IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070912

00:00.16Neeblerhmmm that beowulf trailer looks half CGI
00:09.12Wobin_Quote from: Drysc (Source)
00:09.12Wobin_The plan is for a percentage of the +heal stat on items with pure +heal to be added as +spell damage, for no extra cost. Further details and exceptions will be discussed at a later time.
00:09.23Wobin_oh yey, more competitiion for healing gear =P
00:27.21Rallion_Lunessa, I'm pretty sure the action isn't too slow, it's motion-captured
00:27.43Rallion_COme to think of it, the movement in A Scanner Darkly seemed slow, too
00:27.47LunessaRallion - watch the faces, the way torsos move.... it
00:27.52Rallion_I think it's more of a problem with our brains.
00:27.59Lunessait comes off as not the same pace as a person.  
00:28.14Rallion_But that doesn't mean it actually isn't the same pace :P
00:29.36Rallion_It's going to have 3D showings at release time, apparently
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00:32.01LunessaIt's probably an It's probably a cause of Uncanny Valley -
00:33.52Rallion_most likely
00:36.59Rallion_Zemeckis wrote a screenplay based on A Christmas Carol and Jim Carrey has agreed to play Scrooge and the three ghosts.
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00:37.52Lunessa... I'll miss that one.
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00:38.06Kaydeethreewoo, my first @kd3 post on the PTR forums in a while
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00:39.29Kaydeethreeconnection problems, tem? There's 3 of you
00:39.36Tem|Classyeah, I know
00:39.46Tem|ClassI'm trying to make my home client connect with an unregistered nick
00:43.30|Jelly|What's the word on Zul'Aman?
00:43.34|Jelly|or whatever?
00:45.40RallionI definitely give a big thumbs down to the use of the song Iron Man in the Iron Man trailer. Come on. Nobody on this planet thought, "Oh, that was clever."
00:46.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
00:50.13ScytheBlade1Kaydeethree, lol @ the PTR "Kaydethree" thread
00:50.25KaydeethreeI botched the reference, but it works
00:50.30ScytheBlade1It does
01:19.47Kaydeethreeand down go the forums
01:20.32*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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01:21.39JoshBorkehi cog
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01:26.29zenzelezznot sleeping one night can seem like such a good idea... until about 03:30
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01:28.00alestaneIs an OnAttributeChanged handler called before or after the attribute actually changes, that is, during the body of the handler, will self:GetAttribute('name') == value?
01:28.18cogwheelshould be after iirc
01:28.54alestaneAnd is there a point in the load order before which CVars are not loaded?
01:29.12alestaneI keep getting "could not fivd CVar "autoSelfCast" responses.
01:29.38ShirikI have no problem with it
01:29.43Shirikare you sure you spelled it correctly?
01:29.48cogwheelnot that i know of... i had an addon that checked CVars immediately on load for testing purposes
01:29.56Shirikand it's possible
01:30.14ShirikI never checked the code but it's very possible the Blizzard code registers autoSelfCast somewhere in Lua
01:30.16alestaneAfter the load finishes and I dismiss the error box, I can type /dump GetCVar"autoSelfCast" and get "1"
01:30.58purlget the official Blizzard Interface AddOn Kit here: or view it online at
01:30.58zenzelezzdoes the game issue CVAR_CHANGED or whatever it is while loading, or only afterwards?
01:31.01TemAnyone ever used Linked in?
01:31.38JoshBorketem: i have
01:31.42JoshBorketem: kaelten has
01:31.59Shirikhey wow!
01:32.05ShirikThe AddonKit has a UAC manifest!
01:32.06alestaneWell, if I understand the description of CVAR_UPDATE correctly, it won't fire unless SetCVar is called witha third argument.
01:32.09ShirikBlizzard's learning :D
01:32.27JoshBorkewhat is a UAC manifest?
01:32.32alestaneWhat does that mean for Vista users?
01:32.50Shirikunfortunately, I get " World of Warcraft could not be found. Please make sure the game is properly installed."
01:33.03Shirikbecause I never installed it :( anyone know what registry key I need to add?
01:33.08zenzelezzalestane: what do you do to get the error?
01:33.33alestaneThe error appears on load, in response to one of my addons.
01:33.35ShirikA UAC manifest is some extra code tacked onto an executable file that tells Vista a few things. Firstly, it tells Vista that the program is UAC-aware
01:33.48ShirikThat means Vista knows it shouldn't try to lie and virtualize access to anything
01:33.49zenzelezzI know, but what are you doing that provokes it? Just a GetCVar?
01:33.49JoshBorkewhat is UAC?
01:33.56zenzelezzit's stupid, that's what it is
01:34.18ShirikIt also tells Vista exactly what permissions are needed (I think in this case it's using highestAvailable, which requests UAC elevation)
01:34.20alestaneActually I think it's a SetCVar, because I never actually call GetCVar in this addon.
01:34.34ShirikJoshBorke: User Account Control. It's basically a way to limit access to programs as if you weren't an administrator
01:34.40ShirikEven though you're on an administrator account
01:34.52zenzelezzit's a way to make sure things don't work like they ought to
01:34.52JoshBorkeoh, ok
01:34.53alestanezenzelezz: it comes up in this handler:
01:35.12JoshBorkezenzelezz sounds somewhat upset about it shirik
01:35.35ShirikSome people are
01:35.42Shirikbut in fact it is such a secure way to do these things
01:35.47ShirikI can't even take a screenshot of it to show you
01:35.57Shiriksince the system goes into a lockdown state when the UAC box pops up
01:36.20alestaneWell, I had a couple cps errors in variable names that might have provoked it.
01:37.13alestaneMy first addon...I'm rewriting it.
01:37.21ShirikI like the name :)
01:37.32zenzelezzif MS keeps dragging Windows in the same direction they did Vista then XP is the last version I'll ever use
01:37.40alestaneI was annoyed that Auto-self-cast was an account-wide setting.
01:37.52Shirikzenzelezz: I'm not sure why that's a bad idea
01:38.02ShirikI have long since wanted to drop Windows, but unfortunately I can't
01:38.13alestaneThen I realized it would be cool if self-cast could be on while soloing but off while grouping.
01:38.14ShirikI can much more easily develop Win32 (and now Win64) applications on a Windows system
01:38.28zenzelezzI've had no real issue with Windows until Vista
01:38.42Shirikwhat don't you like about it?
01:39.03zenzelezzthey took out all the promising improvements and left a Mac-wannabe GUI and all manners of access limitations and DRM
01:39.12zenzelezzit has nothing I want that my XP can't do
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01:39.26Shirikthis, however, is true
01:39.30ShirikI had no reason to upgrade, too
01:39.46Shirikexcept the fact that my motherboard supplier no longer supported XP SP 1 so I had no way to install XP anymore
01:40.09ShirikVista natively supports RAID out of the box so there's no drivers to install during setup
01:40.57Shiriktbph I could have slipstreamed SP2 into my SP1 CD but I really didn't feell like it
01:42.41alestane"to be perfectly honest"?
01:43.01*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
01:45.11alestaneI have two problems with Vista (one already discussed today): 1) Transparent windows get turned off immediately after the first boot, and; 2) I feel like it's treating me like an 8-year old.
01:45.48Shirik<3 clad|book
01:46.04alestaneOther than the frosted glass effect I think the GUI is pretty clean and functional, although most things are not where you expect them to be from previous versions of Windows.
01:46.10ShirikGCTweak handled something I just accidentally threw at it so well
01:46.12Shirikit was awesome
01:46.43JoshBorkei wonder what became of his test
01:47.21Arrowmasteri have a completely different problem with vista, i like to be in control of my computer and not have my operating system tell me what im allowed to do or not
01:47.54Shirikyou can always disable UAC
01:48.02Arrowmasternot talking about that
01:48.02Shirikbut I wouldn't recommend it
01:48.38Arrowmastertalking about the shit where it downgrades HD video if your not using an hdmi or other secure connection to your monitor and other stuff
01:51.08Shirikdidn't know that
01:51.14Shirikbut don't use any of that stuff so
01:51.52alestaneDoes PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED fire on load even if you're not in a group?
01:52.59ShirikI do not see it reported by devtools
01:54.34alestaneWhat's the /command for DevTool's event tracker?
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01:56.13alestaneActually looks like addons do load before CVars these days, at least some CVars.
01:57.50alestaneBut I've managed to beat the CVar not found error.
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01:58.35alestaneInteresting, PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED fires once when you invite them and then again when they accept.
02:06.14Mr_Rabies2i need to poke ckknight or whoever is doing the aura module of pitbull :X
02:06.42ckknighthow come?
02:07.54Mr_Rabies2this bug seems to be happening to a lot of people
02:08.02Mr_Rabies2i'm fairly certain it's the aura module
02:08.38Mr_Rabies2they can swap me around between groups and it'll resolve, but it's kind of an annoyance not to be able to read chat while i say "change my groups, bugged again, argh"
02:08.59Mr_Rabies2(i don't use the raid frames)
02:09.42Mr_Rabies2there's another thread with the same issue, including a screenshot
02:10.01alestaneThink I tracked part of it down...damn UIOptionsFrame code.
02:11.53JoshBorkei think my balance is all screwy
02:12.47alestaneAAND I think it's working.
02:13.50alestaneIf you want to modify the behavior of a UIOptionsFrame Check Button, remember to set the .func and .setFunc on the entry in the UIOptionsFrameCheckButtons table, and not on the button itself.
02:16.23alestanelua> tonumber(true)
02:16.23cladbotalestane: nil,
02:16.42alestanelua> tonumber(false)
02:16.42cladbotalestane: nil,
02:17.34alestanevalue = true; print(value and tonumber(value) ~= 0 or false
02:17.47alestanelua> value = true; print(value and tonumber(value) ~= 0 or false
02:17.49cladbotalestane: sandbox.lua:285: Compilation failed: [string "value = true; print(value and tonumber(value) ~= 0 or false"]:1: ')' expected near '<eof>'
02:18.02alestanelua> value = true; print(value and tonumber(value) ~= 0 or false)
02:18.02cladbotalestane: true
02:18.16alestanelua> value = false; print(value and tonumber(value) ~= 0 or false)
02:18.16cladbotalestane: false
02:19.41alestanelua> value = 0; print(value and tonumber(value) ~= 0 or false)
02:19.41cladbotalestane: false
02:19.52alestanelua> value = "0"; print(value and tonumber(value) ~= 0 or false)
02:19.52cladbotalestane: false
02:22.13CidanBoot to the head.
02:48.09*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
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02:49.44Mr_Rabies2so i just preordered the orange box
02:49.50Mr_Rabies2and am preloading Team Fortress 2
02:50.10zenzelezzI pre-ordered TF2 in October 2000
02:50.34Mr_Rabies2is it
02:50.38Mr_Rabies2still valid?
02:50.40zenzelezzsince then the company went bankrupt
02:51.06zenzelezzand HL2 came, and TF2 was refocused from a realistic(ish) game to the arcade style
02:51.19Mr_Rabies2hl2, hl2 ep 1, Ep 2, TF2, and Portal
02:51.21Mr_Rabies2for 45 bucks
02:51.43Mr_Rabies2and i can give away (read: sell to a friend for cheap) HL2 and Ep 1 since i already own them
02:52.10Mr_Rabies2i'll be playing TF2 in about a week :o
02:52.18Arrowmastermaybe only if you buy it in a store and they actually give you more than 1 key for the whole set
02:52.33Mr_Rabies2nah i got it on steam, arrow
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02:52.44Mr_Rabies2they have gift keys if you already own games
02:52.52Mr_Rabies2that are part of a bundle
02:53.04Mr_Rabies2steam is completely awesome
02:54.18ScytheBlade1Minus the completely retarded parts of it.
02:54.21Arrowmasterive got my original steam account thats an email address that has my original hl key on it and the steam account i created for hl2 when they removed the 'must be an email address' crap
02:54.55Arrowmasterso i guess i could have 2 accounts with hl,hl2,hl2ep1 on them
02:55.43Mr_Rabies2yeah, you can buy the orange box on your big account
02:55.58Mr_Rabies2then use the guest keys once orange box releases and put them on the other account
02:56.42Arrowmasterwait im guessing that the hl2 in oragne box is just hl2 right
02:57.07Arrowmasterand not hl2 + the other stuff like css and hl2dm
02:57.39Mr_Rabies2if you're in the US, that is
02:57.42CidanI totally want to replay HL2 now
02:58.01Mr_Rabies2so do it
02:59.09Arrowmasteri kinda want them to add the games for windows crap to hl2 now just so i can get the gamerpoints on my xboxlive account for playing on pc
02:59.23Mr_Rabies2they never will
02:59.32Mr_Rabies2steam's pretty much a direct competitor to xbox live
02:59.46Mr_Rabies2they liscense a lot of the "arcade" games
02:59.56Mr_Rabies2same ones*
03:01.33Arrowmaster"Play through Ravenholm using only the Gravity Gun."
03:01.49Arrowmaster"Kill an enemy with a toilet."
03:02.11Arrowmaster"Beat Episode One firing exactly one bullet. Grenade, crowbar, rocket, and Gravgun kills are okay!"
03:03.01Wobin_"Kill five people with one headshot bullet while hopping up and down on one foot and your eyes closed while whistling Dixie"
03:06.04Rallionthe first one is just damn fun, actually
03:06.08Rallionat least near the end
03:06.16Rallionat the beginning, maybe not so much
03:06.36Rallionbut at the end when there are saw blades all over, it's actually the easiest option.
03:07.59Mr_Rabies2<Arrowmaster> "Play through Ravenholm using only the Gravity Gun."
03:08.03Arrowmasteri went through ravenholm with a giant stack of saw blades stuck to each corner as i approched it
03:08.11Mr_Rabies2i don't think i used a gun for more than 5 mins after getting the grav gun in hl2
03:08.48Arrowmasteri think i ended ravenholm with every saw blade in the zone stuck in a wall next to me
03:09.21RallionI actually wish Steam would remember my CC info.
03:09.34RallionI know a lot of people would really hate that, but...maybe just as an option
03:10.01Mr_Rabies2i just store mine in a password protected rar file embedded in a jpg of a cat
03:10.08Arrowmasterwtf steam has geometry wars retro evolved now
03:10.15Rallionit's had it for a while
03:10.25Mr_Rabies2it has like
03:10.30Mr_Rabies2almost every id game
03:10.37Arrowmasterthats like the first and only thing ive purchased from xboxlive
03:10.56Rallionyeah, I bought the ID pack
03:11.06Arrowmastercan i enter all my old id cdkeys and download the games then?
03:11.20Rallionand then found out that half the games ran in DOSBox which is kinda disappointing
03:12.02Rallionit's actually a much better option to download one of the newer engines
03:12.21Rallionold FPS controls are just so clunky
03:13.25Arrowmasterguess ill go ahead and preorder orange box now
03:13.35Rallioni just did
03:13.41RallionMUST HAVE PORTAL.
03:14.28Ralliondid anybody here play STALKER and like it?
03:14.44Arrowmasterim doubting my computers going to be able to run hl2ep2 tf2 or portal though due to the upgrades they made to source
03:15.14Arrowmasterhmm the page to preorder is just blank for me
03:17.45Arrowmasterwtf now i have a blank tab i cant close
03:17.46clad|bookCrevan Hill says: I used the phrase "tight as a twelve year old" today...
03:17.46clad|bookCrevan Hill says: In the middle of class, when talking about how tight you should roll newspapers around dowels
03:17.46clad|bookCrevan Hill says: .....the teacher said ladies were present, and I apologized, with the qualifier that "I didn't necessarily mean girls..."
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03:19.27Arrowmasterfucking hell am i going to have to use IE to preorder orangebox
03:20.58RallionArrowmaster, I think you'll be fine with Source
03:21.16RallionI think the stuff they added is pretty easy to just turn off
03:22.15Arrowmasterwtf is
03:22.16ArrowmasterPeggle Extreme
03:22.23clad|bookOMG Peggle Extreme is out?
03:22.29Arrowmastergg copy paste
03:22.42Arrowmasterment to do that on one line
03:22.47clad|bookpeggle effing rocks.
03:22.56Rallionit's Peggle, with special HalfLife graphics, I think
03:23.32clad|booki have to use vmware to play peggle tho
03:23.55Lunessa... clad, sometimes - you frighten me.
03:23.57clad|booktho, if that's not your deal
03:23.59clad|bookplay TyperShark
03:24.02clad|bookBESTEST typing game EVFAR
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03:28.19clad|bookevening Iriel
03:28.39Irieland I guess goodnight 8-)
03:29.10LunessaHello Iriel, and I too am out.  Off home.  
03:29.13clad|sleepDoes anyone have experience with the Sony Ericsson 880i?
03:29.15Lunessaciao tutti
03:29.20clad|sleepw880i i suspect is the model number i mean
03:30.51Wobin_I have a 630i
03:31.27clad|sleepwhats your impression?>
03:31.33clad|sleepi mean do you like what you have?
