IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070911

00:01.16clad|bookhow can I taint ActionButton3?
00:03.15KasoHas to be 3 ?
00:06.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Galka (
00:09.29Corrodiaswould ActionButton3 = ActionButton3 do it?
00:09.51clad|bookyes that does, but that's a confusing example :P
00:09.58clad|booki thought tainting the OnClick would do it, but apparently no.
00:10.04Corrodiasbrowsing porn at the speed of light to get it done before we make the first pull in gruul's lair
00:10.29*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
00:10.35*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
00:10.38Corrodiasi made it!
00:10.40*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
00:10.56Kasoumm, thanks for keeping us informed
00:11.38*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop (n=chatzill@
00:13.29Corrodiasyou're welcome
00:13.38Corrodiasevaluating what to save and what to discard, i mean
00:14.14Kasowell thats slightly better for my mental imagary than what i assumed before
00:17.05*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop_ (
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00:21.23Shirik|AFKsince when does nightbane attack during the flying phase?
00:21.56Kaydeethreehe go after someone further south than the tank?
00:24.00clad|bookwow i hate you
00:24.32JoshBorkeit's not easy being greasy
00:24.55JoshBorkedid i miss any?
00:25.10Shirik|AFKKaydeethree: Me :(
00:25.13Shirik|AFKHe one shot me
00:25.34Shirik|AFKAll I know is we were in the air phase and I have "Nightbane hits you for 8485. You cast touch of weakness. You die."
00:25.49JoshBorkeat least it was over fast
00:26.07Kaydeethreeif he's coming down, anyone's free game if you're in melee range of him. that's why everyone's supposed to get north of the tank
00:26.34clad|bookhow long will gct take to collect 90 MiB of garbage
00:26.41clad|bookand how much time will each step take
00:26.54JoshBorkeyou want me to see?
00:27.07clad|bookno im testing now
00:27.09clad|booktaking bets
00:27.18JoshBorke90 minutes
00:27.38JoshBorkeoh wait
00:27.40JoshBorkeyou said gct
00:27.49JoshBorkeoh, f if i know, that's a piece of junk addon
00:29.07JoshBorkeman, i was working so hard to be nice today too
00:29.36JoshBorkeclad: i take it back, i was only joking :-)
00:30.19JoshBorkeclad: not having any reference data, i'm going to say it'll take about 15 minutes with each step taking about 30-45 seconds tops (or is a step defined as an OnUpdate run, if so, then i'll say 30-50 ms)
00:31.40JoshBorkedo i get an autographed copy of the book if i'm closest?
00:33.27clad|bookyeah if you mail it to me
00:33.31clad|bookin the next 10 days
00:34.29JoshBorkei'll send you some clear tape you can sign, that way i can affix it to the front of th ebook
00:34.41clad|bookk k
00:34.46clad|bookthe 2nd book will be better
00:34.48clad|bookship that shit to the UK
00:34.54JoshBorkehm, is cog in the us?
00:35.01JoshBorkei mean the 2nd book :-) i don't own the first
00:35.14JoshBorkei don't need to know the stuff in the 1st
00:35.35JoshBorkespecifically i'm looking forward to the section on secure buttons
00:36.13JoshBorketime to go for now
00:36.14JoshBorketaa taa
00:37.46CidanThat's so retarded.
00:37.53CidanNo wonder I can't find a good rogue now-a-days.
00:38.12Olisonhahah Kaso
00:38.13Kasohe looks so totally pathetic doing his evisc spin
00:38.46Kasoim just amazed it was a good 15 sec before anyone made any reaction to him stealthing around the classroom
00:39.18clad|bookhe clearly had seal fate
00:39.21clad|bookor was a nub rogue
00:42.25AnduinLotharOne million iPhones sold in the first 74 days
00:43.02Kasoits got to have sucked to be one of the ones who bought one a few days before they cut the price
00:43.22AnduinLotharyup, least you get $100 store cred
00:43.38AnduinLotharit's always like that with apple tho.
00:43.48AnduinLotharthey come out with new versions liek every 3-6 months
00:43.55Kasotrue, its not like anyone didnt see it coming
00:44.04KasoHowever the iTouch i wasnt expecting
00:44.18KasoIm still resisting the urge to go and buy one right now, theyre pretty
00:44.29AnduinLotharyeah, tho i wish it had more space, i dont mind if it's as thick as the regular ipod
00:44.40AnduinLotharbut i'm sure it's flash
00:44.46AnduinLotharand not a HD like the classic
00:45.38Kasoif the touch was HDD though it's battery life would be even shorter
00:45.54AnduinLotharI'm hopign to see a hybrid micro drive soon
00:45.54Kasoall that wifi touch screen osx goodness takes alot of power
00:46.21AnduinLothar1GB flash, 100 GB HDD, sounds good to me
00:46.57AnduinLotharcourse that's kinda like ram
00:47.41AnduinLotharbut i'm sure there's stuff that could benifit from flash, like the OS and the media player and the browser
00:47.55AnduinLotharand jsut have all the media on HDD
00:48.43Kasoproblem with the cache is its gonna burn through the 1 million read right cycle limits on nand memory surprisngly fast, and people will start bitching when their drives start dying
00:49.25AnduinLotharnah, that's no worse than the batter replacement
00:49.42AnduinLotharlong as they make it easy to replace w/o service
00:50.16AnduinLotharcourse, that's the thing, the price drop still doesn't have a good batt replacement
00:51.34AnduinLotharIt's on the wishlist: 3G compat, service-free battery replacement, copy&paste functionality
00:53.43Kaso* Actually being availble in EU
00:53.46Kasothats my wishlist
00:54.08AnduinLotharoh, that's solved by non-lockdown, which should be at the front of the list
00:55.17AnduinLotharcouple more versions we may get those things.
00:55.48AnduinLothar3G compat is mainly an issue with size and AT&T's coverage
00:56.02AnduinLotharcopy&paste functionality is jsut software
00:56.26AnduinLotharservice-free battery replacement is iffy, since the ipods still aren't easy to open
00:56.54AnduinLotharlockdown depends on demand i guess. and how much $ they get from at&t from the exclusive deal
00:57.28*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
01:05.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:14.11Shirik|AFK14(2011:2511:0214) 14(1115Kaydeethree14) if he's coming down, anyone's free game if you're in melee range of him. that's why everyone's supposed to get north of the tank
01:14.12Shirik|AFKhe wasn't :(
01:14.21Shirik|AFKWhat sucks is we got him down next time, but of course I died at 1%
01:14.28Shirik|AFKbecause I decided to run up to him and get cleaved
01:17.52Corrodiasdude, what the hell? gruul is kicking our ASS
01:18.36Corrodiasit's like we have only half of the needed dps
01:20.07Kaydeethreenew PTR build. current build: 7229. diffs at
01:29.30*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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01:33.41cogwheelmmmm.... nothing like a Tequila Sunrise with fresh squeezed OJ & Patron silver
01:41.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@
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02:03.05Shirik|AFKDoes anyone know of an addon that would cause linked loots to come up in a really strange color?
02:03.14Shirik|AFKLike the opening bracket is purple, then the text is yellow and the closing bracket red
02:04.09Shirik|AFKstrangely enough according to devtools it should just be a constant color
02:05.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
02:21.37Thunder_ChildShirik|AFK, do you have rating buster?
02:22.40Shirik|AFKI don't think so
02:22.55Shirik|AFKwant me to show you a screenshot of what I'm talking about?
02:26.16Shirik|AFKFirst line of chat log:
02:26.38Shirik|AFKperhaps it's CTRA?
02:26.48Shirik|AFKIt's the only thing I think I chagned
02:27.05FlAWDDVD+R or -R ... for data storage? anyone have any legitimate reason one is better?
02:27.17Shirik|AFKFlAWD: Does your drive support both?
02:27.57FlAWDi'm thinking ... i like ritek :)
02:27.59Shirik|AFKGo with -R. +R used to be better in the sense that it could be recorded faster, but not so much anymore. -R is more widely supported, so use that
02:28.14FlAWDcool .. thanks :D
02:28.28Rallion-R ftw.
02:32.23ScytheBlade1Offtopic: what is the cap for resistances? (ie, FR, FrR, NR, AR, etc.)
02:32.34Shirikugh I used to know this
02:32.42ScytheBlade1I thought it was 350
02:33.05ScytheBlade1It was at 60, anyways
02:33.06Kaydeethreeyour level + 3 * 5 if memory serves
02:33.20ShirikDamage reduction = (R / (Lc * 5)) * 0.75
02:33.30Shirikmaximum damage mitigation is always 75%
02:33.36ScytheBlade1Right, always 75% cap
02:33.56Shirikoh wait
02:33.57ShirikR = Rb + min((Lt - Lc) * 5, 0)
02:34.14Shirikso, assuming a boss
02:34.21ShirikKaydeethree's formula is right
02:36.21ScytheBlade1365 cap against raid bosses then
02:36.49Shiriklua> 70+3*5
02:36.49cladbotShirik: 85
02:36.56Shiriklua> (70+3)*5
02:36.56cladbotShirik: 365
02:36.59Shirik~lart Kaydeethree
02:36.59purlholds Kaydeethree to the floor and spanks him with a cat-o-nine-tails
02:37.28Legorolguys, what are you talking about? 365 is most definitely not the resistance cap
02:37.36ShirikAccording to that formula it is
02:37.38*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
02:37.40ShirikI'm just going off what wowwiki says
02:37.41Thrae!mload armorystats
02:37.41ThraeBotLoaded [armorystats]
02:37.48Legorolwhere'd you get the formula?
02:37.58Shirik14(2211:3611:3414) 14(11Shirik14) I'm just going off what wowwiki says
02:38.02ThraeShirik: I added a debugging command to !vs called !vsd, with the same parameters
02:38.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (i=feh@conspiracy/developer/Cidan)
02:38.07ShirikThrae: cool
02:38.24LegorolShirik: bit more specifically? wowwiki is big, and different pages often have conflicting info
02:38.36Shirikwow omg spam
02:38.40ShirikGlad I did that in PM's a wiki? fix it if it's wrong
02:38.46ThraeShirik: Haha
02:38.54ShirikKaydeethree: I don't know the solution so... Legorol: Resistance
02:40.08ShirikAnd Legorol: If it isn't, then what is?
02:41.38ShirikThunder_Child: Any idea on that addon
02:41.47LegorolShirik: i don't know what the actual maximum is, but at around 400 resistance, i still take significant damage from pandemonius (first boss in mana tombs)
02:42.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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02:42.25ShirikMaybe the great Iriel knows!
02:42.34Thunder_ChildShirik, no...i was thinking in the tooltip
02:42.38Thunder_Childnot chat
02:42.42Shiriksorry =(
02:42.54ShirikHey Iriel, any idea what would cause your chat log to do this?
02:42.56Shirik14(2211:2511:1014) 14(11Shirik|AFK14) First line of chat log:
02:42.57Thunder_Childwhat chat mod are you runing?
02:43.04ShirikPrat, but I've never seen it do that before
02:43.10ShirikAnd I've used it for quite a wihle
02:43.27Thunder_Childi assume it *can* do that
02:43.52ShirikMaybe I'd be more content if I were given a reason for it doing that :( actual loot is fine, merely linked loot is color flavored
02:44.40IrielShirik: You mean the bracket colors?
02:44.54Thunder_Childand the item text i assume
02:44.55ShirikYeah, and the yellow text
02:45.09Shirikdevtools says it should be a plain color, as I would expect
02:45.21Thrae!mload armorystats
02:45.21ThraeBotLoaded [armorystats]
02:45.41Thrae!mload armorystats
02:45.42ThraeBotLoaded [armorystats]
02:45.43IrielHm.. did devtools show you an event, or the string passed to :AddMessage ?
02:45.44Thunder_ChildThrae! your bot needs a slapin
02:46.09ShirikIt showed me CHAT_MSG_RAID_LEADER
02:46.12Shirikor whatever else it's called
02:46.45IrielBut there's an addon abusing that string, right?
02:46.50ShirikI guess so
02:47.06ShirikBut devtools reports the string (arg1) as I expect it... one constant purple color for the item
02:47.19Shirik(I wish I had SSed the devtool tooltip too)
02:47.31Thunder_Childso whatever is affecting it is after devtools scans it?
02:47.39IrielMy guess is that whatever addon is doing your timestamps and whatever is breaking the color codes
02:48.31ShirikBut see what's even more wierd
02:48.33Thunder_Childi dunno Iriel...except for that, it apears to be a standard prat...i have the same look on mine
02:48.35Shirikit doesn't happen on every item
02:48.42ShirikIt only happens every so often
02:48.48IrielOh, maybe it's related to the item cache stuff
02:48.50ShirikI saw it twice today out of about 7 items or so
02:48.53*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
02:49.00Thrae!mload armorystats
02:49.12Thrae!mload armorystats
02:49.12ThraeBotLoaded [armorystats]
02:49.15IrielWere they all items you might not have had in your local cache at the time?
02:49.31ShirikI would assume so, but I could very well be wrong
02:49.43Thunder_Childanyways.. Shirik your UI fails, it's to crowded
02:49.46IrielStill, that doesn't make much sense
02:49.49ShirikIt does
02:49.55ShirikYou know how I make my UI?
02:50.03ShirikI go "Hey I need this info" and I slap it on there in whatever corner it fits
02:50.07Shirikover and over again
02:50.15ShirikYou should see it in action :P
02:50.20CidanNo actually
02:50.24CidanYou really shouldn't
02:50.28CidanIt's enough to blind a man.
02:50.30Shirikhey you know I might have a shot of it
02:50.38Thunder_Childdamit Cidan, you beat me to it
02:50.45Thrae!mload armorystats
02:50.46ThraeBotLoaded [armorystats]
02:50.46Thunder_Childi was gonna mention blind
02:50.51purlfrom memory, tbr is ThraeBot Ratings, an invention of Thrae for his ThraeBot. It works on a PvP-oriented weighted logarithmic algorithm partially dependant on build type that and mostly dependant on what stats the Armoury currently has for you, that when used to compare two characters, tries to take into account which classes are fighting each other. or "to be ...
02:51.11Cidancurrent setup:
02:51.14Thunder_Childi think you need to fix that Thrae
02:51.46ShirikI have a shot of me at gruul
02:51.52Shirikunfortunately it's on my hunter
02:51.53Shirikbut here you go
02:51.54Thraepurl, real tbr is TBR += level * (math.fmod(stat_value, math.log(stat_value)) or 0) * weight / level_difference.
02:51.55purlThrae: okay
02:52.03ShirikMy healer UI is far more complex
02:52.19Thraepurl, real tbr is TBR += level * (math.fmod(stat_value, math.log(stat_value)) or 0) * weight / level_difference. See ~tbr for more information.
02:52.19purl...but real tbr is already something else...
02:52.25Thraepurl, no, real tbr is TBR += level * (math.fmod(stat_value, math.log(stat_value)) or 0) * weight / level_difference. See ~tbr for more information.
02:52.26purlThrae: okay
02:53.25Shirikspam ftw
02:53.33ShirikThat's actually not bad either
02:53.52Thrae~real tbr
02:53.53purlmethinks real tbr is TBR += level * (math.fmod(stat_value, math.log(stat_value)) or 0) * weight / level_difference, for all relative weights for that char, divided by all weights / 10.  See ~tbr for more information.
02:53.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
02:54.27Thrae!help vsd
02:54.27ThraeBot!vsd <eu/us> <server> <character> <eu/us> <server2> <character2> -- This shows how each stat adds to that character's TBR, where w:<number> is the weight for that stat vs that class and/or build type, and (c+<number>) is a count of all weights related to the fight, even if the stat is 0. The final TBR is divded by c.
02:54.47Shirikok Thrae I'll play with that when I get back
02:54.51Shirikfor now it's time for dinner
02:55.18Thunder_ChildThrae, gonna fix the english for tbr?
02:59.22purltbr is, like, ThraeBot Ratings, a ThraeBot innovation. Working on a PvP-oriented weighted algorithm for what stats the Armoury currently has for your character, partially modified by build-type. When used to pit two characters in TBR vs TBR, it will also try to take into account which classes are fighting. (or "to be released")
02:59.50JoshBorkeShirik|AFK: what's your priest again?
