IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070909

00:00.04alestaneart3mis: That color in general needs to go away.
00:00.15art3mismint green and pink are hello kitty colours
00:00.24Wraangerfor tanking - boar or owl
00:00.28art3misthey're contrasting colours that work together ;P
00:00.32alestaneAcid green and neon pink don't mesh well.
00:00.47art3misso you mean the merchant frame
00:00.48Wraangerdps - cats are still the best
00:00.59art3miscuz the green of the bags is mint
00:00.59clad|booki need a tanking pet
00:01.03clad|bookowls are good?
00:01.06art3misclad|book: warboar!
00:01.07alestaneart3mis: It's bearable in the bag frame.
00:01.12art3misNOTHING beats a warboar
00:01.21art3misthey're awesome
00:01.29art3misa piggy
00:01.39art3misfrom umm blaster lands
00:01.40clad|bookyeah i know what boars are
00:01.45clad|bookbut the highest level boar is from ep
00:01.47art3misthe rare that spawns there
00:01.57art3misnods they're great pets
00:01.59alestaneIn the merchant frame it's hideous, I can't say much else about it.
00:01.59clad|bookhe'd take forever to level up
00:02.05art3miscan take a beatting good at holding aggro
00:02.08Wraangerclad: < see the garble in the minimap coords ? how to get rid of it ? you got nothing like that in TomTom =(((((((((
00:02.08kergothWraanger, from what i've heard, scorps, wind serpents, and ravagers all do a bit more dps than cats do.  though scorp wont be the case after 2.2
00:02.12art3misand annoying as hell in pvp
00:02.22kergothi love my cat in runs, but the boar is awesome for solo pve, charge is soo nice
00:02.27kergothinstant 4-5k threat = love
00:02.30Wraangerserpents WAS doing more damage ...
00:02.43clad|bookravagers are awesome at dps
00:02.46art3misdid they fix the owl and bats in pvp?
00:02.47clad|bookjust not so much at tanking
00:02.54alestaneGonna ask this one again for the Mac developers here...any Lua package for Xcode?
00:03.00art3misthat spazzy shreik every 2 seconds thing?
00:03.13clad|bookalestane: what do you mean Lua package?
00:03.17clad|booki'm not very familiar with xcode
00:03.22alestaneFor syntax coloring.
00:03.27art3mislike what scite and notepad++ has
00:03.31clad|bookoh i dunno
00:03.37art3misi think there is
00:03.37clad|bookWraanger: do what i do when makign the fontstring
00:03.39clad|bookbest i can offer you
00:03.48art3misi read about something like that on a wiki a couple days ago but skimmed cuz it was mac
00:04.09art3misbut as to specifics not a clue
00:04.28alestaneI'm using BBEdit Lite for the moment, but wondering if there's a better tool...I really like the auto-complete feature in Visual Studio for XML, but I don't know if a Mac equivalent even exists.
00:04.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
00:04.50IrielI use emacs (Carbon Emacs) and nxml mode
00:05.04IrielI'm sure there's a friendlier toolset tho
00:05.06clad|book<3 carbon emacs
00:05.13alestaneIriel: Is that preinstalled or did you get it somewhere?
00:05.21IrielThe latter
00:05.23clad|booknxml doesn't have any auto-completion or anything like that tho, does it?
00:05.49IrielIt does if you give it a .RNC file for the schema
00:06.07ThraeWhich is faster in pattern matching -- "." or "[%s_]" where you can be explicit, but don't really need to be?
00:06.38clad|bookI suspect testing is the only way to find out?
00:07.01nevcairieli would put my money on the dot, but thats more a feeling then anything
00:07.01foxlitI'd vote for ., but go test!
00:07.05ThraeYeah, lemme finish this up then I'll test
00:07.07IrielI suspect . is faster if it's always a match, but depending on what the rest of your pattern looks like, [%s_] may eliminate some searches so as clad suggests, test it
00:08.22Wraangerclad: tbh, i can't find where you create font string on Coords frame in TomTom
00:09.04ThraeIt's for a RSS torrent script, which sometimes sees spaces instead of underscores (how dare they not conform to ISO-92031 standard?!)
00:09.20Wraangeri only found :TomTomFrame.Text = DongleFrames:Create("p=TomTomFrame#t=FontString#inh=GameFontNormal", "CENTER", 0, 0)
00:09.26alestaneI am rapidly falling in love with the "OnAttributChanged" script.
00:09.29ThraeAnd once, I saw it seperated by actual yeah, I think . is good
00:09.59clad|bookWraanger: you have an old versino of TomTom
00:10.00clad|bookto say the least
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00:10.29alestaneIriel: Did you see that in 2.2 RegisterStateDriver supports hidingshowing of frames on any macro condition, without a separate state handler?
00:10.45ThraeI'm modifying someone else's script, trying to figure out why they converted all spaces to _ in their format.lua, then convert the actual RSS feed from spaces to _ again, instead of using .
00:11.01Irielalestane: Yes, I suggested it 8-)
00:11.18alestaneI don't think it's in the upcoming changes thread.
00:11.33IrielHm, really? I'll go remedy that
00:11.55alestaneThat was why I wasn't sure if you knew or not.
00:12.20alestaneOh, and it makes my next addon rewrite about 5 times easier, so thank you.
00:12.50alestaneNope, not in there.
00:13.43IrielAs soon as I find my firefox window I'll add it
00:13.52alestanePress F9
00:14.10alestaneExpose is a wonderful thing.
00:14.34Wobin_has everyone flossed their cat today?
00:14.38IrielI had it minimized
00:15.07alestaneWobin_: OMG no I forgot to do that! Thanks so much!
00:15.18alestaneAnd while I'm at it I need to take the anvil out of the oven!
00:15.30IrielWobin_: We only floss ours every 2-3 days, he's not due until tomorrow
00:15.42nevcairielIriel: now allow target changes in that statedriver too =)
00:15.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
00:16.28alestanenevcairiel: You can use [exists], [help]and [harm] to get just about all the options that Blizz is going to give you.
00:16.39Irielnevcairiel: You mean change targets when states change, without an action firing? That fell outside of the 'allowed' list I figured out why he does it
00:17.21Wraangerclad: is there a difference if you set the font on creation of the FontString or set it later with SetFont ?
00:17.37clad|bookwell i dont' set font on creation
00:17.41clad|booki inherit
00:17.44clad|bookso yes, there's a difference.
00:18.12alestaneWobin_: That's so wrong I don't know where to start.
00:19.06nevcairielIriel: not change target, base target on conditions, like [target=targettarget, help], i cant get that working right with secure buttons only, i always fallback to macrotext option
00:19.13Wobin_alestane: I know ><
00:19.14Wraangerumm ...i try to use SetFont because I am trying to make addon independent of what font player uses as normal game font ...
00:19.27purlbleach is, like, BAAAANN.... KAI!!!!!!
00:19.39alestaneI don't think that was what I meant.
00:20.32Irielnevcairiel: ah, I see what you're asking.. though that would be a SecureActionButton facility rather than the state driver.
00:21.03Irielthough you could get sort of close with a state driver and some fancy button remapping
00:21.13nevcairieli tried
00:21.14IrielYou'd just have to assign a state to each possible unit
00:21.29nevcairieli have this macro ->, and i cant get that functionality into states only
00:21.29alestaneI'm also using something similar when 2.3 comes out to add implied targeting.
00:21.32Irieland then use RegisterStateDriver to switch states
00:22.21Irielalestane: Does that description make sense (2.2 sticky, 2nd post at the end)
00:23.16alestaneRegisterStateDriver(header, 'target', "[modifier:alt] player; [help] target; [target=targettarget,help] targettarget; none")
00:23.42nevcairielthat would so much own
00:24.09IrielYou can use alestane's line above, with some careful attribute setup, today
00:24.23alestaneIt can work, just more code than I can put here.
00:24.42nevcairielYeah, i put it on delay anyway, since i cannot figure out which spells are helpfull
00:24.44nevcairieland which harmfull
00:24.51nevcairielthat will be in with 2.3 tho
00:25.13nevcairielso push 2.2 live and gief 2.3 PTR already!
00:26.07alestaneI know, I'm the one who requested those functions.
00:26.12Kaydeethreeas soon as they fix the fubar'd vista sound issues
00:28.42alestaneIriel: Can you give me an example of a correct "headstateunit" value?
00:28.59alestaneI'm having trouble grokking the syntax.
00:29.47Wraangerclad: why you passing "elapsed" to CoordsFrameOnUpdate ?
00:30.12clad|bookwhat do you mean?
00:30.30IrielAll OnUpdates are passed elapsed by WoW
00:31.30Irielalestane: "1-3:player;4:target;9:party1"
00:31.55Wraangerlocal function CoordFrame_OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
00:31.57alestaneIriel: I doesn't look like I can set a header's unit to "none" with this attribute, it will be changed to nil instead.
00:32.11clad|bookWraanger: yes, as Iriel said.. every OnUpdate is passed two two arguments.
00:32.24alestaneShould we suggest that "clear" be used instead?
00:32.24IrielUnfortunately I was using "none" before slouken added it as a valid unit id
00:32.44Irielyou might try "NONE", I like "clear" as a suggestion for an alternative, I'll send it to slouken
00:32.46Wraangerso local function CoordFrame_OnUpdate(self, elapsed) is the same as local function CoordFrame_OnUpdate()?
00:33.06alestaneSo if nevca wants the ability to target "none", he'll need to do button remapping until something changes.
00:33.17clad|bookWraanger: no, again.. you really should read up on the Lua programming language.
00:33.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
00:33.54Wraangerread like many times ..just ...don't understood somethings yet 0
00:34.03sioraiocht@src [] pure
00:34.11sioraiochtwrong window
00:34.33clad|bookWraanger: local function CoordFrame_OnUpdate(self, elasped) end is just a function that takes two parameters
00:35.21Irielalestane: Sent
00:35.25art3misvery few things in life are better than owning a bose lifestyle home theatre and cranking up they might be giants louder than the ghetto rap coming from your enighbors
00:36.03alestaneCool. Just you have a better communication channel with the UI team than just the forums? I'm sure you're not supposed to share it if so, that's okay, just wondering.
00:36.25IrielI have his email address 8-)
00:36.31alestaneVery cool.
00:37.16IrielIt helps sometimes when he's too busy to get to the forums and a real issue comes up, I can send links.
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00:44.28Wraangerhrm ...when i reduced updating coords text to 0.1 sec though use of elapsed and count ...font garbling seems to not be present any more ...
00:46.21alestaneIs it reasonably safe to use _G[] or should I use getfenv()[]?
00:46.37nevcairieli guess the results would be the same
00:47.01Thraealestane: local _G = getfenv(0) <-- this will let you know which environment you're working with
00:47.26ThraeAnd also make the call to _G a local.
00:47.36nevcairiel_G is predefined in wow since 2.0 .. would be interesting to see if its exactly the same table you get from getfenv
00:47.43alestaneI'm just looking for frames in the global environment by constructed name.
00:47.59alestanelocal label = _G[button:GetName().."Name"]
00:48.35Thraenevcairiel: Eh, I've always used getfenv(0) fine
00:48.56Thraealestane: If you want, you can do local _G = _G
00:48.59nevcairielThrae: not saying its bad :)
00:49.09Cide_G == getfenv(0), yes
00:49.23Cideby default...
00:49.26ThraeCide: It would be funny if it wasn't
00:49.32CideThrae: yep :P
00:50.00Cide>>> _G = { }; return "hilarity ensues"
00:50.00CideCide: "hilarity ensues"
00:50.28alestaneThat won't actually affect the environment though.
00:50.36CideI'm aware
00:50.46Cideit'll just do getfenv(0)["_G"] = { }
00:51.32*** part/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
00:51.41nevcairielbut it will break addons relying on the globally set _G
00:51.45Cidebut it'd have consequences for addons using _G without creating a local copy of it
00:54.22alestaneInteresting trick...I have to either show a whole bunch of textures or hide all those same I said local showHide = (var and 'Show') or 'Hide'; for  BLAH do texture[showHide](texture) end
00:55.21Cideyep :)
00:55.57Cideyou could also do...
00:55.58alestaneShould be equivalent to if var then texture:Show() else texture:Hide() end but with much tighet performance.
00:56.19Cidelocal f = Frame[showHide]; for BLAH do f(texture); end
00:56.43alestaneAre the classes accessible in Lua?
00:56.52Cideno, you need a frame available
00:57.15alestaneSo "Frame" above should be the name of an actual frame
00:58.17alestanebrb, testing
01:04.01alestaneOkay, weird error..."[string " *:OnLoad"]:2: AdvancedOptionsActionBars:SetPoint(): UIOptionsFrameCheckButton36 is dependent on this"
01:04.33alestaneI think I get it now though.
01:11.11alestaneI love 15-minute addons.
01:11.25alestane That and the TOC are the whole add-on.
01:12.16alestaneHrm, only it doesn't show up.
01:20.38alestaneI think I must have a well-formedness issue.
01:21.48clad|bookyou can't use < in XML
01:21.52clad|bookor >
01:22.03alestaned'oh, that's probably it.
01:22.11alestaneYou can actually use >,
01:23.42alestaneI should have known better, I ran into that one before.
01:25.57alestaneOn that silly little addon that played a sound if you successfully turned invisible.
01:26.22alestaneThe button appears but fails silently.
01:29.09*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
01:37.09alestaneNow it works.
01:45.28sioraiochtlua> print(type(type(4)))
01:45.29cladbotsioraiocht: string
01:46.09sioraiochtlua> print(4)
01:46.09cladbotsioraiocht: 4
01:46.30sioraiochtlua >print(print)
01:46.35sioraiochtlua> print(print)
01:46.36cladbotsioraiocht: function: 0x8072200
01:48.08sioraiochtlua > toString(4)
01:48.11sioraiochtlua> toString(4)
01:48.12cladbotsioraiocht: [string "toString(4)"]:1: attempt to call global 'toString' (a nil value)
01:48.23sioraiochtlua> tostring(4)
01:48.23cladbotsioraiocht: 4,
01:48.45clad|booklua> mt = {__tostring=function() return "monkey"}  local t = setmetatable({}, mt) print(t)
01:48.45cladbotclad|book: sandbox.lua:285: Compilation failed: [string "mt = {__tostring=function() return "monkey"}  local t = setmeta..."]:1: 'end' expected near '}'
01:49.06clad|booklua> mt = {__tostring=function() return "monkey"} ; local t = setmetatable({}, mt))
01:49.06cladbotclad|book: sandbox.lua:285: Compilation failed: [string "mt = {__tostring=function() return "monkey"} ; local t = setmet..."]:1: 'end' expected near '}'
01:49.17clad|booklua> mt = {__tostring=function() return "monkey" end}  local t = setmetatable({}, mt) print(t)
01:49.17cladbotclad|book: {  } (#1)
01:49.25clad|booklol interesting
01:49.29clad|booklua> mt = {__tostring=function() return "monkey" end}  local t = setmetatable({}, mt) print(tostring(t))
01:49.29cladbotclad|book: monkey
02:11.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsikura (
02:26.35*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
02:27.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
02:27.18*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
02:31.41clad|book!ap 1606
02:31.41ThraeBotclad|book: Arena points from a rating of 1606 is, 2v2: 349, 3v3: 399, 5v5: 499
02:41.08Shirikwhat exactly is spellsurge and why do I keep getting it?
02:43.13clad|bookwep buff
02:43.16clad|booksomeone else has it
02:47.47ShirikI like it :)
03:22.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
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03:58.57Shirikthis is pure genius
04:07.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Leachim (
04:28.21ShirikUse: Restores 6000 health over 30 seconds. Must remain seated while eating. If you spend at least 10 seconds eating you will become well fed and gain $s1 Stamina and $s2 Spirit for 15 min.
04:28.24ShirikI laughed
04:30.15bleeterKaydeethree: just so you don't miss this rather legendary PTR thread ...
