afkNot seeing any notice or anything
00:24.16Kirkburn|afkHow can I find you?
00:24.26Mr_Rabies2just type it in on the search thing
00:24.30Mr_Rabies2or click the friends button
00:24.34Mr_Rabies2it says i sent you an invitation
00:25.18Kirkburn|afk15/f/Seattle ...
00:25.31Mr_Rabies2that's my avatar
00:25.39Mr_Rabies2i couldn't find anything else entertaining for now
00:25.51Kirkburn|afkWell, I haven't got anything yet, so fair enough
00:32.45Mr_Rabies2this steam community stuff is great
00:32.55Mr_Rabies2it's like facebook only useful
00:35.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
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00:36.37Mr_Rabies2so how did you add WoW, kirk?
00:36.52Mr_Rabies2ooh i see
00:43.06|Jelly|!c us burning legion overclocked
00:43.08ThraeBot|Jelly|: Overclocked, Level 70 Undead Priest (23/38/0). 6971 HP; 8255 Mana; 346 mana regen; 104 mp5; 11 spell crit; 3 spell hit; 191 +spell dmg; 1397 +heal; 5.42% dodge; 10 shadow resist (+10); +25 all resists (+10 shadow);[[ TBR: 848 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Sep 12 20:55:45 2007 ]]
00:47.27Thunder_Childlove it
00:48.25Thunder_Childlazyness ftw
00:51.28JoshBorkehot damn for the interweb!
00:51.33JoshBorkegetting 2.0 MB/s on a torrent
00:53.58Mr_Rabies2350 KB/s is my max
00:54.32JoshBorkemove back to uni
00:54.40Mr_Rabies2was slower
00:54.52Mr_Rabies2or less
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00:55.04Mr_Rabies2often totally unusable
00:55.18JoshBorkewell, that one sucked
00:55.21JoshBorkemine is way better
00:55.30Mr_Rabies2you go to gatech
00:55.34Mr_Rabies2of course it is
00:55.54Mr_Rabies2bastard :[
00:55.59Thunder_Childi can get 1MB/s but not usualy
00:56.03Mr_Rabies2UWG here
00:56.04JoshBorkei graduate in december :-(
00:56.06Mr_Rabies2or well
00:56.08Mr_Rabies2i was
00:56.14Thunder_Childatm i am geting ~60 :(
00:56.16Mr_Rabies2skipped too much class
00:56.35JoshBorkeskipping class is bad
00:56.37Mr_Rabies2need to get shit back together and go
00:56.44Mr_Rabies2but i really hate school
00:56.49Mr_Rabies2i hate work even more
00:57.02JoshBorkei think my high download is breaking my interweb
00:57.03Thunder_Childya, School > work
00:57.07Mr_Rabies2i'd be perfectly content playing WoW and quake wars until the day i died
00:58.32Thunder_Childhmm..according to ff+torrent i am DL'ing at 880kB/s but the widows monitor says 2.16MB/s
00:58.47Thunder_Childi wonder which is correct
00:58.59JoshBorkei'm connected to a guy at clemson
01:02.02Mr_Rabies2for some reason
01:02.10JoshBorkewow, clemson is the place to live.  they have an uncapped upload
01:02.11Mr_Rabies2i think my wow still uses the pre 2.0 login music O_o
01:02.31Mr_Rabies2er pre-bc
01:06.31Mr_Rabies2ah, no
01:06.37Mr_Rabies2i've just gotten so used to the bc music i guess
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01:11.57Legoroldoes anyone know of a way to listen to the pre-bc login music?
01:12.10JoshBorkehey lego
01:13.48KaydeethreeI'll let you know when mpqedit finishes loading the 81k files in common.mpq
01:14.25Mr_Rabies2what "dot nerf" is this guy talking about?
01:14.35Kaydeethreeresil affecting dots?
01:14.41Mr_Rabies2i thought that was already in
01:15.19JoshBorkeno, it is in for 2.2
01:16.36Mr_Rabies2i just listened to it
01:16.38Mr_Rabies2where is it
01:19.13Thunder_Childlol, "Dr. Quintano, Medicine Woman"
01:19.52Legorolwhy do people not play BGs at 3am..
01:19.55Legoroli want to get into WSG :/
01:20.12LegorolKaydeethree and Mr_Rabies2, thanks
01:20.36Mr_Rabies2i thought that was joshborke that wanted the sound, that's why i said JoshBorke:
01:20.40Mr_Rabies2then i couldn't find the file :P
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01:51.09Thunder_Childgrrr...why does ETQW not have a setings.ini type file
01:53.55Olisonit does
01:54.32Thunder_Childmy documents?
01:54.59*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
01:57.45Thunder_Childahhh...i really really hate games that wont let you pick the monitor ro display on
02:06.35*** join/#wowi-lounge kadrahil (
02:11.49|Jelly| <-- makes me facepalm
02:12.57Mr_Rabies2is that
02:13.01Mr_Rabies2is that the star trek font
02:13.17|Jelly|Who cares? The UI is horrible for anything than lowbie soloing.
02:13.58Mr_Rabies2has most everything he needs, no?
02:14.12Mr_Rabies2except for spell slots
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02:53.42JoshBorkenn all
02:53.50JoshBorke~botmail for Cairenn *hugs*
02:54.49Thunder_Child~botmail for Cairenn JoshBorke lies!
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02:57.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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03:00.45sioraiocht~botmail for Cairenn I love you more than JoshBorke.
03:01.29Thunder_Child~botmail for Cairenn sioraiocht also lies!
03:01.30WobworkIs that saying much?
03:01.44WobworkI mean, how much -do- you love Josh?
03:02.44sioraiochtare any of you from the UK?
03:02.55IrielI'm /from/ the UK, just not /in/ the UK
03:03.09WobworkI've often been mistaken from being from the UK
03:03.16Wobwork(the only thing that saves me is my teeth)
03:03.20sioraiochtIriel: I have cell phone carrier questions
03:03.31IrielNot a good person for that then, sorry
03:03.35sioraiochtWobwork: and undoubtedly your impossible to resist accent
03:03.38sioraiochtIriel: didn't think so, lol
03:03.48WobworkWell, I have an aussie accent most of the time, so it's even better =)
03:03.55sioraiochtAussie accent = incredibly fucking hot
03:03.59sioraiochtI know, lol
03:04.11Wobworkrawr =)
03:04.31*** part/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
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03:04.39*** part/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
03:04.44Wobworkhe gives into temptation so easily =P
03:04.45*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
03:04.55Wobworkback with the iphone yet?
03:05.05sioraiochtit doesn't support UMTS/HSDPA yet
03:05.09sioraiochtwhich is holding me back
03:05.14sioraiochtI mean, besides the exorbitant price
03:05.59clad|bookAnyone here familiar with creating textures in Photoshop?
03:07.01Thunder_Childand the fact that the unlocking may be disabled with every firmware update
03:07.29sioraiochtI know
03:07.39sioraiochtI'm hoping they eventually release an unlocked version
03:09.31Thunder_Childgonna be a long time, they signed an exclusive contract i think
03:10.19Iriel2 years, IIRC
03:10.37sioraiocht5 years, iirc, lol
03:14.17Corrodiasit doesn't say just what unlocking an iphone does
03:16.52Corrodiasdoes it allow you to... call people? >_>
03:17.02*** join/#wowi-lounge [Liquidor] (n=denras19@
03:17.04Kaydeethreeon networks other than AT&T
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03:17.56IrielIt allows you to use the phone with a SIM from another carrier.
03:18.04sioraiochtCorrodias: you can use a SIM from other networks
03:18.07IrielIt allows you to use the phone as YOUR phone on a network other than AT&T
03:18.13sioraiochtAND it allows full data and phone access
03:18.20sioraiochtI hate locked phones -_-
03:21.32sioraiochtbut buying an unlocked phone is RIDICULOUS?LY expensive
03:22.02Corrodiashah.. HAHAHA
03:22.29CorrodiasWOW. that's a phenomenal way to make the device suck, locking it in to a single carrier.
03:22.52clad|booktell that to the 1 million people who've bought them
03:22.59Thunder_Childwell obviously the iphone doesnt suck
03:23.03Thunder_Childand it's like that
03:23.17clad|bookand to be fair, buying an unlocked iphone isn't much more expensive than buying say, an unlocked blackberry pearl, or sony ericsson phone.
03:23.26Corrodiassucking is a subjective thing; if i have to use it on AT&T, it sucks.
03:23.38sioraiochtI can't believe the didn't put HSDPA/UMTS on it
03:24.04sioraiochtclad|book: but buying an unlocked iPhone is a hack that might be fuct later
03:24.46clad|bookmeh, don't update your phone :P
03:24.52clad|bookproblem solved.
03:24.53clad|bookscp ftw
03:24.59sioraiochtor wait until someone else does, I know, hehe
03:25.50Thunder_Childdo you have the option not to?
03:25.59sioraiochtThunder_Child: yes
03:26.07sioraiochtthe firmware updates are not obligatory by any means
03:26.40Corrodiasuntil the apple mercenaries come by
03:26.54sioraiochtand shoot you in the face? lol
03:26.55kergothmeh, damn tbc downloader is taking ages
03:26.58kergoth30K/s ftl
03:27.07sioraiochtI still think i'd prefer a QWERTY keyboard to multitouch, though
03:27.15Kaydeethreemake sure you've got "throttle download speed" unchecked
03:27.28kergothextracted the torrent
03:27.31kergothusing that
03:27.38Corrodiasalmost have AspectshiftingBar working with Bartender, but i seem to have broken the skinning. hmm...
03:27.44Kaydeethreebah. the tracker never gives good peers
03:28.08kergothso it seems... next time i reinstall windows, i'm gonna back up my damn wow directory
03:28.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
03:28.48Corrodiassorry to hear it
03:29.17sioraiochtIriel: here's a quesetino for you, are 0845 numbers free to call or no?
03:29.39IrielThey didn't exist when I stopped living there, so i'm afraid I dont know
03:30.01Legorolis this a question about 0845 numbers in the UK?
03:30.16sioraiochtLegorol: yeah
03:30.48Legorolthey are not free, they are called "national rate" by the general populace
03:31.03sioraiochtah, wow, they're actually effing expensive
03:31.07Legorolfor all intents and purposes, whether calling from a landline or a mobile, it's like calling a normal landline
03:31.40sioraiochta lot of businesses seem to have them
03:31.40Legorolthere are some special phone plans/deals where calling them on say a landline might be more expensive than calling your nextdoor neighbour, but those are rare
03:31.41clad|bookIriel: ping in PMs?  or do you hate me today? :P
03:32.03Legorolthere is one caveat though for mobiles: 0845 numbers will be fully charged to you even if you have free minutes
03:32.20Legorolthis is a recent change, and i'm not sure if it applise to all mobile companies, but it certainly does to O2
03:32.24sioraiochtLegorol: another question that clad and I have---do any mobile carriers believe in free mobile to mobile (within the same network) calls
03:32.59sioraiochtbooo, but all incoming calls are free, right?
03:33.03Legorolbut almost all contract plans offer set amount of free minutes, which applies to within-network calls too
03:33.15Legorolas long as you aren't roaming, they are free, yes
03:33.22sioraiochtthat makes sense
03:33.46Legorolthe big mobile companies moved towards simplified and unified price schemes
03:34.00sioraiochtthere's so many things we take for granted her ein the US (phone conventions being one of them) that so many people think don't bear mentioning because there everyone just "knows" it
03:34.19Legorolso usually it's something like "X to call landlines, Y to call mobiles, on weekends it might be cheaper a bit, and your free minutes apply to everything across the board equally (except special numbers)"
03:34.43*** join/#wowi-lounge RogueShadow (
03:34.45sioraiochtah, thanks!
03:34.48Legoroli'm more than happy to answer anything related to mobiles in the UK :))
03:34.50sioraiochtdo you use O2?
03:34.57sioraiochtthey seem to be the cheapest, by far
03:35.06Legoroli use O2 yes
03:35.16sioraiochtand do you not hate them? lol
03:35.35Legoroli was primarily driven by the fact that at the time i originally got it, there was difference in intra- and inter-network costs, and almost all my acquaintances had O2
03:35.51Legorolyes i do hate them, they are incompetent :)
03:35.52sioraiochtmy only O2 reservation is no 3G
03:36.02sioraiochtstuck in a contract? heh
03:36.07Legorolfor the first 1.5 years that i was using them, they have managed not to charge me for GPRS usage
03:36.14Legorolsomehow any usage i did, just fell through the system
03:36.21Legoroli enjoyed that quite a bit, obviously :)
03:36.35Legoroli even went as far as pointing this fact out to them (twice), but they didn't manage to rectify it
03:36.43sioraiochtis there someone else you would recommend?
03:36.44Legoroleventually they started charging though :'(
03:36.46sioraiochtvodafone, orange?
03:37.06Legoroli don't think it matters really, they are all the same
03:37.12sioraiochtlol all incompetent?
03:37.19Legorolgo with the one that has the best calling plan suited to your needs
03:37.26Legorolyah all incompetent, because they are all large
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03:37.59sioraiochtsounds like the US, of course two of the three majors carriers are owned by European telecoms, lol
03:38.57LegorolO2 has just recently further simplified their prices
03:39.17Legorolat the moment it's a flat 20p for any type of call (land and mobile) any time of day, for the majority of contract plans
03:40.09Legoroli'd imagine orange/vodafone would be similar because they always closely watch each other
03:40.23sioraiochtlol orange names all their plans after animals
03:41.59*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (
03:42.52sioraiochtwellthanks, that cleared some stuff up
03:42.58Legoroland looking at their charges, they seem to be doing 12p for landline/Orange and 35p for other mobiles
03:43.04Legorolso that's different from O2
03:43.12sioraiochtI hope to never go outside my minutes anyway ;)
03:44.24sioraiochtLegorol: do people tend to buy unlocked phones or get contract ones?
03:44.42sioraiochtsome forums I read were like EVERYONE BUYS UNLOCKED, but those are SO expensive
03:44.46Legorolunlocked phones are a bit .. complicated here
03:44.46Wobworkdepends on what you can afford
03:45.07Legorolwhether your phone is unlocked or not is mostly based on luck
03:45.18Legorolyou might get a phone with your contract and it's an unlocked one,
03:45.25Legorolor it might not be unlocked
03:45.38Wobworkwouldn't the contract say?
03:45.41Legorolyou buy a phone with a pre-pay scheme, and it may/may not be unlocked
03:45.50Legorolno, the contract usually doesn't say :)
03:45.54IrielI know in the US if you sign a contract with say, t-Mobile, and ask them to unlock it because you'll be travelling in the UK, they'll get the unlock code for you
03:46.15Legorolmy past experience has been that O2 phones tend to be unlocked
03:46.16sioraiochtIriel: you can legally break a simlock in the US
03:46.26sioraiochtconsumer protection laws say you can't be penalised for it
03:46.41Legorolbut orange contract phones tend to be locked
03:46.52sioraiochtI hear orange phones tend ot have disgusting branding
03:46.57Legorolyes, they do
03:47.03sioraiochtof course I coudl always reflash the phone and break the simlock myself...
03:47.05Legorolthere's a little orange logo on their phones
03:47.12Legorolif you have the tools ;-)
03:47.19sioraiochtit's pretty easy
03:47.26sioraiochtit took me about 20 secs to break the simlock on my current phone
03:47.27Legoroli don't know if all O2 phones are still unlocked, since i haven't upgraded in like 2 years
03:47.44Legorolbut so far all three O2 phones i owned, which came with a contract each time, were unlocked
03:47.48sioraiochtthis is what clad and I do to waste time, consider things like the cell phone we want
03:47.54clad|booklol :P
03:47.54Legorolsince they bind you into a 12 month contract, they do recover the cost of the phone
03:48.11sioraiochtwhen really, more importantly, we need towrry about like
03:48.21sioraiochtBANK ACCOUNTS *whimpers*
03:48.23Legorolyes, yes you do! those are important
03:48.26Legorolbank account isn't ;-)
03:48.38sioraiochtLegorol: opening a bank account as a visa holder is like
03:48.39Legorolbank account is easy as pie, walk into the local branch and open one
03:48.53sioraiochtwe have to bring "I'm not a terrorist" proof
03:48.54Legorolhrmmm wasn't for me when i was on a student visa
03:49.09sioraiochtI was told to expect up to three weeks of red tape
03:49.19Legorolin fact i opened mine by having a bank representative attending my school and giving me a piece of paper to fill out, and that was that
03:49.21WobworkI'd say you need proof of residence
03:49.34Legorolsioraiocht: might depend on the nature of the visa
03:49.36Wobworkie, a bill with your address and name on it
03:49.48LegorolWobwork: why would you need one?
03:49.48Wobworkalthough it could depend on level of id you can muster
03:49.57sioraiochtWobwork: well, that's the problem, you can't open up an account for fuckall without a bank account
03:49.58Wobworkfor a bank account?
03:49.59Legorolmost banks are more than happy to take your money
03:50.10clad|bookwe've heard horror stories
03:50.21Legoroli wouldn't worry about them
03:50.22sioraiochtLegorol: did you do this prior to 9/11 or 7/7?
