IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070910

00:00.09Rallionwell, this one has no cup holder, sadly
00:00.23Rallionbut in my case, space is an issue
00:00.30Rallionso simple is best
00:02.54alestaneFairly low as chairs go.
00:04.10Rallioni just want something nice to sit in when I'm enjoying my Wii
00:04.24Kaydeethreemeh, I just play from bed
00:04.28Kaydeethree<3 wireless controllers
00:05.08Rallionwith my space constraints, though, I can't get a good straight-on angle from my bed, and with the Wiimote, that can matter
00:06.30Kaydeethreemeh, my TV's angled facing the headboard of my bed. the lightbar works fine
00:08.13Kaydeethreelike this:
00:10.17KasoHow can you cope with just one monitor so small >.<
00:10.35Kaydeethreeit's a 17" and I'm cheap because I don't want to buy a new one
00:10.41KaydeethreeI'm going to get a good dual-head setup in a while
00:10.48KasoIve got three 17" tfts layed out infront of me at the moment, and i still find myself running out of space sometimes
00:11.12KasoI love multi-monitors makes life so much nicer
00:11.53KaydeethreeI'm just used to the multiple-workspace concept. I tend to have stuff spread across my 4 workspaces
00:12.36Shirikomg Kaydeethree
00:12.39ShirikI LOVE YOUR ROOM
00:13.20KaydeethreeI need to take new pics, I've moved a poster around and picked up some more stuff since those were taken a month ago
00:13.59KasoWhats the poster above the firefox advert, im thinking scarface but im not sure.
00:14.05Kaydeethreefight club
00:14.19Kaydeethreethere's a bunch more pics in that folder
00:14.39Kasoah yes, i see now
00:27.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
00:27.28Thunder_Childmeh...your room is to bright
00:27.52Kaydeethreeblame the flash on the camera
00:27.54Thunder_Childand clean...way to clean
00:29.05Kaydeethreeyou honestly think that I wouldn't clean my room up before taking pictures I intended to show to my parents?
00:30.23Thunder_Childi woudlnt
00:33.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
00:34.34Rallionmy room is filled with crap
00:34.56Rallionlike, stuff I at least SORTA want to keep
00:35.06RallionI should take pictures right now, just to contrast
00:35.47Rallionohm but it's also filled with empty cans and bottles. I try to keep those out of here, know...lazy.
00:36.08|Jelly|clutter in mine.
00:36.14|Jelly|i never quite unpacked. lol
00:37.05RallionIf I were Kay, I'd be more concerned about the poster to the right of the bed than the cleanliness of the room, in regards to my parents.
00:37.27Ralliondifferent parents, I suppose.
00:38.05alestaneThe Onegai Teacher one?
00:38.49alestaneI suppose it's a little risque...after you've watched anime for a while, you see things like that and just og, "EH. Fan service."
00:38.49Rallionalestane, I really don't know. but probably, yes.
00:39.32alestaneChick with the magenta hair and the bathing suit? That one?
00:40.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
00:40.06alestaneThat's "Please Teacher", at least in English.
00:41.54RallionMy parents would be all like, "WHAT? You're watching ANIME?! Oh, hey, and boobs.
00:42.00Rallion<close quote.>
00:42.42alestaneThe short version, high school kid has to marry his teacher who's really an undercover space alien to keep her from losing her job after an awkward encounter having to do with getting locked in a bicycle shed.
00:43.10Rallionsee, I've watched a liiittle bit of anime, and shit like what you just said is why it stays that way
00:44.01|Jelly|Rallion: /agree
00:47.51Rallionbasically, it's just been FMA, Cowboy Bebop, and a few movies. no interest in taking that any further.
00:49.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Gl0bal (
00:52.05FlAWDer ... wrong chan :/
00:54.41Thunder_Childno kidding :)
00:54.58alestaneIriel: The updated version of my proposal is on the thread at WoWInterface, linked in the same Bliz thread (bumped) as before.
00:55.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie_ (
00:59.10alestaneKaydeethree: BTW Kate Elliott is definitely awesome.
01:01.31alestaneHave to take off now, later all.
01:11.04art3misthe white border turns red when you hover over
01:11.14Kaydeethreemeh, it's a fanservice. I've gotten more coments about the gits poster, though
01:11.45AnduinLothar:( no one wants to raid with a ret pally.
01:12.31AnduinLothartook me a while to convince my guild,  but our raiding has all but stopped. Now no one near us in progress will take me ret.
01:13.01JoshBorkeAnduinLothar: :-(
01:13.07JoshBorkewhy your guild stop raiding?
01:13.22AnduinLotharwe haven't been able to get 25
01:13.42JoshBorkethat sucks
01:13.57AnduinLothar366 chars in guild and we can't get 25 for ssc
01:14.13AnduinLothareveryone's got alt-itis
01:15.00Cidanso for fonts, we have a fontobject which is just some abstract object, then we assign it to a font instance via SetFontObject, then we set the font file it self via SetFont?
01:15.04Cidanor am I wrong?
01:15.11|Jelly|There's a guild like that on my server. 350 members. 135 level 70s. Haven't killed Gruul.
01:15.46Shirikwe have 110 players, 69 accounts, probably about 40 70s
01:15.52Shirikand... working on BT :)
01:16.15AnduinLotharwe have gruul and maggy down, but the first few bosses in SSC gave us trouble, then our raid leader took a break and our raiders all went on vacation or to cons all summer
01:16.17JoshBorkeCidan: sounds about right
01:16.18Shirikthough some of us (*cough* me) are still getting gear from Kara ..>
01:16.26CidanThat's so... fucking stupid
01:16.35|Jelly|I doubt I ever see BT at the rate my server's going.
01:17.33AnduinLothari want to, but my current guild isn't getting there
01:17.52AnduinLotharand no one else will even consider me unelss I go full time healer
01:18.11AnduinLotharwhich makes me want to curl up and die, cause healing is so boring
01:18.13|Jelly| *sigh*
01:18.18ShirikReally? I love healing
01:18.35AnduinLothari healed for 2 yrs. i'm done. it puts me to sleep
01:19.01|Jelly|I don't find it boring, but I would much rather be shadow...even though I'm the "best" (guild leader apparently thinks so) healer in the guild. /wrist
01:19.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Galka (
01:19.22Shirikarmory won't update my character again T_T
01:19.24AnduinLothari'm a good healer. i hate it.
01:19.29CidanLikely because you suck.
01:19.34CidanIt hates you.
01:19.46ShirikCidan, correct me if I'm wrong
01:19.49ShirikHealing hates you too
01:19.55|Jelly|I have a 70 shaman and the other Kara group is all "you have healing gear?" /facepalmdeskwallkeyboard
01:19.58CidanIt loves me
01:20.06Shirikthen why did you go prot again?
01:23.19CidanI have no clue
01:23.22Cidanback to healing though
01:24.31Shirikimo you should come back to TG
01:24.33Shirikand heal for us
01:26.06CidanWell, now that your leader quit, perhaps.
01:26.12CidanThough I'm really sad Nellah is gone.
01:26.26Shirikyeah that was too bad
01:26.29Shirikbut he really needed a break
01:26.37ShirikI could tell for a while; it's not like I didn't seei t coming
01:27.44Arrowmaster|Jelly|: your in JAGD of course your the best healer in the guild, youd probably also be the best dps as shadow spec
01:28.10|Jelly|You sound like the retards on my realm forums.
01:28.31Arrowmasteri dont post on the realm forums
01:28.55Arrowmasterjust hate most people on the realm because they suck
01:28.57WobworkKaydeethree: <3 <3 <3
01:28.59|Jelly|You *sound* like
01:29.05*** join/#wowi-lounge orionshock_ (
01:29.05Cidanwhen you set font, do you have to type out the entire font name and ext?
01:29.20KaydeethreeWobwork, exactly... wtf!?
01:29.45MentalPowerCidan: yes
01:29.58MentalPowerand all paths are from the root of the WoW folder
01:29.59Cidanthere it is
01:29.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
01:30.03CidanThanks, :D
01:30.21CidanOkay, so nevermind then, I can just SetFont on a particular fontinstance
01:30.28Cidanalong with font size
01:30.34Cidanit won't mess up everything else.
01:30.46CidanWhew, okay, easy as pie then.
01:34.29Shiriknight |Jelly|zZz
01:35.13Cidannini |Jelly|zZz
01:35.21CidanShirik, I don't think TG would have me back either way
01:35.32ShirikI could probably work that out myself
01:35.57Shirikimho it was all a misunderstanding anyway
01:36.49CidanNo, no actually, when your guild leader calls your girlfriend a PMSing bitch in front of other officers on vent
01:36.53Cidanit's not really a misunderstanding.
01:37.58CidanAh well, que sera, sera!
01:38.06CidanAlmost done with neat font system we talked about before
01:38.06ShirikI think blood elves should be able to partially understand night elves
01:38.14Shiriklike 10% of the words come through or something
01:38.15CidanEh, I can dig that
01:38.33ShirikLore indicates that thalassian is derived from and very similar to darnassian
01:39.30Thunder_Childit makes sense that we would know other cultures a matter of fact if your at war with someone it's even more imperitive that you learn their language
01:39.49Thunder_Childblizz is just BS'ing for the sake of BS
01:40.30orionshock_warcraft - lore = WoW ...
01:43.21Cidanorionshock_, ding.
01:43.48art3mis <-- new skin fixed the icon size
01:44.03art3mis <-- new theme
01:44.18Cidanoh wow
01:44.21orionshock_well it's true, come on, deathnights? the only way they can work that in Lore wise is if u turned up unfriendly with all core factions..
01:44.22Cidanvery nice.
01:45.21art3mishre stands for holy roman empire ;)
01:45.34Kaydeethreemeh. they said the same thing about warlocks in stormwind
01:45.40art3misjust gonna go colourize all the elements n stuff and should be good for another
01:46.42orionshocktrue Kaydeethree , what the could do is make you "temp" neutral with SW IF you have a pet out; and this lasts till your exulted with SW ... but they'd never do that either
01:50.08ScytheBlade1They could make you neutral with everything
01:50.28ScytheBlade1If you're starting at a higher level, let's face it, current rep won't matter anywhere
01:52.25FlAWD3RAM: Used: 661/5119MB
01:53.13orionshockFlAWD: wth do u need 5g worth of ram for?
01:53.28art3misorionshock: why not ;P
01:53.30FlAWDthat was a wrong chan post ... but i don't
01:53.44FlAWDi have 4gb ram
01:53.45art3misyou can never have enough ram
01:53.57Thunder_Childi have 10.76 GB of combined ram
01:54.02orionshockcorel - large video minipulation... a/v projects
01:54.03Thunder_Childboth ram/swap
01:54.04FlAWDi just found an extra stick of 1GB so if figured why not throw it in
01:54.11FlAWDbut i'm not running dual channel any more
01:54.15art3mis2gb ramdisc set as yer inet cache/temp folder == fast inet browseing ;P
01:54.25FlAWDand i don't have a pagefile
01:54.31orionshockok 5GB of ram is understandable; but the "normal" joe-smoe dosn't need any more than 2g or maybe 3g
01:54.52FlAWDwell any 32 bit windows operating system can't address more than 3.5gb
01:54.59FlAWDso it's pointless for the average user
01:55.02orionshockya that's the other side of it
01:55.05FlAWD3Operating System: Windows 2003 Professional 5.2 SP2 (Build #3790)
01:55.10FlAWD* x64
01:55.15orionshock--tbh if i had the ram; i'd load all of wow into it :D
01:55.25FlAWDand it's actually windows XP x64 .. just "built on server technology"
01:55.40FlAWDi got wow on a 10k RPM drive .... it's hot :D
01:55.47orionshockthink of it; wow running from a ram disk :D
01:55.54FlAWDyea that would be quite nic
01:56.08orionshockyou'd have to do it on a mac too :P
01:56.53FlAWDa friend of mine has a 15k RPM seagate drive in SCSI for his main drive
01:56.58FlAWDboots windows in about 3 seconds
01:57.33orionshockthat's SCSI for ya; powerful as all get out; but expensive as hell
01:57.50Kaydeethreethink what'd that be like if he raid-1'd two of those together
01:57.52FlAWDlol yea
01:58.03FlAWDraid0 i think you mean :)
01:58.07FlAWDraid1 is mirror
01:58.23orionshockr5 or nothing at all :P
01:58.27Kaydeethreeya. with a smart raid controller it'll pull from both drives at the same time
01:58.37FlAWDi like raid10 personally
01:58.48FlAWDor 01
01:59.35FlAWDDoD:S time for me :)
01:59.40Arrowmaster01 is such a waste
01:59.44Arrowmaster5 is better
02:00.03MentalPower5 via hardware with battery backup :)
02:00.16MentalPowerhave the hardware compute the checksums too
02:00.25JoshBorke5 is slower
02:00.34MentalPowerbut less wasteful
02:00.35Arrowmasternot with a good controller
02:01.18Arrowmasterif its a shitty controller thats not really a hardware controller and uses software drivers to do most of the work then yeah its slower
02:01.29bleeterone day soon, I should build a linux to load the kernel, video drivers and WoW all into RAM and forget the disk
02:02.06orionshockdon't forget to put the ISO up somewhere ; it'd get the traffic :P
02:02.14Kaydeethreefastest WoW setup ever... you'd need 10+ gigs of ram,  though
02:02.42Arrowmaster10 gigs for just the ram drive
02:03.50JoshBorkemeh, don't need much more beyond that
02:04.06JoshBorke16 GB is a good stopping point
02:04.20art3mis woo
02:04.22CidanNeed some more free-as-in-beer AND free-as-in-speech fonts.
02:04.45ArrowmasterCidan: bitstream
02:04.53ArrowmasterCidan: bitstream vera i mean
02:04.56orionshockok so wow is smaller than 10g...
02:05.12CidanArrowmaster, just added that to the SVN for Conspiracy. :P
02:05.34bleeterCidan: you got ?
02:05.45orionshocksorta -- w/ patches and PTR client it's just over 9g
02:05.52Arrowmasteri think bitstream vera sans mono could be one of the best monospace fonts, if only the Ls werent fugly
02:06.23CidanI put vera sans mono in
02:06.31Cidanit will be selectable for nearly any text item in Conspiracy
02:07.22CidanLiberation is meh
02:07.43CidanI've also made it stupid easy to add your own fonts, or for modules to include fonts that the entire system can use.
02:07.55CidanSo I guess it's not a big issues.
02:08.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
02:08.37*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
02:10.41CidanIssue, even, whew.
02:13.02Kaydeethreeoh about freaking time... "Escape from Orgrimmar" is finally done
02:31.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
02:42.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron (
02:43.28ValaronAnyone has Prince of Persia Rival Swords on the Wii?
02:45.04ValaronI'm stuck at the first boss :(
02:45.40Gngskdon't cheat
02:45.41Gngskthat's no fun
02:45.46Gngskkeep trying until you figure it out
02:45.49ValaronI can't get the speed kill timing down correct.
02:46.26ValaronNo cheating.. just a little insight.
02:47.11ValaronYeah.. I saw that.. just nothing about the Wiimote movements.
02:53.45GuillotineValaron: You happen to have Mario Strikers Charged for the Wii?
03:00.07ValaronNo.. No Strikers
03:01.02ValaronMy next big game will be Galaxy
03:01.29KaydeethreeI think we're all waiting on galaxy and ssbb now that prime's out
03:01.29Guillotineboo. trying to find someone to play it with over the internet :( Only other person I know with it is in europe :/
03:02.00ValaronI never was good at the Metroid games.. so I didn't get Prime.
03:02.10ValaronI might get SSBB
03:02.23Kaydeethreeyou ought to. controls are freaking amazing once you get over the learning curve
03:02.25ValaronNot into FPSes anyway.
03:02.55ValaronBut.. I cannot figure out the first boss in PoP. That's frustrating.
03:08.21ValaronAnd Mario Kart Wii. I'll take you all on when it comes out :P
03:09.09Guillotinestrikers is actually suprisingly good
03:09.29ValaronIs it multiplayer on the same Wii?
03:09.35Guillotineespecially if you have friends to play it with
03:09.37Guillotineyah, up to 4 people
03:09.41Guillotineon the same wii
03:09.47Guillotineand you can go 2v2 against people online
03:09.56ValaronMy gf is hooked on Mario Party :P
03:10.15ValaronIt's cute and fun
03:10.21Guillotinemy gf got tired of it after MP 8 :P
03:10.41GuillotineMP is almost as bad as FF in that respect
03:10.52ValaronFinal Fantasy?
03:11.31ValaronI buy Nintendo for Zelda games.. my gf buys PSx for FF games.