03:31.53Wobin_yep =)
03:32.12Wobin_It's a nice phone, has some good features
03:32.20Wobin_I don't use the internet on it though, so I can't comment on that
03:32.23Mr_Rabies2someone buy me some ice cream
03:32.31Wobin_the camera is pretty cool, with a panoramic setting
03:32.36clad|sleepi get to choose a new phone in 12 days
03:32.38clad|sleepand dont knwo what to get :P
03:32.47Mr_Rabies2there's nowhere open nearby that sells any and i've got the taste for some :[
03:32.54Mr_Rabies2clad, what provider?
03:33.13Wobin_Mr_Rabies: All you need is cream, sugar, a couple of plastic bags and a whole pile of salt
03:33.25Mr_Rabies2yeah but doesn't that take time
03:33.32clad|sleepMr_Rabies2: depends, either Vodafone, O2 or Orange in the UK
03:33.44Mr_Rabies2i've hard of the elusive ziploc method, but haven't read on it
03:33.45clad|sleepideally with something that works with iSync on a mac for address book transfer
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03:33.49Mr_Rabies2ah, can't help you with uk ones :x
03:34.09Mr_Rabies2i use a samsung a707 with at&t
03:34.15Mr_Rabies2it's awesome
03:34.31Mr_Rabies2it's like a mini pda
03:34.43Mr_Rabies2with a camera and phone in it :o
03:34.51Mr_Rabies2and i get like, 7 bars in atlanta
03:34.58Mr_Rabies2i didn't even know the damn phone could go up to 7
03:35.01Mr_Rabies2it's like
03:35.08Mr_Rabies25 bars? fuck that shit, ours goes up to 7
03:35.23Wobin_Does it go to eleven?
03:35.27Mr_Rabies2well technically 8
03:35.33Mr_Rabies2because the first bar is a tower
03:36.02Mr_Rabies2why not just buy a more powerful phone?
03:36.06Mr_Rabies2nono, you don't understand
03:36.11Mr_Rabies2this goes to 8
03:37.20RallionI went for so long not having seen that movie
03:37.25Rallionbut I wouldn't admit it
03:37.36RallionI would just slink away from any discussion of it
03:38.47Mr_Rabies2i've only seen it once all the way through
03:42.57IrielWhen the DVD release came out I watched it twice back to back, once normally then again with the in-character commentary
03:48.32Esamynnwhich movie is this?
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04:05.58RallionEsamynn, This is Spinal Tap
04:06.23Shirik|Jelly|: ping
04:06.30Shirikwhat's your thoughts on circle of healing?
04:07.00|Jelly|It's nice to have a priest with it for raid heals but other than that, it blows.
04:07.17buu2900 dps =[
04:08.18Shirikyeah I saw that one of our priests had it yesterday
04:08.21Shirikand she used it very effectively
04:08.22art3misWobin_: nice call on the classic reference
04:08.29RallionOkay, the "Extreme" elements of the Peggle Extreme that comes with Orange Box are hilarious.
04:08.35Wobin_I just had a semi lucid dream
04:08.41RallionThere's a pony with a head crab on it.
04:08.41art3miswhy dont you just make it 10?
04:08.42Wobin_except I felt I was keyboard turning
04:08.49art3misbecause it goes to 11
04:08.59art3misthat movie is awesome on sooooo many levels
04:09.08Mr_Rabies2yeah i just beat peggle extreme rallion
04:09.12Mr_Rabies2pretty fun/funny
04:09.12art3misrob reiner is forever marked genius because of it
04:10.27IrielThe dark portal too often makes me think of Stonehenge
04:12.45Mr_Rabies2stonehenge is in arathi :p
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05:17.17Cairennquiet night in here
05:19.02art3misi blame rabies for bringing up the celts
05:19.25kaidenceltic love.. yum
05:19.27kaidenand music!
05:19.44kaidenrabid celtic love & music ftw
05:20.58art3miscan ihave a kiss and a butt grope too?
05:21.19kaidenCairenn has to kiss you thought
05:21.50kaidensorry i dont know where those lips have been ;P
05:21.53art3misthe funny thing about my back, is that it's in the area of my penis.
05:22.08art3missuper bad was actually a rpetty funny movie
05:22.11kaidenyou have a penis on your ass?
05:22.31art3misit keeps the gays confused long enough for me to say "no!"
05:23.30Thunder_Childsadly i think i have seen a pic of you then art3mis
05:23.55Thunder_Childhey, i didnt stick it on the net, thats all you
05:24.07art3misyup it is
05:24.17art3misno surgery or plastic
05:24.27art3mismakes wearing shorts "wierd"
05:24.47Thunder_Childor a thong
05:24.57Thunder_Childgah, mental image
05:25.22art3misthey just killed elric
05:25.32Cairennclaymation! claymation! damnit, too late
05:25.42art3miserr ed erlic
05:26.09art3misoh cairenn funny thing i noticed today
05:26.20art3miswhen you were down here did yous ee the marlboro and kool short packs?
05:26.32art3miscamel has em now too
05:26.34Cairenndidn't particularly notice them, no
05:26.37Cairennwhat about them?
05:27.00art3misi actually asked for pallmall kingsized today
05:27.25art3misthe us is almost at the point where they ahve regs and kingsized smoke choices
05:27.30art3misjust thought that was ammusing
05:31.28Mr_Rabies2quake wars is amazing
05:32.09art3mismore amazing than cheese?
05:32.15Mr_Rabies2more amazing than life itself
05:32.35Mr_Rabies2i just slammed into a tank and blew it up with the strogg equivalent of the jeep
05:32.45Mr_Rabies2because i hit the boost and was going really fast
05:32.55Mr_Rabies2as an engineer
05:33.04Mr_Rabies2i also killed like 5 people in a minute with my turret
05:33.07Mr_Rabies2this is amazing
05:33.09Mr_Rabies2i'm so buying this
05:33.26Cairenn|afknight guys
05:34.07Mr_Rabies2night cair
05:34.38art3misni ni sweet thing
05:38.21Thunder_Childnight Cairenn|afk...i dont belive you or anythingm but night
05:38.57kaidenQuestion peoples, how much work would it take to switch from about 2400 rep into honored with Scryers to Aldor? :P
05:41.30Thunder_Childi once found a chart that said it, but i cant find it again
06:04.47AnduinLotharDoes Grace of Air stack with Salv?
06:07.19kaidenwhy wouldn't it?
06:07.27kaidengrace of air == agility enhancement
06:07.36kaidensalv == threat reduction
06:08.28AnduinLotharwhich is the -threat?
06:09.25AnduinLotharno, the totem
06:09.43kaidenoh .. uhm.. crap
06:09.46kaidenit's an of the air
06:09.53kaidenlet me look
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06:10.35kaidenTranquil Air
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06:16.23ScytheBlade1It stacks, like all threat reducing abilities/talents
06:17.11AnduinLotharso yes it stacks with salv?
06:17.38ScytheBlade1Yes, the same way all -threat things do (not additive)
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06:24.21Thunder_Childanyone know of a good list of sci-fi shows?
06:24.31Thunder_Childolder off the air ones
06:24.58Tierriebabylon 5
06:25.02Tierriestar trek
06:25.18Thunder_Childeh..i'm looking for a particular one
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06:25.28Tierrieparticular one what?
06:25.33Thunder_Childsci-fi show
06:25.42Tierriestar trek deep space nine season three to seven
06:26.01Thunder_Child"(23:25:37) (Thunder_Child) eh..i'm looking for a particular one"
06:26.17Tierrieok please clarify your remark
06:26.39Tierriejust one episode?
06:26.40Thunder_Childi was 1 ep of an older sci-fi show and i am trying to find it again
06:27.03Thunder_Childolder meaning 90's +
06:27.04Tierrieok that was not even vaguely like what you said the first time around
06:27.06Thunder_Childi think
06:27.14Thunder_Childyes it was
06:27.23Tierrie10 Thunder_Child: 01anyone know of a good list of sci-fi shows? <-- this is what i first read
06:27.33Thunder_Childnext line down....
06:27.47Tierrie10Thunder_Child: 01older off the air ones <-- this is what i read next
06:28.03Tierrieby saying "ones" you implied plurality, so i assumed you meant series
06:28.07Thunder_Childi'm looking for a list so i can find it again
06:28.22Thunder_Childyes, a list that has more than one
06:28.33Tierrieok see, now you're assuming i can read your mind and the purpose of said list is to find above mentioned show
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06:29.05Thunder_Childall i needed was the did you have to read my mind for that?
06:29.28Tierriei thought you were looking for good sci-fi shows, like what you were doing yesterday
06:30.17Thunder_Childi have seen all of the new ones i want to see...i'm even watching red dwarf atm
06:30.23Thunder_Childreally really odd show
06:31.57Tierrieyou're wierd!
06:32.02Thunder_Childno kidding
06:39.03Thunder_Childgah, i cant stand the new battlestar galactica
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06:42.14Thunder_Childsweet, found it
06:44.16IrielThunder_Child: Really? I think it's pretty damn good.
06:44.56IrielAn older sci fi show that really needs to come out on DVD is Blakes Seven
06:45.02Thunder_Childyea, i have only found one other person that doesnt like's mostly about how dark it is, but some is about the stupid camera action
06:45.34Thunder_Childalso dark....
06:45.41IrielI will admit some of the gaius (sp?) stuff is kinda stupid.
06:46.17Thunder_Childwell what i was looking for and finaly found was "Starhunter"
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06:47.03AnduinLothari stopped watching after the 3rd season i think
06:47.17AnduinLotharwhen ever it was they landed on a planet
06:47.55IrielI'm mid-way through season 2
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06:48.21AnduinLotharyeah the first few seasons were good
06:48.46nevcairielI'm still watching, and waiting for the next season .. in like a week or two :)
06:48.57Thunder_Childlooks like they are going to have a mini-movie
06:49.10Thunder_Child"However, Ronald Moore has indicated that this two-hour special will not pick up the plot line from the end of the third season, but will rather go back and tell a story involving the Battlestar Pegasus"
06:49.46AnduinLotharI kidna just felt that it didn't go anywhere, and then when it did start going somewhere I didn't like the way they did it
06:50.01IrielThat's always a danger
06:50.16IrielOne of the nicest surprises 'recently' has been the new Dr Who (Not that new now but....)
06:50.28IrielThat turned out significantly better than I'd expected it would
06:50.38art3misnew battlestar sucks
06:50.39AnduinLothartoo many "gotcha!" moments where it seems liek they pulled a problem or solution out of their asses
06:51.00art3misim far to entrenched in the whole silver cylons thing
06:51.01Thunder_Childi saw the first ep of dr. who didnt seem all that good
06:51.25art3misi just cant accept that they managed to create human looking cylons and yet somehow cant desrtoy a fwe crappy farm ships
06:51.26Thunder_Childbut that was just me
06:51.41IrielThunder_Child: You have to give it a few episodes to find its feet
06:51.44art3misdr.who is hit and miss
06:51.53IrielThe original was hit and miss too 8-)
06:51.56art3missome of the bbc shows were great some horrid
06:52.00AnduinLotharmost sci-fi takes a season or two to get good.
06:52.01Tierrieare you talking about Razor?
06:52.02IrielIt probably helps to have grown up watching the original 8-)
06:52.07Tierrieyeah sounds like you're talking about Razor
06:52.07art3mismainly because of who was the doctor at the time
06:52.09Thunder_ChildIriel, ok, i'll give it a few more chances
06:52.14TierrieIriel: I heard Torchwood is awesome
06:52.29AnduinLothari kinda wanna watch that
06:52.37IrielI just watched the first couple of episodes of dr who season 2 in which torchwood is introduced (pre-spinoff)
06:52.47Thunder_Childthis btw is a really really nice list
06:52.51IrielI haven't watched Torchwood itself yet, beyond the title credits
06:53.01TierrieI heard it was better than DrWho really
06:53.04TierrieI can't watch Dr Who
06:53.14Tierrieon account of the daleks being the world's worst villians
06:53.19IrielI didn't know what it was until I recognized the scriptwriter, and saw Captain Jack show up
06:53.22art3misheh ahve you seen the promos for that journeyman show?
06:53.30TierrieI think, when I was a kid, in Malaysia, it showed on TV once, and I was like "WTF is that ugly robot"
06:53.31IrielThe daleks were actually really scary back in the 80's
06:53.48Tierriei thought it was an oversized english salt and pepper shaker
06:53.56Tierrieall I thought was "crazy english"
06:53.57art3misthey were never scary
06:54.02art3misyou must have drank alot
06:54.02IrielIt's probably a generation thing, I dunno
06:54.14Tierrieiriel was a teenager then
06:54.14art3misim easily as old if not odler than you
06:54.16Tierrieso probably
06:54.24IrielI was 8 in 1980
06:54.30art3missame age
06:54.34Thunder_Childi was -1
06:54.47Tierriebrb trying trillian 4
06:54.47AnduinLotharnot sci-fi per say, but i foudn a place that sells the wild wild west tv series on dvd, i think i might have to get them
06:54.48art3mismy birthday is saturday
06:55.05Thunder_Childhappy bithday then art3mis..
06:55.11art3misold wild wild west was awesome
06:55.15Thunder_Childwould say it on sat but i would prolly forget
06:55.18art3misthe one with james garner?
06:55.22Irielturning 35?
06:55.29art3misyeah that one was great!
06:55.32art3misyup 35
06:55.33AnduinLotharyeah, it is
06:55.38IrielA fine age 8-)
06:55.45art3misArtemis is still the best scientist sidekick ever
06:55.51AnduinLotharya :)
06:56.05art3misi swear every smart sidekick past that was modelled on him
06:56.18Thunder_Childyour 35 yo, and your trying to make a hello kitty UI.....i dont know if thats good or bad... /sigh
06:56.35art3misIriel: im getting grey hairs too! im sooo stoked that some how magically my hair will turn white over night
06:56.45art3misim a big kid ;P
06:56.52art3misand i didnt "Try" to make it
06:56.58AnduinLotharlast episode i watched he passed out trying to identify the tranquilizer effects that had been used on him
06:56.59art3misi unleashed pure evil on the world
06:57.01Irielart3mis: I dont think it works that way 8-)
06:57.21art3misIriel: heh my wife thinks its funny that i make a point of showing her my grey hairs with glee
06:57.40grepheadthat was Robert Conrad, not James Garner...
06:57.50art3misyou sure?
06:58.10art3miswhat was the one garner was in ?
06:58.28grepheadSupport your local Sheriff
06:58.37grepheadSupport your local gunfighter, bunch of others.
06:59.09art3misoh yeah duh
06:59.15grepheadhe was in Maverick
06:59.28Thunder_Childwe have a guild on our server called "The Gray Hairs Down Their"
07:00.05Thunder_Childwhen you mentioned showing them to your wife you reminded me of that
07:01.15art3misyeah you don't need to know but i have nothing down there, cuz i expect her to have nothing down there ;P
07:01.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
07:01.42IrielYou're absolutely right we didn't need to know
07:04.18Thunder_Childhmm...gaming laptop sub 1K
07:04.52IrielWhat's the catch?
07:04.55IrielThere's always a catch
07:05.06Thunder_Childuhh...only 1gb ram
07:05.20Thunder_Childthough you can buy another one for ~$40
07:05.40Punkie`the extended warrenty is also more than $300 :D
07:07.02Punkie`comes with vista too
07:07.24Thunder_Childbecause it's so hard to replace with xp/linux
07:07.39Punkie`but it's been tainted now :(
07:07.42Mr_Rabies2that's actually a really good price
07:07.49Thunder_Childand the base warrenty is prolly 1 yr, and after 1 year you could buy the latop for 300
07:08.01Thunder_Child~lart Punkie`
07:08.01purlwhacks Punkie` with the cluebat
07:08.42Mr_Rabies2considering it has vista
07:09.09Mr_Rabies2monitor size is a bit lacking for some stuff
07:09.18Mr_Rabies2i'm used to my 17in widescreen
07:09.20Mr_Rabies2ah lurvs it
07:09.40Thunder_Child17 isnt really isnt supposed to be a desktop replacement
07:09.53Mr_Rabies2i move mine often
07:10.00Mr_Rabies2but usually it's to and from lans/dorm/etc
07:10.15Mr_Rabies2it's a mobile desktop replacement for me
07:11.25Thunder_Childunless something better comes out soon i will prolly get for myself
07:11.36Srosh!c eu kazzak flinkmeister
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07:12.48Mr_Rabies2i want to get an Eee
07:13.08art3mis thats mine cep mine has 2gb now
07:13.27Punkie`Thunder_Child: my boss has one of those
07:13.49art3misone of my clients has the sony version of the Eee
07:13.55art3misits so tiny and awesome
07:14.04art3misreminds me of the awesomeness of the libretto
07:14.05Mr_Rabies2i'd slap ubuntu on it
07:14.06Punkie`it's not bad, but due to being the touchscreen the actual display looks a bit bad
07:14.13Mr_Rabies2and use it for irc and whatnot
07:14.36art3mistouchscreens are wierd
07:14.40art3misthey confuse me
07:14.52Thunder_Childyou can play wow touchscreen
07:14.53art3misthe pdas and phones have pen touch
07:14.59Thunder_Childthanks to slouken
07:15.03art3misiphones are thumb touch
07:15.13art3misbut the thumbtouch dont work with the pen
07:15.19art3miswhich to me is kind of retarded
07:15.48Mr_Rabies2because it uses your skin's conductivity to detect stuffs
07:15.52AnduinLothariphone screen uses the same thing as the ipod wheel, it uses your finger as a conductor
07:15.54art3misThunder_Child: get come of those awesome watcom tablets ;P
07:16.04Mr_Rabies2most laptop controls do the same thing
07:16.07art3misnods i prefer the accuracy of the pen though
07:16.15Thunder_Childthe fujitsu one is made by wacom
07:16.26art3misthe mouse touchpads such for that reason too
07:17.04Mr_Rabies2i have a dell laptop
07:17.10Mr_Rabies2freakin nice screens
07:17.11art3misthere are far too many times where i've used my pen tip to move a mouse when doing something and sighed
07:17.19art3misthe acer brites are wicked too
07:17.23art3misso crisp its crazy
07:17.31Mr_Rabies2and i just recently gutted it to clean the cpu fan out
07:17.34art3misbest thing about the acer is its "super wireless"
07:17.37Mr_Rabies2it was growling at me
07:17.47art3misive got a 150' range on this beas
07:18.00IrielThe screens on the newer MacBook Pro's are very nice too
07:18.17AnduinLotharthe glossy?