03:50.28Legorolyes, prior
03:50.32sioraiochtbank laws have changed since then
03:50.34Legorolso it could've changed )
03:50.35sioraiochtfor ZOMG terrorism
03:50.44sioraiochtlike, drastically
03:50.57WobworkBest way is to have a uk citizen set it up for you
03:50.59Legorolok, then my knowledge is outdated
03:51.05Wobworkthat's what I did in china
03:51.08sioraiochtWobwork: that's not a possibility
03:51.13Wobwork(albeit not with a uk citizen =P)
03:51.39Legoroli really don't expect anything complicated for a US citizen with a student visa
03:52.23Legorolbut i haven't opened a bank account in a while
03:52.37Legorolif you are doing bank accounts though, here is a little tip that the bank won't tell you:
03:52.48Legorolby default, they will automatically take tax off of the interest they pay you
03:52.53Legoroleven if you don't need to pay tax
03:53.05Legorolunless you actually bother to notify them that they shouldn't, they will quietly keep doing it
03:53.06sioraiochtwhat what WHAT?
03:53.15Legorolso remember this one
03:53.30sioraiochtthat would annoy me, I already have to pay VAT, lo
03:53.36sioraiochtAND US income taxes
03:53.37Legorolpay VAT?
03:53.49sioraiochtyeah, we can't get it refunded like tourists can, heh
03:53.52Legorolonly if you buy stuff
03:53.59Legorolthat's got nothing to do with banking
03:54.02Legorolas for US income taxes:
03:54.05Kaydeethreewait, so the ~3 cents of interest I usually get for the cash in my savings account should actually be 4 cents?
03:54.11Legoroli really don't know much about US-UK-wise,
03:54.24Legorolbut i'd imagine there is a standard bilateral agreement for avoiding double taxation
03:54.28Legorol(most civilised countries have one)
03:54.32sioraiochtLegorol: the US is a unitary tax state, any income you ever have must be reported to the IRS
03:55.01Legoroli have no idea if/how the agreement looks like for the US-UK specifically, if you can choose which one you pay tax to, etc.
03:55.13sioraiochtLegorol: You receive a credit for taxes paid to foreign governments, but that money is not exempt from taxation (i.e. it's not tax deductible)
03:55.16Legorolevery pair of country is always different
03:55.31Legorolok, but:
03:55.43Legorolif you were earning interest in the US on a US bank account, with no other income,
03:55.45Legorolwould you have to pay tax?
03:55.52sioraiochtto the US? yes.  to the UK? no
03:55.58Legorolno, not to the UK, obviously
03:56.07Legorolto the US: doesn't it depend on your total income?
03:56.09sioraiochtbut if you earn interest in the UK on a UK bank account, you have to report it to the US
03:56.10WobworkThis is why you work in dubai
03:56.18Legorolie. aren't there some minimum incomes below which you don't pay tax?
03:56.43sioraiochtLegorol: below the subsistence line, yes =p otherwise, everyone pays, some people get refunds
03:56.52Legorolsioraiocht: if you have to report it to the US, that sucks
03:56.57Legorolyou might end up having to pay tax twice
03:57.14Legorolbut this is why i suggest you look at the specific of US-UK double taxation agreements
03:57.25Legoroli'm pretty sure there is one, and they are usually complicated :)
03:57.33Legoroland it may not be worth it for the 5 pennies of tax you'll be paying
03:57.34sioraiochtI have =/ my dad may or may not have had trouble for off shore accounts previously
03:57.37sioraiochtthe Serious Kind
03:58.16Legoroli had a claim against the UK IRS once.. i claimed back 2 pounds 46 pennies :))
03:58.21sioraiochthahah NICE
03:58.26Legorolthe postage cost was more
03:58.36Legorolbut it was a fun exercise that got me to learn/understand the stuff
03:59.04Legoroli also had a nice run-in with my bank
03:59.37Legorolwhen i, the unknowing foreigner (who was a minor at the time) opened my little student account, the bank didn't bother informing me that they'd be deducting tax from the interest
04:00.02Legorolwhen i eventually found out and made a complaint, along the lines of "how the hell was i supposed to know and shouldn't you let me know, especially given that i'm a clueless child, and you are exploiting me!"
04:00.15Legorolthey apologised profusely and gave me something like £25 credit
04:00.16Wobwork. o O ("Waaah!")
04:00.38WobworkLegorol: sounds like claiming back change from the Dublin bus system =P
04:00.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ins\ (n=insa@
04:00.42Legorolthe total amount of tax i paid up to that point was something like 30 pennies
04:01.00Wobworkman, they burnt you good =P
04:01.12Legorolyes, they did! i got one less lollipop
04:01.39Legorolthe thing that drives me nuts though is what makes you exempt from tax on interest
04:01.52Legorolin my stay here in the UK i have cycled through at least 3 different excuses
04:02.02sioraiochtLegorol: where are you from?
04:02.04Legoroland each time one of them became invalid, the bank dutifully started deducing tax again
04:02.24Legorolso i go in and fill out a different form, pointing out that i still don't pay tax, but for a different reason this time
04:02.32Legoroli'm from Hungary
04:02.40Wobwork"I don't pay taxes on days that end with 'y'"
04:02.52Legorolfirst excuse was: i'm planning to stay in the UK for short term only
04:02.55Wobwork"Which means I'll pay tax 'Tomorrow'"
04:03.16Legorolwhen i ended up staying longer, second excuse was: i'm below the minimum income so i'm not taxable
04:03.26Legorolnowadays i think it's because I'm in the EU or something, i lost track of it
04:04.05LegorolIn terms of EU membership, the most fun story was my driving licence though
04:04.09WobworkLegorol. Rorting the system since 2005
04:04.13clad|bookI make £12,000 a year, no idea where that falls on the scale
04:04.33LegorolWithout me actually ever doing anything, my driving licence was initially valid, then became invalid, then became valid again (the same piece of document)
04:04.55Legorolclad|book: if it's a scholarship, it doesn't fall anywhere
04:04.58Tierriewobble wobble wobble
04:05.01Legorolscholarships are usually exempt
04:05.07clad|bookgood, good.
04:05.12clad|bookthen i'm making nothing
04:05.13sioraiochtLegorol: it's an assistantship, same thing?  What's unclear is if he has to report it to the IRS, heh
04:05.37Legorolbut note that there is difference between exempt as in "don't even need to report" and exempt as in "you need to report and it counts towards your total earnings, but has 0% tax on it"
04:05.58clad|booki'm hoping towards the latter, wrt to the assistantship
04:06.48art3misFor i am mentok, the mindtaker!
04:07.21Arrowmasterim in the US and have to file taxes every year even though i dont get taxed just because once had to because i did get taxed
04:07.33Arrowmasterits just bank account intrest though
04:08.48art3misdont forget to pick a palce with good over all medical ;)
04:09.02art3miscuz yer not allowed to cross counties to get alternative treatment if yer dentist sucks
04:09.11clad|booki can't "pick" a place
04:09.23art3misyer gonna be on campus?
04:09.35sioraiochtart3mis: I think we'll probably pay for private dental
04:09.46art3misthere isnt a choice ;)
04:09.52art3misa friend of mine jsut moved there
04:10.08art3miswhat you have access too is covered by whre you live
04:10.11art3misunless on campus
04:10.11sioraiochtthen they don't know very much, there's public dental and private dental practices
04:10.12Wobworkhm that reminds me
04:10.19Arrowmasterthat or maybe it was the inheritance i got and and opened a bank account for that caused me to have to pay taxes one year, dont really remember why i did
04:10.23WobworkI need to check if my local dentist gives free cleaning
04:10.28sioraiochtthere's quite a bit of controversy over the privatisation of some dental practices
04:10.31clad|bookart3mis: my college has a dentist
04:10.35Wobwork(under my health cover)
04:10.38art3miswell she was being a bit more spefici as in a congenital heart condition of her husband
04:10.39clad|bookI plan to schedule ahead of time, and use her.
04:10.44art3misbut the theory holds true
04:11.11art3misshe said that because of some "union" they cant take out side of thier "section"
04:11.13sioraiochtart3mis: it's 1) different for other medical coverage and 2) NHS will not cover pre-existing conditions
04:11.50art3misjust for clarity sake are you the wife?
04:12.14sioraiochtNo, but I JUST finished filling out NHS forms last week
04:12.33art3misokay then ive been misinformed
04:12.50sioraiochtyou are right about non dental, though
04:12.57art3misbut that hodls true for the public crap right? like provinces in canada not accepting out of province?
04:12.59sioraiochtthere is a restriction on getting referred outside your geographical area
04:13.04art3misahh okay
04:13.11sioraiochtunless you can demonstrate certain need
04:13.22art3misdentist was an example
04:13.35art3miscuz we know no-one but buckingham palace has a dentist ;P
04:13.39art3misit IS the UK
04:13.45sioraiochtpublic dentistry that's true, there's the caveat that they allowed dentists to take private clients recently
04:13.56art3misand he's only allowed to work ont eh queen
04:14.20sioraiochtit put enormous stress on public dental system, to where people needing emergency dental surgery had months-long wait times
04:14.34art3misyeah i bet
04:14.45art3misare you in london proper?
04:14.55sioraiochtNo, I'll be in Oxford
04:15.01sioraiochtin..(fuck) 9 days
04:15.14art3mishave fun!
04:15.52art3misremember yer name is john frum nova scocher ;)
04:16.01art3misrr nover scochar
04:16.28art3misoh funny thing happened to me today
04:16.45art3misthe store across the street that has NEVER taken canadian change from me
04:16.48art3mistook a looney
04:16.51clad|book9 days, 18 hours.
04:16.53art3miscuz its almost par
04:16.55sioraiochtI was talking with my friend recently about the awkwardness of being an American in the UK.  If you travel to Continental Europe, you can distinguish yourself as being, at least, a speaker of the local language and thus not a toolish tourist.  
04:17.09sioraiochtbut in the UK, my accent instantly gives away where I
04:17.15art3misheh yup
04:17.16sioraiocht'm from without any hope of fittin gin
04:17.45art3misjust call cairenn and talk to her constantly for the next 9 days
04:17.58art3misyou'll be toastin and boasting with the best of us ;P
04:18.07Tierriestop speaking english
04:18.08WobworkI tend to absorb accents
04:18.09Tierrieproblem is solved
04:18.20art3misyou mean stop speaking american ;P
04:18.21sioraiochtWobwork: When I get drunk, I'm like a sponge
04:18.27sioraiochtfor accents
04:18.29Wobworkif I talk to anyone with any sort of accent, I'm speaking in the same accent in a few minute
04:18.39Wobworksioraiocht: There you go then!
04:18.41art3misoot and aboot ;P
04:18.42Wobworknever go sober!
04:19.07art3misoh and dont forget its Herb
04:19.10art3misnot 'erb
04:19.15Wobworkoh god yes
04:19.16art3misbecause it's got a fucking H in it
04:19.27Wobworkherb HAS 'H' IN IT
04:19.34clad|bookcentre.. is pronounced "centray"
04:19.41art3misizzard is great
04:19.44clad|bookprogramme, is "programmy"
04:20.02Wobworknot aluminum
04:20.10Wobworkoh and nuclear =)
04:20.24Wobworkjust in case you were learning from dubya
04:20.28clad|bookis named, rather
04:20.41clad|bookwhich we know is wrong
04:20.51art3mishe's a moor though
04:20.54art3misi'd be careful
04:21.04Wobworkhow do you pronounce his name?
04:21.07sioraiochtLOL I think he's Dutch, actually
04:21.10sioraiochtWE DON"T KNOW
04:21.12art3mis"swamp" is NOT your colour clad
04:21.19Rallionmaybe like "Weej"
04:21.21Wobwork(well, properly anyway =P we know how -you- pronounce his name =P)
04:21.33sioraiochtindustrial could tell us
04:21.38art3misand dont forget you're not fags ;P
04:21.47clad|bookwe're poofs
04:21.47Wobworkor ammo
04:21.50clad|bookamong other things
04:21.54Wobworkshirt lifters
04:22.02art3mishehe although pushing him towards whoever asks for the first little bit would be funny
04:22.07sioraiochtwtf kind of name is that? shirt lifter?!
04:22.13Wobworkit's... very british =P
04:22.17art3mis"got a fag?" *pushes clad* "sure take this one"
04:22.39sioraiochti mean, doesn't EVERYONE lift shirts?
04:22.50sioraiochtoh, and it's "trousers", not "pants"
04:22.52Wobworkwell this was probably from the days where only men had shirts
04:22.57Wobworkyeah, pants are underwear
04:23.01art3miswho ate all the pies, who ate all the pies, you fat bastard you fat bastard, you ate all the pies!
04:23.09sioraiochtand "Maths", not "math"
04:23.19Wobworkoh god yes =\
04:23.26art3misor arithmetic if yer proper ;P
04:23.27sioraiochtand "sport", not "athletics"
04:23.36sioraiochtcuz athletics means track and field
04:23.38WobworkI work for a company that does online math tutoring
04:23.44Wobwork(or at least in america)
04:23.49Wobworkit's online maths tutoring everywhere else
04:24.32WobworkAnd if you're naming large numbers, separate the sections with 'and'
04:24.47sioraiochtone thousand AND 24?
04:24.51Wobworkso you say "Five hundred and three thousand, four hundred and fifty-five
04:25.04Wobworkrather than Five thousand three four hundred five
04:25.11Wobworker fifty-five
04:25.12sioraiochtwe were told specifically that that is BAD in math
04:25.20art3misya know ive never noticed that i do that until you mentioned it
04:25.20IrielDid we cover petrol/gas, bonnet/hood, boot/trunk  yet?
04:25.21Wobworkit makes so much more sense =P
04:25.39Wobworkand if you damn americans weren't so different, my job would have been so much easier =P
04:25.39sioraiochtno, but I'm good with boot/trunk, though that one took me a while
04:26.02sioraiochtbut "dog's bollocks"
04:26.02Wobworknot bullocks
04:26.03art3miserr yeah
04:26.04Wobworkthey're bulls
04:26.25RallionThe dog's bollocks! You could say it to the queen.
04:26.43sioraiochtI'll bring the terms "douchebag", "fuckerhead", and "fuckerface" to the UK, though
04:26.52sioraiochtit'll be so fetch
04:26.52art3misdont listen to wob though
04:26.55art3mishe's a criminal
04:26.57Wobworkoh they already have interesting ones
04:27.35Wobworknah, kiwis are living proof that tasmanians can swim
04:28.23*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
04:28.55WobworkI can't believe the americans made me take out all reference to gambling in the section where we taught probability
04:29.17IrielHypocrisy, wonderful thing
04:29.18WobworkHow can you teach probability properly without reference to gambling?
04:29.43clad|bookhow can you be american without having some sad story about gambling :P
04:29.45WobworkOh it's even worse, Iriel, I had to change it all to "Cubes with numbers on them" and "Numbered cards"
04:29.53clad|bookoh lord
04:30.01sioraiochtthat pains me
04:30.03Wobworkwho are you trying to fool? =P
04:30.07IrielExactly where were these americans?
04:30.12sioraiochtI'm so embarassed by the mass-market culture of my country
04:30.14Rallionwho the hell made you do this?
04:30.22sioraiochtit's a good thing i'm "high-brow" as clad calls me
04:30.26WobworkA company called Voyager Education =)
04:30.35RallionI sure as hell learned through gambling examples in my public school.
04:30.40clad|bookI'm a blue collar d-bag :P
04:30.54WobworkRallion: and you learned -good- didn't you?
04:31.10RallionPfft, what else am I gonna do, lose my money?
04:31.10sioraiochtI didn't say that, just like I didn't call myself "high-brow"
04:32.16Corrodiasokay, using aspectshiftingbar with certain modifications... bartender shows the shapeshift buttons which have the icons of the aspects, but clicking them doesn't do anything, because they're A) the shapeshift buttons and not the custom buttons made by the addon and B) not inheriting the template that lets you set "type", "spell" and such, as far as i can tell
04:32.32sioraiochtoh that's right, this is an addon channel..
04:32.35sioraiochthi Cairenn
04:32.35Arrowmasterwait americans made you take the gambling references out????
04:32.43Cairennhi sioraiocht
04:32.49sioraiochthi Arrowmaster, welcome to 5 minutes ago =p
04:33.02Corrodiasif i do the whole set ShapeshiftButton..n etc = AspectshiftingButton..n in the addon, it works great except that bartender isn't skinning the buttons as it should be
04:33.18Arrowmasterwhen i took math classes in highschool had plenty of gambling references
04:33.34Corrodiasi checked and ShapeshiftButton1Icon is not equal to AspectshiftButton1Icon and when i change it, it changes back the next time it's updated
04:34.37Mr_Rabies2got two darkmoon aces
04:34.48WobworkArrowmaster: This was for a remedial course
04:34.52Mr_Rabies2lunacy and....
04:34.54Mr_Rabies2forgot the other
04:34.58Corrodiasvery irritating
04:34.59WobworkSo they may have felt it required more... tact
04:35.00Arrowmasteroh maybe thats why
04:35.30sioraiochtall we talked about in stats was gd dice and coins
04:35.33sioraiochtor decks of cards
04:35.51Arrowmasteri graduated from us highschool in 2004 and never once did i ever hear of dice refered to as 'cubes with numbers on them' or anything like that
04:36.37WobworkWe just attributed it to "those wacky americans" =P
04:37.05Arrowmasterit could have been though
04:37.43Mr_Rabies2<Wobwork> I can't believe the americans made me take out all reference to gambling in the section where we taught probability
04:37.45Arrowmastersince its harder for the dumbass bitchs that want to regulate everything 'for the children' to effect already printed textbooks
04:38.04Mr_Rabies2i graduated in 05 and dice and coins were the obvious probability things
04:38.05Arrowmasterrefering mostly to the religious zealots there
04:38.24Mr_Rabies2we used new books too
04:38.30Mr_Rabies2and i live in the 'bible belt'
04:38.31Rallionzealots are a problem.