03:00.38ThraeThunder_Child: Happy?
03:01.21Thunder_Childumm...sure..i was just pointing out that the old one had some slight errors
03:01.51JoshBorkeThrae: what's the status on TinyTip?  what features are missing from it that it used to have (Ace version vs newest version)
03:04.42ThraeJoshBorke: v3 TinyTip isn't released yet, but works fine. It uses no framework, uses only one main hook, and other optimizations. The working part of TinyTip is the actual "TinyTip", no modules, where you don't have a database or slash commands, just StandAloneConfig.lua.
03:05.24ThraeJoshBorke: TinyTip basically makes your tooltip look and feel just like v2, except it lacks some options like Targets and Buffs/Debuffs, which will be in modules.
03:05.40JoshBorkeThrae: ok.  had someone asking about it earlier
03:05.46JoshBorkewanted to hear it from the ass's mouth as it were
03:06.09ThraeJoshBorke: ur mum's an ass
03:06.29JoshBorkeshe also doesn't know when to shut up
03:17.37*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
03:20.45*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
03:21.11bleeteroh great, my 'the GM said this is working as intended, why so' post to the CM forum got bumped over to the bug forum
03:21.17bleeterso... it must be a bug?
03:22.27Shirik|AFK=( I feel so stupid now
03:22.42JoshBorkeshirik:  it's ok to be stupid
03:22.51ShirikSo when I moved into my apartment I told them one of the outlets isn't working on the wall
03:23.04ShirikI noticed a paper attached to my door today, a maintenance request reciept.
03:23.32ShirikOn it, it says "Functioning OK. Note: The outlet is controlled by the wall switch at the entrance"
03:26.54*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
03:28.35ScytheBlade1You know, the forums really need a 'auto lock after X days of inactivity' feature.
03:35.35ThraeThe faeries, or 'fae', were the ancient gods of ye 'ol Ireland, which were cast deep underground. Later, they split into other tribes -- elves, dwarves, gnomes, goblins (some of which were the same thing, different name)
03:35.39ThraeTherefore, if you are an Elf, Dwarf or Gnome, you are indeed, a Fairy.
03:36.00ShirikSo have you guys heard of this concept of an operating system written entirely in Java?
03:36.21ThraeShirik: Are you trying to be fresh?
03:36.27Shirikno, I just found out :(
03:36.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie_ (
03:37.03ShirikI find it... interesting
03:37.26ThraeWell it's very old news...and Sun has been very wishy-washy about the project. At this point, OSX or even Linux will overtake the project.
03:37.47ShirikI never follow news well :(
03:39.38sylvanaarThunder_Child you know someone else was reporting the first bracket of an itemlink getting miscolored
03:40.03sylvanaarThunder_Child any chance you can capture some info for me?
03:40.15Shiriksylvanaar: I would be the one with the problem
03:40.16Thunder_Childwasnt my issue..was Shirik's
03:41.38*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
03:45.05bleetermy god
03:45.23bleeter'working as intended' = 'undocumented bug'
03:45.33bleeter*could be an undocumented bug
03:46.14bleeterie, unexpected/undocumented behaviour = 'working as intended, don't bother posting it as a bug'
03:48.34bleeterShirik: the JavaOS is an old old old old project, gets resurrected every year or so.. not much happens tho
03:51.40*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiSensei (
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04:17.23MentalPowerbleeter: Mathinna == you?
04:18.39bleeterMentalPower: aye
04:19.23MentalPowerI lol'ed @ "Sorry, my [Circular-Logic Detector] just exploded."
04:19.48bleeterMentalPower: I'd just had a morning of it exploding @ Uni... I'm suprised it was operational again
04:20.25bleeteryay for tutorial assments on topics not covered in lectures yet :/
04:21.10bleeterthough, knowing this lot, it probably was mentioned in passing briefly, but by some other name
04:23.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron (
04:23.31MentalPowerhowdy Valaron
04:23.35ValaronMy gf and I just called things off.
04:23.53MentalPowerI'm sorry to hear that
04:27.09*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
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04:30.56cogwheelclad|book: ping
04:31.46cogwheelwait nm
04:31.49cogwheeli'm an idjit
04:32.48clad|bookhrm.. k
04:35.21ValaronWell.. good night all.
04:36.16Shiriknight all
04:40.00Thunder_Child"(21:32:02) (cogwheel) i'm an idjit" QFT :)
04:40.31cogwheelif clad|book saw who i meant to ping he'd kill me
04:40.56cogwheelTem would kill me too
04:43.03Thunder_ChildShirik|zZz fails
04:45.51Shirik|zZzyeah yeah
04:45.59Shirik|zZzcogwheel: I should point out however
04:46.10Shirik|zZzI am a computer engineer, not a software engineer. I thrive on being close to hardware
04:46.14Shirik|zZzSo I'm biased, and heavily
04:46.54art3misyou should see what he does with acoustic couplers when he thinks no-one is looking
04:47.33cogwheeli've tried a little bit of everything though software definitely has a lower barrier to entry
04:47.58Shirik|zZzI love assembly, I love circuitry, etc.
04:48.08Shirik|zZzI expect I'll be going into embedded systems
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04:48.16Shirik|zZzalready have some practice in that area
04:48.20cogwheeland if you fuck up you can wipe and start over unlike electronics where you have to buy a whole new chip if you wire it wrong :P
04:48.45art3misthats why god invented solder wick ;P
04:48.49Shirik|zZzthat's why we have simulators and DRCs :)
04:49.00Shirik|zZzand PCB netlists
04:49.03Shirik|zZzand then we let the computer do the rest
04:52.48Shirik|zZzanyway, night
04:55.53Tierrie_i am going to watch an autopsy for reasons that are unclear to me
04:59.27*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
04:59.32Thunder_ChildTierrie_. because it's fun!
05:01.06ScytheBlade1Awesome. So. I'm remotely connected to a server at work, using it to work on a user's computer.
05:01.13ScytheBlade1Suddenly, that computer stops responding completly
05:01.25ScytheBlade1And I notice that the server is running on batteries now.
05:01.39Tierrie_want the link?
05:01.41Tierrie_its kind of gross's not live :(
05:03.18Tierrie_warning: explicit
05:04.31Tierrie_i am about 1/3 through
05:04.31Tierrie_i don't think i can finish watching this :(
05:04.31Temcogwheel, huh?
05:04.46cogwheelTem: not telling :P
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05:12.07bleeterright so after all that, finally worked out what the problem is... armory doesn't display an 'equip' or 'minimum level req' for quest items, or at least with regards to the item I was after info on
05:12.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
05:12.35bleeterand after several hours of frustration, I can't be arsed investigating further, 'bout time Blizz spent some of the money they earned from me working it out for themselves ;)
05:13.03bleeterwell, it does display, just not in the item tooltip... madness
05:17.48sioraiochtanyone here use/used O2 in the UK?
05:18.13Thunder_Childas in oxygen?
05:18.24sioraiochtlol no, the cell phone provider, dork
05:18.33Thunder_Childnot i
05:18.41sioraiochtclearly ;)
05:20.32Thunder_Childnot really, i'm just an ass in general
05:21.07Thunder_Childi have a friend that keeps calling me a dork after comments like that as well...weird
05:24.57art3misyou ARE a dork though TC
05:27.57Thunder_Childheh, totaly true though
05:28.32art3misanyone used any super neat addons lately?
05:28.44art3mishiya cairenn
05:28.49WobworkI still find Dash to be superneat
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05:29.11*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.1 ToC: 20100 | RTFPN please | A joke's a very serious thing. - Charles Churchill
05:29.12art3misstill got yer cute little ass, or have you run that off between the two houses ;)
05:29.18art3miswhat is dash?
05:29.25Tierrie_whale penis of sarcasm
05:30.07Tierriewatching that autopsy video has given me the heebies
05:30.13Tierrieheebie jeebies
05:30.42Tierriedid you see it?
05:31.00Thunder_Childwell i keep getting called a dork when i am sarcastic, so yes whale penis of sarcasim is apt
05:31.27art3misyeah just checked it
05:31.39art3misya know thats exactly what i was asking someone to code a while back ;P
05:31.48Tierrieone day one of the fuckers in this channel will write a whole OS into wow
05:31.50art3misonly with the ability to make more than one winder
05:31.56CairennTierrie: the one you say, probably not, no
05:32.03Tierrieso we'd have like tiny OSX virtualization within a window
05:32.05Tierriewhile raiding
05:32.18Tierrie"loook guys, iTunes"
05:32.32Thunder_Childlike there needs to be more things to take your attention away from the game....
05:32.39art3misim still waiting for cryect to make amriokart for wow
05:32.49TierrieCairenn: see it, then tell me again that i'm a wuss
05:33.02CairennTierrie: lol, you don't know me
05:33.24art3misshe ate an entire taxi when she came to new york
05:33.27art3miswithout chewing
05:33.30Tierrieyah but when i tried to get to know you, you said you were married!
05:33.32Tierrieba dum pah!
05:33.49CairennTierrie: my dream job (that never panned out) was to be an EMT
05:33.49Tierrieanyway, that movie is like
05:33.56art3misit was amazing, her stomach muscles had me in awe with thier ability to compact it to 4"x4"
05:34.06Tierriei would like to be a part time fireman
05:34.10CairennTierrie: I dissected stuff in various biology classes while eating cheesies
05:34.18art3misthe part where you sit around the club house all day?
05:34.24Tierriei can't paper cut my finger without crying
05:34.26art3misior the fire fighting part?
05:34.37Tierriethe part where i go to wildernesses to fight forest fires
05:34.56Cairennso, yeah, I say again - wuss :p ;)
05:35.06Tierriewatch the link
05:35.13Tierriethis is a showdown!
05:35.25Cairenngimme the link, I cleared my scroll back
05:35.45Tierriei go to 10 minutes left before i started skipping
05:35.53Tierrieright after they took off the top of her skull
05:36.01Tierrieand took out the brain
05:36.13CairennI take it you never watch CSI either
05:36.19Tierriecsi is not very graphic
05:36.31WobworkIt's all computer graphics =)
05:36.48Cairennthey cut the top of someone's skull off all the time in CSI :p
05:36.58bleeterWobwork: did you see the piccy I posted earlier?
05:37.07Tierrielook, watch it, and then, if you are still here, then tell me i'm a wuss :P
05:37.35Wobworkdid it involve breasts and grubs?
05:37.41bleetergrubs.. kinda
05:38.00Wobworksurely you've seen that one?
05:38.37WobworkNOT PRETTY
05:38.41WobworkREALLY NOT =P
05:38.53Wobwork(Don't say I didn't warn you)
05:39.01Cairennno, not pretty at all
05:39.13WobworkThat image messed with me
05:39.33WobworkI still get the shivers thinking about it =P
05:39.34bleeterdomain name and directory name and filename combine to realise I dun wanna go cliky there :P
05:39.41bleeter*to make me realise
05:39.44Wobworkoh snopes isn't bad
05:40.03Wobworkthe article is less than pretty though
05:40.11WobworkI taught my mother about Snopes =)
05:40.22bleeterI know Snopes :P
05:40.28art3misthats pretty awesome though
05:40.31WobworkIt's great to see her send back emails with snopes links to our family members who send around scare chain emails
05:40.59Tierrienot pretty
05:41.02Tierriei think
05:41.03Tierriei think
05:41.10Tierriefuck man, i don't think i can sleep tonight
05:41.15art3mishaha bleeter
05:41.31WobworkTierrie: I did warn you =(
05:41.38Tierriedude its not just your link
05:41.41Tierrieits that + autopsy
05:41.42art3misyou should bring up the superiority of the 8track vs the cassette tape ;P
05:42.00bleeterI just moaned lots about quartz-locked radio and the reduction of fun one can have in bed late at night under the covers
05:42.01Tierriei never understood why the HTML stuff is called radio either
05:42.08Tierrieand i was there when HTML took off
05:42.14Cairennwell, he's just removed the spleen, and it still isn't bothering me
05:42.19art3misradio buttons
05:42.26Wobworkalthough, did anyone see that documentary series of Real Life Autopsy? With that mad german surgeon?
05:42.29CairennI'm down to 15 mins left
05:42.30Thunder_Childspleen shmeen
05:42.46bleeteroO Cairenn's going down in 15 mins?
05:42.53Tierriewhoo hoo
05:43.01Thunder_Childpic's or it didnt happen
05:43.18Cairennthere's the kidneys
05:43.28Tierriei don't really need a blow by blow cairenn
05:43.31Tierriei just watched it myself
05:43.36Cairennhehehe, sorry
05:43.46art3misi find it disturbing that 208 people have downloaded HKUI
05:43.54Tierriebut if you finish watching it and you still don't find it disturbing, we should do an S&M session!
05:44.21art3misbut kind of coolt aht 123 and 251 have downloaded the iron cross and hk cycircled stuff
05:44.34WobworkGunter van Hagens
05:45.46Tierrieuh oh
05:45.56Tierriei am looking at porn now and all i can see is dissected corpses
05:46.02Tierriethat autopsy has turned me off porn!
05:46.05TierrieOH MY GAWD
05:46.16Cairennawww, poor Tierrie
05:46.23WobworkWorld in crisis! World in crisis!
05:46.32Tierriethat link wob linked didn't help either
05:46.58art3misgood god teir
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05:47.18Cairennyou know, the human body really is truly amazing - how all of that stuff can be packed inside us and the way it all works - completely fascinating
05:47.28art3misisnt time you put on yer sleepy time booties and go to bed with your space ship mobile spinning?
05:51.03Tierriehow you feeling cairenn
05:51.24Cairennhmmm, she had a uterine tumour, that must have been scary when they first discovered it
05:51.56Tierriedo you never imagine yourself in that situation when you watch it?
05:52.01Tierrieor do you just not worry about it
05:52.17Cairennwhat, dead and having someone do an autopsy on me?
05:52.53Tierrieoh nice, lingerie still works
05:53.29CairennI've already told my family, and they've agreed to it, that I want any organs that can be used for transplant used, then donate whatever is left to a university for med students to practice on
05:53.42Cairennand if there is still anything left after that, just cremate it
05:53.56Tierriethat's very different from my last wishes
05:54.07Tierriewhich is to take all the money from my retirement, bank account and all my assets
05:54.11Tierrieconvert it to gold coins
05:54.14Tierrieand be buried with it
05:54.30Cairennif my death can help someone else's future, then that is the legacy I want
05:54.51Tierriemine will too, it'll help some dumb college kid 100 year in the future digging up my grave
05:54.59Tierrie"LEGEND OF TIERRIE"
05:55.08Mr_Rabies2i'm the exact opposite
05:55.24Mr_Rabies2i want to scar as many people as possible with my funeral
05:55.33Tierrieso animatronics?
05:55.36Mr_Rabies2perhaps getting a springloaded coffin
05:55.48Mr_Rabies2during the ceremony, a recording will play
05:55.53Mr_Rabies2of me saying "i'm back bitches"
05:55.57Mr_Rabies2and i will be flung into the crowd
05:55.57Cairennbrain stem is fine
05:55.57Tierriei think stuffed + robotics would do nicely
05:56.08art3misget flayed and have an open casket ceremony
05:56.20art3mislike the odies exhibit
05:56.32Tierriethe bodies exhibit scares me
05:56.36Wobworkplastination =)
05:56.38Tierriebut cairenn would probably go right up and lick it
05:56.40WobworkGunter van Hagens =)
05:56.47art3misits awesome
05:56.55Mr_Rabies2perhaps getting my corpse formed into a recreation of tubgirl
05:56.58Mr_Rabies2i dunno though
05:57.02Tierrieshe'd be like NYUM NYUM NYUM, "tastes like formaldehyde"
05:57.08art3miswhats creepier is the guy who did the embalming and mummification on a man on a horse
05:57.12Mr_Rabies2i think the sheer shock from the corpseapult would be pretty great
05:57.22WobworkWell first
05:57.27Wobworkwe build a giant wooden badger...