07:18.21art3mismy office across a manhatten crosstown street to the back office across the way
07:18.26IrielNo, I dont like glossy
07:18.47art3misi like that i can see this claerly even if its got direct sunlight on it
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07:23.20Thunder_Childi'm looking at this APC unit, 19 of run time, 16 hrs to charge.
07:23.27Thunder_Child19 min*
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07:40.10Tierrieastra turned out to be pretty bad as its still in alpha
07:40.15Tierriei found this!
07:40.28Tierriei felt bad, that this guy is a complete retard
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07:41.54Thunder_Childthat guy is perfect for drug testing...the hard way
07:42.27Tierriehe's so enthused
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07:43.01Thunder_Childcan i shoot him...please.....pretty please
07:43.14Tierrieyou don't see that kind of fanatism outside of religion, operating systems, and wine anymore
07:43.34Tierriehe's so hilariously bad
07:43.37Thunder_Child*cough* star trek *cough*
07:43.53Tierriestar trek's flame has burnt its candle
07:44.40Thunder_Child" that kind of fanatism" no, it's still fits
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07:52.01Elessdyokay, i don't know a lot about secure templates, but say you have this button. you've used SetAttribute("type1", "spell") and SetAttribute("spell1", "Moonfire") on it. clicking it doesn't cast the spell. what obvious things could i be missing?
07:52.24Elessdyor a spell without a rank, "Aspect of the Viper"
07:53.47Thunder_Childhave you looked ?
07:54.06Thunder_Childlooked at*
07:55.38Elessdyi have before, though not recently. i've been looking up the attributes thing, though
07:55.57Corrodiasi'm trying to make two addons work with each other
07:56.13Corrodiasnamely, aspectshiftingbar and bartender3
07:56.53Corrodiasmaybe the button that bartender has replaced this with doesn't inherit from the necessary template for this method to work.
08:01.23nevcairielbartender re-uses the default blizzy shapeshift buttons
08:02.23nevcairielbut everytime someone mentions that mod
08:02.30nevcairieli wonder .. is 120 buttons not enough?^^
08:03.43Corrodiashaving hunter aspects on the shapeshift bar is very convenient. i like it, at least.
08:04.28Thunder_Childwhat about puting the aspects on a bar right next to the shapeshift bar?
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08:05.01nevcairielbut anyway, i have no idea why that mod wont work
08:05.14nevcairielbartender only moves the default blizzy shapeshift buttons
08:05.14Mr_Rabies2why not just make another bar
08:05.15Corrodiasmight work if they are skinned like bartender skins its bars and inherit the same keybindings as the shapeshift buttons
08:05.19Mr_Rabies2scale it down, and only use it on the hunter
08:05.52Corrodiascan you create new, arbitrary bars in bartender3?
08:06.04Mr_Rabies2unless you're using all 10 already
08:06.06Corrodiasmight use one of the otherwise unused ones...
08:06.53Mr_Rabies2i mean, you can make up to 10, and on a druid you probably use....
08:07.24nevcairieli still have 2 empty bars on my druid
08:07.29nevcairielor 3 even
08:07.42Mr_Rabies2i use 2 for caster form
08:07.43Corrodiasinteresting concept. but i'd have to make such a bar for the warrior, druid, priest, rogue, and hunter classes to be able to bind the keys i use for shapeshifting there, and then i'd have to update the positioning of the abilities manually as i obtained/lost them
08:07.49Mr_Rabies2one for cat, one for bear
08:07.57Mr_Rabies2but moonkin/tree complicate things
08:08.11nevcairieli dont use a special tree bar
08:08.13nevcairieldefault caster
08:08.49Corrodiaswell, aspectshiftingbar and aspectedagain both, i believe, try to replace the shapeshift buttons with their own buttons
08:09.40Corrodiasugh, no more tinkering for tonight. sleep. good night!
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11:36.58Maldiviaanyone here with a non-english client ?
11:41.43[dRaCo]german client with english language pack here...
11:43.08Maldiviawas just interested in the returns of itemtype (from GetItemInfo) on non-english languages, but it seems to be localized, from what I found from digging a bit further
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12:14.48zenzelezzinteresting, if I set my enGB client's realm list to use the US one, it recognized "Oceanic" as "SPanish"
12:15.19zenzelezzgod, I always forget disabling addons on new chars
12:19.04JoshBorkeyea,i  hate that too
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13:25.39bleeter want!
13:26.57Shirikhas it finally been released?
13:27.38Shirikalso, that is a lot better than I thought it would be
13:28.12bleeter woot for aussie tech ;)
13:28.17Wobin_it looks pretty damn cool
13:28.40alestaneLooks like it requires much software support.
13:28.54Wobin_why wouldn't it?
13:29.05bleeterthe audio production stuff's built in, from what I understand
13:29.27Wobin_I wonder how it feels as a keyboard
13:29.29bleeter'n the changing keys etc., prolly comes with drivers/designer s/w
13:29.53Wobin_It doesn't look as if it'd give much tactile feedback
13:31.00bleetermind you, 20k euros, you'd want it to be fairly self-supporting (ie, not need an app to be coded up to use it, but for it to know the app)
13:31.02Shirikthat's one thing I was worried about
13:31.04Shirikwhen I saw it
13:31.21Shirikand that's (sadly) one thing I care strongly about
13:31.26bleeterit's efiantely a production studio thing, not for a gamer/office worker, etc.
13:31.30Shirikyeah there's no way I could afford it :P
13:31.35ShirikI knew that a long time ago
13:32.14bleetergive it 10 years, some sweat shop will be knocking out similar products sub 500 bucks ;)
13:33.05bleeteriirc, the 1975 Fairlight CMI was $100k or so, ten years later there was gear around for a tenth that price that did same
13:33.07Wobin_by that time we'll be controlling the computer directly with our minds =P
13:33.41Wobin_(Granted, the viewing of porn on the internet will increase by about 80%)
13:34.07alestaneOMG " I need a macro to cast lighting bolt x100 on a target that i click. Help"
13:34.45bleeterwish my keys would change depending what form/stance I was in ><
13:34.57alestaneThat's like the druid who said keeping lifebloom on the tanks took up valuable time better spent weating microwaved pizzas.
13:34.58Wobin_/castsequence [target:mouseover] Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt,
13:35.17JoshBorkelightning bolt lightning bolt lightning bolt!
13:35.30Shirikoh wow
13:35.31alestane*ahem* [target=mouseover], thank you very much.
13:35.35Wobin_badger badger badger badger badger badger badger
13:35.35ShirikI thought euros were more than a penny
13:35.40ShirikI was obviously backwards
13:35.56Shirikthat thing costs almost as much as I pay my school annually
13:36.21Wobin_well if it's a fully functioning sound desk, I wouldn't be surprised =P
13:36.25bleetertheir simple studio gear costs the price of a decent house
13:37.01Shirikbtw as far as I'm reading (to whomever asked)
13:37.08ShirikThe board is "truly 'application-aware'"
13:37.25Wobin_that sounds ominous =P
13:37.27Shiriki.e., as bleeter said, you do not need an app to be coded for it. It should know the app
13:37.44bleeter"Capable of sampling frequencies up to 384Khz" rofl
13:38.01ShirikDo people even go that high o.o
13:38.07bleeterthe CC1 card that's embedded into it
13:38.17bleeterit's due to the FPGAs they have
13:38.20alestaneShirik: People hear up to about 22KHz.
13:38.25Shirikthat's my point
13:38.31ShirikCD quality is something around 40KHz
13:38.37bleeterthey can create eq's and compressors at gate level
13:38.47*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
13:38.48alestaneDAT is 48KHz
13:38.55alestaneMorning Cogs
13:39.33bleeteryeah, 384KHz.. 4 stereo channels of 44KHz
13:40.04alestaneNot the same thing.
13:40.05JoshBorkelua> 44*4
13:40.05cladbotJoshBorke: 176
13:40.13bleeterwell, if it's driven that way.. dunno
13:40.15cladbotalestane: 352
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13:40.24JoshBorkemath not so ez for me
13:40.40bleeter4 chans of 48.. oops
13:40.49alestanelua> 48*4*2
13:40.50cladbotalestane: 384
13:41.06alestaneThe /command for AfterCast is just /aftercast, right?
13:41.34bleeterinsane, no matter what they do with it, nonetheless
13:45.53Shirikwhen I'm rich I'm going to have to get one
13:45.54bleeterheh, here's some historical/hysterical old Fairlight stuff
13:46.05Shirikwhich means I have to get rich quickly so it's not out of date :P
13:46.48bleeterthems were the days, 8" floppies
13:48.05zenzelezz8" and floppy? Doesn't sound very nice
13:54.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
13:55.41cogwheelalestane: i'm not sure if it matters but historically I've seen /aftercast go before the corresponding /cast. I'm not sure if this is just convention or if it's somehow necessary to the functioning of the addon
13:56.26alestanecogwheel...thanks for the tip, I'll keep that in mind if he comes back saying it doesn't work.
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14:14.04alestaneWeekly status updates and time breakdowns are an abomination upon mankind.
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14:35.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
14:37.54Shirik"+12 intellect and chance to restore mana on spellcast"
14:37.56ShirikGood for a healer?
14:38.16ShirikI need a meta gem :/
14:38.21Josh_Borkeyea, it'll work
14:38.27Josh_Borkehow much mana?
14:38.39Shirik8805 unbuffed
14:38.55Josh_Borkethat it restores
14:39.38nevcairielShirik: i use that meta gem
14:39.41nevcairielits not too bad
14:39.50nevcairieland the reqs are easy
14:39.52ShirikEveryone says about 2% for 300 mana
14:40.02nevcairielsounds about right
14:40.11*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo (
14:40.18nevcairielbetter then this 28 heal thing, which screws all your other gem choices
14:40.31ShirikI'm not suffering on +healing right now
14:40.36Shirikmy worst problem is mana
14:41.58Shirikthe requirements used to be 5 of each color?
14:42.10nevcairielbut 2 of each is piss easy :P
14:42.32Shiriklol I like this comment "We all know that Blizzard has interns rolling percentile dice every time you cast - if they roll a 01 or 02 it procs! Unfortunately the interns also spend a lot of time making coffee and running errands, which explains why you sometimes go for 100+ casts without getting a proc. They bluff the rolls when they come back to get the percentage to work out. :) "
14:43.29Shirikwell let's see what I have right now....
14:44.09Shirikhm, I'm about to drop a red and a blue gem :( Once I get my primal mooncloth shoulders
14:44.35nevcairieloh one of those players, still wearing craft gear :P
14:45.05ShirikHeh, the rest of my guild is in BT
14:45.10ShirikI'm.... not ><
14:45.17nevcairieltoo busy coding?
14:45.33Shirikmore of a I just joined and they want me to get to a point where I'm actually useful first :P
14:45.52Shirikbut it's nice because they're doing runs for me like kara or whatever even though I'm the only one that needs to go
14:45.55Shirikor one of two, etc.
14:46.02Shiriklike for me and a mage I think
14:46.11nevcairielthats cool
14:46.12ShirikI got 3 items last run :P
14:46.20nevcairielwe dont accept people with pre-kara equip
14:46.42ShirikI think... we're probably the same. One of my good friends is in the guild though put in a good word for me
14:47.34nevcairieldunno its just, when we need new players, we want to be able to have them available right away, and not run them through the equip process again
14:47.39alestaneThere are the guilds that recruit in the starting area; guilds that recruit through runs, and tend to lose people to raiding guilds; Raiding guilds that recruit from the leveling guilds...and then there are the raiding guilds that recruit from other raidings guilds.
14:47.48nevcairielits bad enough that we need to get attunment for like every new one
14:48.30Josh_Borkehm, no cog
14:48.35ShirikI love how I go to the armory
14:48.39ShirikI click "Find an upgrade"
14:48.49Shirikand it's all like "Here's Hyjal, here's T4, here's T3"
14:48.50nevcairielthat button hurts
14:49.01Josh_Borke!c us Stormreaver dagh
14:49.03ThraeBotJosh_Borke: Dagh, Level 70 Dwarf Priest (14/2/45). 7391 HP; 7845 Mana; 162 mana regen; 24 mp5; 126 spell crit; 58 spell hit; 696 +spell dmg/heal; 179 frost dmg (875); 179 shadow dmg (875); 4.82% dodge; 11 resilience; 10 frost resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1158 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Sep 12 11:01:36 2007 ]]
14:49.12Josh_Borkenevcairiel: would you consider that for an application?
14:49.13Shirikactually there are a few heroics I should probably do
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14:49.55nevcairielJosh_Borke: probably not
14:50.07ShirikI might have to run these heroic SV now
14:50.09Shirikthat'll work
14:50.10Josh_Borkeneed more spellstrike and heroics
14:50.25Shirik3 gem slots too
14:50.28nevcairielthere are so many fights where you need sta gear
14:51.02nevcairiellike, my normal healing gear has like 9.6k HP raidbuffed (no imp)
14:51.10Shirikyeah that's the other thing I'm working on
14:51.12nevcairielblue equiped just cant make that
14:51.20Shirikcurrently at 6300 unbuffed
14:51.26Shirikstill trying to pull that up :/
14:52.28nevcairielwonder if i was still buffed when logging out
14:52.34nevcairiel!c eu antonidas nevcairiel
14:52.36ThraeBotnevcairiel: Nevcairiel, Level 70 Night Elf Druid (1/0/60). 8034 HP; 9110 Mana; 366 mana regen; 179 mp5; 4.56% melee crit; 1672 +heal; 5.25% dodge; 31 resilience; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 515 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Sep 12 11:05:09 2007 ]]
14:52.40nevcairielhm nah
14:53.07nevcairieli need a new weapon :(
14:53.18nevcairielstupid vashj wont drop the mace, and i am even top on dkp!
14:53.22ShirikI would really like those pants off that fire boss in mech
14:53.29Shirikbut it's such a low drop rate, and nobody ever does her anyway
14:53.40nevcairielshe is so easy
14:53.47ShirikI thought so
14:53.52Shirikbut it seems everyone wants to skip her
14:53.53nevcairielok, i can heal while running around
14:53.54Shirikonly done it once :(
14:54.03nevcairielother classes cant do that, thats a plus :P
14:54.15Shirikthe way I did it was a lot of shields, pom, and renew
14:54.19Shirikas much instant cast as I could
14:54.27Shirikwhen I got a chance, threw in a greater heal
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14:54.47alestaneFirespouts popping up all over the floor or something?
14:55.07nevcairieltwo elementals chasing random people
14:55.10nevcairielor three on heroic
14:55.12ShirikThis is where I'm at now...
14:55.16Shirik!c us drenden kimina
14:55.18ThraeBotShirik: Kimina, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (23/38/0). 7131 HP; 8805 Mana; 431 mana regen; 129 mp5; 155 +spell dmg; 1144 +heal; 5.66% dodge;[[ TBR: 843 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Sep 12 11:07:51 2007 ]]
14:55.29Shirikwhich is a significant improvement from where I was a week ago
14:55.37Josh_Borke!vsd us drenden kimina us stormreaver dagh
14:55.38ThraeBotJosh_Borke: Kimina vs Dagh! Two 70 priests square off!; 23/38/0 vs 14/2/45; Dagh wins by 316 TBRs! -- Char1 Weights: HP=+1389.77, w:3 (c+0.30); +healing=+220.47, w:1 (c+0.10); dodge=+8.05, w:0.25 (c+0.02); crit==0, w:4; dmg==0, w:5; hit==0, w:0.25; +spelldmg=+1035.23, w:4 (c+0.40); resilience==0, w:5; Mana=+490.04, w:2 (c+0.20); +spelldmg/heal==0, w:4; Armour=+69.10, w:0.25 (c+0.02);
14:55.47nevcairielvs debug?