03:11.57GuillotineI buy nintendo for super smash brothers :P
03:12.05Guillotinethough I actually got my N64 for gauntlet
03:12.07Guillotinegood game
03:12.11Guillotinefor its time at least
03:12.28JoshBorkenn all
03:12.34ValaronMaybe it'll come out on the Virtual Console.
03:12.50GuillotineI still have my N64 >.>
03:12.58ValaronMe too
03:13.02Guillotineand the gamecube gauntlet isn't bad either
03:13.09Guillotinethough I havn't played it in forever
03:13.10ValaronIt hasn't been hooked up in years.
03:13.22GuillotineValaron: does the CD slot on your wii ever glow blue like all night?
03:13.34ValaronContinuous? Or blinking?
03:13.39GuillotineI'm not sure if mine is supposed to be doing that o.O
03:14.04ValaronContinuous means reading CD, fading/blinking means you have a message
03:15.44ValaronIt's not suppose to be doing that.. especially if it's off.
03:15.53Guillotineand theres no cd in there :/
03:16.06Guillotineoh, I wonder if it has to do with the fact I havn't set it up with the wireless here yet
03:16.23ValaronIt shouldn't.
03:16.41Guillotinewierd. I just turned on the tv (not even the wii) and it started pulsing
03:16.50GuillotineI wonder if I have too many things plugged into the socket o.O
03:19.28ValaronHmm.. You have MP3:C?
03:20.39ValaronHave you done a Wii update?
03:23.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
03:24.50GuillotineValaron: yah, its been updated
03:25.23ValaronI'd make sure all your messages have been read.
03:25.28ValaronJust in case
03:26.32Guillotinehmm, no, there was one unread message
03:27.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
03:30.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
03:30.15MentalPowergnight all
03:37.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
03:40.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_DC (
03:41.17art3misoh my god
03:41.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
03:41.24art3misif anyone hasnt seen shootem up go see it
03:41.34art3misa an action flick it rules!
03:41.41Tierriei watched it
03:41.44Tierrieit was insanely funny
03:41.49Tierriei laughed like, through the entire show
03:42.10Tierrieblam blam blam carrots blam blam carrots wassup doc blam blam
03:42.29art3mishah yeah
03:42.41art3misand monica bellucci
03:42.46art3misthats really all a movie needs
03:42.57Tierriei loved the fucking killing scene
03:42.59art3misher and mostly non stop action with very little talking
03:43.35ScytheBlade1!rating 1908
03:43.35Xinhuan1908 rating will give 905(5s), 724(3s) and 633(2s) arena points. (Use !points for inverse calc)
03:43.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Guilly_OMG (
03:44.54Tierriethe carrots were definitely a plus :)
03:45.01*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
03:45.11Tierriestabbings everyewhere
03:46.08art3mishehe yeah
03:46.24art3misi almost choked on my pop when he stabbed that guy in the eye
03:46.36Tierriei laughed when that happened
03:47.07Tierriei liked the scene where he threw a carrot, everyone shot it up, and he pops up and kills one of the guys -- everyone's like "wtf"
03:55.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
03:55.52*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
03:56.13Esamynnomg, it's a Cairenn
03:56.29Shirikshe was always here
03:56.37Shirikshe just was in invisi-cairenn mode
03:57.16Tierrieshes a bit like god?
03:57.22Tierriewatching you all the time
03:57.31Tierrieeven while you think you're alone on the loo
03:57.33Tierriegod's watching
03:58.04CairennI don't watch while people are on the loo - I'm not into that, thanks
04:00.29Thunder_Childsomehow i dont belive you
04:06.46CidanCairenn, you speak!
04:07.01CairennI do?!  eeep!
04:08.38CairennI've been (and continue to) house-sitting for my folks since mid last week through to the end of this coming week, so splitting my time between the two houses, so not actually ending up spending much time in front of the computer right now
04:10.25Shirikold, but someone just linked this to me
04:10.30CidanWell, not so bad.
04:10.30Shirikvery well done
04:10.51ScytheBlade1!points 1439
04:10.51XinhuanYou cannot get more than 1426 arena points per week (5v5 points cap).
04:10.57ScytheBlade1!rating 1439
04:10.57Xinhuan1439 rating will give 353(5s), 282(3s) and 247(2s) arena points. (Use !points for inverse calc)
04:11.25CidanCan't stand that song
04:11.30CidanIt's pure crap.
04:11.55CairennI've seen it before, I like it, I thought it was really well done (whether you like the song or not, they make the video fit it very nicely)
04:30.58*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
05:01.39*** join/#wowi-lounge JunkHead-Work (
05:12.13Shirikwe just had a draw in arena...
05:12.17Shirikdidn't even know that could happen
05:14.11Wobworkhow does that work?
05:15.15Shirikwe all died
05:15.22Shirikstill not quite sure how
05:15.23Shirikbut we did
05:16.04WobworkThe Plague
05:30.05*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
05:30.09*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
05:33.15ShirikI should have SS'ed it :(
05:41.53*** join/#wowi-lounge _Saint-N (
05:43.39Shirik!ap 1574
05:43.40ThraeBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1574 is, 2v2: 322, 3v3: 368, 5v5: 460
05:44.49Thunder_Child!ap 100000000000000000
05:44.49ThraeBotThunder_Child: Arena points from a rating of -2147483648 is, 2v2: 998, 3v3: 1141, 5v5: 1426
05:45.16Shirikoverflow error
05:47.05Thunder_Childjust a tad maybe
05:48.05Shirikdamn we're doing well today
05:48.14Shirik(and the one draw)
05:51.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
05:53.05Shirik!ap 1579
05:53.05ThraeBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1579 is, 2v2: 326, 3v3: 373, 5v5: 466
05:54.37ShirikHai |Jelly|
05:54.42|Jelly|Hey Shirik!
05:54.57art3mis<-- cycircled fiend
05:55.07|Jelly|<3 Vol
05:55.07*** join/#wowi-lounge orionshock (
05:55.07art3misi wish i didnt suck at graphics though
05:55.31art3misthats my new one ;P
05:56.01|Jelly|Never been a fan of the iron cross design in things but it looks pretty good all the same.
05:56.01art3mismade that today
05:56.18art3misthas the ui it goes with
05:56.36art3misi need to waste some time and make the eagle cleaner
05:57.10art3misi like how that turned out, the layout n stuff
05:57.25|Jelly|Better than pink HKIA.
05:57.43art3misyet if you interpret german instwead of roman much more evil ;P
05:58.13|Jelly|That's how I saw it at first but didn't say anything cause I didn't honestly think someone would make a UI devoted to the nazis. lol
05:58.26|Jelly|...glad I'm right. :P
05:58.34|Jelly|Hey Shirik. How are things?
05:58.42art3miswatched the last legion before i made it
05:58.42ShirikWe're now 10-2 today in arena
05:58.48art3miswhich is pretty good btw
05:58.49Shirikdamn druid warlock team
05:58.51Tierrieis there such a thing as a bored as fuck song?
05:58.53Shirikwe were 9-1
05:58.57Shirikoh and we got a draw
05:58.58Tierriei am thinking of making up a such a song
05:59.02art3mistierrie: the doom song
05:59.16|Jelly|Liam Lynch - I'm So Happy
05:59.16art3misI'm bored by death angel too ;P
05:59.28ShirikTierrie: Because I got High - Afroman
05:59.42Tierriewish i had that song
05:59.43Tierrieit rocks
06:00.20Tierriesomething happened to my cable connection, the physical cable has lots of noise on it, as a result my packet loss is immensely high and therefore my bandwidth is insanely low
06:00.30Tierrieaccording to my calculations its < 22kbps
06:00.46Tierrieso i have just enough internet to bitch
06:00.55Tierrieand not enough to do anything else
06:01.03art3misyoull get a mailer tomorrow about a new "service" the cable company offers to speed you your connection for only 19.95 a month ;P
06:01.11Tierriei think we've already upgraded a few times
06:01.31art3misand all it will really do is remove the filter they put on it to fuck up yur connection currently
06:01.52Tierriethe worst part is, i had a new tv-in card this week so i could watch tv on my computer, but i wanted another model so i sent in back, in the process i took apart my current cable->monitor set up :(
06:02.03art3misoh jelly when you hove over the crosses too the white turns red ;P
06:02.05Tierrielong story for "fuck i am bored"
06:03.51Shiriklua> 326 + 90
06:03.53cladbotShirik: 416
06:03.56Shirik!ar 419
06:03.56ThraeBotShirik: Arena rating from 419 points is, 2v2: 1682, 3v3: 1625, 5v5: 1539
06:03.58|Jelly|lol too
06:04.01Tierriehaha vista comes with its own "Sample Music" and its an electic selection of crap
06:04.29Shirik!ar 416
06:04.30ThraeBotShirik: Arena rating from 416 points is, 2v2: 1679, 3v3: 1622, 5v5: 1536
06:05.13Thunder_Childhmm...i nees a new series to watch
06:05.53Thunder_Childpreferably more than 1 season long
06:05.59Tierriei think it will last
06:06.04Tierrieunless its in fox
06:06.09Tierriein which case it will get cancelled
06:06.14Thunder_Childno..i mean out already
06:06.19Tierriebattlestar galactica?
06:06.43Tierrieextras, futurama
06:06.47Thunder_Childdidnt like the way bg was done...and let me research coupling
06:06.53Thunder_Childhave all of futureama
06:07.10Tierriefirefly, serenity
06:07.21Thunder_Childlove those..have them all
06:07.37Tierriemilf season 3
06:07.41Tierriejk jk
06:07.45*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
06:07.52Thunder_Childi bet you werent
06:08.17Tierriedead like me was good in season 1
06:08.21Tierriethen it turned into absolute crap
06:09.18Thunder_Childcalifornication looks good but it's only at ep 4/5...not long enough
06:09.32Thunder_Childcoupling is a now
06:10.31Tierriewhy not?
06:10.31Thunder_Childand how is it that extras only has 6 show seasons?
06:10.38Tierrieits english
06:10.40Tierrieso is coupling
06:10.53Tierriecoupling is probably the best comedy i've watched
06:10.56Thunder_Childuhhh...dont need a show devoted to sex
06:11.00Tierrieits not about sex
06:11.07Tierriein fact, there's no nudity
06:11.14Tierrieok wait
06:11.14Tierrieit is about sex
06:11.17Tierriebut there's no nudity
06:11.21Tierrieits just a bunch of friends, hanging out at bars
06:11.25Thunder_Childi know
06:11.29Thunder_Childi read
06:11.33Thunder_Childdidnt interest me
06:11.37Tierrieits really really funny
06:12.21WobworkThe Chaser's War On Everything
06:13.14Thunder_Childaustralian show i see
06:13.14Tierriefrankly my fav series are like -> comedy: coupling, scifi: firefly, cartoon:futurama
06:13.36Thunder_Childfirefly isnt even being made anymore
06:13.45Tierrieshut your face!
06:13.47Thunder_Childnot much of a series
06:14.17JunkHead-WorkI quit watching tv for the most part.
06:14.29Thunder_Childi dont watch it at all....i just download shows
06:14.32JunkHead-Workthe few shows I do watch aren'r doing new episodes currently.
06:14.55JunkHead-WorkWell that's what i did. Download shows.
06:15.07JunkHead-WorkBut I only ever watched 3 different shows.:P
06:15.21JunkHead-WorkNow I don't watch them since they are between seasons.
06:15.24Thunder_Childi have quite a list going atm
06:15.47art3mismeadowlands is pretty awesome
06:15.54JunkHead-WorkI watched The New Adventures of Old Christine, Mythbusters, and masters of horror.
06:15.55JunkHead-WorkThat's it.
06:15.56art3misdexter starts soon
06:16.21JunkHead-WorkAnd right after masters of horror season 2 started, i started downloading them but never watch them all.
06:16.23art3mismasters of horror wasnt as good as i had hoped
06:16.33Shirik!ap 1579
06:16.33ThraeBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1579 is, 2v2: 326, 3v3: 373, 5v5: 466
06:16.51Shiriklua> 890+326
06:16.53cladbotShirik: 1216
06:18.00Thunder_Childanyone have an opinion on the 4400?
06:18.10*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop (
06:18.25Tierrieits so so
06:18.27Tierriei hear
06:20.02*** join/#wowi-lounge VoiDRaider (
06:31.29*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
06:34.37Thunder_Childthe game "no one lives forever" was that a spoof on "The girl from U.N.C.L.E."?
06:36.48Rallionit wa a spoof on a lot of things
06:36.59Rallionand it was actually very very good
06:37.12Thunder_Childit was...but it seems to me the was that basis
06:37.22Rallioni'm not sure, but it sounds right
06:37.31Thunder_Childthat feels alot like it
06:42.21WobworkRETH RETH RETH
06:42.52*** part/#wowi-lounge VoiDRaider (
06:47.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
06:49.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody (
06:50.41art3misi'd rather have emma peel ;P
06:54.18*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
06:54.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Mentrobit (
06:54.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
06:56.48*** part/#wowi-lounge orionshock (
06:57.44|Jelly|LaptopBacking up stuff is sooo ZzzZzzZZzzZzzz
07:03.25ShirikI know what can break up the bordem
07:03.35|Jelly|LaptopWhat's that?
07:03.52Shirikjust a sec
07:05.25WobworkInserting random garbage bytes into the backup
07:05.31Wobworkfor the lulz
07:07.29Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
07:07.29ThraeBotShirik: kimina vs jelly! It's a showdown! But wait! What's this?! Something random? kimina's Mom calls him, interrupting the duel -- it's time for kindergarden! Forfeit!
07:07.33Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
07:07.37ThraeBotShirik: Kimina vs Jelly! Two 70 priests square off!; Kimina wins by 311 TBRs!
07:07.48Shirik!c us drenden kimina
07:07.48ThraeBotShirik: Kimina, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (23/38/0). 6861 HP; 8580 Mana; 421 mana regen; 128 mp5; 26 spell crit; 270 +spell dmg; 1597 +heal; 5.06% dodge;[[ TBR: 861 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Mon Sep 10 03:19:47 2007 ]]
07:07.55Shirikcheck out those stats |Jelly|Laptop
07:08.23ShirikI think that counts as cheating though
07:09.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
07:09.58Shirik1597 +healing!
07:10.05ShirikLast time we compared, I was at about 1000
07:10.12|Jelly|Laptop!c us burning legion jelly
07:10.13ThraeBot|Jelly|Laptop: Jelly, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (23/38/0). 6821 HP; 10005 Mana; 343 mana regen; 125 mp5; 90 +spell dmg; 1539 +heal; 5.06% dodge;[[ TBR: 550 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Mon Sep 10 03:19:49 2007 ]]
07:10.20|Jelly|Laptopi see that all the time <3
07:10.32ShirikI had to pop my trinkets and log out to match that
07:11.22|Jelly|LaptopAt the rate we're going, you'll pass me. :(
07:11.31|Jelly|LaptopThat and I'm too lazy to make my Mooncloth.
07:11.43ShirikIn a few days I should have the mooncloth shoulders :)
07:11.44|Jelly|LaptopBut I don't know if I want 4/5 T4 or Mooncloth either. :\
07:12.02ShirikYeah I'm really close to T4 as well
07:12.02MentrobitOut of the blue question, but does anyone have a clue how can I set my laptop user account that set to a certain domain to be the same when I'm not connected to the network ?
07:12.03|Jelly|LaptopI have everything but the robe and am 371 tailor.
07:12.07Shirikbut I'm making it for the hell of it
07:14.03|Jelly|LaptopWe can't seem to down Mag anymore so I guess my Mooncloth is my only option. :(
07:17.27Shirikauctioneer bugs ftl
07:17.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
07:17.49ShirikI got an item stuck to my cursor :(
07:19.11|Jelly|Laptop!vs us drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
07:19.12ThraeBot|Jelly|Laptop: Kimina vs Jelly! Two 70 priests square off!; Kimina wins by 311 TBRs!
07:19.36ShirikI bet I could
07:19.41ShirikI'm just that far off the charts
07:19.49|Jelly|LaptopI bet. STFU HAX!
07:21.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
07:21.51Shirikok |Jelly|Laptop
07:21.56Shirikyou want to try against my real stats?
07:22.10|Jelly|LaptopNo. Meanyface.
07:22.17Shirikwell I'm going to make you fight anyway
07:23.15|Jelly|Laptop!vs us burning legion klot us drenden kimina
07:23.18ThraeBot|Jelly|Laptop: Klot vs Kimina! A L70 shaman and a L70 priest square off!; 41/0/20 vs 23/38/0; Kimina wins by 244 TBRs!