05:57.33art3misit was masterful of course
05:57.40Tierriewell, frankly, i don't understand why if there are women that will donate their bodies to science, they won't donate their bodies to me
05:57.41Tierriewhile they are alive
05:57.58Mr_Rabies2<Tierrie> while they are alive
05:58.06Mr_Rabies2this was very important to include
05:58.35Tierriewell, they'll be atheist of course, so it makes no difference
05:58.53art3misand raelly if you're that hard up how does a pulse matter ;P
05:59.12art3misafter a while rigor goes away and EVERY place is a spongey hole waiting to be formed
05:59.16Tierriethinking like that can end up with me humping a dvd+/-rw
06:00.10Mr_Rabies2good going
06:00.14Mr_Rabies2you scared off cogwheel
06:00.58art3misdid not!
06:01.13Thunder_Childbut Tierrie, a dvd is hard and sharp, but a woman is soft and spongy...even a dead one
06:02.12Tierrieah well
06:02.21Tierriei found a link that partially restored my faith in humanity
06:02.23Tierriewho wants it?
06:02.38Thunder_Childpfft, faith is for...uhh...nvm
06:02.55Tierriehey cairenn
06:02.59Tierriedone watching yet?
06:03.05Cairennoh yeah
06:03.18Tierriefeeling friskey?
06:04.06Cairennnot really, but I'm not feeling like I want to go puke, either
06:05.05Tierriewell i didn't either
06:05.07Tierriebut it was disturbing
06:05.15Tierriebut i note that you're no longer calling me a wuss
06:06.22Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty much immune to most of the stuff the internet throws at me
06:06.26art3misi found a link that makes tubgirl seem tame ;P
06:06.30art3miswant it?
06:06.32Cairennit wasn't disturbing
06:06.43Mr_Rabies2beheading and catstomping videos only make me wince now
06:07.11Tierrieah nuts
06:07.16Tierriewhy the hell did you have to bring it up
06:07.49Tierriedamn it cairenn, i hate tonight's conversation theme, let me know when its naughty night again
06:08.13buuOh god.
06:08.25buuThe raging conversation in this forum is whether or not soulshatter can miss..
06:08.48Tierrieits a spell so it cannot
06:08.49IrielSleepy time for me.. gnight
06:09.00Tierrienow call everyone a dumbass
06:09.41buuTierrie: ... Wow.
06:10.17Tierriethis is the warlock spell that reduces aggro right?
06:10.22Tierrieby like x%?
06:10.34Tierrieso it cannot miss!
06:10.35buuIt's a spell so of course it can miss
06:10.44buuI think eveyr spell that affects an enemy can miss.
06:10.49Tierrieit can be resisted
06:11.06buuSpells *miss* and show up as resisted in yhe combat log. It's not my fault the log is wrong!
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06:11.30Tierriei'm going to go with my "call everyone a dumbass" solution
06:11.34Tierrieit works for bush
06:12.07Tierrieactually my memory is vague since i haven't played in a while, but i seem to recall spells can't, the only calculations involved is whether or not it can resist
06:12.17buuIt's.. complicated.
06:12.24buuBecause there are resists and there are miss.
06:12.44Tierrie ?
06:12.59Tierrieta da
06:13.02Tierrieyeah i remember now
06:13.18buuI'm way too lazy to sign up for whatever that is.
06:13.18Tierriemaybe you can't view it :(
06:13.34Tierrieah well, basically it validates what you say in a while
06:13.37Tierriein a way
06:16.15*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
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06:31.33Corrodiasif only i had some way to determine which addons are consuming the most CPU during combat
06:31.36Corrodiascpu time
06:32.44Mr_Rabies2performancefu+cpu profiling should give you an estimate
06:33.12Mr_Rabies2and increasing memory rate helps with performance issues also for the most part
06:34.17Corrodiasi think mik's scrolling battle text might be causing a bit of jitter during combat
06:34.24Corrodias-might- be. it's hard to tell subjectively.
06:34.54*** part/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
06:35.02Mr_Rabies2make a char and disable everything but it
06:35.03Corrodiasi'll give it a try, rabies
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06:35.21Mr_Rabies2just make sure to turn off profiling when you actually want to play
06:35.30Mr_Rabies2it eats resources itself :x
06:37.18Corrodiaswell, the numbers in performancefu update about twice a second. i wonder if i can increase the interval.
06:38.19Corrodiasi can tell that, at idle, ace2 takes about 1.5% of the cpu time and bartender 0.3%
06:38.58Mr_Rabies2ace2's getting that because of all the addons that use it
06:39.18Mr_Rabies2it tends to list dependencies first
06:39.23Corrodiasitemrack and trinketmenu are taking more than their fair share, though. it's showing over 9% for each during combat after i shoot.
06:39.28Mr_Rabies2also, detach the tooltip
06:39.39Corrodiasi have my libraries all externalized, including ace2
06:40.48Corrodiasrecount wants a little cpu time after combat, not a big surprise
06:42.00Corrodiaslet's see what it's like with itemrack and trinketmenu disabled
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06:44.47Corrodiasresults are promising. now the highest cpu user is omnicc (helping out bartender) at 4%
06:46.32art3misi am the man with no name...Zap Branagan at your service.
06:51.16Corrodiaswell, itemrack and trinketmenu are not -actually- making a huge impact. maybe they have some libraries.
06:51.54Corrodiashm, nope. well, whatever. i can live with this now that i have gotten rid of half of the jitteriness!
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07:51.01sag_ich_nicht look what i did. :X
07:52.12bleetershould be engi pallies
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10:11.23KasoI hate that my uni email doesnt have gmail stylie searching
10:11.31Kasoi really miss that when i dont have it availible
10:13.19Wobin_forward your unimail to a gmail account
10:13.57Kasoyeh the proiblem with that is they love to spam random crap to our uni accounts that i really dont care about, and i dont want all that bothering me in my gmail account
10:17.02KasoThey have all these specialised mailing lists so they can send messages to exactly who needs them, but end up just using the "All department" list and annoying us who dont care about it
10:17.19KasoIt wouldn't be so bad but these are comp sci professors, i mean, come on
10:31.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
10:38.37bleetershiny new PTR
10:41.11Maldiviawhat's new
10:42.22bleeterdunno, I still got sound... so I dun care ;)
10:46.40bleeterwhich makes me believe the linux dsound thing was even more a MS screwup than Blizz/Fmod
10:46.45bleeterI should apologise for that ;)
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10:51.55bleeterheh, parrently the outlands pvp ptr has gone down
10:55.36Kaso"Outlands is down" is a phrase you hear so oftern on ptr/beta, one wonders why it is liable to break so easily
10:57.54|Pixel|because it's not a "real" realm ?
10:58.09|Pixel|meaning the hardware isn't as huge as a normal realm hardware
10:58.38MentrobytWhy do you think so ?
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10:58.47|Pixel|because it costs money ? :)
10:59.04|Pixel|also, there shouldn't be as much GMs on PTR to report failures as in other realms
11:00.32MentrobytI rarely get into the ptr except times I need to update my addons :P
11:01.05MentrobytThe PvP realms are worst tho, you always end up getting ganked :D
11:01.08|Pixel|so that's maybe why people care less about PTR than normal commercial realms :P
11:01.29|Pixel|ja, which is perfectly stupid
11:01.47|Pixel|gank will always work, whatever patch is, you don't need to test it :P
11:02.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (i=feh@conspiracy/developer/Cidan)
11:08.22bleeter8 more days... 8 more days.... YARRRR!
11:08.55|Pixel|why 8 ? :)
11:08.56nevcairielwhats in 8 days?
11:09.15bleeterdoh, idiots!
11:09.22bleeterbiggest day in the year
11:09.31|Pixel|christmas is later
11:09.33bleetermore than Christmas, New Years, Easter, Independance crap etc. etc.
11:09.36Punkie`YES 19th SEPTEMBER EVERYONE!
11:09.38bleeterTalk Like A Pirate Day!
11:09.54nevcairielwhats 19th september?
11:09.57nevcairieli know today, 11th
11:10.08Cidan18th is my birthday though
11:10.10bleeteryou guys so unhip
11:10.16bleeterno wonder yer bums don't fall off
11:10.44|Pixel|may I skip this one ? :)
11:10.59bleeterwe'll make you walk the plank if you do!
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11:25.51|Jelly|Morning Shirik
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11:33.00ShirikMorning |Jelly|
11:33.26ShirikI'm still psyched about killing that lock ><
11:33.42|Jelly|I'm hung over. :\
11:34.18|Jelly|I'm taking it out on bears though. AE farming on my paladin. lol
11:34.21bleeterDefinition of Irony: The only way you can get your hands on a copy of the movie Yellowbeard is ...
11:34.27bleetervia pirates
11:40.06|Jelly|Being dazed off your mount is annoying. :P
11:40.59KasoAnd now you cant stack defense to prevent daze! :<
11:55.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Rallion_ (
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11:57.57KalrothKaso: Biggest nerf ever ><
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12:09.34LegorolHow many items does Gruul drop when killed?
12:09.55|Jelly|4, if I recall.
12:10.01|Jelly|2x t4 and 2x item.
12:11.54|Jelly| <-- HOW is that not considered undead? :(
12:13.58KasoIts just diseased
12:14.02Kasonot dead yet
12:14.12|Jelly|...I guess. lol
12:14.19Kasothats why it gives you infected wound, cos its diseased
12:30.31Shirikqq @ server restart in 15:00
12:30.37Shirikgood, because I need to take a shower and go to lab anyway
12:30.56|Jelly|Same...and I had just gotten in a group too. Maybe I outta read the notes before I log on. lol
12:34.10bleetergod, someone remind me to avoid RP server tomorrow... /trade got talking 'bout 911, some folks complained that was OT and not RP.. now it's all 'horde capped two towers, alliance will have revenge' aargh
12:34.32bleetereasier to drop all chat chans, really
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12:47.47Shirik|AFKso if I leave bottomscanner running
12:47.51Shirik|AFKwill I get DCed for being AFK?
12:50.46bleetercan't recall that it's ever happened to me
12:55.46JoshBorkeyou will be marked as AFK
12:55.53JoshBorkeso you will probably be dc'd at some point
12:57.05bleeteryeah, prolly never happened to me 'coz I eventually go empty mail, etc. before the timer ticks
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13:00.06Shirik|AFKWell I want to leave it on during class :
13:00.14|Jelly|laptop imo
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13:00.36Shirik|AFKne peux pas utilizer :(
13:01.10bleeterwell it's a bit pointless if you can't actually hit the hardware event, coz the item will prolly drift off the page while you're waiting to get back :P
13:01.42bleeter*any item it identifies to purchase will...
13:01.48Shirik|AFKyeah but it'll tell me
13:01.55Shirik|AFKThen I can go back and look later
13:02.00Shirik|AFKmaybe an hour from now
13:02.04Shirik|AFKMy server is slow... very slow
13:02.45bleeteryeah, in an hour the item would definately drift off the page
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13:02.53bleeteryou're best to just scan it when you get back to your comp
13:03.43Shirik|AFKshouldn't it still be up on the screen "do you want to buy?"
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13:28.09Wobin_"'horde capped two towers, alliance will have revenge'"
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13:31.29Wobin_that'd be only valid if they crashed their drakes into them
13:31.29Wobin_And then the alliance blew them up from within =P
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14:25.12AnvilatorHi folks.  Anyone know the formula for calculating the Crit chance Gained from an increase in Int for Mage class?  I have done some experimenting, and it appears to be non linear, but I cant figure out an exact formula.
14:26.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso|afk (
14:27.44[dRaCo]Anvilator: checked wowwiki?
14:29.34AnvilatorYea, wowwiki suggests it's linear and that 80 Int = 1% Crit, but my testing suggests that's very innacurate.
14:30.06[Ammo]I always tought it was 100 int per crit%
14:32.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
14:33.34AnvilatorWell, lets say Im naked and have 161 int, the tooltip on the paperdoll says this increases my Crit by 2.92%.  If however I gear up with 448 Int, same tooltip now says it gains me 6.51%.  So thats 2 factors 0.0156919 and 0.0181366, suggesting the +crit benefit reduces as Int increases.
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14:41.45LopeppeppyWith kisses.
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14:48.15Suntiger[ammo] when you were 60 it was.
14:50.23AnvilatorHmm I serched many forums, and i cant even find a discussion on it. (Other than those that assume it's linear)
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15:03.05LopeppeppyMorning, TS|Skrom
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15:06.08|Jelly|Morning Cog
15:06.47alestaneWow, is it 11 already...
15:06.56LopeppeppyThat it is.
15:07.05cog|worknuh uh...
15:07.08cog|workit's only 8
15:07.17Valaron|WorkIt's 8:06.. I got into work 30 mins ago.
15:07.42alestaneFor you maybe...
15:08.13|Jelly|10:07am :)
15:08.16Punkie`omg we should all play guess the timezone
15:08.24Valaron|WorkCide is at GMT
15:08.27Valaron|WorkI win
15:08.34Anvilatork i found it.  '%Crit (from Int) = (Int*0.0125) + 0.91' I have no idea how those factors are arrived at, but it certainly appears to work.
15:08.36LopeppeppyNah, I live in my own little world.  I wins the time zone.
15:08.37Punkie`no, i am :P
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15:08.54CideI'm GMT +1 actually, you technically lose!
15:09.02Punkie`so owed
15:09.06Punkie`damn me too
15:09.11alestane|Jelly| is apparently in, like, Ohio or maybe Missouri or something.
15:09.18|Jelly|Or maybe Texas.
15:09.19Valaron|WorkOh.. grr.. forgot about daylight savings
15:09.30alestaneI seem to remember Cide is in Sweden, which would be about right.
15:09.48cladhairei'm about to be GMT
15:10.06cladhairegetting closer beyatch
15:10.21alestaneAre they only on Central Time in Texas? I thought it would be closer to Mountain time.
15:10.24CideI'm scared
15:10.25ts|skrom|Jelly| CDT Represent!
15:10.42LopeppeppyEST Forever!
15:10.54|Jelly|I happen to hate Texas. :\
15:11.18LopeppeppyIt's merely an environment, |Jelly|.... don't hate the world, hate the people in the world!
15:11.22alestaneHighly dubious whether the earlier DST change actually saved energy/money, I know anyone who was in IT went absolutely berserk over it.
15:12.09LopeppeppyAnd therefore, in the scramble to prepare... I bet money was lost instead.
15:12.12alestaneHuge amounts of stress and energy were poured into making sure all the computers wouldn't flip out or break people's schedules.
15:12.34LopeppeppyI vividly remember the Y2K rollover my husband's company dealt with...
15:12.37alestaneNot wuite that bad.
15:13.21LopeppeppyThey housed techs, their families, and support staff in the hotel across the street overnight, so no one would feel they were putting their family at risk by not being home...  Threw a huge party with a clam bake...  It was sooo overdone.
15:13.47|Jelly|...and on that note
15:14.01*** join/#wowi-lounge bl4q (
15:14.06LopeppeppyAwww, shhhhhh!   |Jelly| is napping.
15:16.11Valaron|Workclam bake?
15:16.14Valaron|WorkWhat's that?
15:17.00alestaneAhh! Evil West Coast person!
15:19.20|Jelly|zZzAnd I leave you with this old video that wins.
15:19.39ts|skromOops, sorry my pet was already attacking
15:20.27ts|skrompfft idiot, there is no spoon
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15:22.04ts|skrom|Jelly|zZz you don't get to decide what "wins" any more
15:22.15Shirikts|skrom: No, I do that
15:22.38ts|skromhave you ace'd RDX yet?
15:22.49alestaneWhat is RDX anyway?
15:23.16ts|skromI think you scrubbed too much :p
15:23.34ShirikRDX dead
15:23.39ShirikThere is only the conspiracy
15:24.17ts|skromoh great another conspiracy nut
15:24.26ts|skromcan windfury proc off specials?
15:24.40Wraangerit surely procs off Stromstrike
15:24.46LopeppeppyOnly if you're wearing your [Tinfoil Hat]
15:24.50[dRaCo]totem or weapon imbue?