14:55.55Shirikvsd == go to pms!
14:56.40Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
14:56.40ThraeBotShirik: kimina vs jelly! It's a showdown! But wait! What's this?! Something random? kimina wins by 8658278 TBRs! Wow, that's GOTTA hurt.
14:56.42Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
14:56.42ThraeBotSorry Shirik, you must wait 1 seconds before making another request.
14:56.44Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
14:56.46ThraeBotShirik: Kimina vs Jelly! Two 70 priests square off!; Kimina wins by 103 TBRs!
14:56.53Shirikso long as I still win, I'm ok with it :D
14:57.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
14:57.10Josh_Borkeas long as you beat jelly? lol
14:57.14Shirikyup :)
14:57.28|Jelly|!c us burning legion jelly
14:57.28ThraeBot|Jelly|: Jelly, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (23/38/0). 6621 HP; 9885 Mana; 375 mana regen; 128 mp5; 145 +spell dmg; 1678 +heal; 5.06% dodge; 18 resilience;[[ TBR: 740 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Sep 12 11:09:20 2007 ]]
14:57.46|Jelly|self buffed, without cheating and logging out with trinkets. :\
14:58.10[dRaCo]6621 HP self buffed?
14:58.23[dRaCo]get some stamina.
14:58.36|Jelly|Was talking more about the +heal, tard.
14:58.45|Jelly|Don't have Fort, actually.
14:58.48nevcairielyou can selfbuff +heal?
14:59.09nevcairielah yeah forgot about that
14:59.31nevcairielthats the primal mooncloth crap, not one point of sta ;)
14:59.50[dRaCo]awesome stats, though
14:59.50|Jelly|Cause you shouldn't be getting hit.
14:59.57|Jelly|...especially in Primal Mooncloth...
15:00.11nevcairielgo tell that najenthus in BT, who hits everyone for 8500
15:00.15nevcairielor Doomwalker
15:00.15[dRaCo]well, sometimes it cant be helped...
15:00.19nevcairielwho hits everyone for 8k
15:00.33[dRaCo]netherspite, even
15:00.39|Jelly|You don't think in a raid I can't get above 8500?
15:00.45nevcairielnetherspite isnt too bad
15:00.47|Jelly|Did Spite as well as Gruul yesterday.
15:01.05|Jelly|Doomwalker with another guild two weeks ago.
15:01.06*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
15:01.07|Jelly|Shall I continue?
15:01.08Shirik14(1011:5611:3114) 14(1115|Jelly|14) self buffed, without cheating and logging out with trinkets. :\
15:01.19Shirikas shown, thraebot punishes cheaters
15:01.26Shirikif you pop trinkets before logging out your TBR goes down >.>
15:02.05Shiriknevcairiel: Yeah that's the one problem with primal mooncloth
15:02.07Shirikno stamina :(
15:02.24Shirikbut to be perfectly honest... I'm losing next to nothing going to it
15:02.25Shirikwhich is really sad
15:02.49Shirikas a result, I'm forced to do stuff like +12 stam to boots, etc.
15:02.55ShirikI have a stam gem somewhere too... I think my gloves
15:03.24nevcairielwas just saying, in BT are some fights, where i yell at everyone who is below 10k hp, just to reduce some risks
15:03.59|Jelly|There's one guild on my server in BT. I'm not in it and they're all assholes so I really have no interest either. :P
15:04.11Shiriktransfer to my server :)
15:04.15ShirikBut they don't want healers anymore tbh :(
15:04.41nevcairielyeah sure. shiriks guild will accept a second blue priest. maybe if you are better, they kick shirik =P
15:04.54*** join/#wowi-lounge lolinternet (i=bitch2k@
15:05.04ts|skrom_!c us uldum dalet
15:05.06Shirikhey, after tonight I'll be 50% purple, ok?
15:05.06ThraeBotts|skrom_: Dalet, Level 48 Night Elf Druid (0/28/11). 2339 HP; 2059 Mana; 85 mana regen; 7.51% melee crit; 13.71% dodge; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 258 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Sep 12 11:17:40 2007 ]]
15:05.16|Jelly|Blue priest? : /
15:05.36ts|skrom_is it okay to log out in cat form? or is that cheating too :P
15:05.52Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us uldum dalet
15:05.53nevcairielnot that its important for your char
15:05.53ThraeBotShirik: Kimina vs Dalet! Kimina has +22 lvls on Dalet (70 vs 48); A L70 priest and a L48 druid square off!; 23/38/0 vs 0/28/11; Kimina wins by 782 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
15:05.57ts|skrom_because then i'd have my 16% melee crit back :p
15:06.02Shirikamusingly I beat jelly by more
15:06.08Shirik!vs us eredar shirik us burning legion jelly
15:06.11ThraeBotShirik: Shirik vs Jelly! A L70 hunter and a L70 priest square off!; 3/50/8 vs 23/38/0; Shirik wins by 871 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
15:06.24|Jelly|Calculations are flawed.
15:06.31ts|skrom_I've got leet ninja cat skeelz
15:06.38nevcairielget on PTR and fight it out
15:06.45Shirik!vs us eredar shirik us uldum dalet
15:06.45ThraeBotShirik: Shirik vs Dalet! Shirik has +22 lvls on Dalet (70 vs 48); A L70 hunter and a L48 druid square off!; 3/50/8 vs 0/28/11; Shirik wins by 1579 TBRs! ***OWNED TO THE EXTREME!!***
15:06.59ShirikI can't get on PTR :(
15:07.04nevcairielwhy not? :o
15:07.09Shirik"You ain't gots yous WoW installed yo!"
15:07.12Shirikor something like that
15:07.22ShirikBecause I never installed it
15:07.24ShirikI just copied
15:07.33ShirikI need to find what registry key I need to add
15:07.36nevcairielneither did i, not in this windows livetime at least
15:07.38Shirik(*cough* if anyone knows...)
15:07.49Shirikwell at least I know that's what the addon kit says
15:07.55Shiriknever tried ptr but I assumed it would do the same
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15:08.08ShirikI think Jelly vs me would be incredibly boring
15:08.21nevcairielyou have a funny addonkit
15:08.24|Jelly|Not as bad as 2 resto druids.
15:08.31nevcairieli just reinstalled my windows last week
15:08.35Josh_Borkei dueled a druid for 10 minutes one time
15:08.38nevcairiel--> all keys gone
15:08.42nevcairieland it still works
15:08.50Shirikok I gotta go
15:08.54Josh_Borkebb shirik
15:08.58Shirikif Jelly's up for it tonight I'll duel her :P
15:09.00alestaneWoW only adds one registry key which is the last location from which it was successfully run, or at least that's my understanding.
15:09.02|Jelly|When my shaman was resto, I gueled a holy paladin. I got three mana tides. :\
15:09.11Shirikalestane: WoW can't do that on Vista with UAC
15:09.15Josh_Borkeyea, i got 2 bubbles in the battle with the druid
15:09.16Shirikso it won't get it in there, ever
15:09.26nevcairielthat might be the reason Shirik ;)
15:09.28Shirikwhich is why I need to know where it needs to go and do it myself
15:09.42|Jelly|If you find out, let me know Shirik.
15:09.47Shirikokies :)
15:09.50alestaneTake a look on another machine that's not Vista.
15:10.00|Jelly|If I had one. :\
15:10.09Josh_Borkei could look tonight
15:10.13alestaneOr turn off UAC long enough to run WoW once, then put it back on.
15:10.20Shirik|AFKor run as an administrator
15:10.22Shirik|AFKbut I'm lazy
15:10.52alestaneYour option is probably better, less potential security leak.
15:12.11Josh_Borkecog|work: do you live in the usa?
15:12.18CideShirik|AFK: pretty sure ptr is different
15:13.49|Jelly|Cog. I just face palm'd. Thanks.
15:13.56alestanecog|work: /brainscrub
15:18.44cog|workNo PC should be withOUT it!
15:19.11alestaneIn 1988, perhaps.
15:20.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso_ (
15:21.29alestaneMy bad, v5.0 came out in '91.
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15:46.07Valaron|Work5 days later, I finally got past that first boss in Prince of Persia Rival Swords for the Wii.
15:48.45Valaron|WorkI was getting a little jumpy, and it translated to the game too early.
15:49.02Valaron|WorkSuper sensitive controls :P
15:51.30purlYes, I'm even more stupid than Thrae.  I'm also a smart-ass.
15:51.56Josh_Borkeno purl, joshborke is <reply> Yes, I'm even more stupid than Thrae.  I'm also a smart-ass.  And apparently I'm not a person, so I don't count.
15:52.16Josh_Borke~dict ad hominem
15:52.40purlYes, I'm even more stupid than Thrae.  I'm also a smart-ass.
15:52.55Josh_Borkepurl, joshborke is also And apparently I'm not a person, so I don't count.
15:52.56purlJosh_Borke: okay
15:52.59purlYes, I'm even more stupid than Thrae.  I'm also a smart-ass.  And apparently I'm not a person, so I don't count.
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16:12.01Valaron|WorkUgh.. It's only Wednesday.
16:12.45Kaydeethreehm... there may actually be a problem with the new macro parser, but I'm having a hard time recreating the issue
16:13.47cryogenValaron|Work: on the plus side it's thursday tomorrow
16:13.59Valaron|WorkThursday is my long day.
16:14.12cryogenbut its the day before friday
16:14.30cog|workemphasis on the "before"
16:14.39*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
16:14.41cryogenhalf empty, eh? :p
16:15.18Valaron|WorkThis week I am.
16:21.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin (n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity)
16:27.20raevanmorlockSo I'm looking at the images used in the Character Panel and all those slots for equipment are already built into the image.. does anyone know if anyone else has extracted all that stuff already and posted versions with just the barebones stuff (icon circle, titlebar, button border, frame border, background) so we can use teh same window layout with our own content on it?
16:27.55cog|workthere are plenty of frames besides the character panel that you can adapt
16:28.17cog|workalso you can use texture coordinates to pick specific parts of a texture to show in a given spot
16:28.49cog|workIf you want a simple example, take a look at my BuyDropper addon. It uses two different textures to recreate the stack split frame
16:29.46raevanmorlockWell I guess I assumed they'd all be like that... I could use coords, but I'd have a gaping whole in the middle where all their specialized content is at
16:30.15cog|workRight, but then you can just fill that with some background texture
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16:47.34Shirik|Ecolethere's a name I haven't seen in a while
16:48.01raevanmorlockYes... I've been MIA
16:49.26*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
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17:02.12raevanmorlockAll the people taking it so seriously is pretty funny.
17:11.17*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
17:12.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=root@
17:14.53alestaneSo apparently this traffic is flagging things on IT's end here at work and they need me to cut it out.
17:15.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=root@
17:15.40alestaneSo I'll see folks when I get home most likely.
17:15.43art3mistell them to not suck so much
17:15.58JoshBorkebb alestane
17:16.00alestaneYes, well, I doubt I'd get very far that way.
17:16.12BeladonaWoo! Irc on my ipjone, this is hawt
17:16.14Thunder_Childuse a web irc client
17:16.16art3misalso mention that because they monitor and regulate they are liable if you were to accidently download gigs of child porn and they'd go to jail just as easily as you ;)
17:16.36BeladonaExcept the keyboard is tiny
17:16.51art3misyou should be used to that scale by now ;)
17:16.53RallionHeh, "Was the option to sound like a female left out?" is a seriously funny question.
17:16.56purlba-dum CHH
17:17.00Thunder_Childthat, or you got a knockoff iphone called ipjone
17:17.16art3misTC: i kind of want the price on that nix phone to come down
17:17.23art3misthat thing is seriously awesome
17:17.36art3misGreen phone or something
17:17.37JoshBorkewhat's an ipjone?
17:17.48Thunder_Child"(10:16:33) (Beladona) Woo! Irc on my ipjone, this is hawt"
17:18.49art3mishehe i was thinking jphone
17:18.52art3misjp == jap
17:19.02art3misand 1 up from iphone ;P
17:19.22JoshBorkeit's more better!
17:19.28art3mismore gooder!
17:19.29Valaron|Workmore better
17:19.43Valaron|WorkI am devastated.
17:19.59JoshBorkecan i have your stuff?
17:20.18art3mis"ya know i was thinking they other day, what possessed the japanese people to name a car something they can't pronouce" *quiet audience* "the toyota corolla" *laughs*
17:21.16art3misthats one of the funniest single sentence jokes ive ever heard
17:21.35RallionLOTR Online has a LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP option
17:21.39art3misbest punchline evah: Rectum? damn near killed 'em
17:22.50Rallionyow...the lifetime membership costs $300
17:23.00art3misthats not bad
17:23.10art3misif wow had that option i'd have totlly taken it
17:23.22art3mis>>> 15 * 12
17:23.22Cideart3mis: 180
17:23.32Thunder_Childthats because you have prolly spent more than that on it already
17:23.39art3misits only 2 years
17:23.46art3misbut yeah
17:23.56raevanmorlockWould you have taken it then or would you look back now wishing that you had?
17:23.57art3misi would have done it originally too ;P
17:23.59RallionI dunno If I'd play LOTRO for the two years it would take to make up for that
17:24.02Thunder_Child140 if you pay 12 months in 2 payments
17:24.42art3misyeah i pay in 6months
17:24.45Thunder_Childit's smart of blizz not to offer it i think
17:24.55art3misyup yup
17:25.11art3misthey need to price drop to sucker more people in
17:25.21raevanmorlockI still think Blizz needs a 24-hour payment option
17:25.24Thunder_Childbut think of the cash cow that would be.....300 * 6million
17:25.28RallionIt's just such a big chunk of change to pay UP FRONT.
17:25.48art3misnon TBC 9.95/mn TBC 13.95/mn WoTLK 15.95/mn
17:26.02CidanThat's stupid
17:26.02RallionI mean, you pay less if you pay cash for a car, but almost nobody ever does that.
17:26.06Cidanwho would UPGRADE to pay MORE?
17:26.12Cidanyou should do that in reverse
17:26.19art3miscidan: same people that boughtthe new content ;P
17:26.22cladhairei'd buy lifetime membership for wow in an instant, if it included expansions
17:26.35Thunder_Childthe cost of?
17:26.42art3miscladhaire: well going on the assumption you'd still have to buy the gamwe..
17:26.54art3miscidan: not really
17:27.14art3miscidan: think of it this way, most botters pwoer levelers and gold sellers would only have the 9.95 option to boost profit
17:27.23art3misit would be WAY easier to catch the botters ;)
17:27.25CidanThat's just silly
17:27.33JoshBorkewearing suits takes a lot out of you
17:27.38CidanAnd a very stupid business model, too.
17:27.47art3misno you're stupid
17:28.08CidanYou don't screw the legit players out of money every month just to get farmers.
17:28.19art3missure ya do
17:28.28art3mis*cough* linux user bans
17:28.30CidanNo, you don't.  That's a reverse model which fails.
17:28.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=Beladona@
17:28.34*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
17:28.36Cidanie: RIAA MPAA
17:28.47Kaydeethreescrew the mafiaa
17:28.52art3misno thats going after people for ungodly sums of money ;P
17:28.53Beladonaso much for that
17:28.55Beladonastupid iPhone IRC disconnects when you get a call
17:29.06Rallioni'm about to click and pay $30 to activate my LOTRO account...hmmm
17:29.13art3misphear the iphones amazing BW!
17:29.14CidanRallion, have you played the demo?
17:29.16JoshBorkeBeladona: owned
17:29.18Thunder_Childadd a 0 for lifetime fun
17:29.22Beladonawell its a 3rd party app
17:29.26CidanRallion, How far did you get?
17:29.29BeladonaI am sure its the developer's fault
17:29.35art3mishehe get lifetime!
17:29.45art3misat least your account will hold it's 300$ value longer
17:29.47Beladonaespecially since the iphone supports suspending things during a call, like music
17:29.52art3miswhen you decide to sell it because it's ass
17:30.07RallionCidan, I'm level...uh...14ish, I think. I actually only played for like 2 of the 7 days.
17:30.13art3misand itll be worth even more when they remove the option next year ;)
17:30.22CidanWell, just make sure you like it, I guess.
17:30.25Rallionand I spent a lot of that time farming.
17:30.33Rallionyay for pipeweed
17:30.49BeladonaLOTRO is fun because it is LOTR, beyond that I couldn't get hooked
17:30.54art3misyou spent time on yer 7day trial farming?
17:31.00Ralliontrue story.
17:31.09art3misand you're considering paying for it?
17:31.12art3misto farm more?
17:31.18Rallioni know, it's crazy
17:31.25art3mislemme find the clue hammer a sec.
17:31.38Thunder_Childat least that weed is legal
17:31.40Kaydeethreebah. go directly to the clue-by-four
17:31.53art3misKaydeethree: 5lb hammer > 2x4 ;)
17:32.03art3miserr cluex4
17:32.18art3misit's the same one we play frozen hammer tag with
17:32.40art3misif you get "tagged" with it, you're frozen
17:32.47RallionThe thing about LOTR...I can get excited so easily by it
17:33.02RallionI'm all like OMGWTFBQ IT's BAG-END!!!