04:31.15Kaydeethreeoh good god... glorienn is that guy's main. I figured he was 13, that just proved it
04:32.29bleeteras a mage, it's useless spell to steal .... but looks freakin' cool ;)
04:32.41KaydeethreeI do it to level staves
04:32.46Shirikyou know
04:32.55Shirikgoing to Karazhan and being the only priest without gear is fricking awesome
04:33.08ShirikI just got shoved three pieces >.>
04:38.08*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
04:38.47*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop_ (
04:39.44Shirikhai |Jelly|Laptop
04:39.58|Jelly|LaptopHi Shirik
04:40.07Shirik14(0011:3111:4914) 14(11Shirik14) you know
04:40.07Shirik14(0011:3111:5814) 14(11Shirik14) going to Karazhan and being the only priest without gear is fricking awesome
04:40.16|Jelly|Laptop!vs us burning legion jelly us drenden kimina
04:40.20ThraeBot|Jelly|Laptop: Jelly vs Kimina! Two 70 priests square off!; Kimina wins by 154 TBRs!
04:40.24|Jelly|Laptopgod damnit
04:40.33Shirikhey, be happy
04:40.35ShirikIt's going down
04:40.39Shirikwhich I still don't understand
04:40.45Shirikthough I have to say
04:40.50|Jelly|LaptopWhy? Cause I would OWN you? But that doesn't mean anything?
04:40.54ShirikOne of the pieces I got today I'm still not wearing
04:41.08Shirikoh, I never logged out actually, so that's way wrong
04:42.14Shirikalso I dropped my spell crit
04:42.17Shirikwhich should help you
04:42.20ShirikI got alchemist's stone now
04:42.31|Jelly|Laptop!c us burning legion jelly
04:42.32ThraeBot|Jelly|Laptop: Jelly, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (23/38/0). 6821 HP; 10005 Mana; 343 mana regen; 125 mp5; 90 +spell dmg; 1539 +heal; 5.06% dodge;[[ TBR: 550 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep  9 00:52:20 2007 ]]
04:42.41|Jelly|Laptop5% dodge!!!
04:42.51Shirik!c us drenden Kimina
04:42.51ThraeBotShirik: Kimina, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (23/38/0). 5411 HP; 9120 Mana; 414 mana regen; 130 mp5; 26 spell crit; 145 +spell dmg; 1066 +heal; 5.06% dodge;[[ TBR: 704 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep  9 00:52:21 2007 ]]
04:44.23Shirik=( armory isn't updating me
04:45.22Thunder_Child!c us dreanor prismaitc
04:45.22ThraeBotThunder_Child: prismaitc is not the character you are looking for!
04:45.22|Jelly|LaptopI'm sorry.
04:45.34Thunder_Child!c us draenor prismaitc
04:45.35ThraeBotThunder_Child: prismaitc is not the character you are looking for!
04:45.39Shirik~fail Thunder_Child
04:45.40purlThunder_Child: Fail.
04:45.45Thunder_Childso it seems
04:46.08Thunder_Childwhat happens if you logg out dead?
04:50.15*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
04:54.34alestaneDo an add-ons SavedVariables load before it starts executing, or is it critical to trap "ADDON_LOADED" or "VARIABLES_LOADED"?
04:57.05Irielthe latter
04:57.17IrielADDON_LOADED is the recommended one since it works for LoD and normal addons
04:57.33alestaneWhich is annoying when you don't actually want to create any of your own frames.
04:57.54IrielWell, dont use the variables until after the player's logged in
04:58.07IrielFor any addon with slash commands, not referencing the variables until you're invoked is always safe
04:58.25alestaneBut I think I'm already hooking the parent frame's event handler anyway, so I should be able to add to that.
04:59.11alestaneOut of curiosity, is there a reason why the load manager starts loading your addon before it loads the saved variables? It seems like it would make more sense to run those files first.
04:59.42ShirikBecause Blizzard declared it to be so
04:59.46Shirikso it was written, so it was done
04:59.57alestaneThat's a mechanism, not a reason.
05:00.39Shirikin any case
05:01.10IrielIt makes initializing defaults easier
05:01.10Shirikif you were to run the SV file first
05:01.10Irielyou often dont care when your variables were loaded
05:01.10Shirikthen an addon could easily overwrite them mid-load
05:01.10Shirikwhich would be bad
05:01.10Shirikyeah what Iriel said
05:02.09alestaneSo you set the defaults during your .lua execute, and then count on your SV to overwrite them when it loads?
05:02.19Shirikthat's an option, yes
05:02.20Irielthats what the  Base UI does
05:02.30Shirikdo I do that? No, but it's definitely an option
05:02.43alestaneI usually wait for the loaded event and then set anything that's still nil to a default.
05:02.56Shirikwhich requires quite a bit more processing time
05:03.41alestaneOn the other hand, if my defaults are all tables, then when the saved values are assigned to them then don't the defaults become garbage?
05:04.01IrielThe standard UI doesn't use tables for its setttings
05:04.08Irielit's very simple (K.I.S.S. remember)
05:04.15IrielOf course, that's ugly from a namespace perspective
05:04.15ShirikAnd at the risk of sounding rude, I'm going to say this: Garbage is NOT a bad thing. Pound that into your head.
05:04.24Irielbut if you own the sandbox, you can pee where you want
05:04.26ShirikOverly excessive memory churn and usage is, yes
05:04.37ShirikBut don't try to avoid garbage 100%. That defeats the purpose of having a GC in the first place.
05:05.00alestaneSo, as two experienced mod developers, what do YOU advocate for handling persistent settings?
05:05.02IrielIndeed, unnecessary creation of garbage (or excessive, good word there) is the problem
05:05.24IrielI do tables and merge on ADDON_LOADED, but only because of namespace concerns
05:05.38ShirikI do something really complicated that I don't want to even try to describe
05:05.44Shirikbut for simpler addons, that's exactly what I do
05:06.07ShirikI have a table, init it to defaults when the Lua script is first run, and then allow the UI to overwrite those defaults later
05:07.11alestaneThe other thing I like about the idea of tables is that there's only one thing to catch a local copy of.
05:07.12Shirikactually, hell. At the very root, even Conspiracy follows that concept
05:07.24ShirikConspiracyData = {Character = {}, Global = {}, Version = Conspiracy._version};-- Blizzard SV Table
05:07.36ShirikWhich, yes, is a bunch of garbage
05:07.38Shirikoh well
05:08.01IrielThe stock UI does a forced GC run after loading
05:08.08Irielso who cares
05:08.40alestaneAnd I've seen several spots where the stock UI does keep things in tables...not usually saved variables, though, but I think some things like the Raid UI and other things that generate on-the-fly data may use them.
05:09.04alestaneBut they tended strongly away from it, yes, especially in the beginning.
05:09.05IrielMy comment was in the context of saved variables
05:10.10Irielthough I think the original developers of much of the lua UI code werer't all that advanced, they made it work tho
05:10.36alestaneThey did. And they're slowly making it work better.
05:10.44alestaneAnd we're trying to help.
05:11.25alestane(I intend to get a revised version of my proposal up tomorrow if possible, without some of the scope creep, and taking into account some of the feedback.)
05:13.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Fridgid (n=Fridgid@
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05:17.16alestaneI'm afraid that as far as state-sensitive attributes go, I haven't come up with any brilliant solutions yet....of all the remapping options I've considered, none of them would work noticeably better than the current system. I personally still prefer the idea of giving attributes the option to be state-sensitive, although I grasp your concern about it.
05:18.25alestaneThe only actual case of separator collision I can think of is macrotext...and I sort of think that's already pretty state-sensitive. I shudder to think of what someone could do with a button that rotated between several castsequences based on state.
05:19.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
05:19.17alestaneIf I understand correctly, even spell names won't be affected by the normal syntax rules.
05:20.07IrielPower Word: Shield ?
05:20.53alestaneframe:SetAttribute('spell', "1:Flash Heal; 2:Power Word: Shield")
05:21.20IrielYeah, but think of NORMAL people
05:21.29Irielframe:SetAttribute("spell", "Power Word: Shield")
05:21.33alestaneApply state rules...split at semicolon -> "1:Flash Heal" and "2:Power Word: Shield"
05:21.56alestaneThat's something I did address in the revised proposal based on your feedback.
05:22.10alestaneAn attribute won't be parsed for state by default.
05:22.38Shiriknight guys
05:22.56alestaneFor instance, 'spell' will be treated as a simple attribute unless 'checkstate-spell' is set to something logically true on the same frame.
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05:25.10alestaneThat way the default behaviors of the buttons won't change.
05:26.27Irielsounds like a good step while we think of a 'real' solution
05:27.28alestaneI have one other question for you; you advocated that if a separate frame is used to drive state, that it should be a distinct attribute such as the current 'stateheader'. If 'state' and 'stateheader' are both valid for a particular frame, which do you think should take precedence?
05:28.32Irielpersonally I'd vote for 'state'
05:29.02Irielit's more intuitive, and faster
05:29.41alestaneThat was the conceptual reason behind allowing 'state' to be a frame and effectively replace 'stateheader'...a frame can only have one source of state, so it makes sense for it to be stored in the same place. But I'm flexible on that one.
05:30.43alestaneDo you think it's acceptable, in cases where 'useparent-state' is set, to return the value of 'state-parent' on the querying frame? Will it yield better performance or could it break things?
05:31.27alestane(if 'state-parent' is present, anyway)
05:32.27IrielI think that may be confusinng, and potentially inconsistent if the parent isn't set up right
05:33.06alestaneIt's only being used for optimization purposes, so if you think it's likely to break things, it can go.
05:34.30alestaneIt was basically in to take advantage of the fact that state headers pass their state to all their children through that attribute, so I figured it would either be accurate or missing...but you know what happens when we assume.
05:34.36IrielIf I thought the benefit was really significant then I'd be more inclined to explore the limitations, but it's a fairly minor 'advantage' and it could be wierd so that's why I think we should avoid it
05:34.44alestaneFair enough.
05:35.29alestaneWell, it's after 1:30am here, and my wife is waiting for me. I just have to write a bindings-porting function tomorrow and we can start hashing it over again.
05:35.37IrielI've got some ideas on optimizing the general 'state dependent' code a bit someday, but it involves some API's we dont have yet. Maybe when 3.0 comes along we can try and make some bigger change s 8-)
06:03.05ThraeI just found out there is a city named "Volcano" in Hawaii. I would love to say "I live in Hawaii, yes. Volcano, that's where I live."
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07:02.23art3misthrae: you'd need to be a virgin
07:02.27ckknightThrae: that's not a city
07:02.34art3misif legends are true, thats all the ended up there ;P
07:02.51ckknightit's a small town at best. And one that nobody cares for
07:02.54art3misalthough considering you play a video game and program, it may already be a safe assumption
07:03.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
07:03.37art3miswonder how hard it would be to rip apart mazz's installer and covert it ?
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07:14.31art3mishrm i think im gonna work on a nice happy sp ui once im done with HKUI
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07:14.54|Jelly|Laptopcan you link that for me so i can show a friend real quick?
07:16.45|Jelly|Laptopgoing home
07:18.37art3miswhat would be a good "theme" style for a shadow priest?
07:31.11art3mishome already?
07:31.20|Jelly|I was only like six blocks away.
07:31.30art3miswow i didnt know you lived around the corner from mcdonalds
07:31.46|Jelly|...wasn't as McDonalds but good try
07:31.51art3missicne hk is more or less done im brainstorming for a new "ui"
07:32.09|Jelly|Shadow priest-esque, eh?
07:32.18art3misshould i go centered, minimal, fragmented elements, full bottom bar
07:32.37Thunder_Childuhhh...what you like best...
07:32.38art3misim leaning towards the fragmented using the eep2 scripting abilities
07:32.51art3misTC: im fine with HK's layout to be honest
07:32.56|Jelly|'elaborate. I haven't looked at eep2.
07:33.03art3misi wanna muck around with stuff though since playing the game is stupidly boring
07:33.03Thunder_Childthen why change?
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07:33.27Thunder_Childthen if it isnt to play...i'm still not seeing the point
07:33.29art3miseep2 frames have the ability now to embed and hook other prograzms
07:34.06art3missorta along the lines fot hat "raid box" i was talking about a few days ago, so you can display or hide elements depending on situation without completely fucking with yer ui layout
07:34.42art3misThunder_Child: it's mainly an i'm bored project to learn some new stuff but package it up all nice and neat
07:35.04art3misplus i need to make a new cyCircled overlay and colourise etc etc etc
07:35.23Thunder_Childthen i would recomend creating a package that apeals to you the most
07:35.34art3missince i have no real direction choice i was asking for comments as to what you guys perfer like use
07:35.51Thunder_Childmine :)
07:35.59art3miscuz ive seen otehrs use some pretty rad elements i wouldnt have thought of doing had i not seen it
07:39.07|Jelly|Any idea where I can find functional Vista drivers for a Nvidia Go 440?
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07:41.05|Jelly|Didn't work.
07:41.08Thunder_Childstupid lack of link thing
07:41.17Thunder_Childyou tried thoes already>
07:41.19|Jelly|I assure you, I googled before I asked. lol
07:41.46art3miswonder if the detonator3 drivers still work good for nvidia
07:42.24Thunder_Childtoshiba ;aptop?
07:42.41|Jelly|Compaq R3000
07:42.43Thunder_Childguess your gonna have to stick with XP
07:42.55|Jelly|But HP's site is "OMG! THAT LAPTOP ISN'T VISTA COMPATIBLE!"
07:43.23|Jelly|There's bound to be something out there. I just have to find it and make it work. lol
07:44.20art3misjelly use the forceware?
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07:44.48|Jelly|I'm redownloading it. Going to reinstall and see.
07:44.52art3misNVIDIA_NV17.DEV_0174.1 = "NVIDIA GeForce4 440 Go "
07:44.55art3missays it does
07:45.09|Jelly|Last time, after some digging, I found that windows killed the driver cause it was causing conflicts. :-\
07:45.13art3misi'd suggeast a removeal/delete of the directory full clean type
07:45.27art3misbefore you install and set to generic vesa
07:45.43|Jelly|I'm not entirely worried about it because if worst comes to worst, this will give me an excuse to set up Wine on Linus dualbox on my laptop.
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07:46.12|Jelly|...if I were only willing to make the jump on my desktop just yet. lol
07:46.35art3misheh both of mine are duals
07:46.51|Jelly|And thus far...only a couple hours playing around...I actually like Vista. The "can I do this?" boxes aren't as annoying as I imagined.
07:47.27art3misand you say i'm evil ;P
07:47.51|Jelly|Four Words: Hello Kitty User Interface
07:53.39Thunder_Childthe only way i will accept a dual boot is if i can switch between them like parallels
07:56.22|Jelly|"Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems." :\
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08:43.19art3misi think ive got a layout that it nice and symertrical
08:43.40art3misnow to find a nice happy "graphic" for the panels
08:44.08art3miseither of you familiar with gimp at all?
08:44.35art3misim wondering if it has some sort of auto panel feature
08:44.50art3misso i can specify dimensions and itll chop it up into seperate files for me
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08:51.12Nom-woot Karathress down ! :D
08:51.21Nom-1 more boss, then it's time for the lady herself
08:55.20zenzelezzgrats =)
08:57.19zenzelezzmy guild's still working on Leo, getting everyone to kill their demon in time and DPSing carefully in the demon phase, starting to get close to taking him
08:59.19|Jelly|!c us burning legion daphnee
08:59.23ThraeBot|Jelly|: Daphnee, Level 44 Blood Elf Paladin (0/35/0). 1587 HP; 2905 Mana; 110 mana regen; 50.9 Melee DPS; 3.96% melee crit; 8 +spell dmg; 65 +heal; 4.44% dodge; 4.72% block;[[ TBR: 366 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep  9 05:11:25 2007 ]]
09:03.11bleeterhmm... wonder if Blizz would accept a suggestion of new loot, [Head of David Geffen]
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09:08.26zenzelezzreminds me of the item "Head of an immmortal" in Anarchy Online's Shadowlands expansion
09:08.55zenzelezzthe description owned. "Appearantly the owner of this head must be dead, but it still feels very much alive. It's warm, the cheeks have a fresh hue and the eyes are occasionally blinking. "
09:10.40bleeterheh, Mojo Nixon is an ardent supporter of free file sharing of recordings in MP3 and other formats. He once publicly declared his support because he said he's "not an asshole like Metallica."
09:16.04zenzelezzwas it them or some other fuckers that wanted to copyright a transition (or whatever it's called) to/from a certain note on the guitar?