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15:24.53ts|skromooo epic
15:25.00Wraangerweapon imbue
15:25.05ts|skrom[dRaCo] is there a difference?
15:25.15[dRaCo]totem no longer procs of yellow dmg
15:25.20[dRaCo]weapon imbue does
15:25.20Wraangerchecked that myself many-many times )))
15:26.00ts|skromI was in a group in ZF last night and this fury specced warrior thought he was hot stuff
15:26.27ts|skromat the end of the instance I was 26k damage behind him... and also 3 levels (he 50, me 47) I dinged during the instance about 60% of the way through
15:26.46ts|skromhe pulled ahead at the stairs where he could just whirlwind to his hearts content
15:26.58ts|skromup to that point we were essentially dead even with me ahead often
15:27.09LopeppeppyYeah, that temple-stairs fight is pretty neat for AoEness.
15:27.19ts|skromI was just thinking: wouldn't it have been nice if I could have actually benefited from that windfury totem :-/
15:28.50ts|skromoops forgot to mention I was on my druid (hence why the windfury didn't help me while he had it)
15:28.53LopeppeppyToo many people live and die by hardcore numbers, instead of thinking to themselves... "Hmm, this fight the mage was tanking, so I bet him having lower damage is just fine"  or  "The priests were shackling, so it's okay that their healing was lower."
15:29.58ts|skromwell to be honest I'm not just trying to flex my epeen I was within 2% of his damage while taking about 15% less damage and was 3-4 levels lower
15:30.07ts|skromit was his smugness that made me want to slap him though
15:30.12ts|skrom"ooo #1"
15:30.17alestaneOr my favorite example, "This fury warrior's damage seems a lot lower than the rogue's (because she's spending rage on Improved Demo Shout so the party doesn't get killed)"
15:30.20LopeppeppyThat, I can soooo agree with.  Smug sucks, and need to die.
15:31.03alestaneOH GOD another one!?!!
15:31.08LopeppeppyIn my group someone gets down on a member every week, "Why wasn't your X higher/lower?" and there is always the same answer, "I was doing X Special Assignment.  I did it.  You didn't die.  So STFU."
15:31.14ts|skromI just wish I had had that 20% chance for an extra hit so I could take his "#1" and shove it up his nose
15:31.45LopeppeppyDo it anyway, TS|Skrom, just for the satisfaction of watching him bleed.
15:31.51ts|skromI rarely pay attention to numbers. I mainly just have damage meters loaded so I show up good to the people that do pay attention
15:32.03ts|skromauto sync and whatnot
15:32.09Legorolts|skrom: if you don't care, why do you want to show up good :)
15:32.18ts|skrombecause some people do care :D
15:32.28alestanets|skrom: You weren't getting it because you were using things energy/rage maneuvers that don't count (am I understanding the discussion correctly)?
15:32.29ts|skromand because it's interesting to look at every once in awhile
15:32.46ts|skromno I wasn't getting it because feral forms can't proc windfury
15:33.14[dRaCo]druids cant get weapon procs at all
15:33.16ts|skromno "chance on hits" work
15:33.16alestaneThat seems like a gyp...because they're not weapon attacks?
15:33.25ts|skromessentially yeah
15:33.48ts|skromweapon enchancts are the same way
15:33.49LopeppeppyThe only thing that druids can get benefit from are Adamantite Sharpening Stones (if I'm remembering their name right)
15:34.04ts|skromwhich is why we stick to +stat type of enchants and you won't see a (smart) druid with a crusader
15:34.08alestaneI presume someone has hassled Blizzard about this?
15:34.29LopeppeppyI think the answer is "working as intended, they are using claws and not weapons for their attacks"
15:34.36Industrial~seen N00bZXI
15:34.38purln00bzxi <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 3d 15h 33m 8s ago, saying: 'With --no-fonts it takes just about that long.'.
15:34.51ts|skromsame "working as intended" that keeps em from using pots in forms I'd wager
15:35.22LopeppeppyBlizzard is all hung up about opposable thumbs...  *sigh*
15:35.23ts|skromI'd trade much of it just to be able to "open" quest items in forms
15:35.32alestaneStill seems like your special abilities should not rob you of a party benefit.
15:35.45ts|skroma lot of wasted mana/time to have to shift out to gather that wildkin feather off the ground
15:36.03Industrialpff mount :P
15:36.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
15:37.00LopeppeppyWhen wandering around a zone on paws to farm and do quests, they tend to be the druid's own paws.
15:37.12Industrialwhy shapeshift when you can mount? :P
15:37.28LopeppeppyI'm not sure I'm going to bother with a mount for my kitty until she hits outlands.  Why mount when you already have paws?
15:37.31alestaneBecause travle form is instant-cast.
15:38.00Industrialmore efficient!
15:38.00ts|skromI'm referring more to when grinding/questing
15:38.04ts|skromI don't mount in between mobs
15:38.10ts|skromand I don't travel around JUST to gather feathers
15:38.11LopeppeppyExactly, TS|Skrom.
15:38.34alestane60% vs. 40%, when you're stopping and doing stuff a lot the time you save not using your mount item balances out the lost travel time.
15:38.37ts|skrombut when I'm moving from mob to mob and a feather is inbetween, that's 330 mana + my prowl cooldown (10 seconds) before I can be back in cat and sneaking up on the next mob
15:39.20ts|skromnot that I generally worry about mana when grinding
15:39.27Industrialor you kill the mob first
15:39.31Industrialnot shapeshift
15:39.34Industrialloot, and mount up!
15:40.48LopeppeppyI'd love to ride my saber in cat form... that would be hilarious.
15:41.17IntangirTuller: hey
15:41.18ts|skromI'm 47 and don't have my mount, though that's just because I havn't felt like wasting the money for a cat I don't want to ride
15:41.20alestaneLike that lolcat picture of the mouse riding the toad?
15:41.20Intangirwhat server do you play on
15:41.25ts|skromexalted with SW here I come
15:41.26TullerIntangir: hello
15:41.38IntangirTuller: what server do you play on
15:41.41LopeppeppyI love that, alestane.
15:41.54Intangirk, i know a guy named Tuller on mug'thol
15:42.05alestaneI know my wife wishes she didn't have to switch out of wookie to use her mount.
15:42.22ts|skromthat moonkin?
15:42.53LopeppeppyThe way they hoot and howl, they might as well be moonkin.
15:43.12Industriallol. wookie =D
15:43.41alestaneYes, she calls it thank after all the honking.
15:44.19ts|skromhonk if you love moonkin!
15:44.29ts|skromnot now chewie!
15:44.57ts|skromso I'm in a good mood today
15:44.59Shirik~lart all the moonkins in the world
15:44.59purloffers all the moonkins in the world some herring
15:45.08Shirikmoonkins like herrings
15:45.09Shirik~fail purl
15:45.10purlpurl: Fail.
15:45.27ts|skromit's beautiful outside, nice breeze. I had a crappy day yesterday but it ended well with all the people who couldn't connect back working again
15:45.40ts|skromI hit 47 on the druid and owned (in my mind) that level 50 fury warrior
15:45.52ts|skromI've got plans for lunch that include yummy toasted subs
15:45.53ts|skromlife is good
15:47.05Shirik"Windows explorer has stopped working"
15:47.19Valaron|WorkThat's standard on all Windows platforms.
15:47.28ShirikI love how Vista replaced that more professional-sounding "explorer.exe has encounter a problem and needs to close" with...
15:47.35Shirik"Yo, you program broke"
15:48.11Intangiryour program is trying to run, do you want to allow this?
15:48.21Intangiryour program is crashing, do you want to allow this?
15:48.28Intangiryour program broke anyway, my bad
15:48.31LopeppeppyTS|Skrom -- I'll trade you weather (crappy rainy for the 3rd day in a row) and lunch (eating leftovers I didn't like when they were new).
15:48.51ShirikC:\users\mpdelbuono\My Documents is not accessible. Access is denied T_T
15:48.57ts|skromlol you got the rain we had 3 days ago
15:49.03Punkie`You are coming to a sad realization, accept or deny?
15:49.15ShirikI click another folder, go back to clicking My Documents
15:49.16Shirikand it works
15:49.30Punkie`Shirik: it was a test
15:49.39ShirikI just want to watch this video I'm supposedly in
15:49.41Shirikof a raid on UC
15:49.45ts|skromThey wanted to make sure you really wanted your my docs
15:49.47alestaneLopeppeppy: Sounds like we have the leftovers from your weather.
15:51.05*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
15:51.27LopeppeppyYou can't possibly, alestane, I'm still enjoying it.  It's not leftovers until I'm done being drenched.
15:52.12alestaneWell, we have had ominous overcast days that don't provide you the release of actually being rained on for about that same time.
15:54.21LopeppeppyI'll send you some beautiful releasing raindrops, dear.
15:58.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (
15:58.45alestanets|skrom: UAC must die. Immediately.
15:59.52ShirikUAC is actually good
16:00.03Shiriklazy programmers make it bad
16:00.26alestaneYou mean my computer SHOULD confirm every modification to its settings and operations with me?
16:00.43Shirikit shouldn't have to modify its settings and operations every 5 seconds
16:00.45nevcairieli always keep thinking of that company in doom3 when people say UAC
16:01.35ShirikI was also a "UAC hater" before I even saw it
16:01.50Shiriknow that I've looked at it, looked at Microsoft's papers on how to code UAC aware applications
16:01.52Shirikit makes perfect sense
16:02.07alestaneSeems like Windows should have some sort of system like secure code that allows it to recognize user-requested events.
16:02.30ShirikIt would be trivial to code a program that simulates that
16:02.34ShirikInstead, the way UAC works
16:02.42Shirikit fully locks down your computer when a UAC box pops up
16:02.58Shirikensuring that no process can be between the user and the confirmation
16:03.26alestaneLike the whoel thing where you have to press CTRL_ALT_DEL in order to get your login box on some machines?
16:03.37Shirikyou can look at it that way, sure
16:03.57alestaneThereby preventing some key-logger trojan from impersonating your login box.
16:04.15Shirikright, since only the OS can pick up that combination of keys
16:04.39Shirikwe do that at my school actually
16:04.43alestaneBut the real question I have about UAS is WHY does it have to ask me about so many things?
16:05.05ShirikThing is, a process can only elevate itself when it starts up
16:05.10Shirikand it is only elevated until it is terminated
16:05.13LopeppeppyIt begins at comprehensive, alestane.
16:05.16ShirikFor things like.... copy commands
16:05.30ShirikIf you do things like copying a few files to a restricted directory one at a time
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16:05.33Shirikit's going to ask you every time
16:05.39ShirikBecause the elevation is only valid for that instance of copy
16:05.53alestaneIs there an in-between setting that will cause it only to ask me about things that represent real security threats?
16:06.14Shiriknot that I'm aware of. I just don't see why you're doing so many restricted tasks
16:06.27Cidewhat exactly are real security threats?
16:06.33alestaneMostly because I have only worked with Vista machines during early set-up periods.
16:06.33Cidehow would you define it?
16:06.40ts|skromapparently changing your network settings is
16:06.46alestaneCide: I understand that that is a problem.
16:07.01Shirikts|skrom: That's a modification to a system-wide setting
16:07.19ts|skromnote: I was offering an example not justifying one way or another
16:07.34Shirikfair enough
16:07.40ts|skromI havn't used it enough to get pissed off by UAC
16:07.42Cideand yes, setting up a vista machine the first time is somewhat of a pain
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16:07.52CideShirik told me hated UAC the day he did it
16:07.54alestaneI have not yet worked with a single Vista machine for an extended period of time, so I spend a lot of time changing settings. Maybe if I used the same machine for a few months I would get past that period.
16:08.01ShirikCide told me to stick with it
16:08.07Shirikand now I have zero problem with it whatsoever, I like it
16:08.30alestaneWould it make sense to turn it off during the setup period, and then turn it back on for actually running your machine?
16:08.49Shirikso long as you're in a sanitized environment I don't see why that would be a problem
16:09.07Shirikbut be aware that once a program has gotten through UAC, it can embed itself deeply enough that it doesn't have to request permissions ever again
16:09.25ShirikAll you need to do is register as a system service that needs elevated permissions and starts at startup and you're done
16:09.34ShirikYou can spawn as many processes as you want with full permissions
16:10.13Shiriksuch has been done as a proof-of-concept by Symantec
16:10.41Cidan-Or, you can use an OS that doesn't use UAC
16:10.53alestaneMostly it's an emotional thing for me. Windows is by default set up for computer n00bs, that's part of why it's been so successful. My wife commented once that she wished there was a place where you could scan your A+ certification and Windows would stop trying to stop you from, say, going into the Program Files directory.
16:11.10alestaneI feel like Windows is accusing me of not knowing what I'm doing.
16:11.19Shirikon 64 bit systems
16:11.33Shirikyou can't modify the program files directory at all, manually
16:11.39Shirik(the 64 bit one, that is)
16:11.54Shirikeven with elevated permissions
16:11.55alestanePrograms MUST go through an installer?
16:12.08Thrae"Someone is attempting to use the mouse. Accept? [Yes] [No]."
16:12.23ShirikThe 64-bit vista has two program files folders: one (x86) and one for 64-bit
16:12.37Shirikthe 32-bit one is as you'd expected it. The 64 bit one has zero access allowed
16:12.42zenzelezzthought processors today used x86-64
16:12.46Shirik(By default)
16:12.55Shirikthey do, but they call the 32-bit folder Program Files (x86)
16:12.58Shirikblame Microsoft
16:13.15ShirikIt might come from Itanium?
16:13.22Shirikwhen they coded for it?
16:13.22zenzelezzwas just about to say
16:13.31ShirikI never used an OS that supports that
16:13.35Thrae"You are attempting to install Cross-Platform Open Source software. Accept? [NO] [No]."
16:13.39LopeppeppyAnd all of this is why I'm building a new computer instead of buying one.
16:13.44zenzelezzthat's because there's like 1 OS that supported the Itanium
16:13.49PolarinaThrae: lol
16:14.19ThraeLopeppeppy: Lots of OEM providers still let you choose XP -- even Dell
16:14.39TullerSecure Drivers
16:14.40Tuller* RegisterStateDriver can be used with a state of "visibility" to show and hide frames based on arbitrary macro conditionals, e.g. RegisterStateDriver(MyBadTargetFrame, "visibility", "[exists,harm] show; hide")
16:14.41zenzelezzthe question is... why buy a pre-assembled computer anyway?
16:14.49LopeppeppyI still like to play with Legos, Thrae.  :)
16:14.49Tullerthat's something I should have noticed before
16:14.52alestaneI mean, if I was working on a book or something and my comuter abruptly popped up and told me a change to my network settings had been requested, was that me?, I'd probably be grateful. But I just wish there was some way for it to recognize that I HAD just requested it, I clicked on the dang button in their control panel after all, do they really have to ask me?
16:14.54Tullerzenzelezz: stability!
16:15.04Cidan-Tuller, no.
16:15.06zenzelezzTuller: sorry, that's not included with most pre-assembled computers
16:15.35Tullerfree junk!
16:15.37LopeppeppyTuller - I've always assembled, never had more or less problems than a purchaser outright.  Lazy, I can buy. :)
16:15.50alestaneTuller: The new state driver option is a late-breaker for 2.2, and we just added it to the list of included changes.
16:15.51zenzelezzI like putting my computers together myself
16:16.26zenzelezznothing like the feeling of Oh-Shit-Did-I-Bend-That-Thing and Woops-My-Screwdriver-Slipped-Time-To-Pray
16:16.57LopeppeppySmaller hands = fewer of those moments, zenzelezz
16:17.03ThraeDespite popular belief, unless you are doing this on a wool rug, or just hugged a kitty, you don't really *need* a grounding strap.
16:17.08Tulleralestane: well, effectively it now means I can implement two major features in bongos without much work :)
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16:17.31zenzelezzLopeppeppy: I'm afraid my hands only come in one size
16:17.48alestaneI'm study for my A+, and one of the questions says, "Which of the following are useful tools for cleaning inside computer cases: A) Compressed Air; B) Natural-bristle brush; C) Damp rag; D) Wire brush"
16:17.54Cidan-zenzelezz, wiat, you can't change your hands out?