17:33.14Thunder_ChildBQ or BBQ?
17:33.29Rallionso excited I mis-type my internet cliches!
17:33.41Thunder_Childah..i was just wondering if there was something new i missed
17:34.25Rallionmeh, I'll buy it. $30 is nothing and it gets me the "free" month, and if I regret it, well, whatever, I regret a lot of financial decisions.
17:34.57Thunder_Childyea..that hooker with the STD was one....
17:35.11Rallionwell, no, she was free.
17:35.22Thunder_Childi guess you got what you paid for then
17:35.57raevanmorlockDoes anyone else feel like Metallica's music is just a bunch of white noise?
17:36.18Rallionsometimes, yes.
17:36.25Thunder_Childno, whine noise is calming and good...metallica is not calming and good
17:36.46Rallionblack noise!
17:36.59raevanmorlockMaybe you just have it turned up too loud, TC
17:37.13Thunder_Childi dont have it turned on at all
17:37.45raevanmorlock>_< ... I'm trying to decide if I like anything of theirs.. but all the songs just pass me by without being able to form a decision
17:38.15CidanMetallica is crap.
17:38.18CidanAlways has been
17:38.20Cidanalways will be.
17:38.46raevanmorlockMost likely.
17:41.41cog|workNo music is crap
17:41.57cog|workyou can not like something, but music is one of the most subjective experiences in existence
17:42.27*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
17:42.50cog|workbut re: Metallica, they actually have some pretty good melodies
17:43.12cog|workany hard rock will include a lot of white noise, but that's part of its appeal to some
17:43.18art3misWhile the U.S. bomb is equivalent to 11 tons of TNT, the Russian one is equivalent to 44 tons of regular explosives. The Russian weapon's blast radius is 990 feet, twice as big as that of the U.S. design, the report said.
17:43.36art3misgood god
17:44.17art3misoh and putin dissolved the russia govt
17:44.37Kaydeethreemeh, from what I've been hearing is that the PM resigned and the rest of the gov't more or less walked out
17:44.43cog|worki didn't know where was anything to dissolve...
17:46.52Cidannot that big of a deal.
17:47.02CidanIt's common in many countries just before elections.
17:47.24CidanThe constitution of russia allows it
17:54.28cog|workI think the word "government" was a bad choice... perhaps "administration" would've been more appropriate?
17:55.10Thunder_Childvid of the test if your interested
17:55.34CidanThat would be better, yes.
17:56.41CidanHunter - pet = sucks ass
17:58.49ScytheBlade1 <-- epic thread
17:58.57ScytheBlade1Warning: General Forums link above
18:00.02KirkburnBtw, for any student - Microsoft is doing an incredibly cheap Office Ultimate 2007 offer for $60 -
18:00.29CidanWhy would you touch Office 2007?
18:00.41CidanI'd rather use Notepad than Office 2007
18:00.47ScytheBlade1Because all of the stores are no longer selling 2003
18:00.49CidanThough really, I just stick to open office
18:00.49ScytheBlade1MS "Orders"
18:00.54ScytheBlade1They simply stopped shipping them
18:00.55KirkburnJust ... wow
18:01.15cog|workCidan: your prejudice continues to astound me
18:01.16KirkburnHave you actually even tried Office 2007, or do you often spout crap? :)
18:01.35CidanWe're forced to use Office 2007 in school.
18:01.42CidanIt's pure shit.
18:02.02ScytheBlade1Kirkburn, yeah, I have. And it doesn't work with the software at work *at all* due to changes in how the macros work. As far as all of the employees are concerned, it's nothing short of 100% broken. :)
18:02.02CidanVersion's before it, were just fine, great in fact.
18:02.09KirkburnYou can have your opinion, it's just a pity it's wrong :)
18:02.29KirkburnHuh? I have never heard of anything like that
18:02.38CidanKirkburn, quit being snide.
18:02.44cog|workCidan: you have a combination of MSism and "get off my lawn"itis
18:02.49CidanNo way.
18:02.53CidanI love Vista.
18:03.11Cidanand I do like a lot of other MS products.
18:03.12ScytheBlade1I would love Vista too, if I actually spent the money on a copy.
18:03.27KirkburnSnide? Sorry, but I come here to tell everyone of a great offer, and what was your reply exactly?
18:03.28CidanOffice 2007 has just gone down the shitter.
18:03.39cog|workThe ribbon is much more intuitive than the old toolbar + menu carp
18:04.00CidanAbsolutely not, I disagree.
18:04.00cog|workplus there's all kinds of new goodies
18:04.18*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (
18:04.33cog|workCidan: that's the "get off my lawn" part :P  I used to feel the same way about the XP theme but once I got used to it, i started hating the traditional 95 theme
18:04.45KirkburnThe ribbon isn't intuitive? What's wrong with it??
18:04.47CidanI dislike the XP theme though.
18:04.52CidanGo figure.
18:04.59cog|work... exactly
18:05.02Valaron|WorkI still use the Win2000 theme.
18:05.07CidanI use the old 95/98/2000 theme
18:05.12CidanStart menu theme, that is.
18:05.20ScytheBlade1Kirkburn, it's different, and it's not pixel by pixel identical to the books that my graduating class was taught out of. ("Click here to do X, click over here to do Y")
18:05.27cog|workusing it is one thing... calling the new one crap is taking it too far
18:05.39CidanIt's crap.
18:05.41Valaron|WorkWhat's Microsoft Office Groove? What does it do?
18:06.29CidanIsn't it some sort of file sync something or another?
18:07.06CidanI never really used it, so I have no comment on it.
18:07.09Thunder_Child"Create collaborative workspaces to share files and work on projects with your team members using Microsoft Office Groove."
18:07.24cog|workCidan: calling the ribbon unintuitive is a non sequitur. You are /used to/ the old interface and it is /unfamiliar/ to you. Relative to your experiences it is unintuitive because it's not what you're comfortable with. In absolute terms, however, (computer n00bs being the most important factor) the ribbon makes much more sense
18:07.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
18:07.56cog|workYou can't call it crap just like I won't call the old way crap
18:08.19Valaron|WorkIt's project sharing type of thing?
18:08.29cog|work(well, you can /call/ it crap all you want... but you're still wrong in the same way that I would be wrong for calling some genre of music crap)
18:09.17ScytheBlade1Five years down the line, I'd bet that only your grandparents are running XP, and XP will be about as common as 2000/98. It's the same thing with ALL Microsoft products (less their server line)
18:09.39ScytheBlade1Everything sucks, everything is bloated, everything was needlessly changed, it's all different and buggy, etc
18:10.09CidanThat's where we split lines.  Something being crap is all up to the person who uses it.  Nothing is universally "crap", except maybe Plumbers Don't Wear Ties.
18:10.22CidanTherefore, when I say it's crap, you may think it's great.
18:10.53CidanHowever, to quote Kirkburn, You can have your opinion, it's just a pity it's wrong.
18:11.01CidanBack to leveling hunter!
18:11.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
18:12.12LunessaHello Kitty is the spawn of Satan!
18:12.28CidanIs not!
18:12.48LunessaIs so.
18:13.26cog|workCidan: The thing is, I used to suffer from MSism and get-off-my-lawn-itis too. I know its symptoms and I recognize them in you to the t
18:14.14Cidancog|work, and if you think everyone functions and works as you do/did, well, that's your problem, not mine I guess.
18:14.38LunessaHey you kids! Git off'en my lawn.
18:14.49cog|workYou make judgments based on first impressions which closes your mind to learning how to use the new interface as effectively as possible. This allows you to reaffirm its crappiness in your mind because you don't feel like you're seeing any advantage
18:15.19CidanI've had to use it almost every day, thank you very much.
18:15.32cog|workI'm not trying to imply that you are wrong for being that way... the only thing I really object to is matter-of-factly calling it crap
18:15.39cog|workI hate it
18:15.47cog|workwould be better
18:15.48CidanAgain, don't reaffirm your argument on the basis that you think you know me, who I am, and what I do.
18:15.57CidanTo me, it is crap.
18:16.03CidanI dislike it, very much so.
18:16.09CidanLeave it at that, por favor.
18:16.13cog|workto that I wolud say good for you :P
18:16.22cog|workI just can't stand people stating their opinions as facts
18:16.35ScytheBlade1cog|work, you suck
18:16.42ScytheBlade1cog|work, you suck.
18:16.51CidanIt is crap though.
18:17.13ScytheBlade1Couldn't resist, it was too easy ;P
18:17.21buuPssh, opinions are facts, for what facts can we truly know?!
18:17.48Shirik|Ecoledon't go all ToK on my ass
18:17.51Shirik|EcoleI had a year of that
18:17.57LunessaHey you kids! Git off'en my lawn.
18:17.57Shirik|Ecoleit was long enough
18:17.58Kaydeethreebah, where's the wowwiki article on creating arbitrary item links?
18:19.41cog|workCidan: now that I think about my reaction more, I think my point is to keep you from corrupting people who haven't yet had a chance to form an opinion for themselves... I dislike the spread of prejudice.
18:20.04CidanWhew, that's something you can't stop the spread of.
18:20.04ScytheBlade1Antiarc, ping, rogue friend with an omen bug on Leotheras last night, his aggro never reset... from him: interface\addons\omeon\libs\sink-1.0\[sink-1.0.lua:552:] attemp to index global 'sinks' (a nil value)
18:20.13CidanPeople will have it, and others will absorb it.
18:20.26cog|workCidan: yep. but i can try to stop people from presenting it
18:20.45cog|work"there will always be theft in the world" cannot be used as a justification to steal
18:21.01CidanQuite frankly, if anyone is stupid enough to take my word, or your word, and not try it out -- they deserve what they get.
18:21.07CidanI have no pity for the sheep of the world.
18:21.17ts|skrom_if you are already a thief can it be used as a justification for keepign the status quo? :D
18:21.25raevanmorlockYou can't stop people from spreading it.. you can only offer a counter-argument to the masses
18:21.26cog|workI try to turn sheep into wolves... the whole teaching a man to fish and all
18:21.46CidanIn my experience, people who are sheep and of age don't care to become wolves
18:21.47ts|skrom_*DING DING DING* Emo buzzword alert! Detected: Sheep
18:21.58Lunessa"People are fools and incompetents.  This justifies my misleading them."  - There's an age-old justification which is wrong on all counts.
18:22.02CidanLest something life-changing happens.
18:22.29cog|worklike running into someone who challenges their preconceptions :P
18:22.57CidanI find that rarely works in older people
18:23.26raevanmorlockI kinda missed teh discussion.. but, my two cents.. I really loved 2007 over 98. I could never go back. I'm not sure I've ever used '03 though.
18:23.47ts|skrom_I like 2009 personally
18:23.51ts|skrom_oops I've said too much ><
18:24.04cog|work95-03 were basically cosmetic changes and a few individual features
18:24.25Shirik|Ecole2007 what?
18:24.27Shirik|Ecolewhat did I miss?
18:24.37Shirik|Ecoleright now I'm using wordpad
18:24.56Shirik|Ecolewhat's new with 2007? I considered picking it up
18:25.07ts|skrom_it eats babies
18:25.09ts|skrom_according to some
18:25.10Cidanit does indeed.
18:25.10raevanmorlockThey replaced the menu/toolbar concept with a ribbon
18:25.23CidanThere is no more tool bar
18:25.26Cidanie: file, menu, etc
18:25.28raevanmorlockLook up screenshots.. you'll see
18:25.28Cidanit's more like...
18:25.31ts|skrom_apparently it also does some kind of tailoring?
18:25.39ts|skrom_I'm not sure, I'm zoning in and out
18:25.41Cidana "pretty" version of a tool bar
18:25.50Shirik|EcoleI love how I can just guess at URLs and it works
18:25.57Cidanthemed, with big easy descriptive buttons grouped into catagories
18:26.01Shirik|Ecole I typed in, it redirects me to where I wanted to go :D
18:26.11raevanmorlockwell MS is smart like that
18:26.36ts|skrom_ didn't work :(
18:26.51art3misman that downy spray wrinkle remover stuff is so amazingly awesome
18:26.55CidanI was about to say you wouldn't like it Shirik
18:26.57raevanmorlockIt's a little difficult at times to find something because it's been moved into this new architecture... but it's nicer overall.
18:27.01CidanBut then I realized you like UAC, so, uh, :D
18:27.25art3misvista is pretty
18:27.27ts|skrom_Good thing you said that raevanmorlock the opinion police were knocking at your door
18:27.30art3misthats about it
18:27.39raevanmorlockts|skrom_: yes.. that's why I threw it in there :)
18:27.42art3misoh and it plays wow gooder
18:27.48art3mison my laptop anyways
18:27.57cog|work<3 vista's start menu
18:28.04cog|workand the lack of "My" on everything
18:28.24Cidanhere's a neat trick
18:28.24Shirik|EcoleVista's start menu is actually somewhat nice
18:28.34Cidanopen windows task manager
18:28.37cog|workI hate talking to people saying "Open up My Computer" and they say "How do i open your computer?"
18:28.39Shirik|Ecoleand you can ctrl+shift any search command to make it work
18:28.41raevanmorlockI used Vista briefly at school... I'd get it, but my computer would probably take a huge dump on it and die forever and always. So I'm waiting until I can afford to upgrade everything.
18:28.42art3misim more a right click manu type person
18:28.54Shirik|EcoleI hate clicking, period
18:28.57Cidanand double click anywhere on the blank space of the window, ie: next to a tab, but not the tab it self.
18:28.57Thunder_Childgah, 1K for an underwater housing for my camera
18:29.32art3misgood thing you like in the desert
18:29.42ts|skrom_don't get mad Thunder_Child get Glad(tm)
18:29.50Thunder_Child~lart ts|skrom_
18:29.50purltakes a rusty axe and swings it violently, taking ts|skrom_'s head off
18:30.06art3miswatch out for the creepy albino though
18:30.06ts|skrom_'oy not me 'ead!
18:30.14LunessaI'll say this one good thing for Microsoft - They understand that they should make multiple entry points to a functions.  I like that I can learn a way that works for me and quit worrying about it.  
18:30.42Shirik|Ecoleyou mean like their APIs?
18:31.32LunessaI meant in their UI.  
18:31.56Shirik|Ecoleoh you mean like
18:31.59raevanmorlockLike how you can access the same command via the toolbar, menu, and right-click menu?
18:31.59LunessaRight+click, Menu Options, Keyboard, and more ways that probably escape me.  
18:32.09Shirik|Ecoleformat->paragraph->bold, or ctrl+bold, or right click-bold
18:32.12Shirik|Ecoleor toolbar->bold
18:32.25raevanmorlockor ribbon->bold! woot
18:32.26Shirik|EcoleI agree
18:32.39LunessaThe understand that different people will interact with the machine in differing ways and try to accommodate that.
18:32.44Shirik|Ecoleeasy for people to use, yet complex enough that people like me who want to do everything in 5 seconds by typing
18:32.47Shirik|Ecoleand not finding my mouse
18:32.48Shirik|Ecoleit works too
18:33.05Shirik|Ecolewindows+e = win too :)
18:33.16Shirik|Ecolep.s., cog|work
18:33.23Shirik|Ecolethat's what I say to people, not "open my computer"
18:33.43raevanmorlock"open my computer" is hilarious though
18:33.56art3misclick on yer desktop is another good one
18:34.00Shirik|Ecolethat is a nice one
18:34.11CidanYup, that too
18:34.16CidanWindows + L
18:34.18Shirik|Ecoleexcept not in vist
18:34.18Cidanas well.
18:34.21cladhairewindows-r cmd
18:34.27cladhaireso i can have my gnu utils.
18:34.30Shirik|Ecolein vista I tend to do windows, type, enter
18:34.35Shirik|Ecolebecause you can't windows+r into administrator
18:34.45ScytheBlade1Antiarc, probably should have included the revision numbers with that... omen r46673 and threat r48632. Ping back if you feel the need.
18:34.45Shirik|Ecolebut you can hit windows (start menu), type, ctrl+shift+enter
18:34.51Shirik|Ecoleand it puts you in elevated
18:35.02Shirik|Ecoleor get start++ and do "sudo" ^^
18:35.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Leachim (
18:35.21CidanThe idea of not running as an elevated/system user is a great idea
18:35.33cladhaireyeah, one that's been in existance for 27 years or so :P
18:35.42CidanBut Microsoft fails so hard at doing it properly
18:35.56cladhairei don't hate on microsoft
18:36.07cladhairei just can't exist without my posix environment.
18:36.14CidanNor can I
18:36.23Shirik|EcoleCidan: They did it perfectly
18:36.30Shirik|EcoleThey did it in such a way that stupid users can use it
18:36.33Cidanexcuse me
18:36.36raevanmorlockI was visiting home the other day.. and it occured to me that everyone in the family shares the computer and they all password-protect their accounts... but they're all admins so they could easily change/remove each other's passwords and sign on as each other and do whatever.
18:36.37art3miscladhaire: thats too bad, we'll miss you ;P
18:36.45raevanmorlockI refrained from telling them that though.