07:23.31Shirik(still buffed stats though)
07:25.27|Jelly|Laptop!vs us burning legion claerion us drenden kimina
07:25.30ThraeBot|Jelly|Laptop: Claerion vs Kimina! Two 70 priests square off!; 20/41/0 vs 23/38/0; Kimina wins by 301 TBRs!
07:25.39|Jelly|Laptop...I don't believe it
07:25.47|Jelly|Laptop!c us burning legion claerion
07:25.48ThraeBot|Jelly|Laptop: Claerion, Level 70 Undead Priest (20/41/0). 8031 HP; 10035 Mana; 457 mana regen; 230 mp5; 101 +spell dmg; 2014 +heal; 4.9% dodge; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 561 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Mon Sep 10 03:37:41 2007 ]]
07:26.15|Jelly|LaptopThraeBot is flawed!!!
07:26.18Shirikok, this is real stats
07:26.31Shirik!vs us burning legion jelly us drenden kimina
07:26.34ThraeBotShirik: Jelly vs Kimina! Two 70 priests square off!; Kimina wins by 592 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
07:26.57ShirikAll that changed is my trinkets weren't active...
07:27.23Shirikwhich means I have about 120 less damage and 400 less healing...
07:27.30Shirik!c us drenden kimina
07:27.31ThraeBotShirik: Kimina, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (23/38/0). 6861 HP; 8580 Mana; 421 mana regen; 128 mp5; 26 spell crit; 150 +spell dmg; 1139 +heal; 5.06% dodge;[[ TBR: 1142 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Mon Sep 10 03:38:46 2007 ]]
07:27.44|Jelly|LaptopAnd ThraeBot, being flawed, still has you beating me.
07:27.44Shirik14(0311:0611:4514) 14(11158ThraeBot14) Shirik: Kimina, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (23/38/0). 6861 HP; 8580 Mana; 421 mana regen; 128 mp5; 26 spell crit; 270 +spell dmg; 1597 +heal; 5.06% dodge;[[ TBR: 861 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Mon Sep 10 03:19:47 2007 ]]
07:27.49|Jelly|Laptop!c us burning legion jelly
07:27.50ThraeBot|Jelly|Laptop: Jelly, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (23/38/0). 6821 HP; 10005 Mana; 343 mana regen; 125 mp5; 90 +spell dmg; 1539 +heal; 5.06% dodge;[[ TBR: 550 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Mon Sep 10 03:19:49 2007 ]]
07:27.59Shiriksomething has to be backwards
07:28.05Shiriklook at those stats
07:28.32ShirikI'll save that to show Thrae later
07:28.36|Jelly|LaptopIs it based off offensive abilities?
07:28.51|Jelly|Laptop...I really have no idea how it gets it's TBR. :\
07:28.56Shirik~botmail for Thrae I found some really interesting data which is proving a flaw in your algorithm. Something's backwards. Send me a tell whenever you're around
07:29.21ShirikIt's a formula made by Thrae, nothing more
07:29.25Shirika rather complex one at that
07:29.31Shirikbut obviously not perfect
07:29.47|Jelly|LaptopSo, hidden in his formula, it says Kimina beats Jelly regardless. HAX!
07:30.01KalrothWorking as intended.
07:30.43|Jelly|LaptopWorking as HAXED by Shirik!
07:31.42Thunder_Child!vs us drenden kimina us draenor prismatic
07:31.45ThraeBotThunder_Child: Kimina vs Prismatic! Two 70 priests square off!; 23/38/0 vs 34/27/0; Kimina wins by 143 TBRs!
07:32.17|Jelly|LaptopOne day, you'll believe me.
07:32.32Thunder_Child!c us draenor prismatic
07:32.35ThraeBotThunder_Child: Prismatic, Level 70 Night Elf Priest (34/27/0). 7011 HP; 9999 Mana; 203 mana regen; 30 mp5; 251 spell crit; 40 spell hit; 728 +spell dmg/heal; 6.18% dodge; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1000 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Mon Sep 10 03:44:46 2007 ]]
07:33.08Thunder_Childhmm..i wonder where you get that 143 more TBR than me
07:33.17Shirikmy name is Kimina
07:33.29Shirikbut more seriously, I seriously think something is backwards
07:33.38Shirikthere's no other explanation for my trinkets causing a DROP in TBR
07:33.48Thunder_Childyour name is Shirik
07:33.58|Jelly|LaptopI wish I had two Raptors. :(
07:33.59Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us eredar shirik
07:34.02ThraeBotShirik: Kimina vs Shirik! A L70 priest and a L70 hunter square off!; 23/38/0 vs 3/50/8; Shirik wins by 469 TBRs!
07:34.04Thunder_Childyou think you would at least know that
07:34.21|Jelly|Laptop!vs us burning legion jelly us eredar shirik
07:34.22ThraeBot|Jelly|Laptop: Jelly vs Shirik! A L70 priest and a L70 hunter square off!; 23/38/0 vs 3/50/8; Shirik wins by 1061 TBRs! ***OWNED TO THE EXTREME!!***
07:34.55Shirikif it makes you feel any better
07:35.09ShirikKimina is so much further in progression than Shirik it's not even funny
07:35.22Kalroth!vs eu stormrage kalroth us eredar shirik
07:35.24ThraeBotKalroth: Kalroth vs Shirik! A L70 warrior and a L70 hunter square off!; 17/44/0 vs 3/50/8; Shirik wins by 662 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
07:35.26|Jelly|LaptopDoesn't make me feel any better.
07:35.27Thunder_Childhunters can tear apart priests though
07:35.38KalrothLike hell a huntard would ever win!
07:35.39Shirikoh please
07:35.42ShirikI can kill any warrior
07:35.46Shirikthey're a piece of cake
07:35.54Thunder_Childya, but not a hunter
07:35.56Shirikwarriors and rogues, easy
07:36.05Shirikhunter vs hunter is /roll 100
07:36.06|Jelly|Laptop!vs us burning legion smitey us burning legion jelly
07:36.06ThraeBot|Jelly|Laptop: smitey vs jelly! It's a showdown! But wait! What's this?! Something random? jelly is really a keyboard turner, and his opponent simply walks off after it takes jelly 5 minutes to face the right direction. Forfeit!
07:36.15KalrothYou'll cry "hamstring, get it off me, get it ooooff meee" faster than you can FD!
07:36.19|Jelly|Laptop!vs us burning legion smitey us burning legion jelly
07:36.22ThraeBot|Jelly|Laptop: Smitey vs Jelly! A L70 hunter and a L70 priest square off!; 3/41/17 vs 23/38/0; Smitey wins by 517 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
07:36.27Shirikhamstring is crap
07:36.35|Jelly|LaptopWhat a load of crap!
07:36.35KalrothQQ moar!
07:36.36Shirikyou have one trinket, so do I
07:36.44amro|sleepdoes pally vs pally put the bot in an infinite loop?
07:36.45ShirikI trap, you hamstring
07:36.54|Jelly|Laptop!vs us burning legion klot us burning legion katillac
07:36.54ShirikNow what? You hamstring, I trap again
07:36.57ThraeBot|Jelly|Laptop: Klot vs Katillac! A L70 shaman and a L70 warlock square off!; 41/0/20 vs 42/0/19; Katillac wins by 602 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
07:37.02ShirikI wait it off, blow you to pieces
07:37.04WobworkIt's an endless cycle
07:37.07Shirikyou hamstring again? Scatter shot, trap
07:37.09|Jelly|LaptopToo bad I've never lost to her!
07:37.15ShirikIt's easy to deal with
07:37.18Shirikhunters just don't know how to play
07:37.19KalrothShirik: What's the cooldown on your traps?
07:37.26Shirikit's the #1 reason I quit playing my hunter
07:37.27amroShirik: too true
07:37.36ShirikIs because I get lumped in with all the other idiots that don't know how to play
07:37.36amrotoo many hunters just suck
07:37.37Wobwork24 seconds?
07:37.44Wobworkunless he has the BL bonus
07:37.51Wobworkor is that -with- the BL bonus
07:37.53amro30 seconds
07:37.53Shirik30 actually, but I have a lot of tools at my disposal
07:38.04Shiriktrust me, I can wait it out
07:38.04KalrothSo how are you going to keep me trapped?
07:38.09Shiriktrap is a general term
07:38.17Wobworkimp wingclip works too =)
07:38.19ShirikI have scatter shot, imp wing clip, frost trap
07:38.37amroI just kite while my pet tears melee to pieces
07:38.49WobworkBRK ftw
07:39.06Wobwork"Sorry, you can't fear him. He's a bit tetchy atm"
07:39.09Kalrothaoe taunt on pet before frost trap, trinket wing clip, intercept after scatter :)
07:39.26ShirikI would never lay a frost trap that early
07:39.36Shirikfrost trap is my counter to intercept
07:39.44Kalrothuhm, order is irrelevant :)
07:39.45Shirikand it's actually freezing trap
07:39.49Shirikno it's not
07:39.56KalrothI meant in my line
07:40.01KalrothI don't care how you do it :)
07:40.04Shirikthe only time I should ever let you intercept is when I'm letting you go right into my trap
07:40.16Shirikand it works almost every time. Only time it doesn't work is on this one damn druid that's dueled me too many times
07:40.20Shirikhe doesn't fall for it anymore
07:40.22KalrothShirik: Which I wouldn't do unless I'm sure the pet sticks on me
07:40.31Shirikinstead he just pops out and moonfires me
07:40.32amroit's possible to kite a warrior outside intercept's range
07:40.38amroand just watch them cry
07:40.43amrodepends on the terrain though
07:40.52Wobworkwhat is intercept range anyway?
07:40.53MentrobitTry kiting a warrior inside the Arena :)
07:41.03Shirikseriously though, time for sleeps
07:41.05Kalroth8-25 I think
07:41.41Shirik|zZzC:\Users\mpdelbuono>telnet 6667
07:41.41Shirik|zZz'telnet' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
07:41.41Shirik|zZzoperable program or batch file.
07:41.47Shirik|zZzthey took out telnet?
07:41.48Shirik|zZzAre you serious?
07:42.02amrovista sucks ;P
07:42.11Mentrobittruely :D
07:42.36Wobwork"Why are you trying to leave? I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that..."
07:42.36KalrothJust download Putty!
07:42.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
07:43.32Shirik|zZzdamn perform isn't working :(
07:43.49NargiddleyShirik|zZz, its just not installed by default
07:44.00sag_ich_nicht~wakeup Shirik|zZz
07:44.00purlACTION silently aproaches Shirik|zZz, who's sleeping (zZzZZZzzZZ, Ronc !!! ronc!), gets off his pants and shoots a noisy fart ... PUBFBFBFBBBFFF!!!
07:44.01WobworkNargiddley: feh
07:44.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (i=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
07:44.55Shirik|zZzok that's fixed
07:45.13Shirik|zZzNargiddley: Yeah I figured as much, just don't feel like installing it
07:45.18Shirik|zZzif I have to do that, I might as well install PuTTY
07:45.24Nargiddleyyeah :/
07:45.37Shirik|zZzseriously, the thing took like what, 1MB of memory?
07:45.45Shirik|zZzwhat good was it getting rid of it?
07:45.54Shirik|zZzVista on its own takes like 20GB
07:46.10Nargiddleybut somehow they made it take about 3 minutes to install
07:46.15Nargiddleyits still going :/
07:46.22Shirik|zZzlua> return 1/(20*1024)
07:46.23cladbotShirik|zZz: 4.8828125e-05
07:47.04Shirik|zZz4.8828x10^-5 == 0.00005 == 0.005%
07:47.10Shirik|zZz0.005% reduction of memory
07:47.21Shirik|zZzanyway, night
07:50.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (
08:04.56Guillotineto turn telnet back on
08:10.59Guillotineand does telnetting to the IRC port of an IRC server actually work?
08:11.09art3misif ya know the raw commands yeah
08:11.27art3misit's pretty ugly too ;)
08:11.41GuillotineI do, but its always given a Connect failed error when I tried to telnet
08:11.55Guillotine(learned more than I wanted to making my own irc bot/client in Lua
08:12.12Guillotinewhen I try to telnet to 6667*
08:13.41art3misdepends on the irc server too
08:13.51art3misefnet supports it
08:14.03art3mismost of the ones with nickserv and chanserv dont
08:14.16zenzelezzShirik|zZz: "install" PuTTY? Last I checked it was just a download-and-run program
08:15.56Guillotineeven efnet fails for me :/
08:16.07Guillotinewonder if its a vista problem. if its blocking it
08:16.20zenzelezzsounds like you're doing something wrong then, or the telnet client is sending some data it shouldn't
08:16.41Guillotineall I'm doing is typing "telnet 6667"
08:16.43art3misyeah its a vista thing
08:16.49Guillotineshould have guessed
08:16.50art3misworks in xp
08:16.52Guillotinedamn you vista!
08:18.52Nargiddleyworks for me
08:19.26Nargiddleycan't remember the commands to login but i connect fine
08:19.38GuillotineNICK name
08:19.45GuillotineUSER name
08:20.07GuillotineJOIN #channel
08:20.18GuillotinePRIVMSG #channel : message
08:20.26Guillotinewhoops, no space after :
08:20.26Nargiddleyuser needs more params
08:20.32zenzelezzsome networks send a ping you must respond to as part of the login process
08:20.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Nimble (
08:20.53GuillotineNargiddley: from what I've seen, most servers only require name in USER
08:20.56Nargiddleyi diddnt see a ping, and thats just PONG <some number they ping you with>
08:21.02Guillotineanyway, gn all
08:21.08zenzelezzlike I said, some networks, not all
08:25.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillo (
08:26.12GuilloHell oo form telnet :) It is a vista problem. working fine from pxp ocomp
08:27.19Guilloreally gn now
08:29.55grepheadzenzelezz: there is an installation package for putty, it installs putty, puttygen, putty agent and some other tools.
08:33.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Narg_ (
08:34.22Narg_Working from vista for me
08:45.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Nimble_Rabit (
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08:56.48zenzelezzI find it amusing that they don't sell beer/alcohol here today because it's election day
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09:43.13zenzelezzoh man... some guy actually converted his application to my guild to a PDF o_O
09:45.02zenzelezzand he refers to his old guild as his "clan"
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10:02.21zenzelezzI lack the emacs to really understand that one
10:06.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
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11:06.51GofGWhy is Scatman so popular for WoW vids?
11:07.38GofGbut I was refering to the specific song
11:07.39zenzelezzI thought he had two "hits" about a decade ago and faded from memory, well deserved
11:09.25zenzelezzas in they got played for a bit on the radio but no-one really liked them
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11:10.50GofG:/ I thought they were alright
11:11.01[dRaCo]well... back then, I used to like em.
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11:11.10[dRaCo]given, I was like 14 or something :/
11:11.48zenzelezzat the time I liked them too, but I can't say I feel the same about them now
11:12.15[dRaCo]that's something completely different
11:12.44zenzelezzmeh, teens like what the pop culture tell them to, the adults never liked them around here anyway
11:17.03GofGI liked it because it was decent music
11:17.15GofGnot because pop culture told me to :)
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12:35.17Lin_morning all
12:36.46Cidanmorning Lin
12:36.54Cidanannnd, I'm off, bye all. :D
12:37.03|Jelly|Bye. lol
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13:07.51Kasolol *cringe*
13:08.07LopeppeppyIs that 3D snake chess?
13:08.33*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
13:11.56KasoYou clearly havent done enough maths to get the joke!
13:12.29bleeterso this guy walks into a bar with his tuba, orders a drink and sits in a dark booth in the back
13:12.34bleeter"What's with him?" a man at the bar asks the bartender
13:12.36bleeterThe bartenders says....
13:12.39bleeter"He's been like that ...."
13:12.41bleeter"ever since he lost his pah"
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13:31.30Shirik|zZz14(0411:1311:1214) 14(1115zenzelezz14) Shirik|zZz: "install" PuTTY? Last I checked it was just a download-and-run program
13:31.30Shirik|zZz14[#wowi-lounge14] - 14[10/09/200714]
13:31.32Shirik|zZzyou get what I mean
13:31.38Shirik|zZzsorry wrong copy
13:32.09Josh_Borke~lart Shirik|zZz
13:32.09purlduct-tapes Shirik|zZz to the floor and drools on him
13:35.18sag_ich_nichtShirik|AFK well it DOES have an installer
13:35.24sag_ich_nichtit jut doesn't neccesairly ned it :X
13:35.39zenzelezzyup, I was already corrected shortly after I asked
13:37.43Shirik|AFKWhy is it that my school servers are always down only on the days I absolutely need them
13:38.25Shirik|AFKBetter question: Why are our servers down on a constant basis
13:38.33|Jelly|Your school knows that Jelly would beat Kimina and they're just, you know, on my side.