16:18.14ThraeSo, does this RegisterStateDriver mean, like, it can automatically show and hide frames based on certain conditions?
16:18.16alestaneTuller: Believe me, it's making Goose a lot easier to code too.
16:18.20Cidan-B, C, and D, combined.
16:18.27Cidan-Are the obvious choices, IMO.
16:18.33alestaneThrae: That's exactly what it means.
16:18.47Thraealestane: No hardware event required?
16:18.49zenzelezzCidan: nope. Might be a feature in the post- or pre-1984 generations, but mine are undetachable
16:19.04TullerThrae: state drivers have been checking OnUpdate since 2.1
16:19.15alestaneCidan-: Their "correct" answer is A+B.
16:19.32alestaneMostly I shudder at the thought of using a wire brush to clean a motherboard.
16:19.45alestaneThrae: Nope.
16:20.12alestaneAny frame can be shown or hidden in response to a change in any acceptable macro condition.
16:20.14ts|skromI was always in the camp of "build my own" but then dell offered no interest for 18 months and a NICE system for a pretty decent price
16:20.21ThraeWell 2.2 will be what seriously recodes PerfectTargets
16:20.55Shirik|AFKalestane: I totally know people that would
16:20.55Lopeppeppyalestane, you did hear my story yesterday about the Freon, right?  O.o
16:21.08Cidan-I say you just dunk the case in water.
16:21.20Cidan-With something strong to get the dirt out
16:21.20LopeppeppyI've seen a video of someone putting their keyboard in the dishwasher...
16:21.24Shirik|AFKespecially make sure to get the power supply soaked
16:21.25Cidan-Bleach, perhaps.
16:21.31Shirik|AFKmost critical component
16:21.34Cidan-Lopeppeppy, that works well.
16:21.34Shirik|AFKyou need to ensure it's clean
16:21.52alestaneTuller: If you're building automatic showing/hiding of action bars into Bongos, you might want to check out what I'm doing with's being resigned to provide a UI for that driver function, and it should have a function that allows frames to register with it for easy location.
16:22.16Tulleralestane: linky :P
16:22.38alestaneIt's not actually on-line at the moment.
16:22.51alestaneThat's the old version, it's getting a revamp for 2.2
16:22.56Cidan-Boot to the head, IMO.
16:23.05Tullerbah :P
16:23.06alestaneIt will work with any frame, on any condition.
16:23.10ts|skromyou can't change gear in the arena?
16:23.18nevcairielyou can now
16:23.20nevcairielyou cant with 2.2
16:23.26nevcairielexcept weapons
16:23.40ts|skromThat's kinda silly. People stacking resists after seeing opponents or somethign?
16:23.50ThraeAt one of the my previous jobs, one manager told me a story about how he watched a guy bang on a key on his keyboard, say "This keyboard doesn't work", walk over to the kitchen, angle the keyboard diagonally while water splashes on it, take it back to his cubicle, and then say "Huh, why doesn't this work now?". The guy in question later explain to the manager, "Well at my A+ certification class, they said a keyboard could onl
16:23.50Polarinanevcairiel: Do what?
16:23.53Cideand it kills warlocks and shadow priests
16:23.57ts|skromAnd that wasn't chalked up to "good planning"?
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16:24.19Cidethat was chalked up to "resistance is too powerful in pvp, but we can't change it without changing pve, where it's fine"
16:24.31ts|skromthat's silly too
16:24.35Cideno it's not
16:24.44ts|skromEQ did it
16:24.48nevcairielin my 230 shadow resist for hyjal fights, i pwn every warlock or shadow priest :P
16:24.52Cidethat doesn't mean wow can't
16:24.59ts|skromguess you mean can?
16:25.13ts|skromWhat I mean is EQ coded pvp resists to only work partially
16:25.15Cidebut such a change would be huge
16:25.17ts|skromand their pvp sucked
16:25.25Cidemaybe they'll change it down the road
16:25.43Cide+365 shadow resist mitigates 75% of shadow priests & warlocks' damage, which is incredibly overpowered
16:25.44ts|skromoh right, can't hehe now I follow
16:26.07Cideso they had to fix it quickly, since arenas are becoming pretty competitive
16:26.08Tullerhrm, I just realized they probably implemented the feature for the pet bar
16:26.13ThraeHow the hell do you get +365 shadow resist?
16:26.23CideThrae: um.. green shit can do that for you
16:26.32CideThrae: black temple also has crafted, epic +SR gear
16:26.43[dRaCo]without being totally owned by anything with a sword?
16:26.58nevcairielthats the thing about changing gear
16:26.58Cidethat's why you only equip it once you see who you're facing
16:27.13alestaneTuller: We actually could use it before for the pet bar, although this means we don't have to set the 'unit' on it any more.
16:27.37Tulleralestane: well, you've never had to set the unit, target=unit worked as far as I know
16:28.50alestaneWell, before to maintain proper showing/hiding of the pet bar, we had to use RegisterUnitWatch, which wouldn't work on the pet bar unless we explicitly called PetActionBarFrame:SetAttribute('unit', 'pet')
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16:52.03alestaneLopeppeppy: Apparently it worked. Is it still rainig there too?
16:53.31LopeppeppyI don't have windows in my office area, alestane, but the nice weather lady said it was going to pour all day long.  Sometimes I believe her.... but I'm glad you got your releasing raindrops.
16:53.44alestanePouring here.
16:54.19Kaydeethree31c, clear skies
16:54.22Kaydeethreebah. we could use some rain
16:54.47alestaneas in 86 degrees out?
16:55.01Kaydeethreesomewhere around there, ya
16:55.30alestaneAre you in Canada or something? Don't know too many Americans who use Centigrade by default.
16:55.54Kaydeethreenah. it's a function of being on irc channels for years where most people aren't in the states
16:56.27KaydeethreeI'm about an hour away from Savannah
16:56.56alestaneSo thoroughly Stateside.
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17:05.08cog|workI'm making a list of generally-accepted single-letter variables. So far I have i (numerical for), k & v (associative for), r,g,b,a (color values), x,y (screen coords) ... Can anyone think of any others?
17:06.05cog|work(and yes, i'm purposefully ommitting j as a loop index and z as a coordinate)
17:08.19[dRaCo]guess that's about it
17:09.08krka_you need to get a hobby
17:09.18cog|workkrka_: this is for the book :P
17:09.21krka_you missed n
17:09.26cog|workah yes
17:09.37krka_p, q for probabilities
17:09.43[dRaCo]tmp is pretty common, not a single letter, though
17:09.50krka_s for strings
17:09.52alestane_ for blackhole.
17:10.09cog|workprobabilities are a bit too advanced
17:10.14[dRaCo]aight, then you need c for char, too.
17:11.26cog|workthanks for the input
17:11.30cladhaireanyone have a rep pally leveling build?
17:11.32cladhairei'm 10 :P
17:11.35alestaneHardly any single-char variables in Lua.
17:11.37krka_you could mention that if you need more, it's common to just up the char index
17:11.43krka_i, j, k for loops
17:11.49krka_x, y, z for coords
17:12.01[dRaCo]if you're into 3d, yeah
17:12.18krka_we are all in 3d :P
17:12.27cog|workI'm actually suggesting they use meaningful names if they need nested loops
17:12.47cog|workand z is irrelevant to WoW unless they're doing something advanced enough that they would already know to use z
17:12.49cladhairei use idx,entry a lot for arrays of tables.
17:12.52krka_figuring out meaningful names is difficult
17:13.08krka_t for table, cog|work
17:13.20Nom-heh looks like we're hitting a'lar on Monday :D
17:13.32alestaneI prefer full names myself al ot of the time, like for bag=0,4 do for slot=1,GetNumContainerSlots(bag) do
17:13.43krka_r, c for row / column? or is that just me
17:13.53cog|workalestane: that's exactly the example I'm using :)
17:14.07krka_for a=0,4 do for b=1, ...
17:14.18cog|workkrka_: bleh to that :P
17:14.19krka_it should be obvious from the context anyway :P
17:14.32cog|workkrka_: that's exactly the attitude i'm trying to get rid of XD
17:14.42alestaneThat's the sort of thing people say about programmer who don't work them any more.
17:14.42krka_i was just kidding :/
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17:15.20krka_is that bad?
17:15.52alestaneWhat is that, VB?
17:15.58cog|workthat's lua
17:16.19cog|workpairs(table) just returns next, pairs, nil
17:16.32alestaneoh, expanded verion of pairs(lines)
17:16.40krka_next,t is easier to type than pairs(t) :)
17:16.45krka_and shorter
17:16.46cog|works/, pairs/, table/
17:17.28alestaneEh, I tend to use things like for _,v in pairs{...} do anyway.
17:21.14krka_cog|work: you could mention that you should try to match the length of the variable name with its scope
17:21.23krka_really short scope = single letter
17:21.33krka_addon scope = fairly descriptive
17:22.12alestaneThat's more about uniqueness I think...I'd say it's a little more the other way around...variables can afford to be short if they have limited scope.
17:22.13cog|workI'm actually being fairly vague about when they should do certain things... It's more of a "Here look how much harder this one is to read" plus "use your best judgement" and some gentle encouragement
17:22.46krka_that's what i said alestane
17:22.57cog|worktrying not to be too heavy-handed or give them too many specific tips to memorize.
17:23.12krka_i see
17:23.13alestaneI read it as saying that you should give a variable a shorter name if its scope is limited.
17:23.25krka_just tell them to buy PiL instead :)
17:23.43cog|workkrka_: that's too far to the other end of the spectrum
17:24.05cog|workPiL comes up nil with respect to programming practices except for lua-specific constructs
17:24.40krka_i can see what you mean, though i dont fully agree
17:25.09cog|workI know :)
17:28.50ts|skromwow today just keeps getting better and better
17:29.15ts|skromI've got my toasted subs now and before I left to get em my boss told me that we were back up to full 40 hours right before she left for the day
17:31.22Temalestane, ewwww
17:31.36Temif you need to loop through vararg stuff, use select
17:31.45Temgreating a table is completely unneeded
17:32.37alestaneTem: Syntactically cleaner if lumpier in implementation...but how about for _,key in pairs{GetBindingKey("BINDING")} do ?
17:33.00LopeppeppyTS|Skrom, what does "up to full 40 hours" mean to the uninitiated?
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17:33.11alestaneIn that case, using select would require calling the function each time.
17:33.12Temsyntactically cleaner doesn't fix the fact that you're needlessly creating garbage
17:33.22Temand no, it doesn't require calling the function each time
17:33.29ts|skromI was at reduced hours
17:33.31ts|skromwe were broke
17:33.34Temyou'd just need to use a helper function
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17:34.25LopeppeppyThat's excellent news then, TS|Skrom
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17:35.33alestaneSo you think function Rebind(...) for i=1,select('#', ...) do SetBindingClick(select(1, ...), button) end Rebind(GetBindingKey("BINDING") is better?
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17:36.26alestaneThat's going to increase permanent footprint.
17:36.59Temone time permanent increase is better than garbage every time you run
17:37.45alestaneEven when you're running in response to something as infrequent as PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD? Remeber that right now requesting new allocations is the easiest way to prompt the GC into running.
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17:37.54krka_Tem: depends on how many args there are really
17:38.02krka_the table solution can be more efficient if there are many
17:38.07krka_usually, it's just a few though
17:38.52Temalestane, in the case of doing something during PEW, do whichever is fastest
17:39.10TemEverying before and during PEW must be minimized
17:39.17Tem(for time)
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17:39.41alestaneAnd which is faster? A table constructor or a function call?
17:40.10cog|workas krka_ mentioned, it depends on the number of arguments
17:40.25krka_for many args, use a table
17:40.27cog|work(read: number of calls to select)
17:40.29Tullerkeybindings typically have 1-2 args
17:40.29krka_for few, use select
17:42.14alestaneThey do...but why do I want to clutter up the memory for the entire session in order to squeeze a couple more microseconds out of something that runs a few times a session?
17:43.41alestaneHow many times does PEW trigger during a typical session of WoW? 20?
17:44.05krka_do whichever you prefer
17:44.09krka_it wont matter in this case
17:44.18krka_but your memory argument is crappy
17:44.34krka_the extra bytecode size in memory is not much
17:45.25alestaneAnd of course the two people who were trying to hammer "occasional garbage is NOT BAD" into me yesterday are not here now.
17:46.14krka_i agree with them
17:46.16cog|workalestane: loading times are a substantial concern for the default UI. as stated, use whichever's fastest
17:46.19krka_for what it's worth
17:46.31krka_cog|work: in that case, i dont think you'd notice the difference
17:46.39cog|workprobably not
17:46.58cog|workbut that's what leads to long loading times
17:47.09cog|workthere are so many things that you wouldn't really notice that add up and you do
17:47.33alestaneThe goal is actually to have no args at all. It's a glue function to port old ACTIONBUTTON1 bindings to CLICK ActionButton1:LeftButton. Ideally, it should run once the first time after the including patch, and find no args after that.
17:49.05alestaneSo after the first run, it'll create a total of 60 empty tables and no iterations.
17:49.33alestaneOr, it'll make a total of 60 function calls that immediately return.
17:49.45TemFor what it's worth, I tested which is faster for different sizes of tables
17:49.56Temselect is faster until about 20 args
17:50.08cog|workI think you should make it take 10 seconds with coroutines and have a progress bar when you finish entering the world ><
17:51.00Temoccasional garbage ISN'T bad
17:51.17Tembut when your occasional garbage method is also slower than the no garbage way....
17:51.47alestaneQuestion...which runs faster with NO args?
17:51.59Temprobably select
17:52.18Temselect is almost twice as fast for no args
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17:54.11alestanewhat about (function (...) for i=1,select('#', ...) do SetBindingClick(select(i, ...), button) end)(GetBindingKey("BINDING"))?
17:54.20alestaneOr is that the worst of both worlds?
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17:55.22alestaneWell, the function would want to be defined and stored in the outer function, not the inner loop.
17:56.02Tullerlocal key = GetBindingKey(format("ActionButton%d", i))
17:56.04Tullerwhile key do
17:56.05TullerSetBindingClick(key, format("ActionButton%d", i), "LeftButton")
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17:56.07Tullerkey = GetBindingKey(format("ActionButton%d", i))
17:56.17Tullererr that won't work in this situation :)
17:56.56alestaneThe idea might, won't binding a key to something unbind it from anything else?
17:57.14Tulleryes, but you'll be rebinding it, and thus creating an infinite loop
17:57.29alestaneBut you'll be rebinding it to something else.
17:57.47Tullerwell in your case, you want to take all the bindings of a button, and just switch them to use click, right?
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17:58.16alestaneI want to take every binding of the form ACTIONBUTTONx, and change them to CLICK ActionButtonX:LeftButton.
17:59.02alestaneACTIONBUTTON bindings run a script that depresses and releases the bindings do the same thing, but more transparently.
17:59.17Tullermeh maybe I'm thinking too much :P
17:59.23Tulleryeah it'll probably work
17:59.43alestaneIt'll work, but I suspect it has the poorest CPU performance of any of the options we've discussed.
17:59.55Tullermeh, it does not matter
18:00.51alestaneAlthough actually, in the ideal case (no bindings) the performance won't be that poor because it'll only call GetBindingKey once, which is the minimum case for any application.
18:00.51ts|skromhuh.. go figure.
18:01.02ts|skromOne weapon in all of ZG that a feral would be interested in
18:01.06ts|skromnot that it matters these days
18:01.19LopeppeppyIt's still nice sometimes to "shop", TS|Skrom.
18:01.31LopeppeppyI always shop Kaliban's Loot List, it's great fun.
18:01.46alestaneAnd there's always the important question ts|skrom..."Does it look cool?"
18:01.49ts|skromhehe I was trying to look up a "zg trinket" someone mentioned on a druid forum post and ended up looking at boss drops instead :P
18:02.00ts|skromnot to a feral :( kitty looks the same
18:02.20alestaneDoes it look cool on your back when you're running around IF?