09:20.16bleeterthey certainly gained a large amount of their early audience by the spread of pirated copies of their albums, folks who'd listen to them then go out and buy the real deal
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09:41.10art3mis <-- this is more or less the layout im working on
09:41.18art3misjust need to find/do better graphics
09:41.56art3misi may just default to bordered stuff not entirely sure yet
09:41.57zenzelezzlooks like the Third Reich eagle
09:42.00art3misit is
09:42.20art3miswas the only image i could find that covered the area i wanted
09:42.36zenzelezznot sure how well that would fly with everyone; even if I personally think it looks cool
09:42.37art3miszealot found that one
09:43.02art3misi think thats the one im gonna play with, the testing was a quick mockup so i knew what i was working with
09:43.21art3misthat would fix awesomely if i scaled and rounded the mini map for the EA part
09:43.40art3misand fit in with the whole indian/shaman thing
09:44.31art3miswhatcha think of the layout(graphics aside)
09:47.26zenzelezzpersonally I prefer a sense of background behind things like the actionbuttons, or they appear to be "hanging in the air" if you take my meaning, but it looks like you have an idea about what you're trying to make it look like
09:47.32bleeterum, the 'third reich eagle' is really the Spread Eagle of the Holy Roman Empire, iirc
09:47.47zenzelezznot everyone knows that
09:48.05zenzelezzjust like how most people don't know the swastika was an old Indian symbol or something
09:48.14bleeterfor good luck, iirc
09:48.33bleeterpeople are more subconciously aware of the eagle thing, having seen it in countless historical movies ;)
09:52.01Srosh!c eu forscherliga hydro
09:52.03ThraeBotSrosh: Hydro, Level 70 Orc Warlock (27/34/0). 12195 HP; 9172 Mana; 106 mana regen; 2 mp5; 65 spell crit; 55 spell hit; 668 +spell dmg; 51 shadow dmg (719); 4.64% dodge; 228 resilience;[[ TBR: 1578 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep  9 06:04:07 2007 ]]
09:52.38Srosh!c eu forscherliga sturmhufer
09:52.41ThraeBotSrosh: Sturmhufer, Level 70 Tauren Warrior (14/4/43). 11124 HP; 11641 Armour; 1108 AP; 147.2 Melee DPS; 10.8% melee crit; 16 melee hit; 235 defense; 10.15% dodge; 17.68% block; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1296 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep  9 06:04:44 2007 ]]
09:53.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Ominous (
09:54.35art3misbleeter: yeah i actually associate it with rome more than anything
09:54.52art3misand slayer ;P
09:55.10bleeterwhatever happened to slayer?
09:57.18art3misstill around and touring
09:57.25art3misthier last 2 albums were great
09:58.03art3miszenzelezz: yeah i know exactly what you mean about backgrounds, i cant stand them floating either ;P
09:58.23art3misall that will be backgrounded
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10:45.42Corrodiaswow, WSG and AB as a hunter are actually kinda fun
10:46.26Corrodiasi was always bad at pvp with my feral/restoration druid before the expansion, and i have shown little improvement with him as full feral these days
10:53.15Corrodiaswith my hunter, i've been able to defeat most opponents and be very useful in both WSG and AB
10:53.37amrowas more fun before they nerfed viper sting
10:53.48Corrodiasthe ones i have the most trouble with are warriors, and i suppose i'd have as much trouble with feral druid
10:54.03Corrodiasrogues can be trouble
10:54.33amrorogues are the easiest, unless they jump you. but even then they're easy
10:55.05Corrodiashow's that? well, when you're stunlocked, not much to do, though your pet gets to eat one of their legs
10:55.33Corrodiasunless, perhaps, he has the brains to sap you, solo your pet, vanish and stunlock
10:56.38Corrodiasbut should his stuns lapse, let me think. what would i do? a freezing trap would be a good start, i suppose, then a mark, ranged aimed shot with pet involvement
10:56.48amromy pet can almost solo a rogue :P
10:56.52amroinsignia of the alliance/horde
10:57.05Corrodiasthat costs 15 thousand honor and i have only gotten up to about 3800
10:57.12amrosave freezing trap for when you're in trouble, and don't use dots
10:57.22amrooh, I've had it since the old system
10:58.09amroalso I'm BM, which is less situational than MM
10:59.55sag_ich_nichtCorrodias i think you are confusing the insiginia with the medallion.
11:00.43sag_ich_nichtthe normal insignia costs 2k honor
11:01.01Corrodiaswith the irritatingly long cooldown, i see now
11:01.58sag_ich_nichtit's better than nothing.
11:09.21sag_ich_nichtclad|sleep thanks for GCT :O
11:11.40Corrodiasmaybe i need to stock up on free action potions
11:12.06CorrodiasOR maybe pvp doesn't mean so much to me that i'd do that
11:12.21Corrodiaswe win 80-90% of the games in the 69 bracket anyway
11:12.54PolarinaCorrodias: What battleground?
11:13.00CorrodiasWSG and AB
11:13.10PolarinaBattlegroup, sorry.
11:13.35Corrodiasi have only seen one EOTS game so far, and it was 14 horde players against 2 allies, and we got 60 honor for winning, which isn't impressive
11:13.46Corrodiasumm... reckoning? i have to look it up
11:14.02Corrodiasthat's the one
11:14.10PolarinaHorde or Alliance.
11:16.28Corrodiasnew members have been trickling into the guild, and between their alts and the alts of other members that are never/rarely played, i'm seeing quite a few names i don't recognize on the roster
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11:18.43Corrodiasthis is my hunter now:
11:19.20Corrodiasi notice that somehow, most of my gear has a chunk of stamina on it, which can't be bad for pvp
11:19.38sag_ich_nichtstack stamina for pvp
11:19.39sag_ich_nichtlots of it.
11:21.03Corrodiasi want the bow from black morass, but i would need groups in which i don't have to be involved on the adds and some runs in which the portals DON'T start accellerating after the first boss... although it drops from the first boss, so that part is only so i don't piss off my partymates
11:21.44sag_ich_nichtthe portal don't accellerate
11:21.47sag_ich_nichtget LittleWigs
11:21.50sag_ich_nichtif you don't believe me
11:22.11Corrodiasoh, i have it. believe me, there is a bug in that regard.
11:22.29sag_ich_nicht-->Bugreport forum
11:22.31Corrodiasthe next portal will appear after 1 minute instead of 2, and then they keep coming at this accellerated pace
11:22.52Corrodiaswe had two open when we had barely started on the first one's boss
11:23.28sag_ich_nichti tanked CoT2 twice yesterday
11:23.34Corrodiasthe next time we tried it, they came at the normal, reasonable pace, but realized too late that we had overlooked the part about having a mage, priest, or shaman to remove the second boss's speed buff
11:23.35sag_ich_nichtnever seen this happen
11:23.41amroCorrodias: try putting points in Survival. survivalist and IWC are great for pvp
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12:46.07art3mis  <-- new UI layout/theme im working on
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12:47.20zenzelezzwhy are you hiding behind those barrels?
12:48.06art3mispvp server
12:48.10art3misim sitting in southshore
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12:51.25Wraangerquestion : can tracking skill be progrmatically cancelled ?
12:51.41Wraangershit spelling sucks today +(
12:52.46Wraangerie if i want to assign a button to cancel current tracking skill, what should I write in OnClick function ?
12:54.13zenzelezzit's right there on the big API list :-o
12:55.16Wraangeri am sstill a bit sleepy ..seems that i have missed it somehow
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13:09.36art3mis  <-- new UI updated.
13:09.53art3misso what are yer thoughts of it n stuff, things to change things you're do differently?
13:10.13mikmaart3mis: i like the url
13:10.26art3mishehe had that for about 4 years now
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13:13.03Industrialart3mis: remove everything with a border or background
13:13.22Industrialhide anything (like damage meters, minimap) until you need it
13:13.27Arelhmm, Does anyone have some experience with events? I'm trying to find what fires when a mob's debuff fades.
13:13.32Industrialthe addon Dash is great for that
13:14.16ArelI _hate_ these event names, they're so counterintuitive it's unreal. it's driving me nuts.
13:14.20art3misthis is first run ;)
13:14.35Industrialer, Arel
13:14.55art3misim gonna muck with eepanels for scripting to basically create raid and party crap when and only when its needed
13:15.04Arelthanks :) but I can't find it in there
13:15.18art3misthe borders will be changed but im partial to not having things floating in mid air ;P
13:15.37IndustrialArel: UNIT_AURA
13:15.38art3misgotta make a new cycircled too ;)
13:15.44ArelI'm writing an addon to tell me how much damage my shadow bolts do. They're improved, so they improve all shadow damage by 20% until 4 non-dots hit.
13:15.53IndustrialArel: a buff is an aura in blizzcodespeek :P
13:16.00Arelwhich I would like to monitor and measure.
13:16.26Industrialart3mis: too much work imo, doing it yourself is faste
13:16.38Arelso I'm trying to find: when mob gains the debuff "shadow vulnerability", all shadow damage sources until it fades, and measure the damage.
13:17.11IndustrialArel: think of an addon that does stuff like this and inspect its code - its the easiest way to learn.
13:17.27ArelI did, but most of them are insanely complex.
13:17.29ArelThanks for the help!
13:17.32art3misindustrial: true but it has super potential like basically hiding the full layout until you join a raid and not having to juggle things around as you go
13:18.32IndustrialI find that easier to do with lua
13:18.42Industrialhaving to fill in hundreds of forms - horrible
13:19.14art3misfrom what i gather its as simple as when you open this panel put these hings here
13:19.32art3miswhats dash btw?
13:19.38art3misanother bar thingy?
13:20.04art3misand omen and vio will be hidden anyways
13:20.11JoshBorkedash is a mod to hide things except on keypress
13:20.12art3misthose were just turned on for the screenie
13:20.56art3misperr party frames are hidden til i group, raid frames ditto vio til i tell it to and omen only in combat
13:21.20art3miswhat do you think of it as is josh?
13:22.01art3misjust need to colour everything again
13:22.11art3misim thinking black red and gold
13:22.37art3missince those were pretty roman colours
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13:27.26art3miscide sucks
13:27.51art3misso whatcha think of my new layout sag?
13:27.52sag_ich_nichti completely fucked up my interface by using the reinstall in WAU
13:27.58art3mishaha yeah
13:28.05art3mis  <-- new UI im working on
13:28.06sag_ich_nichtbecause i forgot i had custom code in it
13:28.32sag_ich_nichtgood thing i have a backup
13:28.55art3misi marked all my installed highlighted one i wanna gret rid of and hit uninstall by mistake
13:29.38art3misi think im finished with hello kitty
13:29.46art3misnot much more i can do to it
13:29.56art3misso i started the above one
13:30.35sag_ich_nichthold while i try to repair my interface
13:31.14sag_ich_nichti am rolling back in my backup
13:31.16sag_ich_nichtbut only partially
13:31.23sag_ich_nichtbecause there was a reason why i reinstalled.
13:34.21sag_ich_nichti found at least 5 dependency errors right there
13:35.29art3misbedtime for my lunesta kicked in
13:35.39art3misany comments just message me
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13:43.33Cideart3mis: I do, I do
13:58.09Arelthese events are killing me
13:58.24ArelI can see when the debuff is applied, I can see when it fades
13:58.30Arelbut I can't see when it is reapplied
13:59.41clad|sleepthats because no event is sent
14:00.02cladhairethis will be fixed in 2.3, however looking for it now without an OnUpdate is rather difficult.
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14:00.37Arelthere is an event for it
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14:01.10nevcairieli think UNIT_AURA fires when a debuff is reapplied
14:01.13nevcairielbut not 100% sure
14:01.14cladhairefor a buff refresh?  There's a UNIT_AURA event that you can then scan to see whats happened
14:01.25cladhairebut you have to scan them and have your own accounting to see what happens
14:01.31foxlitUNIT_AURA doesn't actually proc on refreshes, iirc
14:01.37Arelit does
14:01.43Arelit gives me no arguments, but it does
14:01.45cladhaireyou also can't tell who refreshed the buff
14:01.54foxlitYou can't tell who refreshed what buff
14:01.56cladhairewell UNIT_AURA always has one argument, and only ever one argument.
14:02.06Arelyes. but it does proc, I just tested it
14:02.14cladhaireI already said this
14:02.23cladhaireit wasn't speculation
14:02.23ArelI was correcting foxlit
14:03.01Arellike I said.. I'm trying to determine exactly how much damage ISB (improved shadow bolt) contributes
14:03.11Areland this makes it _very_ hard for me :/
14:03.28cladhairelike i said, its an oversight thats been fixed in 2.3
14:03.37Arelany idea when it is due?
14:03.45nevcairielsometime after 2.2
14:03.47cladhaireI wouldn't expect it this year
14:04.02ArelI'll just guess it, I guess.
14:04.46Industrialisnt it just <average bold damage>/100*20*4 ?
14:05.08Arelno, because it increases all shadow damage dealt to the target
14:05.14Arelincluding dots
14:05.23Areluntil 4 non dots have hit. or it gets overwritten
14:05.38Industrialor 12 sec
14:05.44Arelyes, that too.
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14:06.06ArelI think I'll just ignore the fact that it can get overwritten.
14:06.27Industrialoverwritten? reapplied?
14:06.42Industrialcatch when you make another SB crit
14:06.49Arelit's not just me
14:06.57Arelother warlocks could be in the raid, overwriting it
14:07.07Industrialoh thought buffs like that were per warlock :<
14:07.07Areland I have no way of telling whether they have ISB or not
14:07.26foxlitShouldn't there be a combatlog event?
14:07.31ArelI wish.
14:07.50ArelLike I said, I can see when it is applied, and when it fades, but reapplying I can't tell.
14:08.30foxlitIf you can catch who applied it on an application, you can flag them as having ISB
14:08.41sag_ich_nicht[16:03] <@cladhaire> I wouldn't expect it this year <--...
14:08.46sag_ich_nicht~lart cladhaire
14:08.46purlblames cladhaire for all the evil in the world
14:08.48Areltrue, but with event lag it might not be reliable.
14:09.01sag_ich_nichtbad pessimist.
14:09.02ArelI can just manually input it, I guess.
14:09.11foxlit"Evil Monster is affected by Evil Warlock's Improved Shadow Bolt."?
14:09.17ArelI wish
14:09.30Arel"Gordunni ogre is affected by Shadow Vulnerability"
14:10.08Arelwhich appears somewhere after "Destrolock's Shadow Bolt crits Gordunni Ogre for 2000 shadow damage"
14:10.24Areltypically with other stuff in between
14:10.45Arelso.... manually telling which locks have ISB... then hoping the events arrived in the correct order
14:10.59Areland I can more or less tell how much damage each crit added.
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14:33.05ShirikCide: ping
14:33.41ShirikHey, out of curiosity, (I just installed CTRA) what is CTRA_WarningFrame?
14:33.52ShirikI see it all over the place on my /dtframestack now
14:34.24Shirik[string "CTRA_WarningFrame:AddMessage("Hi!")"]:1: attempt to index global 'CTRA_WarningFrame' (a nil value)
14:34.30Cideyou fail
14:34.33CideCT_RA_... then
14:35.02ShirikI see now
14:37.00Shirikdo you think this is too obfuscated? self._phaseNames[x] = ( (select(x, ...)) or ("Phase "..x) );
14:37.28Shirikoops, that's actually wrong
14:37.31Shirikglad I even wrote that
14:37.40Shirikself._phaseNames[x] = ( (select(x+3, ...)) or ("Phase "..x) );
14:45.34cladhaireits ugly, if that's what you're asking
14:48.02ShirikI figured
14:48.08Shirikquestion is "is it worth it"
14:48.27ShirikI have a vararg function: function Encounter:new(cat, name, phases, ...)
14:48.50ShirikThe phase names are optional. If you decide not to supply them, you are given the default "Phase 1" "Phase 2" etc
14:49.03Shirikor should I make it cleaner :/
14:49.36cladhairecleaner is better for an api
14:50.51sag_ich_nichtbtw. cladhaire thanks for gctweak :x
14:51.27ShirikI hear it's pretty hot
14:51.34sag_ich_nichtvery useful for someone with a fuckton of addons like me :x
14:55.52cladhaireglad you're seeing an effect
14:55.55cladhairemeans 2.3 will be sexy
14:56.23sag_ich_nichtit seems smoother already, but i'll see if it has a real impact later today
14:56.26sag_ich_nicht(if i get a damn group)
14:57.41cladhaireit won't affect normal operations
14:57.50cladhairebut if you have a large burst of garbage, it'll help clean it up quicker
14:57.58sag_ich_nichtyeah i know :x
14:58.13sag_ich_nicht238 MB of memory usage from addons :X
14:58.29sag_ich_nichtaverage increase rate 145 kb/s :X
14:58.41sag_ich_nichttypoed again
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15:00.18krka_hm, whatcha talking about?