04:38.57Mr_Rabies2i mean hell
04:39.03Mr_Rabies2the SAT had dice and coins
04:39.16Rallionthose zealots are the ones who make an incredible amount of sex-ed in this country simply consist of "Don't."
04:39.49WobworkI bet that works =P
04:39.58sioraiochtand no talk of contraception
04:40.15Arrowmasteryeah never had official sex-ed in my school
04:40.21sioraiochtoh we did
04:40.22Wobworkwe had the works
04:40.27RallionIt's actually worse than that, in some cases, I know in some places people are told that all forms of protection are completely ineffective and even harmful
04:40.28Mr_Rabies2we didn't
04:40.30Mr_Rabies2but it didn't matter
04:40.31sioraiochtspeakers came in to promote abstinence
04:40.33WobworkI stil recall SPERMCAM
04:40.53Mr_Rabies2most them new most of it firsthand before they left middle school :x
04:40.57Arrowmasterwe had videos on puberty and such but not sex
04:41.26Thunder_Childmy highschool had a daycare center for the students....not much of a need for that class there
04:41.35RallionThe teacher I had in high school was a real asshole most of the time, but when it came to the sex stuff he said he wasn't allowed to teach us anything, but he was going to anyway
04:41.39Thunder_Childhigh school*
04:41.46Arrowmasterhad one weird biology teacher that would sometimes remind us that latex has an expiration date
04:42.23Rallion"weird biology teacher" = redundant.
04:43.47Wobworkhe was probably warning you that that condom you kept in your wallet all those years probably wouldn't be quite as effective as you'd hope =)
04:44.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Leachim (
04:45.45sioraiochtthey weren't even allowed to talk about masturbation in my sex ed classes
04:45.55sioraiochtbecause it's religiously controversial
04:47.17ShirikI got every piece of the prince loot
04:47.21Shirikand no.. I'm not a ninja
04:47.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
04:47.37*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
04:47.58sioraiochtSHIRIK HAX!
04:57.34Guillotineanybody know if luasocket works with vista? trying to figure out if its a setting that is incorrect or if luasocket just isn't compatible
04:58.10ThraeGuillotine: That's probably better asked in #lua
04:58.24GuillotineI know. but I ask here first since I like you guys better
05:00.06Guillotinealso, from my experience, people in #lua don't seem to know much more than people in here about luasocket :/
05:10.34clad|bookGuillotine: i've heard of nothing on the listserv or otherwise to indicate there would be an issue
05:12.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Gl0bal (
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05:16.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
05:19.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Leachim (
05:20.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Elessdy (
05:24.06cogwheelhaha... someone saw me join AB and is asking me macro questions ><
05:27.38Mr_Rabies2i'd pester you
05:27.40*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
05:28.26Mr_Rabies2"dammit, why are you playing wow instead of updating addons for it >:["
05:28.47clad|bookno one knows my priest
05:28.50clad|book]except yall :P
05:28.55clad|bookand my cladhaire is 60 :P
05:29.17cogwheelmy addons probably won't get any real love for at least a couple more months
05:29.52Mr_Rabies2i once kicked leeroy's ass and then said "Pals4Life ftw" in /y in arenas :o
05:30.11Mr_Rabies2a rogue and i slaughtered his pet warrior and he just stood there like "well, crap."
05:30.19Shirik!c us drenden Kimina
05:30.21ThraeBotShirik: Kimina, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (23/38/0). 6111 HP; 8805 Mana; 398 mana regen; 124 mp5; 93 +spell dmg; 1082 +heal; 5.66% dodge;[[ TBR: 907 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Thu Sep 13 01:43:00 2007 ]]
05:30.28Shirik~lart the Armory
05:30.28purl--purges the Armory
05:30.42Mr_Rabies2if i ran into alamo
05:30.46Mr_Rabies2i don't think i could kill him
05:30.48*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
05:30.48*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
05:30.53cogwheelthat was an appropriate ~lart
05:30.54Shirikalso, thrae, I don't know what timezone you live in
05:30.57Mr_Rabies2i couldn't bring myself to do it
05:31.00Shirikbut it's very off, whatever it is
05:31.09Shiriks/it's/your clock is/
05:31.12cogwheel!c us garona cogwheel
05:31.14ThraeBotcogwheel: Cogwheel, Level 70 Gnome Warrior (33/28/0). 9044 HP; 7116 Armour; 1188 AP; 175.300 Melee DPS; 23.58% melee crit; 92 melee hit; 8.48% dodge; 5.20% block; 77 resilience; 10 arcane resist (+10);[[ TBR: 2019 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Thu Sep 13 01:43:53 2007 ]]
05:31.35Elessdyi am too timid
05:31.36Mr_Rabies214,1Time: (41:31:08 AM EST on Thursday, September 13, 200714)
05:31.43Shirikred on black
05:31.54Mr_Rabies2he lives 15 minutes into the future
05:32.54Shirikor 45 in the past
05:32.57Mr_Rabies2my background is black
05:33.08Mr_Rabies2my text is red (to me)
05:35.24Corrodiasi know i have a good job, but i think it's not a great fit for me. but will i take steps to change it? i don't know where to begin.
05:35.52Corrodiasi've mentioned it before, i know. it gnaws at me.
05:40.33Mr_Rabies2where do you work again?
05:41.46Corrodiasi work at a company that produces veterinary lab testing equipment and practice management software
05:42.09Corrodiasand i work on converting databases from other products to ours, for the most part
05:42.25ThraeShirik: Erk?
05:43.07MentalPower!c us alleria mentak
05:43.10ThraeBotMentalPower: Mentak, Level 60 Human Priest (10/0/41). 3387 HP; 6171 Mana; 238 mana regen; 23 mp5; 39 spell crit; 63 +spell dmg; 296 +heal; 5.00% dodge; 14 shadow resist; 34 fire resist;[[ TBR: 513 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Thu Sep 13 01:55:49 2007 ]]
05:43.53ThraeOh, blah blah
05:44.59Corrodiaswhat's nice about it? sometimes there are periods where i can just browse the web, doing nothing. it's a pretty relaxed environment. what's bad? so far, i haven't had anything too stressful, but i've seen what some of the others have worked on and i don't want to go through that.
05:45.17Thrae!mload armorystats
05:45.17ThraeBotLoaded [armorystats]
05:45.34Thrae!c us alleria mentak
05:45.36ThraeBotThrae: Mentak, Level 60 Human Priest (10/0/41). 3387 HP; 6171 Mana; 238 mana regen; 23 mp5; 39 spell crit; 63 +spell dmg; 296 +heal; 5.00% dodge; 14 shadow resist; 34 fire resist;[[ TBR: 513 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Thu Sep 13 01:58:15 2007 EST ]]
05:46.07zenzelezzCorrodias: what sort of thing is it you want to avoid?
05:47.58Corrodiasfixing problems by working with databases after i send them out, dealing with customers when they want something, big projects for which i have to come up with a significant portion of how to do them (like converting from software we haven't done before)
05:49.12Corrodiasi'm not sure just what part(s) i don't like, but thinking about trying to figure out how to squeeze data from one DB into another just makes me want to run away to another state
05:50.06Mr_Rabies2the problem is that work is incredibly draining and it sucks we have to do it
05:50.46Thrae"ChannelJoin" and "ChannelLeave" or "JoinChannel" and "LeaveChannel" for method names?
05:51.13Corrodiasi used to bus tables in a restaurant on fridays. it was pretty much my Perfect Job, except that it was only one day a week and paid little
05:51.55Corrodiasi didn't have to try to figure things out; i just set things how they're supposed to be and otherwise follow instructions
05:52.10Corrodiasno responsibility except not dropping the glasses and making sure the forks were straight
05:54.38zenzelezzThrae: in my personal opinion JoinChannel looks cleaner unless you have some sort of separator between the category and the function's purpose (Channel_Join, Channel::Join)
05:55.10*** join/#wowi-lounge HiroCT (
05:55.20IrielI agree with zens, mostly, though I hate _'s in method names these days (too much java).. In lua i'd do Channel.Join and Channel.Leave 8-)
05:55.30Irielor Channel:Join and Channel:Leave, if OO
05:55.45Thraezenzelezz: Yeah, if I wanted to get really fancy, I could make Channel its own object
05:56.01Thrae_ in most anything is the devil
05:56.11ShirikYou guys suck :(
05:56.16ShirikI use _ to indicate stuff you shouldn't touch
05:56.22Iriel_ as a prefix is acceptable
05:56.25Irielfor that purpose
05:56.30Shirikoh ok :)
05:57.07*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
05:57.25IrielI really only resort to _'s in languages that dont support mixed case
05:57.44WobworkThere are those?
05:57.44Iriele.g. SESSION_KEY   VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL,
05:57.53Wobworkyeah SQL
05:58.04Shirikoh yeah
05:58.08Shiriker, wait
05:58.15IrielSome SQL's
05:58.17IrielNot all
05:58.26Shirikabout to say, mine likes lowercase. Though I think it's not case sensitiev
05:58.34IrielOur oracle installs dont support mixed case well
05:58.37Irielso we use _'s
05:58.46Shirikout of habit, I use lowercase for fields and capitals for anything else
05:58.52IrielI believe it's an install-time option on oracle these days, I think our DBA's hate lower case letters
05:59.00ShirikSELECT name FROM users WHERE id = 4;
05:59.50Shirikanyway, night all
06:00.16IrielShirik|zZz: I like that too for writing queries
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06:29.35bleetercogwheel: hmm, interesting.. of course, that just means there's possibly a PTR push on Friday, then decision Monday on whether it's plausible to go live or not, etc. (I can't imagine they'd push on a Monday then go live on a Tuesday)
06:30.07cogwheeli'm sure they wouldn't
06:30.23cogwheeli'm also pretty sure they wouldn't push on a friday and go on the following tues :P
06:37.08*** join/#wowi-lounge N3cr0m4ncer (
06:37.22Mr_Rabies2they have before
06:37.32Mr_Rabies2i think they pushed monday and went tues once before too
06:40.44art3miswhich of you is an exchange/outlook admin?
06:40.54art3misive got a question thats confusing me
06:41.11Thunder_Childi have done some...anything in particular?
06:42.20art3misyeah ya know how you can share contact lists right
06:42.39art3mishow do you get said shared to show up when you click the "To:" ?
06:43.25Thunder_Childyour talking about networked to lists?
06:44.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Leachim (
06:45.32art3misyeah shared contact to when you click to: a box pops up and i can see the local contacts but not the shared ones
06:45.41Thunder_Childiirc, you had to be part of the OU/group/etc.
06:46.13Thunder_Childand it might also have to be in the shared folder on the exchange server
06:46.21Thunder_Childit's been a while
06:46.37art3misyeah shared folder is the option ive found, wierdly i dont seem to have one..
06:46.45Thunder_Childcreate it
06:47.25art3misaha there it is
06:47.40art3misits a hosted server btw
06:48.04Thunder_Childoh...i only eve played with ones on a server i was physical with
06:50.56art3misnah the shared was the right idea... now i just need to figure out how to move it there ;)
06:54.45Thunder_Childor rather tftp
06:58.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
06:59.48art3misneed to reimport to the public folder
07:00.13art3misthats the relly ugly way though
07:00.29art3miswonder why itdoesnt add shared fodlers default to "locations" in the popup
07:01.01Thunder_Childkeeps the noobs away
07:04.53Thunder_Childi am so lazy about outllok, i have 9298 unread emails in my in box
07:07.54Guillotineoutlook < all
07:08.34art3misunless you need shared contacts and imap is too confusing ;P
07:10.32Thunder_Childi like it the best...i am simply lazy
07:10.48Thunder_Childi like the ability to look at my mail offline
07:10.57art3mishah got it
07:17.54|Jelly|Anyone use Baggins?
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07:34.48Mr_Rabies2bilbo baggins
07:34.52Mr_Rabies2bravest little hobbit of them all
07:35.31Mr_Rabies2i do, jelly
07:36.18|Jelly|Eh. I figured it out.
07:36.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
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07:48.54sag_ich_nicht7ns IDENTIFY stolen
07:49.12sag_ich_nichtgood thing i typed my old password
07:49.17sag_ich_nichtwhich always do.
07:49.21sag_ich_nichtsince i'm stupid
07:49.52sag_ich_nichtWobwork that is my old password anyway
07:49.53art3misyou too?
07:50.00sag_ich_nichti forget that i changed it like months ago
07:50.04sag_ich_nichtall the time.
07:50.26sag_ich_nichtis this awesome Y/Y
07:50.38bleetersag_ich_nicht: old news :P
07:50.57sag_ich_nichtyou didn't answer the question.
07:51.09bleeteryou didn't ask a question
07:51.22sag_ich_nicht[09:50] <sag_ich_nicht> is this awesome Y/Y
07:51.28bleeterthat's a statement
07:52.03sag_ich_nichtbleeter: is this awesome? Y/Y
07:52.29bleetersag_ich_nicht: aye, it's pretty good to see Mat Tippet's master plan finally come to fruition ;)
07:52.36bleeteraussie aussie aussie!
07:53.11Wobworkoi oi oi
07:53.58bleeterused to hate that.. then at a WW1 memorial service in France, I heard it drift across the hills after the service, and the reply from a bunch of schoolkids... I cried
07:54.12art3misi love amd
07:54.25Wobworkbleeter: *sniff*
07:54.46WobworkOne thing I like about the aussie accent
07:54.56art3misit makes even ugly girls hot?
07:54.57WobworkOverseas? It's identifiable from a kilometer off =P
07:54.58bleeterWobwork: even the 2ic from the Embassy did the reply.. very moving.
07:55.11art3misWobwork: not so
07:55.31WobworkI could be in a room full of chattering chinese, and if one person said something in english in an aussie accent across the room, *pow* you could hear it
07:55.32art3misaussie accent is..english, zealand, aussie
07:55.52art3misoh i thought you meant spcificly targetable
07:55.52sag_ich_nichtthose are only the 2D and base specs. 3D comes next week.
07:56.11Wobworkbut then again, I can discern between the three
07:56.14Wobworkunless their north islanders
07:56.18bleeterit's all in the flat vowel sounds... keeps the flies out
07:56.19Wobworkcause then they just sound like aussies
07:56.23art3misproper british/south african still makes me weak in the knees though
07:56.35art3misoh man
07:56.41art3mismy wifes boss is this indian lady
07:56.46Wobworkfeetch me sem coughfee boi!
07:56.58WobworkSeth Efrican
07:57.09art3misi got forced to this thing at her work and i was talking to her and asked "are you british or indian?"
07:57.21art3miswhich stopped her in her tracks
07:57.25WobworkOxford english?
07:57.25art3misit was sooooooooo funny
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07:57.39art3misyeah the very defined way of talking that only indians can do
07:57.54bleeterWobwork: noomba sexty sexy fur fush n chups
07:57.57art3misthe precise wording etc
07:58.14Wobworksex pucks ov fush n chups
07:58.43art3misshe looks at me and says "im indian" to which i reply "i know your race but is it a british indian or an actual indian?"
07:58.43bleetern sex frush shup
07:58.48WobworkI love when the Chaser did the Trivial Pursuit on the NZ prime minister =)
07:59.01art3misoh wob
07:59.08art3misgo check out dailyshow from tonight
07:59.17art3misjohn oliver interviews the saudi ambassador
07:59.21art3misoh man it was funny
07:59.40bleeterWobwork: see where chaser last night may have been highest rating ABC show of all time? rofl
08:00.01bleeterWobwork: all the d/l of the show couldn't wait for the release, had to watch it live
08:00.30art3misshit i have to be awake and functional in 5 hours, nigh kids
08:00.37bleeternight art3mis
08:01.06Wobworkoff home
08:04.48Guillotinewow. I am so going to exploit the hell out of that
08:04.52Guillotineprobably works with food too
08:04.56Guillotinemassive health regen XD
08:04.59Guillotinemake them waste mana
08:06.30Kalrothonly that all attacks will be crits when you sit down ;)
08:07.18Guillotinehmm. good point
08:07.21Guillotinewell, not spells
08:07.26Guillotineso its worth it against mana users
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08:10.23Guillotinesomeone probably already saw that, but...
08:10.55sag_ich_nichtGuillotine cross realm whispers.
08:11.09Guillotineif I ignore the problem it'll go away
08:11.23sag_ich_nichtbecause i am the pest of addon testers
08:11.40sag_ich_nichtif i find a bug i will not leave you alone until you fix it, no matter how obscure and rare the bug is
08:11.45sag_ich_nichtISN'T THAT RIGHT ANTIARC?
08:12.06Guillotinei already know that. my goal is to wait until my computer develops intelligence and fixes the bug itself though
08:13.12GuillotineI'm actually really busy recently :P just moved on sunday and still getting everything together
08:13.50bleeteroO what's the problem?