18:36.50Shirik|Ecolewhat's wrong with the way they did it?
18:36.59Shirik|Ecoleanswer the question, don't avoid it
18:37.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys_ (
18:37.25Cidanwhere do we start
18:37.25Shirik|Ecoleno answer?
18:37.34MentalPowerraevanmorlock: if the have set their files as "private" then that won't fully work
18:38.07Shirik|Ecoleyou're running out of time, my lab's almost over
18:38.08CidanProgram Files access, UAC pop ups (though not TOO bad in a sense, it's an issue with how often they show up)
18:38.09Shirik|Ecolebetter hurry up
18:38.11raevanmorlockMentalPower: Is that possible under XP Home Edition?
18:38.36Shirik|EcoleCidan: Would you rather everything have such access?
18:38.39art3misits a mentally retarded protection scheme
18:38.48Shirik|EcoleBecause Microsoft has said since before XP that programs should not be modifying those files
18:38.52Shirik|Ecolethey should be using %APPDATA%
18:38.52art3misif someone is gonna answer yes to it once theyll answer yes to it later
18:38.57MentalPowerraevanmorlock: dunno, I tend to stay away from the stuff :)
18:38.59CidanNo, I'd rather Windows have a better structure to their paths
18:39.04Shirik|Ecolethey do
18:39.09Shirik|Ecoleit's programmers that don't have a clue what they're doing
18:39.24Shirik|EcoleLinux programmers don't store their program data in /bin, do they?
18:39.26CidanI can agree with you somewhat there.
18:39.36CidanWindows programmers do seem to fail.
18:39.54Shirik|EcoleAnd now that Vista has gone into a lockdown sense, programmers are finally realizing "hey I really do suck"
18:40.01Shirik|Ecoleand complaining at Microsoft for it instead
18:40.12CidanExcept it somewhat fails
18:40.18Cidanie: I can install into /usr/local
18:40.21art3miswell stop emailing them shirik ;P
18:40.31raevanmorlockYou guys have an article on what you're talking about? I'm at a loss.
18:40.53art3mismy main and only real issue is the integrated drm crap
18:40.59Shirik|Ecoleraevanmorlock: Not one you'd understand
18:41.04Shirik|Ecolebut anyway, lab's over, gotta run
18:41.13Shirik|Ecoleraevanmorlock: That's not intended to be offensive, sorry
18:41.13art3misthe rest is just annoyance factor
18:41.19raevanmorlockI understand, Shirik
18:41.24Shirik|Ecolejust saying if you don't know the internals of windows APIs it doens't really make much sense
18:41.26raevanmorlocker.. I know what ya meant
18:41.28Shirik|EcoleI didn't understand it at first myself
18:41.49CidanDid I say that?  I said the structure of it, the way it is handled, is meh.
18:42.26raevanmorlockmmm plain bagel
18:42.34CidanI love how the argument of the day is, "Oh, you don't agree with me?  You must not understand the issue then."
18:42.54art3miscidan: thats the argument every day ;P
18:43.28art3mispssst this is where you say "no it's not perhaps you're confused" ;P
18:44.07art3misoh hey which of you has a mac and a pc?
18:44.18art3miserr macbook
18:44.25raevanmorlock... are you trying to start another debate?
18:44.33art3misnope got a question about kvms
18:44.45CidanWell, I was trying to print my paper
18:44.47Cidanand it was like
18:44.51Cidan"beep beep beep beep"
18:45.07raevanmorlockI have a PC
18:45.08art3misif i grab a usb/vga, will the macbook have the proper ports to share?
18:45.30art3misthe vga part is the part im not sure of
18:45.32raevanmorlockThe only thing I know about Macs is that they're evil and I hate 'em
18:45.44art3misit may be dvi only
18:46.13CidanI don't think it is, but even if it were
18:46.16Cidanget a converter
18:46.27art3misi dont have the option the "get it after im there"
18:46.35art3misneed to know in advance
18:46.43Cidanit doesn't matter, a converter will work
18:47.38art3misyou're missing the point ;P
18:47.50art3misif i went there without one because someone said it did have vga....
18:47.50CidanPerhaps I am
18:48.00art3misi'd kiond of be screwed ;P
18:48.29Cidanbut... why not just get a small DVI->VGA converter?
18:48.36Cidanthey are what, 50 cents?
18:49.32Cidangod I hate leveling without a pet. :(
18:49.51art3miscidan: its a minidvi
18:49.54art3misnot standard
18:50.26Cidangranted, they rip you off
18:50.48art3misyeah this question just means i have to go to tekserver down the steret from me
18:51.04art3misinstead of radio shack next door ;P
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19:23.38Shirikso it just got so dark outside, I had to turn on the lights
19:23.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
19:28.31ShirikCidan: If it makes you feel any better, I'm installing open office right now :)
19:28.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
19:28.46Shirikmostly because I'm worried about 2007 not interacting well with the software at my school
19:28.49CidanHave you tried Office 2007 though?
19:28.59CidanAt least give it a shot
19:29.02Shirikhowever I have read warnings from the school that it is not compatible with our school's software
19:29.04CidanI dislike it very much though
19:29.11CidanSee, my school moved to office 2007
19:29.15Thunder_Childit's fine, just make sure not to save it as xdoc
19:29.18ShirikI think they're transitioning
19:29.53Thunder_Childalthough there is a free plugin for the older office to read xdoc
19:30.06Shirikwhich I wouldn't be able to install
19:30.58Thunder_Childget them to do it
19:33.18Shirikmy IT department can't get anything to work
19:33.22ShirikI'm not about to ask them to install something new
19:38.50Thunder_Childthen like i said save your 2k7 files as doc, it will work fine
19:42.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
19:55.12raevanmorlockYeah.. 2007 saves natively as docx, but there is a 97-2003 compatible option in the Save As dialog. Nobody at my school seems to realize that and they're always complaining about the compatability too.
19:57.32raevanmorlockIt's kind of crappy that they did that... but the X files are much smaller and include new features over the old ones so I suppose it's just a matter of waiting until the X files become standard.
20:00.52LunessaWe pushed the reader for .docx files to all campus computers here. /shrug
20:01.03raevanmorlockWhich reminds me... Excel is one of teh things I really love in '07 because it has actual tables now.. and formulas can reference their columns as MathTable[ColumnName] instead of picking rows and then adjusting as teh size of it changes
20:02.45raevanmorlockAnd Excel supports a full range of RGB colors now.. finally
20:04.29Shirikhow the hell do I open a file in excel?
20:04.35ShirikI'm finding myself suddenly incredibly stupid
20:04.59Shiriknm I found it
20:05.04Shirikapparently that "icon" is part of the menu >.>
20:06.55raevanmorlockor just ctrl+o Mr Keyboard Man
20:07.24Josh_Borke~fail shirik
20:07.25purlshirik: Fail.
20:07.45raevanmorlockI'm off to class.. take care, peoples.
20:08.20Shirikok, why can't I add a chart :(
20:09.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Viserion (
20:09.36Josh_Borke~fail Shirik
20:09.37purlShirik: Fail.
20:09.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
20:09.50Shirikat least I was getting something accomplished
20:10.03LunessaTheory-crafting shaman DPS is like modeling quantum particles.
20:16.18*** join/#wowi-lounge ZealotOnAStick (
20:23.45Kaydeethreewonder if I could pull that off for more than the 30 seconds it'd take a mod to see it and remove all references of my existence
20:23.48cog|workKaydeethree: DOOO EEEEET!!!
20:28.42bleeterKaydeethree: that's prolly one of the top #5 sane suggestions I've seen on the PTR forum this round ;)
20:29.48bleeterKaydeethree: tho, I don't think you should talk about your 'pulling things' and porn in the same reference
20:29.51Kaydeethreemy datashare's using 666G of data according to `df`
20:31.28Kaydeethrees/of data/of space/
20:37.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
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20:45.42bleetersomeone should report that 'banned forever' ptr thread for sticky as an example of how people get banned ;)
20:47.05Saint-Nno you should!
20:48.11Kaydeethreeoh, wow... that's insane."The Thrall escort event now allows 20 tries at completing the event instead of 3."
20:48.54*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
20:49.21bleeteryeah, 20 is mad... I was thinking 2x on each section (6 max) would be ok, 3x would prolly satisfy the qq'ers and therefore 5 per phase (15 times) would be what they set it to
20:49.41bleeter20 is totally mad... I guess too many folks are wiping on it too often
20:50.08bleeterpersonally, I think that at 20, they should just remove the cap entirely and be done with it.
20:50.35Saint-Nhehe fail 20 times here's a free quest completed
20:50.44Saint-Nwe're taking one of your epics though you don't deserve it
20:54.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
20:54.52foxlit"University of We'll-Take-Your-Money-And-Give-You-A-More-Useless-Than-English-Degree"
20:55.05foxlitslashdot comments are fun
20:55.49Kaydeethreeoh wow...
20:55.51KaydeethreeAMD's serious
20:55.59Kaydeethree900+ pages of GPU specs so far, more on the way
20:56.22|Jelly|GOSH Cog. You mommy's boy! Hide behind your computer!
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20:57.09bleeterKaydeethree: ATI were serious for a long time about getting to this stage, before AMD bought them ;)
20:57.59Dotted[Kaydeethree]: 900+ pages of GPU specs so far, more on the way <- where?
20:58.04Kaydeethreethe article's posted on /.
20:59.07Dotteddont see it unless you are talking about the one posted the 6th of september (iirc)
20:59.20Dottedheh is getting hammered
20:59.32Kaydeethreeya, I've never seen the site this slow
21:03.10bleeterfor the record, Matthew Tippet, the ATI guy who handed it over, is an Aussie... I'd done some bugtesting foo 'n stuff for ATI previously
21:03.32bleeterthough was/am under NDA... I guess this pretty much nullifies all that (and I ain't been doing that for a year or two)
21:03.35Valaron|Work"butthurt" That's cozy.
21:05.06Dotted lol
21:06.06bleeterwhoa lol
21:06.17|Jelly|Valaron|Work: It seemed like the best word at the time.
21:06.26bleetermy fdo contact's offline :/
21:09.45Lunessa... So, I won't be on tonight.  University is closing due to Humberto.
21:10.29CidanDamn Mexican's.
21:11.44KaydeethreeI'd say "oh, weak. closing school due to a tropical storm" but I've yelled at the admins of GSU for not closing the school until the morning of the latest TS strike when the rest of the county announced it was closing down the night before
21:11.59LunessaYou like kids.
21:12.06Lunessawrong window
21:12.17|Jelly|Do we want to know?
21:13.00CidanHi, I'm Chris Hansen...
21:13.06LunessaTalking to a friend who is weighing the merits of dating a man with kids.
21:13.20CidanWhy don't you have a seat over there?
21:14.10LunessaActually Chris, I knew all along you were trying to entrap me, but I came here to meet YOU.  Pucker-up pretty boy.
21:14.23CidanThat would so
21:14.24Cidankick ass.
21:14.53Kaydeethreeoh, Lunessa:
21:15.13Cidanwimps, :P
21:15.29LunessaYeah.  I'm in the flood-zone
21:16.00cog|workLunessa: where is Spring in relation to you?
21:16.06LunessaWhen it hits land on galveston, it'll pound me hard.
21:16.24LunessaSpring is way North, up I-45 from me.  About an hour's drive.
21:16.24zenzelezzLeotheras down!
21:16.27Kaydeethreego get your ass to high ground, all of your stuff off of the ground, etc...
21:16.32ts|skrom_I'm a meteorlogical n00b. what does "reflectivity" measure?
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21:17.06Kaydeethreethe higher the reflectivity, the higher the cloud tops, the more powerful the storm
21:17.15Lunessacog|work: I'm right next to the space center.  
21:17.15Josh_Borkebye bye all
21:17.32ts|skrom_higher clouds = stronger storm?
21:17.50Kaydeethreehigher clouds == colder clouds == stronger. that's my understanding of how it all works
21:18.55[dRaCo]and where do you get higher clouds from, children? right, smoking more weed!
21:19.15Josh_Borkeevolution is preventing me from logging out
21:19.27Kaydeethreekillall -9?
21:19.37Josh_Borkeit's doing some sort of data mining or something
21:19.58Josh_Borkeoh well, i'll just kill pidgin and leave a not saying you can log me out
21:21.10LunessaSo, since the rain is expected to be something like 5" and high winds, they're closing the school tonight.
21:21.18cladhairelol perfectraid
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21:23.17bleeterpidgin's evolution integration is ... crap
21:23.41KaydeethreeI think they've fixed A'Dal since then... especially with that screencap going around of him 1-shotting a fel reaver for ~120k
21:23.57Cidanbleeter, I'm sorry, I just don't think you understand how it works.
21:24.54cladhaireKaydeethree: aye, just noticed it was praid, and made me giggle.
21:24.56Lunessalol X-perl and Perfectraid
21:25.22bleeterCidan: ?
21:25.27LunessaClad, I remember your rant about X-Perl for an early version of clique.
21:25.33Cidanbleeter, nevermind, :P
21:25.39cladhaireLunessa: whadyamean?
21:26.08LunessaIn release notes you said something about it being the most god-awful mess of code you'd ever had to look at.  
21:26.09bleeterfor the record, the crappiness of it (along with libnotify) is a perfect example of why we're working slowly on GF3
21:27.22bleeterwhoa, some admin's gone and nearly totally cleaned up the PTR forum
21:27.36bleeterPTR forum admin++
21:27.56Kaydeethreehortus hits the purge button whenever he logs on
21:28.02Lunessathis is pre-20
21:30.30[Liq]Possible to make a macro that auto-removes BoS ?
21:30.52AnduinLotharwell, nothing's auto with a macro, but yet
21:31.40AnduinLotharloop your buffs lookign for either the texture or the name and then cancel it
21:31.54bleeterKaydeethree: so are ya gunna go get a new ATI card? :)
21:31.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
21:32.01Kaydeethreethinking about it
21:32.10Kaydeethreevoting with wallets is always a powerful statement
21:32.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
21:32.46bleetercertainly *should* make it easier when buying a lappie
21:32.51[Liq]Uhm what about creating a frame with the macro which registers aura and then cancels it if it's bos?
21:33.59AnduinLotharshould work, dunno if it'll fit in a macro tho
21:35.03[Liq]Uhm 2 macros: 1 to create the frame and another to register/handle the event?
21:35.17AnduinLothartry and find out
21:37.10Thunder_Childfree space: 196.59/1199.46 GB (16.4%)
21:37.24Thunder_Childwell...irc lies
21:38.54Thunder_Childcpu: Intel Pentium III, 2.41 GHz
21:38.57CidanAfter my last ATI card caught on fire inside my case, I never did get another one again.
21:39.32Kaydeethree1G-blocks/used/available/use%/mount: 709G 666G 43G 94% /home
21:40.19Thunder_Childmine should report /~1800 GB, but that might be because mirc has problems with vista
21:40.59Thunder_Childgraphics card: nVidia GeForce 8800 GTX (1680x1050x32bit 60Hz)
21:41.46amro|laptopKaydeethree: 666G your hard drive is going to catch fire
21:41.57KaydeethreeI've been laughing about it all day
21:42.19Thunder_Childmemory usage: 526/2048 MB (54%)
21:42.29Thunder_Childoh ya...really have to update
21:48.10Cidecan you use the state driver to switch to a new state on keydown?
21:48.22CideI'm too lazy to look and figure it out to be honest
21:48.50Cidestate header*
21:49.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
21:49.11Thunder_Childfree space: 196.58/1199.46 GB (16.4%)
21:49.17Thunder_Childgah, still fails
21:49.30Thunder_Childos: Windows Vista Ultimate :: cpu: Intel Core2 6600 2.40GHz (at 2405 MHz) :: mem: 533/2048 MB (54%) :: gfx: nVidia GeForce 8800 GTX (1680x1050x32bit 60Hz)
21:49.31CidanYes, I think so?
21:49.41cog|workCide: SecureAnchorUpDownTemplate
21:49.49Cidecog|work: cool, thanks
21:50.32cog|workallows for limited implementation of the oft-requested extra modifier keys
21:54.09*** join/#wowi-lounge ag`_ (n=ag`
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21:55.24LunessaAren't they giving use l/r versions of shift, alt and ctrl as well?
21:55.39Kaydeethreeyup. it's working in 2.2 now
21:55.58LunessaYeah, so I'm waiting for 2.2 before working on my drag & drop keybinder.
21:56.15bleeterok, bets on 2.2 next week?
21:56.49Kaydeethreeas time keeps passing, the odds in my head keep dropping. it'll be slipping under 50% come tomorrow
21:57.20cog|workMy money's on "no"
21:57.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
21:58.04bleetercog|work: whyso?
21:58.36cog|workThey just pushed a build a couple days ago did they not? Also there are still lots of bugs being reported and investigated on the forums...
21:59.02rae|schoolIt's really annoying that my school is too noisy to get any work done so I have to come home between classes
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21:59.42LunessaOk, we're closed.  I'm going to drive home and hunker down to 'weather the storm' as it were.