15:00.45krka_ooh... cladhaire you made that addon?
15:00.48sag_ich_nichtand my addons memory usage.
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15:01.55krka_ah nice, just found it on wowi
15:02.22krka_it would be interesting to do some sort of measurement of how much more "even" the framerate gets
15:03.06Shirikoh so it's released now?
15:03.12ShirikI guess I'll have to go grab it
15:03.12cladhaireits been released, yes
15:03.18cladhairein theory the framerate could be effected
15:03.27Shirikwhat's the title of it?
15:03.32cladhairebut all testing i've done shows that a step collect on my machines takes 0.07ms on average
15:03.39cladhaireactually .. much less than that
15:03.43krka_isn't the point to avoid burst gc operations - thus making smoother framerates
15:04.11cladhaireno, there are no burst GC operations
15:04.22cladhairethe point is to help the default UI overcome a garbage deficit.
15:04.32Shirikwow, how did you manage to tell Lua to perform a single GC step?
15:04.40Shirikis that some command I don't know of?
15:04.57Shirikoh =(
15:04.58cladhairewhich is what the 2.3 UI will do
15:06.07ShirikI guess... ever since I dropped...
15:06.13Shirikeh, well ever since I dropped an addon I won't mention
15:06.23ShirikMy memory usage is pretty low so I might not see a major difference
15:06.39cladhairethats the thing
15:06.41cladhairethat's not what this addon does
15:06.43cladhairethe test is simple
15:06.45cladhairemake 2 megs of garbage
15:06.50cladhairewith GCT running, see how long it takes for it to be collected
15:06.54Shirikright but I'm assuming I don't have much garbage
15:06.54cladhairerepeat the same test without GCT running
15:07.02cladhairei'll still be here while you wait for it to be collected :P
15:11.58Shirikhmm, cladhaire, what are the limitations on when it tries to perform a step?
15:12.11ShirikBecause I'm not seeing it try to clean up
15:13.12cladhairethe framerate that you set
15:13.15cladhaireand whether or not you're in combat
15:13.24cladhaireand garbaeg collection isn't something you see, until its done.
15:13.58ShirikI shouldn't see the drop in usage until it's fully done? I thought I would see it steadily decreasing
15:14.57cladhairethat's not how incremental GC works
15:15.01cladhairei wish people would read my post =/
15:15.03cladhaireGC is a two step process
15:15.06cladhairemark and sweep
15:15.06cladhairethen collect
15:15.13cladhairethe first must be done before the second starts
15:15.13ShirikI don't read posts :P
15:15.19cladhaireyou can see this by downloading PerfBlock
15:15.27cladhairethen making 100000 tables
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15:16.04ShirikI only understand the basics of GC. Enough to code well for it, not to mess with it directly :(
15:16.24zenzelezzwoot, it's alive :-o
15:16.37cladhairewell if you run the tests i suggest
15:16.39cladhaireyou'd see it clearly
15:16.45ShirikI just did, that's why I was asking
15:17.04Shiriknot quite that number though. But I did get the message "GCT has just finished a collection cycle" while we've been talking
15:17.39JoshBork1cladhaire: but is it useful for machine with low framerates?
15:18.02zenzelezzCairenn: why does the author portal's feature request thing say "Submit a new Feature", not "Submit a feature request"? (And also still says "Wont add feature" instead of "Won't add feature")
15:18.03ShirikOne could potentially argue it's a bad idea to run it on a machine with a low framerate
15:18.11cladhaireno, its not.
15:18.17cladhaireit should work just as fine
15:18.20ShirikBut from what I can tell, it does not attempt to step (by default) under 30
15:18.29cladhaire2.3 is doing this, by the way
15:18.32cladhairewith no framerate checks,.
15:18.39cladhaireif a ms is 1000.00
15:18.49ShirikJoshBork1: You can change it if you want
15:18.56JoshBork1i know
15:18.59JoshBork1but i don't want
15:19.01cladhairea step collect takes 0.07 1/1000 ms per step
15:19.04JoshBork1i don't care about excess garbage
15:19.43Cairennzenzelezz: thanks for the heads up, I'll talk to dolby-wowi about it
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15:20.57JoshBork1from what I can tell, the only benefit I'll see is faster garbage collection right?  which means less memory used?  if that is the case there is no real benefit for me.  the gc engine is still going to be running even if i keep collecting garbage because unless i'm mistaken, there will always be some garbage
15:21.17cladhairethere _will_ always be garbage
15:21.26cladhairethe point is if your UI is in a deficit
15:21.30cladhaireyou can run into issues
15:21.51cladhaireit may never catch up, which will give you steadily increasing usage
15:22.02JoshBork1which i'm ok with
15:22.29zenzelezzso in essence, tell authors to make sure they spike the memory use!
15:22.48IndustrialMy current interface; and
15:22.52cladhaireno, they would need to spike memory usage, with fully collectable objects.
15:23.20JoshBork1Industrial: you need to repair :P
15:23.23zenzelezzwrite something to take a huge chunk of memory and nil it every so often? (Yes, I'm only tossing random stuff about)
15:23.44JoshBork1i know!  GC every time you die!
15:23.49cladhaireor slouken could do exactly what i did, which he's doing
15:23.52cladhaireand the issue is solved
15:23.54cladhaireshocking how that works
15:24.04zenzelezzIndustrial: wtf is up with all those buttons at the bottom of the screen? So much wasted space!
15:24.05JoshBork1~lart cladhaire
15:24.05purlpours gasoline all over cladhaire, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze
15:24.10JoshBork1how soon do you move clad?
15:24.26cladhaire13 days, 7 hours
15:28.04Industrialcladhaire: \o/
15:28.22Industrialcladhaire: so do you have plans for a job yet, or is that finishing the book :)?
15:29.32cladhairei'm teaching at Oxford and getting my PhD
15:29.33cladhairewhat job?
15:36.25sioraiochtfuck, we move in 13 days?
15:40.44zenzelezzrunning around Ironforge and I spot this guild called "Friends Fall Into River"
15:43.13zenzelezznot as illogical as "Boyz from the Dwarf", but still
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15:59.20Gnarfozcladhaire: I've been meaning to ask for a while: if I use MonkeyQuest (one of those quest minions that show your quest log in a more fashionable way) with LightHeaded, and click on a quest in MonkeyQuest (which then opens the normal Blizzard quest log), LightHeaded is confused as to which quest it should show comments for
15:59.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Leachim (
15:59.47GnarfozI guess it has got something to do with how MonkeyQuest opens the quest log?
16:00.22cladhaireLightHeaded only responds to the clicks in the quest log
16:00.33cladhairesince with MQ you don't click in the quest log, it doesn't know what to show
16:00.38cladhaireMQ needs to code support to update LighTheaded
16:00.45cladhaireor call the click function
16:01.24Gnarfozalright, that's clear enough to figure something out, thanks :)
16:02.06cladhairelet me know if you need specifics
16:02.35Industrialcladhaire: oh btw cladhaire I saw some comments with xx.yy locs, LH doesnt catch those right?
16:02.50Industrialcladhaire: hwo can I st tomtom coords manually again? >_.
16:03.35cladhaireyou can /way x y
16:03.40Industrialah right
16:03.48Industrialdidnt find it in /tomtom :P
16:04.09Gnarfozcladhaire: I think I'm going to fix this locally, because MonkeyQuest 3 is already in developement, but I'm not using it yet ;-) or maybe it's time for me to finally switch to another quest minion :< ^^
16:04.22cladhaireok hehe
16:10.40Shirikif you're gonna do /script GetMouseFocus():Hide()
16:10.45Shirikmake sure you're not hovering over the WorldFrame
16:11.07zenzelezzdidn't you learn from the guy that moved it?
16:11.41ShirikI'm trying to hide the very edge of a frame
16:11.44Shirikit's not going so well
16:11.46Shirikand it's unnamed
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16:27.23zenzelezzI feel a bit sorry for this guild on my realm... they transferred to here this summer, announcing beforehand their arrival, touting their number-one status on their previous realm, having cleared SSC and being on Keal'thas in TK... recently they lost a lot of members because they're *still* on Kael'thas
16:30.37PolarinaFree transferring?
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16:31.19Shirikzenzelezz: They probably deserve it
16:31.32Shirik"We are the best, you should bow to us" always spells failure
16:31.38zenzelezzwell their "hey, we're coming" thread had a few "good riddance" posts from their old realm
16:32.25Polarinazenzelezz: Why is clearing SSC so special?
16:33.41alestaneIriel: Since we've been on the subject of Secure Templates, do you know how the standard action buttons are going to keep handling auto-selfcasting as they move over to a modified click? Does IsModifiedClick treat "SELFCAST" as a special case and cross-reference it with the CVar?
16:34.12zenzelezzPolarina: buzz word
16:34.22IrielI would imagine in 2.2 that they'll switch over to use the new custom modifier
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16:34.51alestaneWell, the button code invokes the new special modifier, but I don't see how that takes auto-selfcasting into account.
16:34.53IrielAt least, that's how they /should/ do it, let's see how they really do......
16:35.08alestaneI'm looking at SecureTemplates.lua right now.
16:35.23IrielOh, auto-self-cast, not just the self cast modifier.. hm..
16:35.36IrielSorry, didn't wake up very long ago 8-)
16:35.41alestaneThe UI Options frame is still setting the "autoSelfCast" CVar.
16:36.47Shirikafaik there's no easy way to do it without using that CVar
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16:37.06Shirikwell, I take that back
16:37.08ShirikI'm being stupid
16:37.10alestaneIt seems like it should be resetting the modifier choices or something.
16:37.18IrielI suspect, though I could be horribly wrong, that the CVar is interpreted by the lower level API calls, and not by the lua code
16:37.44IrielThat would be consistent with the code since the cvar is never used during casting
16:37.53IrielOnly in the options frame and toggle key binding
16:37.56alestaneSo if CastSpellByName() is called with no target parameter, the C execution will check the cvar?
16:38.08IrielThat would be my expectation
16:38.44alestaneYou know, I think that thought crossed my mind once when I was falling asleep or something.
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16:40.31Irielout of interest, what would you folks USE that setting for? I've never even thought about wanting the game to auto selfcast stuff
16:40.52alestaneI use it all the time when I'm soloing or playing my rogue or warrior, for bandages.
16:40.53zenzelezzmy warrior uses it, hunter too
16:40.58zenzelezzfor bandage
16:41.22Irielzenzelezz: But it's an all-or-nothing setting, so 'for bandages' seems like an odd answer.
16:41.29alestaneMy first addon set it up so that you can have auto-selfcast on while soloing but have it automatically turn off when grouping.
16:41.29IrielI can see the advantage in heavy solo play tho, thanks
16:41.34Igor_wowyeah if you solo mostly, that checkbox is a lot more convenient than the alt key
16:41.49zenzelezzIriel: warriors have like 0 targetted spells that you want on anyone except your current target anyway
16:41.58alestaneIt's called HealThyself.
16:44.21alestaneHowever, I think the SELFCAST key may not suppress auto-selfcasting under the new behavior.
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16:44.43zenzelezzIriel: also, it only takes effect if you don't have any target; and while I expect most people prefer to click a unit frame after selecting the spell, there's always the odd guy that likes things differently
16:44.53zenzelezzdon't have target or have invalid target
16:46.09alestanebrb, testing something.
16:55.29cladhaireCan anyone think of a reasonable example of multiple addons wanting to hook a single button's OnClick handler, or something similar?
16:56.54Shirikfor modifications to Blizzard's UI, sure
16:57.06cladhaireokay, like what?
16:57.09Shirikfor example the "send mail" button
16:57.21Shirikoh you want an exact example
16:57.31Shirikgive me a sec, I bet I can come up with one
16:57.33cladhairesomething that i can implement as a small addon
16:58.18ShirikThe easiest thing I can think of
16:58.34Shirikjust take one of Blizzard's "close" buttons and add a confirmation box "Are you sure you want to close this window?"
16:58.44Shirikeh, but that might mess with security
16:58.45IrielCan we think of anything for the loot roll popup for example?
16:58.48cladhairei already have a one addon example
16:58.54cladhairetalent confirmation
16:58.55IrielI can think of a couple of things that may want to intercept that
16:59.02Shiriktalent confirmation is a good one
16:59.06cladhairei need something that _multiple_ addons_ would need the handler
16:59.13JoshBorkeselling something
16:59.23Shirikok, loot is a good one then
16:59.47ShirikYou might have one addon that handles DKP management, using those buttons to determine who wants to bid
16:59.50IrielDE confirmation perhaps -- One AddOn to stop you DE'ing stuff you've "locked", another one to stop you DE'ing stuff that sells better than its likely components?
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17:00.11IrielDoes that even have a confirmation dialog these days/ It's been so long
17:01.34alestaneWhy these two lines consecutively? local getvalue = getglobal("Get"..value.cvar);
17:01.34alestanegetvalue = GetCVar(value.cvar);
17:01.39amroI just got killed by a pally too stupid to dispel poisons
17:01.45amroI'm so pissed
17:02.58amrothen again he's 70 with epics
17:03.09Irielalestane: Hm, without anything between them?? Likely cut-and-paste error?
17:03.19zenzelezzI've died to the DoT from the second boss in heroic Slave Pens because the healer was busy looting
17:03.32alestaneAnd why would a CVar suddenly stop existing?
17:04.20*** part/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
17:04.26ShirikI agree with the "cut and paste error" assumption
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17:04.38cladhaireoh i've got one.
17:04.43cladhairewhat about the main menu popup
17:04.52cladhairemultiple addons want to add their buttons there, they'd need to hooj right?
17:04.55cladhaireor is it some table?
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17:05.13alestaneWell, right, but I'm calling the same CVar as I was before, using the same code, and it's throwing a "Can't find that CVar" exception.
17:05.31ArelLogging off. thanks to everyone that was kind enough to respond to my questions!
17:05.34Irielcladhaire: I thought about that, but decided OnShow would be a better design choice
17:05.43cladhairewell that's perfect
17:05.48cladhaireyou'd still need to hook OnShow
17:05.57cladhaireor are you saying the OnShow of _your_ button?
17:06.28IrielNo, I meant the menus on show
17:06.46IrielI'm not sure it has one to begin with tho
17:06.56Irielbut that's a good example too 8-)
17:06.59cladhaireyeah :P
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17:08.05cladhaireactualy, this example code seems to do it pretty well, but doesn't involve hooking :P
17:09.47alestanecladhaire: Have you looked at my NativeOptions library?
17:10.00cladhaireyes, why do you ask?
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17:10.27alestaneIt's another example of a framework that helps multiple addons to hook the same behavior.
17:10.50cladhaireThat doesn't need to be done with hooks at all
17:10.59cladhaireI don't want to encourage them when they're not required
17:11.39alestaneI used :HookScript to make sure that added frames get hidden when one of the stock options frames (basic, advanced) is selected.
17:12.09cladhaireyeah but as you can see, its too broad of an example to be useful for this purpose
17:12.15cladhairealthough entirely valid :P
17:12.17alestaneFair enough.
17:13.35cladhairebut now you've got me thinking about where i can hook an OnShow or OnHide to make this easy
17:14.13cladhairebecause from a design perspective I can't justify hooking the OnClick of the talent buttons, because it uses this, and other nastiness.. whereas I can hook LearnTalent and its all so easy
17:14.16cladhairebut thats only a few pages :P
17:16.09alestaneOkay, re: autoselfcast, behavior on the test realm (with modified click binding) matches that on the live realm, but is not what I understood to be the norm.
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17:17.02alestaneAuto-selfcast disabled + no self-cast key held = get blue pointer.
17:17.21alestaneAuto-selfcast disabled + self-cast key held = cast on self.
17:17.44alestaneAuto-selfcast enabled + no self-cast key held = cast on self.
17:17.50alestane(So far so good)
17:18.07alestaneAuto-selfcast enabled + self-cast key held = cast on self.