08:14.08GuillotineTellTrack isn't correctly catching cross-server whispers
08:14.21bleeterah, oops lol
08:18.26sag_ich_nichtGuillotine you know i'm not all too serious about this :P
08:18.38bleeterGuillotine: you know sag_ich_nicht lies
08:18.44sag_ich_nichtit's something different with that OMEN THING tho
08:18.52sag_ich_nicht~lart Antiarc
08:18.52purlhurls dozens of incontinent, insomniac, hungry kittens with tiny little razor-sharp claws and a wide variety of contagious intestinal parasites at Antiarc
08:19.04Guillotinesag: I know :P but I will fix it when I have time
08:19.09Guillotinebleeter: only usually
08:19.40bleeterI should write a script that /whois' everyone here, and ~lart those with the ircname of 'purple'
08:19.52bleeter'cept I'd skip Cairenn, she's got permission
08:20.31bleeteras a permanent IRC client, it's pretty crapp ;)
08:21.26bleeterthough truth be told, if it's a result of using finch it's more excusable
08:26.07sag_ich_nichtGuillotine you know, sometimes i think i'm the only telltrack user left D:
08:26.41Guillotinenah, theres others. most just don't bug me as much though
08:28.01sag_ich_nichti know there are others
08:28.21Guillotinewikiscanner is awesome
08:44.37Mr_Rabies2i don't see why people get all paranoid
08:44.50Mr_Rabies2it's just some doof bored in his office putzing around in wikipedia
08:45.48Mr_Rabies2was supposedly the republican party
08:45.50Mr_Rabies2whatever that means
08:46.18*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
08:49.03Kalroth204.73.177.2 = - = Republican Party of Minnesota :)
08:49.24KalrothSo yes, it's just some random clerk having fun
08:50.21GuillotineI'm sure it is just a random person there having fun
08:50.25Guillotinebut still pretty funny
08:55.57Guillotineoo, heres one
08:56.03Guillotine made by an IGN employee
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08:58.09Guillotinehuge chunk of criticisms taken out here
09:01.40cryogenis there a decent guide somewhere for using secure frames?
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09:06.38Wobin_cryogen: nope =P
09:06.59Guillotinenot really. its more just learn as you go :P
09:07.12Guillotinecheck out MacroWhisper. its a pretty simple example of secure frames
09:07.25GuillotineI think I used some ace, but not at the secure frames part
09:07.38Tierrieinsomnia sucks ass
09:07.51cryogeni found a nice forum thread on google, but whenever i try to click it i just get the "welcome" page from blizzard
09:08.00cryogenhowever, the google cache does work, so im reading it now :)
09:08.47Guillotinea change made by someone at the CIA
09:14.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
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09:35.55cryogenhmm this code confuses me
09:36.27cryogenit looks up the frame name in _G, returns a reference to it and uses it, fine.  but then a couple of lines down it does FrameName:somestuff() directly, huh?
09:59.18Nargiddleycryogen, what code ?
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10:05.10sag_ich_nichtcryogen: add &sid=1
10:05.15sag_ich_nichtto the end of the link to the forum post
10:05.19sag_ich_nichtalso, link me the forum post :P
10:17.14[Liquidor]beats yours
10:18.18Wobin_I like the original ending
10:18.25Wobin_Much more mysterious
10:18.50[Liquidor]ofc, I found this one redicilous too as well tho :P
10:18.51Wobin_and even though I like the original music, Mad World kinda fits well with it
10:20.55*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
10:20.58Nargiddleybah, new endings for that is people missing the point
10:21.01Wobin_oh god
10:21.22Nargiddleyoh god i had sound off for that, its worse than it seems
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10:48.41Srosh!c eu kazzak maat
10:48.44ThraeBotSrosh: Maat, Level 70 Draenei Shaman (8/0/53). 8589 HP; 10703 Mana; 261 mana regen; 148 mp5; 11639 Armour; 4.11% melee crit; 46 spell crit; 160 +spell dmg; 2131 +heal; 4.11% dodge; 5.00% block; 21 resilience; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 803 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Thu Sep 13 07:01:24 2007 EST ]]
11:11.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
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11:12.59mikmaknow any simple actionbar-addons that use securetemplate? meaning i need to find an example of how to get class-swapping working
11:14.56sag_ich_nichtbut maybe you should still take a look at bongos or bartender3 :P
11:15.34mikmai'm afraid that they are not simple
11:17.50mikmaall i'm looking for is the basic features of actionbutton1-12
11:39.05cryogenthere's also some vaguely useful information on wowwiki
11:41.50Srosh!c eu forscherliga aridela
11:41.52ThraeBotSrosh: Aridela, Level 70 Undead Warlock (41/3/17). 9190 HP; 8125 Mana; 120 mana regen; 157 spell crit; 29 spell hit; 572 +spell dmg/heal; 179 frost dmg (751); 179 shadow dmg (751); 4.43% dodge; 16 resilience;[[ TBR: 800 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Thu Sep 13 07:54:33 2007 EST ]]
11:42.29cryogendepending on how savvy you are with stuff you can also read the blizzard lua files as well, since they are quite documented, albeit technically
11:42.48cryogenthat's as far as I've got at least :)
11:42.56cryogenim just a little confused by an example usage ive seen
11:43.52mikmai was kinda surprised that this is the code required for the buttons to apparently be secure
11:45.06cryogenthat looks about right
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11:48.18cryogenmy confusion stems from something generic to frames i guess.. they've used local p = _G["SomeFrame"] then done lots of p.SomeStuff() but then a bit later done SomeFrame.SomeStuff()
11:48.38cryogeni didnt get get what the difference was or why you could do the latter
11:49.40JoshBorkebecause they are inconsistent
11:49.53cryogenso it's essentially the same thing?
11:50.34cryogenso if you create SomeFrame from XML you can reference it as SomeFrame: in lua?
11:51.34cryogengreat, thanks
11:51.39cryogenis one more efficient than the other?
11:51.57JoshBorkelocal p = _G["SomeFrame"] is faster because a local reference is faster than a global one
11:52.11cryogenthought so, super!
11:52.19cryogenthat's one hurdle cleared anyway :)
11:55.00krka_local p = SomeFrame is just as fast
11:57.51nevcairielthat was more about the local or directly SomeFrame :)
11:58.06JoshBorkekrka_: yea, JERK!
11:58.45krka_i've just seen _G["name"] around a bit, and it annoys me
11:59.16JoshBorkei was just being consistent with what he asked
11:59.21JoshBorkei hate the _G syntax
12:03.21krka_you mean the _G[string] syntax :p
12:10.03mikma*rawr* now i need to figure out how to make stances work
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13:17.33Shirik|AFK14(0711:5311:4414) 14(1115krka_14) local p = SomeFrame is just as fast
13:17.36Shirik|AFKshouldn't it be faster?
13:18.08Shirik|AFKsince _G you have to look up _G first then index SomeFrame
13:19.04Shirik|AFKoh you're talking about the local being fast... nm
13:19.35krka_Shirik|AFK: unless _G is already local
13:19.44Shirik|AFKfair enough
13:20.05krka_my tests show that local p = SomeFrame is actually faster in that case, but it could vary
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13:24.01Industrialvmware is going open source!
13:24.04cladhaireit shouldn't vary.. GETGLOBAL still incurs the table lookup, whereas the local shouldn't.
13:29.09bleeterIndustrial: isn't that just VMWareTools?
13:30.46bleeterVMWare's legal status is under question, too...
13:33.42art3misthat could be "bad"
13:33.48art3misit didnt much stop redhat though
13:33.56art3misi don't see it as that huge of a deal
13:34.42art3misthey move to a model of charging for the media and "support" make portions of it free(that were derived from said infractions) and keep special configurations for themselves
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13:37.12Shirik|Ecolestupid mirc -_-
13:37.21Shirik|Ecoleclose and open the window five times before joining the channel
13:38.49art3misShirik|Ecole: did you remember to load sk1llz.tcl ?
13:39.00Shirik|Ecolewho uses tcl anymore
13:41.53art3miswho's incapable of using an irc client and not sucking? jeesh ;P
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13:51.13ts|skromanyone have a good amount of experience with exchange server 2003 and IMF?
13:52.47zenzelezzfrom a reply in my guild's recruitment forum: "Managed to take 61 points in frost without elemental precision.. impressive"
14:05.40*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.1 ToC: 20100 | RTFPN please | The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.' - Ronald Reagan
14:10.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
14:13.51Kaydeethreesomething behind that quote, cairenn?
14:14.30Cairennjust was time for a change
14:16.01clad|bookmy old job, we used the same
14:16.08clad|book"We're from corporate and we're here to help"
14:16.41clad|booki say poop on adobe photoshop
14:16.46clad|bookuntil i find out whether paintshoppro is any worse
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14:38.17AnvilatorHi all.  Anyone know the function to get a players Intellect?  I tried reverse engineering the Blizzard UI, but came up short.  Unfortunately it doesnt come under GetCombatRating either.  Any pointers would be much appreciated.
14:38.20sylvanaargod. i read that link - seems like the real money in open-source is made by lawyers
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14:40.15Anvilatortried wiki, cant seem to find a related function tho :-(
14:43.05sylvanaarwell, i found it in a few seconds.
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14:44.13Anvilatorhmm i must be looking in the wrong place. WoW API page yes?
14:44.45ts|skrom ctrl+f stat
14:44.52ts|skromkeep searching til you find something relevent
14:46.10ts|skromhere's another hint, things that are about "units" usually have "unit" in the api somewhere
14:46.42Anvilatork thanks, still looking
14:46.58Industrialwhen will blizzard fix the SHIFT-- CTRL-- and ALT-- keybind text?
14:47.06Industrialthey only show up as -
14:47.55Seerah_what shows up as - ?  the shift,etc. or the other number/letter?
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14:49.01Industrialthe whole binding text is "-" on a button bound to "SHIFT--"
14:49.16Industrialit should be "S--"
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14:49.43Seerah_BT3 and AutoBar I know show the whole thing
14:49.51Seerah_or at least truncate it....
14:50.15Seerah_don't recall :P
14:50.25Industrialhm maybe I should hook the function that sets the binding and do it myself :P
14:51.01Seerah_I was wondering if you were thinking of it for your bar mod.  you could see if those two do anything different I guess
14:51.21AnvilatorThanks ts|skrom got it.  Much appreciated.
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15:15.50clad|bookany paladins around?
15:16.07cncfanaticsgot a 70 pala at least, my ex-main
15:16.11JoshBorkeas long as you don't mean 70 paladins
15:16.18clad|bookneed a ret build for leveling
15:16.20clad|bookor some build for leveling
15:16.24JoshBorkei have a 62 paladin who was my paladin for long time
15:16.28JoshBorkeclad|book: protection
15:16.37cncfanaticsfull ret ofc, get SoC as soon as you can with the slowest 2h u can find till lvl 40 imo
15:16.40cncfanaticsat 40 go prot
15:16.42clad|bookcan you show me what spec?
15:16.45cncfanaticssure, sec
15:16.53clad|booki.e. what you'd suggest
15:18.04JoshBorkeclad|book: not to do it ;-P
15:18.40cncfanaticsthe one point in impr bom is just a filler to get to higher tiers btws
15:18.51nevcairielthats lvl 50, how is that good if you spec to prot on 40 ? :P
15:18.52clad|bookthen prot at 40?
15:19.07cncfanaticsI specced prot at 45ish if I remember well
15:19.14cncfanaticsoh no wait
15:19.19cncfanaticsit was till 40->50
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15:19.28cncfanaticsthen specced back retri at 50 with crusader strike
15:19.52clad|bookhehe ok
15:20.20clad|booksounds good
15:20.36JoshBorkeprot is nice because you can aoe solo
15:20.48cncfanaticsehm, RLY aoe
15:20.50cncfanaticsat 70 that is
15:20.59cncfanaticsI can take 30ish 70 mobs at once
15:21.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
15:21.08cncfanaticswhile lvl'ing I took 15ishb murlocks at once
15:21.12Seerah_what??? Pallies aren't supposed to do damage - they're supposed to heal meez ;)
15:21.12JoshBorkeShirik|Ecole: hi
15:21.18cncfanaticsSeerah_, die
15:21.20cncfanaticsI tank :p
15:21.26Shirik|Ecole~agree cncfanatics
15:21.28Seerah_<3 cnc too
15:21.45Shirik|EcolePriests heal. Paladins need to gtfo of my job
15:21.54JoshBorkeShirik|Ecole: i pew pew
15:21.59JoshBorkedruids can heal
15:22.12Shirik|Ecoleso I just double-checked my stats
15:22.19JoshBorkecan you beat me yet?
15:22.22Shirik|Ecolefrom yesterday's run, I gained 250 +healing and +70 mp5
15:22.24Seerah_I had a good friend who was Ret all the way.  He knew he was a nub when he tried to tank, but he liked whacking things with his big hammer :P
15:22.51cncfanaticsI eh
15:22.55cncfanaticswas called crazy by my guildies
15:23.02cncfanaticslets say I did 35 min SL runs
15:23.03Seerah_you? crazy? no...
15:23.05cncfanaticsand 20 min SH runs
15:23.05Shirik|EcoleI gotta admit
15:23.16Shirik|Ecolepaladins are pretty decent tanks when played right
15:23.24Shirik|Ecole1 paladin and 1 warrior tank is <3
15:23.25cncfanaticsShirik|Ecole, pally > all in 5mans
15:23.26JoshBorkepaladins excel at multi-mob tanking
15:23.36cncfanaticsI'm actualy tempted to roll another pally
15:23.41cncfanaticsbut, cba
15:23.48cncfanaticslvl'ing is too much of a pain
15:24.06JoshBorkeit really, really sucks
15:24.13cncfanaticslvl'ing a priesty atm
15:24.20cncfanaticsbut meh, I miss whacking stuff with meh weapon
15:24.48cncfanatics(aka, can't stand playing casters anymore :p)
15:25.11JoshBorkelock is fun because you don't have to stand and cast
15:25.23cncfanaticsI just can't stand not whacking anymore :p
15:25.27|FF|Im2good4uehh guys iv looked at and cant find it so i gues i ask it here :P how do u UnShapeshift my druid out of lua :P
15:25.28cncfanaticsI also can't stand not being the best :p
15:25.41cncfanaticslm2good4u, u can't directly
15:25.59cncfanaticsbut there's no lua command to do it
15:26.36Shirik|Ecoleyes there is
15:26.45clad|bookwhy no imp ret aura?
15:27.07clad|bookcause sanc aura?
15:27.14cncfanaticssanctity aura a few lvls later
15:27.16Shirik|EcoleAlso, is wowwiki running ungodly slow for anyone else?
15:27.19cncfanaticswhich ur gonna use 24/7
15:27.28|FF|Im2good4uah tobad then i got to scan the buffs for the shapeshift icon and cancel it i gues :P
15:27.30cncfanaticsShirik|Ecole, how would u directly cancel a form out of lua ?
15:27.38clad|bookcncfanatics: thanks.
15:27.44cncfanaticsnp cladhaire
15:28.12cncfanatics~seen Tekkub
15:28.14purltekkub <n=tekkub@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/Tekkub> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 2d 8h 55m 26s ago, saying: 'but you're not allowed if the religion doesn't and you do'.
15:28.23cncfanaticswhere has tekkub been ? I still need to thank him
15:28.36Shirik|EcoleAnyway, |FF|Im2good4u: Use CancelPlayerBuff
15:28.39Shirik|EcoleI had thought that OMG
15:28.46Shirik|Ecoleok, so it was definitely my connection dying
15:29.00Shirik|Ecoleanyway......... I had thought that that function was protected
15:29.04Shirik|Ecoleacording to wowwiki it wasn't
15:29.10Shirik|Ecole(Having about 20 lines spam you isn't funny)
15:29.22cncfanaticsit ain't protected, but, u can't really cancel the form without scanning buffs first
15:29.29Shirik|Ecolethat doesn't mean you can't do it
15:29.40cncfanaticstrue, but using /cancelform is so much easyer for all purposes :)
15:29.50Shirik|Ecoleexcept when you want to call it from Lua
15:30.13cncfanaticsindeed, but, I think wanting to really cancel a form from lua would be quite rare
15:30.48zenzelezzand why would you think that?
15:31.10cncfanaticswhy would an addon want to unshift you ? I can't think of any reasons, I'm no druid though
15:31.22cncfanaticsjust doesnt seem to be something an addon should do imo
15:31.44zenzelezzshould is one thing, and answering with a question is not a good answer =)
15:32.05Shirik|Ecolewell see the thing is cncfanatics
15:32.18Shirik|Ecolewhen someone asks you for help, you don't answer what they "meant" to ask. You should answer what they asked
15:32.32Shirik|EcoleLet them take what you gave them and form it into something they need, if it needs to be manipulated
15:32.47Shirik|EcoleBut if I ask you "How do I create 100MB of garbage"
15:33.00Shirik|EcoleYou don't say "You can't" you say "This is how you do it... but that sounds stupid"
15:33.24cncfanaticstrue enough
15:33.48Shirik|EcoleIf I answered that way in the lab I teach, then I'd probably be fired :P
15:33.56Shirik|EcoleInstead I say things like "I would probably do it this way instead..."
15:34.51|FF|Im2good4uwell the reason to canvel is quite simpel
15:35.15|FF|Im2good4ui used ot have an addon called AutoFlightPathUnmounth :P it would unmount me whne taking a flight
15:35.29|FF|Im2good4unow its implented in default ui
15:36.02ts|skromTaken out of context: 10[10:23] cncfanatics: (aka, can't stand playing casters anymore :p)01    is kinda funny
15:36.03|FF|Im2good4ubut now i got a low lvl druid so i use travel or cat form to walk to flight master thne whne i wana fly i get a error cant take taxi while shapeshited
15:36.10ts|skromoops wrong cut and paste
15:36.21|FF|Im2good4uso im trying to work my addon around to help my lowbie druid :P
15:36.29ts|skrom10[10:23] cncfanatics: I just can't stand not whacking anymore :p01
15:36.34ts|skromthere we go
15:37.46Shirik|Ecole|FF|Im2good4u: Well that's exactly how you would do it
15:39.47cryogenif you have a frame that is just a container for secure buttons, does the container frame have to be secure?