18:02.54ts|skromoh I found a second one
18:03.39ts|skromthough it's more suited for rogues :-
18:04.31ts|skromI wanna go back there :(
18:05.36LopeppeppyThe ZG Trinket apparently has a lot of utility for feral druids even at 70... but it's a PITA to get, since last I heard the summoning event was broken more than 50% of the time... and you need 4 trips to get the materials.... Ick.
18:05.57ts|skromzg trinket for druids is a cast time reducer and mana cost reducer
18:06.27LopeppeppyHuh.  I thought I'd heard it was for ferals.  Ah well.
18:06.31ts|skromI think they guy was mistaken when he said ZG because he was using it to promote a possible 1200/tick lifebloom
18:06.49alestaneTuller: I think you could actually write that one as for key in GetBindingKey, "BINDING" do SetBindingClick(key, "Button") end and it would be fairly would be a little slow the first time, but in subsequent cases it would probably have the lowest time AND memory consumption.
18:07.47ts|skromand there's only two trinkets that drop there, a mana recharge and a spell hit boost
18:07.54ts|skromso I'm really unsure what he was referring to
18:12.57alestanelua> select(3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
18:12.57cladbotalestane: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
18:13.33LopeppeppyI dunno, TS|Skrom, unless the trinket has gotten an update not listed on that page.
18:14.00cog|workHa! I was entering signups in our mailing list and came across someone with a last name of Fry and it reminded me of futurama
18:14.11cog|workthen i came across someone with a last name of Farnsworth
18:14.19Tullerlua> (select(3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7))
18:14.19cladbotTuller: 3
18:15.06alestaneThat's why it says select returns everything after the indexth's counting the first argument that's not part of the list. I get it now.
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18:39.03Shirik|EcoleCide, you were working on a CTRA 2?
18:39.18Cideyes, I was
18:39.35Shirik|Ecole142:372:39 12‹Lothaer12› has any1 heard anything about CT_RaidAssist2?
18:40.22Cidehe can come here or pm me if he wants to know!
18:40.52CideI was secretly hoping #conspiracy to be honest.. that'd be ironic!
18:40.58Shirik|Ecoleyou're evil
18:41.07Cidea bit
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18:41.37zenzelezz"CTRA2" is difference from CTRA 2.x? (the version on the ctmod site)
18:41.48Cideyes :P
18:41.55Shirik|EcoleI was unaware there was anything more than "the" CTRA ...
18:42.01Shirik|Ecolewhich... btw
18:42.05Shirik|Ecoleis totally jacking up item links
18:42.20zenzelezzis it now?
18:42.25Lothaerhas a release date for CTRA2 been set yet??? ive been checking alot but there hasnt been any updates
18:42.25Shirik|EcoleI haven't isolated if it's prat or CTRA, but I believe it's CTRA
18:42.35Shirik|EcoleIf the Raid lead links a single-word item, it gets really fubared
18:42.40Cidewhy would ctra do that
18:42.41Shirik|Ecoleonly single-word items
18:42.44Cideas opposed to a chat mod
18:42.53Shirik|Ecolebecause CTRA manipulates the raid lead chat color :)
18:42.53zenzelezzShirik|AFK: I experience nothing like it
18:43.03CideShirik|Ecole: and I'm incompetent? :P
18:43.10Shirik|Ecolezenzelezz: It is a compatibility issue between prat and ctra
18:43.12Cidethat's a gsub involving |Hplayer
18:43.15Shirik|Ecoleneither one causes the problem on its own
18:43.22Shirik|Ecolehowever, from what I can tell from the debug messages
18:43.40Shirik|Ecolectra is doing something strange and removing an escape character
18:43.51Shirik|Ecoleagain, I haven't extensively tested this, but this is what appears to be going on
18:43.55zenzelezzthere is no escape!
18:44.00Cidewhy has it never happened before?
18:44.05Lothaerim using oRA2 atm until CTRA2 comes out, but neither recognise flintweed seed
18:44.13Shirik|Ecoleit only happens with both prat and ctra installed and only on single-word links from the raid lead
18:44.13Cidethat code has been in for like a year
18:44.23Shirik|EcoleI dunno Cide just saying ><
18:44.24CideLothaer: CTRA2 isn't out, how do you know it doesn't recognize flintweed seed? :)
18:44.24Lothaerand the author or oRA2 wont added that item until CTRA does
18:44.29Shirik|EcoleI gave sylvanaar the debug info
18:44.34Shirik|Ecolehe's looking at it
18:44.38Lothaerno oRA2
18:44.46CideLothaer: you're out of luck then
18:45.06Cideor whatever the oRA2 equivalent
18:45.12Lothaerfor the reagent check
18:45.13Cidewhy what?
18:45.20Shirik|Ecoleor you could get conspiracy >.> <.<
18:45.33CideLothaer: why what?
18:45.39Cidefeel free to use conspiracy if you want
18:45.46Shirik|Ecoleyou can't anyway :P
18:45.47Cideit's likely a great mod, although I haven't used it
18:45.50Shirik|Ecolenobody has :)
18:45.52Lothaeryou said im out of luck
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18:45.58Lothaerwhy am i out of luck?
18:45.59Shirik|Ecoleit's still in development :)
18:45.59CideLothaer: right, because I won't add it :)
18:46.18Cidesimple reason being
18:46.20Shirik|Ecolewhat is flintwood seed anyway?
18:46.36Cideit's only maintained to the point where it doesn't error and health bars go up and down, basically
18:46.36Lothaerused for Druid Rebirth
18:46.36Lothaerlvl 70
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18:47.20Lothaerany idea when the release date for CTRA2 is going to be i  do understand that your short staffed lol.... understatment i know :P
18:47.44Cidedon't expect it before.. maybe... march? july?
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18:47.53cog|worknot even blizz gives release dates and they *pay* people to do the work on WoW :P
18:48.08Lothaerill assume its going to be action backed
18:48.14Shirik|EcoleLothaer: What Cide is trying to say is
18:48.18Shirik|Ecoledon't ask for a release date
18:48.20Shirik|Ecoleit'll be done when it's done
18:48.23Lothaerso basicly i can expect WotLK before CTRA2
18:48.28Shirik|Ecoleok Lothaer
18:48.31Shirik|EcoleWhat I'm trying to say is
18:48.31Cidedon't expect it out because I'm not developing it actively :)
18:48.32Lothaeryeah i know
18:48.35Lothaersame as BLizzard
18:48.35Shirik|Ecole*Copy in the above*
18:48.53CideI'd give you a release if there was one
18:48.54Cideright now
18:49.00CideI'm not sure it'll be released
18:49.05Cideso there you go :)
18:49.10Lothaerfair enuff
18:49.10Shirik|EcoleInstead, you can use one of the other marvelous raid addons available
18:49.22Lothaeryeah oRA2 atm
18:49.27cladhairedon't use perfectraid.. its shit and the author sucks
18:49.27Shirik|EcoleI hate you now
18:49.30cladhairedoesn't even provide updates
18:49.40Cidecladhaire: who does, anyway? only good authors do
18:49.41Shirik|EcoleYeah, if that author ever comes in here
18:49.43Shirik|Ecolecladhaire kick him
18:49.47Shirik|Ecolehe's a noob anyway
18:50.14Shirik|Ecoleoh wait... I see him here now
18:50.17Lothaershirik, have you made any mods???
18:51.03Shirik|EcoleBut in all seriousness at this point in time I would not recommend anything I have written. RDX is no longer being actively developed and Conspiracy has a long way to go before it's useful
18:51.04Cidehe hasn't
18:51.20Shirik|EcoleWhen Conspiracy DOES come out....
18:51.26Shirik|Ecolewell who knows
18:51.56Cidedon't start Shirik|Ecole
18:52.02Lothaerive been updating Set Wrangler for some time now although i have very little knowledge on conding PERIOD i can read and add and i do ask for peoples help about bugs lol
18:52.07Shirik|EcoleI didn't even say anything!
18:52.11Cideyou know very well that nobody's interested in your crap mods!
18:52.40Lothaerim also the person thats been keeping Chuck Norris Facts alive lol :P
18:53.00Cidebut in all seriousness.. Lothaer: as it is right now, I don't think we have the manpower to keep up an all-in-one raiding addon.. we'll leave that to other people
18:53.08*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
18:53.10LothaerSet Wrangler
18:53.18Cideand focus on inventing new stuff that hasn't seen the light already
18:53.27Cide(and let others gank it a month later)
18:53.34alestaneCide: Besides, what functionality do you offer that the Bliz raid frames don't now?
18:53.40Cidealestane: tons and tons
18:53.41Lothaeri do have a idea for a mod but i have no idea how or were to start
18:53.48Shirik|Ecolelike yellow item links!
18:54.00Shirik|Ecoleonly with CTRA can you see the legendary netherbloom
18:54.09Cidepretty much all raid management stuff
18:54.16Shirik|Ecolebut yeah it's pretty nice :)
18:54.34CideI wish people stopped using CTRA
18:54.44alestaneI know about inventory checking and chat coloring...but it sounds to me like you could probably drop the raid frames from CTRA and focus on management.
18:54.46CideI have to maintain it
18:54.53Cideand I'd rather shoot myself in the foot
18:55.07Cidealestane: except... people would be mad
18:55.18Cidebecause lots of people still use it
18:55.31Cidewhen there are plenty of addons that do the same thing
18:55.34Lothaeri use the X-Perl raid frames
18:55.38Cidewell, in many cases exactly the same thing
18:56.02alestaneLike the way Bliz came out with their own raid warning channel, but noone used it because they were all totally used to CTRA? (Same deal with ready checks)
18:56.05Cidetake oRA2 for example.. it copies pretty much every ctra feature there is
18:56.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten_ (
18:56.25alestaneEspecially since it was designed as a CTRA alternative for Ace.
18:56.27Cidealestane: not following
18:56.27zenzelezzalestane: never assume everyone does something
18:56.43Lothaermy idea for a mod is kinda like AtlasLoot but instead of getting boss drops it will tell you boss Stats and Skills and maybe a basic strategy
18:56.46alestaneWell,  you're right, I can only speak for my guild.
18:56.50Cidealestane: yeah, which is funny, because every mod I've written has been ported to ace, I think
18:58.02cog|workoooo ... new bg downloader data
18:58.05alestaneBut during my tenure with my first raiding guild, Bliz ready checks were present in the game the entire time that guild was together...and our raid leaders never once used them, reflexively (I assume) hitting the CTRA ready check function.
18:58.23Cidebecause the CTRA function is a lot better, of course
18:58.42Shirik|EcoleYeah, Blizz's ready check sucks
18:58.50Lothaerif there a option that blizzard has a mod will do it 10x better
18:58.58alestaneHow does one enhance a ready check?
18:59.03cog|work"better" is subjective
18:59.03zenzelezzI have no complaints about the default ready check
18:59.05Cideit tells you immediately when someone clicks yes or no, and until recently it was the only one that could be used by raid assistants
18:59.07Shirik|Ecolealestane: I have already done it
18:59.09Cidealestane: you don't enhance it, you invent it
18:59.09Shirik|Ecoleit's pretty simple
18:59.16Shirik|Ecolesure you do
18:59.16Cidecog|work: no :)
18:59.23cog|workBlizz purposefully keeps their UI simple... saying it "sucks" is rude imo
18:59.29CideI didn't say it sucks
18:59.30Shirik|EcoleI agree
18:59.36Shirik|Ecoleno, the ready check sucks
18:59.40Shirik|Ecoleeverything else I like simple
18:59.42cog|workcide *you* didn't :P
18:59.49Shirik|EcoleI still use blizz's unit frames
18:59.50Cidecog|work: yeah, I scrolled up a second later....
18:59.52zenzelezzI'd say "clean" or "simple", which in itself is a good thing
18:59.55Shirik|Ecolebut ready checks don't even work half the time
18:59.55Lothaermods if the new options in the Blizzard interface started out as a mod anyway
18:59.58*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
19:00.06Shirik|Ecoleit would be "simple" to have a little frame that says who's clicked what
19:00.08Lothaerie Floating Combat Text
19:00.27Shirik|Ecoleinstead, if someone clicks no, how do you know when it's over? Who's afk?
19:00.28Cidealestane: I didn't enhance the ready check.. I invented it and blizz copied a simplified version of it
19:00.32cog|workLothaer: as they said in the UI pannel at blizzcon, they try to make the default UI simple so gramma can use it
19:00.32Shirik|Ecolewhat if it never comes back period?
19:00.46cog|workcould you imagine trying to teach gramma how to configure SCT? :P
19:00.56alestaneCide: I recognize the fact in that...what is the principle difference between the two?
19:01.02Shirik|Ecolethe receiving side of ready check is perfect
19:01.06Shirik|Ecolethe leader side isn't
19:01.10Cidealestane: nothing, but I just wanted to point it out
19:01.28Cidealestane: but like I said, the ctra ready check has several things that makes it easier to use than the blizzard alternative
19:01.31Lothaerif i remember correctly in order to have more action bars on your screen you used to need a mod back in the day
19:01.36*** join/#wowi-lounge PunaKone (
19:01.43Cideand the CTRA2 version of it is even better
19:01.55Lothaeri think that was one of the 1st mods aswell, was a mod that added more Action Bars to the right side of the screen
19:02.10cog|worki don't see why everybody uses that as a criticism of blizzard... i think they should be praised for incorporating uber-common addon features
19:02.26cladhaireis someone using it as a criticism?
19:02.27Lothaerbecause they cant get the ideas them selves
19:02.32cog|workI feel the same way about MS
19:02.42zenzelezzLothaer: untrue
19:02.46alestane~lart Lothaer
19:02.46purlwhips out a sword and chops Lothaer in half
19:02.52cog|workcladhaire: Lothaer is, among many people who post in the forums
19:03.03cog|workand not just about blizzard
19:03.20Lothaerwhat forums would you be talking about???
19:03.43cog|workthe wow forums... people are making comments all the time about how blizz copied addons
19:03.52Lothaer*because Blizzard cant get the ideas them selves
19:04.04zenzelezzthat's just stupid to claim
19:04.05Shirik|Ecoleso what?
19:04.05Lothaeri dont make comments about that
19:04.11Lothaeri actually make suggestions
19:04.24Shirik|EcoleCan you actually expect them to come up with every possible idea you could want?
19:04.26Shirik|EcoleOf course not
19:04.29alestaneWith the number of people working there, you can't know's just as likely that they thought of it, but were not convinced of the demand for it.
19:04.33cog|workLothaer: Addon community - thousands of members... blizz ui dev team - less than a dozen members
19:04.35zenzelezzthey had priorities before release, and incorporated what they could
19:04.46cog|workwhich do you think will come up with more ideas?
19:04.56cladhairethis is the silliest argument I've ever seen
19:04.57Shirik|Ecoleooh ooh
19:04.58Shirik|Ecolepick me
19:05.08cladhaireLothaer: I suggest you, in the nicest terms possible, get a clue
19:05.09Caircladhaire: quite
19:05.45cog|worki'm sorry but it's just plain stupid to criticise a company for doing what it sees the public wants
19:06.06cladhairenot just that
19:06.13Cideso Shirik|Ecole, how're you enhancing the ready check?
19:06.22Lothaermost times what the public want and what they get are two completely different things
19:06.25cladhairebut taking ideas that others have come up with, seeing how _vital_ they are to playing the game, and incorporating them.
19:06.31Shirik|Ecoleit'll be fun, trust me :)
19:06.36cladhaireLothaer: What do you want froma  feature that you can't get right now?
19:06.42CideShirik|Ecole: hmm? :P
19:06.45zenzelezzLothaer: most of the time "what the public wants" is "what I want" in a thousand different variations
19:06.47Shirik|EcoleYou'll see ;)
19:06.53CideI doubt I'll see though
19:06.54cladhaireLothaer: please provide me with one example
19:07.05Shirik|EcoleI will force a screenshot down your throat during release
19:07.18Cideso you made a hello kitty ready check?