17:18.27alestaneWasn't the self cast key supposed to toggle self-cast behavior?
17:19.11zenzelezzit worked only while pressed, not an on-off like the auto-run if that's what you mean
17:19.50alestaneBut if you have auto-selfcast turned on, isn't the same key that forces self-casting when it's off supposed to suppress it while you hold it?
17:20.03alestane(Warning: Ambiguous grammar ahead!)
17:20.10Tullerauto selfcast deals with when you do not have a target
17:20.27Tulleraltcast is just for when you press down alt
17:20.33alestaneAll my above examples are with no target.
17:20.58alestaneI thought they were supposed to XOR, though, not to OR with each other.
17:21.09Tullerpretty sure its an or
17:21.17alestaneFunctionally, it is, right now.
17:21.18zenzelezzyou might expect so, but they may not have thought that much about it alestane
17:21.45alestaneBut I thought when they released it, it was described and functioned as an XOR.
17:22.15zenzelezzyou may be right, I just skim the parts of the patch notes that don't affect my char
17:22.55alestanePathc history time.
17:24.29alestaneAdded in 1.12.
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17:24.53ellestaany can some1 help me with the gatherer DB
17:25.26ellestahello is any1 there?
17:25.43cladhaireyou gave us 45 seconds to respond to an ambiguous question
17:25.49cladhaireWhat specifically would you like help with?
17:25.52ellestaoh hey
17:26.01ellestasorry about that
17:26.13ellestaits just that i got the wowhead database and I can't find a way to import it
17:26.47cladhaireWhere did you get this from?  Does Gatherer even support importing a third party database?
17:27.04ellestaits on the website
17:27.11ellestaits a new thing that came out like yesterday
17:27.37cladhaireyou install it, as an addon
17:28.05ellestaso i put it in the addon folder not the gatherer one?
17:28.16ellestaok let me try this out, thanks so much
17:28.28cladhaireyou will need to exit the game entirely after you've done it
17:28.30cladhaireand then start back up
17:28.36ellestaok :P
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17:38.13alestaneOkay, I'm starting to get this...there's a lot of legacy stuff involved.
17:38.31alestaneOriginally, there were separate bindings for self-casting the actions in the stock action bar.
17:38.55alestaneThey supplied an optional parameter to ActionButtonUp that specified self-casting.
17:39.30alestaneAuto-selfcasting was added in 1.12, and worked by supplying a cvar that the castspell functions checked.
17:39.52alestaneIn 2.0 the self-cast bindings were eliminated and replaced with a modifier key.
17:42.00alestaneHowever, I may be imagining the idea that holding that modifier with autoselfcast enabled turned if off.
17:42.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
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17:43.49alestaneIriel: Have you heard whether the macro modifier conditionals will support modified clicks i.e. [modifier:SELFCAST]?
17:45.53alestaneThat seems like a logical.
17:45.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
17:50.03alestaneLooks like they already do actually.
17:50.28IrielThat could should already be on the PTR
17:51.03Irielditto the secure action buttons (though you have to set an attribute to say which modifiers you care about)
17:51.05CidanWhy won't my scroll frame... scroll?
17:51.39IrielCidan: Did you write the code to make it scroll?
17:51.52CidanI did... I think.
17:53.19alestaneFull recognition, very nice.
17:54.04alestaneI have to be careful about starting my lines with /cast
17:54.47Industrialwhat does {} do
17:54.50Industrialer, []
17:55.00alestane"Default to current target".
17:55.52alestaneit's basically equivalent to /use [modifier:SELFCAST,target=player][target=target] Mageweave Bandage
17:57.11cladhairehrm.. the default talent UI calls LearnTalent() regardless of where you click
17:57.24Cidannm, got it, i r moran.
17:57.25cladhaireI know it validates on it's side of things, but it seems silly to have the buttons be clickable
17:59.15alestaneIriel: You want want to update the 2.2 changes post in the macros section, make it clear that 1) modifier:recognizes the modifiedclick bindings, and 2) that they should not be in lower case.
17:59.38alestane[modifier:SELFCAST] I believe both parts are
17:59.59alestaneThat is, you *may* want to.
18:00.10alestaneSometimes I repeat words by accident.
18:00.25IrielThere's already a note about case sensitiviy
18:00.51alestaneYes, but it also says "All macro conditionals are now lower-case only."
18:02.43IrielI just reworded that 8-)
18:03.54|FF|Im2good4udoes à still count a %a patern ? since somehow my addon seems to break somewhere >.< on a player whit the name Bàby
18:04.28alestaneMuch better...I still suspect we will get a few questions from people who write [nochanneling:mind flay] and wonder why it doesn't work, but the explanation is now strictly true, so there should be fewer.
18:04.40Iriel|FF|Im2good4u: No
18:05.05Iriel|FF|Im2good4u: Lua's patterns are strictly byte/char based, and not unicode aware
18:05.23|FF|Im2good4uheh thne i got to use .* >.<
18:05.39alestaneAlthough I know they say that what is upper- or lower-case depends on the defined locale.
18:07.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (n=kd3@
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18:08.41alestaneThat expansion to modifiers probably means Cogwheel should update his macro guide eventually.
18:10.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
18:10.43IrielSpeaking of 2.2, the spell event cleanup (spell name and rank on almost all events) is REALLY useful
18:11.02alestaneThe work I've done hasn't needed it, but I bet.
18:11.11Irielbased on my testing thus far i'll be able to take aftercast out of beta
18:12.18alestaneIt's still in beta?
18:12.25alestaneIt's pretty widely used for a beta product.
18:12.55alestaneOh, and the abbreviated macro conditionals should be added to the 2.3 thread, I didn't see them there.
18:13.14alestaneDo I drive you nuts with these comments? I'm sorry.
18:13.21IrielDepends on the class you play..
18:13.33Irielthe non-beta one works well for some classes, terribly for others
18:13.48Irielthe beta one is universally 'better' but it has some quirks, and it's debug-enabled
18:13.54cladhaireDoes anyone have experience with GetTalentInfo(), and the talent Ui in particular?
18:14.12IrielNo, it's good.. work has been slaughtering me so I dont keep as on top of the forum as I'd like, so pointing out what i've not caught up on is helpful.
18:15.33cladhaireoh it cheats, this is nasty
18:17.46foxlitquick trivia question: what's the name of the UI-declared function that checks if the mouse pointer is over a specific frame?
18:18.08foxlitThink the parameters were frame pointer, plus a rectangle to extend the region by
18:18.37IrielI forget but I know where it is, one sec
18:18.48foxlitSame situation, don't look it up :)
18:19.02IrielMouseIsOver would be my guess, and that turns out to be correct
18:19.25foxlitGreat, thanks :)
18:20.08alestaneThere's also a MouseFocus function or something like that, which tells you which frame the mouse is over.
18:22.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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18:23.23foxlitI was looking for MouseIsOver, though :)
18:24.24alestaneOkay, but now you know.
18:24.30Kaydeethree>>> 13+7+4.2+5.2+9.5+7.8+2.5+1.7+2.1+2.7+49
18:24.30CideKaydeethree: 104.7
18:25.09foxlitI knew before, but don't really mind :)
18:25.35ThraeAnd knowing is half the battle. GI-JOOOOOOOE!
18:27.50cladhairewow this talentUI example really is going to be more of a pain in the ass than I would have expected.
18:27.56alestane>>> 4+9-2*16+1/3*6-67+8*2-3+26-1/34+3/7+2-5
18:27.57Cidealestane: -47.600840336134
18:28.03cladhairethere's almost no validation done on the Ui side of things
18:28.10alestaneNorton Juster wasnt worrying about precedence.
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18:28.27alestanecladhaire: And you weere worried it would only be a few chapters.
18:28.34cladhaireits a single chapter
18:28.41cladhairebut I can't spend the whole time focusing on why the talentUI sucks :P
18:29.09cladhaireso now i need to find a better example
18:30.49alestane>>> (((((4+9-2)*16+1)/3*6-67+8)*2-3+26-1)34+3)/7+2-5
18:30.50Cidealestane: [string "(((((4+9-2)*16+1)/3*6-67+8)*2-3+26-1)34+3)/7+2-5"]:1: ')' expected near '34'
18:31.09alestane>>> (((((4+9-2)*16+1)/3*6-67+8)*2-3+26-1)/34+3)/7+2-5
18:31.10Cidealestane: 0
18:31.15alestaneThere we go.
18:31.15Irielcladhaire: What about tooltip augmentation?
18:31.27cladhaireI think its already covered in another chapter
18:31.31cladhairebut that would save some duplication :P
18:31.44alestaneLike one addon that adds vendor price, and another that adds...something else.
18:31.59cladhairethats probably the most solid example
18:33.39Thunder_Childheh, this list can be used for far more than valve
18:34.19alestaneI have this nasty feeling I shouldn't scan bindings in an OnLoad that's not LoD.
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18:36.02alestaneUPDATE_BINDINGS almost certainly a better choice.
18:38.09cladhaireIriel: can you think of anything to add to a tooltip, that doesn't involve tooltip scanning?
18:39.21alestaneAnyone know what happens if you supply 121 to a function that takes an action slot?
18:39.30alestaneerror, or nil return?
18:39.57IrielI think 'the return is undefined' 8-)
18:40.05IrielBut it's nil, yeah
18:40.21alestaneThat makes my action bar pages much safer.
18:40.31IrielIIRC there used to be a crash bug if you passed it bizarre values, but they fixed it
18:41.13alestaneI'm trying to lay the foundation for action bar pages being able to go beyond six.
18:41.40Irielpage size != 12 would be nice too, but I guess that's what your offset is for
18:41.45alestaneAlthough I think it will require some support from Bliz.
18:41.59alestaneUsing an offset means that there is no fixed page, yes.
18:42.34alestaneThe current PTR implementation allows us state support, but only for page numbers.
18:43.04alestaneCogwheel cussed me out for that one.
18:44.17IrielHey, the abbreviations are in the 2.3 notes
18:44.32alestaneI missed them then.
18:44.42IrielUnless there's more than mod, btn, bar, and worn
18:45.18alestaneYou're right, I just don't notice them unless I'm looking for them for some reason.
18:45.26alestaneMaybe put [] around them?
18:45.38alestane[modifier] -> [mod] etc.
18:46.38IrielI think that would be more confusing
18:46.48alestaneOkay...they're in there anyway.
18:47.02alestaneSorry for misinformation.
18:47.08IrielI've compromised with an example 8-)
18:47.25alestaneSounds good.
18:47.49alestaneSeems pretty clear.
18:50.20krka_ok, what's the shortest lua program? not counting comments / whitespace / emptiness
18:50.49krka_stdin:1: unexpected symbol near '{'
18:51.02krka_it has to be a valid program
18:51.03cladhairelua> f
18:51.03cladbotcladhaire: nil
18:51.10krka_in the plain lua interpreter
18:51.15cladhaireany single character
18:51.19Polarinakrka_: =_G
18:51.21cladhairewhy not?
18:51.26krka_try it in plain lua
18:51.41krka_$ lua -e "x"
18:51.41krka_lua: (command line):1: '=' expected near '<eof>'
18:51.41Irielx=1 is my guess
18:51.52Polarinakrka_:   =  works.
18:51.56Polarinalua> =
18:51.56cladbotPolarina: sandbox.lua:285: Compilation failed: :1: unexpected symbol near '='
18:52.00alestaneexpressions aren't valid Lua statements.
18:52.00PolarinaThat one complains.
18:52.02*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
18:52.02PolarinaBut not mine.
18:52.03krka_x=1 or x() or x{} or x"" is what i've come up with
18:52.24krka_i wonder if it can be done in two chars :)
18:52.37alestaneAny one of those, not that whole statement.
18:52.48krka_i thought that was obvious
18:52.54Polarinakrka_: And to shorten it:  x=1or x()or x{}or x
18:53.38Irielx'' works too
18:54.07krka_nope cladhaire, "..." isn't a valid program
18:54.16cladhairei wasn't saying that
18:54.50alestaneI think three characters is your limit...every lua state takes some kind of val op val format, and all the cases where the second val can be omitted, op takes two characters.
18:55.14alestanekrka_: In this case, "..." == "conspicuous silence"
18:55.44krka_bug in your string pool implementation?
18:56.13alestanecladhaire: I don't think he got it.
18:56.36cladhaireah I think I have ojne
18:56.42cladhairein the quest log.. i'll hook.. something there.
18:56.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (n=kd3@
18:58.26cladhairemaybe :P
18:58.31alestaneSo continuing last night's garbage discussion...if I have a fairly bulky function that's only used at login and extremely rare cases afterward, should I define, call and release it when I need it (creating garbage turnover) or store it in a variable (permanent memory use instead of garbage)?
18:58.56cladhairedefine bulky
18:59.36alestane950 chars between the "function ()" and the "end"
18:59.46cladhairethat has no relevance on how much memory the function takes up
19:00.00alestaneI don't know how else to figure it....
19:00.00cladhairewell, it has relevance, but its not a direct measure
19:00.12alestaneAnd mostly string literals.
19:00.13cladhaireyou can test it pretty easily
19:00.27cladhairemake 1000 of them, and see how much memory they take up
19:00.37cladhairethe strings will be pooled, but you'll have an idea.
19:00.53cladhairebut, there's no reason to not let it persist, if it can be called later one
19:00.58alestaneActually, the permanent memory usage won't'll either stored in the variable, or it'll be stored in the script that defines it.
19:01.18cladhairenot if you store it as a string, and loadstring() it when you need it
19:01.21cladhairebut thta's just excessive
19:01.26cladhaireits really a non-issue
19:01.43alestaneSo the calling OnEvent script will take up less memory since it won't contain the funciton definition.
19:02.38alestaneI'll define it permanently then; comparable footprint, less garbage, faster execution and more comprehensible.
19:09.12zenzelezzyou sound like a business person alestane
19:09.17zenzelezzbig words ;)
19:09.32alestaneI'm a sesquipedalian, yes.
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19:09.52Cidanyou use that word in ref to the words
19:09.56Cidannot the people who use them
19:10.33alestanePart of it, though, is simply that business speech tends to favor the same traits that computer speech does: clarity, concision.
19:12.32alestaneThe correct phrase, apparently, would have been "I tend to be sesquipedalian."
19:12.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
19:13.56alestaneOr, "I'm a sesquipedalist."
19:14.03CidanYou tend to be a foot and a half long?
19:14.23CidanYou tend to use sesquipedal rhetoric.
19:14.44alestaneI thought it meant "to have sixteen feet," myself, but the etymology says otherwise.
19:15.01Mr_Rabies2u gief sojjjjjj
19:15.52CidanHow would I calculate the correct length to set MinMaxValues on a scroll bar for a frame inside a scroller frame?
19:16.27Cidanif I get the height of the frame, it's too large of a number and I scroll past the frame
19:18.30Cidanbleh, ignore me.
19:18.33Cidangot it. :D
19:21.38*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
19:23.04Industrial<psycho-doctor-voice>we are cruciform injection and you are being manipulated by digital gunfire redio, mwahaha</psycho-doctor-voice>
19:23.32Tierrie_nyum nyum nyum
19:25.39Shirikthe fire boss in heroic mech
19:25.41Shirikjust wow
19:25.54ShirikI've never been so on the edge of my seat during a fight ><
19:25.59alestaneI've never even done Mech.
19:26.28Shirikit's like
19:26.35Shirikeveryone's rushing all over the place
19:26.50Shirikon normal it's not so bad
19:26.52Tierriei like chez
19:26.52Shirikon heroic... wow
19:26.55alestanePriest or hunter Shirik?
19:27.16alestaneUnitFrame healing ft not wiping.
19:28.11alestaneYou said everyone was running all over the place.
19:28.37Shirik14(1511:2611:1514) 14(1115alestane14) UnitFrame healing ft not wiping.
19:28.39Shirikwhat does that mean?
19:28.40alestaneI presumed since you were playing Kimina that you were responsible for their not dying whiel they did this.
19:28.49Shirikoh yeah
19:29.07Shirikproblem is that prayer of mending and renew are my only two instant cast heals
19:29.10Shirikand I have to be running around too
19:29.25alestaneNo vampiric?