15:39.55cryogenif so: what template should it use?
15:41.24cog|workcryogen, it doesn't
15:43.19Shirik|Ecoleit doesn't have to be
15:43.22Shirik|Ecolebut it will be locked down
15:43.43cog|workno moreso than the secure buttons themselves so that's somewhat moot
15:43.44Shirik|Ecoleif you have an insecure frame and then anchor a secure frame to it, the insecure frame will lockdown in combat
15:43.57Shirik|Ecoleyeah I"m just trying to point out that if he's planning to move stuff it's not going to work :P
15:44.53cryogenyeah, i'm planning to make it dragabble
15:45.01cryogenor draggable :)
15:45.01cog|workI was about to say "I explained that here..." but then realized that "here" is a chapter which I haven't even submitted for a book that isn't published yet ><
15:45.07cog|workDraggable's fine
15:45.17cog|workiirc manual movement will work as expected
15:45.33cryogenjust that i wont be able to move it, or show/hide it from code right?
15:45.34cryogenwhich is fine
15:45.45cryogenits just a plain bar with some buttons on it
15:45.51cryogenstance or whatever is unimportant
15:46.16cog|worksince StartMoving() inherently uses hardware input for its functionality, it's a secure action
15:50.17cryogeni can get the bar to show, but the button is being somewhat less cooperative
15:55.14cog|workAre you using the built-in ActionBarButtonTemplate?
15:56.06cog|workIf so, does the button have an action attribute AND do you have an action in the given slot?
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15:57.29cryogenSecureActionButtonTemplate, ActionButtonTemplate - apparently
15:58.14cryogen is my xml - is the code
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15:58.41cryogenim mostly bungling things together at this stage to see what works
15:59.55cog|workyour button isn't given a location
16:00.03JoshBorke~lart cog|work
16:00.03purleats cog|work's liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti
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16:00.32JoshBorkecog|work: i dunno, seemed like the right thing to do
16:00.44cog|workacceptible response
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16:01.46cryogencog|work: woot! i see it now, however i set it to 0,0 and its in the top left of the screen rather than the bar :)
16:02.18cog|workbutton:SetPoint("TOPLEFT") is all you need
16:02.53cryogenyup that did the trick!
16:02.55cryogennice one, thanks
16:03.01cog|workalso, you don't need to pass button to t:SetAllPoints since button is the parent of t
16:03.30cryogenright,the texture thing was just for testing and i "borrowed" that from something that uses a button with no parent bar
16:07.06ShirikI agree with the lartage of cog|work
16:07.28zenzelezzyou're just jealous because he gets more attention
16:07.51JoshBorke~lart SHirik
16:07.51purlsays "boot to the head" and knocks SHirik over
16:07.54JoshBorkejust to be fair
16:07.59Shirikway to misspell my name
16:08.02Shirikyou officially fail
16:08.22Shiriklua> "SHirik" == "Shirik"
16:08.22cladbotShirik: false
16:08.43JoshBorke~lart Shirik
16:08.43purlbeats Shirik senseless with a 50lb Unix manual
16:08.53JoshBorke~lart Shirik
16:08.54purloverclocks Shirik until Shirik burns out
16:09.11cryogen~whalecrit JoshBorke
16:09.12purlACTION crits JoshBorke with a mathematically skilled whale named Isaac for #NaN. JoshBorke dies
16:09.23JoshBorke~whaleparry cryogen
16:09.23purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry cryogen's attacks.
16:10.01Valaron|WorkFor your reading enjoyment:
16:10.12cryogenyou died already, you cant parry
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16:10.39Valaron|Worksemi-safe for work. :P
16:10.42JoshBorkethey are all underage
16:11.25cncfanaticsValaron, ur late
16:11.32cog|workJoshBorke: irrelevant in some states...
16:11.46JoshBorkestill, 14.5 is too young
16:12.01mikmaValaron|Work: AHAHAHAHA
16:12.02cog|workmarriage laws are much more lenient than statutory rape
16:12.14nevcairielone is 17, and even pretty cheap!
16:12.37JoshBorkewow, 16 year old is garnering 99,995$
16:13.29JoshBorkewith the next one up for 5995$
16:13.33OsagasuThere's... 14 and 13 year olds on there.
16:14.10cog|worklegal to marry with parental consent in many states still :P
16:14.19cryogenstrange people :)
16:14.40JoshBorke"She got an A in Home Ec. and has read up on what else would be expected of her as a wife and is looking forward to it."
16:14.43nevcairielJoshBorke: the cheap one needs strong christian values, guess those pay bad .P
16:14.45mikmaoh, cog|work knows how to make buttons work with stances!
16:15.18cncfanaticsmikma, cncfanatics does too, its easy
16:15.25cog|workmikma: check out cogsbar v1.1 on
16:15.31JoshBorkejewish people are christians?
16:15.33mikmacog|work: was about to do that actually :)
16:15.47mikmacncfanatics: oh, i might need your help later :)
16:16.04JoshBorkeyea, it really is disgusting
16:16.17cncfanaticsmikma, check FB's code, Attributes.lua file
16:16.26mikmacncfanatics: ok, moment
16:16.57mikmaah, statemap-form
16:17.25cncfanaticsshould be $input in most cases yea
16:17.42cog|workcncfanatics: are you using the new 2.1 macro option syntax or the 2.0 state driver?
16:18.11nevcairiel2.1 syntax ftw
16:18.24nevcairielnow i only need the new APIs from 2.3, and i am happy
16:18.25JoshBorkei'm really quite disgusted
16:18.28JoshBorketime to go, bye
16:18.51Srosh!c eu kazzak maa
16:18.53ThraeBotSrosh: Maa, Level 70 Dwarf Hunter (5/41/15). 10170 HP; 5968 Mana; 100 mana regen; 19 mp5; 6327 Armour; 2083 AP; 314.000 Melee DPS; 22.81% melee crit; 144 melee hit; 2424 RAP; 397.50 Ranged DPS; 29.07% ranged crit; 144 ranged hit; 18.27% dodge; 10 frost resist (+10);[[ TBR: 762 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Thu Sep 13 12:31:36 2007 EST ]]
16:18.54cog|workI would tend to consider the old-style state drivers deprecated
16:19.20cncfanaticsnevcairiel, no idea
16:19.24cncfanaticswhats the 2.1 syntax ? :o
16:19.44cncfanaticsRegisterStateDriver(SecureStateDriverFrame, "form", StateDriverMagic);
16:19.49cncfanaticsStateDriverMagic ftw :p
16:19.56cog|workcreating your own state driver with macro option syntax to define the states
16:20.06Osagasu!c us Sentinels Starbreak
16:20.06cncfanaticsyea i'm doing that, it rocks, a lot
16:20.10ThraeBotOsagasu: Starbreak, Level 70 Human Mage (10/48/3). 6473 HP; 9401 Mana; 203 mana regen; 6 mp5; 209 spell crit; 61 spell hit; 693 +spell dmg/heal; 5.02% dodge;[[ TBR: 884 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Thu Sep 13 12:32:54 2007 EST ]]
16:20.24nevcairielthe "old" state drivers only use those to be backwards compatible
16:20.26nevcairiellast time i checked
16:20.27Osagasugogo 5.02% dodge.
16:20.31cog|workmikma: use FB's then... CB's is getting old
16:20.35cncfanaticscan perfectly generate perfect state rules based on what states the user has available
16:20.40mikmacog|work: okidoki
16:20.52cncfanaticshmmm, how would this state driver generation code rate either way
16:20.57cncfanaticswondering if it has any bugs
16:21.03cncfanaticscuz I got no shapeshifting class myself
16:21.06cryogenwhere should i be looking if i want to do a complete scan of my bag contents?
16:21.18nevcairielthe only headache left is druids who chose to not do the aquatic quest
16:21.29cncfanaticsnevcairiel, I got around that
16:21.32cog|workcryogen: nested for loops through bag and slot numbers
16:21.33cncfanaticsat least, I think I did
16:21.46nevcairielso did i, i scan the available forms :P
16:21.54cncfanaticsI just use form names
16:22.01cncfanaticsalso scan
16:22.09cncfanaticsnames > numbers anyway
16:22.13cncfanaticsthe numbers can change, the names can't
16:22.24nevcairieli dont like showing forms that are not important
16:22.29nevcairiellike aquatic
16:22.32nevcairielor travel
16:22.36nevcairielso i parse and remove those
16:22.38cncfanaticsI just show em all
16:22.52cncfanaticsno need to actualy use extra time to limit user options
16:23.00cncfanatics is my code
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16:24.57cncfanaticsnevcairiel, no bugs in my code btw ?
16:25.08nevcairielwhat do i know
16:25.10mikmacncfanatics: so ok. i'll show you my little problem..
16:25.46cncfanaticsdunno nevcairiel, can only try :p
16:26.33mikmacncfanatics: currently i'm not trying to create new buttons, but to make ActionButton1-12 to swap when/if druid/warrior/rogue changes form/stance/stealth
16:26.51cncfanaticshmmm, u'd create a header for that, and set attributes on the buttons
16:27.12mikmacncfanatics: now i have that. minus the two frame:SetAttribute lines
16:27.25mikmadefault buttons do work and are being shown
16:27.26cncfanaticsu forgot RegisterStateDriver ?
16:27.35cncfanaticsthey wont be switching stances with that as far as I see
16:27.39cryogencog|work: why the check for item:? can it return other stuff?
16:28.01cog|workcryogen: because some slots don't have items in them
16:28.01mikmawell that's the whole problem, i don't know how to do it :D currently i use kyahx's library for that
16:28.10cncfanaticsmikma, not hard
16:28.13cncfanaticsfor u
16:28.20cog|workin which case it would be nil
16:28.43cncfanatics[stance:0]p1;[stance:1]p2; etc
16:28.46cncfanaticsbut thats bad practice imo
16:28.56cncfanaticscuz first, it doesn't support druid stealth (ur code that is)
16:29.03cncfanaticsand, u add states for non switching classes
16:29.15cryogencog|work: would link not be nil in that case then?
16:29.17mikmai'm planning to make a classcheck for that
16:29.30cncfanaticsthe function I gave in a pastey should return valid state button attributes and state driver macro code
16:29.33cog|workis that not what you asked?
16:29.33cncfanaticsu can use it if u want
16:29.40mikmaif class == "DRUID" then do othermagicinstead() end
16:29.54cog|workchecking for link being nil is the only check i have in there...
16:29.57cryogencog|work: if link and itemID == tonumber(strmatch(link, "item:(%d+):")) - i was wondering why the check for a match in link
16:30.10cryogenoh i see you're extracting something
16:30.12cryogennever mind
16:30.17*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
16:30.19cog|workthat's not a check for a match to link
16:30.20cryogenread that wrong
16:30.25cog|workthat's a check to whether link exists
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16:32.09cog|workor something... i might not have understood but you seem to get it now :P
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16:32.31cryogeni didnt read it properly on the web, but when i pasted it here i smacked my forehead
16:33.05cog|workodd how the /lack/ of syntax highlighting did that :P
16:33.23cryogenbigger text.. or something :p
16:33.39cryogenthe name of the function gives it away a bit too
16:33.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
16:34.19cog|workyou have no idea how amusing that statement was...
16:34.46cog|workI used that function of an example of why you should use descriptive names for functions and variables in the Best Practices chapter
16:35.27Shirikwhat function?
16:36.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
16:36.49cog|workShirik: l2context
16:37.59cog|workI have it written in two ways... one with single letter variable names and two-letter function names, and the other as you see there
16:38.38Shiriksingle letter var names are good
16:38.53Shirikshould use them every chance you get
16:38.59Shirikthat way the compiler doesn't have to parse as many characters
16:39.03Shirikit also keeps your addon size down
16:39.15cog|work~lart Shirik
16:39.15purlgives Shirik an extra strength ACME sleeping pill, sending Shirik to sleep for 150 years, and awakening to seven strange dwarfs and a large apple
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16:39.32clad|awayi use idx,entry a lot
16:39.35ShirikI think....
16:39.40clad|awayand full key,value quite a bit
16:39.41cog|workat least those are meaningful
16:39.43clad|awayjust cause =)
16:39.44Shirikthis is the least descriptive variable names I've ever used
16:40.04Shirikas I wait for pastey to load...
16:40.11cryogeni would be happy with 'i' too
16:40.29cryogenHiThisIsMyIndexVariableIWillIncrementItEveryTimeILoop is a little unnecessary
16:41.10cute_attackHello, if anyone can help/inform, I'm looking for any information I can get on writing lua code for dragging events
16:41.10cog|workcryogen: I briefly cover some generally accepted single-letter variable names
16:41.10ShirikThat's the least descriptive I've ever been
16:41.10Shirikbut as you can see, I heavily documented it
16:41.11purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
16:41.11cryogencog|work: aye, standard stuff :)
16:41.12Shirikdamn you purl you're slacking today
16:41.13Shirikthank you
16:41.34cog|worki, k & v, n, t, r, g, b, a, x, y, and _
16:41.44cute_attackWell, basically I want to make the minimap draggable, in the sense that you can click inside the minimap and drag the map, not the whole minimap frame
16:42.03cute_attackso you can view other areas of the map without opening the world map frame
16:42.11Shirikcog|work: so what do you think of that function :P
16:42.19cog|workcute_attack: like google maps?
16:42.21cute_attackNow i know the addon Yatlas allows this
16:42.26cute_attackya like google masp
16:42.42cog|workShirik: haven't looked yet... i'm doing annoying busywork right now :(
16:42.46Shirikaww :(
16:43.04cute_attacki looked at the Yatlas.lua file and found self:RegisterForDrag("RighButton", "LeftButton)
16:43.12cute_attackbut other than that
16:43.21cute_attackI'm lost at what to do
16:43.43cute_attacki mean that yatlas aloows dragging inside the map for the world map not the minimap
16:43.50ShirikAdd an OnClick handler
16:43.59Shirikdon't do that
16:44.01cog|workShirik: i don't think those are non-descriptive at all, actually :P
16:44.03cute_attacklol ok
16:44.11Shirikyou also need to SetMovable
16:44.16Shirikor is it draggable
16:44.17ShirikI forget
16:44.25cute_attackprobably draggable....
16:44.26cog|workt, dt, & fps are common terms given the context, and fn is easily identifiable :)
16:44.41ShirikI don't use RegisterForDrag myself
16:44.43Shirikbut in your case you need to
16:44.56ShirikI tend to use OnMouseDown and OnMouseUp scripts
16:44.56cncfanaticsreplace Dragger by MinimapFrame
16:45.15cncfanaticsshldnt use SetMovable as ur not actualy moving the frame are you ?
16:45.34cncfanaticsEnableMouse with an OnClick handler should do, or am I misunderstanding what u want ? (just checked this chan again)
16:45.34cute_attackno not moving the frame
16:46.01zenzelezzhe just wants to move the actual map, not the cluster
16:46.15cute_attackyes exactly
16:46.22cncfanaticsEnableMouse and add an onclick handler then imo
16:46.40Shiriknot OnClick
16:46.42cute_attackwhat about the actual code to allow dragging
16:46.43ShirikOnMouseDown and OnMouseUp
16:46.51cog|workI'm not sure what you want is possible
16:47.03zenzelezzthe minimap is sort of special
16:47.08cog|workThe minimap map itself is rendered by the game engine
16:47.10cute_attackI;ve read that another addon named Yatlas allows dragging the map
16:47.14cncfanaticsoh yes sorry, OnMuuseDown and up
16:47.25cute_attackand that means?
16:47.40cncfanaticsthat you probably can't modify it, just like the 3d world
16:47.42nevcairielyatlas is special
16:47.47cncfanaticsdon't take my word on that, I'm no minimap expert
16:47.48cog|workThe textures might be available so you could build your own frame to drag around, but i'm pretty sure you can't change the texture coords of the minimap itself
16:48.02nevcairielthats what yatlsa does
16:48.06cute_attackok so i might have to make my own minimapframe
16:48.10nevcairielit creates a full zone map from the textures
16:48.11cute_attackgood to know
16:48.26cncfanaticsdoesnt it actualy have the zone maps saved?
16:48.28cute_attackyes, basically i want to make a minimap version of yatlas
16:48.44cute_attackit has images in folders of all the zone maps i tihnk
16:48.50cryogenlol, there's someguy on my server stood next to my dev char, he's level one, and  kitted out in full town gear, including a mining pick enchanting with fiery weapon
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16:49.08cncfanaticsgod, stupid history homework
16:49.26cog|workI wonder if the internal textures are accessible from lua land...
16:49.38cncfanaticsif you know where to search
16:49.45cncfanaticsI wouldnt have a clue where to start though
16:50.02cog|workexactly... if you find out where in the MPQs they are stored, you could probably reference them directly
16:50.38Kaydeethreethey are, that's how an alpha build of Atlas I have works
16:50.39cute_attackin that case i could just download the blizzard file viewers and look for them no/
16:50.48cncfanaticswouldnt it be rather hard to build ur own minimap ?
16:50.54cog|workcute_attack: yep
16:51.11cute_attackwell initially i didn't want to build my own minimap
16:51.15cute_attackbut if i have no choice
16:51.17cog|workcncfanatics: not really, though it'd have to be square
16:51.31cute_attackactually i would perfer wide rectanglle
16:51.41cute_attackcouldn't i make it any shape?
16:52.49cncfanaticshow would u actualy start building the map urself ?