21:59.52Kaydeethreestay dry. stay safe
21:59.56cog|workand connected
22:00.09bleetershopt smart. shop s-mart
22:00.19LunessaI'll try being in game.  
22:00.30cog|worki am so smart. I am so smart. S-M-R-T
22:00.31LunessaI might fire up IRC to let you know how it goes.  
22:01.00rae|schoolIt does work as well in text form, cog
22:01.13cog|worki know...
22:01.16bleetercog|work: hmm, way I read it is the two most compelling problems (audio, rogue stealth) are fixed (tho still some audio issues around)
22:01.18cog|workmost people still get the reference though
22:01.58bleeterShe sells /bin/csh by the sea shore. The shells she sells are /bin/csh I'm sure.
22:02.25*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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22:02.50purlACTION spins the revolver, points it at joshborke and fires. Click.
22:03.23rae|schoolrevolvers are old school
22:03.48cog|workand reliable
22:04.00JoshBorkeunless wet
22:04.48rae|schoolMeh.. I don't know much about guns.
22:04.52cog|workbut much more likely to work after sitting in an attic for 60 years
22:05.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
22:05.20|Jelly|Just hope you don't have seven intruders.
22:05.49rae|schoolOpenOffice needs some screenshots
22:06.46rae|schoolYes, well.... that's google doing its work for it.
22:07.18bleeterthat's google doing a task that a single entity couldn't possibly achieve
22:07.29bleeterwell, erm, yeah... nm
22:07.41rae|schoolI don't understand these companies that put so much effort into a product.. create a website for it.. and then don't have a single screenshot to showcase it.
22:07.43Thunder_Childyou didnt say that they need pics on their site
22:08.38rae|schoolNone of google's images are very compelling
22:09.15bleeterthumbnails of which are one click away from the home page, I fail to see the problem
22:09.51rae|schoolooooh they're down THERE
22:10.16bleeterand as it's governed by an elected community council, I'd contest your inference that it's a company
22:11.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (
22:11.14bleeterthoghu truth be told it's prolly an LLC
22:11.27rae|schoolFair enough.. but there are still people dedicating time to working on this.. and on the website. So I'd assume they want people to use the product... and, to me, the best way of doing that is by showing images of what it looks like.
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22:12.08JoshBorkei feel i've missed a parto f teh conversation
22:12.36purlI HATE YOU, zenzelezz!!!
22:12.51bleeterapparently putting screens of your individual applications on the application page is teh fail, one should have a gallery instead
22:12.51zenzelezzat least I'm still connected
22:13.58rae|schoolWell.. yes and no. I think the average idiot user (like myself) would fail to realize that it's a collection of applications and thus fail to look at each individual application's page. I expect there to be a link in the main menu with download and support and the other stuff.
22:14.28rae|schoola link for a screenshot page*
22:15.25Shirikok, someone help me out here
22:15.33ShirikI never paid electric bills before ><
22:15.43rae|schoolApache wouldn't need a gallery... it's not really something you stumble upon and want to check out without already knowing what it does.
22:15.56JoshBorkerae|school: i agree with you on your statement
22:16.01JoshBorkeShirik: you send them a check
22:16.05ShirikOn it it says "Total amount you owe: $85.16" Immediately below it, it says "DO NOT PAY", and immediately below that, it says "A late payment charge of 1.5% will apply if not paid by September 27, 2007"
22:16.13Kaydeethreecall them?
22:16.15ShirikWhich one am I supposed to listen to ><
22:16.22Shirikwhy do they make these things so complicated T_T
22:16.30rae|schoollol Shirik... do you have like a direct/automatic payment thing set up with them?
22:16.36Shirikmaybe? :(
22:16.46ShirikI wasn't paying attention when I set it up
22:16.57rae|schoolI get bills from State Farm that say "Do not pay" on them because they automatically deduct the amount from my bank account each month.
22:17.10ShirikI'll probably just call them
22:17.14JoshBorkelike a good neighbor, state farm is take your money
22:17.19Thunder_Childsounds like auto pay to me
22:17.25Thunder_ChildLADWP has the same format
22:17.26bleeteryes, every application should version their website to meet every potential user's expectation of what an application website should look like
22:17.43rae|schoolbleeter: yes, they should
22:18.15rae|schoolApplications themselves are no different.. people expect to find specific items under different menus.. like exit under File.. and Cut/Copy/Paste under Edit
22:18.24JoshBorkei think the problem is they don't state that it is a set of different applications
22:18.40bleeterOO users, several million. My guess, prolly several thousand expected versions there of what a website should look like. I'd hate to have to see the landing page where one selects which version to look at.
22:18.41JoshBorkeso you don't know to check the components on the right hand side of the screen
22:18.58JoshBorke~emulate cogwheel
22:18.58purlACTION shakes its fist at the forums...
22:19.51*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
22:20.23JoshBorkeZOMG!  i just noticed * All UNIT_SPELLCAST_* events now have the name and rank of the spell as arg2 and arg3.
22:20.36bleeterJoshBorke: so you're saying that people don't realise that Word and Excel are different applications, that it's all just Office?
22:22.24JoshBorkei think that when you are talking about microsoft office you're talking about a different case.  the means of distribution are different so there are different goals the websites have
22:22.37rae|schoolwtf.. why does the site for MS Office require cookies? I've been hating the web so much ever since I changed my browser to not accept all cookies by default
22:23.14JoshBorkeif i didn't know what microsoft office was, their website would make far less sense to me than the openoffice site
22:25.27cog|work/tinfoilhat imo
22:25.33rae|schoolYeah... I agree. Their office site is pretty horrid.
22:25.35Shirikcookies are not bad.
22:25.39ShirikGet that through your head
22:25.57ShirikThe "zomg cookies are evil" is some propaganda to get anti-spyware companies to sell more of their product
22:26.00JoshBorkeare they magical?
22:26.17Cideno, but they're gone
22:26.19ShirikYes, some cookies can be... undesirable... but they're not going to kill you
22:26.20Cidefor I stole them from the jar
22:26.22kaidenoh wow, VisualThemes is nice :P
22:26.24cog|workShirik: the anti-cookie craze was around long before spyware scanners
22:26.29Shirikok, still
22:26.35Shirikit was invented by someone to get a quick buck
22:26.39JoshBorkeshirik:  obviously you've never had cianide cookies
22:26.43rae|schoolShirik: I agree, but when I'm viewing a static html page, there is no conceivable reason to have 10 different sites all trying to put a bunch of different cookies on my computer.
22:27.26Shirikomg bleeter <3 bottomscanner now
22:27.28Shirikthank you
22:27.40Thunder_Child~lart Shirik
22:27.40purlmoos at Shirik
22:27.41rae|schoolI don't have a problem so much with people wanting to know where their traffic is coming from... I think they just take it entirely too far and go batshit crazy with it.
22:29.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Tinyboom (
22:29.51rae|schoolDoes anyone know how to reset my IRC password if I've forgotten it?
22:30.24Kaydeethreeyou'll have to wait for it to lapse, think services will hold nicks for 90 days on freenode
22:30.38Thunder_Childor go bitch @ a freenode op
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22:31.25rae|school90? I think it's already been more than that since I was last on here.
22:31.34CidanI hope Nals likes dinner
22:31.44kaidenrae|school, do you still have access to the e-mail?
22:31.53Shiriklol @ our AH
22:31.57rae|schoolyeah, kaiden
22:31.59Shirikgreen gems going for 10g
22:32.19CidanOH, is there a way to get jewelcrafting without going to Azuremyst?
22:32.27CidanI think I asked this before, :(
22:32.34*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
22:32.46Thunder_Childi bet you could turn this into a coding keyborad in a heartbeat
22:32.49CidanLevel 10 char, :P
22:33.00Kaydeethreehave fun corpse-hopping through wetlands
22:33.34Wobin_Thunder_Child: I'm not sure how well it'd work as an actual 'keyboard'
22:33.44Wobin_it doesn't look like the tactile feedback would be similar
22:33.45Thunder_Childi didnt say that did it
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22:34.01CidanThat's... pretty cool
22:34.31rae|schoolpsh.. I thought of that key switching idea like so long ago
22:34.38JoshBorkeholy shit, it's 28k?
22:35.00Thunder_Childeven the optumus was 2k or so
22:35.12Wobin_It's designed for sound studios =P
22:35.23Wobin_so it's not going to be cheap
22:35.40Thunder_Childhell no...but i t would be fun to mess with
22:36.00Thunder_Childheh...put every spell you have on the keys with the icons
22:36.36Wobin_then you'd have to look down each time you want to cast
22:36.41CidanNot at all
22:36.43Shirikso there was all this spam in trade chat
22:36.44Thunder_Childnot really
22:36.48CidanI don't look down when I hit 1 every time.,
22:36.51Shirikso I said "trade chat != barrens chat kthx"
22:36.52CidanYet I know what spell it is.
22:37.06Wobin_why spend 28k on a keyboard you're not even going to look at? =P
22:37.07Shiriksilence for a few seconds, then someone pipes in "I wonder how many people knew that != means 'not equal to'"
22:37.12Shirikthen like 10 "ohhh" followed
22:37.21Wobin_Shirik: welcome to lua =P
22:37.34rae|schoollol @ Shirik
22:37.49Wobin_you should have used ~= and really confused them
22:37.58rae|schoolI was just gonna say that, Wobin_ >_<
22:38.07Cidanzenzelezz, die.
22:38.08ShirikI refuse to use <> ever again
22:38.12ShirikI had my days of BASIC
22:38.14Shiriknever again
22:38.17Wobin_never never
22:38.23Cidan<> is used in VB, no?
22:38.28CidanAs well, that is.
22:38.45rae|schoolVB is Basic
22:38.50alestaneAlso PASCAL
22:40.12*** part/#wowi-lounge Shirik (i=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
22:40.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (i=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
22:40.32rae|schoolWhy do I never get any work done when I'm in here? It's so trifling.
22:41.33Shirik|AFKoff to grocery store bbl
22:43.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
22:43.00*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem] by ChanServ
22:43.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
22:43.17*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
22:43.20Temthis is weird as hell
22:43.40Temremote desktop refuses to work
22:43.54Temand I haven't manually change anything that should affect it
22:44.43*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost__ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
22:44.47cog|workit's windows ... you don't need to manually change something for it to stop working
22:45.07cog|workand "should" has little bearing on any of it...
22:45.28CidanQFT cog, QFT.
22:45.41Temwell, I can't figure it out
22:45.44Temand it's driving me crazy
22:46.01Temespecially since I use rdc 2-3 times a day
22:46.22cog|workdo you have any antivirus software? norton has given me hell a few times in the past (not at home, thank you very much)
22:46.37Saint-Nnorton == shite
22:46.45kaidenAVAST me mateys..
22:46.47Saint-N go get that instead ;P
22:46.51Saint-Navast ios shite
22:47.04Saint-Nanything that installs services that cant be stopped instantly is shite ;)
22:47.07Saint-Ncept nod32
22:47.11Temcog|work, nope
22:47.13Saint-Nnod32 is god of the AV world
22:47.22kaidenlol avg misses stuff all the time
22:47.28Temin the past 2 days, I've installed Bonjour and VMWare
22:47.36Saint-Nso does norton and avast ;)
22:47.36TemI'm betting that Bonjour has something to do with it
22:47.49Saint-Nnod32 is the only AV product to not miss anything in the 5 years it's been around
22:47.58Temwell, I was betting that until I uninstalled it and rdc continued to be broken
22:48.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
22:48.01*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
22:48.03Saint-Navg misses less than avast an norton though ;P
22:48.27TemI don't see a need for an anti virus app
22:48.35cog|worki've never needed one
22:48.43CidanI don't think I've used AV software since, oh, 1997?
22:48.44Saint-Nand its free, without a gay popup blocker spyware blocker and intrusive removal system ;)
22:48.48cog|workbut i recommend them to puter n00bs
22:49.01Saint-Ntem: ive never gotten a virus either ;P
22:49.08TemI don't understand this
22:49.12Saint-Ni have avg installed to p[lay with virii ;)
22:49.15Temthe terminal server service is running
22:49.22Temremote connections are enabled
22:49.22Saint-Nand so i know it when i reccomend it to others
22:49.30Temthere isn't a firewall in the way
22:49.39TemI checked the registry and the port is set properly
22:49.57cog|workkick it imo
22:50.15*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
22:50.19Saint-Nturn off routing ;)
22:50.25Saint-Ni bet that will make it work right
22:50.36Temyou mean make it the DMZ?
22:50.38cog|worktem, are you on the same network?
22:50.44Saint-Nno on the machine
22:50.51Tembecause I'm testing behind the router
22:50.52Saint-Nor am i wrong in assuming its 2k3 server
22:50.55Temcog|work, yes, same network
22:51.02TemSaint-N, it's a vista desktop
22:51.16Saint-Nand youll still need to port forward
22:51.23Temright right
22:51.27Saint-Nif its a router and not a hub
22:51.31Tembut I can't even connect to it within the network
22:51.41Saint-Nbecause it hits the router
22:51.51Saint-Nas retarded as it is
22:51.57TemI've had the router setup to port forward it for some time
22:52.05Temand it was working until 2 days ago
22:52.31Saint-Nunticked "allow remote connections" by mistake?
22:53.03cog|worknow you believe me? :P
22:54.35TemSaint-N, nope
22:54.53TemSaint-N, I noted that I made sure that was still checked a moment ago
22:57.20rae|schoolTem: Did it get a new IP so the router is forwarding to teh wrong one now?
22:57.49Temalso, I can't connect on local side either
22:57.56Temthe problem is not with the port farwarding
22:58.04*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
22:58.11rae|schoolDoes it need a reboot?
22:58.11CidanSo you can't connect behind the firewall either?
22:58.18Cidantry a simple telnet into the port
22:58.59Temrae|school, tried that several times already =P
22:59.13TemCidan, good idea
22:59.43Cidantry it outside and inside the firewall
22:59.59rae|schoolDoes WoW support texture tiling (as opposed to scaling)?
23:00.44CidanI wonder
23:00.50CidanMages can make portals to Shat, right?
23:01.05alestaneCidan: Yes.
23:01.07Kaydeethreeself-ports at 60, group portals at 65
23:01.09zenzelezzeventually yes
23:01.19CidanSo can I port to Shat with a mage at level 10?
23:01.31zenzelezz<Kaydeethree> self-ports at 60
23:01.33Kaydeethreesure. there's no level restriction on taking ports
23:01.42CidanThat'll be a whole lot easier.
23:02.02TemCidan, failed to connect on the inside
23:02.03zenzelezzoh, you mean get a level 10 to Shatt... haven't you ever seen that before?
23:02.16CidanTem, problem with the daemon then.
23:02.18zenzelezzon my realm there's a ton of level 2-10 alts in the banks in Shattrath
23:02.31CidanStop/restart the service?
23:02.37Cidanand/or make sure it's running
23:02.38Temdone twice to no effect
23:02.51Temunless I'm after the wrong service...
23:02.53Cidanstupid question
23:02.58Cidanwell, that too
23:03.03Cidanbut make sure you're using the right port
23:03.20TemI even checked the registry to make sure it wasn't told to use a different port
23:03.37Cidan's the service name?
23:04.07TemTerminal Services
23:04.27CidanAnd you're trying to use remote desktop?
23:06.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
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23:08.01CidanWhat OS?
23:08.14AnduinLotharoh wow, this is a serious css hack:
23:08.40AnduinLotharlook at the code for the full compat one. it's like 50 lines long
23:08.46TemCidan, vista
23:08.59alestaneDrop shadows were one of the first examples of how to seriously abuse CSS.
23:10.15alestanethe :before method is marginally less abusive, but still unclean.
23:11.14amro|laptop"Safari only"...
23:11.48AnduinLotharSafari's the one that's been most recently updated
23:11.51CidanI can connect on 3389 here.
23:12.03CidanOn my own machine, and all services are up, as well.
23:12.15rae|schoolWeb design is a pain
23:12.33Cidanif I go to System Properties->remove
23:12.38Cidanand disable remote desktop
23:12.41AnduinLotharit's a legal attribute, but no other browsers support it yet
23:12.41Cidanthe port closes
23:13.04AnduinLotharof CSS2
23:13.06Shirik|AFKAnduinLothar: Doesn't work for me
23:13.17AnduinLotharthat doesn't
23:13.23amro|laptopAnduinLothar: I meant, it's NOT Safari only. It works on Konqueror, which uses KHTML (on which Webkit is based)
23:13.25Shirikthe final example
23:13.36ShirikI mean, it works... but half of it is cut off
23:13.40ShirikI can only see the top half of "In Shadow"
23:13.45AnduinLotharwhat browser?
23:13.48ShirikIE 7
23:14.17AnduinLotharhmm, you're right
23:14.55AnduinLotharamro|laptop I'm sure it'd work on FF with webkit installed
23:14.56Shirikhowever the "Shadowed in IE/Win" works fine
23:15.13Temwow that's really strange
23:15.17TemCidan, I found the problem
23:15.18rae|schoolThat's pretty funny... all those browers work, but not IE7
23:15.31CidanWhat was it?