19:29.57Shirik!c us drenden kimina
19:30.00ThraeBotShirik: Kimina, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (23/38/0). 6661 HP; 8760 Mana; 425 mana regen; 133 mp5; 150 +spell dmg; 1112 +heal; 5.66% dodge;[[ TBR: 1025 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep  9 15:42:07 2007 ]]
19:30.37alestaneThe one thing I'v noticed about shadow priests is that people tend to forget that you don't have to be in shadowform to keep VE and SW:P on a mob, so you can still throw holy heals...not that that applies in your case I see.
19:30.45Cidan!c us eredar cidan
19:30.47ThraeBotCidan: Cidan, Level 65 Human Paladin (43/13/0). 5442 HP; 6797 Mana; 163 mana regen; 45 mp5; 9050 Armour; 611 AP; 85.1 Melee DPS; 3.96% melee crit; 3 melee hit; 145 +spell dmg; 605 +heal; 4.4% dodge; 4.96% block; 3 resilience; 4 shadow resist;[[ TBR: 667 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep  9 15:42:54 2007 ]]
19:30.59Shirik_I_ have more HP thank you
19:31.17Kaydeethree!c us medivh kaydeethree
19:31.17alestaneYou have five levels on him too.
19:31.20ThraeBotKaydeethree: Kaydeethree, Level 70 Gnome Mage (10/48/3). 7803 HP; 10331 Mana; 194 mana regen; 204 spell crit; 108 spell hit; 768 +spell dmg/heal; 5.38% dodge; 10 arcane resist (+10);[[ TBR: 900 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep  9 15:43:26 2007 ]]
19:31.23CidanI also still have pre-BC EQ as well
19:33.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Industria1 (
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19:33.16Polarina!c eu scarshield legion polarina
19:33.19ThraeBotPolarina: Polarina, Level 61 Night Elf Hunter (0/7/45). 4733 HP; 3451 Mana; 88 mana regen; 2 mp5; 3087 Armour; 702 AP; 113.7 Melee DPS; 14.98% melee crit; 589 RAP; 122.2 Ranged DPS; 22.18% ranged crit; 20.49% dodge; 5 arcane resist; 25 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 620 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep  9 15:45:25 2007 ]]
19:33.31PolarinaStill 61? You stupid armoury!
19:33.46alestaneToo many "not equals" operators in different languages.
19:34.22alestaneLua uses ~=, C et al. use !=, and I just tried to enter <> into Lua code.
19:34.30PolarinaWhat is that TBR rating?
19:34.38purlextra, extra, read all about it, tbr is ThraeBot Ratings, an invention of Thrae for his ThraeBot. It works on a PvP-oriented weighted logarithmic algorithm partially dependant on build type that and mostly dependant on what stats the Armoury currently has for you, that when used to compare two characters, tries to take into account which classes are fighting each ...
19:38.33Polarinaalestane: So my changes to beat Kaydeethree in a duel are 1 against 900-620 (280)?
19:38.50alestaneAnyone remember how to try it?
19:39.08Kaydeethree!vs us medivh kaydeethree eu scarshield legion polarina
19:39.09ThraeBotKaydeethree: Kaydeethree vs Polarina! Kaydeethree has +9 lvls on Polarina (70 vs 61); A L70 mage and a L61 hunter square off!; 10/48/3 vs 0/7/45; Kaydeethree wins by 652 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
19:39.53alestaneYour rating also dependent on which classes are fighting.
19:39.53Kaydeethreewas just answering alestane's question
19:40.06Polarina!vs eu scarshield legion polarina eu scarshield legion polarina
19:40.08ThraeBotPolarina: Polarina vs Polarina! Two 61 hunters square off!; It's a tie! Wow! (619.39881166495 vs 619.39881166495)
19:40.19PolarinaBoth die?
19:40.30Kaydeethreefighting yourself isn't going to do much good, it's 50/50 odds
19:42.36alestane!vs us bloodhoof alestane us medivh kaydeethree
19:42.40ThraeBotalestane: Alestane vs Kaydeethree! A L70 warlock and a L70 mage square off!; 21/35/5 vs 10/48/3; Kaydeethree wins by 319 TBRs!
19:42.43*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
19:44.06Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us medivh Kaydeethree
19:44.08ThraeBotShirik: Kimina vs Kaydeethree! A L70 priest and a L70 mage square off!; 23/38/0 vs 10/48/3; Kimina wins by 135 TBRs!
19:44.24Kaydeethree!c us drenden kimina
19:44.25ThraeBotKaydeethree: Kimina, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (23/38/0). 6661 HP; 8760 Mana; 425 mana regen; 133 mp5; 150 +spell dmg; 1112 +heal; 5.66% dodge;[[ TBR: 1025 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep  9 15:42:07 2007 ]]
19:44.54ShirikI'm so broken in Thrae's bot it's not even funy :P
19:45.01zenzelezz"tries to take into account which classes are fighting"
19:45.02ShirikHe's nerfed me so many times and I still win
19:45.04Kaydeethreeyou won as holy?
19:45.24JoshBorke!vs us drenden kimina us stormreaver dagh
19:45.27ThraeBotJoshBorke: Kimina vs Dagh! Two 70 priests square off!; 23/38/0 vs 14/2/45; Dagh wins by 134 TBRs!
19:45.36zenzelezzShirik: use your racial
19:45.52Shirik!c us stormreaver dagh
19:45.52ThraeBotShirik: Dagh, Level 70 Dwarf Priest (14/2/45). 7391 HP; 7845 Mana; 162 mana regen; 24 mp5; 126 spell crit; 58 spell hit; 696 +spell dmg/heal; 179 frost dmg (875); 179 shadow dmg (875); 4.82% dodge; 11 resilience; 10 frost resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1158 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep  9 15:57:34 2007 ]]
19:46.08Shirikoh yeah
19:46.13Shirikspell crit counts for a lot on ThraeBot
19:46.32JoshBorke!vs us drenden kimina us stormreaver crionjudd
19:46.36ThraeBotJoshBorke: Kimina vs Crionjudd! A L70 priest and a L70 mage square off!; 23/38/0 vs 10/0/51; Kimina wins by 31 TBRs!
19:46.36cladhairewithotu taking resilience into account?
19:46.42Shirikno idea
19:46.48JoshBorke!vs us drenden dagh us stormreaver crionjudd
19:46.51ThraeBotJoshBorke: Dagh vs Crionjudd! Crionjudd has +63 lvls on Dagh (7 vs 70); A L7 hunter and a L70 mage square off!; 0/0/0 vs 10/0/51; Crionjudd wins by 1010 TBRs! ***OWNED TO THE EXTREME!!***
19:47.03JoshBorke!vs us stormreaver dagh us stormreaver crionjudd
19:47.04ThraeBotJoshBorke: Dagh vs Crionjudd! A L70 priest and a L70 mage square off!; 14/2/45 vs 10/0/51; Dagh wins by 188 TBRs!
19:47.10Shirik14(1511:4511:5014) 14(1115ThraeBot14) JoshBorke: Dagh vs Crionjudd! Crionjudd has +63 lvls on Dagh (7 vs 70);
19:47.20nevcairielrandom feature
19:47.21nevcairieli guess
19:47.26ShirikI'm guessing bug tbh
19:47.26JoshBorkeor wrong server
19:47.36nevcairiellol yeah
19:47.38nevcairielwrong server
19:47.41Shirik14(1511:4511:3514) 14(1115ThraeBot14) JoshBorke: Kimina vs Crionjudd! A L70 priest and a L70 mage square off!;
19:47.49Shirikyou used the same server
19:47.53Cide!vs us baelgun swedeheart us drenden kimina
19:47.53JoshBorkeshirik obviously fails to read
19:47.57ThraeBotCide: Swedeheart vs Kimina! Two 70 priests square off!; 27/34/0 vs 23/38/0; Kimina wins by 512 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
19:48.04JoshBorkelol cide
19:48.15Shirik~fail Cide
19:48.16purlCide: Fail.
19:48.19Cidehow? :/
19:48.22JoshBorke~pwn cide
19:48.23purlACTION logs into the machine cide is sitting at and pulls a fast one.
19:48.24ShirikI told you I'm broken :P
19:48.44JoshBorke~vs us baelgun swedeheart us stormreaver dagh
19:48.45ShirikDagh was the lv 7
19:48.54CideJoshBorke: !vs
19:48.55JoshBorke!vs us baelgun swedeheart us stormreaver dagh
19:48.57JoshBorkei see
19:48.57ThraeBotJoshBorke: Swedeheart vs Dagh! Two 70 priests square off!; 27/34/0 vs 14/2/45; Dagh wins by 645 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
19:49.17ShirikCide: Balance feral?
19:49.23Cide!c us baelgun swedeheart
19:49.24ThraeBotCide: Swedeheart, Level 70 Undead Priest (27/34/0). 6381 HP; 9690 Mana; 397 mana regen; 146 mp5; 1599 +heal; 4.9% dodge; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 513 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep  9 16:00:03 2007 ]]
19:49.43JoshBorke!c us stormreaver dagh
19:49.44ThraeBotJoshBorke: Dagh, Level 70 Dwarf Priest (14/2/45). 7391 HP; 7845 Mana; 162 mana regen; 24 mp5; 126 spell crit; 58 spell hit; 696 +spell dmg/heal; 179 frost dmg (875); 179 shadow dmg (875); 4.82% dodge; 11 resilience; 10 frost resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1158 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep  9 15:57:34 2007 ]]
19:49.49Shirik!vs us baelgun sweedeheart us drenden kimina
19:49.49ThraeBotShirik: I failed on the first listed character. You fail.
19:49.58Shirik!vs us baelgun swedeheart us drenden kimina
19:49.58JoshBorke~fail Shirik
19:49.58purlShirik: Fail.
19:49.58ThraeBotShirik: swedeheart vs kimina! It's a showdown! But wait! What's this?! Something random? kimina wins by 6721406 TBRs! Wow, that's GOTTA hurt.
19:50.00alestaneHere's a peculiar sort of healing spec...
19:50.00Cide~fail Shirik
19:50.01purlShirik: Fail.
19:50.11ShirikCide went ouch
19:50.21JoshBorkewtf just happened there
19:50.36ShirikI won, obviously
19:50.40Shirikby 6 million TBRs
19:50.41Shirikalmost 7
19:51.11Cide!c us baelgun swedeheart
19:51.12ThraeBotCide: Swedeheart, Level 70 Undead Priest (27/34/0). 6381 HP; 9690 Mana; 397 mana regen; 146 mp5; 1599 +heal; 4.9% dodge; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 513 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep  9 16:00:03 2007 ]]
19:51.14JoshBorke!vs us stormreaver cryect us drenden kimina
19:51.18ThraeBotJoshBorke: Cryect vs Kimina! A L70 druid and a L70 priest square off!; 0/49/12 vs 23/38/0; Kimina wins by 78 TBRs!
19:51.28Shirikyeah Cide should pwn me
19:51.32JoshBorke!vs us stormreaver guion us drenden kimina
19:51.32nevcairielferal druids lose bad
19:51.35ThraeBotJoshBorke: Guion vs Kimina! A L70 warlock and a L70 priest square off!; 0/21/40 vs 23/38/0; Kimina wins by 103 TBRs!
19:51.39nevcairielbugged bot
19:51.44Cidehow long does it take to update this?
19:51.46JoshBorkeapparently i am invincible?
19:51.48Cidethat is, the armory
19:51.49Shirik2 minute Cache Cide
19:51.58Shirikthe armory on the other hand, who knows :P It updates when it feels like it
19:51.59Shirikusually on logout
19:52.05Shirikbut I've noticed sometimes it doesn't do for an hour or two
19:52.07nevcairiel!vs eu antonidas nevcairiel us drenden kimina
19:52.12ThraeBotnevcairiel: Nevcairiel vs Kimina! A L70 druid and a L70 priest square off!; 1/0/60 vs 23/38/0; Kimina wins by 576 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
19:52.33alestaneApparently Disc beats Resto.
19:52.33nevcairielthat bot is totally broken :P
19:52.41Cideah, there
19:52.43Cide!c us baelgun swedeheart
19:52.43JoshBorke!vs us drenden kimina us stormreaver dagh
19:52.43zenzelezz!vs eu silvermoon zenzio us drenden kimina
19:52.46ThraeBotCide: Swedeheart, Level 70 Undead Priest (27/34/0). 11671 HP; 8790 Mana; 218 mana regen; 68 mp5; 16 +spell dmg; 1044 +heal; 4.9% dodge; 407 resilience; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1001 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep  9 16:04:52 2007 ]]
19:52.47ThraeBotJoshBorke: Kimina vs Dagh! Two 70 priests square off!; 23/38/0 vs 14/2/45; Dagh wins by 134 TBRs!
19:52.51ThraeBotzenzelezz: Zenzio vs Kimina! A L70 warrior and a L70 priest square off!; 11/0/50 vs 23/38/0; Zenzio wins by 279 TBRs!
19:52.59Cide!vs us baelgun swedeheart us drenden kimina
19:53.02ThraeBotCide: Swedeheart vs Kimina! Two 70 priests square off!; 27/34/0 vs 23/38/0; Kimina wins by 24 TBRs!
19:53.07JoshBorkelol cide
19:53.21JoshBorkeobviously shirik > cide
19:53.25Shirik!cp us baelgun swedeheart us drenden kimina
19:53.25Cide407 resilience, almost 12k hp :/ the bot hates me
19:53.42Shirik!co us baelgun swedeheart us drenden kimina
19:53.43ThraeBotShirik: Swedeheart vs Kimina! Two 70 priests compare their stat differences; 27/34/0 vs 23/38/0; Swedeheart ++5010 HP; Kimina ++68 +healing; Kimina ++134 +spelldmg; Swedeheart ++10 shadow resist; Kimina ++0.76% dodge; Swedeheart ++30 Mana; Kimina ++207 mana regen; Swedeheart ++407 resilience; Swedeheart ++2412 Armour; Kimina ++65 mp5; Swedeheart has 25% more stats then Kimina.
19:53.51Shirikit even admits 25% more stats
19:53.52nevcairielthe bot doesnt really account for that, a little bit of crit just own you
19:54.14ShirikI think the spell damage is hurting you
19:54.20CideSwedeheart ++5010 HP
19:54.29CideI'd wand you to death
19:54.35*** join/#wowi-lounge sneg_ (
19:54.54ShirikDid you put pvp gear on or something?
19:55.49sneg_!c stonemaul magnetica
19:55.51kergothhuh, is kinda nifty, if a bit crazy
19:55.58sneg_forgot eu :(
19:56.02sneg_!c eu stonemaul magnetica
19:56.06ThraeBotsneg_: Magnetica, Level 70 Draenei Priest (28/33/0). 7321 HP; 9090 Mana; 450 mana regen; 145 mp5; 52 +spell dmg; 1179 +heal; 5.46% dodge; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 572 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep  9 16:08:12 2007 ]]
19:56.09CideShirik: yes :P
19:56.41Shirik!vs eu stonemaul magnetica us drenden kimina
19:56.43ThraeBotShirik: Magnetica vs Kimina! Two 70 priests square off!; 28/33/0 vs 23/38/0; Kimina wins by 453 TBRs!
19:56.50Cideok, hold on
19:56.55Cideit's time for revenge
19:57.24JoshBorkei'll beat his ass any time you need to me cide
19:57.42ShirikI vote we copy to PTR to test this
19:57.50sneg_tbrs? wtf is that ? : )
19:57.55purl[tbr] ThraeBot Ratings, an invention of Thrae for his ThraeBot. It works on a PvP-oriented weighted logarithmic algorithm partially dependant on build type that and mostly dependant on what stats the Armoury currently has for you, that when used to compare two characters, tries to take into account which classes are fighting each other. or "to be released"
19:57.58JoshBorkebring it shirik
19:58.36sneg_but i m wearing pve gear
19:58.44Shirikapparently it doesn't matter
19:59.02Cide!vs us baelgun swedeheart us drenden kimina
19:59.05ThraeBotCide: Swedeheart vs Kimina! Two 70 priests square off!; 27/34/0 vs 23/38/0; Swedeheart wins by 114 TBRs!