16:52.58cncfanaticsI have no clue, but i'm no texture expert either :)
16:53.22cute_attackfirst im going to try and just see if i can customize the default minimap
16:53.50cute_attacki mean write code so i can drag
16:53.54cute_attackif it doesnt work the
16:54.06cute_attacki might just stop
16:54.25cute_attacksince I don't think I have the experience to make a minimap replacement from scratch
16:55.15cog|workeither way you do it, the dragging code is going to be the trickiest part... it would involve a decent amount of math and some very specific tracking of mouse movement
16:55.22cryogenif you change the texture of an already shown button, do you need to do some voodoo to refresh it?
16:55.31cncfanaticscryogen, you shouldn't
16:55.50cncfanaticstextures change as you change them I think
16:56.12cute_attackwhat kind of math?
16:56.22cncfanaticscoordinate math most probably
16:56.28cncfanaticsit sucks, hard, I do enough of it for FB :(
16:56.54cute_attackis there anything I can use for some sort of reference for this to learn?
16:57.11cncfanaticsa sheet of paper what an x and y axis drawn on them are ur best friend for coord math
16:57.14cute_attacki don't think any of the tutorials on wowwiki are relevant
16:57.35cncfanaticsI dunno if i'm right though, think cog knows much more about minimap stuff then me
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16:58.02cute_attacktracking of mouse movement shouldnt be too complicated
16:58.16cryogencncfanatics: thats what im doing, look ok?
16:58.16cncfanaticsinvolves an OnUpdate handler msot probably
16:58.27cute_attackthere is a function to get the mouse position
16:58.39cncfanaticsu need to get the mouse position relative to its precedent one
16:58.47cute_attackoh ya
16:58.50cncfanaticsu need to know how much it changes so u can change minimap coords accordingly
16:59.07cute_attackim starting to think this is beyond scope
16:59.28cncfanaticslooks fine cryogen
16:59.40cncfanaticswhat item has 6948 as itemid ?
17:00.03cncfanaticsnot all of them for sure
17:01.04cryogenit picks up the fact i have one ok, and picks up my button ok
17:01.09cryogenbut doesnt seem to set the texture
17:01.55cncfanaticsdoes it work with a random texture ?
17:02.23cncfanaticsthen jsut print out tex and see what it returns
17:02.33cryogenwell in that function im not sure, lemmie try
17:02.36cncfanatics!api GetContainerItemInfo
17:02.36ThraeBotcncfanatics: texture, itemCount, locked, quality, readable = GetContainerItemInfo(bagID, slot);  --
17:03.34cryogencncfanatics: interestingly, random texture doesnt work in that function, so i guess it is not getting my button after all :)
17:03.55cncfanaticsmake sure random textures work, then it shld work with item textures too :)
17:04.40cryogenrandom texture works when i create the button, but not when i call a function after creation
17:05.25cncfanaticseither way, why are u creating the texture in that func ?
17:05.34cncfanaticsu shld set an already existing one except if i'm geting something wrong
17:06.00cryogenrandom texture works when i create the button, but not when i call a function after creationan object or just the string
17:06.25cryogenthats to my son there for messing that up completely :p
17:06.45cncfanaticsbleh, anyone good in history ? (a) make my homeworfk
17:07.00cryogeno just put that in there to try and plug stuff till it wotked
17:07.09cute_attackis this what I should be implementing??
17:07.26cute_attackI found that in yatlas/lua file
17:07.43cncfanaticsok, I'm going afk till I get this homework done, else it'll never be done
17:11.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
17:11.22Kaydeethreeoh wow
17:11.30Kaydeethreeit's been 2 years since Corrupted Blood happened
17:12.54Kaydeethreethe ZG plague
17:13.13Elkanoah, k
17:14.30Shirikoh I remember that
17:15.04Elkanosame here
17:15.39LopeppeppyPiles of bodies everywhere, great fun in Ironforge.
17:16.08ElkanoI remember the video when it happend in Orgrimmar ^^
17:16.35cryogencncfanatics: yay it works
17:16.42KaydeethreeI'm more of a fan of the Geddon Bomb going off by the AH in IF video
17:16.58cryogen(enjoy your homework :)
17:17.49cncfanaticsmeh, make it for me
17:17.53cncfanaticsI hate history
17:18.07cryogenturns out that cog|work cast misdirection on me
17:18.10cryogenhe broke it!
17:18.43cryogentaking out buttonTexture:SetAllPoints(button) made it not display
17:19.38ShirikSo the T4 2-piece set bonus for healing priests is "Your prayer of healing also grants an additional 150 healing over 9 sec"
17:19.43cncfanaticsofc it did cryogen
17:19.45ShirikIs that affected by +healing?
17:19.48cog|workcryogen: that's not what i told you to do
17:19.56cncfanaticseither way
17:20.03cncfanaticsI'm wanting to reroll a melee class
17:20.09cryogendont do it!
17:20.14cncfanaticsI want an active server, any suggestions ? also suggest meh what class xD
17:20.15Shirikmake a female BE rogue
17:20.27cncfanaticsno horde meh, I know all their quests by heart
17:20.35cryogenyou got a hunter?
17:20.37cncfanaticsand i'm bored of my ally priesty, need to whack stuff
17:20.41Shirikhunter != melee
17:20.46cryogeni know
17:20.47cog|work<cog|work>also, you don't need to pass button to t:SetAllPoints since button is the parent of t
17:20.52cryogenbut melee suck, make a hunter instead
17:20.56cog|workthat doesn't say take out SetAllPoints :P
17:21.02cncfanaticsno thanks, I like whacking stuff
17:21.16cryogento me it does :)
17:21.28cryogenbut thats just my lack of understanding
17:21.41cryogeni assume you mean i can call it without passing a paramter?
17:21.49*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (n=chatzill@
17:21.56cncfanaticsindeed he does
17:21.57cncfanaticsif I can read :p
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17:22.32cryogenso, my button displays on my bar
17:22.38cryogenand shows a picture of my hearthstone
17:22.43cryogennow to make it actually use it!
17:22.44cncfanaticsanyone play on an active EU server ?N
17:22.47cncfanaticsi'm willing to join up :)
17:22.57cncfanaticscryogen, if ur not using an actionbutton
17:22.58cncfanaticsone tip
17:23.04cncfanaticsSTRIP OUT the damn uniqueid for conjured items
17:23.07cncfanaticsor ur gonna get probs
17:23.40cryogenduely noted
17:23.52cncfanaticsItemLink = string.gsub(ItemLink, "(.*):(.-)$", "%1:0"); would do that just fine btw
17:23.55cncfanaticsthats what I use
17:25.36sag_ich_nichta friend of mine, let's call him IDIOT, has a broken ATI driver.
17:25.52cog|workcryogen: you're massively overcomplicating if you're trying to make a bar mod
17:25.53sag_ich_nichtbecause he run some stupid 1 click tuning utility that disabled 8.3 file name creation for NTFS
17:26.13cryogencog|work: im actually trying to make an autobar clone
17:26.37cog|workok... ignore me then :P
17:26.43sag_ich_nichtwhy? ATI installs a non-pnp driver that breaks since it uses 8.3 PATHS, altho it's all 32-bit code.
17:27.00cog|workthough you'll still probably want to use the built-in template and manually update its appearance
17:27.19sag_ich_nichtalso, for the same reason, his DVD drive only reads DVDs, but no CDs anymore
17:27.22sag_ich_nichtASPI broke
17:27.26cryogenit doesnt use action bar slots though
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17:27.32cryogenit's just a button that uses an invenory item
17:27.45cog|workthat's why i said to update its appearance manually
17:27.54cryogenin that case which tem
17:27.55cog|workthe behavior is all handled by secure code
17:28.00cryogente are you refering o?]=
17:28.35cog|workit's already got all the pieces you need... icon, cooldown, count, hotkey, etc.
17:28.47cog|workyou just have to tell them what to do
17:29.16cog|workand as far as behavior goes, all you need to do is give it a type attribute of item and an item attribute of "Hearthstone"
17:29.36cryogenwhats that fancy bot command that'll link me to wowi's copy of the lua for ActionButtonTemplate?
17:29.55cog|work~framexml ActionButton.lua
17:30.01cog|work~framexml ActionButton.xml
17:30.02cryogenthats the one
17:30.16cog|workhmm those might be wrong
17:30.26cog|workmaybe ~framexml ActionButtonTemplate.xml
17:30.58cog|workyou'll need to multiply inherit that and SecureActionButtonTemplate
17:31.11cryogenyeah have them both already
17:31.36cog|worklast i looked you had SecureAnchorEnterTemplate :P
17:32.23cryogen<Button name="StuBarButtonTemplate" virtual="true" inherits="SecureActionButtonTemplate, ActionButtonTemplate">
17:32.46cryogeni have probably tidied up the xml somewhat since i pasted it last
17:32.47cog|workmake it a checkbutton though
17:32.53cryogenwith my new fangled understandingmajig
17:33.54the-golempurl is a genious (and whoever scripted her)
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17:35.05cryogenmaking it a checkbutton made it disappear, but that doesnt surprise me there's probably voodoo i need to do now
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17:38.45cncfanaticsI suggest using itemlinks with stripped out uniqueid instead of item names btw
17:38.58cncfanaticsohj, and why use xml ?
17:39.04cncfanaticslimits ur amount of buttons
17:39.11cncfanaticscreate ur buttons on the fly when needing em imo
17:39.47cryogenone step at a time :)
17:39.54cryogenand im only using xml for the bar and the template button
17:40.54cncfanaticsI dislike WoW XML :)
17:41.01Shirikthat's your personal opinion
17:41.04cncfanaticsactualy, I dislike everything that remotely has to do with textures
17:41.13Shirikthere's nothing wrong with using XML; some people find it more natural
17:41.18Shirikmyself, I don't, but I know cog|work tends to like it
17:41.22cncfanaticsShirik, its also a fact that for that kind of addons lua > xml as you can create buttons on the fly
17:41.33Shirikxml > lua for some things
17:41.47cryogeni use a mix of both, so i win!
17:41.49Shirikfor example, it is impossible to create a virtual frame in Lua
17:42.03cncfanaticsindeed true
17:42.03cog|workcncfanatics: describing the template in XML and creating in lua is the best imo
17:42.22cncfanaticskinda agree with that cog, though I dislike xml because it has no error reporting in wow also
17:42.29cncfanaticserror in xml = nonworking addon for unknown reasons
17:42.31Shirikyes it does
17:42.35Shirikthere's a log file
17:42.48cryogen"in wow":)
17:42.58Shirikthere is a log file in wow's folder
17:43.00ShirikI consider that in wow
17:43.08cncfanaticsI mean ingame, should clarify, I also didn't know about that logfile though
17:43.12cncfanaticsthanks for that tip :)
17:43.20cryogenbut ye took me a while of my addon not workig completely before i found that log
17:43.44cryogenalso its a bit crap since it usually just says "failed to parse xml" which your addon not loading already tells you anywya
17:44.16cncfanaticsyou could manualy parse it using the xsl sheet blizz provides though and check for errors, butI consider that a pain
17:44.34cryogenactually i tell a lie, it does inform you of things like missing parents and stuff too
17:45.02cncfanaticsoh nvm then
17:45.06Shirikyou could use virual studio
17:45.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
17:45.16cog|work~fail shirik
17:45.17purlshirik: Fail.
17:45.19cryogenthats cool
17:45.24cncfanaticshmmm, can't you do that in vim too ?
17:45.33cncfanaticsat least I think I remember some xls thingy too for it
17:45.43cog|workcncfanatics: no one i've talked to has ever said it'll do code completion
17:45.51cryogeni would be surprised if you couldnt xls in vim
17:45.59Shirik"Chances are, you don't just have a copy of Visual Studio hanging around for your coding pleasure. "
17:46.12cryogenbeing a developer by trade
17:46.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
17:46.26cryogennot on my laptop though, sadly
17:46.50cog|worki'm sure you can get some sort of error checking in vim but VS does full context-sensitive code completion :P
17:47.07cncfanaticshmmm, I'd be surprised if noone actualy bothered to copy that feature into vim yet
17:47.11cog|workallows for more discovery and less memorization
17:48.52cog|workDreamweaver will also do a bit of completion for you but it doesn't seem to be smart enough to only allow tags where they're allowed by the schema
17:49.17cryogeninteresintg, i would not have expected changing a button to a checkbox to have made my bar disappear :)
17:49.36cog|workare you sure that's all that changed?
17:49.55cog|workdon't call me a fairy!
17:50.49Industrialcogwheel is a fairy, cogwheel is a fairy, neener neener neener!
17:51.19cog|workit's spelled G-N-O-M-E
17:52.43Industrialfooty-on-legs =D
17:52.54cryogendarn i must have had some other unsaved xml changed
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17:55.25cog|workcheck your FrameXML.log
17:55.39cryogenno errors
17:55.47cryogenand my xml hasnt changed since my last pastey
17:56.07cncfanatics(it is on my system, but meh, that doesnt mean a lot now does it ?)
17:57.33*** join/#wowi-lounge lolinternet (i=bitch2k@
17:58.50cryogen - any idea why that bar doesnt display now?
17:59.11cryogenand i would love to try fb for you but a) its far more complicated than i need and b) you aced it up :)
18:00.27cog|workcryogen: i know exactly why it doesn't display :P
18:01.32cog|work1) <Scripts> can't be empty. 2) <Scripts> must occur after <Anchors>
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18:06.50cryogen still doesnt work, and no xml errors
18:07.09cryogen(i removed the ui attributes because the pastey url restrictions are annoying :)
18:07.21cog|workthe StuBarFrame doesn't have a size
18:07.45cog|worknot required by xml but required to render
18:07.58cryogenyup that was it
18:08.04cryogenbut i wonder why it worked before
18:08.16cryogenoh i know why there was another parent in the chain which i took out because it was redundant
18:08.28cryogenthat probably defined the size
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18:10.59cryogenalright, changed over to checkbutton, what was the point of that again? :)
18:12.20cncfanaticseh, have all basic button stuff defined prolly
18:12.27cncfanaticsCheckedTexture, HighlightTexture are must
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18:15.26cog|workcryogen: while an action is happening (e.g. channelling a spell) the button should be in a checked state
18:15.46cog|worksame for on next attack abilities
18:16.58zenzelezzyou also see it when you're having a lag spike
18:17.48cryogeni think the only use i'll have for that is bandages, but im convinced!
18:18.31cncfanaticscryogen, autoattack ?
18:18.40zenzelezzalso true
18:18.42cncfanatics(at least I use a check for that instead of a red glow on the button)
18:19.12cryogenautoattack on autobar? :p
18:19.51cncfanaticsaah yea ur making an autobar kind of stuff
18:22.41cryogenSetNormalTexture works but doesnt scale it down to the size of the button
18:23.02Kaydeethreehm... I wonder if the CMs supervisors have been going "Thou shalt post incessantly on general all this week."
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18:23.40cog|workmust read --->
18:23.50cryogenwe like things to read
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18:24.02cog|work<3 Drysc
18:24.13Kaydeethreethat was the thread that inspired my earlier comment
18:24.17KaydeethreeI actually made it on page 1
18:24.49Kaydeethrees/I actually/I'm impressed that I/
18:25.26cryogenhaha thats good
18:25.55Industrialwhoever made the MinimapBorder texture
18:26.54Industrialhow do I move the minimap AND the MinimapBorder ? MinimapBorder is setpointed to MinimapBackdrop (wich is not visible/0% alpha) wich is setpointed to MinimapBackdrop wich needs to stay topright.
18:27.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
18:27.24Industrialfurthermore, that texture is larget then just the circle, so im poking around with x/why to get it to fit around the minimap
18:27.31Industrialand its hell ! >:|
18:27.35Industrialsuch a simple thing :(
18:27.58Industrialx/y *
18:29.29*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
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18:31.59Thunder_Childi just saw an ad for dell's 6K gaming machine and noticed that it comes with home premium...not even ultimate, what crap
18:32.24cncfanaticswho wants MS products anyway ?
18:32.43Thunder_Childsomeone that plays alot of games
18:36.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|sleep (
18:37.40CidanI do
18:37.48CidanI play too many games, :(
18:44.13cryogencog|work: alright now im sufficiently confused
18:45.04cryogenwhy is the texture significantly bigger than the button bounds
18:51.32cncfanaticsgood profs for a rogue ?
18:51.49zenzelezzI see a few engineers
18:52.28cog|workI'm usually LW or alch
18:52.43cryogendepends on you need/focus
18:53.13cryogenif you want money, gathering, if you want pvp engineering, blacksmithing is a good idea if you want a good weapon at 70
18:53.41lolinternetthis PC of his
18:53.43lolinternetis so broken
18:53.48lolinterneti am suprised it's booting.
18:53.54lolinternetstupid friend ><
18:56.07GofGAnyone want to level a toon to 10 for me? I absolutely hate the level 10 grind. Repetitive quests suck.
18:56.35cog|dailieslevel 10 should only take you 1-2 hrs...
18:56.51clad|booki love level 10
18:56.57clad|bookits extremely easy
18:57.01clad|bookgetting there =/
18:57.13cog|dailiessame... esp the gnome/dwarf starting area
18:57.22cog|dailiesi could do that place in my sleep
18:57.29clad|booknelf start is probably the easiest tho
18:57.33cryogenlevel 10 is like, nothing :)
18:57.36clad|booknot much running at all
18:57.39cryogenits 10-20 thats annoying
18:58.06clad|booktrue dat
18:58.30cog|dailiesplus you can have your account closed for letting someone else use it
18:59.54cryogen38-42 is the next annoying bit
19:00.29cryogenwhats really annoying is how confusing this frame stuff is
19:03.07GofGI've run 1-10 with every race in every starting zone
19:03.09GofGlike 5 times each
19:03.12GofGand I hate everything
19:03.17GofGexcept the NE starting zone
19:03.22GofGbut I want to start a shaman
19:03.41GofGand I want my shaman to be able to speak that stupid furbolg language and stuffs
19:03.48GofGand have good rep there
19:06.28Dottedso you got 50 characters?