13:38.41Shirik|AFKIf they were hired by any real company they'd all be fired in a day
13:38.54Shirik|AFKlies, nobody can beat me
13:39.02zenzelezzwhy do you think the IT people at schools work in schools?
13:39.09zenzelezzthey didn't get accepted anywhere else
13:39.21Shirik|AFKfair enough
13:40.28|Jelly|*hugs Peppy*
13:40.35Josh_Borkeexcept i haven't graduated yet
13:40.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
13:40.45Josh_BorkeShirik|AFK: pretty sure I beat you
13:41.00Shirik|AFKNow that I realize I'm not supposed to use my trinkets apparently
13:41.02Shirik|AFKI think I beat you
13:41.20Shirik|AFKApparently using my trinkets causes a drop in my TBR
13:42.52|Jelly|Shirik HAX
13:44.54|Jelly|Woot. Reinstall photoshop. I don't feel naked anymore!
13:45.06*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
13:55.13LopeppeppyPhotoshop is the bestest.  I wish I had it at work, and not just at home.
13:55.25|Jelly|Make them get you a copy!
13:55.46|Jelly|I'm trying to decide if I want CS3 or just stick with CS2 since I don't really use it all that often for anything of importance.
13:56.13LopeppeppyI have 7 at home.  At work they won't install it because I'm a contractor, and not covered by their license, etc etc etc.  I use GIMP.
13:56.40|Jelly|I've never used GIMP.
13:56.47zenzelezzyou both graphics people?
13:57.33|Jelly|Not really. I like to noodle around though and got CS2 through my school.
13:58.01LopeppeppyGIMP is okay, but very rough and I can't manipulate things the way I'm used to in PhotoShop.  I'm in webpages, zenzelezz -- so they can claim that it's not central to my job, but they're a bit wrong.  :)
13:58.55|Jelly|Haxxorz t3h on yu0r pc imo. :P
13:59.00zenzelezzI'm not about to argue whether they're right or not :-o
13:59.14|Jelly|I bet you have the macromedia suite though. lol
13:59.30zenzelezzmy skills basically extend to very basic operations in PSP 7 :-p
14:00.35LopeppeppyNo Macromedia either, |Jelly|. They gave me Dreamweaver but I specifically don't work on the Dreamweaver sites (we have a content management system instead, for better control over the look).  I can't even connect to the server with the Dreamweaver files.
14:01.33|Jelly|I'm a bit torn when it comes to writing web pages and what not. I mean, I like Dreamweaver but I also like to write in notepad and use Dreamweaver as a glorified encyclopedia.
14:01.38LopeppeppyAnd I already got a talkin-to about having Vent on my work laptop.  <.<  "Voice conferencing!" I claimed.
14:01.39zenzelezzdon't suppose you know if you can make variable-transparency TGAs in either of your programs? Not just on/off alpha, but something like 25% some places, 75% others, etc. From what I know about the format it should be possible but I suck with editors so never got around to testing it
14:02.11Lopeppeppyzenzelezz -- more complex than I've ever had to do.  My pocket graphic-designer is AFK for the week, or I'd ask him for ya.
14:02.36alestaneI have done it with Photoshop, don't know about other editors.
14:02.55zenzelezzWoW accepts them as you'd expect too?
14:03.08alestaneAs long as they're saved as 32-bit/pixel.
14:03.16|Jelly|I honestly don't know. I'd probably break it up into different textures for the sake of simplicity but it wouldn't surprise me (as alestane just said) if Photoshop could do it.
14:03.33alestaneYou need to make sure you're using an 8-bit alpha channel.
14:03.52zenzelezzdon't believe TGA supports any other, either no alpha or 8-bit
14:04.38zenzelezzbut thanks, I'll dig around later and see if I can find something
14:05.42Beladonasn't 8bit in TGA variable?
14:05.54alestaneAnyhoo I had some issues in the beginning because people told me to save it as 24-bit with an alpha the version of PSP I'm using, I checked off "Save Alpha Channel" when I saved, then it asked me for a bit depth (8,24,32), so I picked 24, and my alpha channel was gone when I reopened.
14:05.56Beladonaas one would expect
14:05.59zenzelezzit's because it's 8-bit I expect it to be variable
14:06.13zenzelezzI just had little success before, but like I said I suck at graphics :)
14:06.34BeladonaI use paint shop pro for that, simple because the alpha channel creation process is 10 times more intuitive
14:06.52alestaneHad to save as 32-bit.
14:06.56zenzelezzwhich version Bela?
14:07.22Beladonaphotoshop expects you to create it as a separate channel just like a layer, whereas psp lets you creat ethe whole image with the transparency you want first, then save the image's transprency to the alpha channel
14:07.32Beladonawhich is easier for me
14:07.41BeladonaI use 11
14:07.49Beladonabut they have had it isnce 7 I thinbk
14:09.32Shirikalestane: It depends on how your program defines bit depth
14:09.33|Jelly|Welcome back.
14:09.38Shirikone could argue it's both 24 and 32 bit
14:09.53Shirik8 bpp, ARGB
14:10.09alestaneFor the version I use I have to choose a setting which is called, "32-bit".
14:10.21zenzelezzthe TGA spec I read calls them 24-bit and 24-bit with 8-bit alpha
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14:10.33alestaneYes, it's four channels with 8bpp each.
14:10.48Beladonatechnically is IS both Shirik
14:10.58Beladonaits a 24bit image with an 8bit alpha channel
14:11.02Shirikthat's why I said that
14:11.09alestaneIt depends whether one's settings include alpha in the bit depth or not.
14:11.13Beladonathat is true regardless of how the editor sees it
14:11.18Shirikprograms are going to call it two different things. You just need to learn what your program calls it.
14:11.47Beladonabut either way is accurate I believe
14:12.23Shiriknever said it wasn't
14:12.32alestaneI actually try not to do much texture editing at all for my addons. Most of them modify the behvaior of stock elements rather than appearance, or give access to standard spells and effects for which I can use art assets already included with the game.
14:13.02alestaneThe biggest thing I did recently was the kitty ears for art3mis' HKUI.
14:13.22BeladonaI prefer to go custom graphics when possible, and within reason
14:14.15LopeppeppyI avoid graphics like the plague... simple is better.
14:14.29BeladonaI hat ethe default graphics
14:15.05Beladonazenzelezz: this might help you
14:15.24zenzelezzexcellent, thanks :)
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14:18.43alestaneSee, as a player I primarily use the stock interface. I don't mind the look of it and I just don't see that much benefit to investing the time in wiping it clean and starting over. As a result, as a mod developer I cater primarily to people to want to extend or control their interface rather than replace it.
14:25.31alestaneAlso to people who want lightweight solutions to specific problems...Demonomicon, for instance, provides a fraction of Necrosis-like functionality to specifically address one of the biggest headaches of warlock life...finding bar space for all your summon spells and demon control macros.
14:25.59|Jelly|Dear Shirik, -Jelly
14:26.35LopeppeppyThat was my desktop image last week, |Jelly|
14:26.52|Jelly|Just another reason I <3 you so much.
14:27.26LopeppeppyI can't find it on the web anymore, but I have the little fairy cat this week, "Ok, wut is yr wishes?"
14:27.59|Jelly|Hey Shirik, what's the Windows Experience Index of your computer? lol
14:29.50|Jelly|Vista gives your computer a rating, I'm wondering how my computer stacks up.
14:30.01Shirikit does? where?
14:30.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
14:30.32|Jelly|Control Panel > Performance Information and Tools
14:30.40Shirikalso my computer is a bit out of date
14:30.48sag_ich_nichtmhm someone care to post something about the retribution talent vengeance placing you in combat on the suggestions forum or maybe even the PTR forums? it's the same annoyance that bloodrage etc. are causing(which is why THOSE were fixed)
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14:31.39cladhairethat would be a paladin buff
14:31.40cladhaireso no
14:31.43ShirikI don't see this "Performance Information and Tools"
14:32.03ShirikI fail at the alphabet
14:32.04|Jelly|Ret Paladins? They make those?
14:32.12Wobin_Windows... Experience.... Index...?
14:32.26|Jelly|I was waiting for that. Thank you Wobin_
14:32.27Wobin_...words fail =P
14:32.35cladhairebuildings crumble
14:32.40cladhairethe ground opens wide
14:32.41Wobin_governments tumble
14:32.44Wobin_and heads roll
14:32.50cladhairelight beams, down from heaven.. they stand before my eyes.
14:33.28Intangirwhats this?
14:33.31Intangirsong lyrics?
14:34.26LopeppeppyMusical Monday.
14:34.26Wobin_for me "buildings crumble, governments tumble and heads roll" was something my year six school teacher often said
14:34.28Intangirwhat song
14:34.34Shirik4.3 low, 5.9 high
14:34.34Wobin_God knows why =\
14:34.45Shirikthough I wonder if it matters that I have five bazillion programs open
14:34.46Wobin_Shirik: So.. it's like a blood pressure?
14:34.47sag_ich_nicht[16:31] <@cladhaire> so no <--no, not really. it would just fix an annoyance, since i just have to click away the buff every time after combat so i can drink -_-
14:34.54sag_ich_nichtfucking annoying as hell in CoT2
14:34.57IntangirWobin_: she sounds cool
14:35.29|Jelly|I'm not sure. I don't think so. And my computer is about the same: 4.4-5.9
14:35.38ShirikI'm gonna shut down everything and refresh :P
14:35.42Shirikexcept mirc because that takes like nothing
14:36.05|Jelly|"However, the standards for each level of the index stay the same. For example, a computer scored as a 2.8 will remain as a 2.8 unless you decide to upgrade your computer's hardware."
14:36.25Shirikya ok
14:36.29Shirikeven though it just change
14:36.33Shirikyeah, I believe you microsoft
14:36.50|Jelly|Microsoft? Lie?!? NEVAR!
14:37.26Wobin_of course, if you upgrade the hardware, you'll probably have to buy another copy of Vista =P
14:37.36Wobin_with a different random seed for the WEI
14:37.57|Jelly| <-- lolz
14:38.19Wobin_I will never ever tire of lolcats
14:38.23Wobin_it's really sad =P
14:39.29Shirikanyway, the 4.4 is coming from memory. I always knew that was a problem
14:39.33|Jelly|So closing everything really doesn't change a whole hell of a lot?
14:39.33Shirikworking on fixing that one
14:39.36Shiriknot really
14:39.41|Jelly|My 4.4 is coming from my CPU :(
14:39.48Shirikeverything else is 5 or higher
14:40.03Shirikthe CPU is the only thing sitting at 5, the rest are 5.5
14:40.25ShirikI'm amused by "Disk Data Transfer Rate" being only 6 when I have pretty much the fastest available right now
14:40.51|Jelly|I have a quote for that too.
14:41.00|Jelly|"Computers with a base score of 5.0 were the highest performing computers available when Windows Vista was released."
14:41.49|Jelly|I'd like to know if there's a cap or if it's just an endless number that will one day be like 80 or if M4 will scale it with technology.
14:42.14Shirikwell yeah, I'm running 2 300MB/s SATA drives in RAID0
14:42.21Shirikit doesn't get much faster on the personal computer level
14:42.22|Jelly|HOLY CRAP! It worked! I'm amazed!
14:42.50|Jelly|Making purl correct me.
14:43.07|Jelly|Generally speaking, I fail 90% of the time. I've tried it like 10 times.
14:44.29Shirikyou know what, now that I look at this
14:44.35Shirikthis is mostly a pile of crap
14:44.41|Jelly|Well duh. :P
14:44.57Shirikcalculations per second, memory operations per second
14:45.16Shirikboth are the worst factors to calculate with regards to performance
14:45.17|Jelly|When I looked at it, I thought to myself "How novel. Microsoft found a way to make you feel inferior so you'd upgrade."
14:45.33Shiriktry cache hits. Try bus speed.
14:45.44ShirikLatency will show up a bit in memory ops but it's not the driving factor
14:46.21Shirikthey're being consumers again and going "faster is better"
14:46.33Shirik"zomg my cpu is 5089332 gajiggaherz"
14:46.46Shirik"Yeah? What's your hard drive speed?" "ATA/66?"
14:47.11ShirikYou can have the fastest CPU in the world but your computer will still only run as fast as the slowest piece of hardware it needs
14:47.28|Jelly|Oh. Isn't that nice, they made it super easy for me to upgrade to Ultimate. lol
14:48.59|Jelly|Speech Recognition?
14:49.07ShirikHeh, clicking the "View software geared to my base score" button takes me straight to the page for bioshock
14:49.17ShirikI /should/ try that out sometime
14:49.44|Jelly|I plan on trying it out later on. "You're all fucking stupid" opens my "Don't Worry, By Happy" mp3.
14:49.56|Jelly|Me too!
14:49.57Shirikare you serious?
14:50.03|Jelly|No, lol.
14:50.27|Jelly|I'll probably set it up so I can open photoshop, wow, firefox, etc. :P
14:50.30|Jelly|i r lazi
14:50.48|Jelly|"Train your computer to better understand you." I'm laughing so hard...
14:51.40ShirikI need to get a better monitor..
14:52.01ts|skromShirik bioshock rocks my socks
14:52.02|Jelly|I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.
14:52.08ShirikI hear it's good
14:52.33|Jelly|I don't recall what wouldn't work on it for me but it pissed me off so I never got to play the demo.
14:52.41Shirikyou know what else would be awesome? If the bank gave me a fricking statement
14:52.44|Jelly|Perhaps, now that I'm on a fresh install, I should try it again.
14:52.58ts|skrom|Jelly| your vid card prolly doesn't support the right shaders
14:53.00ShirikSeeing all this activity on my credit card is cool and all, but I can't pay it off without the account number
14:53.18|Jelly|ts|skrom: Your video card probably, SHUT UP! /cry
14:53.42Shirik!vs us eredar shirik us burning legion jelly
14:53.46ts|skromgoing without bioshock can be hard on all of us, but I'm here for you
14:53.46ThraeBotShirik: Shirik vs Jelly! A L70 hunter and a L70 priest square off!; 3/50/8 vs 23/38/0; Shirik wins by 1061 TBRs! ***OWNED TO THE EXTREME!!***
14:53.55Shiriksorry, I had to
14:54.00|Jelly|Shirik. Die. :(
14:54.13ts|skrom!vs us burning legion jelly us uldum rho
14:54.16ThraeBotts|skrom: Jelly vs Rho! Jelly has +8 lvls on Rho (70 vs 62); A L70 priest and a L62 warlock square off!; 23/38/0 vs 36/17/0; Jelly wins by 172 TBRs!
14:54.24ts|skromthere  you go :)
14:54.34Shirik!vs us eredar shirik us uldum rho
14:54.35ThraeBotShirik: Shirik vs Rho! Shirik has +8 lvls on Rho (70 vs 62); A L70 hunter and a L62 warlock square off!; 3/50/8 vs 36/17/0; Shirik wins by 1234 TBRs! ***OWNED TO THE EXTREME!!***
14:54.41|Jelly|GG, I can beat a level 62.
14:54.47ShirikI = ownage
14:54.58|Jelly|Wanna know what makes me not happy?
14:54.59Shirik|Jelly| are you aware that you beat him by less points than my priest beats you?
14:55.02ts|skrom!vs us uldum rho us uldum treston
14:55.05ThraeBotts|skrom: Rho vs Treston! Treston has +1 lvls on Rho (62 vs 63); A L62 warlock and a L63 paladin square off!; 36/17/0 vs 44/10/0; Treston wins by 228 TBRs!
14:55.07ts|skrommy pally vs my lock
14:55.15|Jelly|This should give you guys a good laugh.
14:55.45|Jelly|When I was backing up my stuff, I apparently ran out of room and didn't realize it until it was to late, leaving off my WTF folder from my WoW install.
14:56.05|Jelly|Good thing I back that up, I guess. Too bad it's like a week old. :(
14:56.29|Jelly|Wait a second.
14:56.35|Jelly|Is that sympathy from Shirik?!?
14:56.43Josh_Borkei believe it is
14:56.48ShirikI know, impossible, right?
14:56.53Josh_Borkeshirik:  indeed
14:56.54|Jelly|Did. Hell. Freeze. Over?
14:57.16Josh_Borkeyea, i'm freezing my ass off right now
14:57.34|Jelly| I dunno. lol
14:58.35ts|skromthat's some nice weather there
14:58.56ShirikIf I _EVER_ see ANYONE on my server post something like this, they're going on my ignore list:
14:59.15*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
14:59.20ShirikI hate warriors who think that slamming your face against the keyboard as quickly as possible is the best way to ensure victory
14:59.52nevcairieldont all melee classes do that?
14:59.53cog|workIT ISN'T!!1???