19:59.16Shirik!c us baelgun swedeheart
19:59.17ThraeBotShirik: Swedeheart, Level 70 Undead Priest (27/34/0). 8391 HP; 8205 Mana; 166 mana regen; 25 mp5; 98 spell crit; 129 spell hit; 631 +spell dmg/heal; 50 frost dmg (681); 177 shadow dmg (808); 4.9% dodge; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1139 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep  9 16:11:11 2007 ]]
19:59.32Cidedidn't take +shadow damage into account apparently
19:59.37Shirika holy priest with 98 spell crit, 129 hit, and 631 damage
19:59.51CideI have 808 +shadow damage too
19:59.59Cidebut it used the 631 it seems
20:00.04Shirikoh it says 177 shadow
20:00.09Shirik>>> 631+177
20:00.10CideShirik: 808
20:00.18Cideoh, true
20:00.19JoshBorkekergoth: website no workie
20:00.25CideJoshBorke: bring it on
20:00.34CideI win.
20:01.00*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
20:01.07Cide<Cide> JoshBorke: bring it on
20:01.07Cide* JoshBorke has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
20:01.08Shirik14(1511:5911:2414) 14(11+15Cide14) JoshBorke: bring it on
20:01.08Shirik14(1511:5911:2914)  11-› Quit: JoshBorke 11(n=Josh@r35h14.res.gatech.edu11) 11(Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)11)
20:01.21JoshBorkeyou do it
20:01.26JoshBorkepidgin crashed
20:01.42JoshBorke!c us stormreaver dagh
20:01.43ThraeBotJoshBorke: Dagh, Level 70 Dwarf Priest (14/2/45). 7391 HP; 7845 Mana; 162 mana regen; 24 mp5; 126 spell crit; 58 spell hit; 696 +spell dmg/heal; 179 frost dmg (875); 179 shadow dmg (875); 4.82% dodge; 11 resilience; 10 frost resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1158 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep  9 15:57:34 2007 ]]
20:02.00JoshBorke!vs us stormreaver dagh us baelgun swededude
20:02.02ThraeBotJoshBorke: I failed on the second listed character. You half-fail.
20:03.00Cide!vs us stormreaver dagh us baelgun swedeheart
20:03.02ThraeBotCide: Dagh vs Swedeheart! Two 70 priests square off!; 14/2/45 vs 27/34/0; Dagh wins by 20 TBRs!
20:03.16CideI commit suicide. good bye
20:03.23JoshBorkecide: can i have your stuff?
20:03.30*** part/#wowi-lounge Cide (
20:03.38sneg_!vs eu stonemaul tznull
20:03.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
20:03.42*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
20:03.43CideJoshBorke: no
20:03.45*** part/#wowi-lounge Cide (
20:04.01JoshBorke~botmail for cide:  what about your pvp gear?  it'd be useful
20:04.17sneg_!vs eu stonemaul tznull us stormreaver dagh
20:04.17ThraeBotsneg_: tznull vs dagh! It's a showdown! But wait! What's this?! Something random? tznull's Mom calls him, interrupting the duel -- it's time for kindergarden! Forfeit!
20:04.53JoshBorkeobviously thrae fails at tbr's
20:04.58Kaydeethree>>> 389.11+1.75+1.84+40.14+3.2
20:05.09JoshBorkecide killed himself Kaydeethree
20:05.11Kaydeethreelua> 389.11+1.75+1.84+40.14+3.2
20:05.11cladbotKaydeethree: 436.04
20:05.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
20:05.40*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
20:05.43CideI live!
20:05.50JoshBorkecheck your botmail ;-P
20:06.02Cidehow the hell do I do that? :P
20:06.08Cideyou should've used memoserv!
20:06.16sneg_does anybody know when thrae s gona be online >
20:06.22JoshBorkewtf, we have memoserv?
20:06.30Cideof course
20:06.50cladhaireIriel, alestane: I think I figured out what I'm going to do
20:06.56sneg_!vs eu stonemaul haman us stormreaver dagh
20:06.59ThraeBotsneg_: Haman vs Dagh! Two 70 priests square off!; 20/41/0 vs 14/2/45; Dagh wins by 705 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
20:07.02CideJoshBorke: nope!
20:07.02Irielfor the hook thing
20:07.23JoshBorkewhere's Funkeh`
20:07.31cladhaireTekkub has a small addon called "TheBigPicture"
20:07.45cladhairewhen someone clicks the zoom out button on the minimap, I'll zoom it back out to the full size after a minute
20:08.08sneg_i wonder who wrote that :)
20:08.11Funkeh`JoshBorke: Yep?
20:08.21JoshBorkeFunkeh`: what's your server/char name
20:08.35cladhaireIriel: sound reasonable enough?
20:08.55JoshBorke!vs us stormreaver dagh eu silvermoon kicko
20:08.58ThraeBotJoshBorke: Dagh vs Kicko! Two 70 priests square off!; 14/2/45 vs 9/0/52; Dagh wins by 804 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
20:09.03IrielThere's an event for that isn't there, but otherwise, sure 8-)
20:09.08JoshBorke!c eu silvermoon kicko
20:09.09ThraeBotJoshBorke: Kicko, Level 70 Dwarf Priest (9/0/52). 7871 HP; 8700 Mana; 187 mana regen; 32 mp5; 215 spell crit; 154 spell hit; 946 +spell dmg/heal; 54 frost dmg (1000); 229 shadow dmg (1175); 4.82% dodge; 10 frost resist (+10);[[ TBR: 354 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep  9 16:21:05 2007 ]]
20:09.15sneg_thats it guys
20:09.25JoshBorkeapparently i'm just that good
20:09.37Funkeh`yeah thats somewhat screwed its got my pvp spec
20:09.45sneg_!vs us stormreaver dagh eu stonemaul hiddendevil
20:09.48ThraeBotsneg_: Dagh vs Hiddendevil! A L70 priest and a L70 rogue square off!; 14/2/45 vs 0/31/30; Hiddendevil wins by 393 TBRs!
20:09.49Industrial!c eu Vashj Xamth
20:09.52ThraeBotIndustrial: Xamth, Level 14 Draenei Shaman (0/5/0). 318 HP; 526 Mana; 46 mana regen; 14.1 Melee DPS; 4.88% melee crit; 4.88% dodge; 4.88% block; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 69 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep  9 16:21:58 2007 ]]
20:09.54sneg_ha ha ha
20:10.02JoshBorkehate @ rogues
20:10.27sneg_!vs us stormreaver dagh eu stonemaul soulmate
20:10.32ThraeBotsneg_: Dagh vs Soulmate! A L70 priest and a L70 warlock square off!; 14/2/45 vs 24/37/0; Dagh wins by 14 TBRs!
20:10.39sneg_w t f
20:11.17cladhaire!vs us stormrage sagart us stormreaver dagh
20:11.19Shirik!vs us drenden kimina eu stonemaul soulmate
20:11.21ThraeBotcladhaire: Sagart vs Dagh! Two 70 priests square off!; 17/0/44 vs 14/2/45; Dagh wins by 322 TBRs!
20:11.22ThraeBotShirik: Kimina vs Soulmate! A L70 priest and a L70 warlock square off!; 23/38/0 vs 24/37/0; Soulmate wins by 120 TBRs!
20:11.30cladhaire322 TBR?
20:11.36cladhaire!c us stormrage sagart
20:11.37ThraeBotcladhaire: Sagart, Level 70 Night Elf Priest (17/0/44). 9921 HP; 8700 Mana; 126 mana regen; 19 mp5; 49 spell crit; 62 spell hit; 613 +spell dmg/heal; 179 frost dmg (792); 250 shadow dmg (863); 6.18% dodge; 49 resilience; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 836 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep  9 16:23:28 2007 ]]
20:11.43cladhaire!c us stormreaver dagh
20:11.44ThraeBotcladhaire: Dagh, Level 70 Dwarf Priest (14/2/45). 7391 HP; 7845 Mana; 162 mana regen; 24 mp5; 126 spell crit; 58 spell hit; 696 +spell dmg/heal; 179 frost dmg (875); 179 shadow dmg (875); 4.82% dodge; 11 resilience; 10 frost resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1158 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep  9 15:57:34 2007 ]]
20:12.12cladhaireHow does that put you so far ahead?
20:12.15cladhairewho's Dagh? :P
20:12.37JoshBorke~lart cladhaire
20:12.37purltries to shut cladhaire up
20:12.39sneg_what a crappy spec
20:12.53JoshBorkethat hurts sneg
20:12.55JoshBorkethough, i agree
20:12.59cladhaire!co us stormrage sagart us stormreaver dagh
20:13.00ThraeBotcladhaire: Sagart vs Dagh! Two 70 priests compare their stat differences; 17/0/44 vs 14/2/45; Sagart ++2530 HP; Sagart ++1.36% dodge; Sagart ++10 nature resist; Dagh ++10 frost resist; Dagh ++77 spell crit; Sagart ++71 shadow dmg; Sagart ++38 resilience; Sagart ++855 Mana; Dagh ++36 mana regen; Sagart ++4 spell hit; Dagh ++83 +spelldmg/heal; Sagart ++319 Armour; Dagh ++5 mp5; Sagart has 2% more st
20:13.01alestane~help cladhaire
20:13.01ThraeBotats then Dagh.
20:13.10sneg_sorry -.- not a fan of a spec which is neither this nor that :D
20:13.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
20:13.23JoshBorkethe 2 points in holy were just plain stupid
20:13.27cladhairehe really needs to fix the spell crit issue.
20:13.30sneg_and wands?
20:13.35sneg_wands is pure pve talent
20:13.44JoshBorkesneg_: i'm pure pve
20:14.02cladhaireThrae: Have a few questions about this matchup O.o
20:14.05sneg_why martryrdom then ?
20:14.33JoshBorkebecause i'm stupid :-D
20:14.47sneg_shadow affinity 3 talents... omg man : )
20:14.55sneg_do you aggro so much ? : )
20:14.59blq!co eu terrordar sharva
20:15.09blq!c eu terrordar sharva
20:15.11ThraeBotblq: Sharva, Level 54 Orc Hunter (41/1/3). 2759 HP; 2835 Mana; 87 mana regen; 455 AP; 63.1 Melee DPS; 8.19% melee crit; 480 RAP; 114.2 Ranged DPS; 8.39% ranged crit; 10.17% dodge;[[ TBR: 698 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep  9 16:27:18 2007 ]]
20:15.17JoshBorkesneg_: erm, yea
20:15.22sneg_and you are shadow yet u got 1 talent in Silent Resolve
20:15.34JoshBorkei refuse to get imp shield
20:16.03JoshBorkei'd rather do a tiny bit less threat when i heal than get imp shield
20:16.04sneg_why? :) you could cast that on mt on every pull
20:16.06Cidesneg_: um... silent resolve is a great pvp talent for shadow
20:16.17Cidesneg_: no you can't
20:16.19sneg_he is pure pve
20:16.38sneg_yes you can.
20:16.41Cideso what? I'm pure pvp and I raid SSC and TK
20:16.43Cideno you can't.
20:16.45Cidedon't be stupid
20:17.02JoshBorkeputting a bubble on MT mitigates damage reducing rage they could be generating
20:17.05Cidea real healer will cast that on the MT, which will absorb 500+ more damage
20:17.08cladhairehave you ever played a priest :P
20:17.26JoshBorkewho me?  not really
20:17.33cladhaireno, lol
20:17.48sneg_Cide: it all depends on the situation
20:17.56Cideno it doesn't
20:18.00cladhaireJoshBorke: So with the +crit you have over me.. you win by like 300 TBRs.. pwnt.
20:18.02Cideshadow priests don't shield the MT, period
20:18.15JoshBorkecladhaire: i know, it's great, isn't it?
20:18.32JoshBorkei'm pretty sure cide had more spell crit than i did
20:18.34ShirikCide: Wait, why wouldn't a shadow priest shield the tank but a healing priest would?
20:18.36JoshBorkebut i still whooped his ass
20:18.40sneg_yes it does lol. mt isnt only raid
20:18.43CideShirik: shield gets 10% of +healing
20:18.46ShirikI didn't know that
20:18.47JoshBorkeShirik: what cide said
20:18.56JoshBorkecladhaire: you're even slower than me
20:19.03cladhaireyeah i need to clear my scrollback
20:19.13Shirikok now it's a bit more justified to use it then
20:19.16JoshBorkeexcuses excuses
20:19.21ShirikI always thought it was worthless because PoM would do better than a shield
20:19.27Cidedo both
20:19.29Shirikand either case blows a gcd
20:19.37sneg_if you are sp you would use pws when there is no priest healing / in pvp
20:19.52Cidethere are always priests healing when you have "an MT"
20:19.56Cideassuming a raid situation
20:20.00cladhaireyeah, you're backpedaling now
20:20.02sneg_karazhan you dont :P
20:20.08sneg_i had that several times
20:20.27JoshBorkeshirik is a noob, moving on
20:20.43Cideyou should do a PoM rotation on the tanks if anything
20:20.50sneg_pom is a holy spell
20:20.51Cidebut that prolly won't help if you only have shadow priests, noobirik
20:20.52JoshBorke<3 PoM
20:20.59Cidesneg_: oh. my bad.
20:21.05Shirikit was a joke :P
20:21.07JoshBorkei pew pew out of shadowform
20:21.13JoshBorkei'm just that good
20:21.21sneg_haha -25% mana for pom :D
20:21.23cladhairei cast flash heal in shadowform
20:21.24cladhairei'm that good.
20:21.31*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
20:21.31*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower] by ChanServ
20:21.33Cideshadowmend for the win
20:21.33JoshBorkethat was a good one
20:21.46cladhairethey need to fix priest racials.
20:21.49cladhairebullshit imo
20:21.49sneg_but yeah pws trick is crap :P
20:22.14JoshBorkei don't know wtf blizzard was thinking giving draenei FW
20:22.22Shiriklol NE
20:22.26sneg_they were thinking dwarfs need to take a break
20:22.31CideJoshBorke: the reasoning is this
20:22.34JoshBorkei rolled a NE priest to 19
20:22.37Cidefear is not a major raid mechanic in TBC
20:22.39JoshBorkethen said, f this, i'm going with dwarf
20:22.41Cideso fear ward is useless
20:22.47cladhairehey.. starshards is fun :P
20:22.52JoshBorkecide: lol
20:23.02Shirikcladhaire: ...
20:23.05cladhairei actually use starshards in battlegrounds
20:23.14cladhaireno facing requirement, and i can do it from full range
20:23.28cladhairenot _frequently_
20:23.35cladhairebut it does do damage
20:23.40sneg_yea but its a major advantage in arena
20:23.44sneg_fw owns
20:23.59Cidelet me be a bit more clear
20:24.24sneg_but still dwarfs are stronger in pvp than draenei...
20:24.25Cidefear ward is the most overpowered piece of cr*p ever
20:25.05sneg_cide: i dont agree. i think some racial priest abilities are just much weaker
20:25.16sneg_but fear ward itself is fine
20:25.32JoshBorkei think FW is overpowered BECAUSE it is not available to both factions
20:25.55sneg_yea well we done have arcane torrent nor will of foresaken
20:25.58Cidesneg_: right
20:26.10Cidesneg_: which makes it overpowered from a horde priest's perspective (me)
20:26.25Shirikarcane torrent isn't THAT great
20:26.32Shiriksure it's a nice ability in strange situations
20:26.32sneg_its really good
20:26.37Shirikas is consume magic
20:26.49Shirikbut only for rogues is it really going to make a huge difference all the time
20:26.59sneg_sometimes i can be silenced like a nub for ages
20:27.06Shirikfor 3s?
20:27.08Shirikevery 2 minutes?
20:27.13sneg_you use it in conjunction
20:27.40sneg_whoever is with you
20:27.47sneg_or someone who stuns
20:27.52Shiriknot sure why that's any worse than just cs, spell lock, or stun
20:27.54Shirikbut ok
20:28.13sneg_because its an offensive ability that you might have time to use, while someone cant
20:28.15Shirikagain, it's a nice little ability which has uses in specific situations
20:28.22Shirikwhich is exactly what a racial is supposed to be
20:28.33Shiriknot incredibly powerful, but useful every so often in a critical situation
20:28.45JoshBorkeand the silence is on a 8 yard range
20:29.05sneg_what i think is this
20:29.11CidanWhat's the best place to mine Mith?
20:29.17ShirikIn Conspiracy
20:29.20sneg_all balance fixes are based too much on arena combat
20:29.35JoshBorkecidan: did you try un'goro?
20:29.43CidanYes, it's crap.