19:10.42GofG>.< I guess
19:10.55GofGLong story
19:11.06GofGMy friend keeps starting up trial accounts and wanting to start new characters with me :/
19:15.34cryogenok now it's determined to annoy me, pushedtexture and highlighttexture work ok but normaltexture is way too big
19:20.50cryogenand it also doesnt respond to clicks
19:22.14cryogen hints appreciated
19:24.07CidanI'm totally looking forward to ReactOS
19:28.50kergothI filled out an application that said, "In Case Of Emergency
19:28.50kergothNotify".  I wrote "Doctor"...  What's my mother going to do?
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19:36.36IndustrialHELP <-- I need it.
19:37.04IndustrialI need to setpoint MinimapBackground to Minimap, but .. correctly :| has anyone done this?
19:37.57IndustrialI want to move Minimap but not MinimapCluster, because that will move the blizz quest thingy and durability man out of the worldframe
19:40.45foxlit|macWhat's MinimapBackground?
19:41.15Thunder_Childthe background of the minimap?
19:41.23cryogensweet! it works
19:41.43foxlit|macIt's not called minimapbackground, though?
19:43.27foxlit|macMinimapBackdrop:ClearAllPoints(); MinimapBackdrop:SetPoint("CENTER", Minimap);
19:43.39foxlit|macMinimap:ClearAllPoints(); Minimap:SetPoint(...);
19:46.59foxlit|macDo I win? :)
19:48.25cryogenyou win.. a peanut!
19:49.02foxlit|macYay! A peanut!
19:50.42Thunder_Childi think the backdrop is the fram around the minimap
19:51.19Kaydeethreewoo, hail
19:51.23Kaydeethreeand my car's totally out in the open
19:51.28Kaydeethreegood thing I've got good insurance
19:51.34Thunder_Childi want hail.....
19:51.54Thunder_Childeveryone else always gets the good stuff
19:52.33Kaydeethreelocal radar:
19:52.48KaydeethreeI'm a few pixels south of the south end of the statesboro dot
19:53.05Kaydeethreecrap, wrong map
19:53.18Thunder_Childheh...i was wondering where statesboro was
19:55.07Thunder_Childright in the nice red spot
20:03.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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20:05.15foxlit|macAnyone aware of any decent mac lua binaries?
20:07.45batrick... mac lua binaries?
20:07.55batricku mean the interpretter?
20:08.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
20:09.19batrick... dont' you have gcc
20:09.28foxlit|macWell, libraries are a bit less important
20:09.56foxlit|macI can probably build it from source, but a few things don't add up.
20:10.04batrickuh like what
20:10.32foxlit|macleft/right arrows producing ^[[C ^[[D in input rather than behaving properly
20:10.53Kaydeethreeblame your terminal emulator?
20:11.23foxlit|macBlame the lua binaries! :)
20:11.31batrickuh no :P
20:11.37foxlit|mac(I'm guessing there's a configuration switch somewhere)
20:13.00batrickare you using make properly?
20:13.49foxlit|macDefine properlyl
20:14.44batrickmake macosx
20:15.11foxlit|macThat wouldn't work! :P
20:15.30foxlit|macAnd yes, using the macos variant of the makefile
20:16.19foxlit|macin this case, makefiles are pre-supplied
20:16.24batrickAs Kaydeethree said, it's probably your terminal emulator
20:16.45foxlit|macIt's the combination of the terminal and the binary
20:17.06foxlit|macSince every other terminal binary I can think of works properly
20:18.44pastamancerfoxlit|mac: get it from fink/darwinports?
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20:21.59foxlit|macpastamancer: who where when?
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20:28.10cryogencog|work: im well on track now! thanks for the help today :)
20:28.29cog|worknp. :) sorry i haven't been around for the last hour or so ...
20:28.44cryogenthats ok, it inspired me to find it out for myself :)
20:28.45Thunder_Child~fail cog|work
20:28.45purlcog|work: Fail.
20:28.54cog|workoh good...
20:29.04cog|worki wish more people worked like that...
20:29.18cncfanaticsg'night peeps
20:29.48Thunder_Childnight cncfanatics
20:30.13foxlit|macEnded up finding an xcode-encased sources that produces he right thing when built.
20:30.22foxlit|macPretend grammar agrees with me there.
20:30.39Thunder_Childcant...streches imagination to much
20:31.02cryogencog|work: whether i did it the rightway or not i dont know, but it works!
20:31.15cryogenand i downloaded VS Express and you are right the validator is the shit
20:31.36cog|workcryogen: and that's what really matters :P if someone looks at your code and tells you ZOMGWTFBBQ DID U DU THERE then you'll at least be able to fix it ;)
20:32.01cryogenheh yeah
20:32.11cryogennow i need to get on with the "real" work.. hmm..
20:35.53*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
20:42.22Kaydeethreeoh, wow. haven't done that in a while
20:42.25Kaydeethreejust crashed firefox
20:44.58Cidanoh man
20:45.02Cidan== wins
20:45.16Cidanby far
20:45.24Cidanthe most kick ass program ever.
20:49.19JoshBorkeCidan: synergy is quite nice
20:49.49CidanI'm totally in love with it
20:49.52Thunder_Childyea, grat program
20:50.05CidanSo much better than a KVM, if you have a second monitor anyways
20:50.07*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
20:50.08Thunder_Childused it at work for fun
20:50.57Thunder_ChildKVM is 1 monitor multiple sysytems, this is multiple systes with multiple monitors
20:52.04Thunder_Childif anyone is a member of fileplanet, you might want to keep an eye on
20:52.07CidanI wonder if I can play WoW on my laptop AND on here
20:52.09Cidanat the same time!
20:52.20Cidanor zomg, two games at once
20:52.27CidanAge of Empires and WoW
20:53.10Thunder_Childboth would have to be in windowd mode
20:54.12CidanEager to try it with DX10
20:55.03Thunder_Childi just want to see if i can play with all the settings maxed out
20:55.19Thunder_Childi can with Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Demo
20:55.45Thunder_Child- the retarded 30fps cap
20:57.54cryogenits amazing the amount of crap you pick up in your chatlogs if you idle in the AH for a few hours
20:57.57Cidandidn't like ET:QW
20:58.44Thunder_Childi'm not a huge fan of it either....but i play them to see if they strees my system
20:59.14CidanI'd rather play battlefield or something
20:59.22Thunder_ChildCSS for me
20:59.35Cidanor CSS is fine too
20:59.45Cidanbut BF2 is mucho fun
20:59.51CidanBF2142 is fun too, but eh.
21:00.12Thunder_Childi have 2142 but i never play it
21:01.39*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
21:01.51amro|laptoput2k4 (soon 3) for me
21:02.19amro|laptopnot a big fan of the battlefield series. BF2 on PS2 was a huge disappointment
21:03.49Cidanah, never played a shooter on console
21:03.55CidanUT3 will be great though
21:03.57Cidanand TF2
21:03.58cryogencan you show new buttons in combat if you arent using a secure bar?
21:04.12Kaydeethreesure. you can show/hide whatever you want during combat if it's not secure
21:04.21Cidanif you're NOT using secure frames, you can do whatever
21:04.26Cidanjust can't click-action them
21:04.26cryogenthe button itself it secure
21:04.27amro|laptopI've been holding off upgrading my desktop until ut3
21:04.29cryogenthe bar is not
21:04.53amro|laptopand I hope they deliver on their promise to go back to UT's roots
21:05.08*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
21:05.08cryogenthe button will need to be clickable yes
21:05.44cryogenits like a popup button(s) that come out when you mouse over another button
21:06.45CidanThen no, I don't think you can.
21:06.58cryogenso id need a secure bar?
21:07.19cryogen(i know it's possible, just not how)
21:08.41cog|workcryogen: i'm fairly certain you can't because once you create the button you can't give it a position
21:09.14cryogenwell autobar does it
21:09.25CidanYeah, that's what I was testing.
21:09.26cryogenit uses states though, which id reaaaaaaaaaaaaly rather avoid
21:09.34cog|workno, you have to use states
21:09.42CidanYou don't really have a choice
21:10.03Cidanotherwise I'd be able to code old-school RDX, :P
21:10.16cryogenthats the one think that i still havent got my head around is states
21:11.08cog|workyeah... being able to arbitrarily create new buttons is just as bad (though definitely less efficient) than being able to move/show/hide/otherwisemanipulateclickability existing buttons during combat
21:11.55cryogeni really dont get what exactly states are, and am yet to find a good text which explains it
21:13.09*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
21:13.21Cidanyou should really learn some sort of OO language then
21:13.43cryogenthat's almost amusing. :p
21:13.58Cidanhow so?
21:14.28Industrialdoes anyone know how to move the default castingbar?
21:14.35Industrialit was managed by blizz or something
21:14.37cryogenprogramming is what i do as a day job :p
21:15.08CidanThen you should have no issue understanding states
21:15.19JoshBorkepretty sure states are defined in SecureActionButtonTemplate.lua or something like that
21:15.21purlget the official Blizzard Interface AddOn Kit here: or view it online at
21:16.32cryogenwell i know what "states" are as in the computer science definition of them
21:17.34cog|work~literal framexml
21:17.34purl"framexml" is "<reply> get the official Blizzard Interface AddOn Kit here: or view it online at"
21:18.25cog|workpurl no framexml is <reply> Get the official Blizzard Interface AddOn Kit here: or view it online at
21:18.26purlokay, cog|work
21:19.01cryogenits the practical aspect i dont quite get.. yet, like how states allow me to dislay popup buttons
21:19.51cog|workcryogen: with a showstates attribute you tell it in which states the button should be visible
21:19.53cryogenalthough SecureStateHeader.lua is helping
21:21.11cog|workAnd actually in 2.2 there will be an even easier way with RegisterStateDriver(MyBadTargetFrame, "visibility", "[exists,harm] show; hide")
21:22.33cryogeni think i get it now, im just going to have to try it i guess
21:23.00cryogenso when i mouse over i trigger a state change
21:23.09cog|workyeah state headers have a pretty high barrier to entry but once you grok the fundamentals the rest becomes almost self-evident
21:24.25cryogenthe xml of it will probably take me the longest to figure out :p
21:24.57cog|workActually, you don't really need to do much with XML for state headers
21:25.17cog|workpretty much everything you need to know is attribute-oriented
21:25.23cog|work(not xml attributes)
21:25.36cryogenaddchildand that funky stuff
21:26.00cog|workaddchild, statemap, statebutton, showstates, hidestates, newstate, and on and on
21:26.02cryogensurely it cant be as simple as making ym bar inherit the relavant template?
21:26.09cog|workyes, actually it is
21:26.13cryogenwhich one?
21:26.20cog|workwhat behavior do you want?
21:26.38cryogena bar with buttons i can mouse over to make new buttons appear
21:26.50cryogen(if that answers your question)
21:26.58cog|workeach of the mouseover buttons needs to be a SecureAnchorEnterTemplate
21:27.07cog|work(as well as whatever else you've already inherited)
21:27.31cog|workYou would then make the rest of the buttons children of it
21:27.38cryogenmakese sense
21:27.54cog|worki've never used that particular template myself so i don't have any details for you...
21:27.59cryogenhow about the bar itself?
21:28.41cog|workUnless you want some behavior that applies to all your buttons at once, (perhaps hiding the whole thing while out of combat) it probably doesn't need to be a secure template
21:29.57cryogenthen I am a little confused
21:30.18cryogenwhere do states come in? does it come for free in the secureactionbutton template? and/or the secureanchorentertemplate?
21:31.05*** join/#wowi-lounge [KzM]Fatalis (
21:31.38cryogenso you have state 0 of button 0 which is one button showing, and state 1 of button 0 which is the base button and all of the popup buttons, and the same for every other main button?
21:33.48*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
21:38.46zenzelezzI already dislike Vashj
21:39.10foxlit|macVashj is the most awesome fight ever conceived
21:39.16foxlit|macsecond only to C'Thun
21:39.29foxlit|macand maybe the last pair of bosses in Naxx
21:39.37foxlit|macand maybe all of Hyjal/BT!
21:40.43zenzelezzI'm a tank, I don't like fights I don't feel in control of. And with all those spawns, I am not in control
21:40.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
21:41.05KaydeethreeC'Thun > all
21:41.19bleeterCows > all
21:41.26bleetern u know it
21:41.35Kaydeethreethis isn't D2
21:41.41foxlit|macYou don't actually have to tank that much stuff on Vashj
21:41.55bleetersure it ain't D2... but the *flashbacks man*!
21:42.03foxlit|macThere's only the occasional your-melee-dps-is-slacking double naga
21:43.12zenzelezzfoxlit|mac: that's the problem... tanking is what I do, and with so little tanking I feel like a fifth wheel :-p
21:43.25foxlit|macYou could be replaced by a paladin
21:43.38foxlit|macA paladin!
21:44.41zenzelezzKarathress down fifth time today... stats so far: 4 tank necks, 7/10 CHampion legs, 0/10 Defender legs
21:44.43foxlit|macTank-centric encounters generally suck for everyone but the tank
21:44.51foxlit|macVashj is not a tank centric encounter. :
21:44.55foxlit|macCelebrate :)
21:47.05foxlit|macapparently I had to move the lua sources into a specific directory under the luasocket sources for it to compile
21:48.55Industrialmikma: I solved it like this:
21:50.02Industrialmikma: and yes the partial api keyword coloring is kinda icky - but im too lazy to fix it :P
21:50.03foxlit|macIsn't there some form of friendly api that you can use to hijack the casting bar?
21:51.09Kaydeethreenew PTR build: 7250. diffs at
21:52.35bleeterKaydeethree: matter of curiosity, have you tried the new pulse audio foo at all? it's gunna be in F8, was just wondering (as F8T2 came out... last night, or at least recently)
21:53.04Kaydeethreeno. but I've been hearing that PA's pulling a move from the ESD/arts days and seizing complete control of the audio device
21:53.15cog|worknothing makes you more aware of the presence of the grape harvest than the smell of rotting pumice...
21:54.00cog|workwell, perhaps the traffic reports two days in a row of motorcycle accidents caused by spilt grapes, but still... blech
21:54.27foxlit|macprotected-in-combat functions just fail silently, yeah?
21:54.41foxlit|macas opposed to protected-always functions, which whine in some visible fashion?
21:55.09cog|worki guess that's a good way to describe it
21:55.40cog|worki'm pretty sure only frame methods fail silently... are there any protected-in-combat api functions?
21:55.52*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
21:57.03cog|workthat'll give a "you can't swap gear in combat error" or something won't it?
21:57.13bleeterKaydeethree: indeed, but at least it'll be platform independant (unlike est/arts)
21:57.30foxlit|macPickUpContainerItem was what I meant :)
21:57.41cog|workyou can use that in combat
21:57.53cog|workthat's how gear swapping addons work
21:58.10cog|workis that ever not protected?
21:58.27foxlit|macThat's how my shuffle-players-in-pvp addon works
21:58.50foxlit|mac*worked, I'm being told there are some issues with name resolution
22:05.50*** join/#wowi-lounge devbin (
22:05.56devbinhello hello
22:06.09devbinI'm trying to learn the world of wow modding, I wonder if somebody can suggest a very basic mod that I could study to learn the way
22:06.28CidanI guess the first question is
22:06.31KaydeethreeI'd suggest the demos in the Addon Extraction kit
22:06.39CidanAre you a programmer?
22:06.55devbinyou could say that
22:06.57cog|work         <--- use the UI extractor and take a look at the tutorials it extracts for you
22:07.08CidanCould say that?
22:07.29devbinIm not a master by any means, but I do have a few hundred  hours of js,vb, and c
22:07.36cog|workif you have programming experience you should head on over to and familiarize yourself with the Lua language
22:07.41purlextra, extra, read all about it, pil is Programming in Lua, a book written by the authors of the Lua programming language.  The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0.  The second edition is available in print from most online bookstores, and covers Lua 5.1.
22:07.52foxlit|macshameless self-promotion:
22:08.10foxlit|macCoding style is horrible and comments are lacking, but you should be able to deconstruct it!
22:08.50devbinI think I could figure out lua
22:08.58foxlit|macI, er, started by reading DamageMeters code.
22:08.59devbinits the xml part that throws me off
22:09.08cog|workdevbin: you don't need XML per se
22:09.10foxlit|macXML is your friend <3
22:09.13devbinok, I'll have a look
22:09.25cog|workbut imo understanding it helps you understand the structure of the UI system
22:09.29Cidanyou don't HAVE to use XML
22:09.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
22:09.53Cidanbut I suggest you try both with and without XML and figure out which works best for you and your addon. :P
22:09.56cog|workBut definitely familiarize yourself with Lua a bit first
22:10.00devbinI underwtand the theory of xml
22:10.29CidanActually that's bullshit, I suggest you stay away from XML at all costs, but if I don't type that loaded statement I just did, I get lynched by the people in this channel
22:10.40CidanSo, have it either way. :D
22:11.34devbinhaha, ok t anks
22:12.03cog|workdevbin: if you get disillusioned with the whole thing, come back early next year... there's a book in the works :)
22:12.24foxlit|macBooks are odd things
22:12.27devbina book on?