23:15.32Temsomething turned off all of the windows firewall exceptions
23:15.34ShirikI'm not surprised
23:15.38ShirikIE 7 doesn't deserve to work anyway
23:15.40Temincluding the one that lets RDP through
23:15.55rae|schoolIE7 is far better than its predecessors
23:16.07AnduinLotharit's still far crappier than it's competitors
23:16.08rae|schoolAnd Firefox has been going downhill lately.
23:16.20Shirikhonestly, I don't have a browser I like anymore
23:16.20CidanFirefox is a memory hog
23:16.30Shirikso... I stick with IE 7 just because I'm too lazy to download anything else
23:16.30rae|schoolCidan: yeah
23:16.32CidanIf Opera had Firefox's plugin system
23:16.36CidanI'd never look back.
23:16.44CidanBut firefox plugins are just too nice.
23:17.00Mr_Rabies2firefox isn't so much of a memory hog if you turn off the tab history
23:17.07AnduinLotharI still use Camino, but it's mac only. On Vista I use Safari, but it's still in beta and has a few bugs; still renders best, tho.
23:17.31rae|schoolI read that Firefox doesn't really hog memory and the amount reported by the task manager is false.. and there's a million ways to decrease the hoggage--but none of them have really worked to my satisfaction.
23:17.44ShirikI.... have a problem with that statement
23:17.49Shirikwell, let's put it this way. Who said it?
23:18.07ShirikAs much as I distrust Microsoft, I find it difficult to believe that task manager would report an incorrect value
23:18.10amro|laptopthe task manager lies!
23:18.20CidanTask manager never reports a correct value.
23:18.24rae|schoolI don't recall. I was running through a bunch of websites looking for a way to fix Firefox.
23:18.35Shiriklol... microsoft coded in some extra code to add extra zeros onto firefox.exe
23:18.38Mr_Rabies2for example, my firefox only uses 30mb, which i guess could be a memory hog
23:18.42Mr_Rabies2but when i minimize it, 10
23:18.43CidanGet process explorer
23:18.55CidanPublished by microsoft
23:19.06Mr_Rabies2(because they bought sysinternals
23:19.29Mr_Rabies2the addons and the tab history are the memory hogs in ff
23:19.30rae|schoolMy firefox is currently using 236 megs
23:19.32Cidanthough be warned, if you play any newer securerom games, the games won't start after you start process explorer once.
23:19.33Mr_Rabies2without them it uses next to nothing
23:19.43Cidanie: NWN2, Bioshock
23:19.48cog|workmy firefox is using 240mb
23:19.50Cidanyou'll have to reboot, and not open process explorer
23:19.52cog|workas i type
23:19.55Mr_Rabies212, here
23:19.59amro|laptopMr_Rabies2: Without them FF is next to nothing. Well almost, other browsers render just as well
23:20.13cog|worki've got 6 tabs open and 10 in the "recently closed" list
23:20.21cog|workwith who knows how much history on each
23:20.26Mr_Rabies2turn off the tab history and it'll help a bunch
23:20.36cog|worki don't care about it... just saying
23:20.52cog|worki use tab history all the time... i'm a bit trigger happy with the close button :P
23:20.56Mr_Rabies245 MB with all my extensions running
23:21.06Mr_Rabies2problem is most of the extensions seem to leak memory
23:21.21Mr_Rabies2and there's a config setting
23:21.28Mr_Rabies2by default ff doesn't clear RAM when you minimize it
23:21.38Mr_Rabies2when i minimize my FF it drops to 6 mb
23:22.06rae|schoolMr_Rabies2: I had mine set like that at one point, but I didn't like it.
23:22.29Mr_Rabies2what ff 3.0 needs is a resource monitor
23:22.37Mr_Rabies2so we can see what is causing all the memory leakage
23:22.46rae|schoolThat'd be nice.
23:22.49Mr_Rabies2i suspect the flash plugin and tabmixplus for me, personally
23:23.29CidanThere is no memory leakage, :(
23:23.49rae|schoolI don't know how to feel about FF anymore... I loved it when it first came out, but it seems like it gets worse with every revision.
23:24.09Mr_Rabies2i like it just as much now if not moreso
23:24.37Mr_Rabies2and 3.0 is supposedly upgrading the rendering engine
23:24.55CidanI've been considering going back to Opera
23:25.40amro|laptopI've become browser independant
23:28.04Mr_Rabies2wow needs a built in k-meleon
23:28.59Mr_Rabies2and irc client of some sort
23:29.17Mr_Rabies2probably not mirc since that allows you to do too much with the OS itself :o
23:29.34rae|schoolWhy would it need an IRC client?
23:29.51Mr_Rabies2why not?
23:30.19rae|schoolIt'd add on memory usage and processing time for something that most people wouldn't use anyhow.
23:30.28Mr_Rabies2so make it optional :o
23:30.42Kaydeethreegasp, LoadOnDemand!
23:30.43Mr_Rabies2the memory usage would be so minimal compared to the hundreds of other things out there
23:30.59AnduinLotharwow ie7 sucks at font-weight: bold
23:31.16rae|schoolAnd there's already a plethora of IRC clients... I'd rather Blizzard spend time on Starcraft 2 than another IRC client.
23:31.41Kaydeethreeyou're falling into the same trap of "there's only one developer at blizzard!"
23:32.23rae|schoolBut there'd have to be somebody working on it... I'd rather they do anything new than something we already have a million choices for.
23:32.40Mr_Rabies2i have a million choices for irc clients built into wow
23:33.06Mr_Rabies2i mean hell, tribes 1 had a built in irc client and it came out in 1998
23:33.44rae|schoolWhat's so difficult about just running an IRC client alongside WoW?
23:33.47zenzelezzbuilt-in IRC could make for better private channels
23:33.57Mr_Rabies2because alt tabbing is an annoyance rae|school
23:34.10Mr_Rabies2i have a second computer, but still
23:34.14rae|schoolThen get two monitors :-P
23:34.21AnduinLotharit could also make for a security leak
23:34.25Kaydeethreeoh wow...
23:34.33Kaydeethreethey're only enabling Voice on about 30 realms on patch day
23:34.49Mr_Rabies2AnduinLothar, so could the news reader at the login screen
23:34.57Mr_Rabies2but apparently there aren't any
23:35.27AnduinLotharif irc was in wow then it would circumvent al the prohibitations about not allowing import and export of arbitrary data on demand
23:35.29rae|schoolWell I'm sure they control the new reader/feeder... IRC is open
23:36.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ftt|waffle (n=lawl@
23:36.00Mr_Rabies2AnduinLothar, if they ran it in a sandbox and only allowed you to set the server and channel, and chat
23:36.30AnduinLotharthen it wouldn't be as flexable as the current vers and people would complain
23:36.36Mr_Rabies2the current vers?
23:36.44AnduinLotharin-game chat
23:36.51Mr_Rabies2not as a replacement for ingame chat
23:37.03Mr_Rabies2it could just be a stripped down irc client for use for those who care to use it
23:37.06Cidan" Oh thank god my realm isn't listed"
23:37.06Mr_Rabies2plenty of games use them
23:37.18Mr_Rabies2and they don't replace the ingame chat
23:37.27CidanIt wouldn't work
23:37.29CidanI'll tell you why
23:38.02Mr_Rabies2or not
23:38.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (i=feh@conspiracy/developer/Cidan)
23:38.28|Jelly|!c us burning legion starbreeze
23:38.30Cidanwell that sucked.
23:38.30ThraeBot|Jelly|: Starbreeze, Level 70 Tauren Druid (0/47/14). 7375 HP; 4310 Mana; 121 mana regen; 18 mp5; 794 AP; 116.900 Melee DPS; 9.52% melee crit; 48 melee hit; 165 +heal; 17.57% dodge; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 269 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Sep 12 19:51:07 2007 ]]
23:38.36rae|schoolhis reasons were so overwhelming that IRC had to boot him
23:38.43Mr_Rabies2i mean, if it had as many features as the irc client in tribes, it would do for most people
23:38.51Cidanfirst, you alienate some of the players, love it or hate it, it's the truth.
23:39.01Mr_Rabies2how does adding a feature alienate players?
23:39.08CidanI'll get to that
23:39.08Mr_Rabies2they wouldn't be replacing anything, just adding an irc client
23:39.14Cidanpay attention
23:39.35Cidanfrom a business model, it doesn't make sense.  You are in effect dividing up your player base.
23:39.46CidanThose who use IRC to chat, and those who do not
23:39.53Mr_Rabies2just like with voice chat
23:39.54CidanThose who use IRC will be less compelled to use in game chat
23:40.13CidanExcept there are two things you are forgetting
23:40.29CidanVoice chat, you just enable and you have it, there are no server choices.
23:40.47CidanBlizzard can not monitor what happens
23:40.54Mr_Rabies2they can't with voice chat either
23:40.56CidanOver IRC.
23:41.02CidanNo, but you can report someone for abuse.
23:41.03Mr_Rabies2and said they can't do anything about that
23:41.13CidanNope?  Wanna bet?
23:41.48rae|schoolVoice Chat is also different.. in-game chat and IRC are both text-based so people would likely use one or the other. With voice chat, you can use both.
23:42.03CidanI can GUARANTEE you ANY company with the client base of WoW would have some way to report players who abuse it.
23:42.12CidanYou'd be a fucking moron not to.
23:42.28CidanBeyond that, you'd still divide the players
23:42.38CidanLess people would be in /1 (I know I would!)
23:42.40Elessdyi'll divide YOU
23:42.47CidanOver all, it's just a shit idea on the business end.
23:43.08rae|schoolWhat do you do for a living, Cide?
23:43.23Shiriklua> Corrodias = setmetatable({}, __call = function() return 4; end); return Corrodias()/2;
23:43.24cladbotShirik: sandbox.lua:285: Compilation failed: [string "Corrodias = setmetatable({}, __call = function() return 4; end)..."]:1: ')' expected near '='
23:43.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
23:43.37Shiriklua> Corrodias = setmetatable({}, {__call = function() return 4; end}); return Corrodias()/2;
23:43.37cladbotShirik: 2
23:43.39ShirikOh damn
23:43.41ShirikI divided Corrodias
23:43.46Mr_Rabies2blizzard's said they have no plans to make voice chat reportable
23:43.47Mr_Rabies21.1.Is voice chat reportable?
23:43.47Mr_Rabies2Simply put, No. But if you don't believe me in the voice chat tab when mousing over the "Enable Voice" option it says "Voice Chat is not monitored by Blizzard Entertainment, and your gameplay expirience may change based on interaction with other players."
23:44.14CidanIt isn't monitored, no.
23:44.16Mr_Rabies2i can't find the first case reply of them saying it's not reportable but i've read it
23:44.18CidanBut you CAN report someone over it.
23:44.19Corrodiasrecording transactions and chat is probably enough use of storage
23:44.46Corrodiasit would be ridiculous to add audio recording of all voice chat
23:44.53CidanAnd I _know_ Blizzard is not going to go, "LOL I DUNNO U DAEL WIT IT LOLOLOL"
23:44.54Corrodiaswhich is also unsearchable
23:44.55KaydeethreeMr_Rabies, it's in the ToS as well as the popup window you get when you enable voice chat in the sound/voice menu on the ptr
23:45.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_DC (
23:45.12Mr_Rabies2how could they enforce it at all?
23:45.21Mr_Rabies2without recording everything everyone has done, and running through it
23:45.29CidanWho knows?
23:45.31Mr_Rabies2if there's no evidence, they won't do crap
23:45.32CidanThey are clever folk
23:45.43Mr_Rabies2i've talked to plenty of GMs
23:45.47CidanLike that has stopped anyone.
23:45.47Mr_Rabies2if you report someone for botting
23:45.56Mr_Rabies2and they respond when the gm asks the bot test
23:45.59Mr_Rabies2the gm's can't do crap
23:46.06AnduinLotharhmmm, looks liek Opera's not makign any more Mac versions
23:46.22CidanThey CAN do what they want -- this isn't the law.
23:46.25AnduinLotharThey say it doesn't make business sense to compete with Safari
23:46.33Mr_Rabies2no i'm saying
23:46.38CidanThey WON'T boot someone without proof of botting, though.
23:46.39Mr_Rabies2blizzard policy is
23:46.43Mr_Rabies2if you don't catch them in the act
23:46.46Mr_Rabies2they can't do anything
23:46.54CidanHowever, don't be so quick to think that it's set in stone.
23:47.05Mr_Rabies2it would be so dumb
23:47.07Mr_Rabies2what if i didn't like you
23:47.19CidanOr if you got 15 people
23:47.23Mr_Rabies2and got 2 of my buddies to report you for calling me a huge paragraph of racist, hate speech
23:47.26Cidanto spam voice
23:47.29Cidanor rather
23:47.31Mr_Rabies2but you didn't
23:47.34Cidanreport you for voice, I know this.
23:47.35Mr_Rabies2and bam you're banned, gg
23:47.39CidanBut what WILL happen
23:48.14Mr_Rabies2they won't ban over voice chat, because there's no way for them to prove you've done anything
23:48.15CidanPeople who spam voice will allude to it in text chat too.
23:48.23CidanThis I know
23:48.29CidanAnd through that, they will get you.
23:48.29*** join/#wowi-lounge [KzM]Fatalis (
23:48.34rae|schoolPerhaps rather than monitor everyone all the time.. they could monitor reported people for a short time
23:48.34Mr_Rabies2hell, while i botted i never once eluded to it in text
23:48.34CidanOh man
23:48.37Cidancan you imagine
23:48.52Mr_Rabies2rae|school, that's a huge waste of resources
23:48.56Cidanchinese botters spamming?
23:49.09Mr_Rabies2they have the disclaimer there, that's all they need
23:49.11Cidan"LOL U BUI GOLD NAO!!!!!!!"
23:49.13rae|schoolWell so is IRC-in-WoW!
23:49.24Mr_Rabies2not at all
23:49.58Mr_Rabies2irc in wow would likely not take long at all to do, irc's a very easily implemented protocol
23:50.12Mr_Rabies2it's basically packets of text with some headers
23:50.29CidanI went through a portal
23:50.34Cidanmy pet vanished, fine
23:50.36Cidancall pet
23:50.42Cidan"You do not have a pet to summon."
23:50.46Mr_Rabies2i can read irc with a packet sniffer just fine :O
23:51.26CidanIRC in game would violate the idea that Blizzard has going about outside communication influence
23:51.29Mr_Rabies2yeah, if you're at a big lan and care about your irc account
23:51.30CidanI could scan an IRC chan
23:51.31rae|schoolBut you still need a sandbox for it.. an interface... the new network traffic coming over on a different port..
23:51.34Cidanfor keywords
23:52.02Mr_Rabies2like what?
23:52.38Mr_Rabies2rae|school, if tribes could do it in 1998 there's no excuse other games couldn't have it
23:52.44Cidanthen relay that or run commands based off of that
23:52.50Mr_Rabies2a little tiny developer like dynamix can do it
23:52.57Cidanwhich blizzard has made clear it does not want.
23:52.59Mr_Rabies2run commands off it?
23:53.06Mr_Rabies2if it was properly implemented there would be no way to do so
23:53.13Mr_Rabies2can you run commands off ingame chat hints?
23:53.50Cidaner, ingame chat hints?
23:53.59Mr_Rabies2can you run commands off ingame chat?
23:54.25Mr_Rabies2so you could set a bot up to control multiple characters via chat?
23:54.35CidanI didn't say move
23:54.39CidanI said run commands.
23:54.42Mr_Rabies2like what?
23:54.50Cidananything lua can run, really.
23:55.10Cidanand it works two ways, I can dump data outward
23:55.16Cidanie: where I am, stats
23:55.30Cidanwhich Blizzard does not want provided in real time
23:55.35Cidanover all, it would be a mess
23:56.13Mr_Rabies2i would think it would be really easy to block it off from the rest of the game
23:56.26CidanHmm, perhaps
23:56.50Mr_Rabies2i mean, you couldn't send any of tribes' script commands through irc chat
23:56.54rae|schoolLike by having it in a third party application? :)
23:57.04Kaydeethreebut then you'd have to alt-tab to use it
23:57.13Kaydeethreeand we're back where we were at the beginning
23:57.26Mr_Rabies2i mean hell
23:57.42rae|schoolWell I thought I'd bring things back around since we seemed to be drifting away from the original question
23:58.10Mr_Rabies2it's so much easier to just hit a hotkey, chat in irc, and hit the hotkey again to hide it
23:58.18rae|schoolYou could also run WoW in a non-maximized window so that it could share screen space with IRC
23:58.43Mr_Rabies2or they could just implement a simple irc chat program for it and block it off from commands
23:59.18CidanBut you still don't solve the fact that half -- or more -- of your player base will use an external form of communication, but the other part will use in game chat.
23:59.25CidanIt _will_ create a divide.
23:59.29rae|schoolYes, but I still contend that it would only serve to divide the community and offer no benefit over current in-game chat.
23:59.38Mr_Rabies2what's to stop people from leaving /1 and joining their own private channels now, Cidan?
23:59.54CidanThere is no point.

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