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15:00.06Shiriknevcairiel: I could care less for a rogue
15:00.07LopeppeppyIs it the question, or the answer, Shirik?
15:00.18ShirikA warrior has a bit more to pay attention to than mashing buttons
15:00.18|Jelly|cog|work HAI!
15:00.24cog|workShirik: s/could/couldn't/
15:00.39cog|work|Jelly|: ZOMGHAEE
15:00.55krka_don't you mean "couldn't care less" ?
15:01.13Josh_Borke~lart krka_
15:01.13purlhereby declares krka_ a troll
15:01.18cog|workkrka_: see two posts of mine up...
15:01.35alestanecog|work: Just to let you know I revised my code posting in the WoWInterface forums. Also mentioned in a bump to my Bliz thread.
15:01.51krka_my perl ignoring has also lead to regexp replace ognoring
15:01.57|Jelly|At least I'm not the only person that corrects people on that. Usually, I just say "Oh, you could care less? That's so nice of you." Then they just give me a perplexed look as I walk off.
15:02.01krka_err, purl
15:02.01cog|workalestane: saw that this morning (or last night or something)
15:02.11alestanekk just fyi.
15:03.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
15:03.42ShirikI wonder if I should go back to posting on Shirik
15:04.23|Jelly|IMO, doesn't matter.
15:05.03LopeppeppyEveryone thought I disappeared when I swapped avatars... sometimes it does matter.
15:05.23|Jelly|I don't call Shirik, Kimina though.
15:05.40cog|work|Jelly|: but most people don't recognize him for who he is...
15:05.48cog|workin spite of sig
15:05.56|Jelly|I do, on the other hand, call you Peppy! But I would more than likely notice your sig cause it always makes me want to get cookies.
15:06.05alestaneLopeppeppy: Who were you before?
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15:06.48alestaneAnd I know it took me a little while to catch that Kamdis was Talina.
15:07.00Lopeppeppyalestane: I was posting as my paladin Kirwan for a while, until someone remarked in their post that they missed me... Might have been |Jelly| who said that, even.
15:07.13alestaneI don't know that I remember that one.
15:07.39LopeppeppyWobin_, my sig for the WoW forums always mentions cookies.  alestane, it was about 4 months ago that I swapped back.
15:09.54Shirikcog|work: exactly
15:10.51Shirikthat is pretty interesting
15:11.17|Jelly|Damn you Cog.
15:12.10cog|work<3 u 2 jelly :P
15:13.15Rallion...sigh...I should bring my Wii to UPS to have it shipped back for repairs today, but I really don't want to.
15:15.53LopeppeppyIt ain't getting fixed sitting at your house, Rallion.
15:16.01Wobin_you can wave it around
15:16.03Wobin_and pretend
15:16.14Rallionwell, the thing is, it still WORKS
15:16.20Wobin_I hear that's what a lot of guys do when they can't perform
15:16.31Rallionbut in any scene where Samus's ship is flying around, artifacts abount
15:16.48Rallionhah. ahah. yes.
15:17.26Wobin_This is where you need a backup console
15:17.37|Jelly|Where's Shirik going?!
15:17.41Wobin_so you can play, like, God of War 2 while you wait
15:17.50Shirik|AFKclass jeesh
15:18.20RallionI do actually have 2 PS2's :P
15:18.26|Jelly|You have to check in and out with us; didn't you get the memo??
15:18.38LopeppeppyWith the cover page for the TPS report?
15:18.49|Jelly|Who here has a G15 and Vista? Cause I think I found my first major "ZOMG WTF"
15:19.03RallionJelly, do tell
15:19.17|Jelly|My play/pause/next buttons don't work on iTunes. :(
15:19.24RallionThat's sadness.
15:19.26|Jelly|(yes, I have all the logitech software installed, lol)
15:19.37LopeppeppyYou read-ed my mind, Jelly.
15:20.52RallionI feel that Nintendo should have also supplied me with shipping supplies. The free shipping is nice, but I'm not made of boxes and bubble wrap here.
15:23.26Wobin_I am
15:23.40Beladonamy iPhone comes in today. I is excited
15:24.10Beladonaoh |Jelly| I have a G15 + Vista
15:24.28|Jelly|Do you use iTunes?
15:24.34Beladonawell, i will now
15:24.45Beladonabut so far no
15:25.10Beladonawhy does Itunes not play nice with teh lcd in Vista?
15:25.19|Jelly|Cause my stupid play/pause/next buttons don't work with iTunes.
15:25.26Josh_Borkebecause your LCD is not Vista ready, obviously
15:25.37|Jelly|Sorry...watching a YouTube video, debating on if I want an accent. lol
15:26.04Beladonaisn't that marketing hype though? "Vista Ready LCD"
15:26.18Beladonawhats the difference other than maybe HDCP ready?
15:26.22Beladonawhich is an independant thing
15:27.19|Jelly|...NOW, they work
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15:28.55Beladona9 million viewers worldwide? did they just draw a parallel to the wow subscriber base, assuming that is the only people that watched the episode?
15:29.44|Jelly|I think it's funny when people reference that episode to make fun of me.
15:29.44BeladonaThough, when it comes to TV ratings, 9 million people worldwide does not a target audience make
15:30.56|Jelly|haha cog
15:31.04Wobin_they are making a reference to the wow userbase
15:31.05|Jelly|<3 <-- you read my mind
15:31.10Beladonaanyone have experience with guild roster fetching in addons?
15:31.34Josh_Borkeyou guys are mean
15:32.18Beladonanice cog
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15:42.35Josh_Borkeit's tuller, quick hide
15:44.45zenzelezzdid you try 25 times or did you want 25 copies?
15:45.22Josh_Borkei want 25 copies.  turns out it was just the printer
15:45.44zenzelezzyou applying for a truckload of jobs?
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15:45.49Josh_Borkecareer fair
15:45.51Josh_Borkeso yes
15:47.05LopeppeppyI did that a while back... I find more luck in making one solid copy and going to Staples/Kinkos/whatever to have it copied onto good paper.  My printer sucks after copy 5.
15:48.17Josh_Borkeclass time, bye
15:55.28*** join/#wowi-lounge N3cr0m4ncer (
15:59.28playtime3I just got my fel hunt at lvl 30. What lvl can I learn the first pet skill for my fel hunt?
16:00.04|Jelly|32? 34? One of those.
16:00.17alestaneDemon trainer should be able to tell you that...and I think it comes with Devour Magic.
16:00.41playtime3when can i silence and drain mana? at what lvl?
16:01.07Wobin_try checking out
16:01.19|Jelly| click on pets...
16:02.29[dRaCo]devour magic is available at level 30, yes.
16:02.31playtime3lvl 38 :(
16:02.51playtime3is rank 2 for devour magic
16:07.04zenzelezzreading the first post in this thread, can you guess what the mentioned guild was eager to point out to the Silvermoon community before they transferred here?
16:07.48sag_ich_nicht win.
16:11.01zenzelezzthat's the guild aye. The bold text should sort of give away what they were telling us all before transferring :)
16:11.02LopeppeppyI find that entire post to be confusing... I couldn't find a point to it at all, which is pretty typical of realm forum posts, IIRC.
16:11.29zenzelezzLopeppeppy: Silvermoon forum is a drama forum, no more. Hoofit just happens to write the only good ones, due to his style and humor
16:11.48zenzelezza semi-RPer talking about himself in third-person
16:11.51zenzelezzon a PvE realm
16:13.10mikmawell unit sucked and it still does
16:13.14mikmaso no harm done
16:14.31zenzelezzyou a Silvermoon/Nordrassil person? :-o
16:19.01mikmaex. on both
16:19.13mikmaalliance on nordrassil and horde on silvermoon
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16:23.59art3misi guess its a silvermoon curse
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16:24.09art3misthe us ilvermon is a drama farm too ;)
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16:24.27LopeppeppyAD.  All Drama, all the time.
16:25.32art3misthe us silvermoon you sorta have to pretend you're in grade school, without the "Do you like me? []Yes []No []Maybe" notes
16:26.32mikmaLopeppeppy: Argent Drama
16:26.56LopeppeppyThat works as well.
16:28.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
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16:29.40Cidan-Damn you peer, DAMN YOUUU
16:30.05LopeppeppyYeah, Fu!
16:30.30alestaneart3mis:How's your new UI coming?
16:31.25art3misthats about as far as i am on it right now
16:31.51[dRaCo]weird bar thingies.
16:31.53zenzelezzstarting to look pretty good, but all the stuff on top of the textures in the center makes it feel cluttered
16:31.57Cidan-Hmm, I wonder if I can fit photoshop on this thumb drive, :x
16:32.04Cidan-Unlikely, bleh.
16:32.12art3miszenzelezz: yeah was mucking with backgrounds on em last night didnt take a new screenie
16:32.28art3misthey look cleaner with a panel behind em
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16:32.36art3miscidan: gimp does ;P
16:32.54zenzelezzthe danger with patterns of any sort is that they can make things look "wrong" if they're broken
16:32.58alestaneThe square buttons look better with that layout.
16:33.01art3mis[dRaCo]: thats my new iron cross cyCircled
16:33.37alestaneInteresting skin, you put it together yourself this time?
16:33.48art3miszenzelezz: nods cleaning up the image is one of my tasks, that was done rather hasitily to give me something to work with
16:34.57zenzelezzthat certainly puts the eagle in the Third Reich-ish light again
16:35.04zenzelezzlooks good though
16:35.07art3misits all roman ;P
16:35.15zenzelezznot for WW2 freaks like me
16:35.37zenzelezzlooks just like that one medal I can't remember the name of right now
16:35.51art3misthe eagle was old school rome and the iron cross was from the crusades for the holy roman empire
16:36.43art3misthe eagle is also the SS officer lapel patch/pin and the iron cross was germany's victorian cross
16:36.44alestaneart3mis: I understand what your inspiration is for this layout, but expect to catch some flak if you publish it from people who think you're glorifying Naziism...I'm saying you are, but some people will think that.
16:37.00alestaneI'm NOT saying
16:37.22art3misthats alright for this community all i have to point out is that i made the hello kitty one, to go more evil this is all i was left with ;)
16:37.27zenzelezzyeah, like I've been saying not everyone is familiar with the Roman stuff :)
16:37.48[dRaCo]there's nothing more evil than hello kitty!
16:37.53Cidan-Speaking of
16:37.57art3missee ;P
16:38.00Cidan-My hello kitty theme for Conspiracy is almost done.
16:38.22zenzelezzit'll be the default skin, right?
16:38.29Cidan-Er, no. :D
16:38.35LopeppeppyBoo.  :P
16:39.06art3misheh echo "Miya! $playername-Chan
16:39.16art3miseverytime it loads ;P
16:39.23Cidan-er, no. :D
16:39.44alestaneNo, but you could add that to the HKUI.
16:39.54art3mishehe i debated a soundpack
16:40.02art3misi figured that would be too much ;P
16:40.19Cidan-I totally should code a sound resource system for conspiracy
16:40.34art3misplus there werent any soundbites of hello kitty saying "Watch out! you're got aggro!"
16:40.40alestaneThis is scary...why do I not want to stop the Caramelldansen chipmunks loo laying in the background? Shouldn't it be driving me insane?
16:40.44Cidan-where you can add sounds to a database, then select sounds per event.
16:41.02art3miscidan: oooo
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16:41.15art3mismake a porn theme for wow
16:41.21art3miscompelte with sounds
16:41.22Cidan-God damn it.
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16:41.41zenzelezzI'd be surprised if there wasn't already one
16:41.52art3mismob crits you "ohhhhhh baby, just like that!"
16:42.00Cidan-Theme's are easy to make, I'm sure someone will do one for Conspiracy.
16:42.10alestaneDoes anyone know if a copy of Fairy Tale survived the loss of Discord-mods on some remote server somewhere?
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16:49.27Cidan-Guess not?
16:49.44alestaneOr noone knows, at least.
16:49.51Cidan-Thus, you fail.
16:50.15LopeppeppyRe-creation is the root of all creativity
16:50.35purlMornings MUST be destroyed! (see also
16:51.02alestaneI haven't even found a screenshot, so I'm not going to be able to pick up that ball I'm afraid.
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16:51.39LopeppeppyNot even a screenshot... RIP!
16:52.39alestanePity, that one was pretty.
16:54.47LopeppeppyIs this a picture of it, alestane?
16:55.37alestaneLopeppeppy: That does appear to be the one...
16:56.30alestaneI keep thinking a UI like that would be a good choice for replacing the action bars with a couple of generic sphere-type objects.
16:56.37LopeppeppyMy GoogleFu is strong today.
16:56.55zenzelezzmine wasn't :-|
16:57.12zenzelezzI just found "private server launchers" and rants about good patterns going green
16:58.09alestaneThey have a link, but it's a discordmods link...I wonder if Google might have it cached.
16:58.50LopeppeppyI tried that link, and it didn't work.  There's a link to an XArt on wowinterface, maybe to scan a few texture options...
16:59.07zenzelezzthe last link seems to have at least some things
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17:21.29zenzelezzfor some reason people have trouble spelling "exalted"
17:21.59[dRaCo]what do they write instead?
17:22.02cog|workyou mean it's not exhaulted?
17:22.14zenzelezzexhalted, exhaulted, excalted
17:22.40cog|workThere was a thread in General a couple years ago where I commented "There is no H in exalted"
17:22.47cog|workSomeone replied               "e"
17:22.50Lopeppeppyexhalted is common, so very common
17:23.02cog|workSo i said            "ee"
17:23.03[dRaCo]interesting.. in some weird way
17:24.40Kaso :>
17:24.49KasoI love Brian's Common English error site
17:25.41Rallionit's awesome
17:26.19KasoSome of them i cant imagen people ever getting it *that* wrong though
17:26.23Kasolike "FISCAL/PHYSICAL"
17:26.49LopeppeppyThat seems like a spell-checker error to me...
17:27.34alestaneStill in indicates to me that the typist has no real conception of the word's writted form.
17:27.37zenzelezz"A wether is just a castrated sheep."
17:27.47LopeppeppyYuh.... sure.
17:28.00zenzelezzdon't think I've ever seen anyone spell it "wether"
17:29.09cog|work|Jelly|: <--- Huh?
17:29.31LopeppeppySpend some time in a writing studio, zenzelezz... I did ESL tutoring for a few years there, it was good times.
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17:30.58JoshBorke|Jelly|: yea, wtf?
17:31.03zenzelezzcurse you for linking that site
17:31.38zenzelezzI cringe every time I see someone spell "viola"
17:32.11[dRaCo]what's viola even supposed to be?
17:32.28zenzelezzFrench word
17:33.11[dRaCo]in fact, there should be a ´ or ` somewhere, shouldnt it?
17:33.50[dRaCo]been a while since I wrote something in french
17:34.14zenzelezzyes, but I don't expect non-Frenchies to know how to find the `
17:34.29[dRaCo]it's next to the backspace here :>
17:35.01cog|workzenzelezz: even when we can find the key it doesn't help us put an accent on a character
17:35.07cog|work(by normal input methods, anyway)
17:35.39[dRaCo]hm? press the key, press the char, done...
17:35.42cog|workyep. the default input method for windows doesn't have any support for accented characters besides ALT-####
17:35.51zenzelezzas far as I was aware it's what Windows considers a "dead char", one that expects a follow-up
17:36.00zenzelezzso ` + space or character
17:36.12cog|work` is an instant left apostrophe
17:36.18zenzelezzworks like that on my system anyway
17:36.30[dRaCo]works for me like it does for zenzelezz
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17:36.55cog|workmost americans don't even understand why accents are necessary
17:36.56zenzelezzI just expected it to work the same across Windows
17:37.15LopeppeppyExpected... hoo-boy, what a word.
17:38.09alestaneDepends on which language you're set up for (and possibly the version of Windows you're using).
17:38.10zenzelezzwhat about it?
17:38.18zenzelezz@ Lopeppeppy
17:38.42zenzelezzalestane: to me it seemed more logical to be an underlying Windows mechanism than a layout/driver feature
17:39.05cog|workit's a regional feature
17:39.06LopeppeppyExpect, assume.... those are the words that damage the world, zenzelezz.
17:39.27cog|workI believe the US-International layout might do that but i used Dvorak so...
17:39.31zenzelezzno, that depends entirely how they're used Lopeppeppy
17:39.42alestaneMac programs (as long as they use the OS-supplied text box controls) will also automatically capture accent characters, although to get a true accent and not a stand-alone tilde, you have to hold option while you press the key...that way it will capture the next char if they go together.
17:40.12cog|workMS word works like that
17:40.58alestaneBut it's an application behavior, not a library common to any program on the OS that edits text.