22:12.33cog|workaddon programming
22:12.35devbinlua? xml ?  or wow modding?
22:12.37devbinoh ok
22:12.37CidanPsh, if you get disillusioned with the whole thing, work harder and quit being an idiot. :D
22:12.51cog|work~lart Shirik
22:12.51purloverclocks Shirik until Shirik burns out
22:13.02cog|workwow... freudian slip
22:13.05CidanCidan != Shirik
22:13.18cog|workmeh... he probably deserved it
22:13.20foxlit|macCidan is a lua-bot run by Shirik! :P
22:13.31CidanYeah, I'm not a real person.
22:13.41cog|workdevbin: we're always here to help you if you get stuck so don't hesitate to ask stupid questions :)
22:14.08CidanYar, all that aside we do help people in need.
22:14.58Industrialha-ha, it's a tem!
22:15.08Temwhat huh
22:15.25Industrialnothing :>
22:15.47CidanTem: did you read about that kid that was V&?
22:16.04Cidanlike, on the morning of Sept 11th.
22:16.16Temhaven't been /there/ in like a week
22:16.50CidanPosted a picture of a "pipe bomb" on ebaums and a note saying he was going to blow up his highschool and go shooting.
22:16.59CidanEXIF data was in the picture though, had his dad's name.
22:17.10Kaydeethreeoh wow
22:17.25CidanFBI got to him in the morning
22:18.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
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22:18.16TemCidan, lol
22:18.33Temso, I guess that tells us for sure they're watching
22:19.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
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22:20.14Cidanit's the /they/tards that reported him
22:20.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
22:20.46Thunder_Childhardly a tard for reporting him
22:20.59Thunder_Childi'd say that was a good thing
22:21.03foxlit|macCNN seems to think that when I type something in their searchbox, I want them to show me google results
22:21.36foxlit|macSilly people, if I wanted to search the web, I wouldn't visit _your_ website in the first place
22:22.31Thunder_Childdamit giz is reporting on nextfest stuff
22:23.18Thunder_Childi dont want to see it before i go
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22:32.04foxlit|macQuick widget api syntax question: change a button's normaltext's font size with...? :)
22:32.45foxlit|mac[don't look it up, I can do that myself]
22:33.11zenzelezzwith sheer force of will!
22:34.27bleeterKaydeethree: heh, new PTR patch ain't throwing a wobbly like the last one was for us :)
22:34.48foxlit|mac:GetFont()/:SetFont() was the correct answer
22:34.53Kaydeethreemeh. I haven't been having issues with any patches of late
22:35.21*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
22:41.20Industrialwith enhancement shaman (now level 17)
22:41.31Industrialdo I want flurry with a 2handed weapon?
22:42.51[dRaCo]sure, but make sure to get 2 weapons asap
22:43.08bleeterheh, I just noticed that PTR reverb's now working for me :)
22:43.58*** join/#wowi-lounge the-golem_ (n=Darrin@
22:46.39Industrialasap? ha im level 17.
22:47.19[dRaCo]yeah, well...
22:47.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata124 (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
22:47.46[dRaCo]but why wouldnt you take a straight 30% white damage increase? ;)
22:51.27Industrialer, I don't know :S
22:51.32Cidanoh shi-
22:51.36CidanFortress Forever released!
22:51.44IndustrialOOOOOH MYYY GOD
22:51.51Cidansweet god!
22:51.56Cidanso have I
22:51.59CidanI STILL play TFC
22:52.12IndustrialI stopped a few months ago :P got bored of skillmaps
22:52.33foxlit|macc doesn't parse :(
22:52.39Industrialwtb torrent link
22:52.44Industrial</3 fileplanet
22:52.47Cidandunno, getting it off fileplanet
22:52.48Industrial(always something to bitch at)
22:53.08Industrialmeh I don't have Hl2
22:53.10Shirik14(1811:1211:0114) 14(11158foxlit|mac14) Cidan is a lua-bot run by Shirik! :P
22:53.15Shirikmy coding skills are awesome, no?
22:53.22ShirikHe passes the turing test quite well
22:53.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
22:53.47foxlit|macCidan, are you a bot?
22:53.48CidanYes, Shirik is a gud mayster.  i kan speel seeeeeewww welllll!
22:53.56Cidanfoxlit|mac, Yes.
22:54.01foxlit|macI'd say that's a fail!
22:54.03amro|laptopslow response time
22:54.11ShirikYeah well, what can I say
22:54.17ShirikI wasn't able to code him with much intelligence
22:54.36CidanSorry, much lag
22:54.36CidanThere is a huge rain storm
22:54.36CidanIf all my messages come in at once, I'm very sorry.
22:55.01foxlit|maczomg huge irc trafic!
22:55.03CidanI kid, I kid.
22:55.12CidanIndustrial, I have a FP account
22:55.17Cidannow that I think about it
22:55.22CidanI haven't been billed in months
22:55.58devbinwhere does one acquire the addon extraction kit?
22:56.15Industrialrofl Cidan the client torrent has no seeds
22:56.30Cidan10 min left
22:56.36Industrialoh now it does :3 9
22:57.00CidanOh god I hope this doesn't suck
22:57.03CidanPlease let this not suck
22:57.13Cidana remake of TFC using Source, please don't let it suck.
22:57.17Cidanplease please please
22:57.29Industrialit owns
22:57.32IndustrialI know it
22:57.40Industrialbeen following it since the start
22:58.11IndustrialThey made it for clan play, basically - bunnyhopping and everything
22:58.39Cidanit may not suck then
22:58.44CidanI mean, not that TF2 will suck
22:58.50CidanI'm looking forward to that too
22:59.02Cidanthough I refuse to "pre-purchase" anything ever again
22:59.12IndustrialI don't have Hl2, so ill be in shock in a few hours that I can't play - or I can play, don't know.
22:59.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
22:59.29CidanYou never played HL2?
22:59.37IndustrialI did, just without steam
22:59.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten_ (
22:59.47CidanIt's worth it, :P
22:59.47*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
23:02.37foxlit|macdoes lua implement a  bitwise xor somewhere?
23:03.33foxlit|mac(not including bitlib)
23:04.29Kaydeethreeooh, they redid the Blasted Lands on the world map
23:06.36CidanI don't... think so
23:06.46Cidan1 minute 'til the download is done!
23:07.18Kaydeethreebunch of files are showing up in the "WoW-" patch
23:07.43CidanI think patch will be following tuesday
23:07.51Cidannot the 18th (my birthday!)
23:07.54Cidanbut the next one
23:10.37Mr_Rabies2i'm betting the 25th because like 90 other things are happening then
23:10.48Mr_Rabies2maybe the first tues in october
23:11.11Cidanfortress forever
23:12.13Mr_Rabies2i may get FF
23:12.24Mr_Rabies2but i'll definitely put it down when tf2 unlocks
23:12.41Industrialhave you ever played tfc in clan play?
23:12.50Mr_Rabies2no, not at all
23:12.54Mr_Rabies2i played it a bit though
23:12.58Mr_Rabies2did some of the trick maps mostly
23:13.02CidanYou are nuts
23:13.17Mr_Rabies2Fortress forever looks absolutely awful
23:13.27Industrialcompared to tf2?
23:13.37Industrialtf2 looks awful, lol.
23:13.42Mr_Rabies2yes, tf2 looks like a well balanced, fun game
23:14.02Mr_Rabies2FF looks like what happens when a elitist closed in community gets in its head what they think makes a good game
23:14.04Industrialouch :> the main concern in ff was class balance
23:14.21Mr_Rabies2yeah, like making the scout useless because medics can move just as fast
23:14.38Industrialno they can't
23:14.43Industrialscout hops faster
23:15.00Mr_Rabies2who needs to hop when you can exploit every movement bug in the history of video games
23:15.13Industrialits a feature now, btw
23:15.15Mr_Rabies2rocket jumping, double jumping, skiing, bunny hopping, conc jumping
23:15.26Kaydeethreerocket jumping!
23:15.36Industrialthat's what fun about tfc, and what made it possible to play it competitively
23:15.47Industrialelse its just 6v6 soldiers
23:15.57Mr_Rabies2there was pretty much no reason to take a scout
23:16.02Industrialin tfc?
23:16.03Mr_Rabies2medics were pretty much better in every possible way
23:16.10Industrialill show you scout in tfc ;D
23:16.27Industrialnah man :> you haven't met a good scout then. Very hard to hit
23:17.19Industrialmeh I guess that's the difference between pub/clan play
23:17.39IndustrialI agree that tf2 is funny, but I wouldn't want to play it competitively
23:18.02Mr_Rabies2it seems to be much more well balanced
23:18.07Industrialif you can't hop it means the defending soldier's aim wil overpower your movement, so you need to kill him first.
23:18.31Mr_Rabies2and the gentleman's rules are the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard in the history of elitist communities
23:18.32Industrialyou can't do that easily in a .. fortress :P
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23:18.50Industrialyou mean backtracking? not shooting the opponent's offense?
23:18.57Industrial*shrug* that's like chivalry.
23:19.02Mr_Rabies2chivalry is dead
23:19.03Mr_Rabies2thank god
23:19.29Industrialid rather be released alive then get tortured to death when captured :p
23:19.52Mr_Rabies2you only get released alive if you tell them what you want to tell them :o
23:19.57alestaneKaydeethree: I might add that adding [] to the end of your macro will also want a exists added to the clasue you had before, i.e. [target=mouseover] should now be [target=mouseover,exists][]
23:20.02Mr_Rabies2and then you're killed by your country
23:20.24Mr_Rabies2you only get released alive if you tell them what they want you to tell them :o
23:20.45Industrialwell anyway im a hardcore player - so well probably continue disagreeing :P
23:21.04IndustrialCidan: I got to uktfcl div2 at one point
23:21.15Industrialin 03 or so
23:21.20Mr_Rabies2i was a hardcore tribes player
23:21.35Mr_Rabies2i know when communities of elitist assholes love to ruin a good game :o
23:21.49Mr_Rabies2because they think they know what makes a good one :/
23:22.02Industrialwell they made ff themselves :P
23:22.11Mr_Rabies2i'm not saying you are, but the vast majority of tf/tfc players are jerks
23:22.22Mr_Rabies2TF2 is made by the same people that made TF and TFC :x
23:22.35Mr_Rabies2they work for valve now
23:22.38Mr_Rabies2have since tfc
23:22.39IndustrialI doubt the TF developers are making TF2
23:23.15Industrialor valve is deciding for them what's fun ;)
23:23.47Mr_Rabies2every time i see a TF2 gameplay video i want it more
23:24.01Mr_Rabies2every time i see a FF video i want to uninstall it and i haven't even installed it :x
23:24.02IndustrialI really dislike cartoony graphics
23:24.05Industrial(in wow too)
23:24.10Mr_Rabies2i don't
23:24.11Mr_Rabies2i love em
23:24.21Mr_Rabies2trying for uber realism is for the birds
23:24.37IndustrialI like it in mmorpg, because its escaping in another world
23:24.56IndustrialI'd like that world to be more like the fantasy books I read - not wacky toons :P
23:25.30Mr_Rabies2warcraft's never been standard issue fantasy
23:25.38Mr_Rabies2it's always been cartoony and i love it for that
23:25.43Mr_Rabies2cookie cutter fantasy is lame
23:25.52Mr_Rabies2warhammer fantasy is made of fail
23:25.59Mr_Rabies2warhammer 40k, however, is awesome
23:26.10Mr_Rabies2it's cartoony and fantastic
23:26.12Industrialwow is a good game, technically.
23:26.21Industrialgameplay is unrivaled, that's why I play it
23:26.26Industrialand the interface ofc
23:26.55Mr_Rabies2i am looking forward to trying out age of conan though, despite it trying to be realistic
23:27.01Mr_Rabies2just because the combat system seems interesting
23:27.20Mr_Rabies2i played a bit of it at dragoncon and couldn't quite get it, but it looked fun
23:27.26Industrialhm, haven't seen/read about it
23:27.34Mr_Rabies2it's low fantasy
23:28.14CidanIndustrial, I have two gripes
23:28.23CidanFirst, no gun/head bob when you run.
23:28.39devbinhow do I get this hello world thing to pop up
23:28.40IndustrialI always turn that off :P
23:28.44CidanSecond, no HDR on a lot of the maps
23:28.55CidanThe maps look like they were developed pre-HDR
23:29.01Cidanbut, it's still fun
23:29.06Cidanwas lol.
23:29.18Industrialcl_bob "0" :P
23:29.38IndustrialETA 48min
23:30.24CidanHigh Dynamic Range (Lighting)
23:32.24Cidanoverall though, I like it
23:32.34Cidanit doesn't "feel" like TFC, likely because it's not as polished
23:32.38Cidanbut it's still very nice
23:33.04Thunder_Childi never could get into TFC
23:33.13Cidan<3 TFC
23:33.17Thunder_Childdidnt like the class pidgenholeing
23:33.29CidanEngy FTW
23:34.36Industrialscout :>
23:35.11[dRaCo]demo *flame on*
23:35.40CidanEngy and demo ftw
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23:35.44Cidanby far
23:36.02Industrial[dRaCo]: pyro :P
23:36.06Industrialdemo is fun too
23:36.31[dRaCo]too bad a good scout owns your ass, but yeah. :)
23:36.44Mr_Rabies2pyro's absolutely worthless in competitive play :[
23:36.45CidanNever ever found a scout that could kill me
23:36.48alestaneStrange, I just got detoured into accessing the forums by IP.
23:36.51Mr_Rabies2so's the sniper
23:36.51CidanIt should be known, I'm god-like at the game.
23:36.53[dRaCo]having the biggest gun available is a big plus.
23:36.58IndustrialCidan: id ratehr take your flag
23:37.07CidanYou'll never be able to.
23:37.16Industrialwell see :D
23:37.23CidanYou don't quite understand the level of play I am on with TFC.
23:37.32Industriallike I said I used to be div2 in the uktfcl league :>
23:37.44Mr_Rabies2i can't aim worth a shit
23:37.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
23:37.50Mr_Rabies2but i can do most of the movement tricks
23:37.56Industrialheh, me neither
23:37.59Mr_Rabies2this is the reason i play a scout
23:38.01Mr_Rabies2same in tribes
23:38.01Industrialbut I play scout so I don't shoot
23:38.03Mr_Rabies2i can't aim worth a shit
23:38.16Mr_Rabies2so i always go Light Offense loadout/role
23:38.25Mr_Rabies2which is analogous to the scout
23:38.28Saint-Nthats what she said
23:38.56Mr_Rabies2tribes is really hard to hit anything with though
23:39.14Mr_Rabies2leading the discs is difficult when the enemy moves at 200-500 mph and your discs probably move at about 100
23:39.24devbinwhen I do the hello world tutorial, with no other mods turned on, it still doesnt do anything.
23:39.47CorrodiasLOAD GAME
23:39.58devbinthe game is loaded
23:40.11Industrialdoes anyone know a fantasy related irc channel?
23:40.27CidanWow Industrial
23:40.31Industrialany network is fine, as long as it has people
23:40.46CidanYou have just reached a level of retardation few ever reach.
23:40.53devbinthe only addon box that is checked is "HelloWorld"
23:41.01Saint-Ncidan knows the signs, he's just recovering now
23:41.03Industrialyes, ha-ha, this channel.
23:41.14Industrialbut its specifically for one mmorpg interface community.
23:41.48Saint-Nindustrial if you like info overflow and nerd talk galore go to #oldwarez on efnet
23:41.49Corrodiasthere's #terran on, which is the channel for a particular mod of NWN
23:42.21Saint-Nnerd talk == star wars/trek sci fi fantasy computers programming etc etc etc
23:43.28Saint-Nthey've got a spammy headlines info bot rss feeder thingy too ;)
23:51.38Corrodiasso i almost had modified Aspectshiftingbar fully working in bartender. almost. scowl.
23:54.00Corrodiasit's functioning, but the tricky part is getting Bartender to apply the DreamLayout skin to the bar after reassigning the ShapeshiftButtons
23:54.34Saint-Nshould be able to just "update skin" no?
23:55.40devbinI hate being this guy...
23:55.48devbinthe pest
23:55.57Corrodiastried, but it doesn't have any effect
23:56.06bleeterdolby-wowi: if you drop by grab 1.9, take a look at http.c between lines 2192 and 2198, you'll see why the last modified header that the wowi site is spitting out from it's download page is failing to be recognised by wget ;)
23:56.32Corrodiasso here's the deal. aspectshiftingbar makes its own buttons and presumably puts them on the shapeshiftbar. but bartender grabs the shapeshift buttons to put on its stance bar.
23:57.20Corrodiaswith that setup, you see the aspects on the bar with the right icons, but clicking them doesn't do anything because all clicking a shapeshiftbutton does is execute a function to shift into form (integer), of which hunters have none anyway
23:57.44bleeterdolby-wowi: eg, a recognised header->'Tue, 22 May 2007 16:47:00 GMT', wowi's 'invalid' header->'June 06 2007 07:54:35.' (the period stuck out lots to me first, so I went looking and it's also in an unrecodnised format)
23:57.52Corrodiasif i reassign that variable with ShapeshiftButton1 = AspectshiftingButton1 and such, they show up on the bar and they work properly, but don't have the dreamlayout style applied
23:58.34Corrodiasi think i may know why
23:58.41Corrodiasbut i'm in combat right now
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