20:29.58JoshBorkethere's also south end of shimmering flats
20:30.14JoshBorketanaris is pretty crap for it
20:30.45IrielThere's mithril in the Hinterlands also
20:30.49sneg_as a pvp holy priest i can say that arcane torrent is a powerful spell. but prolly outside of arena its useless
20:31.02Irieland of course, there's always the Charred Vale
20:31.15Shirikit's definitely not useless outside of arenas
20:31.17sneg_charred vale and desolace yup
20:31.26CidanI'll try Hinterlands, and if not, then I guess er, Searing Gorge?
20:31.31alestaneDo frame IDs exist in any kind of shared space, or are they just a settable characteristic of frames?
20:31.33Kaydeethreeugh. I've got bad memories of the charred vale, even to this day as a 70
20:31.36CidanI'm in Deso right now, it's fast, but ergh, I want more.
20:31.44sneg_Shirik: pretty much. because in arena the space is limited
20:31.44JoshBorkein lethlor ravine
20:31.55Shiriksneg_: Are you forgetting its other capability?
20:31.57alestaneBadlands, southern Tanaris, Charred vale, are my picks.
20:32.08sneg_the mana ? :)
20:32.09ShirikI use it, again in critical situations, during pve encounters
20:32.19*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
20:32.34JoshBorkei think badlands/lethlor ravine is the best place i ever found
20:32.50sneg_yea, prolly useless was the wrong word to use
20:32.51JoshBorkethe dragons are fun to solo, and sell well
20:33.44sneg_i still dont understand the trolls priest racial
20:34.21CidanI tried badlands the other day, it was crap too
20:34.22sneg_its sounds like touch of weakness but with a dot
20:34.25ShirikI haven't seen ... any ... troll priests
20:34.30Shirikso I'm wondering if it sucks :P
20:34.33sneg_hex of weakness its called
20:35.05sneg_human feedback is quite cool : )
20:35.23sneg_but yea, nothing beats desperate prayer / fear ward
20:35.25Shirikhumans, draenei, dwarves
20:35.29Shirikthey all have the best racials imo
20:35.32Shirikdo I care? Not really
20:35.33Shirikbut they do
20:35.42sneg_neither do i tbh
20:35.43sneg_we just own
20:35.58|FF|Im2good4uguys i got something verry weird maybe some of u know how this can happent. i got an addon that transfer data over the hidden guild channel i get info from 5 guildy;s who have it installed.
20:36.40|FF|Im2good4ubut when i send a version request that should make thne sen thier version back to me only 3 of them replay the other 2 (the same ppl each time) never send their version
20:37.03Kaydeethreethey've got a version of the addon that doesn't respond to the version query?
20:37.04Shirikand you're sure they're all using the same version?
20:39.40|FF|Im2good4uwell all versions have the reply functino i havent chanced that since version 1
20:40.31|FF|Im2good4uthats wut makes it so wierd.
20:40.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
20:40.53|FF|Im2good4umy gues is that they got an other addon interfering whit it
20:42.01Shirikaww Cide you're so nice
20:42.38ShirikFirst raid detected! Thanks for using CT_RaidAssist!
20:42.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
20:43.09Cideyou're welcome
20:43.15Cidethat's... old
20:43.29ShirikI just picked the first one I could find
20:43.35Shirikno offense, I don't want it, just forced to have it ><
20:43.53Cidetell your guildleader or whoever did s/he is stupid
20:44.10clad|awayperfectraid ftw
20:44.18ShirikI can't do that ><
20:44.37Cideseriously though
20:44.41Cidectra isn't that great anymore
20:44.49ShirikI"m not going to be the one to tell him
20:44.51Shiriknot yet at least
20:44.52Cideit filled its role nicely back then though
20:44.59clad|awaydefault ui imo
20:45.06Kaydeethreegah. never
20:45.13Industrialback then? Cide, you stopped devving?
20:45.28Cidebut it no longer fills its role very nicely :P
20:46.32bleeterno offence to Cide, but I think it's great what Blizz have done. Previously, for anyone to participate in decent raid, one needed a particular addon, and a particular Voice app. This was never dictated by Blizz, but by Raid leaders.
20:46.49bleeterNow that there's a default raid UI, and we're about to get ingame voice, I think it's a definate +
20:47.15CideI'm just glad that I've contributed several of the important raiding tools in use today
20:47.25bleeterI'm glad you have, too :)
20:47.29Kaydeethreehear hear
20:47.32bleetereven though I blame you for everything
20:48.08CideI blame myself too
20:48.11bleeterCide's code kills honeybees
20:48.33bleeterI'll upload the screenshots later
20:50.57Shirik~blame Cide
20:50.57purlACTION blames Cide (and Canada) for all the evil in the world
20:51.14Cidehey, I get coupled with canada now all of a sudden?
20:51.16Cidethat's evil
20:51.20Kaydeethreehahaha. best blame ever
20:52.42ShirikI wish I knew who the hell does the math on our server
20:52.52Kaydeethreenerf locks...
20:52.56Shirikfor every single item on the AH, buying in bulk is always more expensive than buying one at a time
20:53.16ShirikI can buy 1 arcane dust for 1.8g
20:53.20ShirikI can buy 20 of them at that price
20:53.24Shirikor, alternatively, I can buy...
20:53.31Shirik5 for 10g, 20 for 40g
20:53.37Shiriksorry, 20 for 48g
20:53.56Shirikor 2 for 4g90
20:54.02Thunder_Childit's smart because most people are stupid
20:54.13Thunder_Childdont care/dont know
20:54.35Shirikit's stupid because I need 12 and I don't feel like pushing "buyout" 12 times
20:55.26alestaneIriel, cladhaire: I cannot for the life of me figure out how FrameXML stores the visibility settings for the multi action bars.
20:55.34IrielThere's an API for that
20:55.41Irielit returns a series of 1/nil values
20:55.45IrielBut it's one API for all of the bars
20:55.46sneg_Shirik: i hate when people dont put buyouts
20:55.55sneg_for something that you always need right now
20:56.06Industrialsneg_: ironically that's what an auction is
20:56.07sneg_primal air 11g no buyout, very long
20:56.24alestaneIriel: So are the settings on the server then?
20:56.35IndustrialShirik: only price per unit is interesting in auctions imho
20:56.38bleetercould go farm a enough motes of air in the time it takes to expire :P
20:56.52sneg_yes, you can
20:57.11alestaneWhyTF are they on the server?
20:57.34Shirikbleeter: I don't bother farming primals actually
20:57.42IrielBecause thats best for people who play on more than one machine
20:57.44ShirikI farm them all
20:57.48Shirikfar easier, and sell for a ton
20:57.51IrielIt works really nicely in internet cafes etc
20:58.03IrielActionBarSlot assignments are server side too remember
20:58.30IrielI wish /more/ stuff was server side
20:58.34alestaneAnd the get assigned in UIParent.lua of all places.
20:59.06Shirikhowever, now that I don't have herbalism
20:59.10Shirikprimal life is proving difficult
20:59.12IrielUIParent manages the whole UI, so that makes sense given the non-modularized nature of FrameXML
20:59.14Shirikand as a healer, that's a problem :P
21:00.08alestaneThey're retrieved by UIParent:OnEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")
21:01.45IrielThat also makes sense, the server's loaded them by then and can configure the screen layout
21:01.54Iriel(loaded them to the client, that is)
21:05.05alestaneWell, that explains why I couldn't find them anywhere in the SavdVariables or
21:09.07*** join/#wowi-lounge amro|laptop (n=amro@
21:09.11CidanTruesilver: Thoughts on best place to mine?
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21:09.55amro|laptopCidan: it's a random spawn instead of mithril, so any place with lots of mithril
21:11.46zenzelezzit's entirely speculation on my part, but I seem to see them more often from rich thorium than thorium
21:12.25zenzelezzthat was wrong
21:12.31zenzelezzbut I mean I see them in some thorium areas
21:12.55zenzelezzBurning Steppes spawn points
21:15.03IndustrialThunder_Child: my god that is so old
21:15.22alestanelua> t={}; t[nil] = 5; print(t[nil])
21:15.22cladbotalestane: [string "t={}; t[nil] = 5; print(t[nil])"]:1: table index is nil
21:15.43Shirikyou can index nil, but you can't set the nil index
21:15.51Thunder_ChildIndustrial, never seems to get tired though...go figure
21:16.03Shiriklua> t = {}; rawset(t, nil, 4); print t[nil]
21:16.03cladbotShirik: sandbox.lua:285: Compilation failed: [string "t = {}; rawset(t, nil, 4); print t[nil]"]:1: '=' expected near 't'
21:16.22Shiriklua> t = {}; rawset(t, nil, 4); print(t[nil])
21:16.22cladbotShirik: table index is nil
21:16.56Shiriklua> t = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t,k) if k == nil then return "Nil!"; end}); print(t[nil])
21:16.57cladbotShirik: sandbox.lua:285: Compilation failed: [string "t = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t,k) if k == nil then ..."]:1: unexpected symbol near '}'
21:17.08Shiriklua> t = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t,k) if k == nil then return "Nil!"; end end}); print(t[nil])
21:17.08cladbotShirik: Nil!
21:17.16ShirikSo yeah, you can index nil, but you can't set its value
21:18.49alestaneWhat if you use __newindex?
21:19.23alestaneprobably won't help since I daresay rawset doesn't recognize it.
21:19.53Shirikalestane: I tried that, but you won't get far
21:20.17Industrial!c eu Shattered Halls Eliasis
21:20.20ThraeBotIndustrial: Eliasis, Level 19 Human Warlock (10/0/0). 346 HP; 827 Mana; 68 mana regen; 4.32% dodge;[[ TBR: 25 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep  9 17:32:27 2007 ]]
21:35.23Corrodiasi just took out the trash, and jesus christ did that weigh a lot
21:36.13Industrialyou are what you eat :D (woo tacky), prepackaged!
21:37.14bleeterhas anyone heard of a mod that attempts to auto-magically position minimap icons around the minimap to reduce overlap?
21:39.03*** join/#wowi-lounge bl4q (
21:39.24Industrialthere was one
21:39.28Industrialdon't know the name
21:39.47Industrialsounds like something to be found on curse
21:42.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Viserion (
21:43.24*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (
21:44.18ShirikI <3 Thottbot
21:44.28ShirikDrop %: 138%
21:44.39Shirikall the way down the list
21:46.10*** part/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
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21:47.28foxlitNothing wrong with that :)
21:47.36foxlit"And then the tauren said, 13 inches"
21:51.59*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (n=rumors@
21:55.42art3mis  <-- new theme/layout im working on...comments?
21:56.26foxlitIcons too small, can't see them clearly
21:56.30art3misbleeter: mini button bag and buttonhole(out of date but toc mod still works)
21:56.41foxlitMaybe that's just you resizing the screenshot
21:56.58art3misyeah its normally 1680x150, resized to 1280x738
21:58.27bleeterart3mis: not my cup of tea, but either way the circle at the bottom of the eagle should surround the minimap perfectly, from an aesthetics point of view ;)
21:59.41art3misheh yeah im not entirely sure im gonna keep that portion
22:07.08bleeterodd, I can't apply rugged armor kit to an item level 37 legs
22:09.58Kaydeethreethought they fixed it so it had to be a "Level Required: 35" item
22:10.23bleeter'only usable on items level 35 and above'
22:11.22foxlit2.2: this week or next week?
22:11.22bleeter(yes, the gnomer legs are better... but.. it's gnomer ;-)
22:11.36KaydeethreeI doubt the 11th is happening. prob the 18th
22:11.48bleeterfoxlit: next, hortus was looking for more audio crash data, as well as the weird rogue invisi problem
22:12.31foxlitIriel: ping. Can I bother you with a theoretical /click exploit plan?
22:13.50art3misso no other comments about the layout style?
22:15.03foxlitToo much space used by non-transparent textures for my liking, but hey
22:17.59*** part/#wowi-lounge alestane (
22:18.42art3miswierd, cuz thats really anyhting as far as graphics go, what with the whole solid bottom bar thingy
22:18.50*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
22:25.19foxlitThe black bars don't really serve any purpose?
22:26.07art3misother than show, nope just textures
22:31.00*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
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23:16.50purlYes, I'm even more stupid then Thrae. known as sherlock
23:17.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
23:17.22JoshBorkepurl, no joshborke is <reply> Yes, I'm even more stupid than Thrae.  I'm also a smart-ass.
23:17.23purlokay, JoshBorke
23:17.26purlYes, I'm even more stupid than Thrae.  I'm also a smart-ass.
23:17.45art3misi thought yer first name was Noshit
23:18.01JoshBorkeno, it's 4real
23:18.21art3misNoshit Sherlock ;P
23:19.00art3misad better a smartass than a dumbass i always say
23:19.40JoshBorkepurl, joshborke is <reply> Yes, I'm even more stupid than Thrae.  I'm also a smart-ass, better than a dumbass at least.
23:19.40purl...but joshborke is already something else...
23:19.51JoshBorkepurl, bah, juts forget joshborke
23:20.51*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
23:27.01art3misHKUI: 175 downloads  cyC-HK: 222 downloads
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23:38.13alestaneKaydeethree: Are you the one running the PTR diffs you keep posting?
23:38.22Kaydeethreeon yes
23:38.32alestaneIs there a particular script you use?
23:38.44Kaydeethreediff -ru?
23:39.13alestaneProduces one file containing all the differences between all the files in two directories?
23:39.26alestaneI'm new to the tool. Thanks.
23:39.46Kaydeethreethe exact command I use is something to the effect of "diff -ru path1 path2 > foo.diff"
23:40.00art3misalestane: i'm working on a new interface ;P
23:40.34alestaneKaydeethree: That much bash, I understand...just didn't know the diff switches.
23:40.41alestaneart3mis: I'm afraid already.
23:40.42Kaydeethreediff --help
23:41.02alestaneKaydeethree: That's a place to start...but there are a lot of them.
23:41.20art3misthats what ive got so far
23:43.00alestaneart3mis: This one is actually kind of cool. I really like what you did with FuBar.
23:43.39art3misme too
23:43.56art3misi saw it in someone elses ui and i dont know why it never occurred to me to group and break
23:45.28art3misi need to think of some sorta cycircled graphic too for the buttons
23:46.13alestaneFor a layout like that you need some kind of StarTrek-kinda button.
23:46.18art3misgoing for red black tan and gold for colours (holy roman empire)
23:46.27alestaneKaydeethree: That looks like what I needed. THanks again.
23:46.38art3mislike what?
23:46.58art3misim at a loss for what it should be that cyC doesnt already have
23:47.09alestaneI don't really know, maybe as a start try cyCircled_GoldOrbs.
23:47.17art3misit's become my goal to make shitloads of skins for cyC
23:47.43art3misalestane: ehh yeah i wanna avoid the default ones and make "custom" as it were ones
23:48.20alestaneYou don't have to use in the final product, but try throwing it up there and see what it looks'll give you an idea for what will work well.
23:48.21art3misthe only thing i can think of is skinning it with the eagelone one with it's wings in and the circle
23:48.42art3misya know the one the nazi's used?
23:48.47art3misand slayer
23:48.51art3misthat sorta thing
23:49.05art3misbut that might be  too "busy"
23:49.13alestaneYeah, be careful with that.
23:50.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Galka (
23:50.22alestaneRemember, too, that the button icons are really square, the buttons don't HAVE to be round.
23:51.38Rallionquick question for anybody who knows the many buttons are there on the 360 controller, ignoring the DPad and start/select/Home (or whatever the big one is called)?
23:52.22art3misL R 4 action buttons?
23:52.24Kaydeethree8? the two triggers, black, white, and the 4 colored ones?
23:52.36Rallionwhere's black and white on the 360 one?
23:52.49Kaydeethreequick, to ebay!
23:52.53RallionI know that on the original they're locked in the depths of hell.
23:53.33Rallionoh, i see, they're like secondary triggers
23:54.02Rallionbest illustration ever:
23:54.36RallionI'm probably going to get a wired one so I can use it as a PC gamepad
23:54.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
23:56.39Rallionalso, Target has super-comfy video rockers on clearance for $20, I should jump on that, I love those things and desire ownership of one
23:58.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
23:58.33alestaneDo you mean chairs, or some other thing?
23:59.24art3mistis a chair with no legs that rocks is comfy and has a drink holder ;P

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