19:07.21Lothaerchanging the old 40mans ie MC/BWL
19:07.27Shirik|Ecoleno, that would be Cidan's doing
19:07.31Cidedid you actually make it more useful though?
19:07.34cladhaireLothaer: Umm hi.. /me looks around.. this is the UI channel.
19:07.50Shirik|Ecoledid I? no. Will I? yes. Without destroying functionality for people that do not use Conspiracy.
19:07.53Shirik|EcoleThat's all I'll say
19:07.55cladhaireOr are you just qqing about blizzard in general?
19:08.14Cidehow're you doing it, then? :P
19:08.16Lothaernot qqing
19:08.18Shirik|Ecolein Lua
19:08.21zenzelezzShirik|Ecole: so you're saying yours captures the default UI one somehow?
19:08.28Cide~lart Shirik|Ecole
19:08.28purlrm -rf's Shirik|Ecole
19:08.36Cideno enhanced ready check for you
19:08.41CidanHello Kitty ready check
19:08.45Shirik|Ecolegood job Cide!
19:08.45Cidanthat's so going to kick ass
19:08.50cladhaireLothaer: then give me one example of why you're criticising the default ui
19:08.52Shirik|EcoleAs if I didn't have enough hello kitty
19:09.01cladhaireand the features they've added from community ideas
19:09.02CidanHello Kitty saying, "Are you rreeeeeaaadyyyyyyyy?"
19:09.02Lothaerhow about the ability to use co-ords in a instance???
19:09.07zenzelezzI'm going to skin Conspiracy's ready check to display just the Blue Pill and the Red Pill
19:09.10cladhaireLothaer: *sigh*
19:09.14cladhaireAlrighty then
19:09.15CidanOr perhaps meow's for when someone clicks ready!
19:09.17cladhairethis conversation is over
19:09.35Cidangenious, Cide.
19:09.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
19:10.38cladhaireLothaer: if you'd like to have an actual conversation that amounts to more than just arbitrary bitching about what you find wrong with blizzard and their game, I'm all ears.  Until then, I'm going to go spend my time doing something else.
19:10.47ts|skromzenzelezz genius
19:11.15Cidangenius too, even.
19:11.22CidanPerhaps I shall take a nap.
19:11.30Shirik|EcoleI wish I could :(
19:11.33Lothaernot trying to be mean or anything cladhaire but i didnt ask you to partake in the conversation
19:11.38Shirik|EcoleOr I could just skip economics.... but I shouldn't
19:12.08zenzelezzLothaer: the operators are entitled to partake in any conversation, just like the rest of the channel
19:12.19Cidanwhat the hell?
19:12.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
19:12.38Shirik|EcoleAdmit it, you want a hello kitty ready check
19:12.50LunessaShirik, alestane !
19:13.21Thunder_Childah, the unlamented MS-DOS 5 rap...
19:14.02Lothaerwell im off to farm some gold for repairs ill chat to yall another time
19:14.19Shirik|EcoleLunessa: Answer my question
19:14.29alestaneShirik|AFK:What question?
19:14.31LunessaHello Kitty Ready Check - I shudder at the evil it will unleash.  
19:14.39Shirik|Ecoleblame Cide
19:14.40Shirik|Ecoleand Cidan
19:14.50Cidewe're going to conquer the world
19:14.56alestaneOh thank goodness.
19:15.09CidanShirik|Ecole, did you get a chance to look at the Hello Kitty window theme?
19:15.21LunessaHello Kitty is a meme which will open a doorway for the Older Gods, They Who Must Not Be Named -  and it will be the doom of us all.
19:15.30Shirik|Ecolebriefly yes
19:15.35Shirik|EcoleI had to switch back to topless
19:15.35CidanIt's a WIP
19:15.46CidanTry out Box too
19:15.51zenzelezzthat's all right Lunessa, Nihilum will have them on farm soon enough
19:16.09Lunessazenzelezz: LOL
19:16.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Tinyboom (
19:16.48zenzelezzI'm not familiar with the WoW lore, but I'd somewhat like the next expansion to be Malfurion's Revenge
19:17.14CidanI'd like for the next expansion not to suck donkey balls
19:17.20Cidanbut that's just me.
19:17.30zenzelezzI like BC mostly
19:17.39Lunessa... Cidan - you need to upgrade to a better class of pr0n.
19:17.48CidanI tried goats
19:17.51CidanJust didn't do it.
19:17.58Kaydeethreezombie goats!
19:18.09CidanKaydeethree, now you're talkin'
19:18.10*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
19:18.57Shirik|Ecolewhat server is Cide on?
19:19.34Thrae <-- irony
19:20.24Cidanunder what name?
19:20.34Shirik|Ecolewikipedia is not a dictionary -_-
19:20.49LunessaIrony - when a thief has his goods stolen.  
19:21.06Cidannot really, kinda
19:21.19CidanI'd say more of, Irony - When a firefighter starts a fire.
19:21.39Shirik|Ecolethey do that quite often
19:21.51CidanI do find that unlikely.
19:21.57Shirik|Ecoleit's true
19:22.04Shirik|Ecolein fact it's one of their most powerful tools in putting out wildfires
19:22.20Shirik|Ecoleburning the fuel helps them contain it
19:22.20CidanYes yes, fight fire with fire.
19:22.33Cidanoil fires are also put out this way
19:23.17CideShirik|Ecole: but removing the oxygen is so much more fun
19:23.31Shirik|Ecoleremove all the oxygen in the world?
19:24.03Cidewell, I'm not that masochistic, so maybe keep a little bubble with it for me
19:24.09LunessaThat's all fire is, really rapidly adding an O to the molecule.
19:24.52alestaneHo boy...Slouken's monkeying with the SecureTemplates code now...I'm going to have to go see how the revisions affect my proposal.
19:28.16*** join/#wowi-lounge ZoFreX (n=zofrex@freenode/helper/zofrex)
19:28.33ZoFreXmy ears were burning :P
19:28.52ZoFreX(expression that means someone was talking about me)
19:29.22Shirik|Ecolewell the only person we were talking about...
19:29.30LunessaWell, ZoFreX is just this guy, you know?
19:29.48Shirik|EcoleI'm assuming he goes by another name :) I refuse to say it though
19:29.52ZoFreXLunessa, hhgttg ftw :D
19:30.04CidanWho knows.
19:30.19Shirik|Ecoleanyway, hi!
19:30.27Kaydeethreedamn you, blizzard tracker. give me peers with reasonable upstream
19:30.28ZoFreXI don't go by other names often :)
19:30.28Shirik|Ecolenot you
19:30.34LunessaAnd for all the rest of you, the secret is - Bang the rocks together guys!
19:31.02Shirik|EcoleIt was perfectly fine 5 seconds ago
19:31.07Shirik|Ecolebut now that I have to go to class, it's pouring
19:31.18Kaydeethreesucks to be you?
19:32.11alestaneKaydeethree: Another PTR patch?
19:32.25Kaydeethreenah, just more stuff for the Background Downloader
19:32.37Cidehow do you get on the PTR?
19:32.49Shirik|Ecole~lart Cide
19:32.49purlhereby declares Cide a troll
19:32.51zenzelezzpartial2 seems to be only half the size of partial1
19:32.57Cidenice one, purl
19:33.02Shirik|Ecolethat was actually pretty good
19:33.46ts|skromanyone know a place to get a good deal on an SNES?
19:44.34cog|workl2emulate imo :P
19:44.47ts|skromsome games are just more fun on the real thing :D
19:44.57ts|skrombelieve me I know how to emu :P
19:45.00cog|workyou get a decent controller and it's like the real thing :P
19:45.18CidanI prefer emu + TV output
19:47.04Valaron|WorkSNES? Get the Wii and Virtual Console games.
19:47.16CidanVery limited selection
19:47.17ZoFreXor just download an emulator :P
19:47.19Cidanno CT
19:47.23Cidanno FF6
19:47.29CidanZoFreX, unlikely.
19:47.34ZoFreXname a game
19:47.34CidanI however, do.
19:47.41CidanWhat is your count?
19:48.46ZoFreXstill opening the 7z file...
19:48.55ZoFreXincluding dupes obv
19:49.03CidanHiya buddy. :D
19:50.34CidanGDMF, do you have to go all the way to Azuremyst for JC?
19:50.53LunessaUnless you go to Outlands.
19:51.11CidanWell, at level... 6, yeah, bleh.
19:51.39alestaneSkivvies run through the wetlands!
19:51.50alestane"AUBERDINE OR BUST!"
19:53.40LunessaHeh, Warlock friend or mage-portal.
19:58.26*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@nat/microsoft/x-da387ef74a065771)
20:01.13*** join/#wowi-lounge iNS- (n=insa@
20:02.31*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|zZz_ (
20:03.02alestaneAnyone here had to deal with really obscure MSWord problems, especially ones where the program literally does not do what the documentation says it does in black and white?
20:03.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
20:03.29Valaron|WorkWhat is it?
20:04.09Shirik|EcoleSelect your application and press Install:
20:04.10Shirik|EcoleNotice to Mozilla/Netscape/Firefox/Opera/Safari/Lynx/Mosaic users:
20:04.10Shirik|EcoleDue to protocol incompatabilities, you will not be able to establish connections to install our software with your browser.
20:04.10Shirik|EcoleTo install software from our server, you will need Microsoft Internet Explorer. You may still download CD images from our server.
20:04.14Shirik|Ecolewhat. the. hell.
20:04.23Shirik|EcoleThey should all be fired.
20:04.26Shirik|EcoleThe whole lot of them.
20:04.29Kaydeethreethe hell?
20:04.29alestaneThe {INDEX} field swears it takes a \s SequenceName switch that will cause it to use the value of a particular {SEQ} field as a chapter number for page references in the index...but it doesn't.
20:04.39alestaneChapter number simply doesn't appear.
20:04.46Shirik|EcoleI'm trying to install some software on my computer. We have this cool website where we can just download the files and install
20:04.51Shirik|EcoleBut apparently they only coded it for IE
20:05.21alestaneYeah, at work I use IE for SharePoint and FF for everything else.
20:05.43Shirik|EcoleI'm almost tempted to spoof my UA and see if it works
20:07.49alestaneValaron|Work: It's Word 2003 if that helps at all.
20:08.17Valaron|WorkHmm.. Sorry. Don't know, and I don't have Word on this machine to find out.
20:08.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
20:08.34ZoFreXShirik|AFK, who made that site?
20:08.41Lunessaalestane: Office 2004 for Mac OSX?
20:08.43ZoFreXand are they in a country that has laws about accessibility? :D
20:08.55alestaneI'm at work running XP, Lunessa
20:09.44alestaneSo either I'm doing something wrong or it's f***ing broken.
20:09.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Hiro (
20:10.01CidanHunters suck until you get a pet.
20:10.20cog|workat least it's only level 10
20:10.21alestaneThey're okay until level 5 or so and then you really start to feel like something's missing.
20:10.35cog|worki can go 1-10 in 1-2 hrs depending on how many interruptions i have
20:10.45alestanelevels 8-9 are a pain.
20:10.52*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
20:10.59cog|worknot in dun morogh :P
20:11.05alestaneIn Eversong they were.
20:11.11Valaron|WorkThe late 40s were the toughest as a Hunter.
20:12.54alestaneWorks great in the table of contents, but the index just fails to recognize it.
20:13.28Valaron|WorkAsk the paper clip
20:13.41alestaneAH! The spawn of Sargeras!!?!
20:13.43art3misboobies \o/
20:14.10alestaneWell, that's my opinion of the paper clip, anyway.
20:16.50alestaneAlso (I now my this happens but it's annoying) every help entry has a "See Also" down at the bottom, but 95% of the time all it contains is "Buy the 2007 Microsoft Office system" and "Free trial of the 2007 Microsoft Office system"
20:17.04alestanes/I now my/I know why/
20:18.39CidanShirik|Ecole, you skipped class, didn't you?
20:18.52Shirik|Ecolenegative good sir, I am in class thank you very much :P
20:19.12bleeteroh hell
20:19.19bleeterJoe Zawinul's died
20:19.26Shirik|Ecoleoh wait nm
20:19.47alestaneAnd of course, "Word", "Index", "sequence" are such common words that Google is pretty useless.
20:19.58ScytheBlade1I feel kinda dirty... I want to reformat everything now, and replace it with CentOS/FC...
20:20.19CidanDebian ftw
20:20.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
20:20.54ScytheBlade1I bought a VPN recently, and chose CentOS5. I'm really impressed.
20:20.59Shirik|Ecoleyay for more propaganda
20:23.18zenzelezzI like how people assume that because they like something everyone else does
20:23.24*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo (
20:24.38Shirik|EcoleCidan nice sig
20:24.44Shirik|Ecolebut it needs to be a link imo
20:24.52Cidanyes master
20:26.28ts|skromwow cog|work :P
20:27.45alestaneWow dogpile.
20:31.28*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
20:31.43alestaneIs there a game in there somewhere?
20:31.48ts|skromfu overload
20:31.48zenzelezzmy UI suddenly feels clean
20:32.21alestaneI almost like that UF layout, is that one of the standards?
20:32.48Olisonits xperl
20:32.59ts|skrom58 mana pots?
20:33.14ScytheBlade1More than 58. Look next to that.
20:33.15ts|skromoh wait it's one of those injectors or whatever
20:33.25ScytheBlade158 = pots
20:33.28ScytheBlade130 = SSC pots
20:33.30ScytheBlade130 = TK pots
20:33.46ScytheBlade1Though the injectors and the SSC pots DO share an icon, so that may be an injector
20:33.48ts|skrombut is it actually 38 pots? or is it one of those engineering things I know nothing about?
20:34.02ScytheBlade1The engineering one has the first 30 icon
20:34.15ScytheBlade158 is regular pots, first 30 is SSC *or* injector, last 30 is TK pots
20:34.27ts|skromwho needs 10 stacks of greater blessing regs either? haha
20:35.06ts|skromtalk about extremes. 993 symbol of kings and 1 symbol of divinity XD
20:35.08ScytheBlade1If I had to guess, those are SSC pots.. it'd fit, and also explain why he has the reagents to buff 1000 people with blessings.
20:35.56ts|skromshame he's got all that just to afk in the tunnel :D
20:36.11ScytheBlade1Nah, he's a raider. He can't afford actual repairs ;)
20:36.25bleetercan't find the exit of the tunnel 'coz too much UI
20:36.36bleeter'omg bling lemme change that.. omg more bling...'
20:42.08Kaydeethreewow... talk about anger management issues
20:42.30KaydeethreeI mean, ya, I got annoyed at the last 2 races of the netherwing questline, but breaking stuff in real life?
20:43.08ScytheBlade1Sounds like a lag issue to me.
20:44.46*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
20:44.58KasoHow hard is it to find a paladin friend, jeeze
20:45.45*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
20:50.17Shirik|AFK14(1611:0711:2314) 14(11158ZoFreX14) Shirik|AFK, who made that site?
20:50.21Shirik|AFKhelps to ping the right person :P
20:50.31Shirik|AFKMy school's IT department. They're morons, I already knew this
20:51.07*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost__ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
20:55.55ShirikSo apparently I'm the only one in our entire guild that can't talk in guild chat
20:55.57Shirikwhat the jack
20:56.04Kaydeethreeyou get demoted?
20:56.20ShirikI am definitely the same rank as everyone else
20:56.50alestaneYou leave the guild channel off your chat window by accident?
20:57.04ShirikNo it definitely says "You don't have permission to do that"
20:57.10Kasotry quitting and rejoining
20:57.37Shiriktried already :P
20:57.39ScytheBlade1I had a friend who had her guild bug out on her
20:57.40Shirikoh you mean the guild?
20:57.48ScytheBlade1She tried to /gquit and it said 'not in a guild'
20:57.56ScytheBlade1Then she tried to be /ginvite and it said 'already in a guild'
20:58.01ScytheBlade1*to get a
20:58.10Kasologically conflict!