17:42.56Lopeppeppyzenzelezz...  common usage equals out to overusage... anyway, as you say, it depends on how they are used.  Everyone has their little trigger words, and "assume" and "expect" are mine, from a social and psychological point of view
17:43.09alestaneNon sequitor: "Tycho: I still can't get my head around forums... that method of communication is impossible for me. Like, I can't keep track of it. I'll think "Ok, well, now it's time for me to contribute something", and then the next post is like "KITTIES!" (crowd laughs). And there's these cats, and they're in a basket, and I'm thinking "Well, they have an excellent point..." (more laughter)."
17:43.26zenzelezzLopeppeppy: I assume that must be fun
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17:49.29LopeppeppyEvery day is fun, zenzelezz.
17:49.45zenzelezzI expect nothign less
17:51.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
17:52.41Shirik|EcoleI. Hate. C.
17:52.58Shirik|EcoleI just spent 30 minutes looking for an erro
17:53.10Shirik|Ecoleapparently you can't declare variables in the middle of a function in C
17:53.26cog|workhow did the compiler not tell you that?
17:53.32Shirik|Ecoleit said "parse error"
17:53.32Shirik|Ecolethat's it
17:53.52alestaneVariables in C are declarations, not statements.
17:54.11cog|workthey're statements if you initialize...
17:54.19zenzelezzbe glad you didn't do what I did, spend hours trying to find out why my loading function only worked half the time. Turned out I had used || instead of | when setting the file opening flags, which was syntactically valid, but gave quite unexpected results
17:54.55alestanelgoical OR not bitwise OR.
17:55.16zenzelezzthe way I said it makes it easier to see what I mean
17:55.35alestaneIf you speak C,
17:55.52zenzelezzif you don't you may not get the joke anyway
17:56.01zenzelezzdon't know how other languages set their flags
17:56.07zenzelezzI still have bad memories from VB
17:56.32krka_Shirik|Ecole: doesn't that depend on what c version you use?
17:56.43alestaneBitwise operations are considered poor programming these days unless you're doing encryption.
17:56.45zenzelezzalso, I have no clue where "joke" came from, since it was quite an embarrassing error when Ifound it
17:56.54krka_i think you can declare wherever, in c99
17:56.59krka_and probably earlier
17:57.09zenzelezzI give sod all what people say about it, I like bitwise operations
17:58.02Shirik|Ecolekrka_: No idea
17:58.07Shirik|Ecolebut whatever compiler I'm using hated it
17:58.10Shirik|Ecolep.s. I hate the compiler
17:58.15cog|worksystem programming 4tw (re: bitwise)
17:58.17Shirik|Ecolebut I'm extremely limited as it's a really strange box
17:58.27Shirik|Ecolefor VxWorks
17:58.35zenzelezzI used to know a guy who was forced to use a Borland C++ compiler
17:58.43zenzelezzevery so often he'd vent about how much it sucked
17:58.59cog|workI used to voluntarily use borland because it came with a book...
17:59.01zenzelezzone day the company's years-old log function, unmodified, decided to not work
17:59.27zenzelezzwell, this guy used to go on about waiting for OpenWatcom or something
17:59.45alestanezenzelezz: Personally I have nothing against bitwise ops and used to use them...but the only programming I've done in several years has been WoW mods, so not so much right now.
18:00.17Shirik|Ecoleanyway, see you all later
18:00.24Shirik|EcoleI was just that pissed off that I had to vent somewhere :P
18:00.37alestaneis bitlib even available within WoW?
18:00.47Shirik|Ecoleand I use it quite a bit :)
18:01.07Shirik|EcoleI should show you my 100 line comment explaining exactly how I packaged something
18:01.10zenzelezzit depends how you use them in my opinion... for things like file operation flags it'd be silly to add a million function parameters, and I don't like Windows' tendency to make you pass a struct all the time with the info (which still uses bit operations)
18:01.45Shirik|Ecolehowever, be careful
18:01.53Shirik|Ecolesince Lua does not natively support bitwise operations, bitlib can be very slow
18:02.06alestaneOr there was the Pascal style of bitpacking, which I don't believe C ever used because it had bitmasking.
18:02.08Shirik|Ecolein many cases it's better to use just numbers
18:02.12zenzelezzlua doesn't do bitwise stuff natively?
18:02.16zenzelezzoutside of WoW I mean
18:02.20cog|workzenzelezz: there are no ints
18:02.43cog|workso the floats have to be converted to ints, have the bitwise op, then converted back to floats
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18:03.06zenzelezzhm, my first encounter with lua was with some script for a program that parsed the Anarchy Online item DB, that one used bitwise operations... but I didn't understand lua at the time so I guess it used bitlib or something similar
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18:07.00Valaron|WorkTo make my mail server work again, I had to rip out one of its CPUs.
18:07.19Valaron|WorkHow's that for technical support? :)
18:07.37zenzelezzsometimes it's easier to think with less on your mind
18:07.53Valaron|WorkTrue dat
18:08.40sneg_thrae you here?
18:09.26LopeppeppySometimes the satisfaction of scattering pieces of your server all over the floor leads to jumps in ingenuity and better solutions.  <.<
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18:09.55zenzelezzpeppy outsmarted me again :-(
18:09.57Kaydeethreemeh, I'm a fan of putting screwdrivers through broken pieces of hardware
18:09.58cog|workI have often literally kicked my computer into submission
18:10.13cog|workpercussive maintenance 4tw
18:10.21alestaneLargo: 1; raid controller: 0
18:10.23zenzelezzone of the fans in my computer occasionally starts making a special noise, which is easily solved by kicking the case
18:10.36cog|workzenzelezz: my coworker's does that
18:10.55KaydeethreeI'd say wd-40, but that's the wrong kind of lubricant for case fans
18:11.27zenzelezzsounds like an old Western Digital model
18:11.37sneg_yea i was about to say that : )
18:13.58LopeppeppyI had one of the people in my raid group consult me for his overheating issues. He honestly asked me, "My dad has some Freon in the garage, should I just squirt some of that into my case?"
18:14.18Industrialtry a sledgehammer!
18:15.48alestaneThe Ethan approach to cooling!
18:16.17zenzelezzlike when he made that "super" computer some years ago that he claimed the penguin destroyed?
18:16.31Kaydeethreeoh freon
18:16.50Kaydeethreewe actually lost an academic building last month to the idiots not putting freon in the massive hvac system
18:16.54zenzelezzI sort of use freon in my computer... my fan has it inside the cooling element thing
18:17.03Kaydeethreepipes burst, took out half the building. they're gonna tear it down shortly
18:17.37Valaron|WorkThe big fuss is that this is a production server. Online should be close to 100%.
18:18.00Valaron|WorkScrew Sun proprietary hardware :(
18:18.16zenzelezzI remember when my realm was taken down along with a bunch of others when the fans in the Frankfurt data center didn't cooperate
18:18.37LopeppeppyFans?!?  In a data center?!?!!!!
18:18.43zenzelezzwell, something
18:19.13zenzelezznot CPU fans, but I think it was something about fans in the huge cooling system after some maintenance
18:19.18Valaron|WorkWe have one in our data center. The AC unit was not really good.. especially when new machines were added in the corner.
18:19.26Valaron|WorkA fan fan
18:19.29zenzelezzat any rate it ran the risk of overheating quite badly
18:33.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Vangual (
18:34.29KasoSteam is getting a really good range nowadays
18:35.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys_ (
18:45.41*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
18:45.43Cidesteam is a great content delivery platform
18:50.05Kaso* Mac Movie Capture - i wish windows had all the cool libs that mac osx has, then we could get these cool features, like png screenshots and this!
18:50.09LopeppeppyMy cat and I are playing a game today.  I have a placemat under her food dishes to keep the carpet (somewhat) clean.  She pushes her dishes off the mat and bunches it up in the hallway, then comes to tell me it's done.
18:50.57alestaneSome people advocate a spritzer bottle for situations like that.
18:52.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
18:52.46krka_you mean cutting up the cat in small pieces and then stuffing it in the bottle and then serve it at a childrens party?
18:53.10krka_or is that just how we do it here?
18:53.56alestanekrka_: What Shirik said.
18:54.24Cideyup, perfectly normal treatment of cats in sweden
18:54.32krka_great practical joke
18:54.41krka_but you quickly run out of cats :/
18:54.45alestaneThat would, indeed, cure his cough, but I don't think it would produce the desired result.
18:55.03Kaydeethreemarginally nsfw, but very hilarious:
18:56.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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18:57.12Cidewonder if Cairenn would enjoy said soap knob...
18:57.26Cide<Kaydeethree> marginally nsfw, but very hilarious:
18:58.55Kaydeethreefound that in general, by the way:
18:58.56Thunder_Childthat wasnt an answer Cairenn
18:59.29LopeppeppyI think it was....
18:59.32Shirik|EcoleThat was a "omg I need one"
18:59.44Cairennunh, no
19:00.03Thunder_Childthats rather interpretive of a emoticon
19:00.14Shirik|Ecoleit is
19:01.05Cideshe doesn't need one because she already... you know
19:01.28Thunder_Childso... Cairenn, was that a "no, i dont want one" or a "no, i wouldnt enjoy it"
19:02.31LopeppeppyBoys, think of the germs.  Yuk.  Hand sanitizer all the way.
19:02.48CairennLopeppeppy: quite
19:03.18Kaydeethreebut hand sanitizer causes super germs that are resistant to normal antibacterial stuff...
19:03.38Shirik|Ecolehand sanitizer is evil
19:03.39LopeppeppyHowever, it is much less phallic and would be my very own.
19:03.43Shirik|Ecoleall antibiotic produts are
19:03.51Shirik|Ecoleexcept when they're necessary
19:04.00Shirik|Ecolebut imho there shouldn't be a single antibiotic product that's OTC
19:04.45LopeppeppyNor should there be shared soap in restrooms.
19:06.41Shirik|EcoleI would far rather have germs shared than have germs become more powerful
19:06.56KasoIf you want really clean sanitised hands, a nice Co-60 hand rub is what you need*
19:07.07Kaso*may cause cancer, burns, and loss of hands
19:07.23alestaneTB is becoming a serious problem in some parts of the world due to bad treatment methodologies.
19:08.40*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (n=rumors@
19:08.55LopeppeppyPoor sanitation is equally to blame for the spread/persistence of other diseases.  Humans kill ourselves in wonderful and diametrically opposite ways.
19:09.29Kaydeethreeso we could always solve that with the "KILL ALL HUMANS!" technique
19:10.12alestaneAnd while the emoticon above definitely had an "OMG" in it, I suspect it was more like this response ( and amazement but not necessarily interest.
19:12.12krka_from what i read about hand sanitizer on wikipedia, it seems kinda overkill :P
19:12.23LopeppeppyYou can be duly impressed, shocked and amazed without having the slightest interest in experiencing the shock for yourself.  :P
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19:14.00Shirik|EcoleWhat's hperl?
19:14.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
19:14.21Cidekinda like hyper-ttp
19:15.03Shirik|EcoleJust noticed all my school's pages are ending with .hperl
19:15.19Cidemaybe some kind of perl web dev. framework? dunno
19:15.21Shirik|Ecolefor example, the page I'm on right now
19:15.52_Saint-Nwoo 89 iron cross downloads since last night
19:16.30LopeppeppyI found at least one page that's regular html.  Maybe they're using Perl for database type things?
19:17.14Shirik|Ecoleok, I meant the services pages
19:17.21Shirik|Ecolewhich you wouldn't be able to access since you have to log into ERNIE anyway
19:18.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso_ (
19:19.52LopeppeppyThere you go then.  ERNIE must be a Perl snob.
19:20.27Shirik|EcoleI hated it the day it came out
19:20.34Shirik|Ecolewhy the hell they came up with it I'll never know
19:20.40Shirik|Ecolemaybe it makes them feel more useful
19:20.49*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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19:22.16Arrowmastermy school uses this shitty Angel web software, its really bad but atleast its better than blackboard
19:22.35*** join/#wowi-lounge lolinternet (i=bitch2k@
19:22.38Shirik|Ecolewe used to have blackboard
19:22.48Shirik|Ecolethat was _better_ than what we have now
19:23.16Arrowmasterthat doesnt sound possible
19:23.39Shirik|EcoleI didn't think it was either
19:23.43Shirik|Ecoleanyway, time for class /vanish
19:30.32CidanThe problem with Blackboard is the execs of the dev company that makes it are unwilling to change
19:30.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
19:30.49CidanThey have this thing going on, if it's not broken don't fix it (or add new features)
19:30.55CidanKnew someone that quit over it.
19:33.38LopeppeppyThere's something to be said for "if it's not broke", but there's great advantage in always seeking positive change.
19:39.53Temit takes like 7 clicks for me to log into blackboard
19:40.06Cidanah, not that bad for me
19:40.07Temand then the front page once I log in is completely useless
19:40.13Kaydeethreeoh wow... I'm amazed the "soap knob" thread in general hasn't been deleted yet
19:40.30Cidanmust linnkkk
19:40.37Temso you have to click more to get to whatever you're after
19:40.41Kaydeethree[14:58:54] <Kaydeethree> found that in general, by the way:
19:43.02CidanOh sweet jesus
19:44.05LopeppeppyWith cheese sauce, Cidan.
19:44.35Thunder_Childcheese sause me arse
19:45.38CidanShe's obviously an expert.
19:45.40CidanLook at her form.
19:46.33LopeppeppyHand model stood in for her during the filming.
19:48.08*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
19:58.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
20:04.04Nom-lol i love this guild
20:04.09Nom-we just went and killed Doomwalker on a whim
20:04.26Nom-No prep, just went there after we were done in SSC for the night, first time ever and got him on the second try
20:04.29Nom-17% on the first try
20:04.46AnduinLotharwtb your guild
20:05.12Kaydeethreenot like doomwalker's all that hard if everyone in the raid's got >8k hp
20:07.33Nom-only reason we didn't get him the first time was because the tanks weren't ready for his 10k hits
20:11.14Nom-its a nice buff to our wowjutsu stats anyway :D
20:13.12Nom-this weeks' SSC kills should push us up to #11 on our server :D
20:13.48KasoHeh, Clad's GC thread/addon is just on WoWInsider
20:14.01clad|bookoh lord
20:14.06nevcairielthat was quick
20:14.18nevcairielthey tend to lag behind like 2 weeks in general
20:17.49clad|bookanyone know of a unix based script that can detect flesh tones in an image?
20:17.59clad|bookor is that still too patent-happy
20:18.15Nom-Dansguardian was working on that a long time ago
20:18.25Nom-Don't know if it ever came to fruition
20:19.32Nom-nope doesn't look like it
20:20.24clad|bookimagemagick should do it for me
20:20.44clad|booklike /usr/bin/zomgisporn myimage.png
20:21.06Nom-it's difficult to do though
20:21.15Nom-Given the wide range of flesh colours
20:21.43Nom-Then you have to look at things like setting thresholds
20:22.14cog|workB&W porn 4tw
20:22.33Nom-You (probably) don't want to block a picture of president bush running in the park (or maybe you do - ugh!)
20:22.48Nom-ascii prot
20:22.58clad|bookNom-: yeah in this case i would
20:23.04clad|booki'm concerned about
20:23.07clad|booksince anyone can post anything
20:23.42Nom-fair enough
20:23.47Nom-It's pretty hard to do
20:23.55clad|bookthey post something inappropriate, and I can be held responsible for it
20:24.00clad|bookwhich makes me want to take it down entirely
20:24.10Nom-disclaimer ftw ?
20:24.16clad|booki'm not a laywer :P
20:24.29Nom-copy and paste from other image sites
20:24.43Nom-heck even the one on the wow forums is pretty much all inclusive
20:25.31Nom-Before you allow anyone to view an image on the site ( at least for the first time - cookies ftw ) you display a disclaimer along the lines of "the site owner does not take responsibility for the images uploaded by users to this site" blah blah
20:25.50Nom-It's never bullet proof, but at least if someone had to click 'I Agree' before getting to a page
20:26.00clad|booki can say from experience, that's definitely not bullet proof :P
20:26.16Nom-Right now you're a naked priest running head first at Onyxia
20:26.29zenzelezzthe solution is obvious, get a server in mid-Pacific or something!
20:26.32clad|bookand when talking about something as illegal and horrible as we're talking about.. nothing can really protect you
20:26.35Nom-And a disclaimer is at least a PW:S
20:26.43clad|bookpastamancer: cron job that deletes each image after five minutes
20:26.53Nom-User reporting of images helps too
20:27.09Nom-A user can mark the image as imappropriate and you can automatically remove after X reports
20:27.42Nom-At least that way it'll increase the likelyhood of stuff being removed that shouldn't be there
20:27.52clad|bookyeah, its just a stock script up there right now
20:27.56clad|booki could also just have it email me and moderate
20:28.02clad|bookbut that's relatively limited use, and scales horribly :P
20:28.03Nom-That too
20:28.30Nom-User reporting + linking of multiple images to a single uploader ftw
20:29.12Nom-Logging helps a lot too
20:29.40Nom-being able to track back an uploaded image as having come from ip X at date/time Y will go a long way towards reducing your liability
20:29.50clad|bookmaybe i'll play with the script
20:29.52clad|bookadd some features
20:29.58clad|bookand delete eveything from pastamancer for the time being :P
20:30.03Nom-well, not so much liability, but at least you can say they uploaded it to you without your knowledge
20:30.16clad|booki just like having a VERY simple image uploading site for images
20:30.23clad|bookwe all use it so much, and imageshack blows monkey nuts
20:30.30Nom-Agreed :)
20:30.54pastamancerclad|book: could also limit referers
20:30.55Nom-Making sure images are only available by direct link will help too
20:31.17Nom-That is, don't have an option to browse images for end-users
20:31.25clad|bookthere isn't right now
20:31.29clad|bookthey have to direct link
20:31.33Nom-That way only the author knows the link, so if it's used anywhere, then ya
20:31.36Nom-Ya, that's good
20:31.41clad|bookit just md5 hashes the file, and gives you that as the only link
20:31.44clad|bookvery simple, effective
20:32.01clad|booki shut down the upload script, and now only I can post stuff there
20:32.06clad|bookbut its a single bash command for me to do tha t:P
20:32.09clad|bookupload <filename>
20:36.42Nom-I should probably go to bed, but I really want to keep playing WoW
20:37.07foxlit|macplay wow from bed
20:37.21Nom-My laptop is too slow to do that
20:38.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Gl0bal (
20:38.36AnduinLotharget a bigger screen
20:38.47AnduinLotharand a cordless keyboard/mouse
20:39.45Nom-lol my bed is 3 rooms down the hall
20:40.02zenzelezzI find your lack of faith disturbing
20:40.42[dRaCo]guess you need a really big monitor, then.
20:40.59Nom-and a few mirrors to redirect the image
20:41.10zenzelezzjust a long cable for the monitor
20:41.39clad|booksrsly, get inventive nub
20:42.50Nom-Well, they're all good ideas
20:42.58foxlit|macceiling projector!
20:43.00Nom-But impossible to impliment at 4:41am
20:43.18Nom-I have 33,070 gold
20:43.24Nom-*cry* i want that much gold :(
20:43.59Nom-How on earth do you make that kind of gold ? :(
20:44.18nevcairielyou cheat
20:44.37Kaydeethreeplay the AH
20:44.39Kaydeethreeit's not that hard
20:44.48KaydeethreeI've seen screenshots of players with well over 100k gold
20:45.00Nom-Yeah, I just suck at it
20:45.18foxlit|macI just don't care
20:45.19Nom-And my starting gold is so low that I can't actually do it
20:45.20Nom-I dunno
20:51.42KasoOne day of Auction House playing for this guy
20:52.19Kaso"I'm quiting WoW today, after 3 level 70s, 8 level 60s and over 1,000,000 in gold invested into various auction houses. I figure, if I am leaving, I might as well leave some advice to goons to help them pick up the slack."
20:52.34KasoHis claims ofc, but to be honest i dont doubt him
20:57.16KasoI wonder what data type is used to represent gold, maybe an unsigned 32bit int? quick someone get 4.3 billion gold and see if it ticks over to 0!
20:57.43zenzelezzsomeone mentioned a bug at 214k the other day
20:57.52cog|workKaso: it's measured in copper probably
20:57.55zenzelezzthe money is stores a copper value
20:58.01Kasothat make sense
20:58.38cog|workso you'd need 429.5k gold
20:58.46cog|workto overflow 32-bit
20:58.59Kasodoesnt sound too hard to do, better get grinding!
20:59.00zenzelezzaccording to what the person said it's a signed value, unless the person he was talking about lied
20:59.09Kasowhy would it be signed though?
20:59.22zenzelezzdon't know, I'm just relaying what I heard
20:59.37kergothKaso: there you go thinking blizzard makes sense, again.  tisk.
21:00.15zenzelezzSep 08 13:04:16 <Polarina>      Haha... One managed to find a bug in the game where gold is disappearing when you go over 2^32 / 2 - 1 coppers! :P
21:01.35KasoProb just lazy programmers using signed without thinking about it well
21:01.38nevcairielthat would suck, you would end up with basicly .. negative gold ? :P
21:01.42Lin_signed int
21:01.50Lin_-1 gold
21:01.53Lin_-1 cooper
21:02.36zenzelezzusually integers are signed unless otherwise specified
21:02.36Shirikyou would end up with -400k (approx) gold when it ticks over
21:02.36Shirik(assuming signed)
21:02.51Shirikspecifically because it's the absence of a specification
21:03.06Lin_why gold should be signed:
21:03.27nevcairielit shouldnt
21:03.35nevcairielprobably an oversight
21:03.35Lin_there isn't debt in this game. and who is the luck/unluck guy that have discovered this bug?
21:03.39Shirikit shouldn't
21:03.43ShirikBut I'm just saying
21:03.54Shirikif we follow the lines given above in the conversation
21:03.58Shirik(assumes it were signed)
21:04.04ShirikIt would tick over to -400k gold
21:04.15nevcairielwouldnt it be -200k?
21:04.15foxlit|macstore it as a bleeding string already
21:04.25Shirikthis isn't VB
21:04.33Shirik(actually I have no idea how VB data types work)
21:04.36zenzelezznevcairiel: yes
21:04.38ShirikBut no!
21:04.44foxlit|macThat depends on which version of vb
21:04.45Shiriknevcairiel: Yes sorry
21:04.46nevcairielVB has datatypes?
21:04.53ShirikI don't know, I don't know the first thing about VB other than it sucks
21:04.55zenzelezzDim i As Integer
21:04.58nevcairielisnt everything a variant?
21:05.05foxlit|macInteger is 2-byte signed
21:05.12zenzelezzin VB, yes
21:05.18foxlit|macVariant can store anything
21:05.30foxlit|macBut all other types are not Variant
21:05.39nevcairieli havent used VB for like 10 years
21:05.46nevcairieland i am happy about it
21:05.50cog|workit's always had types
21:05.55foxlit| integer is probably a 4-byte signed
21:07.22zenzelezzI remember how my Undo feature worked in my first VB program
21:07.47Nom-So about playing the AH though, I understand the idea.. buy everything out and jack up the price, but where do you start... to do something like netherweave you'd need a heck of a lot of gold on my server
21:07.48zenzelezzDim oldstring As String; Dim newstring As String; If oldstring <> newstring Then ...
21:08.01Shiriklol <>
21:08.04ShirikI remember that
21:08.34nevcairieli hate <> .. pascal uses it too .. had to use pascal/delphi in university last semester :x
21:08.40ShirikI still hate C
21:08.42Shirikfor what it did to me today
21:08.50ShirikI want to go back to C++ :(
21:08.51zenzelezzthat's not C, that's your compiler
21:08.55foxlit|macAt least "shoo" = "shoo"
21:08.56ShirikWell I hate my compiler then
21:08.59foxlit|macUnlike java.
21:09.00zenzelezzbut I do support the C++ statement
21:09.06Shirikfoxlit|mac: That's stupid too :P:
21:09.16kergothi wish i'd never touched basic
21:09.22foxlit|macStrings should be compared by value, dammit!
21:09.22zenzelezzVB's hex syntax pwned
21:09.29ShirikI'll say what I've said millions of time which is my reason for hating Lua's ^ operator
21:09.49ShirikAnd it's only a personal opinion, but keywords and operations should only be what is native to the processor
21:09.53Shirikanything else should be a function
21:09.57Shirikmath.pow is fine, ^ is not
21:10.22cog|workShirik: the whole point of a language is to abstract the underlying architecture
21:10.24ShirikFor the same reason I hate comparing strings with ==
21:10.33ShirikI know, but that doesn't mean it should be completely ignored
21:10.47ShirikIn fact, that's probably the #1 reason of bad programmers: They don't understand the internal workings of what they're doing
21:10.49cog|workwhat if a language is designed for an architecture that DOES support said functions?
21:11.01ShirikLua isn't :P
21:11.03cog|workisn't ^ implemented in hardware on the FPU?
21:11.05nevcairielat least you wont miss your strcmp then, when jumping back from another lang where strings compare by value :P
21:11.08cog|workShirik: yes it is
21:11.10cog|workthe lua VM
21:11.32ShirikBut WRT the FPU question, on the chips I work with, no
21:11.33kergothas cog says, what functions exist are completely dependent upon the arch you're using, and lua is portable to just about anything
21:11.43Shirikbut as I said
21:11.47Shirik14(1711:0811:4414) 14(11Shirik14) And it's only a personal opinion,
21:11.49cog|workso you propose the language should be different depending on the architecture?
21:11.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso_ (
21:12.01nevcairieladaptive languages!
21:12.02zenzelezzmy main gripe with programming these days is ASCII vs. Unicode/wide characters
21:12.09ShirikI propose the language should be similar to the way computing works in general
21:12.29Shirikevery processor will be able to multiply these days (for the most part, nobody uses the 8086 anymore).
21:12.37ShirikEven microcontrollers do that now
21:12.53Kaydeethree8086... what are we? the 80s?
21:12.57cog|work"get off my lawn" imo :P
21:13.05kergothyou shouldnt make assumptions about the capabilities of the processor yiou're running on, thats the compiler's job
21:13.18zenzelezzI don't quite understand how "get off my lawn" applies here
21:13.22ShirikIn fact, correct me if I'm wrong
21:13.30ShirikThe C library doesn't even implement pow() using an asm instruction
21:13.33ShirikI'm going to go check actually
21:13.55zenzelezzisn't that just up to the implementor?
21:14.08Shirikit is
21:14.38ShirikHowever it does go back to my point. Multiply will never be implemented using a function. Powers might need to be.
21:14.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
21:14.59cog|workShirik: that's completely arbitrary
21:15.09kergothi dont see why you feel a need to define aspects of the language based on what cpus we happen to be using right now.
21:15.12Shirikeh, whatever. This is a pointless argument. And this is why I started it all with...
21:15.13Shirik14(1711:0811:4414) 14(11Shirik14) And it's only a personal opinion,
21:15.29cog|workand we disagree and are trying to change your opinion :P
21:15.38Shirikand I won't, so I would suggest stop trying to
21:15.54ShirikI'm not going to change the language either, I don't exactly have that kind of leverage
21:16.01kergothits okay, shirik just wants to keep changing the language every few years, as processor capabilities evolve
21:17.37Shirikprocessors' mathematical capabilities have not greatly been extended over the years
21:17.45Shirikthey have been improved, yes
21:18.09ShirikBut yet in most processors and in all microcontrollers, the power capability is absent
21:18.30cog|workI just think since the whole point of a language is to abstract the underlying operations, it is counterproductive to tie hardware features to language constructs so arbitrarily
21:18.44kergothAssuming they won't, when you want a language to last, is just silly.  build the capabilities based on needs, not what you happen to use it on
21:18.44Shirikabstract, yes, ignore no
21:18.51ShirikBut... I'm not going into this any further
21:19.48cog|workShirik: none of us have asked you the most important question though... :(
21:20.02cog|workwhat do you feel is gained by such a system?
21:21.07cog|workover current languages
21:21.22Shirik"Over current languages"
21:21.29ShirikThis implementation already exists in C/C++
21:21.41Shirikthere is no ^ operator (well, there is... it's bitwise NOT)
21:22.15Kaydeethreetry using **
21:22.18cog|workI have never seen it stated as a fundamental design goal by the implementors of C... Though in actuality the original C was designed with a specific architecture in mind
21:22.33Kaydeethreethat was the original power operator before ^ came
21:22.37ShirikI've never heard of such an operator, and I honestly don't see how it could work. But I'm going to check it anyway
21:22.43Shirikthat could easily be confused with a lot of other cases though
21:23.00Kaydeethree$ echo $((2**3))
21:23.01foxlit|macolder calculators, too
21:23.16cog|workKaydeethree: not sure that's material to the current convo
21:24.08Shiriklist of all operators; I will assume it does not exist
21:24.21zenzelezz** for pow() in C/C++ would be too confusing, considering pointers
21:24.27ShirikAnd honestly I think the problem with ** would be confused with indirection
21:25.22cog|workShirik: you still didn't address my question... you only dodged it by attacking my choice of comparison :P
21:25.48cog|workwhat advantage would a language with an operator-cpu link have over one that is more abstract?
21:25.49ShirikNo I dodged it by saying the question is irrelevant
21:26.03ShirikThere is nothing to gain because it already exists
21:26.46cog|workyou're still arguing the semantics of my question... :(
21:26.56Shiriksizeof is handled by the compiler internally and ?: is a shorthand for an if..then construct
21:27.09Shirikif..then goes into branching
21:27.29ShirikBut to be perfectly honest, I don't want to answer your question
21:27.30cog|workYou feel that a language's operators "should" only represent CPU capabilities.
21:27.34ShirikI already said I want to drop the subject
21:28.03cog|workI'm genuinely curious and am only being aggressive because it's the only question i really want to hear the answer to
21:28.16bleeterKaydeethree: wow, this vandamn guy is quite an idiot (in the CS forum)
21:28.38Kaydeethreeya, that's been a fun thread to watch
21:28.41ShirikWhat is there to gain? Nothing except simplicity. It provides a better link to the hardware. C did this very well -- programmers are very close to the hardware.
21:28.44kergothi don't really see what the issue is between something implemented as an operator and a function. half the time operations in functions in the c library get optimized to processor specific shit anyway
21:28.52ShirikIt's difficult to code (well) in C without knowing exactly what's going on
21:28.56kergothhow does moving pow from operator to function make something simpler?
21:28.58bleeterKaydeethree: In the GM Island? thread, he's discussing hacks on how to get there :/
21:29.13cog|workShirik: i will hold back my response out of respect for your desire to drop it
21:29.34Shirikkergoth: It makes the /language/ simpler, not the process
21:29.48ShirikThe compiler no longer needs to parse it and figure out how to handle it. It merely knows to call a function, that's it
21:29.55ShirikIf you want to implement that function with some asm commands, by all means go ahead
21:29.58Shirikand C allows you to do that
21:30.23Shirikand seriously, no more
21:31.02kergothIf the language creators decided to do some extra work for you, i don't see why you'd presume to know better.
21:31.08kergothbut anyway..
21:31.21cog|workI liked the discussion...
21:31.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Xesyto (
21:31.24Nom-Any suggestions on where I could start in terms of market manipulation?  I can only really spare 200g to start up :(
21:31.37Shirik|AFKcog|work: When it's 1v10, try being on the 1 side, then like it
21:31.38cog|workwe weren't going around in circles so i feel like i had a sneeze that didn't fully manifest itself right now
21:31.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
21:31.49kergothi'd say start small, buy low sell high, cant control any markets with that little bankroll
21:31.50Lin_214748g36s48c  Nom- start here
21:31.51kergothbut i'm no expert
21:31.56Shirik|AFKLin_ haha
21:32.02zenzelezzNom-: I've never done it myself, but I would say go for something cheap but often used
21:32.23zenzelezzfriend of mine ran a Free Action Potion monopoly on one server every WSG weekend last summer
21:32.44kergothauctioneer is your friend
21:32.50cog|workwhen we start recycling arguments is when I start not liking a discussion... even when i'm outnumbered :P
21:32.51Lin_i|=0x7FFFFFFF; // (latest signed int)
21:33.17Nom-I've heard of a few people making massive amounts of gold on alchemy
21:33.20Nom-anyone done that themselves ?
21:33.38Lin_Nom-: find a real good job. and buy gold from sites.
21:33.53Nom-lol that's the last thing i want to do
21:34.03bleeteroO are we gunna have a kicking?
21:34.04Nom-I've thought about it a few times, but the prices on that are so high
21:34.20Lin_Nom-: be CEO from microsoft
21:34.27Shirik|AFKcog|work: I don't care if I'm outnumbered. I prefer to be outnumbered, in fact. But when I'm the only one who sees one side of the argument, and the responses that are coming are 14(1711:1711:3914) 14(1115kergoth14) ... is just silly. build the capabilities based on needs,
21:34.31Shirik|AFKI don't see the point of continuing
21:34.34Lin_Nom-: or try to seduce Bliz Director
21:35.06bleeterNom-: the auctioneer wiki does have a pretty good writeup from Slott Industries on how to 'drive' the AH
21:35.55bleetertho personally, driving the AH can become a compelte time sink in itself, taking one away from playing every other aspect of the game. I make about 100g a week merely from buying the stuff that people list at under Vendor value
21:36.20bleeterthe only stuff I list is my excess herbage, and when I have the mats I craft out quest items
21:36.21Lin_bleeter: that is true.