20:58.52ScytheBlade1Then she tried to talk in /g, and everyone could see it, but her
20:58.52ScytheBlade1But she could see officer
20:58.52ScytheBlade1When she wasn't an offiver
20:58.52Kasoif it still doesnt work after leaving and re-joining guild gotta get a gm i recons
20:59.33ScytheBlade1Petition a GM, get it fixed.
21:00.02Kaydeethreebut you know the first thing the GM's gonna say is "wipe out your WTF/Interface/Cache folders"
21:00.10ScytheBlade1Do that first.
21:00.55Shirikif the GM were to say that
21:00.56ShirikI would be like
21:01.28Shiriksir, I used /script SendChatMessage("Hello", "GUILD") and it still didn't work. However, /dump issecurevariable"SendChatMessage" returns 1. Therefore, this cannot be the problem.
21:01.41ShirikHopefully that will convince him that I am smarter than him and send me to someone higher up
21:01.51Shirikjust because I don't want to talk to him anymore, not that I need someone higher up
21:01.59Kasohaha i like that plan
21:02.24Shirikactually /dump issecurevariable"SendChatMessage" doesn't return 1 but I don't care
21:02.26ShirikI'll tell him it does
21:02.39CideShirik: oh, you want...
21:03.09Shirikif only you could have a world chat
21:03.24Kaydeethreeit's called /2
21:04.22alestaneThat's city chat.
21:05.06alestane<sarcasm>Has anyone ever figured out why the global chat channel is called "Trade"?</sarcasm>
21:05.55alestaneWell, home time.
21:06.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
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21:09.57Punkie`Shirik: There was a world chat
21:10.01Punkie`it was WorldDefense
21:10.09Shirikit still exists
21:10.10Punkie`but you had to be above rank 10 iirc to speak in it
21:10.11Shirikjust nobody can talk in it
21:13.15*** part/#wowi-lounge ZoFreX (n=zofrex@freenode/helper/zofrex)
21:13.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (
21:14.36bleeterScytheBlade1: have you Aced IllegalAddon yet?
21:15.12ScytheBlade1bleeter, I *should* hurt you
21:15.35ScytheBlade1That said, honest question
21:15.53ScytheBlade1I used a single .xml file to do that. Is it really a big deal that I did it that way, in comparison to a .lua?
21:16.00*** part/#wowi-lounge Cair (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
21:16.01ScytheBlade1(General question to everyone)
21:16.07Cidexml makes baby cog|work cry
21:16.17bleeterwell, it's not aced... so it's gotta be <insert usual rants here>
21:16.18ScytheBlade1Well, he's allowed to cry.
21:16.31cog|worki <3 xml
21:16.39cog|workCidan cries
21:16.45cog|workand not as a baby
21:17.07KasoXML is only good for making virtual frames
21:17.18ScytheBlade1Really. Is it that big of a deal? Does it *really* matter?
21:17.21cog|workstatic UIs
21:17.26cog|workmakes much more sense
21:17.37CideScytheBlade1: to do "what"?
21:17.50ScytheBlade1Use .xml instead of a .lua for IllegalAddon
21:17.51Cide"I used a single .xml file to do that" (emphasis mine)
21:18.23KasoXML! huh-yeah! What is it good for! Absolutely nothing! Uh-huh!
21:18.29ScytheBlade1I could have done it in a .lua. I did it in .xml, and (I forget who) complained that it was overkill and everything else bad
21:18.45cog|workKaso: if you ever make a custom frame, designed as a whole not something like waterfall or khaos or things where all the internal elements are generated dynamically and follow some set pattern, XML makes more sense
21:19.12cog|workOr a table in Lua
21:19.22ScytheBlade1Probably better that you link the comments page:
21:19.31cog|workeither way, something with clear parent-child relationships represented in code makes much more sense imo
21:19.53bleeterif you can't convert a d/l link to the info page in yer own head, you fail :P
21:20.04ScytheBlade1I only browse WoWI to update my mods :P
21:20.07ScytheBlade1Forgive me :P
21:20.22cog|workScytheBlade1: there's nothing wrong with it... it's just overkill
21:20.35cog|workit might have a millisecond impact on loading time but that's about it
21:20.48ScytheBlade1It prints a single line to the console. How can it be overkill?
21:21.03cog|workusing xml is overkill to print a single line to the console
21:21.20bleeterknew it should be aced for speed improvements!
21:21.27cog|workyou can do it in one line of Lua
21:21.42krka_or half a line!
21:22.02Cideace does it in 1/4th of a line
21:22.07ScytheBlade1I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something big and obvious.
21:22.21*** join/#wowi-lounge raevanmorlock (
21:22.29cog|workKaso: XML is especially nice when you have an editor that reads the XSD file and gives you context-sensitive code completion :P
21:22.34krka_Cide: and also doubles the framerate and delivers free pizza
21:22.48krka_how can you go wrong with free pizza?!?!
21:22.51krka_time to sleep
21:22.57raevanmorlockWhat's the name of the lua global that WoW uses to keep everything in?
21:23.02Kaydeethreehey linux users... anyone else seeing this?
21:23.03bleetermy University buys me free pizza once a month
21:23.08Cidekrka_: and it lowers the memory usage into the negatives
21:23.09cog|workraevanmorlock: huh?
21:23.22Kaso_G i assusme he means
21:23.45ScytheBlade1Kaydeethree, the downloader refuses to download more than 16kB of the .torrent for me, so I just gave up on it and use it on windows.
21:24.03bleeterKaydeethree: I haven't fired up the d/l recently for live... it *might* be related to the hang on exit 'fix'
21:24.18bleeterKaydeethree: I'll take a look in a couple of mins when I logout of live
21:24.22Kaydeethreethis is using 0.9.43
21:24.31bleeteroh, well, you fail then
21:24.34raevanmorlocklike if I create a global.. somevar = 1; .. WoW also creates a reference to it in some global table thing so that _g["somevar"] == 1 (assuming the table's name is _g .. I can't remember it)
21:24.50Cideit's case sensitive.. but yes
21:25.13Cideif you use it a lot, I suggest local _G = _G
21:25.16Cidemakes it a bit faster
21:25.19krka_it's not _also_
21:25.25krka_it's only that table
21:25.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
21:25.44krka_and no need to do _G.somevar
21:25.46krka_just use somevar
21:25.59Cidewell, I'm guessing he wants to do dynamic lookups
21:26.02raevanmorlockI know they're teh same thing.. but it's a second way of referencing it.
21:26.18raevanmorlockYeah.. I need to assign a trivial name to something and ensure it's not already in use.
21:26.26krka_right, for dynamic lookups it's useful
21:26.31Cideraevanmorlock: trivial names are bad to use :)
21:26.33krka_in most cases, dynamic lookups are retarded :P
21:26.48krka_it generally means you're doing something wrong
21:26.55Cidekrka_: not really
21:27.08cog|workno wai
21:27.10raevanmorlockWelllll I'm trying to spare you the long-winded version of what I'm making
21:27.14Cidelooping through blizzard's frames (1...n) is common
21:27.33krka_right, and that's because blizzard did things badly
21:27.39bleeterKaydeethree: have you tried with .44 from Koji?
21:27.39krka_and i guess it's ok for that purpose
21:27.50Kaydeethreenot yet
21:27.52krka_just dont introduce more such abominations :)
21:28.04Cidekrka_: I keep all of my frames local :P
21:28.20krka_sleep time
21:37.49bleeterKaydeethree: aye, I'm getting weirdness
21:39.26bleeterinteresting, it's almost like it's hanging for me, but if I press cancel it starts initialising the d/l
21:41.15zenzelezzthat being said, can't you grab the .torrent and use your favorite Linux torrent client?
21:41.35bleeterprobably, but that's hardly the point :P
21:42.14zenzelezzI know, I just tend to expect a Wine user knows enough to bypass it if it becomes a probem
21:42.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso_ (
21:42.26zenzelezzbut it would seem like weird behaviour anyhow
21:42.42art3mismore partials for 2.2?
21:42.47zenzelezzyes, part 2
21:42.49bleeterI've kinda suckered myself into being a 'maintainer' for WoW under Wine... so yeah, it'd be nice if it were clean
21:42.56zenzelezzart3mis: 30 MB more
21:43.20art3misi never start it with the launcher so i never get the download trigger ;P
21:43.44bleeterodd that it continues after pressing Cancel :s
21:43.54art3misyou're just cancelling the error ;P
21:45.26zenzelezzdoes the background downloader (on Windows) moan if you connect it to a debugger?
21:45.33art3miswoo for seasons 4 5 6 today for red dwarf
21:46.08|Jelly|Which video option makes your arrow on your minimap focused? (as opposed to fuzzy as all hell)
21:46.33art3mishell isnt fuzzy it's just the mirage effect ;P
21:49.07bleeterhmm, is only accessable via the Blizz d/l? It's the IP given in the connection info dialog for the HTTP direct, but I can't connect to it
21:49.11Thrae <-- Kelly Hu was in Xmen 2, Watts was from The Ring. Hilarity ensues.
21:49.15bleeter*can't conenct to it using FF
21:50.26zenzelezzWaiting for
21:50.30zenzelezzseems it's just utterly slow
21:51.39bleeterKaydeethree: I'm leaning towards that FIXME being thrown by Wine  because the HTTP host is down
21:52.34zenzelezzif it's related to the background downloader it may just be getting a ton of traffic
21:52.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
21:53.09clad|bookanyone here use cd images for warcraft III on a mac?
21:53.20clad|booki can't even get a single mountable image created =/
21:55.16Mr_Rabies2blizzard games always seem to have problems with that stuff
21:55.34*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
21:57.57clad|booknah i definitely had no issues with it before
21:58.03clad|bookand its not the getting the game to work
21:58.06clad|bookits the mounting the image part
22:01.01Valaron|WorkCD images?
22:03.30Wraangerquestion : can chatframe alpha be set by code ?
22:03.38art3mison a mac no
22:03.50art3misive got wc3 and ft in pc iso form though ;P
22:03.55Punkie`Wraanger: test it :D
22:04.26Wraangertested with SetBackdropColor does not work ... and SetAlpha set alpha of the frame, not background =(
22:07.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso_ (
22:09.53Nom-my itemsync knows about 11,900 items
22:11.54bleeterKaydeethree: that IP's now responding... not exactly speedy, but responding nonetheless.. you may wanna try your d/l again see if it still spams those errors
22:15.59WraangerSetChatWindowAlpha(1,0) not working too =((
22:16.58mikmaWraanger: FCF_SetWindowAlpha(ChatFrame1, 0)
22:17.21Lunessa - I should NOT read at work...
22:24.51Valaron|WorkI read Bash at work.
22:25.02Valaron|WorkAt least you didn't link Rick Astley.
22:26.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Galka (
22:28.34Valaron|WorkI read the Wii forums too
22:41.02*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
22:43.17Cidanoh man
22:43.30|Jelly|I know, right.
22:43.44CidanI feel like a million bucks atm
22:44.24CidanWhich as we all know
22:49.29*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
22:50.06alestaneWell, that's comment so far on SilentMacros, and all it says is, "cant you just use the space bar?"
22:50.35*** join/#wowi-lounge the-golem_ (
22:52.33alestaneGiven the number of people I've seen ask about it on the forum, I somehow thought a mod to hide macro names would be better received.
22:53.29Valaron|WorkYou got people who want things like #showtooltip, and then you get people who doesn't want anything at all.
22:54.35alestaneI have no problem with tooltips, I often find them useful...I just don't like the macro name clogging up my action button.
22:54.40LunessaAnd you have people who should stick their heads into a grinder set on "the whole damned cow" mode and not whine that volunteers making them free software don't get 'their vision' - but that's just me.
22:55.32alestaneWell, the mod took me two hours or so to make...and I use it myself so even if it's not insanely popular, I won't cry too hard.
22:56.29alestaneHeh, and this guy never got a response at all...didn't we get another one of these pretty recently?
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22:56.41LunessaOf course, then there are things like this - - which have nothing to do with the topic, but make me happy.
22:58.28LunessaAnswered. :)
23:02.21Nom-oh yay
23:02.41Nom-They're doing Iron Man properly instead of that joke of an animated movie a few months back
23:02.48Nom-thanks for that link :D
23:05.34alestaneThat could be cool but is also sort of scary.
23:09.34cog|workheh.. get a strong enough antenna and set the ocean on fire?
23:10.17CidanThat's pretty amazing
23:10.26CidanNot that you'll EVER see it in use
23:11.09art3mis uhh what?
23:11.10Nom-You guys seen the trailer for Beowulf ?
23:11.11alestaneBut can it be useful? Given that the byroduct of hydrogen combustion is water, and the hydrogen is being extracted from water, how can it ever produce more energy than it uses?
23:11.21Nom-I was halfway through before I worked out it was actually animated
23:11.25Nom-They've done really good on the CGI
23:11.38alestaneWhat's this about Beowulf?
23:11.43Nom-Beowulf movie
23:12.21CidanIt can't produce more energy than it uses -- that's not the point
23:13.03CidanThe point is we might have a viable alternative to fossil fuels
23:13.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
23:14.17cog|workCidan: lolwut?
23:14.23Nom-hydrogen powered cars are an alternative for fossil fuels
23:14.44cog|workSounds like the reasoning of a.........
23:14.51Nom-You know why we don't have them?  Because it requres burning fossil fuels to produce the hydrogen, and again, it takes more energy than you get out
23:15.45CidanBut you're not producing anything before hand in this article
23:16.14cog|workCidan: but you need the source of RF waves
23:16.24cog|workthat's "produced"
23:16.32CidanIt's self contained though
23:16.57Cidana battery + alternator + RF emitter + salt water
23:16.59Cidanin this case
23:17.09cog|workyes but how do you charge the battery?
23:17.37alestaneStill runs into the perpetual motion problem.
23:18.00CidanYes, yes.
23:18.09CidanThe point isn't, argh
23:18.10alestaneNom-: If that really is ALL CGI, than I am indeed duly impressed.
23:18.16CidanIt isn't to make a perfect self contained system
23:18.16cog|workBurning hydrogen and oxygen creates water
23:18.24Cidanit's to replace fossile fuels
23:18.41cog|workCidan: the reason we use fossil fules is because it contains already-stored energy
23:18.49alestaneBy shifting the focus to electricity?
23:18.54Cidanas does salt water!
23:19.02cog|workthat's our point
23:19.15alestaneWater contains very little stored chemical energy.
23:19.17cog|workHydrogen and oxygen RELEASE energy to turn into water
23:19.55Cidanforget it
23:20.44alestaneI ca see a couple of possibilities though...hydrogen-powered cars have been proposed before, but one of the many concerns is carrying around a bunch of hydrogen in your fuel tank...adds a whole new dimension of lethality to auto accidents.
23:21.21alestaneIf you could carry it in the form of water in a remotely viable way that would hep address that part of the problem.
23:21.25Kaydeethreebleeter, nah, it's still throwing that same fixme
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23:23.19Nom-alestane: as am i
23:23.36cog|workYou know what amuses me most about energy? Except for geothermal and nuclear, every form of energy we use on this planet is fundamentally solar
23:23.42Nom-alestane: We'll see... the high def movie definately looked like it was... the images are near perfect, but the motion still looks a little bit off
23:24.04Nom-ooooh yeah
23:24.05Nom-Hitman movie
23:24.08alestaneThe motion is the only thing that suggests to me that it may not be live.
23:24.12Nom-Man, I haven't been keeping up!
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23:32.14Kaydeethreethe funny thing is, the server it pings runs fedora
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23:38.20Elessdywell, the jackholes at sony decided that the black psp-2000 ships on the 24th, not like the 10th as amazon claimed
23:39.52LunessaI just watch the HD version of the trailer for Beowulf.  It looked good.  The artists did a fantastic job.  Sadly, they still emulate human motion too slowly.  
23:40.11Wobin_Lunessa: Linky?
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23:49.51Rallion_whoa some very interesting new trailers there
23:50.00Rallion_as soon as they just download...
23:56.30CidanHitman movie will be an epic failure
23:56.50CidanThey are adding a romantic interest
23:58.20Rallion_hitman failed as soon as they cast that guy
23:58.30amro|laptopwithout explaining how he suddenly has emotions I bet

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