21:36.45Shirik|AFKbleeter: wtf?
21:36.47Shirik|AFKPeople do that?
21:36.59Lin_put itens under vendor value?
21:37.02Lin_very often.
21:37.05bleeterall the time
21:37.20Lin_auctioneer and BTMscanner
21:37.21kergothShirik|AFK: bottomscanner will pick those up
21:37.21Kaydeethreebottomscanner can if memory serves
21:37.26Nom-heh... i need to learn somehow, i need like 2k gold to finish blacksmithing
21:37.30Shirik|AFKI tried using bottomscanner yesterday
21:37.31Shirik|AFKit confused me
21:37.38Lin_Shirik|AFK: oh.. its so easy
21:37.39Shirik|AFKI pushed the play button and it said it was doing something
21:37.40bleeterwicked claws, bandages, gorilla fangs/hair, knothide scraps, golden pearls, spider silks
21:37.45Lin_just play let it go
21:37.45Shirik|AFKI waited a few minutes and then it just sat there
21:37.50kergothjust hit play, it periodically refreshes the last page of the auction house and lets you know about deals
21:37.51bleeterwhat goes under vendor price is fairly common across all realms
21:37.51Shirik|AFKso I gave up
21:37.59Lin_Shirik|AFK: I can help thee. if you want
21:38.08Shirik|AFKI didn't even know what it was supposed to do ><
21:38.08kergothsince it monitors the last page of teh ah only, you're picking up only new postings, so do it when the ah is most active
21:38.22bleeter'I pushed a button, without reading the docs, it didn't do anything so I gave up'
21:38.38*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
21:38.39foxlit|macmodern user philosophy, deal with it
21:38.41bleeter~whaleslap Shirik|AFK
21:38.42purlACTION beats Shirik|AFK upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
21:38.42Shirik|AFKI try to "be one" with the users
21:38.49Shirik|AFKso I can code my applications to work for them
21:39.00Lin_you code dummy applications
21:39.45Shirik|AFKHonestly though, I had only used auctioneer before, never bottomscanner
21:39.54Shirik|AFKit was there and I was bored so I was like one of those moments "what does this button do?"
21:40.01Shirik|AFKAnd it did nothing. So I went back to what I normally do :P
21:40.09bleeterthing is, though, tends to help if you're the first on your realm going for under vendor value - nothing worse for an under vendor checker to see themselves being outbid on 50+ items, they tend to just give up
21:40.35bleetertho I am slowly working on a module for AAdv that'll attempt to assemble a list of items one's been outbid on, so you can then go back and easily re-bid
21:41.13kergoththatd be neat
21:41.21kergothyou know if anyone's doing a shopping list type module for aadv yet?
21:41.52bleeterit's not going to be totally accurate, as it's pretty hard to ascertain which specific item you've been outbid on (ie, item + vendor)
21:42.19bleeterbut it'll be good enough to achieve it's aim (not get outbid, then the item expires meaning you lose out)
21:42.26Lin_bleeter: there is some bots (yes botS), they put a little bid and no buyout. You do your bid, but if bid didn't satisfy the "vendor" little seconds befor end of auction it close the auction and start another with fresh values. There is a little variation in this setup when someone put a little bid and a INSANE buyout as 999g
21:42.42Lin_Im really pissed off with theses vendors
21:43.35bleeteryes, well posting an individual auction doesn't require a h/w event, like bid/buyout
21:43.49bleeterwhich is why that can be botted
21:44.23Lin_with sure they are those damn gold farmers, exploring WoW resources.
21:44.23Kaydeethreespeaking of h/w events... nearly a year later I'm still pining for the good ol' days of fully-automated water dispensing...
21:44.47bleeterKaydeethree: 2.3 or 2.4 fountains/muffin factories?
21:45.02Kaydeethreeit'd be nice, I don't see it happening
21:45.19bleetercoulda sworn I heard someone mention that it was said @ Blizzcon they were gunna do that
21:45.34bleetergah, time for Uni... cyaz
21:45.42foxlit|macback in my days, we summoned level 60 water in bunches of 2, and we _liked_ it!
21:46.00bleeteroh, if anyone can post an answer to it'd be appreciated :)
21:46.12Kaydeethreefoxlit|mac, diaf
21:46.41Thunder_Childbleeter, yes they are....dunno when though...before exp
21:47.35foxlit|macwell, I could actually say "Back n my days, we had no level-appropriate water to summon, and we _liked_ it.", but somehow that isn't quite as good
21:47.50Thunder_ChildKaydeethree, they even described the food thing...where it will look like a feast on a table etc.
21:47.55*** join/#wowi-lounge bl4q (
21:48.07KaydeethreeI missed that... class discussion day 1?
21:48.33Thunder_Childi dont remember which one, but it was from the QA part
21:48.52Thunder_Childmight have been...i was there for that one
21:49.01foxlit|macYou sure that wasn't the picking table TCG reward presentation?
21:49.03Kaydeethreeit must've... I sat in for 2
21:49.55Thunder_Childhopefully they will do 2 stacks/click
21:50.06Thunder_Childsinec thats standard for handouts
21:50.31Thunder_Childyes foxlit|mac
21:50.35Thunder_Childi am sure
21:54.41Saint-Nhahah go google for hello kitty ;P
21:55.04Saint-Ngo go gadget google love of wowi ;P
21:55.52Kaydeethreehm? not in the first page of results for me
21:56.19Thunder_Childcarefull..someone may beat you to the UI
21:57.10Saint-Noh wait just noticed that i did a "hello kitty warcraft"
21:57.18Saint-Nthats too bad now ;)
22:02.23Thunder_Childhuh....ironman trailer looks good
22:03.41*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
22:03.51Kasoit looks very good
22:04.06Nom-hmmm this is wierd... auctioneer is insisting on using its auto price as the market value instead of 2% lower than the highest on there at the moment
22:04.12Nom-I wonder how much gold this has cost me :(
22:04.18Nom-er lowest on there i mean
22:05.39Nom-ah it basing the price off stacks, when the singles are more pricy atm
22:05.49cog|workHello Kitteh
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22:17.54*** part/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
22:18.38|Jelly|!c us burning legion broxis
22:18.40ThraeBot|Jelly|: Broxis, Level 70 Orc Warrior (35/23/3). 11484 HP; 10066 Armour; 1470 AP; 234.7 Melee DPS; 32.3% melee crit; 66 melee hit; 6.82% dodge; 5% block; 312 resilience;[[ TBR: 1442 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Mon Sep 10 18:30:57 2007 ]]
22:25.44Shirik|AFK!vs us burning legion broxis us drenden kimina
22:25.47ThraeBotShirik|AFK: Broxis vs Kimina! A L70 warrior and a L70 priest square off!; 35/23/3 vs 23/38/0; Broxis wins by 554 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
22:25.52Shirik|AFKI saw that one coming
22:26.13Nom-hmm you guys reckon it's worth switching my alchemist to transmute ?
22:26.27Nom-can you make any kind of living off transmute procs? :/
22:27.09clad|booklol at the raid on draka that's been up since, like, 1.6
22:27.29Nom-So where's the alchemy money at?  just flasks ?
22:27.59Shirik|AFKand pots
22:28.13Shirik|AFKpriests who aren't alchemy will pay a fortune in mana pots
22:28.23clad|bookunless they send to their guildmates
22:28.35Nom-yeah, but unless i find the mats myself, it doesn't seem to have any money
22:28.37Shirik|AFKguilds don't help each other
22:28.38Shirik|AFKdon't lie
22:28.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
22:29.04Nom-Or do you really have to rely 100% on procs to make money from the pots market
22:29.26Nom-The way our server economy is going, the mana pots sell for about 15% less than the price of the mats
22:29.56AnduinLotharthat's typical
22:30.43Cideelixir spec -> flasks
22:30.46AnduinLotharthe onyl crafted markes I know of are made by either discovering a deficite or creating one
22:31.00Cidesave up on mats for the new flasks in 2.2 (provided you have the recipes)
22:31.41AnduinLotharfree action pots on wsg weekend is a good example
22:31.42Nom-i don't
22:32.09Nom-unfortunately i have only 1 discovery so far in alchemy
22:32.15Nom-and i've made pots like crazy lately
22:32.31AnduinLotharbut the better income comes from higher priced elixers that raiders use
22:32.59Cideraiders don't use a lot of elixirs, really
22:33.04Cidejust a select few
22:33.10Cideselect few elixirs, that is
22:33.11AnduinLotharflasks don't make too much money mostly because people always get them made in-guild
22:33.26AnduinLotharand non-raiders never use them
22:33.49AnduinLotharexcept maybe some elite pvpers
22:34.13*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
22:34.54AnduinLothara guy in my guild is monopolizing the netherweave market
22:35.01AnduinLotharit's up to 4g a stack avg
22:35.10Nom-lol that's normal for my server
22:35.18Nom-it was 3g 75s when i logged
22:35.37clad|booki've always wanted to do that
22:35.39clad|booki totally have the time, too
22:35.46clad|bookand the money
22:36.17AnduinLotharhe's got lots of friends being payed to post for prices above his
22:36.33AnduinLotharand buying cloth in bunches of 8000
22:36.46cog|workgood to be a cloth farmer then...
22:37.00Nom-i wish i had the gold to do that
22:37.24Nom-6 pages of netherweave, even if i only added 50s a stack, it'd be worth it
22:37.33AnduinLothareverytime i've tried I lose money.
22:37.49AnduinLotharprolly never started with a large neough market
22:39.04Nom-i've got a guildie who was actually able to loan me 4k gold for my mount
22:39.10Nom-he won't share his secrets tho :(
22:39.29zenzelezznothing to it, just be careful about your gold
22:39.35zenzelezzand do your dailies
22:39.40Nom-I do
22:40.05Nom-He says he makes more than 2k a week though, and dailies along can't do that
22:40.23zenzelezzI'm at 6250 now, gave away 4000 some weeks ago, spent ~2000 on useless stuff
22:40.47Nom-and do you grind, play the ah?
22:41.14zenzelezzwell, I grind stuff instead of buying, but I don't grind to sell
22:41.16AnduinLothari would have money if i didn't have raiding gear sets for prot, ret and holy
22:41.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work_ (
22:41.24AnduinLotharand if i didn't respec 2x a weeks
22:41.39Nom-well that's part of the problem for me i guess
22:41.49Nom-i raid 4 days a week, respec about 4 times a week
22:41.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
22:42.13zenzelezzouch, that's a lot of respeccing
22:42.17zenzelezzwhat class do you play?
22:42.31Nom-I tank for some fights, and heal for others
22:42.55Nom-So for instnace i
22:42.57AnduinLotharplaying a pally is like playing 3 lvl 70 alts and only being able to do 1 set of dailies
22:43.14Nom-I'll tank Hydross, Tidewalker
22:43.28Nom-But I have to heal Lurker and Fathom-lord
22:43.38Valaron|WorkHaha.. I disconnected my workstation from the network.
22:43.44Nom-I usually don't have to respec until after Lurker is dead though
22:43.45zenzelezzwe have a ret paladin, but no prot ones
22:43.53Nom-Tide-walker i mean
22:44.00AnduinLothar>.< you respec durring the raid? thats harsh
22:44.14Nom-Depends on how quickly we're moving
22:44.23AnduinLotharif oyu have full epic gear you can heal pretty well w/o the spec
22:44.30zenzelezzalso got one feral and one moonkin
22:44.36Nom-If we get Hydross, Lurker and Tidewalker down quick enough, then  I have to respec for Fathom-lord
22:44.58Nom-I do have good gear, yea, but mana doesn't last long
22:45.13zenzelezzdiversion; I find it funny when people call Karathress "phantom lord"
22:45.17AnduinLotharbut mana pots are cheeper than respecs
22:45.21Nom-Once we seriously have the bosses on farm, then i should be ok
22:45.43zenzelezzsuper mana potions are like half the price of super healing potions :-|
22:45.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Viserion (
22:47.09AnduinLotharhow much mp5 nom?
22:47.23Nom-120ish before any buffs i think
22:47.31Nom-I can spam forever in holy spec, due to the free crits
22:47.39Nom-Well, cheaper crits
22:47.49Nom-but without them, mana runs out unless it's a light healing fight
22:51.29AnduinLotharone thing to try is a super high spirit weapon you can swap in when you need to regen, then stop casting for 10s at a time
22:51.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
22:52.12Nom-I'm a paladin
22:52.16Nom-Can't really do that :)
22:52.36Nom-I'm an MT flashbot
22:52.47Nom-Constantly spamming flash is what i have to d
22:53.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
22:53.02AnduinLotharthen 200mp5 is the goal
22:53.52Nom-with BoW i'd be pretty close to that
22:54.06AnduinLotharyou can also spread out your casts
22:54.31AnduinLotharsince they aren't quite as time sensitive due to the cast time
23:00.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
23:00.55cog|workIs it wrong of me to reply to a chain e-mail from my grandma with "Please don't send me chain e-mails. They don't get blocked by my spam blocker."
23:02.08KaydeethreeI did the same thing to my grandmother, more along the lines of "I get enough of these every day, would you mind taking me off of the cc: list?"
23:02.44AnduinLothar"hey gm, thanks for thinking of me, but I'd rather not get chain letters. Love you!"
23:03.37Shirik|AFK!ap 1556
23:03.37ThraeBotShirik|AFK: Arena points from a rating of 1556 is, 2v2: 307, 3v3: 351, 5v5: 439
23:06.35Wobin_I taught my mother about
23:06.45Wobin_so she could refute the chain letters herself =)
23:07.23Wobin_much more effective when my luddite appearing mother sends Snopes links back to the family 'OMG WATCH FOR MUGGER' emails
23:13.11Shirik|AFKI just 1v1'ed a lock
23:13.12Shirik|AFKand won
23:13.22Kaydeethreeis it a blue moon?
23:13.27Shirik|AFKas a holy priest
23:13.30Shirik|AFKI'm still not understanding this
23:14.08Wobin_I read that as 'lvl'ed"
23:14.16|Jelly|Me too.
23:14.18Wobin_and thought wow. a 'lock to 70?
23:14.21CideI've never done that. ever.
23:14.26Cidewell, since BC
23:14.26|Jelly|I was thinking "Question mark?"
23:14.38Cidethat must be an absolutely terrible warlock
23:14.55Shirik|AFKI also had to use quite literally every cooldown I had
23:14.57Wobin_I had a shadowlab run
23:15.05Wobin_where the holy priest outdamaged -everyone-
23:15.05Shirik|AFKeven the ones I've never used in an arena before
23:15.07Shirik|AFKconsume magic?
23:15.13Shirik|AFKI've never ever used consume magic in an arena
23:15.54Wobin_damn, I so should have looked at the recount session for that run
23:16.24Cidewell yeah
23:16.38Cidebut I'm sure said holy priest drank after every pull, too :P
23:17.17Wobin_actually ... no O.O
23:17.32Shirik|AFKThe lock died after the shadow priest died but before the lock did much
23:17.34|Jelly|*sigh* Ok. The G15 issue is really pissing me off now.
23:17.55Shirik|AFKthe rest of the lock was up to me ><
23:18.03Shirik|AFKBasically I shadow word pain and kited
23:18.07Shirik|AFKand when he life tapped, I mana burned
23:18.24Shirik|AFK!ap 1569
23:18.24ThraeBotShirik|AFK: Arena points from a rating of 1569 is, 2v2: 318, 3v3: 363, 5v5: 454
23:21.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Fridgid (n=Fridgid@
23:21.29Shirik|AFK|Jelly|: Btw, there's your proof I'm overpowered
23:22.44|Jelly|Proof you hax imo.
23:22.59Shirik|AFKthe lock kinda did suck thoyugh
23:23.04|Jelly|And my stupid media keys don't work unless iTunes is the focus. ...which completely defeats the purpose.
23:23.06Shirik|AFKif you keep getting mana burned
23:23.10Shirik|AFKobviously the solution is not to life tap
23:23.38Cidegood locks have you dead before mana is an issue :P
23:23.48CideI actually beat a warlock once
23:23.53Cidehe was level 65
23:23.57Shirik|AFKI would also like to point out
23:23.59Shirik|AFKI had....
23:24.01Cideand I had to wand him to death with 11.7k hp
23:25.12Shirik|AFK150 +damage is what I had
23:25.41Cidepretty nice job then
23:26.04Cideah well
23:26.07CideI'm off to sleep!
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